#Leia x reader
fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
Leia: aren’t you a little short to be a storm trooper?
Y/N: aren’t you a little too beautiful to be from Alderaan?
Y/N: did I just leave a princess speechless?
Leia: m-maybe
Han: kid’s got game
Chewy roars and laughs…
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Happy May the 4th!
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
Lean On Me
Leia Organa x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Star Wars
Day 18 Prompt: "We can't do this on our own."
Summary: Leia's feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of taking on the Empire, but her SO is there to remind her that none of them are in it alone.
Word Count: 1,181
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"I need a minute."
Blearily, I raised my head from my work, blinking in confusion as my girlfriend marched out of the room. Her voice had shaken me out of my haze of combing through paperwork, and now I could see her shoulders up by her ears as she walked away.
I glanced around, but no one else in the room seemed particularly worried. They probably assumed the smart, courageous Princess Leia Organa just needed to grab a report she'd remembered that might be helpful, or some more caf, or even a bathroom break.
I, however, knew her better than that. Leia had been my best friend for years, and we'd been dating for a while now, too. I knew the subtle changes in her tone, the unusual tension in her shoulders, all amounted to something definitely, definitely wrong.
I stood from my own desk in the small headquarters of the Rebellion, trying not to draw too much attention to myself. We were all exhausted, especially after being forced to do damage control on a few bad breaks we'd gotten in a row, so no one gave me a second look as I left.
I followed Leia down the familiar hallways, coming around a corner just in time to see her duck into her quarters. I frowned and picked up my pace a bit.
I stopped outside Leia's door, knocking quickly and speaking at the same time.
"Leia? It's me. Can I come in?"
I waited, holding my breath when I only got silence in response. Then, a moment later, I heard the door unlock from the other side. I didn't hesitate to push it open.
Leia had her back to me, and was already returning to sit on the end of the bed, her shoulder leaning against the wall. I quickly shut the door behind me, since I knew she wouldn't want anyone to see her like this, least of all members of the Rebellion.
"What's wrong?" I asked, crossing the room carefully to sit beside her on the bed. She wouldn't look at me, just stared ahead with her arms crossed over her chest and her jaw clenched tight. Leia hated to cry, but I could tell she was holding back tears.
I didn't push her, just waited patiently, resting my shoulder gently against hers. I knew she'd tell me in her own time, and until then, I resolved to be completely and totally here for her.
"We lost six of our best pilots last week," she finally said, her voice hoarse and gravelly. She didn't break her blank stare at the wall. "A few days after that, operating on bad intel, we lost two spies undercover in the ranks of the Empire. Yesterday, an agent went into town on a supply run and went back to his base without realizing the Empire had picked up his trail. He led them right to the doorstep, and we lost the entire base."
I pursed my lips together, trying to fight my own negative reaction to her summary as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. I knew we'd caught some bad breaks lately, but having it all laid out like that emphasized just how bad our last week had been.
"Everything we've accomplished, every bit of progress we've made, is at risk of coming crumbling down around us," she continued. "And I'm failing everyone. I haven't been able to stop it and I haven't been able to fix it. No matter what I do, we keep losing ground. I- I don't know how I'm going to make this Rebellion succeed."
I sighed, pulling Leia a little tighter to me. From the tone of her voice, I knew that last part was what really bothered her. That she'd failed, that she hadn't been able to wave a magic wand and fix things. She always put too much on herself.
"In the wise words of someone I love very much, Rebellions are built on hope. If you let that hope die out, Leia, that's the only way to make sure the Empire wins."
Leia shook her head, and I could tell she was about to protest, but I continued speaking before she could.
"Besides, babe, it's not all on you. One person cannot succeed against something like the Empire, not alone. But when we lean on each other, work together, put our faith in each other? That's when real change happens. And the Empire can try to shake that faith as much as they want, but as long as we keep believing and inspiring people to fight back, then they have no chance. Not really."
"I want to believe you," she said, her voice still a little hollower than I'd ever heard it before. "But I feel so useless."
"Leia. We can't do this on our own." Any of the softness was gone from my voice, and I turned to face Leia, holding her shoulders so she had to face me too. "If you keep putting the entire galaxy on your back and yours alone, you will be crushed under its weight. This last week has sucked, but just like the victories, we will shoulder the failures together and come out stronger on the other side. It will not be easy, and the road will not be short, but we will stand shoulder to shoulder and get this done."
Leia stared at me for a long, long moment. The spark of fire that I normally saw in her eyes had dimmed, but I made sure she could see it in mine. Leaning on each other meant staying strong when one of us was weak, and vice versa, so I did. I did not take my eyes away once, willing the fire and determination she'd first instilled in me to be rekindled in her.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Leia's head dipped in a small nod. The fire still wasn't burning anywhere near as bright as it normally did, but it had been replaced with a steely determination mirrored in the set of her jaw. She held my eyes for another few moments, then leaned forward quickly and kissed me, hard.
I kissed her back, my heart soaring, but she pulled away almost as soon as she'd leaned in. She gave me a small smile, the mischievous glimmer of a plan staring back at me, and I knew my Leia was back.
"Thank you, Y/N. I'm... I'm happy I have you to go through this with."
"Right back at you, babe."
She squeezed my hand and then stood, pulling me to my feet with her. She grinned, tugging me along with her towards the door to her room.
"Come on. Let's get out there and find a way to clean up this mess."
