#Jay Z does not need me defending him
penroseparticle · 4 months
irreplaceable rant? to the left to the left
My irreplaceable rant is essentially:
When Beyonce wrote Irreplaceable it was like a giant stepping on an ant. Even in 06 she was shaping up to be a Juggernaut. B'Day launched at number 1 I believe? She was blowing up. Well established, producing bop after bop after banger after banger. And We bought Irreplaceable because we, fully, were on board. Beyonce COULD have another you in a minute. The mythos of Beyonce was taking shape. She was Beyonce, you were some guy. To the left.
When she wrote Lemonade it was like. Oh there are stakes now because whether you think Jay Z is great or not or a garbage dude or whatever, he's at least closer to her level than just "some guy".
Like. Of course she could have another you in a minute if you were some dude. But could she have another Jay Z in a minute? No, categorically she could not, and to say otherwise is to tell yourself fun lies because you hate cheaters or men or whatever. I am a firm believer that Beyonce is one of a kind and cannot be replicated in our lifetime as a cultural phenomenon, artist, creator, singer, you name it she is. incredible. But I'm also not going to pretend Jay Z wasn't in some ways just as singularly, powerfully monolithic with popculture just because most of this website understands rap less.
She writes the Sistine Chapel about him because like it or not, she wants to. She looks at him and sees things you could only dream of creating and I for one am just happy to be here, and could care less what you think about Beyonce's specialist boy who is the catalyst of some of the best music I've heard in the past decade, and also someone who MADE some of the best music I've heard in the past 20 years as well.
Beyonce's first solo recording was 03 Bonnie and Clyde, btw. As in, she was a feature on a Jay Z song before even releasing Dangerously in Love. Which. Also prominently has a Jay Z feature. In the lead single. That arguably launched Beyonce's career. Why would she ever write songs about the man who helped her launch her career that she has been married to for 16 years. A damn mystery.
And for the record, if she wanted to make the most beautiful art in the world about literal garbage, so the fuck what. We hate Duchamps The Fountain on this website now? Irving Penn spent years taking extremely detailed, well composed photos... of actual trash. Like Mud Glove. His photos were hanging in the Smithsonian a few years ago. Turns out beautiful art that says something, even something about trash? Still beautiful.
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If I have Taylor swift mutual, you’ve managed to avoid my criticism of her for years bc I tend not to post about her on here at all.
I don’t hate her, but I fucking loathe her brand and the following it’s cultivated. And it bothers me so deeply because she exploits her fans and society with victim narratives, which plays into white supremacy ideologies. If you’re skeptical of this claim, ask yourself why someone who doesn’t old nazi ideology has such a loud and vocal neo nazi/white supremacist following?
Usually this type of vocal support originates when the artist shares far right wing ideologies and is public about it. Taylor is a Democrat and largely support left wing beliefs. They didn’t randomly attach themselves to her, she exploited certain beliefs and identities and attracted the wrong type of fan.
But this post isn’t about those type of fans, but rather, why the way she operates is loathesome and I’m sick of how society, fans, and people coddle her.
This all started with a black man daring to say a blonde haired, blue eyed white girl wasn’t deserving of an award.
Before anyone says, “you’re defending Kanye.”
Fuck Kanye!
However, the 2009 mtv vmas conditioned people how to treat and perceive Taylor, which is as a victim.
Now I know someone is outraged and is thinking, “Taylor WAS a victim.”
While that is true, does anyone honestly think that moment should’ve been as big as it was? Let’s be for real. Should the media have milked that moment for an entire fucking year and people still talk about it 13 years later.
An award about a fucking basic ass music video. And I don’t care for the single ladies music either, so it’s not like I have any skin in the game.
It was a bad moment, but it should’ve only lasted a moment.
Y’all want to know why we still talk about it? Why Taylor can still milk and exploit that moment, which she does?
Because she was a blonde hair, blue eyed white girl and this was a scary, arrogant black man.
Back then, people argued that Kanye targeted her because she was a girl. That this would’ve never happened if it had been a man. The racial implications are clear.
This signified to the nation that she needed to be protected.
For those who are wondering why I’m stressing blonde haired, blue eyed white woman that’s because it’s important: it’s who nazis believe are the perfect and superior beings.
For people who believe that Kanye targeted Taylor for this reason, keep in mind: this the same man who said, “George bush doesn’t care about black people” on national tv in front of a bigger audience. Why would he specifically target Taylor or be afraid to confront a man if he literally called out the most powerful man in the world at the time?
If this had been James blunt who’d pulled that stunt, it would’ve died out. But it was fucking Kanye. And the media obsessed and obsessed about it. Because they already hated him and he was already polarizing, but still a fucking superstar. They made sure we never forgot what happened that night. And instead of people asking, “why are they making this such a big deal”, people ate it up. Like they were asking this man what he recently deceased mother would think about what he did when one: he was only drunk as a result of his mom’s death and his difficulty in dealing with it two: again, this man called out a president on tv, Taylor was small potatoes in comparison.
Like this moment should’ve been akin to when lil mama got on the stage with Alicia keys and Jay z. It’s a moment we randomly remember, but largely forget about.
Admittedly, taylor was young and presumably overwhelmed with everything that happened that night and what came afterwards. However, taylor never sat and thought, “although Kanye ruined my moment, that situation was completely overblown.”
No. I’m text, she constantly leans into or plays into that night whenever given the chance. She loves to play into narrative that Kanye hates her and is feuding with her. That’s she trying to ignore him and get over that ordeal.
Thing is: anyone who has listen to Kanye’s music can tell you that if Kanye is beefing with someone you’ll know it. He’s very obvious about it. Kanye flat out apologized to her, referenced the incident in a song, said he was pressured into apologizing a specific way, and then rarely if ever referenced it again until 2016. And that timeline is important. Because Taylor was the one making songs or references to him/that night, yet claimed that he’s the one who can’t let it go.
Now before we get to 2016, leading up to this, most of Taylor’s popular songs or moments was about her being a victim (of a bad relationship) or fighting bad against someone who “wronged” her. In some way, shape, or form there was a victim narrative happening.
She was very loud about the exes that wronged her, but when she was clearly and the only one in the wrong, she’s quiet about it with her music. She sings about it, but does make a big to do about it. It’s not the centerpiece.
During this time, Kanye sends her flowers, she presents him an award, and they have one or two other good moments—they also publicly compliment each other.
Then, “Famous” happens.
But wait, I’m going to backtrack again. Remember how people said she was receiving unfair criticism for singing about her relationships and exes and that if she were a man she’d be praised?
Funny enough, there’s a genre about relationships whether it’s failed, successful, reminiscing over whatever and that’s R&B. The R&B girls (and guys) have been singing about exes and shit since foreva and they didn’t receive any of this criticism. Hell, literally every Adele album is about relationships or heartbreak and, at least, three of them are about real relationships.
What’s the difference between them and Taylor?
We almost always know who she’s talking about and that a huge problem.
She’s lucky that most of her exes are famous—well, no, they’re lucky. Can you imagine being a regular Joe and being attacked because a relationship didn’t work out and Taylor wrote you out as the bad guy? Because lets be real, do we believe that every relationship (not every bc we know she did Tom and Taylor dirty, which she receives very little to no criticism about from her fans) she was not at fault for and they were the only ones to do wrong?
Because if you don’t believe they, you should have an issue with how she operates—no longer past tense—and that her exes get harassed and attacked because of her music. Because we sure as hell would have a problem if the genders were flipped.
Or how she wrote bad blood about some fucking backup dancers that left to perform for Katy, and then made a video with all her famous friends, which is effectively bullying. Yet, that’s ignored.
So we get to 2016 and Kanye calls and asks for her blessing. Taylor seems to be genuinely receptive of this conversation, which is important to note because people claim she was being agreeable not to anger him or whatever. When he asks her approval, she basically says that it’s okay for him to say whatever he wants bc it’s his music. And this conversation is important, but not for reasons Taylor stans believe.
When the song drops, taylor gives the impression that they didn’t talk or really talk, which is false. Kanye was trying to have that discussion with her and they did to an extent. He didn’t call her to just discuss her putting it on her Twitter account, her wanted her to be okay and not offended by it. Why would he ask her to put the song on her TL and expect her not to listen or be offended by it??? What sense does that make?
People make this about her being called “that bitch”, which is why her essentially telling Kanye he didn’t need her permission and that he should write what he wanted is important. She didn’t hear the added like, but she did give him carte blache to say whatever he wanted. This doesn’t mean she had to be okay with it, I get why she was offended. But she could’ve said, “we did discuss the song and I knew he was going to say some risqué things, but I don’t feel comfortable being called a bitch.”
This acknowledges that a conversation happened and she knew he was going to say controversial shit, but that revisions were made.
Also, the line about them having sex…she was completely okay with that during the phone call. Yet, when it was released not only did she fake outrage, she made a Grammy speech addressing it. And let’s be clear: fame doesn’t equal success or acclaim. For someone who is an acclaimed lyricist, she should know better and does.
This was her exploiting her image and goodwill vs Kanye’s image and perception.
She misrepresented that conversation and made up a narrative all while being asked to be kept out of it. Then to claim that Kanye secretly recorded her to embarrass her???
Although there was no way for her to know, presumably, that Kanye’s been recording his life since the fucking 90s to flat out confidently state that he only did that to hurt and harm her was deliberate. Like, she factually stated that as if it was known only for a documentary to be released 5-6 years later that proved Kanye did record all aspects of his life.
And for people who need this explained to them: part of the conversation around this time was how he was targeting and harassing her, which this “secret” recording was evidence of. Because when you actually listen to the conversation to understand and not take sides, this appears to be a communication issue, esp culturally.
Although it makes sense why Taylor would take insult at being called a bitch 1. Some women don’t 2. Rap is very misogynistic and bitch is sometimes perceived as a compliment as well as the idea that a woman would reward them with sex for whatever reason. But again, Taylor never objected to that line during the call. Was not offended and just said others (I believe feminists), but that she’d be in on it and would surprise people after it was all over. And we can say she was saying this to placate him, but wouldn’t you say that’s on her and not him. He asked her opinion and was genuine?
Despite this back and forth, who is the one writing and singing about this?
She says she wants to be left out of the narrative and left along, yet she brings it up.
And we have to ask why it’s so bad for others to discuss their dealings with her, but it’s okay for her to obsessively talk about her dealings with others. She wants to be left alone while not leaving them alone and knowing her fans will harass them.
Like she’s rehashing old shit (relationships) in midnights. Why??? I know the concept behind it, but it still seems childish, obsessive, and like she can’t let anything go, which her fans seem to be fine with.
And can someone tell me if she ever addressed slutshaming her ex’s then girlfriend who was then harassed by her fans? Because while she may have been going, thats still fucked up.
Or how that situation with her masters was not only misrepresented, but her later going on to discuss Scooter’s divorce is weird as fuck. And before someone argues about how she has a right to own her masters, my point of contention isn’t that. It’s the fact that most artists don’t own their masters and she tried to position it as sexism as to why she was denied to ability to own hers. And that the only reason scooter got investors to buy it with him was to spite her.
This is all her exploring white woman tears and white supremacy ideology. How is she both a shrewd business woman and a poor victim taken advantage of??? Can both exist? Sure, but not in the narrative that she’s crafted.
She always need some person, powerful figure, expectation to fight against and conquer. She may have taken a break with Evermore and folklore, but she’s back at it and people just eat it right up.
She’s petty, spiteful, vindictive, and refuses to let anything go, despite her success and not needing to relying on this shit.
And you can’t say shit about her without someone feeling offended and personally attacked.
Now some may think I’m a huge fan of Taylor’s because I know so much and have opinions or obsessed with her, but I’ve successfully avoided most of her music for years. I keep up with pop culture and can tell you a lot about many artists without actually listening to or keeping up with them. Esp when their fans obsess about their all of the time.
But ask yourself why you’re so protective of her in comparison to the other girls. Why is she the only one worth defending like this?
