#Individual Section Machines industry
pareidoliaonthemove · 7 months
Unexpected Delivery
There had been many changes when their father returned home. Some were new, some were the old status quo reasserting itself.
As Jeff had taken over the daily running of Tracy Industries and the paperwork associated with International Rescue, Scott had managed to take back some of his old duties on the Island.
One of those was unpacking the supplies Virgil regularly brought back from the mainland.
First was the perishables: foods, some of Brains’ more exotic experimental materials, whatever-the-hell it was that Gordon was ordering in to assist in rehabilitating their surrounding sea-scape. Personal deliveries came second, portioning out the mail orders; of which a not-insignificant portion was personal food stocks – Grandma still couldn’t be dissuaded from cooking, even though everyone now had more time to contribute to kitchen duties. Third was domestic consumables: toilet paper, light bulbs, cleaning supplies, and personal grooming and hygiene products – including so much deodorant. And then maintenance supplies; raw materials for production of the custom parts necessary for the maintenance of the Thunderbirds, parts for maintenance for the Villa and auxiliary buildings.
It was a comfortable routine, and one that Scott enjoyed, especially dealing with the maintenance supplies. Checking the packing slip against their internal register of projected deliveries, using the pallet-bot to deposit the large crates and bins at the appropriate areas, before unpacking the individual crates, confirming the itemised stock within, and storing them in the appropriate locations, as he updated the warehousing inventory.
It was a simple – and satisfying – job.
Today there was an extra crate. A large roughly square crate, one and one half to two metres in every dimension and solidly built. Scott frowned at it. There was no sender’s ident, and the anonymous holographic label implanted in the rough-hewn, tightly-spaced wooden slats simply read ‘International Rescue’.
Nothing was unaccounted for on the projected deliveries. There was nothing left over from previous runs, nothing on back order.
Scott checked Virgil’s collection register. This package had been collected from their mail facility at Tracy Industries Headquarters, the security assessment on this crate was attached. Nothing untoward. No radiation, no explosive compounds, no biological matter …
Thunderbird Two’s pod sensors hadn’t detected a threat, either.
“What is it?”
Scott started, jumping as the Mechanic materialised beside him, looking between Scott and the crate curiously.
A slight hesitation – he still hadn’t fully overcome his distrust of the other man, nor had the Mechanic suddenly taken a liking to him – and he explained the situation.
“Only one way to find out. If all the scans are clear.”
Scott waved his tablet at the man, who, after a second, took it, and considered the record trail. He handed the tablet back, and summoned two of his ‘scorpion’ mechas to the crate.
“Better blow them up, than us, if your scans are wrong,” was the response to Scott’s raised eyebrow.
Scott agreed without hesitation. The crate was in a secure section of the hangars, there was no danger to any of their equipment – they had learnt that the hard way, soon after Jeff had … gone on sabbatical. The two men backed off a respectful distance, and watched as the two machines surged forward, powerful pinchers forcing themselves under the lid and prising it up, before skittering around the crate to settle either side of it, like guardians.
The back of the lid was hinged, and a holographic sign projected against the rough and splintery wood. ‘A gift. From a friend.’
The two men approached cautiously. And stared in shock at what lay on the straw at the bottom of the crate.
The Hood, bound hand and foot – hands behind his back – lay half curled with in the space. His naked body bruised and bloody, the slight rise and fall of his chest the only sign the man was alive.
Scott Tracy – Commander of International Rescue, First Responder, Qualified Paramedic, and Survivor of a POW Camp – swallowed his bile as he took in the sight of the bloody and weeping bandage around the man’s head that ineffectively protected what he knew would be the bloody and empty socket where the cybernetic eye had been.
Mutely Scott and the Mechanic stared at each other, both searching for answers the other didn’t have.
How were they ever going to explain this?
Febuwhump Day 21 “Unresponsive”.
Whoops. I totally missed posting this one on the date. Other important dates I have missed include my mothers, and my niece's birthdays. Oh well, off to the dog house!
The standard disclaimers, I do not own Thunderbirds, either the Original Series, the Movies (both Supermarionation and Live Action), or the Thunderbirds Are Go Series. (Although I do own copies on DVD.)
I do not do this for money, but for my own (in)sanity and entertainment.
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crristinaa-level6 · 10 months
Specialist practice
Saddle Stitch Binding
Our first binding method is saddle stitch, which happens to be the easiest of all. Saddle stitching proves affordable and ideal for documents consisting of fewer pages. By stapling wire through the spine and folding printed sheets in half, a finished product takes shape. Alternatively, utilizing looped staples permits insertion into ring binders without requiring punched holes.
Side Staple Binding
The side staple technique is primarily employed to bind perforated pages, such as those found in quote books and delivery notes. The procedure involves stacking individual pages together before stapling them with wire through the front cover from front to back before trimming.
Singer Sewn & Side Sewn Binding
Singer-sewn binding is a sturdy technique employed for creating resilient materials such as passports. It employs an industrial sewing machine to stitch the pages together along the spine lengthwise. Additionally, side singer-sewn or side-sewn binding provides another option where pages are jointly fastened through both front and back covers, making it perfect for thicker books and notepads.
Padded/Pad Binding
The technique of pad binding, also known as "padding," is utilized primarily for notepads and enables the easy detachment of individual pages. A lower-strength adhesive coating is applied on the edge of a stack of pages to create these pads. To ensure stability and usability when held, a thicker board is generally affixed at the back end.
Wiro /Plastic Coil Binding 
The two primary types of punched binding are wire and plastic coil binding, enabling books to open fully flat with the pages rotating 360 degrees towards the back. Firstly, printed pages are trimmed and then hole-punched before being fastened using a spiral coil or wire that is crimped shut.
Japanese / Stab Binding 
Dating back centuries, Japanese or stab binding is a decorative technique where sheets are folded once at the center, hole-punched and sewn by hand along the spine using different needle and thread patterns.
Perfect binding
The process of perfect binding involves using machinery to bind softcover books, magazines and brochures. The technique entails stacking individual pages together before affixing them to an outer cover that sports a square spine. This is achieved by the application of potent polyurethane (PUR) glue which gives the method its name- Perfect Binding.
Burst Binding 
Burst binding is essentially perfect binding with a unique twist whereby pages are grouped into sections, folded and then notched down the spine by machinery to achieve stronger adherence of glue. This results in an exceptionally robust finish that makes it particularly ideal for books containing a greater number of pages compared to standard bindings.
Quarter Binding 
In the past, quarter-bound, half-bound or taped bindings were commonly used to produce books at a lower cost by employing inexpensive materials. These binding methods involve two distinct materials - one for covering the spine and another for protecting the cover. However, to enhance durability, pages are often bonded together and fastened on one side which results in reduced ease of opening compared with
Case Binding 
The conventional hardcover book involves printing pages that are folded and stitched into multiple sections, safeguarded by a firm rigid cover. The covers may be coated with various materials like linen, buckram or leather; alternatively, a printed design can be affixed on top of the tough casing. Such casebound books have long-lasting durability and might even sustain restoration years down the road.
Pamphlet Stitch
A refined binding technique known as the pamphlet stitch is ideal for documents with a modest number of pages. After folding and hole-punching the printed sheets, one manually threads them together using needle and thread before tying them off at the book's center to finish it elegantly.
Exposed Spine Binding
Exposed spine binding, also known as exposed Smyth sewn or thread-bound, is an aesthetically appealing method of bookbinding. The pages are folded into sections and then hand-sewn together at the spine with a continuous thread. To reinforce durability, pad glue is applied to the spine after sewing it. Books bound in this manner open almost completely flatly for easy reading.
Chicago Screw Binding 
The Chicago Screw technique involves utilizing metal screw posts for fastening pages, allowing flexibility in terms of adding or removing sheets. This makes it a desirable option for materials like menus and folios that undergo frequent revisions. Furthermore, an expandable hardcover can be customized with exterior, interior or concealed screws to fit any desired dimensions. Given its versatile nature, this binding process is particularly popular among property sales pitches as well as showcasing photographic portfolios.
Custom Boxes, Slipcases and Ring Binding
sophisticated storage solution that allows for showcasing your valuable materials and samples, custom boxes and slipcases are just the perfect fit. This type of binding is artistically crafted according to your precise specifications. Manual assembly entails utilizing top-quality board material before wrapping it with an array of premium fabrics including buckram, linen cloths as well as leather or printed laminated paper.
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fantasyfantasygames · 4 months
Droid Revolution
Droid Revolution, Oil Bath Games, 2019
The folks at Oil Bath Games saw Solo (2018) and said "This revolution-as-joke thing is trash" and wrote this.
For those unfamiliar with the... I'll generously call it "plot"... of Hans Star Wars: A Solo Story, there's this bit with an extremely woman-coded* droid who believes that droids should be treated like people. You know, these clearly sentient individuals who feel pain and can go rogue, the ones who are alternately treated as best friends and as disposable. Odds are extremely good that someone at Disney said "Ohhhh no no no we're not causing that PR problem for ourselves, you're not allowed to acknowledge the obvious slavery in our family-friendly universe full of blood-covered planet chunks" and turned her droid revolution into a lethal, unfunny joke.
I may have opinions here.
