#Julieta's powers
itscosmicnerd · 1 year
Tired of all the Modern encanto AUs making Julieta a nurse!
what if she owned a food truck instead? Or a restauraunt? Hm? And Agustín was her "secretary", dealing with all the business stuff.
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busterheadspace · 1 year
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So.. Uh, any idea on what type of characters I really like
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The more she looked, the more she could see hints of darker blue in the vision shards; the vision itself. They were too far away for Mirabel to tell exactly what the shapes were though.
It was a good thing Mirabel liked swimming.
Feeling more and more nervous, Mirabel gingerly climbed over the railing, clinging to the cold metal for dear life. She balanced precariously, staring at the shimmering water.
“Help Isa,” she whispered to herself. “Help Casita. Help the family.”
Mirabel took a deep breath and dived.
As the pieces slowly begin to fall into place, Mirabel discovers that even her fearless big sister can get scared.
Julieta makes a small rebellion.
Mirabel goes for a dive: she's got a vision to uncover.
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briarsworld2 · 2 years
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If you had to choose one ☝️ of the madrigal gifts to have for a week which one would you choose. 🎊🌟
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Julieta & Pepa, modern au, maybe chatfic / over text?? :) ✨
There’s a new text from Pepa that reads: Where do u keep the 🍷🍷🍷? 
Julieta leaves the fingers of one hand pressed firmly against her temple while she types out a reply.
You are babysitting right now
Send me two Encanto characters and an AU setting, and I’ll write a three-sentence fic!
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adventure-oc · 1 year
Encanto Power Swap (Julieta)
I try to imagine a Gift Swap AU, but I have trouble to give a power to each person, so I’m trying to imagine what would be the Madrigals like given their personalities, with another Gift.
We begin with the eldest of all, Julieta.
Weather Emotions : The weather would be a lot sunnier given the woman’s serene attitude, but don’t try to provoke her or hurt her family, because her storms and hurricanes are ten times worse than Pepa’s.
Future sight : Julieta would become completely superstitious, though not as bad as Bruno, and is often compared to La Llorona because of her water visions and her distant looks. Her animal friends are frogs. Everytime she gets a vision, she tries to warn the concerned person/party, and never gives up in helping people.
Chlorokinesis : Being the eldest, Julieta was expected to be an example for her younger siblings, and with the ability to make flowers, it’s not an easy task. She can grow flowers and vines, but also medical herbs for chemists and became the non-official doctor until one of the grandchildren’s healing gift… unless one of her siblings is the healer. 
Super Hearing : Julieta is a great mother, but she can be a worrywart if she can’t hear her daughters. After 45 years of hearing everything, she has learned to adjust well to her hearing, but her daughters are often annoyed because they feel like they have no private life with their mother who can hear everything.
Super strength : Julieta is often asked to help in town with her strength, but unlike Luisa, she is ready to drop everything if a family member is in trouble or if we ask too much from her, as she doesn't care about her reputation.
Shapeshifting : Julieta might have a sense of humor, but she doesn’t really use it to make people smile. She uses her power like a therapist. She shifts into the concerned person for therapeutic purposes, so they can feel better about themselves.
Zoolingualism : The first thing she will do is to ask the bees to stop stinging Agustin and give an animal for each of her children and nephews : A cat for Isa, a donkey for Luisa, a puppy for Mirabel, a bat for Dolores, a chameleon for Camilo, and a jaguar for Antonio, much to Pepa and Félix’s dismay at the latter. But what seems like an affectionate present is to secretly spy on the grandkids to know if they’re alright.
No Gift : Julieta will feel burdened by the absence of power and the fact that her mother ignored her or told her to step aside. She feels taunted by her siblings, but she doesn’t hold it against them nor the other family members, and decided to cook as a way to compensate. When her daughters were born, she did her best to become the mother she never truly had.
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I am not saying that Julieta Madrigal is a bad mom
I'm just saying that if I ever had a mom who had the power to heal everyone and everything in my village except me and my eyesight problems, I would definitely sink into a nervous breakdown.
EDIT : I am incredibly sorry if my post sounded ableist, I'm also glad Disney introduced us with a main character who wears glasses. I used to wear them as a kid so I really hope kids would stop seeing wearing glasses as a complex, AND I know Julieta finds her daughter beautiful with them ("Cool glasses!"), meaning that she's a really good mom. I am pretty sure Mirabel doesn't mind either. Plus, I am conscious about the fact that Julieta only heals visible wounds, at least that's what we see in the movie. My post wasn't meant to be taken seriously.
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blue-maiden4 · 1 year
Remember that one drawing I posted where I mentioned at the bottom I may write a fic about it? Yeah, I finally did it. My writing skill is super rusty, so this may not be that good (But it definitely won't be awful). So consider this as a way for me to practice.
Summary: After everything that took placein Area Zero, Julieta is having nightmares about it on a daily basis. Luckily she can count with Arven to make her feel better, but can't help at feeling bad about consuming most of his time...
