#Jane Austen Game
linmeiwei · 3 months
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Elizabeth: When you saw me at Pemberley after I told you you were the last man in the world I’d ever be prevailed on to marry… were you angry?
Darcy: I was surprised. That took about (checks watch) thirty minutes to shake off. Then I wanted to marry you again.
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have you done your daily click
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opheliashes · 8 months
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All the Love I Gave to You is Yours to Keep
Francesca, Hozier // Catching Fire, Suzanne Collins // My Love Mine All Mine, Mitski // Persuasion, Jane Austen // All My Love, Noah Kahan
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zoltyx · 7 months
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clarissaweasley-10 · 1 month
I know many people have asked this before but still how on earth does Grayson Hawthorne flirt?
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hamletthedane · 8 days
Spin the wheel for characters in Jane Austen’s “Big Four” novels* and answer for who you get:
* Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, and Persuasion
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agentmilayawithshield · 5 months
Brain with Floppy Disk storage capacity
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femmehysteria · 6 months
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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farosdaughter · 6 months
‘[…] had I really loved, could I have sacrificed my feelings to vanity, to avarice? — or, what is more, could I have sacrificed hers? — But I have done it. To avoid a comparative poverty, which her affection and society would have deprived of all its horrors, I have, by raising myself to affluence, lost every thing that could make it a blessing.’ Sense and Sensibility, Chapter 9, Vol. III.
I can’t believe Jane Austen predicted snowbaird 210 years ago!!
‘[…] she loved him. She’d said so last night in the song. Even more, she trusted him. Although, if he ditched her in the woods to claw out an existence alone, no doubt she would consider that a breach of faith. He had to think of just the right way to break the news. But what would that be? “I love you deeply, but I love officers’ school more?” That wasn’t going to go over well. And he did love her! He did! It was just that, only a few hours into his new life in the wilderness, he knew he hated it.’ The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Chapter 30
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I really love the commitment across British comedy to painting Jane Austen as a secret hellraiser who does crimes and swears a lot (e.g. Old Harry's Game, Good Omens
I know it's because her work is a touchstone of genteelness and manners thus the contrast but still I like it a lot and I hope it continues forever and forever, amen
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connie-banana · 10 months
Do you ever think about how Jane Austen decided that the prettiest, loveliest and kindest Bennet sister, who marries an equally lovely handsome man who just happens to be really rich and falls in love with her at first sight, should be named Jane?
Because I do.
And then I think; if one of the most famous authors of all time can put a blatant wish fufillment self-insert into her greatest work, maybe fanfiction writers can do whatever the hell they want.
And then I think about 15 year old edgelord me - who spent way too much time in forums making fun of people who wrote about their mary sues falling in love with Legolas and Draco Malfoy - and how she should get over herself and stop being mean to people who enjoy things because she's jealous of them.
And I think about that other 15 year me - who was terrified about what people in school would think about the fact she wrote fanfiction and that it wasn't even any good - and how she will never see, or indeed think about, anyone she goes to school with ever again in 3 years time, and maybe she shouldn't waste her youth worrying about what people think about her hobbies.
And then 35 year old me - who worries that she's too old for any of this now, that there's more productive things she could do with her time and she isn't even a good enough writer to become a published author - thinks that life is too short and too stressful to feel embarrassed and guilty for doing something that makes her happy.
And then I remember that zombie apocalypse Kastle fic that I read in one go, which was the best piece of writing I read all year and I sent to everyone I know.
And that story about Captain America and Thor going to Dennys, which I reread everytime I feel down and have stored on my phone for just such an occasion.
And that ongoing 1977 Gwen Stacy AU fic that made me cry the other night.
And I also remember that Sansa Stark two shot I wrote, which made one girl reach out to me privately to say it had helped her.
And then I think that maybe I can write.
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salty-stories · 1 year
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[alt: photo of a garden with a gold silhouette of a woman and the text “Seven Days...”] 
"Then why did you stop replying?"
Something in your old friend's face seems to break and the serious front, ever present even here in private, gives way as her brown eyes, burning--furious, meet yours. "I did. So?"
