#It's like getting a full cake and then a while later being told that they also got you a bunch of cupcakes
kaidabakugou · 4 months
the new girl at one of my favorite bakeries called me pretty this morning and it literally melted all my stress away 🥺
#kai.rambles#i was feeling sad bc my grandma is in the hospital and when i went to visit her they wouldn’t let me pass bc my license is expired#which okay ik that’s my fault but i took my passport with me just in case and the guy straight up told me that it wasn’t a valid form of id#and im like yeah tf it is ITS A PASSPORT and he said no#and while i was waiting for my mom to come down to the lobby an old lady came in and he turned her away for the same thing#and dudeee okay you turn me away fine fuck off but an old ladyyy??? at that age they don’t pay attention to that just let her pass#and then he argued with another woman bc she brought a flower arrangement and it had water so he couldn’t allow it HELLOOO??!?#so i had to leave and went to go get breakfast for my mom at least bc she stayed the night and i was supposed to stay the day#and when i came back to give her the food she told me that the nurse that was with my grandma asked what happened bc she wasn’t expecting#my mom to return and when my mom told her she immediately got so angry bc that same guy#didn’t allow her and a couple other nurses to bring in a cake for one of the residents#who’s birthday is today and they had a full on argument this morning#so it was all in all awful and now my mom has been there for more than 20 hours until later tonight when my aunt goes over :(#anyway this turned into a whole rant im sorry but im so mad bc i know for a FACT that a passport is a valid form of id#and he was just being a fkn dick#but the girl called me pretty and it took some stress off and she really liked my blush#and i liked hers so we had a little makeup 101 exchange and it was so nice at least 🥺#and i have a couple cute asks to answer that have made my day as well so i’ll get to those in a few 🥰
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kelbunny · 1 year
Go update Triangle Strategy right now asdfghjkl
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New Golden Route Scene! Wedding Scene :D
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He's telling Frederica :0. And the fact he turned to his brother and made sure Roland was okay with it aaah these siblings
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Anna, Geela, and Erador trying to have a nice conversation only to be intrupted by Lionel smh
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Archibald trying to tell these two greedy merchants to stop being greedy lol
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Anna also telling them to stop being greedy merchants
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Milo being her cheeky nosy self trying to tell Lyla to go hug her son, he's literally been having visions of hugging his mom at the wedding
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Asdfghjkl aaaaahhhhhh h u g
Quahaug hug
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This one was really sweet. Two parents who lost their children realizing they need to carry the ardent dreams of the youth in their stead.
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Roland finally accepting Avlora who's being an angsty butt bc she doesn't want to ruin the happy wedding
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Serenoa wedding sprite?
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And I forgot up until this moment that you can check characters profiles when they're speaking and just... new art! In their wedding clothes!
I also want to rewatch just to see what everyone's profiles look like haha
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Credits for the extra chapter had some art not shown in the Anniversary Livestream :0
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You can now replay all story battles you've done as mock battles haha now you can get trounced by ng+ Trish and Travis whenever lol
You can also rewatch any Character Stories you've seen can't rewatch story cutscenes however
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toji-girl · 4 months
Can you please write something like pregnant reader cries to Toji about something insignificant to him but gets mad at him for not taking her seriously at first? Like hurt/comfort and fluff 💖💖thank you
I haven't been pregnant for a hot minute so I'm trying to remember what I got super upset over which I think was mostly over food lmaoo and ofc! I love writing for Toji and his pregnant wife 🩷 also, this may be more than an insignificant thing but I hope you still enjoy! thank you for asking for this! I love Toji dkgje
tags: pregnant! fem reader + angst with a happy ending
No one warned you about the emotions that would wrack your entire being when you got pregnant, at first you'd thought you glow and be bouncy and airy but right now you are anything but.
There was also no warning about how bad your cravings would get.
Which meant your husband was having to wake up at all times of the night to go get you something. "You wanted to knock me up and think of this as training for when the baby gets here." You tease.
But what you really didn't think about was how far you'd go for said cravings.
All night, you spent awake listening to Toji snore away while you tried your best to get comfortable with your pillows until your stomach started to growl, which wouldn't be a bad thing but seeing that it was a little after three in the morning you still needed something sweet.
You gently pushed his shoulder trying to rouse him from his sleep, it was something he told you to always do when you need something. "Babe? I want some chocolate cake. Please?" You begged softly.
With the whine in your voice, it irritated him. Over the last few weeks, his sleep schedule was already in hell and here he is getting woken up. "What?" He asked clearly upset that you woke him up this early.
You frowned at his tone feeling your bottom lip quiver and then a flash of anger made your blood boil and it hurt your feelings.
"Nothing, I'll go get it." You huffed and got off the bed with a heavy sigh when your swollen feet touched the cool hardwood floor, your belly round and swollen made it hard to see anything really.
But that still didn't stop you from getting dressed with Toji still sleeping while you attempted your best to shove your feet into shoes before leaving out the front door, alone and in search of the chocolate cake that was calling your name loud and needy.
The night was crisp causing you to wrap your jacket more around your achy body, with each step more tears streamed down your face, and a mixture of feelings washed over you like a high tide.
Part of you was more than livid that Toji didn't wake up, but the bigger side knew he was exhausted, the man worked his ass off for you and the upcoming baby boy you'd welcome in a few weeks.
You heaved a heavy sigh shielding your vision from the neon signs that shone down on you, the sidewalk was still damp from the earlier rai, thankfully your favorite place was just a few blocks away.
With it being a few minutes away from four in the morning a lot of people weren't out but you still kept an eye out wondering if Toji ever woke up, but that idea soon left when you pushed the doors open and walked inside the Konbini that greeted you with a sweet smell.
Immediately you greeted the worker with a smile and nob before waddling to the aisle with one thing on your mind as you grabbed a few containers of cake and other items before paying for it all.
The walk home was a lot longer seeing that you popped open a slice of cake to enjoy, usually, you'd have a fork but pregnancy brain is true and a real thing so it was forgotten but right now you didn't care.
Ten minutes later you pushed open the front door tired and full when Toji all but jumped you, his arms snaked around your waist pulling you into his chest. "Where the hell did you go woman? I called you only to see your phone still here. What were you thinking leaving the house without me? For some cake?" He asked exasperated.
You pulled away from him and opened another thing of cake feeling your eyes water. "You didn't want to do it, and I understand why, but I couldn't sleep, and I need this cake whether or not you believe me."
He watched you settle on the couch getting comfortable while he rubbed at his face sinking down by your feet which he pulled into his lap. "I do believe you," Toji replied with a sigh looking at you.
"You don't take my cravings seriously, you like to tease me about and I-" You stopped to wipe at your eyes as you shifted in your spot.
Toji frowned and began to massage your feet feeling the guilt eat at him, the idea of you walking around alone at night while heavily pregnant made his stomach sink with worry. "I ain't tryin' to upset you doll, 'm sorry." He murmured softly kissing your ankle.
Once he was done giving you a massage he washed his hands per your request and then sat back down to feed you, he was better at apologizing this way rather than words. "I forgive you, I love you."
He smiled and leaned in to kiss you gently. "I love you too darlin'."
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theveryworstthing · 11 months
life has been lifein’ haven’t been posting for a while but hopefully i’ll have stuff to post soon. 
without getting into the full rollercoaster of misery, health problems abound in my loved ones and every year for the last 3 years we’ve lost at least one family member. my gramma Rosezina died on July 1st after 83 years of being A Problem. her funeral was on the 8th during a day so hot that we couldn’t be at the graveside for more than a few minutes, fitting weather for a woman nicknamed Hot for her good looks and spicy temper. i loved her very much, i love her very much, and the emotional strain of everything that came after the Big Stroke fucked me up a little bit.
here’s one of my favorite stories about her, stop me if you’ve heard this one:
my gramma was schizophrenic, a fact i didn’t figure out until i was told by a family member at some time during my preteen or early teen years because the way schizophrenia was depicted on tv or movies was so different from what she was. she was an amazing quilter, gardener, cook, baker (i’ll never have a caramel cake that rivals hers), and general gold star deep country grandmother who was always sweet to me, her first born granddaughter, even when she stopped remembering who i was exactly in her later years. 
also, she never liked being told what to do.
also, also, she hung out with the devil for a while.
she said he’d just show up sometimes, the most beautiful, angelic, enchanting man you ever did see. he’d come to her when she was feeling overwhelmed, upset, or lonely, and offered words of comfort and a gentle listening ear. she had a hard life, and that comfort was very valuable to her even if it was coming from the devil, so over time he became her friend and she trusted him right up until the day he told her to kill her kids and free herself from all the problems constantly weighing her down. 
need i remind you, she did. not. like. being told what to do. (especially when the thing she’s being told to do is murdering her own children)
so of course, she told all her kids to walk up the road to my great gramma’s house, and when they were gone Hot dragged the couch the devil was sitting on outside into the front yard and set it on fire with him sitting on it. 
from what i was told he seemed very irritated but didn’t get up as she stared him down and watched him burn. 
afterwards some other family members put the fire out and she returned to her chores like nothing happened. as far as i know the devil never talked to her again.
and that’s why i grew up knowing that the, ‘the devil made me do it’ defense is some bullshit. if the devil is real he can’t make you do shit. he flounces off if told no (and set on fire) once. 
weak bitch. 
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rockstarhaechan · 5 months
nct dream getting caught making out | collab
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pairing: nct dream x fem!reader
warnings: smut, public making out, alcohol, steamy shower make out, mention of length and moaning, butt touching
note: this is a collab with @fullsunstrawberry <3 love you darling muahh <3
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marks arms were wrapped around you, pushing you against the wall.
“mark what if someone comes in?” you mumbled in between the kiss, hands tangled up in his hair.
he suddenly looked at you, stroking your hair out of your face tugging a strand of hair behind your ear.
“baby no one is gonna come in, don’t you trust me?” he blurred out before pulling you back into a kiss, tongues playing with each other, while his hand found the way to your waistband of your skirt.
you could swear that you heard a knock on the door, but quickly turned your attention back to mark.
right as his hand slipped under your skirt someone opened the door and stepped in.
“what the fuck are you guys doing here” you looked at a mad chenle who’s arms are crossed in front of him, standing right next to the two of you.
helplessly staring down at the floor, feet shifting every now and then until mark finally spoke up.
“see it’s not what it looks like chenle” he scratched his neck, practically staring into chenle’s soul.
“i caught you two making out, bro what about ‘we are just friends’ “ he quoted while looking at you and mark.
being clearly embarrassed by what just happened but returning back to you signaling you to leave.
“we’re gonna talk about this later” mark just told you before you left the room leaving him alone with chenle.
sitting in the corner of your favorite café, renjun beside you.
you two decided to grab some cake and coffee as celebration for you getting accepted into your new job.
“renjun should we wait for the others to arrive before ordering or are you going to order for them?” you asked him before turning your attention back to the waiter who was patiently waiting for your order.
“i’ll have an iced americano and a tangerine cake please” you told the waiter your order, and zoomed out when renjun told his drinks and snacks to the waiter.
“baby are you listening?” he grabbed your wrist gently, carefully pulling you on his lap.
no one was able to see the two of you cause you’ve been sitting in the very back of the café.
“renjun what are you doing” you let out a little laugh but before he even answered your question you suddenly felt his lips on yours.
his hands, traveling up your spine, yours resting on his chest.
your make out session was about five minutes long until someone behind you started talking.
“why in the middle of a café, can’t you guys get a room?” jeno asked the two of you.
“oh fuck” you mumbled, quickly sitting back on the bench, tugging your hair behind your ear acting clueless.
“well we ordered for you guys” you blurred out trying to cool down the situation.
“should’ve ordered a room for you guys” you heard jeno say quietly.
protective boii
He knows that he would never be able to get you alone with a dorm full of men. Especially not in his bedroom.
The only place they didn't bother him in was the shower
it took a little bit of convincing but his hands on your body washing all the body soap off you was definitely worth it
"wait I think I missed a spot" His hand came up to your face and rubbed his thumb against your lips
"I knew this wasn't just an innocent shower" you giggled, already closing your eyes waiting for him to kiss you
when he did you stumbled a little bit, resulting in Jeno putting his arms around you and holding you against him
you felt his hardening length pressed on your body as his gaze traveled down your figure, taking in every curve. You felt shivers as you met his intense gaze
He leaned in again, his lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss
His hands roamed over your body, exploring every inch of you.
You responded eagerly, running your fingers through his wet hair. The water from the shower cascaded around you
Right as your hands were making its way down his body, following the drops of water, a loud scream startled you both
Jeno quickly hid your body with his own while looking back to see who ruined the moment
Chenle stood there eyes widened In horror
“Get out before I gouge your eyeballs out!”
Chenle ran out of the bathroom screaming about how he just needed to brush his teeth
“You scared him!”
This boy would not care at all! Instead, he would put on a show,,
“Come here princess” he called out with a mischievous grin.
"Yeah, no kissing tonight! The guys are here"
Jaemin did not get why you cared.
Pulling you onto his lap and letting his hand rest on your check "Baby, everyone knows not to disturb us"
You couldn't help but smile at his charm, giving in to his playful demands.
Jaemin saw your body relax and started pressing small kisses to your neck
As Jaemin's lips brushed against your neck, a shiver traveled down your spine. His touch was always electrifying.
You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to submit to the sensation, forgetting about everything else at that moment.
You could still hear the sound of laughter and chatter from the living room but you didn't care anymore, pulling his face away from your neck to finally meet his lips.
As you tangled your fingers in his hair, a soft moan escaped from his lips
"Let's take this off" He groaned, breaking the kiss to pull off your shirt
Not wasting any time he hungrily reconnected your lips. His hands explore every inch of your exposed skin.
You were so focused on Jaemin that you didn't even hear the door open
Jaemin's movements were swift and precise, his arms wrapping around your waist as he flipped you over with ease. He positioned himself on top of you, his body covering yours possessively.
"Don't just stand there! leave or join," his voice laced with arrogance and a bit of humor
Jaemin didn't bother to look up at whoever had entered the room. Instead, his eyes remained fixated on yours, filled with an intensity that sent a rush of heat through your veins.
haechan invited you to one of his house parties with the rest of nct dream.
whenever he is at their dorm they usually throw a little party together while casually drinking a little bit.
after a while you started to get a little tipsy and everyone decided to play truth or dare.
haechan was the first one to spin the bottle and just to your surprise it landed on you.
“doll, truth or dare?” he questioned before you decided to go with truth.
“okay, is it true that you have a crush on me?” not knowing what to say you started to look around for help, but noticed that no one of the boys was going to help you so you’re stuck with this one.
“hm maybe, why don’t you find it out?” trying to sound confident about your answer but indirectly asking yourself if it was confident enough for them not to notice your huge ass crush on haechan.
you’re by now pretty wasted, it’s been an additional hour and you’re currently in the middle of the kitchen, looking for something normal to drink.
“where do these boys have their soda” you slurred out while looking into the different cabinets.
“whatcha lookin’ for” haechan hummed while grabbing your waist from the back, making you groan a little.
his hands slowly started to grip your waist tighter as you continued to look for a soda.
