#Important for Later. and then ofc Trauma Team.
vonlipvig · 6 months
Finally saved Angie’s piece of shit dad. It took me two hours worth of attempts to realise I could activate healing touch while in healing touch, but the bastards I now realise were spiders not weevils are dead and I’m sure this mean Guilt is over forever now!
or IS IT?
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usuratongaychi · 6 months
Drawings + Rants + Headcanons/Naruto AU
i finally had some time to draw my versions of tean seven (minus kakashi). im gonna detail more of my AU later in the post but here are the designs and some notes.
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For sasuke, in one of my other posts i had the theory that sasuke keeps his hair short to avoid resembling itachi, and thats why it is longer in time skip, because he is coming to terms with his trauma and still loves itachi. I also gave him similar creases to itachi, just from stress.
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tbh im not too sure about this naruto design…but at least he isnt balding like before💀.
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for sakura, i actually really like her older design, so i just drew her working. she would have her hair up and i gave her sakura blossom hair pins and eyeshadow.
also i havent drawn in forever so..thats why its messy.
(the rest of this is me rambling on..)
Now for changes i made to the story:
1. Narusasu endgame (yk im a stan)
I would have both of them be joint hokages, so technically both are the 7th. I know Sasuke is referred to as the shadow hokage, but that doesn’t really entail anything. I think it’s important because Sasuke would know just how important reform is for the village and shinobi system, but since people are still suspicious of Uchihas, Naruto would be the face. This fulfills Naruto’s dream, which when you really think about it, his dream was just to be loved, not really to be a politician. Naruto has seen how unfair and corrupt their society is, so he would completely work with Sasuke to make sure things like Danzo and Hiruzen’s corruption, child soldiers, hyuuga slavery and the “Uchiha Incident” dont happen again. I could explain more of this in a later post.
2. I would have Hinata look up to Sakura more, instead of Naruto.
I think it makes a bit more sense, Sakura is brave, outspoken and independent, just like Hinata wants to be. I would have Sakura be her first friend, since she can’t stand to see people be excluded or alone. That leads me into changes I would make for Sakura’s story.
3. Sakura. In the original, I would keep her kind of bratty attitude until things get serious in the Zabuza arc. Seeing her close friends so close to death, while not being able to help much would challenge her to become a protector. This also gives motivation for her to learn healing and medicine when Tsunade comes around. Sakura would be the “rock” or “glue” of team seven, which makes sense because she is the only one of them that came from a stable home.
Sakura initially resents Sasuke for betraying the team, but seeing how dedicated Naruto is to saving him, she decides its worth it to help bring him back. Besides if she didn’t, naruto would just endager himself trying.
4. Sasuke. I would have Sasuke after he realizes Itachi was manipulated into a genocide to protect the village, still go through him “i’m gonna destroy the village” phase, but when Naruto defeats him, they make a promise to change things, so no one else will have to suffer like that. I would also show more of the psychological effects of witnessing Itachi’s murders. One of my headcanons is that he’s pretty thin, since trauma survivors tend to have chronic stomach pains. He’s probably pretty paranoid about others betraying him, so he does it to them first (probably why he pushes naruto away so much). Sasuke is also probably still ostracized or “othered” for being an uchiha, since that is what the village is told about them. People still pity him, but dont come near him.
5. Naruto. 😭I actually made up a whole theory on why Hiruzen didn’t take great care of naruto, bc to me it just doesn’t make sense. it’s kinda a dumb theory and doesn’t rlly have anything to do with canon, but- what if Minato wanted to expose the corruption in the hidden leaf and get rid of the foundation, so as a sort of revenge, or just general distaste for Minato, Hiruzen doesn’t really provide for Naruto. 🤷‍♀️idk. A change I would make is to have naruto mature more to match his age. Like ofc it makes sense for him to act out for attention esp when he was younger, but i feel like past shippuden..he didn’t really mature at all? maybe thats just me. I’ll probably have more stuff to add for him, i’ll think of it later or put it in my headcanons post.
😭im so tired yall i will make a better post later on.
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northoftheroad · 1 month
hey hey
qn, how exactly does the silver age titans (the team with mal, lilith) tie in with marv's NTT? just started NTT and im very confused lol.
in another note, the golden age batman and robin comics are not my thing, but id still like to read the important bits to understand that era's characterization of the two. which comics would you rec, if you dont mind me asking? apart from the black casebook ofc
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Hi, the original Teen Titans split up in vol 1 # 53 (1978). And then Raven collected a new team in NTT # 1 (1980), with some new and some old members.
Three of them first teamed up in Brave and Bold #54 (1964), the first time the original five were together was in Teen Titans # 4 (1966). I know a lot of us wants the “fab five” from start, but Roy was seldom with the team the first years 😔 And Mal and Lilith were later additions. (Teen Titans Year One from 2008, and World’s Finest Teen Titans from 2023 aren’t bad, if you want to read modern takes on the first TT team).
For the Golden age, check out this reading recommendation list that covers both older and newer comics. I wouldn’t say a lot of Golden age stories are necessary, if you don’t enjoy them. Dick’s original debut in DC#38 is maybe nice to have read, and Robin Dies at Dawn in Batman vol 1 # 156 is a splendid story, maybe the first bat-story to take trauma response seriously, and it’s influenced later comics in different ways.
Batman’s rainbow suit in DC # 241 is another story that is referenced here and there, but that story is just for fun… The reason for Batman’s bizarre behaviour is rather cute, though 😉
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serpyserper56 · 3 months
Alright here we go. This is the introduction post. Am I good at these? No. But here we go anyway.
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I'm Serpy! I'm fine with all nicknames on that unless they're not absolutely terrible. I don't mind if you call me by my real name (Jacob) either.
But if you call me Jake, I will block you instantly, joke or not. I absolutely despise being called that and I will not hesitate.
Cleveland Ohio's worst! Save your jokes for later, only in Ohio, I've heard it before.
I'm 16. I'm OK with NSFW jokes and things such as, but if you go any further please warn me. I'm as depraved as you are but consent is great.
If you put a gun to my face and asked me to tell you my biggest hyperfixation, I would say The Black Keys. They're my favorite band, I love them so much, and if we talk for 2 weeks or more I will try my hardest to force them onto you. I love all music in general, aside from country music. I also hate AJR and Machine Gun Kelly. If you like them, I have no problem with you for it. But be wary that I will shit talk them whenever I can lmao. My entire music taste can be found on my last.fm
Speaking of music, I play the drums! I've been a percussionist for 7 years ongoing and I also march bass drum. It's genuinely a blast and I would highly recommend.
I do also play a lot of Splatoon! I'm not good by any means but I've been playing since the first week of Splatoon 1 and I can hold my own against most players (at least I would like to think.) Not on any teams rn but here's my sendou profile.
Object shows are cool as fuck. Tennis Ball and Pillow literally like live in my head. I'm trying to figure that out, but they do. They'll probably get their own blogs soon but I'm lazy af lmao.
I follow all of the big 4 American sports (baseball football basketball and hockey) pretty religiously. All of the teams from Cleveland ofc (or the blue jackets because we don't have a hockey team.) I know more about baseball than the other 3 combined, though, and the Guardians make me explode in every meaning of the word. I can name every single pitcher no hitter since 1978, test me!
I talk so much oh my god. They call me the Conversation Killer (they've never called me that but shhhh.) Be wary of that.
DNI if you meet basic criteria pretty much. If you bother me I'll tell you, and I expect you to do the same. I don't mind if you think I'm the most annoying person of all time, but please tell me instead of doing it behind my back lmao. I have an entire host of problems and trauma in my head that is genuinely too long for this post, but if you must know, contact me here or on my discord (serpyserper56).
Some other important links:
Here's my Twitter where I mostly just retweet and post random memes.
That's it from me! If you're one of 6 people reading this post, I'll see you around, I suppose.
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Wouldn't the Todoroki drama be more strained due to his pr team? Yeah we joked that they suck and we discussed Natsuo's very bad experience with them. But you mentioned how they are very much pushing a certain "traditional family values" look on Enji. Meaning that the only look his kids see when not irl is very much biased and untrue. But the kids can't really get confirmation either way.
Oh yeah it's. It's a combination of things!
Enji himself is. He's kinda lost in his headspace and incredibly busy so a lot of the fatherly things he ends up doing are more.... bare minimum going through the motions. Make sure the kids are fed and bathed and do their chores and that they're doing well in school and discipline them when they break the rules and all that, but rarely having time to properly do things like family movie night or any talking like- like people. This was mitigated more when Rei was around, but then her mental health declined and she wasn't doing as much and now she's not doing jack because she's in the hospital(I don't mean this as a dunk her health is important too).
And then yeah there is. There is the bad shit he's doing. Whether it be things he is actively like 'I know on some level this is fucked but *insert justification here*' or the 'doesn't realize that this was bad because that's how he was raised and clearly he doesn't have childhood truama(YEAH ABOUT THAT-)!'. Either way it has a negative impact on the kids, which in turn effects their perception of him.
There's also a lot of half-truths where the kids know some information but don't have all of the context, like everything going on with Rei.
You also have the different kids and their own perceptions. Toya and Fuyumi are old enough to have genuine good and happy memories while Natsuo and Shoto aren't. And Toya's good memories get tainted by later traumas so he thinks it was all either fake or just 'dad's goals coincidentally was something that made me happy as a kid'. And I'm gonna bring it up later but in Road to Hell I dragged Selkie into this and yeah there's going to be a falling out there so while Toya and Fuyumi remember him being basically their uncle, Shoto definitely doesn't(Natsuo is up in the air rn).
The PR Team stuff is mixed in to that. Even though the kids don't go actively looking online for stuff about their dad(they did that once, discovered the fanfic sites, and tried to induce amnesia). But they do still run across that sort of stuff. And yeah the PR Team is cultivating the image they want/what they /think/ Endeavor wants for himself. Which yeah is something the kids don't feel safe and comfortable with when it comes to things like being gay.
And like. On the Mutation Quirks. I have a plan for a conversation where Shoto says something casual like about it with the class and it's Izuku who kinda goes 'Actually that sounds odd'. (Because ofc while he has his obvious favorite he knows a LOT of obscure facts about a lot of active Heroes especially ones like Endeavor who are a big name.) And he elaborates on this in a 'if we're gonna hate him we hate him for the right reasons' by saying that he's aware on how it's harder to find nowadays but you can find older video clips where he shuts down assholes talking Anti-Mutation sentiments.
Then ofc the big thing with the PR team which very much colors Natsuo's perception and he might've told Fuyumi and Shoto about that which. Fuyumi doubts it but Shoto would believe it.
So yeah it's. There's. There's so much going on and there's definitely a lot that Enji did wrong but there's also stuff that was kinda out of his hands.
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gallaghersgal · 2 months
skskskslsl you’re SO right like one of the worst thing for carmy would be realizing he’s turning into his mom. like he gets angry in the kitchen or something and yells à la throwing marcus’ donut on the floor and he realizes that’s exactly how his mom would have reacted. I feel like that’s one of the reasons he’s so keen on apologizing and show respect to his team afterwards too. He knows his behavior is fucked up and he has been on the receiving end of that anger so it feels a little like breaking the cycle, you know?
Also, all the while I was watching the episode, all i could think of was how much I wish someone had been with him you know? Like let’s say he met you in Copenhagen because you were on an internship or studying there. Anyway you end up in a relationship and he very clumsily asks if you want to go back with him for the holidays. And you see how much he’s anxious about going back, you see the lack of sleep the days before and the way his shoulders seem to be lined with fucking lead. So you go, it’s an important step in your relationship and you definitely feel like you’re there with him. He gets more and more fidgety, more and more nervous the closer you get to Chicago.
But when you get there, you almost ask Carmy what all the fuss is about because you’re welcomed with nothing but warmth and kindness. Everyone is so happy to meet you, you’re being hugged and treated like you’re just one of them even if you’ve known each other for 10 minutes.
