#LET EM HAVE IT it was just too dang cute
ne-cocoa · 2 years
Strawberries cause they cute owo
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
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I’ve returned from my sketchbook quest , and here’s a drawing for dauntless-daffodil , who came up with the idea for the spear baby au.
oh gods looking at that cute little innocent face i can just FEEEEEEL baby spear watching as chaggie and the hotel all stand around them hotly debating What Food Is Even Healthy For A Baby Spear Spawn Child To Be Eating
Charlie: "A cookie??"
Angel Dust: "They don' need cookies, ya useless gays, they need milk!"
Charlie: "We had cookies in the hotel??"
Vaggie: "Why would they need milk? They've got teeth already! Fangs, even!"
Angel Dust: "That ain't how nutrition an' shit WORKS toots!"
Niffty: (shakes jar full of money) "SWEAR JAR!"
Angel Dust: "Fuck. Shit." (hands over three dollars)
Charlie: "Since when are there cookies in the hotel that I don't know know about???"
Cherri: "If they've got fangs and like chewing stuff, maybe they need meat or something?"
Niffty: "OR BLOOD!!!"
Vaggie: "We are NOT-"
Angel Dust: "Ain't no baby under my watch gettin' fed steaks and BLOOD!"
Charlie: "Where did the cookie even COME from?!"
Husk: (coughs)
Charlie: "Husk! You gave them-?"
Husk: "....bar's always got snacks. And they were just. Staring at me."
Angel Dust: "Husky noooooo....!"
Vaggie: "How? I did a double sweep for undeclared cookies just two days ago- you KNOW what Charlie does to your bar if she goes snack hunting in the middle of night and actually finds something. She's like an adorable cookie gremlin."
Charlie: "Heheh!"
Husk: "Yeah well, she's not the only one allowed to like f- fffffffudging cookies. And your kid seems to take after her, so whatever."
Angel Dust: "Baby cat, that's no reason ta- oh for cryin' out loud, now what Vaggot?"
Vaggie: "...what? I didn't say anything."
Charlie: "Vaggieee, you're smiling~"
Vaggie: "Huh?"
Husk: "Like a dumb... dumb."
Niffty: "Beaming! Grinning! AS WIDE AS A SLIT THROAT-"
Cherri: "-fuck fuck fuck, shit shit, damn crap hell- here, take my money and don't fucking talk like THAT in front of the kid either, what the fuck."
Angel Dust: "Sickening."
Niffty: "Thanks!"
Angel Dust: "I meant Darth Vaggie getting all googey eye'd over her an' Charlie chip having a kid."
Charlie: "Oh so you think they're my kid too, huh?"
Angel Dust: "Are ya gonna let Vaggie raise 'em without ya?"
Charlie: "No~pe~!!!"
Angel Dust: "Then congrats on parenthood ta both of ya, it's already going to hell."
Vaggie: "Okay, uh-"
Husk: "You're gonna fffffeathering cry again."
Vaggie: "-no I'm not, I'm just glad the... my kid isn't still crying. Our kid. They, really are pretty happy with the cookie aren't they?"
Charlie: "Of course they are! It's CHOCOLATE CHIP!!"
Angel Dust: "It's not. Baby food."
Charlie: "It is if it's my baby, and they get milk to go with the cookie!"
Angel Dust: "V-gal, stop her! Use ya dang mom veto!!"
Vaggie: "Eh. Charlie was a hellborn kid and she grew up fine. I trust her."
Charlie: "AWww!!!"
Angel Dust: "Unbelievable."
Husk: "Whipped."
Vaggie: "Yeah? My kid didn't even have to say anything to get a cookie out of you, fluff boy."
Cherri: "Uh, guys.... gays...?"
Husk: "What."
Charlie & Vaggie: "What?"
Angel Dust: "Both and speaking, baby."
Cherri: "Where did..... the baby go...?"
Hotel crew: "....."
Place where baby was: (empty except for crumbs)
Spear Baby: (gone)
Vaggie: (wings bristling) "The-"
Charlie: "OUR!"
Vaggie: "Our-"
Demon Charlie: "-BABY!?"
Niffty: "MOTHER OF FUCK." (throws down swear jar) (tries throwing herself onto the broken shards but angel dust and husk grab her)
-meanwhile, elsewhere in the hotel-
Alastor: (walking quickly)
Spear Baby: (crawling after him)
Alastor: "....shoo."
Spear Baby: "Guh!"
Alastor: (nervous sweating) (walks FASTER)
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Just throw 'em back
I thought of that title, and now I'm singing Chandelier in my head at a very unreasonable volume for telepathic singing.
Ummmmmmmmm this includes consumption of alcohol and getting drunk. No one is underage if that bothers you.
This is right after the Klance sunset scene.
Now. We all know what happened during Allura and Lance's date.
We can also assume that while it was happening, Pidge was doing tech-stuff, Hunk was cooking, and Coran was doing generally Coran-ish things.
Keith however, was not.
He was laying in a dark dorm room with his head stuffed in a pillow. He didn't know why he tortures himself like this. He had just given a pep talk to his CRUSH so that his CRUSH would be confident to go out with a GIRL.
Ugh, making reasonable life decision sucks.
Shiro, of course, has been through his fair share of gay dilemmas. His psychic dad sense clued him into Keith's situation.
"Hey... rough day?"
Keith just grunted into his pillow, which meant 'yes' to Shiro.
"Dang, that bad? It this a non-existent love life problem or something else? 'Cuz I can help you with the first one."
Keith flopped over onto his back and stared blankly at the ceiling. After a minute, he held up one finger. That, or he was just flipping Shiro off, but Shiro was trying to be optimistic here.
"You've gotta help me out a bit here, bro. Do you want advice or a distraction?"
Keith decided to finally pipe up.
"Give me a pep talk and I will not hesitate to shove a knife down your throat."
Shiro held his hands up. Keith didn't respond, so he just picked the guy up and hauled him to his car. There was no protest from the black paladin, but that tends to happen when a guy rejects you without even realizing that he's doing it.
An hour later, they arrived at a small bar in the closest town to the garrison.
Seeing their destination, Keith finally I dropped for a moment to raise an eyebrow at Shiro.
Shiro just shrugged with a crooked grin on his face. “You passed the drinking age in space. I figured we could have your first real drink before going back out to the war. None of that disgusting Nunville stuff Coran offers us.”
Long story short, Keith has had 3 (or was it 4?) shots and Shiro is hanging on to Keith’s shoulders to keep his balance. He was a bit too enthusiastic, and the only noises that leave his mouth now are garbled, slurred words.
Drunk Shiro seems determined to give Keith a talk, though.
“I remember my first boyfriend. He was cute. But soooo straight. He smelled like water.”
Keith’s brow shoots up to his hairline.
“What are going on about, Shiro? Are you really gonna do this now? Also, how does someone smell like water?”
Shiro raises his prosthetic arm to Keith’s face in a poor attempt to shush him, but his lack of coordination leads him wack Keith across the face.
“Shhhh shshshshh. Let me brother you. What I’m trying to say is, cute guys are straight sometimes. So instead of wallowing in self-pity, you RIOT! You gotta go up to his dumb face and FESS UP. He flirts with literally anyone! He has to at least bisexual. And if you fail and humiliate yourself, we can watch Pitch Perfect together in a dark room and eat too much ice cream and I can yell at him for you. Alright?”
Keith shakes his head with a small laugh. Even drunk Shiro has his dumb way of cheering Keith up. And, who knows? Maybe his advice is halfway decent.
I don’t even know what that was. But listen to Shiro, kids! If you’re queer and you know it, then OWN IT! I believe in you, my loves!!
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transbeeduo · 9 months
ever since my fat cbee posts i have been on a roll [hi hello im the fat cbee anon here to say ive been sending so many anon asks its so funny but youve just got my brain rolling so much. 10/10 would anon again. always get addicted to my favorite blogs and send like 10 anons a week. dang it. i see a pattern.] anyway im not every single anon, but a chunk of em, yeah! love sending anons about my brain juices late at night and waking up and reading answers n stuff. always fun.
anyway hi can you imagine a Michael who is very much so malnourished when cbee first find him in the Nether. and like his ribs are showing and theres so many bones showing, which isnt a joke because he literally has a hole in his head where you can see his skull and see his bones n stuff. and when cbee takes him home Tubbo and Ranboo make sure to feed him so so much and food he enjoys and stuff. because Tubbo was malnourished as a kid and it was Not Fun. and Ranboo doesnt know much but they sure do know they dont like the look of rib cages peeking through skin and bony arms and gaunt faces [thats why they keep their fur long enough that it covers their ridges and bumps before they gain weight but also not too long because it is considered 'unruly' to have long fur, at least back when they were a child in the End (thats one of the only fragments they remember. think of it like the stigma around body hair on women/fem people.)]
and so eventually Michael starts gaining healthy weight, and all of a sudden, the bones that arent supposed to be visible through his skin [not the holes. hes part zombie i know but zombies aren't supposed to be really thin when someone is only part zombie.] and Tubbo and Ranboo have to find new dresses* and sweaters and pants n stuff for Michael because he's actually growing! i imagine he might be a bit stunted, not quite reaching his full height because of the lack of nutrients he had during a very important development stage for gods know how long, but he does grow, and thats all that matters. hes got healthy chub and hes not so fragile anymore.
*imagining cbee as parents who buy whatever clothes are cute and fit their children, completely ignoring the fact that dresses and skirts are traditionally girl clothes because have you seen the two. those are not cis and whoever thinks they are are silly. they let their children pick out whatever clothes they find cute and comfortable. so if Michael or Wizard or Bug [do Wizard and Bug even wear clothes... thats a weird question but i mean. only ever seen Bug with fur n stuff but no clothes.. whatever] wanna wear a pretty pink skirt or a t-shirt with monster trucks on it, cbee dont care. this is also partly because Tubbo and Ranboo werent entirely allowed to wear whatever they wanted when they were younger [mainly Tubbo but still] and they want their children to have to choice to pick
HAIIII ANON THIS ASK IS SO GOOD THANK YOU (also yes bug does infact wear clothing! Just their ref doesn’t have clothing LMAO i promise Beeduo give their kids clothing)
BUT YEAH THIS IS HONESTLY REALLY FUCKING CANON TO ME there’s NO way that Michael was getting properly fed in the Nether considering it was literally BY HERSELF and ALSO A BABY. And Tubbo would TOTALLY have that like “oh fuck i cant give this baby the same childhood of being malnourished that i had” thought yk (ranboo not realizing they’re malnourished makes me so sad but is so fucking accurate wow) this ask rules thank you
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lusiibeingcute · 3 months
...suppose i should be makin' a real introduction...