I slung an arm around her shoulders as we stepped into the hall, and then went back to the main workspace of the base side by side. Whatever else came our way, we would handle it. Together.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
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ireblongstuff · 2 years
Rec List
Peggy carter Fic Recommendations (Updated 3.19.23)
Gamora Fic Recommendations (Updated 6.10.23)
Wanda Maximoff Fic Recommendations (Updated 4.21.23)
Natasha Romanoff Fic Recommendations (Updated 3.19.23)
Thena Fic Recommendations (Updated 12.25.22)
Loki Laufeyson Fic Recommendations (Updated 12.27.22)
Star Wars
Leia Organa Fic Recommendations (Updated 12.25.22)
Isabela Madrigal Fic Recommendations (Updated 3.1.22)
Note-None of these fics were made by me, their all made by amazing creators who deserve recognition.
hunger games ballad of songbirds and snakes will be tagged hunger games spoilers until December 25th, There are also spoilers in my likes posts section.
This blog is currently on hiatus, with some posts in bewteen but not on a weekly schedule!
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Happy Birthday - Leia Organa X GN Reader
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Title: Happy Birthday
Leia Organa X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Luke, Han, Chewie, C3PO (Mentioned), Terfang (OC), the Ewoks (Mentioned), and the Empire (Mentioned)
Requested by @micheleamidalajedi! (Happy birthday fic!)
WC: 1,093
Warnings: Very, very tiny angst (so brief), cuteness, slight anxiety, and fluff
It was your birthday. You were another year older. You were on the Falcon with your friends, Luke, Han, and Leia, going somewhere but you didn't know where you were going. No one would tell you anything, not even Leia... And she told you everything. No one had congratulated you, and you wondered if they forgot that it was your birthday, or maybe they didn't remember because there were so many other things to focus on. The Empire fell only a few moon cycles prior, so you would understand if they just forgot, but it still hurt.
You sat in the back booth seat, playing holo-chess with Chewie. You knew he was pretty good at the game, so you were surprised when you found yourself winning. Leia wandered into the cockpit, a smile on her face when she noticed you and Chewie playing. She walked over and sat beside you, hip to hip as she watched quietly. 
"Where are we going, Leia?" You asked, and Leia only shrugged, smiling. You looked back towards Chewie, who just shook his head. "What's the plan, guys?" You turned around. "Luke?" You looked towards him, "Where are we going?" He shrugged. "Han?" You looked toward Han, and he shrugged back as well. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, "How do you not know, Han? You're driving." He laughed nervously. You huffed, crossing your arms. You looked at Leia, "Leia?" She smiled at you and then leaned forward in her seat, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "You have to be kidding me..." You trailed off, "I love you guys and everything but I would really like to know what's going on."
"Don't worry," Han said, "We're here."
You watched as everyone got up after the Falcon landed, Leia immediately taking your hand and leading you out of the ship and down the ramp. Your eyes widened when you realized where you were, on Endor. You hadn't been there in a hot minute, and you were so happy you were on the planet again.
The planet of Endor was where the Ewoks lived, and you adored them. They were such kind creatures, and you loved the Ewoks and how they treated you as part of their family. There was also something else about them that made you feel at home. It could be the way they smiled and hugged you whenever you came to visit, or just how adorable they were. You were so excited to see Terfang, one of the Ewoks you bonded with when you first came to the planet. 
You turned to Leia, a huge smile on your face as she turned to copy that smile. "Happy birthday." She spoke and you giggled, taking her into your arms.
"I thought you all forgot." You spoke, nuzzling your face into her hair, and you heard the others laugh behind you.
Leia pulled away slightly, resting her forehead against yours. You looked at each other for a moment before she kissed your lips softly. "We'd never forget your birthday," She spoke as she pulled away, "We just wanted it to be a surprise."
"Oh, I'm surprised," You spoke, looking at your other friends, "Thank you guys as well. This is such a wonderful surprise."
"Well," Han began, "Shall we join the furry rascals?"
"Join them?" You asked out loud and Luke nodded.
"Yes, they are throwing you a party."
You smiled, "Lead the way." You said as you, Leia, and the others started walking toward the village.
You saw some Ewoks outside of their huts and tree huts, some of them noticing you and cheering as you smiled and waved to them. As soon as you arrived, the celebration began. Some of the Ewoks rushed over and took your hand, leading you to the great bonfire they had made, where music was playing and some Ewoks were dancing and singing. You looked around for Terfang, finding him with his Ewok parents. The tiny baby Ewok rushed over, leaping into your arms, making you laugh and smile as you twirled him in your arms. You smiled down at the small baby, petting the top of his tiny furry head, "Terfang. Hello, little one." You whispered and he made little noises you wished you understood. If only C3PO was here.
He let go of you once he was done with the holding, hopping onto his feet to run away. You followed after him as the others cheered and clapped for you. A few Ewoks ran ahead, grabbing food and drinks from tables nearby, before running back and handing them to you. You thanked them and took a drink, smiling as you did so. You looked around, seeing that most of the Ewoks were dancing, and you joined in. You danced with Leia, Han, Luke, and Chewie, laughing and having fun.
You felt so happy, and you couldn't stop smiling. Your friends had been so thoughtful, and you really appreciated it. They must have spent hours working on this little surprise, and the best part was that it worked perfectly. You never thought anyone would give you a present as perfect as this. This was all you could ever ask for. Time with your friends and Ewok family.
Leia sat beside you, her hand in yours as you watched the Ewoks dance around the fire, "I hope you liked the party." She spoke and you instantly nodded with a huge smile.
"Yeah, this was perfect, Leia. Thank you." You looked over at her. "And thank you for doing this."
"Anything for my favorite person." Leia replied, kissing your temple as she squeezed your hand.
You blushed, looking back out at the Ewoks and smiling. The sound of the party faded as your thoughts drifted back to Leia. How beautiful she was. Her long brown hair, her brown eyes, her strong shoulders, and those lips could make anyone weak at the knees. That was why you had fallen for her. Not just because of her looks, but because of her kindness and sweetness. She was always willing to help people, especially those in need, no matter how difficult. 
