theyluvsavi · 5 months
Saiki K AU where Saiki is the protagonist of "Save Me! Lollipop"
It follows the regular events of Saiki K, HOWEVER...
Kusuo breaks his limiter and goes to Kusuke
Kusuke finds the Crystal Pearl and fixes Kusuo's limiter with that (left side probably)
He has always told Kusuo to protect it with his life, but after making this special limiter, he means it fr
Kusuke ofc knows that its the Crystal Pearl, he just wants to see Kusuo play his little game of course. 🙄
Saiki is oblivious to this, and he becomes a target for sorcerers as they are taking a magical exam
After getting his limiter fixed, he teleported home and went to a cafe and ordered a delicious cake
Barely a minute later, he senses danger. Looks up to see hundreds of people flying at him. Poor Saiki was trying to enjoy his desserts
Two people fall from the sky and shield him from the flying people. the idiot Zero, and the ikemen Ichii
They suspect his hair pins at first but then dismiss it, asking him if he has seen a pink ball
They use their tracker and see that the ball indicates that it is right in front of them, they realize ☠️
They swear to protect him and Saiki is like "wtf who r u and i dont need protection"
So now he just has two sorcerers protecting his life and they attend his school
Saiki fails to get them to leave, and now he has to deal with two bodyguards while also dealing with other magical examinees
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one of the worst things about re-runs on cable is that sometimes youll see a random episode that you remember, decide "eh, sure" to watching, and one of the details you were ignorant to before now (but not anymore) now haS A SEVERELY DIFFERENT MEANING to the point it makes you do a spit-take
anyway. feel free to share your recent "eYO WHAT" moment of At Least I Know Now; I May Be Shocked But I Cannot Blame Myself For What I Did Not Know That I Didn't Know Before regarding re-watching a piece of media that had some small or big pillar within your life (cable or not, tv show or not). would love to know other people's so i feel less inattentive for having entirely forgotten this or forgot to process this or whatever the most apt term is
i'll go first:
my parents have been watching various cop-shows of the Not-Comedic variety (meaning no "Psych" and no "Brooklyn-99", boo), and the tangential (fireman-shows, paramedics, forensics, etc) and/or their spin-offs, since i was like... 7 years old at the youngest? before i was in middle-school at any rate
and for a long fucking time (for good reason, look how many fucking episodes there are), their favorite go-to was "NCIS". the original one with Gibbs, not one of the spin-offs
and bc i had Muslim friends online, a few in my middle and high school classes, and a few also irl outside of school (who were also kind enough to teach me, which they didn't have to do; but i was very privileged that they did), i was at least moderately aware this show had a ton of loudly rampant anti-Muslim/anti-Middle East/etc propaganda. that's who The Big Bad tended to be. which is frustrating. but it was way harder for it to brainwash me as id inwardly groan that "i dont know enough about this topic to be an expert in any way, but i do know this show is so Islamophobic that i wouldn't be surprised if they made this vitriol up". so i do want to mention that is a very huge Problem Area here
so i knew this huge problem existed in the show. i knew i had blind-spots. but i thought i had a good general awareness of all the propaganda in "NCIS"
...i did not. otherwise, i wouldn't have an "i'll go first" to go first with
bc i always remembered that Ziva David was Jewish, but i never memorized nor before had the context to process what it meant that she was an Israeli Jewish person
bc, since the late 1800s to the early 1900s, Israel has been trying to colonize Palestine and actively commit genocide to the indigenous inhabitants of the lands that were once Palestine, killing Palestinians of all faiths, including Jewish and Muslim Palestinians. so. that detail about Ziva does inform her character, the narrative's message, and makes it all the more obvious what kind of propaganda this show is. bc. uh. i knew i should never trust "NCIS" beforehand bc of its Islamophobic propaganda. did not realize a sizable chunk of that was also in a venn-diagram style overlap with Zionism. wow. okay
and furthermore!! apparently! even though it is 2024!!! and both protestors and allies alike are doing their best to keep Palestine in the news as a ton of people try to fund more Palestinian families to get out of danger!! — it's JUST been announced the networks newest installment within the "NCIS" Connected Universes will be the Paramount+ exclusive spin-off "NCIS: Tony & Ziva". and i am absolutely not going to tell my parents about said annoucement bc wtf
(which anybody who wants to maybe Reblog/Reply/send an Ask to say "that's so mean of you to do your parents": shut the fuck up. alright? focus up. talk shit in meaningful ways instead, like to help donate to Palestinian families in need. okay? okay.)
(1) uh, sure, feel free to eventually boycott "NCIS: Tony & Ziva" when it comes out, but this show won't be dropping for a while and a half. sO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE MORE-PRESSING AND TIME-SENSITIVE THINGS BELOW PLS AND THANKS 🤗💗💕
and (2) feel free to reblog and potentially share your own "eYO WHAT" Didn't Know Back Then What I Didn't Know re-watch stories to better help engage with this post through the tumblr algorithim (all the better if youre funnier than me (shouldnt be hard lol) tho a comedic story isn't a necessity for engaging) and get these Palestinian families Go-Fund-Me accounts in front of people who can afford to donate
and (3)!! i looked for the most recent Go Fund Me link-collection post ive reblogged to have copied down into this post (as someone whose disabilities and lack of wealth means the best i can consistently do is reblog here/repost on tiktok, spread awareness in my irl life, and so on. i irregularly use social media due to how drained my disability + doctor appts make me. i am doing this purely to see if it can help, i do not want attention or to be used as a resource when i cannot reliably be one with my current health situation. instead of me, please go follow (and donate to!!) these families and follow this user to keep the cycle of information and aid going!!)
this vetted collection was originally posted here, by @seance
@anqer - From War to Education: Abdelrahman Resilient Journey
@fatma93gaza - Support Fatima's Family in Gaza After Heartbreaking Tragedy
@emanfamily - Donate to help my family live in peace
@basel-19951995 - Help me evacuate my family and rebuild a new start
@ayaalanqarsblog - Save Gaza: A Brighter Future for Aya and Her Family
@ashraf-family2 - Hope for Gaza: Support Ashraf's Family Rebuild Their Lives
under the read-more is me just Knowing The Internet Can Be Toxic and having further context (about my family + "NCIS") can help curb a few people somewhat. at least it gives me "the autistic sense of peace knowing i have fully explained myself"(TM) so i can more clearly go "that's an unproductive response of pure Bad Faith. blocked". however, i didn't want this post to be longer than it is so as itd have a better chance at ✨️engagement✨️ and $$$ if its not a # Long Post
here's my list of things that clarify some context of this post, but overall dont matter. and also adding any of them Above The Read More would make people less likely to interact and reblog than i already assume people will (bc i dont got a lot of followers lmao c'est la vie, long as i did my best to help), as people either hesitate to reblog or dont reblog Long Posts. so these were all originally a part of the Above The Read More narrative before i thought it overall better to move them down here since i already did not wanna delete them entirely
sorry for any misspellings, im dyslexic and am writing this casually from my phone
like it wasn't until the past 5 or 6 years that my parents got sick of re-watching the "NCIS" re-runs on cable? and i'm 27 as of writing this. so minus 6 years, and that means from sometime before i was in middle school up until i was 21, this was a regular and favorited re-watched show they'd tune in for new episodes of and re-runs of whenever they stumbled on it. and, due to said 5 or 6 years, it's recently accumulated to have been enough time where, if "NCIS" is on now, they aren't AS sick of it anymore? as in, it's not their #1 favorite anymore still, but they will watch it with mild apathy/contentment; especially if it's an episode they still remember the plotline of VS a new episode that they dont. but, overall, even when id be in the room but on my phone or in the next room over and doing my hw: this show was a consistent pillar of my life growing up, at least in the background if not further up close
and, bc i know certain irrational parts of the internet will get mad i ever even dared passively absorb this show: dont be mad at ME bc "NCIS" had funding and viewership, im not a network head nor did i make the choice to have Ziva be Israeli. hell, i couldn't control the TV and refuse to give them viewership; i was a minor, my mom and dad were in charge, and my dad especially let me know him wanting to watch a show mattered more than me not wanting to watch it. he wouldnt change the channel on his favorite show. and though there were times i was invested, and i do have good memories here and there with my parents watching these various shows on/off, i knew also to question every villain they had and do my best to unpack/analyze whatever congrument narrative that was in their show that alligned with a thought i had about Islam as a monolith that i couldn't source back to my Muslim friends or learning about Islam on my own time. im ultimately glad i learned so much from it in that way. and i think that is the better way to go-- to watch whatever, but unpack as needed when you realize your biases-- rather than proverbially "burn the books" of whatever media you dislike and/or deem problematic. which this show is definitely problematic. but im still glad i learned from it in the ways that i have, and that i can use my history with the show to trick the algorithm maybe and get these families some additional attention
my chronic memory loss symptom means i am naturally predisposed to not be able to consistently remember certain things, especially details about people that didn't have emotional weight to me or that didn't come up too often, sometimes including things like a friend's ancestry or ethnicity. but, uh, i guess either none of my past Muslim friends were Palestinian?? or else any that were? they did not have the vocabulary or bandwidth to explain Palestine's fraught history of being oppressed by Israel to me (fair enough)?? i know one of my current Muslim friends definitely is Palestinian, but we met when i was 23 or a bit older (aka: after my parents were already sick of "NCIS", so the show and Ziva David being Israeli didnt come up; we did not know each other during the height of me having Muslim friends in middle and high school kindly helping teach me a few things)
personally, all my Jewish friends are from high school or before. and apparently, i don't have their social media or else they maybe deleted/renamed their accounts bc im not finding them in my Following lists. so i have no idea if any were from Isn'tReal. but i assume not, out of wishful thinking if nothing else. friendly reminder that antisemitism isn't cool, period; and also that calling out Zionism =/= antisemitism
alright then. dont mind me, im just gonna hc that one of my favorite "NCIS" characters is now a Palestinian Jewish person out of spite now. bc that's fucked up, that they made her Israeli on top of all this Islamophobia. and Palestinian people of all faiths are being impacted by Israel, yes, but there absolutely is Islamophobia involved in this genocide. so, like, excuse me, im just gonna casually re-write her in my head; cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug bc, like, you know the thing you like is bad but, like, what if you imagine if it was good lmao rip
unrelated tangent, if anybody was curious: "Bones" has been my stand-out favorite of my parents' rotation. i related to Dr Brennan's autism-coding, the show had good dialog and was largely sincere despite its writers' early-2000s-caused questionable creative-decisions, i find its obvious absurdity funny (wh... why would a museuem ever agree to this, they do FBI crime-work next to dinosaur skeletons, this setting is ridiculous lmao), and it has been the closest to comedy my parents would watch. it's a fun time, with some must-skip episodes, yeah, but it's fun. in my free time, i have also watched "Psych" and "Brooklyn-99" though, and i like them! im not a big fan of cop-shows and its tangential forms regardless though. but yeah, i do not recommend "NCIS". it wore me down over the years, but i do not recommend it. for obvious reasons i have now already fully explained lol
the next bullet point below is the original full form of what i said about "the difference between a protestor versus an ally" before editing my rambling down so i didnt detrack from the post's actual point:
↳ and both protestors and allies alike ("allies" being people who cannot protest for disability and/or safety reasons, but who do spread pro-Palestine news how/when they can and donate if/when it is possible for their wallets) are doing their best to keep Palestine in the news as a ton of people try to fund more Palestinian families to get out of danger!! [edit: i would be unsurprised if people disagreed with me that what i call "allies" is different than a "protestor". but i am keeping the term literal at the moment to give credit where credit is due for these organizers, influencers doing content and outreach to sponsor a family or multiple families, sit-out camp and walking-parade and curbside-standing protestors, and so on and so forth. however, my health and disability makes me specifically only capable of "ally" status; so maybe i am wrong and am doing some form of self-deprecation. i personally doubt it; i think im still right to internally have a dividing line made so literal like this. but i am open to the idea if nothing else. feel free to agree to disagree with my diction, i guess lol]
the next bullet point below is the original full form of what i said about anyone saying "that's so mean of you to do to your parents" before editing my rambling down so i didnt detrack from the post's actual point:
↳ (which anybody who wants to maybe Reblog/Reply/send an Ask to say "that's so mean of you to do your parents": shut the fuck up. okay? my parents don't have an interest in learning how to work streaming services anyway, it's fine. and my mom supports Palestine, so what i said is honestly hyperbole as she'd be down for our household to mostly-intentionally boycott the spin-off anyway. bc, yeah, its SO easily done for us since we dont have any streaming subscriptions, much less Paramount+ specifically. and my dad's early dementia makes his general stance unpredictable, bc it depends what he remembers is happening in the news/in politics, much less in Palestine specifically; he'll be "meh. okay" about being kept out of the loop. okay? focus up. talk shit in meaningful ways instead, like to help donate to Palestinian families in need. okay? okay.)
the next bullet point below is the original full form of what i said about "feel free to eventually boycott 'NCIS: Tony & Ziva' when it comes out" before editing my rambling down so i didnt detrack from the post's actual point:
↳ uh, sure, feel free to eventually boycott "NCIS: Tony & Ziva" when it comes out, since assumedly the networks are not going to ret-con that Ziva David is an Israeli Jewish person (which. her actress' wiki says she herself is neither Israeli or Jewish anyway, so literally no reason for anybody there to dig their heels in about this detail) and there's no reason for us to have ever had, much less have even more Zionism (+ likely still Islamaphobic) propaganda added to our current media landscape. but this show won't be dropping for a while and a half, sO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE MORE-PRESSING AND TIME-SENSITIVE [LINKS ABOVE THE READ MORE] PLS AND THANKS 🤗💗💕
the next bullet point below is the original full form of what i said about "here is why i am not a good person to follow to help you keep an eye on Palestine; go follow the families and the person who organized these links instead" before editing my rambling down so i didnt detrack from the post's actual point:
↳ (as someone whose disabilities and lack of wealth means the best i can consistently do is reblog here/repost on tiktok, spread awareness in my irl life, and so on. i irregularly use social media due to how drained i get. i do not have the luxury of energy, esp with all my diagnostic journey medical appointments further tiring me out, to make original posts on a regular basis like Palestinian families deserve and need from their regular backers. i thought of this post idea and worked on it on/off with the bits of energy i have had; i am doing this purely to see if it can help, i do not want attention or to be used as a resource when i cannot reliably be one with my current health situation. instead of me, please go follow these families and this user to keep the cycle going)
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the-bloody-sadist · 10 months
What’s an unpopular ship that you actually really like?
