#It’s not on purpose I think I legit forgot how to do short by doing long so much
reploidbuddy · 1 year
Me: I want a casual fic, this shouldn’t be too long.
Brain: We got 3 parts for it though.
Me: Yeah but like 3 short things it’s fine. Or at least 3 not-so-longs.
Brain: Ok but like try to not go insane with it, the writing juice is hard n expensive these days.
Me: yeah yeah.
The fic: 25k words in and not even halfway through
Me: A
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sailorspica · 2 months
What are your feelings on Shingeki no School Castes?
a lot of people seem to dislike how Historia is portrayed but I kind of like the idea, not so much Isayama's execution even if I do understand it is purposely flanderized.
Also any hcs on SC Kenuri (together and individually) ? I've been thinking soooo much about them
oh i like school castes hisu dearly, but i love twin peaks and all its imitators and so think the popular cheerleader archetype is anything but reductive, and her being paired with reiner at the top of the pyramid is just smart nod to the clash of titans arc: two blonds are not what they seem (severely masking gays). i adore eren and historia as a kindred NOT ROMANTIC bond via frieda, so her angsty internal monologue about him is an imperfect trade-off for her disappearing in these last volumes for Me. but school castes as a whole? i live for the CRUMBS of hitch and historia interactions, which i will enact in my dusty hiatus post-rumbling fic, on god, and i love gothkasa. but i don't think about SC that much, certainly because of the lack of old men, SO:
i love ur damn kenny-picking-up-historia-from-school art of COURSE!! janitor levi's underground reputation implies kenny is not far. in most modern AUs floating around in my head i have the reisses as "legit" capitalists or an overt crime family, and uri's happiness / kenuri's chances are inversely related to his proximity to them. so in school castes? i can see kenuri as essentially the way of the househusband if they both manage to get away from crime. oh my god. PLEASE tell me you've seen the anime, it's so short, i would die to see kenny as tatsu, this is such an answer i FORGOT for who reminds me of him fucking shit
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violetsvisions77 · 2 months
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The Return
What has it been, like 15 years since I’ve last posted on Tumblr AND painted!?
I can’t say I know this platform that much anymore, and I’m due for a refresh (or crash course, all them veteran Tumblrers share your wisdom to fill me in if I’ve missed much).
Ngl. Writing this makes me feel old, I’m 34 by the way (since we’re doing introductions now?). I guess that is old in internet years. I know the zoomers think I’m a living relic, anyway.
Hey I survived Y2K, Ebola and really traumatically cruel 90’s Christian school teachers (IYKYK)
Where have I been these last 15 years?
Other than opening and then closing a business during the pandemic and nursing that wound, I think my last profile/posts (that no longer exist, hopefully) involved my broken engagement, that then turned into a bro-code breaking wet dream dating the best friend for 5 more years, that I’m still getting therapy for today. Love
Yeah. Love the whimsy of betrayal, lies and dudes manipulating naive hopeless romantic girls, who desperately needed confidence way more dick.
Oh… welcome to my tumblr 🥴😉
You’ll see a lot of rage-induced, ADHD fueled ramblings here with lots of other colorful sprinklings catapulted into the mix (y’know, kinda how the name Technicolor Ramblings implies). Not colorful how you think tho. Literally I’m an indigenous hairdresser and artist: Tater-baters and red hat brigaders leave wake (in fact take that lil Mayflower ass back on that sailing the ocean blue bullshit outta here and hope the killer whales getchu along the way too)
Anyway. Where were we?
Oh yeah, my hummingbird painting. Because like, that’s here so let’s talk about that instead of your daily dose of post-pandemic rantings and landback diatribes…
Right, so, this painting that’s not finished yet. It’s a Walela (Hummingbird in Cherokee. Yes I’m Tsalagi). The flowers all have meaning I’ll speak of later, but in short my life, more or less, has been saved by birds. My body has tried to kill me so many times, but picking up the simple hobby (should be something we all do, btw) of feeding birds and nectar-feeders has honestly saved my life and refocused my depresso messo of a fucked up mind.
My ancestors reminded me that I was here to be a steward. I have gifts. Feeding the birds and punishing the squirrels with spicy bird feed when they knock my cardinals off the feeder was my path in life (fr can we talk about what antagonistic little bitches squirrels can be?) Just joking… I’m indigenous, I love all animals and those lil fuckers do make me chuckle from time to time…
Lmao, okay okay, back to my sad sap story-turned influencer Tedtalk blog:
(Fr tho) I almost forgot myself, but the birds reminded me. I’m compassionate, I’m vibrant, I’m a work of art. I’m also crazy- like legit can’t keep my train of thought worth of shit, whatever the hell that means… (for laymen’s terms; I’m a bird brain)… but I’m me. An air sign, and an observer of nature, an indigenous woman who hails from descendants of Anitsiskwa (bird clan). Birds show me who I am. Weird little shits, but beautiful and so very valuable to our ecosystem. Each have their unique call(ing), colors, and purpose in this world.
And to be real, we waste so much of our own air chasing ideas of ourselves that’s based off others. We spoil so much of our own magic when we don’t love ourselves enough to foster the gifts we were given, that is MEANT to be shared
Magic. Yeah, Harry ain’t the only wizard here.
We each have our own rizz, y’all.
Mine is to feel, create and share, like many artists. That’s why it’s a blessing I can paint this Walela after a 15 year art hiatus. It’s my gift to share from the magic I contain.
Our experiences are meant to be the wisdom we learn from.
Our experiences were meant to heal.
And the experiences we foster into gifts of wisdom and art, are how we heal ourselves and others. It’s all tied together.
I feel like I haven’t always been good at that, using my experiences and turning into gifts to share. But with enough conviction, life is about second and third chances. So… with limited resources from our broken bird brain, we’re off into the races, my friends. I’m here to find, foster and share my colorful, weird and flighty magic again.
So without further ado as the Tumblr curtains open once again: I hope, if you done did the stumbler upon my Tumblr, you enjoy my own personal magic ✨
(It’s batshit crazy)
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janeyseymour · 3 years
I saw the second preview of six and here are my thoughts (along with a few fun stories at the end):
My heart literally fell out of my ass when the queens started walking out They changed a few small little things here and there and it was perfect If six doesn’t win best lighting at the Tony’s I will sue Ex-wives was WOW I literally could not stop smiling Some of the poses were different 
I am convinced she just is beyonce always
She’s just fantastic in that role and that’s what I have to say about that
Ig abby danced a little too hard during no way because she kept messing with her wig after
Actually she lowkey played with it throughout the whole show and it was adorbs
Britt was helping her fix it and like pointing out where it was a little cray (also abby’s wig looks so good omf)
Her delivery throughout the whole show was a bit more mature, but it was still so babey I love her
(On a side note someone today told me I look like Andrea, which is very kind but so untrue because I literally look like a broken thumb and she is gorgeous)
She like low-key cut made the whole head joke short and im kinda sad ab it, but it was still fantastique
Through the “Wearing Yellow To A Funeral Bit” abby looked confused through the entire thing and I was cracking up
She was INCREDIBLE and her dress was so pretty and sparkly and I just wow 
Shes just so pretty in general like ma’am how do you do that please drop the skin care routine 
The emotion that was conveyed was enough to make me tear up BUT I DID NOT CRY AND I AM VERY PROUD OF THAT 
she did the “you lift me high” line and kinda went into this airy place in her voice and it was angelic and heavenly and all the good things
She was just fantastic and thats all I have to say 
Thats a lie I have so many things to say about that woman but the time will come
HOH was a whole acid trip there was a point during this song where I literally just took it all in and then thought “Janey, you really spent your hard earned money to go on an acid trip for a solid few minutes good job”
Their dancing is hilarious and thats that
ABBY SAYING “BUT WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT YOU’LL STILL WALK AT FORTY” I had to stifle a laugh because my queen is indeed 40
Brittney Mack is… all bad bitch energy and I was living for it
She is a queen
When she did the “my horses can trot up to twelve miles an hour”- in the boot (not that I watch those…) abby is always making a 😳😶😲 kind of face and this time she just couldn’t stop smiling and it made me laugh
Her reveal was SO GOOD she literally just started checking out her nails while everyone just applauded… AS THEY SHOULD
When britt told the person to get up, this person full on WENT and britt was like shook it was hysterical
justice for the beheaded cousins 
BOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO BABY MARY HAD THE CHICKEN POX AND YOU DIDN’T GET TO HOLD HER HAND… YOU KNOW ITS FUNNY BECAUSE WHEN I WANTED TO HOLD MY NEWBORN SON…. IIIIII DIIIIIIEDD. Abby lowkey went feral and I loved every second of it and then her pose after got so many laughs it was truly amazing
Aywd destroyed me
I also teared up here but I did not let those babies fall because I was not about to ruin my look
justice for my pink queen
Her delivery is insane and honestly its gotten better and I didn’t even know that was possible because WOW SHE WAS ALREADY STUNNING BUT DAMN MY HEART GOT RIPPED OUT OF MY CHEST
The whole “Catherine not singing” bit was fantastic
Abby looked so confused the entire time 
Andrea’s “hahaha what” was perfecto 
when Anna said “should we really be doing this” someone in the audience went “yes” very loudly and made the queens break for a solid second abby almost forgot to say her line and you could barely hear it because the audience was laughing at the rando 
Anna acknowledged it and just went “I know” before turning to the queens and saying “I know” it was hysterical 
“I’m Catherine parr, I draw the line in arbitrary places bLaH bLaH bLaH”
THE CLAPPING- BRITT GOT IN HER FACE AND JUST *CLAP. CLAP. CLAP.”  It was the funniest thing oh my gosh
“Are you sure Catherine? I-we don’t mind if you wanna sit this one out… I mean you must be exhausted from all those backing vocals”
I dont know if this was intentional or not but when they all start to understand the purpose of parr’s thing- abby is the last to stand up and in my head im like “no yeah that makes sense because shes “the one he truly loved” and shes still trying to get to a point where shes realizing he wasn’t all that great and I dont know I just really like that minor detail
The whole “remember that I was a writer…” part got loud cheers, especially from abby it was very cute
She did a new riff on the “we all disappear” line and WOW my eyes went so wide it was so good I was genuinely shook
the “i dont get it” was sooo good
“My sixth finger” was said so casually and so determinedly that it was a whole new joke and I loved it
“Everyone notices Jane cant dance” -abby just looking so sad
“Yeeeaaaahhhhh. I read!” Was so cute and she sounded so proud of herself it was adorbs
The way they just stood there awkwardly was amazing and got so many laughs it was so good
When sam said the line about competing, abby really almost cut Anna’s line out but she caught herself and it was funny I dont know if anyone else noticed it, but I did and it was glorious
After it was over, of course it got long applause and the entire time abby was doing her like “sparkle hands” but also awkwardly moving her arm kinda like a noodle and then going back to sparkle hands and it gave me a good chuckle
The slow acoustic part was so soft I died
The harmonies was delicious
The audience was so hype
Super hype
All the good things ever
Basically it was just adorable and amazing and absolutely stunning
The new costumes are gorgeous and the lighting is wild if they don’t win best lighting for Tony awards I will full on riot
Aragon and Boleyn interacted a lot and so did Seymour and Cleves and it was very very sweet
Abby interacted with the band a lot to the point where she almost missed a cue and it was very endearing
abby’s hair is SO LONG but I am here for it
So I was looking for my friend when I hear “Make some room, make a path!” From a security guard, and the queens legit walked RIGHT PAST ME
I wanted to go to the theatre anyway to take pictures, but when I saw them, I did follow them back to the theatre because wow I wanted to bask in their glory I didnt even want to talk to them I just wanted to be in their presence
So im like, walking behind them when this happens:
I guess abby saw someone she knew because I heard this “abby!” And then she was like “OH MY GOD” and like RAN to hug them and i legit almost walked right into her/got stepped on but i freaking stopped like a noob i should’ve just let her run me over but I did not I just stopped in my tracks and let out a soft “aH” and then went around her
And then I got to meet a friend and apparently toby heard us squealing and watched us hug for a solid however long so that was awkward
And Julia schade was like talking to him and stared at us for a good amount of time
And then I was walking away and passed Julia again and she kept looking at me, but she was talking to someone else and I think she thought I was going to stay to talk to her (and I would have loved to) but I didnt I just gave her a smile, a nod, and a little wave because I can not do confrontation like if I could not confront abby ma’am I cannot confront u either I am SHY
And that is a very detailed run down of my time in nyc at the brooks
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Of Bad Beer and Summer Nights. #Writer Wednesday 04/28/21 Javier Peña x f!reader
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Summary: it’s just another summer day at the pool. Sunbathing before your shift starts, the day changes drastically when you cannot take your eyes off a handsome stranger.
Warning: mention of alcohol and swearing. NSFW +18 SMUT (oral and p in v sex)
Paring: Javier Peña x F! reader
A/N: Another take on the #Writer Wednesday challenge by @autumnleaves1991-blog !!
Not me basing all this on the label of the beer that’s shown on the cans and my obsession with Javier Peña and his ridiculous fashion choices. This is the first thing I write with a little spice on it and I’m still not that comfortable but we’re getting there. Not beta’d and my eyes are burning so I have read it just once so if they’re any mistakes, misspellings and bad grammar I’m really sorry.
Of bad beer and summer nights
The kids’ screams from the pool muffles the tunes of some old ranchera blasting from the bar’s stereo. The old guard of retire men gather around the plastic white tables drinking cold beer and playing dominoes and you lower your book, sunbathing under this blazing sun, and smile; this is your childhood, your home and even that you had convinced yourself that you were done with this, that you wanted to run away, this speaks to your nostalgia and the fondest memories you own.
The heat makes you lazy and your stretch your body feeling your bones as if they were made of jelly. You drop the book on your stomach; you were not actually paying too much attention to it anyway and look around the pool: kids running around with water guns, angry mothers trying to control them and the men on the bar. Usually they’re around 70 or plus on average, they occupy their usual spot under the parasols early in the morning and spend their time doing their retirement routine: newspaper, same old conversation and complain about the world, beer and dominoes, until it’s time to eat or to switch their drink to coffee. But today a tall, lean, brown haired man is breaking the age median. He’s younger and stands out not only for his strong physic but because he wears a bright pink shirt and some yellow aviators and the tightest jeans you’ve seen on a man. You’re sure you’d question anybody else’s fashion choice if they were wearing that, but surprisingly, it fits him, probably because he exudes confidence, maybe it’s his broad shoulders, maybe it’s his golden skin revealed by the way–too-much-unbuttoned shirt he wears, maybe it’s his dark hair or his striking features or maybe it’s because of his dark coffee brown eyes that are fixed on you. His eyes. Shit.
You were so absorbed looking at him that you didn’t realize he had taken off his glasses and it’s now seated facing the pool and you from the bar. He smirks when you try, ungracefully, to grab your book back, the paper is stuck to your skin since you had spread it generously with tanning oil. The pages are ruined but you actually don’t care, you just open it before your eyes and try to conceal that you were looking at him like a creep. After a few minutes, you raise the novel just enough to see if he's looking but he's gone. Disappointed, you turn to the other side and let the sun bronze your skin and achieve that serene state that you had before he arrived at the pool.
"Hey, you, burnt sloth, it's time" somebody pokes on your shoulder
"Burnt sloth, seriously?" You say, you feel your mouth is dry and your brain is slowly coming back to life "it's my shift already?"
"Yep, actually you're two minutes late" Marisa grabs the elastic of your bikini bottom and pulls it and lets it go until it slaps your skin
"Ouch! I'm coming" you finally get up
"C'mon, Mr. Garcia has joined the party at the bar, and you'll be late for his speech on the loss of traditional family values" she announces. You glance at the other side of the pool, the old man walks with difficulty towards his retired friends table
"Shit, you do it on purpose" you say and Marisa smirks "my shift always starts when there's one of the annoying customers time to arrive, that's not fair"
"Is there anybody attending the bar?!" You both turn to see Mr. Garcia raising his cane and screaming at you
"I'm coming" you answer, grabbing your jean shorts and the white shirt with staffwritten on it. You toss your clothes on over your bikini and run towards the bar.
"Sorry, Mr. Garcia, the usual?" You ask while tying up your apron
"Yes, please. This is what's wrong with this country now the youth has lost the will to work hard to really make an effort…"
Even his friends roll their eyes, but you know it will be a minute until he finishes the list of bad things he wants to rant about.
Marisa has occupied your deck chair and winks at you while she spreads her sun cream. Bitch you mutter towards her and she smiles and lays back.
The rest of your shift consists in ignoring Mr. Garcia and looking at Marisa with jealousy. When the sun is almost gone she joins you on the counter.
"I'll have until Jack comes to pick me up, I thought you needed some company" she says bending herself over the bar to grab a glass
"Yeah, now that they're about to leave, how convenient" you point to the old men table "what do you want?"
"Beer please"
You take two ice cold cans and serve hers on her glass while you keep yours under the wood counter
“Tomorrow you will take my shift by the way" you say leaning on the fridge
"Nope" she says having a sip of her drink
"You wanna bet?" You counter knowing that she likes to play. She thinks about it for a second but when you open the cards box and leave the deck in front of her she nods
"Just for tomorrow though" Marisa shakes your hand and you distribute the cards between you two.
You try to focus on the game, she's better than you and you really don't want to take another shift like this. But all your concentration leaves your body once you see out of the corner of your eyes, a pink bright shirt and a tall figure.
"Hi, are you ready Pops?" He says, his voice is deep while he gently taps on one of the old men at the table
"No, give me a minute, I'm actually winning for once" he says laying one of the domino pieces on the table
"Right" he smiles warmly at him and you think he couldn't be more handsome but he actually approach the counter and now, looking at him closer he’s even more attractive
“Can I have a beer please?” he asks taking a seat on a stool. You nod and grab one from the fridge.
He examines the golden can with an arched eyebrow “Don’t you have a bud?”
“No, we only have calidad (quality) and let me warn you that the title is actually ironic” you answer, for a second you hope he doesn’t actually get mad at your little joke but he smiles widely “I trust you then, I won’t take my chances with this so... can I have a whiskey then?” he pass you the can and you turn to put it back on the fridge and glance over the bottles you have. All of them are the cheapest labels on the market, but you know your boss reserves some good old Jack Daniels well hidden and you crouch down to get it from the back of the utilities cupboard.
