#Kid just got kinda curious and died blue balled
Haikyuu Boys and the moment they thought their child came from satan
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Suna, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi, Daishou, Numai and Iizuna
Warnings: Children, children can be cruel- please proceed with caution, the guys being called not-nice-things cause kids are (albeit cute) incarnates of satan. I say this with love, and yes I have trauma, mentions of injuries, nerf guns and shooting someone with them, pushing someone down the stairs
Akaashi Keiji:
When your son was first born, he was very much a parents-only child. He didn’t like to be held by strangers, which were anyone not his parents.
But there was one exception to that rule, and that was Bokuto.
Which was good because even as an adult I don’t think Bokuto could handle being rejected by little Akaashi.
As he got older, he slowly warmed up to more people, but he was still very shy everywhere not home.
Bokuto had been visiting for the weekend, wanting to come see his friend and his family!
Bokuto had left that morning, and your son was still not happy. He really wasn’t a difficult kid, but this weekend had been a long and active one, so he was very tired.
And seeing as he was indeed Akaashi’s son, he was also very blunt.
“Come on buddy, let’s go take a nap. I know you’re tired.” Akaashi tried to coax his son to come with him, eye brows furrowing when his son shook his head and refused.
“Why not?” his son pouted as he looked up to his father.
“Cause I want uncle bokuto…” Akaashi frowned as he kneeled in front of his son, “I know, but he’ll be back to visit soon.”
His son shook his head, “No, I want him now, I want him to tuck me in.” One of Akaashi’s eyebrows rose, his head tilting to the side abit, “Why Uncle Bokuto? Why not daddy?”
His son sighed, “Because I don’t like you, I like Uncle Bokuto.” Before he trudged off towards his room, dragging his blue blanket behind him, leaving Akaashi speechless and betrayed.
You wasted no time in assuring Akaashi that ‘he didn’t mean it!’ and that ‘he probably won’t even remember it when he wakes up’. But that didn’t do much to sooth the seething pain of your first born betraying you✌😔
Washio Tatsuki:
Washio was outside with the kids, watching over them while they played.
You were inside, talking on the phone with your mom and sipping a cup of tea/coffee.
You were flipping through a magazine, laughing at a memory your mom had brought up, when the front door burst open.
Turning around, the smile on your face dropped when you saw Washio holding your youngest (3 yr old son), who was balling his eyes out.
Apologizing to your mom you stood up from the couch, immediately walking over to them.
“What happened?? Did he get hurt?” Washio sighed as he gently handed him off to you, running a hand through his hair as he shook his head.
“I don’t know, he won’t tell me. All I know is he’s scared, but he won’t tell me what scared him.”
You frowned as you held your little boy, cradling his head against your chest as you slowly rocked back and forth, whispering words of comfort into his ear and kissing the crown of his head.
Eventually, he stopped crying, he was still a bit sniffly and had a few hiccups, but he had settled down quite a bit.
You sat down on the couch with him on your lap, Washio standing after he had brought the twins in as well.
“Wanna tell me what scared you baby?”
Your little boy looked at you, slate gray eyes shimmering with tears as he wiped his cheek before turning to look up at your husband.
He pointed a little finger, “Daddy, daddy’s scary.” He then proceeded to dive back into you, head snuggling into your neck.
You quickly looked up to see your husband's eyes widen as his jaw dropped, looking down to your son in complete and utter disbelief.
It broke your heart the way he clung to you that night, head buried in your chest as he quietly asked if he was a good father, conclusion: kids can be cruel…
Please don’t hate me, i guarantee this hurt me more than it hurt you
Konoha Akinori:
You had brought out old videos from Konoha and yours high school years, wanting to show them to your kids since they were curious. And you and Konoha had wanted to trip down memory lane anyway.
You had chosen a game of Fukurodani vs Nekoma, since those were always good ones.
Your kids were more than entertained to watch it, since dad had long hair?!?!?
They also liked seeing some familiar faces, like Komi and Saru and others obviously.
But one of your children found a specific moment a little...too funny.
It had been a rough match, and a close one as Konoha had remembered it. Akaashi had been subbed out after a ball caught his nail, Washio had very minorly twisted his ankle, and Bokuto had already gone through 2 emo modes, the 3rd not far away.
Konoha had been getting over a cold, he was no longer sick but he wasn’t at 100% yet, so he wasn’t completely in it.
Not to mention he had to make up for the absence of both Akaashi AND Washio.
It was half way through the second set, he was in the back and Yamamoto was up to spike, only Konoha wasn’t expecting Yamamoto not to hit and instead for Kuroo to come up from the back, meaning the ball his Konoha right in the face, knocking him down on his butt.
You all kinda laughed at that part, I mean, who wouldn’t? (don’t lie-)
But what you didn’t expect was a full on demonic cackle coming from your 3 year old who was sat in between you and your husband.
It wasn’t a chuckle, or even a laugh, IT DIDN’T EVEN SOUND LIKE YOUR 3 YEAR OLD!!
It was...unsettling, and when she bounced back not 2 minutes later, you snuck a glance over to your husband, who was slowly scooting away.
Kita Shinsuke:
Kita came in from the fields, closing the door and slipping off his shoes, stretching his hands above his head as he groaned.
He smiled when he heard little foot steps echoing through out the hallway, watching as his little girl ran towards him and into his arms.
He smiled wider when you walked out of the nursery, little baby in your arms as you came up to him and gave him a kiss.
Time skip to dinner that night, all 4 of you are sat at the dinner table.
Kita is sat at his usual spot on the end, you sitting to his right as his daughter sat to his left, you feeding the baby.
He put down his fork to rub his neck, fingers trying to work out the knots that had formed over the past few days.
“You know, granny and I are going to get massages this weekend, why don’t you join us? Gin said he’d be willing to watch the kids.” Kita smiled towards you as he nodded.
“That’d probably be a good idea, thanks honey”
You nodded as you continued to feed your youngest, sending silly faces and smiling at her little giggles.
Kita was about to continue eating when his oldest daughter asked him a question.
“Hey daddy? Why do you need a mass-age.” He chuckled at the way his daughter said massage, going back to eating.
“I’m goin’ cause my neck is sore sweetheart, it’s just from work, nothin’ to worry bout.”
Your daughter nodded, returning her attention to her plate as well.
“So, basically, daddy’s just really, really old.”
You turned away so your husband wouldn’t see your smile, and it worked until you snorted and started laughing.
His small glare towards you only making you laugh harder.
“It’s not bad daddy, you’re just really old, but s’okay, I still love you.”
He shook his head, eating the rest of his dinner with a pout as your daughter carried on like nothing happened and you explained why she shouldn’t say those things.
Suna Rintaro:
Suna was sat on the couch with his oldest son and daughter, watching a movie.
Obviously it wasn’t scary or inappropriate for children, I mean, it was a kids movie. But he had to admit, this one was cutting it a little close.
He would have turned it off but...it really wasn’t that bad and the kids were sitting quietly and watching it, so he figured it’d be okay.
His kids weren’t exactly squeamish, and they didn’t scare easy, but they were also only 8 and 6, so he wasn’t going to risk it.
He also didn’t want to risk it with you, he had a comfy bed and he’d prefer to continue to sleep in it😊
Sometime after the half way point of the movie, a scene came up that was questionably violent for a kids movie. There wasn’t any gore or anything, but it wasn’t a clean death either.
He reached for the remote to change it when his kids started giggling.
Not like uncomfortable awkward chuckles, I mean real and sincere laughter...AND SOME DUDE HAD JUST DIED?!?!?!
Suna texted you with a ‘please help, our children are demons’ as he tried to return his focus to the movie and not his snickering children.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
Ushijima had just picked 3 of his kids up from school, and was taking them home.
His 2 oldests were talking to each other about school while his youngest (of the 3, not in all), just sat quietly and listened to the radio.
His oldest had asked about his day, and Ushijima told him all about his practice and the practice games they played.
The 2 oldests were entranced, and loved hearing about the sport, his middlest however did not.
It’s not like he hated the sport, but it wasn’t really for him. He much preferred martial arts to volleyball, which was fine with Ushijima, at least his son was happy!
Anyway, Ushijima and his 2 oldests started to talk all about volleyball, the middlest looking confused.
“Wait, why is it like that?” Ushijima peaked in the rearview mirror, “It’s the rules, like how there are rules in Jujitsu.”
Your middlest turned towards the window, “Yeah, but Jujitsu is cool, volleyball sucks.”
Ushijima almost crashed, and it wasn’t long before he got home, pulled into the drive way, parked, and turned to face his middlest with a face that said ‘where did I go wrong…?’
His son just turned to face him, “What?” Ushijima shook his head, turned off the car and headed inside.
When he got inside and walked past you, all you heard was him muttering ‘no child of mine will say that about…’ as he headed straight for the bedroom to lie down.
Yahaba Shigeru:
Yahaba was walking around the living room, sorting through the mail as he separated bills and important things from junk mail.
He had been working in his office all day, doing paper work and what not, and right now he had his ear buds in since he was technically in a work meeting. (muted with the camera off cause how else do you do things virtual?)
So he was completely unsuspecting of his two sons as they snuck up behind him, both holding nerf guns in their hands as they crept closer and closer.
Yahaba had paused, slipping his phone out of his pocket as he started to talk to his coworkers about something when all of a sudden the unmistakable whirring of the automatic nerf gun started.
Before he could even turn around his sons had open fired right on their dad, Yahaba yelping as he started to run, grabbing a pillow from the couch as he fumbled with his phone, desperately trying to mute himself between being pelted with nerf bullets.
“ACK- hEy! You two! Quit it!-” He had made himself a shield out of the couch cushions, finally getting his phone and apologizing to his giggling coworkers, he wasn’t in trouble obviously, the distraction and entertainment was a gift to them all.
The meeting then finally ended, and Yahaba turned to find his sons searching for bullets, him shaking his head as he walked towards them.
“Nice try boys, but I collected the bullets as you shot me, so there’ll be no more of that.” His youngest shrugged as he then decided to instead throw the toy at Yahaba, his oldest then hitting him with it as he shrieked and made his way to the master bedroom.
Iwaizumi Hajime:
You and Iwaizumi had 3 boys.
3 boys who were close in age and high in energy, never a great combo when they’re stuck indoors because of the rain.
You had been taking a nap due to a weather-related head ache, while Iwaizumi did some work from home.
He had heard some questionable sounds coming from the basement, but he didn’t pay them any mind, figuring they were just being kids.
That is until he heard a distinct ‘ow!’ from his middlest.
Walking down the stairs he could hear his youngest chanting something like ‘fight! Fight! Fight!’ which obviously made him move faster.
He rounded the corner to see his oldest and middlest in the middle of a circle, each with one of his boxing gloves on as they circled each other.
“The heck are you guys doing??” They all turned to face him, that was when he noticed they had drawn on themselves to, what he guessed, look like pro-wrestlers, the basement was also a mess.
“Having a cage match, it’s 2 for 2 so far, this round decides the world-class-gladiator-basement-fight-to-the-death match, and the loser gets sacrificed.”
He almost let it go as his boys were being normal boys, until the last part hit him.
“Wait- what?! Sacrificed to who?!” His son giggled, “I don’t know, it’s only pretend, daddy.” Deciding he could no longer bear their empty stares he made them clean up the basement before spending the next 1 ½ hours cleaning off marker.
Futakuchi Kenji:
You guys had taken your 3 girls to the park to have a play-date/picnic with Aone and his wife/kids.
You were sitting and chatting away with his wife, while Aone and Futakuchi talked about their high school days, Aone gladly telling Futakuchi’s embarrassing moments.
Your youngest daughter was 3, and so far it has proven to be the worst of any age they had experienced yet.
Or rather...he had experienced yet.
For you, she was a perfect little angel, sweet and giggly, super cuddly and very much a momma’s girl.
But towards her daddy? She held nothing but malice. She would often smack him and run away to you giggling, or scrunch her nose up at him when he tried to get a hug or kiss.
You guys didn’t know what brought on this sudden hatred, but you were sure it would pass someday.
Your baby girl had waddled up to the picnic blanket and plopped herself down on your lap, playing with some nearby grass as the more adults continued to talk.
Deciding to try his luck, Futakuchi got the attention of your daughter.
“Hey, why don’t you come sit in Daddy’s lap.”
Your daughter turned towards him and shook her head, “No.”
Futakuchi pouted, “Why not?” Your little girl huffed as she only turned her head this time.
“Because I don’t even like you dada.” She then plopped her head back down on your chest while you and Mrs. Aone started laughing and Futakuchi’s face showed only pain.
“hEy! I helped make you, the least you can show me is some gratitude!” Your youngest only stuck her tongue out at him, causing an audible chuckle out of Aone and more pain for Futakuchi.
Daishou Suguru:
When you and Daishou had your first child, your daughter, you never had a hard time getting her to sleep.
But for some reason, lately she had been getting out of her bed in the middle of the night, with seemingly no reason.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Daishou loves his little girl.
But sometimes...kids can be creepy, and yours were no different.
When she woke up at these awful hours of the night, she’d just go to you guys’ room and...stand there...she wouldn’t say anything, just stand there with her teddy bear in one arm and the other hanging limply at her side.
It was almost 3 am, so naturally Daishou had long since been asleep.
He had just rolled over to the edge of the bed to grab some water when he almost screamed.
Standing right there was his daughter, just standing there, watching him.
He sat up, rubbing his eyes as he took a deep breath.
“I- go back to sleep, it’s late.” Your daughter just nodded, turned around, and walked out of your room and back into her own.
Heart still beating out of his chest he got his sip of water, laid back down and tried to go to sleep, which proved difficult with the blank stare of his child still stuck in his mind.
Numai Kazuma:
You, Numai, and your 4 children had taken a road trip as your big summer vacation.
Currently, you were all driving through this cute little town on the out skirts of one of the cities.
Two of your boys were sleeping, one reading his picture book, and your youngest and only girl was looking out the window.
You had taken a turn driving while Numai had taken a small nap, although he had woken up a little bit ago.
You guys had gotten to the outskirts of this small town, and were coming up on a cemetery.
Your daughter was 4, so she knew what a cemetery was. You guys weren’t too worried, she had grown up with 3 older brothers so things like bugs or ghost stories never really bothered her too much.
You and Numai had started talking to each other when you heard your daughter speak up.
“Hey mommy, hey daddy,” You took a peak into the rear-view mirror, your husband turning to look at his daughter.
“Yeah baby? What is it?” Your husband asked as he smiled towards his little girl.
Smiling, she turned towards the window and pointed to the cemetery.
“That’s where all the dead people are.”
Numai blinked as he just nodded and turned back around in his seat, slumping down as his eyes held a certain ‘deer in headlights’ look, slowly turning to see you as he pointed towards your daughter than to you.
“That came from your genes, not mine-” He winced when you slapped his arm, shaking your head as you too tried to erase the utter creepiness you were feeling after that.
Iizuna Tsukasa:
Iizuna yawned as he walked out of the master bedroom, having just woken up from a 3 hour nap.
Today had been a particularly intense game, which they had won, but had left him exhausted.
You were downstairs in the bathroom, working on washing the magic-marker your other children had put there off of your 10 month old baby while your 2 oldests were upstairs in time out where you left them.
Iizuna walked through the hallway, smiling as he heard his two oldests talking and playing. Or at least, it sounded like they were playing.
Recently, your oldest, your daughter who’s barely 4 and your son who just turned 2 had been bickering all the time, fighting over toys and had resorted to pinching.
When you had caught them and put them in time out, Iizuna was dead asleep, so he didn’t know his kids were supposed to be in timeout, and at the ages they were at it wasn’t unusual to see them play together.
Turning the corner his smile dropped as he sprinted towards his kids, watching in horror as his oldest pushed the middlest down the stairs, simply watching as her brother tumbled as Iizuna lost 10 years of his life.
Quickly scolding his daughter he ran down the stairs and carefully grabbed your son, who thankfully had no injuries, heart beating out of his chest as he sighed.
You, having heard tumbles and then tears, speedily rounded the corner with your now marker-free child in your arms.
It was safe to say neither of you knew how to respond to that, your oldest simply waving from the top of the stairs as Iizuna now has a significant amount of trauma.
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Ok so... I know I already have a fic going on right now, But... me writing Harley and Ivy as moms/parents to Marinette got me thinking about other fics I could write, so hear me out.
Either Harley or Ivy as Marinettes bio mom... (or both due to a crazy person's experiment...) it will also be a Damianette fic so yeah.
Ok, here are the options:
A. Harley is with Joker... they have a 'special' night or something, and then Joker tried to kill Harley for the something-ith time, and she finally leaves him thanks to Ivy. Ivy and Harley have been friends for a little over 3 years, and Harley may have started feeling happier around Ivy for awhile, and only realized after being free of the Joker that she really loves Ivy, and they start dating like a week or so after that realization.
After some time Harley will wake up with morning sickness, she gets cranky not wanting to go to the docter, but they go anyway, and that's when she finds out she's pregnant. They get back and Harley is in and out of horror, excitement, and all the weird moods a soon to be mother goes through. After a talk with Ivy, they decide to keep the child, and then Marie Quinzel-Isley is born 8 months later. She will still have midnight hair and stunning vibrant light blue eyes, and she'll grow up learning tricks like slight of hand, gymnastics stuff, self-defense, the proper technique to use a bat, and the other usual child of rogues things... (like love for the environment, and extremely exotic pets...).
B. Harley is long over the Joker, and is with Ivy, they are known for their environment protectiveness, and the occasional theft thanks to something Selina drags them into. During two separate occasions, one with Harley getting kidnapped, and then like a week later Ivy, some villain gets their blood, and fusses both their blood, and with plot magic and unknown science, they create a child, when the vilian steels some sort of plant Ivy really loves (and can enhance the baby's meta-powers) Ivy and Harley stumble in on the villian preparing to give the baby some sort of weird something in a needle, they beat the life out of him, asking what the hell he's doing with some random kid. said villian will then tell them it's not just any random child, it's your child (insert some crazy laugh) he gets beat up more, because wtf? who makes a baby out of people's DNA without their consent?(ehem, Talia ehem!!)... anyway they see this child, and it just so happens that in the moment, the baby opens her eyes, and they fall in love with her, effectively keeping her and naming her Mary Quinzel-Isley.
Now for her powers:
For option A. She can just be born with abilities that are a good chunk above the average person. She will learn how to fight with anything and everything, and will be great at reading people.
For option B. She can have both above average physical abilities, and plant manipulation/communication, and will still be good at reading people to some extent. She will learn how to use anything to fight, and will be a little chaoticly creative ball of joy to be around.
and for either option she can also learn magic and stuff, or just have a natural affinity for it, and is also taught by the Riddler so she can kick butt and Riddle me the f-ck out of anyone.
Now on to the Miraculous part, which can be in either option A or B:
Marinette will spend most of her life in Gotham until the Bats start getting a little to curious as to why a mini Harley/Ivy is running around fighting both wannabe villians and on occasion some Teen Titans hero (Beastboy, they become buds after she kicks his butt for the 10th time. and will later be friends with Raven). Selina is also dating Batman so when Selina tells them the Bat is looking for Marinette, she gets stuck with taking care of Marinette until the heat dies down. So when Marinette is 10 she and her Antie Selina go to Paris, where family friends of Selina own a small yet wonderful bakery. Marinette is then introduced to Tom and Sabine, she later meets a crazy girl that lives on her skates named Alix Kubdel and they become friends, since she is kinda board with the school system there, she starts to take up hobbies, like Sewing, more gymnastics, and fencing, where she meets and befriends Kagami Tsurugi. The three are joint at the hip, and are always daring each other to do stupid and or silly things. Marinette always goes back to Gotham on both summer and winter break, but is alsmot never allowed to go out just in case the Bats find her... (almost) she sneeks out sometimes to hang out with Beastboy to see how he and the Titans are doing.
When Marinette is 12 thats when things get a little weird... as in she starts feeling extremely creative/(more)Chaotic at the same time when she's doing something. During one of her Creative/Chaotic moods/feelings she goes out for a walk, noticing a man that fell in the middle of the road, she instantly goes to help him up, leading him to the sidewalk. When she handed the man his cain, she gets a VERY sudden feeling of power, when she looks the man in the face she sees he is also slightly shocked. She wished him well and darted back to her house not looking back at the shocked man. on the way back she starts seeing things... like seeing the dark thoughts of everyone around her, as well as their life energy/force it overwhelms her, and when she gets back to the Bakery where her and Selina are staying she quickly greets everyone and goes to her room. She thought her room would be safe from the weird energy she was seeing but no. There on her desk would be a small box of either Chaotic energy or Creative energy (I'll let you decide which Kwami She gets, 🐞 for Tikki, and 🐈‍⬛ for Plagg(if you choose Plagg Selina will be happy, and Plagg will cackle with Marinettes' mom Harley...just saying)) anyway, she doesn't touch the box until the next day, most of the weird energy looking stuff is gone except for whats surrounding the small box. The Stone heart thing will still happen, (I can see either Alix or Kagami weilding Tikki, but more Kagami. Alix can still get Fluff if she doesn't get Tikki, but I'm not sure what Adrien will get in the future... Maybe Roar(So he's still a Catboy, or Tiger boy)) So they'll face Stone heart and so on, the rest of spring is crazy, she quickly realizes the old man was the one who gave her the box, found out where he was (due to the crazy energy around his shop, which for convenience is maybe 15 or so blocks away from the Bakery). She has a talk with him and tells him she leaves Paris every summer and winter break, and is then given Kaalki... (permanently bc... plot, and bc she is a special f-cking girl that could rule the whole world if she willed it damit!). So she becomes a hero, and she blows it during her visit to Gotham, and ends up telling her moms and antie about the tiny cat god ("OMG Kitten! I knew it!No wonder you started using more Cat puns around me!" - Selina at some point) and the tiny horse god ("Dey're so f-ckin' cute!" - Harley) So more shenanigans ensue.
So these are my Ideas for a Harley and or Ivy Bio moms to Marinette fic, please let me know whether you want option A. or B., whether you want Marinette to have either Tikki🐞 or Plagg🐈‍⬛, and whether you want her to be called Marie, Mary or just Marinette Quinzel-Isley. Hope you're all having a wonderful day, stay safe, and saty positive. !BUG-OUT! 🐞💮🐞
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Legless On Maim Chap. 10: Epilogue: Aliens, Ghosts, And Humans! Oh My!
Vee’s a bastard, Danny’s a bastard, Eddie’s a bastard, ClockWork’s a bastard, Lewis’s a bastard; everyone’s a bastard. And multiple minor characters say why the fuck not and join the bastardly fray.
Danny sighs and turns his head back towards the kitchen, “Lewis! Come collect your monsterfucker boy toy!”. Eddie rolls his eyes like he’s heard this a fair few times.
Lewis walks over, “Eddie? Really? I mean one, kid’s not healed. Two-”, grinning, “-thanks for winning me a bet”, and side-eyeing Danny.
Danny points at him, “hey, doesn’t mean-”. Eddie doesn’t even let him finish that, smirking, “oh it does mean”. Danny sighs and hands Lewis what he thinks is a twenty though really? He’s kinda amused. Smirking at Eddie, “congrats, first dude to ever figure things out on their own”.
Sam shakes her head grabs everyone but Lewis and drags them out of the house. Lewis shakes his head, sips at his drink, and heads back over to his friends; Danny could handle Eddie.
Eddie blinks as they stop getting dragged by the goth, “are you serious kid? You look nearly identical with the glowy bullshit edited out”.
Sam smirks, “people are stupid and Danny’s a walking existential crisis”, looking to Tucker and Danny, “so much for Vampire Dad 2 I’m guessing?”.
Danny immediately points at them, “no you go, illegally record it or some shit”.
Tucker rolls his eyes, “you just don’t want us around Mr. Murders And Eats People without checking him out”.
Literally both Eddie and Danny respond with, “hey and I’m taken”.
Tucker blinks, “okay that was fucking weird”, while Danny and Eddie side-eye each other. Sam shakes her head and pulls Tucker off, knowing damn well Danny will just become a ball of overprotective.
Eddie shouts after them, “let it be known! We don’t eat kids!”. Which makes Danny wheeze when some dude at a stoplight shouts back at them, “good! I’m supposed to be getting my mom some blue hydrangeas from the goth! Doubt I can get then from a digested corpse!”.
Eddie mumbles, “everyone in this town is fucking weird”, looking to the side, “shut the fuck up bitch”. Which just makes Danny laugh more. Eddie looks to him, “anyway, you smell fucking weird and those are the most convincing fake leg crap ever”, sighing, “no, we’re not taste-testing”.
Danny snorts and kicks a rock as they start walking randomly, “actually totally do, I’m curious and, I’ve got legs for days”, and slides his hand down his leg with mock sexiness.
“Do you have a death wis-”, before going wide-eyed and suddenly getting bodily flung into Danny, “no! I don’t think he’s serious!”, regardless they end up in a bush with Danny muttering ‘ow’ and missing a bit of shoulder.
Danny stands himself up easily -a bush is by far not the worst thing he’s been bodily shoved into- and rolls his shoulder, Vee’s got some sharp teeth. Damn. Eddie untangles himself and staggers up, making some faces and muttering, “that’s it, no Lindor for you”. Danny lifts an eyebrow when a little black oily snake or something just sprouts out of the guys' shoulder, seemingly sneering all teeth, “HE OFFERED EDDIE”. Eddie grabs the head? and shoves them at his shoulder muttering, “back in, bitch”.
Danny starts wheezing as Eddie looks to him, “also you- oh”, turns back to the bush and promptly throws up. Making Danny fall on his ass laughing, so much for can eat anything! Snapping a probably not flattering pic of the guy bent over a bush, captioning it ‘guess who’s inedible’, and throws it in the Phantom chat.
Eddie hacks a bit, hands on his knees. Wiping his mouth, “ugh”, blinking down at the weird black/green bubbling sludge on the ground, that was slightly dissolving the bush leaves, “what the Hell are you made outta, kid?”.
Danny laughs loudly, “death!”. Laughing more at the little black snakehead popping out of the guys' neck and sticking out their tongue at him; he thinks they look either disgusted or slightly ill.
Eddie rights himself and quirks an eyebrow at Danny’s totally healed shoulder, “fuck you heal fast”.
Danny chuckles some more, standing up off the sidewalk and giving his shoulder a little pat, “Lewis lied, I’m completely healed. Family just don’t know. And to actually answer your question, ectoplasm and human stuff too”, pointing at the bush, “but that was probably the ecto”.
“Well I guess I ain’t eating fucking ghosts anytime soon”.
“JUST SPIT DON’T SWALLOW”. Danny wheezes more at the little head and Eddie looks to them, “the Internet was a mistake”.
“BUT WHERE WOULD YOU WATCH POR-”. Eddie smashes them against his skin, “no! He’s actually a minor. And we’re in public, asshole”. Looking to Danny, “how the fuck were you in Egypt though?”.
Danny shrugs, “eh, I’m tight with the god of time”. Eddie blinks and mutters to the side, “fuck me”. Danny chuckles, “no?”, which Eddie actually laughs at.
Eddie looks around, “alright, since someone made me lose my perfectly fine lunch, there a hotdog stand or some shit?”.
Danny snorts, “no clue if you’re referring to me or Vee”, tilting his head, “huh, that rhymes”, smirking, “cool”, looking back at Eddie, “if it’s food you’re after then the Nasty Burger’s the place”.
Eddie tilts his head and shrugs, “eh you made us eat at a place called fucking Flavours Of Negros ‘cause you thought they served people”. Danny decides against commenting on that one for so many reasons.
Danny walks and points in the direction of the place, “if it’s anything, it used to be the Tasty Burger before someone stole the T”.
Eddie quirks an eyebrow, “that explains nothing”.
Danny shrugs, “there was a public vote and adults hated how all the teens loved the place. One mayor even banned teens from there”.
“Oh the stinking rich one that’s definitely shady as fuck and is kinda like you but for some reason is rocking some vampire bullshit?”.
Danny pauses and blinks at the guy, what the fuck? “How the- okay I get how you figured me out, I literally challenged and baited you. But how the fuck did you put Vlad and Plasmius together?”.
Eddie gives a goofy grin, a very smug one, “I didn’t, but thanks for confirming”.
Danny grumbles, “sneaky bastard”, but is smirking the whole time, “how’d you narrow him down to Plasmius though?”.
Eddie shrugs, hands in his pockets, “ego the size of the moon and rich people are always into weird shit”, pausing and rolling his eyes, “babe, we’re an alien/human cluster fuck. We absolutely are one of them fucking rich people into weird shit”.
“There’s a lot of ways I could take that”, Danny tilts his head, “wait, you’re rich?”. What?
Eddie grins like an idiot, “Life Foundation paid me out big for infecting me with a venereal disease- I mean Symbiote”. Danny just watches as the guys' legs seemingly gain a mind of their own and walks him straight into a pole.
Danny shakes his head at the guy not even seeming phased by that. “Well, I got jack shit for dying”.
Eddie points at him, “so you legit straight-up fucking died? Not just falling in a vat of ghost acid like some fucking spooky Joker bullshit, but less ‘murder a bitch in a burning pile of cash’ more ‘I actually think spandex looks good like a damn fool’”.
“Hey, don’t diss the supersuit! That shit’s my skin man”, shrugging, “at least a layer of it. I fucking died in that shit. On that note, don’t walk into giant vortex tunnel portals to alternate dimensions fuelled by four billion volts of electricity built by explosion prone people who leave switches inside stuff and want to punch holes into the afterlife for funsies, science, and a little bit of mild torturing”.
“Huh. Well fuck your life too then kid. Literally”, rolling his eyes, “not that literally. We don’t kill kids and I don’t think we can make someone double dead”.
Danny sticks up a finger, “actually that happens. And I’m only half-dead, motherfucker. Check yer facts”, smirking, “I’m a real dead-ringer for life, and too bad doc gave away my scraps. ‘Cause if I tossed ‘em in the portal I could really have one foot in my grave”.
“I’m pretty sure he’s not supposed to do that- bitch that is exactly why our ass will never be a doctor”, almost looking genuinely offended, “hey, you leave my intellect out of this, you cunt”.
Danny wheezes a bit, does this guy really just talk like this? “How have you not been forcibly admitted to a mental asylum? And no he ain’t but can’t let torture happy gov dogs have my shit”.
Eddie grins wide at that. “You know so I give precisely zero fucks. And nice, fuck the government. I think we’ll get on fine”.
Danny snorts, “oh I have serious beef with the gov. Fuck them. I absolutely have blown up government bases before”.
Eddie nods approvingly and actually fist bumps Danny, “fucking same, and I have enough dirt on people I could ruin their lives if they came after me”.
