#Julia the creeper
animationadventures · 1 month
Total Drama time!
Final four! Always an interesting point in TD. In the past, we've had Gwen and Heather teaming up against Owen and Duncan, Beth's rivalry with Courtney, Sierra blowing up the jet by accident, Zoey getting revenge on Scott and Cameron winning immunity behind Lightning's back, that one final four we don't talk about, and Sugar somehow pushing over a tree onto Jasmine.
I really liked the challenge! The pit of toxic waste and the giant fish monster reminded me of the "Finders Creepers" episode from season four.
Priya and Millie's friendship this episode was cute with how they dressed up in superhero costumes because Millie wanted to and Priya went along with it. The two of them also played the swing votes between Bowie and Julia both campaigning to vote out each other. I loved how Bowie's campaign was basically that he's not Julia.
The contrast between Bowie intentionally trying to slow Julia down and Millie accidentally doing so to Priya was a fun dynamic, even though after a while it did get repetitive with Millie not catching the coins. At least let the girl catch a few.
The way the challenge ended was classic Total Drama with Priya and Millie clutching the win at the last second with the fish monster hoarding all the coins being relevant to that win.
At the vote it seemed like we would be dealing with another one of Total Drama's rare, and usually unfair, tiebreakers, but that wasn't the case. Bowie betrayed Julia by voting for her, and it was awesome how that revelation was handled. Julia's shock at being eliminated was cathartic.
And that cliffhanger of Priya finding Millie's notebook on her bed and reading all the things Millie has been writing about her parents was amazing. Not only did Bowie blindside Julia, he also broke up the final alliance in the season so he would have a better chance at winning the finale. Brilliant work!
Please watch the Total Drama reboot on Cartoon Network and/or on Max as many times as you can. This is the only way we can show executives that we want a third season with this cast!
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juannaflippa · 10 months
random total drama reboot sexuality headcanons (made these while listening to laufey)
priya is pan, she just kinda knew she loved any and all genders. demiromantic, falls in love at first sight but always thinks twice about if its a crush or not (it never is). uses she/they. scared to tell her parents
millie gives lesbian tbh, never felt attraction to a guy. had 'crushes' on girls and always brushed them off until she was like wait. holy darn i'm gay what the flip okay. also demiromantic, just like, never has crushes but knows she can
julia's bi. idk she just like, likes girls. she's never dated a girl but she lowk wants to, never told anyone
hear me out. mk, aromantic. always joked about how she was too busy with her tech to be into romance, then she realized she wasn't joking. also lesbian and nonbinary
nichelle is THE closet lesbian my god, straight on air but lesbian off set. got caught on a date with a girl once and literally had to make a whole 10 page insta slide explanation (everyone skimmed it, no one even cared, literally everyone still thought she was still straight UNTIL she made the post.)
axel is just so lesbian to me idk. her and ripper get together in season two tho so idk but i still live by the lesbian hc tbh
scary girl is just. scary. idk man she's not a girl or boy they are just an essence. unlabeled, asexual, probably uses any pronouns because as long as you're scared she don't care
emma is so transfem to me she is just a trans girl trust me. she's also bisexual and uses she/they. chill about telling people she's bi, but doesn't really bring up that she's trans unless she trusts you
raj is obviously gay. felt more free when he realized. lowk forced himself to have crushes on girls to fit in, like just thought you could choose someone and be like "yup ur my crush now"
wayne is either the BIGGEST straight ally ever or aroace. idk he just gives aroace vibes to me, also faked crushes. raj and wayne would LOWK be jealous of eachother for actually having crushes on girls ☠️
bowies gay of course. always just kinda knew, very very open about it. get's bullied for it sometimes but he doesn't care (the other person always get BODIED by his insults if bowie feels like it)
damien is transmasc and bi, pretty open about it. he doesn't mind telling people cause he doesn't care if they hate him for it. always shocks people when he comes out, he finds it funny
chase is so transmasc oh my god he has literally never told anyone and he is scared to. also the HARDEST bisexual closet case my god
zee idkk like maybe genderfluid bisexual asexual and uses any pronouns.
ripper is an on the low bisexual. wants to held by a MAN
anddd caleb idk probably straight ally
non sexuality related but
emma listens to laufey!
emma and chase havent come out to eachother about being trans. emma told chase about being bisexual and chase just kind of ghosted her for a few days
raj is autistic and wayne has adhd
damien listens to tyler, the creator
axel is def hispanic, she got that puerto rican blood in her i swear
damien got snake bite piercings
chase still payed for all of emmas subscriptions after they broke up ☠️
chase was buying tampons for emma and deadass asked her "babe what size yo pussy". she blocked and ghosted him for a good week
emma is an avid minecraft player, lowk got chase into it (they had a hardcore world for THREE YEARS and chase got them killed by a creeper when they were making a bakery for emma because he SWORE emma was paranoid for wanting to wear armor)
bowie used to be a track kid
emma tried to go vegan for like a week before she quit
damien is probably autistic
chase used to work at one of those kiosks at the mall that sell shitty overpriced sunglasses
priya has watched total drama more times than she can count. her parents didn't let her watch any other shows until she could memorize all the lines to island, action, and world tour if she was LUCKY
chase is a kpop stan
that's it. that's the post. same time next week guys???
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michaels-office-hours · 6 months
6 months shy of a decade ago, Jewels saw a picture in Mark Crilley’s Mastering Manga, that no joke started her entire art career, and is also why she’s online today.
She had a whole comic planned off of a scene she thought up. But never got around to drawing it.
Figured, since it’s nearly been a decade and I can actually write romance now, that it’s time to give it the revamp it always needed. But in fic form. Here’s the first draft, I’ll post the rest to AO3 once it’s done. But yeah. Enjoy.
The girl sat by herself, looking out the window into the gray bleary day.
Rain pattered against the window lightly, almost playfully, taunting.
The gray outside was seeping into the small apartment, making it seem even smaller in ways. Darker. Even the girl, who would be pretty in any other light, was just gray and smeared against the backdrop. Her fire red hair was the only thing that made any difference in the color pallete. Fighting back against the bleary doldrums with a rage that went unmatched by anyone who interacted with the normally quiet, Julia Smith.
"Julia? Juju?"
The man's voice pulled Julia out of her daydream, into the warm living room with all the lights on, the sun shining in through the windows, and his smile glowing brighter than them all.
"Dang, you were really on cloud nine that time. What's today's adventure?" the lopsided smile creeper across his handsome face, driving her crazy.
"Are you mocking me? Or do you actually want to hear?!" she shot back with mock offense, "If you keep saying I'm an airhead, maybe I just won't tell you my little worlds' adventures!"
The man leaned back in his chair, grin finally set straight on his face, as he put his hands up in front of him as if staving off an attack.
"I meant no offense, kind lady," he said with a mediavel flare to his accent. "I merely wanted to partake in the world you were so rudely keeping to yourself, as a dragon hoarding it's treasure."
Julia laughed despite herself, her boyfriend never failed to make her smile and feel welcome.
She leaned forward, her fingers laces together as her elbows rested on the table between them. Looking from some to side as if she were sharing top secret information from the government.
