#Kipper's Advice
qldqueerboy · 6 months
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You should be acknowledged for your attention to detail your preplanning today. Any previous movement towards your desired goal has gone horribly wrong. It is as if all the work you have done today is a second chance to make right the mistakes so that you can end your day with enough internal satisfaction and confidence that nothing now can detract you from forging ahead.
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Time to catch up on your favorite dashboard simulator :3
#gonna start scheduling these for 1 or 2 per day #i really enjoy making them but I think i'll get burnt out otherwise #also HUGE ty to whoever was the anon who sent me the idea #about having therian cats #ohhh my god #hey anon #(or anyone else but im talkin to u) #feel free to dm me to talk at any point you seem cool
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
OMSC CONGRATS MOOSE! I'm so happy for you!!!!
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
WOAAAHHH CONGRATULATIONS MOOOSEE!!! Have you had your name ceremony yet??
#im so happy for ya dude #moving on from apprenticeship </3 #gonna miss you in the 'apprentice things' tag
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🔁 🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow reblogged
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
Daily selfie !!!
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Trying on some new berry-based fur dye.
🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass Follow
The amount of cats commenting "you'll never be a she-cat" and "wearing fur dye won't make you female" is astounding. Like. Thanks?? I'm a trans guy not a trans girl...
#lol?? #this is so funny to me #trans
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🥬 rxttencatmint Follow
Ahh.. different type of post than usual, but.. mmrrnn... I'm considering coming out to my mentor. I know he's supportive, but I'm really nervous, so, uh.. I'm gonna leave it up to a Clanblr poll haha..
#trans #transmasc #trans tom #transgender #trans apprentice #advice #poll
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🤍 snwtl Follow
* ,○ ' WELCOME TO MY BLOG ^. o° ;
adult female cat - 49 moons - gender critical
Keep reading
#terfsafe #radfem #adult female cat #terf #riverclan
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🔁 🥬 rxttencatmint reblogged
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
New neighbors have THE most annoying dog I've ever met in my life. Won't shut up about how that's her yard and to get back... nobody wants your yard Jackie, shut uppp...
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Since when do you speak dog????
🍲 ex-thundrclan-kipper Follow
I started picking it up when I moved to the twolegplace. I'm still not fluent, but I can hold a conversation with the neighborhood dogs if I want.
#every new thing i learn about kipper #just. wow #he is so coolll... #this is totally not the gender envy and parent issues speaking
2,851 notes
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🔁 🌊 missingmyscales reblogged
🦊 foxx--hearted Follow
The worst part about being a fox therian is that even when I am partially accepted, it's usually because cats are telling me how horrible foxes are, and how I should've "picked a different species" because they think that's how it works.
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Imagine being a fish. In RiverClan.
The closest I ever get to "acceptance" is my friends joking about how I would taste.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
How does it feel to have to eat the thing your damaged brain thinks you are. Lol
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Frst off. "Damaged brain" like. Oookay guess we're just being really mean to others on Clanblr today. Second off ,I dont eat fish??? I never even implied that I eat fish.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
You're from RiverClan lmao. What else is there to eat
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
You are joking, right?
Lizards, birds, water voles and shrews, snakes, frogs, toads?? None of those come to mind when you consider the potential diet of a RiverClan warrior??????
🦊 foxx--hearted Follow
@missingmyscales you should probably just block @lalala-bluegaze, her whole blog is about being anti-kittypet, anti-therian, not believing enbies or bisexuals/any other lgbt identity than lesbian or gay or binary trans is valid, and a whole bunch of other stuff. It's not worth talking to her.
🌊 missingmyscales Follow
Ahh thanks... blocked her. I didnt think to check her blog beforehand
#sorry again for arguing on your post, Maple #saw a misconception ab RiverClan and blacked out lol
407 notes
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🔁 🏞 trouttail-prefers-bass reblogged
🌾 barncat-vibes Follow
Good morning everyone <3 remember to eat breakfast and stay hydrated!
2,301 notes
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🐍 xviper-the-fagx
Ithunk i atw a bug
#it difnr taste good euther :/
1 note
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
So I guess I'm just on this site now?? Clanblr is gone. I can't access any of its posts. But. I can see "Tumblr". Which is weird. The posts are really strange here.
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Just a Bad Dream
Description: Henry has a bad dream about his being locked in the tunnel once again. Little did he know that he would get some advice from his new driver, Correlle, as well as an unexpected story.
Words: How the fuck should I know? I haven't been keeping track LOL (jk jk).
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"We shall leave you here for always and always and always."
Those words spoken by the Fat Director echoed in Henry's smokebox as he slept restlessly. Every year on the anniversary of him being locked in the Ballahoo tunnel, Henry would often have the same wretched dreams of the incident.
Of course, Henry had learned his lesson. He learned it quite well to the point where he hated any reminder of it. He despised the long days he spent, locked away in that brick tunnel; All on his own without anyone to talk to. It nearly drove him mad. After being let out, he knew better to be vain about his paintwork. After all, that was James' shtick now; not his.
But every time he had that wretched dream, he was scared to death. He never wanted to be locked away like that again.
"No.... No, I don't want to be alone. Not again..." He thought as the Fat Director solemnly proclaimed those words. He would have moved from the tunnel in his dream, but he couldn't make himself do so. Year after year, he tried and tried to prove the "Fat Director" wrong; that he was willing to move; he was willing to leave the tunnel. But some force prevented him from doing it. No matter how much he begged and pleaded, he had to witness the same sight of workmen bricking him up in that god-forsaken tunnel. He would have had to do it again, if not for a sudden echo.
"Henry? Henry, you okay?" The voice sounded familiar, yet it didn't belong in his dream. "Henry?! Henry, wake up!!" At that, his eyes shot open and darted around until he saw his driver, Correlle, standing in front of him. She was already dressed for work, yet her hair was somewhat a mess, and she looked like she had just tumbled out of bed.
"C-correlle?" he asked, looking down at her in surprise, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm sleeping over, remember?" the young American reminded him, gesturing to the empty cot on the platform next to his berth, "We have the Kipper in a few hours."