“babe” he called out, making you turn around.
“what did you just call me haechan?” looking into his eyes as you tried to get out of his grip.
not because he made you uncomfortable or anything else but because you didn’t know if you could resist him.
haechan noticed that you wanted to get away, so he pulled you even closer.
“i know you have a crush on me, why are you trying to run away now?” not being able to get a word out until you finally wanted to talk.
“i-i don’t-“ stuttering and stumbling over your own words when haechan cut you off by kissing you passionately.
picking you up without hesitation and placing you down on the kitchen counter before he started to kiss you again.
softly moaning into the kiss until you heard someone clearing their throat at the kitchen door.
haechan immediately broke the kiss and looked at the door, an impatient expression seen on mark and jisung’s face.
“we thought we should check up on you two since you’ve been missing for quite some time now, but guess you had something important to discuss” jisung said grossed out before turning around and dragging mark with him.
“can we continue now?” was the only thing haechan said before kissing you again and turning it into a heated make out session.
He says it's your fault it happened because you looked too damn good!
He's been very busy, so he invited everyone to hang out...playing basketball
You protested at first but came around to the idea after he gave you his puppy dog eyes...how are you supposed to say no to them!!
You made sure to sneakily take one of his jerseys from his closet.
Showing up earlier than the guys just to get Chenle's reaction
"You ready to lose?"
Before he could say a sassy remark he turned to face you, mouth opening in shock
"You okay?" you laughed walking closer to him "You know exactly what you're doing" He smirked wrapping his arms around you.
"Even picked the one with my name" he whispered into your ear.
"You're my favorite"
"Good" He finally closed the distance between you two by pulling you from your hips and pressing his lips against yours
You pulled away before he could deepen the kiss, "We can't, the guys are going to be here soon"
"We got here early" he whined, looking at your lips before kissing you again. But this time he was in a rush, sliding his tongue into your mouth and letting his hands dig into your waist
The door to the court swung open, and the sound of laughter and chatter filled the room. You both jumped apart, trying to compose yourselves as the guys filed into the basketball court one by one.
"Hey, what's going on here?" Jaemin asked a mischievous glint in his eyes. He nudged Chenle playfully. "Did you guys start without us?"
Chenle cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact with his friends. "Nah, we were just...practicing our moves."
Donghyuck raised an eyebrow, smirking knowingly. "Sure, sure. Practice makes perfect, I guess."
This poor, poor baby… He doesn't even give you public affection, he might literally wither away if caught.
"The guys said they were going out," Jisung smirked, his fingers lacing through yours as he pulled you closer to him.
"How did you get out of this one?" You asked, playfully raising an eyebrow.
"Said I had more important things to do," Jisung replied, his arm wrapping around your waist.
"So I'm more important?" You couldn't help but tease him
Jisung smirked “Let me show you just how important you are”
Jisung closed the distance between you two, trapping you against the wall
The cool surface pressed against your back grounded you in the intensity of the moment. As his hands found their way to cradle your face, deepening the kiss
Your fingers tangled into his hair, eliciting a small moan from him. Taking advantage of his parted lips, you eagerly explored his mouth with your tongue
Not wanting to give up dominance, Jisung's hands roamed over your body, sending shivers down your spine as he stopped at your butt and gave it a playful squeeze
Lost in the moment, neither of you heard the door opening until a gasp filled the room.
Both of you tensed up and widened your eyes in realization...
"MY EYES!" Jaemin screamed in shock
Instead of pushing you away and hiding, Jisung hid his face into your neck and giggled
“I thought they would be gone”
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vonev · 11 months
Hey there! Can you do a Miguel x spiderwoman reader where during a mission Miguel accidentally hurts you pretty badly while trying to get you out of the way of the anomaly, leaving you in a medically induced coma for a couple days while you heal? I wanna see an incredibly gentle, guilt-ridden Miggy visiting you when you wake up and treating you like you’re made of glass
Calling (just to save you, I'd give all of me)
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Miguel O'Hara x reader Oneshot
Words: 6.06k (yeah i know)
Warnings: Graphics depictions of Violence, Angst, Blood and Violence.
A mission gone wrong, some crying, more suffering, rocky relationships (emphasis on the rocky part)
And after all of it, you prevailed. With him.
Tl;dr: Miguel is a crybaby
It was a normal Tuesday night at the headquarters. 11 pm to be exact.
God knows why you stayed as long as you did—having to juggle missions upon missions the entire week because Miguel decided to loosely throw them at you.
Capturing what seemed like an endless sea of anomalies.
“You’re our most capable.” He had said, not even facing you when he once again sent you off on another job to fend for yourself. 
Trying to ask to be replaced was met with a sounding “No.” from the big guy himself, so you stopped trying altogether.
Less questions, more work.
Even if the side of your ribs were bruised from the last encounter with a previous anomaly.
Whatever. Bringing your injury up would just have you end up being demeaned and insulted like a school kid who skipped last week’s homework. At least that was what you assumed.
You grew tired of it eventually, wanting to have more than 6 hours of sleep per day and being able to actually live your life—the birthday cake for a friend sat comfortably inside the fridge of your apartment lingers on your mind as you swung through the familiar sight of the city; another rendition of New York, another variant of an anomaly. 
That wasn’t to say you didn’t enjoy the thrill and adrenaline that came with the job—no, you loved it. No one ever told you how fun being a superhero can be (aside from the decades of trauma you had to go through) and being able to propel yourself into the air with webs as the people below you gawked at your presence. 
The New York breeze hit your figure like a welcomed embrace, the moon winked at you behind fading beds of clouds. You continue slingshotting yourself down the streets, deja-vu splashed in your face with how eerily similar the roads were to the ones back home; shaking your head, you let out a soft sigh and relish in the cold night’s wind. 
Today’s mission: an unknown entity that plagued Earth 1610, the only information you were given via a loosely thrown together email from Miguel was that the entity could possess powers greater than we all understood—but with a limited amount of time, you would (hopefully) capture it just in time before it discovered its full potential. 
You’d think with how smart the boss-man was, he wouldn’t send a sleep-deprived Spider into such missions with how severe things could turn if everything went wrong.
“I’ll send him an email to complain later, for sure.” You promised yourself; because you were supposed to do just that days ago when tasks started rolling in for you without breaks.
Solo-tasks, might you add.
A cherry on top of the already spoiled cake, salt on the wound, a slap to the face. You grunted, and an alarm sounding from nearby caught you by surprise amidst the (somewhat) quiet of the city. In the snap of a finger, you flung yourself in a different direction, changing the tides in the waves while the wind that hit your face came to a halt once you landed on a roof belonging to a rather tall building. 
The viewing angle from above gave you a clear look into what had transpired underneath.
You squint, arms folded neatly in between your thighs as you crouched over the ledge of the building; from what you could see, nothing was amiss—everything looked to be in place. Letting out an annoyed scoff, you were about to turn on your tail before the ear-piercing sound of glass shattering into pieces hit your eardrums. 
You immediately snapped around, and panic ensued when the people on the streets started screaming, running amok like wild animals scattering away into their safe spaces. You, on the other hand, now have to clean up the mess—you had no clue where this universe’s Spiderman was, nor did anyone brief you on it.
Nonetheless you approached the bust-up shop with a wavy heart, praying to something out there that there weren’t any critically injured persons. As you stalked near the front of the shop, you could hear loud banters inside; curious, you stare into the messy excuse for an interior: broken decors, smashed up shelvings, and items sprawled out across the floor inside.
You took the opportunity and shot yourself up to the ceiling, both your soles and fingertips clutching onto the surface, cautiously crawling further into the shop. 
“Please—” a voice yelled out, “Just let me steal your ATM machine!”
Your lips part, dumbfounded.
“No! Ey! Get away from—” You finally managed to grasp the scene that played out in front of you.
The store manager was running around with a bat in his hands, and the other person that seemed to be wearing a costume with black spots, a jean jacket slung over his shoulders and a rather cute bucket hat. To your surprise, the man evaded the attack when a black hole had been summoned under the manager’s feet, causing him to fall into the portal and out of another one…
…Right above you.
You yelped at the sudden contact on your back, the manager’s weight had you both falling face first into the shards-filled floor; his body cushioned by yours.
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” 
The man behind you rolled off, allowing you to take a step and collect yourself as you slowly stood up. Debris started filling up your senses, and the pain from having been cut by thousands of glass shards made you wince in response. You pushed it all down, needing to finish the job as soon as possible so you could flee from more missions when you go back to the headquarters.
You even considered retiring from your spot in the team.
Speaking of spots…
You peered up, eyes catching onto the odd appearance of the man in front of you, who was still attempting to find a way to escape with the ATM. If you hadn’t been as irritated and grumpy as you were, you’d have found the situation hilarious.
“You gotta let that go, big man.” He whipped his head around, eyes darting around before locking in on you. “I’m sorry, I can’t—wait, you look different from my Spiderman.” His head tilted in confusion; you only rolled your eyes in retort, not wanting to drag your already long day out. Webs shot out of your wrists, launching them toward the direction of his foot.
Watching in disbelief as another hole appeared right where his foot would’ve been, the webs flinging into the black void and you felt the substance land on your back, knocking your balance forward.
“What the,” confused, you feel around for it, your fingers finding the source, tracing the substance behind you. “How did you fucking do that?” You glared him down, seeing his stature falter and hands thrown up into the air in defense. 
“Whoa whoa, language!” He wagged a finger at you, giving you his head shake of disapproval. 
“Shut up.”
“That’s just plain rude, young lady—hold on, you’re a lady right?” Your eye twitched in annoyance. 
“Has anyone ever said you’re way too chatty?” 
He was fidgeting with his hands, looking away and feeling nervous, unsure of how to respond to your jab. Before he could get another word out, the bottom of your feet connected with his chest, sending his body back against the wall with a loud ‘thud’ watching as he fell on his backside.
 He let out a soft grunt, rubbing the sore spot on his butt; right before you did a chain-attack, he caught your foot with another one of his black holes, your foot now appearing on the other side of the store and out of sight.
“That wasn’t very nice. Listen, I just need some money, let me go and—” He threw the ATM onto a pile of cans and started rolling it out of your way, pushing the huge machine as fast as he could. Pulling back your foot in time, your calf connected with his face, making him trip over the cans comically with his arms flailing in the air.
You quickly reached down to fetch your trap to secure your win.
That would be too easy, though. 
Side-stepping a portal of void that almost ate you up, you winced at the pain that shot through your ribs due to your rapid movements. Biting through the pain, you maneuvered to where his body laid and tackled him to the ground once more when he tried to stand up; from then on, it was a cat fight. With you trying to get him detained and him attempting to pry you off of him.
Suddenly, another hole manifested beneath the two of you, watching in horror as you both fell through and landed harshly on top of the rooftop you originally occupied prior; the back of your head collided into the concrete ground; a poor excuse for a cushion.
It fucking hurt.
You were pretty sure you smelled blood.
He tried to get up, but you tumbled the two of you near the ledge of the building; in the midst of all the actions, he found dominance over you when he had your upper body hanging off the ledge with his grip on the collar of your suit. Blood thumped through your eardrums along with the loud horns of traffic, your heart racing in a million miles, if anyone looked up, they'd think you were insane for getting yourself in the situation. 
Maybe you are. 
Call for backup.
It would be so easy; the gizmo hugged your wrist, just one push of a button and someone will be here—
Too late, his grip on you wavered and you plummet into the air.
You quickly attempt to shoot more webs to find purchase on something, anything. 
But terror washed over you the second you realized you had conveniently run out of webbing fuel—being the dumbass you were, you had completely forgotten to get it refilled before the mission at the station back in headquarters.
Closing your eyes, you braced yourself for the impact; your body going limp to soften the blow.
You let out a loud yelp when something flew out of the air beside you and clashed against your body, but you don’t feel the shock at the contact—instead, the warmth of a large arm wrapped around your midsection and you feel the cold wind whiplash you.
Opening your eyes, you were (pleasantly) surprised to find that Miguel caught you just in-time, right before you could suffer any more blunt injuries. You almost cried at the sight of him, his name teased the tip of your tongue, wanting to wrap your arms around him for a hug; you pulled yourself back just in time before you could react on your impulse.
You were still mad at Miguel, you have to act like it.
Before you know it, he came to a halt around a corner into an alleyway and swung down to place you down gently on the ground, your feet now free from the feeling of being dangled in the air. His eyes flickered over your face, then down your body; his arm still pressed into your waist as he squeezed your flesh out of instinct. 
Bad move, the squeeze, no matter how gentle, pressed into your bruised rib. The pain sending a wave of shocks throughout your torso, you immediately pushed him away with a small hiss. You couldn’t see it, but hurt flashed through his eyes when you forced yourself out of his grip, his arm falling back to his side; unknowing of its purpose.
He wouldn’t willingly admit it, but the rare moments he would get to feel the heat of your body against him sent him to heaven: like that one time your shoulder pressed into his at the cafeteria, the times your naked fingers would brush over his skin, when your back used to press up on his during missions back in the days he went with you. Sinfully, he would recall that specific time your chest pushed into his torso during a stealth mission, the temptation to take you right there and then a devilish thought that circled his mind.
(Don’t ask what he had done in the shower after the mission debrief.)
That was part of the reason he had stopped frequenting jobs with you, even when you came into his office and invited him; you were met with rejections after rejections, soon enough, he noticed that you stopped trying—and the painful gnaw at his chest reminded him of your growing distant attitude with him, too. Miguel refused to let his personal life interfere with his business, and the last person he would want to hurt was you. 
Unknowingly, he had done exactly that whenever he would gradually push your presence away.
Having meals weren’t the same anymore, not when you stopped showing up to his office everyday with his favorite food like a routine, he’d eat less and less as the days passed by; without you there to continuously pester him, he found himself reverting back to his old habits—working after late hours, not sleeping enough, not eating enough, barely talking to anyone unless absolutely necessary. 
He had came to the realization that somehow, long ago, your presence had become such a grounding part of his life; the gentle yet persistent reminder that he deserved love and care too, to stop hogging all the responsibilities alone and share his burden with someone who he can trust, and it all manifested into you.
Miguel recognized he royally fucked up when you both barely see each other face-to-face anymore, you stopped showing up to debriefings, the only time he’d get to remotely speak to you was when he sent you off to missions.
He knew he was harsh, yes, but he fully believed in your capability to handle yourself—but while he was relentless, he still cared. 
Hence why he arrived and interjected your mission, wanting to extend a helping hand.
“Fuck—what are you doing here?!” You shouted over the loud traffic, emotions taking control of your mind, before Miguel could protest, screams broke out from beside you both. “Shit, let’s get this over with, big man.” 
You paused, momentarily forgotten that your webbings ran out of fuel and mentally slapped yourself in the face.
As if he read your mind, he fished out a tube from behind him and threw it your way. You caught it just in time and practically rushed to throw the lid off, tipping the mouth over to allow the liquid flow into the web gadget integrated into your suit. You threw a mumbled “thanks” his way and chucked the tube out of sight.
“Come on,” you nod toward the opening of the alleyway with an arm raised and pull yourself upward with your web. 