Activating paradise protection protocol
The sound of alarms flooded the room.
Julieta was on the floor trying to get up.
"Somebody help!"
"Julieta help us!"
The girl slowly crawled towards her friends, which had been cornered by the second Miraidon. The creature was ready to land the final blow.
There was nothing she could do, she was useless. Julieta could only stay still and watch her friends get killed by that thing.
"JULIETA-!" The group called out for her one last time.
The Miraidon struck them down with one clean hit.
"NO!" Julieta gasped and opened her eyes. 
A nightmare.
It…It had been just a bad dream.
She tried to take some deep breaths to calm herself down. None of it was real.
They were not in the crater and they had gotten out of there alive. Yeah, they were fine…
Still, the thoughts of what could have happened if she had failed to defeat the AI remained present in her mind.
‘It’s fine, everything turned out alright in the end…they’re safe…he is safe.’
Julieta picked up her phone from the nightstand and checked the time. 
2:30 am. She should go back to sleep but…what if she has another nightmare?
Just the mere thought of it made her whimper, she doesn’t want to be alone right now.
Scrolling through her contacts, Julieta looked up for a specific name and pressed the call button. ---
*Ro to to to*
Arven shifted a bit in his bed, the ringing sound of his phone was loud enough to interrupt his slumber.
Who the heck could be calling him at this hour?
He grabbed his phone and answered the call.
"Hello?" He yawned.
"Arven? It's me Julieta. I didn't wake you up, right?"
"Julieta? Uh…no, you didn't wake me up I uh, just got myself a glass of water" he lied or at least tried to, but he couldn’t help but yawn again. "Did you need anything?"
"Um, well…I just…"
Her voice sounded broken.
"Julie? You okay?"
There was no answer, but he could hear her sobs. That was all he needed to hear to know what was going on.
“Don’t hang up, okay? I’ll be there soon.” He wasted no more time and got up from his bed, then made his way to Julieta’s dorm.
Arven didn’t bother to knock on the door first, he knew Julieta rarely locked the door of her room and since he told her not to end the call yet it would be simple to announce his arrival.
So he just walked inside with Mabosstiff by his side and put away his phone.
He felt his stomach twist at the sight of his friend sitting on her bed with her knees pressed against her chest with a sad expression on her face, he didn’t need to get closer to tell she had been crying and if there’s one thing he hates is seeing her cry.
“Julie?” He slowly walked towards the bed.
The girl looked up and then got up from the bed. Normally she would greet him, but this time she simply embraced him in a hug. 
"Let me guess, another nightmare?"
"Do you want me to stay here tonight?"
"Alright, come here." He guided her back to her bed and sits down. "Now you wait here while I brew some tea, got it?"
Julieta just nodded.
"Good. Boss, you know the drill." While Arven headed to the kitchen, his pokemon jumped into the bed and laid his head on Julieta's lap.
The girl, for the first time tonight, giggled and petted the dog's head.
Usually Arven would tell his Pokémon to not follow him, but Mabosstiff was a bit stubborn and still follows him all the way to her dorm, not like it’s something bad of course, he knows Julieta is actually quite glad for the extra company and he’s an excellent emotional support dog. How does he know this? Well, Mabosstiff has always been a great source of comfort for him in those nights that were plagued by nightmares.
Arven served two cups of tea and went back to his little buddy.
“Here you go.” He gives her the mug and takes a seat on the edge of the bed.
“Thank you…” She takes a small sip. There was a very familiar small tint of sweetness in the tea. “Arven, did you put something extra in the tea?”
“Uh…well I may have put a very small dose of sweet Herba Mystica in it…”
“Huh?! Why did you-”
“As crazy as it may sound, it surprisingly has some relaxing effects when mixed with the tea. I tried it out  myself for the first time when I was having a hard time falling asleep. In a matter of minutes I was in a deep slumber!” He explains.
“Hopefully it will help me as well, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go back to sleep…” The girl sighed. "Um, I know I told you I want you to stay here with me tonight but, you don't really have to…I will understand if you want to go back to your room."
"Nonsense. I'm not going anywhere and that's the same for Mabosstiff, right bud?"
"Okay, okay, I get it. You two ain't leaving any time soon." She smiled.
They spent the next 30 minutes drinking their tea and having a casual conversation. By the time they finished their drinks, both were starting to feel drowsy. Time to try and get some sleep.
Both laid down on the bed, that thankfully was big enough for them to fit in.
"Is this comfortable enough?" Arven asked.
"Yeah, but just let me move a little bit…" she moved a little bit closer to the boy, so they could cuddle. "Now it's perfect."
Arven couldn't help but blush, even though this wasn't the first time they slept like this, it's still a bit embarrassing.
"Thank you for everything. You really didn't have to come and stay here tonight…"
"No need to thank me, it's the least I could do since you've helped me so much." He smiles at her.