I don’t think these are SUPER unpopular as ships, but because they’re from lesser-known anime (that don’t have very active fandoms at least), here are a few!
Daisuke Kanbe and Haru Kato from The Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited (top Kato, because Daisuke is my favorite and that means he’s going to bottom LOL)—this anime is one of my favorites and I rewatch it a lot, especially that one episode where Daisuke is just a little baby boy who gets drunk and doesn’t know how to be poor.
Also the show ships them too here’s proof:
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John Watson and Friday from The Empire of Corpses—absolutely devastating (and gorgeous) movie with an after credit that ruins everything, but gods will I watch it over and over for these two. There’s just something so erotic about a man bringing his best friend’s corpse back to life as a Frankenstein-esque monster and trying to make him human again. I’ve made a post about this one before when I’d first watched it (lmao I was traumatized), but I have a big weak spot for non-verbal characters, so Friday is my favorite. I wish there was an active fandom for this so I could see ship works for them! Also, one of my favorite animation styles of all time. Everyone looks so pretty.
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Fushi and The Beholder from To Your Eternity—ehehehheheheheheh this one is a popular anime but not a popular shipper fandom. LET ME DREAM, THOUGH. I drew one work for it once, I’m qualified. (Also the non-verbal character strikes again [yes I was mad when he learned to speak like a normal person eventually])
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Gareki and Yogi from Karneval—I could ship Yogi with several men in this anime but that’s just because of Miyano Mamoru magic I’m sure…anyway if you haven’t seen this one ITS VERY GOOD. Idk if it got cancelled officially or what but I hope a second season comes anyway. Still worth it, regardless!
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thorfishcrusher · 5 months
first httyd rant of many!!! yahoo!!!
this is kinda just me nonsensically talking about the alphabet(s) used in httyd because theyre kind of inconsistent?? to put it simply
insert menacing dot dot dot here
googling "httyd alphabet" lowkey made me sob cuz there were so many different variations of the symbols they used, from somewhat official sources to definitely not official ones.
they all do share elements from the futhark runic alphabet used during, or around the time period viking were in their golden age. more or less; i honestly dont know too much about runes so i apologize in advance for anything im wrong about
runes used in that time period weren't very specific, they were designed to easily carve into the materials they were using and mostly relied on just sounding things out. like lets bring that back that sounds WAY easier than learning 20 different variations of spelling the same word
younger futhark(which was more popular during the viking age,) for example, only had 16 characters, in contrast to the 24 characters in the modern english alphabet. more often than not, translated runes are littered with spelling mistakes.
that doesn't mean the vikings weren't less intelligent than people today, spelling and writing just wasn't a necessity as it commonly is in current times.
but anyway, the alphabet systems used in the books, movies, and tv shows can be directly translated into modern english, long as you ignore all the stupid ass inconsistencies (this is directed at the films, not the books)
both the movies and tv shows have similarities to futhark runes, though the movies appear to be inspired by anglo saxon runes, and the tv shows do have similar characters used in elder futhark. neither can be 100% translated to any sort of alphabetical system used at the time, and i believe berk has developed their own writing system over the centuries.
in the movies (at least from what i know) the way words were spelt were influenced on how they were sounded out, while the tv shows were slightly more correct for the future day standards. so congratulations, you can most likely spell better than hiccup in the movies. the punctuation system isn't really clear, and in futhark variations words were primarily just separated by dots. though, according to that one episode in rtte that i totally remember completely watching where snotlout shat on his dads grammar, i imagine people in berk have a more complex grammar system.
on top of that, quite a lot of people in berk seem to have the ability to read and write, more than the average viking tribes of the time. id like to assume they put more emphasis on learning to read efficiently because of the dragon book. information regarding dragons was important, and so id imagine being able to to proficiently record said information was important, too. thus the berkians (and perhaps surrounding tribes, outcasts, etc) adapted to better suit their priorities
ummm yeah idk thats kinda it
i say as if i havent put more thought and time into this dopey ass fictional thing than i have with actual beneficiary stuff
tl, dr; did you seriously scroll all this way to see if there was a summary? youll be disappointed because i am the master yapper and i am unable to be quick with my words
but basically just me talking abt the differentiating runes used in httyd, and how they connect to real world languages at the time, wnd um er um yo MOTHER
ive literally had this account for a day and ive written a 10 paragraph essay on silly little symbols
ill probably be using rtte's alphabet cuz it seems relatively easy for my little pea brain
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intertexts · 6 months
- ashe being there surprised dakota so much it broke him somewhat out of his bad mood! in grizzlys words "if he wouldnt have met ashe right then, dakota would have been so much more angry and miserable at the beginning of this episode. he mightve just straight up left. got up and walked away."
- he didnt want to talk to william or vyncent at all, so ashe being there (however unwillingly) as a third party made things easier and almost softened the blow of vyncent yelling at him in the moment
- "why did i dream about william and vyncent being villains in the beginnign and killing summer" ".... i dunno" *cue entire party suspicious WHAT DOES THAT MEAN*
- "i dont trust your characters now" "you have ONE bad dream and our campaign turns into a game of among us"
- william: "hey ashe do you want to run away and write poetry with me?" emo/goth kid solidarity
- this is yakko's (ashes player) first time ever playing a ttrpg !!! fucking wild!! he feels like he needs more practice describing things
dakota: breakbeat, old school rap, 90s punk rock. also for shows he would watch it was "cartoons like atla, tmnt and codename kids next door"
william: "indie rock. and on a bad day, evanescence" (god hes just like me fr)
vyncent: "my character doesnt know what music is"
ashe: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE . also apparently yakko made an ashe winters playlist on spotify and thats actually what they were playing in the episode. i have not found this yet and i desperately want to
- for the spirit world, bizly asked charlie to find him just random pieces of music that he could envision places for and thats how they came up with carnival of souls! there are a handful more places like that that youll see eventually :]
- yakko: "im glad i was able to bring wavelengths threat level down an entire tier just by calling him mark"
- charlie wants william and ashe to hang out in character more because theyre so similar and he thinks they would have a lot to bond over! i love this
- theyre all really excited that they get to go to the spirit world together and it wasnt just an excuse to split the party because they dont want to do that :] (<< i just rlly like this energy)
- grizzly is specifically playing dakota as "not being able to process emotions very well"
ALSO!!!!!!! i dojt know what site or whatever youre using to watch/listen so im hoping they have this on there BUT. the tide backstory oneshot was posted between episodes 12 and 13 so if u wanted to listen to that one now would be a good time !!! its called The Elementals :]
HIII YAYAYAYAYYY!!!! ohh fuck yes a little bowl of seeds for me :333
the dakota & ashe stuff is so goodddd u can rlly tell. it's like yeah you cant be mad and miserable and sulky in front of someone u don't know!! & ashe is just.... so unbothered... i loaf him... he truly did bring the threat level down so fast. went from terrifying supervillain in charge of the Evil Facility to an exhausted pissed off single dad in 1 minute.
+ALL THE MUSIC STUFF IS SO GOOD..... ITS SO GOOD. yelling. vyncent is going 2 end up having the weirdest music taste from hanging out with them. augh... awesome trivia thabk. the energy they have is so fun always....
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pretty-little-martyr · 9 months
the whole 'steamboat willie in public domain now' thing does have me thinking. steamboat willie was i'm pretty sure an iteration of Mickey Mouse, that's why Minnie is in the original short, which I highly recommend you watch because it's an important piece of animation history. however it's important to note that this is A Mickey Mouse Sound Cartoon (an important distinction; prior, cartoons did not have sound. however Steamboat Willie is not the first cartoon to have sound in it like people often claim. the Fleischer Brothers were already doing that. it may have been the first Disney cartoon w sound but Disney is not the only thing in animation history), and that's an important distinction because if i'm remembering right, that means "steamboat willie" may actually be the name of the 'episode' (short) rather than the character. that is, if this follows the naming conventions of a different Disney series being made around the same time, the Silly Symphony series.
you've probably seen this gif:
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or this one:
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and those are from the Silly Symphony short Skeleton Dance, another one I highly recommend watching, it's adorable. Following the naming convention: Silly Symphony was the series, and Skeleton Dance is one of the shorts. another you might not know but should totally go check out is Flowers and Trees, which if I'm remembering right may have been the first Technicolour* Disney cartoon. I might be wrong, don't quote me on that. Anyways.
Silly Symphony and Mickey Mouse Sound Cartoons were happening at roughly the same time by a certain point; Mickey Mouse was always Disney's main brand, and Silly Symphony was the series where they experimented with new techniques which would, if successful, later be incorporated into Mickey Mouse shorts.
essentially what I'm trying to say is, there's a chance Steamboat Willie is not actually his own character and may be a sort of fetal Mickey Mouse, so maybe tread carefully when incorporating him into any works you'd be making profit off of. The short itself may be public domain, that may be what is actually public domain now. I don't know and I can't find a clear answer so I'm just giving you my knowledge as an animation-history enthusiast. i love all the memes and stuff I'm seeing going around but I'm wary of anybody getting sued out the ass by The Rat!!
btw Mickey Mouse was not designed by Disney but rather by Ub Iwerks and if you like animation please look into Iwerks' career, he's often overshadowed by Disney but he was massively important historically. if this post is actually mostly useless due to intricacies of copyright law im not familiar with then youll at least have that takeaway <3
*Technicolour is a particular company/technique, there were other colour animations but iirc Flowers and Trees was the start of Disney and Technicolour doing stuff together.
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finn-shitposts · 1 year
Oki so!! Bonus question, how are things different to the first time I watched it?
I do remember a lot of it. I wouldn't have been able to describe what happened in any of the episodes, but as im watching, i recognise each episode and remember what happened. Like Maddison being a werewolf, recognising who the trickster is(!!!!) and knowing who Ruby is, etc. I think this time around, I'm seeing a lot more of the subtext than the first time. So, seeing how sam fits into his storyline from the beginning and how you start to see the effect of certain choices unfolding. I'm also having fun and seeing it in the tumblrfied* way of like "what if they were trans, how does that effect their brotherhood/relationship to eachother with Dean calling him "Sammy" and Dean having to both fit the older brother AND motherly role (and of course the huge overcompensation of masculinity). Its also fun seeing how they mirror each other quite a lot. Like if it were possible, i definitely think they'd be stuck in a loop of selling their souls for each other. Obviously, the whole premise of the show is how far they'll go to save each other, though. Uhh okay I wrote a lot more than I thought I would and I hope this all makes sense???
*i say this to mean the version of the show I've understood from seeing people talk about it on here and their ideas and thoughts and headcanons
Yeah no yeah i get what you mean with tumblrified supernatural sksjsk but like FR when you look at it in the context of them being queer in different ways it changes the meaning of so mamy scenes!!
