#Laurence Owen
primadonalover · 1 month
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♡ Bonjour, my beautiful darlings! ♡
This account - I'm still figuring out what exactly I want to do on this account but I WILL be accepting requests, I'm really excited to hear ideas and get writing!
Rules for requests -
Angst 🖤 Yes but nothing to dark
Smut ❤️ Not really
Fluff 🩷 Uh obviously yes
Character Requests
Bucky Barns
Slow Horses/River Cartwright
Tyler Owens/Glenn Powell
Eddie Munson
Al Pacino
Dunkirk characters
Larry Durrel
Friends/Joey and possibly Chandler
(I will think of more)
About Me - Just a vintage pink girly that loves fashion...and men
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If yall can relate to Patrick Bateman, I can relate to these mfs
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ulrichgebert · 2 months
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Beim Besuch der Coventry Cathedral (siehe hier), überkam mich auch der Wunsch, Benjamin Brittens monumentales, aber anstrengendes Chorwerk War Requiem einmal wieder anzuhören, das zu deren Einweihung geschrieben wurde. Es kommt hier einmal als Konzertbesuch vor, aber es ist nicht das, was wir alle Tage hören. Ich besann mich dann, daß wir einen seit Jahren ungesehenen Derek-Jarman-Film herumfahren haben, in dem er dieses bebildert. Es sind jetzt natürlich nicht genau die Bilder, die man sonst vor Augen gehabt hätte, auch weil es die im Requiem verwendeten Gedichte des ersten-Weltkriegs-Soldaten Wilfried Owen bebildert, also gefühlt im falschen Krieg spielt, zeigt aber auch die Schrecken aller Kriege, bloß halt nie diese Kathedrale. Ist gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber interessant, und enthält die immer sehenswerte Tilda Swinton, sowie den allerdings etwas unscheinbaren letzten Filmauftritt von Laurence Olivier.
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dansnotavampire · 1 year
Airplane, trident emblem for Connor, Laurence, and Ella! (Also a bit of backstory about them would be nice, as I don't think I've read any posts about your OCs before!)
First - some backstory!
Connor Owen, Laurence Moncrieff, and Ella Brittain worked for some vague approximation of the SIS (Military intelligence) they met in service, and worked very closely for a number of years. This story is about them (By story I mean three-man play)
Connor Owen is a translator; he speaks four languages fluently, and a handful of others passably, and all of his years of service for queen and country have given him three things: PTSD, an alcohol problem, and a dead best friend. Oops. Currently he is a teacher in a secondary school, and we meet him nearly ten years after his honorable discharge, at an AA meeting, along with....
Laurence Moncrieff. Their stalwart IO, he was a tactical genius, able to keep calm in any situation. Now he's *also* battling a drinking problem, and repressed homosexual feelings. He cooks, he cleans, he only goes to AA because he was court ordered to after he drunkenly wrapped his car around a lamppost, injuring zero people in the process only by a stroke of luck. (Are you getting why my tag for this is untitled alcoholism project now). In youth he was a rich wanker with a first in PPE from Oxford, and the only thing that's really changed since then is that he's less of a wanker now. He's just re-learnt how to wake up before midday.
Ella Brittain? She's dead. It's not Laurence's fault. Maybe one day he'll even believe that.
In life, she was 5'2 of lean muscle, with a resting HR of 54, and the steadiest aim you've ever seen. She could kick anyone's arse six ways from Sunday, and never used this skill unless absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, that was often the case in her line of work.
Now she haunts the stage, doling out imagined advice and insults to the two men still trying to learn how to live without her.
Plane - do they like travelling, or are they more of a homebody?
Laurence has travelled so much it bores him now; unfortunately, being at home bores him just as much. One day he'll go on a non-covert vacation again. Maybe he'll even take someone with him.
Connor *liked* travelling. But the last time he stepped foot on a train was two days after the worst experience of his life, and he's not sure he can stomach it anymore. Maybe with good enough company he could bear it.
Ella never held down an address for more than six months, even when she wasn't an internationally jetsetting superspy. Or government murderer for hire. Depends who you ask.
Trident - Can they swim?
All three of them can swim; they have to, for the job. Connor can't touch water that's too warm, though. He showers ice cold.
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ayamisc · 16 years
Who Does It Better? [pls answer]
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(c) James Bond Franchise ; (c) Elizabeth / Elizabeth The Golden Age ; (c) Hannibal Lecter Franchise ; (c) Superman Franchise ; (c) King Arthur ; (c) Shakespeare in Love ; (c) Batman Franchise ; (c) Hamlet
click on this link, and tell me who does the character better!
here are my choices and why. [and yes, i'm in a movie mood.. dunno why]
James Bond: Moore……..what can i say, i love my 007s when they are oozing with suave and charm… hell…. i think he even BREATHES in it… -_- Connery's all voice but Moore's demeanor….DAMN. yes, damn!! …sorry, but Craig is just waaaay too….. uhm.. too much of a model, yes. i mean seriously, that thing he does with his lips?
