#guess I’m onto something hehehe
reploidbuddy · 1 year
Me: I want a casual fic, this shouldn’t be too long.
Brain: We got 3 parts for it though.
Me: Yeah but like 3 short things it’s fine. Or at least 3 not-so-longs.
Brain: Ok but like try to not go insane with it, the writing juice is hard n expensive these days.
Me: yeah yeah.
The fic: 25k words in and not even halfway through
Me: A
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awful-little-goose · 4 months
Ya know after that little headcanon thing with shamura my thoughts just spiralled from there so please allow me to propose something.
This was inspired by this image by the by:
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Not sure if this is actually legit as I never encountered this sprite in game however it was one the wiki so I’m gonna be so free and assume.
With the idea that the crowns aid the bishops with their disabilities(Leshy being able to see through his, Hekets crown speaking for her ect ect). Allow me to propose a what if:
what if Shamuras crown appears to be rooted into their brain because it’s what’s keeping them from being even worse off than they already are? They can no longer get any prophecies because the crown is too busy keeping their mind intact, stopping all their memories from slowly fading away.
It also shows just how bad the damage done by Narinder truly was, even with all it’s power to grant near infinite knowledge…it still isn’t enough, Shamuras mind is still broken and the purple crown will never be able to restore them to their former glory.
And to really hammer home how close Shamura was with their crown, what if it even goes as far as rejecting new bearers the lamb chooses? It wants Shamura to pick a bearer, their opinion on who is worthy enough to bear it is far more important to it. And it will straight up refuse to give anything to those chosen without their blessing.
And it’s not like the Lamb can just destroy it, If it was that easy they would have been destroyed eons ago. Nah they really just went „it’s either my way or the highway.“ and proceed to become as useful as a door stopper-
Anyway just some food for thought, thank you for coming to my ted talk!:DD
If you’ll excuse me I will go ahead and sketch ideas of this and of my Shamura passing the crown onto an eight year old cause that is definitely not gonna go south-
I ABSOLUTELY love that HC and agree with it, to me the crown is like- the one thing keeping Sha alive. And the connection is what makes Shamura like- ramble, as it disorients them greatly (imagine your brain being Directly POWERED BY GODLY POWERS- my thoughts would get a bit scrambled too)
Kinda leads me to think that the crown just- would NOT let Shamura died. Which in itself has a lotta implications: did it care? Did it just want its host to survive? Are the other crowns this way too?
I guess that’s…food for thoughts HEHEHE
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thebest-medicine · 4 months
Little Games
- a BKDK drabble for my people ;)
[read on ao3] MHA - implied established bkdk, soft boys, games, ticklish!Kacchan & ticklish!Izuku
A/N: I watched Yellowjackets 1x06 and need an alternate cut of these scenes ok… Playing the tracing words on your back game insp by the scene with Tai and Van except make it bakudeku hehehehehe. ‘Alright alright, you win, but let me have one more turn, ok?’ *tickles them instead*
Words: 470
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“Ha, you suck at this! Stay still, nerd!”
“I- I can’t!” Izuku shivers with near-giggles. He continues to squirm as Bakugo traces the next letter across the bare expanse of his back.
“Just guess the word or give up!”
“I- hehehe- I don’t know! I can’t focus!” Izuku’s voice is high and flighty with mirth. “Wahahahait, no staha-hahop!”
“I can’t stop unless you guess, or you give up and declare me the winner.”
“I cahahan’t it- it! Ehehe!”
Bakugo grumbles, putting on a show of annoyance, and starts over. This time, tracing the letters even more deliberate yet ticklish between Midoriya’s shoulder blades.
Through his muffled laughter, Izuku manages, “Ihihis it, is it ‘Dynamight’?”
“Finally! Took you long enough.”
Izuku runs a hand through his hair, blushing shyly. “It’s not my fault, you know I’m ticklish there.”
“You would be.” Bakugo rolls his eyes.
“Why do you always have to pick long words?” Izuku whines with a grin on his face.
“Shut up.” Katsuki hits his shoulder lightly.
Izuku stretches for a moment, rolls his shoulders, and then claps his hands onto the tops of his thighs. “Alright, alright, my turn.”
Bakugo greets this revelation with a stubborn set of his jaw, smugness overtaking his features. “If I get this one on the first try, I win.”
“Yeah, yeah. Turn around.” Deku instructs with a laugh.
Bakugo faces the wall away from Izuku, focusing his energy on winning their little competitive game. He waits a second for the touch of his fingertips. Then, he waits for another. And another.
“What, are you trying to think of a word or something? Hurry up!”
Midoriya snickers at that, and, without thinking much more about it, reaches forward and wiggles his fingers into the backs of the unsuspecting Bakugo’s ribs. Katsuki pitches forward in surprise, and just then, like it’s nothing, Izuku throws a leg over his waist.
“AHHAFF- WHATTHEFAHAHAHUCK! NOHOHO DEKU! DAHAHAHAHON’T!” He flails about under Izuku, unable to fight off the sudden burst of laughter.
“Aww, Kacchan…” Izuku smiles down fondly at him. “You have such a nice laugh.”
“StahaHAHAHHOP IT! YOHOHOU FUCKING CHEHEHEATER!” Bakugo tries to roll himself over, off the bed, away, anywhere to get even the briefest respite from the sudden, sparkling, explosive sensations. Joining the feeling, little sparks of explosions begin to pop off from each of his hands as he laughs harder and loses more control over his reactions.
“Did you wanna try and guess the word, Kacchan?” Izuku teases.
“I can’t stop unless you guess, or give up and declare me the winner.”
“What?” Izuku’s voice sounds so genuine and innocent in that moment that Bakugo almost wants to believe him. “No, it’s just a really long word. Try harder, come on Kacchan.”
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quinny19 · 2 months
He's kinda cute?
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Sampo x gn reader ( gender neutral)
Warning ⚠⚠⚠ n/a
haaa Tsundere reader?
Another day has come and yet why does this annoying yet cute dark blue haired man always finds his way to annoying you and your day..
Sampo's expertise is tempting to seek out, or easy for someone else to approach him but becoming his "customer" can be risky. Knowing him he will just sweet talk the people and try to get away with whatever problems he has got himself into again.
you heard his voice calling you from afar
*please please don't follow me,* you thought as you try desperately to walk away from him but only for you to fail.
" are you joking me right now? "
Sampo snickered at her response, clearly amused by her reaction."Oh, I never joke about things when it comes to you "He said as he took a step closer to you.
his gaze locked onto you, not backing down even an inch.
You step back but only for him to step closer yet again
*he's too close!!!* trying to keep a straight face,trying not to show that he has a huge effect on you
He flashed a sly smile, his eyes full of mischief. " I knew I'd find you here... "
"how the hell did you know i was here?"
Sampo chuckled at your reply. clearly enjoying getting some sort of reaction out of you. He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest."Oh, my dear, I know many things. Some might say I’m a master of observation." He smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief."And as for how I knew you were here... let’s just say I have my way,I can't just go telling other people my secret ya know~."
"Wow totally not creepy at all" giving a sarcastic tone at your voice as you look at him with a blank face.
"Oh, come on Y/n! I prefer the term ‘resourceful.’"He chuckled, clearly enjoying the conversation you two are having right now. "And speaking of resources, I have a question for you." Raising a eyebrow at him you said " and that is? "
Sampo pushed himself off from the wall, approaching you with a smirk still on his face."It’s quite a simple question, really. Just one question..."He paused for a moment, his gaze looking on you"Do you trust me?"
" what the heck is that sort of question?!"
*What the heck is he on about?! Wait wait is he asking me out?! Wait what?! Hold on a minute Y/n ! You don't have time for being delusional * *sigh I guess reading all those fan fiction is making me lose my mind*
Sampo chuckled. He took a step closer, now standing only a few inches away from you. "Because I have a proposal for you, one that might benefit both of us."
*gasp marriage perhaps!?* *aghh!!!! Y/n stop stop!!! Stop thinking about this thing he might take advantage of you!*
*sigh but he's kinda cute and funny and - *
*I said stop!*
"If you're gonna invite me to scam some poor people then I'm out " you reply , inside of you is screaming at yourself for replying a little rude to him
*my goodness Y/n atleast let him finish don't just go thinking the worst *
Sampo chuckled, amused by her feisty attitude."Oh, my dear, Y/n scamming is just one aspect of my craft. There's so much more to life than that."
*ok never mind*
He took a step back, a sly smile playing on his lips."No, I have something else in mind for you. Something that'll give you a taste of the good life."
*good life? Ahhh a married life with h-*
"Ahh yeah total not gonna steal something with you if Gepard finds out you will be so much trouble! You know that and it's not like I'm saying this because I care about you or anything! "
*i do care (╥ω╥`) about you sampo*
Sampo’s smile only grew wider at their response. He chuckled, clearly amused by Y/n's concern for his safety."Oh, my lovely Y/n. You're absolutely right, I would be in for some serious trouble if Gepard finds out. But that's part of the thrill and excitement, isn’t it?"He leaned in close, his voice lowering to a whisper."Besides, I know how to keep things in control , Gepard won't even know about what's coming hehehe"
"Nope I'm out". Walking away yet again not because you want to get away from him but not to show your flattered face in front of him
You look like a tomato from afar.
Sampo watches you walk away, disappointment momentarily flickering across his face. He lets out a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest."Oh, come on, don’t be like that!" he calls after you. a hint of irritation in his voice.He takes a few strides, quickly catching up to you. He grabs your arm gently but firmly, preventing you from walking further away anymore
*he's touching me!!! It's like one of the romance novals where the other protagonist catch up to the main character and tell them 'i love you' *
*get a hold of your self Y/n!!!*
*Sigh* turning around you...
You Glared t him " let. Go."
*no no no (」゚ロ゚)」ᴺᴼᴼ~ that wasn't I wanted to say!!!!*
Sampo meets your glare.
With q smirk, clearly enjoying the challenge."Now, now, no need to get so feisty."He doesn’t release his grip on your arm, his hand remaining firm but not painful."I can’t just let you walk away like that, especially after that delightful conversation we were having." What the heck is wrong with him
"Tch... To me more like a bug that's annoying me" crossing your arms
Sampo’s smirk only widens at the insult, the challenge sparking something in him. He steps even closer, invading your oh so loved personal space."A bug, hm? That’s quite the comparison. I’d say I’m more of a prince charming." He leans in closer, his voice lowering to a soft murmur."And you can’t deny that you find me intriguing, even just a little bit. I'm right am I? "
"I- I don't -" with a flasterd face now failing to hide the redness in your face
Sampo grins, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth banter. He leans in even closer, his face now inches away from hers."Oh, come now, don’t deny it, my dear Y/n. Your heart is racing, your cheeks are red. You can’t fool me."He brings a hand up, gently cupping your cheek."You find me exciting. intriguing in your own little way. Admit it~... " he said with a smirk looking straight in your eyes
"W- well I don't know what you are talking about!!! I'm going to buy some materials anyways for Pela, and don't follow me!" Walking away from him with how hot and flasterd you are feeling you can just imagine there might be a possible that steam will come on top of your head.
a mischievous shimmer in his eyes."Oh, you wound me so with your rejection, my dear Y/n .But I suppose you have responsibilities to attend to."He leans back against the nearest wall, crossing his arms."I won’t follow, for now. But I do hope our paths cross again soon. It’s dreadfully dull in this city without someone with your... flair."
*Why does he have to be so...so... CUTE!?
note : if there is any mistake pls tell me I'll edit them when I can ( •_•)つ
Y'all can send me request I'm open to almost anything just not NSFW idk how to write that or just gets red 🤣
Pls give a follow and 💗💗💗
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valeriele3 · 2 years
Have another TWST and Enstars crossover (kinda)
Dorm Leaders + Jamil
Your friends remind you of another friend from back home
“Hey Riddle, I just noticed..You look a lot like a friend from back home”
“I do..?”
