#odin was a shit parent obviously
unityrain24 · 1 year
Concerning Frigga
I've seen a few posts & fics comparing Frigga to Odin and saying she too was an awful parent with awful intentions. But I really don't think this was the case? I mean, obviously she did some wrong things that fucked Loki up, but I don't think they are all entirely her fault. It is my belief that she was being emotionally abused/manipulated by Odin.
I think the biggest and most obvious example of this is from a deleted scene from the first Thor film (2011) [and before you call it invalid because it was deleted, they deleted a lot of scenes showing both Frigga's and Loki's characterization to make it more about Thor. There was nothing in the scene that was contradictory to the film, nor was it to far-fetched to have a good reason to be scrapped. Therefor, i view it as canon]. But anyways, within the scene, Frigga confronts Odin on Thor's banishment. She is very obviously distraught at the loss of her son, and angry at Odin's choice (obviously)(also, i mean, she wasn't even there for it). However, Odin just dismisses her for her emotions, says that his lack of emotion made him superior in the situation, and that he has his reasons for it and she is crazy for questioning him. Very obviously mental/emotional manipulation/abuse.
There are more subtle examples at other times, however.
In Thor: The Dark World (2013), there is a scene in which Frigga mentions that Odin "Never was a good liar" [I couldn't find a clip of the scene that included it, as it was sort of a transition, but the segment starts at 40:46 in the movie, and she says it at 41:09]. She says this despite Odin lying about Hela's existence to like, everyone ever (and was pretty successful at his cover-up), and also lying to Loki about his true heritage (and that cover-up was pretty successful for several centuries). Odin seems to be pretty good at lying. By Odin letting Frigga believe he is a bad liar (at least at smaller things), it lets him have her twisted around his fingers even more.
In addition, Frigga defends Odin's awful actions, notable in the first Thor film, in a scene where Frigga and Loki are conversing while Odin is in the Odinsleep. Frigga admits to wanting to have told Loki of his Jotünn heritage from the beginning, but Odin forbade it. When Loki asks for more information, Frigga says it's because Odin loved him and didn't want him to feel different. Pretty bullshit reasoning, but it looks like Frigga legitimately, honestly believes the words (words that were most likely told to her by Odin, probably in 'conversation' much like in the deleted scene previously mentioned). In this scene, she also defends Odin's decision to banish Thor, saying Odin always has a reason for everything (much like what Odin had yelled at her about in his chastisement in the same previous deleted scene).
While some may attribute this to her honestly agreeing with Odin and being a reflection on her beliefs & morals (and therefore being a horrible person as well), this probably isn't the case given what we have seen of her. It is actually quite common for victims to defend their abuser's actions. In this article by Dr. Sirota (a psychiatrist with over 25 years of mental health experience), she explains many, many reasons as to why this is (including the "crazy-making" tactic Odin was showed utilizing in that first scene mentioned).
Not to mention, in actual norse mythology/Asatro, Frigga (actually called Frigg) is deemed the goddess of marriage, amongst other things. If this aspect of her carries over into her MCU version, she may even feel pressured to stay with Odin- after all, what is the goddess of marriage with a failing marriage? So she either doesn't/can't recognize Odin's flaws and corruption, or is in denial about them due to this.
I really don't think Frigga was truly a bad parent (in the sense that she didnt care/didnt try), nor a bad person at heart. It is made very apparent on multiple occasions that Frigga truly loves Loki. While it is mainly shown in scenes in which she is directly talking to Loki, it is also shown even when Loki is not present, confirming that it is not a ruse. She even went out of her way and defied Odin's wishes to visit him (which is a big testament to her love for Loki, considering how much she falls in line with Odin the rest of the time). While she definitely has her flaws (there are hints to racism/excusing racism, as that is pretty normal in Asgard, apparently), I cannot help but wonder how much of that is also Odin's fault?(actually likely just the. culture of asgard's fualt) (btw not trying to excuse racism, racism is very obviously bad)
But anyways in the end, I think Frigga was a good parent to the best of her abilities given her situation and own problems, and it sort of makes me sad to see people talking about how awful she was :( Let's just shit on Odin
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remycroft · 6 months
Cross my Heart, Hope you die || Heimdall (GoW) X Reader
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I woke up to the sound of Chaurli lifting himself and my mother coming through. I left my room immediately and was shocked when I saw a dead body in her arms. She looked heartbroken, nevermind, heartbroken wasn't the correct term. She looked completely destroyed. Was this Baldur in her arms?
I had never met my half-brother, only heard of him constantly. My mother wanted him to come back to us, for us to be a family here, in Midgard. She wanted me to meet him, I suppose now I was. "Is this who I think it is?"
"It is. But he's gone, taken from me, from us." She spoke, stifling her tears, her voice was breaking.
"By whom?"
"Kratos, that monster snapper his neck. and Atreus, I constantly told him to tell his father to stop but he wouldn't, then he made him vulnerable, took away the enchantment." Atreus couldn't be part of this, he was good. I had met him a few times, he was a sweet, innocent boy. His father was a mystery to me, he was a foreigner, obviously, and he was protective over his son but that's pretty much all I could gather from him. He was a true stoic. "Atreus surely couldn't have done this." I say gesturing to the cold body now laid on our kitchen table. "He helped his father, he will be given some mercy but his father will not." Her voice was no longer broken, it was angry, distant, cold. It wasn't the voice of the loving mother I had known, it was the grieving one I was about to
"What does 'some mercy' mean?" This seemed unlike my mother, she wouldn't hurt a fly, she quite literally couldn't, after what Odin did to her. "He will be offered a quick death." Shit.
"You can't even hurt them, your curse." I remind her, "Let me take care of that, you will go out of the protection stave," What? She was actually allowing me to leave, I had been told not to, the stave was the only thing protecting me from Odin. He wanted my mother alone and in despair, I stopped that.
"While I break these curses, you will tell other mortals that Kratos is the cause of Fimbulwinter and killing him will stop it." Fimbulwinter had started? I looked outside the window, it truly was snowing. It was snowing quite heavily, as well. So what happens next? Ragnarok, the great battle where so many people die and the nine realms are forged a new.
I nod, I didn't know Kratos well but I cared for Atreus. I doubt the mortals can harm them though, they were strong, powerful, true warriors. I doubt the mortals could leave a scratch on them.
"Now, we need to build a funeral pyre. He would want an Aesir funeral." The thought made me want to throw up, I didn't care for the Aesir, in fact I hated all of them. Like I said, Odin wanted my mother alone and in despair, so he had my father killed before I was born, I also hated him for what he did to her, at least I was there to take care of her. My mother missed her home, missed everything Odin had taken from her, including my dad. I had been there when she broke, she still does sometimes, and I'm always there telling her that everything will be okay. I sometimes asked her to leave the stave so I could try, she said it was too dangerous.
The pyre was built. My mother had wrapped his body up in cloth and laid it on the funeral pyre, "Are you sure Atreus can't be spared?" I ask her, "He's only a kid." Her face softened, "I'll think about it, for you. I don't want to lose another child because of my bad parenting." So she wasn't angry at Kratos entirely, it was herself too. "Your not a bad parent, look at me, I'm fine."
"But he's not, he is dead, just like the norns had said. I drove him away because I was scared to lose him. Now it's happened and I have now lost so many centuries with my son." But those lost centuries gave her me, wasn't that a good thing in all the bad?
I went out of the stave for the first time, the week after, alone. My mother had gone off to find Sigrun and help her break the curses placed on her.
I found Midgard, empty, desolate. Mortals did exist here didn't they? It was nice to have some independence. I had been trained and protected by mother for the one hundred and seventeen years I had lived, it was nice to not be under her wing for at least a few moments.
I found a camp of people, they were huddled in a cave, it was nice and warm, they seemed kind. Maybe I could make a friend? Since I have now lost Atreus.
How naive could I get? Friends are not what you need when you're facing the gods damn apocalypse.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed this. I originally started this on AO3 but wanted to move it to Tumblr.
I started it September 2nd after writing it once and then hated it for how fast paced it was so you may have read it already.