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My New York City accomplishments
Trump is the whole package but he had boundaries he set boundaries and was strong against people especially the criminal element me I defend the proletariat the common man and woman with real issues and get them the laws passed that they need boost the economy with more money legalize weed get free college education for the city citibikes more money for people on Human resources administration and permanent employment from temporary seasonal jobs from decades long however much months work program they learn and then get kicked out and you can't support yourself and your family I made it where that after you finish that probation period you get the job the job security meaning your secure because you got a steady paycheck and now could build a future from there I got union contract for Starbucks workers and Amazon workers and more money on the city feps and seps voucher for their housing the city pay more rent for you so you and your family could rent in the neighborhoods you want with better schools and employment opportunities for the parents to provide a good future for their kids
I got hotels for the homeless in New York City 2021 it now happens where everything that happens in New York City is under my name and my control of the city which is good because I do good for the people my name is Allen Henry notice the Henry Hall building with the Henry lives here sign on it next to 42nd Street Port Authority yes I live in New York City and thanks for the big announcement on your building symbolizing radio city music hall at Rockefeller center in New York City is shouted out about from a building with the Henry lives here sign on it let radio city music hall know I'm coming soon and thank you my super hero Batman and Superman my superhero days are just starting that's on 38th Street on llth Avenue in New York City Manhattan next to port authority on 42nd Street you could actually drive pass it and see it now it is actually a tourist site wow thanks that's amazing I love it thanks I'm honored I appreciate it again like the sign says I live in New York City and thanks for the big announcement on your building and don't forget the Henry apartment buildings in Brooklyn New York thank you I'm honored
I got Amazon workers their union contract
I got Starbucks workers their union contract
I got the minimum wage increased from $ 11 dollars an hour to $ 15 dollars to $ 17 dollars an hour put an 100 million $ dollar boost in New York State economy that's proven math
I got more money put on the housing vouchers the city feps and seps voucher so that homeless individuals and women with their kids and husband and wife can have better housing and a better life for themselves and their family and it's only going to get better more housing more safer housing where the housing crew does it's job and provide safe clean housing toxic free air conditioners and heating free cable watch some good TV shows and movies and enjoy their summer and winter and they get WI Fi now hooked up with their house packages and hopefully more money on the voucher to help rehabilitating families to get their lives together better housing and better schools for their kids equal a better future
I got the fair chance to compete for a job act of 2019 in New York City and California hopefully other cities and countries are going to follow suit with former mayor Bill De Blasio
I'm not lying but I swear I won Superbowl 16 with my coach Bill Walsh may he rest in peace I love him so much and I love football my favorite sport and Lebron James held me down while I was in the box solitary confinement with my number 16 at the all star game now everything else I know I did and won and I now play for Jay Z Sean Carter and his Roc the Nation team and crew , that's true
I legalized marijuana weed the good stuff in New York City with Governor Andrew Cuomo on March 31 , 2021
I cleaned up fox square in Brooklyn , NY
Free college education in New York City
Free gym membership for people on Medicare
Citi bikes for New Yorkers
Benefit monetary assistance increase for snap and cash assistance recipients
Rikers Island tablet program podcasts and video games for inmates in jail to help stop crime violent crime in prison and to help rehabilitate the guy or woman and stop the back and forth of them going to jail . The tablet have podcasts and programs for Job Search legal research and books to read to help them become better citizens in the free society .
I was named The 16th Captain of New York City that is New York Yankees history and current captain of New York city New York Yankees hat history and time magazine 2022 man of the year the 16th and current captain of New York City , thank you .
I got meteors in front of the courtroom in New York City right in front of City Hall , 80 and 100 Centre street symbolizing I'm superman and I'm not the people of New York enemy I'm a friend and I'm here to help and I'm not the enemy of the people of New York I'm their friend and employers are there to help me if I just meet them halfway with some job skills they will employ me get me a job and for all that I say thank you for letting me work my way back into America's good people list thank you so much I mean I'm working and learning to give myself a job start my own business I'm learning how to do that but it is good to know that I got y'all white people the decent ones on my side not the ones that side with my enemies and haters but the ones that rock with me to be there to give me my life back with the meteors real live meteors thank you so much now in front of City Hall the famous New York City at 80 and 100 Centre where I first caught my first case at 16 years old🥇Joe Montana number thank you goodness for Bill Walsh is now in front of the courtrooms thank you for the chance again in my life to work and not stay idle in dangerous neighborhoods and environments which I'm teaching my way out of but thank you so much and I honor that thank you so much I'm proud to be an American 🏈
Laws I'm proposing
Job Safety and secure act - 2022
Fair banking act - 2022
Retirement investment plan for employees IRA act - 2022
Ready , willing and able Expansive territory act - 2023
Riverside drive Expansion project act - 2023
The new ferry from New Jersey to New York City - 2023
School sports culture expansion Act Copperas Cove , Texas
Rikers Island schooling expansion act Added on Basic education classes on Rikers Island on the tablet , college programs on the program , online school on the Tablet . -2023
NYCHA ( New York City Housing projects ) plans and ideas for improvement
The New Trench town rock - 2021 , 2022 , 2023
And many other pitches and proposals rebuilding the workforce , wages and structure of New York city and cities like New York .
Next order of business : My Plans for infrastructure in a utopian society hotels jobs pay raise on citizens paycheck from 15 $ - 17 $ dollars minimum wage pay to 19$ dollars to 20$ dollars an hour to better provide for all costs emergencies uncovered insurance payments due to partial health care coverage and full union membership granted to employees of any company free education grants and school loans payment plans
Pay raise for school teachers in every city at junior high school , high school and elementary school level since they are stewards of our children's future .
Pay raise for civil service workers and Civil service exams made and updated daily to the public , school crossing guards , correction officers , supervisors , probation officers , construction site supervisors , many other jobs like sales clerk , file clerk , office aide , day care workers , Espanol teacher , English as a second language teacher , coach , personal physical trainer , mental health specialists , carpetener , aerobics instructors , strength trainer friend and advisor , care taker , nurse , medical assistant , home care attendant , electrician , welder , auto mechanics and many other employment opportunities posted daily on the civil service exam list and board really jobs that are attainable for the every day people and resources books needed to study for those exams
You should know all the goodness that a civil service job provides automatic job security you can be secure in a good future and pay raises promotions and chances to advance in your career and company let's hope that law go into play real soon we will be rebuilding New York into a prosperous city for all people if that law go through let's hope
Pay raise for day care workers
Free day care services for temporarily unemployed mothers and fathers
Pay raise for city fire fighters and police officers .
Job contractors fulfilling contracts with back to work public assistance programs that train and employ job candidates without their high school diploma or GED and granting them full employment with full medical and medicare coverage union membership and back to school Acces Vocational rehabilitation counseling and restoration of financial aid assistance for non violent crimes like drug sellers and abusers to stop recidivism to prison and to cure an addiction to a habit of committing perpetual crimes thus creating repeat offenders .
Jobs moving back to inner cities through the effort of study and research groups from urban planning courses from their neighboring colleges .
Tax abatement and financial incentives and business incentives and tax breaks .
Joe Biden and vice president Kamala Harris should include this law into all of their plan for cleaning up America I'm glad to see it go beyond New York City and other counties in New York I want to share this honor with author Michelle Alexander who I did my research from her book about mass incarceration of the Black and Latino community and the political office and my friends that help put this law in place I reached out to hopefully stop the recidivism to prison and hopefully to help some of my friends and people that go back and forth to jail because they couldn't get a job due to the felonies on their record I recommend a certificate of relief of disabilities to all people returning to society if they haven't given you one go get it from your county's or borough courthouse it works wonders .
Next order of business : Tax cuts to help the everyday person keep more of their check in their pockets cut the tax rates in New York City by 4 percent I see it as New York State taxes % 8.82 to % 4 percent and business tax cuts to create more jobs Proposal For a Wage increase of $ 22 dollars an hour Including : Fire safety directors Security guards Librarians Fed Ex workers UPS workers Ready Willing and able with free vocational grants from access vr programs they should hire vocational rehabilitation counselors and job developers finding permanent housing and permanent job placement after the clients training Stock Clerks and cashier's at major stores like Gristedes , C Town , met foods , Burlington coat factory wage increase for all warehousing and factory workers jack pallet and forklift training for people with no experience and a starting salary at $ 17 - 19 $ dollars an hour and it increase with more time on the job how about the first year at that base salary of $ 17 - 19 $ dollars and on the even of that year the employee gets an raise of $ 2 dollars more on their check and other financial incentives as cash allocation from their check for newly place employee mutual fund packages besides with other benefits that said company is offering this helps to place that company on the stock market grant their employees preferred stock options from their company that they work for at that current moment and because of the huge huge employee buy in it is like the employers are investing in their employees and their stores and company .
Educational requirements for jobs posted is less than a high school diploma but the job candidate has to be in a vocational program or GED preparation course half or full time hours .
Civil service jobs and exams posted weekly .
Sales professional salary plus commission on sales and stock options for mutual funds packages as bonuses with an wage increase to $ 19 dollars to $ 21 dollars an hour .
Newly added benefits to a job description benefits an employer on jobs posted give to their employees an employer get to hold back cash or take money out of an employees check to put towards a mutual funds stock fund option to help that client make more money as a second job the municipals funds and stock and funds and stock and then you gotta get hedge funds option packaged in to help the employees money make more money for them talk about overtime whew and at the same time that local market and store owner can put his company on the stock market and give out public shares thus in the end making it a good investment a regular place of shopping in a family like environment it is like getting to know your deli clerk , butcher , bakery attendant again only this time you are making money with the people you are spending money with Think about it that in turns build better communities better stores customer relationships safer neighborhoods and the beautifying of economically depressed environments more money for your kids college tuition school supplies newer roads being built leading to and from better neighborhoods and businesses and this is a future that we all as fellow New Yorkers can build together . I'm saying no to any attachment to me from these neighborhoods I don't know anybody out here but no disrespect to them these neighborhood and community is dangerous and evil I hope the best for this community and wish them the best that is why the plans on this page is for them to have a better life and I moved on from the Drayton family , Austin family from Harlem and the Eagler family and hope the best for them and their music career their pretty good if you listen to it that's the truth and only truth and no thank you to the echo in my head and my room I said no . Yeah I cut that show off and the courtroom can stop trying to get a case against me and I said no to the media and their friends in these streets I said no you can stop filming and recording me and working with police against me and I'm the one building New York and it's economy . I promise to stay off the computer from now on it's a promise all my old friends are having a great time in their life with their kids and family and their music is hot MK MR 212 Michael Drayton his music is super hot and just gave him his life back so he could sell multiple platinum times and don't forget from 50 Cent go get a drink at Lorraine's bar in Harlem the atmosphere is beautiful these are the things I choose to do with my own time I chase business deals and train for my music career with Jay Z and Beyonce on Roc Nation and Tidal music streaming service and yeah yeah myself job skills to help me get there they left me something four years ago and said it is mines forever and I'm trying to get to it and yeah I help the hood a billion times more than they help me but no to the hood you can back off of me with the voodoo and attachment to try to steal my life and energy from me I only wish the best for you and enjoy any service I provide from now on . Thank you a friend put me on a good path don't forget to check his music out and as you can see I gotta alotta studying to do right now .
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My favorite film on youtube right now Tom Brady versus the world epilogue , thank you I'm honored I took New York City to greatness and it's in place for it only to get better in New York and places like New York City . I like the plays we ran but then they go off into some other stuff that is against what the integrity of this page is about it's deep but then you start shooting off which is okay because nobody is hurt and everybody is doing good with the career and families but it then destroy my brand and what I built this page for so I move to stop posting the helping is cool and I'm taking credit for it because it is my plans and ideas but the voodoo curse stronger than me that my enemies now control me with so now I ask for a trade to my own team and to be able to control my own life and get a regular job that the city of New York promised me because I'm not their enemy and go conduct my business from there with my other promised contracts that I gotta work for and earn my living from , no thank you to my puppet masters .
Put an 100 million $ dollar boost in New York State economy that's proven math plus my other accomplishments
And my next order of business is happening
The New Mayor loves me and I love him the Mayor Eric Adams he has been helping me out since we met each other through the Daily Newspaper 📰 you have to go back when he actually called me Jesus I thought that was for crazy people only crazy people call themselves Jesus well it is all over the city with my own institutions saying the same and I get my own bibles thanks again I'm honored I said wow I'm honored thank you bro and good job shout out to my brother and friend Mayor Eric Adams great Mayor hope he goes for President and other cities follow suit and his political moves and ideas . No he don't like me on a computer me neither my job of helping is coming to an end this article was posted on Michael Jordan birthday 🎂 of this year thanks I'm honored . I came off nice I got a job a regular job promise to me from the city of New York and promised contracts that I get the best deals and join the best associations I can't complain if you felt you did something you repaid me thanks I forgive you now let's move on from each other so I can get my life together and live a regular life aight the whole world hear me break off with this arrangement of the voices in my head 🗣️ the voodoo curse and the bugging of my room putting devices in there the media police the courtrooms Correction Officers FDNY and the music industry in my private living space I said no and no thank you that was the deal I work for the city help build it and help it and that was just to redeem myself but I thank you for redeeming yourself with me and let me get something out of that venture of my politics for this city and I made my management fee and plus more thanks bro you forgiven now forgive yourself I'm good and doing good and got a bright future ahead of me I just gotta shake you off of me to protect that hope you could understand that and yeah no thank you I will take my full freedom from any group or persons control no thanks it has been a pleasure to help this city and the world thank you so much I don't work with police so they work with police other people united with each other but they united with police all these counselors house managers and security guards go home and feed their families they feed their kids off of me they doing real good off of me and still work with police or niggers that don't do nothing for them . African Americans need to come off of me as my enemies it's about time that stop since Jon Benet Ramsey and no I don't want them controlling me but all I ever try to do is help them and no I don't let west Indian women house managers or rastafarians work with them or police against me them African Americans and police work together .
The snipers were John Allen Muhammad (age 41 at the time) and Lee Boyd Malvo (age 17 at the time), who traveled in a blue 1990 Chevrolet Caprice sedan. Their crime spree, which began in February 2002, included murders and robberies in several states, which resulted in seven deaths and seven injuries. In total, the snipers killed 17 people and wounded 10 others in a 10-month span.[2]In September 2003, Muhammad was sentenced to death, and in October, Malvo, a juvenile, was sentenced to six consecutive life sentences without parole. In November 2009, Muhammad was executed by lethal injection.In 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit vacated Malvo's three life sentences without parole in Virginia on appeal, with re-sentencing ordered pursuant to the Supreme Court's ruling in the case of Miller v. Alabama, 567 U.S. 460, 132 S.Ct. 2455 (2012), which held that mandatory life sentences for juvenile criminals without possibility of parole violated the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari, with oral arguments held on October 16, 2019.[3] Should he be resentenced, Malvo's minimum prison sentence will be determined by a judge; the available maximum sentence would be life imprisonment. The ruling does not apply to the six life sentences Malvo received in Maryland.[4] On February 25, 2020, after the passage of a Virginia law allowing those who are serving life sentences for offenses committed before the age of 18 to seek release after serving 20 years,[5] the U.S. Supreme Court case was dismissed at the request of lawyers on both sides.[6]
Thank you Ms Bonner that is what you meant in Clinton Dannemora jail damn girl you got it going on I miss you too wink the eye you know what I mean .
