#Least favourite song poll
hanjitonin · 4 months
Tell me if u want me to suffer through a favourite songs poll
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sipho-pearl · 4 months
least favourite song??
a while ago i got the stats on everyone's favourite song, but what about least favourites??
mine's the pants song but im curious abt what everyone else's is!!
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liljakonvalj · 2 years
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direw00f · 8 months
You may be pleased to note I submitted 3 Blind Guardian songs. I tried to vary the fandoms and didn't want to overwhelm the entries too much with one band.
I am very pleased, thank you for this! It was a delightful thing to discover like they are the only old band in this tournament and I am happy to see a song of theirs in such a poll.
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likeafolkssong · 2 years
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born-to-lose · 2 years
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ellatoone7 · 6 months
❄︎ Trust in me ❄︎
Alexia's favourite girls series
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Emilia has some concerns over her future
Emilia had known for a while that maybe football wasn’t her life. From her very first session when she was a lot younger, she always had more of a fascination with picking flowers and making daisy chains or doing cartwheels across the field instead of kicking the ball. She had started gymnastics a few years ago and had taken a very keen liking to it. 
However, as she got older, she wanted to prioritise gymnastics, but the guilt of quitting football was slowly creeping up on her. It didn’t help that her older sister absolutely thrived on the football field, Emilia couldn’t help but notice how her Mami’s eyes absolutely lit up with pride as she watched Issy playing football. The last thing Emilia wanted was to disappoint her Mami. Her Mami, who went above and beyond for her and always showed up no matter what. Her Mami, who had won so many different awards for just how good she was at playing football. Her Mami, who always made her feel safe and so incredibly loved. 
Emilia was always encouraged to communicate her feelings to her parents, something that was instilled into her since she was much younger. Now she was eight years old and for the first time ever she was a little bit scared to talk to her Mami. Emilia had been working up the courage to tell her Mami that she didn’t want to play football anymore, but it just so happened that Isabella had won a very important match and Mami was bringing them to get ice cream to celebrate. Mami was smiling so big, and Emilia didn’t want to be the reason her Mami got upset. 
It didn’t take a lot for Alexia to notice something was wrong with Emilia. The normally animated girl was unusually quiet as she shovelled some ice cream into her mouth. Isabella was on cloud nine as she conversed with her Mami on the tactics of the game and whether they should stick or change it up slightly. “…Tal vez deberíamos poner a Lola en la delantera el próximo Partido.” Emilia’s head dropped even lower as she listened to her Mami and sister converse. Alexia got increasingly more worried as it had been at least an hour with complete radio silence from Emilia. They were on their way home now, all packed into Alexia’s Cupra as she turned the volume of Rosalia’s new song down a little. 
Isabella was still mumbling away happily as she brushes a little bit of grass off her kit. Emilia was staring at her older sister, Mr Biggy clutched in her arms and Alexia thought that maybe Emilia was a little jealous over her sisters win. Completely misinterpreting the situation Alexia looks through the mirror with a small smile, “Hey Meels, you have a big match coming up too. I can’t wait to come watch you play.” Emilia’s heart clenched in her chest at the hopeful look in her Mami’s eyes and she forced a tight smile and a nod which seemed to placate an oblivious Alexia who had made the situation much worse.
Isabella smiled softly at her younger sister, “Meels, you can wear my green boots, the ones that you loved.” Emilia once again nodded before curling in on herself that little bit more. Emilia decides then and there that she wasn’t going to be selfish and just work harder at football. She didn’t want to make Isabella or Mami upset and maybe she would enjoy it. She loved watching Mami play when she used to play for Barcelona, and she loves going to Isabella’s games. 
Emilia’s mind raced with all her favourite people and most of them played football, all her Tia’s who raised her on a football field, and she was now just throwing it away. Before Emilia knew it her eyes were filling with tears as she tried to swallow around the lump in her throat. The blonde tried to breath and calm herself down, but she was all worked up now and she wanted some comfort from her Mami while she still could. “Mami, No me siento bien.” She sniffled as the tears started falling down her flushed cheeks. Alexia quickly found somewhere to poll over so she could give her daughter her full attention. 
