#Just useless rant
petitepatateuwu · 3 months
It's way too hot and I am way too tired to do any more efforts, so excuse the critical lack of quality here.
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If you didn't know, Cole is my favourite Power Ranger :D
And while I was binge watching Ninjago I had the pleasant surprise to see him physically and mentally traumatized in season 5 😈
And since I'm a huge sucker for angst, my brain immediately thought of developing that idea in order to hurt my beautiful baby boy some more. That and also the fact that my brain immediately looks for logic in the laws of cartoon physics (I really shouldn't do that...)
So I bring you the "Cole is a Ghost Kind-of-Saga". I still have a few more ideas to exploit, notably adressing the ways the other ninjas will help him cope with his new condition :3
And maaaaybeeeee a small comic too 😇
Anyways, I will let my brain rest a bit for now and sleep.
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problemnyatic · 11 months
This is your regular reminder not to conflate top/bottom with dom/sub because the queer community does not need another goddamn gender binary, especially not from inside the fucking house
maybe reskinning cishetero gender roles with a coat of rainbow paint is not actually a good thing and inhereting the exact same stereotypes is bad and you shouldn't do it even as a joke! thanks
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ganondoodle · 8 days
i am being so brave trying so hard to hold back writing a rant about that 'minimizing narrative noise' comment on totk sage concept art bc its actively flying around in my head like the worlds most annoying fly
#ganondoodles talks#zelda#i have .... thigns to say...............#i need to wait until i get a look at the entire book#and cant go on rants on single comments#then again .... what else is in there .................#i am dreading this thing#like id rather know that there was trouble during development than having a dozen of shitty comments obviously trying to cover up-#-for something- this CANNOT be true#yes narrative noise is a thing that exists- but in THIS game????????????????????????????????????????????????????????#like you basically cut down the already boring plot into its bare essentials that isnt executed well either#and then add confusion and menaingless detailes like the sage helmets “”connecting“” the sonau to the shiekah#when rly it just makes it more confusing bc the hsiekah a prectically gone- the fuck kind of conenction is there#like THAT is what id call narrative noise- weird details that make no sense and arent important#also you cant make a character the equivilant of a blank box and then say 'we wanted them to feel powerful and scary' or sth#BC YOUD NEED TO MAKE THE CHARACTER ANYTHIGN -BUT- A BLANK BOX TO HAVE THEM BE INTIMIDATING#ALSO all the ancient stupid sages do is stand around repeating words like they are puppets- you dont see them fight ever#“intimitadtign” my ASS the useless little knife fake zelda throws at sonia from half a mile away and prob wouldnt even have gotten through-#-her hair is more intimidating than any of the blank box mc sages#youd think they learned their lesson when they made the botw champions DLC bc it fleshed their characters out more and added better-#-shrines BUT NO apparently that was a big mistake huh#maybe thats why every single character is reduced to one boring stereotype or a blank box of nothing in totk#having zelda be anything else but a swooing little damsel waiting for her prince was narrative noise needing to be removed HUH#writing team all fired or what- literally WHAT was going on in there
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elletromil · 11 days
pros of being stuck in a meeting: you're not "really" working
cons of being stuck in a meeting: you're stuck in a meeting
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 8 months
I didn’t want to say something. But I’m seeing a lot of posts that irritate me lately.
I saw a twitter/X thread back then that calls out artists who draw WWX as someone who’s shorter/extremely shorter than LWJ. Reading the comments on that thread and people just supported it and even said that those artist have no idea about canon. They also mentioned CQL and said that WWX is obviously much taller than LWJ there.
And the thing is… so what? If artists draw WWX as shorter than LWJ so what? Firstly, it’s canon but that’s not the main point of this argument. The main point is: Let artists have the freedom to express themselves however they want. If they want to draw WWX as a baby-height and LWJ as an overly tall man, then LET THEM! It’s their fucking right and who the fuck are y’all to shame them for doing something that they enjoy? If you don’t want the art, simple, SCROLL PAST IT. Or much better, try to fucking do your own version.
You see, these artists have probably spent years practicing/perfecting their own craft so they have the freedom to do whatever the hell they want because they earned it. None of you have any say to tell what an artist is supposed to draw except for the artist himself/herself.
