#In the end I went with 'bra' lolol
eisenartworks · 2 years
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Augh... This was trouble to translate. From what I understand, Genos addresses Saitama politely while Saitama is more casual? I hope I at least managed to portray that in the dialogue. I used the more polite version of money though, bc Idk if just kane works. Idk some kanjis yet, so some of them are in hiragana, sorry!
Genos: Teacher... Next time, I will dress you (his shirt specifically).
Saitama: Eeh? My clothes are fine, besides, I don't have money -
Genos: I'll pay -
Saitama: No way!! (Damned Cloud Strife lookalike!)
Edit: I forgot to say it... But Saitama's shirt says "Bra" lolol
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lipglossanon · 10 months
Hi, lipgloss! There's an idea itching in my brain ^^
Leon's your dad's best friend, like they were really close. You grew up not knowing much about him but your dad tells you he used to spoil you rotten when you were a kid. You remember that you used to call him Uncle Leon (I promise I'm getting somewhere).
When your dad decided to move to D.C. for work reasons, you started seeing Leon hang out more often. He came for drinks with your dad on the weekends, your dad would invite him for dinner and he'd come every time.
You were a bit uncomfortable when Leon came over sometimes, feeling his eyes linger on your body, and slight "accidental" touches on your sides. As much as it made you uncomfortable though it kind of excited you deep inside.
Leon was a whole lot older than you-.. but that didn't stop you from fantasizing about him, your fingers deep in your aching cunt.
It made you more eager to see him around more often, and when he did come by, you'd wear some skimpy shorts that would show a lot of skin, "accidentally" forget to wear a bra when you went to the kitchen where Leon and your dad would have a drink after working on a jeep your dad bought a few months back.
You started calling Leon, Uncle Leon again which you didn't know would have affected him a lot.
After a while, you started noticing how Leon would pick you up from your college campus, taking you out to eat or just go on drives. Your dad thought he was just trying to spoil you like when you were a kid and wasn't suspicious of anything.
One time though, your dad was on a business trip 3 states away and had asked Leon to stay with you in case you got bored or lonely.
You were wearing some pyjama shorts and a faded university shirt you liked wearing to bed. When Leon saw you it felt like he was undressing you with his eyes. You and Leon decided to bake some cookies and watch a movie. While the movie played, you started to feel Leon snake his arm around your waist. You tensed up and he noticed.
"Is this okay?" He asked, looking down at you, his eyes gazing at your chest, your nipples hardening under the fabric as he slid his other hand on your inner thigh. You nodded and you guys ended up having sex on your couch.
While doing so though, you slipped up and called him Uncle a few times which made him thrust his hips harder, hitting spots you could never reach with your fingers.
SBXKWHZIWH THIS WAS JUST A SMALL BLURB IDEA I SWEAR THE UNCLE THING WAS JUST IN MY HEAD FOR SO LONG– Sorry if it's a little unclear 😭 it's a word vomit and I thought I'd share the idea with you 💜💜💜
(I thought of Leon having an Uncle kink here, if that even exists lolol, I mean he and our dad are like brothers practically ^^)
Hi 🖤 anon!! (I’m finally here 😭 lol).
And Idk but I’m sure an uncle kink already exists out there 🤭
But I love the dad’s best friend!Leon trope so much 😌
He’s older and more rough around the edges but that’s why you like him; he also doesn’t treat you as a kid like your actual dad so you find it flattering when he talks to you or compliments you
And finally you’re home alone with him one weekend and one things leads to another.. and now your knees are pushed up to your chest as his fat cock sinks into your soaking wet pussy 🥴
He takes his time fucking you on the couch; telling you what a good girl you are, how good you feel around him, how he’s gonna stuff you full all weekend long 🥴
He teases you so long that you’re senselessly begging Uncle Leon to let you cum, that you’re a good girl so please uncle Leon just let you cum already
And that’s like a whole other kink unlocked for him cause he’s spilling hot and sticky inside your wet pussy as he rubs your clit until you’re creaming around his throbbing cock 😵‍💫
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Write for Leon Scott Kennedy coward 😳
The End - Leon Scott Kennedy
notes - THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR MAKING MY BRAINROT WORSE! You get a long fic now tee hee. This was so satisfying to write tbh. I loved RE2 and love Leon, so I was very happy to write this <333
word count - 2,756
WARNINGS - blood, SPOILERS FOR RE2, not proofread lolol
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Wounds from Lickers, Zombies, spare glass shards, and god only knows what covered your body. You looked like a wreck who was tired and a little dead inside, but it was over. You made it out of that hellhole they called Raccoon City and were now onto a new, and hopefully better life.
"I could really use a shower," Claire laughed, picking a stick out of Sherry's hair.
"Tell me about it." You agreed, wiping what you couldn't tell was dirt or sewage off of your shoulder. You felt disgusting, but you knew that whenever you got to a shower that it was going to be the best shower of all time.
You and Claire were lucky you could still be laughing and smiling after everything that happened. And Leon... well, he had been through hell and back with it being his first day as a cop and all. You felt bad for him. He went through loss after loss and you had no clue what to say.
He was sitting in the corner of the train cart, crying. You wanted more than anything to go cheer him up or something, but how on Earth were you supposed to do that.
Apparently though, Claire saw that you were eyeing the crying cop and nudged your arm with her elbow, signaling that you should probably go talk to him. She and Sherry decided to head to another cart to look around a bit.
You took a deep breath and walked over to the blonde boy, putting your hand on his back. "You were very brave out there," you told him in a soft voice, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
He looked up at you a little shocked, tears staining his puffy red eyes. "No way. If anything you were the bravest here. Me and Claire were kinda prepared for anything, but you? You were just living life and got sucked into this shit."
"But I'm okay now. And you're okay! We did great out there!"
Leon just nodded and stared off into space, little tears flowing down his cheeks.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" You asked.
Leon turned to you again. Seeing him cry was about to make you cry.
"It's my fault she's gone."
"Who? Ada?" You had stuck with Leon his whole mission helping him through stupid puzzles and beating the shit out of psycho dogs. Ada was someone you met on the mission and immediately got a bad vibe from. You knew she wasn't FBI when you met her, you just didn't have the heart to tell Leon. He really seemed to like that girl. And it didn't matter how jealous you were in the little tram where she kissed him.
Leon nodded, tears welling back up in his eyes. "I could've pulled her up if I didn't get so hurt. She's gone now... because of me."
You put your hand on Leon's back. "Leon, look, she was a crazy mercenary, there's a huge, like GIANT chance that she's okay. She probably had a grappling hook in her bra or something."
That actually made Leon laugh a bit, which surprised you. "How's your arm?" You asked, wanting to quickly change the subject.
"Better." He stretched out his arm, which took some work, but he barely winced.
"Good!" You smiled and gave Leon one more check over to make sure he wasn't in any more need for medical attention. "It looks way better!"
"Yeah, well injuries always look better than they feel." Leon chuckled and sat back to be more comfortable. None of you knew where this train was going to lead, but you were just happy to know that you would be out of that awful town.
"You're really strong, you know that?" Leon told you.
You were shocked to hear that if you were being honest, so you turned to Leon with red cheeks. "Where did that come from?"
"I mean, I already explained it earlier, come on! You've been through a lot with me. Thanks for that."
You just nodded, still thinking about Ada. You were never the jealous type, but all of the sudden you were and it was pissing you off. I mean, you couldn't blame all the ladies around you for liking Leon as much as you did because oh my god, he was perfect. He wanted to protect everyone, was kind, empathetic, and cute as fuck. He was everything anyone wanted in a partner and you were just mad that Ada got her hands on him first.
"I can't wait to get some nice clean clothes." Leon sighed, pulling you out of your mind.
"Right?!" Even thinking about the warm embrace of a blanket was making you cozy, but clean clothes? That sounded like heaven right then.
"I found a crap ton of money at the station and that should be enough to get us a couple of hotel rooms and some clean clothes until we find something better." Leon pulled out wads of cash and your jaw dropped. You knew that some of the zombies would have cash on them and you had to admit, you did take some, but you weren't expecting Leon, the cute cuddly rookie, to take any.
"Leon, did you steal that?!"
His face flushed bright red. "I-I.... They.... I just.... We needed it and uh...."
"I'm just playing with you, Kennedy." You playfully slapped his back and he cleared his throat, a little embarrassed.
"Hey guys?" Claire stuck her head back into the cart with a smile. "Sorry if I'm interrupting your flirting, but it looks like we're about to come to a stop. Looks like we're outside of Raccoon City too!"
You laughed at Claire and turned to fine Leon blushing, which made you blush too. "Alright, we'll get prepared."
"You better," Claire winked. "Because clean clothes and a bed sound like heaven itself."
The train came to a halt in an unknown area, but when you got off of the train, the world looked happy again. It was no longer the dead of night and was now early morning, where the air smelled fresh and you could hear birds chirping. It was fantastic and you didn't mind the tears that were rolling down your cheeks. The train took off behind all of you with a loud whoosh and you were now somewhere new, hoping that you wouldn't hear anymore zombies.
"Come on you guys!!!" Claire ran off to a city that was off in the distance, grabbing Sherry's hand. "Let's go!! Are you seriously gonna wait all day?!"
You and Leon looked at each other with a smile and ran after Claire to the city. Stepping in there any other day would probably be hell, with people cussing each other out and pushing each other around, but when all of you stepped in there, it was amazing. There were living breathing humans just doing their every day normal routines. It was like everything was back to normal.
You clung to Leon's arm and smiled. "Leon, can you believe it?"
He was smiling like an idiot before running into some random Target. People were looking at you like you were crazy, while others whispered about hearing what happened in Raccoon City, surprised there were survivors.
You didn't care either way, it's not like you were paying attention. Instead, you just grabbed everything you needed. Water, food, underwear, shoes, socks, clothes, normal everyday items that would be so regular to everyone, but seemed like jewels and riches to you.
You walked up to Leon with a stacked cart and a smile. "I'm about ready to check out!"
Leon looked at your stack with wide eyes. "Damn, you really went ham down those aisles, huh?"
You nodded. "I'm just thankful I had a crap ton in my savings so you don't have to pay for any of it. Thank god they have an ATM here."
"Oh, awesome!" Leon was looking at a few shirts and you pulled one off of it's hanger, handing it to him.
"You would look good in this. I'll meet you outside, okay? Tell Claire the same!"
Waiting outside in a Target parking lot wasn't ideal, but it felt heavenly out, so you weren't mad in the slightest. Honestly, you didn't care at all that you looked pathetic, you were just happy this wasn't Raccoon City.
Claire quickly ran out of the Target with her arm in Sherry's. "Let's go get that hotel room!!!" She quickly darted off and Leon ran out of the Target, limping.
"Dammit, Claire, hold on!!"
You grabbed onto Leon's arm and chuckled. "She's fine, Leon. We'll catch up. She pointed at the hotel she wants to stay in, and it's not too far off. I'm just glad she has the energy to take care of that kid right now."
Leon nodded. "Same. I can barely walk without feeling like I'm going to pass out."
You and Leon walked to the hotel, laughing about the memories you had of Mr. X trying to follow you around. Even though those scared the shit out of you in the moment, you couldn't help but laugh now.
The hotel was nice. It was bright white and covered in fancy red carpets. You looked like a bunch of homeless people.... well, you guessed you were now.
"Me and Sherry are gonna share a room," Claire said, grabbing both sides of the girls shoulders.
"Then I guess that means y/n and I will have separate rooms. I'll go pay."
Your heart dropped and immediate panic filled your body.
"W-Wait." You pulled Leon off to the side, your heart pounding for some reason.
"What's wrong?" Leon looked at you with concern and held your shoulders.
"I... Can we share a room?" You looked up at him and he smiled.
"Of course."
"I just don't know if I can sleep alone after all that and we've already been through so mu-"
Leon placed his index finger on your lips and giggled. "I don't need an excuse from you, y/n. I understand."
You waited eagerly and patiently for Leon to get each of your rooms.
"I'm gonna shower so hard, you don't even understand." Claire said, stretching, each of her bones making a small pop sound.
"Me too." You sighed, imagining the warm water running down your back.
"Here's your key, Claire. Don't lose it."
Claire snorted. "As if. Of course I'm not gonna lose it. Let's go Sherry!" They ran up the stairs, getting odd looks from other patrons and staff, but they didn't seem to care.
"You ready, y/n?"
You nodded, taking the elevator with Leon.
"I'm so glad that's over." He smiled, clicking the elevator button.
"Me too."
"I still can't believe how amazing you were back there." Leon gave you a little pat on the back.
"Well, for it being your first day, Kennedy, I'd say you killed it."
You both burst out into laughter. You were surprised you could still do that, but very happy about it.
"You're amazing, Leon." You set down your target bag on the elevator floor and pulled him into your arms.
He sighed, tickling your neck a bit and held you by your waist. "You're amazing."
The elevator dinged, interrupting your hug, but you couldn't help but bolt out of there and down the long hallways.
"You're going the wrong way, y/n!" Leon called out, pointing down the other end of the hall.
"Which room is it?" Before Leon could answer, you glanced at the key and took off, finding the room rather quickly. You waited like an impatient puppy and bobbed up and down as Leon opened the door.
Leon opened the door to a nice clean room that smelled slightly perfumey, but much better than rotting zombie.
As you were searching the room, you were satisfied with everything. It was cozy, roomy, had a TV, a clean bathroom, and...
"Yeah?" Leon was already quick to unpack his stuff, and stuffed his mouth with chips.
"There's only one bed."
His face flushed pink. "Y-Yeah... I.... I thought it would be nice." He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. "Look.... I don't want to be that far from you, okay? I don't know why. I still feel like I have to protect you and-" You interrupted him by placing your index finger on his lips this time.
"I don't need an excuse, Leon. I really don't mind. Now, I'm gonna take a quick shower. Sorry you gotta stay musty for a little while longer."
"Eh, it's fine. It'll make the shower more worth it."
Worth it was definitely the right words to use. When you stepped into the shower, ignoring the dark red that poured off of you and the black water that formed at your feet, it was really heaven. It was the best shower you had ever taken, and you have never felt so clean in your entire life.
When you stepped out, you immediately tossed out your old clothes and put on something fresh and some pajamas that made you feel cute. It didn't really matter since you were about to pass out soon, but feeling nice was something you enjoyed and something you actually needed after all of that.
You stepped out of the bathroom and chugged some water, not even noticing that Leon had run straight past you to take a shower himself. He really deserved it though, so you didn't blame him.
You laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. What a goddamn day. You really couldn't believe you survived all of that. It was a shit show, and for a while, before you met Leon, you didn't have anything but a metal pipe to beat the zombies off with. If not for that rookie cop, you wouldn't be here right now.
You were more thankful than he could ever know.
"Holy shit," Leon stepped out of the bathroom, drying off his hair with a little towel, in a giant shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. "That was the best shower ever."
You sat up with a smile. "Wasn't it?!"
Leon smiled when he saw you, throwing down the mini towel on a nearby table before jumping on the bed next to you. "You know," he told you, getting comfortable on the bed. "You're actually really cute not covered in blood. Wait, that came out wrong... You were cute with the blood... but uh.... shit, I messed up, can I restart?"
You giggled. "Go ahead. Restart."
"You know," Leon looked at you with the most loving smile ever. "You're really cute."
You blushed. "Says the cutest guy in the world."
"Aw, shucks, you don't mean that, do you?"
"Of course I mean that, Leon."
He smiled at you and pulled you into his arms, laying back with you on the bed. "I'm glad I found you out there." He said softly.
"I'm glad you found me."
You two sat in silence for a while, just laying in each other's arms. After being through all of that, you didn't realize how sore you were and only now was it kicking in. But thank god you had a bed.
Breaking the silence, Leon wrapped his arms around you tighter. "I never want to let you go, y/n." He whispered in your ear, placing a kiss on the lobe.
"But...." You hated yourself for asking this. "What about Ada?"
"What about her?" Leon sat up a bit, letting go of you.
"I.... You two kissed. It seemed like you really liked her."
"Ada kissed me," Leon reminded you. "We weren't that close. I knew you for longer, even if it was a couple of hours. Plus, Ada betrayed us. She was using me. You, y/n, you really care about me. I just want to protect you.... at all costs. If you'll let me."
You cupped Leon's face in your hands and smiled. "Of course I'll let you. But know I want to protect you every now and again."
Leon couldn't help himself, he pushed forward and planted his lips onto yours, pushing you right down on the bed. You quickly smiled into the kiss and pulled him closer until he was right on top of you.
He placed kiss after kiss after kiss onto you until you both passed out, snoring.
You didn't care what was ahead. As long as you had Leon, you would be fine.
resident evil masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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solarwonux · 4 years
Champagne Kisses 
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soft!dom wonwoo x f!reader x soft!dom minghao 
W.C: 4.6k
Summary: Minghao get’s a special gift on his birthday.
Warnings: threesome, blindfolds, sex tape?, pictures, soft!dom Wonwoo, Soft!dom Minghao, daddy and sir kink if you like squint, spanking, praise, cream pie?, cum fucking, double penetration. I’ll see myself out.
Note: Hi again, I’m unhinged lolol. This was supposed to go up on Minghao’s birthday but you know life happens. I hope you enjoy it let me know your thoughts.
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“Why are you out here by yourself?’
Minghao smiled as he felt your arms wrap around his shoulders, your hands going down his chest toying with the buttons of his silk shirt. He turned his head to the side and pecked your lips lightly. “Just thinking, where are the guys?” Minghao raised his hand and moved a strand of hair behind your hair, his thumb caressing your cheek softly.
“Too drunk to know we’re gone.” You kissed his cheek and retreated your arms. Minghao sighed and watched as you made your way to sit in front of him. Blocking his view of the moon reflecting against the river, his father’s stolen yacht was sitting on.
“We’re stealing your father’s yacht for your birthday?” Seungcheol had asked earlier, dropping his flamingo floatie to the floor. The slight hint of disappointment erupting from the back of his throat.
“Technically when his father dies it’s not his yacht anymore but Minghao’s, so he didn’t really steal it.” Jeonghan winked, clapping his back making him stumble slightly. “I say we leave before they find out we’re here.” You giggled while lacing your hand in Minghao’s and tugging him down the dock. A course of agreements sounded as they followed the two of you onto the deck of the yacht. Seungcheol followed along mumbling underneath his breath. He had forgotten about the whole scenario after a few glasses of Minghao’s father's overly expensive champagne and now he was passed out in the hot tub clutching an empty bottle to his chest.
Minghao smiled smugly, his hands pushing away the fur coat that had once sat in the back of his mother’s closet untouched. He sucked in a breath, his pupils going wide with lust as he took in the black pearl lace lingerie that was adorning your body. His long finger hooked under the string of pearls that hooked onto the band of your fishnets and pulled it gently. “No one has seen you?” He let go the string of pearls, watching in awe as it ricocheted against your skin.
“Only Wonwoo.” You whispered, grabbing his hand in yours bringing it up your body slowly. His fingers dancing around the lace and pearls of your lingerie making his heart race. “He’s waiting for us in the back cabin.”
Minghao wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you to straddle his lap. “Not yet, let me take this in a little longer.” His hands snuck underneath the fur coat and traveled up your back slowly before pushing it off your shoulder. He let out a content sigh before attaching his heated lips against your soft skin. He couldn’t get over how exquisite you looked underneath the white light of the moon, wrapped up fur, lace and pearls. And he was a little annoyed that Wonwoo had seen you first than him. “He hasn’t touched you yet right?” Minghao whispered against your skin, peppering kisses from your shoulder following the trail of pearls that cupped your bra, stopping at the navel of your breast. His eyes gazing up at you, patiently waiting for your answer.
“Nope, he only walked in when I was about to walk out. I don’t think he really saw anything.” Your hands went up Minghao’s back and into his hair, your onyx nails tugging on his roots lightly making him groan.
“Good.” He winked and leaned back against the bed of the deck. “Let me take a picture of you first before we go meet him.” He tapped on your hip, signaling for you to get up as he fished out his phone. The one time leaves his film camera at home is the one time he desperately needs it. He was itching to have it in his hands, to watch you through the lens as the night sky pours down your heated body. While his fingers desperately dial up the film before he releases the shutter making his need for you grow in anticipation. It was a feeling he knew too well, and now was craving it and if you hadn’t rushed him out of the apartment that afternoon he would be relishing in it now. His phone camera would do for now.
“Where do I stand?” You got off his lap and walked to the railing of the yacht, the fur coat sliding off your shoulders exposing the lace and pearls as they glimmered against the fluorescent lights of the deck.
Minghao mindlessly opened the camera app on his phone and looked over at you as you turned around, inches away from the white railing. Everything about your attire that he hadn’t been able to see coming into view and he felt his lungs give out. No matter how used to he was seeing your body decorated in all sorts of fabrics, you always took his breath away which is why he had decided to photograph each moment with you in case one day he’d forget. “Lean against the railing.” He held his phone up and adjusted the lighting settings before snapping a shot. His pants grew harder by the second and if it wasn’t for the fact that his boyfriend was waiting for him he would’ve taken you against the railing.
You opened the fur coat a little more as Minghao silently took a few more shots. His hands were shaking you could tell. A smirk formed on your face, your mouth had started to water as you noticed the straining of his slacks against his cock. “One more Hao, before I beg you to fuck me here where our friends can see and it ends with Wonwoo punishing us both.” You pulled the fur coat up your body again and closed it. Minghao whined as he brought his phone down and closed the app.
“I thought you said they were too drunk to notice.”
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“What took you guys so long?”
Wonwoo stood up from the navy blue lounge chair he was sitting in, a new glass of champagne settled in between his fingers. His white button down opened revealing the soft ridges of his abdomen, your hands desperate to touch.
“Hao, wanted to take some pictures.” You pry Minghao’s hands from your waist and walk over to Wonwoo, taking the glass of champagne, pecking his lips and sitting on the bed, legs crossed, your fur coat still closed. “You decorated?” You tilted your head to the side and leaned back on your hand as you watched Minghao make his way to Wonwoo and kiss his lips gently.
When you had left the room to get Minghao, the room was annoyingly bare. The gold accents around the room obnoxiously reflecting against the harsh light. But now as you looked around beyond your boyfriend’s clinging onto one another, the gold accents were muted against the soft candle light of the many candles Wonwoo had without a doubt set up. Rose petals were thrown messily and in a hurry around the floor of the room and white linen bed, the chilled champagne you had snuck in earlier was now on display. It took everything in you to not get down on your knees and beg for their touch. But you had been the center of attention for many of your sexual escapades with them that now it was time to take a step back because it was Minghao’s day.
“If I had known the two of you were gonna have an impromptu photo shoot I would’ve put a little more effort.” Wonwoo rolled his eyes playfully and kissed Minghao’s temple before sending you a playful wink and walking over to where the champagne sat. “Did you bring your camera Hao?” Wonwoo asked, taking the chilled bottle in his hands and pouring a decent amount into the glasses.
“Nope, our baby doll here dragged me out of the house before I could get it.” Minghao sat next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. He kissed your cheek, then your lips and finally took the glass out of your hands. You silently protested and watched as he slyly brought it up to his lips.
“Bummer...I would’ve loved to use it right about now.” Wonwoo walked over and squatted down in front of you and Minghao. He hands you a glass and raises his own, You and Minghao copy his movements. “Happy Birthday baby.” Wonwoo smirks at Minghao as the three of you cling your glasses together.
“Happy Birthday Hao, I hope you’re ready to unwrap your presents.” You wink at him and down your glass in one gulp before standing up and walking over to the windows that looked out into the water. You set your glass down onto the table and push the fur coat off your shoulders, letting it slide down your body. “I want to be the first one.” You turn around to face your boyfriends, the air catching in the back of their lungs, eyes bulging out of their sockets. Your body looked good enough to devour underneath the glimmer of the candles around the room.
“You went out like that?” Wonwoo exclaimed tugging onto his slacks making you smirk as you nodded and walked over to the two of them. He looked over at Minghao who for the third time that night couldn’t wait to get his hands on you. “And no one saw you?”
“Nope only Minghao.” You smiled and straddled each of their thighs, your arms settling against their shoulders as they drank you in like bittersweet alcohol. “I told you he hadn’t seen Hao.” You sent Wonwoo a wink before kissing Minghao’s nose. His hand found purchase against your waist toying with the pearl waistband of your garterbelt.
“I wouldn’t have let you leave the room if I did.”
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“Kiss me.”
Minghao cupped your face with his hands turning your attention away from Wonwoo making the older boy pout. Your cheeks flushed as you leaned in and kissed him softly, whimpering against his lips. He tasted sweet, but with the bitterness of overly expensive champagne that wasn’t half as good as the cheap one you always bought for family dinner every month, but it was addicting and expensive and it made you want more.
In your desperation you unbuttoned Minghao’s silk shirt as fast as you could, a low chuckle erupting from Wonwoo. You pulled away and glared at your boyfriend as Minghao’s lips trailed down the side of your neck until it reached the pearl strap of your bra. “Want a kiss too?” Mingao’s tongue toyed around with it as he looked over at Wonwoo who had discarded his shirt and was now looking at the two of you with an overwhelming amount of hunger.
Wonwoo didn’t answer, instead he reached over and brought your face up to his. His lips attacking yours in a hungry and messy kiss, a full juxtaposition of Minghao’s tender one. It was always like this and you should’ve been used to it by now considering how long the three of you had been together, but it still managed to catch you off guard.