"I..." she started with a dramatic pause. Causing her boyfriend to lean forward, eyes widening, already hanging on every word she said, a chuckle already at his eyes.
"... was a tiger girl," she whispered dramatically.
Her boyfriend leaned back, putting his hand to his chest in a dramatic showing of how shocked he was.
"MY darling? A fury? I would never!" He exclaimed, keeping her whispered volume, as if the appliances hearing them would bring ruin on both their names.
"Not like that!" Julia giggled uncontrollably, his face was too much! And it didn't help whenever she looked up, he somehow exaggerated his expression to be more and more horrified and hilarious.
"More like," Julia finally choked out, whiping away a tear, "More like Thundercats. Remember? The old 70s cartoon that got remade?"
"You're saying that like it helps your fury accusations?" His tone was incredulous now, and after he had finished saying the final word, they both died laughing together, having to lean on the table for support.
(None of this is grammar or spell checked. And it will change a bit. But yeah. Rough draft go brrr)
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rabchunter · 1 year
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Pass It On Young Sports Annual Ferret Show 2023.
Having just attended our awesome Ferret Show I am very proud indeed of my Young Sports Ferret Handlers.
First I must Say a huge thank you and well done to Julia for heading this show up for me and organising everything, I must also extend a hearty thanx to our independent judges Clive and Terry for for judging the show, no easy task as we had some wonderful ferrets and handlers this year.
The normal show classes were great, but for me nothing beats the working classes, that's where you see real ferrets and handlers at their finest, Chris Potter Took the working show Champion and Billy P took the reserve show champion, the working classes get the biggest trophies sponsored by The Ole Hedge Creeper and Really Wild Adventures.
Extra proud of my Young Sports Ambassador Dom for taking 1st place best kit under 12 months, he also scooped coveted First Place Champion Young Handler too as well as many other rosettes of 1st 2nd and 3rds in many other classes with his ferret Loki.
Dolcie another of my young sports took reserve child handler with Tikka , with many other rosettes if 1st 2nd and 3rds in many other classes.
Dom and Dolcie start their first season Ferreting this coming season, so next year watch this space they will have a working ferret trophy and rosettes to to their championship cabinets mark my words.
I am very proud of all my young sports, this ferret show is one not to be missed I tell.
Teach Them Right, Coach Them Well for TOGETHER WE CAN INSPIRE www.pass-it-on-young-sports.org.uk
#theolehedgecreeper #passiton #passitonyoungsports #passitonyoungsportsambassador #passitonferretshow #ferretshow #ferret #reallywildadventures
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ha-bloody-ha · 5 years
I’m getting kind of tired of male reviewers’ hot takes on Dr. Dixon’s interactions with Julia. I am not reading “mutual sexual tension” between them so much as Julia’s irritation and likely a bit of fear about his attentions. I think she’s lied to William about the situation because she doesn’t want to deal with his jealousy. She pretty much has to keep working with Dixon if she wants to maintain her hard-earned position at the hospital, and that would be considerably more difficult if William rearranged Dixon’s face.
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1dhq · 6 years
I NOTICED THAT ABOUT THE HAIR LENGTHS. So there was the one with the plaid pants and tube socks that UAs first said "recently in LA" but then said "december 3 in London," and then the yoga pic from december 6 where his hair looked really short?? but maybe he was just sweaty?? and then these ones ALSO from december 6 where his hair looks like last confirmed pics we got.
yeah it’s a mess and i’m having a great time, it’s been a while since they’ve tried to pull some shit
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
4K Ultra HD Review: Flatliners
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While the 2017 Flatliners reboot proved to be dead on arrival, the 1990 original still has life in it. Director Joel Schumacher (The Lost Boys, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin) brings the candy-colored visuals with which he was synonymous to a medical school’s gothic architecture. He and cinematographer Jan de Bont (Die Hard, The Hunt for Red October) use neon blue lighting as a bad omen, while warm colors are reserved for more uplifting emotions; a stark contrast to the reboot's glossy, modern science fiction aesthetic.
In the film, ambitious-to-a-fault medical student Nelson Wright (Kiefer Sutherland, The Lost Boys) convinces four of his brightest classmates - pragmatic atheist David Laccio (Kevin Bacon, Tremors), the brooding Rachel Mannus (Julia Roberts, Pretty Woman), womanizer Joe Hurley (William Baldwin, Backdraft), and the humorously bookish Randy Steckle (Oliver Platt, Lake Placid) - to assist him in a reckless experiment in the pursuit of scientific advancement and fame.
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With the aid of his friends, Nelson is clinically dead for one minute “to see if there’s anything out there beyond death” before being resuscitated. It miraculously works, leading them to attempt to outdo one another by going longer and longer before being revived. Although they return in fine physical health, they begin to suffer from nightmarish visions in which physical manifestations of those they wronged in the past come back to haunt them - literally.
Flatliners never quite achieves the full potential of its ingeniously simple premise, although it's not difficult to understand why Peter Filardi’s (The Craft) well-researched spec script caused a bidding war before selling to Columbia Pictures for $450,000. It becomes a tad redundant, but like the characters in the film, a desire to glimpse at the afterlife sustains viewers' intrigue. The compelling story is bolstered by the star-studded cast, kinetic direction, and hyper-stylized visuals.
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To make the film more dynamic, Schumacher and de Bont smartly opted to shoot it as if it was an action movie. Schumacher also moved the story from its original setting of Boston to Chicago. On-location filming lent the city's baroque architecture and gritty aesthetic, while Eugenio Zanetti (Last Action Hero, What Dreams May Come) adds salient production design.
Although more of a thriller than a horror movie, Flatliners' genre elements are strong in the visions that the characters experience once revived, occasionally bringing to mind the likes of A Nightmare on Elm Street. But at the core of the story is drama - exploring themes of karma, atonement, and redemption - with a rather life-affirming message. The emotionally resonant score, composed by James Newton Howard (The Hunger Games, The Sixth Sense), traverses between the film’s exploration of beauty and horror in the afterlife.
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With all five actors electrifying the screen in the primes of their careers, the ensemble cast feels like an extension of the brat pack. (Sutherland jokingly referred to the film as The Breakfast Club Dies and St. Elmo's Funeral.) Sutherland is as perfectly arrogant as he was in his previous Schumacher collaboration, The Lost Boys. Roberts had already filmed her breakout role in Pretty Woman but it hadn't come out yet (it would release five months prior to Flatliners). Bacon credits the film with reviving his career, as he had a string of underperformers following the success of Footloose.
The supporting players include child actor Joshua Rudoy (Harry and the Hendersons) as the boy who haunts Nelson and Hope Davis (About Schmidt) in her film debut as Joe's fiance, along with Kimberly Scott (The Abyss), Patricia Belcher (Jeepers Creepers), and Beth Grant (Donnie Darko) in small roles. Although not on camera, screen icon Michael Douglas served as a producer on the project; the first effort from his Stonebridge Entertainment.
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Flatliners has been newly resuscitated in 4K from the original negative, approved by de Bont, for Arrow Video's new 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray editions. The 4K UHD disc features Dolby Vision and Lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and 2.0 surround audio options. Schumacher and de Bont were already a perfect pairing, but Arrow's flawless restoration allows their bold visual palette to really shine.