"Oh…. right…" Henry blinked. He felt his eyes grow watery as he tried to keep his composure.
"Henry… what's wrong?" Correlle looked up at her engine worriedly, "You were shaking like a leaf." There was a brief silence that followed, as Henry was debating how to answer.
Correlle Hemsworth had only been working with Henry for about 2 months and she was still learning things about her new friend. That included his likes and dislikes. While she did poke fun at him from time to time, she knew when too far was too far. Even though she didn't know Henry as well as she would have liked, she could tell he was agitated. She knew from his fireman, Ted, that it took a while for Henry to open up to anyone new that entered his life.
"It's only early days," he had said, "and Henry doesn't open up to just anyone right away. He has to trust you first."
Correlle always remembered this, as she wanted to be a good driver that respected her engine's boundaries. While she didn't want to force him to open up, she also didn't want Henry to suffer whatever it was that was bothering him. At least on his own. After all, this was her first real time seeing Henry cry. It was heartbreaking, but she didn't say that aloud.
Henry himself seemed to recognize his new driver's genuine worry and did his best to compose himself. After all, if the other sleeping engines around him would never let him hear the end of it if they saw him like this, then how would his driver look at him?
"I'm alright…" He sighed as he took a deep breath. That didn't stop the tears from falling though.
"Henry… I'm not one to tell you how to feel, but you're definitely not alright." Correlle stated quietly, "I know that since I'm new, you don't trust me as much, but I still want to help you." At this, she placed a hand on one of his buffers. "Whatever is bothering you, I won't tell a soul. Not even if they cut my arms off." Henry was silent for a few minutes, mulling this over. That last part of her statement had been a bit brutal, but then again many Americans were, if they wanted to be.
One of the most important qualities that Sir Richard Hatt considered when it came to electing who drove what engine, is the capability of the driver to be there for their engine
"Encourage them to do good and discourage them to do bad; Be there for them in both good and bad times." He had proclaimed to the "Young Nor' Westers" on their first day of work.
While it may have been their first time learning it, Every engine on the North-Western Railway knew this philosophy was a given fact. Not only that, but it was a creed of sorts for the crews. Of course, it did take time for the engines to come to trust their crews, and Henry was no exception to this.
When he first met Correlle, she seemed nervous, as if she was tip-toeing around the engines she was learning to work with. It took time for her to shed her shyness and show her spunky, spirited nature. When she did, Henry found that he enjoyed it.
Not only that, but so far she had followed "the creed" to a T; She had encouraged and discouraged him on many different occasions, as well as spent many good times with him. Now she was passing the real test; being there for him when he was having a hard time with something. In this case, it was one of his personal demons.
Henry knew the genuineness of her words because he could see the sincerity in her eyes, even in the dark. Plus he knew Correlle wasn't the type to gossip. Sure she chattered and rambled like the troublesome trucks did at times, but she never spilled any secrets. Bearing all of this in mind, he took a deep breath before he spoke.
"Every year… there's this bad dream that haunts me." He admitted, looking upset, and a bit embarressed. "I don't know if you heard of this story, but years ago... my pride ended up with me being bricked up inside a tunnel."
"Oh… wait, you mean that little rhyme that Percy sometimes teases you with? The one about an engine being afraid of the rain and--"
"Yes, yes, that rhyme…" Henry quickly cut her short before he continued shakily, "Only in my case, that damn rhyme is a nightmare. And that same nightmare comes back every year. I'm in the Ballahoo Tunnel, just sitting there, with a line of coaches behind me. I've tried moving out of that damn tunnel, I truly have. Heavens knows I've tried. But something won't let me…" Henry looked down at his running board, seeing the two dots of water that just sat there, right beneath where his eyes would have been.
"Oh Henry…" Correlle looked sad as she climbed up and sat down next to his smokebox face. She often sat up next to him on her breaks, just dinking on her phone or just relaxing. Usually she had to take care because his boiler was hotter then fire itself. But now that his boiler was cool, she placed a hand on the outer black. The steel was cold as ice. So much so, she could almost feel what he was feeling; Scared and alone.
"I keep being told that I would be kept in the tunnel for always and always. Being stuck in there for a few weeks was hell enough, but… forever??" Henry looked petrified at the thought. "It's almost as bad as being scrapped… maybe even worse." Correlle listened quietly to everything he was saying. After a few minutes of thinking, she spoke up.
"Who was the one who told you that you would be stuck in that tunnel forever?"
"The Fat Director… He was the first one in charge of the NWR, back in the 1900s. He wasn't exactly a kind-natured man… He didn't even want me…"
"Why didn't he want you?"
"I wasn't the engine he ordered. When I came to this island, the Fat Director was angry. He claimed he wanted an Atlantic, but instead…"
"Instead he got you?"
"Yes." there was a brief pause before he continued, "I… I was a mistake." Henry looked ashamed as he said this, "I was an experimental engine. I was built with a very small firebox, so I couldn't be steamed properly. I half-expected the Fat Director to scrap me because of it." There were a few minutes of silence before Correlle spoke up again.
"Henry…. You're not a mistake." She said in a quiet yet firm tone.
"Well… of course you would say that. You're my driver."
"I'm not saying it as your driver. I'm saying it as your friend. You're not the one to be blamed for how you were built. You didn't even ask to be built; you just were. It's the same way with humans. I didn't ask to be born; I just was born. People can blame us for existing all they want, but it doesn't change the fact that we're still here. All of us here…. engine and humans alike, we're all misfits in one way or another."
"It's a word that means you're outwardly different in some way that makes society think you don't fit into it's norms."
"I see… is that a bad thing?"
"No way. Misfits can be wonderful people. Same with engines. They're just built in a way that people don't understand at first. Misfit as you are, you gave a lot and showed the railway that you deserve to be here. And no bad dream is going to change that." Correlle just gave an encouraging smile, "I think the Fat Director knew that too, even if he was the one who punished you to stay in that tunnel."
Henry thought a bit on that. It was true that the Fat Director had locked him in the tunnel, but he also was the one who let Henry out, even if it was a last resort. Plus, he did give Henry the fair chance he needed to do his best on the NWR by buying him Welsh Coal for his poor steaming, as well as sending him to Crewe after his accident with the Flying Kipper. So he couldn't say that the Fat Director didn't care about him. But it did raise the question.