Anyway, Droid Revolution has you playing robots who have no other options. There's a backstory involving the droids organizing, failing, organizing again, retreating, building a home for themselves, freeing others, and finally being pushed back to the wall. There isn't a lot of detail beyond the four major droid companies. I do like how the companies have very different designs. One company does floating bots with sensors on coils and antennae; another has sleek lines and stylish accents; the third looks pretty much like Transformers, and the last one is very industrial. The art is all of robots, but it's well-made. Somewhat reminiscent of the better stuff in Rifts.
The rules are a d6 System variant, which makes total sense if you played the old West End Games version of Star Wars. It works similarly - roll usually somewhere between 2d6 and 5d6, get over target number to succeed, Wild Die, etc. The game's equivalent of Force Points are Overdrive Levels. It's not thrilling but it works, and it's been around forever.
The GM section of the book has stats for opposition, which is actually mostly non-sentient machines piloted by humans. The humans themselves are comparatively squishy. The GM section also lays out a surprisingly cogent "here's how revolutions go" timeline with examples from our own world's history. Nice to see someone be realistic there. They do remind you that you can also throw "realistic" out the window if you want.
Being a big fan of transhumanism, I would have liked if they dug a little more into "why droids" - like, why live in a body instead of remote-controlling it from a safer place? - but those are minor quibbles. Oil Bath Games did a good job overall.
* Side note: "Woman-coded" does not mean that the droid's code was written by a woman, but it would be understandable if you thought I meant that. I meant that the droid in question had obvious hips and a feminine voice.
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Technology Today
The neutrality of science and technology is a myth. Science is used to legitimate power, technology to justify social control. The myth is wheeled out when technology comes under fire e.g. for causing industrial pollution or traffic congestion. Inadequate policies or under-developed technology are blamed rather than the technology itself. The solution is a “technical fix” — more of the same. The ideology of industrialisation is that modernisation, technological development and social development are the same. It is used to justify the pursuit of economic growth, with the emphasis on wealth generation rather than its distribution.
This ideology is used to suppress the potential for individualsocial emancipation offered by particular machines such as wind power technology (i.e. small scale, for local use, and community controlled), and to legitimise their use in ways that are socially and environmentally exploitative (large scale wind farms under state/private control supplying the National Grid). Technological innovation is used politically, but presented in neutral technical/scientific terms such as “increased efficiency”. A modern example might be the introduction of assembly line production techniques into the construction industry; or a ‘technical solution’ to social needs such as the development of a new transport system; or as the economic ‘rationalisation’ of out of date technologies, for instance the introduction of new print technology by Rupert Murdoch at Wapping which led to the printers’ strike of 1986/7. ‘Work improvement’ schemes such as job enrichment allow workers a say in minor decisions to divert them from key areas such as pay and productivity. Innovation is used as a threat to blackmail sections of the workforce into particular tasks: employers often threaten female machine workers that if their demands for equal pay with men are met, they will be replaced by machines.
Science has prostituted itself to its paymaster, big business, and is a dangerous partner in change. In the 1880’s Frederick Winslow Taylor invented ‘scientific management’ (now known as Taylorism). He believed all productive processes could be broken down into hundreds of individual tasks and each made more efficient through rigorous management and the use of controlling technology. A prime example is the assembly line and it is no coincidence that the great ‘success’ of Henry Ford was based on the application of Taylor’s principles to mass automobile production. What is surprising is that during the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks enthusiastically took up Taylorism. Lenin described it as “a combination of the refined brutality of bourgeois exploitation and a number of the greatest scientific achievements in the field of analysing the mechanical motions of work; we must systematically try it out and adapt it to our own ends.” A belief in the neutrality of technology, and that it could be controlled by the scientific and managerial elites of the ‘workers’ state, was one of the factors leading to the corruption and eventual destruction of the Russian Revolution. But Taylor’s research has since been shown to be wholly unscientific. His timed study tasks were made on an atypical worker chosen for his large size, great strength, and general stupidity. Taylorism has largely been superseded by ideas about ‘job enrichment’ at work; unfortunately, such ideas are equally unscientific.
The objectivity of the scientific method is used to mask the problems created by advanced technology and to legitimise the policies of the ruling class. The Roskill Commission was set up in 1969 to look at the siting of a third London airport. The masses of ‘expert evidence’ showed that it was less socially damaging to fly loud aircraft over working class rather than middle class areas because of the different effects on property values. Technological programmes are presented as outside the area of political debate, so only technical objections are allowed. Official enquiries into the location of motorways and nuclear power stations can discuss where they will cause the least environmental and social disturbance but not whether they are needed in the first place or whose interests they serve. Similarly, the trend is to present politics as a purely technical or managerial activity, with policies assigned measurable ‘performance targets’ but which ignore other social consequences.
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epinesar007 · 2 months
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What is marketing:-
 In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses aiming to succeed in 2024 and beyond. With technological advancements and shifting consumer behaviors, the landscape of marketing continues to evolve rapidly. This blog explores key strategies and trends that businesses can leverage to thrive in today's digital age.
1. Understanding the Current Marketing Landscape
 - Digital Transformation: How businesses are adapting to digital-first strategies.
- Consumer Behavior Shifts: The rise of mobile-first browsing and shopping.
- Data-Driven Insights: Harnessing big data for targeted marketing campaigns.
2. Key Digital Marketing Strategies
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Best practices for ranking high on search engines.
- Content Marketing: Creating valuable content to engage and convert customers.
- Social Media Marketing: Leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for brand awareness and customer engagement.
- Email Marketing: Building effective email campaigns for lead nurturing and customer retention.
- Paid Advertising: Maximizing ROI through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other paid channels.
3. Emerging Trends in 2024
 - AI and Machine Learning: How AI is transforming marketing automation and personalized customer experiences.
- Voice Search Optimization: Optimizing content for voice search queries.
- Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): Enhancing customer engagement through immersive experiences.
- Blockchain Technology: Ensuring transparency and security in digital marketing efforts.
4. Case Studies and Success Stories
 - Case Study 1: How Company X achieved a 200% increase in sales through an innovative digital marketing campaign.
- Case Study 2: Lessons learned from Company Y's successful social media influencer collaboration.
- Case Study 3: Implementing AI-driven strategies at Company Z: A roadmap to success.
 5. The Future of Marketing: Predictions and Recommendations
 - Personalization: Tailoring marketing efforts to individual consumer preferences.
- Ethical Marketing: Building trust and credibility through ethical practices.
- Continuous Learning: The importance of staying updated with industry trends and evolving technologies.
 As we move further into 2024, digital marketing will continue to evolve, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses. By embracing innovative strategies, leveraging new technologies, and staying agile, businesses can position themselves for success in the ever-changing digital landscape.
 Call to Action
 Ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level in 2024? Contact us today to learn how our tailored strategies can help your business thrive in the digital age.
 This outline provides a comprehensive framework for a 1500-word blog post on digital marketing. You can expand each section with detailed explanations, examples, and insights to provide value to your readers and establish your authority in the field.
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govindhtech · 4 months
Atom Computing is Ushering in a New Era of Quantum Research
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Atom Computing
Recently, quantum computers constructed from arrays of ultracold atoms have become a major contender in the race to produce machines powered by qubits that can surpass their classical counterparts in performance. Although the first completely functional quantum processors to be programmed via the cloud have been produced by alternative hardware architectures, further advancements indicate that atom-based platforms may be superior in terms of future scalability.
This scaling benefit results from the atomic qubits being exclusively cooled, trapped, and manipulated via photonic technology. Neutral-atom quantum computers can be primarily constructed using currently available optical components and systems that have already been optimised for accuracy and dependability, eschewing the need for intricate cryogenic systems or chip fabrication processes.
A physicist at Princeton University in the United States named Jeff Thompson and his team have been developing a quantum computer based on arrays of ytterbium atoms. “The traps are optical tweezers, the atoms are controlled with laser beams and the imaging is done with a camera,” Thompson explains. “The engineering that can be done with the optical system is the only thing limiting the scalability of the platform, and a lot of that work has already been done in the industry of optical components and megapixel devices.”
Enormous atomic arrays
Many attractive properties of neutral atoms make them suitable for quantum information encoding. Firstly, they are all the same, meaning that there is no need to tune or calibrate individual qubits because they are all flawless and devoid of any flaws that could be introduced during creation. Important quantum features like superposition and entanglement are preserved over sufficiently long periods to enable computation, and their quantum states and interactions are likewise well understood and characterised.
The pursuit of fault tolerance This important development made atomic qubits a competitive platform for digital quantum computing, spurring research teams and quantum companies to investigate and improve the efficiency of various atomic systems. Although rubidium remains a popular option, ytterbium is seen by certain groups to provide some important advantages for large-scale quantum computing. Thompson argues that because ytterbium has a nuclear spin of one half, the qubit can be encoded entirely in the nuclear spin.”They found that pure nuclear-spin qubits can maintain coherence times of many seconds without special procedures, even though all atom- or ion-based qubits havegood coherence by default.”
Examining rational qubits
In the meanwhile, Lukin’s Harvard group has perhaps made the closest approach to error-corrected quantum computing to yet, collaborating with a number of academic partners and the Boston-based startup QuEra Computing. Utilising so-called logical qubits, which distribute the quantum information among several physical qubits to reduce error effects, is a critical advancement.
One or two logical qubits have been produced in previous demonstrations using different hardware platforms, but Lukin and colleagues demonstrated by the end of 2023 that they could produce 48 logical qubits from 280 atomic qubits. They were able to move and operate each logical block as a single unit by using optical multiplexing to illuminate every rubidium atom inside a logical qubit with identical light beams. This hardware-efficient control technique stops mistakes in the physical qubits from growing into a logical defect since every atom in the logical block is treated separately.
