baflegacy · 6 months
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and it feels good (to be known so well)
She stares at the message and laughs, choking up a bit at the end. God, she’s not even upstate yet and she already misses Kimmy. Misses all of them.
for Smosh Girlies Week Part Two Day Three: Found Family/Frienship
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 3 months
Ok so I know I haven't talked Enough about legendkeepers for this to make total sense, but recently I talked about them to a friend about there being a group chat post-games, namely for the sake of keeping people in the loop for potential legendary incidents. Then I joked about how the missing/fallen ex-champion of Unova, Lena, could get rediscovered if you had Kimmie (Unova's stand-in champ) and Maciel (ex-member of Team Snagem and orre trainer) talking long enough, and this whole chatlog wrote itself!
Full disclaimer, even as I wrote this I anticipated it's ooc/incorrect for the stories, but I had too much fun not to share - even did a couple hasty scribbles to accompany it! Hope you enjoy the chaos! Optional author's 'notes' in tags
Rex, Ritsu, Maciel, Aspen, Kimmie, Xavier, Satsuki
-(xxx) xxx-xxxx has been added to the chat-
Kimmie: ok so she's been missing for 2 years now, but I'm including Lena's phone number in this group chat because she's Technically the one in charge of our guys 
Kimmie: so like if her phone ever works again she'll get these messages
Rex: smashing, absolutely not how to handle missing persons but sure why not
Maciel: Wait
Maciel: Lena Who
Kimmie: [img attachment] The missing champion of Unova???
Maciel: Wait
Maciel: [img attachment] 
Maciel: This Lena???
Kimmie: Get out
Kimmie: GET OUT?????
Maciel: I took it just now
Maciel: she is sitting in my sidecar
Maciel: like she always does
Maciel: she doesn't know what's going on but says hi btw
Rex: I Have Been Corrected, evidently this somehow IS how you handle a missings persons case 
Rex: just include their phone number in a group chat and all problems will be solved
Rex: why didn't Xavier and I think of that???? 
Kimmie: Rex hush Maciel and I gotta work this out
Kimmie: Maciel istg if you're telling me that girl you hang with all the time is our missing champion I'm gonna heckin LOSE IT
Maciel: YOU'RE gonna lose it
Maciel: I'M the one being informed my amnesiac friend of 5+ years is evidently the missing champ of 2 years ongoing now
Maciel: which. Not to pretend I went to school
Maciel: but I'm decently sure that's not how math works last I checked??
Ritsu: I didn't go to school either
Rex: ???????
Ritsu: if that helps
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Aspen: I have and still go to school and can confirm that's not how math works 
Satsuki: guys I am trying to sleep over here in Hoenn several timezones away from all of you
Satsuki: why are you blowing up my phone???
Maciel: Evidently my friend Lena's the missing champ?
Maciel: wait WHAT
Maciel: I AM NOT
Satsuki: Kimmie quit accusing people of kidnapping it's 3AM
Satsuki: well for me anyways
Kimmie: But he kinda is!
Kimmie: He's had Lena all this time and not said anything about it 
Kimmie: even though the unova champ going missing was big international news??
Kimmie: kinda sus he didn't say something sooner don't you think? 
Rex: Again, not how missing persons cases work
Satsuki: I'm muting this chat so I can sleep. Ritsu can you lmk what everyone agrees on here?
Ritsu: sure thing, night Satsuki! Sorry we woke you ^^;
Aspen: so uh
Aspen: it sounds like she's safe and sound 
Aspen: right Maciel?
Maciel: [img attachment]
Maciel: I bought her ice cream. She's FINE.
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Aspen: so
Aspen: why not just
Aspen: have her go back?
Aspen: or have Kimmie meet with her maybe
Aspen: wait that sounds dumb doesn't it
Ritsu: It's not dumb but
Ritsu: Like Maciel said, she HAS forgotten everything from before Orre
Ritsu: she's always sounded kind of like me, just 
Ritsu: dropped elsewhere on the map
Ritsu: and also not turned into a pokemon
Ritsu: so idk if she'll be much help as a Unova champ rn...?
Rex: The young Ritsu has a good point. This Lena individual may have suffered the same sort of temporal displacement as Ritsu himself
Rex: One sodding moment. Ritsu we're having rabbit stew with brussels tonight
Ritsu: ^^;
Kimmie: guuuuys
Kimmie: who cares about that?
Kimmie: that’s Champion Lena! Eating ice cream! With an ex-convict!!
Maciel: FU I was never convicted of anything
Kimmie: Arceus knows what you did
Ritsu: Actually I think that’s just a myth!