"Then… why do I keep seeing him telling me that I would stay in the tunnel for always and always?" He asked slowly. Correlle was thoughtful for a few minutes before she answered.
"I think that moment was the time you saw the Fat Director at his worst. He was angry and he said words he couldn't take back. I don't know for certain, since I wasn't around when this happened, but it's my best guess on why. I do know that whenever we do see people at their worst, it's imprinted in our minds, whether we want it there or not."
"I see…" Henry sighed, "Times like this I wish I could forget that time ever existed. I wouldn't have that damn nightmare if I remembered."
"I guess it's a curse with engines. You're timeless machines. From the moment you were built, you remember everything. But… that's not to say you can't conquer your nightmare."
"But I've tried moving from the tunnel and I couldn't make myself move. So how else can I conquer my bad dream?" Correlle, once again, went silent at this, the wheels in her head turning until she snapped her fingers.
"Have you ever heard of lucid dreaming?"
"No. What is that?"
"It's where you can control what you do in your dreams. Most of the time, when we dream, we have little to no control over what we do. One example of that is sometimes I dream that I'm stuck on a snowy mountain and I can barely stand on my own two feet. But if you train your mind enough, you can be conscious enough to the point where you remember that you're stuck in a dream and you can do what you want."
"So… you suggest that I lucid dream?"
"Something like that. When you have the nightmare again, just take a deep breath and remember that you're dreaming. That you can do whatever you want and if you want to move from that tunnel, then you can. Remember that you have nothing holding you back, other then the obsticles you give yourself." Correlle patted the side of his boiler, giving him a small smile. Henry felt better at this idea.
"I'll remember this for the future." He said quietly.
"That's the Henry I know." Correlle beamed before she suddenly yawned. Henry couldn't help but smile a little at this.
"If you want to return to your cot, you can."
"Eh… I'm fine here. At least until you go to sleep again." Correlle just tiredly leaned against the side of his boiler. Henry could sense the exhaust in her voice, but it wasn't because of how tired she was or how late it was. It was something else. A brief period of silence hung in the air before Correlle spoke up again. "You know… I was debating on whether I should tell you this, but…"
"But?" the Green engine raised an eyebrow.
"I know how it feels… not being wanted." she smiled sadly as she looked at the hairband she had wrapped around her right wrist. "My case is probably not as bad as yours, but… before I came to Sodor, I grew up with my grandparents on their ranch in Colorado. My Dad was never in my life because… well… at first it was hard for him to be there, given that my mother had passed away when she gave birth to me. But when he started coming to see me more and more, he just… he didn't seem to like me for some reason."
"That's terrible…" Henry said quietly.
"I never knew what that reason was. Every time my Dad came to see me, he just… looked disappointed. I didn't know why at the time, and I always was hard on myself because of it. It didn't stop him from inserting himself in my life, even when it seemed like he didn't like me. I always thought that he had a hard time being near me because I might have reminded him of my mom. But later as I got older, I began to realize the reason was… well…" Correlle took a deep breath, holding tears of her own back, "I wasn't the daughter he wanted." Henry was aghast at this.
"What do you mean by that?" He managed to ask after a few minutes. He sounded breathless, as if he saw that his whole forest had been cut up just for the thrill of it.
"I mean just that. Just like you were the engine that the Fat Director didn't want at the time, I wasn't the daughter my Dad wanted. He tried hard to get me to be like him, but… I was just different. I didn't like the same things he did and to him, that wasn't enough. Unlike you, I wasn't really given a fair chance. After an accident I got into that was…. well, my Dad's fault, he just up and left. Like he just gave up. I thought that would be the end of it. Until…"
"He dragged me back into his life. Right before I turned 18 too. Then I came here to Sodor and joined the Railway here to get away from him." Correlle wiped her eyes of what tears she had, "I wasn't sure I would even make it to this point, or even do a good job. But in the process, I met someone who was just like me. At least in a few ways."
"I can attest to that." Henry smiled a bit, "Admittedly, I was a bit worried, as since you were younger then the drivers I had years prior, I thought things would turn sideways. But you're doing a wonderful job as my driver. You're likely the best I've had in a long while."
"Aww… thanks you." Correlle patted his boiler again, giving him a broad smile, "I was scared at first, given that I've never handled an Iron Horse before, but like my Grandpa Davis said, as long as you're confident in yourself and the engine, things get easy."
"Well, he's not wrong." Henry sighed as he looked at the sky through the glass ceiling of Tidmouth sheds, "Some misfits we are."
"True." Correlle smiled a bit, "But, if given a choice, there's no misfit in the world that trumps you."
"Same for you, but as my driver." Henry suddenly felt a hefty yawn come over him, "We should get some sleep. I don't think we have much longer before the Firelighter comes."
"True." Correlle yawned, "Plus, I feel kinda… *yawn* drowsy myself…"
"I can tell. You care barely keep your eyes open." Henry chuckled tiredly, "Back to your cot. I'll be fine."
"If you say so." Correlle sleepily tumbled off of his front buffer beam and ambled back to her cot. Henry could hear her grunt as she fell face-first into the somewhat flat pillow she used. The second he heard her faint breathing, a sign she fell asleep, he yawned and closed his eyes himself. The nightmare was well out of his mind by now, so he knew what little rest he would get until the time came to pull the Flying Kipper would help him in the long run.