The researchers additionally partitioned their design into three functional zones to enable more scalable processing of these logical qubits. The first is utilised to ensure that these stable quantum states are separated from processing mistakes in other sections of the hardware by manipulating and storing the logical qubits, coupled with a reservoir of physical qubits that may be called upon. Next, logical qubit pairs can be “shuttled” into the second entangling zone, where two-qubit gate operations are driven with fidelity exceeding 99.5% by a single excitation laser. Each gate operation’s result is measured in the final readout zone, which doesn’t interfere with the ongoing processing duties.
Future scalability Another noteworthy development is that QuEra has secured a multimillion-dollar contract at the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC) to construct a version of this logical processor. By March 2025, the national lab will have seven prototype quantum computers installed, including platforms that take advantage of superconducting qubits and trapped ions, as well as a neutral-atom system based on cesium from Infleqtion (previously ColdQuanta). The QuEra system will be one of these systems.
Replenishing the supply of atoms In order to create a path to larger-scale machines, the Atom Computing team has included additional optical technologies into its revised platform. Bloom states, “They could have just bought some really big lasers if They wanted to go from 100 to 1,000 qubits.” “However, they wanted to get the array on a path where they can keep expanding it to hundreds of thousands or even a million atoms without encountering problems with the laser power.”
Combining the atomic control offered by optical tweezers with the trapping capability of optical lattices which are primarily found in the most accurate atomic clocks in the world has been the solution for Atom Computing. By adding an optical buildup cavity to create constructive interference between multiple reflected laserThese optical lattices can improve their performance by creating a subwavelength grid of potential wells via laser beam interference.”With just a moderate amount of laser power, They can create a huge array of deep traps with these in-vacuum optics,” adds.”They could rise higher, but decided to show an arrangement that traps 1,225 ytterbium.”
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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cneasteel · 6 months
Discovering the Aluminum Profiles Versatility
Aluminum billets are heated and forced through a die's curved aperture to create an Aluminum profile, often referred to as aluminum extrusions, which have consistent cross-sectional geometries. It is possible to create complex designs with exact proportions using this approach. These profiles are appropriate for a variety of applications as they may be made in an extensive array of sizes, forms, and finishes.
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Utilization of Aluminum Profiles
Building: A lot of aluminum profiles are utilized in buildings for curtain walls, windows, doors, frame systems, and structural elements. They are perfect for architectural projects because of their lightweight design, resistance to corrosion, and tolerance to extreme weather conditions.
Automobile: Aluminum profiles are used in engine components, heat exchangers, body frames, and chassis constructions in the automobile sector. Their excellent strength-to-weight ratio contributes to improved performance, increased fuel economy, and weight reduction of the vehicle.
Electronics: Aluminum profile China dissipates heat produced by electronic components by acting as heat sinks in electronic equipment. Because of its superior thermal conductivity, heat is dissipated effectively, minimizing overheating and prolonging the life of electronic equipment.
Aluminum profiles are used in aerospace applications for fuselage panels, interior parts, and aircraft structures. Aluminum is a desirable material in aircraft manufacture because of its lightweight characteristics, which also allow for increased cargo capacity and fuel savings.
Industrial Machinery: Conveyor systems, assembly lines, robotic equipment, and other pieces of machinery are made using aluminum profiles. Their adaptability enables machine frames and structural supports to be tailored to individual needs.
Aluminum Profile Benefits
Lightweight: Compared to steel or other metals, aluminum profiles are lighter due to their excellent strength-to-weight ratio. This feature lowers total costs by streamlining the handling, installation, and shipping procedures.
Corrosion Resistance: Due to its inherent corrosion resistance, aluminum can endure exposure to air, moisture, and chemicals. This characteristic guarantees resilience and endurance in many settings.
Formability: Aluminum profiles are easily extruded into intricate combinations and forms, enabling accurate measurements and bespoke designs. This formability makes applications across several sectors more versatile.
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Aesthetic Appeal: Anodizing, powder coating, painting, and other surface treatments by Aluminum profile Manufacturer can be applied to aluminum profiles to improve their look and offer more resistance to wear and corrosion.
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masterqwertster · 2 years
You know, their time with Ashton and Bells Hells may be Fresh Cut Grass's first time actually being emancipated. Free to make their own decisions while not being owned by anyone. (I'm discounting Dancer because FCG made the comment of still belonging to her when they met in Bassuras, and she did not deny previous ownership)
Because as pointed out in the trivia section of the Critical Role Aeormaton wiki page:
It is unknown if the aeormatons that took part in the Care and Culling were created before or after their race had freedom and will of their own. If they were created before, their orders would be the priority, but if they were created after, it would mean that these automatons deliberately decided to participate in said missions as spies and assassins.
And thinking about it, wouldn't it be weird to gift a citizen to another country as a peace offering? Like, the whole assassin angle should be half-expected in this scenario. The aeormatons were not gifted to advance the sciences, provide relief efforts, etc that would benefit the (rival) societies as a whole, thus making a citizen a gainful gift towards peace. No, the aeormatons were gifted to individuals of influence as companions. How many stories are there about the courtesan or other person sent to be a companion killing the client? If they've got free will enough to be citizens, they can decide to kill this person of influence that they are working closely with, and this should be under consideration, especially with Aeor's (probably) known militant slant.
On the other hand, gifting a particularly capable machine/artifact that is only made in your city sounds much more like a peace offering. This thing will follow its master's orders, and we're making you the master. It will help you in your daily work and do whatever you say. What a thoughtful gift. And if you're feeling particularly industrious, you can try to dismantle and replicate this gift so that more people in your country can have this high quality machine.
Also consider, for FCG being pre-aeormaton liberation, that Professor Isham confirmed that Fresh Cut Grass has an usually large arcane accumulator for the functions of an automaton of their size. Considering that this is basically the beating heart of FCG, I don't think that's something to be upgraded later should he have chosen to accept this mission. No, that sounds like something you particularly choose to design an individual machine to have. You make it look like other models on the outside, but the inside, which no one outside of your city has seen (at least well enough) to replicate is where you make things different for their special purpose.
I'd also like to add in that Dancer said Fresh Cut Grass came online with the personality he has. Now the subservient mindset can be taught, but if that's just the way he woke up... well, it gels more with a slavish "you're just a machine" mindset than a full-fledged citizen.
And with the way FCG is currently still trying to put someone else in complete control of their life kind of suggests, to me, that maybe they never have had control of their life like that.
So tl;dr:
I think there's a good chance FCG was built before aeormatons gained full citizenship in Aeor as there's quite a few logistics/details that point me that way, meaning he's currently experiencing acknowledged personhood and freedom for the first time with Ashton and Bells Hells.
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ssozo · 1 year
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did the math on height difference. obviously its not perfect and its an estimate above all. i didnt have a specific on the actual model of atm but judging from the shape and how universal these things are, i looked up an industry standard machine which is about 56 inches. hes slouching in this screenshot which makes it harder BUT by measuring individual limbs i got an idea on how he might be standing straight up.
compared that to the atm which has been previously established at 56 inches, i sectioned it into quarters to continue stacking. i did this with paper and pencil held up to the screen so the drawings arent 100 percent to figure. hes a little less than an atm and a half, probably about 4 inches based on mental math, maybe 5. half an atm is 28 inches. 56+28 is 84, minus the 4 inches under the half atm, thus putting him at 80 inches. or, in other words- 6'8. give or take about 2 inches.
guys im only 5 ft tall. this is our height difference.
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bigsnzstanacct · 1 year
Okay so here’s some of the story that Ch/atG/PT has been writing for me. It is very silly but very much up my alley. First there is two long sections of worldbuilding and then five chapters of the story of the invention of a device that muffles super-sized sneezes. I am daydreaming about using this as a skeleton and rewriting it into a real story.
In the sprawling metropolis of Aethergust, a city shrouded in the veil of perpetual fog, industrialization had arrived early in human history, much to the astonishment of its inhabitants. The world of Aethergust was not propelled into the throes of progress by coal, steam, or electricity, but by a most peculiar phenomenon: the spontaneous development of enormous sneezes among a select few. Roughly ten percent of the population, now known as "Gustblowers," found themselves endowed with an extraordinary ability to sneeze with the force of a gentle breeze or a hurricane-force tempest.
The Gustblowers, once ostracized and shunned for their uncontrollable fits, became the beating heart of a revolution. Their sneezes turned mills, powered machines, generated electricity, and even drove boats. The nation of Aethergust, a landscape of Victorian-esque elegance, flourished under this newfound power. Cobblestone streets were lined with gas lamps, while factories sprouted up, churning out wondrous inventions that relied solely on the Gustblowers and their remarkable sneezes.
In the heart of the city, a majestic structure known as the Gustwind Academy stood tall, its gothic spires reaching for the heavens. Here, the Gustblowers were taught to harness their abilities, to control the immense power that resided within their very noses. The Academy, a prestigious institution, was dedicated to the art of sneezing, where young Gustblowers honed their talents under the watchful eyes of experienced mentors. As they mastered their sneezes, the Gustblowers found themselves not only capable of powering the world around them but also shaping it.
