#It didn't suit them 😂😅
riddlebanshee · 5 months
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Thinking about Them
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Lips anon! AHHHH Baby Benji's first words 😭 😭 😭
That situation reminded me of a story my mother told me. Apparently when I was a baby, my uncle wasn't paying attention and put his tequila on my high chair, and I took a sip of it. I cried and pushed it off. She got really mad at him for that obviously lol
Pfftt, Gabriel pulling the same thing when he visits for the first time in forever.
I was given a beer when I was 5 😂. Just a sip though. Latino dads and uncles are terrible 😅.
OMG GABRIEL. Brief Tension undercut
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Benjamin certainly adored his blocks, but adored even more when you gathered to play with him after lunch. It helped him to make his digestion better and sleep at ease. Gabriela was still in school.
Evening slowly transitioned into night and you were preparing dinner. Gabi had just finished her homework, Benji was on his little jumper, stretching his legs, and Miguel was setting up the table.
Dinner was lovely as usual, Miguel picked up after everyone as you cleaned Benjamin, his face a canvas painted with the smashed food. He adored when you'd mash potatos and carrots and minced tiny bits of chicken just for him. You then cleaned his chair and Gabi was ready to watch some TV with Miguel when the doorbell rang.
"The Neighbors maybe?" Miguel and you looked at eachother with confusing stares. Not that you weren't friendly among the neighborhood, you just simply stuck to yourselves, it was rare when someone knocked on your door past the 7 pm.
"I'll get it." Miguel rose on his feet and opened the door.
"Hey, Miggy." Gabriel's voice froze him in his spot. A little luggage bag next to him.
The coos and laugh of Benjamin snapped Gabriel's attention inside.
"May I come in?"
"... Sure." Miguel mumbled, still in his shock, he stepped aside and let him in.
Gabriel looked around, a typical domestic life that suited his brother all too well, despite him initially opposing to such things saying that his career was first.
"Guess you swallowed your words, huh Miggy?"
Miguel just stared at him with aprehension, he didn't know how to feel. It had been years since he saw Gabriel. 6 years to be exact. He had just left after a bad fight. And ever since then, their relationship had been strained.
"Is that-"
"Miguel? Who is it?"
Gabriel's eyes twinkled with amusement at your voice, then looked at little Benjamin that stared back at him to then look between Miguel and him. A bit confused.
Gabriel was shorter than Miguel, reaching his ears, his hair shorter and slicked back, a few strands poking out from the googles he wore ontop. Green eyes instead of maroon, a more joyful and amiable expression in his face, body less formidable than Miguel's.
"Can you come here for a sec, Mi amor?" Miguel spoke and Gabriel just chuckled at the endearing term. Gabriela poked her head out of the couch to look at them.
"Remember Gabriel?."
"Oh yes, of course. It's good to see you again. Hope everything is going well " You shook his hand with a smile. Miguel barely spoke about him, and if he did, it only showed that they still were at odds despite the amiable act the both put up. They were good at masking their feelings.
His hand was strong but still he was gentle.
"Un gusto verte de nuevo, cuñada" He spoke and you couldn't help but giggle. (Nice to see my sister in law again)
"Would you like something to drink?"
"Hm." He nodded but then his eyes stared at Benjamin, who went quiet upon Gabriel approaching.
"And whose this little handsome man?"
"Benjamin." Miguel spoke as he rubbed his face and held his waist. You served him a bit of Horchata. Benjamin just stared at him and cooed.
"Thanks. He looks like a mini you, but he definitely got (Name) 's eyes. Where is Gabi?"
"Gabi, cariño, come say hi to your uncle." Miguel held in her arms and Gabriel couldn't help but gasp.
"Gabi?! No way! Look at you, Pulguita! You have grown so much!" (Little one)
Gabi smiled nervously . She was only four years when Gabriel left. Gabriel and you barely interacted beyond pleasantries. He was always respectful when it came to you and kept his distance.
"Got you guys something. Wanna see?" You put Benjamin's spider pacifier on his mouth and Miguel took him out of his chair. Gabriela followed her uncle and you couldn't help to look at Miguel tensing. You had noticed that he was keeping his distance.
"Are you okay?"
Miguel nodded and sighed.
"Is he staying overnight so I can prepare his room?"
"I... I honestly don't know. I will do it anyways."
"Are you sure that you are OK?"
"Just feel a bit of headache coming." You'd rub his back softly he then joined Gabriel with Benji in his arms. You cleaned up.
Gabriel opened his luggage case and pulled out a little soccer t-shirt signed with some famous players.
"Para mi Pulguita" Gabriel smiled upon hearing Gabriela gasp and squeal in happiness. Miguel’s look softened. (For my little one)
"Look Papa!" Miguel nodded and smiled softly at her, she then ran to gush at you about the shirt.
"And since I wasn't sure how old mini you would be-"
"Right. Benjamin." He nodded, his freckled face scrunching up a bit, trying to suppress a chuckle.
"Since I wasn't sure how old little Benjamin would be, I got him some toys and this." He showed up Miguel a little green pacifier, a little goblin in a deeper shade of green imprinted on it.
"You can put liquids on it, designed it myself."
"Pretty ingenious." Miguel nodded, watching the little thing.
"And this is for you." He pulled out a small fancy box with a bottle in it. The label bright with the words "Amarás Logia, 25 años". twenty five year old brewed mezcal.
"Thanks." Gabriel sighed at his tone. Not that he blamed him though. Both brothers had said things that never should have left their mouths.
"You staying?"
"Nah. Just wanted to say hi. But... wouldn't mind a drink or two with you before I leave." He pulled another bottle, Don Julio's brand splattered on the tequila bottle. Miguel just chuckled.
"Just one."
"I know. You're a family man now and all that." Miguel put Benjamin on his chair again, Gabriela was taken to bed. Gabriel poured a couple of drops of tequila on his pacifier and approached Benjamin.
"Just a little tradition between O'Haras, little man." You and Miguel snapped the attention to Benjamin as he started crying after throwing away the pacifier.
"What's wrong?!"
"I just gave him a pacifier, nothing too bad."
You rushed to Benjamin and looked at the pacifier, a watery and all too familiar liquid oozed from it.
"You gave him tequila?!" You quickly pulled Benjamin out of his grasp and Miguel towered over him.
"He didn't drink! I promise! Just thought it was fun for him to smell it."
You rolled your eyes and took him away.
Miguel couldn't help but hit his head.
"¿Estás pendejo o qué?" (You stupid or what?)
Gabriel laughed at Miguel's hit.
"Relájate, cabrón. No bebió nada." (Calm down you dipshit. He didn't drink anything.)
"¿Te vas a quedar o no?" Gabriel chuckled and sighed. (You're staying or not?)
"We gotta talk anyways, and it's not precisely a short talk." Miguel just nodded and rubbed his face.
"You better apologize to (Name) in the morning."
"Ya sé, ya sé. Perdón." (I know, I know. Sorry)
Miguel prepared the guest room, as Gabriel poured two shots of tequila.
Alcohol would be needed, he couldn't be sober when all the pain would be out.
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thetxtdevil · 2 months
ok this might be a dumb request but ughh please bear with me bc I had this dream of it and oof it was hot ✨️😂 ok so yeonjun being lucifer, the big devil man finds out he has a soul mate, who is yn, and he like commands her to give him all of her and live with him in the underworld and during their sexy time she said yes 😅 it was spicy! But yeah I'd appreciate it in your writing style lol
This gives me Hades and Persephone vibes, love this idea.
also this has some religious themes so be aware!
Yeonjun is a king, an evil barbarian that rules the hells, feeds off people’s fears of one day ending up in his kingdom being his faithful servant. Standing on a porch of his crumbling castle, he looks over the fiery fields finding the screams... boring. Yeonjun needed something, was it blood? revenge? no, it was sex! His blood curdles more than usual thinking about taking time for the devil himself. He had all the supplies and people to please him but he wanted something more.
Thats when he decides to travel up to the mortal world. Amongst the transportation, dark hues of red changes to earthy browns then Yeonjun is hit with the aching brightness of God's creation, the sun. Yeonjun's burgundy skin turns tan, his crisp hair into raven black silk, black eyes turn into softer brown ones, and his usual exposed body was covered by a black suit. It was time, time to find his soulmate.
Walking around the town he was transported to he finds humans entertaining, and weirdly crime increases since he's been there. Yeonjun laughs at the innocent people being controlled by evil something they're not used to so they end up doing a poor job of stealing a car, throwing rocks that miss, being caught in their lies. Yeonjun's attention from the dreadful sight was caught when he sees you. You were dressed in all black just like him standing in front of a church. He watches closely to your expression, it was full of disgust. Yeonjun was surprised, a beautiful angelic women like you in distaste looking at such a holy thing.
Yeonjun glides closer to you, "Disliking the view?" you chuckle at the man's question.
"Uhh yeah, is it that obvious?" you stop to look at the man and fall embarrassed, he was devilishly handsome.
"I was never one for God's good deeds and begging for them." You quirk an eyebrow at the man's comment. "I'm Yeonjun, what brings you to this sickening church?" he asks but already knows why when you shake his hand, he saw your uncle arrive in hell not too long ago.
"My family member died and well, I don't have a good background in the church"
"That makes two of us" Yeonjun's smiles warms your heart, slight flutter fills your stomach when you see a hint of his fangs from the toothy grin.