“I don’t know if I want that drink either if you took it from where you keep the cleaning stuff” he laughs
“Don’t worry, it’s legit, it’s my boss’s. He doesn’t want to expend one cent on the clients but for himself...that’s another thing” you pour him the amber liquor and you cannot help but notice that he’s looking at you intently
“You don’t serve whiskey often, right?” he gets closer and almost whispers it in your ear
“Why?” you ask and raise your head suddenly realizing that you’re really close. His scent is intoxicating, some fresh body wash and the musk of his cologne mixed with the whiskey you’re serving him
“Normally you will serve just two or three fingers” he explains putting two of his fingers on the glass so you can see what he means, the glass is half full.
“Shit” you stop pouring and leave the bottle on the counter while he chuckles
“Either that or you’re really generous or I’m and excellent costumer” he jests
“You are!” you respond right away and you clear your throat once you realize how stupid it sounded “or I’m a terrible waitress, I think that’s more probable”
“Agreed!” Marisa claims, you actually forgot about her
“I don’t think so” he shakes his head “You were really honest about the quality of the beer, you could have just gave me that trash and say nothing”
“Well, I’m drinking one while working, I keep it hidden under the counter and I’m gambling with my friend to see if I can change my shift for hers tomorrow” you confess, he looks amused at you
“What shift is that?” he asks
“Morning, there’s none” Marisa answers
“You actually cannot take that shift” he looks at you now
“Why?” you say puzzled
“Because you’re busy tonight, probably will arrive late and you should sleep” he sips his whiskey and you still observe him not understanding
“I’m not...”
Marisa smack her lips “she’s clueless”
“I see” he smiles again, that damn smile “at what time do you close?”
“She’ll be off at seven” Marisa answers and you turn your head from one to the other like you’re watching a tennis game you don’t really understand
“What are you...”
“He’s asking you out, dummie” Marisa rolls her eyes at you with a frustrated grunt
“If it’s alright for you unless you really want that early morning shift” he looks at you from under his lashes and you don’t know how a man like that can be smoldering hot one minute and this cute the next
“She’s going!” Marisa answers before you could make your mind
“Wait, I have nothing to wear and I have to...”
“There’s a dress on my locker, the code is 6754 and I don’t trade my shift anyway, you don’t have excuses” a car horns from the door “That’s Jack, don’t take no for an answer!” she points to the man running towards her boyfriend’s car.
“There’s no pressure, if you don’t want to...”
“No, I want to, really” you say focusing on the stains on your apron
“I’m Javi by the way” he smiles fondly and raises his hand, you respond with your name and shake it
“Really nice to meet you” you say softly
“Let’s go, son, this damned dominoes are jinxed!” his father walks out from the table gathering a few laughs and jokes from his friends
Javi reaches from his wallet when Mr. Garcia raises his cane again “Don’t let him pay, anything he had it’s on me”
You look at him confused and Javier, for the first time in your brief acquaintance looks shy and actually uncomfortable. He thanks the man and walks to his father about to leave the place
“I’ll pick you up at seven” he says, winking at you
“Can we have the check young lady or do we have to do it ourselves” Mr. Garcia gets you out of your daydreaming and you rush to clean up and say goodbye to the old loyal customers before they leave you alone to close.
You don’t actually have time to do much, just shower and look inside Marisa’s locker hoping for the best. You find a white summer dress and some flat sandals that fit you, you try your best with your hair and the little make up you have in your bag. And you wait for Javi to arrive.
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He’s punctual, arriving just on time on his pick up car.
“Hi” he has changed for another bright shirt, this time blue that matches his skin perfectly. He wears those yellow sunglasses and the same tight jeans and you cannot believe that you actually think it’s the most gorgeous a man has look ever. You staring more that you should again, how the muscles on his forearm tense and relax while driving
“We’re going outside Laredo, if you don’t mind” he says eventually
“It’s fine by me, unless you’re planning to kill me and leave me in the middle of nowhere” you shot
“No, I’m not planning to do that” he chuckles
He takes you to one of those big restaurants outside the city with live music and the best BBQ you’ve ever tasted. The conversation flows nicely even if you have to slap yourself sometimes because you continue to stare in a very obvious way.
“So, why did Mr. Garcia pay for your drink?” you ask after while “He never does one kind thing for nobody, are you a celebrity or something?” you joke
“You actually don’t know?” he drinks from his beer and he has a curious look on him
“No, are you famous?”
He makes a gesture with his hand “Mmm more or less”
“I go every weekend to the movies so it’s certainly not movies” you guess and you place your hand on your chin “Singing? Do you sing rancheras? it’s the only thing he likes so... c’mon sing!”
“You don’t want to hear that”
“Okay, so it’s not singing” you bite your lip trying to come up with something “are you one of those dude’s that do that thing with the lasso” and you mimic the gesture
“A professional cowboy?” he laughs out loud “No, nothing really artistic about my fame”
“Okay” you reflect on what he said and after a few minutes you slap the table “I got it! You’re actually a very famous mobster and Mr. Garcia owes you money, always thought he had some shady business going on”
“Do I look like a mobster?” he laughs
“No! I don’t mean it like that”
“But you thought about it”
“It’s just...” you stutter
“You exude confidence, you look cocky and very sure of yourself kinda like you own the place when you walk in and people do what you say” you explain blushing “dangerous and sexy” the beer is kicking in harder than you thought and you lean on his shoulder “like you can kill somebody” his amused expression fades and a dark and timid veil covers his face
“Oh shit” you answer “ H-have you?” you murmur, he nods softly and averts his eyes
“Well, if you’re not in jail I guess you are...law enforcement? army?”
“DEA” he responds with a deep breath
“How...how does a DEA agent become famous?”
“I was part of the team that hunted Pablo Escobar” he answers, his arms are crossed on the table and he’s looking down
“Are you kidding?” you gasp “Did you meet him? Are you the one that shot him?”
“I was not even there when it happened and never actually met him”
You can see his eyes glowing and how tense he looks now, all confidence and bravado is gone and he finishes his beer leaving your date in an uncomfortable point
“I’m sorry I brought that up” you brush your hand over his, yours looking small against his “I was joking, I’m obviously clueless about dates and have a big mouth, I’m sorry again”
“No, no” he holds your hand between his warm palms “I really thought you’d heard, that’s why I wanted to take you out from Laredo where everybody brings that up”
You hold your head on your hands “I’m an idiot, I’m sorry”
“Hey, hey!” he takes your hands and brushes his fingers on your chin until you look at him in the eye “It’s not your fault, let’s move on, okay?” his thumb is closer now to your lower lip and you see his eyes lowering until he’s looking at your mouth for a second before he points to the dance floor “Do you dance?”
“Not well”
“Me neither”
“Do we give it a go and make a fool of ourselves?” he asks holding your hand and you nod enthusiastically
The people on the dance floor judge you when you actually don’t know the moves that goes with this type of music, but you’re laughing like little kids and you see how he tries to hold you every time he gets the chance, his big hands on your waist, and arm on your lower back that burns like the sun and when finally they change to a slow song, he presses you against his chest and you moan softly when he locks you there with his hands on your back. You reach for his neck and tangle your fingers on his nape.
“I have a confession to make, agent” you whisper on his ear
“I was looking at you at the pool and hoped that you came back when you left and actually ruined my novel in the process”
“And I was looking back at you and came back to pick up my father when he actually didn’t need it” he responds, his warm breath over your temple, you smile openly and you think your heart could leave your chest in that very moment
“and another thing...”
“I never actually liked guys with mustache and now all I can think about is how does it feel when you kiss” you hide your face from him feeling his laughter resonate on his chest
“Wanna try?”
You raise your head even though your cheeks burn and your rational brain in screaming that you barely know the guy but then his lips brush over your softly and they’re as soft as they looked, you let him lead you mainly because the sensation is overwhelming and when he gently touches your mouth with his tongue you let him in, you let him taste you and you moan, Javi smiles briefly over your soft expression of pleasure and becomes more eager, hardening the kiss. You don’t know how long you’ve been there but when you break the kiss your head is spinning and you have to hold onto his shoulders
“So?” he says with a cocky smile
“Nice, really nice”
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You don’t want this night to end, you park alongside the riverbank in Laredo, he has put down a big blanket on his pickup truck so you’re comfortable seating on it and Javier bought some cold beer at the gas station. The summer night is clear; the moon and stars shine and are reflected on the black waters of the river and you can only hear the soft sounds of the insects and the breeze moving the grass.
“Can I ask you something?” you’re both seated next to each other, swinging your legs until you touch him
“Why did you choose the DEA?”
“I just wanted to get away from here” he shrugs
“You caused too much trouble? Broke too many hearts?” you jest tapping his arm with your elbow
“Why do you say that?” he turns to face you
“You look like someone who could do that” you murmur “Are you going to break my heart?” Now you adjust your position so now you���re both face to face
“I hope not”
You think over his answer, it’s actually pretty honest. You had had promises of eternal love and “never ever going to hurt you” before and then they left you with your heart bleeding and your confidence undermined. So you prefer this, the truth. Neither of you know what’s going to happen, there’s only tonight and that you don’t want to get back to real world. The river, the moon and the two of you on his car are the only thing real, they only thing that exists right now.
You arise on your knees and save the distance between you holding his head on your hand. It’s you who lead the kiss this time and he lets you savor him. He holds your hips and gently pushes you on his lap. You lower your kisses to his jaw and then his neck tasting his perfume mixed with his sweat that it’s the only thing you’ve been thinking about doing since this morning, he emits a guttural moan and you feel your arousal between your thighs. Your hands act faster that you can think and unbuttons his shirt. In the moonlight his skin is soft and it’s splattered in small freckles that you kiss trying to count each one with a touch of your lips.
He doesn’t stay still for much longer and raises your summer dress kneading the skin of your legs, up to your butt and your hips. He separates you from him and you’re about to complain when you feel he’s pushing you softly to the blanket. You lay down taking a deep breath while your gaze at the night sky full of tiny bright dots that reminds you of his skin and how you crave to have him on your lips again.
You raise your head once you feel him touching your calf, his fingers softly trailing over you until he take off your sandals, and when it’s done, he grabs your legs and roam his hands up and down on them until he pulls your legs apart. Javier gets in the space between your legs and without breaking his burning look at your eyes, he takes off his shirt and unbuckles his belt.
“Please” you whisper and reach your hand towards him; he takes it and kisses your palm before bending over you. The hunger you have for his lips is finally over when he kisses you again deep and moaning against your lips.
He mimics what you did earlier and bites your jaw and your neck, scattering kisses over your clavicles. He gets up an instant just to take off your dress and admires you for a second before continuing his kisses where he had left them. You bend your back when your breasts are exposed to the fresh summer air but are immediately cover by his big warm hands and then his mouth graze each one with the most delicious attention kissing and licking your nipples until biting your lip can’t contain your whimpers
“You don’t have to be quite, there’s none” he says liberating your lower lip from your bite with his thumb “Your moans will be only for my ears and I want to listen to every single one of them” he says and leaves a kiss on your sternum before grabbing your waist pressing his face on your stomach and again repeats the action of spattering kisses and soft bites to your skin.
Once he reaches the elastic of your panties he looks at you intently. You’re a moaning mess, squirming under his touch and feeling your flesh ablaze even if the night is actually quite fresh
“Please” you whisper again and he softly raises your hips rolling the lace over your thighs. The midnight air makes you shiver. He kisses again your belly over the tan marks biting gently your hip bones before parting your legs widely.
He softly tortures you avoiding your core. His mouth licking and brushing his teeth on each thigh deeper and deeper and before arriving to the center he changes his position to the other leg
“Javi” you moan
“You’re so beautiful” he murmurs, lying on his side he leans his head on your inner right thigh. He’s as gentle as first as he was before leaving tempting kisses on your mount and folds before opening your lips to drink of you eagerly. His moans resonate through your body as an electric current and your nails scratch the blanket bellow. You call his name like a prayer, the pleasure is uncontrollable while you hope for release, he slides his fingers inside you and pumps them upwards and then you are lost in his presence and in the night above you. You hear yourself scream, your conscience is far away.
He hushes you and holds you in his arm and you waste no time in kissing him again, a deep hard kisses in which you pour all your passion and your lust. Your hands act on their own and you reach for his jeans and force them down enough until your palming his cock.
Javi understand your needs and takes down his jeans and underwear rapidly coming back to the position between your thighs. Your eyes are locked on his body admiring how he touches himself and you raise your upper body to caress his chest
“Please Javi I need you”
“Lay down” he orders, his voice is lower now and you quiver “Impatient girl” he smirks
You obey and Javier grabs your hips and he adjusts himself towards your entrance. You open your mouth once he penetrates you but there’s no sound coming out of your lips. He mutters praises for you and bends over to kiss you again. Your tongues intertwine as he’s deep inside of you, burying himself inside and getting out again and again until you’re panting looking for that ecstatic pleasure.
You cover his moans with a deep kiss once he reaches his orgasm and you hold him there. Breathing the scent of the surroundings, your sweat and his combined, you stay there until you’re calm, relaxed, and exhausted in the sweetest way.
“Thank you for not letting me change my shift” you say after a few minutes
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seattlesea · 4 years
The Poor Character Developments in the Heroes of Olympus Series
Rick Riordan doesn’t know how to write character arcs ✨
-Percy. What arc did he even have? From The Last Olympian to The Son of Neptune it seems like he just got more arrogant and douchey, and this is never explained or expanded on. The readers don’t know why he suddenly got so arrogant. His pride got out of control and he was doing things he knew he couldn’t do but jumped into anyway like attacking a giant head-on alone. He was reckless in PJO, but every time he always had a plan. In HoO he just turned careless. He even put other demigods’ lives at risk at times and honestly didn’t do much throughout the series. He was just kind of there, not really contributing to anything and only involved when the book needed comedic relief or to remind the readers that ‘Hey, Percy is super cool and powerful’. As for his arc, he didn’t change at all. He just got annoying and way too self-involved and vain. I mean- he was literally in front of Hercules, the man who broke Zoë Nightshade’s heart- the girl who literally sacrificed herself for Percy- and he didn’t even say or do anything? He didn’t even mention Zoë or think about her at all. All he was worried about was how ‘big-shot Jason’ got to meet the all-famous Hercules and he didn’t. And this never changed. Percy’s character arc was completely flat cause he never learned from his lessons or mistakes. Even when in Tartarus and was reminded of all the people that he lost during the Second Titan War, how he forgot about Calypso on her island for over two years, and how he left Bob the Titan alone in the Underworld, he didn’t make any move to change. After that scene, he completely forgot to even mention them again. 
-Annabeth. Same thing with Annabeth, except her realism was ripped from her. She was well-written in PJO with actual flaws and weaknesses, relationships outside of her romantic one with Percy, a very important and crucial role, fighting bravely, etc., but in HoO, she- just like Percy- was pretty much dead weight, and she became extremely weak. The only thing she really accomplished was following the Mark of Athena and getting the Athena Parthenos, but she still had to be saved by everyone else, and honestly any other demigod could’ve done it way faster. Nico literally could’ve just shadow-travelled to the statue then shadow-travelled it back out. The only times she fought (which was very few times) she was always with another demigod, and the two-three times she actually fought she always had to be saved, by a newbie, especially. In the Temple of Fear, Piper ‘toughened’ her up and saved her three times from the giant Mimas, and when caught by the giants, Piper was the one to save Annabeth (again). She couldn’t do anything by herself without others having to save or help her. And she also became very dull. She didn’t have any more of her pride, short temper, care, ferocity, etc. All she was was a Percy fangirl. Everything was about him and him only. This also didn’t change. We didn’t see any improvement or alterations to her personality whatsoever. 
-Jason. The majority of the fandom doesn’t like Jason- which is understandable- but they hate on him for the wrong reasons. They dislike him cause he was ‘boring’ despite him actually having multiple distinct personality traits. They just think he didn’t have any personality cause his traits weren’t directly commented on like the other characters’ were (which is actually bad writing, readers should be able to interpret a character’s personality without it being stated to them by other characters). And he even had a sense of humor. His character arc though...fell short. But! He could’ve had an amazing character arc, Riordan just focused on the wrong parts. Riordan’s take on Jason’s character arc was deciding if he was more ‘Greek or Roman’ and then deciding he was both. But...that makes no sense, cause that’s just stereotyping every single Greek and every single Roman. The fandom says that the Romans are the cruel, harsh, and merciless ones, but what about Hazel? Or Frank? Or Reyna? Or the fact that they immediately accepted Nico while Camp Half-Blood outcasted and even ostracized him? And they say that the Greeks are the fun, cool, relaxed ones, but what about Percy, the only character to canonically torture? Or Annabeth, the unfriendly bossy one? Or Thalia, the merciless, ambitious hunter? Or Piper, the prejudiced manipulator? So really, Jason’s character arc made no sense. It was written to be Jason going from ‘always following the rules and following expectations because of his godly parent’ to ‘doing whatever he wants’, but the fandom forgets that Camp Jupiter is the one who doesn’t care about godly parent, Camp Half-Blood does, cause Camp Jupiter has demigods live in barracks for the sole purpose of demigods without family members not having to live alone while Camp Half-Blood separates cabins and tables by parentage and immediately set Percy to high standards after he was claimed. Besides, does Camp Jupiter have harpies that literally kill demigods if they’re out past curfew? Plus, Jason was breaking multiple rules before his character arc anyways- leaving Camp Jupiter, sailing across the Mediterranean Sea, etc. 
