recklessmoss · 4 months
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Yesterday on twitter I mentioned that I'm finally down to currently working on only one commission, so now I have time and energy to begin picking at charm designs I've been meaning to! & starting with my first contender MODER from The Ritual!
NOW UP FOR PRE-ORDER ON MY KO-FI! :) Incredibly unsure how long it will take me to get these babies made and shipped here+packaging them but I'll do it as soon as they get here!
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Greetings! I was just thinking. Imagine if Björn and Revna figures out that Faye was actually Laufey the Jötunn this whole time, I think they would be forced to go to Jötunheim to collect some things to All-Father, then they discover the murals that Laufey was their mother and they are Jotünn.
What if they accidentally meets Angrboda in Jotünnheim and she tells them more about their mother. They thanks her but they are really scared cause the Aesir hates the Jotünn, specially Thor was known as a Jotünn killer. They go home shaking like a leaf and staring at each other like they just discovered bad news.
Obviously the Thunder family notices and demands them to tell what happened. Then Revna and Björn crashes down crying cause they are really scared of their future and now that they understands that they will suffer and not be welcomed by their family anymore since they are Jötunn. Of course that they are disturbed to hear that from their adoptive children, like why the Hel would they think that they would be shunned down just because they are Jötunn.
Thor feel bad cause his fame of being Jötunn killer scared his children that are ironically Jötunn, but he approach them (and the two thinks that he’s getting himself ready to kill them or humiliate them) and hugs them. Telling that he doesn’t give a fuck about where they came from, he loves them as his children and that the fact of them being Jötunn doesn’t change nothing. Sif also assured them that they won’t ever let Björn and Revna feel unwelcome by anyone else and Thrúd promises that she will crush anyone who dares to hurt them or humiliate them.
And after this Björn and Revna will never doubt them anymore and imagine Angrboda later this day telling Loki/Atreus that she met Björn and Revna.
[Location: Jötunheim - Björn's Point Of View]
I looked at the impressive rock formation in front of me, with its Giant's Fingers stretching towards the sky, carved from stone and stained with the blood of giants. The throbbing sensation from my scar was bothering me, so I scratched the claw marks on my face and closed my eyes to ease the discomfort. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Revna, my twin who was born from my body, standing beside me - the Wise Raven.
"Are you alright, Björn? You seem rather distracted." Revna asked me as I exhaled and looked back at the rock formation before me.
"I just don't understand why the All-Father wanted us to come to Jötunheim, what could he possibly want from this ancient place The Jötunn have been gone for a long time and there is little to no knowledge left of them; what could Odin want from an ancient battleground?" I asked myself but Revna was listening to me as she walked ahead of me a few steps.
"I understand your confusion, Brother, both father, and mother were against us coming here for someone reason but the word of the All-Father is absolute. Let's look around and see what we can find, maybe any kind of knowledge of the Jötunn can help the All-father in his quest to understand the rift." Revna said as she walked towards the rock formation. My golden eyes took one last gaze upon the massive formation before I looked at the back of y sister and followed her - whatever secrets were buried here, we were going to find them and give them to the All-Father.
[About 2 Hours Later]
"Whoa! Watch your step, Revna, this entire place is one large deathtrap if were aren't careful." I said as we reached the highest point of the Jotunheim ut there was nothing here - all the shrines were broken, the book texts were burned, there was nothing of value here, nothing we could give the All-Father that would aid him in his quest of understanding the rift. This was upsetting, what was the reason for coming here if he knew there was nothing of value to be found?
"This makes no sense. Why would Odin tell us to come here if there was nothing of value to be found? The All-Father doesn't make mistakes - well, except dealing with Loki." Revna asked herself as she turned to face me as I walked up behind her but I had not the slightest answer for her - this mystery was just as confusing to me as it was to her.
"Maybe it's because you are looking in the wrong place." A female voice called from behind us - an intruder! I pulled Magni's sword from my back and Revna's magic roared to life as we turned on our heels and came face to face with a young woman - dark skin, brown eyes, long braided hair that was placed in a ponytail while wearing a blue and grey dress. Her golden earrings shined in the sunlight as she smiled at us.
"Who are you? Have you been flowering us?" I growled at the smiling woman but she just raised her hands, showing that she was not a threat to us.
"My name is Angrboda and this place is my home." She - Angrboda - said as she looked between myself and Revna, "I stand corrected, this place is our home."
"Your Home? You're a Jotunn." I narrowed my eyes at her but Revna's magi dimmed out as she stood beside me with her hand on my shoulder. "I thought All the Jotunn were gone, with the exception of Loki."
"You are forgetting yourselves, Björn The Great Bear and Revna the Wise Raven. You have returned home looking for answers to the Rift in the All-Father's Office, I overheard you talking, but you won't find any knowledge here...well, except for one piece. Come with me." Angrboda said as she turned on her heel and began walking away as she lowered her arms. I looked at Revna - who nodded and began following behind the Jotunn - and sheathed my sword and followed behind them in silence.
"You know, this place used to be a rather lovely place, full of life and knowledge but that was all before the Aesir attacked us and destroyed everything, including all the knowledge and wisdom of the Jotunn; your precious All-Father knew this as well," Angrboda said as she stopped before a wall.
"What? If the All-father knew that there was no knowledge to be found here, why did he tell us to come here in the first place?" Revna asked as she walked over to Angroboda, who turned to face us before she looked over her shoulder at the wall.
"Maybe because he wanted you to find this." Angrboda said as she gestured to the wall behind her. I looked upon the wall - a mural - a story...
"That woman, she looks like Mother," Revna said with wide eyes
"You're correct, Wise Raven. This is the story of the Jotunn Laufey, also known by her human name, Faye. The Late Wife of the Ghost of Sparta and Mother to Loki....as well as you two." Angrboda added as she walked down the wall, running her hand along it as we walked behind her with eyes upon the wall. "Your Mother destroyed the knowledge of Jotunheim by destroying the Shrine of Loki but I managed to recover some key points of Loki's Shrine and bring them to him but I came back because you need to know about your Mother's Relationship with The Thunderer of Asgard."
"Relationship? What Relationship?" I asked Angrboda.
"Laufey was the only Jotunn who was able to defeat Thor and that was when she was in Midgard. The Leviathan Axe and Mjolnir clashed and created a frozen lighting bolt and that scar was a permanent reminder to Thor about his failure of killing the last Jotunn. And you two are Laufey's Children but you are being sired by her enemy - the enemy to All Jotunn - do you really think what you are doing is right? Turning your back on your kind, on your father, on your brother, on your family?" Angrboda said as she looked at us but we were too shocked to speak.
Father...was Faye's enemy?
Mother was a Jotunn?
Would Father, Mother, and Thrud...Would they hate us if they knew?