Alexia unbuckled her seat belt and turned her body around to make sure Emilia hadn’t gotten sick. She was in full Mami mode, and it felt like her heart stopped beating as Emilia cried. Isabella held her little sisters’ hand with her own frown of concern and started gently rubbing her back in hopes to provide some comfort. “¿Qué pasa nena?” Alexia questioned as Emilia struggled to catch her breath until eventually, she reached out just like she used to when she was a little bit younger. Before she knew it her car door was open, and she was in her Mami’s arms. She buried her face into her Mami’s neck as she whimpered softly, clinging into her jumper as her Mami sways her gently. 
Alexia was distraught as she tried to calm her daughter who she hadn’t seen this upset in a very long time. Alexia wished you were here in hopes of getting Emilia to open up, but Daniela was way too little to leave the house yet, so you stayed at home with Val. Emilia whimpered again and Alexia needed to get her home and hold her until all her hurt went away. Isabella had also got out of the car to wrap her arms around both girls. “¿Se siente mal?” Emilia had a history of motion sickness and still had trouble with long car journeys, but she had never cried like this. The only response she got was a shrug as she sniffled softly, “Vale, mi princesa, we are nearly home just a few more minutes.” 
Alexia felt as if her heart was being ripped out of her chest as Emilia cried for her the minutes she put her back into her seat. Isabella tried to be a replacement, but Emilia wanted her Mami. Emilia was sobbing now completely overwhelmed by her big emotions as she squirmed in her seatbelt, whining for her Mami as she got into the front seat. Alexia tore of her jumper in hopes to calm Emilia down with her familiar smell, Isabella held it close to her sister as she gently stroked her hair. Not even Mr Biggy was comforting Emilia and she hated hat she couldn’t stop crying. 
Alexia had to drive slowly as her hands had started to shake slightly and she would never put her girls in risk. Alexia didn’t stop talking the whole way home, eyes frantically checking her mirror every time Emilia cried out her name. “Mami! I need you!” Isabella cooed pressing kisses to Emilia’s temple as Alexia pulled into your driveway. Alexia’s heart was absolutely shattered, her baby needed her and nothing in the world mattered more than getting her into her arms. 
“Estoy aquí mi bebé, estás a salvo. Estamos en casa y te tengo siempre mi princesa.” Isabella ran into the house bringing Alexia’s jumper and Mr Biggy as she made sure Emilia’s bed was nice a cozy. “Hey, Is, You’re home how did you get…?” You immediately noticed something was wrong when Isabella didn’t stop fidgeting with Emilia’s bed. “What’s wrong Issy?” You gently asked as you grabbed her hands, “Something’s wrong with Emilia Mama.” Isabella fell into you as she yearned for her own comfort, your mind raced with endless possibilities, but you remained calm and held your eldest close. “She wouldn’t stop crying and calling for Mami.” You shushed her gently as you focused on making her feel better. 
You slowly kneeled, still a bit sore from just giving birth a few weeks ago. ‘Look at me Issy, everything’s okay. Mami has Emilia and we will find out what’s wrong, there is nothing to worry about okay.” You felt Isabella relax in your hold as you placed kisses against her cheek, “You are the best big sister ever and I love you very much.” Isabella smiled feeling a lot better now that her thoughts had been reassured. With one last kiss and a promise to let her stay up a bit later tonight, Isabella was guided to go have a shower after her game. 
The minute you caught eyes with your wife you knew something was very wrong. Emilia had Alexia’s shirt in such a tight grip that you were worried her little hand was going to cramp. Alexia was walking slowly into the house as Emilia cried softly into her neck, you approached at the same pace, gently stroking her blonde hair and coaxing her out of her Mami’s shoulder. Emilia whimpered at the interruption but when she saw it was you, she cried out your name, your wife gently passed her on to you. She didn’t go far as her arms slithered around you and pulled you both into her body. 
You took some time to cradle Alexia’s head and press kisses to her temple, she looked heartbroken as she leaned further into you. “It’s all okay, we are right here Meelie. What hurts baby?” Emilia shakes her head as she looks around wildly, eyes swollen and red. “Do you want to go lie down?” Emilia nodded softly as you readjusted her with a slight wince. Alexia was on full alert mode and her hands hovered your body as you placed a reassuring kiss to her lips. “Can you check on Dani, I put her down about twenty minutes ago?” Alexia nodded as she sighed softly, “Everything is going to be fine Alé.” Alexia kisses you again and coaxes Emilia out of your neck so she could give her the most loving kiss as she smoothed out her hair. “Te amo tanto mi princesa, eres mi todo.”