Carmy shows you his childhood bedroom and you get to see your boyfriend, a mop of honey-colored curls, big blues eyes and a toothy grin and you fall in love with him all over again listening to the embarrassing stories Mickey shares.
Donna is sweet, she’s loud and she welcomes you with open arms. You ask if she needs any help cooking but she brightly tells you she’s handling it all, go sit down and have a nice drink. But somehow the night starts to escalate, every time Carmy disappears, he comes back like he’s on the verge of a panic attack. He’s on edge, keeps looking towards the kitchen like he’s waiting for a bomb to explode there; when he goes to help his mom you see how frustrated he is.
You would pull him away, just to check on him and later, sit next to him at the table. The situation becomes even worse, even more tensed and even if your family is dysfunctional and holidays never go smooth, it doesn’t reach that point. But at least you’re there and you can literally feel Carmy’s anxiety. You put a hand on his knee under the table, squeezing gently as a way of saying “i’m here, it’s okay.” And he doesn’t have the words to express how much it means to him so he grabs your hand instead and squeezes three times.
And what we all know happens happens and the party pretty much end in screaming and tears and the house being destroyed.
But I think over the trauma of seeing his mother drive through a wall of their childhood home, it’s the fact that you had to witness the batshit crazy side of his family. He knows what they’re capable of, he’s used to it but you? And he gets so scared that it’s too much—because it is and he wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to go as far from them, from him as possible. But all you’re focused on is him, how he’s feeling and you make sure to not let go of him—even when you manage to fall asleep.
i could sob. hello?? you wrote this so beautifully?? like there's basically a blurb in my inbox???? my love. my sweet 🧸 anon. im actually crying a little.
i know he was such a sweet kid. the sweetest, quietest little thing, who didn't deserve any of what he grew up with. and neither did mikey or nat ofc. but yeah, as someone who has comparable family experiences i know how much he would appreciate having his girl there.
and god, yeah, the fear that runs through him even afterwards, that night, smoking on the fire escape of your little apartment. you havent been back in months and you'd wanted to just collapse alone in your bed, you and carmy planning to part ways at the end of the night, but you don't hesitate to ask him to stay over. leaning against him, one arm curled around his bicep and pressing soft kisses to the skin. it's a quiet, wordless little moment but it means the world to him just to know that you're still there, that you didn't run even when he himself has been running for so long.
anyways here's pinterest pics i think give baby carms :((
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silverskyy · 2 months
I need to talk about what happened last night in my cyberpunk red game because it was Crazy (long rambling post incoming)
Context: the party is a team of bounty hunters, finally closing in on our target, a mysterious murderer who has been leaving a trail of bodies across this district. We've discovered a connection to an underground fighting ring and reasoned that we can lure him into revealing himself if we present an enticing enough fighter as a challenge
Enter BR-549: a heavily augmented man filled with just as much trauma, decked out with weapons and an outfit designed to make him look imposing. His role in game is the Solo, which means he has many abilities geared towards fighting, a big pool of hit points, and is all around the obvious best choice to send into the ring
Enter my character: Glimmer ✨, a former fashion influencer recently turned true crime investigative reporter. Her intended contribution this session was mostly picking out everyone's outfits because, as a Media role, she primarily has socially focused skills. But. A girl has to protect herself right? So she also has a very high martial arts skill and an evasion as good as BR's (this will be important later). On top of that she recently picked up some karma, a homebrew miraculous material that can, among many other things, be mentally controlled to power up attacks (+1 to damage)
This all means nothing I'm sure
So the party gets to the scrapyard in which this fighting ring takes place and, not too surprisingly, discover we will need to prove ourselves competent fighters to be allowed entry. Things shake out so that BR and Glimmer go down into the pit to duke it out and hype up BR for the crowd. We pick out weapons beforehand, all sportsmanlike, and BR goes in with his baton and Glimmer goes in with a layer of glittering karma around her fists
The way fights in this arena work is there are five stones scattered around the pit. Cover a stone with your opponent's blood (mechanically, do enough damage close enough to a stone in one round) and a point is yours. Get three points and you win the match
Round 1: the other player and I decide to roll initiative each round to keep things spicy, but BR's is ofc better than Glimmer's so he goes first. Fairly standard turn choice, swings twice and gets a decent amount of damage in. Glimmer strafes around to be as far from the stones as she can and still attack, swings twice...and hits for more damage. Which means more blood on the stone
The ref calls 1 Point for Glimmer
Round 2: everyone is taken aback at how the last round went and I'm just happy I had a good showing. BR goes first again and backs up to another stone to hold his attacks. His player knows Glimmer's ranged attacks (throwing karma pellets) aren't as good as her melee and she wants to draw her to an unbloody stone. I decide I will not be baited and try to blast him anyway. I fail, but BR's turn is wasted, so the round is a draw
Round 3: wanting him to seem cool, BR's player has him try to rip away control of Glimmer's karma instead of outright attacking. While very close he does fail the opposed roll, so she has him move further away out of Glimmer's movement range. I could try again with the ranged attacks (proven to be risky and lowers my karma amount) or switch the karma into a shield (potentially useful but a waste if he just steals it next turn). Instead Glimmer moves to the center of the ring, shouts to the crowd that he's a coward for running, and holds her attacks. The round ends with no blood drawn
Round 4: this round starts slow with BR moving in, prompting some small hits from Glimmer and dealing a bit of damage in return. Then Glimmer's actual turn begins
Here is where I need to explain how crits work in the Cyberpunk Red system. Damage is rolled with d6s and the more powerful you are or the stronger your weapon the more dice you roll. To get a crit you need to roll two 6s, regardless of how many damage dice you get. This is a benefit of using stronger weapons; you reduce your rate of fire in return for a bigger damage pool and a higher chance for the crippling impact of crits
Based on her body score, Glimmer's martial arts attacks do 2d6 damage, which means it's extremely unlikely that she would crit...except on her second attack she does and when we roll on the crit table we find out that she broke BR's leg
Needless to say, the ref calls 2 Points for Glimmer
Round 5: We Are All Shook, and then BR rolls so bad on initiative Glimmer goes first! At this point I know I should back off, but the plan of making BR look powerful is pretty well fucked already and I can't pass up the badass opportunity I've been handed. Glimmer continues to attack and misses once, so I have her kick him and then walk away—BR's movement is reduced by 4 due to the leg, meaning he can't catch up to her. He shuffles after, on the brink of a full cyberpsychosis/PTSD meltdown, tries to steal the karma, and fails again. The kick didn't do much damage so the round is another draw
Round 6: BR is back to going first and his player and I have a quick ooc conversation over whether he wants to throw her into a stone or toss aside his baton and punch her to death. A throw would do a hefty amount of damage, but he would first have to grapple her and Glimmer's martial arts school lets her possibly break the arm of a grappler (we have delighted in this happening to enemies already). She decides to just have him punch and moves in to deal some hurt
The first attack misses by a mile. The second attack succeedes by just 2 points. In this system, you have a luck pool each session you can use to beef up rolls, and mine is a lot bigger than BR's. I spend it to make him miss again. It hasn't shown up yet, but Glimmer's martial arts school also lets her, if all melee attacks that turn miss, throw an attacker without grappling them first
To recap, Glimmer breaks BR's leg, walks away with a dismissive kick, then when he surges after to murder her grabs his arm and hurls him into the nearest stone
So uh, the ref calls 3 Points for Glimmer
And then BR continued to try to attack and Glimmer realized She Had Fucked Up and so had to run out of the pit to have our other party member talk him down and our entire plan of having the guy actually built for fighting draw out the killer was completely trashed but it was really really fucking cool and I will treasure the win forever 😊
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cheemken · 11 months
Yeah the concept with all the Champions dying makes more sense if it was apart of the Rebellion AU. Can make it more devastating for Diantha if the Kalos League tells her how she died
But damn, we won’t have the Lance, Clair and Silver reunion :(
But we can have the “Lance finds out his cousin and son were killed because they were important to him” scenario instead >:). Imagine he eventually asks where Clair is, or where Silver is
Also yeah I intended for Hau and Geeta to be killed as well, I just couldn’t think of a way for them to die lol
But Hau is still champion, and I like what you did with Geeta. Having her as the villain for her region. Love me some twist villain characters
We can also go with the other scenario if you like her being the good guy better. Ma’am dipped, left Nemona in charge (a teenager btw), and came back months later with a fucking killer team. Ready to avenge her soulmate and friends with mons she specifically trained to go for the kill
Ouughfhchfhfjdhsn your honour Lance having to find out everyone he loves is dead😭😭 his wife and kids and his cousin man that's gotta fuck him up imagine him finding out that his alt self is still alive in this universe but he's a prisoner of RR, a hollow shell of a man he once was, a man who lost everything, who was powerless to save everyone and ough,,,, OUGH™
Imagine him on the verge of a meltdown too, having to find out how everyone else died, and how he's still alive, still breathing somewhere, aware of the bloodshed happening around him, but was already too broken to do anything, powerless, dead in a way that he was alive yet mourned for not his loved ones but also for himself.
And oughfhfhf villain Geeta my beloved holy shit can you imagine Geeta meeting her alt self, and she's there w RR maybe, or in her office at the league, and this is so so so fucking self indulgent on my part bc I have this lil au abt Geeta and Diantha as well, but like,,,, ough,,,,, imagine Alt Geeta smirking at Geeta tho, telling her how Diantha died, how her angel fell from grace, how her screams echoed within the chambers, how she was killed by a pack of Houndoom. Geeta couldn't fucking believe what she fucking heard man, her own hands were shaking like crazy, the want to punch and go batshit on Alt Geeta fucking flared, and Alt Geeta was there going, "what are you so mad about? If anything, we took her away from that incompetent dragon tamer she calls her husband." Then she mutters under her breath, "unfortunately, even in her final moments she still chose him."
And ofc, Geeta's there telling Alt that Diantha didn't deserve that, she didn't deserve to die, none of them deserves to die. Then Alt Geeta gives her this dark af glare as she stands from her seat, stalking towards Geeta, almost growling, "if I can't have her then no one can."
Your honour they make me so fucking ill I can't hcmxbxmx
Imagine how that mustve been for Diantha tho, hearing from Drasna how her alt self was killed, how it was Geeta who killed her, and it's by a pack of Houndoom, can you imagine how hurt Dia must've been w that tho, how much it'll fuck her up, bc she knows its not her Geeta who did it, it's the one in this universe, but man she knows she just fucking knows she entrusted the same three people about that trauma of hers, about her past: Drasna, Geeta, and Lance. Like chdmxbnd your honour please😭😭
But either way, Geeta's going through it™ lmfao
W Hau tho,,, y'know imagine if he gets killed by an Ultra Beast, maybe Nihilego bc that's the one w Lusamine right?? That or like,, the cockroach looking one, Pheromosa?? I'm so sorry I'm not familiar w the Ultra Beasts except for Guzzlord and Buzzwole (bc this one's in unite lmao). But anyways, idk, like,,, Lusamine maybe killing Hau, bc ofc, he's friends w her children, imagine her killing off Hau infront of Gladion and Lillie tho, to show them what happens if they defy her again and oughchmdhx that's fucked up your honour Gladion would go apeshit too lmfaooo
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. hello! for the next fic finder i was hoping you could help me find this fic where wwx is a firefighter i think?? lwj works in the same team and nmj is the captain, jc is a cop. i remember lwj lost a-yuan (who is wwx's son) in a tsunami if i remember correctly? also background xiyao and xuanli. the other thing i remember is wwx ride a motorcycle but lwj thinks it's a bad idea bcs it's dangerous
FOUND! Like a House on Fire by KouriArashi (T, 82k, Modern au, Paramedics, Firefighters, Light angst, Mutual pining, Kid fic, Past drug use, Past child abuse, Families of choice, Domestic fluff)
2. Hi!! Your posts r always so helpful and I lost this book so now I'm literally tearing my hair out looking for it. The only scene I remember was Wangxian being married and WWX was diagnosed with mental health problems (i think?) and he had a bad encounter with Madam Yu and the Lans (LWJ, LQR, LXC and i think JGY was also there?) got really protective of him and tried to comfort him. Huhuhu asking for help to find this before I go crazy o(╥﹏╥)
FOUND? The Wild Geese's Tomb by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (T, 66k, Time Travel, Fix-it, Hurt/comfort, Temporary character death) @vulpestars thinks it might be this one - Is #2 The Wild Geese’s Tomb? I was going nuts trying to find it recently 😅
3. Hi sorry to bother you but I couldn’t find it looking by myself, there was a Wangxian fic I read a while ago I don’t think it’s finished? But basically older Wei Ying is hired to teach at a boarding school I think it was - there were definitely dorms - and he taught cultivation history which he thought was fake, it wasn’t QUITE reincarnation but I think cultivation clans using the same names was a thing like there’d been a few of everyone. Lan Zhan was a student and believed in cultivation like literally everyone else at the school that wasn’t Wei Ying. The last chapter I think they ended up in the cloud recesses and got there by plane. Thanks for your consideration!
