#Immortal Philza au
soullessfawn · 9 months
In Every Life Time, I Fail
Phil was cursed a very long time ago with immortality after killing the End Dragon, with her death he was granted what she could never have before that fated day, an end to her existence. With her wings attaching themselves to his back transforming him into a feathery winged creature, half human half immortal, Phil will forever no the pain of living too long of a life.
At first he never even noticed, going back to his wife and kissing her on the cheek, pride in her eyes at the tales he spins of his battles, but soon that smile started to winkle, like any persons does as they age.
Phil loved it just the same, that smile, it only started to hurt him when he realized the winkles on his face were missing. Phil kept looking young, his wife getting older and older, until she dies, leaving him behind.
The wings weren’t enough anymore, he wanted to see that smile again, but she’s forever locked away from him. Phil would trade a hundred flights he took with her in his arms to be able to join her in the after life, but no matter who he prayed too, his fate was sealed.
Phil knew there were many names to the End Dragon, yet he never wondered why.
He never thought about how they changed form woman to man, from beast to beast, that they isolated themselves in a dimension outside of time itself at the end of the universe.
It’s only hundreds of year after when Phil looks I’m the mirror, does he realize who the Ender Dragon truly was. She was a mortal just like him once, going on a great adventure to slay the End beast and just like Phil had, she fell for it, the curse moving to her when she killed her predecessor.
Phil took to travelling the land, doing good in hopes that he’d find a way to break the curse, instead Phil found a man who could hear the voices of blood and vengeance themselves.
Techno was a weird man, the sort of man who wouldn’t ask questions as to why Phil never seemed to age, had wings that were black as the void and smelled like star dust, the sort of man Phil could find happiness in. They travelled the world together, Techno wasn’t immortal but he was far from a mortal man, always hiding his face beneath a pig mask.
Phil found this out one day, when a stray arrow got him in the chest, this was before Techno knew of his immortality, so as Phil collapsed to the ground not able to move, Techno thought he was dead.
That night Phil witnessed why people feared Technoblade and why his voices named him Blood God.
Techno was a beast just like Phil was, but instead of one born from the death of another, Techno was born from the blood of the living and suffering, as long as blood flowed through his veins, Techno could transform into a monstrous boar stronger then any man.
That night Techno’s true nature was revealed and Phil’s was, but the blonde was more focused on the black mail he now had on the other.
“You cried!” Phil would chuckle, patting a sulking Techno on the shoulder. “Awww mate, you really do care about me!”
After that, Phil found a boy with brown hair and a love for the people. Wilbur, a scrawny thing you’d think would die from the softest winds, but somehow survived the many winters Phil housed him.
Wilbur was Phil’s son in everything but blood, then came Tommy, then Tubbo. Soon enough the boys set off, all to soon if Phil had to say, but in hind sight Phil would have preferred it ended there.
L’manburg was a country he watched his own son build, then die for.
By his hand…
Phil would never forgive himself for that.
“Please!” Phil screamed into the night, the Tundra winds freezing him. He would have died out here due to the cold if it wasn’t for his curse. “Take me instead! Let Wilbur live! Let him live!”
Some of Phil’s wings faded to a dark grey and Wilbur woke up in his bed the morning after, a mad man who’s seen death and walked away from it.
After the fall of the country, Phil left, Techno hot on his heels like he had always been.
The man was older, Phil could tell, even after all these thousands of years, time was never one there side. “I think I’m going to go.” Techno, his old friend, said one night over a warm bowl of soup.
“Go where?” Phil asked, oblivious at the time. “The voices needing entertainment—“
“Not like that.” Techno cut him off, humming. The man was looking out the window, hair tied up in a loose bun, colour freckled with grey. His face was wrinkled, his knees ached, Techno hasn’t fought in a battle since L’manburg times. “I’m going to visit your wife.”
Then it clicked, yet by this time death was meaningless to Phil. Everyone but this one, it seemed. “It’s that time already?” Phil whispered.
Techno nodded, smiling. “I’m not gone yet, old man, I still have a few more years.”
A couple of years later, Phil was invited to an island resort. The QSMP, whatever that was.
He should ah e known his bad luck would follow him.
Phil met new people, reunited with Wilbur, Quackity, Tubbo, Niki…
He became a dad to two lovely kids named Chayanne and Tallulah, it was perfect.
Until they went missing.
“Please come back…” Phil cries, eyes gazing out of the birdcage he was trapped inside. “Before I outlive you both while stuck in here.”
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
Oh god I just realized why my scp Philza dresses Like That* compared to the general modern homeless outfits everyone else scrounges up
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my subconscious just went green lizard character with long blond hair and gold slit eyes? Dw I know what outfit they should go in ;)
I’m going to SCREAM
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wolfsbane54 · 12 days
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF, QSMP | Quackity SMP, Dream SMP Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kristin Rosales Watson/Phil Watson | Philza, Kristin Rosales Watson & Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza, TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Phil Watson | Philza & Phil Watson | Philza's Chat Characters: Kristin Rosales Watson, Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot Additional Tags: Fantasy, Mystery, Curses, Witches, Angst, Goddess of Death Kristin Rosales Watson, Human Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, Magic, Witch Curses, Witch Hunters, Temporary Character Death, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Witch Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Angel of Death Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Possessive Behavior, reverse adoption, Falling In Love, Sleepy Bois Inc as Found Family, backwards town, attempt at writing unfair witch trial, Dark Kristin Rosales Watson, Dark Magic, Dark Magic Ritual, Dark TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Dark Wilbur Soot, Dark Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Crows, Ancient magic, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Witch Kristin Rosales Watson, Fluff, Oblivious Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), False Accusations Summary:
Phil is a traveler at heart. By the time he turned of age he was ready to explore the world and did. Along his travel he find a quaint town that and plans to stay to explore the land around this new place. He is warned on his first day to not bring out his potions and magical items that he has found along his journey. The longer he stays the more find clues of the history of the town, he starts to notice weird things. Like the three boys that seemed to scare the town with their mere presence. To the mysterious beautiful Lady that appears at night. And why are the towns people obsessed with burning crows? And Why is there always the lingering scent of something burning within the town? (Or Phil finds strange town that hasn’t caught up with the rest of the world, that hides a horrible secret and curse. He catches the attention of a powerful being and her chosen children. Will he survive the encounters? Or will he unwittingly find himself gifted with eternal life, and gain a family in the process.)
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teainnit · 1 year
Old friend (not!)
Technoblade was the renowned Blood God during the Great War, now? He’s working a 9 to 5 to get by (darn capitalism). Insipid days bleed together, until a new intern application rolled in. He finds his old partner in crime, the Crow Father’s 4x6 photo staring back at him….. wait… Techno does not recall his friend being 12 (it was Tommy’s application)
type: technoblade-centric, emerald duo / bedrockbros (free to explore), immortal living in a modern setting prompt
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x-i-l-verify · 10 months
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「 Dream SMP Daemon AU 」
Wandering albatrosses are a patient, confident, cooperative species of seabird found primarily in the southern hemisphere. Their wingspans are the largest of any bird, and the design of their wings, use of weather patterns, and style of flying means they can travel 1,000 km/d (620 mi/d) without flapping their wings once. This efficient long-distance traveling underlies the albatross's success as a long-distance, nomadic forager, covering great distances and expending little energy looking for patchily distributed food sources. 
