milkteaandsugar · 24 days
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Echoes of Tokyo - the journey back home to you - 7. Safe haven (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1472633205-echoes-of-tokyo-the-journey-back-home-to-you-7?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=pinkbbyfanfan 
"That, uh... Manjiro? Mikey guy?" Takemichi began as he picked up his taiyaki, "He sounds just like a prince in shining armor. I totally get why you can't forget him." Emily's expression softened, her pale blue eyes reflecting a mix of fondness and melancholy. "Yeah... Yeah, he was indeed. A prince in shining armor. My safe haven."
Takemichi chuckled through a mouthful of taiyaki. "A little rebel, wasn't he?" "Yeah," Emily nodded, a wistful smile on her lips. "Always full of energy. And the first day we met wasn't the only time he saved me from bullies."
!Trigger warning! Violence, S**ual harassment
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christadeguchi · 9 months
j… jesus oppa ;____;
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hinamie · 3 months
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fire nation festival wear aka a blatant excuse for me to push atla clothing design conventions to the absolute Limit
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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storiesbydtcecil · 2 years
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Keeping Up With The Kuchikis (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/245932377-keeping-up-with-the-kuchikis?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=theanimeloverxfiles&wp_originator=GKCxD7J86RUYXj60%2F4oytx%2F%2B0HPpGwAc4TkQN1nYXu0BJtQ64fD2Iw2%2FZ%2BPZXBXLHaL72z47gHYv0GkM1A9YCbyy5FIU0QPeAnOcU9Q82s46kPmJ%2FfbETJlWMyTUxZ%2FT 
Except From CHP 7: Gossip On the Grapevine
The Squad 11's barracks are quiet, almost easygoing at this part of the morning. If the Seireitei had days of the week as they do in the world of morals, this morning would qualify as a Sunday morning. There was no rush, no need to be elsewhere. It was peaceful and cool. Captain Kenpachi Zaraki could throw up on mornings like these.
He doesn't mind the coolness of the environment; it's the quietness that gets to him.
This illusion of peace the Soul Society had to offer everyone was like spraying a turd with expensive perfume; underneath that brown lump, it's still a piece of shit. This wasn't peace. It's boredom by the shit buckets; no sense sugar-coating it. True peace connects to the soul of a man; it's deep, unshakable. Just as his soul experiences peace when he's engaged in a battle with a worthy opponent. Not many of those around here, and the ones Kenpachi would give his left arm to fight have no interest in fighting him, are not available, or they're living in another world. No fun there.
The fucked up thing about Soul Reapers is that they lived for so long that they become atrophied in their ways, fighting styles, and mannerisms. There's rarely any evolution among members of his society. Until another event happens, like what occurred two years ago with the Ryokas, Kenpachi doubts there will be any excitement to shake things up in the Seireitei.
Kenpachi's countermeasure for this is training. Extensive, muscle-ripping exercises that keep his blood running hot. He never misses a day to engage in his regime. Why waste time on mundanes like paperwork? Just get some idiot like Yumichika to do it; that's one of the reasons he's a ranks officer of Squad 11. Of course, Yumichika would then give the work to some other bonehead lower in rank than him, threaten the bastard with the consequences if it wasn't done accurately, before skipping off to make himself look prettier or some shit like that. Kenpachi didn't give two shits as long as it got done, and he didn't have to go near a quill and ink pot.
No one in their right fucking mind enjoys getting sleeping-ass anyway.
Once a report is complete, his third seat or Yachiru (in her unique way) will distill the information into salient points to keep him informed about the happenings of the Seireitei. The Captain of Squad 11 prefers to receive the bare essentials if it had nothing to do with his barracks or a potentially worthy opponent.
Kenpachi unsleeved from his robe before tying the empty sleeves around his waist; this way, nothing would get in his way while he moved. It's been two hours since his training regime began, and he was barely working up enough of a sweat to justify disrobing.
His towering-rangy frame is packed with muscle from years of honing the deadly dexterity that distinguished him as a warrior among the bureaucratic ass-lickers of the Seireitei.
Done with tying up loose ends, Kenpachi resumes his training with a swing of his sword just as something pink flashes a centimeter in front of the tip.
It darted up onto the jagged edge; balancing with only her wooden sandals as a barrier of protection (for all the worlds as if she was on a tightrope and not on the teeth of his sword) known to slice entire buildings like tender meat with one razor swing, and opponents with iron skin like Arrancars, in two!
"Kenny!" Yachiru pushed off the fence of his weapon, launching herself into the air before somersaulting in mid-air, then landing on one of the training dummies half a bow shot away from where Kenpachi stood in the training courtyard, a resigned look plastered on his long face.
He'd sensed her coming, of course. Ten minutes ago, when she left from wherever she was coming from, Kenpachi sensed Yachiru's excited spiritual reiatsu turning in his direction. An instant later, he felt her bolting towards him like a little pink-haired bat out of hell to the barrack's training grounds.
Curious. Kenpachi thought.