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indirecticn · 2 months
i watched thor again... bro so many thoughts???
firstly, my GOD they were young.
secondly... ok just a recap on observations about loki.
lets assume thor was never banished. i truly don't think he believed odin would do that. i think this wasn't just a prank either, obviously. it was a real attempt to be like, "SEE??? SEE???!!?" and it feels VERY hormonal teenage angst.
ok so then how old is loki in mortal years? i know people did the math and said 16, some said 21. i guess assume 5k is the length of their lifespan, that is a third of his life. but is their maturity biologically speaking easily sliced into equal parts? i don't think so.
i think their physiology has them physically maturing quickly, the physiology it's self a result of celestial genes??? where beings of that sort of energy and existence are meant to mature quickly but then these beings replicate or take on a more base lifeform to interact with other similar base lifeforms and so you have like the blood of celestials now slightly diluted among various alien species?
ok so assuming that then now we have the children of the children of the children of the children and what have you so various species across the universe can probably atest some of their own powers and shit to the same thing.
ANYWAY MY POINT IS now they still mature physically but mentally they aren't this omnipresence but they still call themselves as much when realizing other creatures of the universe don't have the same power.
so loki looks like he's early twenties at this point but is technically much older and with a perception of time so different when you know you live 5k your years as a youth are extended compared to that of beings. especially when you consider the fact that some animals do have varying lengths to the stages of their life. some stay in the juvenile stage for hundreds of years (ex: greenland shark), but then it also depends on how you want to define what makes a being move on to the next life stage.
SO THAT is a good question but anyway.....
say thor is not banished, loki gets what he wants: a brief stay to the coronation. i 1000 percent believe his wanting to sabotage isn't just to be a jerk ass, but a true concern for what thor's actual ruling style would be. i think he just sees thor as also too immature and lacking in true political prowess.
but under that is a true issue he hasn't yet fully faced which is how much he wishes to be taken more serious. it's like... you are the little brother of a kid who does everything right, even when it's wrong. first you like to imitate but you keep getting caught and your brother is never held to the same standard for some reason. you don't get it so you just think well fine ill do the one thing better than him: not get caught.
and so you develop your gift and you find really the deeper issue is your father seems more and more distant to you as you grow up, and you can't figure it out. it's not like he completely dismisses you but he definitely spends more energy on thor, right? so you spend your time with your mom and learn even more things, maybe stuff considered by the wider culture to be sneaky and shit, so also conflated with being a woman's thing (very outdated, you know, but people on asgard are surprisingly behind with the times cosmically in certain social ideals...) and this is how things go for a thousand years.
until you really cant take it and while... if this had been just another simple feast, or something like that, thor would have been pissed and you wouldn't have gone to the extreme just to get his goat, so to speak. he'd be mad and you would fight but like you always do.
buuuut yeah, its more serious, so you choose to do a more serious thing and the result is you know why your father has been distant, what thing he was thinking about when choosing to spend time and energy on thor instead of you, and you also get why both parents seemed more harsh on you, or at least you think you do. you assume its because they were worried your monster would show, would grow.
but you think that because you're still relatively young and you are hurt as fuck by all this shit, even if the revelation came about because you fucked up and took something to an extreme it shouldn't have been taken to.
anyway so now im watching avengers and i 1000000 percent am on board with the idea that loki was tortured into submission to thanos. by the time we see him there he is literally looking like absolute shit and we know that isn't because of the portal travel through the tesseract. that thing allowed plenty of people to safely travel in the what if series.
its because he has been freshly let go and given a chance to fuck shit up. and his hatred and pain has been nourished and you are under the minor influence of the mind stone that is just an echo chamber for your pain, a feedback loop that keeps you unhinged far longer than you would have been without it.
so yeah come dark world.. you are scarred from that torture, you are angry at yourself as much as everyone else and you haven't worked through your issues at all. going to a dungeon cell for over a year just makes you sit and stew. maybe if it were five years later he would have come to better terms, allowed his mother to finally talk to him, but that doesn't happen.
and instead what does happen is dark world shit, and he realizes he can get what he wants, odin is tired and thor clearly doesnt want the throne right now so why not do everyone a fucking favor?
and then it's four years later... five since you were put in the dungeon, six since you fell from the bifrost, and maybe... just maybe... its easy to mask your pain literally, by being someone else in front of everyone else and you think haha im proving to everyone that i am capable and a better ruler, but deep down:
bitch, no, you are just fooling yourself.
so this is where MY loki comes into play, ragnarok happens and he sticks with thor because both men seem to have hit a new stage in their life cycles, and loki is still coming to terms with his entire youth and beginnings when he helps the avengers save the world (after being blipped ofc). new asgard is a new beginning, and king val is also a huge step up from odin and thor, honestly. he can support her and feel GOOD about it.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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sieglinde-freud · 5 months
https://www . tumblr.com/sieglinde-freud/730406784151470080/but-what-if-the-entire-lucina-gang-were-sent-to
consider: the new second gen from this happening (aka soleil and ophelia get to have more friends)
okay so i have thought about this before not necessarily in the context of nohr/the fates universe (intsys… give the continent a name please… i cant keep saying fateslandia i really cant) but like im down to take that angle, though i do dislike the whole deeprealm thing we can just… ignore it. maybe. i dont know i think im j gonna word vomit this so maybe i’ll decide halfway through how i feel about that ok lotta thoughts under cut
whenever i liked to think about the awakening second gen having kids (awakening third gen?) it’s kinda hard because i honestly… i dont think a lot of them would? at least not in the state that theyre in once we as players finish awakening. inigo owain and severa get to grow AFTER awakening and we see that, so the case for them is easy. but we dont know what direction everyone goes, so this is a lot of my own interpretations of the characters, so im not gonna make up a concept for all of them. but if you want me to give my thoughts on someone specific i didnt get to here thats totally cool but. on its own this is already gonna be long. i can feel it.
so first is gerome and i dont have like full oc descriptions for any of these kids i just have like ideas of what they could be, and i think with gerome, like realistically in terms of what i think intelligent systems would do given how popular batman is in japan is turn geromes kid into like a robin sidekick kinda guy. but then that gets thrown out the window because percy exists. arthur/gerome realness. but since i cant just steal percy from arthur and call him geromes son, i think a good concept for that would be to have a kid whos very affectionate and like. i think im gonna say itd be a daughter. i think she’d want to be a daddy’s girl kind of like how severa is in her dad supports, but gerome is still in his own shit about raaahh my parents left me and now i have attachment issues the likes of which you wouldn’t believe raaahhh and is REALLY bad about engaging in meaningful interactions with her? gonna use deeprealms actually because if you disregard how absolutely fucking nonsensical it is it brings in some interesting dynamics. anyways so gerome is the type of idiot to do things like purposefully avoid spending time with people to not get attached so hes not sad when they die and i think thats kind of what would go on here? except this time its his daughter and this time he locked her in a pocket dimension for all of her formative years and probably didnt visit her! i hate to paint gerome in a bad light like i really do i love him so very much but i think his inability to reach out would really hit him hard here realistically speaking! and so then their support conversations would be her trying to reach out and slowly getting through to him, forcing him to self reflect on the fact that he neglected his own child for years just because he was scared. and that sucks but i think it would be important for him and a good way to complete his arc that was set up in awakening that he couldnt ever really finish because of the way the support system works
realistically yarne would aim to have like thirty kids but im not conceptualizing THIRTY KIDS but i think his dynamic with this child would be like velouria and keaton but the other way around with yarne being the overly affectionate and doting one whereas the kids j kinda like …okayyy??? but could obviously see yarnes good intentions and relief that. you know. he has a kid! hes safe! i think when it comes to laslow and odin having kids, those supports were more used to further THEIR development, which is what i went for with gerome, but when it comes to yarne i feel like something that could be interesting to tackle with his kid is their identity with being 1/4 taguel and like. idk. wanting to be proud of a culture that doesnt exist? show off their heritage to world thats never heard of it? deal with the fact that while they may pass on the taguel blood like this, itll eventually wither out just due to genetics? maybe his kid wouldn’t be able to transform fully into a rabbit (probably not true since i think corrins kids would all be 1/4 dragon right. bc corrins only half? but whatever maybe the taguel are different) and itd fuck with their sense of self. not sure exactly what direction this would take but i think it could be a fun way of discussing being biracial in a way like this (albeit heavily fantasized because. fantasy game)
severas a bit weird because while yes shes already in fates and yes caeldori might be hinted at being her canon daughter (which i dislike the concept of a lot! as nice as the interactions are) its not ACTUALLY canon and i think she deserves a kid thats specifically her own and ive made a post about this before but i feel like severas issues with her mom is something that she clearly isnt over by the time of fates no matter how her support with cordelia goes. and the perspective that odin and laslow get from being parents in that they learn what their parents went through in protecting and ultimately dying for them would be SO insanely valuable for selena!! she thinks cordelia died for chrom! and while its true we’ll never know how bad timeline cordelia felt and our cordelia is clearly very different, i dont think thats true. severa just needs to see that and i dont think a cordelia look alike is the way to do that. severa strikes me as woman with a son vibes anyways. i think in the same way soleil and ophelia ramp up their dad’s traits, her son would do something similar and just be wayyy tsundere about everything to the point where not even severa can do anything about it. i think it could be funny, but itd also put her right in her moms shoes back in their support conversation, trying to get through to a child whos convinced you dont love them as much as they love you (maybe he’d be pissed off about the deeprealm thing. i think thats a good angle) and she buys his time with sweets and dessert the same way because as much as it pisses her off, hes just like her and she knows what works! now she just has to make sure he doesnt continue to grow up like how she did
theres this part of cynthias character thats very subtle thats shown in her dad support and its at the very end and if you notice at the end of that support there is… no resolution. cynthia hugs her dad, says its okay that she knows she’ll never be his real daughter and he’ll never be her real dad, and then it ends. compare to someone like inigo’s father or lucina’s mother support where they emphasize hey!! youre my kid too! and i think that’s a fun way to take cynthias development in the future because she just… doesnt get that. FOR SOME REASON????? so i think cynthia in fates could deal a little bit with putting that behind her and learning to deal with that in this new world because i think its obvious she doesnt WANT to part from her parents, she just feels like she has to. and i think this could come through when she has a kid of her own. i think she’d actually be a pretty fucking good parent, deeprealms aside, trying to maintain this bond with them and reassure them that she isnt going anywhere because i think thats what cynthia herself always needed to hear. i dont think there’d be too much conflict here, but i think it could be a decent way to finish cynthia’s character arc and let her give herself the closure she was looking for even if she didnt know she was.