Thank my brother Governor Andrew Cuomo I never really saw the matrix until I got out of prison enough of Matrix revolutions the beginning scene with the Muslim family good question got a Qur'an and own a school in Harlem only because from Harlem and talk in slang but that guy from ghost the train conductor wow look at me now I get a suit from my friend Lawrence Fishburne as I live and breathe you know they studied me for those films I met Lawrence Fishburne on my lunch break from Food Emporium working for Tommy Boyd at 17 years old food emporium he had his on converse sneakers Lincoln Center New York City and I'm like wow what's up and he said hello to me now I'm Neo and John Wick my life turned out great I'm the one you know it means my politics word that's how it turned out and me in Biker Boyz Derek Luke thanks looking at you on my bike I said what's up I love your show power that's hot true no lie I'm a fan of yours talking to 50 Cent we cool it's the best life ever thanks man truly thank you bro and I said no to police and Correction officers and the media my mother didn't bring to this earth and from Saint Croix to be you guys recreation I said no and yes get off of me I'm not African Americans but I did help their people and no I do t answer to them or disrespect myself for them and no I don't want to play any game they got going on with racist white people and police and FDNY and Correction officers I said no . Hey Latik 17 and the reluctant messiah I remember saying no but end up doing the job of helping our community now I'm free to go and became the realest 5 percenter ever and no I ain't racist and know I ain't that cartoon with the rooster 🐓 I drown out the voices in my head now that is what I'm going to do and go left and game over no thank you that's it ignore them I helped them now I get my life back no more conspiracies I'm good man I don't want to hear it no more and I ignore anything they got going on around me they all the counselors rappers and the radio stations got correction officers waiting for me on Rikers Islands well this is my song about that called get off of me with your police helping and voodoo curses you using and the attempted mind control on me , I'm woke .
I brought Yo MTV raps to the Brooklyn Museum 🎨 an Art museum since I'm of the sophisticated crowd and Talented tenth from W . E . B . Dubois book and I'm a rapper from Harlem and Brooklyn New York City via Saint Croix U.S. Virgin Islands
I got my own subway street named after me called Respect Avenue in New York City New York and Brooklyn New York
Governor Andrew Cuomo gave me and opened an hospital named after me in Brooklyn , New York back in 2015 Brooklyn's 760 downstate biotechnology incubator hospital 🏥 thank you
I won the Super bowl with Patrick Mahomes I got Clinton Dannemora back and I came home and took over the streets of NYC in politics Errol Louis of Channel 1 news would be proud of me
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calypsoff3 · 2 years
Forty. Part 3
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I can feel Robyn’ eyes on me, the stare is burning at the side of my face, and I don’t want it to upset her. I would never want to hurt her, but I don’t like that she got taken advantage of, he was old. I see my daughter and I see my wife; how could he do that to her. I think she’s mentally never been right because of it; she lets them have power because of it, she probably feels like she’s obliged to be under them, she honestly needs to let them let her go, she deserves to be happy and content away from this. I looked away from Robyn and looked at her face, she is so upset “I won’t say anymore, just don’t be upset” clenching my jaw, I just feel he shouldn’t get away with it “I don’t want him in this meeting unless he is begging for his contract back, I don’t want that nigga here. He was never wanted here, everyone hates him and the only reason we keep face is for Rihanna, but I want him out” Jay Z is funny “fight me then nigga?” I laughed “fucking fight me and kick me out, the fuck you want me to do. People here, they all kiss your ass because they scared to switch it up on you, they scared to speak anything different on you, but I don’t care, I’m true to me! Myself, I don’t like you either” I shrugged, I don’t care for him “Rihanna, you tell him to go” now they speaking on my weak ass wife, she is weak and I don’t trust her to be by my side “he stays” Robyn said, oh she is standing by me “can I speak to you privately?” Looking at Robyn, she is going to tell me to go privately but I will listen to her, just because she is pleading with me to do it. Walking behind Robyn “just listen to your wife” Jay thinks he’s funny saying that “shame you didn’t want yours initially” I laughed, Jay shot up so quickly and the way Robyn went in front of me “no! You don’t touch him, you stay away from him” he makes me sick he did that to her, I walked off clenching my jaw. I just don’t like this, any of it because he’s a liar and he’s making me sound crazy. If Robyn does tell me to go then I will, I can’t do her like that. She is sticking by me clearly, she stood in front of me the way she did, but I don’t know how she is feeling at this moment, or even what she is going to say to me about it.
Robyn walked into the room, she paced a few and then stopped. She looked at me “look, I am sorry ok. I just want to protect you, I don’t want to upset you, I am not here for that, but I really just want to help you. Maybe it’s not coming off as that but please, I am sorry. I’ll go then, for you though” I feel bad, Robyn slowly made her way over to me, her lower lip quivering “please tell me you don’t” she said, and I don’t understand what she means “what?” I said, she placed her hands over her mouth “please, please tell me you don’t know” I frowned at her “who did it, you don’t know” her voice broke, my heart fell “look, I erm” I put my head down, I don’t want to say, “I don’t know” looking up “Chris” she sobbed out, I don’t want her to cry “please don’t cry” wrapping my arms around her “please, please don’t” holding her close, I don’t want her to cry “you promised!” She pushed at my chest “Robyn I don’t know anything” I defended myself “don’t lie to me, you promised to not do this. To not find out, how?” She heaved out, trying to keep her composure. I swallowed hard “I worked it out, at the award show, I clashed with Jay, and he said something, and it just fit, I made a remark and he snapped at me, he uhm. He grabbed me by the throat, he wanted to kill me, and it proved that it was the truth, he yeah” I don’t want to say those words, Robyn turned away from me, she is in pain, I know she didn’t want to relive this “I am sorry Robyn, I am really sorry” I cringed as she cried out in pain, the sharp cry she did cut through me, I know she didn’t want me to know, putting my head down feeling my tears come out.
I wish I wasn’t like this; I wish I could have just left it but it bugged me, it bugs me that he has gotten away with being this way with my wife “I am sorry” I apologised “I care for you so much and I will do anything to protect you including this, you don’t deserve this. I just can’t accept what he did when I look at my own daughter, same age as you” Robyn looked at me as she sobbed out “I feel like you are hiding behind the sorry he said to you when he left” Robyn balled up her fists “stop it, stop it, stop it. Please!” I caught Robyn before she fell to her knees “I got you; I got you. I got you baby” she grabbed my top crying out “I don’t want to do it” nodding my head “I am going to need you to be strong Robyn, you need to say it. I need you to threaten him, so you get out of this contract, you can do it” looking down at Robyn “you need to let the chains fall, these chains he’s had over you because he took it from you, he took it from you and you seem to be stuck. I will be here Robyn, I am sorry this is happening but for you I remained silent, I did it for you but he did it to you and think about it, lots of girls go through it” she is shaking, I feel awful about this “they have leaked your things, they are trying to make me stay away from you, they want to keep you because they need you. You don’t need them, it’s about time you use your power, I will be here for you” Robyn’ grip on my top never loosened, she is holding onto me for dear life like I will leave her but I won’t, I am here for her, I am here to protect her “I am sorry” I have to keep apologising because I do feel bad about this “I don’t want to be in this dark place” licking my top lip “this is your moment to get out of this, and I am here" she sighed out shakily.
The grip on my hand, her head is lowered “everyone out, everyone but Jay Z, I don’t give a fuck. Out!” I said walking back in “I suggest you announce it, tell them to leave” I stared Jay Z down “no joke” I feel my hand is going numb “leave the room” Jay Z waved his hand, as soon as he said that everyone left but when I asked they didn’t, I think this is it. This is the moment where my wife can be free from this “what happened?” Jen said concerned “leave me” Robyn breathed out “wait outside” I said, walking by the people ad they walked out “come sit” pulling the chair out, Robyn refuses to look up, she is so sad. Sitting down next to Robyn “well the room is cleared” Jay Z said “Imagine it, a nigga my age going for your daughter for a contract” Jay Z stood up “sit down” I stared at him “you ain’t shit nigga, once this comes out you will be done for. You raped her, she was a child! A child of Blue’ age, Rylee’ age. A child! Imagine it, Blue came to me, she was born abroad and I just you know took advantage, oh it’s not nice. Robyn is someone’s sister, someone’s daughter! And you fucking took advantage, you motherfucker you took advantage of her!! And you had the nerve to say sorry to her? You took fucking innocence away!” I shouted, “motherfucker I should kill you!” I pointed “all these years, all these fucking years! And you still have a hold on her, not anymore” Robyn sniffled “speak Robyn, you have a platform. You can baby” I said to her. Robyn shakily placed her hand over the hand she has over ours, she isn’t letting my hand go “you took what was mine, don’t! Don’t speak! I am speaking” Robyn said “I’ve never spoke on this to anyone because I was so scared, you literally made people think I was some whore. The narrative got put out there because of you, but you took what was mine” oh I am mad, I want to fucking kill him “I can’t do this anymore. I want out, I never said I would do this, but I will go public” my eyebrows knitted together “I choose my husband, I choose my family. I am not having this affecting me anymore, I cannot and will not live with this. I have hidden this with me for years, this secret burdening me and then I burdened my husband because I always felt shit of myself because you really made out like I wanted it, like if I didn’t do then I wouldn’t be able to help my family, and I came from a poor home. Chris is right, I am facing the man that raped me” the words hit me so different when she said it out of her mouth, it hit me hard but she didn’t cry she is staring at him. The silence and the stare,  I swallowed hard “I will release you from Roc Nation, a peaceful release but you need to sign that you will never speak on it to anyone” this is all he cares about, I am ready to jump over this table “that is all you care about?” is he real “you cannot say anything” he said, he is a bastard “you cannot ruin my life, I will release you but you cannot say this to anyone” he should be aired out, he deserves the backlash he gave her.
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finitevoid · 2 years
💕💕 For the ask game!! E (bring The Greatest Hits back around, we need them like air), K, O, T, U, and Z!
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
THERES SO MANY OKAY. okay. i love being funny i love using characters to be funny & it brings me great joy. here are some good ones:
d2 script revisions by me
murder is okay if nobody can prove that you did it
carlos and chad become worsties
stop making jay relapse
more recently theres ranking twst characters based on how easy it would be to beat them in a fistfight
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
um. killua hunter x hunter, honestly. nothing else will ever come close. i know you dont know who that is dcfvgcfxds but TRUST ME
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
i put my most recent playlist on shuffle and got part time god by the bad dreamers. this song reminds me of carlos, actually. but carlos if he was like... really really angry. and working a dead end job. listen, its just the vibes
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
i can pretty much be convinced of anything if the writer is good enough at selling it. to the point that i directly contradict my own headcanons in various aus. i just like letting everything be wiggly and exploring a lot of ideas in various contexts.
the only headcanons i literally Will Not budge on are my autistic hcs. when i headcanon a character as autistic They Are Autistic, to me. they can never be allistic. its the only hcs im like this with. they are as follows:
squall leonhart, carlos de vil, yusuke kitagawa, tatsuya suou, langa hasegawa, malleus draconia & riddle rosehearts. there are a few more but they are for characters i care less about so
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
squall leonhart (i relate too much to him)
ruggie bucchi (hes funny & i find the plight of his existence very sympathetic and interesting)
hiei yu yu hakusho (hes funny & i find the plight of his existence existentially horrifying)
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
i am writing that fic i mentioned to you, about langa having Issues. i think it's based so far, it seems my writing niche for fanfic like this is having a character Going Through It, them talking to everyone in their vicinity about it, and then coming to some sort of emotional conclusion. i do think i am going to let him deck adam in the end though. stay tuned my friend
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Describe your Jay Myles Planetary Go AMV- I want to know what you see-
FUCK DUDE THAT WAS FAST. ok ok fair. ok so to start off, i DO actually picture an AMV for this HDSGFDSHGJ ive never made an AMV before but god do i wanna. maybe i’ll attempt one in december when i have my christmas break off school?? i need an editing software fhdgdsjhfgsjd if any of yall know one thats free or cheap please lmk. the AMV itself i picture in black, white and bright pink. its inspired by another planetary go AMV, an undertale one from like 4/5 years ago. its how i first found the song so i always associated those colours with it lol.
I’m gonna go through it lyric by lyric and try to describe things the best i can DSHFGDSH im mentally ill sorry <3 ALSO this has a lotta spoilers for lore i havent talked about at ALL if yall wanna hit up my inbox after and ask for more explanation feel free lol
There might be something outside your window But you'll just never know I picture Jay standing by a window looking out it, on the second line he turns away and walks off. the art is white with black lines. There could be something right past the turnpike gates But you'll just never know we see Jay walking down the street holding a camera. He stops at the burnt down remains of Karen Doggers’s house, like in the fic i posted yesterday.
If my velocity starts to make you sweat Then just don't let go And if the heaven ain't got a vacancy Then we just, then we just, then we just, then we just Get up and go Just Jay looking around the house, again like in my fic. We see him get scared by Zalgo appearing behind him and we see him grinning wide, setting him up as a somewhat important character in the narrative. I think. During the instrumentals it’s the general credits and stuff.
Ladies and gentleman, truth Is now acceptable fame Is now injectable process the progress These lines are black with white lineart. We get shots of Doby just living his best life, being a murderer and having fun. The only colour on him is the pink of his goggles, which obscures his eyes.
