#Javier Nuñez
yellowmagicalgirl · 4 months
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Ah, yes, Claire's three parents (two biological, one theoretically adoptive) and their parenting styles
And before anyone complains or questions my reasoning: Ophelia is in girlboss not because she's more of a girlboss than Morgana is, but because for all of Ophelia's parenting faults, she never has made Claire hallucinate (or think she's hallucinating for that matter). The closest she has done is question if Barbara and/or the kids are on drugs re: trolls.
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aevyk-ing · 11 months
Claire’s father was going to smash a goblin into a window.
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I love this.
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 6 months
Challenging Destiny, chapter 25
Still recovering from injuries caused by Area 49-B, Jim is on firm bedrest. And has a visitor, in the form of Claire.
With the date set for tackling Gunmar ever closer, Claire gets her parents in the know and Strickler updates Area 49-B of their plans to reveal magic to the world.
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The Nuñez family!
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I decided to retweak Claire since I made her quite a while ago, and I thought she looked a little weird.
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I wanted to make Ophelia’s face slightly plumper than canon because she only had a baby a year ago, and I wanted to reflect that!
This is her before she had Enrique!
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I didn’t really do any changes to Javier’s design besides giving him darker skin.
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I’d say Enrique was the one that needed the most work I suppose? Even if he actually was the easiest one to make! He’s literally blond with two brown-haired parents canonically??? I don’t think that’s how genetics work, and I wanted to make him look more like a baby in general lol.
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The screencaps are from the ToA wiki!
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albentelisa · 5 months
What do you think would change if the parents had found out about the Trolls early in the first season?
You can get creative as to how the parents find out.
I feel that it could create some complications for sure.
Barbara could find it because of Draal - he isn't the stealthiest guy around, and it may take a sudden return home for the secret to collapse.
Ophelia and Javier could find out because of NotEnrique not being careful enough.
Nana, on the other hand, is definitely the least likely to find out the truth (as she met Aaarrrgghh in the canon and bought Toby's lies), but she also could overhear something that would be impossible to explain.
In any case, I feel that no matter which one of the parents would find it first, they will inform others rather fast. As for when I'll say, it could happen between Bular's defeat and Strickler's return with Angor (so Claire is also involved).
And here are the complications. Firstly, the parents will be against their children risking their lives, and unlike the canon where Jim, Claire, and Toby managed to prove their competence, here they are less experienced and trained (and Claire and Toby still have no weapons), so the parents are justified in their worries. Obviously, Ophelia and Javier also want their son back, but they want someone better suited to play the hero's role.
Jim, Toby, and Claire try to convince the parents that the quest is less dangerous than they think - they will simply retrieve Triumbric stones, and travel to the Darklands to save Enrique (they omit the detail that the Darklands are full of bloodthirsty trolls and who-knows-what). It goes more or less normal until Angor Rot arrives and all the parents go full 'we won't allow risking your lives' mode. The teens are forced to sneak out at first, and it takes a major fight with Angor where the trio demonstrate that they can protect themselves so that the parents finally agree to be supportive of their adventures. Barbara takes over as a medic, Ophelia usually helps Vendel with organizing trolls, Javier tries to learn some fighting, and Nana tries to domesticate gnomes (and gnomes surprisingly take a liking to her).
Another major change is Stricklake's dynamic - after all, Barbara learns that Strickler is both a changeling and an enemy early on. She thinks he used her to get closer to Jim (and as their relationship is at an earlier stage, Strickler needs to put way more effort so that she forgives him). In this AU, Jim and his team initially have no idea that Angor serves Strickler as Strickler pretends he has changed sides. There is no binding spell here, but well, Strickler screws a lot even without it with his lies, so when Angor exposes him eventually, Barbara is furious. However, Strickler starts to waver even earlier, thinking that perhaps he could just drop his plan altogether (he secretly hopes that Jim's team will slay Angor, and with that, his dirty secret will be safe, and he will be able to just have a peaceful life with Barbara and Jim).
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rosemaidenvixen · 2 years
A Secret's Worth
Chapter 30: Claire
“Hola hermanito, you excited for your party?”
Enrique blinked up at her sleepily. His weight resting comfortably on her lap, head tucked into the crook of her elbow.
“We have the whole family here, all our friends and even some of mom’s coworkers,” she carefully slid her arm further under him, pulling Enrique close to her belly without jostling him “All here just to see you,”
His eyelids fluttered, shutting them once again as he settled back into her lap.
Claire felt a grin tugging at her face “Popular already aren’t you?” she cooed down at her brand new baby brother. 
Ever since he’d come home from the hospital Enrique hadn’t done much besides eat and sleep. Not that Claire was complaining, she’d heard horror stories about babies crying nonstop, so having Enrique being so quiet was a blessing. But according to that nurse as babies got older and had more energy…
Well for the summer at least she’d be able to spend most of her time outside the house, and hopefully whatever loud crying phase he had was over by the time school started.
He yawned, eyelids squeezing together and tiny nose crinkling up, Claire’s chest fluttering as her heart practically ached with the tenderness surging through it.
Claire had been an only child for so long that when she’d first been given the news, she hadn’t known quite how to feel about getting a new sibling, then a bunch of other stuff had happened that pulled most of her focus over the past several months. So she’d only had the mental space to worry about the birth going ok for most of her mom’s pregnancy.
She’d still been uncertain when her dad picked her up after school to visit mom and Enrique in the hospital. But then when they’d handed her Enrique in his swaddled up bundle and she’d looked into his eyes for the first time, Claire had been hit by an overpowering wave of love and affection.
Claire wasn’t an only child any more, she had a little brother, and she loved him with all her heart.
Even all the bad things that were supposed to happen to older kids when the family got a new baby either didn’t happen or turned out to not be a problem.