Batman: Christian Bale. sadly, i am guilty of not having seen The Dark Knight. sorry. but still. he's the man.. because… he's DARK when he's batman… and a total CHARMER when he's bruce wayne. and..well.. that IS the point, right?
Superman: Christopher Reeve. Why? Because HE is SUPERMAN. He's basically the legend. >_> Routh tries though… but he's not quite there yet.
Hannibal Lecter: Anthony Hopkins ..i swear, that man.. is creepy on screen. If you disagree…. well, try watching his thriller flicks. hell… he's scary without saying ANYTHING. he's already scary when he STARES. -_- don't get me wrong though, Hopkins is a GREAT actor… even when he plays in nonthriller flicks.
King Arthur: Clive Owen. hands down. Yeah, JT is not even within an INKLING of Clive Owen as Arthur. I mean… COME ON. That voice…those eyes. uhm. yeah. i'll shut up now.
Hamlet: Laurence Olivier …..don't get me wrong. the others were great. but…. yes, there's a but. and that "but" is that they aren't Laurence Olivier. LOL. Olivier was…. a legend. Gibson was too…. i dunno…ruffy? is that even a word? Branagh was… great, as usual… but Olivier is still better. and the other guy? uhm…. dunno him…haha… but it seems like a modern interpretation of the play. and…..well… if you know Hamlet… then you also know that a modern Hamlet is…. nothing but an emo kid… really. >_>
Pocahontas: don't be ridiculous. you do NOT compare real life actors to animated ones and their voice actors.
…i'm skipping the others since i have no clue and i'd rather not judge without knowledge, yknow?
Queen Elizabeth I: Judi Dench AND Cate Blanchett …sorry. i can't choose. they just have that….uhm…. THING in them that makes them PERFECT, yknow? haha
….um so. whatcha think.
…oh PLEASE i KNOW mum doesn't read deviant art journals. BUT really.
I would really want her opinion on this. She is, after all, THE movie person in our little group.
so, just tell her to read and reply. kay? good. haha
PS. This blog was originally posted on DeviantArt.
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milliondollarbaby87 · 2 years
The Guard (2011) Review
The Guard (2011) Review
A small time Irish policeman Gerry Boyle has a confrontational personality is partnered with FBI agent Wendell Everett to investigate an international drug smuggling ring. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (more…)
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thesiltverses · 4 months
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A bit of a Monday surprise for you, folks. Today's episode of The Silt Verses actually ended up being so big - clocking in at very nearly two hours - that it made sense to split it up into two separate chapters, both of which we are releasing today!
(We've also turned the ads off on Chapter 42 so that anyone who wants to listen to both chapters at once doesn't have to wade through a big chunk of advertising at the one-hour mark.)
Really hope you enjoy the listen, as ever, and take care!
Chapter 41: But As My Last Breath Splits My Throat
Episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chapter-41-but-as-my-last-breath-splits-my-throat/id1547222295?i=1000657666166
Transcript: https://www.thesiltverses.com/transcript-season-3-chapter-12
Episode description: As Paige's encampment continues to grow, she sets out to rescue a stranded batch of pilgrims in the polluted lands - and has an unexpected encounter at the end of a long and lonely road.
Content warnings: This episode contains a detailed car crash sequence.
This episode features: Lucille Valentine, Jimmie Yamaguchi, Ishani Kanetkar, Laurence Owen, Kale Brown and Sarah Golding, with additional voices by Madeleine Turley.
Chapter 42: I'll Wheeze Through Splintered Teeth
Episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chapter-42-ill-wheeze-through-splintered-teeth/id1547222295?i=1000657666269
Transcript: https://www.thesiltverses.com/transcript-season-3-chapter-12a
Episode description:
At the river's wellspring, a prophet realises that he's come to loathe his station, his followers, his faith - and himself. In Glottage, three renegades plot to overthrow the government. Across the channel, a saint attempts to become a god.
Content warnings:
This episode contains suicidal ideation, multiple scenes of body horror, and murderous infants.
This episode features:
B. Narr, H.R. Owen, Alex Nursall, Rhys Lawton, Erika Sanderson, Méabh de Brún, Sarah Griffin, Jimmie Yamaguchi, Marta da Silva, and William A. Wellman.
Additional voices by Gabriel Robinson, David Ault, Lou Sutcliffe, AJ Fidalgo, Erika Sanderson, Kale Brown, Jesse Syratt, and Rae Lundberg.