To her relief Emilia smiled softly and kissed her Mami’s cheek. “I love you too.” It was sniffled but it brought some much-needed relief into the heart of the former athlete. You brought her up to the safety of her room before quickly cuddling up with her, Mr Biggy found refuge in her arms, and you helped her put on her Mami’s jumper. She had calmed down significantly as she grew tired from crying, now she just wanted to talk to her Mama about the situation. “What happened sweetheart?” You noticed her looking at you intently which normally meant she had something on her mind. 
“I’m scared.” Her small voice rang out as she cuddled closer to you. “Why are you scared Meels?” You guided her, knowing that she was ready to talk now. Emilia pouted as her eyes filled with tears again and you shushed her gently, rubbing her back until she calmed down. “You can tell me and Mami anything, you know that my baby.” Emilia nodded as her eyes shined from her tears. Her small fingers wrapped around Mr Biggy’s ear as she mumbled something you couldn’t understand. You pulled her impossibly closer, offering your left hand so she could play with your wedding ring something she always used to calm herself down. “I didn’t hear that Meels.” You gently told her as she took a deep breath.
“I don’t…want to play…football anymore.” She stuttered as the words tumbled out; you could see the tension leave her body as she finally told you, her problem. You were incredibly relieved that this is all it was, but you knew exactly what the problem was and why Emilia wanted her Mami so bad in the car. “Meels I know, your gymnastics is starting to clash with it. Mami had been talking to your football coach to prepare them for your leave.” Emilia sat up slowly as she processed the information she was just given. “Mami won’t be upset.” You giggle softly at the pout on her face, “Meels, Mami is going to be so relieved when she hears that this is why you were crying.” Emilia perked up, “Really? Promise?” You held out your pink as she beamed brightly, “Pinky promise.” 
You kissed her head, “Your Mami loves you so much not just for the things you do but for being you. Do you want to know a secret?” Emilia nodded with a curious head tilt, “Mami was the one who suggested you do Gymnastics when she saw your cartwheels.” Emilia nearly burst with joy as she clung onto you tightly. “I am so proud of you for telling me. Did you get very overwhelmed?” You asked trying to figure out how her emotions might have taken over so you can be more prepared next time.
“My thoughts made me worried. I didn’t want to upset Isabella or my Tia’s.” You kissed her again, as she cuddled Mr Biggy. “Your Tia’s love you so much Meels and Isabella will be delighted she gets to keep the goals all to herself.” Emilia giggled as you tickled her, “I want Mami.” You nodded knowing that your wife wanted Emilia right now too. It was as if Alexia knew her daughter was looking for her as there was a soft knock at the door. Alexia had calmed down a little bit now that she was home with her family, Daniela was so tiny, and Alexia softly rocked her as she snoozed. Alexia would be lying if she didn’t say she was walking considerably slower past Emilia’s door, but it was worth it when she heard her favourite sound, Emilia’s giggle. 
Emilia lit up at the sight of her and Alexia had to stop herself from running to the other side of the room to get to her. Alexia got under the covers as Emilia fell into her. Your eyes told Alexia all she needed to know; it wasn’t anything horrific. You let them have their cuddle before encouraging Emilia to tell your wife what was wrong. Emilia settled on top of her Mami before locking her fingers with hers, “Mami I don’t want to play football anymore.” There was no shift in Alexia’s smile as she stared up adoringly at her daughter, she sat up and cupped her face. “Te amo mucho mi princesa. I don’t care what you do as long as you are happy.”
Emilia smiles happily as she rests against her Mami’s chest. “You have a gymnastic competition next week and all you Tia’s want to come. Is that okay?” Emilia nodded tiredly as she cuddled Mr Biggy, “I would love that.” Alexia kissed her hair softly before lying down and bringing her to her chest. “I’m going to stay with her for a bit.” You nodded softly as you leaned down to kiss her. “You are the greatest mother Alexia Putellas, never forget that.” 
