#John Murphy x oc
moonylantsovs · 11 months
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summary: gabriella kane and what is left of the hundred get separated from the dropship camp after the battle with the grounders. people who gabriella buried and mourned join them on earth. when she finds out most of her people are missing, she is ready to go through whatever she has to in order to get them back ─ even if that means making a truce with the grounders
the forty-eight
inclement weather
many happy returns
human trials
fog of war
long into an abyss
remember me
survival of the fittest
coup de grâce
bodyguard of lies
blood must have blood
blood must have blood (2)
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waffles-fanfics · 5 months
Attitude Adjustment Chapter 1
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This story is OC x Reader be warned!
Reigna is one of the expendable, sent to the ground along with 99 other delinquents. After finally being reunited with her best friend, she hopes it'll all be smooth sailing. But after the threat of the grounders is revealed, she tries to do everything in her power to keep herself alive, along with the very few people the cares about.
1,792 tally marks adorned the walls of her isolation cell in the sky box.
“Just a few more and that’ll make five years.” The brunette muttered to herself, finally scratching the newest tally mark into her wall with the regulation knife she stole from a guard around two years ago. Sighing deeply to herself, the girl slumped down against the opposite wall. Reigna had been locked away in the Sky Box about a month after she turned fourteen. Today was her eighteenth and she would soon be floated for the crimes that landed her here in the first place. She mindlessly combed her fingers through the ends of her long hair. She had been in solitary for so long, regular things like haircuts hadn’t been offered to her.
“Any minute now…” She mumbled, anxiety rising in her gut, the knife clenched tightly in her hand as she waited for the guards to haul her to her death. Reigna had vowed to herself that this would not be the end. She refused to die. She was prepared to kick, scratch, bite, anything that would allow her to run away and hide. She knew her family wouldn’t take her back, but maybe she could escape to one of the other bases on the ARC to hide away. Anything to escape the death that was looming outside her door.
Reigna’s ear twitched as she heard the heavy steps of the guards approaching her door. She let out a slow breath as she readied herself for the fight to come.
“Prisoner 396 please face the wall with your hands behind your back.” A guard called through her door. Reigna clenched her jaw.
“Bite me.” She yelled back, shifting her body onto her feet, preparing herself to run. Like lightning, the door to her cell slammed open, three guards flooding the space as she attempted to dart past them into the open hallway. Two of them attempted to seize her by the arms but she quickly lashed out, swiping the knife she had hidden in an arc in front of her body. One guard attempted to duck under the blow to tackle her around the waist, but she evaded, stepping quickly to the side and sprinting into the hall.
“We got a runner!” One of the guards yelled from her room. Reigna whipped her head around, the knife still tightly gripped in her hand as she looked around. Every room in the sky box was being emptied of its occupants. Some delinquents more docile than others. Reigna hesitated at the sight just long enough for one of the guards to follow her into the hall. She felt the muscles in her body seize up as she fell to her knees.
‘That bastard shocklashed me!’ she thought, a shocked expression crossing her face momentarily. Her knife was kicked away by another guard as she struggled on the floor. She could still feel the aftereffects of the electricity in her body and her movements sluggish as she struggled. She felt a metal cuff being clamped around her wrist as she attempted to escape their hold. One of the guards nodded to someone out of her sight and she felt a prick and a sting in her neck before a cooling sensation spread through her. As her vision began to blur Reigna could only panic.
‘What are they doing to us.’
Reigna could feel her body practically coming back to life after she had been drugged. She could hear voices surrounding her, still slightly muffled in her ears. She flexed her fingers and felt metal, and the more she came to, she realized she was sitting up in a chair. Slowly her eyes fluttered open and she began to take in her surroundings. She was in an enclosed space surrounded by other teens she assumed had also been in the sky box. she looked down and saw she had been strapped into a seat. Her breath quickened slightly. looking to her right she saw a boy she didn’t recognize but let out a small gasp as she looked to her left.
“Murphy?” She mumbled, reaching her hand up to pat his cheek gently. He stirred, his eyes moving rapidly behind his lids before his eyes opened into a squint.
“Reigna?” He said her name with equal amounts of shock. Reigna had to will away the tears springing to her eyes at the sight of him. John Murphy. Reigna’s best friend. The only person in her life she was positive cared about her. She hadn’t seen his face since she was locked up. Every once in a while she would hear news about him in passing from the guards or from other teens who were confined as harshly to their cells.
‘Did you hear they floated Murphy’s dad?’
‘His mom drank herself to death I’m not surprised he got himself arrested’
‘Did you see? Pike totally beat Murphy’s ass during that Earth Skills class!’
Reigna remembered the rage she felt, the way these people talked so casually about her best friend’s pain, his suffering. But now here he was, thrust back into her life like he had never left her. Like she’d never left him.
“Wha- What’s going on?” He looked around frantically before his eyes fell back to her. She’s grown. They both had. Last time Murphy had seen her, she’d been a tiny, skinny little thing. Still vicious with a bad biting habit, but she’d been loyal to a fault. Her parents never let her grow out her hair back then so her hair had stayed a modest shoulder length. She had always been pale, but her scattered freckles and small moles had made the pale work for her. Now, while she hadn’t gotten much taller in these years, her hair had grown. Her long brown hair brushed against her waist, the ends slightly crooked since she had been maintaining her hair with the knife she’d stolen. And she’d filled out. She knew her chest had gotten bigger. Not many people get new clothing often in the sky box. The tank top she was currently wearing was the same one she’d had for the past two years and it had gotten slightly… tight around her chest.
Murphy was the same. Last Reigna saw him, he’d been her height if not slightly shorter. Skinny and sickly, but just as loyal Reigna. Now, she could easily tell, Murphy had gotten tall. Sprouted into something Reigna almost didn’t recognize. His features looked stronger and not quite as if he was one cough away from an extended stay in Medical.
“I don’t know…” Reigna mumbled in response, tearing her eyes away from her friend and looking around the room again. Some people she recognized, Clarke Griffin and Wells Jaha pointedly. She held back a severe roll of her eyes, “At least I know now they aren’t killing all of us right now.” She said to Murphy, indicating the two of them with a slight tilt of her head. She heard Murphy repress a groan of irritation. Along with Chancellor 2.0, Reigna saw a man in a guard uniform. Reigna wasn’t all convinced of his place, he looked around almost nervously.
Suddenly there was a noise and various screens around the room blinked to life. Playing was a prerecorded message from the Chancellor. Reigna looked up at the screen before them with visible disgust. As he spoke, Reigna tuned out his words, looking around the room once more. She watched as a boy across the room unbuckled his straps and began… floating?
“Reign-” Murphy tapped her arm frantically. Her attention was dragged away from the now multiple floating boys as she looked to Murphy.
“They’re sending us to Earth…” He said, voice laced with tension. Reigna’s gaze snapped to the screen as it began to flicker. It was at this moment that all the tells started falling into place. This wasn’t just another room in the ARC. This was a dropship.
“Send the expendable…” She said, her tone laced with venom. Her hands gripped the straps keeping her in her seat. She could feel her heart race as she finally noticed the subtle shaking of the room and the humming of the engines and oxygen machines as they plummeted towards the planet.
“Well… Happy birthday, i guess.” Murphy joked, a smirk creeping onto his face as he looked over at her.
“Best one I’ve ever had,” She replied sarcastically, her hand darting to grab his arm as the dropship started aggressively shaking as they approached earth. The sound of the dropship entering the atmosphere made Reigna’s ears ring. She took a deep breath and clenched her eyes shut as the other teens around her yelled. Suddenly there was a loud noise and the dropship jerked, making Reigna and Murphy’s heads smack the back of their seats as the parachute deployed. Finally, there was a bang and the dropship stopped moving. The room was silent as everyone looked around nervously for a moment.
“Listen,” an Asian boy across the room said, “No machine hum.”
Everyone listened for a moment before realizing he was right, there was no engine sounding, no oxygen pumps. Quick as lightning, everyone began unclasping their straps and belts, rushing down to the bottom floor of the dropship. Reigna tugged the release clasp to no avail before calling out to Murphy, who had already gotten out of his seat. He tugged on the clasp jerkily, glancing over as he heard a hiss from the door and a feminine voice scream ‘We’re back, bitches!’
Finally the clasp gave way and Reigna sprang out of her seat, rushing to the ladder with Murphy hot on her heels. the two finally reached the wide open door, awe plastered on their faces.
“I never thought i would get to see trees this big…” Reigna muttered, admiring the green giants as far as her eyes could see.
“It’s a lot greener than I thought it would be.” He mused, slowly moving to stand beside her. Their eyes scanned the area, taking in the scenery. Suddenly a hearty smack landed between Reigna’s shoulder blades, causing her to stumble. She turned quickly, a glare marring her face, but the expression quickly melted.
“Atom!” She said happily. She remembered the taller boy from their classes before she had gotten arrested. He had graciously decided to be friends with her after she had decked him for calling Murphy ugly. Murphy used to joke that punch made him fall for her.
“Lovely, we all get to experience possible doom together again,” Reigna joked, beginning to walk down the ramp onto the earth. Murphy nodded in agreement, giving Atom a friendly pat on the shoulder before they followed after her.
“Oh, right. Happy birthday, Reign.” Atom called out, making her smile slightly.
“Glad everyone remembers, not like we ever celebrated.” She snorted.
“It’s worth remembering.” Murphy interjected quickly. Reigna cast him a grateful smile over her shoulder as they slowly walked around the dropship. Before she could respond with something self deprecating, she heard a scuffle. The three looked over and saw Wells manhandling a kid she thinks was named Jasper. Murphy strode over quickly and pulled Wells off of him.
“Hey, watch it. He’s with us.” Reigna heard Murphy speak as her and Atom caught up.
“Relax, we’re just trying to figure out where we are.” Wells replied, trying to quell the impending argument.
“We’re on the ground, not good enough for you?” The guard Reigna clocked on the dropship spoke up before she could. She noticed a pretty girl standing closely to his side that she was sure she had truly never seen before in her life. It finally clicked in Reigna’s mind that she must have been the girl whose mother hid her in the floor. By that point in her life Reigna had already been locked up, but she remember how shocked everyone had been when it came out. So the guard must be her brother. Meaning she was right, he wasn’t actually a guard.
“We need to find Mount Weather,” Wells snapped back, “You heard my father’s message. That has to be our first priority.” he looked around as he spoke, as if most of the people who had been sent down here didn’t detest his father.
“Screw your father,” Floor girl yelled, truly speaking for the masses, “What, do you think your in charge here? You and your little princess.” She hissed, looking Clarke up and down with irritation as she spoke.
“Do you think we care who’s in charge?” Clarke replied and Reigna groaned with a deep roll of her eyes, “We need to get to Mount Weather not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we’ll get and the harder this’ll be. How long do you think we’ll last without those supplies? We’re looking at a twenty-mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now.” Clarke finished and looked back to her map.
“Better idea,” Floor Brother spoke up, “You two go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change.” Reigna looked around as he spoke and saw other teens nodding in agreement.
“You’re not listening,” Wells interjected sounding exasperated, “We need to go.”
“Look at ‘im, Murph,” Reigna mumbled, elbowing Murphy lightly, “Already thinks he’s the Chancellor of Earth,” She snickered, making Murphy snort in agreement.
“You think your funny-” Wells stepped toward Reigna, but Murphy moved her behind him, glaring at the boy. Before Reigna could shove Wells herself, Murphy was already acting. He pushed Wells harshly and he fell, twisting his ankle in the process. Wells picked himself up quickly. Both boys held up their fists. Murphy feigned a punch, attempting to get Wells to try to hit him but as he limped forward, another boy dropped down from the roof of the dropship and landed between them. Reigna, Atom, and Murphy all glanced up in confusion before looking back to the boy with longer hair.
“Kid’s got one leg,” The shaggy haired boy spoke, motioning to Wells, “Why don’t you wait ‘till its a fair fight.” he said with a tone of condescension. Before Murphy could decide to start swinging on this kid too, she placed a gently hand on his shoulder.
“He’s right, Murph. It’ll be worth more when he’s not limping,” She said with venom, eyes narrowed at the two before she turned and began to walk away. Murphy huffed before following close behind, loyal as always.
“Can one of you big, strong boys help me rip this off?” Reigna asked with a flutter of her lashes. Atom and Murphy looked at each other momentarily before Atom groaned and stood. This was the third time she’d asked for help tearing the destroyed side of the dropship to shreds, having immediately started making herself and the boys crude knives. Atom carefully tore a hand sized piece of metal from the wall and handed it over to the shorter girl. She smiled and nodded in appreciation before making her way back to Murphy. She dropped down to sit beside him, grabbing the rock she used to make his knife before starting on her own.
“Left a little somethin’ for Wells on the other side of the dropship wall,” Murphy spoke, picking at the point of his newly made knife as he spoke.
“Did you, now.” Reigna replied, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, “Knowing you, it’s probably something he’ll just try to punch you for later,” She teased and he cracked a small smile.
“I’ll show you when he gets back.” He said with a smirk. There was a moment of silence before Reigna looked back to her friend.
“Are you okay? I meant to ask earlier but…” she trailed off, her eyes looking to the ground.
“I’m great, now.” He said, wrapping his arm around her in a tight half hug.
“You know what i meant,” Reigna said, her brows slightly furrowed as she looked back up at him.
“I did, and I meant what i just said.” She replied in a tone that made her roll her eyes. Murphy smiled at her reaction before looking away, “Wells is back.” he nodded in the direction and stood, Reigna standing to follow him, Atom and his friend Mbege close behind.
“Find any water yet?” Murphy asked, not really caring for the answer. Wells shook his head.
“No, not yet, but I’m going back if you guys want to come.” He responded, looking up at them before looking to where Murphy was. hastily scratched into the dropship wall was ‘First Son To Dye’. Reigna scoffed softly at the display before looking back to Murphy, whose face was stone cold.
“You know, my father begged for mercy in the airlock chamber when your father floated him,” Murphy said, voice full of pain and anger. Wells halfheartedly glared at him before dropping the few sticks he was holding.
“You spelled die wrong, geniuses.” He muttered angrily before moving past the group, shoulder checking Murphy as he went. Reigna and Murphy both turned to watch him go. Before she could turn back she noticed the fake guard, Floor Brother, making his way towards them.
“If you’re gonna kill someone, it’s probably not best to announce it.” he spoke at Murphy. She he did, Reigna took a moment to look him up and down unabashedly. He was tall, clearly older than them, but he seemed built. He clearly wasn’t a guard, but maybe formerly, Reigna assessed. she frowned, her bottom lip poking out slightly.
‘He’s kinda cute…’
“You aren’t really a guard… are you.” Reigna decided to immediately call him out, watching as his face gave way to mild shock. She smirked at the reaction as he composed himself.
“No. But the real guard will be here toon unless we stop it. You don’t actually think they’re gonna forgive your crimes. Even if they do, then what?” He posed the question, voice firm. Reigna bit her lip, glancing over to Murphy. He knew well enough Reigna wasn’t concerned about her crimes being acquitted.
“People like us, we’re gonna become model citizens now? Get jobs, if we’re lucky, maybe pick up their trash?”
“What’s your point.” Reigna interrupted, crossing her arms over her chest.
“No, i have a question,” He finally shifted his gaze to her, “They locked you up, dumped you here like lab rats to die, so why are you helping them?” he asked and Reigna looked away.
“The hell we are,” Reigna heard Mbege interject from behind her.
“You’re wearing those cuffs, aren’t you?” He replied. Reigna looked to her wrist. She had barely given the thick metal cuff any thought since they’d clamped it on her before they knocked her out. Now that she actually looked at it she was vaguely aware of the technology.
“Right now those things are telling them whether or not it’s safe to follow us down.” Floor Brother explained, making the rest of the small group look to the cuffs in shock.
“Okay, so how do we stop it?” Murphy asked. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Reigna twisting her wrist to inspect the cuff before taking her unsharpened knife from her pocket. “Reign, what the hell-” Murphy started, attempting to reach for her as she wedged the blade between her skin and the cuff, near the hinge. She twisted her body away from Murphy’s prying hands as she forced the blade upwards, snapping the lock on the cuff and letting it fall to the ground. She gently inspected the lightly bleeding pinpricks on her skin as Murphy grabbed her arm. She gave him a firm look of ‘i’m fine’ before he backed off. Floor Brother raised his brows slightly at the display before nodding once towards Reigna.
“Now the ARC thinks she’s dead.
A few hours had passed since their encounter with Brother Floor. Reigna had quickly and easily removed the cuffs from the rest of their group and toss them into a pile. Some teens were milling around the makeshift camp doing busy work but the four of them were all gathered around, watching the group move like bees in a hive. Out of the corner of her eye, Reigna caught sight of a very out of place guard uniform. She shot to her feet, giving the boys a half assed excuse before jogging to the older boy.
“Hey! Brother Floor!” Reigna called out to him, making him pause.
“Excuse me?” He turned, a look of confusion plastered on his face.
“You heard me. And you stopped. I’ll keep calling you that until i know who the hell you are.” She said, standing with her hands deep in her pockets. Brother floor looked her up and down slowly, almost as unashamed as she had been a few hours prior.
“Bellamy. Bellamy Blake.” He finally responded after taking his eyes off her body. Reigna made a face like she smelled something foul before rolling her eyes.
“Blake… Yeah that tracks. I heard that name a few times in lockup..” She mused, looking away in thought before looking back to his freckled face, “So, Blake. What in the hell made you throw yourself into a possible suicide mission. Besides Little Sister Blake.” Reigna asked, taking slow steps towards him.
“Nothing I’d be willing to spill to someone else nameless,” He said with a smirk and Reigna wanted to punch it off him.
“Reigna. That’s all you need to know.” She responded quickly.
“No last name, Reigna?” he asked. He was trying to flirt with her. Is this how he gets away with everything?
“Nope.” She responded, popping the P as she spoke. Bellamy stared down at her a moment more before looking around them. They were fairly secluded. She could still see her group of friends lounging around on the ground, but they were far enough to where they would only heard them if either decided to yell.
“You,” He pointed directly in her face as he began speaking, “Can not tell a single soul what I’m about to tell you right now. Not even your boyfriend.” Bellamy said, his tone serious. Reigna wanted to correct his statement, ‘Murphy isn’t my boyfriend’ was on the tip of her tongue, but Bellamy continued on.
“I shot the Chancellor,” He rushed out, causing Reigna’s eyes to widen.
“You shot the Chanc-” Bellamy clapped his hand over her mouth quickly, looking around frantically for anyone who might have heard her. Reigna slapped away his hand, her face twisted in anger at his action.
“Is that why you don’t want them following us down here? To save your ass?” She asked and he nodded. Reigna sighed, looking over her shoulder at her friends. Murphy was already looking back at her and she gave him a thumbs up. He watched for a moment more before looking away.
“Me and the guys can start getting those bracelets off the others. The more of us they think are dead, the less likely they are to follow us, right?” She started thinking aloud.
“Makes sense,” Bellamy agreed.
“You need to find a way to get Wells alone. If we get his cuff off i doubt we’ll have to worry about Jaha if he’s still alive.” Reigna spitballed the idea, and Bellamy nodded.
“How would you suggest i do that?”
“Fuck if i know, I’m not doing all your thinking for you,” She said with a sneer before beginning to walk off.
“What did you do, Reigna,” Bellamy started, making her pause, “to get locked up, i mean.”
Reigna hesitated for a moment. She could feel her shame pooling in her gut. She chose not to think about her actions before lockup too much. The memories made her head spiral.
“I killed my mom,” Reigna said quietly, her throat burning as the words left her mouth. Before Bellamy could respond, she quickly left him, not wanting to see or feel the reaction to her statement. She already hated herself for it every day.
After the spectacle that was the bonfire and the surprise of the first rain on Earth, Reigna retired to a tent that had been gifted so graciously to her by Bellamy. Hush Money.
She dragged Murphy along, proclaiming how awful of a friend she would be if she let him sleep in the crowded area inside the dropship, currently populated by makeshift hammocks and blankets on the floor. As the two entered the tent, Murphy threw down his few belongings. It was tall enough Reigna could still stand at her full height, but Murphy had to stoop slightly. She took advantage to hug him tightly for the first time since she was arrested. Murphy reciprocated before lifting her feet off the ground and walking the two back outside. Reigna laughed as they approached a fire where Atom and Mbege already were. He put her back on her feet as they arrived, Reigna shoving him jokingly as he did. Reigna opened her mouth to speak to her friends but was interrupted by Bellamy calling their names.
“I need you guys to do something for me,” he spoke lowly to the group. Atom and Mbege stood as Murphy urged him to continue.
“We’re getting Wells’ cuff tonight. I need you to hang out behind some bushes down the ridge west of here. I’m bringing Wells there and if he doesn’t want to cooperate and take the damn thing off himself, we’re forcing it off. And out there no one’ll hear him if he tries to call for help.” Bellamy explained the plan.
“I don’t think anyone here would try to help him anyway,” Reigna snarked.
“You got it, Boss.” Murphy nodded as the four of them gathered their things and made their way to the ridge.
