#Its more of my Vampire AU...
introvert-in-hell · 2 months
A character backstory to my main fic (this post)!!
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alien-bluez · 2 months
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vampire au terry i love u
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raepliica · 11 months
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starrspice · 1 year
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Once again I'm being held captive by the ever lovely @robinette-green and her fic
Two Hunters and a Bloodsucker
Thank you Robin, for dragging me back into my vampire obsession kicking and screaming
I binge read the whole thing on friday and I've been daydreaming of it ever since
I literally dreamed about it (which is where Eclipse and the OC came from) and I just HAD to draw them out
Please give it a read, it's so very cute!!!
Now excuse me while I continue daydreaming about this au
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kizukiti · 8 months
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sillies (shh... hushes my finger over your mouth... pretend it's not november rn)
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pixelatedraindrops · 3 months
A little drabble scenario idea I put together for @snivyartjpeg’s Kokolight Vampire AU 💜💚🦇
To Care for a Sick Vampire
Yuma seems to be even more tired/weak than usual one day and Vivia notices that something is wrong with him. He asks him if he wants to feed on any of his blood to possibly re-energize him. But to Vivia’s surprise, Yuma refuses the offer outright.
“You look tired, Yuma… Are you…hungry? Do you need to feed? I will provide for you anytime you ask…”
This concerns Vivia but then he notices how pale and sickly Yuma looks, even more than usual. He puts his hand to Yuma’s cheek, but it wasn’t warm. Of course not, he’s a vampire. They probably don’t get fevers to begin with since vampire blood runs cold. But he definitely wasn’t well, that much was certain.
Vivia decides to slice the palm of his hand with his large boxknife he keeps in his pocket and places it in front of Yuma’s face.
“You…need to eat, Yuma… Even if it’s just a little bit…otherwise…you won’t feel any better…”
Yuma looks hesitant at first but then complies as the scent of Vivia’s blood does tempt his urges despite his weak state. He leans his head down slowly and weakly licks and laps the fresh cut on Vivia’s palm. He does it very slowly, but he has a small expression of relief. Even if he wasn’t well, he did still want to eat. But he didn’t want to consume large amounts of blood in this state, in his fear of possibly losing himself due to the weakness and sickly feeling that he felt.
He didn’t want to cause any further trouble for the agency, especially the Chief now that his secret was out to him. He also didn’t want to unexpectedly hurt anyone if his blood urges had gone out of control. It wasn’t safe for him to be blood drunk right now.
At least, that was his worry since he didn’t really understand how his vampiric urges worked due to his amnesia. But he didn’t want to take any chances if his current state wasn’t in good condition. He couldn’t risk causing any more trouble for everyone.
Even if that meant… starving himself.
Thankfully, this small amount of blood that Vivia provided for him seemed to suffice well enough. He stops lapping the cut, looking up to his tall human partner above him.
“…Thank you…Vivia…”
After a very small feeding, he transforms into his little lilac bat form and he tries to fly. But he was still too weak as he falls downward face down toward the floor. But Vivia catches him in his hands just in time.
“You’re too weak, Yuma… I will offer more to you…after you rest for a bit…”
Yuma spends the rest of the day resting/sleeping on Vivia’s hair/lap/shoulder/arms. The poor thing was trembling the whole time. And Vivia continued to feed Yuma very small amounts of his blood whenever he looked too weak, to which the tiny sickly bat would slowly lap up like a delicate little newborn kitten. Over time, Vivia ends up with multiple cuts on his left arm.
Later, Yakou enters the sub safely after seeing that the two were not doing anything TOO weird while they were alone. Seeing Yuma in bat form probably meant they were done. But then he looks to Vivia in shock noticing his left arm is covered in bloody self inflicted wounds.
“Vivia!? What happened to your arm?! Okay, what kind of crazy blood ritual did you two do this time?!”
Vivia gently places his right uninjured hand to where Yuma lay, and a soft weak sounding squeak came from the tiny little bat as he was touched. Yakou also settled his freakout down as he heard the weak bat’s cry.