Minghao’s hands had disappeared from your body in the midst of your kiss with Wonwoo and you could only assume he was rushing to get his phone. When the shutter went off your suspicions were proved right only making you laugh at his antics. He always made false claims about you and Wonwoo being his muses and Minghao did everything in his power to prove it to the two of you. The amount of pictures and sketches that laid around the house were a few indicators, but it was his tender touch and sinful words that made you believe his claims.
Wonwoo pulled away, leaving you panting as Minghao laid back on his elbows continuing his impromptu photoshoot. “On your knees baby.” Wonwoo kissed your cheek hitting your ass lightly making you jump “I know Hao misses having your mouth around him.” He winked and stood leaving you and Minghao behind.
“If you hadn’t interrupted us this morning in the shower maybe I wouldn’t be missing it so much.” Minghao rolled his eyes as his phone camera followed  you closely. You got off their laps and sank down onto your knees. He put his hand on your cheek caressing it softly, his thumb swiping over your bottom lip tugging it lightly. You hummed taking it in your mouth, your doe eyed look driving the two lust ridden men insane as you sucked on his digit.
“I didn’t want to miss out on all the fun.” Wonwoo captured Minghao’s lips in a heated kiss, his hand snaking down his toned chest until it reached Minghao’s slacks. “Plus, making you wait was fun.” He licked his lips as he popped open the button of his pants. He moved his hand and gripped Minghao through his boxers earning a guttural grunt from him.
You pulled away from Minghao’s thumb and sat onto your knees. “You sound so pretty sir.” You moved your hands up his thighs before meeting Wonwoo’s. “Not your turn daddy.” You slapped Wonwoo’s hand away, earning a glare from the man as he pulled away from Minghao’s lips.
Minghao’s chest heaved against the cold air of the cabin. The two of you always managed to overwhelm his senses no matter what and the constant fight for dominance didn’t help his case either. Though he never found himself wishing for less.
“Use your mouth baby girl, show me how good you can be for me.” Minghao panted. His wet digit caressed your cheek before guiding you to his angry cock.
“Yes sir.” You stuck your tongue and toyed with his slit humming at the bittersweet taste of his precum. You looked up at him through hooded eyes and you slowly took him into your mouth. His head falling back in ecstasy at the feeling of your hot mouth taking him in.
You had missed watching him and Wonwoo fall apart at your mercy. Just like they had missed watching you and each other succumb to sensual pleasure.
“Give me your phone.” Wonwoo breathed, taking Minghao’s phone before letting the pleasure-filled man answer. You moved your head slowly, along with your hand that squeezed around the rest of his cock that wouldn’t fit in your mouth. Minghao’s low moans filled the room as he lost himself. He pushed your head further down making you gag. Wonwoo moaned at the sound and palmed himself through his slacks. Usually he had unbelievable self control but you could blame the drinks he had and the sexual frustration that had been building up for months on end for caving in so early on in the night.
You bobbed your head faster along with your hand as Minghao started thrusting his hips into your mouth. “You look so pretty on camera baby.” Wonwoo coed as he pulled Minghao back in for another kiss, this time it was slow and short not wanting to lose the cinematic masterpiece Minghao had started creating. The three of you didn’t do this often—the video thing. But every time you did you found yourself wanting to perform your best even if the only people who were gonna watch were you and your boyfriend’s.
“Fuck, she never stops looking pretty even now as she gags and cries around my cock.” Minghao groaned. He pulled your head away with a sultry pop. You sat back panting, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Missing the way he felt inside your mouth, but you knew he had been close from the way he had started to pulse against your tongue. And he didn’t want to come undone so early in the night.
You whined. Minghao shook his head and kissed your head lightly before tapping your ass lightly. “No one’s coming until you cum at least three times.”
“But today is about you.” You pouted and rested your chin on top of Wonwoo’s thigh. He had put the phone down and continued to please himself while you watched. Your mouth watering at the sight.
“And my birthday wish is to see you cum on my tongue.”
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Minghao, Wonwoo and you had been together for four years. Two of those years had been kept a secret from everyone around the three of you. It would’ve stayed a secret if the three of you hadn’t been careless at Vernon’s Halloween party one year, where your friends thought you were two timing them when Mingyu had caught you making out with them on separate occasions. Your friends had confronted you and eventually the truth was out.
Point being that after four years you should’ve been familiar with the way they liked to touch you. But you weren’t and they knew this as they always switched it up on you to keep you on your toes and wanting more. Which is where you found yourself now blindfolded, half your carefully crafted lingerie torn apart and two orgasms post dazed and still no clue who was giving them to you.
“Last chance to guess right baby.” Wonwoo whispered in your ear and kissed his way down your body. You only knew it was Wonwoo because he liked to bite down and suck on your skin in order to leave a trail behind. Or maybe it was Minghao who had decided to pick up Wonwoo’s quirk. Whoever it was it was driving you insane.
“And if I don’t?” You arched your back as two mouths attacked your breasts, licking and tugging against the sensitive buds.
“It’s my birthday I decide what happens.” Minghao snickered two hands, one warm and one cold made their way down your body until they reached your mound. “Do you want to cum again?”
“Yes, please sir please.”
“Then guess right.” Wonwoo said, you could almost visualize the smirk plastered on his face knowing they were gonna get their way and you were going to end up on the receiving end like always. They both tugged at your nipples with your teeth once more before they retreated. You sighed digging your fingernails into the palms of the hands you were holding. A sign of comfort in the midst of torturous pleasure.
You laid there agonizingly waiting for their next move, whispers being exchanged with one another until there was silence. Your labored breathing being the only thing that could be heard inside the room.
“You guys go—oh fuck.” You arched your back as their tongue ran up your slit repeatedly, savoring your already fucked out juices. “A warning would’ve been nice.” You breathed your grip on their hands getting tighter as a finger replaced the mouth that had been desperately lapping at your entrance.
None of them spoke to not give themselves away. Those little shits.
Your thought was soon interrupted by the two fingers that delved into your soaking pussy making you moan loudly. A mouth wrapped around your clit and wasted no time in savoring you, fingers thrusting hard inside of you. The sinful squelching noises throwing you overboard.  Your moans had started to form incoherent words inside of you as the pressure in the pit of your stomach increased for the third time that night.
“F-Fuck please don’t s-stop.” With one last thrust of their fingers you came undone, your release traveling down your legs and soaking the sheets underneath you. By now you were sure you had created a pool. And just like how quickly you had fallen apart the source of your orgasmic afterglow had disappeared from your body leaving you wanting more.
“Who was it?” Minghao questioned. Two fingers tapped your swollen lips and you took them in tasting your release making you groan. “If you guess wrong we stop here, but if you guess right we keep going until we’re all satisfied and more.” Their thumbs caressed your palm gently, almost as if they weren’t making your succumb to their torture.
“Do I get a hint?” You tried your best to sit up a little, but your body was starting to ache and you still hadn’t recovered fully.
You heard Minghao chuckle before the black silk blindfold fell down your face. You hadn’t felt any of them move or reached over to take it off but your ears were still very much ringing and your focus was somewhere else. Your vision was spotty as the candlelit room and your lovers came into life before you. Both of them smirking down at you, “come on baby girl who was it?” Wonwoo tisked his cock standing proud against his toned stomach and you wanted so badly to ignore his question and take him into your mouth.
“Fingers Hao, mouth Wonwoo.”
They shared a knowing look before turning to face you. Minghao put your hand up to his lips and kissed it lightly before giving Wonwoo a nod. The go ahead he needed to reveal your demise.
“You’re right. But we can stop here if you need a break.”
Your eyes widened in panic as you shook your head furiously. You liked to push your limits, and thankfully you hadn’t reached them yet because you were still selfishly craving for more.
“I don’t need a break. I need you to ruin me.”
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“Are you sure?” Wonwoo massaged your hips while you straddled his lap. You didn’t answer instead you smiled and leaned down to kiss his lips. He hummed against your mouth, his fingers toyed with the torn lace against your skin serving as a brutal reminder to not buy anymore lingerie if it was just going to end up half of the floor and the other half still adorning your body.
You grind your wet core down on his hard cock, his grip on your hips getting tighter as he guided you against him. Breathy moans swallowed by each other’s mouths. You jumped slightly when you felt Minghao’s fingers twinkle up your spine making you shiver. You sighed against Wonwoo’s lips as they moved to the front of your body, his movements soft and calculated until they reached your neck and he tightened his hold around it. You whimpered, pulling away from Wonwoo’s kiss, Minghao’s front against your back as his lips found the shell of your ear.
“Are you ready for the two of us?” His teeth grazed your earlobe. Wonwoo watched closely his blunt fingernails digging into your skin as he pressed you hard against him. “Gonna let us fill your holes up with our cum?” Minghao quirked. The hand that wasn’t around your neck toyed with the rose colored glass buttplug that had been stretching you out for the last half of the night.
“Mmm, y-yes.” Your croaked, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as Minghao’s grip against your neck got tighter. Wonwoo stopped his movements and squeezed your hips, his mouth leaving open mouthed kisses against your collarbones and around Minghao’s hand.
“If it gets too much, tell us to stop okay.” Minghao whispered, his hold faltering as he slowly removed the buttplug from your body. You whimpered missing the feeling of being full. Wonwoo raised your hips and aligned himself against your pussy, his eyes silently burning holes into yours while you sank down on his angry cock, your velvet walls stretching out aroundt him and you almost fell apart.
Wonwoo threw his head back against the headboard, moaning your name out like a prayer. “H-Hao, hurry up I-I don’t want to cum yet, without you.”
“Lean down a little baby.” Minghao kissed your shoulder, the head of his cock circling around your stretched out hole. You obeyed, burying your face into Wonwoo’s neck, Minghao’s hand around your neck had disappeared. You hadn’t noticed until both of his palms came down onto your ass cheeks hard while he pushed himself into you. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, feeling the heat wrap around him, and the bulge of Wonwoo’s cock against his own.
“F-Fuck so full.” You moaned. They waited before moving, as you came down from the overwhelming painful stretch, waiting for your go ahead. Wonwoo caressed your head across your back in comforting kisses. “H-Hands please.” You shakingly moved your hand behind you resting against your back as the other one searched for Wonwoo’s.
Minghao intertwined his fingers with yours, his mouth disappearing from your skin, “You’re doing so good for us.” He praised, Wonwoo copied his movements, “You’re made for us, angel.” He said, winking at Minghao, earning a throaty laugh from the man behind you.
“Please move.” You breathed out as the pain started to replace itself with blissful pleasure. Minghao thrusted in first, earning a groan from both you and Wonwoo who then started moving his hips as well.
Their movements started out slow and careful. They alternated their thrusts so they wouldn’t leave you hanging. You moaned out their names almost incoherently, the pleasure building up in the pit of your stomach again. The hold you had on their hands got tighter as their thrusts became more and more sloopy, their need to release taking over their bodies.
It was rather provocative. Their cocks snug deep in your ass and pussy, grinding against one another through your skin. The sounds of desperate, breathy grunts, mixing with the raw sounds of skin slapping against one another bounceing off the walls. “I’m close baby, do you want to come?” Wonwoo gripped your breast in his hand, rolling his palm against the hard bud. You arch your back against Minghao’s chest.
“A-Answer him...fuck baby.”
“Yes, daddy, yes please I-I need it.”
“Then go ahead, come for us.” Wonwoo thrusted once more into you, meeting Minghao’s thrusts simultaneously and you came undone. Your body convulsed with pleasure as you yell out their names, desperately riding out your orgasm. Minghao followed next, his mouth biting down your shoulder as he spilled his hot sticky seed inside of you.
“You t-two...mmh look fucking sexy.” Wonwoo let out a guttural grunt before releasing himself inside of you, pistoning his hips up into you as he rode out his orgasm, fucking his cum into you.
Minghao pulled out first, his fingers replacing his cock as he pushed his cum into you. “You’re a work of art angel.”
Your body falls limp against Wonwoo’s chest, the overstimulation becoming more than you could handle but you didn’t want it to stop and soon enough the coil in the pit of your stomach was forming again. “Give us one more please.” Wonwoo almost but begged, the desperation and lust laced in his deep voice sent you overboard one last time, your vision becoming spotty, the ringing in your ears getting louder.
“Good girl.” Minghao removed his fingers and helped you off Wonwoo’s lap. Your body felt weak and in a state of euphoria that wouldn’t have been possible to reach unless it was with your boyfriends. You falter onto the bed, your eyes tiredly closing. Minghao moved next to you, his hand pushing your hair out of your face, his chest rising as he tried to catch his breath. He and Wonwoo carefully helped you lay down comfortably. Wonwoo whispered reassuringly in your ear leaving behind soft kisses, his own body trying to recover from his own high.
You wrapped your arms around Minghao’s neck, a smug smile forming on your face as you brought your face down to yours. You turned your head and kissed Wonwoo’s cheek lightly as a silent thank you. He hummed, wrapping his arm around your waist bringing you close. You sighed happily feeling safe in their arms. Slowly, you leaned up and pecked Minghao’s lips repeatedly, he had taken it upon himself to massage your hips gently as you tried to regain your breathing again.
“Happy Birthday baby.”
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Sister Complex
Bakugou x Step Sister!Reader
Warnings: s m u t, dubcon, pseudo-incest(they’re not biologically related because I’m a coward), uhhh tickling?
A/N: It’s been a minute since I’ve written something spicy for Baku-bb. Idk why it’s a hard for me to do this for one of my favorite characters lolol. I had to make things a little fucky because I’m me, but I have no shame. At least it’s not another yandere piece?? Here’s some nasty trash. the spicy bits are short, but they’re there, and uhhh everyone is 18+, obviously.
Bakugou would have had an easy morning—He’d woken up early and had been able to rest his eyes and daydream for a bit—stretch out, relax, take it easy. He could’ve fallen back asleep and dreamt for maybe forty minutes more, too. It would’ve been nice, if it hadn’t been for those damn kneecaps digging into his hips. 
“Katsukiii!” You crooned, poking at his sides through his bed’s comforters. Bakugou felt you ease your weight farther up his abdomen. At most, it was bothersome, but nothing compared the heat burning off of his cheeks that was trapped in with him under the covers. He was suffocating, not only from needing to gulp some of the cool, morning air, but your breasts that were undeniably pressed up against his chest were far too much for him to handle. Soft and squishy. He had half a mind to grab a hold of them, to teach you a lesson about respecting the let your big brother sleep in rule, just to see you make the fucking adorable embarrassed face you made whenever he teased you. He could have. It wasn’t like you were strong enough to fight him off of you. However, when you started sharing the bed, unaware of how your pelvis was grinding against his pulsing morning-wood, he decided to let you go at it for as long as he could take it. 
“Katsuki, please wake up,” you whined again, pulling against the sheets Bakugou had a vice grip on. “I’m booored.” 
You gave him a little jump and Bakugou couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to slip inside of you. It wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t the one prancing around the house in those tight shorts that hugged that pert little ass for yours so perfectly. Hell, you were probably wearing them right now and all he’d have to do is slip them to the side…
Bakugou groaned at the thought, blowing his sleeping facade. “Why don’t you go on a jog? You’re heavy.” 
You let out an incredulous gasp, stealing the pillow out from under Bakugou’s head. “That’s so rude!!” You slammed your weapon down, once against his chest, and again onto his head. “You’re such an asshole!” 
Bakugou grabbed your wrist. 
“My darling little sister,” he growled out sarcastically, tightening his hold when he saw your eyes narrow. You hated being called little sister on the account that you were only a tiny bit younger and not biologically related to him. That hardly mattered; he’d call you just about anything to be able to see you blush like that. “Get the hell out of my room or you’re gonna regret this.” 
“Let go!” You tried yanking weakly out of Bakugou’s hold, but his grip was too sturdy, and it only led to him pulling you closer to him so your head was leveled with his. “Stop.” 
“You gonna beat it or what?” 
You huffed, the sweet scent of your freshly brushed teeth filling Bakugou’s head. He wanted to taste you.
“No,” you said, pouting. “You’re going to sleep the whole day away. Mom and dad are gone and I was gonna make breakfast for you and me.” 
“I can eat when I’m ready.” 
“Aw, come onnn. Don’t be like that!” Still locked in his hold, you pushed your breasts against him. With that low-cut shirt you were wearing, Bakugou saw your perfect tits push up against his chest, plush and round, beautifully formed, and practically begging to be groped. He hoped you didn’t do that to any other man; nobody would have the same restraint he’d managed to retain. 
Or so he thought. But then you had to make a face. You had to make that adorable fucking face and then you had to whisper so sickenly sweet, albeit teasingly, “oniii-san,” on top of that. 
Bakugou sneered. This was the last straw. 
In one swift movement, Bakugou had you flipped over and pinned against the bed. He took you in—your curvy body flushed and helpless underneath him and on his bed drove him mad. Your shirt was hiked up just enough from his to see your belly button, your bare thighs on either side of his knees. You weren’t wearing a bra, so Bakugou could see your hard nipples poking through the thin material of your tee. You might’ve been a brat, but you were the cutest fucking brat he’d ever seen. 
“I warned you to leave, but you didn’t listen,” Bakugou’s husky morning voice brought goosebumps to your arms. Good. “So now you’re gonna have to suffer the consequences.” 
Before you could object, Bakugou’s hands flew to your ribcage and he began tickling you. You screamed and squirmed and tried to kick your legs out, but Bakugou kept you at bay by sitting back on your legs. Soon your squeals became wails… or maybe—maybe moans… and Bakugou ached for you. 
“Okay!!!” You cried, your chest jetting in and out rapidly. “Stop! Please, please, ahhhhah, I can’t take it anymore!!!!” 
Bakugou grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them to the bed above your head. You panted underneath him, your hair a mess. You had to know how you appeared to him with your eyes lidded like they were, your lips parted so subtly, so invitingly, all just for him. 
“Had enough?” Bakugou croaked, his restraint crumbling. You pouted your beautiful lips and nodded once. He scoffed. He wasn’t done. “I don’t think you have…” 
Bakugou leaned down so his lips were a hair away from your ear. He could smell your hair; the aromatic, buttery fragrant seemed to make you even more of the treat he longed to taste. He whispered, gruffly, “call me oni-san again.” 
“Um, Katsuki-“ you started and stopped, your breath wavering. Your voice made him pulsate against your thigh. After a moment, he realized you were craning your neck, trying to look down. Bakugou’s words caught in his throat. 
You laughed. “Wow, oni-san, I didn’t realize how much of a pervert you were!” 
“Shut up,” he hissed, not daring to move away—not when he was so close to you.
“My mom’s gonna love this. She might even leave your dad after I tell her that you have some sort of sick sister complex.” 
“You were the one moaning,” Bakugou rasped. “‘m sure she’ll love hearing how much her perfect princess loves having her big brother’s hands all over her.”
“I was not-!”
“No?” Bakugou prompted with a smirk against your neck. Then he took the initiative. He dragged his tongue across your soft, shuddering flesh, trailing a line up to your ear. 
“H-hey,” you whimpered, bringing your hands to his arms right below his shoulders. You pushed, but not enough to tell Bakugou that you really wanted him to let off. At this, he decided to bring his hand to your soft tummy and push it up and under your shirt so he could palm your breast, twisting your nipples harshly between his fingers. They were incredible—you felt incredible, and Bakugou hungered for more. 
“Kat-“ you breathed, your hips bucking up and against him. Bakugou grinded against you, the friction between his light pajama pants and your center setting his nerve endings aflame. “Ahhh, Katsuki…”
Bakugou’s body went hot at hearing his name fall from your lips in such a sensuous way. He snickered and growled, “now, who’s the pervert?” before biting down on the softest part of your neck. 
“O-oh, fuck,” you moaned, your voice cracking. You sunk your fingers into the back of Bakugou’s head and, for a moment, he thought you were going to try to pull him away from you. Instead, your nails tightened and untightened, giving him a nice little head massage. If anything you were pulling him further into you. You were enjoying this. 
A groan from Bakugou while he sucked harshly at your neck had your body shaking for him. You mewled while Bakugou’s hand traveled from your tummy down to your panties. The pads of his fingers rubbed around the damp mess at your core. You were already so wet for him. He could laugh. You weren’t the perfect little princess you pretended to be. 
Bakugou pulled away to admire the dark galaxy spot at the side of your neck he’d left. He wiped at his wet mouth and watched your brows knit together lightly, your cheeks dark with bewilderment. Seeing you torn apart like this was pure gold, which made him want to see just how far he could take this. 
“What a foul mouth you’ve got there, little sister.” Bakugou’s arm snaked around your waist, the fingers in your panties still toying with your pussy. “It’s only a good big brother’s job to clean it out for ya.” 
Forceful lips crushed against yours. You only resisted a little before Bakugou had your mouth parting for him. His tongue melted into yours and goddamn were you so sweet… hot... good—perfectly made for him to taste… to take. 
Bakugou kissed you. He touched you. He felt your heart pound against his chest while the two of you clambered to see who could kiss the other harder, and for a moment, he let himself forget that this was wrong—that this could get the both of you in deep trouble. And when he realized that, he didn’t give a shit. 
When Bakugou pulled away and both of his hands went to the waistband of your briefs, he looked you in the eyes and said, “you’re not gonna say a word.”
“-Cuz if you do, then everyone’s gonna know that you like to come into my room with nothin’ but a shirt and your panties. I’ll tell everyone that you like to moan when your oni-san marks your pretty little neck.” 
“You’re not serious!” You barked. Still you weren’t making any move to swat Bakugou’s hands away. 
“No?” Bakugou peeled your panties away. Your cunt blushed under his fierce, hungry gaze—he would’ve teased you for it, but at the moment, he couldn’t think about anything but fucking you.
Bakugou pulled his greedy cock out and gave you a fiery grin. Were you really not gonna stop him? You weren’t gonna offer him a peep of protest? He lined himself up with you, the reddened tip of his cock leaking pre-cum against your slicked up slit. 
“Katsuki, wait-!” 
Bakugou glared, daring you to say another word. He could already feel you palpitating against him. You wanted this, and he could tell; you just didn’t know how to say it. 
“Don’t act like you don’t wanna,” he said, “you’re sopping wet. It’d be a fucking crime not to take care of you myself. You’d be beggin’ to have me if the circumstances were any different anyways.”
“You’re such an arrogant little-!” 
Bakugou sunk into you before you could finish that sentence. Instead, your words were lost to a long, drawn-out moan; one that you probably tried to keep to yourself since he started touching you. 
He eased in and out of you, slowly memorizing all the soft ridges of your creamy pussy. Bakugou didn’t know when the next time he’d be able to claim such an excellent opportunity, so he had to savor you. You sighed for him and he wished that he had some sort of recorder so he could memorize those, too. He’d originally thought that your angelic facade was annoying, but with the way you looked right now—the way you sounded even, he couldn’t help but think about how perfect his little sister was. It pissed him off. 
“Do you know how nasty you are for letting me do this?” Bakugou huffed, his fingers digging into either side of your waist. “Not only are you a pervert, but you’re a fucking slut, too. Is that right?” 
You swallowed a moan and wrapped your arms around Bakugou’s neck as he dipped himself deeper into you, hitting your sweet spot. “Tssss-” you tried sounding passive, but even your scoff was uneasy. Hot. “No…”
“Huh?” Bakugou cracked a grin. “So you’re saying you’re only like this with me then. That’s good at least.” 
Bakugou kissed you, tasting your unspoken desire. He rolled his tongue around yours and you mewled into his mouth, humming as Bakugou brushed his long fingers through your hair. You gasped when he made a fist; the sudden noise made him snap his hips against you. He watched your face contort into the cutest, lustful expression, and Bakugou completely lost it.
Each thrust was assertive—an undeniable display of his dominance. Bakugou’s throbbing cock grooving against your plushy walls was more or less his way of following through with his promise that you were going to pay for bothering him this morning. By the look of your face falling apart before his eyes, that glistening sparkle of a renegade tear on your cheek, the beautiful wobble of your lips, you were sure to know not to test him again unless you wanted to suffer these same consequences. 
“Hah~ god…” You clenched around him after a particularly rough thrust, your face pulling into a cute scowl. 
“Whatsamatter, princess?” Bakugou’s index finger ran down your cheek to your chin. He centered your gaze directly on him. “Your big brother too much for you to handle?” 
“I just think it’s funny— ahhh~!” You bristled when Bakugou began dropping his hips to put a better hit on you. You grasped at the sheets and bit your lips, looking like you had to concentrate to continue what you were saying. “You’re—hhhah~ always muttering my name at night—looks like I know—ah-ah-hah, why~!” 
Bakugou didn’t miss a beat. Instead, his hand wrapped around your neck and he picked up the face, drilling you so intensely that your mouth lulled open to allow pretty, pathetic squeaks to tear out of your throat. 
“It’s good to know you like to listen,” he asserted in a strained voice. You were too cute with your face flushed like it was and fucking hell did you feel good squeezing around his cock. Bakugou knew he wasn't gonna last much longer, but by the way you kept fluttering around him, he knew you were teetering on the edge of release, too. “Next time you should try knockin’ on my door. You know you’d like to see what would happen.”
“Oh, please,” you countered, but it was too late for you. Your mouth fell open as Bakugou began hammering into you, hitting you hard and well enough to have you yipping like a little bitch for him. He’d always wished for this—for you, his little sister, maybe not by blood, but by bond, dirtied up in his sheets. He thought he could never have you, and yet, here you were, taking him beautifully. It was better than he’d imagined all those countless times he’d peeped at you changing in your room or stepping out of the bath. He’d thought that you’d mock him if you ever found out, but no; you were just as fucked up as he was. 