This is the girl, this is his soulmate, now how to make her to go to hell with Yeonjun, he's going to have to figure that one out in his own terms.
The cold air envelopes the town as the sun fades away and the night is in full bloom. After the funeral, you spent the rest of the day doing errands but sulking about not asking out the beautiful man.
You twist and turn in your bed not being able to sleep, but you must have drifted off when you lift your head to see a shadowy figure. The moon's rays in your room usually shine cool blues but right now the room was illuminating red. The color takes over your vision in a haze suddenly feeling hot. Paying no mind at the sleep paralysis demon you start to take off your clothes stopping yourself from getting overheated.
You look over at the shadow once more too comfortable with its presence, "What, are you an incubus or something?"
A dark chuckle escapes the shadow making you shiver, "Oh y/n you know exactly what to say."
Yeonjun gets closer to your area of vision, crawling on the bed to hover over you. You lost all common sense, you felt no reason to ask how he got in your house, you didn't stop his hand from caressing your naked skin, you even failed to care that he was undressed this whole time. His feature were so close to yours, admiring his seductive eyes, the curve of his cheeks, his plump lips that were so close to yours. You try to lean in for a kiss but he backs away.
"Before you can have me, you have to give me all of you and live with me in the underworld for eternity."
Conflicted, you stop for a moment, giving up your whole life for a man you just met? You weighed the pros and cons but the longer you let the devil wait the more you mind begins to fog. His hands explored your body, lightly pinching your nipples, digging into the plush flesh of your thighs, lips turning into bites against your neck. You have forgotten your place on earth, Yeonjun wasn't heaven he was lustful hell that you fully have given into.
Yeonjun relaxes your body down into your sheets kissing you passionately. You open your eyes to look at him again only to find that your weren't in your room anymore, you were in hell. Blackened cobblestone walls surround you, with arched windows that look down to a world like looked like you were inside lava.
Looking back at Yeonjun his tan skin was now red, cheek bones heightened, forehead adorned with long sharp horns. You accepted you fate with your soulmate as you wrap your hand around his big cock lining it along your wet aching hole. "For eternity." The devil smiles pushing into you, deliciously stretching you while biting deep into your collarbone as a sign of claim.
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling
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kasagia · 6 months
Just finished reading your Feyd Rautha fic… HOLY FUCK. I think you’re the writer who truly got Feyd down to a T. Also the way the relationship between him and the reader is explored… 😮‍💨 I really feel like it could be canon (and I’m not even joking). Please, please write part 2, I need to know what will happen next 🫣🥺!
P.S. I hate the harpies, kill them 😂
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Aaaaaaa! Thank you so much my dear anonymous! 😊🥰🩵🖤🖤🩵
I'm so happy that I managed to capture Feyd's character! I was afraid that I made him a little... too soft for the reader, but I am happy that it worked out. But somehow it suits me so well that the reader can cross certain boundaries and is probably not at such risk of his... unexpected attack. And that is huge compliment for me that 'it could be canon'. 😅🤭
When it comes to part 2. I have one scene left (or two, I'm not sure yet) to write. So if all goes well, I will publish it on Monday or Tuesday. And get ready for something... long. Sorry. 🙈 (But it will be a bit fluff!! I hope that I didn't go too far and make them too sweet copule ekhem... I mean partners. Friends. Na-baron and his right hand. Clearly professional. No feelings include. xD)
P.S. I don't like harpies either, but I'll see what I can do... maybe not in the second part, but... 😈🤭
He was interrupted so rudely... fortunately (for him, not the reader), he will have a bit more luck in the second part... just a little bit... 🤭😇
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! 😊🥰🖤🩵🖤🩵🖤🩵
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yumeka-sxf · 10 months
After the epic and emotionally packed previous episode focusing on Yor, things are a little lighter this week, with the focus being on funny Anya antics, plus some Twilight spy action on the side! The key visual for today's episode is fantastic - they all had a role in saving the day!
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The scene where Anya attempts to dramatically throw Yor's stiletto, only for it to drop unceremoniously onto the deck, always cracked me up in the manga 🤣 The music in the anime scene didn't make the humor come across as well as I'd hoped (silence would have made it better) but it's fine, lol. The part where the guy tripped on the stiletto was still funny!
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And of course, the scene where Anya tells the officer about the bomb 😂 I'm gonna say she brought that disguise with her on the trip for just such an occasion! (also very convenient that Anya was the only kid at the daycare...if there were other kids, the lady wouldn't have been able to leave them to look for her 😅 It was late at night so not a popular time for parents to drop off their kids I guess? Also love how the lady misinterprets Anya's comment about the bomb as her needing to take a big dump 🤣)
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After the comedy and suspense, the episode wraps up on a bittersweet note with Yor saying goodbye to Olka and Gram. I love that, despite the fact that Olka repeatedly pointed out to Yor that her family is just for show, she wishes that Yor and her family can find peace...yeah, she definitely knows that the underworld life doesn't suit Yor and she loves her family, even if she herself doesn't realize exactly how much.
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We also (finally) get to see a slightly softer side of McMahon. He's been totally serious and unemotional the whole time, even more unwavering about his mission than Twilight. So it's nice that he allows Yor to spend time with Loid and Anya (right after he tells her that they're nothing but foot soldiers...does he really feel that way deep down? 🤨) I also wonder if the big bad Hapoon that they keep talking about will ever make an appearance.
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The anime added some additional scenes in the episode's conclusion, which I adored! ❤️ Really great for setting up the next episode (though seeing Yor alone in her room tending her own wounds made me kinda sad 😢 It's okay, she'll get to be with her family soon!)
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In addition to Yor's epiphany chapter, the other chapter I was really looking forward to seeing in the anime is chapter 56, in next week's episode! Can't wait 😭
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She deserves JUSTICE!
Greek Goddesses! Another character that earned a love post from me, she needs the love, she DESERVES to be loved 💜💜💜 (spoiler alert, this post will be a loooooooooong 😅 )
I found out about her and other characters thanks to the wholesome slice of life comic Batman: family Wayne adventures months ago (I've been a DC Batman fan since I was a kid but I mostly watched shows that didn't include said characters before starting with the comics) and I fell in love with her, I mean she is all purple and her hero name is SPOILER 💘 so she could jump on criminals and say things like: SPOILER ALERT YOU'RE ABOUT TO GET BUSTED 👊😂 HELLO? INSTANT LOVE 💘and then I searched for her, read a lot of comics... and learned SOOO many outrageous things!🤬 Welcome to Hypocrisyland 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Here comes the RANT:
So she was an independent girl who made herself the Spoiler persona to "spoil" her wannabe Riddle father's evil deeds and she was a bit morally gray and cynical and wasn't particularly trying to be a hero or a vigilante and then after meeting Robin she started to change her mind inspired by HIM so all her thing started completely separated from Batman and technically it was by associating herself with Tim/Robin that at some point she started to want Batman's approval too and started the whole "fight to prove that I deserve a place here" thing but I think the amount of disrespect this girl faced is ridiculous! Treated like she was hopeless, useless, stupid etc... is she a punching bag? Treated like shit by so many characters for no good reason 😡 and I didn't see any satisfying consequence on them because of it, it was as if the way they treated her was justified because... I don't know, she was compared to Jason, to Dick, to Tim and to Barbara but when is only about her own person she wasn't good enough so they were hysterical about her hurting herself or dying faster than any of them 🙄, so everything is justified because they were worried?
Sorry but NO, I don't care if she isn't as skillful as characters like Cassandra or Damian that were raised to be living killing weapons by assassins or that she isn't intelligent genius detective level with a rich live background that could afford special ttraining like Tim or Batman himself, that she isn't some erudite engineer to build herself taser weapons like Harper Row or a suit flying armor like Luke Fox, that she doesn't have military training like Kate Kane, that she doesn't have hacker skills or a cop dad as Barbara Gordon, or she doesn't have powers like Duke or wasn't trained by ninjas like Selina Kyle or that she started only having good grades at gymnastics instead of having been raised in a circus by acrobats like Dick Grayson... I DON'T CARE, because she had a lot of qualities to start from Zero to Hero that are probably a lot more relatable than the other characters, most people don't have third rate criminal fathers but still she is a lot closer to the normal people than other characters and that makes her great, she is so resourceful even thought that unlike Batman and Tim she comes from poverty and can't get high tech stuff, yet she made herself a costume and helped take down her criminal father in a low budget! How come her resourceness in her situation wasn't impressive to them? How come that she had to endure being dismissed and underestimated constantly over and over until her death? It was exhausting to see! The fact that she started being resentful towards her father and wanted more revenge than justice is enough to ditch her as a hero? (Maybe the Avengers would have welcomed her better in that case 🙄) How much she had to train until the writers stopped making her look unfit and unworthy despite everything?
I don't get why they decided to make everyone around her be an asshole, a jerk, a hypocrite... Specially Tim and Batman (the AUDACITY of these two! Batman "fired" Her from being Spoiler like she being Spoiler had anything to do with him in the first place, entitlement much? Robin mantle I get it but The Spoiler mantle was hers from the beginning he can't fire her from it and then Tim went to comfort her, ironic since he kept telling her to hang the suit all the time, he also said being a Teen Titan was out her league when she was offered a place and told her she can't speak for herself, seriously you fucking jerk? Does he think he is Dick Grayson or what? 😒 the entitlement is spreading! and later when he became Red Robin he DEMANDED her to never be Spoiler again... Oh FUCK YOU 🖕🤬, mister "I discovered your secret so now you have to hire me as Robin" Worse part of that is that he said that after finding out things she was doing on Batman's orders wtf? So is bad always no matter if she disobeys or obeys Batman she can't win) They even made my dear Alfred be cold with at first because "she hurt Tim" but it was actually Batman's fault because he told her his secret 😤 well at least that treatment didn't last, bless Alfred for crying after her death when Dick asked about her and being so happy to see her alive he lose his British.
