#India China border news
gujjukathiyawadi · 2 years
India-China News: चीनी सैनिकों को 'जोरावर' देगा जोर का झटका, ऐसा जनरल जिसका शौर्य सुन हिल जाएंगे
India-China News: चीनी सैनिकों को ‘जोरावर’ देगा जोर का झटका, ऐसा जनरल जिसका शौर्य सुन हिल जाएंगे
हाइलाइट्स भारतीय सेना में जोरावर टैंक को शामिल करने की तैयारी जनरल जोरावर सिंह के नाम पर रखे गए इस टैंक से कांपते हैं दुश्मन जोरावर सिंह ऊंचाई की लड़ाई के महारथी थी, उनके नाम सुन विपक्षी सेनाएं भाग जाती थीं नई दिल्ली: तवांग सीमा पर चीनी सैनिकों के जारी तनाव के बीच भारतीय सेना ने अब ड्रैगन को जोर का झटका देने की तैयारी कर ली है। भारतीय सेना में ‘जोरावर’ टैंक को शामिल करने की तैयारी चल रही है। इस…
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years
India must understand that China is stronger,China can defeat it and China will, India must decide if join the prosperity of the multipolar world or become a smoldering ruin of the unipolar one
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Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇮🇳 L'India ha perso 26 dei 65 Punti di Pattugliamento nel Ladakh Orientale, lungo il confine con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese 🇨🇳
📄 È quanto scaturito da un Rapporto di un Alto Ufficiale di Polizia alla Conferenza Annuale dei Massimi Ufficiali di Polizia dell'India Nazionalista, tenutosi a Delhi - alla presenza del Primo Ministro Narendra Modi, del Ministro dell'Interno e del Consigliere per la Sicurezza Nazionale 🇮🇳
💬 "Attualmente ci sono 65 Punti di Pattugliamento a partire dal Passo di Karakorum fino a Chumur che devono essere pattugliati regolarmente dalle Forze Armate. Su 65, abbiamo perso la presenza in 26 Punti, a causa di un pattugliamento restrittivo o assente", ha affermato l'ufficiale.
⭐️ L'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione, nei Territori Contesi, e al confine con l'India Nazionalista (descritta come un paese-chiave su cui far leva per il sentimento anti-Cinese da Mike Pompeo) ha rafforzato la sua presenza - come si può leggere qui - e conduce una tattica definibile con l'espressione "affettare il salame", ovvero accaparrarsi - senza sparare un colpo - centimetro per centimetro, portando il nemico a perdere il controllo su certe aree 🪖
📟 Inoltre, l'EPL sta costruendo e posizionando sempre più apparecchiature di sorveglianza nelle "zone cuscinetto", con l'obiettivo di monitorare i movimenti delle Forze Armate Indiane 🇮🇳
🇨🇳 La scorsa settimana, Xi Jinping ha tenuto una video-conversazione con i soldati di stanza lungo il Confine Conteso tra Cina e India nel Ladakh Orientale, sottolineando l'importanza della preparazione e della prontezza al combattimento 🔥
📄 Per chi volesse approfondire il Tema dell'India Nazionalista e della Cooperazione Indo-Statunitense in funzione Anti-Cinese, così come i movimenti dell'Esercito Cinese sul confine con l'India, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan:
🔺Il Rapporto Indo-Statunitense in funzione anti-Cinese ⚔️
🔺 Tensioni tra la Repubblica Popolare Cinese e l'India Nazionalista - progetto ferroviario indiano al confine, territori contesi, presenza dell'EPL lungo la "linea di controllo effettivo", Pangong, Quartier Generale, Ponti e Stazioni Radar, Supporto Aereo: I, II, III, IV.
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇮🇳India has lost 26 out of 65 Patrol Points in Eastern Ladakh, along the border with the People's Republic of China 🇨🇳
📄 This is what emerged from a Report by a Senior Police Officer at the Annual Conference of the Chief Police Officers of Nationalist India, held in Delhi - in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister and National Security Advisor 🇮🇳
💬 "Currently there are 65 Patrol Points starting from the Karakoram Pass up to Chumur that need to be patrolled regularly by the Armed Forces. Out of 65, we have lost presence in 26 Points, due to restricted or no patrolling," he said officer.
