#Legends Reborn
CARBON LORE: Society and Diggers
Carbon society is distinguished by the large number of islands on which they reside. As a result, a variety of cultures emerge, with the ruins of the previous society serving as a foundation for further development. The majority of these cultures differ from one another, but they all share a common concept: community. Most islands have tight-knit communities that frequently assist one another in difficult situations. They rely on others' assistance to ensure the process and, potentially, a more relaxed attitude. Because of cultural differences between the islands, there is no unified government, and the primary goal of these civilizations is to foster inter-island relations. This has resulted in a one-of-a-kind era of peace within carbon societies, akin to their halcyon days, but there are still problems that must be addressed.
Carbons use a mix of basic and ancient technology. Most of their civilization employs these ancient technologies. It also means that their power sources cannot be replicated easily, as they are not capable of creating a power source. Instead, they must locate and uncover its primary power source. Refractors are mostly found in ruins scattered throughout the planet. This type of responsibility is assigned to the Digouter, which translates as "digger."
Diggers include explorers, treasure hunters, and others. Their primary duty is to search the ancient ruins of Terra for valuable relics, technology, and refractors. They are responsible for ensuring that their civilization has enough power and resources, so they rely on their own efforts. Unfortunately, being a digger is not as easy as it appears, as there are more risks and dangers. The terra's ruins can be dangerous for a variety of reasons, including traps, hostile reaver bots, and the possibility of trickster spirits (Cyber Elves) leading diggers to their demise. As a result, many diggers require training to prepare them to deal with the dangers of the ruins. Most diggers begin their training at the age of ten, but due to their durability, they can withstand it. Diggers typically work in groups of two or more to ensure the success and survival of an expedition; those who go out alone are considered suicidal. Whoever survives as a lone digger with resources in tow is considered exceptionally skilled. Unfortunately, they are diggers who are motivated by greed and fortune and do not respect the law. They are commonly known as "air pirates."
Despite the many dangers of the job itself, many diggers choose either a sense of responsibility, adventure, or something more. In order to support diggers, an organization was formed to not only support them but also their civilization, called “The Digger’s Guild”. An interconnected organization whose main responsibility is to help islands and diggers alike. The guild is where Diggers can find different jobs to help people or support them. This leads to a unique distinction between Guild Diggers and Independent Diggers. While guild diggers are the ones that mostly stay on their main island to help the people there, dealing with difficulties, etc. The majority of the refractors they give to the guild are distributed among other diggers and islands. Meanwhile, an independent digger works alone or with their loved ones, typically traveling across Terra by airship, collecting relics and refractors to keep or trade to a nearby settlement. They frequently sign contracts to get jobs or, on occasion, accept a job from the guild to assist in a large expedition or something else.
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bruggle · 5 months
The Rip-out-your-heart-inator!
At least, that's the goal. Dunno if I achieved it. Have fun, chilren.
The past is a haunting thing. But what else can it do in the present except try to hurt you?
Words: 3k
"A moon of light reflecting fully
And I guess it would feel like rebirth
Out of some kind of dying
To see yourself
So glowing."
-Glowing, The Oh Hellos
  How much was caused by him?
  Everywhere X looked, that’s all he saw. Omega, within the massive suit Weil had created in order to enhance his ability to control reploids while fused with the Dark Elf, sat prone; too heavily damaged to even move. X glowered; he didn’t even bother trying to fight it back. There were few people X could say he truly hated. Omega had the ‘honor’ of being one of them.
  A part of X wanted to end the doppelganger right then and there. To hell with mercy. To hell with restraint.
  X tore his gaze from the giant reploid. He had to find his brothers. Axl had disappeared early in the fight; swallowed by the sea of controlled reploids that had appeared the second Weil had integrated the Dark Elf. Zero… Zero had faced Omega alone for the first part of the battle as X struggled to beat back Weil’s army of golems. He wasn’t sure where the red clad reploid had gone once the white reploid had set his sights on X. Please don’t let them be dead.
  There were… so many bodies.
  So many.
  None of them deserved it.
  Of the few reploids still standing, none of them were familiar. They all ducked their gaze once they realized X was looking at them. No. He kept moving. Surely, Axl would appear with yet another poorly timed joke, as he was wont to do. Or… or Zero would join his side without a word, silently giving his support. Please. Please.