Bakugou reached down and ran circles around your saturated nub, enjoying the sight of your body shivering underneath him. You mewled and moaned for him, squeezing your eyes shut murmuring his name. It was both everything and not enough. 
“Oh, what, princess?” 
“Oh, please, oh please, please, god, oh my god, oni-san.” Your body started convulsing wildly. Bakugou had to grab a hold of your hips to keep his pace steady as he finished his last bout. Your nails clutched and dug into his arms as he felt his rouged relief build up and jet out, hot and heavy into your quaking cunt. 
Bakugou grunted when he pulled out, still pulsing from what you’d done to him. He watched you spill out white, hot seed onto the mattress before he fell on top of you, his forehead pressed to yours. He kissed your sweaty hairline, down the bridge of your nose, and landed on your lips. You kissed him back, albeit languidly, tuckered out from the good fucking your big brother gave you. 
Bakugou chuckled and rolled back into his bed, pulling your body so you were snug up against his bare, sweaty body. The two of you drifted off into a contented sleep. He was grateful that he got his extra forty minutes of rest, but when he woke up his stomach growled. 
“Shit.” Bakugou slithered around your sleeping body, trying harder than he usually would have not to wake you, only to have you grab his hand when he got out of bed. Such a fucking cutie. “Whaddya want?” 
“I… was going to make us breakfast,” you said bashfully, probably mulling over what the two of you had just done. 
“Nah, stay in bed. I’ll whip somethin’ up.” Bakugou brought your hand to his lips and gave it a light kiss. “You’re shit at cooking anyways. Just let your oni-san take care of everything.” 
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING: @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @rubycubix@smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy@sarcastictextstuck@kpanime @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow@wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn@im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai@eggpienutbuttercroissant@usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello 
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ppersonna · 4 years
pick your filter - pjm | m
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mix the colors in the palette, pick your filter. which me do you want? the one to change your world, i'm your filter - filter, bts
↳ summary- You love turning Jimin on, and you’re desperate to make him punish you for it.  Jimin loves punishing you while you listen to his music.
↳ rating- explicit / 18+
↳ word count- 5.1k
↳ pairing- jimin x reader
↳ genre- smut, this is literally just smut, there’s 1% plot and it’s pornographic too, there’s some fluff at the end but i repeat it is still smut. there is no god in this chili’s tonight
↳ warnings- buckle up pals.  established relationship, explicit descriptions of sex, penetrative sex, oral sex (m/f receiving), BDSM themes, spanking, belt usage, dirty talk, derogatory names, pain kink, daddy kink, face-fucking lol, unprotected sex, slight impregnation kink but like not really they just wanna have a baby together and talk about it lol, jimin is filthy and i cannot portray him as anything but filthy but then he has like cute babie syndrome at the end.
↳ a/n- hi i feel maybe 1% shame in how fast i wrote this but whatever.  thank you to @carly-bean-blog for sending the prompt in!  i loved it and went from a planned drabble to 5k words lolol.  one day i’ll be less verbose 🥴🥴 plus enjoy and feel free to send in more requests or just a message to say hi bc as you can see i love talking. also RIP to the wine glass i broke while writing this fic because i hit my table to hard.  wine glass 2020-2020
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Turning Park Jimin on was a delicious challenge for you.
When you first began dating, all it took was a ‘come over’ text, and he’d be there in 5 minutes flat regardless of the fact that he lived 15 minutes away.
Now, a few years and a marriage under your belt, it took a bit more.
That’s not to say he wasn’t the same insatiable man you met at university; even after all these years Jimin could easily go 3 or more rounds a night.
But really getting him riled up, getting him hard and wanting and desperate for you was another thing.  Sometimes, you just wanted him to come home and take you right against the kitchen counter, so turned on he couldn’t even make it to the bedroom.
You’re determined to win that challenge today.  
To be truthful, the day was terrible for you, and you were seeking release in the form of your husband dicking you down until you were speaking another language. You were desperate to let loose, push aside the emotional and tender sex that seemed to be more commonplace in the bedroom recently (and you enjoyed equally) but today you needed to be treated like an absolute harlot.
The idea rolled through your mind while you were busying yourself with housework, laundry and dishes.  Options of how to get your husband to take you on the floor, rip your clothes off, make you beg for more, simmered in your mind and made the low flame in your stomach burn.  Lingerie could do the trick, Jimin definitely liked to see you swathed in delicate lace or creamy satin.  You had a nice deep red set that was dying to be used and discarded on the floor.
It came to you as you set your speaker to play some music as you flicked around the house.  Jimin’s sweet voice filled the rooms, causing you to pause as shivers raked your spine.
His music.  There was always something Jimin loved about having his music on in the background of your sex that made him work harder on you, fuck you deeper.  Maybe it was narcissism at its finest, but who were you to complain if it benefitted both of you.
You discarded all thoughts of cleaning the rest of the house as you stalked towards your bedroom closet, gathering the red bustier and panty set, with matching garter belt and stocking clips.  You purchased it rather spur of the moment, a huge sale at your favorite boutique, and you wanted to save it for something special.
It appeared the special moment was now.
You took care to curl your hair, a gentle wave with not too much product.  Jimin loved to tug his fingers through your locks, and grip them in a ponytail as you sucked his cock.  Any product would unfortunately get in the way.  Makeup was minimal, a dash highlight on your cheeks and inner tear ducts, light pink lip stain on your lips.  Jimin had been the test subject of many a lipstick, as you determined to find the most blowjob-proof one.  Needless to say, none of the lipsticks were 100% solid, but it was the best time Jimin ever had as a test subject. You preferred to stick with the stains, easier cleanup for the both of you.
You complete the visual as you swap your grubby cleaning day clothes for blood red lace lingerie, smirking at yourself in the mirror.  The cups of the bra molded against you, encasing your tits perfectly.  Jimin would surely lose his mind.  The panties were simple lace, and you had the inkling that they would not remain intact tonight.   Jimin’s propensity for literally ripping your knickers right off you was legendary.  But that’s what you wanted, isn’t it?  You wanted your husband to be absolutely feral for you.
Step two of your plan was now underway as you slipped onto your bed, perfectly made now, and snapped sultry photos.  You ensured your cleavage and smooth legs were in the shot, a finger on the mouth.  You took a few more, exposing more and more of your body.
me 2:56 pm- hi babe what you up to?
mini 2:56 pm- baby!!!! Not much, just waiting for hobi to get back from lunch so we can practice this new choreo.  
Mini 2:57 pm- what about you? besides being the world’s cutest wife :)
Me: 2:57 pm- oh not too much. I did our laundry and cleaned up the house a little.  Now im just relaxing and missing my babe :(
Mini 2:57 pm- baby :( i’m sorry.  I should be home in a few hours okay! I’ll order in pasta from your favorite place to make up for it
Me 2:58 pm- well, i was sort of hoping you could make up for it but… i don’t want pasta
Mini 2:58 pm- you don’t? What do you want? Pizza?
Me 2:58 pm- [picture attached]
Me 2:58 pm- no, I want you to fuck me until I can’t see straight.
Mini 2:59 pm- oh fuck 
Mini 2:59 pm- baby you’re playing a dangerous game, teasing me like this.
You nearly had him, he was sniffing at the bait and soon he’d bite and you’d reel him in.  You sent the next picture, showcasing your tits with one cup pulled down, nipple on display.
me 3:00 pm- you mean this kind of game?
mini 3:00 pm- christ
mini 3:00 pm- fuck babe, you’re gonna make me pop a boner at dance practice.  You know I can’t come home for a few hours.
me 3:00 pm- hobi still gone?  Go to the bathroom and i’ll send you a video.
mini 3:01 pm- holy fuck asdskadj okay
Time for the pièce de résistance.  Ensuring the speakers blasted ‘Serendipity’, your husband’s full length solo, you clicked the record button and filmed your hand sliding down to your clothed core, rubbing over the mound with a rough hand.  You breathed heavily, sighed, mewled a bit.  
“Daddy,” you gasp. “Come home.”
You end it with a hand sneaking under the band and insertion of one finger.  Leave him not just wanting more, but rabid for it.  The video file is sent before you've even pulled your fingers from their spot resting on your clit.
Minutes passed, you were sure he was watching.  The man lived for your exhibitionism.  
mini 3:06 pm- you better have your hands behind your back and be on your knees when i get home, little one. In the middle of the bedroom floor. 
mini 3:06 pm- i want you to listen to the music and think about me fucking you.  Think about how i destroy your little cunt so good.
mini 3:07 pm- but don’t you dare touch yourself.  Your pussy is only mine to play with, you got that?
me 3:07 pm- yes daddy 
mini 3:07 pm- good.  I’ll be home soon.
Congratulations, you smirk to yourself in the mirror's reflection across from you.  You’ve won the grand prize.  Please make sure you collect your prize from the man with the raging boner.
You idly realize that Jimin hasn’t told you when he’ll be home.  You know that on any normal day he’d be home at 5:30.  But was he leaving early?  Could you chance it?  As much as you wanted to disobey and face his delicious punishment, he also could just as easily punish you by not letting you cum at all. And the chances of that type of discipline tonight was high; Jimin would surely make you pay for teasing him at work by exacting torturous ache the same to you.
You’re spinning the pros and cons of preparing yourself now or later, when you are given your hasty answer by the sound of keys jingling in the front door.  Your heart rate spikes dangerously, feeling like the muscle would force the blood out of your veins with the pressure.  
You squirm off the bed and descend to the floor on your knees, resting back on your heels, and holding your hands behind your back.  You lower your head to the floor, knowing Jimin loves it when you avoid eye contact until he tells you when and where to look.  
His footsteps are heavy, slow and torturous because you know that he knows that you’ll be on the very edge of your sanity.  The warmth in your belly is torched with tinder and starter and is flaring high.  Jimin’s simple presence, just like this, is enough to get you to an incredible high.  Nothing brings you to your knees faster than when he turns from your sweet, adorable and gentle husband into the sadistic and powerful dominating owner of your body and soul.
It takes 5 deep breaths from your belly before you hear Jimin enter the bedroom.  He’s not saying a single word, but you can hear his soft footsteps on the hardwood floor.  Your knees are aching at the pressure of the hard floor, but you ignore it. You’d ignore cauterizing wounds for the man hovering above you if he asked. 
You’re trembling, you notice.  Your thighs are quivering ever so slightly and the grasp on your hands behind you is weakening.  You grip harder, determined to maintain perfect correct form.
Jimin is frustratingly silent.  He walks around you, and you feel his eyes rove your body intently, as if looking for fault or reason to punish you.  He seems pleased when he finishes his rounds, standing right in front of you. 
“Look at me,” he states with authority, but his tone is gentle. 
You finally tilt your head up to gaze at your lover and nearly gasp at the sight.  Jimin is, on an average day, the most ethereally beautiful man you’ve ever seen.  Today, he looks as if he descended from heaven mere minutes previous.  His pink hair is pushed back, eyes darkened with desire, and wearing the tightest shirt you’ve ever seen, making his toned dancer’s body ripple under the cotton.  Tight sweats that leave nothing to the imagination about what he’s packing between his thighs sit low on his hips and you spot just a hint of his lower abdomen, the v line of his adonis belt, and you’re sure you’re drooling.
“Look at me,” he corrects, a smirk on his face.  Your eyes snap to his own again, and he winks at you. 
“Have you been a good girl for daddy?” He asks, and it feels like a loaded question.  
You play it coy.  “Yes, daddy.”
He stands still in front of you, hand stroking his face as he watches you.  His eyebrow arches.
“Are you sure? You have done nothing to upset Daddy? Nothing at all?” His voice becomes teasing, and the smirk on his features is sinister.
You bite your lip. “I sent Daddy a video of me, touching myself to his music.”
“That’s right, angel,” he murmurs and circles you again.  You feel like his prey before he comes in for the kill. “You made daddy leave practice early.  Don’t you think that’s not being a good girl?”
“No, I did wrong.”
“I’m glad you agree,” he murmurs.  “I’m gonna make you regret getting Daddy hard and horny at work.”
He places his hands on your shoulders and you shiver.  His hands are smooth, warm.  You love the way you feel the cold steel of his wedding ring pressed to your skin, a tangible expression of his love and loyalty.
“Stand up,” he directs.  You’re quick, thankful to be off stinging knees.  He lets his hands glide down your back to meet at your clasped hands, pulling them apart and turning you to face him.
He threads his fingers through your hair and pulls you close, sealing your lips to his.  His lips are soft and taste of chapstick, a hint of sweat, and something just so simply Jimin that is addictive.  He’s gentle and tender in the kiss, the kind of kiss a husband gives his wife.  It speaks miles beyond the simple action, and you chase it, revel in it, knowing it’s the last time he’ll be gentle tonight.  
He breaks from the kiss, touches your nose gently and winks.  It makes your heart flutter in your chest.
The control seeps back into his face; it's physically present in the tight gaze of his eyes and the coolness of his impassive features.  It’s a stark opposite of who just kissed you, and you’re breathless at the sudden change.  
“Gonna spank you with my belt, baby,” he murmurs.  A hand slaps hard against your ass, surprising you and making you squeak out loud.  “Lean over my desk like a good little slut.”
You obey immediately, jerking your body towards his grand oak desk. It’s gorgeous dark wood that matches the decor of your room perfectly and makes for a delicious spot for your sexual proclivities without being obvious.  As much as Jimin wanted a sex swing, you would not cave to that.
You bend to fold your body over the desk, gripping the edge and pushing your hips back to allow for more access to your husband.  The speaker system by your bed plays music, and you recognize the opening chords as one from his latest album with his six best friends. A smile slips to your face as the volume turns up, quiet enough you can talk, but loud enough it’s noticeable. His smooth, melodic voice is ringing through your bedroom and through your entire body. 
He stalks in behind you and rubs at your soft globes.
“Mmm, you look so pretty in this,” he compliments.  “You know I love seeing you in red.”
You turn your head to gaze at him, smiling.  “That’s why I bought it, Daddy.”
“Good little bitch,” he sighs.  
As expected, he rips the underwear from your body with one clean pull.  You’re always surprised by the action. He never gives warning.  Your eyes follow as the useless fabric soars towards the ground. 
“Much better.”
He moves away from you, walking towards the closet.  You train your eyes forward, keeping locked on the wall ahead of you, rather than staring.  Jimin tells you when and where to look and you follow that.
The gentle clinking noise of a belt buckle causes your pussy to quake.  You’ve been slowly moistening since you sent the first text, but you were now starting to drip as if you were overflowing.  By the end of the night, you’ll be drowning in it.
He’s behind you again as quick as he left and he rubs the leather belt against your bare behind. 
“What’s your word?” He asks, soothing at the skin with the device that will soon maar it.  Jimin is ever careful, checking on your mental and emotional safety as well as your physical, and ensured a safe word was in place each time.
“Red,” you assert.  He hums his approval and kisses your ass once, one quick little peck, before he lifts back up to standing.
“Count for me, little whore.”
The crack of the belt spanking your cheek electrifies you.  You feel as if every muscle in your body clenches as the sting vibrates through your buttocks and down to your core.  
“O-one!” You’re shouting, distracted by the pain in your ass to care about your pitch.
Crack. The next slap lands on the other cheek now, and you hiss at the pain.  It bites at your skin, and it soaks your pussy. 
He delivers the next straight in the center, hitting both cheeks and letting the sizzle melt its way to a pleasure that’s reverberating through your core.
“Three! Fuck!” you gasp. 
SMACK.  It’s the hardest yet and tears well up in your eyes at the initial whollop, before your hips are writhing and desperate for friction.
“Four!” You’re wailing and you know it makes your husband go even wilder.
“Stay still or I won’t let you cum for a month,” he grits.  Your hips stay put, knowing he’s a man of his word and not wanting to face his wrath.
He continues his barrage, and you’re counting out 15 strikes before he stops.  You’re sobbing, the pain and pleasure surging so forcefully through your veins that your cunt clenches around nothing and you’re dripping onto the wood of the desk.
His warm hands are soothing at the reddened flesh of your ass, the sensation stinging at first, but oozes away to a relaxing warmth against the punished skin.
“Good girl, baby,” he commends you, hands rubbing all over your flesh. “Took your punishment like such a good girl.”
You sniffle in reply and he pulls you up, making you stand on wobbly legs.  He twists you around and pecks your lips again, a reminder that Jimin, your husband, is still there and loves you more than he loves life itself.  It soothes you more than any salve could and it steels your resolve to continue.  It’s easy to submit and thrill at the loss of control when you trusted the master with your entire being.  
“Color?” He asks, checking in with you.
“Green,” you smile. 
He’s pleased with your answer.  He pulls away from you and pushes you towards the bed.
“Lay down on your back.  Head off the side.  I’m going to fuck your throat, and you will take it all.”
You’re giddy as you saunter to the bed and notice that Jimin is proud of the blooming red of your ass.  It’ll be a literal pain in the ass to sit tomorrow, but it’s worth all the doting and affection you’ll receive in return for being such a good girl for him.  The music has changed, another sensual track featuring your talented husband.  It sends shivers down you, straight to your core.
You maneuver your body to lie on the bed, grateful for the soft blanket on your burning ass, and tip your head off the bed.  Your mouth opens complacently and Jimin shoves his sweats down to reveal his hardened length.
You’re licking your lips like his dick is the finest meal money can buy, and he chuckles.  His left hand strokes it, shivering at the cold press of his wedding ring mixing with the heat of his hand. 
“You want my cock?” He asks.
You nod, captivated with the motion he strokes the shaft.  You almost forget to speak, but his harsh gaze is like a whip.
“Yes! Yes, I want your cock Daddy!”
“Tell me what you want to do to me,” he hums.
Well, this would be too easy.
“I want to suck you dry, let you fuck my throat so I can’t breathe.  I’ll let you cum down my throat and make my face so messy from cum and spit that it gets in my eyes and messes up my pretty makeup, daddy.”
His strokes have become faster, and he sucks in hard for air. “Such a filthy fucking mouth.”
You open said mouth again, letting your tongue hang out like a welcome sign to your throat.
He growls, it’s guttural, and it feels as if it’s positioned on your clit, vibrating the nub.  Your bliss is cut short as he drives his thick dick into your mouth and directly to the back of your throat, leaving you no time to prepare.  You whine slightly around it, and he tsks.
“Don’t you fucking dare whine.  Take it all,” he sounds ruthless and your pussy quakes.
He sets a punishing pace, the tip of his dick ramming through your throat.  It doesn’t take long for it to become messy, saliva trickling from your mouth, falling towards your eyes due to the angle of your supine head.  Jimin sounds angelic, the moans that leave the dancer’s body should be recorded and played for an audience, you think.  You’d suffer through hours of this for the reward of his sweet voice crying out your name.
“Fuck, my little cock slut loves it when I fuck her throat, hmm,” he asks, breathy and harsh.  You nod as much as you can.
“Yeah, that’s right.  You love daddy’s cock, don’t you? You love it when I fucking choke the shit out of you with my fat cock, huh?”
The voice of an angel with the words of the devil himself.  The duality is intoxicating and you are head over heels for both Jimin’s inside of him, every aspect of the man you pledged your life to.
“Mmm, you suck me so good,” he’s groping at your tits through the fabric of your bra.  You’re surprised that it’s still on, but you trust he’s aware and always has a plan.  
“Are you crying, baby?” He asks mockingly.  Tears and saliva mix and your face is completely ruined by it.  You nod again and blink.  “Good, fucking choke on it.” he goes even faster and you’re moaning.  It hurts and the gag reflex is there, but the pain gets you off, and you know the second it became too much, your husband would stop in an instant.  
“Little sluts get their face fucked when they disobey daddy,” he chides, emphasising each word with a thrust.  
It’s as if you’re desperate for his orgasm, wanting nothing more than to swallow every ounce of what he spills into you, clean him up and ask for more.  He won’t have that tonight, it seems, as he’s pulling out of you as quickly as he entered.
“I want to cum in this tight little cunt,” he bites.  You slither up from your position and wipe at your eyes, resting against the pillow after he orders you to remove the bustier.  He asks that you leave the belt and stockings on, however. 
“Spread those pretty thighs for me, baby,” he’s discarded his shirt and is sitting ahead of you, watching you.  His gaze turns you on and opens you up like a flower.
Your thighs are spread far and you lean back further onto the pillows to put the star of the show on display.  You’re coated with your slick; it’s slathered up and down your thighs and dripping onto the duvet below you.  He breathes out in appreciation.
“I think my favorite thing about you is how fucking wet you get for me.”  He’s still not moving and you want to beg him to touch you, please do something, but refrain.  “You feel like a fucking dream when I’m inside you.”
“B-baby,” you break character and freeze, but he ignores it and allows you to continue as you sigh with relief. “I need you.”
“Do you now?” he banters, and you nod with wide, needy eyes.
“Touch yourself for me, then.  Show me how badly you want daddy’s cock in you.”
A hand flies to your cunt in record time and you’re desperately eager to spread the lips of your folds apart and rub at your slick and swollen clit.  A breathy, heady moan escapes you at the friction you’ve been aching for since you sent the sexy photo hours ago. 
“Fuck!” you shout, circling the bud.  Jimin’s eyes are glued to your hands, and he watches with awe. 
“Finger yourself,” he demands and you’re obeying before he’s even finished speaking, two fingers slipping down to enter your channel.  You arch off the bed and grip a breast in your other hand, flicking at the nipple for extra sensation.  
He coos at you as you fuck yourself with wild abandon, gasping his name as you slip deeper with each thrust.  
“Add another.”  His voice maintains its even quality, maintained and cool.  But if you opened your eyes, you’d see that he’s salivating at the sight, desperately restraining himself.  His cock is weeping pre-cum and he could explode in an instant watching this too long.
Your ring finger slips in with the other two and you’re keening at the stretch.  The pain is gone in a flash, just a pinch that simmers to a desperate pleasure.  
“You look so fucking good, baby,” he breaks his composure, momentarily.  He’s so in love with you, every single fucking bit, that he can’t help it.  “God, you’re beautiful.”
His words have you blushing, as if they’re the most lewd part of the evening and not the fact you’re fingering yourself in front of your husband while he watches and orders you around.
“Rub your clit with your other hand, love.”
The pressure of your added hand on your clit and the fingers thrusting into you has you soaring to your high and your throat chokes on the air.  “O-oohhh fuckkk!” You whine.
“You close, baby?  You gonna cum on those cute little fingers and get them messy for daddy?” He asks, voice violently serene.
“Y-yes! Please, I want to cum,” you beg.  You know the rules, he tells you where and when your body receives its pleasure.
“You wanna cum?” He asks again, and you feel a spike of irritation.  He’s already asked you that, haven’t you already answered?
“So badly, daddy! Please! C-close.” Words are escaping your mental capacity now.  You’re there, nearly there, just one little tiny string holding you back from the edge of euphoria.
“Too bad.”  
Your fingers are pulled from your cunt quickly and you’re crying.  Tears are forming in your eyes as you feel an ache deep to your womb.  You had been so close, so deliciously close.  Jimin knows this, thrills at watching you edge further and further through the night.  You won’t admit it at the moment, it’s pure torture then, but the buildup to the finale is indescribable.
“You don’t get to fucking cum until I tell you to cum.  Do you understand me?”
“Yes, yes! Yes, Daddy,” you babble, nearly incoherent from arousal and denial. 
He makes you writhe there, pussy so slick its soaking the blankets and you’ll have to change them later but the only thing you think about is your cunt, your weeping cunt that’s screaming to release. 
You feel your breath slowing and know that Jimin wants you to come back down to earth before he’ll bring you up again.
“Good fucking girl,” he kisses your belly, licking at the navel.  He whispers quiet words of adoration as he trails down your abdomen and end at the top of your mound.  Your legs are shaking, no, they’re nearly convulsing from need.
He spreads your folds, and it’s pornographic the way he spits on your pussy, as if it needs any more wetness.  It’s not about the wetness, though, and you know it.  It’s about the message, the ownership.  
“My favorite little fuck toy,” he murmurs, lightly tracing everywhere but the bud throbbing with need for friction.  “I can’t wait to cum inside this little pussy tonight.  Gonna flood your whole fucking cunt, babe.”
Jimin knows the way to your heart, and the way to your orgasms is through his words.  Gentle whispered ‘i love you’s’ in the day and disgusting filth at night.  It’s just another reason in a list of a million why you work so well together. 
“Should we get you nice and pregnant tonight?  You want to make a baby?”  
You nearly sob at his words.  He can fuck you harder with his words than his cock.
“Please!” You’re yelling, tears streaming down your face. “P-please! I want your baby.”
He leans down and smiles for a moment before speaking. “Well, my little wife will always get what she wants when she asks so nicely.”  His lips attach to your clit, suctioning it into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it.  It’s swollen and slick, and it feels like fucking heaven.  His plushy lips are working for it, taking you so desperately close to the edge.  
You’re gasping a symposium of his name and praising the ground he walks on.  You’re sure if you died now you’d die a very fucking happy woman.  The world around you is gone, and it’s just Jimin’s sinful mouth suckling at your cunt.
You’re close again, and Jimin knows it.  You’re begging, pleading with him, but it’s useless as he roughly pulls away.
The music continues on in the background.  It’s lighter, and Jimin croons in the speaker as he grunts in your ear.
He muffles your anguished cry with a messy kiss that tastes of you, and he’s thrusting into you.  The slickness guides him in easily and he’s whining against you at the feel of your walls accept him and hugging him tightly as if they’ve missed his cock swelling within them.
