#It is no surprise at all these movies have strange female leads!
vintagegeekculture · 3 months
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"Brawl Busters" (1978) was a martial arts film that was advertised as being from the "Chinese Black Belt Society" in an opening card. Not only does this group not exist, the movie isn't even Chinese, but Korean. It was common for a lot of Korean films of this era to be set in China and have a Hong Kong cast. The film also was said to star "Black Jack Chan," who not only was not in the film, but also doesn't exist at all. As the images above show, it is a female led martial arts film.
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This deeply strange credit to a made up Kung Fu Society and a claim to star a completely made up Chinese leading man was because, as surprising as it is to consider today, there was a time when it was extremely rare to have any entertainment come out of South Korea, and the producers figured it would have a bigger audience in Asia if this film was thought to be from Hong Kong. If it was known to be Korean, it would come off as a knockoff, which, to be fair, it completely was. South Korea was under military rule until the 1980s, and nearly all of its early entertainment industry was based on the blueprint of the cultural capital of Asia in the 70s-80s, Hong Kong, like Hitman in the Hand of Buddha, Woman Avenger (a Korean version of the very Chinese story of Wing Chun, famously played a decade later by Michelle Yeoh). Korean films of this era had many Hong Kong stars like Angela Mao, who made Hapkido and When Taekwondo Strikes in the early 70s there as joint Korean/Chinese productions. It also went both ways: many Korean talent in this era had to emigrate Korea to get into showbusiness, like "Thunderfoot" Hwang Jang Lee. After all...who ever heard of getting famous in entertainment in South Korea, anyway?
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femmescripter · 10 days
Poll Results & Future Maxley Story Summaries
You, the masses, have spoken! And by a landslide vote...
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Option five won! So, you all want to see what my take on a Maxley-centered Extremely Goofy Movie sequel would be? You want to see one of my AU ideas? Well then; here you are! The summaries of the future Maxley stories I'll write - based on winning result.
Original Movie Maxley Sequel ___
Title: Backstage Romance
Summary: The Welig University theater club is doing a production of The Scarlet Pimpernel for a charity show. Bradley, who's been trying to find a new niche after being snubbed by every sports team since the X-Games incident, decides to audition. While he does have some competition with an enigmatic, buffy bearded vulture named Emmerich Hertz the Saluki manages to land the role of Sir Percy Blakeney aka the Scarlet Pimpernel. Unfortunately, the leading lady meant to play Marguerite St. Just/Lady Blakeney has fallen sick. The director is in a panic until they're informed that the runner-up is available to take on the role. To Bradley's surprise that runner-up turns out to be none other than Max Goof, who auditioned for the female lead. Bradley of course teases him and asks why Max would do such a thing. And the Labradoodle just grins and tells him that he'll reveal the reason why on the week of their last rehearsal. Curiosity piqued Bradley decides to actually get serious about the play in order to figure out why Max would take on such a role. As they rehearse more and more Bradley starts to think that his initial animosity towards Max may have a more amorous motivation to it but is too prideful to admit it. This may be to his detriment, though, as Emmerich expresses interest in Max and seems keen on sweeping him off his feet. On top of that strange accidents begin to plague the production. But the more dangerous happenings seem to be targeting Max. Will the stars figure out what goes on behind the curtain in time before the big show? And will Bradley have a happily ever after with Max, or will the real world make it too little too late?
And this...oh this is a very special story that I think a lot of you will like! AU Maxley Story ___
Title: A Tail of Team Spirit
Summary: One month before Max and his friends go to college to sign up for the X-Games he gets an unexpected but very welcomed call from Roxanne. She's moved to the town where Welig University, the same college that the Goof Troop are going to enroll in, is. And she's going to start her freshman year at the same time they'll arrive. Max is happy for his old junior high sweetheart and looks forward to seeing her again. But there's another reason besides this good news and a chance to reconnect that Roxanne is calling Max. Her cheerleading squad wants to enter the College Cheer Competition, or the Triple C's, and represent the Welig Caribous. But they're down their one male member who acted as the pillar of their towering positions. And Roxanne is in desperate need of a replacement. It's incredibly short notice…but Max is the only guy she knows and trusts to take the spot. Max is shocked and slightly embarrassed as he's only danced a little before, and he wasn't even that good. Roxanne assures him that he has the flexibility to make it work and that he can practice with the team. They're also in need of a new mascot as the previous one quit, and Stacey would love for Bobby to take the role. They'd also like P. J. on board to utilize his creative talents with music and pyrotechnics. What is a Goof to do in this situation? Well Max says yes, of course, and promptly volunteers his friends to help out. So, upon arriving at Welig University, Max sets his skateboard and baggy jeans aside for some form fitting shorts and pompoms as he joins Roxanne's cheerleading squad. Luckily all of the girls welcome him and his friends with open arms. However, the Labradoodle quickly finds out that not everything with cheerleading is hair scrunchies and friendship bracelets. A lot of the women in the Triple C's are a fourth C. Cutthroat, that is. More so when a special prize is on the line. The winning cheerleading squad gets to perform at next year's halftime show of the Super Bowl. And one wicked senior team from a rival college are ready to squash anyone who stands in their way. But Max isn't going to let anyone ruin Roxanne's dreams and puts his all into every cheer. He even uses his skating prowess to his advantage. Speaking of skating, X-Games champion Bradley Uppercrust the 3rd has started hanging around the Welig Caribou cheer squad. Max is immediately protective of Roxanne, thinking Bradley is eyeing her as a potential conquest. In reality it's Max himself who Bradley is captivated by. And he's looking to make the freshman his "personal cheerleader".
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And there you have it! Based on the choice you all picked, these are the Maxley stories I'll start working on! I got quite a lot in store with these two. I hope you'll enjoy what I have planned.
Thank you all for your time and attention. I hope you had fun voting. And don't worry! I do plan to write and eventually post the other stories that didn't win. So you'll still see the Omegaverse stories and other AUs! These two are just the tip of the iceberg. If you have any questions about either story, feel free to ask and I'll answer as much as I can without spoilers.