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Submission 474
vocaloids (and all similar non-Yamaha-owned vocal synths) are bad. all of them.
It's a mockery of the human voice. Frye from Splatoon 3 of all things is the closest we will ever get to having any interesting vocal technique in a voice synth bank. Singing styles around the world are so interesting and take so much skill and you abandon them for a glorified MIDI file? I also blame them for the rise of AI-generated covers, because they first started the devaluing of the human voice and the usage of it as an instrument - a really boring one that will never know advanced or diverse technique. Congrats, Miku made Minecraft, now all of SpongeBob has sang Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. At least the SpongeBob characters have distinct and interesting voices.
[from follow up asks]
hello. vocaloid take submitter here.
i didn't expect my submission to gain as much traction as it did, i thought it was lukewarm at best. i thought there were more vocaloid haters out there. this is tumblr, though, so i guess not. still think vocaloid is ass though.
i will say, it might add context to my take that i myself am a singer and have natural perfect pitch. while i haven't sang in any professional capacity, i've still done some voice training and lots of lower level performances. i have very strong feelings about singing, and hold what the human voice can do in high regard.
i also have a better ear for picking up smaller things in the human voice (re: natural perfect pitch) and the difference between humans and vocaloid is extremely striking to me. no amount of tuning can make a vocaloid not sound lifeless to me, because i will never, ever hear a human voice, and instead of letting the lead of the song Not Be Vocals - which has never been a novel concept - they HAVE to put the voice bank in.
also, re: "frye isn't a voice bank dumbass", congrats! you took away something i felt was actually interesting! god i wish more people knew about more singing styles that they couldn't easily replicate!
while now i know that AI voices are not a continuation of vocaloid, sorry, still think it's bad, go to hell and learn to compose a song without lyrics.
also - still the vocaloid take submitter - to continue:
i will eventually send a link to a playlist of all of the Vocaloid songs i have ever listened to, because i am sure most of the people who think i submitted that think that i do not even know what Defoko is, or that i've heard exactly two Hatsune Miku songs. i know what Defoko is. i know she's entirely computer generated. i've listened to her voice. i still think it's bad. have any of you big shots heard of Big Al? i've listened to him. also bad. it's bad.
Submission 111
I think chicken breast is disgusting and I would rather blend it up into a shake than eat it with my teeth
It’s fast, it’s efficient, it’s nutritious if you add fruits and vegetables. It’s easy to prepare and you can drink it on the go. I need the protein but chicken breast tastes disgusting either way, and I’m tired of putting in so much effort to make the joyless rubbery meat taste good.
My friends and family are wrong, this is the future.
I see some of you not voting! That's cheating!
It's ok if you agree with neither take! Just choose the take you agree with slightly more!
Think of it like choosing the lesser of two evils!
Propaganda is always encouraged, and remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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Guess what ………
We are going to do another round !! (Assuming, obviously, that I get enough submissions :-3)
What is this?
Obscure song tournament, babyyyy. Submit your fav obscure songs (or YOUR obscure songs) and find some new favourites as you vote :-3
Multiple submissions of a song will not help it get in! But I’m not going to disqualify songs submitted multiple times like last year, because that seemed scary for the submitters <3
It will be open until I have about 300 submissions, then I will look over submissions in order of least listeners to most !!
I think itll take a week or two after sumbissions close to do all the seeding !
Id prefer if you didn’t submit songs/artists that were in the running last year but like its chill if your guy didn’t win. Sorry forgetmenauts fans, at least choose a new song !
(Not tagging anyone for reach cos I don’t know any poll blogs anymore <3)
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transmascswagpolls · 3 months
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 2
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CANONICITY LEVELS- P03: Unsure how to categorize this. Canon(?) (doesn't have a gender) JIM: Because I Said So Propaganda and other info under the cut.
