#It just feels like everyone jumped on it and spammed the shit out of everywhere
scarlet-moonlight · 9 months
HEARTSTEEL members (+Alune) and the Overwatch characters I think they would main/What type of player they are (I need to cope with the shitty games Ive been getting recently and I’m doing it by combining my two biggest hyperfixiations at the moment), semi serious and not serious at the same time lol, a lot of these are based on my own personal experiences playing this game (Especially Kayn)
(Also I’m using the black/bold for Ksante because tumblr doesn’t have yellow and purple for Alune because while I think pink suits her, Kayn already has it and no member uses purple)
-Kiriko and Moira main. Only picks the female characters because they have the cutest skins. Never actually healing you, and if he is, its only so that he can get ult and then solo DPS the entire team even though it never works out. Still 1v5’ing the enemy team even without his ult because he thinks it can look good on his tiktok montages (Yes he’s one of THOSE TikTok Moira’s) Went absolutely ballistic over the LE SSERAFIM skins and only spams their emote all game
-Junkrat main, loves doing that cool thing that Junk players do where they jump into a group of enemies and ults RIGHT in the middle of them. Loves playing payload maps on defense cause he can spam the attackers spawn gate with mines and traps as soon as the game starts (That little shit) Very toxic in voice chat, will take his time to tbag every player he kills so it can look good on the kill cams, spams the “its snowing” voiceline everywhere (Overwatch players, you know what I’m talking about) will absolutely flame his supports for not healing them when HES THE ONE JUMPING INTO THE ENEMY TEAM IN THE FIRST PLACE (And yet only plays quick play/arcade modes because competitive players scare him lol)
-Ana main because she reminds him of his mama Unlike Ezreal, he actually knows how to heal his team. Occasionally finds himself tossing a nade at nothing accidentally or even worse, pressing Q out of panic and nano boosting the Lucio or smth. Got flamed by his teammates (*ahem* Kayn) and still feels really bad about it. Almost always caught in a 1v1 against the Widow or Ashe he thinks he can win (He does not) Never actually uses his scope and just shoots at people randomly to heal them, cause he’s too lazy to practice his aim.
-Zarya main, fits his vibe for some reason. He actually knows how to defend his team. Started off as a casual player, (isn’t that much of a video game person in general,) but liked how everyone else had fun on this game and wanted to do better for their sake. Got surprisingly good at it too. Very smart with his bubble and grav placements. The only one who actually plays the game normally, I swear.
-An old man who does not have time for video games, only plays because Ezreal and Kayn roped him into it and he couldn’t say no. Super basic, only playing Soldier 76 because that was the first character given to him by the tutorial and he’s too lazy to practice anyone else. Pretty good with his aim and left click but just…does not do anything else besides that. Does not sprint to try and chase people, does not use his Helix Rockets, does not use his biotic field, just..stands there spamming left click cause thats all he knows how to do.
-Casual support enjoyer by day, tryhard Genji and Hanzo main by night. Does the most INSANE Dragonblades with Genji, nano boost or not. Flanking entire back lanes with just his dash alone, deflecting ults like no tomorrow. Knows every map, every shortcut, every health pack location, its TERRIFYING. Even more so when he’s playing Hanzo, WILL one shot you from the most bullshit corners you didn’t even know existed WILL two tap you with storm arrow (Sometimes just one) and WILL somehow get at least a 3k from an extremely well placed Dragonstorm. Its insane. (Also he plays Kiriko as a support but with the way he kills people with her, you think he was playing a sniper. Ezreal could only dream to be like him)
-Mei main. Also just out of vibe. Almost always spending money on her favorite skins and emotes for her (Sprinkles is her personal favorite) Also a casual player. Really good at sniping with her secondary fire though, so watch out. Ults are also super satisfying. Knows the best places to throw them to at least freeze the entire team for its duration. Ice Walls are always perfectly timed to protect you from ults, including several RIP-Tires from Kayn (Much to his rage and anger) Has some scary combos with her ult and Genji blade from Phel.
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maiuoart · 4 years
Topic Rant.
Heya, Folks. Small rant; Ignore it if you wish. It’s my views, it’s gotten pretty bad for me in viewing ordeals, but I just need to get this shit off my chest. 
Will it open a can of worms on here? Probably. But guess what? We all have block buttons for reasons ♥
Have a Wonderful day, however! Keep staying sane!
Fontcest, Selfcest, Sancest, Papcest, & Incest of ANYTHING retaining the Skeletons, Gaster included, and other ordeals with many of the Monsters & their AU selves are included. This even includes the ‘Outcodes’ of the AU. Error, Ink, Dream, Nightmare, etcetc.
I have decided that anyone; Artist or not; Whomever is for this, or draws anything OF IT, will be unfollowed and if I see enough of it ‘In My Orbit’, will become blocked.
The reason for this is it’s beginning to actually trigger me to the point I want to leave.
And I Do NOT Want To Leave.
I love the brothers; I love the AU’s; I love everything considering the Skeleton BROTHERS. But to make it a Safe Place for myself; And those who agree With Me; I will start to get rid of the ones who Enjoy this ordeal. I enjoy Family CONTENT between siblings; Not this stuff.
I can no longer just browse without getting triggered by the ordeal at hand. It literally feels like everyone has jumped on this train, and I am someone who could handle a bit here and there; Literally have all the tags under the sun to keep them covered, and kept my Twitter as clean as possible... But still, some people don’t do tags right; Don’t put tags AT ALL; Tumblr has done this whole ‘In Your Orbit’ ordeal; And this shit is the same with Twitter; Where bullshit like this still creeps up.
I understand I can’t keep it hidden all the time; I understand that yes, sometimes slips will come up. And to my favorite artists I had looked up to? Then see them doing THIS? Not going to lie; Breaks my heart, but if they’re having fun? I’ll just do what I need to do and keep myself safe. 
So, to the great artists, creators, and viewers alike; Have fun, but I’m someone who can’t handle this whole shit in general.
I know its mainly for fun; I can see the whole ordeal for Sancest/Papcest as a whole ‘Love Yourself’, but just thinking about it makes me hurl. The whole pairing different AU brothers with their counterpart BROTHERS; Ex; Edge/Sans?? That’s on a different level of; I Don’t Fucking Understand Why One Would?? That’s legit an image of HIS BROTHER? And in general, the Fell verses; Swapfell, too; Can have a whole disgusting underling because people have this dark look over them. 
And to whomever it was who paired the BROTHERS UP ORIGINALLY; I absolutely have a good amount of disgust For you?? 
I have questionable likes myself; Yandere being the highest one; But unlike the topic at hand, at least it’s not; In My Words; Disgusting. Scary? Yes. Disturbing to a degree? Yes. Can become down right horrible? Yes, yes, yes.
If I get hate for this; Fine. But I’m here to write stories, doodle Sexy Skeletons & Monsters, and have a fun time! Thats why I came into the Fandom; AND DAMMIT, THAT IS WHY I WILL STAY! 
Until I have a reason to leave; I’ll stand my ground on this. I’ve already talked to a few friends with similar viewpoints as myself. But I wanted You all to know, so people don’t bring the Topic to me or do weird shit with my guys. 
Forever a Selfshipper; I’d rather do Chara/Papyrus, Frisk/Sans ordeals in the future, even. But it’s gotten to the point I can’t even look at another Artist right if they so much as say they enjoy this; And that?? I am most sorry for?? 
But I am not sorry for this ranting. 
If you’ve made it through to the end; I appreciate you taking the time to read through this rant. Stay awesome, stay sane, and keep going.
This... Just really had to get off my chest. 
Thank You. 
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
[ Classified ]
The full report - Eren Yeager
The following report details all information on Eren Yeager. Contains NSFW content and reader must be over the age of 18 to view this document.
For your eyes only.
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Name: Eren Yeager
Birthplace: Shiganshina
Height: 180cm / 5ft 9"
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[ A1 ]
Appearance & Hygiene practices:
Eren's chestnut brown hair is always clean and fresh. Whenever he pays you a late night visit, he'll have most probably just gotten out of the shower. Coconut scented shampoo of sorts? Whatever it is, it smells so good.
Prefers showers over a bathe. He says it's to save time, but he spends a good 40 - 60 minutes in there, easily.
Once he's dry, likes to throw on jogger bottoms and a hoodie over his bare skin. His bare skin that is now so soft and scented as his favourite shower gel which is either tea-tree oil or Coconut.
If he wants to remain clean shaven, Eren must shave every 2-3 days. Sometimes he likes to grow it out but nothing ever past a long stubble.
Minimal body hair.
Trims the hairs on his pubic bone/lower stomach. Has pleasuring you in mind as he does so. Will take into consideration the friction against you.
Totally clean shaven testicles.
Eren's nails are short but that's because he bites them. [ see section A3 ]
Beautiful set of teeth. Brushes twice daily in a modern AU.
Eren adores it when you brush his hair for him. He finds it extremely relaxing as you massage his scalp. His eyes will close and a small, barely audible hum will emit from time to time.
Eren's skin care routine is pretty basic. All of the steam from sitting in his hot, frequent showers for so long seems to do him wonders - his skin is flawless and worthy of envy.
Due to the healing power of being a Titan shifter, Eren has no scars.
Eren has quite large hands with long fingers. He doesn't wear rings or jewellery as it reminds him of the burden of when he had to keep that damn key on him at all times. Will however, put up with a wedding ring.
Body & Love language:
Eren is a pretty introverted person. His hands are usually tucked away inside of his pockets - be it either trousers or hoody/jacket.
He hunches a little too. Likes to feel hidden. He's had enough attention over the years and wants nothing more than to just shrink away in a crowded room. Or maybe, it's the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Brooding, moody exterior. Extreme "resting bitch face"
Shrugs a lot. At first glance, you'd think he was a moody teenager trapped in a grown man's body.
Likes to sit with his feet flat up on the chair with his knees splayed - you'll usually find him like this with an arm resting over a knee while the other is at a 90 degree angle pointing away from his hip.
Fumbles his hands together in formal occasions when he can't sit so casually or tuck them away.
Likes to drape his arm over you without touching you. His arm will rest above you on the top of the chair. A clear indication of "They're mine" and "I will keep you safe"
His hips will usually be swivelled in your direction, regardless of where you are in the room. A subconscious body language of sexual yearning.
Eren likes to hold hands with you when you're walking. He's not huge on PDA but likes the strong yet subtle showings that you're together.
Tends to rub his thumb over the back of your hand absent-mindedly when you do so.
His love languages include physical touch. Can get very needy and touch starved pretty easily. Not in a overbearing way, but even just a run of his slender fingers through your hair is enough to keep him going until the two of you are in a more private setting.
Bad Habits & Tendencies:
As mentioned above, Eren bites his finger nails. His toe nails too. It's pretty gross to be honest.
He never does it in public, but he has been known to do it in front of you when he feels comfortable enough to do so.
Get's very fidgety when irritated or annoyed, which is pretty often. Especially if Jean is around.
Short temper. He's learned to tame it more over the years where he doesn't show it so easily. But everyone has their limit and when his is reached, his yell is booming and pretty intimidating.
During an argument with you he has been known to raise his voice, but it's not the frightening roar you've heard him unleash on others before.
Always apologises to you after he's calmed down. Even though it wasn't that bad.
If you two ever have a bad falling out, will lock himself away for days. He'll be pissed at himself for letting it get so bad and depressed that you two are having such problems. But he'll do anything he can to fix it.
[ A4 ]
Common misconceptions:
Obviously everyone has their own cannons and opinions. But I don't personally see Eren as being an abusive partner. Yeah, he has his problems and treats his friends like shit but there's a reason for that we'll probably see in the last chapter. If you're worthy enough to pierce that cold and distant shell, you're a very special person and he'll treat you as such.
Eren actually has a large heart hidden under that huge chip on his shoulder. He cares and loves the people around him unconditionally. Even to the point of carrying out mass genocide to protect them.
Still... He does have a dark side to be weary of at times.
Even though he's gross while in Liberio, usually Eren is actually pretty clean.
[ A5 ]
Food & Drink:
In a Modern AU Eren loves fancy coffees with the weird names. The longer to pronounce, the better. He just likes the fact they give him energy and the fancier ones taste good.
Due to not having meat for so long, a good ol' fashioned beef/lamb stew is his favourite.
Doesn't drink in canon.
Modern AU, his alcoholic beverage of choice is bottles of beer and craft ales. Sometimes is a sucker for red wine.
[ A6 ]
Modern Au:
Eren wears loose clothing. Hoodies, loose jeans, those baggy cardigans too.
His texting style is spam over one long message. Especially if he's pissed off. He's too impatient to sit and type in paragraphs.
Drives a black car. Don't ask me what type, I don't know cars. But it's black, 'kay?
It also has "black ice" air freshener inside.
Likes to ride quads and mopeds along fields. He's a thrill seeker. Rollercoasters, bungee jumping... you name it he's game.
Eren plays the guitar. He took lessons for it but after about a year he just went his own way and self-taught.
If he sees a guitar at a party, he will pick it up and play it. He won't sing though.
He actually hates singing. He finds it embarrassing.
Always has in his air pods/earphones.
Likes any sort of music that is catchy.
Probably streams on Twitch. He won't talk much though.
Could have a wide range of jobs. Coffee shop, could be in college, might be a ride attendant... who knows? It's anyone's guess what Eren is doing. He doesn't talk about himself that much.
Romance & NSFW
[ B1 ]
Eren would definitely be in denial he has a crush on you at first.
• “Does y/n seem different to you?”
Armin; “No…? In what way?”
“I dunno… Just, different.”
• His poor stubborn brain would be ticking for weeks as to why he suddenly wants to be near you a lot more often and has urges to touch you, even if it’s just a slight brush against your arm.
• Will find any excuse to do extra training with you
• Once he FINALLY clicks on as to why he’s had these feelings, he’ll be pretty knocked off his feet and a little annoyed at himself.
I’m here to kill the enemy...
• Still though… Can’t seem to keep himself away.
[ B2 ]
First kiss & general kisses:
After the initial denial and keeping himself away, he'll just decide one day he's had enough of feeling this way and decides to to something about it.
He won't shove himself onto you. He'll do some sly probing to see if there is any indication of reciprocation.
Knowing Eren, he'll indirectly piss you off or insult you. He didn't mean to. He's just lacking social skills. Man aint smooth.
You'll slap him, probably, where he'll keep his head away from you for a few seconds, realising he's pushed you too far. Whichever side you palmed him away, he'll stay.
He'll slowly return his gaze to yours before gently holding your arms, apologising and planting his lips onto yours.
His general kisses are quite firm and forceful. Not in an aggressive way, but a "god I want you so bad" way.
Always either slides his arms around your waist or cups your face/head.
He tastes like sweetened tea <3 / Coffee in a Modern AU
Loves coming from behind and snaking his arms around you, nuzzling into your neck when you're doing something. Doesn't like it when your attention is away from him for too long.
When he's feeling soft and tender, will dance his nose with yours and catching your mouth in a caress.
When he's super turned on, he'll suck your tongue, bite your bottom lip and kiss anywhere he can.
[ B3 ]
Ha ~~!
Eren is up there with the best when it comes to sex. He knows what he's doing and he does it well.
Extremely skilled with his fingers and tongue. He'll have you crawling the walls with hysteria as he likes to tease you throughout the day. He more than makes up for it, though.
Gropes, nips, kisses, licks, bites, flicks... anywhere and everywhere he can.
Is the most vocal when you perform oral sex on him. Will groan so deeply, his entire body will vibrate.
Dirty talk is this man's second language.
"Look how desperate you are for me." / "Look how desperate for you you've gotten me..."
"Do I feel good like this?"
"Am I making you feel good baby?"
"You're so good at that. Fuck, such a good girl/boy"
"S'so fuckin' tight."
"You're my little fuck thing, aren't you?"
"You're perfect."
"I love you..."
Are some of the many things you'll hear while he's fucking you.
He doesn't really have a favourite position. He'll gladly take you anyway he can. If he's in a rough mood, he'll bend you over the sofa, take you up against the wall... But if he's feeling more soft he'll make slow, passionate love to you for hours.
He does have a strong soft side at times.
Dominic Dominant. He loves seeing you totally at his mercy, the power over you the most arousing thing in the world to him.
Big daddy dilf vibes. He knows what he’s doing and he’s fucking good at it too.
The only time he’ll sub is if he wants to be lazy - letting you ride him and use him to your heart’s content.
Dirty talk. It can get pretty degrading at times. If you’re not into that, he respects that boundary.
Will absolutely ruin you.
Low-key loves it when you claw his back in hysteria. He thrives knowing he can send you absolutely insane, and he can just heal the claw marks in a matter of seconds. Sometimes even during sex (which is the hottest thing ever)
In an AU modern, he would love to fuck you near a large mirror or record you both getting at it to watch at a later date.
A lot of hissing, humming and low groaning, especially when he’s close to unloading.
Likes to watch you masturbate, putting his head close and observing intently. Loses his shit if you moan his name while doing so.
Hair pulling is his overload language. Will tug fistfuls when he gets too turned on.
[ B4 ]
The risk of getting caught. He likes having risky sex in semi public locations. Makes a game of how loud he can get you to moan, knowing someone would probably hear you.
Light Degradation. When he’s in a rough mood, he doesn’t mind calling you a few names. Nothing too extreme. And if it’s not your thing, he’ll respect that boundary.
Loves a good ol’ 69. Having you on his face with your ass in view is just… *Chef’s kiss*
Speaking of ass, he loves to bend you over too, allowing himself in nice and deep with a great view and something Juicy to grab.
[ B5 ]
Aftercare with Eren isn’t anything special unfortunately. He’s another who gets sleepy after sex.
Won’t ignore you though. Often lazy pillow talk is on the cards and telling you how much you mean to him and how beautiful you are.
Will run his fingers across your scalp to soothe you.
Also will kiss any bite marks or finger bruises he’s left behind and ask if you’re okay.
Relationship with loved ones & becoming serious
[ C1 ]
Friends & Family:
When Eren meet's your friends family he will be polite yet quiet. He wants them to like him but he won't pine for their approval. If they like him, awesome. If they don't...? No big deal.
Same goes with your friends. He'll stay quiet until spoken to at first, but once he's been eased into conversation, he'll flow with it a lot easier.
Again, he'll be polite but don't expect him to kiss ass, because he certainly wont.
[ C2 ]
You couldn’t actually believe Eren had proposed. Although he was down on one knee in front of your very eyes, your mind just wasn’t accepting it. Folks and onlookers watched with bated breath, awaiting your answer. He sure kept this surprise hidden well…
Of course, you said yes and he picked you up by your waist in a spin, colliding his lips to yours.
And now here he was, watching you walk down the aisle, a lump in his throat and his heart racing.
You looked gorgeous, like something from a fairy tale.
And of course, he looked as handsome as ever. His suit was smart and his hair was up in its usual bun.
Armin is his best man, of course; who is standing and beaming with pride.
Eren holds back his chokes and tears as he reads his vows;
“Y/N… From the first time I ever laid eyes on you, all those years ago, I knew you would be in my life forever. Back then, I didn’t think it would be as my wife, but God I am so glad it is. I’m sorry for my stubbornness and irrational behaviour when we were young. But despite that you still loved, and stood by me and for that I’ll be eternally grateful. I vow to always stand beside you, whatever the world throws at us. I vow to hold you when you need support. I vow to remember how you always had my back no matter what. And I vow to always love you, with my heart and soul, until the day I die and after.”
The room erupts in cheers and tears when you seal your kiss.
The reception is wild.
Everyone is drunk (except Levi) and dancing. Reiner and Connie are dancing like weirdos, Reiner's blazer removed and at one point Connie is on his shoulders.
Sasha has too much to drink and is spewing in the bathroom.
Mikasa can’t stop crying with happiness and pride.
He carries you to your room afterwards where you spend all night sealing a special bond that will never be broken.
[ C3 ]
Eren has a soft spot for children, believe it or not. As seen before the expedition to the forest of giant trees. He sees his old self behind the innocent glint of unaltered admiration within a child's eyes.
He's not super into child play though. He wont pull weird voices or funny faces. He'll sit at their level and speak to them like they were anyone else. Obviously, watching what he says around them.
If they're unchecked and acting themselves, he'll become quickly annoyed as they wreck havoc around him and will have to leave the room or he'll get too agitated.
If his s/o discovers they're pregnant he'll seem to take it well. But inside he's falling apart and freaking out. He won't ever show it to them, but he doesn't know how he could be a father. Would he be like his own? Would he be able to be a good figure to look up to? What if he fails? Is it selfish to bring a child into this cruel world?