“JIMIN!” You’re seeing fireworks as your husband fucks into you, holding you close to him.  It’s as rough and kinky as it is intimate and sweet.  He holds you, cherishes you, while he’s pistoning his thick member into your loud, drenched cunt.  
“I love you,” he whispers, slipping a thumb into your mouth that you suck at eagerly, as skilled with his fingers as you are with his cock.  “I love you so fucking much.”
His eyes align with yours, yours full of tears of absolute unrivaled pleasure, and his with full and never-ending devotion. 
You’re both so close, and you pull him against you to kiss his lips.  You want to connect completely to him as you cum, as he spills into your womb and creates something, someone there. 
Your cunt flutters intensely, quaking in anticipation as it builds and builds and builds.  Jimin breaks the kiss to breathe and warn you, “I’m going to cum soon, baby, please cum with me.”  He’s gentle and sweet, the Jimin who cries at love stories and wears flower crowns now present inside you.  You nod quickly, gasping as the coil winds tighter and tighter.  
Your kissing is messy, passionate, and your hands grasp him everywhere.  You’re tugging at his toned arms and solid back, seeking refuge as the tidal wave grows impossibly high, higher, so so high,
And crashes into you at 100 miles per hour.  Your cunt is contracting and pulsing around him so intensely you nearly black out, crying loudly into his mouth.  He’s groaning with you, the feeling of your already impossibly tight walls clenching down on him demands the orgasm out of him.  He’s cupping your whole face in his hands as he spills into you and your walls suck him in further, so far he could disappear completely.  
It feels as if you orgasm for hours, but it's merely minutes later that you’re trying to catch your breath and slip back into reality.  You’re clinging to each other like last lifelines and the gaze between you is so intense it clenches at your racing heart.  
The silence between you two is long and speaks an entire conversation before your lips even open.  He’s singing so sweetly through the speaker, it sounds like he’s singing directly to you.  “I love you,” you’re whispering to him.
He rubs at your cheeks in his palms, wiping away stray tears of bliss that have slipped down your face.
“I love you.”
You settle into him, unwilling to move a single inch away from your husband, and marvel at the beauty that is your life, your future.  
Jimin holds you close, kisses you gently and sings softly along to the music as you fall asleep, and he adores the fact that he holds his entire world, his future, in his arms.
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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somethinglacking · 5 years
Rings and Handcuffs (Kiro X MC)
Rating: SMUT
Word count: 6529
Summary: You’re boyfriend has been working himself to near death. After getting a key to his apartment you decide to plan a special little surprise for him with a few gifts.
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice Fanfiction
It was a holiday and your company was closed, yet Kiro still had work today. You worried for him sometimes, his manager seemed to book him every day of the week and gave him little downtime to himself. It wasn’t like Kiro was an idol just starting his career either. The starlit was renown already, every girl’s fantasy young and old. You knew this, Kiro knew this, his manager surely knew this. Yet, Kiro still had an extremely unrelenting schedule that made him work holidays, his birthdays, and everything in-between. It made you sad to think about how far your boyfriend pushed himself. Just because you where a public figure didn’t mean you couldn’t have a personal life on the side. That was no way to live, yet Kiro never truly complained. He’d smile and push himself. That's why you wanted to make today extra special for him. 
It surprised you when Kiro was ever so willing to hand over a key to his loft when you asked. He didn’t even think twice just handed it to you with a cheery smile and told you to keep it. The gesture of having unlimited access to him made your heart swell. The undeniable trust he had in you to allow you into his personal space unsupervised was enough to choke you. You thanked him endlessly and he chuckled petting your head. 
“You’re my girlfriend!” Kiro exclaimed with a cheeky smile. “If I can’t share my personal space with you there would be a serious problem with our relationship!” The reassurance was nice, and you made a mental note to have a key to your own homemade for him. 
It’s been a few days since then, and you had everything you need to prep for the surprise you were planning for your little sunshine. Texting Kiro, you made sure he was already out of his home for the day. You didn’t want him to catch on to your plans as you made your way over, full bag in tow. You flushed carrying such items in public, but no one would really know what you had in your bookbag. You just looked like a normal girl with a bag, nothing more. Nothing was suspicious about you at all. It still did nothing to ease the tense you felt transferring such things. 
Soon enough you arrived without incident and let yourself into the building. The doorman was used to seeing you at this point. He greeted you cheerfully and you smiled back him hopping onto the elevator. The floors dinged by slowly, much too slowly until it reached Kiro’s floor. Stepping off you made haste to his apartment door and prayed the key actually worked. It did of course, and your doubt was foolish you knew. Kiro was an honest guy and wouldn’t do anything to embarrass you on purpose. 
You shut and locked the door behind you, leaned against it, and breathed. You made it. You were here. Opening your eyes and looked about the open concept loft with giant windows to let in natural light and keep it bright. It was a snazzy apartment, one that would make you faint if you saw the cost of rent for it. Sighing and scolding yourself thinking of the difference between your own and your boyfriend's salary. It didn’t matter, but you could feel the gap between the both of you there. 
Shaking yourself out of that mindset you walked into the living/dining/kitchen area and looked about. You had been here over a dozen times since you’re relationship took a serious leap in the romantic department. There was an electric fireplace and a huge mounted television above it. The leather couch that was super comfy where you and Kiro found yourselves mostly snuggled in a blanket together watching the newest releases with the glow of the fireplace…You smiled realizing you both haven’t actually finished a movie together. The night would end with you both making out and getting to know each other physically. 
Running your hand along the back of couch fondly you walked towards the kitchen and started stocking it with the goodies you had bought Kiro. There were some homemade meals you put in the freezer for him to heat up at a later date, and some sweet you made as well. You might not be the best cook, but you weren’t the type of girlfriend to let you hard working man go hungry either! Leaving a love note and a key to your own home on one of the lids, you shut the door. Once the kitchen was put together you clap your hands together to congratulate yourself on your good work. 
Now was the time to set up the main attraction of the night. Your cheeks lit up and your heart hammered. It was bold and daring, but Kiro had once mentioned being into it, and you were willing to try. Walking with a purpose you let yourself into Kiro’s bedroom. It was a mess, the sheets were tossed about. Not that it surprised you any, he was a bachelor and he mostly used his home to shower and sleep, you knew. Smiling at the mess you started to pick up after him. Not that you wanted to mom him, but it would take away from the surprise you spent the week setting up. 
Soon the Laundry in the hamper, and you were curious if he had a washer and dryer in the apartment, but decided to leave it. You didn’t want to overstep the boundaries you were unsure of. Next, you moved to the bed and fixed the sheets. Once it was all organized you moved to your bookbag with a deep breath. You gathered two pairs of handcuffs from within, and fuzzy covers to keep them from digging into the skin. You moved over to the bed frame and you latched onto one side of each pair onto it; a considerable amount of space apart. Tugging you made sure they wouldn’t give and then you smiled in victory. 
Next, you looked at the accessory you had bought your boyfriend. Biting your lip you clicked the switch and it hummed to life with a soft buzz and bounced in your hand. You were gauging size, the woman at the shop said it was the most common size and fit most men. You really hoped it fit right. If not it would be an idea for another time. You set it on the bedside table along with warming lube. The woman at the shop recommended it. 
Lastly, there was yourself to set up. You looked into the bag and bite your lip nervous. You brought your make-up supplies and a change of clothes. Grabbing the bag you made your way into the bathroom dropping Kiro a text, asking how long he thought his shoot would run. It didn’t take him long to reply with a couple of hours and asking if you wanted to meet up for dinner. Dinner did sound nice, but you had already made plans for the both of you. You texted back telling him you’ll be waiting in his apartment, which earned a favourable reply. 
Kiro: Make yourself at home! I’ll join you as soon as I can! I can’t wait to see you! Gah! Now I’m excited haha~ The rest of the shoot will go so slow just to torture me.
You giggled thinking of the handcuffs you placed on his bed frame. He honestly had no idea what you had up your sleeve. 
You: Mmmn. Might have to pamper you when you get back after such a long day!
Kiro: Stooooooop! This is agony! This is cruel! 
Kiro: I love you! I’ll be with you soon enough, I’m needed back. Got caught texting. Lolol. 
You smiled sending a kissy face emoji and then looked into the mirror. It was now or never and you mustered up your courage. You turned on a beauty tutorial and followed the steps until you managed to give yourself a beautiful smokey eye look. The liner and shadow were heavier than you were used too, and the matted non-smearing lipstick was a bold red. You almost didn’t recognize yourself, yet you felt like your confidence was boosted. Next, you worked on curling your hair until it fanned your features just right. You messed it a bit and you looked at the mirror in awe. You honestly couldn’t believe that was you looking back in the mirror… You looked sexy and fierce. 
You took a selfie of your dolled up appearance before you moved on to getting dressed. The panties where slinky and cute and the garter belt was white lace with red bows. Your new stockings went well over your thighs but short enough for the straps attaching them to the garter belt to stretch over your thighs. The bra was white with a red bow to match the garter. Shallowing thickly you looked at yourself clad in lace and silk in the mirror. It matched your make-up and hair-do… You felt pretty, cute, and sexy all at the same time and the lingerie actually felt nice against your skin. 
Again you took a selfie for yourself, just because you can, and then moved to grab the dress you bought. It was simple, casual, and pretty. It was pale pink and was high neck with a golden belt around the waist. The skirt flowed down your hips and stopped only a couple of inches down your thighs. Cute and short. Shorter than what you usually wore, and it teased the stockings and the straps connecting them to the Garter belt. The heels you picked were two inches high and gold like the belt. 
Fitting with your dress and gaining your balance in the shoes you looked in the mirror and twirled, understanding why girls loved to dress up for their boyfriends. You felt good in your new things, being all dolled up like this. Smiling you took another selfie now that you were actually fully dressed and sent it to Kiro. 
Not bothering to wait for his response you started to tidy up your stuff and pick up the countertop. Once you collected your things you looked down at your phone and saw twelve messages from a certain blond idol. Curious you opened them and giggled. They were gibberish spam mostly with a’ holy fuck my girlfriend is hot.’ in between. You smiled blushing to yourself glad Kiro seemed to appreciate how you got dolled up. 
Eventually, he calmed down and sent coherent messages 
Kiro: IS THAT MY BATHROOM!?!? Kiro: OH MAN! Are you at my place looking like that right now?!
Kiro: Why you gotta torture me like this, babe?
You: Got all pretty for you, don’t keep me waiting too long~
That was surprisingly flirty for you. You sighed l sitting on the edge of the bed and swung your legs back and forth waiting for Kiro to reply. The sun would be setting soon, and you knew he would have been awake early this morning for his physical training. Busy boy he was. 
Kiro: I just left.
Kiro: I just up and left 
Kiro: hang out, I’ll be home soon~
Well oops
You: I don’t want to get you in trouble! >:c
Kiro: Naw we were done with filming, no need for me other than appearances. Don’t worry about it. I’m getting in a taxi. See you soon! >:D
Your heart leaped into your throat as you powered down your phone and set it with the rest of your stuff. It was almost the moment of truth, and you felt both excited and nervous. Knowing he was on the other side of the city gave you a moment to breathe. What did girlfriends usually do when trying to seduce their boyfriends? You felt extremely out of your element. Kiro usually made the first move towards intimacy and it usually started cuddled on the couch. Where hands wandered too far and next thing you knew you were panting under him. 
This time it was different. Not that you didn't enjoy how you both loved each other before… 
For now, you were going to be in charge and in control of this situation. Blushing you stood to fret a moment with the bed sheets to make sure they were smooth before moving to the living room. You shut the bedroom door behind you and walking over to the electric fireplace. It hummed to life and threw heat as it came to life. You smiled at the warm light before walking over to the window. 
It was dusk now, the sky a light shade of indigo. Soon the stars would shimmer in the sky. You smiled watching the street below. Kiro was stepping out of the taxi and waving towards the doorman who said something. Kiro laughed and disappeared from sight. You took a deep breath. There was no time to back out now. You moved to sit on the sofa and used the remote to turn on the television, not caring about what was actually playing. 
Soon enough you heard a key in the door and the sound of the latch being turned. You didn't know if you should stay seated or stand. What did girls usually do in this situation? 
“Oh Miss Chips~” Kiro sang out, and you decided on standing as Kiro walked through the door shutting it behind him. Flushing you moved a stray curl behind your ear and his blue eyes went wide. 
"There's my beautiful girl." Kiro greeted with a bright beaming smile. 
“Welcome home.” You smiled warmly walking towards him, your heels making noise as you walked. Kiro’s eyes stayed trained to you as you glided over to him and his smile never faded. “I missed you.” 
“Ya, me too.” Kiro murmured wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his strong frame. “It made me really happy to come home to you being here like this.” 
The honesty and the raw purity of his voice as he said that made you smile and wrap yourself around him. “I should do this more often then.” 
“Yaaa. I think I’d like that.” Kiro kissed the top of your head before releasing you. “You look beautiful today.” His smile had you melting. It was the one thing you had desperately wanted to see? since you started this whole thing.
You beamed and reached up to peck his lips. “Thank you!” You giggled stepping away from him and twirled around for him to see the entire look.
Kiro’s eyes followed your every movement before he cheered for you. “That dress looks super cute on you!” 
“Thank you!” You chirped kissing his jaw before spinning away from him smiled. “I have a surprise for you~” You cooed and Kiro’s face lit up like a kid on Christmas. You just hoped he looks that excited once he found out what exactly you had planned. 
“Babe~” Kiro chuckled. “You don’t have to do so much for me!” His smile never faltered though. 
“I want to spoil you.” You gasped looking at him and he let out a boyish giggle.
“Okay!” He agreed to the spoiling. “Only if I get to spoil you in return.” That had you smiling at him brightly.
“Deal!” You agreed easily, almost curious if he would plan a counter-spoil of what you had cooked up for him. You could only pray. 
“Oh! Right!” Kiro turned on his heel and started for his bedroom. Your heart dropped and you took off after him in a near panic. “I got something to show ya! It’s a new card that’s super rare!” He babbled excitedly as he entered the room. 
You stopped after he already entered and took in the surroundings. Face went beet red in embarrassment, kind of wishing you hadn’t been so bold.
“Whoa, so clean!” Kiro gasped before walking more into his bedroom. “You didn’t have- oh?” 
The mischief in Kiro’s eyes as he spied the ready handcuffs and your items on his bedside table had you nervous. He shot you a knowing smirk and turned his body towards you. “Y’know… When you said you had a surprise…” Kiro cleared his throat but looked at you with dark eyes that started to lid themselves. “You sure you want to do this, love?”
You took a deep breath and walked towards your boyfriend with an extra sway in your stride. “Positive.” You whispered resting your hands on his chest, Kiro’s heartbeat was smooth a calm, a contrast to your own hammering pulse. Your boyfriend rested his hands on your hips, pulling you closer. You could see your reflection in his eyes as he stared at you. “But only if you want- I might have overstepped- I’m so sorry- oh my god what was I thinking?”
“Hah~” Kiro smiled kissing you gently as his hands squeezed the swell of your hips. “Shhhh. This is the best surprise.” He soothed before kissing you with meaning. His hands travelled up the length of your sides. 
The dress hitched up to your already mostly exposed thighs, and you sighed arching yourself into him. Your tongue licked the seam of his lips and Kiro released a hot breath at the sensation, having his tongue eagerly meet yours. It didn’t take long for the mood to start getting steamy as you hung yourself off the starlit arching your tiny frame into his indecently. Not that Kiro seemed to mind at all as his hands took their time running the lines of your body. Gripping the fabric of your dress and tugging it in places, pressing his hips against yours.
“Are the cuffs for you or me,” Kiro asked voice thick and low, lips moving against yours.
“You.” You breathed and he groaned pressing his tongue deep within your mouth. You moaned and knees threatened to buckle under you. Kiro's hands gripped at you in need, and your own hands twist the front of his shirt trying to stay standing. 
Kiro's kiss then was all consuming and took your breath away. He was excited and that made you happy, he wanted you and trusted you enough to allow you to bind him. Welcoming the idea of handing his body and pleasure over to your capable hands. At least you hoped you were capable. Not that your boyfriend was really giving you time to dwell on the what-ifs as his hand snaked their way up to your stocking clad thighs and up to give your round bottom a squeeze. 
"Kiro." You breathed as he needed the supple flesh of your cheeks and spread them. Your silk panties were rising up the slit of your pussy adding delightful friction. Needless to say, you were putty in your boyfriend very capable hands. 
"You're so fucking perfect." The starlit whispered against your lips his fingers getting brave as they ran the line of your throbbing cunt and he tugged the fabric of the panties against your sensitive folds. “Did you work yourself up for me before I got home?” He taunted at how receptive you were as you shivered in his arms. “Did you touch yourself? Take advantage of my home before I got here, babe?” You moaned and Kiro ran his tongue over your teeth as his fingers pressed your panties into your clit and moved in slow agonizing motions.
The dirty talk was a weakness and Kiro knew this. He wasn’t playing very fair as his other hand ran up the skirt of your pretty dress and brought it up. Impatiently you grabbed the dress and pulled it over your head, it wasn’t the surprise you had for your boyfriend anyway. When the kiss broke and you removed the article of clothing azure eyes watched and opened a slight millimeter when you reveal your undergarments. Flush prickled at your cheeks as you threw the dress in some direction, eyes locked with the ones before you. 
Kiro was an appreciative lover, his eyes trailed to soaked in the new lingerie and took the time to bask in your wonder. “You look beautiful.” His eyes meet yours again, hands tracing your exposed sides. “You’re so stunning.” 
Smiling at how wonderstruck he sounded you reached up to cup his jaw. “I love you.” You whispered placing delicate kisses to his chin. Kiro offered you a boyish grin and swooped in to kiss you once more. While lips locked and tongues met in a passionate dance, your fingers traced his chest aiming for the bottom of his shirt. Once reaching your destination you let your hand slipped under his shirt and felt your way up the lean figure of his torso. Fit. 
Kiro momentarily stopped the kiss to peel off his t-shirt and threw it to join your discarded dress. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed you both together once more. The passionate and consuming kiss resumed. His hand ventured up your spine and finally to the clasp of your bra. With expert ease, he got it loose and the straps fell from your shoulders. Kiro kissed down your neck then your shoulders, his fingers pulling the straps off of you and threw the bra across the room with purpose as he sucked your pressure points. “It was cute, but it looks better over there,” Kiro whispered in your ear. His hot breath tickled your earlobe sending goosebumps raising all across your body. 
You mewl caressing any and all skin exposed to you. "I want you." You gasped as his hand found one exposed breasted and started palming the flesh. His fingers grazed your nipple but never stayed long. Just enough to have you gasping whenever he made contact. The flat of his tongue ran the column of your throat before his head lifted and he looked at you with pure desire. 
"How do you want me, miss chips?" Kiro taunted licking your lips and finally captured your nipple between his forefinger and thumb rolling it gently. Your breath left you as you fell into him as the action caused your cunt to throb and pulse. "You want control?" Kiro whispered on your lips. 
"Th-that was the ahhh~ Kiro~" Your voice pitched as his other hand found it was between your thighs once more and under the silk of your panties. They spread you wet sex and caressed every sensitive inch of you. "Stop cheating!" You gasped burying your face in his shoulder and he chuckled tapping your clit. "Ah." You breathed as your legs wobbled. Soon a soothing circular motion started and your eyes flutter in pleasure and a low moan escaped you. You’ve been worked up for so long it was almost overwhelming.
“Moan my name.” Kiro murmured picking up his speed, his arm held on to you keeping you upright. 
Sparks of pleasure danced behind your eyelids as rubbed and pleased you. “Kiro~” You moaned loud and proud. He grunted in return and started to be merciless. Your cries of pleasure picked up as you rocked your hips in rhythm with his touch. “I’m gonna cum!” You gasp as your fingers tightened into a fist against his chest, and Kiro made a pained sound when you accidentally pinched his skin, but you were too far gone to notice. The first wave of your orgasm wrecked you, and Kiro kept his pace fast and punishing. You sobbed as your orgasm washed over you and drifted your mind away from reality. 
“Good girl~” Kiro purred into your ear running his fingers up and down the length of your sex soothing you. “Keep the belt and stocking, lose the underwear.”
“Okay.” You agreed meekly and Kiro helped you gain your balance before reaching down to undo his buckle and pants, sliding them down his narrow hips. You watched enthralled with the strip scene in front of you. Marveling in the way his half erected dick sat at the juncture of his thighs.
“Panties.” Kiro chuckled winking at you with his usual boyish smile. “It’s not as fun if I’m the only one naked. 
Truthfully it would never stop giving you whiplash how fast Kiro can go from male succubus to boyish innocence in the blink of an eye. Coming back to earth you tugged down your panties and dropped them to the ground blushing under his gaze as he watched and waited for you.
"Do you have to stare?" You asked with a red face kicking your panties away from you feeling shy. 
"Said miss peeping chips!" Kiro laughed stepping towards you. "But I don't mind if you see me naked." Kiro's dipped sex as he pecked you on the lips. "You're beautiful, and I just can never seem to take my eyes off you." He confessed and you smiled. "It's like: Holy shit this amazingly talented and driven woman is my girlfriend? She's cute and sexy. Has the best damn laugh in the world and greater ass!" You tapped your hand against his chest creating a soft slap sound, and he lit up with laughter. 
Still chuckling a little Kiro leaned in and his lips ghosted your ear lobe. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, you leave me breathless." 
You hummed embracing him, holding you close to you feeling warm and fuzzy. "It's the same for me with you." You confessed. "And as much as I'd love to get into all the things I love about you-" You smirked running your fingers down his bicep. "I'd rather have you tied to your bed and at my mercy. 
That groan.
That noise Kiro produced at your words
It knocked the air out of you and restarted your engine. 
With a quick kiss, Kiro pulled away from you and walked over to the bed. You watched as he made himself comfortable and sprawled out necked for your viewing pleasure.
"Like this?" Your boyfriend asked with his eyes shimmering in excitement.
"Just like that." You cooed walking over to the bed.
Kiro watched you bound his arms to the bed frame. "Is that too tight?" You asked and he pulled on his restraints. 
"They’re just right." Kiro informed you looking at you like you were the most divine creature on the planet "All we're missing now is the blindfold." 
"If you want one, I'm sure we can find something to use." You started turning to eye the room for such an object. 
"Naw." Kiro smiled gaining back your attention. "I want to watch as my stunning girlfriend rides me." 
You flushed and balk at that comment. Suddenly you felt shy under his gaze. "Kiro." You warned and he offered a cheeky grin in return.
"What?" Kiro asked in a low sensual tone. "Is it so wrong for me to want to look at you, baby?"
You sighed and smiled. "Watch me, Kiro." You whispered leaning down and bestowed a sensual kiss upon him. "All you have to do is lay back and enjoy." With that, you pulled away from him watching the twinkle of excitement in his crystal eyes. 
"Give me your worse." Kiro cooed making himself comfortable against his pillows. 
You eyed him grabbing the cockring and playing with it. "Might want to be careful what you ask for, Kiro~" You purred his name and his watched his cock jump. "I need you soft for this to go on." 
Kiro swallowed thickly eyeing the rubber ring in your hands. "Yup… Uh huh. A moment." He proceeded to take a breath to remove the blood that had engorged his member. 
"If you want it off, or it's uncomfortable to tell me." You explained crawling onto the bed beside him. His eyes watched you with a spark of curiosity. 
"Sure thing." Kiro easily agreed and you reached for his mostly soft member. A soft sound left him as you rolled it down his cock to the base. "Balls too." He breathed the request and you used two fingers to stretch the rubber band. 
"It might be too tight." You worried and Kiro shook his head, his chest rising and falling in shallow breaths.
 As if performing surgery you pushed one of his testicles through the ring and he sucked in a breath and told you to continue. Soon the second joined and the cockring sat against his groin tightly causing his genitals to swell and you gave the length a lick.
"Perfect," Kiro assured you before you circled the tip of your tongue around the head. “You’re perfect!” He gasped. 
You looked up at him through your long lashes as you took the tip into your mouth and gave it a gentle suck, tasting the sweet precum that built up.  "Yessss, baby. Just like that." Kiro breathed and you hummed swirling your tongue before dipping further down his shaft. Out of reflex his hips rocked upwards making you take more of the length into your mouth. You moaned bobbing your head, pressing your thumbs into his hip bones to keep him still. "God that's hot." He cooed and you looked up into his dazzling baby blues as they took in the scene before him. "I love watching my cock disappear between those beautiful lips of yours." 
The dirty talk was fueling you. Fanning the flame of desire that has been simmering as an after since you bound your boyfriend. You palmed and massaged his balls as you bobbed your head faster by allowing your cheeks to hallow. The noises you pulled from your lover only encourage you to toy and play with him more. A hard suck caused the muscles in his abdomen to flex and you brought your mouth off of him with a pop. "Ahhh." Kiro moaned still watching you as you palm his nuts and started to pump his shaft. 
"You comfortable, baby?" You cooed and he shoots you a smirk and made a show of relaxing back against the pillows while you kiss down the length of his fuller erect member. 
"I'm feeling so good!" The starlit assured you before glancing back down watching you tiny hand run the length of his impressive member. Truthfully you loved the weight of it in your hand and the soft sighs and groans you could pull from your verbal and expressive boyfriend.  
After a couple more squeezes and pumps you removed your hand, and Kiro let out a cry of protest. You smirked at him as you straddled his waist and ran your nails lightly over his chest and stomach. Kiro watched you closely memorizing every move you made as you spread yourself over his body. 