FOUND! Retrouvaille by wxparoxysm (T, 69k, WIP, Modern au, Teacher WWX, Student LWJ)
4. Hi mods! I've been looking for this fic for ages and haven't had any luck...basically it was a post-canon fic and the premise is WWX either needs new clothes for some important event and/or LWJ wants to buy him new clothes, and ofc since they're married they have to be in Lan colours. WWX is reluctant bc of past trauma that he was never allowed to wear Jiang colours, and his whole life he kept wearing black/neutral colours and felt like he never belonged anywhere. The ending is him finally wearing his own version of the Lan colours and basically feeling like he's finally part of the family. I hope this is accurate enough and thank you!!
FOUND! Shake the Heavy by Fruitys (T, 5k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study, Fluff and Angst)
5. Hello :) I hope you can help me. I'm looking for a fic but I can't remember many details. The main (and hopefully identifiable) thing is an exchange between LWJ and WWX, I think they left the Cloud Recesses and were in Caiyi town for the day? And LWJ tries to be sassy and refers to WWX as "sweetheart" in the Gusu Dialect, but WWX doesn't understand and thinks it's a swear word? Then he torments a pining LWJ by saying it repeatedly, finally agreeing to stop only if LWJ calls him sweetheart again. @epiphanyx7​
FOUND! Your Hand in Mine by cerbykerby (T, 20k, Humor, Pining, cursed to hold hands, Light Angst, Sharing a Bed, Fluff)
6. Hi! Hope you are ok! I'm looking for a fic, please. I don't remember much, but what I do remember is that WWX doesn't die, but  he rescues a group of children and treats all of them as his own. There are two girls, one of them who could be A-Qing, and two boys, A-Yuan and, possibly, Xue Yang, and the scene with the statue 13/16 years later still happens... I think he creates and teaches another type of cultivation, maybe talismans?, to his children. Thanks for your amazing work!!
Hi! I am the anon who asked question 6 on your last fic finder. Thank you! I just wanted to say I actually found the fic, and it was nothing like I described it, sorry. Well, there were two 'girls', but it was more like a woman, not A-Qing, but Wen Qing... the story is The storm comes and goes (and I keep walking), by Naamah_Beherit. But I will definitely read the one you suggested. Thanks a lot!!
FOUND! The storm comes and goes (and I keep walking) by Naamah_Beherit (M, 41k, Blood and injury, No Romance, Canon-Typical Violence, Found Family, Canon Divergence)
NOT FOUND! and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, Sound of Music au, Slow burn, spies to lovers???, Angst with a happy ending)
7. Hello, could you please help find a fic. I checked all time travel tags but i can't find a fic, all i remember is - LWJ time travels or something to sunshot campaign times & Wuxian expects him to argue but he just hugs him.Also Jiang Cheng n all keep leaving Wuxian alone in battlefield but Wangji keeps finding him and keeps company. He also keeps tent warm for Wuxian n feeds him food .
@ibovaryyou says For #7 I’m pretty sure it’s crack of dawn by shinocchi but it’s not on ao3 anymore as far as I know
8. Actually, next fic finder, can I get help with that fic? I remember Wen Qing spending a month making incense and medicine so Wangxian would have the stamina to go five times in one night, Wei Wuxian really doesn’t want to admit he’d had nightmares about dual cultivating with Wen Qing, but in the end he does cultivate a yin core. It was a WIP, if that helps.
FOUND! i had to abandon myself (you took all of me) by justdoityoufucker (E, 35k, WIP, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Not Jiang Clan friendly, Chronic Pain, Cultivation Sect Politics, Dual Cultivation, LWJ fucks a core into WWX)
9. Can you find an ao3 fic on wangxian it's in modern time it's about wei ying being a detective or police officer in a bar getting drunk and being led away with lan zhan but he's apart of the Mafia like a crime boss or dark!lan zhan. Sorry I don't remember much than them doing papapa while wei ying is drunk I do remember wangji taking wei ying to a limo or car but can you please help me find it. You can take your time I just want to remember what fanfiction it was.
FOUND? Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 105k, wangxian, criminal underworld au, crime boss LWJ, rogue criminal genius WWX, dark LWJ, ABO, cat & mouse dynamics, WIP)
10. Could you help me find this fic? It's another yllz wwx fic, but in this one wwx isn't quite right in the head. He's wacky. He kidnaps both LWJ and JYL, but isn't particularly cruel to them even though they're scared of him. Its not a canon divergence, I think it's reincarnation? They have memories of the past (future?) but they're foggy. WWX just wants company. He's alone in the burial mounds; save for the servants. The servants are there willingly but they were all... uh, non-con teleported? @untdoc
FOUND! @ehyde thinks it might be this Twitter thread fic - I think 10 is this threadfic on twitter, I'm not sure if it's been crossposted to ao3
11. hey, could you help me find a fic where Wei Wuxian doesn't want to live anymore, so he dies in the demon slaughtering cave. Wen Qing was really worried about him, she sends A-yuan to check and he finds Wei ying's body. They bury Wei ying's body in a makeshift grave. Somehow, I don't really remember how, Lan Zhan and the others find out about and help the remaining Wen, but A-yuan is skittish with a lot of them, especially the jin.(sorry for my bad english)
FOUND? To Offer a Heart by WhiteCrane (M, 111k, Heavy Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon Divergence, CQL verse)
12. I need help to find a fic where cangse sanren and wei changze is alive and have a house in Yiling. After sunshot, wei changze was tasked to divide Wen sect properties to the allies sect. South Qishan, went to WQ and her family and North Qishan to be divided between allies sec Thank you! @hid9884
FOUND! +1 Life (一生 Yīshēng) by SnowY14 (T, 78k, Time Travel Fix-it, Happy ending, Fluff, Humor, Light angst)
13. For fic finder, I was looking for this fic where everyone from Yunmeng is descended from He Xuan (TGCF), and they're all can eat a lot. I remember that Meng Yao found out he was a descendant too. It wasn't a whole comprehensible story, but a lot of different scenes at different times that follow the MDZS timeline. I also remember that WCZ and CSSR were both alive. One of the scenes I remember is that there was a banquet at Lotus Pier, and LXC found out, and realized why WWX and JC didn't abide by the 3 bowels of rice rule at Cloud Recesses
FOUND! Black Water Flows by Nika_Raven_Celeste (T, 4k, Canon Divergence, TGCF Crossover, Cannibalism, Crack treated seriously, No golden core transfer)
14. Hi there! I was wondering if you could maybe help me find a fic? It could be fix it or canon divergent I really don't know. All I remember was wx were getting married and lwj was coming to collect wwx and he had to face his family first. A-yuan had a wooden toy sword to fight him with but lwj just crouched down and opened his arms for a hug and a-yuan gave up immediately lmao it was super super cute!!! I just can't remember which fic this scene is from!
FOUND! CH 7 of  Wei Wuxian, Who's That? by bumbledees (T, 48k, wangxian, pining, crossdressing, everyone lives au)
15. I swear I read this fic, it's a crossover w/ tgcf i think wwx is hualian's kid and he attended the cloud recesses lecture but he noticed someone following him and i think it's he xuan?? i think hx eats the waterborne abysss but that might be a different fic idk pls help me find either one of them 😭 Please can you help me find it or tell me if it was just a fever dream 😭
FOUND? There's a STALKER in the CLOUD RECESSES??? by cringewerewolf (G, 5k, TGCF Crossover, Canon Divergence, Stalking, Humor)
16.  Hiiii. I absolutely love your blog. It's the reason I don't get board or in our of fic recs.  I am trying to find this fic that seemed to have vanished from Ao3 (or maybe I'm just not searching hard enough) but I remember that WWX and LWJ hate-court each other. Like, they hate and challenge each other all the time and while challenging each other it leads to who is better at Courting and soon they get married.  I also remember Madam Yu's and Sect Leader Jiangs POV and it alternates to others as well.  Hope you can help me find it.
FOUND? A Good Match by oleanderedits (G, 7k, Pt.1 of series, Spite courting, fake dating to real dating, comedy)
17.   Hello, I am looking for a fic where the Gusu Lan elders kill WWX after they trap him in a spirit binding net on a nighthunt and he explodes, but he goes back in time. I think it was a 2 part, where in the second LWJ goes feral, and kills almost everyone in the Lan sect, and JWY arrives in time to see the massacre and LXC shows him his brother's head? I really would appreciate your help, I can't find it anywhere. Thank you so much!
Hello, I am number 17. Thank you so much, but I read this one, and it was a different one I remember. The explosion part was important, because when LWJ loses his mind he is cradling it. Thank you nevertheless! 🥰 @boxedbutterfly
NOT FOUND! I think this one is Curse The Elders series by JaenysBloodcourt (Not rated, wangxian, major character death, time travel fix-it, not gusu lan friendly, fluff & angst, happy ending on the first part, heavy angst on the second)
85 notes · View notes
kittydemon9000 · 3 years
So, with Kalmaar, he ofc immediately goes to his parents about his feeling, slightly placing his revenge on hold. They are...dubious about it, but Maya raises the point of how there has never been a human/merlopian hybrid before, and from what Ray has told them about having two EM parents it’s possible for Kai to have some water abilities himself, which could be what gave Kalmaar his feeling. So, they agree to look into it.
Moving on..... Uh. Kai doesn’t have a fun time in S6, as briefly as he’s there. You see, Nahdakahn knows exactly what buttons to press and is able to get Kai into a panicked state where he, on the verge of a panic attack and mental breakdown, just says “I wish that I could just be normal! I wish I could just go home! I wish I could be with dad and mom and father and Kal and Bentho and Nya!!!”
The “normal” comment comes from how they weren’t able to completely hide Kai’s heritage since yeah, there were other people on the boat who saw him. That and he also tried a lot less to keep it hidden. And because some humans are assholes, he has to deal with that.
So ofc, Nahdakahn interprets it in the worst ways and as two wishes. Kai is now a full human yes….but was also sent to where the fish fam currently were……which just so happened to be at the bottom of the ocean.
So yeah, double trauma for both groups. Kai got to experience what drowning felt like, and his fam was essentially forced to watch him die since there was nothing they could do. They were too far under to take him to the surface and too far from the palace to take him there.
But dw, it gets even worse.
You see, the whole reason Nahdakahn is being this malicious about Kai’s wishes is because he learned that Kai was the reason the Preeminent was destroyed, thereby destroying Djinjago.
Nahdakahn is then able to do a “oh? Is this not what you wanted? I thought you wished to be normal.” Which ofc sounds really bad since it’s in front of his family. “But, I understand. You grow tired of the stares in the street, how they whisper behind you back about what you are. Not human, not merlopian, not normal. Just a freak masquerading as one of them.”