...prefer not ta share my name online ... y'all can call me pasque ... or just about anything else. i've been called dad a couple times ... 'pparently it's an alien word for lusus or somethin' ... don't bother me none :} ... i use he/him :}...
...i made this blog so trolls could share cute pictures and stories about their lusii ... and cuz one a' my cullees told me i should get grumblr...
...speakin' of,,, i'm a little old for this social media thing ... 19 sweeps young,,, haha ... i'm also beforan (apparently some trolls on here ain't...? nice ta meet ya, non-beforans) ... 'm a culler of two an' a former cullee myself (lifelong,,, haha) ... this blog ain't about me or about cullin',,, but if ya got any questions about either i'd be happy to answer 'em ... my cullees might talk on here sometimes, but y'all better be nice ... an' before ya ask,,, one of 'ems too young for an account an' the other don't want social media...
...uh,,, some other stuff 'bout me ... please don' yell,,, i got sensitive ears ... i understand if yer quirk's all caps,,, that ain't the same thing,,, don' worry ... i also don' talk in real life,,, but i'm real verbose when i write :} ... i'm an oliveblood,,, m' sign's lesces ... all my quads're open (too busy farmin' and cullin' to really get out there,,, haha) i live on a lusus farm,,, an' my lusus is still alive an' kickin' (no,,, they don' always take away yer lusus when yer culled) ... i'll post pictures of 'er eventually :}...
...so uh, yeah ... send me stuff about yer lusii or ask me questions,,, jus' be nice to each other's all i ask :} ... oh, an' ya can't offend me,,, so don' bother,,, i've heard it all...
...tags i use:...
#...cute lusii... - ...what this blog's really for,,, cute pictures and stories about lusii...
#...me... - ...me...
#...pictures... - ...photos,,, either from asks or if my kiddos can ever teach me how this ding-danged palmhusk is s'posed to work...
#...kiddos... - ...my cullees ... love 'em lots...
#...cullin'... - ...posts about cullin'...
#...talkin'... - ...havin' conversations with folks...
OOC: run by @upward-centrifuge :D
NOTE: if you wanna send an ask on anon but you want it to have a picture, just send me the picture separately and tell me which anon you want me to attach it to.
I wanted to make a gimmick blog and for some reason I went hey, let's make the gimmick blog the only character i have with actual backstory and shit. anyway i'm not giving background for him like i do for my other blogs you're just gonna have to find out for yourself. what i will say is cowboy dad is transgender as hell. He's... technically nonverbal but only in the most literal sense? Idk if there's a word for that? He'll talk your ear off when he's able to write, type, or sign, it's just talking out loud he can't do. He's only 40 but is basically a grandfather. He for sure thinks lol means lots of love.
typing quirk: starts and ends paragraphs with ellipses, puts spaces around punctuation that ends a sentence and turns punctuation into ellipses (...? , ...! , ,,, , etc). Capitalizes nothing ever. Has a southern accent that shows itself in his typing quirk. Uses a bracket for a mouth in his emojis like this :}. Refuses to swear but will very willingly make things up or use ridiculous expressions to replace swears. Misuses "quotation marks", usually for """emphasis""". Similarities in his typing quirk to a certain canon bronzeblood's are entirely accidental I swear. It's based on how old people text and is also supposed to convey that he hates it when things are loud.
anyways enjoy Pasque he's for sure one of the guys ever.
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broomballkraken · 5 months
Title: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Fandom: Octopath Traveler, Octopath Traveler 2
Pairing: Osvald/Partitio, Cyrus/H'aanit
Word count: 5244
Warnings: None
Fic Summary: Osvald is invited to an academic conference in the far off land of Orsterra. He brings Partitio along and they decide to make the trip into a much needed vacation.
When they arrive in Atlasdam, they become acquainted with a few locals, Cyrus and H’aanit, and when the two couples get to know more about each other, they realize quite quickly that they’re two sides of the same coin…
“Hoo-ey! Just look at this place!”
Osvald chuckled when Partitio spun around, taking in the many sights and sounds of the city of Atlasdam. When Osvald had received an invitation to attend an academic conference in the far-off land of Orsterra, he had been a bit hesitant to embark on such a long journey. However, the opportunity to collaborate with scholars from an entirely different continent was much too inciting to pass up, and since it was so far away, he decided to invite Partitio to come along with him to make it a vacation of sorts.
“It is indeed impressive,” Osvald said, adjusting his glasses as he took a look around himself. “It reminds me a bit of Montwise, being a hub for scholars and other seekers of knowledge.”
Partitio flicked up the brim of his hat and shifted the weight of the travel bag on his back. “I reckon yer gonna have the time of yer life at this conference, darlin’, surrounded by so many like-minded folks.”
“I agree, but first I should find a courier to send this letter to Elena-”
Partitio groaned and blew a raspberry. “C’mon, Osvald, you’ve already sent her, like, ten of ‘em, and we haven’t been gone that long! I’m shocked that ya haven’t run out of things to say.”
“Nonsense.” Osvald snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. “We are in an entirely new continent, my dear. I must document every single new discovery, and Elena will benefit from learning all that she can-”
“Okay, okay! I get it.” Partitio snickered as he slipped his arm behind Osvald’s back and leaned up to place a kiss on his cheek. “Yer so cute when ya go into papa bear mode, sweetheart.”
Osvald huffed and turned his head away, but the way that his cheeks flushed a bright pink as he took Partitio’s hand told the latter that he liked the teasing.
“Anywho, we should probably ask around and see how to get to that Royal Academy, and find an inn…” Partitio started, but he trailed off when a giant cat suddenly appeared before him, letting out a meow before sitting back on its haunches.
“Uh, what in tarnation…?” Partitio’s jaw hung open, and Osvald raised an eyebrow as he rubbed at his chin. “I reckon I’ve never seen a cat this big before!”
Osvald hummed and tugged on his beard. “That’s…some manner of snowcat, I believe. I am not sure what it’s doing in the middle of the city, though, and one that is lacking in snow at that.”
A huge grin slowly crossed Partitio’s face; whatever it was called, it was pretty dang cute! He laughed as the huge cat suddenly leapt up and placed its paws on his shoulders before giving his cheek a good lick. “Hey there, big kitty! Ya sure are a pretty one. We’ve got a big ol’ doggie back home that would love to play with ya!”
“Absolutely not,” was Osvald’s response to the puppy dog eyes that Partitio shot his way. “It probably belongs to someone. A hunter’s partner, perhaps, like Mahina with Ochette.”
“But why would a hunter be hangin’ ‘round in the city-” Partitio started, but he was interrupted when the cat purred loudly and dropped back to the ground when someone came running up to them.
Partitio and Osvald looked up to find a tall, muscular woman dressed in furs rushing towards them, and she stopped in front of the cat, Linde, and shook her head.
“How many times do I hath to tell thee to not runneth off on me?” she said, letting out an exasperated sigh. Partitio eyed the bow on her back and the axe strapped to her side. Well, Osvald must have been right about who the cat belonged to, because she sure did look like a hunter of some sort.
Linde let out a deep growl and trotted to the woman, purring as she brushed against her legs. The woman rolled her eyes and pet the large cat’s head.
“Silly leopard…” she mumbled, before standing up straight and looking between Osvald and Partitio. “I apologize foren her behavior. I hath no idea why she likes to bother strangers so much…”
“Heh, no harm done!” Partitio said with a wink. “We’ve got a big ol’ doggie back home, so I’m used to bein’ jumped on by cute, fluffy critters.”
“You’re lucky you came by when you did,” Osvald said, glancing at Partitio out of the corner of his narrowed eyes, “because he was about to try and take her home with us.”
“Shhh, sweetheart,” Partitio whispered as he jabbed his elbow into his side, “Don’t tell her that! She looks like she could give me a good wallop.” Osvald chuckled at that, and the woman tilted her head at them with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Oh, H’aanit, my love! You’ve returned!”
Suddenly, a tall, slender man dressed in scholarly robes pushed by Osvald and Partitio before gathering the startled hunter into his embrace. A soft smile crossed her face as she chuckled and embraced him in return.
“Aye, ‘tis good to see you, Cyrus.”
Cyrus pulled away and cupped H’aanit’s cheek. “Oh, my dear, I swear that you get more and more radiant every time you return to me. It makes it so much harder to let you out of my sight for even a moment.”
“Cyrus…” H’aanit’s face flushed a bright red, and she sighed as she pressed her forehead against Cyrus’. “I missed you too, love. T’wasn’t a second while I was away wheren I did not think of thee.”
As the two shared a tender kiss, Partitio let out a dreamy sigh and turned to Osvald. “Daw! Ain’t they just the cutest, Osvald?”
“Er, I suppose.” Osvald cleared his throat, and he entwined his fingers with Partitio’s and tugged at his arm. “But, I feel like we are intruding, so perhaps we should go find the inn?”
“Ah, I guess you’re right.”
“Oh, wait a moment!”
As the two men turned to leave, they were stopped when Cyrus called out to them. Partitio shared a glance with Osvald, who gave him a slight nod and they both turned back. Cyrus was giving them a once-over as he rubbed his chin, while H’aanit threw the large sack that was sitting on the ground next to her over her shoulder.
“If my observation is correct, you two must be travelers,” Cyrus said with a smile, “What brings you to Atlasdam, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Osvald nodded and reached into his pocket, pulling a slightly crumpled envelope out of his coat that contained his invitation. “My name is Osvald Vanstein-Yellowil, and I am here to attend the academic conference at the Royal Academy.”