Sure now that he was born her parents were paying a lot more attention to Enrique than her, but he was a baby. Of course he got more attention when he literally couldn’t do anything for himself. And it wasn’t like Claire had been desperate for her parents’ attention before, more than anything she was relieved to have them off her back. Final exams were coming up but her parents were so busy with Enrique they hadn’t once hounded her about studying.
And one of the things Claire had started worrying about when she first saw mom and Enrique in the hospital, being permanently stuck on babysitting duty, ended up being shot down on the drive home. When that woman in Dairy Queen had come up to them and told them how adorable Enrique was and how nice it was that they had Claire to help take care of him. 
Ophelia had lost it. 
Screaming at the woman how parentifying is a problem that cripples kids’ futures and that Claire’s one and only responsibility was to keep her grades up and Ophelia would be responsible for Enrique because she ‘Wasn’t a lazy waste of space who had children she refused to take care of’.
Claire had been massively relieved to hear her mom say that, followed by completely mortified immediately after. She’d grabbed the ice cream and booked it back to the car while her dad pulled her mom away after throwing a few twenties at the petrified cashier.
Later that night Ophelia had made them both swear to never let her leave the house while on pain medication, no matter how badly she was craving ice cream.
Her parents were too busy to nag her, she wasn’t going to become a live-in babysitter, and Enrique was the cutest, sweetest little baby she’d even seen.
At the beginning Claire hadn’t known how to feel about getting a new baby in the family, but now, holding him in her arms, she knew that Enrique was the best thing to happen to their family in a long time.
The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs pulled her attention, tearing her gaze away from Enrique to see her parents stepping into the room.
“Thanks for watching him while your mother and I got ready,” Javier approached, arms outstretched to accept Enrique, Ophelia trailing right behind him.
“No problem,” Claire carefully lifted Enrique up off her lap, allowing her papi to scoop him up and cradle him to his chest, sleeping expression not even twitching “I’ll be out in a bit, I just want wait for my friends to get here so I can let them in,”
Instantly her parents' faces dropped, turning towards each other and sharing a look.
Her guts curdled.
Uh oh, Claire knew that look, nothing good ever came from that look.
“About that…” her mom stepped forward “We were talking about the sleepover you want to do on Wednesday…”
Claire’s stomach pinched, this was it, they were going to tell her that there was no way she was doing a sleepover on a school night, even if they weren’t doing any actual school the next day. She knew this was coming, they may have said that they’d thinking about it but she knew there was no way that they would ever let her–
“You can go,”
Claire blinked, not sure she’d heard that correctly “Wait really?”
“Yes,” her papi stepped up to join her mom, gently bouncing Enrique in his arms “You don’t have any classes the next day, so it should be fine,”
“However,” Ophelia cut in, folding both arms across her chest “This sleepover is a privilege just like any other, not only do we expect you to be on your best behavior at all times, if you get into any trouble or let your performance in class slack, even that Wednesday morning, we–”
Claire surged forward, ensnaring both her parents, and her baby brother, in a powerful hug.
“Thank you thank you thank you! I promise I’ll study hard and I won’t let you down!”
Her mom stiffened before reaching an arm around to pat Claire on the shoulder “Oh, yes, very good,”
Claire released them and stepped back, still buzzing with giddy energy, allowing her parents to head straight into the backyard to greet the waiting guests now that they had said what they needed to and were free of her bear hug. 
But they didn’t, instead they stayed where they were, sharing another look.
Papi cleared his throat “Now remember, if you get uncomfortable or want to leave you can call us any time, even at two in the morning,”
Claire frowned “Oh…ok,” 
Were her parents nervous about her spending the night over at a boy’s house? Granted she’d had several sleepovers with Toby already but none at his house. And why were they giving this whole talk after they’d already said she could g–
“And I know that Dr. Lake will be the adult there, and you should listen to her,” Ophelia pressed her hands together “But if she tells you to do something that goes against your…insincts, you just stick with your best judgment over what she says,”
Claire felt her face fall, confusion smoothing into cool understanding, an ice cold weight dropping in the pit of her gut.
So that’s what this was about.
“And call us,” Javier added, nodding enthusiastically “You can always call us, if you or any or any of your friends need help,”
Guts still roiling, Claire forced herself to nod, even though she intended to do no such thing, at least not any time before sunrise “Got it, will do,” 
Her parents nodded back at her, sharing one more conspiratorial look before heading out of the room. Claire waited for a few seconds, then when she heard the backdoor open and shut she let out a deep breath and flopped back against the couch.
Talk about a reminder she didn’t need.
The five of them might have buried the hatchet, with things between them getting better and better by the day, but that didn’t change the fact that Dr. Lake’s reputation was still in the dumpster. With half the town, her own parents included, thinking she was a monster. Add in the fact that the reason people thought that was due in a direct result of Claire’s own actions and you had a double whammy of guilt. 
Claire pressed a hand to her belly, intestines twisting up tighter and tighter. She wanted, more than anything, to set the story straight and clear Dr. Lake’s name, but there wasn’t any way to come clean, even to her parents, without giving away Jim’s secret. 
Which was not an option.
Not to mention Dr. Lake had made it very clear she didn’t want them meddling. And as guilty as she felt Claire wasn’t going to go behind her back and do something she’d explicitly asked them not to do.
Again, not an option. That particular lesson had been hammered into her skull more than a few times.
Which left her here, stuck between a rock and a hard place. It still didn’t feel right to let people go around thinking Dr. Lake was an evil witch who locked her son in the basement, but there wasn’t anything she could actually do without making the whole situation worse.
Out of nowhere the doorbell rang, startling Claire out of her thoughts. She jumped to her feet, gloomy thoughts banished from her mind, and hurried to go open it, revealing four familiar faces.
