#It's literally because of Studios Greed.
curiousorigins · 1 year
Man, I just really miss when they bothered lighting things on TV Shows and in Movies. Like the shadows were beautiful and everything had more depth.
Now they just brighten up everything use fills and like add shadows after.
It looks cruddy. Maybe because with all the post-darkening it's too much work to make them move when things move? Like they're doing their best, but nothing beats a scene that was lit properly in the first place.
I'm watching a no-name B-Horror Movie from 2005 (This was right before they started lighting everything cruddy and doing it in post.) And I'm 3 minutes in and it's just so much more beautiful than what's on TV and what's in Movies today. Like I can think of one movie that had particularly good lighting, and that's "Ready or Not". Probably because it was an Indie Movie and the people were filming in a historical place and were required to light it very carefully. (Similar to what happened with Woman on Fire which was also quite beautiful and an indie film.)
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lizardsfromspace · 8 months
One of my fave narratives of the writer's strike was watching every studio-friendly Hollywood news source go ":( this movie was delayed due to the mean ol' strike", meanwhile random Wallace and Gromit-obsessed Twitter account DiscussingFilm would include "because studio executive, [executive name], refuses to pay workers fairly out of greed" on literally every piece of news, no matter how tangential to the strike, and anyway I'm pleased to see they're still at it
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wc-confessions · 2 days
I’ll do a full breakdown of why the news surrounding the Tencent animation disappoints me.
Disclaimer: while you can have criticisms about Tencent as they seem to be a controversial company, don’t use it as an excuse to be sinophobic. If your thoughts ever go to “well of course a Chinese production would suck” or something of that ilk, please stop right there. The main issues are corporate greed and laziness, not China. Got it? Time to carry on.
Firstly, it strikes me as more of a proof of concept than an actual announcement. It’s the most minor problem IMO, so I’ll let them off the hook. They probably wanted to make sure people knew it was being worked on.
Secondly, AI. Warrior Cats is an art-centric community; it’s no wonder fans are pissed. I don’t like AI art, you - a (probable) Warriors fan reading this - likely don’t like AI art, your father doesn’t like AI art, everyone here doesn’t like AI art. Which means I’m going to argue on a more technical side. Looking at the confirmed and possible AI art, I have a question. What do they achieve? They don’t fit with the style of the hand-drawn illustrations, they resemble galaxy cats in space, while that Yellowfang generation is just a bootleg of the reprinted Rising Storm cover. Their existence in the presentation is a waste of time and resources (literally, AI prompts use up absurd amounts of water). I’d rather them show exclusively human art because you can tell they’re going in a direction, even if it’s uninteresting.
Speaking of the presumably human art, oh boy. To start off mildly positive, I’ll say a majority of the illustrations are decent. You get some character designs and scene concepts. They’re clearly playing with art style. I don’t find them particularly ugly, so… good job! I suppose! Now, to address the elephant in the room: anthro cats. For the love of StarClan, I’m begging on my knees, don’t make these cats anthro in the final product. It would fundamentally break the entire series. They call humans “twolegs” for a reason! Go work on the Redwall movie if you want anthro animals.
Finally, my last concern. As of writing, there hasn’t been confirmation of the Tencent animation being a movie, TV show, or other. My opinion on a TV show is “it’s fine.” Warrior Cats is a long series, making it suitable that it gets a longer adaptation. Meanwhile, my hope for a Warriors movie is as big as a single grain of sand. 
Warrior Cats is borderline unadaptable when it comes to shorter-form media unless you want to dish out a pretty penny. We can already see this with the Prophecies Begin graphic novel; it’s transparent HarperCollins or whoever is in charge of these things didn’t want to pay for six TPB comics, so they had to hastily mash two books together in one. If the Tencent animation is a movie, I’m afraid some concepts already have signs of this. Multiple pieces have what can be assumed to be Fireheart and Tigerclaw fighting. I’m sorry, but that happens later in the books. Are they going to scramble the narrative worse than the graphic novel adaptation? Are we seriously going to wait 20+ years for an official animation, watch at least one high-profile fan project get canned, only for it to be about as accurate as evil snipers in an action movie? If it’s not a movie, ignore what I’ve said. If it is a movie, sigh.
TL;DR: Should’ve made the Little Dragon Studios series official instead of forcing them to cancel, guys.
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surgepricing · 4 days
You really don’t know anything about profitably.
First if it wasn’t profitable then viz wouldn’t buy the ip from wb. Because people usually only pick things up if they see dollar signs with the current state of things. 2) barb said it was expensive not not profitable but your dumbass doesn’t understand that and misinterprets what she said. The Wb cut rt because the greedy owner of the wb could make more money for himself. It’s call corporate greed someone who seems to be an activist should be outraged.