  As X wandered the battleground, he noticed a group of reploids standing in a circle; their grave expression sent a pulse of panic through his systems. No. He picked up the pace, making a beeline towards them. No. As X grew closer, one of the reploids noticed his presence, a horrified expression making it’s home on his face. No. More took notice of the blue bomber’s appearance; beginning to  whisper amongst themselves. No. “Wait-“ one of them called, but X ignored them; stumbling closer to the object they were encircling. Why did it look familiar?! Pushing a purple clad reploid out of the way, it took everything for X to not break right there and then.
  The figure on the ground was clad in navy armor with grey and red accents.
  The inset blue gem was destroyed.
  The helmet was gone, allowing red hair to hang loosely around his face.
   Sightless green eyes stared back at him.
  X fell to the floor, gathering Axl’s limp body into his arms. “No, no, no,” he repeated softly to himself, over and over and over and over again. It was unnatural to see the normally hyperactive reploid so still. X refused to look at the missing arm and legs, focusing on the prototype’s face. Axl’s body was shaking or was that just his own arms shaking? as X hugged him closer. He was- X shut that thought down, choosing to instead bury his face in Axl’s hair. “You’re okay,” he whispered, clenching his eyes closed. “It’s over. Wake- wake up, Axl. C’mon, this joke isn’t funny anymore.”
  The surrounding reploids looked around at each other, searching for the correct words to say. X didn’t care. Where was Zero? Why wasn’t Axl waking up?! “Sir,” one of the reploids hesitantly spoke up. “I don’t think-“
  “Shut up,” X demanded, snarled, begged.
  Don’t tell me, he silently prayed. He has to be okay.
  Where was Zero?!
  A sudden wetness on his cheeks made X slowly reopen his eyes. Had it started raining? Looking up, the skies were still clear it didn’t fit it didn’t fit it didn’t fit it didn’t fit it didn’t fit causing X to slowly bring a hand to his face. Pulling it away, it was definitely wet; he had almost forgotten he could cry. The reploid that had been brave enough to speak gave him an odd look. They couldn’t. Of course they couldn’t.
  Why was there so much pain?!
  Gently cradling his brother’s body to his chest, X slowly stood up. He knew. Axl was dead. And it was his fault. X never should have allowed him to become a Maverick Hunter. Turning, he made his way back to the center of the battleground; passing the giant, motionless heap yet again.
  He had never wanted to utterly destroy Sigma as much as he wanted to destroy Omega.
  Why not? asked a voice. Why not destroy it now?
  It was there that X noticed a new face, one completely unmarked by the horrors all the other survivors witnessed. Her eyes were darting over the wasted landscape, until they landed on him. Recognition lit up her face, as she hurriedly made her way to him, carefully picking her path in order to avoid the worst of the… viscera.
  “Mister X!” she called. “I was- I was sent by Isaac! You’re needed!” X brushed past her, he didn’t care. Isaac could go to hell for all he cared at the moment. “Mister X, please-“
  “Tell him I’m busy,” X ordered growled, seethed, snapped.
  “Oh, but Mister X, it’s an emergency!” the reploid insisted. “There’s been bombs set off and-“
  “ENOUGH,” X boomed. He didn’t need to hear it. He had heard them going off as Omega had fallen, Weil cackling in the background. The reploid shrank back, fear flickering in her eyes for a second. It was then that she seemingly noticed the limp form he held tightly to his chest. “O-oh…” she whispered, franticly looking around before darting off.
  Why wasn’t Zero here?
  Ventilation system working overtime, X turned back around. He gently laid Axl on the ground, searching his face one last time in a desperate, desperate hope that maybe, just maybe, he’ll blink. Ask X what the long face is for. Laugh. Wink. Punch his arm. Something. Anything. Please.
  But he knew.
  He knew.
  He fucking knew.
  And so, with a heavy heart, X gently closed the prototype’s eyes one
  His tears gently landed on Axl’s face, giving the illusion that it was he who was crying, rather than X.
  What was he supposed to do now?
  The thought of making a grave passed X’s mind, but he didn’t want to entertain it.
  That would mean Weil won.
  That Axl was dead.
  He didn’t want
  He didn’t want to think about it.
  The sound of footsteps alerted him to an approaching figure.
  Too urgent, too heavy, too quick to be Zero.