It was supposed to be an easy job: brawl with the anomaly, win the brawl, capture it.
But this one was starting to grate your nerves—and you were sure Miguel felt the same too, you could sense the rage radiating off of his huge stature like sirens; chasing down the guy who had re-introduced himself as the Spot when you caught up with him earlier, unintentionally finding himself falling in and out of accidental portals he materialized. 
“Stop running!” Yelling, you proceeded to jump into the portal he went through, he was always barely a hair away; yet as clumsy as he was, managed to get away every single time.  
“Stop chasing me!” Spot shouted back, tripping over the back of his foot and almost falling into one of the portals entirely. 
He managed to barely swerve out of the way when Miguel lunged at him from behind, his claws swooping in the air where Spot used to be. It became a constant back-and-forth; you would shoot yourself closer to him and Miguel would come from his back, essentially cornering him, then Spot would narrowly escape; rinse and repeat. Exhaustion crept up on you eventually, nagging the back of your mind as you tapped into your adrenaline to stay awake and alerted of your surroundings. 
Miguel noticed it, too, and he went even harder—the intensity of his ferocity grew when he realized he had to end things soon before someone gets injured; he prayed to God it wouldn’t be you. 
Somehow, more portals had opened up, and all you could do was avoid falling into them; the possibility of coming face first into the asphalt roads were too high for you to take the chance. Miguel almost got caught in one; hardly dodging a portal that conjured on the wall he stuck to. But unlike you, he was willing to test out his theory, reeling his body back to prepare launching himself into the portal. And he did just that—his reward? A high-five of his face with another set of walls. 
He grunted, out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted you latching onto Spot’s back; desperately trying to push him down onto a solid surface. You both spun into another portal and crashed on a different rooftop, Miguel rushed over with claws ravaging the innocent bricks he crawled on; when he went up, he saw the two of you gasping for air on the ground. 
You clutched the side of your rib, an indescribable amount of pain overtook your senses; you were pretty sure your ankle was broken when it was caught on a pole. Spot got up earlier than you, and was about to speed off before he felt a large hand tugging at the back of his shirt. 
It all happened so fast: reeling in a punch, the adrenaline pumping in Miguel’s veins, Spot’s utter shock at the face of Death himself, the supposed impact of the fist with the other’s face…
…Only for the force to be directed to you in the heat of the moment when a portal happened to manifest where Spot’s face would’ve been.
It was an accident, really, an unintentional line of actions from Spot— he was way too out of it when he figured he was about to go through his final moment; his portals shot out in panic, lucky for him, it was the reason he evaded Miguel’s death fist.
Unlucky for you, the other end of the portal had been right in front of you the whole time; yet in the midst of you processing your surroundings, you hadn’t realized quicker that your senses were screaming for you to dodge out of the way.
The conclusion? You, having just been punched in your guts, falling down a building amongst the New York you shouldn’t have stepped a foot in if you knew the outcome at all. The gust of wind pumped in your ears as you fell, and fell.
No worries—you’ve got your handy-dandy webs, right? 
Oh how you wished you hadn’t been wrong.
Miguel had snatched a random refill off of his own shelf when he was about to depart, not bothering to check for its content after his recent use; just shy of a quarter, barely enough to last an average Spider’s fill an hour of webbing. In his defense, he had been distraught when Lyla popped in earlier to warn him of your vitals: most specifically your injuries. He would’ve never sent you out in the first place if he knew you suffered from broken ribs.
But all you knew was that you somehow fucked yourself over.
Panic ensued.
And now, you suffered the consequences of his actions.
“Miguel!” A call for help; he was your last hope.
The fall wasn’t a particularly long one, and you normally would breeze through the impact and pain like a champ—except you have never fell from a building with ribs that squeezed your organs tight, ankle that would most likely not support your landing even if you tried, the adrenaline you lived off of now benched on the side leaving you stranded for some form of strength to pull yourself together in the span of a few seconds.
Your shoulder hit the ground first, then your head; the harsh impact created a string of reactions to your already abused body: pain shooting up your nerves, the corners of your eyes dimming despite the bright lights flashing around you.
Unbeknownst to the three of you, policemen started showing up once someone reported a supposed break-in at the shop you investigated; the sound of blaring sirens filled your eardrums like honey whilst the flashing of red and blue assaulted your blurry sight. 
Barely able to distinguish what was happening in front, you attempted to prop yourself up on your elbow; but the more you tried, the more lights started diminishing in your vision. Breathing has never felt so difficult, either.
Miguel was a step too late when he came to you; after having realized what had occurred, he dropped Spot in an instant like a hot potato, prioritizing saving you instead of proceeding with the mission’s objective. He was aware of the policemen being present at the scene when they started noticing your slumped body in the middle of the road, crowding together to watch as you struggled to lift yourself up—they all stood and observed, no one reached out to help, none.
He was by your side right away, his one hand supporting the weight of your head while the other clutching at the hem of your mask, lifting it over your eyes.
His hand felt…wet.
As if things couldn’t possibly get worse: he watched the stiff expression on your face contorted with pain, you seemed to have recognized him as you slowly reached a weak arm out to caress his face, your thumb gently glossing over his cheekbone, your touches light like feathers. His mask concealed the despair in his features, the hues of red and blues still shone on his back as everyone else stayed aside and spectated. 
Your hand soon dropped to your side, unmoving, your head now heavier than ever in his hand.
It wasn’t supposed to end like this. 
Miguel held your small, delicate hand into his, the tears teasing the corner of his eye as he watched your life slipped by those eyes of yours he’d grown to adore.
“You can’t live like this, Miguel.” 
Lyla crossed her arms over her chest, trailing Miguel’s tiny movements on the desk. His fingers delicately move across the keys on the keyboard, imputing password after password for locked files. 
“Seriously,” Lyla sighed, rubbing her temple. “You’re starting to worry me.” 
“Nothing to worry about, Lyla, get me the decoded files from yesterday.” Miguel ignored her pestering, choosing to focus on his work and his work only.
That was his routine for the past 5 days or so.
After the entire slip-up in Earth 1610, Miguel had been busting his ass to hunt down the anomaly for every hour he was awake; granted, he did take care of other responsibilities too—babysitting Mayday on Monday, depatching teams to bring back more anomalies, and visiting you every day. 
And also dealing with that kid he found out to be the Spider-man from Earth-1610.
He hadn’t missed a single day of visiting you, who still laid in the hospital bed at the infirmary he cleared out for you. 
Everyday. On the clock. 5 am when he woke up, when lunchtime struck, and in the late hours of night when he should be spending on getting enough rest.
Lyla had been there through it all, watching Miguel’s tormented back every single minute he was awake as he continuously starved himself off of the bare minimums. 
Food, water, sleep, you name it all. 
And as his assistant, his well-being was her number one priority—hence the constant pestering that would be swatted away, food that went cold despite Peter having brought them in hours ago upon Lyla’s request and his growing concern for his friend in the chair. Jess’s occasional visits to check up on Miguel, wondering if the day she stepped in would be the day she would see his lifeless body on the desk with how much neglect he reflected on himself. Even the new recruits dropped in to say hello, just to see that he was doing…okay in his book: which was not okay in everyone else’s.
Everyone was worried. 
About you, of course, and him too.
The situation had clearly taken a heavy toll on him.
But Lyla understood more than anyone else that it wasn’t because of his work, his dwelling traumatic past, or how he barely had any rest for the past 120 hours. 
No one else knew of his infatuation with you except for her—and that was only because she snooped through his things, finding the little knit-knacks he kept from all those times you came and dropped it off: the tiny Miguel plushie you made when you impulsively decided to take up knitting that one time, the shirt of yours you had forgotten to take back when you visited his office at late hours, soaked from the rain outside and sneezing everywhere. 
“Hey Mig—“ sneeze. “I came to see y—“ sneeze. “I—“ and you sneezed. 
“For the love of God,” Miguel turned around, seeing your soaked clothes that cling to your body, and having to turn away for just a tiny moment to compost himself when he caught sight of your curves. 
Groaning, he pulled out one of his drawers and shuffled through and fished out a new shirt—undoubtedly his with how large it was. 
His shirt was a sight on you, fitting perfectly yet still draping over your thighs just slightly when you went to get changed. 
The image of you that night burned into his head, forever engraved in his brain. 
Then there was the polaroid picture of the two of you when you had forced Miguel to “take a selfie with me!” when you picked up a weirdly shaped camera from a thrift store in your universe (something something you saying to be smart and conserve money). “It’s called InstaX, it—here, let me show you” and snapped a picture. 
In the picture, his expression was one of annoyance, and you were squeezed against his shoulder with a toothy grin on your face. 
Lyla saw how Miguel would come back with tiny frames that he thought would frame the film perfectly, but ultimately was defeated when he decided to just stick it in-between the pages of his files labeled: Classified.
She was the only one ever to know the content inside: mostly pictures of Gabriella’s (poor) baking, first day at school, when Gabriella won her first competitive soccer match; and then there was you.
She knew how important you were to him; yet to her complete and utter confusion, Miguel always kept to himself about his little (big) crush—even though she could clearly tell you were just as interested as he was, too. 
He was the densest man you had the pleasure of knowing. 
He never made a move; and now, he might never get another chance to.
Now you were reduced to a sitting duck, once a shell of what you were; your body laid in the bed he frequented more than his own, the lively demeanor that you carried with you before turned into a tune of stable heartbeats beeping from the machinery installed next to you: the only indicator you were still alive. 
Guilt was the only thing he knew for a while; when he’d step into the shower as the cold water bit the skin of his back, like he was willingly punishing himself for allowing that incident to happen. 
Everywhere he went, whatever he did, he was only reminded of your face.
“If only I had been there sooner.”  
He’d say to himself while he peered down at your figure, not there but, there. You were barely hanging, and part of him knew that it was your determination to fight through whatever battle was going on inside your head during the coma. 
“Por favor,” his hand held yours, careful to avoid the IV’s that pricked your skin, forehead sticky with sweat after having just come back from a specifically tough mission that day.
“Concédeme este deseo.” 
He would whisper sweet-nothings to you, praying to himself at night by your bedside that you’d wake up one of these days with that smile he yearned for. And for someone to finally share the extra empanadas he would always bring in, to hope that one day, you’d get to share this joy with him. 
The joy of eating together again.
So imagine his surprise when he walked into your room tonight, and found you sat up with the metal frame supporting your back. 
You were awake.
And most importantly, you were alive. 
He had never sprinted so fast in his life; the warm pack of empanadas he brought from the cafeteria drop to the floor, the gentle ‘thud’ catching your zoned out self by complete surprise, your face softened once your gaze landed on Miguel; who was frantically patting your face and checking your vitals to confirm that yes, you are here. 
Your hand reached up to palm his that lingered on your cheek, his eyes finally settled on you, slowly taking in the fact that you were now right there in front of him. 
“Miguel,” a small knowing smile tugged at your lips, your eyes the most gentle he’d ever seen. “It’s okay, I’m right here.”
He was still so afraid, so afraid that you would just slip by his fingers again; so he held onto you for dear life, fingers gripping your one cheek and hand with the others. 
“Estoy tan contenta de que estés aquí,” You whispered. 
A soft quiver of his lips; barely there—that was when the dam broke, and his tears started flowing down his sullen cheeks. 
You panicked, wondering if you had butchered your Spanish so bad you shamed him to tears.
“I’m…I’m sorry?” You tilt your head in confusion and worry. Miguel only shook his head, a small chuckle emitted from him; as if he knew what you had been thinking. 
“Don’t be sorry, silly.” He looked up at you with those earnest eyes of his; ones that melt your heart and warm your soul. You’d taken a liking to him early on; though you weren’t sure when it started, only where it started: during a mission, when the two of you grew physically close, so close.
His breaths fanning down your face, your breathing grew heavy with each and every second; that was when you knew you were in too deep. 
You would know it’d take heaven and hell to pull you apart from this man. 
There he kneeled, lips on the back of your hand as his thumb gently caressed your cheekbone, enjoying the way hues of red spread out on your cheeks. 
There was no way of escaping it now: the pent up tension of a confession teasing the air around you both, and soon, one of you was bound to crack.
“I have something to tell you—“
“I have something to say—“
Only that you both did it at once, together.
Miguel stared at you, lips slightly parted with the ghost of his words and eyes widened, then he cracked into a fit of roaring laughter—and you joined in.
Laughter filled what was once a room only occupied by the sound of your heartbeats on the machine, the two of you clutched each other’s hand, the high soon dying down to mere giggles; as if you two were high-school sweethearts with muffled chuckles thrown at each other in the back of the class. 
You two were in your own little world, a bubble that secured around your bodies, forever molding the shape of what once was and what will be. 
Wiping away the happy tear in your eye, you stared at Miguel’s devilishly handsome face, and the gorgeous smile you oh-so-rarely get the privilege of seeing. The muted rhythm of his chest rising and falling, in sync to yours, like two lovers on the dance floor—not even the sky could stop your love for each other. 
“I love you.” 
You blurted out; sure, you were 98% certain Miguel reciprocated your feelings, but that small node of anxiety still tugged at the back of your mind, terrified that you misunderstood his gestures all these times.
But wouldn’t the words he whispered to you during your sleep be all washed away if that was true? 
It was a risk, and you took it; it was now or never. 
“I—“ Miguel stammered, his heart screaming at him to just lean in and—
—kiss you.
His lips were nothing like you’d ever imagine; it was all the best parts multiplied by infinity: soft, full of all the love he had to give, and passionate. 
The kiss lasted for what felt like eternity—part of you wished it did, and you’d be content to die like this, your lips forever engraved on his. 
Miguel swore he heard the choir sung to him, albeit with crooked notes; but maybe because he did.
He slowly turned around, and you, who also does the same.
His colleagues had been quietly watching all this time from behind the doors: Peter with Mayday in tow as she cooed at the sight, Jess and that motherly smile of hers—Miles, Gwen, Hobie and Pavitr all stood with heads peeking through the gap of the doors. Even Lyla was there, although she simply floated over Peter's shoulder, joining in on the choir; their mouths agape with barely harmonized tunes of a holy song slipping out of their mouths. Amateur at best, unbearable at worst. 
Pavitr carried with the vocals, as always. 
They only stopped once they realized they had been caught; thinking that you two were in too deep to notice that there were more guests coming. 
“What…are you guys doing here?” Miguel asked, his tone more of a threat than a genuine question.
“We got some food—“ Peter perked up, but was instantly cut off by Hobie.
“‘o watch some sappy romance, ‘ey boss man?” Hobie high-fived Lyla's glitchy hologram, the latter wearing a smirk too wide for her face and nodding aggressively.
“Do the shoulder trick!” Miles yelled out; Gwen looked at him in horror then back to Miguel, this time, it was her who was shaking her head aggressively while crossing her arms into a giant X shape. 
Miguel snarled at Miles, not appreciating the cheesy suggestion of a pick-up line while everything went so well for him before they all busted in. 
“Remember to host a Sangeet bro! Oh Gayatri is super good at doing Henna—“  
“Hey I wanna be the flower girl!” Gwen piped up. 