You wet folds came in contact with his engorged member and he hissed out a moan in the best way. “You’re so fucking wet.” Kiro sighed and you throbbed with desire, but you wanted to make it extra good for him before you allowed him to enter you. 
Adding your own sounds of excitement you rubbed the wet silk of your pussy over the rigid cock below. Kiro’s back arched under you and his eyes screwed shut as a whimper escaped him. You moaned pressing kisses all over his broad chest. Our hands made tracks with your nails were they explored every contour of his fit and toned body. The heat and shape of his cock felt heavenly as you ground your soaked cunt over it lost in need now. Still careful you only left evidence of your intimacy with the starlit in places that wouldn’t catch the eye. 
You sucked Kiros nipple and ground so the tip of his erection dipped into your entrance. A whimper like whine of your name left his lips, and your pussy pulsed at the sound and teasing. “Pleeease,” Kiro whispered his head lulled to the side as his cerulean peaked open to look at you and you rocked against him again. “Please.” Kiro breathed heavily and writhed within his restraints as his pelvis lifted to seek friction from you. You marveled at the way his muscles tightened and danced under his skin. 
Sweat had built up on Kiro’s brow making his bangs stick to the sides of his face, Already he looked wrecked and pride bloomed in your chest. You did this to him. You made this beautiful man pant, whine, beg, and plead with you. “I love you.” You whispered leaning up to press sweet kisses to his face and lips.
“I love you.” Kiro murmured back licking your lips as his hips moved up and down involuntarily seeking any type of friction.
You cupped his cheek and gazed down at him smoothing your fingers over the lusty blush that took to his features. “I’m going to turn it on.” And Kiro arched under you as you said that.
“Fuck,” Kiro whispered gazing up at you like a blond sex god as he sprawled out and muttered his profanity at the mention. “Fuck, please.” Kiro bit his bottom lips and you sat up and reached around to grip his throbbing member. The moan that left him as you pumped his length should’ve been illegal as your nipples perked and pebbled at the sound. After a few pumps, you gripped the cockring and pressed the button on the side. Kiro’s whole body almost came off the bed and left you into the air with him as the toy buzzed to life. You felt the precum roll down the side of his cock and you moaned in excitement. “Yessss.” Kiro moaned as his cock jumped and moved as he relaxed under the vibrations. 
"I could just leave you here like this." You taunted and he whined twisting in the sheets. "Watch as the vibrations slowly bring you to climax." Kiro let out a low needy groan and you felt powerful. 
"I don't think I could handle that." He speaks breathlessly as his face screwed up in pleasure and pain. Desperate for you. "I need you to fuck me."
Moving further back on him and lined your entrance with the tip of his cock. Kiro nodded taking deep breaths to brace himself for more pleasure as you slowly descended down onto him, taking him into your body at long last. You moaned in unison as he stretched your walls, and the lines of his cock pressed into the most delicious places. 
Once you were fully seated you felt the cock ring vibrate and play with the folds of your pussy causing you to keel over on him was a deep moan. “So good.” You breathed trying to get a grip of yourself. 
“Fuck me!” Kiro whined rocking his hips making the ring press on your swollen and sensitive ring. “Please, I need you to fuck me hard.” 
Who were you to refuse when Kiro asked you sooo nicely. Moaning and gasping you started to rock your hips back and forth trying to find an angle that suited you. Palms flat to Kiro’s chest you found leverage to lift yourself and rotate your hips more. Every breath, gasp, moan, groan, whisper that came from the man beneath you went straight to your cunt. You moaned lifting yourself up and then pressed back down to Kiros dismay as he cried out. “That’s it baby!” encouraging you to keep going. 
Eventually, you did find a rhythm that had you both breathless, sweaty, and moaning. Your nails left crescent moon shapes in his chest as you used his cock to repeatedly hit your g-spot and the vibrations to tease your clit. There was a building tight almost burning tension in the pit of your stomach. You ached and felt pleasure snapped throughout your entire nervous system as you’re hips almost moved on autopilot impaling yourself with your boyfriend's cock again and again.  Rubbing your clit furiously against his pelvic bone as you brought yourself closer to your high. Crystal sapphire eyes struggled to keep open and watch you as you bounced and gilded yourself along his length. Watching how your face screwed up in pleasure and exhaustion from your efforts. The bed frame slammed against the wall as you rode Kiro with urgency.
Suddenly something snapped and you whole face distorted in pure unadulterated pleasure. The waves where powerful as you screamed out Kiro’s name and shook almost violently from above. You arms locked to keep you upright. Kiro was breathless writhing under you needy sob like sounds leaving his throat. His hands clenched into fists as he strained against the bounds. With leverage, Kiro fucked up into you as you released a gush of your own juices down his cock and the walls of your cunt pulsed greedily against him. “Fuck babe!” He moaned as his hips fucked you through your intense orgasm, showing up the power his body possessed as he relied on his thigh and abdominal strength to keep going. 
Once one last blinding crash of pleasure overtook your body like an unsuspected tsunami you clasped and Kiro rocked his hips slowly. “Remove the ring!” He whispered in urgency as his chest rose and fell rapidly. It didn’t take long for you to snap out of your post-orgasmic haze and do what was bided of you. Carefully you lifted yourself off of him and you sat between his thighs on your stocking clad knees. Stroking his red and angry erection trying to soothe him, you turned off and removed the ring. 
“FUCKING SHIT! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!” Kiro sobbed as soon as the ring was rolled over and his entire body thrashed against the restraints and tears rolled down his face. “Keep jerking me! GOD DON’T STOP!” Doing as he bid of you felt the rigid flesh of his cock pulse almost uncontrollably as white ribbons came out in long hard shots marking both you and him in warm cum. Kiro was sobbing openly begging for anything to soothe the built-up load to finish as he contorted and jerked his hips wildly. “I can’t-holyfuck!” Kiro gasped as the last and biggest shot of cum left his body.
 You pumped for a moment more making sure he was completely done before releasing his now softening member. “Shit!” Kiro breathed trying to collect himself after such a strong orgasm. You smiled rubbing his hips trying to sooth his tremors.
“You okay?” You whispered after a moment moving to grab the key for the cuffs and released him. Kiro brought down his arms and laid there panting teary eyes staring at the ceiling. 
“That was absolutely fucking amazing.” He panted before turning his gaze towards you and you smiled pushing his wet bangs from his face. “You are absolutely fucking amazing.” Your fingers combed his matted hair. 
“I’m glad.” You chirped with a bright smile, and Kiro rolled his body towards yours. 
“I’ve already thought of how I’m going to return this.” Those dazzling baby blues sparkled with mischief and he smiled. “I’ll surprise you next time!” 
Nodding you leaned over and placed a soft kiss to his lips. “I look forward to it.” You kissed him again. “Truly can’t get enough of you.”
“Whoa! It’s like you like-like me or something~” Kiro teased and you pinched him playfully gaining your favourite sound in return. Kiros gleeful laughter.  ~~~~~~~~~ SUPER SPECIAL THANK YOU TO MY QUEEN: @alloveroliver Who did a beta read and help edit this piece of art! She is a true blessing please check out her blog it’s A++++  I want to take a moment to thank:  @anonbunny & @tofuoto for being wonderful and beautiful muses that encouraged and helped inspire me and this fic. I’m truly blessed to have them as friends. <3 
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imagineaworlds · 7 years
Marks--Billy Hargrove
Written by @rune-of-a-writer
Request: Honestly god bless you for writing for billy... it's so hard to find stuff for him. would you be interested in writing a billy piece where he and the reader are sort of fwb and both assured the other that feelings wouldn't develop but the reader catches feelings hard... ending can be angsty (billy doesn't feel that way about reader/just wants sex) or fluffy (mutual admission of love lolol) I'll let you decide THANK YOU you're amazing ❤️❤️
Warnings: Smut, cursing
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x female!reader
Summary: You and Billy both promised each other that during your arrangement you wouldn’t grow feelings for one another. But now that you’ve broken your side of that deal, it’s getting harder by the day.
Word Count: 3,190
Listen To: Meet Me in the Hallway by Harry Styles
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You had given Billy a call after waving goodbye to your parents. They were leaving for the weekend to head down to the casino for their anniversary. The second their car pulled out of the driveway you were dialing his number and telling him to come over. It was late, almost 7 o’clock— part of you wished he’d stay the night, but you knew he wouldn’t.
After calling him you rushed to the bathroom to get ready. It’d take him ten minutes to get to your house which was enough time for you. You brushed your teeth and put fresh lipstick on, fixing your pajama shorts and tank top. Once you had finished getting ready, you sat yourself down on the couch and waited for Billy to show up. You didn’t have to wait long because almost two minutes later your doorbell was ringing. Biting your lip to withhold your smirk, you got up and answered the door.
“Hey, there, hot stuff,” he grinned, his body leaning against your door frame. He was wearing a white t-shirt and his usual acid wash jacket. “Miss me so much you couldn’t even wait a day for your parents to leave?”
“Would you quit your bullshit and get in here already, Hargrove?” you questioned, scoffing and rolling your eyes. He grinned even wider, kicking himself off of the frame and walking inside. You shut the door before turning around and heading into the kitchen. You and Billy never went straight to sex, you’d occasionally eat or talk or watch a movie.
“You hungry?” you asked, looking over your shoulder as you opened the fridge.
“Yeah, but just your usual sandwich is fine, doll,” he replied simply before sitting in the chair at your kitchen table. Your heart fluttered slightly at the name as you pulled out the bread, meat, cheese and condiments. You quickly threw together a sandwich for him, knowing that if he went home tonight he wouldn’t get to eat dinner.
“Here you go,” you hummed, placing the plate in front of him as you sat in the chair beside him with your glass of water. “What’ve you been up to? Haven’t heard from you since Tuesday.”
“Nothin’. Max has been hanging with those four kids so I’ve been driving her around a lot. Did a bit of basketball the other day, but that Tim kid started opening his mouth so I almost got in another fight,” he grumbled, not looking you in the eye. You didn’t mind him getting into fights (at least that’s what you told him) but you still worried.
“What’d he say?” you questioned, tilting your head and taking a sip of your water, lightly swaying your leg.
“Doesn’t matter, don’t worry ‘bout it,” Billy lied, sending a wink your way. You rolled your eyes, knowing you wouldn’t get him to open up anytime soon. You told him about what had happened in your week. About your friend, Shelly, getting dumped because her boyfriend was mad that she wanted to spend more time with him.
“It’s pathetic. She shouldn’t be having to beg for his damn attention,” you ranted, angrily stabbing your straw through your ice. “And the worse part? Two days later he was with Talia. Like jesus, have some decency would you?”
“Well, don’t take it out on your ice, babe. They didn’t hurt Shells,” Billy laughed, throwing another nickname your way. You blushed, ignoring it as best you could and ceasing your actions.
“I just don’t get it. If you had a girlfriend would you yell at her if she wanted to spend time with you? I don’t mean like the 24/7 clingy shit. I mean, if you hadn’t seen eachother for a week and she was upset about it, would you go off on her for it?” you questioned, slouching back in your chair and looking up at him. Billy looked back down at you, smirking.
“I wouldn’t let the poor girl out of my sight,” he chuckled, not breaking eye contact. You ran your tongue along your lips, narrowing your eyes slightly. Billy had long finished his sandwich and had taken to drinking from your water now.
“Yikes, having to deal with Billy Hargrove all damn day? What a tragedy,” you sighed dramatically, leaning forward to snatch your water back and take a sip from the lipstick-stained straw.
“Well, I don’t see you complaining every other night,” he snickered, leaning forward himself to run his thumb over your lips.
“Well, I get to see you in a different light,” you smiled, gently nipping at his thumb. Billy tried to hide his smirk by roughly grabbing your chin, pulling you into a dominating kiss. You let out a muffled moan, sliding your body onto his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands gripped your waist tightly, pressing you down onto him as his teeth tugged on your bottom lip. “Eager much?” you giggled.
“Rough day,” he said simply, his voice darker than it was moments before. You hummed in response and went back to kissing him, tangling your fingers in his curls. His mouth began making its way down your jaw, being careful not to leave any marks, and eventually to your throat. Nipping the sensitive skin caused you to arch your back, allowing him access your cleavage.
Billy pulled away, only for a moment, in order to pull off your tank top before his mouth was back on the top of your breasts. This is where he would leave his marks, on your boobs and your stomach and occasionally your thigh. Your nails scratched at the back of his neck as he bit into the flesh before following it with gentle sucking. Once he was satisfied you’d have the dark bruise he pulled off and licked the spot slowly. He suddenly stood up, causing a squeak to leave your lips as your legs wrapped around his waist tightly.
“Ever heard of a warning?” you grumbled, taking your chance to nip at his earlobe and begin your own kisses down his neck. Billy didn’t answer, instead choosing to make his way towards your room. You had a queen size mattress and a rather large room thankfully, so there weren’t any issues when he threw you onto the bed.
Pushing yourself onto your elbows, you watched as he hastily removed his jacket, throwing it onto the chair in the corner of your room. His shirt followed next and soon enough he was on you again, pushing your body into the mattress. You hooked one of your legs over his hips as he grinded his clothed erection against you, the rough material of his jeans against your flimsy pajama pants causing plenty of friction. Billy brought your body up against him in order to unhook your bra and toss it to the side of the bed, and then you were back where you were before. His mouth made its way down your throat, grazing his teeth against your collarbones before attaching to one of your nipples.
“Mmf, fuck,” you moaned, your hand instinctively in his hair as you arched your back. Billy’s other hand was tweaking your other nipple and occasionally scratching the rubbed skin around it causing you to whine. “Billy,” you gasped out, bucking your hips desperately. He always spent a lot of time on foreplay and would rarely call if you wouldn’t have time for it. It surprised you sometimes because most guys who just wanted sex wouldn’t spend so much time pleasing you, but it just made you love him more.
Billy removed his mouth from your nipple after another minute and captured your lips in a short kiss before moving his lips down your stomach. The sudden hot air of his breath caused you to tremble and your legs to shake slightly. He gripped your thighs in a way that was sure to leave a bruise, spreading them apart. He left another mark on your hipbone and then two on each side of your inner thigh, smirking each time you would cuss him out. Finally, he pulled off your shorts and underwear in one swift movement.
“You know, I wore those just for you and you didn’t even take a glance at them,” you pouted, playfully knocking your knee against his shoulder.
“Hmm, let me make it up to you, princess,” he grinned before ducking his head between your legs. The hand you had in his hair tightened instantly when his tongue dragged along your clit before pressing against it and licking up and down.
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned out, throwing your head back as he pushed a finger inside, painfully slow. You could practically feel his smirk as he continued to lick at your ever-growing wetness, adding another finger. He only pushed them up to the knuckle, even though he knew you wanted them all the way. “What the fuck, Hargrove,” you growled out, bucking your hips up slightly while pushing his head down at the same time.
“I wanna see you work for it,” he said, adding another finger, a whimper leaving your mouth. Instantly you moved your hips down, his fingers moving deeper inside you, a long, satisfied moan leaving you. Billy watched with hooded eyes as you moved your body along the bed slightly, fucking yourself onto his fingers, your mouth opened in order for your pleasured sighs and moans to escape. Eventually, he curled his fingers and roughly pumped them in and out of you, your eyes shooting open in surprise. He went back down on you, continuing this for a good three minutes.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned, rolling your hips along his mouth. Billy pulled his fingers out instantly and gave you one last long lick before pulling back. You whined loudly, dragging your nails down his bicep.
“No, you’re not,” he declared, unzipping his jeans and dragging them off along with his underwear. You instantly reached out, wrapping your hand around his erection and tugging on it. You swiped your thumb over the precum before bringing it up to your mouth and wiping it along your bottom lip. Billy groaned and gripped your hair, pulling you up for a searing kiss. When he pulled back he reached to the side to pull out a condom and your bottle of lube. He rolled the condom on quickly before squirting out a small amount onto his hand and rubbing it along his dick. He rubbed the remaining amount onto your opening, causing you to jump from the cold.
Billy leaned down, kissing you again, softly this time as he slowly pushed his way in. This wasn’t your first time, but Billy was big and it always took a minute for you to get used to him. You instantly wrapped your legs around his waist causing him to bottom out. “Oh, fuck,” he groaned out, breaking the kiss. You turned your head to the side in order to catch your breath from the intrusion, allowing Billy to kiss at your jaw and the side of your neck. You gave him a nod and he began thrusting his hips, building his pace quickly. Both of your moans mixed together and you were happy your parents were gone.
Billy pushed himself up, allowing him to get a better angle inside of you. You scratched your nails down his back, both of you looking into the others eyes. His blue eyes always took you over and half the time those alone could push you over the edge. You spread your legs, instantly yelling out his name when his dick managed to push deeper inside of you, hitting that one spot. Your nails dug into his shoulder, causing him to drop back down but the pleasure didn’t subside. You could feel his breath against your ear and you were caught by surprise when you felt his mouth latch onto your neck, teeth biting at the skin. He was leaving a hickey on your neck.
“Oh, my god,” you moaned out instantly, gripping his back even harder, “Billy, I’m gonna cum,” you whimpered, moving your head so more of your neck was visible to him.
“Do it,” he mumbled against your throat, latching onto the base of your neck now. A string of cuss words, muffled whines and moans left your mouth as your legs tightened around his hips, locking him inside of you. Your back arched and thighs trembled slightly, one of your hands moving up to tangle itself in Billy’s hair as you came. Feeling your walls clench around him pushed Billy over and after a few more thrusts he came as well, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as he moaned. The pain caused you to groan but you didn’t mind it.
After catching his breath, Billy slowly pulled out, both of you wincing at the sensitivity. He rolled off the condom and tied it, tossing it into your trashcan. You laid there for a moment before pushing yourself up and wrapping your arms around your legs. Resting your chin on your knee, you watch him carefully. He pulled on his underwear, but not his jeans and tossed you your own pair but not your clothes (granted one was in the kitchen). He’d never done this before. Usually he’d kiss your forehead, get dressed and leave, even if it was midnight. Looking at the clock, it only showed 10 p.m.
You pulled on your underwear, pulling your sweaty hair back into a bun. Your shoulder was burning but you ignored it as Billy reached into his jacket to pull out his smokes and lighter. You quickly opened the window, your own way of telling him it was fine if he smoked in there. As you turned around, something hit you in the face causing you to stumble slightly. It was his shirt.
“It’ll get cold in here,” he said simply, sitting down on your bed and leaning back against the wall. You turned away from him to hide your huge grin and pulled on the shirt before quickly making sure your face was back to neutral.
“Do you need anything…?” you asked hesitantly, not entirely sure what was happening. Billy looked up at you, simply standing by the side of the bed with wide eyes. He scoffed slightly with a smirk and shook his head.
“No, doll, I’m perfectly content. Now, I just fucked the shit out of you and I can see your thighs shaking from over here. So, what do you think you’re doing just standing there?” he hummed casually, taking a drag of his cigarette. You blushed and quickly climbed under your messed up covers, resisting the urge to curl up against him.
“How come you left them in a visible place?” you asked finally, not being able to hold it back anymore. You didn’t need to be specific, he knew what you meant. When the two of your first started having sex, he made rules. No leaving marks in visible places. No having sex in public places. No staying over. No telling people. And most importantly, no catching feelings. You had already broke the most important rule.
“Felt like it,” he hummed, letting out another puff of smoke. Your head was leaning against his arm, your fingers playing with the hem of his shirt.
“That’s bullshit,” you huffed, sitting up and staring at him, “You made those rules. And you made them aggressively clear. You wouldn’t break them because you ‘felt like it’. I’m not complaining, trust me, I’m not. But something happened,” you said. Billy narrowed his eyes before putting out his cigarette in an abandoned cup of water.
“You wanna know what happened?” he asked gruffly, standing up so that his back was to you. You stood up as well, but didn’t go near him knowing how quick he could be with his movements. “That punk, Tim. In the locker room he was talking about you. Saying how he wanted to do the things only I can do to you. Wanted to ask you out. I couldn’t just go up and punch him. I’m gettin’ better with that stuff. So I did the only thing I thought of,” he grumbled out, hitting the wall. Your heart swelled more than you thought possible, but you couldn’t wrap your brain around it.
“So you only gave me a hickey to ensure you could be the only one to keep fucking me?” you spit out without thinking. Your eyes welled up with tears at the thought. At the idea that that was all it was, all it would ever be. “Wow, how nice of you,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. You began to move past him so you could go to the bathroom in order to keep from crying in front of him, and for once hoping he’d leave. But Billy didn’t give you the chance. He grabbed your wrist gently, but enough to make you turn around.
“Wha—” your yell was caught off by Billy wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him. Smashing his lips against yours, he kissed you in a passionate way that had never been done before. When he pulled back, you stared up at him with wide eyes, a tear managing to slip from all the movement.
“No. No, that’s not why I did it. That’s not why I do any of the shit I do. Before you, I had other girls who I would simply fuck. But not the way I do with you. I wouldn’t spend an hour with them beforehand talking, eating and all that. I wouldn’t talk to them outside of their bed. I wouldn’t check up on them when their cat died and spend the day with them without sex. I wouldn’t make sure they came before I did, or go down on them as long as I do you. I wouldn’t care if they were with another guy. Not like I do with you. Don’t you get it, (Y/N)?” he asked, slightly out of breath. Billy wasn’t good with long-winded talks.
“You like me?” you asked, staring up at him hopefully, your hands on his chest. “You actually like me?”
“What the hell? Of course I do. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here. I’ve liked you for a while and I already know you do, too,” he said before you even had the chance to tell him how you felt. Your face reddened instantly and your eyes widened.
“Wha— how?”
“It’s obvious, babe. You’re not exactly the nicest person at Hawkins,” he snickered, earning a glare from you. “But I’ve rarely ever seen your bad side. That was the first clue. Then when you found me in that parking lot after my dad… well, you know. You brought me here, gave me food, and we watched a movie. That’s when I knew.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked incredulously, hitting his shoulder.
“I liked seeing you get flustered,” he grinned before leaning down to kiss you again. “Now come lay down with me. Your legs are still fucking shaking, you idiot.”
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hotsterfield · 7 years
Would you mind? - Harrison Osterfield
Word count: 1615
For the prompt list thing, 55 and 61?? Lolol
55.   "How can someone who looks so innocent, be so dirty?"
61.   "If you weren't so hot, I would've punched you in the face"
Masterlist | Promptlist
A/N: I kind of struggled with this one, but i got it done! I also rewrote it 3 times, so i really hope you guys like it! I was kind of inspired by a song called “Would you mind” by prettymuch. 
Also: Thor was freaking amazing! There was some mythology stuff, that really annoyed me, like Hela being their sister, but they made it work, so it’s okay i guess. 
Also number 2! I got a christmas special planned! So, keep your eyes open as we get closer to christmas!
Today had been an awful day. You had to take an extra shift at work, because someone called in sick, because they were hungover. So, you had been working 8 hours, on you’re a Saturday you were supposed to have off. So, you actually had to put on pants, which just made everything worse. You had really been looking forward to walking around in your Stitch onesie all day, but no.
So, when some idiot bumped into you, on your way home, you had had enough. Not only did they bump into you, but they also managed to spill hot tea on you,
“Watch where you’re going, dipshit!” You cursed, before looking up into some stunning blue eyes.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you. I’m really sorry!” He apologized. As the hot liquid went through your clothes, you started to feel the burning on your skin, making you make a face. “Did you get burned by the tea? I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to”
“Are you kidding me? This is just great. This is the perfect day to the shit day I’ve had! Honestly, if you weren’t so hot, I would’ve punched you in the face” You said sarcastically, as you tried to ignore the burning feeling on your stomach. As soon as you had said the words, you regretted it. It wasn’t his fault you had a bad day, and you didn’t have a reason to take it out on him. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to punch you. Well, not you specifically I just want to punch something”
“I’m sorry. Again” He said, sending a look of pity. “This is going to sound so wrong, but I live in that building. The least I can do is let you borrow a shirt. I’m really sorry”
“Sure. Why not? The worst thing that could happen, is that you’re a serial killer, and this is your way of getting people into your home, so you can kill them” You said, as you followed him up to his apartment.
“I promise, I’m not a serial killer. But come to think of it, my apartment might be a bit of a mess, since I’m unpacking. Which is not going well, but I’m definitely not a serial killer” He said, smiling at your comment.
“That sounds like something a serial killer would say”
“I guess you’ll just have to find out then, don’t you?” He continued, making you laugh a little. “Remember, I have warned you about the mess” He said, as he unlocked the door.
When he opened the door, you could see the apartment was not a mess. There were some clothes on the floor, and maybe a plate or two on the table, but you would describe your apartment as clean, if it looked like this.
“Right. So, um. I’ll find you a shirt. A clean one, and I’ll take the ones on the floor with me, so it’s less of a mess” He said, as he removed the clothes from the floor, and went into what you assumed was his bedroom. Meanwhile, you looked around the room a bit. “Right, so this is one of my old shirts, so you I don’t really need it back.”
“Sure” You said, as you took off your jacket, and started lifting your shirt over your head.
“Oh, okay, uh” He stuttered, and as the shirt went over your head, you could see that he had put his hands over his eyes.
“Right, shit. I’m sorry. I um. I went to boarding school, so I’m really close with most of my friends, and we also did this fashion show, so I got really used to changing in front of people, so I kind of forget that. You’re. Supposed. To do. That. And people freak out when you take your shirt of in front of them. Sorry?” You said, as he threw the t-shirt at you.