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witchofhimring · 2 months
Ladies of "Loyalty" (Mari Reyne)
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Name: Mari Reyne
House: Reyne
Loyalty during "The Dance": Green
Date of Birth: 108 AC
Jamie Reyne (husband/cousin)
Rober Reyne (brother in law/cousin)
Roannah Lannister (sister-in-law)
Marcel Reyne (nephew)
Mari Reyne was born to Laurence Reyne and Marica Westerling. She grew up in a families ancestral home. At seven she was betrothed to her cousin Jamie Reyne, younger brother to Lord Reyne. At fourteen she was married and went to live in Casterly Rock to serve as a lady to Johanna Lannister.
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Mari was widowed in 127 AC when her husband was killed during jousting. Because of her close relationship with Johanna Lannister Mari chose to stay in Casterly Rock. She did not remarry despite having several suitors. When Johanna Lannister died after the birth of her final child Mari stayed. Jason Lannister wanted her to stay since he would remarry. When Y/n Tyrell was married to Jason Lannister, Mari was made as the head lady in waiting.
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Mari would flee with Y/n to Harrenhal in 133 AC after the death of Vaeron Velaryon. They stayed there where Y/n gave birth to her son Owen Lannister. Mari would loose one of her companions to suicide. Shortly after Mari and Y/n went to Highgarden for the remainder of The Dance. Mari was suspicious of Jenna Tyrell and suspected her of attempting to harm Y/n. When she was discovered Jenna Tyrell poisoned her. Mari was laid to rest on her families ancestral lands.
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fatehbaz · 7 months
In February 2024, creature enthusiasts and popular media outlets celebrated what has been described as the 200-year anniversary of the formal naming of the "first" dinosaur, Megalosaurus.
There are political implications of Megalosaurus and the creature's presentation to the public.
In 1824, the creature was named (Megalosaurus bucklandii, for Buckland, whose work had also helped popularize knowledge of the "Ice Ages"). In 1842, the creature was used as a reference when Owen first formally coined the term "Dinosauria". And in 1854, models of Megalosaurus and Iguanodon were famously displayed in exhibition at the Crystal Palace in London. (The Crystal Palace was regarded as a sort of central focal point to celebrate the power of the Empire by displaying industrial technology and environmental and cultural "riches" acquired from the colonies. It was built to house the spectacle of the "Great Exhibition" in 1851, attended by millions.)
The fame of Megalosaurus and the popularization of dinosaurs coincided at a time when Europe was contemplating new revelations and understandings of geological "deep time" and the vast scale of the distant past, learning that both humans and the planet were much older than previously known, which influenced narrativizing and historicity. (Is time linear, progressing until the Empire is at this current pinnacle, implying justified dominance over other more "primitive" people? Will Britain fall like Rome? What are the limits of the Empire in the face of vast time scales and environmental forces?) The formal disciplines of geology, paleontology, anthropology, and other sciences were being professionalized and institutionalized at this time (as Britain cemented global power, surveyed and catalogued ecosystems for administration, and interacted with perceived "primitive" peoples of India, Africa, and Australia; the mutiny against British rule in India would happen in 1857). Simultaneously, media periodicals and printed texts were becoming widely available to popular audiences. For Victorian-era Britain, stories and press reflected this anxiety about extinction, the intimidating scale of time, interaction with people of the colonies, and encounters with "beasts" and "monsters" at both the spatial and temporal edges of Empire.
Some stuff:
"Shaping the beast: the nineteenth-century poetics of palaeontology" (Laurence Talairach-Vielmas in European Journal of English Studies, 2013).
Fairy Tales, Natural History and Victorian Culture (Laurence Talairach-Vielmas, 2014).
"Literary Megatheriums and Loose Baggy Monsters: Paleontology and the Victorian Novel" (Gowan Dawson in Victorian Studies, 2011).
Bursting the Limits of Time: The Reconstruction of Geohistory in the Age of Revolution (Martin J.S. Rudwick, 2010).
Assembling the Dinosaur: Fossil Hunters, Tycoons, and the Making of a Spectacle (Lukas Rieppel, 2019).
Inscriptions of Nature: Geology and the Naturalization of Antiquity (Pratik Chakrabarti, 2020).
"Making Historicity: Paleontology and the Proximity of the Past in Germany, 1775-1825" (Patrick Anthony in Journal of the History of Ideas, 2021).
'"A Dim World, Where Monsters Dwell": The Spatial Time of the Sydenham Crystal Palace Dinosaur Park' (Nancy Rose Marshall in Victorian Studies, 2007).