“Bellamy didn’t mention how long this would take,” Atom groaned, leaning his shoulder against a rock.
“These things take time, you could stand to learn some patience, Atom.” Reigna called over to him from behind a different rock with Murphy.
“Good thing i’m not standing, then,” He replied sarcastically, motioning to his crouched stance. Reigna could practically hear Murphy roll his eyes at the statement.
“What was that douche sayin’ to you earlier anyway,” Murphy asked.
“Its a secret,” Reigna looked at him and grinned. His face stayed passive as he looked at her skeptically.
“He practically slapped the wits outta you. What did you say to him?” Murphy pressed.
“Genuinely, i cant tell you. It’s good blackmail,” She replied honestly, “Also he did not slap the wits outta me,”“Can you two stop flirting?” Atom asked loudly, making the two of them glare over at him. On a whim, Reigna glanced to her side over the rock before pressing herself against it. She shushed the boys around her as Bellamy led Wells closer to them. Reigna couldn’t make out their words, but she did spy Bellamy tucking a gun into the waistband of his pants. Suddenly Murphy stood and Wells tried to bolt, not making it far with his bad ankle. Murphy tackled him to the ground as he tried to limp past, the rest of the boys holding him down. Reigna picked herself up and grabbed the arm that his cuff was on. She held his arm to her chest as she began to wiggle her dull knife between the cuff and his skin just as she had done for herself and her friends. Wells struggled and pleaded from beneath them, attempting to kick and wiggle himself away to no avail. Regina glanced up at Bellamy just for him to give her a subtle ‘Do it’ as she began thrusting the blade in an upwards motion. But all Wells cries fell on deaf ears as the lock finally broke and the cuff fell to the ground. And as far as the ARC knew, Wells Jaha was dead.
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inmyownlaine · 2 years
Murphy’s Law: John Murphy x Female OC
Part: 4/?
Word Count: 1969
Warnings: Blood
“The best of us can find happiness in misery.”
The next morning brought sunshine through a low fog. It was Marlow’s favorite type of weather. Warmth through the dense cold. Something she personally connected with.
Sleeping in the same area as Murphy was more stressful than she would’ve liked to admit. She felt like they had a good rapport. Yet she couldn’t help but to keep her gun within arm’s reach. Murphy was as unpredictable as they came. He wasn’t going to hurt anyone else on her watch.
The gooseberries provided little to no nutrition. She felt the pangs in her stomach, both from lack of food and dehydration. She didn’t know how much longer the three of them could live. Even though Murphy’s help was appreciated, he was another mouth to feed. It was hard enough with just Raven.
Tough choices would have to be made soon. Either that, or they find a way to survive. Right now. Today.
“Up already?” Murphy’s groggy voice reverberated through the air, bouncing off the metal walls. It caused Marlow to flinch. “And on edge? You just woke up.”
“Yeah,” was all she could think to say. It was another day of figuring out some way to live. But first, she needed to check on Raven. That is, if Raven would even let her.
She was still asleep and paler than ever before. Marlow could already feel the sting of tears welling up. She didn’t know what else to do. Between the food problem and the Murphy issue and the Raven situation; it was too much to bear.
Marlow sniffled and rubbed her jacket sleeve under her nose. She abruptly rose and bounded out the dropship door. Tears streaming down her face, breathing shallow and rapid. Why would anyone ever choose to be a leader? 
“Hey!” Murphy exclaimed, running behind her.
“Please go away,” she begged, holding her hand out to face him. Trying her best to signal that he needed to leave.
“Are you going to find food?” 
She couldn’t believe he would even ask that at a moment like this. However, it did give her an easy out. To give herself some time to cry and recollect. “Yes. Just, stay where I can see you. Okay?”
“Okay,” he agreed. 
Marlow started her job. Allowed the salty droplets of her tears to water the roots and stems. She held nothing back and kept her distance from Murphy. As unashamed as she was to be upset, she did not want Murphy to know. He would hold it over her until she died. He would know how incapable she was.
After a couple hours, and only a few berries to show, Marlow called it a day. It was discouraging and depressing and disappointing. Murphy noticed her heading back to the dropship and followed in suit.
“What did you get?” he asked.
“Just some berries. You?”
“Berries. A couple mushrooms. A root. Maybe? You think we can eat this?” Murphy displayed everything he had in both hands. Marlow wanted to be kind, but the day had not been kind to her. In a tone more venomous than usual, she questioned his motives.
“Why are you helping me?” 
Murphy took a single step back. Studied the expression on Marlow’s face. He was just as taken aback by her attitude. His lips pulled down, the corners quaking under the pressure of holding himself together. His voice cracked as he spoke.
“I don’t want to die alone.”
“Oh,” she exhaled subconsciously. Like he had just sucker punched her in the gut. Her tender heart ached with empathy. She never wanted to be this cruel again. It was impossible to read someone’s mind. To know what they’re going through or where their mind was.
She decided it was always best to treat people with warmth. No matter their intentions. No matter what they have done. Even Murphy deserved compassion. In the end, he was just a human. A teenager that made really poor choices.
“You won’t,” she finally assured him.
Murphy tried his best to lighten the mood. “Die alone? Or just die?” 
“Either,” Marlow said softly. “And I know that you know we can eat those. You’re smart.”
“Maybe Pike slapped some sense into me.” Marlow covered her open mouth with her hand. But Murphy raised his eyebrows. “You were supposed to laugh. It was a joke.”
“I don’t know about that one,” she giggled nervously. Murphy smacked his lips together and proceeded towards the dropship.
Marlow fed Raven and checked her bandage. She imagined it would be twice as bloody, but was pleasantly surprised. The blood spot had increased, but not as steadily as the previous days. A little warmth through the dense cold.
Marlow did what she could to tend to her. However, with the limited supplies, she grew frustrated at her lack of care.
“Everything okay?” Murphy asked.
“Not really,” she confessed. “There’s no medicinal plants. Raven’s in pain. I have no more wraps. I’m just at a loss.”
“I can’t fix the plants and pain problem,” Murphy started, “but I do have some bandages in my bag.”
A wave of relief crashed over Marlow. Even though there were issues to solve, at least this was one less thing. “Could I have one?”
He responded by rifling through his belongings. Once Murphy found it, he tossed it her way. Marlow unwrapped the old bandage and applied the fresh one. She thanked Murphy enthusiastically and tied it off. Right over the wound to decrease the amount of blood flow. He didn’t say much.
When all was said and done, Marlow smiled at the work she had done. The miniscule victories that she accomplished made her proud. They had to; it was all she had anymore.
“Murph-” she began to say. When she looked over her shoulder, he wasn’t there. Marlow had spent only twenty-four hours with Murphy. Yet in this small amount of time, she learned a lot about him. Specifically that he liked to disappear.
Marlow went off to find him, but didn’t have to go far. He was on the ground, leaning against the exterior of the dropship. He held a slightly stained rag to his face. One they had brought with them when they crashed.
He let his hand fall. “Yeah?”
“What are you doing?”
“Just trying to- get this crap off my face,” he told her.
“Could I help?” she offered. He thought about it for a few seconds. The tension suddenly became incredibly awkward, but Marlow tried her best to brush it off. Finally, he nodded his head.
She took the rag out of his hand, surprisingly wet, and sat across from him. “Did you use your water?”
“I know it’s dumb. But it’s so itchy.”
“Then it’s not dumb. You have a reason,” she said simply. She carefully pressed the rag against his scabbed cuts. Globs of blood were crusting over, particularly on his forehead and cheek. And she thought both of his eyes might be swollen.
Marlow told him to close his eyes. He listened as she cleaned above his brow. Swiping softly back and forth, dried flakes cascading like autumn leaves and winter snow. Two things of which she had never witnessed in real life.
She moved her fingers to a clean part of the rag. Rather than continuing to wipe his blood, she started to wash away the grime. Murphy’s brows furrowed, but she paid no mind.
“I was really young when I met Monty. He was right down the hall from me. We grew up together. Him and Jasper and I. Although, I never felt as close to Jasper. He was a little more impulsive. Definitely liked to cause more mischief than I preferred.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Murphy asked.
Marlow rolled her eyes at his impatience. “It was a Tuesday when I found out Monty had been put in the Sky Box. The funny thing is- I already knew what he was in there for. Before anyone had even told me. Because I had warned him. So many times.
“It just took one mistake. He remembered it a million times. He forgot once. And he was punished for it. It felt like all the air had been sucked from my lungs. I really didn’t know what I was going to do without him. He was in my life for as long as I can think of. Losing that wasn’t an option.”
Murphy smirked as she scrubbed his chin. “Don’t tell me you got in trouble on purpose.”
“Maybe,” she chuckled. “My parents- they weren’t the greatest. Monty was- is- my family.”
It had been a while since she thought about him. With Murphy occupying most of the space in her head, she had a break from worrying about him. There was still a huge mystery to be solved. She felt guilty for not thinking of him more.
“So what did you do?”
“Jaha’s door. I-,” Marlow began. She was interrupted with Murphy’s manic laughter. He scrunched his body up, hands gripping onto his stomach. Marlow couldn’t believe how delighted he was to hear this news. She also couldn’t believe that he knew how to laugh this hard.
“That was you?” he bellowed.
“Guilty,” she joked. It was the only wrong thing she ever did on the Ark. However, it came from a place of good faith. It might have even been how she really felt at that moment. How dare he take away her family? They were children. They were going to make mistakes. Instead of teaching them how to recover, Jaha insisted they face prison time. 
So she snuck out of her room. Went to Jaha’s door with her paint set and wrote on it. Left her handprint for good measure. There was no assuming who it was. And they found her quickly after that. She woke up to a pounding door and the barrel of three guns.
“I don’t know what I was expecting from you,” Murphy said. “Something tame. I guess that’s not too bad.”
“Not as bad as arson, huh?” she teased.
“Not nearly.” They locked eyes. Murphy looked much better. Not like the brute he was when she ran into him. He sounded better, too. Like he had some hope for the future. Like he might be able to recover from his past.
That all changed in a matter of seconds. A group of men came bounding through the brush. Marlow noticed most of them immediately, hopping up from her spot and dashing to the first recognizable face.
“Bellamy!” she yelled, throwing her arms around his neck. He hugged her back with the same energy, swaying from side to side. “I can’t believe you’re alive!”
“What’s going on?” he asked suddenly. Marlow pulled back. She didn’t understand.
“What do you mean?”
“Why is he here?” Bellamy growled, gesturing towards Murphy. He had his hands up in surrender, but that didn’t stop Bellamy. He ran at him full force and tackled him at the waist. They both landed on the ground and started rolling around.
Marlow joined in, pleading with the two to stop fighting. She tried her hardest to pull Bellamy off, but she was no use. Kane, however, was extremely helpful. Or so she thought.
“Arrest them,” he commanded after he successfully separated them.
“What?” Marlow inquired, bewildered by the crass demand.
“They can’t behave like animals.”
“That should be the least of your concerns. Someone is dying in the dropship!”
Kane signaled to his men to check the dropship. Among them, Finn’s familiar face appeared. Marlow gave a pitiful wave as he went to save Raven. The remaining soldiers took the young boys and shoved their hands behind their backs.
“This isn’t fair.”
Kane squinted. Murphy and Bellamy were marched away as he said one simple sentence. “You are not in control anymore.”
The rest of the fanfic:
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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hd-junglebook · 5 months
The 100 Masterlist
More works for this are coming!!
if you have any questions or comments just ask :)
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Bellamy Blake x Reader
Diana Sydney's daughter is sent to the ground with 99 other delinquents. While her mother schemes for power and destruction aboard the Ark, y/n must navigate the harsh realities of survival on the ground. As she confronts her own trauma and struggles to define her morality in the face of chaos, she grapples with the ultimate question: Will she rise above her past and choose the path of goodness, or will her mother's influence shape her destiny and lead her down a darker path?
Season 1
Part  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 6.5 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
Edge Of Exile
Bellamy Blake x Reader
As the ark struggles to establish a new home on Earth, Y/N, a prisoner from flint station seems to be the only one who can save them from themselves. the group finds themselves thrust into a dangerous power struggle that threatens to tear the community apart. Faced with betrayal, deceit, and factions vying for control, Y/N must navigate a treacherous landscape of alliances and rivalries.
parts - prologue,  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
In the process of completing !
The Other Side
John Murphy x Reader
A grounder marked as a spy for the commander is tasked with the case of gathering intel on a group of survivors that fell from the sky. Falling for a member of this foreign group leads the clan into bloodshed.
Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
A normal plane ride back home ends in shambles as the plane crashes on a remote island far from home. That last survivors band together to survive and uncover the secrets of the island.
Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Heaven In Your Eyes || Masterlist
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Pairing: Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC (Heaven Lavey Shelby)
Additional content/Info: CLICK HERE
Fic Summary: He meets her at church one dreary night, guided by her singing. Her name? Heaven Lavey. White ivory hair, fair porcelain skin, and petite shape, this almost ethereal creature is Arthur's strict opposite. Yet, all it took was one dive into her heavenly eyes for him to be convinced God has sent His sweetest angel to save his bastard soul. The two lovebirds, obsessed with each other, are determined to live their love no matter people's judgments and no matter the dangers of a Peaky Blinder's life. They are together through the best and through the worst.
But behind her holy appearance and sweet facade, Heaven Lavey is dangerous. With rumors of witchcraft and murder, her shady past weighs on her shoulders. And if she is a blessing for Arthur Shelby, she will soon prove to be a curse for those who dare to stand in her and her husband's way. Even Thomas Shelby himself.
She is Arthur’s Angel, but don't get fooled by her doe eyes: for the rest of us, she is the White Devil.
And by extend, you are too.
Why? Because Heaven Lavey… It’s you.
TW: Major character death, explicit sexual content, canonical violence, graphic description of violence, blasphemy, witch trials and burning of innocent women, dependent relationship (if Arthur and Heaven are happy in their relationship, they are obsessed and possessive, which leads to bursts of violence and deifying from Arthur. By no means I am claiming their relationship is healthy, but it is what works for them)
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♢ Ch. 1 || Heaven in Your Eyes
♢ Ch. 2 || Never Did, Never Dared
♢ Ch. 3 || Something Wicked This Way Comes 🔞
♢ Ch. 4 || Dead Bird at Witchin Hour
♢ Ch. 5 || The Hell in His Eyes
♢ Ch. 6 || The One They Should Have Burned
♢ Ch. 7 || Of Matches and Gasoline 🔞
♢ Ch. 8 || Tango on Broken Dreams
♢ Ch. 9 || For Whom the Bells Toll
♢ Ch. 10 || Closer to Heaven or Closer to Hell? 🔞
♢ Ch. 11 || When The Bridges Burn
♢ Ch. 12 || As They Always Did
♢ Ch. 13 || Cross My Heart and Hope to Die
♢ Ch. 14 || Pure As a Lamb 🔞
♢ Ch. 15 || Women Like Me in a Men's World
♢ Ch. 16 || Après Moi le Déluge ( c o m i n g . . .)
♢ Ch. 17 || ( Il Diàvulu Biancu)
♢ Ch. 18 ||
♢ Ch. 18 ||
♢ Ch. 19 ||
♢ Ch. 20 ||
♢ Ch. 21 ||
♢ Ch. 22 ||
♢ Ch. 23 ||
♢ Ch. 24 ||
♢ Ch. 25 ||
♢ The series can be longer.
Some events from the show are taken and obviously reworked. Yet, except for a few quotes and scenes, everything else is imagined by the author.
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Related works - in chronological order-
♢ From Blood We Will Grow
♢ To Bark and Bite
♢ Kaiser Meeting Cyril (requested)
♢ A Bone to Pick With It (requested)
♢ Perfect Lines
♢ Savage Daughter
♢ A Slice of Us (Modern!HYE)
♢ Love Ritual (@zablife's celebration)
♢ The Woods Whisper 1, 2 (Halloween Horror)
♢Little Lamb 1, 2, 3 (Yandere!AU)
Moodboards and other content
♢ Playlist
♢ Moodboard Aesthetic
♢ Moodboard Chapter 6
♢Heaven In your Eyes Act II trailer
♢ Moodboard Chapter 12
♢ Heaven in your Eyes chapter 16 trailer
Looking for more? Check out Heaven's masterlist I and II.
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @theshelbyclan @jomarch-wannabe @esposadomd @zablife @woofgocows @anathemasworld @anastasia000 @kate654 @kxnnxy @babayaga67 @meowtastick @shelbyssins @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @bluevenus19 @raincoffeeandfandoms @kishie8 @zablife @alexandra-001 @dearshelby @alexizodd @helen06dreamer @kmc1989 @emotionalcadaver @peakyswritings @peakyltd @chaosinkest1996 @vanhelsingsbigtoe @cherubswhispers @he6rtshaker @bemyqueenofdarkness @cljordan-imperium @cjarbo @red-riding-wood @rysko @lokigirlszendaya
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1K notes · View notes
shelbystales · 1 year
Stay - One Shot
Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
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Word count: 4532
Requested by: @morrigan-crowmwell
Summary: Tommy realizes that despite him trying to avoid it, he loves and needs you.
Warning: angst, fluff and rough smut with dirty talk?
A/N: This was inspired by a brazilian song called "evidências", as requesteted. I hope you like it😘 .
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes
He entered forcefully, pushing the door of your room open like a hurricane.
"Stop it," he ordered, pointing his finger at you.
You glanced at him, but your hands kept busy, packing your bags, shoving clothes into a bag that was clearly struggling to fit even half your dresses.
"I told you to stop," he said, approaching you and closing shut the door of your small wardrobe.
"Make me," you said irritably, trying to force the door open, but his hand on top of it prevented the process.
You rolled your eyes and carried on, your determined hands struggling with the stubborn zipper. You tried to wrestle the wardrobe open once again, a frown deepening on your face, but just as before, his hand on it prevented your success.
You sighed loudly, grabbing your bag from the bed and headed toward the door, ready to leave the scene.
He grabs your wrist firmly, preventing you from reaching the door, stopping you from leaving.
"Let me go!" you shout and struggle against his grip, but he doesn't let go of your wrist. His gaze seemed disturbed like he was out of himself. "Are you drunk?" you ask, pulling your hand, hating the fact that he's stronger than you.
"Why are you doing this?" he asks, and you clearly notice the knot in his throat.
"Tommy, you're hurting me," you say as the strength of his grip on your wrist becomes stronger.
"You can't do this. You can’t leave me" he says.
"Why do you care?" you ask angrily, pulling your wrist as you feel he loosened his grip on it and took a step back.
His chest rises and falls rapidly, his eyes locked onto yours with a mixture of frustration and desperation. He runs his fingers through his hair, a sign of his internal struggle.
“Tommy, what the fuck? You can't just barge in like this and do this” you said angrily
he swallowed harshly and looked around the room, the same room he had been with you many many nights before. The same room where he sleep nestled against your neck, smelling your scent to prevent his fucking nightmares. The same room he told you he couldn’t be with you, that he didn't want to be with you. The same room he broke your fucking heart. 
“It’s not fair,” you added, letting go of your bag to fall loudly to the floor. 
“Fair?” he chuckled “life isn’t fair” he said frustrated. 
His response only fueled your anger.
It felt like he was dismissing your feelings, brushing them aside with his cynicism. You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at him with a mixture of irritation and hurt.
"Life isn't fair? Is that all you have?" you shot back, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
Tommy clenched his jaw, his fists curling at his sides. His eyes held a storm of conflicting emotions – regret, anger, and an undeniable pain that seemed to cut through his tough exterior.
"It's not like that, ey" he said, his voice strained. "I never wanted any of this to happen."
"Oh, so it's not your fault then?" you retorted, your tone dripping with bitterness “you stood right there” you pointed at one side of the room “and you told me you couldn’t fucking love me anymore! Like, what the fuck! Poor misunderstood Tommy Shelby… you wanted me to beg? to do what?! To run after you like a fucking dog. To beg for your love. Was that it? Tell me, what did you want?”, you couldn't restrain the anger in your voice
He winced, as if your words were a physical blow. You could see the pain in his eyes, a flicker of regret that he was desperately trying to hide. But it was too late for that – the dam had broken, and the flood of pent-up emotions was pouring out
“That’s because I love you” he said, making you laugh in disbelief 
“Fuck you!” you barked at him
“When I said i didn’t want you anymore, thats because I still fucking do” he spat out.
“What? Are you bloody high?” you shook your head 
He seemed to search inside for the right words. It was clear he was struggling.
“I can't let you leave” he stated
“Its not up to you” you answered coldly
“I will blow every road out of this damn city if I have to, drown every boat. But you are not leaving, eh” he warned, his finger raised, pointing at you as a warning sign
“I hate you so much right now” you whispered, your words seeming to have an effect on him. He breathed deeply and looked at the ceiling of your room
"Look, I know I messed up," he admitted, his voice quieter now.
"You damn right you did," you said, your anger still burning hot.
His frustration crackled in the air like an electric current. Everything was spiraling out of control, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand. He watched as you challenged him, your voice a mix of irritation and hurt. It was a pain he was intimately familiar with, one he had tried to distance himself from.