-Piper. Oh boy. Where to start with this one. I’ve already gone over how her horribly-portrayed backstory ruined the chances of a good character arc, but now let’s discuss the character arc she actually had. And the best way to describe it is ‘tell not show’. The main idea for Piper’s character arc was that she felt insecure about herself and useless and that she gained confidence in herself and her powers, but that’s not actually what happened, because starting from The Lost Hero, Piper showed multiple narcissistic tendencies that showed that she had a huge ego and placed herself on a pedestal she did nothing to earn or deserve. This is first shown with femininity- Piper immediately thinks that she’s better and above any girl if they so much as wear lip gloss or a dress, which is a sign of an obvious ego: thinking you’re better than everyone else (or in her case, a certain group of people) before getting to know them first. It’s also shown when her and Annabeth are looking for a weapon for Piper and when suggested that she doesn’t choose a dagger cause she’s a newbie, Piper retaliates with “But you use a dagger”...aka thinking she’s already on Annabeth’s level and that she can do whatever Annabeth can despite being a newbie. It’s not hypocrisy if Annabeth has been training for over nine years. Another example would be in The Mark of Athena-  "Piper's eyes flashed defiantly, like anything Reyna could do, she could do". Like, no, she can’t, cause Reyna has been training her whole life and Piper doesn’t even know her. Piper shows multiple signs of having a very high opinion of herself, including degrading others (especially other women) for her own sake, thinking she can do what anyone else can, thinking she’s better than everyone else, constantly fussing over her appearance, thinking she deserves everything she’s gotten and that she deserves more without earning it, etc., so her entire character arc wasn’t even there. She just went from quiet about her narcissism to openly expressing it. She never grew from her horrible traits and habits, never realized she was wrong by jumping all over Jason while he was amnesiac, etc., and the whole ‘feeling of uselessness’ was brought up once then never expanded on or mentioned ever again, and nor was her internalized misogyny and fiery hatred towards femininity (which wasn’t even explained). Riordan should’ve used the ‘snobby rich girl learns to be kinder and more modest’ or expanded on the fact that Piper almost killed her friends multiple times. In Katoptris, she saw Jason with gold eyes in Kansas then said ‘Let’s go to Kansas!’ She saw her, Jason, and Percy literally drowning and legit said ‘Let’s go drown!’ without telling them about what she actually saw in her dagger. She saw her and Annabeth exploring some ruins and said ‘Let’s go!’ despite knowing the visions were deadly. She put all of her friends in multiple, life-threatening situations and never felt guilty and wasn’t even called out on it, because no one said if the visions in Katoptris were fate- something you can’t avoid- or destiny- something you can choose and change. 
-Frank. Frank’s character arc was clear, but it happened in the wrong way. The main idea of his development was that he was insecure about his appearance then gained confidence from it, but he did only after he magically gained rippling abs and muscle. He only felt good about himself once he lost all his fat as if that’s not obvious lookism, fatphobia, and fat shaming (thanks, Riordan). Frank should’ve learned to love himself despite his flab and appearance and learned that it didn’t matter what he looked like cause he would still be a hero either way. He should’ve shown the readers that ‘Hey, I don’t care what I look like, cause appearance doesn’t matter, whether you choose to do the right thing or not does’, but it was wasted for fat shaming every single reader who was insecure about their weight and didn’t or couldn’t get skinnier and telling them that they should be insecure about themselves because they don’t look like Frank. Is it really so hard for society to believe that a lot of people who aren’t stick-thin are happy and confident about their body? 
-Hazel. Honestly, her character arc was one of the most confusing ones, cause she didn’t have anything to drive or even start one. Her backstory is tragic, yes, but there isn’t anything in it that she has to learn to change from cause all of that was resolved when she took down Alcyoneus and Gaea. The only thing I can think of is learning to break away from toxic people even if they’re your family or friend or cause you don’t want to hurt their feelings, but Hazel didn’t struggle with relationships at all. She wasn’t even introduced to any toxic people besides Octavian, and she already hated him. Her transition from the racist and segregated days to the modern world could’ve been really good material for a character arc along with internalized racism- she of all people (someone born and raised in segregation who was taught to hate herself and her skin tone) would grow up thinking that there was something wrong with her because of her dark skin tone and- especially after meeting so many different people of different ethnic groups and skin colors- could’ve learned to love herself and learn that skin tone doesn’t define you (which also would’ve been a perfect lesson for younger readers). Another thing that puzzled me about her ‘development’ was her powers. Her Mist control powers are cool, but what would’ve been cooler was if she was reluctant to use them because she wouldn’t want to twist the minds of people just like Gaea did to her mom. Her gem and metal control powers could’ve been expanded on but they were barely mentioned after The Son of Neptune. As for her curse, that...made absolutely no sense. Her curse was honestly just dead weight. It wasn’t even that one thing that had a lot of potential, it didn’t even have potential, cause what would she ever use it for? It was just used to make her backstory sadder, but it was never mentioned again or even explained. The only thing it could’ve been used for (and what I was hoping would happen) was if one her friends or allies took one of her cursed jewels and died because of it. The one thing I was really hoping to see in her character arc was from the quote she said to Hecate after Hecate gave her the three paths to choose from- “I’m not choosing one of your paths. I’m making my own.” This really sparked my interest because almost everything Hazel had gone through was forced onto her by others without her consent. She didn’t choose to be born into racism and segregation. She didn’t choose to be cursed. She didn’t choose to be used as a pawn by Gaea through her mother. She didn’t choose to almost raise a giant and nearly bring upon the apocalypse. She didn’t choose to use her curse against others and move to multiple places. She didn’t choose to be brought back to life. She didn’t choose to be brought to Camp Jupiter and thrown into an army. She didn’t choose to be a part of the Seven and face the same woman who used her and had her mother possessed years ago. The only two choices she made herself- destroying the island and Alcyoneus and sacrificing Elysium so her mother wouldn’t go to the Fields of Punishment- and she and her mother died because of it and she went to Asphodel for years. I was really hoping to see Hazel break free from others always making decisions for her and learn to make her own choices, but that never happened. 
-Leo: His character arc was also very confusing, but because it was all over the place. Riordan kept switching up Leo’s internal problems; forgetting about one of them and jumping to another, jumping to three different others, and then going back to the first one a few chapters later. It was so confusing. And then- in the end- he focused on the worst problem Leo had- not finding a love interest. I mean, who exactly focuses on whether or not they have a girlfriend while in the middle of a war and fighting to survive again? I liked Leo’s other problems- guilt over and blaming himself for his mother’s death, seeing his fire powers as a curse instead of a gift, forcing himself to hide his pain with humor instead of opening up to people, running away from all his problems, and his abandonment issues and constant fear of being left out and alone, but they were all replaced with ‘He felt like the seventh wheel’ (cause yes, Riordan, if you don’t have a love interest, you are immediately lesser than anyone who does, obviously). Leo got over his mother’s death in The Lost Hero- which, great- but after that nothing too memorable changed about his character. He never even used or mentioned his fire powers after The Lost Hero, he continued to hide all his pain with humor, hide his emotions from other people, and never learned to open up to others about his pain and trauma, he never learned to stop running away from his powers (shown by when he faked his own death without bothering to talk to the others about feeling left out), and his abandonment issues and fears were never expanded on, he just ran into the arms of a girl who verbally abused and constantly insulted him AKA ran to the person who gave him attention, even if it was the bad kind of attention, as if that’s not something emotionally scarred people and people with abandonment issues do, and he never grew from accepting unfair hate and criticism. 
-Nico. His character development was actually pretty good. From going to an energetic, cheerful, and playful kid to becoming a quiet, closed-off, and independent teen who struggled with depression and feeling alone and like he didn’t belong, to finding comfort in his family and friends (especially Reyna, Hazel, and Will) and learning to accept himself for who he was (as a son of Hades and as gay) and how to confide in others about his struggles, problems, and trauma and finally letting people in after being do dubious of people after Percy broke his promise to protect Bianca, he found out that King Minos was using him, and almost all of Camp Half-Blood excluded and ignored him. After being alone for most of his life, by the end of The Blood of Olympus, he has two homes (as stated by Reyna), is comfortable with people hugging him, allowed people to take care of and help him, decided to stay at Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter instead of isolating himself, made a bunch of new friends that helped him through his struggles, and he even showed multiple signs of healing from his depression and anxiety. His character development was pretty well-written. But, there was one thing wrong with it that kind of ruined the rest- his love life. Nico had an incredible character arc that could’ve taught multiple valuable lessons to younger readers, but most of it was ditched after he came out as gay in The House of Hades. Throughout all of his point of views in The Blood of Olympus, Nico never thought about any of his past trauma or struggles, Bianca, his new family and friends, etc. Pretty much all he thought about was finding out how to come out to the others and Percy. And while mustering the courage to come out is a huge deal and is great material for a character arc, Riordan never actually utilized it. Nico telling Reyna he was gay was really touching (best duo) and telling Percy he had a crush on him was great, but after that, his entire character was about his attraction towards Will (which was way too rushed, but that’s for another rant), and it got pretty annoying cause it made it obvious that Riordan only confirmed him gay for publicity by trying to shove it in the reader’s faces as if every gay person needs to have a boyfriend to validate and prove their sexuality. Riordan should’ve stayed on track with Nico’s original character arc. 
-Reyna. THE BEST CHARACTER ARC. Hers was actually really good. She started off trying to do everything on her own because she believed that she had to be strong enough to do things by herself without help from others to learning that it’s okay to ask for help. She also started off with the (quite serious and traumatizing) problem of bottling all her emotions because she believed that she always had to put on a strong, brave face for others without showing any signs of weakness to learning that it’s okay to express your emotions and confide in others (and again, that it’s okay to ask for help). This was mostly evident after she met Nico, which (in my opinion) kick-started her motivation to change because once she saw how much Nico needed help and giving him that support and comfort, realized that everyone is allowed to ask for help and started confiding in Nico as well. I like how she stayed strict and serious cause she has a formal job- a job that’s equivalent to an American’s president, that is- so she’s supposed to be serious, and she’s only strict cause she wants to protect her people. Though I do hate when people misjudge her as ‘cold-hearted’ or ‘cruel’ because Reyna is actually one of the kindest and most selfless characters in the series. Even Pegasus (the immortal lord of the pegasi) was ‘touched’ by Reyna’s ‘compassion’ towards Scipio (he didn’t even say that to Percy about Blackjack), and it’s pretty obvious she cares deeply about her family, friends, and people. And overall, her character arc was easily the best-written one in HoO. But then Riordan- just like he does with most things in this series- completely trashed her character arc just so he could have the opportunity to make fun of wlw readers who thought Reyna and Thalia would be a good couple by making her leave everything behind for the Hunters of Artemis just cause she ‘couldn’t find a love interest’ as if joining the Hunters is the only option for single female demigods instead of just...living a normal demigod life without a partner without leaving everything they know and love behind for no reason other than their shitty love life. 
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firelord-frowny · 2 years
lmao just thinking thoughts about The Slap
ok is it just me or is people’s love and admiration for will smith causing them to pretend to care way more about alopecia than they actually do, and believe it’s a way more serious health issue than it actually is?? and that it was somehow Reasonable And Proper for a passing joke about hair loss to be met with a legendary bitch slap on account of It’s A Serious Medical Condition??????????
bc like.....
ok, my mom has alopecia. her hair used to be exactly as thick and long as mine, and it was her pride and joy for her whole life, and it DEVASTATED her when her hair started falling out. she’d been a model when she was younger. she was the envy of all her peers. she was ~the black girl with the long hair.~ I remember when I was little, she’d always wear it in this looooooong braid down her back, or in a ponytail, or sometimes she’d just wear it down and carefree. 
then it started falling out when I was maybe 7ish, I think? 
and I literally have only seen her uncovered head once since then, and that was a few days ago when she forgot to put her lil night cap back on after she finished moisturizing the hair she does still have. and when she realized she’d forgotten to put it back on, she got so upset and embarrassed that she almost cried. 
So like. 
I see every day what a vicious emotional toll alopecia can take on someone. And that should be respected.
It’s not cancer. It’s not heart disease. It doesn’t increase your risk of any legit health problems. It’s not physically painful. It’s not a skin condition that’s difficult to hide. 
It’s just hair loss. The only thing it physically affects is... how much hair you have! that’s IT! And though it can obviously be emotionally distressing to lose your hair, it’s also an easy issue to solve, aesthetically. 
You can just Be Bald if you wanna. Plenty of people are bald On Purpose for plenty of reasons, and most people don’t go around asking every bald person they meet to explain why they’re bald. 
You can wear wigs. Even people who Have Hair wear wigs! Nobody cares anymore if somebody’s wearing a wig! Some people like to wear wildly different wigs every day! A platinum blond pixie cut wig today! a waist-length, pin-straight, neon green wig tomorrow! everybody who sees you knows its a wig and nobody fuckin cares!
you can wear headwraps! bandanas! cool hats! there are endless ways to tie scarves/headwraps around your head to achieve all kinds of different aesthetics. You can be whimsical and cute. You can be reserved and stately. You can use elegant color schemes - neutrals, earth tones, whites and blacks. You can be ridiculous - a headshot of Bruce Lee polka-dotting your scarf. Rainbows. Tie die. 
You can put all kinds of shit on your head and no one needs to know that you’re experiencing hair loss. 
alopecia is only so devastating because of the amount of emphasis ~society~ puts on people’s appearance. Especially women. And women, especially, are Expected to have long hair (though that expectation, I think, is dying out AS IT WELL SHOULD). And when you’re used to yourself looking One Way, and if you’re used to being seen as beautiful, and if you’re used to your hair being one of the things about you that people say is beautiful, then yeah, it fucks you up inside. 
but it’s not because alopecia is a ~serious medical condition.~ because it’s NOT. 
it’s because many people are committed to maintaining a social norm in which people are judged by how they look. 
And although I totally get why jada may have still felt put off by chris rock’s lil joke, 
the joke itself really wasn’t even ~offensive.~ he didn’t make any judgment about the fact that she didn’t have any hair. he didn’t insinuate that it was bad to have short hair. he didn’t imply that it made her less attractive. he didn’t suggest that she should try to hide the fact that she didn’t have any hair. 
He just compared her close-cropped style to a fictional story about a woman who’s a Navy SEAL. a story that lots of people interpret to have a feminist message. 
I can imagine how, despite there being absolutely no malice in a joke about having close-cropped hair, a person with alopecia may still have a negative emotional reaction to it. 
but - and i say this with love and compassion - that’s YOUR problem! 
if you’re going through something that causes you to feel triggered by innocuous or otherwise non-malicious topics/words/phrases/etc, then it’s your job to figure out how to handle those emotions appropriately. 
if your LOVED ONE is hurt by something innocuous that just happened to brush against their emotional soft-spot, it’s YOUR job to just give your loved one a hug, rub their back, and tell them it’s okay, and assure them that nobody in that room is seeing them as anything other than beautiful. and if you really just can’t help yourself, then it probably wouldn’t be out of line to address the person who said The Thing, and let them know that it’s a difficult and personal subject for your loved one, and that you would both appreciate if they could make an effort to be sensitive to that. 
but anyway, just. 
alopecia is not a terrible tragic illness. nobody gets sick from it. nobody dies from it. nobody needs to take medicine their whole lives for it. nobody has to worry about treatment costs. nobody has to worry about not being able to travel or move their bodies. beyond a (very legitimate) emotional strife that can and should be addressed by a mental health professional if necessary, alopecia does not prevent anyone from doing anything they plan to do in their life, except maybe wear an afro. like, if that was your one goal, then damn, that sucks I guess! 
it’s just hair. and i KNOW that hair is important in a lot of very real ways. 
but hair loss is a normal and common thing, and I think it makes more sense to encourage people to make less of a Big Deal about hair loss than it is to expect that people just... never ever ever mention that someone doesn’t have any hair on the off chance that the reason they don’t have hair is because of alopecia. 
like omfg with the way will popped off, you’d think jada’s hair loss was caused by cancer treatment or something. 
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skipppppy · 4 years
Ok so! What were the certain other She-Ra characters' thoughts and opinions of Aria (those who have directly interacted with her such as: Adora, Catra, Glimmer, Scorpia, and Entrapta), before and after she became Empress?
Also I'm a real big sucker for OCs with tragic ends! Love your work!
Thank you very much!! This is a fun question so hmm lets see
-A majority of the rebellion kinda felt the same way about Aria, they basically saw her as “the combat medic who’s nice but also super sensetive and skittish and easy to forget about.” After she became Empress, it was very much a “oh no that girl we kept ignoring just inherited an intergalactic army and the only thing stopping her from killing us all is her own sense of morality. Suprised pikachu face” kinda situation
-Adora probably came to Aria a few times for advice about her healing powers, since they have a shared bond of being born with wierd magic from outer space! She probably felt super bad about what Aria went through, and seeing her as the Empress is probably the only thing that would ever make her regret killing Horde Prime.
-Aria always felt bad for Catra since they had a VERY similar upbringing, but didn’t really get the chance to help her because she was a prisoner of the Horde. Catra probably feels the most responsible for her situation, as it was her tricking Hordak into believing that Aria had sent Entrapta to Beast Island that caused the “incident” that led her to Horde Prime. Her spiral mirrors Catra’s in a way; I can genuinely imagine Aria screaming “you made me this way and you get to be the good guy?” at her for EXTRA devastation points
-Glimmer’s relationship with Aria is strained to say the least, as Queen/Empress they have to maintain a working relationship, but she was also the one that sold her out to the Horde. It wasn’t intentional or malicious, but she promised Aria she and the rebels would come and rescue and genuinely forgot to follow through.
-Scorpia is one of the few characters who didn’t directly or indirectly do something to screw Aria over, so she doesn’t hold any kind of grudge towards her. Scorpia is probably the only one who could genuinely convince her to forgive the rebels, but in all her optimism she still understands why she feels the way she does and respects the boundaries she sets. Although I imagine she isn’t too sympathetic about Prime being gone considering. Y’know. She was chipped
-I already made like, a 3 paragraph answer to another ask on her relationship with Entrapta (I’d link it if I knew how to do that sorry 😔) but to put a long story short. They were best friends since childhood and Entrapta feels sick to her stomach seeing Aria in her current situation because she knows that it was her decision to stay with Hordak that turned her downward spiral into a full on psychological break. I honestly think she would try to use her tech knowledge against all reason to see if bringing Horde Prime back was possible, literally just so she wouldn’t have to live with the guilt of what happened to her.
I will give her a happy ending, its legit just a case of “there’s so many ways I could make her hapoy but idk which one I like the best” like does Horde Prime come back?? Does she step down as Empress and find peace in a normal life? Does she find new purpose in returning to Horde Prime’s homeworld and rebuilding it for the clones? HHHH idk one day I’ll figure it out
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ink-and-flame · 4 years
Kinktober Day 2: Before the Fall [WARCRAFT M/M]
Kinktober Day 2 Prompts: Tickling ~ Spanking ~ Chastity belts Fandom: Warcraft Tags: Exophilia, m/m,  tickling, spanking, chastity device, dom/sub themes Pairing: Go’el (Thrall)/Anduin, Thrall/Jaina (mentioned)
[Author’s note: I kind of struggled with this. I couldn’t really think of a good idea, all day I stressed over what to write. Then my addled brain was like “but what if something that would get you legit straight up murdered” and unfortunately my friends encouraged this. So now here we are. I am not sorry, I am never sorry. Also the switching of names from Go’el to Thrall was on purpose. Also I haven’t slept yet so it is still technically day 2]
Everything changed when Varok had shown up and dragged him back into a war he wanted no part of. The elements had abandoned him, his relationship with his family was strained on the best of days. Perhaps he was taking too much to heart, but Go’el had not wanted any of this. How had it all come to this, how had everything gone so wrong. The only commonality was himself, and that required some inner reflection he wasn’t quite ready for. 