This ofc supremely pisses off the fam. Like, weapons drawn ready to commit murder.
But then Nahdakahn stop them with a “ah ah ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. After all, I am the only way your son has a chance at living. So go ahead. Make a wish.”
Trimaar ends up being the one to do it, and is smart enough to know this uh will twist it in anyway he can so says. “I wish for Kai to be sent safely to the surface without harm done upon him.”
Blah blah blah, your wish is yours to keep, Trimaar realizing “wait there’s a lot that could be interpreted” but too late BAM now Kai’s kinda stuck on the Misfortune’s Keep.
And he....generally has a pretty bad time. Think Jay but this time it’s personal.
However, Kai’s appearance had Trimaar get the Merlopian army and start heading to the surface. The remaining ninja have a brief moment of “are you kidding me two enemies at once” before learning that this is Kai’s lost family and they’re here to help.
So now the ninja have a whole ass fish army to help them, plus a very protective, very angry fish family.
But for the rest of canon, the only difference is that when they’re leaving Tiger Widow Island, Nya gets snatched along with Jay(who was taken because he hadn’t used his wish yet) and they aren’t stuck on the island, and then later that Kai gets sucked into the sword when the ninja launch their rescue mission.
But yeah, it gets all Un-Happened by Jay’s wish(which at seeing Kai physically hurt and being emotionally torn apart at his baby sister dying, wished that none of this ever happened and that Nahdakahn was never found), only like canon Nya and Jay still remember what happens.
Nya is now firmly on team Kai Is Alive and tells her parents everything about what happened and the wish Jay made, and more importantly where Kai is.
Unfortunately, they need to take some time and prepare. Trimaar and Maya have been doing their best over the years to open the populace possibly making bonds with the humans, but now it’s finally happening. They can’t just go up there out of no where, since from what Nya has told them 1) most humans don’t even know they exist and 2) in the past few years they have been subject of many attacks, mostly from non-humans, so they need to make sure the humans understand they don’t mean any harm.
So DotD happens, then the beginnings of S7 :)
Right out, Kai never liked the museum curator. Up to that point he’d only ever caught fleeting glimpse of him but something about him Kai just despised. As a result, he also visited the museum as scarcely as possible, and thus didn’t notice a very interesting painting containing a two very strange figures.
When he learns his name was Dr.Saunders.....things don’t go well.
It happened when Kai brought the helmet with his dad’s symbol on it. As much as he disliked the curator, he was the most likely to be able to recognize what kind of helmet it was.
Then in his anger he gets himself captured.
He’s taken to a special cell lined with vengestone and has guards around the clock, and Krux takes extra care to make sure Kai doesn’t know where Ray is.
ofc it’s around this time that the Merlopians arrive and express their wishes for a possible alliance between their two races. Unfortunately they showed up at literally the worst time, and double unfortunately the people in charge of diplomacy decide to bring some of the ninja in as an extra precaution because of the villains have been running around.
So the people who join the meeting are Lloyd and Jay from the ninja(they would’ve brought Kai but he hasn’t returned from his missions yet and isn’t answering their calls) as well as some police officers and from the Merlopians is the whole royal family plus a few guards.
Both Jay and Nya have a silent moment of staring at each other since “I know and I’m not sure you know but I think you know but I don’t want to say anything since you might not”
And just as they’re about to start, The Time Twins attack. Because why the hell not.
They’re actually able to hold them off for a while, but unfortunately there are too many Vermillion. Then Kalmaar whips out his Water Powers which causes him to get kidnapped since they need both Fire and Water masters for the blade.
While they’re recovering, Lloyd then gets a panicked call from Zane saying that he checked the museum footage and Kai has been captured. The gets overheard by the royal family, and then Lloyd asks why they looked so upset at which they learn(sans Jay since wish) that Kai is royalty. The eldest son actually, and thus first in line for the throne, as well as being presumed dead for the past five years.
So basically Krux has kidnapped the King and Queen’s husband, the crown prince, and the second in line prince(if anyone knows a more fancy term for this please let me know)
Maya, Trimaar, Nya and Benthomaar are not happy. Not with the Ninjagian people, no they’re fine, but they’re bout ready to murder Krux, and they don’t even know about Ray yet.
So they offer any help they can.
Zap back to how Kai and Kalmaar are doing.
Kalmaar is….kind feral tbh. Like, he’s biting, clawing, trying to strangle them with his tentacles, and before they got vengestone cuffs on him was trying very hard to drown anyone.
Ofc, this does little to the Vermillion and soon Kalmaar finds himself in the cell right next to Kai’s. He’s overjoyed to see his brother again, albeit upset that this is why.
They both reluctantly come to the conclusion that there isn’t much they can do at the moment, and there are many Vermillion guards right outside their cells, so they decide to start catching up.
And for pretty much the rest of the season canon is pretty much the same, just shuffle around the characters a bit and add a protective Fish Fam. 
Though their little trip back in time is quite sight for the Past EMs, especially because of how Kalmaar is using his powers, which leaves Kai mostly stuck in his Fish Form. This time they don’t even bother trying to explain, just give instructions on how to defeat the Vermillion and jumping into the battle. 
And I mean just imagine that from the EMs perspective. An enemy you thought you defeated just returned with a giant metal creature and an army of snake things that don’t look like any kind of Serpentine they’d ever seen. Then a shark person and squid person??? show up and not only do they know how to fight the snake things but they also seem to be Elemental Masters???? Despite the fact Ray is very much alive and they didn’t even know there was a Water EM. Then the two not only summon dragons but they also fuse their dragons into an even bigger one with two heads.
And then all of them disappear into the sky without a trace.
W i l d
But yeah, after that it calms down quite a bit. Kai spends the time skip before S8 reconnecting with his family and his dad, and through some tech courtesy of Borg they're able to bring Ray with them :D
And Kai actually goes to meet the Jade Royal Family since y’know. He’s the crown prince. He’s kinda important and legitimately forgot about it. Luckily Kalmaar is able to help coach Kai through it, but is also a bit smug about how he finally has something to teach to his older brother. Kai was actually the one who suggested asking the ninja for help protecting the mask.....but we know how that inevitably ends.
Bentho, Kal and Nya were actually on the ship for this particular adventure, and then Nya and Bentho were dragged along when they got sent to the First Realm. Bentho, despite being the youngest sibling and to the surprise of literally everyone, was actually really good with kids and spent the most time with Little Wu, right behind Cole.
But yeah S9......Nya and Bentho have a really bad time in the First Realm beause of the heat, but at least they don’t get captured. Kai on the other hand....
Yeah at some point he gets accidentally splashed with water and well.....it definitely doesn’t help with the Oni accusations. The Dragon Hunters decide to burn him along with the Wind Dragon, which moves up their Build Our Own Dragon time table.
After they escape Faith is actually pretty chill about the whole fish thing, but she does ask a lot of questions. 
And then S10..... kinda the same. They end up dropping off as many people as they can with the Merlopians since the smoke can’t reach them.
I might make a Part 3 for the rest of the seasons, but yeah. this is where we’re at.
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Title: Kismet {2}
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Henry Cavill x Famous OFC Aliya Taylor
Warning: Plot Heavy, Slow Burn, Mild Cursing, Flirtation
Words: 4.9k
Summary: Aliya is a singer turned model turned actress. Since she was fifteen, she’s been creating her empire in the entertainment world. As the daughter of a famous fashion model/designer and Hollywood director, you’d think life is easy for her, but her past has been anything but easy. Due to past trauma, she’s forever changed and no longer trusts any man that is not in her family and a select few in her team. She’s sworn off love and serious relationships and has planned never to fall again, but love isn’t something that can be planned. It just happens when it’s meant to. Can Aliya outrun a love that seems hellbent on holding tight to her, a love that is Kismet?
Note: I did something a little different this chapter with POVs. You’ll see it toward the end. Let me know if it was confusing or if you guys liked it. Also there are Google Translations in text. If they are wrong, I apologize. I hope you enjoy this. ❤️❤️
If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!! 😘  As always, thank you so much for reading. ❤️❤️
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: 1 | 
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 He could feel the eyes of those around him. He’d been recognized. You’d think that years of being in the industry, he’d be immune to the stares, whispers, and not so discreet pictures of him being taken. He was not. It was always like the first time. It was difficult for him not to feel self-conscious about it either. Doing a once over of the restaurant, he made a mental note of where everyone who looked suspicious was. Most of them looked away when they saw him looking around, but there were a few bold ones who kept looking and even one or two extra bold who tried to make eye contact while giving the classic seductress lip bite. When that happened, he usually gave a quick, polite nod before looking away, never to look back.
 Tonight was no different, except he couldn’t stop thinking about one woman—you. It wasn’t enough that he’d dreamt of you last night in ways that were unexpected seeing how he’d just unofficially met you. He couldn’t explain how he felt. It was strange and new. He’d met beautiful women before, women that were drop dead gorgeous with an equally amazing and impressive body. The physical aspects of you were not what was keeping him enthralled. It was something else, something he saw in your eyes when he held you, something his body felt once he touched your skin, something his heartfelt when you spoke. It was unexplainable at this time, but just because he couldn’t explain it didn’t mean he couldn’t dwell on the feeling.
“Dude, I’ve been calling and texting you all night. What the hell?”
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Jean, had his arms stretched out nonverbally, asking, “what the hell?”
 “You have?”
 “Yeah. Pick up your phone,” Jean finished.
 “I didn’t know. I don’t have my phone,” he replied as he leaned back. The eyes of his three friends dropped to the table where your phone was. It looked identical to his.
 “It’s right there, man,” William said, pointing to it.
 “This isn’t mine.”
 “Uh, it looks like yours,” Jameson informed.
 “Yeah, but it’s not.”
 They all looked confused. Stifling his laughter, he began explaining to them. He knew they were probably going to lose their minds.
 “Yesterday, I had a meeting about Witcher, so I’m coming off the elevator on my phone, and I run smack into Aliya Taylor.”
 The eyes of the gents around him widened as they sat up more alert.
 “Thee Aliya Taylor?” Nodding his answer to Jameson, he gulped his Guinness before continuing.
 “She almost falls over, so my reflexes kick in, and I catch her and set her upright. She recovers and gets on the elevator. I pick up what I thought was my phone, but I just spent the last night realizing that this is not my phone,” he finished.
 The three of them sat there silently, each thinking over the bit of news he’d just shared. Saying it out loud, it sounded like a plot from a romcom. It was absolutely ridiculous. Things like these never happen in real life.
 “So, you have Aliya Taylor’s phone.”
 “I have Aliya Taylor’s phone, and she has mine,” he laid out.
 Jameson, his oldest friend, slid back with a shocked expression on his face. “Wow. That’s bonkers.”
 Releasing a chuckle, he nodded in agreement.
 “So, what have you doing on her phone?”
 He knew that was going to be William’s next question. He could also guess another one of his questions was going to be about your pictures.
 “What you would find on a typical woman’s phone,” he answered.
 “So, selfies, nudes, clothes, and makeup?”
 The laughter around the table filled the space around them, giving him enough of a reprieve to drink down some more of his Guinness.
 “Not sure about the nudes. I saw a half nude then stopped. I felt weird like I was violating her privacy.”
 “The better question is, what’s on your phone, mate?” That was when he made a face knowing full well what might be on his phone.
 “There might be a few nudes,” he admitted. His friends laughed again, but he didn’t find it funny at all. “Oh Christ, I hope she hasn’t seen them.”
 “Mate, Aliya Taylor could be checking out your knob right now and fancying what she sees,” Jean teased.
 “Shut up. She hasn’t called. I’m sure she knows by now that it’s not her phone,” he audibly thought.
 “Just like you know. Call her,” Jameson urged.