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carinasibila · 21 days
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PICK A CARD General Reading (September 2-8)
Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree (https://linktr.ee/carinasibila) – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Kitty Kahane Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** PILE 1 Knight of Cups, Scythe*, Coffin** Back of the deck: The Emperor You’ve been wanting to gain more control over your life and are about to/planning to get rid of a number of things that you feel are in the way. The cards counsel you that you should take a breather this week and reflect whether some of these things only look impractical but don’t actually distract/hinder you; you’re about to throw out stuff that would still add value to your life and thus should be kept! PILE 2 Page of Wands, Clouds*, Pathway** Back of the deck: The Lovers You’ve been trying to decide whether you should start doing something or not but are hesitating because you fear there’ll be a tough/long road ahead of you. The cards imply that, if it’s something you truly want, this week is an opportune time to take the first step – don’t focus on how long/difficult the process will be but instead on what inspires you to take on this challenge in the first place. PILE 3 Page of Pentacles, Mature Man*, Journey** Back of the deck: Queen of Cups If you’ve been feeling a bit down lately, the cards show that it would be a good idea to take some time for recreation this week. In order to choose the best type of recreational activity for your specific situation, you might want to get advice – perhaps from a book, or from someone who knows you well and is familiar with your situation and individual needs.
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Here’s my official lineup for the HIT era steam team! I’m super pleased with my designs for all of them and I think that they fit their personalities well! I have updated some things since then (this drawing is from July) but everything is still pretty much the same up till now.
They are a unique species that look human but share engine traits (grey skin, higher demand for water, and enhanced strength and speed). They all work as conductors and general workers on the railway.
My AU also takes place in the mid 1960s so technology is very limited and is still very old fashioned.
Headcanons and close ups below!
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💙Thomas Billinton💙
Voice headcanon: Eddie Glen
Physical age: 33
Mental age: 20
- Despite being the ‘leader’ of The steam team he lacks in leadership skills. Unless the task is extremely important
- He is kind but can be mischievous and slightly rude when he wants
- He is pan and is currently dating Emily
- Despite his previous mistakes and wrong doings he tries his best to better himself and to not let others bring him down
- If there he candy around it will be gone in less than 30 seconds
- Annie and Clarabel are his closest friends and would kill if something bad happened to them
- Likes to bully the older members as he finds it funny (Gordon especially)
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💙Edward Pettigrew💙
Voice headcanon: William Hope
Physical age: 65
Mental age: 47
- The father figure of the group, everyone looks up to him since he’s one of the oldest engines
- The sweetest member on the team (probably the sweetest on the island let’s be real)
- The best guy to go to for support and advice. He’ll try his best to help everyone
- Rarely ever gets upset, when he does you know you’ve messed up
- Due to his age he gets tired more easily. And has trouble working long, hard days
- He is currently questioning his sexuality
- Absolutely loves calm days on the railway, it gives him a chance to slow down and relax.
- Despite being pushed down by the younger members, he doesn’t let that bother him and continues to do his best
- Loves hugs, gives them out for free (go give him one he deserves it)
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💚Henry Stanier💚
Voice headcanon: Keith Wickham
Physical age: 39
Mental age: 34
- Is usually kindhearted but can be rude if you grind his gears
- Absolutely loves nature, he keeps a ton of houseplants in his room
- He is bi
- Has trauma from The Flying Kipper accident, he has a lot of scars from the crash
- Is a sucker for cuddles (will get flustered if you hug him)
- Has frequent anxiety due to past accidents. He doesn’t want to go through that much fear again
- He loves napping under trees (he has a favourite one in his forest)
- Hopes one day he could pull the express full time (despite Gordon’s pleas)
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💙Gordon Gresley💙
Voice headcanon: Kerry Shale
Physical age: 43
Mental age: 41
- Is one of the tallest and strongest workers on the island. He always thinks that he’s the best (and he is ofc)
- Despite his pompous and harsh exterior he is good hearted and wouldn’t hesitate to help others in need
- He is bi demiromantic and is currently dating Jessica (my self insert Oc)
- Has a massive fear of heights after the events of ‘A better view for Gordon’ and he hates it when people find out
- Avoids showing any form of weakness or vulnerability due to his reputation. He doesn’t want to look soft as he fears it will ruin him
- Enjoys a nice black tea at any time of the day
- Wouldn’t trade his job of pulling the express for anything. He absolutely loves it. And he hates doing any other jobs (especially if it’s dirty work)
- Despite getting teased by Thomas often he’s happy with his alliance with him, whenever he needs help he will come to his aid.
- Wouldn’t say it out loud but he would definitely cry if something happened to the ones that he cares about.
- He fears no one except for Diesel 10. He quivers in fear in his presence
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❤️James Hughes❤️
Voice headcanon: Rob Rackstraw
Physical age: 32
Mental age: 28
- MASSIVE show off, will take any opportunity to show the world who he is
- He’s gay and has a crush on Edward
- Definitely has the biggest wardrobe of the group. He loves fashion and will wear makeup when he wants to
- Isn’t afraid to start beef with someone. He is full of drama and comebacks
- Sometimes, especially after an accident he feels insecure about his self image. And feels like he’s not good enough. He absolutely hates this
- Would definitely throw a tantrum if he doesn’t get what he wants
- Always wants to look perfect, he wants to impress everyone
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💚Percy Stothert💚
Voice headcanon: Nigel Pilkington
Physical age: 27
Mental age: 19
- The youngest in the the group, he’s just a little child!
- Is way too pure for this world. He brightens up any room that he enters
- LOVES any job involving the mail. He takes pride in it and is always super proud of himself when he gets the job done
- He is ace
- He is very optimistic and always has a positive outlook on life. He’s also very supportive and wouldn’t hesitate to lend a hand!
- He loves animals! And usually tags along with Henry when walking in the woods
- He’s very curious and wants to learn as much as he can
- He gets scared very easily, others take advantage of this and try to scare him. Though he tries his best to be brave!
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🤎Toby Holden🤎
Voice headcanon: Ben Small
Physical age: 53
Mental age: 51
- A kind and wise old man. On par with Edward on being a great source of advice
- Loves to take things slow and enjoy the littlest moments in life. You’ll never see him being in a rush
- He is straight and is married to Henrietta
- He has a massive fear of water after multiple incidents. And gets very upset when people tease him about it
- Despite being one of the smallest members of the group he has a massive heart. A great source of support
- Likes to participate in the younger members’ tricks on occasion. It gives him a good laugh
- Due to his calm nature, whenever he is stressed he often overacts as he’s not the best with dealing with anxiety
- He loves to wind down by sitting in his chair with a hot tea and with his wife close at the end of the day
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💚Emily Sterling💚
Voice headcanon: Teresa Gallagher
Physical age: 72
Mental age: 35
- Surprisingly the oldest in the group. Although she doesn’t get teased about it as much as Edward
- Loves telling stories about her work experiences in Scotland. Feel free to lend a ear and she’ll tell you one!