  Glancing at the figure, X didn’t recognize him; but he very obviously recognized the blue bomber. Making a straight beeline to X’s location, the new figure saluted him. X didn’t respond, causing the figure to falter for a second. “Sir, I’ve been sent with a message,” he said in a clipped manner.
  X didn’t respond.
  The figure hesitated.
  “Sir, Maverick Hunter HQ-“
  “Don’t,” he commanded. He begged. He raged. He pleaded. He cursed. He whispered. He screamed. What was he supposed to do?
   No, no, no, please, no. Weil had already taken so much; please, please, don’t tell him the monster had taken more.
  The messenger stood awkwardly, struggling to figure out what to do next. It was pretty obvious that the poor figure was likely pulled from the streets in order to deliver the message to X. A message he didn’t want to hear.
  He didn’t want to hear.
  He didn’t
  He didn’t want
  He didn’t want to hear.
  “He needs to pay for his crimes!”
  “But there’s so few left! Are we really going to throw away a brilliant mind?!”
  “Are you out of your mind?! He’s the reason everything went to shit in the first place!”
  It was all so… meaningless.
  The squabbling, the yelling, the arguments, meaningless.
  He wanted to kill him. He wanted to kill them both.
  Isaac glanced over to X, concern written on his face. X didn’t care. It was all meaningless.
  After a handful of reploids none of them familiar. Why were none of them familiar? were finally able to tear X away from his position kneeling over Axl’s body, Isaac had carefully, gently explained that Zero had sealed himself away; claiming fault for everything that happened. After all, he had been the source of the virus. The Dark Elf. Omega himself. It was all his fault.
  X should hate him.
  He really should.
  But he had already lost one brother.
  Why did he have to lose both.
    And now, here he was. The last dregs of society demanding him to figure out what to do with Omega. With Weil. X couldn’t bring himself to even look at them. He just wanted them out of his sight. The large, white reploid still sat prone, completely worthless without its’ master to command it. Pathetic. He could almost bring up pity for the thing.
  But not quite.
  Weil, on the other hand, had a smug look despite half his face being covered. Prevented from speaking, he was completely at the mercy of X.
  He wasn’t feeling very merciful.
  It scared him.
  Why, that voice asked. He’s taken everything from you.
  “Enough,” X called, his patience growing thin. He just wanted them out of his sight. “There is no way to remove Omega from the suit. Not without destroying it, but there is no way to know for sure if… Weil has any sort of backup plans for that.” He had certainly had a plan to make sure nobody won if he didn’t. The doctor narrowing his eyes told X he was right on the money. He glowered down at the human. “Launch it into space,” he ordered. “It won’t be of any use where Weil cannot reach it.” The people officiating the trial glanced at each other, whispering amongst themselves. The moon had served as an adequate prison for Sigma; X hoped the same would be true of the doppelganger.
  “What of Weil?” asked one brave individual.
  “Toss him out of Neo Arcadia,” X demanded snarled. “I don’t care how.” He had to leave. He would do something he’d regret if he didn’t. Turning, X made his way off the podium. Isaac followed after, trying desperately to speak to him.
  X ignored him.
  It was all so meaningless.
Ciel helped.
But not by much.
  It still hurt.
  The Dark Elf’s reappearance had made him panic.
  Was Weil back?
  If he is, kill him.
  The thoughts were getting louder.
  He was slowly becoming a danger.
  It scared him.
  Thus, he had come to the conclusion that for the sake of everyone, he needed to seal himself away. Just as Zero did all those years ago. The Dark Elf… She had rejected the notion of fusing with X. Quite violently, in fact. But alas, his will, his anger, his agony, it was greater than her rejection. She had fallen silent once fully fused.
  But it had taken it’s toll.
  He was so tired.
  He let himself rest.
  It wasn’t so bad, simply existing in a void…
  X awoke in a panic.
  Greedily gulping down oxygen, he put a hand to his head. Hair. Real hair. Not the synthetic hair he was used to. He pulled it away, studying his fingers. Scars littered the hand; not from fights, not from war, not from weapons. These were all from forgetting where they were while cutting vegetables. That touching hot pans was not a good idea. A misplaced needle while fixing up a garment. Peaceful scars.
  He had never been so relieved to see a scar before.
  He had to take a moment to remind himself that he was no longer back there.
  He was no longer a leader. Well, outside of being head of his little mishmash of a family.
  He was just X.