They are opportunistic and adaptable feeders, consuming primarily fish, but they are willing to scavenge on carcasses and feed on the scraps from commercial fishing operations and other predators. Like other seabirds, albatrosses drink seawater, harmlessly filtering out the saline that would otherwise kill them. The only time they ever return to land is during the breeding season; the rest of the time is usually spent alone out on the open sea, though they are capable of coexisting peacefully with small groups of other albatrosses when foraging and feeding. As the breeding season arrives, huge colonies of birds flock to their breeding grounds together, even though pairs are quite protective of their own nests and space. 
Wandering albatrosses are dutiful and loyal birds, in it for the long haul once they have made a commitment, as once a wandering albatross has found a suitable mate, it continues to breed with that one bird for the rest of its life. They are expressive and open creatures, undertaking elaborate and painstaking mating displays to ensure that the appropriate partner has been chosen and to perfect partner recognition, as egg laying and chick rearing is a huge time and resource investment. 
Once their chicks are born, they prove to be doting parents, with both adults equally taking great care in rearing their offspring. It sometimes takes up to a year for the chick to learn how to fly and become independent of its parents. However, because Albatrosses live much longer than other birds, they delay breeding for longer and invest more effort into fewer young. 
Philza is efficient, laidback, and indulgent. Lai is tenacious, focused, and decisive.
NAME MEANING Aellai is a variant form of Greek Aellô, meaning "whirlwinds."
SOURCES https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25946
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I've Seen Your Face Around Here (Arcane AU)
Piltover, the City of Progress, is a shining place, everything shines from enforcers' armor to the buildings that compose the town.
Wilbur Soot enjoys how it seems to shine on his lab, as his work begins for the day. He stares at his chalkboard and notes, designs slowly coming together for the betterment of Piltover. The betterment of the people of his shining town. Him and Techno have been bouncing ideas off of eachother for days, drawing designs and studying how the crystals work. How they can mix the unknown of the arcane with the logic of science.
Wilbur lets his mind wander for a second, thinking about how this started. How he went from being expelled from the academy; to teaming up with Techno, Philza's assistant; to impressing councilman Quackity. He was finally progressing, all of his technically illegal research was finally paying off. He thought about Techno, who never stops working. His partner was a textbook workaholic who always had ideas of new hextech opportunities on his mind. Wilbur thinks he'd be utterly fucked without him.
As the day passes, Wilbur looks outside to his shining city, daydreaming about how their technology can make it shine more. He imagines the designs of the hexgates, gleaming with the blue glow the crystals give it. He remembers the feeling of floating, that night that he and Techno got the crystals to stabilise and showed Philza and Quackity they could be used safely.
Wilbur snaps out of it as Techno celebrates, a smile on his face. They figured it out, how to get the crystals to react as they wanted. As they watched the crystal in awe, Wilbur thinks again about his city. This crystal, this success, will benefit his city. He looks over at Techno, a proud grin across his face. The look Wilbur gets back confirms that his partner also realises that they are the dawn of a new scientific day.
As the days bleed into months, hextech keeps progressing. Wilbur can tell by how Quackity stops in more frequently to urge him and Techno to keep progressing. Until the day before a city wide holiday, Progress Day was a celebration of Piltover and what ideals it stands upon. Techno and Wilbur have been celebrated since the hexgates, and the citizens of Piltover were eagerly to see what else could be made.
Included in these citizens was Philza. The very same Philza who was currently knocking on the door. Techno and Wilbur glance at eachother before Wilbur goes to open the door for the councilman.
"Welcome Philza, to the future!" Wilbur had a smile, a theatrical swish of his hands to punctuate the words. As the presentation went on, Techno and Wilbur showed off the hexcore, their newest invention and the power to the other trinkets they have made. The innovations to power Piltover, to empower and better the lives of its citizens.
And to their credit, Philza looks intruiged and gives his praise when their show and tell ends. After telling them both how impressed he was with their research, Philza caught them off guard.
"Give it a decade of careful research, and it will be ready!"
Wilbur and Techno looked at eachother, confused. "What?"
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digoload · 7 months
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the paladin line up!!! (click for better quality)
This is a part of my voltron AU that I already did a bit of art on this here. i'll probably update my foolish design at some other time but there he is for now.
Under the cut -- my reasons for these particular characters, plus some sketched story ideas i had for them/their backstories prior to canon.
(also, yes - qtubbo tucks his jeans into his socks)
Green Paladin - Tubbo. He's green already, fantastic. Also, a nerd like Pidge and naturally curious. I considered other Create-oriented QSMPers for green lion but I think Tubbo fits the best!
Yellow Paladin - Missa. For a while I was gonna make Forever the yellow or blue paladin, but then I realised the whole cast would be wayyyyy too zany or weird. We needed a sturdy, relatable character. Someone who was scared. Someone who didn't really want to be there. Someone who would have an unlikely romance with a menacing purple rebellion-leader alien in space. I knew Missa was perfect for the job.
Blue Paladin - Etoiles. We don't know the specific qualifications for someone to be the blue paladin (thanks Lance), but there are some clear similarities between Lance and Blaytz (I know Allura doesn't really fit with the pattern towards the end of the series, but work with me here), so I sort of made up my own requirements. 1. screams with joy when they get to pilot their lion. 2. dogboy. 3. ready to throw down. (season 1 allura fits all 3 of these, but arguably not really towards s6-7-8). I kinda relate him most to Blaytz out of all the blue paladins.
Red Paladin - Roier. You KNOW it had to be Roier. Who else. Literally who else. The man is red. Ready to throw down. Trusts his instincts. Angsty backstory. Right-hand to the guy who takes the lead in most situations. Also, just in general, I have a vivid vision of qroier in the red lion's cockpit. He could totally pull it off.
Black Paladin - Cellbit. The other characters I considered for this role were bbh and philza, but in the end I liked them more with having alien roles mainly due to their backstories (BBH as an immortal soul-guide demon and Philza as an avian). I just think that Cellbit would fit this role better. He already sort of heads the Order, is associated with the colour black as well. But most of all. I think there's a lot of potential for an angst arc where he goes off on his own for some dumb self sacrificial reason I guess, or maybe because of his extremeee trust issues, and neglects his leader duties because of this. and then there's a whole lesson learned kind of thing, maybe roier brings him back, etc.
Now for some backstories:
I think Tubbo would follow Pidge's backstory and motives pretty closely, given his penchant for breaking into the federation offices and snooping around (very Pidge-like behaviour). The thing I struggled with was getting someone to be kidnapped by space aliens that Tubbo cared enough about to go searching for. I already have plans for Fred, Phil, and the eggs, and they're the main things that drive qtubbo. Also, ideally, they'd have to be somewhat older than Tubbo in order to be on the Kerberos mission in the first place. For a while, I thought about somehow having Tubbo and Pierre being connected, but they're not super close in canon, even if he would make an Excellent Sam Holt.