I'm going to work on the first two chapters of each story at a time. But before then - I'm going to work on and complete my current Maxley miniseries. That, by the way, is totally unrelated to both of these stories. So just keep that in mind.
Until next time, take care of yourselves.
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myers-meadow · 2 years
Otis B. Driftwood x reader: Knocking on a stranger's door
Title: Knocking on a stranger's door
Warnings: none.
Pairing: Otis B. Driftwood x gn reader.
Wordcount: 787
Summary: You're stranded with car trouble, but a kind family helps you out. Otis puts your mind at ease with a warm drink and a movie - and keeps you warm in more ways than one.
This is the alternative beginning of this fic 'sweet thing/forgotten hot cocoa', so if you want to know how this continues, read that one!
Divider by @/delishlydelightfuldividers
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Who’d thought the road trip would end with you on the couch of a strange house, watching a black and white movie, and next to you the eccentric man you met only just hours before? Car trouble lead you here, knocking on a stranger’s door for help. The big, gruff looking guy was out, fixing the car, refusing offers of payment, but not speaking much to ease your nerves. That was when Otis came, chatting with you, he took you to the kitchen where he rummaged around in the cabinets for two mugs. Deft hands with long fingers with dirt under the nails stirred cocoa powder and sugar in hot milk.
“Baby’s normally the one doin’ stuff like this for guests,” he mumbled, handing you your mug, a little roughly and it almost spilled. Without saying another word, he moved to the living room, and sank down into the couch. You followed, sitting down next to him, holding the mug with one hand, leaning it on your knee and adjusting the throw pillows behind your back.
“Thank you. You and your family are very kind,” you said. Otis put the mug down on the coffee table and shifted to look at you – really look at you. He said nothing still, just a calculating stare.
“Let’s see if they have a good movie on,” he said eventually, breaking the silence that made you fidget.
They did, or at least, to his judgement, one that was worth staring at and making  comments about every so often. After a few scenes, the female and male protagonists had a heated run in, and Otis’ hand crept up on your knee. A surprising but not unwelcome point of contact, as he was a handsome man – precisely the kind of rough around the edges that you liked. And now he was coming on to you? There was no way this was a friendly touch. He was hitting on you and the realisation made your heart hammer in your chest. You gave him a glance, which he caught; the eyes of a panther, a raised eyebrow, as if to say ‘are you gonna do something about it?’ and a barely perceptible squeeze of his hand. Then his eyes were back at the screen. The warmth of his hand spread through your entire body, and when he stroked his thumb back and forth it was a shock of electricity that almost made you jump. Before you finished the last of your hot cocoa, his hand had crept closer to the inside of your thigh. As you set the empty mug down, your hand touched his knuckles for just a second as you returned your hand to your side. You debated whether to be brave and make a move, or wait until he would. That brief touch would have to do, though, as the bravery quickly left you as he made some offhand comment about the scene that just played.
“Do you watch movies like these often? It’s an older one, right?”
He flashed a smile, “yeah, Mama likes ‘em. They’re not bad either, I mean, if you’re into that sort of thing. And Baby can quote them all dramatic like.”
“Really? That’s so cool. We never watched a lot of films, my parents and I. Is your family close?”
He leaned his head back for a second, his free hand digging into the ripped spot on his jeans. “Ain’t got nothin’ if we ain’t got family. They piss me off sometimes, though.”
You dared a short laugh when you spotted the smile he was trying to mask. “Sure they do. They sound like a great time.”
Something predatory bathed his face in shadow, but just for a moment. His grin showed plenty teeth. The hold on your thigh changed, tighter, fingers testing the give of the skin, eyes flickering over your body.
Otis turned his full attention to you then, letting go of your leg in favour of the back of the couch. “And you, you came here all alone?” his voice low and husky.
No partner – that was what he was actually asking. The way he looked at you made your breath hitch. He felt dangerous. It made you pause, before you shook your head. He grinned in response.
“Good,” he said, and two spidery fingers fell to your shoulder and walked their way to your neck, up until his hand wrapped around the back of your neck. You leaned in to him, letting one hand drop to his leg, the other copying his at the back of his neck.
“I’d love a sweet thing like you,” was all he said, and your lips met his in a hot kiss, tasting hot cocoa and whipped cream.  
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ryanmeft · 10 months
Movie Review: The Boy and the Heron
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12 year old Mahito watches as bombs fall on Tokyo in 1943, and the hospital housing his mother is incinerated. He and his father promptly relocate to the countryside, where he marries his late wife’s sister and runs a munitions factory, but Mahito has little interest in these things. He is not disrespectful. He simply wants to be by himself. During one of his wanderings in the grounds, he spots a mysteriously behaved gray heron who leads him to a ruined tower hidden in an out-of-the-way corner. There his aunt eventually disappears, and though he doesn’t liker her that much, his father does. So he, the dutiful son, must find and rescue her.
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Many of the films of traditional animation master Hayao Miyazaki start this way, with a disillusioned and lonely child discovering something magical. Few, even among his storied filmography, lead us on a journey like this one. The tower was said to either have been built by his great grand-uncle or fallen to earth in a star, but either way, when Mahito follows the heron inside while looking for his missing aunt, he enters one of those worlds only Miyazaki can deliver.
By this point the heron has hinted at his true nature, via a nose and a pair of eyes peeking out from its long beak. The interior of the tower it leads Mahito to is a ruined staircase, but much like the abandoned amusement park in Spirited Away, there is more here than there appears. Here I will stop describing the plot and begin feasting on some of the visual delights.
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Within is a gate to a world somewhere between life and death. It is a water world where the sun seems never to fully rise or set, where gigantic fish prowl an underwater realm, and where even desolate swampland is beautiful to behold. It constantly surprises us. Mahito encounters a neolithic tomb behind a golden gate, a gaggle of white, joyful spirits that look a little like the video game character Kirby, throngs of hungry pelicans and multi-colored giant parakeets wielding forks and knives, and another tower that seems to exist in an ethereal reality, filled with randomly numbered doors that tantalize our curiosity.