  Just as he always wished he could be.
  Just as he always should have been.
  The cry of a gull pulled him from his musings, causing him to glance at the clock by his bed. It was quite early; he still had an hour or so before the sun even began to rise. But the thought of trying to sleep after… that made his stomach turn. He was awake, whether he liked it or not. It was far too early to start breakfast, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t go out into the kitchen.
  Barrell had gotten him addicted to coffee, after all.
  Quietly making his way out of the kitchen, he turned on one of the lamps rather than the overhead lights. Levi was rather sensitive to light and had the habit of leaving her door open while she slept. The last thing he wanted to do was wake up any of the inhabitants. (Could you blame him for wanting at least a little bit of peace to himself? Eight people in a single house boat was quite the number, after all!) X made his way to the cabinet he knew held the caffeinated drink he craved; making sure to open it just right. (The darn thing squeaked if opened too quickly; he and Barrell were still trying to figure out why.)
  Just as he grabbed the bag of grounds, the sound of footsteps caught his attention. X inwardly groaned; he had been so careful not to wake anyone…
  “What are you doing up, dad?” asked Volnutt, his youngest. The younger carbon was rubbing at his eyes, telling X he had indeed just woken up.
  “Couldn’t sleep,” X quietly sighed. “Now why are you up, young man?”
  “Bathroom,” Volnutt yawned. “But I heard something, so I came to check it out.” X chuckled quietly to himself. “It’s just me,” he assured the brunette. “No need to worry. Go take care of business and get back to bed.” Volnutt blinked blearily at him, before turning to do as he was told.
  Shaking his head, X prepared his coffee as quietly as he could. Filling the pot with water to pour into the chamber, placing a filter into its place, filling said filter with grounds, now all that was left was for the machine to warm up. The older carbon looked around for something to occupy the time.
  Unfortunately, there wasn’t much in the kitchen. And he didn’t want to go walking around in fear of waking any more of the inhabitants.
  The flush of the toilet grabbed X’s attention; he waited for the sound of running water to accompany it.
  It did not occur.
  That boy…
  As Volnutt opened the door, X glared at him. “What?” he sleepily asked.
  “You did not wash your hands, young man,” X accused, crossing his arms.
  “Ah, crap,” Volnutt muttered. “Forgot.” He made the decision to walk back to his room regardless. X stared after him incredulously. “Excuse me,” the older carbon huffed. “Go wash your hands, Volnutt!”
  “But daaaaaad!” Volnutt winged. “’M tired! And you said go back to bed!”
  “You can go back to bed after you wash your hands!” Honestly, this boy…
  Volnutt let out a scoff, but obediently turned and did as he was told. X shook his head as he chuckled at the boy’s dramatics.
  He would rather have to get onto this child about washing his hands every time than spend one more second back there.
  Now why wasn’t the coffee maker heating up?
  As X studied the machine in an effort to figure out the reason (surely he wouldn’t be bested by a silly little machine like this!), Volnutt walked into the kitchen. X was tempted to tease him about no longer being tired, but he was far more interested in figuring out why the blasted mechanism wouldn’t give him his caffeine.
  “Uh, dad?” Volnutt quietly called. X turned to him, seeing him point to a spot on the wall. The older carbon turned to see that he was pointing at an outlet.
  An empty outlet.
  Meaning the coffee maker wasn’t plugged in.
  Well that explained it.
  Huh. He was more tired than he thought.
  X couldn’t help but laugh at himself, causing Volnutt to chuckle alongside him. The older brunette shook his head as he quickly plugged in the machine. Now it was making the familiar sounds of heating up. “Are you okay, dad?” Volnutt asked, genuine concern lacing every word. X gazed at his youngest, soft sigh escaping him. “Just a nightmare,” he assured the fourteen year-old. Volnutt tilted his head. “You want to talk about it?” he asked. “You always tell me that it helps.”
  The former blue bomber gave his youngest a fond smile.
  What had he done to deserve this child? He didn’t deserve him.
  “I’ll be okay,” X insisted. “Maybe when your older, we can talk about it.” Volnutt’s face fell; X hated doing this to him, but the child had no business knowing the horrors he had been through.
  He will be dead in the ground before he lets even an ounce of his past touch this child.
  “What’s all the noise about?” yawned Leviathan as she blearily entered the room. “I’m trying to get my beauty sleep.”