And yeah theyre fucked up and codependent theyre a goddamn mess and it just keeps getting worse as the show goes on T.T every time they have one of those heartfelt emotional scenes of "dont die for me again" and you KNOW theyre gonna do some shit to break that promise 2 episodes later. It just gets exponentionally funnier the more it happens
And eheheheeh im excited for when you get to scenes/seasons that you havent seen yet! how many of them have been randomly spoiled by tumblr i wonder,,,, how many do you THINK have been spoiled but then youll get to the episode and realise weve all just been delusionally posting about popular headcanons as if they were actual plot too lol
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good morning/day/evening, my lovely angel!! youre soso sweet and cute i cant TT 'i was bummed out i couldnt write' its ok dont worry about me! your comfort is the thing that matters the most! give yourself time. 'i havent written in 2 days' its ok. i cant state but do you think it may be burning out? bc you work really hard and have lots of work beside writing. you really owe nothing to anyone. ill repeat it as many times as i need. bc you do great, you study, do covers, you do a lot. thats more than great! you still worth the world and let down noone. and if anyone have the guts to say otherwise, i can have their tongue. you are the priority. if you dont feel like writing, maybe you shouldnt force yourself to do it to even lessen your minds ability to do it rn. give yourself time. tumblrs nothing when it comes to your mental powers. i dont remember if you say smth about 'kiss it better' later but id talk abt it here. i hope things will get better for you. hope your manifest works really well and ability to do creative things cutie. its very comforting. hope you enjoyed writing it. also the whole concept made me remember the song 'guard you' by young k. its just the most comforting song for me. its released on my bday but for some reason i ignored it for months? ill never forgive this. its really good to have someone to take care of you and 'guard you'. even if im not next to you, remember im always here for you and will always support you. 'i have to keep making art. i cant stop' its great if you cant and feel like it. but please dont force and overwork yourself. you are still you if you currently dont have strength to make art. 'i do love his name' your love for masc feminine names is so adorable TT hes not completely CRINGE meme but not a kind(?) meme either. its difficult to explain esp with how humor here is but yes. 'why didnt you put an episode number' i watched it like.. 2 years ago. you think i remember? im a grandcat myself. i need to do a research for it. maybe at weekends (basically its saturday even here rn but nvm). first epp with matt smith is pretty touching esp with karen gillah and a little drama they have but i also like peter capaldis doctor. esp the beginning of his era. well see. and i never watched davids seasons TT im sorry but its true, cant help you here. 'if i cant write this rn' and hows it? 'poor bb girl witch' nooo she shouldnt feel like it TT the point is she loves her love more than she loves the very daemon. 'sounds tiring' reasonable. ig it can be said abt all my ideas. btw, wfal isnt tiring you? or like a burden? ik you dont like writing long things so im kinds worried now. 'i need a cleanse fic' is it kiss it better? anyway do wild girl! 'but i’ll listen to it later' did you listen to it?... im not making you, just interested ghdjfj. also! ive only learnt abt 'Running up That Hill' by Kate Bush (in another witchy playlist...) and 1) i LOVE it sm her voice and the way of singing is so enchanting? 2) it gives me waiting for a lifetime vibes.. yeah its origin meaning isnt exactly abt it but its the magic of art isnt it? the opportunity to interpret it however you want. and the deal with god pretty much reminds me of the au. 'you’ve got such a beautiful brain' thanks TT take it after my catmom. ive got lots of things to do for the exams but my mental state has only allowed me to watch videos with kitties, cry cats and dogs and listen to this song of kate for the past week. theres the one i cried hardest over (subjectively) and theres the one i cried hardest (objectively). theyre just cute if you ever feel like it. and HEs so tiny i SCREAMED. thats it. just cute vids to bring your mood up. how are you? whats the weather like? hope you are or will soon do great. have a nice day/evening/night! ill try to find an episode and write down some ideas, maybe youll find some inspiration in them. good luck with all the hw and assignments! take care! love you<з *freezy kisses for you to not burn in your weather*
hello my love <3 <3 <3
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meow meow muning <3
good morning/day/evening, my lovely angel!! youre soso sweet and cute i cant TT
wait why am i so sweet? what did i do?
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here she is normally
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that's all.
'i was bummed out i couldnt write' its ok dont worry about me! your comfort is the thing that matters the most! give yourself time.
T_T but i love you
'i havent written in 2 days' its ok. i cant state but do you think it may be burning out?
T_T ... i think youre right. T_T
bc you work really hard and have lots of work beside writing. you really owe nothing to anyone. ill repeat it as many times as i need. bc you do great, you study, do covers, you do a lot. thats more than great! you still worth the world and let down noone. and if anyone have the guts to say otherwise, i can have their tongue. you are the priority. if you dont feel like writing, maybe you shouldnt force yourself to do it to even lessen your minds ability to do it rn. give yourself time. tumblrs nothing when it comes to your mental powers.
thank you. this means a lot to me to hear this. you dont know how very much your words mean to me.
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i want to write. but i cant. i want to write ideas outside my reqs but also i want to make reqs but also i cant. i dont know
i dont remember if you say smth about 'kiss it better' later but id talk abt it here. i hope things will get better for you. hope your manifest works really well and ability to do creative things cutie. its very comforting. hope you enjoyed writing it.
i dont know if i enjoyed writing it but while rereading it i was like 'damn im really good at writing' i hope i get out of this hitch T_T
also the whole concept made me remember the song 'guard you' by young k. its just the most comforting song for me. its released on my bday but for some reason i ignored it for months? ill never forgive this. its really good to have someone to take care of you and 'guard you'. even if im not next to you, remember im always here for you and will always support you.
omg this was yonks parting gift before enlisting. (i call young-k yonk cos thats what it reads like yonk HAHHAH) im so touched that you feel this way towards me T_T i feel the same for you. lol its so funny you ignored it but ended up loving it HAHAH. i want a hug from you for real i want to cry.
'i have to keep making art. i cant stop' its great if you cant and feel like it. but please dont force and overwork yourself. you are still you if you currently dont have strength to make art.
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T_T i want a hug. i dont know if im forcing myself but maybe youre right i should stop T_T
'i do love his name' your love for masc feminine names is so adorable TT hes not completely CRINGE meme but not a kind(?) meme either. its difficult to explain esp with how humor here is but yes.
i have nothing else to say about him so heres him with a dog <3 i love the dog dog <3
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'why didnt you put an episode number' i watched it like.. 2 years ago. you think i remember? im a grandcat myself. i need to do a research for it. maybe at weekends (basically its saturday even here rn but nvm).
grandcat T_T it ok i just assumed you had an episode in mind. you dont have to research
first epp with matt smith is pretty touching esp with karen gillah and a little drama they have
i'll watch that!
but i also like peter capaldis doctor. esp the beginning of his era.
ive seen crack edits of jenna coleman and him and i kinda wanna watch his too
well see. and i never watched davids seasons TT im sorry but its true, cant help you here.
LOL HAHHAH thats fine thank you anyway i love you
'if i cant write this rn' and hows it?
T_T i cant write it im sorry
'poor bb girl witch' nooo she shouldnt feel like it TT the point is she loves her love more than she loves the very daemon.
She loves her love for daemon more than daemon himself? or daemon lovers her more than daemon ???
'sounds tiring' reasonable. ig it can be said abt all my ideas.
its not your idea that tiring its the idea of writing that tires me. baby i love your ideas T_T please stop exploding on yourself
btw, wfal isnt tiring you? or like a burden? ik you dont like writing long things so im kinds worried now.
🙄 gee. i literally make mood boards for it, i wonder if its tiring. well ok enough sarcasm, it is very much laborious but its a labor of love. i have not enjoyed writing a... series in a long time. its not a burden. i promise you i will stop writing that fic once i feel like im done with it. i was partially joking about ending i at p5 but i do hope i manage to keep it short T_T asfhs/flhsd
'i need a cleanse fic' is it kiss it better? anyway do wild girl!
it was. but idk if i was cleansed
'but i’ll listen to it later' did you listen to it?... im not making you, just interested ghdjfj.
i listened to the first part of the first song and i ejected i dont remember why but i guess i didnt like the vibe T_T
also! ive only learnt abt 'Running up That Hill' by Kate Bush (in another witchy playlist...) and 1) i LOVE it sm her voice and the way of singing is so enchanting? 2) it gives me waiting for a lifetime vibes.. yeah its origin meaning isnt exactly abt it but its the magic of art isnt it? the opportunity to interpret it however you want. and the deal with god pretty much reminds me of the au.
ive listened to this song before. she does have a very strong and enchanting voice. im honored that my fic reminds you things T_T thats so sweet and so nice of you. im honored to have such an impact on you <3
'you’ve got such a beautiful brain' thanks TT take it after my catmom. ive got lots of things to do for the exams but my mental state has only allowed me to watch videos with kitties, cry cats and dogs and listen to this song of kate for the past week.
you and i are so same. our mental capacities are overloaded. i think i might really just stop writing for a while T_T idk ive got these ideas i want to get out of my brain though
theres the one i cried hardest over (subjectively)
and theres the one i cried hardest (objectively).
theyre just cute if you ever feel like it. and HEs so tiny i SCREAMED.
ive seen this before T_T theyre SO tiny i squishhhhh
thats it. just cute vids to bring your mood up.
thank you they mean so much <3 this post is really cute too. im luv
how are you?
im currently in class not listening because id rather reply to you. dw its a concept ive studied before. my head hurts and im hungry. i also want to pee so badly but i cant leave my desk. i want to read fics to badly
whats the weather like?
its so hot my head hurts
hope you are or will soon do great.
me too i hope you are also well.
have a nice day/evening/night!
i love you i hope you have a nice day too <3
ill try to find an episode and write down some ideas, maybe youll find some inspiration in them.
thank you so much <3 the fact you care enough to do that. T_T thank you.
good luck with all the hw and assignments! take care! love you<з
me too T_T i want to graduate. i dont want to fail. i cant fail. T_T i feel dumb sometimes even though i know deep down im not T_T
*freezy kisses for you to not burn in your weather*
thank you <3 i love you
i also wanted to share this video about wolves. i love it so much. it makes me love nature so much. it makes you realize how important it is to allow animals to stay in their habitats.
also this tiger series. i used to watch this so much. i love tiggers love love love
i love you bye bye my love
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Oh God
TimeTraveler!Son x Haikyuu!! Part 2
a/n: hehe i wouldnt put ‘x haikyuu’ if manager y/n ends up with that certain character. youll just have to,,,, wait for the end 😏
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he didnt want to lie but he had to so he could survive
hinata offered his hand to help him up and natsu winced at the scratches and the slight headache as he stood on his two feet
‘you okay?’
hinata asked and natsu nodded
‘yea, just a headache’
natsu tried to play it off as cooly as he could bc this must’ve been from the car hit before and he couldnt just say he got ran over by a damn car
‘where do you live? i can go and treat your wounds there’
natsu was about to respond but he remembers hes not in tokyo anymore and he cant just spout out his address
so he did the thing his mom told him to do whenever it was necessary
he lied
he fumbled for an excuse but he sighed to maintain the act
‘i got kicked out’
he mumbled and hinata had to make him repeat it twice because he said it so quietly
the tangerine boy gasped and held his arms
‘what?! why?!’
natsu sniffled
‘my dad,,,, he just,,, doesnt want me’
well, that was actually true
so a true statement could equal that lie, right?
thankfully, hinata bought it and he grabbed his arm to walk forward while his other was pushing his bike
‘i hit you with my bike so the least i could do is take you to my house and treat you!’
and that was what they did
natsu’s phone was dead even though he was sure he charged it from denki’s powerbank during practice but it remained its black screen no matter how many times he hit the power button
his surroundings was also something unfamiliar
his mother only kept him in tokyo and never took him to go visit her family because she was kicked out and had to go live with her auntie when she found out about him and his father refused to help her
‘so, sendai, huh?’
he mumbled and hinata looked at him confused
‘sounds like youre not from around here. where you from?’
he replied and saw hinata’s eyes brighten
‘oh?! you look like youre my age so you must have been in a high school in tokyo, right? what school?’