and this is long as fuck and late as fuck!!! sorry. though if you saw the last ask (or if this is the same anon. hi 👋) you probably saw that coming.
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beetljugo · 6 months
I return with more Isaac angst! (Kinda lol)
// Spoilers for the end of CoD Ghosts campaign for any new readers I guess //
So Isaac has a real soft spot for the Walker boys. Loves messing with them in an older brother kinda way but also supports and encourages them as they manage becoming part of the Ghosts
But after Logan gets taken by Rourke and all that, Hesh is obviously devastated. He’s taken to medical right after they find him and treated for his numerous injuries. Eventually though Hesh breaks out of medical just to be alone. He’s angry and hurting and no one gets it. The rest of the Ghosts are looking for him but Isaac finds him on accident. Didn’t even know that Jesh had gone missing from the medical wing.
“I’m no doctor but I’m pretty sure you should still be on bed rest, Hesh” Isaac says jokingly
But Hesh stays quiet. Isaac can tell that something is wrong.
Well of course something is wrong, he tells himself. Isaac heard what happened. He heard about Rourke taking Logan.
So Isaac sits down next to Hesh and just starts talking about how being a big brother is harder than people think. You help teach your little brother learn how to ride a bike, how to shave, how ask a date to homecoming, how to drive. So many little things that you do to help raise a little brother.
Isaac says he knows what Hesh is going through.
Hesh responds in anger, asking how Isaac could possibly know how Hesh is feeling. Hesh lost a father AND a little brother in the span of a few days.
Isaac says plainly that his father died when he was 21, and his own little brother was lost 10 years ago when the Federation turned ODIN on the U.S. He didn’t lose them the same way Hesh did, but Isaac KNOWS how it feels to not be able to do anything, to not even be there for them or stop the inevitable. All children must contend with a parent dying by no big brothers wants to live with the fact that they failed their little brother.
It’s then that Hesh finally starts to break down and cries and Isaac hold him close. The older one promises Hesh that Logan isn’t completely lost yet, and that none of the Ghosts will stop until they bring him home.
ughhh sibling dynamic angst. im the youngest sibling so a part of me will never understand the true older sibling dilemma. but this angst lowk hits hard. i grew seeing my family go through some really tough times so feeling powerless? felt.
man... i need to be HELD while i breakdown and cry over all my losses LMAO SHIT...
"all children must contend with a parent dying but no big brother wants to live with the fact that they failed their little brother." HUHHH??? TEARS???
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How would Rorke feel about his stepson, Logan dating Keegan?
Depends how he finds out tbh.
I have this fic where ODIN never happens, so there's no war or whatever. Keegan never meets Logan because he doesn't stay in the military long enough to be of interest to the Ghosts. (Hesh does but this ain't about him.)
Obviously, Keegan likes Logan. Logan also likes him. After some plot they get into the dating stage and Logan figures Keegan should come meet the family.
Rorke is in fact, a father figure to the boys. He and Elias are... something unspecified. (Rorke is retired, Elias is Ghost Captain.)
Logan brings the boyfriend home, and Rorke of course recognizes Keegan immediately, but after a second of homicidal thinking he just finds the situation too amusing to be upset.
The situation: Logan is aware his Dads and Keegan are all special forces, however, he doesn't know they're all in the same unit. Keegan has even been to their house before while Elias and Gabe were just off somewhere else.
Somehow anytime an opportunity afforded itself where they might have found out the whole shebang sooner was averted up until the moment Keegan shows up to their fucking house to eat dinner with them.
Logan remains oblivious to the situation even after Keegan almost has a stroke upon realizing who Logan's Dads are.
Gabe is also aware of the hell Elias might wreak after discovering the mess, so he chooses to play the relaxed parent.
In Placeholder, he is also wholly oblivious to Logan and Keegan thing. I'm not sure how to reveal it tbh. Might have Keegan just tell him. To which Rorke would probably be pretty irritated, but he knows he can't do jack shit about it so he lets Keegan be after (of course) threatening him with grievous bodily harm if he fucks up in any way.
So, to answer in a shorter way: Depends how he finds out.
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ilistentogirlinred · 6 months
I'd love to hear more thoughts on that crossover.
(this is abt my pjo/bsd crossover btw!)
so a little worldbuilding: atsushi was still an orphan obvi, and they're all like 12-18? so like atsushi would be like 14? dazai/kunikida/ranpo/etc would be like 18? or maybe ranpo would be like 20 but still at chb idk. the pm might be camp jupiter? also all the pjo characters still exist in this universe so none of the bsd guys are like the main characters
so i think atsushi would be a dionysus or apollo kid. dionysus cause tigers and apollo cause idk the vibes.
ummmm i said that kunikida would be an athena or zeus kid, athena cause brains and zeus cause honestly i feel like it just fits yk?
the tanazaki's would be like dionysus kids
yosano would be an apollo or thanatos kid. cause healing but like healing with death?
and poor like 10 year old kyouka is an athena kid
kenji is a demeter kid
fukuzawa is like a... fuck wait this is difficult. he's a hermes kid maybe? trust me the vibes are there
more below the cut cause i'm gonna talk A LOT
NOW WE'RE ONTO DAZAI! this bitch was really hard to categorise actually cause like you have to give him something in line with his character arcs? so my first thought was apollo, cause idk but it didn't really fit. my second idea was aphrodite AND HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE. so like he'd see people as not really caring about him cause he'd feel like he made them? and he'd have charmspeak. also him being an aphrodite kid just feels right when i think about the fifteen scene. he could also be a hades kid with a nico-esqe time travel lotus casino type of shitshow and like oda was his brother figure maybe? idk i feel like he'd be an aphrodite kid and i refuse to elaborate. (he could be a venus kid cause port mafia?)
ranpo is just mortal and can see through the mist, maybe he's an oracle maybe he's not.