He'll be shocked but understandably so. After after a couple of weeks of self-reflection and brooding, he'll start to feel better about the whole thing.
More protective over his s/o than usual. Will make sure they're eating, drinking, resting and god help you if he finds you doing something you shouldn't such as trying to lift something heavy.
Will hold your hair and rub you back, as well as bring you water while you're having your morning sickness.
"Babe? It's four in the afternoon. How come you're still sick?"
"Eren, it's called morning sickness but it can happen any time."
He'll click his tongue. "....That's a dumb name, then."
The first time he feels the baby kick within you, his heart absolutely melts. His eyes enlarge and you could swear you saw them soften with that spark behind his emerald greens he had when you were younger.
His large palm is warm against your stomach as he feels around, the little flutter of your child hitting against his skin making him flinch in surprise at first.
"Woah..." He'll gasp in amazement. "They're already so strong. Hey, y/n? Doesn't that hurt?"
"Sometimes." You'll laugh softly.
He'll gingerly place his face to your skin, a little embarrassed he's doing this; but he feels the need. "...Don't hurt your mom, okay?"
As your pregnancy progresses and you get larger, he will not leave your side. If he has to, he'll be worrying and you'll be occupying his mind. In a modern au, he'll constantly call and text and will get Mikasa or Armin to check in on you often.
Will be so gentle during love making. He's terrified he'll hurt the baby.
One of the only times you've seen Eren panic in his adult life is when your waters break.
You'd gotten up in the middle of the night to pee. Climbed back into bed and felt a strange pressure, followed by a pop. Then a warm gushing sensation. You wait a few seconds to settle your own panic before you nudge Eren awake.
He'll bolt up, confused. "What? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"
"Eren, my waters have broken."
"Shit. Okay. Shit. What do we do? Shit." He'll leap out of bed and throw the lights on. You get to your feet where more water will start to drop onto the floor. "Shit, shit. I'll get the bag. Do you need help getting dressed? Okay, where's my jacket? WHERE'S MY JACKET?!"
"Eren, honey I need to you calm down."
"Okay, sorry. I'm calm. Shit. Shit..."
Will hold your hand with a worried look the entire time you're in labour. Has water and snacks on hand.
Will watch in amazement as your child is pushed into the world. This magical moment changes something in him, but right now he's not sure what that is.
They will bond immediately. As soon as he holds your son/daughter he can't take his wide gaze off them.
They're inseparable.
Any doubts of being a bad father is washed away as he takes them under his wing and teaches them about the world.
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mazuwii · 3 years
Eren Jaeger SFW Alphabet
Authors note: I hope this is feeding you guys because I am dragging this motivation by its hair😤
I was going to do Bertholdt next but I got a request for Miche so either of them will come out next😄
If you guys can’t comment (I’ve no idea how to turn replies on) Then I’m Lunology on wattpad, just comment on my aot scenarios book and I’ll post here! <3
—A (Affection, how affectionate is he?)
•Not the most lovey-dovey person in the entire cast, Eren is really shy when it comes to conveying his feelings for you. But when you both are alone, and he's comfortable with you he can hug you, or pinch your cheeks as a way of saying "You're so cute I could squish you into nothing."
•He has a very aggressive way of showing affection, like biting your cheek, kissing places with his hands clamping shut on them, it's difficult to get him to let go.
—B (Bestfriend, what would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
•Being best friends with Eren is a wild ride. You'd think he adopted you as a best friend being the loud, boisterous extrovert that he is yet you're the one always getting him out of trouble.
•He's loud, fun, spontaneous but incredibly annoying. My guy will SPAM you with useless TikTok videos, his entire fyp on your messages.
•But he's very funny too, he crops your faces on animated videos and it lowkey looks so shit that it's funny.
•As your best friend, Eren will fight anyone who even thinks about threatening you (lmao he can't fight) so you're just stuck with scolding him and disinfecting his bleeding lip💀
—C (Cuddling. Does he like to cuddle? How would he cuddle?)
•If he gets a random wave of gratitude he'd just randomly burst into your room and hug you, it would be sooo random. You're just playing a game and this guy hugs you but as a joke, he walks around the room while hugging you so the chair you're on walts around everywhere with him. Once you understand what this weirdo is doing you just burst out laughing with him because you both look dumb.
•Like the dude is just staring into space when he remembers that one time you slapped a teacher for him, or almost got yourself in trouble to give him something and he just goes: ƈ ͡ (ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु COME HERE Y/NNNNNN!!
•Eren is a pretty fun boyfriend, wouldn't just stick to a cuddle session, it would be more like... playing a game on the console with you sprawled out on his lap.
—D (Domestic. Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
•While Eren wants to tie a knot when it comes to you and him, having children never ever crosses his mind. It's just fun fun fun until you're twenty-eight and you're asking when he wants to have a mini Jaegar. He just looks a bit taken back because it isn't an easy job...
•And when it comes to cooking and cleaning, he's actually somewhat good at cleaning, never missing a spot with his aggressive wiping. However... I don't see him as a cooker if you get me💀 probably burnt his finger while boiling water and never tries again.
•If we're talking about domestic then yeah maybe, maybe he does have a nice husband in him. Not one that pretends there's a spider on you when you wake up... or nOt one that hogs the pillows.
—E (Ending, If he had to break up with his partner, how would he do it?)
•He felt as if he wasn't giving you enough and that other men could satisfy you. Eren would be too scared to face you when he breaks the news so he would leave a note and completely disappear from your life.
—F (Fiancé. How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
•Eren doesn't really put labels on things, at least, he says that... the guy calls you wifey even though you aren't married. Sure he may think about it for a few minutes but quickly shuts himself down since he's extremely shy when it comes to chatting about the two of you
•Eventually when he goes to all his friends' weddings, he gets jealous and decides he should put a ring on it LMAO, you can expect him to be incredibly flustered and even play it off with a 'cool' when you say yes. It's best you hug him so that you don't see how red his face turns.
•I'm just sayin' he's going all out for your wedding, it's so funny, he's so extra... why are their ten limousines? Men shooting guns upwards the moment you both kiss?! A fucking food fight-
—G  (Gentle. How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
•If we're talking about physically, he is not gentle and he doesn't even try to be. He sometimes accidentally hurts you but never misses a second to kiss the spot and over-apologise. But Eren would never think about hurting you on purpose unless it was a life or death situation.
•Emotionally, he's fragile and would love reassurance. Emotionally, towards you, he doesn't be careful, always giving you jump scares, purposely pranking you
—H (Hugs, do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
•For you, he loves aggressive hugs where it's breaking your bones and he just lifts you off the floor and violently shakes you around like he can't get enough of you.
•He loves loves loves loves LOVES hugs when you two are alone and treating you like your a happy huge dog, ruffling every single part of your body for no reason at all and rubbing you with a relaxing force...?
•Again, Eren is very shy so you'd have to start hugging him first for him to get used to it and eventually, he'll be the one knocking into your body for a bear hug
—I (I love you. How fast do they say the L-word?)
•Eren says I love you through the number of shits he gives (Not literally)... If he cares about you he worries a lot and checks up on you almost all the time so
•It would probably be at a time where he did something so risky and you got so scared that the moment you caught onto him you cried it out, he'd apologetically say it back and hug you, with meaning of course.
—J (How Jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
•Coming from someone who tries her hardest to make this accurate, I can say Eren gets jealous to the  m a x
•At first he thinks to himself that you'd tell whoever it is flirting with you to fuck off but his pride shatters when he realises you didn't say anything and it doesn't sound like you will
•My guy either walks out in dismay and gets petty with you afterwards or he walks up to you and tells you the both of you have to go home before shooting a dirty look at the flirty dude or straight up telling him to piss off
•That may result in a physical fight 💀 that guy needs anger management classes...
—K (Kisses, what are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
•For Eren, I can say that he doesn't make out often but when he does he'll probably leave your lips bruised, he has an obsession with biting your lip at the wrong time💀 he's too rough on most occasions, it isn't fun... calm down Jaegar.
•Eren loves kissing your cheek, except he bites it and leaves a slobber of saliva on it. He thinks it's cute as fuck, he won't stop.
•As for where he likes being kissed... he likes feeling delicate and loved so he really enjoys it when you sweep his rapunzel ass hair aside and kiss the temple of his forehead
—M (Mornings, how are mornings spent with him)
•The blanket is probably completely off of him and his leg is resting on your hip. He's an animal so the guy wakes up at like...6am without an alarm- it isn't even a training day! It's a day off! And he still wakes up at that early time.
•A few morning exercises for an hour before he attempts to wake you up... violently.
•Listen! Eren likes making breakfast with you, it doesn't feel the same without you- it's defintely not because he has no idea how to work the gas and oven🌚
•He's very funny and social when he isn't hungry so mornings are pretty fun with him, cracking a few jokes while getting you dirty with pancake mix (he said he can't control where flour goes, this is why you don't get him to cook)
•And then after that, it's time to shower... idk you decide if you'll go in with him¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Just sayin' his skin is very red afterwards, my guy uses cold water but scrubs so hard with the lufa-)
—N (Night, how are nights spent with him?)
•Like I said, Eren is like a dog, he spends his days using his full energy and he makes sure to use it all up so by 22:00 he should be knocked out.
•Eren isn't too bothered on cooking so you both probably just watch something before bed while eating take out
•afterwards it's a... really boiling hot shower, brush your teeth, have a conversation in bed for a while until you're both falling asleep at the sound of your voices.
•"Hah... loser... I can...- I can see you falling asleep *Jaegar yawn* first..." even though he's the one with the heavy, falling eyelids.
—O (Open, when would he start revealing things about himself? Did he say everything all at once? Or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
•Eren is very hesitant when it comes to being emotional, he thinks it isn't very masculine so you have to remove the toxic part away and reassure him millions of times that just because he cried, it doesn't make him girly.
•It would be an accident, he'd be trying to go stargazinh with you, you were resting on his arm and he was rambling and the subject suddenly got onto him. Without realising, he spilled everything right then and there... somehow without crying.
•The least you could do was hold on his hand and squeeze it gently... I doubt he's paying attention, he's probably scowling in memory.
•It's best you reassure him that nothing is his fault, nothing could have prevented what happened
—P (Patience, how easily angered are they?)
•He is very impatient to say the least, a control freak.
•When things don't go his way, he shouts, punches walls, scrunches up his hair but the moment there are tears in his eyes, everyone needs to leave the room
•oh ho ho HOOO you don't want to Eren to cry from anger, he turns into the silent kid with a glock in his bag... leave him for an hour and you'll come back to a fully destroyed room👁👄👁
—Q (Quizzes, how much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
•He remembers dumb small details, your favourite flowers, why you don't like public bathrooms, the reason you won't stop annoying his half brother 💀 (You wanna know Zeke's wiping technique... who doesn't?!)
•However he can't for the life of him, remember your doctors appointment or to pick up your medicine... he's halfway home and goes "Fuck-"
—R (Remember, what is his favourite moment in your relationship?)
•He and you go out on a lot of dates, but they're always wacky and messy. One of his favourites was when you both attacked Armin at the beach with water guns and then both Armin and Mikasa were both searching for you to get revenge
•You two hid behind a palm tree, giggling lowly with each other, aiming to attack your two oblivious friends but little did you both know, they heard your low confident remarks and lunged from behind the tree with two full buckets of freezing sea water dumped on you.
•He always remembers that day when he drifts off into a daydream and it always makes him smile
—S (Security, how protective are they? How would they protect you?)
•Trust me when I say... Eren would kill for you...
•So in conclusion, he is very protective and would not hesitate to take far measures to protect you. He's pretty much your ride or die
•While he doesn't show his protectiveness, he acts on it... if that makes sense? Listen, he's very protective but he's sneaky about it! I don't know how to describe it
—T (Try. How much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
•Despite how immature he seems, Eren completes all tasks in his day. And he makes sure of it
•When it comes to dates, it's very random... more spontanous but it's always something like. "Oh by the way, we're going to a waterpark this Sunday." Orrr "Babe! Get ready, we're going to eat out with Armin and his girlfriend!"
•You have an hour and a half to get ready so I would call your relationship active 😭 not even sexually active just active.
•Eren can be thoughtful but you have to shove your interests in his face for him to know what you want. Cartoon posters? He catches you watching a lot of gravity falls, steven universe, AWOG, etc... and then anytime he sees stuff to do with that in shops, he gets it for you on the way.
—U (Ugly, what are some bad habits of his?)
•Like I said earlier, Eren has some... mild anger issues🌚
•Nothing can calm him down, unless you have Ackerman strength I doubt you can stop him. He has no idea how to deal with his emotions so it just bubbles up and then he sees an object and thinks 💡 this can take my shit load of anger
•The walls probably have a lot dents yk and calming him down is very difficult but to be thoughtful, you tried getting him a few things to help him deal with his stress properly
—V (Vanity, how concerned is he with his looks)
•Couldn't really give two shits about his appearance, my guy grew rapunzel ass hair and just tied it up because I doubt he's bothered to take care of it
•Sure he wouldn't mind you washing it for him and applying conditioner, in fact, he loves it.
•Eren doesn't care about his appearance and just throws on a hoodie and sweatpants most of the time. You have to choose the shit he wears when you go out on fancy occassions 💀
—W (Whole, would they feel incomplete without you?)
•Again, to Eren, you're his world and he'd do anything to make sure that world is safe and healthy so without you, who would he feel the need to protect?
•Okay MAYBE he doesn't like worrying but he just does so I guess that would be a good thing if you broke up but it isn't as worth it💀
•But ever since you've been his sunshine cheerleader, he can't imagine a morning without your whining ass voice, or fighting with you to the bathroom in the morning, jumping on your back out of nowhere
•You're everywhere in his head, of course he couldn't feel whole without you
—X (Xtra, a random headcannon for him)
•Anytime Eren loses at something(it could be a hobby or a game) he'd stop doing it. Just dropping the entire thing.
•Unless he feels competitive, that always fires him up to do better... so in a way, Jean motivates him to do things. Those two actually care for each other but they hate each other (not literally) they're like siblings!
•Sorry, am I making sense?💀
—Y (Yuck, what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in person?)
•First of all, my mans fucking hates chocolate, put it near him and he'll kick it or throw it against the nearest wall.
•Like Eren was such a good boi when he was little, eating everything his momma put on his plate, even the brussel sprouts he fucking despised.
•But chocolate is his last straw. Chocolate and peanut butter. It gets stuck to the roof of his mouth and he panics like a drama queen, fanning his face like a princess and washing his mouth with his heart POUNDING against his chest
—Zzz (What are some sleeping habits of his?)
•He sleeps pretty normally, when he turns he lets out a soft satisfied groan, which I'd say is ordinary
•As for his sleeping weight, I'd say he's a heavy sleeper, you'd need to shake him to wake him up, slap his face or something because when that sleep is BUSSIN he won't be WAKIN (bad joke sorry)
•And he's gaping. Shut his mouth please.
•His hands may accidentily fall on some places on your body, he places them everywhere. Like on your nose, on your belly
Authors note:
Have you guys noticed that I don't add the letter L🌚? *shocked noises*
Jaaaa that's because I don't wanna write about kids so forgive me lmao
Deadass my brain just went bye bye when it came to writing and I recharge by reading actual original work by published authors, it helps me get back on track
Bertholdt/Miche is next!
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axther · 4 years
every second i get
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in which Midoriya is forced to deal with his friends trying to get him and his crush together. 
for @patt-writes-stuff
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Midoriya tried not to make regrets. 
This might’ve sounded strange, maybe obvious. But he took chances when he had them. He took the leap, hurtled off edges that others might’ve been worried about because he was finally able to do what he always wanted to. He put a thousand percent into everything he did. 
But this? This was some bullshit. 
Recently, as an example of goodwill, U.A. took in several exchange students from other countries. They were all valuable and magnificent in their own right, with talents that Midoriya could only awe at. One had the ability to rewind time under a full moon. Another could breathe underwater. 
But most of all, one could read minds. 
YN LN rarely used it, but it was said that there was a villain attack back at her own school, and she defeated them by only spamming their mind with cringy, outdated Ugandan Knuckles memes. It was funny, of course, but also incredibly powerful. Some mentioned that she was in the same boat as Shinsou, but she seemed to take it much better than he did. 
Oh, and she was cute. Really cute. 
Midoriya would catch peeks of her in the hallways, waltzing to her class with her books close to her and her eyes shining in the afternoon light. She always seemed to have someone at her side, talking softly with them, or maybe laughing loudly. But she was popular, kind, and strong.
Everything that Midoriya felt he wasn’t. 
Of course, he had friends. His quirk was certainly useful, though it had it’s drawbacks. But she was gentle and sweet. Even Bakugou tolerated her and didn’t give her a nasty nickname, which was definitely new. 
So when Mina waltzed up to him with a sneaky grin, he was worried. 
“Heyyyyy, Deku!” She tittiered, leaning on him in a way that was more than friendly but less than flirting. “You like YN, right?” 
“H-huh?!” Midoriya flushed bright red, flailing his arms comically as if to fend off the accusation. “N-no! I mean, she’s really nice b-but I totally don’t have a crush on her and I don’t want-er, really need to dater her, I mean if she asked I would say yes but I don’t have a crush and it’s really not-!” “We get the idea, loverboy.” Mina cut Midoriya off before he could ramble any more, and turned him around to see Sero talking with Denki and Todoroki. “Sero’s gonna have a party tonight. And guess who’s gonna be there~?” “Y-YN?” Midoriya’s flush went down, but barely. 
“You got it! All the transfer are going to be there, and we’re going to rope her into a game of truth or dare!” Mina cheered, but Midoriya recoiled. 
“Wait! What?!” “Yeah! And you’ll get to find out if she has a crush on you!” “What?!” Midoriya leapt away from her, bright red again, and gasping. “That’s-!” “We’re fuckin tired of seeing you pine, asshole.” Bakugou bit from his seat. “Either get your shit broken or date her. I don’t give a fuck.” “Oh, don’t lie like that!” Mina chastised him and swatted at his head, making him growl in response. “He does care! It was his idea!” “Shut the fuck up!” 
Midoriya felt nervousness crawl up his spine, a chill settling in his heart. What if he got publicly rejected? Oh god! What if she said she liked him? How would he react? Would he hug her? Thank her and bow? Kiss her, even? Oh my god! Kiss her?! What kind of response is that?! 
His mind was on overdrive, thinking in all caps and screaming at the top of his proverbial lungs. All sorts of scenarios played through his head, most of which were not meant for public consumption. It was pure chaos until he realised he was being shaken by Tsuyu grabbing his shoulders. It made his head roll around until he came to. “O-oh! Tsu! Sorry!” “It’s okay, kero.” She let go, pointing at her chin. “If this is how you act now, I wanna see how you act with YN in the same room.” “S-same...room…” “Shit, it’s happening again! Someone! Stop him!” 
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Midoriya was a foot away from her. 
They were sitting on the couch together, with Denki between the two of them. The room felt like it was filled with lava; bubbling, hot, and too full. Every other second was spent glancing at YN, who was preoccupied with a game of twister that Jirou and Bakugou were fully absorbed in. They were practically doing aerobatics, growling at each other in a refusal to step down. The tension was climbing until one of Jirou’s ear jacks conveniently got under Bakugou’s hand and made him slip. It was almost artistic how she still stood where he fell, but in the end, Bakugou lost, and most of the class was willing to overlook the foul. 
And then came the dreaded truth or dare. 
For whatever reason, Sero brought a bottle, but spin the bottle was quickly shut down once everyone realised they would have to tape Mineta to the upside of the ceiling. They chose to tape him anyway, which led to some confusion on what they were going to play, but it remained truth or dare. 
The first to go was Ochako, who dared Tsuyu to smack Kirishima with her tongue. She did so and almost knocked him out, but he assured her he was fine and the game went on. Late into the night, borderline dangerous dares (“Hey, Bakugou, can you explode in your mouth?”) and embarrassing truths (like the time Todoroki froze over his own underwear and used Midoriya’s All Might underwear, which Midoriya found more mortifying than Todoroki did) were traded around, until it landed on YN for the first time all night. 