⭐️ The People's Liberation Army, in the Disputed Territories, and on the border with Nationalist India (described as a key country to leverage anti-China sentiment by Mike Pompeo) has strengthened its presence - how can read here - and carries out a tactic that can be defined with the expression "slicing salami", or rather grabbing - without firing a shot - centimeter by centimetre, leading the enemy to lose control over certain areas 🪖
📟 Also, the PLA is building and placing more and more surveillance equipment in the "buffer zones", aiming to monitor the movements of the Indian Armed Forces 🇮🇳
🇨🇳 Xi Jinping held a video conversation with soldiers stationed along the Sino-Indian Border in Eastern Ladakh last week, emphasizing the importance of preparedness and combat readiness 🔥
📄 For those wishing to learn more about Nationalist India and Indo-US Cooperation in an Anti-Chinese function, as well as the movements of the Chinese Army on the border with India, you can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective:
🔺 The Indo-US Report in anti-Chinese function ⚔️
🔺 Tensions between PRC and Nationalist India - Indian railway project on border, disputed territories, PLA presence along "Line of Effective Control", Pangong, HQ, Bridges and Radar Stations, Air Support: I, II, III, IV.
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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uniqueeval · 27 days
The Hindu Morning Digest: August 30, 2024
People Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers and tanks during military disengagement along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) at the India-China border in Ladakh. | Photo Credit: AFP India, China hold 31st border affairs meeting to resolve standoff at LAC India and China had a “frank, constructive and forward-looking exchange of views” on the situation along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) to “narrow…
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pniindia · 1 month
India-China border Clashes Tension: क्या फिर से पूर्वी लद्दाख में भारत और चीन के सैनिक LAC पर भिड़े? सामने आई सच्चाई
India-China border Clashes Tension: काफी समय से सीमा विवाद को लेकर भारत और चीन के बीच विवाद होते रहते हैं. साल 2020 के दौरान पूर्वी लद्दाख में दोनों देशों की सेना अब आमने-सामने आ चुकी है. ऐसे में पूर्वी लद्दाख की गलवान घाटी में दोनों देशों की सेनाओं के बीच झड़प भी हुई थी.
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China passes new land border law
India-China Dispute: चीन की नेशनल पीपुल्स कांग्रेस के स्थाई सदस्यों की तरफ से नया भूमि सीमा कानून पास किया गया है. भारत के साथ वास्तविक नियंत्रण रेखा (एलएसी) पर चल रही तनातनी के बीच चीन ने नई चाल चली है. इस कानून के अंतर्गत चीन सीमावर्ती इलाकों में अपनी दखल बढ़ाने जा रहा है. वे इन इलाकों में आम नागरिकों को बसाने की तैयारी कर रहा है, जिससे किसी भी अन्य देश के लिए इन इलाकों में सैन्य कार्रवाई और भी…
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xpertnewsofficial · 2 years
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BRO: Speeding up construction work of BRO amidst conflict with China, developing border areas of Arunachal #new #latest_news #BRO #army #border #today #newspaper #China #India #news #viral
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news-trust-india · 2 years
India-China Border Clash : भारतीय सेना ने चीनी सैनिकों को दिया मुंहतोड़ जवाब
India-China Border Clash : भारतीय सेना ने चीनी सैनिकों को दिया मुंहतोड़ जवाब
India-China Border Clash :  संसद के शीतकालीन सत्र की कार्यवाही जारी है। तवांग मुद्दे पर विपक्षी दलों ने जोरदार हंगामा किया। रक्षा मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह ने तवांग मुद्दे पर संसद में जवाब दिया। राजनाथ सिंह ने कहा कि तवांग में झड़प के दौरान दोनों ओर से कुछ जवान घायल हुए हैं। मैं सदन को बताना चाहता हूं कि झड़प में हमारे एक भी जवान ना तो शहीद हुआ है और ना ही कोई गंभीर रूप से घायल हुआ है। भारतीय जवानों के…
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writingwithcolor · 11 months
Conlanging Issues: A Compendium
NOTE: This question was submitted before the Nov 1, 2023 reopening and may not adhere to all rules and guidelines. The ask has been abridged for clarity. 
Most of my questions are about linguistics. […] One of the major locations in my story is a massive empire with cultural inspirations ranging from North Africa in the far south to Mongolia/Russia in the far north […] The middle region is where the capital is and is the main root of culture, from which Ive been taking inspiration from Southwest Asia […], but most notably southern regions of India. I've tried to stick to the way cities are named in Sanskrit-based languages but added the names of stars to the front (because the prevalent religion of this region worships the stars [...]). So Ive ended up with names like Pavoprayag, Alyanaga, Alkaiduru, Alcorpura, Cygnapete, etc. Is this a consistent naming system or should I alter it in some way? The empire itself is named the Arcana Empire since [...] each act of my story is named after a tarot card [...]. Another region in my story is based more on parts of South China and North Vietnam, so I've tried to stick to names with a Chinese origin for that. I understand the significance of family names in southwest [sic] Asia, so I wanted to double check [...]. They have only two short given names. Based on the birth order of the child, the first half of the name comes from the fathers family and the second half from the mothers family. It is seen as disrespectful not to use both names because using only one is seen as denouncing that side of your family. Thus I have names like Su Yin, Dai Jun, and Yi Wen for some of the characters from this region, and the city itself that they are from is named Bei Fen. On the other hand, Im having further trouble naming characters. […] Ive been trying to give my human characters names from real human cultures to distinguish them from the website-generated names of say, orcs, elves, dwarves, etc, but I think I should change many of the names Ive used to be more original and avoid fracturing real world cultures for the sake of my worldbuilding. […] Im still very weak in the linguistics area (even after four years of French, sigh) and am having trouble finding where to read about naming patterns so I can make new ones up. I read your naming guides but am still having trouble on where to start for specific languages. […] Im trying to look into Sanskrit, Turkish, and Persian specifically.