chuuya could be from another pantheon? maybe? idk he's an ares/mars kid or maybe like a thanatos kid? or he got like cursed/bestowed with like being a demigod but like he doesn't have a proper godly parent? but like he has a patron god parent? so like maybe a titan? like hyperion or smth? or atlas? idk
mori is like a legacy of asclepius and kouyou is an ares/mars kid 100%
the akutagawa's are related on the mortal side and ryuu is a luna (selene) kid? gin is like possibly a very distant legacy of like ultios (assassins!)?
higuchi is like a nymph or driad or smth like that.
kaiji is a minerva or vulcan kid
ummm hirotsu is like a legacy of zeus. very distantly tho
i probably forgot someone from the mafia but whatever
i'd say the hunting dogs are all mortal but can see through the mist (or sense, in jouno's case)
ummmm lets see
other relevant characters:
i want the guild to be a different pantheon so they're the norse ppl. or like 50/50 mortals
POE IS NOT DEAD BTW HE'S NOT IN VALHALLA! poe is like an odin kid maybe? or he's just completely normal? idk he needs powers but yeah he can defs see through the veil/mist and like do shit with it
uhhh oda was themis kid or legacy.
ango's an athena kid? maybe?
i think the decay of angels is like people from a lot of different pantheons with similar goals.
fyodor i think should be from the slavic mythological pantheon so now i get to read about more myths!!! this is obviously very loose cause there isn't much known about slavic myths and gods (cause the christian colonisers didn't care enough to write anything about them) but i feel like he's a dola kid. dola is the personification of destiny and fate! fyodor could also just be completely normal
nikolai is a normal mortal dude who can like see myth-y stuff but he can also do legit magic? like i feel like it would come from the "soul" or smth instead of godly genes? idk like he got gifted with magic cause like a god took pity on him or smth?
AND SIGMA!!! MY CHILD!!! he's a weird one cause like he spawned out of a book. i'd say maybe he's a reincarnated soul? idk tho
lmao there was no worldbuilding here but whatever
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fall3ntal3 · 10 months
Hello !! My name is Moony !! I made this Undertale AU about the Fallen humans before and after they fell down!! It’s called FallenTale !!
FallenTale is inspired by UnderSouls!!
The main plot of FallenTale:
The main plot of FallenTale is the Fallen Humans’ life’s before and after they fell down.
Chara Dreemurr - Determination (obviously) 8 years old when they fell, 12 years old when they died. (They/them.)
Rein Smith - Bravery, 13 when he fell, 15 when he died. (He/she)
Liam Burnham - Justice, 7 when he fell, 8 when he died. (He/him.)
Ellis King - Kindness, 19 when he fell and 19 when he died. (He/they)
Axel Windmen - Patience, 19 when he fell and 19 when he died. (He/him)
Jenna Den - Integrity, 14 when she fell and 14 when she died. (She/her.)
Alter Burnham - Perseverance, 25 when he fell and 25 when he died. (He/xe.)
This AU starts out mainly in the 1700s, and goes into late 2020s!! All Fallen Humans have their own backstory and lore behind them, plus other side characters!! Here’s all the lore:
FallenTale lore:
Gonna start explaining the whole lore lolz.
FallenTale focuses on the Fallen Human’s life before and after they fell down into the Underground. They fall in rainbow order:
Determination (Chara.)
Bravery: (Rein Smith)
Justice: (Liam Burnham)
Kindness: (Ellis King)
Patience: (Axel Windmen)
Integrity: (Jenna Den)
Perseverance: (Alter Burnham.)
The AU mainly starts in 1700s but then has a time skip to modern day (2020s-2030s)
Probably the most important fallen humans are: Alter, Axel, Chara, and Jenna. They have the most impact on the AU itself. In the
1700s, the human king in planning for the war. (Odin Windmen.) The human king has always hated monsters, he always wanted them to live far away from humans. When he told his son, Axel the plans. Axel didn’t like them at all, but he couldn’t do anything to stop them because he was only the prince and not the king. Princes didn’t hold much power, and the humans had an absolute monarchy at the time. Axel went to Alter, who was the human scientist at the time. Axel pleaded with Alter, asking him to help change Odin’s mind. Alter however didn’t care much about others, besides a few people. Alter said he wasn’t in the position to change the king’s mind, and said the war was inevitable. Axel disliked Alter before, but after this he hated him. He understood how Alter was now grieving his son, but how could he be so cruel to the monsters? Axel never understood it. Alter should have been mad at Odin for covering up 3 fallen human’s falls. So, Axel went to Ellis (his boyfriend.) Axel told Ellis everything. When Odin found out, he told Ellis to follow him up Mt. Ebott, and threw him off the ledge. Then the war happened, Axel had to fight in the war. They ||hung Asgore’s parents.|| After the war ended, Axel found out what Odin had done to Ellis. Odin couldn’t risk word getting out, so he threw Axel off the ledge too. However, Alter knew. Alter started to plan a rebellion, this is when Alason became important. Alason was Alter’s boyfriend, and Odin knew this. Alason was one of the violinists in the King’s orchestra. So, Odin went to Alason. Saying if he killed Alter, he would become the new king. Alason said ‘uh, fuck no.’ Then Odin said he’d kill Jenna (Aladdin’s sister) if he didn’t. Reluctantly, Alason agreed. However, Jenna wanted to take a hike to Mt.Ebott with Alason. Alason said no, and tried to force her down the top the mountain. However, this caused Jenna to lose her valence and fall off the cliff. After Jenna fell, Alason didn’t have a reason to kill Alter. However, Odin still forced Alason to kill Alter. Odin planned a mission to spy the monsters from the top of Mt. Ebott with Alter and Alason. At the last moment, Alason brought a sword to Alter’s neck. Alter was like: ‘Nah, you love me too much.’ And Alason was like: ‘Shit, I love you with all my heart…but like…I’m being forced too so lol bye.’ And then Alason shoved Alter off the ledge and sat there for a good few moments and cried.
Once Alason came back to Odin. The word that Odin caused the war and caused 2 of the human’s off the ledge had gotten out. Odin made Alason king and dipped, but not before torturing Alason by putting part of Integrity Magic into Alason’s soul, causing his sister’s spirit to literally torture Alason. (She was pissed at Alason for making her lose her balance.) It’s important to note that kings are immortal, and age very slowly. Alason was about…25 while he became king. Keep this in mind :)
Alason also makes a fountain and a garden to honor the fallen humans in the 1800s, he named it ’Fallen Garden’.
While this was happening, Asgore was going insane! He had lost two of his children already, plus his parents. He hated the humans for what they did. So he made this device that could extract the soul's trait in the most painful way possible. So that’s what he did!! The device had some features:
It could hold the humans down.
Needle to extract the souls.
Container for the souls to go into.
And some claws to force the human’s chest open so the device could rip out the souls. (Rainbow factory starts playing in the background.)
He extracted all of the human souls besides Chara’s, he couldn’t bring himself to hurt his already dead child. Also Toriel buried Chara in the Ruins already so…¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Getting your soul extracted hurts!! A lot!! You only die AFTER your soul has been fully extracted!! Plus, your consciousness is still aware of everything!! This means that all of the humans' souls were very aware of being trapped in containers for...about 250+ years while being experimented on!!
Anyways…while talking about experiments…The burnham family and the Lenoirs!! Not to mention Sasha and Erebus…and Alphys and Gaster + his followers!! Okay this is going to get very messy, very fast. (I’ll make a timeline of all the main events at the end, don't worry.)
Let’s start with the Burnhams.
Lilith Burnham!! One of the Human scientists in the modern day!! She’s Alter’s mom. Vicky Burnham, she’s Alter’s younger sister. (How can Alter’s fakily exist in modern day if Alter is from the 1700s?? You’ll see.)
(They tie into Gaster and the Leonor family…give me a minute.)
Lilith was a bit…insane. She also had perseverance magic.
Vicky on the other hand had HOPE magic. However, this wasn’t discovered until too late.
Lilith always favored Alter due to him also having perseverance. This made Vicky willingly do anything to please her mother at such a young age. (4 years old.)
Lilith followed up on Gaster’s work, since most of his work was published to the public, including his ‘Timeline’ work. In Gaster’s work, it’s stated that the timeline is very fragile, and can be easily broken. Lilith saw this, and wondered if time travel was possible. It was. She spent years, 8 in total, perfecting time travel. She used eight year old Alter to experiment her theory, she sent Alter back to the 1700s.