“No, Miguel told me long ago Mayday would be—“
“She’s not even old enough, Peter, can she even throw a fistful of flowers?” Gwen crossed her arms in protest.
“I’ll have you know she’s an extremely capable baby, right, Mayday?” Peter looked down, only to see that Mayday had once again been chewing on his pink robe like always, blabbering with spit foaming at her mouth. 
“Oh Christ—“ Jess chuckled at the absurdity of the sight, a hand on her hip and the other tracing soothing circles on her belly; just as Miguel had been doing it with your hand the entire time.
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose, a frustrated sigh knowing that the special moment between the two of you had been ruined by a bunch of nosy gremlins. 
Your hand went up to remove his hand from his face, and even with how (incredibly) noisy the room became with banters and bickering thrown around; it was all quiet with him, only the stable heartbeats of you both reached your ears.
For once, your life was complete.
Miguel glanced into your eyes, the adoration swarmed your orbs; behind them, he could see far into the future where you both exist, always beside each other like glue to a paper—with you on his hips and his on yours.
And at last, Miguel had found what he had been missing from his life. 
Author's note: Thank you so much for this suggestion Anon, it's my first one ever and I hope i did not disappoint u.u, I LOVED writing this and it got me tearing up reminiscing some fictional (sexy) mexican man. Hope u enjoyed!
ps: pls excuse the spanish i only have spanishdict as my holy grail (pls also DO correct me if needed!)
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c-h-i-m-es · 5 months
nanami kento
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pov; you as a (the) bakery owner
your bakery has been getting quite a lot of attention lately, causing you to having to work overtime. you don't really mind it though, you've chosen this career because you enjoy baking and having extra load of work isn't an excuse to not work.
it is five in the morning and you're already in your bakery to start your day. you are in the back space of the bakery where all the baking takes place. you first make a sandwich for you boyfriend for his lunch. you wrap it in silver paper and put it aside and finally get started on your work.
you take the cookie dough from the fridge along with the trays. you set them in the counter, taking out the small weighing machine to measure the dough, rolling them between your palms to make them a circle and placing then in the tray with some distance between the each of them.
almost an hour later, you've popped all the dough in the oven and now are starting to work on the cakes you have to get ready for delivery today. you bring out the batches of sponge cakes out the fridge that you baked yesterday evening.
you check your phone to look at the details of the orders before working with the buttercream. you're deep focused on your work that you don't notice another presence in the room. causing you to startle when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
you jump a little as you turn your head back to see nanami, "gosh you scared me." he chuckles, tightening his hold around you, "sorry, you looked really pretty when concentrating like that." he kisses your cheeks before letting go of you.
"i'm gonna restock the items in the shop." you smile as you nod at him, "thank you." he pats you on the top of your head and walks to the front, starting to get the bakery ready for opening.
another hour later, nanami has opened the shop while you're almost done with the cakes for the day. you sprinkle some edible glitter in the cakes and let out a long breath, "finally.." you mumble and put the cake back in the freezer. 
"i brought you coffee, darling." nanami comes in with two cups in each of his hands. he hands one of the to you and places his own cup on the side of the counter, "have i told you that i'm so proud of you?"
he says out of blue and you tilt your head with a smile, "not today." you take a sip of your coffee and place you cup on the side, before moving close to nanami. 
"no matter how much i say it, it's never enough. you really put effort and some more extra effort in your work and it never fails to amaze me. it was hard for you in the beginning, i know but you've come a long way and i'm really proud of you."
you giggle, wrapping your arms around his waist, "aw thank you kento, really. for always being there for me."
he holds you jaw in one hand and brings his lips on your. you smile as you kiss him back. slow and full of love. 
until.. the door opens with a loud voice, "y/n, i'm so sorry i'm late." you quickly pull away from your boyfriend. one of your staffs, just came in and looks between you and nanami, looking sorry for disturbing your moment, "i'm sorry.."
you chuckle, "it's.. fine." she quickly puts her stuffs on the little table, before walking towards the door that connects to the bakery, "don't worry i'm on the counter."
you look at nanami after she's gone and pull him in a hug, "i'm sorry about her." he chuckles, "i'm gonna get used to having loud people around." you chuckle, pulling away from him. he clears his throat, "well y/n i have to go get ready for my work. i'll see you in the evening."
"uh huh, see you later. have a great day." he kisses you one last time before heading out for your shared apartment to get ready.
pls i started this with one thing in mind and idk what happened to it 
mm.. nice ways to start your morning.
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Butterflies Aren't Just for Kids
Part 2 of Crushes Aren't Just for Kids
Pairing: JLU!Bruce Wayne x fem!JL!reader
Summary: Bruce hasn't asked you out yet, despite the League's interest in your new relationship. When he finally has enough and takes you away from their prying eyes and endless questions, you tell him why you hid your feelings for so long.
Warnings: fluff!!! John, Diana, and Wally get warnings for being nosy
Word Count: 1.6k+ words
A/N: Have I mentioned that I love this show? I considered basing this on The Once and Future Thing (s1 finale) but think that would be better as an independent rewrite. Also, I love Wally so much!!
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist | DC Masterlist | Request Info
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Plenty has changed since Morgaine Le Fay turned you, Bruce, Clark, Diana, and John into kids and back into adults to defeat her son. Bruce learned about your crush on him, as did John and Diana, and Bruce hinted that he’d ask you out soon. Being a superhero vigilante is a full-time job, though, and he has yet to find the time to do that.
Every time you set foot in the Watchtower, John and Diana give you questioning looks. You can tell they want to pry and hear about what’s happening with you and Bruce, but you also know they won’t believe you when you say nothing. Luckily, you still have easy access to all the hiding places Bruce installed in the multi-million-dollar space base.
While you sit in the cafeteria and eat, your thoughts drift to Bruce. He’s off somewhere fighting an alien with Clark, yet all you want is another quiet moment at his side.
“Hey,” Wally greets as he sits.
“Hi, Walls,” you reply with a smile.
“What’s up with all the weird looks?”
“What do you mean?”
Wally looks down and quickly counts the food items on his four trays. He speeds back into the cafeteria for another pudding, and you brace yourself for the wind that follows his return.
“Everyone keeps looking at you like there’s something big happening. They used to look at me like that, but you’re hogging my attention,” Wally answers.
“Sorry about that.”
“Seriously, it’s impossible to miss all of the looks. John and Diana look ready to snap every time you walk into the room.”
“I hadn’t noticed,” you lie. “I’m sure whatever they think is happening will pass soon and all eyes will be back on you.”
“As they should be, right?”
“Right, Walls.”
You excuse yourself, but not before you offer your cake to Wally. You ignore the looks Wally mentioned as you walk toward J’onn’s station in the heart of the Watchtower.
“J’onn, can you send me home? I don’t think I’ve got anything else to do up here,” you request.
“Certainly. I’ll let you know if we need you to return.”
A light blinds you temporarily, and when you open your eyes, you realize someone must have told J’onn you have a new home.
“I have got to talk to John about boundaries,” you mumble as you begin the short walk to Wayne Manor.
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A few days later, you haven’t even seen Bruce. You’ve been pining after him for years, though, so what’s a few more days before that date he said he’d take you on? As long as it isn’t a theme park, you think as you walk through the Watchtower.
“We need to talk,” Diana says as she pulls you into a corner.
“About what?” you ask.
“You and Bruce,” John answers, stepping out of the shadows.
“What is this, an intervention? There’s nothing to talk about!” you whisper harshly.
“What happened after we left?” Diana inquires.
“He took me home. If you must know, he implied that he’d ask me out, but that is it! He may not even like me anymore.”
John shakes his head with a knowing look on his face. He can read you too well to lie to him.
“Look, I’m trying to be patient and wait for him to decide, ask, whatever, but it is getting very hard to do with you two drawing attention to us! Booster Gold asked me where the boyfriend was, and he didn’t even know who he was talking about!”
“Booster never knows what he’s talking about,” John argues.
“That is not the point.”
John smirks before he asks, “So, when you and Bruce have kids, do you think they’ll look like you two did in Mordred’s kingdom?”
The door behind Diana opens, and you realize you’ve been having this conversation outside Bruce’s workshop. While he was in it.
“Stop,” Bruce demands.
Diana nudges you, and you push her away. You’ll do something, but not because she encouraged you to, because you want to.
“What?” you ask with an exaggerated pout. “You don’t want to have kids with me, Brucie?”
Bruce rolls his eyes at your reply, but John and Diana stay beside you despite his bat glare.
“Are you going to ask her out?” Diana asks. “Because we’re all waiting for you to do something.”
“Clearly,” Bruce replies. “We’re leaving. Lantern. Diana.”
Before John or Diana can speak again, J’onn transports you and Bruce away. They’re left facing each other with a few answers and more questions.
“Where do you think they went?” Diana inquires.
“I’m- I’m not sure I want to think about that,” John answers slowly. “She is my friend, you know.”
“So is he.”
“Yeah,” John says, his voice laced with sarcasm and disbelief. “Sure, he is. Best friend, really.”
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When you arrive in the manor, pressed to Bruce’s side just as you were in the amusement park, you don’t hesitate to turn and hug him. Bruce’s arms wrap around you loosely, and you step back when Alfred enters the living room.
“I’ll assume you’re the reason I’ve been getting so many dirty looks and questions from the League?” Bruce asks.
His lips are up at the edges, and you think he will smile at any moment. You can’t tell by looking at him, but Bruce feels like a kid again when he’s with you. He didn't experience childhood like he should have, so he lets himself be genuine with you. He’s done wasting time, he decides.
“You know, I’ve been fighting by your side for a long time,” you say. “But your hugs are way better than your grappling hooks.”
Bruce shakes his head and leads you toward the couch before Alfred returns with popcorn, a tray of snacks, and your favorite drink that you did not ask for nor mention. You thank him, and he winks at you quickly. He’s glad to see Bruce happy and to have visitors in the manor again.
“I should’ve hugged you sooner,” you muse as you reach for the food. “Could have been spending time here for years by now.”
“Why didn’t you say anything before?” Bruce asks softly.
“Why didn’t you?” you counter. You lick your lips before answering, “You’re important to me, Bruce. I didn’t want to jeopardize our relationship or the team, or, worse, put you in danger by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. There were too many unknowns.”
“So, you planned to, what? Wait until I said something?”
“Caged butterflies,” you whisper. “Cages don’t hold them very well. I would’ve said something eventually, but Morgaine put me in a position where I didn’t have to.”
“Then, technically, John told me.”
“You’re a jerk, you know that?”
Bruce smiles, and the butterflies you felt as a kid revive to create a hurricane in your heart. He leans in and brushes his lips over your cheek before saying, “I’ve been told… I’ve also been told crushes aren’t just for kids.”
“Jerk,” you mumble again as you turn your face toward Bruce.
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“Oh! Oh!” John yells when you step out of J’onn’s transporter and onto the Watchtower. “Someone’s glowing. How them butterflies feeling?”
“Like kids again,” you answer honestly. “I guess I should thank you for forcing me to do something.”
“Lanterns have been making dreams come true for millennia.”
“There’s no way that’s true.”
“You don’t know that. You’re not a Lantern, or a mind reader.”
“It’s not true,” J’onn calls without looking away from his console.
“Man, we need better friends,” John tells you.
“You are my better friend.”
“Save that lovey stuff for the boyfriend.”
“I thought he was Diana’s boyfriend,” you argue, tilting your head as you hide your smile.
“The ploy of a mastermind to learn the truth,” John answers with a shrug.
“You really are spending too much time with Wally.”
John stands and beckons you to follow him. You do so wordlessly, but you run into someone as you round a corner beside him. Bruce grasps your arms gently to keep you upright before dropping his head to look at you.
“Here comes the bride,” Wally sings under his breath.
You and Bruce look up quickly, surprised to see Wally has joined John, and they are watching your interaction with far too much interest.
“And that’s why we’re glad Wally wasn’t included in Mordred’s spell,” you grumble against Bruce’s chest.
“What spell?” Wally asks. He doesn’t give anyone time to answer before he rambles, “Hey, have you told her about your childhood, Bats? I mean, you’re definitely a loner now, but good luck learning anything about him; he’s one tough walnut to crack.”
“I know,” you and John say together.
Bruce tightens his grip on you before requesting J’onn send him home. The Watchtower is no longer a haven from Gotham, not with the League’s new favorite topic of conversation: you and Batman.
“We should buy a vacation house,” Bruce says as you open your eyes in Gotham.
“Yeah. In Coast City, where Ollie can find us and bring the rest of the fan club,” you joke.
Bruce stays quiet for a moment, and you begin to ask him what’s wrong, but he cuts you off.
“Get ready. We’re going on that date I promised,” he says.
“You never actually asked,” you point out.
“Will you go on a date with me?” Bruce asks.
“I’d love to.”
“Then go get ready. I’m taking you somewhere we can be ourselves.”
“Where could you possibly take me that Bruce Wayne won’t be recognized? And if you say an amusement park I will walk out right now.”
“I was thinking Metropolis. The roof of the Daily Planet. I called in a few favors.”
“I take it back. You weren’t a cute kid… you’re still cute.”
“And you still have trouble with maintaining eye contact.” Bruce leads you to the stairs and spreads his hand over your lower back before he whispers, “We’ll work on it.”
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doudouneverte · 7 months
hii, how are u?
i've been obsessed w feli but sadly there aren't many fics w her.
could you write some angst+fluff for her? reader is sad that she can't introduce felicitas to her parents, because theyre not in the picture anymore (you can choose why) and feli comforts reader, but r feels like a burden?
a/n: oh, I love this one. Sorry for the wait but school is messing with my writing time...
"It's okay, I'm here"
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Felicitas Rauch x FRAWNT!reader
Summary: based on the request above
Type: Angst + Fluff
Warning: bad parents, homophobia (homophobic parents)
word count: 3398
Back to the changing at the end of training, joy and excitement for the next game were clearly drowning the room. It will be the final of the DFB-Pokal against Freiburg. While the girls were planning things for the next day, you were discussing something with Svenja until music started to play in the room and you felt someone dragging you by the arm. You looked at them to find your girlfriend, Felicitas Rauch, visibly very excited to dance. You were exhausted and just wanted to get dressed and go back home, but her smile made you give up.
After a little dance and finally getting changed, you waited for your girlfriend in the parking lot, where you resumed your conversation with your captain.
"So, how was your little trip with Feli last week?" The German player asked.
"It was pretty cool. We didn't do anything special, but you know, with her, everything is special."
"Aww, look at you. You're too cute when you talk about her like that."
"I mean it. I don't really need to do something; I'm just grateful she's here, and I thought about..." You interrupted yourself when you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. Before you could speak again, your girlfriend wrapped you in a tight hug and left some kisses on your neck, making you giggle.
"Okay, I think I'll let you enjoy your time together. We will see each other tomorrow." Svenja told you. You just nodded before she left, and you entered your car with the defender.
Back in your shared house, you exaggerated a groan before you left your shoes and your training bag at the entrance before collapsing on the couch. Feli laughed at your attitude before she joined you with Cinnamon in her arms.