Articulating Dinosaurs: A Political Anthropology (Brian Noble, 2016).
The Earth on Show: Fossils and the Poetics of Popular Science, 1802-1856 (Ralph O'Connor, 2007).
"Victorian Saurians: The Linguistic Prehistory of the Modern Dinosaur" (O'Connor in Journal of Victorian Culture, 2012).
"Hyena-Hunting and Byron-Bashing in the Old North: William Buckland, Geological Verse and the Radical Threat" (O'Connor in Uncommon Contexts: Encounters between Science and Literature, 1800-1914, 2013).
And some excerpts:
When the Crystal Palace at Sydenham opened in 1854, the extinct animal models and geological strata exhibited in its park grounds offered Victorians access to a reconstructed past - modelled there for the first time - and drastically transformed how they understood and engaged with the history of the Earth. The geological section, developed by British naturalists and modelled after and with local resources was, like the rest of the Crystal Palace, governed by a historical perspective meant to communicate the glory of Victorian Britain. The guidebook authored by Richard Owen, Geology and Inhabitants of the Ancient World, illustrates how Victorian naturalists placed nature in the service of the nation - even if those elements of nature, like the Iguanodon or the Megalosaurus, lived and died long before such human categories were established. The geological section of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, which educated the public about the past while celebrating the scale and might of modernity, was a discursive site of exchange between past and present, but one that favoured the human present by intimating that deep time had been domesticated, corralled and commoditised by the nation’s naturalists.
Text by: Alison Laurence. "A discourse with deep time: the extinct animals of Crystal Palace Park as heritage artefacts". Science Museum Group Journal (Spring 2019). Published 1 May 2019. [All text from the article's abstract.]
[There was a] fundamental European 'time revolution' of the nineteenth century [...]. In the late 1850s and 1860s, Europeans are said to have experienced ‘the bottom falling out of history’, when geologists confirmed that humanity had existed for far, far longer than the approximately 6,000 years previously believed to represent the entire history [...]. ‘[S]ecular time’ became for many ‘just time, period’: the ‘empty time’ of Walter Benjamin. […] The European discovery of ‘deep time’ hastened this shift. [....] Historicism views the past as developments, trends, eras and epochs. [...] Victorians were intensely aware of ‘historical time’, experiencing themselves as inhabiting a new age of civilization. They were obsessed with history and its apparent power to explain the present […].
Text by: Laura Rademaker. “60,000 Years is not forever: ‘time revolutions’ and Indigenous pasts.” Postcolonial Studies. September 2021.
At the time when geology and paleontology emerged as new scientific disciplines, [...] [g]oing back to the 1802 exhibition of the first Mastodon exhibited in London’s Pall Mall, […] showmanship ruled geology and ensured its popularity and public appeal [...]. Throughout the Victorian period, [...] geology was as much - if not more - sensational than the popular romances and sensation novels of the time [...]. [T]he "rhetoric of spectacular display" (26) before the 1830s [was] developed by geological writers (James Parkinson, John Playfair, William Buckland, Gideon Mantell, Robert Blakewell), "borrowing techniques from [...] commercial exhibition" [...]. The discovery of Kirkdale Cave in December 1821 where fossils of [extinct] hyena bones were discovered along with other species (elephant, mouse, hippopotamus) led Buckland to posit that the exotic animals [...] had lived in England [...]. Thus, the year 1822 was significant as Buckland’s hyena den theory gave a glimpse of the world before the Flood. [...] [G]eology became a market in its own right, in particular with the explosion of cheaper forms of printed science [...] in cheap miscellanies and fictional miscellanies, with geological romances [...] [...] or [fantastical] tropes pervading [...], "leading to a considerable degree of conservatism in the imagery of the ancient earth" (196). By 1846 the geological romances were often reminiscent of the narrative strategies found in Arabian Nights [...].
Text by: Laurence Talairach-Vielmas. A book review published as: “Ralph O’Connor, The Earth on Show: Fossils and the Poetics of Popular Science, 1802 - 1856.” Review published by journal Miranda. Online since July 2010.
Dinosaurs, then, are malleable beasts. [...] [T]he constant reshaping of these popular animals has also been driven by cultural and political trends. [...] One of Britain’s first palaeontologists, Richard Owen, coined the term “Dinosauria” in 1842. The Victorians were relatively familiar with reptile fossils [...] [b]ut Owen's coinage brought a group of the most mysterious discoveries under one umbrella. [...] When attempting to rise to the top of British science, it helped to have the media on your side. Owen’s friendship with both Charles Dickens and William Makepeace Thackeray led to fond name-dropping by both novelists. Dickens’s Bleak House famously begins by imagining a Megalosaurus, one of Owen’s original dinosaurs. Both novelists even compared their own writing process to Owen’s palaeontological techniques. In the scientific community, Owen’s dinosaur research was first [criticized] by his [...] rival, Gideon Mantell, a surgeon and the describer of the Iguanodon. [...] Naming dinosaurs was a powerful way of claiming ownership [...]. Owen [...] knew the power of the press [...]. [M]useum exhibits [often] [...] flattered white patrons [...] by placing them at the apex of modernity. [...] Owen would not have been surprised to learn that the reconstruction of dinosaur bones is still an act that is entangled in politics.