He knew he was the architect of his own misery. The moment he let himself care, truly care for you, he had opened the door to chaos. His heart, so carefully guarded, now laid exposed and vulnerable.
He took a step closer to you, his gaze intense, burning with a mixture of what you assumed to be anger and fear.
His heart raced in his chest, each beat a reminder of what he stood to lose. He wanted to grab you, to shake some sense into you, to break down the walls he had built between you.
But his hand remained at his side, clenched into a fist. He could feel the heat of his anger pulsating through him, but it was masked by an even greater terror - the terror of losing you.
"You think I wanted this?" he finally spat out, his voice raw. "You think I wanted to hurt you?"
You didn't answer, your eyes locked onto his, a mixture of defiance and something deeper.
He ran a hand through his hair, the usually impeccable locks now disheveled, mirroring the chaos inside him. Every step he took seemed to carry the weight of his uncertainty, his fear of losing something he hadn't realized he'd grown so dependent on.
"This is bloody ridiculous. I can't do this, alright? I can't bloody bear the thought of you walking away," he muttered to himself, his voice taut with frustration.
His gaze flickered to the door, as if half-expecting you to disappear beyond it any second. The very idea seemed to send a jolt of panic through him.
"You drive me mad!" he said, his voice rising in agitation.
His chest rose and fell rapidly, his breathing uneven as his gaze darted around the room, searching for some form of escape from the vulnerability clawing at him.
"I've denied it, tried to pretend I didn't need you, that I could bloody well do without you," he admitted, "but I need you," he practically spat out, the words almost foreign on his tongue. "More than I care to fucking admit. You're under me skin, in me bloody bones, and I'm terrified of what that means. I’ve tried but I can't fool me heart, I can't keep lying to meself” 
His voice cracked, the dam of his emotions threatening to break completely.
The room felt stifling, a cage that held him captive with his own fears. Tears welled up in your eyes, the battle between your anger and your love for him raging within you. You took a shaky breath, your own vulnerability exposed.
"You can't leave," he said, his voice low but laced with a desperation that belied his usual composure. "I won't let you. I can't." His admission hung in the air, raw and unfiltered.
Tommy's agitation reached a fever pitch, his body tense, his eyes wide with a mix of anger, fear, and something deeper that he struggled to name.
He couldn't let you go – not now, not ever. The very idea of you slipping through his fingers was enough to shatter his carefully constructed world.
You stared back at him, the weight of his words sinking in.
A mixture of anger and hurt still lingered within you, the wounds of his past actions still fresh. But now, in this charged moment, you could see that he was baring his soul to you.
You didn’t know what to do, what to say. part of you wanted to shout at him, to slap him to push him to the floor and kick his guts… but at the same time, part of you wanted to run to his arms, to kiss him, hold him strongly… truthfully, Your heart ached as you watched him struggle
You stepped forward, closing the distance between you. His eyes followed your movement, a mix of anticipation and apprehension in his gaze.
Your hand reached out, your fingers gently uncurling his clenched fist, the gesture a silent reassurance.
"I can't lose you," he choked out, his voice a mere whisper, his eyes searching yours for some form of understanding.
"I don't want to leave," you admitted softly, your voice breaking “but… you can't just come in here and say all of that after causing me so much pain. The past won't just disappear, Tommy. You can't just expect me to forget everything and come running back."
He shook his head, his hand shifting to cup your cheek, his touch warm against your skin. "I'm not asking you to forget," he said, his voice gentle but urgent. "I'm asking for a chance. A chance to make things right, eh? to show you how much you mean to me. I know I fucked up. But I need you, I need your lips on mine." His thumb gently brushed over your bottom lip. "I’ll give you my life, you can do whatever you want with it. I just want to hear you say yes, that you'll give me a chance to fix it. To fix us."
You closed your eyes, leaning into his touch, torn between the memories of pain and the yearning for something more.
His thumb brushed away a tear that had escaped your eye, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"Tommy… I…," you whispered, losing your words. 
His gaze bore into yours, his thumb now tracing a path from your cheek to your lips, a feather-light touch that ignited a spark within you. His eyes were filled with a mixture of sincerity and vulnerability, a stark contrast to the tough exterior he often presented to the world.
"Say you'll give us a chance," he murmured, his words hanging in the air like a fragile plea.
His hands still cupped your face, his touch warm against your skin. His eyes danced between your lips and your eyes, a silent request for permission.
Your heart hammered in your chest, the battle between your head and your heart reaching its peak.
His touch, his words, they were like a balm to your wounded soul. And in that moment, you found yourself leaning in, your lips just a breath away from his.
"Tommy," you whispered, your voice trembling, "I want to believe you."
His eyes held yours, a mixture of relief and longing in his gaze. Slowly, almost hesitantly, his lips brushed against yours in a soft, hesitant kiss.
The kiss was short and when his eyes locked on yours again. his hand cradled your cheek, his thumb tracing light patterns on your skin as if he didn't want to let go.
You took a deep breath, embracing your own vulnerability. "Tommy, I…I can't go through the same pain again. I won’t forgive you again"
“You won’t need to” he reaffirmed, his voice unwavering. His thumb kept brushing your cheek.
You nodded slowly, feeling a mix of apprehension and hope you gave him a small smile, trying to give him some comfort. As response, his arms wrapped around you, pulling you close in a tight embrace, His heartbeat thudded against you. 
It was like a weight lifted off both your shoulders, replaced by a warm sense of security. You leaned into him, resting your head on his chest.
His fingers played with your hair, his touch gentle and soothing.
There, in his arms, you allowed yourself to believe in the possibility of healing.
He pressed a soft kiss on the top of your head and breathed deeply your scent, a scent that soothed him as a reminder of home.
“I love you” he whispered in your ears
“Fuck… I love you too” you said holding stronger onto him.
He pulled even estronger, his arms pressed strongly against you as if he was afraid you would slip away
As his arms held you close, his aftershave and Cologne mixture scent mingled with the warmth of his skin, enveloping your senses in a heady combination. Your fingers traced the contours of his chest, feeling the texture of his skin under your touch.
His fingers, which had been tracing patterns on your back, now ventured lower, roaming over your ass, his touch light and teasing.
His lips brushed against your forehead, a soft and lingering kiss that held a promise of more.
Your breath hitched as his fingers trailed along your spine, sending a trail of tingling sensations.
You tilted your head up to meet his gaze, your eyes locking onto his with a mixture of anticipation and a touch of apprehension.
"Tommy," you murmured, your voice barely audible, but laden with unspoken desire.
He swallowed audibly, his eyes darkening with a hunger that mirrored your own. His fingers moved from your back to gently lift your chin, tilting your face up towards his and then his lips were on yours, a kiss that ignited a fire within you.
His lips moved against yours with a fervent passion, his hands sliding down to the small of your back, pulling you impossibly closer.
Your fingers found their way to the back of his neck, tangling in his hair as you responded to his kiss with equal fervor.
His lips trailed from your mouth to your jaw, then down to the curve of your neck, placing soft kisses along the way. Your breath hitched as his teeth grazed your skin, sending a jolt of sensation straight to your core. Every touch, every brush of his lips, was a delicious torment that fueled the growing heat between you.
"Fuck, I've missed you," he breathed against your skin, his voice husky with desire.
The confession sent a shiver down your spine, the intensity of his words adding fuel to the fire burning within you. Your fingers moved to the buttons of his shirt, undoing them with a sense of urgency. His hands mirrored your actions, working together, desperately to rid each other of the barriers that separated your bodies.
As the last button came undone, his shirt, suit and gunholster slipped from his shoulders, revealing his bare chest.
Your fingertips traced the lines of his tattoos, feeling the rise and fall of his chest with each ragged breath.
Your dress was eventually discarded to the floor along with his clothes. You felt so desperate for him, both almost ripping each other's clothes off like animals.
Leaning against the wall across him there was a full-body-length mirror giving him a perfect vision of your ass, and back as he moved his kisses around your neck and shoulders.
He put a hand on your ass and caressed it softly before drawing his hand back and spanking it hard. The slap was sharp and loud in the small bedroom and it mixed with your moan. You dug your nails on his back.
“You're so fucking hot,” he said, noticing the skin of your ass becoming pinkish forming his handprint, moving to the other cheek, he squeezed it once, before slapping it just as hard.
He didn’t lose time, his lips met yours, sliding desperately.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss as if trying to express all the longing you had held back. The taste of him, the pressure of his lips moving against yours, were like fuel.
With a swift and confident movement, he scooped you up in his arms. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his lower back as he carried you effortlessly towards the bed, where he gently placed you against the sheets. His lips never leaving yours.
He pinning you to the bed, kissing you with even more passion as he pressed his aching dick into your body through fhe fabric of his pants and briefs.
With your arms pinned against the bed, he started kissing your neck and kissing his way down to your breasts, and began to circle one of your nipples with his tongue.
“oh, Tommy. Fuck” you moaned as he closed his lips around one of your nipples, sucking it firmly.
He kissed your collar bone and moved to your earlobe, biting it playfully. 
“Tell me how bad do you want it” he whispered, his voice hoarse
“I want it so fucking bad. Fuck, i need it” you moaned
Tommy slid his pants off as if his life depended on it, his briefs slipping off along with it.
He flipped your body so that your stomach was pressing against the mattress. A movement that he did so effortlessly. Giving him the perfect view of your ass, which, according to him, was the most beautiful part of your body. 
He took his hand and gave your ass another firm slap, before firmly grabbing both yout asscheeks and spreading them apart. 
“So fucking beautifull” he praised. 
he leaned over you, his face now close to yours, where he left a few kisses on your cheek. his mouth right next to your ear again, just because he knew that turned you on. 
“I going to fuck you real good, ey” he said, his hands sliding between your legs, a finger sliding inside of you.
“Please” you moaned, spreading your legs a bit more apart
He stood back up, so that he could rub his dick against your asscheeks a few times before positioning it against your wet folds, leaning slightly, applying more and more pressure as he adjusted his posture before completely sliding inside of you. 
“Fuck, yes” you moaned as you felt him  inside of you. 
He reached one of his hands to hold at your shoulders, while the other reached one of your arms, pulling it to your back, holding you firmly as he started pounding nice and hard against you.
With every stroke you felt him deeper, moans left your lips involuntarily. His name eventually mixed with the sensual sounds leaving your lips, making Tommy wish you’d never stop. Every moan serving as a fuel for his hard thrusts to get harder and deeper
“Fuck, fuck… Tommy. Oh fuck” you moaned and felt the same strong slap on your left asscheek, then on your right “yes! just like that” you told him
Everytime your perfectly red ass pressed against his hip bones his mind took mental pictures, he would be daydreaming about you like this for the next few days. This, you… was exactly what he needed. The only one he needed. 
“You like it, hm?” he asked breathlessly as he slapped your ass one more time
“Yes, yes I do” you told him, biting your lower lip. 
“Fuck you feel so good” he let his head fall back, momentarily taking his eyes off you. “Tell me, y/n. Tell me you love it”
“I love it Tommy. God, I love your fucking cock so so much. Fuck just like that” your words spit out so quickly, desperate for him not to stop.
He held at your hips pulling them against him everytime he thrusted, making the movement rougher by the minute. 
You were feeling so overwhelmed by the feeling of him deep inside you that the orgasm that washed over you was inevitable. It wasn't common but vaginal orgasms happened once in a while with you, making you impressed everytime it did. 
“Fuck! I coming, i’m coming” you told him, as the orgasm washed over you, your face buried on the duvets
Without letting you recover from it, he pulled out and rolled you over to your back, your tits now reaching up, hard for him. He leaned over to kiss one of them as he pinched the other one hard.
“Fuck!” you cried at the feeling 
He then laid beside you, pulling your hips to him as he did “Get up here and sit on me”, he said and you slowly stumbled upwards to mount him. 
Your head spinning slightly, out of breath as you were still feeling the effects of pleasure course through your veins. As you got on top of him you held his cock, stroking it a few times before directing it to your entrance and slowly lowering your hip, sliding his cock back inside of you, where it belonged. 
“Fuck yes, ride that cock, real nice” he said as your hips moved back and forward. Tommys eyes were a combination of lust and admiration as he looked up to your bouncing tits and moaning lips. 
Both your moans filled the room and you could feel his body shake slight from the pleasure building up at every hip movement. He reached to hold both your nipples, pinching and twisting them, making the pleasure harder to handle as your legs started to feel weaker. 
Tommy leaned upwards pushing your hips against him, dictating the intensity of the moves as he was now working with you, his hips moving up, as yours pressed down on his. 
“Fuck, i’m getting close” He muttered 
“Me too, oh god. me too” you told him and took your fingers to start caressing your clit as you continued the movements, feeling the knot in your stomach starting to grow stronger. 
“Yeah, Just like that, ride that, fucking, cock” he said pausing between words everytime his hips pressed up. 
His grip tighter on your hips, his eyes fucking you as the most lustfull moan escaped his lips, his primal instincs taking over as he moved up, throwing your back against the bed as he started to fuck you faster and harder than ever before. His grunts, getting deeper and louder. 
“Fuck! Don’t stop, don't stop! Fuuuck” You cried surprised at the new feeling. Your nails digging at whatever piece of flesh of his you could grab hold, scratching his skin. 
You were already so close and his attack just made everything more intense, the knot that was forming before, was already strong and ready to explode. But for some reason it didn't, it just kept growing and growing.
“Fuck, your pussy feels so fucking good” he told you out of breath, his atack on your nipples returning as one of his hands pinchend and twisted them. 
All you could do at this point was moan the words fuck repeatedly, your body starting to shiver. Your moans were turning him on so hard you knew he wouldn't last longer.
“Fuck, so close, so close. Don’t stop” you warned him,seconds before your body freezing as the best orgasm washed over you, your head spinning, a burning feeling washed over around your entire body as your skin felt hotter.
The sexiest moans leaving your lips followed by Tommys name, and that combined with your shivering state, was enough to push him over the edge. He couldn't hold anymore, a primal grunt escaped his lips and his moves got uncoordinated as he emptied himself inside of you, coming so hard he thought he would pass out, his vision getting blurred. After a few more strokes, he allowed himself to collapse on the bed beside you. 
"Holy shit," he whispered, his voice still tinged with disbelief and desire as he caught his breath.
The room was silent now, just the sound of your labored breathing filling it as you both recovered. Your labored breaths began to synchronize, creating a rhythm that seemed to echo the connection between you. 
Tommy's fingers brushed against your skin, as he moved to kiss your neck and collarbone. His touch, now gentle and caring.
His hand cupped your face, his fingers caressing your hair as he gazed into your eyes. You smiled at him and he smiled back, a small smile, but a huge one for a man like him.
“That was something” your voice laced with a mixture of amazement and satisfaction.
His chuckle resonated in the room, a sound that felt like a secret shared between the two of you, since not many would ever hear the sound of a Tommy’s Shelby chuckle
“Yes it was… Want a cigarette?” he asked and you nodded, watching him stand up and grab his overcoat, searching for his pack of cigarettes. 
He found his pack and lit one cigarette. The sight of him, half hard as he slid the cigarette over his lips before lighting it felt like the sexiest thing you’ve seen. The flicker of the cigarette illuminated his features in the dim light, casting shadows that danced across his face.
Slowly, he began to approach you, his eyes fixed on yours. He held your chin gently, making you sit, his fingers warm against your skin, as he took a drag from the cigarette. The smoke curled between his lips before he leaned in, exhaling the smoke into your mouth. The act was surprisingly intimate, making your core tinkle. 
He took another drag from the cigarette, his eyes never leaving yours as he sat beside you. The air seemed charged with electricity as he exhaled, the smoke curling around you both like a fragile veil. Without breaking eye contact, he leaned closer, his lips a whisper away from yours.
"You're something else, you know that?" he murmured, his voice husky with a mixture of arousal and admiration as he held your face and kissed you, feeling the taste of the smoke on his lips.
"You're not so bad yourself," you replied, your voice a low murmur .
His lips curved into a half-smile, the playfulness in his eyes contrasting with the intensity of his gaze. The cigarette rested between his fingers, forgotten for the moment as his focus remained solely on you.
the intensity of his gaze was overwhelming, he was fucking you with his eyes. your lips finally met in a hungry, passionate kiss, his lips moved against yours with a hunger that mirrored your own, a craving for each other almost as if you hadn’t spent the last minutes fucking eachother senseless. 
As the kiss deepened, his hand cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing softly against your skin. 
When your lips finally parted, breathless and flushed, his words reached your ears like a plea. "Don't you ever think of leaving again."
You met his gaze, seeing the sincerity in his eyes, the depth of his fear and desire. The weight of his confession hung heavy in the air, the intensity of the moment a testament to the connection you shared.
"I won't," you whispered, your voice laced with determination. "But you have to promise me something too." His brow furrowed slightly, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin as he waited for your words. "Promise me that you won’t shut me out again," you said, your voice soft but firm. "No more pushing me away, Tommy. If we're going to do this, to really make it work, you have to be all in."
He studied you for a moment, his gaze searching your face as if trying to decipher every emotion you were feeling. And then, with a nod, he gave you a small, genuine smile.
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One shot tags: @alexxavicry @randomfanfics02 @literishdegree99 @hellstears @rito4ka @watersquirtpewpewboomm @atomicsoulcollecto @Violet_19999 @woofgocows @milkshakelol @knowledgefulbutterfly @deanlovescassie @redhead7799 @star017 @watercolorskyy @babaohhhriley @kassieesworld @batgurl42 @velenzia @lyarr24 @mcladybug @musicsweetie21 @lostgirl219 @lothbrokcore @slaypussypop-21 @nyenye
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s1ater · 1 year
i do what i have to do.
pairings. bellamy blake x fem!reader
part two of two.
about. in which you point your gun at someone you never thought you’d point it at.
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warnings. swearing
ricky rocks. look who finally finished a year old one shot/fic/whatever you call it 🤗🤗
bellamy coudn’t hurt you even if he wanted to. so, when mumbling the words, ‘move or i’ll kill you’, you could see right through his bluff by the way his eyes so willingly betrayed him, filled with... hurt.
in all truth, bellamy believed you would have shot him if it would have come down to that, and maybe that’s what pained him most. he wouldn't hurt a hair on your head, and you would have, but only for the best interest and safety of arkadia and your friends. 
you never wanted to hurt bellamy, but recently you really, really wanted to slap him upside the head for all the stupid shit he had been doing. and maybe a gun scare would knock some sense into him, or maybe it would only put him deeper into the hole pike was digging for him. 
bellamy yanked you to your feet quickly after the two of you had seemed to have recovered from all the commotion that had just taken place. you weren't sure whether or not he wanted to get you away from the increase in rowdy crowd or to have his way with you first. 
you were beginning to think it was the last option as he marched down the hall with you in front of him, gripping your left arm while the other pressed against your back. one, two, three, four more steps before he shoved you into one of the guards rooms, his room. 
“what the hell do you think you’re doing?” he let go of your arm with a slight shove causing you to stumble forward a bit. he looked angry, more than you had ever seen him and more than you would have ever wished to see.
“bellamy, don’t start with me,” you mumbled, raising a finger to harshly accuse him... for something. “if you’re going to kill me, just get it over with.”
he scoffed, looking beyond dumbfounded with his mouth slight agape, not believing the words that had just came from your mouth.
“stop fucking talking,” he needed to think. he begun to pace back and forth, and you had no idea what to do with yourself as you watched him. “i need to get you out of here.”
he gives you a dumbfounded look that was filled with a sense of urgency, "y/n, you just shot someone that can have you dead within seconds. you don't leave, someone’s going to do exactly what you did, and take justice into their own hands."
"you should have let me finish the job."
"we're not starting this," he grips your shoulder before pushing you by your upper back. "people are leaving. o, kane, miller—you go with them. you stay, they'll kill you."
"how do you know this?" you mumbled, glancing back at the mention of your friends and the planned escape you all had developed. bellamy was considered a traitor to you all, so he would be the last person on your list to concern with the escape plan. 
"eyes everywhere."
you narrow your brows at him, "you're coming with."
he narrows his brows in shock, not expecting you to say this, you share the same expression, also shocked by yourself. the past month would explain this--not only had you watched your world at arkadia fastly crumble after the slow rebuild of humanity, you also witnessed your relationship with bellamy slowly tank moment after moment while his with pike was created.
so, offering passage was an absurd idea. after all the betrayal.
he seems to wince after his surprisal settles but is quick to keep a straight face as best as he can, "you're getting the wrong idea."
"am i?"
"we're not friends anymore, y/n. this isn't old times," his words are intentionally stinging, but you don't miss the look on his face that betrays him. "you can't save me if that’s what you’re thinking. I don't need to be saved, i know what i’m doing."
you frown, "bellamy, you need to stop acting like there's never going to be a happy ending for you before it comes true. leave with us."
"you know i can't do that."
"why not?"
