#Killing me softly fic readers rejoice
goodbyeapathy8 · 1 year
Fickle fucking muses
The writing muse left me for almost an entire week and by the time Friday rolled around, I was practically begging and almost cried from frustration. I want to write, please just let me write an update - a drabble, something.
Tonight, the muse decided oh hello I'm back WITH A VENGEANCE. Here, write three chapters in a manic state. And I could have sworn it was midnight but now it's 3 AM?? Like I legit feel like I blacked out for 3 hours because how the hell is it suddenly 3?
I was really going to be happy with one chapter but now I'm at the point where I'm asking it to stop and I can't. FML.
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Comfort (Armitage Summer Splash. Day 13)
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As part of @lathalea and I’s Armitage Summer Splash, I present to you, day 13. 
Masterlist of fics for Summer Splash
Prompts: "It was the best day of my life." / Comfort trope.  
Fandom: Robin Hood
Pairings: None really. Very slight Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader if you squint.
Warnings: Angst. Character death.
Summary: You have received word that Guy of Gisborne has been killed. He was the man you always secretly loved, and you share that secret with your best friend.
Comments/Notes: If anyone would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please say. I haven't actually watched season 3 of Robin Hood to know the exact scenario surrounding Guy's demise, so I've skimmed over how he died and just focused on the fact he has died. I've also left the majority of the relationship open for readers to make up their mind exactly what went on. ;)
Ever since you had learned of Guy's death and you had been numb, empty, feeling on the edge of a dream, in denial. All the sensations had bombarded you immediately, and still hung over you like a grey cloud as you woke the next morning.
Your mother was jovial, like most mornings, and prepared your breakfast, before you head out into the market square for your duties. Today, however, you had decided not to work. The rapport you normally built with customers and the smiles you offered as they purchased your garments, would be impossible.
As you ate breakfast, your mother noticed how far away your gaze seemed. She saw that you only ate a couple of mouthfuls of food and then left the rest. And she knew why. The whole of Nottingham now had learned of Gisborne's death; most rejoiced, while the minority grieved.
Your best friend, Sarah, called for you a couple of hours later. She was surprised that you had not come down to Stone Street to work, and came into the house at your mother's request. You remained quiet at the table with a mug of tea by your arm.
Sarah sat down and immediately sensed why.
You felt Sarah's reassuring hand touch your arm and grip. "I'm sorry about Gisborne," she said softly. "I know you two were close."
The words passed through your mind and you just about comprehended them. But his name was what hit. A tidal wave of emotion overwhelmed you, and you began to weep.
Sarah embraced you tightly.
It felt as if she were reaching for all the broken pieces of shattered cutlery. Your emotions were the cutlery, broken into sharp shards. You wiped your face with the back of your hand and rested back into your chair, glancing at the fire which was dancing in the grate opposite.
"I know not many liked him," you began. "In fact, most people despised him. But for some reason, he showed me the good side of him. It was as if he were always scared to show any kind of goodness to the world; maybe he thought that it would make him vulnerable."
Sarah smiled. "I remember the first day you met him. You were beaming all evening."
"It was the best day of my life," you replied. Your gaze met Sarah's, and then you remembered your mother was still in the room, albeit, not directly sitting with you. Instead, she was washing clothing, but still listening in. You looked across to your mother who was smiling sadly to herself as she submerged clothing into a bowl of hot water. "I always loved him. And even if he was alive now, I still don't think I would have ever mustered the courage to tell him because I doubt he felt the same."
Sarah leaned across the table on her elbows. "I didn't know him like you, but if he was indeed the man that you've just described, then I feel his heart was always yours."
You thought on Sarah's words from that day. Had Guy really reciprocated that love but just never told you?
A sudden knock at your door beckoned you out of your thoughts, and then your mother called your name loudly.
"What is it?" you asked.
Your mother stood there with a candle in one hand and an envelope in the other. "It's for you."
Ice raced down your spine as you saw your name on the envelope in spiralling black ink. It was Guy's handwriting.
Follow Forever: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @knitastically @linasofia @xxbyimm @sketch-and-write-lover @meganlpie @guardianofrivendell @middleearthpixie @spidergirla5 @msjava1972 @rachel1959 @asgardianhobbit98 @lilacpulse @enchantzz @medusas-hairband
Richard Armitage tag list: @cryptichobbit @eunoiaastralwings
Guy of Gisborne tag list: @puggledy-huggledy-is-not-a-pig
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
Hiya! I was wondering if you could possibly write a piece (hc or fic, you choose!) where the reader confesses her feelings for Dante, only to get rejected...BUT Dante does like her but says no because she’s only a human and doesn’t want to see her getting hurt with all of his demon hunting business. Could have a happy or sad ending, up to you! Thanks so much for taking time out of your daily life to do this! I’m a writer myself and it can be quite tedious, so kudos to you!
Somebody Else’s; Nobody’s
I hope you liked this. I’ll lend you a handkerchief once you’re done crying. 
Yee-Haw, I’m Evil. 
Tags/Warnings: Angst, Unrequited But Actually Requited Love, AFAB Reader, Minors Allowed, SFW, Bittersweet Ending, References to 1975′s Somebody Else and Mitski’s Nobody
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You were so hopeful, looking at Dante with those starry eyes. He always knew you gazed at him like that when he wasn’t looking. 
He knew you liked him, hands brushing against his, your heart beating faster when he approached. 
You were nice to him and you laughed at his jokes. Maybe a little bit too much. Maybe he was that funny. 
But the day you walked up to him and asked him to talk privately, he already knew what it was about. 
Your heart was pounding faster than he could even count your beats and your form gave off scents of fear and anticipation. 
“Yeah sure, let’s talk.” He said casually, trying to bring down your pacing heart. 
And when you told him how you felt about him, he already knew what he had to say. 
“Dante, I genuinely like you as more than friends. I like you a lot and I was wondering if you felt the same.” His face, he didn’t mean to look so stone-faced when he heard what you said. 
“Yeah (Y/N). I’m sorry. I just don’t feel the same way.” And with that, he swore he could hear your heart shatter to pieces and your face tried so hard not to give away the tears in your eyes. 
God. He was the worst. 
“We can still be friends though?” He offered, patting you on the shoulder, ice blue eyes gazing into yours. 
“Yeah, yeah. Of course, Dante,” You said, voice quieter than before. 
It was awkward, you turned and went away. With your back facing him, he dropped his facade as you left the shop, leaving into the night. 
Grin put aside, he sighed. Did you know what you did to him? Did you look both ways before you crossed his mind every waking moment. 
“I like you a lot too.” He mumbled, his poor human heart panging with your own. But he deserved it. He deserved what he put the two of you through with his answer. 
With his lie. 
He almost wants to call you back, his hand almost reaching out as a reaction. He clenches his fist and hits the table, a resounding echo of his grave choice ringing through the rafters. 
But he knew that was what he had to do. You were human, he was subhuman, half a man but all the demon. 
What if you did stay with him? Demons and all the like would hunt you down, and he’d fall apart. 
He couldn’t do that to you. You deserved safety and someone who could provide for you. Not him, this half-demon with a falling apart shop and all the issues. 
You stopped coming around as often. Why would you? After a brief period of pretending things were fine, Dante watched as you decided to give the two of you space. 
Dante tried not to care, knowing how hurt you must have been. You deserved peace from him. 
You walked away for your own peace, but you also walked into somebody else’s heart. 
Dante should have known when he smelled another human while near your presence. He already knew with the look in your eyes as you smiled at your phone whenever a text message showed up. He already knew with the look you gave him. He knew that there was somebody else. 
And when you showed up to his office to talk, somebody else’s sweater on your form, he bit back his hackles, his inner demon screaming. 
You deserved this. Somebody else who wouldn’t loop you into his problems, his danger. 
The tides had changed. Where you once barely kept your head above the waters, keeping your yearning to yourself, Dante had now let his own waves consume him. 
The ring on your finger was the anchor to his sinking ship. You tried not to make it obvious, but Dante knew as soon as you walked in. 
“Cute ring. It a promise ring or something?” He joked. You shook your head. 
“I’m getting married, Dante. That’s what I came to tell you.” You softly said. Your eyes widened as he hugged you. 
“Look at you! Gettin’ hitched.” He joked, watching as you hit him lightly on the shoulder with that pink flush on your face. 
But it wasn’t there because of him, it was there at the thought of somebody else.
“There better be pizza there.” He chuckled emptily, taking the RVSP from your hand. 
“Thank you, Dante.” You said. Those same ice-blue eyes you used to gaze at all day met yours with this intensity he hid from you for all this time. 
“Anything for you.” He stated. The two of you looked at each other, a split second of recognition that Dante wished would bring back those feelings you felt for him, and the feelings he felt since then. 
You patted his shoulder with a smile. 
“You’re a good friend, Dante.”
You would never know how he felt, and he let himself sink under. 
And he drowned all until the wedding. 
On that day, Vergil adjusted Dante’s tie for him before he left the door. 
“Of course you know how to tie a tie, you ascot wearing geezer.” Dante jeered, his grin not meeting his eyes. Vergil spared him a glance. 
“It is not wise to lose yourself in this facade.” His brother muttered. 
Dante nodded and sighed. 
“I know.” 
Dante was fine for the most part. But when he realized how beautiful you were, just from where he sat, he began to break as you made your way to your engaged. 
He couldn’t stop looking at you. 
Oh god. When your vows were done being exchanged, his last chance of telling you appeared before him. 
“If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
This crouching demon, under his flesh, began to writhe after ages of festered emotion.
Tell her you love her, don’t let her go. Object you stupid bastard! She is ours. It is not too late!
His demon roars and thrashes in his human heart and shakes his ribs like the bars in a jail cell. 
You Coward! Don’t you love her?!
Dante winced and closed his eyes. His nails dig crescents into his palms. 
I love her, yeah, I fucking love her. 
I love her so much I would do anything to go back and say that I love her. That I love her and it’s at the right time. 
I’ll love her and I’ll mean it, and I’ll never lie again. 
He grits his teeth and sits in his turmoil at the pews. 
God! I love her.  I love her laugh. I love when she puts her hand on mine. 
I love when she smiles. I love when I make her smile.
I love that when I’m with her, I don’t hate myself. I love that she is home to me, that Devil May Cry is warmer with her there. 
I love her so much that I want to fucking burn myself alive for rejecting her. 
God, she looks so beautiful right now. 
I love her. 
I Love Her. 
I love her…..
The crescendo of the organ piano strikes a grave note as he makes his final decision.
His eyes open and he watches her embrace her human lover, her white veil framing the look of adoration in her gaze. 
And now I have to let her go. 
She kisses somebody else and she is dipped in somebody else’s loving arms. Dante feels his own heart fall as he rises to stand and clap for her. 