“Yuma is…not feeling well so…I’m giving him only small amounts of my blood for now… But the blood of the cuts…don’t stay fresh forever…”
“Oh, I see… well that’s not good. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Just…leave Yuma to me, Chief…”
Yakou didn’t argue. After all, he had no idea how to care for a sick vampire.
“Okay, but don’t you dare die from blood loss, you hear me?!”
Vivia smiled without saying a word further.
It looked like it was now Vivia’s turn to look after and take care of his weak little vampire partner for the day. Time to repay the favor for all the times he looked after him.
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vampykween · 7 months
strangeness and charm
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vampire!price x f!reader x vampire!ghost i keep coming back to vampire!price and vampire!ghost god im just so obsessed!!! my other vampire works: vampire drabble , good little pet
✴︎ battered and disoriented from when you were hastily dumped in an eerie forest, you were grateful to the strange man who saved you; that is, until he showed you who, or rather what he really was.
cw: reader is essentially kidnapped and consent is like mildly dubious so! take that as you wish ☻
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Price, the strange man who had taken you from the forest, leads you through an expansive foyer decorated in ornate gothic furnishings into an equally large sitting room. There was a roaring fire blazing in the large fireplace, which warmed your icy skin. You can't remember how long you were even out roaming the dark and eerie woods, your sick bastard ex-boyfriend dumped you in. 
Price’s hand on your lower back pushes you further into the room and leads you towards a plush velvet couch. The same hand trails up to the base of your neck, “Sit,” he commanded and for some reason you find yourself unable to disobey. 
From the corner of your eye you see a shadow flit across the dimly lit room, and if it wasn't for your captor’s hand holding you firmly in place, you would’ve jumped out of your skin. 
Another mysteriously colossal and ominous man crosses the room to where you and Price are sitting. You notice he is wearing a mask, similar to one someone would wear to a masquerade ball. You’re grateful to be out of the hands of your insane ex, but this doesn't feel much better. The man looks between you and Price as if he was awaiting permission to speak. 
“I’ve brought you a gift, Ghost. Found this pretty little thing wandering outside the grounds. I think she’d make a fine pet, don't you agree?” 
You feel your heart rate spike at his words, pet? What the hell was he talking about? And with the way he spoke his question made it seem like it wasn't really a question at all. 
The masked man only gives a simple nod in Price’s direction as a response and their eyes must hold an unspoken conversation, because soon after Ghost is kneeling at your feet. His head is bowed as if in shame, as if he’s not worthy of looking at you just yet. The feelings of Price’s cold digits are a looming presence on your neck and you have a sinking feeling that whatever happens next, he isn't going to let up. Your heart is hammering even faster and you can hear the roaring sound of your blood pulsing in your ears. What could possibly be happening right now? Is this your fate, doomed to a death at the hands of a sinister man who supposedly loved you, or be locked away and tortured by these two freaks? 
From your perspective you get a nice view at the broadness of Ghost’s shoulders and back, how a man so large could make himself seem so small you weren't even sure. All you could deduce was that Price gave commands and Ghost followed them. The hand not clasped around your neck, snakes in Ghost’s golden tresses and pulls slightly until the kneeled man is looking up at him. 
“Why don't you show our little treasure what she’s in store for.” the smooth timber of his voice starts to make you feel flustered. As much as you were incredibly frightened, there was a small part of you simmering with some sort of uncertain heat. Ghost rises from the floor deftly and settles next to you on the couch. Price's hand slithers up from the base of your neck until he’s cupping your jaw and tilting your head towards him, as if presenting your neck for the other man. 
Your blood freezes sharply in your veins, either you were about to get your head snapped clean off or… your thoughts are quickly interrupted by the feeling of something sharp sinking into your flesh. The sound of your piercing scream barely registers in your own ears, drowned out by the sound of your blood suddenly rushing and crashing like tidal waves. The pain is unlike anything you’ve ever felt and your body starts to feel weak and limp, but you're momentarily brought back to reality when you feel a hand graze your breasts over your tattered dress. You attempt to squeak out your dissatisfaction, but find yourself unable to speak. Your tongue feels like lead in your mouth and it’s hard to even get your lips to move the way you want them to. 