"I dug myself in too deep this time," his face was still stone cold, but it didn't prevent remorse from blossoming in your chest. "maybe if you weren't such a terrible shot, this would be all over."
in well under an hour bellamy had you out of arkadia, alone. your friends had left a lot sooner than thought and no matter how much begging you did—expectedly—bellamy left his mind unchanged. 
you knew exactly where your friends were going—where they’d be. it was a long and lonely hike but it was enough time for reflection.
you miss the time where you felt like a kid still. where you were young and reckless and full of hope that you’d finally get to be free upon that first step off the drop ship. that you had purpose and will and fighting was something you hadn’t really minded aside from the possible side affect of death.
now you were tired. you just wanted to lay your head down for once and not think about the pointless rivalry purging your everyday life.
“y/n, you’re okay,” octavia pulls you into a tight hug, a certain relief setting over. “god, after we hadn’t seen you, we assumed the worst.”
“i’m okay,” you gave her a thin-lipped smile, “thanks to your brother.”
“bellamy?” she seems shocked, like that’s the first courteous thing he’s done for someone in years.
“yes,” you nod, understanding the hostile tone she almost takes with his name. “i think he might’ve saved me.”
“where is bellamy?” miller speaks causing you to realize they had all emerged from the cave.
"he's gone."
"no,” you shake your head, “he stayed behind. he said he had to fix some thing’s before he showed his face again.”
octavia mentally rolled her eyes, but kept her composure as she watched you, “you’re here. that’s all that matters.”
“is he dead?”
“indra has him.”
“y/n,” he gives you a pointed look at your protest. “you know that’s as good as dead.”
he was right. pike killed her people, that was far from unforgivable. he’d be lucky to receive death.
“she didn’t kill you.”
he shook his head, keeping his eyes low to the ground, “thanks to o.”
it took a day for bellamy to find you all. his face was beaten and bloodied, but you knew better than to ask what the cause was. he had a lot of enemies at the moment and it wasn’t like this was something out of the blue for him. you would've been surprised to see a clean face.
“she doesn’t hate you as much as you think.”
“i’d like to think she doesn’t hate me at all,” he presses his lips into a thin line. “you’re right though.”
you nod, trying to look sympathetic.
“about everything. i’m sorry.”
your mouth slightly opens in shock from not anticipating his words; apology and admitting.
“i’m sorry too,” you nod, swallowing harshly as you think about having that gun pointed inches from his face. “i would’ve never shot you.”
“you sure?” his voice is lighthearted, but you can tell he’s genuine when asking. “could’ve guessed otherwise.”
“guessing will only hurt you,” you tease, but quickly drop the blitheness. “i shouldn’t have done it, but i was scared… and angry.”
“i know,” he whispers, “we do what we have to do, right?”
“then if that means shooting me to knock some sense into me, do it.”
a laugh gets stuck in the back of your throat at the preposterous thought of it. the funny thing was you knew he wasn’t joking. classic bellamy, putting himself in harm’s way.
“me a couple months ago would be more than happy to oblige,” you shake your head, making it his turn to laugh.
“us a couple months ago was a different story. i’m sure we already had guns to each other’s throats.”
you laugh with him, “yeah.”
“never again.”
nodding, “never again.”
you stare at one another now, quiet and calm. you don’t think you’ve ever had a moment like this with bellamy before.
you’re not sure what to do, but bellamy does.
your months of angsty butting heads leading to civilness, then ultimately leading to radio silence on both of your ends due to pike, had killed him. and now, here you were, back in his grasp of more than just civilness, he couldn’t let that go.
“i lied,” he mumbles, suddenly shifting from the rock he sat on. “instead of shooting me…” he’s leaning now, hovering, and just barely resisting the urge to complete his intentions. you feel his breath fan your face; feel, because your eyes are shut. “please, just kiss me.”
his nose is slotted against yours, still hovering as he watches you beneath his eye lashes. his lips are so close… so close to yours, it’s killing him that he waits.
“i’m sorry, but i have to do this,” he smiles before finally pressing his lips against yours.
@thecraziestcrayon @mynewnamedoesnotmatter @myalupinblack @cc13723things @Uselesssapphickitten @black-rose-29 @reality-runaway @let-love-bleeds-red @rudypankowisdaddy @the-anxious-youth @kitkat-mini @itzstacie @deadbeatbarb @phantompogues @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @dayanaralight @nyx3028 @hizziestial @ritz-hell-hotel @fruitiseavey @kayalect @deathtobarbie @areil4 @strnqer @mystic-writings @gbrownn @moonlighy @straightzoinked @thelaststraw3 @navyabhatnagar @alexxavicry @esposadomd @lupinsluvbot
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nyasiaaaaa · 1 year
In the Bleak-Mid Winter
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Fem reader (Nurse) 
Summary: This is a story about two people who become constants in each others lives, and eventually fall for each. While one learns to love again, the other learns the cost of loving a man like him. 
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Cursing, Tommy eating, Mr.Campbell, sexual harassment, reader eats, Thomas Shelby ( If I missed anything or you think something should be added please tell me.) ( Also Y/N is on dick, IDKY she acts like this)
A/N: part 1 takes place during season two, part 2/3 season 3 and 4/5/6 season 4. This is a Slow burn there will be smut eventually.
             Part 2   Part 3    Part 4   Part 5  
You heard the paramedics before you saw them; you were sitting at the nurse's station having a late dinner amongst the other nurses when they burst through the door shouting.
"Male, early thirties, beaten severely, Bp 80/60, in and out of consciousness" 
You had rushed over and led them to the next available room in the ER; so you and the doctor may start your examination. The doctor surprisingly showed up with the emergency instead of half an hour later. The paramedics set the man down on the gurney and got out of your way, but not before calling the man lying in front of you by name and assuring him that he was in good hands.
'Wait" you yelled after the paramedic, making them stop and face you 
"You know this man, your family … or friend," you asked as you prepared a bucket of warm water with soap.
"No, miss, he's not friend nor family; I just recognized him, is all." the paramedic responded with a tight smile.
"And his name," you asked cause you didn't catch it the first time he said it. 
You thanked the man before turning back to your patient. You started to wipe away the blood and mud that caked his face making him unrecognizable, to the point where you were confused about how that gentleman had recognized him. 
You continued down his body, cleaning him up where need be so the doctor could assess and work properly. As you cleaned a nasty cut along his bruised ribs, he began to stir, and his eyes opened. 
"Sir, hi, do you know your name," the doctor asked him as he flashed a light in and out of his eyes
The doctor waited, but the man didn't answer, that's when the doctor looked towards you for help. 
You grab the mans hand, squeezing it, causing him to look in your direction; you smile gently at him before asking him, slowing.
"Sir, do you know your name"
"M- my my name," he whispered, out of breath 
"Yes sir, do you know it" You squeezed his hand again, encouraging him along 
"It's Thomas"
"Very good," you praised him
"My name is Thomas Shelby." 
You froze right in your tracks, dropping his hand and stepping back. You heard the doctor praise him for getting it right before asking questions about his pain, medical history, and allergies. 
The doctor waved his hand towards you, motioning towards you to write his responses down, but you didn't even acknowledge him. You couldn't even move. 
Thomas Shelby, thee Thomas Shelby. The most dangerous man in Birmingham is lying on your table with his life in your hands. 
It was starting to all make sense now, why the paramedics knew him but didn't associate himself with him, why the doctor had rushed over so quickly to care for him. 
You then realize that If this man dies, then you die. 
That was all you needed to hear; you grabbed your clipboard, pulled yourself together, and began to write down the things you heard. The doctor finished his assessment, and told Thomas he would come back shortly to take him to surgery, and he would have the nurse give him a couple of papers to sign while he waited. 
You rearranged the papers on your clipboard, putting the ones he needed to sign in front, then grabbed an IV and Morphine bag to set up a line. You handed him the clipboard as you put the bags on the hanger and began to put gloves on.
"What that," he asked, his head nodding towards the two bags as he turned the pages signing each of them before looking at you directly in your eyes.
"I -i-its a-a mo-morphi-e dr-drip a-and an IV ba-bag.”
You might have spoken more clearly if he wasn't staring at you with those eyes. It wasn't like what you had thought. You always thought that if you ever looked this man in the eyes, it would be no different than looking at the devil himself, especially after all the stories you have heard and the people you've seen who have been sent to the hospital in body bags after their dealings with him. 
You expected to see hundreds of souls trapped behind his eyes, but instead, you just see a man, nothing more, just a man.  
"Your papers," Thomas said, handing you back your clipboard as he looked at you looking at him.
"T-Thank you," you replied, tearing away your gaze as you walked towards the end of his bed, placing the clipboard along the edge. 
You then walked back up to him, took his arm, and searched for a vein before placing the IV.
You flashed him a smile before snatching your gloves off and waking out of the room for much-needed air. 
You walked till you were out of his sight, then you pressed your back against the wall before sliding down it all the way and placing your head in between your knees. 
You breathed in and held it before breathing out; you repeated this action four more times before you started to calm down. You sat there for a few more seconds before the doctor returned with more people to begin moving Thomas to surgery.
"You think you can scrub in, or do you need a minute," the doctor said to you, his voice laced with annoyance.
You nodded your head as you stood up and followed him. You ignored his comment toward you as you had understood that this man holds Thomas Shelby's life in his hands, and there is no room for him to fail. 
When you came into the room, the other nurse had already started to change Thomas into a gown and put a net on his head. You went around the gurney and flipped the stoppers on the wheels so that you may move it when ready. 
Soon he was all changed, and it was time to move. You had placed yourself at the head of the bed while the other two nurses stood at the side. 
"Let's go," you said as the three of you began pushing Mr.Shelby down the hall toward the surgery wing.
As you walked down the hall, you tried your hardest to not look down, even though you felt eyes on you, burning you as they looked at you. You tried to keep your eyes straight, but you couldn't and decided to look down. And when you did, you saw his bright blue eyes staring right back at you.
 His eyes are intense and chilling, yet you still stare at him as he stares at you. But his stare has more meaning behind it; he's looking at you curiously, even turning his head to, what you guess, is to get a look at your name tag. 
You break away your eyes from his as you hit the doors to the surgical wing pushing them open. You push him toward his room before leaving to wash up for his surgery as the other nurses get him ready and into place. 
After scrubbing up, you dry your hands before placing fresh gloves on them. And walking over to Mr.Shelby and sitting on a stool at his head. 
"Ok, Mr.Shelby, we're about to start your surgery. Today you are having surgery on your liver and kidney, which both have ruptured. I'm going to place the mask on your face and have you count back from ten, ok," You say to him as you set up the oxygen and gas machine for him.
He nodded his head, and you processed to place the mask on his face and nodded towards him to begin counting backward.
"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six….." 
You secured the mask before standing on the opposite side of the doctor. 
The surgery took four hours when It was only meant to take two; most of the time, Doctor Brown was on his game, but today, You had assumed that it was because of who the patient was that he was nervous and stressed himself out. But that wasn't the case; he became sloppy, too sloppy, to the point where you had to take over,  finish and close-up. And when you had gone over to his side to take over, you had smelled it, on his breath, Whiskey. You couldn't believe that he would take a drink before performing surgery on a patient. You m didn't say anything though and simply left it as if it was him being nervous that he held Thomas Shelby's life in his hands. 
The next time you saw Thomas awake was when you went into his room to check his vitals.
“ Good Morning Mr.Shebly; how are we doing today,” You asked as you garbed his wrist, checking his heart rate and writing it down before moving to check his blood pressure with the wrap. 
“ Thomas and Fine”
“ Well, Mr.Shelby, that’s Great to hear; how’s your pain on a scale from one to ten,” you asked as you wrote down his blood pressure and moved on to check his IV and Morphine bag. 
“ Thomas and 7” 
“ Mkay, you can turn up your morphine drip with this dial “ You stopped taking to show him the action of the cord before continuing, “ And I see you haven’t eaten …….. Thomas.” 
“ I can tell you know who I am, so you know that I can not eat any old food brought up by any old nurse.”
“ Well, I assure you the food isn’t poisoned.” 
“ Please do; go ahead and have a bite.” 
“ Sure,” You said with a smile as you reached down and grabbed the spoon before scooping up some mashed potatoes and bringing them to your lip.
You were about to take a bite when you thought about it; this is Thomas Shebly, Birmingham's very own gangster; he probably has a lot of enemies. 
They could be in the hospital right now or were when they poisoned his food. You looked down at the spoon before looking over at him.
“ I will get you a new trey made by me personally,” You said as you gathered your things and the tray and headed for the door.
“ And how do I know I can trust you,” he asked with a straight face 
“ Why would I save your life and perform surgery on you just to kill you a couple hours later.” 
He responded with a nod in agreement 
“ Oh, and Thomas, you a visitor a Mr.Campbell, shall I send him in”
“ Yes” 
You let the door shut behind you as you walked down the hall, briefly stopping at Mr.Campbell to tell him that Thomas may see him now before going down the steps to the kitchen. 
The closer you got to the basement, the louder it got, people, yelling, pans slamming against each other, and the smell of piss and bleach was so strong it made you gag and shiver. 
The kitchen was the first door on the right. You entered and immediately regretted it. Two rather large men were in the kitchen; though you don’t come down here often, you know that you’ve never seen these men in this hospital anywhere and that they weren’t the chefs.
“ Can I help you miss?” the shorter of the two men asked 
“ Um, a patient of mine didn’t receive his food, Ive come down to retrieve him some.” You replied, your eyes shifting between the two as you walked up to the window in the wall.
“ Which, uh…. I mean, what’s your patient's name” the taller one asked as he stood up from leaning against the wall.
“ W-why” 
“ Standard procedure,” the taller one said to you, shrugging his shoulders as he stepped closer.
You thought for a second and came to the conclusion that you would instead give this strange man a name than pick a fight you most certainly can’t win.
“It's for Mr.Shelby, Thomas Shelby” 
“ Ah, Mr.Shelby, ok, one meal coming right up,” The short one said as he turned to grab a plate and began putting food on it.
You tried to watch him carefully as he fixed the plate, but the taller man stepped in front of you, blocking your view and taking up the whole window.
He bent down to your eye level before he began talking.
“ What’s a pretty nurse like you doing down here? You don’t run food.”
His breath reeked of cigarettes and rum, making your face scrunch up in disgust before stepping back. 
“ All the food runners were busy, and Mr.Shebly needed food; I don’t mind doing another job; I’m happy to help.” 
You realized that now that you’re not as close, you can see more, not much, but you did see when the other man sprinkled something all over Thomas's food before giving everything a quick mix. 
You look back only to catch the tall man looking at you, well, more like at your body, which you were very grateful for, seeing as you didn’t get caught. 
“ Oi, here’s the food, miss,” The shorter man said, handing you the plate after the taller one moved out of the way.
“ Thank you,” you said before scarring off.
You dumped the food in the trash in the hall before jogging upstairs; you passed the nurse's station before turning right back around and reaching under the station table to grab your paper bag with your lunch. 
Then you headed straight for Thomas's room. You opened the door and closed it behind you locking it.
You see Thomas sitting on the bed, struggling to bring his cigarette to his lips. 
You walk over and place your bag on the bed before snatching it out of Thomas's hands and taking a hit of it yourself. You breathe in the cig and pace the floor several times before blowing it out.
“ What, what happened,” Thomas asked 
“ Two men in the kitchen, they didn’t belong. I know that for a fact; one blocked my view as they fixed your plate, and I swear, I fuckin swear I saw him put something in it,” you said, looking at him before taking another long drag and putting the cig back in his hands.
You begin to pace again, not feeling yourself calm down despite taking a couple of drags of the cig; you still don’t know why people smoke them things.
“ And,” Thomas began as he pressed his lips to the cig before taking a long drag and breathing it out, “ Where is the food now.”
“ I threw it out, of course; I’m not gonna get blamed for making a hit on Thomas Shelby,” you said, throwing your hands up as you looked at him with your head cocked to the side, confusion written all over your face.
Thomas took another long drag before saying, “ Welp, problem solved.”
“ H-how can you be so cool about this? They tried to kill you.” 
“ Darlin, I’m in here cause someone tried to kill me, it's not the first, and it's not the last time,”  he said before taking one last drag and putting the cig out. 
He looked at you momentarily before tilting his head and pointing toward the brown bag at the edge of his bed.
“ Oh, since we can’t trust the food, I’ve brought you my lunch, which we know is not poisoned. And before you decline, you going to be needing your strength. I’m assuming that you will be cutting your time here short.” You said as you took the food out of the bag and walked over to the stove in the room. 
“It's soup, so I must heat it; while it's heating, I’ll pack a goody bag of bandages and cleaning wipe, some morphine too; when do you think you’ll be out of here.” You asked as you filled the pot with the soup before placing it on the burner and turning it on. 
“ I’ll be out by tonight.”
Your head snapped over to look at him 
“ What,” he asked 
“It's just too far too soon for a man with injuries like yours to be traveling 
 on foot, are you going far”
“ Far enough”
“ I’ll help you to where ever you are going,” you said, walking back over to his bed. 
“ And why should I trust you.”
“ Well, let’s see, I just saved your life, and like you said, Mr.Shebly, I know who you are and what you do. And I’ve decided that I’d rather have you as a friend than an enemy,” You said before walking over to the door, unlocking it, stepping out, shutting it behind you, and locking it again. 
You then heading off to collect supplies. 
By the time you got back, the soup was ready, and you poured it back into the bowl and brought it over to Thomas, who tried to sit up but was too weak and fell back into the bed. You quicken your pace to him and set the bowl on the table before helping him sit up.
“ Slow down; you mustn’t tear your stitches,” You told him, placing pillows behind his back and helping him sit up.
He reaches for the soup but winches again in pain, he tries again, but you slap his hand. 
“ Let me, “ you said as you picked up the bowl from the table 
“ No, I can feed myself. “
“ Obviously not, now open wide,” you say as you dip the spoon in the bowl and hold it to his lips. 
He just looks at you with a straight face; you drop the spoon back into the bowl.
“ I’m sorry,” you say with a light laugh, “ but please, you need to eat” You bring the spoon out of the bowl again before placing it into his mouth.
You stay silent as he eats, repeating your actions over and over again. Bringing the spoon down to the bowl and scooping up some soup before bringing it to his lip. You do this while looking up, down, at the soup, and then at him, all while his eyes stay on you. 
Soon you are on your last spoonful of soup, and you accidentally cause some soup to run down his lip as you had pulled it out too soon. You immediately grab a napkin bringing it up to his chin.
“ Sorry, I-“ he cuts you off, grabbing your writs, stopping it mid-air, looking you right in your eyes.
“ I’ve got it,” he said as he grabbed the napkin from your hands before wiping his chin, then licked his lips. 
Your eyes trail down his face onto his body, slowly as you study every part of him, taking your time before returning to his face. And still, his eyes are on you, lookin' at you as you look at him.
“ Do you want to fuck” he asked 
You panicked 
“What? No, I was just c-checking on your body like, umm, you cut and bruises to make sure everything looked good,” you said while standing up, taking the bowl with you, and placing it back in your brown sack. 
“ Well….  Um, you leave tonight. I will be back to help you get dressed after my shift. We can go; I, uh, have other patients to check on, so I’ll be back then, and I’ll keep the door locked, ok.” You say, keeping your eyes on the ground as you collect your things and made haste towards the door. You quickly open the door shutting it and locking it before leaning against it.
This is Thomas Shelby, a cold-hearted killer, you tried to convince yourself. But man is that man easy on the eyes. You blow out a puff of air before placing your things back under the table at the nurse's station and walking off to check on your other patients.
You finished your work quickly and got off earlier than anticipated; it was around 10 when you headed towards Thomas Way. 
You unlocked his room and entered; you didn’t bother turning on some light; the moon provided enough light, and you were trying not to draw attention to yourselves.
You slowly walked over to him; he was sleeping on his back; you got up close to him before whispering.
“ Thomas…… Thomas wakes up” You reached down towards him to shake him a bit “ Thom-“ 
He reached up and grabbed your wrist, but unlike last time, it wasn’t gentle. You struggled to free your hand from his grip as you pulled back while he looked at you, confused.
“ Thomas, it's me, please” You let a cry slip as you tried to get him to understand. It was clear that Thomas wasn’t all the way there. 
“ Thomas,” you said a bit louder, causing him to let go of your wrist.
He shook his head and looked down before looking back up at you and your wrist, which you now cradled in your other hand 
“ I-Im so-“ You cut him off before he finished
“It's fine, come on, sit up,” you said as you grabbed his shoulder, guiding him the way you wanted him to sit. 
He was sitting on the edge of the bed before you walked towards the back room to gather his clothes and walked back. 
You placed his top on the bed before getting on your knees to put his socks and pants on. This time you heard no complaint from him as you helped him. After you put on his socks, you scrunched up his pants legs before putting them around his ankles.
You then pulled them up to his thighs as far as they would go before clearing your throat. He then stood up, and you stood up with him slowly pulling the pants up as you went. He almost fell when he stood tall, catching himself before he did so using your shoulder to balance himself. 
You pulled the pants to his waist, tugging a bit before zipping them up and buttoning them. You keep your head down, even though you want to look up; you feel his eyes on you, looking down at you. His whole body towering over you. It was equally as inviting as it was intimidating. 
He moved his hand slowly down your arm
to your wrist. He took it into his hands and brushed over it softly. 
“ I’m sorry.” 
His words made you look up at him 
“It’s fine.”