“Eh, YN.” Ochako murmured past the thirteen marshmallows in her mouth. “Do you hath a cruth on nnieeone?” “Huh?” YN tilted her head, crossing her legs with a bit of sass. “Now, isn’t that a bit…?” “Nobe!” Ochako chirped, her face splitting into a grin. “Anthwer!” “Ocha…” YN extended her hand, sighing. “I, well…” “You tho! You tho!” Ochako cheered. Midoriya didn’t realise he was on the edge of his seat until he almost fell off. “Thay it!” “Well, maybe…” She pursed his lips. “I can tell you he’s in this room.” Midoriya’s heart skyrocketed. In this room!? There was only him, and Bakugou, and Todoroki, Sero, Denki, Mineta, and Shoki and Tokoyami, Aoyama, Iida, Ojirou, Kirishima, Koda, Sato… Midoriya’s hopes plummetted. It didn’t narrow it down by a lot. 
“Yeah?! Who?! Who?!” “He has...a darker palette?” YN tapped a finger to her chin, trying to dance around the question. It cancelled out Denki, Bakugou, Todoroki, Sato, Ojirou, Aoyama, Koda, and kind of Kirishima if Midoriya squinted. 
“And he’s really smart, and does really well in class.” That definitely outs Kirishima and Sero. Ojiro, Koda, Tokoyami, Aoyama, and Shoji weren’t exceptional in class, either. So all that was left was…
Midoriya’s brain stopped. It stopped fully in its tracks. 
All it left was him. 
It was like he did a mental stutter, the couch feeling like a rock and his hands feeling far too sweaty for his liking. He wiped them on his jeans, but they seemed to be just as sweaty as before. He swallowed. He slicked back his hair a bit. His eyes wandered. Every second felt far too long. 
“That’s not enough, YN.” Mina whined, tipping back so she was laying on the floor. “You have to tell tell us!” “Nah.” She reclined into her hand with a soft smile, blinking slowly. She seemed satisfied, despite the other girl’s begging for more information. Midoriya coughed into his fist, trying to regain his sensibility before slowly rising. 
“I, uh, I’m gonna head to bed!” “Whaaaatttt?” Mina crooned, leaning forward. “Why? Not even Bakugou has gone to bed yet.” 
“Shut up!” “I’m just tired,” Midoriya rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, trying to edge away. Before he could, though, YN rose up and took a deep breath. 
“I’m going to bed, too.” She smiled, nodding her head. “We need to get sleep while we can, right?” “Ughhhhhh,” Ochako groaned, finally swallowing the marshmallows. “Fine. But it won’t be the same!” 
“That sounds like a you problem.” YN sassed before walking past Midoriya, glancing at him when she passed. It was as intimidating and romantic as eye contact could be, and made his knees grow weak. 
“R-right.” Midoriya said, though no one asked him anything. “Sure.” “Huh? Dude, are you okay?” Kirishima leans over, but Midoriya just shakes his head as he watches YN walk away. “Y-Yeah!” He juts his thumb towards the hallway, wondering how long leaving was going to take. “I’m just...gonna go.” Before anyone else could say anything, he booked it until he turned the corner and was out of sight. He was panting, but less out of the running than it was nervousness. He kept looking behind him, like he was expecting one of his classmates to come barrelling at him. He turned a second corner, only to bump directly into YN. She had been standing, waiting there for him, with a deep stare. “Hey, Izuku.” 
Midoriya jumped, nearly hopping out of his skin at her gentle, quiet tone. Her arms were crossed, and her eyes were bearing into him. 
“O-Oh! YN! Hi! Hey! I mean, uh, I thought you were going to bed.” He started backing away slowly until his back hit the wall. “Yeah. But I wanted to talk to you.” YN brought her arms up and promptly slammed them on either side of Midoriya’s shoulders, effectively trapping him between her and the wall. “You’re bright red.” “R-really?!” His eyes looked everywhere and nowhere, speeding around until they landed on her. Her brow was furrowed and her nose was scrunched. 
“Yeah. Say...do you have a crush on anyone?” She leaned in, eyes glancing down onto his lips before flickering back up. 
“M-maybe!” He squeaked, desperately trying to figure out how he should respond. Everything about this was something out of a manga, not real life. 
“You know…” YN leaned in again, this time not only looking at his lips but keeping her eyes on them. "I've never wanted to kiss anyone as much as I want to kiss you."
Midoriya felt his face flush again, then go cold, then flush redder than before. It was a constant rapture that seized him, lifting him up higher than he could ever consider. 
“What?!” He yelped once his mind caught up with what was going on. “Shh!” She hissed, putting a finger over her lips, which looked very cute. “You don’t want the whole dorm knowing, do you?” 
“Oh…” Midoriya wasn’t sure if he did want everyone to know, but YN kabedonning him made his brain keep on stuttering like a broken record. 
“Hey…” For a second, there was a flash of uncertainty in her eyes. “Do you like me? All the girls say you do, but still…” 
“Yes!” Midoriya nearly shouted, jumping and almost bonking heads with YN. “Yes, yes, yes!” 
“Wait, really?” YN leaned back, surprise on her face. “I thought I was going to scare you off, or something.” 
“Not at all!” Midoriya started waving his hands, a happy flush growing on his face. 
“Then...do you wanna date?” “Yeah. “ He sighed softly. His eyes were wide and his heart felt like it had soared to the moon. The moment was pure ecstasy, and he couldn’t come down from this high.
“I would love that.” 
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mangleschmidt · 4 years
DRV3 Boys playing TF2 Headcanons
(First made long before the F2P mute and bot crisis but I added the bot crisis)
Me and my bro made up many scenarios AND cosmetics for the class (my brother mostly help me with the idea)
I originally have the terminologies explained like market gardening, friendly and such but cut it because it’s getting too long. If you want the terminologies, you can tell me. Btw, I’m not an imagines blog, just doing this one for fun.
Kaito Momota
Main: Soldier
Thrilled to play this game, saying that's very manly and it's one of the coolest games yet
He, along with Kaede (and to an extend, Chiaki), are the ones who introduced the game to the class
Was a scout main at first and likes the scout unironically
A terrible tryhard warpig soldier
Saw a rocket jumping soldier at a High-tower map and wanted to imitate that, almost like he's blasting to space
Watch this guy try to market garden someone and then get fucking rekt by a Medic of all classes
He just dies, a lot, which is frustrating and his team gets mad at him
Kaito gets better at it fortunately, but it's a painfully slow process
You'll be lucky if he decides to go back to Scout in a round lmao
Rages in chat or voice but is the best cheerleader you can have in your team, he never actually shits on you for being shit on the game
There's that one time where Kaito got the Rocket Jumper from a drop, fired it at an enemy, got angry how it didn't worked, realized it doesn't do damage and embarrassed himself
Gets a bit pissy when no one is doing the objective so he avoids the maps Hightower and 2fort most of the time
Capture the flag and payload races mostly pisses him off for the same reason (tho he would go to Hightower for the sick rocket jumps)
So he doesn't like friendlies (but he may or may not, you know, do the conga, rock paper scissors, mannrobics, kazotsky kick-)
Anything that looks cool and manly cosmetics, but mostly you'll see him decked with space cosmetics
Bonus: Avoids Full Moon and Scream Fortress, is obviously afraid but he gives Alien Invasion a shot when it comes up, loves it. Also like Doomsday
Rantaro Amami
Main: Engineer
Everyone seems to be like it so why not give it a shot?
He got invested and also found the trading system
Rantaro usually plays engineer but is willing to change classes if the team needs a class
Is at least good at every other class
Rarely does turtling or battle engie but enjoys doing it with the other engies for laughs, and is very good at battle engie
Some people confused him with Uncle Dane
Hc that Rantaro looks up to Uncle Dane
Imagine Rantaro and Uncle Dane having a collab, that would be sick as fuck
Casual and competitive but more casual, often plays in community servers
That type of person who voice chats
Rantaro is one of the ones who would help his classmates play, along with Kaito. Imagine him like in a server with Kaito and Gonta, helping Gonta how to play and Avocado and Space boy act as a translator while Bug boy plays cutely
Doesn't mind friendlies, he chills with them a lot and he is easily well liked by the community
Some even suggested him to make a tf2 youtube channel
Has an unusual hat, making him look like a pro, has a lot of medic girlfriends because of this
One of the two reasons why the whole class have a wide array of cosmetics
Gonta Gokuhara
Main: Medic
At first he doesn't like how violent the game is
But since this violence is just for fun and in game and no one is actually getting hurt and dead so he's at least convinced
Still wants to play passively so Gonta goes with Medic, healing and helping his team seems to be a fitting choice!
The game is not too complex so he learns easily... i-in a way
Best boy learns fast, he should be fine
He's definitely that type of Medic who would go to someone when they press the E key and whoever is near him
Doesn't know where to look most of the time, gets lost easily to big maps like the control points
Gonta still has a firm grasp on what to do, like if he noticed that someone is in low health, he'll heal them immediately without needing the 'e', build up uber, spy check the patient, and never heal spies when they're disguised
Can't aim for shit, though he supposedly gets better at it with the crusader's crossbow
He sometimes would accidentally forget to pop when it's necessary and then die
"Danke!" Says that a lot
He doesn't play a lot despite having fun, he's an outdoor type of guy
Absolutely LOVES friendlies and just loves it when someone just stops, does the conga taunt and everyone follows, creating a conga line (until someone kills them all but it's all in good fun!) He loves silly servers
Is honestly surprised that there’s even such thing as silly servers and friendlies, thought it’s all blood and gore (he sometimes switch to pyro vision googles to avoid gore)
Sometimes plays as Heavy for the protecting part and the friendly Hoovy part for this reason
Anything fancy for the cosmetics, especially for hats the Gentleman's Gabsy or the Vintage Tyrolean (a good cosmetic for a good gentleman!)
Has a lot of cosmetics like Rantaro and trades them with the class
Bonus: Isn't fond of Banana Bay and the Second Banana... because banana
Kokichi Ouma
Main: None (most played: Scout)
Bold of you to assumed he never played this game before
... or is it a lie?
Needless to say he likes it for the cartoony and chaotic vibe of the game
Switches between the 9 classes, even if there's 5 spies he'll be the 6th one
He'd be that Medic who would leave the others to die, Scout that steals sandwiches from Heavy that's meant for the dying Medic and so forth
He might as well pretend to be a sniper bot
Chaos incarnate
This is the fucker who spams E and X+5 (Place the dispenser)
Also taunts in every kill
When he's on a losing team, he would try to bind kill right before the time is up or taunt kill in humiliation, sometimes works
Actually really good at the game, he's one of the very few people who picked up very quickly
Though he fooled Gonta once as a disguised enemy spy. He got rekt when they both noticed the achievement
Also dominated someone so badly that they immediately rage quit, another achievement
Another "you'll be lucky if he plays seriously" which is rare
Is definitely on a 30+ killstreak
People would sometimes thought he’s a squeaker (a kid who rages in voice chat) so he just fucks around with them and then just pulls a no u card
Neutral opinion on friendlies though he gets bored when no one is doing the objective or any action happening so he burns them all and watches them get mad in the chat
Obnoxious combos of cosmetics that you can easily recognize that purple neon Scunt from afar even if he's under an alias
Korekiyo Shinguuji
Main: Spy/Sniper
Not interested at first but is interested when others play and hovers over their shoulders to watch
While watching Gonta and Kiibo playing with the friendlies, he got interested
You don't see that in a lot of fps games
Korekiyo looks like an edgy sniper/spy main who just watches the chaos enveloping from the distance and getting headshots/backstabs out of nowhere
He's very calm and collective despite the crazy amount of chaos and all the deafening sounds of the vc
It's amusing to him, he even find the Administrator interesting and would sometimes go into many modes to hear her voice tone changes and a lot of behaviors of many players too
He even noticed the voice lines of the mercs and got invested in the lore of Team Fortress 2
Korekiyo still does his job in the game but can sometimes be interpreted as him in afk, almost got him kicked
Though he does get kicked for the being good at sniper, people getting butt hurt and called him a hacker
Also an amazing spy checker
Is interested about friendlies, he would come up to them close and observe them and he plays along with the taunts
He got really interested to see this "culture", like how most of the players collectively decides to play silly, serious or both, resulting him trying out almost every game mode and map there is
Unironically loves 2fort, Hightower, Suijin and Degroot Keep
Often joins community servers and silly servers but will do casual/pub servers whenever he feels like it
Something that resembles him irl, he looks edgy with the mask tbh
Other than that, his cosmetics changes depending on what mood or observation he wants to do
Ryoma Hoshi
Main: None (most played: Demoman)
Convinced by Kaito into playing
Not that much actually
Mediocre at best, he’s just doing his own thing
Definitely would stick around even if there’s one person in the server
Imagine getting killed by a Medic as a Demoknight in a melee fight with a shit weapon Do No Harm, couldn’t be me... or Ryoma
Likely plays Passtime
He will never admit it but he finds the ragdolls in the game funny
Also unironically likes the Scout
Demoknight tf2
God, imagine Ryoma has demonknight speed, combine it with his own speed and Solarlight skills, he’d be infinitely flying across all maps and go beyond the skybox
Ryoma too strong pls nerf
Doesn't play it often, not really his thing
Doesn’t mind friendlies, honestly surprised that there’s even such thing as one
Doesn't customize himself, though he likes the animal cosmetics
I apologize to the Ryoma fans out there for this being short
Shuichi Saihara
Main: None (most played: Spy)
Also doesn't see the appeal, but convinced by Kaito into playing
When he played the game for the first time, every time he dies, he switch to a class just to test them out
It’s too much for him, please hold him
Probably fell off a cliff several times-
Imagine the sheer amount of panic he feels when playing any class, especially Medic since Medic is a death magnet
Rockets, explosives, bullets, fire, blood and ragdolls everywhere! ... oh hey why is that guy just crouching with a melee?
He gets the hang of it over time
One of the best spy checker there is as well, not only as Pyro, though he feels sorry for the new spies (or newbies in general) so he tries to teach them the best way he can
The server kicked him for using hacks to find spies but for him, it’s obvious???
He usually plays the class whatever the team needs at the moment
Hard reads are strong in this one
Sushi likes the friendlies, chills with them a lot :>
Doesn’t customized himself, Kaito’s the one who helped him with it
Main: None (most played: Heavy)
Tries it out
It's ok I guess
He also doesn't have a main because he'll try to accommodate in which class is needed
If the whole team is like a full house of cards (in a 4 snipers, 5 engies type of way, you get the idea), he'll mostly go for the Medic since he knows it's vital for a team to have a Medic
There's rarely any Medics or Heavies in the start of the round, are they an endangered species??
He might start an event or something dedicating to the two classes
It never goes well despite Keebo's efforts in those, let's be honest
Though sometimes the team has like three Medics, the poor boy is confused
He's actually doing alright with all the class
The bot problem, oh god the bot problem
So there's that one time where the Myg0t bot joined, the enemy team said in the chat about kicking the bot
Well... obviously this made Keebo upset, as he thought they were referring to him
The server thought Keebo was trolling when he said something about him being a robot and saying that they're being robophobic... and sending them to court-
By some kind of miracle, the server liked Keebo because of this so he wasn't kicked out but he's incredibly salty throughout the match
"The server is robophobic" "Keebo, they were referring to the aimbots, they weren't robophobic" "... What Aimbots?"
His classmates were able to explain with videos and experiences, and also told him about several other types of bots that ruins the fun, which made Keebo embarrassed for having the wrong assumption
Though he still gets offended whenever it happens-
Like Kaito, he also doesn't like friendlies, insisting that that it's not how really play the game, though is guilty in pre-game conga lines, mannrobics and kazotski taunts, he likes the mannrobics
Bonus: Does NOT like the bot deco and is conflicted with the Mann vs Machine game mode
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nadisabug · 4 years
First Meetings
Prompt: kinda based off a little idea I had
Fandom: Daredevil
Pairing: Ben Poindexter x female OC
AU: No Fisk (aka not in the show's plot line/universe so spoiler free!)
Warnings: cursing
A/N: I tried to write this in an “x reader” format, but I do not have much experience writing in second person (I am more of a third person kind of gal) so I quick drew up an OC for this. If anyone wants an reader insert or actually wants their own OC in a fic, just let me know in my inbox! I can definitely do either (I need to practice second person at some point). Thank and enjoy!
Kira was getting ready for her morning walk with her dog when her phone began to ring. She was currently trying to wrestle Liam in his harness, but the mutt lab was too excited over the prospect of an outing to calm down. She sighed, dropping the harness, and turned to see who it was. If it was another one of those spam calls, she swore she was going to toss her phone out of the building. 
Luckily, it wasn't. It was Evelyn, her best friend, which was weird since she was never up this early unless she had a shift, but Kira swore she was off today.
"Hey Evie," she greeted her best friend warmly before setting the phone down on the kitchen counter on speaker. "You're up early."
"Yeah, Clay woke me up on his way to work. Lame, but I thought I could catch you before you head in to the office."
"Oh yeah," she nodded as she reached down to grab the harness again. "I'm not in until nine, so I am taking Liam on a walk." Eve was referring to her job where she worked as a therapist. It was a government job, so she wasn't paid too well, but she got to help a lot of people in need and that is all that really mattered. She got a good mix of clients, from hyperactive children to adult addicts, so no day was ever the same. She had a few regulars though, one of which she was supposed to see today at one. She was on the schedule for new patients until then today.
"Aw, okay I'll make this quick then. I will pick you up after my shift ends at seven. Be dressed nice. Kay?"
"That is a solid no from me. Evelyn, you know I do not want to go on another blind date. The last one turned out so bad!" Kira turned to Liam and told him to sit. The mutt barked and ran off into her bedroom. Kira sighed and gave up on the harness for the time being.
"Oh, come on Kiki. It wasn't that bad," Eve groaned. "And the worst part wasn't even your fault."
Eve had somehow managed to convince her to go to some crazy fancy restaurant to go on a double date with Eve's boyfriend and one of his coworkers. Early into the night, Kira managed to knock a wineglass into her date's lap and then later the waiter accidentally lost their grip on the platter and dumped all of the food onto her date. While the second part definitely was not her fault -the waiter had said something hit their had and made them lose their grip or something- she still felt awful about the wineglass part. The worst part was she didn't remember touching the glass, or feeling the impact that caused it to tip over.
"Eve, I still feel bad about drenching the poor guy."
"Kira, like a little wine mattered once our dinner was all over him. Besides, dinner was free and he gets to go again without the klutz of the century, on the house."
"Eve," Kira groaned.
"It's a different guy who has no idea about your last stunt. There is no reason not to, unless you have finally asked out Mr. Benjamin Poindexter, which would be the only way I would let you out."
Kira was glad  that Eve was not there to see her, because her face instantly flushed. Needing a moment to collect herself, she picked up the harness again and called over Liam, pretending to be too preoccupied to answer. Once she felt like the charade had gone on long enough, she finally bit out a tired response. "Uh, and if I say I have?"
"I would call you a liar and a stalker because your dumb ass hasn't said a single word to him. Ever."
Eve technically wasn't wrong. About the talking to Ben part; she never had actually spoken to which honestly was the only abnormality she would admit to. She was used to the tight knit community back home, so the curt nods they shared seemed odd to her at first. Then again, this was Hell's Kitchen. It wasn't like Ben had something against her, it was just normal here for people to ignore each other. So again, it wasn't like it was her fault that she had never spoken to her next door neighbor, that was just the norm here.
But Eve was wrong about the stalker part. Kiara McKinley was not stalking Benjamin Poindexter. She just had a healthy interest in her impossibly attractive next door neighbor. How could she not? With a jawline that could cut glass and a body that rivaled most others, no one could blame her for staring every once in a while, and it wasn't her fault that she just happened to see him relatively often. He would go on a run when she normally walked Liam, he just so happened to go to the same restaurants and coffee shop where Eve worked, and they had almost identical work schedules. Besides, they were neighbors. Of course they would see each other often. Those parts she explained away easily. However, Eve gave her grief about them when Kira learned the problematic man's name.
"I am not a stalker." Liam seemed to sense her attitude and came to a rest at her feet. She quickly slipped the harness under him while he gave her the chance.
"You committed mail fraud to learn his name!"
"I did not! The mail man just mixed our doors up and I gave it back to him! We are neighbors, it's bound to happen." A simple mistake from an over worked postal worker was the proverbial nail in the coffin for Kiara. After she began referring to Ben by name, Eve would not let it drop. That and the fact that she knew he worked at the FBI, also something that also not her fault. He came home in a uniform that had the bold letters plastered across it, it didn't take a genius to guess his occupation.
"Likely story. Just how you seem to see him everywhere and just happen to know where he works." There is was. Kira sighed. "Likely story, but makes more sense if you are totally following him everywhere he goes." Her tone was light, and they both knew she was joking. Besides, stalkers were so uncommon, weren't they?