‘hah?! yuuei?! what is that?!’
natsu rolled his eyes and shrugged
‘a school’
hinata persisted though
‘do you know other schools?! any other school friends?! like nekoma?! or fukurodani?!’
natsu shook his head and he was supposed to be happy that he got to meet, even talk, to his idol yet his younger self was much more hyper than his mellowed out behavior on tv
‘i stick to my friends from yuuei’
‘but what are you doing all the way here?’
natsu’s throat dried up and he watched his feet kick the pebbles to distract him of his urge to just whine and throw a tantrum with the confusion from this mess
‘i dont know’
he choked out and he was so tired and confused and all he wants to do is cry in his mother’s arms like he used to but she doesnt even know he exists
hinata sensed the tension and sadness from the boy beside him and tried his best to stay quiet until they get home
to say his mom was angry was an understatement
‘kaa-san i was so angry and bakageyama was yelling at me and hit me and-’
natsu sat there on their couch awkwardly watching the black-haired woman yell at the human tangerine
he coughed in impulse and she turned away from her son and went to sit next to the h/c boy
‘dear, im so sorry for my son and his terrible biking. i didnt catch your name when you entered, what is it?’
even hinata forgot to ask his name but thats such a hinata thing to do though
natsu froze
if he was to say his mother’s last name, it would raise suspicion that he might know her in this time period and izuku has shown him enough doctor who to show him what happens when he messes up in time
again, he lied
‘kiri,,,shima,,, natsu. kirishima natsu’
he inwardly apologized to eijirou for using his last name
mrs. hinata raised a hand to her mouth with a surprised gasp
‘oh! my daughter’s name is also natsu! natsu, dear! can you come here for a second?’
natsu heard soft sounds from the stairs and she shyly walked down 
‘come say hi’
she softly urged her daughter to come closer and the little girl ran to hide behind her older brother who gently smiled and held her hand
‘well, thats her. she just turned 10 a few days ago. look dear, kirishima-kun has the same name as you!’
she waved slightly and natsu felt his heart swell at the sight of the adorable little girl
his mother never really had time for relationships so he was an only child and never got to experience a sibling, only hearing the experience of having siblings from his friend, shouto
mrs. hinata placed a gentle hand on his arm to revert his attention back to her
‘shoyo told me what happened and im sorry that this is all happening to you’
he felt guilty at the sight of her sad eyes because this was all a lie but he knew if he told them the real reason, they wouldnt believe him
so he had to continue with the lie
‘everything was falling apart and i wanted to leave everything behind. so i just took the shinkansen to nowhere and ended up here’
mrs. hinata felt her heart tug because he was just a little boy and he was too young to experience this so she offered him something he shouldnt have agreed to but again, survival
‘you can stay with us in the mean time. our guest room has been collecting dust so you can live here’
‘what? no! i can’t!’
natsu instinctually turned it down because he hated people giving him charity
but the woman squeezed his arm to give him a smile
‘i will not allow a child to live in the streets because of something he couldnt help’
‘arent you worried youre inviting a total stranger in your home?’
but she gave him a knowing smile
‘im a mother. i can trust you, boy’
in exchange for board and food, he promised to get a part time job so he could pay her back and get out of their house as quickly as he could
shoyo led him to the bathroom upstairs so he could treat the wounds from the ground
natsu sat on the closed toilet seat while his literal idol was putting cream on his boo-boos
he still cant wrap his head with everything
maybe it was because he was so busy trying to come up with lies that he wasnt able to fully sit down and think about the fact that he just TRAVELED BACK IN TIME and could accidentally change it
‘shoyo, what year is it?’
he mumbled
he answered and natsu sighed but his head perked up
oh god
thats a year away from 2013
the year he was born
that meant shoyo’s team manager was going to give birth to him next year
‘why? did you hit your head so far that you forgot?’
hinata joked but he paled when natsu didnt laugh
natsu shouted, equally surprised
‘whew, thank god. again, im so sorry i hit you’
‘shoyo, dont worry about it, okay? im fine, i swear’
during dinner, mrs. hinata told him about his school situation
‘you can go to karasuno with shoyo. what year were you in?’
‘perfect! shoyo is too so he could easily help you around the school!’
natsu nodded quietly, still out of it and his brain finally starting to accept this impossible reality
‘but i dont think i could help you with the entrance exams. im not the most-um-smartest, per se’
shoyo apologized but natsu already knew that
he was no extreme fanatic but he knew quite a lot about hinata shoyo, the player he watched during the 2021 olympics and the reason he started playing volleyball
natsu dreamed to join the msby jackals just like his idol did and eventually reach the national team like hinata did
it was during the olympics of 2021, he knew he wanted to be like him
this boy who sat next to him was the reason he came to love volleyball along with his other idol, oikawa tooru, from the argentina volleyball team after seeing that legendary match 
when oikawa hit that service ace, natsu wanted to be able to receive that
he was merely 8 and his neighbor, midoriya inko, was babysitting him and she placed him and her son who was his friend, izuku, in front of the tv where they watched the olympics match
‘someday, ill be someone great. ill be great like him’
he promised and from then on, he worked to achieve that goal 
‘natsu? hello?’
he was shaken from his thoughts as shoyo nudged him back to reality
mrs. hinata laughed
‘maybe you should head to bed early, dear. you must be tired after having a hard journey’
he nodded and was about to go and wash his dishes when she stopped him
‘no. go and sleep, ill take care of this’
‘i have to do my part in here, hinata-san. please, let me do this’
she finally agreed and he was scrubbing the plates when his mind wandered over to possible solutions on how he could go back
there was an episode that he watched with izuku that the character had to do something to go back
and he had a feeling that he would have to do the same thing
but what would that something be?
there had to be a reason he was thrown all the way in this time and it couldnt just be a coincidence that supposedly, this would be around the same time his mother would get pregnant
but who would it be?
he finished putting the plates on the drying rack and he felt really thirsty suddenly
opening the fridge, he found no water bottles and natsu had a very sensitive stomach so he couldnt drink tap water
his next favorite beverage was there and he pulled a glass from the cabinet
‘hinata-san, is it okay if i can have some milk?’
he called out and she shouted that it was okay
natsu poured the drink on his glass and started drinking it when hinata entered the kitchen and snickered at him
‘yknow, you remind me of my idiot teammate. none of my other friends drink straight milk except for him’
natsu placed the glass down and wiped his lips
‘chocolate milk make me sick and i hate the taste of flavoring in milk. but i just hate flavoring in general. except for gari gari popsicles, those are good’
natsu reasoned, watching hinata move across the room to get an apple
‘still ew. but come on! lets go to bed so i can show you around school early before practice tomorrow!’
natsu noticed his excitement by the way he bounced in place and he chuckled
it reminded him of his friends mina and denki
hinata led them both to his room so he could check his wounds again just to make sure
then something caught his eye
‘kirishima-kun you like volleyball?!’
that threw him off
partly because he wasnt used to being called by his friend’s last name
but also because of the question
‘huh? how do you know that?’
natsu asked, almost defensively
hinata shrugged
‘i saw your volleyball shoes in your bag’
hinata reasoned and excitedly pointed at them
‘you should play for us! im part of the team too! oh oh! what position do you play?!’
natsu stuttered out, slightly overwhelmed by hinata’s energy
hinata started circling him, inspecting his height and looking at him up and down
‘yanno, kirishima-kun, youre really tall. like much taller than the rest of my club. maybe not saltyshima but really!! youre so tall!!’
hinata whined in envy and natsu laughed
‘blame it on the paternal side of the family. my ma isnt really tall’
he laughs but then memories of his mother resurfaced and he suddenly felt gloomy, guilty, even, bc he doesnt know if time stopped there or it kept going and if so, shes probably worried sick
and he knew she was always one who blamed herself
hinata noticed his downcast expression and thought he probably remembers his dad and got sad since he got kicked out
so our baby sunshine freaked out and he frantically waved his hands around
‘oh no! gomen kiri-kun! gomen! i really didnt mean to make you think about him! gomen!!!’
he even bowed which surprised the h/c boy and made him stand back up
‘o-oi shoyo! dont! you didnt because i wasnt thinking about him!’
he fussed and patted hinata’s hair
‘i dont care about him. to be honest, there isnt much to think about’
he didnt think about what he said until he heard himself
natsu’s eyes widened, fearful of how hinata could take it but he flinched when the orange-haired boy’s eyes were filled with his own tears
then launched another series of apologies and natsu had to calm him down
oh dear
it was early in the morning like 5 when hinata bursted into natsu’s room
the loud shout of shoyo made his eyes blink open and he groaned before turning to the side
‘come on, kiri-kun! we need to go to take your exam!’
it was quite a battle for hinata to even just get natsu out of bed but he managed to bribe the latter with some milk bread from the bakery down the street
natsu showed his two fingers and hinata sighed before nodding
‘yes. now go hurry so we can leave!’
dressed in his grey sweatpants and a yuuei sweatshirt, natsu cursed as he only has clothes good for 2 days and he didnt want to bother the hinatas so he was at a loss
mrs hinata bid the two boys good bye and natsu was yawning and dragging his body to walk while hinata was skipping over to his bike
then he finally realized the problem
he nervously looked at natsu and the taller boy didnt understand why he was looking at him that way
shoyo pointed at the bike and awkwardly smiled
‘uh,,, you see,,, i dont think youd,,, fit,,, at the back seat’
natsu shrugged
‘then ill bike. ive done it before’
he sauntered over to the bike and swiftly lifted his leg before testing out the brake handles
‘its good and better than mine back home’
‘a-are you-’
‘sit down, sho’
hinata gripped on to the back of natsu’s sweatshirt as he told him the directions to how to get to the school
natsu remembered watching an interview of hinata talking about his high-school life and he remembered the star player talking about his dedication to go to karasuno everyday for volleyball
and the boy couldn’t believe hes doing that right now, with his idol literally behind him, and driving to the legendary karasuno high school
from the jackals to the adlers and even some other teams like the frogs, natsu cheered for them
there was a memory of his mother sitting with him on their couch during one of her rare day offs as they rewatched the recorded copy of the olympics
it has become natsu’s favorite thing to watch
‘with great talent comes great hardships. people don’t become good overnight and i watched those people suffer through it all but look where they are now’
natsu was snapped out of his thoughts at hinata’s shout
then it morphed into pure and utter confusion
shoyo laughed
‘since youre from the city, this must be a weird sight for you, huh? well, in the countryside, this happens a lot!’
but natsu didnt mind
in fact, he loved cows
he loved any farm animal in general
maybe it was his upbringing in the hustle and bustle of the city that he grew to love the countryside
shoto took him with his family to a trip to the country once and he remembered loving the smell of grass
they were able to do an activity in a farm where they worked in a rice farm and the peace and serenity was something he will always remember
his mother was lucky she grew up in a place like this
‘kiri-kun, ive been wanting to ask, how is your volleyball team in the city? are you a powerhouse?’
natsu felt pride bubble up in his chest
‘of course! we got second place in nationals!’
he boasted and blurted out before he could stop himself
then he felt fear
he shouldnt have said that because for all he knows, yuuei probably doesn’t exist at this time period
hinata had a different reaction and his eyes shone
natsu didnt know what to say because he had a feeling he definitely just did an oopsie
so he switched topics really quick to divert the attention away from his past
‘o-oi sho, once youre done being a pro volleyball player and stuff, we should have our own rice farm’
of course it was such a random idea but it distracted the orange boy
hinata shrugged
‘i mean,,, i have to be a pro first but i guess we can!’
‘hmm,,,, i dont think you have to worry about that’
@hartbeat-art​ @yakus-yakult​ @nerdyphantomlady​ @jollycowboysaladhero​ @cynicallychaotic​ 
a/n: oh god this sat in my drafts for so long and i really dont know what im doing like i kinda have a rough outline of what im doing but im just going with the flow but i dont think the flow is quite flowy 
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creampievampire · 4 years
Could you go into the difference between the subtext and queerbaiting in it, I'm still kind of -well it's obviously gay but nothing was really ever said or shown that says that expect for people talking about it- Like are the characters and their relationship just queer-coded (positivly ofc lol) but the baitiness comes from them sort of confirming it off the show?
of course! im assuming by ‘it’ you mean merlin, but rather than explaining the reasons why i think bbc merlin is a matter of subtext (or queer coding) and not queerbaiting, i think it would be easier and more productive to explain the difference between the two in general. they are very similar - which is why i think a lot of people are unable to tell the difference between them - but they have important differences
just a warning, this is going to be a LONG post lmao ive bolded exactly what each term means below, after which i go into more detail on the whole issue. this is something im passionate about so,,, ♥
queerbaiting specifically refers to a marketing technique in which creators hint at but dont actually depict a queer character or relationship. They do this in order to attract a queer audience with the suggestion of a character or relationship they can relate to, while also avoiding alienating their queerphobic audiences
queer coding is the subtextual coding of a character as queer through the use of things like metaphor, allegory, hinting, recognisable traits/stereotypes/experiences, etc. This is done to build believable characters and create more complex plot lines, and it is also regularly used by people who want to tell queer stories but are unable to do so explicitly. it CAN be used negatively to enforce damaging stereotypes, but that is just a small part of its usage
both of these things utilise subtext in order to work. subtext is not only a crucial part of the creation of any piece of media, but is impossible to avoid.
an example of the most basic types of subtext is when a character tells someone that everything is going to be okay, but you can tell they dont believe it. or when youre watching a story unfold and you suddenly connect the dots and realise whats going to happen before its explicitly stated - you used subtext and the hidden meanings and hints to figure it out!
the people involved w a piece of media create their story with a specific purpose or meaning in mind, and they construct the subtext of the story to reflect that purpose/meaning. HOWEVER, the viewers dont always see things the same!
your experiences and personality shape the way you view and interpret every piece of media you consume. if you hate cops youll see the insidious undertones in cop shows - if you grew up with an abusive parent youll see the biting implications in a characters dialogue that others find innocent - if youre queer you will search for and fine queer characters everywhere, regardless of the creators intentions
now, both queerbaiting and queer coding use subtext to function, right? so how do you know which is being used and whether or not its a bad thing? its all about intention
to give a specific explanation of the difference im going to use two examples that are (arguably) very similar in the way their queer characters became canon
example 1: adventure time featured the characters marceline and princess bubblegum, who have been forever depicted as a couple in fan content. their interactions in the show were read into and latched onto bc we saw ourselves in them and we saw it as positive queer rep. but their relationship was never explicitly discussed during the course of the show and was only confirmed at the end of the final episode.