 He sat there for a few moments thinking about if that were the right move rather than a text. His friends could see his hesitation. So passed the next five or so minutes with them trying to convince him a call was the best option. With a unanimous decision, he picked up the phone as his friends squeezed in to look.
 “Aw, flowers how adorable,” William teased. He ignored their laughter and dialed his number. He had no idea if you’d pick up or not.
 The phone rang three times, and just when he thought you weren’t going to pick up, he heard your voice. It was soft and hesitant.
 Silence. His eyed automatically widened as he froze. His friends around him motioned to him, telling him to speak. That was when his brain restarted.
 “Yes, hi. This is Henry—Cavill. I bumped into you; we bumped into each other yesterday.”
 “Right, yes,” you confirmed in a professional voice. He wondered if you were slightly freaking out as much as he was on the inside. If you were, you sounded nothing but calm and collected.
 “It looks like I might have your phone,” he breached.
 “And I might have yours.”
 “It seems that way.”
 The silence stretched again, but it wasn’t entirely uncomfortable.
 “Would you like to make a plan to exchange them back? Maybe coffee tomorrow, or brunch?”
 His mouth said it before his brain caught it. Once it was out, he cringed. He sounded sleazy with a touch of desperate. It was not a good look either way. Your silence told him you thought the same thing.
 “Are you asking me out or to meet up to get your phone back?”
 It was a good question, one he didn’t have enough confidence to answer.
 “I can’t tomorrow anyway. I’m actually in London right now working. I won’t be back in LA for about a week and a half,” you informed.
 “Oh, wow.”
 “Yeah. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. If you like, I can have my assistant mail it to you express. You should get it by tomorrow night,” you suggested.
 “I would rather exchange hand to hand. My phone has a lot of very personal stuff on it.”
 “As does mine,” you added.
 “I would suspect so. The most secure thing would be when you return to LA,” he countered.
 “Can you go without a phone for that long?”
 A smile spread across his face. “I’ll be using yours.”
 Your laughter was loud and unexpected. He couldn’t help but smile wider because of it. He wondered what you looked like while you laughed. Catching a glimpse of his friends’ faces, he wiped the smile off his face and shook the thought away.
 “Feel free to use mine,” he added.
 “And is someone important calls like Spielberg or a Francesca?”
 That was when he knew you’d looked in his phone. He wasn’t angry. He was filled with something else—regret maybe. Regret that you’d seen things that he couldn’t explain then and there or beforehand. His friends all had the same look on their faces. It was one that said he’d been caught.
 “If it’s Spielberg, yes, answer on the first ring.”
 Again, you laughed. You were good for his ego; he thought to himself before continuing.
 “Francesca, no need to answer, we have nothing to talk about.” It was the truth. “What about if it’s Tyra Banks or Liam or Jesse. Do I answer?”
 The silence stretched for several long moments. He wondered if you would answer, and his friends looked equally interested. What seemed like a long while later, he heard you speak again.
 “Tyra Banks answer at your own risk, she’ll pump you for info until you’re blue in the face. If it’s Liam or Jesse, if I were you, I wouldn’t. They have strong jealous tendencies.”
 The answer was unexpected, and it was an answer he didn’t quite like. “Who doesn’t these days,” he stated. Neither of you spoke for a few moments after.
 “So, a week and a half?”
 “Sounds like a date,” he responded. You giggled. He liked the sound of it.
 “Yes, a date,” he confirmed.
 “I never said anything about a date.”
 “I know, but I also know there was some sort of spark between us yesterday, and I know you felt it too.”
 Again you were quiet. Yeah, it was bold, but he knew that he wouldn’t get any answers to the multitude of questions he had without some bold move forward.
 “You’ll have your phone back in a week and a half. Goodbye, Henry,” you said before you ended the call.
 Without knowing he’d been holding it, he released his breath and sat back in his seat.
 “Jeez, she’s a firecracker,” Jameson professed.
 That’s the least of it, he thought.
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 Your time in London was hectic. You were all over the place. Your photoshoots took you all over the English countryside. You frolicked in green pastures, posed on trees, in trees. You rode horses and pretended to play cricket. You posed with English roses and having afternoon tea all the while in the latest in fashion, and all dolled up in makeup. When your days began at five in the morning, they didn’t end until ten at night. If they began at night, you were not back in your hotel room until six in the morning.
 On the days your modeling responsibilities didn’t rule your schedule you worked within your company. You were still in the midst of putting out your first magazine that you hoped would be up to par with Vogue or Bazaar. The goal was to do what they did, just better, and geared for a more ethnic audience, but you were now working on ways to be a bit inclusive—but not much. You wanted black and brown people to feel included, seen, represented, and heard. It was a lot of work, but you knew it would be worth it. Your launch was scheduled for a few months from now, and your excitement was reaching epic proportions with each passing day.
 This project was your baby, you put sweat, blood, tears, sleepless nights, and everything ounce of your energy into it. You sometimes neglected having a life for it, and that included dating. It was what you told yourself was the reason for your lack of dating. At the surface, it sufficed, but deep down, you knew you were full of shit. No one else had to know that, though. All anyone needed to know was that you liked to work, and you were damn good at everything you did. You made sure of it.
 With your current phone situation, you used Henry’s phone to do everything. No one recognized the number, and when they saw it, they always wanted to question you on what was going on. You were thankful that whoever you called didn’t have his number, or else the caller ID would say his name whenever you called, then you’d have a lot of explaining to do.
 On your fourth day in London, you were sitting in the tub soaking after a long day when his phone went off with a notification signifying a text. When you looked at it, you couldn’t help but smile.
 MSG Your Phone: Travis and Jesse have called three times so far. I haven’t answered, but you have an overflow of messages and voicemails.
 You smiled and wondered if he was fishing for details. When you reread the message, you tried to pick up on any hint of jealousy. There was none.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: Francesca and Abby haven’t called, but the messages are overflowing. Would you like me to forward them?
 After barely waiting a minute, another message came in.
 MSG Your Phone: No. As I said, we have nothing to talk about. Would you like me to forward your voicemails?
 Again you smiled. He was fishing.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: Nah. They can wait.
 You had to giggle. You didn’t plan on giving him not one detail.
 MSG Your Phone: How is London treating you?
MSG Henry’s Phone: It’s fine.
MSG Your Phone: Did the sun come out for you?
MSG Henry’s Phone: Nope. Raining cats and dogs.
 You sank deeper into the tub and took up the glass of wine you had rested at the side. After a decent sip, you placed the wine glass back and sighed.
 MSG Your Phone: Glad to know mother nature treats you just as how she treats me.
MSG Henry’s Phone: Are you in London a lot?
MSG Your Phone: I mainly live in London. I come to LA for work but am spending more and more time here for work, or on location.
 The thought popped into your head of where he lives. You wondered if you’d passed it. As soon as you began thinking about it, you pushed the thoughts out of your head.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: Oh, so you’re a Brit. Interesting.
 It was a stupid reply. Duh, he was a Brit, the accent in interviews you’d watched since bumping into him made it a dead giveaway. It was the only thing you could think of.
 MSG Your Phone: What is that interesting?
MSG Henry’s Phone: I completely missed your accent.
 It wasn’t a lie.
 MSG Your Phone: You were rather distracted.
 You couldn’t help but giggle again. It was adorable how confidant he was. This was not the first display of it. Deciding to throw him off, you shot your final text.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: Gotta run, goodbye Henry.
 Instead of putting the phone down, you reread the messages. With each message, you found yourself smiling wider and wider until you noted a giddy feeling rushing through you. Nipping it in the bud, you put the phone down and closed your eyes, deciding to focus only on relaxing. Unfortunately, the two hemispheres of your brain weren’t in agreement. One wanted Henry, the other wanted relaxation.
Two days of working and forcing yourself to focus on work and everything related to it found you drifting onto the side of overstressed and worked. Any normal human would do everything to alleviate the discomfort, but you, you did everything in your power to prolong it. You knew what the root of it was, and you didn’t want to entertain any parts of your growing curiosity about him. Though you didn’t want to entertain your thoughts about him, you found yourself two days later sitting on your hotel room balcony with a glass of wine thinking of no other but him.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: Why don’t you have a lock code on your phone?
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As you waited, you sipped from your glass and stared out to the London Eye. It was one of your favorite parts of the city. Sometimes at night, you liked to ride it and just think about your life. You especially liked having it stop at the top. It gave you such a beautiful view of the city and the lights it always took your breath away.
 <With Henry>
 He heard the chime of the phone in the next room. He turned the flame on the stove down to low, so the sauce he had simmering wouldn’t thicken too quickly and made his way to his bedroom for the phone on the nightstand. When he took it up, his smile was wide when he saw his number and the name he’d designated himself as highlighted.  When he opened it and read the message, he couldn’t stop the victory dance that he did around his two-bedroom home that went on for much longer than he’d ever admit to.
 When he stopped, he was back in the kitchen, hovered over the counter.
 MSG Your Phone: What do I need a code for?
 As he anxiously waited for your reply, he put the phone on the counter several inches from him. He hoped this would stop him from sending message after message. When he realized that it wasn’t enough, his idle hands still wanted work, so he went back to stirring his pot.
 <With Aliya>
 His reply had you wrinkling your nose. He sounded so flippant about it.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: Well, for one, you’re an actor with a lot of private high secret info regarding movies on your phone. Anything can get leaked. For two, this is the twenty-first century, and the average person has at least six pieces of incriminating material on their phones. That incriminating material can end up on TMZ or US Weekly, hell every Perez Hilton.
 You couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of that. This was logic to you, logic you couldn’t believe no one else had.
 <With Henry>
 He nearly laughed out loud from your message. This was definitely a concern of someone whose star of fame was up there in the stratosphere. He didn’t consider his fame to be anywhere near that high. Yeah, he had fans that ventured on highly over spirited, but on the ever swinging pendulum of fame, he was somewhere a few notches past middle ground. He was glad for it. Already he found his level of fame to be somewhat invasive and debilitating. He could not imagine dealing with your level of fame.
 MSG Your Phone: I’m not nearly important enough for anyone to want to hack into my phone to blast info. Also, yes, this is the twenty-first century, but I am anything but the average man. That doesn’t apply to me.
 <With Aliya>
 You liked his reply. It said a lot about him but also left so many things hidden, things you absolutely wanted to know more about.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: So, there is nothing on your phone that you wouldn’t want a stranger, me seeing?
 You thought back to his pictures and the women in his text history and wondered how he would respond. This time you finished your wine with the raise of your hand and poured the remaining contents of the bottle into it as you waited for his reply.
  <With Henry>
 Immediately his mind went to his suggestive nudes and the messages with Abby and Francesca. Those were the only two things he worried about.
MSG Your Phone: Yes, there are things I wouldn’t want you seeing. A stranger, I don’t really care.
 Your message came in almost immediately.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: What makes me so different? I am a stranger.
 Smiling, he turned off the fire, took up the saucepan and poured the caramelized onion, garlic, butter, and wine sauce over his perfectly prepared steak. After putting the saucepan in the sink for washing later, he walked to the dining table with his steak and potatoes dish. He was still living on a high protein diet to keep himself in Witcher shape.
 MSG Your Phone: So I’m a stranger?
MSG Your Phone: Yes. I don’t know you.
 He thought about your words for a few moments as he sliced a piece of his steak to pop into his mouth. As he chewed, he knew the right response.
 MSG Your Phone: Do you want to know me?
  <With Aliya>
 It was bold as hell. You couldn’t believe the words as you reread them for the fourth time. What the hell did you say to that? What did he expect you to say? What did you want to say? The only answer that fits every question was you didn’t know.
 MSG Your Phone: Something easier then. Why don’t you have a code on your phone?
 Sighing out in relief, you took a few gulps of your wine.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: I did, I was in the process of changing it when I bumped into you and never completed it, so both were void.
MSG Your Phone: Oh, so it was fate then.
 You almost rolled your eyes into the back of your head so far they got stuck.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: Fate?
