#Legally of course. Exchanged goods.
dennisrockingfuntime · 7 months
I have to quit my job…..
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 month
The Ambassador
So! It was finally happening. After Years of Pleading with the Guardians and other Ruling Bodies of the Galactic Community, the Justice League had finally gotten then to agree to create an Alliance with Earth.
With an Alliance, Earth would gain the Protection of Multiple Empires and The Guardians, which would mean an end to the Constant Alien Invasions they faced. There was also the legal opening of Trade Routes between Planets to exchange Technology and Resources on the Galactic Scale.
Of course Earth would return the Favor, legally being able to defend it's Allies with its unusually large population if Superheroes and quickly advancing Tech, while also trading Tech and Resources between Planets.
Of course the battle was not entirely won yet.
They still needed to begin Negotiations to see if both sides would even agree to the Alliance in the First Place, as well as decide on the specifics of the Treaty. The United Nation's would decide on Ambassadors to represent the different countries, while the different Alien Governments would send an Ambassador Each.
When the Ambassadors arrived, they asked to be introduced to the Representatives of the Planet. Except, they claimed that there was a missing Member.
They claimed that there was one more Major Kingdom on the Planet, the most Powerful One, which they felt must be at the Negotiations.
When asked who this missing Ambassador was, they simply replied, "King Phantom of the Infinite Realms, he and a Shard of his Kingdom reside on this Planet, do they not?"
Now they are working around the clock to find this missing Kingdom, because the Alien Ambassadors refused to negotiate without the most powerful Kingdom at the Table, and they woud not wait forever.
Just who was this "King Phantom", and why had he not revealed himself yet?
Sam and Tucker sat on the Couch in their apartment, staring at the TV as the Chosen Representatives for America finished their Speech. Apparently the Peace Talks had been put on Hold for a few more days as they did some last minute preparations. Something about making their Guests more comfortable before they began discussing politics.
"Hey Danny, they're delaying the Negotiations for a few more days." Sam called over to the Kitchen.
"Aw, what?!" Shouted Danny from the Kitchen, sounding extremely disappointed, "I just finished making all the Popcorn!"
"I know Honey, its too bad." Tucker comforted his Partner, "Let's marathon Star Trek instead, how about that?"
Danny slumped out of kitchen and into the Couch between them, steaming bowl of Popcorn in his Lap, "I guess. We can make good use of all this popcorn at least."
Sam patted him on the arm, "Hey it's okay, the Talks will just take a few more days."
Danny shrugged, "Yeah, you're right. Man, what I wouldn't give to be in that Room."
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gothhabiba · 9 months
do you know where are the the best places or mosteffective to donate to help palestinians atm? like charities ect
In terms of direct aid it is better to give money directly to families in Ghazza than to a charity. Charities, governmental and nongovernmental organisations &c., are seldom able to use funds to distribute aid right now, as few trucks are getting through, and none to the north of Ghazza.
ETA on Charities in Ghazza:
Taawon Association (in partnership with the Bank of Palestine) are distributing hot meals in Ghazza.
The World Food Programme (WFP) is getting food parcels into Ghazza, though I can't find them sharing a more specific location anywhere. Donate here.
The Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) is providing medicine, food, and water. Their website specifically mentions food relief in north, central, and south Ghazza, and water delivered to north and south Ghazza.
Direct aid to Ghazza:
Money given directly to families in Ghazza is used to help them cross the Rafah crossing into Egypt, and/or to purchase plane tickets and apply for visas so they have somewhere to go after arriving in Egypt.
Help Christians in Ghazza get visas to leave
Help Hala Abu Ramadan's family of six leave Ghazza (organized by Mohammed Samhouri, vouched for by @psychoticgerard)
Help Dr. Intimaa AbuHelou's family of 22 leave Ghazza (organized by professer Steve Tamari)
Help Shayma and her family of 16 leave Ghazza (organised by Fardowsa. You may remember a link to a paypal going around to help Shayma; however, paypal has frozen those funds)
Help Shaymaa's family of 13 leave Ghazza (organised by Shaymaa herself, who is in Canada)
Help Sanaa and her family of 5 leave Ghazza and establish themselves in Belgium (organised by Eyad M, vouched for by Motaz Azaiza)
Help sisters Duaa and Deena leave Ghazza and get medical treatment in Cairo (organised by Shereen Alhayek, @.littlestpersimmon's friend's acquaintance)
Help Ahmed (@90-ghost) and his family leave Ghazza via ko-fi, paypal, or gofundme (@unionfish is offering stickers and prints in exchange for donations)
Help a family of Ghazzan refugees in Egypt get medical care and relocate
Buy an e-sim for use in Ghazza
Interruption of arms sent to Israel:
Palestine Action targets arms manufacturers in the US and UK
Palestine Legal offers legal defense for those who get arrested &c. in the course of protest or sabotage on behalf of Palestine
If you have some barrier to donating or to buying e-sims yourself (someone looking through your transactions, no room on your phone for new apps, don't want to mess up the instructions, don't have time to keep up with what's being called for at the moment, literally whatever), I can buy e-sims and move funds on your behalf. My venmo is @gothhabiba; paypal paypal.me/Najia; squarecash $NajiaK; DM me for Zelle information. Feel free to leave a note about where you want it to go (specifically for e-sims; aid to people in Ghazza; &c.)
BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions)
You asked specifically about donations, but if you haven't looked into the boycotts being called for by the Palestinian Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), I urge you to do so.
BDS chapters in your locality may be calling for their own boycotts, so look into that as well. Think creatively about how to minimise purchase of boycotted goods (e.g., getting your union to refuse to shelve Israeli groceries).
Monday strikes
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has called for weekly strikes on Mondays. Talk to your union or coworkers about strikes or work stoppages on Mondays, if you can. At least avoid making any purchases (goods, recreation, entertainment, food, &c.) on Mondays.
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vivmaek · 7 months
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✰ my masterlist
✺ Sun in the 12th House ✺ You might feel especially drained during this year. It's going to be hard to wake up everyday, your body and soul need rest. Maintaining a positive attitude is going to be difficult, life may feel overwhelming and you’ll feel as though you don’t have the strength to take it all on. But, trust that you do. This SR placement makes me think of a specific quote, “In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” (Albert Camus)
✺ Venus Opposite Saturn ✺ All of your insecurities are going to be heightened. This might be a lonely year for you, there won’t be many social events. Do everything you can to avoid financial debt, and if you have any, put all of your best effort into paying it off.
✺ Jupiter in 7th House ✺ The partners in your life will serve as a great source of joy, and you’ll have luck in companionship. These relationships will make you feel safe, and it would be a good year to get married. If single, you might begin a relationship with a foreigner or could meet a future spouse while traveling! The dating scene won’t be difficult to navigate, you’ll have many options to choose from. Business negotiations and legal matters will run smoothly. Have fun with this time and don’t be afraid to chase after opportunities.
✺ Moon in 1st House ✺ Your personal needs are going to become a priority. You’ll feel sensitive and your self-esteem might take a hit. Whatever emotional experience you’re going through will be apparent to other people, and this will make you feel vulnerable. These uncomfortable experiences will help you work on your insecurities and you’ll grow to become more comfortable with yourself. The SR Moon sign will highlight specific emotional encounters you’ll face this year. If it’s an earth sign, you’ll be focused on practical needs. If it's a fire sign, you’ll deal with feelings of anger and might have a chaotic emotional landscape. An air sign might make you feel disconnected from your emotions, and you might spend the entire year crying with a water sign.
✺ Saturn Trine Ascendant ✺ You will mature greatly over the course of this year. Heavy responsibilities will be placed upon you, but you will rise to the occasion. Your commitments and goals take priority and become central to your personality.
✺ Mars in 8th House ✺ If you’ve encountered violent trauma within the past, you’ll begin to heal and transform these wounds. You might encounter people or situations that remind you of these past events, and it can be jarring. However, you’ll feel stronger than ever and will take back your personal power. You will put a lot of energy into transforming your own psyche and are ready to go to war. This type of healing is not a quiet, peaceful process. A lot of rage and anger will become unleashed, but these emotions must be embraced and fully felt. You’ll find emotional release through physical movement, such as sex or high intensity exercise.
✺ Jupiter Square Saturn ✺ If you’ve been battling addictions, they may come to an end during this year. This will be a difficult transition and a very painful process. Long held beliefs and ideas are being restructured for your benefit. You might not have enough money to buy all the luxuries that you desire, facing financial hardship is another possibility.
✺ Taurus 7th House ✺ Down-to-earth people will be attracted to you this year and they will offer you a sense of stability. You will experience many romantic moments with your partner, these situations will feel effortless. Your natural beauty will be heightened.
✺ Mercury in the 1st House ✺ The downside to this SR placement is a heightened sense of anxiety and restlessness. Your thoughts will be moving faster than ever. However, you might find yourself more comfortable with communicating your thoughts and social exchanges will run smoothly. You might find yourself posting a lot more on social media and interacting with people you normally wouldn’t. You’ll learn a lot throughout this year, but these lessons will be humorous and light-hearted.
✺ Saturn Square MC ✺ You will have to take on extra responsibilities and burdens. All of your focus will be directed towards career progress. You might be under a lot of pressure and obstacles will stand in the way of success. Your sense of dedication is being tested.
✺ Pluto in 3rd House ✺ Watch out for gossip during this year! You’ll learn about the true power of words. Confidential information may come forward, or you might have to deal with information that's been manipulated. Power struggles will showcase themselves through conversation and psychological games will be played. You could find yourself obsessively thinking over a particular issue and it might begin to rule over your life. Your relationships with your siblings will undergo a transformation. There might be a lot of construction within your surrounding neighborhood, it will be loud and disruptive and might force you to change your route to work/school.
✺ Venus Square Jupiter ✺ Having different values and beliefs can serve as a source of conflict within relationships. You might have a generous partner, but they don't quite understand what you want or need.
✺ Venus in the 12th House ✺ You may be faced with financial insecurity. If you're looking for a job, it will be a struggle to find one, especially one that will pay the wages you deserve. However, the emotional strain that occurs due to this will not be all-consuming. This uncertainty will force you to focus on the spiritual aspects of life, and you’ll feel somewhat detached. Protecting your sense of peace will be a priority. This year will be somewhat isolating and you won’t be attending too many social gatherings. You might find it difficult to show other people affection.
✺ Neptune in 4th House ✺ You may want to move residences, but confusion and delays will follow suit. A friend or family member in need might crash at your house for an unknown amount of time. An elderly family member might move in, and you’ll have to take care of them or figure out other living arrangements.
✺ Venus in 10th House ✺ You’ll find a lot of success within your career this year. You’ll be a favorite amongst authority figures and will build up a good social network within the professional world. You might start dating a colleague, or you could befriend one. You might fall in love with your job.
✺ Saturn in the 6th House ✺ Responsibilities are going to be hitting you hard this year, they’ll be unavoidable. You may feel incredibly limited within your day to day life and this will leave you feeling frustrated. Superiors at work might become a domineering presence within your life. All work, no play. Your rewards for these efforts will be delayed, and you might not receive proper compensation. Bad health habits will catch up with you, make sure to take care of yourself.
✺ Neptune in the 7th House ✺ You’ll feel very unsure about where a particular partnership is headed. The boundaries are unclear, and you’ll find yourself giving into wishful thinking. Oftentimes if something is too good to be true, it usually is. You might be willing to sacrifice certain aspects of your life so you can be with this person. Try to let go and let things play out naturally. Don’t get too emotionally invested if you’re dealing with a casual relationship. These connections feel spiritual and a certain amount of glamor will be present. Even if negative experiences occur, you can use these lessons to heal.
✺ Gemini 10th House ✺ If you're looking for a job, going into sales might be your best bet. You’ll find yourself socializing a lot at work, and might even have fun. Answering phone calls and responding to emails becomes important within your career. You could be the youngest person in your field, or you might gain a reputation for being immature. Internships or taking part in some sort of mentorship is a big possibility here.
✺ Pluto in the 5th House ✺ If you’ve been wanting to undergo a creative project, now would be the best time. You’ll feel an intense drive to master your craft and will feel dedicated and focused. There is also the possibility of encountering someone who you’re deeply attracted to. These love feelings will be all-consuming and you might feel obsessed. Your sex life will be fun, intense, and emotionally fulfilling. Take precaution, and watch out for pregnancy if that's something you’re trying to avoid. Romantic encounters could also serve as a major source of creative inspiration.
✺ Vesta in the 10th House ✺ You’ll have to nurture and tend to your career if you want to see success in this area. And this includes taking care of yourself. You’ll learn how to strike a balance between work and rest. Thinking about long term success will be a major theme for the year. Instead of chasing after risks and big moves, you’ll focus on small actions that have the ability to take you far. It's time to dedicate yourself fully to your professional life, but you don’t want to lose sight of who you are in the process.
✺ Scorpio Ascendant ✺ You’ll undergo an emotional + psychological transformation and this will become especially apparent in your personality and appearance. People who have known you your entire life might not recognize you by the end of the year. This can be disruptive, and you might find that certain relationships that were once deep, don’t serve you anymore.
✺ Aries 6th House ✺ Your day to day life will be filled with energy. You might have to pick up a busier schedule at work, but you’ll take it on with an aggressive attitude. Accepting defeat is not an option this year, your habits and routines will reflect this. This will be a healthy year for you, but if you get sick you might run the risk of running a high fever.
✺ Aquarius 6th House ✺ Your daily routines are going to look very different in comparison to last year. Your intellect will serve as a source of strength, and you might have to deal with new computer programs at work. Buying a new phone or computer is another possibility, some form of technology that is used within daily life. You could feel different or might even become outcasted at work due to a rebellious attitude.
✺ Libra 2nd House ✺ This will be a good year for money and income. Your sense of self-worth will increase. However, the risk of tying up your self worth within another person is another possibility. If you’re in a relationship, or begin one, this person will have many material gifts to give you.
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neptunesyellowsands · 1 month
I don't know if this has been done before, but I've got a Merthur alt ending/prompt boring holes into my brain and I can't let it go. So, in DotD:
Merlin, realizing they won't make it to the lake in time, decides to try one last thing to save the king: to trade his own life for Arthur's via the power of life and death, a la Nimueh. It's a bold move, and it's unpredictable, but Merlin is both desperate and slightly ruthless when it comes to Arthur. Because he loves him.
However, since he wants to sacrifice himself, he needs a third party to work the magic. So when Morgana finds them, Merlin doesn't kill her. She's a High Priestess, like Nimueh. She could wield the magic herself. She might be the only one who can, actually, because Merlin has killed the only other two High Priestesses we know of - Nimueh and Morgause.
So he asks her to do it. He makes a convincing argument. She could be rid of him, Emrys, the bane of her existence, and they both know that he's the only thing keeping her from defeating Arthur. Once her army is rebuilt, she could return and take the kingdom for good, if she wanted. If not, she could live the rest of her life in peace, knowing she has defeated the greatest sorcerer of all time.
But Morgana is a seer. She sees that Arthur now knows about Merlin's magic and is accepting him. That Arthur is accepting Merlin, magic and all, because he loves him. That Arthur would likely, if he survived, return to Camelot and legalize magic, now that he knows. For Merlin. Because he loves him. For the first time, she looks in Arthur's eyes and believes he actually might have turned a corner, and in a wild fit of nostalgia and hope, she agrees -
But it doesn't work. The gods won't kill Emrys. It goes against the prophecy. Arthur and Merlin are to build the Golden Age together. One cannot exist without the other. They won't make the trade.
Instead, she explains, they demand something else in exchange for Arthur's life. Something that will allow them to replenish the dwindled population of magic-users without draining the earth's coffers and throwing off the balance once more. They will restore Arthur's life, but in return they will accept only one thing:
Merlin's magic.
In the end, it's not a hard decision for Merlin to make. Of course, he agrees. Of course, he would die for Arthur. He would kill for Arthur. But when he sacrifices his magic, it's something different altogether. As Morgana performs the spell, as the gods take back what they gave, as the golden magic pours out of Merlin's hands and ears and skin and trickles back into the earth to be dispersed elsewhere, Merlin gives away a part of himself he never thought could be separated. A connectivity that tied him to the ground. It's like going blind. It's like coming apart, atom by atom, and then being put back together with only half the pieces.
And Arthur watches it. He’s glad, at first. This will be easier anyway. None of them have to die today, and Arthur can keep Merlin’s secret. They can forget about the magic. They can go back to the way things were before. It might be hard, but their friendship might survive. And Arthur won’t have to protect Merlin. He’ll be safer, really.
He’ll be normal.
But then the thing happens, and Arthur watches, and he’s horrified. He's seen death. He's seen injury. But he's never seen this rending of a person from their essence, never seen the torment and pain of someone's magic being ripped from their body. He's never seen Merlin looking so gray as he does now. The golden light that he was taught to despise flickers in Merlin's eyes, like it's alive and trying to hold on, like it wants to stay, and then it's gone, and Merlin's tears aren’t rivers of gold anymore. They run tired and clear, and Merlin is a shell on the ground, fragile and hollow.
As the pain in Arthur's side begins to fade, as he takes the fullest breath he has in days and feels the vitality come back to his body, Arthur feels like he’s the monster here. Not Merlin. Not even Morgana. Him. His father. Everything he was taught to believe in.
Because he’s seen now what his father’s Purge did to his land. He’s watched Uther’s great vision for Camelot come to pass in the body of his best friend. The stripping away of magic. The destruction of this special, beautiful part of a person. 
And he’s seen what’s left. The shell. The empty gray.
Morgana disappears into a cloud of smoke. There is no place in Camelot for her now, but she has at least accomplished her goals. She's safe. She's free.
Arthur rises from the ground and picks up his sword. Merlin lies unconscious, and Arthur does the obvious: he carries him home.
Once he's back home, and Merlin is asleep in bed, and Gaius is digging out spellbooks and potions and all manner of incriminating truths, Arthur learns a few things:
Merlin is still Merlin. The magic was a tool, not his personality.
For those who possess it, magic functions like a sixth sense. Everything is learned and experienced through it, like any other sense. Everything. Moving through the world, seeing it, understanding it. 
Merlin was never actually clumsy.
Merlin was only ‘accident-prone’ because he had to suppress his magic so often. Sometimes, he played it up for his own advantage, but sometimes he just tripped because it wasn’t natural to walk around without reaching out with magic to find the floor first.
Now he has no magic.
Merlin is crippled, physically, once he wakes. He can move his body, but he can’t figure out where to put it.
He has no magic, but he is still Merlin. He’s still prone to fibbing, overwork, and sitting up late into the night to read. Still holds onto hope when he shouldn’t. Still tries and tries. And when he gives up, Arthur tells him he needs him, and he tries some more.
Because Arthur does need him. He wants to heal the rift in his land. He wants to stitch the wounds of his people put there by Uther. He never wants to see what happened to Merlin happen to anyone else. And he wants Merlin to be there, because he trusts him. Relies on him. Loves him.
Merlin has no magic, but he used to. He knows what’s needed by the people, the Druids, the land. When he drafts the documents needed to legalize magic, Arthur asks for Merlin’s help. And Merlin gives it. Of course he does. He’s still Merlin. He’s still too ready to give himself away. Still cheeky, to Arthur’s delight. 
Still wise.
Over time, Merlin learns to use utensils again. Two crutches come next, then one. Over the years, he is able to reduce it down to a staff, which he uses to find the floor. He trains a bird to go longer distances for him, across town or even just down the many flights of stairs in the castle. His mind rewires itself, relearns, but he will never have the wrist strength to buff armor again. 
Arthur wouldn’t have had him as a servant anyway. He makes him an advisor to the king, and he sits at the round table, at Arthur’s right hand. 
He sleeps, of course, in the king’s bed.
They call it the Golden Age, because all the magic Merlin poured into the earth comes back to the kingdom in waves. You can almost see it sparkling in the air sometimes, when the light hits it just right. Harvests are full and free of blight. Orchards blossom and hang heavy with fruit. More babes are born with magic in three years than have been in the last thirty. It’s Merlin, woven into every inch of the kingdom. It’s his gift to Arthur. To Camelot. To himself.
Merlin becomes a legend in his own right, known for his far-seeing eyes, his trusty staff, his surprisingly robust beard (Arthur is astonished and openly jealous). The kingdom benefits from his kindness and his ability to judge risk vs. reward. And the dragon helps, too, occasionally. 
Above all, Merlin is known for his wisdom, his council, and his unwavering love for Arthur.
Is it sad that Merlin had to give up his magic? Yes. But he never actually wanted it to begin with. Not really. Not to the extent he had it. He never wanted the burden of the prophecy. Like Arthur and his dream of relinquishing his reign and running off with Merlin to live on a farm, Merlin wanted to set aside the burden of being Emrys and return to himself. He wanted a life surrounded by love and peace. That was why he came to Camelot in the first place. He never, not once in his life, actually wanted power. He wanted the Golden Age. He wanted Arthur.
And he gets him.
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What do you think about a threesome with lady lesso and lady dimitrescu🤭🤭🤭😫
Yes yes yessss. This one is Larissa xLady Dimitrescu. Lady Lesso and Lady Dimitrescu to come… 😏This is a collar with @scream-queenlover !!! I thoroughly enjoyed working together on this with you, love 💞💞💞 One Alrissa xReader threesome Coming up… ♥️
Fabulous Night to Remember ~Larissa Weems xAlcina Dimitrescu (Alrissa) xFem Server!Younger!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, implied age gap (all legal), threesome, smut, sex, implied face riding, shapeshifted dick, fingering, ass grinding, pussy grinding, p in v, double entrance fucking, blindfolds, body adoration, begging, teasing, edging, kissing, marking, praise, praise kink, biting kink, begging kink, implied bondage kink, marking kink, blindfold kink, ma’am/sir kink, pet names, daddy kink, pet kink, etc.