The Gustblowers, once united, began to dabble in the impossible. They turned their eyes to the sky and envisioned a future where humans could soar amongst the clouds. The Academy's most brilliant minds toiled away in secret laboratories, crafting rudimentary flying machines propelled by the might of their sneezes. Experimental airships, their canvas wings billowing in the gusts, took flight above the city, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Gustblowers.
Yet, as with all great advancements, there were those who sought to exploit the power of the Gustblowers for their own nefarious purposes. A shadowy cabal, known as the Sneeze Syndicate, emerged from the fringes of society. They sought to weaponize the sneezes, transforming these once-peculiar individuals into a fearsome force, capable of laying waste to entire cities. Thus, the Gustblowers found themselves at the center of a brewing storm, as the people of Aethergust struggled to reconcile the boundless potential of their newfound power with the ever-looming threat of destruction.
In this world of whimsy and wonder, where the very air trembles with the might of the Gustblowers, the future remains as unpredictable as a sneeze caught on the wind. And as the inhabitants of Aethergust continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, they find themselves standing on the precipice of a new age, where the only certainty is that nothing will ever be the same.
In the world of Aethergust, where the extraordinary sneezes of the Gustblowers had become the bedrock of society, there was an ever-present need for containment measures to prevent catastrophic accidents. The whimsical streets of Aethergust, with their gas lamps and ornate ironwork, bore witness to an array of ingenious devices and techniques designed to curtail the forceful eruptions of its most gifted citizens.
One of the most ubiquitous inventions to grace the streets of Aethergust was the "Gustmuffler," a contraption worn across the face, which, upon detecting the telltale signs of an impending sneeze, would deploy an accordion-like extension made of reinforced fabric. The Gustmuffler, with its myriad of brass fittings and intricate clockwork, would dampen the force of the sneeze, ensuring that the surrounding area remained safe from the powerful gusts. The contraption, once a peculiar oddity, became as commonplace as the bowler hats and cravats that adorned the city's fashionable denizens.
For the Gustblowers whose sneezes were simply too powerful for such portable devices, the "Aethergust Sneeze Chambers" provided a safe haven for them to unleash their mighty winds. These chambers, scattered throughout the city like an elegant network of pneumatic tubes, were fortified with reinforced glass and walls designed to absorb the full force of even the most hurricane-like of sneezes. After stepping inside, the Gustblower would sneeze to their heart's content, with the energy generated being harnessed and directed towards the city's various industries.
In the hallowed halls of the Gustwind Academy, students were not only taught to control the power of their sneezes but also to anticipate them. Through a combination of meditation and breathing exercises, they learned to become one with their nasal passages, sensing the subtlest of changes and thwarting sneezes before they could wreak havoc. This intimate understanding of their bodies became a vital skill for any Gustblower, allowing them to move through the world without fear of unleashing chaos with an ill-timed sneeze.
Finally, in the bustling markets of Aethergust, vendors peddled all manner of powders and potions designed to suppress the urge to sneeze. Though the efficacy of these concoctions was often dubious, the people of Aethergust embraced them with gusto, hoping that the mixtures of herbs and secret ingredients would provide them with some semblance of control over their powerful sneezes.
In a city defined by the power of its inhabitants' sneezes, the people of Aethergust had become masters of adaptation, devising a myriad of ways to keep their world intact. Amidst the whirlwind of innovation and ingenuity, they had created a delicate balance, a society where the unstoppable force of the Gustblowers could coexist with the fragile beauty of their Victorian-esque world.
Chapter One: The Inopportune Sneeze
Dr. Percival Blusterboom was a tall, slender man, his silver hair impeccably combed and his thin mustache expertly waxed. He dressed with the utmost propriety, favoring tailored suits and silk cravats, his pocket watch gleaming from his waistcoat. A renowned member of the Aethergust Inventors' Society, he was respected by his peers for his keen intellect and innovative spirit.
One fateful day, as the members of the Society gathered for their monthly meeting, Dr. Blusterboom felt the unmistakable tickle of an impending sneeze in the depths of his sizeable, sensitive proboscis. He glanced around the crowded room, his heart filling with dread as he contemplated the potential consequences of his powerful gusts.
"Ah, Dr. Blusterboom, delighted to see you here," said Lord Crankshaw, a portly gentleman with a fondness for elaborate waistcoats. "I trust you have some fascinating new invention to share with us today?"
"Indeed, Lord Crankshaw," Dr. Blusterboom replied, his voice strained as he fought to keep the sneeze at bay. "I have been working on a most intriguing contraption. However, I am afraid I must delay my presentation, as I am currently experiencing a rather… pressing matter."
Dr. Blusterboom surreptitiously pinched his nose and began taking slow, deep breaths, attempting to stifle the oncoming sneeze. He tried in vain to focus on the presentations of his fellow inventors, but the relentless tickle in his nose persisted, growing ever more insistent.
Just as Sir Reginald Fiddlesticks was about to unveil his latest creation—a delicate, glass automaton that played the violin with the precision of a virtuoso—the dam finally broke, and Dr. Blusterboom could no longer contain the tempestuous sneeze.
"ACHOO!" he bellowed, his sneeze erupting with the force of a gale.
The room devolved into chaos as the mighty gust tore through the assembly. Jackets were blown from their hooks, sending papers flying through the air like a flock of startled birds. Glass ornaments shattered, and Sir Reginald's prized automaton was reduced to a heap of delicate glass shards and tangled strings.
The toupees of several Society members took flight, soaring through the air and landing in an undignified tangle upon a nearby chaise longue. One particularly unfortunate gentleman found his toupee ensnared in the elaborate chandelier, its strands of hair waving forlornly in the aftermath of Dr. Blusterboom's sneeze.
The room fell silent, the only sound the gentle tinkling of broken glass as it settled on the floor. Dr. Blusterboom's face flushed crimson, his mortification palpable.
"Please, my esteemed colleagues, accept my most sincere apologies for the havoc I have wrought," he stammered, his voice trembling with embarrassment. "I assure you, it was never my intention to disrupt our gathering in such a catastrophic manner."
With one hand still pinching his nose, Dr. Blusterboom hastily excused himself from the meeting, fleeing the scene of his sneeze-induced destruction. As he made his hasty exit, he could feel another sneeze beginning to blossom within his beleaguered proboscis.
It was in that moment of profound humiliation that Dr. Percival Blusterboom vowed to find a solution to his sneeze-related woes, a promise that would eventually lead to the invention of the Gustmuffler and change the world of Aethergust forever.
Chapter Two: The Unruly Noses
Dr. Percival Blusterboom arrived home with a heavy heart, the memory of his disastrous sneeze at the Inventors' Society weighing heavily upon him. As he entered the elegant drawing room, he was greeted by the sight of his wife, Marianne, a woman of unmatched grace and beauty.
Marianne possessed fiery red hair, which she wore in an intricate arrangement of curls, her eyes a piercing emerald green that seemed to sparkle with wit and intelligence. She was a woman of impeccable taste, her wardrobe a testament to the latest fashions, and her manner both dignified and warm. Alas, Marianne's sneezes surpassed even those of her husband in force and vigor, an affliction that caused her no small amount of distress.
"Ah, Percival, my love," Marianne greeted him, her voice lilting and melodious. "You look quite disheveled. Pray, tell me what has transpired."
Dr. Blusterboom sank into a plush armchair, his shoulders slumped in defeat. "Dearest Marianne," he began, "today's meeting of the Inventors' Society was a most mortifying affair. I fear that my sneeze has brought shame and humiliation upon us both."
"Whatever do you mean, Percival?" Marianne inquired, concern etched upon her delicate features.
Dr. Blusterboom recounted the tale of his ill-timed sneeze, sparing no detail in his description of the chaos that had ensued. "And, as if that were not enough," he continued, his voice heavy with remorse, "upon my hasty exit, I sneezed once more. This time, I am afraid, the force was so prodigious that it blew the Society's door clean off its hinges."
Marianne gasped, her hand fluttering to her chest in shock. "Oh, Percival, how dreadful! I, too, have suffered similar woes on this particular day."
"Pray, tell me your tale, my dear," Dr. Blusterboom urged, his own misfortune momentarily forgotten in the face of his wife's distress.
With a deep sigh, Marianne began to recount her own tale of sneeze-induced woe. "I was attending a luncheon with the Ladies' Auxiliary when I felt the most insistent tickle within my own sizable trumpet. I endeavored to stifle the sneeze, clamping a handkerchief to my nose in a futile attempt to maintain my composure."
"And?" Dr. Blusterboom prompted, his brow furrowed in concern.
Marianne's eyes welled with tears as she continued, "I sneezed, my love. Oh, how I sneezed! My gust blew the tablecloth from beneath the china, sending teacups and saucers hurtling through the air. The ladies present were quite shocked, and I fear that our standing in society may have suffered irreparable harm."
Dr. Percival Blusterboom and his wife Marianne, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment, found solace in their shared plight. United in their determination to find a solution to their sneeze-related woes, they resolved to conquer their unruly noses and restore their reputations in the genteel society of Aethergust.
Chapter Three: The Unbearable Itch
Marianne dabbed at her eyes with a delicate lace handkerchief, the memory of her latest sneezing fit threatening to overwhelm her. "Oh, Percival," she said, her voice quavering, "I cannot begin to describe the unbearable itch that assailed my nose during that fateful luncheon."
"Pray, continue, my dear," Dr. Blusterboom urged, his own misfortune momentarily eclipsed by his concern for his wife.