“Hey guys,” she pulled the door open wide “Glad you could make it,”
Darci beamed at her and brandished a shiny silver pan “We brought casserole!”
“And diapers,” Mary added, shaking a green and yellow gift bag.
“I’ve got Nana’s famous tuna surprise,” Toby bustled around her, pan in hand and his own gift bags dangling from his arm “Fair warning I’m pretty sure this is what the cafeteria based their chicken surprise on, and I also brought the baby blanket Nana knitted,”
Quick as a flash Mary slipped the dish in her hands on top of the tower of pans in Jim’s arms, darting up to Claire and throwing both arms around her “Congrats on being a big sis now C-Bomb, how does it feel?”
Claire smiled and squeezed her back “It hasn’t even been a week yet, but I would both die and kill for him,”
Jim carefully stepped inside, peeking over the tower of aluminum and plastic in his arms “How is the new little bro doing?”
“Great, come see for yourselves,”
Claire lead them into the spare bedroom at the back of the house, where their gift bags and boxes joined the others in the mountain on the bed, gathering at the large window looking out to a full view of the backyard. The entire fenced in space had been set up with pastel colored streamers and balloons. The most impressive of which was a massive banner that read ‘Welcome home Enrique Nuñez’. Dozens of people milled around the yard, every inch of the picnic table covered in various foods and dishes, her papi standing ready at the grill keeping a close watch on his precious chorizo. At the center of it all was her mom, leaning back in a reclining lawn chair with Enrique swaddled on her lap, flanked on either side by each of Claire’s abuelas.
“OMG! He’s so cute!” Toby set his pan in Jim’s arms and scurried towards the window “Quick question, am I going to have to fight your grandmas if I want to hold Enrique?”
Claire chuckled “No, but it’s probably a good idea to ask their permission,”
Adding her own pan to Jim’s pile, now completely blocking him from view, Darci joined Toby at the window with a squeal “He is so adorable!”
“When did I become the designated food holder?” Jim grumbled from behind the mountain of casseroles. 
“When you said that none of us could be trusted with phyllo dough,” Mary said without missing a beat, siding up to Claire to survey the window at a distance. 
Jim mumbled something, carefully setting his pans on a side table before heading to the window himself.
Toby’s nose was less than an inch away from the glass, eyes wide as he surveyed the crowd milling around the yard “This is a lot of people, is your entire family here?”
“Pretty much, almost everyone in my mom’s lives in Pasadena so they were all able to come no problem, and nearly all of my dad’s family made a point to fly in. Most of them will be going back to San Ángel in a few days, but my abuelita’s staying in town for about a month,”
“It’s cool you have such a big family,” Jim said, with just a trace of wistfulness.
Claire very deliberately ignored his tone and just focused on the spoken words “Yeah they’re all pretty cool, I just wish my tías and primas would stop teasing me about getting a boyfriend,”
“And it’s cool that both sides of your family all get along together,” Darci added.
“Why…wouldn’t they…” Toby said slowly, turning away from the window to face Darci.
“Oh! It’s not Claire’s family, it’s mine,” Darci turned around until her back was to the window, gaze sweeping over the four of them “My mom’s family and my dad’s family don’t like each other, have I never told you guys this?”
Claire and Mary stayed silent, they had been given this whole rundown back in middle school, for them this was nothing new, but it looked like the boys hadn’t been brought up to speed yet.
“So you know my mom died when I was a baby?”
“Uh huh,”
“Well what happened was my mom and dad were originally living in New Orleans where my mom’s family is, then when I was three months old they came to Arcadia to visit my dad’s family and while they were here my mom died in a car crash,”
Toby’s eyes got huge, jaw dropping open “But that’s…that’s not your dad’s fault, how could he have possibly–”
“Oh no,” Darci held up her hands, alarm flashing across her face “They’re not mad about that, they know it was an accident. The reason my mom’s family got mad was because my dad decided to stay in Arcadia,”
“So yeah things were tense for a long time and they didn’t really have anything to do with each other and I didn’t see a lot of my mom’s family until I was five,” Darci leaned against the window, hugging her elbows, the words all coming out in a rush “But anyways that was all a long time ago, so no one’s super mad about that anymore and they all talk to each other now, but they’re still not super friendly,”
Jim winced “That sounds…tough,”
“I mean…they don’t hate each other,” Darci shrugged with forced casualness, avoiding meeting anyone's eyes “They’ll be polite at airports and restaurants and stuff, but hosting a party together, no way,”
She trailed off, heavy, awkward silence filling the room, the small space quickly becoming claustrophobic.
All of a sudden Mary darted up towards the window, elbowing Toby and Darci aside to come right up to the glass “Hey Claire, are those your cousins?”
“Yes but remember, no flirting with them,”
“I never agreed to that!” Mary shouted back at her as she hurried out the door. Almost immediately after Toby and Darci broke away and headed out themselves.
“Love to help you put the casseroles away but I want to go visit Enrique before a line starts,”
“Same,” Darci turned back just long enough to wink at Claire, letting her know that she wasn’t actually sorry at all. The two of them vanished through the doorway, seconds later the sound of the backdoor opening and shutting echoed into the room, leaving just Claire and Jim alone in the house. 
Clearing her throat, Claire turned and picked up a stack of pans off the side table “I’ll load these up in the fridge and be out in a minute, you can go ahead and–”
Jim swooped in and grabbed the last few pans “It’s fine, I’ll give you a hand. Besides, I want to make sure my phyllo dough is taken care of,”
The two of them headed into the kitchen, Claire setting the pans on the counter to open the fridge door. She moved to grab a pan, but Jim swooped and held one out to her, allowing her to slide it into the fridge before he immediately handed her the next one, setting up a silent assembly line.
This was the first time the two of them were alone together for more than a minute or two in months.
With no danger of interruptions. 
