#Indian police
Indian police arrest three Nigerian nationals allegedly involved in fake visa and passport supply
Indian police arrest three Nigerian nationals allegedly involved in fake visa and passport supply
The Greater Noida police on Tuesday, October 18, claimed to have busted a gang allegedly involved in making fake visa and passports and arrested three Nigerian nationals.   Deputy Commissioner of Police (Greater Noida) Abhishek Verma said the trio has also been found linked with drugs smuggling and providing mobile SIM cards illegally to foreign nationals living in Delhi-NCR. The accused have…
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topnotchquark · 5 months
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Tamil Nadu Police added three pups to their canine squad called Carlos, Charles, and Lando.....
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nando161mando · 2 months
It do be like that
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bluesest · 2 months
A Followers Anecdote #3 "Bad Indian Food"
5am on a dark morning Tom was walking home from his friends house to get ready for work. He hadn't anticipated staying the night but after the Indian takeaway, the beers started flowing and he ended up staying on the sofa.
Feeling a little shabby but knowing he had to be ready for work soon, he made his way home through the back streets of the town. It was about a half mile walk home but Tom enjoyed the tranquility of the early morning streets with the majority of people still being in bed. He had been walking for about 5 minutes, when his stomach started to gurgle, Tom was no stranger to being gassy especially after hot spicy food, he let loose with a long loud fart to release some pressure, he knew that his morning dump was coming but not being far from home he didn't think much of it.
Another few minutes passed when his stomach growled, louder this time, he could tell from the feeling in his gut that things were starting to escalate quickly and letting out a fart was no longer an option. As Tom rounded the corner, still a few streets from his house, he was about to pass the police station when suddenly the pressure spiked a sharp cramp in his gut, "awooohhh" he let out a pained gasp.
A few of the officers were gathered outside chatting amongst themselves before their day started, they were far enough away not to notice Tom passing by on the dimly lit street as he massaged his stomach. After a couple more steps Tom could tell he was about to loose the battle. His options were limited, but he knew he had to act fast or he was going to fill his pants with hot diarrhea. There were houses all around but he knew his only option was the small wooded area behind the police station.
Tom clenched his ass cheeks with everything he had and shuffled up the alley to the wooded area. He made it into the woods but to his horror there was now only a hedge between him about to shit his pants and the group of officers. Although tom was relieved for the early morning darkness he knew he would have to be both quick and quiet to remain unnoticed by the officers.
Another cramp hit him, he couldn't hold on. He tore down his jeans and boxer shorts as a hot jet of liquid exploded from his ass, he bit his lip trying to be quiet as another round erupted, he felt euphoric for a second, but it was short lived as he heard more people coming. Once again with little other options he pulled his trousers back up, his ass still dripping in his boxers. There was no time to wipe up he had to make it home home to get cleaned up.
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I wonder if the "refugees eating our pets!" bit is Trump trying to repurpose the Hindu nationalist trope of justifying anti-Muslim violence with accusations of abusing cattle
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celestesinsight · 7 months
My thoughts on Mumbai Police!
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First of all, Prithviraj looked so hot as a cop. The uniform, moustache and smile, I am so in love with his look in the film.
Secondly, Prithviraj is so daring. He played a gay cop back in 2013. Some actors are not comfortable playing gay characters even today. This was not just a subtle hint and suggestion, here and there. There was actually a scene showing their relationship. I am so proud of being obsessed with this guy right now.
Though I felt the movie was dragging at places, but the final twist made up for everything. And what a twist it was? The film started with Antony searching for himself after memory loss. But he was literally searching for himself, the culprit.
The whole motive behind the murder was quite logical. The movie was made in 2013 and homosexuality got decriminalised only in 2018. So, he wasn't just facing a loss of reputation or employment, but possible arrest and prison time. He already was a hated cop with many enemies who wanted to destroy him. So, his intentions and desperate actions did make sense, even if they were morally wrong.
I have very mixed feelings about Antony Moses A or Rascal Moses. His actions really put me off but I can't deny he was hot. The swag, the mischievous smile, contemptible behavior for almost everyone except his friends, sister, and partner made him a complex character.
But Antony Moses B, has my heart. He was so vulnerable, especially when he found out about his closeted homosexuality. His anxiousness to get back his memory and life, his trying to manage the investigation without his memory, his occasional fumbles, everything was so heartrending.
Prithviraj played these two parts so differently. Their expressions, emotions and body language are all different. As the doctor said, they were not the same person, but two different personalities with similar skill sets. Prithvi really made me believe I was watching two separate personalities and not just a single character.
Other actors were also very convincing in their roles, especially Rahman. As Antony said Farhan was really smart. He knew Antony was the culprit and he was protecting himself. Hence, he made him bring back the investigation to proper track and finally got his 'who, how and why'.