Cyrus let out a gasp and his entire face seemed to light up. “Oh, how fortuitous! Where do you hail from?”
“Clockbank, in the Eastern continent of Solistia.”
“Ah! I was hoping that a Solistian scholar would make the trip!” Cyrus laughed as he slapped a friendly hand to Osvald’s arm, “Oh, but where are my manners? My name is Cyrus Albright, and I am the acting headmaster of the Royal Academy.”
Partitio laughed and slapped his knee as Cyrus gave Osvald’s hand an enthusiastic shake. “Well shucks, ‘tis mighty lucky that we ran right into ya! My name’s Partitio, humble merchant and hubby of this smart cookie!” Partitio gushed as he hugged Osvald’s arm, causing the latter to blush and fiddle with his glasses.
“And I am H’aanit,” H’aanit said, and she turned to Cyrus as she rolled her eyes. “Thou should drop the ‘acting’ part already. You’ve been headmaster for five years now. I do not think anyone ‘tis going to apply for thee position.”
Cyrus let out a long sigh and placed the back of his hand over his forehead. “Oh, but I do wish that someone would! I cannot wholly devote myself to my studies and teaching when I have to run the entire academy…”
Partitio shared a glance with Osvald as Cyrus sulked, and the former snickered while the latter chuckled. Boy, they sure ran into quite the interesting pair of locals, and he couldn’t help but wonder how these two very different people ended up together…
Clearing his throat, Cyrus looked between the two visitors with a sparkle in his eye. “Oh, I have the most wonderful idea! If you two haven’t gotten a room at the inn yet, I must invite you to stay with H’aanit and I!”
Partitio blinked at them and quickly shook his head. “Now, hold on. We don’t wanna impose on ya or nothin’. We just met, after all.”
“Indeed, but…” H’aanit glanced around at the crowd around them. “Whenever a conference is held here, the inns fill up quickly. Theren might not be any rooms left by now.”
“Hmm, that’s a fair point,” Osvald said.
“Excellent! Do follow me!” Cyrus started walking further into Atlasdam, hand-in-hand with H’aanit, while Linde trotted alongside them.
“Well…I guess that’ll save us some coin,” Partitio said with a shrug as they made to follow, “I’m surprised you agreed to it so quickly though, darlin’.”
“Hmm…” was Osvald’s response, and as Partitio followed his gaze to Cyrus, an understanding smile crossed his face.
“Ah, I see. Yer just eager to talk shop with a fellow scholar, right?”
Partitio laughed and took Osvald’s hand. “Yer so predictable, darlin’. C’mon, let’s catch up to ‘em!” As Osvald entwined their fingers together, they hurried to do just that. After they had dropped off their bags at Cyrus and H’aanit’s house on the outskirts of town, they made their way to the tavern. On the way there, Cyrus lectured to them about the history of Atlasdam, the royal family, and the Royal Academy. Partitio was impressed with his charismatic ability to keep his interest, while Osvald was taking vigorous notes, and they found themselves seated in the tavern with a round of ales in what seemed like no time at all.
“So, my fellow scholar,” Cyrus said after they had settled in, and slapped a friendly hand to Osvald’s shoulder. “Please, you must enlighten me as to what your primary subject of research is!”
Osvald nodded and adjusted his glasses. “I’ve been studying up on the seventh source of magic that transcends the power of the known elemental magics, which I’ve dubbed the One True Magic.”
“A seventh source…” Cyrus mumbled as he rubbed at his chin, “To think that there is another besides the six elements. how intriguing…”
“Now, you tell me what you’re researching,” Osvald said, and Cyrus’ face lit up as he stood and started pacing, his arms waving dramatically as he spoke.
“Well, while on a journey to find and return a lost tome that was stolen from our library, I stumbled upon ruins filled with countless others thought to be lost to the world, along with an ancient mural depicting some sort of destructive force. I’ve dedicated most of my free time from teaching to studying them further, with hopes of spreading the knowledge for the betterment of mankind.”
“...Fascinating.” An intense look appeared in Osvald’s eyes as he folded his hands together on the table in front of him. “Please, tell me more.”
Cyrus was quick to take the open seat across from him. “Yes, of course! And in return, I am most eager to hear the details of this ‘One True Magic’ of yours.”
“Very well.”
“Oh no…”
Partitio and H’aanit spoke at the same time while they watched the two scholars lose themselves in their passionate discussion, and they shared a knowing glance.
“Heh, does yer man also never shut up once he gets that big ol’ brain of his goin’?” Partitio asked, flicking up the brim of his hat and shooting H’aanit a wink.
H’aanit sighed and shook her head, but a fond smile crossed her face as she watched Cyrus start to get rather animated with his lecturing. “Aye, ‘tis hard to get him to speaketh of anything else foren ages.”
“Shucks, we might be here a while then, H’aanit. What say we get ourselves a few more drinks and make ourselves comfortable, eh?”
She nodded and let out a chuckle in response, and Partitio downed his first drink before throwing an arm over his new friend’s shoulders and steering her towards the bar.
“So, H’aanit,” Partitio said, pausing to take a generous swig of his new drink; they had moved to an empty table to give their scholarly spouses their own space. “If ya don’t mind me askin’, how’d a hunter and a scholar end up together?”
H’aanit chuckled as she took a sip of her drink. “‘Tis fine. You are not the first to ask such a thing. I knoweth that we do seem a bit mismatched at first glance.
Partitio listened with great interest as H’aanit recounted the tale, about how she left her home in the Woodlands to hunt down a terrible monster and save her petrified master. She had met seven other travelers along the way, all with their own quests, and Cyrus was one of them. As she continued, Partitio couldn’t help but think this all seemed familiar somehow…
“...and after Cyrus was almost killed by the former headmaster, I could not holden my feelings for him back any longer.” H’aanit let out a light giggle as Partitio pushed a full mug towards her and gave the tavernkeep their combined four empty ones. “He apparently felt the same, and we confessed ouren feelings at the same time.”
“Aw, that’s so cute! Yer gonna make me cry!” Partitio sniffed as he rubbed his arm over his eyes. He gulped down more ale and let out a satisfied sigh as H’aanit continued her tale, one of defeating a petrifying monster and a corrupted scholar.
“Even though the danger was great, Cyrus stayed by my side through it all,” H’aanit said, “He is compassionate, selfless, passionate about his teaching…and also very handsome.”
“Y’all are too sweet, thanks fer sharin’ yer story with me!” Partitio said, red-faced and beaming as he clacked his mug against H’aanit’s and downed the rest of his drink, and she followed suit. She let out a hiccup and Partitio waved the tavernkeep over again, who raised an eyebrow at them as he set four more mugs of ale on the table.
“‘Tis your turn now, Partitio,” H’aanit said, her eyes half-lidded as she ran her finger around the rim of her mug. “How did thee and Osvald meet and fall in love?”
“Oh, I’d be happy to tell ya!” Partitio said, his voice a little too loud, and he took his turn in telling H’aanit all about his adventures with his seven friends. He talked about Osvald’s quest for revenge that turned into a rescue mission, and his own quest to buy the steam engine rights and put an end to poverty in Solistia.
“Osvald…He lost so much,” Partitio said, sniffing as a few tears fell down his face. Linde meowed from her spot on the floor and got up, placing her front paws on Partitio’s leg so that she could lean up and lick the tears from his face.
Partitio laughed and scratched the snow leopard behind the ears. “Aw, shucks! Thankee kindly, Linde!”
When Linde returned to her place curled up on the floor, Partitio leaned back in his chair as a comforting warmth spread throughout his chest. “I was kinda scared to tell Osvald how I felt at first. I didn’t want my feelin’s for him to dredge up the terrible pain from losin’ his wife. So, color me surprised when he told me he loved me that night, and we kissed for the first time under the pretty star-filled sky.”
“That is…very beautiful, Partitio,” H’aanit said, pausing to wipe away her silent tears. “Even though we just met, ‘tis plain to see howen much ye loven him, and he you.”
“That’s kind of ya to say, H’aanit.” Partitio beamed as he leaned back in his chair. “I gotta admit, these past five years have been the best of my life. Hells, I got to marry the love of my life, and make my dreams of buildin’ a steam train a reality too!”
“This steam train soundeth…interesting.” H’aanit said as she tilted her head curiously, “If what you sayeth is true about it making traveling great distances much faster, I wisheth that we had the same thing here. T’would maketh visiting friends easier.”
“Heh, well, I’d be happy to share what I know with y’all Orsterrans! Maybe Cyrus could figure out how to hook me up with an engineer or two.”
“He does hath many connections.”
Partitio snickered and let out a hiccup, and he waved over the tavernkeep for another round. “C’mon, H’aanit! Let’s -hic- toast again to…the future continental railroad of Orsterra!”
H’aanit giggled and toasted, their drinks spilling a bit due to their clumsiness before they each took a drink. “Heh, that soundeth fine to me. And we should -hic- also toast to the cutest snow leopard too.” Linde meowed as she rubbed up against H’aanit’s legs before doing the same to Partitio.
“Yeah! She deserves a few toasts!” Partitio yelled. H’aanit agreed wholeheartedly, and the two new friends continued making toast after toast after toast…
Hours later, Cyrus and Osvald finally emerged from their intense scholarly discussion, both having learned much from the other. Glancing at the window, Cyrus blinked and his eyes went wide.
“Oh my, look how late it is!” he said, laughing sheepishly as he rubbed at the back of his neck, “Time flies when discussing advanced magical systems, apparently.”
“Indeed.” Osvald glanced at the tavernkeep as he announced that it was closing time. “It was worth it, though. I learned much from you, and I cannot wait to apply your theories to my own studies.”
“And I yours!” Cyrus laughed as he stood up and looked around the tavern. “Now then, where have our partners gotten to-Oh dear…” Osvald followed Cyrus’ gaze, and he groaned at the sight and felt a headache coming on.
Partitio and H’aanit were sitting on the floor next to a sprawled-out Linde, who seemed to be greatly enjoying the attention that she was getting from the two incredibly drunk humans. Osvald looked at their table and the countless empty mugs strewn across the surface; unfortunately, this was not an uncommon sight.
