#Jesus Cares
viv-nderitu · 2 months
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Isaiah 45:2-3
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onceatpeace · 24 days
God loves us,
We are meant to love each other, everyone
Accept who you are and who you will become
Don't let your past define you but shape your future for who you will be
Love isn't rushed or sexual
It's within us to share and appreciate
Enjoy you're time while you still have some
And always be joyous even in bad situations
Heal from what has broken you
Propser from where you are now
Be happy. Be loved. Show love.
-Once at peace
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saltoftheearth5x2 · 3 months
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If you ever feel that God has abandoned you in times of trials, remember that a teacher remains silent during the tests. God never said that the path ahead would be easy, but it's not impassible. These trials help shape us and strengthen our faith so that we can help others who are going through the same struggles as us.
If you have any questions regarding the Christian faith, please ask me in my ask box. I am not a perfect person, but I will try and answer your questions as best as I can. We all have much more to learn, myself included. So please, do not be shy.
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ae-cha08 · 4 months
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This verse is filled with great promises offering hope.
The Lord will:
1) guide you continually,
2) satisfy your soul in drought,
3) strengthen your bones,
4) make you a flourishing garden, and
5) make you a never-failing spring of water.
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troythecatfish · 2 months
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tears-that-heal · 4 months
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artist on instagram @jasminem_001
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lghitofgospel · 21 days
Answering the Call of Jesus: A Journey to Peace, Purpose, and Joy
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Introduction: Understanding the Call of Jesus
The call of Jesus is central to the Christian faith, an invitation that echoes through the ages, transcending time and culture. It is a call that beckons individuals to leave behind the familiar and embark on a transformative journey. Historically, Jesus called His disciples not from the ranks of the elite, but from ordinary walks of life, demonstrating that His call is inclusive and universal. It is an invitation to follow, to learn, and to be transformed by the love and teachings of Christ.
The Nature of Jesus' Call: An Invitation to Follow
Jesus’ call is deeply personal and intimate. Unlike the distant mandates of many religious traditions, Jesus' invitation is relational, calling individuals by name. “Follow me,” He says, offering a path not just to knowledge, but to a life lived in close communion with Him. This call is distinct because it invites individuals into a transformative relationship, not just adherence to a set of rules or rituals.
The Call to Discipleship: Commitment and Sacrifice
To heed the call of Jesus is to embrace discipleship, a path that requires both commitment and sacrifice. Discipleship is more than mere belief; it is a total surrender to the will of God. Jesus made it clear that following Him would not always be easy. He spoke of taking up one’s cross, a symbol of the sacrifices required. Yet, this path of sacrifice leads to profound fulfillment and eternal reward.
The Call to Relationship: Knowing Jesus Personally
Jesus’ call transcends religious observance and invites us into a personal relationship. It is a call to know Him, not just know about Him. This intimate relationship is cultivated through prayer, worship, and the study of scripture. It is in the quiet moments of communion that believers come to know the heart of Jesus, finding in Him a friend and savior who understands their deepest longings.
The Call to Faith: Trusting in God’s Plan
Faith is at the core of responding to Jesus' call. It requires trusting in God's plan, even when the path is unclear. Biblical narratives abound with examples of faith—Abraham leaving his homeland, Peter stepping out of the boat, Mary accepting the angel's proclamation. Each story reflects a willingness to trust in the unseen, to believe in the goodness of God’s promises.
The Call to Repentance: Turning Away from Sin
Central to Jesus’ message is the call to repentance, a turning away from sin and turning towards God. Repentance is more than regret; it is a heartfelt change of direction. It involves recognizing one’s sins, confessing them, and seeking God’s forgiveness. True repentance leads to transformation, freeing the believer from the chains of past mistakes and ushering them into new life.
The Call to Love: Emulating Christ’s Compassion
Jesus’ call is a call to love, a love that mirrors His own boundless compassion. He commanded His followers to love their neighbors, to care for the poor, to show kindness even to their enemies. This radical love is the hallmark of a true disciple. It challenges believers to go beyond mere sentiment and engage in acts of selfless compassion, reflecting the love of Christ in every interaction.