She was your world and she always would be. She was the light in your life. The reason you smiled every day. Every time you went to bed at night, you dreamed about Leia. In your dreams, you were together, and you were happy. You were happy with her. You were happy with your friends. You were happy with your family. You were happy with your life. And you were happy with your birthday.
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fandom-blackhole · 1 year
Hi! If your doing the mash up thing
Can you do Boba, fennec and leia for prompts 1 and 32 please?
Of course my lovely! Thank you for sending these in <3
1) Historical AU 32) Pregnancy fic Pairings: Boba x Reader, Fennec x Reader, Leia x Reader (afab!gender/race neutral!reader)
Boba, Medieval (warnings- violence, also pregnancy not outright stated):
His lineage was contested by many. It was well known that his grandfather had once ruled a kingdom, that he was quite loved as well even though his reign was full of fighting and a war that ultimately cost him his kingdom and his life. His father disappeared after his own father's death, many believing that he followed his father to the grave as no one had seen him in quite some time. But then he appeared again, fathering a son of his own, but with no wife or mother in sight. So rumors flew, many stating he was a bastard boy and a disgrace to the name of Fett. Over time however, those whispers were quieted when Boba proved himself a dangerous adversary, when he became the knight you'd call upon when you needed someone found, when you needed someone disposed of. His price was high and many of the nobility called upon him, and while they sang praises of his work to his face, they turned their nose up at his name behind closed doors whispering pities about his parentage. He made it obvious that even if he did hear the cross words they didn't effect him, that he was higher than all of them and the words they passed around like breads at a Sunday mass. You knew of him only through rumors and second hand stories, your family high within society but not high enough to ever need his services yourself. It wasn't until you were called to be a lady-in-waiting for your cousin, a princess finally of age to start courting. You'd been living in the castle with her for a year when a proposal for her hand turned sour with allegations that the man had already fathered three children back in his own kingdom and when her father ended their courtship, the foreign prince in anger had sent assassins to kill your cousin, the plot only revealed when another of her lady's sipped from the wrong cup one afternoon and fell over dead mere moments later. After that a knight had been assigned to be with her at all times and the King sent for Boba Fett, desperate to rid of the paid assassins after his daughter. When he appeared he was everything the stories had said and more. Stoic with amber eyes and dark hair, scars healed over and intimidating. Many of the maids were scared of him, and none wanted to be the one to wait on him while in the castle, but for some reason you felt drawn to the quiet man, curious about him in a way you couldn't explain. Which is how you found yourself voluntarily becoming the one to bring him meals- he never ate with anyone, sending even you away after you put the food on the small table in his room for you to clean up the next morning, to fill his baths, and cater to his every need as the king had ordered. It seemed as his stay went on, you weren't the only one with a curiosity, his own making an appearance one evening after laying his dinner out, and as you opened your mouth to ask if he needed anything else before you left, he cut in, "Why is it, that the little lady-in-waiting of the princess is doing a maid's job?"
You looked up to meet his eyes, confused and surprised that he was actually speaking to you. "Because I was ordered to by my king, sir," your statement came out more like a question, of which you're sure he noticed, but as he poured himself a cup of wine, he huffed and it took you a second to recognize it for what is was, a laugh. Then after taking a long sip, he met your eyes and said, "Perhaps it's because everyone else is too scared to come near me. But not you, you aren't scared of me."
After that he excused you for the night, your mind racing as you made your way to your bed. And following that night, he spoke with you more often, his eyes sharp leaving you with the feeling that he was looking for something, something you're sure he found with each skip of your heart in your chest. Days passed and Boba did his job, finding and ridding the assassins after your cousin, until one evening he announced that he could find no trace of anymore assassins, that he would be moving on soon. Your heart had felt heavy at the news, feeling empty as you left your cousin's room one night after checking on her for the evening before you were to bring Boba his meal for the night. Your head had not been with you, thoughts a miles away when you passed a large open window and a sudden pain over took you and a force brought you to the ground, it took many seconds, if not a few minutes for your thoughts to come back to you and you found yourself sticky with a red liquid that you quickly realized was your own blood when your eyes focused on the arrow now protruding from your right shoulder. Your thoughts scattered as your consciousness felt foggy, only one thought clear in your mind, Boba. Some how you managed to get to your feet, white pain over taking your vision as your subconscious forced your forward, following the path you knew would take you to the safest place in the castle. You would later wonder how you didn't run into anyone else making your way to his room, but in the moment you could only feel sorry about the red trail you were no doubt leaving in your wake as you made it to Boba's room. When you got to the door all strength left you and your body collapsed everything fading, hearing nothing but ringing as you felt a soft golden light wash over you and concerned amber filled you vision as you finally succumbed to the dark.
When you awoke, you had been told that days had passed and that Boba had taken you to the physician before disappearing for a day and reappearing with hard look and fresh blood against his armor. He never came to where you were being kept, and when you were finally released you had assumed that he had just moved on, his job done so he left. But you were surprised to find him in your small room after returning from dinner, his eyes hungry, soaking in the life that had returned to you, a relief palpable in his shoulders when you smiled at him and thanked him for saving you. He turned to look out your window, the light fading in burnt oranges as the sun set. "Why did you come to my room, there had been several other doors you could have stopped and gotten help from, but you came to me. Why?"
It was your turn to look away, the floor becoming much easier to look at than him. "I'm not sure. I only knew that....that I had to make it to you.....that I would be safe with you."
