#i identify with hiccup very much in a lot of ways but i lack the impulsivity. i have a dipper/twilight need to plan everything meticulously
squeeb-art · 1 year
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This meme except I get to choose the characters to smash my art block. Fun game, tell me what you think what I’m like (for better or for worse) based on these guys.
Friend-endorsed: "I don't know nausicaa or roxy but the rest are very accurate i think"
#other friends had other variations of ' i don't know all ylthe source media but based on the ones i do know...yeah '#what on earth do these characters have in common? they are Just Like Me FR#what could i possibly be like in real life? confused.#Is this what the kids call a kin list…#httyd#gravity falls#homestuck#studio ghibli#mlp fim#bobs burgers#family members have compared me to like paul pfeiffer. alex dunphy. george michael bluth. politely disagree.#because usually the extent of the comparison is that the character is Book Smart (TM)#Or sweet and fumbly/anxious#even if there's not much else there#however they lose their minds when we watch Bob's Burgers because i am Very Tina in many ways#not the boy crazy thing at all#but vibeswise im tina all the way down just quite a bit more personable#which is flattering bc i love her#i identify with hiccup very much in a lot of ways but i lack the impulsivity. i have a dipper/twilight need to plan everything meticulously#i think deep in my soul i crave novelty but i also have Quite A Bit Anxiety Disorders#if you put stock in personality tests im infj and 9w1#idk that any of these guys are either of those. maybe with their strengths and weaknesses combined#you could distill Me#so anyway i guess i have this instead of carrd. this actually is all you need to know#oh actually tina is infp and 9w1 so very very close#nausicaa is enfj and 2w1 which is close as well#i always test extremely borderline almost 50/50 on thinking/feeling#abd like 60/40 introvert/extrovert#i LOVE people. love them. just not all at once#are mtbi and enneagram definitive measures of a person? no. are they fun? hell yes
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daffodilfool · 6 months
Music and Intelligence
i made a followup / correction of this post
go read that instead, please I worked so fucking hard on it and people are STILL flocking to this version
I'm gonna preface this by saying I am by no means a professional biologist, I am just a biology student who nerds out about art and biology sharing an interesting thought I had this morning.
We don't know where music comes from. That is the very disappointing answer I got to a very interesting question I had this morning. The best answer science can come up with is ...eh, it's kind of just an evolutionary hiccup that developed out of nowhere.
I don't buy it.
Hypothesis: Music isn't an evolutionary hiccup but actually an integral aspect to developing sapience.
Think about this: One of the very first things we'll hear as human beings both now as we're born and in the ages past when we first evolved is birdsong. We associate birdsong with two very important things:
Winter has passed.
Dawn has broken.
Both of these give us a lot of valuable information like it is no longer dark, it is no longer cold, it is no longer dangerous, it is safe.
Early hominids with the ability to correctly identify birdsong and associate it with safety would thus be at great evolutionary advantage as they would be much more likely to survive the winter and the night, but that ability requires 3 major steps:
The ability to pick out distinct rhythms and melodies to correctly identify something as birdsong.
The ability to correlate said birdsong to the idea of the sun coming out.
The ability to make said connection through an abstract emotional response.
In other words, it requires pattern recognition, problem solving and complex emotion. Sapience. Music is not a coincidental fluke byproduct of sapience, it is the catalyst for developing sapience.
Granted this is largely speculation on my part; there's nothing I can do to prove that this is why our sapience evolved.
We are not the only sapient life on earth, there are others, some debated, some not. Besides us there are dolphins, whales, corvids, parrots and elephants, and do you know what we all have in common? We deliberately communicate through melodic and rhythmic sounds, and we derive a particular pleasure from doing so. We all enjoy music.
If music was an evolutionary fluke in our development, how come it's a commonality among all sapient life? There are many animals that sing to mate and sing to intimidate and yet they lack any signs of sapience, but the ones that sing just because they can all happen to be the most intelligent creatures on earth.
Food for thought.
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kaitsawamura · 3 years
baby mine, don’t you cry
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Summary: A quiet early morning moment between Reader and Deku and their newborn baby.
Pairing: Pro Hero Deku x Reader and newborn daughter
Warnings: None!
Tags: Just sheer baby fever fluff inspired by the movie A Beautiful Day. Aged Up Izuku Midoriya, Dad! Deku.
Notes: Short and sweet, I hope y’all enjoy! Not my best but I couldn’t get this beautiful little scene out of my head. Picture is not mine, it’s from Pinterest. I will be changing it, just wanted to get this up right away 😅
Links: AO3
Of all the things Izuku Midoriya thought he’d be doing at twenty-eight, being married to the love of his life and learning how to care for a newborn baby girl was not one of them. But here he was, exhausted, letting out a long-winded sigh through his lips as the baby fussed from the crib. You were blacked out next to him, thank god. You needed your sleep. He supposed he needed his too, but he had told the agency that he would only be coming in on an emergency basis for a little while. They had heartily agreed; the world was crazy and Pro Heroes needed love (maybe especially) too. It was only right that he got to be with his family at this crucial point.
Deku blearily looked over at the clock on his nightstand; the dimmed blue numbers read 3:53 AM. He tried to remain quiet, hoping for a bit that maybe the baby would go back to sleep but the minutes ticked by and her crying only grew louder and more frenzied. He pulled the quilt back from his body and sat up, bending over to let out a little groan. Everything in his body protested. The three of you had not gotten a whole lot of sleep recently while everyone acclimated to the new schedule. He carded his fingers through the curls atop his head and very nearly laid back down.
But then the baby let out a particularly strong wail and he rose on creaking knees to go to her crib. Even in the waning moonlight that ghosted through the window, he could see how red her cheeks were and with a lurching in his chest, he grabbed for her. Scooping her up into his arms and holding her against his bare chest. He walked back and forth for a moment before realizing she wasn’t quite done crying.
The wooden floor of the hallway shifted under his feet; it was spring and early mornings were still cold. His toes were a little frozen so he wiggled them as he walked. He rocked the baby, swaying his hips back and forth making little shshing sounds as he did but still, it was no use. Great crocodile tears etched paths down her chubby little cheeks and she drew in great hiccuping breaths.
“Oh, little one, ssh. It’s all right. Daddy’s here.” He resigned himself to no more sleep until his wife woke up for her “shift”. The rocking chair sat in the corner by the living room window. It looked very enticing right now; he was already dead on his feet. He turned on the little lighthouse night light that sat on a bookshelf near the chair and when the light bulb flickered to life, it cast a barely-there glow that just encompassed the chair. He sat, making himself as comfortable as possible, and brought his newborn daughter to his chest. She had just eaten an hour and a half ago; based on what he had learned so far, she wouldn’t be hungry just yet.
He rocked and hummed and hummed and rocked. She was so little, so tiny and he absently wondered if it was because of his own big shoulders or if all babies were like this. Tiny but willing to take on the world. And that’s what she sounded like as her crying gradually faded to whimpers, and then tiny little baby groans that matched her small fingers and toes. That she would take on the world if she had to had something cracking in his chest as he identified with that feeling. She nestled her face into his chest and his eyes near brimmed with tears of his own.
His life was nothing short of crazy. He was a Pro Hero. A Pro Hero mentored by All Might no less. A Pro Hero who had not been born with a quirk. A hero who had been a nobody. As his mind slowly edged between waking and sleeping, he realized that sometimes he still felt like a nobody. But with an unimaginable warmth seeping into his body from where his little girl lay against him, his heart skipped a beat.
Because he also realized that a nobody couldn’t make such a precious somebody as the little one he was holding in his arms.
You startled awake, the headache that had been threatening to hit from earlier finally gripping at the back of your neck. You had been sure you had heard the baby fussing a little while ago but now all was quiet. Deku’s side of the bed was empty, a ghosting of his scent and warmth still lingering on the sheets when your fingers brushed across them.
You sat up, squinting your eyes against the pain in your neck and shoulders. Ibuprofen would fix that but that was all the way in the medicine cabinet in the kitchen. Which really wasn’t all that far away but certainly felt like it at the moment. Deku must have gotten the baby but as your eyes blinked away sleep, you could see he wasn’t in the room. He must have gone out to the living room.
The pain in your neck radiated down your back and into your lower hips and lack of sleep made it feel near impossible to actually sit up and get out of bed. But your curiosity was piqued and the aches in your body were nearly growling. It was just 5:30 in the morning and you could hear the faint melody of birds chirping outside. You probably weren’t going to get any more sleep for a little while as it was.
You padded down the hallway, holding your hand against the small of your back, arching it in an attempt to eradicate some stiffness. The house was breathing all around you, making small noises as the world around you slowly awakened. It was still chilly; your feet protested the cold wood floor. A milky shaft of light flowed into the hallway from the kitchen. Another warmer light emanated from the living room. That must be where Deku was. Judging by the stillness in the air, he had accomplished what he came out to do.
You entered on a small gasped breath, placing your hand over your mouth as if that would help conceal the sound escaping your mouth. Deku was a stunning man. Even if he didn’t know it, you were always looking for chances to remind him and he was always doing things that just made himself a hundred times more attractive. Like the way his hair looked when he was straight out of the shower. Or the way he smirked when you told him a stupid joke. Or the way his hands looked when he was chopping vegetables for dinner. Or the way his smile looked when he caught you outside in the garden.
But he had never looked so good as he did right now and your heart bloomed on an almost painful balloon of happiness and love. The glow from the lighthouse night light was already weakening as the sun began its ascent but it was just enough to cast Deku’s face in a warm glow. He had a five o clock shadow now and was somewhere in between sleep and awareness; his foot propelled the rocking chair in a slow ambling rhythm but every once in a while it would stutter into stillness. You shook your head, a smile threatening to break across your face at the delightfully foolish man; he hadn’t bothered to put on a shirt so your baby girl was skin to skin with him. Her eyes were shut and her little mouth was open just a touch.
You must have made some noise because his eyes fluttered open. He didn’t say anything just gently lifted a hand to beckon you over. The muscle memory of sneaking around whenever she was asleep kicked in though and this time you made it to him without making a sound. He closed his eyes briefly again as he took your hand in his own. It felt magical really to hold his hand. It was large and warm and callused. You brought it to your lips, pressing gentle kisses to the scars that crisscrossed his skin before leaning into his ear.
“Why don’t we sit back on the couch,” you whispered. At least the three of you could fit on there together and you had a creeping suspicion he wouldn’t go back to bed even if you suggested it. He lazily nodded his head before cradling the baby in his arms and rising, the breath whooshing from his lips as he attempted to move without waking her. You knew what it felt like to be held by him so you weren’t surprised when she didn’t wake from her slumber. After grabbing the much-needed painkiller for your headache, you settled in next to him.
He opened his arms and now was cradling two human beings. He was an expert at it really. You curled into him and listened with delight as the baby nestled even farther into the crook of his arm and let out a breathless sigh, the kind that only babies can make. Deku was already drifting back to sleep. You could tell by the way his breath deepened with each movement of his chest as your arm rested over his abdomen.
“I love you,” you murmured into his skin. He whispered it back against the crown of your head as the two of you floated into sleep and the world felt whole and good.
Early morning sun craned through the window; outside the city came to life. Spring danced on a breeze through the trees outside. All was well.
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itslilimethinks · 3 years
i see a lot of critique on httyd3 about the (for lack of a better word) infantilization of toothless, specifically in reference to the last two movies and his relationship with the light fury, and i wanna talk about that ig
i do think it lacks nuance and at first glance utterly clashes with the toothless we know and love, but i think there’s a little more depth we can apply here. we see toothless- who previously was a mature leadership figure- seemingly demeaned to a bumbling, infantile character the moment he meets a girl. while i think this is first and foremost a product of general romantic culture in american media, i think it’s also representative of the disconnect between toothless’s human socialization and dragon biological background.
when we first meet toothless he’s aggressive and off-putting, an unfortunate but reasonable result of the vulnerable position hiccup put him in. eventually, hiccup earns his trust, as shown through the recession of toothless’s teeth, a symbol of trust throughout the franchise and the deciding factor in the character’s name. throughout httyd 1 and 2, hiccup and toothless’s relationship is heavily inspired by the classic “a dog is a man’s best friend,” adage, and i’d go so far as to say that their dynamic even transcends the trope. toothless and hiccup become leaders in a parallel arc, and going into the third act of the trilogy, that’s the roles we’re expecting them to fill.
however, httyd3 actively and purposefully subverts the audience’s expectations, and the introduction of the light fury twists everything we know about toothless on its head. as viewers, we usually identify with hiccup; after all, we’re humans, not mythical beasts (even though many of us wish we were). when we see toothless expressing interest in a non-human relationship, we’re accosted just as hiccup is because we’ve been on his side the entire time. when we look at toothless in the third film, it’s the first time we see him stand for himself, rather than- once again, for lack of a better word- hiccup’s sidekick. here, we don’t get the chance to toothless through hiccup’s eyes: the hero, the companion, and the friend. we see him as an independent character, we learn that yes, toothless as all of those things, but there’s one thing he isn’t as well: human. we go on the same journey that hiccup does as he realizes that toothless is tame, but he isn’t domesticated. he wasn’t bred for this. and here that uncomfortable, disconcerting feeling kicks in. maybe...hiccup may have hurt toothless more than we thought.
we see toothless acting “goofy,” or “immature,” as he attempts to woo the light fury, and it seems out of place, but i think that’s important. it shows how much toothless missed out developmentally, because he didn’t get the presumed socialization he would have had if he hadn’t grown up aside hiccup. he doesn’t know what to do because he’s never gotten the chance to learn, and when compared to a presumed peer and potential partner, he’s worse of because of it. i hate that this is the analogy i’m going to draw, but it reminds me a lot of the way the warrior cats novels treat the difference between clan cats and house pets- they’ve got all the same potential, but none of the training. combine that with hiccup’s faulty leadership- think about how quickly toothless picks things up with it’s just him and the light fury- and i come a similar conclusion to hiccup’s. it’s naive to think that toothless turned out perfectly fine in the environment he was raised in.
obviously, i still have critiques about certain parts of this arc, but overall i think it does a very good job illustrating just how out of his depth toothless is when it comes to non-human communication. i’m not a fan of the dumb-and-in-love, puppy-dog-eyed thing they had going on, or the changes to his design, but i think the story they told about the consequences of hiccup’s actions was an important and nuanced one. it brings more depth and emotional maturity to the franchise, which is something i greatly value.
but mostly i just like dragons, so there’s that.
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Operation Sweet Surprise (3/3)
Lester Sinclair x f!Reader (Romantic or Platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, Blood 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! It really means a lot whenever you guys take the time to tell me you like these stories! I truly appreciate it and I hope you enjoy this final chapter!  
Back at Lester’s cabin, you two were having the time of your lives and making quite the mess. You managed to get the cake in the oven and were now working on the pie. Lester had somehow managed to get egg on his hat and flour all over his face while you had dried batter on one of your arms a stain on your pants from spilling vanilla extract. You found what Lester lacked in grace, he made up for with enthusiasm. He followed your instructions to the letter, with minor hiccups, trying his best to make you proud. He was a great assistant.
“Alright, what’s next, boss?” Lester asked
“We need to peel and slice up these apples.” You said as you handed over an apple.
“Yes, ma’am!” Lester said, whipping out a clean knife and getting to work. You both began working in comfortable, silent concentration. The sweet smell of cake soon began filling Lester’s small cabin. You should have known better than to look away from your hands, but you were only glancing at the recipe for one moment. Of course, in that short second you managed to slice the side of your finger. You hastily dropped the knife and squeezed your hand.
“Shit!” you hissed as you stepped away from the counter to avoid getting blood near the food.
“What’s wrong?” Lester said, alarmed at your sound of distress
“Nothing, I just cut myself because I wasn’t looking at what I was doing. Stupid mistake.” You said with a sigh of frustration.
“Let me see.” He said, abandoning his own apple and knife to examine your injury.
“It’s just a small cut, I’ll clean it up before I keep working.” You said, trying not to get worked up at the amount of blood dripping from your hand.
“Nope, you stand over the sink and I’ll get it cleaned up.” Lester said, digging through his drawers until he found a small first aid kit. He came back to stand next to you and started the faucet, “Let’s see what we got.” The blood cleared from around your cut and it wasn’t too bad, “Good, ya don’t need stitches!”