Why they hated her so much to the point they just doomed her to a horrible death that wasn't even heroic? She was tortured for days after provoking a gang war following one of Batman's plans trying to gain his trust back after he fired her from being his Robin for only 2 months! 🤬 2 miserable months!! because she disobeyed him (sure, sure, no other Robin BEFORE and AFTER her has ever disobeyed Bats orders right? 🙄) and the last person she sees before dying is him who was always comparing her to her male predecessors because he didn't like she was more questioning than them and then lied to her dying face about considering her a real Robin (by the way it felt so wrong that she became Robin out of spite because she saw a girl kissing Tim and she assumed he was cheating... I mean I can't blame her he did CHEAT on his first girlfriend with her, boy I hate this kind of teen drama) . They said it was "unclear" If he was telling the truth, HA! PLEASE. 🙄Of course he is not going to tell the ugly truth to a dying girl (he even "insulted" Her once saying she fights like a girl, wtf? She should have tell on him to Dinah lance) The ones who should have been there were Cassandra and Tim they actually did considered her a Robin, yep even Tim (he even mentioned a few positive things about her time being Robin) after he retook the mantle, they at least loved her! Even if they wronged her at least there was no doubt that they loved her... (Even if Tim's grief for her was short and too dry! 😡, They wanted people to forget about her so hard he was already having new love interests when not even a year passed, he suffered a lot more with his father and Superboy's death than with Stephanie 🤬, at least Cass cried and dreamed about her and thankfully Alfred and Barbara cried for her too even when they weren't that close to her at that time) Because seriously, this was a pitiful sad death, not bothering in making it a sacrifice or falling on combat saving someone noooo, she died after making a huge mistake trying to impress someone who never actually seemed to like her at all! In a gruesome and kinda sexualized way, nobody came to rescue her... Batman only showed up to pick her up after she escaped alone and tell her pretty lies before dying.
What a fucking Joke 🤦‍♀️ how humiliating for a character with a hell lot of potential WASTED! She didn't even get a memorial in the Batcave like Jason! Both their deaths were meant to be permanent but the comics only wanted you to remember Jason but not about Stephanie! Like he never existed! (And later the lame excuse for it🙄, like Batman suspected she wasn't really dead but he didn't tell Tim or Cass about that suspicion? None of them confronted him about the lack of memorial of her? Wouldn't they demand a memorial of a girl that meant a lot to them? He suspected she was alive but he never care to find her?🙄😑 Talk about crappy, tacky writing) it's like the character was thrown like garbage... Indeed that's what they intended to, her death was supposed to be permanent but fortunately for us fans rioted to demand her return very rightfully! 😤 and... Her return was still rushed, lame and lazy 😒 and they forgot to add a LOT of characters reactions seeing her alive 🤦‍♀️, like not even Cass??? I searched and never found a comic with her reaction after finding out she was alive! All out of camera, I hate that, is just so TACKY! Not an epic death and not proper comeback 😬😬
But then we had her run as the third Batgirl! Her solo as Batgirl did a lot of good for her character, with the exception of a few things I disliked like: her interaction with Catwoman that didn't make sense with how they met in the gangs war or that once again Batman has to have all the credit 🙄 because at the end he comes back from a not actual death and it turns out the whole make her a Batgirl was his doing and not Cassandra's doing😑 that would have been better because later they could rub it on his face but they couldn't because it was his idea 😬 but hey at least she got to SLAP him 🤣👏👏 that was epic BRAVO! Ahh that solo lasted too little! She got to put Tim in his place, she became friends with Supergirl and bonded with Damian as a big sister, I swear she should have spent more time with them, she demonstrated her bravery and willpower when she kicked the Scarecrow ass, finally earning Barbara's respect and admiration after she was so bitchy with her, its always so satisfying seeing characters standing up for her after so much mistreatment (i guess she had mixed feelings with the fact that Stephanie is a Batgirl that resembles more to her, Dick also mentioned that and thankfully he stopped being a jerk hypocrite with her too) and did I a mention that she FUCKING SLAPPED BATMAN? Because that is extremely important 😂 and Alfred defended her calling Bruce out in his bullshit test. Then for some stupid out of the blue reason she retired for a year... AFTER ALL SHE WENT THROUGH TO EARN THAT MANTLE? 🤬🤬🤬. Anyway she had to take the mantle back because she was chosen for some tournament where she had to fight Catman and there was Tim again looking down on her 🙄 "why weren't we chosen Cass we are better fighters she is a year out of shape" (Yeah who the fuck decided to make her hang the cape after everything? 🤡) at least Cass defended her saying that she is unpredictable, not like when they were training (Steph was still death) and out of the blue she unnecessarily tells him "you learn fast not like my last student" Really? I recall you enjoying training her 🙄 Sure Cassandra cried and dreamed of her but she used to look down on her a lot, the way she knocked her out in after being fired from being Robin was something we never see her apologize for, it was swept under the rug like never happened, Steph never confronted her about it even though she left her feeling betrayed 🤦‍♀️ and then besties again like nothing 😒. But at least she punched Tim for being an imbecile and then they got together again, so lovely, so happy, she was finally getting respect... BOOM: the new 52 reboot happened. 😃😃
The only thing I liked was that she got triple nunchakus as a personal weapon and that way she doesn't copy Robin's stick and the fact that she went through teen pregnancy and had to give up the baby because I hated that lazy plot that was only meant to make her and Tim have a closer relationship is not canon anymore(they really couldn't think of anything else to deepen their relationship than making her go through that pain so he could support her?😒🤦‍♀️ besides, she had a traumatic sexual assault experience as a child so I find hard to believe she would let herself get pregnant with the scumbag she dated before Tim, I hard to believe she didn't dumped him until he abandoned her in the earthquake) but her origin and relationship with Tim was erased along her time as Robin and as Batgirl(even thought that somehow thankfully now is canon again)and other character named Harper basically took a bit of Steph and Cassandra stories, mixed them and made them her own... pretty lame because Harper's concept was actually cool but she taking their place wasn't cool she also was the one to befriend Cassandra and had a conection with her first instead of Steph and the one who had to fight to be allowed to be a vigilante by Batman instead of her and she was the one that convinced Steph to join the fight instead of Steph wanting to do it by herself but the thing that infuriates me the most in this reboot was that she was accepted into the batfamily without much problem but altmost inmidiatly they made her go against them and againts Batman that this time wasn't being an asshole to her due to the apparent death of Tim Drake, Batman was even being affectionate with her, that hug he gave her to comfort her was precious 🥺 and so satisfying to see but then they had to ruin everything by making her be unreasonable and insufferable to create cheap drama 🤦‍♀️, now that she got the only thing she wanted pre reboot they make her want to walk away?🤡🤡🤡 not to mention I was already pissed of that in her solo as Batgirl they forgot what kind of interaction she had with Catwoman, basically Selina was the last person who was sweet and kind to her before she was killed, it would have been nice to see a proper reaction to her come back but the reboot made things worse! Selina was bitchy and mean to Steph even if she gave her some acknowledgement to her talent but she refused to grant my wish of training her and instead she was trained by the second Catwoman that honesty was disappointed but not that bad because I will like any character that would want to help Steph and Eiko (2° Catwoman) took her in for a while and bothered to teach her something so KUDOS 👍 for her! And Cassandra, Dinah and Barbara too.
And well I'm going to stop the rant here because aside of Tim dumping her and treating her shitty for no reason when they were finally happy so he could be with a random background NPC boy nobody cared about or even remembered so he could prove his bisexuality 😑😑😑, in general things are finally getting good for her: she is finally fully recognized as a Robin and she got another solo with Cassandra and Barbara as Batgirls that wasn't as good as the first one but it was nice and apparently she is now going to have her own team of young superheroes in a new comic.
I wanted to make an statement about things I like about her, the need to make her interact with other characters I think she would get along and my new Ship with her and Jason but all that will have their owns individual posts because I already wrote too much here, if you read it all thank you so much 🙏🙏🙏❤❤ if you felt offended or disagreed with something I said I apologize but remember that this is just the random opinion of a random Tumblr user so... See you in my next posts 😘💋💋
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cosmereplay · 1 year
I don't know what it is about this RoW reread but I am so into the complex and mostly behind the scenes relationship between Jasnah and Wit. All quotes from chp 64.
...she marched through the frontline warcamp to her tent. Inside, Wit sat at her travel table, scribbling furiously. So far, she'd caught him writing in what she thought were five different alien scripts, though he didn't often answer questions about where they had originated.
Today, he snapped his notebook closed and plastered a smile on his face.
Wit you are acting exactly like Shallan right now, though for very different reasons 😅 I'm sure that Wit acting like Shallan is a bonus for Jasnah. Jasnah I see you choosing another Lightweaver! Shallan wore you down and now you love them love them!
She trusted him, mostly. And he her, mostly. Other aspects of their relationship were more complicated.
