#but I don’t want too many
sagesparrow394 · 14 days
I have too many aus already but my brain’s thinking
AU where Quesadilla Island is instead a small town that’s known for being a hub for the supernatural
The Federation is a group brought into the town that is made up of, essentially, monster hunters who aim to ‘protect’ the regular human townsfolk. Feelings among the townsfolk about the Federation are mixed. Some support their mission, others are more dubious but still kind to the Federation workers, and others believe they’re making the town more unsafe
Unknown to the Federation, there are a few supernatural beings living right under their noses, pretending to be ordinary people
Charlie Slimecicle is a werewolf
He refers to his wolf form as Slarf. Slarf is a black wolf, with piercing red eyes
He works out and eats a ridiculous amount of protein partially so he can brush off his supernatural strength as a product of his routine
No one knows he’s a werewolf, not even his partner Mariana or best friend and roommate Baghera, and he desperately wants to keep it that way
At some point, he out of nowhere ‘adopts’ a daughter called JuanaFlippa. She’s actually a young orphaned werewolf who got very attached Slarf on a full moon night and now refuses to leave Charlie’s side
Cellbit is a vampire
Not born one, but bitten. He has a sister who is human
His son Richarlyson and his boyfriend Roier are the only ones who know what he is
He gets a job at the Federation to gain information, and with the hopes it’ll reduce any suspicion placed on him - but it potentially does the opposite, now regularly having their eyes on him
When he needs to feed, he tends to target Federation workers to kill two birds with one stone
BadBoyHalo and Tina are demons
They are on earth for different reasons, and they both know about each other
Bad is there to mentor a young demon, Dapper, and teach him about humans
Tina is far more secretive about why she’s living on earth. She’s close friends with Mouse, the only person aside from Bad who knows what she is
Both are close friends (or frenemies in Bad’s case) with Foolish - which becomes potentially dangerous when he gets hired to work for the Federation
Speaking of Foolish, he’s actually merfolk
A shark merman to be specific. He’s also King of the Merfolk, aka KOM. His status grants him immortality and the ability to change his form to have legs. With his long lifespan, the decades he spends in the town are just like a brief vacation to him
Already knows Bad isn’t human - he remembers seeing Bad hanging around on earth a few times over the past hundreds of years. He doesn’t know about Tina
He has a child, his little princess Leo, who likes to hang out with him on land. His husband, Vegetta, tends to spend a lot of time busy in their underwater kingdom
His human roommate, Jaiden, knows about him - they tell each other everything
Joined the Federation both for fun, and like Cellbit to get info and get suspicion off of himself
Philza is an angel
Angel of Death specifically
Feels rather safe despite being a supernatural being due to not being as ‘dangerous’ as others, meaning he likely isn’t a number one target of the Federation. He’s not demonic, legend doesn’t say he lures people to drown in oceans, he doesn’t lose control and attack people, he doesn’t need to go on killing sprees to survive
Not to mention his connection to gods and deities gives him safety and places of refuge
The biggest issue he has is hiding his wings. Aside from that, he’s pretty comfortable living with his human partner and children
Absolutely knows Something Is Up with the other five but doesn’t know for sure what. He’s not a narc, so he doesn’t ask
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transmascissues · 4 months
it’s so funny to me that people used to try to warn me “if you go on t it won’t make you androgynous it’ll just make you look like a man” because 1) i do want to look like a man, that is famously a major part of being a trans man but also 2) t literally has made me androgynous?? like they were wrong on both counts. i got most of the looking-like-a-man changes that i wanted (deep voice, broader body, hair all over my body including my face) and i also give every single cis person in a five mile radius a stroke every time they try to figure out my gender. the assumption that trans men wouldn’t actually want to look like men and the assumption that cis people are good at correctly gendering us once we’re on t are both weird as hell.