MSG Your Phone: Yes, fate that we bumped into each other at the exact moment you took the code off your phone and then happened to have lost your phone to me. Fate that gave me ten days to peruse it if I chose to. Fate that gave me ten days to make a plan.
 Your smile was widening every second that ticked by. The man was charismatic.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: A plan? To what exactly?
  <With Henry>
 His smile was big. This was going just as he hoped. The only thing left for him to do was take it there.
 MSG Your Phone: To make you mine.
 He wished he could see your face right now.
  <With Aliya>
 Gasping for air, you continued to cough. The wine was still trapped in your windpipe. As you struggled for air, you tried to calm your panic. After several moments you found yourself able to catch a full breath.
 “Holy shit,” you finally gasped. The man was bold as hell for real. You read the message again, and again each time the shock remained. You couldn’t believe he actually said that. A flirtatious feeling washed over you, and you decided to run with it.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: You can’t make something or someone a possession that doesn’t want to be possessed.
MSG Your Phone: I think you want to be possessed.
 Scoffing, you shook your head and stared at the London Eye again and looked over the lights of the city.
 MSG Henry’s Phone: Are you sure?
 As soon as you sent the message, his phone chimed again, except this wasn’t a message from him. It was from Abby. Almost instantly, a sour taste filled your mouth, and your face reflected that. It was like a slap to your face telling you to wake the hell up and come back to reality. That was when your bitch face came out to play.
 MSG Your Phone: Pretty sure, but you tell me.
MSG Henry’s Phone: You should call Abby. She’s sent you fourteen messages today, most recent right now. Goodbye, Henry.
 Closing out messages, you gently tossed his phone onto the small table on the balcony, grabbed your glass, and looked out over the city.
 For the next four days, any message he sent you ignored. The one thought that kept racing through your head was that there were currently two women that were continually texting him. Though you didn’t know the specifics of why the whole situation screamed messy. You didn’t do messy; you didn’t do love triangles or squares, you didn’t do anything that screamed complicated or distracting. You didn’t care how attracted you were to him. You wouldn’t compromise your ideals for anyone—not again.
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When he changed his tactics from texting to calling, you ignored those too. You were tempted to answer, and on several occasions, you almost did until your stubbornness triumphed. You were victorious until one night in your room as you soaked in the tub after another long day. His phone rang loudly. Somehow you knew it was him. You didn’t know how, but you knew. When you reached for it and glanced at the screen, you loudly groaned as your suspicions proved correct. Closing your eyes, you tried to decide on if you’d answer or not.
 “Hi.” His voice sounded so damn good, and by the way, your belly flipped, you knew it agreed.
 “Hey,” you nonchalantly replied.
 “Did I catch you at a bad time?”
 “Uh, not really. Not unless you call catching me in the bath a bad time,” you teased.
 “Oh. I’m sorry,” Henry quickly stammered.
 “It’s fine. How can I help you?”
 Yeah, it was slightly cold, but maybe cold was the right way to be. “Hello? Henry?”
 You heard him release a puff of breath. You could imagine what it smelled like. You couldn’t picture it.
 “Whew, this is the second time I’ve heard you say my name, and it had the same effect as the first time.”
 Your belly again flipped. It was becoming a normal reaction to his words.
 “What was the effect of the first time?”
 He didn’t speak immediately, and after a minute of silence, you wondered if he would.
 “So I’m about two weeks away from finishing reshoots and prep for season two for Witcher and I really, really need some time off. I had no idea how much the process had run me down. I am physically exhausted,” he mentioned.
 “A lot of action, huh. I saw some episodes of the first season.”
 “Nice. Yeah, it’s a lot of working out and fight training. It goes on and on,” he explained.
 “Poor thing.” You were teasing him, and when he chuckled, you were glad he caught it and didn’t take offense from your condescending tone. The lite humor worked to ease away any tension in the air between you.
 “This is strange. I’m talking to someone on their cell phone while they talk to me on mine.”
 “I can see how that would be strange,” Henry replied.
 Silence fell between you again. It was a mixture of a comfortable one and one of nervousness.
 “I have to tell you before I miss my chance. You have the most amazing voice I have ever heard, and you’re an amazing artist.”
 With a racing heart and a wide grin on your face, you closed your eyes and tried to get control over the butterflies in your belly. It took you several moments to get a grip. This was not the first time you’d gotten a compliment like this, but this was the first time it made you feel like this.
 “Thank you. That’s—kind of you to say.”
 “Just stating facts. I’ve always been a fan of your music,” Henry added.
 “Thank you for that.”
 “You’re welcome. How’s work?”
 You sighed and dropped your head back on the cushion there. “Exhausting. I need a vacation or to stop getting on a plane. It takes a lot out of me,” you confessed.
 “We both need a vacation it seems,” Henry began. The way his voice sounded had you lifting your head to read between the lines.
 “Are you insinuating that we should take a vacation together?”
 “I wasn’t insinuating anything. I was thinking it, though. Seems you read my mind. Sounds like a good idea.”
 You snorted as soon as he finished. “How? We don’t know each other,” you piped up.
 “What’s a better way to get to know each other than on vacation?”
 Your jaw dropped. The man was insane. “You’re crazy. That’s a horrible idea.”
 “Tomato, tomato.”
 Your laugh was loud and almost uncontrollable. You had to give it to him, his sense of humor was top notch.
 “Plus, after our date in a few days, we’ll know each other better,” Henry confidently slid in.
 “What date?”
 “The date you want to show up for when we exchange phones.”
 Usually, this level of cockiness in a man was unattractive. You’d left plenty of them hanging for far less. With him, you found yourself not hating the cocky spiel maybe because it came off as something else—intoxicating confidence.
 “I hear an accent, too,” Henry said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
 “What accent?”
 “An Australian one. It’s faint on most words but heavy on a few.” You smiled. You’d thought it had mainly disappeared by now.
 “Not many people can hear it,” you clarified.
 “I’m good with accents and languages. I know French, some Italian, a few words and phrases in German and Czech.”
 You decided to test that theory.
 “Combien de temps at-il fallu pour apprendre le français?” (How long did it take you to learn French?) 
 “Peu de temps peut être cinq mois.” (Not long maybe five months.) Henry responded in perfect French.
 A thrill filled you.
 "Und Deutsch?”
 "Deutsch dauerte länger etwa acht Monate.” (German took longer about eight months) Henry replied in perfect enough German.
“You speak French and German?”
 “A very little bit, trust me, it wasn’t my idea. You sound like a native, though,” you complimented.
 “Thanks. I try.”
 The longer you spoke, the more intrigued you became by him, and the more intrigued you became, the more attracted to him you became. You checked the phone and saw you’d already been talking for almost forty minutes. It didn’t feel nearly that long, though. You could hear his breathing through the phone. It wasn’t heavy breathing, but soft breaths that you imagines were pleasantly warm. When you thought it, you dropped your head back to the cushion in frustration.
 “It’s pretty late here, and I have an early call tomorrow,” you began.
 “Right, I’m sorry to have kept you up.”
 “It’s okay—I guess.”
 “All right, have a good night,” Henry ended.
 “Goodbye, Henry.”
 You ended the call and sank low in the water, but not low enough to wet your hair.
 “I don’t need this now,” you groaned out before you slapped your hand on top of the water creating a small wave that splashed over the edge of the tub and cascaded onto the floor. You had to figure out a way to nip this in the bud.
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all-things-mlqc · 4 years
hi! sorry i dont know if your askbox is open, sorry if its not 😰. If it is, can i ask a scenario for who from more to less if the boys whould have "stronger stomachs", i mean who could deal with more extreme situations. (like a s/o who gets severely hurt, or has a bug acident or dealing with a pregnant s/o who has to deliver at home, etc) Thanks!
Ofc! Asks are open and I’m slowly but surely getting through them doing a few at once as well.
To be honest, the boys all have pretty strong stomachs when it comes to injuries and accidents considering the amount of chaos they’ve already been through. However, they’re all different in a way as well which I will get to. As for pregnancy at home, yeah some of these boys are a mess. Full summaries under the cut!
I honestly believe Victor has the weakest stomach among the five of them. As far as we know, he hasn’t been through as much as the others. Sure, he and MC went through some childhood trauma together, but as for more severe incidents, he doesn’t seem to have as much experience. He very much seems like he would have a hard time seeing someone dear to him in an accident and/or severely injured. The same goes for seeing unknown people this way but it hits him a lot harder when it’s someone he knows. We already know this man has anxiety levels at 100 when someone dear to him gets hurt please stop having guards follow me into the women’s bathroom for the LOVE OF GOD IM FINE. But anywho, weak stomach > strong stomach for Victor. More on the weaker side just because he has a shit ton of anxiety and doesn’t want to believe it when he sees it.
Do I have to explain for pregnancy at home? The man is FREAKING O U T. He has called guards, personal doctors, a whole team of people, literally anything his money can buy him to help MC in this situation. He doesn’t know what to do at all and tries to play it off but miserably fails at doing so. Anxiety levels have reached 1000%. His weak stomach here is also mainly from anxiety rather than blood and such but lord help his soul.
SPOILER ALERT. Kiro’s will include spoilers from both the main story and information from his latest rumors and secrets which has not yet been revealed in the main story.
Kiro is a confusing one. The best way to explain it is by putting him in a certain scenario:
One of his very close friends/loved ones has been seriously injured. Upon seeing these injuries and the blood that came with them with his own eyes, he covers his mouth from naseuousness. The idea of someone so dear to him being in such pain—
However, theres a sense of nonchalantness he couldn’t quite make out. While he may not have the strongest stomach after seeing severe injuries, he doesn’t seem as bothered as he expected to be; Almost as if he was used to it. He has an idea why but they’re only fade memories. **CHAPTER 10+ SPOILERS** Having an “alter ego” is difficult considering he doesn’t always remember everything as the other person. Kiro only has partial memories of Helios while Helios only has small fragments of Kiro. But was he really Helios that often to become used to such injuries? He can never remember but he always assumed he was Kiro more than Helios. **Rumors & Secrets Spoiler** While that may be true, Kiro isn’t his core self. Deep deep down, he isn’t Kiro at his core and only became Kiro when instructed to as a child (it was revealed that he was told to become Kiro at a young age. We don’t have too many details on this yet but I’m assuming it was either an experiment tested on him or someone’s evol getting in his head). At his core, he has seen much violence. He has been a pawn for Black Swan and has been on many missions. Blood and injuries don’t faze him in the slightest anymore. He doesn’t like making a mess of things but he also doesn’t hesitate if a job needs to be done. He’s been injured far too many times to care at this point. The reason for Kiro’s calm composure is purely because of how nothing affects him as Helios, but he, as Kiro, does not know this. This also explains Kiro’s serious hacker side as well as Helios’ soft side when it comes to MC. Kiro and Helios act so different yet have very similar traits all because they affect each other as a whole.
Now as for pregnancy, Kiro is surprisingly calm. Sure he’s nervous but he’s a lot more encouraging and reassures MC that everything will be ok. He makes calls, texts for advice and what to do in this situation, but he still remains as cool as ever. He has a pretty strong stomach with pregnancy because he knows and understands the beauty in life. After all, he is our sunshine. Seeing the baby coming doesn’t scare him, it makes him beam with joy as he continues to encourage MC to keep pushing and that she’s doing a great job. He keeps a smile on his face the whole time as to not make MC worry.