MEDIA? Inscryption, Treasure Planet
p03 is the WORST DM known to man and isn’t that the most trans masc thing someone can achieve. p03 is an absolutely VILE robot who does nothing but insult you as you play its underbaked card game (that actually [becomes] really good). It pretends it doesn't care but it really does. Oh and also its evil and wants to take over the world it lives in or something. And it’s canonically divorced. A win for the trans masc community
For boss fights, it uses these pre-loaded personalities that fight against you. Most of them are pretty far detached from the bot itself), but one of them, G0lly, is an old version of itself that it ABSOLUTELY HATES. It doesnt like how innocent and naive she acts so it tries to suppress her. ["Probably my least favourite boss coming up. Something about her… innocence. It makes me queasy." -p03] So. Angry trans masc vibes
[Pollrunner's Note: The propaganda submitted was like, a single sentence so I'll have to elaborate here-
Jim is one of those legacy blorbo "I'm a baby trans and accidentally projected onto you oops" characters for a LOT of young transmasculine people out there. He's a space pirate just starting on his journey, and we're introduced to him in the movie by an extended daredevil hoverboard chase sequence. The kid has some severe daddy issues and that's examined with a massive amount of grace in the movie. Has the "quintessential transmasc undercut"™.]
His song "I'm Still Here" is something of a trans anthem, especially for trans men.
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vgtrackbracket · 2 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Astral Alley from Night in the Woods
The Wild from Slay the Princess
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Note: The propaganda may contain spoilers for Slay the Princess.
Astral Alley:
great atmosphere all around
NitW has some amazing atmospheric songs, this one's my personal favourite
The Wild:
This will make more sense if you’ve seen my submission for The Apotheosis, but if you didn’t, basically the Apotheosis is basically a form of the Princess that is basically a goddess, and she has unique vocals in her theme that only another deity-like being has. She is the only Princess that has these vocals… except for the Wild. The Wild route is a trip, to say the least. It’s hard to describe, especially without any spoilers, but the Wild is the world herself, plus the player character merged with her. Her theme is very, very similar to the theme of the mysterious deity, even sharing essentially the same melody with some dissonance. Lore-wise, it’s implied that she’s the closest and most related to the deity, so it makes sense to have this similar theme.
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hanjitonin · 4 months
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origami-butterfly · 5 months
*I left out my three least favourites because there's 15 on the anthology, but those three were: Climbing my Grandfather (Andrew Waterhouses), Love's Philosophy (Percy Shelley) and Before You Were Mine (Carol Ann Duffy)
Power and Conflict version of this poll
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dnpoll · 5 months
my personal explanations below the cut!
also i scheduled this poll and i realised i forgot ARIANA GRANDE that's deep lore... GOD
muse: one of the things that dan and phil bonded over when they met each other - phil's favourite artist with his streams making it dan's top artist from 2014-2016. they have also seen muse at least five times! dan has played muse songs several times on the piano (specifically sunburn) + they did a lip sync video to muse for bbc radio. also they made fun of kristen stewart a lot when they were younger (they have since apologised and called her an iconic) and she was in twilight and muse supermassive black hole is famously in twilight so...
final fantasy vii: the soundtrack with interrupted by fireworks! dan said it reminded him of phil in a formspring answer <3 and that's all...
fall out boy: firstly "no but seriously imagine if:". secondly they have interviewed fob several times for the bbc! thirdly, specifically with pete wentz, he was dan's icon in his teenage years. he followed dan because of the interviews with him - he even prank called dan in call or delete. but as punishment in a best friend quiz video, phil tweeted "sometimes i dream about being one of the reindeer galloping through the sky with leather straps tying me to my friends mm yes carrots please" from dan's account - and pete wentz unfollowed fob. i am also convinced they think the milk fic is a petekey fic or something
the 1975: dan and phil called into the radio as fans when they were not hosting and the 1975 was there! dan said he was there with "his friend phil" and matty healy immediately recognised them as "dan and phil from the radio" despite them trying to be sneaky about it. dan also LOVED a brief inquiry into online relationships which he posted on his story and said he was "personally attacked by literally every song on the album". mm okay
my chemical romance: firstly "no but seriously imagine if". secondly dan specifically was/is a huge fan of mcr - although phil did sing welcome to the black parade (incorrectly) in a yasuhati video). mcr was also referenced in dan and anthony padilla's stop emo hate video, basically i'm gay and the dream daddy series, just to name a few (they g note a LOT). also hesitant alien featured in the tour of dan's brain video! gerard used to follow dan on twitter but doesn't anymore... beef?