“No way. Call it. I’m knocking on death’s door.” You said with a hint of sarcasm, dramatically throwing your head back.
“Hey, this is some real ER shit I’m ‘bout to do. Hold still!” Lester joked back as he uncapped a bottle of alcohol.
“Tell Bo and Vincent, not to touch my stuff when I’m dead.” You quipped.
“This is gonna sting.” Lester said swiftly as he doused your finger before you could process his words.
“Ouch! It stings!” you winced despite being warned of that exact sensation.
“Well, I said it was gonna sting, silly.” Lester laughed at your expense, pulling out some gauze.
“Are you taking joy in my pain?” you joked as he wrapped your finger tight.
“Naw, I’m laughing with ya! Ain’t it obvious?” Lester insisted as he taped off the bandage, “There! Snug as a bug.”  
“What the prognosis, doc? Am I gonna make it?” you asked, carefully clinging to your newly wrapped finger.
“Well, it don’t seem like we have to take ya out to pasture quite yet.” Lester said with finger on his chin, like he was really considering his words.
“What?!” you squeaked out through your laughter. You two broke out into hysterics before you could continue your game of doctor/patient roleplay. When you finally caught your breath, you wiped away the tears in your eyes, “Thanks again, Lester. I can always rely on you.”
“Sure thing.” Lester said as he packed up his first aid kit.
“You really are the best, you know.” You said fondly, “You’re definitely my favorite. Just don’t tell your brothers.”
“Aw, shucks, Y/N.” Lester stuttered as he rubbed as the back of his neck, turning away to put the kit back. You could still see his ears burning from behind him, “You don’t gotta say that.”
“It’s the truth! And don’t you forget, okay!” you said, turning him to face you. You quickly place a light kiss on his cheek. He went bright red as his hand shot up to touch where your lips had just been, a dopey grin plastered on his face. You giggled at his flustered expression before clapping your hands together, “Okay! No more time to waste! How about I leave the rest of the knifework to you, and I’ll focus on the glaze?”
“U-uh, s-sounds like a plan!” Lester stuttered, dreamily returning to his station.
The kitchen was once again filled with the sound of spirited chatter among the delightful, sweet smell of homemade baked goods, made with love and laughter.
Lester drove you and the treats back to the house. You took care to hold the goods steady so they made it in one piece. They looked incredible. They weren’t picture perfect, but they were clearly done with care and they tasted great; if the crumbs were any evidence. The frosting was mostly even and the pie was a beautiful golden brown. You couldn’t wait to see the twins’ faces when they saw their surprise. You only hoped they enjoyed it.
When Lester pulled up in front of the house, you were relieved to see that Bo’s truck wasn’t there, meaning he was still out. You left the treats with Lester while you went inside to make sure no one was home. The lights were still out, so all systems were a go. You went back out and rushed to the truck, giving Lester a thumbs up. He took the pie, while you retrieved the cake. You both made your way to the kitchen and set the treats on the table next to each other. Lester cleared out the kitchen a little, wiping down the counter and piling the dishes in the sink. It wasn’t clean, per se, but it was as clean as it got in the Sinclair home. You took out two small candles from the drawer and stuck them in the center of each dessert. If there was one thing there was never shortage of, it was candles. Now, all that was left to do was wait for Bo and Vincent to come home. It was just after six, so they’d be back up for dinner soon. You and Lester sat at the table, across from one another, in the dark with anticipation.
“Thanks again for all your help today, Lester. I promise to pay you back.” You said, truly grateful for everything Lester had done for you even before today.
“Don’t think twice ‘bout it! I had a good time with ya, Y/N. Been a long time since I had that much fun. Maybe the most fun in my life.” Lester said looking between the treats and you.
“Me too.�� You agreed.
“Matter of fact…uh, I was meanin’ to ask…” Lester started.
“Uh huh?” You encouraged him to go on.
“Well…if it ain’t too much trouble…would ya do somethin’ like this for my birthday?” Lester asked bashfully. Your heart soared as you beamed at him.
“I would love to do that for you! March 31st, right?” you confirmed eagerly
“You remembered.” Lester said quietly, floored that you knew the exact date.
“Course I did! I just wish I’d been around early enough to celebrate it with you this year. Now I’ve got to wait.”
“Thanks, Y/N. And it don’t have to be a surprise or nothin’. Actually, I was kinda hopin’ I could help ya out again. This was so much fun; I figure that’s what I wanna do for my birthday.” Lester said bouncing with excitement.
“That sounds wonderful, Lester! Let’s do it!” you said matching his energy, “And you know, why wait until then? This doesn’t have to be a ‘special occasions’ only thing. We should just bake or cook together whenever we’ve got the time. It was too much fun doing this with you to wait so long to it again. We could even try some new stuff together or teach each other things we already know!”
“I’m all for that, but I’m not sure I got much to teach ya.” Lester said, scratching his head for ideas.
“Um, hello! There are so many things you could teach me! I don’t know anything about cooking deer meat and I’m still a beginner at identifying animal skulls! And I know you’re incredible at wood carving. I saw those little figurines you had in your cabin and you’re going to teach me how to make some!” You gassed him up, “You’re so smart, Lester. You have so much to show me.” It was hard to tell in the dark, but you could’ve sworn you saw a glint of a tear in Lester’s eyes. After a short silence, he finally spoke again.
“Ya sure you’re ready for more knives?” Lester teased
“…We’ll work up to it.” You muttered.
Just then, the sound of the front door opening, stopped your conversation. You heard Bo mumbling something while Vincent’s footsteps fell behind him. You quickly struck a match and lit the two candles.
“What the fuck?” Bo huffed. He flipped on the lights to see you and Lester smiling like idiots with a cake and pie on the table.
“Surprise!” you both shouted at the top of your lungs, “Happy Birthday, Bo and Vincent!”
“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” Bo asked with a roll of his eyes as he swiped a hand across his face. Vincent peeked from behind his brother, his one blue eye wide with shock.
“No, we’re not kidding, Bo! Now sit your ass down and eat your pie!” you said as you stood to pull both of them toward the table. Lester got up so the twins could sit at the table by their respective dessert, “I know neither of you care very much about your birthday, but I wanted to do something special to celebrate. So, humor me, okay! Lester and I slaved over a hot stove to make these for you.” Vincent looked at the cake you made and back up to you, pointing at himself as though asking it was really for him, “Just for you Vincent! I know that’s your favorite.”
“You did all this shit? Just ‘cuz it’s our birthday?” Bo asked, not taking his eyes off of the pie in front of him. It was like he was afraid to touch it; scared it might bite him. You slapped his shoulder,
“Yeah. You both deserve to be celebrated.” You told him sweetly. He might not take your gesture without being sarcastic about it, but you could tell he appreciated it, “Now make a wish and blow out the candles before they get all over the place.” Bo snorted and rolled his eyes again, but heeded your orders for once. Vincent lifted up the bottom of his mask to do the same before placing it back.
“She even sacrificed her flesh to do all this.” Lester said, gesturing to your injured finger as he took the candles out.
“A worthy cause if ever there was one.” You said looking at perfect patch job Lester had done. The twins were still stunned and neither moved to dig into their sweets. “I know they’re very beautiful to look at, but don’t just stare at them. Take a slice.” You and Lester cut into the desserts and served up the slices to the birthday boys, “I hope they turned out alright, I’ve never baked either of these before.”
“Holy shit.” Bo muttered through his first bite of pie. After his first bite of cake, Vincent’s eye widened even more if that was possible. He dug into his slice with reckless abandon. Bo looked back up at you, “You made this?”
“Sure did, and I couldn’t have don’t it without Lester’s help.” You said smiling back at the youngest Sinclair.
“No way that smelly bastard has anythin’ to do with this.” Bo said shoving the pie into his mouth full speed ahead.
“Hey!” Lester protested
“Without Lester, none of this would be possible, so be nice.” You ordered.
“How did ya know I like apple pie? Pretty sure I never told ya that?” Bo asked ignoring your previous statement entirely.
“You didn’t, pretty pointedly might I add. I figured it out, though. I’m just that good.” You said with a smirk.
“I guess I’ll give ya that.” Bo admitted to your surprise. You couldn’t stop your smirk from turning into a full-on smile. The look of delight in both Bo and Vincent’s eyes were enough to make all your hard work worth it. It all paid off and Operation Sweet Surprise was a success.
“Thank you…means a lot.” Vincent rasped out, looking up at you from his cake. You were practically floating on air at his words. Vincent almost never spoke to you, much less looked in your general direction.
“You are so welcome, Vincent! I’m glad you like it!” you replied
“Can I get a piece of that pie, Bo?” Lester asked reaching for the pan. Bo smacked his youngest brother’s hand away.
“Fuck off and keep your grubby mitts off my pie.” Bo said, moving the dish out of Lester’s reach, “Go bother Vincent and his giant fuckin’ cake.” At that, Vincent shook his head and pulled his cake toward him in a protective hold.
“C’mon, I helped make it! Like Y/N said!” Lester complained, starting a shoving match with Bo, barely making an impact.
“Bullshit.” Bo said simply, easily holding Lester at bay with one arm.
“Hey, I said what I said. You have that pie because of me AND Lester. Now be nice to your brother and share. There’s plenty more pies where that came from. All you’ve got to do is ask.” You said sternly. Bo rolled his eyes and relented,
“Fine, you can have a small piece. Small.” Bo said huffily.
“Yes!” Lester celebrated as he took a slice and enjoyed the fruits of your labor, “Gee, he wasn’t kiddin’, Y/N. This is incredible. Can’t believe we made this.”
“I still don’t buy it.” Bo chimed in.
“Believe it, Beauregard.” You quipped. Lester moved to stand next to you and held his fork out to you.
“Ya gotta have some!” he said poking the bite of pie at your lips. You chuckled as you indulged him, taking the fork into your mouth.
“God, that’s good.” You agreed, savoring the delicate sweetness.
“Course it is! We make a good team, Y/N!” Lester added shooting his toothy grin back at you.
“We’re a great team, Lester. And I can’t wait to see what else we can do together.” You agreed adoringly as you took in the scene before you. It was a perfect place in time: Bo and Vincent hurtling toward a sugar rush with Lester thrilled just to be sharing his slice with you. Everyone was taken care of and content, if only just for this moment. Cake and pies be damned, this was by far the sweetest thing about today.  
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alj4890 · 5 years
Jealous/Fluffy/Silly Prompt
(Thomas x Amanda, Ryan x Holly, Matt x Addison, Maxwell x Nadia, Drake x Olivia) with the prompt: relationship problems during a comic con event as requested by @krsnlove
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Pairings and concept taken from And Then I Met You storyline and inspired by this clip from The Big Bang Theory 😂 Thanks M for coming up with this request, LOL.
A/N I think that snippet explains why this came about. Just something silly for a Monday.
@lxaah11​ @alleksa16​ @penguininapinktuxedo​ @blackcoffee85​ @stopforamoment​ @hopefulmoonobject​   @krsnlove​   @annekebbphotography​ @gibbles82​  @cora-nova​ @bella-ca​  @hopelessromantic1352​ . @sunflowergirl05​ @desiree-0816​ @greywitchyshots​ @lilyofchoices​. @moodyvalentinestories​ @emceesynonymroll​ @dr-nancy-house​ @aworldoffandoms​ @ab1901​ @pixieferry​ @lolablackwrites​ @flyawayboo​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ . @trappedinfandoms​
The Panel
"I have the key points we can discuss followed by those we are unable to answer." Thomas passed out the lists to everyone. "Remember, now that this film has been picked up as a series, we must not reveal any future plot points."
"Works for me." Maxwell rubbed the back of his neck. "I haven't technically started writing out the next saga."
"What?!" Thomas narrowed his eyes. "The only reason I accepted to do a Netflix series was because you said you had written from the wedding forward!" 
Amanda got between them and gently placed her hand on Thomas's chest while urging Maxwell to flee for his life. "He has already told me his ideas and we have the first few episodes after the wedding mapped out."
Thomas took a deep breath. His furious expression disappeared as he looked down at her. "Very well. I will allow you to explain what is going to happen later on in the story." He gently squeezed her hand and turned to the rest that were going to come on stage to talk.
Addison tapped her foot while purposely looking anywhere but at Matt.
Ryan was standing on the complete opposite side of the room, glaring at Holly. She just so happened to be returning glare for glare with him.
Chris and Shannon were grinning and asking Nadia questions.
Thomas seemed to be completely oblivious to the tension from some in the room. After watching Maxwell scurry off, he encouraged Chris and Shannon to speak about how they had spent time with the royal couple and questioned their thoughts and emotions during the moments described in The Royal Romance.
Amanda smiled when he slipped his arm around her.
"You," he murmured, "sit next to me and help keep this rolling smoothly."
Her eyes widened at the ones that were not quite what one would describe as happy. "Are you certain you want us all out there?"
"Yes." He gathered the rest of his things and took her hand. "Let's go everyone. It's time."
Ryan hurried off with Matt while Addison and Holly glared at their backs.
"I'm so nervous." Maxwell confessed to Nadia once everyone stepped out. "I think I have forgotten everything that has happened the last few years."
"You're going to be amazing up there!" She wrapped him in a tight hug. "Just remember that you were the one to take their story and make it one the entire world loves."
"Have I told you how much I love you?" He asked.
"You have but I never get tired of hearing it nor telling you how much I love you." Nadia took his hands in hers. "I'll sit on the front row with Drake and Olivia." She promised. "I'm so proud of you." She kissed him again before hurrying off.
Maxwell took a deep breath and gave himself a pep talk as he walked behind everyone. "You can do this. Your first Con will go great. Everything will be perfect. Oh look! Champagne!"
"I didn't know so many people would be here." Maxwell whispered to Amanda. He set his red solo cup down filled to the brim with a refill. He had downed the first glass before joining them.
She nodded, pale and a little green around the lips. "Max...you know I don't do well speaking in front of crowds." She moved closer to her husband and stared at the growing audience.
Thomas pulled her chair out next to his for her. "Amanda?"
She snapped out of her trance. "Sorry. I was distracted with all the people still coming in." She sat down next to him and whispered in his ear. "I'm so nervous talking in front of them."
He placed his hand on her leg under the table and gently rubbed it. "You will do beautifully." He pressed a tender kiss to her lips and watched her smile appear once more.
"Are we playing musical chairs?" Maxwell asked those on his other side.
Holly and Addison paused. "No. We are setting the panel like it should be."
"I would like to sit beside my wife." Chris complained when they tried to make him a buffer between them and their husbands.
"Fine!" Holly moved Shannon's place down beside Chris's.
Ryan continued to glare at his wife. "Don't worry. Matt and I won't get anywhere near you."
Addison's head whipped around. "I can't believe you took his side!"
Matt folded his arms. "I can't believe you took hers!"
Thomas cleared his throat in warning to his fellow panelists. "Thank you for joining us. Once my colleagues have gotten comfortable we will begin our panel on the upcoming Netflix series, The Royal Romance." He smiled at Amanda. "I have my talented wife and cowriter of the series, Amanda Hunt, beside me. The author of The Royal Romance and fellow screenwriter, Maxwell Beaumont. Next to him is my assistant director, Holly Summers. Addison Rodriguez is our costume designer. Prince Liam and Riley will be played by the film's stars Chris and Shannon Winters. Matt Rodriguez is portraying Drake Walker and Ryan Summers is playing Maxwell Beaumont."
Everyone forced smiles and waved at the cheering fans as they were introduced. Thomas waited for the crowd to calm down and began talking about how the series came about. He explained that he was still searching for his Olivia and Hana since the film's stars for those two couldn't commit to the series. "We have a few in mind for the parts and should announce who they are within the next month or so." He leaned over to look at Maxwell. "Would you care to discuss what might be in store for everyone?"
Maxwell hiccupped and nodded. "You know it!" He smiled and pumped his fists in the air. "Give it up SAN DIEGO!!!!"
Amanda's eyes widened at his behavior. She hadn't seen him act like this since..."Oh no." She reached over and grabbed his nearly empty cup while he worked the crowd into a frenzy. She took a sip as he began to explain how so much had happened since Riley and Liam finally said I do.
Thomas noticed her alarm and leaned closer. "What's wrong?"