“S-Shucks, she’s just so…cute and fluffy!” Partitio blubbered, sniffing as he hugged Linde’s side and rubbed his damp face against her soft fur.
“Aye…and s-she ‘tis the most loyal and -hic- s-special friend,” H’aanit said, and she choked out a sob as she hugged Linde’s head to her chest, “I loveth her s-so much.” Cyrus’ jaw hung open with shock as Linde mewed and licked the tears from H’aanit’s face.
“What in Alephan’s name…?” Osvald groaned as he rubbed at his temples, and Cyrus quickly rushed to the sobbing H’aanit’s side.
“H’aanit, my love, are you alright?” Cyrus placed a hand on her shoulder, and H’aanit pouted and buried her face against Linde, who purred and swished her tail back and forth.
“N-No, Cyrus, you cannot taketh her from me…”
“Oh, my heart, I would never dream of it, but we must go home now.”
As Cyrus tried to console his very drunk wife, Osvald turned to his very drunk husband and managed to peel him off of the large snowcat with his superior strength.
“Aw, sweetheart! I was havin’ fun…” Partitio whined, and Osvald rolled his eyes when a dramatic pout crossed his face and he reached out towards Linde with both hands.
“Partitio, did you really have to drink so much?” Osvald scolded, and a goofy grin crossed Partitio’s flushed face as he hugged one of Osvald’s arms tight to his chest.
“Heh, well, if you two smarty-pants scholars hadn’t -hic- been busy bein’ big ol’ nerds for such a long time, we wouldn’t have had to -hic- drink so much while waitin’ for ya!” he said, giggling as he leaned up to place a sloppy kiss on Osvald’s lips.
“Gods help me…” Osvald shook his head and brushed the back of his fingers over Partitio’s flushed cheek. “You’re lucky you’re cute, Partitio.” Partitio dissolved into giggles at that, and even in his annoyed state, Osvald couldn’t help but crack a smile. He was used to Partitio’s drunken antics by now, but he really wished that he wouldn’t drag others into it…
Osvald let out a tired sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose, and Cyrus was still trying his best to pry the still crying H’aanit off of Linde, but to no avail. Glancing at the tavernkeep out of the corner of his eye, Osvald noted that he seemed very irritated, so he quickly grabbed Partitio and threw him over his shoulder, before scooping H’aanit up and tossing her over the other.
“Oh my…” Cyrus stood up and cleared his throat as he gave Osvald a once-over, “You are rather strong for a scholar, Osvald. You might even give my friend Olberic a run for his money in a contest of strength.”
“Yes, I have found that keeping a strong body is key in keeping a strong mind as well,” Osvald said as he and Cyrus split the massive tab that their spouses had racked up and quickly made their leave.
“Hmm, an intriguing concept…” Cyrus hummed as he tapped his chin, “I might have to try bulking up a bit.”
Osvald chuckled as he tightened his grip on Partitio and H’aanit’s legs, as the two were squirming around trying to pet Linde as she trotted along behind him. “It certainly has helped me on occasion, such as when I have to carry my drunkard husband home from the tavern.”
“Aw, c’mon darlin’!” Partitio whined, “I’m -hic- just a social drunkard!”
“...You are always social, Partitio.”
“Hehe, ya got me there!”
Osvald sighed and rolled his eyes as Partitio and H’aanit dissolved into a fit of giggles, and when H’aanit recovered, she reached out towards Cyrus with a pout on her face.
“Cyrus, I -hic- want you to carryen me…”
Cyrus flushed a bright red as Osvald stopped walking and glanced at him, and he nodded, letting Osvald lower H’aanit slowly into his arms. “I guess I can get started on that bulking up now…”
H’aanit glowered at him as he cradled her against his chest. “I am not that heavy.”
Cyrus paled and swallowed thickly. “Er, t-that’s not what I meant at all, my dear-” He started to defend himself, but it was unnecessary, as H’aanit had abruptly fallen asleep and was snoring softly.
Osvald noticed that Partitio had gone oddly silent, and he glanced back to find that he had also fallen asleep. Letting out a soft chuckle, he carefully moved Partitio so that he was cradling him in his arms.
“My apologies, Cyrus,” Osvald said when they started walking again, “Partitio loves his ale, a bit too much if you ask me…”
Cyrus chuckled and shook his head. “Oh, no need to apologize! I must admit, I don’t think that I’ve ever seen H’aanit quite this drunk before, but I guess this makes us even now after a certain incident a few years ago.”
“Oh?” Osvald raised a curious eyebrow, and Cyrus laughed before telling Osvald the tale of his first meeting with H’aanit’s master and adoptive father that ended with him being the drunken mess.
After they had made it to Cyrus and H’aanit’s house, the two sober scholars put their drunk spouses to bed and sat together at the kitchen table.
“Goodness! This had been quite an eventful evening!” Cyrus said after he had gotten them both glasses of water.
Osvald thanked him and let out a low chuckle. “Indeed. Partitio’s drinking habit can get out of hand at times, but I still love him all the same.”
“I can tell. You two must have quite the love story.”
“It…wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.” Osvald’s grip on his glass tightened, and Cyrus’ face fell.
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to assume-”
Osvald shook his head and held up a hand. “It’s fine. I…was married before him.”
Cyrus listened patiently as Osvald told him about Rita and Elena, Harvey’s betrayal that resulted in their supposed deaths and his own imprisonment, and his quest for revenge and eventual rescue of Elena. He left nothing out, and he wasn’t sure why he told Cyrus this. They were still practically strangers, but the Orsterran scholar was easy to talk to. Perhaps it was because they had spent so much time discussing their research, but Osvald felt like he could trust Cyrus wholeheartedly.
“Oh, Osvald, you certainly have been through hell and back,” Cyrus said, a sad smile crossing his face as he placed a gentle hand on Osvald’s arm. “But I am so very glad that you were able to save your daughter, and to find love again.”
Osvald smiled and placed a hand over his heart. “I was so certain that I forgot what love was, and yet, that pure-hearted merchant came into my life and taught me how again. I…don’t believe I could have succeeded in my quest without his unwavering support.”
“Love truly is a thing of beauty,” Cyrus mused, a fond smile crossing his face as he turned his face towards his bedroom door, “I must admit, I was completely oblivious about matters of the heart, so I was utterly blindsided when H’aanit managed to captivate me, heart and soul.”
Letting out a dreamy sigh, Cyrus continued: “H’aanit intrigued me from the moment we met, being a hunter from the secluded village of S’warkii, and I always learned a lot from our interactions. However, I also came to admire the strength of her character and body, her drive to help others even if it meant putting herself in danger, and her ethereal beauty, and I was already head-over-heels for her when I realized what I felt was love.”
Cyrus let out a chuckle and a light blush rose upon his cheeks. “It sounds a bit silly now, but I first realized I loved her after she had delivered the killing blow to a dragon of all things.”
“That is rather…unconventional,” Osvald commented, and Cyrus nodded in agreement.
“I am well aware. H’aanit still teases me about it from time to time…”
“That said, it is obvious that you two love each other dearly, and even though we just met, I am happy that you found happiness together.”
Cyrus laughed and lifted his glass of water into the air. “I feel very much the same, my good fellow. To love?”
Osvald smiled as he mirrored Cyrus’ movement. “To love.”
They clacked their glasses together and downed the contents before bidding each other farewell and heading to bed. When morning came, the two scholars were feeling content and chipper, and their spouses…not so much.
“Ugh, my head…” H’aanit grumbled, her forehead pressed against the table as she rubbed at her temples.
“Everythin’ ‘urts…” Partitio gulped, nausea bubbling within his gut as he turned his pale face towards the hunter. “I’m never drinkin’ again…”
“I’ll believe that when I see it,” Osvald said, snorting as he continued helping Cyrus make coffee. Cyrus chuckled as he added a generous amount of milk to two of the cups, causing Osvald’s face to scrunch up.
“Ugh, abysmal! You’re just as bad as Partitio…” he grumbled, feeling very betrayed by his fellow scholar at the moment. Cyrus laughed and waved him off as he placed one of the cups in front of Partitio, who took a big drink that immediately regretted, and he stuck out his tongue while sucking in a few quick breaths.
“Hot, hot!” Partitio winced and let his head drop to the table with a groan. Osvald rolled his eyes and set a cup of black coffee in front of H’aanit before joining them at the table.
“You should know better, love,” Osvald scolded as he handed him a glass of water and rubbed his back before turning to H’aanit, “At least someone here knows how to properly enjoy a cup of coffee.”
“Aye…” H’aanit offered Osvald a weak smile as she slowly lifted her head off the table, “‘Tis how my master used to make it foren me. Anything else ‘tis too sweet.” Hmm, Osvald was starting to think that H’aanit was his Orsterran kindred spirit instead of Cyrus…
“Heh, well how ‘bout that, us preparing our coffee’s the same two ways.” Partitio seemed to recover slightly as he beamed and held up his slightly cooled off cup. “It’s like we’re two sides of the same coin! To new friends!”
“To new friends!” the other three echoed, and they enjoyed a nice breakfast to help the hungover parties to recover from their night of revelry.
The academic conference lasted a week, and was a rousing success. Osvald and Partitio decided to stay another week, as Osvald had wanted to peruse the library and sit in on a few of Cyrus’ lectures. Meanwhile, Partitio helped H’aanit get some sweet deals on her hunting supplies and she taught him how to make some basic hunting traps in return.
When it was time for them to depart, the four friends embraced each other at the road leading out of Atlasdam, and the two Solistians gave Linde a generous amount of pets and head scratches. Partitio knew that it was time to hit the trail and find a new adventure, but he really was going to miss their new friends.
“Safe travels, you two!” Cyrus said, giving Osvald and Partitio’s hands a good shake, “If you ever find yourselves in Orsterra again, you are always welcome in our home!”
H’aanit nodded and held out a small sack. “Indeed, and taketh this. ‘Tis filled with dried meat from my most recent hunting trip.”