[Back to Asgard - Thor's Point of View]
It had been an hour or so since my children returned to Asgard but they have been avoiding me, my wife, and their sister for some reason - something happened in the Realm of the Giants that conflicted them and I was going to din out what was brothering them. I waited until dinner when we were all gathered - we were having Deer Meat, the twins' favorite, but they were barely eating their food, something was really bothering them.
"Alright, you two, what is wrong?" I asked with a tender voice. Björn looked at the ground and the threat of tears was in his eyes - he was going to cry? The same with my daughter - something was really bothering them.
"Father, we found out that we.... we were Laufey's Children and so is Loki," Revna said as tears ran down her face - now I understand, I was known as the Joutunn Killer a long time ago but Laufey was the only one that ever bested me in a right. Now, I understand why they thought I was going to kill them.
"We understand if you want us to leave, Father, you wouldn't want the children of your enemy to stay with you," Björn said as he looked at the ground, eyes closed but I just rose from my chair and walked over to the before gathering them in a tight hug.
"I would never kill my own children or cast them aside just because of your lineage. I love you both and I will never abandon you, I promise." I said as my son and daughter hugged me and cried - I wouldn't hurt them. Not like he did.
[Meanwhile - Elsewhere]
"So, you ran into my siblings in Jotunheim. Did you tell them the truth about who they are?" Loki asked Angrboda.
"I did and they seemed rather destroyed by the new. I'm worried about them, Loki." Angrboda said as she ate her food.
"It's only a matter of time before they return to me and rather, then everyhing will be perfect once again." Loki smirked - soon, Björn and Revna would be his again and he would make sure nothing took them from him again.
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unityrain24 · 2 years
Concerning Frigga
I've seen a few posts & fics comparing Frigga to Odin and saying she too was an awful parent with awful intentions. But I really don't think this was the case? I mean, obviously she did some wrong things that fucked Loki up, but I don't think they are all entirely her fault. It is my belief that she was being emotionally abused/manipulated by Odin.
I think the biggest and most obvious example of this is from a deleted scene from the first Thor film (2011) [and before you call it invalid because it was deleted, they deleted a lot of scenes showing both Frigga's and Loki's characterization to make it more about Thor. There was nothing in the scene that was contradictory to the film, nor was it to far-fetched to have a good reason to be scrapped. Therefor, i view it as canon]. But anyways, within the scene, Frigga confronts Odin on Thor's banishment. She is very obviously distraught at the loss of her son, and angry at Odin's choice (obviously)(also, i mean, she wasn't even there for it). However, Odin just dismisses her for her emotions, says that his lack of emotion made him superior in the situation, and that he has his reasons for it and she is crazy for questioning him. Very obviously mental/emotional manipulation/abuse.
There are more subtle examples at other times, however.
In Thor: The Dark World (2013), there is a scene in which Frigga mentions that Odin "Never was a good liar" [I couldn't find a clip of the scene that included it, as it was sort of a transition, but the segment starts at 40:46 in the movie, and she says it at 41:09]. She says this despite Odin lying about Hela's existence to like, everyone ever (and was pretty successful at his cover-up), and also lying to Loki about his true heritage (and that cover-up was pretty successful for several centuries). Odin seems to be pretty good at lying. By Odin letting Frigga believe he is a bad liar (at least at smaller things), it lets him have her twisted around his fingers even more.
In addition, Frigga defends Odin's awful actions, notable in the first Thor film, in a scene where Frigga and Loki are conversing while Odin is in the Odinsleep. Frigga admits to wanting to have told Loki of his Jotünn heritage from the beginning, but Odin forbade it. When Loki asks for more information, Frigga says it's because Odin loved him and didn't want him to feel different. Pretty bullshit reasoning, but it looks like Frigga legitimately, honestly believes the words (words that were most likely told to her by Odin, probably in 'conversation' much like in the deleted scene previously mentioned). In this scene, she also defends Odin's decision to banish Thor, saying Odin always has a reason for everything (much like what Odin had yelled at her about in his chastisement in the same previous deleted scene).
While some may attribute this to her honestly agreeing with Odin and being a reflection on her beliefs & morals (and therefore being a horrible person as well), this probably isn't the case given what we have seen of her. It is actually quite common for victims to defend their abuser's actions. In this article by Dr. Sirota (a psychiatrist with over 25 years of mental health experience), she explains many, many reasons as to why this is (including the "crazy-making" tactic Odin was showed utilizing in that first scene mentioned).
Not to mention, in actual norse mythology/Asatro, Frigga (actually called Frigg) is deemed the goddess of marriage, amongst other things. If this aspect of her carries over into her MCU version, she may even feel pressured to stay with Odin- after all, what is the goddess of marriage with a failing marriage? So she either doesn't/can't recognize Odin's flaws and corruption, or is in denial about them due to this.
I really don't think Frigga was truly a bad parent (in the sense that she didnt care/didnt try), nor a bad person at heart. It is made very apparent on multiple occasions that Frigga truly loves Loki. While it is mainly shown in scenes in which she is directly talking to Loki, it is also shown even when Loki is not present, confirming that it is not a ruse. She even went out of her way and defied Odin's wishes to visit him (which is a big testament to her love for Loki, considering how much she falls in line with Odin the rest of the time). While she definitely has her flaws (there are hints to racism/excusing racism, as that is pretty normal in Asgard, apparently), I cannot help but wonder how much of that is also Odin's fault?(actually likely just the. culture of asgard's fualt) (btw not trying to excuse racism, racism is very obviously bad)
But anyways in the end, I think Frigga was a good parent to the best of her abilities given her situation and own problems, and it sort of makes me sad to see people talking about how awful she was :( Let's just shit on Odin
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softforloki · 1 year
Chapter 13: The Nightmare
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Chapter List
Word Count: 1, 768
Summery: Loki finds himself back in the horrors of his past.
Warnings: Brief depictions of torture (burning) at the very beginning
. . .
Loki was falling.
There was no sound other than the wind whooshing past him as he fell, fell, fell through the endless darkness of the Void.
He was cold. How was he cold? Frigid temperatures had never bothered him, and he had just learned that it was because of his Jotünn parentage. How was he cold? How was the air biting enough at him as he plummeted that it chilled him?
Suddenly, he was no longer falling. His body ached- no. It burned. He was burning. He was being burned. His skin bubbled and sizzled. A scream ripped through him. His vision blurred. Someone stood over him. He couldn’t see them. He couldn't see anything. He was dying. No, it was worse. He was burning. He was hurting but they wouldn’t kill him. He was too useful to kill. Much better to bend him until he breaks to their will.
His reality shifted again until he stood over a city in ruin. An alien army descended from the heavens, wreaking chaos and destruction below him. People were running. People were screaming. He held a scepter in his hand. He felt powerful. He felt broken. He was a king. He was a scared little boy. His whole body screamed out in pain.