Mkay...pause on the Burnhams for a second!!
Remember how the timeline is VERY fragile?? Yeah...Lilith was 1/2 people who fucked up the timeline!! There were never supposed to be 7 fallen humans!! When Alter fell into the underground, a new timeline was created!! Alter WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A FALLEN HUMAN. This caused a lot of things to happen in the modern day!!
Okay back to the Burnhams..mostly Vicky now.
After Alter went into the 1700s, Lilith dipped because she’s a shit mom. Not before giving Vicky to Alice Lenoir. Alice was the monster scientist at the same time Lilith was the human scientist. Alice was also tied with Gaster!! Having two kids with him: Alexis and Maxie. Alice was also a Gaster follower yay!! Alice was also insane!! She was one of the people who worked with the human souls, and experimented with them. This started Project TRAITS. Project TRAITS was a project lead by Alice and Gaster, but Alphys was also HEAVILY involved. For my well-being, I’m going to refer to Project TRAITS as Project T.
Project T, used the human souls to make new soul traits. As more powerful versions of the existing soul traits.
In this Project, 3 new soul traits were made, and one enhanced.
and Enhanced Determination.
HATE was the most powerful out of all of them. The successful test subjects for HATE were: Alexis, and Vicky. HATE also makes the person age slower!!
LOVE’S subject was: Maxie. LOVE is the opposite of HATE. I don’t have much lore of LOVE yet sorry lol.
And Enhanced Determination was Sasha.
Altruism is interesting…because it’s a new soul type, but it’s also a new soul BUILD. Originally there were just humans and monsters. However, the test subject’s soul build was genetically modified to be half human/half monster. This worked, but not very well. Erebus Quade, the test subject was originally human. Human magic and monster magic don’t mix well at all, let alone their soul build. Alphys had literally torn his soul apart personally just to get him somewhat stable, even then he was still in constant pain because his soul was literally trying to split itself in half.
Anyways, back to the Lenoirs + Sasha for a quick second.
Alice and Alexis Lenoir were both Gaster followers, same with Sasha and Vicky.
Maxie escaped before she could become one, leaving Alexis for himself.
Vicky and Alexis also became ‘siblings’. When Alexis realized Maxie wasn’t coming back, Vicky comforted him. She knew what it was left of having a sibling leave you, Alter left her. In fact, they both constantly refer to each other as sister and brother. Alter and Maxie might biologically be their siblings, but that’s the only way they’re their siblings. (I love Alexis and Vicky’s relationship so much.)
Now to Frisk. I’m almost done, I think.
Frisk was technically the 8th fallen human, they fell in attempted suicide, but when they fell, the buttercup followers kept them from dying. They fell directly on top of Chara’s body.
Since Chara’s soul was still attached to their body, Frisk ‘woke up’ Chara’s soul, causing their soul to attach to Frisk.
Frisk wasn’t originally determined, they didn’t even have magic.
This is where the main events of Undertale starts.
Everything goes normally, nothing too far off the game until we get to Asgore’s boss fight. (This AU takes place in a genocide route. Please keep in mind that the Player was controlling Frisk during Undertale.)
Asgore reveals his true intentions, and tries to extract Frisk’s soul. However, something interesting happens. The bright star-like thing we saw throughout Undertale? That isn’t just determination, that’s FRISK’S determination. Frisk’s determination is nothing like Chara’s or Sasha’s determination. Frisk’s determination goes hand in hand with Chara’s, and it’s a golden color. Not red like the others. This alouds Frisk to RESET when they aren’t supposed to. Fucking up the timeline horribly, worst than Lilith.
I lied. I still have so much to go FuCk.
When Frisk RESETS, lots monsters come back to life including:
Sans, Alphys and PARTLY Gaster.
Since Gaster fell through the core, and is literally scattered throughout time, there isn’t much of his soul that can be repaired.
Anyways, this also causes some fallen humans to come back, including:
Rein, Ellis, Axel, and Alter.
No Jenna or Chara or Liam lol.
Remember when I said kings are immortal? Yeah, Alason is still the king.
Alason and Alter reunited.
Ellis and Axel reunited, everyone is happy for a few months before they realize that someone really fucked up the timeline…FRISK.
Anyways, to sum it up:
Alter and Frisk hate each other because they can.
Axel still holds grudges against Alter but mostly forgives him.
Oh fuck…I realize I almost skipped a whole arc.
Okay I’m going to cry.
Embla Torhild, has perseverance magic but not as powerful as Lilith or Alter.
Shit I need to explain so much. ಠ_ಠ
M’kay…let’s go back to the 1700s for a minute...
Alter, used to be a human scientist. He studied human magic and made two items to help ’enhance’ his magic. Actually, his work inspired Alice to create Project T. ANYWAYS. Off track.
Alter created two items: an amulet. And a Bracer. These were injected with Perseverance magic, and enhances perseverance magic ONLY. When Alter realized the damage it could cause, after seeing parts of his skin turning purple because his magic was literally leaking out of him, he buried the Bracer where he thought no one would ever find it.
That being said, Alason saw Alter’s amulet and decided to wear it so no one with perseverance magic would wear it and became all mighty.
Okay, back to modern day:
Embla finds the Bracer. This is maybe a year or so before the RESET. Embla goes to the library, and reads Alter’s work. (All scientist’s work is public, most of it besides Project TRAIT and stuff like that) Embla realizes that the Bracer enhances their magic. They also realize that Alason has the Amulet. So, they spend a few years planning to get the amulet. Why would Embla even want to do this?
Embla’s magic isn’t exactly strong, it’s very weak. They always got bullied for it. With the Perseverance…jewelry?? Anyways, with the Perseverance jewelry, their magic would be a lot stronger.
Timeskip two years later, it’s Alter and Alason’s wedding. The amulet is locked up, and heavily guarded. Embla causes an explosion, which needs all the guards on deck. This gives Embla the chance to steal the amulet.
Embla causes trouble, but eventually Alter and Alason catch them and Embla gets to keep the Bracer when Alter keeps the Amulet.
Human and Monster compromise: 1607
Lilith drops Alter off: 1736
Chara falls: 1749
Rein falls: 1750
Liam falls: 1751
Alter makes Perseverance Jewelry and Journal: 1751
War plans are made: 1752
Ellis falls: 1752
War: March 31th, 1753
Axel falls: 1753
Axel falls: 1753
Jenna falls: 1753
Alter falls: 1754
Alason becomes king: 1754
Alason makes Fallen Garden: 1830-1832.
Project TRAIT starts: 2006
Lilith drops Vicky off: 2007
Embla finds Perseverance Amulet: 2025
Frisk’s RESET: 2026
The Reseted fallen humans extract Odin and Asgore’s souls: 2026
Embla finds the Perseverance Bracer/Alason and Alter’s wedding:: 2027
Embla gives up the Bracer: 2027
Project TRAIT stops: 2028
Vicky and Alter reunited (not in a good way): 2028
Alexis and Maxie reunited (not in a good way): 2028
Extra (doesn’t have a lot of lore/just fun facts.):
Themis Shinobu, eight years old. Has two soul traits (Justice and Patience.), monster. Goes by he/him and xe/xim.
Calum Slavi: Erebus’s boyfriend
Justus Devland: Embla’s boyfriend
Pluto Nyx: Current human scientist.
Snailz Nyx: Pluto’s husband.
Sans is Gaster’s son.
Sans usually goes by his human form.
Sans is a scientist. And hates Alphys.
Monster kid and Goner kid are the same person.
Monster kid is a Gaster follower.
Monster kid and Alphys are
Alason and Jenna’s parents were killed in the war.
Frisk isn’t considered a fallen human by the rest of the fallen humans besides Chara and Rein.
The fallen humans that didn’t get reseted aren’t remembered by most of society, and barely get remembered by their loved ones. Minus Alason and Jenna because Jenna literally tortures Alason on the daily.
The reseted humans minus Rein torture and extract Odin’s soul.
Same with Asgore’s soul.
Asriel/Flower takes a new form, similar to his form when he was alive after the RESET. He’s known as the Fallen Prince. Chara doesn’t speak to him after he kills a few humans.
Character’s identities:
Chara (They/them. Aromantic and Asexual. 8 when they fell, 12 when they died.)