“Not, because I want you to stay shirtless or anything. Or well, I don’t mind that you are, but I” He said flustered. “What I am trying to say. Maybe you should just take a look at the burn. Just to see how bad it is”
“It’s fine. I’m too tired to even go look for mirror, so can’t you just. Check it for me? I really don’t mind. You’re not the first guy to see me in a bra” You sighed, and he removed his hands from his eyes, and slowly walked closer to you.
“It doesn’t look that bad” He said, as he got close to you. He carefully put his hand on the burn, making it sting a little, but it wasn’t too bad. “I can hardly see, so I think you’re good”
“That’s great” You said calmly, as he kept his hand on you.
“I like your tattoo” He said, looking into your eyes, as his hand moved to your waist.
“You can. You can take your hands off of me, if you want to. You don’t have to, but. You can” You felt yourself getting a little lost in his eyes, and you had forgotten everything about your day.
“Right. I’m sorry” He said, as he stepped away, making you snap back into reality. “I. I never got your name. I’m Harrison”
“I’m Y/n. And I should maybe. Put a shirt on. It is getting a little chilly” As the words left your mouth, you felt yourself getting lost in his eyes again. It almost felt like you were disappearing into another world.
“Or. We could. I could help you get warmer”
“Really? I did not expect that. That is not the what I expected to come out of your mouth. How can someone who looks so innocent, be so dirty?” You looked surprised at him.
“I’m sorry. I got caught up in the moment. I’m usually never that forward” He said, looking down at the floor in embarrassment.
“It’s okay, I kind of like guys who a forward. I’m not really the type to catch feelings” You admitted. He quickly looked up, and you sent him a smile.
“So It wasn’t too forward? I didn’t just scare you away?” He asked, catching your eyes again. Those beautiful blue eyes.
“No. It would take a lot more than that to scare me away. I’ve done a lot worse. It’s not exactly because you’re ugly, and you seem like a decent person” You had forgotten everything about the fact that you were standing shirtless, but Harrison definitely hadn’t.
“And it’s not because you’re unattractive, and it is a bit hard to stay focused on your eyes, but since I’m a gentleman, that’s what I’m going to do. Unless you want me to do something else” His eyes stayed focused on your face, but you could see him starting to tense up.
“I want you to do a lot more. I’ve had a shit day. You spilled tea on me, and brought me up to your apartment. So why don’t you save my day, by giving me a great evening?” You challenged.
“That can be arranged. Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, we don’t know each other” He seemed so confident for a moment, but quickly started to hesitate.
“That’s kind of the point of a one night stand”
“I know. But I’m just warning you. You might end up falling in love with me” He said, with a smirk. The confidence was back, and his entire body-language changed.
“That’s not gonna happen, but I’d like to see you try” You wanted him to make a move so badly. You weren’t sure when why you wanted him, you just did. There was just something about him, that made you forget everything else.
“I guess I’ll just have to work all night then” He said, as he slowly came closer to you again.
“I think you talk too much” You said, as you grabbed the collar of his shirt, and closed the distance between the two of you.
He was quick to kiss you back, and even quicker to put his hands on your waist, and gently start to lift you up. You took the hint, and jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist. Just like you had disappeared into his eyes, you found yourself getting lost in his lips. He carefully placed you on the bed, before taking off his shirt.
“Took you long enough” You let out, as your eyes went up and down his body. Before you had enjoyed the view enough, his body was hovering over yours. His mouth found his way to your collarbone, where he left a trail of sloppy kisses, leading to your neck, where he carefully nibbled at your skin, causing you to let out a moan. You could feel the smirk on his lips, and you tried you best to keep quiet.
When you couldn’t keep quiet, you pushed his shoulder, and turned the two of you around. You sat with a leg on each side of him, while he looked at you surprised. Now it was your turn to smirk. You placed light kisses from the hem of his jeans to his jawline. You felt him tense up under you, and it didn’t take long till a moan was on his lips.
“Hey Harris.. OH GOD!” A male voice said, before the door slammed shut. You sent Harrison a questioning look.
“That was Tom. I forgot he was coming over” Harrison sighed.
“Should I leave? I feel like I should leave” You said, but you didn’t move. You just kept staring at him, until he finally opened his mouth.
“Tom can wait”
@rock-n-roll-queens @m-sterre @exclusively-inclusive @@rock-n-roll-queens @m-sterre @exclusively-inclusive @behxndthemask @stephie-senpai
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unleashthebeast606 · 7 years
                      WARNING! A LOT OF SMUT BELOW!!!
                                          RFA HALLOWEEN
It was your first time celebrating Halloween as a member of the RFA. Jumin decided to throw a party at his for the RFA. He had Elizabeth the 3rd sent to a caretaker for the night, much to his dismay. This was also your first Halloween being Saeyoung's girlfriend, so he insisted that you wore a couple's costume. He really wanted to include Saeran too. Saeyoung returned home the night before the party with three costumes. The first one was for him, a black suit with vertical stripes on the shirt, and a black wig. The second costume was yours, a tight, white mini dress, cat ears and cat tail. The third costume was a black woman's suit with a short brown wig, this was meant for Saeran. He wanted you all to dress as Jumin, Elly and Jaehee. You were delighted with the idea but obviously Saeran refused, so it looked like it would be just you and Saeyoung dressing up.
             The next day you changed into your costume as Saeyoung and Saeran waited for you in the sitting room. You wriggled your way into the white mini dress. You couldn't reach the zip at the back of the dress so you left it open for Saeyoung to zip it up before you left. You placed the white cat ears on top of your head and pinned the fluffy white tail just above your behind. You tied a thin pink ribbon with a bell around your neck. You slipped on some white platforms and headed out the door.                  Saeyoung's mouth dropped to the floor and soon as he saw you. He looked very handsome dressed as Jumin.   "Will you zip me up?" You asked. Saeyoung didn't even hear you. He was in awe at how unbelievable you looked. Saeren rolled his eyes and nudged his brother 'Oh of course!' Jumped Saeyoung "Turn around for me my dear Elly" He chuckled He slowly traced his cold fingers up your back before zipping it up, sending shivers down your spine.   You all then headed out the front door. You all took a taxi to Jumin's. You were all drinking and Saeyoung didn't want to risk leaving one of his baby cars there over night. Once you all arrived, Saeyoung helped up out of the car as Saeran walked into Jumin's. "You look so beautiful tonight MC..." he whispered before gently kissing your lips.        You entered Jumin's fabulous penthouse. Everyone was already there. Jumin greeted us first. He was dressed up as a vampire. This costume went so well with his dark, black hair and grey eyes. Fake blood dripping down the corner of his mouth. He found your costume very amusing but not so much Saeyoung's, but this only made Saeyoung find it even funnier.            You walked over to the rest of the RFA. Yoosung was dressed up as his avatar from LOLOL. He wore a long wing with a bejewelled head band, along with a suit of armor. He greeted you with an nervous smile as he looked at your some what revealing outfit. 'How dare you look at my Elizabeth in such a way.' Laughed Seven, in order to embarrass Yoosung. His face went bright red, much to Seven's delight. Zen walked over and put his arms around you and Yoosung, you could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Hey guys!" Zen slurred. 'Hiya Zen.' you giggled. He was dressed as a king. He wore a large crown on his head a long with a giant red cape over his shoulders. Once he noticed what you were wearing, he let out an enourmous sneeze. "Gahhhh!" sighed Zen. 'I can't believe you are dressed as that stupid cat! This was definitely that boy Seven's idea...' Jaehee then walked over mid conversation. She was dressed as an angel. "At least she doesn't have any c-hairs!" Jaehee chuckled as she looked at you and Saeyoung's costumes.               You and Saeyoung decided to go and get some drinks. Saeyoung hardly ever drank but since it was a special occassion, he decided it would be fun. You poured yourself a vodka and coke while Seven grabbed a beer. You headed over to the couch and sat down. Everyone else was pretty drunk at this point since you and the boys arrived at little late. Zen and Jumin were arguing over something while Yoosung came over to talk to you and Seven. He wobbled as he walked. He plopped down on the couch and whined about feeling dizzy. You and Saeyoung chuckled as Yoosung passed out next to you.              You started to feel a little tispy. You placed both of your legs on to Saeyoungs lap and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. He blushed and gave you a peck on the lips. Zen then whipped out a box of Pocky. "Who wants to play the Pocky game?!" Shouted Zen. Everyone agreed and sat around in circle. They placed a bottle on the coffee table. Zen decided that the easiest way to play was if they took turns spinning the bottle, and whoever it landed on was the person they had to play with. The loser had to take a shot of whatever the winner chose. Yoosung, who had just woken up, was first to spin. The bottle landed on Seven, and Yoosung screamed. After some convincing, Yoosung finally agreed to play. Of course Sayoung won. After a couple of bites, Yoosung pulled away and sqeulled like a baby Seven made him take a shot of teqilla and he nearly threw up, which made Seven laugh.             Saeran and Yoosung kissed, Zen lost to Jumin, and Jumin lost to Seven. When it was your turn to spin the bottle, Saeyoung couldn't help but be relieved when it landed on Jaehee. You giggled and placed the chocolate flavoured stick between your teeth. Both you and Jaehee began nibbling on the pocky until you both land in the middle and gave eachother a somewhat passionate kiss. As the kiss broke and you opened your eyes, you saw that everyone in the rooms mouth had dropped to the floor, except for Saeran of course who couldn't care less. You went back and sat on the couch next to your boyfriend.                It was now Zen's turn to spin. Zen leaned over and spun the empty beer bottle. The bottle gradually got slower until it landed on you. Saeyoung's grip tightened as he held your hand. "It's only a game." you reassured him. Zen winked at you before placing the chocolate covered end of the pocky between his pearly whites. you placed your mouth on the opposite end, giggling. "Ready, set, go!" annouced Jaehee. You and Zen began furiously nibbling at the pocky until both of your lips crashed together in the middle. You didn't back out because you knew if you did, Zen would give you the strongest shot ever. You quickly break the kiss as it was getting too intense, particurley on Zen's side, but he was pretty drunk to be fair. You went to sit down next to Saeyoung and he seemed very quiet.          After a few minutes of an awkward silence between you and Saeyoung, he took you hand and dragged you away to the hall. Everyone was really drunk so they didn't even notice. He pulled you into the nearest bedroom. Jumin's penthouse was gigantic so there were so many bedrooms, the one you too entered just so happen to be one of the guest bedrooms. Saeyoung turned on the light and then pressed you up againist the wall, pressing his lips againist yours. "What are you doing Saeyoung?" you huff inbetween kisses. "You made me very jealous back there MC.' He growled. 'I'm just making sure you remember that you are mineand no one else's." You began to run your fingers through his black wig pulling it off, until he took your wrists and pinned them back you againist the wall. "You've been very naughty today kitten, no touching." whispered Seven seductively. Saeyoung reaches down between your legs and an almost evil grin appears on his face. "Looks like kitten forgot to wear panties today. God... you are just so naughty!' He spins you around and unzips the back the tight mini dress. He pulls it up over your head and tosses it to the side. He then unclasps ypur bra, leaving you standing there completely naked. He also takes off your heels. "Get on the bed kitten, and spread your legs." ordered Saeyoung. You did as he said and positioned yourself on the bed hpw he asked you to. He slowly made his way over to the bed, still fully dressed in the black suit. He began to grope your breast, pinching your nipples making you whine. He then gentlely pressed his lips all over them slowly making his way downwards. He placed a gentle kiss on your folds before aburptly inserting two fingers, making you shriek as you weren't expecting it. "Hmmm, you are so wet already babe" he growled. He began to gain speed, inserting a third finger. You could barely contain your moans as his fingers pounded inside of you. He got closer and started to lick your clit causing you purr in pleasure. You are on the brink of an orgasm at this point. You rustle his red locks as you prepared yourself to cum. Just as you are about however, Saeyoung pulls anyway and you groan in need. "What did I say about touching princess?" whispered Saeyong mercilessly. "Looks like kitten is gonna have to be punished." He flipped onto your stomach and over his knee.  He spanked your behind five times as you winced in pain and pleasure. Causing a red hand print to form on your soft skin. He smirked and laid you back down onto the expensive quilts.             He removed his trousers and his boxers, revealing his throbing cock. He leaned over you, teasing your enterance with his tip. Then all at once, he shoved it all inside you. He quickened the pace, making you moan his name loudly. He growled in response. He swiftly flipped on over in doggystyle. He pounded you hard from behind. You were so close to cumming, and Saeyoung was too. "Cum for me babe." As soon as he says those words your entire body tightens and you orgasm. Once Saeyoung feels your walls tighten around his cock, he cums  too, filling you up.      You both flop onto the bed and he crawls up next to you. "Are you okay babe? I want too rough was I?" he asked. "No Sae, I really enjoyed it, but it think we better head back to the party now..." you reassured him, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.      You both cleaned up, put back on your clothes and left the guestroom. Once you went into the sitting room, you were met by the bright red faces of all the RFA members.
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juminsmysticmc · 7 years
How about this: irrelevant and stupid things MC and RFA disagree on or argue about?
RFA disagree and argue because MC does irrelevant and stupid things
I´m Sorry. It wasn´t that good. But still i hope you like it sweetheart! 
It was such a beautiful day
so you decided to come to his workplace 
to make him happy you brought Elizabeth with you 
you and the white cat walked along the long street 
without driver Kim at your side or a safe transport for Elizabeth 
after all she was only a cat for you and cats can walk on streets 
but you also knew that Jumin loved her 
so you entered the huge place where your husband worked 
everyone knew you so you could get in it without problems 
you went to Jumins room finding him loss in work 
when he heard someone entering he was happy to take a break
when he saw you, he could only smile. 
He wanted to hug you so bad 
embracing you in his arms and feeling your warm skin
he wasn´t angry but his headache and work made his voice louder than normally 
and you ofc weren´t a little lady with only money, you had pride 
so you yelled at him 
and he got angry until… 
you cried, screamed and Jaehee entered the room
she heard everything but you two didn´t notice her 
,,You work until so late! And when I´m coming to see you, you only talk about your cat or how bad I am taking her with me!´´
,,She could got injured!´´he told you. 
,,And me?! I could get injured too?!´´
The truth was, that he was scared of the that you could be in danger.
It happens very often that the wifes of CEOs get in the eye from terrorists 
but you assumed he cared about Elizabeth 
,,Your idea was stupid! Carless!´´
that´s when you escaped crying 
his heart was broken after seeing you like this 
Jaehee told him that you may be a perfect wife who loves him but that you still were a woman with a sould 
that you still wanted attention 
and this not with presents but with feelings. 
in the evening he came home and told you his real feelings
he was afraid of loosing you 
and you were okay with it 
after a long kiss you felt happy
You knew that this was a really stupid thing 
but well you thought you could make him laugh 
but you were so awfully wrong 
you wanted to make sure he got a new role 
but of course you missed the part which said ,,later he will own 15 cats´´
when you told him, he was so happy that you helped him!
but then he read the script 
he got so angry at you yelling how dumb you were 
,,What are you thinking?! I don´t need your help to find a role!´´
he was angry and didn´t know what he told you 
you were just so sad 
you cried and told him to go away! 
it wasn´t to make him angry. 
you really wanted to help him 
but he couldn´t understand 
but soon he noticed how dumb it was by him 
you wanted to help him, even if it was stupid! 
he told you that he was really sorry 
and you told him, that it was your mistake 
You should have paid more attention 
the whole day you just hugged yourself telling how sorry you were 
and in the end you both laughed so much 
,,I guess you would have looked really silly! Sneezing like that!´´
,,MC! Don´t say these kind of things!´´
he was so angry at you! 
,,who does such irrelevant and stupids things?´´
you never saw your husband you angry at you! 
but the only thing you did was
playing LOLOL
okay, maybe you were really stupid playing LOLOL with the short shirt where everyone could see everything
and without a jeans….only your underwear 
but it wasn´t like you knew that the webcam was on! 
,,I told you! I´m sorry!´´
He was looking with a sad look at you 
you had to cry but coudn´t 
Seven saw it. That was the baddest thing at the whole story 
his best friend saw his wife´s body!
Well you didn´t strip or so
but his whole friends also saw you! 
he wasn´t only embarrassed but also jealous 
,,Please! Right now I can´t look at you!´´
You argued until the two of you went in other rooms crying 
Yoosung knew that it wasn´t your propose but still 
it was stupid playing so! 
He wanted to protect you but now…
he was sure that someone made a screenshot! 
,,Ssup Yoosung! I checked. No screenshots on their computer.
After she came online it was only me who watched her. Don´t be angry. She made nothing wrong. 
How can you as a husband leave the camera on. You know about the hacker.´´
Seven was right
,,MC I´m really sorry!´´
he cried with you until you fell asleep
the next day he taped his webcam
,,HAHAHA I bet I can!´´
,,No you can´t!´´
the two of you giggled
Jaehee told you, she could open your bra with only a hand.
Of course she didn´t touch you
but you found it so funny!
you bet, you could do it
But she said no
But well you did it
and she was sooo angry
she had really huge boobs and BÄÄÄM!
they plopped out!
You laughed so hard but she was so angry at you!
Well every girl could understand it
,,Jaehee! I told you I could!´´
You were so sorry and wanted to tell her
but she was so angry and rejected you
okay, who wouldn´t be angry?
You opened her bra in the public park behind your home
the rest of the day she was really angry
you didn´t talk
and even a week after this she was angry at you
until a guest told her, that she could feel that she was angry since the coffee was different
you excused yourself again
she wasn´t so angry anymore…
One day he made a joke about his favorite car 
he told you, he would like to have a pink car 
and since he had so many cars you just picked one out and sprayed pink color on his car 
when he came home he was so angry 
,,Which woman could do somethink like that to her future husband?! What did I do!?´´
you explained him but he told you, that he just joked
,,Your jokes are so bad!´´
,,What?! Don´t tell me that! You never joke or something like that! Boring woman!´´
,,What did you call me?“
,,Gosh! Just go and choose RIKA! I only wanted to make you happy!´´
that´s when he finally understood 
his jokes made such a mess! 
he was sorry 
he wanted to get you but you closed up yourself 
he could hear your crying 
Saeran came, he heard everything 
,,Well. Such a dumbass. You first say something like that and then you regret it. You aren´t a good boyfriend. 
I think, she feels like she can´t do anything for you. She got involved with me and reminded you of your past.
She could only support you but nothing more. 
You can do everything on your own. And then she heard the idea of the car.´´
he went away leaving Saeyoung with his thoughts 
he came up with a really good idea! 
He said goodbye to his car and wrote your name on it
it looked so sweet!
When he snapped a picture and gave it you (well, you found it under your door!)
you were so happy, kissing him and forgiving him like always.
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choisgirls · 7 years
Dear 404, i hope this one doesn't trigger you: Please write an RFA/V/Saeran reaction to MC admitting she has killed someone. Like, right almost now. Body is not even hidden yet, she might or might not be asking for help/assistance (your choice if it was accidental, self-defense or premeditated, but wow, premeditated would be cool).
A/N: (I really… wastempted.. to turn these into individual fics…because i kept these short withnot much detail but /man/ i wanted to get more detailed;;) I’m not gonna lie, Iwas like… really… excited… for this one. Because I’ve never writtenanything like this. My stuff is usually fluff and some (pretty bad) nsfw hereand there but i am /hyped/ and hope this came out okay ~Admin 404
Should I put a TWhere? I wouldn’t know what to put? But it’s here? There’s mentions of blood anddeath? Is that a good enough TW? Is there a “General TW”?
               -“Hey MC! Welcome home, doyou want to play a little LOLOL before I log-” his sentence faded off,taking in the blood on your hands and the immense amount of tears trailing downyour face
               -“What happened?! Are youokay?! MC, is this blood?! Please, talk to me!” he panicked, running up toyou and searching for any sort of cut on your hands before wiping away yourtears
               -He tried to look into your eyesbut you couldn’t stop crying long enough to look at him.
               -Trying to talk through yoursobs and hiccups, he caught a few words like attack, scared, and the phrase“couldn’t help”
               -His panic levels skyrocketed.What?? Couldn’t help what? Who? MC?
               -You calmed down enough to startspeaking quietly, never taking your eyes off of your hands
               -“There.. was this guy. Iwas walking home and he pulled me into this dark alley thing…… and Ijust,,, I pushed him away from me but I didn’t mean it! I didn’t mean it,Yoosung!” you cried out, tears starting to fall again, “ I tried tohelp him, I really did! It was an accident!”
               -You kept crying out and asworried as he was about you, he couldn’t get past the fact that a grown man? Grabbedyou? What did he want to do? What did he think he was going to get away with?
               -His eyes grew dim, a sort ofveil over them you’ve never seen before, as he grabbed your wrists, leaning inclose to your face
               -“MC, what happened to him.Whose blood is this? His, right?” he asked, honestly scaring you a littlebit with his dark tone
               -You nodded, sniffling as he tookyou to the sink to wash your hands before asking you to take him to where theman was.
               -On the way there, you explainedthat you had pushed him away from you, not knowing he would trip and smack hishead against the side of a brick building
               -“I- I wanted to call thepolice but I wasn’t sure what to do! What if they didn’t believe it was anaccident! What if-”
               -You were caught off guard whenhe started to wipe him down, trying to rid him of any evidence of you
               -“Yoosung? What are youdoing? Shouldn’t we call-”
               -He turned to you, eyes darkerthan ever, leaning in close to whisper to you
               -“He touched you, MC. Heshouldn’t have. You aren’t his to grab onto. You’re mine and only mine,”he leaned in all the way to kiss your lips softly before continuing
               -“MC, he’s gone. He’spassed on. But he got what he deserved,” he stood up straighten thannormal
               -“He’s lucky he was gonebefore I got here, or it would have been much… much worse. Now, I’m going toget rid of any evidence that you were here. I’ll protect you, MC”
               -He smiled at you, his normal,happy smiled turned into something dark and wicked, he kissed you again, alittle harder than at first, his heart pounding in the excitement of whatyou’ve done, but mixed with his anger that another man had even thought to puthis hands on you. He’d take this secret to his grave, always looking out foryou from then on
               -He has hundreds, if not thousandsof fans
               -And you’re okay… as long asthey stay away from him. Stay within the boundaries. Keep their hands off. Keepthe distance between them.
               -You’re trying so hard to keepyour cool. You knew as an amazing actor, he was bound to get a lot of attentionfrom other people.
               -But you couldn’t take itanymore.
               -This one woman- one who thoughtshe was cute by trying to get so close to your boyfriend
               -Thought she could get whatevershe wanted out of him by flipping her hair, pushing up her bra, running herfingertips down his arms
               -But did she care that he wasyours? No. Did she continue trying to scheme her way into his pants? Yes.
               -Have you had enough? Mostdefinitely.
               -You contacted her through aburner phone, pretending to be Zen. You set up everything you needed to inorder to carry out whatever you needed to protect Zen.
               -Sitting at home, Zen wasactually worried about you- you hadn’t come home in hours, and you weren’tpicking up his calls? What if something had happened to you?
               -But you knew what you weredoing. You wanted to take your time, let her know exactly what she got herselfinto before you ended her life. You wanted to make her pay, not give her a freepass by taking care of it quickly.
               -“MC! There you are! Youhaven’t answered my calls all day, where have you been?” Zen asked themoment you walked through the door, practically running up to you as you turnedto face him.
               -He wrapped his arms around yourwaist, looking down at you as you gave him your award winning smile, playing ahand on his cheek
               -“Don’t worry about me, Ijust had some business to take care of,” you said with a slight giggle. Itwas then that Zen noticed an odd emotion in your eyes. Why did your hands smellslightly metallic?
               -When you pulled your hand awayfrom his face, he could feel something warm, and a little sticky on his face.Wiping a little off, he saw that it was blood
               -He quickly looked at your hand,about to ask you if you had gotten hurt- but he noticed both of your hands werecovered in the red liquid, along with spatters of blood flung across your face.How did he not notice it before when he was looking into your eyes?
               -“MC..? What.. happened?What did you do…” he trailed off, watching as you threw your onceenemies signature scarf on the ground, soaked in blood
               -“I took care of our littleproblem, see? Now you and I don’t have to worry about her butting into ourrelationship. I did this for us! We can live together happily, until anotherone of those harpies try getting to you again.”
               -You stepped closer to him, standingon your toes to kiss his cheek, stepping away to watch how completely shockedhe was. Before turning on your heel, you caressed his cheek and looked into hiseyes, your own glossing over with a wave of possession. “You’remine,” you whisper against his lips, leaving him to his thoughts while youwent to wash up
               -What could he do? What shouldhe do? There were so many thoughts running through his head. When he wasyounger and in a motorcycle gang there were… many things he didn’t enjoydoing. There were times he’s sure he had… injured others to the brink ofdying, but he pushed that in the back of his mind. But you? You were doing thisto innocent people who got too friendly to him? What has he going to do? He wasa natural flirt. How many more people were going to get hurt? Can he even dealwith the fact that you had… done this?
               -The both of you know how totake care of yourselves
               -Both know self defense, youmight even know some sort of martial arts, or so Jaehee thought
               -You’ve always seemed a littlemore… fluent, in your movements
               -Whether you noticed it or not,you had this hidden strength about you and that left her with mixed feelings
               -On one hand, she was proud! Shedidn’t have to worry /too/ much about you getting hurt
               -On the other hand… she had toworry about anyone who came near you. Even if it was something innocent, likesomeone walking up behind you too quietly, she was scared that you might hurtsomeone
               -Turns out she was right.