Text by: Richard Fallon. "Our image of dinosaurs was shaped by Victorian popularity contests". The Conversation. 31 January 2020.
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companion-showdown · 2 days
Which companion is the most normal person?
a lot of companions would be getting into tv show worthy situations with or without the doctor, but some of them are just normal people, who if they weren't aboard the tardis they'd be living an ordinary, perhaps even boring, life. who is the most normal
ROUND 1 (Group Stage)
Group 1:
Susan Foreman
Barbara Wright
Ian Chesterton
Vicki Pallister
Steven Taylor
Group 2:
Sara Kingdom
Dodo Chaplet
Ben Jackson
Polly Wright
Group 3:
Jamie McCrimmon
Victoria Waterfield
Zoe Heriot
The Brigadier
Sergeant Benton
Group 4:
Liz Shaw
Mike Yates
Jo Grant
Sarah-Jane Smith
Harry Sullivan
Group 5:
Romana I
Romana II
Group 6:
Tegan Jovanka
Vislor Turlough
Group 7:
Peri Brown
Mel Bush
Ace McShane
Grace Holloway
Chang Lee
Group 8:
Charley Pollard
Evelyn Smythe
Lucie Miller
Group 9:
Liv Chenka
Helen Sinclair
Hex Schofield
Bernice Summerfield
Chris Cwej
Group 10:
Fitz Kreiner
Anji Kapoor
Sam Jones
Group 11:
Alison Cheney
Iris Wildthyme
Izzy Sinclair
Group 12:
Rose Tyler
Mickey Smith
Adam Mitchell
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Group 13:
Wilfred Mott
Donna Noble
River Song
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
Group 14:
Kate Stewart
Clara Oswald
Bill Potts
Group 15:
Yasmin Khan
Graham O'Brien
Ryan Sinclair
Dan Lewis
Ruby Sunday
Group 16:
Vince Hawkins
Group 17:
Dr Summers
Laurence Scarman
Group 18:
Tamsin Drew
Tania Bell
Business Woman
Group 19:
Jackie Tyler
Francine Jones
Clive Jones
Tish Jones
Leo Jones
Group 20:
Sylvia Noble
Craig Owens
Brian Williams
Danny Pink
Group 21:
Tommy Connolly
Riley Vashtee
Hath Peck
Rita Afzal
Group 22:
Elton Pope
Ursula Blake
Colin Skinner
Bridget Sinclair
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wistfulweaverwoman · 1 year
My HG fancast is based solely on how I imagine the characters, not with acting in mind, as some are models (the the actors I chose can act)
Katniss Evedeen: Marina Nery
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Peeta Mellark: Owen Lindburg
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Gale Hawthorn: Laurence Coke
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joe9cool · 5 months
So Good-Joel Farabee-1
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A.N. I do not know or affiliate with anyone with The Flyers their families, and their friends. I only own my characters. This is for fanfiction and doesn't represent reality.Also you do not have permission to steal or post my stories elsewhere. Thank you
August 2022
“Aye Beezer!” Frosty shouted from over the music, waving his buddy over. Joel smiled as he made his way through the backyard of Sean Couturier's home. It was a small team barbecue before kicking off the new season. Despite his back injury, the alternative captain insisted he and his wife Laurence could host the annual team party. It felt weird without Claude and Ryanne hosting as the former Flyers captain was now in Ottawa. Sean had decided to step up since he was now Philly's longest lasting player, and there was no doubt that When the team was ready for a new Captain, he would be the obvious choice.
Joel has spent his off season in Philly following his neck surgery. It was a painful recovery so far, but he felt good. Good enough to attend the barbecue. 
After greeting Sean and Laurence, and dropping off his bottle of wine (His mom taught him to never come to someone’s house empty handed) He went over to the young core. “Let’s see the scar bro!” Joel laughed. “The Doc did a good job, so I don’t think you're gonna see anything exciting.”
“Are you attending camp?” He shrugged, obviously players didn’t like to miss any time, but he certainly was not going to rush anything and possibly hinder his progress.  “Hopefully, I feel good.”
When Owen offered him a beer Joel shook his head. “I'm on pills man. I can't.”
