#Is this what the kids call a kin list…
squeeb-art · 1 year
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This meme except I get to choose the characters to smash my art block. Fun game, tell me what you think what I’m like (for better or for worse) based on these guys.
Friend-endorsed: "I don't know nausicaa or roxy but the rest are very accurate i think"
#other friends had other variations of ' i don't know all ylthe source media but based on the ones i do know...yeah '#what on earth do these characters have in common? they are Just Like Me FR#what could i possibly be like in real life? confused.#Is this what the kids call a kin list…#httyd#gravity falls#homestuck#studio ghibli#mlp fim#bobs burgers#family members have compared me to like paul pfeiffer. alex dunphy. george michael bluth. politely disagree.#because usually the extent of the comparison is that the character is Book Smart (TM)#Or sweet and fumbly/anxious#even if there's not much else there#however they lose their minds when we watch Bob's Burgers because i am Very Tina in many ways#not the boy crazy thing at all#but vibeswise im tina all the way down just quite a bit more personable#which is flattering bc i love her#i identify with hiccup very much in a lot of ways but i lack the impulsivity. i have a dipper/twilight need to plan everything meticulously#i think deep in my soul i crave novelty but i also have Quite A Bit Anxiety Disorders#if you put stock in personality tests im infj and 9w1#idk that any of these guys are either of those. maybe with their strengths and weaknesses combined#you could distill Me#so anyway i guess i have this instead of carrd. this actually is all you need to know#oh actually tina is infp and 9w1 so very very close#nausicaa is enfj and 2w1 which is close as well#i always test extremely borderline almost 50/50 on thinking/feeling#abd like 60/40 introvert/extrovert#i LOVE people. love them. just not all at once#are mtbi and enneagram definitive measures of a person? no. are they fun? hell yes
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steventhusiast · 6 months
STWG daily prompt 3/12/23
prompt: "what the hell happened to you?"
pairing/character(s): steddie
Eddie hasn't heard from Steve for forty eight hours when the phone rings, and he jumps for it. He hopes (and maybe prays to the god he doesn't believe in) that it's Steve. That he just... Fell asleep when he got home from his shift at Scoops and that's why he didn't call when he got home two days ago. That he got distracted by the kids the next morning and that's why he didn't call Eddie one day ago.
"Hello?" He says into the phone, trying not to sound too frantic.
But as soon as he finds out who's calling, a rock settles in his stomach.
"This is Hawkins General Hospital, am I speaking with Wayne Munson?"
He's silent for a moment. Fuck. Something's happened to Steve. He debates lying, because Wayne left for work literally five minutes ago, and he needs to know what happened, and what if Steve's dead?-
"No. This is Eddie Munson, ma'am, Wayne just left for work. Is- Is everything okay?" He closes his eyes as he speaks, tips his head forward to lightly bang it against the wall of the trailer. Why didn't he just lie? Now they're never going to tell him.
"Alright, one moment.." The lady on the phone says, and Eddie hears some papers rustling and then a sigh, "Oh, Edward Munson?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"You're listed as another emergency contact, so I can tell you this as well." Eddie breathes out a sigh of relief, but feels tears start to well up as he imagines what she's about to say.
"This is in regards to Steven Harrington, who is alive and stable but quite badly injured. That's all I can say over the phone. Before he can be discharged, if his next of kin don't respond, we'll need to talk through patient care with you or Wayne Munson, alright?"
"Yes I- He can have visitors, right?" He's already looking frantically around the room to see where the keys to his van are.
"Yes. Visiting hours don't end for another two hours yet."
Eddie's never hung up a phone so fast.
When he finally gets to Steve's room (after an argument with the receptionist who was hesitant to give him the room number), he practically throws open the door in his haste, and is... Surprised at the amount of people in the room.
He's zeroed in on Steve before he properly registers them though. As soon as he processes the state of his boyfriend, everyone else in the room practically disappear from his mind.
"Oh, Stevie." He whispers, walking over to the bed.
Steve seems to be either asleep or passed out, and he looks.. Horrible. One eye is swollen shut, there's a bandage over his nose like it's broken, and his bottom lip is swollen with a (freshly stitched up) wound trailing down from it an inch or so. And that's just his face-- Eddie can't even see the rest of him right now.
"What the hell happened to you?" He mumbles to himself, hesitantly reaching out to rest a hand on Steve's forearm.
It's then that he's rudely reminded of the presence of others in the room.
"More like what the hell is Eddie Munson doing in Steve Harrington's hospital room?" A familiar voice asks, and he turns to see Robin Buckley sat at Steve's side. A little more turning around and he sees Dustin, who he recognises from pictures, and a little girl who can't be older than ten.
Robin looks confused and suspicious, and like she's about to interrogate him until she sees the genuine distress (and tears) in his eyes. She softens a little, and lets Eddie ask what he's been dying to ask for over forty eight hours now.
"Is he okay?" He sniffles harshly in attempt to get rid of the waver in his voice.
"He will be. Pretty bad concussion though, and- No, wait. Seriously, why are you here?"
Eddie's about to make something up, when Steve rouses with a groan. Everyone's quiet as he squints open his good eye and groans some more at the lights.
"Wha's- Wha's goin' on?" He slurs, and Eddie feels the tears return. Steve sounds as fucked up as he looks, and- shit, Robin said concussion? Steve's already had one too many of those.
"Hey, it's okay Stevie. You know where you are?" Eddie asks gently, opting to ignore everyone else once again if they're going to stay quiet.
"Eds?" Steve's face scrunches up in a way that looks painful, and he slowly looks over in Eddie's direction with eyes that are definitely too dilated.
Eddie starts rubbing his thumb back and forth where he's still gently resting a hand on Steve's forearm. He hopes it's comforting rather than adding to Steve's pain.
"Yeah, I'm here. I got you, sweetheart."
read part 2 here
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mactavsh · 2 years
Watching Over
Synopsis: Price tries to keep you awake while captured.
Relationships: Father Figure!Captain John Price x Female Reader, John “Soap” MacTavish x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of blood/injuries
Note: Debated posting this one because it is quite self serving, but maybe someone else needs their fictional father figure to tell them they're proud of them too. The title was inspired from this song.
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If it was an Intel mission that required a certain level of finesse, Laswell always knew who to send. You and Captain Price worked seamlessly after the many years of training he'd given you. He scouted you early on in your career quickly becoming a mentor in your eyes. He had also easily fallen into a paternal role, unbeknownst to him. 
However, Laswell knew how Price had a habit of adopting kids. As a joke, she kept a running list of his “next of kin”. It started with you and has grown over the years to include Gaz, Soap and Ghost. 
The mission required the two of you to go completely dark, Laswell was sending you to Mexico at the behest of Alejandro. You would both have to be in zero contact until the mission was complete. You both understood the gravity of the situation - there would be no backup.
You were given a month to track down an emerging cartel that was responsible for a rise in weapons trading. Los Vaqueros couldn’t yet make a move against them so Alejandro reached out to Laswell and Price for assistance. 
When you landed in Mexico you had a brief meeting with Alejandro and Rodolfo to learn what they knew. After that you and Captain Price set out to see what you could find. By then end of your first week you had figured out the names of the higher ups and the locations of a few meeting spots.
However, when you had gone to infiltrate the meeting, there were more men than expected. The two of you certainly made quite a dent in their numbers but were eventually overpowered. You had been knocked out by someone who snuck up behind you. Price heard you fall and was distracted just long enough for someone to sneak up behind him, subsequently knocking him out next.
When you woke up you were both chained to metal chairs. You were situated on opposite sides of the room but facing each other. The cold metal dug painfully into your ribs with every breath. There were no windows, no way to tell how long you had been there.
Hours blurred into days then weeks. The daily torture had worn the both of you down. They gave you just enough food to keep you alive and looking at how Price’s features had grown sunken in you assumed yours had as well. 
They had learned early on the dynamic between you two as much as you both tried to remain stoic, so they focused their torture on you hoping it would get Price to talk. What they didn't realize was that both Price and you would sooner die than tell them anything.
You were sure the check-in date Laswell had set had long since passed and you could only imagine the hell Soap, the 141, and Los Vaqueros were raising trying to find out what happened. 
Your captors had just left after another bout of torture trying to get information out of both of you. Bruises began blooming on Price’s bare chest, emerging blue and red tones mixed with already yellow spots. Your arms sported new deep gashes atop barely healed scar tissue. Blood slowly trickled down your arms as your chest heaved. Your mind was dizzy from the pain and it was taking everything in you to stay awake.
“Stay with me, kid.” Price spoke from the other side of the room voice even and calm as it always was.
“I refuse to die at the hands of some random fuckin’ cartel member.” Your voice was firm despite the exhaustion you felt.
“That's my girl.” Price's chest swelled with pride that turned to worry as your head lolled downward. “Tell me about why you joined.”
You groaned and slowly brought your head back up to squint over at him. “Haven't I already?”
“You like to call me an old man.” He smirked, ”I forgot, tell me again.”
You huffed, if your brain wasn’t so foggy you would have immediately realized it was a tactic to keep you awake. “My dad served, his dad served, felt like I had to keep the legacy going. My grandfather also said I’d never outrank him so I had to prove him wrong.”
“That why you’re my youngest Staff Sergeant?”
“You bet your ass it is.”
Price forced out a laugh. “Out of spite, eh?“
“It’s how I do most things.”
“He still around? Your grandfather?”
“Passed a year or so after I was promoted.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
You shrugged as best you could with the chains restricting your movement. “He lived a long happy life.” Price didn’t press further about your family, he knew your parents were also passed and you didn’t have any siblings. The 141 had become your found family and he was happy that you were no longer alone. 
“You remember the day we met?” Price pressed, trying to keep you awake.
“Yeah,” You breathed out, exhaustion dancing in the corner of your eyes. “you called me a muppet.”
Price smiled recalling the day. “You looked bloody ridiculous under all that gear. Five feet tall wearing gear in Ghost’s size.”
“My CO did it on purpose when we got word you were coming to scout recruits for some secret spy shit. He wanted his golden boy to be picked.”
“Bastard's plan failed. When I saw you running the course like that I knew you were the best for the job.”
You looked down at your feet, you weren’t sure you could ever put into words how thankful you were for all he's done for you. “Thank you, for choosing me. You pulled me out of a dark place that day though I didn't see it at the time.”
“You’ve got nothing to thank me for. Hell, you’ve saved my life more times than I can count. I’m proud of you, Y/n. You’re a whole lot more than you give yourself credit for.”
You weren’t sure if it was the praise or the blood loss but tears began to well in your eyes and you were powerless to stop them.
“When we get out of here we are going on leave.” The Captain’s voice was firm, an unofficial order.
“That so? Don’t think my husband would let me go on holiday with another man.” You joked half-heartedly, the day you told Price you were officially dating Soap he had called the sergeant into his office. An hour passed before you saw either of them again and for a week after that Soap could barely make eye contact with the captain. When you and Soap had gotten married it was Price who walked you down the aisle. 