And these days, I’ve also seen posts here in tumblr now shaming fanfic writers for liking a certain trope. I’m not gonna elaborate but they’re simply just saying stuff like “i can never understand people who depict lwj as—“ “why the hell do people think wwx is—“ I’m not gonna elaborate but basically they’re calling out fanfic writers.
So again, SO WHAT?! SO. FUCKING. WHAT? Whenever you click a fic, you are already in the writer’s territory. You are already in the writer’s mind and imagination that you are lucky enough to be in because the writer was skilled enough to share it to the world. These writers have talents and that’s why they chose to express themselves. Just like artists, writers also have the freedom to express themselves HOWEVER THE HELL THEY WANT and none of you have any say in it. If you don’t like a content, SCROLL PAST IT.
So what if I want to depict LWJ as a shy teenage girl who gets flustered every time his crush is around? So what if I make WWX suffer even in his second life just because I want angst? So what if I make LWJ a damsel in distress?
You see, artists and fanfic writers all have different perceptions and imaginations. So please stop shitting on it. Or I will fucking step on you.
If you have time to complain, then you also have time to draw or write your own imaginations. And it’s better to do the latter than to fucking shit on someone’s happiness and freedom.
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kelluinox · 2 months
Listening to westerners is becoming increasingly like listening to vatniks and it's frightening and depressing
#I remember when they laughed at ruscists for falling for the most basic absurd propaganda#but how is what they're saying now any different?#find the difference between “they bombed donbas for 8 years” and “75 year old occupation” I dare you#or putin standing in front of a map and pretending there's no ukraine when it's right in front of his eyes#and hamasniks pulling up maps depicting the 12 tribes of israel and going “see!!! no israel!!!”#i swear you all sound and behave just like braindead pro putinists and I never want to hear a word from you ever again#in your idiocy you empower putin#you empower the islamic regime in iran#you empower china and north korea#you are all pawns in the game of these terrorist regimes and people with imperial ambitions and I am so done with you#i have family in Odesa Ukraine#i have relatives in Israel#i grew up in russia and know this regime intimately because I GREW UP HERE#it's infuriating watching you privileged dumbasses empower terrorists#oh and don't even bring up the fucking UN the UN is a fucking useless corrupt organization I've been done with the UN for years#and I've especially been done with the UN ever since they didn’t expel Russia and Russia was allowed to keep vetoing any resolutions#UN is more interested railing against a tiny country in the middle east than an empire the size of Africa that's trying to conquer Ukraine#when was the last the icj ruled against Russia btw?!#they have all the time for Israel but not Russia?! are you fucking kidding me?!?#how does Israel have more resolutions against it than the world combined which includes RUSSIA#Russia has always been an expansionist empire and it expanded in 2008 and 2014 and now in 2022#but no the jews are your main fucking problem#i am disgusted#rant over#antisemitism#fuck russia#fuck the un#fuck the icj#russian war crimes
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silvernyxchariot · 4 days
Tumblr is filled with horny bastards, so this is probably the wrong place to vent or rant about this. But it's been bothering me for a while.
If it made you uncomfortable, then Hoyo succeeded in making the character and demo.
I don't play, nor do I want to play ZZZ, but I still watched Jane Doe's character demo because of all the negative comments about it. My initial reaction to all of it was, "What in the puritanical 2024 bullshit? 💀" It really wasn't that bad or "gross."🧍‍♂️ At this point, just stop playing all the games that make you uncomfy.
The phrases I see the most in the comments section are "goober," gross, and S@'d. "Goober," without looking at Urban Dictionary, just means "horny" or "perverted," I surmise. I empathize with victims of sexual assault, but this is a sensual and sexual character with a tall female model, large bust, wide hips, and a small waist who is also interrogating an NPC. She LOOKS like she was built for the people who simp for "mommy 😩💦" characters. Upon first glance, someone else who also doesn't play ZZZ told me, "Oh, she's a demon." So...
A villainous character, being villainous! 😱 Omg, what are the odds!