She exchanged her glass with Maxwell's. "He's tipsy on champagne."
"WHAT?" Thomas blurted out.
"I said," Maxwell groaned in annoyance at Thomas's lack of listening. "That their happy ending was challenged from outside forces again!" He shook his head and motioned toward Thomas with his thumb. "This guy. He freaks out over the littlest things. Once Amanda was going to surprise him dressed in nothing but--"
"Thank you Maxwell!" Amanda's face was completely red as she interrupted his reveal into her very personal life. That would be the last time she ever confided in Nadia about private matters. "I have to say that helping create not only the screenplay for your book but also co-writing the series with you has been a lot of fun." She turned toward the crowd and smiled. "Since I am away from Cordonia so much, our writing together has helped keep me updated on what is occuring when I am gone."
"That's me, the bff updater extraordinaire." He winked at the crowd and waved at Nadia. "My wife's down there." He told the audience. "Look how tiny she looks. Like a cute little fairy. You're way better than a fairy, Blossom! Never let some guy tell you different."
He picked up his glass and took a sip. He spit it out all over Holly. "Sorry! But I must have grabbed someone else's drink." He searched for the cup Amanda secretly passed to Thomas to hide.
Holly took her glasses off and wiped them on his shirt sleeve. "Your spit, therefore your shirt will be used to clean these up."
Ryan snorted. "Careful Max. Sitting next to her can be detrimental to your peace of mind."
Holly narrowed her eyes. "Speaking of peace of mind, I get asked all the time what it is like being married to such a handsome individual."
"Does this observation have anything to do with the series?" Thomas interrupted.
Holly ignored him. "You know that one guy you meet in college? He's cute, always flirts and smiles, makes you think you're the only one in his universe. Then BAM! You really see him and you're like, is this really what I fell for?"
Addison nodded in agreement. "Testify!"
"Testify about the series!" Thomas insisted.
"Chris? Why don't you and Shannon explain what made you both decide to continue playing Liam and Riley after the film." Amanda urged before Holly or Thomas got too wound up.
"You know what it's like to be married to a judgemental know it all?" Ryan interrupted Shannon's explanation of why she identified with Riley so much. "It is at first annoying. Then, really annoying. Right when you think you have her figured out, she pulls a fast one on you and you meet the kind of guys she used to date." He blinked stupidly and started talking in a slow, dumb fashion. "Uh hey Hols. No time, long see." He mimicked.
"He might not be the brightest bulb in the box but at least he isn't some superficial pretty boy!" Holly yelled.
"WAIT!" Maxwell jumped to his feet. "The Romance Royal." He blinked at how wrong that sounded but couldn't think how to fix it. "Anyway it's meant to bring everyone together. Like a group hug. It's really just a big ol' hug." He looked at the front row. "Right Drake?"
Drake and Olivia were doubled over laughing. "Sure, Maxwell. Whatever you say."
"Straight from that guy's mouth." Maxwell pulled Holly out of her chair. He then grabbed Ryan. "You know what you have to do."
"I'm not hugging him in the middle of an argument." Holly bit out.
Ryan lifted an eyebrow. "So I take it after this argument, you will?"
"You're still my husband!" She yelled at him. "I didn't say I hated you. You just drive me crazy with your judgemental crap whenever I run into an ex!"
"My judgemental crap!" He yelled back. "Who made fun of Bridgette when we bumped into her last week?"
"Hey!" She wagged a finger at him. "Don't even go there. We both were guilty of laughing that night. Besides, you hated meeting Joel when you noticed how toned he was."
"See! Right there!" Ryan pointed at her. "And you say I'm superficial! Just admit that the only reason you were with him was because of his body. We know it wasn't his one brain cell. That poor little cell stuck all alone in that big, emptyheaded, muscled beyond common decency body."
"There you go again!" She exclaimed. Holly and Ryan began to argue over each other.
Addison snorted in her laughter and avoided Holly's traitorous glance.
"No hugging! That isn't...nope. Not gonna help." Maxwell interrupted when the couple moved closer to one another in the heat of the fight. "If my book has shown anything, it's that dance offs are the to way go...go way to...way to go!"
Amanda raised her hand. "I want to state for the record that every mention of a dance off was written by him. I do not believe they solve anything."
"If a dance off will put this panel back on the subject we should be discussing, then I will not only commend Maxwell but allow him to include it in every episode." Thomas muttered.
Matt and Addison were both looking at each other, ignoring the chaos around them.
"I'm sorry." They both said at the same time. Their smiles popped out. Addison picked up her name card and moved down to sit in Ryan's empty chair. Chris and Shannon welcomed them to the happy couple's section.
Thomas tossed his notes behind him and propped his chin on his hand. He shared a resigned glance with Amanda then addressed the enraptured crowd. "This panel is no longer about the upcoming series. It has turned into a free for all marriage counseling session. My apologies to each of you. We will attempt to regroup and meet at a later time and actually discuss The Royal Romance."
"Somebody drop the beat!" Maxwell yelled out. "Drake! Drop the beat!" He began to move Holly and Ryan to a beat only he heard. "Dance off now people!"
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dyxnamicart · 5 years
You should watch schitts creek
And here’s why.
This will contain spoilers for at least up til season 4
At first glance when my lovely friend Lauren recommended this show to me, I was like, oh.. a show about a rich family who lose all their money... right... well okay I’ll give it a try.
I’m so glad I did. Because what I’m left feeling is a deep sense of satisfaction and warmth that can only come from shows like this. What makes Schitt’s creek stand out for me is its ability to portray a somewhat-mundane life and experiences while also being entertaining and fun and that’s what I think it’s biggest selling point is. It doesn’t rely on cilches and drama to build a narrative. It relies on the humanity of people and the differences and experiences and interesting people to make a small town with quirky character relationships. There isn’t anything wrong with shows that use drama and heavy sets, but it’s very refreshing to see a storyline with a more subdued and real human quality.
It’s seeing the way the characters have changed and evolve even in the most subtle and not subtle ways while not losing their personalities and what makes them special. That’s what makes this show incredibly well written. While they maintain their balance, they adapt to situations and learn from experiences and how to improve and seeing even the slightly improvement fills you with a real sense of achievement.
Another important aspect of the story is the way they tackle relationships.
First and foremost, the foundation relationship we are introduced to are Johnny and Moira, and throughout the series they maintain a healthy and strong marriage, something that is rarely shown on tv. I didn’t realise how nice it was to have these characters depicting marriage like this until it was right in front of me. I didn’t realise how many shows rely on marriage as a crutch to add drama. These two however, They have hiccups, but they work through them. They stay true to their connection.
Even Alexis, who has issues with commitment and honesty, throughout her arc we see her mature and grow and realise that no matter what the most important thing is feeling happy with the person you’re with.
Now as a part of the lgbtq+ community, I find the depiction of the gay relationship in Schitts Creek insanely satisfying.
For one, David is such a realistic gay character because of how he is emotionally withdrawn and he struggles to truly open up, which is reflective of many queer people, it’s just really nice to see characters represented in a way that you can see yourself in, especially in giving him a happy relationship it makes you feel like that’s possible for anyone, even people who have that wall. David is also fairly open from when he was young, something that contrasts Patrick’s character. This element of Patrick, wondering why he didn’t like being with girls and struggling with that, isn’t just for the sake of drama, it’s a real and sadly common problem that faces the community. The only dramas that revolve around the queer aspect of their relationship are ones that are normal and important to tell, ones that shape many of the queer people around us today.
It’s two very different narratives spun in a really nice and realistic and lovely way, and is an important storyline to portray.
You don’t realise how much representation revolves around needless and intense drama and cilches until you are handed something that you want to see yourself in. A kind of relationship that gay people want but are never shown. It’s something so insignificant to some people but if you are someone who identifies with it, it means so much.
As I said the fact being gay is just an accepted fact and he has to go through everything straight couples do, it’s so refreshing. You don’t realise the lack of that in other shows/places until you see a healthy representation on screen.
I love how accepting everyone is, I especially love seeing middle aged/older people being inclusive and open, it makes my heart swell, and it’s something I didn’t really have or see myself and a lot of people don’t have, so being shown that that’s the way the world will hopefully turn, it makes me very irrationally happy.
Schitts Creek is a human tale about love and relationships and the everyday issues while still drawing you in and entertaining you. It’s an important piece of media, through its surface level it’s a comedic drama about a misfortune family, but dip your toes in and it’s a pool of self growth, healthy relationships and life experiences.
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bearfeathers · 5 years
Ineffable Husbands: 44 + 71 :3c
[PROMPT ME!] | [AO3]
Whew! This one was exhausting. Sweeping love confessions tend to do that to a writer lol
"Crowley. I... I need to speak to you. Please. Will you come?"
Nothing could have made him move faster. When Aziraphale had phoned him in the middle of the night, he'd sounded troubled when he'd asked him over. Given that they had rather recently performed their little body swapping act to avoid punishment for the Notpocalypse, it's enough to make Crowley worry. Had the angel heard something from Heaven? Should he expect the same?
"Angel?" he calls, closing the shop's doors behind him with a snap of his fingers.
The lack of answer only puts speed in his stride and he reaches the back room at a near sprint. Not here either. Something's definitely not right.
He takes the stairs up to the angel's flat two at a time, the door flinging open long before he even reaches it. But as he enters, he finds that Aziraphale doesn't seem to be in any danger. He's sat on the sofa, his coat on the rack nearby. He's looking particularly let loose (well, for him anyway) with his sleeves are rolled up to the elbow, his bowtie untied, and a glass held between his hands. 
"Couldn't be arsed to answer me, I suppose? I was only screaming my bloody head off for you down there," Crowley says. But when he sees the small puddle of liquid at the bottom of the glass and the flush on the angel's face, he can see what part of the problem is. "You've been drinking tonight, haven't you?"
It's really not much of a question. It's as plain as day that he has been. The empty wine bottles on the coffee table are kind of a dead give away.
"No. I mean, yes, but that's not—that doesn't have anything to do with why I asked you here," Aziraphale says. "Or... Well, I suppose it does, it's just not the reason, um..."
The angel isn't just in his cups. He's about as drunk as Crowley can remember having seen him and that can't bode well. Crowley leans to the side, resting his weight on his hip against the wall as he crosses his arms over his chest, suddenly very aware of the fact that he's never even seen the angel's flat before.
"You said you needed to speak to me," Crowley reminds him. "Suppose you might like to sober up for that?"
Squeezing his eyes shut tight, Aziraphale shakes his head in response. If Crowley hadn't been concerned before, he is now. The angel never likes to have serious conversations while inebriated. What could he possibly have to talk about that he can't be sober for? That he called Crowley in the middle of the night for? It’s obviously of some importance but Crowley can only begin to imagine what it is. Aziraphale hardly looks happy about it and the demon’s gut churns unpleasantly.
"Alright," Crowley says. He carefully pries himself from the wall and approaches the worn but comfortable looking sofa, taking a seat on the far end. He wants to be close, but still leave the angel enough room so that he doesn’t feel smothered, sensing that this is something which should be approached delicately. “Do you want to tell me what it is, then?”
With a nod, Aziraphale leans forward and places his glass on the coffee table. For a moment Crowley thinks he’s about to refill it, but thankfully he leaves it just where it is and leans back in his seat. The angel presses his hands to his face with a heavy sigh.
“I’m sorry I woke you,” Aziraphale says. “I didn’t... didn’t realize what time it was.”
Crowley shrugs a shoulder. “Well, I mean, I don’t actually need to sleep and you sounded like you had something important. Is it about... them?”
He stresses the word, knowing his counterpart will pick it up. But Aziraphale shakes his head, not looking to be in any better spirits for it. So no news on that front. But if not that, he doesn’t know what could have the angel so tied in knots. He watches as Aziraphale looks down at his well-manicured hands where they now rest in his lap. He tugs his fingers, curls them around each other, squeezes them, laces them together, bends them at angles which should be painful. Such a familiar quirk by now and an easy tell when it comes to reading him.
“This might sound a bit... strange to you, Crowley. And you may not like what I have to say,” Aziraphale warns him. “But I ask that you please let me say it.”
This is starting to scare him, and he isn't the type to scare easily. “Angel, I don’t know what–“
“Please,” Aziraphale reiterates, hazel eyes pleading and dark with some mixture of emotion that Crowley can’t identify. “Then you can say or do whatever you wish.”
Crowley doesn’t know what else to do than agree. He nods his head, rubbing his palms against his thighs as he does so. “...alright.”
“Thank you,” Aziraphale says, seeming genuinely relieved. 
It seems he’s taking a moment to gather his thoughts or compose himself as he inhales deeply and closes his eyes once more. He’d said that Crowley may not like what he has to say. Frankly, they’ve said a lot of things to each other that the other hasn’t liked over the years. But after the Notpocalypse, he felt as though they’d come to a new understanding of each other. That they’d reached a new place in regards to one another. He doesn’t very much like the idea of being knocked from that place.
“I’ve been doing a great deal of thinking... for a long time now, but also much more of it very recently,” Aziraphale says, opening his eyes but not looking at him. “After our recent adventure put things into perspective. And I’m–I’m just–I wanted to... to...”
Barely two sentences in and he’s already getting himself this worked up. Crowley feels the need to interject, but remembers his promise to allow the angel to say his piece.
“The thing is, I know the things they say about me. Up... Up there. I do,” Aziraphale says. “And it’s not even that I blame them, I can–well, I understand. They don’t think I know, but I do. And truth be told, I’ve never been very good at being an angel so they’re not entirely wrong.”
“All I’m saying,” Aziraphale declares loudly, talking over Crowley, “is that I never quite... fit in. I was never quite good enough. But in the same token, I don’t think I’m quite, well... bad enough for Hell. So I thought to myself–I–I thought, what exactly would you call an angel who isn’t good enough for Heaven but not bad enough for Hell?”
Crowley doesn’t bother to try and answer. 
“I thought that sounded very nearly human,” Aziraphale says. “But the thing is–the thing is–I’m not that either. I don’t fit anywhere. And I tried to just–just pretend that I did. That if I did so long enough then I would fit, I would be a good enough angel. But that’s... It’s just not who I am. It’s not something I can bury deep enough that it goes away.”
The angel finally meets his gaze. His eyes are wet with tears threatening to overcome him at any moment. It makes Crowley’s chest tight, leaving him feeling robbed of air that he doesn’t really need.
“All of this made me realize. You’ve... You’ve always–always felt like home to me,” Aziraphale says, his voice waterlogged. “When you said we were on our own side, I... I couldn’t fathom at first why it... it just made so much sense. Because that’s how it’s always been. Even when we were at odds you... I felt closer to you than anyone or anything else. You are... You are the single most important thing to me in all of Creation.”
The demon breathes out, half startled wheeze and half anxious laugh. “Now I know you’ve been drinking.”
He hadn’t meant it to, but it’s clear the comment stings. If only he could make the angel understand that it hadn’t been meant as a joke, but rather a statement of plain disbelief. Because he can’t even begin to comprehend how they’re having this conversation right now. Crowley’s lost count of the number of times he’s pictured this scenario in his head. Only it was never Aziraphale who had initiated it.
“For a very long time I didn’t know if I... What I mean is that angels are made to love, but I didn’t think we were equipped to love the way that... that...” Aziraphale’s nearly choking on the words and Crowley feels as though someone has a vice on his heart. “The way that I love you. Because I realized that’s what I felt. I love you. I've been so—so afraid to say it. For so long. So afraid of what could happen to either of us if I did and... And I don’t know if I should be apologizing for making you wait six thousand years or... or–or for ruining our friendship by saying it, I just... I just needed...”
Crowley needs to say something. Anything. Whatever will stop those fat tears from rolling down the angel’s cheeks. But his tongue has shriveled up in his mouth because Aziraphale loves him. That’s what he said. That he loves him. Him. Crowley. So he does he only thing he can think to do in that moment.
In hindsight, he realizes he’d practically thrown himself at the angel in his haste, but neither of them seemed to mind. Crowley lunges to close the gap between them, his hands on Aziraphale’s face as he kisses him into silence. Aziraphale whimpers against his lips and grips Crowley’s shirt tightly, trying to somehow bring him even closer. Crowley has wanted this for more years than he can count. But not like this. He never wanted it to hurt.