Price rolled his eyes. “All of us. Been too long since we had a day we weren’t fighting for our lives.”
“Would be nice.”
“Thinkin' a lakeside cabin deep in the woods. I’m going to teach everyone how to fish-” Just then the sounds of distant explosions rocked the room you were in. Concrete dust fell into your lap and you stared at it for a moment.
“I hope that's our favorite demolitions expert.” You spoke as you looked back up at Price.
“Wonder how they found this shithole.”
“Alejandro?” You proposed as another explosion sounded, this time closer.
“Maybe. These idiots probably got cocky and sent some bloody ridiculous ransom note to Los Vaqueros.” 
The sound of gunshots grew near, gradually getting louder until they stopped altogether. Price looked at you then you both looked at the door. What felt like an eternity passed until the door was broken open. A familiar masked face entered, gun at the ready until his eyes settled on the room’s occupants.
“Bloody hell,” Ghost said as he dropped his weapon and pressed the button on his communication device. “I’ve got Price and Y/n. Second-floor northwest corner.” He grabbed the bolt cutters off his back and moved towards you, quickly snapping the chains that were holding you in place. He put a hand on your shoulder and you grabbed his forearm, both gently squeezing the other before letting go, a silent reassurance. He then stood and moved toward Price to free him.
You stayed seated and rubbed your wrists, you knew if you stood now the blood loss would likely make you pass out. The sounds of footsteps in the hallway made your body tense before Soap’s frantic form stepped through the doorway.
“Thank fuckin’ Christ.” Soap spoke as he ran toward you. He kneeled in front of you, gently placing his gloved hands on either side of your face. He rubbed his thumb along your cheek, careful of the small cut there. “You alright, love?”
You stared into his eyes for a moment, basking in the blueness that had come to feel like home. A tired smile crossed your face as you leaned into the gentle touch. “Better now.”
Soap smiled back and you and then slowly helped you stand. He kept a gentle hold on your arm as you regained your equilibrium. After you were sure you weren't going to pass out you walked over to Price, immediately wrapping your arms around him.
“We made it, old man.” You spoke into his chest.
Price placed his chin on your head and gently rubbed his hand along your back. “Knew we would, kiddo.” 
“Should I be jealous?” Soap whispered jokingly to Ghost as they watched the exchange.
“Shut the fuck up, Soap.” Ghost rolled his eyes before swatting the back of Soap’s mohawk.
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ultralightpoe · 2 years
Kin of Mine - Aemond Targaryen
Authors Note: This is a series following blood of my blood, following Aemond through parenthood 
Warnings: smut, kid on kid violence, maiming 
Word Count: 2603
Description: Aemond has his family, now he must keep them safe 
next part: Kin of Sorrow
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              The challenge to Aemonds heir came as no surprise to him, it was bound to happen eventually. 
              Standing to the right of the throne room, once again looking up to his father in a patient wait for him to choose a side. This time, instead of coming here by himself, you stood behind him. Heavily pregnant and holding the hand of your son Caspian. 
            Aemond tried not to be irritated at you having to be here, even when the doctor demanded you rest due to an injury regarding you slipping off vhagar whilst 8 months pregnant. You should be in your chambers, laying in your bed and not stressing the child any more than needed. 
            He could not survive another chance of losing you or your next babe. 
             To his left, also facing the throne, was the challenger. Your deceased husband's pudgy little brother, who had taken the role of lord of his land, came to King's Landing to challenge the fact that Aemond named Caspian his heir. 
               He came to take Caspian as a ward. He came to take Caspian away from Aemond and you. A threat Aemond would not let pass kindly. 
             “When my dearest brother was murdered in cold blood here at the castle-” The stout man argues. “We awaited Lady Y/n return with my brother's son. As is expectation and tradition. She would have been given a room to stay in as Caspian became my ward. It is his legacy. Instead I am told she married the young prince and he named Caspian as his heir.”
               “May I remind you, Lord Fervor, that your brother attacked the prince in the training yard. Multiple witnesses saw it. It was an act of defense.” Alicent argues, voice calm as she looks to the man. 
               Aemond hadn’t spoken to his mother since he married you on Dragonstone. He had sworn his sword to Rhaenyra and he intended to keep you safe. His half sister stood beside you today with the rest of her family, including her bastard sons. 
              “It went to trial Lord Fervor.” Rhaenyra agrees, nodding her head softly and rubbing your arm as Aemond looks to her for a split second. He gives you a small smile which you turn your nose up to.
               Shit, he was still in trouble with you. That he would have to fix. If Aemond had to sleep on the couch one more time he would go nuts. 
             “It is still wrong. Caspian is a-”
              “Caspian is Lady Y/n's son. And we will not drag the boy away from his mother.” The hand of the king snipes, looking to his grandson with a dignified raise of brow. “In most cases the mother would go back but in this case Aemond married her to amend his mistake”
             Bile rises in his throat at that. He had married you because he loved you, and here they were talking about you like you were a piece of meat.
“It does not make sense for him to name Caspian as his heir.” The man's voice was raising now, taking a step towards the throne. “A Targaryen heir without a dragon is-”
             “He has a dragon.” Aemond snaps, fueled on by the soft whispers of his son behind him, just learning to talk. “Upon my marriage to Lady Y/n I gifted her son with a dragon egg. Targaryen tradition.”
             “A dragon gifted to someone without any Targaryen blood. You really expect me to believe that?!” 
              “To what are you implying?” Aemond stepped towards him, standing a little straighter.
                “Your involvement in that boys life is intriguing.” He seethes, hand flying to his sword laid at his waist. “One might say that-”
              “LORD FERVOR I RECOMMEND YOU BITE YOUR TONGUE!” His father calls across the room, guards all moving in from all sides. 
           “Say it.” Aemond urges, jaw clenched as he takes another step forward. “Say. It.”
             “SHE IS A WHORE AND THAT THING IS YOUR BASTARD-” Aemond didn’t aim for the neck, or the abdomen. No, this time he swung his sword right down the mans head. 
           Blood splattered over him as everyone gasped, Caspian screaming and crying in the background.  
             He doesn’t waste a second on the body, moving to turn to his wife and son. He finds them held together, your arms around him as you cradle his head. 
           Shame and dread fills his body as he moves towards you both, placing his hand on your upper back just as he always does when he wishes to lead you away. You follow his silent order, walking out of the throne room with Caspian in your arms sobbing. 
          You do your best as quieting the boy but Aemond softly grabs him from you before you stress yourself out. He quiets down as he reaches for his fathers eyepatch, once again desperate to see the gem underneath. 
             “I must go see Halaena after that.” You state, turning to stomp off. 
            “Nuh uh.” He’s quick to snatch your elbow and spin you back gently, giving you his best glare. “How much longer?”
             “I have no clue how long I will be.” He hated when you played foolish, hated it because you were cunning enough to avoid his actual question. 
              Reaching a hand up to rub at your jaw comfortingly and bring your forehead to his. “I meant how much longer will you be mad with me, little bird?”
           “Five more days.” You jest, leaning into his touch as Caspian touches his own forehead against your cheeks in an attempt to join the love. 
          “What may I do to reduce my punishment?” 
             “Maybe we shall figure it out tonight.” You tease, kissing his lips softly. When you pull away Aemond follows, desperately, but you place your finger on his lips to push him back softly. “Do not let that thing hurt our son.”
            “Do not let Haleana eat you.” He smiles, watching you waddle away before taking Caspian to the dragonpit.
              He keeps one hand on Caspians stomach, keeping the boy to his chest as he stays crouched down to hold both their hands out to the blue dragon babe in front of them. 
              He has done this every afternoon with Caspian and his dragon, Vhagar sitting not far behind them watching tiredly. He moves Caspian closer, inch by inch. “Closer now, closer…..closer.”
              Caspian giggles as his small hand finally touches the dragon's snout, a low hum coming from the dragon at the movement. “There it is. Say hello to it now Cas-”
             They work like this for hours, teaching the young boy words he needs to learn while bonding the dragon and the boy. 
              Aemonds attention drags to Vhagar who began stirring around. “Easy now Vhagar.”
            He pulls Caspian up into his arms and goes to Vhagar, rubbing her snout. “What’s going in-”
            “Prince Aemond!” A maid calls, running into the pit. “Your wife…..the labor has begun.” 
             Aemond is tearing through the halls in a second. He hears your screams down the hall, handing Cas off to the awaiting arms of a handmaiden before fixing himself up and moving to enter the room. 
            “My prince, you shouldn’t.” A young maid stops him at the door. “My lady isn’t in a decent manner-”
              “Fuck off.” He sneers and pushes past her to enter. You were panting on the bed, his mothers hand gripped in your own as Rhaenyra rubs a warm washcloth on your forehead. 
           “Mother-” All their heads snap to his voice, his mother standing tall and letting go of your hand. 
              “Aemond, you should not be here. It is indecent.” She snaps but he once again shoves past the argument to grip your hand. 
             “How are you feeling, little bird?” He whispers, pushing the hair out of your face as your grip tightens, a painful moan coming out of your mouth in an answer. “Ah, I see. My princess is giving you a fight….”
              You crack a smile at the jest, tugging his hand closer to your chest to hold onto like a pillow. 
               3 hours later Aemond is sitting with you on the bed, a small bundle in your arms as he looks down upon both of you in quiet contempt. 
            “Rhaenyra.” You whisper and Aemond turns to see where his half sister had gone. “No. Look Aemond. Rhaenyra.”
               He understands when you rub the baby's nose very gently, tears filling his eyes as he kisses your temple. “I’m so proud of you.”
Aemond hated his daughter. 
             Hated her in the fact that she absolutely enjoyed scaring the life out of him every single chance she could get. 
              Rhaenyra is five now, her white hair braided out of her face as she glares at him in the dragon pit. “Rhaenrya. BACK. DOWN.”
              His voice echoes around the pit, watching as his daughter stomps her booted foot in the mud, shaking her head. “If I have to say it one more time then you are banned from the dragonpit for another week.”
            He would never, even the thought of keeping one of his children from their dragon has his gut churning. He would never want them to feel that pain. 
          “Mom says-”
              “Your mother is not here and she was discussing your history lessons when she said hands-on learning is important. I have told you time and time again not to rush the dragon.” He snaps, pulling her close to his side again. “Your brother's dragon is far too large for you to be pushing like that. Do that again and you will be in severe trouble. Do you understand  baby bird?”
           She doesn’t answer, instead swing her braid and storms off, leaving her father kneeling in the mud watching her disappear with a grunt of disapproval. 
           “Where is Rhany going?” Caspian calls, running forward to stand by his father. 
            “Home.” Aemond sighs, standing to bring his son back to where his dragon sat. “Now show me what you’ve been practicing.”
               Vhagar flew straight up into the sky, dragging a scream from your lips as Aemond laughs, feeling free. 
                These were some of his favorite moments with you. His thighs pressed against yours, your back firmly pressed against his chest and your ass rubbing against him perfectly.
            “Are you going to take back your mean words?” He asks into your ear, arms wrapped around you to keep hold of Vhagars reigns.
