#Language Education
sinsinewave · 11 months
chants of sennaar seems like a very good game, but i'm also seeing a ton of potential in the concept as an educational tool most language education tools and games like duolingo kinda are just raw memorisation, not very engaging, and lack much incentive to keep going (other than the threat of a green cartoon owl kidnapping your family because you missed a day of spanish i guess) a "proper" game with a story and such most notably gives a direct incentive to learn the language, since it rewards you with a story and overall progress, but it also can involve actually using the language, and picking up on its rules, which at least in theory should help immensely with remembering it'd also help bridge the gap between leisure and education, which contrary to popular belief aren't mutually exclusive, you can make learning fun and interesting, schools and such just tend to kinda suck at it
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gimjarack · 2 months
I PROMISE this is interesting...
I received an interesting note on a mistake I made in my Spanish exam yesterday. I was trying to express the phrase "I spent time with my family" somewhere in the short essay section of the exam (the focus of that week was holidays and the introduction of the preterite tense, a part of the past tense). Now the mistake I made wasn't for conjugation, but for my verb choice and this is the part that threw me: I had used the verb "pagar" which roughly means "to pay", but my professor had crossed it out and wrote the appropriate conjugation of the verb "pasar" which means "to pass".
I looked back on my mistake, and was struck by the thought that the expression for "having time together with someone" is "passing time" in Spanish, but in my native language it was "spending time", and I became extremely fond of the former over the latter.
But here is where my thoughts began to spiral a bit, as I wondered "why is that expression in my native language portraying it as a purchase?" Then another expression inexplicably popped into my head: "to coin a phrase"...
How many more pieces of this language I was raised into speaking are coded in these money oriented perspectives? Are these forced perspective thingies common or rare? Do different languages have different things that influence the ways they are spoken and understood? Could some of them be intentional somehow, maybe by national government agencies or whatever? I find it truly astonishing how much I take my words for granted sometimes, and how something as simple as using a different verb could affect my perception of being with my own family...
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hebrewbyinbal · 3 months
94% of people kick off their Hebrew learning solo or with apps. It makes sense, right?
It's handy, flexible, and you get to call the shots on when and where. But here’s the catch:
Going it alone can lead to patchy learning. You might find yourself hopping from one resource to another, trying to piece together a full picture.
This can leave you with more questions than answers, using up your time, effort, and sometimes even cash without clear direction.
When you do decide to level up by choosing a structured path—like a dedicated program, an app, or a tutor—and you start noticing things like doubts about your ability, lack of progress despite hard work, or dwindling enthusiasm, take that as a big red flag.
These aren’t just little bumps; they’re signs that your learning strategy might not be the right fit.
Let's be clear: feeling a bit out of your comfort zone is part of learning a new language. That's normal. But there’s a huge difference between the natural challenge of picking up new skills and feeling like you’re just not getting anywhere.
Hebrew is a rich, beautiful language, but not all teaching methods unlock its full potential. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused without the right guidance. This doesn’t have to be your learning story.
Imagine a learning experience where:
- Your effort is clearly reflected in your progress.
- Doubts about your ability turn into confidence in your skills.
- Initial enthusiasm evolves into a deep, lasting passion.
- Confusion gives way to clarity and understanding.
- Your confidence in Hebrew grows with every lesson.
That’s what learning Hebrew should feel like!
I’m here to offer a different approach, one that gets you thriving in Hebrew.
If you're ready to transform your Hebrew learning experience and see real results, let's take this journey together.
Rediscover your love for Hebrew, and see just how rewarding learning can be when you have the right guide, method, and support.
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speaknahuatl · 1 year
5 Advantages to Learning a Language
1) Each language is its own worldview. This allows you to see the world from the specific language you are learning.
2) Promotes respect among cultures that are different from you because when you learn a language, you also learn the culture. Language is the heart of EVERY culture.