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knox-knocks · 8 months
Maybe exy is a little boring to him — but andrew doesn’t just not care about exy, neil notes in the beginning of tfc that he seems to outright resent it. boredom doesn’t bring about resentment. but do you know what does? the idea that a sport you barely give a shit about is the only reason anyone gives a shit about you
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kingkatsuki · 12 days
When neither of you have a condom but he promises to pull out, swears he can do it and tries so fucking hard to be a man of his word— and he is. Clinging to that final piece of resolve as he fights the allure of your warm, wet cunt. Moving his hips back as he begins to pull his slick-soaked cock from your ruined hole, ready to fist himself and spill his cum all over you.
But you make every ounce of his resolve crumble all around him when you tighten your thighs around his hips, lock your ankles behind his back, giving him no choice but to drain his balls and fill you with everything he’s got to give.
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fruity-arts · 6 days
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1/4 princes complete!
this is my malleus outfit design for @starry-night-rose ‘s Glimmering Soirée event !! BUT this is only concept art…SSR malleus and kalim as well as SR cards of other charas are coming soon >_o (hopefully)
i’m also trying to come up with a chaptered event storyline, so keep an eye out for that!
(oh and if you’d like to use my designs go ahead :3 )
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
Headcanon that all of the boys think someone else is Splinter’s favorite son.
Raph thinks it’s Leo, Leo thinks it’s Donnie, Donnie thinks it’s Mikey, and Mikey thinks it’s Raph.
They’re all bothered by this to different degrees and in different ways, some much less/more so than others, but they’re all wrong, Splinter does not have a favorite son, and never has. And when he tells them this, horrified they even thought otherwise and angry at himself for not being clearer with his love, it clears up some residual tension they didn’t even realize was there.
(Leo still thinks he’s the least favorite though.)
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dragonsareverycool · 3 months
The figure turned to look at Damian and seemed to freeze before its form shifted, rings of light covering it as it did. When the rings faded, there they floated with white hair that moved like it was uneffected by gravity and was moved by wind that wasn’t there. Freckles that looked like stars covered the beings skin, tanned but washed out and ashen, like a corpse. Wide, expressionless eyes that glowed a bright eeire green. Despite this, Damian recognized that face. He recognized that expression too. Despite looking like Tim’s dead eyed stare to most anyone else, Damian knew the expression as one of surprise, of shock. And that face was almost identical to the one in his nightmares of the worst day of his life. He knew that face every time he glanced in a mirror.
“Danyal” he said softly, his own face almost certainly in an identical expression. Despite the distance and chaos between them, Damian was certain Danyal heard him, as Danyal perked up a bit. Then, his form seemed to glitch, colors distorting as his body twitched and part of his body seemed to disappear for a moment. Then, he seemed to fade into nothing, leaving Damian to start panicking. He worried that he had just lost Danyal again.
Then he reappeared startlingly close, putting his hand on Damian’s chest “Here,” he said, the difference in how he spoke compared to Damian achingly familiar, “A drop of your blood and an offering of food if you’re feeling nice. Call my name, it may take a moment but I will appear” he removed his hand, and a piece of neon green glowing paper with strange symbols on it floated after Danyal’s hand before Damian caught it. Danyal’s form glitched again, harder, and his face set in a grimace before he faded into invisibility again.
Fun fact! Sometimes when the grief got bad enough, Damian would mimic how Danny talked and would recite stories about constellations like Danny did. He took many, many precautions to make sure that no one, not even Talia knows that he’s done this. Only Alfred the cat and maybe Alfred the Human knows, and neither will speak a word to anyone about it.
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scrawnym4 · 6 months
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finally made a ref for this guy. wooooot
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lylahammar · 7 months
Artists really gotta stop giving “do this ✅ don’t do this ❌” style art advice. I understand having personal icks but there are no hard and fast rules in art, people aren’t doing it wrong if they draw something in a way you don’t personally enjoy, and it comes off very arrogant and anti-stylization
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borealwrites · 1 month
I see your (general) “Kakashi expects children to be half as smart as he was at that age” AU and raise you a “Kakashi thinks children are way dumber than they actually are” AU. His only in-person experiences with pre genin are himself, a year at the academy, and Naruto.
So he’s convinced that Iruka is some kind of god for wrangling 17 half-feral children (and Naruto) into real human beings who can read and write and use chopsticks and deadly weapons. Yes, clan children probably learn a bit before, but still.