BUT THEN I REMEMBERED: MORNING CREW. ITS PERFECT. I don't think they'd be directly related, but Pac as Matt Holt just works so well. I think Fit and Ramon would be rebel fighters that free Pac from the Galra and they sort of fall in love that way, but Mike was on the Kerberos mission too and is still missing, and that's Pac's main motivation.
So I think the best people for the Kerberos mission crew would be Pac (technician), Mike (engineer), and Cellbit (pilot). Cellbit obviously takes Shiro's role (sans robot arm, that's Etoiles' duty later on - this AU would divert from VLD canon pretty early on). Roier never gives up on Cellbit, just like Tubbo never gives up on Pac (and Mike). Except unlike Tubbo, who has to purposely get enrolled at the Garrison as a cadet in order to get intel, Roier is already graduate from the same class as Cellbit. He KNOWS there's a coverup of some kind, but he has no way of proving it. Fortunately, an old upperclassman/ex-tutor believes in him enough that he believes in Cellbit too, and together they get to work on figuring out this mystery. When an alien pod crash lands, they know they've got to get a closer look.
Missa is an unfortunate decontamination unit first-responder who gets in the way. They can't just leave him behind to sound the alarm - he has to come with them while they rescue Cellbit! Unbeknownst to them, Tubbo has already taken out the alarms and is also on his way over. Miraculously, they all escape with their lives, and magic space lion adventures ensue.
I feel like none of them would really have any time to change into casual clothing, so they're all in uniform. Cellbit would probably still be in prisoner clothing but tbh I just didn't think of that lol. Also, I wanted to draw him in a garrison uniform that wasn't detox or combat oriented. There are so many cool garrison uniform designs out there so drawing the same one twice was kinda soul crushing lol. cant wait to show you guys their individual character sheets!!
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I wasn't going to come back to this au, I might not do so again, but... Happy Ending AU, bitches. These scenes are kinda short for the au, half way between notes and actual scenes, but I hope they still bring you joy.
And then, one day, they are just... ready. Months of work and research and sneaking around and now... Well, here it is. Most people were only told once summoned to the meeting room - thirty minutes to pack a backpack of everything you want to save, give it to Philza, and be back here on time.
They expected resistance, or blame, or... Or Fit is not sure, but not the way Jaiden just broke, laughing and sobbing, or Foolish's sharp "finally!".
Fit's known this was coming for a while, and so have the people he loves. Even Ramón's is already packed and safely with Philza, filled with gears and cogs and the giant sniffer toy that Pac had made him.
Pac and Mike are also ready, Richarlyson already sat inside the train and they and Aypierre make the final adjustments. In the interests of information security only those three and Philza himself know exactly where they are going; Fit is here to protect them if the Feds do catch on at this most delicate of times.
Slowly everyone makes it back, the first time everyone has been punctual for a while, every surviving egg and islander bundled into the train.
Everyone except for Philza.
"Be good for papa Missa, your tios and tias, okay?" Philza tells his children as he hugs them both. "Hey, hey, no, fuck- don't cry, kids, don't cry. You'll make me tear up too."
"You sure you aren't coming with us?" Cellbit calls to him, eyes strained as he bundles against Roier, Richarlyson in his lap. There's life in them, though, life that Fit hasn't seen in weeks.
"Nah mate," Philza stands, one egg on each hip as he walks them the last few steps to the train. "Someone's got to open the portals, yeah? Couldn't risk pre-building them, and I'm the one who won't die from this."
Frankly, it's a fucking miracle they have anyone who can touch the void, but Fit's known Philza's secret for decades.
It doesn't stop him from grabbing his arm and pulling him into a rough hug.
"You be careful," Fit tells him. "Don't wanna come out the other side to see my babygirl all burnt up again."
Philza cackles despite the scars, "won't be making that mistake again, big boy. Come on now, what's gotten into you, Fit? It's just a little hike, yeah?"
Fit lets him go; they both know it isn't just a hike, "I'll see you on the other side."
"The other side."
Philza steps away, inventory full of backpacks and their lives. You don't bring things across the nether-borders, but a god-touched elytran... Well, despite everything, Philza has his contacts.
Just as Fit has his.
Tazercraft's train is the same of any of their trains in design, just with a little more care taken to have enough seats. Fit checks Ramón's seatbelt, before leaning over to help Cellbit with Richarlyson's; some of the eggs are good about these things, but his boyfriend's son is certainly not one of them.
After everything, after everything, they refuse to lose any more children now.
Not right now, not at the last hurdle, not when at the end of this train journey they will be as immortal as any player.
And fuck, it hurts how many didn't get here - Fit sees it in Jaiden and Roier's eyes most of all, but in Slime and Mariana where they hide on the upper level... Maxo and Dan are dead, and Quackity does not remember today, but... Well all four are griefs, are they not?
Fit watches Pac and Mike as they turn the engine over - once, twice, before the Creation shudders into life. Aypierre is in the driver's seat first, the three of them taking shifts for the long trip. This train, unlike the rest, is designed to take up the tracks as it passes them, leaving no trail to follow.
Philza will blow up the portal on his way out.
The train crawls into picking up speed; Fit holds Ramón's hands at the familiar sensation of a portal.
Just a few seconds, and then they are in hell.
The portal shatters, trapping them there.
It's still a better, more hopeful prison than any other before it.
Philza blows up the portal, and runs. The Feds will already know something is up, so he's got just minutes to get from A to B. Cannot warp, has to run - too easy to interrupt a warp, even if his inventory had space for one with everyone's bags hidden deep within.
One bag each, don't take the piss stacking them, he's still got to sustain the things with his own reality until he makes it to the landing spot.
Up the stairs, into the light of the Favela. There is already one security guard out by the time he makes it there, but he is Philza Fucking Minecraft and he can outrun one asshole in a bear suit.
Around the corner, up to the football field, and down at a right angle. Across the traintracks - they're firing guns at him now - duck through the trees and into the open expanse of Felps Square.
It is more dangerous here, with nowhere to hide. Philza keeps up a zigzag as he finds his way to the centre. He knows what is hidden here, but the Feds? Do they?
He doubts it.
Philza steps through the ghost blocks, letting gravity take him. He twists to have his back facing downwards, unfurling his wings - beautiful, repaired wings - out behind him, trips scraping the edges of the three-by-three hole. The Feds do not follow him.
At -64 Philza does not die on the bedrock, a hole blown wide - he keeps falling, and falling, and falling, and-
Ph1LzA fell out of the world
It is a four days across the Nether by rail. Established worlds have their shortcuts between one another, but that is not the sort of place they are heading for.
By the end of it they are tired, and thirsty, and hungry, and the portal does not yet exist.
"We made good time," Aypierre tells them. "It will be fine."
They have food and water for six days, and no idea if the Federation will catch them up. Worse, they have no idea as to if Philza even made it - if he got out of the world, and to the right place. Nobody mentions as much, but Missa can hear the sympathies in every pair of eyes that turn his way.
From the Nether, someone will take them in. From the Void...
Not even players always survive dying in the void intact.
The first night, Chayanne and Tallulah stay awake, waiting for their dad, entertained by BadBoyHalo as Missa gets some sleep.
The second night the children sleep, as Missa holds a private wake. One only in his heart, but one he knows the others see.
The third night...
The third night Missa is nudged awake by Pomme, and shown a portal finally alight.