Rein Smith (Prefers He/him, but she/her is okay. Pansexual. 15 pre-reset, 16 after reset.)
Liam Burnham (He/him. 7.)
Ellis King (He/they. Bisexual. 19 pre-reset, 20 after reset.)
Axel Windmen (He/him, gay. 19 pre-reset, 20 after reset.)
Alason Den (He/him, gay. 25 when crowned, 28 modern day.)
Alter Burnham (He/him and xe/xim. Bisexual, 26 pre-reset, 29 after reset.)
Frisk (They/them, asexual repulsed, Aromantic, and lesbian. 12 pre-reset, 16 after reset.)
Alexis Lenoir (He/it. Aromantic and gay and Transgender FTM. 21)
Maxie Lenoir (she/they, Lesbain. 32.)
Alice Lenoir (She/it/they, bisexual and asexual. 52.)
Vicky Burnham (She/her, aromantic and asexual. 17.)
Gaster (He/it, bisexual. 53.)
Sans (He/Him. Aromantic and Asexual. 26.)
Sasha (She/they. Lesbain, 16.)
Erebus Quade (He/it. Gay. 19.)
Calum Slavi (He/him. Gay. 19.)
Embla Torhild (They/them. Omnisexual. 14 when they found the amulet, 16 currently.)
Justus Devland (He/him. Bisexual. 16.)
Monster/Goner kid (They/them. 9.)
Odin Windmen (He/him. Straight. 65.)
Asriel (He/him. Bisexual. 12 when he died, 14 after reset.)
Alphys (She/they. Lesbain. 23.)
That’s all for now, I’m probably forgetting some stuff but who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
re: my seemingly fringe "I don't think we're meant to think Odin was a dreadful cunt" take, when was Thor 1 actually made? Like... 2010/2011? Because I think Odin is (presumably based on comics canon) meant to be "a bit distant but overall good as a parent" but 2010ish is well after the recent (historically recent, by which I mean since maybe the 1980s) shift in our culture's ideas about fatherhood and what make "a good dad" as well as similarly radical shifts in how we approach disciplining children. MCU!Odin is therefore odd because he's a couple of generations out if he's meant to convince the audience that he's A Good Dad or even an acceptable one. Even the people making the film can't have (all) thought he was any good so with this in mind I'm more open to the idea that Odin is meant to be fairly shit. (But not entirely, and certainly not to the point of him being evil - he's doing his best and arguably the issue isn't him but the culture they've all been born into.)
IDK how old the writer was but there could be an intentional generation-gap thing going on there? An "everyone thinks this is acceptable and even good parenting, but it isn't and everyone involved is getting messed up by it." You don't have to go that far back historically before failing to show regular affection to your kids wouldn't be seen as a significant flaw in a father (whereas it absolutely would be in a mother - v interesting that as the status of women in our society has increased our idea of a good dad has shifted significantly towards an ideal that would previously have been considered "maternal" and thus "unmanly." Oh hey, looks like patriarchy is bad for men too!)
I still think a lot of fanon and fanfic overstates it (which is fine until we're at the point of inventing obviously abusive behaviour and then seemingly forgetting that we made that up), and that Odin is at least meant to be 'doing his best' but yeah Them Thor Films must surely be aware that his best is nowhere near Actually Good, yeah? I mean unless they were written by a man who lives in the 1950s, which they probably weren't. (There is absolutely some generational variation in how far the social change has taken hold but you'd have to look for a long time before you'd find a man of any age who'd say "I really wish my father had been more reserved and had spent less quality time with me" rather than wistfully expressing the opposite of that.)
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harksness · 3 years
Marvel Characters as random things that I've heard/seen while working at a thrift store:
Thor: Obviously he's the framed, shirtless picture of Chris Hemsworth we have hanging up at the pricing table (his armpits are also censored for some reason)
Peter Parker: The one time a cashier offered to freestyle rap for a customer. (Bonus: Tony is my boss, who ran up to the registers in a panic and said "HAHAHA no.")
Tony Stark: Hot Tub Tony. That phrase is carved into a urinal and no one has any idea what it means or how it got there.
Peter Quill: "Only true men listen to Michael Jackson!" *screams Thriller at the top of his lungs*
Scott Lang: The cleaner that used to steal our Domino's and snacks in the breakroom so we needed to pretend to lock them up in my bosses office at night. She also got caught stealing our jewlery and doing a lot of other really weird, questionable things.
Bruce Banner: A composition notebook with "Nothing tastes as good as abstinence feels" laminated on the cover
Hulk: The two seperate times people literally shit on the fitting room bench. The second time we could hear the guy grunting really loudly while he was doing it.
Steve Rogers: The three crack pipes we've found in our women's bathroom within four months (one of them still had crack in it)
Natasha Romanoff: Jean boots. That go all the way up to the upper thighs and have rips in the knees.
Darcy Lewis: "Vagina juice! Come get your vagina juice here! By your vagina, for your vagina!"
Loki: Hearing Elsa sing "Let It Go"/"Into The Unknown" in a really distorted voice at least once a shift from the toy aisle
Howard Stark/Odin: A book I found called "Out Of Control: A Christian Parents Victorious Struggle With Child Abuse"
Agatha Harkness: Two garbage bags we got donated that were full of used sex toys and BDSM gear
Yondu Udonta: The rotting watermelon inside of a baby cradle we got donated
Wanda Maximoff: My boss having a mental breakdown when she found a used pregnancy test
Yelena Belova: "Haha. That pumpkin looks like a pussy." *leaves*
The Grandmaster: The time my coworker started talking to this guy about going to Pride, and he just went into extreme detail about how he is into DDLG and has a bunch of littles and comes to our store to buy them collars. Then proceeds to ask my coworker to be his little.
Carol Danvers: She's that one time I had a mental breakdown and ripped apart a book I found called "Toward a Christian Understanding of the Homosexual"
Shuri: "So... Are your pronouns game/gamer?"
Clint Barton: The 20 boxes of expired LeBron James cereal we got donated
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aurorawest · 2 years
I wish more people interpreted Loki and his family in the way you do because imo it's just more interesting that way? A family that loves each other but can't communicate for shit is much more compelling to me than one where one or more of the parents simply doesn't care about one of their kids.
Awww thank you so much! I'm obviously deeply biased but I, too, think it's more interesting the way I interpret the Asgardian royal family! Haha. No seriously though, I'm always more interested in flawed, complicated characters with flawed, complicated relationships than one dimensional, flat characterization.
It's pretty well documented that this fandom treats Odin like a mustache twirling, cackling villain, when that's just...not who he is in the movies. Well, Odin isn't particularly well written in TDW (and I've also long thought Hopkins really phoned that performance in...not that I can blame him), and he does become pretty one dimensional, especially in the second half, but we have all of Thor 1 and his scenes in Ragnarok to counter that.
Thanks again for saying you like my portrayal of them!! I work super hard to maintain the dysfunction of the family while not demonizing any of them.
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flameontheotherside · 2 years
I saw us but it was weird!
So seeing Erik is difficult even in dreams because of my emotional bullshit. So especially at times in my life when I'm more depressed or anxious like now, if I see him at all he's not looking the same, but I definitely feel him so that's how I know for sure it was him.
The dream
It was Xmas and chaotic. I was myself trying to put together Xmas stuff at my childhood house in Florida. There were kids I didn't recognize right away. Didn't actually see them but knew they were there. In walks a man and a women who were their parents. In another dream Erik took me to see our children. Right away I knew I had feelings for this beautiful guy and wanted to find any reason to be around him but he had this beautiful wife who I recognized as my higher self. I didn't like her. She was very upscale, stiff, and perfect.
I was tasked with cleaning and "watching" these invisible children. It was stressful. When it came time to shower and dress up for dinner and crap, I wanted to beat my higher self so that I would be dressed to impress. For some reason Odin was in my shower but he was just sitting there not crying to be let out. I opened the bathroom door so he bolted out wet, and took a shit in front of the front door I guess because he was mad and wanted someone to step in it 😂. I heard the kids laughing and chasing Odin's fat fluffy ass hole. But then I had to go down there and clean it up.
The shower was still running and my hair was wet from having to let Odin out of it. Figured wet hair might be a turn on for this guy I went to clean the nice pile of shit Odin left and went back into the bathroom. Shit gets interesting; I start to undress and hear a knock. In the mirror I noticed I looked plain and not as glamorous as my higher self and started to cry.