"This is all besides the point Eve. I am not going." Kira finally managed to get a hold of Liam's leash and made her way to the door, picking up her keys on the way out.
"Well, I wouldn't have to set you up like this if you would just ask your victim out."
"He is not a victim, let alone my victim," Kira groaned and threw open the door. She locked it quickly behind her, fumbling with the keys. "For the last time, I am not stalking Ben!" Because of her frustration, she dropped her keys onto the ground, which was an opening Koda did not hesitate to take. He darted away, the leash slipping through Kira's fingers. Kira cursed and hung up on Eve. She could explain later, she had to catch Liam first.
But when she turned to go after him, she saw that there was no need to rush in the first place. Liam was not making a beeline for the stairwell, he had his paws on the shoulder's of  man, happily trying to lick his face. Once Kira processed who the man was, she nearly died on the spot.
"I am so, so sorry," she quickly sputtered, rushing over to grab Liam. "Liam, down boy, down!" She went to grab the leash when she realized that she didn't have to. It was already in Ben's hand.
"No worries," Ben laughed, nervous twinge to his voice, handing the leash over to her. Once his hands were free, he scratched Liam behind the ears with a heart melting grin. Kira was so fucked.
Kira laughed nervously and shifted her weight back and forth on her feet. "Sorry," she repeated for the second time. "He's a really friendly guy. It feels like he wants to go home with everyone except for me sometimes, the way he acts around strangers."
Kira thought that Ben frowned at the last part, but his smile was back before she could really be sure. "I don't know why he'd wanna do that, with an owner like you," Ben said softly, almost as if he was talking to Liam.
"Um, thanks I think?" Kira laughed nervously and tugged Liam away from Ben. Liam finally released Ben and flopped down on the ground next to Kira.
"Sorry, that probably sounds so weird cause I don't know you, well I mean I know you're my neighbor but like I don't know you like that-"
"Hey, it's okay," Kira laughed. Ben was pretty cute when nervous. However, Kira's laid back nature and words must have not reached Ben because he still looked a mess.
"I just meant cause you're pretty."
Wow. Well Kira wasn't expecting that.
Kira looked away from him, her face flushed an practically tomato red. "Uh, wow... thanks... I um..."
"Sorry," Ben groaned, scrubbing his hands over his face. "I did not mean to say that out loud. Or at all. Now it's all weird and all I wanted to say was-"
"Take me to dinner," Kira blurted.
Ben blinked, as if unsure that he heard her right. Kira mustered all of her confidence and smiled at him, looking him right in his eyes. "You wanted to ask me to take you to dinner as an apology for my dog jumping all over you." Kira lifted up the leash as if to remind him that the dog was still there. "You free tonight? I can take you somewhere just so that Liam here doesn't crash the party again. We can talk, actually get to know each other since we do live right next door to each other."
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, that would be nice, actually." Ben smiled. "I get off at six."
"I'll see you here at seven then, sound good, Ben?"
Ben's mouth twitched and he cocked an eyebrow. "Ben?"
Kira's stomach dropped. Fuck. Shit fuck shit. "Uh..." She mumbled, immediately losing all the confidence she had before. "I am so sorry, I just the mailman gave me your stuff one day and your name was on it that must sound like such a shitty excuse I swear I am not stalking you or anything..." Kira winced. She said the word before even he could accuse her of it. Great. Fantastic job Kira. Way to go, you get idiot of the year award.
But then something insane happened.
Ben laughed.
"It's okay, I just thought it was weird. I usually go by Dex. That makes sense though, I mean we are next door neighbors."
Kira let out a huge sigh of relief and looked up at him sheepishly. "You don't think I am some sort of creepy stalker?"
Ben laughed. "No of course not."
"So the date's not off?"
"Date?" Ben smirked.
Kira flushed bright red again. "I am just putting my foot in my mouth over and over I am so sorry, I said it was a get to know you dinner now it's all weird-"
"No, it's okay. It can be a date."
Kira squinted up at him. "Really?"
"Yeah," Ben nodded again, still smiling, somehow even brighter than before.
Kira nodded. "Should I call you Dex too?"
"Nah," he waved her off. "I was just thrown off. I think it's cute that you already have a lil stalker nickname for me."
Kira furrowed her eyebrows and puffed out her cheeks. "I though you said you didn't think I was a stalker."
"I don't," Ben grinned and started walking backwards towards the stairwell. "I just think it's fun to tease. I'll see you tonight Kira!" And with that, he was off, presumably to start off his jog.
Kira stepped into the elevator with Liam, she smiling about her new date with her unbelievably cute neighbor. She pulled out her phone to call Eve back, both to explain why she hung up and what just happened, but something stopped her. Then she realized.
She never gave Ben her name.
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crowsent · 5 years
My Personal List Of Karkat Insults
I used these back when Cherubplay was a big thing. Feel free to use them in your fanfics, your RPs, etc
Half-eaten Sandwich
Absolute Walnut
Spam Email
Soggy Lampshade
Buttplug Face
Toupeed Fucktrumpet
Utter Cockwomble
Moldy Leftover
Cranberry Fucknut
Useless Paperclip
Legless Table
Ass Dandruff
Warthog-faced Orangutan
Puerile Filth
Pile of Putrescence
Sack of Excrement
Catatonic Peanut
Ignored Text
Broken Headphones
Floppy Breadstick
Neon Croc
Insipid Petunia
Cockroach Motherfucker
Slackjawed Pickletits
Pugnacious Dish Rag
Hamster Basket
Ignorant Fuckmuppet
Snooty McSnotwhine
Undigested Burrito
Slope-browed Weaseldicks
Paint-huffing Shitgoblins
Mangled Apricot Hellbeast
Hemorrhoidal Shit Stain
Pestilent Little Toad
Inconsiderate Space Herpe
Witless Wombat Cocksplat
Tangled Headphone Cord
Uneducated Cat Penis
Unnecessary Stock Footage
Arrogant Beet Casserole
Unusable Bobby Pin
Wannabe Wikipedia Philosopher
What The Entire Fuck
Bloviating Flesh Bag
Shit-faced Ferret-Wearing Shitgibbon
Staple your fingers together
Please choke on your spoon
Bright as a black hole and twice as dense
Piss lord of shit mountain
Go fuck a cactus
Shove a cactus up your ass
Rusty used razor from the 1800's
Pile of wombat shit
I'd slap you on he head, but I'm not sure your brain knows the concept of pain
The human personification of Monday
Fuck me sideways with a sandblaster
May natural selection come for your pathetic ass
Human beings perpetually display an inordinate amount of infallible stupidity
You'd struggle to pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel
Someone ought to rip your vocal cords right out of your throat
I'm not frivolous enough to buy your bullshit
Are you making a special effort to be extra stupid today
After evaluating your statement, I can conclude that you are a complete uneducated soapy dishrag
You ask for more stuff than the Red Cross
I don't even know how to respond to this bullshit
Disappointment wrapped in apathy and sealed with self-loathing
There is a land called Shitface Douchebagstan, and you are the king
You potato with eyes
Make like Icarus and fly into the sun
Well, I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong
I'm going to pour hot tea on your face
I get so emotional when you're not around and that emotion is happiness
Is your ass jealous from the shit coming out of your mouth
That skinny jeans must have cut the oxygen supply to your head
I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover
You're as pretty as a picture and I'd love to have the honour of hanging you
Pardon me sir, but you seem to have mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck
Why don't you pray to God to throw some brains down from heaven, or you know, a stone as long as it's well-aimed at your empty head
Consider me the king of weaponized profanity
I don't have an education high enough to qualify understanding the language of douchebag
Did the circus come to town
The biggest dick with the tiniest dick ever to walk the planet
Are you a professional at being a douchebag because you're doing a great job
I'd call you a dick, but you're not good enough to be one
It's amusing how you state the obvious with such a sense of discovery
You are not worth the calories I burn talking to you
Get off your high fucking emboldened horse
I will shove your entire upper body into your own ass and make you fuck yourself from the inside out
It must be hard being that stupid
If you're going to be a smartass, you have to be smart
I don't have enough middle fingers to show you how I feel
Your birth certificate was a waste of paper
Congratulations, I hope you feel accomplished by the fact that you suck
More of your conversation would reduce the amount of brain cells I have
Stop poisoning the air with your toxic presence
Charientism is an art you have no skill in
I'd love to introduce your face to a shovel
Tell your intestines I said hello since your head is that far up your ass
Back the fuck up you soggy burger
From the very moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I'd spend the rest of my life avoiding you like the Black Plague
Pile of white crayons
There's digging your own grave, and there's blasting a hole straight through the earth's core and jumping right in
I'm somewhat of a bullshitter, but please, carry on, I want to listen to a real pro
Your father should have been a eunuch
Natural selection will come for you
If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't be able to drive a tiny ant go cart a single lap around a cheerio
Someone ought to open an umbrella in your ass
Go contract a debilitating case of genital warts
Human equivalent of the common cold
Dog shit is prettier than your face
You seem to be having delusions on adequacy
Stop making me want to pick you up and shake you until your ass spits out the pathetically microscopic amount of brain cells you have in your tiny head
Take a swim in the Dead Sea
Look into my eyes and take a deep breath, does it look like I care
What kind of qualities do you have to make up for your stupidity
I want to punch down a wall and that's sad because I like my walls; they're freshly painted with a nice colour that looks better than the entirety of your face
You need to sit down and think about just how fucking wrong you are
If I want to be you, I'd put a fucking horse face on
Stop throwing a temper tantrum worthy of making my non-existent three year old kid die of embarrassment
....long before your parents squirted water at each other from across the clown car and then honked their bicycle horns to indicate they really wanted to make a smug, insufferable little clown baby together
...drunk on your own buzzword, incapable of forming an original coherent thought
...you display a lack of knowledge and a fundamental disregard for human nature so profound, you make me wonder if you consistently incorporate lead paint into your daily diet of doritos
...should be burned to the ground, the ashes salted, and the remains baptised by a priest willing to wade in all that bullshit
...supporting their moronic crusade of dragging everyone everywhere down into the pits of hell to rot
...popping up faster than an entourage of wild untamed forsynthias
...regroup instead of fucking playing whack-a-mole
...skills of a plastic houseplant
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marculees · 6 years
Tumblr media
Happy International Epilepsy Day to all of my followers and fellow epileptics!
For those who don’t know, epilepsy is a neurological condition which affects the brain and is most commonly attributed to seizures though holds other effects such as chronic loss of energy, memory, motor and cognition errors. There are different types of seizures and depending on which form of epilepsy someone may have, their seizures can be different or non-existent. I myself suffer from photosensitive epilepsy but there are more types out there and I wanted to make this post to share a little bit of info and help make others more aware of the condition and what to do in the case of someone having a seizure, as well as to be made aware of some triggers. More than 50,000,000 people are diagnosed with epilepsy across the globe and it is a condition which is not spoken of enough in schools, communities, and other aspects and institutions in our lives. I encourage any people who suffer from epilepsy to share their own tips and experiences for both those experiencing it for themselves and to educate others on how to care for a loved one with epilepsy. This is a really short and mostly personal post so I’d love to see it grow!
Some types of epilepsy
Photosensitive epilepsy: This is the type I suffer from! It is triggered by flashing images and other types of stimuli which f*ck with our heads (think of those weird optical illusions or hypnosis things). These send “KJASGLDKJVGLKSJVGSJ” signals to our brains and can cause us to have seizures. You ever wonder why some (and I wish more did) TV shows or other forms of visual media put a flashing warning at the start of their programme? Its for things like this! This is just a very personal trigger but for some weird reason playing the Wii makes me have seizures?? Something to do with the speed patterns of the game? Don’t ever deliberately flicker lights on and off or show a photosensitive epileptic a flashing video/gif, or else I’ll personally hunt you down... :) *cough*please tag flashing gifs with trigger warnings*cough* do not use #epilepsy because that tag has been ruined for the epilepsy community and we had to make up our own since that was just a spam of triggers rather than actual support and fellow epileptics thank you*cough*
*I’m not confident in describing other types so if any other epileptics would like to describe their own then that would be great! Photosensitive epilepsy affects only roughly 3-5% of all epileptics so there are definitely more common types to be explained >.<
Some types of seizures
There are more than 40 different types of seizures but these are some of the most common. Some are easier to spot than others and everyone’s case is different. Some seizures can involve a mix of different types so it is important to know how each affects the individual. It is always best to ask the person you know for what type they have most often, but keep in mind that while they may look fully conscious during a seizure, they are not and so they won’t remember the actual act itself but rather the before and afters!
Absence seizures: These seizures can often go unnoticed, as the person appears to space out. However, they are rarely a once-off incident and have a tendency to happen multiple times a day which can lead to confusion, loss of time and information absorbing, and general feelings of unsteadiness. In settings like schools or meetings where attention is crucial, a person who experiences these types of seizures is at a disadvantage because their loss of consciousness can lead them to losing out on valuable information and disrupt their work. While these seizures do usually last a few seconds, they can be worrying for the person because afterwards they are aware they have just have just had a seizure and yet since it is not very visible, it can be hard to share their worries with others. They are not just people daydreaming or having their minds wander, they are seriously spacing out of consciousness and should not be ignored or dismissed for the lack of visible symptoms >.<
Grand mal/tonic-clonic seizures: A more frightening sight, tonic-clonic seizures are the ones often dramatised by media and stereotypes alike. These are the types of seizures where a person will suddenly collapse, followed by stiff and jerky movements which can last up to a minute or few. In simple terms (and because I hate science lol), the brain is being overloaded with signals and can’t keep up! These are the types of seizures I experience and while I can’t speak for everyone, I usually show some warning signs before I have one; I’ve been told I go very very pale (and I’m a ghost already), my lips will also go white and my pupils will dilate while staring into space before I collapse. My limbs tighten and stiffen up (the tonic phase) and I’ve been told I have a very strong grip! Then my arms in particular will begin jerking (clonic) and while I might look like I’m having a little breakdance, the last thing I want to do is break/hurt something. These seizures involve a LOT of energy and afterwards, the person will usually fall asleep because their muscles and brain have been working at 100000% and are very sore and tired, especially if they have injured themselves during it. I had one at a sleepover while getting up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night and I ended up falling against the tiled wall in the bathroom and my head and jaw were in pain for days after :(
*There are others such as auras/partial seizures, but I’d rather let someone more experienced and knowledgeable explain them!
How to help someone having a seizure
While it is instinct to jump in and help, you should NEVER try to stop a seizure. You should let the person seize, but if it lasts for more than five minutes then you should definitely call an ambulance! The best thing to do is to make the environment as safe as possible so that the person does not injure themselves while seizing. This can include moving away furniture (e.g. tables) which may cause injury if they hit off them, placing something soft under their head (e.g. pillow, coat), turn them onto their side (especially if they are vomiting too), and what I think is most important is to stay with them till the end. I’ve had nightmares of people laughing and recording me having a seizure, so if possible, try to get other people to give some respect and privacy and leave the epileptic and attendant in peace. The tonic-clonic seizures are very embarrassing for the person and can involve more than just jerking movements but full-on loss of control over bodily functions too. It sounds yuck but when I first started having seizures, I’d lose control of EVERYWHERE and would somehow manage to both piss and shit myself while vomiting at the same time (weird flex, but okay). The epileptic is totally unaware of any of this until they wake up later and have someone explain to them, so try to also remember how long the seizure lasts and note their signs before and what then happened. It helps a lot when we then go to visit our neurologist and also for future reference to educating others on our own personal cases! There is a weird urban legend that you should put a spoon in the person’s mouth while they have a seizure but DO NOT do this, in fact don’t try to touch their mouth at all. Just give them space and give them comfort and reassurance afterwards, because not only is frightening to watch, but its also frightening to not know what happened at all. Let them lie down and rest because its very likely that their head and entire body will be sore after moving so much and so tightly too, so save a hug for later <3
Prevention, treatment and hope?
Fortunately, a lot of people grow out of their seizures as they get older! While there is no telling of what causes the condition, you’ll be happy to know that it may not haunt you or your loved one forever. I had my first seizure when I was eight years old and now I’m almost twenty and have been seizure-free for four years! While the condition never fully leaves, the seizures can become less common and sometimes stop altogether. How we measure this? Tests and scans such as an E.E.G are used to identify the brain’s responses to triggers and how strong or weak they are. E.E.Gs are like visiting a really shitty hair stylist who sticks a load of wires on your head and then proceeds to make you stare at a flashing light lmao the weird glue they use is so gross and I immediately want to wash it out after. Those who suffer from epilepsy will take medication (usually pills though medicinal c*nnabis has become popular) to lower their risks of having a seizure, but it is important to note that these medications never imply prevention or cure. Just because someone is taking medication does not mean they won’t have a seizure, they are just less likely than without! In some extreme cases, surgery can be an option and part of the brain may be removed.
Sadly though, not everyone is lucky enough to grow out of their seizures. Those with a chronic condition can have up to multiple seizures a day and never find peace. There is no definitive cure yet but the best thing to give to these people is hope and support. Let them know that you care for them because in a world that suddenly becomes non-existent to them for those few seconds or minutes, its nice to know that someone exists and loves them regardless of their condition. 
Epilepsy affects everyone differently and not only are there medical implications, but social also. Some people will be less vocal about their condition to employers and fear losing employment opportunities, for example. As a young person, I rarely go on a night out and actively avoid nightclubs (which I don’t like the idea of anyway) but it can lead to a feeling of exclusion and isolation from friends and peers, along with dating. Its small things that unless you have to worry about, others don’t really notice. From my own experience, I now try to avoid going on drives on sunny days because I have had seizures from the sun flickering through trees or bouncing off windows and shiny surfaces. In Ireland anyway, as long as I’m seizure-free for one year then I am allowed to drive but I would still be fearful and find it hard to ever travel alone. There are many things I can think of but these come to mind first because they affect my daily life a lot; I’m a student who commutes to college every day and back, and the town is known for its nightlife and partying. Some people have other ‘habits’, such as taking showers over baths in case they seize and you know, drown themselves. We all take preventive measures but there is no cure or safety belt. Like I said, it affects everyone differently so always consult the person you know. It lets them know you care and it helps you to help them too!