He has no choice but to rejoice. 
And he claps and he cheers and he whistles in joy. 
He has lost himself in celebrating for her. 
She will have a honeymoon that she always ranted to him about having, she will move into a nicer place, she will be loved, and she will be warm. She will have children and pets in her home. She will be safe. 
She will have a family and be embraced-
In somebody else’s arms. 
He is a selfless man, and in this time of heartbreak, he has lost himself completely in the killing euphoria that she is no longer his. 
She is somebody else, and she is somebody else’s. And he is nobody’s once again. 
A devil may cry, and yet he smiles through his tears, alone in a crowd of people. 
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headinthe-fridge · 4 years
My Grandfather’s Lawyer (pt.8)
⁂ – Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader –  ⁂
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warning: nsfw, swearing
Summary: Your grandfather, Washijo Tanji, disowned your mother when she was pregnant with you and her hatred towards him was passed on to you. Now, your estranged grandfather wants you to leave your life in Tokyo and come live with him in his estate in the Miyagi Prefecture.
You took a day off and a 6-hour trip, intending to give him a piece of your mind before disappearing from their lives forever. You didn’t expect to see an ailing and fragile old man. Your day trip stretched into weeks and soon, you patched things up with your estranged family and warmed up to everyone -except to one: Ushijima Wakatoshi -your grandfather’s lawyer.
He thinks you have ulterior motives in reuniting with your grandfather.
You weren’t suppose to care what he thinks of you. His opinion didn’t matter.
But it did.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
AN: Ahhh, it’s ending soon, you guys. But don’t worry, I already have a new story in my drafts, I am just not sure if I should write another Ushijima fic or with another character. Who should I do next?
‘a familiar voice spoke beside you that nearly made you fall off your seat.’
"Oya, y/n-chan! There you are hiding!"
To say you were startled was an understatement but that's Bokuto Kotaro for you. The man never seem to run out of energy every time you see him.
He sat beside you, his enthusiastic smile never leaving his face. “You look amazing.”
You blushed at his words. “Thank you, though my shoes are killing me.”
“Here,” He unceremoniously reached for your ankle and placed your feet on his lap.
“W-what are you doing?”
“Relax, gorgeous, I’m gonna make your feet a little better.” He winked at you before pulling out a small, circular container from his pocket. “I love the smell of eucalyptus so I always bring this little buddy here,” He showed you the topical balm before applying some on your blistered feet.
The minty scent filled your nose while the cool salve soothed your reddening skin. Kotaro took hold of your other leg and did the same with your left foot.
“Oh, what’s this?”
You and Kotaro simultaneously turned to Kuroo who just came, carrying a pack of bandage plaster. Beside him stood the stone-faced lawyer, looking as dashing as ever that it made your head hurt.
He looks so damn good all the time, it’s not even fair.
“Just helped Miss gorgeous a little.”
“Put this over the blisters, since you’re already holding your feet.”
Kuroo was about to give the pack to Kotaro when Ushijima butted it, hand stretched out towards your cousin.
“I’ll do it.”
Your heart skipped a beat, a protest formed in your mind but before you could voice it out, Kuroo gave Ushijima the pack while Kotaro vacated his seat beside yours.
“Take care of her, alright. We’re gonna go grab some drink.” Kuroo advised.
“Man, I’m hungry. Let’s go, Kuroo-san.”
With that, you were once again alone with Ushijima in a secluded area at night. Your last encounter with him flashed inside your mind, his lips sucking on your, his body pressed against yours, and his hands on your-
You dispelled the sinful thoughts away as he took the seat next to you. You will not submit yourself to him again. No, this time you’re gonna be unmovable.
You gulped as you tried to calm your racing heart.
Shit, why does he have to smell so damn good to?
He sat there staring at you, making you squirm. You couldn’t fathom what he was thinking for his face did not give anything away.
“Stop staring! You’re making me uncomfortable!” You hissed.
A small smile ghosted his lips but it was gone the next second, you thought you imagined it.
“Sorry, it’s just that you’re so beautiful tonight. You look dazzling as always, I feel like kissing you again.”
Your heart did a somersault while your stomach fluttered. Did you hear that right? Ushijima Wakatoshi just complimented you. You felt your insides melt. 
“May I?” He asked and the only thing you could do was nod.
His hand reached for your leg, sending tingles all over your body at the contact. He examined your blisters before opening the pack of plasters.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, forcing the words to come out of your mouth to escape the awkward silence that lingered between the two of you.
He looked at you briefly before continuing with his task. “Why? Am I not invited?”
“You were m.i.a. for a week, I’m surprised you knew about this party.”
“So, you missed me?”
You stilled. “W-why would I miss you?” 
Ushijima chuckled at your flustered reaction. He then reached for your other leg and started to peel open another plaster. “I know there’s a party, I know where the venue is, I know what time it will start, and I also know that the main course for tonight is your favorite baked barbecue back ribs, simply because I was the one who organized this.”
“Did you like the table’s centerpiece? I heard you loved lilies when you were in high school but I wasn’t sure if you still do so I tasked Atsumu in confirming it for me.”
So that was why Atsumu, some time last week, asked him you out of the blue if you prefer roses or lilies. Then asked again between peony and lily, and orchids, and daisies, and a whole other flowers whose names you can’t remember now. You always chose lily because Ushijima was right, it was your favorite.
“I don’t know what to say,” You breathed, warmth seeped into your chest at the thoughtful gesture. “Thank you.” You finally added.
Ushijima gingerly placed your feet down before crouching before you. “Here let me put these on for you.” He reached for the heels on the stone floor and carefully slipped it back to your feet.
“You don’t have to thank me, Tanji-san really wanted to surprise you so I had to be meticulous about every detail, or I’ll lose my job. So he says.”
“Oh, I see.”
Your heart broke. You thought he did it wholeheartedly but it was clear he only did it for the sake of his job. And here you were, getting all giddy over nothing. Turning soft over nothing. You swore you were not gonna submit to him but you just did it again. Now, look what happened.
“What’s wrong?” He asked when you abruptly stood up. 
“I’m gonna go back inside.” You took a step but Ushijima held your arm, stopping you in place.
“You’re mad, I can tell. What is it? Was it something I said?” 
You turned back to him, his face once again back to his usual scowl. There it is, that’s the Ushijima you know, not the soft boy that he was earlier.
“I’m not, why would I be mad? Please let go of my arm.”
“I don’t believe you. Tell me, what is it?”
“I told you it’s nothing! Let me go.” You tried to yank your arm free from his grasp but he did not budge.
“Why do you always run away from me? Tell me, who are you afraid me, really, me or yourself?”
Afraid that he would see the truth in your eyes, you looked away. “I don’t know what you mean, please let me go.”
And he did. He did it without any other resistance that it caught you off-guard. You did not linger any second longer and bolted out of his sight, walking as fast as your blistered feet in heels could carry you.
The past week that you haven’t seen him made you restless. Every time the door chimed, you unconsciously expected that it would be him. The next thing you knew, you were yearning for his brooding presence and scowling face. Your day didn’t felt complete without seeing his handsome face shooting daggers at you.
You were afraid, yes, but not of him but of yourself. You knew why, you like him. His kiss lingered at the forefront of your mind, his body ignited a prairie fire within you.
You were standing before the buffet table, torn between the chocolate mousse and mango tiramisu when Kotaro appeared beside you again and picked a dessert for you.
“This is heaven.” He smiled.
You beamed at him in return and took the sweets from his hand. “Thanks, you’re a life saver.”
“Are you enjoying your party?”
“Yeah, everyone’s really nice.” You replied, but your smile dulled at the memory of your exchange with Ushijima earlier. Unconsciously, your eyes scanned the crowd until it fell on the said lawyer, animatedly chatting with your cousin, Hoshina. It was the first time you saw smiling like that, eyes wrinkling in mirth, full set of teeth showing. You felt a painful prick at your heart.
“Are you okay?” Kotaro asked, but you didn’t reply. His eyes followed your gaze and saw what you saw.
“It’s Toshi, isn’t it?” You turned back to him, eyes wide and was about to deny when he beat you it. “Don’t deny it, I can see it in your face.”
“What about you? You think you’re hiding it well but I can see it too.”
It was his time to get flustered. “W-what do you mean by that?”
You chuckled softly at his reaction. “Come on. Ko, you’re in love with Hoshina, and I can tell you have been for a long time. Why are you not shooting your shot?”
He shook his head, both you gazes falling back to the people that held both your affections. “She’s a Washijo, heaven never came down just to be with the earth.
“Oh, please, believe me, that cousin of my has a soft spot for you.” You lightly pat his cheeks twice in endearment and encouragement.
“Thanks for the boost but I’d rather not let my hopes get too high.”
“So, how does it feel to be so important?” You just got out of a cubicle after taking care of your business when Hoshina greeted you. Leaning on the comfort room counter. “I bet you’re rejoicing now that you have everyone’s attention including Wakatoshi and Kotaro’s.”
You brushed past her and approached the sink to wash your hands. She turned and looked at you through the mirror and you met glare.
“It’s as you say -I am rejoicing, I feel great.” You shook your hands to whisk away excess water then finally faced your cousin. “Why, do you have a problem with that?”
Her smirk vanished. “When are you leaving? As far as I remember you wanted to go back to Tokyo as soon as possible, how come you’re still here?”
“Ah, didn’t you know? I’m staying here for good. I’m a Washijo too, and I also have the right to live here.”
“What made you change your mind? Does it have something to do with Kotaro?”
Your mind blanked for a few moments at her questions. Then it finally dawned on you, all thesse weeks of Hoshina being hostile towards you was because she was insecure -and all for the wrong reasons. You were relieved but thought of teaching her a lesson.
“Do I hear jealousy here? And if I say yes, what are you gonna do about it?”
Her ears fumed at your words. “I’m warning you, if you want to have a peaceful life here, leave Kotaro alone.”
“Last I checked, you’re not his girlfriend so you don’t have any right to threaten me like that. And no, I will not leave him alone just because you told me to.” You challenged and you expected for her to fight back but instead, her face fell.
“But...” Tears welled in her eyes and you felt guilty for going overboard.
“Don’t worry, Ko and I are just friends.”
“What did you say?”
“You heard me, we’re just friends.”
“You don’t have feelings for him?” Her voice sounded hopeful, her menacing tone gone.
“Why would I? He’s not really my type so he’s all yours.”
You did a double take when Hoshina blushed.
“I-I’m sorry.”
“What for?” You asked, now more than surprised.
“For my behavior since you arrived. I haven’t really been very welcoming.”