Yachiru is his opposite in every respect. Many Soul Reapers who believed she was his biological daughter wonder (though not in his presence, of course, they didn't have a death wish, but a Captain's hearing is long-reaching) what unfortunate woman was brave enough to open her legs to him. Kenpachi didn't bother to correct them because they weren't completely wrong. Yachiru is his adopted daughter and the only person that can be around him and his stifling spiritual pressure indefinitely.
"Kenny! Kenny!" Her squeaky voice echoed delightfully, breaking up the monotonous, stale silence of the morning. She waves an object held tightly in her fist like a white flag from her crouch atop the target dummy's head. The thing wobbled from left to right on its stilt as if trying to shake her off its head. Yachiru clung to it with invisible suction like a little pink frog. Kenpachi inwardly smiles at her antics. "Look, Kenny, look!" She hops down from the training dummy to the ground. In one step, Yachiru covers the distance between them.
"What is it?" Kenpachi asks, his voice flat.
With Yachiru, excitement came in many forms. A butterfly minding its own business, the discovery of a new flower on the side of the road, the weather changing suddenly; morsels of change in her eyes does it for her.
She held up the sheet of paper over her head in front of him as far as her small hands would reach. "It's about Ru-chan!" Yachiru exclaimed beamingly.
"Uh-huh," Kenpachi replied uninterested, moving his head from side to side, audibly popping the sinews in the column of his neck as he rolled it on his shoulders. Just a few moments of lapse, and his body was already stiffening up, his blood cooling. "Who the fuck is Ru-Chan, and why is she disturbing my training session?" Kenpachi asked his lieutenant, eyeing her over his shoulder as he turned back to what he was about to do before she flashed into his sword's path.
Yachiru pouted, "Don't you remember Ru-Chan, Kenny?" She lowers the paper slowly. "How come you don't remember Ru-Chan?"
A 'hmm' sounded from her pursed lips before Yachiru cocks her head to the side; Kenpachi recognized the gesture. That's what Yachiru does as a thought occurs to her. "But you remember Ichi, don't you?"
"Ichigo Kurosaki?!" Immediately, Kenpachi sent out his terrible spiritual intent over the barracks, stretching his reach for three miles in a hundred different directions. "Why the hell didn't you say that in the first place? Where is he?" Kenpachi asks, turning his head and sniffing the air like a predator scenting prey.
This will be so much fun! A thousand times better than his morning regiment. The last he heard, Ichigo had gotten stronger than what his level was when they last met in Hueco Mundo, and he was at a Captain's level then.
Yachiru sighed gustily, "Ichi's not here."
"What?" Kenpachi nearly roared.
"I said this is about Ru-Chan, Kenny!" Yachiru expressed.
Kenpachi ran a palm over his spiky hair, making the bells on the ends chime from the movement. The weight of his palm momentarily brought them to yield, but as soon as he removed his hand, they sprang back to their usual place, the strands stiff from Zaraki leaving too much soap to dry in them, turning them erect. "Ru-Chan? Ichigo?" The ducks were lining up in his head. "Rukia Kuchiki? What about her?" He asked, deflated.
Kenpachi got so excited at the mention of Ichigo that he immediately thought of seeking him out wherever he was hiding in the Seireitei and engaging him in a fight to the death. The vision of their swords clashing again in battle and glory makes Kenpachi blood sing. Yachiru got his hopes up for nothing.
Two years ago, when they first met, Ichigo came to the Soul Society to save Rukia Kuchiki from her fate. Kenpachi didn't give a fuck why he was there in the first place, only that he would be a worthy opponent for him. And he was.
Seven Hells! The bastard had him wishing to get stronger by the end of their battle. It was a glorious exchange of blood and steel and spiritual reiatsu. Fuck! His cock hadn't been that stiff from adrenaline in decades! Sex didn't bring Kenpachi Zaraki pleasure. Battle did.
Yachiru was saying something to him. Prattling on about something he didn't care about. If Ichigo wasn't in the Seireitei, and no one in this entire God-forsaken place would put up a decent fight, then what the hell is she going on about? Butterflies, again? Hells!
Someone stab me through the heart. Kenpachi thought, defeated, but he listened to his daughter anyway.
"...And Squad 13 had a nasty hollow infest yesterday, you know, Kenny?"
He knew that when Yachiru got into this mode of talking, it was only her voice in the conversation. So even if she asks a question, an answer is not required. Kenpachi listens and doesn't bother to correct her when she messes up words like 'incursion' with 'infest' because that's how Yachiru communicates. "People were talking about it, of course." His lieutenant went on, and Kenpachi was just able to get in a "Were they now?" into the prattle just before the next hundred words came matching out of her mouth at a jog.
Decades of these little talks between them taught him where the intervals were when his daughter took her next breath to speak.
Yachiru nodded enthusiastically now that a modicum of interest from her father got dropped into the mix of chatter. "Ru-chan was awesome! This report says that she took down all the hollows by herself."
A bell living on the end of a lock chimed. "What?" The Captain of Squad 11 asks, his interest piqued.
"Hmm! Hmm!" Yachiru confirms with chest-to-nape quick nods. "Ru-chan is super strong to take out all the maskees on her own!" she said approvingly.