The Call to Serve: Living a Life of Service
Service is a defining characteristic of Jesus' call. He exemplified servant leadership, washing the feet of His disciples and feeding the hungry. Jesus’ followers are called to emulate this service, to see leadership as an opportunity to serve others. Serving in the community, helping those in need, and volunteering time and resources are practical expressions of this call.
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The Call to Forgiveness: Letting Go of Grudges
Forgiveness lies at the heart of Jesus’ teachings. He taught that as God forgives our sins, so too must we forgive those who wrong us. This call to forgiveness is not always easy, yet it is essential for the healing of relationships and the restoration of peace. By forgiving others, believers release the burden of resentment, paving the way for reconciliation and harmony.
The Call to Peace: Finding Rest in Jesus
In a world filled with turmoil, Jesus offers a call to peace. He promises a peace that transcends understanding, a peace that calms the storm within. This peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of God amidst chaos. To follow Jesus is to find rest for the soul, a deep-seated tranquility that comes from trusting in His sovereignty.
The Call to Purpose: Discovering Your Mission
Every believer is called to a unique purpose, a specific mission designed by God. Jesus’ call prompts individuals to seek out this purpose, to discern the ways they are to contribute to God’s kingdom. Whether in a professional career, ministry, or daily interactions, answering this call means living with intention, aligning one's life with God's greater plan.
The Call to Hope: Anticipating God’s Promises
Jesus’ call is infused with hope, the confident expectation of God’s future promises. Hope is a sustaining force, especially in times of despair. It anchors the soul, reminding believers that their present circumstances are not their final destination. Jesus’ resurrection is the ultimate symbol of this hope, the assurance of life beyond death and the promise of eternal joy.
The Call to Joy: Experiencing God’s Joy Daily
Joy is a natural response to the presence of Jesus. It is more than happiness; it is a deep-rooted joy that persists regardless of external circumstances. This joy stems from the assurance of God’s love and the security of His promises. Cultivating joy involves gratitude, worship, and mindfulness of God's blessings, allowing believers to experience a foretaste of heaven on earth.
The Call to Evangelism: Sharing the Good News
Jesus commissioned His followers to spread the Good News, to share the message of His love and salvation with the world. Evangelism is a response to Jesus’ call, a way to invite others into the transformative relationship with Him. Sharing the Gospel can take many forms—from personal conversations to public speaking to acts of kindness that reflect God's love.
Embrace the Call of Jesus Today!
Start Your Journey Now
Jesus Calling: Enjoying
Conclusion: Answering Jesus’ Call Today
The call of Jesus is timeless, an invitation that resounds throughout history into the present day. It is a call that requires a response, a decision to follow Him wholeheartedly. Answering Jesus’ call transforms lives, filling them with purpose, peace, and joy. Each day presents a new opportunity to heed this call, to draw nearer to Jesus, and to live out His teachings in a world that desperately needs His light.
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ayane2355 · 4 months
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Jesus painting I did a couple weeks ago. My first time painting a person instead of scenery, I suppose I cut out the easy part by not having to draw any facial features, though.
I call this one 'The way, the truth, and the light'.
(And that's not skin, by the way, its just my bad attempt at drawing a dirty tunic.)
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edoomstuff · 6 months
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prayersteam · 2 years
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viv-nderitu · 2 months
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For we have received grace in place grace already given through Christ
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onceatpeace · 15 days
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saltoftheearth5x2 · 3 months
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If you have any questions regarding the Christian faith, please ask me in my ask box. I am not a perfect person, but I will try and answer your questions as best as I can. We all have much more to learn, myself included. So please, do not be shy.
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mindfulnessministry · 3 months
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tears-that-heal · 4 months
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(unknown artist)
Riding on the Clouds 💖🐰
I fall off my cloud numerous of times, but I must get right back on it. Again and again. My cloud helps me rise above my circumstances and keeps me close to God. High up in the Heavens. ☺️🌈🌤️☁️
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"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;"
2 Corinthians 4:17
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