              “Aemond Targaryen if you do not ease your dragon this instant-” He grabs your neck then, pulling your face back to look at him. 
            “Say the magic words then little bird.” 
                “FINE! YOU’RE THE BEST FUCK IN WESTOROS!” You scream as Vhagar keepings going, Aemond laughing as he calls for her to smooth out. “You utter child.”
               “Easy now, wife.” He says lowly, slipping a hand from the reins to start dragging your dress further up your thigh and touch your center. “I’m just having some fun...”
              A soft moan falls from you as your head falls back into his shoulder. “Aemond…..Aemond this is dangerous.”
             “Just give in….. Give me what I want little bird.” He whispers, fingers sinking into you in a quick pace. “You can do that, you can give me what I want, can’t you?”
            “No.” You moan, trying to stop his wrist. “You can barely tame the first Two. I am not giving you another.”
             “Just one more. Another Targaryen, please.” He nips at your ear while his fingers thrust up.  “Just give in. You know you’ll let me-”
                “I will never fuck you again if it means we don’t risk another child. Do you hear me Aem-”
               “-OND FUCK!” You scream, head hitting the wall of the dragon pit as your arms wrap tighter around him, his thrusts harsh and heavy. Your nails are digging into his tunic, clawing to get to his skin as the sound of skin slapping fills the air. 
               “This is all I fucking want-” He grunts out, the hand placed in your hair fisting and tugging back until your moaning from the pain. “All you have to do….fuck…. Is let me fuck you full until you’re carrying again.”
            “People could walk in!” You gasp out, head hitting the wall of the small dragon stable currently empty, dragging him closer. 
            “Then I suggest you cum birdy.” He mutters slowly, speeding up with a vengeful look.
           Caspian Targaryen, first of the name, was a fearful creature. 
            He had a dragon, an intensely protective father, a younger sister with a crazed madman look, and a cunning mother. But he also had the bastard title. 
              It was never proven, and it would never be fully proven. But everyone knew, the eyes were the ones that gave it away. He had his sisters eyes, his fathers eyes……Targaryen eyes. 
              The boy often had vivid dreams of his fathers eyes, having been so interested in them growing up it was only fair he admire the way his father carried himself, knowing that he was insecure about it. 
               The only times Caspian saw his father without his patch were near his mother, you refused to kiss the man with that thing on, claiming it ruins the rugged effect. How dare he even try to snag a kiss before removing that ugly piece of leather.
                  His father would shake his head and pretend to be mad, but the way he stood a little taller and smiled a little larger told Caspian that this little family his father had made were the few people who didn’t target the eye or treat him as a monster.
                 So Caspian took after his father’s example and refused to back down as the bastard rumors spread. But that was easier said then done.
              His cousin, Jaeherys, was a cruel individual. He seemed to have it out for the boy as long as Caspian could remember. 
              They were all forced to train together, just as his father had trained with his cousins growing up, a way to keep the family close. But Jaeherys was using the time to attack his cousins. 
                 It had been a rough day in the training yard, and Caspian had not only thrown Jaeherys to the ground but had accidentally kneed him quite hard. Once Sir Criston dismissed everyone Caspian knew his cousin was going in for the kill. 
                “What’s the rush dear cousin?” Jaeherys calls, picking up a dagger from one of the tables. “Are you rushing off to your mommy and sweet little sister?”
             Caspian doesn’t give him an answer, instead he speeds up, not liking the dark. But two of his cousin's goonies snatch both his arms and force him to his knees in a struggle. 
              “You know…. Our grandmother had a brilliant idea the other day.” His cousin starts, coming to stand in front of the boy. “Once they put my father on the throne they are going to marry me off to your baby sister. A way to keep the alliance with your fucking traitor of a father-”
                “BACK OFF-” Caspian struggles, panicking in the hold of the two boys. 
               “You think your baby sister would like me fucking her?” His cousin laughs before showing the knife. “It’s disgusting that I have to train alongside you, nothing but an unwanted bastard you are.”
           “Fuck. You.” There was bile rising in his throat, he was going to be sick. But what would that matter, in a moment he would be dead.
            “I have an idea, lets make you look more like your father….. That way no one confuses you again.” He laughs and brings the knife high up into the air, bringing it back down as a large cry of pain fills the yard. 
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ateriblewriter · 1 year
An Uncle Trevor Night
Baby Ducky AU
singledad!Jamie. Uncle!Trevor, Nanny!reader.
Intros coming soon
Baby Ducky AU Masterlist
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You sat at the table watching Kinsley playing, waiting for Jamie or Trevor to get home. They promised one of them would be there soon, but you were getting impatient. Despite living the thrown together family as the nanny to the adorable Kinsley Jo, you still had a life outside of work. One that you were currently running late for at the moment.
“Oh shoot.” Trevor’s eyes went wide when he walked through the front door of the modest place they were living in. He had completely forgot that he was supposed to take your place in watching Kinsley for the night. “I’m sorry. Jamie won’t be back for a while but I’ve got her, so you go, have fun.”
“Thank you, Z. She still needs eat dinner, it’s bath night and then she needs to actually get to bed tonight.” You looked towards Trevor giving him the rundown of what still needed to be done.
“Dinner, bath, bed got it.” Trevor shooed you out, reciting the list quietly to himself again so he didn’t forget. “ You go. Say hi to Y/bff/N I said hi.”
“It’s actually a date. But I’ll let her know next time I see her” You ran to grab your bag from your room and dashing out the door. “Bye Z, bye Kins.”
“Hey kid, what are we eating for dinner tonight?” Trevor looked at the dark haired child.
“No, Unca Mama. I not hungry.” She told him as she continued to have a little tea party with her favorite stuffed animals, Nana the banana duck that Mason had given her for her birthday and Sheldon the shrimp .
“I call bull.” Trevor threw his head back in slight frustration before sinking to her level. “We have pizza or tacos. Or I can make you a jelly and cheese. Those are your options.”
“No.” Kinsley crossed her arms, and stomped her foot. She adamant on getting what she wanted and if she was stubborn enough, she knew Uncle Mama would give into her demands. “I want waffles.”
“Waffles are not an option kid. In fact we don’t have any.” Trevor sifted through the items in that were in the fridge, making note someone would have to make a trip to the store soon.
“No! Miss Y/N make them.”
“Well I’m not Miss Y/N and I don’t know how to make them.” He made the decision for the child, grabbing the ingredients for to make jelly and cheese sandwiches. As he suspected she was hungry and ate every bite of the sandwich and fruit he gave her. She even tried sharing it with her stuffies.
“Bath time Ducky.” Trevor went over to collect the child. He had let her continue playing for a bit while he cleaned up from dinner. Tonight was bath night
“No.” Kinsley continued to playing with her all her stuffies that were laid out in front of her.
“Kins, it’s just a bath. You like baths. You can have a pool party with your barbies or you can bring your animals in there.”
“No!” Kinsley screamed, testing the waters once again.
“Kinsley Jo, don’t scream at me.” Trevor always felt bad about scolding the child. She wasn’t his despite what some people might think and he felt like it wasn’t his place to do so. “Come on. It’ll be fun.”
Kins just looked at her uncle this time. Instead of saying anything she just got up and ran down a hallway.
After her bath, in which he ended up getting wet as well because the child decided to pour a cup of water, Trevor could tell the hellion child was tired and would soon go to bed and he could finally have a little peace and quiet after a long day.
“Let’s get on some fuzzy pajamas on. We can read some of the new books you got front the library.” Trevor laid out the plan for her. “Sound good?” He dried off Kinsley after her bath.
“NO!” She ran out into the hall again, a second kick of energy must have kicked in, this was going to be a long night for Trevor until Jamie came back.
Trevor groaned, running after the baby duck again. He managed to wrangle her in and get her ready for bed. They read five books books before the kid started yawning and snuggling close to Trevor.
“I miss daddy.”
“I know. But he’ll be back by the time you wake up tomorrow. How does that sound?” The little girl nodded.
“I love you uncle Trevor.” Kinsley engulfed Trevor in a big hug.
“I love you too, baby duck.” Some days he questioned himself why he stuck around to help Jamie with Kinsley. But moments like this made it all worth it and he wouldn’t have traded it for the world.
Please let me know what you think! Also if anyone has any suggestion for shenanigans for this weird family let me know! 
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
marriage of convenience and hair brushing/braiding for rexwalker, if you feel up to it?
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
This ask meme is from over a year ago. Please don't send new prompts.
52. Marriage of Convenience 94. Hair Brushing/Braiding 
Is it bad that my first thought is actually inspired by the Ob*kin fic Their fragrance came from you? There's a whole thing about Tatooine marriage braids that my mind immediately jumps to lmao
I think... let's say modern AU. Anakin is a single dad, has been for a few years. Padme died in childbirth, and while her will was made out in favor of Anakin and the kids, the executor of her will was her lawyer-mentor, Palpatine, who couldn't touch the trust funds set up for the twins (which are very large, and will become available when they turn 25, but can only be accessed for education costs before then), but did manage to somehow take almost all the liquid assets left for Anakin in bogus fees.
Anakin's still got the house, but as time passes, he's having more and more trouble with paying the property taxes. He's still managing, but the money Padme left for him is slowly dwindling, and the kids are going to start costing more as they get older, and he's already got Ahsoka living with him (she helps out with the kids so he can work, coding from home, since he's paying for her college tuition; she doesn't have to pay rent since she's a commuter student, and she's got a partial scholarship, but that's still a few thousand a year coming out of Anakin's pocket to put his little sister through underrad). Obi-Wan offered to help, but Obi-Wan lives on the other side of town and even tenured professors don't earn that much, compared to Coruscant's standard cost of living, especially since Obi-Wan adopted recently, a little girl called Reva, and--
Anakin's struggling financially, basically, which isn't a new circumstance, but he really doesn't want to lose Padme's house. Worst comes to worst, he can probably sell it back to Sola so it stays in the Naberrie family, and she'll let him keep living there, but... that's not a sure bet. The Naberries are comfortably wealthy, but it's still an entire house.
Rex, a college friend of Anakin's that went to the same aerospace program, comes back to town. He was on a military tour overseas, but got honorably discharged due to a head injury. Anakin offers to let hm sleep in the guest room, since Padme's house (it's still Padme's, in Anakin's mind), is a lot bigger than Cody's apartment, even if there are toddlers at large. Rex initially promises that he'll only stay long enough to find an apartment of his own, except he overhears Anakin on the phone with Obi-Wan about the finance stuff one day, and reaches out to a few people who have been in town more consistently for a better idea of what's going on without getting too deep into Anakin's business.
Rex manages to get a job locally; there's an airfield for hobbyists a few miles out of town, and the place is looking to hire a new engineer on staff to do repairs and checks on the small planes they keep on site. He starts making noises about moving out, and then, 'subtly,' suggests he just stay at Anakin's place and pay rent.
Anakin does not like the idea of Rex paying rent; friends don't do that! Anakin isn't going to make Rex pay rent in Anakin's home.