  Oops. X supposed they had been a bit too loud.
  “Sorry Levi,” said Volnutt, a cheeky grin forming on his face.
  Oh no.
  “You definitely need it.”
  Oh no.
  “WHY YOU-“
  “Children!” X hissed. “It is still early! Do not wake the house!”
  “Is that coffee I smell?” asked Barrell, slowly making his way out of the room. X let out a defeated sigh. So much for his peaceful morning…
  “HEY!” Roll called from her room. “Some people are trying to sleep!”
  “Take your own advice!” Fefnir yelled from down the hall.
  “Why don’t you?” argued Harpuia.
  “Man, you’re all so noisy,” chuckled Phantom, slinking into the kitchen from an open window. “Couldn’t be me.”
  “As if!” Volnutt argued. “You were stomping on the roof of my room all night!”
  “Prove it,” Phantom smirked.
  Watching the chaos unfold, X poured himself and Barrell a cup of coffee.
  He wouldn’t trade this for anything.
The past was the past.
And it would stay that way.
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sneakyswag · 3 months
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I reached the photo limit will continue on another post.
I finally sat down and sketched a few designs. Still trying to get the hang of it UHJ 😭😭
Sorry about my absolute dogcrap handwriting and my super rough drawings like you can barely tell what’s going on
It’s something I suppose I hope they’re okay @absolutely-normal-about-x 🥺
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thismousedraws · 3 months
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“…this time, when all of this is over, will you come wake me up?”
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esonetwork · 2 years
The Earth Station DCU Episode 324 – Rogues of War
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/the-earth-station-dcu-episode-324-rogues-of-war/
The Earth Station DCU Episode 324 – Rogues of War
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This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs watch as the Rogues go to war! Slam Bradley learns the truth behind his partner death in Gotham City: Year One #5. Harley Quinn comes to Seattle to visit Ivy in Poison Ivy #9. Batman and Joker must lighten the weight on a train before the villain crashes them into the Martha Wayne Memorial Train Station in Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #4. Bruce Wayne searches for a solution to return to his Earth in Batman #132. The Origin of the Fraction is revealed in The Flash: One-Minute War Special #1. While the older speedsters find a new base of operations, Bart and Wallace sneak across enemy lines to learn more about the Fraction in The Flash #792. Raven, Trigon, Nightwing, City Boy, Red Hood, The Vigil, Dead Eye, Amanda Waller, Red Canary, Flatline, Ras Al Ghul, and a kid named Liam must all deal with the fallout of the Lazarus rain in Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1 and Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1. Monkey Prince discovers his father in the Phantom Zone in Monkey Prince #11. All this plus, DC News, DC TV, Shout Outs, and much, much more!
Table of Contents
0:00:00 Show Open
0:01:12 DC News
0:23:30 Gotham City: Year One #5
0:32:19 Poison Ivy #9
0:35:49 Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #4
0:43:28 Batman #132
0:49:26 The Flash: One-Minute War Special #1
0:55:28 The Flash #792
1:07:32 Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1
1:13:09 Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1
1:17:17 Monkey Prince #11
1:24:58 The Flash S9 Ep3 – Rogues of War
1:30:17 Show Close
Gotham City: Year One #5
Poison Ivy #9
Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #4
Batman #132
The Flash: One-Minute War Special #1
The Flash #792
Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1
Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1
Monkey Prince #11
Earth Station One Tales of the Station
Earth Station One Tales of the Station Vol. 2
The Chameleon Chronicles: Colors of Fate
The Chameleon Chronicles: Sisters of the Thorn
If you would like to leave feedback, comment on the show, or would like us to give you a shout out, please call the ESDCU feedback line at (317) 564-9133 (remember long distance charges may apply) or feel free to email us @ [email protected]
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cultfaction · 2 years
Preview- Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1
Preview- Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn #1
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enthusiasmize · 1 month
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mirapteo · 1 year
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this is what happened after right?
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Sun Wukong is such a cool character across the board since if you genderbent the character - very little would change other than the reactions of those around them.
LMK: Same character. Only difference is brief confusion from MK and Tang, who adjust their pronouns when speaking of Dawn accordingly. Relationship with Macaque unchanged.