He drops your wrist, and you reach down and pick up his shirt, bunching it up in your hands as you stand on your tippy toes to place it over his head. 
He bent down to help you carefully slip his arm into his shirt before pulling it down and tucking it into his pants. You then click his suspender into place before slipping them over his shoulder. 
After you get back on your knees, place his shoes on his feet and tie them. When you finished, you helped him put his coat on. You grab the rest of the things you packed for him and place them in a bag before tucking them in his coat.Lastly, you grab his hat, place it on his head, pulling it down to cover his face more. 
“ Ok, so we’ll stop at the nurse station so I can grab my thing, then we’ll head towards the back of the hospital to leave; that way, no one will see you,”  You say as you start walking towards the door.
You walk out the door and towards the station, grabbing your coat, placing it on, then your purse, before walking to the backend of the hospital. 
You grab Thomas's hand, pulling him closer as you begin to approach the final long stretch of hallway.
“ I have to keep you close so people will assume we’re together.” You say 
“ Why,” he asks 
“ Cause …….. “ you trail off, “this part of the hospital is where people bring others to have…… a good time. That’s why it's the perfect place to leave. There’s no security and no one’s concerned with who comes and goes.”
“ Ah, so you do what to fuck” 
You immediately stop in track and face him,
“I do not Im trying to “ You stop mid-sentence when you see a slight smile on his face. He’s joking, trying to ease the heavy tension between you two. 
You grab his hand again, pulling him along the rest of the way, ignoring the people in your peripheral who are getting to know each other. You finally get to the door pushing it open and are greeted with a rush of cold air. 
You and Thomas step out of the hospital into the south parking lot, which is entirely empty. You look at Thomas, waiting for him to lead the way; he wraps his arm around you, placing some of his weight on you as he starts walking.
“ Is it far where we’re going?” you ask, looking up at your breath dancing in the air. 
“ No, not far, 30 minutes at most” 
Besides the occasional whine from Thomas, the rest of your walk is quiet. As you near your destination, or you assumed cause, Thomas asks you, “ You live near here or far? If so, I’ll have one of my men walk you home.”
“ Oh, now I have peaky protection; this friendship is starting off better than I thought. But yeah, I live close no need for a chaperone, though. I’ve lived in Birmingham all my life. I know how to take care of myself.” 
And that’s the end of that conversation; soon, you approach some gates to a well-known boatyard. 
“ We’ve arrived,” you asked
“ We have; I can make it from here,” he says, and you let him go 
“ Very well, Thomas, till next time, bye.” 
He nods his head towards you and says your name before walking away. Your heart skips a beat never having heard him say your name till now, and you never told him. You can only assume that he read your name tag at some point. You flash him a smile before walking home. 
Since you got home late that night, you didn’t have to sneak in to avoid your landlord. You were a couple of weeks behind on rent, the hospital didn’t pay well, and these apartments were a bit out of your reach, but they were the only ones that were halfway decent and not rat infested. 
The next couple of days, you continued to work double shifts so you could make enough money from rent. Every day, people asked you if you were ok, you had been forgetting to complete things and messing small tasks up. 
This was unlike you, but every time you let yourself think, your mind would drift off to Thomas. You kept rethinking every moment you were together, replaying every moment like it was a scene from a movie. 
Eventually, you were told to take the rest of the day off; people assumed you were too tired to concrete, seeing that you had worked doubles for the last three days. You didn’t protest because you had to admit you were pretty tired. 
When you arrived home, you wished you had fought the people at the hospital a little more.
As soon as you walked into your building, you ran into your landlord, who was collecting his mail from his box.
“ Sir, good afternoon. I don’t have your money now, but soon, I will have it in full soon, and I shall give it to you no later than next week.” 
His body wasn’t facing you, and he didn’t answer you, so you reached out and touched his shoulder.
“ Sir ?”
“ Huh, oh, it's you; I hope you weren’t talking to me; I don’t mean to be rude. My ears haven’t been working the best of late.”
He was talking, but you weren’t really paying attention; he had some nasty fresh bruises on his face, cuts above his eyes, swollen eyes, and a busted leaking lip that he kept bringing a towel up to dab. 
“ Sir, what happened? And I said I will have my rent to you by next week.”
“ Oh no, I’m fine, just some bumps and bruises, and no need to have the rent to me; from now on, you live here for free,” he said and started to walk off.
“ But sir, wait, I don’t understand why,” you asked, yelling after him
“ What was it that them peaky boys had said” Your eyes immediately widened; you had caused this. “Oh yeah, the rent for the girl is free, or the house burns down.”  
You were about to apologize, but he had already returned to his apartment. You stood there for a good minute before heading upstairs and fixing some tea and food.
You sat down and ate your snack, staring at the wall as you sipped your tea. Then you laughed and kept laughing; your landlord was a horrible man who once tried to get you to offer sex as payment, and by getting, he locked you out of your apartment until you had his rent, you had only been a day late when he did it, and it took you a week to get his money. You had to sneak into your apartment through the window every night and leave out the same way every morning.
He got what was coming for him, with his crazy rent prices like we live in the city. 
You smiled; this becoming friends thing with Thomas was already working for you. You had hoped that, that wasn’t the last time you saw Thomas.
And it wasn’t. 
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idksmtms · 1 month
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Tommy Shelby
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Coming soon...
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Arthur Shelby
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Coming soon...
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John Shelby
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Coming soon...
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Alfie Solomons
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Coming soon...
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Michael Gray
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Coming soon...
(you can hate someone and still want to fuck them - what can I say, I love a dickhead man apparently)
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Isaiah Jesus
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Coming soon...
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Luca Changretta
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Coming soon...
(Bc I love Adrien Brody, what can I say?)
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NGL, I could be tempted to write for Uncle Jack bc evil or not he was kinda hot...
Also could write for Aberama and Bonnie!
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stormgrl19 · 6 months
𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑠𝑡
Requests: open
Languages: English
I automatically write for fem!reader, but if you ask I can also write for genderneutral!reader.
I also write Imagines for oc x reader. (I will try to make the OC like you describe it, but if you want, it can also be a surprise.)
I will not write explicite smut, so please don't ask me for it and last but not least it can or will take a while until your request will be written as I am really good at procrastinating, so please be patient!
Oh, and English is not my first language, please tell me when you find wrong spelling and grammar!
Oksa Pollock.
Mortimer McGraw
Tugdual Knut
The 100.
John Murphy
Peter Pan
Paul Lahote
Jared Cameron
Kol Mikaelson
Kai Parker
Fate: WINX.
Stella of Solaria
Sebastian Valtor
19 notes · View notes
moonylantsovs · 11 months
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summary: the daughter of marcus kane gets sent down to the ground with ninety-nine other teenage criminals and a fake guard on her eighteenth birthday, deciding to take charge of the camp along with the two people she never thought she'd get along with after her previous experience with authority and the privileged
pairings: john murphy x fem!oc, bellamy blake x fem!oc ( slowburn )
taglist: @lotr-got
warnings: best friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, swearing, choking (not the kinky kind), heartbreak, ANGST, bellamy x gabi development, inappropriate jokes, mentions of self-harm in the beggining
series masterlist
Gabriella Kane was emotionally exhausted, which was a big difference to how she felt when she was stuck in the sky-box. Up there, when she was locked up and getting ready to get executed, she did not need emotions, but she wanted to feel something so badly that she even ended up stealing a guard's knife and carving her initials into the back of her leg, just under her knee. The feeling stung but she was the type of person who thrived off of anger and passion, not pain.
That was not a period in her life she was proud of and looking at the faint scar still made her obnoxiously angry. She felt weak for going to those lengths just to feel something and to feel human. But now, when she was on Earth in the middle of a war, leading a group of teenagers into war against actual warriors, she had to do that without the constant need to scream because two of her best friends were missing and there was nothing she could do about it.
Of course, the first thing Gabriella did when she woke up from the few minutes of sleep she got, was going to grab her gun. Only to realize Bellamy was one step ahead of her and already given orders that only specific delinquents were allowed to carry guns and no one was allowed to go out of camp with them.
"Bellamy, what the fuck?" Gabriella hissed, barging into Bellamy's tent.
He was laying on his back, shirtless, staring at the ceiling of the tent with a thoughtful expression on his face which instantly turned into one of amusement at Gabriella's pissed-off tone.
"Yes, Bambi?"
"Why the fuck did you give out the order that no one is allowed to go out of camp with a gun while I was asleep?" She asked, glaring down at him.
Bellamy shrugged, getting up and purposely flexing his muscles (only irritating Gabriella more) before picking up a shirt and twirling it around, his only intention to provoke her.
Gabriella clenched her jaw before she sighed. "You said we're gonna go looking for them after the sun goes up! It's been up for more than an hour. If we wanna find Clarke and Monty we need to go now."
"You're not going anywhere while I'm here." Bellamy said, suddenly turning serious.
"What are you, my father?" The blonde scoffed.
Noticing the corner of Bellamy's mouth slowly started tugging into a smug smirk, she instantly prepared for his next words by fixing him a warning glare. Which he obviously ignored.
"If you want I could ── "
"Don't you dare finish that sentence." The engineer warned with a scowl.
"No one's going outside." Bellamy said sternly. "You aren't in the right state of mind to be running around the woods with a gun in your hand. We can't risk losing anyone else." Gabriella opened her mouth to say something, only for him to cut her off again, "Wells and Raven agreed."
"Since when do you listen to Wells and Raven?" Gabriella asked, squinting her eyes up at him in confusion.
"I don't." Bellamy shrugged, "But you listen to Raven. So if she's okay with not going looking for her boyfriend if it means keeping everyone safe then so should you."
"I don't care if we find Finn or not. I want to find Clarke and Monty. Monty's an engineer and we need Clarke to get through this. You know that."
"Yeah." The man nodded solemnly. "But I also know I'm not willing to lose another one of our leaders."
"So what? We just sit back and do nothing?" Gabriella asked in disbelief.
"No." Bellamy said and shook his head, "We get ready for war. You can start by helping Jasper and Raven with the gunpowder for the minefield. Go."
"You're dismissing me?" The blonde gaped up at him, not believing he would start treating her like one of her lap dogs around camp.
Bellamy huffed, gripping the shirt in his hands tighter. "If that's what you'd call keeping you alive, then yes. You're dismissed."
Gabriella held her empty blue eyes glued to his dark brown ones before sighing and marching out of his tent. When she was standing outside she ran her fingers through her dirty blonde hair in frustration, feelings unexplainable anger bubbling up in the bottom of her stomach.
She looked around camp and her eyes connected with Murphy's, softening almost instantly. He looked like he was gonna walk up to her but something over her shoulder caught his attention and made him scoff under his breath and then turn around with a permanent scowl on his face. Gabriella furrowed her eyes in confusion and was about to follow him into the supply tent, only for Bellamy's voice to stop her.
"Trouble in paradise?"
The Kane girl turned around to see a shirtless Bellamy giving her a coy smirk, obviously catching her and Murphy's exchange and finding it amusing.
Gabriella quickly caught on to what Murphy probably thinks he saw and shook her head in annoyance. "You're an ass."
Gabriella quickly stopped what she was doing when a loud gunshot was heard through camp. Her eyes widened in alarm and she rushed towards the source of the sound, with Bellamy right next to her and a few other delinquents behind them.
"What the hell is the matter with you?" Bellamy snapped at a panicked Philip, who was supposedly the one who accidentally pulled the trigger of his gun.
"I'm sorry." Philip quickly defended himself, "I fell asleep. I've been on watch all day."
Bellamy clenched his jaw and gripped the top of Philip's jacket, pushing him against a three. "We've all been on watch all day! The bullet was one less dead grounder."
Gabriella stared at her co-leader with wide eyes, surprised by his outburst. Sure, she had seen him angry before but never like this.
"Bell," Octavia quickly chimed in, noticing Gabriella's hesitance to jump in, "you're scaring people."
"They should be scared!" Her older brother was quick to snap. He let Philip go and turned to the crowd surrounding him. "The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare, but that time is up! The grounders are out there right now, waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do! Clarke, Finn, and Monty are gone, probably dead..."
Gabriella swallowed thickly at his words, gripping her fists tight enough to draw blood as she listened to his speech.
"...and if you want to be next, I can't stop you, but no guns are leaving this camp! This camp is the only thing keeping us alive!" Bellamy's eyes connected with Gabriella's teary ones as he spoke his next words, dismissing the crowd, "Get back to work!"
As she watched Bellamy storm away and back to his tent, Gabriella felt a presence behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Wells looking down at her expectantly. "You gonna go calm him down or not?"
"Now why would I do that?" Gabriella drawled out, giving Wells an emotionless look.
"Because he trusts you." Wells shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
"Why do you even care?" Gabriella quickly changed the subject, turning around so she and Wells were standing face-to-face. She gave him a judgmental look. "Aren't you the one that left Monty alone?"
"You really think I wanted that?" Wells scoffs, shaking his head in frustration, "Don't you think I want to go after them too? I love Clarke and Finn and Monty are my friends."
"Really? Because it doesn't really look like you're doing anything that's gonna get the three of them back." Gabriella spat. She brushed past him without sparing him a second look.
"You know what will happen to me if you tell Bellamy."
Gabriella furrowed her eyebrows at the sound of Murphy's taunting voice coming from the walkie that was sitting on the table in the camp she, Raven, Monty, and Jasper reserved for building walking and radios.
She was about to ask what was going on when someone else with the third walkie beat her to it.
"Tell Bellamy what?"
"Murphy has a gun. He killed Myles── "
Gabriella's eyes widened at Jasper's words and she was quick to grab her walkie and rush towards the dropship while speaking into the walkie.
"John, what the hell are you doing?"
Bellamy and Gabriella caught sight of each other at the same moment the dropship door closed. Bellamy instantly threw the cup of water from his hands and rushed towards the door, alongside Gabriella, in hopes of going inside and seeing what was happening before it closed. But they were too slow.
Gabriella banged on the dropship door in anger and frustration, both her and Bellamy calling John's name in the hope of figuring out what he was planning to do.
"Open the damn door!" Bellamy yelled, Murphy's little revenge fantasy only adding to his long list of problems.
"You try to be the hero, Jasper dies."
Gabriella's eyes opened in horror as she tried her hardest to fight back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. That was not the John Murphy she fell for. That was someone who only cared about revenge. Someone that was willing to kill one of his closest friends to get what he wanted. Someone she did not recognize anymore.
The two remaining leaders of the hundred spent the entire night sitting outside of the dropship. Gabriella tried to make Murphy talk to her multiple times, but he did not budge. Bellamy tried to threaten him, but he still ignored them.
Gabriella has not been this terrified in a very long time. She did not know what Murphy was capable of at that moment. She did not know if he would actually have the guts to kill Jasper who was one of his only friends from The Ark.
Octavia emerged from one of the foxholes and made a B-line towards the two leaders. She panted as she caught her breath before speaking, panic obviously in her voice, "I just heard Murphy has Jasper."
"Yeah." Bellamy nodded, before asking. "South foxhole done?"
(Seriously? Gabriella thought bitterly. John has Jasper locked up and that's what he thinks about?)
"What?" Octavia asked exactly what Gabriella was thinking. "Bellamy, our friend is in there with a killer." She cast the blonde an apologetic glance. "No offense."
"None taken." Gabriella huffed, rubbing her palm over her face, too tired to be delusional about Murphy's murder attempts.
"O, look around." Bellamy started, looking around camp momentarily before looking back at his younger sister. "No one's working. If the grounders attack us right now, we're all dead."
Octavia ignored her brother's words and brushed past the two leaders to stand in front of the door, "Murphy! Murphy, if you even touch Jasper──"
"Octavia." Bellamy tried only for her to ignore him again.
"── I swear to god, you're dead."
"Octavia." Bellamy spoke, louder this time, "We got this."
"Really?" The brunette scoffed, "Because it doesn't look like you're doing anything about it."
Raven cut the argument off by approaching the trio. "Ella, you were right. There's a loose panel on the back. If one of us can pop it, we can get through the floor."
"Good." Gabriela sighed in relief, glad that they finally had a good plan. "You do that. I'm going to stay here, maybe try to keep him from doing anything stupid again."
Realization crossed Octavia's dirt-covered face and she looked down sheepishly, "Sorry."
Gabriella and Bellamy gave them a nod, before the latter picked up the walkie, trying to reach Murphy again. "Murphy, I know you can hear me. All our ammo and food is in the middle level. You know that. You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack. I can't let that happen."
"Yeah, well, in case you haven't noticed, you're not exactly in control right now."
Bellamy looked at Gabriella and let his shoulders slump in defeat. He hesitantly put the walkie to his mouth, "Come on, Murphy. You don't want to hurt Jasper, you want to hurt me."
Gabriella quickly realized what he was going to do and shook her head rapidly."No way ── "
Bellamy kept his gaze locked with the blonde's as he spoke his next words, which could possibly sign his life sentence, "So what do you say? How about you trade him for me?"
"No." Both Octavia and Gabriella said, the moment Bellamy put the walkie in his hand down, but he ignored both of them and spoke again.
"All you have to do is let him go and I'll take his place."
"How?" Murphy asked after a few moments of silence during which he was obviously debating what he was going to do.
"Bellamy." Octavia started, staring up at her brother pleadingly. "If you do this, he'll kill you."
"If I don't he'll kill Jasper."
"Bellamy, you can't seriously be considering this." Gabriella said, looking at her co-leader with a mix of disbelief and fear.
As much as the Kane hated to admit it, she needed him as much as she needed Clarke which meant that losing him was not an option.
"I am." Bellamy said simply, not giving her any room to fight as he spoke into the walkie again. "Simple. You open the door, I walk in, he walks out."
The dropship door started slowly opening as a sign Murphy accepted the offer. Bellamy passed his sister his walkie and started to make his way towards the dropship, only for Gabriella to grip his wrist tightly, almost afraid to let go. And she was, she had no idea what Murphy's plan was and she was scared of what could happen inside.
"You really don't want me to go in with you?" She asked, looking up at him, silently pleading for him to tell her he wanted her to go in. But it was possible it would end up worse if she did and they both knew it.
"We can't have all three leaders gone, Gabi." Bellamy said, his features softening slightly at the fear on the blonde's pale face.
"He won't hurt me."
"I'm not risking that." Bellamy quickly shook his head, surprising both of them with the speed of his response.
"Just..." Gabriella started, sighing softly. "be careful."
Bellamy chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "Don't worry, I won't hurt your little boyfriend too much."
"I'm talking about you." Gabriella corrected, making Bellamy's movements half. "I don't want you to get hurt."
"I appreciate the concern, Bambi." Bellamy said genuinely, smiling slightly, "But I got this."
Just as the last word came out of Bellamy's mouth, the dropship doors opened completely and Murphy's voice echoed through the camp, "Just you, Bellamy, unarmed. Ten seconds, or I'll put one in Jasper's leg."
"Take this." Bellamy said, quickly tugging his gun off his shoulder and passing it to Gabriella.
"We'll find a way to get you out of there. I promise." She told him, gripping his gun in her hand.
"You stay here. If I can't handle him, you're the only one who can. Now, get everyone back to work. The grounders are still coming." Those were Bellamy's last words before he turned around and walked into the dropship.
Not five seconds after Bellamy walked in, Jasper was being pushed out and the door was closing again. It took every cell in Gabriella's body not to run into the dropship. Instead of doing that, she helped Octavia untie Jasper and waited outside, hoping for the best.
"Do what I said." Murphy instructed after the first warning shot rang through the dropship, pointing to the red rope next to Bellamy's feet with the gun in his hands.
"Bellamy?" Came Gabriella's hesitant voice through the walkie, "Bellamy! Talk to me. Are you alright?"
"You want Queenie to know you're alive?" Murphy said, trying his best to keep his burning jealousy at bay. The man in front of him took everything from him. His freedom, his pride and his girl. "Start tying."
"Bellamy, do you copy?" That time it was Octavia's voice and it made Bellamy even more anxious.
"I'm fine." He said after he started tying. "Just a misfire. Now stop worrying about me and get back to work, all of you. And tell Raven to hurry her ass up."
"All right, that's long enough. Tie those two ends together." Murphy instructed, making Bellamy drop the walkie from his jades and do as he was told.
Once he was done, Murphy spoke up again, "All right. Now get up and toss it over."
At that moment it finally dawned on Bellamy what Murphy was planning. He wanted to hang him, just like he did with him. He swallowed thickly before tossing the tied rope up and facing Murphy again, "What do you want me to say? You want me to apologize? I'm─ I'm sorry."
"You got it all wrong, Bellamy. I don't want you to say anything. I want you to feel what I felt, and then...then I want you to die." Murphy said, glaring daggers at Bellamy.
"Is this about, Gabi?" Bellamy asked, noticing how Murphy's jaw tightened at just the mention of the girl he obviously has feelings for. "Nothing happened, okay? She doesn't feel anything for me. But she does for you. Are you really gonna do this to ── "
"Shut up." Murphy barked, tightening his grip on the gun in his hands. "We're not here to talk about girls. Now pull the stool under the rope and stand on it."