3) If you are learning an Indigenous language, you are helping maintain its usage so it does not fall asleep and lose usage. By doing this, you are helping to halt its repression, which has happened historically.
4) Helps your brain function such as: -Memory improvement -Longer attention span
5) Learning a new language enriches your vocabulary not only in the language you are learning but also in your native tongue. This improves communication skills in different social settings.
We encourage people to learn an Indigenous language by taking a class with an L1 (native speaker) or an L2 (near-native level speaker) who has learned from a native speaker. This will ensure that you learn the correct pronunciation. This will also ensure that you learn about the culture.
For Indigenous Language Learning Resources, go here.
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isbi-2014-may-20 · 10 years
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Languages Accolades for Oakham Pupils
published Tuesday 20th of May 2014 03.03:23 PM
Two of Oakham School's talented pupils, Gwyneth Cook (Fourth Form) and Tiephaine Thomason (Fifth Form), are celebrating after winning accolades in their French and German studies.
Gwyneth Cook, who has been educated entirely at Oakham School, has been commended for her performance in the Oxford University French Film Essay Competition. A number of pupils took part in the competition, which tasks students to write an alternative ending to a French film. Given the high number of entrants from across the country, it is particularly impressive that Gwyneth was commended for her performance. The judges wrote to Gwyneth to say 'We thought yours was a very strong entry within a competitive field, deserving of special mention. Congratulations on this achievement; the standard of entries was very high.'
Gwyneth was 'really pleased' to have been acknowledged. She added, 'Taking part was an enjoyable way of developing my engagement with French culture. It has also further stimulated my interest in modern language studies and has encouraged me to continue with creative writing in the future.' 'It is good to enter competitions such as this, and it is even better to get recognition; said Edward Milner, Head of French at Oakham School. 'We have a high number of pupils taking a range of foreign languages, and Gwyneth is a very deserving winner.'
Meanwhile, Tiephaine Thomason, who has been educated at Oakham School and previously the Lycée Français Marie Curie de Zurich, has won a prestigious national German Studies prize. Tiephaine was selected as 'Winner' in the category 'Years 10-11' of this year's Oxford German Olympiad, which is awarded by the Oxford German Network, an initiative by the German department at Oxford University.
Tiephaine, who is a French-English bilingual, worked hard on her entry with the help of German Language Assistant Michael Hill, who came to Oakham School from Heidelberg University. The theme for entries was '1914', and Tiephaine impressed the judging panel with a short story recounting the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand from the perspective of the Austro-Hungarian officer Oskar Potiorek, who was responsible for planning the Archduke's fateful visit.
Oakham School is a co-educational boarding and day school for pupils from Year 6 through to Year 13 located in the heart of rural England. It offers education through to the IB Diploma or A-Levels.
Read more on: https://www.isbi.com/school-news/
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abcdketabat · 1 year
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scareymulligan · 2 years
this is an open request for help with language/resources for language
i’ve been working to learn Diné bizaad for quite a while now and though i’m proud of my progress and though i’ve got my dictionaries and language books that were printed in like the 30’s and 50’s and though i’ve been using duolingo (but full disclosure here that app is not ideal for this language) i really desire more options to expand. navajo word of the day is a relatively good source for cultural context behind words and phrases and i’d love to get access to a tutor but at the moment i’m semi strapped for cash and can’t get afford a one (nor can i afford a paid subscription to an education site/app).
can anyone recommend supplementary sources of language education? apps, youtube/instagram/tiktok accounts, blogs? i’d be so grateful. it means so much to me.
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letterbirdapp · 2 years
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Download letterbird app & send and receive digital letters from all around the world. Share your ID with your friends and receive anonymous letters.
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schoolseducation · 21 days
Benefits of Learning in Mother Tongue Language
A vibrant string that flows between culture, identity, and intelligence in the complex structure of everyday life is language. Elevating the mother tongue to the foundational language of education creates a complete and rich learning environment with transformative advantages extending beyond classroom boundaries.