Kerry wants to continue what he built with Monty so if the new writers weren’t onboard with the current story (you know the one he started with Monty and would like to see through to honor his late friend)doubt he’d be onboard. you all claim to care about Monty’s vision a reboot with new writers who didn’t know Monty personally to give whiners who hate the show would be against that. You also complain about the writers giving into fans demands, doing this would prove that you were wrong and they’d be giving into fans demands by dropping the current show to do what rw/de wanted. Cutting bmlb for blac/ksun which is weird considering you seem to be a lgbt person or ally. Let the og show finish then maybe they could do spinoffs.
My dude, in the gentlest of ways, you are missing the entire point of why I made the post:
Do you think every single series VIZ owns generates profit? I don't think you have an idea of how many IPs VIZ owns that literally no one has ever heard of. Warner Bros is even bigger and they are certainly not drawing a profit on every single IP they own. It doesn't matter, because the ones that are profitable draw in big fucking numbers.
RWBY is not one of those series. If it was, then oh-so-greedy Zaslav, who you twits have made into your latest villain, bearer of all sins and evils, would have kept it. Zaslav and Warner being greedy fucks who would cut RWBY for not lining their pockets enough, and RWBY being genuinely successful and attractive as a property to the point of VIZ desiring it for those purposes, cannot both be true. VIZ is not magically more compassionate or altruistic than Warner, they're both corporate studios run by thousands of people.
I mean, I don't know why you pursue this line of thinking anyway. Y'all rallied behind Crunchyroll and Rooster Teeth, and both of those went belly-up, too. Why do you suddenly think this will be different?
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Something that does genuinely concern me is the possibility of the Duffer’s being a major conflict of interest when it comes to supporting the strike out in the open. They’re not just writers but also producers and the show runners. Arguably they have the tightest relationship of any production to Netflix, and so just knowing that they’ve always been very much intertwined, are they going to be willing to voice their support for the strike, beyond just being WGA members who likely voted in support of the strike? Like even the cast, complete silence. I know that it can be hard for a lot of reasons, but the complete silence, besides that one writer who posted about it, has me side eying the situation as it’s unfolding.
For the last few Friday’s, they’ve been active posting about stuff, and so are they going to keep that going by posting today, hopefully something to agknowledge the strike, or are they going to just act like nothing is going on and carry on with Easter egg like content? Or worse, are they not going to post at all and so we won’t even know what to think?
It’s just so weird bc they’ve known about this strike for months now. They’ve known about it when they’ve been stringing fans along with little things over the last month. And now, silence, at a time when silence is not the best choice, especially when they are the hugest show in television rn. The duffers coming out and saying something about putting pressure on Netflix would actually have the capacity to get something to happen, and yet they don’t… and it makes me think they’re a conflict of interest bc unlike their writers, they get paid A LOT!
And when it comes to filming starting, I’m concerned that just because they have the first few scripts written and finalized, the Duffers are just gonna say fuck the strike go through with it and start the production for those earlier episodes, either without any writers present bc they’re on strike and so no rewrites, meaning we’re risking the quality not being as good as it would be with them. Or worse, the Duffers are gonna go cross picket lines and scab, and rewrite the scenes themselves essentially going against the strike and their own writers to side with the studios that want it done…
Like I want Stranger Things filmed as soon as possible, I really do. But I also am a little bit unsettled by s5 being soured just knowing they chose a route that sided with corporations and not the writers getting paid mf crap while they are in Netflix’s pockets.
Even though I’m skeptical, I’m still hopeful that they’ll say something, maybe the st writers Twitter will make a statement for all the writers, including the duffers to show their support. But just considering how quiet it’s been, I do wonder how they view the situation.
Do they think it will be over at any moment, without their interference and so they’re just waiting for that? Are they genuinely being advised to say nothing, including the cast and so that’s going to be the case until this is over (if it’s even over any time soon).
Like wtfff is going on in their brains I need to know what they’re thinking about all of this.
Bc them being silent all throughout or even worse doing the exact opposite of supporting the strike by literally starting filming anyways against all of their writers best interests, would be the worst possible course of action. The final season won’t be remembered for all the love and dedication put into it, it’ll be remembered for the greed. And that pisses me off bc the writers don’t deserve that! This is their baby and they’re literally out here risking it all to have a live-able wage, only to be undermined at the risk of everything. It fucking sucks.
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Actually, on the subject of pilot Vox and how he is more confident and collected.