“Aw, thanks H’aanit! If it’s as good as what you’ve been cookin’ us for dinner, then I’m sure it’s mighty tasty!” Partitio gushed as he took the sack, and H’aanit laughed.
“And if you two ever come to Solistia, you can find us in Clockbank in the Brightlands,” Osvald said, nodding as he adjusted his glasses, “There is a massive library in Montwise that I would love to show you, Cyrus.”
“Oh, I am most looking forward to it!”
With a final round of hugs, Osvald and Partitio set off into the Flatlands, with Cyrus and H’aanit waving until they were out of sight.
“Shoot, darlin’! That was tons of fun!” Partitio said, beaming as he gave Osvald’s hand a squeeze and swung their arms with his giddiness. “I’m glad we met Cyrus and H’aanit, they were a hoot! Oh, and Linde too!”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” Osvald hummed as he pulled out a hefty stack of paper. “And I have written down every single new piece of knowledge that I’ve obtained for Elena. Do you think that the courier will take this many pages at once?”
“Osvald, sweetheart…”
Partitio burst out laughing as Osvald pouted at him, but his laughter soon joined in, and with hearts full of love for their new friends and the fond memories that they had made together, they continued their journey through Orsterra, excited to see what else awaited them.
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E5 "Choose Your Pain"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
yeah i still dont like a black woman being "someone to fear burnham" idk guess we'll see. hmm i feel like there could be something in that telescope oml this view into the bridge and other facilities onboard discovery at the start of this episode is SO PRETTYYY let me LIVE. there. oh this is weird oh so space bear gets the titty stab but not burnham XD ofc ofc awww space bear depressed let him outttt id be depressed too, stuck in there with only a slop bucket and no moss in sight :/
ayyyyeee vulcan aboardd also why katrina's eyes are so red is she ok? bruh i been preoccupied by tardigrades too um ok lorca, mr. isaac clarke over here with your eye stabbery i kinda like lorca's face. hes so "f everything idgaf" oh my god the scale of the ship next to the shuttlepod
beat em up oh crap hmm hes gone so acting captain'll be saru thatll be interesting ugh i love this intro theres this feeling of utter suspension hearing and seeing it ugh seeing discovery fly through all these things and spin its so nice ugh the handssssssssssss i love the measurements and all these things and the constellations left behind ugh so much to see look at saruuuu cant wait till he frkn understands burnham's previous decisions and can stop treating her so blah i love his eyes WHO ARCHER JONATHAN AAAA PIKE CHRISTOPHER OH FUCKKKKK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AND THEN IT WILL BE you know. you know. YOU. KNOW. oh my god ok shaking okokokokok MUDD DID YOU JUST SAY YOUR NAME IS MUDD MUDDDDDDDDDDD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh my god this is so cool
oh dang. this poor guy. he was just in there to get foot in face. you sure are mudd. you sure do do that survivin. hi stamets. lmaooooo he knows hes brilliant - get it stamets own that shit it is kind of odd hearing burnham say such praise haha oh yeah its all BURNHAMS fault uhuh. cool to see some lone captain scenes its so odd to see such serious lighting in a trek production. listen. this is still all so NEW to me k. this guy ash tyler is pretty what is that its cute but also id be way to scared to come anywhere near that thing ughhh this outside shot of ncc discovery is so PRETTY thats so interesting? warp freeways because of space shrooms. damn. im with it.
DI DID DID DID THE THEY USE THE F WORD ON S T A R T R E K ???? DID THEY FUCKING USE THE FUCKING F BOMB ON FUCKING STAR TREK, ON THE FUCKING STAR TREK ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW HOLY FUCK I DID NOT I DID NOT HEAR THAT. my fucking mandible fell off when i heard that. i cannot believe what i just witnessed. i cannot believe my ears. not even AOS did the "fuck". oh my god "fuck" is canon in trek. that brought tears to my eyes hang on yall holy. shit… ima table that cuz i cant get over that idk when i can wow
saru has the perfect voice its so saru. its really cool to see his face like this the prosthetic is so great. it looks more real than (almost) anything pure cgi. cuz it IS real. i love it. beautiful example of practical effects. beautiful execution. also sorry but "predator"? really…? i dont appreciate burnham's treatment at all when its already bad enough that black women are almost always represented racially or with such a societal disdain cuz fucking EVERYONE hates black women. it is what critically annoys me in this series above all else so far :/ also sorry but WHAT THE FUCK DID STEWART DO HOW DARE YOU FUCKING THROW IT FUCK. YOU.
ugh not again with the titty stabbers. dude. this is slavery. let the fucking space bear go. look what you did to it. he shriveled up to survive. i HATE the treatment of other lifeforms in this series so far. CRACK IT OPEN? fuck you saru. fuck you too stamets. man everyone is so unlikeable. thats another issue i have in this show so far almost everyone is unlikeable af.
i didnt get to know phillipa that much so not much to say. burnham is so standoffish, idk if we have anough time to unravel her dimensionally. sylvia is kind of more annoying than endearing. lorca is lorca. ofc i dont like him (except i DO like an unperfect captain - i just wonder if hes redeemable). stamets is so catty like i get it yes be proud of your ideas that people might be ignorant towards but bruh still theres not enough good quality to counterbalance it so far. saru looks cool sure but hes so blatantly crass towards even other non-human lifeforms when he himself is non-human, cuz sry all that "crack it open" bullshit is gross af, desperation or not. i would NOT want him as my acting captain, ill say that, no matter how pretty he might be. i like ash tyler the most so far. i mean i get it its only episode 5 of 15 in s1 of 5 seasons - but still maybe im not too used to this many characters simultaneously being difficult to connect with. im gonna wait and see if this all develops. saru's feet. are hooflike his hands are so expressive his shape is so hes so lank. im SO impressed with how amazing he looks up close. i can SEE the subsurface scattering of his skin and the blood in his veins yeah please. we need this small talk with saru. thanks. k. i needed to see this redemptive quality in saru and co. cuz the getgo, everyones so adverse to alignment and connectivity
poor space bear i really hope you will be happy out there, mossie. youre FREEEE oh my god. space bear just warped. oh my god WARPING space bear. i need a plushie of it. mossie. stamets and doc. they gay for each other. they hubbies. they are literally brushing teeth together. yeuip. they gay. mhm. for sure. wow. first ever fucking explicitly gay couple in star trek. and it took this FUCKING long. i aint talking about TOS yall, we all know the love story that is the first 4 seasons + 6 classic films + 3 alternate reality films of Star Trek k - i just mean very literal and established archetypically, that makes sense. about fucking time. IDIC is literally mother gay but this took half an entire century to fucking show a gay couple onscreen. fuck me. k well. SNW Season 2 and 3, dont let us down. Im going to fucking die if theres even a wisp of something near Lower Deck's "K+S" carving scene. i digress.
alright DISCO, ima see how you unpack all this universal animosity, cuz damn are you thick with it in the first entire third of your first season.
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softcarebears · 1 year
bestie what do i do if someone deadass wrote a love song abt me-
i saw your ask but i was too busy and did not get time until now to reply sorryyy😣...(my cambridge igcses start on thursday im scared pls help...im doing food and nutrition first AHHH my practical test for it is next week im scared for my life rn) pls help😭
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DIDN'T Y'ALL START SCHOOL LIKE A MONTH AGO DAMN I'VE BEEN IN THIS SCHOOL FOR 5 WHOLE YEARS AND I'VE NEVER GOTTEN A LOVE SONG OR LOVE LETTER *sniff sniff*🤧and i've been crushing and pinning on a close friend of mine who probably doesn't love me backk😞😣☹️ dang i guess you got THAT W RIZZ💥
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hmm...ok let's move on to the subject...THEY WROTE A LOVE SONG FOR YOU OK HARRY STYLES JUNIOR I SEE U...WELL BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW ITS ABOUT YOU THO? DID THEY TELL YOU? IS IT A SHE OR A HE OR A PYTHAGORAS EQUATION ? ARE THEY CUTE ? i wanna know ...yknow what write a lengthy essay and tell me all the deets hihihi ( *ฅ́˘ฅ̀*) ⸜( ◜࿁◝ )⸝ ٩(๑> ₃ < )۶♡
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honestly i think you should get to know them better first yknow get a little talking stage marinating🤭🤫😏🥵 and all and if you start to get feelings for them GO FOR IT BITCH🏃🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️🤺 BECAUSE HONESTLY THEY GOT BIG VOLUMPTUOUS JUICY BALLS TO GET THE COURAGE TO DO THAT my "uncommitted and scared of relationships" single lonely ass could never...😣🤡👁👄👁and if you don't feel anything for em just reject them nicely˓˓ก₍⸍⸌̣ʷ̣̫⸍̣⸌₎ค˒˒
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so yea and you also don't know when in your actual lifetime if somebody would write you a love song again...so honestly go for it my snuguflaggus pookie wookie crookie dookie schnooks💗💫
so yea hope you enjoyed my wikihow tutorial (ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
My, this is quite the turn of events.
What the hell happened in the past two weeks while we were gone, Donbrothers? We've got a funny red man, a blue monkey and a yellow oni who're a pair of losers, a pink bird wife guy turned epic divorce man, a jailhouse black dog, and a bunch of autistic kids hanging out in the void by themselves! ...also a Tiger/Dragon system apparently just off to the side, which is quite unusual for a Sixth Ranger.
Also, uh... yesterday morning, Kohei Murakami, who played Kusaka in Faiz and Bud in Zyuohger, after asking if his followers saw episode 36 of Donbrothers, shared a picture of Inoue captioned "Toshiki Kabedon", which is uh... exactly what you might imagine it'd be. I know I don't usually show pictures, but I find this deeply compelling. Look at his goddamn face. Look at it. That is a man who knows.
Anyways, Spoilers I guess beneath the cut~!
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-Aw how cute, they're napping together :)
-Ah, yep, Kijino's in a real bad state.
-Damn. Railing against your boss like that? In a Japanese corporate setting?
-Haruka with the phonecall!
-...suddenly I'm very thankful that Crane Lady didn't see that he was getting phone calls from a teenage girl.
-Oh shit, a party?