- She’s usually very kind but she can be bossy when she’s grumpy
- She acts as the bigger sister to the group, especially the younger members. She will do anything to help them if they were in danger
- Loves a good old fashioned tea party. It’s one of her favourite activities
- She is straight and is dating Thomas
- She enjoys a good book. Takes frequent trips to the library. It’s her favourite way to wind down after a busy day
- Like Edward she gets tired easily and has trouble working long days
- She is the queen of girl outings, and is always ready to plan a get together
Whew that was a lot of typing, if you’ve made it this far, thank you. And have a good day ^^
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ashesofangst · 6 months
Organizing a smearing campaign since 2022 against someone you have gripe with is one thing, but leaking their discord is absolutely a breach of privacy. Please stop. You even admitted yourself that you pretented to be their friend and gain their trust when they were at their lowest while they received accusations based on nothing. That's not cool.
This is no smearing campaign, it never was. I’m coming forward as a victim of someone and warning others as I fear others’ safety. Also, their socials were shared to keep others aware if they’re in servers they’re in.
If this who I think it is, then you know I’ve done this when outing another person. You have double standards because it’s a person you think is trustworthy when they’re not. Many I’ve talked to can agree when it comes to that statement.
I did pretend to be their friend, and I have admitted to that, but guess what? I felt bad about it. I felt bad that they trusted me, and I was feeding information to others. Even if they were a sick individual by the time I interacted with them, I felt bad. Whenever they vented, I did not share it with anyone, and I never will. I gave them honest advice I hoped would help them, even if I knew they’d find out this way I lied about actually caring.
If I wanted to completely ruin them, I would’ve done worse. I actually do hope this is a sign for them to actually stop lying to everyone. I hope their life gets better just as I hope my life gets better after saying something. I don’t wish violence upon them, and I never will. They were a victim in their own way when it comes to my deceit.
Also, the allegations weren’t based off of nothing. Dewey shared things with me and Cas both. Cas was in the know as much as I was. I will admit, I wanted to doubt Dewey’s story so bad as I actually enjoyed being friends with Kipper. Speaking of them, I bring other’s stories. Go talk to them if you don’t believe me alone.
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I’m not a coward, I’m leaving anon asks on, by the way.
Kipper, if you see this, I never spied on your socials nor sent anyone after you, and the fact you’re doing it to me as well as others who aren’t involved makes me sick. I thought you’d be better than this by now since you’re 20 years old, but I guess not. That disappointments me greatly as I never sent anyone after you. In fact, I asked people to not harass you. One of my own friends wanted to viciously attack you, and I had to talk them out of it.
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tennelleflowers · 1 year
you got me hyper fixated on kingdom hearts and I don't know where to go from here. Can you maybe give advice for how to expand on the basics?
I've gotten a few requests to share videos and such, so consider this my answer: Best place is to play the games! And be sure to read the journal! After that, there's a lot to sink your teeth into if you want to know more, like reading the Ultimania's, Character Files, and Novels.
The Manga's are also cute, but generally considered less canon than the novels, for example.
Plus there are DECADES worth of interviews, I recommend using KHInsider as they are a great source :https://www.khinsider.com/dark-seeker-saga (You can click on the game you want to know more about and then look at Interviews, but they also have promo art on there and just a bunch of stuff)
There's also this great playlist made by GamerSpice of CHOICE KH videos, you'll find all my videos there but also all of Howler's vids and SRT vids as well as others: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLROrAtfTLrh6njOkpzREkZXXvCcINa8iO SuperButterBuns has made fantastic KH videos in her "For Beginners" series, RegularPat makes great content all around discussing the games, Damo279 has great videos covering the mobile games, BioRoxas has great videos breaking down the combat of the games, PlayFrame has a couple of great videos talking about how great the animation in KH is ( https://youtu.be/Z8aygr-1xAA), and of course I gotta recommend hanging out in Niku's streams where they talk about KH on the reg: https://www.twitch.tv/nikutsune (You can also watch their vods here: https://www.youtube.com/@nikustreamarchive ) There's so many people I could also recommend following for their art or metas like @blowingoffsteam2, Kipper on twitter (https://twitter.com/kicktwine), @smovs, @nicedracula, jiji on twitter (https://twitter.com/isleofji), aaannd damn there's just so many...
you can also follow my KH-blog @khllentxene, where I reblog a lot of stuff so that's a good way to start following other cool people.
IT'S A LOT! And also doesn't include everything and everyone I could mention, but I think it'll at least give you a good jumping in point!
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marzipanwings9099 · 1 month
💥 The action takes place 2-3 years after the previous sketches and events of the animated series, provided that the boys were 13-14 years old. What you read further is not canon, but represents the author's (Marzipan's) fantasies and headcanons for the characters. Thank you for your attention! 💥
"The night sky was truly beautiful, and the cooling chamomile tea was even better. It's no secret that chamomile is calming, but Secret didn't need that, he was already feeling great, because...
- You'll freeze. - A familiar voice was heard behind him.
- It should get warmer soon, the titmice whispered. - Kipp giggled, moving so that George could sit up.
- The titmice whispered, you say? Do you have a fever or did you drink chamomile?- George said thoughtfully, watching the birds flying across the pink sky. He inhaled the summer air that had managed to seep in during the last days of spring and turned his gaze to his boyfriend. - No, seriously, Kepp, why aren't you sleeping? - But the question was followed only by puzzled silence and a sad sigh. - Are you worried about university? - Like Kipp turned his thoughtful gaze to George, which could be considered a "yes." - Uni-uni... Do you want to talk about it?
Moving closer to him, George gently hugged him by the shoulders. Kipp, however, sighed sadly again and remained silent, burying his face in his knees.
- If you keep quiet, caterpillar doll, I'll start telling you about Eliza and Jane's new clothes. - Finally, the impenetrable Secret laughed and raised his head, after which he groaned tiredly.