Now he was working alongside the Alliance again, alongside Jaina. There was a name he never thought would cross his lips again. They had parted badly some time ago and the flame he had felt for her had all but died out. Yet here, in this handful of moments, there was a small rekindling of that flame that he had a hard time ignoring, and it did not go completely unnoticed. 
As time passed it became easier for the shaman to push thoughts of his family aside, he was needed again. No the elements were not there to aid him, but he was still strong, he could still fight. Yet that temptation remained. No matter how hard he tried to shake it his gaze lingered on the human. She was so different, so much more powerful, so incredibly beautiful. She took his breath away like no one ever had. Still, there was a bitterness and almost sour taste when he thought of her that way. Perhaps their past was just that, the past. 
Go’el had set up his tent further away from the others, once they had found a place to settle after rescuing Baine. He needed some privacy and space to think. He had never wanted to come back, especially under circumstances such as these, but here he was, playing the hero again. Would they ask him to take on the mantle of Warchief again? Could they even defeat Sylvanas? Too many questions, so much that would never be answered. 
“So I guess the rumors are true.”
Go’el turned around towards the voice that had spoken. It was Anduin, and he had the most bemused smile on his face. Though still in his youth, the boy had grown and was becoming the kind of person that Varian would be proud of. The statement confused Go’el though.
“Rumors? Oh, about the elements.” A deep sigh escaped him as he looked away. “Yes, they are true.”
“Not those rumors, the ones about you and Jaina.”
Go’el whipped around and looked at Anduin with clear shock on his face. His bright sky blue eyes wide as his mouth hung open slightly. Seriously? Those rumors were still going around. Even now. It was almost too much and the orc had to shake off the shock before he looked away with a grumble. “No. They are not.”
“From where I stand, they seem pretty true to me Thrall. Have you spent any time with her yet?” Anduin moved to sit next to the large orc a small smile on his lips, somewhat enjoying the former shaman’s discomfort.  “Oh, sorry I forgot, Go’el I mean.”
“It’s quite alright. I, strangely, don’t mind hearing that name again. It was my name for so long, even I slip up now and then.” Thrall glanced at the human that had joined him now. Curious why the young king was even here. “You are not standing, and they are not true.”
“You know what I mean.” Anduin ran a hand through his hair. “Are you sure it is alright? The name thing. I understand that you have a difficult past.”
“Yes, I am sure. I made that name my own long ago.” He huffed a strange airy laugh. “The way I see it, we all have difficult pasts.” Glancing down a bit he took in the king. “So, what brings you here besides rumors. I find it hard to believe that gossip is what drives you boy.”
Anduin frowned, he hated being called boy. Saurfang did it too and it kind of drove him a little bit up the wall. “I was already here. The planning has been started. I was surprised you weren’t there, but we are still waiting for allies to arrive.” he leaned back taking on a more relaxed pose. “That isn’t why I am here, I really am curious. How long before you think she notices?”
A brow raised up as Thrall regarded the young human. “What are you talking about?”
“I see the way you look at her, I just added that with the rumors I heard floating around, and realized they were true.” Smiling he looked up at Thrall. “How does that even work? She is so much smaller than you?”
This was too much. He wondered if the boy was sick or drunk. This was not the kind of questioning that was proper, ever, and he certainly had never been spoken to like this before. Especially from the current leader of the Alliance. Thrall sputtered a bit. “Are you well Anduin?”
Grey, stormy blue eyes met Thrall’s “Why do you ask?”
“Because this is the most unusual conversation I think I have ever had.”  The orc looked the human over curiously. “So, are you well? Do I need to get one of your aides?”
Anduin sighed and rubbed his face.  “Thrall. You know what it is like. Better than anyone here. The pressures of leadership. Always having to be a certain way, the constant judging? I thought you would understand. Do you have any idea when the last time I had an actual conversation was? Because I certainly don’t!”
Thrall’s face softened, a smile curving his lips around his thick tusks. “Ah, I see. Yes I understand. I don’t mind being casual with you, if you are certain you are ok with it. I understand that, I have made some choices and done some things that have made me less than popular.”
“I don’t mind. I still respect you. I grew up hearing stories about you. Some of them I have a hard time believing. Then there were the whispers. I was always curious. I could never quite do the math, or see how it was possible. Especially with the contempt Jaina had for the Horde for a long time there. But in these last few days, or weeks, light I don’t even know what day it is anymore.” Rubbing his face and resting his chin on his hand Anduin continued. “I have seen how you watch her, stare at her, the way your posture changes, and now I think I believe. I don’t understand, but I believe.”
“There isn’t anything to understand. I think you have this whole situation mistaken.”
“You can be honest with me Thrall. Who am I going to tell, really? Who would even listen to me? Or believe me? I just. How does it work? How do you even fit?” Anduin looked up at the large muscular orc, his cheeks slightly flushed, realizing what he had just asked. 
“I didn’t.” The answer was short and to the point.
“Is that why she is mad? Because you hurt her?”
Rubbing his face and pinching the bridge of his nose, Thrall let out a world weary sigh. “No. I mean, it never happened. Nothing ever happened between us.” Looking over at Anduin, it was clear the boy didn’t believe him. “I swear on my father’s spirit. It never went there.”
Anduin blinked. “Oh…”
“There was a time that I wanted it to.”
A deep chuckle rumbled out of Thrall, echoing out from his chest. “She is beautiful, even you can see that. It was just, never meant to be. I don’t know if I waited too long, or if the feelings were not returned, but, it never happened. I thought about it, dreamed about it, I was ready to throw the rules in the faces of my advisors over it, but I didn’t and now I never will.”
“You still could. I mean, she seems to have eased up on her hatred. She is much calmer, more balanced now. Her grief isn’t so raw. I am sure that she feels the same for you. I can’t imagine why she wouldn't”
“It is an interesting sentiment, but I can list all the reasons why she wouldnt, but I won’t because we will be here all night.” Thrall frowned looking down at his hands, then he turned to Anduin curious. “What do you mean you can’t imagine why she wouldn’t?”
“Oh, uh, well, you see. Nevermind. I guess I am just one of those hopeless romantics right?” He was clearly nervous, running a hand through his blond hair and looking away.
“That is a lie, and lies are not becoming for a king.”
“I just.” Anduin sighed. “I can just see why someone would want to be with you. That is all.”
Thrall studied Anduin for a few long moments. Watching as the human began to squirm under his long silent gaze. The shaman had perfected his patience and could wait out just about anyone. He shouldn’t have enjoyed Anduin’s increasing discomfort, but he did. Thrall wasn’t a cruel person, but there was something a little endearing about the human king and he was having a little bit of fun at the boys expense. 
When the silence had dragged on long enough that he could see Anduin about to speak, Thrall had to ask. “What exactly do you mean by that?”
“I am not sure I understand the question.”Stalling, he was clearly stalling.
“How can you see why someone would want me? I am a failed leader, the elements have abandoned me, I seem to make questionably awful decisions. What about any of that is desirable?” Perhaps he just wanted the ego stroke, but the orc was genuinely curious.
“We all make bad choices sometimes, and maybe right now you aren’t meant to be a shaman. You are still strong, honorable, powerful, intelligent, han...” Anduin realized he had lost himself for a minute there. “Handy to have around…” That was the worst save and he really hoped Thrall didn’t notice. 
“You flatter me, I do not see how I am handy though.” It was clear the boy was going to say something else,and there was really only one word that would fit. Did the human actually look at him, and orc, and see something attractive? That was strange. Orcs were monstrous, ugly, to humans. Yet Thrall was almost positive Anduin was going to call him handsome. 
That only made more questions pop into his head. Was the young king attracted to him, or did he just find orcs aesthetically pleasing in general. It was strange, but not entirely unheard of. People were attracted to many things, it was possible that Anduin just found orcs to be interesting to look at. 
“Oh, well, I mean, you are pretty handy to have around.” He felt sheepish, looking at Thrall, knowing that the orc was suspicious. “Maybe I should go.” Anduin began to stand up, but was stopped by a large hand grasping his arm. 
“Did you ask because you were curious? Or because you were hopeful?” 
Anduin sputtered at Thrall’s question and looked down at the hand that almost covered his entire forearm, and sputtered even more. “I. what do you even mean by that.”
“What were you really going to say Anduin?”
Sitting back down with a heavy sigh. “Handsome. I was going to say handsome.” He rubbed his face. “I’m sorry. I know it is weird. I didn’t mean to make it weird.”
“It isn’t weird. Well it is, but it isn’t. Some humans do find orcs attractive. Most find us ugly and monstrous, but everyone likes what they like and there is nothing wrong with it.”
“No. I meant. Coming from me. It was weird.”
Thrall looked confused. “Why would it be weird coming from you? Oh, because you are the leader of the Alliance, and I am a disgraced former leader of the Horde?”
“You aren’t disgraced, stop that.” The human huffed. “Seriously?”
“We are both male?” Anduin’s voice was a little higher and he sounded a bit uncertain.
“Why should that matter?” Thrall tilted his head releasing Anduin’s arm as he realized he was still holding onto the boy.
“Because, we, wait seriously? It isn’t a problem?”
“Why should it be. Male orcs often have partners in their youth that are also male. It mostly depends on how balanced the training groups are. Sometimes after battle an orc can often become intensely aroused. You aren’t as picky when that kind of arousal hits you. Do human males not share pleasure?” This was a curiosity. As a slave Thrall had seen many things, and he was certain he had seen males pleasuring males before. 
“They do, but it is frowned upon I guess. Especially for someone like me. I mean I’m the king. It is expected that I will take a wife and produce an heir.” Anduin shrugged. “Not that I haven’t thought about that. I do find women attractive. I just, also sometimes find men attractive too.” There was a scared uncertainty in his voice.
“Do you find me attractive Anduin?” Thrall had turned to face Anduin fulling, his voice deepening as he spoke. Nostrils flaring a bit to scent the air. 
“I..” It was hard to breathe all of a sudden and Anduin found himself feeling intense and conflicting emotions. 
“No one here but us, I am just curious.” Thrall’s voice softened and he leaned back. He was intimidating the boy.
“That doesn’t sound certain. Are you sure.”
“Yes. Thrall, I do find you attractive. I am sorry.”
“Why? Do you not want to find me attractive?” Humans were strange, even after most of his life being spent around them, Thrall found them to be complex and a little annoying.
“It isn’t that. It is just. It seems wrong. You have a wife, a family, and I am pretty sure that you see me as a child the way everyone else does.”
“I see you as young, and my having a mate doesn’t mean that you cannot find me attractive. Or that I can’t look upon others with interest. If the temptation becomes too difficult to ignore, I have ways around it.” Thrall admitted, though realized what the next question would be and he somewhat feared it.
“Um, what do you mean?” Anduin was curious. Did shamans have a way of banishing their lust, their desire, their attraction?
“That is, well a bit personal. I feel it would fall in the realm of ‘too much information’ and you would most likely regret asking once you had the answer.” Thrall laughed and shifted his position slightly.
“Well I am just more curious. So now you have to tell me.” Anduin found that he enjoyed this. It was almost like teasing, but not quite. 
“We are a bit too out in the open for me to be removing my lower coverings boy.” There was an edge to Thrall’s voice, but it wasn’t anger.
Sighing loudly. “Enough with the boy. I am a grown man, I run a kingdom, several, can we stop with that. I let Saurfang do it because he is ancient and everyone is a boy to him.”
The laugh that interrupted Anduin was loud and deep. There was clear and genuine mirth in Thrall’s eyes as he laughed and shook his head. “Don’t let him hear you put it that way.”
The interruption startled Anduin, and distracted him, but not for long. Eventually what Thrall said registered and he looked at the orc curiously. “What do you mean lower coverings? Your pants?”
“Yes, my pants, I won’t be taking them off. So you will just have to use your imagination for what I meant.” It was obvious that his words would only make the boy more curious. 
Which of course it did and Anduin only scooted closer. “Ok, now you absolutely have to tell me because I am not sure how that makes sense.”
“Not here. It would be inappropriate if anyone were to see. I am sure we would never be able to explain the situation. While orcs have no issues with nudity, humans do.” 
“No one is around Thrall. Just look around?” He knew that it would be hard to get away. He lead the Alliance. Rarely was he ever allowed to go anywhere alone. He couldn’t exactly waltz into a Horde city, nor could he easily sneak Thrall into his home. Right now they had their tents and that was about as much privacy as anyone was going to get.
Thrall did indeed glance around and saw that they were pretty far off from everyone else and no one seemed to be paying them any attention. Still it was a strange request and he felt suddenly shy about it. Not about nudity, but what Anduin would see. His green skin darkened a bit and he cleared his throat. 
“It still isn’t appropriate.”
“Are you shy Thrall? Would it help if I showed you mine?” Anduin was teasing, but it was because he had never seen and orc blush before and he was pretty certain that was what Thrall was doing.
Huffing a bit of a growl, the orc glared a bit at Anduin. “I am not amused, but I suppose you aren’t going to let this go and I would rather not drag it out.”
Shifting his belt Thrall loosened his pants as if he were going to relieve himself. It took some tugging to get his loincloth out of the way as he pulled the fabric and fur aside to show Anduin just how he helped to control himself. A large cage looking device was settled against his crotch, his thick green cock held soft and safe within. It looked like a small lock was near the top, but the device was a little hard to see with all of the leather and fur in the way. Covering himself Thrall grunted and glanced at Anduin. 
To his credit, the human managed to stay silent. Though a rather undignified sound almost escaped him at the sight of Thrall’s very large, and strangely caged cock. That was new, something Anduin had never seen before. He wasn’t sure what the purpose was. If it was Locked, there was bound to be a key. Unless Thrall didn’t have it, but that just raised more questions. He looked up at the orc, questions dying in his throat. There was something in Thrall’s eyes that gave Anduin pause and he swallowed back what he wanted to say.
“Your turn human.” It was a joke really, just teasing, anything to lighten the mood.
Thrall was surprised when Anduin began to unlatch his armor, removing the coverings at his lower half. Opening his breeches. He had even more cover to deal with and took a few moments to release himself from the confines of his small clothes. There were two things that stood out to Thrall about Anduin’s cock. One, was that it seemed decently sized in proportion to the rest of the boy, and two, he was erect. 
“It, well it isn’t as impressive as yours, but it works well enough when I have cause to use it.” Anduin was embarrassed, and aroused, intensely aroused. He had never seen anything so large, and so incredibly male, and yet also so very strange. 
“Do you have cause often? I imagine as king you are quite popular with the ladies of your kingdom.” Thrall was trying to lighten the mood a bit and not address the very obvious arousal the king had. 
“That um, no, no I have never. I mean not never.. Well.. ok never.” Anduin sighed and put his face in his hands, forgetting his dick was out and standing proud. He had just admitted, to Thrall, that he was still a virgin. 
“There is nothing to be embarrassed about Anduin. You are young, and you are king. I can imagine that you have very little time for relationships and that your aides may be a little over protective. I can’t imagine trying to attract a female’s attention when you are constantly surrounded. You have no reason to feel any shame, I worried that I made you uncomfortable.”
Anduin turned and tilted his head at Thrall. “I am not uncomfortable, and um, thanks. So.. how does that work?” He gestured to Thrall’s crotch, and realized too late how that could be taken.
“I suppose it works similar to yours. I become aroused, it becomes erect, and stimulation brings me to release.” Thrall knew what Anduin meant, but he couldn’t stop himself from poking just a little fun. 
It was interesting, how different from his own laugh Anduin’s was. It was lighter, more musical, charming really. Thrall found that the sound of the boy laughing warmed him. It was a good sight to see. All things aside, the war, the factions, Thrall had never wished ill on the boy, not even when his father, Varian, had been a thorn in his side. The orc was smiling now, a gentle kind smile. 
“Ok, I suppose I deserved that a little bit. I meant the um, cage? Is it a cage?” Curiosity got the better of him but Anduin finally tucked himself away once he realized he was still exposed. 
“That is a good name for it. It slips on, only when I am soft of course, and then locks into place. As for the key. I hide it from myself, but if there is an emergency I can break out of it. Honestly it isn’t hard to, but it helps ground me. Lets me deal with temptation. It is almost impossible to become erect with it on. Saved my dignity a few times.” Thralls cheeks darkened a bit. “I also just enjoy wearing it, though I couldn’t begin to tell you why.”
“Does it feel good? To wear it I mean?”
“Actually, it is uncomfortable, so no. Yet it also kind of does. It might be a mental thing. I am honestly not sure.” Thrall shrugged and found the blush on the boy’s face endearing. 
“You can have one made for yourself, though I have no idea how you would manage to hide that you are wearing it. Humans have some interesting clothing choices.”
Anduin shook his head as he snorted a bit of a laugh. “Don’t tempt me.”
“If I was trying to temp you, you’d know.” Thrall leaned in, his voice deeper as he winked at the human king.
It worked. Anduin was flushed and flustered. He could feel his erection spring back to life and Thrall had barely done anything. In a panic he looked around for anything to change the subject, but his eyes were drawn to Thrall’s chest. There was a surprising amount of hair there, and Anduin was tempted to touch. What did orcish skin even feel like? “Are orcs ticklish?”
“Are we what? Ticklish?” It was a strange change of subject and Thrall had to actually think about that. “I mean, our children are. I can’t say I have ever seen anyone try and tickle a grown orc though.” Thrall tilted his head, wracking his brain for any evidence that he had ever seen someone tickle an orc. He missed Anduin leaning in and barked a laugh when fingertips softly grazed his side. 
“I guess so.”
“You caught me off guard. I don’t think that counts as tickling.” Thrall could still feel the ghost of the touch on his skin. He had expected Anduin to drop it, not double down and dig his fingers a little harder into Thrall’s side. This time the laugh was completely involuntary and it turned out that yes, adult orcs could be ticklish. At least he was. 
Anduin was grinning and leaning in when he realized that he was able to make Thrall laugh and squirm. He moved closer, making sure not to push too hard, he didn’t want to cause pain. The orc’s laughter was loud and warm. Anduin loved the sound of it. 
Scooting away Thrall tried to ease the pressure on his side, it put the tent between himself and the view of anyone behind them. “You keep that up boy and I am going to take you across my lap and spank you!” It was an empty threat. Thrall would never lay a hand on the king of Stormwind. He was pretty sure he would be executed if he did. 