You're Going Too Broad
In my opinion, you’re casting too wide a net. You mentioned looking into Sanskrit, Turkish, and Persian to develop fantasy names. These languages are very different from one another, so unless you’re using them separately for very different parts of your world, it will be hard to draw inspiration from them in a way that makes sense. You’re taking on a huge amount of research in order to worldbuild cultures that span a massive geographical area (basically all of North Africa and Asia?) and have very little in common. Are you sure you want to take on that task?
I could see it being more manageable if most of your story is set in a small region of this world, which you will then research in depth to make sure you’re being as specific as possible.
Taking Persian as an example, you’ll have to decide whether you want to use Old Persian, Middle Persian, or Modern Persian. Each of these comes with a different alphabet and historical influences. They’re also associated with different periods of time and corresponding cultural and social markers. Once you’ve decided exactly when and where you want to start from, you can then expand the borders of your area of focus. For example, if you’ve decided to draw inspiration from Achaemenid Persia, you can then look at the languages that were spoken in the Achaemenid Empire. A quick Google search tells me that while Old Persian was the empire’s official language, they also used Aramaic, Akkadian, Median, Greek, and Elamite (among, I’m sure, many many others and many more regional variations). Further research into each of these will give you ethnic groups and bordering nations that you can draw more inspiration from to expand out your worldbuilding.
Don’t forget to make sure you’re staying within the same time period in order to keep things consistent. It’s a lot of work, and this is only for a small portion of the continent-spanning worldbuilding you’re trying to do.
You can get away with painting the rest of the continent in broad strokes without too much depth if the story doesn’t go there and you don’t have any main characters from those parts of the world. Otherwise, you’ll need to put this same level of detail into your worldbuilding for the area with Turkish-inspired names, and again for the area with Sanskrit-inspired names, and so on.
I know this isn’t what you were asking, but I honestly have a hard time helping you figure out where to start because your ask is so broad I don’t quite know where I would start myself. So, this is my advice: focus down on one region and time period and go from there. Feel free to write back once you’ve picked a narrower focus that we could help you with.
- Niki
So there’s logistical issues in regards to your naming system for southern China-coded regions. One issue is history: mainly on how there is not simply one language in China but multiple due to having a lot of ethnic groups and the size of China. South China in particular has different dialects and languages than the North as seen in this map of Chinese languages and dialects. There’s also how historically Mandarin was not the official language until 1913 in China and historical China saw vast changes in territory dependent on the dynasty. Before then, Mandarin was primarily a northern Chinese language based in Beijing while southern China had its own languages, dialects, and dynamics. Not to mention, historical China saw an evolution of language just like English has Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English, and Modern English. For instance, Vietnam was once part of China during the Tang Dynasty and at another point, it was not part of China.
-Mod Sci
If You’re Borrowing Whole Words or Elements, Research More
The other issue is inconsistency with the cultures you’re deriving this conlang from. In regards to “two given names,” the Chinese name I was given was one syllable and then I would have a last name that was also one syllable. There’s also how not every family is perfect. Not every marriage is sanctioned and some children may come from single parents. Some families may not cooperate with marriage and sometimes children may be abandoned with unknown parents. There does not seem to be contingencies for these names under this conlang system.
The main problem with conlangs is that one needs to truly understand the languages one is drawing from. Tolkein managed to create conlangs due to training in linguistics. Mandarin is already a difficult language with multiple tones, and trying to use it for conlangs without knowledge of how Mandarin works or a good foundation in linguistics is just a Sisyphean endeavor.
-Mod Sci
Four years of French wouldn’t have taught you about linguistics as a science or anything about the language families you’ve listed - Indo-Iranian, Sino-Tibetan, and Turkic, nor any Asian naming conventions. I agree with Niki that you need to narrow down your research.