- How do you always manage to piss me off?
- I know you don't like Eliza, it's no secret! - George said, hugging Kipp with both hands, to which he received another whale-like groan.
- I don't knoooow... - Kipp drawled, taking a sip from his mug and handing it to George. - At what point did everything become so difficult?
- You're filling your head with nonsense. University is a great place to start from scratch! Maybe you'll find new interesting acquaintances?
- Or maybe I'll remain a geek with a love for soda...
- Well... I see only pros in this, not cons.
- I should take my life more simply... - Kipper fell silent, leaning on George, and then quietly continued. - Can we start talking about Eliza and Jane's clothes yet?
- Nope! Let's talk about... - While he was thinking, Secret had already managed to go downstairs and lie down on George's lap. - "Gathering of Young Knights"!
- I read through pain and tears, why are we assigned to read this? The main character is as dumb as a cork. He could have avoided meeting Gansteloth, or whatever his name is, by simply going out an hour later, as he was advised to do, but of course he did not follow this advice and got into a duel. The End. Thank you, I'm out of tissues for tears. - He finished sarcastically and looked at George, who was watching him with a gentle smile and loving eyes. - Are you staring, Georgie.
- I'm not allowed to do this, your geekery?
- I'm not a geek! Stop making fun of my love of comics!
- Okay, okay, sorry... - George answered, holding back his laughter. Stroking Secret's fluffy hair, he finished his tea and watched the rising sun.
- By the way, why did you wake up? Did I wake you up?
- You could say that, it was very strange and scary to feel you in my arms and suddenly, sharply, feel the cold and your absence.
- Got it, we'll sleep in separate beds? - Kipp said, smiling again.
- Don't even dream about it, I bought you churros, you're my slave now, boy! - George laughed, feeling Secret laugh silently down below. During the time they spent together, Kipp had become an integral part of his life, and it was his laughter, voice, messages, jokes, dark eyes and fluffy hair that made George smile. No matter how sappy and poetically sweet it all sounded, he loved him with all his heart.
- God, I'm a slave to the churros, where is this world coming to, it seems like I'm not afraid of university now!
- Wow! It turns out the churros are saving the world! - George shouted, throwing up his hands.
Making a "hand-face" Secret laughed again, then got up from the steps and went back into the house, giggling.
- So am I banished from your bed or not? I need to be ready! - Secret threw, also getting up and hurrying after him.
- While my parents are not home, you are completely at my disposal, teapot. - Leaning on the door frame, Secret watched George, who had turned pink.
- Sounds... Tempting. - George barely squeezed out of himself, after which he heard the click of the switch behind Kipp's back and he was very successfully pulled by the collar of his pajama shirt and kissed on the lips. A slight smile broke through the already short kiss. Pulling away, both smiled slyly. Not because of some shaky thoughts, but rather because of the sparks that electrified the tips of their fingers and made them smile stupidly, lovingly.
- Yes, it looks like it's time for us to sleep. - George began to leave, backing away and Kepp belatedly shouted "There!...". The tabletop, like a sword, struck his back.
- You are the worst romantic in my life, you know that? - Already applying the frozen ice with them, Kipper said.
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EP1 -  Addiction = Transcript
Italian Blend No. 4
It’s not the first pot, but the second 
that coils you up into upright positions 
that turns the key in your conscious prison. You’re here now,
in the instant. No drifting for you. No dreaming,
instead moments where you simply… stop existing.
Like the plug was pulled, for a few seconds and you comeback
systems stuttering reeling from
being turned off and on again hands constricting
muscles contracting eyes wide open
with synapses firing.
So here you are 
under duress. Sleepless
and dreamless
Because if you submit yourself to such My, you must
have some damn good reasons.
To subject yourself to such a lesion. Why the insistent forgoing of rest? Rest. dearheart. 
“Do you smoke?”
“Well do you?”
Do I smoke?
Do I smoke?
Yes bitch
I fuckin’ smoke.
Smoke what?
Where do I begin?
There’s been marlins and Harlems and Cowboys.
There’s been Henson and Bedges and Mayfairs.
There’s been astral cheese,
Purple haze,
And so much Stardawg that I still taste diesel. 
In my lungs and on my lobes.
What else you got? I’ll smoke it all.
Heroin? Not until I’m 60
Crack? Not until I’m 65. 
Cocaine? At some point, when I’m richer.
I’m down for the best tastes in the world. 
But I’d rather be on the brink of life.
What else?
I’ll smoke that peace pipe.
I’ll inhale the gun smoke
On a smoking gun.
In the detective’s hand
While he’s trying 
To investigate it.
I smoked with Minnie,
Poor Min, 
And her bloke named Smokey.
As it pours down with rain 
(Huddle Up)
We look to the sky!
(Cuddle up)
Round a fire pit
Where we launch off fireworks.
Watch as the smoke drifted west through the skies.
Poor min, 
I still see her now and then
Picking up fag ends in Dunstable High Street.
That’s a long ass street to be picking up on.
There’s two sets of lights two miles apart and
You best hope you chose the right one.
His hokey ass joints 
Taste of fumes and smog,
Taste of kippers and paprika
Prevented only by me
Says smokey to me
His form turned into
A giant bear.
It’s a trick
An illusion.
Do I inhale the smoke from the stack?
Do I encounter the mirror that made the trick work?
As flames as far as Hemel Hempstead go up
In my business all I’m remembers the smoke
“You smoke?”
Yes I smoke, 
For the burn,
That primal energy
That steals the oxygen from my lungs
Gives me heat and tar
And the slightest
Ever so slight
'Cigarette Packets'
She was never any good for me in fact she was toxic with her Laughing and her coughing reminding me with each kiss that only she could make me happy slowly poisoning me I left some packets empty Stewm around the flat like discarded garments to gather in a box to give back and every time i pick one up i remember her smell Her taste and think "Damn, she was a good kisser. "
Darts instead of Change
Toasty Tobacco And tasty tar
Slug through my lungs at glacial speeds.
But now, dear friend We have to part
On advice of doctors friends and family.
No more, while waiting for a bus will a roll and a spark
summon metal beasts to their stop.
