#It's my girl! my little blorbo! She looks absolutely amazing!!
cookierunauprompts · 4 months
Hi, I'm that anon who sent that really long ask about Golden Butter Cookie and the toybox level and story a few posts back.
Just thought this would be funny to send.
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I tried draw GBC here so I hope you like it.
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gretahayes · 1 year
☕ + favourite dc heroes! drop your list bestie <33 and tell me why and what you think of them <3333
Okay SO this took me a while to write but in no particular order, and definitely non-exhaustive
Nightwing!!! He's my boy. Absolutely unhinged. So kind. Love him! Could on about him for hours
The Flash (SPECIFICALLY Wally’s Flash though, because look. LOOK. I love Barry. And he's an amazing Flash. You can tell he was created a while ago, is all I'm saying.) because like he's so fascinating and such a complex character. He fully believes in his capabilities and is an asshole about it sometimes because he believes he worked for the mantle and others (cough cough Kyle) were just handed it. He also believes Barry was a better Flash than him and he isn't doing the mantle justice. Like...he's such a dumbass but his life is as stable as a superhero's can be, with the job he loves and his lovely wife, twins, the unborn baby, a nice house, and a family he adores and adores him back. Disaster of a man.
Whatever alias Tim is going by at at given point. He's my little guy I love him <333
Literally anyone in YJ now that I'm thinking about it. They're all so blorbo shaped...dumb teenagers with the world on their shoulders
This sounds like such a fucking cop-out, but Robin. Everyone to ever wear the mantle in main continuity (IGNORING Carrie and Jarro. I dislike Jarro for very petty personal reasons that have nothing to do with his merit as a character and Carrie is just...there to me)
Wonder Woman! I love Diana, she's such a strong, brave, kind, and determined character and genuinely amazing. Nubia though 👀 I need to pick up one of her comics sometimes because she looks amazing and she's black like me?? Gotta check her out soon.
Tbh, Wonder Girl, Cassie and Donna both. Do they have much of a canon relationship? No idea. They're sisters to me though <3
Batgirl!! Esp the main three; Babs, Cass and Steph. I just feel they each made Batgirl their own and embodied the different aspects of it so well while keeping the core things the same; Kindness, Bravery, Resilience. (Though Babs growing into Oracle is just as important to me as Dick growing into Nightwing)
Starfire, she's kind and complex and sweet and brave and gorgeous and also completely down for murder at any given opportunity, which is iconic of her.
I would say Roy and most of his aliases, but like there's been so much stuff done to his character that I can't pin one down to say it's my favorite. Him being part of the fab five generation with little Lian is essential to me though
(ask game)
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sometipsygnostalgic · 10 months
16 for the violence ask game 🔪
Thank you Jagm, I can always count on you to choose violence.
16 - you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
This is a hard one to answer because I absolutely understand why people like most things, at least in the things I enjoy. I consider myself to be very good at analysing what makes media and even fanfic feel good.
The main problem is that my answer deeply ties to every other question on this bloody post!!!!
But with She-ra, this largely ties into romance.
With Entrapdak I don't like the Suave Hordak trope. To me he's not suave at all, I don't like it when he calls Entrapta "Starlight" which is a popular thing people came up with. I prefer a straight up abundance of autism with my Entrapdak. Hordak calls Entrapta "Entrapta." and Entrapta calls him "Hordak!!!!" and nicknames are for losers.
With Catradora I don't like that people remove Catra's fangs. This is probably my answer to every damn question on that post. Why do people mischaracterize Catra as a pathetic little blorbo who is a victim of everything and is mildly tsundere. This is what Hordak should be-- okay ignore that, I have my own issues with Hordak's blorbification especially in canon-compliant fanfic. But in fanfic AU scenarios, people love working with S5 Catra in her final form, they don't bother touching on dysfunctional earlier show Catra, nevermind her S4 self. If I write a Catra-focused AU I think I'm going to focus on that broken version of her.
What is the obsession with characters having kids? Okay I know that we are all gay and gay people having kids is a fantasy but, fucking hell, raising kids is HARD. I don't think "this relationship is so much richer because they had children who look like a cursed crossover of both characters". You can agree with me on that one, right Jagm?
Oh and finally I don't like that everyone has decided the romance is UNAMBIGUOUSLY set in stone. I blame Nate somewhat for this because he basically word-of-god canonized all the unconfirmed romances. But specifically I think of Entrapdak. It's a good reading but it doesn't need to be romantic to still be one of the most amazing dynamics in the show. Same for Scorfuma, a lot of doors have been opened for them and I'm sure they're falling in love, but it doesn't mean they'll settle down immediately and have flower babies. Queerplatonic relationships are good and valuable too, as is intense platonic love. These characters still prioritise each other.
With Adventure Time, it's the way everyone wants Finn to have a GF at the end. Who gives a fuck!!!! The entire point was Finn learning about his own strengths and weaknesses without fixating on the next girl. He is now able to stand on his own two feet and he isn't going to wallow in misery because he isn't smooching someone. After all, Jake is his soulmate, nobody else.