Pur/pura means city in Sanskrit (ex: Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur). Prayag is a place where pilgrimages are done. Naga isn’t a place name in Sanskrit (google says it means snake), nagar is and it means town. X Nagar is a very common name for places (Ex: Rajinder Nagar). Many cities in Karnataka have names ending in uru (Bengaluru, Mysuru, Mangaluru, Tumakuru, etc) but the language of Karnataka is Kannada - a Dravidian language and completely different family from Sanskrit (Indo-Aryan). I’m not sure where “pete” came from. “Bad” and “vaal” are common suffixes for places too (Ex: Faisalabad, Allahabad). A disclaimer that I do not speak Sanskrit, I speak Punjabi, which is a descendant of Sanskrit and in the same linguistic family (Indo-Aryan languages).
- SK
Also, This Is Not…Really Conlanging.
Hi OP. Linguistics refers to the science of studying how languages work, not the discipline of learning languages. And nothing shows that gap more than how you have thus far approached constructing fictional languages and toponyms. 
The reason why Sci and SK have a lot to say about your place names is because they don't resonate—you have borrowed whole words into your toponyms (place names) from a variety of languages—without an accurate understanding of what these words mean, how they’re pronounced, where they’re derived from—and expected them to work together. I suggest you read the links below on why conlanging is not as simple as choosing some languages and mashing their IRL words together: 
Why Using Random Languages Wholesale in your Fantasy is a Bad Idea 
Pitfalls of Mashing Countries and Languages in Coding
In your city names, for example, you’re using star names from multiple languages that use different sets of sounds represented by different sets of historical spelling rules. “Cygn-” and “Arcana” stick out like a sore thumb—the fact that one “c” is /s/ and one is /k/ is an obvious flag that they are Latin-derived English borrowings. This is because spelling rules were created in Middle English to make sense of the mix of “c” pronunciations across words of Indo-European origin due to a historical split called the Centum-Satem division. This is a phenomenon that is very specific to our world history, and to the history of English at that. Ironically, in your attempt to avoid stock fantasy names (which also often fall into the Latin-derived English pit), you are taking the exact same approach to naming.
Like Niki said, your selections are far too broad to code under a single umbrella. Do you expect that whatever language that city name came from runs the full gamut of sound inventory & spelling variety that spans multiple continents and hundreds of languages? Because that’s not how languages work. (And yes, I mean hundreds. Indigenous languages and linguistic diversity are a thing. See Niki’s note about just the languages in Persia. And nation-states bulldozing over those languages and pretending it’s just one language is a thing. See Sci’s note about China.) I haven't even talked about the variation in morphology (how words are formed) or syntax (sentence structure).
Please just read or re-read my guide on “naming conlangs” in this post and start from there.
~ Rina
For fantasy language asks submitted after Nov 1, 2023, the asker must indicate that they have read Mod Rina’s conlanging posts linked in FAQ 2 (Guides and Posts by Topic) of the Masterpost under the question “How do I make a fictional language for my story?” While this is an older ask, we are posting it as an example to our followers.
Per our new rules, any questions that can be directly answered in or extrapolated from the FAQs, or questions that indicate that the relevant resources haven’t been read, will be deleted with a note in the Deletion Log explaining why.
As always, if this post was helpful or educational to you, please consider tipping the relevant mods: SK, Niki, Sci, and Rina.
Edited for terminology errors
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sixteenseveredhands · 4 months
Carriola Tussock Moths: these moths have distinctive hyaline windows (i.e. patches of transparent scales) on their wings, often with a greenish tint
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The males within this genus (Carriola) generally have brown/beige markings that border the hyaline windows on their wings, while the females have more of a pink/white coloration. In many cases, their transparent scales also reveal a network of green-colored veins.
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Carriola moths can be found in various parts of Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines, Malaysia, China, India, and Sri Lanka.
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These are some of my very favorite moths, because they have such a unique/striking appearance. I have a soft spot for hyaline windows and "clearwing" moths in general (and not just the ones in subfamily Sesiidae), but these ones are just particularly cool.
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Sources & More Info:
Nota Lepidopterologica: Review of the Genus Carriola, with Descriptions of Four New Species
Moths of Borneo: Genus Carriola
Moths of Borneo: Carriola ecnomoda
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soup-mother · 19 days
making world maps but just outright censoring "tricky" regions instead of trying to accurately map things, except it's really obvious I have an incredibly weird idea of what regions are "controversial borders".