They abandon the train.
Pac and Mike dismantle it, scattering its parts to the wind; with a change in world, it would be destroyed anyway, so better just to hide the evidence and finish on foot. Missa... Missa doesn't quite understand the intricacies, but he knows enough. Last time he crossed a world border, it was with his brother.
This time... this time he has children, and nieces and nephews and friends, but he knows that Spreen is never coming back.
A world portal is not quite like a Nether portal, for all they are in principle the same; no matter where you are the Nether is the Nether just as the Void is the Void, both just infinitely dangerous to navigate. Most people make use of short portals and hub worlds to travel, never daring risk interdimensional hiking. Even those that do travel well known routes; it is testament to everyone else's skills, but especially the Creatists, that they made it here alive.
Missa... he does not know how to explain it to Chayanne and Tallulah, so he doesn't. He just waits their turn - Etoiles and Roier went first, just in case of danger - and steps through with both children in hand.
He has never been here before; it tastes like coming home.
His husband's arms catch him as he stumbles from the portal, laughter echoing as a family of four tumbles down and to the grassy floor. Missa does not have time to look around, not when he is being held, not when Philza looks the healthiest he has ever seen him, laughing and bright beneath the stars.
"How was the trip?" Philza asks him.
Missa bats his arm, "fine until you- you-"
He will not cry, he will not cry!
Philza kisses the tears from his cheeks.
"Sorry," Philza looks slightly cowed. "Had to stop at one of the hubs to get something to eat. Thought I'd be clever and register this place while I was there - queues were a fucking nightmare, but there's a link to the network out on one of the further islands."
"Didn't want anyone to feel trapped. Would have thought of it sooner if not for the birdbrain."
Missa understands; Maxo's death had rattled them all.
The family cling to each other as everyone else makes their way through the portal, a careful headcount being done before dismantling it. From there Philza leads the group down into a valley, chattering with everyone even as his hand stays firmly in Missa's. They all keep an eye on each other for another long trek, a winding path through the undergrowth and to...
To a wide open area with a beach in the distance, and a single large, wooden and windowed building in the centre. The whole place is brightly lit - the entire path down had been - and styled like some sort of town hall.
"I didn't think you'd want to be building houses tonight," Philza tells them. "So I put together some dormitories. Be sure to set spawns at least, and get properly bound here. Your shit should all be in the main room."
Inside is not luxurious, but it reminds Missa of home. There are couches and rugs and an extensive kitchen, with enough rooms for each family to take their own. Lanterns hang cheerfully from the ceiling, supplemented by sealights and candles in a beautiful glow.
He leaves the children to explore under other parents' watchful gazes as Philza steals him away, and to their room. The beds are marked for each member of their family, almost like a ship's cabin. It won't be home long, not if Missa knows his family, but... but once again Philza has built them safety from nothing.
Philza, who pulls him to the bed, and wraps himself around him and says "I love you" as though those words do not shatter entire worlds.
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sagesparrow394 · 25 days
I have too many aus already but my brain’s thinking
AU where Quesadilla Island is instead a small town that’s known for being a hub for the supernatural
The Federation is a group brought into the town that is made up of, essentially, monster hunters who aim to ‘protect’ the regular human townsfolk. Feelings among the townsfolk about the Federation are mixed. Some support their mission, others are more dubious but still kind to the Federation workers, and others believe they’re making the town more unsafe
Unknown to the Federation, there are a few supernatural beings living right under their noses, pretending to be ordinary people
Charlie Slimecicle is a werewolf
He refers to his wolf form as Slarf. Slarf is a black wolf, with piercing red eyes
He works out and eats a ridiculous amount of protein partially so he can brush off his supernatural strength as a product of his routine
No one knows he’s a werewolf, not even his partner Mariana or best friend and roommate Baghera, and he desperately wants to keep it that way
At some point, he out of nowhere ‘adopts’ a daughter called JuanaFlippa. She’s actually a young orphaned werewolf who got very attached Slarf on a full moon night and now refuses to leave Charlie’s side
Cellbit is a vampire
Not born one, but bitten. He has a sister who is human
His son Richarlyson and his boyfriend Roier are the only ones who know what he is
He gets a job at the Federation to gain information, and with the hopes it’ll reduce any suspicion placed on him - but it potentially does the opposite, now regularly having their eyes on him
When he needs to feed, he tends to target Federation workers to kill two birds with one stone
BadBoyHalo and Tina are demons
They are on earth for different reasons, and they both know about each other
Bad is there to mentor a young demon, Dapper, and teach him about humans
Tina is far more secretive about why she’s living on earth. She’s close friends with Mouse, the only person aside from Bad who knows what she is
Both are close friends (or frenemies in Bad’s case) with Foolish - which becomes potentially dangerous when he gets hired to work for the Federation
Speaking of Foolish, he’s actually merfolk
A shark merman to be specific. He’s also King of the Merfolk, aka KOM. His status grants him immortality and the ability to change his form to have legs. With his long lifespan, the decades he spends in the town are just like a brief vacation to him
Already knows Bad isn’t human - he remembers seeing Bad hanging around on earth a few times over the past hundreds of years. He doesn’t know about Tina
He has a child, his little princess Leo, who likes to hang out with him on land. His husband, Vegetta, tends to spend a lot of time busy in their underwater kingdom
His human roommate, Jaiden, knows about him - they tell each other everything
Joined the Federation both for fun, and like Cellbit to get info and get suspicion off of himself
Philza is an angel
Angel of Death specifically
Feels rather safe despite being a supernatural being due to not being as ‘dangerous’ as others, meaning he likely isn’t a number one target of the Federation. He’s not demonic, legend doesn’t say he lures people to drown in oceans, he doesn’t lose control and attack people, he doesn’t need to go on killing sprees to survive
Not to mention his connection to gods and deities gives him safety and places of refuge
The biggest issue he has is hiding his wings. Aside from that, he’s pretty comfortable living with his human partner and children
Absolutely knows Something Is Up with the other five but doesn’t know for sure what. He’s not a narc, so he doesn’t ask
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missmrvee · 2 months
reincarnation au
Reincarnation AU with emerald duo except Technoblade is the one reincarnated and Philza is still immortal, so they keep stumbling into each other. Philza can always tell it's Techno and Techno doesn't always remember but is always drawn to him.
Every time, they become warrior buddies and conquer villages, cities, and kingdoms together. Technoblade eventually passes as he always does, and so Phil waits..
and waits...
and.. nothing, not this time. Philza isn't winning wars, he's not pillaging or conquering, not without his best friend. And so he settles, this time instead of distruction he makes a life, a home, a family.
Until one day his oldest son brings home his new "brother", a boy around his age, a boy he claims is now his "twin", a boy whom Philza instantly recognised as the new reincarnation. Technoblade.
And he's nervous, nervous because he knows blood always follows.
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lilyminer · 3 months
Hey everyone! It’s your local c!Philza kinnie and headcanon obsessed fandom member here!
I’m not posting much dsmp stuff anymore but I’ve noticed the notes on some older headcanons climbing which got me back into my old obsession for a bit.