Gavin is a complicated one. He has worked with the police force ever since graduating high school. He’s a captain for not only the police force but for the secret evol organization as well. This doesn’t just mean he’s one of the strongest and most intelligent individuals in the force, but also one of the most capable during missions. You can’t freeze in a mission; You can’t hesitate in the slightest. You have to be prepared for anything and everything and that includes serious injuries or even death. You can’t let things like that faze you or you won’t make it. This tells us that Gavin has a pretty strong stomach when considering injuries or accidents. HOWEVER, as told to us in later chapters, Gavin lost his mother in a fire. Because of this, he gets much more anxious and shaken when fires are involved. Eli, Gavin’s partner, also mentioned how Gavin hates fires in general, confirming that fires are unsettling for Gavin. This doesn’t necessarily mean that Gavin can’t handle the situation, but that he has more anxiety when dealing with anything fire related. Anxiety is a different kind of effect on someone’s stomach compared to not being able to handle the sight of blood. Gavin’s weak stomach to fire incidents is purely from stress and anxiety. Other than that, Gavin has one of the strongest stomachs out of the suitors.
As for pregnancy… haha oh lord you bet your ass this man is nearly on the floor. You probably have to do the contraction count for him so he doesn’t pass out, himself. Like I said before, blood doesn’t faze him especially when he knows it’s natural during pregnancy. However, the idea of not having a professional or someone to help you gives him more anxiety than he’s ever had. He only wants you and the baby to be ok. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he suggests the idea of him flying you to the nearest hospital. And to be quite honest, that may even work considering how FAST he flies. Overall, he has a pretty strong stomach here as well. He just has a lot of anxiety when it comes to MC.
**There will also be spoilers on Shaw and his background/where he comes from. I will try to make it as discreet as possible so not too much will be spoiled for those who don’t know yet, so read at your own risk**
Again, this boy has been through thick and thin his whole life. Considering his dad is a big shot in the military/police force as well as some Evol organization, Shaw has very likely seen a lot. Because his father was a very important part of an evol organization, he wanted a child with a powerful evol and ended up having Shaw who possessed an evol at a very young age. And because of this, Shaw was taken away from any family he had and was raised by his bitch of a father if I must say so myself. In later chapters, Shaw takes out a big group of people all by himself and laughs it off (just the kind of person he is, I swear he’s not crazy, he’s just broken on the inside). While Shaw and Lucien are very similar when it comes to being mysterious, I actually think it’s more difficult to read Shaw. He’s very unpredictable so I really don’t know if injuries or accidents faze him more than I believe. However, from what we’ve seen, I don’t think he minds all that much. He has a strong stomach and can handle these sort of events but I can’t say for sure if he hates it deep down or not just because he seems very sad and lonely behind his facade.
As for pregnancy, he’s somewhat in the middle of being calm and freaking out. If any of y’all play Ikemen Vampire, think of Leo in this case. Tries to play stuff off, panics on the inside, but still knows what to do in this situation. He’s more or less quiet in this situation as well. No sassy remarks, more focused and even supportive Shaw? supportive??? Yes he can be a good boy too, he’s just an asshat 99% of the time. I’m also convinced he doesn’t know much on pregnancy considering he doesn’t know WHAT A MCHECCIN DATE IS. But Shaw being Shaw probably knows exactly what to do just because he’s an intellectual little SHIT. To be honest, I feel like he may even have more of a weak stomach when it comes to pregnancy in general. He has this sort of innocence to him so he isn’t fully prepared for what is to come with pregnancy. Especially if MC is delivering at home, he probably has no idea what is right or wrong so seeing something completely natural may make him panic on the inside because he’s really unsure. He just has a natural talent at knowing what to do in situations.
Lucien has seen some shit. Nothing fazes this man, let’s be honest. Out of all the suitors, I believe Lucien has seen the most gruesome and disturbing events this goes without including Helios. **CHAPTERS 10+ SPOILERS AHEAD**
Lucien has practically been a test subject his whole life. His evol is still very confusing to us, but the best way to explain it is by saying he has the ability to “copy” or “steal” evols. There’s not much information covering this yet so I won’t get that far into it, however, he was only one of the many experiments, such as Hades, who have been tested on and survive. Being grown up as an experiment automatically helps develop a stronger stomach for him. Even if he might’ve had a weak stomach as a child, constantly being put through this stuff his whole life surly would’ve had an affect on how much he would be able to handle. Seeing the same stuff over and over again, consistently would eventually build up tolerance to the point where he can handle almost any sort of injuries or accidents. So Lucien has one of the strongest if not the strongest among the group.
Then there’s pregnancy. He is there. He is ready to deliver the baby himself. Yes, he can do that. No, I don’t think he is completely qualified LMAO but let’s be real here, he’s a prodigy and one of the most intelligent people in Loveland City honestly probably even the country. This is like a walk in the park for him. He knows everything about pregnancy MINUS THE PAIN and everything to do in this situation. He keeps a smile on his face the whole time as well. Very loving and supportive while delivering their own baby. The blood and sight of pregnancy doesn’t faze him one bit. He only gets worried when MC looks terribly in pain. He does everything he can to soothe the pain for her and takes care of everything after to let her rest. Honestly hate how amazing of a husband and dad he would be. Overall, he has one hell of a strong stomach with pregnancy and a very strong stomach with accidents/injuries.
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years
Hello lil bean! 💛
I have two questions for you today: first, why/how you decided to create Death’s character the way you did? Like, was there something that inspired you or it was random? (sorry of you’ve already talked about that in the past, but I have Dori’s memory hah 🐠) And second, can you talk a bit about “lone wolf Natia”? 💛 ily!
LINDA AHHHH HELLO MY FRIEND!!!! thank you so much for the two questions -- and I'm sorry that I've just gotten to this! i've had a bit of a crazy weekend and haven't had as much time on tumblr as i've previously wanted to answer these haha!! but these QUESTIONS OMG!! i'm beyond excited to answer so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
OKAY - why I initially created Death's character is one of two things - (1) I started writing Landslide and I always used the idea of 'death' to explain things about Natia for the readers to understand to show how present Death is in Natia's life and then I had the thought that "Oh?! What if I use him sort of as this 'character' or 'presence' or even as far as a 'personified being' to really hit that nail on the head and hammer it home to the point where readers see Death as an actual character. In MANY WAYS, it was partially inspired by @basilone 's War, who played an OFC essentially in her continuous Form&Void series (which I've mentioned previously!! + she's a wonderful person and has helped me out!) and (2) there wasn't anything in the fandom really where we see an OC really interact with this idea of a being such as Death. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was inspirational as such from the 'Deathly Hallows' story that Hermione tells and so I took many liberties from that to give Death a sort of 'character' as well as The Book Thief which I had read many years ago and always enjoy!
AND FOR THE HOW -- it all really sort of just *came* to me at this one point in time in the early stages of writing and I was like, 'huh' this would be really cool to see especially in an OFC fic and to see an OC, like Natia for example, interact with Death. I really took the position of - they never talk, they never interact verbally - but they can feel that presence and arguably I feel it is one of the strongest connections of the entire book. i really try to place Death in spots I deem appropriate for the story and give him humanistic emotions - he gets angry at Natia, jealous at times even, and it's really interesting to write that dynamic personally! Sometimes he doesn’t even understand her — and this is how I show the comparison between mortals (humans) and immortals (like Death)!
I really wanted to give it a try and give Landslide that sort of *thing* about it that was just 'different' in a sense. Landslide already in general, in my personal opinion, was pretty out there with the Polish Resistance Fighter, joining in at Holland - that whole thing in general, and I felt including Death as a predominant character would make it even more interesting and quite ominous and eerie in a sense and so far it has done it's job. I also like working with ideas that everyone has some basic knowledge on. Death in my fic, is a character I've really come to love writing more than anything and he's in general, a character though quite sad and lumbering, he's always there for Naita -- why might you ask, I can't tell you that yet, but he's fond of Natia and in a way, tries to *help* her through war the best he can, while I also play around with the idea of War, who's not inherently important, but is more of someone who controls her.
I preface the ENTIRE book in the first epilogue of how Natia actually escaped Death and then the very first chapter is talking about this feud between both Death and War and their pact. Hint hint, but in some ways, Natia is the catalyst to breaking that pact -- but more into that later in the fic haha!! But okay back to the character of Death, he is definitely something I'm extremely proud of creating more than anything and I've loved my interpretation of him and inserting him into the world of a story like Landslide, especially with his connection to Natia, it's truly been so much fun to do!!
AND LONE WOLF NATIA! YES!! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! Lone wolf Natia really stemmed from her general comparison and connection to the person that is Captain Richard Winters. Their first greeting, arguably, is not a great one -- Natia puts up quite the disagreement and already makes of show of fighting this war herself, rather than with a company. Winters on the other hand has already lead the men and trained with them and is accustomed to team work and constantly working together (as a group). This sort of off-puts the two of them together, showcasing Natia as this outcast or LONE WOLF as I like to show it and Winters as more of an alpha wolf, leading a group behind him!
I really love playing with that dynamic and showing it! I feel it's one of the most important aspects about Natia - the fact she always feels like she is alone yet with Easy, she really isn't and she has to fight to really just accept that in her life. Her battle with things like depression and heavy trauma, aid in this, driving the story forward as she fights the mental battle and the real-life battle. And this is really where the lone-wolf persona comes from. I usually try to constantly compare her to a wolf in anyway I can, and try to show their similarities to one another the best I can. We really dig into it specifically in things like Bastogne and after, especially when her *dream* starts, but more on that later!
I HOPE YOU ENJOYED I've been meaning to get this out to you to read and to just give you my general thoughts on Death and Natia's lone wolf persona! Thank you so much for the question and as always I'm happier to answer even more in depth questions as well - I could even do scene analysis of Death too haha! Thanks again Linda! <3
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h1kari · 4 years
Hellllllo! My name is Natalia. I am apart of the Haikyuu fandom. Here is a list of stuff about me.
I go by she/her pronouns
I am a Sagittarius, tho idk how much that fits. I have really bad adhd and social anxiety but when I am a pretty extroverted person at times. I try to make everyone my friend. I am really really focused on my studies since I have had my parents shoving the importance of it down my throat my whole life. I am also a people pleaser and have a hard time putting myself before others (I am working on it tho). I would also say I am the funny friend cause I use trauma as a coping mechanism🤗. I am again a people pleaser and my few friends mean the world to me so I would probably help them hide a body no questions asked.
I am Italian and Argentinian with brown hair and blue eyes. I am also not confident in myself what so ever. The only thing I like about myself is my eyes cause people’s go to thing to compliment me on is that (although it’s always after I compliment them so it may just be a coincidence). I have fairly curly hair that goes to my shoulders. I am 5’5 and don’t know my weight cause I’m borderlinjng an ED sooo.
I really enjoy clothing and have a vast fashion sense. So I could be wearing a cottage core dress one day then the next a oversized sweatshirt with a collar peeping out and jeans the next. Not so much into like emo, grudge, goth stuff like that tho.
I love acting. It has been a huge part of me for a while. Singing and dancing to. Also when I am bored I like to pick up a new language although I only speak sign language and English fluently (I’m getting pretty good at Spanish tho). I also want to go into the medical field when I am older.
Okay random things. Uhhh my favorite color is yellow, I like reading and writing, and my favorite number is 2. Sorry if this isn’t helpful.
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first of all YOU’RE ARGENTINIAN HELL YEA SAME HERE M’AM, ok now yea: i ship you with 🥁🥁🥁oikawa! Aight let’s get to it 😼
So i feel like you’d meet pretty much by chance, like for example, one of you forgets your umbrella on a super rainy day, let’s say that’s you. Except you didn’t ‘forget’ to bring one, you gave yours to one of your friends cuz they themselves didn’t have one (you guys couldn’t share cuz they had to get another route) You were slightly regretting your overly kind gesture while walking down on the pouring rain. Oikawa spots you, he had noticed you before all this tho, he knew how normally good natured you were, your grades, talents, beauty and style hadn’t gone unnoticed either. You’d caught his eye, he just didn’t know how to approach you, yet. As he saw you trying to stay dry, going from shop to shop, he called out to you, waving his umbrella around. You didn’t wanna “bother” as you said but he insisted. So there you were, lightly holding onto tooru’s sleeve while you both walked down the street. Not much time had gone by since oikawa started chatting you up, asking questions, being all popular-star-student charming. You felt calm and appreciated in his presence, like he was genuinely interested, and he was! That rainy day was the exact push he needed to talk to you.