The same husky voice from earlier coos into your ear, “Don't worry, darling. You’ll learn to love this, and once you do I promise we’re going to make it so fuckin’ good for you.” 
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minnieeeworld · 8 months
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more sketches of my vampire au! this time with a kaito i've been developing, he is a vampire hunter lol. making this dynamic is everything to me because this au basically exists because i watched first kill last year. this is dedicated to u bbygirl
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plaguebirds · 22 days
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but i think that god's got a sick sense of humor
hey what if instead of what we got in dc vs. vampires jason successfully gets turned and oop! vampire king's personal attack dog (may or may not have a v in-depth au im cooking w this concept but its still kinda unnamed)
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sracha · 1 year
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hello for the love of god. vampire rosebird
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asthecrowrambles · 8 months
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[ID three drawings of ellen and peter, two of them color digitally. first is ellen laughing with a black tipped claw hand up, with pointed ears, gothic dress, and intricate jewelry. she is a vampire. second is peter looking to the side with a frown. he has locs tied back in a loose ponytail and is wearing more worn clothes as well as a rosary and cross. third drawing is pencil with peter sweating and scared/flustered as ellen holds his head and shoulder to bare his neck, grinning with her fangs out. /End ID]
so i made a vampire/monster slayer au for them teehee 🧛🏹
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whumpzone · 1 year
Hi I don’t want this to seem pressuring or rude, especially bc the update was so recent, but I love your writing and I’m super into the vampire au and I’m wondering if we’ll see Viks reaction in the (potential) next update?
i hope you like this! it got long!
CW vampire whumpee, thoughts of death, dissociation, dehumanisation
Vik pulled open a cupboard door, snatching a cereal bar for no good reason. He was kind of hungry, but he mostly enjoyed stealing something out of Linden’s house every time he popped by. The thing upstairs shouldn’t ruin their small rituals. Vik could just about ignore the way he was leeching the fun out of the place, replacing it with this awful, overbearing awkwardness.  He grunted and took a bite.
“You are so predictable,” Linden scoffed. “I knew you’d take one of those.”
Vik just opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, treating Linden to a sight of his half-chewed food. Linden burst out laughing and whipped the teatowel at him. It was a good shot, snapping against his arm and making him choke in surprise.
“Thieves get the whip.”
Vik didn’t want his mood to sour, he wanted to ignore it, but fuck it was hard. “Give that thing the whip.”
Linden’s smile faded and the sight of it made Vik’s chest hurt. He was already dealing with so much, and yes it was his own bizarre and stupid choice, but Vik knew he shouldn’t add to it.
“Sorry, mate.”
“No,” Linden sighed. “No, it’s okay. I don’t expect you to be okay with it, I get it. It’s weird.”
“It is weird.”
“Can you trust that I’m doing the right thing?”
Vik thought about this. Linden always appreciated his honesty. “I can’t. But I can trust that you know what the right thing to do is. Does that make sense?”
Linden’s smile returned, but it wasn’t quite the same. “Yeah, you always make sense.”
Two more bites and the snack was gone. Vik held the wrapper in his palm and crushed it up slowly, pretending it was solid steel and only his strength could break it down. One of the stupid, boyish habits he should have left behind in his teenage years but never quite did.
“I dunno what to cook for tea tonight…” Linden murmured as Vik turned to throw the wrapper away.
His talking turned to static, however, as Vik had his attention grabbed by something else. A hastily written note, like something out of an old indie horror game, was lying at the top of the bin. It wasn’t Linden’s handwriting, it was far too messy, and that left only one suspect. Not a person. The thing didn’t make it into that label.
Vik’s eyes narrowed.
What did you need to say sorry for?
Glancing back, throwing in a nod and a hum, hoping he had timed them right enough to look convincing, Vik saw that Linden wasn’t looking at him. He had a new shopping list on the counter before him, but he was staring out of the window, watching the world go by. He was probably happy to have to curtains open for once. God, why would he do this to himself?
Vik seized Linden’s moment of inattentiveness to swipe the piece of paper, pocketing it in one swift movement. From the same pocket, he pulled out a fag.