You didn't look up for his reaction, for the first time scared of what you'd find. You listen as he takes a few steps, stopping in front of you, his finger moving under your chin, bringing you to look at him he says, "Don't start acting scared of me now little one. Not after everything."
Then you find him kissing you, slowly and with a different hunger than before, this one consuming and with a deep seeded need. He didn't leave you room that night as he held you in ways softer than you thought he was capable. After that night, he stated his intentions to your father the moment he could when your father visited a few months later. Your father wary of letting your hand to fall to a man that held nothing but controversy, but with the fact that Boba had saved your life, and you yourself seemingly happier than he had seen you in years he couldn't say no, especially with the suspicious way both your and Boba's hands tended to lingered on your lower stomach.
Fennec, Revolutionary War (warnings- mentions of spousal abuse):
Your husband was not a kind man, you did not love him, and it certainly wasn't your choice to marry him. Your father had been desperate with the rising tensions between the Brits and the colonists and wanting to be on the correct side of the fight when it broke out he secured you a husband with strong ties to England, and a lineage only a few removed from some big Duke. You were well off, lived in financial stability but your husband with each passing battle and each loss for the british took his anger out on you. Over time you found it best to just be as silent as a maid, never speak and be just as docile, only finding comfort among the kitchen, baking breads and sweets to share at the tea parties you were forced to attend and using the flour to try and hide the ugly bruises that formed along your skin, in denial that the house staff did not know about them if you could only hide them. As loss stacked up and the battles drew nearer, your husband found it fit to open your home to the crimson coated soldiers. You didn't necessarily hate having the other men in your home, some of the younger men were rather pleasant to you, sharing thanks as you brought them meals and fresh breads. The youngest of them, a boy barely 15 pulled at your heart strings as he barely got around with his injured left leg. He was sweet and funny and always had a smile, reminding you of a brother you lost many years ago making you slip him sweets you would not share with the other men. Unlike you husband, and although you showed kindness to the soldiers, your own morals sided with the colonists, smiling in secret with each win and news of General Washington's strategies curbing the oh so great red coated army, even when the news brought with it new bruises from your husband. Around the same time that a fresh way of soldiers were brought into your home, you found out the worst news second only to the news of your engagement, you were pregnant. Your husband was overjoyed, proud of himself, while still threating you telling you that you had better hoped that the child was a boy. You felt like a ghost floating around your own home, smiling falsely at the new men in your home, bowing your head when a high ranking officer joined the home. You stayed timid around everyone, your kindness to the troops went a bit stale as finding the strength to smile became harder and harder for you. You're small soldier boy found small ways to bring them out though and introduced you to one of the newer soldiers, a man he claimed to be better than the rest of the men in the house, someone he said was safe, like him. The new soldier gave off an air of confidence and easy smirks, he was....well beautiful, there was no other way to describe him, and your young soldier was right, he was safe. He felt safer than anyone else that you've met. Fen, as he asked you to call him became your closest confidant, you told him everything and as you grew closer you found yourself falling for him. A late fall evening you'd been walking around the grounds of your home when he found you, joining you on your walk. It was that night under the shade of the large oak near the pond that he told you the truth. Fen wasn't a man like you'd all been lead to believe, she was a spy from the colonist sneaking plans from the officer in your home. She told you that her full name was Fennec Shand, and that she was to be pulled from where she was hiding because they were close to figuring out her identity. Under the moon and stars she took you hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it, asking you to come with her when she left that night, and your heart full of this woman still, you nodded, and smiled whispering, "I would follow you anywhere, because you are the only person that I know I am completely safe with."
Leia, Regency (warning- spousal abandonment, Han Solo slander):
You were her first friend and her closest. You were there for her throughout her childhood and stood by her as you watched with an aching heart as Leia was courted by all manners of society the moment the two of you turned of age. You were there for her when she fell for the the hot head nobody, Han Solo. You stood to the side and watched as she lowered herself in society for a man you knew was not good enough for her. You tried to push away all ill feelings towards Solo, chalking your dislike of him to be jealousy as you buried your love for your best friend deeper and deeper into your heart. And as time went on things seemed to go smoothly, you watched from arms length and Leia seemed happy and truly that's all you could ask for, even as you resigned yourself to never marry, to live a life pining for a women you know you could never have, but she was happy and that meant so much more than your own happiness. Then came the announcement, Leia was pregnant and you couldn't help but feel her joy as she came to you the second she knew, sharing the news with a happy smile, as having a family had always been her dream. But things went downhill as apparently a family was not one of his own dreams. As the days grew in number he left Leia alone at home for work trips more and more and rumors spread of him drinking his days away in bars when he was home. Leia kept a brave face, she'd always been the strongest woman you've ever known, but alone with you she cracked, her sadness and frustration spilling from her as you tried to reassure her as she fell into your arms more and more. Until the day Solo disappeared into thin air, no note, no trace of him left, and your heart ached at the resigned air Leia took, still holding herself proudly. The two of you grew closer as you took it upon yourself to look after her as her pregnancy neared its end, taking care of her when the doctor put her on bedrest as things turned. You loved her through actions, never expressing your adoration, but more than content to be by her side, to love her closer than you ever dreamed possible. Then one night as you were sharing a warm meal, she turned to you with a serious but soft tone, "It should have been you, you know? I should have realized the it was you who I truly needed by my side forever. If you would, I would like to rectify this now. Stay. With me, with us. Forever."
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noodlesfics · 2 years
Star Wars characters with a dyslexic reader
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He decides to take matters into his own hands. He gets R2-D2 and C-3PO to try and help you with whatever you need. If that doesn't work, poor baby has no idea on what to do to help you with your headaches or to make you feel better. He just likes to comfort you whenever you need it.