Critics Bryan Reesman and Max Evry contribute a new audio commentary in which they dissect Schumacher's work and examine Flatliners in the context of its contemporaries (which made me eager to double-feature it with Jacob's Ladder). Schumacher passed away in 2020 and the cast members were not available for interviews, but Arrow tracked down a variety of crew members for new, in-depth interviews, offering several rare perspectives that are likely to give viewers a new appreciation for the production.
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Filardi details the experience of selling his first movie, being on set during the production, and seeing the final product. De Bont and chief lighting technician Edward Ayer provide a fascinating breakdown of the visuals, with De Bont discussing his approach while Ayer explains how they pulled it off. Howard, orchestrator Chris Boardman, Zanetti, art director Larry Lundy, costume designer Susan Becker (True Romance, The Lost Boys), and first assistant director John Kretchmer each give their unique insight into how they added to the tapestry of the film as well.
The theatrical trailer and an image gallery are also included, alongside a 35-page booklet (exclusive to the first pressing) featuring new writing on the film by historians Amanda Reyes and Peter Tonguette. Reyes provides a historical overview of near-death experiences and how they compare to Flatliners, while Tonguette explores the film's surprising spirituality. The release carries new artwork by Gary Pullin, with the original poster on the reverse side.
Flatliners is available now on 4K UHD and Blu-ray via Arrow Video.
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minimel-fics · 3 years
Unexpected Blessings
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Creeper Vargas x OC
An unexpected late night encounter brings out Creepers soft side and flips two unsuspecting worlds upside down. 
Julia could remember the day she had met Creeper like it was just yesterday even though a full year had gone by.
 She had been standing in the cold and flu supply aisle at the local pharmacy, eyes frantically darting across the boxes that held children’s medicine.
Creeper had been standing at the other end of the aisle, two different brand neti pots held in each hand as he weighed the best features of each before he made his decision on which one he was going to purchase in preparation for flu season when the crying of a baby and the quiet shushing of its mother down the aisle caught his attention. The woman was dressed in an oversized grey hoodie with mickey mouse pajama pants, her tangled hair was hanging out of a lazy bun and cradled in her arms was a child no older than one year. Creeper set the neti pots back onto the shelf before slowly approaching the distressed looking woman.
“Need a hand finding something?”
The woman’s tired, bloodshot eyes settled on the man who had approached her, she was surprised to see he was heavily tattooed and wearing a Mayans kutte. The wails of her baby quickly pulled her back to the task at hand, gently rocking the restless child with slightly more bounce to try and sooth her.
“I’m looking for a fever reducer but I can’t find anything for infants under 24 months.”
Creeper scanned the shelf, kneeling down to see the contents on the very bottom and even digging through a few promising areas but coming up empty handed.
“Wait here.”
She watched as the Mayan disappeared from the aisle, returning two minutes later with a small box in hand. Julia nearly cried in relief as she read what it was, accepting it from the man with a tired smile.
“The pharmacist didn’t have time to restock.”
“Thank you so much…”
“Thank you, Neron.”
 Julia had spent the past few days thinking about the man she had met in the pharmacy; she was so thankful for the help she had received while being too flustered and tired to think about something as simple as speaking with the pharmacist. She stood outside the gates of Romero Bros. Scrapyard, knowing that was where the Mayans Clubhouse was located- she had lived fairly close and seen the bikes multiple times a day when they passed her apartment. She smiled at the babbling baby that was strapped to her chest before she stepped through the small gap between the gate.
She caught sight of a man polishing the line of impressive motorcycles, on his back was the same kutte that Neron had worn but this man had a “Prospect” patch instead of “Southern Cali”. The crunching of her sneakers on the gravel caught the man’s attention as she neared him.
“Sorry to bother you but I’m looking for Neron.”
“Creeper? I can let him know you’re here.”
 A moment later Neron exited the clubhouse, a confused expression on his face until he spotted the woman waiting for him. She looked good, not that she hadn’t looked beautiful the first time they had met but now she looked much more well rested and relaxed.
She smiled at him sheepishly, unable to see his eyes under his dark sunglasses. “I’m sorry for just showing up here like this but I wanted to thank you again for your help the other night.”
“It was no problem, Ma.” He sent her a smile before glancing down at the baby that was looking up at him with pure delight. “Little Ma feeling better?”
“Her fever was gone by the next morning.” Julia gently ran her head over her daughter’s thin hair before handing the biker a tin foil wrapped package. “I wasn’t sure how to thank you so I made you banana bread.”
  Julia lay in bed, her eyes on the television but her mind had continued to drift. She was pulled from her thoughts as her boyfriend walked through the bedroom door, smiling at her as he crawled into his side of the bed, placing his hand overtop of where hers rested on her growing belly.
“Whatcha thinking about, Ma?” He asked, his voice nearly a whisper as to not disturb the relaxed atmosphere that surrounded them.
“When we first met, I wasn’t expecting this past year to go this way.”
“You looked overwhelmed, just tryna find a way to help your baby, I wasn’t expecting it either but I don’t want it any other way. To have you and little ma, damn, she ain’t my kid but I feel so blessed to have you both in my life- to help you raise her.”
“And now this little bean.” Julia mused, feeling the baby kick at Creepers hand as he gently rubbed her belly.
“I love you, Ma.”
“I love you, too.”
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steph-the-4th-robin · 3 years
Almost every member of the Batfam and Batman INC and Batman Allies
Main, extended, and alternative realites and universes
When people think of Batfamily they usually think of the bolded characters. Thise are the main ones. But this is almost everyone that has helped Batman over the years or been on a team created by him.