There are several great epilepsy-centered blogs on Tumblr and I’m too shy to tag them here... However just know that a whole supportive community is behind the ‘#actually epileptic’ tag and that you are not alone in your condition, or that if you have any further interest or questions then there are others out there who can help share their knowledge and experience with you. Thank you for reading all of this and I wish you a happy and seizure-free day <3
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monochromemedic · 6 years
Can I ask a question? Do you have any tips on how to start playing Overwatch? I really want to play but I’m completely new at it. 😬
Ironically I played a little today, I haven’t played much in a while but yeah I can give a few tips. Idk how much sense they’ll make as I don’t know how brand spanking new you are. More under the cut
Overall tips:Learn the map. There’s a big library of maps so learning where people like to put stuff or where a Widowmaker would hide is good. You don’t need to know all the health packs but the big health packs or ones one like a control map are good to know so you can get to them and also be cautious.Be aware of your teammates status. If you see that alot of your teammates are dying and you just respawned don’t rush in. I know touching the map and saving the game would be great but most of the time it doesn’t work. It’s better to try to get you in with the team and try to do a last effort push.You literally don’t need to buy loot boxes. I’ve never spent money and i’ve either gotten what skins/emotes/ whatever i wanted with time or you just get enough money through getting coins from the boxes or duplicates. Before a big event I suggest just start hording coins so if there’s something new you want you can get it as most skins that you would want during an event that’s legendary and ew is 3000 coins.If you see a genji reflecting for the love of god just stop shooting him.Tank HelpTanks are different, and finding one is crucial to learn even if it’s just to learn if your team needs one. You don’t need to be a tank main but learning how to just help is worth it. Roadhog has two shot types (i literally just learned this and have been playing for years no one every tells me primary/secondary fire shit)If your Orisa there’s a thing you can do if you have a shield out and have your ability ready for a new shield but don’t need it yetJust look up at the sky and use the ability that way you used it and it’s on cool down but don’t need it yet and it’ll eventually fall down close to you and replace your old shield.If your Rein don’t always charge. I know how tempting it is to charge into a big group but you gotta remember that you are THE HUGE SHIELD if you run into a big crowd your not using your shield and your teams in danger. Also if you right click you can look around without moving your shield which rocks. Also spam fire strike. You get so much charge from it and even if you miss it’s a good kinda spam move to get distance or just make sure they don’t go in.D.va use the defense matrix and also self destructs are hard to land and get a ton of kills, don’t expect that, it helps sometimes if you boost into the air and shoot it off as most people don’t look up at the sky. Hammond: I got no fucking clue man i’m still learning him. Winston: hard to learn but really useful. Can use the ult to regain health when your low. When your winston you don’t take out the tanks you take out the squishies that’s your goal. That and little turrets. zarya: shields are your best fucking friend. That gives you energy and ult charge and the energy makes everything stronger. Try to get good at timeing the shields. Shield teamates going in.Offense: Do you like precise aim? Mcree, Widow, Hanzo, Genji, Ashe, tracerdo you not like aiming: Junk, Mei, bastionTracer: always keep a blink just in case. Remember you can blink backwards and side to side. Tracer is good up close, your basically useless trying to shoot from too far away you need to literally be UP in their shit.Blink + Ultimate+ recall best bet to not blow yourself upMccree: don’t fan all the time. I know you want to, i did but it’s a bad habit and you get no where with it. Don’t try to get a quad with dead eye get what you can.Mei: for the love of god be aware of your walls cause your wall can also block your allys and i’ve had so many times where i’m gonna do something and a wall comes out of no where and just fucks shit up. Also you can shoot your ultimate in the air and yeah it does take more time to get out it can also surprise people.Junkrat: spam. Doesn’t matter spam. If they yell at you they don’t understand that’s just Junks thing. also you can jump using the mines, use that to get higher or to finish someone off.Hanzo: If you don’t know where the enemies are but are aware of where they WOULD be. Throw a dragon. Usually throw a dragon when their in one place, he’s really good for control points or payloads cause you know they’re all in one spot.Genji: I have no clue cause I suck at Genji but remember if he kills or the person he used his dash on dies you can use it again. So you get that fucker like every 2 seconds. DON’T GO RUSH IN ULT READY ON YOUR OWNSym: You can rotate the barrier to your liking. Spam ballsAshe: You can shoot the dynamite in the air if you keep your cursor in the same spot right after you chuck it. otherwise I just kinda throw it in a team fight. Coach gun is good for getting to places or disingaging.Bob is my husband and yes I bought the Gangster skin that’s pink cause of wilford don’t fucking at Me.Uh if you see a bob that isn’t yours just... don’t try to attack hide. literally hide you are not gonna win.bastion: You got a heal, you can use it when walking use it. don’t always turret in the same place, get up and move around after a while it catches them off guard. In your ult you can shoot at the ground and do a little jump, gets you to certain places.Pharah: concussion blast people away or off maps, it’s fun. Try to ALWAYS be in the air. A pharah on the ground is useless. Don’t always use the ult  in a place where you can easily get sniped from the air unless you know you got a good chunk of the enemiesDoom: Your ult can save you from so much shit, from falling off maps to just retreating use it. Probably better then trying to kill with it as it’s kinda iffy with kills. If you need to get somewhere use your ablities to get there faster, trust me some of them come back fast like the punch it’s easier to just punch and fly your way to the point then walk.Reaper:If your stuck in a trap or something like a zarya hold just ghost it. You can usually get out. Don’t teleport right in front of someone do it a little behind or off  otherwise they can just insta kill you.Try to be sneaky with the ult and ghost in there and use it. Yes that’s how people know your gonna use it but it’s effective. OR your can drop down from somewhere and use it though depending on the map it’s ehSoldier: plop down a heal even if you don’t need it your teammates can. If they got a million barriers up don’t ult. It’s gonna be wasted. If you are then just try to widdle the shield down. You can do a rocket jump to get to higher places.Sombra: hack anything and everything a health pack an enemy, anything helps. Keep your translocator a little back then you would want just in case someone tries to trap you with itWidow: be good at aiming. Position yourself in unexpected places instead of the usual nests. Use your poison trap it’s dumb but if you throw it in a fight it can do something otherwise it tracks people trying to kill youtorb: throw the fucking turret. You can now throw that fucker up on weird places. You couldn’t before. I love chucking that thing. Also molten core just fucking splooge it everywhere. It won’t hurt trust me.healers:mercy: Don’t try to go into a big fight and rez one person. Try to only rez when it seems safe and if it’s dodgy you can go but don’t kill yourself trying to rez one person. Learn how to zoom from one person to another with guardian angel it helps alot and makes you way harder to hit. If they don’t need heals use the hurt spray, don’t always be on heals.Lucio: learn how to do basic wall rides, it helps make you harder to hit and also is just fun to fuck around with. boops are good but you can use them to kill, to push people away if your getting hit don’t always try to ledge kill. But yes ledge kill it’s fun.If you feel a team fight going on or hear a ult go off pop the ult. You don’t need to go from a big height to do it just get it down as quick as you can.Moira: Don’t always use the hurt ball. I know you do. But sometimes a heal ball in a battle is just as useful. Spray the heal juice, don’t always rely on the ball to heal. Zen: Always keep your heals on someone, don’t just not have it out. Charge attack often especially around corners. Popping transcendence is so good in fights it just makes everyone sad cause no one can do shit it’s great do that.Ana: Nano boost heals, you can also heal with your ult so do that. COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR TEAMMATES ABOUT YOUR ULT MAKE SURE THEY GOT ULT. nano granade yourself if need be it doesn’t hurt anyone Bridge: swing and bash. You shield bash your good. armor pack all the time. You are a god. You can’t be stopped You’ll be surprised how tanky you are.
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aesjae · 7 years
Boyfriend! Mark
#6 of Boyfriend! Series
Taeil | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Kun | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | WinWin | Jungwoo | Lucas | Mark | Xiao Jun | Hendery | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Yang Yang | Chen Le | Jisung
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Word Count: 2,214 ( yea i got carried away... again... hahahaa) Style/ Genre: Series-- Headcanon Date Posted: 17 Sept 2017
i feel so emotional just thinking about how we watched mark gradually grow up since the smrookies days
i mean he matured so much :”)
okay but anyways
for mark, i would take into the assumption that mark is an idol while he is your boyfriend (which would be different from other members)
i’m just going to comment on this first
mark is the epitome of perfecting the concept of duality man 
okay let’s get on to it
just like jeno, he would be one of the sweetest boyfriends among all the nct members
and just like jaehyun, he would be extremely dorky
but the sweetness and dorkiness from mark would be different from other members
he would elude a different and unique aura in every aspect of him
like that mark boy video where he does cherry bomb and we young choreography?
yep just like that
with mark being your boyfriend
you would be able to see completely new sides of him as compared to when you were merely his friend
he would be really manly in terms of protection and would always stand up for you
if somebody teased you about something
a text to mark and he would zoom right to where you were
oh but if you were shorter
the only teasing he would not protect you from is those about your height
he would probably chide the other person off for attacking someone smaller than them
but when both of you walk away
he would rest his arm on your head, snickering
he would just be dorky and adorable most of the time
the manly side he had was more of an exterior 
because when he's with you
he melts
because some people are worth melting for ;)
he would become this really fluffy soft ball
it's was as if there was a hidden teddy bear spirit in him
but we all know marks an actual teddy bear so
in front of the dreamies
he's like this very independent and reliable leader and elder
even though he gets attacked by all of them every time
he would be firm about his decisions and instructions
but when it comes to you
he wouldn't even be able to bring himself to be as firm 
let's say both of you were on a smoothie date
and you begged mark for you to get another glass
mark would obviously be aware that you shouldn't be drinking so much sugar
but the way you asked of him just made his heart go pudding and liquidy
he would part his lips in protest because he cares about your health
but then the sparkles in your eyes in anticipation of his approval just grasp onto his heart like
and mark’s just like
"h- .... haish, fine."
and when you actually get your second glass of smoothie
mark would feel so elated looking at your blissful expression??
and when you just sip on your smoothie like an excited little child
internally he would be like "i'm so glad i fell in love with this angel here??"
and he would actually be shocked with himself because he had never told you that he had loved you yet
since it had only been a few months into your relationship
yet that thought popped up so effortlessly and unconsciously
since mark is an idol in this boyfriend!,
he would actually be quite busy
especially since he is in 3 subunits, and also has individual activities
he may not be able to reply to your texts or voice/ video call you very often
but whenever you start spamming him with messages and raving over his latest comeback/ activity
with tons of emojis and sound effects
they never fail to put a wide grin on his face
seeing you being so excited like a puppy gives him more reason to persevere on
even though being an idol was tough
you gave him courage and motivation to carry on his a smile on his face
whenever during fanmeets/ fansigns/ lives
and a fan mentions your name
that particular comment would capture his whole attention
and a faint blush would instinctively start tainting his cheeks
they weren't v bright but were obvious enough for his members and fans to start teasing him about
there would definitely be some fans who wouldn't be happy about your relationship with him
and even though he really loved all of his fans
mark would be quite upset about the hate you were getting from some of the fans
he would probably take a protective stance for you
making a public statement (maybe in an interview or smthg) that he understands that not everybody would be satisfied with his relationship with you, but he wouldn't be able to satisfy everyone, hence, the only person he would focus on making happy in this affair, is you.
and that would really touch you tbh
you knew that mark was a sensitive person
but he was very strong willed
so if he had to make such a statement against certain fans of his
he must've really treasured his relationship with you
it was this that made you develop even stronger feelings for mark
even when mark wasn't in a relationship with you yet, he composed amazing lyrics
so when he became attached to you, wow i shit you not,
every single song and lyrics he wrote would be like hITTING THE CHARTS
he would dedicate most of his songs and lyrics that he wrote to you
constantly thanking you for the continuous and never-ending support you provided him with
and for always staying by his side even though he wasn't able to physically stay by your side every time
the songs and lyrics would be so pure
and they resonated the innocent and truly authentic feelings he had for you
when mark finally has a break from activities,
he would usually spend most of his days with you
on some of the days, maybe just relaxing with you either at home or in the dorms
uall can go from a lazy day full of cuddling on the couch and literally just doing nothing but lying down beside each other
to hardcore jamming to different tunes 
dancing around the house/ dorm like mad people
to just sincere acoustic playing of instruments and singing
mark’s vocals weren’t the best
but whenever he sang
his mellow and soulful voice warmed your heart
and when he looked directly into your eyes as he sang
your insides just start to do their thing
like flip flop backflip somersault cartwheel forward backward rolls
and when he rapped 
it gave you completely different feelings
mark would be brimming with charisma while rapping
a distinctively different aura as compared to mark singing
and you feel your blood pulsating with adrenaline
feeling yourself getting sucked into his endless charms
whether or not you were musically inclined,
mark would really enjoy making music with you
like sharing his passion with the love of his life?
wOw he would have never felt so blessed
it was as if reality was a dream ( dream is reality )
yea but the majority of mark’s dreams had you in them
on some of the days of his break spent with you
both of you would go out and do various kinds of activities
maybe zoo dates with mark
oh that’d be realllyyyyyy fun
mark: ???????
you: *points to the monkeys in their enclosure and grins like a fool*
mark: *wants to facepalm both himself and you but can’t help but chuckle at how adorable you look*
“mARKEU why can’t you be as tall as the giraffes like johnny :-( then i can get a piggyback from you and be tall toooo”
“i’M NOT THAT SHORT” said mark as the tips of his ears turned red
“my gem, your dear maknae is already taller than you.” 
“why do i like you, you dork.”
uall would be legit kids at the zoo
being so excited and literally jumping around everywhere to the point that even children around started staring at the both of you
but neither mark nor you were bothered by the stares anyway
because both of you were having so much fun with each other by your sides
you and mark would go busking on the streets or at the park sometimes too, just for the fun and enjoyment
it might have been a bit embarrassing for you at first since you weren’t used to performing in public
but mark reassured you that it would be a worthwhile and thrilling experience the first time uall busked
and it was
uall would have a large crowd around the both of you 
mark with his guitar and you singing ( or playing any instruments that you know or any other talents )
everybody would be singing along to the well-known songs mark and you performed
and tbh, busking along with mark really gathered even more support from fans and the public for both of your relationship
idk why i got carried away by this idea but i think that you being in a relationship with mark would really bring out the best of you, and let you try many different things that you have never tried before
furthermore, i think busking with mark would be a really memorable experience haha
mark would L O V E your hugs and kisses
he would be stunned whenever you abruptly attacked him with hugs and kisses and he may momentarily tense up
but afterward, he would melt completely into your arms 
instead of smooches or something lmao, i think he would prefer pecks
short, quick pecks that would really cause you to feel like a monster was gnawing on your insides
the briefness of his kisses would tease you as you craved for more
but mark would usually turn around and walk away after he had pecked you all of a sudden
because he knew what his pecks did to you and he absolutely loved to tease you
mark would have constantly sent you on the edge of loving him even more 
the first time he verbally said the 3 sacred words to you
would be on christmas day one year
both of your families would gather together for christmas dinner
and after dinner both of you would head to the backyard
lying down beside each other on the snow
silently enjoying each other’s comfortable accompaniment while making snow angels
christmas lights would decorate the backyard
and decorative lights from the neighbours’ houses would also make the whole of the surroundings a magical sight
you would turn your head to the side
only to catch mark already staring at you with an inexplicable expression on his face
his eyes twinkling under the christmas lights and a blissful smile tugging at the ends of his lips
and suddenly he would turn his body towards you and prop his head on his palm, never breaking eye contact with you
and he would really just go
“i swear to god, i love you so much.”
and it would have taken you by surprise
because you definitely weren’t expecting that
and you would feel your face getting really heated up despite the cold
you felt really shy hearing those words come out of mark’s mouth, but you wouldn’t be able to turn away from his intense but soft gaze
and you would just continue staring at him, not knowing what to do
you would expect mark to be really shy and flustered after saying ily to you, but he never once looked away or diverted his eyes
for you only saw sincerity in his eyes, only noticing then the passion of his love burning like a crackling fireplace in his beautiful hazel orbs
and this tight clenching of your heart would overwhelm you
and you couldn’t resist but say the 3 words back to him
and at that moment, once the words had left your lips
your heart would feel so elevated, so light
because you had finally said it
and jpg mark would finally come back to life
his eyes and eyebrows rising so high up as a bright, resounding laughter reverberated out from his lungs 
his elbow would slip as his mind processed the reciprocated words
and his head would plop into the thick snow as he continued giggling like a fool
and then he would turn back to you, leaning much closer to you this time
and just giving you an actual kiss on the lips
not a short and quick peck anymore, but one that lasted for at least a few seconds
one that filled your heart with warmth to the brim, warmth that was so great it made you completely forget about the chilly weather
because both of you had finally said your “i love you”s, and tbh that was the best moment in your life for you
because under the magic of the christmas lights, under the magic of being madly in love, you had never felt more blissed to have met someone
that someone who was mark lee minhyung
the best person you could ever ask to love
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yaelsstory · 7 years
Product Of A Murderer - Chapter 6
I’m sorry for spamming, guys. I’ve been neglecting this Tumblr-blog. For a little while, I’ve been thinking about erasing it as I raised the bar too high for myself, but I got over that. As  I’m trying to get it back up to date, I’m posting all the finished chapters at once, so I can post my new chapters at the same moment as I post them at AO3.
So please accept my apologies, I’m doing it to feel more comfortable, so I don’t have to stress out about this :)
Summary: Yaël, a twenty-four years old girl with the powers to control the four elements, lost all her memories after a terrible incident. While trying to get her memories back, she somehow befriends Wade Wilson and Peter Parker. It’s a bumpy road,  because after being gone for almost a year, everyone thinks she’s dead and there are many different reactions to her comeback. That …and while struggling to remember her life as it was before, she discovers that she isn’t who she thought she was. Maybe there are a few things she doesn’t want to remember at all… .
Note: This story is the third part of the Sweet Child of Mine-serie. You can read the other parts of this serie on AO3 on my account (Caspinn) or on my friend’s account (kalkoenvsneoklak).
If you want to read more about the story of Peter, Tony and Steve, you should read part one of the series: Being a Stark.
If you’re interested in the story of Natasha Romanoff and James “Bucky” Barnes, I suggest you to read part two of the series: Golden Locks, Silver Arms.
The next day, too, Yaël went to work. She even did some extra hours to please Diego. It rained all day, which sucked for someone who had to work outside. She surely hoped she wouldn’t get a cold again.
A few hours later, she walked back home, looking muddy and completely soaked. Her shoes made squishy noises as she walked into the hallway. Once she opened the door to her apartment, she sprinted into the shower, leaving her clothes on. After that, she hung her clothes to dry, put on a gigantic T-shirt, panties and nothing else.
She laid down on the fluffy rug with her cello and started tuning on the strings. After she fiddled with the instrument for a while, she got up and got a book and a blanket and installed herself in her sofa.
Yaël opened her eyes and stood in the familiar forest once again. Okay, so she fell asleep, oops. She’d surely have a sore neck the next morning from sleeping in the sofa.
“Welcome back.” There he was, the black-haired dude. This time, he had a braid tucking his hair back. It looked kind of awesome, though.
“Cool hair!” Yaël grinned.
“What? Oh…You once did this to me, actually.” He said with a smirk. “Come on, I want to show you something.”
Yaël noticed there was no cage this time, she was free to move, probably because she broke it last time. Wait, that’s not logical at all, because it was a dream. But dreams never had any logic, did they? And where were all the other people by the way? Why were they in the last dream but not in this one? Would this guy have something to do with it?
“Why would I braid your hair?” she asked him casually while following. He was walking towards the little house where he walked out a while ago when she dreamt like this.
“I don’t know, it’s kind of a habit to have braids around here. I think my unbraided hair annoyed you.” Here? Where is here? Where were they? Yaël looked around, but all she could see were trees and darkness. As she looked up, she could see the lines of a few towers and turrets from some kind of castle far, far away, like she had seen before in these dreams.
The closer Yaël got to the cottage, the older it started to look, but also well maintained. Someone had taken care of all those flowers around the small building. Someone must’ve painted these shutters a thousand times and someone must’ve spend hours of keeping the ivy, curling up against the walls, in control.
Why could she almost see someone do it?
The man held the rounded door open for her. The light coming from the house looked inviting. Yaël’s mouth fell open as she walked in. The interior looked cozy and warm. There were plaids and rugs everywhere. An open fire warmed up the room and, together with a few candles, lighted it. There were no signs of electricity or modern devices of any kind. The bed was placed behind a big sort of curtain which served as a door and stood open a bit so Yaël could see it.
“I used to live here…” she mumbled to herself. The man, who decided to sit down for a minute while she looked around, stayed silent. “Who lived here with me?” Yaël turned around and saw that black-head eating a pear from the big basket of fruit standing next to the old, comfy-looking chair he was sitting in. So he was kind of stealing her pears now?
The man swallowed a piece of the fruit before he answered. “You lived here with your father a long time ago. A very, very long time ago. His name was-“
“Cem,” she interrupted him, remembering bits and pieces of the story. Cem, her dad, had been a big, muscular man with a grey beard, long, grey hair that was almost always braided and happy wrinkles of laughter under his eyes. His grey hair fitted with his blue eyes, blue because of being able to steer water, like a piece of art.
Suddenly, a memory came across Yaël’s mind, which made her flinch her a bit. She suddenly understood what the man meant with a long, long time ago, since her dad had died a long time ago. A very long time ago. Her dad had been coughing for a whole while, and after some time, the phlegm turned into blood. He died of some form of tuberculosis and Yaël stayed behind, alone.
Her mother, Agostina, had never been in the picture. She died when Yaël couldn’t even walk yet. Apperantly, Yaël had a younger sister, Nilla, who stayed in town when her father decided to move out. But why? Why did a young kid like Nilla decided to stay alone in a town? And why did Cem decide to move out of that town?
“You’re frowning, that doesn’t look pretty on you,” the man mumbled nonchalant while still hanging in the chair.
“Do you know why we moved into the forest? I mean like, there’s nobody else living here.” The man stood up and walked around.
“You once told me you were banished from town,” he answered while he fiddled with a plaid hanging against a wall and held his other hand behind his back.
“Because everyone thought you were ‘damaged’-“
“For having these weird powers?” she interrupted him.
“For having no powers at all.”
What?! “That doesn’t make sense, I can steer the four elements!”
He let the plaid go and turned to her, standing with his both hands behind his back.  Every move he made, was gracious, like he was royal or something.
“There was a time you didn’t have those powers,” he answered “I even met you when you still had no powers. So the king saw no use in you, and banned you as he was afraid you carried a disease that could infect others. He also wanted to make sure this way that you’d never reproduce. Because how could you have kids if you never came in contact with any men, right? And Cem didn’t want to send you alone in the woods, so he came with you and built this house, all on his own.”
“Then why didn’t my sister come with us?” Yaël felt like she knew the answers to all of her own questions, but she wanted him to tell it to her. She wanted to hear everything, so she was sure she wasn’t imagining stuff, even though he was just a part of her dream.