Hero is Back: Short red hair, chewing on hay, tall af? Thats half the butch farmers in my county. Liuer has a brief moment of "The Great Sage is a woman?" before going straight back to fanboying about how cool Dasheng is. Zhu Bajie is likely shocked and appalled that he was defeated by a woman - tho still shoots his shot. Attract does not work on Dasheng. Story accidentally becomes a tale of a mother sacrificing her life to protect her son, and ends with the son sacrificing himself to protect his new mother.
Reborn: Still a chaotic hissing gremlin of a monkey. Brief moment of funny where the very feminine Taoist acolytes misgender Smokey as male since she still looks the same. Zhu Bajie hesistates to hit on Smokey (despite her very convincingly diguising herself as his wife during his recruitment), since she terrifies him. Smokey still arises from their false death cloaked in blue flame and lava. And still mourns the loss of Fruitie.
NewGods: Bigger plot twist of Ace's identity. No one has figured out her identity for so long (including Ao Guang) cus they all assumed SWK was a guy. Still a giggling, gambling lush. Yunxiang: "Hey whos this drunken, half-dressed old lady offerring to train me in exchange for a motorbike- oh sweet Buddha she's the Monkey King."
1999/2000 Cartoon: Sugar is already femme af. No change.
Netflix: Little character change, though Cherry's story would indirectly become a glass ceiling situation with the Immortals. Men can become immortal by killing lots of evil demons (source: Erlang & Hou Yi), but women gotta suffer (source: Guanyin). Bonus girl bonding with Lin.
Smash Legends: Starfruit leans into gender stereotypes for the views. Goes full tiktok e-girl with her asethetic. Would form punk girl band with Goldie.
And lets not forget how many live-action Sun Wukongs are played by women actors and/or stuntwomen.
Gender bending their Macaques also do not change much. Basically these monkeys could be any gender indentity and still be themselves
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Basically at somepoint in Legends 2
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bruggle · 4 months
@absolutely-normal-about-x asked for a Past X meets Reborn X and this is what my brain came up with:
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Past X is a stress inflicted chihuahua
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sneakyswag · 3 months
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Legends Reborn was on my mind today. Just super rough rn but you get my point right. Barret WOULD SO DO THAT NAW
(Can you understand what they’re saying my writing is really bad)
(If you don’t I’ll put what they’re saying just lmk pls)
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I know he wouldn’t but he would but he wouldn’t
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fourthcupofrice · 12 days
NEW CHAPTER NEW ART YOU KNOW THE DRILL @rebornofstars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tried out a new style today, i think it worked out! (i didn’t forget the peg leg this time either,)
I will probably try this style again!
edit: fic link included! here! close ups below the cut
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yeah ww wizzrobes don’t have the sleeve thingies, but its eviler then normal so i gave him zant sleeves as a treat for me
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ruibaozha · 9 months
The Inconsistency of Nezha's Age, a Short Introduction.
Put very bluntly, Nezha’s age varies greatly depending on which story you’re reading and who’s retold it. He is not always a child or an adult depending on retelling, though my intention here is to highlight the sheer variety available first and foremost - and perhaps shine a light on the Indian dieties which may have influenced him. If these varied images are unwanted, please keep scrolling.
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I happened to stumble upon a timeline error where Nezha’s brother Muzha is described to be using martial arts weapons referred to as “Hooks of Wu” which were specific to the 1800s, quite a long time after Canonization of the Gods was published, but also originating from a time period where numerous varied editions of that story were in circulation. Upwards of twenty different versions exclusive to the 19th century, actually.
The problem arises that Canonization of the Gods is meant to be occurring during the Zhou Shang conflict, that I will generously assume to be in 1045BCE, centuries before the Hooks of Wu would actually exist. It’s completely possible that the version Gu Zhizhong translated was one of these later editions as is makes no chronological sense for Muzha to have those kinds of weapons to begin with. So I have been on somewhat of a rabbit chase trying to pin down the edition Gu Zhizhong used.
Bearing such errors in mind, it’s easy to see where the confusion of Nezha’s age can come from. Before his origin story was integrated within Canonization of the Gods he would be roughly three to seven days old when his conflict with Ao Guang and the Lady Rock Demoness would occur - whereas within Canonization of the Gods he’s actually 6 or 7 years old.
Outside of that, a definitive age isn’t actually provided. Genuinely, within the scope of Chinese folklore and mythos it’s very rare to assign someone an exact age - which I do believe contributed heavily to the known discourse surrounding Nezha’s age to begin with.