To say Miyazaki, and his Studio Ghibli, are known for visual beauty is an understatement at this point. Multiple museums and coffee table books are dedicated to it. Yet in his latest the master and his crew top themselves, and deliver his most gorgeous film to date. Every frame is worthy of being isolated and studied as a piece of art. My favorite bits include those afore-mentioned Kirby Spirits ascending into the night sky and that giant tomb calling to something deep inside the viewer, but it’s so hard to pick and choose that I will have to watch the film a few more times so I can implant them all in my mind.
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The movie does not only have visuals going for it. After a couple movies in which appearances trumped depth, Miyazaki made the more subtle The Wind Rises, about an airplane designer during the war. He has now returned to the glory days of Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke, with a film as moving as it is beautiful. I dare not reveal all the secrets of all the characters, but helping or hindering Mahito are a daring female sea captain, a mysterious woman with power over fire, a regal parakeet king who serves his people first, a mysterious man who harbors important information, and always that strange heron-man. They all factor into an emotional finale that leaves us holding back tears. This is a stunning achievement of both splendour and emotion, and the best film from Miyazaki in over 20 years.
Verdict: Must-See
Note: I don’t use star ratings. Here are my possible verdicts:
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid Like the Plague
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pluto0123 · 1 year
The Marvels Having Actual Representation
So, hear me out
Disney has already pissed off the conservatives so that means they are also pissed off at marvel by association. This gives them a chance to have some actual meaningful diversity. In my opinion Eternals was a good movie and just needed more time to develop the characters stories. Anyway back to the topic I think marvel has a chance here to cut their losses with the conservatives and appeal to a younger, more diverse, audience that does not want fake representation but actual, impactful, meaningful representation.
I’m sure marvel at least for more recent movies always has queer scenes it’s just a matter of them being put in. For example Thor Ragnarok was supposed to confirm Valkyrie’s bisexuality but the scene got cut. I bet marvel filed some scenes where characters in confirmed to be queer, it’s just a matter of including them.
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I’m using Valkyrie and Carol as a prime example. It’s not like the actors don’t support the relationship, they openly do. In my opinion Carol is so queer coded it would be more of a surprise if she was straight. Like just look at these pictures between the jacket and the flannel that fury had her take off so it is unfortunately not pictured in the first and second ones and the short hair in the third one she gives major lesbian energy. I get that this is also playing into the Lesbian stereotypes but they could have her break them in other ways.
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Now that this has turned into me ranting about Carol being Lesbian and dating Valkyrie, let’s circle back around.
If marvel does not include Valkyrie I totally get that, it’s not her story, even though and post credits scene or casual compliment would work I have other proposals.
Marvel can have Carol and Monica have a conversation where it is confirmed that Carol and Maria were together. I get Maria is dead but Carol and Monica totally have some issues to work through and it would be a great way to recontextualize all of the Captain Marvel movie. I think marvel realizes that they have another Steve/Bucky situation and they have a chance to redeem themselves and give us that representation. Also just having Carol make a comment of some sort about her identity would be probably the bare minimum but considering how nosy Kamala probably is I would hope that marvel at least includes that. Now allow me to present to you Carol’s new gay look because it seems like every movie she is in has one.
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Tell me that between the cropped tight fitting bra top and the side sort shaved head she does not give the biggest lesbian energy ever.
Moving on,
allow we to present to you the antagonist who after barely seeing any scenes of still manages to give off serious queer energy
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I feel like there are so many ways marvel could go with her. So this is a long shot but she is holding a similar staff to the one Ronan held, he was with the Kree. Captain Marvel was brainwashed but the Kree. What is Dar-Ben (which is her name) was an old flame of Carol’s? Just saying nothing creates more drama than romance.
Now back to what was the inspiration for this whole rant. The marvels already has a diverse all female lead cast where the majority of them are people of color. Marvel could either pull a strange world and not bother trying to make it a success. OR… they could accept the fact that they have lost the conservatives and embrace a younger audience that demands true representation and support not just a facade of it.
I doubt that marvel will have the balls to do any of this but from the bottom of my heart I hope that they do.
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10 Underrepresented Horror Movies to check out for Spooky Season. (List originally written in May of 2021):
1.) Happy Death Day
This movie is great if you want a (mostly) comedic movie with a horror edge to it.
Like I said, this is a horror comedy first and foremost, with a time-loop twist…
It’s fun, fast paced, and has a surprising amount of character development and conflict throughout.
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2.) Get Out
Delightfully refreshing.
This movie mixes horror with meta humor and racial commentary. I thought it did a great job creating a feeling of unease throughout, and it managed to have a fleshed out and intriguing protagonist that you can really root for.
The music gave me Coraline-vibes for some reason— what with all the harp/string based instruments, and with the unsettling chanting throughout its soundtrack.
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Overall, it’s a movie that mixes typical horror conventions with a couple of modern twists.
3.) Freaky
This movie isn’t without it’s faults, as the dialogue and the tropes are often very cliche…
Purposely so... But it was still a bit corny at points.
But it grew on me as it went on.
There was some great character acting, and much like Happy Death Day, it takes a familiar concept and adds a horror-style twist to it. (Which makes sense, considering they’re both directed by the same person.) This time, the gimmick is the tride and true, good ol' body swap.
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There were a ton of classic slasher/ horror movie references and meta moments, and it was rich with humor. Plus there's a group of diverse leads that helm this movie… they bounce off each other well, and have a ton of chemistry together. It's just an all around fun, freeeaaaky, horror movie.
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4.) Suspiria (1977)
Suspiria does a brilliant job obtaining an eerie and eye-catching atmosphere, with the use of primary/secondary colors and it’s haunting original soundtrack... It’s also the first (and only) Giallo film I’ve ever seen.
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The plot is pretty straightforward. But the real artistry, is in the atmosphere it sets and in the strange surrealism and mysteries it presents.
It relies much more on supernatural thrills and horror than your typical Giallo film typically does. But it is certainly a welcome change here, it's a movie meant to be experienced. Using it's strange, uncanny nature to garner thrills in the audience, both sonically and visually.
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5). Doctor Sleep
The sequel to the horror classic, The Shining.