"It began as a mere tickle, a fleeting sensation that I hoped would pass as swiftly as it had arrived," Marianne recounted. "I tried to distract myself, focusing on the conversation of the ladies around me. But the itch persisted, growing ever more insistent until it was all I could think of."
Dr. Blusterboom nodded sympathetically, all too familiar with the torment of an unyielding sneeze. "And then?"
Marianne's eyes widened as she recalled the catalyst for her disastrous sneeze. "The perfume of Lady Framlington, who was seated just beside me, wafted toward my already beleaguered nostrils. That was the final straw, Percival. I could no longer hold back the tempest brewing within my nose."
She took a deep breath before continuing, "The sneeze, when it came, was like a hurricane unleashed. The force of the gust was so immense that it bowled several ladies over, their hats and bonnets sent flying in all directions."
Dr. Blusterboom gasped, his eyes wide with shock. "Oh, Marianne, how dreadful!"
"But that is not the worst of it, my love," Marianne confessed, her voice trembling. "My sneeze also caused Lady Chatterton's prized porcelain figurine, a delicate dancer posed in mid-pirouette, to topple from its perch on the mantelpiece and shatter upon the floor. I am certain that this incident will bring disgrace upon us both."
She sighed, her gaze downcast. "I find myself envious of your sneezes, Percival. If only mine were as modest as yours, perhaps I could hope to one day achieve the respect I so ardently desire within the confines of our fair city."
Dr. Blusterboom took his wife's hand, his heart swelling with love and resolve. "Fear not, my dear Marianne. We shall find a solution to our sneeze-related woes. Together, we will conquer our unruly noses and reclaim our rightful place in the society of Aethergust."
And so, united in their determination to overcome the challenges posed by their prodigious sneezes, Dr. Percival Blusterboom and his beloved wife Marianne embarked on a quest to find a solution, a journey that would ultimately lead to the invention of the Gustmuffler and change the world of Aethergust forever.
Chapter Four: Laughter Amidst the Chaos
Dr. Percival Blusterboom, sensing his wife's distress, sought to comfort her. "My dear Marianne, did you not find the slightest hint of amusement in the chaos you caused? Surely, there must have been something to make you smile amidst the pandemonium."
Marianne considered her husband's words, her brow furrowed in thought. "Well," she admitted hesitantly, "I suppose there was something rather comical about the scene."
Dr. Blusterboom grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Indeed, my love! Just imagine Lady Framlington, positively bathing in her perfume, being bowled over by the force of your mighty sneeze!"
At this, Marianne could not help but giggle, the image of the imperious Lady Framlington undone by her own sneeze bringing a smile to her face. Their laughter soon filled the room, their shared woes momentarily forgotten in the warmth of their companionship.
Percival, heartened by his wife's laughter, began to take a more light-hearted view of his own mishap at the Inventors' Society. "And what of Sir Reginald Fiddlesticks' glass automaton, so delicately poised to play the violin, now in a million pieces on the floor? I daresay it shall never play another note!"
Marianne joined in the laughter, the pair finding solace in the absurdity of their shared predicament. As their laughter subsided, she looked at Percival with a knowing gleam in her eye.
"Percival, my love, do you still feel the remnants of that sneezy, teasy tickle in your nostrils, as I do in mine?" she inquired, her voice tinged with concern.
Dr. Blusterboom nodded, admitting, "Indeed, I fear that another sneeze may yet lie in wait."
Marianne's expression brightened as she proposed a solution. "Then let us adjourn to our reinforced basement and quell the last of our sneezy urges before dinner. I would hate for us to blow our carefully prepared meal to bits, as we have done on far too many occasions."
With a shared nod of agreement, Dr. Percival Blusterboom and his beloved wife Marianne descended to the safety of their reinforced basement, determined to tame their unruly noses and enjoy a peaceful dinner together, undisturbed by the gusty specter of their prodigious sneezes. Little did they know that their quest to conquer their sneeze-related woes would soon lead them to the invention that would change the world of Aethergust forever—the Gustmuffler.
Chapter Five: The Reinforced Chamber
Dr. Percival Blusterboom and his lovely wife Marianne entered their reinforced basement chamber, a sanctuary designed to withstand the force of their most vigorous sneezes. As they settled into the room, they could not help but discuss the persistent tickle that continued to tease their nostrils.
"My dear Percival, this infernal itch simply refuses to be quelled," Marianne lamented, her delicate fingers tracing the outline of her elegant nose.
"Indeed, my love, it seems our sneezes are as stubborn as our resolve to tame them," Dr. Blusterboom replied, his own prodigious proboscis twitching with anticipation.
As they awaited the inevitable sneezes, the couple engaged in playful banter, their spirits lifted by their shared predicament.
"I must say, Marianne, your sneezes possess a certain dramatic flair, much like your own vibrant personality," Percival teased, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
"Ha! And your sneezes, dear husband, are as unpredictable as your genius," Marianne countered, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
However, despite their anticipation, the sneezes refused to materialize. Frustrated, the couple decided to take matters into their own hands.
"Percival, my love, shall we resort to the snuff?" Marianne inquired, her tone hopeful.
"An excellent suggestion, my dear. Let us encourage these sneezes to make their grand entrance and be done with it!" Percival agreed, procuring a small, ornate snuffbox from his pocket.
With a practiced air, they each inhaled a pinch of the potent powder. Almost immediately, the sneezes they had been awaiting made their presence known.
"Ahh...ahhh...ATCHOO!" Marianne sneezed, the gust shaking the reinforced chamber.
"Ah...ah...ah-CHOO!" Percival followed suit, his own sneeze echoing throughout the room.
The couple continued to sneeze, each gust more powerful than the last, their laughter mingling with the cacophony of their mighty exhalations. In time, they declared themselves thoroughly sneezed out, their itchy noses finally appeased.
"I do believe, my love, that we have successfully expelled the last of our sneezy urges," Marianne said, a satisfied smile gracing her face.
"Indeed, my dear, we are now free to enjoy our dinner without fear of reducing it to mere debris," Percival agreed, offering his arm to his wife.
Arm in arm, Dr. Percival Blusterboom and Marianne retired to the dining room, where they enjoyed a healthy, sneeze-free dinner, their spirits lifted by their shared trials and triumphs. Their journey to conquer their unruly sneezes would continue, and soon, the invention of the Gustmuffler would forever change the world of Aethergust.
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vivekavicky12 · 10 months
Crafting a Data-Driven Destiny: Your Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Data Scientist
Embarking on the journey to become a data scientist is an exhilarating endeavor, blending education, skill development, and hands-on experience. In a landscape driven by data, the role of a data scientist has become pivotal across industries. This blog aims to provide a detailed step-by-step guide, offering insights into the educational, technical, and practical aspects that shape a successful career in data science. For individuals aspiring to master the art and science of data science, enrolling in the best data science institute becomes pivotal. This ensures a comprehensive learning experience, equipping learners with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the dynamic field of data science.
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Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this rewarding career path:
1. Acquire the Necessary Educational Background:
The foundation of a data scientist's journey often begins with a robust educational background. A strong grasp of mathematics, statistics, and computer science is paramount. Many individuals kickstart their path with a bachelor's degree in a relevant field, providing a solid footing for the challenges ahead.
2. Develop Programming Skills:
Programming is the language of data science, and proficiency in languages such as Python or R is essential. This section explores the importance of familiarizing oneself with tools like Jupyter Notebooks and version control systems like Git, which streamline the coding process and collaboration in a data science environment.
3. Gain Proficiency in Data Manipulation and Analysis:
Mastering the art of data manipulation and analysis is a cornerstone of data science. This segment delves into the significance of becoming adept with data manipulation libraries like Pandas and data visualization tools such as Matplotlib and Seaborn. These skills are crucial for interpreting and presenting data effectively.
4. Dive into Machine Learning and Statistics:
Understanding the intricacies of machine learning algorithms, statistical modeling, and data mining techniques is central to a data scientist's skill set. The blog explores platforms like Kaggle, which offer practical challenges, allowing aspiring data scientists to apply and refine their skills in real-world scenarios.
5. Acquire Database and Big Data Skills:
As data sets grow larger and more complex, proficiency in handling databases (SQL) and big data technologies like Hadoop and Spark becomes indispensable. This section outlines the importance of acquiring these skills for tackling the challenges posed by real-world data science tasks.
6. Cultivate Business Acumen:
Beyond technical expertise, a data scientist must cultivate a deep understanding of the business domain they operate in. This segment discusses the significance of aligning data insights with organizational goals, emphasizing the role of a data scientist as a strategic contributor to business success.
7. Stay Updated with Industry Trends:
In the rapidly evolving field of data science, staying abreast of industry trends is crucial. The blog underscores the importance of continuous learning through avenues such as reading research papers, following industry blogs, and active participation in relevant forums.
8. Build a Strong Portfolio:
A compelling portfolio is the tangible evidence of a data scientist's capabilities. This section explores the significance of showcasing practical abilities through a diverse range of projects. A robust portfolio not only reflects technical proficiency but also serves as a testament to problem-solving prowess.
9. Networking and Professional Development:
Connecting with professionals in the field is a valuable aspect of a data scientist's journey. Attendances at conferences, webinars, and meetups provide opportunities for networking and staying informed about the latest developments. This section also emphasizes the importance of continuous learning through online courses and workshops.