“Oh, but Nilla was very talented with her power: fire. The king kept her, so she’d work for him. She still does, I guess.”
“Wait, so, if I understand this correctly, I lived in a country where all people could steer the elements?”
“Well, everyone could steer one element, no one actually could do what you do: steering all four of them. Your dad steered water and your sister fire. Your mother had heterochromia, so she was one of the few people who could steer a bit of fire and a bit of air.” What was this town, or land or whatever? There was no place on earth like this one, right? Where there countries filled with people with powers to steer the elements?
“So…where the freaking freck on earth are we? And why can I steer all four elements if nobody else can do that?” The guy smirked at her.
“Oh,  my dear, we’re not even on earth… And your second question is a bit harder to explain.” No, that’s impossible, right? Well, at least, that would explain why Yaël still didn’t know half of how earth worked. Like the voting system; it freaked her out.
And she remembered taking the bus for the first time, that was way too complicated for her to understand, with the paying and then following the screen that flickered and kept saying the same stop because apparently it was broken and Yaël somehow had to guess where her stop was and then she didn’t know she had to push the button so she missed her own stop. The bus driver got angry at her for yelling “STOP!” so loudly.
“So I’m like, an alien?”
“There’s no shame in that as I am an alien too. From a different planet, though, but still some sort of alien.”
“Which planet is this?” Yaël asked as she looked through the window. It surely was a planet filled with trees.
“This planet’s called He-“
“YAËL, WAKE UP GIRLIE!” Yaël almost jumped out of bed from getting scared up.
“Holy shit,” she mumbled while rubbing her eyes. Who woke her- Oh, it surely was that freaking Wade again. He was the only one who called her ‘girlie’ and who would wake her up like this. Was he making a habit of waking her up? Yaël stamped towards the door and pulled it open aggressively.
“Wow, good morning, angry German bitch.” Wade cocked an eyebrow as he saw Yaël’s murderous looking face.
“Dude, I was so close from knowing what planet I came from!”
“Oh, sor-“
“Don’t say sorry, you jerk! You couldn’t know! Come in.” she grumbled pissed.
“So, you’re an alien? I told you Fury and X kept something from you.” Wade said while Yaël made a cup of coffee for him. Wade visited her for no specific reason. He knew she only had to work in the afternoon today, so he simply jumped in during the morning.
“Do you think they knew?”
“I don’t know, probably. Why don’t you ask them?” That was a good idea, she should call one of them. “So do you remember what language they speak on your planet?”
“Uh, yeah, it’s a bit complicated. We speak two languages, but in our dialect, we mix those two,” Yaël scratched her head, how could she remember the two/three languages she spoke, but not the name of the planet she came from? “One language is a specific one from our planet itself. The other one is Norwegian.”
“What? Norwegian? That’s a random language…Why would they speak that?”
“I don’t know,” Yaël shrugged.
“Well, count to ten in Norwegian for me!” Yaël laughed, this was so weird, a few hours ago, she didn’t even remember that she had another mother tongue.
“Uhm, let me see… Null, en, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, åtte, ni, ti.” Wade clapped for her way to enthusiastically
“That sounds so crazy! Let me try it!”
Somehow Wade managed to pronounce every word correctly.
“Dude, are you Norwegian yourself or are you an alien too?” Yaël asked with a wide grin.
“Alt bra? Wow, detteermoro!” Wade answered her ‘How are you? Wow, this is fun!’ in fluent Norwegian. How did he even…?
“Wade, stop it, you’re freaking me out.” Yaël muttered. She’d never understand how this guy’s brain works, but it surely was freaking creepy.
“Do you want to go party tonight?” Wade randomly asked. Yaël was eating breakfast and Wade joined her around the table, sipping from his coffee.
“I have to work until seven, but I’m free tomorrow…meh, why not.”
“Good!” the guy grinned. Yaël somehow doubted if partying with Wade would be the most responsible thing to do, but whatever. Having some fun wasn’t a crime, right?
Wade stayed for the rest of the morning. They watched a few episodes of their series and made some arrangements for the night. Yaël quickly ate some soup, shooed Wade away and went to work again. She had to go Mr. and Mrs. Thompson again, so that was great! Would they have made some cookies again? While walking to the old couple’s house, she took her phone.
Wade was right, she should call professor X, maybe he’d know where she came from. She could also wait until she slept again, but she didn’t always dream about the forest, so there was no certainty in getting more info via the dream within this week and she really, really wanted to know it as soon as possible. But Yaël didn’t want to bother or disturb X once again.
On the other hand, Fury wouldn’t pick up the phone and X literally told her she should call him more frequently if something was wrong.
As soon as the beeping stopped and she heard a soft crack from someone picking up the phone, Yaël started speaking because she knew X didn’t always have the habit of starting to speak as he picked up.
“Hi, mister X?”
“Yes. Hello, Yaël.”
“Hi, uhm, I have a new problem.”
 “Your apartment got warmed up again, right?”
“Yes, yes, thank you for that!” Oh, wow, she felt like she sounded ungrateful.
“Okay, so what can I help you with?” he asked kindly.
“Uhm, so I dreamt again and, eh, I kind of discovered I’m from another planet. But somehow I remember the languages I speak, but I simply can’t remember the planet itself. So, I was wondering if you knew the name of my planet.”
 “Oh, I’m sorry, but I don’t have that information.”
He had to be kidding her, right? He read her files, he helped her through the tests once she woke up in that hospital-ish place. He must’ve got some info about her birthplace.
I’m afraid you never had the chance to tell mister Furywhere you’re from, or that he never wrote it in your files anyways and I never took the opportunity to dig into your mind for that info, X said in her head. Great, why did she even bother to call that man if she could just ‘think’ to communicate with him. Oh, shit, she never told him she accidentally met Steve in the park.
Oh. Fuck. Yaël, stop thinking.
���That’s okay, Yaël.” He started speaking through the phone again.
“W-why were you in my head and now- heh?” she muttered confusedly.
“Sometimes I too like to test my powers, Yaël. I’m not at all around New York at this time and I wanted to see if I can reach to you there.”
“You obviously can.”
“Yes, but it’s extremely uncomfortable. I’d say I’d come over to help you, but I have a few meetings this week, spread across the country. If I’d reach further I’d be able to help you from afar, but I’m afraid that won’t work out.”
“That’s okay, sir.”
 “I’ll come over to do another session as soon as possible.”
“Thanks, sir. There’s no hurry.” At least she didn’t want him to think he’d have to hurry, he was too kind for her.
She felt a bit frustrated after that phone call. Somehow, she had hoped X had answers for her, but he had none. Maybe she should call Fury? Last time, he let his assistant pick up in his place. But there was no harm in trying, right?
*Beep beep* Yaël sighed, why was she even trying?
“Yes?” Fury sounded a bit annoyed, like he was suspecting that she did something stupid again.
Holy shit, he actually picked up the phone.
“Eh, hi, it’s Yaël. I have a question, mister Fury?”
“What is it?” talking to Fury surely wasn’t as pleasant as talking to X. Fury sounded way more…restive. Probably because he didn’t like her anyways.
So Yaël told her about her recently gained memories and asked him about the planet she came from. His answer was clear.
“Are you calling me for this? I don’t have time for things like this, Yaël. Why don’t you call mister Rogers or whoever about that?” And with that, he hung up.
Because you never informed me that I could contact mister freaking Rogers, dick! Yaël thought. But, it wasn’t a bad idea actually! Steve was going to help her if Fury wanted it or not and he could…he could…Oh, fuck it!
Yaël stomped through the street while slamming on the touch screen of her phone. Wait a bloody minute. Steve’s number wasn’t in her phone… what?! She still didn’t have his number! Suddenly Yaël discovered she walked too far, which didn’t light up her mood.
Yaël had to rake the leaves, the most braindead job the Thompsons could have given her. Well, no, pulling out the weeds like the previous time was most definitely more braindead. Not that she’d ever complain about certain tasks. She’d just put on her headphones and dig into it.
But this time, she needed no music. She could just calm down a bit and think about the situation. Like for instance, if she’d called Steve right after calling Fury, she would have been somewhat more aggressive towards him and afterwards, she’d be sorry about that.
Not that he had never seen her angry before, but still, this situation wasn’t Steve’s fault at all. Guess she just had to be patient about it. With some luck, she’d dream about it that night.
When Yaël was finally finished with raking all the leaves it started pouring rain again. Then the rain turned into hail. Freaking January.
Without even thinking about it, Yaël steered the rain and hail away from her, so it seemed she had some sort of waterproof shield around her. She picked up the leaves and started putting them into big bags. When she looked up, she saw Mrs. Thompson staring at her from her kitchen window, with her mouth fallen open.
Yaël looked up and then it kicked in that her clients didn’t know about her powers at all. What could she do? Yaël panicked and stopped steering the hail.  Which caused her getting soaked, but she hoped Mrs. Thompson would think she imagined it. The old woman disappeared behind the window. Yaël should go and get her bag, right? It was time to go. But as she went to get her backpack, someone opened the backdoor.
“Sweet child, come in!” Mrs. Thompson yelled. Yaël looked up confusedly. “Come on, before you get sick!”
Yaël nodded slowly and then took a sprint to the house.
“Here, get a cookie!” Yaël was put in front of an open fire with a trillion blankets wrapped around her. Mr. Thompson was still putting new lumps of firewood into the open fire. Yaël took a cookie from the plate Mrs. Thompson was holding in front of her nose.
“T-thanks,” she said. This wasn’t what she’d thought would happen if she’d use her powers in front of clients.
“So, are you a mutant, too?” Mr. Thompson casually asked while wiping off his hands on his pants. Wow, that question got dropped on her like a bomb. What could she say? Did she have to explain that she was an alien or would that make things go bad?
“Eh, sort of,” she mumbled vaguely.
“We had two grandchildren who were mutants.” Mrs. Thompson happily mentioned. Yaël remembered Mrs. Thompson telling her once that the couple only had one daughter because they couldn’t get any more and that they simply gave up that big-family-dream at some point and gave their daughter and grandchildren all the love they had.
“Well, Scott still is, but many years ago, back in the early nineties, Alex passed away.” She pointed at the pictures of two men, hanging above their open fire. There were many pictures of them, as babies playing on the beach, as kids on a horse mill with their grandmother, as teenagers playing baseball with their grandfather…
Yaël totally didn’t know how to react to that, but it seemed like they didn’t expect her to as they just kept talking. They clearly didn’t need to hear her condolences for something that happened years ago.
“Yup, their parents were always ashamed about the mutant-stuff, though.” Mr. Thompson said. “They always lied, and still lie, about it to everyone. They say they send them to a boarding school for their troubling behavior, but Alex was actually kind of rescued from solitary confinement by this Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, where he was put in for not being able to control his powers. They took him to this school… uh…”
“Xavier’s school for Gifted Youngsters!” Mrs. Thompson helped her husband.
“Yes! And a few years later, Scott started showing his powers as well, which troubled his parents somehow and they called Alex to come and pick up the little one too. He still visits us every now and then and sends us postcards. Lovely young boy.”
Yaël stayed and had dinner with the Thompsons, she felt more welcome than ever. But they had always had the talent for making her feel welcome. They didn’t ask her to show off her powers or anything, they just let her be who she was and accepted her that way. Hopefully Scott knew how lucky he was with grandparents like this.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson did ask a few questions out of curiosity. Questions like: “So, did you also go to Xavier’s school?” Yaël’s trick was stuffing her mouth with peas so that she’d always have a few seconds before she could answer, because she needed some time to think about it.
She remembered Fury and X discussing the fact that X trained her for a while. That probably happened at his school, right? So she nodded.
“Oh, so then you must know Scotty! He’s a teacher there. Maybe you students called him mister Summers…” Mrs. Thompson chattered happily.
Errr, shit, Yaël was kind of trapped in that one. Quickly she pushed a big spoon of peas into her mouth again. If she went to the school, she must have met Scott there, right? So Yaël nodded again, only to realize that she could’ve put herself into a corner again. Hopefully they didn’t ask her about the course Scott gave or about homework or anything. She surely wished he taught her how to take a bus a while ago.
But luckily, with that Mr. Thompson looked at the clock and told his wife their soap was going to start. So Yaël helped them clean the table and thanked them a thousand times before stepping into the rain again, this time with an umbrella she got from Mrs. Thompson.
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andromeda---galaxy · 7 years
pumpkin, cheddar and taffy
Lukas is sitting on the couch with Philip's feet in his lap when his phone starts ringing. He briefly looks at Philip, narrowing his eyes, and for a small moment he has no idea who might be calling him. It's got to be some kind of spam shit, because he literally just got off the phone with his dad, and if Helen and Gabe wanted to do some kind of secret surprise for Philip, they'd text or email. 
 He sees the name ANGELA flashing on his phone. 
 "Oh hey!" he says. "It's the nice girl from the subway!"
 "Oh cool!" Philip says. "Answer!"
 "Right, right," Lukas says, fumbling to press the right button before the call drops. "Hello?"
"Lukas! That you?"
 "Angela, hey!" he says, grinning. He'd sorta been hoping she'd call, because they're in desperate need of some real friends. He's been texting with her a good amount since the subway incident, and he actually genuinely likes her. Mark has completely fallen to the wayside since he found out Lukas wasn't looking for a way out of his relationship, and everyone in their study groups seems way too into studying to actually go out and do something fun. "We keep missing each other for lunch!” Lukas says, smiling over at Philip, who smiles back.
 "I know, sweetie, but life has been getting in the damn way," Angela says. "Listen, I hate to be calling with a favor the first time I call, but I figure our six hour experience brought us a little closer than a normal first meetin', and everybody else just ain't reliable or ain't coming through. And absolutely tell me if this ain't something that's not gonna work for you—"
 "What is it?" Lukas asks, looking at Philip again. Philip cocks his head and Lukas shrugs, listening.
 "I've got this emergency job thing in Long Island—it's basically an opportunity I've been waitin' for but it came a lot quicker than expected. Everybody I've asked is either unavailable or untrustworthy. I didn't wanna bother you but, well—"
 "I'm listening," he says, trying to recall all the things she's mentioned to him for the month they've been texting. 
 "Remember those puppies I told you I adopted?" she asks.
 "Yeah..." Lukas says, slowly. It was a little bit after they first met and something she'd wanted to do for a long time. He'd gotten caught up in a group text with some of her friends from California, but when he showed Philip the picture of the three Australian shepherd puppies he'd shrieked and nearly clawed off his own face. 
 "Well, they need someone to look after 'em," she says. "I’m stayin’ overnight, it'd be this Friday through Sunday, one day for each little lunatic, and no one else is steppin' up. You can obviously say no—"
 "Once sec," Lukas says, pressing mute on his phone.
 "What is it?" Philip asks. "Am I finally gonna get to meet her?"
 "She wants us to watch those three—"
 Philip's eyes light up and he swings his feet down to hit the floor, almost instantly closing the distance between them. He grabs Lukas's knee. "The puppies? She wants us to watch the puppies?"
 Lukas laughs, taking in the pure joy on Philip's face. "I take it that means yes?"
 "Yes, I'll skip class," Philip says, nodding. "When?"
 "I love that you said you'd skip class not even knowing which class you'd be skipping," Lukas says, smiling fondly at him. 
 "I'd rob a bank for those puppies, Lukas," Philip says, seriously. 
 "Definitely a yes," Lukas says, taking the phone off mute and bringing it back to his ear. "Yeah, Angela?"
 "You askin' Philip?"
 "Yeah, which didn't take much. He's excited. We're gonna do it."
 "Oh my God," she says, sighing loudly. "Boy, you two are doing me a big favor here. Never thought I'd be thankful that subway stopped on us."
 Lukas snorts. "When do you think you'll be over on Friday?" 
 "How's eleven sound?" she asks. "I gotta haul up all their supplies, I hope it doesn't make you rethink—"
 "We're not gonna back out," Lukas says, glancing at Philip's excited face in his peripheral. "You don't yet understand how much Philip likes dogs."
 Lukas watches Philip run around the apartment, picking up the smallest goddamn feather off the ground and putting it in the trash. He rearranges the blankets on the couch about a hundred times and stands there staring at it, like there has to be something wrong. 
 "Philip," Lukas says, walking over and rubbing his back. "They're puppies. They're not going to judge you."
 "I want it to be comfortable," Philip says. 
 "It's perfect," Lukas says, kissing him on the cheek. “They’re going to love it.”
 "Anyways, an actual human that isn't the two of us is coming by too," Philip says, leaning into him. "Your friend I've been wanting to meet!"
 "Hopefully we can hang out with her more when she gets back," Lukas says. "Maybe we'll hang out with her and the puppies."
 "The most ideal situation," Philip says, and then there's a knock at the door.
 They walk over and open the door, revealing Angela standing there with a big grin on her face. She's got one big carrying case, along with two bags full of God knows what. She's just as pretty as Lukas remembers and he's a little startled when she sits everything down, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around both of them at the same time.
 "Thank you thank you thank you!" she chants, jumping up and down a little bit. She pulls back and Lukas can vaguely hear Philip gasp when they hear a little bark come from the carrier. "Lukas, it's amazing to see you above ground."
 "Right back at you," Lukas says, watching her hone in on Philip.
 "And here he is," she says, beaming at him. "You're just a little doll. You should have seen how much your boy wanted to get back to you. It was the cutest thing."
 "I heard about it," Philip says, making eye contact with Lukas.
 Angela hums, widening her eyes. "Sounds like your night turned out better than mine did," she says. 
 Lukas laughs and sees Philip go red.
 There's another set of barks and Philip looks about fit to burst, clenching his hands in front of him. 
 Angela looks down, starting to kneel. Lukas kicks the door closed behind her. "Well, let’s meet the little monsters," she says, opening the cage door. 
 Both Lukas and Philip crouch down next to her and Philip has to muffle his exclamation when the puppies come marching out. They're all different colors, so distinctive and different, and the one that's mostly white immediately makes for Philip, nudging its little face into his hand to make him pet it. 
 "Oh my God," Philip whispers, his voice breaking. 
 "That's little Pumpkin, always gettin' into everybody's business," Angela says, clicking her tongue.
 The other two briefly look at Lukas before moving past him and into the living room. "They have food names too, right?" Lukas asks, looking at Angela.
 "Cheddar and Taffy," Angela says. "Taffy's the chunkier one. Loves her treats, little nasty thing. Won't eat no normal food if she ain't got treats to go along with it."
 "Noted," Lukas says, watching Philip pick Pumpkin up. He holds her in his hands so delicately, nuzzling their noses together. Lukas’s stomach does a little flip as he watches the display, and he clears his throat when he looks back at Angela. 
 "I've got all their food for the weekend, they sleep inside the carrier because they're still interested in cuddling."
 Philip whines a little bit from high in his throat, looking over his shoulder at Taffy and Cheddar. 
 "And they're potty trained?" Lukas asks, wincing a little bit at how stupid that sounds coming out of his mouth.
 "Yep, they love their walks," Angela says, patting the floor in front of her.  Cheddar turns around as soon as he hears the sound, toddling back over to slide down in front of her.
 "So Pumpkin and Taffy are girls?" Philip asks, holding Pumpkin against his chest. 
 "Yep, and Cheddar's the little boy troublemaker," Angela says. She sighs, smiling at Philip and Pumpkin. "You two sure this ain't too much of an imposition? Lukas, I mean, we met once and now I'm dumping three children on you and your boyfriend. Not the usual way the situation goes down—"
 Lukas snorts, watching Philip laugh. He leans back and scoops Cheddar up too, leaving Lukas to scoot across the floor and block Taffy off from marching into their laundry room. Her little chocolate brown eyes bore into his own, and he knows that if he's falling in love with these puppies that Philip is definitely already gone.
 "It's gonna be great," Lukas says, nodding at Angela. "We're gonna have an amazing time."
 Once Angela is gone Lukas feels like the puppies can sense his nervousness. Taffy has the little gold marks above her eyes that make her look angry, and he constantly feels like she's judging him. It doesn't help that she follows him everywhere he goes, including into the bathroom. 
 Philip sets out their dishes on the kitchen floor, giggling when he sees them watching him. "They look apprehensive," he says, looking up at Lukas.
 "Just make sure to give Taffy the treats or we're gonna have a testy puppy on our hands," Lukas says, watching her. She's set back a little from Cheddar and Pumpkin, who are sitting close to Philip's foot and staring up at him.
 "They're so well behaved," Philip says, pouring what looks like an inordinate amount of food into the bowls. 