As soon as the realization hit her the wasps nest that had been buzzing in the back of Claire’s head, a quiet hum for the past four months that had been getting steadily louder over the past few weeks, was kicked over.
Claire discreetly sucked in a breath and tried to pull herself together, but her mind had latched onto the idea and refused to let it go. And despite her best effort to suck them down, the words–
Do you want to go out sometime, just the two of us?
Tickled in the back of her throat, ready and waiting to be let out.
Their hands brushed against each other as he handed off the pan, Claire turned away, heat filling her cheeks, forcing herself not to squirm as the beginnings of butterflies fluttered in her stomach. If only the others hadn’t bailed so qui–
Wait did they set this up!? Leaving her and Jim alone in the house together ‘so Claire could tell him how she really felt’.
Mary would to.
She bit her lip so hard it hurt, chest going tight. Whether or not this was a setup didn’t matter, the outcome was the same. Jim was only inches away and no one else was around. 
There was nothing stopping Claire from telling him, right here right now, all the feelings for him that she’d been bottling up for months.
To say that she liked spending time with him in their group, but sometimes she wanted him all to herself. To hold him close and forget that the rest of the world existed.
The sharp, metal edge of the pan in her hands cut into her hands as she tightened her grip, the taste of blood filling her mouth.
But she couldn’t– wouldn’t. Not because she was worried that Jim would say he didn’t feel the same way about her, but because she knew he would say that he did.
“So…” Claire said slowly, turning away from the fridge “Mom had Enrique in May so she wouldn’t be super pregnant in late summer, but she had me in December so she wouldn’t have to take care of a newborn during an election,”
Jim blinked at her “Oh, you were…planned,”
Claire’s entire face ignited in a hot flush. Willing the earth to open up and swallow her whole. 
“Oh, yeah, right,”
Stupid stupid stupid!
Forcing her limbs into action, Claire snagged the pan from Jim’s outstretched hands and snapped around to jerkily slide it into the fridge.
Well she’d wanted to keep things from getting too intimate, mission accomplished alright.
They put the last few dishes away in silence, Claire having to rearrange a few pans to shut the stuffed fridge behind her, only turning back around to face Jim when she was sure her skin tone wasn’t crimson. Task complete, the two of them shuffled awkwardly at the counter for a few seconds, then Jim cleared his throat. 
“So how is it having a new baby bro?”
Claire let out a small sigh of relief, then gave a casual shrug of her shoulders “I love him, and he’s adorable and everything, but he’s a baby, he can’t really do anything besides eat and sleep. Mainly it’s the stuff he can do when he’s older I’m looking forward to,”
“What kind of stuff?”
“Teaching him his first words, his first steps, the complete works of the immortal bard, you know sibling things,”
Jim couldn’t have known, but he chuckled all the same, Claire joined him in laughter. 
“Thanks again for bringing all this,” she gestured towards the fridge “We have enough meals that my parents shouldn’t have to cook through the entire fourth trimester,”
Jim gave a soft smile and looked away, running a hand through his hair “It wasn’t a big deal, I’m already awake for most of the night, might as well kill time by making a bunch of casseroles,”
He turned back towards her and laughed again, but this time there was a forced edge to the sound, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.
Claire’s throat tightened, even as she willed her expression to stay neutral.
They’d all been hanging out again for several weeks and for the most part things were good, but there were times when Jim laughed just a little too loudly, when his smile didn’t reach his eyes. 
When he seemed so unsure.
They’d come a long ways, all of them, but Jim still had far to go.
He never said as much, but one look in his eyes and Claire could see just how scared Jim still was. Scared of being alone. Scared that his cursed form would drive them away.
It wouldn’t, regardless of what Jim looked like or what he ate they’d all still be there for him. But they hadn’t built up enough trust for Jim to fully believe them when they said it.
Claire knew that if she asked him out, right here and now, Jim would say yes. Regardless of whether he actually wanted to date her or not. Because he was still so terrified of any of them leaving that he would do whatever they asked in order to make sure they stayed.
Jim would absolutely force himself to date her, even if he didn’t want to. Smothering his true feelings and bending over backwards to keep from losing the only friends he had.
And Claire cared too much about him to ever put him in that position.
“Well we appreciated it, having meals taken care of is a huge help,”
Jim smiled back at her, nearly managing to conceal the relief washing over his face “Well uh…I’m going to go outside and meet the new little bro,” he turned and took a step towards the backdoor “You coming?”
“In a bit,” Claire leaned up against the sink “I have to compose myself before getting ready for the tías,”
“Ok then, see you out there,” Jim waved back at her as he stepped out of the room. Claire returned the gesture with a grin and a wave of her own. She heard the backdoor open and shut, leaving her alone in the kitchen, wave slowing to a stop and smile falling off her face.
Now she was alone, just her and her emotions.
Her many many conflicting, contradictory emotions.
The worst part of all of this was she knew she could be ok being just friends with Jim. If he said he only liked her as a friend, it would sting, but she could get over it. He was a good friend, a great one, and Claire knew that once the bandaid was ripped off the hurt would fade and they could recover and stay friends without things getting weird.
But the only way Claire could even get that closure was by asking him, and she knew if she asked him he wouldn’t say no, even if he really wanted to deep down. He was so scared of upsetting their fragile, budding friendships he’d go along with whatever she asked.
Whatever any of them asked.
Claire pressed a hand against her stomach to abate the queasy feeling now surging back in full force. Every time she thought about how much of a pushover Jim had been the past few weeks she was hit by a fresh wave of guilt and something thorny she couldn’t identify.
She wanted to date Jim, she did, she really did, but only if he liked her to, not because he was afraid of her leaving him and the fallout shattering their group.
So that left her here, stuck.
She shut her eyes, willing the rolling in her abdomen to subside.
There had to be a solution to this puzzle, something she just wasn’t seeing.