“You don’t say. I could still feel you shooting daggers at the of my mind but don’t worry about that. I understand that you were just being spiteful, and probably a little biased because of the things you might have heard about my mother, like how biased I was about ji-ji.”
Hoshina gasped. “You finally called him ji-ji.”
You smiled softly. “Yeah, I just did.”
“He’s gonna be so happy when he hears it. He would always whine about you not calling him that for weeks.” She groaned.
You were happy, you bounced in your steps as you and Hoshina exited the comfort room together, chatting, and laughing together. You never gave up the hope that you will get along with your cousin soon, and that’s what’s happening now.
You were deprived of the feeling of having relatives all your life and that was the reason why you easily forgave Hoshina for her shortcomings. It’s all in the past, and now you want to focus on the future. But even if you told her that you would be staying for good, deep in your heart you still weren’t sure.
Taglist: @thegrumpyhag​ @sushij1ma​ @valoryess​ @yakus-yakult​ @ly-nia​ @ushi-please​ @plutoglass @kokofirebangbomb​ @strawberryy-milkk @melanieacademy​ @defunkitatedmess​ @lunarknox​ @wtoshii​ @kyomihann​ @multishippers-trash-blog​ @monviemoo​ 
Part 9
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Myoui Mina ; all too well pt. 2
writer’s note : ok i wasn’t expecting to have a continuation of this but i already have a whole plot which will prolly go up to a few parts. so MINA STANS, REJOICE!!! ALSO, Jisoo from Blackpink will be making her debut in this fic bc i felt like she fit the character i had in mind the most so in this fic, Jisoo is a non-idol 😌
warning : angst (im sorry ill make it up to u soon)
tips : put on a song that you feel like would set the mood - trust me, nothing beats reading sad ass imagines with songs in the background
words : 3,318 words
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“Are you ever going to tell me what happened with that girl you met at the coffee shop?”
Surprised by the sudden question, Y/N looked at the girl with wide eyes as she confusedly asked, “What do you mean?”
Jisoo found it cute that Y/N was trying to pretend that she didn’t know what she was talking about, but Jisoo knew that it needed to be talked about. Because the moment Y/N came back during their date after disappearing for half an hour, Jisoo just knew something big had happened and that her swollen eyes were as apparent as ever.
Chuckling amusedly, Jisoo leaned on her palm and asked, “During our date last week, you met someone who seemed like an old friend? Why’d she run out so fast?”
Now it was Y/N’s turn to chuckle awkwardly as she scratched the back of her neck before shrugging and saying, “Oh, she’s just somebody that I know a while back... And she probably ran out because she’s just naturally a shy person so..”
Jisoo gazed at Y/N, and simply just observed the girl’s facial expression before a memory hit her and she quietly pointed out, “... I heard you call her Mina,” Jisoo revealed, Y/N’s eyes saddening slightly as silence took over them before she added, “It was her, wasn’t it? The ex you always wrote about?”
With that information, Y/N furrowed her brows before quietly asking, “How’d you know? I never showed anyone-“
“You left it in your messy pile by the dining table one day,” Jisoo revealed before she quickly added, “I know I shouldn’t have... but I thought it was just one of your random writings and you know how much I love to read your stories.”
Y/N’s winced, her eyebrows down and closed together as her lips frown at the sudden revelation. She remembered every word she wrote in those stories and how intimate it was to her, let alone to another reader.
She wrote those stories in a place of pain, longing and love. Something she still has, since the day she left.
“I always envied how you wrote about her in your stories,” Jisoo chuckled sadly as she continued, “How the moles on her face was like precious stars and how whenever she danced, she was a swan who you couldn’t look away from. I saw it in your eyes whenever you wrote about her; .... I’ve never seen that side of you before.”
Looking away, Y/N simply sighed and ran her fingers through her hair before softly adding, “I wrote that a very long time ago, Jisoo-ya; I wrote that when I was still very much in love with her.”
“Can you really tell me with a 100% confidence that you’re not in love with her anymore?” Jisoo rasped out, her voice weak as she continued with, “Can you really tell me that? Because the moment she ran, you went after her without even looking back.”
Y/N instinctively shut her eyes as she took a deep breath and released a shaky one. Out of the blue, she felt a pair of hands on her thighs and when she fluttered her eyes open, she saw Jisoo kneeling in front of her with glassy eyes before she whispered, “It’s okay - I understand,” She reassured gently before continuing, “If anyone read your stories, they too would see the amount of love you have for Mina and I can’t stop that.”
“Jisoo-ya, I-“
“It’s okay, I promise,” Jisoo softly reassured before she grabbed Y/N’s hands and held them tightly before whispering, “You deserve to be happy the way you want to be, Y/N and I can’t provide that for you because deep inside, you already know who’s the only one who can.”
Jisoo then stood up before placing a kiss on Y/N’s forehead then grabbing her bag and phone right after. As she was about to walk away, Y/N grabbed her hand and stood up before she quietly said, “I’m sorry I can’t give you the same love that you gave me.”
Jisoo cupped Y/N’s face with her free hand as she smiled sadly while saying, “I’m just glad I could make you forget even for a moment... but I think we both know that it’s never going to be enough.”
“I’m sorry, Jisoo. It should never have come to this.” Y/N whispered, the feeling of guilt overwhelming her slowly, “I should’ve been honest with you from the start.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s no one’s fault; I can’t keep lying to myself that I can make you happier than she did. I mean, sure, I can keep pretending but you’ll just never be as happy and I - I can’t do that to you.”
Placing a chaste kiss on Y/N’s cheek, Jisoo caressed her face momentarily before she whispered, “You loved her and - ... and that’s not a weakness, Y/N; that’s a virtue.”
Soon after, Jisoo gave one last sad smile before she turned around and made her way out, her last words scarring Y/N’s thoughts. Standing still, Y/N was at lost for words. Everything was changing around her and she didn’t know what to do next.
At the same time, Y/N’s phone had vibrated at the couch and that caused her to instinctively turn around. Grabbing her phone, she opened a text message.
From : Jihyo TWICE [8:33pm]
Hey, are you free to meet up?
Surprised at the sudden text, Y/N raised her brows as she typed a quick reply.
To : Jihyo TWICE [8:33pm]
Sure unnie, where do you want to meet?
Around half an hour later with the time at 5 minutes past 9pm, Y/N was now sitting at a park near Gangnam.
Her mind was a mess and she couldn’t think properly anymore. Shivering slightly at the cold temperature, Y/N felt a sudden warmth right next to her and when she looked to the side, she was greeted with Jihyo who offered a small and polite smile.
“Long time no see, Y/N - I hope you’re doing well.”
Y/N could only chuckle sadly as she greeted, “And the same goes to you, unnie.”
“I think you and I both know why I wanted to see you tonight, right?” Jihyo asked, her gaze never wavering and that was something Y/N has always known about the Twice leader. Jihyo was intimidating but it was only because the other girls were her family - her sisters.
Y/N nodded with pursued lips before suggesting, “How about we talk about this over a cup of hot chocolate?”
That was the only thing that was obvious as Y/N and Jihyo sat opposite of one another, eyes away from each other, at an isolated coffee shop nearby.
Y/N had spent time with the other members before but never after the break up. They were all very protective over each other so after the break up, Y/N was quick to assume that the girls wouldn’t want to talk to her ever again.
“I heard you’re dating again.”
Y/N quickly shifted her gaze to Jihyo, who was already looking directly right at her, before she chuckled awkwardly, looked away once again and revealed, “Kind of.”
“Kind of?”
“We broke up right before you texted me.”
“May I ask why?”
Y/N sighed audibly before she looked down at her hands and fiddled with her fingers while whispering, “I think you know why, unnie.”
Jihyo tilted her head slightly as she kept her gaze on the girl in front of her before saying, “Because of Mina?”
“If you loved her that much, why did you break up in the first place?” The Twice leader question, her piercing gaze never wavering as she added, “And you knew how much she loved you, and she saw you as her safe haven; so, tell me why Y/N - why’d you leave?”
Y/N looked up, connected her eyes with the Twice leader and she revealed joylessly, “Did you know how much it hurt me to see Mina being harassed, bullied and requested to be removed from Twice because she was with me?”
Jihyo couldn’t say anything, her heart feeling the pain in Y/N’s words as she simply listened because she knew that sometimes listening is the best medicine.
“She was called a ‘dyke’, a ‘rug licker’ and that wasn’t even close to the worse ones I’ve seen,” Y/N revealed, her eyes getting glassy as she continued saying, “The haters actually emailed JYP and requested Mina to be removed from the group because she brought shame to the Nation’s girl group; so, tell me unnie - was I supposed to just let that happen?”
The Twice leader felt sorry for the girl in front of her, her heart slightly aching in response before Y/N continued, “Mina’s anxiety was getting worse by the day and even though she kept telling me that she was ‘fine’, her cries in the middle of the night in the kitchen, told me a different story.” The girl revealed, a tear finally going down her cheek as the painful memory flooded her emotions.
As tears began to fall even more, Y/N released a shaky breath as she tilted her head facing upwards, trying her best to stop her tears while she quietly sobbed out, “I thought that maybe - maybe if I had just left and give her life a break from all the haters, then maybe she can finally stop crying alone at night.” Y/N then wiped her tears as she looked at Jihyo with red and teary eyes before she admitted, “I’m tired of pretending, unnie; I’m tired of pretending that I’m not hurting because... I miss her so much and that’s slowly killing me.”
Jihyo couldn’t stop the tears from falling from her own eyes and looked away from Y/N as she herself tried to wipe her own tears. She released a shaky breath and she couldn’t help but feel sorry for the girl in front of her.
Taking a deep breath, Jihyo made herself face Y/N and connected their teary eyes before pointing out, “When they forced you to leave, that’s when you should’ve stayed, Y/N-ya,” She croaked, letting tears fall as she added, “But I also understand where you’re coming from because that’s the same trouble I went through when my relationship went public.”
This caught Y/N’s attention as Jihyo sighed out, “The haters always said I was never good enough for someone like Kang Daniel and how was I just with him because I was someone who would never get someone better looking than him,” She recounted, her emotions getting the best of her as she added, “Every single day, I wanted to leave him because I wanted to do it before he did it to me.”
“I always wondered, ‘what if he falls for another girl who’s prettier?’ or ‘what if he falls for another girl who isn’t as insecure?’ because I never felt good enough for him,” Jihyo explained before she continued saying, “Yes, I am the leader of the Nation’s girl group but there are eight other girls who everyone said was prettier than me and yet, I was the first one to be officially dating someone; I was called a ‘slut’, a ‘whore’ and there’s more on that list than I’d like to admit.”