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Selina Kyle/Catwoman
Dick Grayson/Robin/Nightwing/Batman
Barbara Gordon/Batgirl/Oracle/Nightwing
Jason Todd/Robin II/Red Hood
Tim Drake/Robin III/Red Robin
Cassandra Cain/Batgirl III/Orphan/Black Bat/Katsumi
Stephanie Brown/Spoiler/Robin IV/Batgirl IV/Nightwing/Batwoman
Helena Bertinelli/Huntress/Batgirl II/Matron
Jean Paul Valley/Azrael/Batman II
Duke Thomas/Lark/Signal/Robin
Damian Wayne/Robin V/Red Bird/Batman (in some alternate futures)
Harper Row/Bluebird
Kate Kane/Batwoman
Luke Fox/Batwing II/Batman (in an alternate future)
Bette Kane/Bat-Girl/Flamebird/Hawkfire
Michael Lane/Azrael III
Terry McGinnis/Batman (Batman Beyond)
Max Gibson (Batman Beyond)
Melanie Walker/10 (Batman Beyond)
Matt McGinnis/Robin (Batman Beyond)
Nissa/Batgirl (Batman Beyond)
Batwoman Beyond (Batman Beyond)
Batwoman/Batwomen (Mystery of the Batwoman)
Charlie Gage-Radcliffe/Misfit/Batgirl (she tried to be Batgirl but Barbara shut that shit down)
Renee Montoya/The Question II
Maggie Sawyer
Alfred Pennyworth
Lucius Fox
Sasha Bordeaux
Harold Allnut
Leslie Thompkins
Julia Pennyworth
Barbara Wilson/Batgirl (from the Batman and Robin movie)
Ryan Wilder/Batwoman (CW Batwoman)
Thomas Wayne/Batman (flashpoint)
Carrie Kelley/Robin/Batgirl/Catgirl/Batwoman (alternate universe)
Helena Wayne/Robin/Huntress/Batman (alternate universe)
Holly Robinson/Catwoman II (briefly)
Eiki Hasogawa/Catowoman III (briefly)
Tiffany Fox/Batgirl (alt future)
Onyx Adams/Onyx
Maya Ducard/Nobody
Claire Clover/Gotham Girl
Bao Pham/Clownhunter
Jiro Osamu/Nihon no Battman aka Batman of Japan
Bilal Asselah/Nuitcoureur aka Nightrunner
Santiago Vargas/El Gaucho
Beryl Hutchinson/Knight/Squire
George Cross/The Hood
Johnny Riley/The Dark Ranger
David Zavimbe/Batwing I
Charles Great Eagle/Raven Red
Dr. William Great Eagle/Chief Man of Bats
Calvin Rose/Talon
Wendy Harris/Proxy
Kitrina Falcone/Catgirl
Thomas Reese Blake/The Catman
Kathy Kane/Batwoman/Agent Zero
Gavin King/Orpheus
Hank Clover Jr/Gotham
Cyril Sheldrake/Squire/Knight
Talia al Ghul
Basil Karlo/Clayface
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
Harvey Dent/TwoFace
Floyd Lawton/Deadshot
Edward Nygma/The Riddler
Paul Kirk/Manhunter
Mark Shaw/Manhunter III
Kate Spencer/Manhunter VIII
Jason Blood/Etrigan the Dragon
Cheyenne Freemont
Clin Wilkes/Abuse
Simon Dark
Jack Ryder/Creeper
Rory Regan/Ragman
Boston Brand/Deadman
Jim Gordon/Batman IV
Gus Yale/Oracle II
Aaron Cash
Jacob Kane
Beth Kane/Alice/Red Alice
Crispus Allen/The Spectre
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baddingtonbitch · 2 years
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Julia “Jeepers Creepers” Jacklin
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gillysoldlady · 3 years
Feeling Safe : part one . Hank Loza and Reader
18 +. some smut , domestic fluff and whatever else enters my mind. This was hanging out in my documents and @withmyteeth saw part of it. Mentions of a past bad relationship that Ana left behind her when she met Hank . 705 words this timeline may be before Mayans started . Pre season one Hank and Bishop have been down from Oakland for a little while getting the club going for Marcus . Creeper is a manner with them while Coco and Angel are the prospects . Gilly was there a little before so he’s already patched in . Taza and Riz are also older members since Riz dated one of the Samcro guys sister, Tig Trager. I have been thinking of an earlier timeline than the show.
You were surprised that he was home early from the club tonight. You weren’t quite asleep in the bed that you shared when he came into the bedroom and took off his kutte and the shirt he was wearing under it. He placed the kutte on his wall hook and then put his shirt and jeans into the hamper . His keys were on his nightstand and then he slid under the sheet and your weighted blanket slowly . You felt his hands rest on your hips that were covered by your panties and move you to the position he liked you in when he was tired.
“ There’s my space heater.” You said softly.
He chuckled. “ You waited up for me querida.” Hanks voice was soft in that moment.
“ Of course daddy , you know that I like to wait for my cuddly teddy bear before I fall asleep.”
His lips met yours in the darkened room. “ Sweet dreams .”
“ Good night .”
You curled into him feeling safe as you always did in his muscular arms. He was so gentle with you even if he was an outlaw biker by day . You still remembered when you had met that night on the border. You had been beaten up by your ex and kicked out of his house with not much more than the clothes on your back and some money you had managed to hide. You were walking on the road wondering how it had all gone so wrong when he had seen your bruises in the light of his bike and had just handed you a helmet and popped your small bag on the back. He had taken you to Santo Padre to heal and after some time you began to trust him and fall in love. The Mayans had become your family as well and you had heard something about prospects taking care of your ex so he wouldn’t bother you again but you didn’t want to know. And here you were now. Free to do whatever you wanted .
You guessed it was morning when you rolled over in bed and found Hank’s pillow empty. You sat up slowly and stretched. Then you heard his familiar footsteps coming down the hall to the bedroom and you smelled coffee and yiur matcha tea that he always stirred a little honey into .
“ Morning sweetheart.” Hank smiled.
“ You’re spoiling me with tea in bed daddy.”
“ Anything for my girl.” He handed you your mug and then sat down on his side of the bed again.
“ So do you have to be at the crib at all today ?”
“ No I have the day free., thought maybe I would get some more stuff cleared out of the shed in the backyard.”
“ All right, I might go into town with Julia and get a pedicure and a few other things.”
“ Okay there is some money in your jar ,use that and have some lunch.”
“ What did you do Hank?”
“ I got paid well so let me spoil you a little. Get that fancy shower stuff you like I know it’s been a while since you’ve done that . “
“ Thank you,”. You kissed him. “ Maybe I will pick up something in red too.”
His eyes went darker for a moment . “ You know how I feel about you in that color.”
“ Oh yes but this will be for at home wear only.”
“ Good girl.” His hand gave your ass a gentle squeeze. You had learned early on that he was an ass man and sometimes liked watching your hips sway when you wore certain jeans or skirts to the club get togethers. He had that in common with Creeper who’s old lady Julia had become a good friend of yours . Apparently she was a cousin or something of Nestor who worked for the Galindo cartel as a hired gun .
The two of you finished your hot drinks and you went to get your shower before you met Julia later.
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phoenixlionme · 2 years
1. Alina Shelley-Wayne aka Sparrow
2. Jace Fox aka Batman of Future State
3. Athanasia al Ghul aka Blackbird
4. Harleen Quinnzel aka Harley Quinn - post dumping Joke and getting with Poison Ivy
5. Pamela Isley aka Poison Ivy - post getting with Harley Quinn
6. Leslie Thompkins
7. Alyisa Yeoh - although, she more of Barbara’s ally
8. Frankie Charles aka Operator - although, she more of Barbara’s ally
9. Renee Monotya
10. Helena Bertinelli aka Huntress
11. Vicki Vale
12. Silver St. Cloud
13. Bat-Mite
14. Harvey Bullock
15. Maggie Sawyer
16. Jack Ryder aka The Creeper
17.  Dr. William Great Eagle aka Chief Man-Of-Bats
18. Charles Great Eagle aka Raven Red
19. Bao Pham aka Clownhunter
20. Claire Clover aka Gotham Girl
21. Jarro
22. Julia Pennyworth
23. Johnny Riley aka Dark Ranger
24. George Cross aka The Hood
25.  Cyril Sheldrake aka Squire I/Knight II
26.  Beryl Hutchinson aka Squire II/Knight III
27.  Amina Eluko aka Squire III
28. Harold Allnut
29. Holly Robinson
30. Eiko Hasigawa
31. Calvin Rose aka Talon
32. Isis the Cat - Selina’s pet cat
33. Bette Kane aka Batwoman I/Hawkfire
34. Cullen Row
35. Ryan Wilder aka Batwoman - from the arrowverse Batwoman show on CW
NOTE: If I missed anyone, please add on but be respectful.