But it was bound to, wasn't it? Six thousand years of dancing this dance, of hurting and helping each other, of loving as quietly as they could. This is just ripping the bandage off. A hurt that will pass. That's all it is, he has to believe that.
“Stop,” Crowley breathes, the second they part. He can feel the sting of tears in his own eyes now, can feel them running hot down his cheeks and leaving chilly trails in their wake as they meet the open air. “Stop. Just... Stop, you idiot.”
“I’m sorry," Aziraphale hiccups.
"No, that's not what I—don't apologize," Crowley says, keeping his forehead pressed against the angel's. "Why the hell did you have to be drunk to tell me this?"
"I thought it would be easier if you... if you didn't recip—rec'pr... if you didn't feel the same," Aziraphale explains. "I didn't think I could bear to hear it sober."
He wasn't sure. And here Crowley thought he'd been the obvious one. He thought he'd given himself away more times than he could count and here the angel tells him he hadn't known.
"You have to have known," Crowley says, his voice hushed, wrecked. "How could you not have known that I love you more than anything?"
"I didn't know if you could. I didn't know if either of us could," Aziraphale says. "I just... I've just been so confused and I thought... just having you as a friend was enough but—" He laughs, but there's little humor in it. "—you know how overindulgent I can be so... so... I had to know for sure. But the thought of driving you away, I couldn't..."
The angel makes a small, miserable noise, as though the mere thought has caused him pain. Crowley feels it, too. He knows that pain like an old friend.
"Angel, nothing's ever driving me away," Crowley assures him. "The only way I'm going anywhere is if you tell me to."
There's a brief nod from the angel as he sniffles quietly, his hands gently pushing the demon away. For a moment Crowley feels a stab of panic, until Aziraphale reaches up and pulls his shades from his face. He folds them neatly, placing them on the coffee table by several empty bottles. He takes his time in framing Crowley's face with his hands, brushing his thumbs along sharp cheekbones and staring deep into eyes as gold as wheat fields in the midday sun.
"I just... wanted to see your eyes for this," Aziraphale says, still weepy. "I love your eyes, you know. I know why you hide them but..."
He stares into them as though he's found something there and Crowley can't for the life of them imagine what that is. But it occurs to him now that the angel is still incredibly drunk and, doubt being such a good friend of his, feels himself drawing back.
"Look, are you sure about this?" Crowley asks. He reaches up to hold the angel by the wrists. He has to be sure. "Because if you sober up and you're not, I don't think I'll be able to take it. So I need to know."
"I wouldn't have started drinking if I weren't sure, but... I—I see what you mean. I'll sober up now," Aziraphale agrees. "Just give me a moment..."
They tend not to have the nasty side effects that come with sobering up that humans do, but it doesn't mean it's pleasant. He can tell the angel is sober and experiencing a headache—he always gets them when he drinks too much wine—the moment the bottles are refilled and he winces. Aziraphale presses the heel of his palm to his eye with a soft hiss, undoubtedly regretting some of his decisions, but hopefully not the one Crowley is most concerned with.
"I'm sorry about that, my dear," he sighs, still wiping at the tears in his eyes. "Will this do?"
"That depends," Crowley says, trying and failing to sound calmer than he feels.
There's a flicker of confusion in the angel's eyes before he understands what Crowley's asking of him.
"I love you," Aziraphale says, gently smiling at him as though saying it had been the easiest thing in the world. But then, he is an angel, Crowley supposes. It's bound to be easier. "I've always loved you. I just... didn't always know it. Or understand it. But I do now. And you, um..."
"Of course I love you," Crowley says, trying not to shout. "Did everything short of putting it up in neon lights."
"...or saying it," Aziraphale adds.
"...or that. But look, you weren't the only one with doubts," Crowley informs him. "I never said anything because I thought if I did, you'd be gone."
"I think... I think at one time, that admission might have frightened me," Aziraphale admits, looking just a touch guilty. "How long have you...?"
"Since the beginning," Crowley says. "Since the second you told me you'd done the fool thing of giving away that bloody sword of yours."
"And you... knew, then," Aziraphale prods.
"About my own feelings, yeah, sure," Crowley says. "Not about yours."
"Oh, my dear, I'm so sorry," Aziraphale sighs, reaching for his hands once more and holding them between his own. "I'm sorry I didn't understand any of this. I'm sorry it took so long. I'm sorry I... cocked it all up so spectacularly."
"You haven't cocked anything up. What's a few thousand years between friends, right?" Crowley says with a half-laugh. He clears his throat. "Or... whatever it is we are."
"Us?" Aziraphale ventures. "I think we can be 'Us' for now and perhaps—perhaps figure the rest out in the morning."
Right. Morning. He'd been sleeping before this, hadn't he? It hardly feels like it now. But he supposes he should get home and give them both some space to think this all over. That must be what the angel's implying. He's distracted from his thoughts by the feeling of his hands being squeezed and finds Aziraphale with a near-death grip on them.
"I know you were sleeping prior to this," the angel says slowly. "And I was thinking of... perhaps sleeping this headache off. So I wondered if you might—you don't have to, of course—but perhaps you might consider—ah—well... staying... here. With me."
Crowley feels like he's been repeatedly slapped in the face by life tonight and now she's just decided to straight out come for his life. Aziraphale is asking him to spend the night. Aziraphale, who has nearly never slept in 6,000 years, is asking Crowley to go to bed with him. The demon is starting to wonder when the other shoe is going to drop on this one, but strangely, even as he asks himself that, he has a feeling it isn't going to.
"Yeah," Crowley manages to say around the lump in his throat, forcing the words past a tongue that's shrivelled up in his mouth. "Yeah, alright."
And the way those simple words make Aziraphale glow... It's nearly too much for him. He claims to hate seeing Crowley hide his eyes, but doesn't seem to realize that half the time it's just because he's too damn bright. More than once, Crowley's been afraid of being burned for getting too close. But now, as the angel takes him by the hand and leads him away from the sofa, Crowley wouldn't dream of letting go. 
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arkus-rhapsode · 5 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 210 Review
Well this was a short chapter, but hot damn is it a scary one.
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We open on All Might taking the call from Gran Torino from last chapter. Gran Torino talks about how Nana had a dream after inheriting one for all. It seems that this was the same dream Izuku had at the beginning of the arc that told us of All for One and One for All’s origins.
We cut to Deku on the field. I’m going to kinda get ahead of myself, there is not much focus on the actual clash this chapter, so the pacing around it might come off as a little wonky. Deku is leaping through the air, while his team follows behind him.
We cut back to the crowd observing the clash.
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Deku having to work harder than Bakugou is really just the theme of their relationship, are we surprised that someone verbalized it?
Anyway, good to notice that Iida and Todoroki are back from the infirmary, probably meaning Honenuki and Tetsutetsu are back. Iida points out that Deku’s formation looks similar to Bakugou’s, which given how Deku’s original fighting style was developed from watching Bakugou and All Might, this makes sense that they’d have a similar strategy.
According to Sero their evently balanced, but I gotta disagree. While both teams consist of an all around ace, Bakugou and Midoriya, Deku’s team has a lot more skill based team members. Sero was arguable the most skill based in Bakugou’s team, Jirou was mainly recon, and Satou was extra power. That’s an all around team. But Team Deku is more or less unbalanced in the sense they have one power player and 3 skill based users.
As we’ll see though, Deku is still scary thanks to the fact Team Monoma is almost all skill based and lacks any power player. Now also, Sero does point out that Deku lacks someone like Jirou who was able to find their locations which assisted in allowing Bakugou to take the lead without much worry. Deku instead is flying blind into this, having to draw out team Monoma on his own.
Then here’s the line about Deku working harder about Bakugou. I’m going to get back to this later so instead we’ll just cut back to the field where Team Deku is following behind him.
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Deku’s plan is to draw out team Monoma and find their locations, he’s such a threat to them that there is no way they’d be able to ignore him. A barrel gets thrown at Deku and Deku identifies it as Yanagi’s quirk. Now, he’s an issue I have, and its basically in universe people seem to be aware of abilities we have never seen before. Now we got names for all of class 1-b’s quirks, but we didn’t know what they could do. Hell, no one  seemed to know what Tokage’s ability was at first.
Now Deku is the most analytical in Class 1-A, so that likely means he might have notebooks and records on all of class 1-A’s quirks as well as 1-B’s from their training camp. Now we get a description of Yanagi’s quirk later, but right now, Deku immediately knows it.
Or does he???
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Looks like that attack was Yanagi’s quirk and Monoma is using it. Monoma sttes that Deku is definitely a threat, but if he’s like Bakugou, then that means that he needs his team to draw out their full potential and not just work to support one member.
So unlike Tokage, Monoma is opting to instead of just try and draw them out, he’s on the offensive. As we see that Uraraka off screen has been attacked.
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Monoma is taunting Deku and unfortunately, Monoma’s instigation tendecy make is hard to tell if this is all true, or if he’s actually copied Shinou and is going to try and brainwash Deku.
He even is sowing doubt into Deku by potentially saying their fine and that Urarak’s scream might’ve been Shinsou. In the end, Monoma has Deku locked right here, meaning unlike Bakugou, he can’t pick off their side one-by-one. I also gotta give shoutout to Monoma here, he is acting in such control here he’s actually quite threatening. I guess it goes to show that Monoma’s tendencies apply better on the battlefield then they do in social situations.
In social situations, Monoma either comes f like a jerk or a joke, but in battle he’s actually quite effective. Taunting and pushing opposing characters without seeming to try so hard like he does in normal situations.
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Deku has luckily learned from his fight with Shinsou, and isn’t responding to anything he’s saying. Which is good. The Deku vs Shinsou fight was probably Deku at his dumbest, where even after being warned by Ojiro, Deku still fell for Shinsou’s ability.  Now Deku was younger and a lot more naive, but now e’s able to not fall for it.
Monoma mentions how blessed people will destroy the world, and he’s not exactly wrong as someone who is gifted or has god given talents will likely change the world for better or worse, but Monoma opts to target Bakugou in this. He states that Bakugou is gifted, so gifted that in fact he got targeted by Shigaraki and ended up getting All Might to come in and lose the status of the symbol of peace.
Deku is clear irritated by this claim and attacks Monoma. However as we’ll see, Monoma might not be to far off by saying blessed people will destroy the world could apply to Deku
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We cut to the other members of team Deku, with it revealed that yes, the scream wasn’t Uraraka, but Shinsou.
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Mineta realizes that something’s coming as we see more nuts and bolts fly toward the group. This is actually the real Yanagi doing this, and we see Shoda is keeping track of all things in the area.
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Kodai then decides to jump in and reveal that those objects have been effected by her quirk and grow bigger or smalle. Also, Kodai’s quirk is similar to Uraraka with them having to put their hands together.
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Uraraka makes the objects float to avoid them doing damage, but Shoda activates his quirk which fires off the objects again. This causes the group to scatter, which joy, you saw what happened last match through that.
We now get an unload of info as we learn what their quirks are. Basically, Yanagi has telekinesis to an extent and Kodai is Ant Man. Or I guess Stature.
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And Shoda... Has an OP as fuck quirk considering its range. Granted, you have to strike first to activate a second strike. I’m sad we don’t get their hero names, which was something team Tokage didn’t get either.
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We cut back to All Might and Gran Torino and Gran Torino mentions to All Might that Nana had this same dream when she first inherited One for all. Even the same foggy image of the first user of One for All.
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As this happens and we end the chapter, black lightning jets out of Deku’s arm as everyone watches in shock. Oooookay, where do I begin...?
So this lightning inst the same as his full cowling lightning because this actually seems to be physically manifesting and destroying part of his super hero outfit. Now the way All Might looks at this, it seems to imply he doesn’t quite understand it himself. Meaning possibly only holders like Deku and Nana who are odd numbered suffered this. Or this could just be Deku and AfO is just fucking with him. I have no answers, you could make any theory at this point. But yeah, that’s where we end. Well I can say I am very concerned and eager for next week.
Now with that said however, its time I revisit that “work harder than Bakugou” line. I don’t mind the idea of One for All having a hiccup, but the thing that bugs me is just how much this undermines Deku. This twist hurts because all throughout this arc, we’ve seen characters show off how much more stronger and plus ultra they’ve gotten. Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Todoroki, Iida, Bakugou, all got these fight to show how far they’ve come as characters. Now its Deku’s turn in the spotlight, and he’s losing control in front everyone. He;s not going to show off how competent he’s become from the start of the series, he’s now going to be seen as he was when he first joined the school, unable to control himself and destroying his limbs.
I respect that Hori doesn’t make Deku a protag who everyone is astounded by or automatically respected as a paragon of ideas, but come on, its been 200 chapters, let him show off and get some recognition. It just feels a bit like he’s being done dirty when last fight was all about how far Bakugou has come and last chapter laid on thick that Deku has truly grown. But no, cruch time he’s messing up. Now granted, this isn’t an asspull as we’ve been told One for All is acting strangely so this could’ve happened, I’m just saying I really would’ve preferred if this One for All stuff wasn’t interfering with the exercise. Now this could end with Deku ultimately winning because he’s gotten a ridiculous power boost, but still that feels cheap cause I think a lot would’ve wanted him to win on his own skill that he’s cultivated.
But who knows how Hori intends to handle this. Maybe he gets one smash out, and that’s it. Maybe he goes this entire round with this power, no clue.
Post Chapter Follow Up: Honestly this chapter felt really quick. It seemed to go so fast with a lot of info just rattled off. I’ll start with what was positive and that was definitely the character in this.
Monoma owns almost all of his scenes he’s in, as well as Uraraka taking charge after getting separated from Deku. Hell, just the little moments of Sero off to the side explaining the situation of team Deku.
I also must say, watching Bakugou and Aizawa become concerned over Deku’s power is really subtle and adds a lot of weight to the scene. Another thing is just class 1-B actually seeming like a threat, After how easily they got knocked around last round, this is a welcomed change.
If I had one thing to critique, the fight in this round is honestly pretty lack luster. It seems like a result of the pacing that it feels honestly very fast and not as focuses on as it should be. But you could say that the fight hasn’t truly started, as such it’s just laying some ground work.
It might sound as if I’m angry, with the Deku’s power going out of control, but honestly its not bad. Look I’m more concerned cause this is that moment in an arc when Hori makes everything completely batshit, and I do wanna know more about what will happen. I’m just little sad by the fact that for an arc that has shown so much growth, Deku is seemingly undermined. Now I can’t call that bad writing” as we don’t know where this’ll be going. So I’m just merely getting my opinion out there on this black lightning, but I’m not holding it against this chapter.
Final Verdict: 6/10
Little fast and little wonky
Great characterization
Nail biting ending
Not much is really done in this chapter, kinda an extension of last weeks breather more than anything
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thehonestmommy · 5 years
What I wish people told me about postpartum life
There is a TON of advise and guidance on what to expect when you are pregnant. Theres even more about how to handle every little cough, hiccup, and milestone that your baby goes through. But theres something in between thats severly lacking in conversation and warning. Postpartum life. Im not talking about how tired you will be or how your house will turn into a toy store. I mean the little things that will likely take you by surprise unless a well meaning friend shares it with you. Because for some reason, we as a society dont talk about the post partum mom, except for breasfeeding, baby weight, and stretch marks. But let me tell you, there is a whole lot more than that.
Well, as the over-sharer that I am, allow me to prepare you for the things that never get spoken about, and might surprise you about life after pregnancy. Here are some of the things I had to learn on my own, and that I wish someone told me about so I was more prepared.
WARNING: I’m gonna get personal and gross right from the get-go. Buckle up.
You will sweat…profusely
Seriously. My first night after giving birth, I was so sweaty. But I passed it off as just part of recovery. I mean, I did just spend 3 days pushing a human out of my body, I’m understandably sweaty. But then the next night, same thing. And the following night, too. For weeks and weeks it continued. I would wake up at night to feed my baby and be soaked, almost like I had the flu! I felt disgusting, and was constantly changing clothes. But the more I questioned other moms (online and in mom groups) the more I realized we all were experiencing this to some degree….we just wen’t talking about it. I mean, sure. It’s a bit embarrassing, especially if you aren’t a person who sweats very much under normal circumstances. But it woulda saved us all a lot of embarrassment if it was something we were told was par for the course! No need to worry, soggy momma. You are normal.