That weirdly reminded me, I was, at one point, humoring my own 2P stuff with Alastor and Vox. I remember in the AU, I called Alastor Apricot (because his color scheme is orange) and he was a lot more tech savvy than canon Alastor as he has and had the habit of breaking things down because he was curious on how everything worked. His radio tower in the hotel is filled with broken machines and weird organic stuff too, like jars with embalming fluid with weird stuff (eyes, plants, organs, etc) in them and bones and skulls littering his selves. The reason he ended up in hell was because he legit tried to create disturbing human and radio hybrids/cyborgs in the name of science and his radio show, when alive, was like a Sci-Fi horror thing (think the Twilight Zone). He was a lot more bubbly and chaotic, semi forgetful. He is realistic yes, but he does believe in Charlie's dream. Also know he wasn't a cannibal, not for good moral reasons, but because it be a waste of materials.
As for Vox, I remember painting him as more cold and distant. The literal embodiment of lifeless TV. Basically like, the greed behind major studios and tech companies. You know, like the embodiment of how robotic a lot of things have become. He rarely emotes or even expresses emotions, besides maybe a grimace. I think I remember Val and Velvet being very put off by him? I think. I do remember his color scheme was very grey and silver, modern but like in the cold robotic way. I think also maybe he had a human head and the TV head was something he could put on? Idk remember that well as Apricot stood out to me more, but I know for the fact this 2P Vox had like hair (i think). You can tell I barely remember him as I didnt bother giving him an alt name.
I think their dynamic was a smidge different. I think. I vaguely remember Vox being annoyed at Apricot more because he saw him as destructive and childish, while Apricot saw him as more stuck up and assholeish. I think something about their dynamic was about living here the present while remembering the past vs being blindsided by the future and forgetting what you have currently.
Other Details I remember -Apricot is missing limbs, he has a steampunk prosthetic arm and leg. -I actually can't remember if Apricot was an overlord or not, I know he was feared as the Radio Demon still so I think he was? -Apricot is the only one who manages to piss off 2P!Vox -Apricot would build this radio bot things for his shadows to posses and move around with. He could also just turn into a deer and would do so to escape if in danger -2P!Vox's lair was a lot more grey and silver and very clinical lookin compared to canon
And that's really all. Thought I share this weird chaotic idea of a 2P AU and now I shall //goes back to focusing on Radio Guard
-⚔️ anon
Apricot is amazing and I love everything about him, how does your brain come up with so much amazing and creative stuff I'm legitimately in awe
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ilovepannacotta · 7 months
Manga def gave me a much higher appreciation of Izumi than brotherhood did because like? watching brotherhood and she showed back up again after a long time and I remember being like “I feel like this is supposed to be more important than this is coming off as, but I guess it’s nice to see you again Izumi??” Although I was definitely always on the lookout for when ling would finally pop back up. I declared him my fave the literal episode before he became greed so I was Starved for a while 😭
03 though… I’m not a hater of 03, I can appreciate what they did and how they did it with what little they had to go on at the time, but it’s just not the right vibes for me to sit down and watch (and not just because ling isn’t in it). I did read a synopsis of the story though, and it definitely did some things very interestingly and I kind of find it like some fascinating case study!! A sort of darkest timeline case study. I probably would’ve had a deeper appreciation for Izumi if I had watched 03, but I also think it was Foolish of studio bones to just assume people who were watching brotherhood watched 03 or wanted to watch 03.
First, I want to apologize for the late reply 😔
I completely agree with you. Izumi in Brotherhood feels just...not important??? I mean, I love that woman but they did a terrible job trying to make her relationship with the Elric Brothers some kind of found family idk how to explain it, maybe I need to finish my re-watch but I think they could do more with them because it is really sad how distant they are in Brotherhood compared with fma03 or the manga as you said. AND YESS I was like you, reaching for more a more of Ling's scenes and they give me ✨ nothing ✨ after the GreedLing introduction.
Fun fact: I hated Ling the exact moment the appeared on screen for the first time, but then when he fought with Bradley I was like "Oh man, he is such a great character!!!" AND BOM, GREED TOOK HIS BODY AND DISAPPEARED?!!!
And about fma03, I understand you. I mean, I prefer the original plot, the characters in the mangahood (Ling and Van Hohenheim) and I prefer the homunculi and Father as villains than Dante. I watched first 2003 because I thought Brotherhood was a second season and when I started it I was so f confused. I like to think that fma2003 is a what if or an AU fic, so I can enjoy both of them (or three counting the manga). But yeah, there are some things that they included in fma03 but were removed in Brotherhood and I don't understand why they thought it was a good idea.