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andrevasims · 4 years
Spooky Goth Names
Recently I’ve been revisting old websites that list out all the releases for Living Dead Dolls and this apparently unheard-of 2000s gothic fashion doll line BeGoths, and one of my favorite things is seeing the dolls/characters with names that are just overly edgy and/or pun-based.
The BeGoths dolls are the most extreme with it, they have some gems like “Abcynthia Chaser“ and “Angelina Blasphemina“ but I just love how ridiculous they sound.
Sooooooo this is my list of names from those dolls, plus I threw in some similar ones that I liked from Monster High and the Bratz monster/Halloween-ish spinoff doll line Bratzillaz.
Bleeding Edge BeGoths:
Abcynthia Chaser Alindria Devour Anarchy Annie Angelica Noir Angelina Blasphemina Annabelle Lee Atara Inferno Autumn von Sanguine Belladonna Cyberella D'Nile Dagger Delilah Blackheart Devastatia Dinah Loneliness Divinity Dru Id Esperanza de Muerte Eva Destruction Fiona Fatale Gloria Phobia Greta Vendetta Hypnotica Gaze Hysteria Venom Infinity A. Byss Ivana Scream Jacqueline le Spades Joani Rotten Julia Doom Katerina Moreau Leda Swanson Lilian Lolita Sun Lunabella Whispers Malice Looming Mina Immortale Morbida Nurse Hypochondrianna Olivia O'Lantern Ophelia Pain Pandora Penelope Fabrique Raven Dragonfire Scorpio Vixen Serpentina Maria Sangria Sinstress Siphon Storm O’Misery Trinity Tortura Veronika Despair Victoria Creeper Wormwood Gloom
Living Dead Dolls:
Abigail Crane Absynth Agana Agatha Alison Crux Andras Angus Littlrot Arachne Asa Ash Lee Ava Bad Bette Jane Bea Neath Beelzebub Beltane Betsy Blue Butcher Boop Calico Camilla Canary Carotte Morts Catrina Chloe Claret Winter Coalette Cookie Dahlia Daisy Slae Damien Dawn Deadbra Ann Dee K. Demonique Desmodus Died Doom Dottie Rose Dr. Dedwin Edgrr Eeriel Eleanor Elisa Ella von Terra Ember Ernest Lee Rotten Evangeline Eve-A-Go-Go Ezekiel Faith Flamingo Frozen Charlotte Gabriella Goria Grace of the Grave greGORY Gretchen Haemon Hattie Hayze Hazel Hemlock Hollow Hollywood Honey Hush Inferno Ingrid Iris Isaac Isabel Isaiah Jacob Jasper Jeepers Jennocide Jingles Jinx Jubilee Judas Killbaby Kitty Kreek Lamenta Lammas Larmes de Sang Lilith Lottie Lou Sapphire Lulu Luna Lydia Madame Dysmorphic Maggot Menard Mephistopheles Mildread Misery Mishka Miss McGreedy Mistress Demonika Morgana Mr. Graves Ms. Eerie Nurse Necro Onyx Orchid Peggy Goo Penny Pixie Posey Purdy Rain Revenant Roxie Ruby Sabbatha Blood Sadie Salem Samhain Sanguis Savannah Sheena Simone Sin Siren Soot Sospirare Squeak Sunday Sybil Tenebre Tessa Thump Tina Black Tommy Knocker Toxic Molly Tragedy Umbral Vincent Vaude Viv Vulgar the Obscene Wolfgang Xezbeth
Monster High:
Amanita Nightshade Ari Hauntington Barker Wolf Batsy Claro Bonita Femur Casta Fierce Clawdeen Wolf Deuce Gorgon Ebbie Blue Elissabat Fangelica Finnegan Wake Ghoulia Yelps Gillington Webber Gooliope Jellington Headmistress Bloodgood Hissters Peri Honey Swamp Howleen Wolf Invisi Billy Iris Clops Lagoona Blue Lorna McNessie Lumina Luna Mothews Moanica D'Kay Packlyn Wolf Pawla Wolf Pearl Serpentine Porter Geiss River Styxx Scarah Screams Sirena von Boo Spectra Vondergeist Twyla Vandala Doubloons Venus McFlytrap Viperine Gorgon Weredith Wolf Wingrid Wydowna Spider
Cloetta Spelletta Yasmina Clairvoya Sashabella Paws Meygana Broomstix Vampelina Victoria Antique Levitor Igneus Siernna Calmer Fianna Fins
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Random Flash Rogue Headcanons
Ideas that pop up a lot in my fanfics and fanart: 
-Mick Rory was a farm kid. 
-Roscoe Neyle Dillon is the son of Reginald Norton Dillon, a well-to-do banker, and Rosa Nicole Dillon, his rather pliant, weak-willed wife. Reginald held his son to punishingly high standards and was quick to criticize, berate, and threaten his son when he failed to live up to them. Rosa never intervened. 
-Roscoe grew up in North Ridge, a suburb of Central City. He is on the autism spectrum, but grew up before it was widely recognized. He was constantly bullied by his peers and was disliked by most of his teachers because of his odd behavior. He had a number of special interests but the most prominent was, of course, tops. 
-Roscoe is one of only three Rogues to attend high school and one of only two to have attended college. Lisa and Hartley also both graduated from high school, and Hartley also went to college. Roscoe studied (possibly has a degree in) physics. 
-Roscoe’s parents currently live in Bridgeville. 
-Mark (Marco) Mardon is the son of Patricia (Paloma) and Matthew (Matias) Mardon, and the younger brother of Clyde (Claudio) Mardon. His parents immigrated from Guatemala when he was a month and a half old and Clyde was about a year old. Both parents were college-educated, which made the process simpler than it otherwise would have been, and the family initially settled in Dunhurst, a suburb of Central City. However, they were never accepted there, and they eventually left the town after persistent harassment from the Clan of the Fiery Cross. 
-They resettled in Bridgeville, and Matias and Paloma went to great pains to hide the fact that they were immigrants, Americanizing their names and refusing to let their sons speak Spanish outside of the home. Patricia became the head of the local library, and Matthew took a job as a teacher of geography at the local high school. The family eventually settled fairly comfortably in the middle class. 
-Clyde was only 11 months older than Mark, so they were always in the same year at school. He was handsome, intelligent, popular, and athletic. Mark, by contrast, was painfully average. He couldn’t live up to the standard set up by his parents’ golden child, and eventually, he stopped trying, knowing that he would never measure up. He and Clyde were very close, but their relationship was often strained by the fact that Mark was so often compared unfavorably to Clyde.
-Mark dropped out of high school at 16 and ran away, eventually drifting into petty theft due to his lack of direction. Clyde, meanwhile, graduated high school early and earned a degree in meteorology. He started work on the Weather Wand when he was still in college, but didn’t finish it until he was 23. He died not long after of congenital heart failure, and then his shiftless younger brother strolled in and took the wand for himself. 