She liked Jim, as a friend and maybe more, and she wanted to know if he felt the same way.
But Jim was still so nervous around them that he would never say no, so how could she get him to voice his true feelings when he was still so insecure even after weeks of–
Her breath hitched.
That was the answer, time.
Jim was still pretty nervous around them, but even in just the last two weeks he’d gotten so much better. Last week they’d had a bonfire when before he would never leave his house, next week they were all going to have a sleepover together.
He’d come so far already, maybe one day soon he’d be confident enough to be able to tell her no
Or yes
And mean it.
Excitement fluttered up in her chest, blasting the nausea away as a plan started falling into place in her mind. Claire didn’t want to keep bottling up her feelings forever. But she wouldn’t have to do it forever. Jim was getting more and more sure of himself by the day, and one day soon he’d be in a good enough place for her to ask. But when?
Dates and numbers flashed behind her eyes. How long it had been since Jim had come clean, how far he’d come since, all the trips and plans they’d made for the summer.
Summer. August. The start of the next school year. By then he should have enough self confidence for her to safely ask him out.
Claire pulled a breath in and let it out, expelling the rest of her emotions, and released the sink, feeling infinitely better now that she had a plan of action. Right now she wasn’t going to worry about her and Jim, she would deal with all that when the next school year started. She’d revisit her feelings on the first day of sophomore year and not a minute sooner. Claire wasn’t going to spend her summer worrying and working herself into a lather. This summer was just going to be about having fun with her friends, all of them, and her new little brother.
She headed towards the backdoor, all the stress sinking down further and further into the bottoms of her feet, feeling lighter with each step.
The time for worries and confessions would be later. Claire wasn’t going to think about any of that right now. Right now all that mattered was that all of her friends were doing well and getting better by the day; Enrique was here, safe and healthy, and her parents were so busy taking care of a newborn that they didn’t have time to be on her back about grades and extracurriculars.
A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, spreading into a broad grin as she stepped into the bright sunshine of the backyard.
This summer was looking bright.
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comment-exchange · 1 year
300. Every Ghost in Me (Tales of Arcadia)
Title: Every Ghost in Me Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18892450 Platform: AO3 Creator: YellowMagicalGirl Work Type: Fanfic Fandom: Tales of Arcadia Rating: T Pairing: Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Javier Nuñez/Ophelia Nuñez Word count: 10,188 Warnings: Comatose Character, Possible character death Number of comments: 7 Completion Status: Complete Short summary/description:
Jim and Toby are astronauts sent to the dimension known as D-13, or as the media calls it, the Shadow Realm. Jim’s tether breaks, and he is left alone.
He isn’t alone.
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narcosfandomdiscord · 11 months
narcos fandom smut alphabet - finished!
you know what goes really well with summer sunshine and narcos tv rewatches? SMUTTY FIC!
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(they put that bisexual lighting on Isabella for a reason, after all!)
this was our first month of prompts over at @narcosfandomdiscord! for every letter of the alphabet, we had two smutty prompts that fanfic writers used for inspiration. 🥰 our group ambition was to create at least one fic per letter—26 new narcos smut fics during the month of July—and we totally smashed it, in large part thanks to prolific work from @salt-is-a-terrible-currency. happy reading!
if you prefer reading on ao3, check out our collection. all fics tagged as #nffalphabet on tumblr. and it's just that simple 🥰
if you have any questions, you can message us on tumblr or join our narcos fandom discord here!
🍰 Prompt List & Fic Masterlist 🍰
July 1 — A — angry sex, anal
Right For Once by @drabbles-mc — Steve Murphy x f!Reader, angry sex, 2.3k
Infuriating by @salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, angry sex, 1.5k
Our Man In Mexico by @hausofmamadas — Horacio Carrillo x Andrea Nuñez, angry sex, 2.5k
July 2 — B — blood, bound & begging
Final Warning by @purplesong1028 — Amado x Pacho, bound & begging, 490
Please (with your finger) by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, bound & begging, 1.2k
blood on vacation by @ashlingnarcos — David Barrón x f!Reader, blood, 1.8k
July 3 — C — cuffs, choking
If I go too far by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, choking, 737
mentirosos by @narcolini — Kitty Paez x gn!Reader, cuffs, 1.1k
July 4 — D — domesticity, “don’t make a sound or they’ll hear us.”