They don't talk about it for a few days, and then there's... IDK a night 'off,' where Obi-Wan or Sola or Aayla or Beru takes the twins for an evening, and Ahsoka goes out with friends, so Anakin can take some time off from being a Dad and just Relax.
He and Rex break out the wine, get tipsy not truly drunk, and Rex pokes at the 'just stay here' option again. The house is closer to the airfield than most apartments, and Rex can help take some of the weight off of Anakin and Ahsoka's shoulders with regards to childcare! Even if Anakin won't accept him paying rent!
Anakin argues this. Anakin's kids aren't Rex's responsibility, and Anakin doesn't need his charity (which is, of course, how he views Rex's suggestion). They go back and forth on the topic a few times, and then Rex throws out something about getting married 'for lower taxes' and 'it's not rent if it's my house too, right?' and it's. It's a joke.
Except they're both still thinking about it the next morning, with faint (but not faint enough) memories of a tipsy kiss before bed, and--
Months pass with the two of them circling around each other and Rex never quite moves out, and tax season rolls around, and Anakin is stretched so thin, even with all the cuts for children and covering a dependent's tuition and so on.
Rex quietly floats the idea of a convenience marriage again. It doesn't have to mean anything, if Anakin doesn't want it to. It's not an insult to Padme's memory, just a way of keeping her children in the house she chose for them. And it's not charity, because Rex will get tax cuts too, and better health insurance once Anakin can put him on the family plan he's got. It won't do anything for this year, but by the time the next year rolls around, Anakin will have less of a problem paying those taxes, even if that promotion he's been hoping for doesn't come through.
Anakin, eventually, agrees.
Just four months later, they tie the knot. It's a small ceremony, more than just a courthouse and a paper, just to... well, Anakin wants Rex to have this. Leia and Luke don't entirely understand what's going on, but Ahsoka told them that it means Rex is going to be staying for a lot longer than they originally planned, and they're pretty excited about that part. They're four, and 'Daddy's friend that we like a lot is staying' is pretty clear.
They don't have a 'traditional' wedding night, because they're still both looking at this as a platonic thing (it won't stay that way, but it still is for now). They do share a bed, because someone is sleeping in their guest room (IDK who, maybe a guest was too drunk post-wedding to get home and they just offered the room). Anakin's hair is long enough for an evening of people and, importantly, sticky toddler hands to have tangled it. He washes it out, comes to the bed, and looks so tired--because he had to wash the toddlers first--that Rex offers to brush it for him.
It's intimate. Gentlemanly, but intimate. They go to bed with warm cheeks and pounding hearts, and eventually, one of them rolls onto their side to cuddle.
Neither of them get much sleep that night.
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krash-and-co · 4 months
haven't done this in a while, so here !! l&co as stuff I've heard/said in the past few months, bc I don't remember exact exchanges before then 👍👍
arguably more unhinged for reasons unknown. fate of Gods favorite clown idk
Lucy: I thought Billie Joe Armstrong went to the moon for a long time, honestly.
Lucy: [calling Barnes] there's a stranger at our house. she tried really hard to get in, and--
Lockwood, in the distance: we broke all the stranger danger rules.
Lucy: we broke all the stranger danger rules.
Holly: Lockwood, you have the coolest style.
Lockwood: thanks!
Lucy: what?!? she just tells me I look gay.
Lucy: and homeless.
holly: I want to help disabled kids ride a tricycle. wait, I meant to say horses.
lockwood: you want to help disabled horses ride a tricycle??????
Lucy: I don't have mommy issues I just don't like my mom.
Lucy: you gave me a framed photo for my birthday
Lucy: and within thirty minutes you stepped on it.
Lockwood: but then I bought you a new frame!!!
Lucy: and then I opened it, and it looked like you stepped on it.
Lockwood: well I'm not buying you another one.
skull: ugh, theyre so obsessed with how they look.
lucy, nodding: yeah, they're all "oh I'm so perfect!" preps. they definitely shave their legs.
Lockwood: I need to work on my swearing problem, cuz there are adults around and they don't li-- *drops thermos* ow FUCK
Lockwood: shut the windows. shut the fucking windows, I feel like we're being watched.
Lucy: hahaha, this is fucking terrifying.
Lockwood: here are the knives.
Holly: do you have any baseball bats? I don't want to stab people.
George: no, but we have crutches. we can hit people with them.
Holly, nodding: that's good.
Lockwood: I'm stupid.
Kipps: no you're not- yes you are. I don't know why I said you're not, so I had to correct myself.
holly: if we kill someone, we'll get in.... trouble.
George: shit!! I mean fuck!!! I mean crap!!!
Lucy, hitting him repeatedly: stop CURSING YOU FUCKING-- DANG IT!!!!!
Holly: do you ever get the urge to be randomly violent, like-
[loud clatter as lockwood and kipps beat each other up in the background]
holly: yeah like that.
Kipps, on searching for Bobby: I used to just grab any kid I saw about his height with brown hair, but that caused problems.
Lucy: what's your biggest fear?
Lockwood: what? spiders.
Lucy: no the other one
Lockwood: change.
Lucy: no the-- the other one.
George: what do you WANT FROM HIM-
lucy: you're going to make me have a gambling addiction.
skull, nodding: that's the idea.
George: pff my mom says im special.
Lockwood: im also special! they put me in classes about it.
[Lockwood and George burst out laughing while everyone else stares]
[Lucy and George are punching each other, screaming, and spewing out profanity in sign language]
George: literally nobody even looked up
Lucy: we're at the point where it's normal
George: yeah, haha!
Lucy: haha!
[a moment of heavy breathing and grinning before they begin fucking attacking each other again]
George, to Lucy: ugh im so sore. why do you keep punching me.
[Lucy punches him]
ok last one but this was a hell of a fucking convo and it was so funny everyone just jumped in with random twists 😭😭
[kipps crew, l&co, and flo are all sitting in barnes otherwise empty office]
George: kipps sounds terminally online, but I can't figure out yet if it's the normal kind or if he has. like. a kin list.
Lucy: the two extremes. normal or homestuck.
George: I read all of homestuck but it's okay I'm normal now
skull: im-
lucy: skull YOU'RE terminally online, but like the video gamer kind. kipps sounds like he had a my hero academia phase.
Lockwood: I was friends with someone who would roleplay mha all the time.
George: like pretend to have powers or something?
Lockwood: no, like pretend to be the characters. interact as them.
bobby: I don't roleplay, but I like to imagine I'm a different person with powers sometimes :)
ned: ha, furry.
flo: furry? one of my friends knows a furry who got her tail stolen, and she's in the office right now.
Lockwood: like today??
flo: yeah today. she's there right now.
Lockwood: [silence] oh.
flo: yeah they just. yoink.
bobby: .....im not a furry but--
Lucy: aaaand gonna stop you right there before you make things worse for yourself
kat: why can't we EVER have normal conversations
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Affixes, Clitics, and Particles
i think that these parts of language are really cool! so im going to try to explain them :D also i definitely did not get sent down an hours long rabbit hole of linguistic papers and i also definitely didn't find out that the reason i wanted to make this post is actually a misconception :D i love ignoring things :D
the wikipedia article for affixes says that "in linguistics, an affix is a morpheme that is attached to a word stem to form a new word or word form."
in hopefully simpler terms, this basically means that an affix is a letter, or a group of letters that form a single sound or syllable, that is attached to a word stem to form a new word or word form.
some examples of these are the somewhat well known prefix and suffix, but also the beloved infix:
prefix: undone suffix: spotless infix: abso-fucking-lutely
sidenote: my favorite thing about english infixes is that they pretty much only work with expletives. in fact, there's a tom scott video about expletive infixations!
wikipedia defines a clitic as such: "a clitic is a morpheme that has syntactic characteristics of a word, but depends phonologically on another word or phrase."
in layman's terms: a clitic is a letter, or a group of letters that form a single sound or syllable, that has the function of a word in a sentence, but depends on another word or phrase based on the sound rules of the language.
a few examples of clitics can be seen in finnish (which also has a great many affixes but we're not talking about those right now):
-ko/kö -han/hän -pa/pä -kin
the spelling of the clitic depends on vowel harmony. if you want to learn more, this dissertation is all about finnish clitics!
you may be asking yourself how to tell the difference between clitics and other parts of speech. well this study has just the thing for you! quite a few tests are suggested by the author of this study if you want to be able to tell if something is a clitic or not, including some of the following:
a phonological test observe how the clitic forms a phonological unit with an independent word. (do not ask me how this one works i dont know) accentual test "clitics are accentually dependent, while full words are accentually independent." put simply, if you can't put stress on it, it's probably a clitic syntactic test a word can stand on its own and be subject to normal word processes such as tense changes while a clitic cannot do this
"'Particle' is a cover term for items that do not fit easily into syntactic and semantic generalizations about the language[.]"
read: "particle" is a miscellaneous, catch all term for anything that doesn't fit into the above two categories (or any other word categories like nouns, verbs, etc.)
the author of this study (who i'm going to refer to as Zwicky from now on because it's easier) says that theres no such thing as a particle and that its distinction from affixes, clitics, words, and clauses is unnecessary. i think thats an. interesting take.
anyway even though Zwicky just said theres no such thing as particles (which, how could he do that? theres kids around! we dont want to ruin the magic!) he concedes that there is actually a group of words that are commonly called particles that he agrees are actually particles. but he decides to call them discourse markers instead. because fuck you.
i dont like any of the words that Zwicky included so i made a list of my own:
-ね (ne) eh (canadian english) innit (common transcription of "isn't it", british english)
the funny thing is im coming out of this still not entirely clear on what a particle is. i thought i knew, i did some research, realized i didnt know, and now i'm here. based on how Zwicky puts it, it feels like the category of "particle" exists to accommodate the fact that there might be words* that arent affixes, clitics, words, or clauses but it feels like Zwicky is just being contrary. I should probably have done more research but this post was supposed to be done 24 hours ago.
out of context highlights from my research process: - sanskrit - the panini rule - doch - verbosely long section titles
*i dont actually mean words, i mean a morpheme which is a letter or a group of letters that form the representation of one sound that carries meaning, but i didn't want to make that sentence long and unreadable
if i'm wrong, please tell me! i would appreciate being corrected, i know i am not an expert on this topic in the slightest.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 3 months
I went for a nap and when I woke up not one but two HOTD trailers had dropped. Here are some thoughts I had after watching them.
First off I appreciate the promotional tactic of having two trailers, one for each side and the whole choose a side part of the promotion. I think its a fun way of involving the audience in the story by playing into the whole team black vs team green plot. Just like the realm and houses of westeros had to choose a side the audience does too. That being said I am fully team black and I honestly don't understand why anyone would make an argument for team green given what happened in season 1, like they usurped the throne and killed Lucerys, they made their own bed so.