"You know you don't have to do anything to pay me back."
"I know, but I want to and you can't change my mind on that. Now come on, tomorrow we have classes and need to get some sleep"
"But what if I can't fall asleep? What if…What if I have another nightmare?"
"Then you wake me up and I'll prepare you some more tea, after that I will just keep you company until you feel better."
"What? I'm not gonna interrupt your sleep every time I have a nightmare!"
"Even if you don't, Boss will do it for you. He cares about your well being as much as I do." He said. "I really don't mind this. I know too well how much it sucks to have nightmares."
"But at least you don't have them as frequently as you used to. Unlike me who's still having the same nightmare almost every night…" Julieta frowned. It's been nearly a month since the events that happened in Area zero took place, at this point in time she should have gotten over it and stopped having the same damn nightmare every single night.
"What makes you think I don't have nightmares as frequently as you do?" He sighed. "If anything I'm on the same boat as you."
“What? And you’ve been dealing with those all by yourself?”
“Um, not really? I had Mabosstiff to help me deal with those…”
Julieta couldn’t believe what she was hearing, ugh, sometimes she just can’t believe this boy.
"Uh, Julieta, are you mad? You've been quiet for a while now-"
"I'm not mad, I just…you're so selfless!"
"Just-! You've been through a lot of awful shit and yet you put my own well being over yours! And I'm not allowing that!" The girl looked at him with an intense gaze full of determination. "From now on, every time you have a nightmare you can call me and I’ll be with you in an instant.”
“What?! No way I’m doing that! You’ve already done so much for me, you don’t have to do any of that!”
“But I want to. Consider it me returning the favor.” Before Arven could speak up again Julieta shushed him. “And don’t try to change my mind. Just as you don’t mind coming to my room in the middle of the night to help me, I won’t mind doing the same thing for you.”
Now it was Arven’s turn to be in disbelief. He has put Julieta through so many things and she’s still willing to do more to help him, he really doesn’t deserve her but he is glad he has someone like her by his side.
“Very well, we shall be emotional support buddies from now on. Does that sound good?”
“Yeah, I like how that sounds.” The girl yawned, making Arven chuckle before yawning as well.
Guess all they needed was to talk their worries away to feel tired.
He took one last look at his friend, Julieta had fallen asleep before him, the poor girl must have been very exhausted if she fell asleep almost instantly.
“Descansa, mi hermosa princesa…” Arven was fully aware Julieta couldn’t hear him, but he didn't mind, it’s not like he would be able to say those words to her if she were awake.
He finally closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber. For the first time, he didn’t have any nightmares and hopefully that would be the case for Julieta as well.
“Descansa, mi dulce príncipe”
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nyx-lyris · 2 years
my encanto analysis/headcanon that no one asked for
so, i was just looking through some encanto fanart and headcanons and came across this piece (artist: https://mobile.twitter.com/ye_enc): 
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abuela had triplets - julieta, pepa, and bruno. both julieta and pepa had three kids - isabella, luisa, and mirabel for julieta, and dolores, camilo, and antonio for pepa. 
what i noticed is that for each batch of three, each individual falls under a certain category, and it seems to follow by age. 
julieta was, as this lovely fanart shows, likely depended on quite frequently for her ability to heal via her cooking. her gift would have been the most useful and therefore she likely would have been praised the most as “the perfect one”. 
this, of course, next falls to isabella, who we see this with the most frequently. abuela very clearly is living the life she wished she could have lived through isabella, and is viewed as the perfect golden child by everyone around her. 
dolores is a little different, but i believe she still fits the trope. she is basically the physical embodiment of “seen but not heard.” she keeps quiet on the things she knows would upset her family and doesn’t make herself heard, even when she is in pain, whether physical or emotional. she doesn’t tell anyone that she knows bruno has been living in the walls for the ten years he’s been missing; she doesn’t tell anyone about her feelings for mariano, because she knows that will upset abuela and her cousin’s “perfect for the encanto” arrangement; and one can only imagine how loud certain things are to her, that are endurable for us (fireworks, for example). 
next are the middle children: pepa, luisa, and camilo. all of them have some kind of pressure on their shoulders. (and - just a fun thing i noticed - while luisa’s literal pressure is the many things she carries, pepa’s pressure is atmospheric pressure, because she controls the weather. but anyway, lol). 
all three of these characters are told in one way or another to bottle up their emotions and keep them buried inside. with pepa, we see this very directly as she is constantly told by the other characters (especially abuela) to, as the fanart above shows, calm down and essentially turn off her emotions because of the damage she can cause with her weather powers. this kind of reminds me of the “conceal, don’t feel” thing that elsa had with her gloves. both pepa and elsa demonstrate the same growth throughout their movies, too - learning to accept themselves and their abilities and thus being able to control them instead of being controlled by them - but, i digress. 