 "Don't go crazy, we don't want them ballooning up over the three days she's gone," Lukas says. "And you're gonna jinx it with this well behaved talk. Later on Cheddar is gonna tear something up."
 "Why are you preemptively blaming Cheddar?" Philip asks, sitting down in front of the bowls after the puppies walk over and start eating.
 "He's a boy," Lukas says, shrugging. "The boys are always the more difficult ones."
 "True," Philip says, scoffing. He pets Pumpkin's head lightly as they eat, smiling down at them.
 Lukas feels his chest going warm. "You already have a favorite, babe."
 "I do not," Philip says, looking up at him. "All puppies are my favorites."
 "Mmhm." Lukas watches him gaze down at them, watches Cheddar stumble a little bit and knock into Taffy. Philip and Lukas both laugh, shaking their heads. 
 They take them for a walk and Philip is so paranoid about them getting into the street, despite being on leashes and being distracted by every blade of grass. Once they do their business Philip takes to carrying them around in his arms, looking half panicked, like someone is going to steal them. Lukas keeps staring at him with the three whining puppies in his arms and his stomach twists as they start back home. 
 "I need a picture of you," Lukas says, walking backwards and pulling his phone out of his pocket.
 "They want to get down," Philip says, kissing the top of Pumpkin's head. "But I'm afraid. They're precious cargo."
 "You're precious cargo," Lukas says, taking about ten pictures in a quick sequence so he can pick his favorite later.
 Around six that night Lukas is making tacos, listening to the insistent squeak of one of the hundred toys Angela left with them. He hears his phone buzzing on the counter, looks over to see a text from Angela.
 Those munchkins harassed you to death yet?
 Lukas chuckles, quickly typing his reply. They're too cute for their own good. Philip is gonna want a dog after this.
 "Lukas, I want a dog," Philip calls, and then there's the sound of a squeaker toy being hurled across the living room, twelve little feet rushing after it. 
 Lukas snorts, looking over his shoulder. "I knew you were going to say that," he says. The puppies all latch on to the toy, which looks like it used to be a lobster before three sets of teeth got to it, and they all growl at each other, tugging it back and forth. Philip is pointing his phone at them, the camera sound going off over and over. 
 "You sending pictures to Helen and Gabe?" Lukas asks, looking back to the beef on the burner.
 "Yeah," Philip says. "Prepare for not so subtle messages about getting your boyfriend a new puppy."
 "I'm already ready," Lukas says. 
 "Philip, they like to be crated," Lukas says, but he knows it's not helping that he's holding Taffy and Cheddar, the two of them lolling and falling asleep in his arms. Cheddar keeps making little yipping sounds in his sleep and Lukas is nearly dying of cute. 
 Philip looks horrified, sitting with Pumpkin in his lap on the bed. 
 "I even brought the carrier in here," Lukas says, gesturing to it in the corner by their bed. "So they'll be close."
 "Did you put water in there?" Philip asks, holding Pumpkin possessively. "And their blankets?"
 That brings on an unexpected vision into Lukas's mind's eye. The two of them and a baby. It's not that much more than that, just an image, a brief feeling, but it hits him so hard that he nearly passes out. He shakes his head and remembers he's holding two puppies. "Yeah," he says, his voice breaking. He walks over, depositing Taffy and Cheddar into the carrier, making sure to fluff the blankets around them.
 "Okay," Philip says, kissing the top of Pumpkin's head five or six times before walking over and putting her in the carrier with her siblings. Lukas closes the door and walks over to turn off the light. The whole room is quickly bathed in darkness, only the streetlights sending strips of gold in through their window. 
 "Come on," Lukas says, finding Philip among the shadows and tugging him to bed. 
 Philip groans a little bit but follows him without a word. Lukas pulls the sheets back and gets under them, feeling the bed dip when Philip climbs in after him. They turn onto their sides and Lukas wraps his arms around him, kissing the spot under Philip's ear. 
 "You're so cute with these puppies," Lukas whispers. "I can't stand it."
 "They're our children for three days," Philip says back, pressing a dry kiss to Lukas's throat. "Our little, furry, precious children."
 "Guess we're glad that subway stopped, huh?" Lukas asks, his mind wandering a bit. 
 "I mean, if I had known puppies would be part of the deal I wouldn't have been so worried," Philip says, nudging closer to him.
 Lukas laughs, shaking his head. "Goodnight, baby. I love you."
 "I love you too," Philip says, and Lukas can already tell he's drifting to sleep.
 When Lukas wakes up he's alone in the bed. He's had nightmares like that before and the reality of it startles him awake. 
 "Babe?" he asks, his voice raspy as he sits up on his elbows. And as soon as he does he can see him—Philip is goddamn sleeping on the floor in front of the puppy carrier. His hand is hanging on the door and all three puppies are huddled up against it. The four of them are sleeping soundly and Lukas just stares for a few moments, a soft smile forming on his face. He wonders how long he's been down there, and he's a little annoyed at himself for sleeping through it.
 He starts to get up when he realizes he needs to capture this moment before waking Philip up, so he grabs his phone from the bedside table and leans over the side of the bed. He takes a couple pictures from multiple angles and then realizes that he's just standing there staring at him again, a goofy idiot smile on his face. Philip is breathing softly through his mouth and Lukas knows it's impossible to measure how much he loves him.
 He kneels next to him and touches his shoulder. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty," he whispers, running the backs of his fingers down Philip's cheek. 
 Philip stirs a little, groaning. 
 "What in the hell made you sleep down here?" Lukas says, watching him wince as he sits up.
 "They were crying," Philip says, and Lukas sits down all the way so Philip can lean against him. "And you were so dead asleep that I had to take care of it."
 Lukas scoffs. "You know you can wake me up."
 Philip smiles, shifting to wrap his arms around Lukas's middle. "I'm kidding. I didn't exactly plan on falling asleep on the floor but they were all nuzzling my hand and passing out on top of each other—"
 "Hard to resist," Lukas says, kissing Philip's forehead. "Now you know how I feel when you get all drunk and cuddly."
 Philip laughs, shaking his head. 
 "You just nudge at me and collapse on top of me and it's the cutest goddamn thing in the world," Lukas says, rubbing his shoulder.
 "Not as cute as puppies," Philip says. 
 "Let me be the judge of that," Lukas says. "And anyway, you and puppies, as I've been noticing, is the ultimate combination."
 Philip beams up at him. "Kiss me."
 "Mmm, good idea," Lukas says, and does just that.
 "Lukas!" he hears Philip yelling. "Lukas, Lukas!"
 There's loud music playing in the bedroom and Lukas nearly drops the knife he's making them sandwiches with.
 "What?" he yells, running out of the kitchen and towards his voice, and when he turns the corner he sees Philip sitting in the middle of the bed with all three puppies. Philip looks absolutely enamored and Lukas can see why—the puppies are all three howling, their heads thrown back to the ceiling. 
 "They like Troye Sivan," Philip says, his eyes bright. "Did you know they could do this? Did she mention this?" 
 Lukas finds himself grinning and he shakes his head. "How long have they been at it?"
 "They started with Fools so I've been playing it on repeat," Philip says.
 "Lemme get my phone," Lukas says, and he rushes out of the room, nearly skidding and slamming into the kitchen counter when he grabs it. He rushes back and starts filming right away when he sees they're still doing it. Philip sings along, holding his hands out in front of the puppies. Lukas stops filming when they stop howling, Taffy stepping forward and toppling over onto her back. Philip rubs her tummy, grinning.
 "That's gonna go viral," Lukas says, watching it back on his phone as Philip turns the music down. "You think Angela would be mad we put her babies on the internet?"
 "Ask first, but I doubt it," Philip says, putting Pumpkin on one knee and Cheddar on the other. "Everyone wants their animals to be famous."
 Lukas finds out Pumpkin's favorite toy is a pink flamingo that's bigger than she is, and she runs away from him whenever he tries to get it from her. She backs Lukas up against the wall at one point when he has it, climbing up his chest and attacking his neck to try and get it back from him. 
 "She's attacking me, Philip!" Lukas says, putting his hand around her little body. She growls and nips at his shirt, shaking it back and forth.
 "Serves you right, taking her flamingo," Philip says, handing Taffy a treat.
 "You're not helping!" Lukas says, his eyes closed tight. He lowers the flamingo a little bit and feels her lunge for it, yipping and sliding down his chest. He hears the camera go off and he opens his eyes. Philip is aiming his phone at them, Cheddar looking up expectantly. "We're gonna have a whole album of puppy pictures," Lukas says. "Angela is gonna think we're insane."
 "No, more like she's gonna want us to babysit again," Philip says, taking a few more pictures, handing Cheddar a treat too. "I wish I could take Polaroids of them but I know they'd just turn out like little blurs."
 "It'd look like an alien attack," Lukas says, dropping the flamingo and watching Taffy make for it. Pumpkin barks, loud for a puppy her size, and tries to run over and get there first. Lukas looks over and sees Cheddar give up on Philip's attention, moving to a pizza toy and flopping down on top of it. "Look," Lukas says. "Cheddar pizza."
 Philip snorts. "Cute."
 Philip tries to teach them things after dinner, like sit and roll over. It fails spectacularly but Lukas revels in watching the whole thing go down, sitting by silently and enjoying how much fun Philip is having. The puppies watch his animated hand gestures, follow him with their eyes but never do what he says, and Lukas knows he and Philip have fun here, all the day, all the time, but he doesn't think he's seen Philip look this happy in a while. The puppies seem to love him, and eventually stop sitting and waiting for him to give up the treats, tromping forward and diving into his outstretched hands. Philip laughs and Lukas's heart soars.
 The puppies fall asleep early that night after their eventful day, and Angela texts Lukas a couple more times saying how thankful she is, and how well everything is going in Long Island, how she’s probably gonna get the job and do the commute every day, but it’ll be worth it. Lukas is genuinely happy for her, thinking for a moment what things will be like when he starts on a motocross circuit and Philip starts taking photography jobs. They put the puppies away in the carrier, and Philip puts the pink flamingo in as an afterthought.
 "Are you gonna wind up on the floor again?" Lukas asks, watching Philip peel his shirt off.
 "I don't know what the future holds," Philip says, smirking.
 "We gotta let them grow up," Lukas says, walking over to him. "We can't cater to their every whim."
 "Yes we can," Philip says, narrowing his eyes. "They're puppies. I'd die for them."
 "Die for them, rob a bank," Lukas says, sliding his hands across Philip's hips. "I don't know what kinda stuff they're asking you to do when I'm not around. They sound like little gangsters."
 "Fluffy and lovable is just their cover," Philip says, humming a little bit when Lukas presses him back against the bed. "We can't have sex, baby."
 Lukas whines a little bit, splaying his hand out on Philip's lower back. "Why not?"
 "There are children in the room, Lukas," Philip says, his eyes wide, a little pout on his lips. "There's no way."
 Lukas shakes his head, knows he probably won't change his mind, but leans in to kiss him anyway. They sway back and forth a little bit and Philip shakes his head, groaning.
 "No, babe," Philip says. "We can't be obscene."
 "We can go under the covers."
 Philip snorts, kissing him again. "When they're gone, Sunday night. It's a date."
 "This worries me," Lukas says, teasing in his voice as he leans in to kiss Philip's cheek. "If we get a dog..."
 "Different situation," Philip says, his voice wavering a little bit when Lukas starts to kiss his neck. "These guys could report back to Angela and then they'll never visit again."
 "Report back," Lukas says, smirking. 
 "Oh, they'll know," Philip says. "But our dog will be our dog. He'll probably sleep like a log. Like you. Snoring included."
 "Philip, stop lying to yourself, I don't snore," Lukas says, looking into his eyes. 
 "Mmhm, sure."
 "Let's just kiss then," Lukas says, touching his face. "They can't be offended by kissing."
 "Okay," Philip says. They get into bed and under the covers and Philip is on him fast, bringing their mouths together. Lukas lets his hands roam up and down Philip's body, tangling his fingers in his hair.
 "You don't care that we're not having sex?" Philip asks against his mouth.
 "Of course not," Lukas whispers. "Baby, if you only let me hold you for the rest of your life I'd be good with it. I just wanna be near you."
 Philip leans back a little bit, and even in the darkness Lukas can tell he's blushing.  "That's really..." He scoffs, dipping his head down. 
 "I know, I'm really romantic," Lukas says, shrugging. Philip looks up again, with his beautiful eyes, and Lukas shakes his head. "You really got a hold on me," Lukas whispers. Sometimes he's still shocked at how vulnerable Philip makes him feel, but other times it feels like the most commonplace thing there is.
 "I'm not gonna let go," Philip whispers, tugging him down so they can kiss again.
 The next day Philip is moping around, knowing that Angela is gonna come back and the puppies are gonna be gone. He sits in front of them as they eat, and Cheddar makes little noises as he plows through his food, almost sounds like a dinosaur. 
 Lukas looks up and sees the expression on Philip's face. He's shifting his mouth to the side, chewing on the inside of his cheek, and Lukas knows the dam is about to break. 
 "You guys are so cute," Philip says. "And you're gonna be gone and we have to go back to class and..." He trails off with a sigh. He pets the tops of their heads, lingering a little with Pumpkin, and before Lukas can say anything Philip gets up and leaves the room.
 "Baby," Lukas says, getting up to follow him, but when he turns the corner he sees Philip is right there, laying on the carpet. He's staring at the ceiling and Lukas sighs, laying down next to him. He reaches down and links their hands together. "Angela is our buddy," he says.
 "I know," Philip says. 
 “Even if she gets the job she’s not moving to Long Island,” Lukas says. “She’s gonna do the commute.”
 “Yeah, you said,” Philip says.
 "We're gonna see the puppies again," Lukas says, watching Philip's throat bob. 
 "I believe you," Philip says.
 "Then what's wrong, huh?" Lukas asks, squeezing his hand.
 "I'm just being...dramatic," Philip says, reaching up to wipe at his eyes. "I'm sad they're leaving but I'm just getting weirdly...emotional."
 "About what?" Lukas asks, brushing his fingers over Philip's cheek.
 "Just us," Philip says. "These past days with the puppies have felt so...I don't know. Just like a life I never thought I'd have. I feel that all the time with you but with them here too it just feels so..."
 "Domestic?" Lukas asks. 
 "Yeah," Philip says, turning his head. "Sometimes I worry you'll get sick of me."
 "I won't, ever," Lukas says, fast. "I'm in love with you. I'll never....I'll never stop being in love with you."
 Philip looks like he's fighting a smile and he nods. "I know. I know and this weekend...with these puppies, stupid as it sounds....I could really, really see our future. Like it felt really, really solid—" His voice breaks and he covers his face with his hand. "Nothing has ever felt so...solid in my life but you...you and me..."
 "We're solid as a rock, Philip," Lukas says, and as he's saying it he feels the puppies marching between them, Pumpkin yipping and stumbling into Philip. 
 "Oh my God," Philip says, craning his neck to look down at them. Cheddar hops up onto Philip's chest and Philip laughs, grabbing Pumpkin and putting her onto his far shoulder. 
 Taffy growls at Lukas as she attempts to climb up his leg and he laughs, scooping her up and putting her in the center of his chest. 
 "I need to get a picture of this," Lukas says, shifting a little to pull his phone out of his pocket. The puppies all whine and make little noises, Pumpkin licking Philip's jaw while Cheddar is getting himself comfortable on his chest. Lukas scoots closer and holds out his phone above them, kissing Philip's cheek and taking the picture. 
 "That's adorable," Philip says, the two of them looking at it.
 "New phone wallpaper," Lukas says, his chest going warm. He holds Taffy so she doesn't tumble away and kisses Philip's cheek again, three times in quick succession. "We're gonna have as many dogs as you want, babe."
 "When we get out of school?" Philip asks. 
 "Whenever you want," Lukas says, kissing his temple. “And we’re gonna stay solid. Always.”
 He knows Angela will be here in about two hours. But his mind keeps flashing to their future, all the possibilities that once could have felt scary and strange, now feel warm and incredible. And it's all because of Philip, and how goddamn much Lukas loves him. This love feels like gold, like something so deep and full that he could never explore every aspect of it. But he knows he's gonna try. Take all the years they can scrounge up to do every single thing in the world together.
 "Tell Angela we can babysit these nerds any time she wants," Philip says, rubbing Cheddar's belly. 
 "Oh, I think she realizes they have two new gay uncles," Lukas says, making Philip laugh. "Maybe we can hide the flamingo here. Make them have to come back."
 Philip meets his eyes, grinning wide. "Good idea," he says.
 "C'mere," Lukas whispers. They meet in the middle, bringing their mouths together, puppies close and in hand. 
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fluffybunnybadass · 8 years
Konatarai trying to coordinate in an MMO and/or Overwatch match
DUDE YES I WAS… ACTUALLY THINKING ABOUT THIS THE OTHER NIGHT?? well okay it was muse but i am like pretty sure KR was around the corner bc of [idol au noises in the bg]
OKAY SO LIKE. Leaf. bestest purest leafy would totally play/main Mercy. She’s not good at her. She also plays Lucio and really she should main as him because she’s much better at him than Mercy, but to her Mercy is like. the ideal healer [atm]. She also likes Bastion but she can’t stand shooting at people so she never really plays him. Please to not let the poor child have to fight someone she is 3/10 skilled and will cry/yelp when shot at. 
Rui I can see as fucking Widowmaker. Like. I don’t know why and maybe it’s bc I’m just borrowing from what I recall seeing/hearing Gome play of her, but like. I cannot unsee Rui as sniper. And she’s like. unsurprisingly merciless. Headshots everywhere, repositions before you realize where she’s coming from. 10/10 probably could play competitive [and probably does. also fun idea of her getting frustrated at people in competitive and morty just being nearby like “wife pls calm down it is just a game” “YES AND IT’S A GAME I’M GOOD AT NOW LEAVE ME ALONE”. When she’s not feeling competitive or not in the mood for Widowmaker, she probably trolls around as Sombra. 
I honestly don’t know why that was my sudden mental image of Caitlin/Rui as such, but mfmskdhsdskhada ha i cannot get it out of my head. Maybe it’s got some weird background correlation to her TR history.
Ellie would be… hell, I don’t know. Probably a Symmetra or some other support/def/tank character. Oooh maybe a Mei now that I’ve pulled up the character list [bc i cannot remember all 23]. 7/10 she takes an investment in learning the characters she likes. 
Makoto would play as a fucking tracer and she would be the most frustrating Tracer to play with AND against, like there’s just no organization to her playing Tracer, she just likes zipping around and getting in weird places and when she accidentally falls off she tries to hit the recall button [I forgot the actual skill name]. also maybe surprise genji but too busy jumping around and shooting shurikens to actually get any skills 4/10 can never fucking get hit, never hits back either.
Janise would probably be adversed to playing Junkrat but whenever she gets him on Mystery Heroes she finds out that she’s actually p. good at him and likes blowing stuff up. :D She would also probably play a Mercy?? maybe??? I don’t have any reasoning for this, except maybe that witch skin. Maybe she’d also play McCree [and maybe she’d be like LOL REAPER but I don’t recall enough to say if she would be into edgy characters or not.] either a 4 or a 5/10 for most characters, 7/10 for junkrat.
Cass would def main Widowmaker [colorscheme similarities iirc], maybe Pharah, maybe Sombra. Like, I dunno, anyone with a gun wait that didn’t come out right. 10/10 widowmaker, her and Rui have a friendly widowmaker rivalry [but honestly cass is the better one], 8/10 pharah, who knows for sombra. 
I can see Camilla playing Bastion bc of how pretty/greenery his vid was? And Zayra. Again, I don’t recall much to get a good idea of what characters would call to her or her potential play style. 5/10 pretty good casual. 
Morty would probably only get roped into playing because of his wife, and would probably just. like. maaaaaybe start out with 76, winds up learning to play Winston [he really liked his character/felt more akin with that character than most of the others] and maybe Hanzo? He also probably recognizes how to play the support/def characters like Torbjorn and Zarya and often winds up playing those roles when roped into playing [esp when helping with CTF matches.] OH HOW COULD I FORGET HE WOULD BE THE FUCKING ZENYATTA HOW IN THE FUCK COULD I FORGET. 4.5/10 most of the time, can get up to a 6 after awhile.