“But even when Daniel could’ve left me and trust me, I’ve pushed him a few times saying that maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore then he looked directly into my eyes and said that if he leaves, he’s giving them exactly what they wanted,” The Twice leader recalled, as she released a shaky breath and concluded, “I wanted to see you today because I know enough about you that you’re doing exactly what I would’ve done; the only reason why it took me this long to approach you is because Mina needed me first and I wanted to be there for her.”
“Then tell me what to do, unnie because I don’t know anymore,” She sniffled, her eyes red and both of her hands on the table top as she pleaded, “There hasn’t been a day where I haven’t thought of her and it’s starting to hurt - so, if you were in my position, what can I do to stop hurting this much?”
Jihyo felt for the girl, she really did. In fact, she was just lost for words at how relatable Y/N’s situation was for her. She knew how tough it is to date an idol, being an idol herself, so she can’t imagine the burden of a non-idol having to carry when the public finds out something so intimate.
Wiping her tears once again, Jihyo grabbed one of Y/N’s hand and used her free hand to grab something from her bag. Placing the item on Y/N’s hand, Jihyo wrapped the girl’s hand around it before saying, “December 24th, 6pm at JYP building; text me when you get there and I’ll pick you up myself.”
Y/N was about to inspect the item but before she could, Jihyo leaned forward and whispered, “This is your one chance to redeem yourself, Y/N-ya; don’t screw this up. I’m doing this because I like you for Mina. You’re a good person and sometimes, even the best break so now, I’m helping you - like how Daniel helped me.”
The Twice leader then gave a kind smile before she squeezed the girl’s hand and released her grip as she took her belongings and left.
As Y/N could only stare at the retreating back of Jihyo, she slowly looked down at her hand and saw an employee pass for the JYP building, feeling something she hasn’t felt in a long time.
“I’m home!”
Sounds of loud footsteps surround the apartment, 7 girls making their appearance as Jihyo took of her shoes before making her way into the apartment.
“Unnie, how did it go??” Chaeyoung asked, her eyebrows raised in interest.
“Did it work?? Is she going to be there??” Sana asked, grabbing onto Jihyo’s arm.
However, Nayeon then scoffed and cautioned, “I’m telling you guys - this whole thing is pointless! She has a new girlfriend, for heaven’s sake!”
“They broke up, actually,” Jihyo revealed, earning gasps of surprise from the girls in exception of Nayeon as the leader announced, “They broke up right before I texted her.”
“And that’s good news, how??” Nayeon questioned with furrowed brows as she huffed, “She couldn’t handle the pressure and left Mina to suffer alone - alone, guys! Why would you guys want her back with someone like that??”
“Unnie...” Dahyun perplexed, not believing her ears as she knew Nayeon was one of the closer members to Mina’s ex.
“Ya, Im Nayeon, don’t you think you’re being too unfair?” Jeongyeon protested, crossing her arms in defiance.
Nayeon then faced her best friend and rebuked, “Have you forgotten the nights where we had to calm her down from her anxiety attack after the break up?” She jabbed before she quickled added, “You were there with me, Jeongyeon-ah!”
“Does that mean she doesn’t deserve a second chance??” Jeongyeon spat, “There’s two sides to every story! Two sides!
Jihyo sighed and massaged her temple as she sighed, “Guys, that’s enough, Mina will hear us-“
“You’re unbelievable, Yoo Jeongyeon; after all the nights she cried to us, asked us why Y/N left and you dare say all of this??” Nayeon hissed, crossing her arms as she added, “Yes, there’s two sides to every story but she should’ve talked to Mina and given her a chance to fix this.”
“And now she wants to but you’re refusing to let her??” Jeongyeon argued before she added, “Do you really think that Y/N isn’t hurting too??”
“Wah, Jeongyeon, you’re really somethi-“
“Jeongyeon unnie’s right.”
At the sound of the quiet voice, the 8 girls immediately turned their heads towards Mina who was now watching and hearing their entire conversation.
The Japanese singer walked towards the group with her dejected eyes and her shoulders slightly down before she admitted, “If you girls know Y/N’s side of the story, you would understand too - which you should know by now, right Jihyo?”
Then all eyes shifted to Jihyo, who was looking directly at Mina, before she nodded slightly and admitted, “Yeah, she told me her reasons.”
Mina then nodded acknowledgingly, her eyes momentarily looking down at the floor before she looked at Jihyo once again and wistfully asked, “How is she?”
“How do you think, Mina-ya?” Jihyo asked gently, taking steps forward before she boldly asked, “The request of removal - was it true? Did they really email JYP for a removal?”
The Japanese looked away, hurt by the memories of the incident before she nodded and tried her best to hold her tears.
This confused the rest of the girls before Nayeon took a step forward and questioned, “What? What removal are you guys talking about?”
Ignoring the other members, Jihyo then crossed her arms and questioned, “Why didn’t you tell us?” Jihyo asked sadly before she added, “Why didn’t you tell me? If you had told me, I would’ve done something.”
“Jihyo-ya, I didn’t know what to do! My mind was a mess!” Mina defended, tears leaving her eyes as she continued, “It was triggering my anxiety and I was lost! I hated how they looked at me!”
The Twice leader then placed her hand on her best friend’s shoulder before she asked, “Mina, I love you and I want nothing but the best for you and everyone else in here - but how do you think it felt for your girlfriend to find you crying in the middle of the night when you tell her that you’re fine?”
The rest of them then looked at Mina sympathetically as it was Jeongyeon’s turn to take a step forward as she placed a hand on the Japanese’s arm before knowingly asking, “It was because they found out about you and Y/N, right?”
“And you didn’t want to let Y/N unnie know because you didn’t want her to suffer the name-calling; am I right?” Chaeyoung suddenly chimed in, her voice gentle and warm as she added, “But Jihyo unnie has a point; I can only imagine how helpless she felt watching you cry alone at night - which is probably why she thought it was her fault.”
“I didn’t want to worry her,” Mina croaked out weakly, her tears now apparent as she sobbed, “I was getting used to the name calling but the night I was told that they actually emailed the company for my removal, I just - I just lost it; I tried to hide it from Y/N but she found out from the internet and I guess... that’s where things went wrong. We fought and fought then one day, she just said that we weren’t working out. After I saw her last week and got an explanation... I knew then we both were in the wrong - not just her.”
As Mina’s quiet sobs took over the silence of the room, Nayeon huffed angrily as she gazed elsewhere while growling, “Those fucking idiots; they can’t stand to see us happy for one minute.”
“What’d you expect, unnie? To them, we’re just like properties that they think they own.” Momo chimed in, her own experience with the public making her angry.
“What do you want to do now, Mina unnie?” Tzuyu questioned gently, her voice kind and sincere as she added, “Are you going to talk to her?”
Mina wiped her tears and looked at Jihyo with hope as she hesitated, “Jihyo?” She questioned softly before adding, “What should I do?”
Then all eyes were back on Jihyo, who felt the pressure on her shoulder out of the complete blue, but there was no way in hell was she going to let this go. This was her best friend, her family and she was willing to go hell and back for her.
“We’ll just wait until our December 24th broadcast; everything will happen then.”
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lifeofmarvvel · 6 years
-insert bug pun here- Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: When a school project comes up, you enlist your boyfriend’s help.
Word Count: 2808
Warnings: Fluff. Literally just pure fluff. Oh, and if you’re afraid of bugs, this might not be the best to read...
A/N: Literally got this idea when this exact project was assigned to me. Disclaimer: I have never been to New York state, let alone city, so I have only a basic idea of Central Park. This is somehow mostly dialogue. IDK how that happened. So fluffy it’ll give you cavities. If you hate smiling a lot (and I mean a lot) or hugs or being happy, this fic is not for you. Literally, it’s just 2.8k of fluff. That’s it. 
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You stared at the container your teacher had just handed you. Bugs!? You had to collect bugs!? Goodness gracious. There was no way you could kill bugs! Not only did it seem a bit cruel, you loved nature! This is not what you expected for the first month of AP Environmental Science. Well, if you had to do it, then you might as well drag your boyfriend into it.
The teacher finished up talking about the project, making sure everyone got when the due date was. You packed up, and as soon as you zipped up your backpack, the bell rang, signaling the end of the period. Following the class, you left the room, and headed down to the commons for lunch.
As always, your friend group was sitting together in the same spot. You walked on over and sat across from MJ. “Hey! How was class?” you asked her enthusiastically.
“Same as always,” she responded. The two of you then launched into a discussion of weird things you had seen during class that day. While you talked, you got out your lunch and began to eat it. MJ, already having gotten her lunch, started to eat as well.
After a few minutes, Peter and Ned walked over, lunch trays in hand. Ned sat down next to MJ, and Peter sat down next to you. “Hi!” he greeted with a smile, before leaning over and kissing your cheek.
“Uh-uh,” MJ protested. “None of that. I do not want to throw up before I even finish my lunch. You two are not allowed to be disgustingly cute today.” Peter blushed, making her laugh a bit.
“Hello to you, too, MJ,” he responded sarcastically. “I’m doing fine. Thanks for asking.” This got both you and Ned to laugh. MJ just raised her hands in protest, as if to say ‘I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true.’
Your group started up the conversation that was happening before the boys arrived. Man, did high schoolers do some weird things. Eventually, it switched to what homework you had that night, and if anyone needed help. Thus the APES project was going to be brought up.
You decided this was as good a time as any. “Soooo, you love science, right, Peter?”  you asked, tilting your head towards him.
He raised his eyebrows at you. “Why do I feel like this is a trap of some kind?”
You shifted in your seat so you faced him completely and straightened your head. “Just answer the question, Pete.”
He gave an incredulous look to Ned and MJ. “Of course I love science, babe,” he said to you.
“Well, I have a project in Environmental where I need to collect bugs, kill them, and pin them to a thing of styrofoam,” you said cautiously. Hopefully he would take this well.
He nodded slowly. “Okay, and?” he prompted you to finish.
“You like science, this is just environmental science. So will you help me collect bugs this weekend?” You gave him your best puppy-dog eyes. If it was good enough, he’d agree. If he didn’t-well, you’ll cross that bridge if you get to it.
Peter laughed a bit. Your face dropped a bit. He saw and immediately stopped. “You’re serious?” When you gave an affirmative, he took a deep breath. “Okay, I’ll help you.”
“YES!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Peter!!!” you rejoiced. You pumped your hand in the air, and then leaned in and gave Peter a hug. A bit shocked by your joy, Peter took a moment before responding. Man, was he good at giving hugs. You would’ve tried to convince him to stay like that the rest of the day, had MJ not interrupted by fake gagging.
“Ahem.” She gave you and Peter a hard look. “This is exactly what I said not to do. Do it again, and I’m kicking you both out of the commons. Hasta la vista. Bye bye. No more, got it?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” you responded. With a grin, you added, “Though I can’t speak for him. Actually, most of the times you scold us, it’s Peter’s fault!”