Someone also commented that "Children or people who are way too young are consuming media that they shouldn't be," and true. I see that every day when parents buy their kid yaoi or some shit without questioning it. But that's not anyone else's fault but the parent and child consuming the content. Media is diverse and does not need to cater to everyone's moral compass.
It's no one else's fault either if you can't read or ignore warning labels. ZZZ is labeled T for teens for possible "violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling and/or infrequent use of strong language." Did you expect Jane Doe to be Mary Poppins?¿ 💀💀 Or should media censor everything for ✨️the children✨️.
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spicy-seaweed · 9 days
mmmm I don’t like anxietyyyyyyyy
no posting for today queue is paused on both accounts (main and seconds—for those who follow both)
Somewhat rant in the tags 👇
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dartalias · 24 days
I want to finish the Yangchen book
I really do
But every time i open the app where i read i see the Kyoshi's novels RIGHT THERE and i think in all the analisys i could/want to do of so many characteres and i just...
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nero-spicy-sucks06 · 3 months
I get that I am more exposed to disabled people and disability, and I need to recognise that fact more often, but how hard is it to look at a product and recognise that it's not for you!! or just in general to remember that disabled people exist!! and trying to understand their experiences?! Is it not the common human experience to try to understand perspectives and experiences that don't align with yours?!
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death-limes · 8 months
fuckin uuuuuuuuuuh sorry if this is a hot take or anything but “ai art is theft and unfair to the ppl who made the original art being sampled” doesnt suddenly become not true if the person generating the ai art is disabled
and its also possible to hold that opinion WITHOUT believing that disabled ppl are in any way “lazy” or “deserve” their disability or “it’s their fault” or any of that bullshit
i get that disability can be devastating to those who used to do a certain type of art that their body no longer allows in the traditional sense. but physical and mental disability have literally NEVER stopped people from creating art, EVER, in all of history. artists are creative. passionate people find a way.
and even if a way can’t be found…. stealing is still stealing. like. plagiarizing an article isn’t suddenly ethical just bc the person who stole it can’t read, and being against plagiarism doesn’t mean you hate people who can’t read.
the whole ableism angle on ai art confuses the hell out of me, if im honest. at least be consistent about it. if it’s ethical when disabled people do it, then it’s ethical when anyone does it
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doodle17 · 4 months
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My new job has been way harder than I would like it to be... For those curious, I'm currently working for my city. We basically mow lawns, clean the parks etc. From 7AM to 4PM (I only work 7 to 12 tho) The first day was easy, second day was okay, today was ROUGH.
If it wasn't already obvious, I draw and play video games in my spare time so I have, humilating, weak arms. I can't do as much as I would like to without getting help from the guys I work with. Which wouldn't be an issue if any of them could actually lend a fuckin hand around here.
I've only been here for 3 days, I have no experience with doing yard work other than lawn mowing, weed pulling, and again, weak girl arms over here. It's really hard to get their attention because I'm about 75% certain they're either really deaf or purposefully ignoring me and my sister when we ask for help.
I wish I could be working with the older guys who hired me. 1. Because they actually walk you through what you need to do and let you do things for yourself. And 2. Because, well.... Teenage boys, man. They're just a NIGHTMARE to work with. It's like they have no fucking clue how to communicate basic instructions or demonstrations. They either make me feel stupid or make me realize how stupid THEY can be. There's never an in between.
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cakesmelons · 1 year
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Also bonus doodle just for u Melon ;3
(Melons edit, not part of og submission: I ran out of room in tags, BUT ty ty ty ty I loved this sm 💕💕💕💘💘💘)
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thechaotichorselord · 2 months
vent below. it’s mostly just feeling stuff. I’ll delete it later.
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it’s kind of funny how depressed I get when I can’t make something perfect.
and even if I make it to the best of my ability, I don’t really think it matters much. this is what I get for burning myself out. I keep trying to do things and not being able to do them because they’re outside my skill level.
it’s a loop. I want to be good -> I practice -> I think I’m ready to try something bigger -> I get burned out -> I think I won’t ever be able to be good -> I feel forgotten -> I think that nobody really cares about my arts -> I know people care about my art but I want to be better -> repeat.