I'm frothing at the mouth to know more!!
He sighed, then leaned back in his seat. He was immaculate, as always, with his perfectly styled hair and sharp black suit. For all his talk of frivolity, he knew exactly how to present himself. It was something they'd bonded over.
The transfem!Jasnah and genderqueer!Wit headcanon is so strong right now.
They are both smart, ambitious, and capable. Wit has the artistic/literary lens that Jasnah needs in her life now that Shallan is off on her own. He also has important cosmere knowledge. Jasnah is an important and powerful ally for Wit, who is in desperate need of someone to trust...mostly. They are both well versed in how to carry power and influence others. I'm afraid of them breaking up 😂
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buckgasms · 2 years
Halloween Princess 🎃
Can't believe I didn't think of this before 😱 I don't know what it is but I hope you like it because this is my dream 😂😅
Also remember when he looked like an actual prince in front of all of our eyes. He makes me wanna cry 😭
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Warning: sexy times at the end 🤤
- So Bucky doesn't normally care about Halloween parties but you were so excited about the idea of costumes and candy and dancing that he had to oblige you.
- And he didn't regret it...
- Because you loved a costume anyway but this was something else.
- Obviously you weren't going to be anything scary because you were just a babygirl.
- Bucky had to contain himself when you paraded through the living room as an Angel, Cheerleader, Kitten, Bunny and a Fairy.
- He might have pinned you to the floor and kissed you all over, pulled your costume off and fucked you right there.
- Later, when you were lying in bed, you suggested the idea of a couple's costume.
- Bucky frowned and pulled you to lay on top of him, hands squeezing at your soft ass and raking over your body.
- "Don't even think about it Princess" he growled into your soft skin and you giggled stroking his beard.
- You suggested Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf, Princess and a Knight or even a dirty doctor and nurse.
- But he wouldn't budge.
- He did give you lots of kisses though 😊
- The party was going to be thrown across one of the floors of Bucky's building, so you only had to go down a few floors in the elevator to get there.
- Bucky and you decided that the best idea would be for you to go as a Princess given that's what you were.
- You spent the entire day getting ready. Your hair was perfect, adorned with a sparkling tiara (with real diamonds ofc), glitter, pretty pretty makeup and the most beautiful dress ever.
- It might have been a little shorter than a princess would wear
- A lot shorter in fact
- But you felt so pretty and perfect 😍
- Bucky sent you a message that he would meet you at the party, and be waiting for you at the doors to the elevators.
- You were a bit nervous about walking into a big party by yourself but you were also so excited, so you rushed to the lift and waited, jumping from foot to foot as the numbers counted up to you.
- The doors pinged open and your ears were filled with noise of the party.
- As you stepped out into the room you gasped as Bucky walked up and took your arm.
- He was dressed in a smart suit but he had added some very little touches that made him look like a fairytale prince, including his slicked back hair, and a silk sash.
- You squealed and wrapped your arms around him, as you felt him chuckle and wrap his arms around you.
- "You look beautiful Princess" he said, taking you in and twirling you around before pulling you close. "Come on, I have some Halloween surprises for you..."
- He had arranged for a kind of trick-or-treat where you went around the room and guests have you candy and complimented you in how beautiful you were.
- You danced with Natasha and Wanda who were dressed as scary witches, but you weren't too scared of them.
- Bucky told off Sam and Steve for making you jump by leaping out of a dark corner.
- Wanda and you spent a little while plotting how to get back at them which was fun.
- Finally Bucky walked you into the dancefloor and twirled you around to soft music and sighs from jealous on lookers.
- You felt like a real princess and you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by how happy you were in his arms.
- Resting your head on his shoulder you let him guide you around the dancefloor until you whispered in his ear that you wanted to go upstairs.
- Lemme paint you a picture:
- Dress on the floor, make up running down your cheeks and the soft sounds of your gasps filling the quiet room.
- He had you sat on his cock, hand wrapped around your throat as he pounded upwards, trapping you there.
- Tears streaked down your cheeks as you clung to his arm, pleasure sparking from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
- Before you even realised, he had flipped you over, pulled you so you were on your knees, face pressed against the sheets and pressed his thick cock into your drenched heat from behind.
- He pressed down, covering your soft body with his hair dusted one, nipping at your neck and ear.
- "Fuck Princess, taking me so well hmmm? Made for this ain't ya?"
- You could only whimper in response as his hand snuck underneath your body and rubbed at your sensitive folds.
- "Don't be selfish babygirl, tell Daddy..."
- Crying out you told him you were made for this, his little whore, his princess.
- He grunted in approval and snapped his hips harder, hand wrapping in your messed up hair and he pulled you up until you were leaning against his chest, his cock spearing into you at the most sensitive angle.
- "Daddy!" You squealed as he spanked your puffy lips and grabbed the hand that wrapped once again around your throat.
- "I know Princess, you wanna come don't you? But you're gonna wait until Daddy says so."
- You wail again and wriggle in your predicament, making him groan a little as you squeeze him so tight.
- "No Princess, do as you're told...."
- He kept you on edge for ages, dragging your body to the precipice before he would let you fall.
- Now your body was a shivering, sensitive mess. He hadn't let you come even though he had released his hot come over your pussy and in your tight holes.
- You were laid out on your back, limbs spread wide and a soft glow of sweat covered your body.
- Suddenly he was pressed on top of you. His face blurry but you felt your face warm under his gaze.
- "Such a good girl for me" he muttered, pressing kisses to your face and lips. You could only whine and paw at him.
- "You ready to come for me Princess?" His voice floated in and out of your awareness but you nodded, desperate for some release.
- A soft hum filled the air and a cool sensation pressed against your sensitive folds, making you shudder a little.
- "Easy baby, there's my good girl" he whispered in your ear and he pressed the vibrator even harder and wiggled it.
- Your eyes rolled back and you cried out for Daddy and before you knew it you were coming under his actions, a long moan calling an end to your evenings entertainment.
- When you came back to yourself, you were wrapped up in his arms snuggled under a blanket.
- "There's my princess" he muttered pressing more kisses to your face. You turned to give him kisses back.
- Snuggling into the crook of his neck 👌🏻
- When you had a moment, you looked at the bed.
- Bucky had brought all the candy you'd received, as well as hot chocolate and water to hydrate you.
- You giggled and grabbed at the candy as he flicked the TV on to some Halloween cartoons before you drifted off to sleep.
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theroyalsims · 10 months
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Hi guys... just a very gentle and friendly reminder that I am not WCIF Friendly. WCIF stands for "Where Can I Find." To those unfamiliar with the term, not being WCIF friendly simply means that I do not welcome messages or questions asking where I got a certain piece of CC from. I feel like it's better to be upfront with you guys about it than to just leave you hanging.
Also, please understand that my old content (from years ago) were released 100% free - no ads, no early access. Please take them as they are. They are literally free. They cost you nothing. So please do not ask me to change them to better suit your needs. Unless they were broken by a patch/ doesn't work anymore, I probably won't be redoing them. As long as they still work, I won't be updating them anytime soon.
So I beg of you... if you're not happy with their quality or if you find them lacking, there are lots of other more skilled and more talented cc creators out there. Your messages are low-key giving me anxiety. 😅😂
Hope you all have a great day!
<3, TRS
P.S. Again, please don't be mad at me and send me mean anon asks because I didn't reply to your WCIFs. Thank you!
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J2 Gold Panel ATLCon 2023
The boys are looking handsome wearing blue, and red 🥰
Jared brings up the Saturday night concert and asks the crowd if it was thumbs up or thumbs down, then he shares a quick story about how when he was in High School the movie, Gladiator, came out and his Latin teacher was pissed off because in the movie the Emperor gives a thumbs up to mean mercy and thumbs down to mean death but according to Jared's teacher realistically it would be the opposite thumbs up for death and thumbs down for mercy because it's supposed to be a representation of the sword.
Out of curiosity, I did look this up and while some kind of hand gesture involving the thumb was used scholars can't say definitively what this looked like because writers at the time didn't really describe it, and if they did we seemingly have yet to find their writings. So there's a lot of scholarly debate as to what these gestures actually looked like and meant in Roman times. The popular idea that thumbs down was involved and meant death is attributed to an 1872 painting by French artist, Jean-Léon Gérôme, called Pollice Verso which depicts a gladiator asking for his life while the crowd gives a thumbs down. And that's your history lesson for today now back to our scheduled programming! 😅
Getting back to the panel, Jared mentions that there were times that were never printed where Dean would do an exorcism and Jensen would fumble on purpose, and Jared knew he did this on purpose and he would tell Jensen so and Jensen's reply would basically be 'yeah, but if I do it good they'll make me do it more, if i make it look like I can't do it they'll have Sam do it'.
And Jensen mentions what he called "his senior moment" which is that during the Saturday night concert he was singing Simple Man, and it's been so long since he sang it that he forgot the lyrics to the last verse. Backstage, prior to singing, he had the feeling this might happen because, again, it's been so long since he's sang it so the lyrics were printed out for him and placed in front of him on the floor but the font was too small for him to see them so when Jason Mann went over to him, he took his glasses and he said it was like the Matrix 😂
Getting into the questions, not gonna lie the first one is a weird one, but does Jensen remember the color of the belt and shoes he was wearing with the blue suit in his Man About Town UK photoshoot? He answers that he doesn’t think he had a belt on which gives us fangirl!Jared saying "easy access"...sir!