“Mhm! His name is Tsukasa Suou! He looks almost exactly like you! Except his eyes are a different color and he doesn’t have your uh heart ahoge”
“I see..Tell me, is he a follower of rules?”
“Uhm..I guess? I mean he is a knight so..”
“Y’know..You forcing me to let you sleep on my lap reminds me of someone dear to me back in my world..”
“You remind me a lot of Ritsu. He’s very veryyy dear to me..He would basically sleep 24/7 and whenever he saw me he would force me to sleep and cuddle with him. If not that then he’ll use me as a pillow”
“Huh? H-Hey Leona where’re you going??”
Leona leaving you because he’s jealous about this Ritsu and it put him in a bad mood(Leona’s annoyed lol)
“Sigh..You and Ibara would get along nicely”
“A businessman who also likes to suck up to people”
“Hey Kalim, thank you..”
“Hm? For what?”
“For making me feel at home..You too Jamil”
“Eh?” (He was secretly hiding in the shadows)
“Oh! Jamil! You were here the whole time?!”
“..No comment on that”
“Anyways, what’d you mean “thank you?””
“You guys just remind me a lot of two of my friends back home..”
“Their names are Subaru Akehoshi and Hokuto Hidaka”
“Kalim’s energy and personality is just like Subaru and Jamil’s demeanor reminds me of Hokuto”
“Especially because of how you always take care of Kalim..It’s just like how Hokuto keeps Subaru in check..Well, as best as he can at least since Subaru can just somehow rope you into his problems—”
“Sigh..I get it..! Please stop nagging me so much Vil”
“Hah? Nagging you? I’m just telling you to take better care of yourself”
“I swear it’s like Izumi came here with me..Sigh..”
“And who is this Izumi you speak of?”
“A friend although he feels more like a mom for always nagging me to take better care of myself..Or more specifically my skin”
“Now that I think about it, you guys would get along so well because of your obsession with looking good or somethin’..”
“Seems like a person who understands the importance of beauty. And, fix your way of speaking! It’s ‘something’ not ‘somethin’.
“It looks like Epel has been influencing you in a bad way. You aren’t allowed to see him anymore”
“Wha— Hey! You can’t do that!”
“I’m afraid I can darling”
“Idia~ Come..Hang..Outtt with me..!” (You’re trying to drag him out of his room)
[Insert Panicked scream] “No! I don’t wanna..!”
“Staying inside 24/7 is bad for you! You need to get under the sun at least once in a while..!” (Don’t worry Idia I’m like that irl)
[Insert a picture of you trying to drag Idia out and him desperately hanging onto his bed]
“Oh!” [Accidentally drops Idia on the ground]
“If you don’t want to go outside that bad then..How about this? You can just use the vents to travel from place to place!”
“Huh..? W-What gave you that crazy idea..”
“Hm? Don’t worry it’s probably safe! A close friend of mine likes to travel around the place using the vents!”
“He even uses the vents in my room to spy on me every night” You wholeheartedly smile and laugh at the thought like it isn’t weird at all
‘What the heckkkk..That’s a different kind of weird..! That’s straight up creepy’ Idia is going a thousand miles a minute inside his mind right now
“C’mon..! You can be like Mayoi!”
“Is that what that creeps name is..?” Idia whispers to himself but you still heard it
[Insert Idia’s scream again] “N-NO! I DIDNT..!”
“Good” :))
“Now let’s go! Let us brave through this storm called life!”
“Heheh..I have a feeling you’ll get along well with a friend of mine back home Tsunotaro!”
“I’m sure Nagisa would love to talk to you someday..! Maybe when I get back home I’ll introduce you to him”
“I see. Well if the child of man says so then I mustn’t refuse”
Malleus is thinking that maybe if he gains Nagisa’s favor Nagisa will allow you to date him. After all it’s good to have points from your close ones right? And if you mentioned this Nagisa then surely that person is close to you
Sorry about the other’s parts like Azul and Idia I couldn’t really think what to write for their part
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sainzfilm · 2 years
hi! can you maybe write something with carlos sainz where you are friends and end up hooking up but the next morning he says it was mistake and „that it meant nothing to him“ (because he’s scared). angst but please please please a happy ending 🥹 thank you!!!
pairing: carlos sainz x reader
a/n: HELLO GUESS WHO’S BACK <3 ive finally gotten the time to write a drabble for 2023 thank GOD. but anyways starting off with my favorite boy hehehe hope you guys like it :)
taglist: @svechyaho @squderia @idkiwantchocolatee @melonunicornbby @koufaxx @myescapefromthislife @slut-era @pachiibatt @nicolesainz @estevries @dan3avocado @sidcrosbyspuck @barzysreputation @verclercswiftie @mick2mercedes @mehrmonga
Burying his head in your neck and grabbing onto your waist, Carlos groaned loudly as he reached his climax and breathed heavily. On your end, you reached over to rub his nape and kissed his temple softly as you tried to steady your heavy breathing.
Carlos let out a sigh, pulling away and looking in your eyes with a soft smile, whispering, “Hi.”
“Hi yourself,” You whispered, caressing his cheek with your thumb, “You wanna grab something to eat?”
Shaking his head in response, Carlos laid his head on your chest and held onto you while sleepily mumbling, “Just wanna lay here with you.”
“Go to sleep, weirdo,” You laughed softly, running your fingers through his hair, “I’ll be here.”
With the sun seeping through the windows, Carlos rubbed his eyes as he slowly woke up and stretched his legs out. He blinked a few times and looked down at your sleeping figure, realizing the events that had unraveled last night.
He wasn’t sure as to how he could move your arm away without waking you up – you were a light sleeper and that was a huge problem for him at the very moment. Carefully lifting your arm, you groaned sleepily and squinted your eyes to look at the Spaniard who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
With a sigh, Carlos slowly sat up on the bed and rubbed a hand down his face before wandering off to pick up his clothes that were scattered around the room. As he pulled his jeans up, the clanking of the metal woke you up and caused you to sit up and pull the sheets to cover your torso, “Where are you going?”
Carlos looked at you, a pang radiating through his chest from the words about to come out of his mouth, “This was a mistake. This never should’ve happened.”
You frowned, confused from his statement and forcing yourself to understand the situation with a hazy brain from the way you had just woken up. Trailing off, you looked at him, “A mistake? You told me you wanted this. You told me you wanted me.”
“Well, those words mean nothing. All empty words,” Carlos replied nonchalantly, pulling his shirt over his head and grabbing his phone from the nightstand, “This meant nothing to me.”
“Excuse me? What the fuck Carlos?” You replied, eyebrows raised while you wrapped the sheets around your body and walked over to where he was, “What did you just say?”
Carlos shrugged, seemingly composed despite the fact that he was breaking deep down inside, “I’m sure you heard me well.”
“You’re fucking pathetic,” You scoffed, anger coursing through your veins as you glared at him, “Get out of my apartment. Don’t even talk to me.”
Biting the inside of his cheek, Carlos’ eyes averted your gaze before grabbing his car keys and exiting your apartment with a slam of the door, leaving you to stand in your room – feeling like complete and utter shit.
Carlos drove back to his place in silence, thoughts racing around his head and voices screaming at him for being a total idiot. How could he say that to you? His best friend, the girl he was in love with.
It was fair to say that he couldn’t bear to look at the picture frames of the two of you around his apartment from various occasions over the years. Although, he could just flip those frames over to easily solve the problem. But he couldn’t do that. Oh, who was he kidding? He literally fucked you over.
Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days, and it’s been a week or two since Carlos made what he considered to be the dumbest decision he’s done. He hasn’t heard from you since then, but he was sure that you probably sulked in your living room, eating a tub of Ben & Jerry’s while rewatching The Sound of Music and a few other flicks because he knew you that well.
“I don’t know, mate,” Carlos mumbled, staring at the ceiling as he held the phone to his ear, “She made it clear that she doesn’t want to talk to me.”
“Not to offend you, but you’re an idiot,” Charles muttered while he was on his simulator, “Of course, she would say that! You told her it was a mistake!”
“Well, I didn’t know what else to say!” He retorted, voice getting softer by the time he finished talking, “I was scared, Charles. That’s the only reason behind it.”
Charles sighed, rubbing a hand down his face while he pressed pause, “Scared of what? Of her not liking you back?”
“What if she just thinks of me as a friend?” Carlos answered, fumbling with his fingers, “What if sh-”
“Oh cut the crap, Carlos,” The Monégasque scoffed, rolling his eyes, “We all know very well that she’s in love with you as much as you are to her.”
With a frown on his face, Carlos’ mind immediately thought of you – the way your face lights up when you hear your favorite song on the radio, how your eyebrows furrow when you take a few seconds to process a joke, or even your ability to name a Taylor Swift song in less than a second.
Charles cleared his throat, snapping the Spaniard out of his thoughts, “Earth to Carlos, are you even there?”
Jolting out of bed, Carlos pulled a hoodie over his head and grabbed his keys before running out to his car, “I’ll talk to you later.”
It was half an hour past midnight and raining cats and dogs, Carlos couldn’t care any less on whether he looked decent or not. He needed to fix things at this moment, even if he took two weeks to get to his senses. As soon as he pulled up to your apartment, his heart was beating as fast as a car speeding down the highway – what if this doesn’t end well?
He didn’t even bother grabbing an umbrella, standing on your doorstep and ringing the doorbell thrice, the way you told him to do so whenever he’d come over.
“What the fuck are you doing under the rain?” You exclaimed, peeking out the window from the second floor, “You’re going to get sick!”
Carlos shook his head, eyes squinting to look up at you, “I don’t care about that, I need to talk to you!”
“What’s there to talk about?” You shouted, “You clearly don’t want anything to do with me!”
Taking a deep breath, Carlos retorted, “No, I was wrong! I was scared, but I just…I was an idiot.”
You rolled your eyes in response, a small smile on your face, “A big one. Nice to know you shrugged your pride off.”
“I’m sorry, I really am,” Carlos looked up at you, soaked from head to toe from the rain, “I wanna make it up to you.”
Sighing to yourself, you closed the window and left Carlos frowning from the possibility that you didn’t want anything to do with him. He felt and looked defeated, walking back to his car until you called out his name.
“Hey, chili!”
Carlos snickered to himself, turning around to see you standing with a towel in your hand. He felt a thorn plucked out from his heart from what you usually called him besides his real name.
He looked at you, a hopeful glint in his eyes, “Yeah?”
“For starters, I absolutely hated what went down. But then again, I got you to admit you were wrong, which rarely happens,” You shrugged, leaning against the doorframe, “Although, if you really want this, I do have to say I’m a lot of work.”
“Not to me, Y/N,” Carlos replied, taking his steps back to your doorstep and standing a few inches away from you, “It doesn’t change a thing – I love you. All of you.”
Carlos’ words had the intention as clear as a sunny sky and you could see that. You knew he hated wearing wet socks, staying out in the rain for too long, or even admitting that he was wrong – but he did all of that just to tell you he was sorry.
“You sure about that?” You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms, “Actually forget about that, Charles told me you’ve been sulking since then.”
“That little shit,” He mumbled under his breath, “I’m all in, Y/N. If you’ll still have me.”
Reaching your hand out with a small smile, you nodded, “You’re going to have to make it up to me.”
Without any warning, Carlos grinned as he pulled you under the rain and dipped you to give you what could have been the best kiss of your life by far. As the two of you laughed to yourselves, you pulled away and rolled your eyes playfully, “Talk about romantic comedy things. Have you been watching them?”
“One or two,” Carlos shrugged, holding your waist as he brought you back to your feet, “So, you wanna watch The Sound of Music and eat Ben and Jerry’s?”
As you looked into his eyes, you could feel your heart beating faster, “After a shower.”
Carlos chuckled, holding your hand as you dragged him inside of your apartment, “You’re going to sing your ass off to the soundtrack again, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am,” You teased, throwing him a towel, “Don’t think that Charles didn’t send me a video of you singing Maria and using my name instead.”