Once Bellamy did what he told him to, the red rope was right in front of his face. It was at this moment that he started to lose hope until Gabriella's voice was heard from the walkie on the floor.
Her voice was soft and pleading, making him stiffen instantly.
"I know you can hear me. You don't have to do this, okay? Don't hurt him and everything will be fine. Everything will go back to the way it was. Just don't hurt him."
His stomach was heavy with envy at how quick Gabriella was to defend Bellamy and plead for him not to kill him. But a part of him also melted at her words, sensing the sadness and desperation in her tone. She did not want to be the only one left standing. She did not want to lead the delinquents through the war alone.
He held eye contact with Bellamy, to make sure he didn't move. Then, he picked up the walking and spoke into it with an apologetic tone. "I don't have a choice, Ellie."
"Yes you do." She responded stubbornly. "Just care about me more than you hate him. We'll figure it out, together. As long as you let him go."
"I'm sorry, Ellie." Murphy sighed. "But that's not gonna happen."
And just like that, the walkie was smashed into pieces when Murphy dropped it on the floor as hard as he could. He aimed his gun back at Bellamy, who was looking at him in disgust.
"This is insane." Bellamy started. "The grounders could ── "
Murphy cut off his pleading by shooting a gun at the fall nonchalantly, successfully shutting the older boy up.
"Put it over your head." He instructed, twirling the red rope in his hand.
Bellamy huffed and followed his instructions. "Happy now?"
Murphy tugged the rope, making Bellamy stumble a bit. He chuckled at the sight, "You're so brave aren't you? I mean, you came in here thinking you were just gonna turn this whole thing around, that you were stronger than me, and maybe one of your friends would come and help you. Well, what do you think now, Bellamy? Hm?"
Bellamy desperately gripped the rope around his neck and tried to keep his feet on the stool when the boy in front of him started tugging it faster.
"You know. I gotta hand it to you, Bellamy." Murphy taunted, "You got 'em all fooled. They actually look up to you, almost as much as they look up to Ellie and Clarke. Yeah, well, we know the truth, don't we? You're a coward. I learned that the day you kicked out the crate from beneath me. What did you say, again? That you were just giving the people what they wanted, right?"
"I should have stopped them." Bellamy admitted. I should have listened to her.
"Yeah, it's a little too late for that now."
"You think they're just gonna let you walk out of here?" Bellamy asked, trying to stall and give Raven a chance to get the door opened.
"Well, I think the princess is dead...but I know the king's about to die, so who's really gonna those people, huh?"
"You're forgetting about Gabi." Bellamy was quick to say, knowing that he would hit a nerve but also saying the truth. "You know, the only person that somehow saw through your psychopath facade when everyone else gave up on you. But you know you're gonna lose her as soon as you walk out if you kill me."
Murphy tried to look unfazed by his words but gripped the rope tighter and spoke as if Bellamy did not say anything, "Maybe I'd have to kill your grounder-pounding little sister ── "
Bellamy anger flared at the bare mention of his sister's life being in danger and he tried to kick Murphy with his feet but it only made him lose balance and almost fall. Murphy relaxed his hold on the rope when there was a yelp heard from under the floor. He smirked coyly. "I'm guessing that's her right now."
Much to Bellamy's dismay, Murphy started shooting blindly at the floor until he ran out of bullets. He panicked when he saw he ran out and kicked the stool from under Bellamy.
Noticing Bellamy was trying to breathe by holding his hands between the rope and his throat, Murphy tugged on the rope again. "Using your hands is a cheat. Mine were bound, remember?"
Bellamy was just starting to turn blue when the dropship door let out a loud creak and started to open.
"Raven, you did it!" Jasper's voice was heard outside.
Murphy started panicking and rushed to the upper level of the dropship when Gabriella, Octavia, and Jasper barged into the dropship.
Gabriella's eyes widened at the sight of Bellamy hanging from the dropship ceiling by a red rope and did not hesitate even a second before she took her axe out of the waistband of her jeans and cut him down.
Bellamy grunted in pain as soon as his body hit the floor and Octavia was quick to get on the floor, right above his head, and take the rope off his neck. "Bell, breathe. Breathe."
"Can you breathe?" Jasper asked, looking at his leader in concern.
When Bellamy took a deep breath of air, all three of them sighed in relief.
"Good. You're okay. You're okay." Octavia cooed.
"Wells, Raven, he's fine." Jasper yelled to the duo, who were still under the dropship.
As soon as Bellamy caught his breath, he got to his feet, ignoring Gabriella's attempts to stop him, and rushed to the hatch that led to the second floor.
"Murphy!" He yelled, "Murphy! It's over."
He grunted and started climbing up on the ladder, still yelling Murphy's name in anger. Gabriella watched as he failed to open the hatch and pleaded, "John! Open the door!"
"There's only one way out of this for you now!" Bellamy threatened, banging on the hatch.
All four of them on the first floor are startled when a loud explosion is heard from the second floor. The explosion must have gotten the hatch open since the next time Gabriella looked at Bellamy, he was opening it and climbing up to the second floor.
Gabriella quickly followed him up and almost choked on the amount of smoke that filled her lungs. The smoke makes her vision blurry but she's still able to see that all the gunpowder is gone and there's a huge hole in the wall, with Murphy nowhere in sight.
Jasper came in between Gabriella and Bellamy, who were staring at Murphy's blurry figure running away through the woods.
"The guy knows how to make an exit." Jasper comments, making both present leaders give him a deadpan look. "Should we go after him?" Jasper asked them after a moment of silence.
"No. Grounders will take care of Murphy." Bellamy was quick to shake his head, trying his hardest to ignore Gabriella's crestfallen expression.
"We're going after Clarke, Finn, and Monty." Bellamy started, surprising both Gabriella and Jasper. He held eye contact with Gabriella and added, "You were right. We don't abandon our own." Then he turned to Jasper and said "Two guns...you and me. That's it."
"Like hell." Gabriella scoffed. "I'm going with you."
"Now you're pushing it." Bellamy rolled his eyes. "You'll stay here with Raven to build up defenses. We lost a day because of this, and our gunpowder."
Gabriella's shoulder slumped in defeat, knowing he was right but still not feeling comfortable with him and Jasper going out there alone.
Bellamy turned around to make his way down when Jasper stopped him. "Bellamy, wait." The curly-headed man looked at him expectantly and Jasper let out a nervous breath. "Look, I just..."
Jasper could not find the right words to say 'thank you' so he wrapped his arms around Bellamy's shoulder and pulled him into a hug instead. Bellamy froze while Jasper whispered "thank you" and looked at Gabriella with a mix of panic and confusion.
Despite the situation they were in, Gabriella smiled faintly at the scene and bit back a chuckle, amused by the panic on Bellamy's face. The eldest Blake patted Jasper's back awkwardly.
Jasper pulled away and grinned. "Long way from 'whatever the hell you want'."
Bellamy let out a breathy chuckle but Miller's voice from the walkie broke up the moment. "All gunners! We got movement outside the south wall!"
The trio on the second floor shared a look before they sprinted outside of the dropship.
"Wait!" Miller yelled at the gunners ready to shoot. "Hold your fire! It's Clarke and Finn! Open the gate!"
Gabriella waited for the teenagers to open the door and let out a sigh of relief when Clarke came into camp with Finn behind her. The Kane did not waste a second to pull her best friend into a bone-crushing hug. Clarke stumbled backward a bit but wrapped her arms around the older girl's waist, letting out a sigh of relief herself.
Once they pulled away Clarke looked at the girl in front of her in confusion. "Hey, we heard an explosion. What happened?"
"Murphy happened." Bellamy answered for Gabriella, knowing she definitely did not want to talk about what happened a couple of moments earlier.
Jasper jogged towards Clarke and pulled her into a hug. "Thank god! Where have you been? Where's Monty?"
"Monty's gone?" Clarke asked, gaping in surprise.
Gabriella did not get a chance to panic because Finn spoke up from behind Clarke. "Clarke, we need to leave, now. All of us do. There's an army of grounders, unlike anything we've ever seen, coming for us right now. We need to pack what we can and run."
"You want us to run?" Gabriella scoffed, "We knew this was coming and we're not gonna run like a bunch of cowards to save our own ass."
"Ella," Octavia called out, "we're not prepared."
"And they're not here yet. We still have time to get ready. Besides, where would we go? Where would we be safer than behind these walls?" Bellamy exclaimed, backing Gabriella up.
"There's an ocean to the east. People there will help us." Finn said, making Octavia snap her attention to him.
"You saw Lincoln."
"Yeah." Finn nodded and Bellamy could not help but scoff at his words.
"You expect us to trust a grounder?"
"Especially after our people locked him up and tortured him." Gabriella agreed, "He led us into a trap last time. What makes you think this isn't another one?"
Bellamy nodded at her words before turning to the crowd of teenagers around them. "This is our home now. We built this from nothing with our bare hands! Our dead are buried behind that wall in this ground! Our ground! The grounders think they can take that away. They think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here. But they're yet to realize one very important fact; We are on the ground now, and that means we are grounders!"
While Gabriella grinned in agreement, the other delinquents let out a bunch of 'yeah's' and Miller added, "Grounders with guns!"
"Damn right!" Bellamy exclaimed, "I say let 'em come!"
"Bellamy's right." Clarke cut in, making all attention turn to her. "If we leave, we may never find a place as safe as this. And god knows, in this world, we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow. But that doesn't change the simple fact that if we stay here, we will die tonight. So pack your things. Just take what you can carry, now."
When she was done with her speech, Clarke turned towards her two co-leaders with an apologetic look.
"You can't be serious." Gabriella said, shaking her head.
"I am." Clarke said, biting her lip. "If we stay here we die."
"But at least we die fighting." Gabriella was quick to shoot back and she was ready to keep arguing when Wells' weak voice caught her attention.
She turned around to see him trying to carry a half-conscious Raven in his hands. She rushed towards the pair, Clarke, Finn, Bellamy, and Jasper following right behind her.
"What happened?" Clarke asked, her eyes wide in horror.
"Murphy shot them." Jasper told her, noticing blood on Wells' shoulder.
Finn swiftly took Raven into his arms and Clarke grabbed Wells' shoulder to stop the bleeding. The Griffin hurriedly ordered Finn, "Get her onto the dropship."
Everyone except the three leaders headed inside and Bellamy looked down at Clarke with a stoic expression. "Clarke, leaving here is a mistake."
"The decision has been made." Clarke stated simply.
"God, you're acting like such a hypocrite right now." Gabriella scoffed and glared at her friend. "If all three of us are leading this camp and the two of us want us to stay then we're supposed to stay. This isn't absolutism. You can't decide everything by yourself."
Clarke looked taken aback by the attitude in Gabriella's voice but quickly recovered and met her with an emotionless expression. "The people made the decision. I'm just making this easier for all of us."
"Crowds make bad decisions." Bellamy chimed in. "Just ask Murphy. Leaders do what they think is right."
"I am."
Gabriella and Bellamy watched Clarke walk into the dropship with defeated looks on their faces. Bellamy let out a sigh, "This is why you're my favorite."
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inmyownlaine · 2 years
Murphy’s Law: John Murphy x Female OC
Part: 3/?
Word Count: 1472
Warnings: None
“It doesn't matter how you feel, life is just a Ferris wheel. It's always up and down.”
The minute Murphy set foot in the dropship Raven scurried away. She balled herself up in the corner, fending for whatever life she had left. It pained Marlow to see her so afraid. She wasn’t one to back down from anyone. However, she was left defenseless and on death’s door. There wasn’t much more she could do.
Raven’s eyes darted between Murphy and Marlow. For the first time in weeks, she managed to mutter out a feeble, “Why?”
Marlow expected Murphy to reply sarcastically. That’s why she remained on the offense, saying her peace before he could get the chance to. “He needed help.”
Raven just glared in response. She needed help, too. And Murphy was the reason. “I can’t keep doing this by myself. Please, understand. We need him.”
“Yeah, you need me,” Murphy added. Raven’s jaw clenched, a clear sign of annoyance and disappointment. Marlow put her head down, ashamed that she let Murphy get the better of her. 
Embarrassment taking over, she made a quick decision. Anything to remove Murphy from this situation and leave her be. Even if it was briefly.
“If you’re going to stay with us, you have to work. Raven can’t do much, so I’ve been scavenging and defending.”
“I’ll defend,” he said without missing a beat.
“Not a chance,” Marlow told him. “I’m not leaving you with Raven. Alone.”
Murphy smirked. “What? You think I’m gonna do something to her?”
At a loss for words, Marlow’s shoulders slumped. “What do you want me to believe?”
Murphy gave her a hard look before sauntering to the ramp. But it was nothing compared to the fire that Raven was shooting in her direction. Marlow began to approach her, guilty for her choice. Knowing the gravity that weighed on this single action.
Raven scoffed in response. It caused Marlow to stop abruptly. They were at a standstill; no words, no noises, no nothing. Yet Raven’s eyes said everything.
“I’m sorry,” Marlow managed to get out. She couldn’t handle being hated. Whether it was by her best friend or her worst enemy, it was hurtful either way.
“Go away,” Raven said harshly. Marlow nodded curtly. Tears burned her bottom lids as she took a shaky breath. Now was not the time to make amends. If Raven would ever forgive her for this, it would have to be down the road. Maybe when they were settled. When they were safe.
“I love you, Raven Reyes. I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you.” With that, Marlow headed towards the forest. Murphy was already leagues away, kicking at the fallen leaves. He didn’t look particularly interested in getting food.
“Murphy,” Marlow called out.
He stopped kicking at the ground and directed his attention to her. His blue eyes shining against the contrast of his bloody face. Something Marlow had only noticed now. “Yeah?”
“Wait up.”
With the dropship in eyesight, the two walked in endless circles. Keeping their chins down, searching for anything edible. They had taken survival courses while on the Ark. In fact, it was one of Marlow’s favorite subjects. She knew Murphy couldn’t say the same.
Their instructor, Pike, had taught them everything they could ever need to know. How to make medicine with herbs, what animals were poisonous, and what types of mushrooms they could consume. Marlow never thought, in a million years, that she would have to utilize this information.
In fact, she never planned on being detained. Too young to be floated, but not too young to be ripped from her family. Not too young to be a test subject. She didn’t have the capacity in her heart to hate anybody. But the council members were close.
It was Murphy’s yell that snapped her back to the present. He continued rambling profanities, sucking on his pointer finger. In a fit of rage, he kicked the small bush. Marlow couldn’t help but to chuckle at the useless action.
“You sure like to kick things.”
“It makes me feel better,” he snapped. 
“Thorns?” she guessed.
“Only a million of them.”
Marlow studied the shrub closely. Though it didn’t require much examination. It was easy to see the prickly magenta fruit dangling between the leaves. Without much knowledge on the subject, one would probably stay away. This had to mean only one thing.
“You know your plants.”
“Not well,” he responded.
“Well enough. You just forgot about the stem. Just as prickly as the fruit.”
He didn’t say anything, much to Marlow’s dismay. She started to pick the gooseberries and place them carefully in a pouch. Murphy wiped his finger on the pocket of his pants and pressed on without her.
Once Marlow was done, she stood upright. A gentle smile crossed her face as she thought of a compliment for his unknown skills. But she quickly realized that he was gone. She spun in two full circles before full panic set in.
“Raven?” she screamed. There was no answer. She shouted Raven’s name again before taking off at full speed. If anything happened to her, Marlow could never forgive herself.
Marlow was halfway to the clearing when she saw Murphy in the corner of her eye. Unassuming and unaware, lying against a sturdy log. He was sharpening a stick with his pocketknife, inspecting the point he had made.
She let out a sigh of relief and headed towards him. He continued with his task, acting as if she weren’t there.
Marlow plopped down beside him and crossed her legs. She could sense that he still didn’t want to talk. So instead, she picked at the blades of grass until the ground was bare. With the rich soil now exposed, she began to draw with her fingers. Creating meaningless shapes and letters.
She spelled her name over and over. Marlow Malus Madigan. Tried to remind herself who she was. Wanted to remember where she came from. It was the only thing that she owned right now and the only thing that was hers. 
“Your parents named you after apples?” Murphy mocked.
“I don’t think that was their intent,” she answered. “Besides, how would you even know that?”
Murphy shrugged. Tried to act nonchalant about it. He stabbed at the dirt with his makeshift shiv and shoveled divots. 
“You paid attention in class,” she finally said.
“What else was I going to do?” he commented. “Might as well learn something if I had to be there.”
“But I thought after- well you know everything that-.” Marlow petered off as Murphy raised his head. Stared her dead in the eyes. It frightened her if only for a moment. Almost like he was challenging her to say the next thing.
“I’m sorry that happened to you,” she said softly. In her mind, there was never a reason for an adult to behave that way. Especially to a child. It didn’t matter if Pike was pressured. It didn’t matter if he was their only chance for survival. It was his responsibility to remain in control.
Granted, she knew Murphy could be difficult. And maybe they didn’t care about his teachings at the time. While she understood the demand to be heard, the urgency to take their situation seriously, Marlow would never condone Pike’s actions.
“I heard you,” he told her. “When that was happening. You and Octavia and Jasper. You were all telling him to stop.”
“It scared me,” she admitted. “And then I thought ‘Why should they expect any less from us?’. Look at the way we’re being treated. That’s what we know.”
“Yeah, it’s messed up.”
She mentally agreed. But even with all the physical abuse he obtained that day, Marlow was most worried about the emotional damage. Of course, she heard about the boy that set the officer’s courts on fire. That gossip didn’t die down for at least two weeks. 
She never knew why. “That was wrong of him. To tell everyone about your parents.”
Murphy stiffened up. The vein in his neck bulged as he pushed himself off the ground. “We’re not talking about this.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” she said quickly. Trying to tell him as much as she could before he walked off again. “But I want you to know you didn’t deserve that. And no one should have heard.”
The vein only got larger, bobbed up and down as he avoided conversation. Once more, he said nothing. He started towards the dropship, leaving Marlow yearning for a single connection. Wanting to sympathize with his choices. Or at least have a better understanding.
That would all have to wait for now. She couldn’t push him to open up. Just like she couldn’t push Raven to forgive her. With that in mind, she pushed her feelings aside and followed him.
One day. Maybe one day, he would find the strength to talk to her.
The rest of the fanfic:
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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hd-junglebook · 7 months
Part 2
word count - 3,446
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The five of you stood at the side of the cliff, your hearts pounding with anticipation as Finn gripped the rope tightly in his hand, ready to swing across the gap. Finn prepared to make his leap, Jasper piped up, his voice filled with determination. "Wait, guys. Let me do it. I've got this."
There was a moment of stunned silence as his words sunk in. Clarke glanced at him, concern etched across her features. "Jasper, are you sure? It's a long way across." But Jasper was already stepping forward, a defiant gleam in his eyes. "Clarke. Trust me, I can do this."
The rest of you exchanged uncertain glances, but Finn nodded in agreement. "Let him try. We don't have much time."
With a collective cheer, you urged Jasper on as he gripped the rope and launched himself into the air. For a moment, he sailed across the gap with grace, his movements fluid and confident. As Jasper neared the other side, a spear soared through the air straight into his chest, sending him careening off course.
With a sickening thud, he collided with the rock behind him, the impact knocking the wind out of him.
"Jasper!" Clarke cried out in horror, rushing forward to help him. The rest of you watched in shock, the reality of the situation sinking in. You were not alone in these woods.
Finn took charge, his voice urgent as he scanned the surrounding area. "We need to move. Now. Whatever hit Jasper could still be out there."
You stood in stunned silence by yourself, gears turning in your head at the lack of choices you seemed to have in this moment. Clarkes voice waking you back up from your daze. You crouch down out of sight of whatever was out there.
The woods seemed darker and more foreboding now, every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs sending shivers down your spine. You looked back at Jaspers figure once more pinned to the rock, catching sight of Monty out in the open.
"Well, this is just fantastic. I always wanted to be stuck in a survival situation with a bunch of amateurs." You whisper to yourself, scanning the woods around you before lunging towards Monty, dragging him by his ear back to the group.
"We are so screwed," Octavia insisted, her eyes darting from tree to tree as if searching for any sign of their missing friend.
Out of nowhere, Jasper's chilling scream pierced through the stillness of the forest, sending a shiver down your spine and causing your blood to run cold. Panic surged through you, your mind racing with fear and uncertainty.
"Clarke, Jasper. He's alive," you gasped out, your voice trembling with a mix of relief and dread.
But Clarke was already moving, her determination unwavering as she raced ahead, heedless of Finn's warning. "Clarke, wait. Wait! Wait," Finn called out desperately, but she didn't stop.
Monty's voice trembled with fear as he scanned the surrounding trees, removing himself from you side to stand at the cliffs edge once more. "No. Where is he?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes wide with horror.
"They took him," Clarke replied, her tone heavy with sorrow and rage. The realization hit you like a punch to the gut, feeling paralyzed as you crouched in the depths of the forest, knowing that Jasper was now in the hands of whatever lurked in the woods.
The four of you sprinted through the dense undergrowth, the branches seemed to claw at your skin, leaving scratches in their wake. You reached out, grabbing Octavia's arm with clammy hands, pulling her along with you as you dodged and weaved through the obstacles in your path.