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imminent-danger-came · 5 months
" it's okay to ship her and Chang'e but not Mk and Syntax" please tell me where that happens. No really. Shipping literally anyone with chang'e starts a fight because she is supposedly suppose to stay forever devoted to Hou Yi. Even shipping her with macaque or spider queen is seen as culturally insensitive
I presumed that the "Chang'e X Mei" anon had actually had this experience in the fandom, taking them at their word. It sounds reasonable, as there are misogyny and infantilization issues within the lmk fandom.
When it comes to Chang'e, there are many versions of her myth. In one version, Chang'e stole the elixir from Hou Yi and ascended to the moon so that she couldn't be followed, in another, she took both pills of immortality out of greed. You also have adaptations like Over the Moon, a film entirely about coping with grief and accepting death and moving on, which was produced in association with a Chinese studio (if you want to learn more, watch this great video by Xiran Jay Zhao!). So like, it's just not culturally insensitive. Being Chinese isn't a monolith
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
ayo! Anon who talked about that One Filipino Character Viv made (I’ll probably stick around, so just call me Studio Anon to track things) here, just wanted to air out some thoughts of the writing/worldbuilding/designs Viv had made because shitting on them is funny and it isn’t like she’ll take any criticism on them.
Something I always asked or wondered is like… where even is HB? Like, location-wise. Sure it’s hell, but… they never really specified the ring? Is it pride? Is it some other ring? I remember the whole travel-by-elevator system but I don’t exactly remember where it takes place…. It’s pretty problematic if the viewers of a show forget where the supposed main place of the ‘plot’ is placed. Because of that, it’s hard to figure out where everything else is in my head- Loo Loo Land is in… Pride? So does that mean HB is in Pride? Why have hellborns in Pride if overpopulation is an issue there…?
Also, why are the citizens of hell limited to imps and hellhounds? And yes I know there’s like, succubi and whatever those shark demons were (and as a fish enthusiast, it’s pretty telling if even they forgot those types of demons existed in the world), but they’re basically just imp bit different(tm). It’d make sense if there were different kinds of oml but we never really see that, so that was a waste.
Like, if gluttony had a beehive aesthetic you’d expect to see some bug-imps or something, not just straight up imps (they’re probably the crew’s impsonas but come on, it’s pretty sad that it was just Imps and Dogs in hell- kinda puts a bad idea that dogs go to hell or something tbh.)
Don’t even get me started on the designs of the sins, like wow.
When you think of these big, scary embodiment of sin, you’d want them to be a little threatening… right?
Apparently not, in Viv’s mind.
Like yes, it’s fun showing off the sins having more than one personality than just their sin, but that’s literally all they are. They don’t act like their sin. You know that Viv excuse- they’re in hell. Let them be awful? It’s not hard.
Sucks that the only embodiment of sins we’ve sin are just: imp but white (Lucifer, also kinda Mammon), bird (Asmodeus), or furry (Beelzebub). I don’t expect any of the other sins to be any different, I just wish that they could be the embodiment of sin and be a good character (not good morally, but decently written, but I doubt that’d ever happen), not just written out to be a total asshole so the uwu-good-sins can be all nice and cute.
It’d be cool to have a Greed vs. Lust battle, both having strong feelings of attachment to something/someone but no. They talk out their silly stupid feelings, eugh.
(Do let me know if you’d want to hear more of these thoughts- I’m a writer and designer myself and I absolutely love trashing Viv’s work because I can do better because I learn stuff.)
Pretty sure I.M.P. headquarters are located on Pride, which is how sinners are able to access them. Apart from that, yeah, it's a clusterfuck and a half.
By all mean, keep sending those thoughts! They're good thoughts!
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muchymozzarella · 4 months
I'll say it before and I'll say it again - if you only bring up Activision Blizzard's crimes when the devs make something new for Overwatch to accuse them of "distracting from Blizzard's crimes", you never actually cared about Blizzard's crimes or their victims.
Because they don't need to do SHIT to distract from crimes that gamers don't actually care about.
How do I know this? Well, because I actually track the progress of the union every time they report a crime out of Actiblizz and now Microsoft, as well as other game studios, and if Blizzard released new content for PR every time there was a crime or gross misconduct they committed, we'd have 20x more content
Also to bring this out every time the devs have done some work or are proud of something and then fail to mention every time someone's been laid off in the gaming space... it's transparent. It's like those "what about International Men's Day" from dudes who literally never care about Men's welfare at any other time.
At this point Actiblizz's labour violations and other crimes are no longer unique, with the gaming space being rife with layoffs and CEOs lining their pockets with the profits. The acquisition of Actiblizz by Microsoft was DISASTROUS but the CEOs and yet a good chunk of gamers were celebrating it anyway.
Using them as a gotcha doesn't really work if you're already not playing the game unless you're actually taking steps to pressure ActiBlizz/Microsoft's bottom line--including their other big games.