Couple months late and you guys are really close, walking home together, you going to his matches, studying together, shopping together etc. He loved how more extroverted you were now that you were friends friends. He definitely let down his ✨ooh so charming and calm guy✨ mask, i mean- he could still charm your pants off, but around you he was more childish, like when he’a around iwa, yknow? That being said, his team sees his crush a mile away, are you blind or something?? Fr. They’re like god you idiot just ask her out so you can stop fawning over her in secret. You like him too, obviously, but he’s got every girl after him, it just makes you feel icky- like you don’t deserve him, and it’s not like you’d be any different from all the girls after him, right? (NO YOU DUMB BITCH SORRY FOR CALLING YOU A BITCH BUT OFC YOU DESERVE HAPPINESS), then, as you fall for him more and more, you also distance yourself more and more. This leaves oikawa feeling like shit cuz he thought his fliriting and romantic advances were making you uncomfortable so he’s like “got it” all angsty. You guys don’t talk for a while.
Like a week later you have this drama acting show, and dammit of course he’s gonna go! He’s seen you work so hard for it and he knows how passionate you are. Fuck this!! Fuck the uncomfortableness and angst, he just wants to be with you!! He decides, he’ll tell you everything after the show and if you turn him down, he’ll just have to live with it.
You do amazingly, of course, he’s left speechless by your performance and each second he’s more and more eager to see you, actually see you. After the show he finds you, you’re surprised to say the least, but happy to see him again
“What’re you doing he-“
“I have to tell you something”
And so he tells you. He had planned what he’d say but his mind is blank, so he just sputters whatever he’s feeling and he’s felt all this time. You’re like holyshitholyshitholyshit and tell him you feel the same
“I’ve missed you”
Aight that was pretty long. bUT now couple shenanigans. You’re both obviously fashion icons, and fashion icon + fashion icon = fashion couple. Ngl sometimes he wants to match outfits w you and you’re like sir-🗿cuz most are pretty cringey, so one birthday of yours he decides to give you a prank like gift, this atrocity:
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He jokingly gave you the beast one, and now one of your many inside jokes is “YO-DA”
Another thing, you guys help each other, as all couples should. He’s helped you relax more in terms of studying, telling you it’s okay to take it easy and that he’ll 100% help you to take more stuff off your back. You deserve rest. He’s also helped you become more confident in yourself, putting your needs above other’s wants. He loves how kind you are, but he hates seeing others take advantage of that kindness. OH ALSO you both use humor as a coping mechanism 😍 iwa-chan is very worried.
DATE IDEAS: going to the theatre, you guys get the chance of seeing the ✨arts✨ and you can dress all fancy. You usually go out for dinner at a nice place 😌 also study dates!! He loves bothering you, you just look so cute!! All concentrated!!! Plus it’s a great way to get you to relax more. Sometimes you also teach him languages, he finds it sososo cool that you love learning them, can speak it AND that you’d be patient and willing to teach HIM 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this mans has heart eyes for you and you only, forever
Hope you liked it!! Have am awesome daynight and thanks for the submission ^^💞💞
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d0llhousess · 4 years
I am different anon but I don't think Tobi is 'only' able to sense when people are not being honest 100% but he also can feel when something is up or not rightaway. The first few chapters of Moikshi (not sure how to spell his name) when he wasn't member of the team yet he told them a lie that he can't play basketball because he is sick and the doctors ordered him to quit. later on Tobi and Sora were talking about this fact which sora related to (his mom can't play because of her illness). Tho Sora didn't say its his mom and he just barely said (i understand that feeling) Tobi quickly asked him if something is up with him or his family and Sora quickly denied that. Yhat was really more scarrier than feeling Nao's lie because they wwre normally chatting about basketball and with 4 words out of Sora mouth Tobi was able to know something important and if he insisted and gone after that feeling of something is wrong with Sora, sure Sora might've told him since they finally become close to each other (tho sure Sora wouldn't give him details). It might be my own headcanon but i feel like after sora's mom death somehow Tobi would be the most one to feel sadness ? I mean not that the others are gonna be happy ofc but because he 'knew something is wrong' and he knows how tough it is since he also lost his father too. Not sure if this is called emotional intelligent or 6th sense or strong senses but I think Tobi is able to feel things but he just can't figure them out correctly or accurately. I remember it was mentioned that he generally has almost (perfect) senses for basketball. His position as Foward player and skills require these kind of senses so he can read players on court (and sure this is different from reading people in normal life) but I think all of that adds up. Im still catching up on the manga but I really like his character development. This man is so smart and im sure once he grow enough to control his feelings he will be really a person who you shouldnt miss with him 😂 this is totally out of our topic but people like him also can be kind of able to manipulat others if we gonna talk about dark things 🙊. Now his brain is full of basketball 😂🤦‍♀️ but if somehow things went wrong in the future Tobi has potentials to be manipulator and that can go all the dark directions and we need days to explore 🤣 but one thing i want to say about him being manipulator is mostly based on (self defense) not that he is intending harm to others its just a mean to protect himself based on his childhood traumas (which i think they are the biggest reasons for shaping his senses this sharp anyway) 🙊 sorry for talking too long in more than 1 topic 🤦‍♀️ tell me if you dont like it and i will make my response shorter next time. Good luck with your exams.
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Ok so this is a lot to take in but never feel bad about your ask lengths!! My favorite thing to do is discuss characters/character moments as it is just fun to see different interpretations!
First I want to say is that, Tobi is extremely emotionally mature/intelligent. I think I’ve said this in my very first headcanon post about him, i think i said he’s good at processing his emotions and knowing why he feels a certain way and what caused those emotions (which is extremely mature compared to his other teammates, especially Momoharu + Sora)
As for sensing other’s emotions, i think that Tobi is just emotionally intelligent. Simple as that. From a very young age he basically had to develop the skill to read others as away to survive, or cope with the trauma he endured. So i do not doubt for a moment that reading people is a survival mechanism that he doesn’t even notice he has.
And I also think that Tobi maybe in empath? Like I know a lot of people tend to think empaths are people who are like “omg i just feel everything 🥺 i’m so sensitive 🥺 etc.” But tbh from my experience with them, most empaths are just heavily effected by the emotions of others, and are able to “pick up” (like you said Tobi does) on others emotions in a way that it might seem like a 6th sense. So to that extent, I do think Tobi is an empath as he is shown to be affected by others emotions, and his way of learning others emotions. (some empaths can be manipulative people as they have a deep knowledge of how emotions work so that maybe what you’re referring to, Anon!)
Yet, with the way Tobi is developing in the Manga, I don’t think he will become a manipulator.....he’s just too blunt/honest. He rather tell the truth and be hated, than lie and be loved. I’m so excited for you to get to his SPOILER (injury) chapters as it pushes his development so much and dude highkey comes out a wayyy more mature Tobi
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hearticho · 5 years
GL manhwa recs
This summer I’ve been reading a lot of gay comics. Some American, some Japanese, but mostly Korean! I will try to list as many content warnings as possible and try to avoid giving too much away. I hope you enjoy the manhwas as much as I did! :)
Also… please, please, please PAY the original artists as much as you can, whether you read the official or unofficial translations. If you find that it’s difficult to navigate a certain site (even with google translate turned on), you might be able to find fan-made how-to-pay guides for non-Korean speaking people. It’s really important that we give money to people in our community and support queer art, even if that means saving a little extra or paying at a later time.
EDIT: I tried to change a tag and somehow deleted the WHOLE POST. I had to recreate everything under the line by memory 😭
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Moonlight Garden //  월야화원 by Kang Unnie and MissPM
Content warnings: NSFW (a lot of sex and a lot of naked ladies), child abuse (a couple flashbacks about branding) and past child slavery, violence, blood, death 
NSFW: About 10% of the story has graphic sex scenes, but the sex scenes were all connected to the plot. It’s also kind of expected since it’s set in a brothel lmao 
Plot: There were a lot of moving parts (love triangle, politics, backstories), but you’ll get the hang of it. The extra focus needed was well worth it bc the ending was super satisfying 
World building: Learning about the flower maidens was so interesting!!! Probably my favorite part of the manhwa. I felt like all of my questions were answered while reading
No men: There were some gossiping male guards and fathers in flashbacks, but for the most part, the men are absent and nameless
Art: GORGEOUS!!! They had coloring assistants and it SHOWED. There was a sweetness to the art style
Rating: 10 out of 10 peach blossoms and blue roses
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Blooming Sequence // 블루밍 시퀀스 by Lee Eul
Content warnings: mildly NSFW (nothing above PG-13), worrying about being outted, family pressure and obligations, verbal abuse from parents 
Dialogue: The thing that stood out to me the most was the fluid and natural dialogue. The pacing in general was great! 
Film club: The plot circles around the film club and it’s an important part of the story. I liked that it wasn’t a side thing and that it helped keep the plot moving forward
Sunbae/hoobae: Korean equivalent to senpai/kouhai. Seowoo sunbae was my favorite! Sometimes she’d be illustrated with a tiny tooth and it was v cute
More lesbians: There were a surprising amount of queer ladies? There are def men in the story and ofc not every single woman was gay, but there were a lot more than I expected. Nice that it wasn’t just the main couple! 
Rating: 9 out of 10 War Kong Wai films
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It Would be Great if You Didn’t Exist AKA Wish You Were Gone //  네가 없었으면 좋겠어 by Carbonara 
Content warnings: mildly NSFW (nothing past PG-13), people stalk the main couple, child abuse (flashbacks), violence (there’s an incident), worrying about being outted
Angsty?: The beginning is the best part. I wouldn’t say it goes downhill after that but..... it just get kinda angsty? I was surprised how much of their past traumas became a big part of the story. There were still a lot of cute moments sprinkled in until the end tho! 
Art: The art is super cute! And I loved that one of the main’s bffs was shown to be GNC since childhood 
Rating: 8 out of 10 fat cats named pumpkin
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Everyday Lily // 백합은 일상 by Gom Mali
Content warnings: Jua has a history of being a predatory lesbian
4-koma: Some serious things happen in the second half of the story, but for the most part, things are really light and silly
Older lesbians: Jua is still in college, but she does have older lesbian friends, which was nice to see! The oldest one was maybe 30? 
Rating: 7 out of 10 kisses in front of the Eiffel Tower
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Her Tale of Shim Chong //  그녀의 심청 by Biwan, Seri 
Content warnings: gender violence, sexual harassment, threats of sexual assault, wife battery, stabbing, illness & death, extreme poverty 
Plot: Girl can’t catch a break!!! I was exhausted from all the bad things that happened. It felt like a constant barrage of misfortune. I stopped reading bc I just had a pit in my stomach the whole time I read 
Potential reasons to read: Even tho I wasn’t a huge fan of the story, I still give it a higher rating bc the art is SO beautiful. I also really liked the unnie/fortune teller, as a friend to Shim Chong and as an individual character
Ratings: 7 out of 10 cursed foxes
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HONORABLE MENTION: Fluttering Feelings //  설레는 기분 by ssamba 
Content warnings: domestic violence near the beginning
STORY DISCONTINUED: After battling cancer for years, the author passed away in Feb 2018. There are no official plans for the story’s continuation
Personally significant: I still get choked up whenever I think about FF and the author. This story was so important to me in undergrad! I haven’t re-read it since the author’s death, so I’m sorry if I forgot any major content warnings :(
Slow burn: Two friends slowly realizing their feelings for each other. Very tender and realistic   
Rating: 10 out of 10 soft touches and longing looks
Miss Devil and Miss Angel //  천사씨와 악마님 by Maeu Malgeum 
Partition // 파티션 by Team Tea Cozy
Dallae // 달래야 by Choonae
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