Not giving up Anduin moved closer to Thrall, continuing to try and tickle the orc that had moved out of his range temporarily. “Who says you won’t be the one getting spanked after this. After all, you are the one who is ticklish.”
Now there was a thought. Being spanked. Something Thrall had never really experienced himself. Yes, he had experienced beatings, but that wasn’t the same as spanking. At least not in the context that was being used here. He almost wanted to see Anduin try. “If you can actually manage to get me into any kind of position where you would have access. I will let you, just because I think it is funny. That and I know you wont.”
There was nothing Anduin loved more, than being told he could not do something for whatever reason the person contrived, and then doing that exact thing just to prove he could.  “Are you sure you want to challenge me old man?”
“Who are you calling old boy! I would like to see you even try to flip me. Which you wont because someone will see us. So even in the unlikely event that you could, you still can’t, because you wont risk it.” Thrall’s confidence sometimes got the better of him, and he missed the look that flashed in Anduin’s steel blue eyes. 
“You are old, at least compared to me.” Anduin pointed out as he looked over the situation. No one had paid attention to them for a while. Apparently the king of Stormwind chatting with the former Warchief of the Horde was not seen as strange. Thrall’s tent flap was open, and the entrance was wide. Hoping that Thrall was caught enough by surprise to not put up too much fight. Anduin surged forward pushing the orc through the entrance of the tent and wrestling him to the ground. 
The orc was heavy, far heavier than Anduin had expected and it was only due to the sudden action on his part that he managed to get Thrall mostly on his chest. It wasn’t technically a fully prone position, but it should be close enough to count, at least he hoped. The idea of actually having a chance to spank Thrall, of all people, was one Anduin could not pass up. 
Thrall sputtered, thrown off balance, and clearly shocked by what just happened. It had happened so quickly, and the strength of the young human was more of a surprise than what he had expected. Clearly, the lithe human was stronger than he physically appeared. While he wasn’t completely prone, Thrall had enough of his chest on the ground that if he was generous, he could concede. 
“Do you yield orc.” Anduin had not meant for it to sound harsh. He regretted it the moment it was out of his mouth.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you boy?” Thrall chuckled when he felt Anduin loosen his grip.
“I didn’t mean…” 
“It’s alright. You have seen enough war, it happens. I know you did not mean it the way it sounded.” Thrall moved further into his tent, waving Anduin inside. “I suppose you expect I should concede to your victory now?”
“Well, I didn’t get you fully prone.” 
“Not this time, maybe next time. Still, you did well enough I suppose I could allow it.” Thrall hated to admit, but he was a little bit excited by the prospect.
Anduin was surprised. Thrall was going to allow it. Was he joking, humoring him, it was strange to think someone as strong as Thrall would let something like this happen, to be even a little submissive, and yet he was offering. 
Moving to the back of the tent Thrall stripped off his belt, boots, and pants. Leaving just his loincloth on he sat down on his furs and waved the boy over. “This is how I prefer to sleep if I can. I can strip the rest of the way, but if someone investigates it would be easier to diffuse the situation if I am not naked.”
Anduin was hoping to see more of Thrall’s body, but he would accept this. “Will you feel it through the leather of your clothing?”
Well that was a thought. What if he couldn’t. His loincloth was thick and heavy. Designed that way on purpose to protect his more delicate area. “You make an excellent point, yet again.” Shrugging it off, Thrall was left naked before the king of Stormwind. Or mostly so, the cage on his cock probably should not count. 
It was almost impossible not to stare. Thrall cut a rugged figure and Anduin felt his arousal spike. He wanted to touch the orc everywhere. The cage was a curious contraption and it was tempting to reach out and touch it, but this was not what he was given permission to do. Anduin was nervous. He had never spanked anyone before, and now there was a big, powerful, and quite attractive orc, expecting a spanking.
Swallowing and scooting a bit closer Anduin removed some of his armor, wanting to be a bit more relaxed and have more freedom of movement. He kept his leathers on, not certain that stripping naked was something that Thrall would be ok with. “So, my lap then?”
Thrall looked almost scandalized at the thought, which caused them both to laugh. He had just assumed he would bend over and get smacked once, and call it good. This was beginning to sound far more intimate than intended. 
Clearing his throat Thrall moved closer to Anduin and awkwardly assumed the position, half laying across the boy’s lap. “I am probably too heavy for this.”
“You are heavy, but not more than I can handle. At least for a bit. I doubt you are going to tolerate more than a few strikes.”
“I can handle it.”
“That isn’t really what I meant.” Anduin raised his hand and brought it down sharply onto Thralls surprisingly shapely, and deceptively firm ass cheek. He was pretty sure his hand hurt more than anything he did to Thrall, but the noise the orc made shot straight to his cock and Anduin could not resist striking again. 
Thrall had not expected to enjoy it. While it was more of a gentle love tap, it was still pleasurable, and that was a strange thing to think. The cage was feeling tight and he had to fight the urge to squirm as Anduin brought his hand down a few more times. Each time, the strike was a little harder and felt a little better to Thrall. After a particularly sharp slap, Thrall realized he had moaned out loud and he could feel Anduin’s erection pressing against him. It was time to end this before things went too far. 
Anduin was panting, his arousal making him sweat a little as he continued to strike Thrall’s shapely ass. He wanted more, wanted to touch the former Warchief intimately. He wanted to rip off that cage and see just how big Thrall’s orcish cock really was. It was intoxicating, the feeling of power and he didn;t want to stop, but he could feel the shifting in his lap and realized that maybe things went too far. 
“I am going to move now. Ok?” Thrall sat up and kept his gaze off of Anduin’s lap. He pulled on his loincloth, needing to cover the evidence of his own arousal.
While the cage prevented him from being able to become erect. It did not stop his cock from drooling. It seemed he produced even more when he was caged and he was about to leak all over Anduin. Something he was sure he would never be able to explain. 
“Did I hurt you?” 
“No, Anduin, you did not. I just felt that, perhaps, things had gone far enough. We could still be interrupted at any moment, and I didn’t want to harm you unintentionally. I am strong and sometimes I don’t always control that strength as well as I should.”
The king nodded and smiled softly at Thrall. “Thank you… for.. Allowing me this. I felt like a real person for a moment.”
Thrall looked shocked and pulled Anduin close before he could stop himself.  “You are a real person, and you deserve everything.” The kiss surprised them both, and was cut short when Thrall pulled back realizing what he had done. “I.. apologize.”
“Don’t.” Anduin reached up, touching a thick tusk. “If you hadn’t. I would have.”
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movienotesbyzawmer · 3 years
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April 18: Rocky IV
(previous notes: Rocky III)
The Cold War one! I was in high school when this came out, and it seems like the Rocky movie that has most endured in pop culture for people my age, and even younger maybe? I haven't seen it in a very, very long time so I'm wondering if the Rocky-versus-All-Of-Communism logline is going to seem like a pathetically irrelevant conflict. Or, frankly, if that sentiment is going to sound like the dipshits that attacked the US Capitol just a few short months ago. It's definitely going to feel like just a slight twist on a formula that's been working, right? Let's see…
Totally different intro from the rest of the series, and surprisingly the recap of the end of the last movie also includes the hit single from the last movie. But also there is a thing about an American-flag glove and a Soviet-flag glove punching each other into an explosion.
They were so happy with the chummy chit-chat at the end of Rocky III that they just gratuitously include that whole scene here. It is a cheap way to eat up a couple of minutes.
Oh My God. The first actual new scene in this movie serves the important purpose of documenting for all time how dazzlingly technically advanced things were in 1985. For Paulie's birthday party, he gets a ROBOT! It talks… ROBOT-style! Paulie is whelmed by how robot-y it is.
"Open your prize," Rocky tells her when asking Adrian to open her PRESENT. Why did he say "prize".
MEANWHILE IN SOVIET UNION… They do a quick montage that only vaguely suggests something about a boxer and the USSR.
Apollo Creed spots an innocuous news story about Russian boxer Ivan Drago coming to America to participate in sportsmanlike fighting. AC is PISSED! A Russian being competitive, oh hell no.
At least Drago has a female companion so there will be an actual female character who isn't played by Talia Shire.
"Commies Are Evil" isn't the only theme of this movie; there's also "The Marvels of Technology". Drago's unmatched strength is demonstrated for the press in a very electricity-filled gym. And the robot has been in three scenes already in the first fifteen minutes! Oh I hope they aren't going to get me to fall in love with Robot Character only to have it lose in a boxing match to The Commies.
Big press conference to announce that AC will be fighting Drago in an exhibition match. AC is all cocky and Drago literally says nothing the whole scene. He is characterized as perhaps yet another robot character. But his wife and some other Russian guy do all the talking, and if they're supposed to seem like the Bad Guy, I don't see it. They are perfectly diplomatic and AC is just acting like a tool.
0:23:23 - I remember this scene, we all do, oh yes we do. The Fight That Does Not Go So Well. It starts with a super flashy intro; they're at the venue in Vegas and there are showgirls and pretend fighter planes and Actual James Brown singing this movie's legit hit single, "Living in America", singing it all At The Russians as AC descends in front of a monster thing in spangly Uncle Sam garb. AC actually dances alongside James Brown and around Drago. What they're doing, these diabolical filmmakers, is going to make what happens next sting the audience pretty bad.
Right before the fight, Drago's first line is "you vill lose". Monotone. Robotic. Technology! #1985
Drago beats him to actual death, he twitches on the floor as Drago robotically says things like "I will not be defeated". It is a bummer, this turn of events.
New press conference. Rocky is going to fight Drago. "No money. It's not about the money." That's weird, addressing money in this press conference. They're not really addressing the monumental fact that Rocky is sitting next to the guy that killed Apollo Creed.
This time, the Soviets are less diplomatic. Rocky barely says anything, but the old Russian dude calls him little and weak. They have a good point, though, about how Drago gets death threats in the US on account of he is a killer of an American hero, even though the wife also says he is not a killer. But that's why the fight will be in Russia.
New montage with a very 80s pop song. Worth noting that we have not heard any of the famous music from the first movie. This montage also looks very 80s, with it's flashbacks using a lot of different, highly techologically sophisticated frame rates.
0:42:41 - Adrian eye-close sighting! Thank you so much for that, it is what we all want and only you, Rocky-movie, can provide it.
Flashbacks to all the other movies. He is thinking about it all as he anticipates The Hell Of Going To Russia. Remember when he pointed to the jacket in the window that one time? Rocky does. Remember when he looked at his statue? Rocky does. He even somehow remembers Adrian closing her eyes. This is a music video with mostly recycled footage from the whole series.
0:48:35 - Another "modern" pop song, I think it's the band called Survivor again. Were we supposed to love all the catchy tunes and go out and buy the soundtrack? We only remember the James Brown one in 2021.
It is snowy in Russia ha ha! Paulie has joined him on the trip because he is part of Rocky's staff, but he doesn't like how cold it is ha ha.
Rocky's quarters consist of a log cabin dripping with icicles at the foot of some really pretty mountains. I play Geoguessr a lot and I don't ever see pretty mountains like that in Russia, but they must have them, right?
Rocky has been assigned minders. He is told they will go wherever he goes. I'm pretty sure that's not an unfair characterization.
He's got Apollo's trainer guy there with him, but Rocky makes it clear that he just has to do this training stuff on his own or whatever blah blah.
Now a montage going back and forth between Drago training and Rocky just running through the snow-covered countryside. ON HIS OWN. Plus also sawing wood and displacing boulders on his own. Oh and being the dog in a dogsled pulling Paulie! Locals look at Rocky because, look, a man doing something, that's new and confusing. Drago has electric machines. Rocky fells trees! Drago is inside comfortable facilities. Rocky is growing his beard out! The minders observe it all. The minders observe it all.
There is a subplot about how Adrian is dealing with this whole thing. She had been unconfident earlier, and did not join Rocky in USSR. But surprise, she is now there in Russia suddenly because love! Rocky continues to train, not so alone-y now and with a new rock song with more major chords. That is Drago's weakness! Communism hates major triads.
Gotta have inspired running, right? This time Rocky runs up a snowy mountain, running so hard that the minders can't keep up! At the peak he does his trademark cheer howl in that pretty place… but he is saying "DRAGO!!!!!!!!!"
Just like that, we're at the big fight. This time it's in Russia and it's mostly uniformed soldiers in the crowd.
Ugh. Quick cut to Rocky's kid watching at home on TV with friends. He says "that's my dad" and one of them replies "what do you think we are, nerds?" Ladies and gentlemen, the wit of Mr. Stallone: Screenwriter.
Do we need to talk about Drago's hair? He has very styled hair. I think it looks like Vanilla Ice hair. Is that a strange choice? I don't know how to think about hair, I guess.
"I must break you". That's what Drago says to Rocky right before they fight. I remember it. It is an above average dialogue choice compared with other Rocky-movie-right-before-the-fight dialogue choices.
Drago punches Rocky a lot, and the commentators make sure we know that Rocky might lose and they may even have to stop the fight. But also, yes, it does just look like Rocky is taking a lot of rough beating.
"He's not human. He's a piece of iron." So speaks Drago in unbecoming monotone. I don't know what that means.
It's a montage now, an appealingly edited summary of a whole bunch of rounds. The two boxers are both doing well and maybe not doing well, both. Montage.
I guess I'm experiencing what I remember noticing back when I first saw this in the 80s, which is that they really did convince us that Drago was indestructible, and now we're seeing him be damaged and it's kind of satisfying.
1:21:15 - Whoa, I forgot about this. The Soviet Diplomat Man is giving Drago a hard time about not winning yet, and Drago lifts him up violently by the neck and says something about I Will Win For Me, For Me. It's a little like we're supposed to think Drago is increasingly inspired by American Freedom, maybe? But it won't help him if he's still the bad guy in a Rocky movie.
This fight is taking a long time. A lot of this movie's running time is being consumed by this fight.
Eventually Rocky wins, because it turns out that he is just better because Freedom, and it's that same tiresome "Rocky-won" music, maybe arranged a little differently.
What does he say in the mic at the end? What is his message? "During this fight, I seen a lot of changing…" he says that during this fight, like during the actual boxing match, they all grew to appreciate each other. And it's better to do boxing than do nuclear annihilations. The whole crowd cheers for Rocky! Even the important Soviet Boss Men, startling even themselves with their abrupt adoration of The Wise American. Then when he says Merry Christmas Kid to his kid at home, well this whole entire crowd clearly thinks Rocky is better than their whole entire country. We don't see Drago any more. We don't know if he, too, is moved by Rocky's profound monologue. And we never find out what Drago and Robot Character think of each other.
So that's it, that's the end of Rocky IV. I get why it fires people up in a simple way, but I don’t think it's good. It totally assumes you'll understand that Rocky wins because the USSR just kind of sucks. Or you won't care that it's improbable that Rocky wins because it's just so gratifying to see Drago falter. Which they achieve by making him look very perfect, and having no charming characteristics.
It's true, though, how cocky we were about technology in the mid-80s.
(next: Rocky V)
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Spill your heart out about Walter.
Okay so I basically got this question in what, January?? but I’m answering it now since I just rewatched the movie and have inspiration, sorry for the late reply Anon
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Okay so, to start off this post with some keyboard smashing because that my primary go-to for expressing my emotions
sgklhfsgjksdlgdghkjlgjhOHUFLUSKHDGSLIDRGKJGKFSDHGlhjglksdhkglshglllllfa. knjcthxiudhusmnvsoidhéytbvonjyxclkkvbr. haeylicfvshdkgikc
I could legit stare all day at his beautiful face… look at him. Enchanting sky blue eyes… fluffy, wavy brown hair, cute round cheeks, lovely smile… those hidden freckles that you can hardly spot and only in certain screenshots but nevertheless they’re there to raise the cuteness factor… ALSO HIS LASHES. MAYBE IT’S NATURAL?? MAYBE IT’S MAYBELLINE?? WE SHALL NEVER KNOW
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Here you may be able to spot the freckles if you squint hard enough. I have 77 screenshots but this is the best example I could find.
Secondly… well, he’s a sticc. A short sticc at that (though still slightly taller than me bc I’m smol), but a sticc regardless! And that seems to be the most attractive cartoon body type for me. Don’t judge me, I just have a thing for twinks, I’m… twinksexual or whatever.
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Look at him! He would fit through my doorcrack.
(Maaaybe the reason for me liking sticcs so much is partially the fact that I like the idea of a boyfriend I can protect and support, physically and emotionally. I’m mad at the universe for not letting me scoop him up in my arms bridal style and smooch the HECK outta him.)
I’ve encountered a few posts that claimed he’s got cake but, come on. That concept has canonically been proven to be false, even by Lance. This man is flat and you can pry this opinion off my cold, dead hands.
Speaking of hands! I like his big ol hands. Nice shape. They look soft. I wanna hold them.
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According to a DVD commentary, and the visual facts, he has no shoulders whatsoever. Back in Venice Killian was able to restrain him effortlessly with only one foot on his chest, even as he kept struggling ans squirming and generally put in as much effort as he possibly could. Before then, he claimed the database was the first thing he has ever caught in his life.
Conclusion, our boi’s very much NOT athletic. Which makes sense for a scientist, braining all day and stuff, and because he probably barely even eats, or sleeps which are by the way both pretty concerning implications but anyway.
STOP BEATING UP THIS POOR FRAGILE LAD FOR GOD’S SAKE. Makes me want to protect him even more. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but you get what I mean.
Now, on to the actual reason I’m so head over heels for him, a.k.a his personality.
He is one of the sweetest, kindest, purest boy characters I have ever seen in fiction, if not THE number one himself. (All my other cinnamon roll crushes are, or have been a villain at some point and WILL resort to violence if provoked.) Look at him, his pacifism… is unbreakable. He’s dead set on making the world a better place, by peaceful ways, and helping humanity. If that’s not a quality to be cherished then IDK what is.
And he’s just such a refreshing character. He likes pink, K-dramas, glitter, kittens, things that aren’t traditionally “masculine” (but is never made fun of those things in particular in the movie) and I love that. Nothing’s sexier than a man who’s, despite society’s shitty standards, openly and unashamedly himself!
His femininity is, if anything, just another turn-on. (This didn’t intend to sound sexual… but oh well.) I love his little hand gestures and mannerisms, dorky ramblings, the way he says “yep” popping the “p” at the end, all the small yet significant traits that were incorporated into his character. Bless you, SiD creators, bless you.