If all you're doing is bringing it up to harass the devs who still somehow have jobs, ESPECIALLY because this mostly comes up when there's queer characters or rep involved... better to just shut up.
Or actually get involved in pushes to unionize and radicalize the gaming space. Or even just support indie devs or the devs who've lost their jobs to corporate greed.
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jisreal64 · 4 months
Hey I have a question, is it wrong that I hate the Disney short film Once Upon a Studio and prefer Wish over it as the superior centennial celebration of Disney? I think it’s one of the shorts that Disney has ever made, not only because of the Wish hatedom and its popularity, I also despise it because it I find the premise of the film generic and stupid; it’s literally just generic Disney crossover number 1,000 and people over praise it (even though they’ve made similar crossovers like House of Mouse). The reason I think that Wish is better is because I’m one of the very few people who unironically thinks that the movie is a masterpiece, it has beautiful animation, a great soundtrack, and unforgettable characters. It’s also a rare case in which employees were protesting through their work. The movie is meant to be a metaphor for Disney itself, with the kingdom of Rosas representing Disney, Asha is meant to be someone who grew up with Disney and now works at the company as an animator as either an intern or a low ranking animator at either the main studio or PIXAR, and Magnifico is meant to be the company higher ups who went mad with power as a result of their money and greed who uses others as an excuse to make themselves more powerful (like the Onceler in the Lorax). The only other time I can think of artists biting the hand of the people who were feeding them was in the video game Super Smash Bros Ultimate, where the devs vilified both Nintendo and its fan base in the form of Galeem and Dharkhan respectively. And what’s worse is that apparently the people who were working on the movie were treating it like it was a passion project, and if you don’t believe me, here’s a Reddit post from one of the animators who worked on the movie (courtesy of @/starsha-stardust ):
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This is genuinely depressing, a bunch of people work on a passion project, only for it to get viciously torn to shreds by film critics, Disney Haters, Toxic Disney Fans, and the internet. I feel like if the movie was made by a different studio than Disney then it would be universally praised (especially if it was an indie animated web series), but since the 2020s are basically the golden age of the Disney Hatedom, they’re treating it and every other movie made by Disney and PIXAR as films that are on the same level of quality as the movie Food Fight. I refuse to watch Once Upon a Studio because of these people (and in case you’re wondering, the theater I saw Wish at didn’t show the short before the movie) and I probably never will unless these people change their minds and say they’re sorry. Don’t get me wrong, if you don’t like it and have a valid reason for not liking it, then that’s fine, but if you don’t like it because it wasn’t an incestuous love story between the ghost of a recently deceased 100 year old man and his 17 year old granddaughter, then you should go seek therapy. But at the end of the day, do you think I’m being too harsh on OuaS?
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hazbincalifornia · 9 months
Hazbin Episode 1 Liveblog
In order to avoid this post getting Way Too Long, I'm going to make one post for episode one, and one for episode two!
I will say, I'm kinda sad we don't have a 'proper' theme song/intro, just the little jingle :( I do get it, but ah well.
Oh my god the commercial is even better in full.
How the fuck did he get Charlie to keep the name if it was still him???
Al's so fucking offended they're making him use a camera he made it one giant middle finger. I love it.
The voices are definitely going to take a bit of adjustment. It's probably because I've rewatched the pilot a zillion times, though.
I like how Alastor didn't even look at Angel. "Never going to happen!"
Awww, Charlie's ringtone for her dad is cute.
I DO really love Keith David as Husk right away, he suits the role perfectly.
"I like being forced!" and I love you, you weird little gremlin. Hoping for some good CNC stuff with her now, tbh. She'd be fun for it.
The flat delivery of 'crack is expensive' made me wheeze out loud.
Aaaa and here we go, full animation for Happy Day!
Why... why is the 'shoving barbed wire in your hole' guy an imp. Is that, like, his job or something. Is he just an asshole?
Ooooo, that was VAGGIE singing the 'bloodthirsty and deranged?' line? More fodder for her being a fallen angel/exterminator.
'Helluva post' for the mail. Ha.
This just made me fully realize how much the cannibal colony probably considers the post-extermination like a feast day.
Awww, the music note background is a fun touch.
Something about the fact that the 'touch my parts!' guy is a completely shapeless slug-creature instead of just keeping the dick offscreen makes it funnier.
Oh, I love Adam. The fun kind of punchable prick.
