#Intelligent insights
ourjobagency · 10 months
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Microsoft, a pioneering tech giant, has been at the forefront of this transformation, consistently pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. One such innovation is Microsoft Fabric, a cutting-edge platform that harnesses the power of AI-enabled next-generation data analytics.
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dykealloy · 6 months
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thepersonalwords · 1 month
Life is a sweet sour adventure. When you want to go it becomes sweet, when you remain, it becomes sour
Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom
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supermarketcrush · 1 year
i don't want roman and mencken to fuck that would be crazy [kicks a rock loudly] [looks around] I SAID I DON'T WANT ROMAN AND MENCKEN TO FUCK THAT WOULD BE CRAZY
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palatinewolfsblog · 10 months
Isn't it ironic?
There are people who say:
The time has come.
Artificial intelligence is smarter than humans.
And I ask myself:
Which Humans?
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Being attracted to someone's way of thinking is a whole different level of attraction..
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indeedgoodman · 6 months
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sage-lights · 4 months
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i don’t think you guys understand, arasha lalani is SO special to me 🫶🫶🫶
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batjpeg · 15 days
no one wants 2 hear it but there is still v much like . a superiority complex among a wealth of tumblr users and you can see it v clearly in how they talk about people on the bus or how they interact with strangers on here - just in how they talk about the people they interact with in their day to day life in general. like yeah sorry. you are going to be lonely forever if you've written everyone off as shallow or disruptive or inconsiderate and refuse to look for positive attributes in the world and other people. while simultaneously thinking the sun shines out of your ass and yours alone. get down from your pedestal and talk to someone in the smoking area or in the line at a coffee shop and stop nitpicking people for very normal human behaviours, or accept your fate
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waitineedaname · 6 months
im experiencing scar induced madness again. I feel like people do not give him enough credit for being extremely poetic when he wants to be. sure he might seem stoic, but the dude busts out lines like this like it's nothing
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ourjobagency · 10 months
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Microsoft, a pioneering tech giant, has been at the forefront of this transformation, consistently pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. One such innovation is Microsoft Fabric, a cutting-edge platform that harnesses the power of AI-enabled next-generation data analytics.
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sunflowerdales · 26 days
Not to be autistic but people not answering a simple question with a simple answer is something that really irritates me lmao soz
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I know the quote “We don’t hurt little girls in Dorne” “Everywhere in the world they hurt little girls.” Is said so that it can be mirrored by Ellaria killing Myrcella but I think it definitely gives this interesting insight into oberyn’s character and his sort of. self-righteous ignorance to the reality of the world. 
Like we know oberyn is incredibly intelligent. But he’s also still a man, and a prince no less. So he comes from this place of privilege and confidence (since he sees dorne as superior to everywhere else in westeros) that he can say with confidence that children are not harmed in dorne when Cersei, albiet a cruel character but still a woman and a mother in her own right has to tell him that no, children, especially little girls are hurt and preyed upon every corner in the world because that’s just how the world is. 
And yes Dorne is leagues ahead of other places in talk of equality. Given that women can be warriors, rule the country, and (if i remember correctly) take their husbands to court for domestic violence charges. But to say that there is no pain or suffering there that young women face is incredibly ignorant and shows that his perspective is one that comes from a very different world than the ones that women must live in. 
I think it’s the same reason that Oberyn has never married. He gets the choice to push off marriage and travel the world with his lover, meanwhile a woman at his age would be well into her marriage with multiple children. Cersei for example, at the same age and social status is being forced to marry a second time, despite her power as the queen regent she cannot stop the process, even when she begs her father with tears in her eyes because she knows the reality of marriage for a woman, even at her status, is one that is quiet dark because her role as a wife isn’t one with much power or safety. 
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
“We trade trauma for wisdom…it deepens our eyes.”
Cole Sprouse
Listen to what he says about our culture of sensationalism at around the 24:20 mark and consider the damage that specific mentality of extremes has caused many innocent people in the entertainment industry via celebrity gossip news and social media.
It seems that few people these days are interested in knowing the human being behind the famous name; they want to know only about the paragons of virtue and the absolute monsters, so that’s what celebrity gossip gives them, with no room whatsoever for anything in between those two extremes.
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Listen also to what he says about custody with regard to his parents. Sometimes it’s the fathers who are better equipped mentally and emotionally to raise children.
Ignore this sensationalist headline, ignore the previous weird interview elsewhere in which he smokes a cigarette indoors, and all that sort of nonsense. Give Cole Sprouse a shot at convincing you that he’s one of the most insightful and thought-provoking people who’s ever sat down for a conversation with Steven Bartlett on Diary of a CEO.
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spelviin · 8 months
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1x06 vs 2x08
in other news, i am in agony
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roetrolls · 5 months
Mallum, you've technically known Ben even longer than Veylin, right? Is that weird for you?
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"I mean, fuck, I guess I have. Knowing him seems like a stretch though. He existed at most in my peripherals, and we never exchanged a single word before the night I got here and he knocked me on my ass."
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"I didn't even learn his name until he was, like. Literally a grown adult. Because no one ever fucking said it. On the off chance someone actually referenced his existence, he was just 'Mahkir's boy' or something close."
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"I guess it's... weird to know I saw him before he got out. It feels like a violation of some kind. Like, he didn't share that with me willingly. He didn't choose for me to see him in that state."
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"And. It feels... Gross. Knowing Kiyana and I played fucking tag in the same place he was being tortured."
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"But... I think it'd also be doing him a disservice to act like the bits of him I saw are any part of who he is. I never saw Benjin, y'know? Just Mahkir's boy. And that guy's just an idea."
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