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wwillywonka · 4 days
wwillywonka's Interests
(links are in red)
-here is my super long, super detailed list of the things i blog about. if you read the whole thing, you're amazing and i love you. thanks<33 -a more comprehensive list of my interests can be found here. i update it often. -please for the love of god do yourself a favour and listen to blooms by arthur sharpe
Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
special interest since 2014
read my ongoing willy character study fic here
my willy playlist
beside the original dahl books, the 2005 movie is the best and most superior version. i believe this with my whole body, mind, and soul and cannot be convinced otherwise.
other favorite versions of canon: gareth snook on the recent uk tour, gene wilder (of course). see gareth snook’s take on willy’s character here
i have consumed every single piece of wonka related media/content that is reasonably available to the public including horrible elementary school productions on youtube and random college theses. i consider myself the foremost expert about anything and everything regarding willy and can get defensive if that is challenged. i am also aware that i take this way too seriously considering willy is just a silly little fucked up guy who forever ruined my taste in men in my preteens. but i stand by my opinions.
i’ve also been writing a very self-indulgent willy x oc (ross able) fic for nearing 4 years now and have yet to publish it in any capacity. that being said, i tend to talk about it in tags for my own reference, so if you’re ever curious to know more, feel free to ask<3.
i do not support roald dahl, tim burton, or johnny depp in any way. their existences are entirely separate from my enjoyment of catcf. bigotry and prejudice are not tolerated on this blog.
i think the prequel is fine but unnecessary. it’s so whatever to me that i sometimes forget it exists.
i am literally charlie bucket (so obsessed with willy wonka that my parasocial need to be in a weird friendship with him is all-consuming and the only thing that keeps me going). if you ship any of the literal children ticket winners with willy, get off my blog.
willy is my specialist girl, a genius inventor evil capitalist, the blorbo i spin around in my brain 24/7 and want to put in a microwave, my wife, and also the absolute worst guy to ever do it. she is my everything. they’re just a sad gay twink. he’s even bigger than jesus.
Jesus Christ Superstar
the 1973 movie has been one of my favorites since childhood but i became obsessed after seeing the musical on stage in 2023.
yes i connect everything i liked about jcs back to willy and my other fav characters :)
things i write and blog about that are perfectly captured in jcs:
being mortal and being a god are not so different
the line between godhood and celebrityhood being more blurred the further society progresses. both are corruption
toxic, all-consuming co-dependency
sacrificing everything that makes one human for the sake of the “greater good”; becoming unrecognisable, becoming a monster (metaphorically and/or literally)
faith in something that ultimately betrays
being gay and being supppeerr dramatic about it
Alice in Wonderland
i love all versions but have a soft spot for the 2010 movie
fav character: the mad hatter/tarrant hightopp
the 2009 miniseries is weirdly good
alice in wonderland is a war story. to me.
i feel similarly about alice through the looking glass 2016 as i do about wonka 2023
once again, i’ve been writing a fic based off the 2010 movie for years but have yet to publish any part of it. one day, i promise.
my love for loki started in 2012 when i saw the first avengers movie in theaters but has since grown into a love of norse mythology and its extended history and lore. loki by mevlin burgess is one of my favorite books and is, in my opinion, the best portrayal of the character in recent years. neil gaiman’s norse mythology is also great.
i love tom hiddleston so so so so much<33. he is a phenomenal actor and also a really nice man and deserves so much more recognition than just being “that hot guy who played that villain in marvel.” i recently had the pleasure of sitting in the audience for an interview he did and it was the best day of my entire life. only lovers left alive is one of my favorite movies.
i hate the disney+ show except for the literal last 20 minutes of the last episode which gave me everything i’ve ever wanted out of a loki story.
i used to be really, really, really, extremely into marvel but pretty much stopped caring after endgame (which i feel is the case for a lot of people). that being said, i still love tony stark and spider-man, particularly the toby mcguire movies (cough cough…alfred molina as doc ock <3333).
Doctor Who
my favorite show since 2012. currently hyperfixated on it with the release of s14, which i am absolutely loving so far. gatwa is already inching towards favorite doctor status.
fav doctor: capaldi
fav companions/other characters: donna, river, missy/the master. and yes, the tardis
fav episode: heaven sent
murray gold invented music and is everything i aspire to be as a composer
please no moffat discourse i will block you
that being said, chibnall ruined doctor who. jodie whittaker deserved so much better and i do not blame her, an amazing actress, for the horrible writing she had to work with.