I used to joke that no one could follow my convoluted headcanons (/practically an au) around Philza’s life as an immortal or the deities. While I won’t be touching those silly deity headcanons again I did want to consolidate my timeline for dsmp!Philza’s life as an immortal by compiling all my work into one image.
Tumblr media
Hoping it’s still readable with tumblrs image quality issues!
But yeah that’s most of it. For more detail on each era here are the posts I put together under the read more tab:
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I got stuck in 2 hours of traffic and got an AU Idea.
Dark SBI because I'm nothing if not consistent.
TW: character death (he gets better, though. Or, well, he reincarnates. Techno is just temporarily dead.)
Anyways, the whole world knows one truth.
God is Dead.
Or, at least, the being people remember as god is dead.
They all argue on the how and the why and the when and the who. But every culture agrees that the only god that walked the earth is dead.
And he took magic with him.
Modern time, archeologists discover an ancient underwater temple, absolutely gorgeous and in its original state. Sending robots down, they discover this one room that MUST be important. It's locked up. And it has these strange markings on it that remind them of texts on magic. But magic is gone, so they aren't worried.
Turns out, they should've been worried.
Because god was not dead.
He was imprisoned.
Philza, the one revered as a god, had once ruled the world. Completely. Wholely. His magic and might prevented anyone from standing against him.
Of course, he didn't do it alone.
His best friend was human. A master swordsman who literally did not CARE about knowing magic. That could be Philza's thing. He was a strategist, a scholar, a warrior, and a god's best friend.
He was Technoblade.
Technoblade would refuse his friend's insistence that Technoblade become immortal, uninterested in playing life on easy mode. Besides, he already couldn't be beat. Technoblade never dies, he didn’t need magic.
A coup happens, unthinkable. But Techno is getting older. Slower. So he gets caught. And the conspirators use that against Philza. Technoblade will die or Philza will consent to being bound.
It's not a hard choice for Philza.
But, as they are shutting the doors on his tomb, one conspirator grins and slits Techno's throat, leaving Phil's final view of his friend being Techno dying.
When Philza is released, he is FURIOUS. Thousands of years have only made his wrath grow.
The death toll approaches millions, before someone who knows even a fraction of the ancient language is able to convince Philza to talk to them. But, the language is OLD. It is HARD to communicate in a LONG DEAD language.
Philza doesn't calm down, but he ceases his rampage. And then he notices the faint trace of his friend's soul, somewhere in the world. He can't tell where, but it's THERE. Techno has been reincarnated. He tells the interpreter that his revenge will only end when they bring him the person he needs.
The remains of the human government agree because what else can they do?
But, ancient language, you know. Unfortunately, somethings get lost in translation.
Translator thinks that Philza is mad at Technoblade and wants to murder him.
So all the governments think the same.
When Philza gives them a description of the person, the governments start a MANHUNT. When everyone promises Phil that they will find Techno, Philza is pleased and actually retreats to create a palace worthy of his friend. Somewhere he can keep him safe.
Technoblade is not feeling very safe when he sees his face on the TV, claiming that he is now WANTED. He literally has 1 semester left. Just One. And then he would graduate college. He already spent money on the GRE, applied to graduate programs.
What was he supposed to do with this?!?!?!?
It's a good thing he always liked camping.
Techno FLEES. Gets off the grid as soon as possible. He can't trust ANYONE. Finds an old abandoned cabin in the middle of nowhere and settles in. He is NOT going to get murked by an ancient god that's not going to happen.
Years pass, Techno is not found. Philza is getting antsy. The governments are getting nervous. Especially when cults start popping up, fanatics on every corner crying wolf about ever person VAGUELY looking like Techno.
It's some teenage campers that get him caught.
They had lost their way in the woods and stumbled across Techno and his cabin. Techno tries to hide his face, his hair, any identifying features. He thinks he's managed it.
He didn't. They turn him in the moment they get back.
Techno tries to fight back, but what exactly is he supposed to do when he's surrounded by swat teams?
They drag him back in chains to a government facility. Somehow the news gets informed of him being found. It's a media circus as Techno is dragged to the deific palace that Philza has crafted. He is yelled at, things thrown at him, disgruntled cops leaving bruises and scrapes all over him. He's exhausted, starving, dehydrated. He is in awful shape, everyone in the world blaming him for their suffering.
He can barely struggle when he is dragged in front of Philza, forced onto his knees before a throne with his hands cuffed behind his back.
The throne room is quiet.
Philza slowly gets up. Approaches near silently as Techno's heartbeat is loud in his ears.
Philza kneels before him, gently tips his chin up to meet his eye.
And Philza grins, his smile brighter than the sun, and presses his forehead to Techno's. Techno flinches because Philza brushes against a sore spot, only then does Philza seem to realize what kind of state Techno is in.
Philza demands answers. The translator and Techno's captors struggle to give him a good answer. An argument starts, the tension thick and Technoblade has been through a lot.
He collapses, Philza catching him.
The steps of Philza's palace are covered in oceans of blood, it dripping down the sides and into the road. The bodies are left for hours, no one brave enough to collect them.
Philza stores Techno deep within his palace, somewhere no one can find him or hurt him. And starts the process of making Technoblade immortal.
Whether he likes it or not.
Anyways, hope you enjoy <3
Curses on you Lenn, you dropped this in my inbox several days ago and it's still all I can think about. The brainrot is real and the urge to write this is big. Vengeful God Philza who is horrific to anybody except his favorite mortal is so good, and combine it with 'has no clue what's going on' just a guy Techno... perfection.
So many fun questions left unanswered:
How does Phil feel about Techno not having his memories? Does it sadden him? Does he try his best to educate Techno about their shared history? Or does he not really care as long as Techno is safe, is his, and can never be taken from him again?
Can Techno even get his memories back? If yes, what happens when he does? How does he feel about them?
How does making somebody immortal work (and can I make Techno whump out of it?)
Once Techno does realize that Philza isn't meaning to kill him, how receptive is he to this new life of his? Is he still going to try and get away (maybe even after becoming immortal) or is he open to trying to befriend Phil? How does Phil react if Techno doesn't want to stay?
Does Phil chill the fuck out once he has Techno back or does the trauma of seeing his bestie die + many years of isolation mean he's kinda permanently in 'if you look at him I'll kill you' mode. Kinda hope it's the latter because then we can go so hard on the dark fluff and possessiveness/protectiveness.
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I've been thinking of a headcanon/au thing for several days now and it is quite literally the reason I'm on tumblr again. I mean, I had thought of it before but didn't think much of it, and now it's all I've been thinking about.
Heavily inspired by a fic I read, some fanart I saw, and general tendencies/what ifs.
Immortals/Undying duo aka Philza and Foolish
-Foolish was the first person to call/consider Phil his 'dad' or a father figure
-Phil finding Foolish as a young totem and, I mean, Phil's pretty recently immortal, somewhere between a few decades and a few hundred years.
-Foolish hasn't even formed with another living creature yet or has only hardly started.
-Phil is more rough around the edges than nowadays, but still takes Foolish under his wing.
-Foolish knows he's only meant to be kept as a sacrifice of sorts to his parents, and since his parents are no longer around, that must be Phil, right?