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looking for help from anyone knowledgeable about the origins of various forms of sign language in europe
i have a character in fics who is mute, and in modern aus she uses BSL to communicate, but i have an ancient greece au and was wondering if there was a specific sign language the ancient greeks used? different articles are telling me different things — some that sign as a concept didn’t originate until the 1500s in france and spain, some that the greeks did use sign but it was less of a standardized/structured language and more of an individual-to-individual language, some that it was a region-wide language. can anyone who is knowledgeable about the origins of sign in that area weigh in?
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the fact that shakespeare was a playwright is sometimes so funny to me. just the concept of the "greatest writer of the English language" being a random 450-year-old entertainer, a 16th cent pop cultural sensation (thanks in large part to puns & dirty jokes & verbiage & a long-running appeal to commoners). and his work was made to be watched not read, but in the classroom teachers just hand us his scripts and say "that's literature"
just...imagine it's 2450 A.D. and English Lit students are regularly going into 100k debt writing postdoc theses on The Simpsons screenplays. the original animation hasn't even been preserved, it's literally just scripts and the occasional SDH subtitles.txt. they've been republished more times than the Bible
#due to the Great Data Decay academics write viciously argumentative articles on which episodes aired in what order#at conferences professors have known to engage in physically violent altercations whilst debating the air date number of household viewers#90% of the couch gags have been lost and there is a billion dollar trade in counterfeit “lost copies”#serious note: i'll be honest i always assumed it was english imperialism that made shakespeare so inescapable in the 19th/20th cent#like his writing should have become obscure at the same level of his contemporaries#but british imperialists needed an ENGLISH LANGUAGE (and BRITISH) writer to venerate#and shakespeare wrote so many damn things that there was a humongous body of work just sitting there waiting to be culturally exploited...#i know it didn't happen like this but i imagine a English Parliament House Committee Member For The Education Of The Masses or something#cartoonishly stumbling over a dusty cobwebbed crate labelled the Complete Works of Shakespeare#and going 'Eureka! this shall make excellent propoganda for fabricating a national identity in a time of great social unrest.#it will be a cornerstone of our elitist educational institutions for centuries to come! long live our decaying empire!'#'what good fortune that this used to be accessible and entertaining to mainstream illiterate audience members...#..but now we can strip that away and make it a difficult & alienating foundation of a Classical Education! just like the latin language :)'#anyway maybe there's no such thing as the 'greatest writer of x language' in ANY language?#maybe there are just different styles and yes levels of expertise and skill but also a high degree of subjectivity#and variance in the way that we as individuals and members of different cultures/time periods experience any work of media#and that's okay! and should be acknowledged!!! and allow us to give ourselves permission to broaden our horizons#and explore the stories of marginalized/underappreciated creators#instead of worshiping the List of Top 10 Best (aka Most Famous) Whatevers Of All Time/A Certain Time Period#anyways things are famous for a reason and that reason has little to do with innate “value”#and much more to do with how it plays into the interests of powerful institutions motivated to influence our shared cultural narratives#so i'm not saying 'stop teaching shakespeare'. but like...maybe classrooms should stop using it as busy work that (by accident or designs)#happens to alienate a large number of students who could otherwise be engaging critically with works that feel more relevant to their world#(by merit of not being 4 centuries old or lacking necessary historical context or requiring untaught translation skills)#and yeah...MAYBE our educational institutions could spend less time/money on shakespeare critical analysis and more on...#...any of thousands of underfunded areas of literary research i literally (pun!) don't know where to begin#oh and p.s. the modern publishing world is in shambles and it would be neat if schoolwork could include modern works?#beautiful complicated socially relevant works of literature are published every year. it's not just the 'classics' that have value#and actually modern publications are probably an easier way for students to learn the basics. since lesson plans don't have to include the#important historical/cultural context many teens need for 20+ year old media (which is older than their entire lived experience fyi)
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isbischoolnewsbot · 10 years
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Languages Accolades for Oakham Pupils
published Tuesday 20th of May 2014 03.03:23 PM
Two of Oakham School's talented pupils, Gwyneth Cook (Fourth Form) and Tiephaine Thomason (Fifth Form), are celebrating after winning accolades in their French and German studies.