Enjoy (;
Three years. It had been three years now. Three years ago, Larissa had met the love of her life. Alcina. And two years ago, Alcina had asked Larissa to marry her. It was a fever dream.
But it was all very real. For their anniversary, the two had picked a restaurant known for their wine, as both women had a sweet tooth for a glass of red. Larissa had to work that day, and so she and Alcina had agreed to meet up at the restaurant at 6. Alcina pulled up to the restaurant and saw that Larissa’s car was already there.
Of course, the blonde was already here…
Alcina chuckled to herself as she got out of her vehicle and entered the restaurant. She was used to the stares, hell, so was Larissa. And so both women just ignored it. Alcina found Larissa already sitting and looking at the menu. As Alcina’s eye caught the distinguished, blonde’s, Larissa set down the menu and smiled lovingly towards her wife.
“Good evening, why is such a pretty lady sitting all alone in such a fine restaurant?” Alcina flirtatiously said to the blonde.
The blonde gave the tall, handsome woman a teasing look, but played along with her, feigning innocence.
“May I join you?” She said with a smirk.
The blonde put on an innocent face “ I shouldn’t do that.. you know I am married and if my wife were to find out…”
They both shared some laughter after their cringy and flirty exchange, and Alcina took a seat at the table, facing her wife and taking the menu in her hand, studying it intensely
You scanned the restaurant and the tables you were responsible for this evening. You had brought a tall, blonde lady to Table 7 with two menus, and she had stated that she was waiting for her wife and if you could come back when she arrived. You nodded politely, agreeing pleasantly with the statuesque woman. You went back to the bar where some drinks for your other tables were waiting for you. You couldn’t help but let your eyes wander back to table 7 every now and again…
The blonde was absolutely stunning and she had already caught your eye when she entered the restaurant 10 minutes ago. She was tall, beautiful and elegant, you assumed she must be in her early to mid 40s. Her British accent sent you almost to your knees. You had a weak spot for older, more mature women and when they had an accent, it just was the cherry on the top. When she mentioned she had a wife, your mind absolutely lost it and went straight to the gutter.
“Good Evening, my name is Y/N, and I will be serving you tonight.”
You blushed slightly at your own choice of words, and the raven haired woman’s smile was simply ever so entrancing. Snapping back to reality, you took both women’s orders. They were starting with a bottle of sparkling water and a bottle of Chianti. You nodded as you jotted their order down and left them to run over the menu. You gave them a fluttering glance as you entered in their drink orders, blushing once more at their ethereal beauty as the two were passionately in discussion.
“Darling…? You wouldn’t happen to fancy that pretty, little waitress, would you…?” Larissa presumptuously purred, pretending to eye her menu while actually fluttering her gaze to and fro Alcina.
Alcina was more than happy to play along.
“Dearest Wife…! I’m simply stunned that you would ever suggest such a thing!” She exclaimed in a hushed tone, feigning surprise and disappointment.
At this, both women chuckled.
“Besides, I’m not the one who called her ‘pretty’, am I…?” Alcina teased the blonde, eliciting a light blush from Larissa.
The two women began having a deeper conversation about their time together and their lives before each other. You brought over their drinks, setting them on the table, flipping their glasses over, opening their bottle of water, and then pouring them both a glass of the red wine. You did all of this with two pairs of watchful eyes on you, which only made your hands shaky and your face blooming a darker red. Both women had forgone their menus and conversation, happily taking their glasses of red from the pretty, little waitress.
You then took out your notepad to take their orders, but the blonde reached out and lightly grasped up your wrist, stopping you. You looked at the woman in awe and shock. She was touching you. You wanted more. Her touch was so soft yet so direct.
“I… Ma’am…?” You choked out, your cheeks blushing a deep fusia.
“We’re not quite ready to order yet, Darling…” The blonde purred, her eyelids batting at you playfully and her glimmering blue eyes staring you down with intensity.
“I— No problem…” you stuttered, your eyes fluttering over to the other woman, who was watching the show intently and with a smirk on her face, “I can… come back in… in a few minutes…”
Then the blonde let you out of her light yet direct hold. The trance broke.
“Wonderful, thank you, Darling…” she purred.
You gulped and nodded, walking away completely stunned and at a loss for words. Both women turned their attention back to their menus.
“My ‘Rissa, Don’t you think it’s a little cruel to be messing with the poor girl…?” Alcina chuckled.
“Oh Alcina… I love you dearly, but it’s not cruel, when she is practically begging us to… Watch her actions. The way she stumbles over her words, the way she blushes, the way she responds like such a good girl…” Larissa teasingly hums.
“Careful… Don’t get ahead of yourself there, Dearest…” Alcina purrs.
“What? Are you telling me you are not interested in the girl, Darling…?” Larissa challenged, putting down her menu as she had now chosen what she wanted.
Alcina finally looked up from her menu to meet the blondes gaze.
“Of course I am…” she admits with a light chuckle, also having decided on her meal putting her menu down.
You were standing at the bar, cashing up your last table that just asked you to pay. You made your way to said table, letting the guests know what they had to pay, they left a generous tip and thanked you for your great service. You sincerely thanked them and turned around to go back to the bar, when you noticed the blonde and ravened hair couple signaling you that they were ready to order. You slowly walked up to their table.
“I assume you two have decided..” your voice was trembling slightly which wasn’t unnoticed by the two goddesses sitting in front of you.
“Oh yes Darling, we are very sorry to have kept you waiting. Your menu is just so extraordinary that it is too hard to decide. I think we both agreed on a Main course but is there anything you can suggest us for an appetizer?“ The blonde woman spoke.
Me… I would just suggest you take Me…
You shook yourself, trying to tame your thoughts.
“Well.. I.. I mean.. I would suggest the Baked Brie Platter with Assortments. It will compliment your wine perfectly…” your eyes were glued to the table, you were afraid if you looked into their eyes too long, they could read your dirty thoughts that were poisoning your professionalism.
You felt the two pairs of eyes wandering over your body as you waited for their final order. “Mhhm.. that sounds perfect Dear, you certainly know your wines don’t you…” the raven haired goddess spoke.
“Thank you ma’am.. I’m just here to please..” you could’ve slapped yourself again for the choice of words, making your face burn with heat again.
Both women had the biggest smirks on their faces which you saw in the corner of your eyes.
“Oh I am sure that you will serve us well” the taller woman commented, and with that sentence you felt a hand on the back of your thigh pulling you a bit closer to the table.
“If you don’t want this darling, let us know now and we will stop and nothing else will happen…” the woman assured you.
You felt a deep trust radiating from her and the only thing you felt you could do was nod.
“Sweet girl, we will need you to use your words…” the blonde woman softly demanded.
“I will let you know if I feel uncomfortable.” you breathed out.
That was the first time tonight that your voice seemed strong and confident. The hand on your thigh started to caress your leg and you dared to look up finally. Your eyes were met with the most shimmering, yellowest eyes you have ever seen, they intrigued you. As quickly as her hand was on your thigh, the quicker she took it away, leaving you squirming on the spot.
You took the rest of the order, the blonde woman ordered a Beef Wellington and the dark haired woman ordered Steak done Bleu. You made your way back to the bar, where you tried to comprehend what just happened.
Once at the bar you tried to get a hold of yourself and the situation you had gotten yourself into now. You had a strange feeling in your gut... excitement mixed with nervousness mixed with… you couldn’t quite wrap your head around it... you had no idea who those women were, no name, age or anything... but somehow you trusted them and you felt safe.
You tried to get your mind clear by focusing back at work, waiting tables, cleaning off and setting the table for new guests. You heard the familiar ping of the kitchen's bell, that the food was ready to be served and you went to the kitchen window to pick up the orders. A Beef Wellington and a Steak done Bleu... suddenly the feeling got back paired with something new... arousal... you could feel it build up in your abdomen, you could feel it pooling in your knickers... you were aroused and somehow you knew that this would not get better… no it would get wetter… the stupid pun left you grinning like an idiot, and so you tried to compose yourself. So you grabbed the two plates and made your way to table 7. On your way to the table it suddenly hit you, you forgot who ordered which Main. When you arrived both women had their eyes glued on you again.
“Beef Wellington.” you said, trying to seem professional… emphasis on trying...
“Oh Dear… Don’t tell us you forgot who ordered that... Did you forget…?” The dark haired woman mockingly said.
“I... I... well…” you stuttered, as you tried to clear your throat.
“You seem distracted… Y/N.”
You’d never heard your name being said so seductively…
“Tell us, Darling, what is going on in that pretty head of yours?”
It was just too much… the teasing, the names and the compliment...
You let out the smallest whimper… No one else in the restaurant would have noticed but the two women in front were clearly aware of what just came out of your mouth.
“What a pretty sound... I wonder what else we could get out of her... what do you think Rissa, my dear?”
“I think… we are going to have so much fun with her darling.” The blonde affirmed. “I ordered the Beef Wellington sweetheart. We don’t want to distract you more from your work, so please continue.”
You set the plates in front of the women and you couldn’t help yourself just to leave back to the bar and tell your colleague that you needed a 5 minute break. You went into the Staff bathroom and looked at yourself… your pupils were blown out, your face had a deep blush and you were sweating. You tried to calm your nerves with some cold water you splashed on your face and dried it off.
Larissa and Alcina both chuckled while watching you almost running away from their table.
“The poor girl, she has no idea…” Larissa chuckled, smiling at her wife.
“She seems so innocent… It's just so much fun to play with her.” Alcina claimed with a devilish grin on her lips.
“Are we sure about this?” making sure her wife is comfortable with everything that might be happening.
“Alci, I think she is perfect...” the blonde hummed.
Alcina’s smile widened and she leant over the table to give her wife a passionate kiss. They both raised their glasses and cheered the night away. When they settled their glasses, both of the women started eating their respective meals and continued with a bit more casual dining conversation.
You brought the two stunning, tall women another round of drinks, and as the night went on, the blush on your face only got darker. By the end of the night, all of your tables were cleared except that of the two women. They were having a good time, savoring the last bits of their wine, having finished their meals. All you had to do was give the women their check, process their form of payment, and then you were done for the night.
“I’m sorry, but the restaurant is closing in a few minutes…” you whimpered, placing the check on their table.
Both women stopped drinking their wine, and their gazes fluttered to you.This time it was the blonde who placed her hand on your arm. Your breath hitched.
“No worries, Darling. In fact… We were wondering if you’d like to come home with us for the night…?” She purred.
Your heart race tripled and your eyes frantically fluttered from one tall woman to the other.
“I…” you tried to speak, but your throat was hoarse and choked up, so you nodded instead.
“Use your words…” the raven haired goddess hummed wickedly.
You felt the blondes hand begin to wander teasingly.
“I— Yes! Yes please…” you stuttered with a flushed red face.
The poised, blonde then removed her touch, leaving you craving only more.
“Excellent. We’ll meet you out front in 10 minutes?”
“Yes…” you whimpered.
You left their table, scurrying to do your closing duties, and then clock out. You change out of your uniform and exited the restaurant with bated breath, only to be met by the two stunning women, having hailed a cab and waiting for you with shimmering eyes and smirking smiles. The blonde got in the cab first, and then the raven haired woman lended you a hand into getting in next, before getting in after you and closing the door. The woman gave the cab driver the address of the couples shared mansion in the mountains outside of Jericho, and the three of you were off. The little contact alone made you shiver, but now you were thigh to thigh with both giant goddesses. The blonde placed her hand right in the middle of your thigh, squeezing lightly.
“I’m Larissa by the way, Darling…” she purred.
You shuddered at the close proximity, how you could practically feel her breath on your neck. You then felt the other woman hand on your other thigh, hers much higher up.
“And I’m Alcina…” the woman on your right wickedly cooed.
You nodded breathlessly, clenching your thighs mindlessly. You blushed as Larissa’s fingers teasingly drew circles on your thigh, while Alcinas fingers edged closer and closer to your core. They were driving you crazy, and they knew it. You wanted to say something, anything. But not a single coherent sentence managed to come out of your mouth. Fuck, they had made you so needy and desperate. It was embarrassing honestly…
At one point, Alcina’s wicked fingers started to draw your thighs apart. You whimpered slightly, but embraced the touch and happily opened your legs as much as possible, so that your thighs were flush against either side of the woman.
Your eyes widened and you audibly gasped as you felt the blonde’s hot mouth nipping at your ear. Your face flushed darker than you would ever think possible, and your head instinctually swiveled to meet Larissa’s gaze. Her passionate, intent eyes met your needy and desperate ones. Her gaze flickered down to your lips and then back up to your eyes. All the while, Alcina is was still relentlessly teasing your thighs, getting closer and closer to your core.
“I’d like to kiss you, Darling. Would that be alright?” Larissa gently purred.
You gulped and nodded eagerly. The blonde cocked an eyebrow at you.
“I… yes please I’m sorry— yes…!” You stammered.
Larissa hummed in delight at your response. She closed the gap, her lips connecting to yours in a slow, direct, and passionate kiss. She tasted like fine wine, fresh mint, and oaky wood. A breathy moan escaped your throat which Larissa’s lips happily swallowed with a hum. Alcina’s fingers finally grazed your clothed core, causing you to buck your hips, leaning forward, desperate for more contact, causing both women to chuckle wickedly and pull back all together. You whimpered at the complete loss of touch.
Suddenly, you felt the raven haired goddess’s fingers, directing your chin to swivel to meet her gaze. But before she could say anything, you lunged forward, crashing your lips into hers. Alcina happily met your passion in a fiery, lustful kiss. Her lips tasted like bloody wine, musky rosemary, and tangent iron. But she also pulled away, this time with a wicked smirk on her face, leaving you a needy, whimpering, desperate, thigh clenching mess.
Once you had arrived, the women led you to the front gates of a cozy mansion, perfectly hidden in the mountains of Vermont. Your breath fled, as they guided you through the front gates, the courtyard, and up the front steps of their home. And the inside… it was marvelous… Your jaw dropped at the whole ambiance of the place. Larissa took your hand, squeezing it lightly, and bringing you back to reality.
“In here, Love.” She purred, leading you into their bedroom.
Alcina locked the door behind the three of you. And now both women stood tall, towering above you, as you backed up and hit the edge of their massive bed. Your eyes frantically looked from one woman to the other once more. You whimpered as their gazes raked up and down your frame. You were their prey. You had been from the very moment they set their eyes on you.
“You’re so cute, Baby…” Alcina wickedly cooed, cocking her head to the side slightly in amusement.
Both women came closer to you.
“But you’re going to have to use your words, sweet girl…” Larissa tauntingly purred.
Your breath hitched. Your knickers were completely soaked through. You were dripping. They were now both flush up against you, their lips each grazing one of your ears.
“Do you want me to fill your needy hole…?” Alcina wickedly cooed.
“Maybe I’ll ride your face until all you can think about is me…?” Larissa tauntingly purred.
“Is that what you want…?” The raven haired woman taunted.
You gulped and nodded vigorously.
“Then be a good girl for us and beg…” the blonde lustfully purred.
Good girl... Oh how those words made your legs tremble and sent your thoughts right back into the gutter.
“Please... U…use me…” you stammered, your hands starting to shake.
You weren’t exactly innocent when it came to sex, but you hadn’t ever had a threesome, nor had you ever encountered a single woman as gorgeous and intimidating as the two in front of you right now. Larissa noticed the small tremor in your hands.
“Oh Baby, do we make you nervous…?” she purred, while taking your hands into hers.
You nodded slightly.
“If at any point you want us to stop, say Pinot Noir, it will be our safe word.”
You smiled when you heard the safe word… Pinot Noir… the second wine they ordered a few hours ago and you brought to their table.
“I will.” you reassured her, and she started smiling.
“So now, how about we help you ease the built up tension…”
Her hands started to travel up your arms, feeling the fabric, traveling up to your shoulders to the collar of your blouse.
“Is it okay if I undress you, Darling?” Larissa asked seductively.
“Yes please…” you almost moaned.
She began unbuttoning your buttoned down shirt, button by button. It was agonizingly slow and instead of helping to ease up the tension, it built up even more. You suddenly felt another pair of hands on your shoulders.
“Shh... Babydoll, relax, we are not going to bite... without your consent of course…” Alcina chuckled and started massaging your tensed up shoulders.
You hadn’t noticed her behind you. When you felt a little bit calmer you let your head fall back slightly, and Alcina let it rest against your shoulder. She let her mouth get closer to your neck and started placing light kisses over your neck, traveling up to your ear and back down to your shoulder. She started sucking on your pulse point at which you let out a soft moan, that just made her more eager to suck, lap, lick, and kiss. You were certain that it would leave a mark but you couldn’t care less at this very moment.
When Larissa had unbuttoned your blouse completely she let it slide down your arms and threw it to a nearby armchair. You mindlessly tried to cover your exposed body with your arms, which was not in the interest of the blonde goddess in front of you.
“Tss tss… don’t you dare cover up that beautiful body of yours… You don’t want us to tie you up, now do you…?“ she said, scolding, but with the most beautiful smile.
She looked you in the eyes and there she saw the answer, you had to say nothing, your pupils blew out even more and the blush on your cheeks was back again.
“Oh my… we have a kinky one…!“ Larissa exclaimed, but this time she was not looking at you, she gave her wife, who was still plastering kisses all over your neck, a vicious smile.
“Do we, now…? Seems like we hit the jackpot... My my, what are we going to do now…?” Alcina said between the kisses.
She let go of your neck suddenly.
“I have an idea... Stay like just that baby…” She purred into your ear.
You heard her heels walking away from you and a drawer was opened. The need to turn your head was growing bigger and you slightly let it wander, but a hand on your chin was stopping you.
“Ah..ah.. don’t peek.” She lustfully tutted, “It will ruin the surprise… and the only thing we want ruined tonight is you…” Larissa cooed and gave you a small kiss on your lips.
Alcina got back to the both of you and placed herself behind you again. She lifted her hands around your body and in front of your face, in her hands was a black satin scarf. Her hands stopped right before your eyes.
“We are going to take one sense away from you, so that your others will be heightened…”
And with that everything went black. It was not the first time you were blindfolded but still it made the pooled arousal in your knickers grow even more.
“Perfect... Now, where were we…?” Larissa chuckled.
Now two pairs of hands started to explore your body, the sensations incredible and all you could do was let out your pathetic soft moans and whimpers.
“Hmmmmm, your sweet sounds are just so enticing… Let’s see what other noises that pretty mouth can make…” the woman behind you lustfully commented.
With that, you felt her hands travel back to our bra. With one swift motion she opened it and your bra slid down your arms, exposing your perky breasts to the nippy air. It wasn’t terribly cold, but the air still gave you a shiver and made your nipples erect. One pair of hands found your breasts and softly massaged them, some of her long fingers found your stiff nipples and they rolled them between two fingers. The sensation made you moan out loud, and your hips rolling forward in a sudden jerk of pleasure.
“Mhh… you like that baby girl?”
Your mind was flooded by arousal and the only coherent thing you could do was again nod. This time it was not met with understanding words but with a pinch and tug to each of your nipples, which made you suck in a sharp breath.
“Good girls use their words…! Don’t make us say it again or we’ll have to punish that beautiful body of yours…” she said with a stern but soft voice.
“Yes ma’am, I like it very much…”
You had no idea why you chose ma’am but it just felt right in the moment and if you weren’t blindfolded you would have seen what impact it had on the woman you had just called that. Larissa’s own arousal was covering her thighs and the name calling was only intensifying it…
“Good Girl… I knew you had manners… Keep that up and you will be rewarded, sweet girl…” she said, while caressing your nipples.
While Larissa was taking care of your nipples and breasts, Alcina's hands traveled from your back to your front, finding the buckle of your belt and she started to open it, slowly taking out the belt from its loops.
“If you don’t keep it up, I will get to use this belt…” She whispered into your ear.
The shiver that was sent through your body made both women chuckle. You heard your belt being aside on the bed, and the pair of hands found their way back to your pants. She opened the button and zipper and let your pants slide down your legs, her hands exploring your now bare legs.
“Step out of your pants and kick off your shoes as well.”
You did as you are told.
“Oh wait… Why don’t we lose those knickers well…?” The blonde seductively noted, more to her wife than to you.
One swift motion of whoever’s hands made your knickers meet the floor just like your pants did moments before. Both women saw how drenched the fabric was and gave each other a hungry look, you were obviously not aware of that, but the silence was suspicious enough. Without a warning one hand of each woman found your core, one from the front and one from the back and their slender fingers were exploring your drenched folds.
“Oh Baby... Is that all for us…?”
“You are soaked... so delicious.”
Both women started kissing your neck, chest, back, shoulder… everywhere.. all while their fingers explored your core. You started to moan and whimper, one pair of fingers found your clit and started circling it tediously slow. Your breathing got unsteady, your hips were involuntary bucking forward. A strong hand held a tight grip at your hip and stilled your motion. You were not in charge, not that this was news to you but this small motion reminded you of that.
“Thank you…” you breathed out and you earned yourself a string of mhhs... and uhhs...
Both hands from your core were slowly retracted and you whimpered from the loss of contact, the hands left trails off your wetness on your skin and they started to explore your body even more. You lost yourself in the moment when you suddenly heard the sound of two lips meeting next to your right ear, the wives found each other and were now connected in a heated kiss, you could merely imagine the sight of it, the sounds were pornographic enough to send waves of arousal down to your core. They were both lost in each other, exploring their mouths, tongues fighting for dominance, moaning into each other's mouths, all while their hands were still on you.
They broke the kiss and exchanged a look that spoke more than words needed to. You heard zippers opening and fabric was falling down the floor. Your hands were taken by two soft, strong hands, leading you onto the bed.
“Come onto the bed with me sweetheart… We are about to give you a night you won’t forget…” Larissa promised you, and you followed her lead, crawling onto the bed.