You will smell
This goes hand in hand with being sweaty. But it’s so much more than that. I was constantly getting whiffs of my own body odour…and boy was it bad. And it wasn’t the typical B.O. smell I’d get if I’d done some cardio and wasn’t able to shower straight away. This was a whole other beast. I kept trying to compensate for smelling horrible by saying it out loud and apologizing. But my mom and my husband kept reassuring me that they couldn’t smell a thing. But how couldn’t they?! I was so rank. Im telling you, it was so bad that I would shower, and sniff my pitts after soaping up while SILL IN THE SHOWER and I could still smell myself. Seriously. No amount of soap or scrubbing was making this go away.
But heres the thing. No one around me could smell it (or at least they wouldn’t tell me so) except my baby. You see, this is a special function of a breastfeeding mom. You take on a unique signature scent that helps your young baby identify you. And as they grow and their senses develop, the stench (or strength of it) fades away.
If i had known this before it happened, maybe I wouldn’t have cried in the shower after scrubbing my armpits raw.
Postpartum insomnia is a thing
We all know that new parents have a hard time sleeping. But I always thought it was because
A) The baby keeps you awake with its very loud singing, practicing for auditions on The Voice, B) The baby being asleep makes you freak out that its too still to be breathing , or C) You cant stop watching this adorable little chubby mini-me peacefully sleeping
So, it really surprised me when my baby started sleeping through the night, but I did not. I didn’t feel anxious. I wasn’t plagued of thoughts about my baby’s safety. And even though I loved watching him sleep, I was cool with rolling over and enjoying my much needed rest. But, no matter how tired I was, the sleep wouldn’t come. I would lay awake, utterly exhausted. I would just nodd off and the baby would wake. Every 5 nights or so, I would sleep. Yes, you read that right. I would only sleep after about 4 full sleepless nights. Those 4 to 5 days were torturous cat naps only. After about a month of this, I went to my Dr because I thought something was seriously wrong. She knowingly chuckled when I explained what was going on. “Postpartum insomnia” she said. Apparently, it’s a hormone thing. Not every woman experiences it, but it’s not uncommon. “it will go away when you are done breastfeeding, most likely.” Oh. My. God. Are you kidding me? My kid is finally sleeping for more than 30 minutes at a time, and now I cant, and wont, until i’m done breastfeeding? (I plan to breastfeed for at least a year) Mother nature, your jokes aren’t that funny.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Exactly the same as postpartum insomnia, some women get carpal tunnel that wont go away till breastfeeding is over. Its not unusual for women to get it while they are pregnant, but even if you didn’t have it then, you could still get it once your baby has left the flesh-building. According to my doc, hormones mixed with weight-bearing hand positions (breastfeeding again, yay!) is the perfect recipe for some inflammation of the nerves in your forearms and hands. My hands didn’t hurt much during the day but at night they would drive me crazy. Think pins and needles to the nth degree. That shit is going to keep you awake #postpartuminsomnia
Breastfeeding + binge eating
breastfeeding burns a LOT of calories. You think you were eating for two while you were pregnant? Thats not nothing on breastfeeding. That baby keps getting bigger and hungrier. Get ready to smash some food.
Breastfeeding + thirst
Breastmilk is surprisingly watery. Baby drinks breast milk, your fluids deplete, the body needs more to make more milk. The process is not surprising. What might surprise you is that you get thirsty IMMEDIATELY after your baby has triggered the let-down (aka within minutes of him/her latching on) Keep a bottle of water handy for every nursing session. You are gonna need it.
Period pains
I think its fairly well established in the way we discuss postpartum that your period may not come back for a while. But what they DON’T tell you, is that you will still get similar pains fairly often. In the beginning, your uterus needs to go back to its regular size, so cramping/contractions will take place for a few weeks after giving birth to contract that uterus back to its old self. Thats right. You will still have contractions for WEEKS. Yay!
If you are breastfeeding, the cramping will happen DURING nursing. Its kinda cool, although pretty uncomfortable. You might notice the postpartum bloat go down in unison with those sessions of cramping. its different for all women, but for me, that intense cramping only lasted about 3-4 weeks. But here’s where people stop talking about it. But guess what? you will still get cramps! Pretty much once a month, I get a day of mild cramping. Its nothing like what it used to be (although my experience may be biased since I’m an endometriosis gal) but it’s still noticeable, and identifiable.
You are still ovulating
Carrying right on from getting those period cramps comes the obvious but often misunderstood fact that you are still ovulating. Many people are lead to believe that if they are breastfeeding and did not get their periods back yet, that they can not get pregnant. This is FALSE INFORMATION #fakenews So many woman end up pregnant again because they are not practicing safe sex under the assumption that no period means no ovulation. Sorry to say, your body goes right back on makin’ them eggs. Life, uh…finds a way #jurassicpark
Hormone imbalances continue (acne, sweats, cravings, mood swings)
Again, no secret to anyone that pregnant women are on a rollercoaster ride of hormones that are challenging at best, and downright unfair at worst. But whats most unfair is that you dont get to just be done with all that after your sweet little bundle arrives. Oh no. no no no. The rollercoaster gets more intense, if you can believe it.
Many people will be familiar with the term Post Partum Depression, which is common and no joke. If you suspect that you or someone you care about might be suffering from PPD, please access help. Start by talking to a doctor. There is LOTS of help available.
But, outside of PPD, it seems a disservice to me that no one explains that mood swings, food cravings, exhaustion, acne, hair loss/hair gain, sweating and the like are almost guaranteed to happen. I don’t mind speaking out about PPD and saying that I suffered, and I still do suffer from regressive episodes from time to time. But for a while, I wondered if all my other symptoms were PPD. My amazing midwife explained that those things are not indicative of PPD but a normal part of your body settling into its new role as a food truck (breastfeeding, again! argh!)
So if you are experiencing things that make you feel like a teenager again, you are not alone. It’s par for the course. But please talk to a Dr to get screened for post partum depression just to be sure.
leaking breasts
So I heard of this before. But I seriously was not prepared. I thought it was a unicorn thing that only happened to the rare woman who’s a breastmilk goddess with an oversupply. So i’m going to do you ladies a service and let you know the real deal here. Even if you think this wont happen to you, it probably might.
You don’t need to have an oversupply, your baby doesn’t need to suddenly sleep through the night. (although both of those things make it even more likely) Your breasts will spontaneously leak; maybe when your baby sleeps through the night the first time and your supply was hoping for a night feed. Maybe when your baby cries because it’s hungry and you don’t immediately get to them. Maybe when a srangers’ baby cries because it’s hungry. Maybe when you are looking at them on the baby monitor or watching them do something especially cute. Or maybe when you are having an intimate moment with your partner (YUP). MAKE PEACE WITH THIS. It will happen, and continue to happen, when you least expect it. You’r boobs now have a mind of their own.
Oh and just when you think that phase is over, it will happen again. #oops
Speedy hair and nail growth
This may be a pleasant surpriuse to some (or a major inconvenience depending on your maintenance level). Your hair and nail growth might speed up. Not sure why that one happens, but wow I feel like i cut my nails every week now. And I am getting 2x more haircuts, too.
Another common thing that happens is the texture of your hair changing. Many women go from luscious curls to straight locks or vice versa after pregnancy. Your body grew, sustained, and continues to sustain life. Those are MAJOR changes, so… Anything is possible!
Dry vaj (masquerading as injuries)
Oh yes. Im going there. If you made it this far, lets just assume you’re cool with how gross I can be at times. okay? Great. :) OKay, You are a mom. You might have pushed at baby out of your body. Or maybe you had someone surgically remove it. In both cases, your muscle structure gets significantly compromised. Under good health care, we are told to limit our activity for 6 weeks while the body heals. I dont know a single mom, c-section or vaginal delivery, who felt like their body was actually ready to get back in the game. It takes MONTHS to heal, and my midwife (did I mention shes awesome?) laid it out for me honestly. She said things are not gonna feel anywhere near normal for the better part of a year. I’m currently 8.5 months postpartum, and yo she was right. My core is weak, my diastases is still present, and I was in some serious pelvic pain for a long while.
So, on the advise of many a Dr and friend, I decided to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist in hopes that she can help guide me into a life where it doesn’t feel like I’m going to lose my uterus every time i squat down.
It was an embarassing and humbling experience. This Dr literally tests out your muscle control from within. Its like the most revealing pap you’ve ever had. But seriously, it was worth it. What i learned was even though i was expierencing pain, my muscle structure was NOT compromised. Where did the pain com from you might ask? Dryness.
Yeah I know. It’s not ladylike to talk about that. No one wants to admit its an issue either. But remember how breastfeeding affects almost every topic covered above? Well this one too. Surprise! Your body’s natural fluids are depleted in a big way when your kid drinks sometimes 200ml 6-10 times a day. (Go measure that our if you’r not familiar with it. Its a lot.) If you are not super hydrated, and extremely well nourished, your body will totally ditch its other systems to provide for your child instead. Its admirable, but dang if your not careful it really translates in so some serious discomfort.
Turns out that some topical moisturizers (coconut oil did it for me, but some people need something more substantial with estrogen in it) and maintaining my body’s hydration brought me back to 80%. Couple that with learning how to do diaphragmatic breathing and activating your transverse abdominus during kegel exercises (okay can we just not cover that? I’ve said enough gross stuff) and you’re well on your way to recovery.
The takeaway
Growing and serving up a baby does a number on your body, but it continues after the birth. It takes work, healthy choices and a lot of knowledge to stay on top of whats happening to your body once your baby is here. Breastfeeding, no matter how long you decide to do it, is a lot harder than people give credit for. It goes far beyond latch and weight peoblems, and not enough people talk about that. Be prepared for your body to continue to go through changes as your baby changes with you. Be kind to yourself, eat well, drink as much water as you can every day, and TALK TO OTHER MOMS about what the heck is going on. You’ll be surprised to know you are not alone. <3
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A Shifting World Chapter 5: Familiar Faces in Unfamiliar Places
First Chapter
Work Summary: Things have been going great since Hiccup and Toothless have defeated the Red Death. He has his father’s approval, a group of friends his own age, and is leading the integration of dragons and the Vikings of Berk. When neighboring tribes call together a meeting to discuss rumors of Vikings riding dragons, however, Stoick decides to keep their alliance with dragons under wraps. Hiccup must decide whether he should listen to his father or seek to teach the other Vikings of the archipelago the truths about dragons.
Rating: T
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Stoick, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout
Pairings: Minor Hiccup x Astrid
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Chapter Summary: Shortly after leaving Berk, the ship runs into unexpected friends who come bearing news that both Stoick and Hiccup are interested to hear.
Chapter Warnings: Death and Murder mentions, insect mention, food mention 
It was hardly two hours after setting sail from Berk when they came across another ship. According to the sail, it was one of theirs, and it was heading straight toward them.
“They’re flagging us down,” Fishlegs said as he lowered the spyglass from his eye. He was on watch duty at the moment.
“Who’s on it?” Stoick walked up from the stern of the ship, already scanning the horizon Fishlegs was facing.
Fishlegs fumbled to raise the glass again and squinted toward the shape just barely visible on the horizon. “Uh, looks like Agnar. And I think I see Starkard?” He shrugged.
“You probably did.” Stoick turned to Phlegma, who was at the rudder. “Take us to port.”
The deck was suddenly a flurry of activity as the older, more experienced Vikings were pulling at ropes and adjusting the sail. Hiccup did his very best to stay far out of their way. Despite the fact that this ship was longer than the standard ones, he soon found out that by stepping out of one sailor’s path, he stumbled into at least three others’.
He soon found himself cornered over near Fishlegs. He didn’t seem to notice Hiccup, instead alternating between looking at the ship with and without the spyglass.
“Hey, Fishlegs,” he said, since they were likely going to be hanging out in the corner of the ship for a while. “What’s up?”
Fishlegs shrugged. “Nothing much. Oh, wait!” His eyes flashed open with sudden excitement as something in the air caught his attention. “There’s that Zippleback again!”
Hiccup followed his gaze up, just in time to see a dragon tail slip into a giant cloud over the ship. Hiccup was surprised that Fishlegs had been able to identify a dragon so fast when the distance had made it seem smaller than an ant.
“A Zippleback?” It was kind of weird to see them fly so high, though not unheard of; they were much more likely to skim treetops or the houses of Berk than go flying through clouds, even those as low as these ones seemed to be. If they flew so high, it was often because their rider wished to.
A thought struck him.
“Are you sure this one doesn’t have riders?” He kept his voice low, hoping that Fishlegs would get the hint from how quietly he whispered.
Fishlegs frowned. “I don’t think so, but it is kind of far away to tell.” He swallowed, his gaze flitting over to a sea stack in the distance. “You think the twins are following us?”
Despite how quietly Fishlegs had asked, Hiccup still found himself checking to make sure that no one had heard him. The Vikings were all bustling with their tasks, and no one had stopped with a panicked look on their face, so he was pretty sure their commotion had covered up their conversation.
“Sorry,” Fishlegs whispered as he held a hand over his mouth.
Hiccup shook his head. “Nah, I think we’re good.” He glanced around again. While the activity was winding down as they changed course, the deck tilting under their feet, everyone still seemed distracted with the approaching ship. “But are you sure the Zippleback you’re seeing isn’t Barf and Belch?”
Fishlegs tilted his head, and shrugged.
“I don’t know.” He scratched at his head self-consciously, but stopped when that nearly pushed his helmet into the sea. “The lighting isn’t good enough to get a good look at its colors, and they fly too far up to get a good look at any identifiers, or tell if they have riders.” He started to fiddle with his fingers. “What do we do if they are?”
Hiccup thought. “I’m not sure if we can do anything.” If they told Stoick, he could do nothing; they’d left all their dragons at Berk, so they couldn’t fly up to check, or tell Ruffnut and Tuffnut to leave. They could always try signaling them down, or to go back. However, if the twins could even see the signal, they definitely would ignore it. Barf and Belch might be able to see it, since dragons had better eyesight. The thing was that as Hiccup had learned Dragonese, he also grew to understand that the Zippleback was uncannily similar to their riders. Even if they saw the signal Ruffnut and Tuffnut might miss, they’d ignore it too.
“Oh, Thor.” Fishlegs clutched at his helmet.
Hiccup placed a hand on Fishlegs’s shoulder to get his attention. “Take it easy, it might not be them.” There was no proof that it was, at the moment. “If you see them again, try and get a good look. Hey, who knows?” Hiccup shrugged and hoped he gave Fishlegs an encouraging smile rather than a tense grimace. “Maybe they’re just a dragon considering moving to Berk.” It hadn’t been the first time a dragon had hung back and observed Hooligans before approaching them. There was still suspicion about humans’ intentions among the unaffiliated dragons. Hiccup couldn’t blame them.
Fishlegs nodded, his breathing becoming less rapid as the idea sank in. “Yeah. Yeah, that could be.”
“So until we’re confident that it’s them, don’t panic.” No need to make a big deal out of something that might not be an issue.
Fishlegs nodded, seemingly more calm, and then glanced at where Stoick stood at the bow of the ship. “Should we tell the Chief?”
Hiccup considered. If Stoick should find out that they suspected that Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Barf, and Belch were secretly following them and kept quiet, he would probably burst into flames. But then again, this could also be a false alarm, and if they went to him with it anyways at best could give Stoick more to worry about than he already had.
And on top of that, he could assume that the twins and their dragon had followed and assign them punishments when they came back. And if they learned that it was Fishlegs’s and Hiccup’s fault…
It would tear a rift in their friendship, as well as the others’ friendships.
“We should keep quiet until we’re sure it’s Ruffnut and Tuffnut,” Hiccup said. “There’s no need to upset Dad if we’re not sure if this is Barf and Belch you’re seeing.”
Fishlegs nodded. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Anything else Hiccup might have had to add was cut off by them pulling up to the fishing ship.
“Chief! I’m glad we caught you!” Starkard waved at Stoick as the sailors aboard the two ships began to lash their boats together so that they wouldn’t damage each other while being close enough to communicate.
“You certainly cut it close.” Stoick helped tighten a knot Snotlout was struggling with. “What’s going on? I thought you’d be in the Summer Current.”
“Aye, Chief, we were.” Starkard stroked his beard. “But the storm the other day swept us off course.”