currently working my way through classic who and the eu
Other Notable Favorites
Nightmare Before Christmas
Danny Elfman/Oingo Boingo
The Mighty Boosh/Noel Fielding/BritCom
Flowers/Will Sharpe Films
Good Omens
Star Trek (TNG, TOS)
Dan and Phil
Adventure Time
Wes Anderson Films
The Beatles
The Picture of Dorian/Oscar Wilde
The Adventure Zone/The McElroys
Other Things I Blog About
Robots & cyborgs, dolls
Body segmentation/body horror
Fashion/Fiber Arts
thanks if you read this far xoxo
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babyboybokuto · 7 months
hiii cece hope you're having a great day/night ♡ i wanted to return the favor and ask you something !! sooo i wanted to know your favorite characters of all time, like your top 5, and if u want to i would like to know why !! i just think u can learn a lot from someone by their favorite blorbos lol
OOOOOO this is a good one, ok in no particular order (because I just can’t I love them all so much) I’m gonna say my top 5 are
1) Bokuto (obv, that’s my sunshine cinnamon apple)
My best friend was the one to get me into Haikyuu and the first character I actually loved was Nishinoya, but when this himbo ball of light came on screen my heart was like “him, that’s our boy”
Also fun fact I’m actually such a hater lowkey because in my first year of college (before I was into anime) my ex was actually watching Haikyuu and I walked in on her crying over an episode and I looked at her like 🤨 what is wrong with you crying over some pictures (oh how the turnt tables am I right)
2) Gon and Killua (you can’t separate them)
My babies my sons my everything’s , HxH had such a big impact on me and it took me FOREVER to watch it so it was a part of my routine for a while and it sounds silly to say I was inspired by some 12 year olds but genuinely I was I absolutely love their characters and their development throughout the story
3) Nobara (best girl)
From the moment she showed up on screen I have loved this girl so much she’s so sassy and funny and she is so sure about herself her sense of self is something I can only dream to have and she’s such a fucking badass her technique is incredible and I miss her so much GEGE BRING HER BACK
4) Gojo
Riding that jjk train still it’s actually really funny because I actually hated Gojo when I first watched season 1, I found him to be arrogant and annoying, and then I read the manga and I realized that the reason I hate him was not really because he’s arrogant and annoying (which he is) but it’s because I saw myself in him (tragic I know) and then especially after I read Hidden Inventory arc my entire perspective changed and I realized he’s actually a character I treasure very much and I love him
5) Zoro and Sanji (another package deal sorry)
Now hear me out right I am like 0.000001% of the way through one piece (I’m on like episode 140) but the way these characters have stolen my heart is insane, and do I happen to also simp for both of them?? Yes, but the point is that their actual characters are so amazing to me and I know there’s still more of Sanjis backstory that I haven’t really seen and it’s most likely going to break me but I just have such a love for them and their dynamic so I’m gonna say they’re top five for me; the way that Zoro is so dedicated and loyal is something I find to be an incredible aspect of him (not to mention his talents as a swordsman), and Sanji cares so deeply for people and is such a caretaker and the fact that he is able to fight using only his legs is also incredible to me
So those are my top 5 (7?) favorite blorbos and a little bit as to why , idk why I stuck specifically to anime because I definitely have favorite characters from other forms of media but this is just what my brain wanted to supply at this very moment
thank you for the question carmen 🥺🫶🏼
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carmypen · 2 years
I’m a little more than halfway through OOO now, and I wanted to do a little write up of some of my thoughts that I haven’t already put in other posts, so here it is!
I am completely and utterly amazed at how good this show actually is. When I rewatch an old show, especially a show that I have a lot of nostalgia for, I usually try to keep my expectations low (and that goes double for a show where I’m not the target audience). However, OOO, somehow manages to almost be better than I remember it. A big part of that is I’m watching it now knowing how the show ends, and I can clearly see how much foreshadowing there was. Stuff like Eiji and the purple Medals or Date knowing who Eiji is are brought up pretty early and continue to get hinted at throughout the show. One really big example is Ankh mentioning in EPISODE 2, that he can taste things now. It seems like a completely innocent, throwaway line, but when you know what’s revealed later about the Greeed it just hits you right in the heart ;__;
I was a bit surprised at how much I had forgotten about the show, but that made rediscovering those things kind of fun. One major thing is Eiji having that I’m-pretending-to-be-stupid-but-I’m-actually-two-steps-ahead-of-everyone aspect of his personality. It’s a trait that makes him into a really entertaining main character.
Speaking of characters, the big stand out for me this time around is Gotou. I didn’t notice him as much the first time because he’s a lot less flamboyant compared to the rest of the cast, but now I really love his character. It’s cool how he starts off bitter and entitled, but then when he has the opportunity to get what he wants (being Birth) he turns it down because he has to stick to his morals. Then he goes through a dark, hopeless period before working his way up to finally becoming Birth. It’s just such a great little character arc, I can’t wait to see it all.
Also (and I probably forgot this because OOO was my first Kamen Rider show and I didn’t know any different) it is very amusing to see some of the characters fight Greeed/Yummies with real life weapons. Like, Gotou whipping out a rocket launcher or Satonaka dual wielding handguns when she shows up to bring the final core medal for TaJaDor’s debut.
We cannot talk about OOO without talking about the one and only notorious birdman himself. I remember when I first watched OOO I felt like Ankh was the kind of character I would have created when I was in middle school. Having rewatched a good chunk of the show now, I can say that I agree with past-me 100 percent. Ankh is, like, the perfect blorbo. If you opened the dictionary and looked up “blorbo” there would be a picture of Ankh, and he would be looking very pretty in it. He’s like if a group of top blorbo scientist gathered together and decided to build the perfect blorbo with the most blorbo-y of blorbo traits. All with the main goal to blorbo-ify the entire world.