Linden glanced over, the movement alerting his peripheral vision, and Vik held the cigarette up. “Mind if I?”
“Yeah, sure,” Linden waved him off complacently, of course he did, he trusted Vik.
He had to abuse that trust, but this was important. Linden would understand.
“Have jacket potatoes, I would. So easy. I’ll be back in a bit.”
. . .
Pet knew. He had known long before he caught the scent of Vik walking up to the house. He’d known all night, and he hadn’t slept a second because of it, instead choosing to spend his last night on earth with the stars.
He would try to take it well. He wanted to aim for dignity, but such fantasies weren’t allowed.
The door opened slowly, like it had before. Pet could only watch as Vik locked it behind him. Of course he had a spare key, he was family. As Vik turned to face him once more, a tiny whimper escaped his lips.
No, no, he thought. I don’t think I can do this.
Vik started moving towards him. Pet couldn’t tell if he had a weapon, but he had enough silver to reduce him to screaming flesh. He scrambled back, all thoughts of being still and good thoroughly chased away, replaced by terror and rising panic and the clumsy, ugly desire to live.
Vik took another step. Pet had expected a blind rage and sudden pain and death following not long after, but this slowness reflected a depth of self-restraint, of planning, of a desire to do this properly. There would be no enraged punch that knocked him unconscious. There would be no misaimed kick that cracked his head in just the right place to kill him fast.
Vik’s eyes were locked with his. Should Pet look down like a dog, with a face full of humility and submission? Or was it better to hold the eye contact and prove to him that he wouldn’t dare put him under hypnosis? In the end it felt as if the choice was made for him, as his back hit the wall and he realised he was frozen in fear. He kept staring with wide, frantic, orange eyes.
One of his hands was balled up, and as Vik lifted it, Pet realised it wasn’t destined to punch him, not yet. It was holding something. Vik smoothed the note out and read it over.
“What made you write this, then?”
. . .
The vampire gasped, and Vik knew he was on the right path. Oh yeah. Something had definitely happened and he had needed to double-down on the I’m so harmless and damaged act.
His body was pulsing with anger. He could feel it under his skin, guiding his hands to wring the neck of the creature that was only a metre from him. It would be so easy. He could make sure all his silver rings were lined up and then pound and pound and pound until he was a mess. Until Linden had no choice but to throw him out. Vik would do that too. Linden wouldn’t have to worry about anything. He’d be glad for Vik’s help.
A tiny spark of caution suddenly ran through him. He was dealing with a vampire, after all. No matter what, he was faster, stronger, and more deadly.
An even tinier spark of frustration followed. If Vik did beat the shit out of him, it would mean the vampire was letting him. And what did that mean?
Did it mean he really was domesticated? Tamed? Tortured into submission?
Was that a good thing?
Vik’s lip curled into a scowl. He was standing over a vampire, and the vampire was cowering. Vik was the one in control. What the fuck else mattered?
“You wrote my brother a little sorry note. And I suppose you thought that was all you needed to do. I’m sure you feel pretty smug right now.”
The vampire shook his head, all of his features twisting up like he was going to cry. His eyes were shining. Vik almost laughed. Oh shit, he really was gonna cry.
There was an almighty bang behind him. It would have made a lesser man jump, but not Vik, not when he had a business to see to.
“Vik! Vik you fucking maniac!” Linden shouted. His voice was loaded with pure anger, and on Linden it sounded all wrong.
Vik didn’t break eye contact. It would be too easy for the vampire to get the jump on him if he got distracted.
“Open the door!” Linden continued. “Vik! He didn’t hurt me. He didn’t do anything!”
His tone was already dropping from anger to bargaining. He sounded scared.
Vik knew he couldn’t stay for long, and he felt like taking a risk. He leant even closer to the vampire. His blood would smell so fresh to him, separated by only a thin layer of skin, flesh, whatever. All negligible in the eyes of a hungry vampire. The cereal bar wrapper that Vik had discarded earlier.
“I warned you, right? I’d say I was pretty fair.”
The vampire just nodded, finally looking down and screwing his eyes shut. Braced.
Before Linden had even finished shouting his name, the first punch had cracked straight across the vampire’s jaw, and god it felt good. It felt like sugar and caffeine and sweet release.