You assumed Larissa stopped at the headboard because you couldn’t feel her movement anymore. You held your position and waited for your next order. You were met with a pair of hands, holding up your face and your lips were met with Larissa’s, her kiss was passionate and heated, you could taste her distinct flavor mixed with Alcina’s taste and it was the most wonderful mixture you had ever experienced. After a minute Larissa broke the kiss.
“Now, I want you to turn around and lay your back against me, make yourself comfortable between my legs.”
“Yes ma’am…” you answered while fulfilling her wish.
You slowly turned around, laid yourself down and rested your back against the tall woman’s torso, her breasts pressed against you. She intertwined her legs with yours to open you up for her wife and whatever would come next.
You twitched slightly as you could suddenly feel her hard, erratic breathing as well as her cool, slick cunt against your ass. The blonde then took your hands and held them behind your back. You moaned slightly at your vulnerability. You could feel the shift in the bed as the raven haired woman crawled towards you. Crawling all the way up to you, until she’s flush against you, trapping your body between the two wives. Alcina’s hand snaked its way down in between your legs, making you shudder and let out a guttural moan, as her fingers teasingly circled your bundle of nerves.
“Tell me… And be honest.” She breathed down your neck, “What do you want…?”
Your breath hitched as her hot mouth connected to your neck, biting and marking you as she awaited your answer.
“I want you to… use me…” you whimpered.
Alcina slapped your pussy in response, eliciting a breathy yelp from your lips, which quickly turned into a whimper.
“The truth…” she wickedly reminded you.
You gulped and nodded, panting heavily.
“I want… I’m…”
Her fingers quickened their pace of circles around your clit.
“Oh God!!— Please I’m so stressed and needy…! Wanna be taken care of and fucked ‘n overstimulated till… till I forget everything but your names Ma’am please!!” You mewled.
Both women hummed in delight at your honest response. Your clit was still being teased so relentlessly that your legs were starting to tremble.
“I think we can manage then, hmmmm love…?” Larissa spoke into your ear, directing her words to her wife.
“Hmmmm, we certainly can…” Alcina cooed wickedly, moving her lips off of your neck.
You mewled and jerked against the women’s hold, as Alcinas fingers kept working your clit. Your core was aching and knotted, your need growing more and more. As you grinded the best you could against the teasing fingers, the woman behind you began grinding her core against your ass. Alcina’s tongue found a home on and around your perky nipples, as she playfully licked, sucked, and nipped away at them. You breathily moaned out at the newfound friction, eagerly bucking your hips and arching your back to meet both women’s pleasures.
You felt a tongue run up and down your neckline, making you whimper even more. Your hip jerkings were becoming more erratic and sloppy, as the raven haired goddess’s fingers continued to work your sensitive bud. Incoherent murmurs and whimpers began pouring out from your lips, your eyes rolling back. You could feel your body tensing up and then detensing in an agonizing way. You needed to be filled… Your pussy was clenching around nothing… And as if the woman could read your mind…
“Poor Baby… Your pussy must be fluttering like crazy… Clenching around nothing…”
Your eyes were screwed shut tight, and you nodded vigorously. You felt so empty… Yet the heat and tension in your body kept growing… And then fading… But everytime it came back, it came back stronger, pushing you to the edge more and more… And Larissa’s grindings against your ass, only made everything feel more sensual…
“Are you going to cum from just some clit play, sweet girl…?” Larissa chuckled, nipping at your ear.
“Yes yes yes Ma’am—!! Don’t stop please please don’t stop…!” You groaned.
Alcina’s other hand snaked its way around your throat, squeezing lightly. Your eyes rolled back and your mouth opened wide as a strangled scream escaped your throat. At your reaction, the hand around your neck only tightened. Larissa’s grindings were getting sloppier and her breathing in your ear was labored with groans escaping her lips.
“Oh Alci… I’m gonna… cum…!” The blonde pantingly moaned out.
“Baby, grind that ass against Larissa’s wet cunt…” Alcina instructed you.
“Yes… Ma’am…” you choked out, grinding back into the blonde as best as you could.
Larissa let out a breathy groan right by your ear, sending shivers down your spine and to your core. All the while, Alcina’s fingers continued their administrations and her hand tightened around your throat. All your whimpers and moans being stifled by the raven haired woman’s hand only made your pleasure grow trifold.
“Doing such a good job, Baby…” Alcina purred, while speeding up her circlings on your bundle of nerves.
You cried out in response, but your strangled moan was overridden by Larrisa’s leud moans as she crashed over the edge. She bit down on your neck, convulsing behind you, and this only sent you closer to your edge. Your hips grinded back forth quickly and sloppily.
“Wanna… cum—! May I cum…? Please ma’am…!!” You choked out.
“Alright…” the raven haired woman wickedly purred, “Cum for us, dear…”
“Yes Ma’a—Fuck GOD—!!” You let out a strangled cry, convulsing against the two women.
Your constricted throat spewed moan after moan as you crashed over the edge. Your whole body trembled as the waves of pleasure washed over you, and your walls clenched around nothing. Alcina continued to circle and stimulate your sensitive clit, helping you down from your high. Larissa had started kissing where she had broken your skin, and Alcina leaned over and licked up your oozing blood with a hum of delight. Their mouths met by your ear, and you whimpered at the pornographic sounds of them kissing and breathing down your neck.
When they separated, everything went silent. You waited with baited breath for either of the next woman’s moves. Suddenly you felt the blonde move out from behind you, as the raven haired goddess guided you to lean back on the headboard. You heard and felt the bed shift as both women sat in front of you, taking in your needy form. And then they came closer, each tall goddess taking a side of yours to come up flush against.
What we’re they up to now…?
“God…” Larissa lustfully groaned out, “I need her little heat cunt split open on my cock now…”
“I need to fuck her till there's no doubt in her mind who she belongs to…” Alcina wickedly husked.
Shivers ran through your body, and your breath hitched for the upteenth time. You whimpered and spewed a couple of “please pleases…” but that didn’t stop the two. You could feel a whole new wave of arousal slathering your cunt. Your brain was malfunctioning, was this real…?? Oh, it most definitely was… It was as real as the blonde’s breath on your neck, as real as the raven haired goddess’ teeth marking your collar bone, drawing blood once more.
“I need her to be a writhing mess covered in our cum, the taste of me stuck in her mouth for the rest of today…” the blonde breathily purred.
“I want her to daydream about me ruining her constantly…” the raven haired woman lustfully cooed.
Your body was now trembling with need, your brain short circuiting. Your hands began to wander… But both women quickly caught them, placing them above your head. You whimpered slightly, bucking your hips forward desperately. Your slick was collecting around your thighs as you tried to clench them, but were once again stopped by a pair of strong hands. So your waves of arousal started dripping onto the bedsheets… Fuck… Your mind was so frantic and needy. It spiraled with the dirtiest thoughts of what these women could do to do… And the scariest part was, you knew that they would do all of it. Once. Twice over. Until you were a mindless sex puddle. Their little toy… To do with as they please…
“I wanna fry that precious little slut brain so bad…” the tall goddess wickedly hummed.
“I want her to be in a heap for the rest of today and all she can do is let me hug and kiss her while her puppy parts shiver…” the taller goddess wickedly purred.
Then suddenly all their touch was gone. Nothing. They went silent. Except their heavy breathing. You could hear their panting. And you could feel their starring. Your own chest heaved up and down, as you squirmed, waiting for them to make their next move.
You kept your arms over your head even without the touch of any of the women. They both moaned in approval and you started to blush even harder. Suddenly two hands started to caress your upper body, agonizingly slow creeping up to your breasts, each hand finding one of your nipples and they started playing with them, first slow and soft touches, then getting rougher, pinching, pulling, and flicking your sensitive buds. The wives found your neck again and started to kiss and suck like you were the sweetest meal. You were certain that there would be more than just a few hickeys and marks leftover the next day. The fact that they were marking you as theirs made you even wetter, and you let out a string of moans which only spurred them on even more.
“Mhhm, your pretty sounds are divine…!” Alcina moaned into your ear, making your whole body shudder.
“So Pet... I have a surprise for you. It’s a bit of a secret… And I want you to feel it...” Larissa seductively moaned into your other ear, slowly taking one hand you had over your head.
The nickname puts goosebumps across your skin. She leads your hand down her body, brushing over her own breasts. You felt her nipples were perky and hard, and she let out a soft moan when your hand brushed past. Her hand led yours into her crotch and you couldn’t believe what you were feeling… The throbbing slick pussy that was grinding against you moments before, had now switched into a throbbing, thick cock.. Your brain short circuited to understand how that was possible, but nevertheless, it made you incredibly aroused and hungry for much more.
“Oh Pet... This is all for you. Feel me throbbing for you... I want to feel your tight walls clench around my dick… !”
She took your hand in hers and you both gripped her strong member. Alcina’s hand found you both and joined your slow stroking. The three of you kept stroking the hard cock and Larissa was overwhelmed with overstimulation mixed with a new wabre of feral arousal. You must have looked dumbstruck with your mouth left open, drool pooling up in your mouth which made you swallow hard.
“Plea—…ease.. Please… fill me up ma’am…?” You stammered out.
“Oh sweet Pet, call me Daddy…” Larissa cooly demanded and it made your eyes roll back.
“Please Daddy… will you please fill me up…?” You begged her.
“How can I deny such a well trained pet …? Turn around.” she said with a sweet but stern voice and slowly pushed you around so you were straddling Alcinas lap.
“I love to fuck my pets from behind… like the horny bitches they are…” Larissa commented from behind, making herself comfortable behind you and lining up her girthy member with your entrance.
Alcina was caressing your body and just enjoyed the show that was presented to her. Her hands wandered over your whole body, every inch of your skin was touched, her nails carefully scraping over your body, leaving red trails and goosebumps all over you. She suddenly grabbed your chin and led it closer to her face.
“I want you to moan into my mouth when Daddy enters you, sweet slut…”
And with that Larissa entered you without warning and made you moan the most pornographic sound into Alcinas mouth and she happily swallowed your lewd noises, kissing you deeply and exploring your mouth with her tongue. Larissa slowly pulled out and pushed her shifted member right back into you, making you moan out relentlessly. She repeated this slow act a few more times, before she found herself a steadier rhythm which made you moan out in the same rhythmic pattern.
Alcinas right hand found your clit and was drawing slow circles with her long digits, all while her other hand found her own core, collecting some of her own slick and presenting her fingers to your open mouth. Graciously you took the fingers in and started sucking on it like your life depended on it. The dark haired goddess drawed the fingers from your mouth with a pop and went in for a heated kiss tasting herself on your hot tongue.
“Please…Daddy…more…!!” you cried out, when you parted for air.
“Oh we have an eager one… Is Daddy not filling you up enough, slut…? Is your aching cunt desperate for more…?” Alcina concluded with a lifted eyebrow.
You were not able to form any coherent words anymore.
“Please... I just need more... Ohhh GOD—!! please..!” you begged, turning your head to meet Larissas hungry lips.
Alcina’s hand that had been circling your clit, while her wife was merciless filling you up from behind slowly moved towards your entrance where she was met with her wife’s throbbing member. Larissa stilled her movements to feel Alcina pushing two long fingers slowly into you, stretching you out to the maximum and also brushing past her hard cock. You both shivered from the new sensation and you grabbed after one of Larissa’s hands and intertwined your fingers with her.
“Oh sweet girl… You’re so tight… Filling you up so much…'' Alcina commented before curling her fingers and hitting the spot inside you that she was looking for, while Larissa started her thrusting and finding her pace from before again.
Your moans could not be contained anymore and your body slumped forward, pushing yourself against Alcinas big breasts. Now it was you that was sucking on her neck, leaving small bruises and hickeys, your free hand was searching for something to grip, slightly scratching her back. Alcinas let out the sweetest moans while she felt you losing yourself in arousal. The wives felt your walls clenching mercilessly around their respective member and fingers, they found each other's eyes and were lost into each other with arousal and deep intimacy and trust. Larissa leaned forward to give her love a deep and heated kiss. You heard the kissing sound and it made you bite down onto Alcinas shoulder a bit harder.
“My oh my… What a kinky pet we have… Bite harder, dear…!” She assured you and you obeyed, sinking your teeth into her while letting out your symphony of moans.
“Oh god… please… Daddy...Ma’am...I’m so close… please…!! I… I cum…? please…?!” You begged with all that was left in you.
“I don’t think our sweet slut has begged enough… What do you think, my love…?” the blonde goddess was asked by her wife.
The raven haired goddess then suddenly pulled her fingers from your stuffed hole. You let out a desperate mewl in response.
“No… I think she needs to earn it…” Alcina mused to her wife before turning her attention to you, “Make me cum and then you’ll be allowed to cum as well.”
All this while Larissa was still pounding into you. You drunkenly nodded, your hands stammering to the raven haired woman’s core. Alcina opened her legs for your access, and she led you to slip two fingers into her wet cunt. The woman sighed out in pleasure. You then began sloppily pumping and curling your fingers inside her, having real difficulty as the blonde was still fucking you to the edge over and over again. The squelching of your fingers swiftly and sloppily fucking Alcina’s core only added to erotic environment, making your need to cum only grow.
“That’s it, sweet pet…” Alcina groaned in encouragement, bucking her hips into your hand.
Your mind was fogging up and slipping more and more. You were getting extremely desperate. Everytime the blonde brought you right up the edge, she pulled out just enough to stifle your release. Meanwhile, you desperately continued to finger fuck the raven haired goddess. You could tell the woman was getting closer and closer to her edge. Finally, the raven haired woman came with a sinful cry, her walls clenching around your fingers. The woman then pulled your fingers from her drenched cunt and stuffed them into your mouth, making you moan. Suddenly, you felt two sharp smacks to your ass. That was your tipping point.
“Please please OH GOD please!!!” You screamed.
Alcina’s hand expertly snakes to your clit and began teasing it relentlessly, while Larissa continued to pound into your from behind.
“Come for us, Sweet girl…” the blonde purred.
You crashed over and into your orgasm at the blonde’s words. Larissa’s orgasm came right after yours, as she squirted ropes of hot cum into you. Massive waves of pleasure crashed into you, making your body tremble harshly. Screams left your lungs, and your head lolled back against Larissa’s shoulder. The women kindly helped you down from your massive, intense high, Larissa carefully pulling out of you. They caressed your sweaty and sticky frame lovingly, kissing away your little tears of overstimulation.
“Such a good pet for Daddy…” the blonde breathlessly purred.
“Hmmm, you did so good, little one…” the raven haired woman agreed with a hum.
A wave of exhaustion and satisfaction hit you hard. You collapsed back into the blonde. The two women then began lovingly and gently loving on and caressing you with light kisses and lingering touches. You felt a hand slip off your blindfold with ease. Your gaze met Alcina’s stunning frame. You nearly choked on your own air. She was gorgeous. At your reaction, the woman chuckled.
“Let me go get us some things to clean up…” she mused, getting off the bed and disappearing into another room.
You then became very aware of the blond goddess behind you who was pressing her lips up your spine. You sat up slightly and turned around, and your jaw dropped once more. She was stunning. Your eyes flickered down to where the blonde’s member had been, and you found that it was once more her slick cunt.
“Like something you see, Darling…?” Larissa lightly teased you.
You nodded sheepishly, making the tall blonde chuckle slightly. Larissa then scooped you up with ease and brought you to lean against the headboard next to her. The taller woman then returned with three washcloths, two damp and one dry, as well as three waters. She handed out the waters to the two of you, keeping one for herself. She then sat herself in front of you two.
“Drink. And open your legs.” She commanded.
You both opened your legs without a second thought, making Alcina hum in satisfaction. She then proceeded to clean both your legs, thighs, and around your core with the damp washcloths. She used the dry one to pat the sweat away from your figures. When she was satisfied with her work, Larissa came to her and cleaned up her wife in a similar fashion. You took that time to drink some water. The two wives then looked back to you, each woman coming to sit side by side with you.
“You did extremely well, sweet girl.” Larissa cooed, caressing your cheek.
“Amazing.” Alcina added on, squeezing your shoulder lightly.
Alcina leaned in to give you a sweet and soft kiss and you felt your heart beat faster, there was a warmth radiating inside you. Larissa was caressing your body and you felt yourself slowly drifting off. Alcina layed down your head on the pillow and snuggled you up against her front, while Larissa spooned you from behind, the two wives interwined their hands with yours and they shared a loving and sweet kiss over your body. When they broke the kiss, they both layed down on the pillow next to you and drifted off as well.
“I Love you Alcina” the blonde said with a sleepy voice.
“I Love you too Draga mea” Alcina answered her wife.
The next morning you woke up with two pairs of arms and legs tangled around your body and keeping you in place. The last night came back into your head and you first thought it was a wild dream, but you slowly realized it really happened and buried your face into the pillow. The smell of sex was still lingering in the room and it made your face blush in a deep red. You couldn't believe that you really went with the two goddesses. Your movement woke up the blonde woman behind you.
“Good morning, beautiful. How are you feeling?” she asked softly, placing a kiss on your neck.
“I’m… I’m feeling good…” you stretched your body a little bit “ maybe a little bit sore” you sheepishly admitted.
The dialogue causes the raven haired woman to stir awake.
“Why don’t you try getting up, hmmm…?” Alcina cooed wickedly, dancing her fingertips up and down your legs.
You cocked an eyebrow over at the woman.
“What, you think I’ll fall? I walk for a living, it takes more to make me fall.” You snorted in giggles.
Your reaction caused both women to chuckle and then burst into laughter.
“Hey!!” You exclaimed, playfully swatting both women.
Determined to prove them wrong, you crawled out of bed and went to stand up. You were extremely wobbly, but you managed to carefully make it all the way to the bathroom door. “See!” You looked back at the women with a shit eating grin.
But you were met with Larissa’s intense and determined stare and Alcina’s wicked smirk and a light growl.
“I think our pet hasn’t had enough…? Don’t you, Dearest?” Larissa purred, while staring you down.
You gulped.
“Oh I agree…” Alcina chuckled.
Both women then scurried out of bed, stripping themselves, taking your hand and leading your naked body into the bathroom.
“We’re not done with you until you can’t walk, Darling…” Larissa wickedly purred, backing you up against the large shower wall. The wives start to attack your sore body with their hands and with kisses, replaying the night before.
Oh what had you gotten yourself into…
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Alcina Dimitrescu Masterlist
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fox-bee926 · 1 year
Who did this?
Harvey Specter x fem!reader
Masterlist A/N: Wow another one? I'm going to do one more after this and then answer an ask and put all my harvey fics on one post. Then after that who knows. I have an awesome aragorn x reader fic I've been playing around with so I might work on that. Definitely going to try and do more one shots to improve my writing. I really enjoy it but depression makes it a tad hard. Anyways! Enjoy! TW: **This story focuses on the physical abuse between the Reader character and her boyfriend. I am not responsible for the content you consume so please be advised. There are explanations of abuse, but no explicit scenes of abuse occurring.** abuse (physical and emotional), hurt/comfort, Harvey being very sweet, mention of painkillers but I'm talking like 2 tylenol or ibuprofen or something Word Count: 2.5k
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You run across the street to the Pearson Hardman office building, just about soaking wet. All that protected you from the rain was a newspaper you bought right outside your building. You prayed all the way to work that it wouldn’t just completely break under the force of the rain. You had spent almost thirty minutes on makeup, twenty five more minutes than you usually spend. To go along with that, you couldn’t find an available taxi because of the rain. Not even the pain in your shoulder had let up, despite taking a couple painkillers.
Your boyfriend had gotten a bit angry with you last night after you went out socializing with some friends. It wasn’t your smartest move. You knew he didn’t like you to hang out with your guy friends without his permission. But you didn’t think it was that big of a deal. The feelings of your heart conflicted with your rational mind. All you know is you love him and he loves you. Which is why he gets upset when you go out without him. But then why wouldn’t he make time to go out with me alone?
You shook those thoughts out of your head as you swiped your card into the building. You took the time in the elevator to dry off with your sweater. Which was consequently soaked. Curses rang out in the elevator- cursing the sweater, the weather, your boyfriend, you didn’t know.
You sat down in the chair next to Donna and exchanged greetings. “How are we looking today, Donna?” You smiled as you saw Harvey sitting in his office. The only person getting into the office earlier than him was Donna.
“Full day as always. Oh, Jonathan from accounting asked for Harvey to look at his expense accounts for this last month. He won’t of course- but as long as they get to Harvey’s desk, Jon won’t speak another word about it until the next thousand dollar dinner with a client.” Donna goes back to typing rapidly on her computer. 
“And then the cycle continues,” You let out a hearty laugh for the first time since you left work last Friday. “I’ll get on that. Anything else while I’m in accounting?” You gather up different file folders that you need to take down to accounting anyway.
“Nope, say hi to Mr. Expense Forms for me!”
“Will do, Donna.”
You quickly walk to the elevator and down to the accounting department for Jonathan's expense reports. Harvey is still in the same spot as he was when you left as you open the door to his office. You make sure to open the door with your left arm, with the papers in your right. 
“I got a delivery for Harvey Specter from Mr. Jonathan Expense Forms from accounting. Fuming as always. You might want to lay off the fancy dinners for a week.” Harvey rolls his eyes at the notion.
“Sweetheart, you think I’m that good at my job that I don’t need fancy dinners to win over clients? You must think very highly of me.” He chuckles smugly as he writes words you can barely read on a legal pad. You deal his snark back just the same.
“Of course I think you’re good. You’re my boss, I’m legally obligated to think so.” You both laugh until you reach with your right arm to set the folder on his desk. You let out a noise just loud enough for Harvey to be concerned. 
“What happened to your shoulder?” 
“It’s nothing, I just fell.”
At this, Harvey looks up. You were never one to be clumsy, let alone fall so hard as to hurt yourself. As Harvey’s eyes assess you, he notices a large dark bruise on your wrist- both your wrists in fact. 