panic! at the disco: firstly "no but seriously imagine if". also brendon and ryan are in the milk fic which they constantly reference. also there's a dnp edit with 57k views to house of memories
frank ocean: dan's top song in 2012 was "thinkin about you" by frank ocean which ppl talk abt a lot for many reasons. he also said his religion was frank ocean in 2016 LOL
troye sivan: YOUTUBE FRIENDS LOL - the iconic pic with dan, phil, troye and tyler! also dan and phil were the first people to play troye sivan's happy little pill on the radio, and are thus partially responsible for his success. troye sivan also led to chappell roan's success, so basically muse is responsible for chappell roan. troye also featured in a phil glasses video!
one direction: firstly, dnp interviewed them - a harrowing event that they outline in detail in tabinof. secondly, the iconic dan eating an orange picture behind a 1d concert. lastly, they talk about harry styles quite a bit - phil posed as him in a viewers pick my outfit, and of course the rotisserie chicken situation
nick jonas: hey buddy you in london #dick
smash mouth: more recent dan-based lore but mark (tour member) made an instagram story asking how to get all-star licensed. a phannie (royalsdnp on twt) then tweeted about it, and smash mouth (the twt account) saw it. dan then tweeted at the account asking for it, and it worked! smash mouth is now an official dannie, having tweeted orange for wad, and also offered the original demo for shrek to be used, saying it can maybe be for dan's next special. generally insane because dan has ofc always been a huge shrek fan as a part of his meme personality in the 2010s, even dressing up as him for a calendar
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queerstudiesnatural · 2 months
Disliked characters I enjoy poll
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arendaes · 2 months
9 Lots of People You Want to Know Better
Tagged by @dmagedgoods and @undyingembers; thank you!
Three ships:
My Throuple, Ariadne/Daeran/Woljif, of course. Honestly they've been taking up about 98% of the shipping space in my brain lately.
Thanks to some spicy fanart posted on Patreon I've been thinking a lot about Alistair from DAO today so naturally I'm thinking about Alistair/Saskia.
Along those lines Howl/Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle, for a lot of reasons.
Last Song:
According to Spotify it was Degenerates by I the Mighty (I just listened to it last night which makes it sad I couldn't remember lol)
Last Movie:
I think it might have been Furiosa? I don't watch many movies and that's the last one I remember at least
Currently Reading:
Almost done with Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir! I've enjoyed it but it's not giving me the same brainworms it has other people. I think it's because I've never really been into necromancy and a book that features it this prominently was just never going to hit me like it does other people. Also Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis. I'm not far into it but already I've learned things (I did not know how many prisons are in California alone) and making me re-evaluate my own beliefs and knowledge of the prison system.
Currently Watching:
Ok, laugh at me if you want but I was in the mood to re-watch my comfort show...which is The Golden Girls 😂
Currently Eating:
Nothing but I am drinking some sparkling water
Currently Craving:
The drive to finish the first chapter of my Fairy Tale AU! 😩
Favourite colour:
Favourite flavour:
Current obsession:
Ariadne forever and always! Really looking forward to Fields of Mistria hitting early access here in a few weeks so that could also be my next big one 👀
Last thing I googled:
Duotang. There was a poll asking if I knew what it was. The answer was no, and I was surprised to find out what it was!
Favourite season:
Fall/autumn! Cooler weather, warm drinks, deliciously spiced everything, my birthday...it's just the best time of the year
Skill I’d like to learn:
Drawing! I'd love to do little doodles of my OCs and book and video game characters (and yes, I know the only thing standing in my way is myself)
Best Advice:
Right now, "write the story you want to see". I have no idea if my fairy tale AU will be to anyone's tastes but my own, but I have to try!
No-pressure tags below the cut! (Opt in/out)
@first-talon @miseryscrowned @gutterspeak @fantastic-mr-corvid @mathlann
@amatres @starlightcleric @arrow90-art @silversiren1101 @blighted-elf
@mxanigel @poetikat @outeremissary @valiantvillain @dragonologist-phd
@dujour13 @captastra @spyridonya @yunessa @eurekq
@the-raging-tempest @serenbach86 @jean-dieu @ravencrowley7 @forestdragoncat
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