Danny grins almost menacingly, “the government section that’s here is a literal government secret and completely ignore any and all laws. Wouldn’t put it past them to experiment on child corpses or assassinate the president if he seemed ghost friendly”, shrugging, “Tuck keeps tabs on them, dudes a damn good hacker”.
Eddie tilts his head and nods, “I could use one of those”.
Danny snapping, “not for murder you don’t”.
“You’re too moral”.
“You’re not moral enough”.
Both of them wind up laughing at that since neither actually sounded serious or genuine.
Eddie shakes his head, “anyway, what’d Dan do with your leggy bits?”, muttering to the side, “Dan doesn’t eat people, Vee, and you’re never going to convince him to try”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “gave it to a ghost, Skulker was probably tickled green to get even part of my pelt”, pointing at Eddie, “he’s a poacher. He would cry tears of joy over successfully skinning me”.  
Eddie stares at him, Vee’s little head popping out and opening their mouth very wide, “WHAT THE FUCK”.
Danny smirks, he effectively freaked an alien; talk about life, or death, goals, “I have issues. Many of them. And they like to shoot at me”, glancing around at the finally clear street before full force grabbing Vee’s face, “I’ve held off but, oh my Ancients alien sofuckingcoolohmyancientsfuckingfuckyoufeelsofuckingcoolwhatsyourchemicalcompositionlike?canyoueatEddie’seyesandleakdownhischeakslikeblackmurderspacetears’causeIhadareallycooldreamaboutthatdoyouhaveanyspacerocks?ohmyAncientshowfarawayisyourspacerock?isitevenrock?orgas?floatylava!oh!oh!isitallblacklikeyou?orisblackrarecolouringforsymbiotes?redwouldberealcoolbutkindalikebloodwhichweirdrightgreenwouldbefunnycauseI’mallgreenydoyourcoloursevenmeananything?you’relikealittlevoidahungryvoidandohmyAncientsyoureyesaresocoolhowdotheywork?whatcoloursdoyousee?whatsyourfavourite?canyouseethroughEddie’seyeslikenormalhumaneyesoraretheyallenhanced?doesourplanetlookprettytoyou?andohyourteethwhataretheyyoudon‘thaveanybonewhataretheyconnectedto?wheredotheygocanyoumakeEddieallteethy?seemlikeyou’dbiteyourtongueallthetimewhichouchyourtonguelookssomuchmoredetailedhowmuchcanyoutaste?What’syourfavouritenotpeoplefoodLewissaidyou‘resuperoldsoyou’veprobablytastedsomuchshitfromallovertheuniversewhichjustlikeholyshitAncientsendmeZonecomethandgrantmesweetreliefwherehaveyoubeen?whatplanets?whataretheylike?madeoutof?thesmells!whataboutthesmells!?!yousmelllikebutterandcandiedeelandcigarettesmokewhichmustbeEddie’sfaulttellhimhe’sbadyoumustbesoconnectedthenthoughwhat’shisbodylikeversesotherspecies?whatotherspecieshaveyoubeenwith?what’stheirmusculaturlike?howdotheybreathandseeandhearandeverythinghowfarhaveyougone?whataboutallthestars?howdifferentaretheysetupelsewherearetherestarswecan‘tseehere?haveyoubeenonastar!oh!canyoueatastar?haveyou?waitwaitIforgotwhatdoyoutastelike?youbitmesotittatit’sfair”.
Eddie watches in slightly stunned disbelief as Vee desperately tries to get out of this kid’s grip but the kid's nails -claws actually?- are somehow clinging really well and he just leaves the ground and gets dragged with. Knocking everyone over again and licking? Vee. Then prodding their teeth, but that gives Vee the chance to get comfortably back inside him; feeling obviously super confused and startled.
Eddie has to practically kick the kid off him when he literally sticks his hand through Eddie’s collarbone where Vee disappeared through. “Ohthat’ssocooltheyslipthroughyourpoursandskinsuremyectoplasmdoesthattoobutit’snotanalienohmyAncients”.
Eddie stands, basically holding the kid at arm's length in the air, “Christ on a shit stick kid chill, holy shit”, muttering, “now I get why Dan said you like space with a little smirk”. It felt like the kid was literally vibrating under his skin and fuck, it just hit him how fucked up this is. He’s holding the hero of Amity Park up in the air by the waist. This kid’s got an entire year on his ass and doesn’t, like, y’ know, murder people. And the kid just went all fucking uncle tickles on Vee. “Everything you just said was unintelligible garbage”.
The kid stares at him with eyes almost painfully bright green, “you think your freaky long adult arms are gonna do shit?”, and proceeds to just make a whole ass nother half body out of his fucking shoulders. Eddie scrunches up his entire face, “I’ve never been on this end of the body horror, oh god”, as the kid's new pair of hands grab for his face.
Vee takes over going big ass Venom, because this is some bullshit, and holds Danny away with their claws by the kid’s shirt, like he’s an over-aggressive kitten. Danny just puts his hands to his face, the extra body sorta dissolving into green misty stuff, eyes sparkling, “so cool”. Which both Eddie and Vee think is a bullshit reaction.
“Howdoesthatwork?whatdoesthatfeellike?you’reinafuckingaliendudeohmyAncients”, grabs Venom’s wrist and makes some kind of weird staticky squealing noise, “ohitfeelsthesamebutmorestructuredandtheveiningislittledifferentandohyoumotherfuckeryouareablackandwhitelittlebitch”. Danny makes a few faces and talks like a normal breathing-required person, “you stole my colours bitch”.
Vee doesn’t say shit, just retreats into Eddie’s body and drops Danny; who doesn’t seem to give a damn about landing on his ass, standing back upright in seconds.
Eddie makes a bunch of faces at him, settling on just looking tired as fuck, “kid, what the fuck?”. Rubbing his face and grumbling, “I’m too sober for this shit”.
Danny chuckles, dimming his eyes some, “sorry not sorry, I like space. And Vee is an alien from space”, shrugging exaggeratedly, “sure I’ve been to space but totally not the fucking same”.
Eddie raises an eyebrow, “you’ve been to space?”.
“I can fly and don’t need to breathe, of course I’ve gone to space”, shrugging again, “sure so has my girlfriend but she has a hoverboard. And bitch yes I’m dating a ghost hunter who used to want to murder me real good. Occasionally still makes light stabs at my half-life”, smirking, “we both enjoy the little love taps”.
Eddie blinks and mutters, “well damn Dan, kid’s a mini-me... minus the murder, and probable alcoholism, and job, and probably the piss shit and vinegar childhood; heck he’s still a child-”.
Danny cuts in, “you really do just mutter to yourself in general huh? Not just to Vee”.
“You're weirder than Dan. He’s just chill chill ‘bout me having an alien up my ass, you’re enthusiastically chill. He just goes ‘huh, guess this is happening. Hi new friend, please don’t eat me’ and you’re over here like ‘let me touch theeeeeeeeem!’. Almost enough to make me regret coming mildly”.
Danny blinks, oh Hell no, “no, no taking the alien away from me. Also, Lewis is way weirder than me”.
Vee pops back out, Danny not even bothering to hide his grin, and looks at Eddie’s face, “ARE ALL HUMAN CHILDREN LIKE THIS?”.
“Hey, I’m almost seventeen I’ll have you know. That’s almost adult”.
Eddie looks at him and laughs a little, “no kid, no it’s not. I’d say twenty-four is the cutoff. And you feel like a kid too, and I don’t mean that in the human way”, scrunching his eyebrows, “and the fuck did Dan do? For you to think he’s weird. And why the fuck do you use his last name? You don’t scream pompous formal snob”.
Danny blinks, “oh! You can sense peoples ages? Or childness”, tilting his head, “sure adult ghosts can do that so you’re not special, but whatever”.
Eddie grumbles, “fuck you too buddy”. While Danny continues, “what hasn’t he done? Guy hid me in a thermos while having happy personal time with the bone saw when the government-sponsored anti-ghost militia came to abducted and probably torture me, and he hardly gave a shit. Guy doesn’t even react to ghostly supernovas. Super great dude though”.
Eddie grins, his opinion of this kid going up a few levels, “oh I know, he’s great”.
Danny nods immediately, “just the best. Totally stan”.
The conversation then becomes a solid ten minutes of just ‘Dan Lewis is just a really great dude’ and ‘I know right?’.
Danny chuckles, “and pompous snob is more my evil villain uncle’s thing. Lewis is a Lewis because Dan is an evil version of me that, like, low-key annihilated humanity once”, tilting his head, “who I’m oddly less traumatised by now. Eh, I blame Lewis”.
Eddie blinks, and Eddie thought his life was utterly fucked, “I usually blame him whenever anything goes right in my brain square”. Vee looks to him and practically screams, “STILL NOT A SQUARE EDDIE!”. Eddie aggressively shoving them back in when someone inside the building yells, “Jesus fuck!”, and sticks their head over their balcony, “oh, it’s the fucking Fenton boy. That explains it”, and disappears back into the building.
Eddie looks back to Danny, “I’m guessing you get away with a fucking lot”.
Danny shrugs, “me and my friends are the town weirdos. My parents, the town crazies”.
“Wow, you were screwed the day you were born”, shrugging as they continue walking in genuine yet again, “granted my dad liked to hit me with a shovel so fucking same”.
“Eh, mine used to be really into trying to dissect me. Liked shooting at me, but my dad’s a terrible shot. Though the little couple day torture session in the dungeon was not my idea of a good time”.
Eddie blinks, “I’m literal nightmare fuel and I’m telling you your life is a fucking nightmare. What the fuck”. Vee sticks their head out from Eddie’s jacket, “WOULD YOU LIKE THEM EATEN? WE ARE ALREADY GOING TO EAT EDDIE’S IF THEY EVER SHOW THEIR COWARD FACES”.
Danny immediately snaps, “no. Try that and I’ll impale you with a flaming shank”, and points a pointy chunk of ice that he got from somewhere at them. “My parents are great. Little bigoted, but we’re working on that. Oh and on that, they don’t know about your whole ‘alien up the ass’ situation. So maybe don’t go all chest-burster on them. Also don’t know I’m Phantom, neither does the girlfriend”. 
Eddie shakes his head, “so you’ve been doing hero shit without any parents or any other fucking thing?”. Eddie thinks that’s some major bullshit.
Danny shrugs, “eh, I got some adult ghost friends and clockpops, even of I seldom see any of them”. Danny chooses to ignore Eddie aggressively whispering ‘Vee’ and ‘no’ repeatedly to the side. “Vladdie tries to be a father figure but he’s a fucking fruitloop and probably spends, like, half his time finding new fun ways to taser me or maybe he’ll try the whole ‘I’ll murder your friends and family’ schtick again”.
Vee forms half a head on Eddie’s head and basically shrieks, “THAT’S IT! WE’RE ADOPTING BABY GHOST HYBRID PREDATOR!”, and whacks Danny on the head with a tendril.
“What?!? No! ‘Ready got parents, human and ghost!”.
Eddie smirks and rolls his eyes, “too fucking bad. Not literally. They’re just saying you’re a small blob to be protected. Which like, the fuck kid, you're on par or worse than my fucked up life”.
Danny rolls his eyes, though ‘protected by an alien’ sounds fucking awesome. “I could beat the shit out of you”.
“Is that a challenge? That feels like a challenge. And Vee does get bored of smashing around squishy humans sometimes”.
Danny grumbles, “you are way too fucking cool with murder”, and shakes his head with a smirk, “Lewis told me your weaknesses. My strongest ability just so happens to be a supersonic wail. I could level a city, you ain’t winning shit. Also a pyrokinetic, so double fucked”, Danny finger guns at him and shots little blue flames out; Vee, in typical fashion, hisses.
Eddie groans and dramatically sags, though not putting any real effort into it. Trying to play off the discomfort Vee sends his way over fire being so close. “I’ll admit, the Internet is all over the fucking place on what you can do. Some seemed like some crackfic bullshit. Same goes with the theories about you. Found one group that think you’re literally bloody fucking Satan coming to deceive the youth and bring about the end of times or some bullshit. Even a shoot off that you’re determining the merit of our souls and indoctrinating humanity into peace with the dead”, waving his hand around, “and some other crap about you being death itself”, pointing at him, “the stories told around you are just as fucked and wild as us”.
Danny blinks and squints at the guy, “okay, now I’m curious because that’s disturbingly close to the truth”.
Danny quirks an eyebrow and smirks, “what? Did Lewis not mention that? The whole prince and eventual king of the dead thing? My defeat of the previous king was kinda a big deal, especially since it got the town abducted into an alternate dimension for a bit and attacked by a skeleton army”, smirking more and shrugging, “and co-existence is defiantly a goal of mine. And kingy is considered the will of the Zone so that is pretty much being death itself. And soul judging comes with the job”, tilting his head, “more of a passive thing though”.
Eddie blinks, “yup. In over our head. My soul is probably pretty fucked”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “no clue man, I ain’t king yet and hopefully won’t be for a few hundred years”.
Eddie raises his eyebrows, “so you’re vaguely immortal? We really are too similar”.
“Oh?”, Danny’s face lights up, “oh! oh! Does Vee’s weird healing of you stop the effects of ageing? Any cells or shit that gets damaged or worn they can just rebuild, reform, or replicate?”.
Eddie gives an almost impressed nod, “yeah, how the fuck did you guess that?”.
“Dude, alien’s meat puppet? Before dying fucked my vitals and physiology I was on my way to being an astronaut. My entire family are scientists, I have my own scientific patents, and my sister’s a certified genius pioneering a new field of psychology. Ancients, Lewis is bartering to get me into med school because he wants me to work with him. And my archenemy is a hardcore mad scientist. If I was dumb and not creative, I’d be deader. Dead with a side of dead sauce”.
Eddie shrugs, “I’d say I’m a dumbass so that’s different, but while I’m a dumbass, I’m a smart dumbass”.
“Fucking same. Investigative reporter probably requires a good head and creativity”.
Eddie chuckles, “yeah, I would have died long before Vee dropped on my ass. The whole situation that led to Vee was me biting a fish bigger than I could chew”, Danny then watched him go all Sauron demon voice and have suddenly very sharp plentiful teeth, “NOW WE ARE THE BIG FISH”, and grinning all teeth,
Danny eyes the teeth and grins, “so cool”, shaking his head, “not the biggest though and no snatching my guppies”, and grins, all fangs.  
Still using Eddie’s mouth, “LOOK EDDIE! IMPRESSIVE TEETH TOO! TOLD YOU, PREDATOR!”. Eddie seemingly takes back his mouth, teeth staying though, “I think I noticed, babe”, pointing at Danny, “big ass fangs you got, pretty sharp yourself”, and he has no clue why the kid is looking at him with awe and wonder; probably the alien/space thing again, which is probably going to be a running theme with this kid. Poor Vee.
Eddie gets his real answer when Danny mutters, or attempts to mutter anyway, “hoz? Wiz youvz so goovz at talkin’z? Iz canz barey fuckin’z zveekz”.
Eddie blinks, sputters, and promptly starts laughing. That explained that! The kid hadn't learned how to speak while being sixty-percent teeth yet! Hahahahhahaha. Bending over, hands on his knees and wheezing. Granted, his first time rockin’ shark teeth had been god awful and Vee had judged him so hard. Speaking of Vee, they pop out of Eddie’s jacket yet again and squint at Danny, “BABY. HASN’T EVEN LEARNED TO SPEAK PROPERLY YET”.
“Fuzz youv. Dizt”.
Eddie bursts out laughing more and has to sit down on the sidewalk, “hahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha”.
“Shovz tit. Thvez nez!”, and promptly stabs his lip, which Eddie laughs so hard at that he tears up, Danny just scowls, “adulvez fanz, chilz faze; dozen worz”.
Eddie lays on the grass, “hahaha I have no idea what you said kid! Hahaha! You’re really good at the whole unintelligible garbage schtick, aren’t you. Haha”.
Danny flips the guy off, switching to ghost speak which was perfectly easy to do with his fangs, since it was all scratchy echoing warble static. Made by vibrating ectoplasm, different teeth (since each tooth had different density or number of pores or solidity), clicking his jaw, and only a small amount of actually moving his mouth, “t̵he̶͞y͏̕’̵͜r̵ȩ̴͟ ̕n̡o͢t ͜m̵̷ad̡e̷̴͢ ̵̸fo҉̶r̶͏̨ ̵E̡̛ņ̛g̸͢l͠͞įs̸͠h̸̶͟, a̸s̛͡s̷̕h͟o̸͞l̢e̕.̶ ͏̷T̵͟h̴͏e͢y’̕re͜ no̧ţ͟͜ ҉̧͜e̛v̴͟en҉ ̨̛̕ma̸̕d̶̡e̡ f͢ơ͟r̷̡ ̢f͟͢͞l̡͘e͝s̶h ͠͠a͜͡n̡̛ḑ͘ ̨͞b͏͟o҉n̢̛͘e͠,͠ ̨͘e̶͡c̛͏t̛͠o̕’̕͏s̶ al͝wa͟y̨s͢ a̸̧ ̵l̸̨i̵͝t̢͢tl҉ę̵ mor̨͝e̢ ̵̕f͜o̵͡͡r͏g͢i̷̶͞v͏i̸̴n̸g̵̢.̧͡ D҉̕ic̴k̨͢͠”, then deciding to be a real asshole and put some serious power behind it after checking no one was around,
“y̰̠ͬ̄ͭͣ̈́̚ȍ̜̹̚ú̡̖̺̘͓́̔ ͍̖͈̫̗̺̫͆ͧ͒w̛͒̀̿ī͇͊͝l̹͖̝̖̻̹̳͛̅̍̾̓͒l̯̗̻̲ͣ̄ͭ̚̕ ̧̝̻͕̈̽d̵̹ͮ͊̃̏͒i̦͎̝͔̻̭ͤͫ̎̓͂ͮ̐͡ͅe̹̝̲̠̞ ̢̬̘̈̑͐͐ͮ̄o̩͇̰̻̎ͬͨͬ̂ͮ̽ṅ͔̘͙̮͍̋͊͋e̗̳͉̽͆̚ ̙͎͍͙̠̫͘ͅḋ̗̩̱ͪͧ́ͅä̡̺̰̩̺̺͖y͉͔̞̺̦̩̣͋̇͋͆ͤ̅ ͙̭̠̩̬ͪ̄͐̉ͬ͐ḁ͆̅n̫̤̤͈̭͌̽̋̅ͨ͛̚d̦̘̬̻̹ͭ ̧͓ͤͫ̋͂̐I̴͉͍̟̪͈͗ͭ̍̎͒̋͂ ͕̘̳͇̝̤̅ͭ͋͛̃w̸̱͙͖͇̫͕̯ͫ́͌ͯ͆̊̑i̛̒̒̆̓͊̚l̼͉̩͍ͦͪͨl̲̗͍͙̲͚̖̈̍̐̈̚ ̳͍̒̆b͓̹̅ĕ̮̖̣ͨ ̪̹͉̘̉̅ͨt̛͉̲͍̖̬̩͙͐h͈̹̥̥͓͗ͣe̬r̛͖̘̺̱̥͍̆ͮͪͮ̑ͦͬe̎̆̍”.
Eddie blinks from the ground, promptly sitting the fuck up as a shiver ripples down his spine and through Vee; who instinctively hides back in Eddie, which honestly weirds Eddie out a bit. The kid smirks down at him, meaning scaring was literally the goal here. Blinking at him, “the fuck. Alright your voice is officially more frightening than Vee’s. The fuck. That sets off every bloody alarm bell, damn. I’m supposed to be the one that scares the piss outta people”, pushing himself up and staggering only a little, “well, Vee technically. Guess we’re both scary little monsters”, smirking down at the kid, “emphasis on little in your case”.
Danny pointedly retracts his fangs before speaking, “fuck you, I’m gonna be, like, seven feet tall one day”. Eddie just rolls his eyes at that, not even considering the fact that Danny is absolutely correct.
Vee pops their little head back out and immediately moves to hiss, all teeth, in Danny’s face; who hisses right back. Eddie thinks it’s like some weird asserting dominance thing. Which seems exactly like what Vee would do, gotta try to save face after going all hiding whack-a-mole. Though with the temperature dropping and what’s up with the colour palette of this town?
Symbiote and halfa stop and grin toothy at each other.
“So cool”.
Eddie shakes his head and points at the sign in the distance, “would you look at that, I think I see your favourite poorly named restaurant in the difference”, this kid is going to inflate Vee’s ego at this point.
Eddie rolls his eyes, “says the alien up my ass“.
Danny’s cheeks go noticeably red, puts up his hands startlingly fast, turns on his heels, and half shouts, “nope! Hello Nasty Burger!”, and starts walking.
Eddie chuckles and shakes his head, least the snarl-fest is over. Though feeling like they just exited a surreal pocket dimension after a bit because suddenly there are people around again, it’s warmish, the colours are normal, and leaves are falling slowly. “Your town is some weird bullshit”.
Danny laughs and grins at the guy meanly, “it’s a ghosts lair, what do you expect?”.
“The whole town? Talk about overkill”.
Danny mutters, “fuck you. Ghosts are dramatic”, as he pushes open the doors.
Eddie gives the most sarcastic, “You don’t say”, he can muster. “Sure makes driving interesting”, tilting his head and chuckling a little, “okay, yes, and fun”.
Danny snickers, flicks his hip hard enough to make a metallic ping, “guess I’m not the only one that has a hard drive”.
Eddie doesn’t get a chance to respond to that as some kid shouts, “holy Zone it’s Eddie Brock!”.
Danny tries not to laugh as Dash of all people runs over, “dude the complication videos of you bashing people’s faces in and shit are fucking legendary”.
Eddie blinks, “I like that’s what I’m known for”. And some ginger kid mutters, “I prefer his exposé”, gets up and points at Danny, whisper sneering, “I hope he exposes your ass, Phantom”, and stalks out of the restaurant.
This gets Dash to actually notice Danny’s existence, “Fentit! The Zone’s a weak loser like you doing with someone famous?”, looking Fenton up and down before smirking, “you look not dead, soooooo”, and moves to snatch that weird basketball kid’s half-empty drink off the table. He doesn’t get a chance as Valerie -who’s honestly scary as fuck- shouts, “if you even think about it I will make you eat that cup and clean the floor yourself!”. Dash puts the cup down when the manager also shouts, “and I’ll let her!”.
Danny snickers meanly and points at a clearly confused Eddie, “Oh didn’t you know? We’re friends”.
Dash snaps, “bullshit”, and shoulders his way past Danny.
Danny shouts after him, “oh I dead ass am!”. While Valerie walks over, in uniform, and hugs Danny, “Zone I’m glad to see you up and about”, grabbing his shoulders and looking him up and down, “your parents scare me”.
Eddie does know how to take a queue, ten bucks says that’s the girlfriend, and just goes up to order. On that note, the fuck is a triple death meaty mighty? I mean, he’s totally ordering that, whatever it is. “-and I’ll have whatever qualifies as strong coffee”. He’s pretty sure Danny and the girl are making out, low key but still.
The cashier glances at Danny and back to the -holy fuck this dude’s famous- Eddie Brock, “you know the Fenton kid so I’m just gonna give you what he orders. One Deathspresso”.
Eddie smirks and laughs.
Eddie’s gonna take that compliment.
Eddie ignores that. Watching the kid just get his ‘usual’ whatever the fuck that is. 
Eddie raises an eyebrow at the girl when she joins them at a table. Not even having to ask as she goes from zero to murder a bitch in a split second, smacking a hand on the table and pointing the other at his face, “eat anyone and I’ll blow your ass up with a missile launcher. Even try to eat Danny and you’ll find me standing over you with a cattle prod”.
“Been there, done that”, and gives an award-winning sultry smirk.
Danny chuckles, “this a bad time to mention they already tried a sample?”. Eddie nearly chokes on his coffee due to one, fuck this is impressively strong. And two, the girl actually pulls out a weirdly shaped cattle prod. Danny snatches the weapon away, “we’re cool Val. ‘Parently I’m inedible”.
The girl grumbles, “fine, but I'm watching you”, and sounds aggressively serious about that. Eddie watches as Danny straight up chugs half his Deathspresso; fuck this kid’s worse than him. Which is definitely not a compliment.
Valerie turns to Danny, “so obviously you’re running your cyber stuff well, but the spooky stuff? Did you, maybe, get a spooky visitor drop in?”.
“If by ‘drop-in’ you mean fell through the ceiling laughing and mildly scaring the piss outta me, then being tail bros? Then yeah”, shaking his head and taking a few bites, “seriously, what the fuck, Val?”. Obviously he has to cover his Phantom ass.
Eddie just sips his coffee, pretending this conversation makes any sense.
Danny points to the manager who’s giving Valerie some serious side-eye, “you might want to get back to work, but first”, Danny leans over with mock sexiness, “I’m glad we started dating during this time of year”.
Valerie asks cautiously, “why”.
Danny grins, “‘cause we’re autumn mated”, and points a thumb outside at the orange trees and leaves on the ground.
Valerie sighs, “fuck you”, and shoves him through the window -which had been broken not too long ago- and into a bush. Getting up and brushing herself off before giving Eddie another threatening finger point and walking off.
Eddie tosses out the trash and walks out to watch the kid pull himself out of the bush, “I’m really fucking confused that you let people push around. Pretty sure you woulda let that jock kid dump stuff on you”. Vee sneaks their head out, “EAT THEM”.
Danny brushes off his pants, “not gonna happen”, straightening up, “if Dash spends his time beating me around then he doesn’t have time to beat up the ones that can’t handle falling twenty-something feet from a flag pole or being force-fed rotten food”.
Eddie groans, “oh god, you’ve got a fucking hero complex”, as they start heading back to the kids -really fucking weird- house.
“Lewis says you do your thing for hero-y reasons. Dishing out justice, without the mercy”, squinting at the guy, “or do you just do it for the meal”.
Eddie can practically smell the judgmental disapproval coming off the kid, “kid, no offence Vee, do you really think I’d be munching on people without my little alien hitchhiker?”, shrugging and sticking his hands in his pockets, “sure we only hunt people down when we need the meal, but I’m a thorough motherfucker; they’re always bad guys. Both guys that I would have come after anyways, minus the gratuitous murder. And guys that I couldn’t go after before on account of them probably fucking murdering me”. Danny looks like he’s actively determining his worth and truthfulness.
Danny nods after a bit, “alright, you seem believable enough. You’re the moral compass of Venom, at least it seems you actually are moral”.
“I don’t know ‘bout moral kid. The filth of the world is our prey and happily so”.
“Woah, chill your tits there Jeffery Dahlmer”, anything else Danny was going to say getting cut off by a shiver travelling through his body and a little plume of icy mist, “hold that thought, Hannibal, I’ve got a job to do”, and slips off into an alleyway.
Eddie grumbles, “like I haven’t heard that one before”, and chooses to lean against a building and finish his drink.
Not two seconds later does Eddie hear that echoey voice shout, “well looks like I’ve gone from one foodie to another! Surely you’ll find me a more flavourful delicacy! But no! You aren’t allowed to divide my existence away into servings! Though I’m certain I’m a perfect recipe for heroic tendencies!”.
Eddie watches as the black and white kid, who looks waaaaaaay less blurry in person, seemingly gets blasted out of the alley by meat? Like a legit literal floating river of meat. Eddie thinks this is already some major bullshit.
Danny dodges a meat axe, having a hard time not laughing his ass off at catching Eddie’s major ‘what the fuck’ face. The Lunchlady predictably pausing after Danny blasts apart the meatsuit -he’s gonna have to figure out where all this meat came from in the first place- with a couple well-aimed blasts. She looks him up and down, and shakes her head with a scowl, “YOU'RE STILL TOO SKINNY! Cookie?”.
Danny sighs, putting his chin in one palm, “no”.
“THEN YOU WILL FRY!”, and slams him into the ground with an oversized frying pan.
Danny just shoots a beam at her from the small crater he’s in, “the only thing I need to sweeten myself up is coffee!”.
The Lunchlady stops again and deadpans, “that’s bitter dearie”.
“Do I look like I care what my taste buds think!?! I’m Death flavoured anyway!”, floating back up, “and I think these battle flavours need the added spice of my fist!”, and promptly socks her across the jaw. Talking a bit quietly at her, “you and Boxy aren’t having issues are you?”.
She waves him off, “oh hardly”, and throws him into a building via a meat fist.
Eddie eyeballs a bit of steak that smacked into the ground with an oddly satisfying thwap. Muttering as Vee uses his leg/foot to poke it, “babe, that’s gross. Don’t eat that”. He might not have standards, but he has standards. Though if the steak wasn’t cooked Vee would probably eat it anyway.
The Lunchlady flies in after Danny and presents a little serving tray, taking off the lid. Danny takes the little paper while giving her some serious confused cautious eyebrows. Laughing when he sees it’s actually a bloody baby shower invite! The Lunchlady nods curtly, “I’m well aware you rather your humans not know, dearie”.
Danny nods, “truth”, and floats up, smirking, “should I bring a boxed lunch”.
She shakes her head, “I'm not going to question how you knew her name”. Danny just snickers meanly before, “surprise thermos!”, and sucks her into his thermos.
Eddie grunts, “so you seriously use a thermos? And your enemies invite you to parties? Honestly?”. Bullshit. That is bullshit.
Danny turns and looks at Eddie who’s sticking his head in through a hole, “you know, most people run away”.
“What is ghost lady gonna do? Kill me?”.
Danny blinks and wheezes, changing back human and wiggling his tail about, “we’re weirdly similar”, shaking his head, “and she would have tried once. Ghosts know better than to genuinely try to kill my humans though”, floating over to snatch up the discarded CyberSteps and reattach them, “also, I’m more like frenemies with most of my enemies”.
“You’re stupid”. Detachable robo legs were a new one but Dan had not failed to mentioned getting stab and hack happy with the kids lower half or that the kid's parents were trying, and apparently succeeding, at playing pin the legs on the teenager.  
Danny points at the guy, “hey, all ghosts fight each other. It’s a little something called socialising; not that you know much about that”.
“Cut deep why don’t you. You little fucker”.
“I’m only five-four!”.
Vee takes over Eddie’s mouth, “BITCHES”, apparently feeling left out.
Danny tilts his head, hearing a very particular engine, and grabs Eddie’s jacket to physically yank him to the side; just as the mini GAV -which is honestly just a reinforced minivan instead of a suped-up mini-tank monster truck hybrid thing- barrels through the wall, his dad clearly being the driver. Eddie yelping, “god fuck! Holy shit!”.
Maddie sticks her head out of the door, bazooka in hand. Lowering the weapon and clearly raising her eyebrows as she spots Danny, lifting her goggles, “oh! Sweetie!”, looking down and likely checking her scanner, “darn, missed It... them, missed them”.
Danny mutters, “they’re trying at least”, before waving at her, “hey mom, don’t worry, I’m fine”.