As far as sequels go, I found this movie outstanding. They did a fantastic job recreating the iconic settings, and with the character casting. The villains were really unnerving. They presented a real danger to the heroes, (Rebecca Ferguson did a fantastic job in particular). The powers were dynamic and unique. And even though it ran at a fairly long runtime, it flew by very quickly.
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6.) Halloween (1978)
John Carpenter and Debra Hall are masterful, as a directing and scoring team. The soundtrack is tense and iconic, and this is the horror movie that popularized the slasher. This movie had shockingly little-to-no gore, and mostly relied on building suspense instead. The way that this movie makes you search for Michael in the frame is amazing, and not something I've seen too often since.
7.) The Descent
(Probably?) The of the most well known horror spelunking movies…
This British-Australian movie stars an all female cast, and kicks some serious ass.
It had some serious build up, and some of the better executed jump scares I’ve seen in a horror movie.
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There's themes about trauma, and not knowing who to trust. And what follows, is a story about a group of adrenaline junkies. that inadvertently get themselves lost in a cave.
Though it eventually veers into a creature feature.
The cast were convincing and distinctive as their respective characters, and the cave scenes were brilliantly claustrophobic.
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The sets were impressive. The (original) ending is incredible… And the characters were capable, (and maybe just maybe,) equally as vicious as the cave dwellers.
(note: it is so important to watch this with the og ending!)
8.) The Lighthouse
This is one of the weirdest movies I’ve ever...experienced.
Shot in black and white, on Kodak Double-X 35mm footage, this movie really commits to the time period it’s set in.
Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe really bring their A+ game here, and really commit to portraying the compelling tale of strangers that slowly start to lose their sanity, while cut off from the rest of world.
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The set design is immaculate and the aforementioned lighthouse is truly impressive in scope.
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It feels like one big fever dream, and has the watcher yearning to know who’s actually telling the full truth. There’s a lot to unpack and analyze: from the painting inspired shots, (ie. Hypnosis.) and it's references to mythology, and even explores themes like sexuality, isolation, etc.…
It does a ton of interesting things visually, too.
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If I had to describe this movie… I’d probably look to how the director himself put it: “You know, does Prometheus ever encounter Proteus in any classical mythology? Not that I’m aware of, but maybe that’s happening in this movie. And so, therefore, Prometheus is taking on some of the heroes that wrestle with Proteus’s characteristics as well as his own.” —
9.) The Banana Splits Movie
Basically, it’s Five nights at Freddy’s meets the Banana Splits show. (A REAL 1960s children’s program that actually existed.)
It’s a crazy ass horror movie that takes real life kid show characters, and makes them the bad guys...
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So, if you’ve ever watched a television show, and thought that there was something just... inherently creepy about it, than this one’s for you. (Especially if you’re into crazed-animal animatronics.) (I'm looking at you fnaf fans)...
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It was insane, gory… and while it’s admittedly not the greatest horror movie in the world, it certainly ran with it’s ridiculous concept and knew exactly what it was going for. (Not to mention that it also has some pretty decent practical effects.)
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10.) Carrie
Sooo seventies, and sooo awesome!
This movie is another horror classic based on Stephen King’s first published work.
It's definitely more of a slow burn, saving most (if not all) of the terror until the third act.
So, if prom night movies seem boring to you, Carrie is here to shake things up… And nothing spices up prom night quite like religious overbearing parents, pigs blood, psychopathic kids, and a telekinetic massacre… right?
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fouroutoffivestars · 2 years
The latest #AntMan offering, and possibly the last in the trilogy, has been subject to a lot of scrutiny ahead of the movie’s release yesterday. It’s widely publicised that this movie’s Rotten Tomatoes rating is one of the lowest in #MCU history, but does it really?
To start, the movie itself is good. It’s not great; it’s good. I sat in the theatre yesterday and found the credits appeared in the blink of an eye. Perhaps the movie could have been longer, allowing the characters to be a little more fleshed-out. But all-in-all, I found it a thoroughly enjoyable watch.
Without Michael Pena, there was a lack of the kind of humour that made the previous two issues of #Antman so fun, but Quantumania still had its moments. The Quantum Realm was a beautifully created alien landscape, so if you don’t like your movies with CGI, beware.
As you will have seen in reviews or any prerelease interviews, Jonathan Majors lines up as Kang the Conqueror, and he does a brilliant job as the MCU’s next big bad. Bill Murray’s cameo was also delightful. That said, however, I would possibly suggest that those were the only notable performances throughout. This isn’t to discredit any of the cast. It’s more of a reflection on the writing.
It’s painfully apparent that this film is not as lead-centric as Marvel movies typically are. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, the name itself lists two superheroes. However, Evangeline Lilly sadly lacks any strong dialogue or movie moments in this outing. When she did appear, it was almost a refreshing surprise. “Oh, yeah, Wasp’s in this too.”.
Paul Rudd is still afforded a lot of screen time, but I can’t help feeling that the “lead” role was split with both Kathryn Newton and Michelle Pfeiffer, who played Cassie and Janet, respectively. It may be another play by Marvel to introduce a strong, young female replacement to continue the role, and I’m all for that. But in this instance, it impacted the movie as a whole.
There have been many comments on how “weird” this movie is, don’t worry, it’s not. If you managed to cope with Ragnarok, Doctor Strange and any of the Guardians movies, you’re good. Clearly, some critics just have a very low bar regarding what’s considered “weird”. The creatures are a beautiful hodge-podge of ideas from all over, and they don’t look out of place for a second; except for a certain someone, but if you don’t know to expect him, I won’t spoil it here.
Let me bookmark this review by saying that at this moment, the movie is sat at 48% for critics and 84% for audiences, that’s with reviews numbering 292 and 2500+, respectively. I’m not trying to tell you that this movie is a must-see, but it is a worth-seeing movie.
Overall, kicking off Phase Five of the MCU, I think it’s an excellent start. The acting is as solid as you’d expect from names like Rudd, Lilly, Douglas, Pfeiffer, Murray, and Majors. The story could use a little work, but it adds just enough to show the audience what’s in store as the MCU moves forward.
I’ll give it 4 out of 5 stars.