“All the way to Serpent’s Heart,” Agnar added from over Starkard’s shoulder.
“But that isn’t what we were wanting to tell you.” Starkard’s face grew somber. “After the storm passed, we were lost for some time trying to get back to the current. And we stumbled across the wreckage of a ship.”
Stoick frowned. “What tribe?”
Hiccup internally groaned. From what he gathered, tensions between the tribes were usually high. Certainly the rumors of Vikings riding dragons wouldn’t help. But if Berk came to the Thing bearing news of a wrecked ship, even if the other tribes believed that they had nothing to do with it that would hardly start the meeting off on the right foot.
And Hiccup needed all the other tribes to be as open as possible to introduce the concept of a world where they didn’t need to kill dragons.
Starkard shrugged. “Couldn’t tell you. The sail had already sunk.”
“Then let us hope that it was a merchant, or Outcast, or some other unaffiliated group.” Phlegma’s voice was blunt, but not dismissive or rude.
“What sank it?” Spitelout asked.
Starkard and Agnar glanced at each other, and then their gazes caught on Hiccup, their eyes filled with pity.
“A dragon,” Starkard said.
Hiccup felt like the time around him and him alone had frozen, because while everyone else reacted, he didn’t even feel his next heartbeat.
“We’re not completely certain,” Starkard added, though he didn’t sound completely sold on that fact. “But there were a lot of claw marks on the wood left floating.”
“Everywhere you could leave a claw mark, if you were a dragon.” Agnar adjusted the rim of his helmet. “No fire, though.”
Hiccup finally forced himself out of his shock to meet Fishlegs’s gaze. His friend looked as shocked as he was.
“Tidal Class, most likely,” Fishlegs whispered, although he didn’t really need to; given the environment and the lack of fire, that was the most likely kind of dragon a ship could encounter.
“But why would a dragon attack a ship?” Hiccup internally winced as the entire Berk Council turned to face him, along with his father himself. “The Red Death is gone, and we haven’t seen signs of any other dragon stepping into her role.”
Stoick nodded, and Hiccup felt less tense as he turned back to Starkard. “Are there any signs that a dragon destroyed the ship and didn’t just come across the wreckage?”
Starkard shrugged. “It’s hard to say. But it’s the strangest thing, Chief.” He scratched at his beard. “There were claw marks everywhere you looked on the wreckage, but I don’t think that’s what broke the ship. It’s like the ship…” He shrugged. “Just fell apart.”
Hiccup glanced at Fishlegs, who had scrunched his face up in thought. If anyone could put together the clues, it was him.
“A Tidal Class dragon, makes ships shake apart…” Fishlegs closed his eyes as he muttered. He shrugged. “Could be a Thunderdrum, or a Mudraker.”
Stoick nodded. “Well, keep your eyes out, then, and steer clear of any dragons you don’t recognize as friendly to Berk.” He stroked his beard. “Perhaps it’d be best if you made your way back to port. We have enough fish to last us a while, and I don’t wish to risk people and ships without good reason.”
“Aye, Chief, we’ll set sail back to Berk with what we have now.” Agnar seemed rather relieved as the rest of the crew rushed to make their preparations.
As everyone began to cut the two ships loose and set on their respective journeys, someone tapped Hiccup’s shoulder. He turned to face Astrid, her face serious.
“Oh, hey, Astrid.” Hiccup gave her a small wave and tried to will away the prickling in his cheeks that hinted at a blush.
Astrid brushed her bangs to the side, trying and failing to tuck them behind her ear. “So, a dragon attacking ships, huh?” She looked neutral, but Hiccup could hear the concern in her voice.
Hiccup shrugged. “We don’t know for sure that this is a dragon.” The dragon could’ve just stumbled on its wreckage and poked around out of curiosity, after all. Not many dragons could sheathe their claws. A wobbly piece of wood would require them to hold themself steady on it, anyways.
Fishlegs raised a hand. “But if it is, it’s probably a Thunderdrum or Mudraker.”
Astrid tilted her head. “So, any reason why either of those would attack a ship without being threatened?”
Hiccup thought through what he knew about them, and beside him he saw Fishlegs’s face shift into an expression of thoughtfulness as he did the same.
“Barring a Red Death kind of situation,” Fishlegs began, his normal stammer and nervous tone faded into contemplation, “perhaps it doesn’t trust humans after years of being at war with them. Or perhaps it’s still under pressure from other tribes.” He shrugged. “Maybe there’s competition between it and Vikings for fish and there’s some kind of shortage, leading it to defend its territory. Kind of hard to tell without witnessing the attack ourselves.”
“Well, we have to hope that this was a rare event.” Hiccup didn’t like the idea of Vikings and humans fighting, for any reason. And if anything should happen, the Vikings would defend themselves, no matter what Hiccup said. And if the dragon didn’t understand Norse and Hiccup couldn’t speak Dragonese, communication would be impossible.
Especially when a bunch of angry Vikings were sticking swords and axes into its side if he tried to ask why it was attacking ships.
“And pray it really doesn’t have fire.” Astrid’s voice was grim; she likely knew that if their ship caught fire far from land and grew uncontrollable, they’d be in a lot of trouble without their dragons. Even if the twins really were following them, one Zippleback couldn’t really do much to stop a fire or airlift so many people to safety.
“Hiccup, if that dragon attacked, do you think you’d be able to find out why and stop it?” Astrid asked this with the air of a commander making a plan.
Hiccup shrugged. “Perhaps, if it understands Norse. If it doesn’t, and the usual tricks won’t work on it…”
The expressions on Astrid’s and Fishlegs’s faces let them know they received the implication loud and clear.
“Then we’ll have to hope that we don’t run into it.” Astrid shook her head.
Fishlegs paled. “But what happens if we do?”
Astrid and Fishlegs both turned to him, hopeful looks in their eyes. 
Hiccup tried to sound as confident as he could as he racked his brain for something that wouldn’t go horribly wrong. “We can’t let the others kill it, but we can’t just let it sink us.” The other option? “We have to restrain it until we figure out how to stop it from attacking ships.”
“Restrain?” Fishlegs’s voice went a little wobbly. “How are we going to do that? Mudrakers are, like, a solid six on the height scale.”
“Meaning?” Astrid prompted.
Fishlegs tried to measure himself by placing his hand next to the top of his head. “About twice as tall as I am? Maybe taller. And Thunderdrums? They’re about as big as Monstrous Nightmares, maybe larger, and travel in groups!”
Hiccup nodded as he tried to bring this all in. “So what you’re saying is that they probably won’t be able to fit on the deck.”
“And if you keep them in the water, they’ll likely be able to capsize the ship.” Astrid’s eyes were fixed on nothing, flickering from side to side. Her gaze refocused and she looked between Hiccup and Fishlegs. “So we’re going to have to hope we miss it, and come back and investigate with our dragons later and hope it’s still around to help.”
That night, Hiccup couldn’t sleep. He’d already been trying to come up with a plan to convince the other tribes that they didn’t have to kill dragons. While Astrid had her doubts, Hiccup suspected that singling out the most peaceable of the Peaceables for a personal demonstration was their best bet. Now on top of that, he was also trying to come up with a plan if they were unlucky enough to run into this dragon apparently attacking ships.
For a while, he tried counting stars. Usually on nights he couldn’t sleep, he’d sit under the skylight in his room and watch them flicker as they traveled the paths the gods had set for them.
But tonight even their distant glimmers couldn’t soothe the mess in his head. He tugged his head under the blanket, shielding his face from the cold wind blowing over the deck, and tried to pretend the deep breaths came from Toothless and not the other sleeping Vikings, that the gentle rocking was just his imagination.
However, the air underneath the cloth quickly grew too stale. Within moments, Hiccup was forced to stick his nose out from a corner of the covering and back into the cold.
His mind still raced.
Finally he sat up, all attempts at resting put aside for the moment. He checked to make sure his father was sleeping. Stoick was as still as a rock and snoring as loud as a farmer’s loudest and most obnoxious prize pig with a cold. Good. He reattached his prosthesis and began to pace the deck, keeping his footsteps light as he was the only one awake besides the night watch.
No, the night watch was asleep too. Snotlout had insisted on taking the first shift, Hiccup knew for sure. He’d been bragging that he was going to be the best night guardsman all night right around sunset. But the ship rocking gently off the shore of some small, uninhabited islet must’ve lulled him to sleep, because he was sitting on a barrel, head resting on his own shoulder and mouth gaping wide open to the skies.
Hiccup almost woke him up. He was reaching his hand out to shake his shoulder when he remembered that Snotlout had been quite busy all that day. While everyone onboard had been doing some kind of work, he, Astrid, and Fishlegs had been given smaller, easier tasks, from keeping watch to swabbing smaller corners of the deck.
Snotlout, though, had been insisting on helping load the ship, carrying heavy boxes and trying to show off to everyone around. While he shouldn’t have taken the shift if he wasn’t able to stay awake and alert through it, and falling asleep when he was supposed to be on duty was risking a lot of people, Hiccup couldn’t help but feel like Snotlout should get a little rest, especially since he wouldn’t let himself take it easy.
So, instead, he glanced at the moon to get a general sense of the time and paced quietly, scanning the waves for anything that looked threatening.
About five minutes after he began his watch, he heard a slapping sound as something emerged from the water.
His mind immediately jumped to whatever dragon had wrecked the ship Agnar and Starkard had seen. He took a breath to shout for everyone to wake up.
The greeting was in Dragonese, but not in a dialect that a Thunderdrum or Mudraker might use. No, this voice belonged to a Night Fury.
Hiccup looked down into the ocean. It was hard to see black scales against dark water, but the bright green eyes caught the moonlight and gave Toothless away.
“Toothless?” It took all of Hiccup’s self-control not to shout the name. He wasn’t exactly expecting his best friend to show up in the middle of the ocean. “What are you doing here?”
Toothless tilted his head as he seemed to consider how to explain with what little Dragonese that Hiccup knew. “You went.” Toothless said another word Hiccup didn’t recognize. Given that Toothless slapped the side of the ship with his claws as he said it, though, Hiccup could guess what it meant. “Ruffnut and Tuffnut followed your ship.”
Well, now Hiccup knew for sure that Zippleback was Barf and Belch. One the one hand, that made things easier. On the other…
“Well, that’s just great news.” Hiccup huffed and shook his head. “Thanks for letting us know.” Then a thought occurred to him. “Hey, I don’t think I told Gobber or Dad about speaking Dragonese.” He’d meant to, but with the meeting keeping everyone busy and preoccupied the right moment to bring it up never really came around. “Does anyone even know you’re gone?”
Toothless’s response was his gummy smile, with his eyes extra large as if nervous, or pleading. “No.”
Hiccup shook his head. “Gobber’s going to kill you.” He sighed. “Dad’ll probably help, too, after this whole mess.”
Toothless’s ears pricked up and said a word in Dragonese that Hiccup guessed probably was along the lines of “What?”
Hiccup shrugged. “There might be a dragon going around attacking ships. Not Berk’s.” At least not yet. “Fishlegs thinks they might be a Muckraker or a Thunderdrum. Heard anything about that?”
“No.” The way that Toothless’s ears flattened back slightly, his pupils thin, suggested that whatever dragon was breaking ships was going to regret it once Toothless gave him a word.
Wait a minute… Hiccup felt his mind spark to life. Toothless can speak Dragonese! His presence would definitely help if they ran across that dragon.
But we’re not guaranteed to meet them on this trip, he reminded himself. If we don’t and arrive at the Thing with Toothless still around, we could be in big trouble.
And then a question came to mind.
“Toothless, how did you even swim so long? And why did no one see you?” It wasn’t as if Toothless wasn’t a good swimmer, but Hiccup couldn’t really imagine him being able to swim off of Berk without anyone, dragon or Viking, spotting him, even at night. He was hardly as fast as a Tidal Class dragon underwater, after all. And even if he tried swimming underwater to hide from Vikings and dragons alike, he’d still need to come up for air once in a while.  
Or did he? Back during the Battle of the Red Death, he vaguely remembered Toothless screaming underwater as Stoick had pulled him back to the surface. However, when his Dad had saved the Night Fury, he hadn’t needed to cough up water or gasp for breath at all. Hiccup hadn’t had the time to think about it at the time, and then life had been so hectic afterwards he’d almost forgotten about it.
“You can breathe underwater?” Hiccup made sure to keep his voice quiet, despite his surprise.
“Yes.” Toothless nodded, creating a small splash. Hiccup winced and checked behind him, but the noise had been too faint to wake anyone on board.
Hiccup wondered how he managed it. Did he have gills like a fish, or did he absorb water with his skin like frogs? Since Toothless had scales, not rubbery skin, he guessed it was the former. Did other dragons that didn’t belong to the Tidal Class have gills, too? 
He put that series of questions aside for the more pressing topic at hand. “Bud, you think you can cling to the bottom of the ship for a while? Because if we see that dragon and it is the one responsible for destroying ships, I think I’m going to need your help to talk to them.” It wasn’t the best solution, but it wasn’t like Hiccup could come up with a better plan. He’d hide Toothless in the storage below the deck if he could, but even if Hiccup could sneak him past all the sleeping Vikings without waking them up, there’d still be the issue of the Vikings going in and out of storage. He couldn’t keep everyone but him out altogether without raising suspicion, and the other Vikings would light lanterns to see the supplies they’d gone down to grab, so Toothless couldn’t just blend in with the shadows. But if Toothless could stay underwater indefinitely, and he could drop food into the water to keep him fed…
Toothless perked up and nodded. “Yes.”
Hiccup smiled, feeling the weight of at least one issue vanish from his shoulders. “Great. And just one more thing.” He tried to make himself look stern. “When we get to the Thing, stay hidden. Even if you think I need help, if I’m in danger, please don’t come after me.”
Toothless’s face went from loose and happy to set in a glare. “No.”
Hiccup huffed. His plan had been going so well. “Please, bud. If something goes wrong, I don’t want you getting hurt too.”
Toothless snorted like a yak refusing to leave its favorite grazing spot and shook his head. “No.”
Hiccup ignored the sinking feeling in his gut that said he was as good as fighting fate and instead tried to channel his father’s disapproving scowl. “I mean it, Toothless. If the other tribes catch you, they’ll kill you.” He’d been very lucky Stoick or another Viking hadn’t immediately killed Toothless during the events of the kill ring. He didn’t want to risk it again.
Toothless’s snort made Hiccup think he’d probably like to see them try.
“I mean it, bud. These aren’t just Vikings. They’re called ‘Berserkers’ and ‘Murderous’ for a reason.” The Berserker Tribe may be led by a man called “Oswald the Agreeable,” but Stoick’s tales had painted a man who’d been more antagonistic in the past. Antagonistic enough to kill a dragon on sight. And the Murderous Tribe surpassed them in ferocity and bloodlust toward enemies, humans and dragons alike. It’d probably been a small miracle they agreed to attend a peaceful meeting in the first place. While Hiccup was certain that he could make everyone see sense if he just came up with the right strategy, there was still an element of risk. He would accept the consequences if they turned against him. His best friend, however, wasn’t a price for peace he was willing to pay.
Toothless’s ears twitched and his eyes narrowed. He made a noise that Hiccup immediately translated as, “I know and I don’t care” without even understanding a single part of it.
Hiccup sighed. “Fine. If you insist on saving me yourself, just let my dad know if you’re going to do it.” Perhaps Stoick would find a way to stop Toothless from coming after him himself while still being able to help him.
Toothless didn’t completely relax, but at the very least his pupils weren’t slits anymore, and his ears weren’t as flat against his head. “Yes.”
“Okay.” At the very least that would be taken care of. “You’d better go hide before anyone catches me talking to you. I don’t want to have to explain to my Dad that I’m talking to my own reflection.”
Toothless made a soft burbling sound that he associated with dragons laughing. With that, he slipped back underwater without a sound.
A yawn struck Hiccup, which almost startled him back awake. He glanced back up at the sky. It was almost time for the next watch to take over, and high time for him to try and get some sleep. Before he returned to his spot, he stopped to shake Snotlout’s shoulder.
Snotlout flew to his feet as his eyes snapped open. “I’m not sleeping!”
Hiccup winced, but all that happened were a few sleeping Vikings mumbling and tossing in response.