"Oh, come on, training was rather light today." She said letting the dog sit on your lap before snuggling against your tired body.
"I know, but I didn't sleep enough yesterday, so I'm very tired." You explained.
"Don't worry, tomorrow is a day off. I know the girls proposed to have lunch, but if you're very tired, we can stay at home."
"I would love that, but you forgot something." You said making her a little confused. "Tonight, Julie, come, and we also need to prepare something for tomorrow." You remembered her.
Julie was your little sister, and the next day would be her birthday—well, not exactly. She already had her birthday the day prior, but since you started to play in Germany, she always comes to celebrate with you a few days later.
Feli knew about that. At least about the version you always told her—that being busy meant that your sister always had to come to Germany to spend time with you. It was actually true, but not the full version.
"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Do you need my help for anything?" Your girlfriend asked.
"Um, I think I just have to buy eggs and flour to make a cake for tomorrow, but don't worry I-"
"I'll do it!" The defender cut you. "Let it to me. You know how much I love your sister. Don't worry, you can go pick up her, and I'll buy everything we need for tomorrow." She assured you.
"Are you sure about that? I mean, I know you can deal with everything, but I don't want to force you to do anything. We just came back from training; you're tired."
"And so you are. Don't worry; I promise you it's okay. I love to pamper her." She stole you a kiss before standing. "Okay now, come on, we need to take a shower before we go."
"I don't know if I ever told you, but I'm really lucky to have you." You said before following.
"I know, you say it every day." She commented.
"And you don't know how much it means to me." You whispered before kissing her. The defender didn't hear you, but she still reciprocated the affection.
An hour and a half later, you were finally ready to leave, and it took you only thirty minutes to reach your destination. Like expected, your sister was waiting for you, and she immediately caught you in a hug when she saw you.
"Je commençais à croire que tu m'avais oublié. (I started to think that you forgot me.)" She said after you pulled away.
"Arrête de faire ta drama queen, je viens a peine de finir mon entrainement. (Stop doing your drama queen; I just finished my training.)" You replied. "Now let's go. I have a girlfriend that I want to see." You added while you started to put her luggage on the backseat.
"Oh, come on, you see her every day." She said before taking place on the passenger side, you rolled your eyes and decided not to talk back.
The ride back was filled with laughter and pure enjoyment at being reunited. Back at home, Feli was already here, and of course the two women instantly fell in each other's arms.
"Wow, okay, I already got replaced." You said irronicaly.
"Oh, come on, don't act like that; you are always with her." Your sister said.
"Okay, I don't want any arguments today; I'm really tired, and I think we all need to have a good night. So, now girls, let's eat and sleep." Feli said ending any potential sibling argument.
"Yes, ma'am." you both said before heading to the kitchen.
The next day, you were awakened by a very excited defender, and because she had to be quiet, you found it very cute. When she realized that you were fully awake, she didn't waste more time before leading you into the living room to show you what she started to do.
"Wow, why are you so excited?" you asked her after almost tripping on your own foot.
"Look at this." The defender showed you all the decorations she made a little earlier. "I just need your help with something. But before that, what do you think about this?" she asked you.
"That's... incredible," you finished. "I didn't know you had so much talent to decorate this place," you added, really surprised.
"Thans. I didn't want to awaken you because I know that you were very tired yesterday."
"Oh, come on, babe, you know you're maybe the only person who is allowed to wake me up whenever you want." You said while you rolled your arms around her hips. "I meant it when I said that I'm lucky to have you in my life."
"Okay, now stop being cheesy and kiss me before the baby wakes up and starts to complain because we show 'too much love'." She mimicked your sister's voice.
Just after attaching your lips to Feli's, you heard someone making some disgusted noises behind you.
"I can't leave you two alone for five minutes," your sister said, making you roll your eyes. "And by the way, I'm not a baby anymore," she added.
"You need to stop eardropping, you little dipshit." You said earning a firm slap from your girlfriend.
"Okay, let's not talk about that." Feli said, escaping from your arms to hug your sister. "Happy birthday, Prinzessin (princess)."
"Oh, and now she's been called Princess; you never called me like that before." You said while you filled a cup of water.
"Stop pouting, mommy; it doesn't suit you." Your sister said making you choke on the water, and Feli blushed more quickly than ever seen.
"Julie!" you both yelled.
"What? It's your own fault to not be quiet while you....you have your affairs," she replied with a disgusted look.
"Please, someone kill me right now." Feli said this dramatically before going back to your shared bedroom.
You were about to say something when your sister's phone rang. She looked at it, then looked at you with a curious expression. You didn't have to ask before she showed you who was calling; it was your mom.
You picked up for her and quickly pressed the phone on her before leaving the room. On your way to go somewhere far away from your sister's phone, you collided with the defender.
"Hey, where are you going? We haven't given her her present yet." You didn't reply and just dragged her back from where she came out.
"I just want to cuddle with you while she's on the phone."
Feli was aware that something was strange after your request. Of course, it was not unusual for the defender that you asked something like that, but when Julie came to visit, you were always stuck with each other. Sometimes the defender felt like the third wheel, but she knew that because you couldn't see her as much as you wanted, it was logical that you wanted to spend all your time with her.
"Is everything okay?" The defender asked carefully while you were lying on top of her with your head hidden in the crook of her neck.
"Yes," you replied quickly, but without moving.
"Are you sure? Because usually you would be annoying Julie knowing that she can't do anything while she's on the phone." She said with a little smile on her face, reminding herself every time you did that and your sister chasing you around the hole house after.
"Yeah, don't worry, I just want to spend some alone time with you."
"Okay." She replied and started to play with your hair. A few seconds later, she heard someone knock on the door. "Come in." 
Julie opened the door and immediately felt bad for you when she saw you curled against your girlfriend's body. "Uh, Y/n?" She called you, a little unsure of how she should announce it. When she heard you hum, she took a rather long moment before dropping the bomb. "Mom called. She asked if I was planning to come home soon and told her that I would stay until your next game." She took a pause, letting your girlfriend be confused for a moment. "Her and dad will come to see you play tomorrow."
"That's super!" Your girlfriend sheered, but when she was not met with the same excitement from both of you, she reconsidered it.
"Svenja wants to see me," you said before leaving the bed and heading to the bathroom. "I think it would be cool if you came too; I promised her to let her know when you come to visit," you said to your sister before closing the door.
Feli stayed there, trying to process whatever was happening. She didn't have to wait too long before you came back and started to get dressed.
"Listen, I don't know what's happening right now, but you do really need to leave right now?" the defender asked.
"Don't worry, we will be really quick." You tried to reassure her with a light peck on her lips, but she could feel that you were not totally honest with that. Even if she wanted to stop you or invited herself, she knew (almost) more than anyone to not overstep things with you.
"Well, when you say that something bad happened, I didn't know it was that bad." Svenja said while you were trying to be eaten alive by her couch.
"At least they didn't show up unnacounced." Julie said.
"Why do they have to come when we play a final? They had all the season to come and be as disrespectful as they wanted; why did they choose one of the most important games?" You asked no one.
"I think you should tell her." Your captain proposed.
"I can't..." You started to feel some tears filling your eyes.
"Y/n, I agreed to keep it for myself because we were sure that they would never come here to see you, but now things are different."
You sighed and tried to restrain some tears.
"Don't worry, we will be there if you need anything." Svenja reminded you.
An hour later, you were back at home. Feli noticed the change in mood but didn't say anything, at least not to you. She waited until you went to your bedroom to take your sister apart.
"Julie, what happened?" The defender asked.
"I don't think I'm the right person to talk to you about. I think you should see it directly with her." Your sister replied. "And honestly, I think she may need your help." She added.
In the bedroom, you were curled up on the bed while trying to stop spiraling–which was almost impossible–when you heard the door getting opened. You didn't have to look to know that it was your girlfriend who was visibly worried about your state.
"Hey liebe(love), what's going on?" She asked after she sat next to you.
"I don't want to play tomorrow." You said making her more worried than before.
"Because that means I would have to see them, which I don't want."
"Who? Your parents?" You didn't reply and just nodded. She laid down next to you and cuddled you as much as possible. "Listen, I don't know what happened with them, but can you explain me why you feel like that? You are usually the one who always complains that they never come to see you play, and now you're not happy with that."
"Trust me, you don't want to know." 
"Of course, I want Y/n. They're the ones who raised you, and... they're your parents."
"They were." You stated making the defender's heart shatter at your expression. "They stopped being my parents at the moment they stopped seeing me like their daughter." 
"What happened?" She asked after a little silence.
"Nothing," you replied. Your body was slightly shaking, and you were crying again. "nothing happened. They just hate me because I... because I..." You couldn't find the strength to finish your sentence while you were remembering your sudden departure from the place you once called home.
Feli tried to calm you, but nothing seemed to work.
"They hate me because I love you." You said, and now the defender started to put some pieces together.
"They don't like who you are?" She asked, and you shook your head. She finally dragged you into a bone-crushing hug while you continued to cry on her shoulder.
"It's okay, babe; I'm here. I'll not leave you." She said trying to shush you.
"I don't want to see them, please." You pleaded to no one because you knew that whatever happened, you would have to face them.
Your girlfriend pulled away from the hug and cleared some tears from your face. "Hey, hear me out, mein liebe(my love). Even if these people don't like you, we will always be there for you. Me, Julie, and the team. And even Cinnamon and my parents too." She kissed one cheek and the other before she spoke again. "If they don't love you because of who you are, that's their problem. For me, you are the most beautiful and incredible woman who ever walked on this planet; you are perfect, and nothing could change that. I will not let some horrible people think that they can change that. I love you, and I don't care if I have to fight your parents or the entire planet to have you by my side, because I would definitely do it."
Your sobs were more calm after her confession. That was the first time someone said something like that to you. "Do you mean it?" You asked.
"Of course. And look, my parents already love you, so you don't have to care about what your parents think about us. And I was thinking that if one day I have to ask for someone's blessing to marry you, it will definitely be your sister..."
She continued to ramble for a moment until you kissed her, and she realized what she said.
"I mean only if you want, of course." She said making you laugh quietly.
"Let me some time to think about it, but I would be happy with that." 
You stayed in your girlfriend's arms for a moment until you heard someone knock on the door. When Julie opened it, she could tell that you cried a lot, but from your expression and Feli's tight grip, she could also guess that you finally decided to tell her about your past.
"Excuse me, I don't want to ruin anything, but I think we have a birthday to celebrate, and we still don't do anything today." Your sister reminded you.
The final whistle announced the end of the match, and with that, your victory. You were celebrating with your teammates when you spotted your sister and your parents among the VfL fans. You shoot a sincere smile at your sister but decide to ignore the other adults to not ruin the mood of the team.
After a little celebration in the locker room, it was time to leave. You were in the bus waiting for Feli to come, but the defender didn't show up since you left her a few minutes earlier.
"Hey, Poppi, do you know where Feli is?" You asked your captain, a little confused, not to see your girlfriend anywhere.
"She said she had someone to see, but she should be back really quickly." The striker replied, and despite your pout, there was nothing you could do except text her.
In the parking lot, your sister was talking with your parents when they heard someone coming in their direction.
"Feli?" Your sister asked very confusedly.
"Hi Prinzessin, I hope you enjoyed the game." The defender said while she hugged the younger woman. After she pulled away, she looked at your parents and held her hand, which they shook much to her surprise. "Hi, I'm Felicitas Rauch. I think you saw me play earlier."
"Yeah. We don't usually watch football; we came because our little girl wanted to see this match, but I need to say that I'm very impressed by your performance." Your mom said with a rather bright smile, and that's almost made your girlfriend feel sad to know that the smile that she loves the most came from someone who hates you the most.
"Yes, I have to say that I agree with my wife on that; your team was very good." Your father added, and the defender offered them a fake smile. Julie watched the interaction, totally flabbergasted by everything.
"Thank you. I really appreciate that, but I came to talk to you about something else." The German said, earning a confused look from the couple. "I'm Y/n's girlfriend." At those words, your parents faces changed suddenly. The bright and welcoming smile was quickly replaced by a heinous and disgusted expression. "See, I'm not here to ask for your blessings or anything like that. No, I came to tell you to never show in front of her again. You already destroyed her too much in the past, and it took me a very long time to put the pieces together. I don't know why you showed up today, but judging by your expression and your lack of good feelings for her, I don't think you're here to make things up. I just want you to leave and never come back. You ignored her for the most part of her career. I think it will not be very difficult to do the same a little longer."
"I knew it." Julie mumbled to herself after your girlfriend finished her speech.
"I don't say goodbye; just go straight to hell and leave her alone." The defender said before going back to the team bus.
Almost five minutes later, you were talking with Dom and Lena when you saw your girlfriend finally walking to the bus with an angry expression. However, this feeling totally got washed away when she saw you tap the seat next to you to indicate that you had saved her a seat. She crashed next to you and intertwined your fingers before resting her head on your shoulder.
"Where were you?" You asked quietly.
"Saying goodbye to someone." She said with a proud smile. When you nodded and were about to resume your previous chat, she grabbed your face with her free hand, making you look at her. "I'm really lucky to have you in my life, mein liebe." She said making you blush.
"I'm very lucky too." You replied. "I love you."
"I love you too."
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roosterforme · 1 year
A Love You Don't Find Everyday Part 21 The Reception | Rooster x Reader
Summary: The parking lot wedding ceremony had been perfect, and Bradley was certain the beach reception would be as well. But he just wanted to take you home. You were his wife now; somehow more precious and yet still everything he already knew he loved.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, and swearing
Length: 5400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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Bradley took you by the hand and led you toward the rocks. Your feet were aching, you were starving, and you'd give anything for one of the little bottles of champagne. You also couldn't wait to cut your wedding cake, which was currently being carried down the rocks by the catering crew.
When you took one step onto the rocks in your wedding dress and sandals, you mumbled, "Most dangerous wedding venue of the year." But Bradley was there right away.
"I'll carry you down," he whispered, and a moment later, he was slowly giving you a piggyback ride in your wedding dress while you kissed the shell of his ear. "And I'll carry you back up later when your belly is full of wedding cake and champagne."
"And Marry Me Rooster," you added with a smile.
"I did marry you, Baby Girl. I also told the caterers that it's called Married Me Rooster, just for today."
You laughed and hugged him tighter around his shoulders. "I love that!"
Bradley turned his head to look back at you. "Someday you can make it for our kids. Maybe someday soon. God, I hope they inherit your cooking skills."
You nuzzled your nose against his cheek. "And I can't wait until you have to carry me, and our kids, and all of our beach gear down these rocks someday."
"I have no problem making multiple trips, Sweetheart."
When he set you down in the sand, he kissed you softly while the small group of wedding guests cheered. Maria handed you and Bradley each a little bottle of pink champagne, and then she started chanting 'Speech! Speech!' while everyone else joined in with their champagne bottles in the air.
Bradley held you close, and you looked up at him before you turned to look at everyone else. The sun was dipping lower in the sky and shimmering off the ocean as you raised your bottle up and said, "Thank you for coming out for the fun afternoon at the beach, also known as our wedding!"