Jayasurya was also good as Aaryan the idiotic, but endearing friend. Even though I find his behaviour of sitting in darkness while his friend was with his partner, quite creepy. His saying those mean words for his friend was so not done. Even if we excuse the behaviour as him being shocked and angry, he could have apologized instantly, instead of thinking of a grand gesture of dedicating the Gallantry Award. It could have saved his life. Sooner the apology, sooner the situation could be remedied. That's the basic rule.
Overall, I enjoyed the movie and loved the twist, the concept and the acting. I would definitely re-watch it.
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mad-who-ra · 8 months
Okay but Sid Malhotra in Indian Police Force though🔥🤌🏼
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tatertotpotdish · 2 months
me: you paying attention to the election?
10 yo: no.
me: well why not? it's important to you too. did you know a black woman is running? well. she's mixed, like you.
10 yo: oh! *does a search* "president biden dropped out of the race endorsing...."
me: kamala.
10 yo: "kamala harris." she is mixed like me!
me: pretty cool, huh?
10 yo: yeah!
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
I see that you want questions about Pavitr too, so! I have an idea and I want to hear someone else's opinion about it.
Doesn't it feel like Pavitr's sub-plot in the film is the most…in line(?) with the "original settings" of Spider-Man (a.k.a. Peter Parker) plot among all the other characters? And not in the best sense of the word. Look: Gayatri OBVIOUSLY plays the role of Gwen Stacy (all that's "fall > rescue by web(successful)" thing). but that's, like…literally her whole character. She almost does not have any lines that reflect her personality? Same with Inspector Singh. Like…I feel that Spot's quantum hole for Pavitr is analogue to the death of Uncle Ben (not literally, but in terms of the level of influence on changes views?) for young Peter Parker. And this is…somehow pretty sad if you know what Pavitr himself thought in the comics about his similarities and differences with Peter-616.
This is actually really interesting and I never looked that deeply into it. I actually agree with what you said to some extent though.
Gayatri is obviously Pavitr’s Gwen Stacy and we can easily assume that one of his canon events is going to be her falling and dying. The bus scene mirrors Gwen Stacy’s fall in TASM really well. It’s the same with Inspector Singh who’s basically an exact replica of the original Captain Stacy. These two aspects connect with the original Peter Parker’s storyline really well compared to the other variants like Hobie and Gwen who aren’t very similar in storyline terms.
However, I don’t think Spot’s quantum hole is Pavitr’s “Uncle Ben” canon event. In the comics, we know Pavitr’s Uncle Bhim dies in a similar way to how Uncle Ben does. I personally think that ATSV Pavitr also had an Uncle Bhim who died and that he already experienced that canon event. I think the Spot hole wasn’t supposed to happen to him so it doesn’t really connect to the Spider-man storyline. Its an anomaly occurrence. Now could it lead to a canon event happening? Yes, but I don't believe it in itself is a canon event or a version of a canon event.
Now one could argue that because he isn’t as “depressed” as the other spidermen, he hasn’t experienced his canon events yet and therefore didn't lose his Uncle Bhim/Ben, however this isn’t really accurate because we know that Spiderman doesn’t really “snap” until his next canon events like Gwen Stacy, the Police Captain, Aunt May, or Venom.
For example, Andrew Garfield’s Spider-man said he stopped pulling his punches after Gwen’s death. Tom Holland’s Spider-man stopped pulling his punches after Aunt May’s death. Pavitr’s Uncle Bhim/Ben dying wouldn’t have changed his personality, besides giving him a bit of trauma, just like for the other Spider-men.
OVERALL, anon, I think your idea is really interesting and I would love to hear more about it, and I do also see the connection between Pavitr and the original Peter Parker. However, I don't think the Spot hole was supposed to happen to him, and I think it'll change his storyline as Spider-man, not add to it.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"INDIANS BAN MOUNTIES FROM THEIR FALL FAIR," Toronto Star. October 16, 1933. Page 1. --- Detachment of Three Officers to Present Themselves at Moraviantown ---- Special to The Star London, Ont.. Oct. 16. - Word comes from Moraviantown that the Indians are in defiant insurrection against the Royal Canadian Mounted police. This afternoon the Indian fair opened there for a four-day show and nailed to the masthead is a formally adopted resolution in which President Emmerson Snake and his fellow directors declare the place closed to the "Mounties."
Inasmuch as one of the routine duties of the police is to visit and supervise all Indian fairs, including Moraviantown, a detachment of three officers will present themselves this afternoon and if necessary storm the bulwarks.
The trouble is an aftermath of last week's investigation of charges against the Indian agent
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head-post · 24 days
Indian police use water cannons, tear gas on rape case protesters
Indian police fired tear gas and water cannons on Tuesday as they clashed with thousands of protesters demanding justice for a doctor who was raped and murdered in Kolkata this month, Indian media reported.