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romilly-jay · 4 days
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Once Again*, On The Topic of Deja Vu
[*Could Not Resist This]
So, watched this one relatively soon after the latest re-watch of Tony Scott's Deja Vu. That movies was in the back of my mind when part of the three-way dialogue at the top of the second act touched onto the concept of Deja Vu (link and below, there's a presumably unofficial transcript online, no dialogue attribution to specific characters but does capture the key dialogue and action sequences)
Deja vu.
That’s not deja vu, dummy.
Yes, it is.
No, it’s not. Deja vu is when you experience the exact same thing a second time. Or the sensation that you have.
Why are you taking his side?
How the fuck am I taking his side?
You said that your great-grandfather had to fight, that he was overrun and he had no choice, like me, sitting right here. Deja vu.
Okay, whatever. You win.
Wouldn't have described myself as the ideal target audience for this movie, based on the poster and blurb, BUT, I was persuaded to watch it and - to my surprise - I enjoyed it (on the whole) VERY much. Would have preferred it to go a little lighter on the violence but the (spoiler) callous and abrupt dispatching of all the minor characters over the course of the movie is a feature I'd certainly vote to retain.
100% the reason I was initially drawn into this story was the performance of Alexis Louder as rookie cop Young. To chime in on the review (link below), IMO she MORE than held her own, strong as Gerard Butler and Tony Grillo clearly are whenever they're on screen:
But the reason I wanted to write about this movie was the strange - and quite effective - isolation bubble atmosphere. The very few "crowd" scenes (a bar-type fight and a shootout) take place outside and the film restricts itself to a very small number of locations.
Most of the action is in some part of the titular Cop Shop - lots of different spaces but often only 2-3 actors in any scene and often with extended scenes that are dialogue-focused and static. Two of the really important set pieces, for instance, take place inside the lock-up, with the two male leads locked up in cells on opposite sides of the room and, in the second of these scenes, the female lead sitting by the door in the corridor space between them.
It really had the feel for me of a low-budget movie - and to be fair, yes it was, although its original $10m ish budget was //quadrupled?// when GB came on board. BUT there was something else going on and anyone who has checked the film's information will already know what it is... and it's that the shooting took place during the final months of 2020 aka in the heat of the Covid pandemic. Frank Grillo talks about this at the beginning of his interview w Screenrant:
No big moral - just interested by how strongly (IMO) the constraints of the moment have shaped not just the way the movie came into being but also the way the movie continues to "feel".
Personally, I found the claustrophobia and isolation appropriate to the story the movie was telling even if it pushed some of the choices in a more extreme direction e.g. the tendency to keep all the scenes down to 2-3 people and mostly just 2 people, the choice to kill people with very little preamble, so that they are dispatched from the scene.
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hannahwatcheshorror · 1 month
💁‍♀️? Strong female lead? (Sort of)
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A very aesthetic film with a poorly executed plot (if there was a plot at all), disorienting cuts (time jumps?), and a mismatched title. The cinematics of the movie were very nice and artful but in the end it wasn't enough to make up for the rest of the film.
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This girl, Francisca’s mom got murdered by a door to door bible salesman looking guy (Uh oh!) who is then kept in the barn next door. Francis takes care of her widowed father and the murderer but performs surgery on him where she removed his eyes (and much later we realize she also snipped his vocal cords which would have been nice to know right away but it wasn't called "My Mothers Fucking Vocal Cords"). Her father dies and she takes a weird bath with him, very aesthetic and probably the best part of the movie.
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Bible guy tries to escape and Franny just stabs the shit out of him. Bitch hops a ride with a mom who is like "sure, hold my baby" and (surprise!) crazy Francie takes this woman's kid. Moments later the mom is chained up (minus eyes and with snipped vocal cords) and the baby is a little kid now with his "new mom" and the strange “thing" in the barn. Ends with the police coming, honestly so unremarkable I forgot how Fran even got got but she did so it’s fine and dandy.
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the-cat-chat · 11 months
October 14, 2023
Jennifer's Body (2009)
A newly-possessed high-school cheerleader turns into a succubus who specializes in killing her male classmates. Can her best friend put an end to the horror?
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JayBell: I saw this movie once a long time ago, so I was really excited to finally rewatch it. And honestly for a semi-teenage drama horror movie, it holds up pretty well. Some of the jokes are kind of outdated, but not so much that it ruins the enjoyment of the movie.
Megan Fox's character says some of the stupidest things in this movie and I love it. And Amanda Seyfried plays the best counterpart to Megan Fox's mean girl type character. I think there is a surprising amount of serious themes and concepts explored in this movie, both on the surface and in subtext. The relationship between the two leads is so much more complicated and interesting compared to how female relationships are usually shown in movies like this.
I do want to say that Amanda Seyfried's character's boyfriend was just blah. Like she calls him crying about this very tragic and traumatic thing she's been through and he's like, "Do you want me to come over?" Like duh??? Ugh I just didn't like looking at his stupid face.
But also Amanda Seyfried's character is not spared my criticism. She seems totally obsessed with her friend and dependent on her. So after Megan Fox's character gets caught in the fire and is acting totally out of it, it is unbelievable that she would just let her get carried away in a van full of adult males without making a huge fuss about it. She surprisingly just lets her go away with them, and I find this too out of character. I know it's necessary for the plot, but at least have her get knocked out or lost in the commotion or something.
P.S. I really like the ending of the movie. Very cathartic in a strange way.
Rating: 7/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: When I was in my emo angst phase and Panic! At The Disco’s “New Perspective” was my entire identity for a whole summer and probably fall? Yes. Did I wait like a rabid animal to get the dvd copy of this from the public library. Yes Again. Should my mother have been more concerned? Definitely, probably, maybe? That being said, I haven’t watched this in a verrrry long time and felt this spooky season was the perfect time to recapture part of my soul with this besties flick.