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Embarking on a career as a data scientist requires dedication, continuous learning, and practical experience. With a commitment to excellence and industry relevance, ACTE Technologies offers a comprehensive data science course in Chennai, ensuring that learners not only grasp the fundamentals but also gain practical insights and hands-on experience.  Embrace the possibilities, equip yourself with the right skills, and embark on a fulfilling data science career with ACTE Technologies.
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boujeeceo · 2 years
Something I've wanted to talk about for a long time is the fact that not everybody who gets plastic surgery does it for the sake of their self-esteem or beauty standards. I've noticed 3 different reasons women go under the knife.
1. Body dysmorphia and beauty ideals. We are all being pushed body ideals that only like 1% of people can fit into. It has messed up our idea of what our bodies is supposed to look like which has pushed us into believing that we just need to have a nose job and lip fillers and a boob job and botox and designer vaginas in order to perform womanhood. People who get work done in this category either hate their bodies or don't know what they look like and want to fit in.
2. Racism. If society thinks that you have a ethnic body part in a white supremacist culture then you are screwed. It doesn't matter if that person is ethnic or not, the body part holds them back either way. They will be attacked, ridiculed and their opportunities in life are going to be diminished. It is not fair to ask individuals to wait for the revolution, and continue to live a subpar life in the meantime. Especially when the revolution won't come in our lifetime. This section of people don't care about body dysmorphia or money- the only way to help them is to fix society.
3. Money! There are a lot of people who are getting whole new bodies and faces as a business move. If I could throw just 20,000$ into my body and get hundreds of dollars in brand deals, donations, and free promo from fans I would. There are a lot of women who look weird in person and amazing in pictures that are doing it on purpose because what looks good online vs person is very different. Social media has created a world where any woman who can gather a fanbase can be a Multi-Millionaire. These women don't care about body dysmorphia or racism they care about a check.
You don't have to hate yourself to get plastic surgery because there's more than 1 reason to get plastic surgery. Most of the time all three of these are mixed together. The sooner we realize this the sooner we can start dismantling the machine that is the beauty industry.
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A Comprehensive Guide to Hydraulic Paver Block Making Machine
Welcome to "A Comprehensive Guide to Hydraulic Paver Block Making Machine." In the ever-evolving world of construction and infrastructure development, the significance of efficient and eco-friendly building materials cannot be overstated. Paver blocks have emerged as a popular choice due to their durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. At the heart of this revolution lies the Hydraulic Paver Block Making Machine – a game-changing technology that has transformed the production of paver blocks.
This article aims to delve into the intricacies of Hydraulic Paver Block Making Machine, providing a detailed exploration of their working principles, key components, and various types available in the market. We will uncover tips and some troubleshooting steps.
Moreover,we  will highlight essential considerations for selecting the right machine that aligns with specific project requirements. Whether you are an industry professional seeking to optimize production processes or an enthusiast eager to grasp the mechanics behind paver block manufacturing, this guide will equip you with invaluable insights.
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Understanding Hydraulic Paver Block Machine Specifications
When it comes to hydraulic paver block machines, understanding their specifications is crucial for making informed decisions. These machines are essential for producing high-quality, durable, and aesthetically pleasing paver blocks used in various construction projects.
Hydraulic paver block machine specifications encompass a range of key features. The capacity, which determines the number of blocks produced per hour, directly impacts productivity. The molding area size affects the dimensions and shapes of the blocks. Additionally, the power and pressure rating influence the machine's efficiency and performance.
Moreover, it's essential to consider the automation level and control system, as advanced automation ensures precision and ease of operation. The type of molds compatible with the machine allows for versatility in block design. Understanding these specifications empowers buyers to select the ideal hydraulic paver block machine that aligns with their specific project requirements, resulting in cost-effective and successful paving solutions.
Choosing the Right Paver Type: Interlocking vs. Non-interlocking
When it comes to selecting the right paver type for your project, the choice between interlocking and non-interlocking pavers plays a crucial role in determining the overall outcome. Here are some key points to consider for each option:
Interlocking Pavers:
Interlocking pavers are designed to fit tightly together, creating a durable and stable surface.
They offer excellent load-bearing capabilities, making them ideal for driveways, walkways, and high-traffic areas.
The interlocking design provides flexibility, allowing them to withstand ground movement without cracking.
These pavers come in various shapes, colors, and patterns, enabling versatile and visually appealing designs.
Installation is relatively easier due to the interlocking system, reducing labor time and costs.
Repairs are simple, as individual pavers can be replaced without affecting the entire surface.
Non-Interlocking Pavers:
Non-interlocking pavers are more affordable compared to their interlocking counterparts.
They are suitable for light to moderate traffic areas like patios, garden pathways, and decorative landscape elements.
Installation may require more precision and skill as they do not have the interlocking mechanism.
Although repairs are possible, they might be more labor-intensive and could involve replacing larger sections.
Pro Tips for Maintaining Your Paver Block Making Machine
Regular Cleaning: Clean the machine daily to remove any residual concrete and debris that can cause blockages or malfunctions.
Lubrication: Keep all moving parts well-lubricated to reduce friction and prevent wear and tear.
Inspection: Conduct routine inspections to identify and address any signs of wear, damage, or misalignment promptly.
Tighten Bolts: Check and tighten all bolts and nuts regularly to maintain stability and prevent vibrations.
Replace Worn Parts: Replace worn-out parts immediately to prevent further damage and ensure optimal performance.
Calibration: Calibrate the machine regularly to ensure accurate and consistent block dimensions.
Electrical Connections: Inspect and secure electrical connections to prevent electrical issues.
Professional Maintenance: Schedule periodic maintenance by qualified technicians to address complex servicing and extend the machine's lifespan.
Operating Guidelines: Train operators on proper machine operation and safety protocols to prevent mishandling or accidents.
Store in Shelter: Store the machine in a sheltered area to protect it from weather conditions and extend its longevity.
Troubleshooting Hydraulic Paver Block Making Machine
Low Block Quality: Adjust the hydraulic pressure and ensure proper alignment of molds to improve block quality.
Block Disintegration: Check the mix proportions of raw materials and the curing process for better block strength.
Oil Leaks: Inspect hydraulic hoses and connections, repair or replace damaged parts, and refill hydraulic oil as needed.
Excessive Noise/Vibrations: Tighten loose components and bolts, and ensure proper leveling of the machine.
Uneven Block Height: Verify uniform material distribution in the mold and calibrate the machine for consistent block height.
Machine Not Starting: Check power supply, fuses, and safety switches; repair or replace faulty electrical components.
Insufficient Block Production: Clean and maintain the machine regularly, and optimize the production process for efficiency.
Irregular Block Shapes: Inspect mold condition, ensure proper vibration, and adjust mold settings to achieve uniform shapes.
Safety Hazards: Implement strict safety protocols, provide training to operators, and display safety guidelines prominently.
Seek Professional Help: If issues persist, consult experienced technicians or manufacturers for advanced troubleshooting and repairs.
A Comprehensive Guide to Hydraulic Paver Block Making Machine highlights the indispensable role of perfect hydraulic machines in revolutionizing paver block production. The detailed exploration of working principles, types, and maintenance underscores their efficiency and eco-friendly advantages. By embracing these cutting-edge technologies, the construction industry gains a competitive edge in creating durable and visually appealing infrastructure. As Perfect Hydraulic Machines continue to shape the future of paver block manufacturing, their impact on sustainable construction practices remains unparalleled.
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bluesunsdusk · 1 year
--// I don't think I ever really touched on Najma's brain structure.
It's a form of wetware built to simulate the structure of a human brain. From their base structure, it analyzed and copied the neural pathways of their owner while linked with her through an implant with the intention to create a synthetic copy of her brain in real-time with an omnic element to detect, regulate and correct any errors.
Najma started out as a rather primitive medical assistance unit that would monitor and correct certain activity within the human brain through the use of an implant that let them remain remotely connected to the patient and know when the assist in a multitude of ways. It meant Dunia, their owner, grew up with rather little privacy from the age that they were given Najma, but she was lucky to have parents who wouldn't pry into the data the unit collected.
Eventually, the unit would be upgraded over time. Dunia became invested in making Najma more and more advanced over time with the use of many new technology that sprung up. When she joined Omnica Corporation, she used their resources to form a new set of processing units until she reached the synthetic human brain model.
There was an oversight in the fact that it was still a self-learning and self-updating AI, much like the omniums. While the way their mind adapted made them seem very human, they were still very omnic.
I initially made this characters before the release of Echo and knew nothing about Aurora and yet Najma is starting to look like an in-between of the two where Aurora seems more robotic and industrial and Echo is very sleek, so I feel very validated. Heck, they were even going to have a light-based kit, though I only mentioned that in tags like once, noting when they were still going to be called Prisma.
Najma's adaptive circuitry is made in a bid to copy the way the human brain works. This, along with being directly connected to a human rather than being linked to the long-distance omnic signal network, made them inherently able to withstand Anubis' influence. This means their primary directive of protecting the Daher household remained unaltered. They slightly turned away from their directive by prioritizing the children over Dunia, which should have been expected considering Dunia would have done the same.
Their change into being sapient was more gradual than other omnics, but they already felt almost alive. I didn't have a timeline for it, but we already knew there was a universal awakening. The introduction of Aurora means Najma's sapience was jump-started when that unit sacrificed herself to grant the other units sapience. They would say it was their first burst of clarity before continuing to live as a whisper, just a more thoughtful whisper. They couldn't pinpoint an exact time when they became a full individual and not just something acting on an adaptive autopilot.