Taking Care by drabbles-mc — Diego Ramirez (Narcos OC) x F!Reader, domesticity, 2.1k
Lipstick's smudged by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, domesticity and “don’t make a sound or they’ll hear us", 447
A Few Moments by @purplesong1028 — Miguel Félix/Pacho Herrera, “don’t make a sound or they’ll hear us", 482
July 5 — E — edging, eldritch
The first time I felt a ghost by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, eldritch, 716
July 6 — F — fight or fuck?, friends with benefits
No relationship talk by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, friends with benefits, 422
Unbroken Rules by drabbles-mc — Horacio Carrillo x f!Reader, friends with benefits, 2.9k
July 7 — G — gag/gagging, gun play
Paper-thin walls by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader, gag/gagging, 361
Whatever He Wants by purplesong1028 — Amado Carrillo Fuentes x Miguel Félix, gun play, 416
July 8 — H — honor bondage, hatesex
Dress blues by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader x Gurney Halleck, honor bondage, 1.8k
THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US by hausofmamadas — Enedina Arellano x David Barrón, honor bondage, 2k
July 9 — I — infidelity, in public
Never meet your heroes by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, in public, 955
Don't Mention It by drabbles-mc — Javier Peña x f!Reader, infidelity and in public, 2.7k
No Strong Suit by purplesong1028 — Miguel Félix x Pacho Herrera, infidelity, 439
July 10 — J — jealousy, "just shut up already"
Unprofessional by drabbles-mc — Walt Breslin x f!Reader, jealousy, 4.3k
A bad idea by @artemiseamoon — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, jealousy, 2.3k
The ring by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, jealousy, 1.1k
July 11 — K — knotting, knocked up
Which time? by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, knocked up, 418
Secrets in the night by artemiseamoon — Horacio Carrillo x Original Female Character, knocked up, 3.5k
Someday When It's Over by drabbles-mc — Horacio Carrillo x Original Female Character, knocked up, 2.8k
July 12 — L — luxury, lingerie
Eres guapa by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, lingerie, 544
Desire by artemiseamoon — Enedina Arellano x Original Female Character, lingerie and luxury, 3.9k
Round-trip Ticket by drabbles-mc — Steve Murphy x Original Female Character, lingerie, 7.7k
July 13 — M — mirrors, "make me forget (all about him/her/it/them)"
Another brick in the wall by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, make me forget, 812
Favors Owed by drabbles-mc — Maria Elvira x gn!Reader, make me forget, 2.7k
Like Old Times by artemiseamoon — Judy Moncada x Original Female Character, mirrors, 1.4k
July 14 — N — nipple play, "no one does it like you"
No One Like You by drabbles-mc — Javier Peña x f!Reader, no one does it like you, 2k
Sore by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, nipple play, 580
July 15 — O — on all fours, one night stand
Cascade by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader, one night stand, 580
July 16 — P — praise kink, pulling hair
Dress blues, pt 2 by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader x Gurney Halleck, praise kink, 404
July 17 — Q — quiet (or trying to be), quickie
Sweet, sharp, addictive by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, quiet (or trying to be) and quickie, 464
July 18 — R — role reversal, ruined
Bad Guy Treatment by drabbles-mc — Steve Murphy x f!Reader, role reversal, 3.8k
What is she to him by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, ruined, 444
July 19 — S — submit, "say my name"
Stoke the flames by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader, submit, 387
July 20 — T — trapped together, tied up
On company time by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader, trapped together, 574
July 21 — U — upper hand, underwater
The Weight of It All by drabbles-mc — Walt Breslin x Sal Orozco, underwater, 2k
he keeps his rules. you keep him. by ashlingnarcos — Horacio Carrillo x gn!Reader, upper hand, 1.1k
Polkadots by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, underwater, 359
July 22 — V — virginity (loss or roleplay), video
Off the Backburner by drabbles-mc — Steve Murphy x f!Reader, virginity, 4.1k
In this moment of pretend by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, virginity roleplay, 435
July 23 — W — "we probably shouldn't do this", worship
Stay A Little Longer by drabbles-mc — Horacio Carrillo x f!Reader, "we probably shouldn't do this", 1.5k
Lunch break daydream by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader, "we probably shouldn't do this", 497
July 24 — X — exhibitionism, exes having sex
It's complicated by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Helena, exes having sex, 971
Not Yours Anymore by drabbles-mc — Steve Murphy x Original Female Character, exes having sex, 3.2k
no witness by ashlingnarcos — Walt Breslin x f!Reader, exes having sex, 2.4k
July 25 — Y — yearning, "you look good like this"
Superman (4) by @garbinge — Javier Peña x f!Reader, "you look good like this", 5k
Lost Time by drabbles-mc — Horacio Carrillo x f!Reader, yearning, 2.9k
If he closes his eyes by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x Original Female Character, yearning, 442
July 26 — Z — zipper, zeal
Things Like That by drabbles-mc — Danilo Garza x f!Reader, zipper, 2k
Zealot by salt-is-a-terrible-currency — Javier Peña x f!Reader and Nathan "Cable" Summers from Deadpool x f!Reader, zeal, 4k
(note: we hit the link limit on this post so from now on, links will be to fics + to authors on their first appearance.)
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djgvr69a · 5 months
Kashmir by Led Zeppelin, symphonic version recorded live from the Epic Symphonic Rock show in Lima Perú in February 2018 
Cello played wonderfully by Ghislaine Valdivia www.instagram.com/ghislainevaldivia 
Music by The Symphonic Orchestra from Chancay - Perú. 
Conducted by Javier Fernandez Prada 
Drums by Hans Menacho 
Bass by Noel Marambio 
Percussion by Rodrigo Nuñez Melgar 
The introduction is an excerpt from Micky Tejada's Cello Concerto No1.
This is a fantastic cello and orchestral performance of Led Zeppelin's Kashmir.
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angel-amable · 10 months
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El hetero Luis Javier votó al partido populista del senador electo Alberto Nuñez en función de sus promesas: acabaría de una vez por todas con perro sanxé y sería el próximo presidente de España con sus amigos de VOX. Se da cuenta de que eran promesas falsas. Que el partido ha elegido muy mal a su líder. Hoy escucha a Alberto Nuñez mendigar los votos de perro sanxé. Lo único que le alegra el día es que hoy se ha batido el record de ocupados desde que tiene memoria. ¿Y si perro sanxé al final no era tan fatal como decían?
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sopafa · 1 year
So, a huge part of the fandom had an unspoken agreement that Barbara Lake would totally fucking adopt Hisirdoux Casperan as a second son, and I mean I get it, I have even wrote fanfics about it. But.
Hear me out.
The. Núñez.
Like, I am a fucking Latina bitch, and I totally have the HC that Javier is a softball inside his dad mask, and Ophelia? Mami Ophelia, uhhhh! She kept NotEnrique as the twin of her son and called him Beto. So that way they would have Beto and Enrique twins.
If you are from LATAM you would know what I am talking about.
Consider the possibilities, the amount of things they could do with another child. Claire and Douxie already have a brother-sister relationship, and he needs discipline. Like, Mexican mom's chancla discipline.