Before he could get the chance to retort back, you smiled and patted his cheek lovingly and threw a towel to his face, “Now, dry yourself and close your mouth, we still have a film to watch.”
Carlos stood in the hallway of your apartment, a smile to his face as he heard you singing the song with his name being used instead.
Peeking your head from the kitchen, you raised an eyebrow, “You have any plans to help me with the snacks?”
“Right, the snacks,” He replied, walking over to the kitchen and muttering under his breath with a smile, “This woman’s gonna be the end of me.”
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sword-is-bored · 1 year
So i have a request.. I would like to request Link x Reader, where the Reader once saves Link, pretty early after he woke up because he got into a fight with monsters that were too strong for him. After that Link just sort of clings to reader, because he wants to protect them too 🥹
Hope you have a great day!!
A Little Longer?
(Y/n) wandered around the ruins by the Great Plateau. They knew there might be some treasure there, so why not? With their travelers sword and simply shield strapped to their back they were pretty well equipped to deal with monsters. As they rummaged through the ruins, a shadow passed overhead. Bigger than a regular bird. (Y/n) looked up, finding someone gliding. Their eyes widened. No one has been able to get onto the Plateau for years, let alone leave. “Come,” They hissed to their horse, who was lazily chewing at grass. They rushed over, climbing atop their steed determined to follow the person.
They rode behind them, and watched in horror as they dropped from the sky. It was a man! And unfortunately for him, he landed directly in the view of a moblin. The large creature walked over to the man with a club. “Go!” They hissed, snapping the reigns. The man pulled a tree branch from his back, and with one single hit it shattered. He seemed to reach for another weapon and looked surprised that nothing appeared in his hand. (Y/n) leaped from their horse as the moblin raised the club, (Y/n)’s shield met with the wood as it came down. They grunted, pulling out their sword and sliced away at the moblin until it collapsed.
(Y/n) let out a soft breath of relief, turning to the man who still had a bit of panic in his eyes. “Hey, are you okay?” (Y/n) panted, putting away their sword. The man closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before clearing his throat. “Yeah,” He said simply. His voice sounded scratchy, like he’d just woken up. (Y/n) smiled, holding out their hand. “We’ve gotta stick together out here. It’s kind of dangerous. I’m (Y/n).” The man took their outstretched hand and gently shook it. “I’m Link. Thank you.” He said softly. (Y/n) looked Link up and down, finding him in tattered clothes. They were a bit confused, but who’s to judge? “Anywhere specific you’re heading?” (Y/n) asked. “I can accompany you until you find a suitable weapon and shield.”
Link pulled out a weird device and looked at it, before his eyes met (Y/n) again. “Uh… Kakariko?” They chuckled at the way he worded it. More like a question than a request. “Yes, I know where that is. Do you have family there? Friends?” Link gave a blank stare as he seemed to think about it. “I’m not sure, I was just told that’s where I need to go.” (Y/n) hummed as though it’s something they’ve experienced as well. “Alright, no worries. Come on, Star here can hold two people.” They said, walking over to their horse. Link slowly followed, putting away the device. Together they climbed on the horse, and rode off towards Kakariko.
“Well, since you’re here I guess I’ll be taking my leave. I hope to see you around, it was fun.” (Y/n) said, looking down at Link as he climbed off of Star. “No, please don’t go.” He murmured, his face heating up. “I… I need to repay the favor. Since you saved my life.” (Y/n) shook their head. “No, seriously it’s nothing. Just a civilian of Hyrule looking out for one another. You’d do the same.”
“Please, just stay here for a few moments.” Link pleaded softly. (Y/n) let out a sigh and smiled. “Alright.” They agreed, to Link’s delight. He climbed up the stairs to the Kakariko elders house and vanished inside. (Y/n) sat atop of Star, looking around the beautiful town. When Link returned, he requested that (Y/n) stay with him. “Since you know your way around Hyrule a lot more than I do.” Was his excuse. Which turned into (Y/n) being dragged around Hyrule. Link would defend them from monsters any chance he got, going as far as defeating a Guardian when (Y/n) almost got blasted off the face of Hyrule.
“Link, seriously, you’ve repaid your debt enough. Can I go home?” They murmured beside the warm fire as they camped outside of Rito village. Link peeked up at (Y/n) from his cooking, chewing on his lip in thought. “I’m nervous.” He said quietly. “Nervous about what?” (Y/n) asked. “You were the first person to show me kindness and compassion.” Link replied, his shoulders releasing the tension. “You… truly are wonderful. I enjoy having you around.” He murmured, seeming to be thinking of what exactly to say to (Y/n).
“You’re quick witted, smart and funny. I find you immeasurably attractive. I thought that… well I’d gather the courage sooner or later to tell you.” He looked up at (Y/n) hopefully, noticing the surprised look they gave. “So, I was maybe thinking you could accompany me for a bit longer? I think we could have a wonderful relationship, whether it’s romantic or not. If that alright with you.” (Y/n)’s heart fluttered, their ears and cheeks burning up with the admission of love. “Yeah, I think I can do that.” They whispered, staring back into the fire. Link smiled as a comfortable silence washed over the two of them.
“I think we can try romantic.”
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writer-komaru · 2 years
Hello! I have returned! (I mean I was always here I just haven’t been feeling motivated to write :p)
I write this after completing the newest boss battle in genshin and I am inconsolable. So don’t mind me as I self indulge just a bit. ^^ (Spoilers in tags)
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Plot - giving scara a present (confession?)
Genre - fluff to comfort
Song - Eternity ♪ Final Fantasy (guitar cover)
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“Follow me!”
“Don’t pull me around like I’m some sort of child! Where are you even taking me, Traveler?”
Scaramouche growled in annoyance. You held his hand tight on your own, running quickly through the dense forest. Despite his words of protest, he made no effort to pull his hand out of your grasp.
“You’ll see when we get there. It’s not much farther away.”
“Hmph.. this better be worth my time.”
After a few more seconds, light began to pour out from an opening ahead of you both. As you and scaramouche finally exited the forest, his eyes widened at the sight before him.
“So… what do you think?”
The sight of the flower field around you was almost breathtaking. The vibrant colors shone brightly as the sunlight painted the land in a soft, warm glow. The tall lilac-tilted trees around the clearing gave the field a secluded feeling. It was like a small, private place just for the two of you.
“Traveling sure does have its perks, huh?”
You smiled warmly at him. He almost didn’t know what to say.
“I still don’t know why you took me here. Am I supposed to be impressed or something? I’ve seen many different types of environments in my lifetime.”
Your smile turned into a frown.
“Even after I took you all this way to show you something special to me, you still aren’t impressed. Ahh, my heart! It hurts!”
You fall down onto the comfy bed of flowers, clutching your chest dramatically. But, just as you suspected, Scaramouche ran over to you in a panic.
“Are you alright?! Are you hurt?”
He knelt down next to you and examined your body, trying to see if there was any sort of wound on you.
Even though he tried to see all big and bad, he still was such a softie sometimes.
“Hehehe, I’m okay, I’m okay. I’m just joking.”
He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at you.
“Why would you joke about something like that?! What if something serious happened to you, huh? Would it still be a joke then?! Ugh… you’re so insufferable sometimes.”
“Yeah yeah…. Whatever you say, Scara.”
As scaramouche crossed his arms dramatically, pouting to himself, you decided it was finally time to prepare for the real reason you asked him to come here with you.
“I’ll be right back, I just need to get some stuff from the forest.”
The brisk fearful expression he gave before turning away again made you second guess yourself.
“Fine. Leave me for all I care.”
You signed, you should have been able to predict he would have reacted like that.
“You can come with me if you want, but it will only be a few minutes.”
Scaramouche paused to look at the ground before reluctantly taking your hand once more.
After walking through the flowers and finding a sturdy-looking tree, you took out a small knife from your back pocket. Scaramouche watched you in confusion as you began sawing off one of the limbs of the tree.
‘How inefficient.’
He mentally scoffed at you.
“Give me that.”
You gave him a confused look before handing him the knife. He approached the tree and with one swift, fluid motion, he sliced the tree limb right off with barely a single sound.
“Thank you, but you didn’t need to do all that.”
“Of course I did. You were barely even making any marks. We would have been here for hours if it wasn’t for me.”
“Hehe, we’ll then thank you for your contribution. Let’s head back now.”
Scaramouche watched you with a puzzled expression as you began to scrape the bark off of a small log you cut out of the branch. But any time your two made eye contact, he would just look away and scoff, saying something along the lines of,
“This is so pointless. Why do we even need to be out in the middle of nowhere if you just want to do some arts and crafts?”
You only chuckled in response.
This went on for hours before you were finally finished. After carving out the main shape, you gathered a few flowers and mixed it with some water in a stream nearby to add color to it.
“Finally you’re finished. Let’s get out of here so I can do something more worth my time-“
Before scaramouche could complete his sentence, you got up and sat down in front of him.
“I bet you're wondering what this is. Well…”
You looked away out of nervousness, which made him groan.
“If you have something important to say, then spit it out.”
“Okay. Well, I’ve known you for a while now, and as time goes by, I feel like I’m learning more and more about you. And… I know this may not have any meaning to you since you see me as just a lowly worm, but I’m so deeply sorry about everything you’ve been through. I wish there was something I could have done back then, but I can't change the past. I can only change the future. And I want to make you a promise.”
You gently held out the object to Scaramouche, causing his eyes to widen in surprise.
“I want to promise you to always be there for you, even when it feels like you’re all alone. To always be there to support you when it feels like the world is turning against you. To always be there to comfort you when you feel as though you will always be alone. Because in reality, you won’t ever be alone anymore. I’ll make sure of it.”
“And, I know this isn’t really much, but I remember you told me about how you were trying to seek this out. So I made one for you. I… hope you like it.”
Scaramouche didn’t know what to say as you placed the wooden gnosis in his hands. This feeling…. This is the first time he has ever felt like this before. And before he knew it, he felt something begin to drip down from his cheeks, creating wet marks on his shorts. You gasped in surprise. You had never seen scaramouche cry ever in your whole time knowing him.
“Ah! I’m so sorry! Did I say something bad? Ah, I knew I shouldn’t have talked about your past.”
You mentally scolded yourself as you gently brushed your thumb over the corners of his eyes. All he could do was stare at you, still in shock.
He looked away from you, clutching onto the gnosis tightly, as if scared it would dissolve in his grasp at any second.
His mind began to race.
Why were you so nice to him? Why is he crying? Why can’t he seem to let go of it even though he knows it’s fake? Why are you looking at him with such a soft yet worried expression? Why can’t he manage to say a single word?!
He forced himself to look back into your eyes. Your expression was so warm. It filled his cold, husk of a body up with feelings he’s never even known of before. For his whole life he has felt like a broken toy that’s been tossed away and forgotten, never to be loved ever again. But the more he hangs around you, the more he can feel himself growing to trust, even care for you. No matter how many times he tells himself he shouldn’t, that he will only get his heart broken again, he just can’t stop this feeling deep in his chest.
His shaky hand reached forward and grabbed the collar of your shirt, forcing you forward and into a tight hug. Your body stiffened from the sudden action.
“… thank you. Thank you for giving me hope.”
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“So….. you like the gift?”
You smirked at him as you both began to walk back towards the forest. He looked away out of embarrassment, scoffing at you.
“Like I should tell you, traveler.”
The whole trip back to your house he clung onto not only your hand but also the false gnosis.
Deep down, he always knew that he didn’t need a gnosis to feel complete. He always had you.
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kate-bot · 5 months
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OKAY SO I've gotten two asks about my Noisette cosplay AND THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS !!!!!!!! It was sm fun to make this cos, so I will gladly explain everything I did in hopes that it might help someone else!! also both anons please share your cosplays with me when theyre done i would love to see them....