Ritsu: Arceus tends to know very little of what goes on with humans
Ritsu: Actually it has little power over us period when it comes down to it
Ritsu: I mean
Ritsu: why else ask an uncoordinated newly human to do an Arceus’s work you know? Lol
Kimmie: 8/
Kimmie: ooooook
Kimmie: look just
Kimmie: Lena’s got people who have been looking for her for AGES
Rex: two years is not “ages” Kimmie
Kimmie: Rex omgggggggg 
Kimmie: what I MEAN is
Kimmie: The league’s been looking
Kimmie: Looker’s. Uh. Looking.
Kimmie: Cheren and Bianca and N have been looking
Kimmie: I’VE been looking
Kimmie: can we please just have her come back?
Kimmie: just like
Kimmie: so we know she’s safe?
Maciel: Fine. I’ll ask
Maciel: she says she’s cool with it
Maciel: she’s always wanted to visit Unova anyways 
Maciel: she does want me to reiterate she doesn’t remember anything though. She appreciates people have been looking but doesn’t want anyone to get let down here
Kimmie: I’ll let everyone know!
Kimmie: about the amnesia too
Kimmie: how soon will you guys get here?
Maciel: uhhhh
Maciel: dunno. Haven’t had a chance to work that out
Maciel: we like. Just decided
Maciel: don’t exactly have money for plane tickets just lying around here
Kimmie: huh
Kimmie: oooooh wait ok I get it
Kimmie: you probably have the money but can’t use it all at once right?
Kimmie: draws attention and all that ;)
Maciel: can you quit accusing me of crimes every two seconds??
Maciel: I’m trying to work with you here and you keep insulting me at every turn
Kimmie: wait wait wait wait
Kimmie: bad joke
Kimmie: sorry :(
Kimmie: I have the money, I can pay
Kimmie: yours too
Kimmie: does that sound fair?
Maciel: yeah ok
Maciel: whatever
Maciel: Lena says she's flexible and so am I 
Maciel: you can just text me whatever flight works for you guys and we'll meet up with you
Kimmie: thanks
Kimmie: sorry again
Maciel: whatever
Aspen: glad everything
Aspen: uh
Aspen: worked out?
Kimmie: yeah!
Xavier: what
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inkveins · 9 months
For any Kimmie fan who needs a good cry, I headcanon Kimmie had a girlfriend in The Order of the Bloodmoon who was also killed when everyone else there was killed. This song as Kimmie, 2 years after that, still picking up the pieces
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drpcreates · 1 year
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Something simpler after last month, I went through some old sketchbooks and redrew a sketch of Zeke and Kimmie arguing. These two have my favorite dynamic/story arc of the group they belong to. Some stepsiblings just don't get along.
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meatchunkz · 2 years
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Good book
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Happy Halloween everyone here’s the new art of the children and the old previously artworks of my ocs, they loves to dress up for occasions. And enjoy the fun and so are you. Halloween for everybody and I hope you guys enjoy! ❤️👻🎃
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w4xw1ngz · 2 months
Families are complicated, aren’t they?
📀: I miss my family. What I wouldn't give to see them again. Earwing, N, Hessie... Hell, I'm even missing Elliot now.
💿: I only had a work family. Had as in HAD BEFORE MY OWN SON TURNED AGAINST ME-
🦠: Yeah, ehe. They're preeettty complicated. I mean, I live alone with my brother and his little AI friend sooooo.. I've got a great family!
🗡️: A family is a distraction from more important matters.
💾: I don't need a family. I tried to make one once but all they did was scream and then they died after a few years.
🦚: Well, I think a family is whatever you need it to be! A good friend can be family too! Hm... So my family is my pops, my mum, my sister... And Noah!
💎: My family is pretty simple actually! I have a mom.. and I have Mr. Jyran! He's like a big brother! Although, I don't think we're related...
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kiimmyko · 5 months
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Triplets born, the throne awaits
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thebacktops · 11 months
i miss during 2021 when my friends and i would pick and instrumental song and we’d each write a story inspired by the music then share them
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homewrecking-lore · 1 year
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jeannader · 1 year
Kimmie's Amazing Stuffed Green Pepper Soup
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Inspired by stuffed green peppers, this tomato-based soup with ground beef and brown rice is an easy option for a family friendly dinner.
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bruciemilf · 7 months
I can’t explain, it but Thomas Wayne should be a cigarette mom
God help you if you cross this man at 4 in the morning at a Krispy Donut parking lot cause his cat of a child chased a rat. Voice sounding like a broken car motor, but like. Sexy. “The hell are you lookin’ at?! God damn it— BRUCE. Take that outta your mouth.”
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frogkimmy · 1 year
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closetofcuriosities · 6 months
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Twin Peaks (1990-2017)
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dailynetflix · 7 months
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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2015-2020) Season 1 | Episode 4
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