He was somewhere different. A bedroom. There was a figure. They were blurry. They were touching his burn scar. Their touch felt nice. It felt safe. They felt safe. She felt safe. Her face became clearer. She was scared. She was sad. She looked up at him, her eyes soft and sweet. She smiled.
“You’re safe, Loki. It’s okay.” She whispered.
Pain shot through his body again. Her image blurred. Loki cried out, wrapping his fingers around the woman’s wrist. Don’t leave.
She was gone.
A new figure- a more imposing one- towered over him.
The Titan stood before him.
Loki choked out a sob, trying to scramble away inelegantly. The Titan smiled cruelly down at him.
“You’re a long way from home, little god.” He murmured. “Are you lost?” 
He sounded kind. He sounded sympathetic. He sounded wrong.
Loki placed a hand on his stomach- on his scar. He searched for her touch. Where was it? Where was she? She was so kind, so soft.
“Loki! Wake up!” He couldn’t see her. “You’re safe, you’re with me. I’m here, my prince. Wake up, please!”
She was begging. She sounded scared, desperate. 
Thanos towered over him.
His hand stretched out.
His smile was wrong. It didn’t reach his eyes.
Loki awoke with a strangled yell, smacking the hand away.
Selene flinched in surprise, quickly retracting her hand and scooting away. “It’s okay, lovey. It’s just me.”
Loki hung his head, pressing the heels of his palms into his forehead. Shame washed over him as Selene slowly shifted back closer to him. Stupid. It wasn’t real. It was just Selene. It was his partner. It was his moon and stars. It was the love of his life, and he had hit her. He’d swatted her away as though she meant to hurt him. His precious Selene. His dear, dear Selene. 
“I’m sorry,” He choked out.
“No, honey. Don’t apologize.” She said soothingly, holding a hand out to him, palm up, non threateningly. “May I touch you?”
He looked back up at her. Visions of pain and loneliness and sorrow flashed through his mind. Selene. She was here. She was here, and she loved him. She loved him.
Without a word, Loki reached out to her, not unlike a child. He felt no shame, however, as Selene took him into her arms, cradling him against her. She pet his hair as he buried his face in her neck. “You’re here with me, Loki. You’re safe. No one can hurt you; I won’t let them.”
If he was in his right mind, he might have been mortified when he started to cry profusely. He hadn’t wept so hard since he was very small, and had been hurt during a sparring session with his brother. He sobbed against Selene’s skin, gripping her tightly. She squeezed him back, pressing her lips to his hair. “Go ahead and cry, Loki-love. It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
Loki wasn’t sure how long he sat there, crying against Selene as she held him. However long it took for him to calm down enough to pull back, eyes red and puffy. He took a long, slow breath of air.
“There you go,” Selene smiled, wiping tear tracks from his face. “Can you take a few more deep breaths for me, honey?”
He’d do anything for her. He inhaled again, as she guided him gently through a few repetitions of breathing in and out. His hands shook, but he took hers, holding them in his lap. He forced himself to look at her, despite the guilt that permeated his body now that his mind was clear.
“Are you back with me?” Selene asked, squeezing his hands.
“Yes,” He murmured. 
“Do you need anything? Are you thirsty?” She asked, pulling away from him. “I can go and get-”
“Don’t! Please!” His voice cracked around the plea. “Please don’t go.” His hands encircled her wrists. 
Selene looked down at him in surprise. “Loki, I just want to get you some water. I won’t even have to leave the room.” She indicated her head to her water bottle on the dresser. “Can I get that for you?”
Loki nodded, releasing her. He set his hands in his lap, face burning with shame and eyes burning with tears. Selene quickly retrieved her bottle, returning to her spot on the bed. She gently put the bottle in his hands. “Drink.”
He raised it to his lips, drinking heavily. The water did help, filling his dry mouth with the cooling liquid.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Selene asked softly, taking his hands again when he’d finished, setting the water bottle on the bedside table.
“I don’t know.” He replied, hanging his head.
“You don’t have to.” She assured him, gently tilting his face back up to her. “You don’t have to tell me anything, okay?”
He nodded, still trembling hands pulling her closer to him. 
Loki took many pleasures in Selene’s body. He took carnal pleasure when she offered it, of course. But tonight, he hid against her body, like a child under a blanket. This was softer, more tender. She was so soft. He didn’t think he’d ever fully get used to her softness. 
She murmured every saccharine name she called him. He nearly cried harder, hearing them all. He’d been called many things over his many years. Silver Tongue. Trickster God. Snake Prince. God of Lies. Lesser son. Monster… 
Loki-love, Lokes, handsome, lovey, my prince, Mischief, honey. Sweet names. Beautiful names. Names he was unused to spilled from Selene’s lips as she cradled him closer to him. Names that caused his hands to shake as they covered him like a warm blanket.
He didn’t deserve her.
But he wanted to.
“I love you,” He murmured, pulling his face away from her hair to hold her head gently in his hands. “You are one of the very few stable things I have had in my life. You are my goddess. You are my queen. I don’t think I tell you this as much as I should, but you do more for me than I think you could possibly imagine, and I would do anything to be worthy of you.”
“My beautiful prince, my sweet Loki,” She whispered back, curling her fingers in his dark hair. “You’ve seen my worst moments and you’ve loved me. You’ve seen the imperfections of my body, and you’ve loved me. You’ve seen every single inch of me, and you continue to love me. You continue to want me.” Her eyes tear up with the intensity and earnestness of her words. “Do you know how long I thought that I couldn’t be truly loved? Do you know how long I’ve looked over my scars, and wondered who could want someone who… who looked like this? How long have I looked back on my history, and thought I was too broken to get involved with anyone?”
“Selene,” Loki whimpered, tears dripping slowly down his face.
“My love, if you are not worthy of this,” She gestured between them. “Then no one is.”
He surged forward to kiss her, his tears trailing into their connected lips, but he doesn't care and she doesn’t seem to either. He cradled her face in his hands, quietly gasping as he cried a little harder, pressing his mouth against hers again and again and again.
“You remind me,” Loki mumbled against Selene’s skin. “That I owe you a story, in exchange for the darkness you have already shared with me.”
“You owe me nothing.” She replied firmly.
“But I want to give it to you.” He promised, thumbing the skin of her cheeks gently as he gazed into her gray eyes. “Just… not tonight. Not here.”
Not in this bed. Not in this sanctuary of love. Those horrors didn’t belong in such a place. 
Selene nodded. “Okay. Whenever you’re ready, you can tell me as much or as little as you want.”
Loki nodded, hands shakily sliding from her face, down her neck, her shoulders, until they closed gently on her biceps. “I think I’d like to try to sleep.”
Without another word, Selene wrapped an arm around Loki’s shoulders, guiding him back to lay down. She pulled the blankets back up around them, then guided his head to rest on her shoulder.