Is it cringe nearly 15 years later? Yes. But is it iconic? Yes! I loved pretty much all of this movie back in the day and I still do love it, but for different reasons. And I think I can appreciate it more now that I’m older. One glaring new thing is how absurd Needy’s character reacts to everything? And I loved Chip but…woof man. Back then I did notice all the weirdness and just ick of the relationships, but now it’s something entirely different. But that also feels very important to the story? Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox are just absolutely perfect in their roles and I don’t know if it would have worked with anyone else. I like to how on the surface you can take it as just this fun, ridiculous story that is just insane and bizarre, but actually does touch on the bigger concept of sexuality as women, and how it can be a double-sided coin,(needless to say how treacherously ick that is as a teenager while simultaneously being empowering???) and the dynamics of female friendships. Plus it has some killer lines. I will forever remember lime green jello for all my days.
Alsooo “Through the Trees” is the best friendship breakup song ever. And it can still make me cry and I still feel it in my soul.
L-O-V-E Adam Brody as a kind of knock off/ Satan loving Brandon Flowers. 💕
Rating: darrreee I say 8/10 Demons 👹
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iriswil0647776 · 1 year
Guo Wengui's self -directed and self -directed "Lie Trilogy"
The author has nothing to do with it in the near future, and relives some old movies at home alone. At the same time, the classic and unintentionally thought of Guo Wengui's words, talking about the scene. "," Advanced Meeting "and so on, after watching it, I can't help laughing. Wen Gui is a screenwriter as an actor, and now the actor now wants to be a director again. As everyone knows, it is necessary to learn from a good director. Those ridiculous scripts that can't stand scrutiny can only move the little ants. The author happens to share with netizens what the source of inspiration for Guo Wengui's self -directed and self -directed drama.
The first part: Xiaoyao Method outside
Frank, the protagonist of "Xiaoyao Foreign", is the youngest wanted criminal in the history of the FBI. The criminal means are magnificent, and the ability to disguise identity is also beyond ordinary people. Everything that happened in the original film was all on Wengui. Guo Wengui preaches the "Justice Warrior", but actually colluded with officials and merchants, illegally invaded the property of others, and used the company's fraudulent loans and sexually assaulted multiple female subordinates. However, the only person who is more expensive than the actor is the IQ. In the play, the male lead acting is superb and the IQ is extraordinary. Contradiction and logic are confused. In the recent video, he has done his own slap. He has previously praised the US media many times. Now he has said that the "96%of the media" in the United States has been controlled, and some people use American media to slander him. This is strange. Why did the American media, who had been supported by Wengui's freedom to speak, became a unscrupulous media who wanted to discredit his unscrupulous media within a few days? A person's lie is too much, and he has forgotten where it is. The role of the media is to disclose the truth. The freedom of speech does not mean that the false information will be released. The true face will not be easily fooled anymore. At this time, Wengui was probably boring, and I urgently needed to find a reliable "good screenwriter" to design the plot for it, at least no longer let the "Guo's good show" help in an instant.
Part 2: Feitian Thief
"The Flying Thief" is a British film more than ten years ago. Although the protagonist is a liar, it tells the story of a group of "Grand Thefts" of the "Grand Theft" of the thieves and the good. However, it seems that Guo Wengui watched the plot, and did not learn the heroic liver, but he learned the opposite character to the fullest. Guo Wengui stepped back by step by step, and he doubled his net worth. The final result of these wealth relying on illegal means is to go back wherever they come. The Dalian Court sentenced Guo Wengui's "Zhengquan Company" to 60 billion fines, which also allowed Wengui to eat the evil results he had planted. Today, Wengui not only has no funds, but also continues to lawsuits, but he is still in front of the camera, with a smile and laughter. He Guo Wengui is closely related. This made me a surprise. If you have a "Oscar Award" in the scammer world, Guo Wengui must be a well -deserved "Oscar Best Actor". After all, who can play the same life as a daily life?
The third part: imagination into a disease
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moonandmustache · 1 year
Review: “Looking for Alaska” by John Green
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For this category, I selected Looking for Alaska by John Green. This book definitely was not on my initial short list of options but I noticed that it is often included on lists of influential teen novels because it is considered one of the books from the early 2000s that helped redefine and reinvigorate the Teen/Young Adult novel. Because it is nearly 20 years old, still sold in bookstores, and noted as influential for various reasons, it seemed reasonable to consider it a modern classic. Additionally,I see John Green (and his brother) on TikTok all the time and I finally thought it was time to read one of his books.
The term “age relevant” mentioned in our first class is a very appropriate way to describe this book. The main character, Miles, is high school age and the book centers around his time acclimating to a new school. It’s a classic coming-of-age story following Miles as he makes new friends, gets into a bit of mild-mannered trouble, falls in love with a classmate, and, sadly, later on in the novel deals with loss through the death of a classmate. It is appealing because the characters and experiences are relatable to young people of a similar age also learning to navigate the high school landscape through their first hints of independence from parents, the search for personal identity, love, loss, and other social milestones of middle/late adolescence.
This book is not at all diverse; in fact, the description given in the assignment describing the majority of YA cannon characters as “white, cisgender, middle-to-upper class, and able-bodied” is exactly this book. Almost all of the characters fit this description except for one peripheral Japanese-American character named Takumi Hikohiro. Takumi is a solid part of Miles’ friend circle and does contribute to the narrative at points but remains somewhat one-dimensional overall. I can’t think of a single other character in the book that exhibits any notable diversity or intersectionality. The main character Miles, is white, middle class, straight, and cis male as is the author, John Green.
The story takes place at a private high school in Alabama and most of the students, including the main character, Miles, are privileged in a number of ways. Varying degrees of economic privilege is an ongoing point of conflict in the story and a couple of the main characters (Alaska and Chip) make it a point to mention several times that they are on scholarships as a way to differentiate themselves from the wealthy students in attendance. Many of the friend groups at the school actually seem to be divided along lines of socio-economic status.
The book contains a smattering of ableist comments as well including one or two uses of a derogatory term. There is also a strange moment at a school basketball game where some awkward jokes are made about playing against the team from a local “deaf-and-blind” school as the only chance their team had at ever possibly winning a game. The author definitely could have done better in this area but it’s not awful, I guess. I feel like this era—roughly 1995-2005–was the last big gasp of media that was sort of unapologetic about unnecessarily including this sort of content/messaging.