Eddie grumbles as he stands up, “don’t mind me, I'm good too”, only to slip on a chunk of debris and land right back on his ass.
Eddie grumbling, “she’s in head to toe spandex, I don’t think she cares”. Danny rolls his eyes, “it’s useful spandex”, he’s over being embarrassed by his parents ‘fashion’.
Eddie just snickers at the kid as his mom walks up and starts checking him over, “you alright? The ghost didn’t hurt you or anything? Or were they one you’re... friendly with?”.  
Danny bats away her hand, “mooooom, cut it out. I told you I’m fine”, Ancients he hated being babied, especially in front of others. Having to make a point to keep the snarl out of his voice, can’t help the teeth-baring though, “seriously”, huffing though glad when she gets the message and cuts it the Zone out, “and it was just the Lunchlady”, shrugging, “‘parently BoxedLunch was born”. She just blinks at him.
Eddie turns to the side and laughs, “well those are... names”, and laughs a little more. Danny points aggressively at him.
Maddie smiles a little stiffly, “ghosts names usually have a meaning of some kind”, gesturing to the mini-GAV, “how about I- or Jack I guess, drive everyone back to the house?”. Jack, as if summoned, sticks his head out and waves.
Eddie shrugs, following the adult and teen into the... ‘vehicle’ thing. While Danny nods, “yup, BoxedLunch will be able to telekinetically control boxed and canned food products”.
Eddie shakes his head, “that’s stupid”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “could be Obsession based too. Usually a mix”.
Jack nods and guns it, speaking while Eddie shrieks and chants ‘no’, “Phantom seems to be the exception. But! We’re pretty sure he’s a different kind of ghost! A needed one! A spirit!”, looking to Danny, “like ClockWork!”.
Eddie just side-eyes Danny while clinging to the door handle.
“I do believe I mentioned we are called NeverBorns”. Startling nearly everyone. Eddie muttering, “oh fuck me- no not you”.
Danny tilts his head up a little, child ClockWork appearing with their arms crossed on his head. Danny chuckling slightly awkwardly, “hey Clocky, uh, whatcha doing?”. Is ClockWork showing up randomly around his parents going to be a routine?
Maddie gives a stiff nod of greeting, “hello... ClockWork”. Jack waving erratically and giving a far more genuine, “hello! Again!”.
Eddie catches on damn quick, based on the stiffness the lady seems ridiculously similar to homophobes trying to tolerate or not be an utter ass around an out and proud queer. So she was what? a speciesist? Genuinely it seems. Well that’s fucking stupid and bullshit. The guy seemed more like the ignorant type that’s actually totally cool once they know better and actually believe it. And these guys were supposed to be the creme de la creme of ghost research? Wow, fuck that bullshit. “I’m not even gonna bother pretending to understand what the fuck is going on with the baby ghost, but aren’t you guys like the fucking ghost scientists of the world? I’m detecting some speciesism crap here. Studying the whatever the fuck that you’re bigoted against is stupid and is exactly how you do bad science”.
Danny holds up a finger, “uh, actually the government’s pretty well the same and did try to nuke the Ghost Zone; which would have pretty much destroyed the universe”.
Eddie points are him, clutching the door harder when the vehicle takes a hard turn, “that’s exactly what I mean. Studying while high on the bigotry train equals making stupid decisions”, gesturing wildly, “like blowing up an entire dimension. That’s stupid. I’d metaphorically punch someone in front of the camera for that. If I were a ghost I’d probably terrorise people trying to blow my home up or shoot me for the crime of existing too”.
Maddie opens and closes her mouth a few times, “well we didn’t believe them capable of emotions-”.
Eddie quirks an eyebrow, trying to not look pathetic while clinging to the door, “oh? Just like women aren’t capable of being rational, right?”.
Maddie makes a series of faces, “that’s not the same”.
“Isn’t it?”.
“Ghosts are a different species”.
“And? Women are a different sex”.
“They’re dead”.
“The have an absence of life, so logically it made sense they’d lack things of the living”.
“Women lack balls, which those old assholes clearly thought had something to do with being fucking rational. And do I even need to start on the whole genitalia related hysteria theory bullshit?”. Danny chokes a little and covers his eyes at that. Eddie smirks, “I know jack shit about ghosts, but I can taste bullshit when I smell it”.
ClockWork sticks up a small finger, “that is not how that phrase goes”.
Eddie only glances at them, “do I care? No”.
Jack parks and stands, “to be fair, every time anyone had encountered ghosts they had been violent”.
Eddie practically peels himself off the door, “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never ran into a friendly shark”, adding like he’s almost being forced at gunpoint to, “sharks are cool as shit though”.  
Danny gets up too, ClockWork not moving from their spot on his head. Danny’s almost impressed they’ve stayed in child form for so long, means there’s probably a reason though. “Sharks are pretty cool. Awesome teeth”, and gives a meaningful smile; he’d throw in his fangs if his folks weren’t around.
Eddie gives a small smirk back, a bit of sharp teeth visible. Then turning back to the parents, “science and biased opinions don’t mix, like milk and lemon juice. Nothing is fact until proven otherwise and if someone says it’s fact, prove them wrong; your bloody well self included. Screw your heads on straight”.
Danny looks to him while his parents gape a little, “I think I get why you get punched and abducted so much. You’re, like, super confrontational”.
Eddie points at him while walking up to the door, “and you’re not?”. Which Danny will admit is a bit fair. Eddie continues, “though yes, I do tend to egg people into throwing down. There is little better than punching pompous money-grubbing jackass that fuck over the lower classes in the face”. Danny can’t ever disagree with that either. ‘Cause well... ‘cause Vlad. Though he absolutely hears Eddie mutter to the side, “okay fine, yes that’s better. Only reason I like it now is your oily ass-oh yeah you and me both-fuck off”.
Maddie bites her lip a little but nods, while Jack goes over and gives ClockWork a pretty awkward handshake; considering how small their hands were at the moment.  
Lewis opens the door just as Eddie had muttered, “fuck off”. “Lovely to see you two too”.
“Jesus fuck, God sorry Dan. Not you, you already know that though”, looking to the side again, “shut the fuck up, you cunt”. Lewis just chuckles and moves to let everyone in.
Lewis points to ClockWork, “why’s the ghost godparent slash Guardian here?”.
Eddie turns to Danny, eyeballs the tiny ghost, “who the fuck makes a child someone’s godparent?”. ClockWork immediately changes to their adult form, moving to float next to Danny. Eddie blinks, “or not a child”, then looking offended, “oh yeah mock me why don’t you”, probably being mentally laughed at.
Maddie looks to the ghost, “Dan is right though, is there a reason or do you just... hang out”.
Eddie looks to her, “let me guess, ghosts ‘don’t hang out’”. Lewis gives him a fond smile that absolutely conveys that this is pretty typical Eddie.
Maddie actually does look slightly embarrassed, which might have something to do with Eddie’s tone, “we didn’t use to think they did”. Which both Eddie and Danny huff at.
ClockWork sticks up a finger, “we do simply spend time in each others company here and there. I’ve gotten him quite good at chess and better read”. Eddie coughs, muttering, “he plays chess???”. ClockWork keeps going, “though I do have my reasons for my appearance now”.
Danny sighs, moving to sit in the kitchen, “let me guess, either has to do with Eddie showing up or-”, popping his ankles up on a chair and crossing them, “-the leggies”.
Eddie shuffles off to the living room, pulling out a shitty-looking beat-up journal; when the ghost points at the kid’s metal legs. Now that he’s confirmed a few hunches he might as well work on recent stuff he can actually get paid for.
Danny sighs, “the timer I’m guessing? Some ability or purpose you left out because it wasn’t the right time?”. Danny totally one-hundred percent saw this coming. ClockWork usually had, like, a bajillion reasons for things.
Jack laughs when ClockWork smirks and nods, “you sure know them well! Danny-boy!”. Maddie smiles genuinely at that.
ClockWork taps at the timer with their staff, “as was said, such things can alter time around the wearer. And I must say, the Observants are quite displeased over your now patchy and difficult to interpret future”, both ghost and halfa share a malicious-looking grin over that. Before ClockWork continues, “but much more importantly, you could certainly go on a nice little jog through time. A quaint little stroll down the time streams road. Hop from spot to spot on the timeline”.
Danny blinks and chuckles, putting his chin in his elbow and resting on the table, “so a free built-in pass through time? You out here making me a little optional time hopper huh?”.
Maddie leans forward, “are you saying you gave Danny time powers through his legs?”, how is she even supposed to react to that? Sure he technically had ‘powers’ already, the floating and the cold of his Core; a healing factor arguably too. Probably more, that he might or might not know about.
ClockWork pats Danny’s head, “in a way. Far less timely than me, and I will see anything he gets up to or tries. Quite suiting for a timely apprenticeship”.
Danny blinks, “if I start accidentally falling through time, I’m blaming you”. ClockWork knows how he is with new powers. Though fine, being the ‘child of time’ probably means he should have some kinda timely stuff. Jack can’t help but laugh at that, he could see just how much trouble Danny could get up to with that! Good thing this ClockWork fellow seemed responsible, which super strange to truly see from a spook! Maddie can’t help but see this as like them liking his tail, wanting him to be more like them; which she’s trying not to view negatively. Parents usually wanted their kid to be similar to them.
Lewis leans forward, “interesting choice of words, ‘apprentice’ implies job”.
Danny tilts his head, right they had told him they had a job for him. Sighing with a smile, “you’re really just making me crank my internal clock rapidly towards death”.
ClockWork gives him another little pat, looking to the parents, “traditionally child ghosts always take something like an apprenticeship under their guardian; through the passing on of power. My binds simply don’t allow for it”, smirking, “at least not through traditional means”. Danny grumbles incoherently at that. ClockWork looking to him and changing to their elderly form, “now the title proper would be ‘prince of time’ of course, being that I am the lord”.
Lewis shakes his head, Danny seriously couldn’t get away from the prince title now could he? Ghost Prince, Time Prince. Though he’s pretty sure the second is not even kinda a ruling title.
Jack blinks then looks a little excited, curiously excited, “‘prince’? Like royalty?!?”. Danny thumps his head on the table and leaves it there. ClockWork changing to a child and wrapping their tail around his neck, giving him a kinda weird neck/shoulder massage thing, “cloooooockyyyyyy”. Though relaxing and melting a little.
Lewis can’t help chuckling at that, giving him a very mocking, “awwww”, and getting a very mumbly, “fak yo”, in return.
Maddie shaking her head and a little surprised to find herself fighting back a smile, “I’m more interested in the binds thing. Your power level means you really should be a six, but you’re not”. ClockWork fiddles with Danny’s hair, leaving him to answer. Danny turns his head to the side, “they make sure the universe goes along the best and longest path. And that is all they are to do. Rules they physically have to follow. Restricts how much they can interfere”, sighing and shifting against the table a little, “can only do all this stuff with me ‘cause Guardian. Only Guardian ‘cause of circumstances and whatnot”. ClockWork nods with a hum, letting a content pleased smile be very obvious.
Jack and Maddie grin at that, both pretty damn certain now that this ghost genuinely liked and cared; no villainous motives. And if they were really thinking on that right now they'd probably cringe, obviously they’ve been wrong and probably about a lot. And Danny knew that. He was involved with ghosts, liked some, and very close with at least one. They had screwed up really, because they had hurt him in a way. He’d always been constant and firm in his opinions. His friends the same but seemingly more disappointed in them about it; probably out of protectiveness. Vlad said it like it was obvious fact but didn’t give a damn if they agreed or not. Dan was gentle and arguably objective, though he had probably talked with Danny at length. And this Eddie had pretty much come up and smacked them.
Lewis decides this probably qualifies as a ‘family moment’ so makes possibly awkward attempts to leave them alone, getting himself coffee and leaning against the entryway between the kitchen and living room. Smirking a bit to himself at spotting Eddie, who’s scribbling down his chicken scratch while rubbing little circles on noodle Vee’s head; Vee looks quite content with the situation.
Meanwhile, Maddie eyes the bit of the clock timer peaking out off Danny’s pants. Obviously the ‘prince of time’ thing wasn’t an actual royal title but more ‘family of someone important’, which was still strange. ClockWork calling it ‘apprentice’ definitely confirmed they were teaching him things beyond just chess; a bit mind-blowing ghosts played boardgames. She wonders though...
ClockWork speaks up, Danny looking a little zoned out all the while, “I prefer to allow him to teach himself. A guiding hand, rather than an authoritative voice. The latter weathers with time and often leads astray; the lessons less true and less useful. Request before you demand. Advise before you tell. And listen before you think”.
Jack grumbles, “I don’t think I quite get that”.
“To demand is to control their actions. To tell is to control their beliefs. To think without listening first is to control their voice. You have done plenty of this in the past. Demand fear and hatred of ghosts, scorn those that refuse to listen. Tell tales of your decided truth as if fact, and speaking louder if someone stuck their fingers in their ears. Thought of only others' nativity and how to reinforce yourselves when others spoke their grievances. Now you’ve tried the other path. And though it can be filled with hurt and discomfort, you’re already richer for it you'll find”, smirking faintly, “and yes, Daniel does do jobs for me; though not officially or with any real request from me. I merely pushed for timelines that aligned best and things worked themselves out as they so often do. Now I can request of him in genuine, and him of me”.
The two blinks at them, a little overwhelmed. Both pretty sure Danny might be the only one who doesn’t find them overwhelming. And Danny was probably the only one whose opinion ClockWork actually even cared about. Maddie leans back a little, “so you’re kind of like the... god who can’t truly interfere and simply must let people live their lives? Let fate play out?”.
“And, to use the phrases of mortals, I lose no sleep over that”, shifting to an adult and easily moving Danny to be practically curled up in their lap/against their chest, “I care not whether you live nor die. Whether you know happiness or suffer greatly. Beyond the effect of that upon Daniel and upon the continued existence of the time stream”.
Maddie could choose to take time that incredibly negatively, she could almost call this emotionless; but really? It was more someone whose priorities were far beyond individual beings. And besides, this meant that ClockWork would do what was best for Danny; everything and everyone else be damned. If anything, she could technically trust them with him more than anyone else. Maybe it was the bond Danny explained, or maybe it was simply them as a Being.
Jack’s more focused on how Danny absently grabbed ClockWork’s cloak and sorta snuggled up to it, very adorable and Danny would probably be so embarrassed if he wasn’t practically dead to the world. Danny seldom seemed really relaxed, so it was really nice to see! Then watching the ghosts blue hand pull out a necklace from under Danny’s collar, the one Danny always seemed to wear but never over clothing. Jack honestly has no clue what that necklace looks like and according to the paramedics it literally vanished as soon as they got his shirt off. Seeing the little silver CW charm dangling off the thin chain, he knew that thing had to be ghostly! Neither parent even has to ask.
“I gifted him this after becoming his Guardian proper. And now-”, taping the chain and suddenly a little gear charm appears on it, “-I find this to be another moment to commemorate”, letting go and the necklace simply phases through the shirt. Looking to the parents, “he prefers to keep it over his Core, which is typical for children. Symbolically saying that to truly hurt them you’d have to go through their Guardian first”, ClockWork puts in some emphasis to make the message very clear. The parents give a little nod and are actually genuinely happy to hear that.
Then they hear what they’re pretty sure is a string of swears and thud; turning their heads and seeing Dan choke on his drink a little. Danny -and ClockWork but that’s besides the point- is the only one to actually hear Eddie’s grumble about being bit. Which Danny smirks over and promptly bites ClockWork. Jack laughs while ClockWork chuckles, ahhh the joys of having a trickster who’s still growing into his fangs under their cloak. Danny does crawl off them right after though, moving to make his own coffee and obviously trying to play things off. Which gets Maddie to giggle.
Eddie stumbles in, grunts at Danny, “you like murder coffee, pour me some”, looking to the ghost, “fuck, you’re still here? Don’t you have things to do? Decrepit houses to haunt? Or children’s closets to hide ominously in?”.
ClockWork smirks, “I’m hardly the type. You should watch your local news, I believe”. Eddie rolls his eyes and shuffles back to the living room; reclaiming the couch. Danny sighs and looks to the ceiling, something going wrong in someone’s home when they leave was exactly his luck. Turning around and sipping his coffee while leaning against the counter; everyone (minus ClockWork)feeling just slightly awkward now.
So Jack jumps up, looking to Maddie, “after today I say we need to get right on rebuilding the GAV!”. Maddie looks from Jack to ClockWork to Danny, before smiling; it would probably mean a lot to Danny to just trust ClockWork alone-ish with him. Turning to Jack, “sounds like a plan, hon”.
Danny grins like an idiot to himself after they head down the lab stairs, they had changed so much! Looking to ClockWork, who grins, “one more thing, Daniel. Here”, and hands over folded fabric.
Danny looks at it, only having to fold out the hood to know it’s a freaking cloak or maybe mini cloak, “oh Ancients, ClockWork. Thanks”. ClockWork just laughs a little before throwing the cloak around his shoulders and disappearing. Leaving Danny grumbling fondly, “can’t even say goodbye”. Then looking to Lewis’s stupid smirk, “shut up”. Lewis chuckles and moves to sit in the living room. Danny electing to follow.
Danny leans over the back of the couch, looking at the absolute mess that is Eddie’s writing, “whatcha doin’?”.
“Adult stuff you’d never understand”.
“Fuck you”.
Eddie chuckles, “filling in details on the little interview I had with Cletus Kasady”.
Danny blinks, “ain’t that guy a serial killer?”, he’s not sure he even wants to know now.
Eddie quirks an eyebrow but doesn’t look away from his notebook, “surprised you know that, dudes whacky”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “nice, another frootloop”, leaning over even more purely to be obnoxious, “I should show you how to write with a proper quill, could make this look even more illegible. And writing with a fucking quill in public is a total power move”.
Eddie mutters, “that’s actually a decent argument”. While Danny squints at the words, sounding mildly unsure and tilting his head; attempting to read it, “‘there’s gonna be carnage’?”, snorting and moving to actually flop on the couch, “well someone took lessons from us spookies on being ominous”.
Eddie snorts and rolls his eyes, “more like typical bad guy trying to be intimidating”, smirking, “doesn’t really work on an actual predator though”.
Danny snickers, “tell me about it”.
Lewis sips his drink, watching the slight sharp toothy grins. Maybe those two were going to be like oil and fire, which might not be a good thing. Eyeing the short cloak that was honestly closer to a shawl, whatever, it was probably out of his hands now. Least the kid had some omnipresent god looking out for him. Positives Lewis, positives. Vee’s noodle head being suspiciously quiet is more than a little ominous though.
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tropicalfreckles · 4 years
Friends Again CH 2
Summary:   Lydia wasn’t sure what to expect, but prepared herself best she could as that familiar figure filled her bedroom with smoke and fire.
WARNINGS: They talk about trauma briefly and Lydia impaling Beej
Lydia raised her voiced the third time, feeling the air around her becoming heavy. Books and knickknacks flew off her bookshelf, clothes flew out of her dresser. A gust of wind flowed through the room out of thin air whipping her hair around. The lights in her room flickered as a fog crept from under her dresser and bed. It swirled with a vibrant green glow that crackled from the floorboards, becoming more intense as the force of the wind joined it. An eerie cackle bounced off the walls of her room. Lydia was glad she raised the volume on her music earlier. Just as a thunderous boom rattled the windowpane of her bedroom, the fog exploded in a light show and floating before her eyes was the demon.
   Just as she remembered him. Though right now he was floating above her floor looking a little bewildered, yet elated with a malevolent grin plastered across his face. He scoped the room out as his body vibrated a little. Jagged, yellow teeth. His dirty disheveled striped suit. That electric, messy green hair bleeding into the brown roots that met his forehead. The moss still growing on the side of his face. Those sunken in eyes, wild as ever. He hadn’t even noticed that she was in the room with him.
    “Hooollllyyyy shiit! Someone actually summoned me! I’m out of that piles of paperwork, bureaucratic hellhole! FREEDOM! FREEE-EEEEDDOOOMMM!” That raspy voice rang out as his fingers rung through that grimy, soft hair of his. He was so ecstatic that he jumped right into being destructive when his eyes darted to the curtains. With a swipe of his hand it lit ablaze and he turned to do more mischief next. Lydia panicked, jumping off her bed as she grabbed at her pillow and threw it at his head to get his attention.
        “Put that fire out, you dumbass!” She hissed pointing the water gun at him. The joy that was once displayed across the demon’s features now was replaced with a more complex one after he looked down. Shock hit him fast. The flames that began to engulf her curtains died out. He let gravity plant his ass right on the floor. Lydia followed his body with her gun never letting up her stance.
    “You? You.. You.” His voice cracked at first. Then became more gravelly and hoarse on the last ‘you’ he managed to croak out. Realization hit like a trucker ramming into fresh roadkill when he noticed which house he was in. Staring up at the girl he once called his friend, his hands balled up into fists as he furrowed his brow. Streaks of blue, purple, and red shot out from his hair a vibrant mix of colors betraying him with it’s display of his emotions. He inhaled deeply as he went to stand up. Lydia stomped her foot down, causing him to flinch for a moment. Beetlejuice stayed where he was instead.
        “No! St.. stay there.” She frowned. His gaze traveled down to stare at the water gun. A guttural laugh ripped from him as he gave her a snort, shaking his head.
    “What’re you gonna do? Get my suit wet? Please. A little bit of water ain’t gonna hurt me. Even if I rather stay dry.” He mumbled, crossing his arms as he eyed her up and down. Clicking her tongue, Lydia rolled her shoulders.
        “It’s holy water! Look, I..” A flash of guilt hit her causing her expression to soften for a moment. “…I just want to talk.” She awkwardly shuffled her feet around a little. Beetlejuice’s shoulders slumped  as he rolled his eyes, giving a heavy sigh.
    “…alright, I’ll give ya ten minutes, kid. Then I’m outta here; now that I’m summoned I rather be any place than here.” He mumbled. Lydia took a step closer to him. In response he shuffled away from her. She opted to sit down then where she was, so she could look at him at eye level. He was curious why she would even want him near her after everything that happened. He’d never admit it but he did feel the tiniest, smallest bit of guilt for what he did to her. Alright he did actually feel guilty. Even though he felt she was a little selfish which he usually valued in a person. I mean really who chooses a mother over their own friend? Most people, probably. However he still had a  smidgen of a grudge about it. She was still fun to hang out with though and treated him nice in her own way. Nicer than anyone ever had been to him, in fact, as pathetic as that was. She even gave him a hug. The colors in his hair slowly faded back to his usual green though small streaks of blue were still branched out from his roots. Lydia seemed to be struggling with starting with whatever she had to say to him. BJ knitted his brows feeling a little anxious himself, though opted to be patient once in his life and let her speak when ready. Still had the gun pointed at him; that was fair with their track record.
        “So.. I just.” She groaned, rubbing a hand over her face. This was hard. This was harder than she thought it would be.
        “..I. I wanted to start off by saying, that. I’m not sorry about doing what I did. I couldn’t let you hurt everyone. I was mad that you almost made me get rid of Barbara. I was hurt that you betrayed me, I told you I just wanted to get my mom back. We could’ve gone back to scaring people after I figured it out. I was hurting, I missed her. I know.. it’s a sore subject for you. I get why parents are something that make you upset after meeting Juno.  But, my mom was nice.. I love her.” Her arm begins to tremble a little.
         "I am sorry for being the reason you had to see Juno again. I’m sorry she tried getting rid of you for good. You’re not a screw up, or a fool.. I just.“ She teared up a little, feeling everything she has been holding back for months begin to creep up on her.
He could just use this opportunity to split. It was uncomfortable dealing with an emotional teen. Plus she was talking about his mother the person he hated the most in any existence. A nagging feeling was keeping him there however. Something about watching this girl. That enjoyed scaring almost as much as he did, crying. It hurt a little for some reason. He rubbed the bridge of his nose when he heard her crying pick up, becoming harder. She hiccuped a little and it was annoying.
    "Okay, okay; no water works kid, please. Also it’s kinda hard to hear you over that music.” He snapped his fingers and the music turned down just a little. He sighed, glad that her attention came back to him when he spoke.
    “Take your time if you gotta. I suck at reading people outside of scaring them. It looks like this had been bothering you for a while. Don’t rush through it.” He mumbled not really knowing how to comfort her. “This the reason you summoned me?” He asked while leaning back as his hands moved behind him to hold his weight. Lydia nodded, wiping some tears away.
    “It’s. It’s more complicated than that… ever since you left. I’ve been having nightmares..” Lydia’s voice gave out near the end of her sentence.
    Nightmares usually were fun so he didn’t understand what the problem was. Although he knew breathers some times had nightmares about things that were really shitty. Maybe it was that. He motioned for her to continue.
    “I don’t know if. If it’s guilt, or my trauma, but.. I never killed someone before. I don’t really want to do it again either. It was.. it was scarier than anything I’ve ever experienced before.” Her voice trailed off barely an audible whisper. She set the water gun down now that she was sure he wasn’t going to do anything.
Even though he wasn’t usually around ankle biters. He had some understanding that while murder was fun for him, that would take a toll on a kid. It was different than him killing for her. She actually killed for herself. He grimaced a little, unconsciously grabbing at his chest where she had impaled him. Lydia had noticed this however and balled her hands into fists while she gripped her dress.
        “If this is too hard for you, you can leave.” Lydia spoke up again staring up into his eyes.
Beetlejuice wrinkled his nose. He wasn’t scared of this kid. He didn’t need any pity. Although maybe she did just want him to feel comfortable. Why was she being so considerate? They never really were friends, right? Even if he thought so. He snorted, waving her off.
            “Kid, I’m fine. So, what’s this nightmare.” He fixed his composure, tightening his tie.
Lydia shrugged as she looked for anything else to focus her gaze on. This next part was going to be hard. She didn’t want to open up to him but she no longer wished to feel dread whenever she slept. The nightmares had to come to an end. She wanted to move on with her life.
     "The nightmares are all the same one, actually. It’s the day I killed you. It starts of as it actually did. You talking about how life was too much to handle. Getting ready to murder someone because you couldn’t process it. Then, me stabbing you. After that though, everyone starts to turn into weird blobs. You and I are the only ones that still have a shape. Everything fades into a dark abyss. Mouths appear out of no where, laughing in a creepy way at us. Blood pours from their mouths..“ She starts listing the things off on her fingers. She was having trouble keeping up with what she was saying unable to make eye contact with him. Beetlejuice tensed a little when she mentioned murdering him, thinking of course she has to talk more about it.
     "Then your mom is there. She’s holding you up, like you’re her captive or something. Then a sandworm eats us. That part got kind of weird. Even compared to the rest of the nightmare.” She mumbled. Finally she manages to look back up at him. Beetlejuice was leaning forward now, his elbows resting on his thighs, hands in his lap. He was staring right at her.
        “Well fuck, Lyds; that is a lot to unpack.” He moved a hand up to stroke his chin. Not really sure what to say in the moment. He needed to collect his thoughts. When he noticed her fidgeting in place, tears brimming her eyes again, he didn’t want her to cry. Beetlejuice crossed his arms as he sat up straight.
       "Alright.. so. Dreaming about killing me, which, I gotta admit; now that I’ve had time to mull it over the past couple of months I’m impressed. You successfully manipulated me by agreeing to help me be alive. Then killed me so you could send me back to the Netherworld. Haven’t been tricked by a breather like you before.“ He gave a small smirk almost proud that the first person that agreed to help him scare in a long, long time could have a conniving side.
       "We should probably get to the bare bones of the matter.” He clapped his hands together and a bunch of bones came into existence. Clattering onto the floor around them. Lydia jumped a little then stared at them, trying not to let out a small snicker. Good, laughs, that was something he could work with to try and cheer her up.
      “Fiiiirrssst, even though I am impressed you killed me and fair enough since I was being kind of an ass…” Before he could finish his sentence Lydia had chimed in with a quip.
    “I’d say more than kind of. You did threaten me and my family to get me to do a green card marriage.” She quirked a brow, her fingers tapping on the ground as she gave him an unamused look.
        “Alright. That was shitty of me.” He conjured a white flag waving it in peace as he heaved a dramatic sigh.
     "For real I’m sorry I did that. It wasn’t cool and came off pretty sketchy. If you hadn’t noticed I don’t like being alone. So I panicked because I thought you were going to ditch me.“ The purple in his hair began to creep back and Lydia just gave him an understanding look to let him know he could continue.
        "Unfortunately the only way to bring a ghost alive again is to marry them. I should’ve weighed my options better. I’m.. uh..” He gagged a little as he tried to form the words, having a hard time. Saying sorry was one thing, yet doing a heart-felt apology made it feel like he was going to combust.
      “Gimme a sec..” He slapped his face, his head spinning around on his neck comically in a 360 spin as he came to his senses. When he was done being a ham he looked back to her.
        “I’m deeply apologetic about what I did. Normally I take being creepy as a compliment, however out of context of what I was trying to do it’s super…” He wrinkled his nose. “Yeah. Fucking creepy and not in the good way. Even in context it’s still shitty.” He mumbled. “Having a talk with Miss Argentina made me realize that. When I heard it outloud for the first time after the fact. I swear I didn’t meant to come off that way, though.” Beetlejuice raised his hand as if doing a mock boy scouts honor salute.
        “Oh, that nice ghost lady I met in the Netherworld..” Lydia leaned back against her bed, feeling like she could relax a little finally.
     "Well. You actually sound sincere, which is weird since your voice always drips with sarcasm or something like that.“ She looked away for a moment as if contemplating something. ”..I know you said that you were impressed. However.. did killing you hurt you? Like, besides the obvious.“ Her gaze drifted back to him.
    "Hurt me? I mean, yeah, it would fuckin’ hurt getting bad art impaled through a meatsack body.” He thought more on what she said then it dawned on him. She meant if it hurt his feelings. He ran a hand through his ever-shifting array of colorful hair trying to figure out how he should respond. Sure it did kind of did hurt his feelings. Yet it’s like he said, the situation he forced her in was pretty shitty. She also mentioned she wasn’t sorry for what she did to him. She was still being nice at least. Maybe those dweeby Maitlands rubbed off on her a bit. Even though he only knew her a brief time the Lydia he knew before probably wouldn’t have given too much a shit about this. While she was fun and sort of nice to him when they scared people. She still easily jumped to kill him.
   "Eh. Maybe just a bit. However I already said I probably deserved it. It’s better that I’m dead anyways. Being human was hard. Even if it was just for like four minutes, or less.“ He counted off on his hand.
    "Okay..” She looked him over, unsure if she should continue. Wanting to get back to the topic on hand she cleared her throat. “So, about the dream..” Beeltejuice took his hand, pounding a fist into the other one.