luisa, by contrast, is indirectly told to keep her emotions at bay. she is treated as something of a useful tool, both by the town and by abuela, and seen in a very masculine light despite her relatively feminine personality. because of this treatment and the expectation that she will always be strong that comes with it, she falls into the same category as pepa. 
camilo, like dolores, is a little different, but still fits. we don’t see much of him in the movie, but i imagine he is depended on as being the funny one. if anyone reading this is into k-pop or bts, think of camilo as like the j-hope or the jin of the group. he’s always expected to be funny and smiling, lifting everyone else’s spirits - but who lifts his spirits? 
and lastly, we have the youngest siblings - bruno, mirabel, and antonio. they fit into the roll, of course, of the scapegoat, of family disappointments. 
bruno was rejected by the town and by his family, seen as a harbinger of chaos and horror, a bad omen - all because he can see the future, something that he obviously cannot control. but, of course, it’s easier to simply blame someone else than accept the truth or take responsibility for your own actions. 
mirabel, of course, is treated in much the same way. she is seen as a bad omen, as well, and is quite literally feared to be the one who will destroy the family and the encanto, because of bruno’s vision. 
antonio does not quite fit into this category, but i think if he had not gotten a gift, he would have been shunned in much the same way as bruno or mirabel. it can also be argued that his gift isn’t really very useful, and we can see abuela struggle for a moment to think of how they could put his gift to use at the breakfast at the beginning of the movie (”i told them to warm up your seat”). 
anyway - this is all to say that each of the siblings in each of the batches of three appears to fill (or almost fill) the same rolls. i’m sure someone else has already noticed this and i’m just late to the party - but i thought it was cool. 
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thebrunoarchives · 3 months
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Return to Casita where we find seventeen-year-old Bruno from Disney’s hit animated film Encanto, where readers will finally learn what happened to make people never want to talk about him.
Fans will love this dark and mysterious young adult novel by Alex Segura, a NYT bestselling author who also wrote Poe Dameron: Free Fall and Araña and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow.
Seventeen-year-old Bruno has never really fit in with his family—why can’t he be as outgoing as his sister Pepa, or as friendly as his sister Julieta? Does he like being the awkward loaner who never seems to find where he can fit in? But it’s hard to be popular when you have the power to tell the future and people don’t always like what you are telling them. So Bruno devises an act, and begins to model the behavior he feels the town wants to see in a hero.
But is being dishonest to himself and others the right path to walk down in order to make friends, or is Bruno just kidding himself as he hides from his own destiny that threatens to destroy all he holds dear?
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hugsandchaos · 12 days
Danny in an Encanto crossover gives the impression of someone trying to befriend a stray feral cat and bring them inside to give the love and shelter, but the stray feral cat doesn’t trust them and keeps hissing every time they get too close.
Although, I’d love to see everyone being completely accepting of Danny. They don’t look at him with suspicion or hatred when they see him slip up, they’re amazed! He has powers just like the Madrigals? That’s super cool! And he has more than one? Not just phasing through solid objects, but also invisibility and sensing ghosts nearby? Even better!
I bet that Bruno would relate to him in a way. They were both looked down on for their powers, but in different ways. Bruno because he mostly predicted bad things with no control over it, and Danny because a lot of people, including his parents, really didn’t like “Phantom” because the sole reason that he was a ghost. Alma knew that it was Bruno who had the powers, Danny’s parents didn’t know he was the ghost they keep shooting at.
Also, Danny 100% defends Bruno from any villagers who blame him for having bad visions. Bruno’s lacked social interaction with other humans for ten whole years, but Danny’s up for fighting for him. His favorite line to use was “If I’m a child and I have to explain this to you, what does that say about you as an adult?”. He didn’t get in trouble for it.
Danny talks about space and teaches them about it! He’s more than happy to explain it all and answer their questions the best he can!
Danny eats Julieta’s food and is honestly freaked out because his ribs are suddenly not broken anymore. Take it a step further and say that he’s sleep deprived, and one of the side effects of having food that heals you is that it can make you really tired if you haven’t slept well for a while, so you can’t help but take a quick nap. So he just falls unconscious after a few bites and wakes up in the early morning not knowing what year it is.
It doesn’t get rid of his death mark, though, which confuses everyone. Speaking of his death mark, Danny doesn’t like to talk about it, but eventually explains that it’s a scar from being zapped. He doesn’t go into detail or talk about what exactly the incident did to him, though. He just mentions that he got zapped and has a scar from it.
Eventually, the Madrigals will come to the realization that he doesn’t just have ghost-like powers. He’s actually a ghost. Half ghost, at least.
Also, Danny swears he sees Pedro around the house, not just in the paintings, and the most often place is by Alma’s side. He’s even had conversations with him. To everyone else, it looks like he’s talking to thin air, but he seems so fixated on something that’s actually there and listens to nothing so much that they think he’s actually being serious. Once, during a conversation with Alma and she was telling him about Pedro, he looked at her very confused and said “What are you talking about? He’s standing right next to you”.