I've tried to link everything where I can, where I got stuff etc... I only rarely cosplay (although I am thinking of going as the noise in May Comiccon) and this was my biggest ever project so!! It's very trial-and-error! But without further ado
Okay i’m gonna be real my mum helped me so much she basically did all the sewing for me. Sewing is the fucking bane of my existence I hate doing it so much so we planned it out together and she basically executed it. Props to her for that she’s so real… She also wrote down what she did!! So i’ll just paste and colour that in for you to read!!
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“The black material (seen in the above image) was originally a beanie hat that was picked apart to use as a template…
This was game changing basically. We had experimented with making the hat from scratch but it was far too difficult and we were both too stupid so we just unstitched a pre-existing hat and stole the template. The hat we cut up was one we had lying around for years so i cannot tell you where to get one from, but any beanie that is stitched together will work i guess! So I would recommend finding a hat that fits you snugly and doing the same thing!
…and the wool fabric that was utilised gave the finished product was stiff enough to be structurally sound.
I just got this from my local fabric shop, I would recommend wool over something like felt because it’s super sturdy and I was pulling on my mask a LOT.
Once sewn together, I attached a stiff card facemask to the front to help provide some structure, and to locate where the eye holes should be cut.
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I think this picture shows it pretty well, my mum was able to curve the shape of the fabric to fit a pre-existing mask- we got ours from Hobbycraft, just one of those stringed white template masks yknow. We cut off the string, made the eyeholes a little bigger and just stuck it straight on!! I should mention this was pretty much all done with a sewing machine as well!
After that, we made two ears from a paper pattern, stuffed them and put some wire inside to allow them to be positioned, before sewing them onto this headband, which was then sewn into the hat. The bottom of each ear was also stitched to the crown to give it some additional stability and to secure the headband correctly in position (having fitted it on the wearer).
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Yeah it was actually less of a mask and more of a headband!! That was what gave it most of the support and meant the ears would stay up, I’m not sure how it would work without it!! The ears were the only part that I could actually help with LMAO i just freehanded a little template, stuffed it, and then put in some modelling wire to make them able to be posed :)
Then it was a lot of hand sewing, and glueing the eyeholes to the mask to create a cohesive look.
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AND YEAH that’s pretty much all it was! I also attached some little felt eyelashes to add to it as well. Honestly I could never come up with a step-by-step guide for the process because it was such a trial and error thing (i’d made two test-hats before we even came up with the method) but it was so fun!!
I would 100% recommend if you want the ears to stay UP to stuff them AS MUCH AS U CAN and/or put wire in them!! :) I also made some cute little bows to clip into my wig in the same fabric to make it more cohesive!! I also put a bow (and a bunny tail heheh) on the back of the dress too!!
Super simple! I just found one online (okay for some reason the link has been taken off of the website, but just look up "overall dress" on google shopping and you will 100% find something super cute)- I made sure to buy the dress first, and then take it to the fabric shop to try and colourmatch the mask fabric as best as I could. Then it was just buying some big ol buttons off eBay and sewing them on!! (I could actually do that bit by myself, I'm bad at sewing but im not THAT bad)
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Cute patterned knee-high socks cuz shes cute like that. Leg warmers, I think I got them both off of Amazon... Converse I got from Depop and I had wanted to buy a pair anyway so I was super stoked to get them cheap!! I chose converse over a pair of high-heels or Mary Janes just for comfort reasons, I was walking around loads at the con so... Everything else apart from the shirt was from Amazon or just. Somewhere online(I have no idea where to get fancy white gloves LOL) and the shirt was from Depop as well! I liked how frilly it was, re: Noisette is cute like that!!
oh yeah and the wig. I hate wigs it was awful. I have no idea how to style them. underneath the hat was the most awful bowl cut ever I just. It wasn't my best moment. Dont ask me about wigs please .
Also I should mention I got this bag for the cosplay (which I now use all the time cuz its so cute) because i needed space to store shit and I wanted something on-brand with her cafe... this isnt the exact link I used but I just got it off of ebay :P
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Unfortunately I don't have a lot of WIP pictures of my props but they were pretty simple to make!! The coffee cup was literally just spraypainting over a reusable coffee cup and using POSCA pen to draw on the front! Fun fact the cup says "To Peppino" because originally my boyfriend was gonna go with me as Peppino before the Cruetly Squad brainrot got to him so. YEA
And the tip jar was also pretty simple, I just painted on the lid a plastic jar (can't be glass, not allowed at ComicCon) and cut out a bit of vinyl to work as the sign. The cobweb was just hot-glued 3D printer filament, and the spider was made with foam modelling clay (literally the best thing ever if you're making small models like that) and i stuck him to the lid of the jar with Kandi string so he'd bounce around :]
AND I THINK THATS IT!! i may as well post a pic of the full cosplay since I dont think many people would have made it this far.... But I think it turned out pretty cool!! I got recognised a few times as well which was amazing!! (cropped out my bf cuz idk if he wants his face on tumblr gfhhfg)
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SO YEAH!!!! if anyone has any questions please let me know.. but GOOD LUCK IN UR COSPLAY MAKING FRIENDS!!!! :D
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planetpiastri · 2 years
💝 also also how about "[ company ] to hang out with them when neither have a date for the night" from the valentine's prompts list with bob hehehe -allie
allie i might have went a little crazy here i rewrote this like 3 times bc im indecisive teehee anyways enjoy beloved<3 @spideystevie | [wc - 1.5k] | join my prompt party!
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“Are you serious?” you tried to keep the annoyance out of your tone, but a fair bit seeped in anyways. “We’ve had this planned for months, Nat.”
“I know, I know. I’m really sorry.” Your best friend’s voice crackled through the phone. “Believe me, I wish this was something I could get out of. But this is the first time her parents have asked to meet me. That’s a big deal. And it’s the only night that works for them. I’m so, so, so sorry, and I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
You shifted, pushing off the kitchen counter and turning to rest your elbows against the marble. You traced your finger along the grout and ceded, “I get it. It sucks and I’m annoyed, but I get it.” You sighed, rubbing at the crease between your eyebrows. “What’s another Valentine’s Day on my couch, right? I’ve had worse.”
Natasha was quiet for a moment. Then she said, “I’m really sorry.”
“Stop apologizing. It’s fine. Go have fun.”
“You sure?”
“Okay. Love you. I’ll text you later.”
Natasha hung up with a faint beep and you let your phone fall loudly out of your hand, where it clattered to the counter—unharmed. You dropped your head into your hands and muffled a groan with the heel of your palm, digging your nails into your scalp before shaking yourself and straightening up again. You pocketed your phone and came around the corner, leaving the kitchen and re-entering the living room.
It was pathetic to look at now. You’d decorated it with the intent to host a whole slew of your friends for a ‘palentine’s party,’ but one by one they’d bailed on you. Now it was just you and Bob Floyd in your apartment, waiting for a Natasha Trace that wouldn’t be coming.
When Bob saw you, he sat up straighter on the couch. He always sat so rigidly when he came over, like he was scared he’d mess up your cushions just by relaxing on them. You probably shouldn’t have found it as endearing as you did, but oh well. There were a lot of things Bob did that you probably shouldn’t have found as endearing as you did.
“She’s not coming, is she?” Bob asked, his wide blue eyes following your movement as you wound your way around the coffee table towards the far end of the couch. You threw yourself down with a tired sigh and blew a raspberry, shaking your head. Bob winced. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s whatever,” you said. “I should have known better than to try and make group plans on Valentine’s Day.”
“What now?” he asked, his fingers digging into the folds of his jeans at his knees.
You shrugged as best you could in your horizontal position. “I don’t know. Put on a movie, I guess. Eat a bunch of this chocolate. Drink a bunch of this wine. Procrastinate cleaning everything up.” You flopped your head to the side so that you could look at him and smile wearily. “I know you probably had fun plans with that girl—the one from the bookstore. Go on, get out of here.” You dropped your voice to a teasing whisper. “Save yourself.”
Bob just scrunched up his nose and shook his head.
Surprised, you pushed yourself up onto your elbows. “What—is she busy?”
He looked away from you then, pushing up his glasses and coughing into his fist awkwardly. “No,” he said, his voice sounding weird. “No, she’s, uh—it’s not gonna work out, I think. I haven’t heard from her in a while. And I haven’t reached out to her, either,” he added hastily.
You pushed out your bottom lip, sitting up fully and reaching for one of the bottles of red wine you’d put out on the coffee table. “Aw. I’m sorry to hear that. She sounded nice.”
Bob shrugged, still not looking at you.
“Well,” you said, pulling the cork out of the bottle with a loud pop, “if you don’t have anything to do, I guess you could stay here. God knows I won’t be going anywhere. But you don’t have to.”
“No,” he said quickly, “that sounds—um—that sounds nice. I’d love to. As long as it’s no hassle.”
“No hassle at all.” You smiled to yourself, pouring two glasses of wine and pushing one across the table to him before taking a long drink of yours. Then you pulled open the heart-shaped box of chocolates and plopped it on the sofa between the two of you before turning on the tv and starting to scroll through your movie options.
“You know, you’re allowed to relax,” you said as you reclined back onto the cushions, noticing the way Bob was still sitting so stiffly on the far side.
He laughed a little nervously. “Right. Sorry.” You watched as he awkwardly shimmied out of his coat and draped it over the back of the couch. He settled deeper into the cushions, his eyes trained on the tv screen, absently swirling the wine in his glass.
Your cheeks felt warm as you turned back to the tv. You were oddly touched that Bob wanted to stay and keep you company on your failed Valentine’s Day evening. Clearing your throat, you said, “So what are you in the mood for?”
“Anything’s fine,” he said quietly, but at that exact moment you scrolled past When Harry Met Sally and he gasped softly. 
“I shoulda known you’d love a classic friends-to-lovers,” you chuckled, hitting play. 
When you glanced sideways at him, he was blushing. The opening titles reflected off of his glasses, making his expression hard to read. Embarrassment suddenly flooded you. Why the hell had you said that? 
You turned sharply back to face the screen, determined to only focus on the movie playing.
Had you ever thought of Bob like that? Of course you had. It was hard not to. He was so kind and considerate and endearing and chivalrous. But he was one of Natasha’s closest friends, so by extension, he was one of your closest friends. You weren’t eager to mess that up with things like your inability to distinguish basic kindness from flirting.
The time ticked by, and you kept refilling your wine glass, even if Bob stopped after his second. Pretty soon the box of chocolates was on your lap instead of the cushions, and as you chased a caramel-filled one with a big gulp of wine, the word aphrodisiac sprung to mind.
You decided to ease off the chocolate and wine.
“Are you cold?” Bob asked about halfway through the movie, his voice causing you to jump.
“Um,” you said. The truth was you were cold, but you didn’t want to admit it. 
Unfortunately, Bob was incredibly perceptive. He tugged the blanket off the back of the couch, and you found yourself scooting closer to him almost without meaning to. You held your breath as you gently tucked yourself under his arm and the blanket came around both of you, followed by his arm landing loosely across your covered waist.
He was very warm. His shirt was very soft. He smelled very good. You could feel his heartbeat.
“Is this okay?” he breathed.
You’d spent so much time fighting off any feelings you felt for Bob like that that you’d never considered that he might like you like that, too.
The movie pushed onwards as Harry and Sally’s friendship changed and fell apart and became something entirely new. You settled into Bob’s side, almost concerned by how comfortable it felt to cuddle with him on your couch. His arm on your waist was heavy and grounding, and his fingers absently moved across your leg, sending shivers across your whole body.
“…I love that after I spend a day with you I can still smell your perfume on my clothes…”
“Hey, Bob?” you whispered.
“…I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night…”
“Yeah?” he replied, just as quietly, like he was scared to ruin the moment. You thought you could relate to the feeling.
“…And it’s not because I’m lonely, and it’s not because it’s New Year’s…”
“Thanks for staying with me tonight,” you said.
“…I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody…”
“My pleasure,” he breathed, and his hand tightened on your leg. Your breath hitched, but then the pressure was gone again.