The punch caught and dragged, and Vik realised it was because his silver rings were doing their job even better than he’d anticipated- he’d obviously never punched a vampire in the face before- and each one had started to melt the skin. It was like dragging his knuckles across a fresh wax model. When he retracted his hand, Vik was staring back at an even more monstrous face than before.
The vampire’s left cheek and jaw, where the punch had landed, were badly burnt with rivets exactly where the rings had hit him. Patches of his lips were missing, leaving him with a permanent snarl. The vampire breathed heavily, spitting out some pieces of burnt flesh.
He still wasn’t fighting back. He hadn’t even raised his hands to shield his face.
He just watched, tears running silently down his cheeks, as Vik raised his fist again.
Vik faltered.
The vampire started to move.
But he was lowering his head, not lunging for him. Vik’s throat went wholly ignored as the creature bent forward, chest against thigh, and pressed a kiss to Vik’s boot.
Vik’s stomach turned.
The next punch landed easily, knocking the vampire clean down, his curled hands and skinny shoulder bruising against the wooden bedroom floor.
“Get the fuck off me,” he spat, real nausea fuelling the bile in his words. He staggered back, a little too unsteadily for his liking. The vampire hadn’t put him under his control, sure, but he’d still done something to him. He delivered a few swift kicks, going for his ribs until the last one, where he simply lifted the boot that the vampire had just put his lips on and brought it down hard on one of his hands. Vik smiled as the vampire moaned, pushing his face into the floor, like it would swallow him up and let him escape.
It had only been a minute at most since Vik had last heard Linden shouting. He wasn’t going to break the door down, was he? That would be extremely stupid.
“I’m coming out, calm down,” he shouted, summoning every ounce of nonchalance he could. None of this mattered to him, the whimpering vampire below didn’t matter to him, the only thing that might be worth a damn was that Linden was upset with him. Vik could let himself attend to that.
He thought about taking one of his thickest rings and pressing it into the back of the vampire’s neck, seeing how far it would sink into the flesh, burning a path through the living creature. His stomach rolled again. Perhaps not. He wanted to beat him, rough him up a bit, not torture him.
He kicked the vampire one last time, right in the face where his burns were, and then held his breath as he turned and opened the door.
He found Linden right outside, and ugh, fuck, the fucking look that Vik was greeted with was enough to sow the seeds of guilt, and that made his anger puff its chest up even further.
Linden grabbed his shoulder to shove him out of the way, staring into the bedroom, then back to Vik.
“Go downstairs,” he said, low and flat and emotionless.
Vik grunted and stormed away. When Linden did appear a few minutes later, Vik knew to hold his tongue and let him speak first.
“I can’t believe you just did that,” Linden barked as soon as he was downstairs, just far enough that if Vik decided to turn back and finish the job, Linden would at least have time to react.
“Can’t you?” he replied, not missing a second. “It was really out of the realm of your imagination? You dumb, Linden?”
“You’ll be thrilled to know that he’ll be fine in a day or two. I thought you’d killed him. I thought you’d actually just murdered someone. I mean, beating the shit out of them is hardly better, but-“
“Of course he’s- of course he’s fucking alive!” Vik yelled. “He’s a vampire! Fucking hell!”
“He hardly fought back, did he? He would have let you kill him.”
Vik ignored this. “I did that for good reason, you seriously have no idea how much danger you’re in having that thing in the house.”
“God, you really do think I’m dumb. I know, Vikram, and it’s okay, he’s-“
“No, because it’s not okay, something happened and I found the note- he did something! He did something to have to write all that shit!” Vik was surprising himself with how unstable his voice was. He was going to tear himself to ribbons with emotion if he wasn’t careful. But he- his brother- “He did something to you!”
“He didn’t, it- where are the injuries, then? I’m fine!”
“Stop fucking lying to me, Linden, I know we see this differently and I’m sorry, okay, I’m sorry I can’t support this, but you’re really gonna lie to me? To protect a worthless piece of shit vampire?”