               -You called her during ameeting. She ignored the first one, thinking she could call you backafterwards, but you kept calling? She excused herself and answered the call,only to hear you broken in sobs, unable to form a full sentence
               -“MC? MC what’s wrong? Areyou alright?” she started to whisper soothing words into the phone, hopingto get you calm enough to talk to her
               -You told her you needed her tomeet you in a discreet location, and that made her danger senses go off
               -Rushed out of the office to meetyou in a dark, deserted alleyway downtown.
               -She found you on the ground,hugging your knees and completely sobbing. A tall, burly man lay on the groundnext to you, his eyes dull and lifeless
               -Her gasp caused your head tosnap up and look at her, tears streaming down your face.
               -“Jaehee! You have to trustme, I-I didn’t mean to do this! I didn’t mean to hurt him! He grabbed myshoulder from behind and I just… I just… reacted! I didn’t know I wou-wouldslam him to the fl-floor that hard!”
               -She bent down next to you,smoothing your hair and kept an eye on the man laying lifeless next to the twoof you. She couldn’t muster up any words to comfort you, her mind was workingtoo fast to think rationally
               -‘It was self-defense,’ she toldherself, 'MC would never hurt…. I mean… take someone’s life on purpose…’
               -What would happen to MC? Wouldpeople believe it was self defense? Would MC be safe? There had to be a way tomake sure MC wouldn’t get in trouble for this. She could do her research, shecould ask Jumin for help- no no, she couldn’t do that…
               -She had to do whatever shecould to protect you.
               -You looked up and watched asshe started to drag the man away from you, propping him up against thedumpster. She figured he looked scruffy enough that people could think he hadsimply fallen and hurt himself on his own. She felt extremely guilty, but shecouldn’t lose you
               -“MC,” she said,holding onto your shoulders as she bent down to your eye level once more,“You and I will never speak of this again, do you understand?”
               -He was suspicious when yourefused to let him send body guards with you when you left the penthouse
               -What could you have been doing?
               -You knew he already didn’t likethe fact that you were leaving so late at night. He just wanted you to staywith him, but you had to do a lot of convincing to get him to let you leave.Sometimes you stayed behind on his business trips because you had things to do
               -There was this one person..this one person in your life who you could never forgive for hurting you
               -You’ve followed him for years,tracking everything he’s done, learned all of his schedules
               -You were always telling Juminhe should be more open, more honest, more in tuned with his emotions, and to berational about things
               -Did you take your own adivce?No. This was something they couldn’t come back from. This was something thatwould never go away, you had to take care of it yourself
               -One night, you decided it wasthe best time to strike. It was now or never, and this could all be over with.You wouldn’t have to sneak around anymore, and you could finally forget allthat had happened.
               -Your target was risky, he wasin the higher class and held some sort of power in the business world, but thatwasn’t going to stop you.
               -Making your way into his house,you lay in wait, Your heart beating out of your chest
               -When the deed was done you wenthome, cursing yourself for not thinking it completely through. You thought socarefully how to get it done, how to enjoy it, how to execute it so you won’tbe caught in the act
               -But one thing you didn’t thinkabout was how to clean up after you were done.
               -You couldn’t get caught. Therewas no way you were going to go down for this, nor were you about to slanderJumin’s good name
               -But you didn’t know what to do?How were you going to cover this up? Who could you even ask for help?
               -You went home, your thoughtswere frantic but you were composed on the outside. Jumin wouldn’t have beenable to notice something was wrong… if he didn’t notice the fact you smelllike metal and another man’s cologne
               -He sat as you carefullyexplained to him what you had done, rubbing his forehead, his eyebrows knittogether.
               -He cannot believe what you haddone. He knew you had a problematic past but he just couldn’t see how someonelike you- the kindest, most warm-hearted person he has ever met, could go andmurder a man with no remorse.
               -He has the money to clean upyour mess, he has the strong mentality to keep your secret, he has theresources to make sure you’re never caught and that you’re safe- and he’ll doit all for you because you are the love of his life and there was no well in/hell/ that they were going to take you from him.
               -It takes him a very long timeto process all of the information before figuring out how to help you, and evenlonger to actually attempt to get physically close to you because his mind justwouldn’t stop running. He wouldn’t dare to kiss you until he was positive youwere in the right frame of mind
               -Although he helped you coveryour tracks, he’s still worried about anyone coming near you. He should beafraid of you hurting him but he wasn’t. He was more afraid of someone findingyou, or someone hurting you in retaliation. Just as V and Rika had theirsecrets, he now felt this sort of… pride in having a dark secret between thetwo of you. He knew it was wrong to think that but he couldn’t help it. It gavehim sort of a rush to think about something so secretive the two of you couldnever speak about it. There was never a thought in his mind growing up thathe’d be this close to someone but now he did and there were multiple times hehad to talk himself out of suggesting the two participating in similar actsjust to grow even closer
               -As secret agent, he’s had totake a few lives
               -He’s not proud of it per say,but he doesn’t let it tear him up inside
               -He found complete comfort inyou, though
               -You were calm, loving, and sowarm- something he didn’t have most of his life.
               -He thought you were soinnocent, so pure
               -But there was something in yourbackground check that just didn’t add up with him
               -There were pieces ofinformation missing. What was your source of income? Your spending habits werea little sporadic? What sort of life were you living?
               -He ignored it all because he ofall people knew about terrible pasts, and wanted to believe everyone can be whothey are in the present instead
               -So whatever was wrong with yourbackground, he decided he could accept it
               -He was extremely broken heartedat the fact he had to leave you for a mission, but he knew it was something hehad to do, and he would see you at home, ready to greet him!
               -What he didn’t expect on thismission, however, was to find you there, at his targets place
               -Let alone see you grab the guyby the hair, dragging a knife across his neck
               -He actually almost screamed,watching the love of his life kill this man, the red liquid dripping down theguys throat and across his chest
               -You looked up from the man tosee Saeyoung, your once emotionless face turned to something completelymortified at being found out
               -“This.. this isn’t what itlooks like,” you let out a nervous giggle, “I-I mean okay it.. it iswhat it looks like. B-but you have to hear me out! Please! Just hear meout!”
               -He stared at you like a deer inthe headlights, listening to you explain that you’re a paid hitman. You had noidea his target was the same one you had been given
               -You explained that you did thisoften, with multiple different methods, but when you attempted to go intodetail, Saeyoung stopped you with tears in his eyes
               -“MC, listen… I forgiveyou. My job… it’s not that innocent either, I get it. I just wish.. you wouldhave told me, you know? Trust me with this sort of thing… You… you’re sokind and I love the ever-loving hell out of you. I’m not going to change how Ithink about you. Except now I’m sure I might have some nightmares watching youwith a knife to a man’s throat, but…”
               -You nodded in understanding,letting out a soft sigh and a small smile at the fact that he immediatelyaccepted you despite the horrors you bring upon people, just like you acceptedhis. At least now he understood why you didn’t mind the danger of being withhim…
               -A light bulb went off betweenthe two of you when you simultaneously realized you had to get rid of the body.Completely thrown off guard by Saeyoung’s presence, you lost all train ofthought and he started to help you clean up the mess, much to your surprise.You stayed with him while he got whatever information he needed, and as ifnothing happened, the two of you went home together hand in hand. Was it oddfor the both of you to accept that you’re both killers? Yes, but the two of youcan work on those feelings together, and Saeyoung was okay with that
               -He’s been hurt enough in thislife
               -And he had been surrounded byenough pain, confusion, and manipulation
               -When he met you, everythingseemed brighter and loving and he couldn’t wait to finally be happy with noworries!
               -Except it wasn’t that easy forhim
               -He expected some sort ofhiccup, but he didn’t know it would be something like this.
               -The two of you were walkingthrough the seemingly empty park one night after an incredible date, when younoticed there was some sort of black figure lurking in the shadows
               -As much as V would love toprotect you, his eyesight still isn’t the best, but you don’t blame him at all.You just take it upon yourself to protect him instead!
               -That being said you carriedsome sort of weapon with you, because you never know who would come up to thetwo of you. Usually it was something like pepper spray, but after the whole“Rika” thing, you got something a little more… powerful, becauseyou were terrified about someone hurting V!
               -The shadow figure jumped out tograb you, and you panicked.
               -With a small screech when youwere grabbed, you pulled out a small handheld gun, pointing it in the directionof the person holding onto you. A bang rang out and echoed into the night and Vfreaked out, worrying about you
               -He could see a lot of movementand he didn’t know what to do and he never felt more horrible
               -There was a loud thud followedby a lot of mumbling
               -He was able to pick out wordslike, “oh no,” “what did I do,” and “please”
               -Frantically trying to find you,you grabbed his hand and started to sob
               -Your hand was wet and sticky, andhe immediately knew what he was touching. He dropped to his knees, his heartracing out of fear. Was it possible for his heart to beat so fast it just runsout of his chest?
               -“MC? MC! Are you okay? Areyou in pain? What happened? Are you injured? MC! Please, tell me whathappened!” he begged, listening to you cry violently, trying to get wordsto come out through your cries
               -“I! He- he! He grabbed me!I was afraid! I was scared for you and I… I didn’t know what to do! I just- Ipointed, closed my eyes, and pulled the trigger! I only meant to hurt him alittle bit, I guess?? So that we could get away?? I.. I didn’t mean for this! Ididn’t mean to end this man’s life! Jihyun, please! Please believe me!”
               -He pulled you into his chest,smoothing your hair and whispering calming words, he wasn’t sure how well hecould help you, but he knew it wasn’t your fault.
               -It was self-defense and heknows it. He would never blame you for this. But he loved you, and he couldn’tlet you suffer through this alone. He took the gun apart, chucking pieces intowhat he hoped was the lake, shoving other pieces into his pocket. If it was inpieces, they won’t have enough evidence.
               -He promised you he would alwaysbe there for you no matter what. He knows you aren’t capable of harming aperson on purpose. He was positive that you are simply an angel on earth andwould only do what you needed to protect yourself and the ones you love. Therewas no way he would let you get caught. He’s done terrible things in the pastand he would do them all over again if it meant he could protect you.
               -Working for Mint Eye, he’salready had to kill people
               -It doesn’t bother him anymore.He can do it in the blink of an eye. He doesn’t think twice
               -When you first joined Mint Eye,he was positive you wouldn’t make it
               -Someone as cute as you wouldn’tbe able to handle such dirty work.
               -You’d probably cry the firsttime you were confronted
               -So when you were sent on amission unrelated to the RFA, he wanted to go with you
               -Definitely not to protect you!Just… to see you crash and burn.
               -You came face to face with theman you had to kill
               -Saeran stood back with his armscrossed, ready to step in and call you an idiot. To tell you that you weren’tcut out for the job, you should stick to just working back at headquarters
               -But without a second thought,you put the gun in between this man’s eyes and pulled the trigger,  leaving the blood spatter across your face asyou stare down emotionless at the lifeless body at your feet
               -He was honestly shocked?You…. didn’t feel a thing?
               -You continued going throughthis man’s belongings, looking for what you were sent there for
               -He stood there in awe, not sureabout what he should do about this situation? There were so many feelings aboutyou swirling around in his head. He couldn’t help but grab your arm and spinyou around, watching as your eyes sparked back to life
               -“Um? Saeran? What do youwant? What’s wrong?”
               -Looking back and forth betweenyour eyes, Saeran watched as your guard dropped and concern flooded them,staring back at him and started to get confused
               -“I uh. Just-” hestarted, turning his head away from you and furrowing his eyebrows, frowning atthe floor, “Don’t get to full of yourself when I say this but, you… youdid good. I thought.. I thought you didn’t have it in you to kill. I thought Iwould have to.”
               -He turned back to you, eyebrowsstill knit together before he sighed and slammed his lips against your own,dominating and commanding your bottom lip to follow the movement of his own,moving a hand up to the back of your head to bring you closer
               -You tried to stutter out thatyou were out of breath and that’s when he let you go, practically pushinghimself 7 feet away from you
               -“I mean, whatever. Youbetter do this well next time. I don’t want to have to follow you every timeyou leave HQ just to make sure you can keep pulling the trigger. It’s notbecause I want to protect you, or anything! Take care of your damn self! Youknow what, maybe you shouldn’t even go on these things anymore. Maybe youshould just stay back,” he rambled on, trying to hide a blush that wasrising to his cheeks. He turned to the lifeless body on the ground, nervouslyfidgeting with him, attempting to change the subject
               -“Come on. I’ll help youjust this once to get rid of this thing. You need to do it yourself. I won’thelp you next time. What do you mean I’m trying to change the subject? No I’mnot! Mind your own damn business, get over here and help me carry thisguy!”
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sequoiann · 7 years
❧ b.sk | roommate!au
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pairing; seventeen seungkwan x reader
genre; bulletpointed, roommate!seungkwan, humor (loads of this), fluff (loads of this too)
✎a/n; i’m eggcited for this wewew hope ya’ll enjoy thiss !! psps. i’m probably gonna do this on a lot of other members so do leave a msg in my inbox to let me know who you’d like to see a roommate!au on ;))
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ok so so sO!
boo seungkwan
as a roommate
you seriously won’t know whether to thank all the gods up there for sending you such an angelic patootie 
or to curse the devils for sending you one of their kind
bc not gon lie but seungkwan is a real mix
the story of how the two of you ended up in the same dorm room is really simple tbh
according to school protocols ;; male dorms and female dorms should be far apart
like really far apart
bc no one wants ehEM EHEM to happen right?
wrong lol 
the university gives no shit about that man
they just mix whatever they want
but most girls and guys willingly stick to sharing a room with the same gender since it’ll be less awkward
but you transferred to the school around midterms 
and the girls’ dorms were full
or at least that’s what they told you
so they decide to put you in the guys’ dorms
“you don’t mind, right?” 
“of course not. everything’s alright.” 
“great. here’s your key. eleventh floor, room five.�� 
ok you minded
a lot.
like you pretty much have to live with this guy now?? and if he’s messy and disgusting and—
oh my god you didn’t even want to think about it
you kinda resigned to your fate and went straight to the dorms, to your room, bc you had a shitload of luggage to park.
when you got in, you were pleasantly surprised
the place was really really really clean??
like there were no random trousers hanging everywhere and the floor felt really dust-less
and you felt that ray of hope that this plan wouldn’t be so bad after all
and like juST before you were about to unpack
the door opens
//grand music plays
seungkwan enters
but at that time you didn’t know him yet so you just awkwardly scramble to your feet
and bow slightly since you were aware that your roommate was a year older
and do your formal introduction of ‘hi i’m y/n please take care of mi’
you look up and notice he’s cute
like cute as in
the baby kind of cute screeeeches
and he looked nice and quiet
ok so he introduces himself as seungkwan 
and the start was really awkward tbh 
the both of you were just literally walking circles around the room and staying on opposite ends bc awKWARD !1!!
you weren’t one to start a convo so yeah this time was no exception
but seungkwan actually initiated one and you were so relieved bc you were literally suffocating from this awkward air
he was like “so, um, you’re a year younger?” 
“do you need help, er, unpacking?”
you turn to your heavy ass luggage and overflowing clothes and laughed
“yeah, i guess?”
seungkwan looked excited bc he internally wanted to do sth so ya’ll can get over this ice cold thing
so ice ice baby ok i’m sorry let’s continue
and he literally bounces on two feet and like goes over to you and hE LOOKED LIKE AN ADORABLE PENGUIN ASDFGHJK
he helps you get your clothes out and like a lot of them got unfolded so he kindly folds them back and stacks them neatly
then he like opens the empty side of the closet which he wasn’t using and helps you load your clothes in there
and he hangs up your coats before coming back to you 
who was struggling with the cables you had put in your bag bc they tangled up real bad
seungkwan decides to unzip a ‘hidden compartment’ of your luggage 
and vOILA
he bursts into laughter and you had no idea what was going on
then you notice the unzipped compartment and you just
“SEUNGKWAN !!!?!??!?!?” 
and he was literally a laughing mess on the floor like his ears were red and he was rolling about trying to catch his breath but it wasn’t working
bc,,,, you kept your bra and undies in there
and seungkwan saw it
seungkwan manages to choke out an ‘iM soRRY’ before he continues dying in his own laughter
and you can’t help but laugh too bc his laughter was contagious asf
and bc of this incident ,,, ya’ll became really really close
it’s like a ‘he already saw my undergarments on our first meeting what worse can happen’
so yall became very open with each other
like after four months or so ya’ll bFF MAN
he even knew where you kept your pads
bc there were those days where it just comes unexpectedly and you don’t know until you strip in the toilet for a bath
so you just scream for seungkwan to pass you one like
that was great to you tbh like it made life so convenient
but the downsides of having seungkwan as a roommate 
so many many
seungkwan’s in the school choir (which surprisingly accepts both boys & girls)
so he claims he needs his personal vocal practice
and the room turns into a freaking opera theatre istg
like you literally hear him go do re mi fa SO LAR TEE DOHHHHH
while you’re there just trying to get your shit tgt
and you sometimes suspect he’s just trying to annoy you on purpose
bc he goes wAAY out of tune just to hit the extra extra high notes
and he even screeches sometimes and oh god your goosebumps just ploop
 “ seungkwan. ”
“ boo “
“ seung “
and you dont even bother to say the last syllable of his name and you just glare at him and he just shuts up and laughs really loud like his eyes squints together and he just drops onto the bed
he’s also really childish at heart so
he likes messing with you when you’re in the shower
he would turn off the heater and/or the lights
and the first time he turned off the lights you freaked out really badly bc you were afraid of the dark and you genuinely thought there was a blackout
and you shouted for him but he didn’t know you were scared so he just silently snickered outside
but when he heard you sob on the other side of the door
he quickly turns the lights back on and like when you come out he was so damn apologetic like
“i’m so sorry i didn’t know omg”
“ i h8 YOU “
but no you didn’t lol you loved this squish
and he made up for it by literally being by your side for the next few days
i mean
ya’ll were roommates
cuddling is the most normal thing to happen
so aft that ‘blackout’ incident ,,, that night ,,,
you couldn’t sleep lol
you guys had a really wide bunk bed if that made sense??
it was almost like a second story on the upper deck
seungkwan had been taking the bottom deck so when you moved in you just took the one at the top
and thAT NIGHT
you just kept tossing and turning and like the bed would shake a little every time you move
so seungkwan can’t sleep either since the bed just keeps wobbling
“you can’t sleep?” he says,, just staring up
and then there’s this short silence.
“you up for cuddles?”
and another silence.
bc ngl you lived for cuddles
but you would get really insecure about everything bc like your cuddle partner would be sososo close ?? ya’know??
but before you can reply,,
seungkwan literally just comes up and pokes his head to your deck and grins and you just laugh
aandddd he just scurries to your side and plonks down 
“ you’re not against this, right? ”
he just doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything uk
“ n-no, i’m not. ”
seungkwan would like laugh at your nervousness,, but he just wraps his arm around you and just stroke your hair and stuff like that 
and it calmed you down a loooot.
he was so warm and comfy you honestly just wanted to stay in his arms forever lolol
so this cuddle thing became a very natural thing since it happened often aft that
and when the two of you actually fall asleep
it’s a totally different thing in the middle of the night 
you would accidentally jab him in the eyeballs since you move q alot when you sleep
and he just jerks awake like whO IS YOU WHO AWOKE ME FROM MAI BEAUTY SLEEP
then he sees you with your arms sprawled everywhere and he’d just laugh quietly before tucking you back under the covers
and the next morning he’d complain all about it
“ Y/N ”
“ ?? whAT ”
ya he exaggerates a lot
and you’d just laugh bc you are aware of the fact that you are kinda violent when you’re in dreamland
but seungkwan honestly doesn’t mind lol bc other than that,, you were a good cuddle buddy
can you imagine when ya’ll have to order food
HAHAHA it’s like tug of war
like you like fried chicken
but he likes seasoned chicken
and you guys can’t buy both bc you guys were supposed to sneak it into the dorms
and two packs of chicken would be like bringing a freaking mountain into the dorm
so you two just start throwing random stuff at each other
“ you broke my pen ytd?? ”
“you dropped my compact powder and it got everywhere.”
“ya but u made me clean the entire room bc of that.”
“but we got seasoned chicken in the cafeteria”
“horrible ones.”
“no, okay, but —”
seungkwan just gives up and 
//internal evil laughter
“love you seungkwannn”
//finger guns
seungkwan just shakes his head and places the order and turns away from you to let out his smile
ok ya so all in all
seungkwan would just be a really soft and annoying roommate 
and the two of you would be like the bickering best friends
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scummy-writes · 8 years
I was wondering if you could do a NSfw where the rfa+v and saeran are having sex with mc for thw first time and they orgasm too fast and are afraid that they'd disappoint MC?
(  ˵¯͒⌄¯͒˵;;) I couldn’t sleep so I really…Really…Wanted to write this. Thought about it all day.
- He was losing it mentally. His hands were sweaty, his chest was beating
- He wasn’t going to lie, he had jerked off quite a bit before…Especially when LOLOL introduced that new female skin….
- But never much more than that! God, he was too scared to even get a sex toy- Too scared and embarrassed to even entertain the thought!
- He tried asking Zen for tips, even resorted to asking Seven. But Seven laughed and Zen said to look up some porn videos to get an idea because he was too busy to help
- (Or was he just sour MC didn’t fall for him?)
- When you came out of the bathroom in your pjs, he was already trying not to get a stiffy. I mean, what you were wearing wasn’t horrible, wasn’t perverted, but…You weren’t wearing a bra. Even he could tell that
- And the fact that tonight would be the first time you shared a bed together…
- “Yoosung?”
- “Y-Yes??”
_ “…Are you going to come lay down? It’s cold without you~”
- This was it, he was going to die. Someone get his will from that coffee fiasco out, he was going to need it after tonight.
- Carefully, he climbed into bed behind you, opting to try and be the big spoon and hold you tight.
-…Too tight, too tight! Your ass was rubbing against his groin so nicely. He ended up burying his face in your hair, desperate just to pretend he didn’t feel it.
- “Yoosung, are you alright?”
- “Yeah, yeah- I, uhm. I am.”
- “So you’re not hard-”
- “Don’t say it!!”
- Oh my god, this is it. You were going to make fun of him endlessly, just like the guys would when they found out. 
- You turned around to face his red face, and right when he thought it wasn’t going to get again worse, you slipped your hands around and squeezed his ass, pulling his hips flush against yours
- He. Couldn’t. Breathe.
- He felt you start kissing his neck, grinding against him, and he could only whimper in response. This isn’t how he thought it was going to happen- I mean, he was supposed to take the lead, right?? Right??
- But you slipped your hand in his sweat pants, letting out a lustful groan as you found he wasn’t wearing underwear, and he lost it
- You pulled your hand back and looked at the cum on your fingers, before looking him right in the eye and licking your hand clean
- Were you trying to kill him???
- “MC I’m sosososorry, oh my god-”
- “That’s okay, Yoosung,” You grabbed his hand, guiding it under your underwear, “Why don’t you show me what those gaming fingers can do?”
- God, please someone print out that will. He really was going to need it after tonight.
- So she wasn’t as innocent as everyone thought she was
-…But she was still blushing like crazy
- A cuddling session gushing over a dirty story you found online had turned sexual very quickly. Mainly due to your wandering hand, but…
- Now she was under you, one hand halfway covering her face, and the other gripped your arm as your teased her clit
- Every time she let out a squirming moan, her chest heaved and you swore you were in heaven
- You didn’t waste much time with foreplay. The two of you hadn’t really gone this far before, and this poor woman needed some excitement in her life that didn’t end in cat hair everywhere
- You couldn’t take it anymore, you slowly licked her nipple, then clamped your teeth over it, loving her surprised moan.
- “M-Mc!”
- You gave her nipple a harsh suck, your fingers trailing down from her clit to her entrance, slipping in two fingers already.
- You walls clamped down, her nails digging into your forearm already. She was sweating, chest heaving, but you knew all the right spots to hit.
- As your mouth bit on her neck, her moans kept getting higher and higher in pitch, until her nails dug in so harshly that you knew you were going to need a few bandages later.
- You felt her hips jerk up a few times, her whimpering when you kept trying to fuck her with your fingers, so you slowly pulled out.
- “Did you cum already?”
- She let out a groan, covering her face. “Yes, I’m sorry. It’s been a while.”
- You just laughed, kissing her forehead. 
- “I mean… I could be my turn, if you really loved meee~”
- She rolled her eyes but laughed, motioning for you to switch spots with her.
- The two of you were resting on the couch, just cuddling, until his fingers liiightly brushed against your sides, and you made the mistake of giggling
- Now it was On
- First thing about being friends with Seven: Never, ever, let him find out where you’re ticklish.
- He had you squealing and threatening him at the same time, squirming in between his legs as he laughed at you.
- Pretty soon you started fighting back- Turning around and desperate to find his ticklish spots. 
- But, after a while of squirming in eachother’s arms, he accidentally let out a moan that was not painful
- You stopped, and the both of you blushed… But, you just placed a questioning kiss on his lips.
- “R-really? Right here?”
- You nodded, already moving to start palming him through his pants, and he automatically started working on pulling off your shirt
- He groaned as you unzipped his pants, palming him through his boxers. He tried returning the favor, squeezing your breasts through your bra.
- But you slipped to the floor and got on your knees? What where you- Oh my god you were going to blow him
-Oh…My god.