Anyways, Jensen thinks they were brown dress shoes. He says that in those photoshoots you walk in and there’s racks of clothing and generally a stylist and an assistant who will ask what you like, and he'll tell them that he doesn't know that they're the professionals so they just had him try stuff on and he wasn't really paying attention also he had like 12 outfit changes that afternoon which makes Jared mutter 'Jesus'. Jensen says that yeah, it was a lot that photoshoots are not their (his and Jared's) favorite thing to do, they're a necessary thing for their industry but he did have fun on that shoot. x
Out of all the famous horror movie villains which would be the hardest for Sam and Dean to face? Jared says it’s a name he can’t say aka Voldemort. Jensen says the easiest would be Michael cause he just stands there, that he's never understood how he catches people like does he get on like a segway. Jared mentions any villain Walking Dead, I wouldn't be too confident in that answer cause Negan but also I don't watch that show but I do know they've made some changes to the Walkers and they can open doors and climb shit now.
Jensen is still trying to figure out who would be the toughest, Jared tells him he'd go Star Wars or Harry Potter but those aren't horror movies. Someone in the crowd yells out Jason to which Jared replies he already beat Jason. The crowd also yells out Freddy Krueger but Jensen thinks Sam and Dean would have figured it out although he would be a tough one. x
Can they share any aspects of strain that their characters experienced that might have thought them something? Jared says that in his 15 and a half years on SPN he learned a lot, that it's hard for him to parse out what he learned with the help of Sam and what he learned with the help of Dean, and what he learned from the help of whomever. What he learned is that he went from being 22 to being 38 but he certainly learned that we are more capable than we understand, than we believe. That he loves stories of ultra marathon runners, or the one he was listening to recently on a podcast of a guy who trecked across Antartica. That those stories really inspire him cause sometimes when you're stressed about something and you go 'there's no way I'll figure this out' there's a little reminder in him to keep at it, and that as much as it is a cliche every thousand mile journey began with a single step. He felt that with Sam, and with Dean, and with the show so no matter how tired he is, no matter how emotionally or physically beat down he feels he just tries to keep on going forward.
Jensen says he'll echo what Jared said just slightly different view point. That both Dean and Sam, as his grandfather would say, when the good Lord made them he forgot to put the quit in them. They don't quit. And he can 100% be sure that Jared also has that in him as well and he feels confident he has some of that as well but it's because now they represent these characters that don't have quit in them that that he thinks drives them in their personal lives a little more than it would have had they never played these characters. x
How are the kids? Jared answers that theirs are good, that they finish school in May. That Shep just did a PSIA which is similar to the mathletes Jared did and he got like 4th on the district so he's a chip of the block, that Odette is still queen of the world as far as she knows, and Tom is kicking ass he's in sports and is doing well, that they're all safe and sound. Jensen says his are currently gallivanting around Europe with D, that they were at a museum today and she told him it was a total disaster. JJ is great, the twins however are 6 and very opinionated and if they don't like something- it reminds him of a story Ryan Gosling told about his little girl about how he took her to the Louvre and his little girl gave the museum a thumbs down that Arrow is like that, and that makes Jared share a story about when they were all in the Austin airport together last week on their way to Rome. They were supposed to have a 2hr layover in Atlanta but it ended up being around 5hrs so Jensen and D were trying to keep the kids awake and trying to think positive that maybe this is good cause they'll be more tired - at which point Jensen says that it was nice to have Uncle Jared stuck there with them (💕) - and when they were set to board Jared is standing with his rolling carry on and his backpack and he feels something push his carry on forward, when he looks behind him there's Arrow with her roller bag giggling evilly at him cause she wanted to play so he started to play with her. And then, at another point, he and Jensen had a little race with Arrow and Zep sitting on their carry on's, so Jensen has one of those aluminum rolling carry on's, the ones that you can sit on, and he was walking Arrow up and down on it but Zeppelin started complaining that it wasn't fair even though Jensen had spend a couple minutes already walking him up and down on the carry on too so Jensen looked at Jared and started signaling towards the kid, and Jared was like 'come here buddy' and put him on his bag and they had a little race through the airport. This is so cuuuute!!! I need y'all to go watch this moment for yourself cause it's an adorable story but also so you can see what the look was that Jensen gave Jared when he was asking for help with Zeppelin because it's such a help me with our kids look. x
Jensen had mentioned Lonesome Dove a while back but who would be Woodrow and who would be Augustus? Jensen feels like it's obvious, he would be Augustus and Jared would be Woodrow. Also, Jared mentions that the key makeup artist on Walker won the Emmy for makeup on Lonesome Dove! x
If they got a 60 sec ad in the Super Bowl what would it be about? Jensen goes "ha! you know how much money I just lost buying a 60 second ad?" Jared says that it would just be them crying, and Jensen says it would be an ad about how to stupidly spend your money 😂
Jared jokes his would be herpexia 🤣
The next fan read an article a couple years about how people think, some think in full sentences like a running monologue while others think in pictures and concepts, how do the boys think? Jared says he is absolutely the former. That he's either thinking solving the problems of the world in his head, or meow mix jingle, which he does part of, Jensen asks him if he sees things in text to which Jared replies yes, that he's thinking of the description of the visual more than the visual. Jensen also asks him what the recall looks like in his head when it comes to scripts, Jared replies that it flips in that case that when he's doing a scene he can see the script where the page turns, he doesn't have a photographic memory but he has a visual memory but that's for memorization if he's thinking about what he's gonna do later that day when he gets home he's not thinking about how it looks necessarily he's like making lists in his head.
Jensen says he would probably lean the other way, that when he memorizes a script at first he literally sees the page in his head and is reading lines which is largely why he can memorize lines that he's not even saying like he'll know what Jared's lines are he's basically reading the text in his head. And when talking about daily life if he's thinking about what he has to do when he gets home, he's visualising so if he's thinking about opening the door he sees that door and the dog going out, or thinking about getting the groceries he visualizes the grocery store and the aisle he has to go down.
Jared adds that a big day on Walker or SPN, a one hour episodic tv show, is like 8 pages, if you have an 8 page day you have a full day he thinks the most they've ever had was an 11 page day and that's kind of undoable unless you absolutely trust your director or is a lot of dialogue. He asks Jensen what's the most pages he's done in one day, Jensen answers 24 when he was on Days Of Our Lives that they usually shoot 60 pages a day. x
When the boys had a home ie the bunker was there anything they had to take with them from home or that they kept as a comfort thing when they had to go back on the road? Jared quips a flask. He also says he thinks they probably still had the cooler, he asks Jensen if he got legos or army men Jensen says he got all the weapons in the back. Jared says that when the show ended they had said the things they would love to have so their props department send them some things like motel cards, samulet, an army man and some legos so those are in safe keeping in his house.
The fan asks if Sam and Dean have any favorite driving games, someone in the crowd mentions punch buggies which Jensen says he calls slug bug which is when you slug someone when you see a bug car, and that that's probably what they played Jared says probably while the other one was asleep. Jensen also adds that there a couple of other things that they got from the set which they're not at liberty to talk about but the one thing he really wanted was Dean's two weapons of choice: his pistol and his sawed off shotgun. And that's a little trickier of a prop to take home and across the border because it's not a prop it's a firearm so instead what he did was he got a 1911 Colt .45, and he comissioned the craftsman in Van who had done the filigree engraving in Dean's gun to come out of retirement to do that filigree on the firearm that he bought, and he actually ended up using it in an episode just so he could say it was on tv. Then he did all the paperwork and sent it back home but the shotgun is ilegal if it's sawed off so he didn't think he'd be able to get it until he talked to his dad who told him that he tought his uncle had one and he did, he left it to Jensen when he passed so now his collection is complete. x
J2 Gold Panel Atlanta 2023
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we're gonna pretend I didn't misread that post and just assume it was another "post a WIP title in my ask box and get a snippet" post ANYWAY I would love to hear the premise for Little Star 2.0 xD
My friend! ❤️😂 I’ll give you both the premise AND a snippet— everybody’s getting snippets anyway. I’m trying to get back into a daily writing practice, and this only helps get the juices flowing again.
This is better known as The Scar Fic! Which you’ve listened to me bang on about a million times 😅 so, I’ll talk about the thing I’m having the most fun with in this story right now!
Developing relationships (romantic AND platonic) isn’t one of my strong suits as a writer— I’m usually an established relationship writer, or established found family person. But with the scar fic, I have to develop the relationships and take my time with them. Astarion is NOT the type to trust easily at the best of times. In the scar fic? He’s doubly guarded, and even more afraid than he is in canon. The bonds having the most fun writing right now are Halsin (of course), but also Karlach and Gale. There’s so much to be played with with these tadfools, and this story in particular is all about two of my favourite tropes: secret reveals and protectiveness ✨
Here’s a little snippet
Even Karlach looked somehow dimmer as she tucked Clive under Astarion’s arm. Unabashed as ever, she openly sniffled. Tear tracks evaporated from her cheeks. She stroked her pale friend’s hand as she placed her bear at his side.
“We’ll find out who hurt you like this, Fangs.” Despite her quiet tone, that righteous rage was sputtering and sparking back to life. “We’ll free you from whatever fucking devil did this to you.”
“I’m sure Astarion will have more insight for us when he wakes—“
“But that is infernal, isn’t it? I know those fucking filthy scribbles when I see ‘em! That RAPHAEL—!”