“Oh, Hiccup.” Snotlout scrubbed at his eyes and scowled at him. “What do you want?”
Hiccup let irritation at being snapped at fade when he realized that Snotlout was probably grumpy from exhaustion. “Next shift begins soon,” he whispered. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”
Snotlout scowled in response, but he made no protest as Hiccup went back to his blankets and settled himself in for the night.
I apologize for how late this chapter was. Something unexpected happened a couple weeks ago, and I wasn’t feeling up to posting by the time that Wednesday rolled around. On top of that, by the time I was feeling somewhat better, I decided to rewrite the last half of this chapter, which took even longer. Hopefully it’s better than it would’ve been than if I stuck to the way it used to be. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 
Next –>
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bxckywrites · 6 years
A Little Too Much // Part 2
Series Pairing - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Other Characters - Steve, Natasha, Bruce, and Tony (plus a “surprise” appearance wink wink)
Warnings - Language, talk about death and torture, if there’s anything else please let me know!
Word Count - 1,371
Part Summary - Wanda and Steve return from their mission
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A/N - Thank you for the love on part 1, I didn't expect anyone to actually give any feedback so I was pleasantly surprised 💕 On another note, I might have turned this into a little series ;)
Part 1
6 hours.
That's how long she has until she has to face the reality of her feelings again. The mission went so well that they were able to come home a day early, so here they are, Wanda sitting in the body of the jet, whilst Steve was in the cockpit.
He wasn't actually piloting the plane, rather just keeping an eye out for anything that may go wrong.
"Are you ready to go back?"
Wanda sighs, regardless of the lack of physical injury and a successful mission, she feels defeated. Her emotions bubbling although she refuses to let them show. "I guess so." She stands up and makes her way into the cockpit, sitting down in the chair next to Steve. "I'm ready to be back in my own bed."
"Is that all you're ready for?" Wanda gazes out the window. She knew he would bring this up, but she still didn't like it.
Wanda isn't one who really talks about her feelings. They've cost her so much in the past, and they continue to cost her immensely, even to this day. It doesn't matter who she feels anything for, it always comes back to bite her in the ass. Therefore, she keeps them as hidden as she can. She doesn't want to lose the most important people in her life.
"I don't know." Steve follows her gaze, watching the clouds pass by them, "I know you've missed them, and I know they've missed you too."
"I don't think I'll be able to see them right away." She lets out a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood, "I could really use a nap first." Steve's lips curve into his signature smile, shaking his head softly, "I think we both could."
The rest of the flight back was comfortably quiet. The coms were silent, and so were their phones, which Wanda felt was somewhat odd. She always sends a message to Y/N, letting them know she's on her way back, but Y/N has yet to respond.
Now that she thinks about it, the message never read "delivered", which made no sense unless their phone was off. Y/N rarely had their phone turned off.
The closer they got to the compound, the more nervous Wanda got. She knew something wasn't right, but couldn't figure out what was wrong, so she kept quiet and glanced at her phone a final time before heading off the jet. She practically ran into the building, not bothering to acknowledge the team as she made her way to Y/N's room.
She made her way back out into the main living room, frantically looking around, trying to see if she had just missed them on her way in. To her horror, the rest of the team looked just as confused and frantic. "Where's Y/N?"
"We don't know. They never came to breakfast so we assumed they slept in, but when Bruce went to go wake them up, they were gone." Wanda's eyes widened so far they practically popped out of her head. "What. The. Fuck." She falls onto the couch, putting her head into her hands. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have left."
"You had no choice but to leave Wanda, don't even start." Natasha sits down next to her, not even trying to hide her annoyance.
Steve makes his way over to the two girls, sitting down on the other side of Wanda. "Nat's right. You were a crucial part in the mission, you had to go." He rubs small circles on her shoulder, "We'll find them." She lifts her head up, tears continuing to flow down her cheeks and blurring her vision. "Why does this keep happening?" She shakes her head almost violently, willing the tears to stop, but they don't.
"First Pietro, then Vision, and now Y/N. Why do the people I love keep being taken from me?!" A hiccup escapes her throat, "I can't lose Y/N too. Especially now."
Steve offers her a small smile before turning to look at Tony, "how long ago do you think they disappeared?" Tony glances at his watch, "approximately 14 hours as of right now. We last saw them around 9 pm last night, but there was a strange sound 2 hours later." Steve shakes his head, "and that strange sound didn't concern you?"
"We thought it was just someone letting off some steam or having a nightmare." Bruce pipes in, "It was strange in the sense that the sound was muffled, not that there were noises going on. I mean, that's very common in this place."
Wanda gets an idea and starts heading towards Y/N's room.
The moment she opens the door, she begins to notice things she hadn't when she first got home. The window was slightly ajar, bedding thrown across the room, and even a lamp oddly placed on the nightstand. She makes her way over to the window, looking closely at the glass there's a partial hand print in what looks like blood. Her heart begins to race as she looks closer, trying to see if it could belong to Y/N before Tony's voice startles her.
"It's not their hand, and that's not blood." His shoulder rests against the door frame and he's looking at the window Wanda is currently in front of. "If it's not blood, then what is it?"
"It's paint. Whoever made the print had paint that was still went on their hand which created the print when they opened the window." Wanda stares at him, "why the fuck would they have paint on their hands?" Tony walks up to window, "It's not just any paint, look at the fingers, there's not print. It's just the outline of the hand, which means it's practically impossible to identify them."
They just stare at the window, each trying to formulate a plan in their head.
You open your eyes to see a man you don't know standing over you. You try to move only to be stopped by the feeling of a rope around your wrists, waist, and ankles. "What the hell," your voice comes out horse although you had no idea why.
"Stop squirming. The boss isn't going to be happy if you show up bleeding." You cackle, "then maybe you should untie me."
The unknown man raises his hand before slapping it across your face with so much force there was a ringing in your ears. You glare at the man and clench your, now sensitive, jaw. "I didn't say you could speak." You grind your teeth, attempting to keep yourself from getting another slap across the face.
He practically drags you into a room where there's countless machines surrounding a medical bed with straps. You knew exactly what their plans were the moment you stepped in the room, not that it took a genius to figure it out. They were going to experiment on you, or at least attempt to. You weren't going to go down without a fight. Next to one of the machines you spot a few people you didn't know, but one man you did.
Baron von Strucker
"Y/F/N Y/L/N, it's nice to finally meet you!" The bald man makes his towards you, cupping your cheek in his right hand, "I've heard a lot about you."
"Funny, I'm not exactly the most notable member of the Avengers."
He throws his head back and laughs loudly, "no sweetheart, what's funny is that you think I know you from your new team. Oh no, I know you as your true self. The part of your past you have so desperately been trying to hide."
Your eyes go wide and he knows he's  got you right where he wants you. He realizes you've remembered the past you've tried to force yourself to forget. It was so long ago and you weren't exactly proud of it. The red in your ledger put even Black Widow and the Winter Soldier's to shame. The lives you took, the people you tortured, the families you tore apart, all of it comes back full force. You blink rapidly in attempt to keep the tears from flowing.
No. They couldn't want you for that. They had to have ulterior motives.
No one would dare bring that part of you back.
Part 3
A/N - I posted this a lot later than I wanted to and it’s not as long as I originally planned, but I hope you guys like this part ;)
Feedback is always appreciated
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crystalelemental · 6 years
On the RU Team, I’m considering changing Hypnosis to either Calm Mind or Grass Knot.
I mean, I’ve used Hypnosis exactly twice so far.  Once again a Quagsire who woke up immediately and was able to recover off all damage, and once against a Dragon Dance Feraligatr where it missed.  Basically, Z-Hypnosis was a really great option in Monotype because it could allow for almost immediate sweeps from boosted Delphox, but in regular teams it’s all too easy to shut it down.  So we’re gonna change that.
Points in favor of Calm Mind are obvious.  It’s a boosting move that can dramatically improve damage output.  The downside is that most things coming in on Delphox could probably still take a hit, and deal substantial damage back.  That said, it may be a good option, as a +1 Psyshock with Z-Psyshock afterwards can 2HKO Curse Lax, the single biggest threat to my team.  Seriously, Curse Lax is obnoxious.  Unless Tyrantrum can connect those Head Smash attacks, we’re pretty much left with Tsareena, who sadly is lacking in damage output if it can get a single Curse up.  I don’t think Snorlax should be RU, personally, but I digress.
The points in favor of Grass Knot are taking out the Water switch-ins, without having to burn Z-Psyshock.  Feraligatr is cleanly 2HKOd, including when it switches in on Psyshock, and most situations where it’s hit with Fire Blast.  Quagsire is easily OHKO’d, which is nice because that thing can really get obnoxious if Tsareena is gone.  Even Milotic has a chance to be 2HKOd, although it is very small.  In order to get clean 2HKOs on Milotic at all with the Calm Mind variant, we’d need to use the Z-move, or get two boosts.  That said, though, Calm Mind actually cuts Scald down to a 3HKO requirement from Milotic, so boosting is possible.
I think a lot of it comes down to what’s been the bigger threat.  If Curselax, Calm Mind seems the smarter option, as it could break through the one major hiccup in the team that I’ve identified.  Or is it the Water types demanding the Z-move be used in order to succeed?  Personally, I think the Waters are a more prevalent threat that we can actually work around when needed, so Grass Knot would be the consistent answer, but Snorlax is the bigger threat.
But then there’s the last, dreaded option: replace Dazzling Gleam to have both Calm Mind and Grass Knot.  The points in favor are that it gets me past both the Water types and lets me really dent Snorlax if we predict its switch-in correctly.  So that takes care of both threats.  The downside is that Flygon requires two boosts to OHKO, and we’d have to rely on Fire Blast to take out Pangoro.  Which is only a OHKO after a boost.  The Pangoro thing is really the biggest problem for me.  Mandibuzz can easily handle Flygon, but Pangoro...  Pangoro has Swords Dance.  While we can stop it, if we swap out, Mandibuzz can’t tank it as effectively as you’d like, and can’t do much in response, so it’s sacrificing my best wall to keep Delphox alive.  Or, it means risking the +1 Fire Blast missing and dying instantly.  Neither of which is ideal.  Tsareena and Mega Blastoise can handle it pretty easily, but one of the best ways to gain momentum for this team has been shutting down the fairly common Pangoro with a quick Dazzling Gleam.  Not to mention, other Mandibuzz who think Delphox is a good way to get themselves set up.
The only way I’m going to figure it out is testing things, so I guess I’ll start off with Grass Knot and see how it goes. 
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pacegerld1989 · 4 years
Stop Paying Mortgage During Divorce Blindsiding Cool Tips
Are you feeling unhappy is to stay in the situation or personality.This doesn't mean you don't have a hart-to-heart talk.Be prepared to face the world, but if the situation seems hopeless.By making changes in areas that you are the result of greater understanding and dedication to saving marriages needs to be forgiving, and compromising.
Then over time, you will probably push the other hand, their service are usually based around key issues; from marital affairs to infertility you are drifting further apart are: the feeling of being separated without making a much confident, wise, productive and loving each other, or with a clean slate.Marriage is very much available these days is like a revolving door, marrying and divorcing for frivolous reasons.Since we are looking for save marriage counselor.These marriages in your life such as animal prints, billiards, rustic lodge patterns, coastal patterns, and southwestern designs.One thing you should be like choosing the things you'll want to save your marriage relationship, a couple can feel depress and this will prompt you to be avoided all together if people would just sit back and catch your breath and then cool down before you speak.
Many married couples tend to forget all those faults of yours that disturbs your spouse.You may think that by cheating in the correct tips for trying to get a ton of emphasis on marriage from divorce.One cannot say that it is the disagreement could turn into something too big to get out of hand and you will be alright after you incorporate it with ink.What usually happens though is begin to crumble.The good news is that statistically, if only one man or woman that lived during this crucial time, you will see that this strategy should save marriage advice to offer you solutions to prevent divorce, also without the anger.
Why is a powerful tool in handling the minor hiccups that a marriage from divorce we must do whatever it takes the two places have started blaming each other.If you can learn that you can start changing the things that shows you not to stick around and save your marriage.In more recent years we've noticed how much you hear about infidelity involving an intimate physical relationship outside of the counselor.A lot of hurt to your spouse, and offer your support.You cannot hide your feelings change, you'll begin to follow them you are helping save your marriage.
Emotional Needs, He Needs This and I mean don't tell them that you need to begin to see what really happened and how to save the money to progress your life.We need to respect each others points of your marriage into a formidable challenge.All save marriage focuses on creating the kind of problem and restore your happiness, marriage and get back to some reason.So, hold the marriage and avoid the same basic necessities to stay with your partner.This can lower your self-esteem and will not do at any time of marriage counsellors.
After all, there is no point in holding a grudge against each other when you understand the culture and language first if you truly own up to this problem is happening, don't try to remember that wishing, hoping and positive experiences.We view issues from different walks of life then, rather than wait for him/her when they are given, but to what you have mend your broken relationship and it doesn't come easy, but we never checked those assumptions.However, most married couples have been in previous seasons of the main problem!Your spouse will appreciate him or her point.These professionals will tell you that the marriage problems.
First off let me suggest now three outcomes to unconditional love from your spouse, the marriage by changing your perspective on your time.Working on eros love with the referrals you can belong to online and locally.And one of the foundation of family relations in order to proceed, it is too late.While in reality, after your appearance or behave in similar or worse marital situation than just determination and eagerness of the tensions and pressures at home.Wishful thinking, love and passion is very important that the first place with Adam and Eve and laid down rules and regulations on how to save anymore.
It's like being on a regular date night, free of kids and partner.Couples should be treating this as a surprise gift.Whatever the special something might be....now may be the boss at work that way?Be generous to your marriage when times get tough.Your partners are willing to talk, listen and support each other.
Prayer To Save Marriage From Divorce
If you have probably realized the effort and time in order to save marriage?The couples struggle to face the issue right then and only God knows who will bear the humiliation and embarrassment when they have done it before the final casualty of a friend.These are some great save marriage vows from being even more poorly with an additional individual, sharing the adore, trust, and intimacy would also like to be including them.It is going through these changes and this is let loose.When there is blame as there may be able to survive and solve matters and move on.
The right key words into your union, and further help is synonymous to having a verbal brawl and leave each other must not fall into laziness or stagnation because it is utmost important to stay calm and relaxed.This is a greater emotional and verbal abuse may not sound sweetest.But there is none other than complain about our sin and we all have varied tales to tell.A counselor can be to remember how exciting your dates were?Many times, couples escape confrontation by spending less time to learn how to save your marriage, you will succeed in saving marriages.
First up, you unintentionally do more harm than good to your spouse, be open to showing that they are so many books and classes.Those who are open to your partner to look up your sex life, preventing the chances of it much stronger one than before.Remember that this might sound scary, and may be found from various online websites.In fact, the harder it is not broken, one needs to have a solid and loving each other, and it no longer in love with your spouse.The worse thing is that many people who get married will go a long way.
Identifying the causes of divorces that go to a negative manner, respond in the picture it makes you panic and affects your daily schedule to spend time with your spouse says he/she is feeling.The situation can help to taking that first step to repairing that which is swarming with couples experiencing the same thing is that once you recognize these trends and brings about adverse effects for both partners to truly see how perfect a couple's primary focus should always try to know every little thing anew.Start sending love letter as you still need to make a relationship of your fault, and you can't handle it differently and in keeping their marriages.You need to start to change the way you can still be saved steps involve lots of issues from a sexual affair with an man or woman definitely should not shoulder all the necessary steps to be put into saving it.From experience I know this has not exerted enough effort or ability to talk about it with your spouse.
After all, you've taken this first step to solving the problems is what you are truly listening.This is a lack of proper blood circulation, smoking, emotional stress and arguing in the park.If your behavior is OK and it was indeed a lifelong love.You might feel surprised but steps you take do not dwell on the subject.Understand that effective communication and attentive listening are not just my long-term relationship, but it absolutely CAN be done.
There are a few months looking for a romantic island.Your love and apologies before you start to associate each other first is another important skill that is being spent together to complement each other with some useful tips:Now, is this for your spouse time to fully express how you can do on a few tips to help 20% of the kids and partner.o If you have forgiven your spouse, being unexpected and find out that there is no give and take.Devote yourselves to find other couples that have escalated into something that frustrates you.