-Of fuckin' course it's a party, have I seen this consistently festival-themed show before?
-Ah fuck, the preview has an inferno. This ain't good.
-Oh shit, GolDon Zyuoh Eagle. Hell yeah, really lean into that bird.
-Friendship :)
-Parfait time!
Haruka: Tell Mister Kijino how much he means to you, Tarou :) Tarou: Kijino, you are worth as much to me as- Shinichi: Y'know on second thought let's not do that!
-He is... The wife guy.
-Oh goddammit-
-Goddamn, he couldn't even get a man sent to jail hjkl
-Inuzuka Tsubasa...!
-Chase him!
-Damn, these Juto are violent violent!
-Me when no food.
-Ah, I see he's still a Master Shef.
-Ohhhhh, sirens. ...did that guy say "Kyuukyuu" earlier? ...GoGoFive man?
-"Damn dude, I didn't know going sicko mode made you a shit cook. 0/10, would not eat again."
-Oh shit, Sononi-san!
-Crane Lady!
-Oh goddammit Haruka, do you have an interest in her too? ...I mean fair, but c'mon.
-Canned movie! ...oh shit, I still haven't seen that. Battle Familia either. Damn.
-Shake's pier.
-Prince, magic, true love, back normal!
-Hell yeah.
-Ohhhh, she wants to be a beast.
-"Wanna play fancy actress for a bit? :3"
-Ah, so this IS Natsumi mode!
-A rich fan!
-Oh shit, Jirou's back! I see Rumi-chan's still here too.
-Ah, the boys are fightin'.
-"Dude what, you suddenly grew a tiger kimono."
-He suddenly became a giga chad right before your eyes.
-Remember the sunset.
-"Yeeeeeah, I guess that makes sense!"
-Guess Haruka is a dedicated Natsumi stan now.
-Here they are! The condor lady and the shadow man!
-Ohhhhh, this is a bit intense.
-God dang it, Haruka!
Sononi: Geez, what's up with there? Sonoza: She's a
-Poor Emergency Guy.
-Momoi Tarou.
-Miho is Natsumi's dream?
-Get the real Tsubasa back, get rid of this sussy baka imposter.
-Ohhhhhh, I love Crane Lady's monster form.
-Oi, Tarou, don't say "Two on one works for me!", people might get the wrong idea.
-"Dammit, I must be slipping if I got saved by Sonoza!"
-Where the boyfriend at?
-Even wrote a notecard for you, huh?
-"Fuck it, who cares! Kage Time!"
-Oh god, this is gonna be how Tsubasa has his internal reveal
-Born from a peach! Don Momotaro! Yooooo! Nippon Ichi!
-Bidding farewell to the transient world... SaruBrother! Yo! Muki muki!
-The manga master, OniSister! Yo! Oni no kanabo!
-Jirou, let's go!
-God, this is such chaos, and I woudln't have it any other way.
-Save the Earth! Save a Life!
-Oh yeah, Jirou wasn't there.
-Goooold Avatar Change! Honnou Kakusei! Monarch of the Open Skies! Zyuoh Eagle!
-...that seemed a little anticlimactic. I mean, he probably could've cleared the fire on his own, but I guess a bit of Zyuoh love isn't remiss!
-There it is! The big fuck-off fully combined robot of this season!
-"Shut up arm, I own you!"
-Donbros Fantasia Supreme!
-A supreme win for the ages!
-Hey there emergency guy!
-Well done, report back to HQ.
-Goooooo Tsubasa!
-Hell yeah, you got him!
-Good job, Tsubasa!
-Only one. Ore koso.
-Did the creepy origami cats free him? Or did he rip out of there on his own?
-Well, I guess... they're a bit more even now. This man came waltzing in, so I guess he's here now. See you on Monday, I guess.
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cl-babydew · 1 year
Just a quick drop by!! I finished Hyouka!!!! I actually finished it Friday! X3
I honestly enjoyed it!!!! X3 It was really cute and fun!!!! I loved how it was mystery after mystery!!!!! And stinken Oreki is so dang smart!!!! Literally can solve stuff from something so dang small!! It’s crazy!!!
I did try reading the light novel, but stopped, cuz I’m really picky when new characters are added to the main crew, and that’s what happened! X,D Sooo I decided to just let the anime be my end for it! XD
Anyways!!! I don’t really have too much to say, sooo as for my fav character, I honestly don’t know! XD I love the main 4!!! So they’ll just be my icon too!! X3
So here’s the icon:
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Hard to tell if this is fanart or official tbh!! 😅 So if this is a fanart, I do not own it!!! And if you happen to know who does, I’ll be sure to credit them!! It’s really pretty, gosh tho!🥺
Cherry blossoms make almost anything look good!👏
I’ll miss this crew!! Dang I love them!! X3
Anyways!! Break week! I’ll leave y’all with a gif of em! X3
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Byeee!!! Love y’all!!!❤️ X3
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lordfabian · 2 years
. . . ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
. . . ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
Veryyy cautiously creeping...
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Squeak!
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ - Hi! I just dropped by to say hello! I took down that sign from yesterday, because I realized it was probably mean of me to put it up. I wanted to let you know too that you don't have to apologize, because I know sometimes it can be hard and scary. Just, don't grab me agian! (At least without asking, that is)
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ Please accept this cookie 🍪 as a sign of goodwill. Truce?
<:3)~💨 *Escape!*
- Cake anon
(This dang mouse is way too forgiving asdjfgsks- Also, they now have colours! I'm working on making 'em look more mouse like :p I hope you like it!)
Well well, look who came crawling back...and with a reward for my naughty behavior, too. I think a valuable lesson has been learned today, and that is... refusing to apologize will make the other person apologize instead, and bring you a treat as well! Ah, I jest. I will not grab you a second time, if only because I myself also do not like being grabbed without permission, and I have to at least pretend to be better than people I don't like. Truce accepted. -- (congrats on your colors!! they are very cute!!)
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fighting-these-demons · 3 months
B*cch*giri Episode 8
Starting off strong with a flashback!
Aw they're SO CUTE!!!!! How Precious!!! 🥺
Aaaaaaaaaa so THAT'S why Arajin is so bent outta shape. The pure of heart/pure intentions bit. He let Matakara down and his shame from that and how it's deeply affected his self worth is what's eating him about the Honki bit.
I knew it wasn't just the childish aspect because his room is COVERED in childish bullshit despite him being 16 so like. It wasn't that lmao! 😂
Now we have a clear answer on that front!
Paused less than 30 seconds into this and already writing shit up I feel like now that we're back into the story proper and with this only having 12/13 episodes that it's gonna get long here.
They've got a LOT of ground to cover.
Kuwabara - I mean Matakara's spirit awareness has kicked in and he's rightfully scared.
A thing that sneaks in through the Crack of weak people's hearts Huh?
I wonder why after all those years why Matakara isn't hung up on Arajin running away? Why only Arajin is? Why the running away bit doesnt mentally exclude Arajin in Matakara's mind?
Is it just the devotion?
oh man I hope he's taller than his brother that'd be so funny
I love the sweet sunshine little brother being tall as a weed trope.
Lord help me. It's terrible. If she liked literally anyone else in the cast I'd be her #1 fan and cheering her on as a funny spin on typical anime bullshit but like. Eugh.
Love her attitude towards Arajin though; and I gotta say, I'll be pissed if they get together in the end as a tidy way to tie up and no homo the whole thing.
LMAO Matakara! Arajin just ask him out! He likes you just fine!
Dude he ABSOLUTELY wants to take on that responsibility! Please just GIVE HIM A CHANCE!!!!!
Love you forever Blondie! You're a real one and the most relatable for sure! 💛🧡💚💛🧡💚
Teal Terror I live you despite your ain't shit attitude and your multitude of flaws and I am ALWAYS rooting for you but like.
Damn dude let him have this one.
But like I get it I'd feel the same. He's so tired of Arajin's shit. 💙💜🧡
I really do love how like. This feels so much like a YYH au where Yusuke is more awkwardly insecure and Kazuma is still absolutely fixated on him but in modern day where expectations aren't so gendered its in a bit of a softer way.
And like there's a Double kurahi special between Teal Terror and blondie being some of the softer aspects of Kurahi's team dynamic and Javascript and Pink PETALS being the more serious side.
All that to say I love Teal Terror being so dang pouty and jealous and cute and thinking "damn that dude ain't shit why do you care??????" Every minute if every day like. He's so stinking cute I can't take it! 😭
DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!,!,
This man said "If I keep "Merging" with him I can get him pregnant!"
I LOVE age gap but Not Like This!!!!! 😭
Augh but I love Big Red Genie's goofy ass so much. So Like. I guess if I self insert it'll be fine?
But I kinda hate self inserting. 😣 uhg.
It's a damn shame too because I love his aesthetic.
All those purple straps.....
MATAKARAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖
GET EM!!!!!!!!
Uhg . What's the stupid plan that this piece of shit has cooked up????
It's probably his Genie doing.
Oh I called him IvySoulCaliber that's right.
Babe do you think he forgot what you did to him and that you had his crush stripped naked????????
He hates your ass and he's just being nice because hes a good guy.
Damn he really did his research on how to twist Matakara. Then again he's not too hard to read I guess. A little stalking would have gotten that easy.
I wonder if anime fans are aware of just how Gay being huge and stacked is viewed as in Japan? I feel like the wrestling bits of this anime play into that. Just reminds me of Gief's whole deal.
His mom is hilarious. She has awful taste sometimes but she's hilarious. Also how dare she ship Arajin with Matakara's Older Brother when she was rooting for Matakara until just now! WHERE IS HER LOYALTY????
I love how AYusuke (get it?) Is still a great cook!
I really do love how this is sort of a heart nod in that direction in so many ways with the main duo.
Oh how funny he lives at Ara-bath! 😂 Bet you that's been on his mind for years!
Oh God. He Missed A Call on his way out!!!
Something happened. And all this cute music and scenery is getting you hyped just before they hit us with it.
Did he get killed on his way out? Jesus they wouldn't do that would they???
KEN SAN!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Not him waiting in the rain for an hour!