“Karlach!” Halsin fought to keep from shouting, his last frayed nerves barely holding back the bear. Even still, a growl leached into his words that shook the ground. “There’s still much we don’t know. Infernal is not a closed language— anyone may have carved this, imbued the sigils with their magic. He…” he has a master as diabolical as any devil, he didn’t say. Regardless of how much their party knew, it felt wrong to say the words aloud. “Astarion will have more insight for us when he wakes.”
Thanks for playing 🥹 I miss writing
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sushis-brainrot · 9 months
Character asks. Numbers 1,2,3,7,8,11,12,19,22 and 25 for Oswald please if you wish. Sorry if this is a lot but I’m genuinely curious 😅
Goodness - answers might be shorter, 'cause this is a lot of questions 😂 And I'm currently working on an exam that I definitely should be using all of my time on
But thank you so much for asking!
Oswald of East Anglia
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1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I like Oswald. He's an important character for Eivor's journey and a significant ally for her to have. Oswald is the first person (if memory serves me right) to make Eivor see that there is strength in kindness and bravery in forgiveness - lessons that Eivor seem to carry with her for the rest of the game (should the player so choose). I adore how genuine and full of heart he is. And I truly admire the courage he can muster when given a chance to prove himself. Honestly, I like that he's a kind and gentle character who gets to keep being kind and gentle while he learns to stand up for himself. And I feel it's pretty neat that on top of it - he's a man who gets to display these traits. I love that he gets to be loyal to his own faith, belief and morals, and doesn't necessarily have to compromise them to please the Danes.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
His influence on Eivor and their friendship. 100%. A lot of this is also covered under 1.
3. Least favourite canon thing about this character?
Maybe just that I wish he had been present at the Siege of Portcestre or the Battle of Cippanhamm. Would have been nice to see him with Eivor's other allies - even if I wouldn't expect him to fight :') It was nice to see Finnr though :'D
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I think, in general, it's just nice to see more of Oswald :') I always appreciate cameos or mentions of him in fics. :D
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I haven't seen a lot of things that I despise when it comes to Oswald. I think people are generally good at interpreting his kind and loyal spirit. 🤔
11. Would you date this character?
Oswald is so very sweet and kind qwq I'd love to date him - but I don't think we'd be a match. While our morals might very much align, my chaos brain, goblin energy and weatherlike mood swings would definitely be too much for him. He's much more suited with someone of more stable character. 😭🥲
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
That Oswald is the sweetest, most loving, and most devoted husband and eventually father. That he embroidered the handkerchief he gave to Valdis himself And that Oswald at some point teaches Broder needlepoint (which Broder is terrible at), so that he can give a personal gift to Eivor 😂
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Honestly - the relationship he has with Brothir and Broder at the start. Those two knuckleheads need to give Oswald a chance. I know they're protective of their sister and clan - but even Valdis tells them to get a grip. 🤣 And I say this despite genuinely liking Brothir and Broder. Fortunately, this is kind of resolved? 😂 Long live character development.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Oh no, now I feel guilty 😭 I've been sent and recommended fics with this soft man, but I've been too busy lately to read them 🥲 I genuinely can't answer this question. 🥺
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I'm not sure. Which, honestly, says it all. Oswald didn't leave much of a first impression - but the more Eivor interacted with him, the more he grew on me. I know I quickly came to like him. And I still do. ;D
There we go! :D
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deedee-sims · 9 months
Late replies!
Under the cut!
@gummilutt replied to your post “4t2 EP08 Shirt Bowtie Some formal shirts! These...”:
These are so cute! Great alternative for male Sims where a whole formal shirt and suit jacket is too formal, but you still want them to look somewhat put together.
Oh yeah! I was surprised I couldn't find something like this already. There are some shirts with ties, but not with bowtie. Love me some male formal stuff ❤
@kalux-sims replied to your post “4t2 Sweater Backless (a collab with @episims❤) I'm...”:
I'm so glad I didn't start this yet. 😂 I have it in my WIP folder.
Phew! Great minds! (with @episims 😅)
@morepopcorn replied to your post “4t2 Sweater Backless (a collab with @episims❤) I'm...”:
I have a sweater like this IRL and I can confirm that there is basically no practical temperature to wear it in. It’s cute though.
Lol I can imagine!
@gummilutt replied to your post “4t2 Sweater Backless (a collab with @episims❤) I'm...”:
Love the gradients, super cute! I might use them as pyjamas, your arms outside the blankets are arm but the back that is under the blankets is open, makes sense :P
Oh! Well, that's an idea, for sure! 😄
@eulaliasims replied to your post “@lucilla-sims 4t2 EP14 Skirt Embroidered Short I...”:
How cute! Thanks, Deedee! ^^
I'm glad you like it! I'm shortening long things and lenghtening short things, that's just how it is 😅
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sophiie2000 · 2 years
MK LI's React To MC Being Pregnant 
Hey Guys!🤗
So I made these little HCs casually to break up some of the longer writings I have been doing. I didn't plan on posting them at the time because they seemed so far fetched from what would actually happen in Masquerade Kiss that I didn't think anyone else would be interested in them!
But then I saw a post shared by someone where it said write and post ideas that YOU would want to read, so I thought why the hell not post it! 😂💞
Who knows, maybe someone who reads this post will enjoy it!😅🥰
Or maybe I'm the only one who enjoys the idea of tying down these men! 🤫😏
Anyway, these are the reactions of Kazuomi, Yuzuru and Kei to MC announcing she is pregnant!
I'll be honest, it's pretty fluffy with a little bit of angst thrown in!
Characters are not my own, and belong to Voltage Inc.
Kazuomi Shido…
When he invited MC out for date Kazuomi had expected the night to go in much the same way as it usually did. Wine and dine, exchanging teasing remarks, build up one another’s desire, and end the night locked in a steamy embrace…
What he did not anticipate, was MC picking at her food, being distant, and not touching any alcohol. 
He knew when they both arrived back in his suite he would try encourage MC to share her secret. What was bothering her? He would never admit it, but her acting differently from usual set him on edge too. 
He had anticipated an evening of probing, a game to try get MC to divulge her secret. He had not expected MC to suddenly blurt out that she had something she needed to tell him. 
There had only been a handful of times Kazuomi had ever seen MC nervous or unsure before discussing something with him… When telling him who she really was; When she was a target; When she left the EAC; and when she decided to get back into espionage. 
What MC told Kazuomi next, was something he had never expected.
He looked down at his hands, which held the pregnancy test MC had just removed from her bag. 
“You’re pregnant…” he responded quietly, eyes focused intently on the positive test. 
“I-I don’t know what to do Kazuomi… I-I mean, we never planned any of this… I’m me… and you’re… well you.” MC struggled to get the words out. 
Kazuomi could feel her anxiety. Heck he felt anxious too. But he was too stunned in this moment to comprehend fully what was happening. He didn’t have the mental wherewithal to soothe his lover when he hadn’t fully grasped the situation. 
“I’m sorry MC, could you give me some time?” The words were all he could force out. They hurt to say, and he could sense the hurt MC felt as he gently pushed her away. 
All he could picture was the sad, desolate life he had as a youth. Living on the streets, never knowing when his next meal would come. Alone.
Could he offer a child a happy life? He wasn’t sure what was needed to provide a child with a happy childhood, not when his had been so far from one. 
What made matters more complicated was his and MC’s lifestyles didn’t exactly scream ‘Let’s start a family!’ as a spy and a businessman who tinkered on the fine line of right and wrong. 
A few days passed, and after much thinking, the news had finally set in.
Kazuomi had been busy in those few days, and he was finally ready to discuss this properly with MC. He even had a surprise of his own for her. 
When he rang MC inviting her over, he could hear the stress in her voice. He felt his chest tighten. His inability to comprehend things at the time had left MC dealing with the burden of both their anxieties alone. 
But he knew he was ready to help ease that burden now. He knew what he wanted to say.
When MC arrived at his place, Kazuomi immediately blindfolded her. 
“Kazuomi! What are you doing?!” MC screeched at him. He only chuckled in response and placed a chaste kiss to her forehead. 
“I have a surprise for you. Trust me… just this once” he responded in his usual teasing tone.
Being blindfolded, MC could not see the way his lips curled up into a gentle smile as he guided his woman through his home, and into a spare room adjacent to his own bedroom.
Undoing the blindfold, Kazuomi pressed his lips to the back of MC’s head, as he uncovered her eyes and revealed the room. 
MC’s eyes widened in great surprise. Tears filling their corners. Her eyes surveyed the freshly decorated room. 
“W-what is this, Kazuomi?” She asked, emotion burning in her tone. 
“I thought this could be the baby’s nursery” Kazuomi responded, his hands firmly gripping MC’s arms. 
The room had been painted in neutral tones. A cot sat in one part of the room, a rocking chair with a blanket seated beside it. A changing table lay against the back wall. Nappies, baby lotions, wipes placed neatly on a cupboard beside it. Various toys were neatly piled in another location in the room. It was perfect. 
“This isn’t all… I’ve also opened a saving’s account called ‘baby Shido fund’ ready to start putting money aside for when our baby grows up”
“You, the third richest man in the world, has opened a savings account?” MC laughed. Kazuomi simply smiled.