When she does find it amusing that you mess things up, she finds it adorable how you try your hardest to read words out. It's the cutest thing ever to her! Slaps Hans round the head when he takes the piss out of you. If you get sad that he does it to much her and Chewie are the best cuddlers.
He loves it. It's so funny to him and he never gets bored of even the smallest mistakes. There is no way in hell that this man is helping you with anything and he even puts pressure on you to read him out signs or maps or whatever. He just doesn't understand your struggle, bo matter how hard you bite back at him for insulting you.
This bitch finds it so funny when you say things wrong and every night he asks you to read for him. He does try to help you and act serious but he can't help but laugh when you get things completely wrong. If you get upset that you mix your letters and numbers up, he will try and be more serious only because you're sad.
She tries her absolute hardest to help you with reading and getting the correct letters in order. Demands people to find materials or something to help you with reading and fixing it when reading out loud. Overall, she's incredibly understanding and will do anything to make stuff easier for you.
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lavendermunson · 5 months
Thinking about Eddie holding your hand the first time he eats you out. HEAR ME OUT.
nsfw. +18!!!! afab reader. pet names (princess, sweetheart)
You are so nervous about it and your body tensed up, muscles stiff and your lip quivers. Letting your arms fall to your sides, to your breasts or finding some place to keep them steady. The sound of the sheets rustling get Eddie out of his thoughts.
“Am I doing something wrong, princess?” he asks, looking at you through his eyelashes while his lips glisten with your juices.
You shake your head, biting your lip as you take a deep breath.
“Relax, sweetheart. You are doing great” he rubs your thighs, feeling your body melt under his fingertips. “Just do what i told you”
And you do. Because you are little frightened sheep who once wanted to watch a porno with him to shake the curiosity off. When you begged him to eat you out he smiled so bright, you didn’t imagine it was going to be a little overwhelming.
You play with your breasts, teasing one of your nipples. But it’s too much, the sensation making you give up.
Eddie feels you tense up again and he searches for your hand. He is buried in your pussy. His curls tickling the insides of your thighs. Licking and sucking while he groans at how sweet you taste.
Eating you out gently, he is so pussy drunk and his grip against your thigh is so strong because he is soooo strong.
But he is holding your hand, his thumb rubbing against the back of it. And unlike the grip on your thigh, he holds your hand like it’s made of the finest threads of silk. His fingers feel light and warm against your skin.
You chant his name like a prayer as he squeezes your hand SOFTLY.
He never drops your hand, not even when you cum on his tongue and he gives kitty licks to your hole while the room feels like a furnace but with hearts lingering in the air just like in the cartoons.
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arsowon · 2 years
Leia Organa x gn!Reader
yall i still dont know what im doing i just wanted to write something🤡
warnings: none that i can think of? maybe mention of a medical center and being a nurse. oh and reader has long enough hair to put in an updo
summary: your morning routine with Leia
word count: 630
fyi english isnt my first language and i did not proof read this
I felt the sun shine down on me from the window. I looked to the side and saw Leia laying next to me. Watching her sleep always made me feel at peace. I stroked her cheek with my hand. “Good morning” she said in a raspy voice. i smiled “good morning”. I sat up and put my feet on the floor. “No don’t go” she said with her eyes now open and her hand touching my arm. I chuckled “I have to get ready, and you do too general”. She groaned putting a pillow on her head. I stood up and went to get my outfit ready for me and her. I went to our bathroom and changed into my outfit. I didn’t know what to do with my hair so I just put it in an updo. I walked out of the bathroom. She was still sleeping. “Leia” i said in a sing songy voice. “If you wake up i’ll give you lots of kisses”. She perked up immediately “kisses?” she asked looking up at me with her hair hanging messily in front of her face. I smiled and threw her clothes on the bed. I walked up to Leia and kissed her on the cheek “I’ll meet you at breakfast”.
I grabbed my plate and sat down at the table. “Hey sweetheart” I heard a voice say sitting down next to me. I sighed “Hello Han”. I ate my sandwich. “Where’s your girlfriend” Han grinned. “Don’t you have anyone else to annoy” I replied laughing. He smirked and starting eating his food. “Wheres luke” I asked. “Probably still combing his hair and choosing his outfit” Han answered. I chuckled. “Why’re we always the first ones at breakfast” I wondered. Han shrugged “I guess we just don’t care about our looks as much” “Hey speak for yourself, nerfherder” We laughed. “I’m here” I heard Leia’s voice shout. She wore her hair in a simple braid. it reminded me of the hairstyles we used to do on eachother as kids. “Hi baby” I called out to her. I’m always surprised by how different she looks compared to when she wakes up. “Hi babe” she says quickly grabbing a plate of food and sitting next to me. “No hello to me?” Han asked sarcastically. Leia rolled her eyes and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I should probably get to the medical center” I said, finishing my sandwich. “already?” leia whined. “Oh no are you leaving us so soon” Han said sarcastically, eating his second plate of food. “Yes already” I said standing up. I gave leia a hug and waved goodbye to Han.
As I made my way towards the medical center I saw someone running through the halls. Luke? I could hear him calling my name. I stopped walking and he came running up to me out of breathe. “Y/n, hey” he puffed, trying to catch his breathe. “Hi” i said trying to keep in my laugh. “Did I miss you at breakfast again” He asked sounding like a kicked puppy. I shrugged “It’s alright I didn’t have a lot of time anyways”. He nodded “Oh! You probably have to get to your job, sorry”. “You’re right i probably should” I waved goodbye to him.