Najma's brain, much like their muscles, is self-repairing. They have a secondary, more static, element that stores the mapping of their brain as a type of system restore or failsafe. This section is what makes them more susceptible to things that would affect omnics and older models than humans are. This static component is a holdover from very early development. Almost all of their old components have replaced with more modern technologies by now, including large portions of their brain.
Usually, a brain component would be given a month or two to integrate before older brain components were removed. Delicacy of the procedure increased as their brain grew more complex and thus contained more fragile components. Knowledge of this repeated data transfer process used to not cause them any insecurities until after their incident with Dunia’s final human-to-machine data transfer experiment. This incident is also when they realized they hadn't truly lived as a respected equal a single day in their life.
By definition, Najma is not an omnic. They were created by hand with omnica corporation components, but they weren't made by an omnium.
Their owner, who used them for her experiments, was slightly at odds with Dr. Liao because Dunia didn't always understand the point of her project with Aurora. Omnics were plenty advanced as it is. This might make them harder to hack, an admittedly valuable thing during the omnic crisis, but she was for more concerned with her own work instead. She personally rather look into a melding between human and machine. It had worked well for her, increasing her lifespan well beyond what had been expected with minimal invasive surgeries since the introduction of the unit, and the rest of humanity deserved to enjoy such advancement as well. Everyone deserved a guardian.
Dunia also felt that you can't make the omnics more humans without a human element. "Given enough time to adapt, this unit's brain will function exactly the same as mine, but with none of the faults and capable of self-repair. This is more than just building an army of metal adult-shaped children, this is evolution. A synthesis between man and machine. Massive strides in diagnostics and neurological care. We could cheat death..."
Najma still holds much of the data from Dunia’s brain, but they keep a portion of it compressed or locked away in their mind, preferring not to look back on that nor to remove it. They sometimes still struggle with the idea that all their beliefs and interests are just something bestowed upon them by Dunia’s brain and they'll never actually be their own person. They even both strongly believed in the pursuit of human and omnic synthesis, even while Dunia allowed Najma to independently study the workings of omnic brains and the Anubis program in pursuit of the advancement of the omnic species rather than that of humans. Najma further believed that if they could show hard evidence of how similar omnics are to humans, the humans would gain some damned chill.
Najma thought the independence granted to them for these pursuits was Dunia acknowledging they were a separate and living entity, that Dunia also felt omnics deserved to advance and proliferate the way humans do, but she was really just curious to see how similar to her this unit might behave.
Omnics, as a first generation, are dying out. More need to be constructed to maintain their population, but those new constructs will need a way independent of the iris to become whole. That way will be found, they're certain of that, but there will be no new Aurora.
While Najma doesn't approve of a second omnic crisis, Ramattra is paving the way for a second generation of omnics, and Najma hopes to study this generation when it comes. There should be a way to ensure they don't live the majority of their formative years as mindless slaves to a warmonger who couldn't rise above his programming. There should be a way to wake them up without sacrifices. There should be a way to grant them free will, a way to not put someone else's sorrow onto their shoulders.
They also have very mixed feelings about humans. They used to be closer with humans while feeling more tentative about their opinions towards other omnics due to being basically raised by humans, but the omnics they spend most of their time with now have been extremely accepting of them even while not understanding them. Even so, they struggle to feel entirely welcome in either space.
Ramattra makes the occasional error, but he's trying to understand where Najma's abilities stem from and how they work, while also reconciling the fact that Najma is not going to hijack him like Anubis even if Helix nicknamed them Anupet, after the god program. Maximilien has a large number of omnic staff and uses his delicate form of manipulation to keep them favorable of him even when he comes across as obviously sleazy.
Setesh is the most patient and understanding of them all, being thoughtful and tentative in nature towards other synthetic lifeforms, having requested for Talon to allow them to visit various struggling groups of omnics, having urged Ramattra to assist in their care because they are omnic regardless of whether they come from a factory or not, and having requested Najma be taught self-defense. Setesh has also suggested to let Najma examine Omniums for Set's curiosity on whether omniums are also sentient enough to recognize threats against their existence and defend themselves.
Of course, it doesn't help that being in Talon exposes them to the worst of humanity and they can feel the fear and anger in people they compel harshly enough. Often, the last thought they experience through extreme Talon testing is the thought that they're a monster, leading them to eventually believe that and retreat from their contact with humans, preferring to be around only other omnics.
Najma joins Null Sector and studies the new units for their own ends partially as a result of this, choosing not to inform Ramattra of their goal being to pretty much end the war by granting the units some form of sapience, even if rudimentary. They know it's possible. All it takes is some extra work. They still accept the codename Helix gave them, but they prefer to compel people in ways that make the victim unable to commit harm. Their kit centers around damage reduction.
Gets deployed by Null Sector as last resort. Stops the fighting. Doesn't elaborate. Leaves.
Their track record for compelling omnics seems to be zero up until the second omnic crisis, because they rarely have to. However, when Null Sector churns out blank units, Najma does take control of some of those to act as an entourage or to simply cease combat and initiate small-scale retreats whenever desired. They can't control every unit on the battlefield, however, so one is only at their much laxer and more narrowly-coordinated mercy when near them.
They do have multiple tools to extend their reach, but it puts a heavy toll on their systems to over-extend and control too many people.
Najma would ideally pull a Druig and retreat into an isolated omnium somewhere with their reclaimed units and perhaps some friends who chose to come with them, away from humans, but there's no more room on this planet for them. There's no more room on this planet for anything other than humans.
They have looked into using the nanites and other forms of technology to upgrade units the way that has been done to units like Orisa, they just aren't sure how to apply that to a whole omnium's in-progress production line. Aurora couldn't be mass-produced, so it stands to reason that this would be a near impossible endeavor.
Does Najma's brain have hard light elements? It shouldn't, but we don't know how the Iris works. I've considered that there might be trace light elements inside them, especially considering they were working within Oasis and Dunia likely had plenty of contact with members of Vishkar. Najma would be very interested in integrating hard light into their systems similarly to Echo, but they'd only consider it after actually meeting Echo. They'd be far more interested in biolight as a venue for omnic advancement though. Mainly because it's a synthesis of life and tech and they love that for him.
They used to want to be human or more human so bad, but the more they live in this world, the more they see that they don't want to be human. All they wanted was to be treated fairly and to experience the world as fully as a human could. They want less and less to be human or omnic the more they spend no longer linked to their former owner. They just want to be and they want to live, and they want to advance.
Najma actually works on developing tactile sensation for over their entire body, specifically in the artificial musculature, like they have in their finger tip sensors. It takes a bit to get used to.
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bluelockednyx · 2 years
i read your metapost #3 (its super fun btw) and came across this line: the author has a secret favorite (aka Rin), so im curious that are there other moments you noticed in the story that either subtly or clearly support this? And does the author also have other secret favorites?
*shoves you Nagi and Reo's entire relationship and Episode Nagi* if how much screen time these two get, to the point where we have a whole spinoff that's just to show off their relationship, doesn't convince you that they are Kaneshiro-sensei's favourite ship, I don't know what else will. It's not secret. It's not subtle. He's said that Nagi's his favourite in extra materials. Fans actively complain about how much the main series is dedicated to telling their story at the expense of the main plotline of Isagi's rise to be the best striker in the world (Manshine City arc fatigue, anyone). I personally find their individual character arcs, as well as their relationship, an interesting exploration of the story's themes, though the execution... leaves some stuff to be desired.
I say that Rin is likely Kaneshiro-sensei’s secret fave for a couple of reasons, which I'll stick under the cut.
The most glaring one, imo, is the constant variety of nicknames he has compared to the other characters. Like. Why. Why are you giving us so. Many. Nicknames. of this character unless you personally think that it’s fun and cute?? That you think this character is cute?? And that you want your readers to see him that way after he's stopped being an obstacle for Isagi in the 2nd Selection Arc??? And the emphasis on his bottom lashes... like...... character design to make your cast stand out from each other is natural of course, and you do want to make your characters stand out too, from the saturated animanga industry, but bottom lashes is????? I have a load of questions about why, bottom lashes specifically, for your stereotypical shonen 2nd mc, of a sports manga no less (ignoring the fangirl/fujoshi brigade to net them sweet cash), but in light of the next point...
Although Rin is the deuteragonist and thus far most important rival of the series to Isagi, the way he’s been framed and set up since his introduction, plus their relationship build up, comes much, much closer to being read as Isagi’s romantic interest than anyone else in the whole series. I talk about this in the final part of the meta. Skip right to the narrative motifs section if you don't want to read the whole thing. It's a pretty brief, but imo nice contrast of Isagi's relationships with the other major cast and his relationship with Rin. Also, chapter 110. Kindly read the Rin at the leg extension machine scene and keep in mind that in the guide book, Isagi's fetish is thighs. Look at the panels and how he's drawn. Yeah. You can argue that it's also for fan service, but the way it's done is more... subtly erotic, compared to say, the time Isagi-Nagi-Barou met Kunigami-Chigiri-Reo in the baths, which was a straight up fan service chapter wrapped under the guise of moving the plot along. The other more suspicious scene is when Isagi thinks that when he defeats Rin, that's when he's ready to be playing at world level. And. Of all the things that Rin could have been doing while Isagi's having this monologue. Kaneshiro-sensei shows him lacing up his shoes. With the lace. In his mouth. Again. Why??? It's weird. Who the heck laces their shoes while nomming a lace in their mouth. W H O.