His silence worries you, and you follow his eyes to your wrists. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry-” You quickly try to pull your sleeves down to cover the spots. Remnants of rain water drove through the foundation. 
Harvey takes a few deep breaths as you stand there in shocked silence. For the smallest second, you think he’s going to hurt you. Rationally, you know the notion is absurd, but the mind that has dealt with angry men keeps you silent.
Harvey finally speaks after taking a minute to process the information he’s pieced together.
“Who did this to you?”
You’re taken aback, that small part of your mind thinking he would call you unprofessional or weak. “My... My boyfriend. He just gets a little annoyed with me sometimes. It’s truly nothing. I’ll do better to cover them-”
“A good man being annoyed never results in bruises. How did this happen?” Harvey has to go against every part of his nature not to rush out and ask Donna everything about this man, then subsequently find him. He’s thinking that those boxing lessons are actually going to come in handy.
But he knows he can’t. He knows that if he moves like that, or moves at all, he’d terrify you. He can see how your eyes dart around. Towards the door, towards your wrists, and towards himself. He didn’t know how you would react if he even stood up.
“I fell into a bookshelf. He pushed me a bit and I lost balance.”
“You mean he shoved you into a shelf.”
The way Harvey phrased it made you feel uncomfortable. “That’s a bit harsh, but you could phrase it like that.”
He stared at you in disbelief. This wasn’t the woman he saw on a daily basis. The woman that dealt with almost every slimy man that came into the building. The woman that he had slowly fallen in love with since she arrived here.
The woman before him seemed like a shell of the woman he met three years ago, and he couldn’t help what came out of his mouth next.
“Do you know how you sound? You should never be bruised, shoved, or red eyed if you’re in love. That’s simply not how it is, and I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe that.”
At this, the dam broke.
Tears had been pooling in your eyes from the moment Harvey saw the bruises. But at his last words you let out a pained sob. It hadn't sunk in just how bad it had gotten. Your boyfriend had done this a few times before, but had never gotten so harsh until last night.
All the pain from the last year had come rushing in, and you were about to break right in front of your boss. Heavy tears started to run down your face. It was at this moment you were glad you never wore heavy makeup. You did your best to stifle the sounds and cries that tried to escape, but outside, Donna still saw through the glass. 
Immediately, Donna calmly walks in. She takes one look at you, then Harvey. With a single nod from Harvey, Donna lets out a quiet "Car is on its way."
Unfortunately that made you feel even worse. "I'm so sorry, Harvey. This is completely unprofessional-"
Harvey finally stands up and walks towards you. At this point, what you need isn't space. He places his hands as gentle as can be on your arms to coax you to look at him. And you do, but looking at your red eyes and wet tears streaming down your face up close make his heart break even more.
"I don't give a shit about professionalism. Donna is getting the car and my driver is going to take you home-"
"No! He's there, he's been trying to move in with me and doesn't have a day job. He's just been staying there..." Your sentence trails off as you’re trying to process what you’re actually saying. Are you really doing this?
"Okay, then my driver will take you to my place and give you a key. We'll talk about the next steps when I get home. I'll get you some things from your apartment, okay?"
The tears were gone purely by witnessing Harvey be so calm, and you nodded slowly. All you could do was follow the sound of his voice. Like a lighthouse in a raging storm. 
Donna entered the room quietly, "The car is here."
"Good. Donna will walk you out." You nodded, not saying a word. You turn to walk out of Harvey’s office, but he reaches out for your hand. “You’ll get through this, alright?”
You give a small smile. However, your mental state did not display the same sentiment. Your mind was reeling from what had happened in the last- what, 10? 15 minutes? 
Donna leads you out the back staircase as a gesture of mercy. She knew that you didn’t want anyone else to see you like this. Harvey wasn’t exaggerating his view of you. Everyone in the office saw you as an unbreakable force.
Harvey’s driver opens the door for you. You look back at Donna, who is smiling sweetly. “I promise, Harvey will take care of everything. The only thing you need to worry about is taking care of yourself, okay?” 
You gave Donna the same small smile you gave Harvey. You were at the edge of your sanity at this point. Now that you’ve gone through all the sadness and shock of the... situation, you were embarrassed. Angry. Angry at yourself for letting a man put his hands on you for a full year. Angry at Donna for knowing exactly what was going on and getting exactly what was needed. Angry at Harvey Specter for being so goddamn perfect that you couldn’t help the butterflies that always arose in your stomach whenever he talked to you. Angry at the world for putting you in this position.
Wordlessly, you exited the car once it stopped in front of Harvey’s building. You reached his apartment without thought. You took your heels off, and put your purse on the closest counter you saw. 
And you cried.
 Harvey exited the elevator with a large box held in his hands. It was purely full of necessities. A week's change of clothes, toiletries, some books he knew were your favorite. Everything else he could buy new. He looked down and saw your heels on the ground and your purse on the table beside him.
Once he set down the box on the floor, he saw you. You looked even worse than at the office. Your beautiful hair was frizzy and pulled in odd directions. The worst part was the absolutely destroyed look on your face. Eyeshadow and liner were smudged on your red tinged eyes which stared into space in front of you. 
Harvey sees your body stiff as a board on the edge of his soft couch, seemingly ready to run at a moment’s thought. “Have you been sitting like that since you got here?”
“No. I’ve only just sat down.” Your arms leaned on your knees, hands folded in your lap.
Harvey tries to ignore the hoarse sound in your voice. “Well, you can relax a bit if you’d like. I got you some more comfortable clothes if you want to change.”
Your brows furrow as you think. “Did he give you any problems?” For the first time since he came in the front door you look at him. He was visibly more relaxed than he is in the office. His suit jacket was tossed on the coat rake next to the door and the sleeves of his dress shirt were neatly folded up his arms. He walked towards the kitchen to the freezer. 
“He didn’t get a chance. Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you again.” He walks over to where you’re sitting on the couch and sets down an ice pack. His shirt was obviously wrinkled, and his knuckles held the slightest tinge of blue. The thought of Harvey hurting someone made your stomach flip, but you didn’t feel quite so bad for the receiving party.
“Let’s get some ice on that shoulder, huh?” He could tell you were still sensitive, but it felt more subdued than the scared woman he saw in his office.
You nodded in agreement about the ice pack. You hadn’t really stopped to think about it until he said something. As you unbutton your shirt to reveal your nude colored undershirt, you wince. The swelling of the bruise had gotten worse since you hadn’t taken anything for it. You hadn’t noticed the pain when you were crying, but now it just felt terrible.
“Let me help.” You give Harvey a look when the words come out of his mouth, a glimpse of that fiery woman that he knows. But you sigh and relent. You managed to undo a few buttons at least before Harvey steps in.
He unbuttons your shirt down to your stomach and pulls the shoulder of the shirt down just enough to slide the ice pack onto the skin. As soon as it’s securely placed between you and the couch, you let out a groan. In relief or pain, you don’t know. All you knew was that the cold felt absolutely wonderful on your swelled skin.
You and Harvey stay like that for a while, the exact amount of minutes you don’t know and neither does he. Harvey is the first to speak.
“You’ve been awfully quiet.” 
You give him a look that says “I wonder why, dumbass.” But you refrain. “I’m thinking.”
He finally sits next to you on the couch and reaches his arm to grasp the top of the cushions. In his mind he excuses it as getting more comfortable, but the opportunity to touch you is also a bonus. Harvey was not a man of wise words for comfort, moreso actions and touch.
In a singsong voice, trying to lighten the mood, he says “Whatcha thinkin’ about.”
You smile a true smile and look towards him. Then the thoughts in your head come rushing in and the smile falls from your face. “I’m thinking about how I’ve been with him for so long that I don’t know how to live my life without him. So much of my life has been conforming to his ideals, his feelings. How am I supposed to love and be loved after him? After I’ve split my soul into so many pieces that I’ve lost track of where they all are?”
Both of you sit in silence, not sure what to say.
“I was definitely not expecting that.”
“I am... extremely sorry I said that, please just ignore-”
“I wasn’t finished, sweetheart. Firstly, I think you should see a professional about these feelings. But in the meantime, we can work on that together.” Harvey smiles, but then falters. “I- I mean, if you want. I’m not trying to get in your pants, I promise, all I’m saying is that I’m here whenever and you can stay as long as you want and-”
“Thank you, Harvey. It means a lot to hear you say that.” You laugh at the sight of a flustered Harvey Specter.
“To paraphrase, you're not alone in this. Not ever.”
You reach over with your good arm and pull him into as much of a hug as you can muster. In return, he pulls you close. Neither of you ever want to leave.
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vivalabunbun · 1 year
Let's Look Over The Garden Wall
Summary: One wants an easy meal and one wants to play house. 
Word Count: 9.9k
Tags: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader, Smut(r18+), MDNI, Modern AU, Vampire AU, Contract Marriage, NSFW, Fluff, Heavy Angst, Unrequited love?, Vampire! Alhaitham, Dom! Alhaitham, Human! Reader, biting, pet name? (calls you good girl) TW: Blood & Blood drinking, TW: Death, Terminally ill! Reader, slight orgasm denial, slight corruption kink, wedding night, temperature play? He falls hard, slow fic, tragedy
Authors note: This whole fic was a challenge since I wanted to write it kinda from Alhaitham’s pov. I’m not really knowledgeable about vampires, so in this fic they’re just a type of monster and not undead, and vampire blood can turn humans into monsters. Enjoy!
Side note: Here is the other side, Finale
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The secretary had just arrived at the office not too long ago, shift starting at six pm and going until midnight. The typical hours for a creature of the night. 
Like a sweet breeze that blew stray leaves through his office’s open window, a stranger came gallivanting through the boundaries of his door, contract in hand. Faruzan, the office receptionist trailing after you with your proper introduction. 
“Secretary Alhaitham, this young lady here would like to make a blood contract with you.” 
He certainly wasn’t expecting this when he walked through the sliding doors of the building. The biggest company in Sumeru, the firm that specialized in such dubious pacts. 
In an age where humans now outnumber vampires, with new technologies and weapons that can now threaten the once untouchable creatures, immortal beings now have to play by mortal rules. One such rule, vampires can no longer drink human blood. 
Animal substitutes were of course inferior in both taste and satisfaction, any vampire would know this. However, there’s a loophole to this law. Vampires can’t drink human blood legally unless it’s consensual by both parties, established through contracts. Business exchanges for money, power, or glory. 
Of course, this practice is heavily regulated. Hunters who uphold the balance ready to rip the hearts out of those who dare make an unfair deal. Alhaitham is the simple secretary who files these contracts, not one of the agents tasked with such things. 
Still, he’s intrigued. Even in this office there are many who have yet to see the face of this elusive vampire, how did this human identify him? He was looking for an excuse to stray away from dull lines of files, might as well entertain your musings. 
The ashen-haired immortal pulls out a seat for you, nodding to Faruzan sending her out of his office, giving you privacy. Alhaitham ambles to the other side of the polished wood, settling down on his plush office chair.
“The process for filling a contract is straightforward, even though this consultation wasn’t planned, if negotiations go well you’ll then undergo a psychological evaluation.”
You nodded your head lightheartedly, posture relaxed in the chair. 
“So,” he begins.
“What are your demands?” 
“Marry me.”
Dead silence. He certainly wasn’t expecting a proposal this Monday night. Were you wasting his time with a joke?
You must’ve read his unfazed mask. Quickly pulling a pen and notepad from your pocket.
“I’m being serious, I want you to be my husband.” Hands swiftly jotting sentences down on paper.
In your graceless handwriting, you listed all your qualifications. Age, name, blood type, and financial status. You also detailed some self-prescribed personality traits. 
Alhaitham skips over that section. 
Marriage contracts weren’t unheard of, nor were marriages between humans and vampires. He believes such practices weren’t deemed illegal solely because of human morbid curiosity and desires.
No immortal, with their centuries of knowledge and wisdom, would waste such energy on a mortal, without a price of course. It would be a fool’s errand to not have fair compensation.  
“For a fraction of your time, I’ll give you all of mine.” You point the pen toward him. 
How romantic. 
“I’d say you’re getting the better end of the deal, Mr. Alhaitham.” There’s a curl to your lips, resting your elbows upon his polished desk. 
With a slight sigh, Alhaitham pulls out a form, pen swiftly recording the necessary information. There’s going to be a long process of straightening out the clauses, but this should suffice for approval.
“Why me?” He inquires, straightening out the proposal on his desk.  
“You’re handsome, have money, and I like your voice.”
The rustling of papers and pens stopped. Dead unamused silence. 
“Pfft! Too brash? Sorry, sorry, I was only joking,” giggling as you waved it off. 
“Well, to be fair the real reason isn’t much better, to be honest.” You leaned in closer, creeping towards the unseen boundaries of his personal space.  
“I often see you passing through the streets, guess I got enamored from there.” Your smile was shameless but your cheeks were tinted pink. 
A hopeless romantic, that answer suffices him for now. He could’ve easily shown you the door, but life has been stagnant for a few decades. History repeats itself if you live long enough to see it, new occurrences are rare. As the sky deepens from indigo to midnight, two bodies sit across from each other, discussing sentences written on paper.
“I’ll contact you in three business days with the verdict, have a good night.”
“I shall await the news.” You beamed at him, warm and icy hands meeting for a handshake. 
Just as you entered, you left with that same giddiness. Now left with his thoughts, Alhaitham reviewed the documents, he had three days to ponder whether or not to submit them to the legal team, and through the judgment of a certain scarlet-eyed General Hunter. 
As per Sumeru regulations, all offices run by vampires must have uncovered glass windows. An attempt conquered by humans to enfeeble creatures of the night. Alhaitham’s beryl gaze traveled up the length of the building stationed across the street. 
What an ironic placement for a hospital to be facing the biggest firm staffed by immortality. Or perhaps it was strategic, after all the most desperate humans are the ones who lay upon their deathbeds for one last hurrah. 
The perfect scheme to keep the blood contracts flowing in. 
Teal eyes observe the room right across through the glass, it seems freshly vacant. New untouched sheets, new unflatten pillow, and fresh towels. 
Alhaitham can now confirm the validity of your statement, a half-truth. 
When deciding on a contract, one must weigh the pros and cons, to see if they balance or if one side gives away to another. Your demands? You wanted to experience married life, all aspects of it. Your offer? Your everything. 
All your assets together can’t hold a candle to the amount Alhaitham has accumulated for centuries, but it’s a decent amount. Perhaps due to a medical settlement. 
Alhaitham has lived long enough to rein in primal desires, he can suffice off animal substitutes just fine. However, it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t want a taste of the real thing again. You offer him a steady supply, and to give him every last drop after seven years.
Yes, all of this for a mere seven-year contract. A deal heavily tipped in the favor of the vampire, not even a mere fraction of the time immortality offers. However, what piqued his interest the most weren’t the benefits listed.
A garden wall the tall vampire can’t peer over. Insight only attainable by those who near the end of their finite paths. What’s it like to have agency? What’s it like to have such finite time? 
He’ll have seven years to observe. He submits the forms on the third day, delivering your verdict over the phone. Alhaitham agrees to entertain your little daydream. 
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On part that it was Alhaitham who personally filed the forms, the approval process went swimmingly, skipping the paper line. Tighnari oversaw the psychological evaluation, test after test confirming the sanity of your mind, speeding up the process of getting that stamp.
“What flowers do you like? I’m planning the decorations.” Your legs swinging under his kitchen table. 
The contract was approved, hands held and certificates signed at the town hall, your belongings moved into his house. It’s excessive to want a celebration after all of that. 
“Whichever flowers you want.” 
Alhaitham will hold his tongue, after all, he’s signed to play the role of a husband.
The venue was spacious, high ceilings with marble floors and pillars, all of which were lavishly cluttered with Padisarahs, Sumeru Roses, and Kalpalata Lotuses. Alhaitham stood at the altar just off to the side of the wedding officiant. Tuxedo crisp and hands folded together, he scans over the rows of guests invited. 
Since there weren’t any in-laws, Alhaitham assumed you wouldn’t have much of a social network. No one’s correct all the time, he ignores the piercing glares of a few eyes. The all-too-loud tones of a grand piano resound through the room. The previously shut doors open to reveal your figure. Embellished dress and veil perfectly framed by the carved entranceway as you ambled your way up the aisle. 
The twilight hues of the sky dye the white gown in everchanging vibrancy as you passed by the standing crowd, up the steps to the altar, and finally in front of him. The overwhelmingly floral scent of the bouquet itches his nose. 
Alhaitham pays no mind to the soliloquy of the officiant, he simply follows the rehearsed procedures. Sliding the gold band onto your finger and allowing you to do the same to him, lifting the veil to reveal your starry-eyed gaze he places a practiced kiss against your warm lips.
Is this excessive ritual over yet? No.
Alhaitham stands in the corner of the reception hall, hand nursing a glass of wine. The rich spices of the buffet offered to the guest irritated his palate. Supernatural creatures with their enhanced senses, a double-edged sword. Human food serves no purpose to vampires, it’s over-seasoned and pungent. At least your species has created drinks such as coffee and wine, delicacies even immortal creatures can enjoy. 
In the center of the artificially lit hall, you eagerly greeted all your guests as they beamed at you. Giggling and hugging each person as an entourage of three friends helped with that embellished gown of yours. Two pairs of eyes from said entourage occasionally glared at him, their bodies forming a barrier to separate groom from bride. Candace and Dehya were the names you introduced to him. 
Your starry-eyed self blissfully unaware of the silent cold war as the scarlet-haired dancer calls the attention of the two hunters back for the bouquet toss. Alhaitham was nothing more than just a decoration, you just wanted an excuse to prance around in a pretty white dress and throw a fancy party. He’s your husband, he’ll tolerate this daydream.
“Did you enjoy the reception?” 
Only after the send-off and closing ceremony of the celebration, when the bride and groom were behind the thick oak doors of their suite, that you seemed to remember the decoration named ‘Alhaitham’. 
“Yes, it was lovely.” The wine provided by the venue was of the highest quality, it entertained him enough. 
“I hope you’re not upset at me being busy with guests.” Your arms found their way around his waist. 
Quite comfortable encroaching on his space huh. 
“I’m not.” Better they talk to you and not him. 
As his cold hands pat the exposed skin of your back, his teal eyes didn’t miss the trail of goosebumps that prickled your skin. Shall he move on to the next scene? The lacing of your dress seems quite complicated, he assumes that it must have taken a few pairs of hands to tie it. Should he be a good husband? 
“Do you need help with this?” His baritone voice was right against your ear, noticing the flush on the tips. 
“Yes.” For once your voice was just barely above a whisper, a blushing bride. 
The lacing weaved in and out of eyelets running down along the length of your back, how troublesome. Always one for efficiency, Alhaitham simply takes a handful of the taught lace and pulls, they snapped like simple threads. Such things offer no resistance to a creature of the night. The gasp that escaped your lips feed into something deep within. 
With the bonds loosened, the embellished dress of yours lost the fight against gravity, fabric pooling at your feet. Revealing to teal eyes the lacy white stockings, garter belt, and panties, all the hallmarks of a wedding night. It’s impossible to deny the hunger crawling up his throat, no force of nature could resist such a sight. 
“Aren’t you forgetting something? It’s rude to not offer the groom some help, no?” His hunger enjoyed that scarlet flush on your face.
Indecisive fingers going for the easiest button, opening the tuxedo jacket allowing him to shimmy it off his broad shoulders. Teal eyes continued to survey your flushed face, the smirk on his waiting for your hands to continue. Obeying his silent command like a good bride, you loosened the bow tie next, finally freeing him from that stiff collar. 
Slowly your eyes peered up, asking if the torment was over yet, the slight rise in his ash brow directing you to resume. From your lips came the beginnings of a whine to which he sternly shushed. If you couldn’t even undress him how would you be able to do the other vulgar activities? 
Finally relenting, your fingers continued with their clumsy attempt at unbuttoning his dress shirt, once a small window of his chest appeared your face pressed against the cool skin, staying there until all the buttons were undone. Oh? So even you can feel shame?
“Shall we continue on the bed, my bride?” 
Your face was still hidden in his chest as you nodded, where did that shameless nature of yours go? With your gaze adverted he didn’t even bother hiding the curl of his lips. Sweeping you off the ground, he could hear the flutter in your chest increasing as the distance between the bed closes. 
Upon silk sheets, Alhaitham settles down with you in between his legs and back against his chest. One key difference between humans and vampires? Body heat, one creature’s cells produces warmth, while the other simply remains the temperature of the environment. Your flushed skin seared itself into his, icy and hot mending together to create an equilibrium. 
Of course, a good husband would warm his wife up. Alhaitham runs his cool palms along the length of your plush thighs and leg, absorbing the warmth as his own, soothing the shivers and goosebumps on your skin. Every now and then boldly creeping up the sides of your waist to twist at your perked nipples, enjoying every jolt and whine. 
“Oh? Since when was this transparent?” 
A firm hand grasps your chin, directing your vision towards white lace panties, the fingers on his other hand tracing over the shape of your cunt through the soaked fabric. Another lovely whine left your lips, face burning even more as you weakly protested in his hold, too powerless to do anything. 
Skilled digits honed in on the nub that made your body jolt away, rubbing the faintest of circles over the delicate fabric, your legs trapped by his robust arms standing no chance to preserve your shattered dignity. As such, you had to follow his desires tonight. 
“Or are you excited just by a few fleeting touches? What a lewd bride you are.” 
It seems that you were telling the whole truth when you exclaimed how much you liked his voice, his finger could feel the slick that began to seep through the lace. Brushing the fabric to the side, Alhaitham allowed his middle finger to collect the slick along your slit allowing the rest of his digits to warm up against your cunt’s soft mounds. His throat felt parched as the sweet scent teased his nose, but now was not the time, maybe later in the night. 
“Will you be honest?” The heel of this palm freely pressed against your clit as his middle finger continued to run up and down your wet lips, every now and then almost slipping. 