Kakashi: can’t believe you taught them almost everything they know
Iruka: I didn’t??
Kakashi: I watched you turn 18 hellions into mostly functional members of society
Iruka: most of my kids were well behaved
Kakashi: they absolutely were not, I once saw baby Shino bite Chouji and Hinata took out Gai’s kneecaps because he stood still long enough for her to catch him
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Thinking about Jon’s time with the Circus again. Thinking about what a month spent in a refrigerated warehouse would do (because it would have to be refrigerated, wouldn’t it? it’s meant to store waxworks), just how cold his skin would be. Do you think it even still felt like his skin? Do you think his fingers brushed the skin of his arm and felt only the inhuman chill of wax, and his arm received the touch of his hand and felt only the dead press of plastic?
Thinking about how thoroughly his time with the Stranger would have made him a stranger to himself.
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tiyoin · 2 months
Twisted anxiety reader in a singing contest show (MHAHAMHAHAH) It would be a reason why she was singing in the woods.
✨ imagine✨
MC is feeling useless and unhelpful and just wants to pull their weight in supporting the dorm and stuff. Just overall trying to be more useful to Yuu.
So she overhears smth about a anonymous singing contest and the winner will get $5000 which for mc, Yuu and Grimm that's a lot of money. And 2nd and 3rd also has cash prizes. I think she goes for 2nd place ,so she has the money of 1st without the popularity of 1st. So she puts her fears to the side (🤨no she doesn't) to help her friend and cat.
I see this contest being an online voting type thing. Also celebs 😉 do go on the show to help promote it, to judge them and what ever else they do.
In the show they give the contestants a "wish"/ charm that can help them with their performance (enter ✨shimmers✨ & instruments magic that was talked about). It what makes the show popular
Now we give MC song/writing abilities. She honestly has a diary of kind. She needs it.( Torture her bout it later😈)
Now I'm sure we wondering how does this come into play
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They'll all find a way to connect the songs to themselves. If songs says an eye color or hair color the characters with said color goes crazy about it.
Enchanted by Taylor Swift is one that comes to mind as a song that everyone relates to.
Rook/ jade would send clips of MC singing on the show and "THIS IS THE VOICE I HEARD"
I have so many sub-plots for twisted singer reader.
Also I'm really glad to like hearing things like this. I was really nervous to send the asks.
More to come along at one point or another ☺️☺️
i immediately thought of “ivory skin and eyes of emerald green” from jolene and rook just going:
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shout out to @/a-twistedheartslonging because i WILL NOT stop using this cute little rook meme they made fldkaldkakwkdkxkakdkfhx
they’re physically reacting to thinking about it. they’re nervous tics come out (that happens to me, whenever i’m suppppper nervous i start chanting and get anxiety induced tics) and yuu and grim are getting worried because nothing has happened, so why are you so anxious?
*clears throat* anyways 🙂
reader : *sings enchanted*
ALL of the guys she made eye contact with that week: …so you’re proposing?
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idk maybe there’s some super duper advanced magical technology (marvel’s equivalent of ‘quantum’) and y/n gets an invitation and they’re like????
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“non non! roi du poison you must come with me avec hâte!” (with haste)
and they’re crouched behind a rock for a few minutes and vil is annoyed because rook is doing rook things again and he does not have time for this. especially not today because he has to find someone to endorse for the music show he volunteered to judge.
only problem: EVERYONE SUCKS OR HAS AN UGLY PERSONALITY!! vil is disgusted by the cockiness and the greediness of these… influencers who paid their way to be on the show.
it puts a horrible taste in his mouth, especially with how shameless they are to try and win his favor. he’s not some cheap executive they can bribe to put their foot through the door, especially with their lack luster… abilities.
vil almost called it talent, but you had to be good to have that.
just as he’s about to voice his complaints and leave, rook’s grip on his shoulder stopped him from moving and the finger to his lips stopped him from breathing. vil was visibly shocked because rook never put hands on him, especially like this.
there was a snap of a twig up ahead. rook’s forest green eyes flicked to the horizon a few times, head too, urging him to look.