“Hey!” he protested. “I can’t believe I’m getting attacked by the two of you like this!”
Ned butted in. “They’re not wrong, though,” he said with a shrug. “It usually is you.”
Peter put his hand to his chest and slowly sank off his chair. “All my friends have betrayed me. Goodbye, I’m going to spend the rest of my life as a pile of trash on the floor.”
“Ooo, self burn,” MJ commented. With that, Peter fully slide under the table.
“I hate you all,” came from the floor.
“No you don’t.”
“No. I really don’t.”
That Saturday, you waited around the Parker apartment, waiting for Peter to get back from the Compound. Of course, you knew that he was Spider-Man. You had been friends for a good amount of time before you started dating, and Peter trusted you completely. Actually, he even introduced you to Tony Stark, to which the man had said, “Oh, you’re the (Y/N) he’s always talking about.” The blush Peter got was absolutely adorable. You couldn’t believe that you were dating the softest dork alive.
You sat, talking with May, eating some cookies. They weren’t all that bad, her baking considered. One thing you learned from knowing the Parkers for so long was that May could cook, but try as she might, her baking wasn’t always the best. You admired her determination to practice to get better.
You explained to May just what you were doing with Peter once he arrived. She laughed, all for it. She asked you to stay for dinner, per your parents’ permission to do so. “Of course I will! I wouldn’t miss one of your meals for the world!” you replied.
“You’re too kind sometimes, (Y/N),” May said gratefully. “I’m really glad Peter is dating someone like you. You two are perfect for each other,” she commented.
You blushed. “You think so?”
May nodded. Before she could answer properly, though, the door opened. “May, I’m home!” Peter called. You could hear him rummaging around, clearly putting stuff up.
“In the living room!” she called back. After a bit more of thumping around, Peter came into view. He didn’t look like he was straight out of combat, so that was a good sign. They must have just been discussing Avenger stuff then.
When Peter noticed you, he did a double take. “Oh! You’re here already! I was about to go grab some stuff and then go get you.” He sat down on the couch next to you.
“Why are you sitting, then? Go grab it! That just means we get more time to do what we need!” You pushed him off the couch and into a standing position. He gave you a goofy smile, and left the room.
May chuckled at your interaction. “For someone so bright, he doesn’t always have the most common sense. Try as I might, that apparently can’t be taught.” Her comment got you laughing as well. A second later, Peter came back. He didn’t seem to be carrying anything new, causing you to raise your eyebrows at him. He gave a ‘you’ll see later’ look with a shrug. With that, you said your goodbyes to May and left for Central Park.
The subway was busy, as always, but it didn’t interfere with the good mood you were in. Soon enough, you reached the park, supplies in hand. A container to capture them in, a small thing of nail polish remover, some cotton balls, a notebook, and a container to put the dead bugs in were all safely stored in your backpack. “Where to?” Peter asked, glancing around the park and then back at you.
You smiled at him, think for a bit. “How about over there?” You pointed to one of the many ponds the park held. Peter gave it a look-over and agreed. He took your hand in his, and you walked over together.
The first thing you noticed was a dragonfly sitting on a rock. “Oh, this one’s easy!” you noted. “It shouldn’t be too hard to catch, right?”
“I think so,” Peter agreed.
You took the container out of your backpack, leaving the rest with Peter. Carefully, you approached the rock, as to not disturb it. As you got closer, you noticed that it hadn’t moved a bit since you arrived. That was odd. Dragonflies usually move their wings a lot, right?
When you reached the rock, you noticed why. As you hovered over it, you were able to see that it was already dead. Oh, goodness! “Hey, Peter?” you asked quietly.
Peter wasn’t sure if you called him over or not. “Yeah, babe?”
“It’s, uh, it’s dead already. And I don’t want to pick it up myself.” He understood what you were requesting and got out the ‘dead bug container’, which had a lovely label saying just that made by MJ. He came over, and scooped it up and into said container. “Thank you,” you whispered.
“Anything for you,” he answered, making you blush.
“I would’ve done it myself, ‘cause, you know, I’ll have to touch them later, but…..I’m just not mentally prepared for that right now.”
“Totally understandable. And hey, now you’ve got one down. How many more to go?” He tried to change the subject to help you feel more comfortable.
This you could work with. “Ten species total, so that means nine left. But it has to be from five different orders. And we can have extra if we find any cooler looking ones.”
“Let’s get to it, then.”
After a few minutes, Peter was walking around the pond, turning up rocks. You were looking on the water, in the trees, and the surrounding airspace. Peter was softly humming to himself as he worked. Almost immediately, you recognized what he was humming.
“Are you humming the Star Wars theme?” you questioned your boyfriend.
“Uh, maybe.”
“Yeah, but I’m your nerd,” he answered smoothly.
You grinned at him. “Yeah. And if you’re my nerd, then I’m your nerd.”
He chuckled. “Of course.” With that, the two of you started back up. The only difference was this time you started humming Star Wars, too. Time passed slowly, due to the amount of work you were doing, but soon enough, you found an insect you thought was suitably big enough.
The moth fluttered inside your container, helplessly hitting against the sides. Your doubts started to creep back in. There was no way you could do this. “Peter,” you whined, your lip jutted out slightly. “I don’t wanna kill them now! Moths are so cool! And what if their families are expecting them to come home and they’re stuck to my piece of styrofoam?!”
He frowned, trying to come up with the right response. Unbeknownst to you, Peter was secretly melting on the inside at your words. How was it possible for someone so pure and cute to be dating him? He sure was a lucky guy. “Sorry, (Y/N/N), but you want to get a good grade, right? So you have to this. I’m sorry.  I can put the acetone in if you need me to, and we can cover it with the notebook until it’s dead so we don’t have to watch it.”
“Thank you,” you said genuinely. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You did exactly as Peter said, and continued that method for the other eight bugs. After they were all safely tucked away into the second container, Peter grabbed you by the hand again and started walking.
“Now we’re going to the thing I said I was grabbing earlier,” he announced.
“Oh! I completely forgot about that! Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” You walked out of Central Park, and you quickly realized where you were headed. It was quite obvious. It was one of Peter’s favorite places to go.
“I think I know where we’re going,” you said in a singsong tune. You tugged lightly on Peter’s arm to make sure he heard you.
Peter looked at you. “Oh yeah? Where do you think?”
“I think we’re going to Delmar’s for sandwiches,” you said proudly. Of course you’d be going there. It was lunchtime, and where else would he bring you? It was common knowledge to everyone who knew him that he was a regular shopper there.
“Nope.” He smirked at you, eager to see your reaction.
Your mouth fell open in shock. You were so sure! How could you be wrong? “Do mine ears deceive me? Did you just say we’re not going to Delmar’s, known to most as Peter Parker’s favorite place to shop?”
He laughed a bit. “No, you heard correctly. And we’re going there only because I found someplace even cooler for us to get lunch.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Is that possible?”
“Don’t you trust me, (Y/N)? It is indeed possible.” He pouted slightly, his signature puppy dog eyes making an appearance.
“Yes, I trust you. Now hurry up and get us there. I’m starving.”
You sat side by side with Peter, grinning at him as he ate. The fries he was eating was making his hands get covered in salt. When he tried to grab your hand, you quickly snatched it out of the way. “Ah ah ah, mister,” you scolded him. “You are not getting away with making my hands messy today.”
“Oh yeah?” He pointed at the burger you were eating. “‘Cause I’m pretty sure your hands are getting messy without my help.”
You gaped at him. “Did you just call me a messy eater?” You squinted your eyes at him accusingly. There was no way he was getting away with anything today.
Instantly, he protested. “I never said that. I just implied that the way you’re holding your burger is going to end with you having meat juices and condiments all over your hands.”
“Meat juices? Ew! Peter, why did you have to say that?!”
“It’s true!” he protested.
“It’s gross!” you shot back. “You know what, maybe I should just get on social media right now. Post a picture of you and say, ‘this dork just ruined my day by saying “meat juices”” and everyone will question your sanity.” That was a good plan. But really, it would end up being MJ, Ned, and maybe one or two other people that would comment.
“Okay, okay, you win!” he gave in. You smiled triumphantly. You continued to eat your food in silence. Turns out, the “surprise” Peter had with him earlier was a gift certificate to a nearby food truck and he wanted to treat you with lunch as a celebration for completing your bug collecting.
When you finished eating, you watched Peter eat his fries. He looked deep in thought. Why was that? He looked up at you and swallowed the last of them, rubbing his hands together. Then, he opened his mouth, “Wouldn’t a few pictures of Spider-Man have worked?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “No way, crazyhead. I know that you know that spiders are arachnids.”
He shrugged his shoulders. “It was worth a shot. And also kinda pointless, seeing how we found all ten bugs.”
“You just want proof that you helped with my project, don’t you?” you questioned. “Not that anyone other than a few of us would know that, of course.”
“No! Why on earth would you think that?” he answered sarcastically. Then he turned more serious. “I have memories of today, and that’s all I really need.”
You blushed at his words. “Thanks, cheeseball. “
The two of you continued your little bug adventure turned date happily. The date had gone a lot smoother than you had ever expected it too. When it got closer to dinner time, both of you headed back to the Parker apartment. May asked how it went, and you delved into a story-telling of the day.
Peter enthusiastically told her how you got some food to celebrate you being done with your project. “Actually,” you interrupted, “I still have to pin them to the styrofoam, remember?”
“Wait, what?” Apparently, he hadn’t heard that part of your conversation.
“Yeah, I told you that.” You rolled your eyes slightly, which May caught, causing her to chuckle lightly.
“Oops?” he looked questioningly at May, and then back at you.
“It’s okay. I can do it by myself,” you replied.
“Nonononono, that won’t be necessary. I’ll help you with that, too.” Man, what a dork (but a gentleman) your boyfriend was. You were glad to have someone like him in your life. And now you knew for a fact that he’d get to kill all creepy looking bugs from here on out in your life. He just didn’t know that yet.
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angelicspaceprince · 6 years
Sorrow’s Hold
Author:  Anna
Title: Sorrow's Hold
Pairing: Crowley/Reader
Character/s: Crowley, mention of Cas and Jack, the Winchester bros
Warnings/Tags: Post Season 12, Crowley lives because he's my fave, depression, talks of suicide, just general poor mental health, talks of a favourite person (its a BPD thing, but I gather most people have one person they talk about their mental health to?), psychosis/hallucinations, disassociation, mood swings, anger, like some semi-intense descriptive writing, I'd avoid if you are sensitive to that due to mental illness.
Summary: Your depression takes a massive hold over you shortly after Crowley's death and without him to help you with your thoughts, you can slowly feel yourself slipping away.