No longer when passing homeless men, can I offer darts instead of change,
Warming the cheeks on winters days.
You were a friend through thick and thin 
A shared revolver withmy peers
Kept the bullet chamber spinning
kept me moving for years and years—
  Rather than fester 
  Bedridden Sleeping 
  My loves and fears…
And now you’re gone So, what is left?
What has taken your sacred place?
An Extra Thirty Quid a week and a stupid flavoured vape.
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The “When the Sun Shines on a New Hope” Ships (Belated Valentine’s Day special!)
Hello, hello, my dear friends! This is your hostess with the mostess, Miss Kani, and love is in the air (or at least, it was yesterday)! Hope you’re all doing well today.
So, to celebrate the belated occasion, I figured going ahead and explaining the ships thus far in When the Sun Shines on a New Hope! All of them will be displayed in the cut below. Now, let’s get started!
Edward Atkins and Henry Grennan
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Probably the most established couple so far in this human AU. Edward is rather supportive and dedicated to Henry, while Henry does occasionally experience anxiety as a result of his previous accident with the Flying Kipper. Regardless, Henry does love his jobs and thanks to Edward, he is able to find some ways to cope if he ever feels distressed. Currently, Henry is deciding to move in with Edward at his home near the Tidmouth household.
Gordon Considine and Booker “BoCo” Williams
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Both of them first met thanks to Edward, but they first interacted when Bill and Ben were being little shits menaces and trying to torment Gordon with riddles until BoCo decided to calm the twins down and save him. Ever since, Gordon had noticed that BoCo was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Gordon does get easily flustered when BoCo decides to show him affection, but their relationship has grown to become something more thanks to Edward.
Toby and Henrietta Liechti
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The old married couple of the Tidmouth household, who looks after Thomas, Percy, and Mavis. Similar to Henry and Edward, they both follow a supportive and loving relationship (with one person experiencing anxiety). As wise as Toby is, he does experience a few hiccups due to overthinking and difficulty with adapting. As a result, Henrietta is always there by his side in order to support her husband and make sure he feels safe.
Oliver Greenwell and Lucian “Toad” Hargrave
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Toad is the ray of sunshine to Oliver’s stormy days. Both of them were childhood friends that grew up in the same village, and even when they had faced danger and even near death/“scrap”, Oliver vowed to do what he could to protect Toad. Both of them have received their own respective scars (especially Oliver), but their close friendship eventually blossomed into a romance. While Oliver does sometimes get busy with detective work, he does what he can to make time for Toad and even enjoys some of his hobbies with him, such as visiting the aquarium and looking at whales.
Donald McIntosh and Kani Okimoto
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An opposites attract deal. Donald is a charming jokester who can be rather protective if need be (especially when it concerns his brother Douglas and the other Little Western Squad members), while Kani is a devoted young lady who is able to perform her tasks with ease but becomes easily flustered when she messes up the smallest things. She… sometimes gets Donald and Douglas mixed up with each other, but Donald is rather patient and knows she’s doing her best.
Skarloey and Rheneas Llywelyn
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The old married couple in the Skarloey Mansion, and the adoptive parents of Rusty, Duncan, and Luke. They were both close friends since childhood, and their relationship only grew. Even when Rheneas was sent away to recover, Skarloey never stopped waiting for his partner to return. So, when Rheneas did return, they both decided to get married and settle down. Both are rather protective of the members under their household, and they never fail to do what they can to support the kiddos’ learning and give advice whenever needed.
And finally…
Luke O’ Glaisnigh and Millie Jeanne Violette
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The Princess and the Pauper, if they were a couple. Luke is rather timid, especially since he had just received closure after the entire Blue Mountain Mystery episode, and he would much rather spend his days in a forest surrounded by deer whenever he is done with his work. Meanwhile, Millie is a princess and the determined, prim, and free-spirited adopted daughter/granddaughter of Stephen. Both of them balance out each other nicely, and they exude a rather wholesome passion towards each other.
And that’s about it! ❤️
This has been Miss Kani, and I’ll see you all when the sun shines on a new hope!
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Finances related tarot readings
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Hello my dear followers and random visitors of my posts!
Some of you probably know that I'm a very productive adult person with a responsible job in a bank. That's one of the main reasons why I can't really work on completing readings all day long.
But! In this time of high inflation and just things being financially tough in general (and financial difficulties can severely affect our mental state and emotions, of course, and eventually our physical health, too), I have thought I could perhaps use the fact I have a good and friendly relationship with the financial sector and maybe offer some money related tarot readings.
When this warning is off my shoulders and I truly mean it! I consider myself decent with money but I'm still learning myself and you should also know I have never studied any economy related school or even subject. I sort of learned everything from real life experience and I'm in no way an expert.
However, if you were interested in some general suggestions regarding your personal money management, little nudges towards the direction you might need to explore in more details, I can surely provide that.
I have already assembled one general tarot spread for this topic and I have tested it on myself and it looks like it works just fine so I can share it here with you.
Fiscal Year Ahead tarot spread
Expenses to cut (advice on what might not be wise to waste your money on in the upcoming year)
Sources of Income to explore (it can refer to side hustles or to a new direction of your career…)
Money Management Advice (general advice regarding your skills of handling personal finances)
Financial Forecast (what to expect / avoid / be prepared for in the upcoming year)
Investment Tip (general suggestion on what areas you might explore in order to invest in them, it can refer to simple things like your health and advising you to stop eating fast food and invest in groceries and start cooking better food for yourself or it can draw your attention to stock market, if you have some extra money to be invested)
For those who are not familiar with the term Fiscal Year, it's 12 consecutive months but they don't have to copy the actual calendar year. I have used this term in the title of the reading to address the fact that this tarot reading is giving you information for the 12 months ahead of you from the moment of when the reading is done for you. So you're not waiting for the 1st of January to start implementing the advice, you can start immediately. 😊
This tarot spread is clearly not the only option on how the finance related tarot reading can be done but I simply wanted to show you an example.
So! Would you be actually interested in such types of tarot readings? You can say no, it’s no problem for me. I’m simply offering it but if you don’t really trust this or you are not interested, feel free to tell me. I’m not gonna be sad about it. 😂
Let me know what you think!