-Maybe Phil keeps him at a distance, not wanting to start caring for the living thing that's supposed to keep him alive should anything happen
-Or maybe Foolish wiggles his way into Phil's heart, but in an attempt to keep Foolish far, he tries insulting him, calling him 'Foolish', but Foolish thinks it's a name like Phil has and happily takes it
-Maybe neither of them thought Foolish would be around this long, but then Phil starts to open up, more and more, and he doesn't want to sacrifice Foolish anymore for selfish reasons
-Maybe Foolish sees this as no longer being useful to Phil, although, surely not, though, right? They were getting along, so how come he isn't of use anymore?
-Maybe Foolish tries to go back to before he was useless, trying to convince Phil that he's useful again by bringing back the sacrificial behavior, but it only upsets Phil. He can't upset Phil, though. He'll have to find a way to manage being useful again while also keeping Phil happy.
-Maybe Phil explains how other species are treated, convincing and teaching Foolish to be more selfish.
-Maybe one day, after they were finally understanding each other, Foolish calls Phil 'dad'', but Phil freaks out, not wanting to be a father yet
-Maybe Foolish tries explaining that they can be like other creatures in society, just like Phil taught him, but he gets turned down. Phil doesn't want a family. Not yet. But a family's all Foolish has wanted since he learned about them, from his dad.
-Maybe Phil denies Foolish as his family, trying to ease it on him, but Foolish is still young by many standards. He doesn't understand. He gets upset and leaves, not wanting to stay with someone who doesn't even see him as important.
-Maybe this is what causes him to turn into a totem of death, his shark part growing as he let's out his emotions on hundreds of innocents.
-Maybe one day, The Angel of Death arrives at a town recently destroyed, only to be told of a Totem of Death. Surely it's not who he thinks it is, I mean, he's a Totem of Undying, of Life. Then again, the totem population doesn't seem very high. When was the last time he saw a sentient totem before Foolish, anyways?
-Maybe, eventually, Foolish learns from his ways, turning to building instead. He isolates himself, creating a temple in a far off desert, creating his own oasis where he won't harm anyone.
-Maybe he gets a visitor one day, with large, black wings. They talk, but both make a point to not bring up what caused their distancing. They both seem happy, even when the elder departs.
-Maybe they see each other again, years later, a popped totem from not far off, bringing Foolish out of a deep slumber, taking a few months for him to wake up. Several mortals are met, but they see each other once more.
-Maybe Foolish learns of Phil's Son. Of course, he can't blame Phil for changing his mind from all those years ago. He has- had- has a child of his own, one he actually chose to have. Foolish can't be upset. He has his own kids! They aren't sentient, but they have names, a safe place. At least someone else considered Foolish family. A mother-father.. a papa. But that doesn't last long either. Mortals don't last long.
-They meet again on what's supposed to be a vacation. Foolish has no family, his kids taken from him, his parent gone, his new fling just broke up with him. But it's okay! Time to start anew. Even though others aren't thrilled to be stuck on the island, Foolish takes it happily. Sure, Phil still has his son, but he can't be upset about that.
-Then they both become parents again. And things are looking up for the Immortals, both with their happy families. Phil's eldest son returns and gets a child of his own, one that eventually gets welcomed into Phil's care with open arms. Foolish tries not to be bitter by how easily the young one was welcomed, shoving his feelings further down. He's got his own family!
-But maybe his own family isn't doing great. His boyfriend would go away for a few days, but now it's been several months. He wasn't informed by his partner of their recently adopted child, another islander, grief stricken with the loss of his own child, but now he realizes how similar to Phil he is in regards to welcoming people. His boyfriend left, but he's quickly acquired a son in law and grandchild. He convinces himself he's happy, despite the cheating allegations, the torture from other islanders, the constant pain from totems popping around him, the manipulation of the higher ups of the island, the-... He's happy, he swears!
-He still thinks Phil thinks less of him, maybe he cares less, but he doesn't hear the worry as Phil notices he's stuck in the nether. Phil noticed almost immediately, trying to figure how to get him back. He doesn't know the way Phil affectionately rolls his eyes at something he says or does, just like a parent would do.
-Then the world falls apart, but at least they're on the same team. The "game" has just started and everyone on their team is already losing morale, all hope lost within a few hours. Over the next few weeks, things change and Foolish starts to feel like a kid again. His teammates aren't helping. His powers were ripped from him on the original island, but now he can't keep up with the deaths. If only he were still the totem of that. If his physical wasn't bad enough, his emotions are bubbling and he doesn't want them to boil.
-His teammates- his family, are becoming just that. He would join them, but ever since the first rejection, he hasn't done it again. He hears the way his friends all call Phil 'dad'. He's not sure if it's in the cult way or the family way, but it still hurts when Phil doesn't reject the title. He knows he's being selfish, but why do they get to call him that? He's not sure, but he has a feeling even Carre has at least mumbled the word to their leader. Maybe it's different since they're mortal. It's not fair, but he hopes that's the reason. He wants to join in, to not be the only one not calling their leader that. But he doesn't dare. Not after the first time. He can't risk the aftermath of another possible rejection. It wouldn't be a stranger that would be affected this time around. So he doesn't bother, calling him 'wise leader Phil' and things of the like. It leaves a sting each time he hears one of his friends call Phil that, but he can manage.
-Things only get worse on the last day. After hardly scraping by, they had made it to the final two teams. Foolish came across totems. 2, looking near identical to his former children. He does what he thinks is best, handing them over to Phil. He can't risk losing another child, his most important family member. Once again, Phil rejects him, handing the totems back over. To Phil, he knows how important such an act is, but he wants to play fair. He also doesn't want to cause Foolish pain by possibly popping one or both. To Foolish, Phil has declined one of the most selfless acts a totem can do. He's upset, feeling like a wounded puppy, but he understands and will accept Phil's wishes. Phil didn't need them anyway and Foolish pushes down those feelings once more, happy they had won.
-They get to see their kids. And they do. But the freeing of the child of their top tormentor isn't too exciting. As the room shakes and the ceiling falls, Foolish calls for one last ditch attempt from his father figure, for any sort of guidance. Phil stands frozen in shock at a son he chose being hidden behind rubble, leaving soon after. The one he's rejected, desperately tries to save the only family he has left, leaving only when he realizes he can't help his child. He chooses to be useful to someone else.
This started as just thoughts, then writer brain came out. oops.
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mmavey · 10 months
c!Technoblade- a What If take on his backstory.
Technoblade, for many, both as a cc! and a character has always been enigmatic and someone we are drawn to. In contrast to this, many people fail to understand fundamental parts of his character as well as his motives.
I feel, personally, the reason many people do not fully understand him is because we do not have a solid backstory for him. It is common knowledge that the Antarctic Empire was canon, that he and Phil are old immortals with a long history, but what about before? What came before his days as a conqueror, his days as an emperor, and, of course, his days as an anarchist? When did he become associated with the Blood God? Surely one could not be born with a connection such as that. Unless... No, aus are for another day- this is about headcanon, not aus! (I'll talk about Blood Demigod Techno another day, promise /j)
I remember reading a post by @becauseplot that questioned what made c!Philza and c!Techno go from being emperors, kings, conquerors with power beyond our imagination, to anarchists. The points in that post were incredibly well thought out and I thought about it for quite a long time, scoured Techno's dynamics and even went back to watch a few EarthSMP episodes to get a better view on Emerald Duo as a whole. The notion that they fell so far from that had always been shocking to me, someone who favored them as characters, but hadn't been around to see the Earth SMP.