Speaking of, Alicent was looking worried and sad throughout both trailers, what's up Alicent? Having to face the consequences of your own actions? In all seriousness though it does look like Alicent is about to be faced with the consequences of her choosing to put Aegon on the throne behind Rhaenyra's back and is realising the true depth of what those consequences are, like f*ck around and find out I guess. Look I think Alicent is an interesting character and I think she had a rough time of it what with being pimped out by her father and becoming a baby machine for the king and I have some sympathy for her, but at the end of the day she isn't the only character who has had a shitty time of it and that doesn't make her an angel or eternal victim, she is responsible for her actions. I am not the biggest fan of the way the showrunners are trying to make out like the Greens have a leg to stand on really, when it comes to whose in the right and whose in the wrong, the greens are in the wrong, it's like trying to argue the lannisters had a point in the og show, they didn't they were the villains, just let the Greens be the villains like they are supposed to be, they can still be interesting characters, the lannisters were, I just don't get this whole lets try and make the greens seem sympathetic thing, its not working for me.
Which brings me to the next thing from the Green's trailer, Aemond and his whole 'if he dares to' line about Daemon. Like I get that this was supposed to be some intimidating power line, the dangerous dragon rider, the rider of Vhagar the largest dragon still alive is laying down a challenge, he's not afraid. I also get that Aemond is supposed to be like the Green's side's Daemon, the match to him. Maybe this line would have worked if Aemond had actually intended to kill Lucerys, if he was a cold blooded kin slayer, but really him killing Lucerys was an oopsie where he had lost control over Vhagar, so to me this line seems like a kid who is trying to play the part of the cold blooded kin slayer but instead is just a scared boy whose realised he f*cked up. Also the whole if he dares thing is laughable considering who Aemond is talking about, this is Daemon, the guy who cut the head off a man who called his stepson a bastard in front of an entire court, what do you think he is going to do to the guy who actually killed his stepson? Trust me he's going to dare, hide Aemond, just hide.
The other thing that bothered me was Rhaenyra's line in the Black trailer where she says she fears what she has started because like what? Girl you didn't start anything, like out of the long list of people you could argue started it, Rhaenyra is way near the bottom of that list, like what did she do except be named heir by her father the king and then fight for her right to the throne when it was usurped from her? You could argue that Viserys started it when he named her heir, that Otto started it when he pimped Alicent out to Viserys, that Alicent started it when she decided to interpret the nonsense Viserys spewed on his death bed as his wish for Aegon to sit the throne, that Aemond started it when he chased down and accidently killed Lucerys, but Rhaenyra herself sure as shit didn't start anything.
Anyway I have ranted about what I didn't vibe with enough lets talk about some of the stuff I did like. Love the costumes as usual, like they had some amazing costumes in season 1 and it looks like they are going to be equally as beautiful in season 2.
The dragons also look great, I loved seeing Baela on her dragon and I am hoping we will be seeing many epic dragon fights this season as the dance heats up. I will never say no to seeing more dragons. I also hope we will see more of Rhaena, Baela and Jace and that they will be playing roles in Rhaenyra's fight to get the throne. I did see a shot of both Jace and Baela at the table on either side of Rhaenyra when she was giving her speech about fighting for her throne and winning.
We also saw Jace with who I am assuming is Cregan Stark at what appeared to be the wall, so I am excited to see the north again and it'll be interesting to see what the wall and the night's watch looked like a hundred odd years earlier than when Jon snow was there.
Over all it looks like its going to be an exciting and action packed season and I am looking forward to seeing what is going to happen next, I own the fire and blood book but I stopped reading before I got to the dance because I wanted the show to be a surprise, I really can't predict what is going to happen next but I am thinking that Rhaenyra and Daemon are going to retaliate in some way for Lucerys death and considering how fiery and passionate they both are I suspect their revenge is going to be something big. It did look like in some shots like Alicent and Helaena were wearing funeral attire and were taking part in some kind of funeral procession so I guess that is going to have something to do with it. So anyway yeah, I am suitably excited for the next season thanks to these trailers, so bring on june.
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princesscolumbia · 7 months
Ranma 1/2 Thoughts, Meta Edition
I have consumed...a lot of Ranma 1/2 content.
I mean, this is kinda what happens when you're a repressed transgirl who discovers the manga a year into a marriage that you got into to "fix" being trans and be "a real boy" in a desperate bid to fill the hole that you wouldn't learn for two decades could only be filled by living as your true self.
I've encountered precisely four (4) types of Ranma 1/2 fans in that time:
Transwomen who see Ranma as their idealized expression of the gender experience ("I'm not like this because I want to be, it's a curse. A curse that gives me a smokin' hot body and HUGE tits! But it's tooootally a curse, for realsies! I'll find a cure any day now, see how hard I'm looking? I'm trying sooooo hard to find a cure...")
Transmen who see Ranma as their perfect representation of their gender experience ("I'm a guy, damnit! This body...it's a curse! I hate it and I want nothing better than to be cured, but all sorts of Life Bullshit keeps getting in the way!")
Lesbians who kin either Ranma (butch NB lesbian) or one of their love interests (Akane - comphet closetted butch lesbian, Shampoo - Strong, smokin' hot bad bitch who goes after what she wants, Ukyo - transmasc coded genderfluid NB)
Completely clueless nimrods who miss the FUCKING POINT and are only into the show for the martial arts and think it would be better if Ranma got cured and they stopped having funny stuff happen.
(In case it's not obvious, IMHO the last group are the worst parts of the fandom and need to Go Away. Most of the toxic stuff that exists in R.5 fanspaces is because of this group of assholes which includes the incels that think everything would be better if Ranma just did stuff that's questionable from an ethics and morality perspective and chased after Shampoo because she's the closest thing to a Barbie-doll these closet fascists can allow themselves to fantasize about playing with, completely ignoring that she's a complex character that's a subversive pastiche to the Japanese racist stereotypes of the 1980s.)
I'm not kidding when I say that in the early days of the public Internet (before Facebook and Twitter ruined it for everyone), Ranma 1/2 was the SINGLE largest fandom by a MASSIVE stretch. I once checked my math on this by going to Fanfiction.net (before the massive purges) and brought up the Big List of All Fandoms and right there at the top with a MASSIVE number of fics was Ranma 1/2 by a HUGE margin. It took three fandoms (Star Trek, Doctor Who, and I believe Naruto if I'm recalling correctly) to have their combined total number of fics exceed the number of R.5 fics on FF.net...and that was JUST FF.net. There was an entire separate index (The Penultimate Ranma 1/2 Fanfic Index) that had the single task of listing, not even curating or reading or reviewing, ONLY Ranma 1/2 fanfics. Not fanart, not commentary, no RP blogs or chat transcripts or whatever, JUST fanfics. And only about half of those linked to FF.net, meaning that if you dig up the archives you'll find at least 60% of all fanfics that people had managed to index in the Ranma 1/2 fandom are missing because they were never properly archived and just...faded from the Internet as the public servers and places like Geocities started disappearing. You can find teasing, tantalizing hints of larger works that all we have left, like scraps of ancient papyri revealing a quote from a missing book of the Bible, are single chapters backed up on niche sites that managed to get spider-crawled by Archive.org, but many great works are just...lost. (There's an ero fic called "Playing with Water" that was SUPER hot and featured elements that we have tags for on porn sites but didn't really have proper words for back in the day...but even back when it was first being written finding the thing was hard...and today? Nearly impossible.)
(If you wonder why I'm such an absolute RABID advocate of AO3, this is why)
For me, Ranma will always be the transfemme coded genderfluid hero that we needed in the late 80s and early 90s. We were on the tail end of the AIDS pandemic, and just like COVID-19 there were a bunch of assholes who used it to ride to power and marginalize queer folk. It was easier to do with AIDS, of course, given the absolutely massive numbers of queer cis men and transwomen who contracted it and died. (Sidebar: the reason "L" comes first in "LGBTQIA+" is because it was the Lesbian nurses who were the caretakers of the Gay men who were dying in numbers large enough to be counted as a tragic statistic instead of a mere tragedy) and while the world was starting to acknowledge (again) that gay men was a thing that existed and they weren't actually trying to corrupt the youth, what we now call "transgender" was still listed in the DSM as a mental disorder that required treatment to "cure." According to the cultural majority in damn near every field you can imagine, the Gender Binary was the only way to exist and if you didn't fit neatly into one or the other then you were Damaged™ and had to be Fixed™ for The Good of All People™ (but specifically so cis-het-white folks, usually men, could feel comfy and not be confronted by things that made them feel icky and might have cooties). It's a truism that's treated as a joke that transwomen get into coding and wind up doing IT work in such massive numbers that between us and the furries we ARE the foundation of the modern Internet. And into the fanspaces packed to the brim with closetted AMAB transwomen who hadn't yet had their egg cracked came this plucky martial artist that gets to swap their gender with a splash of water but somehow still winds up the best of the best, the finest martial artist of their generation. (Goku can suck it, Ranma would turn the Kamea-meha right back on the over-muscled, braindead loser with a food fetish and still make it home in time for Kasumi's dinner)
I'm no sociologist, anthropologist, behaviorist, whatever, but I suspect that the reason Ranma Saotome spawned such a large fanbase so early in the modern Internet's history was specifically because the series created a safe space where people could talk about gender issues with a degree of separation that helped strip away the stigma surrounding feeling like you were in the wrong body.
I get why people like the martial arts aspect. I mean, Ranma kills a demigod. This is NOT something to sneeze at. I also understand the transmen who latch onto Ranma as a kin because I get the feeling like you have no control over what your body's doing and you're going through your days in existential dread of what might be dragging you further and further away from what you always knew was right and correct about yourself. It's a terrifying thing and here's someone who (esp. the anime version) IS a guy trapped in a girl's body.
For me, though, and for a LOT of transwomen out there, Ranma is transfemme. And, yes, canonically Ranma states right near the end of the manga that they're both and they kinda forgot about the 'cure' when they had to pick between that and the really important stuff and that they're okay with being fluid ('cause water, gettit?!) about their gender and it's a damn shame this was the 80s 'cause a continuation might wind up showing Ranma embracing being both...
BUT, and this is a transfemme thing, I know, if you continue the parabolic arc of Ranma's character development, the logical conclusion (for us) is that she eventually decides that she's a woman and just lives in her "cursed" form the majority (or all) of the time.
And yes, this is because that's the transfemme story arc. In the manga in some distant part of the multiverse that peers into our universe and for some reason decides to make me the MC (god, that must be a FUCKING BORING manga by our standards, I weep for those fans), my story arc is the gradual progression of uncracked, closetted transgirl to transitioned out and proud transbien mom. At one point I swapped back and forth between gender presentations because it was safer for me to appear in some spaces as the male that they thought I was. Now I would prefer to die before being forced to go back to pretending to be a man again.
Ranma has the choice, and good for them. Until the Kaisufuu is permanently destroyed, even if the "curse" is locked, they have the option of going one way or the other based solely on their own, personal desire. I can't say I'd be comfortable with that option being available. In that theoretical manga where there's a reboot that gives me a condition like Ranma's, I'd probably wind up destroying the equivalent to the Kaisufuu just because of the threat to my mental wellbeing it presents.