At first, she was upset, but he said it with way too much confusion and conviction that she starts to realize he’s serious. Every time someone says that he isn’t, Danny gestures to nothing and goes “Are you blind?! He’s right there!”. In his eyes, Pedro really is there, looking awkward because this kid sees him and is arguing with his family about it.
Honestly, Danny doing something by himself and then suddenly turning around and making immediate direct eye contact with Pedro would be really funny. Pedro is honestly freaked out because something seemed off with the kid from the beginning, and he just made eye contact with a ghost?
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Oh, and you best believe that after being treated so nicely by everyone, Danny will start throwing hands the second another ghost tries to cause them trouble.
Make it even better by combining it with Good Vlad. The two just show up one day trying to find a place to live. Their dynamic confuses more than a few people because people usually treat their god father or technical uncle with love and respect. Danny’s constantly getting on his nerves for the fun of it, doing things including but not limited to taking his coffee. He also calls him a “fruit loop”, which apparently means someone insane. Vlad calls him “Little Badger”, and yes, he’s actually been bitten by Danny once because Vlad startled him when he grabbed him to pull him out of danger and Danny’s first instinct was to bite him.
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meepxii · 4 months
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The Madrigal-Fontana family
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Mateo Vicente Madrigal Fontana
He is a twin, and the oldest child of his family. His gift is to make astral trips to any part of the world by meditation. When he's using his gift, a third eye glows pink on his forehead and he can also levitate. He's the edgy cousin of the family.
Fun facts about him:
Mateo doesn't like his middle name (Vicente). The only one who can call him that is his mother.
He's a calm boy, but gets into trouble very often 'cause he has no filter and can sound "rude."
He's Itzel's favorite child, and they're very close.
He and his twin sister are the closest, and do many things together, and although sometimes he can't stand her and treats her rudely, he's always behind his sister, protecting her.
He likes poetry and is a hopeless romantic.
His favorite place is the beach, and he goes there whenever he needs peace.
When he uses his gift, the pink third eye that appears on his forehead is real and functional. His sister sometimes pokes it to annoy him.
He likes to meditate in Dolores' room.
He's the only one of the Madrigal-Fontana children who got Bruno's wavy hair.
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Dalia Elizabeth Madrigal Fontana
She's Dalia, Mateo's twin sister. Dalia has the gift of making clones of herself and other people. She can make up to five clones, and they function as a hive mind if she wants. She can also let them act on autopilot. She's daddy's little princess, and the spoiled brat of her family.
Fun facts about her:
Dalia is Bruno's favorite child. The two of them formed a very strong bond since she was a baby, and Bruno fulfills many of her whims. For the same reason, she grew up accustomed to getting what she wants, and if she doesn't get it, she gets frustrated and cries. She knows that's not okay, and it's something she's still working on.
Since she was a child she's very involved in the theater that her father founded and he relates a lot with her cousin Camilo, so she loves to act, and her biggest influences are the two of them. For that reason she got a gift similar to Camilo's.
Her way of showing affection, in addition words of affirmation, are her jokes. She likes to play pranks on her close family and friends.
She shows off her family quite a bit, and she's a big fan of her parents' relationship.
She gets into trouble easily because she is very talkative, mischievous and witty.
She has a strong sense of loyalty toward her loved ones, so she's the first to defend them when they are getting attacked. More specifically, Bruno and Esmeralda.
Her best friend is her twin brother, and they both watch each other's backs.
She is a good girl, but it's better to have her as a friend than an enemy, because she brings out the worst side of her.
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Perla Esmeralda Madrigal Fontana
And this is Esme, the youngest of the Madrigal grandchildren. Her gift is earthbending. She's a sweet and naive girl, and since her power is directly related to her emotional strength, she's unable to get out of control. She has had problems in the town due to the limited scope of her power, and they often compare her negatively with her father.
Fun facts about her:
Esmeralda is considered the baby of the family, and her parents and siblings treat her as such.
She is abuela's favorite granddaughter because of her resemblance to Bruno, and since Esme was a child, she's been overprotective of her.
She's also very close to Julieta's daughters, especially Isabela. As a child she took her gardening together, which influenced her gift of earthbending.
Despite being introverted, she has always been a very sociable and kind girl, although a little naive.
She is such a crybaby.
She takes guitar lessons with her dad and Mirabel.
She also likes to do crafts with her mom. The two of them are in charge of making the scenery for Bruno's plays.
She is the most attached to Bruno's rats of the Madrigal-Fontana children, and there isn't a day when she doesn't have a rat on top of her.
Of her siblings, she's the most similar to the Madrigal family, and she inherited many of her abuelo Pedro's traits.
She doesn't get along well with her maternal grandmother, who has always preferred her sister Dalia for being more like the Fontanas.