With that being said, Ankh is also absolutely terrible. And I love it. I remember him being pretty selfish, and I was preparing for the fact that I probably had a nicer, fanon-ified version of him in my head, but, woooow I was not quite ready. Still, it makes the show just that more enjoyable. He stirs up a lot of drama and it’s great.
For a quick aside, it’s also been neat to go down the Internet rabbit hole and see how many other roles Miura Ryosuke has had in the last few years. It looks like he found his niche in musical theater, and has been involved in a lot of anime-to-stage adaptations (did you know there’s a Fist of the North Star musical? I sure didn’t!). The Black Butler fandom seems to have embraced him, and I hope the JJK fandom enjoys him as their stage Gojo.
Finally, I don’t have too much to say about him, but I absolutely love Date. I couldn’t wait to get to his episodes, and all of his focus episodes (the Kendo girl eps, the LOVE-LOVE-LOVE combo eps) have been my favorites so far. He’s so much fun.
Overall, I’m so glad that I decided to rewatch the show. I was kind of hesitant because it’s hard for me to watch TV shows these days ( and I’m still rewatching Zexal), but it’s been so wonderful to re-experience OOO again, especially after what a gut punch the 10th anniversary movie was. I can’t wait to watch the rest!
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koekjesdeeg · 1 year
can I get uhhh... 🌼 for all three of your original blorbos?
Hell yeah! I'm gonna add pictures of each to give a better idea of them. And a read more cause it's long as shit and I know most people don't care.
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc?
Amanita: So some backstory she's basically an alien princess that fled to earth when her planet was destroyed. But I really love the way her story is all about her knowing what she wants and going for it. She's defying her very strict societal rules and working to set up another kingdom p much where things can be better. She's learning a lot from people that would be considered "below" her and working to dismantle the bullshit. But Ama's just a v soft girl who wants the people she cares about to be happy and well.
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Mary: Love letting my little gremlin out with her!!!! She's a vampire med student (yes her cup is actually hiding a blood bag) but in Vampire the Masquerade v5 her clan has a feature where they're a little nuts. Like something mentally snapped with her embrace so she's really unpredictable and it's just a lot of fun. She also just lost her adoptive mother (and sire) to vampire fighting and her adoptive sister was turned into another vamp. The drama there is just amazing!!
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Andi: So Andi Dawn is another vtm character. She's an old school punk anarchist from the 70s. I absolutely LOVED exploring that side of my own personality with her. Was a lot of impulsive decisions and attack first ask later. She was the heart of her team and kept the others on a moral standard that they may not have liked but really needed and appreciated. She was my self insert in a very idealized way and it made me look forward to every single friday for 3 years. I loved absolutely everything about her and she still holds a special place in my heart after not playing her for a year. I think she always will.
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greenapplebling · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
Hi! I love your question bc I love talking about my blorbos 💖
I won't rank it from 10 to 1 bc it will take forever lol, but I'm going from "least favorite" to "neutral favorite" to "absolute unchangeable favorite"
I tried to make it as spoiled-free as possible but I couldn't contain myself 😅
Least favorites
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
I didn't actually finish Inuyasha but I know the gist of it. I love his design and I find his journey as a character interesting. Sesshomaru is a villain that eventually becomes a reluctant ally, I watched Inuyasha as a teen and at that time media kept bombarding us with villains that kept getting redeemed at the end so watching Sesshomaru never actually getting redeemed was a breath of fresh air. Boy, it's so funny to see the struggle of the main characters in trusting him bc he never showed that he could be trusted and most of the times he helped it was bc it was convenient for him to do so.
Starfire (Teen Titans cartoon)
Listen. The soft girl archetype is not my thing but I?? love her sm??? For the soft girl of the group, she never becomes the go-to-damsel in distress (everyone gets to be saved one way or the other by their teammates at some point) and the show never makes her kindness into a weakness but rather into a strength which is highly appreciated. I guess my only issue is the design they went for her, I wished her hair was wavy or curly like in the comics for ex.
Alucard Tepes (Castlevania Netflix)
Pretty boy? Check. Long hair? Check. Vampire (dhampir actually)? Check. Queer? Check. Daddy issues? Check. Traumatized? Check. Craves for love but is stoic himself? Check. Alucard basically checks all the boxes to be my favorite and yet his writing and development makes him be in this section. I hope the spin off does him justice.
Neutral favorites
Peter Parker / Spiderman
Not much of a fan of the movies, but I grew up with him as my favorite superhero with cartoons like The Spectacular Spiderman (kinda sad it got cancelled), I also enjoyed him on Ultimate Spiderman (bc he acts like a total lunatic and I love it) and I love Peter B. Parker from Into the Spider verse, he becomes a reluctant father figure to Miles and it's amazing. Overall I think he's biggest charm is how relatable he is to us kids who grew up marginalized by our peers.