Gwyneth Cook has been commended for her performance in the Oxford University French Film Essay Competition. A number of pupils took part in the competition, which tasks students to write an alternative ending to a French film. Given the high number of entrants from across the country, it is particularly impressive that Gwyneth was commended for her performance. The judges wrote to Gwyneth to say 'We thought yours was a very strong entry within a competitive field, deserving of special mention. Congratulations on this achievement; the standard of entries was very high.'
Gwyneth was 'really pleased' to have been acknowledged. She added, 'Taking part was an enjoyable way of developing my engagement with French culture. It has also further stimulated my interest in modern language studies and has encouraged me to continue with creative writing in the future.'
'It is good to enter competitions such as this, and it is even better to get recognition; said Edward Milner, Head of French at Oakham School. 'We have a high number of pupils taking a range of foreign languages, and Gwyneth is a very deserving winner.'
Meanwhile, Tiéphaine Thomason has won a prestigious national German Studies prize. Tiephaine was selected as 'Winner' in the category 'Years 10-11' of this year's Oxford German Olympiad, which is awarded by the Oxford German Network, an initiative by the German department at Oxford University.
Tiéphaine, who is a French-English bilingual, worked hard on her entry with the help of German Language Assistant Michael Hill, who came to Oakham School from Heidelberg University.
The theme for entries was '1914', and Tiéphaine impressed the judging panel with a short story recounting the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand from the perspective of the Austro-Hungarian officer Oskar Potiorek, who was responsible for planning the Archduke's fateful visit.
Oakham School is a co-educational boarding and day school for pupils from Year 6 (lower First Form) through to Year 13 (upper Sixth Form/Seventh Form) located in the heart of rural England. It offers education through to the IB Diploma or A-Levels.
Read more on: https://www.isbi.com/school-news/
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englishlanguageday · 5 months
International Conference on "English Language Education in the Chinese Context".
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The systematic dissemination of the latest research findings and knowledge is crucial for the collective development of any discipline.The sole aim of ICELECC-24, which will go down on the 23 rd - 24 th April 2024; in New York, USA, is to facilitate this exact thing for the benefit and advancement of "English Language Education in the Chinese Context".
Part of the conference agenda is to bring together policymakers and academic leaders to help overcome the institutional and ecosystem barriers that currently impede the smooth proliferation of the latest scientific knowledge in . Collaboration at a high level, as can be seen in some of the largest commercial and non-commercial research institutions in the world, and at a more widespread level, particularly in developed nations, can only take place if these obstacles are addressed and if active solutions are put in place to mitigate their long-term effects.
The ICELECC-24 intends to put an end to these long-term effects, for - the securement of the future of "English Language Education in the Chinese Context",
 The betterment of the professionals, students, educators, research professionals operating within "English Language Education in the Chinese Context", and
 The continuation of the discipline's advancement and progress through the facilitation of high-level research studies globally.
This conference firmly intends to create and foster the engagement of professionals on a global scale. Participants are guaranteed to benefit from the highly illuminating lectures, insightful discussions, informative panel discussions, enlightening presentations, as well as instructive and informative workshops, and more.
International Conference on 'English Language Education in the Chinese Context' - 23 April 2024
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speaknahuatl · 3 months
BBIPOC-Centered Learning Space
We want to emphasize that our learning environment is centered around BBIPOC (Black, Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color) lived experiences. To address common inquiries about our BBIPOC-Centered classes, we've compiled this FAQ:
1. What does BBIPOC stand for?
BBIPOC stands for Black, Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color. This includes individuals who identify as Black, Brown, Latinx, Chicanx, Indigenous, Indigequeer, Two-Spirit, 2SLGBTQIA+, Native American, AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander), Native Hawaiian, Alaska Native, Native Mexican, Middle-Eastern, Multiethnic, etc.