This was nice, he decided as he closed his eyes. He didn’t often let himself be held and coddled- he’d thought it beneath him. He was a god, for goodness sake. He’d lived over a thousand years. He’d been lying and scheming and betraying for as long as he could remember. Loki of Asgard certainly didn’t need to be comforted. 
But Selene.
Oh, Selene.
Lovely, ethereal, celestial Selene.
When she held him against her, wrapped him in her arms and kissed his hairline and stroked his back with her featherlight touch, Loki was gone. He couldn’t think, he couldn’t breathe.
Perhaps Loki of Asgard didn’t want this. Perhaps the young and hungry prince he’d once been would scoff to see him now, melting in the arms of a mortal. After all, Loki of Asgard didn’t need to be comforted.
But Selene’s Loki needed it, and he fell asleep with a smile on his lips as he relished in it.
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sonntam · 2 years
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Chapter 1 of God of War "Lore and Legends": (part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Every night, I hear stories about the Aesir and Vanir gods, the Jotünn giants, and the poor mortals. They get caught in the middle of everything! Last night I heard about Yggdrasil. It’s a big tree, and everything sits on its branches… or something like that.
My favorite stories about the great animals like Sköll and Hati the wolves, or the giant snake Jörmungandr. I think about them out there, so big and powerful. So many things out there! I want to see a giant.
I hope I’ll see it all someday. Except maybe I’ll skip the gods — Odin, Thor, those guys. It seems to me like there’s something about being a god that makes you crazy and fight all the time.
The runes connect all things — that’s why Mother wants me to learn them.
But it’s hard. I practice runic alphabet every day, but I still make mistakes! I get mad and start coughing, so I get my pencil taken away.
We go outside to track animals — my favorite thing.
Okay, Father really works hard to take care of us. He’s gone a lot, hunting.
He’s an amazing hunter for sure. Our cold larder is always full of meat. And this hut he built is seriously solid. Not even gods could knock it down.
But he’s been home for three days now… and I don’t think he’s said three words.
Not to me, anyway.
I’m getting stronger! Today I carried two full water buckets all the way up to Mother’s garden.
I could feel Father watching me, every step.
I know I can do more stuff! If I had a good knife, I could help field dress the rabbits and quail we trap. But I know Father thinks I’m weak. It makes me mad.
I’m tired of being a sick little kid.
Today, Mother and I started the greatest project ever!
She wants me to help her build a brand new longbow. She says a special friend taught her how to make it, and she wants me to learn too. We’re using the branch of a yew tree. It’s amazingly strong!
When it’s finished, we’ll give it a special name.
Masterpost with God of War "Lore and Legends" transcriptions.
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smallkebab · 2 years
You think Thor ever encountered surtr during his missions in musphelhiem ? I know surtr doesn’t look like much . But I’m pretty sure like the world serpent , he’s one of the few giants that Thor isn’t capable of killing even if he wanted to.
I’m pretty sure he did, considering Thor is known as Odin’s "right arm" and tends to deal with more… tedious situations. Thor most likely encountered most of the powerful entities of the nine realms, one way or another, Surtr being a fire Jotünn as well and was originally supposed to be killed by Thor in the prophecy.
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glorious-pain · 1 year
A snippet from Omega Loki's first heat
Loki knocked quietly on his mother's bedroom door, desperate to not let any guards hear him out here in the dead of night.
He had padded over here on bare feet along the blessedly cold floor, his nightgown clinging to the sweat on his skin, highlighting his thin body in ways that made him shiver.
Between his legs, slick fluid poured out of him, dripping down onto the floor. No matter what he did, it just kept coming.
As far as he knew, his brother hadn't experienced this, and he didn't know what to do.
The only person he could trust was his mother. She would be able to fix this, whatever it was.
He pressed himself up against the door, waiting for her to come. His breath was short, laboured by this thing burning through him.
Nails scraped across the wood as he clung on, his mind swimming in these strange feelings.
By the time the door swung open, Loki felt like he could no longer stand and he fell into his mother's arms.
"Help me," he urged, gripping tight onto her. "Something is wrong with me."
Her eyes roamed over his face, taking in how his hair was plastered to his scalp and the pebbles of sweat along his brow.
Then she smiled softly. "Oh, Loki. You're growing up. This is all very normal."
Currently at 4.8k of this filth. It just keeps going. Jotünns are omegaverse and non Jotünns aren't able to help with their heats. Blends Marvel and Norse mythology together.
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esparafuso · 3 years
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Preview of the page art I did for the @variant-zine! I'm super excited to be part of this awesome Loki project :'D 💚🤧
🐍The preorders are open until January 31st! 🐍
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snarkyship-mmm · 3 years
Naga-Loki, please? Maybe some sort of jotünn-naga?
That would be great!
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He's considering....
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shelf-care · 3 years
So, I’m not a Loki simp, and I normally don’t like monsters in a romantic way. But, Jotünn Loki got me feeling some type of way.
Is this what it feels like to be part of the monster f**ker club?
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Maldonado side note, I highly recommend that if you liked Frost giant Loki that you look up the what if comic “what if Thor was raise by frost giants” because that man is a full three course meal.
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Loki but I had an idea to make it thrice as truamatic
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This may sound a little bananas but hear me out, folks... what if the Loki series, in its aim of dismantling Loki's character and what makes a Loki a Loki, had Loki confront various versions of himself as like time anomalies that the TVA must destroy: these anomalies would be kind of like the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who.
These 'Weeping Lokis' would be absolutely terrifying, being the amalgamation of all his mistakes and victories he's never achieved in his timeline, taunting him with their illusions and whatnot whilst also having similar powers to Weeping Angels. And the worst one... well, that would be his character arc from Raganarok onwards and also be one that could have also survived Infinity War. The best Loki could be, the redeemed Loki.
He could also find a prominent foe in a female version of himself- one that confronts his queer identity- a perfect stone visage of what he wants to be and what he feels inside him: a mixture of the feminine and the masculine, one who he can't stop staring at for his own safety, but also one whose very image tortures him. He wants to be this beautiful villainous goddess, this ice queen who is comfortable and confident in her jotünn identity too for so long, but has repressed that because he's afraid of what it might reveal to him about himself, that he sits so far out of restrictive Asgardian values that he'll never find a home there, and nor will he with his birth parents as they never wanted him in the first place. Because I'd love to have an exploration of Loki's crippling identity crisis with his sexuality mixed in because *chef's kiss*.
However, we all know Disney are a bunch of cowards so that would have never flied with them.
I just want a Marvel psychological horror and Loki battling Weeping Angels :((. Also because I feel like Loki, being the selfish character he is, (to quote Mother Frigga: "So perceptive of everyone but yourself." As we can see, the kid has a bit of an ego thing going on) would be a fascinating character to just pick apart, revealing his glaring flaws and also his beautiful, more redeeming qualities, and then to see, from the ashes of his ego, him rebirth himself as a deity more aligned with Loki from the original myths: a god who is not all bad and not all good but nevertheless, resolves the problems of the Nine Realms.