This core is critical faith Is unavailable lives Become incredible now Please understand that With each line another character appears. Each one is another that works for The Operator like Doby does. ‘‘This core is critical’‘ is Dana (OC), ‘‘Faith is unavailable’‘ is Godfrey (OC), ‘‘Lives become incredible’‘ is The Operator, ‘‘Now’‘ is Toby and ‘‘Please understand that’‘ is our main man Doby
I can't slow down I won't be waiting for you I can't stop now because I'm dancing Some imagery of Doby running off away from Jay. This isn’t literally happening, it’s more a way of showing that Jay feels abandoned and betrayed.
This planet's ours to defend Ain't got no time to pretend Don't fuck around, this is our last chance More stuff showing The Operator’s proxies. Godfrey tells Doby not to fuck around and shoves him. Toby catches him and the other proxies all glare at him. Fuck Godfrey he’s the worst.
If my velocity starts to make you sweat Then just don't let go We see Jay and Zalgo sitting in a cafe together. Jay is obviously nervous about something, and sweating. On ‘’don’t let go’’ Zalgo grabs his hand from across the table 'Cause the emergency room got no vacancy And we just, and we just, and we just, and we just Get up and go Zalgo is the one saying the line about the emergency room. He’s convincing Jay to do his bidding. We see the two shake hands.
they want you to be (Who) they wanted to see (Go) kill the party with me and never go home We see Jay doing things for Zalgo, completely unaware that he’s being manipulated into doing his bidding. Zalgo pretends to help him. On ‘‘Who they wanted to see’‘ we see Jay being shown a picture of Doby. Who they want you to be Who they wanted to see Just leave the party with me and never go home We see Doby again, still being a murderer and having fun. On the last line we see him running along with Toby.
You're unbelievable Ah, so unbelievable Ah, you ruin everything Oh, you better go home Jay is the one saying these lines. He’s looking over photos and footage of Doby. He’s mad, he feels abandoned, and like Doby doesn’t care about what it is he’s doing. He wants his friend to come back home.
I'm unbelievable Yeah, I'm undefeatable Yeah, let's ruin everything, blast it to the back row Doby is the one saying this. He isn’t having fun this time though. He’s talking with Toby and Dana. On the last line Godfrey bursts into the room and gets mad at them
They sell presentable Young, and so ingestible Sterile and collectible Safe, and I can't stand it Godfrey summons The Operator and he tries to attack the three of them. Dana defends them, attacking The Operator on ‘’Safe, and I can’t stand it.’’ This is a letter, my word Is the beretta, the sound Dana yells at Toby and Doby to run of my vendetta Against the ones that planned it We see Toby and Doby run out of the shack and away from The Operator. They’ve never been able to escape him before, and they weren’t prepared to leave, so they’re scared.
If my velocity starts to make you sweat Then just don't let go We get a shot of Toby looking scared and nervous. On the second line Doby takes his hand 'Cause the emergency room got no vacancy Tell me who do you trust, do you trust And we just get up and go We see Jay laying in his bed, asleep. He hears knocking on the window and gets up. He opens the window and sees Doby grinning at him. He was NOT READY FOR THAT OK HE WAS NOT
Who they want you to be Who they wanted to see (Go) kill the party with me and never go home Ok this parts kinda fast but I’ll try to get through it. Doby and Jay hug, then it cuts to the two of them plus Toby sitting on the bed talking. On ‘’kill the party with me’’ Godfrey BUSTS into the room, attacks Toby and Doby and then Jay fuckin smacks him over the head with a baseball bat. The three of them start arguing and then Jay points at the window in fear. Who they want you to be Who they wanted to see Just leave the party with me and never go home Hobo Heart is at the window. This makes sense in context I promise. He motions for Toby and Doby to follow him. Doby and Jay exchange a look and Doby follows after him. Things get a little rough from around here to the end of the song im sorry HDSFGJDSGJ
You keep eternity, give us the radio Deploy the battery, we're taking back control Doby and Toby are the ones speaking here. They’re in Slender Mansion now, getting ready to fight. Engage the energy, light up the effigy We see Jay again, tying Godfrey to a chair like a reasonable human being. On ‘’light up the effigy’’ his phone lights up. Zalgo is calling him. No chance to take it slow By now I'm sure you know, know, know, know, know (one, two, three, four) We see Jay freak out and Z’s appear in his eyes. Godfrey climbs out of the chair and looks at him. Get up and go Jay, who’s now under Zalgo’s control, follows Godfrey out of the house
they want you to be (Who) they wanted to see (Go) kill the party with me and never go home Who they want you to be Who they wanted to see Just leave the party with me and never go home We see quick shots of various characters all fighting here, including Doby and Toby. Masky does something cool here but I won’t say what
Are we still having fun? Are you holding the gun? We see Doby and Jay recovering from a fight. Doby turns around and sees Jay, who points a gun at him. Take the money and run We'll never go home Jay fires at Doby and Toby lunges at him, fighting him until he runs off
I've got nothing to lose You've got nothing to say And we're leaving today We'll never go home Toby turns and tries to run over to Doby, but a huge crack in the ground appears. Toby tries to jump it but he doesn’t make it and is left clinging to the edge. We get a shot of Doby, laying on the ground, too pained to help his friend. Then we see Toby lose his grip
I think I better go now I think I better go now I think I better go now (go home) Gonna go now, gonna go now, gonna go now, gonna go now Go now, gonna go now Go home Some shots of Zalgo in his true form fighting against someone. Then it cuts to Jay stumbling through the woods. He stops against a tree, then collapses. A picture of himself of Doby flies out of his pocket and towards the camera. It’s the final thing you see.
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fanfalc-616 · 4 years
{{ 11/? }}
Jay is a sobbing, bloody mess on the floor by the time Echo stops. He didn’t limit it to the dagger, either- he used so many weapons that Zane stopped counting, and there were times when he dropped them all together and just beat the shit out of him.
He puts all the weapons away, and he erases the line of code, allowing Zane to actually be able to think properly again.
‘You’re a monster.’
Zane’s snarled insult is ignored, and Echo goes and grabs… medical supplies? Why-
He sits down beside Jay, forcing him to sit up and lean against the wall. He cries out when he does, voice clearly raw from his previous screaming.
“Please- no- no more.” He begs, voice barely above a whisper.
“I’m just patching you up. We’re done for now.” Echo assures. “I don’t want you to die or anything.”
Jay looks relieved, but he’s clearly still in intense pain.
Echo wipes away his tears with a sigh. “Were you this noisy then, too?” He complains, shaking his head.
‘Look, I don’t know what he did, but this is not the answer! You can let him go and find some other solution to-‘
“No.” Echo interrupts, starting to clean out some of the bloody gashes he had made. “I need him to hurt.”
Jay winces as his injuries are tended to. “Are you talking to Zane?” He gets out weakly, something- likely hope- dawning in his eyes at the thought. “Can- can he hear me?”
Echo pauses a moment before answering. “He can, yeah. Nothing he can do about it other than watch, but…” He trails off with a shrug, going back to cleaning out the gashes and starting to apply a salve to some of the worse ones.
The relieved expression on Jay’s face is confusing. Why is he reassured by the fact that his teammate has to watch him get tortured?
“So, Z- Zane-“
“He can’t answer you.” Echo interrupts, seeming satisfied with how he cleaned them and starting to wrap them in gauze.
“He doesn’t have to.” Jay defends himself, still with a tremor in his voice. “I’m used- used to one-sided conversations anyway.”
Zane decides to humor him, replying even if only Echo can hear.
‘That’s because you talk so much no one else can get a word in.’
“Anyway, how have- how have you been?” Jay gives a strained smile as Echo starts getting more rough with his treatments, clearly trying to make him shut up.
‘Take a guess. And you don’t look that gr-‘
“I’m doing… okay, I- I guess. Could- could be better. Could be a lot better, but I’m not- not dead, so there’s that.”
‘And that’s what I meant about talking too much.’
Echo clenches his teeth. “Stop it, both of you- or next time I’ll use a branding iron.”
Jay falters, eyes widening in fear. “I, uh… okay.” He caves, voice shaking.
‘Leave him alone!’
“You know, I can always grab another one of your teammates if you want to keep whining about this one.” Echo threatens.
Zane shuts up.
Echo seems satisfied with this as he finishes wrapping up the gauze. “I dislocated your shoulder, I’m going to have to pop it back in place. On three, okay?”
“I know the- the ‘on three’ trick, you- you lie and do it on tw- SHIT!” Jay’s comment turns to a cry of pain as Echo pops the joint back into place.
“There we go.”
“Fuck you.” Jay glares, but he’s so weak that it barely has any heat behind it.
Echo starts testing for broken bones, pressing in the skin, which makes Jay wince and cry out. “Mmm… closed greenstick fracture on the arm…” He mutters to himself.
“What does that mean?” Jay seems to have regained some of his strength- likely through sheer willpower and spite.
“It means I broke your arm.” Echo explains. “If I were a doctor, I’d recommend getting the swelling down so I could put it in a cast.” He wraps his hand around the site of the injury and squeezes.
Another screaming sob is torn from the blue ninja.
“But as we are… I think I’ll just leave it like this.” Echo decides, pulling his hand back. He resumes testing for broken bones.
“Another closed greenstick fracture on the ribs… ooh, you’re going to be coughing up blood.” Echo seems unhappy with this. “I’m going to have to go easy on your chest for a while.”
Jay nods, but it’s clear that he’s not really paying attention. His eyes have begun to close- his adrenaline rush has probably ended by now.
Echo shakes his head and moves Jay so he’s laying on his side. “I’m going to have to watch you to make sure you don’t choke on your own blood.” He mutters.
“I’mma go to sleep.” Jay slurs.
“You do that. I’ll be here when you wake up.” The words that would normally be comforting are twisted because of circumstance.
So he sits there as Jay’s eyes close and his breathing evens out.
‘Please, Echo, let him go. Hurt me instead, if you have to. Just don’t-‘
“No.” Echo’s tone brooks no room for argument. “He has to suffer for what he’s done.”
“Shut up.” Echo snaps. “I don’t want to hear whatever stupid excuses you have for him. I want revenge. And I know you don’t get that, because you still abide by your original programming- to protect those who cannot protect themselves. But I don’t. I’m free of that.”
‘I’m not asking you to go out of your way to protect people, I’m asking you to not go out of your way to hurt them!’
“And I’m ignoring you because I’m going to do what I want with or without your approval.” Echo shoots back.
‘PLEASE, just-‘
“If you don’t stop talking, I’ll get another one of your friends.” Echo threatens.
Zane reluctantly stops. He’ll- he’ll find a way to minimize the damage he’s doing. He’ll find a way to protect Jay better.
But is he going to be able to find it before it’s too late?
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topconfessions · 3 years
I'm addictive to your bloog lol is so funny and diverse xd soo giirl spell the tea with rihanna and beyonce, I find hipocrital she defend Megan immediately buut when Chris brown beat rihanna in 2009 she never said something in her favor, alsoo all this year in the industry and they never collab she collab with Megan before Rih?? Like is obvios be have something with rihanna is too obvious now
it’s been obvious? the media and hollywood has conjured up the usage of fanbases to keep the masses wired down and bickering at each other. it’s bullshit. back in the day (I’m 26 but I grew up with hollywood tea always spilled around me pre internet age*) people picked up on stuff between celebs and saw it for what it was. Now people wanna act brand new and deny obvious stuff.
Rihanna had a fling with Jay-Z when he signed her and it went on up till around / slightly after good girl gone bad era. Everyone knows they slept together and had something going on. Beyonce is a weak woman in my eyes please folks stop taking her stage persona and hollywood facade as gossipal. Pay attention to the old days and old bey. she’s a shy semi introverted and insecure woman who let a mega rapper rob her of her youth and sexual identity for most of her life (if we are suppose to buy the BS she never fucked anyone but him and never took breaks from him to date a few others*) since 19.
She needs to stop blaming women for bs and look towards the man. Rihanna don’t owe her anything and it’s every woman for themselves to get where they need to be. She knew and does know what kind of person Rihanna is. But yeah this is ancient tea.  Everyone knows that Beyonce has an unspoken rule that they will never ever work together. Rihanna is at a point in her career where she don’t need to work with Bey and she don’t even want to produce music period anymore it’s obvious.
Also I mean no direspect but people can get offended if they want to. Causes this current generation and racial tensions are making african american female artists or people in general into magical unciorns who aren’t exempt from making mistakes, being uncouth or unladylike, trashy, messy, or just presenting themselves in an unfavorable way but presenting it as “culture” and wrapping it with a bow of “bad bitch savage get money independent energy”. Nobody has the guts to speak out and call out the obvious that beyonce despite having enough money to be refined and educated at a higher level..........is NOT an articulate woman. She has a great work ethic and is talented and makes the right business moves but it’s all tied to her sex appeal her entire career among other things.