-Samuel Joseph Scudder was born to Percival and Martha Scudder. Unfortunately, Percival contracted cancer a few months before Sam was born and died when his son was only 7 months old, leaving his wife with dozens of medical bills. The Scudders had never been particularly well-off, so Martha was forced to move into an apartment complex on Baker Street, colloquially known as Skid Row, where she would raise her young son. 
-Martha was a talented seamstress, so much so that she was eventually hired by the Rathaways. While this provided steady work, the Rathaways were extremely demanding employers, and so Martha wasn’t able to be at home with her son as much as she would’ve liked.
-Young Sam loved cowboy movies and superhero comics. He was especially fond of the JSA and gathered a collection of JSA comics that he still owns (currently, he hides them in the Mirror Realm so the other Rogues won’t find out about them). He was also a boy scout and eventually became an Eagle Scout. He was highly intelligent and generally did well in school, and he was close friends with Jennifer Conners, who lived in the same apartment complex he did. When they entered high school, the two started dating, and even fantasized about getting married. 
-Unfortunately, life on Baker Street was less than ideal. Sam was embarrassed by the shabby state of his clothes and possessions, had to watch as his mother tried to figure out how to pay their bills, and was surrounded by violence. Fights were common in the apartment complex where Sam lived, and, when he was 15 years old, he and Jennifer bore witness to Jennifer’s father being brutally shot as they came home from school. Both were traumatized. Jennifer began a years-long struggle with PTSD, and Sam’s anxiety levels went through the roof. Not wanting to burden his mother and knowing that they didn’t have enough money for therapy, Sam turned to cigarettes, and then alcohol, in the hopes of relieving his anxiety. As he spiraled into addiction, he got mixed up with the school’s party crowd, and dropped out at 17. He drifted into a life of crime and was sent to prison at age 19 for robbing a convenience store. In this prison, he would mostly break his alcohol addiction, but his smoking habit only got worse. More importantly, however, while serving his sentence for this crime, he would discover the Mirror Realm. 
-Sam loves his mother, but he avoids her because he knows his actions disappoint and worry her. His ex-girlfriend, Jennifer Conners, though continually struggling with PTSD, managed to graduate from both high school and college, and currently works as a school counselor. Sam avoids her, too, but still holds a bit of a candle for her. 
-Mrs. McCulloch’s first name is Eva. She is devoutly Catholic, and, as a result, Evan is also devoutly Catholic (albeit a very confused Catholic). He goes to Mass at least once a week, believes priests are basically infallible, and will threaten to kill you if you so much as look at a nun funny. He goes to Confession at least once a month and would probably go more often if each session didn’t last three hours. 
-Giovanni Giuseppi (James Jesse) is the son of Helen and Alessandro Giuseppi, both of whom are the children of Italian immigrants. He has a very, very, very large extended family, most of whom are in the circus with his parents. Many of them speak Italian; while James isn’t fluent in the language, he can understand it quite well and speak it well enough to get by. The whole family is very emotionally demonstrative and physically affectionate, which is part of why James has no concept of personal space. His relatives include his Zia Catalina (who runs an Italian restaurant), his Nonna Gianna, his Nonno Antonio, his Nonno Aberto, his Nonna Lucrezia, his Zio Luca, his Aunt Stella, his Zio Angelo, his Zia Loretta, his Zia Lucia, his Zio Armani, his Aunt Karen, his Zia Bianca, his Zio Rocco, his Zio Romeo, his Aunt Olivia, his Zia Etta, his Zio Dante, his Uncle Fred, his Aunt Susan, his Uncle Harold, his Aunt Lydia, his cousins Bobby and Susie and Maria and Carly and Matthew and Frank and Julia and Freddie and Joseph and Lucy, and his cousins’ kids, Angela and Charlie and Stefano and Gian and Marsha and Rose and Kaitlyn and Steve. He’s not entirely sure how he’s related to most of them. James’ family is all technically Catholic, mainly because they’re all Italian, but only about half of them are practicing Catholics. 
-James invented the airwalker shoes when he was 13 years old. 
-There was a very large age gap between Leonard and Lisa’s parents when they got married. This is because Larry/Lewis Snart was a 40-year-old creeper who got a 15-year-old girl pregnant. Shirley married him because she had nowhere else to go; her parents kicked her out when she got pregnant. She dropped out of high school soon after, and, after several years of abuse, she ran away, leaving Len and Lisa alone with Larry/Lewis.
-Len is about 5 years older than Lisa; he dropped out of high school at 14 so that he could support her and left home at 18. He continued to send money to her after he left, even after she became a professional figure skater. 
-Lisa’s teenaged years were one long nightmare. She was a beautiful young woman, but because of her background, her mother’s reputation as a loose woman, and her father constantly calling her nasty names, she was demonized by the “nice, proper” people of her neighborhood as a temptress, someone who would lead their sons astray. (This in spite of the fact that they were often the ones making advances on her.) Her father also became increasingly abusive towards her, as Leonard had left the home and, as she got older, Lisa started to remind him of his wife. In response, she threw herself into her figure skating and tried to shut the rest of the world out. By the time she was 16, she was already one of the most talented skaters in the Midwest, and when she was 17, she left her father’s house and moved in with another girl on her skating team for the rest of high school. She graduated with a B+ average and was promptly snapped up by a professional figure skating team. Lisa had managed to escape-at least physically. Her teenaged years left her convinced that her beauty was something dangerous; something evil, and it took Roscoe over a year to break down her defenses when they met. However, once he did, she fell deeply in love. Finally, she had found someone who would never abandon her. 
-Roscoe, for his part, was equally in love. After years of being seen as a socially awkward weirdo, he had found someone who thought he was sophisticated and intelligent; someone who didn’t laugh at his tops and who didn’t seem bothered by his quirks. It was intoxicating. 
-Geraldine is 20 years younger than Hartley; she was born to replace him as the heir to the Rathaway fortune. 
-Hartley’s parents were in their thirties when he was born. Both of them came from long-established “old money” families; their marriage was more the result of a business deal between Hartley’s grandparents than any sort of romantic relationship. Prior to her marriage, Rachel was a Kane. Her uncle was the father of Jacob Kane (father to Kathy Kane) and Martha Wayne (nee Kane), making her the first cousin of Bruce Wayne’s mother. Red hair runs in the Kane family, and she passed it on to both of her children. 
-Similarly, Hartley’s paternal grandmother was originally a Queen before marrying into the Rathaway family. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg: Hartley’s at least a distant relative of most of the wealthiest people in the DCU. 
-Geraldine is on the autism spectrum; she’s able to mask her symptoms well enough that her parents haven’t decided to pull the “let’s fix her with expensive surgeries” trick that they used when Hartley was born deaf. 
-Hartley’s parents engaged him to a girl named Kathryn Kendell, the heir to a fast food corporation, when he was 18; nothing came of it because he got himself disowned before the marriage could actually happen. 
-Hartley’s parents are intensely controlling and basically make all the decisions in their children’s lives without actually asking them for their opinions. 
-Len Snart is prone to ulcers.