Now? It's not so hard to believe.
Sometimes, when I think about this post, I also think of Passerine.
Yes, the fic- but what occurs in this fic? Philza and Techno, as they had on SMPE, were at one time co-leading an empire. One thing that I often associate with Philza is that with such a long life, with no death in sight, he often loses track of time- any mortal love hes had is a mere blip in his timeline and his children aren't any different. One day, the Angel of Death vanishes from their kingdom, and never returns. Technoblade is left to himself, stumbling in this similar feeling of Philza being gone as suddenly as he arrived. What if something of this volume had occurred? Or, perhaps, even something worse. Betrayal? Bloody wars bringing loss of people important to him?
Whatever ended the Antarctic Empire is up to interpretation. I'm not especially interested on touching that- I have my personal headcanons about that, but it's really what comes before and after SMPE that really counts. There's unaccounted time in both periods, depending on how long the time between SMPE and DSMP is. (Keep in mind, SMPE isn't considered canon to a lot of character's stories- but it IS canon for Philza and Techno. This is IMPORTANT and I will die on this hill.)
Let's start from the beginning of my headcanon for c!Techno.
He is old- as immortals are- old enough to have seen a world that was calm, peaceful, before governments. As a child, or a teen, or whatever he happened to be- in his early years, Techno got the grand privilege of enjoying a world with little conflict, full of cooperation and kindness. Over time, though, of course, human error comes into play. There are no perfect people, and so, anarchy in its purest form becomes chaos.
(The factual definition of anarchy: the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.
NOWHERE does this say that anarchism is about chaos. C!Techno's goal isn't chaos, it isn't to kill everyone on the server, it is to BRING COOPERATION WITHOUT CONTROL. His ideals are based upon the factual definition of anarchy, as are Phil's. In their eyes, the things that they did in Man vs. Pog, Doomsday, etc- they're just forms of revolution. They're not revolting to create their own government like the L'Manbergians. They're revolting to abolish them.)
Lighthearted anarchy is the optimal condition for humanity. But, human error naturally creates people who desire control, and all it likely took was one person for things to begin to snowball. Conflict sparks, the world begins to tear apart- his strength, the fact that something is different about him (his immortality, given later, will set him even further apart), it makes him someone the people of this old and fresh out of the schism world want on their side. They want him as a weapon. And, so, the Blade is born, figuratively. As time goes on, government solidifies, this condition of desiring control, power, death, blood- whatever it happens to be- it spreads, becomes commonplace. Techno is pulled along for the entire ride, his views, as everyone else's were, becoming warped as he is compelled to fight and conform to the more popularly accepted norms.
With that out of the way, let's talk about the Blood God.
Technoblade fights, he fights for everyone, a weapon of human error's creation, a solider (a true conqueror) that only continues to douse his hands, his blade, his arrows in blood as he moves forward, becoming a figure so haunted by death that voices of those he'd bloodied begin to fight for his attention within the confines of his brain.
Such a daunting man, hoglin, pigman- whatever your personal headcanon of Techno and his species happen to be- would not escape the notice of the Gods, and especially not one so engraved with war. The Blood God, reaching down from wherever the gods happen to be at, has to meet this conqueror that has been bathed in his favorite substance.
At first, as anyone would be, Technoblade, still young in his long, endless life, was unnerved, bothered by this deity coming specifically to him. But, perhaps, he realizes, it's not so hard to believe. He's infamous, a conqueror so powerful and renowned that he is on the same level as the Greek hero Achilles, or even Hercules, to be more accurate. It's natural for him to feel prideful about that, at the time, when he considers being a conqueror a good thing, and it's natural for a God to take notice of his abilities and seek him out.
Essentially, where this headcanon ends up going is as follows:
The Blood God, impressed by Techno's abilities, makes him immortal. Immortality comes at a dire price, and Technoblade must take the god as his patron deity for as long as he walks the earth, and he adopts both the phrasing "Technoblade never dies" and "Blood for the Blood God". This gift, his immortality, floods him with more pride, more dedication- and it also quadruples his value to any rulers that could have him in their army. A warrior beyond death, with more knowledge and intellect than any architect, philosopher, or strategist in any land. As time passes, progressing quickly, endlessly for Technoblade, he learns of the way people view him as a weapon, something to use to further their reach and power.
In retaliation, he begins to take his title as a conqueror very literally.
And, so, the reputation of Technoblade being a noble, grand soldier of the old times twists into him being a man capable of butchering entire armies, strolling through towns and cities and leaving wreckage claimed in his name behind. Technoblade is no longer a tool, a weapon, yes, but only for himself and for the God of Blood. He becomes an Emperor, a conquerer comparable to those we know such as Alexander the Great, or any others that have managed to spread an empire across a vast amount of land and still maintain control of it.
Surely, before the schism of the world, when everything was peaceful, early on, he had a family- mother, father, siblings, grandparents, even- but over the centuries he begins to forget, the memories of things before the deity granting him immortality becoming a grey sludge, fading further and further into nothingness.
He loses himself in human error, in leadership, in the blood-
The Blade is solidified as a legend, a legend of death, blood, war, and conquerors. His name is whispered across the old world, known truly, by some, but feared by all.
There is only one who is equally as feared as he, in this early time of conflict- The Angel of Death. Rumors and whispers he has heard are quite similar to those about he, himself, and this is both intriguing and threatening.
One day, they meet.
And the rest is history. ...Literally, they're old LMAO
this headcanon is based around the thoughts of @becauseplot , but it also takes some ground from the Passerine fic by blujamas and thcscus.
(heres a link if you havent read passerine, gogoggogoggogo!!!! ^^)
i didnt end up having the energy to finish the bit thats gonna elaborate on the time between SMPE and DSMP so if youre interested on further elaborations of my headcanons lmk!!!!!
(i say this like anyone will read it)
this is going out to like. hardly anyone but I FELT THE NEED TO RANT OKAY SO ENJOY IT /j
some thigns may be mildly innacurate but i wrote this wild tired and its been fueled by two cans of orange fanta. read /j
edit because i missed something: the primary idea of this hc is that the reason technoblade ends up becoming a total anarchist after the failure of the antarctic empire (for whatever reason it ended- this also contributes to his reasoning obviously) is that he vaguely remembers a time before governments, before conflict and war- peace through the dictionary definition of anarchy, not chaos. hes old enough to have seen a world before all of these things, and he ends up wanting it back after everythign goes so horribly wrong.
and hes not afraid, and hasnt ever been, to use force /j
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unhonest-iago · 3 months
Dream SMP Fic Masterlist
DSMP as Bohemian Rhapsody
Not in Kansas Anymore; Aimsey gets isekai'd to origins smp
Star's a Witch!; hcs about Aimsey practicing witchcraft
You're My Wonderwall; CG!Awesamdude, Little!Foolish, Little!Reader + beach day [GN]
Dirty Laundry; Puffy finds out Schlatt cheated on her
I’m Just Like You; Michael’s feeling self conscious about his eye socket so Tubbo enlists the help of Captain Puffy to show him he’s not the only one without an eye
Insomniac Vulpe; How I think Fundy would act after the March 30th dream
Zoom Call; Teacher au, students realize Dream & George don't hate each other when teaching goes to online
Wasting My Youth; Dream helps Sapnap sneak back into the house after his date w/ y/n [GN]
You're such a Backstabber; the villain (SBI) shoots the person (Dream) next to the hero (George) instead
Older Brother Vibes; Headcanons about Dream being Reader's older brother [GN]
Steampunk Duo; Tina commissions Foolish to create a pair of wings for Hannah some time after she loses her elytra
Soulmates; Soulmate au + Foolish [GN]
Kids In Love; Foolish takes Tina as his date to a Ball
Windsor’s Knot; Schlatt teaches Fundy how to tie a tie
Kip; 'Don’t call me that, you lost that privilege a long time ago.'