        “Right, right. The thing you summoned me here for in the first place. Yeah.. so, blood, my shit mom, sandworm. I ain’t really a shrink, Lyds. So what I’m gonna say next is probably gonna be some bullshit. Like.. I don’t know, is it a guilt dream? Why’d you tell me about it?” He was still unsure about some things that were going on her. Though he tried to give his best bet. Lydia shook her head as she grabbed onto her feet, tilting forward.
    “I already kind of understand what the dream means now thanks to my therapist. What I called you here for is I wanted you to hear it. I wanted you to know how I feel. What we all went through together and I wanted to hear your thoughts on it. Also how you felt about how we ended things. I did the apology I felt like you needed and I told you what I wasn’t sorry for. I kind of feel a little better. Although I still feel like crying a lot, too.” She moved her hands away to wipe as her face again.
   "It’s… so overwhelming. I’m.. I’m scared, Beej.“ Lydia softly spoke, admitting finally what she was afraid to say. Beetlejuice was stumped. She actually admitted for the first time to him ever she was afraid. Not of him, he was sure of that at least. Of what he wasn’t sure. The nightmare itself? It’s meaning? He really did suck at this. He grumbled a little then began to drift off the ground, floating into the air to move closer to her. He plopped himself down next to her. Startling her a little as she jumped from him. He raised his hands up in defense quick to respond.
    "Hey, hey, wait; don’t be.. uh. Scared. Just…” He began to hesitantly wrap an arm around her before realizing he probably should ask.
    “Uh.. this okay?” He asked, staring at her as he kept his arm in mid air. Lydia stared at his arm then at him. She wrinkled her nose from the smell of his unwashed suit along with the earthly-dirt scent that lingered off his body. The sentiment he was offering had to have been tough for him to do and it showed he actually cared about how she felt. She gave just a small nod and he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He moved his other around around her front and gave her a small hug then patted her back.
     "I don’t actually know what you’re scared of kid. Although I’ve gotta say I’m hurt I’m not scary enough for you.“ Beetlejuice gave a mock-hurt tone to the end of his sentence as to try and lighten the mood. Lydia surprisingly clung to him as she let out a soft whimper. His shoulders dropped as he started to let go of her, only to be stopped when he felt her tighten the hug. She began crying again. He lost count how many times this made now. She buried her face into his chest, sniffling as she curled up in his arms. He wanted to just phase out of the room yet opted to stay since it seemed like she needed this. He rested his chin on top of her head as he just let her continue to sob.
    "I hate this. I hate feeling… this scared. It’s-it’s so suffocating. Why does this hurt? Why do I feel horrible.” She managed to choke out. Beetlejuice tensed while she spoke.
        “Wish I knew, kid; my specialty is scaring, not helping people stop feeling scared. But ya got a good support system Lydia. Those sexy, nerdy Maitlands actually nutted up to try and protect you. Your dad chased after you into the Netherworld when you ran off. That Delilah chick probably cares about you too.” He tried thinking up everyone that she actually had in her life that cared. He wish he had that. Wish he had someone who loved and cared about him. It was a hard concept to wrap his head around, he always felt like he never deserved it. Lydia shook her head, looking up at him finally.
    “Her name is Delia, not Delilah. You know, it’s weird. She actually does.” She sniffled, smiling softly.
  “You weren’t there for that part. Since your mom kind of tossed you out. Delia threw herself in front of me, saying that she wanted to protect me when Juno was threatening to drag me back to the Netherworld. Ever since then she’s been trying her best to understand me. Even if I’m not the warmest to her sometimes. I appreciate the effort at least. I know she’s isn’t faking it.” Lydia patted his side, indicating he could let her go as she sat back again. Beetlejuice moved his hand to rub the back of his neck.
  “You know for someone who says he sucks at comforting, you didn’t do that bad of a job.” She gave him a tired smile, then picked up the water gun again. He eyed it bit warily. She tossed it away then gently nudged him. “Can you believe I was gonna blast your face with that?” That made him crack a grin then gave her a snicker.
    “Yeah that probably wouldn’t have done much, anyways. Other than make me slightly clean.” He stuck his tongue out.
    “Well, it might’ve stung a little. I don’t know. I haven’t had holy water thrown on me before, if you would believe that. It’s rare I scare priests. It’s a hoot when I do even if it’s never in a church. Those places are waaaay too stuffy.” He rolled his eyes. He snapped his head back to her. “So, I actually helped ya..?” His tone shifted to a more softer one. She nodded giving his shoulder a pat.
    “You did; I never thought I would actually hug you again. Oh.. that reminds me.” She got up, walking over to her nightstand. He floated off the ground once more so he could peer over the bed to see. She pulled out from the small cubby under the drawer of her nightstand, a cowboy hat. She held it up as she turned around to show him.
    “I still have this. I don’t know why I kept it, honestly. Guess deep down I couldn’t let a piece of you go. I did hate you for a while. I’m not sure if I can forgive you for everything. Although.. it means a lot that you apologized. Maybe one day.” She walked over, motioning for him to float up a little higher as she set the cowboy hat on his head.
  “Maybe we could be friends again, some day. I’m not sure. I thought this exchange was going to go a lot differently.” He gawked a little. A warm feeling hit him, as he moved his hand up and felt his hat.
        'Be friends again? Is she serious? Why doesn’t she hate me. It’s okay if she hates me, I’m used to people hating me. She kept my hat, though. I just gave it to her as a sign of peace. Even if I was still a little mad. Did she really care about me, then?’  What she told him seemed impossible. He felt like life was just fucking with him again. There’s no way she would ever forgive him he just didn’t deserve anything good. As if sensing sort of what he was thinking, she poked his nose.
    “Listen, I’m not a shrink either. However I think you have a problem with self esteem. I can’t fix that right now. I meant what I said to you. I do appreciate what you said to me, how you tried comforting me. I would’ve liked if you didn’t toss all my shit everywhere when you got here though.” She looked around the room, putting her hands on her hips as she sighed.
   "You’re lucky you didn’t break my camera. It’s a family heirloom from my mom.“ Beetlejuice looked around the room, then gave a small laugh.
    "Hey you know me, Lyds; I gotta make an entrance! It feels nice to be out of the Netherworld. I had to stretch my legs.” He turned his head back to grin at her. There was a worm she hadn’t noticed before wiggling in-between his teeth and she stuck her tongue out. There’s that weird, gross charm of his. She flicked his forehead causing him to scowl. He rubbed where she snapped her fingers against his clam-y flesh. She motioned to her room when his attention was drawn back to her.
   "I know you can bend reality or whatever it is your demon powers do. Please clean my room, I don’t feel like doing it because I’m tired.“ Lydia politely requested. Beetlejuice groaned yet didn’t complain as with a flick of his wrists. Everything began to move back into place. The curtains were no longer fire-damaged, her clothes went back neatly into her dresser and her books were slid neatly into the shelves. Even the random bones he conjured up were gone. She gave him a pleased smile along with a thumbs up. He flipped her off which just made her laugh. He couldn’t help but join her in her laugh. He tipped his hat to her then looked towards the window a moment later.
   ”..so, that all you needed, kid? Guess… we part ways again?“ He looked back to her a tinge of sadness edged at the end of his words. She rubbed her arm as she looked towards the window as well. She walked around him and the bed, then opened the curtains to see it was raining now.
       "I guess so. You did say you wanted to get away from here, right?” She looked over her shoulder at him. He pursed his lips then tapped his fingers against his chin.
   "Yeah that was the deal. I hear you out, then be on my way..“ He sighed then floated over towards her and the window. He placed a hand on the glass, staring off into the distance. She still wasn’t sure how to feel about him yet she knew she wasn’t really scared of him. Even though he was acting off for how he normally was. Maybe he wanted closure as much as she did? He  couldn’t come back on his own before so she hoped this was good for him. She playfully nudged him with her elbow.
   "I mean; even though you probably shouldn’t show yourself around the house. I wouldn’t mind if you came back to my room some times. If you wanna try to build up trust again or something. If you don’t hate me. It’s kind of nice having someone I can weirdly relate to that isn’t a parental figure. Someone I can talk to about this.” He looked over to her then scratched his head.
   "I don’t know. Pretty sure everyone would hate it if they saw-wait. Did you summon me without telling anyone about it?“ He slowly became aware of the very lack of parental supervision as he peered over to her bedroom door. There was no way the Maitlands nor her parents would’ve let him near her without them being around. She inhaled sharply, staring a little bug-eyed down at the ground while pressing her lips together. Shit.
       "Uh.. maybe.” She mumbled. He looked to her. Then let out a bellowing laughter, slapping her hard on the back.
   "Well! Look at you, you little rebel! Ahhhh shit. Part of me feels like messing with the Maitlands again. Unfortunately for me they probably would try to send me back to the Netherworld.“ He grimaced then looked back to the window. "I’m not so sure if it would be safe to keep coming back here. However, other breathers are usually boring as hell. You were pretty fun. As long as the others don’t find out I guess I wouldn’t mind stopping in every so often. Maybe we could even scare together again.” His eyes flashed a mischievous glow as he gave her an malevolent smirk. She gave him an wicked smile back.
   "I probably am gonna have to tell them about you eventually. It’s kind of hard to hide all this.“ She motioned to him knowing how much of a show off he could be. He nodded.
   "Eh it’s true; we’ll just cross that bridge when we get to it.” He stretched out a little. Taking the cowboy hat off he slapped it onto her head. She stumbled a little, giving him a small scowl.
  “Well how about you hold onto this, lil scarecrow. So I have a reason to come back. Now if you’ll excuse me. I wanna go stretch my legs and scare the shit out of some Karen in her forties while she’s kicking back, sipping on her wine box.” He grinned while ringing his dirty hands together.
 "I’ll be back later, Lyds!“ He cackled, then dashed off, phasing through her wall and disappearing into the stormy night. She placed her hand on the window, staring off at nothing now as she fixed the hat on her head.
   "See you soon, Dorothy.” She decided it was finally time for that nap.
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan
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A random guy being struck in the head with a spiked-bat and having his entire skull swiped away in a bloody mess. You’d think I would have picked this up in 2007 when I picked up a punch of other absurd animes like Super Milk Chan. But time does make fools out of all of us. And because the randomizer is being a dick to me currently, I’m now stuck with this ridiculous mess. A student who disappears and no one noticed a thing. The class rep randomly turns into a monkey. Another boy randomly turns into a Shiba Inu. The male protagonist gets half of his skull sliced off and is magically better five seconds later (and the last one happens numerous times throughout the series).
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That my friends, is the magic of Dokuro-Chan! Dokuro Mitsukai is an angel sent to the past to take care of a problem that will shape the very future. She was sent to kill a high school boy named Sakura Kusakabe. And before I continue the synopsis, I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard of a boy with the name “Sakura”. Amazing! Anyways, the reason why Sakura has a hit by angels in the future is because in the future, Sakura will come up with a way to stop females from developing at the age of 12 and these women stay like that forever. So imagine if a 67 year old girl looks like a 10 year old! Wow, that’s…oh so illegal! That is just raising the Lolita-fetish by 3000%! Well, Dokuro has taken a liking to Sakura and thinks she can find a way around this without killing him. However, other angels like Sabato Mihashigo and Dokuro’s sister Zakuro think he needs to be destroyed. And every episode we watch as this boy gets whacked eight ways from Sunday! Yeah, this anime is balls-to-the-wall out there, filled with poop jokes, panty-shots, crude humor, and absurdity on Pop Team Epic levels. BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: So back in the day, this anime was carried by Media Blasters and given an English dub. Now Media Blasters is still around! It’s just that a lot of their older animes have died off and it’s up to other companies to give it a good home. So now Discotek licensed it. The dub has many recognizable voices who thankfully went on to do better things like Wendee Lee, Mela Lee, Laura Bailey, and Johnny Yong Bosch. But again, you have to start somewhere in this business!
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And I do find it funny that voice actress Mela Lee makes a call back to this particular anime. When Lee was in Durarara, she said the signature line Dokuro says and hearing her in this makes me giggle. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from. JAPANESE CAST: *Dokuro is played by Saeko Chiba (known for Nagihiko on Shugo Chara, Nina on Code Geass, Miu on NANA, Azmaria on Chrono Crusade, Ruby on Rosario to Vampire, and Neko Musume on xxxHOLiC Kei) *Sakura is played by Reiko Takagi (known for Tadase on Shugo Chara, Holly on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Part 2, Su on Love Hina, and Young Bon on Blue Exorcist) ENGLISH CAST: *Dokuro is played by Wendee Lee (known for Faye on Cowboy Bebop, Konata on Lucky Star, Kirigakure on Blue Exorcist, Yoruichi on Bleach, Yui on Fushigi Yugi, Moegi on Naruto, and Haruhi Suzumiya) *Sakura is played by Johnny Yong Bosch (known for Ichigo on Bleach, Lelouch on Code Geass, Makoto on Free!, Izaya on Durarara, Artemis on Sailor Moon redub, Koizumi on Haruhi Suzumiya, and Yukio on Blue Exorcist) SHIPPING: So it’s obvious that Sakura has eyes for Shizuki, a random girl in his class. But she’ll never express her feelings. At the end of several episodes, she has this face of disappointment given towards Sakura. Probably because the mood is always broken by one Dokuro-chan!
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Dokuro seems to like Sakura as she hasn’t tried to kill him and made it stick. Every time she would destroy his body, she would always repair it. Any other angel with the mission of killing Sakura would have laid waste to this kid by the end of episode one. But Dokuro doesn’t want to do so as she likes Sakura. Hell, she defied orders from her superiors, including her younger sister to be with this guy. However, she wouldn’t hesitate killing him for accidentally copping a feel! GUILTY PLEASURE: Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi
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…I like the OP theme… I’m officially going to Hell for saying that. ENDING: Well this series is only 4 episodes (or eight 13-minute episodes). Each episode is filled with angel-laced crack and several times an episode we watch as Sakura is disembodied by a spiked-bat. You know, usual shit for an anime like this! So the final episode has Dokuro wanting to start her own club at the school. And hearing Wendee Lee as Dokuro, I am immediately having vivid nightmares of the S.O.S. brigade when she’s talking about joining a club. Much to my dismay, it’s so much worse…for Sakura! Well all that fun and frivolity comes to a sudden stop when the school is visited by Dokuro’s baby sister, Zaruko.
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WHO IS NINE YEARS OLD?! DA FUCK, JAPAN?! Because Dokuro broke protocol by not doing away with Sakura like her original mission indicated, she was to immediately go back with her sister and receive a penalty for her crimes. Meanwhile, everything on earth will go back to normal and no one will remember any of this mess. But Dokuro doesn’t want to leave because she loves living with Sakura. Now Sakura has a decision to make. He can either have Dokuro leave and never come back or continue having a loli angel live in his closet and decapitate him every other day. Sakura chooses the latter. But Zaruko ends up taking her away…only for Dokuro to escape. She ends up returning back to Sakura’s room and when he came back thinking things were going to go back to boring life as normal, he’s decapitated. Aw, so abnormality wins in the end!
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SEASON TWO: Why is Dokuro’s hair teal-colored now? Oh who the fuck cares? It’s only two episodes! It’s just more random shenanigans. Only now, you’ve got both Dokuro and Zakuro living with Sakura. What else do I have to say, the final two episodes were just more of the same with Sakura being impaled every couple of minutes or so, Sakura striking out with Shizuki, and getting in all sorts of trouble caused by Dokuro. We even get a meaningless cameo from Sabato’s mother who tries to take her daughter back to their time but gives up by the end of the episode. And then mentions something about Dokuro being related to…oh who the fuck cares?! Finally we end up with a bizarre Valentine’s episode. And the series really doesn’t end on any kind of note. It’s just the final episode with no real conclusion and ended like any other regular episode. It’s been 12 years since this anime ever saw the light of day and let’s keep it that way. What the hell did I just watch?
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Seriously, this show is just balls-to-the-wall insane. And this is the same person who found some sort of sense and sanity in watching something like Excel Saga. This is like if Super Milk Chan and Puni Puni Poemi had sex and this show was the product of that mess. And then you just fill it with the most absurd things in the world like people being decapitated, panty shots, side-boobs, nip-slips, poop jokes, diarrhea jokes, crude jokes, random cameos from Kim Jong Il and George W. Bush, and random students turning into real life animals (including a baboon, giraffe, and shiba inu). It was all quite insane. Only, AND ONLY IF you are feeling extra curious that I would recommend stumbling upon and watch this. If you’re not a fan of blood, I wouldn’t recommend it. I know the blood-shed that’s used is mostly supposed to be funny (I guess?), but there’s a lot of it. The animation is nothing too special. The comedy is kinda hit-and-miss with me. Then again, there are only 6 episodes and if you’re bored, go ahead and watch this. Okay, now that this nightmare is over, what’s the next anime I’m watching in this category? Nozomi Entertainment/Discotek/Shit made before Fall 1986, and go!
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Marmalade Boy! Oh good, I’m always in the mood for a cute shoujo anime. Medea, it’s also surprise incest! Wait, WHAT?! DAMMIT 2019!
30 notes · View notes
velshie · 5 years
Kingfield Omegaverse
Dwight swore he could feel his heart going a mile per hour when he received the envelope in his hands. This is it, he’s just turned 18 and now it’s time for the school's mandatory secondary gender test.
Dwight had never really been afraid of these before. He came from a family of Beta’s, minus the fact that his older brother was an Alpha but with how almost painfully average he was, he never had that thought that he could be an Alpha or Omega. 
So then why was he so nervous?
He shook his head almost laughing at himself for his nerves and putting the results in his bag. The chances of him being anything other than a beta were slim to none and he knew that, besides he’ll open it later. Walking past the medical office he was in, he made his way to the foyer as he left the school and sat on a concrete block. Not too far from him were two bigger boys who were having a conversation loudly, not even noticing Dwight there yet. 
“I’m not even surprised we’re Alpha’s, it was kinda obvious.” His tone was casual, but it held a bit of pride in his voice. Dwight wasn’t much surprised either, but he was a little jealous. Alpha’s are top of the food chain after all. They usually have the drive and ambition to get whatever they want whenever they want. That includes-
“Yeah dude, me neither but think man, we get to have a cute little omega to claim.” He grinned at his friend and Dwight could feel his nose scrunch and disgust. He genuinely felt so bad for Omega’s, while they no longer are seen as property, they still have a long way to go to be respected. They are still over-sexualized and objectified by Alpha’s but at least there are laws to protect them. Ignoring the conversation, Dwight quickly looked at his phone. David should be finished up with a meeting with his teachers by now, so what’s the holdup?
“Hey Fairfield, what did your results say?” Dwight ripped his eyes from his phone and looked at the two guys asking the question surprised that they were talking to him. He knew Hunter and Eli from David, as they both play rugby outside of school with him, but they never showed much of an interest to really have a conversation with him. 
“Beta pretty expected.” The two nodded, not surprised in the least at his secondary gender. One of them looked at him and snickered and Dwight looked confused but braces himself for an insult. They have become pretty subtle with what they dish out given that David is his best friend and obviously the bigger Alpha compared to those two. Dwight would be surprised if his friend was anything else.
“Yeah, you being a beta makes sense, but for a minute there, I thought you’d be an omega.” Dwight was almost insulted but mostly confused. Curious, he leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees and leaning forward, his attention focused on them.
“An Omega? What makes you think that?” Eli snickered and elbowed his friend.
“Because you’re really weak, duh!” Dwight just gave him a flat look but didn’t say anything, not wanting to provoke the newly presented Alpha into handing his ass to him on a silver platter. However, the look Hunter, the one who inquired, gave him a look so intense it made his skin crawl. 
“You’re also kinda cute too, like a lot of Omegas. Soft and very...Submissive.” Dwight clenched his jaw, feeling almost physically gross. His friend also gave him a strange look and gave Dwight an uninterested once over. 
“I can’t say I agree dude, he looks pretty plain beta male to me.” Hunter’s look never wavered from Dwight. His eyes roaming Dwight’s body, looking like he’s itching to touch him and it made Dwight shrink into himself. 
“Oi, losers!” The boys look lost intensity as he was startled. The other alpha grinned and gave a wave and greeted the stronger alpha. Dwight felt himself deflate in relief as his best friend came down those stairs, giving him a friendly shove before greeting the other guys. 
“Babysittin’ over ‘ere I see?” Eli snorted, making playful banter and just roughhoused with him, making Dwight smile. He was glad that David could make friends easier then he could, Dwight was never great at making friends but thanks to David and knowing him since they were 6, he was able to still keep his friendship with David while he helped him make friends. 
And kept bullies at bay.
Dwight looked over at the other boy who caught his eye. The look wasn’t as intense but it was still full of intent that Dwight had an inkling it wasn’t innocent, given his little description about him when explaining his assumption. Hunter’s eyes darted to David, casually greeting him but not joining in on the play. 
“So dude,” Eli said, stopping their horseplay to look at him excitedly. “You got your results yeah? Alpha?” David gave him a playful but rough shove that Dwight was sure would break 99% of his bones if he were receiving it. 
“Obviously mate, what else would I be, an Omega?” He joked as the other two laughed, razzing him on how much of an ugly Omega he would make. Hunter glanced quickly in his direction once again and Dwight’s amusement at David’s antics died as the frequent stares and glances made him uncomfortable. He wanted to leave and fast, but he knew it was up to David and Dwight knew he couldn’t monopolize David’s time with other people. He had other friends then Dwight but god he wanted to avoid the Alpha’s darkening blue eyes. The stare made him feel dirty…
“Ready ta go?” Was what he heard before a large hand tangle into dark brown hair and knocked his head forward. Dwight feigned an indignant noise but his false outrage was obvious based on the grin on his face. 
“Been waiting on your slow ass this entire time!” He hopped off the concrete slab he was sitting on before taking his place next to David like usual, not bothered that the alpha towered over him. He outgrew him when he was 13, he stopped being bothered by the height difference a long time ago. David lightly hip-checked his smaller friend, not enough to make him fly but enough to move him slightly. 
“Aight, ya shit, let’s go.” He said placing a large hand on the back of Dwight’s neck, urging him to move. Dwight looked at his friend curiously, this is something he doesn’t usually to ever, but Dwight wasn’t all that bothered. He loved David, more than he probably should, so his friend’s touch was always welcome.
As David said his goodbyes, Dwight kept silent and didn’t look back. He didn’t want to know if those eyes were on him anymore but thankfully David came in at the nick of time and he didn’t have to think about it anymore. They were casually chatting like they usually did, nothing awkward or forced just their usual banter and enjoying each other’s company. 
“So, what was that all about?” David’s inquiry sounded confused and almost aggressive? Dwight looked at him with a quirked eyebrow, not understanding what he’s talking about.
“You’re going to have to be a little more specific because that came out of nowhere,” Dwight said, his tone was teasing but David only soured and the brunette couldn’t figure out what it was that changed his mood suddenly. 
“Th’ way Hunter was lookin’ atcha, kinda weird don’ ya think?” Dwight’s expression changed, he was hoping to forget about that whole exchange and couldn’t help but shudder a bit, wanting to shake off the stare. 
“No kidding, talk about uncomfortable. The way it all started too? No seriously, it was so weird!” David didn’t look at him like he didn’t believe him. His face was uncharacteristically serious, his expression was stony. To be quite honest it kind of unnerved him a bit, so he looked forward and just kept rambling.
“He was asking about my results, right? Then he was saying I looked like an Omega because I was cute and submissive looking.” He trailed off, not looking back at his friend but feeling so much better now that he was getting it off his chest. “Like who says that? Especially from Hunter. I know him and Eli don’t care much for me and are only decent because they’re friends with you. So when Hunter just said that, I gotta admit, it wasn’t expected and frankly I feel sorry for any omega he’s around.” 
Dwight glanced back at his friend and he was surprised at how furious he was. His teeth were clenched tight and his fist was balled up, knuckles turning completely white. Dwight always knew David was almost unreasonably protective over him and everyone knew that. But he thought he would laugh at something so weird then get aggressive over it. Then again, it could be because he just dissed his friend. 
“You good man? It’s not a big deal, it was just a really weird moment. He’s probably going into a rut or whatever. Apparently, after we present and get our result, we should be going through the worst of it something this month and he’s horny or something.” He didn’t know why he was defending Hunter’s actions, they really weren’t acceptable but he hated seeing David so angry. He also wasn’t going to apologize for what he said about the other Alpha, especially when what he said was true. 
“It’s fine, I’ll probably ‘ave a chat with ‘im tomorrow.” Was all David said before everything went silent. Dwight wasn’t sure what was going on with his friend. Sure this wasn’t a...Common occurrence but not enough for him to get angry about. After a couple of minutes, David spoke again, the anger has calmed down enough for him to start another conversation. 
“So, you got the test results back you said?” Dwight nodded and shrugged, he hadn’t opened the letter yet but he knew he didn’t really have to. He was going to open it, just to say he saw it and then chuck it out. 
“Yup, beta. Not surprising, but I would rather have that then be an Omega, ya know? Especially after the whole Hunter thing.” David frowned, and Dwight could tell that he was getting defensive. 
“Aw c’mon Dwight, yer not jumpin’ on that bandwagon are ya? I think Omega’s get shit on enough, you saw a fraction o’ what happened and jus’ look at what they say about me mum.” Dwight instantly felt guilty. He loved David’s mum and he would never want to say anything bad about her. Dwight knew it wasn’t what he meant though, so he scrambled a bit to find his wording.
“What? No! I have nothing against them. I just...I dunno. They have it so hard and I just don’t know if I could handle what they go through. Especially with Al-Entitled...People.” Dwight stumbled for a minute, choosing his words carefully so he didn’t offend his childhood best friend, who didn’t seem all that impressed. He clicked his tongue in irritation, firmly keeping his eyes off of Dwight.
“Nice save,” He said sarcastically, his voice holding a bitter tinge to it and the guilt weight even heavier on Dwight’s poor heart. He never wanted to insult him, but it felt in the moment nothing he said would have been positive. “But sure, whatever I guess.” They reached their neighborhood and David spread up, Dwight almost jogging to keep up with him at a quicker pace.
“Come on David, I didn’t mean it like that, I’m sorry!” David ignored him and Dwight could feel himself deflate. Once you’ve annoyed David, nothing will reason with him until he gets out of his mood and Dwight has been on that side of David’s temper before. “Alright… I’ll see you tomorrow I guess.” David just grunted, turning into the house across from Dwight’s and entered the house without even a goodbye. Dwight huffed in irritation and David’s dramatics and stormed into his own house, mood dampened. 
“Dwight? Is that you?” His mother called out, making him stop at the top of the stairway. 
“Yeah mom, it’s me. School was fine, going to do homework.” His voice was clipped and it was obvious that he was in no mood to talk to anyone about his day. David put him in a bad mood and now he just wants to be alone and unbothered. He didn’t wait long to continue heading back to his room, not waiting for his mother to answer him back. As he entered, he shut his door and chucked his backpack to the corner of his room between his bed and the computer desk. 
Whatever David overreacted and he’ll get over it. Dwight wasn’t going to expect David to wait for him on their usual walk to school together when David is like this, he gives Dwight the silent treatment all day and then will start talking to him again. Not the most mature solution but it was a David solution that drives him up the wall. Dwight huffed as he threw himself on the bed, crossing his arms with a pout. His eyes landed on the bag he threw in the corner remembering his test results and got up to open up in his bag.
All of a sudden, he felt his stomach twist with nerves. He hated anticipation, he knew what he was but...What if it was something else? Dwight took a deep breath and shook his head. No, he’s over thinking it and this stupid envelope was giving him anxiety. Besides, he would be one very plain looking Omega if he was. Dwight snorted at that thought as he ripped the top of the envelope open. Unfolding the results his eyes skimmed everything else before his eyes landed on the symbol. 
Dwight froze as he started to frantically read the rest of the paper. He didn’t see the italicized B with the elongated tail that he was expecting. Instead, the results showed an open O. There must have been a mistake, it didn’t make any sense. 
He couldn’t be an Omega. 
He let go of the paper and ran into the bathroom that was attached to his room. Throwing up all the contents in his stomach. After a bit of dry heaving, he removed himself and resting in the nook between the toilet and the bathroom, his breathing hitting hyperventilating levels. He didn’t know what to do or who to tell. Does he tell his parents? His brother? 
He didn’t think he would be an alpha like his brother Jeff, but he showed no signs that he was an Omega. All the signs pointed to be like his parents, his aunts, uncles and his cousins. Beta. 
Dwight in his panic couldn’t hold his tears back but he did try to regain his breathing. He’ll tell Jeff, he’ll know what to do. His older brother always knew what to do. His hands shook as he took out his phone, going through his call history and pressing it flush against his ear and heard it start ringing.
“Come on Jeff, pick up the phone. Pick up the phone Jeff. Please, please, please-” 
“Hello? Dwight? What’s up bud?” Dwight was so relieved his brother answered that he just burst into another wave of tears, just sobbing into his brother's ear as Jeff let out a concerned noise, trying to calm down his brothers panic. Dwight wasn’t exactly a cry baby, but he was prone to anxiety attacks that evolved into panic attacks. It was concerning, but Dwight was always good at talking to someone before it hit this level.
“Shh shh, Dwight, it’s okay. I’m here, what do you need?” Dwight was always soothed by his brother's voice. For an alpha, he always had such a soothing voice that could help calm him down. It was so very, unlike the stereotyped Alpha that David seemed to fit into better. Jeff, even for his size and stoic looking nature was also riddled with anxiety and had been in Dwight’s place before but was always able to help his little brother in his time of need.
It only made Dwight wonder if Jeff had someone to help him through his moments. Who was his person when he needed it? Jeff leads him through some breathing exercises, calming him down through the phone. His voice holding no maliciousness or annoyance, but concern and familial love that left Dwight feeling calm, if not exhausted. 
“There we go, do you feel better?” Dwight nodded at first at the question before realizing that Jeff couldn’t see it. He took a shaky breath before confirming that he was better. 
“Good, I’m glad to hear I could help. But Dwight, what happened?” And Dwight spilled everything. The creep that had been eyeing him like a piece of meat, the fight with David and what he said to him to make him angry, the test results that sent him into a fit of panic. Everything. He completely spilled his guts to his older brother who let out a surprised noise at the fact of his little brother's secondary gender. 
“Okay, I’m almost home‍. I was going to surprise you with a visit but I think we need to figure out a plan. Have you told mom and dad yet?” Dwight shook his head before realizing he did it again and his brother couldn’t see him.
“No, your the only one who knows and I want it to stay like that.” Jeff let out a grunt that Dwight knew he fully disagreed on. Jeff was not the kind of person to spread information that was not his to spread and Dwight knew he would keep a secret if asked too, despite whether or not he agreed.