“My birth family had everything, until they had nothing. I don’t want to risk our baby going through the same sad childhood I had. This savings account will be all theirs, ready when it is needed. Whether that be for university, their first home, or if something happens to us… they’ll be ok… they won’t ever have to know what it is like to survive on the streets. I promise” 
Kazuomi pulled MC to him, burying his head in the crook of her neck. When he had first found out she was pregnant, it had scared him. 
Yet in this moment it felt right. They may not had planned this… yes MC may be a spy, and he may be him… but they were going to be the best parents to their baby.
Before MC, Kazuomi had been content living a life of solitude and engaging in loveless relations. Now, she had shown him the warmth of loving someone, and was giving him the privilege of loving and raising his own child.
Yuzuru Shiba…
In the years since Yuzuru had entered into a relationship with MC, both had changed in a number of ways. One way in which Yuzuru had changed, was that he had become much more aware of the feelings and changes in other people. 
So, when MC had started behaving differently in recent weeks, Yuzuru noticed. 
He had tried to subtly get MC to tell him what was going on. Was it a difficult mission? Was she eating and sleeping properly? Was she sick? 
Each time he asked MC about her day, however, she regaled the usual story. Missions were simple at the moment, she was eating fine, if anything more than usual, she was tired but nothing she couldn’t handle. Yet she always avoided answering if she was sick.
MC had stayed that night, yet when Yuzuru woke up, she was not beside him in bed. Instead, he heard the sounds of her being sick in the bathroom.
His hands felt the warm sheets beside him, telling him she had not been up long. 
Making his way to the bathroom, he called out to MC… “I knew something was wrong, you’re sick aren’t you!” 
“No!” MC yelled back, flushing the toilet and vacating the bathroom. “No… I’m not sick”
How could she say she wasn’t sick when he had just heard her throwing up through the door? 
Yuzuru was about to respond, frustrated, but MC thrusting something into his hand gave him pause. 
In his hand he held a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test. 
MC then handed Yuzuru four more tests, from different company’s all displaying positive results. 
Yuzuru’s eyes bulged in shock. His mouth went dry. He looked between MC and the test numerous times, before he made his way into his secret room. The heavy metal door locking firmly behind him. 
He placed the positive test down on his desk. His eyes then automatically moved to the picture frame on one of the shelves. The man, woman and two smiling boys… a happy family… looked back at him. 
The sort of family he had lost so young. Jun had taken care of him, and while he had many misgivings about his time in Italy, he was thankful for what she had done for him.
But he wasn’t sure he knew what being a family truly meant. 
He had devoted himself to his work. Until MC, he had never fully considered being a family with anyone. Although, since his relationship with MC began he had begun to picture marriage for love rather than for convenience. 
But a child? Was something like that possible for them?
As he thought about it more and more, Yuzuru came to the same answer over and over. 
“Yuzuru, you have been in here for 4 hours now. MC is still sat in the living room are you going to ask her to stay the night again?” The sound of Victoria brought Yuzuru out of his trance. 
MC?! Rushing from the room, he approached MC where she sat calmly waiting for him. 
“I’m sorry MC… something has come up. I need you to go home for today, I’ll contact you again as soon as I’ve sorted this… I promise” He spoke, kissing her gently and watching her go.
As soon as she leaves, Yuzuru enters his secret room once again. He doesn’t emerge again for three days, despite warnings from Victoria about his lack of sleep.
Finally, after three days he is finished with what he has been preparing, and contacts MC asking her to visit him at his home when she has the time.
A few hours later, MC arrived at Yuzuru’s home. 
“Were you working?” He asked surprised under the circumstances. 
“It was just a surveillance mission, and anyway I can’t exactly not show up to work when no one else knows I’m pregnant” 
Yuzuru smiled softly at her. So… only they knew still. He then asked her to wait for him to return on the sofa, quickly rushing into the secret room he had spent the last three days holed up in. 
Blushing slightly, Yuzuru emerged with his hands behind his back. 
“Look… MC… I’m sorry for holing myself away these last few days, especially when you needed me most. I just wanted to show you how serious I am about all this…”
Suddenly, he brings out from behind his back two handmade toys. A space rocket and a doll house. 
“Yuzuru?” MC asked, her eyes wide in wonder and a smile gracing her features. 
“I wanted to make our baby one of their first toys… but I not knowing if they are a boy or a girl, or what they would like playing with… maybe they’ll like dolls, or maybe they’ll be like me and love space and mechanics. All I know is, they’ll be ours. And I will adore them always.”
MC teared up hearing his confession. “You want this? You’re sure?” 
“I couldn’t imagine anything happier than being a family with you, MC. I love you. And I can’t wait to get to love a miniature us running around”
Yuzuru pulled MC to him, pressing his forehead to hers, he closed his eyes and smiled. 
 “Oh and MC…”
“Yes Yuzu?”
“Just so we’re both in agreement, you need to tell the EAC about this sooner rather than later, so they don’t try sending you out on any dangerous missions for a while”
MC laughed, agreeing happily
Who would have thought the CEO of Shiba would one day be starting a family with the woman he loved? A spy at that? Yuzuru himself, certainly never expected it.
But he was ready to provide his own little family with the lifetime of happiness he had wanted so desperately when he was growing up.
Kei Soejima… 
When Kei had received a message from MC stating they needed to talk, he had felt himself grow cold with concern. He had readily agreed to her coming over to discuss whatever was bothering her and so he had made himself available for her arrival. 
Hearing her pacing back and forth outside his door further increased his concern. 
As such, he readily prepared a special blend of tea, known for its calming effects. One he knew MC would enjoy. 
When she finally picked up the courage to enter his room, Kei acted as though he had not known she had been outside all this time. Welcoming her in and handing her the cup of tea with graceful movements.
Yet his eyes did not leave her. He tried to analyse her. What was she thinking? Was she sad? Worried? Angry? She certainly seemed nervous. 
But what could be making her so nervous? Things had been going quite well between them recently. 
The main stress facing them was MC still had not signed the contract to develop an agency with Kei.  Could that be what was bothering her?
Yet what MC finally disclosed as the issue concerning her was so far from anything Kei had imagined, he was momentarily shocked speechless. 
She had been very delicate in the way she told him that she was pregnant with his child, gently placing the positive tests on the table in front of them. 
Kei felt the emotional trauma from his youth spread through him. The burns and scars on his body began to hurt, as if they were being inflicted all over again.
To keep himself safe, to distance himself, he slipped on his princely façade. His mask firmly in place he smiled charmingly at MC. 
A dark shadow passed over his eyes as he relived those horrid days down in that church basement. His fingers, subconsciously, traced the outline of MC’s choker as she offered her warmth in a fruitless attempt to keep him with her in the moment.
Love had been such a foreign concept to Kei, until recently when he finally understood that feeling. While he understood it, he struggled still to accept these feelings of love. How was he supposed to learn to love another? A child?
As he struggled emotionally, Kei distanced himself from MC and the idea of being a father. 
Days passed. Then weeks. Still his turmoil left him unable to face MC.
That was until Kazuomi and Yuzuru, who he had shared the news with, informed him MC would attending her first scan soon. 
Had he really been so caught up in his past that he had left MC to deal with this alone for that long?
It seemed this was the news that Kei needed to cement him back in the present and fully understand what was happening. 
He immediately called Luke asking for him to be the doctor seeing over MC’s pregnancy. He then called MC telling her he had arranged with Luke the first scan, and that he wished to attend with her. 
When Kei and MC arrived for the scan, Kei was still cold. His eyes still held no light. Yet as he sat beside MC and watched as the scan picked up their baby the light finally returned to his hollowed eyes. A genuine smile even finding its way onto his face.
After returning home, Kei finally explained to MC what had been going through his mind when she first told him of her pregnancy. 
“I can’t promise you I’ll be perfect, I truly do not know what I am doing, but I will support you and our child, MC. That is something I am certain of.”
He finally embraced MC, breathing in her scent and sharing her warmth. His cold finger tips seemed to warm slightly too. 
He was still unsure of how to bring happiness to his child, but he was certain of two things. 
Firstly, he was going to do his best to provide his child with a warm and happy childhood. And second, he actually felt a surprising excitement at the prospect of being a father.
Two facts, Kei never thought he would be experiencing himself. Yet it came as no surprise to him that the woman who taught him it was ok to love and be loved, would also be the one to teach him what it truly meant to be a family.
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ssahotstuff · 2 years
I hope you're having a great day/evening/night! Here's a bit of a head cannon, (with pictures!) for when Hotch has his black GF and meets her family (and stuff). This is a lot lmao, thanks for taking the time to read this 😅I'm sending this to all the black Hotch gworls to get y'all's opinions, I'm curious lol 
So, these kids? Your niece and nephew, twins, you call them double trouble because your sibling is always sending them for the tea. Aaron fell (easily) into the trap and now they're asking him a million questions. He takes them all in stride of course, because no one is coming to save him. 
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Now this is your nephew from your older sibling, y'all all met up at the pumpkin patch and Hotch is trying to listen to the audio tour of the farm, but like the twins, he has taken to Hotch and won't leave him alone, but Hotch is happy to oblige him.
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Of course we know who this is, but Aaron didn't know that she was your Auntie. (She's your youngest Aunt that kind of slipped in there later, so she's more of an older cousin). Of course he'd heard about her work, but you never mentioned her in that context, until she started working for the BAU. For her, it was like meeting Aaron all over again, she can be kind of forgetful, but he made sure she knew that he was "that white boy" from the cookout. She realizes almost immediately because she roasted him for reneging in spades, but she never put "SSA Aaron Hotchner" as the guy head over heels in love with her niece. It was like two different people.