I’ll call it out point blank: she will work with unrefined women like Meg and Nicki a million times over before someone like rihanna. Now rihanna is always on her bs too but she is not of the...how do I say..she’s not on the sell out body morphing dumbing down type of route. I am neutral on Meg although I’m glad we have variety from Nicki now cause Nicki robbed lil kim and cardi & Meg are Nicki Minaj’s karma cause she got too confident thinking she’d be queen b of rap for this gen forever. Anyways, Nicki and Meg are not aspiring nor can they ever get into beyonce’s glamour lane where she kinda makes her self diverse (or tries to). Meg and Nicki minus Nicki’s pop crossover appeal to very urban men and rich non african americans who are always on trends and waves.
 simply put: Rihanna is different and has her own unique type of influential vibe despite not being as “talented” as Bey. Beyonce recognizes this and doesn’t want to have to collab with someone who won’t be under thumb or mega grateful as it would be a power imbalance depsite the youth seeing it as Bey feat. Rihanna.
nicki and meg need bey more than Rihanna does. Rihanna relationship with the billionaire arab man didn’t work out cause of her not budging to the culture among other things with her personality. If rihanna was truly desperate or willing to settle she could have abided by everything like Janet Jackson did and been set for a good while. Rihanna had a miscarriage as well by the arab guy and also did some messy stuff in Dubai that was covered up by her having a report out that she got into a motorscooter accident when she was really hit by someone.
Anyways, notice rihanna (even if she has poor taste in men which she does *) never settles for men even if they are out of her league respectfully or got something she don’t? if beyonce was rihanna she would have adapted to saudi man and been a sell out. Rihanna leaves a lot of relationships and while it’s 50/50 good and bad I commend her for knowing her worth even if she tends to downgrade aka arab billionaire to the asap rocky. And I suspect the arab guy had MAJOR pull in her getting and sustaining that LVMH deal for fenty beauty. Isn’t it ironic that rihanna has this going on for herself but beyonce doesn’t? you’d think beyonce would have this all going for herself?
think about it.     
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chwrpg · 4 years
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I told you not to buy those Garanimal clothes, girl. -- Soren Hawkins
A NOTE FROM ADMIN B:  It’s always wonderful seeing people return to us, especially when they’ve been with us for as long as you have, Kate! We’ve missed the icon that is Soren on the dash, and can’t wait to see her getting back amongst it!
OOC NAME/ALIAS, PREFERRED PRONOUNS, AGE & TIMEZONE: kate thee stallion. also known as it was me for him. still the girl drake is pining after.
DESIRED CHARACTER: soren hawkins. i don’t know a better person. 
HOW ACTIVE WILL YOU BE? living here rent free since 2014.
SECONDARY CHOICE: it’s not realistic. but imani. 
To put it simply: Soren is THAT girl. Headstrong, opinionated, outspoken. She’s the first person to speak up and the last person to turn on you. She’s loyal and fun and everything you’d want in a friend. No one has anything bad to say about her. If she ever cussed you out, you deserved it. Got read? You needed that reality check and it was better from her. Her confidence can be overwhelming but she’s just trying to fake it until she makes it. Like any soon to be 20something she’s struggling with herself. What does she want out of life? love? her friendships? Her transition into adulthood has been quite the ride and with the help of her friends and family it’s only getting crazier. 
Everyone knew that Soren was the life of the party. With her ability to get different crowds off their feet; it was her calling. Her skills had reached a fever pitch tonight though. Half of Rosewood was stuck up and the other half was rhythmless but the dance-floor was overflowing with bodies. She didn’t have to do much either; her energy was infectious. The crowd had only died down to get wrapped up in a dance battle between her and the boys. It had ended in a tie. And, like always, she protested, “Fake news!” But the real proof of her magic was Bra sweating her for a dance. He’d tell a different story in the morning but so would she.
She was drunk. He tripped. It was dark. Etcetera, etcetera, blah, blah, blah.  Their relationship was a tricky one because they both avoided the truth like the plague. Maybe there was something more between them than jocularity and stolen kisses they never talked about but they’d have to admit it first. Instead Bra made fun of her age and first world problems and Soren’s slick mouth never stopped running. In other words: they were frontin’.  
Which was appropriate since Jay Z’s verse on the song of the same name picked up right after Pharrell’s crooning. “Every time your name was brought up I would act all nonchalant in front of an audience,” he rapped as Soren pressed her backside firmly into Bra’s front. Stevie Wonder could see how good of a time they were having together. Luckily Siobhan was too busy with Kid and Dylan and Play were arguing over something stupid so they were in the clear.
They were five songs deep before blue and red lights flashed, flooding through the front window and painting their brown skin a lazy purple; As much as it seemed like tonight was going to be the night they admitted something to themselves and each other — fate had far more sinister plans. Fate…or racism. “Where’s everybody at? My sister? Kid?” She panicked, looking around the otherwise dark room. Growing up with a silver spoon didn’t hide the dangers of the police and a bunch of black kids and she was in meltdown mode. Soren went outside on impulse only to be met with a sight that made her heart sink.
The rest of the story goes as follows: Privileged black kid tries to calm officer down, racist cop ignores, kid’s best friend defends, racist cop brandishes his gun, black kid and co. hit the sidewalk, cop arrests innocent black boys, wash, rinse, repeat. 
Soren could hear her heartbeat in her ears and her hands hadn’t stopped shaking since she watched her friends get carted off in a squad car. She practically vibrated with anger and frustration. Tonight they were only arrested, but it could’ve been much worse, she couldn’t help but imagine their faces on the poster at some march, their families mourning. She hated how defenseless she felt. She wanted her power back.
“So much for having a good ass night,” she spoke up from the backseat breaking the somber silence as they drove to the police station (careful to follow every rule of the road). Humor was her only defense. There was a pause followed by a short laugh.
Everything was going to be okay.
ANYTHING ELSE? 1985. gang gang. 
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idkwntht-blog · 6 years
The Plight of the Pick Me
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I’ve said this before and I’m sure I’ll say it again: Y’all hate women.
If anything, this has been made exponentially clear in the aftermath of Tristan Thompson’s cheating finally striking a nerve with Khloe Kardashian. You’ve been watching the fallout (unless your wifi got cut off or something), and you know that somehow Kylie Jenner’s (ex) best friend Jordyn Woods is bearing the brunt of the blame.
This is not the first (or the second) time that we’ve been on Tristan Cheating alert. Add to that the fact that it’s super hazy if Tristan cheated on his pregnant girlfriend with Khloe to begin with -- and by hazy, I mean not hazy at all. And he cheated on Khloe when she was pregnant too.
All signs point to this man being a hoe and a unsuitable partner, but Khloe has convinced herself that Jordyn is the reason her family has been ripped apart.
Do you know why? Because even women hate women.
Let’s backtrack just a bit. Jordyn has now spoken out publicly, saying that Tristan initiated the kiss. She said there was no making out, no tongue and no sex. She alleges that she lied to the Kardashian family because she was scared. And you know what? I absolutely believe her. Why? Because the devil works hard, but Kris Jenner will always work harder.
Don’t get me wrong. The child was wrong, but the level of backlash she’s getting is unwarranted.
Back to the current promo material for Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Khloe and her posse are now online publicly bullying a 21-year-old about ruining her family, the child is getting death threats, and Tristan Thompson done fucked shit up and hahs evacuated the premises to have pasta with yet another fling. Khloe is legit online cussing Jordyn out and protecting Tristan because hEs ThE fAtHeR oF heR cHilD.
What in the “the family fucked my husband” is really going on here?
Our socialized urge to absolve men of guilt by transferring it to the women is not the only example of our inherent misogyny. We’ve also been socialized to distrust women and that rears its ugly head in many ways -- from disbelief and conspiracy theories when women come forward about rape and sexual assault to the way women love boasting that they have no women friends.
My Mimi will say to me that she doesn’t understand why I have so many female friends and why I let them in my business because when she was growing up she only had one girlfriend. All her other friends were men. I get her point, but the language is problematic af.
It’s important to acknowledge that a lot of that behavior stems from the fact that women are socialized to see other women as competition for the affections of a Good Man. We’re taught that the things we do affect how Good of a Man we end up with -- which is obviously some bullshi.
We don’t see women as allies, we see them as opponents to “outwoman” in order to snag the man.
Pick me’s are just women who still subscribe to that in a big way. There are enough of us who know that someone being a good man is less about the woman you are and exponentially more about who the man is.
We’ve been taught this myth that finding and keeping a good man is more reliant on what a woman does than a man’s character. If someone is trash, they gon be trash. Nothing you do will make them not be trash because that behavior isn’t about you.
I can guarantee that my ex is somewhere calling me a hoe. We were together for 8 years and in that time frame he cheated more times than I probably know about, got at least one girl pregnant, and emotionally abused the hell out of me. Breaking up was always the most logical decision, but I had to learn the hard way that there was nothing I could do to save that man from himself.
I stayed so long because I had put in the work, I had forgiven so much and bitten my tongue so often that he just had to get it right. He never did. I couldn’t save him, so I finally decided to save myself.
And that’s where the pick me comes in.
A pick me still fully supports the emotional labor of trying to turn a man into a Good Man. Since that’s an impossible feat, they spend a lot of time being mistreated by men who take advantage of their willingness to carry the relationship. These men are not good men, and they don’t wanna be good men, and they don’t have to be good men.
(I should mention here that no man, even a genuinely good man, is perfect. But no woman is either. )
The issue with a pick me is not that she chooses bad apple men in hopes that following Good Woman rules will make them shiny and new again. The rest of us can’t be mad that you’re taking them off our hands, you’re honestly doing the Lord’s work.
The problem with a pick me is that she’s fucking PISSED at the rest of us who refuse to abide by those rules. She stans for T.I. and Tiny’s relationship and she defends Rasheeda in the IG comments. She’s blasting Future, screaming “fuck Ciara” at the top of her lungs until the end of time. Why? Because Ciara said fuck this bullshit and found a good man and sis is a ride or die.
“Why leave a sure thing for a maybe?” they ask. But if the real sure thing is simply that you’re just going to keep getting hurt and you’ll never actually be happy, maybe starts looking a lot more attractive.
She probably still doesn’t see why Offset crashing Cardi’s set to apologize for cheating on her was a problem. The fact that Offset cheated on Cardi, that Jay Z cheated on Beyonce is literally all the proof one should need to realize that a man’s behavior is not rooted in who his woman is.
To be mad at other women for being their true selves and still getting chosen because you’re following these rules and still barely happy is as “I hate women” as Mike Pence. A man will never chose you if you’re not what he wants and there’s really no way to change that. Pretending will only get you but so far. So be yourself and be happy, sis.
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listofnamesinred13 · 7 years
Okay I’m about to spill some tea
SO “oh look, taylor swift is dragging up past drama to sell her new album, look at her playing the victim again, you’re still over”
is what all the haters happen to be screaming (among over ridiculous things) tonight, following the release of Look What You Made Me Do, the lead single to Swift’s 6th album: Reputation. But let’s take a little trip down memory lane to see if Taylor really is playing the victim. Hold on ladies, it’s gonna be a long one. 
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Taylor broke out in 2006, and when Love Story stormed the charts in late 2008 she became a global superstar and thus named “America’s Sweetheart” a bittersweet and dangerous title for any young female star, because it’s so easy to fall from the top. She was immediately held to an impossibly high standard of perfection, in every aspect of her life, and she handled this with grace. 
2009 - early 2012
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We know what happened here, no real need to recap, but the result of this event was Kanye being thought of internationally as a horrific bully. Which he is and continues to be until this day. Taylor went on to be the youngest artist to win album of the year at the Grammys, the world so does love an underdog. 
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Taylor responded to West the way she knows best: song-writing. she released her phenomenal 3rd album Speak Now and it featured a heart-breaking track named Innocent. 
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It's okay, life is a tough crowd 32, and still growin' up now Who you are is not what you did. You're still an innocent.
Swift, aged only 20, twelve years junior to her bully, responded maturely, forgiving him. At the same time she wrote a grammy-award-winning anti-bullying anthem of the name “Mean,” said to be about a critic who wasn’t constructive in his criticism, just plain cruel. 
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Soon after a standing ovation at the 2012 grammys, Swift brought the speak now era to a close.
Late 2012 - 2014
Taylor’s award winning curls disappeared with the release of her Hunger Games singles, and shortly after, she released We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. Now 22, Swift was growing up, and, if you’ll pardon the pun, the release of the Red album caused a swift departure for her “sweetheart” title. Suddenly the romantic theme to her music was causing people to role their eyes. 2013 was a year of jokes about lists of ex-boyfriends, “keep your sons, brothers, dads and boyfriends away from Miss Swift, she’s destroy them, try to bury them with a song.” This is where the words “Playing the victim” first appeared. She was no longer seen as an innocent princess, the grown woman began to wear less fairy-tale-esque clothing, in favour of her now infamous black shorts. she attended award shows, knowing full well she was going to have to take an insult on the chin, and no one would stand up for her. Everyone was laughing. Her unforgettable but brief romance with Harry Styles caused insane online backlash, his fans taking her reputation for writing about personal relationships as an excuse to tear apart their relationship. Just one of many examples of the opinions of people that don’t know her, have never met her, believe they have a right to bad mouth her because “she’s Taylor Swift” 
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2014 - 2017
The released of the record-breaking 1989 album saw Taylor win back her popularity for the first time since before Styles. She declared that she could not be thrown off her game by her haters in “shake it off” insisting she will be herself more. But the real take down came in the form of “blank space.” Her satirical chart-topper saw her take back the narrative for the first time. She stated that she decided to play by their [the media’s] rules, writing and performing from the point of view of the “jet-setting man-eating psycho” they insisted she was. And the media, fickle as ever, lapped up every word. Impressed this silly little girl had played them at their own game, they placed her back on the pedestal.