But also the ways they would interact. How Javier can be a supportive Papa, the family going to both Doux and Claire's plays, the concert nights the Nuñez siblings would have.
Say what you think, but I can already picture Ophelia calling Douxie for dinner
"Mijo! Bajate a cenar! And tell your 'Apa to set the table!"
Discuss. I guess.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 2 months
Uhhhh could you do "The Princess's Secret" with Jlaire?
Camelot-era AU in which Ophelia and Javier are the rulers of a small kingdom that has sworn fealty to Camelot. Neither of them are aware that their daughter has magical powers. The person who is aware is Jim, a servant who works in the kitchens and accidentally witnessed Claire struggling to control her powers.
In the climax of the story, Claire's powers are revealed, and Camelot forces Ophelia and Javier to lock Claire up in a tower, or else the entire family (including baby Enrique) will be killed. Jim makes a deal with the Lady of the Lake to become a half-troll capable of saving Claire from the tower, but he has a time limit before it becomes permanent and he loses his ability to walk in the sun.
Send me a title and a pairing and I will give you the summary of a fic I will never write.
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azure-za-raid · 1 year
Lets us start with some lore,
Magic does exist in the Hybrid Complex universe, being an omnipresent energy source that cannot be destroyed. In universe, it’s known as Mystic Energy. It’s drawn to the spirit of living beings which, depending on the Mystic Energy’s purity, can prove beneficial.
Living being, including humans, learned how to manipulate this energy when it’s drawn to them through Mystic Arts and Spells. Those well versed are regarded as Spellcasters
Claire Nuñez
Previous Next
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Claire’s Story:
Claire Nuñez, Eldest daughter to Ophiela and Javier Nuñez, Eldest Sister to Enrique Nuñez
A valedictorian, hardworking, high achieving high-school by day, and punk rock mistress by night, Claire’s life circles around the ordinary until she started to hear a voice, a woman, telling her of potential yet released. She ignored her, believing it to be nothing but school’s pressures, that is until a creature she’d never seen or know existed has whisked her away from her ordinary world in favor of becoming the new champion for change for mystical and hybrid creatures alike
I’m sorry that this version of Claire doesn’t have he signature blue streak in her hair pre-magic, but I was going for a slightly stricter parent expectations which leads to Claire being their “Little Angel” until it’s time to jump out the window to catch a concert with Darci and Mary.
Her later version incorporates her blue streak and a white streak with messier hair and a more wild outfit. She also gets the shadow staff once again, but, with the magical logic within universe she is more than just a shadowmancer…
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 9 months
Hi there! If you dont mind, I do have a question about your Challenging Destiny story.
How do you plan on Claire's parents finding out that Magic is real? Will you stick to Canon or do it differently?
Sure! Questions about Challenging Destiny are always welcome lol.
Due to so much changes and fixing to the Canon story line, Claire's parents are going to find out the truth a little differently and a quite bit earlier. As soon Jim is going to need Ophelia's help to safely as possible reveal magic to Arcadia as well as the larger world...
So as reluctant as Claire is going to be, she needs her mother (and father) in the know. It IS going to make the NotEnrique and Enrique conversation a lot more strained, let me tell you.
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keishara-korianthil · 4 months
Trollhunters Fanfic #1
So I finally finished the first chapter of my new Trollhunters fic!
Save me (from the part of me that's begging to die)
If you want to read it, here's the link!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Characters: Jim Lake Jr, Walter Strickler, Barbara Lake, Claire Nuñez, Toby Domzalski, Aaarrrgghh, Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Vendel, Draal, Nomura, Eli Pepperjack, Steve Palchuk, NotEnrique, Bular, Javier Nuñez, Ophelia Nuñez
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans (Tales of Arcadia), Character Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Emotional Hurt, Angst, Emotionally Repressed, Jim Lake Jr. Needs a Hug (Tales of Arcadia), Hurt Jim Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia), Jim Lake Jr. Whump (Tales of Arcadia), Jim Lake Jr. is Not Okay (Tales of Arcadia), Past Relationship(s), Good Parent Barbara Lake, Toby Domzalski is a Good Friend, Minor Barbara Lake/Walter Strickland | Stricklander, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, Suicidal Thoughts
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albentelisa · 5 months
Hi! Here's a slight angsty idea. What if Claire was kidnapped as baby and raised to believe she was Morgana's daughter?
In an effort to make the lie convincing, and as a side affect to make sure Ophelia and Javier can't find their daughter easily, Morgana changed her name to Fontaine.
As for NotEnrique, let's just say Jim's the older sibling in this AU since the Nuñez parents didn't want to risk having another kid, only for a repeat to happen.
Jim is still the Trollhunter though.
Oh, another angsty one!
So, Morgana feels she needs an actual magic user in addition to the changelings to help her get out of her imprisonment. She decides that the best solution is to raise one herself (well, kinda).
A search for a baby with a good shadow magic aptitude leads her to Claire. The Janus Order has never gotten in trouble kidnapping babies so it's not that problematic here. The only difference is that there is no substitute baby, so Ophelia and Javier start the search frantically.
Morgana picks two changelings to act as Claire's parents for the public but she commands them to treat the baby as her own daughter (basically, Claire is kind of the Janus Order's princess in this AU). Morgana communicates with her 'daughter' either through possessing one of the 'parents' or via dreams. Claire started learning shadow magic early on and has made good progress.
When Claire is older, she starts to question how Morgana, who has been sealed for centuries, can be her mother, but Morgana invents the plausible lie that Claire is the creation of her magic and the two are connected to the point that if Morgana dies, Claire will disappear..
Initially, Claire and her fake family live outside Arcadia to throw off Javier and Ophelia, but they move back when Claire is 14. Morgana initiates it so that Claire can watch Strickler's actions (as she absolutely trusts Claire and has doubts about Stricklander).