“I think you need to tell them, Dwight, it would be better for you if you do that. You already have me to back you up but mom and dad probably be able to help you more.” He paused for a second, Dwight could almost hear the thoughts going through Jeff’s mind. “Why don’t you talk to David’s mom? You don’t have to tell David yet, even though that should be done sooner rather than later too. But she would give you more valuable information than any of us.” 
Dwight processed the information and despite how embarrassing it was, Jeff was right. David’s mom was an Omega and she helped both Jeff and him for years, treating the two like they were an extension of her own family. She would always be happy to help and I’m sure she wouldn’t mind taking care of an Omega pup herself. 
“Yeah…Yeah, your right. But can we just...Keep it to ourselves for now.” Jeff sighed but agreed to keep it on the down low for now. As they kept talking about how art school was going for Jeff and how his band his doing, The oldest told him he had to get going if he wanted to make it to the house by tonight. Excited, Dwight hung up after their goodbyes, feeling a bit better but still anxious. Taking a glance at his phone, he saw there weren’t any texts from David as expected, and put it on the charger and went to take a shower. He needed some time to think and what better place then a shower?
After he was done, he checked his phone to see that it was still empty of messages but he went and opened up a message to David’s mom instead. He never usually texted anything to her unless Dwight gave her a heads up that they were going out and David was notorious for forgetting to text her which left her worried sick and had her pacing. He sat there, not knowing what to do or say but he knew she would be the best person to talk to. He decided against it and tossed his phone on the other side of the bed and covered his face with his hands. He wasn’t ready yet for anyone but to know, he trusted Jeff and he wasn't the type to blab. Plus, he was always close with Jeff, he couldn’t imagine not telling him something like this, it would be like not telling David.
Dwight paused for a minute. David. What was he going to tell him? He had told his best friend he was a beta, so what now? Would he think he was a liar? Would it be better to keep it from him? 
“No. No, I’m going to tell him.” He said to himself and looked at his phone. It didn’t feel right to text him about this on the phone, not something as big as this anyway. He’ll tell him tomorrow after school or something when he was ready to talk to him again. He picked up the test results again and really read it. The information really sinking in and that this was real. He felt exhausted, putting the paper down he curled up in his bed, ready for a nap. No one was waiting for him anyway so a nap couldn’t hurt ...He felt his eyes grow heavy before they closed. 
Yeah, maybe an hour or two won’t hurt.
Dwight almost jumped out of bed when he heard a soft knock at his door. His heart racing even though his eyes were still heavy. He looked at the test results that we chucked into his night table and put it into one of the draws, not wanting his parents to see just in case. 
“Come in.” He said, his voice still thick with sleep and the initial fright was gone. His door opened slowly before a man with long hair and a big, bushy beard poked his head in with a big smile. 
“Hey sleepy head, did I wake you?” Dwight could almost feel his eyes sparkle in excitement, jumping off his bed to give his brother a hug, who returned it just as fiercely. He didn’t see his older brother enough as it is, he was glad to see him back from Canada. 
“Yeah, but I think I’d be more pissed off if you didn’t,” Dwight said as he let go, letting Jeff walk into his room and they both sat on the bed. It was nostalgic, it reminded him of when they were younger and would talk and play video games when David would be in England visiting family. David was his best friend but Jeff was a close second. 
“You feeling better now?” He said casually and Dwight paused for a second before he shook his hand in a so-so motion.
“It...Has kind of settled in but I’m- I don’t know how to feel. I know what they have to go through and I’m...Afraid if what’s coming for me.” Jeff smiled at him sadly before ruffling his brother's hair.
“It’s not going to be easy Dwight but that doesn’t mean your life is over. The world isn’t going to go out of its way to get you because your an Omega. Yeah, you're going to have to...Ya know, Be more careful about...those, uh, biological urges...Dwight- Dwight stop laughing, I’m trying my best here and it’s awkward.” What started out as a giggle blew up into full-blown laughter, only making him laugh harder when Jeff hit him with his pillow. Jeff feeling awkward was something that never failed to amuse him, especially since most Alpha’s are shameless, so seeing such a humble Alpha who got weirded out by talking to his brother about normal body functions was hilarious! 
“I’m so-sorry, I’m sorry, s-stop, your gonna make me pee myself!” Dwight was barely able to get those words out through his mirth. He missed this, he missed having time with his older brother. When Jeff left to go to art school in Edmonton, Dwight couldn’t have felt more betrayed and abandoned. But Jeff always did his best to make sure he was still involved with his life and with David there, it made the separation a little easier. 
“Then stop laughing geez! You know how awkward I get when talking about this shit. With my little brother no less!” Jeff said exasperated, before he leaned back, running his hands through long hair. “David still having a good ol tantie? You would think at 18 he would get over having temper tantrums and talk like an adult.” Jeff rolled his eyes and settled himself against the wall. 
Jeff loved David like a little brother, but when David gets into these moods Jeff tends to get a little annoyed. When they were younger Jeff would always cold shoulder him and get defensive over Dwight. It always hurt his little brother when they didn’t talk and he was sure it still did, Dwight just got used to it now. 
“It’s...Just his way of needing a break to get over it. He always does. By the end of tomorrow, he’ll probably start talking to me again.” Jeff leveled him an unimpressed look but shrugged it off. That was David and as much as it annoyed both the brothers they knew it was just something they had to ride out. 
“Sure, whatever. Want me to pick you up tomorrow, maybe hit up a clinic before the weekend starts? One less thing to worry about.” It was a gentle prod and Dwight did his best not to get annoyed or defensive. Jeff was doing this because he knew he was the only one to know about his secondary gender and this was to help him keep it hush hush. 
“You can pick me up but...Can I see how I feel after school?” Jeff nodded in understanding a shrugged.
“Sure, see what you want to do. Personally, I think it’s better getting it out of the way, but if you want to wait a bit til Monday, we can.” Dwight smiled in relief, thankful for his brothers kind nature. He didn’t know what he’d do without him. Jeff yawned before he got up before he did a stretch, his spine and joints popping. 
“Anyway, dinner is ready, I’m exhausted, but I miss our family dinners. You coming?” He said, knowing the answer as he opened the door and Dwight got up before pushing his brother out of the way in a not so gentle shove.
“Last one there gets the smaller plate!” Jeff let out an indignant cry before chasing after his brother, not wanting to be beaten. 
“Come back here you little shit, I just came home after a long drive! After all I’ve done for you!” 
It was a good night and despite the news that rocked Dwight’s world like an earthquake, he felt better with a bit of normality. His family is together again during his time of need, despite only one of them knowing what he’s going through. But with all the laughter and light banter, Dwight could forget about it for the night and continue like he was normal. 
The next morning, Dwight woke up feeling groggy. He could easily crawl back into bed and sleep it off but knowing that he couldn’t, he got up to start his day. Jeff was already down there sipping on a cup of coffee and working on a sketch. He looked up, took a sniff then scrunched his nose in disgust. He turned to where his brother was and sent the look his way. 
“Dude, go take a shower, you stink.” Dwight blinked a little at that but shrugged. Maybe that will help him wake up more and maybe get that fog out of his brain. Trudging back upstairs he took a hot shower, feeling a little better but the feeling didn’t go. As he got back downstairs, he got his brothers approval that he didn’t reek anymore and Jeff made him a cup to maybe help him feel better.
It didn’t, but whatever. 
Jeff grabbed his keys and told Dwight to get in the car, they took a look to see if David was waiting and no David in sight. Dwight leaned into the window, not in the mood to talk or even do anything. All he wanted to do was listen to the radio and drift off. Unfortunately for Dwight, they got to the school faster then he had wanted and thanked his brother, who gave him a thumbs up before driving off. Dwight shuffled into the school and hung by his locker, grabbing the things he needed for class, zoning in and out. Was he getting sick? He felt fine yesterday despite his panic attack but other than that he felt like everything was fine.
As he walked to class he felt himself start to cramp. At first, they were little ones, then they got worse and almost excruciatingly painful. What is going on? He could feel himself start to sweat, his body feels like it’s on fire and it felt like it was too hot to breathe. Maybe he should go to the nurse, she’ll know what to do. He made his way down to the school nurse, opening the door to see the pretty redheaded woman going through some files before look up to send a kind smile to her patient before it dropped and she looked more stunned. 
“Dwight? Sweetheart come here, Your smell hit me like a train as soon as you came in.” She said, gently pulling him forward and closing the door, locking it in place as she urged him to lay down. 
“Everything hurts Mrs. Smithson.” Dwight panted out, almost groaning in relief when she placed a cool hand on his burning forehead. Hurt was not exactly the most correct term, overwhelmed would be closer. So many sensations that he’s never felt before all coming at him at once. 
“I know sweetheart, you're experiencing your first heat. It’s almost ironic being that you have just gotten your test results yesterday.” It was a joke, but Dwight couldn’t seem to get himself to laugh. Instead, he just listened to her soothing voice to help anchor himself from all the sensations.
“I-I don’t know what I did.” Mrs.Smithson gave him a sympathetic look, grabbing an ice pack and wrapping it in a towel before placing it where her hand used to be. 
“It’s nothing you did, it’s just your clock. Sometimes heats come at a different time and yours is right on time. Sometimes when there are Alpha’s around it helps speed up the process. Even just being near one can trigger the first heat and then you can be near one without going into heat as long as the Alpha is not in a rut. Where you near any Alpha’s lately? 
Dwight nodded, scrambling to find words as his body got hotter and everything was getting hazier. Cramps were starting to subside but suddenly he felt a wetness spread between his legs, slick and uncomfortable which made him give out a whine. 
“My brother is an Alpha, M-my best friend is too, we grew up together ya know? He’s mad at me, but I still think he’s the best friend anyone could ask for. I don’t know what I’d do without him, he’s amazing.” He started to babble, he knew he was babbling but right now, all he wanted was for David to be near him and to help him. He wanted David’s body to surround him and claim him.
Mrs. Smithson looked at him fondly. She knew that his thoughts were going more on the primal side but the way he talked about David was so similar to the way she talked about her husband. She knew heats were bad but she can tell a genuine fatuation just by the way he talked about him. However, he started to squirm and the most she could do was try and keep his head steady while she kept the ice pack on his forehead. 
“I’m going to call your parents okay Dwight? I’m going to see if anyone can come and get you.” Wild eyes looked up at her before shaking his head. His body starting to tremble. The first heat was always the worst, but he had it bad.
“Jeff! Call my brother Jeff, he’s the only one that knows that I- That I’m a- Just please, not my parents!” She hushed him and agreed. Asking necessary questions like if he was on his emergency contact lists, to which Dwight had confirmed he was. All of his family was on there just in case. She nodded as she had got up and grabbed her keys.
“Dwight, Dwight Sweetheart I need you to look at me okay-there we go, good boy. Do not open the door for anyone. Not for faculty, not for sick students, not even for David, okay?” Dwight gave out the most heartbreakingly distressed whine that she had ever heard and it almost made her wonder if…
“I know Dwight, I know. But I need you to promise me not to open the door for anyone.” Dwight nodded, letting the nurse place his hand to hold the ice pack, before she left, locking the door and making sure that it was locked before she left. Dwight felt nausea settle into his stomach from all the overwhelming sensation, he wanted this to stop, this hurt! God, he’ll do almost anything to make this all stop! 
That nausea got worse and he felt himself start to gag. But there was nowhere to throw up! Where were the trash cans??? There was no way he can throw up on the floor of the medical room! He stumbled out of bed, letting his ice pack hit the floor and he rushed as fast as he could to the door which he unlocked and ran to the men’s bathroom that was next door. Running to the stall with the only toilet, he proceeded to throw up the coffee and stomach acid that was in his system. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, hugging the toilet to his chest as he dry heaved into it but he felt so much better when he did. 
Dwight felt to weak to stand, so he sat there in the open stall next to the toilet, his eyes hazy and out of focus. When was Jeff coming? He wanted to suffer at home, even if he was outed to his family. It could be worse, it could be-
“Huh, so this is what smells so good.” Dwight’s hazy eyes look up to see who was speaking. Isn’t that David’s friend? The one that was eyeing him? Dwight’s brain just couldn’t function, he didn’t know what to do or what he wanted to do. He felt uncomfortable though and couldn’t help the instinctive thoughts that came through his brain. This wasn’t his mate. This wasn’t David.
He felt fingers graze the skin of his cheek, startled, he flinched away from the touch but wasn’t able to move his heavy body away from him. The Alpha threw him a feral grin as he grabbed his face, it was firm and felt almost unbreakable and fear cut through the heat haze. He felt disgusted as the boy's eyes roamed his body and Dwight could tell the boy made a decision.
He was going to claim him. 
Dwight could feel himself panic as the boy started to claw at his shirt in a frenzy, ripping buttons off his shirt before his chest was exposed. The boy stopped for just a second, before sliding a finger lightly down his chest before sliding to the right and using his thumb to circle around the nipple. Dwight squirmed at the sensation, uncomfortable but could help his body from reacting from the pleasurable sensation. He tried to push the boy’s wrist away but it only made him angry, the hand on his face moved down to his neck, which gave a squeeze as a warning.
“I’ll break your pretty neck if you try and struggle again, you got that?” He snarled, making Dwight whimper in fear as the boy went for the button of his now slick soaked jeans. He let out a distressed cry as the boy’s hand went down his pants quickly, seeking out the source of his wetness. Dwight gripped the wrist as tight as he could, trying to stop him from going farther which made the boy tightened his grip on his throat and shoved his head into the wall. 
“You struggle, but look how wet you are.” He said, prodding his hole and feeling the slick coming out. “You want this slut. Or else you wouldn’t have come here smelling this good now would you?” Dwight shook his head his grip still firm and felt so disgusting, so violated.
“I don’t- I d-don’t want this, please let go of me!” He cried out, trying but failing to get him off of him by flailing. The boy took his now wet hand out of Dwight’s pants before tugging roughly on his pants. “Please, don’t-Don’t do this please!” He was desperate. Desperate to get him off him, to keep his pants on and save what little dignity he had left. Dwight started to cry, hyperventilating sobs wracking his frame as his pants and underwear were ripped off.
He was going to be raped and there was nothing he could do about it. 
He heard the boy’s zipper go down which only made Dwight cry louder and struggle harder. He felt his head connect with the wall again, making his vision blur and the pressure on his neck tightened to the point where he could cry anymore and saw black spots in his vision. 
“Shut the fuck up, you're ruining it for me.” His tone was menacing, feral and demanding. He was going to get what he wanted, whether Dwight wanted it or not. He could feel the boy’s dick near him and Dwight let out a sound that sounded like he was being murdered. He squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see all of this happen. His first time being taken by someone he doesn’t even like, let alone love. 
Suddenly, all that weight and pressure was gone. Torn off of him like a bandaid and he felt like he could truly breathe. He blinked the tears and blurry vision away to see the boy getting absolutely mauled. His brain clicked when he saw the bigger Alpha beating the ever-loving hell out of the other boy. 
It’s David. He came for him. His Alpha came for him. 
The other boy got a few good hits in but David was bigger and stronger and so much angrier. David snarled, teeth bared as he looked like he was going to rip his throat out with them. The smaller Alpha had obviously lost the fight but Dwight couldn’t help but wonder if he was going to lose his life too. 
Dwight whimpered, this was already too much for him to handle. He just wanted his Alpha, he wanted here to hold him.  David stopped to look at Dwight before he looked back at the smaller Alpha. 
“Ya touch ‘im again and I will gut ya like a fish, got it!?” The smaller whimpered before he was literally thrown in the direction of the exit in which he scrambled to get out while tucking himself sloppily back into his pants. There was silence now, but David didn’t pause anything as he took off his jacket to wrap around the Omega and zipping it up. He glanced at the shirt and pants quickly before giving a disgusted noise. Dwight’s clothes were beyond repair, the only thing that was safe were the slick soiled underwear. Dwight was smaller in stature but he was still all long legs, so while David’s clothes would look ridiculously baggy on his friend it wouldn’t help much in terms of cover. 
“Sorry Dwight, yer knickers need ta go back on.” Dwight looked almost disappointed, which made David balk a bit. He felt Dwight’s finger trace doodles on his arm and David couldn’t help the pleasant shudder. He wasn’t as unaffected as he seemed, Dwight smelled close to divine and keeping control was a struggle. With the light touches, wasn’t sure if he could keep himself from-
“You came for me. You always promised you would and you actually came.” Dwight never usually sounded like that. What should have been appreciation came out more seductive with a little bit of awe. 
“Yer my best friend, o’ course I would. I woulda killed ‘im too if ya hadn’t sounded-” like you needed me. David wanted to say but he had a good inkling that was the heat affecting him. He grabbed the soiled briefs, gritting his teeth as a strong wave of his smell came from them. He felt horrified with himself as he had a hard time calming down. His best friend was nearly raped and he’s sitting in front of him, hard as a rock trying to get his underwear on. 
What a friend he was.
His eyes snapped open when Dwight pushed him on his ass, straddling his thigh as he rocked himself into it. David’s breath quickened and swallowed hard. Dwight was never one to have any type of sex appeal but this? This was hot. Something he wasn’t sure his awkward but sweet friend could actually do. 
“David. I want you.” David nearly snapped when he paired those words with a roll of his hips. He looked into his friend's eyes and saw the heat haze had completely clouded his friend's judgment. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t do that to his friend who was unable to consent to any actions forward. God dammit it was hard but if he did anything, he was damn sure it would hit Dwight just as hard as that assholes assault and he would be no better than that pitiful waste of flesh. 
“Fuck mate, I thought you said you were a Beta.” Dwight practically purred when he said mate and his alpha instinct went wild. 
Claim him
Claim him
Claim him
David dug his nails into his palms, feeling the short, but sharp nail cut into his skin. He’s gotta keep in control, that’s his duty as a best friend and as an Alpha. He gently cupped Dwight’s face to get him to look him in the eye, The omega leaning into one of his palms as he looks at the alpha in affection.
“Not here. Not in a dirty bathroom where you almost- Let’s go home.” Dwight perked up in interest, mistaking his words for a promise of relief later to come. As he tried to get Dwight back into his underwear, Dwight had used every dirty tactic in the book to get him riled up. Trying to spread those long legs to give him room in between them, kissing along his neck and jaw. David was going to go into the shower after this and after a good wank he was getting himself a beer, his dad be damned. After getting his underwear on, he lifted his friend up. He almost felt bad that he was holding him like a girl instead of a man but throwing him over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes sounded like a horrible idea in his mind. He stopped for a second, his brain short circuiting. 
Where does he go now?
He wasn’t sure if any Alpha would be stupid enough to take him on if he walked to the office, but he also didn’t want to risk causing a rut. He could always talk to Sally, she would know what to do. Holding him close, he couldn’t help but thank whatever god was out there that they were right next to the nurses office. As he walked in he stopped, seeing a panicked Sally and more surprisingly, Jeff who looked like he was going out of his damn mind. They both snapped into the direction of the door and Jeff almost bristles at the state of his little brother.
“What happened.” Jeff snapped, which made David’s hackles rise. Jeff was big, a bit bigger then he was and in a fight he couldn’t take him on as he was now. He didn’t like the accusation coming from the oldest, but he had to remind himself that Jeff is in pack frenzy. Trying to not to shake at the not so innocent touches that omega in his arms was giving, he explained what had happened and how right now, Dwight needed to get home as he’s in the middle of his heat. 
Jeff came to grab his little brother and David almost wanted to growl but let him go as his Alpha instincts knew that he was no threat. Dwight whined, looking thoroughly distressed as he was taken from David, but Jeff’s strong grip didn’t let him move. 
“I’m going to let your mom know what’s going on. I think you need to head home for a bit after being...Exposed, to a heat. I’m proud of you David for keeping your cool and...I’m so fucking grateful for what you did for Dwight.” David nearly preened at the compliment of the older Alpha. He’s known Jeff for as long as he’s known Dwight and he’s always looked at him for acceptance from him and he feels like he finally got the verbal confirmation he wanted. 
“Thanks Jeff, just keep him safe, yeah?” Jeff nodded, trying to keep a struggling Dwight in his arms. Both Alpha’s were struggling for different reasons at the Omega’s reaction. David saw Sally grab Dwight’s hand and let out a soothing pheromone that made Dwight sink into Jeff’s arms and quiet down. Both Jeff and David blinked in surprise, they were soothed by the smell but not enough to turn them into a wet noodle.
“How did you do that?” David saw Sally’s sad smile and he wanted nothing more than to comfort the kind nurse. He always had a soft spot for Sally, even if she did chew him out good for all the fights he got into. 
“Every Omega mother is able to do this. I was given this ability even though my child was stillborn. Usually it’s used to put fussy children to sleep but it can work with an Omega too.” Jeff let out a noise, horrified that he even asked the question and scrambled to get out an apology.
“It’s alright, it was a long time ago. My husband and I have come to terms and we are hoping to try again.” She said as she gave the awkward alpha a pat on the arm. She turned to David and gave a smile that reminded him of his mum when she was happy with him. 
“I’m going to head back to the office and call your mom to let her know what happened. I’m sure she would be very understanding to your issue.” She said as her, Jeff and Dwight made their way out. David looked at Jeff who looked a little green and looking like he wants to vomit. 
“Jeff, ye okay mate?” Jeff nodded but it was very convincing. In fact he looked like he was about to be even more sick.
“Yeah….Yeah, It’s just-Ugh, Dwight smells awful.” David looked at him in disbelief and Sally let out a laugh, then started to laugh harder at the look on David’s face.
“He- You- What?” Dwight smelt amazing, how could Jeff be so repulsed by his scent when David was pretty much ready to put that smell as a fucking candle. Sally was able to knock her laughter down to a giggle.
“It’s a sibling thing. It’s an instinct to prevent inbreeding within the pack, so Alpha’s are usually repulsed by the smell of their Omega’s siblings heat pheromone.” David almost snorted, that was almost unfortunate. But it made the Alpha in him feel much better at the fact, despite knowing Jeff would absolutely never do something like that to Dwight, ever. There was a burst of Dwight’s smell that practically crippled David as he wanted nothing more then do then claim his best friend but that thought died pretty quickly when Jeff vomited all over his brother.
It had been a good 3 days before David was allowed to see Dwight. When his mother found out he was an Omega, her eyes practically turned into stars as she had an Omega pup to baby now. 
But David...Kind of just felt awkward now. He was so heavily affected by Dwight’s pheromones and his control had wavered and nearly snapped. He knew that maybe a talk would be best but that’s never been his strong suit. He’s never been the ‘sit down and talk about your problems.’ Kinda guy. He’s always just ignored it and hoped it got better or goes away completely. He didn’t know how he was going to do that without completely cutting Dwight of his life and that...That thought actually made his heart hurt.
Cutting Dwight out was like losing a limb, but after what happened, he didn’t feel like he could just go back to normal. There was a shift that he knew they both probably couldn’t ignore even if they wanted too. David took a deep breath as he tapped his pencil on the textbook, trying to ignore the thoughts that plagued him. He was finished, but his thoughts weren’t. He got up and went downstairs, seeing his mum do the dishes and belting out a tune so horribly off key that it was grating. 
“ ‘aving fun there mum?” He said, making her turn her head to look at him and she smiled at him cheekily. 
“Only if it annoys you.” She said, her accent was much more posh than him and his dad, but it suited her. 
“Good ta know. Maybe I’ll belt out a tune or two.” He saw her face turn in mock horror and it made him grin. His mum was a character, he couldn’t deny that. 
“For the love of god, please save my ears.” He snickered as he sat at the dining table they kept in their fairly large kitchen. The one here wasn’t as big as the one they had in Manchester, but it was homey and he couldn’t help but love it. 
“Will do.” He said, before he nervously tapped his fingers on the table. He wasn’t sure what to say or how to say it but he really wanted her advice, she was always good at it and he feels that this would be right up her alley in her expertise. “Mum, can I ask ya somethin’ ‘bout Dwight?” She paused for a second, putting down the hand towel she was using to wipe her hands after she washed them and sitting down across from him. 
“Sure, what do you need to know?” David swallowed a little, still nervously tapping the table as he got his barings together. He was never very smooth in his delivery, but his mum always got what he meant.
“Well...After-After the whole thing with Dwight, I-uh, feel kind of awkward. I kind of felt like, I dunno, like a predator or a pervert.” His mother gave him a sympathetic look before putting a comforting hand on his. Feeling more comfortable to continue he let it all out. 
“I feel like after all that happened maybe I should let ‘im go or somethin’. I always thought we’d be okay ‘cause he was a Beta but now that I know ‘e isn’t...I feel like, he’s more at risk being with me then without me.” His mum squeezed his hand before waiting a beat to see if he had anything else to say. When she realized he said his piece she said something.
“Why don’t you think of it from his point of view. What would you think is more embarrassing? The fact that your friend was protective, kind and even though he was affected, he still kept his cool as much as possible to make sure you were safe or the fact that you tried to seduce said friend into mating with you and practically molested him.” David almost regretted asking his mum when she said such a thing, he felt his face go red as he leaned back and his mother started to laugh. 
“He won’t think of you as a bad guy. Not after you saved him from a very real and mentally crippling situation. Then even though he wasn’t in his right mind, you still let him decide for himself whether or not he wants you when he’s coherent enough to consent. If you cut him off because you feel like your a danger without talking to him, he is going to blame himself and his biology all his life.” She ran a thumb on healing knuckles lightly as to not aggravate the bruises and scabs. “You two...Have a bond that is so very rare. I believe that you two thrive better together then you would apart.”
She stopped and something seemed to have fallen into place in her brain. She let go of his hand, seeing him reel it in to grip the edge of the table. 
“What would you do if I told you that Dwight mated with another Alpha that wasn’t you.” Suddenly, there was a loud crunch that sounded through the air and both of them looked surprised when David was holding a chunk of their table in his hand. David looked at the chunk silently his mouth gaped open. He didn’t mean to do that. Just the wave of Jealousy, anger and devastation that had mowed him down so suddenly just made him- 
“My table!” His mother cried out as she looked at the clean break. Looking like she was about to cry. “David, this is a marble table, do you know how expensive this is!?” David blinked at his mother’s antics. She’s more concerned that he broke the table then she was astonished that he broke a marble table with his hands! 
“Uh…’m sorry?” She gave him the nastiest glare he thinks he has ever received and placed the broken pieces on the table, slowly moving away from his distraught mother to the staircase. 
“Go to your room and think about what you’ve done. Think about the reason why you broke my bloody table.” She said in distress, trying to place the broken piece back but only making it worse as the piece started to crumble. 
He quickly made his way up and went into his room before he paused. Then it dawned on him and hit him like a ton of bricks. 
He was in love with his best friend. 
He groaned and collapsed face first into his bed, groaning even louder and longer into the sheets. 
What’s he gonna do now?
Later in the early evening did Dwight come over with the most delicate knock on his front door, embarrassed with what had transpired during the first day of his heat and having no issue if they didn’t hear him or weren’t home. But nothing passed David’s mother’s keen ears as she opened the door not seconds later. She looked peeved but pleased at the same time and looking even happier seeing him on her from porch. 
“Oh! Dwight Sweetheart, it’s good to see you again. Feeling better?” Her tone was light and non-judgemental, making Dwight feel a little better, even if he was embarrassed. He felt a little awkward because everyone and their mother were well aware of what transpired. He knew he could hide forever and if he did, the results would end up with him losing his best friend and he needed to apologize anyway. Dwight shot her an awkward smile, not to keen on talking about the most humiliating 3 days of his life.
“Yeah, it’s over now.” Jeff made sure to let him know and made him air out his room today. Jeff looked like he was going to cry in relief once his heat was done. This was the most humiliating heat he will ever experienced because he was assaulted, he tried to seduce his best friend into mating with him AND his brother threw up on him. Not to mention that he’s terrified to go back to school. They had a ‘zero tolerance policy’ towards Omega harassment but that was usually bullshit. Dwight couldn’t help but wonder ... would they blame him for what happened? 
She stepped aside and let him in telling him that David was in his room and also something about a broken table?
He made his was up the stairs and sat in front of David’s room for a second. Taking a deep breath to steal his nerves before knocking on the door. He heard some shuffling on the other side of the door before some footsteps and there was David. 
Handsome, athletic, perfect David. 
Dwight could feel the heat of embarrassment crawl up his neck, redness threatening to cover his face. David looked stunned before he snapped out of it. A little bit of red creeping onto his cheeks at the sight of him. 
“Ah, Dwight,” he said, he himself sounding a little awkward making Dwight feel a bit nervous, David has never felt awkward by him ever in his life. This is definitely a moment he is going to hope for the best but expect the worst. David stepped aside to let him in, this was a talk they had to have alone but Dwight couldn’t help himself in thinking it was a good sign that he still was okay with being alone with him despite what happened and accepted the invitation inside. 
“So,” they both started, grinning awkwardly at each other, and shuffling a little while pausing, giving the other a chance to speak. When neither of them spoke they both tried again.
“Look what happened-“ they both stopped, looked at each other and started to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. Both of them wanted to talk but neither could seem to get it out.
“Do ya wanna go first or me?” Dwight paused for a second, but was determined for David to hear his piece first before making a decision that could change their friendship. 
“I- let me- I should go first. I have a lot to say.” David nodded and sat down on his bed to make himself more comfortable, spreading his legs and resting his forearms on his knees and lacing his fingers together, making eye contact with Dwight so he knew he was paying attention. Dwight swallowed nervously, this was it.
“I...I am so sorry. What I- What I did to you was unacceptable and I couldn’t imagine how you must have felt and how much I humiliated you.” David looked shocked, appalled even, and Dwight inwardly cringed, this was worse then he thou-
“Dwight, you were in the middle of your heat! You weren’t even coherent by the time everything was said and done. Besides, I’m the one who should apologize. I nearly jumped you during your heat like a dog, It was so hard to pull away Dwight and I’m so-”
“You did?” Dwight felt almost giddy, sure, the pheromones are one hell of a drug and it pulls at the basic, most primal part of your instincts but you still have choices, despite that. To have David struggle to control himself usually means he is desperate for sex or he finds him attractive.
“...You sound a little excited for someone who was nearly about to be molested by his best friend.” David said slowly, not awkwardly but more stunned and confused.
“I wouldn’t mind.” 
What. What did he- He didn’t just say that. He didn’t just say that! He sounds like a creep! David’s face dropped in shock. Lips parted and eyebrows shot up to the hair line. Catching Dwight’s eye briefly before the geeky brunettes brown eyes avoided his and a blush turned his face red with humiliation. He wanted to run, just jump out head first out David’s window, bonus points if he broke his neck.
“I-I mean, I uh.” He couldn’t even save his own ass! Nothing was coming out and David still looked like he had been hit head on by a train. God, he really wanted to lose David today, he just kept ruining everything. 
“Say that again.” Dwight’s brain went to a screeching halt as he looked at his best friend who never in his life looked so hopeful. Something seemed to click in Dwight's brain and he couldn’t help but think ...Did he maybe..?