He can also break the multiverse during all this.
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bigmammallama5 · 4 years
Gonna keep track of the spooky shit i watch this halloween season so i can actually remember bc time is fake and my brain is a noodle
The Witch (the vvitch? Whatever i was disappointed and only watched it for WOULDST THOU LIKE TO LIVE DELICIOUSLY)
Train to busan (so good omg, new favorite zombie movie)
The Ritual (also real good, jotünn design a+, kinda wanted a bigger bang of an ending)
Horns (ridiculous but fun, i wish i had reread the book before watching, daniel radcliff is always a joy to watch)
Haunting of Hill House (time to cry but also i love all the characters. Im curious to see bly manor in october)
Veronica (this one got me for a few days, the entity reminded me of that one time i had a night terror demon and the very last end scene was bffhhchdjdhdbfgdh)
Silence of the Lambs (a classic i just hadn’t seen yet, but definitely reinforced how much i enjoy dialogue and characterizations)
The Witches (lbr i had watched this when i was a kid and didnt know why i was so into anjelica huston. Now i know.)
Poltergeist (could mr spielberg put any more star wars shit in that movie good god. I love the gross ghost stuff tho)
Thats all for now
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unityrain24 · 2 years
work in progress (hopefully)
Jotünn loki sketch during class. one of the first times i've been actually inspired to draw in a long time (there are more clothes than what it may look like bc it's not coloured in yet)
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got my reference from here. tbh i gotta thank @magpie-murder for my burst of inspiration. I've barely drawn the past few years and i've missed it but just haven't been able to get myself to do it much, so thank you
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softforloki · 1 year
Chapter 12: The Park
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Chapter List
Word Count: 2,443
Summery: Loki and Selene take Raven and her friend to the park... and meet a face from Selene's past she'd hoped to never see again.
Warnings:  Passing mention of pregnancy, references to past financial difficulty.
. . .
If asked to picture what a “domestic life” would look like, Loki would’ve imagined Selene teaching him to cook, poking through her incense drawer, or simply lazing about in bed with her.
He would not have thought of sitting on a park bench, watching Raven play with her friend, but that was just a disappointing lack of imagination on his part. This was wonderfully domestic.
Loki and Selene huddled together against the crisp air of a windy November day on a bench while they watched Raven and her friend, Olivia Sweeney, climb over play structures, laughing and making up games. Thanks to his Jotünn blood, Loki was unbothered by the cold, yet still relished how Selene would press herself as close as possible to share in his body heat whenever the wind picked up.
“Why did you let me wear this thing?” She grumbled, wrapping the edges of her brown peacoat more tightly around her. “It’s not suited at all for wind.”
“But you look so lovely in it.” Loki chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her against him. “And I love it when you huddle into me like this.”
“Jerk.” Selene muttered, but she tucked her head into the crook of his neck regardless.
“Says the woman who can’t seem to get enough of me.”
“I’m cold, asshole.” She snarked back.
“You love me.” Loki accused.
“Ah. Figured me out, did you?” 
“Yes, you ruined it when you told me.” 
“Guess I can’t take it back, can I?” 
He wrapped his arm more tightly around her. “I certainly won’t let you.”
“Oh well.” Selene sighed morosely.
Loki laughed again, pressing a kiss to her brow. “We can stop by that coffee shop you like and get a hot drink on the way back home.” He suggested.
He felt her nod against him. “You’re paying.”
“Of course.”
They fell back into comfortable silence, braced against the biting winds. Loki watched Olivia and Raven on the swings, trying to synchronize their movements. He smiled as they called to each other, trying to slow or change their momentum to swing at the exact same time.
His attention was caught by the family arriving at the bench next to them. A mother pushing a stroller watched in tired amusement as a father tried in vain to calm his overly excited son. The mother lifted her toddler from the stroller, setting him on the bench with her as the father fixed the buttons on the slightly older boy’s coat.
“Be careful, Ashton.” The father scolded, patting his shoulder once he’d fixed the coat. “Alright, go play.”
As Ashton darted off, Selene’s attention also fell to the newcomers. Her brow furrowed as her gaze lingered over the father. She lifted her head from Loki’s shoulder as her eyes scanned the man’s features, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “There’s no way.” She murmured. 
“No way of what, darling?” Loki asked, trying to see what she was seeing.
Not taking her eyes off the man, Selene leaned a little bit closer to Loki to whisper in his ear. “That man looks exactly like Jay, and the more I look at him the more increasingly convinced I am that it is him.”
Loki felt himself stiffen at the mention of the fool who’d walked out of her life. His gaze trailed over the man, sitting himself next to the woman who is presumably his wife and younger son.
He looked unassuming enough: mop of brown hair on his head, checkered flannel and a gray scarf, ripped blue jeans. He was what Selene would have described as a “hipster.” He sat next to his wife, a woman with darker skin and thick black hair that draped prettily over her shoulders. She gently held their toddler by his waist as he stood on the bench, pointing after his brother, who’d found a place on a swing not far from Raven and Olivia.
“Do you wanna go play with Ashton?” The man asked.
The boy shook his head.
“No? You wanna stay with us.”
A nod. 
The man chuckled, and his head happened to turn just enough to glance at Loki and Selene.
This was where Loki began to curse himself. He wasn’t being inconspicuous, he knew that. If he had been, Jay’s vision might’ve simply passed over them without any recognition.
However, drawn by Loki’s gaze, Jay looked a moment longer, and his eyes widened as they fell to Selene.
“Shit,” She cursed under her breath.
“Selene?” Jay asked. He had an accent that Loki was pretty sure was New York-Italian, though he wouldn’t have been able to place the exact area it would be from. “Selene Lovelace?”
“Holy shit, I haven’t seen you in years!”
“Really? You don’t say.” She replied drily. 
He stood and gestured to his wife. “This is my wife, Stephanie. Steph, this is Selene. We used to date.”
Loki couldn’t contain the scoff that escaped his lips. That was an understatement. Selene elbowed him in the gut.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Stephanie smiled softly, almost guiltily, as though she knew exactly what Jay wasn’t saying. She stood as well, hoisting her small son onto her hip.
“You too.” Selene said, a little more gently. She hauled Loki to his feet. “This is my boyfriend, Loki.”
Stephanie extended a hand with a friendly smile. He took it, brushing his lips politely against her knuckles. He smiled thinly.
“Loki. It’s nice to meet you.” Jay offered his hand, too. “I’m Jay Moreno.”
“I’ve heard.” He replied brusquely, gripping his hand tighter than was necessary.
“Mmm.” Jay grimaced, pulling his hand away. “Uh, this is our son, Griffin. That’s Ashton, on the swings.” He pointed to them respectively as he spoke. Griffin waved shyly from his mother’s arms, hiding his face in her neck.