The redhead laughed. “Look at you being a responsible veteran.”
“It's only because of his surgery.” Joel rolled his eyes. “Yeah it had nothing to do with you being my roommate and having to take care of your ass Frosty.”
After some more mingling and shit talking with his team. Laurence announced that the food was ready. Joel had gotten Into a line that led to the kitchen. He had someone gotten behind someone he hadn't seen before. 
‘Was she a crasher?’ Joel thought as he was staring at the back of a woman, Whose long black hair was tied into a high ponytail. To some it may be a dumb thought, but to an athlete Who has seen Some crazy things… Anything was possible. 
Surely if she was a crasher, someone would have said something… surely. He looked around before taking In more features of the woman.
She was about his height in her wedge sandals, she was wearing a blue floral dress that showed off her curvy figure and he tried not to focus on her ass. 
However, his thoughts were now focused on the food as he entered the kitchen to see everything Laid Out on the massive island and counters. As with any get together that involved hockey players, there was a ton of food with all dietary restrictions in Mind. Right now guys were having their last minute cheat meals before camp.
As he was loading up his plate he had a better view of the woman who was now next to him in his peripherals. She was beautiful, definitely around his age and very polite as she kept handing him the serving spoon after every dish.
Well, almost every dish.
“Wait a Minute. No chicken parm? That's insane.” It slipped Out of Joel’s mouth before he could stop it. She looked up and her brown eyes caught him by surprise.
“Oh my god you seriously are like the millionth person giving me shit for this.”
His eyebrows raised, not expecting that response. “It's chicken parm!”
“I know! It was my pregame meal for years.” He was sure his eyebrows were off his face at this point. “Really?”
She laughed “yeah I played hockey in college and high school.”
“So are you on the management team for the Flyers?” 
She shook her head. “No, I'm a teacher's assistant at Temple University.”
“Sooo how do you know the team?”
“I'm so sorry Claire, But can you take Ella? She woke from her nap and I can't get her to settle. I'll fix your plate.” Laurence had Suddenly appeared with her toddler who was already reaching out at What he now knew as Claire.
“Of course! Ella, come here my girl.” Smiling, they traded a human and a plate as it seemed Claire was a natural with the toddler. Joel found himself staring at her as she walked away bouncing Ella. He didn't even realize he was holding up the line until Laurence began speaking with him. “Isn't Claire so nice?” 
He snapped out of the Trance he was in. “What?”
Laurence smiled down at Claire’s Plate. “My friend Claire, she is just the sweetest. You know she played ice hockey for Princeton?”
“Princeton?” He whistled. She was fucking smart. “I thought she worked for The Flyers. I wasn't sure how she knew the team.
“When Sean lived With Briere his Rookie season, she and her family were neighbors to them. When I visited Sean, Danny introduced us, and she's from Montreal and so we became close. She was my only friend when I lived in Philly, and she took care of me when Sean was in the bubble and it was only me and Ella. We made her godmother.”
Joel nodded, “she's very pretty.” He muttered but Laurence heard. “Yes, and just so kind.” They grabbed drinks and Joel found a spot outside and took a seat, not realizing Laurence was following.
“Claire! I put your stuff next to Joel.” He looked up and saw Claire in the corner playing with the now happy kid. “Okay thank you.” 
“Here let me take her. She can go by Sean. Go eat, you've helped me so much with all of The food And prep.” 
Claire Sat down next to Joel and dug into her plate. Joel made another comment before thinking…. “Wow, you're hungry.” She looked at him surprised. “Umm I'm sorry I Didn't mean it like that.. I just.. I remembered You played hockey and it's nice to not watch my eating around someone.”
Nice save moron.
She laughed. “I've always Been a fast eater.. Trust me you're fine.. but back to the chicken parm. I ate that shit every game for how many years… I can't do it.”
“Hmm… well Laurence told me you went to Princeton. That's an IVY league school. What did you major in?”
She took a sip of her wine cooler. “Clinical psychology. I'm actually graduating with my Masters in December. Then straight to the PhD. I'm trying to become a professor. I work as a TA at Temple University and I love it.
Across the yard, Laurence was watching them, smiling.
As the day flowed Into the night Joel found himself refusing to leave Claire's side, even as his teammates where hanging outside playing a game or Playing with Coots dog he was in the house, helping Claire help Laurence clean up. She laughed at all of his jokes and was able to throw some chirps At him. Turns out she had been a regular at Games and team events..
Why hadn't he noticed her before?
Well when he had come onto the team it was right before Covid, but even after she was right in front of him. This beautiful, smart woman who he enjoyed talking to.