entire south china sea completely pixelated, india-china border covered in black bars, for some reason the border between new South wales and Queensland is marked like a demilitarised zone
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
India behavior has been very double faced when dealing with China. As such, there is little hope for the talks that are being held and India absurde requests, don't make anything better
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
💬 Il 23/04, si è tenuto sul Confine di Chushul-Moldo, sul lato Cinese della Linea di Controllo Effettivo nel Ladakh Orientale, il 18° Round di Colloqui Sino-Indiani tra i Comandanti dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione (EPL) e delle Forze Armate dell'India (FAI)🗣
🤔 I Colloqui si stanno svolgendo in vista della visita del Generale Li Shangfu - Ministro della Difesa Nazionale e Consigliere di Stato della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, in India, dal 27/04 al 28/04, per partecipare alla Riunione dei Ministri della Difesa dei Paesi membri dell'Organizzazione per la Cooperazione di Shanghai ☑️
🇨🇳 Durante la Visita in India, il Generale Li Shangfu terrà colloqui di alto livello con Rajnath Singh, Ministro della Difesa della Repubblica dell'India 🇮🇳
🤔 Durante il Colloquio, è chiaro che sarà affrontato il Tema del Ladakh Orientale, lungo il confine con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, dove le tensioni tra i due Paesi sono molto forti 🔥
🤔 Ancora non sono usciti i risultati del 18° Round di Colloqui, ma è bene ricordare il comportamento anti-Cinese dell'India, soprattutto in relazione al precedente Colloquio Sino-Indiano:
🤝 Il 08/07 del 2022, venne raggiunto un Consenso tra l'EPL e le FAI. I due Paesi avevano concordato nell'iniziare il disimpegno delle truppe lungo la Linea di Controllo Effettivo nel Ladakh 🕊
😡 Tuttavia, il 28/09, le FAI schierarono obici semoventi, Sistemi MLRS e di artiglieria al confine con la Cina, e annunciarono esercitazioni militari congiunte con gli USA (❗️), che si tennero dal 18/10 al 31/10 a meno di 100km dal Confine Conteso con la Cina ❗️
🤡 Pochi mesi prima, a Giugno 2022, i Leader di USA, Giappone, Australia e India si incontrarono in Giappone, dove Elbridge Colby - Ex Funzionario del Pentagono - affermò che l'India doveva rafforzare la sua posizione nell'Asia Meridionale, in funzione anti-cinese 😡
🇮🇳 Ad Agosto 2022, il Governo Indiano negoziò l'acquisto di 30 UAV da Attacco MQ-9B Predator dagli USA 🇺🇸
🇷🇺 Il 07/12 del 2022, il MFA Russo Lavrov rilasciò alcune dichiarazioni sulla NATO, affermando che l'Alleanza Atlantica - come nuova strategia nella Regione Indo-Pacifica - stava tentando di mettere l'India contro la Cina, facendo leva sui sentimenti anti-cinesi presenti nella Repubblica dell'India per dare inizio ad una serie di scontri con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese:
💬 "Al Vertice NATO di Madrid, nel giugno di quest'anno, sono stati proclamati nuovi approcci: la responsabilità della NATO ora si estende alla Regione Indo-Pacifica, per tentare di mettere l'India contro la Cina" - 📄 Fonte.
⚔️ Il 09/12, si verificarono scontri a Dáwàng Zhèn tra le FAI e l'EPL | Diversi feriti, ma nessuna vittima 🔥
⚔️ Dopo lo "Scontro del 9 Dicembre" a Dáwàng Zhèn tra le Forze Armate dell'India e l'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione, è stato notato - tramite immagini satellitari - il dispiegamento di UAV ed Aerei dell'EPL negli Aeroporti e nelle Basi Aeree della Regina Autonoma del Tibet 🇨🇳
🇺🇸 È stato inoltre confermato che l'India ricevette aiuto dall'Intelligence USA per portare avanti misure avventuriste anti-Cinesi - 📄 Fonte.
🤡 Infine, a Gennaio 2023, si sono tenute esercitazioni militari congiunte tra India e il Giappone Neo-Militarista, in chiara funzione anti-Cinese ❗️
🔍Per chi volesse approfondire:
🔺Tensioni tra la Repubblica Popolare Cinese e l'India Nazionalista - progetto ferroviario indiano al confine, territori contesi, presenza dell'EPL lungo la "linea di controllo effettivo", Pangong, Quartier Generale, Ponti e Stazioni Radar, Supporto Aereo: I, II, III, IV.