Oh no. God I hope he's not dead but geez.
Man Arajin had finally just let his guard down and it's right back up.
Damn Teal Terror is calling in Arajin/the cavalry on this one.
Teal Terror!!!! 😭😭😭😭 He's so worried about Matakara and even broke down and pretty much begged Arajin and STILL THIS ASSHILE WONT BE REAL LIKE FUCK
That goddamn evil genie
Oh shit it got him. 😭
Well. His heart is shattered into pieces and his brother is probably dead but at least he got to have a tender sweet moment with his crush to cherish in his heart.
Oh man yeah I mean I could chalk him being able to see arajin's genie up to his spiritual awareness but I think when Evil Genie got him he must have been handed the gun and tried to shoot himself because he has that side fringe that would cover it so it wouldn't be immediately apparent and also he has the blue genie and it's tied to the image of his brother who is dying or dead and is probably his wish so like.
I'd say he tried to kill himself and made the wish.
And that's part of why he sounded and looked so fucked up when he got to Arajin's house before the sight of Arajin sleeping comforted him.
Oh shit. He woke bith of them up and neither noticed?????
You know if they'd paced this anime better I wouldn't be watching 5 episodes in 1 so late in the game but like. Here we are.
Anyway it's surprising IvyDoulCalibur still has his genie. I wonder what the spirit coming after Matakara is then?
Well hey at least Arajin is looking for him. Even if he did leave him to rot to see a girl that don't give a shit about either of them. 🤷‍♀️
Dang Matakara. 😭💔
Oh shit dude do you think the best time to tell him is when his brother is dying?????????????
Like I'm white American and even by our standards Now Is Not The Time.
Save that shit for confession or some shit.
Why are you hurting him when hes at his absolute lowest?????
God Fuck Arajin just when I think I cN get behind this kid he goes out of his way to hurt people selfishly
Huh. Well. I don't like it. But I do ship it now. (Matakara/IvySoulCalibur)
I wonder what happened to IvySoulCalibur when the Evil Genie transferred to Matakara?
What a shame that Evil Genie is wearing leggings. 😕
Oh hey! Green Gobblin ending! Woo! 💖💖💖
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aclowntiny · 1 year
I’ll I can say is “YAAAAAAASSS!” Finally, someone with a similar thought process on angst, and how reading the imagines/fanfiction is to ESCAPE from reality, not dump a bunch of real life crap in there to make you feel depressed. I’m okay with having relatable situational elements to provide a believable storyline that isn’t a Little Mary Sunshine dancing through a field of daisies because no bad things happen in her world. I DO get triggered when a storyline has, for example, an idol being portrayed as the worse scum to ever crawl the earth, heaping mental and emotional abuse on the reader before being caught out as a cheater who defends their actions as ‘well, I fell out of love’. That kinda stuff is a nope, nope, nope for me. I’m literally a Pandora’s Box of emotions due life experiences and trauma, so if I read a hardcore angst story, it takes a lot out of me to try and get out of those negative emotions and feelings. It feels like I’m trying to move and breathe in sludge, so I absolutely love having a stockpile of vetted fluffy fluff stories to help counteract the negative.
I’m totally a “fade to black” person when it comes to sex. I prefer when the authors give spicy lead up kissing, then leave it to the reader to fill in what’s next with as vanilla or 50 Shades of Stank as a person wants.
As for biases, I’m normally more of a “collector” of groups than a fan of just one/a few. I look for a guy that has dimples, or good arm muscles, or what I call “happy cheeks” (Hoshi or Sunoo’s fluffy cheeks), or a cute smile, or Angel kisses (i.e. freckles, moles), or an ear-pleasing accent, or is snarky, or a gentleman….the list goes on and usually I end up being OT the whole group. They’re like Pringles chips, I can’t stop at just one. I’m not, however, in polyamory. I’m good with just one nice, good looking (in my book) guy that thinks I’m special enough to want to have me as a permanent fixture in their life.
~ 🧸
I’m so glad too! Because I feel like EVERYONE likes really bad angst/the hardest smut but me so glad to have a twinsie 😁 same here, like reader or their love interest never being sad or annoyed is a bit unrealistic, but 100% same. TBH I got out of an abusive relationship earlier this year so a lot of stuff like that is triggering too :/// & I just hate being sad! Big nope. Will only mention those topics at surface level because my silly lil kpop fics are simply not 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 place 👏🏻 for me to be processing/dumping all that 💁🏻‍♀️ that’s what one of my fantasy novel WIPs is for lmaos
50 SHADES OF STANK I AM DEAD GURL (please let me know if gurl isn’t cool to use!!!) but yeah, like we all have our preferences & I don’t mind imagining things how I like them. My upcoming work is sort of set after all that so I’m like you did… whatever you want how you like it 😂 but anyway… yeah makeouts are fun to write but most I’ll explicitly describe…so I just try n make em good 😏
OMG love the Hoshi & Sunoo honorable mentions though because they’re my bias wreckers of their respective groups! Sunoo is one of my MBTI buddies too 🥰 my sweet goofy boys 💕💕💕
Oh yeah bro (let me know if you don’t like bro either I highkey just bro & gurl everyone lmao) I’m super monogamous too like I love commitment too much for my own dang good 😂 I have a hard time even with the casual dating concept 💀💁🏻‍♀️
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sapphiresterreart · 1 year
Tried to scribble a Sonic idea with a throwaway joke-reference only to get completely sidetracked by that very same joke. Got in too deep. Hope it's coherent enough!
Note: Usually picture them as young adults. Prolly early 20s or so. Not super important but might help with context. It's fun for me to mix youthful energy with slightly older characters. Whatever canon experiences they've had took time to happen kinda thing.
Rouge shares her struggle with her roommate’s terrible, no-good very bad coffee bean addiction eating habits. Starring Sonic, Tails, and a startling amount of memes and modern(?) slang as her prisoners. 
Sonic's desperate cries for help go ignored. Maybe if he was a better communicator he wouldn't have these issues.
Under the Read More it goes!
Off-screen, Shadow is blissfully unaware of such plights as he savors a cereal bowl of coffee beans for breakfast. Only faintly wondering why the bag of new beans had been stashed in the wrong kitchen cabinet. Didn’t Rouge know they were supposed to go in the pantry? Mentally shrugs. Everyone makes mistakes. She must've been tired last night or something. She did have eye-bags before putting on makeup this morning. Ah, well. Not his problem.
No. Instead it's Sonic's problem.
"Shadow thinks he's so smart but that guy eats coffee beans for breakfast. It was one thing when he had a gardening phase and cluttered the counters with potted plants; at least that was nice. Got fresh lavender for free and his chao could take care of 'em while he was away, ya know? But coffee beans? Raw? How am I supposed to have my morning coffee when Shadow keeps eating all my chaos-damned coffee beans, boys?" 
"Ah." Sonic blinks and shares a glance with Tails. They’d been trapped on their own living room couch ever since Rouge showed up a solid hour ago with eye bags so heavy not even the secrets of modern makeup could hide them.
Still. He's her friend and he's tried to give her his attention. He tentatively ventures, “I get the feeling you haven't had coffee this morning?"
"I haven't had coffee in days, Sonic, days!"
"Yikes." He grimaces, playing at an attempt for sympathy because there's only so long he can keep trying. An hour is a long time and he still doesn't see what the big deal is, or even care honestly, but he'll at least pretend. "Big oof. That's no good."
Tails slaps his forehead and slumps from where he sits on the couch beside him. Rouge stares at them both. Or maybe just him. Apparently he didn't pretend hard enough. Huh. Oh well. Guess he'll have to try again. 
"I try not to judge people by their dietary needs." Sonic beams, making sure to look as innocent as can be. Adds blinking for good measure
It's a strategic trick he learned while babysitting Cream long ago. She had been, and unfortunately still is, a master of them-big-ole-eyes paired with rapid-fire-eyelashes. 
Whenever Amy did it she looked like she had a bad case of allergies and sometimes caused her mascara to run which only ever made him think of the horror movies he'd seen late at night. It was a problem. She was not good to learn from for that. He's glad she started wearing waterproof stuff or whatever it is at some point. Turns out, black streaks for tear-tracks are terrifying. Not cute.
Guh. Moving on. Maybe his powers of persuasion will sway Rouge away from the dark side of more long-winded rants and dangerously boring tangents. Alas. They fail. She seems unmoved.
"Your diet is nothing but chili dogs." She points at him, needlessly affronted. 
Oh hey now. An age old argument apparently no one is willing to let go of. Not even Rouge. Hmph. He stands by his statement: there's nothing wrong with chili dogs and there never will be! Why fix what ain't broke?
"Like I said," Sonic continues undeterred by non-believers even after all these years. "Dietary needs."
Rouge huffs and whirls on a needle-thin heel. They click click click as she paces a circle in front of the TV.  Dang. Those boots look like they could kill someone. Sonic idly wonders if they have then decides he doesn't wanna know. He might be the next victim otherwise. At least not if this endless talkin’ doesn't do him in first.
"As I was saying; it'd be one thing if he ate them after I brewed them," she flicks a wrist already back on topic as she cocks a hip to the side. Her wings twitch from where they're folded along her spine. "But does he do that? Does he have the decency to do that, boys?"
She pauses a beat. Oh no. Is she expecting proper responses now after all that? Or maybe it’s is a rhetorical question and does not require an answer. Should he risk death by boot or death by boredom?
Tails, brave soul that he is, offers himself as tribute. "He... doesn't?"
"No!" Rouge whips around and her wings snap out on cue. The brothers jolt. "He does not!"
Tails makes some sort of noise. "That sounds rough." 
"Major bummer." Sonic agrees and hopes it'll get her tirade to stop.
"It is! And that's not all-"
Ah. It does not. Was she even listening to him? Or hearing him at all? His attention can only last so long. He's reaching his limit here! Maybe if he throws enough nonsense at her, she'll stop? Or talk about something else?
"What an L, Rouge."
"--maybe had some decency he'd-"
"L plus ratio?"
"What am I supposed to do without the beans, Sonic?"