Reckless Nights; Yogurt finds a box of Fundy's old stuff from L'Manberg days
Wanna Know My Name?; Reader reveals their govt. name to Fundy [GN]
Astérix; Fundy visits Mumza’s temple after his stint of astral projecting to Australia
Better Wash my Mouth out with Soap; Reader panics after a bit of miscommunication with some online friends and Fundy comforts them [GN]
Caregiver Fundy Hcs [GN]
You Know Dutch?; Fundy compliments the reader in Dutch not realizing the Reader can understand him
Negative Rizz; Fundy teleports to QSMP and ends up crushing on Cellbit
Monikers; Fundy wants a nickname from Felps that isn't fox boy. Or Felps learns more about Fundy over a night of drinking.
Or my fist will put you out; Fundy not able to lull Yogurt to sleep, goes to his dad (Revivedbur) for help
You’re So Fucking Pretty; Fundy's meets reader at a house party and later is the one that got away [GN]
Meeting Mumza; SBI meets Mumza in her in-between realm
Meeting Mumza Pt. 2; Fundy meets Mumza after a near death experience as a kit
Where the Wild Things are
Only in the Photographs
Yee Yee Kidnaps the Yip Yip; Sapnap kidnaps Fundy for a family reunion
Cathartic; Fundy catches Dream cheating on him w/ George
Foxtrap; Fundy gets caught in reader's hunting trap and eventually decides to let him go [GN]
Shifter; Headcanons/stuff George has in his shifting to Hogwarts script
Go White Boy Go
As Sly as a Fox; Niki but as the female victor from district 5 in The Hunger Games
Carmen; An imagine based around the song Carmen by Lana Del Rey. Starts off w/ Niki being a famous singer and regular at a bar that Minx bartends for
Can I Please Have a Waffle?; Reader take SBI to Waffle House [GN]
Lollipop; Philza stops Reader from eating a lollipop stick [GN]
Play Date with the Babysitter; Phil is asked to babysit Tommy, Techno and Wilbur. Tommy ends up making a microwave cake in a mug, bickering ensues.
Time-Sick; Philza discovers Reader is also immortal after a drunken slip-up during a night of trivia pursuit [GN]
Braids; Philza braids a young Techno’s hair
Birds & the Bees; Reader receives the bird & the bees talk from Philza, Techno, & Schlatt (separately) [GN]
SBI Movie Night
Tiktoker! Punz
Red means I Love You; The bit from Suicide Squad (2021) where Harley spends the day with the president and then ends up killing him due to a red flag [GN]
Bad Hair Day; Sapnap helps trans! y/n detangle his hair after seeing how tangled it's gotten [Male]
Rodeo! Sapnap Headcanons [GN]
Rabbit’s Foot; Origins Tommy dies trying to kill Techno in attempts to claim a rabbit’s foot for an unknown contractor
Interview [GN]
You’re a Mean One Mr. Soot; The song from The Grinch but written as if it were about Wilbur
London Boy; Basically I love London Boy as a Wilbur song so here’s y/n singing it as a little dedication to him during karaoke night w/ friends. [GN]
If I was…; Reader convinces Wilbur to do the one If I was... TikTok trend [GN]
You Promised! [GN]
Oh, the Less I know the Better; Reader has a booth at the Green Festival and gives Vikk a tarot reading as to possibly warn him and Lazar about their upcoming deaths [Fem]
When The Grimm Reaper Knocks; Vikk & Lazar's deaths expanded upon
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
Premise of SBI SCP AU
This is an au that has consumed me. This blog will just be a terrible mess of whatever I’m stuck on for the week, likely with little explanation and heavy spoilers. Anyway, the general vibe + anomalous properties are below cut:
Philza: The Zilant. Is the immortal concept of fire and fury, which pretends to be a dragon, which pretends to be a human. Maintains his personhood by attaching himself to mortals he calls his ‘Collected’. Currently: Tommy, Wilbur, The Blade, and Tubbo. Additionally, Philza is very intent on keeping any promise he makes and was kept in the Foundation exclusively because they’d captured his Collected and made a deal. Gives great dad advice, except when the advice is ‘let me murder them for you <3’
Tommy: The Instigator. Has a blood red liquid on his hands that grows when he’s scared. When people touch it, they become aggressive to anyone but Tommy. At low TI-Red levels this leads to things like bickering, but it escalates to physical violence and brutality. When TI-Red levels consume him and he thinks he’s going to die, he summons The Blade. Lived as a normal human and met Wil, Phil, and The Blade after a summoning at 15; visited the homeless guys occasionally till the Foundation captured at 16. Abandonment issues, highly touch starved, used as a Thaumiel. Collected Tubbo.
The Blade: The Blood God. Is a massive boar behemoth with voices in his head. When attacked (or if there’s an orphan), becomes The Blood God, who will bend the universe to ensure he wins. The Blade only comes back when the challenge has been completed. Grew up as a monster in the woods, but pulled himself up out of the voices, figured out what was him and what was The Blood God, and established his own personhood. Somehow has a college degree, met Phil and Wil during a gap year. Loves gardening and murdering people for Tommy. Also managed to come out of the Foundation the least traumatized, iconic. 
Wilbur: Soot. [tags are noms Wilbur or scp Wilbur if you want to block] His legs magically rearrange so he is the tallest humanoid in the room. Oh also the void in the side of his face that eldritch abominations claw their way out of. Was basically a feral starving child till ~14 when Philza forcefully adopted him. A chronic insomniac with a heart of gold and a tongue of silver, held together despite the inherent contradictions between being a supreme survivalist and a drama hoe. Memory issues because he represses basically everything. 
Tubbo: The Pollinator. Is a honeycomb skin suit for approximately 400,000 bees. Uses they/them we/us pronouns, because they are a Hive mind/system containing at least three humans: a Little, a Foundation employee, and a lawyer/farmer. Tubbo grew up mostly normal, albeit in secret. The most recently captured by the Foundation, and a staunch pacifist. This causes them to be at odds with Philza, who did a few murderous rampages too many, and The Blade, for the reason above and also because he destroyed their legs. But they stick around because they’re attached to Tommy. 
Basic vibes are found family, hurt/comfort, questions of morality, and trauma at the hands of the Foundation and each other. Things get messy, but it’s all bound together with love at the end of the day.
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