I knocked on the door to the med center. I opened it and stepped inside sighing. “Hi Y/n” the nurse in there said to me. “Hey Mia, how was your shift”. “Ugh it was alright” she said standing up from the desk. “I’m ready to get out of here” she said grabbing her bag. I smiled and said goodbye to her. I went and sat my bag on the table and went to get all the supplies ready for the day.
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princezzleia · 28 days
𝜗𝜚˚⋆ A Special Treat ‧₊˚. ⸝⸝
sub!Art Donaldson x domfem!Reader
synopsis: Art was always be a good boy but when he was disobedient, you decided to punished him, however, he was enjoying it like a special treat.
warning: sub!male, dom!fem, edging, handjob (m received), mommy kink, public sex, MINORS DNI
words count: 1.7k
A/N: after watching 'challengers' i think i need to write this. 'that scene' of art and tashi made me convinced art is sub and i love sub!Art akjssjsksk. i hope you guys enjoy my work!
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Tennis could be intense, edging, and climax. It was like sex, so they said. You had never doubted any seconds once you are watching your boyfriend, Art Donaldson, played for a countless times.
During the match, Art, occationally, tooks a glimpse of you beside the court. He always made sure that you were close to his sight, so every time he looked at you, he could saw your presence. Undeniably, you were his lucky charm.
The upper hand of watching your boyfriend closely was that you were able to observed his determined and eagerness, which you never saw while you were spending time together. Art always be your little boy; obedient and flimsy.
His intense eyes always made you feel the pulse under your knickers. The groaning voices that he made in every hits, it made you trusting your legs closer and closer. Every sets made you on the edge of your seat. Trusting, edging, and when the last hit made him wins, you reached the climax.
Later then, you visited your starboy in his locker room for a special treat. You've always been his motive to win in every matches, if it wasn't because of you; he would've quit tennis ages ago.
"Hi, my starboy," You knocked on an open door for his attention, then he dropped everything and instantly reached for your hug and that made you flinched and giggled.
Immediately, he shut the door behind you and possessed your voluptuous red lips that he had been staring for an hours but unable to touched, let alone possessed them. He missed your touch, your body, and especially your voice when they gave him an orders to followed. It was a punishments that he was enjoying every times.
"Uh, no, bad boy," You pushed him back to kept a slight distance between you. Art instantly pouted his lips and made a puppy eyes that mostly worked to made you thawed but not this time.
"Ain't I be a good boy today, mommy?" Art said with a pleading voice.
You tucked his curly blonde hair behind his ear and swept some sweats off of his soft face. "Of course, you are, until you kissed me without my permission." You pouted your lips in pity. Well, he almost be a good boy for you today.
"I feel sorry for you, I've been thinking of a special treat for you tonight—tsk, tsk, tsk," You furrowed your brows in reproach.
"Am I gonna be punished?" Art expressed an amusement expression at a blink of an eyes before he turned back to his puppy face but somehow you noticed it and that was when Art bends his head down.
"Do you find a punishment entertaining, darling?" You used an index finger to push his chin up to faced you.
"No, mommy, no" Art said in a murmured voice and shook his head a bit.
"Good, but anyways, you deserve a punishment" Art made a sorrowful face like he doesn't enjoy the punishment, on the contrary, this is a special treat for him.
"Let's see what we can do in..." You pretended to look at your watch. "Thirty minutes before the car arrives" Art looked at you in disbelief, he was not going to finished in thirty.
"Sit" Before he could thought any further, he had no choice but to obey the order. Well, thirty minutes was challenging. Give it a go.
Art sat almost immediately after your order. His sweaty looks made your pussy pulsed again. After all this time you never get used to it and you didn't want to. You made an observation before you noticed his boner, which was the result of the swiftly kissed. Art always easily to aroused, he was just like a teenage boy in post pubertal, which was always adored you 'cause he was already twenty-one but sometimes he looked just like a naive boy to you.
"Hard, already, hmm?" Art looked up with a puppy face that begging to be adopted. You made a couple steps before got down on your knees and touched his bulge. You fondled slowly along the bulge line under his short, he panted and trumbled while you touched him. Art looked down and catched your eyes.
"Harder," Art said with a shivered voice. You suddenly stopped your motion as Art catched a breath like he had been choked with pleasure.
"What do we say?"
"Please, mommy,"
"Good boy," You began to took his short out of the way, left only his underpant on and stroke his cock along the bulge shape. Art flinched by your sensitive touched, he grabbed the edge of the bench hard as you could see the veins accordance with his hands and arms. He thrown his head back and shut his eyes in pleasure. You could feel his pulsated cock against your hand.
Art shuddered and panted whenever you stroke along his sensitive area. You reiterated your touch on his vulnerable part until you heard his breathing intensify.
"Yes, there, like that," You instantly stopped again and looked up to face Art's weary figure.
"Excuse me, did you just tell me what to do?" Art looked down and shook his head in denial.
"No, no, please continue" You continued your movement and Art got back into his position. You stroked along his sensitive part for a couple minutes until panting sound changed into moaning and groaning. Art grasped his shirt up and bite the hem of it to hid his voice. His abdomen rippled up and down according to your touched and it gave you a noticed of his orgasm but he won't get what he wanted, not now.
You ceased again. Art catched his breath in disbelief, he gazed down and saw a smile on your face. "Take off your clothes and stand in the shower." Art followed your instructions immediately, he swiftly took off his underpant and t-shirt before going to the shower as you followed, and stood behind. Art was tall and had a muscular body like any others sports men, but when he was with you, those are just a clothes he puts on because his inner side was absolute opposite. You saw the soul inside his athletic body like no one else does.
You reached to opened the faucet and let the water ran through his body. You walked closer until your chest touched his back, then you tracked your fingers down the waterline passed his chest, abdomen, and the final destination, which was as hard as a rock. You teased him by traced its head in circle, he let out a whimpers and grasped the hem of your skirt. Art turned his head to the right and kissed the top of your head then he reached down to whisper in your ear.