Your body couldn’t hide its eagerness, hole clenching at nothing every time his finger passed by. However, he needed confirmation from you. Communication is important in a contract no?
“Yes what?”
“I’ll be honest.” You pressed your back flat against his chest, trying to hide your face but his firm hold wouldn’t allow it. 
“Good girl, then tell me what you desire.” His crisp breath provides your searing skin some relief. 
Your plush lips pressed into a thin line as your eyes shut, cheeks heating up even more. It wouldn’t be good if you passed out from heat exhaustion so quickly. He grinds his palm into that sensitive nub, tormenting the answer out of you, nectar now dripping onto the sheets below. 
“I want to c-cum,” You breathed out. 
How direct, close but it wasn’t what he was looking for. 
“You have to be more clear with your instructions, how do you want to cum?” 
“Y-your fingers.” 
“Good girl.” Finally, his finger breached your soaked entrance. 
Pulsating walls welcomed him with unyielding squeezes, dragging his soaked digit further. Your sweet moans and whines resounded through the spacious suite, the volume of your voice directing him toward that spongey spot deep within. You were wet enough for another finger, so Alhaitham adds another, two digits stretching and exploring your soaked cavern. 
“Mmmh! T-there!” Your toes were curling. 
“Mmm.” The hum vibrated in his chest as his fingers went hard at work, thrusting into your quivering walls. 
Each time his palm would slap against your clit your honest hole would clench down so endearingly. Your chest rises and falls rapidly, the muscles in your leg tensing up more and more. It’s obvious that you were close, but before he fulfilled your demands, he decided to be proactive and prepare for the next step. 
Releasing your chin from his grasp, allowing your head to lull back against his shoulder. Alhaitham reaches between your bodies, hands never pausing their pace, swift fingers undoing the confines of his trousers. Allowing for his member to lay right against your back, the jolt of your body at the foreign object pressing against you made his hunger worse. 
“Did you get more turned on? You’re clenching down tighter, did you want it that badly?” 
Even if your eyes refused to meet his, the way your hips grind against his length, warming it up, told him all he needed to know. Your gummy walls constrict more around his fingers, it’s time to wrap up this scene, the next one is even more exciting. So his palm now digs into your clit, circling the now swollen bud in combination with his finger pressing against that nice spot deep inside. 
How cute, he didn’t even need to ask you to announce it. Letting your body ripple with the force of the orgasm, trembling limbs within his solid hold. If he was merciful, he would’ve continued to slide his fingers in and out, or maybe continue to caress your little nub, guiding you back to reality. However, hunger doesn’t allow for mercy. 
Removing his soaked digits away from your pulsating cunt, teal eyes observing the transparent strings that clung to them with amusement. A small appetizer wouldn’t spoil the main meal, skilled tongue cleaning his fingers of your slick. Your head still limp against his shoulder, eyes rolled back in the throws of pleasure. To bring you back down to earth, it's best to use a new type of force. 
Effortlessly, your hips were lifted up dripping cunt lined up with his impatient length below. In one fluid motion, your walls encase everything, drenched cunt giving no resistance as his tip kisses the spongy spot. Alhaitham lets a hiss escape him, it was as if he thrusted into the sun, your walls quickly bringing his member up to its temperature. 
From your lips another moan was ripped out, oh it seems that you’ve plummeted back to reality. Your cunt trembled yet gripped onto his cock like a vice, coaxing him to go in deeper, encouraging his hunger to abuse your gummy walls even more. Barely riding out one wave of pleasure before another drowned you. 
The hunters at your wedding could stick to your side the whole celebration, they could glare at him all they wanted, and they could try their damndest to keep the vampire at a distance. However, it was all efforts wasted in vain. For it was you, the blushing bride, who walked straight into his arms in the end, so open and receptive. 
As he slides out just the slightest bit, your cunt protested by desperately clamping down, begging for his thick girth to stay in. In response he tightened his grip on your hips, lifting your body back up before bouncing you back down. What a glutton for pleasure you were, even as your little mouth whimpered and babbled, your walls thanked each slap of his hips with squeezes. 
Sadistic hunger wanted more, to thrust deeper, to bully that poor spot inside of you over and over again with his thick tip as your walls stretch to accommodate the girth. His thighs collected the mixture of sweat and slickness from your body at each thrust. Your fingers dug into his hands, fingers white as you tried to grasp at anything to ground yourself. 
“F-fast, too m-much.” There was drool escaping the corner of your parted lips, eyes barely back from seeing the inside of your head. 
“Oh? Do you want me to stop?”
Alhaitham grinds to a stop, member still pressing deep inside you as he pulled you closer so his breath could ghost over your nape. In an instant, your mouth and cunt protested, you should be more clear with your instructions. 
“N-noo.” Crying over the ruined tension. 
“No? You wanted this.” His finger finds its way back to that swollen nub, flicking it a few times to watch the jumps of your body.
“If I let you cum, then I’ll do it my way, is that clear, my bride?” Tormenting your clit with firm circles. 
“Yes! Please! P-pleasee.”
So weak against his voice, the sweet calls of a beast to lure you into the depths of depravity. Such is the fate of a shameless bride. Thus, his hips sprang back into action with renewed vigor. One hand keeps your hips still and the other remains on your clit to force that knot to reappear deep inside you. 
Nothing but nonsense and moans babbled from your loose face, nectar dripping down to his heavy balls as they slapped against you with each pistoning of his hips. Your frantic hands entangled themselves into ash-mint locks as he felt gummy walls closing in tighter and tighter, your toes curling at the end of spread legs. Sinful slaps increased in frequency throughout the room as did the pace of the finger on your clit. 
Your tense body held the warning of another storm, another fall off the edge into the depths. Alhaitham brushes his nose up your nape, the floral scent didn’t distract him from the goal laying just behind the skin. Your nerves were exhausted from the shooting pleasure, now was the perfect time to finally get his share. It’s only fair. 
Prepping the area with a slow lick as his hips continued their brutal pace, incisors brushed against the delicate skin before piercing through. His hand shot up from your hip to your neck, a loose grip holding you still as your body tensed then violently shivered. The frenzy clamping of your cunt on his length was proof of your fall. Loose jaw uttering out broken moans as tears dripped down your chin. 
The fresh scarlet flooded over his tongue and down his throat as Alhaitham continued with his slow suckling. Ah, you were very much like a flower, so delicate, so fragrant, and so bittersweet. It’s been almost a century since he last tasted the real thing, his body celebrated by filling your walls with thick release. An equivalent exchange of some sort. 
A human body is quite frail, losing over two pints of blood borders on fatal territory. It’s not good to deplete a resource so quickly. Alhaitham releases your neck, running his tongue over the wound to seal it up. Teal eyes checked your complexion to ensure his measurements were accurate. Cheeks still with a healthy red flush as your chest heaved with pants, eyes glistening with tears. Such a shameless sight. He allows your head to roll onto his shoulder. 
The rhythm of your heart settles back to its resting state as Alhaitham analyzes the taste he just experienced. 
“I love you,” you breathed into his shoulder. 
Alhaitham stiffens, the herbal aftertaste of your blood was bitter, the tang dried out his mouth causing a drawn-out pause. This is no good, he can’t miss the cue to say the line a bride longs to hear from her groom. 
“I love you too.” 
The choir of crickets from the world outside filled the void along with your pants.
“Pfft! Maybe let’s not say that, it’s too weird.” You shamelessly laughed, lifting your face from his skin. 
What a relief, at least you seem to still have sense. Such words felt forcefully wedged into a script that wasn’t written for it. Might as well remove the line altogether. Moving on from the scene, Alhaitham lets you enjoy the warmth reflected off his body by yours. 
It’s in the clauses to allow you to enjoy all aspects of marriage, so enjoy this honeymoon segment.
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“Haitham, can you carry this for me please?”
“Haitham, I can’t reach, can you get it please?”
“Haitham, let’s have panipuri tonight!... Can you cook it please?”
It would’ve been better if he remained nothing more than just a decoration. It would’ve been easier if he was just a view for you to see behind glass. Perhaps Alhaitham’s acute eyes misread the contract, did you want a husband or just a maid? 
Instead of sitting down in his own house to enjoy a book, he finds himself saddled with domestic responsibilities. 
Must you call on him for everything?
Laundry and groceries aren’t that heavy. If you can’t reach the top shelves with the duster, then just get a chair. No ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ could prevent the downward tug of his lips every time you call him that doltish name. Your justification of a ‘nickname’ between lovers was moronic. 
“Huh… Haitham how come you only use salt?”
Why do you make a creature who doesn’t consume such foods cook them? You’re more than capable of cooking for yourself every day. Although, Alhaitham would prefer it if you stopped using such overly fragrant herbs and spices. 
Of course, when two breaths occupy the same space, there are bound to be pieces that don’t fit together, just as two breaths never sync. Alhaitham already factored those into his decision, but this was more proof of why a theory is always second to application. How troublesome the reality of marriage is, no wonder divorce rates are so high. 
A good actor knows how to stay in character, so he’ll keep these thoughts to himself. Just as he lists your quirks silently. 
One, you’re capricious. One moment silently enjoying a drama on the TV you asked him to purchase, body hogging the entire expanse of a couch. The next, you’ll be humming as plates and cups clatter in the sink, or the heavy thumps of your steps as you bound through the house with a mop. Alhaitham prefers it when you’re stationary, at least it doesn’t disturb his reading.
Two, you drink tea, an unfathomable amount of it. A warm cup always nestled between your fingers, bitter water mixed with honey. The herbal tang finds its way into your blood, making it taste like medicine. Thus, Alhaitham treats it as such, medicine just to alleviate suppressed bloodlust taken in moderation. 
Three, you wanted to celebrate everything. Each square of a calender marked with scribbles. Why celebrate a celebration that’s already past? What is so special about a birthday? The past two years you purchased the same bundle of pungent flowers that made up that bouquet on that day to gift to him. 
“Don’t you want a taste? I saved a slice just for you. Oh, would you eat it if I sprinkled some of my blood on it?”
Alhaitham swiftly accepts the plate from you, lifting the fork of overly sweet birthday cake into his mouth. Useless carbs take up space in his body, but such a thing causes no harm. Better to taste like pure sugar and not medicine. 
The worst quirk of yours? You rise as soon as the sun greets the sky, adamant to not miss a single second of a day. Every day’s itinerary is filled with spur-of-the-moment decisions, such as going to a farmers market only open on Saturdays between the hours of 9 am and 2 pm. And how you drag him along. 
 Curses, only a human would drag a creature of the night into the day. What sadistic creatures, delighting in others' misery, you’re no exception. 
“I thought you said vampires aren’t like how TV depicts them.” Curious eyes observe his slouched figure. 
Vampires aren’t like how those dramas of yours depict them. No formal invitation to cross wooden thresh holds, no garlic braids as an effective shield, and no turning into a pile of ash at the mere rays of a star. 
If so, then vampires would’ve been long gone by now. However, just because the sunlight can’t kill a vampire-
“It doesn’t mean it’s not unpleasant.” His stoic voice was too tired to add a bite. 
You continued to stare at him with wonderment, as if what he said was the most complex theory known to the universe. Those dramas must’ve rotted that mind of yours, he concludes. You’re beyond saving. 
“I see.” Gentle hands lift the excessive sun hat from your head. 
Reaching on your tiptoes you place it atop his head, the straw brim providing some reprieve for his irritated skin. Shuffling the hat around until it’s securely nested along his now trussed ash locks. Satisfied, you lower yourself back down. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. We can go home..” 
Tenderly, your hands clasped around his, guiding him into the shade. The whole walk your hands never left his, eyes always searching for the next patch of shadows to lead him into. For the rest of the weekend, you just watched your dramas, the sensation of guilt must’ve muted your voice. 
Good. He celebrated this rare break in his library away from you.
Alas, all good things must come to an end. Monday night rolled around again, as he passes the living room, he spots your loafing body napping on his couch as the TV acted as white noise. Tsk. Regardless, it’s time to get to work, he walks toward the front door.
“Wait,” came a soft command, dripping with sleep. 
From around the corner, your figure comes stumbling towards Alhaitham, his hand still firmly on the knob. Hands busy trying to rub the fatigue away from your eyes, blinking away the pleasant dream you were just in. 
Why did you abandon it? Alhaitham doesn’t know. 
Your frame reaches his, transferring some of your warmth to him, arms outstretched towards his neck. Teal eyes don’t miss the way your drowsy legs were wobbling. To prevent any accidents, he supports your body with an arm around the waist. 
Just as he feels your body steady, clammy palms encase the sides of his face. Pulling it down as your supple lips pressed against his cool cheek. Did you traverse all the way from the sofa just for a kiss? 
“Have a good night at work.” Your shameless smile beamed. 
A habit formed from one of your dramas, a wife bidding goodbye to her husband with a sweet kiss to boost his spirits. Curiosity must have gotten the better of you, or maybe you wanted to amuse yourself, two possibilities Alhaitham devises. 
“So, how’s married life treating you?” Kaveh’s smug tone grated against his eardrums as the blond rested an elbow on the bar table. 
Alhaitham couldn’t stop the frown from forming, nor the heavy sigh, so he took a hearty sip of his wine. Emptying the glass in one fluid motion. 
“Heh, I see you’ve been enjoying the spoils of marriage very much,” Tighnari snickered. 
“Sure, if you wish to see it that way.” Alhaitham’s hand found itself pouring another glass. 
It seems that everyone around the ashen-haired vampire was enjoying the spoils of this odd union, everyone but him that is. His miseries fueling the chaff nature of his acquaintances, still he needed a reprieve to drink. 
Not that herbal blood of yours, but something actually palatable like the fragrant wine washing the frustrations down his throat. It’s not marriage, it’s having to work overtime. 
“Regardless, you signed a contract, you must uphold the clauses.” Cyno’s scarlet eyes leered over the rim of his glass. 
Alhaitham sighs, he should’ve drank alone. 
The tavern wasn’t a far journey away from his house. The deep hues of night slowly shift to the youthful flushes of dawn. He’s been drinking for quite some time, it didn’t matter, alcohol has no effect on a body such as his. 
Alhaitham twists the key, the door creaking ajar just to reveal your figure with arms crossed. Disappointment ever so clear in those eyes of yours. 
“Where’ve you been?” No chirp in your tone. 
After a few hours of reprieve, Alhaitham is welcomed home with an interrogation. Wonderful. Why should he answer this meek creature standing in front of him? He could just walk to bed and get the rest he deserves. 
‘You must uphold the clauses.’ 
Right, Alhaitham has to play the role of a husband, he signed a contract, too late to just burn the papers now. 
“I went drinking with coworkers,” he curtly answers. 
“Why didn’t you call beforehand?” Your head tilts, disappointed eyes still honed on him. 
Why does he have to inform you of his every movement? Who were you to demand so much of his individuality? Alhaitham couldn’t help the frown that reappeared, directed at you, the hurdle that blocked him from entering his own home. 
The grandfather clock counted the seconds in the background, two sets of eyes locked in a stare-down. One frowning and one disappointed. How long will this last?
Your shoulders slumped as a sigh left your lungs. Eyes finally finding rest behind two heavy lids. 
“My life’s too short for misunderstandings and messy communication,” you huffed. 
Your back straightens again as you lean in closer, eyes recentering on his towering form. They no longer held the burden of disappointment, they twinkled with something else. 
“I’m your wife, and you’re my husband.” You stated the obvious.
“So when my husband, who usually arrives home at half past midnight on the dot, didn’t arrive home until dawn without a single text or call. I got worried.” 
What wasted concern, why worry for an immortal creature?
“You don’t need to report every movement to me, I don’t want that either, but if you plan on staying out please give me a simple text. So I don’t have to spend hours worrying about why my husband isn’t answering my calls.” 
Alhaitham scans over the discoloration hanging heavily under your eyes. An unpleasant sensation crawled up his spine. Phone shut off by habit, unaware of how you were losing sleep as he emptied bottle after bottle. He has to remedy the situation now, it’s what a husband should do. 
“I understand, I’ll do that from now on,” he answers. 
Is he allowed back into the confines of his own house now?
Your hands were now positioned defiantly on your hips, brows quirked up as if expecting something more. 
“You’re supposed to apologize, ya know. ‘I’m sorry, I’ll do better next time, my wife’,” you advised. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll do better next time, my wife,” he parroted. 
The magic words to finally open the path into the house, words that finally returned that grin to your face. Arms outstretched you wrapped them around his neck as your lips warmed up his cool cheek. 
“Welcome home, Haitham.” 
Ah, he knows what that twinkle in your eyes was, sincerity. 
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Audiences rarely see the behind-the-scenes of a movie, with directors always handpicking which mistakes are charming enough to be shown as a blooper. Audiences don’t see the multiple scenes filmed then refilmed, they can’t experience the long hours, and they don’t know how many times lines were misread. Three years is enough time for actors to learn their lines. 
“Is my drama too loud?”
Alhaitham peers over the top of the journal, focusing on your face peeking through the entrance of his library. Judging by the apron, he guesses it's almost time for dinner, the dialogue playing on the TV was just above a muffle from here. 
“It’s fine, remember to turn on the kitchen hood.”
“Okay, which wine did you want to baste the meat in?”
“Top left, how long will it take?”
“Pfft, famished already? 15 minutes, you won’t waste away in that time right, Haitham?”  
The ever-so-adventurous palate of yours and the ever-so-drab palate of his. An unstoppable force meeting an immovable object, two existences that bend and twist each other until equilibrium. Equilibrium in the form of a steak basted in red wine, rare for him and medium for you. A dinner that could be enjoyed by both breaths. 
“Oh?” Your bewildered eyes blink at the bouquet presented to you. 
A wrapped box held tenderly in your hands. Alhaitham had taken note of a certain scribble marked on the calendar, it was he who got the fourth bouquet. Placing an order ahead of time to ensure the freshest flowers. 
“You said they smelled bad.”
“I’m used to it.” A half-truth. 
Your lips couldn’t suppress its toothy grin, balancing the box in one hand as the other accepts the bouquet. 
“Since you have every book in existence, I got you something else.” You nudged the wrapped present toward him. 
Unraveling the decorative paper his eyes were greeted by the sight of a carved figure of a… what is it? Meeting your eager gaze, the quirk in his eyebrow told enough. 
“It’s a hawk, I saw in storage that you used to collect these decorations.” 
Ah, you found a petty hobby he had decades ago to torment a certain someone. A figure serves no practical purpose in a home, but the eagerness of your eyes was enough to find the endearing gift a place on a shelf. 
“How does one make their blood tastier?” You pondered into his embrace. 
His tongue traveled up the nape of your neck to collect the escaped drops of scarlet and to close up the wound. Your bare skin pressed against his, rising his temperature to a pleasant warmth. 
He could feel every shiver as his length shifted within your overstimulated walls, recovering the overwhelming pleasure experienced just moments earlier. 
What an obvious answer, stop drinking that tea of yours. However, Alhaitham prefers when you have the energy to trot through crowded walkways at dusk with him in tow. Bittersweetness is an acquired taste, one that took him some time. 
“Since you have enough clarity to ask questions, I’m assuming you’re up for another round.” His husky breath ghosts over your ear.
“Wait~ I’m still sens-Ah!” 
Over time, something as short as five years, even a trickle of water can crave a home for itself in the rocky foundations of the earth that’s existed since the dawn of time.
The side of the polished dinner table with the clearest view of the TV was your side. 
The mug left in the sink with the faint aroma of tea and sweet honey was your mug.
The couch with cushions misshapen and molded by repeated use was your couch.
 Such is the lull of domestic reality, each kiss at the door to bid goodbye and each kiss to welcome him back.
Nothing, not even immortality, is resistant to time.
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Due to the crowd you’ve built your circle from, hunters were semi-frequent guests at his home. Much to your delight and his dismay. A husband should get along with his wife’s friends. 
“Your complexion has gotten paler.” Candace’s heterochromatic eyes narrowed, her hands turning your face from side to side. 
“Mmm, I haven’t been going out during the day as much.” Resting the weight of your head within her palms. 
“Bullshit, he’s been using you like livestock,” Dehya snapped. 
“Mmm? Not really, he says my blood taste like leaves.” Halfheartedly lifting your face out of Candace’s warm hold. 
“Don’t cover for that bastard,” the Flame-Mane hunter scowls. 
“Need I remind you ‘that bastard’ is still in the room?” Alhaitham breaks his silence. 
“Who said you could speak?” Sapphires clash with beryls. 
“Who’s home are you currently guests in?” 
Even without glancing down, Alhaitham could tell that Dehya’s hand was twitching to reach for the silver dagger hidden up her sleeve. The hand then falters back down, Candace must’ve also noticed, steadfast eyes sending a warning to the other hunter. 
“Of all people, why did you have to marry this vampire?” Dehya turns to you exasperated. 
“Mmm,” you hummed. 
With the finger pressed against your lip and your eyes wandering up towards nothing, Alhaitham couldn’t tell if you were deep in thought or just faking it.
Your pondering filled the room with silence, three pairs of eyes intently trained on your frame. Eyelids closed as you deepened your thought. After a few beats, they fluttered back open.  
“Because he’s just too handsome.” There’s that shameless smile again. 
The disgusted expression that plastered itself all over the hunter’s face at your response almost pushed a quiet laugh from his lips. However, Alhaitham wanted to avoid a physical confrontation from starting in his house. 
If there’s one virtue you have, it’s that you’re a fair person. You perplex your friends and husband to equal degrees. 
It’s now time for the hunters to start their night, much like how Alhaitham will soon report to the office. The two women and you were now at the threshold of the door bidding goodbye, their skeptical eyes every now and then glaring behind you at the vampire. 
“Oh, one more thing,” your voice perks up. 
Arms encapsulated two sturdy frames, pulling them close against yours. 