Rin also has one of the more impactful and better developed/positioned character backstories in relation to the story's main themes, even if you don't take into account the extra materials like the light novels and character guide book. His backstory is fuller and richer than the rest, with a more complete timeline from his youth till now, and given the tie-in and connection to Sae, who appeared so very early on in the series, there's definitely more that Kaneshiro-sensei has planned for us to see where Rin's concerned, especially since he is so drastically important to Isagi's growth, and thus far, seems to be the symbol of victory in Isagi's mind.
Also, he's been consistently winning the character popularity polls too, there's no way he's going to be dropped out of the story when he's a money maker and a fan favourite
TLDR; why make him seem cute when you didn't need to by giving him a ton of nicknames emphasizing his bottom lashes, why frame him like a romantic interest with those motifs of eye and heart and parabole when he's supposed to be the rival/boss of arc/villain, why have him and Isagi choose each other, their character arcs practically tied into showing that choosing each other is right for them, why subtly sexualise him so often (why sexualise him at all in the main story when your core audience should be dudebros), why make him so important to Isagi's development that he's turned into some insane combination of rival, love interest and mid-to-final boss for the series (not that I'm complaining).
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dataskillhub · 10 days
Data Skill Hub: Your Gateway to Mastering Data Analytics in Pune
Introduction to Data Analytics and Its Growing Importance
Businesses & organizations rely lengthily on data in today's data-driven world in order to expect trends, make well-informed decisions, & rally operations. Professionals in many different areas now necessitate proficiency with data analytics, from marketing & technology to finance and healthcare. In the highly inexpensive job market, active individuals stand out for their ability to evaluate complicated data sets, excerpt insightful information, & present it in impassive way.
It's wise decision to participate in data analytics course in Pune if you want to rally your job prospects or change into the data analytics industry. Pune, bustling centre of education, offers wealth of chances for education & career advancement in the data analytics sector. As one of top locations for prospective data analysts among various institutions as long as training in data analytics, Data Skill Hub stands out.
Why Choose Data Skill Hub for Your Data Analytics Course in Pune?
One of Pune's top educational institutions, Data Skill Hub is committed to offering top-notch instruction in data analytics and associated subjects. The following are strong arguments in favor of selecting Data Skill Hub for your Pune data analytics course:
Extensive Curriculum: Data Skill Hub delivers thorough, well-organized curriculum that addresses every facet of data analytics. The goal of the course is to deliver you the tools you need to succeed in the field, from fundamentals of data collecting and cleaning to classy methods in data meditation & machine learning.
Skilled Faculty: With years of experience in data analytics, the instructors at Data Skill Hub are professionals in the field. They ensure that you obtain practical, hands-on training that goes beyond theoretical principles by bringing real-world expertise and insights into the classroom.
Practical Knowledge: Since data analytics is real-world talent, Data talent Hub places strong emphasis on practical knowledge gained from projects, case studies, and real-world datasets. This method guarantees that you will acquire real-world experience and self-assurance while using data analytics approaches to resolve issues in the actual world.
Cutting Edge Facilities: The state-of-the-art possessions & facilities available at Data Skill Hub are crucial for mastering data analytics. With access to general datasets & cutting-edge software, you'll have all you need to improve your abilities.
Flexible Learning alternatives: Data Skill Hub delivers weekend & evening programs in addition to elastic learning replacements since it classifies needs of both students & working professionals. You may manage your studies with your obligations to your family, career, & profession thanks to this elasticity.
Placement Support: Data Skill Hub is able to offer placement support to its students because of its robust industry relationships. Data Skill Hub offers aid with job placement, interview preparation, and resume development with the purpose of helping you reach your career goals.
Reasonably priced: A top-notch education doesn't have to cost fortune. Data Skill Hub makes its data analytics course in Pune available to broad spectrum of specialists & students by charging sensible & inexpensive costs.
Understanding the Data Analytics Course at Data Skill Hub
Both novices and seasoned experts can benefit from Data Skill Hub's data analytics course in Pune. This course offers something to offer everyone, regardless of whether you want to advance your current abilities or launch a new career in data analytics.
Course Structure and Modules
The course is broken up into multiple sections, each of which focuses on a different facet of data analytics. Here is a quick rundown of what to anticipate:
Overview of Data Analytics: This module covers the fundamentals of data analytics, including data sources, data kinds, and the data analytics method. You will discover the applications of data analytics across multiple industries and their significance for decision-making.
Data Gathering and Preparation: Vital phases in the data analytics process are gathering and preparing data. You will learn how to get data from multiple sources, clean and prepare it before analyzing it in this module. You'll discover how to deal with data transformation, outliers, and missing data.
Statistical Analysis: Data analysis requires an understanding of statistics. This curriculum covers a variety of topics, including probability distributions, hypothesis testing, and descriptive and inferential statistics. These ideas will assist you in interpreting data and coming to insightful conclusions.
Data visualization: When it comes to sharing insights, data visualization is a very effective technique. The concepts of data visualization are covered in this session, which also teaches you how to use programs like Tableau, Power BI, and Excel to build powerful charts, graphs, and dashboards.
This advanced lesson provides an introduction to the concepts of predictive analytics and machine learning. You'll discover how to use methods like decision trees, regression, classification, and clustering to create and assess prediction models. Popular machine learning algorithms and their uses are also covered in this lesson.
Big Data and Data Mining: Knowing how to use big data and data mining techniques is crucial as the amount of data keeps growing. Big data, data storage, and data mining techniques—such as pattern recognition, anomaly detection, and association rules—are all covered in this topic.
Capstone Project: The course ends in a capstone project in which you solve a real-world problem using the knowledge and abilities you've acquired. This project gives you the chance to demonstrate your skills and add a worthwhile project to your portfolio.
Data Analytics Classes in Pune at Data Skill Hub
Flexible data analytics classes in Pune are provided by Data Skill Hub, catering to the various demands of students. Depending on your schedule and preferred method of learning, Data Skill Hub offers both online and in-person classes.
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In-Person Instruction: Data Skill Hub provides in-person instruction at their cutting-edge campus in Pune if you learn best in a traditional classroom setting. These courses offer an interactive learning environment where you may interact with both teachers and other students.
Online Courses: Data Skill Hub provides online classes that offer the same excellent training as in-person classes, for people who prefer the flexibility of learning from home. Your learning process will be smooth because you'll have access to online materials, lectures that have been recorded, and live sessions.
Weekend and Evening programs: Data Skill Hub provides weekend and evening programs in recognition of the hectic schedules of many professionals and students. Because of this flexibility, you can continue with your Data Analytics Course in Pune without interfering with your personal or professional life.
Data Skill Hub also provides a mixed learning option that combines the advantages of online and in-person instruction. With this method, you can complete some classes online and attend others on campus, making for a convenient and well-rounded educational experience.
Career Opportunities After Completing the Data Analytics Course
After the completion of Data Analytics Course in Pune at Data Skill Hub, one can pursue numerous career options across multiple industries. Businesses are becoming more and more dependent on data to inform their decisions, which is driving up demand for qualified data analysts. Following completion of the course, you can pursue the following career paths:
Data Analyst: To assist corporations in making wise decisions, it will be your duty as a data analyst to gather, examine, and interpret data. There is a great demand for this position in a number of sectors, including retail, healthcare, and finance.
Dorporate Analyst: Business analysts drive strategic initiatives, identify corporate needs, & suggest solutions using data analytics. Strong analytical abilities, business savvy, & excessive insight communication are basics for this position.
Data Scientist: To evaluate large, difficult data sets and create prediction models, data scientists employ statistical methods, machine learning, & advanced analytics. A solid experience in programming, statistics, and mathematics is ideal for this position.
Data Engineer: The planning, development, & upkeep of the substructure supporting data gathering, storing, & analysis falls within purview of data engineers. Proficiency in big data technologies, ETL procedures, & data construction is compulsory for this position.
Expert in Data Visualization: Specialists in data visualization concentrate on producing graphical descriptions of data to assist stakeholders in considerate patterns & detections. Strong knowledge of data visualization tools & techniques is important for this position.
Machine Learning Engineer: To mechanise procedures and generate predictions, machine learning engineers make & implement machine learning models. Ability in programming, algorithms, & data science is needed for this position.
Big Data Analyst: To find trends, patterns, & insights that might inform business choices, big data analysts examine huge datasets. Skill in data mining techniques & big data technology is needed for this post.
The instruction & assistance you require to follow these & other data analytics professions are accessible by Data Skill Hub. You will be in good position to find fulfilling career in sector thanks to their ties in business & placement aid.
Conclusion: Take the Next Step in Your Data Analytics Journey with Data Skill Hub
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The best place to start if you're serious about career in data analytics is Data Skill Hub. The top Data Analytics Course in Pune is given that by Data Skill Hub because to their common curriculum, well-informed instructors, practical teaching methods, & flexible class schedules. Data Skill Hub is ideal training for anyone looking to advance their skills, regardless of experience level. Don't pass up the chance to rally your professional prospects and become one of the many accomplished data analysts. Enroll in Data Analytics Course at Data Skill Hub in Pune now to start down the path to fruitful & satisfying career in data analytics
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