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The influence of being with you is bleeding into his wardrobe and poses, need I say more? (😂)
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He asked Quavo for the picture, what more can I say? (I feel like he knows Fight Night word for word, bar for bar.) 
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Thoughts, changes, add ons?
I have a HUGE family (23 brothers and sisters and probably 60 cousins, along with so many nieces and nephews that it isn’t funny) so imagining bringing him to meet all of them at a family reunion would be WILD. The kids have so many questions; why is he wearing a suit for starters? They take turns wearing his sunglasses and they even ask to wear his badge, proudly showing it off as they run around the yard and play 🥹
Aaron is so good at spades and your uncles immediately make him a part of their circle. He sits at the table with them while they keep an eye on the kids playing, drinking bitter scotch and playing spades while you work in the kitchen with your grams and your aunts and older cousins; he’s already a part of the family traditions and they accept him so easily it makes you so happy that they all get along
You and your Aunt Tara basically share a brain. You were her shadow growing up, wanting to be just like her even though you took your own path. You have no clue she and Aaron know each other but she makes sure he knows you’re her favorite niece and he better not hurt you! She’s so protective but she knows Aaron will always take care of you and keep you safe 🥰
The pumpkin patch 😩💕 the boy in the photo reminds me of my nephew Davien, they both have the same smile it made me miss him so much 😭 by the end of the day, he’s riding on Aaron’s shoulders, calling him Uncle Aaron 🥹🥹 he spoils him ALL DAY LONG, buying him souvenirs and snacks any time he bats his eyelashes, which turns Aaron into MUSH! You start making visits a regular occurrence because he’s always asking about Aaron and when he can see him again 💕
It’s no secret that Aaron has good taste but you start buying him clothes just because and soon he adopts your style; you have matching timberland boots and so many matching pairs of sneakers that it isn’t funny(however the first time you surprise him with a pair of Nikes, he almost loses his mind and the price, so he starts ordering you matching pairs so you’re not paying for them) even the people at work are noticing his new change of style, complimenting his colorful polos and the shoes that match. Derek would be like 🤔 the first time he saw him in a pair of exclusive sneakers, maybe some that are retro and cool as hell and super expensive because he didn’t realize Aaron was the type to dress in anything other than a suit and leather shoes.
The picture of him and Quavo made me smile so big. He LOVES Migos, but especially Fight Night. You both sing them so loud in the car, making up your own ad libs, and to no one’s surprise, he has incredible rhythm(because dancing) and you love that you can vibe together on long drives! His playlist is so similar to yours now that you can barely tell them apart.
Also! Back to family gatherings! My family has me cook the majority of the food for every function because I can throw DOWN in the kitchen, but so can Aaron, and when your Grams finds out he made the collared greens this year, she’s hesitant at first but after one bite she’s like “honey you gotta keep him around, he put hot sauce in the greens” and you’re like 🤭 because you taught him the trick but you don’t say anything because it gets him so many more points with your family that you let him take credit 🥰
Also Aaron excusing himself from the card table to help y’all clean up in the kitchen 😘 your auntie talks about what a gentleman he is, how glad she is to see a man helping as he loads the dishwasher, but he’s only doing it because he’s barely seen you all day and he wants to be close to you 😩
I absolutely loved this. Aaron getting to know the family literally gives me butterflies
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goldenpinof · 2 years
We need wad berlin report!!
ooof, okay, i should stop delaying it :)
i'm comparing it to Warsaw, obviously, and Berlin can't win this battle, i'm sorry. audience-wise, the venue was almost dead. you could feel pauses when Dan was waiting for a reaction and there was none. and when people were actually responding it wasn't as funny as in Warsaw. i do think that the huge venue is partially to blame. it's big and round, and it wasn't full. i was sitting in the middle and i couldn't hear what people were screaming at the stands (the exact words) and i also was struggling to hear what was said in the 1st rows. somehow it felt like the chunk of the audience between the m&g rows and the stands was the one that didn't participate in the show at all. the majority of the noise was coming from right behind me, somewhere above me and the first 5-6 rows. people who moved to the side stands during the show were also quite engaging, Dan even responded to them a couple of times 😂 the hand thing and stripping didn't get as much reaction as it deserved. like, come on now! but during the "fire" thing the person who got to do the last one made such a strong swing towards Dan that for a second i thought they were gonna throw the gavel at him. that was truly amazing 😂 i think we forgot to actually fire jk rowling. we booed her so loudly when she appeared that Dan didn't even ask what we should do he fired her himself (correct me if i'm wrong but i don't remember screaming "fire"). towards the end of the show, we heard a noise similar to a notification sound coming from the left stands, but after it was repeated 3 times i thought it was security's walkie-talkie. it was so loud, i wanted to slap them.
script-wise. we got a few local jokes. we got Angela Merkel as i predicted (now, i wonder if Frankfurt got her as well). Dan spoke a bit of German and gibberish that sounded like German. he shitted on Austrians (bold move, considering that his bus has an Austrian license plate). he actually asked the audience if Germany had student loans! seeing how the joke didn't land in Poland he learned his lesson, and i was very impressed, ngl. we also got "i'm making negative money". (okay, hear me out. i know in Amsterdam it was "i'm losing money" and in LA it was also "negative money". in Warsaw it was more neutral but i don't remember the wording. in Ipswich that part of the show was completely different, so i wonder in what point he changed the script. if anyone remembers what happened during the "capitalism" section in Glasgow and London, please let me know 🙏)
random things. Warsaw had a better jumpsuit than Berlin. in Berlin he was also wearing a zip-up one, but it was different. as we collectively decided Warsaw got the best jumpsuit of all. his arms were out for the lads, don't worry. he was playing with the suit belt quite a lot. i couldn't see it myself but Katie said he wasn't spitting all over like he was doing in Warsaw. someone handed him flowers right after the standing ovations! TWO BOUQUETS! he sniffed one while exiting the stage (now, knowing wtf happened in Amsterdam with gifts, it feels like a big deal). during the show, he never actually went backstage so we couldn't make a "come out" joke, rip. the cubes were above the stage all the time and damn, that was so exciting. the gay lights! i wish i took a picture but no. the whole stage experience was so much better than in Warsaw. like, it felt more serious and fancy. so i guess, you get some, you lose some. when the elevator lifted him up it stopped too soon and no one realized that up until a few phrases later when they finally leveled it with the top stair and Dan looked down like, "eeh, okay 🤨😅". it was HILARIOUS. the ideal show would be Warsaw's audience with Berlin's stage 😂 those who went to both shows said that the acoustics and the sound were better in Berlin than in Warsaw. as a person who was sitting in the 17th row in Berlin and in the 4th row in Warsaw, i disagree 😅 i could hear Dan, but it wasn't better for sure, and just in general the venue was absorbing the sound, kinda. for me, it wasn't loud enough. like, i couldn't feel the music in my bones, unfortunately. maybe for those who were closer to the stage, it was actually better than in Warsaw (also close to the stage). i didn't see Sarah at the merch corner, but Luke was there with other people i don't really know. Sarah probably left before i got to the place, the queue was huge. after the show, i got out of the venue so quickly that i didn't even think of looking at what was going on with merch. my loss, i know :(
conclusion: for shows like this aka not an actual stand-up show, but a show with audience participation, smaller venues are much better. so the performer could hear the audience, people in the audience could hear themselves, and in general, no one would get an experience of "watching the downstairs audience watching the performer". side stands/balconies are in general a bad idea when you have more than one thing to focus on. and in our case, it's Dan and the people who are answering him.
phandom. i think wad got the best of us 😂 (even though i do miss some people who left after 2018 and i'd love to meet them or hear from them) i know i'm reaching and it's a very personal experience, but i don't remember that many random interactions between us during ii, for example. ofc it depends on the countries and platforms we're coming from. but right now it feels like we all know each other and if we're not actually friends or mutuals then we're friends of friends, you know. if i ask someone if they know some other phannie there's a high chance that they do. i talked to many of us randomly or intentionally and it wasn't awkward at all. even though we don't actually know each other, it feels like we do because we are here for the same thing and we experience the same thing. you're entering the venue and you're surrounded by your people. we got the sexy nuns phannies in Berlin, you know, those who objectively won wad m&g. i told them that they were amazing. i think i repeated it like 3 times because they fucking WERE. we do need to organise a phanniecon, dnp be dumped. it's just such a cool thing to have irl conversations, listen to people's opinions, and just support each other's creativity. in Berlin we left almost right after Dan's selfie but a lot of people stayed near the bus and i bet they had interesting things to say to each other just like us in Warsaw. idk how it ended considering that Dan had to leave for Amsterdam asap and people were literally on the bus way 😂 but if anyone was there, let me know at what time you left. after the show, our "Polish" gang, which is obviously not only Polish, went to have some drinks, and all in all, we stayed up till 4:30am just talking. it was amazing 🥺 i can't imagine having something like that after ii, like, i'm sorry the times were a bit different. considering our experience in phandom and outside it, we have a lot of things to talk about.
i probably forgot some major things about the show, so if i suddenly remember something at 3am, i'll add it. during the show i caught myself thinking "don't forget this!!" a couple of times and obviously i forgot half of it.
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