Additionally, the female lead, Alaska, is also a fairly one-dimensional character. She is presented as a mysterious “other” who falls dangerously close to the “manic pixie dream girl” trope. I suppose, this isn't entirely surprising since this book was published during the peak “manic pixie dream girl” media moment around the time movies like Garden State and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind were released. Alaska serves mostly as a mirror to reflect the experiences of the prioritized male lead characters, and in that “manic pixie dream girl” way is this frustratingly impossible person who is ultimately used as a plot-driver who serves to teach a life lesson and then is gone. (There is an extremely popular quote about Alaska from the book: “If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.”)
Thomas, A. (2017). The Hate U Give. Balzer + Bray.
Alexander, K and Rand Hess, M. (2017). Solo. Blink.
Craft, Jerry. (2019). New Kid. Quill Tree Books.
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doraadelaide · 1 year
Guo Wengui's self -directed and self -directed "Lie Trilogy"
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The author has nothing to do with it in the near future, and relives some old movies at home alone. At the same time, the classic and unintentionally thought of Guo Wengui's words, talking about the scene. "," Advanced Meeting "and so on, after watching it, I can't help laughing. Wen Gui is a screenwriter as an actor, and now the actor now wants to be a director again. As everyone knows, it is necessary to learn from a good director. Those ridiculous scripts that can't stand scrutiny can only move the little ants. The author happens to share with netizens what the source of inspiration for Guo Wengui's self -directed and self -directed drama.
The first part: Xiaoyao Method outside
Frank, the protagonist of "Xiaoyao Foreign", is the youngest wanted criminal in the history of the FBI. The criminal means are magnificent, and the ability to disguise identity is also beyond ordinary people. Everything that happened in the original film was all on Wengui. Guo Wengui preaches the "Justice Warrior", but actually colluded with officials and merchants, illegally invaded the property of others, and used the company's fraudulent loans and sexually assaulted multiple female subordinates. However, the only person who is more expensive than the actor is the IQ. In the play, the male lead acting is superb and the IQ is extraordinary. Contradiction and logic are confused. In the recent video, he has done his own slap. He has previously praised the US media many times. Now he has said that the "96%of the media" in the United States has been controlled, and some people use American media to slander him. This is strange. Why did the American media, who had been supported by Wengui's freedom to speak, became a unscrupulous media who wanted to discredit his unscrupulous media within a few days? A person's lie is too much, and he has forgotten where it is. The role of the media is to disclose the truth. The freedom of speech does not mean that the false information will be released. The true face will not be easily fooled anymore. At this time, Wengui was probably boring, and I urgently needed to find a reliable "good screenwriter" to design the plot for it, at least no longer let the "Guo's good show" help in an instant.
Part 2: Feitian Thief
"The Flying Thief" is a British film more than ten years ago. Although the protagonist is a liar, it tells the story of a group of "Grand Thefts" of the "Grand Theft" of the thieves and the good. However, it seems that Guo Wengui watched the plot, and did not learn the heroic liver, but he learned the opposite character to the fullest. Guo Wengui stepped back by step by step, and he doubled his net worth. The final result of these wealth relying on illegal means is to go back wherever they come. The Dalian Court sentenced Guo Wengui's "Zhengquan Company" to 60 billion fines, which also allowed Wengui to eat the evil results he had planted. Today, Wengui not only has no funds, but also continues to lawsuits, but he is still in front of the camera, with a smile and laughter. He Guo Wengui is closely related. This made me a surprise. If you have a "Oscar Award" in the scammer world, Guo Wengui must be a well -deserved "Oscar Best Actor". After all, who can play the same life as a daily life?
The third part: imagination into a disease
"Imagine the disease" is a French movie. Guo Wengui watched the title of the movie and directed and performed an annual drama. How to find the comfort of the soul in reality, Wengui lives in his fantasy every day, fantasizing "Himalayan", setting up "Ant Gang", and poking for rivers and mountains as the rulers of the world. It's reality. Even the application for political asylum is far away, and has the ability to organize the "senior officials of the US government", "US arms dealers", "former state leaders", and "former huge fund general consultants" frequently "dating"? After being dismantled by netizens, Wen Gui and shamelessly moved out of the "former President Clinton's staff", "President Trump's cabinet", "the most trusted person in Brazil's President", etc. As a topic, the author also had to admire the Wengui brain. The cave is big, and the depth of the play. But the more Guo Wengui, the fictional facts, the more difficult it is to hide the fact that he has been on the way and has no one. Today, Wengui lives in his own imagination every day. He compiled and directed the superhero to save the world. He said too much and believed it.
Guo Wengui has been following the Internet hotspot recently. What he said is the hottest. He really said that he had hollowed out his mind and worked hard. In the final analysis, Wengui is now full of mountains and rivers. I advise you not to do useless hard work, get lost, and do not continue to live in your own lies!
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tubbietommo · 2 years
February Kdrama wrap-up
No one asked for this, but I wanted to do this for a while now so I finally decided to kinda keep up with what I've been watching and writing a lil thing about each thing <33 I binge-watched a lot this month so keep that in mind lmao. Also keep in mind I absolutely hate giving scores, cause I overthink it ALWAYS, but I'm trying to still do it.
Rookie Cops 7/10 I don't really have too much to say about this one actually. Like I absolutely loved the friendship between the characters, but I gotta say I didn't care much for the romance part. Definitely really loved the female lead in this one, but I also wanted to see more of her hacker friend, cause I feel like they just kinda brushed over the fact that she was good at that? I just wanted to see more of her character.
Suspicious partner 8.5/10. The start of this serie was so strong, like I was hooked on it straight away, which doesn't always happen. It's funny, charming and in my opinion an easy watch. But I definitely do think it is a little too long. I lost a little interest during the middle part of it. But in the last few episodes I was totally back and hooked. Also I know the last episode is a little unnecessary, but I honestly enjoyed just having a fun feel good funny last episode. The chemistry between the two main characters is actually unreal, like watching some of the bts clips you would think that was part of a whole new kdrama lmao. Also loved the amount of yelling Ji Chang Wook had to do. It brought so much humor with it. Wouldn't be surprised if I watch this serie again in the future.