I don't think I've ever published anything of my fankids here, sooo... here they are! I tried to use a color palette consistent with the Madrigal family, without filling it completely with green. It was also very fun to make the patterns representative of their gifts.
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ffb6c1lover · 7 months
Why I think the Madrigals believed Bruno to be dead
The adults only speak about him in past tense. "Bruno didn't care about this family". As far as she knows, if he's still alive and not back it means he actively still doesn't care about the family, so why not say that? Félix also speaks in past tense ("You better figure it out, because it was coming for you"). Julieta's "My brother Bruno lost his way in this family" makes sense regardless of whether she thought he'd died or not, but to me it does sound very final. Pepa cannot even hear his name without thundering. With the amount of love she has for him, the thought that he might have made himself a happier life in a town that does not shun him should bring her at least a bit of comfort, but she's inconsolable even after so much time. I'm sure there are more examples of this and if I can think of them, I'll add them in the replies.
The door going dark. Now, we know it stopped being lit because he had decided not to use his power anymore, but it makes far more sense for it to be because he couldn't use his power anymore (because he was dead). Casita, much like Bruno, can tell the future, so she knew he was going to use it again, the vow did not really count for anything. Are you telling me that anytime a family member leaves their room and considers not using their power for a while their door goes black?? It makes a lot more sense for the family to have thought he had died. The same applies for Casita not being able to help inside the room: it sounds like a metaphor for the Madrigals not being able to help Bruno anymore.
The deleted scene. In the "Chores!" deleted scene, Félix talks about a fight Bruno had with the family (possibly even the moment he left the family?). In this scene, Bruno displays actual suicidal tendencies ("I wish I was dead!"), and, when he leaves, his room starts rotting and decaying. This scene was removed in the final movie, because it is clearly too dark for kids, but we have no reason to believe that it is not still canon in the universe, as we can see that his room is actually decaying and falling apart. If a family member tells you they wish they were dead and then disappear leaving no trace, it is not a crazy jump to think they are not still alive, especially considering the next point.
Bruno left behind most of his belongings. We do not know how much stuff Bruno had in the first place, but when he leaves his room after the vision, we do not see him holding a bag (or anything really) and even if it's there, it is definitely not a bag big enough to sustain someone leaving their home for good. The stuff he has in the walls was likely gathered long after his family had stopped searching for him. He also has no money and the social skills of a rat, where was he even going??
The room falling apart. Not entirely sure about this, but I think the characters' rooms reflect somewhat the emotional state of their owners (Isabela's room in What Else Can I Do + if I'm not mistaken, Camilo's room is supposed to change colour based on his mood like a chameleon). This is further demonstrated by the stairs, which had been growing for years before Bruno actually left. This is a bit of a stretch, but I think the family could have seen one of two alarm bells in the decaying room: a) Bruno's room was decaying like him (kinda gruesome, but it makes some semblance of sense); b) it did not change at all for 10 years. I don't think rooms change only when their owner is in them, so Bruno's emotional state supposedly not changing for so long is alarming. But again, this point is the one that convinces me the least.
Dolores. Dolores mentions hearing Bruno in the walls three (3) times, in the movie alone: in We Don't Talk About Bruno, at breakfast ("and the rats talking in the walls") and in All of You. It's been ten years and she still mentions him constantly, so she's probably been talking about it since the very beginning, but no one believed her. So, a child keeps hearing their relative who disappeared without a trace in their family home, without seeing him and with everyone saying it wasn't possible. Logical conclusion? It's a ghost.
The family's reactions to him returning. Alma is the most striking. It takes quite a long time for her shocked face to wear off. Julieta is equally shocked as well, like she'd never expected to see him ever again. It could also be she just didn't expect him to come back. Pepa looks relieved, like she'd been on edge for 10 years and can finally know peace. Why would that be? The fact that he's back does not mean they are going to rekindle their relationship, but it does mean that she gets a new chance to show him she loves him, being the first to run to hug him. Her eyebags also show many a sleepless nights tossing and turning, maybe feeling guilty because she hadn't shown him her love enough and she thought she never could again.
Bonus: "The mountains around the Encanto are pretty tall!" In this scene, after Bruno says this sentence, he makes a weird face, like he's already considered how tall the mountains are and he's trying to understand if Mirabel caught onto that.
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We all know Isabela’s anxious/forced smile
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Now imagine “Constellations Shift” Julieta smiling this way, almost every day, for forty-five years
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
heyyy hello hello,
so I thought of a really cute ideaaa and I have been hooked on it since.
so you know how camilo always goes for seconds for food?, But like- what if he goes for seconds for kisses tooooo
like after you gave him a smooch he like- follows you till u give him another one?
"second smooches"
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— Camilo is known to always have seconds for food but when you come around he's always asking for second smooches
— fluff
— gender-neutral reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong.