2. Can non-BBIPOC individuals enroll in our BBIPOC-Centered classes?
   Yes, but please note that our learning space is BIPOC-centered. Non-BBIPOC individuals can also access our free resources, private classes, and support our Language Pedagogy and Language Revitalization work here: https://linktr.ee/speaknahuatl. These resources are open to everyone.
3. Shouldn't everyone have the opportunity to learn any language?
   Yes but for many of us, learning an Indigenous language of Abya Yala (North, Central & South Americas) is not merely a pastime; it's a means of connecting with our linguistic and cultural heritages while simultaneously contributing to Indigenous Language Revitalization. A language embodies the essence of a culture.
4. Why can't it be an inclusive space for everyone and not just BBIPOC-Centered?
   Black, Brown, Indigenous, and People of Color and individuals with mixed ethnicities require spaces where we can gather without the burden of stereotypes and marginalization prevalent in other environments like workplaces, academic spaces, or just being out in the public. 
5. BBIPOC-Only & BBIPOC-Centered as Anti-Racist Practices. 
   It's an anti-racist practice to establish a centered, safe, and supportive environment for BBIPOC individuals to explore our ancestral languages and cultures. Our YouTube channels and other free resources, available here [https://linktr.ee/speaknahuatl], are accessible to everyone, as are our guest speaking and teaching engagements both in-person and online at campuses, cultural centers, museums, galleries, and public spaces.
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spanishplaydates · 1 year
Manitas Silábicas Demystified | Teaching Spanish to Kids | Spanish Play Dates
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alifecomtr · 1 year
American Life Language Schools
American Life Language Schools offer exceptional language education to students from around the world. With a commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment, these schools provide comprehensive language programs designed to enhance students' linguistic abilities and cultural understanding. This article delves into the various aspects of American Life Language Schools, including their mission, language programs, teaching methodologies, student experiences, and more.
Table of Contents
Overview of American Life Language Schools
Language Programs Offered
Qualified and Experienced Instructors
Innovative Teaching Methodologies
Immersive Learning Environment
Supportive Student Services
Diverse Cultural Experiences
State-of-the-Art Facilities and Resources
Alumni Success Stories
Collaboration with International Institutions
Student Testimonials
Community Involvement and Social Impact
Industry Recognition and Accreditations
Future Expansion and Growth
1. Overview of American Life Language Schools
American Life Language Schools are renowned language institutions with a global reputation for excellence in language education. They offer a wide range of language programs for students of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners. These schools aim to create an inclusive and supportive community that fosters language proficiency, cultural understanding, and personal growth.
2. Language Programs Offered
American Life Language Schools provide comprehensive language programs in English, Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, and many other languages. Whether students are interested in improving their language skills for academic, professional, or personal reasons, these schools offer tailored courses to meet their specific needs.
3. Qualified and Experienced Instructors
The language instructors at American Life Language Schools are highly qualified and experienced professionals. They possess in-depth knowledge of language teaching methodologies and are committed to creating engaging and interactive learning environments. With their expertise, they guide students through the language learning journey, ensuring their success and progress.
4. Innovative Teaching Methodologies
American Life Language Schools employ innovative teaching methodologies to make language learning enjoyable and effective. They utilize the latest technology, interactive learning materials, and real-life scenarios to enhance students' language skills. Through a communicative approach, students actively participate in conversations, discussions, and practical exercises, which accelerate their language acquisition.
5. Immersive Learning Environment
To provide an immersive language learning experience, American Life Language Schools create environments where students can practice their language skills authentically. Immersion programs, language clubs, cultural events, and language exchanges allow students to interact with native speakers and gain confidence in using the language in real-world situations.