“You lied! You lied to me,” Linden snapped, jabbing a finger into his own chest to emphasise his point. “You didn’t even ask me about the note, you just, what, fished it out of the actual rubbish and snuck away? You went right under my nose in my own house and-“
“Linden, Linden, do you hear yourself? You have a vampire upstairs!”
“Would you just take some deep breaths? Fuck!” Linden was shouting, now, they were both shouting and it was never going to accomplish anything.
How did the vampire see his brother? As master of the house? Vik could listen to the master of the house. He took some deep breaths. Linden did the same, and the two didn’t break eye contact. Vik wasn’t sure how his own face looked. Hurt? Furious? Beastly?
Linden looked like he was a hiker that had just come across a bear. His hands were slightly raised, ready to placate.
“Okay, okay, I’ve calmed down.”
“Please just tell me what happened.” Vik felt wrung out. Why had any of this needed to happen? Why had Linden taken the stupid thing in, he thought hopelessly. Everything was going wrong. He absolutely hated arguing with Linden.
“I’m not going to let you hurt him anymore.”
“I won’t!” Vik heard himself raising his voice, and paused. Deep stupid useless breaths. “Sorry, I won’t, alright? God.”
“You’re acting like that was a ridiculous accusation to make, when you just-“
“Okay, I get it, I get it, I get it. Please tell me, please Linden, I need to know that you’re okay, I’m doing this for you.”
Linden stared at him from under his heavy brow. It would be so easy for Vik to lean into his own annoyance, but he didn’t want to. He tried to let himself feel the unbearable pain of humility.
Yes, Linden was right. He had just gone and beaten the little pet that Linden was looking after. He shouldn’t have done that- not because the vampire didn’t deserve it, but because Linden hadn’t asked him to.
“I moved my arm in front of his face, just to pick something up, but it scared him. He thought I was gonna hit him. He did this… kind of, like, a bite in the air, but it was like his mouth just closed as a reflex because he was surprised. So he didn’t actually bite me, or hurt me. And yeah, it scared the shit out of me, Vik. I panicked. And then he didn’t move, and I realised if he’d wanted to bite me, he would have. So I asked him if he could write on some paper, and he just used it to apologise, and then he ran upstairs.”
Linden broke eye contact. “Thanks for letting me talk.”
“Yeah, ‘course mate…” Vik said as he mulled everything over. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It was only yesterday. I knew you’d lose your shit.”
“Yeah, but that’s not- I still can’t believe you didn’t say anything.”
“But Vik, you found out and you did lose your shit. I’m trying to look after him here. I would have told you, okay, of course I would’ve, just in a way that was a bit calmer.”
“So you’re really not hurt?”
“I promise. I swear down.”
“Christ, Vik.”
“Yeah. I know.”
“Do you?”
“I’m sorry I kept interrupting you.”
Linden ran a hand down his face and exhaled. Vik stepped forward and tilted his shoulder, a tiny fraction of movement. Linden saw it, like he always did, and he understood, wrapping an arm around Vik in a tight hug.
Vik’s arms tightened across Linden’s back, using his strength to push the air out of him in a huff. It only lasted a second or two, but it was all they needed to get the point across.
“I’ll go home. I know you need to go back upstairs.”
“I really need to name him…” Linden muttered, with another almighty sigh.
. . .
Pet lay on the floor where Vik had left him. He was alive.
He took a few breaths. He didn’t want to think. He was numb- alive, and numb. Humans called his current state of breathing, eating, sleeping, a type of undeath. It didn’t seem quite accurate, but he knew he shouldn’t be questioning humans.
Still. Alive he was.
Why had Vik shown him mercy?
Even before his Master intervened, Pet’s finely tuned senses had picked up on all the infinite ways Vik had hesitated.
He hadn’t expected kissing his feet to stop the onslaught, and it didn’t- if anything, it made it worse-but Pet hoped it had proved his obedience. He was alive! He would happily be Vik’s punching bag. Vik could beat him senseless, keep him in his place, Pet would welcome it with Master’s permission.
His hand was twitching in pain where Vik had crushed it. He was strong, for a human, and Pet was an incredibly weak vampire. It made for a pretty good beating. The injuries would fade fast, but it didn’t make the hurt any less severe.