Thank you and have a great day!
Kleo 🦄
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some-mf-guys · 3 months
❕Welcome to our blog❕
We are a plural collective of 6 members! However, only four of us will actually use this blog!
Collectively we're trying out the name Andrew and pronouns he/they. You can also use plural they/them when talking about us as a system.
We have a pronouns.cc, here's the link!
Our individual intros can be found in these links: Dexter | Kipper | Sonny | Tauro
Our DNI/BYF can be found at the end of this post.
Important links: Taglist
We interact from @/dexter-the-dog!
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❔ Userbox credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
❕A little about us❕
We are a mexican system with ADHD and (probably) autism that is currently in therapy!
Our switches and amnesia work in weird ways that we still need to discover together. We are pretty good with communication, but sometimes it gets difficult to reach out.
We are all very different from eachother and with this blog we are trying to get some autonomy and learn to unmask! We will also post occasional resources for systems, specially questions, feel free to give us suggestions on what to post!
If you have a question about being a system, or are looking for advice, we are open to help! These questions will probably be answered by our host, but if the issues you're sharing are something another alter has experienced then they'll probably answer it instead!
❕DNI and BYF❕
Before You Follow
We don't pertake in syscourse. We will only DNI if you have "endo-neutrals DNI" since that's the closest stance to our opinion. We interact with both pro-endos and anti-endos.
We block liberally, if you send hate, we won't answer it, it will just get you blocked.
We are bilingual and one of the alters only speaks spanish, so his posts will be both in spanish and translated by the host.
We appreciate the use of tone tags, but some of our alters don't understand them or use them. Please feel free to ask us to specify our tone!
We are pro contradictory labels! We really don't mind why you'd identify as a lesboy, turigirl, transmascfem, gaybian. We're more than fine with ya'll interacting!
Some of us are also otherkin, self-shippers or artists! So if you don't like that, please DNI.
Do Not Interact
While we believe that DNIs sometimes don't work, we'll still make one.
Althought i doubt they'll care. Please DNI if you are discriminatory in ANY way.
If you think harassing people online is helpful and okay. Please DNI.
If you engage, enjoy and/or support the romanticized or glorified writing/drawing of abuse, incest, r.ape, ped.ophili.a, nec.rophili.a or zo.ophili.a, you'll be blocked.
If you're a person who supports/is a rad.queer(s), you'll also be blocked. (Remember that radinclus ≠ rad.queer, i am okay with radinclus interacting). If you're not sure if you fit into this DNI, feel free to ask!
I also ask people who post about kinks/NSFW most of the time to DNI (we don't mind ocasional horny posting but please if all of your blog is NSFW, don't interact)
Thank you for reading!
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memory-bees · 6 years
Date somebody who gives you INTENSE heart eyes whenever they see you.
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I started daydreaming a wholeass star wars au on my drive home while listening to disco star wars
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carinasibila · 9 months
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PICK A CARD General Weekly Reading (Jan 8-14) Disclaimer: Only take what resonates and leave the rest behind. I am only posting this reading on profiles I’ve listed on my Linktree (linktr.ee/carinasibila) – all other profiles that might post it are fake. Decks used in this reading: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Blue Bird Lenormand* Original Kipper Cards** 🔗 Linktree 🔗 https://linktr.ee/carinasibila ☕ Donations/Tips ☕ https://ko-fi.com/carinasibila PILE 1 Page of Swords reversed, House*, Official Person** Back of the deck: VI of Pentacles This week, you may receive advice you didn’t ask for. Due to similiar experiences in the past, you might be tempted to dismiss this advice as someone “telling you what to do”. However, the cards urge you to resist that impulse and instead open your mind and check if there’s anything valuable in the information you’ll be given. Alternatively, you might be coming into some money this week. If this happens, the cards urge you to discipline yourself and not spend it recklessly. It appears that you’ve been rather wasteful with your resources in the past, so be extra careful this time, especially since you’ll likely be in need of said money in the near future. PILE 2 Queen of Swords, Young Man*, Journey** Back of the deck: Ace of Pentacles Recently, you’ve started developing a tangible plan on how to exert better control over your daily life. Unknown to you, there might be another person among your trusted friends who’d benefit from adhering to your plan as well. Keep your eyes open for this trusted companion! Sharing this journey will allow you both to create valuable memories along the way and even enjoy the process together. Alternatively, you’re currently trying to save money. You may be tempted to stray from this path by an appealing offer to go on a trip, perhaps by a close friend. If this resonates and you feel like you don’t want to miss out, the cards ask you to keep in mind that your current plans don’t allow for said trip and to stay the course. Faithfully adhering to the plans you made will serve you well. PILE 3 VI of Cups, Sun*, Bad Health** Back of the deck: X of Wands Lately, you’ve been feeling burdened with responsibilities. For this week, the cards ask you to take the time to compile a list of things that kept you going in similarly burdensome past situations. These things may not be able to absolve you from your current struggles, but they’ll be able to take a bit of weight off your shoulders. Alternatively, you’ve been trying to reach a specific goal, but the process of getting there feels like an endless journey to you. If this resonates, the cards ask you to invest some time this week into visualizing what getting to the finish line will feel like. This will remind you that, while the process itself is exhausting, there are nice things waiting for you at the end!
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ann-theprophetess · 5 years
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Main point: You are a #male. You are experiencing a change, an ending or a #transition related to a group of people or a community of people you once felt resonate with. Your concerned about this change you desire to make. #Advice: Let go of #worries this is your time and this is meant to occur. This is just that part of your life journey. It's time to break away to write that book, or discover more and/or go deeper into another knowledge or understanding you seek. Also this will end up bringing you financial success at some point. 🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮 #lenormand #kipper #psychicreading #intuitivereading #gildedlenormand #cartomancy 🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮 These cards used in reading #70 and #71 Link also in bio: https://ann-divine.wixsite.com/spiritual-guide/divine-readingsbyann https://www.instagram.com/divine_readingsbyann/p/BxShuTZnmBM/?igshid=1e3lelf2omlr7
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