Bradley kissed the top of your head through your veil as the guys all wolf whistled. "If you're here, you're important to us," he told everyone. "There aren't a ton of you, but quality is always better than quantity, right? So thank you, honestly, it means a lot that you came today, even though we lied and schemed to get you here."
"It's a fucking scam!" Jake shouted, and you stuck your tongue out at him while Bradley laughed. "But we wouldn't want to be anywhere else!"
"Cheers!" Nat said, bouncing up and down, and you suspected that she had already dipped into the bottles in the gigantic cooler. 
"Cheers!" everyone else echoed as Bradley took a sip of his champagne before letting you taste it on his lips.
Bradley fumbled with his phone, and started up the playlist the two of you had made, connecting it to the portable speaker he asked Bob to bring. Then as the caterers finished setting up the tables of food, the photographer pulled you and Bradley away from the group. 
As the two of you made your way down the deserted beach toward the water, you took Bradley's hand in yours. The photographer followed you at a bit of a distance, getting some shots of the two of you together. "Just pretend like I'm not even here!" she called to you, scurrying to one side to take a photo.
Bradley wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your ear, murmuring, "Pretend she's not here? Is she trying to shoot a porno?"
Your head tipped back as you howled with laughter. "Bradley!" you scolded, but he just grinned and shrugged.
"It's a valid question, Baby Girl. My hands might be in some different spots if we were truly alone."
You peppered his face with kisses. "You can put your hands wherever you want later, Roo. And the entire time we're in Hawaii."
"Let me know when we can go home," he groaned. "Nobody would blame me one bit if we just disappeared right now."
"I already told you no," you whispered against his lips. "I still need to give you one of your wedding gifts." Then you pulled him along the surf as the bottom of your dress got wet and sandy. 
"What is it?" he asked, squeezing your butt. "Is it under your dress?" He tipped your chin up with his free hand, and kissed you hard. You moaned into his mouth and clenched around nothing, thinking it actually would be nice to leave now.
The photographer cleared her throat. "Okay, I guess pretend you're a little less alone than that," she said with a laugh. 
"Sorry," Bradley called out to her, moving his hand up your back. "I'll behave."
You just shook your head. "For someone in the military, you have very little self control."
"I have absolutely no self control at all when it comes to my wife," he whispered, and you reached your arms around his neck and kissed him softly. 
"Yes!" The photographer shouted. "That looks perfect!"
"You're perfect," Bradley echoed against your lips.
The sun was setting by the time you and Bradley shared a plate of Married Me Rooster, and his original assessment had been correct; nobody could cook this like you did. "Yours is better," Bradley murmured as he fed you a bite. But everyone else was gushing about how delicious it was. 
"Don't tell the others, or they will want to come over for dinner all the time," you told him with a grin as you sipped some pink champagne. 
Bradley finished off a bottle of the beer that you and he had been drinking at the Hard Deck the first night he really talked to you. He tossed it into the recycle bin along with your empty champagne bottle, and asked, "Dance with me?"
As he collected his smiling bride in his arms, Bradley called out to Nat, "Play the song?" And he was already swaying in the sand with you when Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac started playing through the speaker. 
"I love you, Bradley." Your words left his eyes stinging as you let your cheek rest against his shoulder. Then Bradley sang to you while you danced with him to a song that would always remind him of this moment.
Something's happening, happening to me. My friends say I'm acting peculiarly. Come on, baby, we better make a start. You better make it soon, before you break my heart. I wanna be with you Everywhere.  
Then your parents started dancing as well, and Nat took Fanyboy by the hand. Maria and Payback got in on it, too. Bradley could tell Jake was taking a video, and he was thankful for all of them. 
When the song ended, you sighed against Bradley's neck. "The song was too short. We should have picked a longer one."
"We can dance to it whenever we want." He kissed you, but you stayed in his arms for the next song, so he held you and danced until it started to get dark.
"We have to cut the cake!" you said as Bradley and Cam turned on the camping lanterns that Maverick brought and lined them up in the sand. 
"Do it quickly," suggested the photographer as she got the camera ready again. Bradley took your hand in his as you held onto a plastic knife and let it sink into the small, two-tiered cake decorated with red and yellow flowers. 
"Even though it's confetti cake, I still love you, Sweetheart," Bradley told you with a playful glare. At least there were strawberries there as well to mask the sweetness of the cake, otherwise he was afraid nobody would want to eat it.
"The smaller top layer is actually lemon," you said, guiding the knife along and taking the slice between your fingers. "I changed it for you." You held it out to him so he could take a bite. 
"You didn't have to do that." But he was so happy you did. He loved it when you did little things with him in mind.
You took a nibble of the cake as well, licking some of the icing from your lip. "The bigger layer is still confetti, because it's still better, but I knew you'd appreciate this." And then you grinned the most sinister grin at him before smashing the rest of the slice of lemon cake all over his face.
"Seriously?" Bradley asked, in shock as you started laughing. He was sure everyone else was taking photos of him as he scraped cake and icing from his nose and cheeks. His mustache was going to be a lost cause for now. When you tried to escape from him as you cackled, Bradley snatched you up by your waist.
"No!" you screeched as he rubbed his face all over yours. But you weren't really fighting him as your hands came to rest on his shoulders. Bradley kissed you everywhere, leaving icing smudges all over your lips and cheeks, and he figured if he got some in your hair or on the veil, you'd forgive him. 
"I fucking love you," he promised loudly as you tipped your head back and laughed. He rubbed his sugary mustache along your neck and then licked you. And you danced with him to all of your favorite songs as the stars began to shine above the beach. And slowly but surely, everyone started to say their goodbyes, and then Bradley was ready to whine for you if necessary. 
When he opened his mouth to speak, you cut him off. "Yes, Bradley, we can go home now."
"Yes!" he whispered. "I'm so excited."
"We need to clean up all of the stuff that the caterers didn't take," you told him, but meanwhile he was ready to carry you to the Bronco.
"No, we got it. Go," Cam told you, placing a kiss to your cheek. "Maria and I will clean up. And Jake is going to take your parents back to their hotel."
Bradley watched as you hugged everyone and apologized to your parents that you and he were bailing early on the weekend to leave for Hawaii. Your mom just laughed and said she couldn't be happier about it. 
"I'll stop by tomorrow morning and pick up Tramp," Mav said, reaching out to shake hands with Bradley, but he pulled him in for a hug instead.
"Thanks, Mav. Thanks for everything."
"Anytime, kid."
As you drifted back towards Bradley's arms, Jake cut you off. Bradley rolled his eyes as you hugged Jake tight. "Congratulations, Angel. He was a good pick."
"I know," you replied, and Bradley felt bad about rolling his eyes.
"You're sweet for not being mad that he jumped off the carrier to rescue me," Jake added, kissing your forehead before guiding you toward Bradley.
"Wait, what?" you sputtered, eyes wide in the lantern light as you looked up at Bradley.
"Oh, come on, Hangman!" he groaned, reaching around you to shove Jake.
"Shit, you didn't tell her? You told me you'd tell her!"
"Yeah, I was planning on telling her tomorrow during the six hour flight to Honolulu!" Then he turned to you and said, "You can't divorce me yet, Sweetheart. It's only been a few hours."
"You jumped off the side of an aircraft carrier?" you asked softly. "Into the ocean?" Bradley nodded down at you, but he didn't dare to say anything else.
"Angel, he literally saved my life, darling," Jake said, trying his best to reassure you. "I jumped the runway in my Super Hornet and couldn't get the canopy open by myself underwater."
"Jesus, Roo. You could have both been killed," you gasped, taking his sticky face in both of your hands. "That's also kind of hot."
His eyebrows both shot up. "Can we focus on the latter part of that? At least for tonight?"
You nodded. "Yes, but tomorrow you're getting a six hour lecture about Naval safety guidelines. Now take me home."
Bradley shot Jake a scathing look before he shook hands with Cam and gave Maria a hug. Then your parents were all over him as your mom kissed his cheek three times in a row and said, "You can call us mom and dad. If you want to. We would like it if you did." Bradley thought for a moment that he'd probably still want to call them mom and dad even if his parents were still alive. Carole and Nick would have probably insisted you do the same with them. 
"Thanks, mom," he told her, letting her hug him. "Dad," he said, shaking hands with your father. Then you were pulling him away from them.
"We love you!" you called as you led Bradley to the rocks. "Have a safe trip back to Maryland, and we'll facetime you from Hawaii!"
Bradley scooped you up for another piggyback ride to the top of the rocks. "We will most certainly not be facetiming them from Hawaii, Baby Girl. We won't be wearing any clothes for ten days, and my cock will be inside you almost continually."
"Mmm, sounds nice," you hummed next to his ear, and then he had to climb the rocks in the dark with you on his back while he had a boner. But the sight that greeted you when you reached the top of the rocks had you both laughing.
There was an empty pizza box in the back window of the Bronco with Just Married!!! written on it, and someone had tied empty cans of energy drinks to the back fender. 
"Nat!" both of you said in unison.
"This is just her way of cleaning out her disgusting car and making me throw away the trash for her," Bradley said as he set you down.
"I think it's sweet!" you replied. "Now take me home."
Your fingers were wound tightly through his hair as Bradley buckled you in the Bronco. "We can come back for your car tomorrow," he promised. "I don't want to be without my wife at all right now." 
And then your lips were on his. He tasted like beer and champagne and lemon cake, and you wanted more. His right hand was gently separating the slit in your dress, coming to rest on your thigh as he kissed you reverently. 
You pulled him closer until his chest was pressed to yours, and Bradley's fingers slipped inside the front of your satin panties. "Roo," you sighed as your head tipped back. "Please, take me home."
He stroked his finger along your slit once, making you cry out his name, and then he was closing your door and walking around to his. You were squeezing your thighs together as he drove with his hand up your dress once again. "I can't wait," he mumbled, checking his mirrors and changing lanes as he sped home. "Can't wait to make love to my wife."
Your moan filled the car, and Bradley muttered a string of obscenities under his breath as he turned down your street. "Bradley," you whined as he parked crooked in the driveway. 
He killed the engine and kissed you. "I'm here, Baby Girl. I'll take care of you." You watched him run around the front of the Bronco as you unbuckled your seatbelt, and then he helped you down. He handed you his keys and scooped you up in his arms. 
"Unlock the door so I can carry you inside," he whispered, and you turned the key, pushing it open. Your husband carried you in and then kicked the door shut. When Tramp ran over to investigate, Bradley told him, "Hey buddy, it's official. Mommy and Daddy are married!"
When you ran your lips along Bradley's scars, Tramp ran to the backyard through his doggie door. "That dog has a lot of sense," you whispered with a smile as Bradley set you down and started pawing at your dress. 
"He really does," Bradley confirmed. "Making himself scarce right now."
"Don't you dare rip my wedding dress, Bradley." You guided his hands to the side of the dress, and Bradley pulled the zipper down gently as you carefully removed the pins holding his mom's vintage veil in place. Bradley kissed along the tops of your breasts as he eased the dress down your body, and when he found you weren't wearing a bra, your nipple was immediately in his mouth. "Oh, god," you moaned, feeling that addicting prickle of his mustache on your soft skin. He teased you, treating both of your breasts to the same pleasure of his lips and tongue.
You dropped the veil gently onto the stairs as Bradley knelt in front of you, sliding your dress down over your hips, letting it pool around your feet. Your dress was a little damp and sandy as were the bottoms of his pant legs. But you didn't care, and Bradley didn't seem to either. 
He wrapped his big hands around the backs of your thighs, and his gaze drifted up your body to meet your eyes after he read the front of your embroidered, satin underwear. "Mrs. Bradshaw. Is this pussy for me?" he growled, rubbing you through the fabric with his nose and pressing his lips to the Mrs. Bradshaw stitching. 
"Yes," you gasped, running your fingers through his hair as he held you against his face. "Just for you."
"I love you," he whispered, squeezing your butt before pulling the panties down a few inches. When his lips met your tattoo, your eyes drifted closed. He traced the line of the rooster with the tip of his tongue while you whined for him. 
When his left hand drifted up to your waist, you reached for him and kissed his palm and his wedding band. Somehow, knowing he was your husband was making both of you a little extra needy. "Roo," you whispered as he kissed your thighs and helped you out of your sandals. Then he was on his feet, peppering kisses all over your face while you unbuttoned his shirt.
"I can't believe we're married," he rasped, holding you close with his hands at your lower back. The soft light filtering in from the kitchen lit his brown eyes and his handsome face. "I've loved you for so long, Baby Girl. Since the beginning. I couldn't help it."
You closed your eyes and pressed your lips together as you worked the last button loose and unzipped his pants. "I want you to take me to bed." 
Bradley toed off his shoes and quickly pulled his pants over his erection, leaving them in the entryway and picking you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and whispered, "Stop in the bathroom." 
He carried you to the ensuite while you rubbed yourself against his abs, and when he set you down, you grabbed a towel. You quickly wiped your legs and feet followed by Bradley's, leaving a sandy mess on the floor. Then you kissed his lips and ran out of the bathroom. Bradley followed you back into the bedroom and watched you hop up onto the bed on your knees. 
"Mrs. Bradshaw," he groaned, and you giggled as he climbed in bed, guiding you onto your back and stretching out on top of you. "Baby Girl, you're making all my dreams come true."
"Am I?" you asked coyly, raking your fingers through his hair as he kissed your breasts. "What did I do?"
"Everything," he murmured. "You did everything." He kissed all over your belly, and when he got to your underwear he looked up at you. "These are so pretty, baby," he whined as you stroked your fingers through his hair. 
"I'm glad you like them," you whispered. "Since you paid for two thousand dollars worth of lingerie for your wife, Roo."
"Oh fuck. Worth every penny," he moaned, kissing and licking you through the satin until it was wet and you were ready to beg him for more. But he slipped his fingers inside the elastic and eased them down your thighs before he balled them in his fist and pressed them to his nose. 
"Bradley, please!" You used your feet to pull him closer, reaching for the front of his boxer briefs. "I need you. I need my husband."
You ran your fingers along his cock through his underwear, and then he pulled them off before wrapping his arms around your thighs and burying his face in your pussy. As he dragged his tongue across your clit, you eased yourself from your elbows down onto your back, and let yourself melt against him. 
"I love this pussy," he whispered, sucking kisses along your slit and burying his nose in your wetness. He spread you wider as you whined his name. "I love my wife. I fucking love you." You thrust up gently against his face as he told you how much.
"Come here, Bradley." You pulled him up by his hair until his lips were on yours. You always loved tasting yourself on his mustache, and right now you were so turned on by your husband. 
He pulled back and ran his knuckles along your cheek. "I'm gonna take the best care of you. All the time. You know that, right Baby Girl?"
"I know," you told him, gasping as he slid his fingers through your wet pussy and coated his cock. Then he was pushing himself inside you, and you were already clenching with need.
"Oh. You're perfect," he promised, letting you lick his messy fingers while he fucked you. "My perfect wife, and I will love you forever." He kissed your chin, your nose and your ears, and his raspy voice was your undoing as you cleaned him with your tongue.He was fucking you, filling you and stretching you until your back arched off the bed. You were soaking wet for him. "I love you, Roo." He fucked you deeper but kept the same pace, making you crazy. He was so good at giving you what you wanted, but he always had been. Like his body was made just for the purpose of making you feel good. Like his voice and his face were made specifically to turn you on. Like his patience and love were made just to be shared with you. Like his main goal was to make you happy. 