🔺Il Rapporto Indo-Statunitense in funzione anti-Cinese ⚔️
🔺L'India perde 26 dei 65 Punti di Pattugliamento nel Ladakh Orientale, Vittoria Cinese 🇨🇳
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
💬 On 04/23, the 18th Round of Sino-Indian Talks was held on the Chushul-Moldo Border, on the Chinese side of the Line of Effective Control in Eastern Ladakh, between the Commanders of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and of the Armed Forces of India (FAI)🗣
🤔 The Talks are taking place in view of the visit of General Li Shangfu - Minister of National Defense and State Councilor of the People's Republic of China, to India, from 04/27 to 04/28, to participate in the Meeting of the Defense Ministers of the Countries members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ☑️
🇨🇳 During Visit to India, General Li Shangfu Will Hold High Level Talks With Rajnath Singh, Minister of Defense of the Republic of India 🇮🇳
🤔 During the talks, it is clear that the topic of Eastern Ladakh will be addressed, along the border with the People's Republic of China, where tensions between the two countries are very strong 🔥
🤔 The results of the 18th Round of Talks have not yet come out, but it is good to remember the anti-Chinese behavior of India, especially in relation to the previous Sino-Indian Talk:
🤝 On 08/07 2022, a Consensus was reached between the EPL and the FAI. The two countries had agreed to begin troop disengagement along the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh 🕊
😡 However, on 09/28, the FAI deployed self-propelled howitzers, MLRS and artillery systems to the border with China, and announced joint military exercises with the US (❗️), which were held from 10/18 to 10/31 at less of 100km from the disputed border with China ❗️
🤡 A few months earlier, in June 2022, the leaders of the USA, Japan, Australia and India met in Japan, where Elbridge Colby - Former Pentagon Official - stated that India needed to strengthen its position in South Asia, depending anti-Chinese 😡
🇮🇳In August 2022, the Indian Government negotiated the purchase of 30 MQ-9B Predator Attack UAVs from the USA 🇺🇸
🇷🇺 On 07/12 2022, Russian MFA Lavrov released some statements on NATO, stating that the Atlantic Alliance - as a new strategy in the Indo-Pacific Region - was trying to pit India against China, leveraging sentiments anti-Chinese present in the Republic of India to start a series of clashes with the People's Republic of China:
💬 "New approaches were proclaimed at the NATO Summit in Madrid in June this year: NATO's responsibility now extends to the Indo-Pacific Region, to try to pit India against China" - 📄 Source.
⚔️ On 09/12, Clashes Occurred in Dáwàng Zhèn Between FAI and PLA | Several injured, but no victims 🔥
⚔️ After the "December 9th Clash" in Dáwàng Zhèn between the Armed Forces of India and the People's Liberation Army, the deployment of PLA UAVs and Aircraft in Airports and Air Bases was noted via satellite images of the Autonomous region of Tibet 🇨🇳
🇺🇸 It has also been confirmed that India received help from US Intelligence to carry out anti-Chinese adventurist measures - 📄 Source.
🤡 Finally, in January 2023, joint military exercises were held between India and Neo-Militarist Japan, clearly anti-Chinese ❗️
🔍 For those who want to learn more:
🔺Tensions between PRC and Nationalist India - Indian railway project on border, disputed territories, PLA presence along "Line of Effective Control", Pangong, HQ, Bridges and Radar Stations, Air Support: I, II, III, IV.
🔺 The Indo-US relationship in anti-Chinese function ⚔️
🔺India Loses 26 Out Of 65 Patrol Points In Eastern Ladakh, Chinese Victory 🇨🇳
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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workersolidarity · 6 months
[ 📹 Al-Jazeera Arabic publishes new footage of desperate, starving Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza being shot and killed in cold blood by Zionist snipers who targeted the civilians as they attempted to retrieve food aid that was air dropped into Gaza a distance from where the group had been gathered, a direct violation of International humanitarian law and a crime against humanity.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏠💥🚑 🚨
On the 182nd day of "Israel's" Special Genocide Operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 5 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 54 civilians, mostly women and children, while another 82 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
According to Gaza's Ministry of Health, many victims remain trapped under the rubble of buildings they were sheltering in at the time of being bombed and shelled, who, although presumed dead, are unable to be reached due to the IOF actively blocking paramedic and civil defense crews from reaching the sites of Israeli attacks.
Meanwhile, in an unusual move, the McDonald's corporation will be buying the entirety of the Alonyal McDonald's franchise In "Israel", which includes a total of 225 stores, employing approximately 5'000 Israelis.
McDonald's CEO Chris Kempczinsky said the franchise has seen "meaningful business impact" as a result of boycotts and protests organized by the BDS movement against the Israeli franchise, along with other McDonald's chains, after the Israeli franchise announced it would be offering free meals to Zionist soldiers committing a genocide in the Gaza Strip, beginning after the events of October 7th.
McDonalds added that it “remains committed to the Israeli market and to ensuring a positive employee and customer experience in the market going forward."
Sales growth for the McDonald's division of the Middle East, India and China were down significantly, with sales growth for October-December at just 0.7%, well below the market expectations of 5.5%.
Similarly, sales for Starbucks, another U.S. company which has deep financial ties to "Israel," while the leadership of the company holds an openly Pro-"Israel" stance, has also seen significant harm to sales due to boycotts and protests, prompting CEO Laxman Narasimhan to state back in February that Starbucks had seen an "significant impact on traffic and sales."
Meanwhile, the Zionist entity's authorities released a total of 101 Palestinian prisoners from Gaza who were kidnapped and detained by the IOF during its war of genocide in Gaza, many of whom showed signs of torture, and included some prisoners who were taken during "Israel's" raid of the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.