Eusine is that one player who YELLS OVER THE VOICE CHAT ABOUT HOW EVERYONE NEEDS TO GIT GUD but he’s actually the person that needs to be carried, he probably thinks Reaper and McCree are gr8 choices for him but he’s shit at them. like. so bad. git gud 0/10 even leaf is better at this game than u. that or he goes for the stylish characters. Which… are in limited supply LOL. Gets mad that Symmetra isn’t an offense character, yells at the screen/over voice chat the first time he plays her that HOW COME SHE DOESN’T HAVE A REGULAR GUN LIKE THE REST OF THE PEOPLE. WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY ASSET/SPECIALTY IS TO PLACE SENTRIES AND PLAY PASSIVELY. THIS ISN’T FUN. Gets mad that he can’t both be a sniper and a melee shooting character. [never touches 76 because “grizzled old man eww no i am a young handsome man I could never play someone so… lacking in taste.”]
Steven would probably [totally] be the group’s main Torbjorn player. I don’t know why. Maybe because of the melting of iron and he’s like. the closest to a steel type character. And maybe Reinhardt, but he much prefers Torby? LOUD SHRUGGING. also 7/10 he may be quiet and doesn’t seem like a gamer but he can def hold his own.
Roark would maybe play Reinhardt or Winston. He doesn’t really know what he’s doing, and neither does his wife. They still manage to have fun, though he winds up confused more about what’s going on than she does [she just likes zippy zooming around!]. maybe 6/10 he just keeps up that shield and takes it slow until he finds a good time to charge. Also maybe a Lucio player.
Freya: probably a reinhardt, Symmetra, or Bastion. Pretty much one that doesn’t require her to focus too much/she can station herself and not need to think too much. where she can just sit and hold a button. [i’m thinking shielding rein, sentry symm on CTF, or sentry/turret Bastion on any mode that would play to that strength.] Sometimes she’ll switch it up to Zarya or maybe even Ana if she feels like she can pay a bit more attention to the game/what’s going on. 7/10 bonus score points bc her apathy actually makes her enjoy it better than others who play casually, she could actually get really good at it if she had the time/energy to invest into it [ie a 10/10 reinhardt that people are like “THAT EFFING REINHARDT”]
Joey: Easily frustrated player when set up against people that are just. DOMINATING the map. Winston, Hanzo, and I dunno maybe one of the following three (McCree, Reaper, or 76. Leaning more towards 76.) Tries not to play too much knowing this. Winds up rating a 4/10. 
as for more traditional RPG style
Leaf: healer, like. straight up healer, gets the highest level healing/res skill as a result. Maybe has a bard/dancer alt.
Rui: DPS maybe? Paladin alt.
Makoto: Warrior main, maybe a ranger/arrow-using alt.
Janise: warrior/pure offense, has two different subclasses of the offense class. Or maybe an offense and a mage
Ellie: support/defense. Probably a Paladin/Templar main. Something like that. and a mage/buff magic user alt.
Morty: Probably has two mains: a Fighter/Monk main and a wizard/mystic/mage with minor heals main [i’m not even trying here i’m so sorry]
Roark: defense
Steven: defense/support
Camilla: support/white mage
Cass: red(?) mage main and a technician/inventor sort of alt [i might be getting too tabletop here than typical mmorpg WOOPSIE]
Freya: Defense. just. infinitely spams defense buffs. just let her rest ok.
Joey: probably Tank main w/balanced mage alt [grey?]. When Leaf needs help completing a quest/dungeon and can’t do it by herself, he tanks for her while she heals/buffs him. Tends to get focused on more in smaller groups than in larger groups. Is not bothered by mmorpg bc it’s not another human on the other end.
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nasanerd09 · 8 years
So, I’m almost done with Pokemon Moon, I’ve just gotten to the Pokemon League (or well, I’m climbing the mountain). I’m not gonna squee about the story just yet, not til I beat it (but I have FEELINGS about it all particularly of the Lillie variety). Anyways, my imagination ran away from me and I started imagining my pokemon trainer grown up and living in Alola. (I should tell you now, I plan on restarting the game and doing an all ghost types run after I beat it.) 
- Somehow, my trainer winds up with every ghost type that can be found in Alola, including Lunala. (I’m playing Moon after all). Some of them are pokemon I battle with, some of them I just acquired during my travels.
- Me being me, I get super attached to all of them and play/cuddle/eat with them pretty much all the time. This is true of my non-ghost pokemon as well.
- I’m always telling everyone “They’re not scary! Mischievous yes, but they’re playful sweethearts when you get to know them.” I say this while cuddling Haunter or something while my friends give me the O.o look
- Well my ghosts get really attached to me. Like, clingy almost, and they’re admittedly spoiled XD Eventually, they just pull a Pikachu and refuse to go into their pokeballs. My battle pokemon will begrudgingly go into them when I go out and let the trial-goers challenge me, but once I’m not in trainer mode, out they pop. It’s like they have a sixth sense for that sort of thing or something.
- This results in my house having ghosts just lounging around like, 24/7, and they follow me EVERYWHERE. There’s a lot of startled house guests and trial-goers asking me if I’m the ghost captain “No, that’s Acerola, she’s on Ula’ula Island.” “No really I’m serious I just like the ghosts and they’re really clingy.” “No trust me the battlers are all a ridiculously high level you wanna go do Acerola’s trial before you come challenge me.”
- Eventually, I start making minor renovations to my house to accommodate the fact that the ghosts are just out and about sleeping everywhere at night. 
-Palossand and Sandygast have a bunch of sandboxes scattered around the house. They’re two of the cuddliest of the bunch, but they leave sand EVERYWHERE, so we compromised by having at least one sandbox in each room, and either they jump into their pokeballs if I leave them for an extended period of time or one of the other ghosts comes and tows them around on a sheet to a different room. 
-Gastly has this oversized fishbowl that it sleeps in, Haunter has a hammock it moves from room to room depending on where it feels like sleeping that day, and Gengar has a beanbag it does the same with. 
-Sableye has taken to hanging out in my rock cabinet, and tends to wander off and bring me all the pretty rocks it can find. It’s found some really rare stuff on its excursions (normal rocks and minerals mind you, not stuff like evolution stones. It finds those too but doesn’t bring back as many because I don’t need them) and knows what all my favorite rocks are by now.
-Trevenant and Phantump sleep in this miniature greenhouse I built with some awesome loamy soil, and Decidueye tends to drape himself over Trevenant. He used to perch when he was Rowlet but is now too tall to do so. Trevenant’s long given up on shaking him off. Poni Island Oricorio also roosts in the greenhouse and has her girl Trevenant’s back and cuddles aggressively with Decidueye when he’s driving Trevenant nuts.
-Alolan Marowak tends to curl up in the fireplace, so I make sure to start a fire in it before bedtime every day so it’s warm. Frosslass has a full sized freezer that’s been cleared out that she sleeps in. She and Marowak are, despite all odds, best friends.
-Drifloon and Drifblim float about the house as they please, and have nets stretched across the ceiling that they catch themselves in. Sometimes Drifloon curls up with Haunter in it’s hammock instead. Haunter’s usually a little shit but has a soft spot for Drifloon and let them sleep there. 
-Mimikyu tends to sleep with me in my bed, and lurks under it when people are over. Mimikyu scares my house guests the most and really only tolerates me.It gets along relatively well with Misdreavus and Mismaigus, who also cuddle with me when I sleep. However they’re both more friendly than Mimikyu and go right up to my guests to say hi. 
-Rotom stays in the pokedex when I go out (usually, sometimes he haunts my cellphone instead and spams me with texts of cat pokemon pictures) but at home flits from appliance to appliance. Living with him is like an eternal game of hide and seek. He is at least kind enough to not mess with anything in the morning when I don’t function like a normal human being. Rotom’s banned from any device that can access the internet without supervision (because I just know his vocabulary will expand in undesirable ways if I don’t keep an eye on him) but is kind enough to boost my wifi signal whenever I’m doing something particularly important online and the router/modem is being a boob. Nearly all of the ghosts prank me/each other/my guests regularly, but Rotom and Haunter are the worst. Rotom catches people off guard more often because aside from the very few Rotom pokedexes, there aren’t any in Alola. 
-Lunala aka Nebby, true to form, doesn’t stay in ANY bed or pokeball (except during battles) and so I’ve given up on it. Lunala sleeps wherever it pleases. It’s also the only pokemon the other ghosts unequivocally listen to and obey. Lillie still comes over and scolds Nebby from time to time for “being difficult” but she’s given up on Nebby staying where it’s supposed to too.
-Some of my ghosts I came by during my time as a trial goer (Decidueye, Palossand, Drifblim, Trevenant, Lunala) and some I caught later when I decided I wanted to train some more ghosts (Mimikyu, Marowak, Mismaigus, Gengar, Sableye). Most of them (particularly the unevolved forms) I happened upon while traveling and they just sort of clung to me for whatever reason (they were curious, they were drawn by my herd of ghosts, they were sad because a former trainer had abandoned them, they were lonely) and are content to just exist with me and my band and don’t want to battle. 
-Eventually, other people start trading ghosts to me for various reasons “she’s a handful and I just don’t have the energy to keep up with her anymore” “he doesn’t get along with the rest of my team” “He was lonely because he was the only ghost and the others don’t relate so well” and the herd grows even more. 
-Then I start getting trades from the mainland, and wind up with a whole bunch more ghost pokemon that you can’t find in Alola (like Honedge, Litwick, and Frillish). The trial-goers are convinced either I’m secretly a secondary ghost captain or a really avid collector of a tourist (because of all the foreign pokemon). I’ve given up correcting them by now and just indulge them in an easy battle with the pokemon who don’t mind battling every now and again. 
-Every single one of my ghost pokemon has a nickname, but Hau and Lillie are the only other people who actually remember them all.
-One time Acerola had to leave Alola to attend to some business and left me in charge of her trial for a month, and tried to talk me into taking over her league position for that time as well although I vehemently said I was retired and my pokemon hadn’t been raised for that sort of position. Also, the pokemon strong enough to take over the League battle were also rather proud of their titles as Champions and I didn’t want to deal with grumpy ghosts who had gotten beaten by kids. 
-Hau actually took over Acerola’s League battle, although he didn’t concentrate on ghost types. He did really well as an Elite Four trainer and everyone was rather impressed with him, and he’s one of the rotating trainers now. It helps that while Hau’s pokemon are strong and his strategy has improved immensely since his trials, they’re also all good natured and fun loving, and don’t mind in the least when a challenging trainer defeats them. 
-When I took over the trial, Gengar took over for the totem pokemon, since it was a bit stronger than my Mimikyu, although Mimikyu still battled as an ally. Haunter, Mismaigus, and Sableye also joined the fray when the trial goers took a long time to bring down Gengar. However there was one kid that the other captains had ranted about who was an entitled little shit who constantly dissed the other trials, totem pokemon, captains, and the whole process in general, saying they could take on the League already no problem and that the trials were a waste of time. They all agreed that someone ought to put the little snot in their place, and since I was just a temporary captain anyways, I decided I would teach them a lesson. Acerola had put a ban on starters and legendary pokemon, so they got to battle a level 70 something Palossand as the totem with a level 70 Drifblim and a level 60 something Trevenant and Marowak as the allies. Needless to say, they didn’t manage any KOs. I told them they could retry the trial if they went back to all the previous captains and kahunas and apologized to them and their pokemon first.
-My house is really popular around Halloween for obvious reasons. All the Alolan Charizards know where it is and fly kids over from other islands all evening long. I eventually set up three haunted houses, and Lunala and Decidueye usher the guests to their chosen house (although sometimes Decidueye joins the mid level haunted house pokemon). The shed has the more playful pokemon like Misdreavus, Gengar, Drifloon, Sandygast, and Phantump who won’t spook the kids too bad, they mostly just bump furniture and make their shadows dance. The house is a little scarier, your run of the mill haunted house in intensity, and the ghosts like Gastly, Palossand, Oricorio, Chandelure, and Sableye do creepy laughs, Rotom makes all the appliances go haywire, and they knock stuff over and pop out from the shadows or through a wall. I make sure to move everything breakable to the bedroom beforehand, because while the ghosts are careful I’ve had spooked teenagers knock stuff over and break it before. The backyard is where the scariest ghosts are. Mimikyu, Doublade, Haunter, Marowak, Trevenant, and Frosslass scare the living daylights out of anyone who ventures there. 
-Every year Hau, Lillie, and Gladion visit the haunted house. Every year they try to take on the yard. Every year Hau ends up frozen and in dire need of hot cocoa, Gladion tries really hard not to show how much he’s shaking, and Lillie giggles and tells each of the ghosts that they did well and they were super scary and doesn’t look scared at all. 
-Generally people with nefarious intent stay away from me because despite the ghosts clearly being good upstanding citizens, they still have reps just for being ghost pokemon. However one idiot broke into my house once when I was home. People on the other side of the island reportedly heard his screams when the ghosts ganged up on him. They didn’t hurt him (much) but he reportedly had to sleep with the lights on and cheerful music playing while in jail because otherwise he was an incoherent sobbing mess.
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butchgwenwhyvar · 8 years
Theychel Headcanons that @A-not-so-amazing-disaster and I thought up one morning on the PJO discord server Rachel teaching both Thalia and Reyna how to paint, until Thalia starts a paint war and they end up laughing like the dorks they are. -If anyone messes with any of the three the others would totally kick ass -Reyna braiding Rachel and Thalia's hair -They have sleepovers all th etime Thalia doing their makeup And Rachel doing body paint, they would have awesome halloweens I think Rachel would be the movie nerd, since she has the most experience with the "mortal" world, while Thalia would be the music nerd Them dragging the others to what they respectively nerd out to Omg imagine Reyna draggin them to a horse race yes! and Reyna spent so much time with Circe that she would know how to give some awesome massages they know each other so well that they know what kind of sented candles the others like smelling while having a massage -imagine them having a night in just relaxing with popcorn, movies, massages and just being with the other They met when the giant war ends, Reyna was in the camp for a while, Rachel would also be there and they bond while reconstructing evrything broken, and just laughing in the bonfire. Then Thalia comes with all the hunters of Artemis (and Reyna thinks she's super cute since they met in BoO) and they start having conversations with each other all the time, and after becoming best friends, they start to slowly fall in love? Then they get sent on this batshit insane quest when the Oracle is working again, and stop at a McDonald's. Thalia starts throwing chips at them, and it ends in a full scale food fight and then it clicks. They go on a road trip later on, Thalia cannot drive and they get pulled over. Then Reyna drives. Reyna is the kind of person who goes 5 miles above the speed limit and swears at every moving thing. Rachel is filming this and also films Thalia losing the map out of the window (and Thalia jumping out of the car to retrieve it). Reyna being nostalgic and telling them stories about Skippy. And then Thalia tells them stories about some of the hunters during the Titan War, and Rachel tells them stories about the battle of Manhattan. They end up crying in their tent over all the lost demigods, and making plans to start a museum so no one forgets what they did. Rachel would talk about her new prophecies maybe? Like when she haves an inkling that something will happen? And Thalia and Reyna help her figure everything out And Reyna and Thalia teaching Rachel how to fight. I think Rachel would also be awesome at the bow or throwing knives? You need to have a good aim to hit a titan with a hairbrush. And then Thalia and Reyna sparr together and Rachel checks them both out. I think Thalia would claim she would fight every monster in existence to comfort her girlfriends. And like Thalia and Rachel always get in a daze when they see Reyna talking about something she's really passionate about? since she doesn't always show her emotions they love to see her eyes light up with emotion Yes! And Reyna listening to Thalia nerd out to bands Because it's no lie that Thalia likes green day (Look at the Titans Curse at the school dance). Yeah, imagine her having a breakdown over some band splitting up and Rachel and Reyna comforting her while they all sing together? Reyna would give the best presents. She always knows exactly what to get for them. And you physically cannot surprise Rachel. Thalia would shop the last day and freak out, then has a stroke of genius and gives them something really good (Rachel and Reyna won't let her live down the chocolate shampoo ever). Thalia would steal Reyna and Rachel's shampoos' all the time. Rachel would do a painting of them all laughing for the holidays. Them wearing matching bracelets. The matching ugly Christmas sweaters. Yes! And them having the shirts (If lost return to Rachel) ( I don't want her, give her to Reyna) (I'm Reyna). Or Reyna has Keep Them on the back. Annabeth laughs her ass off when she sees it. And Thalia falls out of bed a lot because she has a side and Rachel kicks. Rachel makes so much mess. She leaves her drawing everywhere, Reyna trips over them at night and Thalia just puts a camera to record everytime Reyna falls (it has happened 49 times) But Reyna films whenever Thalia loses her keys and has to climb in the back window which Rachel leaves open for times like this (They refuse to lend her their keys because she needs to learn). Rachel would also be a cuddler, and the first time they sleep together Reyna blushes like crazy because hole fuck???? these two girls are so cute and they are willingly hugging me? And nightmares don't really happen that often anymore, they feel safe. Rachel makes sure the house always smells like lavenders. They get a dog, and it hops on the bed with them. And Reyna keeps complaining "Why do we have a dog? Aren't Aurum and Argentum enough?" Thalia always replies that they are cold and she needs warmth. But the dog and Reyna can be found asleep on the couch when Thalia and Rachel get home one night. Yes, at first she would be like "Ew, puppy" but then she falls in love with the dog. Thalia always has cold hands and feet, she likes to creep on Rachel and scare her. And so whenever Thalia has random splotches of paint on her Reyna knows she tried that again. Rachel on a natural reaction hits people and has accidentally given Thalia a black eye. Multiple times. Reyna just sighs, but melts at the cuteness of them. Reyna tickles Thalia Thalia is super ticklish, especially on her feet. She gives the cutest laugh when tickled, and it seems like happiness just radiates from her And then Reyna kisses her girlfriends and drags them to bed because those two would stay up till seven am if they're not made to sleep. Reyna first fell in love with her laugh. And her eyes. I was about to add that! She would always feel her stomach make turns when Thalia looked at her in the eye Neither Rachel or Reyna can reject her puppy face. ~~Theychel watching Voltron together~~ YES! Rachel loves Pidge, and jokes about Reyna being Shiro, and Thalia being Keith. Thalia emotionally connects with Keith, all while Reyna facepalms. They quote the show. They have meme wars about the show. Everyone is so confused on why they keep shouting ; I say Vol, you say? Vol...tron? Or: We had a bonding moment! I cradled you in my arms! Nope don't remember didn't happen. Rachel totally makes fan art. Thalia ships Shallura and Reyna ships Hidge. They want to have a cat after watching the show. But the dog (ironically called Rover) hates cats. Rachel ships Klance with her life. Rachel pretends to talk to the dog about robots and the dog just watches her confused. They have marathons. They all don't mind about Sha/Ladin but they don't ship it. I think they would take Lance as their meme son, and would explode laughing with his terrible attempts at flirting. They cuddle while watching, of course. Thalia says: fuck demigods, I want to be an altean. And Rachel spits out her coke a d mutters you are. And they cry so hard during crystal venom and the last two episodes. They have casual existential crisis about waiting. As they are dorks, they probably (definitely) have their own headcanons. Rachel is face down on the floor muttering about Pidges family. Tumblr mom Rachel sees the season 2 trailor first and the others find out when she spams their chat group with things like *"Shiro no"* and *"Why would you do this"* Reyna loves the Keith and Shiro being step-brothers, because it reminds her of her and Hylla. They would probably (definitely) freak out about the trailer. Thalia uses a lot of slang in her texts and it confuses Reyna Rachel watchs amused how Reyna scolds Thals about proper grammar Reyna Percy brotp where he lets her keep her phone at his mom's place so this way she always has a way of talking to her gfs. Yes! Percy and Annabeth ship them 3 so hard, Percy offers them blue cookies And when Thalia and Percy start fighting, it's up to Rachel to break them up Omg ~~Reyna lowkey wants to see who'll win~~ Reyna makes bets, all while cheering for her gf BUT THINK ABOUT WHEN REYNA AND RACHEL DIE AND THALIA IS STILL INMORTAL ;-; Thalia going to the funerals Crying so much ~~Thalia being upset about her dead girlfriends and goes all out and accidently dies in battle~~ And being reminded of everything they did together. And if both of them died in battle Thalia would probably spend ages tracking down the monster and killing it, but she gets killed instead (they would meet in the underworld, having an awesome time in Elysium and when Rachel and Reyna see Thalia enter they just bear hug the shit out of her ~~Nico telling them that if they want to do *that*, he knows a spare room they could use~~) And everyone is looking for Thalia and they find her body in a laistrygonian giants lair and everyone knows exactly what happened. (Sorry if this doesn't read very well, I'm on my phone and it's dying) (Also for those who find these in discord, I changed the order around a bit so it sounded better because we kept talking over each other)
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