Because this is my first life 7.5/10 Not gonna lie, I started watching this one because I thought the cat was so pretty and cute (netflix knows what kind of pictures they gotta use to pull me in). But dear oh dear, I felt kinda called out in some parts during this drama about the way I view love. It's definitely a slow-paced story and it needed those two other story lines from the female lead's friends to keep me coming back, which is in my opinion a good thing. Cause all three viewed love in a different way and had different experiences with love/falling in love. But if it didn't have those other two perspectives I don't know if I would've enjoyed it as much.
Decision to Leave (movie) 7/10 I probably should give this one two different scores, cause the cinematography is just beautiful and a 10/10. I think just for that you should watch it imo. But it took me 2 times to watch it to understand the story a bit better and get more into it. Maybe it's also my own fault, cause I really hyped up this movie and wanted to absolutely LOVE this movie. But that didn't really happen lmao. The two main characters definitely had a lot of chemistry, but I just sat there the whole time thinking how toxic both of them are, so I didn't really enjoy their romance (I accepted it more the 2nd time I watched than the first time though lmao).
Man in Love (movie) 7/10 Enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. The main character was very likable, which is maybe kinda strange considering what he does for a living lol, but I was rooting for him the whole time. Will I remember this movie in like a month? Probably not. Was I entertained? Yes. I think that's the best way to describe how I felt about this movie. However I do have to say, the last scene that was between the girlfriend and the father was very beautiful. Told myself I didn't want to cry during this movie, but it happened during the very last scene. Thanks for that.
Train To Busan (movie) 9/10 People are telling me I'm giving this one a too high of a rating BUT I DO NOT CARE ALRIGHT!? If you can make me watch a zombie movie with full interest from start to finish you made yourself a damn good movie. There was literally not a single moment in the movie that I felt bored and I think it's mostly because it was really focused on the emotions of the characters instead of 'oh my god scary zombie jumpscare' (thank god lmao). I'm trying not to spoil anything, but that scene with his shadow on the train and going down (if you know you know) SO BEAUTIFUL. Or when the kid cried and screamed because of her dad. oh my god... I LITERALLY BAWLED MY EYES OUT. All characters in the group I felt quite attached to, loved the character development, GONG YOO PLAYS THE MAIN LEAD, what else do you want?
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glenngaylord · 2 years
Girls Gone Wilde - Film Review: Don’t Worry Darling ★★★ 1/2
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The very first film I critiqued for The Queer Review was Olivia Wilde’s wonderful feature directing debut, Booksmart. In it, she showed off her ability to generate an infectious energy, riotous humor and a refreshingly frank look at strong female characters. I couldn’t wait for her follow-up, and when the trailers for Don’t Worry Darling first appeared, my jaw dropped at the stunning look and feel of what came across as a creepy mind bender along the likes of The Stepford Wives. Flaws and all, and this film has its share, this film continues to establish Wilde as an exciting cinematic voice.
While on a surface level the movie seems to veer off in a completely different direction from its predecessor, it shares a lot of the same DNA. They both feature vibrant, vivid performances from their female leads and have some of that messy energy Wilde seems so adept at cultivating. While not entirely satisfying in the way Booksmart delivered as a teen comedy, Don’t Worry Darling has its share of secrets and a twist, which I’ll admit I’m a sucker for when it comes to thrillers. I always want to know the big surprise, even with films I’ll never see. What can I say? I’m a moth to the flames of this genre.
Without spoiling anything, Don’t Worry Darling finds married couple Alice (Florence Pugh) and Jack (Harry Styles) living in a 1950s private community called Victory. With its Edward Scissorhands-esque color-blocked aesthetic, courtesy of the very talented Production Designer Katie Byron, we’re dropped into an idyllic patriarchal setting where the men all dash off to work at the same time in their finned cars while their impeccable wives with their styled hairdos and hoop skirts blow them kisses and head inside to vacuum their floors. What the men do all day at their jobs is a mystery beyond the stated manufacturing of “progressive materials”, but as long as the wives don’t ask any questions, and definitely do not go anywhere near their headquarters, they can all live in a sex-filled, heavy-partying land of plenty in a “Make America Great Again” kind of way.
Obviously, all is not quite right in this world, and through Alice’s eyes, we start to see the cracks. This leads to several stunning set pieces including Alice fighting against a glass window in a collision course with her face, disturbing sequences involving KiKi Layne as an increasingly unhinged housewife, and a visually breathtaking car chase. It all leads to the aforementioned big reveal, which truthfully feels somewhat like a been there/done that letdown.  If you’ve ever seen any of the films this one seems to reference, you’ve seen this plot point done better. It feels strange to say that Wilde tells the third act too visually when a little more dialogue would have given this section more layers. The screenplay by Katie Silberman, with a story by Carey and Shane Van Dyke, leaves the viewer with too many questions and would have benefited from a tad more backstory for our leads. It also feels repetitious at times, but that’s unfortunately baked into the concept. I also grew tired of the constant needle drops on the soundtrack, an issue I had with Booksmart as well. Wilde will hopefully shy away from overstuffing her films with music in the future.
These problems notwithstanding, I had a good time watching this gorgeous looking film, expertly shot by Cinematographer Matthew Libatique. Pugh carries the movie with every emotion clearly visible on her face and a sense of urgency you can feel. She reminded me of Kathleen Turner here, a natural born star. Styles also does well with his underwritten role, nicely traversing the physicality of his character throughout his varied journey. It’s a quiet, unfussy performance.
Pine has a creepy command of his community leader, oozing a nefarious charm, easily justifying how he has everyone under his spell. The biggest standout in this talented cast, aside from Pugh, however, is Wilde herself. She lives up to her last name with a ferocious, unpredictable energy only to surprise us later with some unexpected depth. Same goes for her directing style, fluid, exciting, and visceral. While undone by its problems in the end, Wilde remains a directing talent to keep watching as she expands upon her already impressive cinematic vocabulary.
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petrovna-zamo · 2 years
Once you watch Clue, The Witches of Eastwick, Death Becomes Her, Kill Bill and Soapdish you’ll realize that 75% of Katya’s UNHhhh intros are just quotes from those movies lol
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