Meanwhile, occupation warplanes bombarded agricultural lands in the vicinity of the Salah al-Din Gate, along the Egypt-Palestine border in the city of Rafah, in the south of Gaza.
At the same time, the carnage of "Israel's" war of genocide in Gaza resumed on Friday, with renewed artillery shelling of the central and western Khan Yunis governate, while the IOF also resumed bombing on the southern Gazan city of Rafah.
Intense Zionist airstrikes targeted Sheikh Zayed City, in the north of the Gaza Strip, while the central governate of Gaza also saw renewed artillery shelling.
At midnight, Zionist fighter jets bombed several residential buildings in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City, in the north of Gaza, while occupation forces directed an intense artillery bombardment on the southwestern and southeastern areas of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, as well as directing artillery fire on residential homes to the east of the Al-Maghazi Refugee Camp in the central Gaza Strip.
The resumed intense Zionist bombardments across the Gaza Strip led to dozens of deaths overnight, along with the wounding of scores of others, including women and children, many of whom remain buried under the rubble of their homes and shelters.
IOF jets also bombed several residential homes in the Batn al-Sameen neighborhood, located to the southwest of Khan Yunis, while also bombing the village of Abasan, to the east of Khan Yunis.
Elsewhere, Zionist forces withdrew troops from the eastern region of Tanzania, coinciding with the intense bombardment of the area.
Tragically, local paramedic and civil defense personnel recovered the bodies of of three martyred civilians from the town of Al-Qarara, to the north of Khan Yunis.
At the same time, Israeli occupation warplanes bombed various parts of the central Gaza Strip, including the areas of Al-Nuseirat, Al-Maghazi, Al-Zawayda, and Deir al-Balah, resulting in the martyrdom of at least 15 Palestinian civilians, and also wounding a number of others.
Zionist occupation air forces also bombed a gathering of civilians near the Abu Holi Junction, northwest of Al-Qarara, resulting in the deaths of at least three civilians and wounding a multitude of others.
Back in northern Gaza, in yet another horrific tragedy, occupation warplanes bombed civilian structures in the Beit Hanoun area, with a second strike targeting paramedic crews as they attempted to transport the dead and wounded to a nearby hospital.
As a result of "Israel's" Special Genocide Operation in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among the Palestinian population has risen in excess of 33'091 civilians killed, over 25'000 of those martyred being among women and children according to the United States Pentagon, while another 75'750 others have been wounded since the start of the latest round of Zionist aggression, beginning on October 7th, 2023.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
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A devastating rail crash that left almost 300 people dead has refocused international attention on the importance of railways in the lives of Indians.
Indeed, to many Western observers, images of men and women crammed into overcrowded cars serve as a metaphor for modern India. Take, for example, a report by German newspaper Der Spiegel on India’s population surpassing China’s. Published just weeks before the accident in Odisha province on June 2, the now much-criticized cartoon depicted a shabby Indian train crammed with passengers rushing past a streamlined Chinese train with only two people in it.
Where does this enduring image in the West of Indian railways – and of India – come from? As a scholar of Indian history and author of 2015 book “Tracks of Change: Railways and Everyday Life in Colonial India,” I believe the answers lie in the gigantic infrastructure projects of the 19th century – forged at the intersection of colonial dictates and capitalist demands.
A carrier of freight, not people
Railways remain the backbone of passenger traffic in India, transporting some 23 million people daily. In the pre-pandemic 2018-19 financial year, 7.7 billion passenger journeys in India. [...] Yet, when first planned in the 1840s, India’s railways were intended to primarily transport freight and livestock, not people. Indians were thought unlikely to become railway passengers by directors of the English East India Co., a merchant monopoly that gradually annexed and administered large parts of India under U.K. crown control. [...] However, early colonial railway policy was driven by pervasive Orientalist imaginings of a people rendered immobile by poverty, living in isolated villages [...]. The trope interlocked with colonial thinking that railways would foster greater industrialization which in turn would further a capitalist economy. They also aligned with the practical needs of a colonial trading monopoly which needed raw materials for English industries, such as cotton, to be moved swiftly and efficiently from India’s interiors to port towns [...].
Despite the doubters, the new Indian railways attracted an increasing number of passengers. The half-million passengers recorded in 1854 when tracks became operational increased to 26 million in 1875. By 1900, annual passenger figures stood at 175 million and then almost trebled to 520 million by 1919-20. By the time of the partition of India in 1947 it had risen to more than 1 billion passenger journeys annually. Indeed, images of overcrowded trains came to epitomize the upheaval of partition, with the rail system used to carry swaths of uprooted peoples across the soon-to-be Pakistan-India border. Third-class passengers, overwhelmingly Indians, comprised almost 90% of this traffic. These escalating figures did not, however, generate a lowering of fares. Nor did they result in any substantial improvements in the conditions of [...] travel. [...]