“I wouldn’t have minded,” Dwight said slowly, looking at David’s expression intently, looking for any signs of his face shifting. “If you wanted to mate with me. Especially if it’s you.”
There was a silence, but it was tense. Dwight knew after this, the relationship would change. He could just feel a shift and after that confession he didn’t think they could ever go back even if he wanted to. David moved, it was slow, like he was approaching a spooked animal  then his best friend. He looked like he wanted to touch him but hesitated, almost afraid too. So Dwight decided to do something so uncharacteristically bold of him and grabs his friends hand and he immediately grabbed back. 
“Is...It’s no’ just-” Dwight smiled when he couldn’t get the words out. It made him feel better that he wasn’t the only one that was affected. He wasn’t the only one that was unsure if his feelings were reciprocated. 
“No, it’s not just the sex or the fact that we’re Alpha and Omega. I’ve wanted you to look at me for a long time.” Was all Dwight had to say before a relieved smile spread onto David’s face and Dwight swore he fell in love with him all over again. Dwight however, didn’t expect David pull him into a breathtaking kiss that had blown any and all fantasies he’s ever had out of the water. Dwight returned the kiss fiercely, grabbing the back of his neck, trying to get as close as possible. He felt David’s tongue swipe at his lower lip and he was more than happy to let him in-
“David, I hope you know that table is going to cost m- Oh my god!” As soon as she opened the door she closed it almost immediately. “If I knew you two were going to snog, I would have knocked!” 
The two had practically jumped away when they had realized she had walked in, both their fair complexions going a fetching shade of tomato red and with her comment Dwight had practically turned purple and hid his face while David turned a darker shade of red.
“You should ‘ave knocked regardless!” David’s voice cracked as his pitch went hysterically high, which caused Dwight to giggle in his hands. In David’s embarrassment he shoved Dwight hard enough to where he fell but his giggling turned into outright laughter. It was the most embarrassing thing he was ever caught doing and he could officially say this was the most embarrassing week of his life and he just could help the hysterical laughter. 
“Why are ye laughin’!?” But he couldn’t help but join in the infectious laughter. It might be the most embarrassing week of Dwight’s life but at least he has David and he is going to suffer with him 
It had been months after the incident and school for Dwight had become much harder after the whole school found out about him being an Omega and the whole heat debacle. Some kids maliciously teased him, he was called everything under the sun when he passed by. He was humiliated, thankful that he was on the last month of high school and graduation was only a couple weeks away and he had David to come to his rescue. 
He had been waiting by David’s locker and on his phone, not really looking at anything. He was too nervous to look up and see eyes on him or to have someone approach him. However, when he saw sneakers come into his view, he felt his heart drop to stomach. 
“Heya slut, how’re you doing.” Dwight slowly looked up from his phone, trying to stop the obvious shake in his hands. Hunter was back  and unfortunately, only got a three day suspension because it was a ‘hormone based sexual assault.’ And therefore wasn’t ground to anything permanent. Eli and Hunter already didn’t want anything to do with him before but now they wanted him to be as isolated as possible. They had tried to convince David, but they were met with aggression.
“Kinda cute how you’ve been trying to avoid me. Especially after you got me fucking suspended when you were out here trying to get me to fuck you. Trying to play hard to get sweetheart?” Dwight looked at him in horror. Did he genuinely think that or was he trying to discredit him? Maybe trying to taunt him?
Hunter started to crowd Dwight’s space, making the brunette press himself against the locker. He was completely trapped, especially as he caged him in with his arms and leaned in. Dwight could only look up at him helplessly, brown eyes wide and not hiding his fear. He looked away, feeling sweat bead on the back of his neck.
Hunter reveled in Dwight’s fear, finding a fierce sense of power over the smaller boy. His smile was feral, grabbing the omega by the chin making sure that Dwight looked at him and realized who was in charge and who he should respect. 
“Oh no no, look right here sweetheart. It’s rude not to look someone in the eye while talking to you, don’t you know?” His tone was light, but the intent was there. Dwight didn’t know what to do, he didn’t know what Hunter was going to do. Was this just to scare him for getting him in trouble or was this going to be a more coherent part two of what happened a few months ago? His palms started to sweat and he tried not to hyperventilate. God he just wanted this to stop!
Suddenly he felt he could breathe again when Hunter stepped off. No, he didn’t step off, he was dragged off and thrown to the floor by a very, angry David. Dwight had seen his best friend turned boyfriend angry before but this was a different level of anger that he has never seen before.
And it was possibly the most terrifying thing he has ever seen. 
“Ya sure like ta push boundaries don't ya, ya shit.” David’s body was tense, ready for a fight and Hunter knew he had absolutely no chance as he backed away from the stronger Alpha, Scrambling as he crawled backwards. David grabbed the boys hair, who let out a cry as he scratched at David’s hands in panic not expecting to be thrown against the closest locker face first, Hunter’s head recotieting off the metal door as he fell back onto the floor, crying out in pain and holding his face. He let out a high pitched sob as David grabbed his legs and dragged him closer, only to grab him by the collar, wind his fist back and hit him straight into his already bleeding nose. A sickening crack echoed in the air and Dwight heard someone gag at the noise. Dwight looked around to see a crowd gathering, excited and terrified whispers and cheers mixed together, egging David on.
“I told ya once already mate ta stay away from ‘im.” he said sending his fist to the side of his face. “The second time I’ve ‘ad to drag yer fuckin’ body off o’ him but I guess I gotta give ya a reminder.” David hauled Hunter’s weak and sobbing body as he threw the boy into the lockers again, head bouncing off violently before going face first into the floor. Dwight felt queasy at all of the blood. He could feel himself shudder in disgust seeing the other boys head connecting to metal. 
“Don’t touch wha’s mine. Ya got it? Or I’m gonna do so much fuckin’ worse, I swear t’ god.” Dwight’s attention snapped to David at those words. Horrified and absolutely furious at even being mentioned as a thing. He wasn’t a possession, he wasn’t a prize to be won so why…? He paused, David won and he knew he won so why wasn’t he backing off? A light bulb went off in the Omega’s head as he really looked at him. The aggression, the over possessiveness, that wild almost animalistic look in his eye. How could Dwight be so stupid! Of course, he’s going through his first rut!
Dwight nearly ran face first into David’s chest as he stopped him from picking up the now unconscious Alpha and tried to push him back as much as possible.
“Hey hey, c’mon. I’m okay, see.” He smiled nervously as David stared him down, his intent still murderous and with such an intense, angry expression that bored down on him. He could feel himself start to sweat and for the first time in his life, he wasn’t sure that David wasn’t going to hurt him. “Please David, it’s over, he’s not even conscious. Y-you won and that’s enough yeah?” There was a silence all around. Not one person made a peep, to scared to even move, let alone talk. Not when David’s face was cold with such a bone deep rage that they were sure that David was going to maul his childhood friend/Boyfriend. Dwight could feel that panic creeping up his spine with full force, it felt hard to breathe and he could feel his eyes water. He wanted to believe that David would never lay a hand on him but David’s never looked at him that way before and he was so fucking terrified.
“David please. Your scaring me.” His voice was fragile, it cracked and Dwight almost felt ashamed for how much of a coward he sounded like. But he’ll think about it later, first he had to see what David’s next move was. David’s body didn’t quite deflate but he put his hand around the back of Dwight’s neck firmly and brought him closer to his body and keeping his hand there before guiding him roughly with his movements. He snarled at anyone who was close by and students quickly backed up to get as far away from the violent Alpha as they can. Dwight kept his head down, too afraid to look David in the eye in case it sets him off. He heard that first ruts could be rough and violent but this was an extreme. Usually during ruts, Alpha’s show more aggression towards other Alpha’s as a dominance and territory factor, but David was bleeding hostility towards anyone with a pulse. As they reached a classroom, it was majorly empty except for a few gaggles of Beta girl’s. They all stared at the two boys and while Dwight flushed in embarrassment, David bared his teeth.
“Get th’ fuck out.” He snarled, making the girls scramble in their haste. When they all left through the door, David was quick to lock it. Dwight swallowed nervously, fidgeting with his hands, not prepared for what David had in store for him. To say he was nervous was an understatement, he was downright terrified as he has never dealt with David, let alone an Alpha in a full blown rut before. Dwight let out a strangled noise as his waist was grabbed and he was placed on David’s lap not expecting have David ...Nuzzling him?
“I can smell th’ fucker all over ya.” Ah, he’s scenting him. That makes a lot more sense that he’s being more territorial than normal. Dwight thought back to the whole conversation and frowned. Now he was irritated, especially when he felt like he was being considered more of an object then a human being with thoughts and feelings. He understood that David wasn’t really himself but...
“You realize I’m not an object to be claimed right?” His voice held a heavy amount of annoyance which made David stop what he was doing and tightens his grip, nuzzling into his ear.
“No, no’ an object. But yer mine.” David nipped at his ear and tugged, causing a delightful shiver to go through Dwight’s body, the possessive tone not doing him any favours of calming himself down. 
‘Stupid virgin body with stupid virgin needs.’ Dwight thought as David kissed up his neck while grinding himself into Dwight. Dwight’s face went bright red as he felt David’s hard cock pressing up against his most sensitive parts and couldn’t help the needy whine that came from his throat.
“Not, ah! N-not here. Home.” David seemed plenty content to continue what they were doing right here but stopped when Dwight started to struggle.
“Fine.” It came out more of a grumble, maybe because he was going to get want he wanted and not in a place where there were so many smells of other people. As Dwight got up, David was quick behind him. David’s focused onto the back of his boyfriend neck, where his neck and his shoulder meet that was partially hidden by his shirt. That particular spot that he wants to dig his teeth into and- 
Bite. Mark. Claim.
Dwight hurried to unlock the door, trying to scramble out of there trying not to get caught in the middle of their haste and David following close after. As they got into the parking lot, Dwight turned around and opened his hand, Which made David looked at him in confusion and mild irrational.
“Your keys. You’re in no state to drive.” He heard David growl low in his throat, but this time Dwight was fully aware that David wasn’t going to hurt him, so to get what he wanted, he played dirty.
“Please Alpha?” Bingo, right on the money. David paused, his eyes darkening and crowding Dwight’s already limited space, pressing him against the car and planting a searing kiss against his lips while also pressing The keys into Dwight’s hand. He backed off as Dwight ushered him into the car, wanting to get home as soon as possible. The drive home was agonizing, especially when he had David trailing his hand up his thighs and fondling him through his pants. Large hands unbuttoned his pants and brought the zip down exposing black briefs which tented obviously. Dwight could feel sweat drip down the back of his neck, his grip on the steering wheel tightened as he tried his best to keep eyes on the road. They hit a red light and Dwight hit the breaks a little harder than usual when David snuck his hand down his briefs and grabbing his cock. As they waited, Dwight spread his legs, one hand white knuckling the steering wheel and the other on David’s wrist, trying to urge him to go faster. David smirked as his brain came up with the most devious idea, letting go of Dwight’s cock making the Omega cry out in dismay.
“Both hands on the wheel.” David demanded, trying to pull Dwight’s pants and briefs a tad bit further down, making the smaller male lift his hips slightly to help, complying with the demand.
“Don’t look away from the road and don’t you dare take your hands off the wheel.” Dwight was about to ask but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a loud moan as David’s mouth deepthroated him like it was his fucking job. Dwight tried to thrust into David’s mouth but his seatbelt limited his movements and fought the urge to close his eyes as the Alpha bobbed his head, taking Dwight’s cock deeper with no issue. 
‘Oh god, he doesn’t have a gag reflex.’ The realization caused pre-cum to hit the back of David’s throat, only to have him swallow around him causing Dwight to cry out, nearly cumming right then and there. God, he was going to run them off the road at this point, he was going to die with his cock down his best friends’ throat. 
David came up slowly. His cheeks hollowing as he came up and letting Dwight’s cock go with a slick pop. Dwight whined, not sure if he was relieved because now he could drive or disappointed because was desperate to cum.
Dwight nearly cried as he tore into his driveway. Switching off his car and putting it in park hastily, he stuffed his achingly hard back into his pants but didn’t bother to do them up. Knowing that no one was home, he shakily put his key and unlocked it, taking a little more time then it should as David ground his covered bulge into Dwight’s ass. When he was able to fling the door open, he practically dragged the Alpha inside, not bother to lock the door when David lifted him up and carried him to the bedroom. 
David threw Dwight down on his bed, wasting no time in taking everything off and settling between his Omega’s legs and ripping off his clothes. Dwight was wet-no, absolutely soaking, when David brought two fingers down to his hole, burying them knuckle deep into his boyfriend and finger fucking him at a brutal pace, making Dwight sob and beg him for more, the Omega spreading his legs as far as he could go. 
“God, I can’ wait ta fuck ya. So tight and wet get me. Fuck, do ya ‘ave any idea wha’ ya do ta me?” David’s voice was low, coming out as a growl and the words coming out of his mouth were down right sinful.
“’m gonna stuff ya good with m’ cock, fill you with m’ cum and knot ya real good.” He crooked his fingers upwards in a particularly brutal thrust making Dwight sob as he hit the spot inside him directly, making him see stars, crying out his name like a prayer.
“Mm. Tha’s right sweetheart, say m’ name.” David said, giving him a couple more jabs to Dwight’s prostate before taking his fingers out. He flipped him around, tangling his fingers into brown hair, keeping his head down and lifting the Omega’s hips up. Lining his cock to his entrance before thrusting in. Dwight keened as David set a brutal pace, thrusting hard into the spot that made Dwight see stars. Dwight feel tears leak out his eyes at the onslaught of overwhelming pleasure, glasses askew before he ripped them off his face and tossed them. He gripped the head board to ground himself as David fucked him, he couldn’t help the loud moans and cries spilling out of his mouth but it only seemed to spur David further.
“Pl-EASE David, FUCK! I need to cum, please let me cum! Please, please, please!” He felt the Alpha reach around to grab his cock, jerking him in time with his thrusts. “Yes! God yes, I’m so close! Cum in me David,  please knot me!”Dwight babbled, before screaming as he came hard onto his sheets. He could feel David’s knot swell before he felt him fill him up with his cum. The Alpha’s knot catching onto Dwight’s rim and he slowed his thrusts into shallow rut. 
David said something, but Dwight couldn’t hear him for a minute after being fucked stupid. 
“Hmm?” Dwight hummed lazily after getting his senses back.
“I said, Are ya alright luv?” Dwight shot him a sloppy grin, not quite yet able to form words. David gently lifted him onto his lap, making sure not to tug on the knot keeping them together, making Dwight hum again happily cuddling into the broad chest of his Alpha.
“I was pretty rough with ya, especially since ya never done it before. you sure you’re okay?” David’s rut was a lot more vicious than he anticipated. While he knew that Dwight enjoyed himself, he wanted to make sure that he’ll come back down to earth feeling taken care of. 
“Can we do that again?” Dwight said dazed, voice rough from his earlier screaming. David laughed, only to laugh harder at the dopey grin on his boyfriend’s face. 
“I thin’ that could be arranged. My ruts no’ over for ‘nother two days, so you’ll ‘ave yer hands full.” 
“You mean I’ll have my ass full.” David howled, not used to this kind of talk from Dwight and honestly, it was hilarious. David briefly wondered if he created a monster but he can’t say he regretted it. 
“Later. Fer now, we’ll wait till the knot dies down and we’ll ‘ave a shower and eat. Maybe take a short nap until my rut hits me again like a bag of bricks.” Dwight nodded enthusiastically, but felt a little disappointed when he felt the knot start to deflate and cum leaking out. 
“Good thing I’m on the pill, I like the feeling of being full.” Dwight felt a smug grin creep onto his face as he felt his boyfriends cock twitch inside him and hands gripping his waste tightly.
“If ya keep going like tha’, we might ‘ave to push that shower and food back” Dwight ground himself onto the hardening dick inside him, making the Alpha moan low in his throat.
“Or we can go at it in the shower?” David took a deep breath as he pulled the Omega off his cock, his boyfriend groaned unhappily, up on shaky feet as he gave a displeased look to his boyfriend, only to yelp as his ass cheek was slapped.
“Go run th’ shower.” It didn’t take long for it to click and Dwight just smirked at him.
“Yes sir.”
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atopearth · 4 years
Chrono Trigger Part 1 - A Colourful World of Different Ages
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As someone who has played Chrono Cross but not Chrono Trigger, I’m curious to see why it’s so beloved haha, right now it just makes me think of Dragon Ball all the time (because of the character designs). But, I’m really liking the soundtrack and atmosphere though, it really has that nostalgic homey feel that I love about JRPGs in the past. Lmao at the maid in the Mayor’s house, she tells you that you can help yourself to all the treasure chests in this house as if it’s a treasure trove and there’s only two chests!! Lady, don’t get my hopes up! Umm, I went to the fair where Lucca is showcasing her new invention or something and I think I just ate the old man’s lunch!! LOL, I’m sorry old man. I might have to restart just because I feel bad eating it. Is Marle a princess btw? Anyway, lmao at the Biggs and Wedge in the horror house lolll. Ohhh I guess this is how the two games are similar? They both have a pendant that causes them to kinda be transported somewhere else? It’s really cool of Crono to chase after Marle when she disappeared though! I mean, who knows where she went! At least it’s not the fault of Lucca’s invention lol, since it worked properly when Crono was on it without the necklace haha. I assume that this is the past when there was a war going on and this Queen Leene that the people are saying have been found is probably Marle? Oh wait, 600 AD? It’s 400 years ago! HAHAHA omg the little green/blue Piccolo monster can ride on the ball monster hahahaha how cute. Anyway, as expected, we’re going to have to find the real queen, since if she dies, Marle/Princess Nadia isn’t going to exist~ Dunno why Marle keeps disappearing though! On another note, Lucca sure came here fast and found Crono in no time lol!
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Damn, monster nuns?! Awww! A frog guy to the rescue!! HAHAHA Frog has a skill called slurp that licks a party member and heals their HP hahahaha. I guess the reason why Marle “disappeared” and came back was because Queen Leene’s life was in danger, so Marle’s existence was questioned. Lmao at everyone in the castle now saying that yeah Marle couldn’t have been Leene after all since she ate so much and had no manners🤣🤣 I feel sorry for Frog but I can understand why he blames himself, he was the Queen’s knight and yet she got captured by Yakra… At least he saved her! Lucca is pretty amazing to be able to make a gate key to keep the gate there for them to go back to their time. She’s not dodgy at her inventions at all! Well, I didn’t expect it to go well but I didn’t think bringing Marle back to the castle would make her father etc think Crono was a kidnapper. Well, it’s just the dodgy Chancellor mainly but still. Lmao at the trial, like I’m sorry I picked up Marle’s pendant before caring about her lmao, she was already standing dude! Yes, I’m such a terrible person LOL. Anyway, apparently helping the girl find her cat was enough to make Crono a good enough guy lol. I guess not eating grandpa’s lunch really helped my case too HAHAHA. Not that it matters since the Chancellor still wants to execute Crono! I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to let Crono keep his weapons whilst in jail though lmao. LMAO at the piece of paper detailing the weaknesses of the tank boss, “as long as no crazy lunatic starts hacking at it with a sword, it should be invincible” hahahaha. I love how Lucca always comes to save the day though, she’s so cool haha. Hahahah I love how the dragon tank explodes on the bridge and the Chancellor and mechanics are then used as the broken part of the bridge for you to cross (since they’re all holding on to their dear lives) hahaha. It was pretty reckless of them to all run and jump into a Gate though, like who knows where it goes?!
It’s kinda saddening that these people (in 1999 AD/destroyed future?) seem to be at the mercy of their own technology that they developed, especially when Doan said they were atop food storage but they can’t access it because the robots are protecting it. Imagine starving on top of a pile of food… Ohh wow, so 1999 AD the day of Lavos is when Lavos appeared from underground around the world and destroyed it all? I was so nervous about losing to Johnny in the race across the ruins but lmaoo it doesn’t even matter! It’s not that far! And I have to go back into the ruins to get a chest anyway loll. Omgg Robo is such a cutie! It was so saddening when his “friends” called him a defect (since Lucca fixed him and he’s not a normal robot following the functions of killing intruders) and thrashed him! Even I had trouble dealing with them though, way too many robots lol. Anyway, we really gotta appreciate how amazing Lucca is to be able to fix future machinery like dang. Now we have a new friend too! 
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Omg the End of Time? It looks pretty much like the Bend of Time in Chrono Cross, it’s kinda cool how funky these things are haha. Wow, for a second, I was wondering whether 1000 AD was actually their home world and time hahaha, it was so different, I was confused! But it seems that in the underworld or whatever that’s where the fiends are living, and they hate the humans and wished that the Magus who created the Lavos killed all the humans 400 years ago? Hmm I wonder why they didn’t kill them all back then and instead decided to kill the humans around 1999 AD? I wonder if talking to Magus or stopping him from creating the Lavos will solve things… Wow, I can’t believe the war here seems to be speeding up really fast! I wonder who is the hero? On the other hand, I never realised the Commander and chef in the castle were brothers! It’s kinda cute how they’re both rough around the edges being stubborn about how their respective teams are more exhausted etc but in the end, they understand how difficult a time it is and will always help each other out. Didn’t think the king himself nearly fought to his death though, how reckless! Lmao at spiced jerky being the rations that the soldiers needed hahahaha.
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Lmao at the Freelancer monster (that looks like a bird), it legit throws rocks at you hahahaha. LMAO at the sheep looking guy that says mountains are so nice, I legit kept talking to him because I felt that there must be a reason for him to be here and lolll if you annoy him enough times he gives you a magic capsule hahahah! I nearly died when he said “you’re not gonna leave me alone huh” LOL. Well, I didn’t expect to find Masamune on a random mountain! They’re so cute separated as two little kids though, yet so ugly in their combined monster form lmaoo. Well, it was to be expected that the real hero was actually Frog, but to think he has the hilt for Masamune! I feel like he feels he’s undeserving to be the hero not just because he wasn’t able to protect the Queen properly though hmmm. Dang, Ayla gets a cool introduction! Didn’t expect her to come from 65,000,000 BC though when I first saw her in the opening. Honestly though, it felt as if Crono fell in love with her at first sight haha! Anyway, it’s kinda cool to come all the way here for the Dreamstone (to fix the Masamune), it kinda reminds me of Chrono Cross when they had to go to Another World for hydra stuff since it was extinct in their own world. Glenn huh? Anyway, didn’t expect Magus to be a good looking guy! Well, he’s a bunch of pixels but I think he’s good looking! Lol!
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I can see why Frog was so adamant on not going along with Crono and them before. He was Glenn, the guy who went along with Cyrus (the Captain of the castle who everyone admired, and even the King and Queen relied on him very much and still speak about him) to defeat Magus, but in the end, Cyrus sacrificed his life to protect Glenn so he could survive and retreat, yet in the end, Magus just turned him into a frog because of the “coward” he was. Not only that, but Cyrus’ last words asked of Frog to protect the queen and them, and yet the queen was kidnapped in the beginning of the story. So you can really see why he would feel so unworthy of being the hero that will save this land. But now that the weapon Cyrus wielded has been fixed (Masamune) and there are new companions enlisting for his help, I think it’s about time Frog stopped blaming himself! It’s time to show Magus that he’s not a coward! It was pretty cool to see Frog slash a mountain in half, like dang, I guess Cyrus was right to say Frog was stronger than him, he just never had the confidence since he was always stunted by his fear. Well, Ozzie is pretty annoying with his traps lmao, kinda childish at the same time though hahaha! I guess it was expected that Magus only summoned Lavos and didn’t create them since they’re beings that have stayed under the planet(?) consuming power etc to become as strong as they are to end up destroying the world in the future.
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Crono and them riding the Dactyl to the reptite castle was cool haha! I feel sad for Kino that he doesn’t get to fight alongside them though, especially since he’s aware that he’s not as strong as Crono and Ayla. Lmaooo at Nizbel complaining about Crono and them walking past him even though he was flexing his muscles and showing them that they needed to defeat him before they can get to Azala hahahah. Hmm, Lavos creates these time gates? 12,000 BC time!
For now, I’m really enjoying Chrono Trigger more than I thought I would! I’ve always averted from time travel stories because I never really found them too interesting, but I really love how the idea is implemented in this, like, it’s literally fun! Not only do you get to see how different the different eras are, but I think the monsters, the people and everything is just so detailed and interesting. Like, it’s hard to forget the NPCs and stuff because they all have such personality, like whether it be the chef and the commander in the castle, the monsters playing ball with each other, and just everyone you encounter along the journey really shows how colourful the world is and how interesting it is to explore it all. The graphics may not be the best considering how old it is, but I think they’re so cute. I kinda wish Crono actually talked or nodded and stuff a bit more, but I guess it’s okay since the rest of the characters talk haha. Honestly though, I think the charm of the game is definitely in the aspect of adventuring in time and how different everything is, yet also how enjoyable it is. And you kinda get a side dose of we need to save the world from Lavos, so it has the typical JRPG feel to it as well haha. Combat is also pretty interesting! Not too hard as well so that’s great, but I really love the dual techs where two characters cooperate to do one skill, I just love watching all the different combinations!
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marcoacesabo · 6 years
MAS WEEK Day 1:  Alternate Universe
To tell you the truth he didn’t really think it would work. See, Ace had always assumed his so-called “powers” were a lie made up by a guilt-ridden Garp. Just something the old man could give him from his dead mother, something that didn’t need physical proof. 
When Ace was small and angry he took those words for face value. Sure his powers sounded far-fetched even to him back then but that was all he had. He clutched to the notion that those words, those promises of resting powers were true beacuse it was a way to connect him to the woman formally known as Portgas D Rouge. 
As he got older he realized that it was impossible. Just another white lie told to children, like the tooth fairy or the gift baring Marine Boy- that last one he never believed but why tell Garp to stop bringing him presents?- it was just a thing said to keep his childlike wonder alive.
For if it had been true then why had his mother died?
He never mentions his powers to anyone- well maybe Sabo once when he was still alive- and for a long time he even forgot about them. They were pushed to the back of his head, part of his childhood which he never really thought about until someone else brought it up. He lived his life as free and as daring as any pirate could, all up until the point he was captured then thrown into a war over his life.
It was ironic, that those powers were there all his life and they only awake when his life ended. It was only three seconds before he breathes his last that his body started to glow and Ace was able to access the power of the Portgas family.
It’s much like his fire so he reaches for that sensation and doesn’t let go. Not even when it feels like he’s buring inside out. 
It was terrifying waking the first time. 
He had just had his chest blown apart, lava eating away all his internal organs and the smell of burnt flesh was still in his nose, sitting like a long unwanted guest.  Honestly, who could blame him that the first thing he did was scream?
Scream as if though he was dying- is dead? He had died right?- thrashing about in a panic attempt to get the pain to stop. The pain that felt so real only seconds ago but now wasn’t there- even if he could still feel it.  
Beacuse his chest wasn’t ripped apart, it was whole perfect besides the beating of his panic heart. 
Ace didn’t know what to do, he hurt but he wasn’t injured- at least he hopes so- and his death was so fresh, too close to not have been real why wasn’t-
“Ace!?” A voice yells right before tiny hands land on his shoulders. It was the wrong thing to do. Ace didn’t react well- don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me- his hand shooting up to snatch the offending hand thinking only of lava and pain.  
He didn’t even register the loud snap, not until a young male’s voice scream in agony. It was imminently followed by crying, and pain gasps- a child's voice. 
Ace was many things, but as a former abused child, he could not ignore when a child screamed like that. It took everything he had but the WhiteBeard Commander forced his mind to calm down, take control of his fear and think. 
He snaps his eyes open, ones he hadn’t been aware he had close and came face to face with a sobbing Sabo, tiny and young just like he remember him being. The little blond was holding his arm, crying horribly his face twisted in pain, his wrist twisted in the wrong direction.
“Oh fuck! Sabo!” Ace screeched springing up. Despite the confusion, the fear, or the questions he could never ignore Sabo in pain. Even though his death had been years ago, Ace could never think of anyone that he hadn’t cared for as much as Sabo....well there was Marco but that was a dream of a desperate eighteen-year-old who never got the courage to try and let the other know about his feelings. 
Sabo though? Sabo was the one person who took the chance on Ace, in a time when no one else would have and for that reason alone he would always remain as the true holder of his heart.  
“Sabo?! Oh, Sea I’m so sorry! Let me help-”  He tries to reach out but the other flinch from him shaking his head. It pretty impressive that he hasn’t passed out yet, tough kid. 
“No! I’ve seen you use Healing Magic- you’ll make it worse! You can barely even hover!” Sabo gasps between sobs. His voice wavering with pain  “Get your mom to fix me! Hurry it hurts!”
Healing Magic? Hover? His mom? 
“I don’t-”
“Ace it really really hurts! Please! You said- ow ugh - you said you would take care of me! You said I wouldn’t be a slave to you!” Sabo sobs a plea in his tone like he is hoping Ace will confirm something for him as he is leaning on the ground body curling over his injured arm and that’s when Ace notices it. 
At first, he hadn’t really paid attention, not really. Everything happening too fast for him to care about the long blond bunny ears that were randomly attached to Sabo’s top hat but with the boy leaning over the soft white little ball sitting near his tailbone gave him pause.
Sabo shirt had lifted up allowing Ace to see that the ball wasn’t part of his blue shirts- no it was part of Sabo’s skin. That means it was his tail. Sabo had a tail.
what in all the blue fucking seas!?
“Boys what is going-Sabo! Sweetie, what happened?!” A woman shouts. She had been opening the door, a frown on her face until she caught sight of the kneeling child. 
Ace watches her come in with the grace of a season killer, steps fast but silent. Her long blue dress barely makes any noise as she rushes forward one of her hands glowing an odd blue- kinda similar to Marco’s flames.  She places her hand on the crying boy’s back and she mumbles soothing words to him until he unfolds. 
She gently takes his injured hand, sweeping her strawberry sunshine hair out of her face as she chants short words and the glowing blue fire starts to heal the boy’s broken wrist. Sabo’s whimpers start to die down and he is left sniffing, his wrist twisting back into place.
It’s kind of sicking to watch. 
 He doesn’t know who she is, much less what devil fruit she is wielding but she isn’t hurting Sabo. He doesn’t do anything but watch her work, and then when she finishes he gives her a hard glare.
One she easily matches- in fact, Ace is shocked to see it’s exactly like his. Down to the freckles placement too. 
“Young man you will explain to me why your familiar's wrist is broken.”  She demands, hugging the shaking Sabo to her bosom.  Ace watches her tap a collar that is around Sabo’s neck and it light ups under her fingertips  “You just made a pack with him. Don’t you dare tell me you lied about protecting him”
“What are you talking about?” Beacuse no really, what is even going on? Is he even dead?