6. Supportive Student Services
American Life Language Schools prioritize the well-being and academic success of their students. They offer various student support services, including academic advising, counseling, tutoring, and accommodation assistance. These services ensure that students receive the necessary guidance and support to overcome any challenges they may face during their language learning journey.
7. Diverse Cultural Experiences
At American Life Language Schools, students not only learn a new language but also immerse themselves in diverse cultural experiences. Through cultural workshops, celebrations, and field trips, students gain a deeper understanding of the language's associated culture, traditions, and customs. This cultural immersion enhances their language learning and provides a well-rounded educational experience.
8. State-of-the-Art Facilities and Resources
American Life Language Schools boast state-of-the-art facilities and resources to facilitate effective language learning. Modern classrooms, language labs, multimedia libraries, and online learning platforms offer students access to a wide range of learning materials, language resources, and interactive tools. These resources support students' independent study and provide a dynamic learning environment.
9. Alumni Success Stories
American Life Language Schools take pride in their successful alumni, who have achieved remarkable accomplishments in their academic and professional careers. These schools maintain strong connections with their alumni network, providing ongoing support, career guidance, and networking opportunities. The achievements of the alumni serve as inspiration for current students and reinforce the schools' commitment to empowering language learners.
10. Collaboration with International Institutions
American Life Language Schools foster collaborations with international institutions, universities, and businesses to promote cross-cultural exchanges and academic partnerships. These collaborations open doors to study abroad opportunities, internships, and language exchange programs, allowing students to further enhance their language skills and broaden their global perspectives.
11. Student Testimonials
"I had an incredible experience studying at American Life Language Schools. The teachers were passionate, and the classes were engaging. I made lifelong friends from different parts of the world while improving my language skills." - Sarah, former student.
"The language immersion program helped me gain fluency and confidence in speaking the language. The school's supportive environment made my language learning journey enjoyable and fulfilling." - Carlos, former student.
12. Community Involvement and Social Impact
American Life Language Schools actively engage in community involvement and social impact initiatives. They organize volunteer programs, charity events, and language learning opportunities for underserved communities. By giving back to society, these schools instill in their students a sense of social responsibility and empathy.
13. Industry Recognition and Accreditations
American Life Language Schools have received recognition and accreditations from prestigious language education organizations and regulatory bodies. These accolades validate the schools' commitment to maintaining high academic standards, quality teaching, and exceptional student experiences. Students can trust that their language education meets globally recognized benchmarks.
14. Future Expansion and Growth
American Life Language Schools are dedicated to continuous growth and expansion. They strive to reach more students worldwide and introduce new language programs and innovative learning methodologies. By embracing technological advancements and adapting to evolving language education trends, these schools ensure they remain at the forefront of language education excellence.
15. Conclusion
American Life Language Schools are synonymous with quality language education, cultural immersion, and personal development. With their diverse language programs, qualified instructors, immersive learning environments, and supportive student services, these schools provide an ideal platform for students to enhance their language skills and embrace global opportunities. Whether pursuing academic goals, professional aspirations, or cultural enrichment, American Life Language Schools empower students to become confident, skilled, and culturally aware global citizens.
Is prior knowledge of the language required to enroll in American Life Language Schools? No, American Life Language Schools offer programs for students of all levels, including beginners.
Can I study multiple languages simultaneously at American Life Language Schools? Yes, American Life Language Schools offer flexible programs that allow students to study multiple languages concurrently.
What kind of cultural experiences can I expect at American Life Language Schools? American Life Language Schools organize cultural workshops, celebrations, and field trips to provide students with diverse cultural experiences.
Do American Life Language Schools provide job placement services for international students? Yes, American Life Language Schools offer job placement services and career guidance for international students seeking employment opportunities.
5. Can I transfer credits earned at American Life Language Schools to other educational institutions? The transferability of credits earned at American Life Language Schools depends on the policies of the receiving institution. It is advisable to check with the respective institution for credit transfer options.
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