I don’t understand what im doing wrong. i feel like ill end up hated. I’ve been told im very forgettable, and it’s true. one thing i do is forgotten in the long run. everything. I don’t really leave any impact.
that’s all. I hope you didn’t read this, I don’t need anyone concerned about me.
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racke7 · 4 months
BNHA's Societal Problems
I genuinely really like BNHA's world-building. But with how much fanfic I've been reading, I feel like I've come to an awkward conclusion in regards to it.
The Big Problem of BNHA isn't "evil bad guy". It's "society needs to change".
This isn't much of a conclusion (lots of people will agree with me on this point), but the problem with the Big Problem is that it can't really be solved.
Or rather, it can't be solved by having someone "punch a Bad Guy" or "do something inspiring" or "reveal scandals". These things can help, but they can't actually solve the Problem.
The Big Problem can only really be solved by a boring politician, doing boring-politics stuff with regulations and legal precedents.
Deregulate quirk-usage.
Not in the sense of "anyone can do whatever the fuck they want" (the Meta Liberation Front's ideology), but as in "if you have rocket-feet and you want to run around in traffic, you at least need a goddamn moped-license".
Because, despite what a lot of people might assume (especially in these days of AI-scraping), we have laws and regulations for a shitton of fucking things.
Uraraka wants to work in construction and lift heavy items? She needs to take a basic exam for lifting things with construction-cranes, because dangerous things can happen when heavy objects fall. Uraraka wants to send things flying up into the stratosphere? She'd likely need some level of a drone-license (because she will be interacting with "air-space"). And if shit happens? She can still be held legally accountable for her actions. Because that's life.
Will this solve everything for everyone? No. Obviously, a lot of people would still get screwed over either by their quirks or by people reacting to those quirks. But it would give the government a solid legal framework for regulating quirks in a way that is safe and reasonable for a society to do.
(And as the MLF proves, "doing whatever you want" is not really feasible in a society that doesn't effectively have a "slave class" attached to it, for things to be done to.)
Dismantle the Pro Hero Industry
Some Pro Heroes would likely not be happy about being turned into cops. But with the reasonable "we will give you an appropriate license for your continued work"-attachment, a lot of those would likely either split off entirely from the industry, or go into things like rescue-work, private investigations, or even outright just "being idols".
There are a LOT of different jobs out there, and considering how many Pro Heroes already have multiple jobs (Present Mic has three), it's not so strange to imagine that a lot of those Pro Heroes might simply abandon their role as "Pro Hero" and become whatever else they were splitting their time with.
And "legal enforcement" shouldn't really be in the hands of private citizens, because that's how lynch-mobs happen.
The Problem with the solution for the Big Problem
It can't be fucking done.
See, it effectively requires popular support, which it can't have because this is part of BNHA-culture and so would require massive public upheaval (because "everything works just fine as is").
It also requires a politician who doesn't care that suggesting these things is basically akin to suggesting that "the FBI needs to be dismantled" (with an equal chance of them being found dead), despite how they likely have "good friends" in positions of power over there (otherwise they would never have made it that high, politically).
Not to mention how any Villain-attacks during this is likely to swing public-support into the direction of whichever side promises to "protect citizens" from violence (which is what the Pro Hero Industry's whole fucking PR-machine is all about).
So... it's basically a bunch of semi-impossible hurdles, stacked on top of each other.
And it's a series about punching the shit out of the Evil Bad Guy, so trying to swing the story into that minefield of a mess? Good luck.
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Why do people have to be needlessly mean?
Like. This isn't an issue I've had here, or an issue I've had personally recently, but
I follow this one Supernatural group on Facebook, where it's turned into a trend for people to post pictures and ask which character/what kind of character they would be in the show
And the sheer amount of bullying like
You could just scroll by if you don't like it but NOOOOO
Someone literally leaving a vomit-gif as a comment, just?
¿Fucking why?¿? Am I missing something here???
Did potentially ruining someone else's day make you feel better about yourself?
Was it such an important application of your time that could not have possibly been used for anything more productive?
Like maybe, just maybe, and hear me out, instead of being a raging thundercunt, you could perchance go fuck yourself?
Fuckin humans, man. Istfg.
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