He was imported as an adult from India, a child form not seeming to exist for a while until stories of Krsna were integrated to how the Chinese envisioned Nalakubara. Krsna, being an infantile disguise for the notorious Vishnu, also displays supernatural human strength and is actually successful in killing his father figure (1) — unlike Nezha.
As children, both Krsna and Nezha are able to wield heavenly bows and subjugate water spirits (2) while also being known to be dragon tamers (3). The inclusion of these stories to Nezha predates the sculpting of the Quanzhou Pagoda’s (which have been discussed briefly here) and are arguably the earliest evidence of Nezha being a dragon tamer.
Speculatively a child god combination of both Nalakubara and Krsna named Nana is likely where a majority of Nezha’s child attributes come from, based in the Scripture of the Supreme Secrets of Nana Deva - which would see translations within China during the Northern Song period of 960AD-1127AD. Nana would be described thus:
At that time there was a Deva called Nana. His appearance was exceptionally handsome, and his face beamed with a gentle smile. He was holding the sun, the moon, and various weapons. His numerous treasures and abundant jewelry shone more brightly than the sun and the moon. He made himself a luoye robe (4) from the dragons Nanda and Upananda, and a belt from the dragon Taksaka (5). He possessed the same strength as Narayana (i.e. Visnu). He too came to the assembly and sat down facing the Buddha … At that time the Buddha emanated great light from his dharma body of meditation. The light covered the entire Buddha Universe, reaching all the great evil yaksas, the various types of raksasas and pisacas (6) and all the evil dragons as far as the heavenly constellations. When the Buddhas light shone upon them they all awoke to the truth. The Buddhas light returned to him and, after encircling him three times, entered his head. It then reissued in seven colors from his brow, entering Nana-Deva’s head. When the Buddha light penetrated his head, Nana Deva displayed an enormous body like Mt. Sumeru. His facial expression alternated between terrifying anger and a broad smile. He had a thousand arms, and he was holding a skull (7) and numerous weapons. He was handsomely adorned with a tiger skin robe and skulls. [Mightily Strong] He emanated blazing light and terrifying strength. When Nana Deva displayed this divine body, the great earth shook, and all who beheld him were terrified.
Both Nana and Nezha share the same residence of Vaisravana’s palace, are known dragon tamers, and both were known to use belts. The Supreme Secrets of Nana Deva predate all known connections between Nezha and dragons, perhaps lending to Nezha many more elements than initially believed.
Though without concrete evidence stating one way or another, I can only present this information speculatively - especially as it seems difficult for some to understand that Nezha does enjoy a known adult and child form. This answer has already become quite long, so if there’s still confusion regarding this please feel free to ask for more details.
(1) Goldman, “Fathers, Sons and Gurus,” pp.350, 364; Masson, “Childhood of Krsna”; Ramanujan, “The Indian ‘Oedipus’”; Silk, Riven by Lust, pp. 164-170.
(2) Harley, “Krishna’s Cosmic Victories”; Matchett, “Taming of Kaliya”.
(3) It’s worth comparing Matchett’s “Taming of Kaliya” p.116 with Canonization of the Gods 12.103. Nezha is five days old within the Ming era Sanjiao yuanliu shengdi fozu sou shen daquan, p. 326.
(4) Luoye is the Chinese term for a garment Indian men tied under the armpit, leaving their right shoulder bare. See Xuanzang, Da Tang Xiyu ji, T. 2087, 51: 876b, and Li Rongxi’s translation, Great Tang Dynasty Record, p.53.
(5) Nanda, Upananda, and Taksaka appear in various Buddhist lists of the eight dragon kings; see Foguang da cidian, pp. 6378,6405.
(6) The rakasas and pisacas are two types of Hindu ogres, who Buddhists demonology incorporated. Both types feed on human flesh. See Foguang da cidian, pp6673-6674 and 3851; Monier-Williams, A Sanskrit-English dictionary, pp. 871 and 628; and Strickman’s survey of Buddhist demonology in his Chinese Magical Medicine, pp. 62-68.
(7) Geboluo appears frequently within the contemporaneous Chinese translation of the Hevajra Tantra (Foshuo dabeikong zhi jin’guang dajiaowang yigui jing), no. 892 volume 18: 587-601.
(8) Zuishang mimi Nana tian jing, no. 1288, 21:358b-c. hi
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