Tags: saintbartine, oddone92, autoressskr,
Notes: So, had a shit day today and have been listening to 'My Heart is Broken' by Evanescence over and over, so I decided to write a fic based on it. Hope thy all enjoy!
Based off of this song.
Buy Me a Coffee
Sorrow's Hold
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‘I pull away to face the pain I close my eyes and drift away Over the fear that I will never find A way to heal my soul And I will wander 'til the end of time Torn away from you
My heart is broken Sweet sleep, my dark angel Deliver us from sorrow's hold Or from my hard heart’ – ‘My Heart is Broken’, Evanescence
  When Sam and Dean returned with Jack and no Crowley or Cas, you instantly knew something was wrong. Hell, you knew something was wrong the day before but no matter how many times you called the boys, they didn’t pick up. So, when they walked through the door, you were a nervous wreck. It took one look at Dean and Sam to know what had happened.
“What happened?”
Sam looks at Dean, clearly unsure on how to approach the subject. “What happened to my boyfriend and Wicked Wings?” You repeat, words hard and cold as stone, tears already threatening to spill over.
“Y/N….” Sam starts, hesitating and Dean just flat out refusing to talk. “Cas….he was stabbed by Lucifer before we could close the riff. And….the spell we needed required a life. Crowley, he killed himself so it’d work.” You blink as the events that took place the night before the boys went to go save the world – again – started making sense.
Crowley had insisted you stayed behind, not wanting you to be within arm’s reach of Lucifer, knowing he’d kill you in an instant. You tried to protest, you wanted to see this through to the very end and that you could handle yourself, but when he finally told you what had happened during the hell that was the months he was locked away in Hell being humiliated by Lulu himself, you decided to cut him some slack. You weren’t even suspicious when you asked him to promise you he’d return home safely and he responded with a kiss, an inside joke between the two of you about ‘sealing the deal’.
The insistence and his refusal to verbally promise to return, and the fact that he didn’t want sex he just wanted to spend time talking about your life together, stuff you had done and wanted to do, the fact that at one point you swore he was teary-eyed, but that’s not Crowley. He wouldn’t be like that, the last time he cried was when he was on the blood and you had to help him through his withdrawals.
It made sense now.
You hadn’t released that you sat down in shock and that tears were streaming. You were silent, vocal cords frozen in disbelief. “He’ll be back.” You swear, voice wobbling, giving away the fact you knew he was going to stay dead.
Sam’s hand rests on your shoulder, trying to provide you with some level of comfort. “Y/N…I’m sorry, but I don’t think he is.”
Shortly after, you snapped.
You knew it was coming, this time of year you always had a massive depressive spell that you and Crowley could track better than you could track any other part of your body. You had been preparing for it when he died, and usually he’d be there to help. He was your support, the one person you seeked approval from and the one person you seeked help from during the times like this. Eight years of this support and you were unaccustomed to go through this alone, or even setting up and preparing for all of this.
So, with the very few resources you had prepared, you locked yourself in your room and allowed yourself to slip away.
First came the tears. God, you were sure that you would have been able to fill oceans with the amount of tears you cried. You cried and cried, never leaving your bed for anything, dressed in a shirt of Crowley’s, clinging onto his pillow tightly as your tears soaked through the fabric of the black, satiny pillow case, because he refused to have any other colour. Sam and Dean would leave food and water by your door, and on occasion would bring it in when it became apparent you weren’t leaving the room to get it. They tried talking to you about hunts, about memories of Crowley, about how amazingly strong you are getting through this, but you didn’t have the strength to respond. You barely had the strength to cry, but the tears kept on coming.
You did, however, force yourself to drink water, Crowley’s voice ringing in your head to remind you that tears make you dehydrated and that’s not something you need to be.
A week of tears, only drinking water and refusing to get out of bed for anything but to pee. The boys were concerned, and rightfully so. But, they presumed once the tears were over that that’d be the end of it.
Then the zoning out happened
You’d spend hours just staring at the wall, retreating into your mind, uncontrollably. You likened it to sitting in a pool, the words you hear are jarbled but you can acknowledge words were being said. You could see everything, but it was all foggy. Thoughts were slow and hard to grasp. You just….sat there. Unable to move, unable to think, drowning in nothingness.
When Sam first saw you he freaked out. Seconds later, you felt a familiar pressure on your forehead and the feeling of someone you knew – Cas? – rummaging around your mind, hands grasping at your consciousness, trying to drag you out only for you to slip through ghost fingers.
So, they did the next best thing. They sat with you, taking shifts, leaving Netflix on as they researched beside you, helping you through the fatigue that followed you coming out of an attack. At some stage, you came out of it to see a bearded Ketch in your room, bullet wound on his shoulder as he slams a tray of food down by your feet, simply saying that Crowley wouldn’t want you to waste away before disappearing into the night. You don’t know why you like Ketch, but you like him nonetheless. So, you ate a little and drank more water.
That, thankfully, only lasted a few days. But what followed would have freaked you out, if you didn’t currently have the emotional range of a toaster.
It was almost like a ritual. You’d bring out all your weapons and line them up in order of how slowly they’d kill you, nearly going through with it with your gun or tracing lightly the words you wanted to carve onto your legs, leaving light scratches. When Dean walked in with your gun in your mouth, he flipped. You’d never seen him so pissed.
You didn’t even apologise. Just staring at him emptily, not sure why he was freaking out so badly. After all, you weren’t loved, who were you to keep living? Who’d care if you died, if anything, people would rejoice.
Sam quickly removed everything from your room that could be seen as a weapon, leaving you in a more or less empty room. So, you resolved to just laying there. Staring at the ceiling, unable to move.
Now, over a month since Crowley’s death, your brain started something new
You hadn’t been this bad for this long since childhood, for the most part your episodes would last a week, maybe two. So, when the next symptom started up, you were completely unprepared.
You were there when Sam was suffering with his visions after Cas tore down the wall in his brain, so you were certain yours would get worse. But, for the most part, it didn’t affect you as bad as Sam’s affected him.
Commanding voices telling you to change your sheets, shower, brush your hair that had been neglected for months – which, thankfully, a local hairdresser was more than happy to do for free when she saw you grabbing top quality conditioner and detangler –, to eat something other than a small apple or a piece of bread, to wash your clothes and put something clean on. The voices were never cruel, they just wanted you to get your life back together.
The only thing they did that caused you to freak out was order you to clear our Crowley’s belongings from your room.
You couldn’t.
It was too soon.
It was the only time you refused to go through with the voices instructions, compromising to instead move his stuff into your closet so it was unseen.
Images of the ghosts of your past would walk right in front of you, you’d swear you saw your deceased boyfriend next to you, but when you turned, you were alone. The sensation of hands rubbing up and down your arms, applying the right pressure to calm you, exactly the same way Crowley would during anxiety attacks would make you think ‘maybe he managed to return in spirit form’. A quick spell assured you that that was not the case.
You couldn’t sleep. Your emotions were slowly returning in full force, making up for lost time. The sensation of complete anger then crippling sadness before heart-attack inducing anxiety leaving you useless in a ball wherever you were standing made it impossible for you to even do anything. You began apologising profusely to Dean and Sam for your actions, and even met Jack. Nice kid.
But any time you saw or remembered anything about your boyfriend, you became catatonic. Just unable to move, paralysed by the tsunami of emotions flowing through you.
So, when you woke up in the middle of the night to see him standing over you, calling your name softly, you were ready to stamp down the sudden oncoming of emotions that hit you like a brick wall.
“Y/N, love. C’mon, wake up for me.” His gravely voice pulling you from your nightmares slowly. “You were having a nightmare, pet, its not real.” You blink before laughing apathetically.
“Figures that this would be the next step.” You say, no emotion in your voice. The vision looks down at you, confused.
“My brain is a prick, you know that? And this is just cruel, giving me a vision of you to torment me? Fucking hell, I’m more messed up than I released.” You turn your body, bringing your blankets closer to you, inhaling his scent through the pillow. Only, it seems to be encompassing the room, coming from everywhere. You roll your eyes. Your brain is thorough too.
A warm hand rests on your shoulder and it takes all your strength to shrug it off, not wanting it to leave. The hand is stubborn and refuses to move. “Y/N, I’m really hear pet.” His voice sounds heartbroken, unsure. Not Crowley. “Love, I came back. I had to follow Lucifer through the rift then make my way here.” You move away, it’s painful to do so but you manage. Standing, you move to the opposite side of the room. The look in Crowley’s eyes of concern and uncertainty was foreign, but undoubtedly there. “Why did you do it?”
He slowly makes his way around the bed. “Do what?”
“Leave me? Especially now, when I was about to crash. Why didn’t you promise me to return?” Your voice wobbles as you fight back more tears. Fuck’s sake, why can’t you control yourself?
He pauses, clearly affected by your growing emotions. “I’m so sorry, love, but I had to. We had to get him away, and I couldn’t- you would have been in danger if you were there.”
“Why didn’t you tell me your plans? That you were going to gank yourself?”
“Would you have honestly let me leave the Bunker knowing that I was going to take my own life?”
“Well, no.” You admit softly and he shrugs.
“There you have it then.” You didn’t release he had moved to in front of you until his feet are touching yours. “Please love, look at me.” You shake your head, eyes squeezed tightly shut. “Why not?”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“It’ll hurt.” You can hear his confusion without him voicing a word. “I can’t look at you and know that you aren’t real.”
“Oh love, I’m very real.” His hand brushes against your shoulder and you yank back, sudden anger taking over your system as you begin to yell.
“Why can’t you leave me alone? I’m tired, Crowley. I’m tired of feeling, of living, of not knowing what’s going on and what’s happening, of having absolutely no fucking control of my body. I don’t want you to be here, to torment me! You left me, Crowley. You didn’t tell me shit and you knew you were going to die. And you don’t enter fuck all without knowing what’s happening. You should have told me.” You sit down on the bed, tears streaming yet again. Surely you had cried enough? Why was your body not tired enough, and how could it still be producing tears? “You should have told me.” You repeat, voice broken.
To his credit, he doesn’t try to leave you, or step back, or even react shocked. He just stands there, waiting for you to finish. “I know, I should have told you. I’m really sorry, but I’m back and in one piece.” You finally look up and stare at him.
“How do I know it’s you? Not a hallucination, not a trick from an angel or a demon.” He looks down before humming.
“Well, have you had any hallucinations recently?” You think over it.
“Only voices. Shadows. Not…not together though.” You admit. “But it could have progressed.” Crowley nods.
“Well, let’s think about this logically. What have the voices said to you?”
“They, they told me to do stuff.”
“Have I done that, pet?”