Selene allowed a smile despite herself. “How old are they?”
“Griffin’s two. Ashton’s seven.” Stephanie replied.
Loki couldn’t help but do the math in his head. Raven had turned ten in September. Jay and Stephanie would’ve likely been married for at least seven years, perhaps fewer. Taking into account the nine months Selene would’ve carried Raven, and how Midgardians tended to date for at least three years before marrying… 
Jay had either already known Stephanie during his relationship with Selene, or he’d met and soon gotten romantically entangled with her less than a year after it had ended. He’d gotten over it quickly. Gotten over Selene and the child she carried quickly. Something about that made Loki’s gut curl unpleasantly. 
One look at Selene’s pinched lips told him that she had just finished doing the math herself, and had reached a similar conclusion. 
“So, how are things? How’s work?” Jay asked pleasantly, seemingly unaware of the unsavory epiphanies Loki and Selene were arriving at. “Still doing therapy?”
“It’s fine. I don’t work much in counseling anymore.” Selene answered curtly.
“What do you do?” Stephanie asked politely, seemingly sensing the tension her husband was unable to pick up on.
“I’m a forensic psychologist.”
“Oh, wow! What does that involve?”
“I work mostly in abnormal psychology, studying and occasionally aiding in the treatment of psychological problems relative to criminal behavior.” She sounded a bit like she was reading the textbook definition. She squeezed Loki’s hand, and did not ease her grip.
I want to leave.
“Oh, that’s neat.” Jay remarked. “You have to go back to school for that?”
“I was taking the classes and working towards my doctorate when we were still together.” She bit out. “Ten years ago.”
Loki couldn’t restrain a smug look when Jay’s face molded into surprise and guilt. “Oh. I didn’t know that. I mean, I knew you were back in school, I just never knew what for.”
“I definitely told you.”
“Huh. I don’t remember.”
Clearly. Loki thought. He had half a mind to grab Raven and her friend and make an escape, but he wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. He was not about to draw attention to Raven, not with him here.
As though reading his mind, Jay suddenly asked, “Hey, which one’s yours?” As he looked out at the playground.
“Excuse me?” Selene raised an eyebrow. 
Stephanie winced. “Jay,” She said gently, warningly.
“Which one’s your kid? It’d be kinda nice to finally meet them.”
“Really? Now you want to meet my kid?” Selene asked, sarcasm bleeding into her voice. 
“Well, yes.” Jay nodded, looking dumbfounded. “It’s my kid, too. Is it that blond girl on the climbing thing? She looks like you.”
Loki glanced over to see if it really was Raven. Shit. Well, at least he couldn’t blame himself for that one. Jay was more perceptive than he gave him credit for.
“She is not your kid, Jay. You didn’t want her.” Selene said coldly, her voice dangerously low.
“I’m sorry, did you change the diapers?” She quickly interrupted, her face hard. “Were you there for every shed tear, upset stomach, and scraped knee? Did you have to work extra shifts to make just enough to feed and clothe both you and your child? Did you have to look her in the eyes and tell her ‘no’ to theme parks, vacations, and eating out because ‘we just can’t afford it right now?’ No, because you didn’t want to be there. You wanted to stay out of our lives, and I respected that decision. That means you have to respect mine to keep you out. She’s not your kid, she’s mine.”
The group was silent for a few moments. Loki fought to keep his face neutral, but he could feel his lips twitching upwards in grim satisfaction. Selene’s grip on his hand finally relaxed. He brushed his thumb along her knuckles lovingly.
“Jay? Why don’t you and Griffin take a little walk around the playground?” Stephanie suggested, passing her son over to him.
“Uh, yeah. Sure. Thanks.” He heaved the boy up into his arms, nodded uncomfortably to Selene and Loki, and couldn’t get out of there faster.
Stephanie stuffed her hands in her coat pockets, exhaling heavily. “From what he’s told me, that was well deserved.”
“Mmm.” Selene hummed.
An awkward period of silence stretched between them. Loki wondered if I would be too rude to just say their goodbyes and take off while they could.
“Can I be honest with you?” 
“I know how hard it is to carry and raise a baby- I did it twice.” Stephanie chuckled. “So I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be to do it on your own. You must’ve had to work really hard, and I think that really admirable. I’m really sorry Jay left you like that. It wasn’t fair to you, even if you both agreed it was for the best.”
Selene didn’t say anything. She just nodded.
“And for the record- and I’m not saying this to somehow justify what happened or defend him- but Jay’s a wonderful father. A really good husband, too.” She looked across the park to where he stood with Griffin in his arms, listening to him babble. “Things were… rough for a while when Ashton was born; we had him early in our marriage. Went to couple’s therapy and everything.”
“That’s good.” Selene smiled a little. “I think more couples should.”
“You would, you’re a psychologist.” Stephanie laughed.
“Touché.” Selene chuckled along with her.
“I don’t know why I’m telling you this, maybe because it might ease your mind? I just want you to know that things are good with him, but I know that doesn’t make up for what he put you through.”
“He tell you he ghosted me?”
“Sure did. Feels really guilty about it, but he figured that after years of radio silence, you wouldn’t want to hear from him once he’d gotten some sense knocked into him.”
“He was correct.” Selene chuckled again. “Thank you. I think that does actually help a little bit.”
“Mama, we’re cold!” Raven suddenly called, running up to her mother while Olivia trailed behind her. 
“Poor baby. Ready to go home?” Selene pressed her hands to Raven’s cheeks.
“Yes.” The girl nodded.
“Let me text Olivia’s parents first, okay? See if it’s okay with them to bring her home with us.”
“I’ll let you all go.” Stephanie murmured, putting a hand on Selene’s arm. “It was really nice to meet you, though. You too, Loki.”
“Yes.” He agreed with a respectful nod.
“Yeah, thanks.” Selene took her hand one last time. “Hope things keep going well for you.”
“And the same to you.” Stephanie nodded. She gave Raven a friendly smile, before turning to rejoin her husband.
“Who was that?” Raven asked, watching her walk away.
“She’s married to someone I used to know. We were just getting to know each other.” Selene said, fingers flying across her phone’s screen.
“She looked nice.”
“She was nice.”
“She seemed apologetic.” Loki commented, leaning closer to Selene to speak directly to her. “You both also handled that awkwardness well- I half expected her to get defensive.”
“I don’t tear down women for stuff like this, it���s tactless and not worth it. She probably felt the same way.” Selene’s phone dinged, and she glanced at the text. “Olivia, your mom says you can come home with us, and she’ll pick you up around one o’clock.”
“Thank you, Dr. Lovelace!” The curly-haired girl chirped. 
“Anytime.” She grinned as the girls began to walk ahead of them. Loki and Selene followed close behind.
Loki cast a look back at the Morenos as they left. Ashton had run up to his parents, wrapping himself around Stephanie’s legs. Jay looked up and caught Loki’s eye. He gave him a sad smile and a nod.