“…you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible!”
“I’m sorry about bookstore girl,” you said, even as the more sensible you that was still on the other side of the couch tried to wring your neck for bringing her up at all.
“You see, that is just like you, Harry. You say things like that and you make it impossible for me to hate you!”
“That’s okay,” he whispered. “I think she got tired of listening to me go on and on about you.”
You sat up and Bob turned to look at you, his eyebrows pinched in the middle and his mouth drawn into a tight line. He was scared, you realized. The thought almost made you want to laugh at how ridiculous it was.
“Oh,” you said dumbly. Then, again: “Oh.”
And as Harry and Sally fell into each other’s arms, you curled your fingers into Bob Floyd’s tee-shirt and kissed him for the first time.
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Hoppin’ Around
Though my life as a barista was fun, the days were starting to get old and long; kinda like a DILF although less appealing. Guess that was the curse of being born with a short attention span. Even without my frenetic soul attached to my weird brain, I still couldn’t enjoy being stuck in one place for too long. Luckily, being inside a barista made it easier to pick up guys that had their eyes on my tight, borrowed body. It helped that I often tried to shake my hips and bent over as much as I could. Fat asses were all the rage nowadays.
After slipping a guy my number alongside his coffee, I had a date planned for the weekend. To make sure that my host’s apartment was just right, I called in sick for Friday’s shift and got myself a nice nipple piercing and tattoo. There was always something sexy about leaving behind a mark of myself for those I was borrowing. Felt like I made an impact in their lives, and there was something special about that for me.
Finally, the weekend came by, and my date arrived wearing a tight shirt, loose jeans, and no underwear. His name was Frank or something like that, though that might’ve been the name or a past hookup or some shit. It didn’t matter to me. “I can be Frank if you want me to,” my date said with a dreamy sigh. He was quite the needy guy, but there was something so funny about what he said.
“Sorry, sorry,” I tried to apologize, “I’m trying to be frank and earnest as well.”
“Is Ernest your last name or something?”
I couldn’t help it at that point, I was basically busting a gut laughing. Punny conversations like that were my reason for living, I swear. He just looked bewildered, and I got worried that I ruined the mood too much. Transferring bodies was a bit harder without the sex, and nowhere near as enjoyable.
“Sorry, sorry,” I told him before wrapped my arm around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. “I just love guys like you,” I said. Stupid and horny hunks were absolutely my type. I made sure to tug at his cock a bit to get him back to the mood. Soon enough we were like animals in heat as he pounded my no-longer virgin hole. I stretched my legs and used them to pull him close as he plugged my ass full of cock. Not too long afterwards, he pulled out and came all over me. If there was ever any hesitation in me taking him over and using him as a fun ride, that guaranteed it was gone. The least he could’ve done is cream inside of me and make me feel real nice and warm
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Still, I licked my lips and stretched my back. God, I was really wrecked. “Damn, your dick is huge, my guy,” I said, curving my back in the pleasure.
“Heheh, thanks,” he said, looking flustered.
“It’s gonna feel so good when I’m using it,” I said, interlocking his fingers with my own. A perplexed look crossed him face before he felt the sensation of my essence traveling from my hands to his.
“Oh, what the—fuuuuck…?!” The himbo cried out, body convulsing as a foreign presence invaded his body. His body arched into a tight C as he tried to wrest his hands from my slowly-loosening grip, but I wouldn’t allow him. I would never allow a nice hunk like him escape. He shook his head, “Lemme go…! This ain’t funny—woah! Oh my god,” his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his cock grew hard all over again as my spirit spread all over him. My previous body collapsed onto the bed, unconscious, as my new vessel came all over him once more. Must be a side-effect of the transfer.
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“Mmm, not a bad transfer,” I said, chuckling to myself as I felt up my new body. “Oh yeah, I’m gonna wreck so many asses with this guy,” I said, flexing my arms. I looked down at my old body, wondering if I should clean him up or at least leave a not. But then I figured, not my goddamn problem. I shrugged and left the bedroom to look for some clothes before heading out.
Who should be my next conquest?
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Plastic Hearts — Chapter Five: Gimme What I Want
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pairing: dieter bravo x actress!oc (violet apollo)
rating: E (18+ only, these two are a mess, angst, mentions of sobriety/past substance abuse issues, mentions of a potential ED/body image issues, oral (f rec), unprotected piv, creamp!e hehehe, also unedited/un-proofread)
word count: 5.9k
series masterlist | series playlist
“Dieter got in fine, I take it?” Violet asked her assistant, Lucy, as she scanned the jewelry options for tonight’s premier of her new movie in London.
It had been two weeks since New York. Two weeks of radio silence. She’d gotten up early the morning after their big fight and flew back to Los Angeles, too embarrassed to look him in the eye after his blatant rejection. Since then, she’d been using her assistant as a middle man to get updates on her fake-boyfriend through his own assistant.
“Yeah, he just landed a couple hours ago,” Lucy replied, scrolling through her phone.
“Guess I’ll see him at the hotel,” Violet sighed, still not quite ready to face him.
“Oh, he’s not staying at the hotel,” she spoke casually, but suddenly the only thing worse than having to stay with Dieter, was to be away from him.
“What? Where’s he staying?” she questioned with a crease in her brow, her eyes now turning from the jewels in front of her to look across the fitting room at her assistant.
“He owns a place here, I guess.” Lucy shrugged, chuckling at the disappointment on her boss’s face, Violet typically not so obvious about her feelings for her fake lover. “You’re gonna see him tonight, babe. Don’t worry.”
“I’m not…” Violet looked bashfully back to the jewels, picking out a simple but expensive diamond necklace. “Let’s just do this one. Thank you.” Violet walked away from the jeweler and over to her assistant, the pair leaving the shop and shivering as the chill of the early November air hit them. “God, I need a massage and a joint.”
“Well, I can arrange one of those things,” Lucy joked but Violet couldn’t muster even a polite chuckle, too consumed in her thoughts to notice she’d even spoken. “Vi?”
“Huh?” Violet looked to her as they walked down the sidewalk together, her eyes wide with alarm. “Did you say something?”
“Yeah, babe,” Lucky chuckled and wrapped her arm around her friend’s shoulder, squeezing her. “You’ve got it bad.”
“It’s so stupid. He didn’t want me then, I don’t know why I think he’ll want me now,” she groaned.
“He did want you, at least enough for me to catch you two sucking face on multiple occasions,” Lucy countered.
“That was before he saw me with my clothes off,” Violet spoke in a whisper, her voice weak with insecurity and shame.
“That why you’ve been working out like a maniac and starving yourself?” Lucy lowered her voice to a whisper as well to keep any outside ears from hearing their conversation.
“Maybe,” she sighed, defeated. “Like I said, it’s stupid.”
“Well, starving yourself is stupid, but your feelings aren’t.”
“My ‘feelings’ have never done me any good, Luce. I think it’s just easier at this point to keep my distance from him…until this fucking charade is done with. Then I’ll never have to see him again.”
Lucy’s phone began ringing in her pocket as she rolled her eyes at Violet’s stubbornness. When she pulled it out, she chuckled, showing her boss who the call was from: Dieter B.
“Fucks sake, I swear the universe exists just to spite me,” Violet groaned but gestured to the phone. “Answer it. Might be important.”
Lucy shook her head and answered the call with a chuckle, “Lucy Adams.”
“Hey, Luce,” Dieter spoke through a hoarse voice. “Is Violet around?”
“Yeah, she’s…” Violet shook her head adamantly, unwilling to speak to him. “She’s talking with someone right now, but I can pass your message on?”
“I’m…sick. Don’t think I’ll be able to make it to the premiere tonight.” Lucy furrowed her brows which brought a similar look of confusion onto Violet’s face.
“Yeah, that’s not gonna work. What do you need? I can pick you up some medicine—“
“No, I’m…I’m fine, I just…I’m not going to make it. Tell her I’m sorry.” Lucy opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the call ending, her furrowed stare looking to her phone screen as though to question his audacity.
“He’s not gonna show up,” Violet spoke it like a fact rather than a question, earning a sympathetic look and nod from her assistant. “No, it’s alright. I’ll just…go alone.”
“I’m fine, Luce. Just…need a nap.”
A nap and a joint, it turned out.
Violet got so high that she could hardly remember her own name, let alone Dieter’s. Though she knew it was a temporary fix and mildly self-destructive, this was the only way to keep him off her mind. She wanted him so badly that it cast a constant dark cloud over every bit of her existence, and at least when she was high, the cloud went away.
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“Dieter, get up,” Andrea, Dieter’s manager, shook him as he laid face first on his mattress in nothing but his underwear, groaning for the last ten minutes straight.
“I fucked it up,” he mumbled into the mattress.
“Well, fix it,” she snapped. “If you break her heart, the entire internet will rip you to shreds. Do you understand me? Go fix this.”
“My therapist thinks it’s good for us to have some space,” he clarified as he sat up with a childlike frown. “Until my withdrawals fade away, at least.”
“Okay, well…you have obligations, Dieter,” she sighed, rubbing her temples. “You don’t have to glue yourself to her hip, you just need to be there for her tonight.”
“I just called Lucy and told her I’m sick,” he reasoned.
“I don’t care. We’ll say you got fucking better, I don’t know. But end of story, you’re going, so get your ass up.”
“You’re meaner than you were when we were fucking,” he grumbled as he stood up, scratching his scalp as he moped his way into the bathroom.
“And you’re more pathetic,” she countered, rolling her eyes as she pulled out her phone and opened a text thread with Lucy.
A: Dieter’s coming to the premier tonight after all.
L: Great, V has been spiraling all afternoon. We can have our car pick D up at 6.
A: Actually…hold on a sec.
“D?” Andrea called into the open bathroom as Dieter took a shower.
“What now?” he called back over the running water, his hands lathering his curls with shampoo.
“Violet’s hotel is overbooked,” she lied with ease, desperate for the pair to finally get over their issues so that she could do her job. “Is it okay if she stays here for the rest of the weekend?”
“Uh…” Dieter felt his heart thumping inside of his chest, more excited than he should be over the idea of spending a weekend under the same roof as Violet considering the way they left things. “Yeah. It’s fine. Just make sure the guest room is good.”
“Sounds good.” Andrea grinned as she started to type to Lucy again, hoping that she could handle things on her end as well.
A: D wants V to stay with him this weekend. Is V up for it?
L: Are you kidding?
D: Nope. About time our lovebirds got over this.
L: I agree! Let me do some convincing and get back to you.
A: Sounds good. See you tonight.
It was another fifteen or so minutes that Dieter was out of the shower, choosing to remain commando aside from his thick robe as he padded his way out of the bedroom, Andrea typing away on her laptop in the living room.
“So…” Dieter sat in the armchair across from her, crossing his legs to protect his modesty. “It was Violets idea to stay here?”
“Huh? Oh…yeah,” Andrea lied, nodding her head quickly.
“So that’s gotta mean she forgives me, right?” He looked boyish with hope as he tapped the arms of the plush chair with his hands, clearly nervous.
“Well, an apology might still be nice,” she suggested, hoping that it would save her from being at fault if Violet gave Dieter the cold shoulder all weekend.
“How do I apologize for being so into her that I couldn’t get my dick hard?“ he questioned with a flat voice. “It makes no fucking sense.”
“Isn’t that what your therapist is for?”
“My therapist is more focused on keeping me clean than my love life,” he sighed, scratching his beard. “Or lack of, I guess.”
“Listen, you’ve been good. You’ve stayed clean, stayed celibate…that’s a good start. Hopefully she’ll be able to see the difference that I see—that everyone sees now,” she encouraged, shutting her laptop. “You just got cast in DiCaprio’s directorial debut and leading an HBO series, a lot of that thanks to her.”
“Yeah, I know,” he grumbled, throwing his head back. “And all I’m doing in return is fucking with her mental state.”