"Please," You tilted your head to kissed him on the lips, it wasn't a passionate kiss. Your lips traced up to his aquiline nose and up to his forehead, where you gave him a second kiss as your hand did its initial job.
"Face the wall and don't do anything that I didn't tell you to do." Art turned his head to face the wall while you began to stroked his shaft slowly. He let out a mewl voices while he pushed his left hand against the wall as a support and the right hand still grasped harshly on your skirt's hem.
You began to escalate the rhythm, examined Art's interactions. Once he was about to reached the climax, you ceased; it made him looks pathetic, and you both took pleasure in it. Who was going to imagine the picture of the dominant tennis player in those particular world, begging to cum in the most piteous way.
"Shit!" Art said deeply in his throat, you alternate a slow and a fast pace, made him whined and shuddered in pleasure. A couples minutes later, Art tighten up his grasped and tenses up his abdomen. A signals of his orgasm.
Art tilted his head to looked at you and said in struggled. "Can I- Can I cum, please?"
"Not so soon, it has been only five minutes." Art turned his head back before there was a knocked on the door, suddenly he looked at you again in shocked but you didn't stop your motions.
"Donaldson! Donaldson! You there?" It was his coach who knocked on the door, Art didn't know what to do but he wasn't resist you to continue, which was quite entertaining to you, your little white man was too horny to stop as if he get caught, it doesn't matter, if he cum first. Naugty boy.
"Don't answer." Art still panicked, adrenaline rushed through his entire body, and it made him nearly on the edge. "Oh, my god, I'm gonna cum, please, please" Feeling of fear to be caught made him cum quicker. That's new. Even though, you and Art have had an experience in public sex before, but you never experienced an interfere by others.
"Look at me." You picked up the pace as Art tried to looked at you but that made him more sensitive as your tits was poking out of your fabric as a result of the shower.
"I can't- I can't-" You teased him by twirling around his nipples and made him shuddered. "Yes, you can" you fasten your pace for the last time and this time was faster than the others. Art nearly on the edge of the climax as the voice of his coach still played on.
"Don't you wanna answer him?"
"I'm coming!, coach. I'm coming!" Art cry out with a groan in the back of his throat. "Fuck!, thank you, thank you, thank you, mommy-" His last word was faded by the result of his cum at the end. His cum was covered all over the wall. Art catched his breath as he loosen his grasped and looked at you before you smirked at him.
"Ok, hurry up!" Art realized his coach still at the other side of the room. He wouldn't have heard anything, would he?
You still used your thumb to twirled on his head in teasing. "Well, I think you enjoy your punishment too much, did you?"
"No, no, no, mommy," Art shook his head back and forth.
"Anyways, you will get a special treat tonight as promised because you're win, today." Art grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Clean up, I will meet you at your dorm, tonight."
You walked out of the shower and meddle in his bag before you grasped one of his shirt and a short out and changed your clothes. "You need help?" Art cry out while he was cleaning up his mess in the shower room.
"No, if you help, we won't have any dry clothes left." You smirked with yourself and thought you caught him off guard but you wasn't expect his response, which was strike back to you.
"Aren't you wet your clothes already, sweetheart?" And he didn't mean after you got into the shower room with him. He noticed your wet pussy when you walked in.
Oh, god. You hated him so much that he knew you too well and that made you love him so much.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 month
To celebrate this 4th of May. More Slave Leia please?
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And also, May the Force be with you.
Y/N walks into his room to find Leia posed on the bed…
Leia: hey there
Y/N: h-honey what are you-
Leia: can’t a woman treat her lover to something a little special
Leia grabs Y/N by his shirt…
She kisses her lover and pulls him onto the bed…
Leia: (purrs) happy anniversary, my love
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hnrytea · 5 months
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bf material
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ireblongstuff · 2 years
Leia Organa Masterlsit
Updated 12/25/22
Cuddling with Leia and Rey by @dameronology 
Snowy sunrise by @cherrykenobi
Married Life by @dameronology
Leia proposing to you (hc) by @melmalone
Leia comforting you when she finds out your are stressed by @moonlit-imagines
Cell (P) by @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms 
“She’s the symbol  Of resistance  And she’s holding on my heart like a hand grenade” by @myriadimagines
Leia getting annoyed when Han flirts with you because she has a crush on you by @myriadimagines
Sick Reader by @primasveraas-writing
Han trying to Leia advice about her crush on you my @myriadimagines
Leia telling han she asked you on a date something he was going to do @myriadimagines
Miscommunication by @steves-on-a-plane
“Anywhere you go let me go too” by @primasveraas-writing 
Dating Leia and Padme by @nothing-but-star-wars 
I love you too, princess by @writingforcurrentobsessions2
Angst with a happy ending
Alive by @poeticandors
Because I had you by @nothing-but-star-wars 
When you’re sad by @starfirette
I love you by @mahvericks
Leia finding out you were killed by the empire by @moonlit-imagines 
The empire torturing you to break Leia by @moonlit-imagines
Han and Leia grieving after they found out you were killed by your older brother kylo by @myriadimagines
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Can I pls have a birthday fic with Leia organa x fem reader?
happy birthday!! Here's your bday fic! I hope you like it!!! <3333
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fandom-blackhole · 1 year
Holy Holy cow that was amazing. Your like a wordsmith. Thank you
If your up to it could you do....reader x Han x leia, reader x bo katan, and reader x boba x fennec (Sorry I just love those two) for 2 and 52 please?