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Thus began the age of the “squad” 
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Taylor’s Victoria Secret Performance allowed her to form friendships with the angels, and the media nicknamed her ever-growing group of friends a “squad.” People mistakingly believed Taylor had formed this squad as an clique, an army against her latest enemy, Ex-BFF Katy Perry. We all know the details of their feud and Taylor’s smooth take-down track Bad Blood. I guess I can forgive the confusion, but members of the so called squad have stated that it’s not a clique, it’s just a support group of mostly women. Taylor had bitten back at the media’s representation of her, calling them out for being sexist. I however, personally don’t see it as sexism. I see it as bullying. The simple fact is that no other celebrity on the planet get attacked so much for so little crimes as Taylor Swift. This “squad” theory began positively but soon took a dark turn, as numerous times Taylor Swift was referred to as a “Regina George” Who famously played the victim in the 2004 blockbuster hit “Mean Girls” despite secretly being the mean girl herself. 
 Following her new popularity, an old ghost made an appearance in her life. With encouragement from their mutual friend Jay-Z, Taylor Swift and Kanye West made up. 
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Taylor even presented an award to him, mocking the infamous  statement: “Imma let you finish...” by ending it with “but Kanye West has had one of the best careers of all time” The legendary feud was over. Taylor was on top of the world. 
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Or so we thought. With the release of Kanye West’s “Famous” came a rather degrading lyric: 
“I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex Why? I made that bitch famous (God damn) I made that bitch famous”
Once again, we know the details. Taylor’s not completely innocent, maybe she shouldn’t have claimed she knew nothing of it. But take away your opinions on Miss Swift. Imagine if someone who bullied you, humiliated you, suddenly wanted to end all strife and flaunt an alliance. You’d jump at the chance, I know I would, and have. Taylor has previously proved to be the forgiving type, and in that phone call you can hear how eager she is to please. I believe Taylor did not understand exactly how degrading the finally song would sound, brushing her off, taking credit for her success, coupled with a video depicting a life-like naked wax figure of her he commissioned thousands into making right beside him in large bed full of controversial figures, including sex offenders and abusers. Imagine that had happened to YOU. Not Taylor Swift Trademark, the untouchable millionaire business woman, but a real woman, with real feelings. You would be scared. You’d be filing restraining orders. She had trusted him and let him in. He humiliated her for a second time, and in her panic she responded badly. 
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And yet, for some reason, the world took his side. This degrading song and disgusting video was somehow righteous over obscuring a little truth. Taylor’s response to the video release was such:
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The internet wasn’t having it though. The final sentence became her death sentence, and thus began a meme and a #/taylorswiftisoverparty. Fans of Swift did try to defend her, but they also knew that Miss Swift was definitely not over. 
2017 (present day)
Finally I have reached the release of “Look What You Made Me Do” the lead single of Swift’s 6th and highly anticipated album “Reputation” 
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So now we have tracked the history of Taylor “Playing the victim” I would very much like to address why LWYMMD is certainly not her playing it. I would like to push Kanye, Kim, and Katy aside, their actions were not to be admired, but this post is ultimately about the media and the public’s opinion of Miss Swift. 
The role you made me play Of the fool, no, I don't like you I don't like your perfect crime How you laugh when you lie You said the gun was mine
It was the media and the public that insisted that Taylor was two faced, a snake, they forced her to play a role in their narrative. This public side of the role was like a villain, and the real way they played her was as a fool. The Media tricking her into trusting them, and then pushing her off the pedestal they put her on. 
But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined
Swift is no longer playing nice. Did everyone really expect her to lie down and let Kanye win? She’s out for revenge, and so she should be. 
I don't like your kingdom keys They once belonged to me You ask me for a place to sleep Locked me out and threw a feast (what?) The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours
This is a general address to those who supported her through her success at the start of the 1989 era, and then abandoned her when she fell from grace. They labelled it as Taylor getting what was coming to her, but she knows that eventually the tables will turn again and their time on the chopping block will come. 
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams
Their betrayal has lead to her inability to trust, and as she says, they all believe she’s a snake, she’s two-faced, if they don’t get her first she’ll get them. Her insane success has made her “untrustworthy”  The world is forcing her to be someone she’s not. 
"I'm sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now." "Why?" "Oh, 'cause she's dead!" (ohh!)
This tongue-in-cheek spoken part is almost a throwback to Blank Space, she joins the taylor swift is over party, okay, we’ll play it your way, just before  I destroy you. It also sadly suggests that their cruelty and endless abuse killed the forgiving version of her. 
Ooh, look what you made me do Look what you made me do
At first, I didn’t quite get this line. She hasn’t done anything yet? What have they made her do? But then it clicked. They made her be a part of the narrative she wanted to be excluded from. They asked for her to play the bad guy, they insisted on her Villainous persona. They insisted she was a snake. So they made her become the snake. 
Taylor has never once purposely “Played the victim.” Swift does not want to be the victim. So, this time around, she’s not forgiving. She’s not crying. She’s not ignoring it. She’s fighting it. Taylor Swift is angry, self-aware enough to know at this point she has no other route to take, bar buying an island and never being heard from again. She’s claiming her own fury, her own narrative, her own reputation. 
And she’s out for blood.
Hiss Hiss.
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calvinjohaanson · 3 years
Eddard Stark lifted his head and looked long at the weirwood, frowning, but he did not speak.
Eddard Stark lifted his head and looked long at the weirwood, frowning, but he did not speak. There is a sign on the wall stating the discount according to the color on the tag, and I struggled with the simple math, but eventually concluded the garment was actually in my theoretical price range.. Boltons make bad enemies as well. No, you can’t deceive me! Perhaps you have some other calculations now; perhaps I haven’t said the worst yet; but no matter! You have deceived me — that’s the chief thing. Dre and Jay Z apparently know the label. For the sake of comparison, that's three mpg better than an automatic equipped Mazda5 or 2011 Odyssey and a whopping six notches haibike e mtb 2020 better than the four cylinder Sienna. IT IS ONE OF THE LARGEST WALKS IN OUR REGION AND IT bottines cloutees femme IS SET TO KICK OFF RIGHT HERE WITH A FEW ANNOUNCEMENTS ON THIS STAGE. Others skittered off Drogon’s scales, lodged between papuci de casa din pasla them, or tore through the membrane of his wings. Bigelow, I hope you will not forget me. Of course, I would not wear a faded print house dress that had to be ironed and an apron, made out of a former print house dress, which also had to be ironed. When Ty came home from school, you could find him playing Nintendo, with Boo on his lap, Risa at his side, and Benji at his feet. He had looked around at other faces. In 2011 Toms added sunglasses to its product line, giving sight restoring surgery or treatment for each pair sold, and in 2014 they announced that they had given away more than 10 million shoes, and given clear sight to 200,000 people. Keep the men to your right and left in sight, so the gaps do not widen. I have taken a flat on purpose, where we shall live when we come back. “There are times you make me wonder if you truly are my seed. He takes their money but he wants more. The Broadcast Television Journalists Assn. Sam Abou Ndour est l'un d'entre eux. She rose. Levi. Natasha herself, who was so libelled, knew nothing of all these slanders and accusations till fully a year afterwards. The mate who had assumed command reckoned that they catalog cercei aur turcia were somewhere off the southern end of the Isle of Cedars. To be eligible to receive some of the surplus foods, a man had to earn less than forty five dollars per month or a man and his wife together had to make less than seventy dollars per month.. Asha had spent her life on islands and on ships. This final half was the strongest rugby of the day, with good teamwork, powerful tackling, and more passing among the boys than we have seen in the past.. These simulations identified structural weak points in our design and provided information about its overall strength.. The junior finished second in the 200 22 years after his dad was second in the 200.. It drove the breath from him and sent him lurching backwards. Dark skin and white hair, the broken nose, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. Robinson says his best advice is to buy now when many are thinking about the sun and not the snow and the price is still frozen in place. Lady Walda gave a shriek and clutched at her lord husband’s arm. How could she? He was a knight of the Kingsguard, sworn to Mens JORDAN Hoodie celibacy. papuci de casa din pasla "I feel like it's an incentive to strive for originality," he continued, "something new, and maintain something exciting and different so you can beat them out and maintain a personal edge. In that training scenario, Jacob was leading the first four ship of allied jets, whose task was to defend the area from enemy aircraft. Rizzo, Gregg Landaker and Mark WeingartenUnbroken Jon Taylor, Frank A. Does he know? Griff wondered. Every mother who has a mother’s heart within her, ought to know that this is blasphemy against nature, and, standing between the cradle of her living and the маратонки puma mercedes amg grave of her dead child, should indignantly reject such a slander on all motherhood.. Street performers don't have a ticket price (for their shows). My son has plagiocephaly and is currently in a corrective helmet. They are joined by a young lad who stands a little distance away. As co director of "A Summer Celebration of Jewish Music" and director of the Jewish Jazz Project, Green presents a wide variety of Jewish music throughout the Berkshires. It’s too cold for most of them. “For me, it is all about the olives. To be called swing the puma red bull racing evo cat ii ball would need to bend in the air before it hit the pitch. Text >The appraisal district is responsible for supplying fair market valuations to some 63 taxing entities within the county, including 17 school districts, 27 cities or towns, the Alamo Colleges district and the .. Mr. May, president and CEO of Air Transport Association of America, an industry trade organization, said lengthy tarmac delays were never a benefit for airlines, but that the new rules will not benefit passengers.will comply with the new rule even though we believe it will lead to unintended consequences, more cancelled flights and greater passenger inconvenience, Mr. Given the right izraeli kézműves ékszerek team on the right day, they can be beaten. They have become alarmed at seeing the laws of God trampled under foot with impunity, and that, too, by legislators, sworn officers of the peace, and professors of religion. It is admitted; but no great evil can be averted, no good attained, without some inconvenience. Eight days ago Asha had walked out with Aly Mormont to have a closer look at its slitted red eyes and bloody mouth. You need to look down the road to make sure your income will match your needs for the house but also for other expenses such as college tuition and retirement savings, says Behnam. But anything to keep the bloody bastards sweet.. Now, if ever, was their time to cut this loathsome incumbrance wholly adrift, and stand up, in this age of concession and conformity to the world, a purely protesting church, free from all complicity with this most dreadful national immorality.. Snow caked his legs almost to the knee, and Bran had felt him stagger more than once. “Come, drink with me,” the fat man said. A knight of the Kingsguard was always posted at its far end. But Tywin had been disappointed in that. He holds little hope that his children will grow up to see a single Brooklyn neighborhood free of free range fowl and fair trade coffee.. He was walking beneath the shell of the Lord Commander’s Tower, past the spot where Ygritte had died in his arms, when Ghost appeared beside him, his warm breath steaming in the cold. “There. Is the Dior woman the Raf Simons woman? "No." Short, and emphatic. In the wild, alone with axe and garron, he was as good a ranger as any in the Watch, but he had never gotten on well with the other men. Out in the yard, night was settling over the Dreadfort and a full moon was rising over the castle’s eastern walls. Greene already had a federal disaster declaration because of damage from Tropical Storm Irene which struck on Aug. [I] draw, paint, anything like that. He protested his eternal unchanging love, and hotly justified his devotion to Katya, continually repeating that he only loved Katya as a nike jean jacket sister, a dear, kind sister, whom he could not abandon altogether; that that would be really coarse and cruel on his part, declaring that if Natasha knew Katya they would be friends at once, so much so that they would never part and never quarrel.
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allthereclists · 7 years
Kastle Fics
oh what a marvellous sight by mind_boggling 455
a small excerpt based on that moment from the new trailer.
My Moment of Clarity by spellitwithyourpeas 902 
She didn't believe it was the end. God, she hoped it wasn't...that somehow they could come back from this.
weak knees by samssalvation 968 
karen tripping and falling into frank's arms
Dream A Little Dream of Me by helpme_iminlove 1,074 
She gave the small crowd a smile, her red lips parting to dazzle him with her teeth, and then the band had picked up a tune. Frank would be lying if he said he hadn’t held his breath waiting for her to start singing.
Two Cups of Coffee by yoncepadthai 1,676 
Months since the last time she and Frank drank coffee together, Karen debates returning to the diner.
lost and fought by SafelyCapricious 3,179 
Karen hasn't slept in far too long, trying to chase leads about this gang-cult, when her dead mentor appears in her apartment and chaos descends. She doesn't think it's due to sleep deprivation.
I Know What it Takes to Fool this Town byspellitwithyourpeas 3,726
James Wesley may be dead, but the weight of that night still is heavy. She feels the pressure build and the panic set in. She wants to move on and maybe with some help she could. If anybody can understand her actions, it'd be Frank Castle.
bloodsport by PurpleLex 5,041
[ two-part tumblr prompt: "A baddie is threatening/hurting Karen in front of a tied up Frank. And he's raging?" ]
is it too late to come on home? by volchitza 9,347
Karen worries her thumb with her index fingernail, absentmindedly picking at her skin. The azure glow of her laptop screen reflects on her face in the dark of her silent office; it's too late for anybody else at the Bulletin, but Karen doesn't feel at home anywhere much these days. The Word document she has open on the screen is blinking regularly at her, as if expecting to be filled, but she has no words to describe the emptiness eating away at her from the inside, scratching at her, digging a hollow in her middle, little by little, with every aimless step she takes, every time she sits at her desk and feels further and further from the person she was before. She doesn't know how to inhabit this new paradigm of her life: a new job, a new house, without her old friends and their evenings at Josie's. A new Karen, changed, in ways she hasn't yet explored.
Try and Try Again by silbecoo 18,544 
The night after the Punisher's funeral Karen is approached by a strange woman and given the opportunity to change the past and give Frank Castle back his future.
Losing Sleep Tonight by PunkyNemo (TheVampireCat) 42,501 wip
She's standing on his doorstep and she's asking for redemption.