Mikaela Hyakuya (Seraph of the End)
I'm too biased towards him, okay? He's my little baby, literally the only reason I haven't dropped the manga yet. Is he well written? No. Do I still love him? Absolutely. Same reasons as Alucard but with a few more layers to it.
Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
Look, this is the only version I've been exposed to of the character, saying this bc I'm aware of people saying that mcu Wanda pales in comparison to comics Wanda. But I love her, ok? I would die for her. "But what if you were in-universe and she killed you?" Bro, I'll die in happiness if she was the one who killed me. I love her, I'm too much of a simp for her. The only issue I have is that she's not well written, I look at her and all I see is wasted potential, but oh well, Marvel Studios never cared about quality.
Absolute unchangeable favorites
Lapis lazuli (Steven Universe)
Steven Universe will always have a special place in my heart and Lapis lazuli has been my favorite character through the whole show. I related to her and her journey a lot. The writing uses her character to show PTSD; trauma and how the same traumatic event doesn't have the same effect on people; how the abuser/victim dynamic is not always the case on toxic relationships, sometimes the roles interchange constantly and they're both the abuser and the victim at the same time; how overcoming trauma isn't (always) lineal, most of the time is taking a step forward and two steps backwards. She had it bad but she persevered until she finally came on good terms with her situation and started to heal and I love her for it.
Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
It's been like 15 years and I still love this guy, even more so as an adult. Yu Yu Hakusho is basically THE comfort show for me, seriously I have since watched the anime in spanish, english and japanese. I'm love with his background and journey, all main guys have great development but Kurama's development is the most subtle but still powerful. The thing about him is that he struggles between trying to be what his loved ones expect him to be and accept that he can't erase who he used to be and what he has done on his previous life. He has an identity crisis (not in the way most fans make it out to be though, it's not a personality issue) about who he used to be, who he is now and who he really wants to be.
Jason Todd (DC/Batman comics)
I love him, your honor. He's a walking tragedy and I love him for that. He's representations for those who grew up on poverty and resorted to stealing to survive, for those who are suffering in the shadow and people, who have the means to help, look away from and act like if they don't look at them they don't exist. He's character is cathartic for those victims that wished they could've stand up and fight back, for those who wished for justice to protect them but failed. I have my issues with his character and how is used, but since most DC characters are ruined from time to time bc of the writing I kinda look past it lol.
Soooo, this is it!! I'm sorry it took me so long to answer, I wanted to give a mostly thoughtful answer
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meadowlarkx · 2 years
2021 fic roundup
tagged ages ago by @imakemywings! (I love things like this but I’m terrible at doing them)
Fics written in 2021:
March: your elements reassembled, Stormlight Archive, Kaladin/Dalinar
August: two tunes are playing, Stormlight Archive, Renarin/Rlain (summer gift exchange fic!)
September: Bargain, Silm, Finrod/Sauron
September: Staying, Silm, Finrod/Sauron
October: Distraction, Silm, Finrod/Sauron
Words written in 2021 (on AO3 haha): 20,989 - you know, this is actually more than I thought, and looking at past stuff I think it’s about as many as I did in 2020 (well, posted... a lot of my 2020 stuff was stuff I’d been working on for ages and ages)
New things I tried this year: Both of these were new fandoms for me!! Also, this past year was when I got into writing rp and have generally had a great time messing around with it (and making much more of that by volume than fic...). Another new thing I guess is your elements reassembled is 6.5k and almost all of that is one extended scene, which given that usually each “scene” I write is about 300 words surprised me (and it was very easy the way that happened too which also surprised me!) Also your girl is getting more comfortable writing smut, on track to becoming the terror of the earth as per the plan. And I’ve begun a new series (the Finrod/Sauron au) which is the second one for me since my Jan/Helena/Bohun trio of fics!
Fic I spent the most time on: two tunes are playing! I really wanted to include a bunch of stuff I knew my gift exchange partner would like and some semblance of a satisfying emotional arc in the au I was writing--and while it was about characters I’m invested in, I didn’t feel like I knew them as well as she did and they’re not my absolute fav blorbos, so the writing went more slowly.
Fic I spent the least time on: Staying--I was shook revisiting the dates and realized I posted it 3 days after Bargain (the first one in that series). And it was entirely written in those 3 days which is UNUSUAL for me who usually spends 1000 years writing fic a little at a time
Favorite thing(s) I wrote: I think the Finrod/Sauron fics and especially Staying and Distraction. I have so much fun writing Mairon it should be illegal.
Favorite thing(s) I read: 
OKAY....I am absolutely going to miss some things here, because I read a LOT of fic in 2021 (thank god AO3 doesn’t have a wrapped that shows the hours you spent on their website) but I have to recommend these gems that come to mind (going to be mostly Silm here, in no particular order):
What is Wrought Between Us - the Russingon series going through the whole Silm plot that ended my life, resurrected me, and influenced my headcanons forever, and also the kidnap fam here is the best I’ve ever seen it done (the author’s Túrin/Beleg fic is also just the most well-written and beautiful masterpiece)
Casting Out The Serpent - Finrod & Beor (shippy) that is the most wonderfully written Finrod ever I can only aspire to. Their dynamic here is so excellent, too, and the fic just GETS what’s amazing (and flawed) about Finrod and how fascinated they both are in each other and their differences.