She squints at him, her entire face too much like his own that it makes him highly uncomfortable before it clears and she looks shocked. Maybe a little pale when she whispers  “Ace? Honey is that you or is that....another you?”
Here Ace jerks. No one knows. No one is supposed to know, not beside him and Garp.
“Oh, honey.” The woman says sadly. She looks at him like she understands everything and Sabo peaks at him looking almost curious “How old are you? My Ace is only ten.”
Ace doesn’t answer and she nods  “Okay. I can tell you don’t know me. My name is Portgas D. Rouge. I’m a mage, and this is the 98th dimension. Where are you from?”
Ace swallows. No his powers weren’t real. They weren’t-
“This boy here is Sabo. He’s a half-familiar hybrid- my son made a pack with him recently. He’s a mage in training.”  She continues when all Ace does is stare.  She pets the boys head- his top hat having been knocked off and leaving behind two long bunny ears that shouldn’t be there.  “Today, he was going to be engaged to the Whitebeard’s eldest. But I’ll send them a letter and let them know you aren’t feeling well.”
Ace can’t breathe. He really can’t- his body doesn’t feel right. Tiny. Small. Weak He’s dead. Just died in battle in Luffy’s arms.  
Rogue smiles sadly at him  “Jumps are scary. Don’t worry we will help you back. After all, you may be an alternative version of my Ace but you’re still my son.”
 Ace wonders if he can tell Garp that he believes him now. That his power to jump into his other lives, isn’t as made up as he thought. Or maybe he can tell him that he’s gone completely and utterly insane. That works too. 
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forestwater87 · 6 years
(whispers seductively) Talk to me about a high school Gwenvid AU
So I was initially saving this to talk all about how in high school David was the sunny B-student who founded Nature Club and was friends almost exclusively with girls because guys treated him kinda badly, and how Gwen was the high-schooler-pretending-she-likes-coffee straight-A-but-not-valedictorian student who was in virtually all the clubs – especially yearbook, definitely yearbook – but didn’t really have any friends, and how maybe they met because they were the only ones willing to do some shit task for the school (her because it’d look good on her applications, him out of an overwhelming desire to help out) and are forced to hang out and grow closer and fall in love and all that doofy stuff.
And I do still love all of that.
Then my discord starting talking about a version of teenage David (heavily based on this picture) where he went through a punk phase, and … my fingers slipped, guys.
(Parts of this were heavily influenced by chats with @ciphernetics​. And I think calling Cute Waitress Clementine was originally the invention of @mysterysmiley​, but I’m not entirely positive? I just know I didn’t come up with it and I’m happy to credit whoever did. Oh, and this characterization of Jasper is, of course, largely the creation of the marvelous @hopefullypessimistic84​)
Being unconditionally polite, kind, and compassionate in a society that values and finds “deeper meaning” in aloofness and cynicism is subversive and thus punk
“Christ.” Gwen checks her watch and stands up on the balls of her feet, rolling her neck to loosen the tension in her shoulders. She’s positive Fred had told her the Crafts Club meets at 4:30 … has she gotten the location wrong?
Five minutes, she tells herself, glancing around the empty classroom as though people will spontaneously burst up from the tiled floor. She still has to get a couple pictures of lacrosse practice before the high school talent show begins — she wishes she hadn’t volunteered to cover the event, but she owes the head of the school newspaper a favor — and somewhere in there she’s supposed to fit five pages of extra-credit math homework!
She doesn’t have time to hang around.
Worst-case scenario, we just pretend there isn’t a Crafts Club. Not like anyone’s going to complain. Nobody she knows is in it, and Gwen knows almost everyone (not well, but she doesn’t have time to know people well. “Getting to know people” isn’t something she’s ever been very good at, anyway).
She’s just about to leave the stifling-silent classroom when the door flies open, smacking into the wall and bouncing off of it with a noise that makes her flinch. She sees boots, heavy and industrial and grass-stained, then immediately ducks her head and pretends to be deeply engrossed in her phone. Like someone who has a personal life or something.
“Y’know, one’a these days you’re gonna give someone a concussion doing that.”
“Oh, don’t be silly! No one stands that close to a door that swings in!” The second voice is light, laughing — vaguely familiar in a way she can’t place.
“It’s your funeral, string bean. But don’t expect Bonquisha to bail you out if you tick off someone bigger than you.”
There’s a snort, loud and (she suspects) intentionally disgusting. “So, everyone.”
“I don’t think that’s — um.” The footsteps stop suddenly, as do the voices. “Are we in the right room?”
Figuring she can’t pretend to text any longer, Gwen glances up with an expression she hopes reads “polite disinterest” and fears comes off more like “suffering from minor digestive discomfort.” She holds up the camera looped around her neck, wishing — not for the first time — that they were just allowed to use their phones instead of the crappy Kodaks provided by the school. “Uh, hi. I’m —”
They all glance over at the window, one of the students, a boy with a red hoodie that hides most of his face, rushing over to open it and let a brightly-colored teenager vault inside.
“— from the … yearbook committee.” She’s more than a little thrown off by the commotion, but tries to pull herself together. “We’re going around —”
“The classrooms have doors, genius,” the guy in the hoodie says, slamming the window shut. “New thing they’re trying out these days.”
“Where’s the fun in that? The flair?”
“— taking photos of all the clubs —”
“You and your goddamn flair, Jesus.”
“— for the, you know … yearbook.” She keeps her attention focused on the only one who’s addressed her so far, the one she recognizes now from one of her science classes. Something with a D … “You guys are the Crafts Club?”
(She tries to keep the disbelief out of her voice.)
(She’s pretty sure she fails.)
“Well …” D-something glances at his friends — the hoodie boy, with green-rimmed eyes and artful stubble that must’ve taken weeks; the one with flair, who is dressed in and pierced with and dyed so many colors he’s almost hard to look at; and the only girl, someone she remembers being slightly terrified of in gym a few years ago because she throws like she’s trying to set the air on fire — and turns back to her with a shrug and a bashful grin, as if he knows how ridiculous they look together. “Yeah! That’s us.”
Why the hell not?
“You’re Gwen, right? Gwen Santos?” He watches with patient interest as she nods, then steps forward, extending a hand (shaking up the sleeve of his jacket, which hangs from his skinny frame). “We’re in Chemistry together, but you probably don’t remember me! She usually sits in the front,” he adds to the others, like that explains everything. “I’m David.”
David, right.
David with the short red mohawk and the little rings marching up the shell of his ear and the spiked leather jackets and the tight black jeans and the giant, grass-stained, door-kicking-in boots that must weigh half as much as he does. David with the insightful questions and the eager-to-help attitude and the tendency to make things explode and no one can tell if it’s an accident or not. David, who was forced to sit in the front for three days for fiddling with the lab equipment before the teacher got tired of his ceaseless humming and banished him to the back of the room again.
Gwen takes his hand, feeling a little like she’s dreaming. There’s a greyscale rose on his hand, beautiful and intricate. “Is this real?” she asks, twisting his hand to watch the thorny stem snake around his wrist.
David tugs his hand away with an embarrassed chuckle. “No, I can’t afford that,” he says, glancing over his shoulder and jerking his chin toward the kid with the neon clothes. “Jasper’s a great artist, though!”
Jasper tilts his head at them, blue-tipped blond waves falling over his eyes, and gives her a lopsided grin. “All you need is a long study hall and a lot of boredom,” he says with a shrug. “And you can’t mind getting absolutely fucked up on Sharpie fumes.”
The girl — Bonquisha, that’s right — sets her backpack down and flicks one of Jasper’s shoes (the pink one. The other is a completely different style, Converse instead of a black knee-high heeled boot (how does he walk?) with bright orange laces). “Like anyone thinks you mind that, Ghost.”
“Ghost?” Gwen knows she really should just shut up and take the pictures, because even if her schedule wasn’t beyond full there’s no way she’s hanging out voluntarily with these guys and risk coming home reeking of smoke, but … she’s curious.
Fuck it, isn’t that a good enough reason?
“Because I’m a ninja,” he intones, leaning forward eagerly. “So sneaky I can —” he snaps, then wiggles his fingers, “— vanish into thin air.”
She frowns. “So … why don’t they call you Ninja?”
Jasper pauses, looking thoughtful, but the one in the hoodie jumps in before he can answer: “Because he’s a clumsy idiot who should’ve died, like, twenty times before we started high school. We think he has to already be dead to —”
“To pull off those sick stunts?” Jasper says this with a bright, cheesy grin; instead of finishing his sentence, the other kid drops his head in one hand and sighs deeply. “Come on, Kev; you don’t like my sweet, radical Parkour moves?”
“I don’t like you.”
“Come on, guys, be nice,” David pleads, shoving his hands in his back pockets and rocking onto his heels. “We have company.”
We have company — like they’re a family and she’s some sort of special guest. Gwen bites her lip to keep from smiling and fiddles with her lens cap.
“So I guess there’s no field trip today, huh?” Bonquisha says, glancing over at Gwen before giving David a meaningful look.
“Oh, I don’t know about that! We’ll just have to see. It’s fine, though,” he adds with a hasty look at Gwen, like he’s nervous he hurt her feelings, “we have tons of stuff we can work on here!” He fumbles in his bag, then looks up questioningly. “So should we pose, or are you just …”
She nods, snapping back to herself. “Uh … nah, just do your thing and I’ll take a couple photos. Then I’ll leave you guys alone.” As they all pull out varying-sized knitting needles and colorful yarn, she takes a couple steps back, trying to figure out where the cheap fluorescent lighting is best. “Where’s your faculty advisor?” she asks.
Kevin and Jasper both groan and roll their eyes, but David glows, straightening up. “Oh, Mr. Campbell! He’s … busy, lately, and hasn’t had a ton of time to stop by for our meetings.”
“Which is why we picked him,” Kevin mutters under his breath, ignoring the reproving frown David shoots his way.
“But he’s very supportive of our crafts, and I make sure to email him pictures of our projects!”
Mr. Campbell was technically the superintendent of the school, but he was usually off doing … who knew? Superintendent stuff, probably. Gwen is faintly impressed that they managed to nail the support of someone so important; it’s probably why they can get away with meeting after the school closes, without supervision, to … knit.
“What’re you doing?” she asks, half to make conversation and half out of genuine curiosity. She circles to take a few more pictures, lingering in a spot where David’s earrings flash bright under the ceiling lights and Bonquisha’s hair — the side that isn’t shaved, that is, and falls in long dark dreads interwoven with red sparkling tinsel — catches the setting sun.
The club members are each so captivating, it’s hard to remember she’s actually supposed to be photographing what they’re doing.
David holds his up for her to see: a complex tangle of braided pink, blue, and purple yarn. “We’re making beards! Well — most of us are.”
“Fuck you, I wanna make Cthulhu,” Jasper muttered, twining yellow thread around his crochet hook. Other tentacles in pastel colors fall in a general beard shape, spread across his lap.
None of the beards are actually beard-colored; she thinks of questioning it, but decides not to. After all, it’s not like any of them have natural-colored hair anyway. “What for?”
“Just for fun!” David chirps quickly.
“No reason,” Jasper adds at the same time.
“Fake IDs,” Kevin says, talking over the others.
They’re all quiet for a moment. “So … like a costume?” Gwen finally asks.
“Yes! Halloween!” “For Comic-Con.” “To buy booze.”
Bonquisha rolls her eyes and keeps knitting. “They’re decorations.”
Gwen falls silent, watching them work. The colors — remind her of something, she doesn’t know what. David’s epic beard that reminds her of Lord of the Rings; Jasper’s in pale shades of yellow, pink, and blue; Kevin’s looks like every color of the rainbow, and Bonquisha’s alternates between light blue, pink, and white.
Four beards … “Oh my god, are you’re gonna put these on those new statues?” Sleepy Peak, in a rousing act of patriotism, had installed four giant gold-looking statues in front of the Town Hall that represented the founding fathers of the town. In a completely-unrelated act of equal patriotism, the city also recently voted not to pass a bill prohibiting employer discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. “They’re gonna get taken down.”
David’s blushing pinker than the yarn twined around his fingers, but he gives her a cheeky smile. “Not before people take pictures.”
“It’s more about the statement,” Jasper says, reaching for the pink ball of yarn. “Davey’s all about making statements.”
“Your statements are gonna get moldy.”
Kevin grins up at Gwen. “I thought we should just drive Bon’s truck into the ugly fucking things, but they voted me down.”
“Not me,” Jasper says, raising one hand without looking up. “I was all for it.”
Bonquisha glares at them both. “I’m not paying for that shit!”
“Your car’s practically a monster truck, it’d be fine!”
David watches his friends argue with a small, slightly tired smile, then turns back to Gwen. She takes a seat at the desk next to him and asks, “So, why don’t you? Do more … destructive shit, I mean. Something that’ll last longer than a couple days.”
“Oh god,” Jasper moans dramatically, abandoning his conversation with Bon and Kevin. “I know you’re new, but one rule? Please, please don’t get him started. Ever. On anything.”
“Hey, it’s an excellent question!” David protests, and if he was standing she has the distinct impression his hands would be on his hips. “Most people don’t understand the difference between anarchy and —”
He’s drowned out by a chorus of groans and gives up, shaking his head and returning to his knitting.
“It’s about inspiring thought, not fear,” he murmurs. “Mindless violence doesn’t do anyone any good.” She has the impression he wants to say more and is deliberately holding his tongue.
“No kidding?” Sometime, she thinks, she’d like to hear more about his philosophy. It’s interesting.
“So we’re all finished over here,” Kevin says loudly, jolting David and Gwen from their conversation. “If you guys are finally done flirting, can we go on a field trip?”
Flushing, he ties off the end of his beard and shoves it and his knitting supplies back into his bag. “You’re so immature,” he hisses, which makes the others snicker. 
(Gwen bites back her own laughter; for a kid in chains and spikes, David’s … kind of a grandma.)
“What’s the field trip?” she asks, and then immediately wishes she could kick herself, because that sounds like she’s inviting herself along, which of course she doesn’t want to do — she’s already late to photograph the lacrosse team and there’s no way she can miss the talent show tonight, not to mention that she really doesn’t need to get in trouble and these guys have trouble written all over them (a gentle, kind of ill-thought-out sort of trouble, but trouble nonetheless) — and of course they wouldn’t want her along — she’s awkward and unlikable and she makes people feel uncomfortable, she knows that, with her weird questions and her infrequent eye contact and her inability to know whether she’s talking too much or too little but it’s never the right amount or about the right things so how could she just force herself into their —
“First we gotta water our graffiti, then we’ll hit the bleachers.” When she just stares at him in baffled silence, Kevin rolls his eyes and gestures for her to follow them. “Come on, but put the camera away. This won’t look good in the yearbook.”
She pauses — was she really being invited along? Did she even want to be? — and Bonquisha wraps an arm around her shoulders. “Do you ever smile, Gwen? Or is this whole gloomy-girl thing part of your look?”
She isn’t sure if she should be insulted, but there’s a kind a snarky amiability these people all share that’s … much more comfortable than any type of friendship she’s tried to fit herself into before. “I don’t … really have a look,” she admits, letting herself be pulled down the hallway toward the school’s back doors.
Bon hums thoughtfully. “No kidding. Eh, whatever,” she squeezes Gwen’s shoulders, “neither does Kevin, and we still let him hang around.”
“I have a great look!”
“‘Hey kids, wanna buy some shit?’ isn’t a look, Kev.”
“It’s better than yours, Jasp!”
For the first time since she met the Crafts Club — for the first time in far longer, if she’s being honest — Gwen allows herself to laugh.
It feels pretty good.
“So every few days we just —” David spritzes wall with his water bottle, beaming, “— and sometimes on weekends I come by to paint over the design!”
Gwen eyes the wall skeptically; so far there’s no sign of the moss they assure her has been painted onto the school’s sullen red brick in the words “campe diem” (which she doesn’t think is real Latin). “And it’s actually gonna work?”
“Oh, sure,” Jasper says, nodding sagely. “One-hundred-percent success rate, just like all DIY projects from the internet.”
“Dave has a green thumb,” Bonquisha assures her. “I think he’ll make it work.”
Jasper leans into David, bumping shoulders and waggling his eyebrows. “Got more than a green thumb, if ya know what I’m saying.” 
There’s a moment of confused silence. “So … like, an STD?” Kevin finally says. “Or like, he was bitten by a radioactive broccoli on the dick and —”
“Okay!” David snaps pointedly, not-very-gently shoving Kevin’s backpack. “Let’s go to the bleachers right now!”
“What happens at the bleachers?” Gwen asks, feeling very innocent and very stupid with every question.
David’s expression switches from exasperated to sunny in a second. “Oh, right! Well, we can’t decorate the statues until later tonight. And Kevin has … another job. So we’re killing some time.”
“Yeah, speaking of,” Kevin interrupts, turning to Gwen, “got any cash on you? Because this shit ain’t cheap.”
David rolls his eyes. “Nice tact.”
“Hey, you guys n’ gals don’t love me for my tact.”
“I’ll cover her, don’t worry about it.” He grins at her. “And Jasper’s the DD tonight —”
“And just fucking thrilled about it.”
“— so you don’t have to worry about anyone driving while impaired!”
Gwen’s heard stories about the idiots who get stoned under the bleachers. She just never thought she’d be quite so tempted to be one of those idiots. “I …” she begins, sighing. “It’s not that I don’t want to, but I promised I’d —”
David jumps in, waving his hands almost frantically. “No, of course not! Don’t worry — of course you don’t want — that’s not like the only thing we do, so if you wanted … another time, maybe … or you and I and Jasper could maybe go for a walk or —”
“No, seriously, I have to …” She trails off, spotting a familiar pink ponytail in the throng of students lazily milling around the track. “Hold on.” Sprinting up to Clementine, Gwen grabs her shoulder a little rougher than intended. (Why was she so damn bad at this?) “Hey, you going to the talent show tonight?”
Clementine beams. “Sure am! You’ll be there, right?”
“Actually …” Gwen bites her lip and takes a deep breath. “Any chance I could get you to take some pictures for the newspaper? Just like, two or three, please, something came up.” She holds up the camera and tries to smile as winningly as possible.
She tilts her head to the side, pretty green eyes narrowing doubtfully. “I’m not sure, darlin. You know I’d love to help, but I’m no photographer.”
“You kinda owe me, Clem.” Gwen hates pulling these strings, but basically everyone in every school club owes her something for something; she’s the unofficial go-to girl when anyone needs a quick replacement. (It’s not like she’s ever busy — most of the time.) “Besides, it’ll be like a fun thing for you and Fred to do, right?”
Clementine sighs, her expression softening. “Sure, Gwennie.” (Gwen tries not to flinch at the nickname.) “Y’all have a good time with whatever you’re doing, ya hear?” She can tell from Clementine’s tone of voice that she thinks Gwen’s blowing this off for a date.
And … she’s kinda surprised she doesn’t mind her thinking that. “I’ll do my best,” she says, tugging the camera from around her neck and handing it over. “Oh, and can you take some pictures of lacrosse practice while you’re at it okay thanks!”
She takes off before Clementine can answer, eyes scanning the schoolyard for her flock of showy birds.
Okay, not hers. She doesn’t have any claim to them.
But she wonders if, maybe, they’ll eventually want to make a claim to her.
“So,” Jasper says conversationally, in the tone that David knows means trouble, “didn’t occur to you that maybe one of the most notoriously straightlaced kids in the school might not be super into our devious ganja lifestyle, huh?”
“She said she’ll be back,” David mutters; she hadn’t exactly said that, but what else would “hold on” mean? What were they holding on for, anyway?
They’re quiet for a moment, letting Bon and Kevin wander over to another group of people. David thinks for a second that Jasper might for once let something go.
“You’ve been in love with her for months and you seriously never thought she doesn’t smoke? Not even once?”
“Shhhh!” He shoves Jasper’s shoulder, looking around to make sure no one heard. “Stop it!”
Jasper snickers, shaking his head. “She sits in the front of the classroom, Davey.”
Like David doesn’t know that. Like he hasn’t spent the entire school year carefully memorizing the back of her head, and wondering what kind of thoughts lived inside it. “She laughed,” he says miserably, drawing in on himself. “She asked questions.”
His expression softens, and he shifts a little closer. “I know. And I bet she’ll be back in a couple minutes.” Keeping his eyes turned toward Bonquisha and Kevin, Jasper lets his fingers brush the backs of David’s lightly, almost catching his hand but not quite.
David tries not to blush and feels his face heat up anyway. “There are people here,” he whines, hating fact that he’s whining. “We’ll …” get in trouble sounds ridiculous, but it’s the first thing that pops into his head.
Not that Sleepy Peak is all that bad for his friends, not really. They’ve just — had some issues, before. Issues that required him to be a lot less pacifist than he liked. And it scared him, and it still scares him a little. Not that he can’t take care of himself, they all can, but it’s still … unpleasant.
Jasper gives him a small, bitter smile. “Plus we wouldn’t want the pretty new girl to think we’re a couple fags, huh?”
“Come on, Jasp, it’s not like that.”
(It’s … a little like that. He hates himself for it, but there’s a tiny bit of him that’s worried Gwen might get … the wrong idea, is all. And Jasper’s dirty jokes and little touches and gentle knowing looks are all very suggestive of a wrong idea.)
“If it helps, you’ve got a really shitty poker face, so unless she’s totally oblivious she’s gonna figure out you’re crazy about her anyway.” He gives David a sly grin and lets their hands brush again. “And she saw you holding a giant Viking beard bi flag, so the secret might already be kinda out.”
David shoots him a look that’s supposed to be a lot sterner than it is, but he can’t keep his lips from wanting to twitch upwards. That’s just what happens when he looks at Jasper. “That doesn’t mean anything! Bon made a trans beard, so you can’t assume —”
Jasper interrupts him with a laugh, shaking his head. “Still, if she’s gonna be hanging around, she’s going to learn all your secrets,” he teases, wiggling his fingers ominously. “Like the fact that you’re a filthy criminal who vandalizes public property while high on the devil’s lettuce!”
“She already knows that, Jasp.”
“Oh. Right.” They stand quietly for a few minutes, watching the various sports practices wrap up and the players meander back toward the school. “It worked out all right, Davey. With Bon, I mean. It can work again.”
He shakes his head. He can’t do that again. Yeah, it worked out in the end and the three of them escaped the breakup with their friendship intact, but … “I need someone who likes you, too.”
“And who says she won’t? I’m charming and lovable and have an amazing fashion sense.” When David rolls his eyes — something he can only do without guilt at Jasper — he chuckles and bumps their shoulders together. “Hey, I bagged you.”
“Yeah. You did.” He glances up and sees Gwen hurrying back in their direction; on a sudden, foolish impulse he reaches over and links his fingers through Jasper’s, shifting closer so it’s not immediately visible to anyone people-watching.
He glances down, eyebrows raising. “You sure? You don’t have to.”
“I’m sure.”
He drops his voice as she gets closer, speaking quickly. “If you chicken out, I’ll just mercilessly hit on her.”
David isn’t sure if that’s reassurance, a threat, or just an attempt to make him smile. 
Whatever it is, it works.
“Sorry about that,” she says, brushing away a strand of hair that escaped her ponytail. She smiles at them both, a little shy but genuine and achingly beautiful. “I’m all yours now, though.”
Jasper realizes quickly that David isn’t really capable of words at the moment and flashes her his sunniest grin. “Don’t sign up for anything you can’t handle,” he jokes, reaching out with his free hand and taking hers. (David suppresses a gasp with effort; it never fails to shock him how brave his boyfriend is, how confident that whatever he does will work out somehow, for no other reason than that he wants it to.)
Gwen looks surprised for a second, and when she sees them holding hands it turns slightly to confusion. But then her eyes meet David’s and he can almost see the moment she decides to just roll with it. “Hey, I’m pretty brave,” she shoots back, turning her attention back to Jasper. “You might not know this, but I’m apparently going to break the law today.”
He mock-gasps. “I’m not sure we can keep you around! You’ll tarnish our innocence.”
David falls back, letting his hand slip through Jasper’s until only their fingertips are touching. It’s not that he doesn’t want to be part of the conversation, but there’s something nice about standing here in the honeyed yellow sunset, letting their voices wash around him like the breeze. Cozy, somehow.
“Hey!” Bonquisha calls, snagging Kevin by the hood and dragging him toward them. “You guys bringing Gloomy along, or what?”
The three of them share a look, and Gwen’s lips twist into a smirk. “That’s an unfortunate nickname.”
“String Bean and Ghost would argue there are worse ones,” Jasper replies dryly, and she lets out a surprised laugh, covering her mouth and blushing. “Oh, she’s adorable,” he says in a very loud stage whisper, leaning in toward David. “Can we keep her?”
“Stop!” she says, tugging her hand from his. She’s — she’s giggling, when before in class he’s hardly even seen her smile, and she hasn’t even started smoking yet, David’s pretty sure this is just the effect Jasper has on people but seeing it firsthand makes him think he might faint.
Can we keep her?
David tightens his hand around Jasper’s and shifts in a little closer — and trusts that he knows the answer is a resounding Yes.
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anti-cosmofangirl · 7 years
So Kind of A Bace fic
Betrayus and (ghost)Grace. I know OC fics are usually frowned upon- but I just had to write it and I haven’t posted anything pmagta related in a billion years. 
Semi WIP- 2100 words, OC origin-ish story
“Can’t you two see… that you’re in LOVE with each other?”- Kramer
He leaned back in the chair, rolling his head around his shoulders, grunting at the stiffness in his ectoplasmic joints.
His hand rested a moment above his lukewarm tea before finally deciding against it, a sigh escaping his lips as he pulled the flask of whiskey out from the bottom drawer of his desk.
               He took a thoughtful swig,   the door opening as Buttler entered with a new tray of tea.
The older man frowned at the alcohol.
“You have no patience, Betrayus,” He said gruffly trough his moustache, taking the old half-drunken cup of tea as he poured a new one, the trails of steam twisting through the air.
His eyes lazy, the fire ghost watched him sit an opened envelope on the desk beside the cup.
“That’s the full report-
He didn’t get far before he snatched up the package with a newfound energy, eyes combing the thing with a curious hunger.
“What does it say? I didn’t get a chance to read it,” Buttler said as he absentmindedly sorted the mess of fireproof papers on the desk.
“Then why was it opened?”
“My brother.”
“Oh.” Betrayus turned and handed the papers to him, “All of that is highly classified. The public report suggests that the group of students is actually dead.”
Buttler started to read, “Then why are they ghosts?”
“Sir Cunference injected them with the poltergeist formula shortly after his device exploded on Maze High’s grounds. It seems he was convinced he could salvage their bodies but not keep them alive long enough to do it. They were successfully converted into phantoms but a small leak in information caused a public uproar and a group of anti-ghost idiots came after them. They ran and the ghost gang brought them here.”
Buttler skimmed the paper for a moment and decided that Betrayus’s explanation was satisfactory. He placed it back on the desk as he took up his tray to leave.
“Yes, most of them are at the church with Rose, Seraphine coaxed a few to the dragonlands with her and the art teacher and her 4 are working at Oogle’s.”
He paused at the door “I guess that proves they’re not spies?”
Taking a long slow sip of tea with a frown Betrayus finally replied, “Yes, I suppose … but troublesome all the same.”
With a snicker he leaned on the doorframe, watching the younger man scowl.
               “Where are you keeping her now?” Buttler asked.
               “In the throne room.”
               He raised an eyebrow “Is that wise?”
               “Where else am I going to keep her?”
               “Somewhere she could be less destructive…”
               “I put her in the mines doing minor labor for almost killing a man and she causes a worker’s riot. I put her in my dungeons and she convinces a group of ghosts to try to overthrow me!  I drag her out of her cell and she kicks me in the balls! I lock her in one of the nicest towers like a Princess and she breaks part of my castle! It’s like I’m babysitting a toddler here, I can’t let her get far or she’ll cause more mayhem! I’ve just figured keeping her close where I know what she’s doing is safer than any other option besides cutting out her tongue. Doc made some things for her wrists where she can’t leave the room or fly so she’s effectively contained there till I figure something else out.”
               “When’s the last time you checked on her?”
               “A couple hours ago. Why?”
               “I heard a crash in there a while ago.”
               He stood from the chair with a long string off cusses, taking a hearty swig from the flask before slamming it back into the bottom drawer and went flying through the wall, going down a level into the throne room.
               He spat out several more choice words at the wreckage, flying a few feet above the ground when the sound of his feet on the broken glass really started to annoy him.
“Where the Hell are you?!” He screeched, looking around the wrecked room “How the Hell did you reach the high *BLEEPING* windows!?”
All the lower windows were shattered along with a few of the high ones. He supposed she had to have torn of pieces of the throne and thrown them, for there were pieces missing, a compliment on the shredded cushions.
His monitor was shattered and broken beyond repair too, but most frustratingly his onyx table was flipped over and shoved against the now empty windowsills.
“You figure out that it wouldn’t fit out the window!?” he looked around wildly “I like that table. You broke one of the legs didn’t you, you little *BEEP*!?”
As if on cue in his psychotic frustration, the door to the main hall opened, Inky flying in partway and halting, starting to whirl around in fear, “I’ll come back later m’lord!”
“Stop! This wasn’t my rage,” the fire lord shouted, though he was bristling.
Inky winced and turned to face him, the other three members of the ghost gang very gingerly sticking their heads past the doorway to watch.
He sit down roughly on the throne, despite the white cloud of stuffing that flew up around him, hanging his head and rubbing his forehead exasperatedly.
“What do you want, Inky?”
“Uh- um. Perhaps I should tell you when you’re in a- um- better mood.”
He looked up, his eyes dark as he glared at the boy.
He wrung his hands as he looked at the ground “The parents of the students are gathered at the school- they- they kinda know that their kids are- uh- members of the undead …”
“AND how did they figure that out?”
“Um… Pacman …”
“Please. Do. Enlighten. Me.” The man’s voice had turned into a growl, “How did he know this?”
The blue ghost became even more nervous at this point, although he tried poorly to conceal it, “I don’t know . . .”
“Do you not? Doc doesn’t trust you four at all, but I know you wouldn’t be stupid enough to betray me, right?” He laughed bitterly at the joke, Inky laughing at it nervously.
As if on cue, a shard of glass went flying across the room and embedded itself in Betrayus’s shoulder. He spat out a sharp cuss, flying towards the table against the wall where she had hidden herself, another small shard of glass flying into his thigh.
“*BLEEP* You! *BLEEP* you, Grace!!” He drug her out from behind the table, slapping glass out of her hands.
She screamed, struggling and yanking the second shard out of his leg.
He spun and pinned her to the floor, grabbing both her wrists and putting a knee on the back of hers.
He snarled, “Do you even feel pain!?”