He doesn't know if he has any to give.
The Punisher
Sunny Days on Sunday by Study_in_Scarlett 534
Frank and Karen grocery shopping! Or something else painfully domestic
next time by rcmsw 856
“Hey,” he hears in that voice he knows well now, that voice that is, well, something.
Frank turns to see Karen there in the doorway, standing out against the dingy walls and muted colors.
“Hey,” he responds, and feels the smile tug at his lips. He can’t help it. He’s not surprised she managed to find him here, she’s a damn good journalist after all.
Keep the Goddess on my side by Study_in_Scarlett 951
frank distracting karen from writing her article!
elevator by thefudge 959 
The elevator scene, but with a much needed addition.
Explosions have a way of revealing one's priorities byAlison_Ocean 755
"Where does that end?", she’d asked. Where the hell did she think?
Bottom of the Ocean by silbecoo 1,235
Frank has no one left to punish but himself.
Perihelion by evil bunny wolf (evil_bunny_king) 1,567 
“I’ve had, I’ve had a hell of a week, but that, I think, might’ve been part of the worst of it.”
She clears her throat, and then again, drawing her knees in. Her eyes shine a little in the lamplight. “Yeah. I was scared too. For you.”
Three to Five by homesickblues, StellarRequiem 2,064 
Karen and Frank's moment in the elevator as how it felt, not just how it looked, and the silent conversations they had there.
A Perfectly Good Opportunity by A Crimson Phoenix (cw151) 3,960
“Sorry to disappoint but Karen and I are just friends, sweetheart,” he said. “What? Why?” Leo looked at him dumbstruck. “’cos we are,” Frank shot back. “And that’s that. You’re too young to be askin’ me questions like that.” “Not too young to see a perfectly good opportunity when there is one,” Leo murmured back.
Leo is determined to make Karen and Frank happen. A power couple, just like Beyoncé and Jay-Z.
Finding Home by LaMorenaReina 11,733
“Growing up sucks, Leo. I wouldn’t recommend it.”
Or: Karen faces the truth of after while trying to live her life. Leo and Karen become friends. Karen and Frank figure some things out.
Best Revenge Is Your Paper by laiqualaurelote 15,581
"Karen." It's Bob, the night copy-editor. "Why haven't you been answering my calls?" "Someone tried to kill me. Now I'm half-dead in a ditch." "Right," says Bob, unimpressed. "You've got queries in your story. Plug them, please." "Want me to shoot him?" inquires Frank. "Jesus!" shouts Karen. "Do not shoot the copy-editors for doing their jobs, Frank!"
In which Karen Page gets a bunch of bylines, pisses off a lot of people, tries not to fall in love with her newsmaker and fails. Spans post-Daredevil Season 2 through The Defenders to post-Punisher Season 1.
The Winter King by Yggdra 26,063
Karen Page is tired of being hurt and threatened. When Wilson Fisk threatens to claw his way back into civilisation, Frank Castle steps in to offer her a safe escape.
Breaking Free (I Feel Violent) by Will_Write_4_Coffee 29,557 
After getting blown up (twice), shot at, held hostage, and saying goodbye to the one person she felt most connected to, Karen Page needed a break... Or so Ellison told her. With Christmas right around the corner, it was shaping up to be a bleak and lonely holiday, until a familiar face shows up...
Loss like the sharp edges of a knife by fandammit 33,605
“Is she a friend?”
He shrugs, though it’s a stiff movement. He knows he should just say yes, because it’s not untrue, because it’s the easiest way to explain what Karen is to him. But it also feels wrong, because friend seems like such an easy word to hold the complicated swirl of emotion he feels when he thinks about Karen. It’s both too much and too little to describe what she is to him -- a person who has been ally and advocate and antagonist all rolled into one, whose name has been both an invocation and affliction, whose memory sets off a warning light behind his eyes and a low, steady burn of longing across his veins.
Frank Castle, after.
Now we're young enough to try to build a better life bytuntekorpp 38,963 wip
Karen said she wanted an after for Frank. Maybe she needs an after for herself too.
Ink & Petals by onebatch2batch 11,261
When Karen Page's grandmother suddenly passes away and leaves her a business to run in an unfamiliar city, she realizes how lonely a place can be. That is, until she develops a crush on the handsome guy that comes into her shop fairly regularly. AU. Rated M for future chapters.
Ordinary People by edourado 13,393 
Best friends who are the Old Married Couple but fail to notice they're falling in love until is too late.
your bruises spell my name by samssalvation
after nearly two months apart, karen is certain she will never see frank again. of course, that all changes when her article crosses paths with his war.
The Shadow of Him by Bitumz
He mirrored her darkness and she reflected his past. Where Karen Page chose to go, Frank Castle would have to follow.
When I Look In The Mirror (I See Only You) byPrimarybufferpanel (ArwenLune)
The AU where Frank Castle is the cop who finds Karen moments after she has shot James Wesley, and ends up in a complicated tangle of feels, cats, and aiding and abetting a fugitive despite his best attempts to be a clean, law abiding cop
The Fall by ghoulsngunz
"I need a favor.”
A favor? Karen crossed her arms over her chest. She had to be dreaming. There was no way that after three months of silence the Punisher would be standing in her kitchen asking for a favor. “What kind of favor?”
Frank rubbed his temples. “I need you to help me find my dog.”
One Batch Per Dozen by silbecoo 
Better Natures by etirabys 
you're a shining star by Dresupi
82 notes · View notes
Another Perfect Catastrophe -5
AUTHOR: Mikimoo PAIRING: JayDick RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: Non Consensual drug use, Non Consensual touching, Non Consensual kissing, humour, slight mayhem
SUMMARY: Dick goes undercover as himself in order to catch a gang of international thieves. Jason reluctantly tags along as his long suffering bodyguard. During the ensuing mayhem they get to know each other again and build a few bridges.
Thank you to burkesl17 for the beta!
Notes: An embarrassingly long time ago, the amazing and very, very talented Pentapus invited me to do a reverse bang style exchange, and drew me an amazing prompt. I have no idea how this story was the one that emerged from the many options I had, but such is the creative process I guess! Anyhoo, many thanks to Pentapus for both encouragement and patience, and of course the incredible art! (which will be included at the end of the appropriate chapter)
Chapters: 1, 2, 3 4
He found them in the small sitting room. Dick was sprawled in a chair, glassy eyed and sweating while Sofia unbuttoned his shirt. He didn’t look like he minded, but he also looked completely wasted on whatever they had given him. 
Jason paused to assess, moving too soon might not be the best option, but waiting while they molested Dick was not an easy choice to make, and went against every instinct he had. He grit his teeth as Sofia tugged on Dick's hair, manoeuvring him for a kiss. The new position of his face meant Jason was now in his line of sight and he suddenly attempted to sit up, dislodging the girl with ease. “Jay! I’m on drugs!” he said, happily.
Thanks Dick. Who needs the element of surprise anyway? Unfortunately, Celia seemed to agree and she stepped forward and pressed the muzzle of a small but powerful handgun to Dick’s sweaty temple. His eyes crossed as he tried to look at it. The expression was daft and annoyingly adorable. Jason had clearly lost all control over his hormones on this trip.
“Don’t even think about it, Jase,” Celia said. “Hands on your head and step forward.”
Jason sighed and did as he was told. He could still gain the upper hand in a couple of moves, but he needed to play it carefully as Dick was clearly out of his mind and might accidentally stumble into a bullet if they started shooting. Better to play it safe.
“Listen, Ms Denbury. I don’t give a shit what you do, you want to rob him? Blackmail the old man? Go for it, I’m not going to stop you. We'll do what you say.”
“Your cooperation would benefit us both,” she said, pleased. “Put these cuffs on.” She chucked him a pair of simple handcuffs. They really were ridiculously sloppy. He cuffed his own wrists in front of himself and rested his hands casually in his lap. He could wait for the right moment.
“Hello, Jason!” Dick said, as Sofia slipped his shirt over his shoulders, revealing the myriad of scars across his torso.
“Whoa,” Jack said.
Sofia ran her fingers across a healed gash that bisected Dicks left nipple. Her brows creased in confusion.
“This shit isn’t normal, what the fuck?” Jack said, wide eyed.
Time for damage control, the last thing Jason needed was for them to get twitchy and trigger happy. “Don’t you people read the tabloids?” he said, scornfully. “He got kidnapped and tortured as a kid. Why do you think he drinks so damn much?”
“That’s why Wayne is so ruthless about kidnap attempts,” Celia added, knowingly, clearly pleased her previous research was being backed up.
“Yeah, although he might pay up for his golden boy – but then again he might also chase you to the ends of the earth.”
Jack looked uncertain, like he actually had a brain cell and realised that attacking the family of a billionaire with connections to both the police and access to mercenary types, might be a bit of a bad idea.
Then the door opened, Henry and Garner entered with a gust of sea air. The mood in the room shifted subtly, and Jason found himself tensing. This was the real predator in the group and his gaze was flicking between Dick and Jason like a cat torn between two weak and tasty looking mice.
“Wayne has other boys,” Garner said, by way of greeting. “He seems to like them younger.” He reached out and ran his fingers though Dick's damp hair, and the drugged up moron leaned into the touch. Garner looked over his scars with interest but not a great deal of surprise, his expression was almost reverent, like they just made Dick more attractive somehow.
“Yeah, but he is fond of Richard,” Jason said, managing to keep his voice even as he watched Garner trail his fingers over Dick’s skin.
“It doesn’t bother you?” Celia asked curiously.
Jason shrugged. “Not my business. He pays me to keep an eye on Richie here, and to try to keep him out of trouble and that’s it. What the old man does and with who is irrelevant.”
“Not doing such a good job, are you?” Garner said. He was watching Jason as he pressed his lips to Dick's jaw, hoping for a reaction. Dick turned into it, allowing the fucker to kiss him fully. It looked deep and wet and turned Jason's stomach. He clenched his fists and willed himself to remain calm. Celia still had her gun aimed at Dick’s head and Henry was watching Jason carefully, the only one who seemed to view him as a threat.
“Although,” Garner continued, as he pulled away. “I can see how you might let yourself get distracted. I met Richard and Wayne once, at a function in New York. He was about fourteen or fifteen, small for his age, ridiculously pretty. None of the usual awkwardness at that age. When I shook his hand I noticed faint bruises on his wrist, and at the juncture of his throat. I wanted him, I knew he would be perfect. Wayne wouldn’t let him out of his sight though.” He skimmed the scar over Dick’s nipple. “And I can see he wasn't gentle. The kid took a lot of damage it seems.”
Jason snorted, his anger levels were not far away from boiling over. “And now, years later you have your shot at him. How lovely. Of course you have to use drugs, rather than just force.” Jason couldn't keep the disgust from his voice, for some reason it seemed to get up Garners nose and he pulled away from Dick to get in Jason's face instead.
“You have a smart tongue for someone completely in my power,” he said. It might have been menacing to someone who wasn’t Jason.
“And you're a grandstanding creep,” Jason snapped, he’d been dealing with more frightening people when he was still in diapers.
Garner slapped him hard across the face. Jason rolled with the blow, it was barely a love tap, but it did help him get his mouth under control. He had to play by their rules for now.
Dick didn’t get that memo though, and he suddenly shot to his feet and pointed a finger, slurring loudly, “Stop! Don’t hit him, you fuck-face!” Then he fell over his own feet, face first onto the plush carpet.
“Is he okay?” Jason asked when Dick didn’t immediately get back up. He was oddly touched that his being smacked around by a Z list criminal inspired Dick’s protective instincts despite the amount of drugs in his system. Or because of them.
Garner nudged Dick onto his back using the toe of his expensive loafer.
Dick blinked blearily up at him. “Did someone hit me?” he asked. “My face hurts.”
“You fell on it,” Jason told him mildly. “Defending my honour.”
Dick smiled up at him from his position on the floor. “When did you get so big, Jaybird? And so hot? You were so scrawny, all gangly with giant hands and feet like a Great Dane puppy.”
“Just how long have you two known each other?” Celia asked, suspiciously.
“A long time,” Jason told her, with only the slightest hint of scorn.
“Oh? How do a rich bitch like Grayson and a nobody like you meet?”
“He wasn’t always a rich bitch. He was just another little orphan like me. Except prettier, so he got life with a billionaire and I got to stay in the group home,” Jason lied effortlessly.
“That's really sad,” Dick said, mournful. “I'm sorry, Jay.”
Jason resisted the urge to roll his eyes and kept his expression hard.
“Enough of this nonsense,” Garner said. “Let’s get the bank details off him and then get on with things.”
Things. That was one way to put it. Jason leaned forward slightly. “That sounds ominous. If all you want is access to his bank accounts, I can provide what you need. All I care about is keeping my hide in one piece and getting Richard back to Daddy so I get paid.”
“You’ll just give us the information?”
“Yeah, why not? Safeguarding the Wayne millions isn't my job. And this counts as under duress in any case. “
“We will check, and we will seriously hurt you both if you mess us about.”
Scary stuff. He was shivering in his boots. He managed to hold back the aggrieved sigh he desperately wanted to heave and gave them the information of the very convincing but very fake account they had set up in preparation for something like this happening. And Celia, Sofia and Jack took their leave, presumably to go though the info and transfer the cash.
That left them with Henry and Garner.
Henry had a slightly disgusted look on his face, he clearly found Garner’s sadistic games distasteful. “If you’re going to play with Richie Rich here, then I'll take Jason elsewhere,” he said.