Glancing over your shoulder, you noticed Monty and Clarke lagging behind, their breath coming in ragged gasps. "Come on, guys! We're almost there!" you shouted back, urging them to pick up the pace. The forest around you seemed to darken, the sunlight filtering through the canopy overhead seems to diminish with each passing step.
light struggled to penetrate the thick trees behind you, casting long shadows that stretch across the forest floor like fingers reaching out to pull you deeper into the gloom with every step you took towards the safety of the camp.
The distant flicker of the campfire beckoned through the thick brush, you could almost feel the warmth of the flames against your skin, driving you forward despite the burning ache in your legs. Each step was a struggle, your muscles screaming in protest from the relentless exertion of running from Mount Weather.
You pushed Octavia forward through the trees, finally reaching the group, you were met with a scene that sent a chill down your spine. Murphy and Wells were engaged in a vicious knife fight, their faces contorted with anger and desperation.
Clarke stepped in front of you, her voice sharp with urgency. "Wells! Let him go!" she yelled, pushing herself through the crowd to intervene.
“Alright enough you two!” Bellamy growled as he pushed Murphy away from Wells. Meeting Clarkes angry glare before Octavia caught his attention.
He moved with determined strides, parting the sea of bodies like a ship cutting through choppy waters., his expression darkening with concern and anger. "Octavia, are you all right?" he demanded, his piercing gaze locked onto you, unwavering and intense. "You let her get hurt out there? Where's the food you were so spent on getting?”
You bristled at his accusatory tone, your sarcasm dripping like venom. "Oh, sorry, Bellamy, I was too busy dodging spears and saving Octavia to remember to pack you a picnic basket," you shot back, your frustration boiling over. "But you seem to have everything under control, as usual."
Bellamy's jaw clenched, his gaze hardening even further as he took a step closer to you. "Don't play games with me, y/n," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.
Finn stumbled forward, gasping for breath. "We... we didn't make it to Mount Weather," he managed to get out between labored breaths.
Clarke stepped forward, her voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "We were attacked," she announced, her gaze sweeping over the assembled group of delinquents. "They were waiting for us, lying in ambush."Her words hung heavy in the air, a chilling reminder of the dangers that lurked in the woods beyond their camp. The group exchanged worried glances.
Clarke's gaze softened as she addressed her friends, her voice sincere. "Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong," she continued, her eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "There are people here, survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us."
"Yeah, the bad news is the Grounders will," Finn admitted, his eyes reflecting the gravity of their situation.
Wells limped towards the group, grimacing in pain as his voice broke through the tension, his concern evident as he inquired about Jasper's whereabouts. "Where's the kid with the goggles?" he asked, his gaze darting around the group anxiously.
Clarke stepped forward, her expression grim as she delivered the devastating news. "Jasper was hit. They took him," she revealed anxiously. "Where is your wristband?" she demanded, turning her attention back to Wells, her eyes searching his face for answers.
Wells hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice heavy with regret. "Ask him," he replied, gesturing towards Murphy with a solemn expression.
Clarke's frustration was obvious as she processed the information. "How many?" she hissed, her voice barely above a whisper as she awaited Murphy's response.
Murphy's reply was chilling in its simplicity. "Twenty-four and counting," he admitted, his tone sinister as he confirmed the number.
Clarke's frustration boiled over, her words laced with anger. "You idiots," she spat, her voice filled with bitter disappointment. "Life support on the Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here," she scolded, her words a reminder of the harsh reality they faced.
"Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good," Bellamy shouted, rallying the crowd with his impassioned words. "We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner," he declared, his tone defiant as he challenged Clarke's authority as he faced her.
"I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors! The Grounders should worry about us!" His words resonated with the crowd, drawing them back to his side as they echoed their agreement.
You shook your head in disappointment at the shortsightedness of it all, the frustration evident in your expression as you watched the crowd rally behind Bellamy's reckless rhetoric.
Monty pulled you and Clarke towards him, his faced scrunched in discomfort. "What do we do now?" he asked, his eyes darting between Clarke and Bellamy as he sought your guidance.
Clarke's response was firm and resolute, her gaze unwavering as she addressed him. "Now we go after Jasper," she declared.
You and Clarke worked quickly to patch up Wells, the urgency of the situation lending speed to your movements as you devised a plan to rescue Jasper. Clarke and Finn's heated exchange filled the air behind you, their voices clashing in disagreement.
Finn remained steadfast in his belief that venturing back into the woods would only lead to disaster. "I'm not going anywhere, and neither should any of you. That spear was thrown with pinpoint accuracy from 300 feet," he argued back.
Clarke's frustration bubbled to the surface as she refused to entertain the idea of leaving Jasper behind. "So what, we let Jasper die? That's not gonna happen, Spacewalker." she retorted, every word seasoned with accusation.
Finn stood his ground, his expression desperate as he countered Clarke's resolve. "It's not an adventure, Clarke, it's a suicide mission," he countered.
"Clarke, we could use Bellamy," you suggested, your voice tinged with reluctance. "He has a weapon. As annoying as he is, we need all the help we can get."
Walking over to Octavia, you handed her a bottle of water, offering her a small smile of reassurance before looking over her leg once more. Clarke approached Bellamy then, her voice commanding as she addressed him. "I hear you have a gun.” Bellamy reply came without hesitation, lifting his shirt slightly to reveal the weapon strapped to his waist.
As he did, you couldn't help but notice the defined contours of his abdomen, the muscles taut and well-defined. Caught momentarily in the act of admiring, you quickly averted your gaze, but not before Bellamy's eyes flicked up, catching you in the act.
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he noticed your fleeting glance. "Like what you see?" he quipped, his tone teasing.
You rolled your eyes, unable to resist a sarcastic retort. "Please, Bellamy, don't flatter yourself. I was just wondering if that thing is even loaded," you shot back, your tone laced with playful sarcasm.
Clarke nodded in agreement. “That’s good. Follow me," she instructed, her words leaving no room for argument.
You fell into step beside her, Bellamy shot you both a questioning look, his brow furrowed in confusion. "And why would I do that?" he asked, his voice edged with skepticism. The two you halting in your walking.
You couldn't resist the urge to challenge him back, his self-righteous attitude grating your nerves for the second time today, "Oh, I don't know, Bellamy. Maybe because you're not as brave as you like to pretend," you retorted, your tone dripping with sarcasm.
Bellamy's expression hardened, and he stepped closer to you, mirroring your stance, his gaze intense. For a moment, you almost step back at his closeness, but you refused to back down. "Careful, sweetheart. You don't want to find out just how wrong you are," he warned.
You squared your shoulders, meeting his gaze with equal intensity. "Try me," you mocked, your voice steady despite the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You walked away with Clarke, leaving Bellamy behind. You could almost feel the weight of his gaze boring into your back as you moved further away. A silent challenge lingering in the air.
Your focus, alongside Clarke's, remained on locating Jasper, the urgency tangible in every stride as the group trudged through the dense undergrowth. Bellamy's voice, sharp and cutting, sliced through the otherwise oppressive silence.
"Hey, hold up. What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart." His words halted the group in their tracks, prompting a momentary pause in the relentless pursuit. Wells attempted to interject, his voice a soft plea for reason, "We have to find him, Bellamy,” but Murphy's abrupt intrusion blocked his path.
"We heard him scream when they moved him. We have to find him now." You voiced, restraining yourself from punching Bellamy in the face.
The exchange between you and Clarke, a tense back-and-forth of explanations and rebuttals, seemed destined to continue until Bellamy interrupted, his tone brusque and impatient. "As soon as you take those wristbands off, we can go."
“Over my dead body, Blake,” you huffed, finding his insistence infuriating. Bellamy was quick to put on a self-satisfied expression at your remark. Suddenly, Finn materialized out of the shadows, his unexpected presence bringing an abrupt halt to the argument.
"Clarke's right. We need to keep moving. We're not leaving anyone behind."
Clarke spared you one last glance, mouthing a simple ‘sorry’ before walking away with Finn taking the lead of the group. Once they dispersed, you found yourself beside Wells, Bellamy, and Murphy not far behind. Seeking solace in conversation, you struck up a dialogue with him, hoping to find some semblance of normalcy. Every step felt heavy, the worry for Jasper gnawing at your insides.
The sound of a low groan reverberated through the trees, causing both you and Clarke to snap into action. Without a second thought, you both bolted towards the source of the noise. pushing through tangled foliage and dodging gnarled roots. You finally stumbled upon Jasper, his figure slumped against a rock.
Your heart twisted at the sight of him, “Jasper!” you screamed, looking over his battered and bloodied form. Jasper's wounds were covered, a makeshift bandage hastily applied by unknown hands. Jasper groaned aloud once more, relief flooded through you at the realization that he was alive.
Before you could reach him, the ground beneath your feet gave way, the earth crumbling beneath you in a sudden collapse. Clarke's scream pierced the air as she watched you disappear into the darkness below.
She stumbled backward, her eyes wide with fear, before collapsing to the ground herself. The rest of the group rushed to her side, their shouts of concern blending with the chaos of the moment.
In the midst of the commotion, Bellamy's strong grip closed around your arm, your heart leaped into your throat, you locked eyes with Bellamy just as you were about to plummet into the unknown depths below.
For a fleeting moment, there was something indecipherable in his expression, a hint of uncertainty perhaps, but it vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
Before you could dwell on it further, you realized his attention was drawn to the wristband on your arm, and Bellamy's gaze flickered down to it for just a moment. Anger flared within you at the implication, and you snapped, "Let go, Bellamy!"
He hesitated, his grip on your arm tightening as if contemplating his next move. Panic overwhelmed you as you teetered on the edge of the pit, "I know you want to let go, Bellamy. Just do it already!" you snapped.
Bellamy's expression remained inscrutable, his gaze flickering briefly to your wristband before meeting yours again. Then, as if coming to a decision, he released you, allowing you to slip further into the spiked pit below.
Just as you were about to plummet into the abyss, Murphy's strong hand closed around your arm. The rest of the group rushed to your aid, their shouts of concern mingling with the chaos of the moment as they worked together to pull you back to safety.
With a collective effort, they hoisted you up from the brink, your heart pounding in your chest as you collapsed onto solid ground once more. Relief washed over you in a dizzying wave, but as you shot a glare at Bellamy, his gaze still lingering on you with an intensity you couldn't quite decipher.
Murphy and Finn rushed forward to help Jasper, you stayed back, still trying to steady your breathing after the near fall. The others scrambled to their feet, scanning the forest for any signs of danger. your eyes landed on Bellamy's gun lying on the ground nearby.
Before you could think twice, a low growl echoed through the trees, sending shivers down your spine. Your gaze shot back to the source of the sound just in time to see a sleek panther emerge from the brush, its predatory eyes fixed on Bellamy.
“Bellamy!” Clarke shouted. “Get the gun now!”
Bellamy reached in his waistband, feeling around for his gun coming up short. A look of confusion passed over his face as the panther crept closer to him. For a split second, you hesitated, your anger and resentment towards Bellamy flashing through your mind. ‘he doesn’t deserve to live.’  You thought. But against your better judgment, you lunged forward, grabbing the gun and aiming at the panther.
You fired off a shot, the sound echoing through the forest as the bullet found its mark. The panther let out a fierce roar before getting ready to strike again. You straightened your aim, stepping closer before firing another round. The panther collapsing to the ground with a loud, its threat neutralized.
Breathless and shaken, Bellamy turned to face you with an eyebrow raised. "Guess I owe you one," he replied, his tone laced with sarcasm.
“They're back!”
The gates of the camp swung open, allowing everyone to stream back through the camp, you found yourself lingering behind, lost in the tumult of your own thoughts. Memories of your mother, her accusing words, and the weight of her disappointment flooded your mind.
You recalled the countless times she had blamed you for her circumstances, her voice echoing in your head like a haunting refrain. The sharp sting of her words, the relentless yelling, and the coldness in her eyes all played vividly in your memory.
"You coming?" Bellamy's voice broke through your reverie, pulling you back to the present.
You glanced up, meeting his gaze briefly before looking away. "Yeah, I'll catch up," you replied tersely, your tone betraying the turmoil within. Your legs guided you without a second though, taking your place on a log settled by the fire, surrounded by the other delinquents. You let the warmth of the flames ease the tension in your shoulders.
Harper and Miller's banter provided a welcome distraction, their jokes and laughter cutting through the heavy atmosphere that hung over the camp. You found yourself drawn into their playful exchange, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you listened to their witty repartee.
"So, did you hear about the guy who stole a calendar? He got twelve months!" Harper said, laughing to herself while Miller poked the fire next to you.
"Oh man, that's almost as bad as your last joke!" Miller responded, shaking his head at her bad attempts at jokes.
You chuckled along with them, appreciating the light-hearted moment amidst the chaos of your situation. You caught yourself watching Bellamy, your eyes hazily looking over at the line forming in front of him.
"Next!" Bellamy shouted, while Murphy continued to break off the wristbands of each delinquent in line. You watched as he worked efficiently, his movements brisk and purposeful as he conducted his trade.
"Food for wristbands. One at a time, let's keep it moving."
Despite your lingering resentment towards him, you couldn't help but admire his resourcefulness and determination to provide for the group.
But when Bellamy's gaze briefly met yours, you couldn't bring yourself to accept his offer of food, instead choosing to remain seated by the fire, surrounded by the company of your fellow delinquents.
Every now and then, a knowing glint danced in your eyes, a subtle acknowledgment of the secret you held close. While Bellamy spoke with confidence, there was a hint of unease in his demeanor, a flicker of uncertainty that betrayed his facade of bravado.
It was clear to you that he didn't realize you were privy to his secret, the truth behind his presence on the dropship, the lengths he went to in order to secure his spot among the delinquents.
130 notes · View notes
novashelby · 3 months
13 notes · View notes
shelbystales · 1 year
Tomato Plants - One Shot
Word count: 6227
Requested: yes by anon
Summary: You are Tommy's friend, but one night, when he walks through your window, everything you know about your relationship with him changes.
Warning: fluff and virgin smut
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes
The moon had already been casting its pale glow over the night for quite some time. The streets of Birmingham lay shrouded in darkness, creating an atmosphere thick with potential dangers. Common sense dictated that nobody in their right mind would even consider venturing through these streets alone at such an hour. Of course, Tommy Shelby wasn't exactly known for adhering to conventional wisdom, but deep down, his very presence was enough to deter anyone from approaching him. After all, this was his city. He moved through the night like a phantom, a figure both feared and revered in these alleys and backstreets.
Meanwhile, you were safe inside your bedroom, the turmoil of your thoughts making it impossible for you to sleep. Your attention remained fixed on your reflection as you continued to brush your hair. The soft bristles glided through your locks, each stroke a momentary distraction from the thoughts that kept you awake. The flickering candlelight illuminated your features, casting a warm glow across your room.
Outside, Tommy's movements were calculated and noiseless as he made his way up the side of the building to reach your second-floor room. All because he found himself craving the company of a friend who meant more to him than he’d like to admit. His gloved fingers found secure holds on the window ledge as he ascended easily, landing on your balcony window. 
You heard distant noises, assuming it was the wind you didn't give it much attention, as the sounds soon faded into the background and were replaced by a peculiar stillness. It was in this moment that you felt a subtle shift in the air, a presence that was neither expected nor familiar. 
Instinctively, you turned your gaze towards the window, heart skipping a beat as your eyes met Tommy's as he stood outside your window. His figure was partially obscured by the darkness, his expression unreadable. A shiver of surprise ran down your spine, and your breath caught in your throat as Tommy motioned for you to open the window, his movements swift and urgent
"Tommy?" you uttered softly to yourself as you rose from your chair. Hesitation gripped you for a moment as your mind raced through the implications of his sudden appearance. 
Your parents were sound asleep in the room next to yours. If your father knew Tommy was here... that would spell trouble, as he had strictly forbidden you from having any connection with him. But the curiosity and the longing desire to see him again prevailed, urging you to follow his unspoken invitation.
With cautious determination, you crossed the room and approached the window, your eyes never leaving his. With careful movements, you unlocked the latch and pushed the window open, the cool night air filling the room..
"Tommy, you really shouldn't be here," you whispered, your voice just a little nervous.
"I wanted to see you," he murmured
"My dad would kill you if he knew you were here," you whispered, your apprehension showing.
"He could try," he countered, a daring smile gracing his lips.
You stole a glance outside the window, scanning the quiet streets for any signs of prying eyes. "Come in before someone sees you," you urged, grabbing onto his collar and playfully pushing him inside, forcing Tommy to take a step forward, crossing the threshold from the darkness outside into the warmth of your room
You closed the window as soon as he walked in. Your heart raced as you looked at him, his presence being a mixture of danger and desire. The longing that had kept you awake night after night was now standing before you, real and tangible.
You and Tommy have been close friends for ages but now your father was particularly wary of Tommy's growing reputation and had become increasingly insistent on keeping you away from him. Doing his best on keeping you locked up inside your house, only allowing you to hang with your female friends and always accompanied by someone he trusted. 
It’s been almost two weeks since you last saw him and you must admit that being around him again felt nice. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked trying to decipher him, something that was hard to do
Tommy's fingers brushed a loose strand of hair away from your face, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "I had to see you," he confessed, his gaze unwavering as he looked into your eyes. 
“So you climbed a wall like a fucking spider?” you chuckled, a teasing grin on your lips. “Gosh, Tommy… and now what?” Your voice was laced with curiosity as you perched yourself on the edge of your bed, looking at him with a mixture of playfulness and inquiry.
Tommy's gaze held yours, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. 
"I've got a plan," he said, his voice a low murmur that carried an air of excitement. "How about we take a little adventure, just you and me? Like the old times, eh?"
The mention of 'the old times' brought a nostalgic smile to your lips. Back when you were kids, you and Tommy had been inseparable, always finding yourselves in one scrape or another. Running barefoot on the streets of Birmingham, having fun and causing confusion wherever you were. Those memories held a special place in your heart.
Tommy Shelby always was a source of mystery and excitement, he had a way of injecting life back into the dullest of moments. Since your father had prohibited you from seeing him, your life had become an unbearable tedium. The thought of an adventure with him was like a breath of fresh air, promising a break from the stifling routine that had taken over your days.
The mix of intrigue and excitement danced in your eyes as you leaned in a bit closer, the anticipation palpable. "An adventure?" you echoed, your voice tinged with curiosity. "What kind of adventure are we talking about here?"
Tommy's lips curved into a half-smile, his eyes gleaming with a playful glint that was all too familiar. "How about I keep it a secret?" he suggested, his tone conspiratorial. "Trust me, you'll enjoy the surprise."
"Alright, Tommy Shelby. Surprise me." you chuckled softly 
With a shared smile, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, creating an electric atmosphere that seemed to buzz between you. For an instant you felt like a child again.
He took your hand in his, a familiar touch that sent a rush of warmth through your veins. 
You always felt a magnetic pull towards Tommy, a connection that went beyond friendship. But despite the lingering attraction, you had never dared to cross that line. He was your close friend, someone who had been by your side through thick and thin, and you feared that any romantic involvement could jeopardize the bond you both cherished so much. Besides, you often convinced yourself that Tommy had no romantic interest in you. After all, he is a man who always gets what he wants, and if he hadn't pursued you after all these years, it was a sign that he didn't see you in that way.
Holding your hand, you both moved towards the window, ready to embrace the mystery of this spontaneous adventure, a sudden realization struck you like a bolt of lightning.
"Wait," you said, halting in your tracks as a thought occurred to you. "Shouldn't I change clothes first?” You passed your hand over your satin nightgown
Tommy glanced at you, his lips curving into a half-amused smile. "Yeah, probably a good idea," he agreed, his eyes lingering on your body for a moment longer before he turned his back, giving you the privacy you needed.
You made your way to your wardrobe and quickly selected a warm sweater and comfortable pants, eager to make the most of the upcoming experience.
As you began to change, your eyes caught a reflection in the window glass. Tommy sat on the edge of your bed, his back turned to you as he gazed out the window. The moonlight lighting his best features, his eyes weirdly seeming bluer. 
As you started to undress, a sudden impulse gripped you as an audacious thought crossed your mind, taking a step to the side, positioning yourself so that your body was reflected in the glass, allowing his gaze to land on you through the reflection. 
The idea was impulsive and with a daring curiosity, you began to undress. Your heart raced in your chest, you knew it was a reckless move, an unexpected gambit in the unspoken dance between you and Tommy. But in this moment, you felt a surge of confidence, a desire to seize the opportunity to show him a side of you he had never seen before.
Unbeknownst to you, Tommy's senses were as sharp as ever. Though his back was turned, he watched you intently from the moment your figure appeared in the window's reflection. His fingers curled into the fabric of the bedspread, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. His heart rate quickened subtly as he resisted the urge to turn around, his inner struggle evident in the clench of his jaw.
You had your back turned to him as you bent down to put on your pants, an unintentional but daring tease that had his heart racing. The audacity of the moment both surprised and intrigued him. Tommy's grip tightened on the edge of the bed, his knuckles turning white as he grappled with the flood of emotions that your actions had stirred. He wondered if you knew he could see you, but he assumed not. He wanted to look away, but his gaze felt drawn to you. 