The animation seems a bit... overacted? I've noticed it all along but with Vaggie in the scene where she talks about making a new commercial especially. It sort of felt like they wanted to match the pilot's very snappy energy but weren't quite sure how, so everybody makes kind of... aimless motioning instead of moving with purpose, if it makes sense? It feels more like 'moving body parts for the sake of moving things' over 'moving with intent'. It's sort of awkward and distracting. The shifting proportions don't really help, but I just know people are going to be Fucking Annoying about that when it's unfortunately part of the package of making a whole season at once by a regular animation studio.
Oh yeah, Blake's perfect for Angel, lmao. It was more of a change than I expected from the few lines we'd gotten since they sounded more like the original, but he's got the energy.
Charlie didn't know Adam ran the angel army? That seems like the kind of thing she should have known. I wonder if she was relatively sheltered growing up.
'Call me dickmaster' why do I get the feeling the Chaz fans will like him, lmfao.
Since I'm on Adam though, another little groan to myself about the lack of fat characters in the hellaverse that aren't either gross stereotypes or background characters. Adam falls into the misogynist type, (like, the 'redditor', you know the one, just sort of mixed with a sleazy rockstar) Mammon's literally Greed and a talentless abuser, the lady at the pound was gross/uncaring and ugly, and I still think the Nurse was the only one that really broke the pattern and I've seen approximately one piece of fanart or mention of her ever (despite her clearly-developed positive relationship with Barbie!) and it was porn. I'm allowed to bitch on this after people were so fucking annoying about how wanting Bee to be fat was wanting her to be a 'gross ugly blob' and then saying other people were being fatphobic for pointing out everybody's skinny. Somehow. Anyway.
Well, at least they got the vagina joke out of the way early.
I love how his deal isn't for anything that would genuinely screw Vaggie over, he's just pissed they want him to deal with TV.
The fact that the pilot's still 'soft canon' makes sense with how Angel just immediately starts admiring his new clothes without any surprise, since it's happened before. Also, Niffty with the Marilyn pose is cute.
Oh, I'm definitely going to like Lute. I still like my idea she used to be close to Vaggie but when Vaggie was cast down, she stuck tighter to the rules.
Adam's song is fun!
So season 1 takes place over the course of six months? Huh. I'm guessing we'll have some time skips if we only have eight episodes.
I wonder what the Heaven Embassy is for? I can't imagine it's only for meetings like that considering there's couches in the lobby and stuff. Can sinners communicate with loved ones in heaven or vice versa, maybe, just using the holograms?
Oh my god the Katie voice IS basically just Brandon's Bryce voice. Amazing.
Ohoooo? VERY curious who managed to pull off killing an exterminator, and 'can't let them catch on'... hmm.
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Hello again...Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 10) favorite moments from any anime (can be series or movies) or manga or if you want, from any media that you love? Thanks if you want to answer.....(Hope you don't mind to get an same from the same person)
Hello again!
Of course I don't mind keep the questions coming. :D
As for my top 5-10 anime moments this was honestly a little easy cause if something clicks for me it tends to stick with me for a long time but here are some just off the dome.
One piece: I actually read this is the manga but in the Skypiea arc during the fight with Enel when Luffy rings the bell and Noland's ancestor hears it, confirming that his ancestor wasn't a liar and then you see the giant silhouette of luffy in the sky that was and still is definitely one of my all time favorite one piece moments. I don't like the whole of Skypiea I feel like it went on for a little too long but the emotional arc of that arc is definitely my favorite. Runner ups;
Raising their X arms for Vivi
Burning down the WG flag for robin
Luffy putting his hat on Nami's head
Bellamy seeing Luffy again in Dressrosa and saying he believes now
Obviously when ace gets free in a cloud of fire
saying goodbye to the going merry
On the sea train whenLuffy tells Zoro to cut it and Zoro just smiles like a maniac and cuts it
Luffy stopping Doffy from stepping on Law
That one shot from the anime where gear 5 luffy looks like a demon coming towards lucci
Any time a sword comes down and zoro is right there to block it
I really like the phrase drums of liberation I don't know what to say One piece has been going on for a long time and Oda is very good at drawing moments.
FMAB: Obvious one and a little basic but the moment where greed just before he fades away looks out at the crowd of people and goes "yeah this is enough" jesus christ.
Mob Psycho: This one actually has like 3.
The first is at the end of season 1 when reigen gets mob's powers and tells him he doesn't have to fight that he is a child and it's not his responsibility to make up for the faults of adults and then immediately goes on to just shame the adults of the evil organization because like y'all are kidnapping and torturing kids because of some childhood trauma? grow up and get a real job. Hilarious.
In season three after dimple brainwashes Mob to leave as he goes on fighting the fake mob in the broccoli and that just a beautiful sequence that I dont relaly want to spoil but when Mob gets home and it really just clicks that dimple was his first friend god it was beautiful
And finally obviously I would be remise to not include Reigen running after a ramapaging ???? as the world literally falls away and is destroyed around him.