It had been deserved, so the pain didn’t feel like proper pain. The handlers used to remind him that being pinned down, bitten, drained of blood- that was legitimate. What Pet felt was justice, or something. It was hard to remember, not because he had forgotten, but because his mind shoved the memories behind a door and locked it.
He was thinking too much.
If he was truly destined to live a bit longer, Pet decided he had time to drift away. His mind was already tugging at the loose rope that moored him to his body, scratching at it with clumsy fingers, holding back until Pet closed his eyes and lent a hand. He knew how to untie the knot. He had done it so many times before, and as he finally went away, he let the rope slip from his palm without a second thought.
here's a little sketch of how Col looks at the end of this chapter:
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@whumpsday @whumpycries @hollowgast1 @pigeonwhumps @cupcakes-and-pain @extemporary-whump @unicornscotty @d-cs @secretwhumplair @octopus-reactivated @wolfeyedwitch
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sualne · 6 months
Never thought about vampires the way you did with op vamp au thank you so muchfor opening my eyes
im pretty much always using monsters to explore neurodivergence & disability, im fond of vampires because you can always make something new and fun with them!
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HIII I KNOW. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ANNIHILATION. PERIPHERALLY. ive seen like part of it but i do NOT remember much. except that its one of the prettiest movies ive ever seen. that being said im so eyes emoji abt ur au..... r there any specific scenes frm the movie ur thinking about?? how would the character dynamics differ from either canon?? etc etc etc!!!
GOD I FUCKING LOOOOOVE ANNIHILATION. ONE OF MY TOP 5 FAVORITE MOVIES OF ALL TIME EVER. yes yes yes yes yes OK. so this is. all encompassing crossover jrwi au which means I'm pulling characters from different campaigns. which. usually im not a huge fan of but i think i pulled it off rlly well in a limited sense here bc i have very specific reasoning behind why i put each character where. u will know at least two of them and they WILL cause you psychic damage so trust me when i say the other ones will too. putting this under a cut bc im gonna ramble
BASICALLYYYYY it's gonna follow the plot of the movie pretty closely just with slightly altered character dynamics + each of their reasons for going into the shimmer. so each person on the Current Team has lost someone on a previous expedition, and basically all of them are trying to find answers for what happened to their loved ones.
im gonna talk mainly about the ones you know because youll understand where I'm coming from the best with them but just know I am OBSESSED w the roles I have put gillion and chip in here. god I miss riptide every day .
DAKOTA COLE AS ANYA. Anya is the retired paramedic !! she's the one that. hold everything. gets killed by the fucked up bear. smile. that was just a fun little coincidence for me . ORIGINALLY I was dead set on having the pd representative be william bc im biased and I love him but after rewatching the movie I just think dakota fits in anyas place so perfectly. she's the most outgoing of the group, she's the one that initially invites Lena to join their team (also side note there is a pre-existing dynamic between dakota and chip because they've had MULTIPLE interactions in various what if crossover episodes and their dynamic is one of my favorite things ever). she's also the most aggressive. she's the first one to snap into action mode after finding the body in the pool, she's the one to take josie away from it and has a very protective stance over josie for the rest of the time after that (this is going to be relevant i am gonna talk about josie next) . once the group starts arguing about whether they want to continue further into the shimmer, anya shifts into a VERY black and white mentality, pinning ventress as The Bad Guy immediately for wanting to continue. and then when Lena shows some hesitancy over what she wants to do, anya snaps into a "youre either with me or against me" mindset. she also has this growing sense of paranoia ever since they find the tape of what appears to be the previous crew killing each other, and after she learns Lena is lying to them about her connection with Kane she goes way overboard with tying them to chairs and threatening to kill them. while i don't think dakota would necessarily go that far I DID say this to jonesy when we were rewatching the movie together so. bfu connecting two dots meme
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anyway i think dakota is in the shimmer looking for william AND vyncent. parallels to the "dakota leaves for 10 months without telling them" which is why the three of them would be separated in the first place. william somehow finds out about the southern reach and his draw toward a mystery is what causes him to join the first expedition. vyncent goes with him because he can sense it's dangerous (and basically a suicide mission) and doesn't want william to go alone. I have. ideas. for what happens to them in the shimmer but they are vague at best right now and even then. dakota never finds out what happens to them before he's killed by the bear. the bear uses their voices to draw him out btw. smile. he dies protecting thr rest of the group even immediately after his paranoid breakdown.