Less Than Kind - Russingon at family dinner in Himring, a light touch on the angst that just grips you horribly, & what’s absolutely wonderful is the fucking wretched Fëanorian siblings dynamic + eldest sibling Maedhros suffering
Pantië - this is like, THE Nirnaeth fic for me, even though its premise is “weird Elf/magic smut” and it never portrays the actual battle and aftermath. It just gets what’s heartbreaking about Maedhros + his hopes at the Nirnaeth + what’s at stake in his psyche and then it breaks your heart with it.
Thistle Whistling on the Wind-Blown Field - fascinating Finrod fic ft. kinslaying guilt, ongoing complications, cultural differences and Morgoth’s impact on ecology, Finrod winning over Sinda Edrahil, the Avari, and... and the author put mangroves in Valinor and won my whole heart by doing so. I’m sure I didn’t get all the references in this masterpiece but it’s gorgeous and the accompanying art (it was produced for TRSB iirc) is incredible.
Lyra - Finrod/Sauron in Valinor before everything is ruined, with the subtlest hints of mixed feelings from Sauron about the way Melkor’s plans are impacting his Elf. Also (if it’s not clear from the fic I’m writing whoops) I’m always SO here for Sauron mistaking outward signs of submission/malleability for the real thing, then finding himself off-guard when Finrod is like “Okay, that was fun, I’ll be leaving for my personal goals now <3″
Transcript of Divorce Proceedings: Mairon v. Melkor by @imakemywings - I just love the format here so much, it’s hilarious, and you totally nailed their dynamic... I’m so about this toxic ship and the ways they try to claw at each other but are still so compelled by each other. such good shit, and Melkor’s assholery (of the more overt kind) really stands out here as funny and terrible - honorary mention to your Finrod & Maedhros fics for making me cry and laugh and giving us a wonderful underexplored dynamic
Shards of Ice - Aredhel/Celegorm fix-it of sorts. Notably I adore it because Celegorm shows up in Maeglin’s life and promptly becomes a bad influence of a parent after dickishly provoking him to get a reaction. Realism, babes. I love this messy ship
Seas and Shadows - Maglor & Elladan & Elrohir - short and SO effective oneshot about Maglor sailing to Valinor ft. the ANGST and wretchedness that deserves, 10/10 heart broken
no other star - Haleth thinking about the 3 Elven rulers she’s met. This has the BEST Thingol I have ever seen in fic, I absolutely love the type of proud understanding he has with Haleth here, another proud leader, and the characterization of everyone is so beautifully done and described.
Diary of an Elven Lord by @ladygavroche - influenced the way I think of Caranthir forever, this is so perfectly on point and hilarious and the parts with Haleth are excellent. The diary style is SO good and fun
Speak, Friend, and Enter, also by ladygavroche - THE Celebrimbor/Narvi fic that the world desperately needed and did not deserve. They’re both so so well-written and characterized in this fic. I have read it so many times for comfort and it heals my heart (and wrenches it with the promise of future things going wrong for this kind, troubled, earnest Celebrimbor)
A Thread Unraveled - Maedhros POV Nirnaeth fix-it, reliving the same events style. I just... I love this so much, and the attentiveness to the details and to each Fëanorian’s respective strengths/issues and making the most of them is just so well-done. I’m here for competent Maedhros reliving the worst experience of his life and struggling to WIN it (edit: Holy fuck I just realized the author finished it!! I have more to read!)
Daeron/Maglor series by SunflowerSupreme - just really good fucked up yet...somehow mutually working dynamic where Daeron cares but is also vengeful and Maglor cares but also wants to be hurt, and the wretchedness of mutually wandering and trying to get by on the fringes of society. My heart literally aches for this Maglor and the words “The newest poetry from Lindon” make me sob uncontrollably. Also Maglor being butcher than Daeron (Daeron is a loremaster/minstrel from before Doriath needed large scale fighting, he does lore and music and that’s It; Maglor knows how to murder people 1000 different ways even if he’d rather not) is canon in my heart now
Pattern’s Guide to Mating by @blue-crow - I cannot express my enthusiasm enough for this funny, loving, & beautiful fic and how very Stormlight universe/vibes it FEELS. And the fact that you gave us the sexy Lightweaver shenanigans we deserve
Through Another’s Eyes - Kaladin/Gaz with the sympathetic Gaz I didn’t know I needed but I did
From Ashes - young Kaladin character study and angst through Tukks’ POV that makes me cry bitter tears </3
Three Meetings - Fluffy Shallan/Jasnah high school au that is just so cute and portrays their dynamic with a light touch that I love
Tagging: whoever wants to do it (and @ me if you want so I can see your fics/recs!)