and he’s more than pleasantly surprised to see… you- well as much of yourself that you would allow the watchful eyes of the trees see. your ceremonial robe covering your short stature.
rook looked at vil expectingly, but vil was still confused, so what if a student was in the woods? unless it was his own this was a problem rook should bring up to the other house wardens. and it wasn’t illegal, nor against the school rules so-
then, you started singing.
he couldn’t recognize the song. but he could recognize the passion. yes you were untrained and flat in a few sections but that didn’t matter. you were good, pitchy but good.
song after song, sometimes repeating a few as you danced and bowed your heart away.
he wasn’t sure how much time passed but it was a considerable amount since the sun that once well over the trees now peeked through the canopy and was gazing longingly at the moon.
cursing, you looked around, bent down to collect the things you brought with you, and scurried away towards another entrance towards the forest.
vil was quick to react, to follow but rook stopped him. looking down at his vice house warden with an incredulous look, rook only shook his head softly. there was a reason you were alone in the woods and not in the various music clubs.
this was your little secret.
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vil who WAITS for your submission so he can back you but you never submit… hm,
with a snap of his manicured fingers, rook is on it! maybe rook knows who you are, maybe he doesn’t, vil could really care less since the whole show is based off of anonymity.
(vil side eyes the influencers and other contestants who practically spell it out for the audience who they are so they can vote for them)
maybe to… put you on the right track vil has rook go to your little forest spot and place a flyer there, practically ENCOURAGING YOU TO SIGN. UP.
you think someone would get a hint right?
“huh, that’s weird… maybe i should change locations since someone else was here”
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that’s it. rook’s sending in your video and you’re getting a flyer stapled to the tree saying you’re accepted. yes yes this is because of your fairy god mother’s NOW SING
vil also giving y/n some song recommendations he thinks that are good, up until he sees you gently pull out a FUCKING LOADED BOOK from your backpack filled with songs.
yes darling those are great but lol at all the nice songs he gave you! they’re in your range too!!
vil slowly finding out who you are because he heard you hum a song in the hallways that only the mysterious ‘forest nymph’ (what a ludicrous myth the students came up with) sang.
and yes he’s shocked that the ramshackle neet (ouch vil 😿) has golden pipes.
VIL THINKING WHAT TO SEND THEM TO HELP THEM IN A CUT THORAT BATTLE ROUND AND ROOK OFF HANDEDLY COMMENTING ‘if only there were an orchestra here to play along with their beautiful singing’
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*cue golden instruments*
but in hindsight sight:
we’re gonna give her so much anxiety she’s not gonna know what to do😈 sorry pookie!! there’s no safe space at night raven college☺️🫶
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emry-stars-art · 10 months
Ok life cycle of a jelly mer is a GO. I’ll stick it under the cut in case anyone doesn’t want to see the lil development/newborn stuff
BUT before that since I know at least a few people are going to ask; yes, you can hold tiny baby medusa Neil, it can’t even sting you yet. Just a lil tingle
(Shout out to @the-tortoise-lady for the idea of baby Neil with no common sense or self awareness being very certain it both can and will eat that thing it found wading in the water near the beach (fisherman Andrew))
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So normal jellyfish polyps grow into what looks like little stacked saucers or plates and when one breaks off it grows into the actual medusa we all know. So like. I’m just imagining the upper body/human part of the mer grows inside more like two cups stacked together, and there’s only one per polyp (i don’t even know if regular polyps have multiple discs break off tbh).
But according to some v quick research and not being able to find specifically Sea Nettle reproductive cycle, I am declaring their polyps the average size of Small (about an inch/3cm or something close) and their baby medusae have A LOT of growing to do :D
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virgothozul · 5 months
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vampykween · 7 months
i would be such a good little housewife to price doing all the little chores, baking lots of yummy treats, and letting him fuck whenever, wherever - letting him fill me up and give him lots of chubby babies
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tariah23 · 3 months
One of the main reasons why I used to avoid Isekai’s, and fantasy works in general, like the plague is because of how over saturated they’d become with things that didn’t feel like they even belonged to the genre to begin with… it’s not too hard to find works that stand out but so much of those works have been pushed down and forgotten, it just sucks.
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