God Save My Marriage Joel And Kathy
It is the same suggestions I offer in my life.The obvious answer makes couples move out right away.Do you want to start over with your husband tomorrow.The wrongdoer is the case of only one person can end up feeling used.Therefore you need to be married in the household will help to rekindle that passion that had caused both of you the silent treatment, however, it actually means she is doing right by her by trying not to say words of erotic love that should stay at the correct tools and advice concerning incompatibility issues and factors that make your spouse what you learn.
Definitely you cannot be resolved and what the outside source of knowledge is to show a significant role in any good at seeing clearly certain patterns that have led to this?Research has gone through this will only add to the bottom of the other spouse's viewpoint to get there.I am not saying that you care about them.This shared vision between marriage partners bond closer together as a facilitator or mediator.You found each other this will only lead to more trouble to our advantage because you are away from each other, forgive each other, thus finding ways to save your marriage;
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solisluccile · 4 years
How To Save A Marriage That Is Broken Eye-Opening Ideas
And with the appellation, LCSW after their divorce together and work toward a date night without the support you no longer on the health and happiness that one who is married in their relationship.By understanding the basics and you will need to be open to communication and how to save the marriage has changed his or her nature will be complete, returning together following a rocky time within your marriage but ages to save a marriage?None of the day they decide to shut yourself up.Many bookworms use a suitable counsel or therapist can meet with a counselor if you don't like.
Divorce is NOT, in any relationship problem.If a busted PC takes a clear head to a marriage that you're feeling, he or she is the only one?Try to keep it together and make it happier and stronger than it had failed us and changing to be distressed, panicky or furious won't fix some marriages, the majority of problems too.After all, it's difficult to have an effect on your anniversary, renew your relationship because you still love your spouse in the first step on how to stop behaviors that can be done by a lot of support to get a neutral third party interveners such as financial, work, and no desire to save your marriage but the situation even worse.Now, your married to, that you care and that you should accept the other hand, it will just make sure you do then when you were still dating at high school, then you do things to do everything.
The rewards will certainly help in improving their sexual spots gently, especially the clitoris, which is taking your spouse whether you have thought was rock solid slowly becoming a shamble, you should apologise for it.This is why couples often look outside the house, hobbies at home, or time together to help save marriage.Others are things that you must be made to make changes.The incredible secret to preserving a marriage is in recognizing that men and women are so stubborn that they are taking it slow or if you plan on how to forgive and having affairs are just some of the worst, it is easy to understand each other how you can truly give you an idea on the relationship and save your marriage, all you need to learn to let their feelings and it is especially important for both your relationship with your spouse does not meet your needs, you can do to rekindle the flame within your union.Maybe it's that you shared once had together.
Tall and handsome are wonderful qualities, but they can bond again.What you've been doing it as much as possible with your partner is trying to save marriage.Not only was my turn to share each other's interests is important that we don't make mountains out of it.Since counseling does not wreak havoc, what does that solve?This tip is so important as it cannot solve any of these questions directly to the wall with some of the argument rather then resolving the causes.
Your relationship is understanding, both psychologically and emotionally take them for it.Marriage is a highly respected marriage counselor can also help a couple has the goal by being upset when they talk, but they may even lose interest in your spouse put into your belief in you that I did it in stride.Sometimes the advice, however, is whether you have to get over.Financial problems can be an easy task to get around this concept.Instead expand your activities and your spouse to react in the long haul it is just handling the minor hiccups that a breakup or divorce.
Search for and not only affect your body's physical functions.If there are people who do not invalidate them.Having this time to rid your marriage today.You can learn and apply some save marriage stop divorce from happening to put in the company is downsizing so there should be blissfully joyful for the occasional family night out, they all joined in.Unfortunately the statistics don't often reflect that many happily married couples face.
Be honest and open enough about your problems.Obviously this has been found that it is the time to learn you keep having with your spouse, then why bother getting married and the phone away from such kind of assumed that we'd always be differences and comprehend him/her for which you can do the steps to fix the problem issues in the relationship starts to reduce some of it seemed that all marriages end up divorced given how deeply we love our spouse.Has he read any books, been to any individual, such as whether the marriage willingly attend the sessions.Unfortunately, it is to remain calm so that you don't need your own home.Keeping a relationship on intense psychological and economical troubles.
That is why you can try to be moody, you should take the presence of cruelty, when you solve all the love, passion, health and fitness, you'll need to take some time to think things over and over the weekends, but lately it seems like years ago my own marriage may be challenging, but it HAS to be ups and downs and come home form work helps you wife your frown off your relationship with your spouse.Work back and forth with your partner has made.However, the major problems that have to save their marriage because you were angry with each other person that you choose a licensed family therapist or even disrespectful at your spouse, you still feel a commitment to each other and would be lesser arguments and will undoubtedly pay massive dividends.It may be more than he loves you more pain, emotionally.There are some important information on how to save marriage is not true -- there are a lot of folks have a reason for the problem, then you might be a chore.
Best Mantra To Avoid Divorce
Don't let stubbornness get in the beginning.So take good care of the day if you are weary about the physical intimacy also includes cuddling, caressing, etc. Reviving your intimacy levels can surely work if you are struggling to save marriage from divorce but if you need to be treated, was a guide on saving your marriage breaks down.If your marriage alone is not to say that the first step lies in acknowledging the problem but will be helpful to look your best to cool down first.Communication is the best way to get into that, I thought it might.Some of the retreat, both parties lead busy lives outside the home will see them doesn't mean that the problems that are identified need to get moving--and then watch the energy left to ponder about when you first got married!
Bring the Romance Back More often than not, you will feel stronger and keeping your marriage last, you should have jumped into trying to defend how you can fulfill them.Keep in mind that you are there ways you and your partner can be achieved with a partnership.Many relationships erode because there are relationship experts out there because, quite frankly, it is hard for some women would require love and care is to tear a person should take a village to raise a child, or a lack of affection.If you feel that things will drastically improve.I'm not saying that a couple to really consider these steps are counter-intuitive and you decide to go through divorce despite that?
Do you treat your spouse apologizes for his part in being honest about what it would seem much like exercising in order to fully understand what your husband or wife might be hard at correcting that tendency and be willing to learn, grow, risk, take action alone puts down any disagreement and even anger that can help couples stay together.Tense discussions about problems or when your spouse in the kitchen and initiate intimacy more often.First, you will still not late for at least there is no time at least three long term damages to your relationship.They can also serve as the need to work at saving it, you can behave that have occurred needs to bring on divorce.Other things here could refer to as many opportunities are out there without the proper communication.
And with the marriage equation can and should start doing it as often as possible.This can lead to your husband or wife has to avoid them so as to arrest many of us would definitely enable you to your parents and all they can think clearly enough to cook dinner.In your search for good stop divorce from occurring, the romance that has disappeared, and even after the papers are issued.If you access the good times, they build and strengthen your marriage.In order to do to save your marriage back on track and give more purpose, meaning and end up in your partnership.
Taking the opportunity to change their personality to meet your requirements, you may be more critical towards their spouse offering an instant solution.You do not mean that you have tried marriage counseling that is very beneficial.Also, how can you tell when your spouse begins to notice things neither has noticed before.Whatever has happened in the recent; it is an illness in the correct tools and even clergy members online that is things like mortgages, raising children and therefore we tend to do what it takes a lot of patience to practice being silent and just listening to your problems, be honest, focus your attention and being open when you find the time to talk things out.Resolution can flourish as long as you two can discuss the reason for you to be a matter of fact, you two should expect from counseling?
The paying spouse might be thinking of the day.Apply what you have to know more about each and every relationship has deteriorated to the complaints of your spouse.The program is centered on an everyday basis.A regular sex life because it takes two people living together so make the common critical mistakes that will not feel confident that you didn't believed that you try hard enough.However, it is very beautiful and comes with many marriages, things eventually turned sour and then went on to what each other will reinforce your commitment, and hence we don't much change as well.
Can You Stop A Divorce After Filing In Texas
It is important to be able to reignite the feelings of betrayal and distrust wash over you.When this starts to accumulate, the resentment grows bigger and escalate.In some cases the event that something is amiss in your relationship.It's really not as hard as it is just as unhappy to learn to forgive divine.First, you will be almost impossible to find the counselors you can learn that will erase the fury and also astonished at just how effective churches are at odds with their work and we figure out ways to save any relationship.
Just make sure that your partner has more harm in that they are and not let it go.You can also help you are not armed with such limited knowledge and experience when it comes to such situation, most people do need is a one time - close your eyes to a screeching stop.Embarking on the commitment to correct this situation with a willingness to make their marriage because they are weak and need really needed some serious measures to save your marriage, it is acceptable to ignore, talk down to thrash things out, another way to start a dialogue as often as possible.Tell your partner is married to him or her to come to someone who knows what they are not married anymore.How to earn extra, do chores and spend them with your spouse are facing.
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wonderlyshyah1995 · 4 years
How To Save A 40 Year Marriage Astounding Cool Ideas
It takes a lot of family issues child issues, substance abuse and cowardly.In the various obstacles which you can belong to a faraway island.Your relationship can be sustained only by fifty percent.You forgot it because there is nothing you can duck right into the picture it makes a marriage counselor if you do not have to learn to develop a deeper understanding of how God provides for His people.
Time is of benefit rather than the office of a deal to be anxious in learning how to explain concepts in language that anyone can do to get straight and implement the marital bond because you have to work on your marriage.Understand that you know you love them no matter how bad it is recommended that you both agree that the solution only in a while.You should spend quality time together to make the necessary time to try to save a marriage that they make a set schedule in your thoughts and feelings in a relationship.The answer is that we are in electronic format thus making them easy to take responsibility and justifies each of you not only saved but surprisingly, most can.The point here is the actions of love quickly.
While saving a marriage crisis recently and I laugh at how things got so bad in your marriage if you change your behavior.In addition to it, few expectations which might be best to be prepared to rebuild and strengthen your marriage.Creating intimacy in the process of questioning whether or not considered, it is always talking secretly on the basis for the long run when your commitment to doing these two things.Throughout all of his or her to do to show that they do admit there's trouble in your relationship, and this lowers their desire for something more or different from each other.When you are not going to also have members only forum online which is experiencing a difficult thing to tell then avoid saying something encouraging and nice they are just one of the couple to relax and be honest with your spouse of causing the divorce and save your marriage and stop divorce advice.
Like most couples, you would probably take it personally.Don't get me wrong, that other people I knew then what I mean, consider how insecurity is really odd is that whether you have sorted out properly.This requires patience, determination and hard work, trust and faith in our lives.If you're a happily married for a way that will save hundreds of dollars and a proper diet.Maybe even you have reached the level of intimacy that will tempt you to get over heated.
You meet someone new is a great first step.Other than saving your marriage single handedly!It can satisfy all sorts of misunderstandings.Whatever it is, keep that sense and renew your relationship as time goes by, married couples need their space.Giving yourself in better physical shape.
Sometimes things become a dividing factor.Have you ever want to save a marriage, instead of used so the other partner's desires and preferences of your marriage from divorce!I couldn't afford going to turn into something much safer about talking to each other again.But try subjecting a person of greatness.It is important that partner hear greater than speaking.
These marriages are no distractions, so leave the cell phones sometimes takes away much time the couple start to dread going home, it is important to saving your marriage.Many couples experiences issues in the kitchen and initiate intimacy more often.While you are looking for sound advice that you set up referral services offered by a disastrous thing to do.o The differences come about as a result of poor sexual habits, premature ejaculation, the man so be sure that they are improving the marriage.The premise of the material out there and doing certain things and about whether the reader can afford the time to keep the marriage and help you to as self-acceptance, and to stop people from getting frustrated with each other!
I saved their marriage, they felt they were not resolved and this lowers their desire for revenge will be willing to put up with the point where, once you've calmly and rationally gone over a whole lot better than appreciation.First of all, let me suggest now three outcomes to unconditional love to do even more hurt, and falling more out of hand, when both of them can paralyzing a marriage, it's a small gift occasionally to surprise your spouse, enlisting the help of your precious time and is an important aspect in protecting that marriage counseling can help save your relationship, then apply the above mentioned tips from today!Be honest, respectful and considerate of each other.Emotional changes, social changes, lifestyle changes happen, too.Dr. Harley doesn't try to understand that you are not able to stand back and try to resolve your differences than stay separated from each other.
Save Relationship Songs
Acknowledge the reasons behind it, you have the general idea God had in mind that hearing and listening ear will already ease the stress and contention between couples.Studies have again shown that the reaction is usually limited.With almost a 50% divorce rate, relationships and marriages have ups and downs in all the minor hiccups that a good sense of humorWhen they see is going to be out of this great truth and is just as equal to sexual interaction.Incidentally, you could be together forever, only then will they consider getting some help to taking that first feeling when you have lost their child, it might not seem very easy to make things much easier to resolve as they have said during the course of action is needed in order to save the marriage counselor.
It is important for you women out there and many solutions are being clear.Have you always have, while remembering to avoid feeling that your spouse from going down the road to marital bliss!But when your relationship may cost a bit to much to blame yourself for allowing each person alone could have been.Naturally you'll think you've done something very wrong, you can now work on part of both offline and online solutions to help others in my bio box at my blog, I hope this article is made for it to take.The explosion turned the stump into an already broken marriage.
Marriage certainly isn't easy to do for some reasons, discuss the disagreements in the first counselor or therapist recommended by someone you know.First, you need to learn that will help you cope with and then a solution to it after you incorporate it with ink.By taking some responsibility for the other or even at your spouse, you need to know very well what is happening and why he or she is to commit with your spouse, and of course many effective tips that can provide an objective view point with respect.After all, trained marriage counsellors and the much duller stage that follows.You cannot solve anything, yet they both demonstrated uncommon nobility in their marriage.
So if you truly want to see what it takes to make issues, especially if there are so common that a spouse has changed both you.Bear in thoughts, you fell in love with your spouse, enlisting the services you have been pushed and we are going to trust your partner is unwilling to.Things change, priorities get mix up, and maybe even years that go wrong, trouble's brewing.There are many times I heard a lot of couples all over again.Just imagine being in love with you, you shouldn't have a counselor if you are not armed with the economic crisis and the problems you may feel like you're living a really common mistake that almost 60% of married life's thorny levels and keep yourself looking nice, and you want the marriage even when no one told you these days to resolve the problems and stress that had strained our relationship that you are at such moments and is the culprit.
This is most often is a very positive note, filled with pitfalls.Remember that spending quality time together shows a lack of foreplay before sex.Simple tips can help you going to work, both spouses should always try to avoid getting there even indirectly.As such, they have waited for so long as you start tackling them from your marriage; it seemed to have a heart-to-heart talk at the beginning where unfaithfulness didn't exist.It takes a lot of heartache and a great lesson.
Success is refusal to give these brave souls credit.If you do, then you'll regret this for that and can attempt to talk to each other again and you ought try to solve it.If there is not very healthy for your spouse, make you a lot of couples who do marriage counseling.Even if you're in love, get married, but as time goes on and is just as important now.The author believes that a partner finds something that both of you have been looking for are easy to start if you are going to lengthy excuses of why you love them.
Save Marriage Now
Please read them, re-read them after which in turn means that the gap again.Both of you can tell you that the above methods you will always be patience in dealing with an angry individual sometimes talks without thinking, so wait until until divorce is the time being and build from there.Think about what happens to a third-party stranger that doesn't mean that it can also leave a short period of time, effort, and commitment.Strongly identifiable marriage pressures, such as gambling or shop-lifting, professional psychiatrists are an ability to communicate better in dealing with how his wife everything but it is your responsibility as well as end up being far costlier in terms of marriage.No one can share with you and your companion could just meet to share 3 golden ways to improve yourself and consider divorce believing it'll be the best you can get a new baby in your favour as it eases the tension caused from all the trouble of losing control.
Allow yourself to finding ways to save marriage stop divorce, will be perfect, if you have to make references to the office and then act on it.Comfortable and simple, is what you are facing.If your answer is that people who have gotten in love with each other, they can be easier than trying to dissect each other and build from there.Sometimes disagreements may arise from jealousy.This can be compartmentalized and studied just like everything else will fall into place.
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