Sam’s eyes narrow as she ventures a step closer to you, her anger enough to completely silence yours. "Even so? Which sin seems worse to you? Leaving or the silence? Because if its the latter then I have just as much cause to be mad at you, Miss Merritt. For I have the excuse of a dying mother, what caused you to forget me? What stopped your correspondence? Spite? I had always assumed you to be above that."
She steps even closer, so close you might count the flecks of gold in those achingly familiar irises. 
"I missed you, every day. I thought of you every day, wondered if you ate or had a restful sleep or if--if you were thinking of me. I replied when I could but-" the fight fades from her face as Sam pulls away from you with a heavy exhale, "mother got worse before she ever got better and by the time I had enough time to put quill to parchment, you had...you stopped sending them. I figured you were sick of waiting for me by then."
As if under a spell, the sounds of the park, which had been strangely absent up until now, return to a normal volume, drowning out the thumping of your own heart.
Love and Friendship Chapter One Releases 05/01/2023
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have you done your daily click
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laiqualaurelote · 2 months
First Lines
Tagged by @nostalgicatsea (forever ago but I'm only getting to my tags now). Thank you!
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
speak easy, swing hard
When the shots rang out in the Arc, the band didn’t stop playing. It was twelve minutes into the new year at a Stark speakeasy and the joint was jumping, the floor crammed with gin baby socialites essaying the Charleston, mobsters clustered around tables, petty thieves circling and dipping into the pockets of the unwary; when the bullets started flying the crowd screamed and sought to scatter but the bandleader barely blinked, just led his crew full tilt into another chorus of ‘I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate’ while the singer, a svelte Sokovian songbird in a shimmering scarlet number, sidestepped a bullet that buried itself in a piano leg and kept right on crooning, All the boys in the neighbourhood know she can shimmy and it’s understood, while all hell broke loose on the dance floor.
well-versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice
“You must know, Mr Crowley, that this is to be my last job,” said Jane.
all the men and women merely players
In with the wind blows the news that the Players are coming to town. 
constant as a northern star (constantly in the dark) 
Sachiko Crimm meets Ted Lasso for the first time in a Lidl.
The Lady With The Recorder Asks The Questions
“You took out the line about the threesomes, didn’t you?” 
ain't practical, a world you can't touch
Just a whole lot of aiming, he’d told Cornelia once. But it’s Martha Myers who misses.
maybe everything that dies someday comes back
“He don’t look like much,” said the client. “You sure he’s the chap we’re after?”
a song that will keep sky open in my mind
We knew Eli was back because of the baby. We could hear it crying clean across the wheat fields. 
can't start a fire without a spark 
It was a whole thing when Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham blew town together and ran off to start a rock band.
A Gentleman's Guide To Love And Piracy
Day seven of my return to the high seas, wrote Stede in his journal. Since Lucius was no longer around to take dictation, the journal existed only in his head. Morale is low, I will not lie.
Patterns - I'm a big fan of in media res (it worked for Homer and it works for me) and so I like to start in the middle of things. I'm also trained to write hooks for people with short attention spans, so my first lines tend to be crunchy. The one exception is the first on the list, which is from speak easy, swing hard, the 1920s Prohibition-era Avengers AU I wrote for @nostalgicatsea as part of @marveltrumpshate. I wanted it to evoke the wild, chaotic tempo of a hot jazz number (something like the intro to this) so most of it is a pile-up of a long run-on sentence, and the writing continues in this fashion until Tony shows up to calm things down, whereupon the paragraphs go back to being a brief couple of lines each. I learnt this trick from seeing how translators handle action sequences in wuxia novels.
Tagging: @leupagus, @themardia, @auntieclimactic, @nagia-pronounced-neijia, @eisoj5, @swallowtailed, @justplainsalty, @bropunzeling, @st-clements-steps, @sagiow and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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bethanydelleman · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @firawren & @glassslippers-n-cowboyboots
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 45
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 208,023. And that's a bit surprising because a bunch of my longer fics are only on AHA or my website.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Jane Austen, all novels, Elizabeth Gaskell (Wives & Daughters), and Anne Bronte (The Tenant of Wildfell Hall). I have also technically written Oscar Wilde and My Happy Marriage, but those were very transformative.