"How many hollows did she take on? What were the classifications?" Kenpachi asked, the sweat cooling on his skin from such a long pause to hear what Yachiru had to say.
His lieutenant squinted at the slightly crushed paper that survived the journey over here. Knowing how fast Yachiru likes to travel, Kenpachi is surprised thing wasn't reduced to scraps.
"Uh-" she began, eyes scrunched together as if the words are written in another language. "A lot of them?" then she piped up. "Two of them were Menos!"
"Give me that," Kenpachi said, holding out his hand. Yachiru promptly handed over the piece of paper to her Captain cheerfully.
Kenpachi's eyes roam over the report from Squad 13. As he read, a gruesome grin stretched across his lips, then he began to chuckle darkly.
That sneaky little bitch! He thought, feeling a surge of battle energy heating his blood.
For years after her life was saved by Ichigo, Rukia Kuchiki's name has been popping up here and there in reports. Nothing to catch Kenpachi's interest, mostly.
People with too much time on their hands said that she and Ichigo had a thing going on between them, but that's hardly something to talk about. Kenpachi didn't care about that. Who gave a shit if the two of them wanted to fuck? He didn't! What had his interest is this progress with the younger Kuchiki sibling.
Not so atrophied after all.
The Kuchikis can be counted on for revelations in fighting styles and progress overall. Byakuya Kuchiki has the honor of being on Kenpachi's list of people he really wants to fight to the death. But the pompous asshole won't give him the time of day.
Now his little sister is making a name for herself.
"When the hell did she get so strong like her boy-toy, Ichigo, to kill a Menos Grande on her by herself plus a company of class 5-7 hollows and walk away with only a few scratches?" Kenpachi asked no one, done with reading the report.
Has Ichigo been giving her pointers? Or has she been getting stronger on her own?
He knew nothing about this Rukia chit outside of what's known among the Captains of the Gotei 13.
From what Kenpachi understood, she's an ice user like that little brat, but she isn't as powerful as Hitsugaya. She has the most beautiful sword in the Seireitei if he recalls the announcement made by the frilly perfume assholes that said that crap. Or it was something like that.
Seems like a thorny icicle or two has been growing around the edges of her sword.
"Maybe it's time I start paying a little more attention to Ms. Kuchiki."
Yachiru claps her hands and cheers at this announcement. "Yay! Kenny happy! Yay!"
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civetside · 6 months
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hey guys im changing my art style, im done with stupid silly nonsense. im only making REAL griddlehark now
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cbge · 8 months
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they are. like bugs to me
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zoe-oneesama · 4 months
How do you feel about certain tropes for personalities?
Hate to reference it, but Yandere for example
I mean, I've usually only personally seen Yandere tropes in like horror anime, (though Quiche/Kishu from Tokyo Mew Mew was definitely my first intro before I knew what the trope even was), so it always felt fitting in that setting.
I'm not really into it because either it's played completely straight as is, in which case there's not really a good outcome for anyone? Either the target is stuck with Yandere, the Yandere kills the target, or the Yandere gets killed.
The other option is despite being foaming at the mouth, ready to kill anyone who even LOOKS at their love interest wrong...they just...concede? To the actual Main Love Interest? Kind of feels like a lot of wasted effort and energy.
I mean, if Yuuno Gasai is the poster child for When the Yandere Gets the Guy, your trope is trouble.
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charcarts · 1 year
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tamamo no mae’s your zoroark- Bonus flavor text:
>Sealed somewhere deep within the snowy mountainside, this Pokemon was said to have once walked among humans, wreaking chaos wherever it went.
>Hidden far from civilization, it’s rumored that if the seal containing this Pokemon were ever to break, great evil would befall the land.
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kylesanjuan · 2 months
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Postcards by Kyle SanJuan 2024
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milkteaandsugar · 28 days
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Echoes of Tokyo - the journey back home to you - ...is always hopeless. (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1471982114-echoes-of-tokyo-the-journey-back-home-to-you-is?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=pinkbbyfanfan 
Emily recalls her first encounter with Mikey when she was six years old and newly arrived in Japan.
"So you're having fun bullying a girl? How lame."
"L-A-M-E."... "The Worst. The absolute LAMEST."
"I'm Mikey, by the way."  "Let's get this fixed, shall we?"
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
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Gorgeous black based furisode with takaramono (or takarazukushi), an ancient auspicious pattern representing luck-bringing treasures symbols (check this chart by Nadeshico Rin for more details).
I love how the hagoromo (heavenly feathered robe) motif is placed to drape on wearer's back, with its "tail" feathers flowing up front!
427 notes · View notes
mewvore · 10 days
Any funny thoughts on the ps5 pro?
theres nothing funny about a crack smoking addiction and I sincerely hope the CEO and CFO of PlayStation get the help they need. My heart is with their families during this tumultuous time
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hetalvetia · 7 months
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203 notes · View notes
princescar · 6 days
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naradreamt · 7 months
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Scans of my copy of 子 ギャル (CO GAL)
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mimiyake · 3 months
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hbd shinobu
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