The discovery of the bloodied body of the 31-year-old doctor at a government hospital in the eastern city has sparked anger across the country over the chronic problem of violence against women. Protests began immediately after the tragedy and were joined by thousands of health workers across the country. Demonstrators also trashed the emergency room at the hospital where the victim worked, demanding protection and a fair investigation.
The protesters are demanding the resignation of state Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. Representatives of medical unions and also student organisations are participating in the demonstration. They shouted slogans and clashed with police who wielded batons in an attempt to disperse the crowd.
College student Namita Ghosh, who took part in the protest, told AFP that the crowd had intended to “peacefully protest” before the baton attack.
At least 100 protesters “have been arrested on charges of creating violence,” a senior police official told AFP on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.
Protesters demand protection
Numerous protests in Kolkata sparked by the crime turned into unruly political rallies, with police clashing with demonstrators from the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) angered by the state government.
Doctors’ associations in many cities went on strike in the wake of the killing and stopped non-essential services, but medics have since returned to work. One person has been detained in connection with the offence.
The heinous nature of the attack has prompted comparisons with the horrific gang rape and murder of a young woman on a bus in Delhi in 2012.
The incident sparked widespread outrage in a country where sexual violence against women is endemic, with an average of about 90 rapes a day in 2022 in a country of 1.4 billion people.
Read more HERE
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hag-lad · 8 months
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Been trying to send 40GB of photos to my brother for like an entire week and it only worked when I promised on Bheem’s ass. NOT A COINCIDENCE!!!!
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headcutoff101 · 28 days
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nando161mando · 5 months
University of Utah:
As the crowd was gathering early into tonight’s rally, police arrested someone nearby.
Protesters quickly responded and confronted officers before the rally started. The police then moved out of the space without saying what the person had been arrested for.
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bluesest · 2 months
Una Anécdota de Seguidores #3 "Mala Comida India" Spanish Version
A las 5 de la mañana de una oscura mañana, Tom caminaba a casa desde la casa de sus amigos para prepararse para el trabajo. No había previsto quedarse a pasar la noche, pero después de la comida india para llevar, las cervezas comenzaron a fluir y terminó quedándose en el sofá.
Sintiéndose un poco desaliñado, pero sabiendo que pronto tendría que estar listo para trabajar, se dirigió a casa por las calles secundarias de la ciudad. Estaba a media milla de camino a casa, pero Tom disfrutaba de la tranquilidad de las calles de la madrugada, con la mayoría de la gente todavía en la cama. Había estado caminando durante unos 5 minutos, cuando su estómago comenzó a gorgotear, Tom no era ajeno a los gases, especialmente después de la comida picante caliente, se soltó con un pedo largo y fuerte para liberar algo de presión, sabía que se acercaba su descarga matutina pero al no estar lejos de casa no pensó mucho en eso. 
Pasaron otros minutos cuando su estómago gruñó, esta vez más fuerte, pudo decir por la sensación en sus entrañas que las cosas estaban comenzando a escalar rápidamente y dejar escapar un pedo ya no era una opción. Al doblar la esquina, todavía a pocas calles de su casa, estaba a punto de pasar por la comisaría de policía cuando de repente la presión le provocó un fuerte calambre en el estómago, "awooohhh" dejó escapar un jadeo de dolor. 
Algunos de los oficiales estaban reunidos afuera charlando entre ellos antes de que comenzara su día, estaban lo suficientemente lejos como para no darse cuenta de que Tom pasaba por la calle poco iluminada mientras se masajeaba el estómago. Después de un par de pasos más, Tom se dio cuenta de que estaba a punto de perder la batalla. Sus opciones eran limitadas, pero sabía que tenía que actuar rápido o se iba a llenar los pantalones de diarrea caliente. Había casas por todas partes, pero sabía que su única opción era la pequeña zona boscosa detrás de la comisaría. 
Tom apretó las nalgas con todo lo que tenía y arrastró los pies por el callejón hasta la zona boscosa. Logró entrar en el bosque, pero, para su horror, ahora solo había un seto entre él a punto de cagarse los pantalones y el grupo de oficiales. Aunque Tom se sintió aliviado por la oscuridad de la madrugada, sabía que tendría que ser rápido y callado para pasar desapercibido para los oficiales. 
Otro calambre lo golpeó, no pudo sostenerse. Se bajó los vaqueros y los calzoncillos mientras un chorro de líquido caliente salía de su, se mordió el labio tratando de callarse mientras estallaba otra ronda, se sintió eufórico por un segundo, pero duró poco ya que escuchó a más gente venir. Una vez más, con pocas opciones más, se subió los pantalones, con el todavía empapado en sus calzoncillos. No había tiempo para limpiar, tenía que llegar a casa para limpiarse.
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tachiha3 · 3 months
>be me >16 years old >walking down the street in my jammies to quickly grab a pack of chips >random woman, probably 60 something, complete stranger, stops me >tells me to wear a bra >completely loses all self confidence
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