“That’s gonna change this weekend. You two can have it out, ya know. You don’t have to stay on opposite sides of the house the entire time.” Dieter gave her a skeptical look and rolled his eyes as he stood up, accidentally flashing her. “God, D! Keep that thing locked up around me.”
“Miss it too much?” Andrea threw a pillow across the room, hitting him in the back. “Sorry, sorry. I’m just…pent the fuck up. I used to fuck all day everyday and then I went and met Violet and now I can’t even jerk off.”
“Fine, no more dick talk. I’m gonna go take a depression nap until it’s time to get ready. Wake me.”
Andrea nodded and chuckled at him as he slugged off to his bedroom, hoping that after tonight, the Dieter she knew and missed would start to come back.
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Violet sat in the backseat of an all-black SUV that she couldn’t name if she tried, dressed in full glam and a gown for the premiere. Her eyes were shut, her headphones on as she tried to fight the building anxiety in her gut.
When the car rolled to a stop, Violet opened her eyes and slid her headphones off, first looking at her assistant in the passenger seat and then turning to look out of the window, expecting to see a crowd and a long line of press and instead being greeted by the front of a Victorian-era mansion.
“Uh…where the fuck are we?” Violet turned to Lucy, a line between her brows as she awaited a response.
“This is…Dieter’s house. We’re here to pick him up,” Lucy winced as Violet’s confusion turned into fury. “Vi, he’s already gonna be there, might as well give him a ride.”
“No, he can find his own ride,” Violet persisted, crossing her arms over her chest as she resisted the urge to fire her on the spot.
“I already told Andrea we were coming,” Lucy insisted before carefully tiptoeing into her next lie. “Also…bad news about the hotel.”
“What?” Violet deadpanned, impressed by the amount of bad news placed into her lap in such a short period of time.
“They double booked the room. We gotta leave by morning—“ Violet cut Lucy off with a head rolling groan. “Don’t worry, I’ve arranged new accommodation…here. At Dieter’s.”
“Absolutely no—“ Violet was cut off when she looked out the window again and saw him.
Dieter was dressed up—wearing a surprisingly chic all-black suit and shades—and the sight of him walking down his driveway towards her made her dizzy with feelings. Still, she found the courage and clarity to open the door, meeting him as he approached her side of the car with a rare smile.
“Vi,” he greeted. Violet hated the smile that grew on her face from something as simple as his voice.
She studied him for a beat, noting how much healthier he looked, his skin glowing even in the dreary London evening. Things seemed to be going swell for him in her absence, but the wound of his not missing her went unnoticed as she caught a whiff of his cologne—the warm, amber scent that teetered the line of boozy flooding her senses.
“You look really good,” he noted, sliding his sunglasses off. Violet studied his eyes—no redness, no glassiness, no dilated pupils. He was sober. “Fuck me, am I gonna be met with pure silence all night long or—“
“You look good, too, D.” She gave him a knowing smile and gestured at the car. “We should probably get going.”
Dieter looked speechless, but found the sense to nod, helping her back into the car before sliding in on the other side.
“You look good, Dieter,” Lucy complimented as the car took off for the premiere.
“Thanks, it’s the lack of cocaine, probably,” he joked, earning a chuckle from Lucy and a head turn from Violet. Sensing her eyes on him, he turned to her and gave her a smile in the darkness of the backseat. “You been okay?”
“That depends on your definition of the word,” she countered. “But, no. Not really.”
“Good,” he replied, earning a questioning look.
“It’s good that I haven’t been okay?”
“It’s good that I’m not the only one,” he corrected, making her cheeks heat at the image of him missing her like she missed him. “You been here or New York?”
“LA,” she answered, scooting over to better hear him over the sound of the city. “What about you?”
“Here. No one in England gives a fuck how famous you are. It’s the best place to be if you don’t wanna be bothered by all the bullshit.”
“And that’s what you wanted? Not to be bothered by me?” Violet asked, her tone playful but she could hear her own insecurity in it.
“You’re not a part of the bullshit,” he assured. “I just meant the paparazzi, and the fans, and the vices that come along with trying to fucking cope with it all.”
“Alright you two,” Lucy interrupted the conversation as the car pulled up to the premiere. “Get your stories straight.”
“I was busy in LA working—“
“And I was busy missing you here,” Dieter cut her off smoothly, his words bringing another cutesy smile to her face. “You ready?”
“Let’s go put on a good show,” she joked, unaware of how it hit him in the chest with an arrow of harsh reality.
Just a show. That’s all this is.
No. It wasn’t. Dieter knew deep in his bones that whatever this was between the two of them, it was real. There was no making up the way he felt about her—the flutter in his stomach that made him sick, the racing of his heart that had him convinced it would give out, the shaking of his hands anytime he reached to touch her. This romance may not have been traditional, but it wasn’t for show.
“C’mere,” Dieter reached for Violet as she walked ahead of him, his hand sliding into hers and squeezing. Violet gave him a small, knowing smile and squeezed back before leading him onto the red carpet.
The sea of photographers, journalists, and fans went wild for the couple, screams of their names floating into the evening air. Dieter let go of Violet’s hand to slide his hand around her waist, his thumb stroking over the exposed skin of her side in some subtle sort of promise of safety and comfort that she fully bought into. She melted into him again like it was her entire purpose, whatever lingering embarrassment or resentment dying and a beautiful bloom of affection taking it’s place.
“All this just for you,” Dieter cooed into her ear as he leaned in to place a kiss on her cheek, her grin doubling in size. “You deserve every fucking bit of it.”
As they stood together in front of the entire world, declaring the love that they truly did have for each other but had yet to utter to one another, Violet could feel Dieter’s eyes locked on her and her alone. She didn’t dare risk a look at him, knowing that if she did, she’d never recover from the weight of her feelings—feelings that as far as she knew were unrequited.
“You wanna do an interview?” Dieter mumbled into Violet’s ear after a few minutes of hearing their names being called by the sea of press in front of them.
“Not really, but I think my team will kill me if I don’t,” she whispered back. Dieter’s hand slid from where it rested on her back to her hand, interlocking their fingers as a show of support and security as she started off towards a reporter she’d encountered before and remembered liking.
“Violet, you look stunning tonight,” the woman began with a wide grin, gesturing to Violet’s gown before turning her eyes to Dieter. “And Dieter, you’re looking pretty good yourself. How are you guys feeling tonight?”
“Feeling pretty good,” Violet lied with a smile, her stomach sour with nerves. “This is my first big premiere so I’m just sort of taking it all in.”
“Does it make it a little easier having your partner here to support you?”
“Yeah,” she turned to Dieter and gave him a knowing smile, her words finally sincere. “He makes a lot of stuff easier.”
Dieter felt an uncharacteristic blush form on his cheeks at Violet’s words, his smile turning into a grin that was chuckled away.
“Dieter, you’re a seasoned vet at this kind of stuff. Was there any words of advice you gave—“
“She doesn’t need my advice,” he interrupted, his hand leaving hers to rub circles on her back. “It’s probably all shit anyways.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that. How else did you get the Oscar?” the woman continued, oblivious to the fact that Dieter wasn’t listening. His eyes were too focus on Violet’s smile, his ear trained on her laughter as the interview continued without him. “Alright, thank you both for stopping for an interview!”
“No problem,” Violet assured with a smile and wave, Dieter following along as she walked down the carpet like he was a well-trained puppy. “I think I’m ready to go inside,” Violet whispered into his ear as they walked together.
“Alright,” he nodded and looked around for their respective handlers, finding Andrea and Lucy at the end of the carpet. “God, what’s a guy gotta do to get a minute alone with you.”
“Well, there’s always tonight,” she suggested with a smirk, elbowing his side lightly. The prospect of Violet alone with him tonight made his heart race faster than any drug ever could, his hand shaking as it rested on the small of her back.
“I really can’t wait.”
Inside the theater, Dieter and Violet sat together through the screening, her hand clasped with his the entire time. Though Violet could hardly bring herself to watch her performance, Dieter gave her hand a squeeze every time she came on screen, a silent gesture to let her know he was not only physically there but that he was present and paying attention.
Violet couldn’t help but pick herself apart the entire time, her eyes scanning the room for reactions to her performance but everyone seemed to only react to her costar’s scenes, oo-ing and ah-ing anytime his face appeared.
She always feared this would happen, and it wasn’t as though the fear was unfounded. Many women in Hollywood that came before her had experienced it too, being shown up by a hunk simply because of his sex appeal, and now it was happening to her.
As the applause sounded through the theater at the end of the film, all eyes were on Violet and the rest of the cast. Dieter stood beside her clapping, a proud smile on his face as he watched his best friend be showered with love and admiration for her winning performance, tears welling in her eyes. After a moment of study, however, he began to realize that these weren’t tears of joy—she was sad.
Why was she sad? She just gave the performance of a lifetime, at least as far as Dieter was concerned.
Violet slid her hand into Dieters abruptly, tugging him out of the still rowdy theater, her cast mates remaining to finish the ovation.
“Hey, slow down.” Dieter got Violet to stop her mad dash to the exit and pulled her into a secluded hall. “What’s wrong?”
“I was shit, D,” she sighed and looked down at the floor.
“What?” He was genuinely shocked by her explanation. “Vi, you were the best part of the movie. What are you talking about?”
“You’re just saying that,” she dismissed. Dieter scoffed and tilted her chin up so that she met his eyes.
“Since when do I lie to fuckin’ coddle anybody?” he asked. “Believe me, you’re going to get that fucking Oscar.”
“You really think?” Violet gave him a frowned smile, still hesitant to believe him.
“I know.”
“But nobody gave a shit when I was on screen. All they cared about was Dane and his stupid, perfect face,” she pouted.
“Well, all I cared about was your stupid, perfect face,” he offered her a smile, it’s tenderness shocking her a bit. “Why don’t we go home? I’ll whip you up a cocktail and force you to loosen up.”
“Oh, I bet you’d like that,” she teased with an eye roll before the memory of his past rejection set in. “Or maybe not.”
“What does that mean?” he asked with furrowed brows.
“Nothing,” she lied. “Let’s go.”
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“This is a different vibe than your place in LA,” Violet noted as Dieter led her through his relatively bland London home.
“Yeah, no stripper poles or satin leopard sheets here,” he chuckled as they rounded the corner into his living room, his large white sectional calling Violet’s name as her high heels began to turn her feet numb. She didn’t even bother with changing out of her gown before plopping down, laying face first on the cushions while Dieter stood at his mini-bar. “Comfy?”
“Very,” she mumbled, her cheek squished as she turned her head to the side to watch him work.
When Dieter brought her drink over, Violet sat up and took it into her hands, expecting that he’d leave again to make his own drink but he simply sat down in the arm chair in front of her instead.
“What about you?”
“Oh, I’m not—I’m, uh, dry right now,” he informed with a hint of embarrassment. “Sorry to bring the party down with sober talk.”
“No,” you shook your head and sat up fully, both hands clasping the crystal glass. “I’m really happy for you. Really proud.”
“Yeah, just—“ he took a deep breath and shrugged, a breathy chuckle leaving his lips as he fought the urge to look down at his rug. “After the way we left things that night—“
“Oh, Dieter, we don’t have to talk about that—“
“Yeah,” he paused, his eyes serious and focused as he studied the way she fidgeted with her fingers on her glass. “We do.”
“I think I’d rather we didn’t,” she chuckled meekly, lifting her drink to take a much needed sip. “Don’t really wanna relive my most embarrassing rejection.”
“I wasn’t—“ a frustrated sigh interrupted his too-sharp defense. “I know it felt like that, and I’m sorry I haven’t cleared this up and apologized sooner, but…I wasn’t trying to reject you. I was just…anxious.”
“More than I’ve ever been in my life,” he confessed. “I was high as fuck, too, but honestly…even if I was sober I still would’ve been fucking terrified.”
“Is the idea of sex with me that scary?” she asked with a hint of humor, though it was simply a mask.