that makes 10 seasons in which their relationship existed only in subtext, and when it did finally exist in canon it was only for a few minutes, if that.
example 2: supernatural featured the characters dean and castiel (lol) who have been depicted as a queer couple pretty much since the first episode cas appeared in. i personally hung on their every interaction, analysed every glance between them, bc i interpreted deans character as a parallel to my own childhood trauma.
cas joined the show in season 4, so that makes 11 seasons in which him being gay existed only in subtext, and when it was confirmed he was immediately cut out of the show. the exact nature of dean and castiels relationship still remains in subtext.
so why is it that adventure time is widely considered perfectly fine but supernatural is dunked on as being the poster boy for queerbaiting?
its bc adventure time involved queer creators and was an earnest representation of queer characters, but they were boxed in by their publisher, Cartoon Network and thus the only way for the relationship to exist in the show was through subtext.
supernatural, however, consistently neglected their queer character and employed transparent tropes and stereotypes - bringing him in just sparingly enough to keep queer audiences interested while never being gay enough to alienate their macho manly man queerphobe audiences. they would have dean and cas stare into each other eyes for a full 30 seconds and then almost immediately follow it up with an episode about dean banging a disposable female character.
so imho adventure time falls under queer subtext, and supernatural falls under queerbaiting
when it comes to a show like bbc merlin i see a lot of debate about whether or not its queer coding or queerbaiting, and my intention is not to convince you of either. merlin was very much a product of its time, and i have argued the same about seasons 4-6 of supernatural as well, before the queerbaiting escalated and became exhausting to me
the purpose of this post is to start giving you the information you need to analyse any piece of media and come to your OWN opinion as to whether or not its queerbaiting or whatever else
people will ALWAYS have differing opinions about this shit yall. i have debated so many times w so many people about where the line is and whats okay and what should be ‘cancelled’ and if consuming something deemed problematic makes you a bad person or not
and my conclusion?
if youre capable of acknowledging the flaws and issues w a piece of media without trying to defend it as a shining beacon of purity simply bc you like it, then you do you. enjoy whatever you want to enjoy - if i think its reprehensible i simply will never interact with you lol
at some point everyone has to stop regurgitating these generic woke speak cancel culture speeches and buzzwords and formulate their own opinions
my advice to anyone reading this is to learn how to do close reading (ill provide a link to a wonderful short guide on it in a reblog bc tumblr hates links) and start really considering where you draw the lines with all types of content. decide for yourself whether merlin or supernatural or adventure time crosses the line into content you cant stomach, but respect other people whose interpretations differ from yours
i know a HUGE amount of people think supernaturals confession scene was homophobic and toxic - a slap in the face - but when i watched it i saw myself reflected in dean. a repressed bisexual whose emotions had been stunted by lifelong trauma, who wasnt ready to face his feelings for cas but quickly realising that his chronic avoidance and fear was about to tear them apart possibly forever. to me it was tragic and beautiful, and i loved it
i also think merlin is a tragic and beautiful love story, and to me its a pivotal piece of queer media that changed the way i viewed love and made me believe that it was a possibility for me bc i related so deeply to arthur
i hope that you can draw a satisfying answer from this, anon, and i apologise for this post being a full essay lol but i believe it needed to be said  - i dont think there is a right or wrong answer here
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let me start with marvel’s tv shows
1. the falcon and the winter soldier
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boring as hell. i’m sorry, if i wanted a spy thriller i would’ve watched mission impossible, though calling this show a thriller is a stretch. the only things i liked were the commentary on race, which were actually rather well done imo and the dynamic between bucky and sam which was the best part of the show. the new captain america made me wanna vomit since the very first half second he showed up on screen wearing my man steve’s outfit. just…the blatant disrespect. YOULL NEVER BE HIM!!!!!
ps. the dora are here and they’re GIVING. it was nice to see sharon again. i’m glad marvel is giving her character another chance after the rabid fans ran her off screen after civil war. also, surprisingly, i really liked zemo. i’m glad he wasn’t killed. john walker should’ve stayed a villain. he was way more interesting than the actual one we got.
2. wandavision
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it had me for a second i was like this is the ONE!!! but towards the end it tapered off, i felt. like it started feeling a bit rushed?? i think they could’ve used one more episode. vision and wanda get some much needed character development- though i’d always been kinda interested in them even before, like i found their dynamic in civil war to be quite promising. wandavision really delivered on that end and i appreciate it. agatha was hilarious, and a great villain, and i hope the mcu isn’t done with her quite yet i wish to see her again. also monica needed more screentime she was great. i hope in s2 they explore her connection with wanda a bit more. i want them to be friends.
ps. what is going on with white vision…..where did he go….what crimes will he commit…
3. loki
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loki is That Bitch. do i mean the show or the character? yes. this shit was captivating from the jump, and it’s not even over yet. the tva was sus the entire time i saw the twist coming- tho i will say…robots????? like i knew it wouldn’t be THAT easy but that threw me. i’m in love with sylvie. im a little conflicted on the budding….romance? between her and loki like they’re not the same people, really. they are completely different people. but like…on principle they are technically just different versions of each other. idk. i find it cute when i turn my brain off and don’t think about it for too long. mobius was someone i thought was gonna turn into a villain. glad to see he hasn’t (so far…a lot can happen in one episode). the judge lady i forget her name i wish she would’ve teamed up with sylvie since obviously she wants to find out who started the tva as much as she and loki do. but ig our heroes need incentive to be quick so. and hunter b-15? need more of her NEEEEEOOOOWWWW!!!!
so for rn my ranking is:
1. loki (excellent…so far)
2. wandavision (A for effort can do better)
3. falcon and the winter soldier (needs work)
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ma-lark-ey · 4 years
Hi!! I've seen other people make posts about why they love TAZ,,and I figured I should add my two cents. I also just wanted to share this experience somewhere. (Spoilers for Balance and Amnesty!!)
For a bit of background; in December/early January, I got dropped by some of my closest friends. I'd already been doing bad mentally for the last few months, and that sent me into a complete spiral.
I was quarantined, couldn't see my friends, couldn't leave the house, couldn't make any attempt at things that used to make me happy. I was (quite frankly) at my lowest point. I'd heard rumors of the Adventure Zone for years, and even seen content of it on my socials.
In mid May, I said fuck it and listened to episode one. MBMBAM (as good as it is) wasn't my cup of tea in podcasts, I needed something with plot. I knew the McElroys were a genre of entertainment I could get behind, but I needed plot to get invested.
TAZ Episode 3 was when I really became hooked. Magnus latched onto my heart, and Griffin's voice brought me a comfort I'd long forgotten.
Its important to note at this point in my life, I hadn't picked up a pencil to write or draw in almost six months.
I was honestly inspired to watch after a cosplayer I really admire began to cosplay Lup! I loved the personality I saw in her videos and photos of Lup, and I wanted to know more about her.
I listened to Here There Be Gerblins, and it made me smile. I listened to RockPort Limited, and I remember cleaning up my dresser and folding clothes when I found out Jenkins was the killer. I listened to Petals to the Metal, and I remember standing in my living room laughing during the whole Trent scene. I listened to Crystal Kingdom, I remembered standing in my yard in shock when Mangus sliced Merle's arm. I listened to Eleventh Hour, I remembered sitting in my chair and crying during the flashback and throwing my stuffed animal in rage at the Taako flashbacks. I remembered listening the Lunar Interlude where Lup carved her name in the wall and screaming joy at the introduction of the character who inspired to check this amazing show out. I remember playing Minecraft while listening to the Stolen Century (I was building a Ravenloft in my world!)
My favorite memory from listening to it though, was the scene Lup finally entered. I'd been listening to this podcast nonstop since I started. I remember listening to that scene and just *crying,* i remember clutching at my heart when her death was described because I'd fallen absolutely in love with her during Stolen Century.
I remember listening to Magnus' death scene while sitting at my kitchen table. My mom asked me why I was crying. "MAGNUS GOT HIS DOG!" Was all I could compute, she had no idea what I meant.
After i finished Balance, I started drawing again. It was simple, at first. Just a headshot of Lup with my favorite quote from her. But it was a start! I picked up my materials for the first time in months.
Then I started Amnesty. In minutes I was absolutely smitten. It was like Aubrey personally grabbed my hand and told me I was gonna be better soon. I latched onto Aubrey just like I did Magnus (Travis has always been my personal favorite brother.) I remember feeling guilty for skipping the last half of Commitment, but given my religion trauma that I was still processing at the time, I knew I needed to just role right along into Amnesty for my own sake.
My fondest memory of Amnesty was sitting in the car during a road trip and scribbling down things on my sketchbook.
Another prominent one was when Ned revealed to Aubrey he was the burglar. I fell to my knees when he said the sentence, and no I'm not being dramatic. I was cleaning up my room, and i collapsed onto the floor and laid in a fetal during the whole scene, ugly crying. I love all of the Amnesty characters, its my personal favorite campaign, and Ned and Aubrey meant everything to me. That scene *destroyed* me. I also remembered crying on my road trip when Ned was killed. I'd never felt so much emotion from a piece of media before.
After that I actually digested all of Balance. And the one character who's stuck out to me is Taako. And I know he's a cliche character to latch onto. But, its not his personality or his appearance or whatever that makes me love him. It was his back story. When I found Balance, I was working throufh the betrayal and loss of my fourth set of friends. I'm the kind of person who takes in people I know are toxic in hopes of helping them. And Taako was the perfect mix of myself, and the people I found myself befriending.
His history with Sazed hit close to home, in the betrayal aspect. And his betrayal by Lucretia. I understood his heart felt in those moments, and I latched onto him. I thought, "You understand how I feel right now." And I've *never* drawn so much in my life.
In just three days I made two whole pages of sketches, in just the last three weeks I've done ten pages of my brand new sketchvook (averaging it to 4-5 full drawings a page). I hadn't picked up a pen in months, and now I couldn't Put one down.
There was one night a couple days ago where I just sat in bed, grinning and crying while I looked at all the art I had accomplished, the countless pieces of writing I'd presented to my friends proudly. I rejoined roleplay groups, which I had also dropped after my mental health dropped. I came out to my IRLs as nonbinary!
The characters the McElroys created have given me this... This inspiration I've never felt before. I've hyperfixated on things before (like Undertale! That was my biggest.) But, no piece of media has ever made me feel like a character reached out of my screen and grabbed onto me.
I remember Istus telling the Gang the iconic line of "You're going to be amazing" and to me, it felt like Taako and Magnus just reached out of my phone and gave me a bear hug. Hell, just a few days I translated that feeling into a sketch.
I just bought the graphic novels, and have orders merchandize. I've *never* gotten into something, and had merchandize for it three weeks later. I've never loved something so much I sent my friends literally novellas of just me recounting my favorite scenes to them.
The Adventure Zone has literally brought the most joy into my life I could ever ask for out of media, its helped me in so many ways.
These stupid little DnD campaigns mean the absolute world to me, and I could never be happier that I found them when I did.
So, if you've read this far, there's one last thing I wanna say; even if you feel like you're at literal rock bottom, like you could end it all tomorrow and no one would care. That not even your greatest passionate with bring you joy, youll find something or someone that will pull you out of that point so fast it makes your head spin. In the emphamis words of "Zeke Owens" (Griffin) "One day, youre gonna laugh at a joke. You'll go swimming, and you'll smile in the sunlight. You're gonna pet yourself a good dog and its gonna feel amazing."
