#Islamic Theocracy
secular-jew · 19 hours
The very focused outcomes of operation of beeper blast.
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stupidjewishwhiteboy · 11 months
The thing is, I’m sure plenty of westerners chanting “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” legitimately want a secular binational state (although a fair amount of them have so reviled “Zionism” that I’m not sure how much Jewish nationhood they would view as acceptable in this theoretical binational state). The problem is, while there exist binationalists in the WB and Gaza, they are far outnumbered by Arab Nationalists and Muslim theocrats whose position on Jews existing in their Palestinian state goes from “grudgingly allowing Jews to exist as a faith community but not an ethnic group” to “expelling and killing Jews as much as they can.”
And on the other side Jewish Israelis are so invested in Jewish self-determination that they won’t roll over if Palestinians attempt to take over 1948 Israel (or even 1967 Israel). The death toll on both sides would be unthinkable.
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canadianabroadvery · 2 years
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Here’s to the heroic women of Iran !
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Translation: “I don’t understand secular democracy.” Messy as it is, what’s going on in the UK at the moment is secular democracy at work, where mechanisms exist to remove unfit leaders from power. On the other hand, in Islamic theocracies, you have to literally go to war with the regime to make change.
Reminder: Roshan Salih is the same UK-based Islamist who celebrated the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban last year.
It’s notable that first-world Islamist fanatics like him never move to the kinds of countries that they want to create.
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theozgnomian · 7 months
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Added in Edit: Having had this up for a while, I have to say that it truly amazes me just how many of the religious (most of them in fact) are the epitome of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Not just stupid, but dangerously stupid. "Threat to the survival of humanity" stupid. Death cult stupid. So I'm adding a couple of tags to the blog, just for them.
Barnum was right. "There's a sucker born every minute." If you can believe in a god (or gods), an invisible, all knowing, all powerful being, based on nothing but your feelings and some moldy manuscript written before modern medicine and electricity, then you'll believe anything at all, no matter how ludicrous. And the evidence of that is in front of us every damn day. Trump. Republicans. Anti-vax. Anti-science. Climate-denial. Anti-abortion. Flat Earth. Steal from the poor and give to the rich.
Added it Edit on 04/02: Just had a porn pusher call on me to repent. Typical of the breed. Hypocrites, all of them. ROTFLMAO!
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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phroyd · 9 months
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There is no difference in Christian or Islamic Theocracy!
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violexides · 2 years
every day i sit and i go man. i wish people were normal about religion 
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luvsjimmyreed · 2 years
Here is something we need to consider. If Christian nationalists get their way - then, yes, this country would essentially become a Christian version of Iran. Sure, maybe Christian nationalists aren’t advocating for forcing women to wear the hijab *specifically* - but, if they were to gain control in this country, then... then, undoubtedly, they would try to legislate ‘modest’ attire for everyone... as well as try to legislate a gender binary dress code. The reason why it’s important that we keep Trump, as well as anyone aligned with him, out of the White House - is because our Supreme Court, as currently stands, has a majority made up of reactionaries. Roe versus Wade got overturned just weeks before the anti-hijab protests in Iran made mainstream news. We could learn a lot from our friends in Iran. We need to keep this country from, uh, turning into a theocracy.
Jimmy Reed, On Theocracies
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memenewsdotcom · 2 years
Iran hangs man from crane
Iran hangs man from crane
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canadianabroadvery · 1 year
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Adriana Mosquera (Nani) 10 May 2023 burka
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Published: Jun 18, 2023
LAHORE: Succumbing to the demands of a radical Islamist party, the Pakistan government has agreed to try blasphemy suspects under terrorism charges in addition to the other sections of the country's penal code. The Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) ended its 25-day-long march protest at Sarai Alamgir, Gujrat district, some 200 km from Lahore, on Saturday after signing a pact with the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N)-led federal government. Federal Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said the government has accepted "all legitimate" demands of the TLP, especially on blasphemy laws. In a 12-point agreement signed on Saturday with the TLP, the federal government agreed to book those accused of committing blasphemy and charged with Section 295-C (use of derogatory remarks, etc., in respect of the Holy Prophet) of Pakistan Penal Code under the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA), 1997, too. "Besides, speedy trials of the blasphemy accused will be ensured. For the first time, a Counter Blasphemy Wing (CBW) will be established under the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)," Sanaullah said, adding the government would ensure steps to block blasphemous content on social media. The radical Islamic group gained political capital as the federal government agreed to issue a letter declaring that the TLP was not a terrorist organisation, the Dawn newspaper reported. The government also conceded to lift the ban on the coverage of TLP on broadcast and social media while agreeing to withdraw all political cases filed against TLP workers and leaders. Sanaullah said the TLP leaders whose names have been taken off the Fourth Schedule of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, will have the freedom of movement, and the federal government will issue directives to provincial governments for it. According to Amnesty International, Pakistan's blasphemy laws are often used against religious minorities and others who are the target of false accusations. The addition of terrorism charges will make the blasphemy suspects more vulnerable.
Even if it doesn’t call them by their name, Pakistan is being quietly run by its own Ayatollahs, who negotiate with the State on behalf of a higher sovereign. They are laying the foundations for turning the country into a Shari’a-run Islamic State, more surely than jihadists who have escalated violent operations across Pakistan.
Pakistan is becoming the new Iran.
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theozgnomian · 6 months
The Founders on Church and State
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For all those Christians out there claiming that the United States was founded as a Christian Nation. You're ALL liars, every fucking last murderous ignorant one of you. Thank you for your attention.
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ichverdurstehier · 4 months
Président of Iran died in a helicopter crash!!!!!!!
Ebrahim raisi is dead!!!!!! Crunchy crisp!!!!!!!
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supernintendo-1987 · 4 months
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superbdonutpoetry · 6 months
The Devil is an Angel of LIGHT
People always point to a New World Order (NWO) from a political or financial standpoint, meaning, they believe a NWO will be birthed by either the super wealthy such as bankers or on the other hand, power hungry politicians. But the devil is an angel of light in this dispensation, so if there is to be a NWO, it will come about by way of religion, but I doubt whether there will be a NWO during…
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