Loki turned back around. He didn’t have the grace to return the polite signal, and he was making an effort to refrain from using a rude Midgardian hand gesture. Selene was right, that sort of pettiness wasn’t worth it. Instead, he watched Raven and Olivia walk and giggle a few steps ahead. He adjusted his grip on Selene’s hand, pressing their palms together and lacing their fingers. She looked up at him, eyes twinkling.
“You did pretty well yourself, handsome.”
“Because I didn’t shout at your foolish ex-lover?”
“Exactly.” She grinned, bumping his hip playfully. “I love you.”
“For not shouting at your foolish ex-lover?” He asked again, matching her teasing smile.
“Among other things.” Selene lifted his hand to her mouth, kissing it.
“Hmm. I love you, too.” Loki said, returning the gesture.
“For having the common sense to not get into a fight with some poor lady over my ex-boyfriend?”
“Among other things.”
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marvelthalia · 4 years
Hellenders Team Redesigns and backstories
Home Team (Bass Camp)
Team A (Team USA)
Team B (Team International)
Team C (Backup Crew)
Requiem (Artemis of Bana Mighdall) + Sojourner (Henrietta ‘Henri’ Jessup formerly ‘Hank’)
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Artemis the amazon fallen from grace recently back from being the princess of Hell and from being dead meets Henri, Jax and Kyle in a graveyard in the most random way possible and somehow gets recruited to fight demons even though she’s actually in love with the demon General Belyllioth (and also married to the demon Prince Dalkriig-Hath but she hates his guts so that doesn’t count). She’s been Wonder Woman, she’s FRIENDS with Wonder Woman, as different as they are, Diana is her sister and she descended onto hell just to save her. She’s 25 but she spent 10 years in a demon dimension so she grew up quick.
Henri wanted to be a police officer but fell short, one tree as become a rent-a-cop security guard for Freson Corp who she hates. She stops a murder in a graveyard across the street form her post but gets fired anyways and Artemis manages to get her a new gig with the Hellenders and starts training her in the ways of the Amazons. The Hellenders are her second chance to be a hero so she takes it seriously but she holds on to her sense of justice that made her want to be a hero in the first place, she also comes to realise her place was never in the police force. She’s also 25 and an out of town New Yorker, she’s not the best trained but she learns quick.
Sureshot (Jackson ‘Jax’ Edwards) + Deadfall (Kyle Adams)
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Sureshot is the field team leader of the whole team when they’re together but mostly just Team A (aka Team USA) who operate mostly in America, sometimes they go a bit North of the border. He’s a 27 year old government super soldier program washout which is where he got the power to control a weapon that can become any weapon he can imagine and his perfect aim. He washed out because of PTSD and anxiety so Gabriel has him on fear blocking drugs to make him an effective soldier in his war against demons.
Deadfall is a meta with the power to manipulate his own strength and the testosterone in others. He was recruited in a similar way to Artemis in that Jax came across him, they worked together to fight a demon and since he had no family ties or a steady job he joined up. He acts tough and is kinda misogynistic but the Hellenders were his first real family, he’ll be damned if anyone messes with that. He’s 30 making him older than Jax but he respects the hell out of the blonde (even though he doesn’t often show it). His weapon is an axe in an iron chain and he very smartly has iron chains on his legs so that if a horde of demons tries he grab him, he’s got a fighting chance.
Helter (Gwaine Woods) formerly Pellmell + Jotünn (Rurik ‘Rick’ Kiselev) formerly Snow Owl
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Helter is a British Speedster from London. He was visiting Central City on his after uni trip when he got stuck in a speed force storm. When it became clear that God speed was killing speeders from the storm, he went underground and Gabriel picked him up and offered him some protection until the situation blew over in exchange for joining the team. He misses his family back home and he’s bored out of his mind half the time being a 22 year old speedster but his world travelling at least keeps things interesting.
Jötunn is the leader of Team B and since Helter is the baby of the group hand he’s one of the older ones (32) he took the kid under his wing. It’s kind of ironic he and Helter became such fast friends when cold is a speeders greatest weakness. He’s Russian and used to be in the FSS (the new KGB) before he defected. His skills in intelligence gathering make him very useful in trying to spot demons and demon hotspots. Since everyone on his team is European they all like to make fun of the Americans together. He’s a meta with thermokinetic cryokinesis and heat energy absorbtion powers.
Gabriel (Nathanial Greene) formerly Nathanial
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Gabriel as he’s known to basically everyone at this point is the son of a Preacher. He’s the leader and founder of the Hellenders, he’s dedicated his life to wiping demons off the face of the earth and sees himself as an avenging angel type hence the code name Gabriel. He’s Ex CIA, Ex FBI, Ex anything really. Every government agency has wanted his help with the demons they suddenly had to acknowledge existed after people like Etrigan, Wonder Woman and Zatanna became common knowledge but mostly they just let him run his own operation because it means thhey can operate in foreign countries without causing an international incident.
Shock (Marcia Hargis) formerly Shock Treatment + Myst (Noriko Himura)
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Shock is Gabriel’s right hand woman, bodyguard and most trusted adviser. She’s a meta with electrokinesis, energy absorption, electro-blasts, electrical energy manipulation and flight. She’s 29 and an ex-CIA agent, her father, Elijah Hargis, was also CIA which is where he met Gabriel and unfortunately where he lost his life.
Myst is the team’s trainer and sometimes mission co-ordinator. She’s a Japanese-American 25 year old lesbian recruited out of the Police Academy before she even graduated after she stopped a demon using only her knowledge of Japanese protection wards and her trainee firearm.
Signal Ray (Almir Babić) + Pitch (Santo De Rose) formerly Catapult
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Signal Ray is a Bosnian telepath.
Pitch is an Italian Footballer (Soccor) who got into a major accident that ended his career on the pitch but kickstarted (lol) his career in demon hunting with his cybernetic limbs. He’s a 27 year old adrenaline junkie whose main source of fun just got plugged, what better way to get that adrenaline flowing then to fight demons?
Corrode (Levi ‘Chase’ Chase)
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Chase is a meta who suddenly developed the power to erode anything. Unfortunately he can’t control it and after an incident with his wife, Joy Chase, they split up and he was recruited onto the Hellenders. He is now the leader of the C team and in charge of keeping Warhammer in line. Team C goes anywhere and everywhere they’re needed from remote islands and villages with demon problems to big cities, they also back up other teams if they come across a particularly big demon presence.
Warhammer (Owen Knight) + Spiral/Rewind
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Warhammer was one of the first to join the Hellenders but the reasons he’s been relegated to the C list crew and is not a leader is because he’s hard to keep in line, no one likes him and he’s fanatical, even for Gabriel. He carries a big... war hammer and he’s got heightened strength and durability.