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wolf-stark · 3 years
You ask I deliver — both tfatws asks in one!
tfatws weekly ask 1
i finally saw ep1!! i wont be able to see ep2 until thursday at the earliest but i already have some Thots on this ep. here are the ones I remember
first is, and i'm so sorry for this, a grammar lesson. an appositive is when you stick an additional phrase in between commas, dashes, or the like. i actually just used one! the "and i'm so sorry for this" in the first sentence of this paragraph is an appositive. thing is, most english speakers don't normally use them when they speak, only in writing. so i'm always on high alert whenever i hear somebody in tv or movies use one. (it's generally a marker of bad screenwriting). anyway there was one right in the beginning of the episode. the white army guy yelling at sam wilson said "first lieutenant Torres, our intel officer, will be helping on the ground." yeah so. the writing of this series started out on the wrong foot for me. but the rest of the episode was obviously tons and tons better (every interview i see with malcolm spellman makes me love him more and more)
the contrast between the opening minutes (falcon action sequence) and the rest of the ep.... i would 100000/10 rather watch a series with just sam and bucky dealing with life. i dont give a single crap about the flag-smashers or any of that. i just want sam, sarah & fam getting their boating business back on the ground & yeeting racist dickwads, bucky going through therapy and making amends, sam and joaquin being bros, sambucky homoerotic tension, etc.
the cinnamontography! wandavision mostly used cinematography to signify era n stuff. tfatws doesn't have wv's premise to go off of, so here's some tricks i noticed:
with sam there's obviously all sorts of shots with the captain america iconography next to his face, but he hasn't totally claimed it. there's the mural of steve rogers in the background; there's sam staring into the shield like it's a spectre of steve's face; there's sam looking into the exhibit, the shield and sam separated by glass and a layer of camera focus. steve is a constant spectre, always there, an idea, a symbol himself. sam's relationship with this iconography is distanced. he is separated by glass exhibit walls. by painting canvases. he doesn't yet feel worthy to take on that iconography. this whole thing was pulled off quite well but also a bit on-the-nose if only in quantity. there's just sooooo much fancy iconography stuff
speaking of the exhibit, there's something that i get real pissy about. it's when like, there's an action going on you're supposed to be paying attention to but the cinematographer is like,,,, hey! check out this location! or this headline! or something! there was a lot of that in the exhibit. the camera was like, you could focus on sam and rhodey's convo (which was fine but could have been so much better with an extra like 10 minutes of deep character study talk) but noooo you want me to look at the symbol for the united nations and read all the text about bucky who hasn't even showed up yet. shut up i know the lore and ill watch the shot-by-shot breakdown yt vids you don't have to make the shot this long jkdsalcjklasejf
my fav trick was with bucky and the therapist. i had seen a clip of the scene with bucky and the therapist beforehand and i thought the cinnamontography was super obnoxious, but then i was like, oh duh. the shots frequently change the distance between the camera and its subject. sometimes it's uncomfortably close and sometimes it's really far. a clear allegory for the duality of therapy, esp for bucky! therapy is an invasive process wherein he is ruthlessly examined, picked apart, and berated for his trauma (this therapist is crap in every way btw, "mean therapist" works for greg house and greg house only). so the camera goes close. it makes the viewer claustrophobic like bucky. but when he's like "no i haven't had any nightmares" the camera suddenly goes really far. we see bucky as this tiny head in the center of the bottom of the frame. we are distanced from him. he has pushed us away. we cannot see him. he lies because he is vulnerable. so yeah, amazing work there. the therapy scene was hard to watch on purpose!
did bucky slip a note to yori inside the dollar bill? bucky stop making me emooooo. the suuper awkward fake smile has me 😭 (veteran trying to adjust!)
mark my worrrrds when sam asks someone y the govt picked john “white bread” walker they’re gonna say “we needed somebody everyone can get behind....someone uncontroversial, someone everyone can see themselves in” like that exact racist dog whistle
tfatws weekly ask 2
just saw ep2 so im taking advantage of the 2 seconds i can be on tumblr without worrying about tfatws spoilers before new episode drops
when isaiah said "your people put me in prison for being a hero" and bucky thought "your people" means hydra. 🤦‍♂️
speaking of racism, the interplay between sam being Black (anti-Black racism) and sam being the Falcon (negrophilia, "can i take a selfie w you as i deny you a loan?") and the intersection between the two (j*hn lichrally called sam "steve's wingman"! he takes the crypto out of crypto-racist in like 2 seconds!) !!!!!!!! a Black celebrity's Black experience, the separation of man and identity!!!! (thinking about vanessa bayer in snl in that skit "beyonce is black" telling her black friend "you're not black, you're...my girl!")
after sam gets racially profiled by cops we see j*hn standing in front of cop cars cinematic parallels turns out j*hn is racist who knew
this therapist sucks major ass but she got bucky and sam together in the same room and ready to collaborate...that's something ig. it was lichrally couple's therapy she said she used her miracle exercise with couples sambucky antis get blended
bucky says "he was wrong about you so maybe he was wrong about me"...that's not how people talk. when therapist asks bucky, the guy who doesn't talk at all about himself, "y do you hate sam", the last thing bucky's gonna do is actually connect his hatred of sam to his own self-worth issues. bucky generally refuses to talk about himself, so why would he talk about himself in the one context that nobody ever links back to their own neuroses: hatred of other people? one thing human beings hate most is admitting we're wrong. admitting you hate someone because of your own issues? that's a major therapeutic step. bucky would absolutely have to be prompted to do that. even like one or two lines of dialogue more would have set up that line better. but in terms of the actual thought? an amazing way to take the sam/bucky relationship. bucky bases his self-worth on steve believing in him, and if steve is wrong bucky has no self-worth, so 1) he has to develop self-worth disassociated from steve's assessment of him and 2) he has to love himself before he can love sam, and 3) he has to realize that sam giving up the shield is a sign of sam's humility not his unworthiness.
conversely, we don't get into why sam hates bucky? yeah sam has the right to hate a guy that has tried to kill him (albeit while brainwashed) multiple times, and now shows up in his life just to bash him but. everything happens so fast i cant follow their relationship
in fact i dont feel like i understood much of anything. like y did bucky and sam go on that mission together? how connected are sam/bucky/joaquin with the government? doesn't bucky just want to retire now? literally what is everyone doing/feeling and why???
if battlestar becomes a knowing commentary on the black best friend stereotype i'm gonna party, but i dont expect much of that
the interplay between man and symbol. captain america is obviously a symbol. the shield is obviously a symbol. but steve rogers? the. man behind the cowl? he too seems to become a symbol. a paragon of a good guy, so good he's unreachable. steve was just a guy stop idolizing him the last thing steve would want is to be idolized
as the resident musician/music nerd on mcublr, 1) that captain america rally music slaps, but 2) re: the song at the end of the ep, if you're just gonna rip off mozart's lacrymosa then at least play mozart's lacrymosa. we wont blame you the lacrymosa slaps (if you dont know what im talking about go on yt and search it up youll recognize it fo sho
look i love enfys nest as much as the next guy but if tfatws is gonna get erin kellyman to play another innocent little gurl blackmailed into the fakeout-villain position (her text seemed to suggest as such) then 😡 like why can't women just....be evil? young, freckly, innocent-looking women? girls are not untouchable pure objects but full of rage and resentment just as much as anyone can be
bonus ep1 comment: bucky says about that senator whose car he hijacked, "she continued to abuse the power i gave her." fictionaldarling on yt say that he says "i" because he can't disassociate himself from his winter soldier persona which begets endless and senseless guilt. like dude. can i not be emo for like 1 second.
OKay. First off, as much I enjoy your sending it to me, what made you decide to send me these??
Don't worry about getting this to me as early as possible. I usually don't watch the episode right away.
1. Cool writing lesson.
2. Everyone wants a comedy show [like Friends] about the MCU superheroes.
3. Cinematography is always a beautiful thing.
4. Sam definitely has to carve his own Captain America status for himself, outside of Steve's ya know everything.
5. They have to do that for people who was just now tuning in because they're in love with Sam Wilson or Sharon Carter.
6. I think the therapist was taking a 'tough love' approach for Bucky, because she likely has some very strong opinions about the literal assassin she's been assigned to give therapy too. She did not choose to talk to him, she was assigned that make that clear in the second episode.
And, Bucky isn't lying when he said it wasn't a nightmare. It wasn't a nightmare, it was a resurfaced memory. So, technically he wasn't lying - and yes, the camera does move away because while he's saying he didn't have a nightmare, he's not expanding on what actually happened - so, he's still pushing the therapist/us away.
7. Bucky, and Steve, have/had a TON to adjust to.
8. Yeah, I agree that will be the bullshit line they give. If they ever actually talk about it.
Yeah, always got to take advantage of avoiding those spoilers lmfaoo.
1. Honestly, that line was double meaning. Both about White people and Hydra [which is made up of mostly white supremacists/nazis] So, the line is gesturing to both White People in general and Hydra assholes together. I think the terminology is “double edge sword”??
2. This whole paragraph structure confused me, ngl - so I'm going to answer it the best I can. I do like that they're not ignoring the fact that Sam being Black is 1000% the reason he's not the Official Captain America - because the gov't is racist as hell.
I also like the little lines about how they point out little things about Sam's Falcon persona, like that kid calling him 'Black Falcon' specifically and Sam's response show the split between Sam and Falcon itself.
John is a dick for calling Sam the wingman of Steve Rogers. Sam was a hero all on his own before Steve asked him to join up again. [Side note, it's lichrally??]
3. Exactly, the parallel of Sam being profiled and surrounded while just on the street and John being surrounded by fans and being able to spring Bucky with apparently only a few sentences shows a Loooooot
4. Honestly, at this point I wonder if she's not actually a therapist and is just an agent assigned to assess Bucky outside of an Official Building. I do know, however, that her 'look at each other and speak' exercise is actually a real therapy practice. It's just a little slower.
5. Actually, I think he would've blurted that out. That whole line. I don't think Bucky hates Sam. I think they could've done the scene better, but I think that had Sam prodded him/the therapist been more annoying Bucky would've lost control of his emotions and blurted out the whole "If he was wrong about you, he was wrong about me" but I feel like the writing for this show is just... not there. Sometimes you blurt shit when you get overemotional and I think that was what Bucky was supposed to be like.
6. I don't think Sam hates Bucky, I think he doesn't trust him though. I do wish they'd talked about that though. The whole 'talk to each other' scene should've been a LOT longer and a LOT slower.
7. Sam and Bucky's relationship is being fast tracked because they don't really know how to work the relationship out, writers-room-wise. Bucky is technically retired, but I feel like he's trying to live up to Steve's expectations and doing what Steve would've done and we all know that if Steve was there, Steve would've jumped on that plane with Sam. It looks like Sam/Bucky/Joaquin are a side-team based from Military services but as Sam says they're all free agents so...?
8. Sadly, They seem to just be propping up to be another stereotype.
9. Captain America is a symbol. Steve Rogers is a man. But now Steve Rogers is an idol because of all the shit he's been through and honestly, it's not a bad thing he's become an idol for people - it's using Steve as a reason to make White Bread Walker the next Captain that makes Steve's idolization so fucked.
10. I don't know anything about music so I have no opinion here, sorry.
11. Enfys?? Also, I think they did the whole Innocent Girl Thing as side commentary for Bucky lowering his guard about seeing a young girl rather than a guy.
12. Bucky is the Winter Solider. The Winter Solider is Bucky. That is how Bucky will always see it because although he was brainwashed, it was still him and he remembers all of it. When you have constant memories of something 'someone else' did, you tend to not be able to pull the two personas out of each other. I want Bucky to take up the title, White Wolf instead of Winter Soldier. Honest.
This is all my opinion, I’m honestly a little disappointed with the writing of TFATWS so far so... I’m not really optimistic about this.
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scary-mostaccioli · 4 years
OKAY I HAVE A WHOLESOME REQUEST BC MY MIND IS REELING: After your “NPC that’s easiest to romance” post it hit me with a thought™️. Dating Simulator AU for the creeps? What are their characters types and how does romancing them go, etc. you can only write for one or two, and pick whoever you want! I just thought it might be cute — 🌊
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»okokok fuck yes this is my SHIT. So this may be a little messy haha
Also i am so fucking sorry this is so long. I got excited but I did cut out some sO. -Honey
Dating sim AU
I'd imagine the dating sim would start off all fancy and routes start out with a branching path where you have the options of like: »Proxy« »Freelancer« »Mansion«
But you can't really tell which option is which.
Youll end up with one of the three branches and be kinda stuck with the characters and then you can pick the character off through there.
Proxies (Includes Hecate-)
So we got the types: Crackhead, Reserved, Standoffish/Ass, and Mildly Infuriating™
The branching story revolves around who the MC gets shoved off on when on a mission (which is dictated by previous dialogue options).
Toby/Hecate are likely the ones that most people go for because they have the most entertaining options. Toby'd be teasing masky and your three options would be like »"...Do you mind being less annoying?"« | »"Can you guys just...not."« | »"Oooooooh shit-"« | »*Snarky agreeing remark*«
Toby's the easiest to romance (of the proxies) if you choose all the obviously for him options.
Though he'll call you a useless dumbass with a laugh the best way to get to his heart is pure snarky comments back to him.
Toby's route revolves around laughing at his jokes and supporting his injuries along with making jokes with him and encouraging him to think about his past-- even if he cant remember it.
Bad ending is Toby stabbing the MC in the back after he wasn't able to kill his target and they got away (Due to MC in the first place)
Normal ending is default proxy ending. They return to the cabin with no discernible chance in relationship as the MC is still treated like a pet.
Good ending has them returning to the cabin and Toby begging to 'keep them' while pointing to MC. He'll insist hes joking and the end of the route as it ends with a cliche kiss scene.
So Hoodie right. Hoodie is the second easiest to romance.
He's the reserved type that scoffs at the antics from the corner, though he doesn't say much in protest of things.