“Then why would they change?” You nod slowly. Your auditory hallucinations had been relatively consistent with their theme, not really changing besides the orders given.
“But then you could be a trick. Asmodeous is apparently good at that sort of thing, or a shapeshifter?” Crowley hums before smiling, a genuine smile that only you ever got to see.
“When we first met, it was before I met the boys. You were working a case about this idiot who sold his soul to me and you managed to get me into a devil’s trap and ward off my hellhounds, and at the same time was working on a case concerning a nest of vampires the town over. All on your own.” You smile at the memory of an insulted and annoyed Crowley glaring at you as you left him alone for a day mid-interrogation to go and deal with the vamps. “I was pissed, but you kept me there for a week. We got flirting, I would come see you to invite you for drinks-’
“Stalked.” You interrupt. “The word you are looking for is stalked.”
“It worked though, didn’t it?” You roll your eyes, letting out a watery laugh. “You agreed to one drink if it meant that I’d, and I quote, “fucked off back to hell and never bothered you again”. One drink slowly turned into this.” You smile softly.
“You’re really back, aren’t you?”
“Yes, love, I am.”
“If you ever do something that fucking stupid again, I’m killing you myself.”
“I know you will, pet.” You launch yourself at him, holding him tightly as you nearly wind him.
“I missed you.” You admit, him returning the sentiment as you snuggled in close. Seconds pass before you finally ask the question you only wanted to ask him that had been burning in your mind for days now. “Am I broken?”
He looks down at you in slight surprise. “What on earth could be broken in you, love?” You shrug.
“My heart, my soul. Me. Just generally broken.” You shrug it off. “It’s stupid.” His hand grasps at your chin and makes you look up at him.
“There is not an inch of you that is broken, you are whole and you are perfect.” He reminds you. “You are human.” That last sentence makes you feel so much better, that small reminder squashing away any feelings of uncertainty that you are, in fact, nothingness. “When was the last time you slept a full night without any disruptions?” You shrug, honestly not being able to remember. “C’mon, go to sleep. We can talk about everything else in the morning.”
He leads you to your bed, moving instantly to wrap his arms around you as he presses against your back, his warmth and familiar scent and pressure as he holds you tight calming you instantly. “I love you.” You whisper quietly.
“Love you too.” Comes the reply with a chaste kiss to your temple.
“If I wake up tomorrow and you’re gone, I’m going to find a way to murder my brain.” You hear him laugh lightly before you start to slip away into the darkness.
“I know you would.”
It took a while, but eventually sorrow’s hold let go and you were on the mend. The boys weren’t impressed with Crowley’s surprise return, but you knew one thing for certain.
Everything was going to be okay.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
My Best girl; Jefferson x reader
Well here is my first ever OUAT oneshot that I ever did. I have loved the show and watched it since the beginning and when I started getting into the Marvel fandom and found out that Bucky was Jefferson my mind was literally BLOWN so I had to revisit Jefferson’s story and think ‘what if he had another daughter?’ And in the end this was born. Now this fic again I chose a certain name so if you don’t like it, change it to your own as well as the “Curse” name I chose. I do NOT own OUAT it belongs to Disney’s ABC and NOT me.
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*Enchanted Forest*
         I guess my story would be like any others here in the Enchanted forest, and yet maybe it’s different. My father always told my sister and I to always think outside the box on people and their stories of how they come to be, because after all we are all a bit Mad aren’t we?
         My name is Maya, and if you hadn’t guessed it yet, Jefferson is my father, I am his eldest daughter and older sister of my adorable little sister Grace.  We live in a small cottage barely making ends meat by picking fungus and selling them to the market to hopefully make enough copper pieces for our next meal.  But in no way do I hate that life, nor do I hate my family, I adore them both for they’re the only family I’ve got left.
         Currently I was returning from a hunt in the woods trying to see if I could find any supper to cook tonight for my father and sister.  I had managed to find a large stag and kill it with just one arrow straight inbetween it’s eyes.  I hogged it over my horse Angus towards the cottage when I took notice of my sister Grace searching for something, or someone.  I took Angus by the reigns and walked up to my sister and said.
         “What are you up to my Grace?”
“Papa and I are playing Hide-and-seek, I’m right on his trail too”.  I smiled then said.
“Well, mind if Angus and I help find our dearest Papa?” She smiled sweetly and nodded then we both quietly walked along the trail towards a tree stump and Grace proclaimed.
“Papa we’ve found you!” And soon enough our father came out and stated with pride.
“You certainly did, my dear Grace, and my lovely Maya”.  I grinned at my father as he helped Grace up to where he stood as he continued, “you both must be part bloodhound”.  I rolled my eyes playfully as I stood beside Grace as she said happily ready to have another round of her favorite game.
“Now it’s me and Maya’s time to hide, and you seek”.
“I’m afraid playtime’s over. But you both can use those noses of yours to hunt mushrooms enough to sell at the market tomorrow, do you both think you can do that?” Grace even though she was sad playtime was over, always loved helping father find mushrooms, sometimes even having contests to see who could find the most mushrooms before the end of the day.
Grace and I nodded as our father smiled lovingly at us and kissed our foreheads and said as he took each of our hands.
“Ready or not here we come!”
         At the end of the day, my father, Grace and I were on our way back to the cottage from mushroom picking and my hunting had me exhausted that I just wanted to climb into my cot bed and sleep until supper time.  As father held Grace’s hand and had his other arm wrapped around my shoulder we suddenly stopped and took notice of a black carriage surrounded by guards standing outside our house.  My father and I only knew one person who had those guards and who rode that carriage.
         The Queen.
         “Listen to me now girls, I want you both to stay hidden in the woods, like our game. I’ll see what she’s doing here, okay?” Our father told us.  Grace hesitated but nodded and as our father walked off giving us a reassuring smile before he walked back towards our house. I then turned to Grace before she ran off and told her.
“Grace, my sister; I want you to hide in the woods okay, I’ll be there in just a second, you understand?”
“But Maya, what are you gonna do?”
“Don’t you worry about me, just go on and I’ll be right behind you”.  I kissed her forehead and watched her run off while I turned towards the cottage and snuck around the back way so the guards wouldn’t see me.
Grace may not have known this fact because she was just a babe at the time, but I remember quite well of my father’s ‘work’ he had done for the Queen as well as for the Dark One, and I never trusted them because it was that work that made me and Grace lose our mother, and with the job the Queen wanted my father to do, I had a real funny feeling that this job she wanted would make me and Grace lose the only remaining family we have left.
I listened through the window and heard the Queen’s voice say.
“Do this last favor for me, and you can give them the life they deserve”.  
Yeah right your royal highness.
After hearing my father reject the Queen’s offer, I couldn’t help but hold back my cheers of rejoice then I quickly ran off back into the forest to find Grace and make it so that my father never knew I was listening on his conversation with the Queen.
*Storybrooke, Maine (a/n: following after the curse is broken and Jefferson is debating on finding Grace)*
         Jefferson sat down on a bench at the docks holding a child-like drawing that Grace had drawn of a Missing person paper on her father that read.
He thought back on now that his Grace and probably his Maya remember everything now that the curse was broken, whether or not he should show himself before his daughters, especially to Maya.
He had betrayed her trust most of all because she had to live through the loss of her mother and the broken promise of her father.  
His best girl no longer forgave him after he had accepted the job.
“Jefferson? Right? The Mad Hatter?” A little boy’s voice said.  He looked up to see Henry, son of the savior and adopted son of the Mayor Regina, aka the Evil Queen.  He took a seat next to Jefferson and he eyed the picture and asked, “what’s that?”  Jefferson folded the picture up and muttered.
“It’s nothing”.
“Your daughter’s looking for you, aren’t they?”
“What do you know of it?” Jefferson snapped as he stood up.  Henry stood up and stood in front of him trying to stop him
“They probably want to see you!”
“Get away from me kid”.
“Why don’t you want to find them?”
“BECAUSE I LEFT THEM!!!!” He cried out as he gripped Henry’s upper arms.  “And they’ll hate me. I know already my oldest one does, now she probably convinced my youngest the same thing”.
“You’re wrong. Maya doesn’t hate you, she hates what she said, I’ve read her story after she ran away from you. She was just angry but she doesn’t hate you. I should know, I’ve been left too, but how can you know what they’ll say if you don’t take that risk and go to them?”  Jefferson listened to the words of the boy and began to think that he was right.
Later that day after school was let out, Paige aka Grace came off the school bus giggling as she talked with some of her friends and began to walk home.  It was then Jefferson slowly stepped out from behind a tree eyeing his daughter with nervous, sorrow-filled eyes. He walked a few steps forward then softly called out nervously,
“Grace”. Paige stopped in her spot and turned around to see who it was that called her name.
Jefferson felt himself shaking nervously that his little Grace would react just like Maya did and hate him for abandoning them.
But what he got was something completely opposite.
Grace ran up to him crying out,
“Papa!” Jefferson fell to his knees as he and Grace embraced each other as tightly as they could.  “You’ve found me I knew you would!” Jefferson had never felt more alive having one of his daughters forgive him but he still felt heartbroken that his oldest, his Best Girl couldn’t say the samething.
But none the less, he was happy to have at least one daughter forgive him.
He picked Grace up and carried her away as tears spilled down his face, unaware of the two of them being watched, by a woman debating the same thing that Jefferson had been debating all these years.
*Enchanted forest*
         I was coming back from gathering water from the well and walked back into the house to see Grace coming out from the house with her cloak on and hood over her head but I could see the sadness in her eyes.
“Grace, what’s wrong my dearest sister?”
“Papa said I needed to go to the neighbors place for the rest of the day, he’s accepted whatever the Queen’s visit was about”.  My heart stopped and I slowly let go of the bucket letting water spill out everywhere. “Maya, are you alright sister?”  I looked at her and pulled my fake happiness face for her and said.
“Of course, you go on ahead and be with them, I’ll join you in just a bit”.  I kissed her cheek lovingly then charged towards the house with anger and rage building up in my chest.  I opened up to see papa just placing his hat box on the floor.  I slammed the door to get his attention and he looked at me surprised.
“You promised you wouldn’t do this anymore! You swore you’d hang it up and never do this again!”
“Maya, I have to do this, I want you and Grace to have all that you both need”.
“Papa, all we need is you, didn’t Grace tell you that?”
“She did, but I have to do this,” he walked up towards me and reached out to cup my face but I turned my head away as I felt betrayed.  “Maya—”
“It’s because of that that we lost mom. I won’t lose you the same way. What am I to tell Grace if you never come back? What if this is a trap the Queen has planned for you just so you’d do it?” I looked up at him with hurtful eyes and tears that were just dying to be shed but I refused to let them fall before my father.