He felt a mixture of surprise, curiosity, and a primal sort of longing that he had tried to keep buried. He had always been the master of control, but in this moment, control seemed to slip through his fingers.
Finally, you were dressed and ready, the air heavy with the tension that had built between you. As you turned around, your eyes met his in the reflection of the window. His expression was a mix of surprise and something deeper, an emotion he rarely allowed himself to feel so openly. His chest tightened as he struggled to find his composure.
He cleared his throat, recomposing himself as he searched for the right words. "Ready?" he asked, his voice steady but laced with an underlying tension that matched the electric charge in the room.
Your gaze held his, and there was a flicker of knowing in your eyes that made his pulse quicken further. "Ready," you affirmed, your voice carrying a newfound confidence. It was as if you sensed the effect you were having on him, and that only added to the magnetic pull between you.
Tommy went first, gracefully navigating the exit and extending his hand to help you out. You accepted his offer, feeling a rush of excitement as your fingers brushed against his.
With every step he took, you followed, mimicking his movements as you descended the building, stepping where he did and holding at the same places.
He landed first and as you neared the ground, Tommy's held you by the waist as he guided you with a sure but gentle grip, ensuring your safe descent. Your heart raced as you felt his proximity, your face only inches from his as he helped you down. The scent of his aftershave enveloped you, an aroma that sent shivers down your spine.
For a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. Your eyes met his, the intensity of the moment hanging in the air like a tangible force. As your feet touched the ground, the moment passed, but its impact lingered in the air. Your breath caught in your throat as you stood before him, your heart racing.
"This way," Tommy said, his voice slightly husky, breaking the charged silence that had enveloped you both. You followed his lead, walking side by side, the city's labyrinth of streets and alleys stretched out before you.  
As you navigated the streets together, Tommy's presence felt like a shield against the uncertainties of the night. His confident stride matched your own, and his occasional glances in your direction sent a jolt of anticipation through your veins as you found yourself drawn to him in a way you had never allowed yourself to fully acknowledge before.
As you walked, the city unveiled its hidden beauty to you. Cobblestone pathways glowed under the dim streetlights, revealing a world that existed beyond the surface. The air was filled with the distant echoes of laughter from inside the houses and still opened pubs and the soft rustle of leaves, creating a symphony of intimacy that enveloped you both. The city's architecture seemed to tell stories of its own, each building holding secrets of the past.
Tommy led you down the creaky wooden stairs, his steps confident as he descended into the darkness. You followed closely, the anticipation of what lay ahead building with each step. At the base of the stairs, another heavy wooden door stood before you.
With a subtle push, Tommy opened the door, and you stepped into a dark room. Your eyes adjusted to the dimness, and you realized you were in some sort of storage area. Wooden crates and barrels were stacked haphazardly, and the air smelled faintly of aged wood and dust and horse shit?
Tommy made his way through the cluttered room, and you followed, curiosity piqued. He stopped in front of a large wooden door and glanced back at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"This is where the real adventure begins," he whispered, and then he pushed open the door.
You stepped through the doorway and found yourself in a dimly lit stable. The scent of hay and horses filled the air, and you saw them, beautiful horses, each one a magnificent creature in its own right.
Tommy walked toward a particular horse, a sleek and elegant animal with a glossy black coat. He ran his hand along the horse's neck, his eyes filled with admiration.
"This," he said, his voice low and filled with excitement, "is the surprise. We're going to take this horse for a ride."
You looked at him in surprise. "Tommy, are you suggesting we steal a horse?"
He flashed you a sly grin. "I've had my eyes on this beauty for a while"
With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, you approached the horse Tommy had chosen. “Who’s the owner?” you asked a bit unsure, caressing the horse's fur. 
“No one that matters” he answered “Ready?” he asked 
You couldn't help but chuckle at Tommy's cryptic response. With a grin, you nodded in response to his question. "Ready," you confirmed, the anticipation of the unknown adding a hint of thrill to your voice.
Tommy helped you onto the horse, his touch gentle yet firm as he adjusted your position in the saddle. Once you were settled, he climbed behind you, his body so close to yours you felt your heartbeat race. His strong arms encircled your waist as he settled in behind you on the horse. With a shared sense of adventure, you spurred the horse into motion, and it responded eagerly, carrying both of you away from the stable and into the darkness of the night.
“Where are we going now?” you asked as tommy held the heins
Tommy's warm breath tickled your ear as he leaned closer to speak over the sound of the horse's hooves. "We're going to a little cottage out in the wild" he replied, his voice low and tinged with excitement.
As the horse carried you both further away from the city, the surroundings grew more rustic, with the dirt path leading you into the heart of the countryside. Tommy's grip on the reins remained steady, guiding the horse with ease.
“You bought a cottage?” you asked, surprised by the unexpected turn of events.
“No, the owner is away. Traveling,” Tommy explained, his voice holding a hint of amusement.
“Are we going to commit another crime? Break into someone's house?” you asked, your tone a mixture of curiosity and teasing.
Tommy chuckled at your question, the sound a low and mischievous rumble. “That was never a problem for you before,” he remarked, his eyes glinting with a shared sense of adventure.
As the horse's hooves kicked up a fine spray of dirt and leaves, you couldn't help but smile at Tommy's response.The wind blowing in on your hair felt like music to your ears. 
The night was beautiful, the sky was so full of stars that it was impossible to count. 
The cottage came into view as you followed the winding dirt path deeper into the wilderness. It was a quaint, picturesque little house with ivy climbing its walls and a charming thatched roof. The soft glow of moonlight bathed it in an ethereal glow, casting long shadows that danced across the garden.
"Here we are," Tommy announced as the horse came to a gentle stop in front of the cottage. You dismounted gracefully, your anticipation building as you looked around.
Tommy followed suit, and the two of you stood in front of the cottage, the night alive with the sounds of nature. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, unlocking the door with a practiced ease.
"Tommy Shelby, you should know that breaking and entering don’t involve a key," you teased, a playful glint in your eyes.
He shot you a smirk as he pushed the door open, revealing a cozy interior. The cottage was rustic and inviting, filled with the scent of wood, dirt and old books.
"This place belongs to an old woman I know," Tommy explained. "She's away visiting her children and asked me to check on her tomato plants."
You couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn of events. "Tomato plants? That's why we're here?"
Tommy shrugged, his gaze flickering with amusement. "Couldn't say no to her. She bakes good bread for us in the betting shop" you smiled at him
You stepped inside, taking in the cozy ambiance of the cottage. It was a world away from the bustling streets of Birmingham.
He worked on lighting the fireplace, and once lit, the warm light flickered across the room, casting a soft and inviting glow over everything. It was a scene that felt like it belonged in a storybook, a far cry from the gritty streets of Birmingham you both were accustomed to.
You turned to Tommy, a playful glint in your eyes. "So, are we really here to check on tomato plants in the middle of the night?"
Tommy chuckled, his voice carrying the warmth of the moment. "Well, it's a good excuse, isn't it?"
You nodded in agreement, secretly delighted by the whimsy of the situation. "It 's perfect."
As you both explored the cottage, you discovered charming details that added to the rustic charm of the place. Antique furniture and shelves filled with books lined the walls. It was as if time had stood still in this cozy haven, shielded from the chaos of the outside world.
Eventually, Tommy's eyes lit up as he found a bottle of whisky. With a contented sigh, he poured himself a glass. 
You continued to explore the cottage, brushing your fingers over the spines of the books that lined the shelves. The titles varied, a mix of classics and forgotten novels, each one holding its own story and secrets. You couldn't help but wonder about the woman who owned this cottage.
“There are so many books” you said with excitement
"I knew you would like it," Tommy replied as he settled himself on the couch, a warm smile on his face. He had always admired your passion for reading, understanding that books were a way for you to escape the confines of your sheltered life.
Your father's overprotectiveness had only grown as you entered your teenage years. He had become obsessed with controlling every aspect of your life, determined to shield you from the world he considered dangerous. And he worried too much about your interactions with men. “You need to be a wife to someone, no one wants something used” his words sent shivers down your spine. The freedom and independence you had once enjoyed when you were younger were now distant memories.
It seemed that every year, as you grew older, the walls of your world closed in a little tighter. The rules, the expectations, they all felt suffocating. But tonight, in this secluded cottage with Tommy by your side, you felt a fleeting taste of the freedom you had been denied. 
Tommy took a sip of the whisky, his eyes half-closed in appreciation of the drink's warmth. The crackling sound of the fireplace added to the cozy ambiance of the cottage, casting flickering shadows on the wooden walls.
You finally selected a book that caught your interest and joined Tommy on the two places couch. As you started to read the book you had chosen, Tommy watched you with a softness in his eyes. It was a side of you that he cherished, the way your face lit up when you delved into a good story. He knew that, in a way, this was your own form of rebellion against the strict rules imposed by your father… little did he know the contents of those books you read. When you were kids and you started to see Tommy less and less, whenever you met you would talk for hours about the stories you were reading. 
Eventually, you set the book aside and turned to Tommy, your eyes meeting his with a soft smile. "Thank you for this, Tommy," you said, your voice filled with gratitude. "I needed a break from it all."
he replied, his voice gentle "You deserve moments like these."
“Do you have a cigarette?” you asked, making him chuckle. He grabbed in the inside pocket of his suit and placed the cigarette on your lips, gently lighting it for you. you took a drag inhaling the smoke, feeling the soothing effects of the smoke.
“Missed it, hm?” he asked making you smile
“I did,” you said, letting the smoke out. 
Tommy watched you as you exhaled the smoke, a faint smile playing on his lips. He had always been aware of your occasional indulgence in cigarettes, a vice you had kept hidden from your family. It was one of those small rebellions that allowed you to reclaim a bit of autonomy in your controlled life. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette for himself, lighting it with practiced ease.
As the room filled with the soft haze of cigarette smoke, you and Tommy started to share stories and laughter. With each shared moment, the connection between you deepened, and a sense of comfort and familiarity settled over the room. The crackling fire provided a soothing backdrop to your conversation, its warmth mirroring the growing warmth between you and Tommy. With your cigarettes in hand, you both settled into comfortable silence, the occasional flicker of the firelight casting shadows across your faces.
Tommy's gaze remained fixed on you, his eyes tracing the contours of your face with a fondness that he had long suppressed. He had always admired your spirit, your determination to be true to yourself despite the constraints of your upbringing. And tonight, as he watched you exhale a plume of smoke into the room, he couldn't help but feel a growing attraction that had simmered beneath the surface for years.
Tommy leaned closer, the distance between you shrinking as he extinguished his cigarette in an ashtray on the table. 
“You look beautiful tonight, you know?” His hand reached out to brush a stray strand of hair away from your face, his touch sending a shiver down your spine.
Your heart began to race as you met his intense gaze. Your breath caught in your throat as Tommy's words washed over you. You had always seen him as a man of few compliments, his tough exterior often hiding the tenderness that lurked beneath. But this, this was different.
The air seemed charged with electricity as Tommy's fingers grazed your skin, and you couldn't help but lean into his touch, your eyes never leaving his. The warmth of his hand against your face sent a thrill coursing through you, and you felt a surge of desire that matched the intensity of his gaze.
"Tommy," you whispered, your voice filled with a mixture of longing and anticipation.
Before another word could be spoken, Tommy closed the remaining distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that was both tender and passionate. It was a kiss that held all the years of unspoken feelings, a kiss that spoke of desires that had long been suppressed.
Your lips moved together with a rhythm that felt both familiar and new. As you melted into each other, the world outside ceased to exist. The room was filled with the soft sound of your mingled breaths, the flickering firelight casting playful shadows on the walls. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated passion, a moment that had been a long time coming.
Tommy's hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer until there was no space left between you. The heat of his body against yours sent a delicious shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but sigh into the kiss.When you finally broke apart, gasping for breath, your foreheads rested against each other
When you finally pulled away, your lips swollen and your breath ragged, you met Tommy's gaze once more. His eyes were dark with longing, a hunger that mirrored your own.
"What took you so long?" you whispered again, your voice filled with playful teasing.
He smiled, a soft and tender smile that reached his eyes. His hand gently held your chin and pulled you into a kiss again. this time more intense and passionate.Your hands found their way to his hair, tangling in the dark locks as you deepened the kiss. 
His breath against your neck sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but arch into his touch as his hands roamed over your shoulders. The kiss along your jawline left you trembling, your body aching for more. 
With his hand on your waist, he guided your movements, and you willingly straddled him, feeling the heat of his body beneath you. The sensation of his lips meeting yours was electric, and your mouths moved together in a passionate dance that left you breathless. Desire coursed through every inch of your body as Tommy's tender caresses and lingering kisses sent waves of pleasure and anticipation rippling through you. 
His tongue parted your lips, and the taste of him was addictive, a blend of desire and longing that matched your own. His palms slid down your shoulders, finding the small of your back and pulling you even closer against his chest.
As the kiss deepened, you felt your knees grow weak, the intensity of your desire threatening to overwhelm you. The world outside faded away, and you were consumed by the fiery connection between you and Tommy.
Their lips separated and he looked into your eyes. Staring back at him, you nodded.Tommy's gaze remained locked with yours as he slowly and sensually unbuttoned your blouse, his fingers deftly moving over each button with a deliberate pace. The anticipation in the room was palpable, and every touch sent a thrill of desire coursing through you.
With the last button undone, he gently parted fabric, revealing the soft curves of your body beneath. His eyes roamed over your exposed skin, his desire evident in the hunger in his gaze. His mouth found his way to your neck, then moved down to your collarbone. 
With a shared sense of urgency and desire, you and Tommy began to help each other shed your clothes, each layer revealing more of the tantalizing beauty that had been hidden beneath.
As you undressed him, you couldn't help but admire his body, a body that had seen its share of battles and triumphs. The scars and imperfections only added to his allure, a testament to the life he had lived.
Tommy's hand cupped your face, his touch tender against your skin as he searched your eyes for any sign of hesitation or uncertainty. His concern for your well-being was evident, and he wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with the path you were both about to embark on.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of care and desire.
But your response was resolute, your voice filled with a deep longing and determination. "I do," you affirmed, your eyes locked with his. There was no doubt in your mind, no hesitation in your heart. This was what you both wanted
As Tommy's lips left a trail of kisses on your skin, your heart raced with a heady mix of anticipation and desire. Every touch, every caress, sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, and the intimacy of the moment was almost overwhelming.
He moved on top of you, placing your back gently against the couch, his body pressed against yours, and you could feel the warmth of his skin against your own. The weight of his desire was palpable, and it ignited a fire within you that burned with an intensity you had never known, he kissed your breasts, gently pressing and caressing them. 
His lips found yours once again, and the kiss was filled with a hunger and longing that left you breathless. As he moved to kiss your core, your breath caught in your throat, and your body arched with anticipation.
His movements were slow and gentle, a surprising tenderness that left you feeling cherished and loved. Tommy had a reputation for being rough in bed, but this was different. This was your first time, and he wanted to make it special for you. And he was impressed, he was enjoying this as much as you. 
As he gently pulled down your pants, your heart raced even faster, and a flush of desire spread through your body. He kissed the flesh of your inner thigh, gently pressing his lips against your skin. Tommy's hands moved with a gentle and sensual touch, caressing you over your panties. The sensation of his fingers against your skin sent shivers of pleasure coursing through your body, and you couldn't help but gasp softly at the exquisite sensation.
His fingers traced delicate patterns, exploring every inch of your most intimate places with a tenderness that made your heart swell with affection for him. As his fingers continued their sweet exploration, your desire grew, and you could feel the heat building within you. He pulled your panties down, exposing yourself completely to him. 
His tongue met your clit with a tantalizing flicker of sensation, and a gasp of pleasure escaped your lips. The exquisite feeling of his mouth against your most sensitive spot sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your body, and your fingers tangled in his hair as you arched your back, seeking more of his touch.
Tommy continued to use his skilled tongue to drive you to new heights of pleasure. Each flick and swirl of his tongue on your clit sent electric pulses of sensation through your body. Your whispered exclamation of "Shit" was a testament to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you.
As the pleasure built, your breaths came in shallow gasps, and your hands held onto Tommy's hair, not wanting him to stop. The knot in your stomach tightened and coiled as waves of pleasure coursed through your body. Each flicker and caress of Tommy's tongue intensified the sensation, leaving you gasping for breath. It was a delicious ache, a sweet torment that made your body arch and tremble.
As Tommy's skilled touch continued to work its magic, The knot in your stomach tightened even further, coiling with anticipation. Tommy's skilled touch, his devotion to your pleasure, pushed you right to the brink.
Your fingers clung desperately to his hair, your breathing growing even more erratic as you teetered on the precipice of climax. The sensations coursing through your body were almost overwhelming, and you could feel the intense release just moments away.
With a shuddering breath and a cry, you finally surrendered to the waves of ecstasy that had been building within you. Your body trembled as the pleasure overtook you, and every nerve ending seemed to light up with the intensity of the release.
Tommy began to move back up your body, his lips planting tender kisses along the way. His lips met yours in a slow and passionate kiss, and you tasted the remnants of your shared desire on his mouth.
Tommy rested his forehead against yours, He smiled gently, his eyes filled with warmth and affection “you ok?” he asked and you nodded.
“Y-yes” Your voice caught in your throat as you struggled to convey the overwhelming sensations that had just washed over you.
Your hands moved with a sense of purpose, reaching for his belt and deftly undoing it. The anticipation hung in the air, and every movement felt charged with desire. Tommy watched you with desire, his eyes locked on yours as you worked to free him from his clothing.
With a shared sense of urgency and desire, Tommy helped you remove his clothes, freeing his hard cock from the last remaining barriers between you.
“Oh, you are very big” you said bluntly, making him chuckle
His chuckle was a mixture of amusement and affection, and he couldn't help but find your candidness endearing.
"Is that so?" he teased, his voice laced with humor as he leaned in closer, his body brushing against yours as he kissed your lips “I’ll be gentle” Tommy's teasing remark and the tenderness in his voice made you smile as his lips met yours in a sweet and reassuring kiss.
You felt the tip of his cock gently pressing at your entrance. You adjusted yourself on the couch. Tommys eyes were on you, his face so close to yours his nose often gently brushed yours. 
“Relax” he whispered as you closed your eyes, kissing your cheek. The pressure grew stronger and you held tighter at his skin. 
“Fuck” you moaned as you felt himself slowly sliding inside you. He was moving slowly, giving time for you to adjust to his size. The sensation of him sliding inside you elicited a moan of pleasure from your lips.
“Yeah, you’re so fucking tight” he whispered at your ear. Finally inside, he started to slowly thrust against you. At first, you felt some pain, but it soon went away and waves of pleasure consumed you. 
He moved my hips slowly back and forth, sliding his cock halfway out before pushing back into you. Both moaned each time he thrusted forward. Pulling him down to you, your lips found his.
"How do I feel?" he whispered in your ear. "Do I feel good?"
"You ... feel ... amazing," you answered in between the sounds of pleasure you couldn't help releasing each time both your hips thrust into each other.
"So do you," he breathed in your ear. "I knew you would."
"You ... you thought about this?" you asked surprised
"All the fucking time" he said, kissing your lips. 
As Tommy's pace quickened, the sensations between you both intensified. Pleasure surged through your bodies with each thrust. Your moans grew louder, and you clung to his skin. 
"God that feels so good!" You moaned, feeling the same knot as before, form inside you. 
Tommy's own desire and urgency mirrored your own, his movements growing more fervent as he neared his own release. The longing that had simmered beneath the surface for so long was now driving both of you towards an climax
 Tommy's thrusts grew more intense, his own desire pushing him closer to the edge.
Finally, in a crescendo of shared ecstasy, you both reached the peak of pleasure, bodies quivering with release. The room was filled with the sounds of your moans as you both were drowning in each other's pleasures. 
He rested his head on your chest, feeling the gentle rise and fall of your breath against his cheek. Your fingers traced soothing patterns along his back.
"You okay?" he asked in a soft, almost vulnerable tone, his voice tinged with the lingering vulnerability of the moment.
"More than ok" You whispered, your voice filled with affection and a sense of contentment. Your fingers continued to trace soothing circles on his back as you held him close, as he moved to kiss you. 
“I have to take you home” he said
“Can I see you again tomorrow?” you asked
Tommy nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I'll come by tomorrow," he replied, his eyes filled with warmth. "I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon, ey"
You smiled back, your heart swelling with happiness at his words. "I'll be waiting," you said, your voice filled with anticipation.
With a final, lingering kiss, Tommy reluctantly pulled away and helped you get dressed.
A/N: idk how I fell about this, I tried to write it more passionate but i feel like it lacks tommy's intense sex hahaha. Well yeah. hope you guys like it
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retromotherfuckers · 2 months
The 100 - Masterlist
angst: ♤
fluff: ♡
major tw: ♢
minor tw: ♧
Bellamy Blake
One Shots:
Six Years ♤♧
Octavia knew who she was now, but you couldn't figure out what the hell you had become.
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