Jason suspected 'elsewhere' meant: out back for a bullet to the brain. But either way he wasn't going to leave Dick alone with Garner in this state, not even for the five minutes it would take to dispose of Henry.
“No, I want him to watch,” Garner said. His particular perversions coming to the rescue, not often you could say sexual sadism saved the day.
Henry sneered. “As you please, I’m not going to though, so you best let me secure him a bit better.”
Garner nodded absently, he had Dick off the floor and back in the chair. Although Dick was no longer being compliant and was scowling like a pouty puppy. Probably still angry about Jason being slapped earlier, which was very endearing, despite the circumstances.
Henry approached and Jason kept himself still, ignoring what was happening across the room with some difficulty. “Why do you put up with this nasty ass shit?” he asked quietly, trying to get more of a measure of the man.
“Same reason you do. Money.” He held a gun to Jason's head and forced him to his feet, before leading him to the heavy side table. He undid Jason's cuffs and redid them behind him before using a second pair and attaching him to the solid oak table.
“I'll be just outside, Garner. Shout if you need assistance.”
It took Jason thirty seconds to get the cuffs off, about as long as it took Garner to fail get control of Dick, who was trying to shove him away with all the strength of a kitten – but he was a kitten with some serious training and Garner was bleeding from the mouth where he had been bitten or scratched. He smacked Dick open handed with a blow that wouldn't even have registered for Nightwing but sent drugged up Richie sprawling across the floor. It was at about that point that Jason decided Garner was going to have to die.
Dick seemed stunned by his fall to the carpet and was curled up, facing away when Jason struck, he snapped Garner’s neck with a powerful punch and twist - not an easy move, but a brutally effective one he’d learnt from teachers he’d later put down like the scum they were.
He carefully lowered Garner’s dead weight to the floor. The guy deserved to die, and Jason felt nothing about the action itself, only a fission of regret for the arguments and stupidity that were sure to follow. But he would deal with the Bat fallout later, he didn’t have time to fight with Dick right now.
Thankfully Dick hadn’t actually noticed and was still on the floor, he appeared to be rubbing his bruised cheek on the carpet, perhaps enjoying the sensation the drugs caused him to have at the action. “Come on, Dickie,” Jason said, pulling him to his feet. “We gotta run, okay?”
“Jay, I missed you when you were dead.”
Jason blinked at him. “That’s nice? Can we go?” he said at last and Dick allowed himself to be supported as he wobbled into motion. He swayed and caught hold of Jason's jacket, burying his face in the leather with a sigh.
Jason heaved a sigh of his own. They were a long way from being out of the woods yet, and he was going to have to get them there because being taken down by this bunch of incompetent morons was just too embarrassing to contemplate. Thankfully with the blueprints in mind he knew the location to the wine cellar – there was no knowing how long they would have until their absence was noticed, so the quicker they got there the better.
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go-redgirl · 5 years
Kaepernick Attorney Slams Jay-Z For 'Cold-Blooded' Deal To Promote Social Justice With NFL The Hill ^ | John Bowden - 08/20/19
OPINION:  Jay-Z is correct in to ‘Promote Social Justice With NFL.  Kaepernick only advanced himself with all that healing on the field.  First, he was an awful player from the very beginning.  
He used others in an attempt to get attention by kneeling on the field.  It was all planned from the beginning.  Most intelligent individuals could see straight through him.
And, guess what?  He was the only one on the team that benefited from his kneeling.  He’s nothing but a con-artist.  
Many of us knew what was going with him and it has proven accurate.
To: yesthatjallen Punk Kaeperdick is still whining.
9 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:24:15 PM by Conserv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: canuck_conservative And I guess his cut of the 50 mil is not enough for Geragos, which is why he wants to keep stirring the pot.
10 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:28:16 PM by Avalon Memories (This Deplorable is not fooled by the Marxist-Stalinist totalitarians infesting the Dem Party.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: rigelkentaurus Which team is willing to take the hit to their season and record? It's a business meant to make money. The big money comes from a successful season.
Would any team be willing to risk being last in the league?
Would it placate blacks?
They'd just blame the owners for not supporting or 'believing in' Kaepernick.
It's a no-win for everyone.
11 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:29:40 PM by yesthatjallen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen Kaep is getting $100 million from Nike.
Who sold out again?
12 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:29:57 PM by <1/1,000,000th% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Avalon Memories The idiots who run the NFL can’t stop surrendering ... who wouldn’t exploit that??
13 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:30:46 PM by canuck_conservative -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To: antidemoncrat He can still afford an attorney....rats. I read not long ago that he got a multimillion dollar payout from the NFL for discrimination.
Don't know if it's true.
16 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:32:52 PM by Gay State Conservative (A joke: Brennan,Comey and Lynch walk into a Barr...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen The owners keep stepping into the minefield. No amount of pandering or concessions will satisfy African Americans. Its my opinion most African Americans simply want to watch football too, without the politics. Its another area that's being exploited and milked by the race-grievance industry, and leftist politicians trying to get headlines. The NFL management are stupid because they are living in the same tiny media and social bubble as these people, so they believe they need to pander.
17 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:33:57 PM by PGR88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen My tweet earlier today to the ESPN journo who covers the Dolphins and is defending another SJW racist (Kenny Stills-WR)...
Replying to @CameronWolfe Of all black homicides, 93% is black-on-black. Where is Stills? Where is Sharpton? Where is Jackson? Where is BLM? Where is Crappernick? Where is CameronWolfe?
18 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:34:34 PM by newfreep ("INSIDE EVERY PROGRESSIVE IS A TOTALITARIAN SCREAMING TO GET OUT" - DAVID HOROWITZ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen; All
Wait a minute, last I saw, Geragos is a honkey! WTF?
19 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:38:17 PM by notdownwidems (Washington D.C. has become the enemy of free people everywhere!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Sans-Culotte
I don't understand the hate the SJWs have for Jay-Z. By hiring him, it seems to me the NFL is saying that the kneelers "need a voice" in the league. He didn't give them a voice. Jay-Z is now the voice of the OWNERS; a token hire meant to silence the protests. He essentially said, 'we need to get beyond knelling'.
To blacks and SJW he's now a sell-out.
We now have an intersectional nexus between blacks, the NFL, and rappers.
This is going to get interesting.
20 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:38:33 PM by yesthatjallen
To: PGR88 Its my opinion most African Americans simply want to watch football too, without the politics. Its another area that's being exploited and milked by the race-grievance industry, and leftist politicians trying to get headlines. I agree. Most blacks just want to watch a game and cheer for their team.
But this is really about race-baiters using race, once again, to gain power and control.
Blacks have been complaining for years about players, coaches, managers, and owners.
This manufactured controversy is just a means to power and control of the NFL.
They smell blood in the water and they're going to keep hammering the NFL until they gain control.
22 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:49:52 PM by yesthatjallen
To: yesthatjallen Mark Geragos. Wasn’t he in trouble with avenatti regarding shakedown of Nike?
23 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:53:05 PM by Donnafrflorida (Thru Him all things are possible.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen He didn't give them a voice. Jay-Z is now the voice of the OWNERS; a token hire meant to silence the protests. He essentially said, 'we need to get beyond knelling'. I did not say it clearly. I meant that hiring Jay-Z is getting the NFL involved in BLM/Social change BS. It still seems to me it is about somehow making the white fans feel guilty because of white privilege...or something...
It does get away from the literal kneeling, but it is still SJW nonsense that does not belong in a sport.
24 posted on 8/20/2019, 12:56:46 PM by Sans-Culotte (If it weren't for fake hate crimes, there would be no hate crimes at all.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: yesthatjallen We’ll see your Kaepernick and raise you with a Jay Z........
25 posted on 8/20/2019, 1:04:02 PM by Lockbox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: rigelkentaurus Nothing would end all this nonsense like an EPIC FAIL on the field.
26 posted on 8/20/2019, 1:08:25 PM by Buckeye McFrog (Patrick Henry would have been an anti-vaxxer.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: yesthatjallen So, the Colin K. thing was not actually about social justice, it was just about employing him again. Good to know.
27 posted on 8/20/2019, 2:34:59 PM by CharlesWayneCT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 notes
joeygoespolitical · 7 years
Blaming Sexism and Shaming Female Trump Voters For Hillary Clinton's Defeat is Beyond Pathetic
Tumblr media
If we all had a nickel for every time Hillary Clinton blamed sexism for her election defeat, poverty would no longer exist.
With the launch of her What Happened book tour (which has been more like a comedy tour because her lack of self-awareness is hilarious), she has been reliving the 2016 election over and over and over again. The failed presidential candidate has been mocked not just by conservatives but by late-night comedians and even by some people in the media for her never-ending blame game that included James Comey, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Matt Lauer, Russia, WikiLeaks, Facebook, Fox News... you name it, she blamed it.
While passing the blame on all those things is laughable, it's when she uses sexism and misogyny as a crutch for her own self-imposed victimhood that has me chuckling. For over nine months, she has been pretending that more people hated her because she's a woman and not because she's corrupt, dishonest, un-relatable, inauthentic, and untrustworthy.
To me, it's always funny when Clinton points to sexism for her epic loss. However, I don't think it's funny when prominent, important American figures who supported her campaign do it. In fact, it's sad.
Just take a look at what said this week. First we have Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was asked by Charlie Rose if sexism played a role in the 2016 election. And big shocker, she thinks it did. She called it a "major factor."
Look, are there real misogynists out there who would hate to see a woman president? Sure, but in no way was that a "major factor" in Clinton's defeat. You know what's a major factor in her not winning Wisconsin? Not visiting Wisconsin! Even if you delve into her blame game, you can argue that Comey and maybe Russia were "major factors." We're learning more and more about Russia's efforts to influence voters on social media and pushing fake news- that if all of it was geared to take down Clinton, then she has a solid case. She certainly does with Comey, who reopened the investigation into her emails just eleven days before the election. I mean, if it weren't for Anthony Weiner being a pervert, Clinton may be sitting in the Oval Office today instead of a Barnes & Noble. But for a sitting Supreme Court judge and one as respected as Justice Ginsburg to invoke sexism so effortlessly diminishes actual sexism. Because the standard Ginsburg is setting is that if any woman doesn't get her way, she can look down at her private parts instead of taking responsibility.
And then came former First Lady Michelle Obama. In front of an audience at a conference, she insisted that "any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice," adding that they "don't like" their voices.
In other words, Michelle Obama was saying women were obligated to vote for Clinton because she was a woman. That the 43% of all women who voted Trump aren't capable of making their own decisions. Does she not understand how degrading that is? To be forced to vote for someone because you both have vaginas? I'm Jewish and not once during the election did I feel the need to vote for Bernie Sanders because he's Jewish. It'd be silly for me to vote for him because of that. Yet, such a reason was embraced by women this past election cycle from feminists like Madeleine Albright who said that there's a "special place in hell" for women who didn't support Clinton and Gloria Steinem who dismissed women who supported Bernie Sanders because they were simply chasing boys. Such characterizations for women who think for themselves instead of thinking with their ovaries is in itself sexist.
What's absolutely shameful is that this came from a First Lady and one who is so well-liked and respected as herself. However, we shouldn't be completely shocked. After all, this is the same woman that said she was proud of her country "for the first time" when her husband Barack Obama was clinching the Democratic nomination back in 2008. Apparently back then she was "going against her voice" because she didn't support Hillary Clinton. In fact, she even attacked Clinton as a wife and mother, saying "if you can't run your own house, then you certainly can't run the White House."
For Michelle Obama to delegitimize millions of female voters because they didn't vote the way she wanted them to vote is a disgrace.
What I find humorous is when Clinton supporters pretend like she was a "champion" for women. While they can point to Trump's infamous Access Hollywood tape and the numerous allegations made against him, they conveniently ignore how the former First Lady stayed married to a serial cheater and accused sexual predator just so she can ride his coattails and shamed his accusers along the way. And whether you like Trump or not, having the ghosts of Bill Clinton's past (Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Willey) as well as Kathy Shelton, the child rape victim whose rapist was found not guilty with the help of then-attorney Hillary Rodham, at the second debate was an evil genius move on his part, especially since Clinton put herself in a corner during the campaign saying that sexual assault victims "have the right to be believed."
Liberals refuse to acknowledge that this type of condescension and identity politics had a bigger role in Clinton's defeat than sexism ever did. Ultimately, the 2016 election came down to who had the winning message and strategy. Donald Trump ran on promising economic prosperity and strengthening national security while Clinton ran on "breaking the glass ceiling." Trump embraced the media that desperately wanted him to lose while Clinton avoided doing any interviews for nearly three months since launching her campaign and went over 200 days during the election without doing any press conferences. Trump alone excited crowds of thousands at his rallies while Clinton relied on Beyoncé and Jay Z to give free concerts. Trump represented change and Clinton represented the status quo.  You only have to compare the slogans "Make America Great Again" and "I'm With Her" to figure out who was better at connecting with voters in battleground states.
In the end, Democrats made a huge mistake making Hillary Clinton their party's nominee because she ended up being the one person who could lose to Trump. Her email scandal dogged her campaign from beginning to end and over half the population thought the FBI made the wrong decision in not pursuing charges against her. And do you want to know how sexism had little to do with Clinton's defeat? Replace her with someone likable and trustworthy like Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) or even Oprah Winfrey and they probably would have beaten Trump.
No one can stop Hillary Clinton from blaming sexism for her defeat. She's practically programmed as a default setting. But for highly-respected women like a Supreme Court justice and a former First Lady to stoop to such levels to defend the worst presidential candidate in U.S. history only makes them look pathetic.
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