So it's not a stretch to imagine Ranma making the same choice. She's a woman now, she has the life she never realized she wanted because she never had the choice so didn't know she was allowed to imagine it, but now she's happier than ever and why would she ever go back to that struggle of being a guy that only ever brought her pain and challenges and heartache?
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poetryinsilence · 2 years
Noughts and Crosses - Jake "Hangman" Seresin x childhood friend!reader (part I)
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A/n: THIS SERIES CONTAINS SMUT AND PTSD/TRAUMA STUFF! No bullshit reader, like literally does not take Jake’s bullshit. Frenemies to lovers cuz why not🤷 So, so much cheese that’s pretty much a fondue. I've written this with the perspective of Jake rather than Hangman so expect a lot of raw emotion. Uh, strong language, character trauma/hurt but mostly, mostly fluff. No beta-read, I’m going in raw.
Synopsis: 4:45 pm. You saw him lay there, half alive and looking like a cartoon character that’s been rolling down a rugged slope and crashed at the bottom with a loud cymbal sound. With deep crimson cuts on his shabby face but still good-looking as a Greek god's statue. He was supported with a neck brace attached to his neck, arm plastered for his own stability and matching with a leg cast extended up his right limb. Chest heaves with each breath he takes from his life support and exhales with shivers of pain. Jake's eyelids strain open to peek at you hovering 3 feet away from him with a deep crease on your forehead. You grumble.
"What in the ever-loving fuck happened to you?"
Wc: 2,630
Part II part III part IV
Approximately an hour and a half ago, the rush of foot tapping was part of your daily segments at the animal shelter you ceaselessly worked for the past 4 years. Tending animals was your dream job. At least that's what you wanted to do from a very young age; running around with furry animals to your heart’s desire. And working at an animal shelter happens to be the closest thing to what you had in your mind, but with a greater purpose of finding them a forever home. It's much better than dealing with sporadic humans who barely understand English and the universal language of 'no'.
No, animals are much better than that. They're easy to teach and have mannerisms, and they will always be your friend. So, in what scenario could you be in to get yourself stuck in this sticky situation?
Several phone calls from an unknown number.
Though you should’ve known better not to answer phone numbers you are unfamiliar with. But no, you had to poke holes at your curiosity and answer some strange number displayed on the screen of your phone.
"Hello, is this y/n?"
"Yes, this is y/n speaking...who's this?"
"Hello ma'am, we're calling from the Naval Medical Centre about Jake Seresin. You were listed as his medical emergency contact. Unfortunately, ma'am, he's been—"
"Wait, wait, wait. Did you say Jake Seresin? And, emergency contact?!"
"Yes, ma'am. He got into an accident today in regards to his ejection from his aircraft. It is a protocol for us to contact his next of kin in case of emergencies."
"I'm sorry, did I catch that right? His next of kin? I'm sorry, but you must have got that wrong, I'm not related to him—"
"Ma'am I'm just following protocols, it states clearly here that you're the one to contact in case of emergencies. Could you please come down to the Naval Medical Centre—"
"No, I think you must have gotten something wrong. We haven't kept in contact for over 20 years. You should contact his family in Texas—"
"We'll see you soon ma'am" the line clicks.
"Wait!" you yell before retreating to a defeated sigh.
Out of the blue, a name you haven't heard of in years decided to pop back out from the depths of the Earth's crust, and one you are well familiar with. Jake Seresin. Your childhood 'friend'. More like terror. You were not given the option to become friends with him. It just so happens your mothers were lifelong friends long before you were born, yet somehow they thought 'wouldn't it be great to give birth at the same time and let our kids be friends like we were?' Sad to say, it was not great.
From the early stages of your life, you knew Jake was a prankster. The one that makes your life and the kids at school miserable. The things he does that made you wonder if he really was just Satan’s spawn reincarnated to Earth just to spite you.
So, why then, would you be getting into your shoddy, on the edge of breaking down Yugo 65 and ramming down traffic because of one shitty phone call?
The answer is: you don't know.
You got to the medical centre in just a little under 30 minutes, probably your personal best record in the first wave of the San Diego rush hour traffic and patted yourself on the back for that. Truth to be told, you were never really keen on hospitals; the antiseptic scent that stings your nose, the endless void of white glossed walls, and doctors rushing here and there with stoic faces. You could never decipher what is going on inside their mind.
The lady at the reception was nice to greet you with a sunny smile for your quickly-overturned shitty day. She had on her face one of those thick-rimmed glasses that pointed out into a cat-eye shape and paired with a brick red lipstick that complimented her sharp blue eyes. You quickly discern that she was not the same person that called you earlier, but still was well informed of your situation and directed you to your destined floor and room number.
Another reason why you did not like the hospital was that everything is treated like a maze, as though you were a hamster in one of those escape rooms, but they had a treat waiting for them at the end and yours…not so much. You ponder at the front door to the private room where your childhood friend may or may not lay in a squashed-up mush from his newly informed accident. The place card slot to the side of the frosted window had clean calligraphy written 'J. Seresin' in blue ink. You took a deep breath and pushed the door open.
The machinery beeped to greet your entrance as you see Jake, resting in a half-induced dream state, probably from the side effects of the morphine. He looks peaceful; older but briefly the same as you remember and much more muscular from all those navy trainings. It's hard to imagine he was once a scrawny kid with a missing tooth, running around your backyard with his bare feet.
The door opening must have woke Jake up as his hooded lids lifted with a heavy weight and peered at you, just hovering three feet away from his bed. He gave you his best but could only produce a weak smile. However, you frown in return, with heat burning from your stomach and billions of questions flying through your mind that condensed into one:
"What in the ever-loving fuck happened to you?"
That earned a croaky chuckle from him but swatted into a coughing fit. You glance to the side where a wash basin and empty glasses are placed, turning the tap on to watch it shoot out chilled water and bubbles as it fills the cup. Hand extended to offer the glass to Jake, his flimsy hand attempted to reach but the drug must’ve suppressed the ability of his movement. You sigh and gently press the glass to the cut-open lip. The water slowly trickles down his throat, gulp after gulp until it reaches the bottom. 
He weakly flashes a toothy grin at you. “Well, it’s good to see you too.” He said, in a raspy voice.
You never imagined this is how you would meet again after decades, him in a hospital bed, picking up pieces of himself to put it back together. You shook your head in dismay.
“No, it’s not good. This is how I see you again after all these years? Broken and frail?”
“Shit happens. It’s also part of the job.” He responded calmly.
“Then tell me, why the hell am I your emergency contact? Where is your family? You need to tell them. Not me.”
His breath quivers to suppress the pain before opening his mouth again, “You are the only one I know that lives nearby, plus, there is no point for them to fly all the way from Texas. It’s just a waste of time—“
“I don’t think it’s a waste of time if it’s a life or death situation. I’ll call your mother and inform her—“
“Don’t." he contended. "I don’t wanna make this a bigger deal than it already is. They don’t need to worry about me. I can handle myself.”
You opened your mouth to counter his response but held your tongue and swallow your words. The image of him in your mind was always etched as a tough kid who could handle anything on his own, and if he can’t, he’ll find a way. You grimaced and flopped into the chair next to him, his face is haggard with his dishevelled locks, the bags under his eyes drooping down towards the floor and blood drained from his pale face.
“So, what happened to you? The last I’ve heard, you were one of the best in your class since your mom won’t stop boasting about it. Tell me then, how did you end up like this?” Your brows raised unenthusiastically as you tried to minimise the sarcastic tone.
Jake’s face falters and recollects the moments that happened just mere hours ago. “Sometimes, even if you’re the best, you still can’t avoid accidents that are gonna happen.” He inhales, “bird strikes, those things are mostly unavoidable. But if you’re lucky, you could land the aircraft safely with one engine, and a couple of bruises but mostly unscathed,”
He blinks, “and in the off chance that your aircraft fails…you have to find the means to survive out of pure instinct." Something flashes in his eyes but you can't quite place what it was and before you know it, it’s gone.
Jake continues, "I blacked out mostly, only fragments of what happened. And to be honest, I still don't know what to feel. I remember...clutching myself as tightly as I could and pinching my nose before I hit the water. Then... everything went dark. Never thought the ocean could be so dark."
He shifted a little bit, groaning underneath the pain and squeezing his eyes shut to endure it. "You know, the only good thing that came out of that was the freezing cold numbing everything. I don't remember how I got to the surface, I don't remember being rescued, I just...have no recollection at all. The next time I woke up was here, surrounded by four white walls and listening to the doctor's run-down of my missing pieces."
"Then you showed up."
The corner of your lip faintly tugs, reassuring him of your presence in comfortable silence, the years of disconnection from him dissolved the indifferences between you both and gained a new sense of admiration. For a moment, you did not recognise him. His vastly changed difference is no longer the same imprinted in your memories. He grew up in a blink of an eye and lived up to his beliefs.
"Alright, is there anything I could do for you? I know you did not put me as your emergency contact just for a simple catch-up. And, how the fuck did you even get my number?" the slight crease to your brows painted on your puzzled features as you interrogated Jake for a solid answer. The last time you've ever spoken to his mother was before you moved to San Diego, from then on your only real connection to her was through your own mother.
Jake's smirk brings you slight displeasure about what you're about to discover. "Perks of being in the navy," you shudder, "and also a bit of bribery." There it is. "And, yeah you're right. You're my emergency go-to because you're the only person I know outside of base. And also I need you to get me some toiletries. And possibly some clothes too cuz I am not going to wear my aviation suit leaving this building." He drafted up a fake smile that made you roll your eyes.
You retracted any comments about him being admirable. Every single cell in your body at this moment is having a hard time suppressing the thought of you wrapping your hands around that sprained neck of his and choking him out of his misery as you listen to the sound of his heart flatline through the machine. Oh, how melodic that would be.
"You, Seresin, are an asshole."
"Aw, I've missed you too." He beams, this time with a little bit more honesty, "But for now, stay. We've got a lot of catching up to do."
Week by week, you grew accustomed to the newly fixated schedule that you reluctantly signed up for; waking up at 8 am, commuting the highway in your matchbox car, taking care of your loving companions that you often wish would rule over the world someday; your colleagues' sympathy and understanding shed some weight off your skin as they let you off work early. Another set of traffic that made you wanna blow your brains out, browsing the men's section at the thrift store since you're not going to spend $50+ on Jake just because he's injured (hold for sympathetic aw's), and then visiting said injured pet that doesn't need your help as he's surrounded by medical professions.
You arrived at the hospital today at 4:30 pm, right on the dot, pushing open the door in hopes to find Jake lying lazily on the bed, with a men's health magazine in one hand and trying to scratch his nose with his broken one.
Instead, you find him at the foot of the bed dressed in an oversized grey hoodie and navy blue sweatpants you picked out for him, upright and packing his things in your duffle bag that was long forgotten at the far back of your closet, collecting dust.
"Hey, buddy! Great news! They told me I'm free to go home, but I still need to come back for physiotherapy and check-ups in the upcoming weeks." Jake rejoices, upholding himself underneath the weight of his crutches.