She was four years older than him, but that didn't matter. She told him about being born in Canada and a bit about moving to Philly as a kid and the change. He told her about growing up in Cicero New York. They exchanged Hockey stories as they Grabbed desserts. The natural next step was To ask her out. He figured That would come at the end of the night.
“So your sister is a lawyer?” She nodded. “Yes, she's a year older than me. She and her husband eloped a few months ago. Imagine the total shock On my mother's Face.” 
He laughed. “Yeah I'm the baby of three Boys and if one of us did that. I don't think my parents would forgive me.” 
They were now back on the patio chairs, overlooking the backyard. It had become cooler out, so they were by a fire. However he noticed Claire was still shivering in her summer dress. “Here, take my sweater.” He unzipped his Grey hoodie and slipped it over her shoulders, his fingers feeling electrocuted by her bare skin. He didn't miss her shudder. “Thank you” She smiled.
“Aww you stupid fucker!” Owen groaned as his opponent knocked His bean bag off the board.
Frosty laughed. “That's what you get for earlier asshole.” Owen Looked over to Sean who was coming back with a bucket of beers for The guys. “kick Frost out right now.”
“It's about time he's doing good. We are destroying him and Laughts..”
“If I had Beezer, we'd be whooping your ass right now.” Morgan cracked open His beer. Instead I'm stuck with this clown” he gestured to Laughton, who took offense. “Hey man fuck you.”
“Where the hell is Beez anyway?” Morgan rolled his eyes. “Rizzing up Coots babysitter, Cindy.”
Sean rolled his eyes as he drank his beer. “Her name is Claire and she isn't our babysitter. She's a good friend.”
“Whatever. I saw them and Laurence talking earlier, but since then he wouldn't leave her side. If they leave together I have to put my headphones in.” 
The kid missed Scott and Sean sharing a look. “Are we doing another round?”
Scott emptied his glass. “Yeah let me get another drink, as he passed Sean to go to the bucket he spoke softly. “Does he know about Luke?”
Sean looked over at Joel and Claire by the fire laughing at something he was showing her on his phone. “I would think it would have come up. But I don't think Beez would be this interested if he knew.”
“aren't they engaged?” Scott asked, referring to Luke and Claire. Sean shook his head. “No. I know Claire wants to be after she gets her Masters. But Luke has been dragging his feet. It's been what, almost six years? They have a house together, and stable careers. But who knows.”
They were both looking in the direction of their teammate. “Well the kid looks infatuated and he's gonna get the carpet ripped up from under him if Luke shows up.”
“That's if he shows up. You know he's not comfortable being around us.”
“I don't know what she sees in Luke.” 
“no one does.”
“I'm coming damn!”
“I need to go to more Phillies games.” Claire smiled as she was packing up leftovers In the kitchen. The party had died down, except a Few stragglers. Joel had never been more grateful Morgan insisted on driving separately.
This was his chance to ask her out
“Hey listen I love to”
“Claire Luke is by the door waiting for you, And he doesn't want to come in.” Chloe rolled her eyes. Claire Sighed while Joel was confused.
Suddenly a man's voice was heard. “Claire, it's late and I have to work tomorrow. Let's go.”
“It's my boyfriend. I have to go. It was nice to actually speak with you Joel. I'll see you at the games this year.” She smiled and grabbed her bags before saying goodbye to whoever else was there.
Joel felt like he had just had his heart ripped out. He felt embarrassed and stupid. Here he was, thinking he found potentially a new friend or someone to date, and she had been playing him the entire time.
Well maybe not.. it probably wasn't serious.
“Hey Chloe.” He called Scott's wife. He walked over so the few people couldn't hear the conversation. “Luke is Claire's boyfriend?”
She nodded. “They aren't serious or anything?” He was holding his breath.
Chloe looked confused. “They've been together forever. They have a house and a dog. They are probably gonna get engaged soon.”
Now Joel felt like throwing up. “I gotta go.” as he rushed out of the door he called out to the Couturier's snarkily. “Thanks for the party and setting me up Laurence!” 
He didn't even hear Sean's reply as he stormed out to his car and sped off.
He took the long way back to his condo in the city, hoping that Morgan would be passed out by the time he got in.
No such luck as he opened the door and saw his roommate in the kitchen eating his leftovers. “Damn dude, Did you fuck Claire in the car or something?”
Joel wanted to whip his keys at Morgan's head. “Fuck off.” He muttered.
“Woah. Did She turn you down?”
“Worse, she has a fucking Boyfriend. A serious one, they live together and are probably gonna get married. Type shit.”
Morgan whistled. “Damn dude. She didn't mention anything? She must not have been thinking about him if she didn't once bring up anything. I mean hey, you still could have hit.”