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evilblot · 2 years
Ey fam, how about Silent Hill for the ask meme if you're still doing it?
Oh damn you really wanna bring the big guns to the playground uh? Let's goooooooo 🔥🔥
*Only one disclaimer though: I am not familiar with the SH community, so if I pick a character who according to the fandom doesn't fall into the category I decided to put them into... Sorry but I literally don't care, I do what I want jdbhd
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
In my restless dreams, I see that man. James Sunderland. I promised I'd stop thinking about him someday... But I never did. Well, he became my poor little meow meow now... We hang out in our 'special place'... We're waiting for you...
I also think about Valtiel and Pyramid Head. An awful lot if I might but not for the reasons y'all might think of. I love them twitchy bastards so much, I wish they would take me by the hand and show me the secret to be so fucking amazing and with a flawless lore and a character design so on spot people still talk about it to this day <3c
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
The One Truth! Nobody talks about him and it makes me sad... I mean look at him? He's so cool, his symbolism is slaying the absolute penis and ngl I'd kill to get a hug from him. I want him to pick me up and hold me gentle like the hamburger pwease <3c
Oh! Also Raw Shocks (Abstract version), they look like wet kittens in a cardboard box, so ofc I want to take them all home with me jddhd
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Heather, or rather Cheryl Mason. I honestly don't know nor care about her being underrated or not but I really love her and how's her character is handled. She gets a lot of shit for being "annoying" but she's a angry confused teenager dropped in an unforgiving cruel world so cut her some slack please?
Also shout out to my girl Lisa Garland, I'm gonna pick you up at 7 and take you somewhere nice, you deserve a break and a proper meal bestie.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Douglas Cartland! He's a sad old man who lost the light in his eyes and who can be seen walking around in boxers with the help of a cheat code.... What's not to love here? <3c
Very worthy of mention is also Fukuro Lady. I still have so many questions about her... Who is she? What's her story? Is she single? 👀 You get the idea jdbdb
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
James Sunderland voted once again as wettest most pathetic littlest meow meow of them all but I'd still make out with him if left unsupervised, more at 8.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Vincent. I'm gonna act stupid on purpose while challenging his religious theories, cackling like a mad man as he slowly goes insane trying to keep up with me.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
You know, I was about to say Claudia but fuck that, the only one who deserves to be yeeted to eeby deeby is Eddie and that's on that, no i don't accept criticism, only cash.
And we're done, sorry for the delay but this has been a real challenge ngl... Anyway, tènkius so much for the ask and sorry (<- not sorry) I desecrated this astounding piece of gaming history too with my poor life choices jdhfhdh
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drysauce · 2 years
genshin for the blorbo ask :3 right back atcha
woohoo let's goooo
blorbo (the favorite one) - Albedo (my absolute fave since i did his story quest and found out about his lore, i love his personality, he's also pretty and is the most interesting character in the game to me) and Ganyu (pretty girl with horns!!! i also heavily relate to overworked characters lol and her playstyle is really fun to me on the contrary to what many people think)
scrunkly (the cute baby one) - Qiqi (i have her c1 and will gladly take more constellations from anyone who says that she's the worst 5 star, she's a baby and must be protected) , Sucrose (the first ever character i wanted in this game, she's so cute and look at her fluffy ears!)
scrimblo bimblo (the underrated fav one) - Xingqiu (inteligent but with a mischievous side, i really do have a thing for salty nerds lol, also i share his passion about books), Yun Jin (I've been waiting for her to be officially released for sooo long!! she's really pretty and her singing is amazing), Jean (she's sooo pretty, and again i relate to her in terms of being overworked haha), Sara (strong, pretty and badass woman, how could i not like her), Thoma (this man is so kind like oh my god how can someone be such a good person, i would do anything for him, also his headband is cool), Yoimiya (one of the prettiest characters in the game, she's so cheerful and full of energy!!)
glup shitto (the obscure fave) - Shikanoin Heizou, there's very little known about him for now but when his official design gets revealed and he gets officially announced i WON'T shut up
poor little meow meow (self explanatory) - hmm i don't think i like any characters who would fit in this category, maybe Diluc but actually the only thing that i like about him is his coat lol, it's so cool i want one too
horse plinko (the one i would torment for fun) - AJAX CHILDE TARTAGLIA because i want to bully this red-haired fatui man
eeby deeby (the one i would send to superhell) - also the fatui man because he's (fanonically) thirsting over the geo archon jsnzjsnhsn
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doegred-main · 2 years
gotta go with Johannes Cabal for the fandom ask XD or Discworld if you prefer !
Of course and: with immense pleasure! And: evil choice you gave me! I'll go with Cabal. Because it is less popular and deserves more clout. To make Howard to write more..
Johannes Cabal
Blorbo: Absolutely Johannes, no ifs or buts. I love him and his caustic, amoral, waspish, violence-loving, little head. He deserves the world and the world does deserve him, I deserve him. Which is not necessarily a good thing, but is an AMAZING thing. His cold logic! <3
Scrunkly: Zarenya. I know she eats through murder and is a devil, but that is at least 45% of her cuteness to me. Also: Horst Cabal, I find him only cuter when he has to battle his vampirism nastiness and still likes the perks of being one of the undead.