I also have written some fics based on Kdramas, mostly for Alchemy of Souls.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Ride to Netherfield - Jane breaks her leg on the way to Netherfield and must stay for a month. Short one-shot (6k) and the first Pride & Prejudice variation I wrote.
Of Every Elizabeth - short and sweet Pride & Prejudice fluff, Darcy has nicknames for the plethora of Elizabeth's he's met over the course of his life (it was a super common name at the time)
Carry Me! - three vignettes of Jang Uk and Cho Yeong from Alchemy of Souls after they are married
The Fourth Bennet Sister - long fic (30k words), Pride & Prejudice variation where Kitty Bennet becomes aware that she is in a novel. She desperately tries to protect her sisters from harm.
All's Fair in Love and War - short Pride & Prejudice variation. Mrs. Bennet has weaponized compromise, men live in constant fear of being forced to marry.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yep. Every time.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Umm.... I'm not good at writing angst. I don't like characters to suffer for too long.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Yes, because I dared to write Mr. Darcy marrying Anne Elliot. People get more angry about that for some reason than Elizabeth Bennet marrying Captain Wentworth in the same fic. Someone even told me Darcy would rather "throw himself off of Pemberley" rather than marry anyone other than Elizabeth. (Fic is called One Week Late)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have written smut a few times, it's pretty vanilla because I am pretty vanilla. I was reading Victorian erotica when I wrote my longest one, A Little Before Their Marriage (Jane & Bingley fic).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I constantly write crossovers, my first published novel is a massive crossover, Prideful & Persuaded. One of my fun shorts is Fall on the Sword, where every canonically single woman in Austen's novels decides if they want to try for the recently divorced Mr. Rushworth.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, though someone did translate one of my meta posts from Tumblr. That was cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, The Marriage Contest with Branch Cloudsky and two with Amelia Marie Logan, Poor Caroline and Inferior Connections. All Pride & Prejudice fics, all funny. (You need an AO3 account for that one, the other two are on my personal website)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? Catherine Morland & Henry Tilney. They are the only Austen couple I cannot bear to break up.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I am writing a queer retelling of Emma called "Different Ways of Being in Love", where Jane Fairfax and Emma were lovers as teenagers, Jane is bi, Emma is a lesbian, and Mr. Knightley is ace, but I got stuck on the middle part. Someday hopefully!
16. What are your writing strengths? I'm told I write some pretty hilarious farces. I am told I do characterization well, which is my main goal when writing fan fiction. I try to stick as close to canon as possible.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I don't write enough filler or develop things well enough. I like writing action.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I would possibly try my hand at French, but probably never. I also have a lot of trouble reading accented speech (looking at you Wuthering Heights), so I'd probably never write it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I am fairly certain I started writing a fix-it fic for Nineteen Eighty-Four after I read it in high school. Not sure I would be able to locate it but it did exist. The first since I started writing again was a sequel to Pride & Prejudice.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Probably Unfairly Caught (my other published work) or The Fourth Bennet Sister. I NEEDED to write a Mansfield Park fic because I hate the ending, so it fixed my dissatisfied feelings. My goal is to edit The Fourth Bennet Sister and get it published sometime this year.
@wurzelbertzwerg, @kehlana-wolhamonao3 and @bad-at-names-and-faces
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varpusvaras · 9 months
Corrie Shinies: Oh, the Commander is having a call with the Queen of Alderaan...I wonder what they are talking about. It's probably about something really important and intelligent...maybe philosophy or something like that...
Meanwhile Fox, in his office, with Breha on the line and the newest part of a period romance series in his hands: "-and then Sir Reves looked at Adeldine, with his eyes dark like the skies of Eldorn when there would be a storm brewing, and he said-" Oh my God wow-
Breha, absolutely not paying any attention to her flimsiwork she had been doing before: Yes? He said what?
Fox: "- 'In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you-" oh kriffing finally! The back and forth was driving me insane
Breha: Hey, it only took four books this time!
Fox: Now we'll just have to hope that this one will not die immediately after confessing, I can't do this again
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