Somehow Erik manages to open the door?! 😱 So I grab a towel but the bathroom was so steamy and since my glasses were off now (I have really bad eyesight of -4) obviously I couldn't see. I cracked the bathroom door open to tell him I'm busy but he tried to push his way in. I wanted to be alone but I also wanted him but didn't want any trouble.
Erik says to me telepathically that he wants me. I was shocked to hear him in my head but didn't respond. He then says he feels my feelings and knew as soon as he and his "wife" came over, he didn't care about anything else. It took a second to realize that his wife was me (my higher self) and those children were ours. The somewhat bossy wife was actually guiding me to be better and to always improve myself. She wasn't trying to be cruel but that's how I think if her some times. No, I'm just cruel to myself and hold myself up to impossible standards.
Fucking insane but I totally understand it!
I'm happy the dream happened. Erik always presents himself where there is water. Water represents spirituality. It was hot and steamy roflmao 🤣 oh lord... Judging from how he wanted to sneak around on his "wife" it's a connection to our past lives where we had snuck around behind the backs of people who didn't want us together. In the dream I was very afraid of being caught.
It was actually a fun and simple dream to interpret. It might not make sense to you but it certainly did to me probably because I'm not so good at storytelling and it was my dream. 🤷‍♀️ It's okay though. I'm just happy this dream happened. For yeeeears I've read dream interpretation books and there's a resource online anyone can use @ dreammoods.com
😘💕 Happy belated spring equinox!
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strange-archivist · 3 years
Seeing ppl calling Sylvie "toxic" or an abuser just feels like a massive dismissal of the reality of Sylvie's perpetual situation. She has no home to go to, and no one she can rely on. She hasn't had it for presumably THOUSANDS OF YEARS and she cannot have any kind of rest or anything approaching normalcy until she eliminates the organization that kidnapped her as a little girl and destroyed her entire reality (along with countless others!!). Her violence is in self defense and from years of fighting for her literal life. So when she encounters Loki, throwing a wrench in her plans to try to take her life back, someone obviously working for the organization that has abused HER and destroyed her life along with countless others, why shouldn't she fight him?
She's been planning a way to take back her life for ages, and this guy shows up, mucking up her plans? I'd be pissed too. As she says, he's in her way, and so she tries to get him out of the way until he borks that for her too.
Of course she's angry and frustrated with him, and having spent her life on the run, I'd imagine her interpersonal skills are shit. So.... sorry she doesn't hug the guy who fucked up her whole life's work, one shot at any kind of life free from being hunted, and just told her he's only interested in finding something to take over?
Her violence and alleged "toxicity" are in response to a life of perpetual abuse, neglect, and deprivation at the hands of a fascist organization and in defense of her own literal life. Whereas Loki was just as violent and arguably more toxic in the first two movies he appears in (I believe he plots actual legit genocide not once, but TWICE). And he yes, has a dad who's a full blown asshole and a brother who at first is kind of a warmongering dingus who overshadows him, but he HAS a family, a seemingly loving mother, and an actual home where he's lived a life of what appears to be lavish luxury.
Loki's initial violence is in response to feeling unwanted, not an act of trying to scrape out an actual life. I'm not trying to minimize any abuse he might have received at the hands of Odin, or how shitty it is to grow up with douchey parents, but no one is threatening his LIFE or existence when he lashes out.
If Sylvie's actions make her toxic or a bully or abusive (I'd disagree that they do, but that's addressed above) then I don't see how Thor 1 and Avengers 1 Loki's actions aren't. Loki arguably lashes out because he's denied something he feels entitled to (rightly or not) and lashes out in explicitly genocidal ways after manipulating people he claims to love.
This to me feels like a really unfair double standard where the male presenting character is allowed to be flawed and complex but the female presenting one isn't. The male presenting character is empathized with because of a traumatic past, but the female presenting one isn't. THAT'S what feels like misogyny to me.
I'll agree that the show isn't without it's faults, but Sylvie's defiance and will to live in the face of immeasurable adversity is not one of them.
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Reverse Au! Dump
Don’t mind my idea dumping here. Brain decided to have fun while I was at work and I have too many wips as it is, so… Thought I’d ask before I dumped, experience. Used morningmark’s comics as a base, so if you want reference. Now this isn’t all that well compiled, but here it goes.
Magic in the Other World is varied as it is crazy. So many styles over the generations and not a lot of organization. There are some that try to categorize it all, but that works as well as you’d expect. Some were lost, some erased, some weren’t passed down/recorded because “the power is all mine! Ahahaha!” It took a lot of time and collaboration, but eventually a sort of system was installed to help out. Still a lot of work to do, but its a step forward. Nowadays the term Wild Magic is generally reserved for those that aren’t all that well documented and understood.
Some Magics are very powerful and desirable, but also tend to be very high risk/high reward, kinda pass/fail, pretty literally Do or Die most times. So not a lot of people can use those or are even willing to. Story says this one guy named Odin hung himself on a massive tree by his own spear for nine days, no food water or rest in constant pain before he could unlock the secret of Runes. But it’s also said he gouged out his own eye to drink from the Well of Wisdom so… 
There are lots of different ways to channel magic too: wands, staves, jewelry, certain gems, familiars, potions, enchanted armaments, chants, scripts, etc. Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages and play into a Witches’ style. Every Witch has at least two methods of spellcasting. Only children have one. Haven’t thought of how Luz gets her Palisman though. Maybe its one of those magic Artifacts like Dr. Strange’s cloak, Elder Wand, Thor’s hammer, or a Green Lantern’s Ring. Something that can’t be recreated because the secret is lost, materials no longer exist, too hard/dangerous to make, accident that can’t be recreated, etc. Happens more often than people like.
Camilla is sometimes called the Blue Witch. She’s a healer by heart and trade, but push her and she will become a one Witch Battleship. Bismark who? Aaaaand she just deleted a whole battalion. And the fortress behind them. Hide me. There are the very rare occasions, like count on one hand rare, when someone near and dear to her heart is in trouble that she takes up her other job. She’s especially terrifying when she decides to torture, those who know how to heal the body know best how to break it. Many shades of Blue, some are very close to Black. She doesn’t necessarily hate Humans exactly, but doesn’t have the highest of regard from past experiences.
Luz has training and is a proficient Witch for her age. Camilla and her father were adamant about having a general knowledge/skillset alongside her specialized skill. Jack of all trades and a master of none, still better than a master of one. She has gone through the system for her magic with varying success. Oracle magic? Zero talent. Bard classes? She can play an instrument, but can’t sing at the same time. When she does sing she tires too hard and messes up. It’s only when she doesn’t try, like absently singing along with a song or playing by her heart, that she’s good at it. Beasts? Can use them, but would rather play with them. Bleeding heart and all that. She does have a good handle on healing magic partly due to Camilla drilling necessary skills into her and partly osmosis. Her father arranged for some CQC lessons from an old friend of his which the girl loved. You get the idea. It wasn’t until she discovered Glyphs that she found her niche and her skills took off. Glyphs are one of those ‘eccentric’ or 'archaic’ styles since they haven’t been used in so long after being lost and are barely understood. She still has a long way to go, but she is on her way.
Luz never really had much in the way of friends, partly cuz of high profile parents which leads to certain pressures and a target on her head, partly because of her magic style and personality, and partly because of the trouble been going on. Luz grew up her whole life with this tension of a group of anarchists trying to burn society that’s just trying to do the right thing. The anarchists started small, but have been a growing problem the past few decades with talk how to 'reshape the world’ in not a good way. Anyone with critical thinking skills can tell this is a bad idea, but they are too brainwashed to notice. They harass anyone who doesn’t follow their rhetoric and attack anyone who even questions them. Luz’s parents put a real kink in a lot of their plans for years, which makes Luz guilty by association. 