"That's...great!" you smiled, but feeling perplexed by the sudden info dropped at your doorstep, "So, that means you can go back to base now, right? Great, I'll drop you off." As you're about to turn and exit, Jake stops you with an undistinguishable noise.
"Yeeeeah, about that. Um," he rubs the back of his neck nervously and sucks in a breath of air. "I don't have a clear permission to station at the base yet. What they essentially said was for me to get better first before coming back. And even if I did have permission, I would get bored very fast since," He gestured to his casts. "But the funny thing is, I don't have a place to stay outside of the base, so I guess we're going to have to be roommates for a while."
The white noise grew hot in your surroundings. The statics pinched and sizzled your brain into a sheet of white paper as you could only stare into his fiendish grin. What did he just say? Roommates, wait no. No place to stay? Jake blinks, maintaining eye contact with your blank stares. "Yeah, I'm going to need you to ans—"
"No!" the anger burst from its volcanic rupture, bubbling at the pit of your stomach for the passing weeks, now all released at the face of this moment.
Jake stood idly, taken aback by your explosive reaction and your unbreakable glare that's keeping him on the spot. He huffs and shakes his head. "Why not?"
"Why not?" You scoffed, "Because, Seresin...You are forcing your way, without a plan, into every bit of my life like you used to and thinking that I would accept you with open arms. But, in reality, I don't know you. Not anymore."
"Then isn't this the perfect timing," Jake threw his hands up and motioned his finger between you and him. "We will have plenty of time to get acquainted again."
"Have you been listening to what I've just said?"
"Oh, what? You want me to be stranded on the streets like a lost dog?"
"That sounds like a good idea, maybe we should try that!"
The door abruptly busts open with a loud slam that caught you both off guard. You jumped, with your beating heart in your mouth. A woman dressed in blue scrubs, hands glued to her hips with eyes seeing red as she glowers at the both of you.
"Lieutenant, if you’re finished with packing. I'd suggest you leave accordingly before I call security."
You both awkwardly shuffle, picking up the duffle bag and usher yourselves out of the room with your head down as you mouth 'sorry' on your way out.
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bonefall · 1 year
You know what's a super classic conlang thing I'm shocked we haven't done? A kinship terminology chart! We should totally have one, get in those terms for uncle/aunt, grandparents, nesprings, the whole of it!
LETSGO, full list of the familial terms they use in Clanmew, plus a straightforward explanation of the concepts that have been floating around!
Blood relation is simply Gan. This is a term that's more related to bloodline; Nyams is for people you consider your family. Both of these are translated as 'Kin.'
So to start with, the only constant for a kitten is that they have a Mi.
A Mi is a Primary Parent. This is a non-gendered term; there are many reasons why a non-birthing parent may be the Mi of their litter. It also doesn't necessarily refer to whoever suckled the kittens. Whoever spent the most time and energy raising the litter is its Mi.
Fernsong was the Mi of his litter. Torear, biologically Harestar and Kestrelflight's uncle who adopted them, was their Mi. Breezepelt is the Mi of the litters in his polycule.
If, for some reason, the Mi was unable to care for their kittens, their Ba is expected to step up and become their Mi.
Most kittens also have a Ba.
A Ba is a Secondary Parent. This exclusively refers to cats involved in kittencare, to try and imply that an Honor Sire that has no role in raising their children is a Ba is something that supporters of Thistle Law do. It inherently means closeness.
For example, when TigerClan took over, Rippleclaw was considered the Ba of Swansong, even though Oakheart had raised him along with Stonefur and Mistyfoot.
Never use "Ba" for an Honor Sire unless the Honor Sire is co-parenting, such as with Firestar and Sandstorm. "Ba" can also be a title that a cat rejects completely, such as with Breezepelt to Crowfeather, Brambleclaw to the Three, and Dovewing to Lionblaze!
"Ba" applies to all kitten-involved members of a polycule. Heathertail and Harestar are both Ba to the kittens that Breezepelt is the Mi of. In cases of there being multiple Ba, usually a creative nickname is made up to differentiate them. For Harestar, his Clanmew name (Yywayayiaoyr) has so many Y sounds that his children call him Ya!
A Mwaow is a relevant biological parent. Usually a mother if referring to wild egg-laying animals who don't care for their young, though occasionally Wairre is used for "sires" specifically.
"Mwaow" is what Swansong feels is most fitting for his sire, Rippleclaw. Breezepelt wants to be extra insulting and call Crowfeather a "Wairre" sometimes.
To call your Ba a Mwaow is very insulting, and a rejection of them as your parent. Likewise, it is insulting to say that a cat's Mwaow is their Ba if they don't feel that way.
And finally, the term for Honor Sire in Clanmew is Kurruaow. Honor-Parent. They make no distinction between dams and sires in Clanmew.
To summarize;
Gan = Kin/Blood
Nyams = Kin/Family
Mi = Primary parent
Ba = Secondary parent
Mwaow = Biological parent, neutral but non-endearing
Wairre = Biological sire, used mostly for animals
Kurruaow = Honor Sire/Dam/Parent
What about the sisters and brothers of your parents? Their kids?
There are Mi-Auncles, Ba-Auncles, and First Cousins. Further than that is just thrown under Gan, if at all.
Myami = Mi-Auncle
Byama = Ba-Auncle
Rabir = Cousin
Multiple-births are very common to Clan cats, and furthermore, multiple litters are seen often. Defining your place within your parent's litters is very important socially!
So, in addition to having words for an older or younger litter of siblings, there are also words for your size within your own litter. Clanmew is more concerned if you were a large kitten or a runt than your birth order, but this could be crudely compared to the human concept of older and younger siblings!
This is an important concept because size growing up would mean you had the upper paw in brawls, to your suckler's milk, and were considered the 'most mature.' Runts are considered to need more protection and 'babying.'
If there was a situation where two littermates were equally sized, they often squabble over who was really the bigger sibling. This doesn't relate to adult size-- Fallenleaf was the largest of her litter, but Lionblaze is bigger than her now.
Firra = Siblings (Broad term, often assumed to be innately plural and referring to several types of siblings at once)
Kafrrif = Sibling of older litter
Eefrri = Sibling of younger litter
Wifeerr = Littermate
Wikfrra = Larger littermate
Weesfwa = Smaller littermate
A baby cat, referred to as a 'kit' or 'kitten' is simply called a "mew." But that's not typically the word they're using when they're talking about their children. There's also additional words in Clanmew for the children of different litters, and how an auncle refers to their sibling's kittens.
Nia'u = Child/son/daughter
Neewarr = Litter
Niak = Child of first litter
Niawi = Child of second litter
Nia'eef = Child of third/any more litters
Rabnif = Nespring/nephew/niece
Niauga = Grandchild (of child you were the Ba of)
Nini = Grandchild (of child you were the Mi of, can be given for closeness)
Kurrnia = Stolen kit, rightfully won through battle (Archaic)
Garrmwa = Ancestor (For non-ancient ancestors that can still be tracked with deduction. Great grandparents, not Thunderstar.)
Sharrarram = Ancestors (For ancient ancestors, far beyond modern memory, who live in the stars. Thunderstar.)
Ami = Mi of my Mi (This can also be applied as a term of endearment. For example, Heartstar is the Ba of her kittens, but Tawnypelt is still Shadowsight's Sharrmi)
Garrmi = Ba of my Mi AND/OR Mi of my Ba (Like Ami, can denote a type of closeness.)
Genrrarg = Ba of my Ba/Someone who is still a grandparent, but not a close one. (This is the term that Breezepelt's kittens eventually use for Crowfeather)
Shegarra = Descendant (For the sake of completion; typically used by StarClan)
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uhshsmsmaka · 7 months
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Kin list because I keep forgetting and I wanna keep it written so I remember
giving the biggest “please be my friend ur so cool please please please please” to whoever knows all of these characters
But I’ll say them here anyway, in order from the top left going right.
Mikey - rottmnt
SCP-035 - SCP Foundation
Tawnypelt - Warriors
Ennard - FNAF Sister Location
Dr. Iceberg - SCP Foundation
Moxxie - Helluva Boss
Space Kid - Camp Camp
Phone Guy - FNAF 1 (I think?? I never played the games..)
Phillip Graves - Call of Duty Modern Warfare (reboot)
uhhh idk if I label or spelt that right. I hope I did. That’d be kinda embarrassing if I didn’t lol..
———— why I kin them ig.
btw some stuff is headcanons like so and so being lgbtq and Graves having daddy issues
Mikey ROTTMNT- hell, there’s a lot of reasons.. it’s like… really personal with me lol
4th child, plus youngest. 3 older brothers and often gets left out, or brushed off from being involved. + aro/ace spec.
+ orange theme buddy agh I love u ur so pretty 💛💛
SCP-035 - hmm.
Wants to watch the world burn, and is here for a good time and is really opportunistic with people, and often forms bonds with people for what they can give him… I’m a bad person I know. I’m trying to change.
+ Latin hehe
+ a lot of people really like him when they first meet, and learn the longer they spend with him, the worse he gets.
Tawnypelt - I’ll be honest, I don’t know much about her bc I didn’t read the 2nd arc, but from what I get, she seems to have struggled with gaining her own identity and being seen as someone other than a clone in her family. I struggle with people only knowing me for my brothers so I relate to her for this.
Also idk her leaving Thunderclan, despite her family, friends, and everything she knows and it being genuinely a good place she is comfortable and happy with— to Shadowclan so she can start a new life just touches me personally.
I don’t want to stay here. It’s not bad here, and everyone I love is here, but I don’t feel like I belong here, and I relate to her for it.
Ennard - yeah.. no, I got nothing. Idk why but he’s just like me fr.
Dr. Iceberg - HE’S AN ASSHOLE!!! I’m an asshole!!! Easily entertained, and doesn’t think of others that much, or the consequences of his actions. + mentally ill
+ bad taste in men
+ probably American with a small fraction of his ethnicity from Europe.
Moxxie - Daddy Issues. shit on by everyone. Underestimated kinda I guess???… and mixed morals. Often really polite— or at least is perceived to be, and is a thinker. Can go absolutely feral if necessary.
+ Italian I guess lmfao
+ short- ish..
+ adults and some older kids shall be referred to as ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am’
Space Kid - he likes space. What can I say?
He’s so silly. A lot of the actions and stuff he does feels like stuff I would have done/do.
+ brown hair
Phone Guy - tries to help and probably fails. Hey, he’s trying.
Phillip Graves - Daddy issues. I also headcanon his dad was in the military and he moved around a lot and lived throughout the US, so he’s fairly decent at adapting to different places, and tolerate as hell. “It is what it is” mentality about most everything out of his control.
Finds that one person and looks up to them, and gets really clingy and obsessed with them. Doesn’t show it of course, but in his head he wants to impress them and please them in every way possible. *cough, Shepherd, cough cough*
(I met a lotta people I hyperfixated on giving away everything to make them happy. We’re just casual friends now. Except for that one. She was mean as hell to me. We still meet occasionally tho.)