The generally British railway managers seemed disinclined to remedy systematic overcrowding, which included transporting passengers in wagons meant for livestock. Rather, they insisted that such overcrowding was caused by the peculiar habits and inclinations of Indian passengers: their alleged [...] inclination to follow one another “like sheep” into crowded carriages. These attributes were soon rendered into a more public narrative, especially among Western mindsets. Journalist H. Sutherland Stark, writing for the industry publication Indian State Railways Magazine in 1929, stated that though “unversed” in railway administration and traffic control, he knew railway facilities were not the problem. Rather, Indian passengers lacked the mental preparedness, “self-possession” and “method” necessary to travel like “sane human beings.” Stark suggested passenger education as a solution to the perceived problem, making railway travel a tool for “self-composure and mass orderliness.” [...]
More than a century later, this depiction endures, though, ironically, it now serves as a foil to understanding contemporary India. In a piece published in The New York Times on March 12, 2005, the author lauded the then-new Delhi metro, emphasizing that it had “none of the chaotic squalor of hawkers and beggars that characterizes mainline railroads in India, nor do desperate travelers hang from the sides of the trains.” As the debate rages on whether safety has taken a back seat to “glossy modernization projects” in India – early analyses suggest signaling failure might have caused June 2, 2023, accident – railways continue to represent India’s history.
In the heyday of empire, they were deemed the technology through which Britain would drag India into capitalist modernity. In 1947, they became a leitmotif for the trauma of the partition that accompanied the independence of India and Pakistan. As the coverage of Odisha accident reminds us, it continues to be a metaphor in the West for evaluating contemporary India.
Headline, image, caption, and all text above by: Ritika Prasa. “Overcrowded trains serve as metaphor for India in Western eyes -- but they are a relic of colonialism and capitalism.” The Conversation. 9 June 2023. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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China leaks new footage of previous border skirmishes with India at Pangong Tso Lake with sticks & stones.
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centrally-unplanned · 10 months
Since you mentioned it anyway... Ghengis Khan VOR?
Ghengis Khan does require a grain of salt, given our lack of strong historical evidence for his life and inner workings. But still, given what we have, his story is one of endless setbacks before his incredible victories. He is left destitute after the death of his father, kills his half-brother over a fight over hunting spoilers, is imprisoned by rival tribes multiple times, and spends several years as a slave later on of the Jin Dynasty after his early armies are defeated. A lot of his VOR comes from the fact that he was the one to do it at all; he shouldn't have even lived, let alone come back to forge an Empire.
Past that, the Mongolian steppe was in a constant step of flux of political (dis)unification, but even when unified was never built for sustained conquest. Meanwhile the Jin Dynasty had just had a string of victories imposing tribute on the various tribes - it was not the case that the Mongolians had this inherent "nomadic cavalry" military advantage that, if unleashed, bordering nations could not compete with, they got wrecked by them all the time. Re-unifying China as a successor kingdom, for example, is something of a given at some point, its inherent dynamics lead to that - for Mongolia that was not the case. Genghis just has this miraculous ability to get coalition partners into his camp, and all the way in, ride-or-die in, over and over and over.
Finally, he is a pretty tireless-but-flexible operational commander, combined with institutional innovator. His siege of Xongjing fails due to poorly constructed earthworks on their dam attempt, then a second siege of Xijing also goes poorly? We build an entire siege corps built out of captured and defected engineers of our Jin dynasty enemy that we then integrate into force structure and fling about as far as Persia. Next stab at the Jin Dynasty runs out of steam penetrating too far into their territory, so our army starts starving? Go back, build a new logistics & supply requisition system that we have never had before to extend campaign duration, and repeat. These might sound 'obvious" but no Mongol commanders really did these before - they instead would sign a peace treaty, take some tribute, and go home. This is a huge VOR - a demonstrated track record of asset-building where others simply settled for the equilibrium.
Finally he has many moments of "consensus bucking" - in particular on peace and restraint, funnily enough! It was very common - the first siege of the Jin capital & the planned invasion of north India come to mind - where his commanders would recommend pushing forward, Genghis would go "hold up", then retreat, sign a temporary peace, then come back next year or choose a new target and win for real. These you do have to be skeptical of - classic literary tradition, to portray the Great Leader as the wise one out of a sea of idiot advisors. But still, its attested enough to be worth noting.
So yeah, tremendous VOR - one of the few leaders in history who, if absent, could result in their empire simply vanishing from the record, never occurring at all.
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xpertnewsofficial · 2 years
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China's first statement came on the clash of PLA soldiers with India, know what it said #new #latest_news #today #viral #border #India #China #politics #army #soldiers #PLA
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