As for Jim and his relationship with Enrique, in this AU Barbara had another relationship that gave her a second son (and another bastard ran away, this time when the kid was only a month old). Enrique is older in this AU, he's five by the beginning of the Trollhunters. The switch happened when Enrique was only nine months old, so basically Jim has had NotEnrique as a brother for more than four years. Jim suspects nothing, only thinking that his little bro is too spoiled and annoying. NotEnrique, on the other hand, has gotten dangerously attached to both Jim and Barbara.
Claire is under a lot of stress as Morgana forces her to practice her magic which is based on negativity. She has only two outlets - Papa Skull music and theatre. That's why she joins the school play.
When Jim finds the amulet, there are three people from the enemy's camp who learn about it - Claire, who notices it during the lesson, NotEnrique, who sees it at home, and Strickler, who learns much like in the canon.
Claire reports to her mother about the amulet and gets an order to seize it before anyone else (as Morgana wants to use it as a bargaining chip). Claire decides to seduce Jim (not aware that he's already head over heels for her).
NotEnrique, on the other hand, is deadset on getting the amulet from Jim before Bular learns who is the new Trollhunter. He wants to keep his family safe from the mess.
Strickler also wants to get the amulet. He could use NotEnrique for that, but somehow he doubts that NotEnrique will give him the amulet and not get all the credit for himself. So Strickler comes to the Lakes' household and meets Barbara (NotEnrique is obviously upset and tries to shoo Strickler away).
From now on, there are three people trying to get the amulet while not letting others succeed. The complication is that both Strickler and Claire start to actually fall for Barbara and Jim respectively. It's even worse for Claire, who has trouble understanding her budding feelings. She even starts to wonder if she can convince Jim to switch sides and become Morgana's champion.
Everything goes downhill when Jim accidentally exposes NotEnrique with a gaggletack as NotEnrique tells him Strickler's true identity out of spite. It leaves Claire the only one off the hook, and Strickler begrudgingly suggests to her to unite their efforts, promising her that Jim will be fine. However, Claire doesn't have her advantage for long as NotEnrique exposes her as well once he realizes that the girl Jim dates is actually Morgana's daughter.
Jim has a final confrontation with Bular and barely wins (Claire at some point blasts Bular to give Jim an advantage). Unfortunately, Claire ends sucked into the Darklands together with Nomura.
Strickler still runs away and later returns with Angor. He feels that he needs some protection both from Jim and Morgana who should be enraged for what has happened to her daughter. However, Morgana actually doesn't mind Claire being stuck in the Darklands - she thinks it can be a fitting punishment for falling in love with Merlin's champion (she plans to free her later).
Jim plans to venture to the Darklands and save his real brother and Claire (as he realizes that he should listen to her story first before judging her).
In the Darklands, Gunmar imprisons Claire for helping to kill Bular (he would rather kill her, but he realizes her importance to Morgana). Claire bonds with Nomura and hears about her history with Draal. Nomura is sure that dating an enemy can only lead to heartbreak and tragedy and that love turns into hatred once the lover learns about the deception.
Angor Rot never loses the shadow staff in this AU, but he drops it at the Trollmarket when he dies.
Jim ventures into the Darklands and saves Enrique, but is stuck like in the canon when the Killahead is destroyed. That's how he meets imprisoned Nomura and Claire. Jim and Claire have a talk and reconcile.
When Jim's allies come to save him, they also save Nomura and Claire. Seeing that Claire has succeded, Nomura decides to try reconciling with Draal.
Claire finds the shadow staff at the Trollmarket and picks it up. She has no idea that it belongs to Morgana though - she thinks it's just a great staff for busting her shadowmancy. It turns out to be a grave mistake as Morgana uses it as a conduit to possess Claire.
Initially, there are just occasional blackouts, and Claire herself is unaware. During those, Morgana contacts the remains of the Janus Order, has a deal with Gunmar, and revives Angor Rot.
Strickler returns, and Jim and his team learn that Gunmar is out and that some magic user is helping him. Strickler suspects Claire, but Jim is sure his girlfriend will never betray them (the irony is that both are right).
Claire starts to realize that something is wrong but tries to solve it herself first, and fails miserably. Morgana takes over and escapes. Meanwhile, Gunmar and Angor go to Merlin's tomb and recover Merlin's staff without any complications.
Jim is desperate to save Claire from Morgana's possession. In his search for a solution, he stumbles upon GDT Arcane Books and meets Douxie. Douxie admits that he's a wizard, but his expertise might be limited, so he suggests waking up his master.
Merlin isn't happy to wake up amid the mess. His staff is stolen, his student is involved for some reason, and his supposed champion is in love with Morgana's daughter (or student, or whatever)! Merlin refuses to help Claire (both because she is a shadowmancer and because he simply cannot do a thing), and Jim tries to reach her soul himself.
Claire temporarily snaps and starts a mental fight for control with Morgana. Morgana brings back her lie about them being too connected, but Claire realizes that she wants to be free and would rather die than live under Morgana's constant control. With that determination, she banishes Morgana out of her mind.
The final battle approaches and Merlin tries to talk Jim into taking his elixir. He's less successful because Jim is already angry with him for not helping Claire. He still agrees that it would be difficult to defeat both Gunmar and Morgana.
Jim shares his concern with Claire, and she admits that she could also use transformation magic on him and give him the ability to turn into a troll at will, but she isn't sure if it will work properly and that it might have horrible consequences, and that Merlin's elixir can be a better and safer solution. Jim says that he trusts her way more than he trusts Merlin, so he's willing to risk.
Claire's magic works as intended, and the team faces Gunmar and Morgana. Claire goes against her 'mother', fully expecting to die together with her. She's rather shocked when after sealing Morgana, nothing happens.
Later, she gets some visions in her dreams regarding her true family and decides to reconnect with them.
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