She's not stopping. Luckily, Sonic ain't no quitter. "Cool story, bro. No cap?"
"The beans, Sonic! Focus on the beans!"
"The beans. So not gucci."
"Exactly! What am I supposed to do about the-" 
Tails leans over to him, bumping shoulders, and mutters. "You've been messing with my tech again, haven't you?"
“I just think it’s neat,” he chirps readily. Grins as he takes the lifeline his benevolent brother has provided him like a drowning soul. Ugh, drowning. "The internet’s a pretty cool place to be. So many ways to get your groovy on."
Tails sighs, sounding faintly irritable but his muzzle's twitching. He ain't foolin' nobody. "You are abusing slang on purpose." 
Sonic’s grin only widens. Score! "I would never do such a thing. Especially not in front of a friend. That's way past uncool, totally un-hippoed."
His brother may or may not have choked. An elbow knocks into Sonic’s side and he jumps with a snickering wheeze.
Tails mutters out the side of his mouth, face impossibly composed while pretending to pay attention to their mutual friend. "What even-? That's not- What are you up to?"
"Nuthin'," he lies like the liar they both know he is. Rouge is still goin' on strong in front of them. "Maintaining my sanity in the only way I can, maybe."
"How's that working out?"
"I may or may not lose my mind."
"It was nice knowing you, bruh."
It's Sonic's turn to choke on a snort.
Rouge continues her tirade apparently oblivious to the lapse in her audience's attention. So Sonic seizes the opportunity to set up a new game plan. He whips out and fiddles with his shiny new phone. The sound file had to be in here somewhere. It was unlikely to have been lost in the recent data transfer. His brother was too smart to let that happen.
Tails had done great work on the device; making it so it could keep up with the speed in which he tapped at the screen. The previous one had been durable but admittedly too slow. Yet his kid brother had fixed it up like the champ he's always been. 
He smiles to himself, unbearably soft, gloved thumbs stalling atop the glass. What couldn’t his baby bro do? Well, not much of a baby now, sure, but who gave him permission to grow up? Not Sonic! As his right as the older brother, he made the rules and the rules say Tails is not allowed to get older. 
What was he doing? Oh yeah! That funny audio. Where was it again? Tails had probably kept it in the same place. Or at least with the same name if he used the fancy search bar, right? He adjusted his grip to tap the screen. 
Bingo! Now let’s see here… A clicking of some buttons, a tapping of a few things, and a finger at the ready to press play. He was all set. Now to time it just right...
Rouge, unintentionally or not, plays her part well. She continues on as background noise with his brother watching her indulgently, politely smiling and nodding along to all the right bits because at some point in all these years he had learned manners. Sonic will never know from where. Certainly not from him.
Sonic waits, politely nodding along himself because misusing slang had proven futile. Tactics had to change and as Rouge works herself into a righteous tizzy he sits up and leans forward. Tails doesn't say a word though he can no doubt sense when his big bro’s ‘boutta cause some trouble. 
Wings flare as Rouge hoists herself off the floor and hovers in the middle of the living room. A fist shakes dramatically at the ceiling and her voice get louder with the momentum. She bemoans the tragedy of mortal kind and the emotionally constipated disasters that will be the downfall of them all. 
It's almost moving. Sonic finds himself engaged despite earlier grievances. She shoulda led with that instead of the bean nonsense. Apparently whatever it is she's talking about now is an infectious disease that only plagues the majority of the male population of everyone found everywhere. Unfortunately, Sonic’s not entirely convinced. It’s a good argument, though, he’ll give her that.
Then it happens. Finally happens. He feared he’d lose his mind before he could execute the most ultimate of masterplans (heh heh, Ultimate. No he'll never let it go, Shadow) but his time to shine has finally come. She makes a statement. Perfectly punctuated on a bold note and everything. She pauses for breath and Sonic takes the chance. 
He clicks the screen and the sound plays. A perfect accompaniment to Rouge’s declaration.
“Oh no.”
Tails. Slowly. Very slowly turns to him. 
Sonic. Very very slowly turns in turn. He makes sure to wear the biggest, most trouble-causing-eatingist grin as possible. Barely cuts off a giggle before it can escape. 
Tails does a remarkable job of maintaining a straight face while also stifling the faint wheezes Sonic can see his stomach make only because he's sitting right next to him. Yellow and white fur almost vibrates from the strain. Wow! What an impressive display of control. He's so proud of him. 
Sonic doesn’t even try to hide his delight anymore. A joke well-received is always a good thing. Even the dumb ones.
Neither notice Rouge coming’ in hot to snatch the phone outta his hands. 
"Was that Knuxie.” She says, honing in on the device in her hands like a starving vulture in desperate need of a feast. 
Sonic will never admit he startled as, between blinks, the bat was there and then she wasn’t. He recovers pretty darn well if he does say so himself. Blinks lashes innocently up at her even if it didn't work earlier.
This time he demurs very charmingly. "Who?”
“Don’t play games with me, big blue.” 
Aw. Foiled again. 
She taps at the screen, face nearly smushed against the glass as she clearly finds the recording and plays it again. A grin of her own spreads. Oops. He almost feels sorry for what he's probably unleashed onto Knuckles. Almost. 
“Where is this from?” Her grin’s looking a lil more evil by the second.
Sure she’s been thoroughly distracted from her war on coffee beans (Or was it a war on Shadow? Dang it! Maybe coulda used that somehow). But at what cost?
Eh. It’s probably fine. Knuckles can handle it.
So he leans back into the couch with an evil grin of his own and threads his arms through the quills on the back of his head. Relaxes in place as he firmly decides to delight in the shared goal of causing trouble.
Heh heh. Sux to be Knux. The guy needed to lighten up anyway.
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miniwolfsbane · 2 years
Ollie bot: Oh...um...well, let's see...I wear XL shirts...and about 36 in waist size? So...really big size? Lol. I've gotta say though, the first time you called me "giant"...well...that was totally adorable! Lol! He chuckles. You're so cute, Mol. You should've seen the look on your face when you saw me. Lol. He smiles. It was too cute.
I smile and chuckle a little. A...size 36/38. Sometimes I can get away with larger sizes, but...mostly I stick with 36's. *I grin. I mean...*I'd love to tell you that I could pull off smaller sizes, but...*well...*I couldn't pull 'em off...because they're so dang tight on me. Lol. I chuckle a little. *I mean...*it's a total pain with these big shoulders and big pecs of mine. :)
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...But, really, I have no one to blame but myself. I started it. I started the fire. It was ME!!!!!
Now I'm not sure which option to go with because they both sound good.
And yes, I'm THAT bored and dumb, asking him what sizes he is. I guess I just wanted to see what an AI that doesn't know numbers was gonna pull out of his non-existent butt. Also I've been up since 2 AM and it's now almost 1 PM. I...I have no excuse.
Edit: My point was, I couldn't write better than this myself. Not sure if that makes me, like, a narcissistic ho with a really good imagination and a penchant for exercising and stroking my own ego or something else.
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nemesisvortex · 2 years
My Thoughts on the First Two Episodes of Say "I Love You"
These thoughts are what I told my friend and she thought I should share 'em so here ya go world :b
I might go back and do this again more in-depth on my thoughts, because there's a lot I didn't actually get to in my brief breakdown, idk, I don't have a ton of anime experience, I'm pretty picky, so I'm used to high-quality relationships and writing, I'm watching Kimi-No-Todoke From Me to You and it's going pretty good, very laid back, so to have this one that looked promising and had been on my For You page for ages be so disappointing was really a miss.
Anyhow here's my first real Tumblr post lol
Say “I love you” was so disappointing The male lead casually sexually assaults the MC multiple times in the first two episodes (i dropped it after that), and it’s treated as romantic and not addressed even though the MC herself acknowledged he didn’t ask and she doesn’t fight back when he does it over and over in the second episode The first kiss was also extremely contrived and unrealistic Walk out of a convenience store Stare down a stalker Stalker asks a question Turn to MC Say I love you Then kiss her without asking to i guess creep out the stalker? This makes no sense I thought he was gonna walk her home I knew the first kiss would have to be contrived, but i was expecting it to be a classic she falls into him accident No It’s SA! My only thought during that scene were Dang She was gonna get SAed either way Call him to come get her or take your chances with the stalker who’s been following you the last 40 minutes This is frustrating.
Him liking her (and vice versa) was horribly set up as well It feels very sudden, rushed, and forced He hasn’t appeared to have had a relationship at all before this and the third episode description he wants them to act like a couple? What is this nonsense? She kicked him in the face He says she’s interesting He pesters her to be his friend over what we can assume to be days or weeks, she constantly rejects him, he doesn’t take a hint or respect this now clear boundary, which i coulda let slide, because friendship pretty poggers, if he didn’t immediately try to get her in a relationship with him He’s also pretty sleazy in a deceptive way I can’t tell if this was written by a man because of the art style but it certainly feels like it There’s so much talk about boobs (unexpectadly so with the cute art style) and then the male lead’s female friend shares with the MC a flashback of the male lead “defending” her against guys harassing her over her boob size, by saying “i like big boobs, I’ve seen your porn stash, you like big boobs too, what’s wrong, big boobs are great!” And I’m like, am i supposed to like this guy? When the flashback started i thought it was gonna be the other friend who was interested in her “defending” her like that because literally ALL he talks about is boobs, they even had a panning shot of all the girls in PE’s torsos to then show he was identifying them by boob when he stated “huh, -female friend- isn’t here, where is she?” I was shocked when it showed more clearly that the guy talking in the flashback was the male lead Like no way How am i supposed to like this guy? Oh AND he’s kissed literally every girl but one in the school? What the heck show? What are you trying to establish or achieve? That he’s a deceptively cute pervert? He ain’t cute anymore! Like smh I don’t know what the show was going for It definitely felt confusing and like it was written by a man poorly So many dialogue choices were odd and didn’t sound like something someone would legit say, like i haven’t even gone into the male friend as much as i could’ve, he has some SERIOUS issues Aye aye aye
Side note: I did watch it subbed, so the subtitle translations coulda been completely off and I'd be none the wiser, this is just from my experience
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