“I promise Maya, that won’t happen. I’ll be back before you know it, besides I promised a tea party for Grace. For the three of us. And hey, have I ever let my best girl down before?” He reached out again to cup my face to wipe away a tear that I didn’t know that had escaped.  I backed away from him and replied in the coldest, hardest voice that my betrayed soul could muster.
My father looked at me horrified and betrayed as I had been.
“You promised you wouldn’t do this to me again. A little girl who had always waited for days, week sometimes months on hand on when her papa was coming home alive. A job that made that little girl lose her mother and not allow her little sister to ever feel the same mother’s love that she got. And any father who breaks a promise like that—is no father of mine!” I stormed out of the cottage as my father cried out my name but I ran faster and faster until I reached so deep into the woods I didn’t even care where I ended up at. I finally collapsed and sobbed hysterically against a tree until I was picked up and taken care of by a woman.
A certain bandit exiled princess known as Snow White.
*Storybrooke, Maine*
         Later that night after Jefferson had taken Grace back to his mansion, they were having their well deserved tea party when the doorbell rang.  Jefferson was about to answer it when Grace proclaimed.
“No papa you are a guest, I as hostess shall answer the door”.  Jefferson smiled and allowed his daughter to answer the door.  Grace skipped over to the door and opened it to see someone she never expected to see but was thrilled to see her again.
Jefferson wondering what had taken his youngest daughter so long to come back began to grow worried.  Just as he turned around to call her, his eyes widened in shock to see at who was holding Grace with one arm wrapped around her.
It was Me, Maya.
During the curse I was known as Melissa and I helped down at the police station but was allowed to babysit Grace when she was known as Paige.  I was her surrogate big sister at the time of the curse and I had always made sure to keep a watchful eye over her, even when I had no idea who she was at the time.  But now I have returned to her side and to maybe mend the scar I left on our father just before he left us and was tricked by the Queen.
Grace released me and father and I had a staring contest as he remained shocked and taken back at my appearance, so I just said to him.
“I know what you’re gonna say, papa. How could she be here? After running away like that and why did she say she hated me? Said that I wasn’t her father anymore? Papa I’m not proud of myself for saying those cruel things I said back in the enchanted forest—I……I regret ever saying those things, and when the curse broke I thought that—I thought that you’d never want to see me again, disown me as your daughter……And I was wrong—I see that now but I—”  As I spoke trying to hold back my tears and sobs, papa only slowly walked up towards me while I walked backwards until my back was up against the wall.
“Ohh stop being so stoic Papa, go on! Shout! Scream! Say something I—” I stopped as I felt him gently cup my cheek as I only stared at him in shock, waiting for him to unleash his madness on me.
“How could I ever disown my Best Girl?” He choked sadly.
Everything went into pause for that brief moment that felt like an eternity.  He didn’t hate me? Even after all those things I told him?
My eyes closed as tears fell down my face as my heart broke in two.  I felt papa wipe them away and gently lift my chin up as I felt him kiss my forehead lovingly and was now in his warm embrace that I had always loved so much.
A strong, protective embrace that felt like I was being protected by a steel wall, but at the same time it gave comfort and love as I breathed in my father’s scent of tea and peppermint.
I wrapped my arms around him as he held me tighter as I felt tears slipping down the back of my neck and I’m sure he felt tears on his shirt.  Grace smiled happily as she watched me and father mend our broken bond with each other.
The three of us were now currently on the couch with Grace and I on either side of our father as he held us close and kissed each of our heads as we shed our tears, shared our kisses and took in each other’s comfort.  Soon Grace and I fell asleep cuddled close to our dad’s chest.
He smiled down at us and kissed us both on gingerly on the top of our heads and whispered.
“I’m never letting go again. My Grace, and my Best Girl Maya”.
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lefinohohohohon · 7 years
Priest Philippines (Emilio) X Reader
Priest Philippines (Emilio) X Reader
 Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya Emilio Jose Andres del Pilar (OCPH) belongs to admin HC/ Haima Cheir  Link: http://ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com/ HC: http://apricusapothecary.tumblr.com/
This is dedicated to our handsome Kura Paroko Fr. John
(Father, I’m sorry but you are the inspiration for this hahahaha)
  [A/N: I’ve uploaded this before (forgot the year again) I just change something and I don’t know who to pair up with Emilio LoL, so it’s reader again....]
  P. S: I remember why I wrote this fic, Our old middle-aged head priest is being transferred to another place so, we had a new head priest! When I attended his first mass in our barangay during Christmas to New year season, everyone was gossiping how handsome our new ‘Kura Paroko’ is (and indeed, he was handsome). Back then, during the morning mass in Monday. He told us why he became a priest and said it was an accident, he just wanted to try but ended up enjoying his priesthood training. The oldies in my place  kept asking him about his lovelife before becoming a priest. Father was humorous during the interrogation of the old ladies even joking how he brought the issue of becoming a priest to his former lover. He just told her that there was a tennis court in the seminary and he could play for free so, he’d rather stay.(HAHAHAA)
 I stared at you as you walked down the altar head held up high, it stung to look at you but I wanted to engraved you in my mind memorize every parts of you even if my eyes were about to spill the tears for you, staining the dress I wore, I always thought that I would be  with you walking in front of God but apparently God had already set plans for you.
 It was already a mistake when my heart had started to beat when we first laid eyes on each other, it was wrong to look at you more than anything, and I held myself to control what ever feelings I have for you but faith seems to test us,
 the first time we had meet was a surprise to me, you were still young about the same age as me if not a year older and I thought you were just one of the devotees a young devotee who is also at the choir, would you believe that when we laid eyes on each other I began to believe at ‘love at first sight’ I know it's cliche but it was true! at that moment I felt I was pulled into the future with you on my side as we walked down the aisle hand and hand, I continued to fantasizes on you until  the voice of the head priest broke my thoughts
 “ah… (name!) buenos dias! teenagers today should learn from you to have faith in God!”
Father Antonio interrupted us that time. I wanted glare but I knew he means no harm and simply wanted to greet me, and thus I smile back to him, he patted your back as he introduce you to me and I couldn’t help but to let the smile reach my (e/color) eyes upon hearing your name,
 “(name), this is Emilio mi hijo” at the mention of father Antonio of you being his son shocked me, it showed into my face and thus you further explained with that melodic voice of yours
 “y-your son father..?! b-but y-you look almost at the same age! a-and isn’t it unaccepted to have a son when you're a priest?!”
 “I was abandoned on the church when I was a small child and he raised me like his own son”
 you told me your life as we got to know each other, every passing time and day, we grew closer and closer to each other and at one time you showed you had the same feelings for me,
 at one night, when the moon was full and the stars glowed shiner than the sun we shared a  kiss under the tree, a kiss that melted both our hearts away and told one of us our love was pure and only for one another, I couldn’t be happier that night and it was still the most happiest thing that ever happened to me when you said those three words I knew you were the one for me  … or so I thought, I was pretty sure you were my better half that God had sent and I couldn’t be happier, until I found out you are already tied to God
 you were willing to follow on your father’s footstep as a priest, the news crashed my feelings but I didn’t let it show to you masking it
 “I’m so happy Emilio”  that was a lie “I hope you will find happiness in serving God” that was also a lie, I wanted you to stop  I wanted you to say you were only joking like you always did when you wanted me to smile, I wanted you to say you’ll marry me! you promised me didn’t you? under the tree? have you forgotten? you couldn’t happen to forgot those as I looked up into your brown eyes, I knew you remembered yet you don’t want to remember and kept it a secret,
 ‘Why? wasn’t I worth enough for you?’ I asked that soundless question to you as our eyes look at each other, and the only answer you gave me was a shock of your head and I found the answer to it ‘I am a servant of God’ your eyes spoke, I continued to stare until I could no longer take it, after you had told me the devastating news, I could no longer held my tears and they  started to run down my face.
 years pass and you became a priest like your father, and I was still the same, still holding on to our lost memories, wondering from time to time if you still had feelings for me like I do to you but I think mine was more powerful than yours or rather you were good at hiding it? then the time came when you were the one to replace your father as the head priest of the town’s church it made me happy to at least see you every sunday that you had accomplish your dreams, happy at least we got to see each other and smile at one another.
 Every sunday mass got me excited, excited to see you, but it also scared me. I know what I feel for you is wrong but regardless I took my chances and watched you, every time you spoke it made me swoon, it made me feel guilty, ashamed  of myself but I am only a human who fell in love to God’s servant. Then another unforgettable thing happened to us, Christmas had arrived and the last mass for the day had ended with everyone rejoicing ignorant of our existence as they greet their families and friends, you pulled me into the confession booth with our bodies so close together in the tiny space, for the second time of our life we kissed, I had longed for you, and I knew as well as you, we continued to kiss passionately without regards to the public whether they found us out or not, but then you pulled away looking at me lovingly at the same time sadly, caressing my cheeks from your hands, you wiped away the tears I hadn’t felt fallen and slowly you kissed me again embracing me softly in your arms
 “mahal na mahal kita (name), I will always will” you whispered
 “I love you too, Emilio’ I sobbed, hearing you say those words again welled up my heart, but as soon as you make my heart beat again, as soon as you also crashed it
“I am sorry but please let's put an end to our relationship, I am a priest,”
“b-but y-you-we just kissed! I-I thought you loved me? didn’t you say just a while ago?”  I frantically pulled your robe and cloak, holding on to it as an assurance that you aren’t my hallucination but on second thought, I think I would prefer if this was all my hallucination after you spoke the words
 “ what I have done with you here is a sin I shall carry until I die, the punishment for crashing your heart over and over again”
 “then I am a sinner as well! I kissed you willingly in wanton, why is it I cannot love you? Is it wrong?!” then your hands silenced me carefully “(name)...” you lovingly said my name “it is never a sin to love but it is wrong for me to love you when I know I am a servant of God,you're not a sinner as I am the one who had dragged you, (name) please… forget about me”
 that was the last time we spoke after I had run out of the booth, and we never saw each other again… until today where everyone is smiling and congratulating me, flowers all around the church and everyone wearing white, the sound of the choir singing a lovely tune as I walked down the aisle to be wed with my soon to be husband (fav. Hetalia human name country).
 I guess faith really was testing us, as I found out that you and (fav. hetalia country) were best friends and he had requested you to be the one to marry us. We looked at each other once again and I could tell from your eyes, you had shut the memories of us out of your mind, you don’t know how you managed to kill my heart and yet I still love you, now on my wedding, with you as our priest I had vowed to shut my memories of you as well but, deep down inside I wish you were the one standing beside me now, holding my hand with a ring and the one kissing me. I looked at my husband’s eye then to you hoping that my prayer and wish will reach you
 “Forgive me father for I have sin, I still love you Father...Emilio”
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