Weathering with you: If you haven't watched this I genuinely recommend it was made by the same studio and directer that did Your Name. But yeah the scene where they are falling out of the sky holding hands it would be impossible if it did not make this list.
How do I put down the whole of My Neighbor Totoro?
Boy and the Heron: I don't want to spoil the movie but the scene at the end when Mahito has to get out of the tower as it implodes and his last talk with the girl saying I'll see you in the future god this doesn't make sense but watch the movie its a beautiful sequence.
Demon Slayer: Of course the set your heart ablaze scene has to make the list. But the line that really stuck with me is when he told Tanjiro to always keep his head up no matter what people think about his journey to save Nezuko. He hadn't even gotten a chance to properly talk with either of them before shit went down but he saw the good she did he saw how hard they fight and he is the first person to say out loud that I believe you I think what you are doing is good and kind and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. God when he sees his mother. Please just kill me.
MHA: Every single sequence between Eri and Mirio especially the first fight scene where He gives Eri his cape and when they are at the concert and you see the darkness be lifted from her shoulders. Its such a shame we didnt get more of them.
Fireforce: God I hate the fanservice in this show and I hate that exceot for Maki everytime a woman gets in a fight she somehow winds up almost naked and posed very sexually submissive and it's so weird cause it feels like sexual violence and I could go on and on about how this show does a disservice to itself and it's female characters but I can't deny that the scene where Shinra bursts through the roof as Tamaki is literally taking a serious beating from the dude she looked up too and yeah beautiful moment. Also its a really fucked up dynamic but its also really interesting and poignant but Kurono being the only one to understand what Takkun needs in the moment to stop his rampage was just like wow. A Place Further than the Universe: The girls finding Shirase's mom's laptop and them watching the emails come in and its proof that her mom was loved I mean come on. The whole show is great. Erased: The entire opening sequence. The twist and the fact that I learned that the actual english translation of the Japanese name is : The place where only I am missing. Which is a banger ass name. I honesly could go on and on things tend to stick with me for whatever reason but yeah I'd recommend watching anything on this list. But thank you for the ask this was fun!
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Thank you for reposting and for your comment on how Barbie marketing has become about Ken!! I feel it’s so important to always make sure that studios and their greed-focused marketing doesn’t overshadow the true essence and beauty of what the movie is, despite how that’s only really being used to make money, but still important to address.
Especially when I see it because I’m literally just a Ken fan blog but I don’t want it to seem like I’m being hypocritical in that I can have my ridiculous Ken fantasies while also recognizing those are completely separate from the movie itself and how the movie makes me feel and how important it is and what it means to me 💗💗
Absolutely! And I don’t get that from your blog at all. I’m also a Ken fan girl and I love getting lost in the fantasy of a man completely obsessed with me and so supportive it’s ridiculous. The Barbie movie can be about women empowerment and we can absolutely thirst for Ken, I totally respect holding space for both 🩷 the media is really the big culprit here, I don’t blame any blog or person individually! The only ick I get is when fanfics (NOT yours!) make Barbie out to be a menace to Ken or a complete antisocial sociopath to make Ken more sympathetic. And again, anyone can write their characters how they want, it just still makes me feel icky. I absolutely love Taste of You and your take on having Ken run into Barbie in the fic. She was still allowed to be awesome and kind, but he was still allowed to feel awkward and uncomfortable around her and about what happened. I loved it 🩷🩷🩷 sorry this was super rambly but I want you to know I love your blog and your fic and please know thirsting for Ken is our right, the way media is making the movie all about him is what’s whack.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
See, here's what fans also don't understand, realistically.
Right now, the strikes have been going on for long enough that the streamer pipeline is already running dry. Studios are pushing back volumes of movie releases, whether silver screen or straight to streamer; some are even already done but still being moved back due to lack of advertising method and the general PR on it, and they know they can't just stunt on Barbenheimer logic forever. Especially not as the public gets more and more woke.
They snowballed investors with apparent cash flow last round but it's all from inability to order product. Without product, there is no profit. Now, studios dumped a fuckton back into other takes that are just systemically crippling themselves as they move forward.
But thing is, they've shot themselves in the foot, analysts are mentioning how foolish the studios feel internally having thought their old tactics would work, in this new digital age. It isn't working.
Even if they came to the table TOMORROW, and gave the guilds everything they want, they have utterly fucked themselves for the next Year, Easily.