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Have I said that he’s a genius?? Which is pretty obvious but c’mon, he graduated at 15!! He can modify human genes!! He successfully turned a man into a pigeon on the first try!! (The serum wasn’t the first prototype but we can assume he didn’t experiment on living humans with the previous ones.) And he’s still just 20!! Like what is that if not hella fucking impressive???!??
His inventions, to the untrained eye, may seem “stupid” or “childish” but alas! The observer couldn’t be more wrong! Because despite the odd designs and themes they’re all highly effective, as we have witnessed in the battle against Killian. And he is extremely creative for coming up with such ideas! Told you he’s brilliant!!
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Which makes me all the sadder about how much they underappreciated him at the agency. In his words, nobody ever listened to him, or gave him a chance. They just left him and his “weird” ideas next to the men’s bathroom and called it a day. How could they be so blind? Didn’t they see the potential in his inventions? Oh well. Maybe I’m just being a smartass bc I have more knowledge, living outside that universe. But I’m totally right.
And I was honestly ready to throw hands with Lance for hurting the boi even further. (I’d stand no chance whatsoever, but still.)
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Oh no baby please don’t cry.
He did cry in that scene though… you could see a tear rolling down his cheek and if it wasn’t for the machine beeping… He did have a pretty rough day afterall. But HEY, if we dwell on it too much the scene loses its comedic effect!! A guy gets sad over a stupid soap opera, har har har!! Now let’s move on, keep it fast and snappy for the kids, don’t let them overthink it!! Can’t have any emotional breakdowns onscreen. Keep it lighthearted y’know. Then let’s kill a random side character and have our dear protagonist almost die twice.
(Well jokes on you Blue Sky! I’m no kid, but a devoted fangirl who can and will overthink any material of my fictional faves at any given opportunity.)
You know what else I love about him though?? His love for animals!! And pigeons, especially Lovey!! He loves her so much, gives her gluten free breadcrumbs, nuzzles her, the first thing he does when he finds out Lance can talk to the pigeons is ask if she loves him too!! Like… That’s so pure and wholesome.
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This here. THIS RIGHT HERE. BROTP forever.
(Not gonna lie, I used to be crazy for pigeons for like, an entire year or something. Not as in looking up all the facts there are about pigeons as I do nowadays with cartoons, but I’d feed them regularly and write my little observations on their behaviors. Did you know they sometimes scratch their neck with their leggies like dogs do?)
I think I’ve summed up mostly everything I love about this nerd. Oh wait, almost forgot the sass!! I love how sassy and smug he can be sometimes, in like, a really harmless way but it’s still a very nice characteristic.
Since I’ve ran out of coherent things to say, here’s an incomplete list of things I want to do to Walter Beckett. Put at the end of this post so those of you who were only here for the analysis part and not the selfshippy gushing don’t have to read further:
kiss he
like seriously
just kiss he a whole lot
cover his whole face in kisses
one kiss for each of his freckles. a finishing kiss onto the tip of his nose. then repeat the cycle
hug him. hug him like the world is ending. hug him so tight he can barely breathe
then ofc let go and apologize bc I would never hurt him on purpose
cuddle him
hold him close, let him lay his head on my chest
run my fingers through his hair
listen to his breathing
discover that he’s fallen asleep on me and smile fondly, then soon drift off to sleep myself so we can wake up entangled in eachother the next morning
fuck he
pin him to a wall and snog he
make him go cherry red
fluster he
compliment him. praise him. appreciate him. he’s a prince, a hero, an angel, a wonderful human being and he needs to know this
feed pigeons together
listen to his scientific ramblings and bird facts
write him love letters and give them to him. maybe read it aloud myself if I’m feeling brave so I can see his reaction in real time
serenade he
be the love of his life, and have him be mine
just… soft things, man
cook something for this malnourished sticc
make him small handmade gifts
they’re nothing like his gadgets but I tried
draw he
have him be my muse in general
not like he isn’t now but it would be lovely if he was real too
carry him bridal style
be the feral cryptid that lurks in his house when he isn’t around
sing along to cheesy pop-song together really badly
watch cheesy rom coms
flirt with eachother clumsily until we’re both laughing at our awkwardness
or, alternatively, shower him with compliments until he literally cannot handle it
have sleepovers together
give him hand kisses
be of emotional support
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The Art of Being an Eldar: Legolas x Reader Chapter 2
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Summary: You're a fantasy-loving, LARPing human from this world, who's the black sheep of society because of your obsession for the unreal and alienation of what's real. When you're in the middle of a LARP battle with some pretty phony boars, you fall out of a tree and bust your head. You wake up, alone, and are suddenly attacked by some very pissed-off, very real wargs. Without any idea of how you got there, you got dropped into Middle-Earth, with only bits and pieces of memories of Tolkien's masterpiece, though your recollection of everything else is perfectly clear. And of all places in Middle-Earth, you got dropped into Mirkwood, with some suspicious, potentially hostile, Woodland Elves...
Chapter No.: Chapter 1
Key: [Y/N]=Your Name [F/N]= Friend's Name [B/N]= Bro's Name [S/N]= Sis's Name [M/N]= Mom's Name [e/c]= eye color [h/c]= hair color [s/c]= skin color
Notes: Listen to Medieval Pagan Music, Runestones when reading this chapter.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, graphic depictions of gore and violence (Cuz of orc battles y'know?), more angst, slow burn, some light depression in the first few chapters, some amnesia about Middle-Earth because the Valar say you're not supposed to have foresight, hard-core language, feels, lots and lots of feels, mentions of NSFW content, maybe some eventual NSFW content, LGTBQ+ characters, Thranduil being a jackass at first because he's fabulous, Legolas being a hot edgy prince that nobody can handle, Kili being an innocent bean, Hobbits being smol innocent beans, except for Bilbo 'cause he's been through some tough shit, Bard being dad of the year, Thorin being one dumbass boi, awesome dragons, awesome Nazgul, awesome scenery, awesome stuff in general, Elrond isn't listened to by anybody, confused Aragorn is confused,  Denethor's a bitch as always, Boromir lives, brace yourself for creepy as fuck Cream of Worm Tongue Grima Wormtongue, Gandalf. (yes these are all legit warnings don't judge me)
Pairings/Ships: Legolas x Reader, Legolas x you, Aragorn x Arwen, Faramir x Eowyn, Thranduil x Elvenqueen, Galadriel x Celery Celeborn, Boromir x OC, Thorin x OC, Fili x OC, etc. general LoTR standard shippings plus some of my own cuz I can't stand my boys being lonely
Word Count: I try to keep my chapters short, under 2000 words.
Rating: Teen (14+) for now
When I said I hated reality, I didn't mean I wanted to be ripped from it without my family.
How they'd healed you so efficiently was beyond your comprehension, and nobody came to visit you. You couldn't bring yourself to eat much of what they brought you. To think you'd finally gotten your wish, you'd finally, somehow gotten sucked into some alternate reality where fiction was fact and what you'd known and lived in for your entire life was nonexistent... It was amazing. Surreal.
But you couldn't stay here. Not without your family. Not without your mom, not without [B/N], not without [S/N]. [F/N]... You wished you could've at least said goodbye to him. Life without the only people you'd ever had seemed unreal, incomprehensible, and too nightmarish. Too... Alone. You couldn't lose them.
For hours, you waited, pacing the ten-by-ten cell furiously. You had to find some way to get out, some way to find whatever portal you'd triggered... A sound at the barred door made you freeze in place, whipping around like a meerkat. It was Blue-Eyes, and some of his guards, one of which was unlocking the door. "Are you letting me go?"
Blue-Eyes stared at you as if trying to figure out whether or not you were desperate or stupid. Finally, he shook his head, probably deciding it was most likely both in your case. Well, screw him. "My father wishes to see you."
You glanced to each of the guards that came to grip either of your arms. "Is that... Bad?"
Blue-Eyes smirked. "It depends on his mood."
You glared at him as the other two Elves ushered you out of the door, onto the precariously thin ledge just outside of the cell. "You're trying to freak me out, aren't you?"
Blue-Eyes didn't answer, but took up the rear of the procession. They lead you to a platform overlooking all of the mazelike bridge-sets of the dungeons, and opened a pair of elaborately crafted doors. You balked, your jaw fell, your eyes widened as far as they'd go, stunned by the view.
The building you'd thought was surrounded by trees? It was a palace-city, which stretched back from the front wall as far as you could see. And it was made entirely of trees. Bridges of wood, twisting trunks, curling pillars of wood holding up a vaultrf ceiling which opened up to the orange-gold canopy, and beyond, the cloudless blue sky. Huge, arched windows with stained glass of amber filled the front wall, framed in wood, every few dozen feet, letting in a golden light that made the entire place seem more surreal than it already was. Leaves fell too slowly here, as if afraid that touching the ground would destroy their fabulousness. Elves inhabited every floor, sailing gracefully around like gorgeous swans that glared down at the sudden ugly duckling in their midst.
You felt tiny.
"This is your home?" You breathed in amazement, going where the guards took you on autopilot as you drank in the magnificent sight. "It's bigger than the town I live in!"
"This is just a small portion of it," Blue-Eyes had a hint of pride in his voice. You glanced over your shoulder to see him taking in the view with a faint smile on his face. "This part is my father's palace. Only nobles and militia reside here."
"It's beautiful..." You surveyed the palace in awe. I'm here. I'm really here! This is where I'm supposed to be! "Do you all have different floors? Is it flameproof? What happens if there's a forest fire? Can you even get forest fires here?"
"Why would you like to know?" Blue-Eyes demanded sharply, all kindness gone just as suddenly as it'd arrived, replaced with obvious suspicion and disdain.
You sighed, and dropped the subject. You wouldn't be finding anything out about this place today. The guards lead you up a short flight of stairs, which stopped at a huge circular pavilion, lined with a different type of guard in silver armor and navy-blue masks covering their lower faces. They stood almost impossibly still, and each carried a deadly spear.
More stairs, curving upward from each side of the pavilion, lead to a massive throne of carved wood. A regal Elf lounged on it, holding a curled wooden staff. He wore silver robes lined on the inside with a deep crimson, and a crown of thin branches styled like an elk's antlers --or maybe a thornbush-- sat atop his head of snow-white hair. Piercing blue eyes watched you from underneath strangely dark (And thick.) brows, but his catlike face was drawn into an unreadable expression.
Blue-Eyes stepped before you and the guards, and put his right arm over his chest, fist resting over his heart, as he bowed at the waist. "My king, we have brought the prisoner."
Inwardly, you winced. What kind of father forced his son to call him 'my king'?
The Elvenking flicked his fingers toward the guards on either side of you. "Leave us."
As they left with barely a clink of armor, Blue-Eyes grabbed you roughly by the shoulder, forcing you to your knees. His grip was like iron. He leaned down to snarl in your ear, "Show respect. His majesty has shown you a great kindness in allowing you to live."
Aw, fuck. You forgot that these guys had healed you. If Lord Fabulous over there had decided that by even so much as breathing near his lands you didn't deserve for your wounds to be healed, you'd be dead right now. "O-oh..." You quickly fixed your position, and even bowed your head with an arm over your chest, like Blue-Eyes had done. "Sorry..."
"My son tells me he found you trying to escape from warg-bound orcs on our northern border," Elvenking drawled slowly. Wargs... Those big dogs... Why does that sound familiar? Were they in a book? Mythology? A game? You couldn't remember, and Elvenking didn't give you time to. "You were found near-death, and without any apparent recollection of how you came to be there. Is that correct?"
You weren't sure how to adress him. "Yes, sir. My lord. Your majesty. I'm sorry."
Elvenking continued. "Would you like to elaborate on what you do remember?"
His tone wasn't kind. It was "Tell me bitch or I will throw you off into the chasms below."
And there were lots of chasms.
"You won't believe me," You started, and risked a glance; Blue-Eyes and Elvenking watched you warily. You could easily say you were from this world, but you didn't know anything about it. You couldn't lie believably. And even if you could, Elves can sense lies. You figured you'd get some extra points if you were totally honest. "But I'll tell you anyway." So you started out with your explanation of coming from a place called Earth, and that you'd been having a battle against some pretty fake boars played by unconvincing actors in Live Action Roleplay, when you'd fallen out of a tree, banged yourself up, and knocked yourself out. You then proceeded to explain about the big dogs and the orcs.
Elvenking lifted his chin slightly for the sole purpose of glowering at you. "Tell me more of this... Earth." You told him all you could. About cars and trains and jets and phones, then on to TVs and movies, and the huge skyscrapers, and how modern slang was different from what it had been, and how where you came from, Elves and orcs and dragons were all part of a genre known as fantasy. You even tried, for a brief period of time, to explain the subject of eMail and social sites like Tumblr and Twitter, but you gave up at their odd looks as they tried to comprehend the concept. You told them about all seven continents, presidents, world leaders, endless wars, hunger, trashing the planet and all other shit that was wrong with Earth.
You could've been there for hours explaining it all. When you were finished, Elvenking regarded you like he'd just came to the conclusion that you just weren't normal. "It seems, [Y/N], that your world is poisoned."
"It is!" You agreed excitedly. "Nobody cares about it anymore! It's why I grew up to be so... Un-normal, by my world's standards."
"I see..." Elvenking blinked slowly. "Then you are, since you are a spawn of this Earth, equal poison to this world, are you not?"
All the blood drained from your face. "What?"
He looked to Blue-Eyes. "Kill them."
Blue-Eyes gripped you by the back of the head, and your hands flew to his wrist as he yanked your head back. With a flourish, he drew one of his ivory-handled knives and pressed it to your throat. "Wait!" You screamed, and Elvenking raised a hand.
"Last words?" Blue-Eyes sneered.
"I don't know where I am," You choked out quickly; the cool steel of the blade was digging into your neck, cutting a fine line. "I don't know how I got here, but usually when stuff like this happens in movies, there's always a portal. Let me find it-- send an escort if you want! Take me back to where you found me, and I'll find the portal and go home. You'll never see me again!"
Elvenking dropped his hand, and your heart jumped, expecting your head to go with it. "Do you really think that is wise? I sense no dishonesty from you, but you could very well be a spy from your world, which seems so intent on conquering and destroying peace. I will not let this world, much less my own land, fall prey to yours."
"I won't tell anyone about you, or this place, I promise! I don't even know where this is!" Tears of frustration pricked the corners of your eyes. "I'm not a damn spy! I don't even know how I got here! Give me a couple of days to find the portal. Then I'll leave. What if there was a way for you to know I'll keep my word? Like a blood-oath, or something!"
"And if asked where you had gone?" Blue-Eyes countered, cocking an eyebrow.
"I'll tell them I went to Narnia, dammit! They never take me seriously anyway!" Your eyes widened. "This isn't Narnia, is it? Narnia didn't have Elves!"
"No, this is not... Narnia." Elvenking replied. "And you will not know the name of this land. You have three days to find your portal. You will be accompanied by a small assembly of my best warriors. If you do not find the door to your world within the given three days... I will give the order to kill you."
You swallowed hard. The steel dragged across your throat painfully. "Th-that sounds fair." It didn't, but, you just rolled with it.
"Legolas, you will go with them," Elvenking said; something clicked in your mind. You knew that name... You knew that name. But... Why?
Blue-Eyes-- Legolas-- nodded and finally removed the blade from your throat. Lord Fabulous inclined his head once, and you vaguely thanked him, too concerned with how you knew Blue-Eyes's name. He kept a tight, painful grip on your arm, actually digging his fingers in until you were pretty sure he cut off most of your circulation.
When you reached your cell, he thrust you in roughly, making you stumble forward. You whipped around to glare at him. "Could you be careful, Blue-Eyes?"
He paused in locking the door. Confused, he brought his sapphire eyes to meet your [e/c] ones. "What did you just call me?"
"Blue-Eyes," You suddenly felt a little embarassed about picking a nickname for him. Shit, you'd never let that bother you before. He could screw off. "I didn't know your name until a few minutes ago, so... I just picked something to call you."
He raised an eyebrow incredulously. "And you chose to call me after my eyes." It wasn't a question; it was a statement.
You flushed a little, glancing to the side with only your eyes nervously, then back to him. "Uh... Yeah. That's pretty much it."
He rolled his eyes and walked away. Before you even realized what you were doing, you'd ran to the bars and grabbed hold of them, pressing your cheek up against them to watch him walk away. "Blue-Eyes!" He stopped, but didn't turn around. "Your name... Legolas. I think I've heard it before."
He turned his head slightly, like he might be interested, but your hopes fell through the floor when he just continued walking. You immediately wished you'd've said something to get his attention, so he'd come talk to you. Like, Hey, I'm really a spy for Earth, MWAHAHAHAHAHA.
Ok, maybe not that drastic...
But you did wish he'd stayed to talk to you. Even if he'd tried to kill you. Legolas... You slid down the bars, sitting on the floor. Your knees came up to your chest of their own accord. Legolas... What do your Elf eyes see? You knew that you knew his name, but where did you know it from?
They're taking...
Aw, damn. It was right on the tip of your brain. Lord Fabulous looked really familiar, too. He reminded you of Ronan the Accuser from Marvel. Why couldn't you remember? Was it a side-effect of being tossed to another reality? What else did you not remember...?
You sat there for hours, until one of the guards brought you some food. You picked at the meal, as a tune got stuck in your head that you couldn't quite place...
Home is behind...
The world ahead...
Here, the song fizzed out like a radio signal, then you got another bit of it...
All shall fade..
All shall...
~ominous time skip~
You, Blue-Eyes, and a team of Elvish warriors like the ones who'd helped you escape the dogs and orcs set out at dawn, which was way too early for someone used to getting up at noon most of the time. All the Elves showed off their glowy perfect selves by leaping gracefully to pebble to pebble like the regal shits they were, including Blue-Eyes.
Actually, scratch that. Blue-Eyes was the fucking king of being a show-off.
They moved fast, and you were surprisingly able to keep up with them. Not one of the Elves wanted to speak to you; they seemed to consider you an abomination.
You kinda seen what they were getting at, though. You were still in your bright white, blue, and black sci-fi Elf outfit from yesterday, complete with the latex ears and bright blue faux-hawk, which had become much less faux-hawk-y after sleep. You were covered in dried blood, dirt, and parts of your outfit were ripped. You'd tried to clean up as best as you could when you were woken up by using the water from the cup you'd been given to scrub your face and arms with the stunningly clean sheets on your cot.