— none
— hiiiii omg i'm sorry if this request was hella late but i hope you like itttt
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Whenever there was a celebration or fiesta being held in Encanto, the Madrigals were often invited. Mostly it's because they're one of the most powerful families in the entire town but instead, it's because they were incredibly lovely and good company. The Madrigals are known to be extremely bubbly and kindhearted so there wouldn't be a reason why someone would not invite them in the first place.
However, there is one particular member of the Madrigals that would consistently remain in everyone's memory. Aside from the eye-catching yellow ruana that he's often wearing and his dashingly charming presence and looks, the Madrigal is famously known to have a huge appetite. Especially during events that offered a ton of food.
Enter Camilo Madrigal, the second child of Pepa and Félix Madrigal, and one of Alma Madrigal's beloved grandchildren. Gifted with shapeshifting, Camilo wasn't easy to miss in Encanto. He's always helping around town whether it would be assisting townsfolk or playing with the children, he'd always have a helping hand. The locals found the boy extremely cheerful and endearing, Camilo frequently put on a dramatic show with his shapeshifting abilities. His family remarked that he was a natural-born performer.
Being a natural-born performer came with many perks, one of which was having a line of suitors and admirers. It was no denying that Camilo struck the hearts of many in Encanto, one could possibly find it hard not to fall for the Madrigal. Although despite having a hundred others waiting in line, Camilo only fell for one person.
It was one of the Madrigals' fiesta, of course, everyone was welcome to attend. There was music blaring and people dancing, others were talking, and the remaining went to get a bite to eat. Camilo was in the last category. His tía Julieta made sure to cook more than needed for people who had strong appetites like him. As he happily loaded his plate with seconds of food while his mouth watered, he happened to catch someone walking by.
And for the first time, Camilo stopped drooling over the food to look who it was.
It happened so quickly. His eyes meet [Eye Color] ones, his jaw went slack, and the beating of his heart went miles per second. It was you walking by with a generous amount of food on your plate, but he didn't pay attention to it. He was distracted by the way you were giving him a toothy smile.
"Coming back for seconds or should I say thirds?"
You mused at him. Camilo gulped, his face felt so tingly and warm but he knew what this feeling was. He chuckled and ran a hand on the nape of his neck.
"Being everyone's favorite performer sure does make me hungry"
"I figured. I'm [Name] [Surname] by the way"
"Camilo Madrigal"
Camilo confidently went in to grab your hand and kiss it. All of a sudden, he shapeshifts into you as if it would impress you. With a laugh, you grabbed his hand.
"Everyone knows the shapeshifter but I'm dying to know who he is beyond it"
"Then be my guest, amor"
It was that fateful fiesta that the two of you fell for each other. Camilo felt lucky to have met someone who appreciated him for him and not just his shapeshifting gift. After a couple of dates and dinner with both of your families, you and Camilo became official.
You and he became the constant talk of the town, both negative and positive. Not that it bothered you, all it mattered was that you were in love with Camilo. And Camilo cared less what the locals would say about you and him, he only focused on you.
The Madrigals have discovered something new about the shapeshifter after he started dating you. Not only does he go for seconds with food but with kisses from you. Dolores was the first to see it. Her brother was giggling with his lover after they gave him a kiss.
"Can I have another kiss, mi amor?"
He asked and you leaned in to give him another, he was giggling all over that it made Dolores roll her eyes and hide a chuckle. Mirabel also witnessed the act, she practically saw you and Camilo making out two times. Safe to say she almost gagged. Lastly, Bruno happened to walk in Camilo begging for second smooches in the kitchen.
"¡Por favor mi querida! Just one kiss"
"Mayber later, Camilo. Oh, hi Bruno"
"...Uh, I'll just head out and clean my rats"
Camilo was obviously the PDA type and you love him enough to grant his wishes for second kisses but you have the modesty to hold back, especially when there are a lot of people present.
On this particular day, Camilo was busy with his chores so he hadn't made any time to see you. But after diligently finishing all of his duties, he literally sprinted to your house to see you. The moment he knocked on the door and you opened it, he threw himself into your arms.
"¡Te he echado tanto de menos, [Name]!"
"It's been only hours but it feels like you're seeing me after a century"
"It felt like it"
You only laughed at your boyfriend's dramatic antics as you invited him inside. The two of you hang out in your room, talking and cuddling. Camilo was busy telling you random stories about his day as you contentedly listened to him blabbering. After that, Camilo started giving you that look. He was giving you puppy dog eyes and a pout.
"Yes, my darling?"
Camilo giggled and puckered his lips and you knew what he wants. You shake your head and lean in to give him a small kiss on the lips. His mood bursts with energy after you kissed him. Suddenly, your parents call for you downstairs and you had to pause the cuddling session. Camilo followed you down the stairs as you were instructed to do some quick chores. The shapeshifter followed you around the house like a lost puppy until he gave you that look again.