“Yeah,” he stated like it was obvious. “I’ve never…I don’t fuck people I care about. I never have. And you’re not just someone I care about, you’re…you. It terrified me thinking about fucking you and then inevitably fucking you over because that’s what I do. I ruin shit—ruined.”
Violet stared at him frozen in shock from his confession, from his vulnerability. The last time she’d seen him so open with himself was the night she met his parents at SNL, the two of them cozied up in a corner of a pizza joint nursing beers while he detailed every fucked up thing his parents ever did to him.
“That’s why I’ve been sober and why I’ve started going to therapy again,” he spoke softly, as though the words leaving his mouth were so fragile they would be shattered by the harshness of his voice at it’s usual volume. “Because the only thing that terrifies me more than trying and fucking this up is never trying at all.”
“D,” she whispered with a voice so soft it nearly went unheard. “Take me to bed.”
“Vi,” he sighed, letting his head hang. “I want to. I really want to, but—“
“No buts,” she shook her head and stood up, gathering her dress in her hands so that she could straddle his lap. “Don’t think about all the shit that could go wrong. Do you want me?”
“More than I’ve wanted anything in a long time,” he nodded, bringing his hands to her hips.
“Then we’re on the same page,” she smiled and cradled his cheek. “No overthinking. Let’s just…go for it.”
“Okay,” he agreed meekly, the corners of his mouth curling into a smile. “But if we’re going for it, we’re going for it. The whole thing. Me and you.”
“I mean, the world already thinks we’re in love,” she chuckled. “Why not put some truth to it?”
“There’s been truth to that since New York,” he whispered, reaching up to brush his knuckles over her cheek. “Maybe even since LA.”
“You lov—“
“Shh,” he pulled her down for a kiss. “No overthinking, remember?”
In a show of strength, Dieter stood up with her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms crossed behind his neck for purchase as she giggled against his lips. Their smiles molded together as he walked her through his home, down a few halls until he was reaching for the doorknob to his bedroom. Setting her on her feet, he cradled both sides of her face with open palms, kissing her soft and slow—the complete opposite of every kiss they’d shared before. This one was unhurried, as if they were content to do this for hours, both too lost in one another to give a damn about the throbbing need they felt below the belt.
“You’re so beautiful,” he mumbled against her lips, hardly pulling away enough to speak. He sounded reverent, as though he was in the presence of something holy, something out of this world. “Do you know how fucking hard you get me?”
Violet shuddered a moan and tugged him closer out of desperation.
“Here,” he lowered her hand from his hair and placed it between their bodies, guiding her palm to his bulge as it rested against his thigh. “Feel that? All because of you, baby.”
“Fuck,” she whimpered and gave his cock a squeeze, pulling a groan from his lips and directly into hers, Dieters hips thrusting against her palm to get more friction. “I need you, D.”
“Come here,” he ordered, pulling her towards the full length mirror standing in the corner of the room. He faced her towards it, positioning himself behind her, his cock grinding against the swell of her ass as he moved her hair from one shoulder so that he could lavish her neck with open mouthed kisses. “Look at how fucking gorgeous you are, baby. You really thought I wouldn’t want you? You’re the most—fuck—the most beautiful thing to ever stumble into my life.”
Violet remained speechless, the throbbing between her legs turning her stupid as he continued his worship.
“I’m going to eat your fucking pussy from the back and make you watch yourself,” he informed as his fingers unzipped her gown, the expensive fabric pooling on the floor. “Make you see yourself how I see you. Fucking gorgeous.”
He turned her chin so that he could give her an awkwardly angled but necessary kiss, both of them humming at the intimacy of the moment as his hands sprawled across her soft stomach.
“You want my tongue, baby?” he asked, half-teasing, half-begging.
“Please,” she whimpered.
“No,” he shook his head. “I love you, Vi.”
“Don’t worry, baby,” he kissed the back of her thigh. “I’m not going to stop until you’re cumming on my tongue. No teasing tonight.”
Proving himself to be a man of his word, Dieter leaned forward, burying his face in her as he licked a broad stripe from her clit to her tighter hole, moaning at the taste of her arousal coating his tongue.
“Like fucking candy, baby,” he praised, cutting off her soft string of moans.
“Baby, please don’t stop,” she whined, her fingers gripping at the plush surface of the ottoman.
“Only if you take your eyes off yourself,” he warned.
Violet glued her eyes to her reflection, not daring to test him on the sincerity of his threat. Dieter rewarded her obedience with sinful, vulgar sucks to her clit, his tongue seemingly unable to leave her sweetness for even a moment. He was drinking her down like he was a man stranded in the desert and she was an oasis. Mirage or not, he didn’t care as long as he stayed right here, feeling her walls twitch around his tensed tongue as it pushed inside of her heat, tasting the way her body rewarded his eagerness with more of her arousal.
“Fuck,” she whined, her face scrunching in agonizing bliss. Her legs shook as she neared her climax, the weight of her body threatening to crumble to the floor with every skilled stroke of his tongue over her swollen bud. “Fuck, Dieter, baby. I’m g—god—I’m gonna cum!”
“Yes,” he growled into her heat as her pussy spasmed on his mouth, drenching it with more of her taste. Violet’s knees finally gave out and sent her to the plush carpet beneath their feet, her upper half draping over the ottoman, defeated by her climax. Dieter joined her on the floor, kissing his way up her spine and shoulders until she’d come back to him, her hand reaching back to scratch at his scalp. “I need you, baby.”
“Take me,” she begged in a whisper, turning her head to the side as she laid on the plush velvet. “Fuck me just like this.”
Dieter groaned and nodded, kissed her cheek before pulling back so that he could undress himself. Violet lifted her head enough to watch him in the mirror, his body not necessarily having gone unseen by her before, but this time it felt different. This time, she wasn’t watching him undress to redress, she wasn’t catching a peek of him with another woman; no, this time he was undressing just for her.
Dieter smiled as he caught her gaze in the mirror, a loopy, satisfied grin growing on her own face. Positioning himself behind her, he placed one hand on her hip and used the other to force her back closer to his chest. Their eyes remained locked through the mirror as Dieter leaned in to whisper in her ear, kissing her cheek between words. “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk, baby.”
“Promises, promises,” she teased. Dieter took her words as a challenge, and without any warning, sunk deep into her heat, her wetness guiding his impressive length and girth with little resistance. Still, his size earned him a wanton mewl. “Fuck, maybe you’re not just talking shit.”
“No,” he chuckled, withdrawing his length completely before shoving back in and stealing her breath. “I’m not.”
His pace was brutal as he fucked her into the ottoman she clung to for purchase, his moans just as high and just as loud as hers. It was as if every thrust got them higher, every withdrawal got them more desperate. Neither could get enough of the way the other felt, and for once in both of their lives they felt that they had stumbled upon something that could go the distance—that they wanted to go the distance.
“Baby, fuck!” Dieter tossed his head back only for a moment before remembering the view he had—Violet in front of him in the mirror, being practically split in half by his cock, her face reddened from exertion and twisted in pleasure. He brought his eyes back to their reflection and felt his cock twitch as their gazes locked once more. “God, I can’t get enough of you. Fucking addicted. You’re mine. Mine.”
“All yours, D,” she promised, her second climax building quicker than she could prepare herself for. “Fuck my pussy full of you. I want to be yours. Make me yours—fuck—make me y-yours!”
Violet and Dieter came simultaneously, their bodies crumbling onto the carpet, limbs tangled together as they rode out the waves of their highs in each others arms. Dieter held her close, spooning her on the ground, kissing her shoulders, neck, back—anywhere he could reach, he marked as his own. Violet’s hands reached back to rub at his hip, desperate to feel more of this man that had flipped her world upside down and shown her things she never thought possible.
They laid like that for a while, their heaving chests calming as they caught their breath. Soon, sleep began to weigh down their eyelids, their muscles sore from their romp. Dieter was the first to move, standing up with a graceless grunt, his flaccid but still impressive cock on full display as he leant a hand out for her.
“C’mon, hot stuff,” he husked. “Time for bed.”
“Can’t move,” she grumbled, but placed her hand in his anyways. Dieter used what little energy remained to help her to her feet, kissing her once she stood in front of him. “This wasn’t just a tonight thing…right?”
“No,” he shook his head, face tired and soft but sincere. “I love you, Vi. Loved you since New York. Maybe even LA. This…is fucking terrifying but…it’s real.”
“You love me?” she repeated with a pleased grin. “I love you.”
“Yeah, you’re crazy for that,” he chuckled a breath as he leaned in to kiss her. “C’mon, let’s go to bed.”
As Dieter and Violet laid down together for the first time ever that night, he stayed awake to watch her fall asleep. She looked so peaceful beside him, even though he knew her well enough to know that her mind was far from at rest, much like his own. But with the two of them here, in this fortress of blankets surrounded by a cloud of pillows and warmth, it almost felt like he’d finally achieved the rest he’d been searching for all his life. With his last bit of energy, he whispered to her, though it went unheard by his sleeping beauty.
“I’ve never told anybody that before—I love you. Never felt right. But you,” he smiled and nuzzled his face closer to her shoulder. “I love you.”
• • • •
• • • • • • • • •
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smolcinnamonchipmunk · 8 months
I’ve only recently thought of this but I’ve personally never seen anyone do like, a giant naga and a Cervitaur (deer centaur). Just imagine it. Maybe have like a game they play together when both of them are bored is for the naga to chase the Cervitaur. Honestly I would love to ramble of the scenarios I’ve cooked up but I wouldn’t want to bore you and this ask is long as it Hehehe
- 🌽 anon
Ps: this isn’t related to the ask but I’m told that sometimes I act like venti sometimes. Just thought id share :3
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(I always love nagas and I made a cervitaur sona YEARS ago, so perfect combo! Here's a naga trying to bask and a cervitaur bothering him because every character I make is either sad or a menace.
Also, I took a very lengthy and startlingly in depth Genshin Impact character quiz and got Albedo. Do with that information what you will, lmao.
Also, also, feel free to ramble! I always love reading how creative people are here!)
Count: 1189
TW/CW: Just G/t
“Lazarus!” They called out, stotting towards the largest predator in the forest. Who was currently basking on a stretch of dark stone that had already melted the first inch or so of snowfall of the season that showed up in the night, making it the warmest spot within a mile probably.
They saw a section of ombre blue coil twitch ever so slightly at their call, the sound of a soft groan joining the small movement. It wasn’t long before a humanoid torso larger than them pushed itself up to blearily look around with green eyes. Cat-like slits narrowed onto them and a gaze that would likely have naturally left many cowering only made their tail wag for a second, slowing to a light trot up to the naga.
A black tongue that faded to pink flicked out of the nagas mouth as he tasted the air briefly, greeting, “Yew.”
“Whatcha doing,” the cervitaur asked rhetorically, knowing that he had been warming up in the morning sun. And, as they jumped up to balance on top of his rather large tail, he read their emotions pretty easily. The tail beneath them twitched slightly to the side to jostle them a bit, making them yelp. The sound elicited a chuckle from the naga.
“Feeling bored, are you?” Lazarus questioned back, tongue flicking out again as he resettled his head back on crossed arms. His coils shifted slowly and carefully to use the tip of his tail to prod at their side. He snorted as they batted it away. “No,” Yew immediately replied on instinct. They paused and fidgeted with their hands a bit as they sheepishly amended, “I mean.. Well, yeah, I’m a bit bored… the first snow has put everything in a sluggish state and I already collected the last of the berries around.”
The naga hummed, tilting his head slightly. “And you're not sluggish as well?”
“No,” they sighed, absentmindedly scraping their hoof on the scales beneath them lightly. “I’m restless and Espen said he was too busy already preparing for winter to make time to hang out.” “He’s more warm-blooded than me.”
“That’s what I said,” Yew huffed, crossing their arms as the duo talked about their ursine friend. “I didn’t really feel like hanging by the side of the river while waiting for him to fill up his fish basket, the river water is freezing today.”