In other words, you stuck out like a bright blue flower in a field of dark grass. You didn't know the way back to the river, so most of the Elves surrounded you discreetly while Blue-Eyes took the lead. Every one of them had a bow or sword or knife out and ready, so one wrong sniff and you were dead.
You traveled for about an hour before anyone spoke. It was Blue-Eyes, to your surprise. "Why is your hair blue?"
"Huh?" Of all possible questions, that one hadn't been expected. Though, that was kind of dumb of you, to just assume they wouldn't eventually wonder if everybody from your world had crazy hair colors.
"Your hair," Blue-Eyes specified, sounding condescending, like his hair was much better than yours because it was long and perfect and almost white. "Why is it blue?"
"Oh," You cleared your throat. "It's dye. My real color is [h/c]. Lots of people do it where I come from. You can dye it a natural color, or an unnatural color, like so. Some keep their natural color and just add streaks that aren't their natural colors. Some dye their full hair, like me, for the sole purpose of cosplay--uh, dressing up as made-up characters for events--and others dye it just for fun. Or to stand out, I guess. But I wouldn't advise it. It ruins your hair. I just don't care, though."
"Why would anyone want to do that?" One Elf asked in horror, then sneered at you. "I suppose those of your world simply do not appreciate the naturalities of the body."
You shrugged. You should see the LGTBQ+ community... But you didn't feel like explaining any of that to these people right now. Especially when they obviously looked down on stuff like that.
"And what character are you meant to be?" Blue-Eyes asked in a challenging tone.
You flushed. "... A sci-fi Elf."
"...Sci-Fi?" A different Elf asked. "What is that?"
"Science fiction," You specified. "Basically, I'm supposed to be an Elf from another planet. It seemed like a good idea at the time."
"Is that why you have pointed ears?" Blue-Eyes questioned, and you nodded.
"Yeah. They're latex-- a kind of rubber. Wait, do you even have rubber here?" You waved a hand. "Nevermind. They can come off pretty easily, though. Speaking of which, I'd better take them off before they cause damage..." You reached up to one of your ears, despite the looks the Elves gave you.
Blue-Eyes stopped for a minute, halting the whole group. He looked at you like you were crazy. "Whyever would you put something on your body that could cause damage?"
You blinked. "That is a very good question, Blue-Eyes, and one I don't exactly have an answer for. Almost everybody does it at some point." You felt for the flap of latex, but you couldn't find it. Hell, you couldn't even find the edge of the prosthetic. "Oh shit..." You breathed.
"What is it?" Legolas huffed, and turned around impatiently.
Your eyes widened; you couldn't let them think you were panicking, but, well, you were, and shortly after, you did. "I-I can't get it off."
Blue-Eyes's brow furrowed. "Will it cause permanent damage if they are not removed?"
"Maybe? Yes? My skin goes red and itchy and starts to swell up if I touch latex for too long, so, I'm gonna go with a definitely on this one. Just keep walking. I should have them off by the time we get to the river."
But you didn't. There was no flap, no edge of the latex. If it weren't for the fact that you did put latex ears on, you wouldn't have known you had latex ears on. A suspicion grew in your core, so you grabbed hold of the pointed tip, and pinched down with your nails hard and fast. "Ow!"
Every Elf turned to look at you as you pulled your hand away. Some blood was on the tips of your fingers. "Why, in the name of the Valar, would you hurt yourself?" Legolas sighed like a parent lecturing a child, but you were staring at your fingertips in shock. Valar...
"I'm an Elf..."
"I beg your pardon?" Apparently the mere thought of being the same race as you was too much for Blue-Eyes to handle. It was fucking offensive.
"I'm an Elf!" You shouted, and snatched your hand to your chest. "The ears won't come off! They bled and hurt when I pinched them! I'm a damn Elf! When I fell through that portal, I was a normal human! Now I'm an Elf! I don't know whether I should be freaking out or excited!"
Legolas rolled his eyes. "It won't be permanent. Obviously, here you're an Elf. There, you're not. When we get you through the portal, you'll be a human again."
"But..." I don't want to be human... Yet, you were also trying desperately to get back to your family, on pain of death and loss of cool fantasy land. If only you'd wake up to learn you were in some kind of damn coma...
You waved your hands. "Ok. Alright, fine. Is this where you found me?"
Legolas gestured to a particular rock. "The exact spot. Do you think you could find your way from here?"
You smirked; you'd always been good at knowing your way. "Please. I was born with an innate sense of direction. Now how the fuck do we get over this damn river?"
Legolas grinned. "You're an eldar now, aren't you? See if you can get across it yourself." Eldar... That had to mean an Elf of some sort, right?
You stared him down for a second, hands on your hips. He smirked cockily back, pure smugness on his expression. "Ok. Sure. What's life without risk?"
So you took a deep breath, and headed for the opposite bank.
You and your siblings had this special hiking trail in a park, and on this trail was a creek slash pond area. Several of them. You'd always cross the creek carefully, each step placed just so, and quietly, too, so that you could see the frogs-- it was a frog hunt without actually killing said frogs. The exercise gave you all good balance and a know-how for shit not that rock.
But this river was much different than the creek back home. It was clear, and clean, and strong as fuck, so one wrong move and you'd be whooshed away, with Blue-Eyes giving Lord Fabulous the excuse of "Oh they died in the river tragically oops..."
The rocks were unstable. The river swelled over them every so often to make them slippery. Your rubber boots were less than zero help. But you were an Elf now, right? So that had to make you unfairly agile. You took another deep inhale, then took what you hoped was a graceful leaping step, only for you to slip and nearly bust your ass. Elvish powers have to be learned. Noted.
When you finally got to the other side of the bank, you were stiff, and your heart was pounding. Behind you, the Elves sneered and jeered and all kinds of other "eers". You whipped around, and flipped them off. They looked somewhere between shocked, offended, and terrified. You realized they might not know the symbolism of it, and might think you were cursing them. When they reached you, Blue-Eyes was the first to demand what that was all about. "What was that all about?!"
You panicked under pressure. "U-uh... I-it's a minor insult where I come from. Very minor. We use it frequently as a joke among close friends. A friendly insult. Yeah. Sorry. Won't happen again." He totally didn't believe you. So you quickly changed the subject. "O-oh, uh, this way!"
Scenery seen at night was harder to recognize during the day, and vise versa, but you knew you hadn't gone too far up the river when you came across some massive paw prints and scrape marks from where you'd skidded down the bank. Another bonus clue was the scrap of bright blue fabric, from your skirt/tunic thing, hanging precariously from a branch.
It took you the better part of an hour to find the tree you'd woken up at. "Okay, this it it."
"Are you certain?" Blue-Eyes asked you.
"Wait." You laid down, and yep, everything was the same, except in daylight. Legolas frowned at you as you stood, probably ashamed to even breathe the same air as you. "Yeah, this is it."
Blue-Eyes ordered something in Elvish, jerking his head. The Elves immediately set about making camp. "So, in your world, you fell from the highest branches of an oak, yes?"
"Yep, breaking several things in the process."
"And you lost consciousness after you hit the forest floor?"
Legolas hummed and looked up into the canopy. "Then by all means... The portal should be where you laid."
You glanced down at your feet before bouncing up and down a little. "Nope. Nothing."
Legolas huffed. "You may have to try climbing this tree and falling into this spot."
A deranged laugh escaped your throat, which you quickly stifled. "I'm sorry, but are you crazy? What if I die? We don't have the same healing stuff as you guys unless you can pay for it up front, and I'm very poor. So is all of my family. We can't afford that shit. So if I die, what's the point in going back?"
Legolas glared at you. "I didn't mean from very high. Just high enough to hopefully send you through, but not high enough to kill you. Your healers will mend broken bones, will they not?"
You scoffed dejectedly. "Yeah, but for a pretty hefty bill..." You threw your hands up. "Whatever. I'll die anyway if I don't try. Might as well." With Legolas watching you carefully to make sure you didn't try to jump from tree to tree, you started to climb.
Was it really only yesterday that you'd been having a fun, standard LARPing day with your family and [F/N]? The real world seemed like fantasy, now. This felt real. This felt like where you should be. But if your family weren't here, you wouldn't be able to enjoy it. You'd always feel as if you abandoned them. You wondered, did time pass differently? Did it go faster there, and slower here? Or was it the other way around? Would you find the portal, and return to the real world to find your family long gone and the year a thousand into the future? Then you'd wish you'd never left this place. Or would you find not a moment had passed, and to them, it was still the terrifying moment of not knowing if you were dead or alive, to find you unharmed? Would you then be able to convince them to fall through, even on the chance that the portal could only be used a handful of times, and if it did work, would a millenia had passed here? Even Blue-Eyes would've aged by that point, however slightly.
Once you'd reached a suitable height, you braced yourself against the trunk. "How's this?"
Legolas nodded. "Fine. Jump when you're ready.”
You took a minute... Ah... Better get this over with. One does not simply... Damn, what was that meme? "Ok, ready when you are."
Legolas stepped back, and waited; you hesitated, then jumped, and you felt deja vu as you barreled toward the ground, landing flat on your back. The impact knocked the wind out of you, and you felt a painful snap in your right ribcage. You kept your eyes closed; you heard nothing aside from the birds in the trees. You hoped, then hoped some more, expecting at any moment to hear the frantic footfalls of your family rushing to help you...
"Well, I see I was entirely wrong on the matter," Blue-Eyes stated simply, and you frowned. Fuck...
"Ya think? I'm still seeing priss-ass Elves in a goddamn forest that isn't the one I fell in. Fuck you, Blue-Eyes, for having me break a rib for no good damned reason." You glared at him as you tried to sit up, barely making it halfway before Legolas helped you, albeit roughly.
"Watch your tongue," Blue-Eyes snapped. "If it were not for us, you would be dead."
You pursed your lips. "You're gonna kill me anyway just for breathing on your trees, so why didn't you just let me die?"
For a second, Legolas seemed to feel pity for you. "I am sorry. Truly, I am. Perhaps if we fail to locate your way home, I could convince my father to refrain from executing you."
You huffed, wincing as the action hurt your broken-on-some-level ribs. "Why? So I can live the rest of my suddenly immortal life in a dark cell, underground, just for existing? Hell no. I'd rather die."
"Perhaps you could have another use," Legolas offered, and you shook your head.
"Never in my life have I been considered useful." You eyed Blue-Eyes disdainfully. "Ever. By anybody. If you can find a place for somebody like me that doesn't involve imprisonment, fine. But I won't be able to live with myself if I can't find a way back to Earth. I need my family. They're all I ever had."
Legolas knelt beside you. "You... Seem to be very close with them. You love this..." He looked off into the trees, searching for the word. "...Life, so much, and have wished for it for so long, but you'd give it up, to be with them in a world that does not want you... You have a brave heart."
You took the compliment. "Thanks. Now let's find this damn portal, shall we? I've got a couple more ribs to bust."
Tag List: @tesserphantom​ @thedragonghostofmordor​
@taurlel​ @hauntedsiriel​
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borathae · 4 years
Welcome to one of my late night philosophical rants lol. I've been thinking a lot lately and kinda wanna start something. It is more something for myself than for entertainment, but if someone wants to discuss the topics I rant about feel free to hit me up.
Am I the only one who hates those "tips for a better lifestyle" or "things you HAVE to do to be happy" type of Youtube videos? Idk what it is about them but they just always manage to strike a wrong cord with me.
There we have a YouTuber, who is basically their own boss, telling us to get up at six in the morning and smile "because now it is time for your daily two hour meditation before your one hour morning workout". They are telling us to do that, us the people who most likely have to be out of the house for work by seven, eight if you're lucky.
Then we have the YouTuber who tells us to eat healthy, but who in the legit same scene pulls out a 9×10 inch basket filled with plastic bottles of vitamines and food supplements out of their 1.000$ designer cabinet. The hypocricy.
Then we have the YouTuber who tells you that your "saddie, sad, sad depression, buhu anxiety" will vanish the instant you "drink your water" and "do your squaties and runnies in the gymie". No therapy needed "jwust twater and gwym cwute cwute".
And don't get me wrong these things of course help your body. Moving, eating healthy, meditating these are all good things, helpful things, healthy things that will make you feel better. But here comes the part that just makes me hate those type of videos. The posing, the fake wokeness, the pretending. It is like these people put on a performance to show "how perfect of a human specimen they are".
I once read somewhere that most people nowadays with the constant exposure to social media, forgot how to live. That the art of simply living became a game on who can perfome "the perfect life" the best.
We all became actors on a stage, sweating in the heat of the spotlights and breaking our backs to get to the best spot first. The spot in the middle of the stage right underneath the brightest spotlight from where everyone can see us, cheer for us, admire us. And then we have the spectators, the ones sitting on those chairs and looking up at the actors in hopes of entertainment. Their eyes are almost bursting from all the spectating they are doing. They should probably blink, look away for once, but it is as if they have already forgotten about their own lifes as if living through those strangers performance of life became their purpose. And quite frankly speaking neither one of them is better or worse. Performing is just as bad as obsessing over a supposed life of another person. Performing is greedy, filled with the desire to be admired and to stand out from the rest of humanity. Spectating is greedy too, but another type of greed. Its glutton for entertainment and simulation will never be stilled. They go hand in hand with jealousy too. Specatators become jealous when they see how much better the performers life is. Which in return turns them into performers to keep up with the life standards. And performers in a way become spectators when watching their fellow actors with jealous eyes. When you look at it that way performing and spectating is one twisted circle of harmony. If one would cease to exist the other couldn't function anymore. Without performers what good would spectating do and what is a performance that nobody watches?
But I asked myself this question many times before, would it be so bad to break up that harmony? Would people start simply living again or is the need to "be better" so deeply ingrained in us that breaking up the harmony would bring...chaos? Are people even able to simply live these days? Or will simple life turn humanity to madness?
And now coming back to those Youtube videos. I get the feeling that most of those videos are nothing but performing. We have those supposed perfect human beings living their life by the second and telling us this is the way to be. Wake up at 6, meditation at 7, short vitamines break at 7.40 and at 7.45 back to meditation blah blah blah. And if you can't live your life exactly like that you are basically an unhealthy piece of failure crap, oh and also you are ugly too because you didn't "dwink your expensively imported Fiji Water that did more damage to the environment than 3.000 farting cows would".
For anyone wondering yes I may have been a little cynical here. Dark humor, probably as dark as the future of our planet if we don't start doing something against climate change. But that is a topic for another day.
So yeah, did this rant explain why I hate those "selfcare, health" videos so much? In a way it did and I feel a lot lighter again now that the anger is from my chest. Maybe one thing those videos, always order you to do, is true. Writing your feelings down really helps.
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exeggcute · 4 years
glad to know you are mostly recovered from covid! if i may ask, could you describe how where your symptoms or at what pace you got them? the information i've got from both medical / govermental sources in my country is contradictory at times. also, what would you recommend drinking if i found myself to be with covid?
first off: WATER!!! drink water!!! I mean you can probably drink whatever as long as it’s moderately healthy and you’re staying hydrated (my drink of choice while sick is red gatorade. it has to be red or it doesn’t work though) but water is always a safe bet
also I’m happy to share my experience, just know that (1) I am not a doctor, just a professional Sick Person and (2) I never officially got tested thanks to a shortage of coronavirus tests in my area, but I’m pretty damn sure my symptoms were aligned with covid-19, so take that as you will
the first thing I noticed was a sore throat... but I have sore throats allll the time because of my other health issues, so I didn’t think much of it. I did start to notice my sore throat was getting better (from a previous mystery illness that knocked me out for a few days, and which I initially thought was strep but was probably just a bad cold) before suddenly getting bad again. I also had a day where my sore throat was especially pronounced and I had that Really Tired Feeling you get when you’re sick. I guess we can call that day one, but at this point I definitely didn’t think I had corona
that night I noticed some chest tightness, which I initially wrote off as an anxiety attack (and considering my extremely anxious personality and the fact that we were battening down the hatches for a pandemic, that seemed like a fair assumption) but using my inhaler didn’t help--in fact, it made the pain worse! but it did pass eventually, more or less, and I forgot about it
(side note here that if you think you have corona, do NOT use your albuterol inhaler or any kind of steroid inhaler unless you’re having a legit asthma attack with wheezing and all the works. using your inhaler can make the corona symptoms worse, but obviously if you need to use it then it’s important to keep using it. consult your doctor. also another similar note: if you think you have it, stay away from most NSAIDs if you can, as those can also make things worse. tylenol is okay though as long as you’re careful about the dosage--not as a corona thing, you just always need to be careful with tylenol dosage. and it’ll help keep your fever down, which is important!)
then over the next day or two I noticed the chest pain flare-ups but wrote those off as well. they were short-lived and mainly seemed to happen at night, but the inhaler always made them worse. around this time I also started experiencing some general GI upset for a few days (not to get too into that...), but I have a very touchy digestive track and was taking antibiotics at the same for other unrelated reasons, so I was like “well it’s probably nothing” but was starting to get worried.
then about five days later, the chest tightness really made itself present. like, it lasted all day and was constant. I was concerned but not immediately freaking out, and it was really windy that day so I kind of chalked it up to allergies, but as a very allergic person I’ve never had chest tightness like that from allergies (and my other allergic symptoms have improved considerably since I started allergy shots, so it would be weird to have a new symptom crop up out of nowhere like that).
then the next day, and the next day, the tightness wasn’t going away. this was clearly not allergies. I started to seriously think about corona tests, and I even called my primary care doctor, but she was extremely dismissive (all she did was call in a prescription for an old allergy drug that never even worked for me in the first place) and it was downright impossible to get tested. I was freaked out, but not entirely sure.
it’s about day seven at this point, and the chest tightness is in full swing. when I first wake up, the pain isn’t really present, but after about an hour of wakefulness my chest starts to get tight, congested, and kind of has that rattle-y feeling when it’s full of mucus and crap from the postnasal drip. not much congestion otherwise, but I’m so hopped up on antihistamines at all times that I don’t really get congested in general. the best way I can describe the chest tightness is that it feels like when I exert myself and my asthma makes my chest seize up and it’s hard to catch my breath (aka every single PE class I was ever forced to take as a kid), but my inhaler doesn’t do shit. my throat is still hurting pretty bad too and I feel vaguely fevery, but I don’t have a working thermometer at home. overall I just feel shitty, like that feeling you have when you know you’re sick (and I get sick a lot so I’m pretty well-versed in that lol). for quarantine purposes, this is the day I’ve been counting as the “first day” of having obvious corona symptoms, but it was really predated by the things I described above.
several days pass like this, I keep trying to get tested and call all sorts of places but it’s all dead ends. I also develop a slight cough, which mostly comes in bursts or when I speak/eat. by day twelve I manage to get a primary care appointment, and they do an EKG to make sure it’s not cardiac pain (the EKG came back fine) and a throat swab to see if it’s something bacterial (it’s not). they do confirm I’m running a slight fever, although my body temperature is usually so low that even a fever of 99 is high for me. my primary care doc basically tells me to fuck off and stay home, which I was already planning on doing. she also didn’t even wear a mask or gloves to look into my throat, despite the fact that all the other nurses in the practice were wearing masks and gloves when they interacted with patients... so I’m not exactly full of confidence in her judgement here.
the night of day thirteen, the day after seeing my doctor, I have a night where I can’t sleep because my airway feels restricted (both in my chest and my actual throat being swollen from pain). I used my inhaler, like a fool, and when the inhaler didn’t help the first time I tried using it two more times. big mistake! I ended up lying awake gasping for air, taking huge gulps just to feel like I was getting the teeniest bit of oxygen, and feeling stabbing pain when I took these deep breaths. I was too afraid to sleep and almost made my girlfriend drive me to the ER but I hate going to the ER so instead I just tried to calm down until I got exhausted enough to fall asleep around dawn. I also kept alternating between sweating buckets and shivering to death, no matter how I kept adjusting the temperature and my blankets, so I assume I was having a crazy fever that night.
the next day, roughly day fourteen, I decided to suck it up and go to the ER to get a chest x-ray. they said my x-ray looked fine, which was encouraging (hopefully no permanent lung damage there), and they took a flu swab and a strep swab just to rule those out (both negative, of course). at least two other people were there with me in the ER complaining of similar symptoms, but they didn’t have any tests for us so the doctor just told me to go home, act as if I had it, and keep taking tylenol and drinking water. this doctor is also the one who told me to stop using my inhaler--and the fact that my inhaler kept making the pain worse is one of the things that really tips me off here that I probably had it.
things are pretty much uneventful for the next week: still having a tight chest, a fever that seems to come and go, sore throat, cough. no more crazy attacks like that one night.
by day nineteen (yesterday) I start to notice a bit of improvement in my chest pain. it’s not gone, but it’s not as bad and I’ll have slight reprieves from the tightness. today is day twenty (more or less, my numbers are a little rough here) and I actually felt okay most of the day. by the evening the tightness returned and I’m still coughing every now and then, but far less often. I think the fever is gone and my throat doesn’t hurt too bad, either! I’m well past the point of being contagious, so I actually went to the grocery store today and got a few things. I’m not totally out of the woods yet, but I think (knock on fucking wood) the worst has passed.
anyway, I hope my anecdote is helpful for you, and I hope you stay safe and healthy!