Scrimblo bimblo: Miss Smith! I love her and the implication she knows orgies, at least in theory. Also: her ascent of the hell spire on Zarenya's back is simply amazing. So is her relationship with the ghouls. I want a series of her in the dreamlands. How she became witch of the necropolis! Also: I desperately need her to interact more with Zarenya because I SHIP them.
Glup shitto: Melkorka Olvirdottir. Not only I love the way she is presented, as a walking contradiction of "looks like a wholesome solid, no-nonsense, girl that might bake you a cake" and "will definitely kill you for shit and giggles with her supernatural powers". I love her amusement. The way she enjoys life, like all daughters of Hekate. "Do what is fun!" is such a good filosophy! Besides: she has saved Virginia Montgomery. Which is a GREAT thing by me. I need a series on her. Like I need air. Also: the half-fae lady in the short story "the death of me".
Poor little meow meow: Again, problematic means boring and I do not like boing characters, so no problematics here. An unpopular character I love is Lady Ninnuka, but I doubt she is THAT unpopular, she is too awesome to be. Also: I really feel for Ragtag Slybooth. I know he is a pathetic, mean spirited, little, non euclidian, shit, but he is so outclassed by Johannes and the others that it isn't even fun anymore after a while. XD He is pathetic in a way that tugs at my heartstrings.
Horse plinko: Everybody? Yes. Everybody. Even Johannes who has been tormented more than enough.
Eeby deeby: Nobody, not evenLord Bosey, who might have fun there. XD Mostly because I love that aspect of Nyarly.
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lex-n-weegie · 2 years
For that fandom ask thing you just reblogged:
How about Super Mario Bros.? :D
( magicalselfshipping )
Absolutely happy to
blorbo: Luigi Luigi oh yeah, oh yeah
scrunkly: boos and shyguys. They're perfection I love them
scrimblo bimblo: Mario and Peach. Everyone sees Mario as either bland or evil, while Peach is either bland, the girl™, or a stuck up brat. They're both amazing and I love them both sm (also they're a QP couple I'm correct)
glup shitto: Most likely Birdo, she's so interesting and pretty!! I love seeing her appear in stuff
poor little meow meow: Mario for the same reasons as before. He's not evil or bland, he's just a himbo djajskak
horse plinko: Hmmm, probably Mario, Luigi, or Kamek. HEAR ME OUT PLEASE-
For Mario I imagine he tends to bottle up emotions and fears, with ofc will sometimes spill out. The way I hurt him is him hurting himself. For Luigi, poor boy has got a lot of trauma and he's still learning how to deal with it (like Mr L, all the bullying he uses to get, that fact that he was almost the antichrist, there's a lot). And for Kamek, it's more for my own AU/story. Bowser's dad was dangerous, and Kamek was worried about his future. So, risking his own life, he basically kidnapped baby Bowser and raised him himself. He's faced a lot of trouble and hardships, not only with childcare but how awful Bowser's dad was too.
eeby deeby: Starlow. Fuck Starlow she's so bad why was she maaaaaaaaaade. Also imo her design is kinda mid, for someone sent by the stars above, you think she'd be a little nicer or cooler looking. Instead she sucks big time :)
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actually do silent hill too
HIIII AGAINNNN <3333 this one will probably be easier than dp bc . i dont just exclusively think about 2 characters when it comes to sh
answers under the read more bc this is a bit obnoxiously long
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): oooohhhh harrold mason my friend harrold mason absolutely is my blorbo hes such a blorbo i love him hes my dad
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Cheryl and/or alessa........................... i care them so much its unreal :( almost cry about them almost daily.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): literally too many here for me to list because unfortunately while most of the games and their protagonists (cough cough sh2) are amazing and well deserving of praise, it really is all people tend to talk about. but if i had to chose one it would be Douglas :) my dad my silly little detective man
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): ANGELA...... i literally am obsessed with her she is on the fuckin COVER of sh2 and yet that is it as far as her like being in official material :sobs: WHY is eddie and laura BUT NOT ANGELA in the fuckin pachinko game huh. huh. where is my fucked up looking anime girl looking model of my favorite character huh konami.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): see this one is hard because of the nature of silent hill being a horror game there is a lot of problematic faves. most people like walter and it would be easy to put him here however i dont think hes like . idk i dont see the appeal other than evil man with trauma and is like a bit of a pretty boy. so im putting vincent here becuase hes so FUCKING FUNNY I love him. literally goes 'what claudia what are you gonna STAB me or smth?? lol' and then GETS STABBED. YOURE SO FUNNY KING. anyway claudia would also go here i just think shes fun :) why do u have a british accent queen.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): james sunderland do i need to explain. (i dont) (also sh2 is basically alessa being like 'thats it youre going in the plinko' as soon as he steps in the town so .)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Alex shepard. sorry :/ i dont like sh homecoming so i would send that whole game there tbh
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