“I imagine,” Lazarus chuckled. He shifted so that he lifted his head from his crossed arms and gently poked at their side with a dark blue claw this time, green eyes glinting in the sunlight. “I’m going to go ahead and guess that you’re probably here to either bother me from my basking with chatter or that you want to play.”
“Well, it sounds childish when you put it like that,” they didn’t flinch from the sharp digit that brushed against their furry-halfs ribs, simply huffing and giving him a disgruntled pout that probably just proved his point. “But, yes, I was hoping to do something together.”
The naga actually laughed slightly at their response and pulled his hand back. With a small grunt of effort he pushed himself off the stone to take the weight off his arms, reaching out and scooping up his smaller companion in his claws off of his tail. 
Yew didn’t squirm or struggle as the claws closed in and folded their legs beneath them to make it easier for him to hold them in his palms that didn’t involve them struggling with balance. They waited patiently the few seconds it took for him to lower his hands from his tail level and tilt his hands down, letting themself slide off his hands slightly before getting up and hopping down, hooves clattering a bit on the stone as they landed.
“How about a chase then, hmm?” Lazarus asked, reaching up and stretching his arms over his head as the cervitaur turned back to face him. “Burn that energy out of your system.”
“Yes!” Yew jumped slightly in place, excited at the thought of a game so much that their tail wagged again. They knew that he could catch them easily with a powerful burst from his tail, but they also knew that he enjoyed these sorts of games as well. They hopped from hoof to hoof giddily, asking, “Five seconds, like usual?”
“Sounds good to me,” the naga finished stretching. A few audible pops and cracks made Yew’s ears twitch as he rolled his shoulders, looking down with mischievous eyes. “Run.”
Yew happily pranced in place for a moment before whirling around and bolting into the trees. They didn’t hear Lazarus count down and he didn’t need to, they were already counting down in their head. And, as they mentally went from one to zero, they heard the distant shift of scales against stone and the exclamation of ‘Here I come!’.
They couldn't help but glance behind them, letting out a yelp that was the result of instinctive panic at seeing a giant naga slithering towards them and playful giddiness that made the end turn into a bit of a laugh.
For over half an hour Yew was chased by Lazarus. They leapt over fallen trees and rocks that his powerful tail easily crushed or swept aside if he didn't feel like slithering around them. He'd occasionally block them with his tail, but they'd either leap over it or flip around to run in the opposite direction. They felt the rush of wind sometimes as he playfully missed grabbing at them. It was only when their pace flagged noticeably that he decided that the game had gone on long enough.
“Getting tired?” Lazarus asked, slithering around to block the cervitaurs current trajectory.
“Not at all,” Yew replied, lying through their teeth. They reared back as a wall of scales shifted in front of them, too close to even try jumping over. Sides heaving, they glowered at their larger friend, wheeling around to start bolting in the opposite direction. But another coil of his massive tail was already there to block them off. Indignant at being corralled they grumpily exclaimed, “Hey! You’re not playing fair!”
“And you’re lying,” the naga hummed as he shifted his coils enough to gently curl around the cervitaur. Yew let out a disappointed groan as the walls of scale around them easily shifted their small form and coiled around them, the cool scales feeling like a relief against them after the running roundabout they’d just had, even as they were lifted up to the nagas awaiting hands. As the coils loosened and his claws scooped them up again, they crossed their arms over their chest. “Even if I am lying, it’s still not fair.”
“Think of it as repayment for interrupting my bask,” Lazarus’s tongue flicked out, everything shifting as he started to slither back to the dark stone from earlier. 
“Yeah, yeah.”
The duo hadn’t really wandered off incredibly far and it didn’t take much time for him to take them from slightly snow covered grass and dripping trees back onto the warmer stone clearing he’d been laying in earlier.
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infinite-hearts-333 · 5 months
Tay Friend head canons and stuff i guess.
The beloved autism is currently mad at me and i am suffering due to stress and low social battery. What do i do to fix this? Feed you lot i guess lol.
Pspspssp @onyxonline I’m back at it again lol
Starting off strong with
Maya :D (now confirmed roommate and best friend heheh) @fishy0bishy
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Maya defiantly is gonna be the one that gets the most spontaneous gifts, due to their shared passion for nature, and Tay’s tendencies to hand out any plant matter as humanly possible. She’s also gonna be the one, (along side Andri probably,) to slowly chip through the masking Tay does so that at least in their little group they can be a little bit more wild.
They would have defiantly met in the green house, cause ofc a magic school has one of those duh. Tay goes there when thing’s are a little bit too much cause the greenery reminds them of the bush of home, and well i think we all know why Maya is there lol.
Maya is the BEST. stim toy ever. Period. Tay would spend hours just tracing their finger along Maya’s wood limbs with their finger if they could SSSKSK.
Andri (support and enabler) @north-heats-stronghold
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Absolutely calls Tay Dudelet. Like a mix of dude and dudette?? Get it?? (M sorry XD)
Lil silly man makes Tay very giddy and wild. They go crazy. I love the idea that Tay would eat Australian foods and everyone one is like. The fuck. Will force feed Andri fairy bread, and he will enjoy it /jk
Emotionally conscious enough to provide Tay a safe place to go crazy and not having to worried about masking. Which is excellent. Also provides correct complements for things that others simply wont catch, completing tasks they don’t like, doing something with confidence, speaking their opinion in large crowds ect. Very good for them yes yes.
LET THEM TRAIN TOGETHER!!!!! Really wanna make something where Andri get Tay to agree on training together and Tay all confident and chatty as a witch and everyone’s like :00000
My god, if magic does influence them outside of their ‘magic girl form’ and Andri can change his body heat at will Tay is gonna be ALLL over it. Massive heat stealer. Andri will never escape their cold hands XDDD
Drapes all over him. Or leans. They’re not tired! Just listening to you :>
Miguel (comfort- he did not sign up for this XDDD) @novalizinpeace
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Was it because he’s (slightly) intimating so he’ll scare off people? Is it because of the big fluffy jumper? Did Tay sense weakness? Who knows, but now Miguel is now stuck with them lol.
Reread up on their bios (again) but honestly, he kinda asked for this position lol. With his powers, he’s literally the ONLY person in the entire school that will have even the slightest clue on how Tay is feeling with masking and repression (yippee!!!) at stages, even they don’t know, so it is excellent to have someone that will understand and not brush them off for being ‘to immature’ or ‘to emotional’. Probably looks like a sad kicked puppy to him HAHA.
They can do parallel play!!! More so when Miguel first gets there with his worries about ‘how good his English is’, cause Tay is fine to just sit and do their own thing, together :> No talking required!
Defiantly would hold onto Miguel’s sleeves if they’re walking together lol.
Miguel is not ready for when someone insults him and Tay goes apeshit on them haha. No one is mean to their friend >:)))
Rosa (bad influence lol) also belongs to Nova :> ^^
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Met through Maya, and was utterly terrified of her haha. (Tay’s also bigger than Rosa, which makes it more hysterical.)
Resorted to bringing Rosa different seeds in hopes she wouldn’t bite them. And once they were more use to each other started bringing her native Australian plants, (which are apparently weird as shit to the rest of the world??? Y’all basic).
Rosa probably tolerates them more than other people cause their quiet lol.
Plant scientists! “This is a banksia. When the big fires come, they use the heat to melt the wax around the seed pods and shoot their seeds out once the fire is gone.”
“… technically?”
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revivemyreverie · 4 months
giggles may i ask for the marcoritas trios and maybe yumeno their opinions on cringefail mort in turn 🤭
“As much as I appreciate Mort’s… eagerness to praise me wherever I go, he has certainly become something closer to a thorn in my side than an ally. All this talk about me resembling a fae I have no clue about annoys me beyond belief. Not to mention the times he’s barged in when Redd and I were discussing classwork. 
Still, I have yet a reason to truly dismiss him. I’ve learned quite a few things about humans and pasttimes they like to indulge in from him. As long as Mort has good ideas on things that can make me happy, he’s allowed to stick around. 
Hehehe, Mort may be older than me, but that’s not a reason to not try to befriend him! Still, I don’t think we can even be considered acquaintances. I’ve tried talking to the guy, but the only way I can get him to talk is if I bring up childish things like unicorns. One time, I took a book about zebras and swapped the cover with one on faes and handed it to him. Not even an hour later he’s read the whole thing just to see if anything on Centuries popped up! 
Outside of that though… Mort’s a total downer. Sometimes, if you tilt your head the right way, he resembles a cat that looks like it’s been left in the rain! 
That insufferable prick from the 1st year group? Don’t make me laugh. All Mort does is clutch onto Kaiser’s sleeve and proclaim him to be greater than all of us students. And who cares if I want the dorm leader’s title? It’s either me or whoever finds Kaiser first during the Hunt anyways. I’m just taking early steps to ensuring I get what was supposed to be mine. 
If anything, that idiot should go grow a backbone. Or if he just wants to continue moping around and say he can’t, then he should at least get off my ass for having a goal, unlike him. 
HACHACHACHA! My opinion on that loser?! If not for his weirdo obsession with Kaiser, then its Mort’s strange facts on a dead race that are why he’s a total loner. Hm, I guess I can’t say his knowledge is too creepy, though. It provided some good data for my history paper~!
But seriously, I don’t know how Kaiser can put up with that guy daily. Everyday its “centurie” this and “fae” that, shouldn't he have other hobbies outside of being a freak?
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 4 months
👀 and ❌ for the fanfic ask game :)
Thanks! 😀
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Well, the main WIP I’m working on is the aroace!Mario fic. Although it’s more of an aro!Mario fic because the ace part is severely understated, lmao. Anyway, I recently got to write a scene where Peach visits the Bros’ house, so that’s been fun!
From where he stood at the stove, Mario heard Luigi let Peach in the house. Out in the entranceway, the two exchanged greetings, and Peach’s marveling at the interior of the house floated into the kitchen, as well as Luigi’s increasingly outgoing answers to her questions. She was managing to bring him out of his nervous shell, and as someone who’d watched him stress-clean the house at least three times over the past two days Mario was quite grateful for it.  Their conversation picked up, and it pulled a soft smile onto Mario’s face. Until he heard Peach ask Luigi about Mario and Mario raised his eyes skyward and sighed, because now Luigi was walking into the kitchen whispering to Peach about how that landscape picture they’d just passed was Mario’s original work that Luigi had to convince him to let him hang up because for some reason he didn't think himself a good artist, and that Mario had carved their kitchen table himself, you know, dragged half a tree from the forest out back to the house one afternoon on a whim after borrowing a handsaw from their neighbor to chop it down, oh and then he carved the chairs with that wood too, and used some spare fabric to figure out the upholstery even though he pricked his fingers so many times, and and and - Peach giggled at Mario’s exasperated glare at his brother. Grinning, Luigi danced to the other side of the kitchen to shoo Mario away from the stove and save whatever Mario was about to burn. Shooed away, Mario took Luigi’s former place, greeting Peach with a hug and a kiss and pulling out a chair for her.
But also the WIP I want to work on for next month is either the one where Bowser mostly-accidentally overworks Kamek to the point that Kamek passes out in front of him and then Bowser feels bad about it, or the one where Mario and Luigi and Peach decide to kidnap Bowser mostly to be silly. I haven’t quite decided which yet.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I was going to say Hanahaki but then realized that the narrative of Princess Peach being someone who a lot of people probably develop Hanahaki Disease over while she very much doesn't return any of their feelings (aside from the other person(s) in whatever ship might be included in said narrative) it would be kind of interesting to write. And then I was going to say soulmate AUs but that isn't really a difficult set of tropes to subvert either, tbh. And then I was going to say something like sex pollen, but I came up with a silly Royal Plumbing Polycule idea for it almost immediately 💀
So I guess the moral of the story is that I won't rule a trope out because I can bend them all to my own whims and preferences as I please, hehehe~
[Ask Game]
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