If the MC gets shoved off on him it would be a lot of silent movements as the MC and him get stuck in a deadly situation. He ends up saving her and in the midst of her thanking him he'd say his first words she'd hear him say, "You're welcome...now stop thanking me."
The MC would likely have a lot of chances to encourage him to talk. The correct dialogue options are harder compared to Toby's as bugging him too far can actually fuck you over.
The route culminates in them both getting lost at night time abd being forced to talk and watch the stars.
Bad ending can only happen in the middle of the story. MC gets killed by threat.
Normal ending is default proxy ending.
Good ending results in Hoodie returning to the Cabin with MC, being clearly more possessive of them as he doesn't allow anyone to touch them. and make sure they're ok.
Masky is on the harder scale to romance.
His options aren't entirely clear... sometimes he needs humor other times he doesn't.
He seems like a normal tsundere™ but its more of a route where you actually have to pick options that end up earning his respect.
Getting on his route isn't hard, but the route itself is.
Badgering him about his past is not the way to go. It would fuck up any player...but not mentioning it at all fucks stuff up too.
Somehow, in his route he'd have an episode, that would be the climax.
Picking right options to get out of that situation and earning his respect before talking about his past and why this shit is happening as he takes off his mask to smoke under the cover of a ditch is where the crisp dialogue happens. Also tells you your gucci.
Bad ending actually results in masky's death.
Normal ending is default proxy ending.
Good ending is ~relationship~
Hecate's route is just as popular as Toby's but...it makes no fucking sense half the time. Most players would fail her route and sit in confusion.
She develops through both lost memories and humor. Finding the balance between when to be serious with her and when to continue joking is the key, though it is quite hard.
Her route would revolve around a murder. The MC is already spooked she's with a ghost, set aside the murder.
The hardest part of the route is sometimes the MC must actually be mean to Hecate to get a point across.
Hecate would remember something, which is when the route would take the bug turn and you know you're on the right track if you succeed.
The good ending is Hecate genuinely caring for the MC. This is shown through protecting them, making sure they’re okay, and caring for their wellbeing as well as how they feel.
Normal ending is Hecate acting somewhat nicer, but it’s more on the borderline of a neutral and platonic feeling toward the MC.
Bad ending is Hecate killing the MC in order to regain another memory of her past.
Achieving the freelancer route requires the MC to escape the mansion, so it's kind of the secret routes (Though Ill only put Janes here so this post doesn't kill everyone)
Upon meeting Jane the MC would beg her to help them yadda yadda.
The route would mostly be Jane attempting to get the MC to safety out of the woods as they run from all the creeps and proxies.
As Jane's route is a secret route, the responses are more difficult
You would learn about Jane's interests in finding Jeff (You'd def have the option as an MC to mention seeing Jeff in the mansion or not.)
The route would definitely end with a partnership in attempting to find the mansion and complete Jane's goal.
The bad end would just be Jane watching as the MC gets killed.
The normal ending is Jane getting the MC out of the woods and they never see each other again
This route would have loads and loads of fluff.
'Pure screeching about how cute the route' is kind of route. Though the tension and likely jumpscares often break that.
The mansion is where you originally arrive, so its the easiest to want go stay. (Ill only do Jeff and BEN here)
Ben's route is medium difficulty, but is straightforward if you know what youre doing. Dont feed into his narcissism and play games with him (you have to beat him at a minigane to complete it, though).
His good ending is through doing those actions, and results in him protecting the MC.
His normal ending is the default ending for the mansion. The MC gets thrown out when whatever is keeping her in there leaves.
The bad ending happens by feeding into his narcissism. He traps the MC in a game to be his personal play toy. He develops an intense obsession with her.
Jeff's route is just pure pain.
The dialogue options are super specific. You cannot mess up with one answer or you're done.
He doesn't seem to have a set personality to go along with. He makes fun of the MC he fucks with the MC, he pretends to care about them-- and its really hard to know which is which.
The bad ending for him is just murder. The only thing the MC can hear as they bleed out is Jeff going, "Oh shit...I dont think I was supposed--"
Normal is default.
Good is Jeff insisting the MC doesn't leave. There's no real romance throughout his route, but he insists that the MC should stay in the mansion, for no sensical reason.
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ray-the-fanatic · 5 years
Wheels on the Bus.
(So this is a oc story one shot I did as a break and decided to go ahead with. So call it writing exercise ducktales ocs to be clear)
Being a father was something Ethan never took lightly every since he found out he was going to become one. His daughter Ari had become his world and he adored her the moment she hatched. He would do anything for his little girl, even spend two weeks with little sleep to make sure she was happy.
“You sure youll be fine?” Diana asked again as she was standing in the doorway holding Ari’s hand in her fingers.
“Di it’s not the first time I’ve been left alone with Ari, everything will be fine.”
“You took her to Waddle for a week.”
“And everything was fine, so don’t sweat I have things under control.”
Diana sighed and smiled as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek before finally leaving for her flight. 
At least five minutes after Diana’s cab drove off was all it took for her to get a phone call.
“Diana I don’t have everything under control! Buster the bus isn’t working!” Ethan said as soon as she answered.
“What! What do you mean! She loves buster Stilts!” 
“I know what! Do I do !”
“How should I know?!”
“You normally always do!!”
“Okay hold on let me figure this out.”
Ethan paced around the apartment holding Ari in his arms after making sure to cover the plush bus toy with a tissue. Honoring the fallen friend. 
He nearly jumped when his phone rang at last.
“Okay so I have good news and bad news.” Diana started off with
“Good news please Di.”
“So we can replace, Buster.”
“Ay thank goddess.” 
“Except, it’s gonna be two weeks before it arrives.”
“Que!? Really?”
“I know I know that was the best option though and I couldn’t get them into any sooner. Two weeks took the whole car ride to work out. Stupid Dan and his dumb cheery voice.”
Ethan couldn’t help but smile as he listened to Diana grumble, he looked down to Ari in his other arm and smiled at her. 
“Know what I got this Di, Papa will make sure his little girl makes it through the two weeks.”
“Are you sure? I can work things out and stay home.”
“Di don’t worry I got this, super dad is on the job.”
“Alright...just keep me in the loop alright?”
“Promise if I can’t I’ll tell you A-S-I-P”
“A, Ethan”
“A what?”
Diana just laughed on her end and told him bye.
Ethan smiled at Ari and put his phone away. “Mama’s just over worried we got this you will be just fine your a tough lil girl Mija.” He gave her a small kiss on the top of her head and just smiled when she cooed in response. 
However it did not go well.
Day 1 started the trend.
Ari only slept a few hours before waking up crying, Ethan was quick to check on her. Normally they would give her buster the bus and turn it on to play ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ for some reason she just loved it and it would calm her enough to fall back asleep. That wasn’t an option though. 
 Ethan tried a few things to try and get her to rest. Getting her a bottle did nothing. Rocking her didn’t put her to sleep. Rubbing her back had no result. Her crying just kept going. He really hated hearing her cry. It always broke his heart a little. Ethan didn’t want to but he knew one thing that might work. 
“Alright Mija you win.” He laid her down in her crib and bent down a bit so he could softly sing to her. 
“The Wheels on the bus go round and round.” Soon as she heard the tune she slowly stopped and smiled up at him. “Yes you got papa wrapped around your finger, and I thought I was bad when it came to Mama.” 
Day 3 
Ethan had just finished dressing Ari in her pjs yawning slightly. And rubbed at his eye as she just played with her feet.
“Alright past two nights you got away with being cute tonight though I have a plan.” He said boasting a bit as he picked her up and sat on the couch with her. He turned on the tv and selected a show he recorded. It was from some station with shows made for infants, Diana told him about it over the phone. 
“This one has my lil Ari’s song on it so this will help you rest then it’s off to bed.” Ethan said trying to sound stren in his claim.  
It was a decent attempt but he ended up playing that same episode a couple of times throughout the night. 
Day 5 
“Oh and then Sam run in from the bathroom to the kitchen”
Ethan had been doing his best not to doze off at the table during his lunch break but the need for sleep won in the end. The shock from the hit woke him up as he glanced up to his friends.
“I mean I was bored of Pendel’s story too but I just tuned him out.” Peter stated simply, only for the seagull to look a bit hurt. 
“Oh no no sorry Pen’s just tried. Ari’s been having a rough week thats all.”
“What's wrong with Ari?” Pendel asked right away.
“She has this toy, that plays wheels on the bus and it helps her sleep but the sound box got messed up. We have another on the way but it’ll be awhile, so i’ve been staying up doing what I can to help her sleep. Singing it to her, watching shows that have it. But it’s not enough for her Buster  could just keep getting to play it, she has to wake me up though.” Ethan sighed a bit 
“Just play it on your phone.” Peter said “You can set up a playlist and just have it loop.”
Ethan looked at the seahawk in awe. That idea was perfect. It worked out really well too. Too well because Ethan was humming the song the following day. 
Day 7 
“I swear it’s stuck in my head if I don’t think it’s all I hear bro!” Ethan said as he looked to Sam, who was in the middle of weight lifting. 
“So if you keep thinking though you won’t hear it right.”
“Hm good point.”
“So why’d you come to the gym in your normal clothes?”
“Oh I have a meeting at Waddle at 12.”
“Ethan it is 12”
“Mierda! Why are clocks with hands so hard to read!” 
Only issue with Peter’s idea Ari wanted to always hear the song and it was keeping Ethan awake the song getting more and more ingrained in his head.
Day 10
 Sleep. Sleep was all Ethan needed and it felt so good to close his eyes resting them for a moment to see nothing but darkness. 
The wheels on the bus
Oh no he thought opening his eyes a bit, he looked down into his lap. Ari was poking at his cell phone, wanting to play the song. 
“Not now Mija '' Ethan said softly as he yawned and looked around. Forgetting he stopped by Sam and Pendels place. The two of them were just starting. 
“You fell asleep i the middle of talking” Sam said
“Ethan you don’t look too good are you sure you’re getting enough sleep.” Pendel added in
“Yeah yeah I’m fine, forgot to charge my phone so I had to go with old methods for Ari.” Ethan said fondly as he smiled at his daughter.  
The couple didn’t want to argue with that. 
“So when do you get the new buster?” Pendel said as he smiled at Ari who reached out for the seagull to hold. 
“Four more days luckily.” Ethan answered handing Ari over. “Then I can sleep again. Papa Ethan got this.” He slurred a bit before passing out again.
“Don’t worry Penny I’ll go with him.” The eagle added when seeing Pendal’s frown.
 Day 14 
Luckily Sam was there he was able to keep Ethan standing up as they waited in line. Seemed to be a busy day at the store. Sam holding Ari in on arm and using his free one to budge Ethan awake when he would start to doze off. Ethan finally got to the front of the line and let them know he was there for an order placed a few weeks ago. The clerk was happy to go and get it for him. 
Someone in the store though dropped a jar nearby and the sound was enough to make Ari whine. 
“Oh Ari it’s okay” Sam said trying to calm her 
“Ari it’s okay it’s okay.” Ethan added then eyed the clerk as she returned. Quick to grab the toy from her with a small thank you and a sorry to follow up. As he turned and right away gave the new buster bus toy to Ari who stopped crying the moment she saw it. Ethan smiled and turned the toy on for her.
"Wheels on the bus go round and round round and round" he sung a bit as Ari reached for the toy and smiling brightly. "That's my girl." Ethan said turning back to the clerk "sorry about that she's really been wanting the toy." 
The clerk didn't mind and finished up the transaction. 
"Jeez some parents and their spoiled brats"
The dog next to them muttered out in annoyance. Sam got annoyed and was about to speak up in defense but was stopped by Ethan. Giving him a look he never really seen from the hooded crow before. Ethan eyed the dog  next and smiled slightly. 
“What did you call my precious little girl? A spoiled brat?” The dog didn’t answer, just rolled his eyes in response, making Ethan chuckle. “My baby can be as spoiled as she wants' ' Ethan emphasised as he poke at the dog's chest. “So pull your nose out of my businesses and, sam cover Ari’s ears.” Ethan waited a moment then continued “Vete a la chingada.” Ethan turned Sam around and headed out the doors. 
Same looked over to Ethan as they left “You okay bro?”
“No i’m tired as hell.” Ethan said and gently took Ari from Sam turning on the song for her and smiling as she cuddled the plush bus. 
“You normally don’t like getting mad.”
“Yeah...I don't. I try to keep that in check. Then I became a dad and I’ve learned something, I would do anything for my little Ari. I’ll stay up signing wheels on the bus for her. Even in spanish. And apparently I’m two second away from punching someone for insulting my daughter.” Ethan just smiled at Sam “Being a dad is weird bro.”
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
when i said it i thought it was true [2] {Ben Hardy}
A/N: 2821 words. continuation of the Fake Dating AU; enjoy
[part 1]
He calls you darling with his head between your thighs, and a camera over your shoulder, and you’re scripted to card a hand through his hair - you can barely look at that wig and keep a straight face - and just as you do, the door in the centre of the frame bursts open. The camera refocuses, and it’s Gwil in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, announcing that the band had been played on the radio. After a beat, he stops, sees you scrambling to push Ben away and cover yourself, but he’s more excited at the news as he gets to his feet.