SHILO AS JOSIE. ohhhhh josie radek one of my favorite characters in media of all time. God I love her so much. anyway she's the only one of the current expedition with no previous combat training, so she's often seen by the rest of them as someone who needs to be protected. if I'm remembering correctly she's also the youngest. (in this. au. dakota would be older than shilo. feels better in my mind. none of them would be Kids they'd all be adults at this point but I'd put shilo in early 20s and dakota maybe in mid 20s. so . still young.) shilo is in the shimmer looking for his twin brother who went missing. somehow he was able to track down the southern reach and find out emizel was part of a previous expedition, and desperately wants to get him back. he's the one with the LEAST amount of knowledge going into the shimmer. he doesn't realize it's a suicide mission. he just wants his brother back. anyway when they get to the first outpost they find the remnants of the first team's base of operations, with names on a guard patrol rotation and leftover weapons and. a video camera. with a tape in a plastic bag labeled "for those who follow". josie is the one holding the camera when they watch it. the tape shows members of the previous party in the abandoned pool, one guy tied to a chair while the others cut open his abdomen to show his intestines moving around like snakes or worms. in the movie, the guy who cuts him open is Kane, Lena's husband. the rest of the party doesn't know her connection to kane, and she knows now if she tells them they won't trust her (and is proven correct by this when anya eventually finds out her connection) ANYWAY I'm going off track. sorry this is my favorite scene in the whole movie I get distracted. ANYWAY so when they see this, josie is the most immediately horrified by it because she's the only one who hasn't seen anything as gruesome as that before. for shilo. well. he gets to see the one being cut open is emizel. and then later when they get to the pool and find the body still there (again. josie is the one to find this. she's also the one who reaches down into the old dirty water and accidentally picks up the knife. which was still left in the same place they saw it be dropped in the tape) corpse plastered to the wall by all kinds of multicolored fungus and lichen, I think shilo doesn't immediately break down, he doesn't really. process it right away. I mean it's completely unrecognizable. it's not until he accidentally picks up the knife that it all clicks into place in his mind and he realizes "that thing right there used to be my fucking brother" and completely shuts down. runs out of the complex, dakota has to chase him down because they all know its dangerous to go anywhere alone, etc. after this he loses any sense of purpose, the only reason he came into the shimmer in the first place was to get emizel back and now seeing what happened I think he just gets. hopeless. which is the beginning of the end for him . i haven't decided if his exact death is the same as josies but i want it to be peaceful in the same sort of way. "imagine dying frightened and in pain and having that be the only part of you which survives... i wouldnt like that at all" "ventress wants to face it.. you want to fight it... im not sure i want either of those things...." josie radek i am in love with you. anyway. annihilation pool scene for you because I love this image more than anything
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nodominion · 15 days
I need Daniel's 'assistant' to be Jesse.
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pzyii · 8 months
more btvs toh au stuff
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their relationship goes very smoothly and well, yep absolutely (in denial about the lore I myself wrote… also still a bit unsure about it) willows human disguise was really fun for me, cause like yeah she has to use a hat for her ears cause they are both pretty big and just hard to blame on a syndrome or something. Luckily her wings are small enough to fit under a small cardigan, tho it isn’t too comfortable. She also always has to wear pretty large pants so that she can hide her tail. also about willows hair if anyones wondered why I draw it like I do, just simply cause like so many of the women in this show has just long straight hair, I needed someone to stick out, and I definitely couldn’t have the 2 mcs have the same hair so I decided on that based on just an extreme version of her hair in s4. She probably had it longer in s1, then chopped it off in s2 just like amity dyed hers. and yes I am aware buffy has also has short hair, well she’s gonna cut it short during the time skip between 2 and 3. Cause luz in s3 of toh parallels pretty nicely to buffy in s6 of btvs
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