“I love you guys.” Your words make the two robust warriors take a sharp inhale, bodies tensing up momentarily. 
“We love you too, very much.” Candace’s voice forced itself to steady. 
“Yeah.” Dehya pulled you closer. 
After a few beats, you pulled away from your friends. Lighthearted grin lopsided on your face. 
“Alright then, stay safe out there,” you chimed, waving at them. 
After their figures disappeared from view, Alhaitham shut the oak door. You still peered out the curtains, daydreaming something as the stars reflected in your eyes. He observes for a moment before he collects the cups and dishes that once held tea and sweets to entertain bygone guests. 
You were already surrounded by love, genuine love. Why did you sell your soul to experience something you already had? Alhaitham will save that question for another day.
Would you try saying that line to him again? Maybe this time he read his line without hesitation.
Alhaitham’s heavy lids shot open. The unwelcome greetings of morning birds signaled the time of day. Keen eyes scanned over the empty space beside him, sheets still trussed in the shape of a smaller figure. The bird songs rang like sirens, heightening his senses. 
For once his ageless body left the bed without protest, swift steps pattering through the dim halls until the backyard came into view. Sunlight poured in through the open door, the wooden mounts perfectly framing your slumped figure. 
Tired body balancing upon the basket of damp laundry, halfway from the backdoor and clothes line, you stopped to take labored breaths. 
Swiftly he was by your side, towering stature blocking you from the harsh rays. Alhaitham lifts your fatigued body from the ground, giving your aching legs relief. Even with the sun hanging high in the sky, your skin didn’t absorb an ounce of warmth. 
He takes you to the safety of the dim house, settling you onto the soft cushions of your couch. 
“Don’t push yourself.” Alhaitham shifts a few pillows behind your back. 
“I wasn’t, the laundry needs to be hung,” you huffed. 
“Just call for me.” 
You sounded out a whine of protest, but your breathing steadied. Alhaitham moves to stand back to full height, ready to finish the task awaiting out in the sun. 
“Wait,” came your soft call. 
Plucking your favorite sun hat off, you bestowed it upon unkempt ash locks still dusted with sleep. Fussing with the oversized straw brim until it stayed in place. Once satisfied you beamed, fingers caressing his smooth cheeks before placing a peck from curled lips. 
“Thank you, Haitham.” 
Adamant hands smoothed over the damp clothes, ensuring that they didn’t dry on the line with wrinkles that stayed stubbornly. The morning rays felt like sand against his exposed skin, but the hat bestowed upon him made it tolerable. 
“It’s dusk, would you like to stroll through the market tonight?” Beryl eyes inspect the curled figure of his wife among cushions and blankets. 
“Mmm, maybe not tonight.” You sink deeper into your couch, drama long forgotten. 
“I see.” Alhaitham moves to the armchair just adjacent to you, a frequent perch of his now. 
“Come here?” 
Just as you finished blinking Alhaitham was by your side again. Slowing lifting your upper body just off the cushion, you pat the now free space, welcoming him to sit. He wouldn’t be a good husband if he were to deny such a request. So he sits. 
Once the ashen-haired vampire was fully situated, your head found its place upon his thighs. 
“Lap pillow,” there was that giggle of yours. 
Alhaitham sighs, but he couldn’t prevent the corner of his lips from curling up, so he hides it with his book. This must be something you learned from those dramas again. He’ll humor it. 
His cool fingers run along your scalp as his teal eyes switched between your resting face and the words printed along the aged paper.
Maybe not today, perhaps tomorrow when the rays of a selfish star kiss your cheeks.
The drinks were served quietly, the tavern didn’t seem as lively tonight. Perhaps because it’s the busy season, Spring air carries with it the signs of renewing life and tax forms. 
“So, how is she, the wife?” Kaveh traverses the stagnant air. 
What a redundant question, Alhaitham knows they can smell the fragrance lingering on his body from you, the aroma of flowers only found in a garden beyond a line immortals can cross. The scent of an ending journey. 
“I’ll send some more Kalpalata Lotus tea, one cup a day should help with lethargy.” Tighnari prescribes, making a mental note to prepare the delivery once he returns home. 
“Thank you, how much would I owe?”
“None, just a gift for your wife.” 
Alhaitham hums in gratitude, and the table continued to play cards placidly. Throughout the rounds, his teal eyes stole glances over to a dark screen. 
The group dispersed at dawn, but it wasn’t long before Alhaitham acknowledged the presence behind him. 
He only glanced over his shoulder at the tan vampire. 
“Remember the punishment that awaits those who dare disturb the cycle of life.” A threatening crackle resounded from the curled fingers by Cyno’s side. 
Alhaitham already knows and Cyno knows it all too well. After all, the privilege of a good true death was stolen away from the white-haired man many years ago. Cursing the shorter man to eternity. Thus, Cyno now spends eternity punishing those who dare break the most sacred law.
Alhaitham responds with a nod and with that the two men parted ways as the rosy hues of dawn dyed the sky. You’re probably in bed already, it’ll be his kiss to announce his return.
In an age where humans outnumber vampires, with new technologies and weapons that can now threaten once untouchable creatures, immortal beings now have to obey mortal laws. The most sacred of laws, vampires cannot turn humans into immortal beings. It’s illegal, it’s immoral even to curse such fleeting creatures with eternity. 
However, vampires are creatures born outside the grace of god from the very start, lurking in the shadows of iconoclasm. What difference would it make? 
It’s his night to make dinner, steak with red wine sauce. 
What is the difference between blood and wine to the inattentive eye? The scarlet hues could be easily mixed. All it would take is a sprinkle, drops stirred into the fragrant sauce served over the juicy meat, for you to abandon your humanity. For the ticking of a grandfather clock to stop its hands.
Who wouldn’t want more time? 
A scene from a night now long past resurfaces at the front of Alhaitham’s mind. 
“Would you want more time?” Came a question that broke the silence after a moment of passion. 
Your damp skin glistens under the moonlight, your chest rising and falling as the lust slowly blinks away from your eyes. Alhaitham’s hand on your back guides you down from cloud nine. You stared at him inquisitively, teal reflecting back to him as he remains silent. 
Ashen hair tussled and scratches fading away from cooling skin, he awaits your answer, schemes manifesting. 
You let out a hum, signing that you’ll humor his question this time, as your face rests against the pillow comforted by his woodsy scent. 
If you had more time, he would have more time. More time to pick your brain. More time to search through the archives of your thoughts to decrypt you. More time to grovel at your feet for forgiveness after he rips the humanity away from your arms. 
Alhaitham is a prideful thing, but he’s not a dense fool. He knows when an apology is necessary, insight gained from his time shared with you. 
Teal eyes glance back behind him towards the living room, where your figure sat quietly, attention distracted by the pair of lovers on screen in the midst of a tense argument. Never once turning behind to glance into the kitchen, not one ounce of suspicion. The scene finishes.
“I was born a human.” Your lids opened again, meeting his beryl-like eyes. 
Irises pure like the moonlight reflected in them. He hums in acknowledgment, fingers tracing mindless scripts into your tender back. 
“I will die as one.”
He hums in confirmation. 
A riddle he couldn’t quite solve to bypass the sphinx who guards the sanctuary of your mind. Humans are greedy creatures of conquest, always wanting more, always hungry for more. That’s why creatures like him exist and thrive, feeding into the natural greed of humans. 
Every human wants more power, more money, more wisdom. Every human wants more and more and more. Every human, so why can’t you want more? It seems that the breeze who gallivanted into his office, proposing to him with a contract, won’t reveal her secret. 
As it was outlined on the paper signed by two names, he shall honor your wishes for now until the end, such is the character of a husband. 
Alhaitham runs his hand under the kitchen sink, shameless eyes watching as the water turns clear again, and as the skin closes up. A feature only a creature born outside the jurisdiction of god would have. 
He finishes the meal with a few sprinkles of freshly cut herbs, serving the untainted sauce over juicy cuts of steak, one cooked medium and one cooked rare. He calls you over to the dinner table. 
The average human life span has increased drastically in the past centuries, it’s now about eighty years give or take. 
Still a mere fraction of the time held by vampires. 
Eighty years, and yet you could only have a fraction of that. You could only offer him a sliver of a fraction. 
“It’s been a while since you’ve fed, aren’t you hungry?” Your eyes peered over at him. 
Alhaitham wipes the washcloth along your back from beside the porcelain tub, steamy water carrying the fragrance of Nilotpala Lotuses. The humidity of the bathroom made the shirt cling to his skin like a wet rag, but the moisture helped with your coughs. 
“I’m satisfied.” Another half-truth, teal eyes scan for any signs of discomfort, he can bare it. 
“Really? I’m sure my blood doesn’t taste like leaves anymore.” You rested your cheek again on the warm washcloth, eyes twinkling under the fluorescent lights as you looked into his. 
The gift by Tighnari sitting untouched in the corner of a cabinet. Perhaps you’ve gotten tired of the bitter herbal taste, or maybe because there wasn’t a point in drinking it anymore.
Alhaitham fought the urge to click his tongue at your brash humor, only you would worry about how you taste during the closing days of a contract. However, his lips couldn’t form a frown when you beamed at him like that.
On the path to work, beryl eyes landed upon a bouquet arranged with familiar flowers, the petals dyed by the rich hues of dusk. The florist was busy gathering up the displays to bring them back inside for the night. 
“Excuse me, I’d like to purchase this bouquet.” 
That night at the office, the staffed vampires crinkled their noses at the overwhelmingly floral scent that plagued the floor. Alhaitham just shut his office door, bouquet resting in a hastily prepared vase, such a thing won’t kill a vampire it’s such a minuscule issue. 
“I’m home.” He locks the door after him. 
Keen hearing not picking up the pattering of feet along the hardwood floor. Placing the flowers on the entranceway table along with his dress shoes, the ashen-haired immortal trekked through the halls, silence ringing in his ears. 
Behind the solid bedroom lay his answer, turning the knob, Alhaitham feels tense muscles loosen as the steady melody of breaths resounded through the room. 
You’ve been here since this afternoon, body now imprinted into the plush mattress. Still, your blood still runs and your chest still rises, even if there were faint hints of wheezing it was good enough. Quiet as a shadow, Alhaitham removes his blazer and tie before joining you under the sheets. He’s been craving sleep. 
A timeless body doesn’t need sleep, ageless cells don’t require such downtime to recover. However, claiming that vampires don’t enjoy sleep would be a blatant lie. A calm way to pass the endless time offered by eternity, a nice way to escape boredom. 
Or maybe it’s because sleep gives immortal creatures a taste of an experience they’ll never have. Peaceful expiry. 
Teal eyes observe the ever-present curl of your lips before cool lips are pressed against your plush ones. A habit formed after six years. The flowers were still left at the door, but they’ll survive the night. Alhaitham will show them to you in the morning, and you’ll beam that grin at him in the morning. 
Fresh flowers rested in a vase gifted by friends on the nightstand, the last flowers of Spring. The delicate blooms give way to the vibrant greens of Summer. Such a cruel season for vampires, with days so long and nights so short. A cruel season that offered your body no additional warmth. 
Alhaitham’s hand brushes against the apples of your cheeks, your unconscious body protests in an instant with shivers and curls away from the thief stealing what precious heat you had. As if burned by fire, the vampire retracts his hand. 
Right, he can’t be greedy. Teal eyes watch every tremor until his legs finally remembered how to walk. Pacing to the closet Alhaitham pulls the Winter covers out from storage, insulating your body with the thick duvet. 
The layers form a barrier protecting you from icy touches as he smooths out the wrinkles. 
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When humans walk into a garden, their eyes are immediately drawn toward the most beautiful blooms. Watching intently at how the petals of the young blossom unravel, their senses enjoying the heavenly fragrance. It’d only be a matter of seconds before their inevitable greed takes over, and they wish to claim the flower as their own. 
In this sense, the gods are no different than the mortals who were crafted in their image. Greedy to pluck the most beautiful blooms from the garden for their mere amusement. 
Is that what went on behind the garden wall those born outside the jurisdiction of god couldn’t peer over? Alhaitham wonders if you’d answer this inquiry of his. However, if he wants answers, he’ll have to ask soon. 
How should he say the last lines of this script?
Alhaitham ponders. There wasn’t a director to give a cue, no parenthetical to follow. Perhaps he’s entertaining such futile thoughts to distract himself.
With each wheeze of your chest, the itch in his palm grew unbearable. His thumb begged to dig its nail into the smooth skin until scarlet droplets trickled out. However, it never got its chance for soon your ailing fingers occupied the space, interlocking to halt its motion as gold rings clinked together. 
“My husband is such a handsome actor.” Breathy voice babbling with a giggle. 
Alhaitham’s cool skin hogged your warmth, trying to permanently sear the temperature into itself. 
“You don’t have to play this role anymore.” You craned your neck away with a deep exhale, exposing the vulnerable skin to him. 
There’s nothing viler to a vampire than stagnant blood. Blood that no longer runs tastes rotten, cold blood is worst than bile. Your blood still ran warm, he could sense it. This time it was his incisors that itched. 
Keen eyes don’t miss the way your nape prickled at the breath that ghosted over it as his lips parted. Your lids gently shut, bracing yourself. The incisors brushed against your exposed jugular, but they couldn’t break through the delicate skin. They wouldn’t. They just wouldn’t. 
Like the cowards they were, they retreated. Alhaitham closes his lips, deciding to press a tender kiss on the spot instead. His free hand guides your head back into a comfortable position on the plush pillow. 
“You don’t have to hold yourself back.” Your eyes were open again. 
“I’m not holding myself back,” he spoke the truth, the whole truth.
You were born with blood, it’s only right that you die with it, Alhaitham concludes. 
The ending clause of that contract be damned. 
“What a silly vampire.” Your bell-like laughter twinkled in his ears. 
Yes, he is. Even after all these centuries, Alhaitham realizes he’s still no better than a fool. A shameless fool. An idiotic hypocrite ready to stray away from the principles he thought he held firm. He’ll accept this verdict, he’ll continue this fool’s errand, if and only if you continue to giggle at his antics.
Outside the window came the dirge of Summer crickets, gentle crips accompanying your fleeting wheezes. Alhaitham shifts the thick comforter up your body, smoothing out the wrinkles as the soft warmth lulls you away. 
Your still fingers in between the spaces of his, your head curled within the space between his nape. 
Under the moon’s pure rays, lay two bodies atop soft sheets, curled towards each other, the fleeting warmth long dissipating. Atop silk sheets, one body envisions the two buried under cold dirt and not clean comforters with hands somehow still locked together. Deep under the garden wall.
Once the cruel sun creeps into the sky, and the night flees into hiding with her stars, Alhaitham will have to make a call. 
He’ll have to speak with the receptionist on the other end, with their bright customer service greeting, and get a legal pronouncement of death. Then soon after that, he’ll have to arrange the transportation of your cold husk. He’ll have to lower you into the ground alone.
However, the morning is still hours away, the moon is still here to lend her quiet sympathies. So tonight, just for tonight humor his little daydream.  
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walkingstackofbooks · 5 months
The Garashir wedding: Lower Decks style
Mariner's called into her mom's office. Freeman informs her that something very special but currently classified is going to be happening in the next week, and she knows Mariner is going on leave tomorrow, but she might want to consider postponing it. Mariner declines - "Nah, my thing is more important".
Mariner and Rutherford are left at the space station to go on leave. It transpires that Mariner has been invited to Julian's wedding, and taking Rutherford as her plus one because Julian Bashir is one of his heroes. (augment-cyborg solidarity, anyone?)
Boimler, Tendi and T'Lyn are all trying to find out what the mission they're being sent on is. Boimler reports that Shakx seems pretty unhappy. Tendi suggests it's just because T'Ana has apparently discovered a drink she prefers more than Bajoran springwine.
Mariner and Rutherford encounter Hijinks and Troubles as they try to hitchhike their way to the wedding.
Freeman is stressing over what to wear for the occasion and has dragged Ransom in. Dress uniform, obviously, but can she get away with accessorising a little? And if so, how? She doesn't want to be a regular Starfleet officer, she wants to be a cool Starfleet officer. ("I literally cannot help you I don't even know what we're doing because you STILL haven't TOLD me." "It's classified." "You told Shakx!" "Have you tried keeping a secret from Shakx? He's terrifying!" "I can be terrifying!" "Nice try, Jack... Is a scarf too much do you think?")
Mariner and Rutherford have managed to trade his engineering abilities in exchange for passage on a merchant ship. Unfortunately, he is too good, and the ship now want to keep him.
Boimler is on navigation. They're approaching their destination but Freeman still wants the information to be known only to Bridge crew for as long as possible. (Boimler: "But what are we doing on--" Freeman: "Shh. Even the walls have ears, you know.")
The merchant ship have arrived and reluctantly agree to let Mariner and Rutherford go. They change into their fancy wedding stuff ready to be transported down. They are in the middle of a desert. "Screw you!" Mariner shouts uselessly at the sky.
Boimler is in the mess with Tendi and T'Lyn. Boimler is sweating profusely and tapping anxiously on the table. He cannot keep a secret this big. Tendi looks at him curiously. "Why do you keep tapping out "Cardassia" in Morse Code?" she asks, just at the moment when the room has gone silent. All eyes are on Boimler.
Mariner and Rutherford are hot, sweaty, bedraggled and exhausted. The doorkeeper reluctantly lets them in. "It's just started," he says. They sit down quietly in the back. Rutherford think his UT is playing up. "Did they just wish them many happy arguments?" he whispers.
Captain Freeman is nervously playing with her red scarf. "I wouldn't wear that if I were you," Ransom says. "I hear his reputation is quite formidable." Someone gestures that she's up.
We see her begin to walk out, and begin the "Since the days of the first wooden vessels, all shipmasters have had one happy privilege..." speech. The happy couple have their backs to us, and are silhouetted.
The camera zooms further back, and we are now at the back of the building. "Mom?" Mariner whispers to Rutherford.
We finally get to see the couple's faces as the camera pans back to Freeman and looks over her shoulder. Julian and Garak are facing each other. "...Of course, the legal part of this marriage has just been taken care of by the Cardassians -- but it is my privilege to bring this very human tradition to a Cardassian wedding ceremony and tell you that, Julian, you may kiss your husband."
Garak and Julian smile at each other, but the camera cuts away to the crowd. Federation guests are clapping and cheering; the Cardassians tend to be trying to avoid eye contact with anyone else in their vicinity.
We cut to the reception. Mariner's asking Julian "It all seemed so... Federation? Even the Cardassian bit?" Julian shrugs. "When you end up making every compromise in the book in the name of interstellar relations, it turns out all you get is a nondescript, bureaucratic service." He winks. "This is going to be when the fun starts."
Garak is complimenting Freeman on her scarf, and we can see in her face that she is totally lording it over Jack. Garak returns to his husband. "But you hated that scarf?" whispers Julian. "The things I do for diplomacy," replied Garak sorrowfully.
T'Ana is downing Kanar like it's nothing in the background to Shakx's distinct disapproval.
Mariner's managed to sneak Boimler, Tendi and T'Lyn into the party. "I can't believe we could have just come on the Cerritos," she moans, "but anyway, go wild."
Of course, her deeply uncool friends go wild by fangirling over their DS9 idols. At the end of that montage, Rutherford finally gets the chance to say "Thankyouforallyou'vedonefortheaugmentcommunityDoctorBashir". It's sweet.
Aaand endings are hard so sorry, I don't have one to neatly wrap this all up 😅 I will leave it to your wonderful imaginations.