- He watched with a growing blush as you tugged on his pants to be able to pull his hardening cock out easier. He watched your eyes widen just a bit when you pulled it out, him mentally fist pumping that he was a good enough size for you
- He wanted to lean back- Play it cool and just enjoy it, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You brushing your hair behind your ear, getting a decent grip on his cock, your half-lidded eyes studying the head. He could feel the pre-cum leaking out already, and he prayed you thought that was normal.
- You gave his cock a few tentative pumps, him trying his fucking best not to jerk his hips up, and then suddenly you took the tip in your mouth.
- He couldn’t hold it back, he ended up letting a low whimper out, his fingers itching to tangle themselves in your hair, but god he managed to keep them away.
- You bobbed your head a bit, removing the cock from your mouth with an obscene ‘pop’, looking him right in the eyes as you licked up the underside of his cock
- …And he came all over your face
- It was slightly, just a bit, adorable at how you winced, but he felt his soul leave his damn body. Damnit, he knew he should have jerked off last night when he had the chance.
- “Oh my god, Mc I’m so–” 
- You wiped a bit off your cheek, slipping your finger in your mouth and letting out a hum. “You taste a bit bitter…”
- Instantly he pulled you up on the couch, sucking and nipping at your neck as you moaned a bit.
- He really, really, needed to know how you tasted as well. And, well….Hopefully that would make up for him being such a quick shot.
- The marriage had been sweet, and ended with lots of cuddling on a plane as the two of you went to enjoy your honeymoon, something Jumin was very insistent on.
- As soon as the two of you landed, it was getting changed into something more appropriate, going off and enjoying the sites, having a nice romantic dinner
- And now the two of you finally made it to the place you were staying at for the next week. With just one bed in the room.
- He didn’t want to admit he felt nervous- What if he harmed you? What if he did so many things you didn’t enjoy? Expert Playboy only told him so much, and he wasn’t too keen on watching porn. Especially if Seven had his hands in the RFA’s search history.
- The two of you dressed in your sleepwear, then he coaxed you over to lay with him.
- Getting to finally hold you in his arms like this was amazing. He felt his chest swell every time you snuggled closer to him.
- “Mc?”
- “Yes, honey?”
- He gave your forehead a kiss at the nickname, his cheeks lightly blushing. “From my research, we’re not completely done for the day yet, are we?”
- Your face went red, but he started with gentle kisses to your lips, moving to your jaw, then to your neck, his fingers dancing around the hem of your shirt.
- Your breath hitched a couple of times, but you started working on unbuttoning his shirt, groaning when his hands started groping your breasts
- God, this felt amazing so far, from just barely doing the minimum. He focused on recalling all the tips in the magazine, some of the grosser things some board members had talked about drunk- Just anything he could apply to please you
- It wasn’t long before you were fully on your back, breasts heaving as he teased your clit, his boxers the only clothing left on him
- The way your cheeks flushed looking at his cock straining against his boxers made him want to take you instantly, but he needed to be patient, he needed to hold out a bit longer.
- But you gently squeezed his forearm, mewling a bit as he kept trying to rub your clit
- “Ju-Jumin, please, I want to feel your cock- I’m ready, just please.”
- He felt his eyes widen, but quickly cleared his throat and nodded, pulling his boxers off
- He teased you a bit more, the head of his cock barely entering you and pulling back out, making you let out the cutest whines. But finally, when he couldn’t even stand it anymore, he pushed himself fully inside of you, groaning along with you
- He stayed still for a moment, feeling how amazing it was to have you squeezing him so tightly. He tried to move, just one pump, but it was too much.
- As soon as he realized what had happened, his face was completely red, and he felt so ashamed when you let out a little questioning noise.
- “It…It seems that I’ve…” He trailed off, suddenly pissed at himself for cumming so damn early. You didn’t even get to enjoy anything.
- But you just squeezed his hand, placing a kiss on his cheek.
- “If you want…You could just use your fingers for tonight, tomorrow we could try-”
- “No, we’re doing this right tonight. I told you I would keep you up all nigh- I’m not going back on that now.”
- While he did finally get rid of his shame at how much you squirmed from his fingers alone, he promised himself that he was going to make you cum twice as much from his cock alone.
- (What the fuck did those magazines say about this situation???)
- You had been trying for ages to get him to have sex with you. 
- Inviting him in the shower? ‘Accidentally’ letting him walk in on you? Snuggling super close during a romance scene? All of them failed.
- And god, did he hate it.
- He wanted to fuck you, have you screaming his name so loud he was sure to get noise complaints- But was he ready??
- It had been a very, very, long time since he had, ahem, let the beast out. The last time was…Way too long ago.
- But all the teasing, and bluntness without saying anything, was starting to get to him. Starting to have his hand wandering when you weren’t there with him, and a few times when you were.
- Tonight was a bit better. You weren’t trying to throw more ‘hints’ his way, you were just snuggled up to him resting your head on his chest, tracing an imaginary circle on his ribs
- Yeah, he could handle this!
- But your fingers stopped, and you started to play with his hair a bit instead, making cute little noises as you shifted to look up at him
- “Your princess wants some kisses.”
- Oh no. He felt his cock twitch, but he tried his best to ignore it as he tipped your chin up, planting a soft kiss on your lips.
- “I can’t help but do as my princess wants~”
- But you pulled him back towards you, planting a few soft kisses, and then slowly making them more and more greedy.  You even slipped your tongue in, and when he groaned out he knew he was done for.
- He wanted to avoid sex at the moment, but tonight he didn’t have enough willpower.
- He grabbed your shoulders, pushing you to lay on your back as he slipped between your legs, leaning over to start sucking on your neck.
- You didn’t waste a second, especially since you had been trying to get to this point for ages. You wrapped your legs around his waist, grinning when he grinded against you with a low growl
- “You’ve been such a tease, princess, I can’t take it anymore.”
- As he pushed your shirt up, working on your breasts, he was frantically trying to recall all the moves he used to do back when he was in that gang.
- (God, it really had been forever!)
- Your hands fumbled with his shorts, yanking them down and giving his ass a firm squeeze, loving as he bit your neck in response.
- You were going to kill him. He wanted the first time to be sweet, romantic, but he couldn’t even control his thoughts right now. He just kept imagining how tight you would feel, how you would squeeze down on him-
- You reached and grasped his cock, starting a teasing pace as he leaked pre-cum already.
- Ah, fuck, fuck, he couldn’t take this. He ended up moaning into your shoulder as he jerked his hips in time with your pumps. One, two times, and he came.
- Kill. Him.
- He didn’t want to face you, he just closed his eyes tight as you pulled your hand away.
- “Zenny~ No fair, let me have fun too.”
- He took a deep breath and looked at you nervously- Only to be greeted with a firm kiss. You pushed his shoulder a bit, wriggling your hips.
- “Why don’t you put that mouth to better use~?”
- He looked a bit dumbfounded for a moment, but quickly slid back a bit, working on getting your pjs off.
- I mean… at least he had an impressive recovering speed? Hopefully luck would be on his side and let him recover fast enough to fuck you like he had been wanting.
- It…Had been a very long time. A long time since he was fully willing to have sex, at least.
- When the innocent cuddling on his bed got more perverse- Your hand slipping under his shirt and teasingly running your fingers so close to the waistband of his pants- Well… He did want it, it had just been ages
- He tried his best not to show it. Each feather-light touch he returned, every little breath you let out he had to stop himself from groaning
- He hadn’t realised how badly he wanted this from you
- Once the cute kisses died down, turning into panting breaths and low moans, you rolled yourself on top of him, straddling him and purposefully refusing to grind against him
- Were you trying to kill him? He needed this- He needed you
- His hands found your hips, holding you as he bucked his hips up with a barely contained groan. It had been too long, way too long, since he had felt so good from just teasing. 
- “Mc-”
- You leaned over, starting another string of greedy kisses, taking his will to talk and interrupt you away
- It didn’t take long for his hands to act on their own- Slipping under your shirt to grope, pushing your ass down so he could grind against you fully
- When you broke the kiss and let out such a sinful moan, he couldn’t do it anymore.
- “Mc, please- Now, now, please.”
- He felt your breath against his neck as you giggled, wiggling out of your underwear and pulling down his pants
- You took his cock and slid the head against your clit, making him bite down hard on his lip
- “Oh, god, Mc-” You were horrible but so fucking amazing. He wanted to thrust his hips up, slam into you with all he had-
- You let out a little mewl of pleasure as the head of his cock rubbed your clit just right, and suddenly you felt a hot spurt against you.
- He covered his face quickly, panting but letting out a sound of utter disappointment. 
- “It’s been ages, I just-”
- “Shh,” You leaned over, kissing his forehead. “ It’s fine.”
- But it wasn’t, was it? Your cheeks were still flushed, you were soaked but he knew you hadn’t came yet.
-… Was it too early to suggest…?
- “M-Mc, ride me.”
- “…What?”
- God, don’t make him say it again. He carefully squeezed his cock, feeling how sensitive it was, but he didn’t care. He wanted you anyway.
- He rubbed the head of his dick against your clit, then finally trailed it to your entrance, pushing the tip in and joining you in your moan
- “Jihyun-”
- He jerked his hips up, pushing into you fully, and the sound you made had him dig his nails into your thighs.
- “Ride. Me. I can take it.”
- He came early, but he was going to be damned if you weren’t going to be able to feel his cock slam in you tonight.
- He had experience with women. Not exactly loving ones, but quick and hard fucks in the backs of bars or in hotels was what he was used to the most.
- And usually they all went well, except if the women tried being too clingy with him.
- He wasn’t expecting you to last so fucking long though
- The two of you were just cuddling on his bed, something he was always insistent on. But you were trying to find some funny things to show him on your phone, and he was tired of watching videos. 
- He ended up initiating it, slowly trying to tease you by acting like he wasn’t aware of where his hands were, but quickly dropping the act and pushing you on your back, grinding against you and slipping his tongue in between your bruising lips
 - It didn’t take long at all for both of you to rid each other of any fabric in the way, him burying his cock inside of you with a grunt and a low “Fuck,”
- Usually with the women he had fucked before, they came rather quickly… 
- But as he harshly slammed himself inside of you, finally being able to enjoy being inside of you, he felt himself coming closer and closer to the edge- And you definitely hadn’t came yet.
- He pulled your leg up a bit, pushing it flush against your chest to get a better angle to ram into you, letting out a growling string of curses as you tightened around him
- A few more jerks of his hips, and he easily came inside of you, groaning out and breathing harshly against your neck.
- He wasn’t expecting you to whine, though. He looked up, a bit confused, as you pouted.
- “You came already?”
- “…You didn’t??” He swore he had felt you tense up, dig your nails into him even more. What happened?? Oh god, was he losing his touch?
- You pushed him on his back, climbing on top of him and forcing his cock back into you, rolling your hips. “I wasn’t done yet~ Can you keep going?”
- The fuck he could, but his embarrassment didn’t let him say that. He gripped your hips, keeping you in place as he pushed as deep as he could inside of you, letting out a guttural groan.
- You let out a loud moan, starting a steady and heavy pace, drinking in how his cock hit your g-spot on every thrust.
- He hadn’t been overstimulated before, but he refused to argue against it. He apparently needed to build his stamina back up anyway…
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cheerstocrazy · 6 years
Vegas Weekend Recap
Jenny hit me up to go to Vegas bc she got left behind, but I was supposed to have an interview on Friday. It ended up getting cancelled, so I started to pack frantically. I was freaking out bc I was SO FAT and felt so rushed. We finally got on our merry way, made it to Vegas after a truly pain-inducing car ride, getting lost, not being able to find a parking garage. It sucked, but I kept my cool the entire time. We parked so far and had to walk for what felt like a mile to the hotel. When we got there, no one even opened the door bc they were all passed out from the pool party. I thought 2 of the guys were gay bc their eyebrows were done lolol. FF a bit and we all got dressed to go to Marquee. We took quite a few shots. All in all, it was a bust of a night bc I wasn’t feeling buzzed, and the girls wanted to go home. Oh well, at least I got 6 hours of sleep. I was exhausted, but I could’ve gone ham too. Drank a crap ton for the pool party the next day, but felt drunk off 6 shots bc I only have falafels in the morning!! Made it to the pool party, and Jas forgot her ID UGH. Jen and I weren’t abt to wait on her, so we grabbed our 2 free drinks and just sat and wait around. Also Jen was kinna a buzzkill bc she was sick and couldn’t drink and was sober. Anyway, pool party was fun, I didn’t even finish my drinks and was feeling so drunk. I think I danced with Knox and had to take care of him too, bc he wasn’t a functional human anymore. Saw Kevin which was kinna cool. Oliver Heldens was the DJ, and the music was really good. We got a really cool Ethiopian driver with whom I enjoyed conversing, but turns out he only did it to get a large tip, so FUCK YA, YA DOUCHE. Jenny was so done once she got home, she couldn’t get up anymore. We walked everywhere to find food, and she wasn’t feeling it/hungry at all, so she didn’t go out at night. I also matched with a Welsh dude from Tinder and I told him we were going out to Omnia. We got dressed and pregamed pretty hard. I drink too much. I ended up wearing Susy’s pretty friggin revealing black cropped/tie top with no bra, and I felt so naked, but looked hot so whatever. We had such an annoying taxi incident again after when a fucking driver kept going when we said wait, we’ll get out. We ended up running over to Omnia bc Susy’s guy was so close to the front of the line and there was so much miscommunication. That killed our vibes and my buzz so much. We were sweating, hot, and annoyed. Finally found the 3 guys, so I asked the bouncer from behind if we could go to the front to meet them. Then we go up, and this fucking LATINO BOUNCER ON A POWER TRIP tries to start something with us and telling us either the guys enter only or everyone goes back. You just cut. The guys were helping us and making up valid excuses. Then the bouncer is like you should have asked if you could cut. I was like BRUHHHH, I FUCKING ASKED THE BLACK ONE BACK THERE. JUST FUCKING HOLD UP A SECOND, ILL GET HIM PINCHE PENDEJO. Wtf, why is everyone trying to start a fight with us. NO ONE HAS GOOD VIBES!! We went in and it turns out they didn’t even have a table FUCK. We’re like well shit, we ain’t paying, so we ended up having to get the guest list pass after all, and it worked out thank god. They ditched the guys which was kinna sad, but not my problem. Anyway, we made it up 3 flights of stairs and he bought us a round of tequila shots. I downed it like a champ and didn’t cringe while the girls made the sour face. I was shocked myself. Jas and I left her bc Jas was like ok, I’m abt to show you a good time, I love Omnia. We took a lap around the tables and didn’t see anyone that looked like they were offering a spot. We made it to the bar and were like we don’t even have our IDs or cards to buy anything. I see this super slim and drunk hairy Italian eyeing Jas. She talks to him, he’s saying oh, you are so beautiful, are you from the heavens? Then I cut to the chase and say if you think she’s so beautiful, buy her a drink! He’s like sure, so I called out 3 TEQUILA SHOTS PLEASE. lmao. He was dressed super shitty, but I guess after that shot, I was feeling loose, so he started hitting on me and who am I to resist? We just danced with each other and we hooked up (fml). He’s not a bad kisser by any means, and we spent a lot of time with each other. I gave him a HJ on the dance floor, and he fingered me a little too heh. I took a couple of photos and he kept kissing me along the neck, which I really liked. I just like to be held/touched when I’m drunk, which he was doing. Also, my philosophy is you gotta find a guy to do shit with to pass the time with. Jas was with a creepy guy and wanted to go, so I was like whenever you want to peace, just lmk. We left to find Susy, and Jas swore she was on the terrace, when I was like SHE IS ON THE BOTTOM DANCE FLOOR!!! GIRL, U IS DRUNK. Anyway, we finally find her and yay happy times! Also, I think the Italian found me again, so I was like shit how??? Jas bounced bc she didn’t have a guy and wanted to get more drinks. Danced with the Italian all the while the Welsh guy is texting me asking where I am. I’m drunk, I’m dancing with a guy, and texting Welsh all at once. Idk where I was or how I got there, so it’s just a lot of back and forth (read Whatsapp, kinna funny). I had no clue where I was, only described the music. Finally, he said he was at the Hearts Club, and I looked around and was like wait I’m here too!!! I told him to wait in an obvious place, and I’d go find him. It’s 3 am. I walked to the bar and passed this guy along the rail, Idk what came over me, but when I passed the end of the rail, I turned back and shouted Tom??? He turned around, and I was so elated! I remember thinking, “Oh, he’s cute!” I think I hugged him. I’m not sure if I grabbed his hand, but we went to dance with Susy. Everything is super fuzzy here. I think we were just dancing casually when we were with Susy, and he was still holding his beer. He ended up taking me to the bar and we took a love shot together. It was by far one of hte worst shots ever. After I took it, I was gagging and screaming at the bartender can I get a lime????? Then after he saw my reaction, he gave me a cup of water and a glass of pineapple juice. SWEET ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, TYSM. You know nothing in Vegas is free, but he gave me all of that!! After this, Idk where he lead me, but I’m guessing it was the main stage. He grabbed my face to kiss me, and his lips were really similar to the Italian’s, almost same kissing style too, but he used significantly less tongue which I appreciated. The one thing abt his kissing is that he was a tease, so he pulled away after a while, when I just wanted to keep kissing. I left my phone in his shirt pocket so I could dance hands free. Idr when, but I heard Disarm You play, so I opened my eyes and looked up, and we were 10 feet away from Kaskade, which was a total moment for me!! I was having a freakout bc I love that song!! Kaskade was there!!! Wtf how???? He played Atmosphere and Eyes too, I was gonna cry!! I would turn around so we were back to front, so I could dance, but he just turned me around. Then I look at my phone and start seeing texts from an unknown number so I assumed it was Susy. She’s like where the fuck are you???? I texted her and told her to leave me. I was gonna leave with him tonight. I just needed them to open the door later. We clearly weren’t on the same schedules bc I meant open the door later as in the morning (possibly at night, idk I was drunk. Idk the time) She thought I wanted to leave immediately. She also thought I was already at the hotel, and I was like no wtf I’m still in Omnia where you left us. So I decided to regorup, I took him outside, and we found them (with other guys milking them for drinks JFC they’re good). They were so relieved haha. Jas also met him and she’s like so you’re from Wales? Do you speak Wale-ish? He said no, I speak Welsh, and she proceeded to ask him that 3x more SMFH. I think after talking, I said ok we’re gonna go use the RR. Went to use it and I just remember (all night tbh) me holding out my right hand, so he’d hold it and come with me. We come back and Susy is like NATALIE YOU NEED TO STOP DISAPPEARING LIKE THAT!! I was like what??? I told you I was gonna use the RR wtf. Anyway, we sat to the way right of them, and Idk what took over my brain, but after he sat down, I was like I’m going to sit on you, then I proceeded to wrap my arm around him. Clearly, wasn’t thinking Idk (?????) Some convo topics we had that I vaguely remember: I think I began with so you’re Welsh? He replied, How do you know that? I said well, you went to Cardiff...He’s like right. me: I know my geography, I’m not an idiot.  I asked for 2 cups of ice and was like how would you address a bartender in British? Mate?? He’s like mate or pal. I was like uhh, I would never say pal pero ok weirdo. I also was feeding him the pieces of ice, and some of them didn’t even make it in. lol Then he brought up the word randy, but Idr the context, probably talking abt himself. He’s like it means sexually aroused. I was like uh, def never heard that before.  I asked him to speak Welsh, and he’s like do you want to hear one of the hardest phrases? Sure. He said it and I couldn’t even tell where the syllables began and ended. I repeated it to him horrifically, and he just laughed. I couldn’t hear either and ofc I was drunk, so I was prolly slurring.  I asked him what his last name was (expecting a cool Welsh name): Jones. Your name is Tom Jones? You’re fucking kidding, right? That’s so classic British jfc. I couldn’t believe it. I probably laughed. He was 5′10-6′. He was muscular and fit like an American, which surprised me. He was wearing a t-shirt, Idk how he got into Omnia. He had really nice arms, which I kept feeling. He also smelled really nice, both of which I’m sure I told him. He’s super sweet, nice, relaxed, fun to be with, and supe gentlemanly. Didn’t go up my skirt at all on the dance floor. He went through my top sleeves a few times, and that’s it. I was surprised. I was like you can grab my boobs dude (in my head). It’s 5 am at this point, and everyone decides to leave. We also finally took our full length photos looking hella trashed. I grab Tom and we start walking to our hotel across the street, and I was like Tom I can’t walk anymore, can you give me a piggyback ride? He’s like ya sure, so he did, but she said your skirt’s gonna show. I was like Idc, I literally cannot walk anymore, so he tried to cover me. He would always be on the lookout behind and sideways, and whenever he saw someone he would spin so that my butt wasn’t facing them. His watch was also cutting into my left leg, so I was like ow, what is that? It’s hurting me. He put me down, took it off, then carried me again. That’s when I tried recording him, and he’s like if you record me, I’m putting you down. *hence the video. They got pizza, and I wasn’t even hungry. I was just so tired!! They all sat down to talk and we found Justin!!! Wtf!!!!! The feeling of being reunited is second to none haha! I sat next to Tom and was so tired, so I just wrapped my arm around his left and arm fell asleep on his shoulder. I really like to be held and hold people when I’m drunk -- something I’ve discovered. Susy was telling me to be careful with my top bc it was showing, but I could not care less. It was 5:35 ish at this point and I have no recollection abt getting back to the hotel, but I was still with Tom and we didn’t talk abt spending the night, but I guess it was expected. Jas was with her guy still, so I was like I guess I’m ok *shrugs* Jenny’s passed out on the bed, so I was like Jenny, go to the main bed. I told her a few times, and she was mumbling something back to me, but I didn’t hear. Then finally I was like, Jenny, there’s a guy! So she grabbed the blanket and hauled ass over there. I changed super quickly bc I was so uncomfortable and tired. I just gave him a HJ under the covers, and he was moaning so much, so I kept telling him Shhh. Sidenote: Jenny said she thought he was snoring so much, which is why I shushed him. LMAO. I also remember him adjusting the sheets and kissing me and I saw him smiling. So sweet. Anyway, after a bit of the HJ, my head met his dick, so I just gave him a BJ. It was super lite and before I saw it, I was like it doesn’t look that bad tbh. It also tasted really good and felt good too. I was trying to be so quiet, so I hardly did anything good. Then I told him to go down on me but either he was ignoring me or didn’t hear me. I asked him if he had a condom, and he didn’t. I think this is the point where I rolled over from exhaustion and bc we weren’t gonna have sex (!!! no condom!!!) Next thing I know, Im wakened up by this motion in my butthole/vagina area?? I was like is he fingering me...but it was really consistent, and I could start to feel the pressure. Then I thought omg is this anal? Then realized it was sex, and he was fucking me from behind. Then I was like but wait, he doesn’t even have a condom. It felt kinna good (idek, I was so sleepy) I was surprised he even got it in by himself. I could hear him moaning too, but I was in and out of slumber at this point. He was starting to go harder, so I could hear and feel the slaps really quickly. He repositioned himself and I think it fell out and he wasn’t getting a good angle anymore. He took it out, and I felt my vagina was a little wet, but I couldn’t tell if it was because I came or not. I don’t think he finished though. I fell asleep shortly after. Then I hear loud knocks on the door, and I was like who the fuck is that?? I was gonna open the door, looked under the blanket, and was like wtf I’m butt-naked, where are my shorts??? I just stayed under the sheets, but I also needed to pee, so I grabbed my green throw and wrapped it around me. I found my shorts and undies on the floor so I grabbed it and went into the RR right as Knox was leaving. He’s like, so who is that guy?? Why is his dick so small?? *makes the hook gesture with index finger* Can’t believe you settled for that, Natalie. Kept talking to me, ALL IN FRONT OF TOM (I just realized this rn, omg I’m mortified lololol) I was so embarassed bc he was not the first I wanted to talk to abt this, and I just met him a day ago. It was like a brother scolding sister talk. So funny but so awkward. I was putting on my undies and struggling so much. Tom was super cuddly. When I was cuddling him, he had one arm underneath me, and the other was one was holding my hand (not wrapped around him) on his chest. I remember being super tired, but liked the sensation of his hand and wanted to see if we were actually holding hands, so I moved it a bit. Whenever I turned around, he would always turn with me and cuddle me. He would slip his arm under my right arm and into my shirt. He just really liked the touch of skin. I also remember telling Knox to close the blinds, and he’s like OMG THERE ARE BUTTONS?? smfh. Anyway with the darkness, I think I gave him another HJ, but he didn’t finish. We fell back asleep.He tapped me ever so softly on my shoulder, and he said he was gonna go. I got up too and couldn’t find my sandals, so I went barefoot. He grabbed his shoes and we both left barefoot. He thought I was gonna leave him at the door, but I walked him all the way to the elevator. I asked him for the time while we were walking, but his phone was dead. When he left, Idk how he felt, but he grabbed my face to give me a peck. I am not a one peck girl, so I went back to kiss him twice more.  When everyone woke up in the morn, they were like NATALIE, WHAT HAPPENED GIRL????? Knox asked me for more details in the morn, and when I told him, he fist pounded me and said I like you!  It took me all morning to piece together what happened and looking through time stamps of convos bc I hardly remember anything. I don’t think I browned out, but I def don’t have full recollection. FML I didn’t mean/expect the night to turn out like this!! Omg, I’m a nice and normal person!! Also, I slept only 80 minutes that morning and I was suicidal all Sunday and I’m still freaking recovering from it. That was wild and ugh too much for my body to handle. 
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