You clenched hard around him as he rubbed his thumb expertly across your clit, and he groaned into your mouth. He pulled his lips away from you, panting. "I wanna watch my wife cum. I wanna watch you cum on my cock, Baby Girl, please?"
"Roo," you groaned softly, lips parted and gasping as your pleasure grew. "Oh god!" you cried out, your hips meeting his with each thrust as you moaned and called out his name. His cheeks were flushed, and you reached up to trace the prominent veins along his neck as he continued to fuck you so good through your orgasm. He was close now, too, and you pulled his lips back to yours, whispering, "Fill me up, Bradley. Make me yours."
Bradley wanted to make love to you all night. He could watch you cum a million times in a row and never tire of the way you looked or the broken little sounds you made. But this was something else. 
"Fill me up, Bradley. Make me yours."
You were his wife now; somehow more precious and yet still everything he already knew he loved. He laced his fingers with your left hand and kissed your rings, watching you smile and bite your lip beneath him. You were still fluttering around him when he kissed your lips and then filled you up, chanting your name with his face buried against your neck. 
Bradley fucked his cum into you until his hips slowed down. He collapsed mostly on top of you, his hand still joined with yours as you kissed his fingers. 
"Hey, Bradley?" you asked softly, kissing his neck and sweaty cheek before pressing your lips to his tattoo.
"Hmm, Baby Girl?"
You sighed contentedly. "This was my favorite day."
Bradley inhaled your scent and melted into your touch, still buried inside you. "I think the days are going to just keep getting better and better now."
You laughed softly. "I think you're right."
"Do you want to take a bath with me?" he asked and you nodded right away. "Stay here while I get everything ready."
Bradley was exhausted. It had been a long day, and tomorrow would be another tiring one. But one look at you splayed out on the bed with his cum dribbling out of your pretty pussy had his cock twitching. "Amazing," he murmured as he strode into the master bathroom and started filling the oversized bathtub. Then he pulled all of your scented candles out from under your sink and lit them, setting them around the room to make it glow. 
When Bradley made his way back into the bedroom, you popped up in the bed as he asked, "Want me to open the bottle of champagne in the fridge?"
You smiled as he scooped you up and carried you to the tub. "That's a great idea. I'm not done celebrating yet." He helped you climb in and then dashed to the kitchen and popped the bottle, which scared Tramp enough that he ran into the office. Bradley skipped the flutes and just took the bottle into the bathroom. 
He froze in the doorway as you turned to look at him over your shoulder. Truly, he had never been so mesmerized by any other woman in his life. Your skin was lit by candlelight, and the curve of your cheek drew him closer until he was touching you. "Get in here, Roo." You reached for his hand, and he climbed in so that he was facing you. You knelt between his thighs and pushed him back so you could lounge against his chest.
"Take the first sip," he whispered, and you pressed the bottle to your lips. "From now on, my wife gets the best of everything. I'm removing the word no from my vocabulary."
You snorted and handed him the bottle. "Will you buy me another exact replica of my 2001 model year car?"
"No," he said easily between two long sips of champagne, making you laugh. "Only because I think you already own the last one in existence." He wrapped his free arm around your waist and pulled you closer so that your hands were braced on his shoulders and your tits were smashed against his chest. He ran his fingers up your back until they were tangling with your necklace chain. "But literally anything else you want? It's yours."
You kissed him and whispered, "I just want you."
Bradley set the bottle down next to the tub and wrapped both arms around you while you ran your wet fingers through his hair and kissed him. You tipped his head back and devoured his mouth while you rubbed your pussy against his abs and down to his pubes. He was undeniably hard again for you as you eased your ass down to wiggle against him. 
"You feel good," he told you between kisses. "You always do."
You dragged your lips along his scars and laughed, saying, "Something about our wedding night just makes everything a little better, huh?"
Bradley groaned. You were absolutely right. It was already nearing midnight, but he didn't want this day to end. "Hundred percent."
"Fuck," you whispered when Bradley reached one hand down below the water to tease you. "I guess it's called the honeymoon phase for a reason. I feel like I don't want to stop touching you." You dragged your fingers back through his hair.
"Then don't." He stroked your clit softly with his knuckles and leaned back to watch your facial expressions unfold. First your eyes went wide, then they were half lidded. Your lips parted on a soft gasp followed by a louder whimper. 
"Did you really jump into the water and save Jake?" you asked, your voice low and shaky. "Because I'm kind of pissed at you, but that's also really turning me on when I think about it."
"Yeah, I did, Sweetheart," he replied, watching your head tilt to the side as you bit your lip and moaned. "Made sure I came back to you and brought him with me." He circled his thumb around your clit and kissed your rings before adding, "Now stop talking about Jake while I touch your pussy."
You leaned close and whispered, "Okay, Daddy," before pressing your lips to his, and it was too much. You were too much. 
"Daddy loves you, Baby Girl," he promised, guiding you down until he was slipping inside you. Your eyes fluttered closed as he filled up your pussy. You rode him slowly, rubbing your clit against him each time you bottomed out while Bradley sucked on your tits. 
You moved your hips just the right way, slow and steady, until you were both panting. "I'm so close," you whispered, your lips catching on his with each word. You rode him, head tipped back, whining his name to the ceiling in the candle light, and Bradley was helpless to hold back. He came hard, fucking up into you as you squeezed him tight. 
"Fuck," he gasped, leaning back with his eyes closed, trying to catch his breath. When he opened his eyes, you still had his softening cock cradled inside you, and you were sipping the champagne from the bottle. "My god, you are every single fantasy I have ever had, come to life."
You giggled and wiped away some of the bubbles from your chin. "Sure," you said with a shrug.
"I mean it. You really are," he told you with a nod. "And you married me." He knew his grin was huge as you pressed the bottle to his lips.
"Hey, let's just live in the honeymoon phase forever," you told him with a ridiculous expression on your face. 
"You got it."
You and Bradley were still talking and touching and kissing well into the night, as if prolonging falling asleep would mean the day wasn't over yet. The only problem with that was the fact that you were still naked and stumbling around the kitchen, trying to make coffee at ten o'clock the next morning, when the doorbell rang. 
"Bradley?" you called, but he was already walking out from the bedroom. At least he was mostly dressed in a pair of jeans and an undershirt.
"It's probably Mav here to pick up Tramp," he said, pausing to kiss you. He squeezed your butt and then smacked you softly. "Go hide in our room."
You ran down the hallway and started to pull on some underwear and leggings when you heard Maverick talking to your husband. "Husband," you whispered, giggling as you got dressed in one of Bradley's old shirts and adjusted your glasses. 
Maverick smiled when he saw you, and Bradley turned toward you with wide eyes, as if you'd just decided to come out here without getting dressed first. 
"Thanks for taking Tramp. And for marrying us. And for keeping our secret." You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he hugged you tight for a beat. 
"Amelia and Tramp are going to have a great time together," he promised. "Do you need anything else while you're gone?"
"No," Bradley replied, clipping the leash to Tramp's collar. "Thank you. Couldn't have done it without you."
Mav shook his head. "It was my pleasure. You have no idea how much that meant to me."
You waved from the door as he took Tramp out, and then Bradley was wrapping his arms around you and kissing you. "It's honeymoon time," he growled. "I'm packing your fancy wedding shoes. I need you to wear those for me again, Sweetheart."
"Any other requests?" you asked, spinning in his arms to face him.
He smirked. "You already packed your two thousand dollars worth of lingerie?"
"Yes, Bradley. It takes up an entire suitcase."
He bit back a moan as he said, "Then I'm all set."
Let's follow Roo and BG and the suitcase full of lingerie to Hawaii. Thank you @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls for everything.
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chaisshitposts · 9 months
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Write A Letter To Yourself To Find The Answers You Want. || 'Dear Subconscious...'
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have ya ever had a problem at hand that ya just couldn't figure out a solution to? it's such a deeply perplexing problem that ya just decide to shrug it off and maybe 'sleep it off.' and so, ya do just that... and maybe in the middle of the night, or as soon as ya wake up, or maybe even two days later in the middle of a totally unrelated task, ya get a random idea, a random thought, or perhaps a random solution that was the answer. that was yer subconscious, answerin' that problem ya were so stumped on.
which got me thinkin'... why haven't i considered askin' my subconscious a direct question? ive seen this happen in movies before, usually with— people who have DID or MPD, or perhaps someone who sleep walks, or suffers black outs. I've seen people leave notes and messages to themselves.
why haven't I just written a letter addressed to my subconscious and let it solve everything for me? why haven't I asked my subconscious to show me the answer or give me the answers I need to tap into being in the state of pure consciousness? the letter is personal to me, and my subconscious knows me best, so why the fuck wouldn't I trust what it has to say? i already do muscle testin' to get my yes/no answers, I already do fuckin' tarot readin's on myself— so... why not do this? can't believe I haven't done this yet.
and with that thought, I got my handy notebook, sat down at my dining room table, and got to writin', starting the letter off by saying 'dear subconscious...' I spilled my most vulnerable guts afterwards and the rest was history.
I'm gonna tell ya right now, full transparency, I wrote to my subconscious about how much I want to enter the void state/I Am State and asked it for clear signs in my letter, I told it to give me the answers I want in a way that only I could understand. an experiment worth while... originally, i wasn't gonna post this but then i got my answers and i wanted to share this with ya lovely folks of this lil' dandy community.
I bet you're wonderin' what was the answer I got from my subconscious. I got multiple answers, as terrifying as that is, and I cannot even fathom how I can explain them properly. All I know is that I feel unwavering peace in all aspects of my life. but if yer really curious, I got a message in a tarot readin' video and through the spinoff of adventure time that just came out, not too long ago on max. Fiona and Cake. the shit they say in the show is... I can't even explain how it made me feel, just finished watchin' the entire series today. it was everything I needed to know, I asked my subconscious for an answer that only I would understand and what would ya know... i love musicals and animated shows/movies, and behold, i gotta damn combo. i definitely recommend it to my fellow manifesters!!! they literally talk about how easy it is to create yer own REALITIES in the damn show... that's what we fuckin' do!!!!
how do I write a letter to myself?
address yourself a letter as 'dear subconscious' and then get to writin'. you're literally sendin' yerself a letter, say whatever ya want in it, write yer secrets, write yer fears, write yer dreams. ask yer subconscious whatcha need to do to get yer dream life guaranteed and ya shall receive. some people may not like the idea of this but, what's the harm in a lil' conversation with yerself and findin' out the answers ya need. It can especially help ya if you've been strugglin' for a while, 'specially with all ya folks out there who've been on yer void journey for multiple years. what better way to get yer answers than to speak to yerself through yer own mind... wah, that sounds fuckin' coconuts but I stand by it.
essentially, this is just a combo of commandin' yer subconscious and scriptin', that's not hard at all. and who said ya gotta handwrite it? ya can type it out on yer phone or even yer computer if ya want, do whatever feels good and allows ya to write out yer guts and frustration. after that, ya can relax and see what happens next. that's all in this post! thanks for readin' and I hope ya get the answers ya seek! until next time!~
p.s. this ain't a challenge, it's just another way to get to know what you need to do to accomplish your dreams as the individual creator of yer reality. you'll know when yer answers come. hell, might even come to ya in the middle of the night or even in a random movie in the form of a quote that is far too relatable to yer situation ya decided to sit down and watch one day. kinda like what happened with me... hehe.
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jadeazora · 2 months
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From the games: Ghetsis having N's Dragon in USUM. This man's Hydreigon could solo N's whole team, packing moves that were super-effective for each member. At best, N's life is constantly under threat by the Triad to keep the Dragon in line, but we all know Ghetsis isn't above murder. It's definitely possible he could have killed N and took the dragon as a trophy.
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In the side series: aside from the implied people-boiling in Masters, almost getting executed by Dusknoir's pack of Sableye in PMD Explorers, all while your partner, who had looked up to Dusknoir and put a lot of faith in him, is pleading for Dusknoir to explain himself. You would have been literally shredded to death by Sableye's Fury Swipes. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
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In the anime: Coco's parents getting run off the road by Zed and him leaving them to die in a fiery explosion, with getting away with it for almost a decade. He also thought he killed an infant. Honestly, the AU movies had been pretty heavy already between that one kid whose Luxray froze to death protecting him and the old woman whose Snubbull burned alive, but that just takes the cake.
Also, how Lysandre manipulated Alain into working towards "peace", only to reveal his vision of peace meant many people would die, and thanking Alain for helping him pull it off. Imagine being 15-16, and told you're culpable for genocide, despite being completely in the dark on what was actually intended. (Plus, it's clear that Alain had a lot of trust in Lysandre prior to all this.) No wonder the kid has a major breakdown after.
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In the manga, several moments. There's Lysandre and Malva falling onto sharp rocks, ending up in a bloody pile, and for a while, I had assumed he had died from that until the full chapter release (a few years later) revealed he just took extensive damage to his spine. The entire XY chapter, honestly tho. Like, the way they play Flare for every ounce of paranoia the games missed out on. The kids never feel safe, and can't really trust anybody outside their little group. And even that gets tested later due to Essentia's holographic disguises.
Then there's Matt siccing his Sharpedo on Sapphire and Flannery, who are already drowning, apparently having gotten bored waiting on them to asphyxiate and deciding to make it a bloodbath instead. And Maxie burning Norman's corpse in front of Ruby, Norman's son. The RS arc is just about as bad as the XY arc in terms of trauma.
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toji-girl · 3 months
Happy Sat \o/ How do you think Toji and Shiu would react to someone hitting on their very pregnant s/o?
my polyship and reader being pregnant? sder oh, please I am so in love with both of them 😭😭 it's Sunday but I hope you had a wonderful Saturday!
tags: pregnant! fem reader + protective husbands! toji + shiu + polyship + suggestive at the end
Toji and Shiu were on you like bloodhounds as soon as you found out you were pregnant, and you thought before was bad but now they won't leave you alone for a moment in case you need them.
They took turns or shifts is what you'd call them when one was at work the other was with you, and on the rare day both men were home you took advantage of that and went out to town for the day.
"I think maybe we should bake a cake, mhm, a strawberry pound one with a sweet icing, oh that sounds so good." You moaned as the three of you strolled under the warm sun that bathed you in a golden glow.
Toji and Shiu shared a knowing look.
Your cravings shifted from salty to nothing but sweets and all you wanted was fresh fruit or some sort of dessert and if they were able to add them together then they knew you'd lavish them in kisses.
That's how you ended up in the store twenty minutes later standing in the aisle looking at the boxes of different cake flavors, your eyes scanned each one as you looked over at Shiu who stood next to you.
You scooted closer and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I love you how you're so protective but you can go with Toji. I'll be okay." You told him as he glanced at you debating on it, he didn't feel comfortable with it.
But Toji was close by looking at cribs and other things for the nursery that needed a few more touches before it would be finished. "I don't know if that's a good idea, sweetheart," Shiu replied looking at you.