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deconstructthesoup · 1 month
Thoughts on a Leverage-Dead Boy Detectives crossover that I'll probably never officially write but still:
-The Leverage crew (Redemption timeline because it lines up with the DBD show, but Hardison's there in person) is staying in London for a little while, mainly because Sophie's trying her best to reconnect with Astrid again
-They get hired by a woman who says that her younger sister, who was a student at St. Hillarion's (which went co-ed sometime in the 90's), died mysteriously and she's absolutely sure that the school covered up the circumstances
-And guess what? Meanwhile, the DBD crew's been hired by the ghost of the girl who died, and while it is a pretty personal case for Edwin and Charles, they agree that not solving the case would be a disservice to themselves
-So, the two teams make gameplans---Hardison, Eliot, and Parker infiltrate the school as teachers (Breanna is Hardison's TA, much to her irritation) while Sophie and Harry act as shady lawyers who tell the headmaster that they're very good at burying secrets; and Crystal and Niko get enrolled as exchange students while Jenny gets a position in the cooking staff (the Night Nurse absolutely refuses to actively take part in the case-solving, and of course Edwin and Charles don't need aliases)
-However, things start to go south for both teams pretty quick
-For starters, Sophie and Harry know Crystal, at least by way of her parents---Sophie attempted to pull a con on Maddy back in the day, failed, and convinced her to con her rival instead, and Harry helped the Surname-von Hoverkrafts out of some legal trouble when they still lived in the States
-Not to mention, Breanna's very tapped into the social media circuit, and she knows that a) Crystal used to be the epitome of the entitled rich showbiz kid, b) that she dated some guy named David and then went completely off-grid for weeks, and c) she's suddenly had a complete personality and lifestyle change
-And on the flip side of things, Charles is a little too interested in the weirdly high-tech things that the new computer science teacher and his TA have hanging around, which means that Breanna and Hardison are convinced that someone is sabotaging them when it's really just Charles accidentally breaking their gadgets
-This comes to a head when the OT3's having a lunch break on the grounds, Parker points out Niko, and Hardison and Eliot immediately begin making fun of the stuffy-looking kid in a bow tie that she's talking to... and when Breanna comes up with her sandwich in hand, she's incredibly confused, because all she sees is Niko talking to herself
-So, naturally, Hardison, Parker, and Eliot wind up scouring the school records until they eventually find a boy who matches Edwin's description... who, of course, vanished mysteriously over a century ago, along with five or six of his classmates
-Hardison talks Eliot and Parker into doing a stakeout of the computer lab, and they wind up catching Charles in his "fiddling with electronics" act---and, well, it turns out that a) Eliot can beat up a ghost, even one who's a fairly decent fighter himself, and b) Parker carries a pair of iron cuffs with her (why? she's Parker, next question)
-There's a little interrogation action between Charles and the Leverage crew... except, of course, Breanna and Harry still can't see him, and they don't understand why all of these legendary thieves are yelling at an empty chair
-And then the electricity cuts out and everyone hears whispers
-And suddenly someone puts their hands on Hardison's shoulder and he's thrust back into that time with the coffin
-And Eliot turns around and sees the mean goth from the kitchens pointing a knife at him, and the two of them wind up facing off
-Everyone else is stuck in a full-ass vengeful haunting, but Parker notices Crystal holding onto Hardison, Niko sneaking over to Charles, and Edwin standing at the center of the room with his eyes glowing and a hellish aura radiating off of him
-Parker does the sensible thing and, after getting Sophie to pull Crystal off of the boys, takes the cuffs off of Charles's hands
-The haunting immediately stops, Breanna and Harry can definitely see Edwin and Charles... and both teams have some explaining to do
-Once they figure out that they're here for the same reason, Niko's the first to suggest that they work together
-There's a lot of arguing over that, but the general consensus is that they're after the same goal, they're on the same side, and clearly if they don't actively work together, things are gonna go sideways
-Also, once they start talking, Breanna is very psyched to know everything about the supernatural side of things, and Parker decides that she's going to make Niko her apprentice (mostly because they have been getting along in the girl's gym class---and yes, St. Hillarion's does have different gym classes for boys and girls, despite it being co-ed now)
-Once they begin comparing notes, Charles mentions that he recognizes the headmaster---it's the same one he had when he was a student, and the man was already ancient then
-And... yep, turns out that the headmaster is a supernatural entity that's been doing some seriously messed-up shit in order to stay alive
-The two teams settle on a double-pronged attack---some of them will figure out how to get rid of the headmaster for good, while the others will figure out a way to expose the school's habit of covering up hate crimes
-I don't know how it finishes, but... uh, yeah, if anybody wants to take a crack at this, in fic form or comic form, you're free to
(Also, Eliot pretty much adopts Edwin and Charles the second he learns how messed up their lives were, there's also a few schemes from Niko, Crystal, and Breanna to get Payneland together, and Sophie somehow finds out Nate's afterlife placement and is beyond relieved to find out that he's living his afterlife in peace after all)
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I have no clue if you've done this already, but I would love some royal-related vocabulary!! I write about a royal family (one in the middle ages) and it gets tiring looking for all the correct terms😅
Some Medieval Vocabulary
Amercement - financial penalty imposed by the King or his justices for various minor offences. The word comes from the fact that the offender is said to be ‘in mercy’.
Assize - meeting of feudal vassals with the King, and the edicts issued from it. It comes to have a legal context of court; but then in the early days the king’s court was just that – a place where law was made and justice executed. Hence the double meaning of the word court.
Borough - town with the right of self government granted by royal charter
Chamber - the financial office of the royal household
Chamberlain - officer of the royal household, responsible for the Chamber. He was therefore responsible for administration of the household and the private estates of the King.
Chancellor - officer of the Royal Household who originally served as the monarch’s secretary or notary, managing the Chancery, filled with clerks who produced writs and written instructions and records.
Chivalry - the knightly class of feudal times. The primary sense of the term in Europe in the Middle Ages is “knights,” or “fully armed and mounted fighting men.” Thence the term came to mean the gallantry and honour expected of knights. Later the word came to be used in its general sense of “courtesy.”
Constable - the title of an officer given command in an army or an important garrison. Also the High Constable was the officer who commanded in the King’s absence and commanded the King's army.
Destrier - warhorse; so called because it would be led using the right hand
Diadem - a royal crown
Eyre - the king and his justices would traditionally travel through the kingdom to deliver justice. As the king became more centred at Westminster, justices would continue to travel – and were called Justices in Eyre. From the French errer, "to travel".
Heir apparent - the declared heir to the throne, normally the king’s eldest son
Heir presumptive - the presumed heir to the throne in the event of the king dying without an heir apparent
Justiciar - head of the royal judicial system and the King’s viceroy during his absence from the country
League - somewhere between 1½ to 3 miles. Traditionally, the distance a person or horse can walk in one hour.
Mark - money, worth thirteen shillings and four pence, i.e. two thirds of £1
Mead hall - in the Middle Ages in Northern Europe and Scandinavia, a large building with just one room that was used as a central place for entertainment and as a living place for a lord/king
Minstrel - a traveling musician and singer common between the 11th and 15th centuries
Ordeal - a method of trial in which the accused was given a physical test which could be met successfully only if they were innocent (e.g., ordeal by fire)
Purveyance or prise - in early medieval days, the lord had the right to be entertained by his followers, at their expense. And of course this applied to the greatest lord of all – the king. Over time, the king travelled less, but still wanted the benefit of being able to have him and his household live at someone else's expense – and so he exercised the right to take goods and food in lieu of being there. It was the policy to pay – but payment was often small and late.
Saga - a long story about Scandinavian history, written in the Old Norse language in the Middle Ages, mainly in Iceland
Steward - man responsible for running the day to day affairs of the manor or castle in absence of the lord
Subinfeudation - in medieval Europe, the process by which a vassal (i.e., a man who lived on land given to him by a powerful land owner in exchange for agreeing to fight for him) allowed someone else to use or live on part of their land
Sumpter - packhorse, pony, mule or other animal
Thegn - military companion to the king
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Here's what I found for you. Hope this helps! Would love to read your work if it does—sounds like the kind of writing I enjoy :)
More: Medieval-Related Vocabulary
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simonsomeriley · 7 months
dutch van der linde with a
younger reader
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1k words | female reader
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@bisca-connell445 for you lovely <3
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cw: (legal) age gap (r is in her mid-late 20s, dutch is in his early 40s), infidelity & unfaithfulness, dutch is a tad bit insecure, maybe ooc (?)
my apologies i accidentally ended it off in a cliff hanger 🥲 enjoy this blurb
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You've had your eye on him for a while. An older, territorial, & handsome grown man with confidence in his step. Who wouldn't want him?
Of course you haven't said anything about it, much too shy to do so.
You don't know what pulls your attention to him. Is it the experience, how a man like him has experience under his belt, not afraid to take the lead in unnerving circumstances.
He's the epitome of tall, dark and handsome, you think. At least for you. You'd never say it to his face, mostly unsure of what he thinks of you.
Little do you know, Dutch sits in his bed at night, replaying your conversations in his head, overanalysing every word he says, did he come off to strong? Too distant? Too cold?
Sometimes you think he's cold with you. You're unsure if it's on purpose, but it throws you off. Usually his bubbling and sarcastic personality had never been hindered by you.
In his head, you're too good for him. He already fancies someone, after all. In an attempt not to come off too friendly, he'll accidentally come off as distant. He doesn't mean to, but he knows Molly would have the shock of her life if she found out how he looks at you.
The way the cigar hangs off his lips, the pride in his walk.
You're a proper lady, in his words. Even though you don't think that's true, you'll take his word for it.
You're a young thing, a healthy and attractive woman. Though something about you stands out to him. You're different.
He makes it less and less obvious how he looks at you, and you're sure Molly notices. You try to avoid eye contact with him, for your own good.
You think about him when you're laying under your sheets, head on the pillow, thinking about him. His voice, his confident expression, you want him. And you want him bad. This isn't good, right?
Surely if you slip up at any time Molly would notice. You're not even sure Dutch appreciates you wanting him in that aspect.
You don't see the love in their relationship. Like there's no spark. Molly defends him with her life, but to you it seems like she wants something he can't give her.
Like she's in denial.
Dutch is nonchalant, per usual he's seemingly upon his high horse, he takes pride in himself. Doesn't get dramatic.
You appreciate that in him. You see the good in him even if no one else does. You understand. At least Dutch thinks so, he'd never ever let you know. He's not risking losing the relationship you already have trying to get closer.
I could treat him better, you think. I could give him everything he wants and more, if only he'd take me. I'd say yes to him any day. Your thoughts are shaken off though,
You shake them off. You think about what he'd called you, a proper lady, you wonder what makes him think so of you. You enjoy dressing up, making your hair all pretty, laced up in corsets and bodices, wearing flowy dresses and hair pieces. You'd catch anyone's eye from a mile away, he thinks every time he sees you.
Dutch is sitting outside with Molly, eating whatever dinner there was available, pretty quietly it seems. Not a word is exchanged between them. You wonder where the tension started, why Dutch is so avoidant of her.
You come closer after spectating from a distance, you sit down at a picnic blanket a bit further away from them. Everyone seems to be out and about, minding their own business, you sit under a tree, enjoying the shadow it's supplying you.
Dutch meets your eye again, seemingly unaware of Molly's burning gaze at him. You try not to pay attention.
I wish I could read his mind, you thought. His signals are mixed all of the time.
Molly is clearly upset with him, for whatever reason, it isn't anything new to anyone.
He does his best to look proper. He freshens up his hair and his beard, he dresses in his finest suits around you and takes care of himself. His feelings were eating at him, practically eyeing you down like a hawk whenever he got the chance.
You're still standing outside now, it's night time, the stars are up and bright in the sky. He walks over to you, and your heart rate skyrockets. "How are you holdin' up, young lady?" you feel like you could die.
Usually he talks to you with confidence in his speech, fast-paced and never slurred. Right now, he looks like a flustered and smiling mess in front of you. "Dutch, have you been drinking? You seem awfully joyous this night,"
Not usually him. Just talking to him makes the butterflies in your stomach erupt. The cigar hanging off of his lips, he looks you up and down. "Well, there ain't much else to do at night, eh? You've been awfully quiet as well. Anything you thinkin' about?" he talks slurred, like he's zoned out or out of focus.
You assume he'd had a bit much. You stand and talk with him throughout the night, happy for his company and being able to see his face for however long. Eventually, the conversation gets deeper. More passionate. More... intimate. He's standing closer as well, he smells of whiskey, cigarettes and floral perfume. That must be Molly's, you presume.
He's looking you in the eye as he speaks about the things he's passionate about, like he can see right through you. You put your hand on his shoulder, a way of grounding you. Or him as well, as it takes him by shock, his eyes widen and he looks at you like you're crazy.
Is this too much? It can't be, if he had had enough of you, he wouldn't have been sticking around for so long. No doubt. He reciprocates after a while though, sneaking his arm around your waist. You smile at that, he isn't so distant after all.
Now it was only to figure out how to make him yours forever.
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hayasuoii · 4 months
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˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ cloud strife as a bar security guard
summary; oops, you got a little bit tipsy for your 21st — but luckily for you, your favorite security guard always has your back ;)
content warnings; alcohol consumption 🍺
notes; modern au that is inspired by this tiktok !
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The night started off with you being sober (you promise!), the only drink you had so far being some light champagne from the fancy restaurant you had your birthday dinner in.
After eating good, taking a few pictures with family and the exchanging of gifts, you and a few of your girl friends decided to hit the bar for a girls night. This was the day you were legally allowed to drink—so of course you were gonna spend it getting your benefits in.
The bar the three of you went to was a fan favorite. They always had good music, good foods and good drinks. The three of you were regular customers too—so all the staff were practically family to you guys.
Let’s just say one thing led to another and by the time midnight came around you were practically wasted.
But that was not a problem—because luckily for you, the girls knew a guy that would be happy to help out.
“What the…how did she even end up like this?” Cloud asks, pure bewilderment and disbelief in his voice.
Tifa and Aerith simply grinned at him while (struggling to) hold you up, the same words leaving their mouths in unison.
“It’s her twenty-first!”
Cloud looked at them with a deadpan, his mako blue eyes moving slowly around the bar before turning his attention to you. You were still giddy from all the music, and was trying (and failing) to dance along to the beat without toppling over. Cloud let out an exaggerated sigh before crossing his arms.
“Andddd you can see that we’ll have a little trouble getting her to the car without any accidents.” Tifa remarks, placing her hands on her hips.
“So could you please?” Aerith added on, placing her hands together in a begging motion.
Although Cloud tried his hardest to feign annoyance, Tifa and Aerith knew better than anyone else that he would instantly fold when it came to you.
“The things I do for you guys…” Cloud mumbles, bending down to wrap his arms underneath your thighs, lifting you up with ease against his torso in a tight hold.
You were taken aback by the sudden height change, but upon realizing that it was Cloud, you immediately relaxed against him, wrapping your arms around his neck, and your legs around his waist.
“Cloud? What are you doing here? Did you come to see me?”
“No—I…work here?” He answered with his brows furrowed, he couldn’t believe you could get this drunk—but now he’s seen it all.
Throughout the course of your journey to the car you asked a spew of questions, some unintelligible and others being a jumbled mess. Cloud mostly let you rambled on, knowing that him answering would do nothing but send you into a laughing fit.
It didn’t help that Tifa and Aerith were behind him, recording the whole ordeal to show to you when you were sober.
After talking your head off you suddenly stopped, gasping in surprise before pouting at Cloud.
“What is it?” He asked instantly, noticing your change in demeanor.
“You never wished me a happy birthday…” Clouds eyes widened slightly, before he cleared his throat.
“…I wanted to save it for when I gave you your gift.” That was a lie. But Cloud wasn’t too worried about a little white lie when he saw the bright smile appear on your face.
“Really? I didn’t know you got me a gift! Okay—I’ll forgive you so you can say it when you give it to me, okay?”
Cloud nodded in understanding, adjusting his grip so he could hold you better.
“Do you feel comfortable?” Cloud asked, turning his head slightly to where you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Oh yeah definitely!” Your voice was mumbled due to the fabric of his shirt, but you lifted your head just slightly so you could talk in his ear. “You’re so warm Cloud.”
The closeness of your voice surprised Cloud, who tightened his grip for just a moment before calming down. Being this close he could smell everything. The faint scent of the sweet alcohol you drank, the smell of your lotion and signature perfume, along with the faint scent of moisturizer you put in your hair.
“Why did you guys park so far away?” Cloud asked. It wasn’t that he was tired of holding you—but he wasn’t sure if he could handle being this close to you.
“Uh…I don’t remember, do you think we passed it Aerith?”
Cloud turned around in disbelief. If he wasn’t carrying you, his hands would have already been on his hips.
“Seriously? One of you has to be the designated driver—I am not doing overtime.”
“Relax!” Aerith laughed. “I didn’t drink much, I’m still sober as a stone!”
“You better be.” Cloud responded, turning back around in search for your car.
The four of you walked along for a few more minutes before finally arriving at the car. (It was parked in the opposite direction.)
Aerith slide into the drivers seat while Tifa unlocked the doors.
“Is she asleep?” She asked, peering up at your figure. Your eyes were shifting from open to closed, and you looked like you were gonna pass out soon.
“Barely…” Cloud looked down at you, deciding not to wake you up and just place you in the backseat.
He gently lowered you down, tucking your legs into the car, and even buckling your seatbelt. Before he pulled away you called out to him.
“Before you go here’s a thank you gift,” and you quickly gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.
Cloud stood completely still, his brain still processing the contact your soft lips made with his skin, while you were passed out on the seat.
There was a faint blush on his cheeks as he closed the door, rounding to the drivers side to check that everything was alright with Tifa and Aerith.
“Oh Cloud, just in time! Here’s 20 Gil for your service!” Aerith announced, placing the coins in the palm of his hands.
It was pocket change so Cloud wasn’t too disappointed with the amount of money. At least he was getting paid.
“Thanks…I guess.” Cloud awkwardly said, turning to the side to scratch his head.
That’s when both of the girls saw it, and Tifa couldn’t stop herself from immediately taking a picture.
“It looks like [Y/n] thanked you too?” Tifa teasingly remarked, a sly smile on her face when she turned her phone to show Cloud the picture.
His eyes widened in surprise to see your lip imprint in the side of his face, your lipstick stamping him almost like a tattoo.
“Whatever…” Cloud brushed it off, not knowing whether he should wipe it off or keep it there. He was thankful that it was nighttime, because he was sure his cheeks were an even deeper shade of red now.
The two girls giggled, knowing that they’d have a lot to discuss with you when you returned to your senses.
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“No way—I was sooo drunk!” You remarked in surprise, going over all the pictures and videos from the night before.
“Yeah, you definitely were!” Tifa laughed, shifting closer on the bed to show you more pictures she took of you. “But I should show you what happened at the end of the night.”
Those words cause you to slightly panic. You hoped you didn’t embarrass yourself or acted like a total fool—because you don’t think you’d be able to emotionally recover from that.
“Please don’t tell me I was kissing randos…” You groan, your head falling back against the pillows.
“You were kissing—but the person wasn’t random.” Aerith added in with a smirk.
You were what? Your eyes immediately widened as you shot up from the bed. Who could you have possibly kissed from the bar? You didn’t even know anyone like that—unless it was the staff?
Tifa gave you her phone so you could watched the entire video of Cloud—your crush—carry you out of the bar as you rambled away. You couldn’t hear much of his responses because the video was taken from far away, but you hoped he wasn’t uncomfortable.
“Oh my—I can’t believe you guys made him do that! What did he say?”
“Oh he was more than happy to help! Probably even more happy when you kissed him.” Your eyes darted to Tifa is shock, as she simply swiped on her gallery to show you your kiss imprint on Clouds face.
“No way!”
Oh yeah, you were definitely out of it.
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lovingrosewho · 1 year
Hello there! It’s been a while since I’ve written anything but I recently began watching Criminal Minds again and fell in love with Aaron Hotchner all over again as well, so I just had to write this, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it :) This is my first Criminal Minds (published) fanfic, and the first Hotch x Reader I’ve written ever! (also the first nsfw)
ONE SHOT (but who knows, it may even have a part 2 on a future maybe not-so-near but not-so-far-away either)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Cis!fem!reader
Rating: 18+
Word count: 3467
Summary: reader has been accused of murdering her older, rich ex-fiancé (of course I took my inspo for this piece of fanfiction from Brooke Whyndam, of the movie “Legally blonde”, also, the line “then show them a picture of his dick” is from that movie).
Warnings: NSFW content (innuendo, sex, curse words, age gap - reader is in her mid twenties, Hotch is in his early/mid forties)
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“I didn’t do it!” you scream one last time slamming your fist on the table, on the edge of tears.
It had passed around 8 hours already with you in custody, accused of the murder of your ex-fiancé, a (quite older) man, CEO of a big company in town, and as if that wasn’t enough, the best friend of the sheriff.
SSA Aaron Hotchner rubs his face, tired, after observing Prentiss and Morgan’s attempts to get you to confess. It’s almost 3am.
“Sheriff, with all due respect, I think she’s telling the truth” he tells him with a soft voice after a deep sigh.
“And with all due respect, you profiled that the suspect would be a female in her mid twenties, who we’d have to get the information out of her”.
“And we also profiled she’d be seeking for attention and validation which we don’t see it happening do we?” Aaron retorts rolling his eyes discreetly.
The sheriff gives SSA Aaron Hotchner one last glance before grabbing the doorknob of the interrogation room and storming in, Hotch follows close behind, seeing how the sheriff turns off the videocamera recording what happens inside the interrogation room, knowing no good can come from asking the same questions over and over again when everybody is also tired and fed up with trying to get a false confession out of you, which, from your behavior, Hotch knows it’s impossible.
“That’s it!” the sheriff yells “You killed my best friend! Either you confess or I’ll let you rot in here the rest of the 72 hours we can have you legally detained!”
“For the last time, I. Didn’t. Do it!” you yell back.
The BAU team exchanges glances between each other.
“What judge is going to believe you huh? You were engaged to a successful man in his mid fifties! And then he goes and marries someone even younger than you!”
“That was over two years ago!” you talk back.
“You had motive and opportunity, no judge nor jury is going to understand any other reason for you to be with him that is not for the money”.
“Then show them a picture of his dick! That might clear a few things up” you finally bark at him. The sheriff looks at you in astonishment. Morgan disguises a snicker as a cough, Prentiss bites down her lower lip to suppress a laugh, and Hotchner… Hotchner just stands impassive at you.
The sheriff leaves the room enraged, and everyone else follows, not before giving you an apologetic look. Hotchner is the last one to stay. You see the slightest doubt on his eyes and the subtle twist his lips make. You know he’s thinking about letting you go, but he then lowers his stare and gets out of the room, just like everybody else.
You sigh, drained out of energy after all the interrogations. This can’t be happening to you.
You knew since the moment you met John, that just his pure acquaintance could ruin your life. He had many enemies, and even more groupies who belonged to social circles that if you hadn’t met him, you would have never even imagined they existed, but what you had never imagined either, was that after all the heartbreak, loss and pain of what you thought in that moment to be the love of your life, you’d be reliving all those feelings, cause of some stupid cop negligence.
You lay your head slowly on the table, feeling the coldness of the metal surface on your cheek, and close your eyes for just a couple of minutes. You can’t sleep, not until this nightmare is all over, but at least, you get to have a few moments of peace and quiet before some other agent enters the room and begins yet another interrogation, demanding new information. Information you don’t have.
Outside the gray room, where you can’t hear nor see anything, the BAU team argues with the sheriff about your freedom.
“We’ve gotten out of her everything we’re going to get, I’m telling you, she didn’t do it” Morgan tries to reason with him.
“An unsub who planned a homicide this calculated would be equally calculated both on his answers and his behavior, this girl was in shock when we started showing her the case photos and couldn’t get a single cohesive phrase out. You can’t pin this murder on her” Emily backs up Morgan.
The sheriff looks at both of them, puffs a sigh and places his hands on his hips before discussing.