Spiral/Rewind is a meta that can generate Cyclones
General Belyllioth
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The demon that Artemis happens to be in love with, the general to Dalkriig-Hath (one of the 13 princes of Hell) and leader of the Hell rebellion.
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Left to right: Artemis’ leg, ???, Spiral/Rewind, Corrode, Sureshot, Deadfall, Shock Treatment (above), Warhammer
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the-alfreton · 4 years
I went through the new Destiny 2 trailer frame by frame so you don’t have to
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This post is gonna be very pic heavy, so I’ve made it keep reading so it doesn’t clog your feed
(also none of what I say is confirmed I’m just a random guy on the internet)
So! That new Stasis trailer, huh? 
It actually shows us a lot of stuff, including:
Our first look at the new armour sets for Europa
Some more weapons, including what I believe to be our first totally new exotic
A small peek inside what I think is the Deep Stone Crypt raid
Some rad new Fallen enemies!
And more!
So without further ado, let’s get into it:
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Kicking this off with this, one of the first shots of the trailer, which seems to show a small hut in the distance with what looks like the Exo Stranger on the left, along with some other figures on the right that could potentially be Eris and / or the Drifter. This could be the landing / hub area of Europa, and looks suitably inhospitable.
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We also get our first look at the new armour sets from behind, along with some of the new weapons, a scout rifle and what appears to be a sidearm in the second image. The scout rifle looks like it’s got a little PS Vita stuck to its side (RIP). We’ll get a better look at both the weapons and armour later. For now, look at how the Guardians make tracks in the snow!
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First new Fallen enemy! Beyond Light doesn’t appear to be introducing a new enemy faction like Forsaken or Taken King, but is compensating with new types of Fallen enemies. This one in particular seems to be able to wield Stasis, and is dressed in the distinctive white robes of the House of Darkness.
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Lots of House of Darkness banners strewn about the trailer in various locations. The House seems to be much stronger and more unified than the House of Dusk. Its symbol is hella swanky too
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A look at what appears to be a new grenade launcher on the back of what seems to be a Hunter. Note the camping rucksack and the PS Vita on the grenade launcher. Good luck finding a memory card under fifty bucks
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The dude who appears to be a Warlock (?) also has a backpack and a new weapon - one that looks like a pulse rifle, but again, it’s hard to tell. Note the little jerry can on the side of their waist.
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NOW WE’RE TALKIN. Our first proper look at the armour sets. It’s hard to make out the details in the lighting, but it looks like the sets for, from left to right, Warlock, Titan and Hunter.
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I also want to talk about the Warlock bond, which looks like it bears the same icon as several items from the Collector’s Edition of Beyond Light. The meaning of this icon is still beyond me.
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Dayum Daniel back at it again with the Titan snowshoes
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Another new Fallen enemy that will be familiar if you’ve played Scourge of the Past or seen the previous gameplay trailer. These appear to be smaller versions of the Insurrection Prime mech, perhaps a sign of the Kell’s Scourge joining the House of Darkness?
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Another day another look at the PS Vita Grenade launcher
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A couple of shots showing what looks to be a new heavy machine gun, with a nifty little scope. It seems to share the same blue and red colour scheme as the legendary weapon that was teased at Guardiancon a few weeks ago, shown below.
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A much clearer look at the new hunter armour, along with the machine gun from the last image. The boots in particular look very snazzy.
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We also get to see a first-person look at the hunter’s gauntlets as they prepare to throw some Stasis projectiles at some crucible opponents. Stasis is going to have a big impact on PvP and PvE alike.
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The next shot shows some house of Darkness Fallen, clad in white fabric, in what looks like the Deep Stone Crypt raid, or at least the image of the raid that you can see on the Beyond Light page on bungie.net.
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The server racks and the foggy red background in particular bear a strong resemblance to the ones in the raid teaser image, which leads me to believe this has a possibility of being our first look at the raid.
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It’s time for some Stasis abilities! The first one we get a proper look at is the Warlock’s Ice staff. This one in particular looks like it’s being used for some kind of ranged ability, as opposed to a proper Super ability.
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Up next is a Titan that looks like they’re using some kind of lunging melee ability, not unlike the melee ability for middle tree Striker Titan.
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Here’s the cleanest shot I could find of the new SMG that pops up quite a bit in the trailer. The all-important PS Vita screen thingy can be observed just below the scope.
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This next shot is pretty chaotic, but we get a look at a new bow that seems to share the same blue and red colour scheme as the machine gun. As an avid bow user, I’m pleased to see a new one here - all but three legendary bows are being vaulted in November.
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Here we see a Titan preparing to slide into the DMs of some frozen enemies, shattering them in the process. The trails of Stasis ice that the Titan is kicking up behind them leads me to believe this may be some kind of sprint ability that lets you shatter frozen enemies.
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Now we’re talking - Warlock Super time. 
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In the trailer, the Warlock uses their super to create a damaging Stasis field around them, kind of like a mobile Mei Blizzard from Overwatch. However, this could be just one move of a roaming super, and could have combos like Arcstrider.
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Here we see a Titan getting up close and personal with some enemies - with a bazooka / sleeping bag strapped to their back. It doesn’t look like a stowed weapon - it’s probably part of the new Titan chest piece. Good luck fitting through doors come November.
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Hell yeah. A great look at a Warlock with the new armour set wielding what looks like a new Exotic weapon - it bears a strong resemblance to the exotic teaser image on the Beyond Light page on Bungie.net. If you look closely at the bottom right hand side of the Warlock robes, you can see the same icon from the bond and water bottle from earlier.
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The first person perspective of the exotic weapon is held in a very unique way, further evidence of it being an exotic. The way it’s held looks like a cross between Sweet Business and Jotünn.
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The Fallen enemy that the Warlock is shooting at looks like he has a Stasis elemental shield, too. The enemy in question bears a strong resemblance to one we saw in the first gameplay trailer, shown below:
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Here’s the goon in question. Note the same helmet, glowing eyes, pointy ear thingies and a black, angular device on their back. Perhaps some kind of device that lets them harness Stasis energy?
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Another look at the new Fallen enemy from the very start of the trailer, wielding a pair of frozen swords formed from Stasis Ice. These swords bear some resemblance to the Shock Blades wielded by regular Fallen Captains, but with a few key differences. These ones are a lot colder and pointier, for example.
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And here’s the final shot of the trailer - a Titan with their back sleeping bag / bazooka and the new exotic, a Warlock with their ice staff and a Hunter preparing to unleash an ice sickle (icicle?), all clad in Stasis energy.
And that’s all I could find! I tried to focus on smaller things that were easier to miss as opposed to big things like the cool new hunter grenade that makes ice walls and floors. This trailer was really neat - November is a long way away, but damn it’s gonna be something special.
Feel free to reply if you noticed something or have any theories. Thanks for reading through this post, and I hope you have an awesome day!
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