He couldn't help but return the kiss, however, this time it was on your lips. "You two are my shadows, it would be nice to have a moment alone. I can't even take a shower alone, which I don't mind because I have two sexy husbands washing me but please for now, leave."
Shiu opened his mouth ready to argue before kissing you again respecting your wishes and letting you pick out whatever you wanted for dessert while he made his way over to Toji who asked why he left.
Both men took their protectiveness over the top a little, especially Toji who had issues controlling his mouth or hands whenever he saw a man close to you. "I didn't know they sold sweet snacks like you."
You looked next to you to see a man standing there in a business suit, a box of cookie mix in his hands, his eyes shifted down to your swollen belly and ring but that didn't matter to him none.
The stranger took a step closer only to be stopped by Toji, who grabbed the back of his neck like a dog in trouble, causing Shiu to step forward and stop it before it got out of hand. "My wife isn't somethin' to be sold, so why don't you apologize to her?" Toji's voice was low as he let his fingers curl into the man's shirt turning him.
He looked at you with wide eyes full of fear and shock. The man knew he couldn't do anything but apologize and scurry off when Toji let go of him to step closer to you wrapping his arm around your waist.
You couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at your husband's display but you also took pride in knowing he was your protector and wouldn't let anything bad happen but you also knew he needed to chill. "We're both going to get an ear full later," Shiu told you kissing your cheek when the three of you walked out to the car.
"Maybe a mouthful too." You teased and kissed both men with a giggle.
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mortiskiller · 9 months
Ruin The Pig
Content warning: This story contains extreme fat shaming, non-consensual weight gain, health play, and death feedism.
I am going to ruin you pig. I told you that when we first met up after you spent weeks begging me to feed you and use you.
You were lying in the hotel bed naked after I stuffed and pumped you full of 10K calories in a few hours, you were so small then, barely 300 pounds. It was cute that you pretended to be immobile while I fed you. Listening as you played the panic up and begged “fuck fuck fuck we have to slow down! I’m getting too big I don’t want to be trapped in bed!” I would silence you by shoving a messy burger into my face a shush you, "Shut your dumb fucking mouth and eat." I said forcefully but calmly, I saw the acceptance and submission wash over you as the realization that no choice is being offered but to eat and like a passive cow as you let out oinks and weakly pawed at my crotch.
I remember that fat ball gut you had, so small compared to now. That was pure surface-level fat, pushing your organs down, putting pressure on your GI tract, and making it harder for your body to pump blood. You are at a point where every new pound of fat is a step toward utter and complete obesity.
We would meet up every few weeks and you would pretend your arteries were clogging already from an absolute binge of cheese and grease, that you I loved only wanting the cheapest unhealthy slop. Preferring a ketchup-slathered triple cheeseburger and a pile of chocolates to some fancy steak and a nice cake.
I remember the first time you panicked and begged for me to slow down, right after you hit 690 pounds. I had woken you up for your 2 a.m. funnel session, I never let you sleep for more than 4 hours without eating till you passed out, I say, "Get up and walk to the scale.", pointing to a large black metal livestock scale in the middle of the room. Your mind was weak from being fed nothing but junk, weed, alcohol, and the hormones mixed into your slop. You throw your heavy flabby arms up to gather enough momentum to heave your billowing body up. I watched as nothing happened, you tried again. Again your body moved not an inch off the bed, all you accomplished was shaking the sea of lard that was your body.
Your face flushed with sweat and burned red as you strained your body, but you were stuck. Attempt after attempt, after an attempt to lift yourself, grunts and wheezing fill the basement.
A minute later your eyes went wild, and my hand on your chest felt a heart racing faster and faster.
I see that panic, it makes me hard. You are locked in now. A complete loss of agency and now you are nothing. I own your life. Any money, anything you own is gone. All you have is my pity.
Pity that feeds you.
Food and nothing else.
I told you my plans now that you were a helpless fucking lard-ass NEET in my home.
1. Hormones to make you the perfect pile of shame. Bury your dick in fat, widen your hips and tits, make a perfect pussy for Daddy to fuck.
2. We are starting an Only Fans! You get to be my immobile plaything that I take every sadistic desire out on, and I get all the money.
3. Some more feeders are going to stop by and have their way with you. You are my toy to loan out to other feeders and chasers.
I lean into your sweating, beat red face, and put a hand around your neck roll. "You are just a waddling weak whore doing what I say till your bloated wrecked corpse is left in a hotel room covered in cum and food, got it?"
As you opened your mouth to answer, I shoved the funnel in. You asked for this pig. 
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heartthrobin · 1 year
your kiss carries me home
javier peña x female!reader
wc: 1.1k
warnings: none, just fluff
an: this has been sitting in drafts for eons but i thought y’all deserved a little sm sm while you wait on the Hotch fic :)
summary: every day is harder than the last, but Javier’s got you to kiss him drunk as soon as he steps in the door and that’s more than he deserves.
The light in the hallway outside the apartment had stopped working, it steeped the entrance in darkness.
Javier's eyes flickered up to it. He'd been meaning to put in a new bulb for almost a month now.
He didn't know why he was so bothered by it. The apartment wasn't his own, not really. It had been DEA appointed and the rows of apartments down the corridor belonged to colleagues who's faces he passed every morning but who’s names he couldn’t be bothered to remember.
He'd felt weird when he asked you to move in - considering it wasn't really his own place - but you bounced on your toes with a soft “really, Javi?” on your lips and kissed him like he'd invited you to Buckingham Palace. The logistics of the matter were quickly lost on him. 
Evening wind whistled through the corridor and unstuck the hair that sweat had plastered to Javier’s forehead.
Yellow light peeked out from underneath the door, you were home. He could hear you rustling around the kitchen: cupboards closing and plates clinking.
A wave of guilt washed over him. It was almost midnight.
You'd probably waited on him to eat dinner. Every day he promised to be home earlier, and every day he managed to arrive later.
He reached to scratch at his top lip, where the bristly brown hair sprouted out under his nose, and sighed. It had been such a godawful long day. A narco had run him down what felt like the full length of Bogotá and they’d lost another informant he’d been using to monitor Pacho Herrera.
Javier’s eyes dared a glance down at his state: his cream button up was caked in dust, sticking to his chest with sweat, and he reeked like a tobacco shop. He knew how you hated the cigarettes. Javier was coming home to you a mess, as he did every night.
It scared him that it wasn’t enough. The late nights, the cigarette smoke, the broken hallway light. That he wasn’t enough. 
The sound of a distant crash pulled his gaze back up to the door, it was followed by a faint "shit!" and he smiled.
God, all he'd thought about all day was you.
About getting home and crawling into your arms and tasting your lips. About your hands and how they would trail down his back and feeling the rumble of your giggles when he kisses your neck.
You never complained about his tardiness, only wrapped your arms over his shoulders as if every night he was returning from war, and told him you missed him.
The thought was enough to urge his hand over the door handle and it squeaked as it twisted. The door pushed open, it was unlocked.
Cool air rushed over him, the AC was cranking loudly in the corner: fighting to ward off Colombia's heat of the night.
"Javi?" Your voice carried from the nook of the kitchen. The smell of food was wafting after it and Javier's stomach nudged at him in hunger.
He set his gun and badge carefully on the counter before following the sounds of dinner being made. "Baby, it's me."
The kitchen was small and you turned from where you'd been mixing something in a pot on the stove to look up at him, he thought he might melt through the floor at the look on your face.
Your smile tugged on either end of your mouth and the fuzzy yellow light made your eyes sparkle.
"How many times do I have to tell you to lock the door when I'm not here?" In two steps Javier had you between his large hands, squeezing at your hips and pulling you against him so he could stare unabashedly down at your face. His tone was playful. "Hm?"
"I'm sorry..." you grinned, "I left it open so when my boyfriend arrives he can come right in."
Your eyelashes bat up at him and Javier wondered how he ever managed to look away from them.
"Oh, yeah?" He inquired, tilting his head and pulling you closer against him. "And where is your boyfriend now?"
Javier felt your hands slide down his back and into his bum pockets. You shrugged, playing along. "I don't know. He said he was going to be here by nine, but he hasn't shown up."
"Is he always such a flaky asshole, your boyfriend?" His tone was gentler now, less playful, concealing a soft apology.
Your hands slipped from his backside up to either side of his face where your thumb ran softly over his top lip. "Most of the time, yes. But I love him so it doesn't matter."
Javier pressed down against your lips tenderly. You tasted like the white wine that was sitting in a glass not too far down the counter and the pasta sauce warming in the pot.
"I'm sorry, baby." He whispered against your lips.
You shook your head, kissing him again. "You're here now."
Javier's hand tightened on your hip and licked at the seam of your mouth. His tongue slipped in and he didn't think he'd ever get over the little sounds you made.
The first kiss you'd shared had been a menagerie of melodies that left Javier's head spinning for hours afterwards. He'd known just then that you had to be his.
The hands cupping his face moved to drag scribbles against his scalp with your long nails and he was sure he was dying and dreaming and melting all at once. 
He guided you carefully until you were leaning back against the countertop. You pulled off him with a slight pop, never wandering to far: close enough that you could offer short sweet pecks to his glistening red lips, wet with your saliva.  
"I thought about you all day." His words slipped out like hot steam from the mouth of a kettle.
"You did?" Your fingers twisted the curls at the base of his neck. "Shouldn't you be thinking about catching bad guys and keeping Colombia safe from narcos, mi amor?"
He let out a chuckle. "Not when I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world at home waiting to kiss me drunk as soon as I step in the door."
The blush that chased over your cheeks made Javier's chest bloom with pride. Knowing that he could do that to you with just his stupid words.
"Eres demaisiado suave, Peña." You tutted, the grin of playfulness ever present. "Es muy peligroso."
"Just for you, baby." He swooped down for one more taste at heaven, sighing as your teeth caught his bottom lip before straightening up. "I'm starving. Let's eat before your boyfriend gets here."
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w1ldthoughts · 8 months
House Call
Series Masterlist
Synopsis: Zoey gets sick and Jack comes to Miami to take care of her.
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Everything hurt and she was dying.
Ok…that may be a little dramatic but Zoey couldn’t remember what it felt like to not wake up with a skull crushing headache and a smoker’s cough so…things weren’t looking great. But the real icing on the cake was telling Jack that she couldn’t make it to Louisville this week because of her untimely illness. The universe gave her the most stable relationship of her entire life and took away her ability to breathe through her nose. He giveth and He taketh away. Life is all about balance.
At least that’s what she was telling herself while maintaining a steady diet of lemon tea with lots of honey and cool berry cough drops. She was on day two of waking up with all the bones in her body aching, feeling more sore than she did last month when her best friend dragged her to a pilates workout in a sauna which was by far the worst 30 minutes of her life. This was a very close second.
She was woken up from her second nap of the day by footsteps that sounded eerily like they were coming from her kitchen but that must’ve been the DayQuil playing tricks on her. The footsteps continued moving about, placing bags down on the counter and opening things like her cabinet and the fridge. Zoey must have been dreaming because she swore that she saw Jack walking into her room before this intense wave of exhaustion took over.
Jack on the other hand had been worried for the last week. Exactly seven days ago his girlfriend had been sniffling on the phone while they had been discussing her Louisville trip. Then two days later when he called her and her voice sounded off and scratchy, he knew something was up. But when she canceled her trip? He knew he had to do something. The fact that she was feeling sick enough to not be able to travel to come see him was all he needed to get on the plane and get to her as soon as possible. As soon as he landed he got into his rental, grabbed the essentials and headed over to her apartment complex. All of the lights were off inside and the only sign of life in the place was the cup of orange juice in the sink and a thermometer on the counter. When all of the stuff he brought with him was put away, he headed into her room to check on his patient.
Zoey woke up feeling a little worse than before, a coughing fit jolted her out of her less than comfortable sleep. A curly haired figure rushed in soon after, placing a hand on her sweatshirt covered back, rubbing large soothing circles onto it. He handed her the freshly warmed cup of tea in his other hand which she greatly accepted, taking careful sips.
“You okay? Do you need me to grab you anything?” Jack eyes, his eyes full of concern with a hand still on her back. Maybe he was rubbing it more for his own comfort now than hers.
She laughs, leaning her head on his shoulder. “What are you going here? I thought I saw you before I went to sleep but I swore I was dreaming…or in heaven.”
“Well I’m more of a handsome devil than an angel I think, but I’ll take either one.” He says with a giggle, placing a kiss on her forehead, humming sadly at the warm feeling of her feverish skin. “Come on. We’re gonna get you in a lukewarm bath so you can relax.”
In all of her relationships she was used to being the caregiver, the one to drop everything anytime her partner ever needed it. And now to be on the receiving end of the care was new and kind of made her want to cry. Or maybe that was the Vicks VapoRub that he’d lathered onto her chest and neck.
After the bath, Jack helped her dry her hair and carried her back to bed even though she told him repeatedly she could walk. “You changed the sheets. And they’re warm. Aw Jackman, you’re the best boyfriend ever.”
“I do what I can.” He beams. “You stay right there I made you some food so I’ll bring your food in here and we can watch Ugly Betty.”
“I love you.” She whispers, her body melting into the bed. Harper hopped on to the bed as soon as Jack was out of sight, purring happily at the warm sheets and blankets.
About half an episode in, he came back with a bowl of chicken noodle soup, blue Gatorade and fresh bread from True Loaf Bakery. He set the platter on the bedside table and fluffed her pillows for her after helping her sit up then gently placed the tray in her lab while eyeing the cat seated firmly at her side. Zoey patted the spot next to her on the bed, welcoming him to join.
“Nah,” he shook his head, crossing his arms like he was preparing a temper tantrum. “I’m not sitting with her in the bed. She’s always spreading out her little body so that I’m practically scooting off the bed. I know she does that shit on purpose cause she’s jealous.”
Zoey looks down at the cat sleeping peacefully next to her and laughs, putting her spoon back in the bowl. “You guys both need to be nicer to each other,” she pats the cat on the head and gives them both a stern look. “Please don’t make me choose between the two of you because if I do…Jack you’re outta here.”
“Wait forreal?” He gasps. “You’re—you’re not being serious are you?” Jack sits on the bed, on the other side of the cat and gives his girlfriend his best puppy dog eyes. “Actually you know what, don’t answer that.”
She nods and finishes her food, cuddling into Jack’s side while the show continues to play. “Thank you for coming to take care of me. You really didn’t have to do all of this but I’m glad you did.”
“You know I’d do anything for you, my sicky baby.” He laughs, placing a short kiss on her cheek. “You feeling any better?”
With a yawn, she nods slowly, her eyes feeling a bit heavy. “Much better already. Probably because I have the best doctor in the entire world at my disposal, I didn’t even know you made house calls Dr. Harlow.”
“Only for you Zo. My favorite patient,” Jack runs a hand across her forehead and is pleased that she’s a lot less warm than she was when he arrived. “You should get some sleep baby, I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“You promise?” She asks, the cold medicine and sleep were starting to take over.
“I’m not going anywhere…ever. I promise.”
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