Joel was quiet and Morgan's Jaw dropped. “Fuck dude. You actually liked her.”
“I was gonna ask her out. But it's whatever. It probably wouldn't have gone anywhere” He put his items in the fridge. “I mean she's older than me. Even if she was single… she'd be looking for marriage and shit… I'm 22. That's a long way off for me.”
Morgan nodded, knowing Joel was trying to convince himself. “I'm going to bed.”
As he laid in bed that night he couldn't stop thinking about her. 
A.N. Hey guys! New story! This is loosely based off of the song 'So Good' by Halsey. Hope you like it and don't be afraid to ask questions about the characters. I will have a Claire and Joel Canon tag.
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captainclickycat · 5 months
I really have to give the @longcatmedia creators props for this because it sounds so true to what this kind of theme park attraction sounds like - it’s giving Disneyland - and I have this very vivid mental image of a couple of people in cat suits waving and doing the little dances and stuff…
…And then the realisation hits you that this park has two mascots. Which presumably means only two costumes - it’s even mentioned how crap it is to have to get into one of them because of all the bad breath buildup. This “parade” consists of exactly two (2) people in cat suits, accompanied by “the staff”. Two cat suits and what I can only imagine to be like, a bunch of bored teens who sell hotdogs trundling along behind them. If the murder attempt hadn’t happened the whole thing would’ve been over by the end of the song anyway. Most mediocre display ever. I can’t entirely explain why but the mental image cracks me the fuck up.
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dansnotavampire · 1 year
I dunno if you were serious but whats 5 and 6 for Laurence and Connor
5. Laurence has semi-canonically done coke by virtue of being a posh econ boy. Connor has smoked weed like twice, but would not touch anything stronger. They're both alcoholics.
6. Laurence would lick Connor's cigarette ash straight from the ember. Lucky for him, Connor doesn't smoke anymore.
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threewholeants · 10 months
— not one, but THREEWHOLEANTS 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
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— all about me ;
⟢ hiii! i’m mercury (not actually three whole ants unfortunately 😔). i use they/them pronouns, im nineteen, and i’m a lesbian. i’m here to tell you a little more abt little ol’ me!
⟢ i run a good old fashioned multifandom blog (you’ll probably see lots of jjk, boygenius, marauders, & aot content floating around here).
⟢ pls don’t be scared to interact! i love gaining mooties (my brother is probably rolling his eyes bc i said mooties again) so plspls interact! even if it’s a dm, an ask or a comment <3
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— onto the Good stuff 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
⟢ enjoyer of — boygenius. jujutsu kaisen. women. flanaverse. taylor swift. sadboyz. frogs. lana del rey. autumn. cats. hozier. plants. attack on titan. a24. minecraft. laika studios. marauders. fiona apple. the hunger games. pitch perfect. coffee. adrienne lenker. phoebe bridgers. stardew valley.
⟢ disliker of — moths. feet. imagery of teeth/teeth falling out. thunderstorms.
⟢ official babygirl list — satoru gojo. levi ackerman. james potter. jarvis johnson. harvey (sdv). jean kirstein. finnick odair. regulus black. yuuji itadori. thorin oakenshield. monsignor john pruitt. jon snow. paul atreides. megumi fushiguro. robb stark. hiccup haddock iii. edward cullen. neil perry. hassan el shabaaz. steve harrington. owen sharma.
⟢ “omg they’re so me!” — coraline jones. lego batman. gumball watterson. flame princess. laurie laurence. alaska young. megumi fushiguro. peeta mellark. todd anderson. armin arlert. christine “lady bird” mcpherson. ash fox. willow rosenberg. pam beesly. dani clayton. piglet. elle greenaway.
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©2023 threewholeants. pls do not copy any of my writing, or concepts and/or translate, repost, or recommend onto any other sites without my explicit permission !!.
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thesiltverses · 1 year
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[Image description: a woman stands with her back to us, staring out over a ruined town. Her hands are raised over her head.]
In a ruined town far to the north of the Peninsula, Paige dwells unhappily on her status as prophet of a radical new faith - but the return of an old friend could change everything.
Episode 32 of The Silt Verses has arrived - as always, really hope you enjoy.
Content warnings:
Vomiting (4.54-5.04), implied alcoholism, animal death / mild body horror (17.18-17.45), discussion of suicidal ideation (33.40-34.20)
Lucille Valentine, Laurence Owen, Alison Campbell, Jimmie Yamaguchi, Ishani Kanetkar, and Méabh de Brún
Additional voices by Alex Nursall, James J Harringman, William Wellman, AJ Fidalgo, Marlon Dance-Hooi, Alyssa Petrie.
Transcript: https://www.thesiltverses.com/transcript-chapter-32
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