He looked up at the ghost gang frozen awkwardly in the door, mouths slightly agape.
She suddenly started bawling “Help! Help please! He’s trapped me here and he’s been torturing me! Look at the chaos his rage has caused!-
He got a hand clamped over her mouth as she grabbed for the piece of glass in his shoulder, looking down and realizing she was being cut by the glass pieces on the ground.
“Don’t you dare look at her like she’s a victim! Don’t you dare believe her!”
“Of- of course not, Betrayus-
“And don’t patronize me either!”
Inky flinched.
“I’m crazy but I’m not a liar! She is not really suffering! Dammit! Granted she is bleeding but that’s more my blood than hers!”
The ghosts just stayed staring at him in horror.
He smashed a fist into the ground, “I might be insane but I’m not a liar!!”
He let out a long growling sigh, “Make sure that the students don’t figure out about their parents. Shielding them is better than the chaos they’d cause.”
Inky nodded and spun, scrambling to get past the other three.
“And oh, Inky,” He grinned as the boy froze, “If I figure out Pacman has more information on this, I’ll let Doc have the lot of you.”
Inky swallowed once, then crashed out of the room along with the others, their voices racketing across the walls as they fled.
He finally released her mouth, leaning some of his weight off her bleeding knees.
“You’re a wicked man. Low enough to threaten children.”
“Those were hollow threats. Doc likes them he just pretends to never like anyone.”
He stood and looked at her stubbornly laying on the floor “Are you going to walk or am I going to carry you?”
“Carry me where?”
“Wherever I go because you apparently can’t be alone. Which is a shame because you’re going to make poor Buttler have to clean all this up.”
She glared at him as she stood, cut and bruised, and grinned a slight crooked smile as she looked down his form, “I hope you’re sore.”
He scowled, baring his teeth and whipped around, leaving the room, barely cocking his head to make sure she was following him. He stopped at his office for his tea, and toyed with the flask until an image of Buttler’s disappointed face made him leave it.
She glared at him as she followed him back out of the room- up the flight of stairs to his quarters, where he opened the door with a flourish. She stopped, looking at him in disdain. “Oh, but ladies first, Betrayus.”
He frowned “And we all know you don’t act like one.”
She turned her nose up at him and stalked into the room, looking around with continued scorn. “It’s messy and ugly. Kinda like you.”
“It’s an organized mess and I’m a hot one. Close enough.”
He smirked and sit the papers he brought on the desk in the corner, pulling out several files that had correspondence with the various requests, shipping orders, and political nonsense his paperwork consisted of.
She roamed the room for a while, and he paused when she walked into the bathroom and out of sight. She soon reappeared, though, narrowing her eyes when she saw his on her. He turned back to his paperwork as she meandered into his closet, moving clothes around on hooks.
She turned to him. “Why do you wear that stupid emo dress when you have other clothes?”
“It’s a coat. And it’s made of my ectoplasm kind of like the hoodie and jeans you’re wearing.”
“I died in these. Don’t tell me you were wearing that when you passed away you gothic egg.”
“No, the spirit manifests whatever truly reflects you.”
“So emo dress for the gothic egg.”
“Lazy shirt for the small angry.”
“Shut up. Wait- why do you have a hoodie with ponies on it?!” She yanked it down, holding it up rather proudly.
He started to reply until he realized she’d put it on.
“Congratulations, now you’re wearing two hoodies.”
“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
“It’s too big on you.”
“Cause you’re fat.”
“No I’m about a foot taller than you, midget.”
“Do you have any food in here?”
“Would you go get food?”
“What’s your paperwork on?”
“I refuse to answer anymore stupid questions.”
“That wasn’t a stupid question.”
“I could get in a pointless argument loop with you until the sun blew up.”
She was then silent for a long time, which worried him, until his pillows went flying across the room.
She looked him the eye as she threw the comforter in one direction and the sheets in another heap.
She slowly lifted up a pair of boxers off the edge of the mattress precariously and disgustedly balanced on her pinky. “Ew.”
“I didn’t ask you to wear my clothes and destroy my things and find my underwear.”
“I didn’t ask to die and be trapped in purgatory and be imprisoned in your flaming ego castle.”
She flung them at him, the article of clothing hanging on the side of his chair. Stalking to the other side of the room, she sat at his other desk, lifting up the first packet of papers and again looking him in the eye.
“Are these important?”
“We’ve addressed where I stand on stupid questions.”
She then continued to lock eyes with him as she calmly tore them in half. In the moment she picked up the next set, he’d gotten to her and grabbed her, dragging her struggling screaming form over to his chair and wrapping his legs around her torso, leaving her on the ground with his hands free, despite her wild protest.
“When you can act like you’re not three you can walk around again.”
She turned and bit his thigh. He screamed. This was going to be an interesting arrangement
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mashuheartwrites · 4 years
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This the beginning of a story I never finished.
This is a long one.
I was digging into my old writing right? Because I was curious, what was my writing style like years before?
I found this story from maybe three years ago but I believe it’s much older than that and it’s called ‘The tainted soul’ I was like, Oeh Juicy™, so I started reading and oh boy, was it good.
That first paragraph was a wild ride like what was I on lmfao? (It’s literally her friend just coming to greet her, he’s a literal ball of sunshine so??? What is this paragraph????)
The story begins when ‘Ben’ rings my main character’s doorbell and goes ‘lets go to this party at three am’, my protagonist is like ‘hell no, you do this every time, just let me sleep I’m hallucinating because I don’t sleep’, he’s like ‘eh, whatever let’s go’
Because Ben knows the protagonist, he cares for the protagonist and he wants her to be happy because her parents died and her grandfather too, of old age. He feels responsible to not let her be alone so he drags her half asleep being out of the house.
They go to this party that’s a couple of blocks away and the main character looks around and thinks ‘what a waste of lawn’ I’m not even kidding, that’s what she thinks.
The door opens and the protagonist groans, Ben gets greeted with a nice side hug and everything and she just gets a:
“Willow.” He greeted stifly
“Liam.” I cleared my throat, not knowing where to look.
There I found out her name was Willow. Turns out they went to a party of one of Willow’s victims because she used to be a bully in middle school. (And she really gave it to this Liam guy, he was allergic to almonds and she force fed them to him, yikes. Her excuse? ‘I get an allergy to peanuts but almonds?’) Moving on...
The party gets interrupted because cops and everyone runs away, Willow and Ben are caught by the cops and still manage to kind of escape (Ben’s a lightweight, she had to physically drag him to her house.)
Ben proves to also be an annoying drunk because he’s somehow incredibly fast and he runs to her... attic (cue creepy music) she never goes to the attic because it gives off creepy vibes, but Ben is already there and she needs to get him out, because... because it’s the last bit of her parents she still has. Her grandfather collected the stuff of her parents and stored them in the attic so when she was ready she could have access to it, hence why he never locked the door.
When Willow get to Ben she halts, he’s holding an orb in his hands, one that’s freezing his fingers turning his arms blue and purple. She knows she can’t touch it because it will harm her as well so she searches for something to catch the strange globe in but she’s already too late. Ben dropped it. Smashing it into pieces. Gone was this thing that belonged to her parents.
Ben’s upset that she’s not upset, she just acts numb and he has this whole outburst about how pitiful her existence is and Willow decides that’s enough for that day and asks him to leave.
After he leaves she tries, to you know, connect to her parents because she didn’t really know them but she kind of did and that created a really weird relationship between how she felt and was supposed to feel. So she looks around and is amazed by the things her parents dug up, it’s dope, and then she does something... mildly ignorant? She touches a big bad no-no, it doesn’t look like a no-no, but it is.
The next chapter had this line, I quote:
“Apple pie is one of the greatest inventions on earth. No fucking doubt.”
That’s where I stopped writing... I was devastated, I wanted more! (Can you believe that that’s what I opened the next chapter with? I’m... ridiculous.)
The story basically goes like this: Ben’s a chosen one, he’s a demigod but his father has abandoned him, left him for nothing and his mother never told him.
Strange things start to happen after Ben leaves her house because she asked him to, Willow’s attacked by giant bird ladies screeching and throwing her house around, talking about ‘demigod, half blood, whatevers’ and it freaks her out (of course because, what the hell.) also she’s changing, and it’s happening fast.
The attic keeps calling out to her, the world keeps getting attacked by weird scary creatures, she gets nightmares of the world burning to pieces by this thing and it’s too much and then Ben, her Ben, he’s... he’s... a demigod. And this new part of her doesn’t like demigods. Under the influence of this bad artefact she kills her best friend. The Demigod™ so she’s absolutely screwed.
Her normal (kinda cute) body is merged with an actual demon, when she like touched the thing in her attic? Yeah so it’s one that sucks the souls out of people and guess what? She’s opened a portal for a giant angry beast to destroy the world, basically a portal to hell, which by the way she’s later condemned to. Uh... yah.
But before she killed Ben, he defeated this monster enough for it to be immobile and Willow finishes it off (because that thing made her murder her best friend.)
Then there was a sequel to the story, the gods need her help and that’s where the bad ass dialogue comes from, she absolutely hates them, hates their guts and what they stand for. She becomes this badass half demon chic who just doesn’t give a damn about nothing and nobody until this beam of a sunshine guy (who reminds her of Ben.) opens her up a bit.
Ben does come back eventually, under the mercy of his father who suddenly, harbours sooooo much love for Ben, even though he never tried to even care for Ben when things got really really hard. (Yeah, okay, ‘cause that’s how parenting works.)
On the condition that he kills his best friend. (Ugh, why can’t it just be out of love? You know, that’s also a reason to bring your dead son back.)
Here’s some of my favourite dialogue:
Here Willow is talking to Zeus, he summoned her.
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Oh, oh, and:
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This one is quite nice too, you know?:
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That was fun. How much fun to see how much fun I had writing. I don’t think I’ll finish this but... I don’t know to was just a nice thing to look back on. A nice passing memory.
Okay that’s it for today. Back to writing.
0 notes
carterthornton · 7 years
The Third Wave | Chapter Thirty Two: Hunted
        "Alrighty... if I recall, the Mark Data-Collection Center should be down here, on Vancouver Street," Jace recalled as he leaned up against a street lamp, thinking back to when his mom took him there. "It'll be a big office building; the Registration Office is on the first floor, we'll be heading there."
       "Okay," Isabelle nodded, following Jace and the rest of Team 12 as they began their trek down Vancouver Street. "Wow..." It was quite hard for her to focus what with the skyscrapers and billboards looming overhead, exciting the curious girl's sense of wonder. "What tall constructs! Who created these?!"
       "She seems a little odd," Maeve scoffed at Isabelle; the peppy girl was humming absent-mindedly.
       "You weren't kidding when you said she was foreign either," Aiko whispered to Jace, chuckling as she looked back at Isabelle, who was dancing and spinning about with Yuko.
       "No kidding. I'm starting to think she isn't from this time period," Jace shook his head at Isabelle as she skipped down the street. "C'mon, Iz! Hurry up!"
       "You too, Yuko!" Aiko called out to her sister.
       Enraptured by the sights and sounds of a bustling metropolitan Victoria, Yuko and Isabelle barely paid any attention to their companions. They were too fixated on every tiny detail of the busy street: the traffic lights, the hovering cars and occasional horse carriages that passed by, the odd tour-guide robot or hologram. In every nook and cranny there was a new adventure, a new mystery. But to Aiko and Jace, this was normalcy, and that very idea perplexed Yuko and Isabelle.
       "Iz, they'll be closing in an hour, c'mon!" Jace shouted down the street, now far ahead of Isabelle and her giant metal friend. "We can sightsee after!"
       "Gah, sorry!" Isabelle squeaked, frantically prancing after Jace and Aiko with Yuko in tow. "Yuko, are you coming?"
       "Huh?" Yuko spun around a few times, having been snapped out of her daydream. "Ah! Okay!" She jogged, effortlessly passing Isabelle within a few short seconds despite the great distance between the two.
       "Hmm, haven't seen this part of town," Mura fiddled with her hair as a brisk wind blew down the street, trying to keep her right eye hidden without rousing suspicion.
       "Awful busy here, huh-...?" Carlo trailed off, seeing beyond Mura's veil of hair as the wind grew stronger, revealing her right eye for only a moment; a large scar ran down from her brow all the way to cheek. "Jesus, where'd you get tha-?"
       "I fell down the stairs as a child— scraped it on a rusty nail," Mura was quick to respond, telegraphing to Carlo her discomfort regarding the question.
       "Alright," Carlo kept a cheery smile, attempting to ease the tension. "I don't think it looks so bad." He could almost make out her mouth twitching, forming a momentary smirk, but it vanished as soon as it occurred. "Ah, you smiled! I saw it!"
       "You're odd," Mura sighed, turning her head away so that the wind worked with her hair rather than against it.
       "Waaait! Not so fast, Yuko!" To her frustration, Isabelle's long but unfortunately dainty legs didn't carry her very quickly. "Sorry!" Though, she did eventually make it, but not without expending all of her stamina. "My apologies!"
       "Pfft, no need to apologize," Jace insisted. "But just to be safe, stay at arm's length, okay?"
       "Okay," Isabelle agreed, feeling a little breathless from all that running and excitement. "It appears that running in Fitness Classes has not yielded results quite yet."
       "You did better than me," Aiko jested, thinking back to her embarrassing exercises with Mura and Maeve. "Much better than me." She turned to Yuko, who, on the other hand, was without a lick of exhaustion. "Jesus... you could make an Olympic sprinter look slow in comparison."
       "Is that good?" Yuko shrugged her shoulders, unable to discern whether Aiko's statement was a compliment or not.
       "Yeah, yeah, it's good," Aiko laughed, nudging Maeve. "You seem down. You okay?"
       "Oh? I'm fine, Aiko," Maeve softly sighed, readjusting her expression to a cheerier arrangement. "Thank you."
       "Okie dokie," Aiko beamed, taking in the fresh ocean miasma as it wafted in from the briny sea. "I kinda missed this part of town."
       "Did you come here often?" Maeve inquired.
       "A few times with my mom," Aiko breathed deeply, tucking her hands into her pockets as she savoured the afternoon air. "We used to grab hot dogs from a stand at the end of the street— wonder if they're still around. I never really come here anymore; it's been years."
       "How long has it been?" Maeve saw Aiko's eye dart away, staring blankly at the sky. "If you don't mind me asking."
       "After my mom died, I sort of focused on my schoolwork and less on family," Aiko closed her eyes, running her hand through her raven hair. "Two years, I think."
       "My condolences," Maeve apologized, feeling that she had overstepped her boundaries with Aiko. "I didn't-."
       "There's no reason for you to apologize," Aiko smiled, adjusting the collar of her leather jacket. "I didn't tell you earlier."
       "Yes, well-..." Maeve trailed off, tapping Jace's shoulder as she spotted the Registration Office just a block ahead. "It appears we're almost there."
       "Yeah, I see it," Jace assured her. "This way, Iz."
       "Alright," Isabelle replied, sticking close to Jace as they crossed the intersection. "What are these odd lights dangling above that flash red and green?"
       "They're traffic lights. They tell drivers when to stop and go at an intersection," Jace informed her, snickering a little. "You don't have those where you're from?"
       "I'm not sure I remember anything like these lights," Isabelle pointed up, walking on her tip toes to get a better view of the blinking mechanisms. "They're quite fascinating."
       "Yeah, well, after you see fifty or so, the mystique behind them sort of disappears," Jace chortled, watching the sky as clouds began to gather. "Looks like it'll rain soon."
       "Rain!" Isabelle gasped faintly, the familiar scent filling her nostrils. "I quite like rain."
       "I'm sure that might change— rains here every two days or so," Carlo chimed in, feeling a droplet hit the back of his neck. "Ah, there's some!"
       "We better get inside before it picks up," Jace recommended, opening the door for the rest of his group as they entered the Data-Collection Center. "C'mon."
       From atop a building across the street, a man with binoculars watched closely as Isabelle walked through the entrance with her posse of guards. He was fairly short— about five-foot four —and he wore an old, worn out grey sweater. His face was heavily bandaged with raggedy white gauze, and his dirty blonde hair poked out through the cracks in the wrappings. On his head sat a Blue Jays ball, though, one could only make out the front design of the hat, as his sweater's hood covered the top of his head. Seeing an opportunity, he got up from his prone position and reached over to where he had set his bag of "ammunition" just a few moments ago. He stuck his hand inside the bag and withdrew a hefty steel ball about the size of a fist, juggling it a little as he grabbed his phone, dialing quickly.
       "What is it, Agent Gehrig?" It was The Receptionist on the other end. "Have you found your target?"
       "Yes sir, I found 'er at the Registration Office on Vancouver," The bandaged man had a thick, cowboy drawl to his voice. " She's got a few friends with 'er. How should I approach?"
       "How many are accompanying her?" The Receptionist queried.
       "Six, I think" He replied, setting down his steel ball and grabbing the binoculars to take another look. "Yeah, six."
       "Take her out from a distance, Gehrig," The Receptionist instructed his agent. "There's a possibility that those people with her are The Kin."
       "Naw, they don't look like em'," Agent Gehrig tucked away his binoculars and picked up his duffle bag full of steel balls. "They ain't The Kin."
       "Still, be on your guard. The people with her could very well be Mark-users," The Receptionist warned. "I'm getting another call, so good luck. Phone me once you've done the deed."
       "Yeah, alright," Agent Gehrig nodded as he ended the call, tucking his phone away into the front pocket of his duffle bag. "Hmm..." He brought out his binoculars one last time, scoping out his target. Sure enough, she was out of his sight. "Damn." Agent Gehrig hopped down onto the next rooftop with his duffle bag slung across his shoulder. "Let's see here..." He could just barely make out Isabelle as she sat down on a chair next to Jace. "There ya are." However, before Agent Gehrig could prepare a steel ball, he noticed Isabelle had left her chair. "Dammit."
       "Registration for Isabelle and Aiko?" A man at the front desk called out into the waiting area. "Isabelle and Aiko?"
      "Right here," Aiko replied, accompanying Isabelle as they met with the secretary. "Where do we go?"
       "Just down the hall— third door on your left," He answered, leaning over his desk and pointing down the hallway. "Can't miss it."
       "Thank you!" Isabelle said with a bright smile, hoping to lighten up the depressed desk worker.
       "Yeah, yeah," He didn't seem to care.
       Isabelle couldn't help but hum to herself as she wandered down the hall behind Aiko, trying to fill the dull silence with some shred of whimsy. With her bright, starry eyes she admired each painting and potted plant that decorated the hallway, taking a brief pause for every single one; understandably, Aiko was getting a tad impatient.
       "Um... Isabelle?" Aiko cleared her throat, motioning towards the door. "Our appointment?"
       "Oh, sorry!" Isabelle's jaw tensed up as she realized just how tardy she was being, swiftly scurrying over to Aiko.
       "It's cool," Aiko opened the door, ushering her inside. "Go on."
       "They're sure taking a while..." Jace remarked, flipping through his sports magazine as he sat between Yuko and Maeve in the waiting area. "What's going on?"
       "A Mythical Beast Mark-user has to go through a few extra tests," Maeve informed Jace, who seemed a little uneasy without Isabelle in his sight. "They have multiple abilities, after all."
       "So, I'm a little curious... what does it feel like to transform for the first time?" Carlo asked Maeve as he played Bejewled on his smartphone.
       "For me, it felt akin to walking through fire," Maeve replied, thinking back to her first transformation when she was but a child. "It's different for every Beast Mark-user."
       "Why's that I wonder?" Jace inquired, setting his magazine down on a nearby coffee table at the center of the room.
       "It's the nature of the beast you embody," Mura chimed in, scouring through a day-old newspaper. "That's what I've heard."
       "You'd be right," Maeve agreed, mutating her right hand into a scaled claw. "My animal represents destruction and fire, so I experienced a feeling akin to that."
       "Does it hurt every time?" Carlo leaned in closer to get a better look at Maeve's hand.
       "Only a tad," Maeve disclosed, her index finger lighting aflame. "Like a hot pinprick or a small burn. I barely feel it anymore."
       "Excuse me, miss?" The secretary spoke up, noticing Maeve's flame. "No powers in the waiting area."
       "My apologies," Maeve sighed as she leaned back in her chair and let her hand revert to its original form. "What does it feel like to utilize an Alteratio Mark, Carlo?"
       "Like breathing, really," Carlo explained, putting away his phone. "You're really only limited by your own imagination so long as you're in a situation where your Mark would be useful. But, I mean, my Mark is basically useless if there isn't regular food or vegetation around. Unlike, Mura, I can only create materials out of nothing if I'm in the right situation."
       "And what about your Mark, Mura?! What's it like?!" Yuko asked the blue-haired girl across from her, who appeared to be tuning them all out. "Mura-?"
       "It behaves like an aimed shockwave," Mura cut her off, folding up her newspaper and plugging her headphones into her smartphone. "Not much else to say."
       "Really...? That's it?" Jace scoffed at Mura's brief response. "There's nothing more to a Productorem Mark?"
       "Fine..." Mura groaned, knowing full-well they weren't going to stop asking if she didn't explain it in-length. "My Mark is in the Energy Subclass, and the energy my Mark creates expands like a force field of energy that creates a strong repelling force. It's like Ms. Steele's barriers, but more catered to an offensive style... happy?"
       "Yeah, I think you nailed it on the head," Jace chuckled, hearing Isabelle's voice from down the hall. "Oh, there's our girls!" Jace then lifted himself out of his chair, striking up a conversation with Isabelle. "How'd it go?"
       "Really good!" Isabelle twirled around on the spot, unable to contain her own enthusiasm as she showed Jace her temporary registration card. "He said he really liked my Mark and that my real card would come in the mail in about a week!"
       "That's great, Iz. You gave him the mailing address I gave you, right?" Jace reminded her, praying to God that she didn't forget.
       "Yes!" Isabelle giggled, relieving Jace of his growing anxiety.
       "Did you get a new card, Aiko?" Yuko got out of her seat, causing her chair to creak in relief as the metal woman stood up.
       "Yeah, they should be correcting the real card as they speak," Aiko said, showing her new temporary card to Yuko. "Opa and Náanaa will get it in their mailbox soon."
       "So, will we be off then?" Carlo said as he marched over to the door.
       "Wait! Give me one second!" Isabelle stopped them before they could leave, racing over to the secretary. "Excuse me, sir?"
       "Yeah?" He grumbled, sipping the last of his coffee.
       "Have a good day!" She waved, following Jace as he exited the building.
       "Uh, yeah..." He cracked a smile, setting aside his mug to wave back. "Have a good one."
       As they headed outside, the rain began to pick up speed, prompting Aiko and the others to loiter for a bit under the building's awning until it calmed down. Yuko and Isabelle stuck their hands out into the rain, catching droplets as they fell as if they fell. Every passerby pulled out an umbrella, like any smart Victorian in the rainy season, somewhat embarrassing Jace, who knew he should've listened to the morning forecast.
       "Crap," Jace sighed as he watched small streams of water rush along the street corners. "Should've brought an umbrella."
       "It's just a shower. We can just wait it out here," Aiko reassured him, as calm and laid-back as ever. "Hope it doesn't last too long, though. Opa and Náanaa will be missing me."
       "Hey, Izzy!" Yuko hopped excitedly as leaned over and stuck out her tongue, catching more raindrops. "Look! Try this!"
       "Okay," Isabelle copied her giant metal friend, sticking her tongue out as she poked her head out of the awning; the first drop that hit her mouth sent shivers down her spine. "Ah! It's cold!"
       Agent Gehrig grabbed a steel ball from his duffle bag, spinning it a few times in his hand as he watched Isabelle blissfully enjoying the rain, totally oblivious. Kissing the ball, he stared up into the sky, grimacing once he brought his arm back. "Sorry, kid— jus' my job." And with a quick breath in, his robotic right arm unleashed a powerful pitch aimed right at Isabelle's head. "This'll be quick."
       "Yuko, what's-?" Isabelle trailed off as she felt a sudden gust of air toss her hair back. "Yuko?!"
       Yuko had caught the steel ball just inches away from Isabelle's face gripping it tightly as it continued to spin. "Isabelle, find cover!"
       "Aw hell!" Agent Gehrig cursed as he grabbed another steel ball.
       "What the hell is that thing?!" Jace began to panic, barging past Aiko and Maeve to get over to protect Isabelle. "Isabelle, are you okay?"
       "Yuko!" Aiko cried as she watched her sister's hand spark; the steel ball was not losing its momentum. "Yuko, that's no normal ball!"
       "It keeps spinning!" Yuko grit her teeth as she felt the ball grind away at her metal hand.
       "Look, up there!" Mura pointed across the street to a figure standing on a rooftop; he was winding back for another shot. "That's the source!"
       "Throw it back before it melts your hand, Yuko!" Aiko ordered her sister, covering her ears to shield herself from the overpowering screech of metal against metal. "Throw it at him!"
       "Okay!" Yuko spun around, tossing the ball away before it could grind her hand away completely.
       "Fuck!" Agent Gehrig ducked, just barely avoiding the ball. "God dammit!"
       "Arrghh!" Yuko grunted, clutching her smoking hand as she backed away. "He's going to throw another one!"
       "Someone call the police!" Maeve ran across the street, launching herself across with a gust of flame from her feet. "I'll pursue him!"
       "Me too!" Mura formed a bubble of her energy around her feet, rocketing her onto some scaffolding on the other side of the street.
       "Me three!" Jace shouted, running after Maeve through the panic-stricken crowd of people as they left their cars and ran for their lives. "Stay here, Isabelle!"
       "Okay!" She nodded, on the verge of passing out from sheer terror.
       "Carlo, Isabelle! Stay behind us!" Aiko ordered them, knowing that they'd be useless in such a situation. "Here comes another one, Yuko! Use your left hand!"
       "Right!" Yuko lunged forward, catching another one before it curved and hit Isabelle. "Rrrraghh! Aiko, what now?!"
       "Hold on to it! I've got an idea!" Aiko slowly set her fingernail on the steel ball, grinding it somewhat. "Arrgh! Dammit!" She bit her lip in pain as the ball began to lose speed in Yuko's hand, having been pumped full of Aiko's life-bestowing energy. "Yuko! Get inside the ball! We'll cut him off!"
       "Okay!" Yuko nodded, closing her eyes as she let her physical form melt away into the steel ball.
       "This had better work..." Aiko crossed her fingers, coating her arm in the same steel found within the ball using one of Yuko's summoned limbs. Then, with the added strength of the arm, Aiko flung it high into the air. "Yes!"
       "Shit!" Agent Gehrig made a break for it, hopping onto the next rooftop with his duffle bag strapped to his back.
       "Get back here!" Maeve had already made it on the roof, ready to scorch the assassin alive.
       "Piss off!" Agent Gehrig tossed another ball at Maeve, who deftly avoided it with another burst of fire. "Rrrrgh!" He leapt to the next building, tossing more of his projectiles at Maeve to keep her off his tail. "Get back, dammit-! Gah!" Suddenly, he felt a wave of force slam into him like a ton of bricks, knocking him down. "Arrgh... what the fuck?!"
       "Give up," Mura warned him as white energy began to manifest in her palms.
       "Like hell, kid!" Agent Gehrig threw another steel ball, but it was knocked off-course by a blast of force from Mura's fingertips. "Shit!"
       "Give up," Mura repeated herself, tossing aside the assailant's duffle bag. "Don't make me kill you."
       "Explain yourself! Why did you attack us?!" Maeve interrogated Agent Gehrig, backing him against an air conditioning unit.
       "Yer out of yer league, kids," Agent Gehrig snickered, revealing a grenade hidden under his hoodie. "Catch!"
       "Grenade!" Maeve shielded her eyes, reinforcing her body with dragon scales.
       Mura quickly disposed of the bomb, launching it high into the sky before it went off with a deafening bang. However, she had been so preoccupied with disposing of the grenade, she neglected to keep Agent Gehrig in one place; he had already jumped up to the next rooftop. "He's getting away!"
       "Dammit! Can't shake em'!" Agent Gehrig cursed his luck, reaching around his jean pocket. "Fuck, where'd I put it?!" However, his escape was soon halted; the next rooftop was nearly fifteen feet down. "Crap, crap, crap..." His eyes danced about, looking for some kind of saving grace. "Bingo!" Sure enough, his prayers were answered; one of his stray steel balls had found itself on the same rooftop as him.
       Maeve and Mura had caught up only moments after he had recovered the stray ball, readying their powers to quickly dispatch the sly assassin as he prepared to toss his last ball. But Agent Gehrig did no such thing; he had picked up Aiko's steel ball. Suddenly, Yuko's fist shot out of the sphere, slamming into Gehrig's jaw. Yuko emerged from the ball, grabbing Gehrig by his left hand and squeezing tightly.
       "Arrgh! God dammit!" Agent Gehrig wailed as he felt Yuko's metal fingers dig into his wrist.
       "Why did you try to hurt my friend?!" Yuko growled, popping Gehrig's hand out of its socket. "Tell me!"
       "Garrggh!" Agent Gehrig howled as he felt his hand go limp.
       "Yuko, calm down! You've got him!" Maeve grabbed Yuko by the shoulder, trying to snap the steel giant out of her blind rage. "Yuko!"
       "I-..." Yuko gasped, letting go of Gehrig as she stared down at her hands.
       "It's okay, Yuko, you got him," Mura grabbed her hand. "It's alright, he's finished."
       "Heh, heh... yeah right. Clubs always bag their target." Agent Gehrig began rolling towards the edge, pulling a strange crystal out of his pocket and crushing it in his grasp. "Recall." And just as he tumbled off the roof, he vanished in a flash of bright blue light.
       "Where did he go?!" Yuko shook her head as she spun around.
       "I'm not sure," Mura replied, picking up one of Gehrig's steel balls. "But he was most likely an assassin of some sort. Had you not been there when he threw this at Isabelle, Yuko, she would've been dead."
       "Then we need to go find him!" Yuko clenched her fists, her anger renewed. "If he's still out there then he'll come after her again!"
       "No, we can't get involved, Yuko," Maeve informed the narrow-minded giantess. "We have to report this to the IMOP. They'll handle it."
       "Okay," Yuko breathed deeply, setting aside her rage. "I'm sorry."
       "Aiko, is she okay?!" Jace called out to his group as he ran back to Isabelle. "I think they took care of him!"
       "Iz, you okay...?" Aiko knelt down, setting a hand on the terrified girl's shoulder. "Any scrapes?"
"No," Isabelle squeaked. "I-..."
"What's wrong with her?" Jace asked, noticing the glazed over look in Isabelle's eyes.
"She's been staring blankly for the past few minutes," Carlo informed Jace as he backed away, giving Isabelle some space.
"What is it, Isabelle?" It was clear to Aiko that she was in shock. "What's wrong?"
"I remember-..." Isabelle choked up. "I remember everything."
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