Outside of headcanons, his personality and the way he acts is just very familiar and relatable to me.
+ American (wtf is a kilometer🦅🫡🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅💥🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸)
+ makes shitty jokes no one laughs at
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wc-confessions · 5 months
This is a very long rant. There might be spelling, grammar errors, or random words there because of autocorrect, and I might miss them since I'm a bit blind and dyslexic.
The way the fandom instantly chalks up female character hate to misogyny is so damn ridiculous, and both shows people here don't know what that word means, and they also don't actually give a damn about the actual misogyny that women suffer if someone hating or slightly disliking a female character sets them off. The prime examples of characters that people get called misogynists for are Mapleshade, Squirrelflight, and, surprisingly, Frecklewish. I can guarantee you that nobody who hates or dislikes these characters is misogynist, and it's rare that you'll actually find a Warriors fan who is blatantly misogynist while understanding how and why they are. For one, not everyone here understands what things are and aren't misogynist, and to stick that label to them for zero reason is super shitty. There are many reasons why people hate the characters listed:
Mapleshade: Generally, she is just dumb as hell, cruelly used Birchface's name to cover up her lies,showed zero remorse when brought to trial, and stupidly crossed a flash-flooded river when there was a bridge (already somewhat flooded when she got there, if I remember). But if not, it was still heavily raining. Blame everyone else for the things she caused and did; she killed Spottedleaf (this is why some people hate her, yes, lol, and frecklewish, and attempted to on Reedshine). And for grooming kids, and for those who will argue that she isn't, you're instantly wrong, and simply reading the books while also looking at the definitions of that word will prove you're wrong. I am saying this as a victim of this topic. Crookedstar and Tigerstar are her victims. While Crookedkit was vulnerable and tossed aside, she took advantage of this and later went in to exploit him, emotionally abuse him, and cause psychological turmoil and distress. She later went on to do this to Tigerkit. Since birth, she has been inside his head, telling him what to do and raising him to be the cold killer he is. She even admits in his novella that she's walked with him since birth. While her grooming isn't sexual, it's still extremely gross. I can't speak for everyone who hates her, but this is the biggest reason I don't like her.
Frecklewish: Yes, while she was definitely grieving, and while Mapleshade was definitely a ass and in the wrong for her lies, Frecklewish is far from innocent. She never truly loved those kits and only saw them as extensions of her late brother once the truth was revealed that they weren't really related and instead were the kin of his killer. That's what caused her to turn on them so quickly; her "love" was purely conditional. She then went on to dehumanize and call literal babies slurs, tell them that they don't deserve to be warriors, and later call for their exile without a second thought. No matter how angry you are, don't do that to children. Mapleshade definitely deserved her wrath, but not those kids. And it just gets worse as she watches them drown. I don't care how much people try to argue about it; she did. Her story directly lines up with what Nettlepaw tells Mapleshade. What Mapleshade thinks isn't a misunderstanding; this isn't something she came up with herself because Nettlepaw literally told her this. However, everything else Mapleshade says and thinks is totally unreliable. Frecklewish also doesn't at all deny that she watched them die and instead says, "I thought they'd be saved.". Her seeing the Riverclan patrol isn't an excuse for why she couldn't have gotten more help. Those kits aren't even half the size of a medium-sized rock, so how could three RC cats find them in flooded waters? And before anyone says it, nobody is saying that she should've just jumped in; you're purposefully missing the point. It's a fact that she and Oakstar played a large role in why they met their fate the way they did.
Squirrelflight: I can't actually give a reason why people would hate her because I don't care enough about her and because I don't usually read the main books. However, it's usually for reasons that don't even relate to Bramblestar. People are often called misogynists for hating her without anyone bothering to know why. Also, no, hating her because you like Bramblestar doesn't make you a misogynist. Not how that works. Now maybe if you denied that he abused her, then yeah, that's misogyny, but if you're a normal Bramblestar fan, then no, you're not misogyny.
And to add on
Nightcloud is a big one I see people also get called misogynists for. It's important to remember that not a lot of people read books and heavily rely on maps or other people's opinions and interpretations to get information. Let's not forget that the maps that woobify Crowfeather and demonize her play a huge part in why Nightcloud is treated the way she is. So I think it's majorly unfair to just label a bunch of Nightcloud haters who probably don't know the actual story as being misogynistic. Realistically, Nightcloud is just a lady. She didn't do anything wrong other than being overly jealous. Also, no, she did not hit Crowfeather; she just pulled him away. (Stop labeling her as an abuser, goddamn.)
I'm anyway done, but I just wanted to say that I think it's incredibly stupid to see people throwing around this word. I just hope you know that if you're randomly calling people misogynists for no reason, then you're part of the problem, and you're just another toxic asshole. Please fix yourself or get out the fandom.
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fluffywings13 · 9 months
Hear me out.
JUST HEAR ME OUT: Yuji doing research on his family, like he's gotta have someone out there right, he's beyond the point of wanting them to step up but is not above throwing enough shade at them that they might think the sun's been near extinguished.
He finds Ryomen Sukuna among his Ancestors.
*Silence because of course he shouted his findings out loud for EVERYONE to hear*
Sukuna sitting on his Throne completely stupefied (its a new feeling he's never experienced before) because that's NOT POSSIBLE. But it is, it's there, a DNA test even confirms a distant match LIKE WHAT THE EVERLIVING—
Then, it happens.
Sukuna, very much alive and the closest next of kin to this brat, demands Guardianahip of his brat (when did the kid become *his* even he's *feeling* things he's never *felt* before)
The Problem: they have no real valid argument to deny him. Sukunas financially able to provide because dude may have been the King Of Curses but Financial Stability is a Necessity for everyone and he's got troves of hidden priceless artifacts that cost a pretty sum. Like this guy fills all the boxes for being the "Abroad" Guardian of a teenager.
And Yujis thoughts on the matter, well, Sukuna's literally only a call away. He's gonna die anyway, why the hell not, he can cross "adopted by Evil King Of Curses Ancestor" off his bucket list.
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eddiesgorlie · 1 year
Fear of Tomorrow
Austin Butler x Chronically ill! Reader
Summary: When Austin is gone for interviews reader has a hard time at home, Austin takes care of her when he returns home.
Warnings: Mentions of depression, needles and chronic pain. It is kind of a sad/fluffy fic:)
Word count: 1,003
I loosely based this fic on me and how I’d like to be treated. As a young person with chronic illnesses and pain you don’t get a lot of sympathy from others. I’ve been dealing with CRPS, RLS, Raynauds and arthritis since I was a kid and am currently waiting on more diagnosis’s. For anyone in the chronic illness community or anyone that needs to chat, my messages are open, I’m here for y’all. I love y’all<3
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I was laying in bed, the blackout curtains closed and the clock read noon. Austin was currently in New York doing interviews so I was alone and my depression was hitting me harder than ever. I’d gone to the doctor alone yesterday and my heart sank when she told me it was time for more tests, dealing with pain like this in my twenties wasn’t normal and there were probably more illnesses to add to my already mile long list. The arthritis in my hands had gotten worse recently and as a full time writer, that wasn’t good. My publisher had been calling me, asking for book signings, a new book idea, anything at this point. I ignored her calls and just laid in bed staring at the wall and pile of tissues in front of me.
Austin was coming home today and the last thing I wanted him to see was me in this state, he was on such an excited high from all of his jobs and the attention but I couldn’t help it, every time I tried to move my back screamed at me and I was too weak. Most likely from dehydration and the fact that I’ve been living on snack foods. I wanted nothing more than to be that dumb carefree college kid again where my biggest worry was if my slutty halloween costume would catch my crushes eye. Now my worries were when would my next hospital stay be? If Austin leaves me how will I support myself?
I heard the door open and heavy boots walk into the house. “Honey, I’m home!” He yelled. That had become his homecoming tradition. His footsteps were lighter once he took his boots off and our bedroom door was pushed open. I squinted my eyes at the bright light streaming in the room. “Hey hun. What’s going on?” He asked, sitting on the bed. I took a deep breath to try to compose myself but failed miserably as I broke down into sobs. “I’m in pain and probably dehydrated and I’ve been living on peanut butter crackers for the past couple days. Katherine keeps calling to see if I want to do book signings or if I’m writing anything but I can’t even write!” I cried. “I went to the doctor yesterday and she said I need more tests because something else is going on. I’m so scared.” I cried.
“Baby, why didn’t you call to tell me about all of this?” He asked. “I didn’t want to bother you and weigh you down.” I said. “You never bother me, I tell you all the things going on with me and you do the same with me.” He said. “I’m so sorry.” I cried. “No, baby. Don’t apologize. Can I hold you?” He asked. “Y-yeah. Not my hands.” I sniffled. He leaned against the headboard and pulled me onto his chest. I winced at the ache in my back. “Have you drank anything?” He asked. “I had a glass of water over the past couple days.” I said. “Are you hungry?” He asked. “Yeah.” I said. “Do you want me to go grab you some food?” He asked. “Yeah..” I said.
He stood up and set me up comfortably in bed. “I’m sorry Mrs. Vampire.” He said, opening the curtains. “Ah, I’m melting.” I said, trying to have some fun. He handed me the TV remote and left the room. I scrolled through the guide and didn’t find anything good so I put on my favorite Forrest Gump. A couple minutes later Austin came back with two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and my pink Stanley filled to the brim with water. “I want you to eat and drink.” He said sitting in bed next to me. “Thank you, Aus.” I smiled. “What kind of test does the doctor want you to have done?” He asked. “Labs.” I sighed. “Damnit. Again?” He asked, knowing my crippling fear of needles. “Yep, again.” I sighed. “I’m sorry, honey.” He said. “I’ll get through, I just want to know whats wrong with me.” I said. “Nothing’s wrong with you, honey.” He said. “You know what I mean.” I said. He nodded and took a bite of his sandwich. “I called my agent and publicist and told them to clear my schedule for the next couple weeks. The only thing I have to attend is the Oscars and of course if you can, I want you there with me.” He smiled. “Aus, you don’t have to do that for me. I want you to do interviews and photo shoots.” I sighed.
My big thing was that I never wanted to be a burden to him, I told him about my problems on the second date and promised him that if something ever was holding him down that we would go our separate ways. His career was going so well and I couldn’t be more proud of him and I wouldn’t let anything slow him down, especially me. “Y/n, you’re my girl, I’m going to take care of you. I love you so much.” He kissed my head. “I love you, Aus.” I said.
After we finished eating and Austin took the plates into the kitchen and came back into the room, I felt my eyes drooping as the exhaustion from the past couple of days hit me. “Are you tired, baby?” He asked. I nodded. “Every time I try to sleep the RLS kicks in and I just end up walking around the apartment.” I sighed. “C’mere.” He said, helping me lay between his legs, my head resting on his shoulder. He took my leg in his hands and started gently massaging. I let out a happy sigh and dropped my head back as I finally felt a little relief from the past couple days of hell. “Get some rest. I’m right here.” He whispered in my ear. I gladly obliged and let sleep finally reach me as I laid in his warm embrace.
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