Like, you gotta keep in mind how much double booking there will be. Some big releases will end up delayed up to two years now. Sets, crews, actors, etc are all gonna be busy as hell once this opens up. Investors are starting to realize this too. Studios have been trying to position to hold up their Q3s enough to look like they have it in control, but various press slips and reaction of guilds and the public have just made it highlight worse, and CEOs of companies like WB simply aren't structured to take this. Not because they can't afford the union raises--they absolutely can if the suits take reasonable cuts to their salaries--but because WBD for example has 50B debt, trashed ESG scores, inability to pull classic loans, and are risking giving majority shares to investors waiting to essentially buy them out a piece at a time, there are investor vultures hovering the sickly bodies of WBD while Zaslav yells to the sky that it's fine and he has it under control. Knowing if people started writing new shit TOMORROW it wouldnt even hit production till christmas and release till spring, these studios have essentially assfucked themselves into a year without content. All from stubborn pig headed corporate greed which is going to do several of them in.
WBD is already cracking. They've watched active [point and click] fallout of their stocks or investors off of simple conversations, or have other investors going, wtf are you doing, you're not even just hurting our investment with you, you're fucking up the entire economy and my entire stock portfolio. No, you're not gonna blame the fucking workers.
That's why they're whispering about coming to the table again. Their attempt to spin this on the strikers has utterly failed and now cities are sending them comptroller letters and legal omens about damages. That's why the ~boycott was never ~officially announced. WGA/SAG doesn't need to be on the receiving end of those letters. The studios do. The ~boycott will happen naturally as their shows melt away and people unsubscribe to not keep paying inhumane streamers. That is literally the entire point of stopping content lines, and fandom is heehaw making donkey noises pretending they can't hear it so they can keep watching shows and enabling studio comfort But the end result is the same. If fandom refuses to listen to the guy running for leadership to replace the president This September, Very Conveniently, like. That's fine but please try not to embarrass yourselves later pretending it Just Now Magically is what the guild wanted.
Stop enabling each other, and stop enabling studios. You are on the wrong side of history here yall.
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
Maybe I’m being pessimistic but I have completely lost all hope for house of the dragon and really any ASOIAF tv series that may come in the future. At first I was sort of neutral bc season 1 wasn’t complete dogshit but the more I think about it I realize there were a lot of weak points and really weird/annoying directions they took the plot (ex. Ryan’s weird insistence that daemon killed rhea even though the book doesn’t imply this and in fact it doesn’t really make any sense). And then I keep hearing all these awful things about season 2 like that they spent so much time arguing back and forth about the plot and eventually had to have someone else come in to fix it, also that there was falling outs between showrunners and grrm (specifically that grrm was unhappy with what was happening to the story), then that it was reduced to a measly 8 episodes, and now rumors that plot points that were so gravitational to the story like nettles are being overlooked (which I can see happening considering they have to cut so much of the plot to have only 8 episodes)… it’s so disappointing and reminiscent of the last seasons of got:/ to be fair, I feel like this is not solely an asoiaf issue, I’ve heard a lot of similar writing/production problems with other shows where executives and showrunners are just far too prideful and big headed combined with greed and they just completely shit all over a potentially good story.
While I hope that the strikes going on might make have an effect on this sort of problem in the future (secondary to affirming labor rights ofc), I almost wish that they would just scrap all these asoiaf shows rather than ruin the story and that grrm hadn’t agreed to let these writers and show runners do it in the first place. I’m not a diehard believer that the source material is a pure golden holy grail but it’s definitely better than this. I remember seeing all those interviews of grrm in the early got era where he would talk about how he turned down a lot of writers/showrunners because of how important it was to him for the story to be told right and he needed people he could trust to do that…. How ironic that is now.
Far be it from me to be the one to talk you down ...
But, I think going in somewhat cynical is perfectly fine. However, I wouldn't box yourself into a corner or give yourself no way out. It might surprise you.
Check it out, some of the best material in entertainment was made under fire. Usually the rule of thumb is that if everyone is having a good time on set, that usually means that its going to be shit. But if everything is going haywire and they lose shooting locations and episodes (literally) it forces creativity to the forefront and pushes the bullshit to the side to get across the story as economically as possible.
Sapochnik's clown shoes ass was given every resource imaginable that his tantrum throwing bitch made douche-baggery could imagine, and his lack-of-creative vision nearly got the show panned. You had actors so comfortable, so assured of their bullshit, they the nearly ruined a quintessential moment in the show (Episode 8 dinner scene) that had to be saved in the editing room and cut around their dip-shittery.
This time, they don't have that luxury, and no one - especially the studio - as the patience for their bullshit. It's all a garbage fire and they're making it work with shoe strings and chicken wire. There's just no time for people like Sara Hess's ideological indulgences.
So, I say, give it a chance - it might surprise you.
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