“Look, I get it, you profilers or whatever think you’re better than all of us, but this is still my county, and while I can have her in custody, I will. Who knows? She might even give up a confession or at least some new information. Goodnight gentlemen. And lady” he starts to walk to the exit without giving any of them any chance to convince him “I suggest you too get some rest. It’s been a long day and there’s one even longer ahead of us. Lock up when you get out”.
With that last statement, the sheriff ends the discussion and exits the precinct. Morgan and Prentiss move their heads in disagreement, proceeding to look back at Hotch, who is frowning at the door the sheriff just left through.
“What now?” both the BAU members look at the unit chief.
“Sheriff is right in one thing: you should get some rest. I’ll stay here with (Y/N), keep her company and see if there’s something we missed” he declares “Call Reid, Rossi and JJ, head back to the hotel, I’ll catch up with you in a few hours”.
“Hotch she’s not our unsub” Morgan defends you again “I mean we could, let her go right?”
“I’m afraid not. If we step ahead of the local officers, we might make things worse by getting ourselves kicked out of the investigation. It’ll be of more use the sooner we find something, anything, that might help (Y/N) clear her name and get her out of here” Hotch answers, he’s looking at Morgan but directs his orders to both of them, he knows his team too well to not know for a fact that Emily is the one who’s more inclined to let you go. They both nod silently.
“All right” Emily surrenders, not just because she’s too tired to continue arguing, but because she also knows that perhaps getting back to the hotel and going over some of the facts and scenes with Reid or JJ, might be more useful “Do you want me to stay with you? I mean the precinct is completely empty. You’ll be here all by yourself”.
“It’s okay. You and Morgan. Hotel. Rest. We’ll gather first thing in the morning and go through everything we have so far” he assures and doesn’t wait for a reply, beginning to walk back to the interrogation room, hearing the exit door of the precinct close behind him and the key turning.
When he enters again, he finds you on the same position you were trying to rest, your cheek against the now warm table, your hair falling on it and covering parts of your face.
“I’m not asleep” you mutter softly “I just needed to clear my head, breath and relax for a bit”.
Hotch lets out an almost imperceptible sigh, but everything is so quiet, that you get to hear it.
“(Y/N) I know you didn’t do it” he pronounces just as softly as you.
“Really?” you frown and shift your position, sitting back on the chair, looking at him “Then… can I go?”
He presses his lips into a straight line, and lets out a firm, but still tender “no”. A single tear escapes your right eye and you wipe it off quickly, not quite giving in to the emotions just yet. Hotch notices and comes to stand right next to you, laying on the edge of the table.
“If I’d let you go, the local authorities would not let us continue the investigation and they’d pin that murder on you. Trust me, the best we can do right now is wait a few hours until everyone has cooled down and come back with fresh eyes” he guarantees you, his features relaxing as he tells you this “Everything’s gonna be fine”.
“Everything’s gonna be fine” you repeat his words slowly, then look up at him. Damn it. He’s handsome. It’s no secret to anyone you have a thing for older men, but did that trait really have to emerge right now? You can’t help but to laugh out loud at the thought, it’s absurd to you that you could be thinking of that when you’re being accused of murder.
“What’s so funny?” he asks confused, and distances himself ever so slightly from you, without leaving his place on the table.
“Nothing, just…” you start, in an attempt to explain yourself and don’t end up looking crazy “God, if I had met you under any other circumstances, I’d probably be all over you right now”.
SSA Aaron Hotchner does not move, nor his face changes towards you, but you can see the most subtle blush on his cheeks, and his fists tightening. His lips finally crack up a light smile, finding the situation absurd as well, he quickly remembers the videocamera is off.
“You do realize you could be facing murder charges, right?” he asks playfully, kinda mocking you, keeping the volume of his voice down.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry” you apologize “It’s just so late, I’m tired, and well, you’re smoking hot” you confess with an apologetic, but also mischievous, look. Hotch finally lets out a laugh. Get a hold of yourself, Hotchner, he thinks to himself, takes a deep breath and goes back to his serious stare.
“(Y/N), I understand it’s been a long day in which you’ve been under a lot of pressure, but for me to keep up this game would be not only unprofessional, but also unethical. Your mind is probably just making up this crush for you to pass the time and distract yourself from what is happening. You’ll get over me” he explains sweetly.
“I wish I could get under you instead…” your witty retort catches him off guard, he swallows hard and starts coughing. He’s not used to women flirting with him anymore, not for a long time, let alone women almost half his age.
“I’ll see you in a few hours” he says standing up and reaching towards the door, not really uncomfortable by your approaches, but more by his increasing boner.
“No, okay I’m sorry, please stay with me” you beg him, standing up as well “I was just joking. Well, not really, but just… please keep me company, stay?”
He turns back at you not realizing how close you are, less than a couple steps behind him and he almost crashes into you, but he prevents the two of you from tripping by stabilizing himself grabbing your hips, but his hands can’t get to let go afterwards. You breath heavily, feeling the arousal and heat from the proximity suffocating you.
“Please fuck me” you half ask, half beg, admitting to yourself that what you need right now is precisely what agent Hotchner said: relieving some stress and distraction.
SSA Aaron Hotchner can’t help himself.
Ugh, fuck it, he thinks. It’s the sheriff’s fault for turning off the videocamera in an attempt to scare you and try and trick you into making a confession.
Without any further notice, he grabs your ass and the highest part of the back of your thighs to lift you. Your legs instinctively wrap around his back and your arms around his neck, not breaking eye contact as you let him carry you to the table. He places you on the table with tenderness, caressing your back as he does so. You bring your dominant hand to grab his tie and pull him in for a long, wet, controlled kiss, running your other hand along his arm and chest, ending the trace on his cheek, allowing your thumb to move back and forth on his skin.
Quite to be honest, Aaron doesn’t know how well he’ll be able to perform. It’s been a while since he’s last had sex, and his mind is always either on his job, or his family. He’ll probably won’t last more than a few minutes. But he can try and make it up to you.
He begins to deviate his trace of wet kisses from your mouth, to you jaw, your neck, and slowly your chest, discovering little by little the skin under your clothes, while his hands drop by the side of your waist, hips and legs, exploring you under the midi skirt you’re wearing. His right hand finds the slit between your legs, covered by your panties, and starts caressing it through the fabric. He listens to you moan and brings his other hand to cover your mouth with endearment, letting you know you’ve got to keep quiet.
He moves your panties to the side and traces one finger along your slick, inserting it inside of you. You have to suppress an even louder moan. He moves that one finger up and down, hitting your G spot, inserting another finger when you’re ready.
“Please” you beg once again. Aaron chuckles, grabbing you and getting you closer to the edge of the table, proceeding to get down on his knees and sucking all your juices without any type of heads up. You can’t but let out a loud moan. He looks up at you, and even though his eyes demand silence, you can tell there’s the slightest grin on his lips, before he continues sucking and licking your folds and clit. Your back drops to the table, unable to keep yourself steady so you can watch him. You’re trembling with desire and lust “Agent Hotchner, please” you beg once again. Hearing you call him ‘agent Hotchner’ does something to him. He stands up, wiping a little bit of your juices off his mouth and kissing you afterwards, his hands resting on either side of you on the table, one of them coming to grab each of your nipples one at a time.
“How much do you want this?” he asks softly.
“I need you” you answer “Please, fill me”.
His eyes meet yours and he nods slowly. His mouth comes to encircle one of your nipples as he pulls down your underwear and hides it in his suit pocket, and undoes his belt and trousers, without taking any clothes off. You come up from your laying position to support yourself with your elbows on the table, not wanting to miss how the special agent from the FBI takes his cock out to give it to you.
When he’s got it out and ready for you, he pumps it up and down a couple of times before lifting entirely your skirt and positioning himself in your entrance. He enters slowly, letting you take him all in, allowing you to accustom to his size, and for the love of him, he feels like he could explode any second. He breathes deeply and clears his mind, his ego not letting him end up looking like a teenager having his first time.
“Let me ride you” you ask after a few slow thrusts, needing more of him. He looks at you and nods.
God, what is he doing? At least you’re innocent. Are you? Right? You’ve gotta be. The profile doesn’t fit. But they’ve been wrong before haven’t they?
You exchange positions so he’s laying on the table, you get on top of him and guide his cock back into you again. You part your lips in a moan when you come down on him and begin moving your hips, his hands moving alongside them. You lower yourself without stopping so you can kiss him, rubbing your whole torso on his, your sweat making your skin slip on his skin. He grabs your breasts so he can bring them to his mouth, nibbling them.
Meanwhile, you’re wondering if this might just be another trick for you to let your guard down. But what could you say that might incriminate you? You know you’re innocent. What if he’s not even a real agent?
You’re so close that you can’t give yourself permission to sink into those thoughts, instead, you start riding Hotch faster and stronger, your clit rubbing against his pelvis as you do so.
“Aaron, Aaron…” you moan lowly. You don’t know if it’s okay that you’re on a first name basis already, but it just seems weird to you if you call him ‘Hotch’ like his colleagues.
It seems like he’s perfectly fine with it, as he digs his fingertips on your hips, encouraging you to keep going, feeling how your walls tense around him as your orgasm hits you.
You moan uncontrollably as you come, not being able to keep those in, digging your nails in Aaron’s shoulder suit sleeves. Afterwards, you lay slowly on his chest, until you start feeling like he’s pulling himself out.
“Wait” you gather and pull yourself up again, with him still inside of you “What are you doing? Don’t you wanna finish too?”
He looks at you in disbelief.
“Well I thought you may wanna rest or…” he begins explaining. You laugh and look fondly at him, lowering yourself again to murmur “don’t stop” in his ear.
Of course, he remembers. Twenties.
That’s everything he needs to start thrusting into you with everything he’s got left.
“(Y/N) I’m not-“ he tries to phrase “I’m not going to last longer, I’m- is it okay if I…?”
“Come inside me” you order “It’s okay, don’t worry, I’m on contraceptives”.
He decides to believe you, for his sake, and fastens his pace until it becomes sloppy, spilling inside of you just like you asked for, his cum filling you and showing between your folds as he brings himself out.
“Oh my god” he breathes out as he brings you down to his chest, securing his arms around your back, bringing you even closer to him “I’ll put you in handcuffs myself if it turns out you’re not innocent”.
You chuckle, tracing circles on his chest through the fabric of his shirt.
“I am. But still, you can put me in handcuffs any time you want”. He laughs alongside you, still feeling a bit like a teenager. A teenager who just did something very very wrong and that nobody should find out about. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a few seconds before his cellphone starts ringing, he answers almost immediately.
“Hotchner” he says calmly “Yes I’m still here. No, everything’s fine, she’s… behaved. Prints don’t match? Well of course they don’t, was García able to tell whose are they then? Right. Well, tell her to keep digging. I’ll see you in a bit”.
After he hangs up he turns to you with a playful look.
“You never touched the gun that was in your purse, did you?” you shake your head.
“Guns and, weapons of any type really, give me the creeps, I just left it there thinking it was someone’s idea of pranking me or something”.
“Well that may have just made your case. You’re free to go. Whoever was trying to frame you did a lousy job not guessing you weren’t going to grab the gun” he tells you arching his brows at you. You stare perplexed at him.
“You’re serious? Oh my god Aaron! Thank you!” you exclaim kissing him.
“Yes, and we should get dressed and get out of here before anything else happens” he affirms gently, helping you stand up so you both can fix your clothes.
“Well, agent Hotchner, it’s been a pleasure. Truly” you tell him when the two of you are walking out of the interrogation room towards the exit.
“Pleasure is all mine, (Y/N)” he says, winking an eye at you “I’d like you to know… I don’t usually do this. I don’t…”
“Aaron” you interrupt sweetly, one of your hands coming to grab his forearm to stop him “I know. I can tell. It’s okay. I know that if I hadn’t initiated it or followed up you would have never even considered it, I get it… but now, can we please do it again?”
He chuckles.
“You know where we’re staying and the number of my hotel room, sweetheart. And I also recall reading on some case file that you’re from Virginia and were just visiting your home town?”
You smile widely at him as you nod, pulling him in from his tie for one last kiss. Or who knows, it might not even be the last one.
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yourdakg · 5 months
Donation Found 2!
It took a little while longer than expected, but we finally found an appropriate donor for Brick! Brick was in desperate need of a donation. As the owner of a high quality gym and something of a fitness influencer, he was catching a lot of shit for not showing any empathy to his clientele or, in general, people who weren't in peak condition.
Maybe that's what scared some donors off, the sheer ego of having to maintain a physique like Brick's. But, by God, he paid the $325,000 to get his new body. Did he read the contract? No. But he insisted the customer is always right and he demanded action from the team at Turnaround Technologies.
Not that he could help how he looked, he was always athletic as a kid. Football, wrestling, water polo, gymnastics. He hit the weights hard as soon as high school started. And now he's a fitness enthusiast's wet dream. Let's remind everyone where Brick is starting this journey:
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But thankfully we were able to find someone who fit the bill for Brick. This is someone who has the ego, the drive, and... honestly, a lot of the same toxic masculinity that Brick has. Just in a different form. So honestly it's a perfect match. Which we were relieved to find. After all, Brick doesn't fully understand the permanence of this yet. So let's take a look at our donor plate:
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Meet Lemmy Chungus. A man who is almost permanently online, a moderator for the r/gayincel subreddit, a prolific user of 4chan, and a man with a subscription to 12 OnlyFans pages and PornHub Premium. He has an interesting take on why this exchange should work.
Donor Statement: This world has winners and losers. I am naturally born to be a dominant male, and it's becoming clear to me that Brick doesn't understand the role he is supposed to have. It's not fair that some buff fuckboy was deprived of the body he needs to match his true, inner self. It's obvious he wants this, so let's seal the deal and make this exhange.
I have to admit, we hear at Turnaround hadn't thought about it like that, adjusting two men into their, perhaps, more honest selves. It really is a public service. Both subjects are being stripped down, injected with serum, and placed in their uniforms as our technicians prepare the chambers.
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Just prior to taking Brick's final "before" photo, he was informed that the contract had been signed, this medicine injected, and that his fate was sealed. Of course, we expected him to fight us a bit when told it was one way, one trip per lifetime, and permanent. Instead we were shocked that the young man started to cry.
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Patient Statement: What do you mean permanent? What do you mean *sniff* 'new lot in life'? I don't understand why you're taking my designer underwear. I'll never wear it again? Wh-why not? I'll be fit again! What do you mean role adjustment? Huh? I dunno what a gaycel is. I don't spend a lot of time on the Internet. Whadda ya mean that's gonna be most of what I do now? *Sniffsob* I'm still an alpha. I *sniff* wanna change my mind. I don't understand. This body isn't legally mine anymore? I'm *sniff* I'll be a good boy, please!
So docile! He's really sliding into his new role quite well, and we're all very pleased. Brick was injected again when he saw the donor body, and his eyes almost went cross from shock. There will be a stiff financial penalty for requiring several staff members dragging his muscular body to the chamber.
The process was a difficult one. As the waves started to swing back and forth, Brick was grabbing his dick and squeezing his own pectorals as if to hold onto them. The beams and serums and molecule destabilization took days. It's like his body didn't want to assume a new role. But we held out hope that eventually the assault of our technology and pharmacology would win out and he would be shoved, unalterably, into his new body. So I'm happy to report the following:
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As you can see, both men are now secured in their new bodies, roles, and lifestyles.
Patient Report: Ohhh God. It's hard to move, it's hard to move. I heard some fat guys had power, but he's... got none. I have none. Oh fuck. I'll get back in the gym and... look at him. What a slut, strutting around in that thong with a muscled up ass. Like he's some hotshot. He's not! Why does it make me so angry???
Donor Report: Chances are there a lot of other losers out there who have hot, buff bodies. Cute faces. Huge dicks. Guys who look like they should be on top, but know they're a beta bitch at heart. Stop being selfish. Ask for a donation today and let the real alphas assume their natural position.
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39oa · 1 year
top 3 landoscar moments <3
miss risa you have no idea how difficult this was i think this is like 20x the acceptable length of what this prompt called for.
honorable mentions: not one specific moment but any instance of 1) lando constantly giving oscar the opportunity to win in the final round (see winner-takes-all during summer games + 100-point ultimatum in mini golf), i think if we tallied all their wins by round over the course of mclaren pr videos he'd honestly be above oscar by now, 2) lando being obessed with saying OSCUHHHH like it's an actual filler word he's ingrained into his basal speech patterns instead of his legal name, and 3) obviously oscar hearts-eyeing lando's entire existence in general though i think one great moment is the virgin radio uk appearance because why were they still managing to exchange extremely charged eye contact throughout 14 minutes of zak brown sitting between them. brah
other hms include ice bath video just because them making those sounds at each other was objectively hilarious, the cricket match-up (lando getting all worked up like "nice and easy oscar or else i'll take you off in the next race!!!" "i'm just worried about oscar, i feel like he's a silent killer you know" "oscahhh ): let me get you out mate ))):" and then oscar nonchalantly going Well it's only lando bowling i'll be fine. and immediately decimating him with his aussie schoolboy cricket prowess lmfao), suzuka in general but more specifically oscar not being prepared in the slightest to get absolutely doused by lando on the podium after he foksmashed his champagne, and also underrated landoscar moment is definitely oscar submitting the lando P3NI5 photo to a neural network image guesser.
ok let me get onto the actual list but thongs debate too just because lando obviously Knew but was doing it to be a little shit... in general i think what's fun to me about landoscar is that they've become quite natural in a sort of quiet domestic way so i like any moment that shows off their wordless communication, or alternatively oscar's endless level of patience + tolerance toward lando (listening to whatever pre-race music he blasts / silently giggling at his antics during the cake decoration video). like it's kind of funny when lando pretends in any way that he's miles more hilarious than oscar is because 1) he literally has the exact same sarcastic sense of humor, 2) 80% of his humor is a defense mechanism anyway, and 3) he's probably even more baseline introverted than oscar is (omg i could write a thesis on their social media presences but i won't.) and whenever people talked about how carlando were So Funny as teammates and mistakenly ascribed effusiveness to lando's character in response to their dynamic it quickly became apparent later on that carlos was always the one bringing this out in lando and not the other way around so... like i think their humor matches up well just in subtle moments aka the post-double podium video where oscar is like eyeing the way lando is holding his trophy at the start and then lando gets embarrassed and they start giggling while poor andrea is trying to make his speech like If you two don't stop!!
🥉 twister: not really because it tells me anything wrt aspects of their dynamic but just because it's SO RIDICULOUS AND UNHINGED. first of all it's such a stunning instance of lando being better at something than oscar is but then the something is literally just being flexible so that's already a large enough indictment there (why are you as a man only good at golfing and being a little gaybo... i won't). but like [face-to-face with oscar's ass while folded up like a little pretzel] "what a sight that is" / "OSCUHH" x5 WHILE HIS VOICE IS LITERALLY GOING HOARSE IN THE PROCESS / and of course the most formative "YOUR LEFT FOOT IS NOT GOING BETWEEN MY LEGS!!!" actually dynamics-wise this WAS informative in that it proved to us that oscar will always be the first to lose at gay chicken. amen
🥈 sportbible green flag video: i think this video deserves to be slotted in at #2 because it's from when their teammate dynamic was still somewhat fresh but it proved to me that oscar was capable of Handling lando... like lando was clearly On One here and saying the most genuinely unhinged shit and somehow oscar still managed to find him funny and charming?!?? which i think is important because as much as oscar has always been characterized as chill and accepting there have been instances of him being genuinely flabbergasted and/or frustrated during his prema days which is of course also a reflection of age and natural maturity, but i still feel like specifically with lando he is SOOOOO TOLERANT of all his particularities and FOR WHATTTTTT. but also you can see during the >LOOK AT YOU WITH YOUR STUPID GOATEE ON moment that this was when lando was starting to understand that oscar wouldn't bend to everything he said and could be witty and incisive (silent killer) when he wanted to be and i think this is important as well in determining the equal footing of their dynamic. tbh my favorite moment here is the entire astrology question because of lando confidently assigning oscar piscesisms when that couldn't be any further from the truth. go off king of rejecting logical reasoning
🥇 LANDO'S BIGGEST FAN INCIDENT: this is #1 to me for so many reasons aka 1) i think this was formative to landoscar taking off as a ship in general because it spanned multiple fics but also 2) this was Personally what convinced Me to actually invest in 814 ship stonks because beforehand i was like "ok clearly oscar likes lando as a teammate and lando thinks oscar is a little lame and dry (in a mildly derogatory instead of fond way) and also oscar is just an attentive listener in general so his heart eyes disposition is mildly exaggerated" but then i watched this and it rewired my brain chemistry. the way we were still skeptics in august... 
this whole fanmeeting is insane for several reasons but basically it boggles my mind because the entire exchange starts from the moment oscar is DESCRIBING HOW LARGE HIS NECK HAS GOTTEN which means lando is like sitting there quietly cataloguing the size of his body while oscar gets mildly flustered by the nature of the conversation and then lando deliberately cuts in like mate i'll buy you a new shirt and you can tell you can TELLLLL he was sitting on that response making sure it read well in his head. also it's doubly insane because when oscar responds that he'll get him a smaller shirt to strangle him they're both clearly interpreting it in bad faith like "you just want to get rid of me because i'm your competition xD" but then for whatever reason lando decides to make it Exceedingly weird 5 seconds later and his VOICE LITERALLY CRACKSSSS WHEN HE SAYS HE'LL BUY HIM A SEE-THROUGH SHIRT???????? like what's all this then. why did he essentially call oscar fit. why did he default to his little fantasy of seeing Known Bad Dresser oscar piastri in a shirt detailing lando's possession of his affections. genuinely calamitous levels of embarrassing for everyone involved i don't even know what to say.
ok i'll stop but hopefully this was informative <3 i'm so sorry
edit: omg i forgot to mention this but also the iconic silverstone fan stage side-hug and lando's whole face lighting up when he realized oscar was the one initiating physical contact!!!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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