It’s a short scene, and once cut is called on the first take, and the crew take a moment to look over the footage. Like clockwork, people start moving around you, adjusting lighting, shouting technical jargon that you’ve learned to tune out over the years, and Ben sits on the edge of the bed as Gwil joins the pair of you, chatting with Ben about the football.
You’ve got a robe somewhere but you don’t bother with it, just wait as the scene is reset around you, and people come in and fluff the pillows behind you, and the camera angles itself a little lower as the sheet gets pulled off of you. You’re very glad that most of the crew are professionals, because they’ve got you in a pair of high-cut, surprisingly flattering cotton panties, and a tight, brown crop-top with a fringe that stops just above your stomach.
Gwil leaves and Ben leans back, his head pillowed on your thigh, and you gently kick him with your free leg, though it only serves to make him laugh. And then the cameras are rolling and Ben shifts so he’s laying on his stomach, his cheek resting against your thigh as he looks up at you with that mischievous glint in his eyes.
There’s a moment, seeing the way he looks up at you, part of you forgets it’s acting on top of acting, and you feel like you’re thrown back in time, leaning against his headboard as he presses a kiss to your inner thigh, the room dark around you apart from the warm glow of the light beside his bed and-
The director calls action and you’re ripped from the memory. If it hurts, just a little, to see him smile at you again like that and know it means nothing, you try not to dwell on it. You smile back.
“Do you have to get up? We’ve got the day off.” Ben wraps an arm around you pressing his forehead to your back, his voice still rough with sleep.
“You have the day off.” You correct with a small smile, trying to sit up. He just tightens his grip, pressing a kiss between your shoulder blades. “Ben.” The way you say his name is a gentle warning, and you can feel him smirk, his lips against your back as he gives a hum of acknowledgement. “They want me on set in an hour and a half.”
“Come on, that’s heaps of time.” And he’s tugging at your hip. You take that as your cue to turn, fondly exasperated when you finally look at him. “So this one is...?” He prompts, small smile on his lips as he sees the way you’re playful annoyance turn endeared. 
It’s something else to wake up next to him, his hair a curly mess, expression unguarded and affectionate in the morning light. The curtains aren’t open, but there’s a sliver of light peaking through a gap between them, and the light shines in, hitting the arm he’s got draped across you. The idea of Ben Hardy trying to keep you in bed, smiling at you like that, would have been laughable just a few months ago, yet here you were.
“Midsomer Murders, they’ve got me playing a baker’s daughter who’s killed ‘cos she looks like some bloke’s ex.” You tell him quietly. There’s a moment of silence that follows, and you’re not even sure he heard you, a look in his eyes like the world outside could be burning and he wouldn’t even care if you’re by his side. 
“Sounds like it’s right up your alley.” He mused, arm still around you, and you laugh at that. The sound makes his smile brighter.
“What the baker, being murdered, or looking like an ex?” You asked lightly, though you realise too late that it could be construed as some sort of twisted relationship test, thought he just chuckled, not reading anything into it.
“Finding yourself playing someone tragic.” He explained. He’s still smiling, but your own expression falls as you consider the weeks you had ahead of you.
The producers of Eastenders had sat you down to explain that your character was going to overdose at the end of the Season, and be rushed to hospital. The survival of her was entirely dependant on the fan’s reaction to the character and the event, but even if she recovered, her romantic arc with Ben’s character would end. The fans wanted him back with Lauren, and the production team agreed.
“Do you think it’s weird that my characters keep getting killed off?” You asked, and he rests a hand on your cheek, thumb gently brushing against your cheekbone.
“‘course not, babe. Two is a coincidence, maybe start worrying about being typecast if it happens again.” He’s so gentle when he says it that you can’t help but smile back, leaning in to press your lips to his before getting up to start getting ready, and Ben grumbles without you by his side, but he’s smiling as he watches you flit about the room.
“You and Ben were together last time we worked together, right?” You and Gwil are the first two on set for the first day of shooting the Madison Square Garden after party. You’d just wanted to get their early knowing you’d have to spend a good deal of time in hair with the wig they had for you for the scene. 
“That was a while ago; surprised you even remember that.” You laughed, eyes closed where a makeup artist was busy applying eyeshadow. 
“Yeah, I forgot about it until the Interruption Scene,” he says, and you snicker, humming with agreement. The silence that stretches between you is a pleasant one. You’d been on quite a few episodes of Midsomer Murder with Gwil, enjoyed his company well enough, not that the two of you had really spoken back then, he’d been a lead and you had different bit-parts every time, and you hadn’t really kept in touch, but he was shaping up to be a good friend on set here.
“How are you two going now?” He asked, idly, watching your reflection as your lips were painted a bright red.
“Good.” You answer automatically, pausing to blot your lips before elaborating. “It’s- uh, honestly it’s weird being back together.” You cast an uncertain gaze to the makeup woman who was clearly trying to hide her surprise. 
“Good-weird?” Gwil asks, raising an eyebrow, and you hesitate. When your words come out next, they spill, too fast as if making up for the silence in which you had to actually think about the answer.
“Yeah, of course, it would be weird if it wasn’t, you know, good-weird.” After a beat, you took a deep breath, forcing your shoulders to relax. “All relationships are weird at first.” And you swallow, standing from your seat and heading into get your wig. Ben’s yawning as he steps past you to get to the makeup trailer, and you catch his wrist as he passes. 
“Hey.” Voice soft, you smile at him, trying to push down your sudden uncertainty. He looks a little confused, but his answering ‘hey’ is kind and fond. He catches sight of a makeup assistant waiting for him, and he presses a quick kiss to your temple before making his way in.
It’s easy to pretend to love him. 
Almost as easy as it was to actually love him.
"So are you gonna leave him once you leave Eastenders?” Maisie was rather blunt. She was one of the only people you talked to after having your production with her had wrapped, and that’s more so because she was a freelance production assistant for indie movies, and she’d let you know about upcoming projects. 
“What the hell, May, no.” You spluttered, and she rose her eyebrows leaning back and taking a long sip of her coffee. She’s judging you. She’s always judging you. It’s part of her charm, you learn not to be insulted.
“Oh, I thought it was just like, a publicity thing.” She admitted, and your brow creases in confusion.
“That’s fucked, that’s so disingenuous.” 
The two of you fit together so easily, sitting on a gilded love-seat in the middle of Freddie’s living room set. Ben’s got an arm around you and a prop glass of alcohol free champagne, and there’s extras all around you buzzing with energy. Every so often you’ll catch one of them watching you and Ben as if you’re some sort of spectacle, and you have that unique sinking sensation that comes with being a public figure; of everyone knowing your business whether you told them or not.
“I think they know.” You murmur in between takes, and he makes a hum of acknowledgement, before turning to you, expression neutral, if not a little confused. “I know, that’s the point.” You know what he’s trying to say without him having to say it, reading him even after a few years apart. 
“You wanna get dinner after this?” He asks quietly, and your expression turns reflexively confused.
“It’s already midnight, it’s not like anyone will expect us to be out, not that anything’s open.” You rested your cheek on his shoulder as he looked out at the crowd.
“We can go to Seven-Eleven for all I care, I just need to get food after this.” He muttered, and you suppressed a smile.
“So we’re putting it on for the cashier?” You asked, and he turned to face you, chin bumping into your forehead when you refused to move your head.
“Babe,” he says pointedly, and you have to laugh, because if you don’t you think your chest might ache a little, “I just want company, it’s not that complicated.” 
Except it is that complicated. Being around him like this has reminded you how good it felt to be with him. It’s been almost three months, and you’ve forced yourself into the habit of reminding both of you that it was fake, that it was for attention, and even if you were really friends again, there was nothing real about the romance. It was getting on his nerves, now that you were closed to the end of filming.
“I know that this isn’t real.” His grip on the steering wheel is white knuckled as he drives to McDonalds. “I get it, okay, I know what’s happening, you can stop reminding me.”
“It’s not all for you, Ben.” Voice soft, you lean back in your seat. He’s parked, but neither of you feel the need to leave the car. 
“What? You’re reminding yourself?” He asked, and you made a noise of affirmation, and he’s quiet for a long time. 
“Half the time, if I don’t remind myself, I just forget.” You refuse to be embarrassed or ashamed by that. “We didn’t actually break up that long ago,” you reminded him; it had only been about two years, “so I’m sorry if it’s weird for me.” 
“It’s weird for me too, okay?”
Your final scene of the Season has you laying in a hospital bed. There’s no words, just the steady beat of a heart monitor that’s going to be added in post production, and a shot of Ben’s face before he leaves, slamming the door to lean against it with his face in his hands. 
You fall asleep about five minutes into filming, and it’s only when Ben comes and lays down beside you on the hospital bed that you wake. Apparently they’d already filmed three takes. His eyes are red-rimmed, but he’s smiling.
“Don’t cry for me.” You tell him, gently teasing, laying your head on his chest and yawning loudly. He wraps an arm around you.
“Tell that to the writers.” He snorted, his hand rubbing gently up and down your arm. “I don’t know how you can sleep through all this.” He mused, and you give him a deadpan look.
“Well someone didn’t let me get a lot of sleep last night.”  Though your tone is accusatory, your smile is playful, and Ben refuses to meet your gaze, a blush rising on his cheeks.
“I’m not going to apologise for that.” He says, tone lofty, though his voice drops to a murmur. With a giggle, you press a kiss to his jaw, murmuring that he shouldn’t need to apologise anyway. 
When he looks at you, looks past the makeup they’ve put on you to make you look sick and weary to the way you’re grinning at him, and he kisses you gently, his finger beneath your chin, lifting your lips to meet his.
Ben’s called away a few moments later, and you see the woman playing Lauren smirking at him from the door frame. Ben rolls his eyes at her as he climbs from the bed, telling you over his shoulder that he’s sorry he disturbed your nap, and you laugh at that, shuffling into a comfortable position as one of the crew members came over and straightened the hospital blanket around you.
After the two of you talked in the McDonalds car park, things have become easier. There’s no more reminders, not in the traditional sense; when it’s just the two of you, he calls you dude, and you call him buddy, and neither can take the other one seriously. He almost snorted beer from his nose when the two of you grabbed dinner at a pub and you’d told him;
“You look cute tonight, buddy.”
Low effort, low pressure, you let yourselves fall into the role of best friends who occasionally kissed when in public. It’s not even weird when you remember little details about one another from when you were together, it was more fond than anything else.
“Ben, settle an argument for us,” they’re on the set of Freddie’s first apartment, and you weren’t actually in the scene, but you’d been bored out of your mind at the hotel you were staying at and came along to watch the recording. Ben was sitting beside Lucy on his phone on the brown leather sofa in the middle of the set, while Rami and Joe were laying side by side on the mattress by the piano, and you were behind the camera with Gwil, trying to touch his wig, and getting your hand slapped away every time, as if it were a game.
“Is this the most impractical bed,” Joe parroted the script, and Lucy’s delivery, to which the actress rolled her eyes with a goodnatured smile, “or just a genius designing his room to best suit his own creative feng shui?”
“Why would you ask him?” You call over as Ben considers thoughtfully for a moment. “He designs his living room about how to best minimise glare on the TV.” You snicker, and Ben looks like he’s about to protest, but then his expression changes and he’s nodding in agreement, before adding.
“The bed’s impractical though, I keep kicking my shin against it.” He adds, and when the boys are giving him a confused look, surprised that he agreed so quickly with your words, he shrugs. “We lived together, she knows what my living room looks like.” He says, as if it’s explanation enough, and honestly, it is.
“Do you ever think about getting married?” The two of you are curled up on his sofa one evening, binge watching something forgettable on Netflix, and your whole body freezes. “Christ, calm down, I’m not asking you, I’m just curious.” There’s a laugh in his words, and you let yourself relax.
“Maybe one day, when I’m a bit older.” You muse, sighing softly and leaning further into him. “When I stop playing crack whores and murder victims.” 
“But you play them so well.” He says, with all the fake-enthusiasm he can muster, and you shove him in the ribs.
“Oi, I’ve got more range than that.” You huff, before settling back down. “What about you?” You ask, and he lets out a low, long hum.
“Haven’t really thought about it much.” He admits, and you make a noise that’s halfway between amused and confused.
“What’s got you thinking about it now?” When you ask, he tightens his grip on you, just a little, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Not really sure.”
the rat pack: @callumidiot @rockandrollandshit @bohorap @pietrorunsforme @sweetfierceimagines @itsjackothy @mhftrs @sherlockiantheatrenerd @softbenhardy @multifandomgirlrandomstuff @virtualsheepeat @smile-nine 
(crossed out means it wouldn’t tag; i’ll try again for the next part, lemme know if you wanna be tagged xx)
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