Luz got caught in one of those sudden larger scuffles and was accidentally chucked/blown through a portal created by an attempted tactical retreat that went off course. Hence why she can’t go home because she hasn’t learned how to do portals yet. Those are high level anyway so how did these guys pull it off so easily? Luz has a hard time blending in obviously. Learning how to use a phone was a fun endeavor. Internet was a trip. Luz is amazed how these people can do all this cool stuff without magic. Keep a low profile sure, she can pass off as a weird out of town kid. Keep the beanie on, underperform in gym and stuff because some things don’t change, like genetics. Someone sharp eyed will see discrepancies. The Beanie has a small Glamor spell built in that covers her witchy traits but she forgot the ears which is why it sits like it does. Luz can erase memories in case she has an accident, but it’s less of a 'remove my face from this picture with a scalpel’, and more of a 'lemme just hack off the past hour or three from your brain with an axe.’ If she tries to take any more then she starts burning into some more dangerous territory and those Wiped are groggy and disoriented for a while after already. Then the magic attacks start happening and her heroic instinct/anti-bystander complex kicks in and there goes that. It runs in the family so Camilla isn’t surprised in the slightest when she finds out.
“Oh titan, why did you curse me with another me?” “I’m right here Mami!”
Eda has a shack very akin to Grunkle Stan. Lots of junk that Lilith can’t believe that people are dumb enough to buy. She’s also involved in some not so legal dealings on the side. Well, Eda isn’t actually hurting anybody and the tax dollars she should be paying would only go towards some politicians’ next yacht or another pointless overseas 'investment’ instead of where it’s supposed to go so. Eda does give some good intel on occasion and a place to vent so Lillith overlooks her. Lil’s more of the secret police for witches and a petty crook isn’t part of her job anyway. Eda understands Luz’s predicament and is willing to help. The cover story is that Camilla work in hospitals and has to work crazy hours while her dad passed away so is living with Eda for a while. King is that kind of critter that grew up weird and acts like ten different animals all the time.
Gus is the nerdy kid who infodumps on everybody, even if they’re not listening. Loves anything fantasy/sci-fi related and plays Minecraft too. A good kid at heart, but needs some social skills. Keep him away from anything more sugary than tea. Luz learned a lot listening to him. Not all of it is entirely useful, but still. Some of his ramblings give her some good ideas for magic and stuff, like putting Glyphs on cards.
The Blights are the cool rich kids obviously, and have some discipline and social issues. Big family name makes them intimidating for normies and a meal ticket for the unsavory. These kids need real friends. They decided to act out to get some attention from the parents who then decided to ignore them. “If you’re going to act like a child tantrum, get treated like one.” Ed is perfect for Drama classes, if he were allowed to partake. Can’t decide what Em is great at, hacking perhaps? Amity’s car is an inheritance from the only family to treat her as such Twins aside, even if she’s too young to remember it. She only remembers that she has feelings surrounding the car. All three of them were pretty impressed with Luz for standing up to them, calling them out on their shit, and not giving a crap about their family name. Being treated like a normal person is pretty weird. Can we get her to do that again?
Amity tried dating Boscha once, didn’t work out very well. Boscha is still hurting over Amity’s comment of “I’d rather go date the new weird kid (Luz) than go back to you.” It’s one of the reasons she goes after Luz. She has that kind of Bud personality from Spider Man, feels lesser and so acts out so much. 
“Wow, this new Witch is amazing. Not as cool as the original Witch.”
“What is it with the Witch with you?”
“Oh, she’s a hero. Looks out for the city and the little guy. She inspires me. Makes me want to be a bigger person. *sees Luz* What’s up Luz-er?”
And that’s what I got right now. I know there was more, but it’s lost to the void right now. Might come back later, maybe not. Lemme know what you think.
DAMN you weren’t lying when you said you had an info-dump this is *chefs kiss* you got me intrigued now
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rhodeys · 4 years
Loki’s Æsir glamour
I finally found the scan I mentioned a little while back, about Odin being responsible for Loki’s glamour.
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So yeah, I take this to mean that Loki can’t actually change forms at will. I do wonder if the “reverts to his birth form when touching frost giants or their relics” thing is triggered by the exposure to extreme cold or is more of a… idk, genetic reaction, I guess?
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incorrect-spiderson · 4 years
yo, im a sucker for star wars au's. If peter (and co.) were in the star wras universe, what do you think they would be (e.g jedi, senator, smuggler ect.)
Oh this is a hard one. (Assuming we’re starting back in the good ol days before the clone wars here)
I know most people would be like “Oh the avengers are the Jedi council!”
Just.. no.
The Avengers I would assign as kind of a rag tag group. Like... a hidden squadron of people that only really deal with big situations that need to be kept quiet.
Tony is the obvious mechanic of the team. He’s most likely the pilot but switches off with Nat and Clint. I’d say he’s in tune with the force and was the son of a Jedi Master, became a Jedi, but eventually lost his way and turned against his master after his parents were killed. He obviously comes back to the light side and is recruited by Jedi Master Fury to be a part of the secret squadron.
Steve I’d say is mostly the muscle. He grew up in the lower rings and had a lot of trouble coming by money and food and such. His friend Bucky disappeared one night and never came back. People say he fell off the side of the ring, but Steve knows better. So he travels to the upper rings. He sees the clones and asks for help. I’d say they sort of take him under their wing and help him get stronger and blah blah blah. I haven’t thought it all out but he gets recruited by Fury as well.
Natasha was a sith. Let’s just get that out there. She was one of, if not the most feared female sith in the galaxy. She became a sith because she watched her family get murdered in front of her by Jedi. What she didn’t know was that her family were sith. She eventually was taken in by a sith master and trained. Not sure why she switched yet. I’ll get there. For now let’s just say Budapest but make it Tatooine. Oh but she’s now obviously a fighter. She uses white sabers (much like Ashoka)
Clint is the sharp shooter. I’d say former, if not still a smuggler. Not really sure if a back story for him yet.
Bruce is complicated I’d say?? I won’t lie, I thought of making him a Wookiee. But no. I’m not exactly sure with him either. He’s the obvious medic for the team and helps Tony with tech and stuff. Maybe a droid? Idk.
Thor, my man Thor. Now this is gonna be a definite stretch but I’m gonna make Thor the equivalent of The Daughter (I think that’s her name? From that one ep of Clone Wars?). Loki is obviously the equivalent of The Son. Thor embodies the light side. Loki the dark. Odin is The Father. Odin sleep is still a thing I guess and we’re just gonna say that they have human forms as well. Thor is kind of the teams “oh shit we’re gonna die” last straw. He just too powerful. But he still goes on missions and such. It’s for him to connect and see the world.
Peter, my boy Peter. He’s a Padawan currently but is starting to come to realize that the Jedi Council and The Senate aren’t as “good” as everyone thinks they are. He tells his Jedi Master, Ben (who happens to be his uncle) and Thanos (palpatine) catches word. Beep Boop Ben is dead and Peter deflects from the Jedi training. He’s eventually found by Tony who takes him under his wing and continues to teach him. They take him on missions too but Peter won’t tell them about Thanos. He can’t risk losing his family again.
Michelle is a mf rebel. She is beyond her time. She doesn’t trust The Republic. But she ain’t no Seperatist. (She’s might be Twi’lek btw cause i love twi’leks with my whole heart and soul.) She meets Peter in an alleyway get together for the kids in poverty in the lower rings. They talk, become friends. Eventually she finds out about the group he joined. She’s super hesitant to speak to him after that, but he’s so afraid to lose her that he tells her why he joined. After that she agrees and they become even better friends, or more.
Btw I’m contemplating with the fact that maybe the Avengers group makes a little mini squad of the kids and I kinda love it. Like a baby rebellion group.
Ned. Bby boy Ned. He’s the son of a Senator. A very well respected Senator. He hates it. His mom hates it. And his sister hates it. Ned meets Peter and MJ at a gala thingy. The two were on a mission and met Ned when the boy walked up to them and exclaimed how glad he was that there were people his age there. They all become friends, but Peter and MJ try to keep what they do a secret. Eventually they tell him and he becomes their communications guy.
Harley Keener my heart and soul. He’s a mechanic, weapons specialist. He grew up on tatooine and was fine with it, until a really awesome space ship landed one day and he became enamored by it. One thing leads to another and he’s got somewhat of an “apprenticeship” under a Mandalorian. So yeah.
Finally I’m gonna end with Dum-E because he’s The Avengers droid and everyone loves him. He’s like the R2 of this AU. Vision could probably be the C3PO
Anyways! I hope you enjoy!
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