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prorevenge · 5 years
Bully me for four years, I'll make sure you go nowhere in life.
I apologize for the unusually long back story TL; DR at the bottom.
So to understand all of what I'm going to write its important to understand that I was bullied heavily in school. I have talked now and again about it here in the past and understanding this is important to understand why this person effected me so much. After leaving school things started to get better, it took me a while to recover with the help of some great friends. At one point I needed to start looking for work. At this point, it was 2005 - 06. Things weren't going so well in the job market around my area and being broke I couldn't just leave for better pastures so I ended up joining the army instead. It didn't last (that's another story), what's important happened after. While I was away my friend's group picked up a couple more nerds for the crew. Among these was useless bully (or UB for short). Thing is that this guy was a gamer like everyone else for the exception of one large quark. He was very egotistical and really liked talking shit. It didn't take long for him to single me out, it really does seem like bullies can sniff out what they call a good target. He really likes to talk shit, often crossing the line between common bullcrappery and real insults. It was obvious he didn't seem to like me but for some reason liked having me around. Some of my other friends even noticed and tried getting him to stop but he took it like a badge of honor, even told me so himself once. I'm not going to get any deeper about what he did as its not the point of this story.
So now you ask why did I stick around and why did my friends put up with such a douchebag. Well, for one thing, I knew my friends far longer then he was around and they were fine. They themselves weren't good at conflict and UB was very smart. He knew exactly what to say to skirt around things if needed. So part of the time they would enable him and the rest he knew how to manipulate them so they would give a pass. It was an abuse cycle, he would act like an asshat one moment and the next to be all nice, in the end, they got too used to this and became a little blind to what he was doing.
But let's continue. I'll start with one particular event that started it all. As anyone who knows me knows, I'm a computer geek. I like to work on them, build them and so on, and it's important to know that so does UB. Like a typical bully, he labeled me as incompetent in all things and treated me accordingly. So to him, I am not even a novice, even though by the time I met him I already started building. Enter that key moment. One night after a night of LOL (League of Legends) I decided to ask the guys something. I asked him and the rest what the L cache was for a CPU. Something I didn't know yet at the time. He, of course, blew me off. Later that night I googled it and while doing so I had an epiphany. Just because UB refused to be helpful shouldn't mean I can't be. So I started offering help at work, beginning with word of mouth then over time I went freelance and time marched on. I eventually moved away met my now wife and broke ties with UB. I kept up with some of my friends though, if they wanted to be friends with him I didn't care as long as they respected the fact that we won't be going near each other.
Time still passed, I got better as a freelancer and eventually earned my way into a legit IT job in my home town. Things are great, one of my dream jobs. Eventually, the shit hit the fan when not long ago my co-worker got fired for doing something he shouldn't have done. (Don't ask, I'm not going to post any info about it.) This of course left a spot open. In the search for a replacement, I offered the spot to one of my friends who declined, but through him, as I found later, UB found out. Low and behold a couple of applicants later he showed up for an interview. My boss sets these up and would take my exco-worker to the interviews, but now I fill that role. So when UB showed up I was surprised, I kept my cool though and so did he. It was obvious he recognized me but shown no fear. Remember this guy is really egotistical and probably thinks things are in the bag already. The interview was normal, I'll skip to the nitty-gritty here so I'll skip to the later part of the interview. Please note that any extra info trickled to me over the years was from the friends that still hang out with him.
B =Boss UB= Useless bully Me=Me and only me.
B: Do you have any experience in an independent team environment?
UB: I'm a manager at Wall-Mart and I know the ins and outs of teamwork. I can handle myself. (Note he managed the electronics and wasn't very respected)
Me: Do you have any experience with a ticket system or ordering system.
UB: No, but I think I can handle it.
Boss: On your resume, you turned in says you went to college for a degree in computer repair but you forgot to put in when. When did you get your degree?
UB: I forgot to finish that I actually finished a year ago.
I knew this was bs, he actually graduated a year before I met him so it's been over a decade by this point. At this point, I started to lay down some pressure and sow the roots of this mans demise.
Me: In your resume, it only shows you working at two different places and there is a time gap in between both of several years, can you explain that?
UB: Oh that was a typo I worked at xx place for a while, I ended up quitting and a month later I started as a manager at Wall-Mart.
Note that made that whole thing suspicious because I knew for a long time he job hopped a lot, even while we hung out he lost three jobs. He did actually get hired straight into his role at Wall-Mart but he didn't mention the job where earned his way up to that position and got fired for being an asshole to his co-workers.
Me: If a computer went down on the shop floor, how would you handle the situation?
UB: I would go down and fix it duh.
Me: What if it was completely unserviceable.
UB: No, there is nothing I can't fix.
His ego was showing through, just as I wanted. Time to start cutting this interview down to size.
Me: So if the memory were to say go bad, your telling me you could fix that?
UB: Well I'm sure I could handle it.
My boss looked at me a bit wondering about why I kept going with it but he let me continue.
UB: Don't you have replacements for memory and things?
Me: Some times.
UB: Well that's bull.
I was surprised he said that but I knew he was starting to slip. He gets mouthy when he feels his ego is being stroked even if it's just him doing the stroking.
Me: So out of your experience, would you say you are a hardware specialist or a program specialist.
UB: I can do both but I can lean towards hardware. I can fix anything you toss my way.
Me: So lets test that a bit. Boss do you have any hardware questions you want answering?
Boss: Sure, how long does a coax cable have to be before any signal degradation starts?
UB: uhhu.
He struggled, I could tell he slipped, that question is my bosses go to question because most people don't know it and he really just wants to see how they respond.
UB: I don't remember at the moment, I did some work hooking up cable for people in the past when the cable company needed some help so I'll remember it sooner or later.
My boss was seeing through it to, he knows this business like the back of his hand so he knows what's up.
Boss: "Me" do you have any questions?
The sign my boss was done with the interview.Me: Sure just one last question.
I turn to UB and I grin. I look him dead in the eye and ask.
Me: So what's the purpose of the L cache of a standard CPU?
He went white, he knew the jig was up. I don't think he fully knew what I meant but he knew enough to know when to give up.
UB: I don't know that one, it was never brought up in class.
I accepted his last statement, and we ended the interview. My boss told him he would be contacted within 24 to 48 hours with any results. He left and my boss looked at me a little annoyed. He asked me what was going on and I explained it all. That I knew UB, what kind of person he was and about the lies on his resume and in the interview. I told him I just wanted to give him a chance to either mess it up or prove he could handle it. My boss is pretty understanding so he let it go. Needless to say, UB was not chosen to fill the vacant spot.
Two days later UB showed up at my door unexpected. It was Saturday and I figured he found my place through one of the others. My wife answered the door not knowing who he was. Dude fricken walked in like he owned the place. I stopped him at the front mudroom, there was no way I was going to let him in any further. Note that there was more yelling than this but I cut it down for simplification.
UB: So what the hell happened?
Me: What not even a hello how are you?
UB: I never got a callback so I called to ask and they said I didn't get the job.
Dude had a bad tone in his voice, I knew he was here just to rage. A person that egocentric always blames others and I was target numero uno.
Me: What the hell are you here for!?
UB: What the hell did you tell him about me?
Me: Nothing that wasn't true, now get the fuck out!
UB: Bullshit, I know you can't really handle that kind of work, what did you do, suck some one-off? You just didn't want around because you know I would upstage you!
Me: What the hell would you know, you wouldn't even let me talk about computers when we hung out, you just labeled me and treated me like shit. Dude, I told my boss exactly what happened, how it happened, I didn't have to lie or exaggerate. You choose to act terribly, you choose to bully someone, you choose to create a bad representation of your self, as far I see it, its just karma. If you really cared instead of barging into my house you would be trying to fix where you fucked up.
UB: I don't need to do anything, go back and fix it!
Me: Screw you get the hell out before I call the cops.
UB: I'm not afraid of them.
Me: Fine!
I yelled to my wife to call the cops, after this UB new I wasn't screwing around and left in a huff.
The aftermath so far from this is him calling everyone he could to tell them how bad of a person I am like some 14-year-old kid bitching to his classmates at school. Figures because of how immature he really is, or at least, in my opinion anyway. So far no one has taken him seriously enough and some of my friends said he is still fuming but pretty demoralized. As for the position, it has yet to filled.
TL;DR Friends introduce a bully to the group, he shits on me for four years so years later I screw him out of his dream job and a better life.
(source) story by (/u/Atlusfox)
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sallyface-incorrect · 5 years
The Struggles of Having ADHD
- Only Being able to sleep either 2 hours or 16, there’s no in between. I am legit typing this at 3:02 am because I can’t sleep and I haven’t slept that much and it sucks. Summer is for sleeping, not for stress.
- Not being able to remember basic information about someone like their name, but being able to remember that they once told you that their great great aunt had a mole on her foot the shape of Texas. True story btw, sorry Amber.
- Feeling like your being rejected if your friend can’t make it to hang out with you because of family reasons. RSD is a bitch. Like the tiniest thing can make you feel rejected. Ie, your mom telling you not to be so loud, someone asking why your sneezes are so loud, someone asking you to return their pen, etc.
- Having your medication ware off/forgetting to take it and being the most annoying bitch in the galaxy. I once went on a school trip and my meds wore off and I ended up spending the 2 hour bus ride back annoying the guy who was trying to sleep in front of me, again, I am so sorry Max.
- IDK if it’s just me but, chewing on literally everything. Bottle caps, paper, fabric, rubber (my favorite), and much more. I used to get punished all the time for chewing on things I wasn’t supposed to. Nail biting is also a big thing. And so is hair chewing.
- Being told “You’re too smart to have ADHD”. Well Susan, I have a neurological devolpmental disorder, I’m not retarded.
- Either giving too much information or not enough when in conversation, and also bringing up really irrelevant things in the conversation like, I know we’re talking about the Louisiana Perchance but can I tell you about this one time it rained and I saw a snail?
- Being botherd by loud and/or repetitive noises. Pen clicking and high pitched sirens make me want to scream. They suckkk harder then Travis wants to suck Sal’s dick. And the worse is when people think you’re weird or that you have a problem with them for asking. I understand you like to click your pen and I’m so sorry it’s just so loud...
- Being afraid of your friends rejecting you. Again, RSD is a bitch. Like you’re afraid that one day your bestie will get up and leave and never come back and it’s all your fault and you suck and ughhhhhh. You’re also afraid their s/o / parents hate you and one day they’ll convince them to just leave you.
- Medication is a godsend but it’s also problematic. The stuff that I take fucks up my sleep schedule, my appetite, and make me tired and nauseous. It also gives me headaches and belly aches :(
- Either being so hungry that you also eat everything in your fridge or being so not hungry that even the concept of food disgust you. And sometimes, you even throw up because food is so gross and you’re gross and all that gross is inside you and eww.
- Intense, powerful migraines. They get worse in the winter months. Last year I took almost a week off of school because my migraines got worse and worse and worse and I couldn’t do it.
- Having no measurement of personal space or how to physically interact with someone. I just said hi, do I hug you, do I high five you, idk? Like idk how many potential friendships I’ve fucked up because I was too handsey.
- Being really particular about the type of clothing I wear. I love LOVE long sleeve shirts/ sweatshirts/ sweaters/ hoodies and shorts. I also love to wear socks around the house. I hate HATE wearing socks with shoes though, it makes me anxious. I also hate wearing certain types of pants. I literally only have 2 - 3 pairs of pants I’ll wear because pants sometimes feel like a tent and I hate that.
- Not being able to loose weight. I’m not fat, or chubby, I mean I have abs for God’s sake! It’s just that I have thick ass thigh I h a t e and I wish I could just get rid of them but my medication prevents me from loosing all that weight. On the bright side, I can eat a lot and not gain weight either.
- Having certain little routines you can’t skip. For example, every morning I must shave my legs and brush my hair or the world will end. I also must have all the doors and windows closed or else I’m gonna scream.
- Also idk if this is a problem for anyone else but doors and windows being open. I can’t stand it, I mean please, I don’t care that you’re just coming up for 1 thing but p l e a s e for the love of g o d, close the door that leads to upstairs. Having it open just isn’t right.
- Hyperfixiating on something for soo long that you forget to do basic hygiene like shower, use the bathroom, brush your hair, brush your teeth. It can get you in really big trouble but at least the job is done.
- Having a comfort item. Like I have this stuffed lamb whose name is “Lambchop” but I call “Lambie” and I sleep with them each and every night and carry them around the house with me when I’m home and if I’m upset I NEED to cuddle them bacuse it’s the only thing that will make the world go away.
- Being insanely good at certain academics and shitty at others. For example, when I was in 5th grade I was reading at an undergrad level and had the ability to understand science concepts a senior would be learning but my math was at the level of a second graders.
- Idk how to describe it but like, doing movements half way and the forgetting about them. Like this one time I was at a piano recital and I went to reach for something and forgot what I was reaching for so I just kinda held my hand up in a grabbing motion for half a song and then forgot about it until my mom reminded me to put it down.
- Not being able to understand that people don’t want to hear about your hyperfixiation. I’ve had 2 cases of this in my life, my “ghosts are definitely really and now this is my only personality triat” and my “I’m not a weeb but Tokyo Ghoul is so good now let me tell you all about the plot.” (Tokyo Ghoul gang REPRESENT)
- Having 3 different moods, hyperactive, normal, and cold. Like you’re normal most of the time but sometimes you’re sooo hyper that your an entirely different person, or sometimes you’re sooo distant you’re a different person too.
- Not being able to identify your emotions very well. Like, this guy just told me that my dad and my bestie are asshole who deserve to die in a fire, what am I feeling? Am I sad? Angry? Scared? Do I think this is funny? Am I gonna laugh? Cry? Idk, throw hands? Or the dreaded crush. Do I have feelings for this person or do I just want to be really good friends? Do I hate them? Love them? Am I gonna cry the next time I see them? Last time we hung out was fun but idk???
- Also like I mentioned, romance/sexuality is hard. Last time I dated I dated this guy I really liked, or at least I thought I did. We dated for three months before I blew it off because he asked to put his arm around me and it was weird when I said yes. Also sexuality. Idk if this is a problem for anyone else or just my bisexual ass. Like it’s so hard and I really like guys but hey, girls are hot. And like I like guys more than girls?? Sometime it makes me feel really fake.
- Really enhanced weird hearing. I know at least 80% of my classes drama because I have superhearing and I’m a literal hearing god bow down, bitch. I can hear the smallest of sounds and such, but for some goddamn reason I can’t understand how loud I’m being.
- Extestensial nihilism and just being cool about it. Like, dude, idk if there’s a god out there? I’d like to think there’s some sort of Devine power and we have a purpose but idk, we probably don’t have a purpose. I mean, we’ll be forgotten after we die anyway unless we’re Tom Holland. And love probably doesn’t exist either and it’s only stigmatized by movies and books and media and we’re all gonna get married and be miserable for ever and such. But like does it really even matter? In the end we’re all alone so go off I guess.
- Being really sensitive to smell. Certain smells drive me through the roof. For example, I have an extreme fish allergy and even smelling the slightest hint a salmon can give me a migraine so intense I think I’m dying. Or essential oils. Ughh I hate those. They send me through the roof.
- Being able to remember something you heard in a YouTube video you watched back when you were nine but not being able to remember when you birthday is some days because it really be like that.
- Being really good with little kids. Idk if everyone is like this but I am very childish myself and little kids love me. I have at least 3 little boys in 1st - 3rd grade who think I’m their girlfriend and 8 little girls in kindergarten - 5th grade who think I’m their big sister, it’s really sweet.
- Always apologizing is a big thing for me. When I was a child I used to get in trouble for saying sorry when I did anything and that carried to teen hood. Last year at my dance class my teacher noticed this and tried to help me break my habit god bless you Christine.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk bois. ADHD sucks but I know you can do it👌🏻
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