"Not now, Camilo"
"Later, after I finish my chores"
The boy didn't quit following you all over the place nor dropping that pouty look. As you finished your chores, Camilo excitedly bounced over to you with gleaming eyes. You put your hand on your hip and shook your head.
"You really won't stop until you get second smooches?"
"Never. I'll follow you to the end of the world if it means I get my second smooches"
"Ay, you're so stubborn, Camilo"
With that, you grant him his second smooches and he literally jumps all over the place, honestly, you wouldn't get tired of giving him a second round of kissing if it means seeing him this happy and adorable.
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taglist: @pochi-moochika , @cahmilo , @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings , @eichenhouseproperty , @nort-the-simp , @megs2world, @ducky-died-inside ...join here
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nights-legacy · 1 year
Hi there 👋🏽 I was wondering if I could request some headcanons for class 1A & a reader who’s izuku’s twin sibling who goes to a different school and has a power like Julieta Madrigal’s (where they can heal you with the food they cook) maybe they prefer to call their quirk a gift?
Masterlist MHA Masterlist
1A X Midoriya! Reader
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• First of all, no one knew at first that Deku had a sister except Bakugou, obviously
• They all found out after the Sports festival. Afterwards, when the students were the only ones really left at the school, they saw Deku meeting with a mint haired girl off to the side. She handed a small pastry that he gobbled right up.
• They asked Bakugo as he passed to leave. He just said "That's Deku's sister, Y/N." Like it was obvious. She passed a pastry to Bakugo as he passed and he took it with no complaint. He nibbled on it as he left.
• What really blew their minds was that Deku took off his arm braces and was completely healed. Before anyone could ask, they began to walk away. 
• It wasn't until the next school day that they could ask any questions.
Y/N Midoriya: Twin sister to Izuku
Hair: Mint shade & Wavy
Eyes: Hazel/ Bright Amber
Quirk: Can heal Many levels of injury with her cooking.
• Prefers baking but can cook great (Maybe even better than Bakugou.)
• Can factor in different levels of healing into whatever it is she cooks, even have no healing built in.
• Was thought to be quirkless until she wanted to make some strawberry brownies for Izuku after he had a run in with some bullies again. He was healed within moments of the first bite.
• Doesn't go to hero school but is working towards a medical degree.
• You started very young referring to your quirk as a gift. Most peoples quirks were either just inconvenient things or were just there or ones that could be considered heroic quirks. There were fewer people that had healing type quirks so you thought of it more of a gift since you could help people in a calmer, safer way that still held up to the Hero's.
After they meet you:
• After your presence is made known, Aizawa did have to have a meeting with your mother because you couldn't always be healing Izuku and no matter how much you didn't like it, you understood. Especially after you met with Recovery Girl.
• The class LOVED you and it wasn't too long before you were an honorary member of Class 1A. You were similar in a way to Izuku. You were adorable and sweet and fiery to a fault. You were a bit more confident then Izuku as well as being less over the top.
• What surprised everyone the most was that Bakugo was more open to you. He was still his normal standoffish self but he didn't go off on you like he did Deku 
• The class also became very protective of you. If there was any threat that they found out near you, they had either Izuku or Bakugou to call you to make sure you're okay.
• And heaven help the person that did hurt you. If your brother didn't get to them first, they had no chance of escaping the rest.
• Izuku always made sure you got to your own school before heading to UA. That became harder when he had to move into the dorms but you were given permission to visit by Aizawa (he hoped it would help keep Izuku in check.)
• Speaking of Aizawa became fond of you too, not that he was going to mention it. He would do anything for you that he would do for his class.
• All Might even was fond of you. After his retirement, you would make him batches of different things that helped with his condition and the pain from it.
• Like we said, you were loved by the class.
• Sato and you would bake together. He would teach you new recipes and vice versa.
• Uraraka and you were fast friends. You were also very appreciative of her for being friends with Izuku. After you found out what over use of her quirk does to you, you made some candies to help with nausea.
• Kaminari, Sero, Todoroki, and Sero knew they could come to you for anything. Like help with homework and studying , if they need someone to talk to, anything really.
• All the guys made sure that Mineta didn't bother you. It took everyone to hold Izuku AND Bakugou back when he tried something the first time. 
• You were friends with everyone in the class but the ones you became closest with outside the two boys was Kami and Ojiro. The three of you have their weird but perfect balance between you. Kami was drawn to you at first because he's Kaminari, come on. He's a flirt but when you showed genuine interest in him and genuine concern when he short-circuited, he let him be himself with you. 
• And Ojiro, how could you not like him. He's so sweet and you two just clicked. Like two peas in a pod. To be honest, the overall exciting energy the class gives off is overwhelming to you. Ojiro's calm disposition is welcoming to you. You both work hard for your goals and support each other through hard times. (Not to mention the small crush you have on the man that Izuku definitely doesn't tease you about incessantly.)
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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