-Albert and Rita Desmond have an infant son named Alan. He likes to chew on his father’s Philosopher’s Stone. Alvin adores his “astral nephew” and kept showing up at Albert’s house uninvited to see him. Eventually Albert got tired of Alvin breaking in and put him on their baby-sitting list. Rita is less than thrilled by this but is at least pleased that Alan keeps Alvin from trying to ruin Albert’s life. 
-George Harkness has two half-brothers: an older brother named Tom Harkness, the son of Agnes and Ian Harkness, and a much younger brother named Walter Wiggins, the 12-year-old son of W.W. Wiggins and his wife. (All these characters are canonical, but it’s never actually been officially stated that this is the case.) 
-Jai West idolizes Jay Garrick and plans to take up his costume someday. 
-Josh Jackam-Mardon’s weather-controlling abilities are directly tied to his mood. When he’s happy, it’s sunny and he makes rainbows. If he’s cold, the temperature will increase. If he’s hot, the temperature will drop and it might even start snowing. If he’s sad, it rains. If he throws a temper tantrum, it creates a thunderstorm-and if he’s really upset, a tornado will form. 
-When Barry Allen was 13, he paid the admission fee that was required in order to meet the members of the JSA for both himself and a 9-year-old Sam Scudder. It’s one of both men’s fondest memories, and neither realizes that the other was the boy who met the JSA with him on that day. 
-Axel Walker is the son of Alan Walker and Alice Strickland. His father is a used car salesman who left his wife for Axel’s stepmother, Barbie, when Axel was 7 years old. Axel does not like Barbie and isn’t particularly happy with his father, either. Axel’s mother is Jewish. As such, so is Axel (although Axel doesn’t practice his faith much, if at all.) He can read a bit of Hebrew and speak a bit of Yiddish. 
-Eobard Thawne is convinced that he is an expert in 21st-century technology. The result: “This is a historical device called a toaster. It served as a primitive form of climate control!” 
-Abra Kadabra, by contrast, spends most of his time in the 21st century baffled by the devices used by these primitive savages. What sort of communication device doesn’t send a perfect three-dimensional copy of your body to the person you’re talking to? What kind of food-preparation device takes twenty minutes to cook a meal? Why don’t their hygiene devices instantly clean their bodies of dirt and odors instead of requiring water that’s never a comfortable temperature? HOW DO YOU OPERATE THIS ‘REMOTE CONTROL’? This makes him a very annoying house guest. 
-Mick Rory is an accomplished cook, home repairman, and knitter. 
-Albert Desmond is often so lost in thought that he puts his keys in the refrigerator. 
-All of the Rogues are more scared of Iris Allen than they are of Barry. And with good reason. 
-Owen Mercer is good friends with Joan Garrick. 
-Sam is developing the early stages of emphysema but refuses to admit it because it would mean having to try to kick his smoking habit. 
-Mick Rory’s body is covered by third-degree burns, and his voice is unnaturally raspy because of all the smoke inhalation he’s undergone over the years. 
-Mark Mardon is a horrible klutz. If he can trip over something, he will end up doing it. This is part of why he likes being able to fly so much. 
-Len Snart and Sam Scudder are huge fans of Central and Keystone City’s sports teams. Linda Park-West is among the few who can rival their civic pride in this regard. Evan and Digger are both big fans of rugby and cricket. Hartley is solely a baseball fan; the other Rogues don’t much care about sports unless betting is involved. 
-Mark Mardon watches the weather channel solely so he can make sure that the reporter’s predictions are wrong. 
-Digger loves the great outdoors and can hike for hours.
-Mark Mardon is terrible at cards but gambles constantly anyway. He’s lost more money than he’s ever stolen trying to win bets. James, by contrast, is a master cardsharp. 
-Sam and Roscoe spend more money on clothes (and more time in the shower) than the rest of the male Rogues combined.  
-Dexter Miles knows the birthdays of everyone in the Twin Cities. No one knows how he knows this, he just does. When it’s a Rogue’s birthday, the museum opens a exhibit exclusively about them for a few days. The Rogues don’t know this is intentional and it’s really starting to freak them out. 
-When the Rogues found out that the Flash Museum hires people to dress up as them and teach young visitors about science, Sam Scudder waited for a day when the museum’s ‘Mirror Master’ called in sick and showed up in his place. All the visitors to the museum that day were agreed that he was the best “Mirror Master” the museum had ever had. 
-James once went to the Flash Museum in full costume and stood right by one of the statues of him. He even posed in exactly the same way. He was immediately informed by a patron that he was much too blonde to be the real Trickster. James found the whole experience very amusing.
-Roscoe insists that all the statues of him at the Flash Museum make him look fat. Lisa thinks that’s ridiculous and says that they’re almost as handsome as the genuine article. Len agrees that the statues make Roscoe look fat and thinks it’s hilarious. 
-All three of the Flashes have, of course, been to the Flash Museum while in costume. Like James, they are often told that they don’t look anything like the real Flashes. Barry and Jay are baffled by this; Wally thinks it’s funny. 
-Mick Rory donated his chili recipe to the Flash Museum’s diner. It’s one of the more popular dishes amongst people who love spicy food. 
-Wally is trying to convince his wife to get the kids a pet cheetah. “Come on, honey! It’ll be good for the twins to have a pet who can keep up with them!” 
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therefugeofbooks · 3 years
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It’s already April, uh? The beginning of the March was so good in terms of reading, but from the middle to the end of the month, a lot of things happened in my personal life that made me not focus and not want to read. I still managed to read 18 books?? I think audiobooks are helping me a lot with this. 
Talking about all the books I read in March under the cut  (๑˘︶˘๑)
In reading order:
The Jumbies by Tracey Baptiste
I've been searching for more spooky/horror middle-grade books and I came across this one. This story is inspired by Caribbean folklore and it's so cool! I loved Corinne, the main character, and her adventurous and courageous personality, and how she saves her father and the island she lives on!
Recommending for: anyone who wants something spooky but not too scary and kids saving the day.
Echo After Echo by Amy Rose Capetta
I read some positive reviews of this book but unfortunately, it fell flat for me. And there are so many things that I'd usually love! The murder mystery, the theater setting, the wlw romance... However, the romance is dull, the murder mystery didn't thrill me and the narrator is tiresome. There isn’t anything necessarily wrong with the story, it’s just uninteresting. 
The Lying Game by Ruth Ware
This book always appears in Dark Academia lists so I decided to give it a try. The "dark academia" part is in the past, in flashbacks and it's the most entertaining part. The lying game is a fun idea and I liked the problems the girls got themselves in because of that. The first part of the book is more sad than mysterious or thrilling, but the second part becomes more exciting. However, this is another case of a book with characters not interesting enough to make you care about what they did and what happens to them in the present.
A Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson
You can see my full review of this novella here. In short, this novella didn't develop their characters properly, the story is rushed and the gothic atmosphere is lacking.
A Pho Love Story by Loan Le
This book was everything!!! It's a Romeo and Juliet kind of story, the main characters' are from families that are rivals in the business of Vietnamese restaurants. The romance is fluffy and lighthearted and at the same time, it tells realistic immigrant stories and the struggle of children of immigrants. It's adorable and sad, and it made me hungry. 
Recommending for: anyone looking for a lighthearted and fluffy romance, with lots of food but with a realistic background.
Untamed Shore by Silvia Moreno-Garcia 
The pacing of this book was slower than I expected of a book categorized as a thriller. And most of the time I just wanted to protect Viridiana and take her away from those horrible people. But the ending was so good! I also loved the small-coastal-town setting and all the dynamics between the people from this small town and Viridiana, and the dynamics of the local people and the tourists from the USA. 
Recommending for: anyone looking for a more atmospheric and slow-paced mystery with a beautiful coastal setting. 
The Black God's Drums by P. Djèlí Clark
It's been a while since I got so hooked up on a sci-fi story! I think it's the way Clark writes stories but I got so absorbed in the plot and I cared for Creeper, the main character. And the resolution of this novella is amazing! I won't talk too much, because the story is 100 pages long and I don't want to spoil anything. 
Recommending for: all sci-fi and fantasy enthusiasts! 
The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane by Julia Nobel
Dark Academia for kids? This story was so much fun! I'm becoming obsessed with the atmosphere of these boarding schools in England! The mystery involves a secret society! And a Latin Society?? Sign me up for that!! Loved these kids against the greedy and evil adults. I hate Emmy's mom, though. 
Recommending for: the dark academia club, middle-grade mystery fans, boarding school enthusiasts.
Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor
This was such a fun adventure! The first part reminded me a lot of Who Fears Death and some aspects are similar, but Akata Witch has a more young protagonist. I love the worldbuilding of this book! I think it's cool how the magic world coexists with the non-magic world and Sunny gets the best of both worlds. Bookstores with magic books!! Magical events!! A magical university!! 
Recommending for: all you fantasy readers out there!
This Is Kind of an Epic Love Story by Kacen Callender
This book started well. I love a second-chance-to-love kind of book. However, the conflict of the book revolved around the main character not wanting to talk about his feeling.... for reasons? And there was so much pressure for Nathan, the mc, to have sex! And every teenager only talks about sex! I know this an important part of some people's lives but Nathan says over and over again that he doesn't feel prepared and he wants to wait, which is great because there anot enough boys talking about this in ya books. And then, Nathan does some dumb stuff and it all goes downhill.
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers 
One of my favorite books of the month! I loved the fun part of the book, girl meets girls and they get married on the same day in las Vegas. Girls flies across the country to find her wife! Grace and Yuki relationship gives me all the comforting and domestic vibes, even when they were getting to know each other and I loved this feeling. Yuki has a podcast and takes Grace to hunt monster and these bonding moments are everything. But the sad part is so sensible and realistic, the confusion, the stress, the systemic racism. I love that the book shows the beginning of Grace's healing process and she starts to figure out her priorities. I wanted to cry tears of sadness and then of joy when Grace and Yuki got together again. 
Recommending for: someone looking for a more emotional and slow-paced romance.
Paper Girls, Volume 1 by Matt Wilson, Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff K. Chiang
I was excited about this comic, but I don't know, there're some things that made me curious, like the cliffhanger in the end and the astronauts from the future. But the girls are not charismatic and I don't think I'll be reading the series any further.
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi with Geoffrey Trousselot (Translator)
This book was everything I expected of it. I love this contemplative and reflective narrative. I read some books from Japanese authors that are in the same style and I love the slow-pace and the more intern conflicts rather than lots of action. I had this one on my tbr for a while because I like time travel books and this one had a more fantasy approach to it and I was not disappointed! 
Recommending for: anyone looking for more intern conflicts kind of story and discussion of family and love relationships, with a dash of fantasy to add to the drama!
Cheer Up: Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier with Val Wise (Illustrator)
I received a copy of this comic from NetGalley and I’m writing a more detailed review, but you should add it to your tbr now! Bebe has a hard time navigating high school being a trans girl, but the romance is sweet and all the characters grow a lot in this story! Lots of support and a girl squad!
Recommending for: anyone looking for a sweet and short ya romance!
Stage Dreams by Melanie Gillman
Another queer comic with a trans main character! It's a western story with a heist in the plot. It's so short! But it still fun and lighthearted. Not a big fan of the colored pencils style, but it’s a personal preference. 
Recommending for: anyone looking for queer historical stories with some adventure in them.
The Secret of White Stone Gate by Julia Nobel
This is the sequel of The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane. But they changed the narrator of the audiobook!! I didn't like how she performed some voices and this made me enjoy less this book. There isn't much mystery in this one and the big conflict is dismissed so simply! One of my favorite characters doesn't appear much in this book and there're more annoying adults to be mad about. Ugh.
Available only in Portuguese:
Heroínas negras brasileiras em 15 cordéis by Jarid Arraes
The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. 
Read in: February |
2 Free Months on Scribd through my link  ♡  The StoryGraph
Happy reading  (๑˘︶˘๑)
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with Michael ‘Riz’ Ariza.
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a/n: there's no summary, just see how good my husband looks here and imagine all the things I want to do to him. That's all.
warnings: dirty texts.
word count: about 500.
general masterlist.
random scenes masterlist.
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God bless weddings.
The banquet has started and you're sitting next to your husband, enjoying Creeper and Julia's day. But you're more focused on your man. He looks so fucking good wearing a black suit with white shirt, under the waistcoat. The jacket is hanging from the backrest of his chair, and he has the sleeves rolled up; as his bare arms show the tattoos on his skin and the small clock in his left wrist. You can't stop looking at him with your eyes shining, while he exchanges some words with your father about a future run to Las Vegas. The way his fingers pull back the dark strands of hair, from the roots to his nape, makes you have to rub your thighs, under the long red dress. His laugh, by the other hand, vibrates his throat and makes you want to bite it so bad any time he does it.
Putting an arm on his shoulders, you pull him somewhat closer, not being aware of what you are feeling right now. While he continues listening to Taza and his plans, you kiss his cheek a lot of times with sloopy and clingy kisses. Accepting that he's not going to pay attention to you and grabbing your phone, you loosen the grip around him.
📲 to: mi rizzy ❤
“i want so bad to rip off that shirt of you and lick the cross in your chest and then i want you to put me against the wall and fuck me so fucking hard the whole cali hears me screaming your name, because damn baby, you fuck me so fucking good... and you look so fucking hot in that suit. jesus fucking christ, fuck me, i beg you”.
Leaving the phone over the table, you wait for your husband to read it. When the notification dings and he's about to drink from his beer, unlocking the screen, you take off the bottle from his hand. Shaking your head, you make a move with your chin to point his phone. It's not the first time he chokes because of your dirty texts. His gesture doesn't change, watching him with a serious look typing you back. When your phone dings, he holds back his beer to have a sip, putting his free arm on your shoulders.
📲 from: mi rizzy ❤
“The toast is in five minutes. I have to do it. I'm Creeper's best man. But when I finish, I'm gonna take you to your car and I'm gonna fuck that pussy so hard that I will break you in two and you will beg me to stop, but I'm not gonna stop until you can't walk, mi vida. Te amo”.
You try to not show any emotion, offering him a hand to accept the deal, when you finish reading it. He shakes it without even looking at you, proving the complicity in your marriage.
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