I giggling kicking my feet over this complement. I am honored you hold my meager writing skills in such high regard <3
Small note, I'm not confident enough in how I could write Bo Katan as I never have before, so I just did the other two! Sorry to disappoint!!
2. Royal AU 52. Marriage of Convenience gender/race neutral!reader (no physical descriptions)
Han x Leia x Reader (not so much Royalty AU, as Leia appointed chancellor bc she deserves it, also more Han slander bc HE deserves it/affectionate):
After the galaxy wide war was finally finished, the Emperor gone for good made the future look brighter. Things were still going to be rocky for awhile, as the Emperor's tyranny reached far and effected all that lived in your vast galaxy. You and Leia had grown up together, both part of royal families on your respective planets and both of your parents having been good friends. Once the war fully took over your lives the two of you played parts in the fights, ferrying messages and secret plans and providing much needed support through food- and weapons- through diplomatic missions that slipped right beneath the snubbed imperial noses. Then when Alderaan was blown away leaving your closest friend with nothing and no one, you stepped up, became her second hand sharing her burden of being a general comforting her through the stress of the war, your relationship growing blooming into more. With the entrance of Han Solo in your lives you both found solace in complaining about his well everything. Over meals the two of you laughed together over him stumbling about something or some flirty remark he had said to either you or Leia, or ranting about how obnoxious he was being, arguing with one or each of you just to argue, but deep down you both knew that your attachment to the man was slowly consuming your hearts. By the end of the war the three of you had come to the full realization of your feelings and accepted that you each needed the other two to feel whole now. And so as the republic started slowly rebuilding itself, you and Leia found yourselves filling the roles your fathers once held, becoming senators and still fighting for the rights of the people. As things started and you both took your places, many fought Leia being in the senate both because her planet was no longer needed to be represented as it was gone and because her true parentage had come to light, no one overly excited to have the daughter of Darth Vader within the newly reforming government. But many who fought by her side within the war fought back for her. Those who knew her knew that she was a smart and fair and more than deserving of having a spot amongst the rest of you. Sure biologically she was connected to one of the most feared men in the history of the galaxy, but she had also been raised by one of the best- there was no contest that Bail Organa had set the precedent of what it meant to be a good man and leader- and if you wanted to bring blood relations, her own mother had been Padme Amidala, someone who was still dearly missed and who helped many people, more than just her own from Naboo. Of course you were there fighting the hardest, the loudest, shutting down each insult with a well worded barb behind an unassuming smile and sharp eyes. Han wasn't told names when it came to who said what insult after the first incident of the person coming to senate meetings the next day with a black eye and a chipped tooth, even if the sight had been overly satisfying.
By the time most of the run away imperial generals and officers had been tracked down and persecuted the senate had almost unanimously voted for Leia to take over as the newly appointed Chancellor of the galaxy, her ideas and plans for recovery having improved many planets as well as her quick ability to make each issue fair for all sides made her a quick favorite even with her young age. The only issue still remaining was that those who still opposed her in the senate citing that her status of being unmarried as well as young made her seem unfit for the appointed role, that those still deciding to join the newly reformed republic would see it as the senate being weak. And Leia agreed. The Leia, Han, and you had agreed a long time ago that marriage wasn't something you thought would be possible between the three of you, and it wasn't even allowed on many planets for more than one spouse, but with the rising concerns, the three of you sat down to talk it out and eventually came to a decision. You and Leia would be the ones to legally marry, both royalty and from influential planets that were friendly with each other, it honestly seemed that it would be the best for a show of power of sorts, one that would please more people than if she were to marry Han who was a rather well known smuggler at this point. And the marriage did please many, gaining favor with planets still not quite on board with the republic and raising you to have just as much respect as Leia, finding the two of you working side by side for the galaxy.
Boba x Fennec x Reader (I too really love these two <3, also not fully a Royal AU woops, sorry):
It was exhausting being raised to take over a family name, being expected to be able to rule over an empire your father built among the seediest in the galaxy. You can remember that from the time you could read your father had you sitting in his office learning finances and numbers. You remember learning to make deals in the family's favor and how to spot a scheme from a mile away. By the time you were old enough few people knew that your father had you slowly taking over the crime empire, few knew that it wasn't your father that they needed to fear, but you who would hide in the corners during meetings sharing secret looks that spoke words, anonymous to everyone but your father who sat there proud that the child he raised has come so far that they have passed even his abilities. It was exhausting dealing with people who only wanted selfishly and would try and use your family for gain each day, but it was your life and you truly knew nothing else. Your father passed only a few years after you had taken control of the family from the shadows, something you both had prepared for as his illness had been getting worse for years. It hurt, burning swirling sadness you knew you could not let show festered and turned to anger as the men and women who had been scared of your father, and you in the later years without them realizing, came to you seeing you as nothing but a weak child and tried over and over again to make bad deals, to use you, to rid of you and take your empire as their own, and you did not have the patience for a show of force, to make each bow to you as they had for your father. You made it clear early on that you weren't a dumb child that you, with dead eyes and an emotionless face could very easily switch the roles with each bad deal, making it so you ended up with the better deal and they walked out with the shit end of the stick. People still talked, eyed you like starved lions shown a fresh kill. You needed respect, something you never thought would actually come to you, but it did arrive late one night in the forms of hunter green and black.
Your family had had dealing with the Hutts in the past, the two of your families circling each other both on the same level, knowing the other was a threat and waiting for the other to fall so that the other could sweep in. And sweep in you did when news of Jabba's death reached you, managing to take away much of what once belonged to your rival before his disgusting worm of a right hand could even realize what had happened. It was that area of your empire that fought against you the hardest when your father past, leaving you with many headaches that still seemed to flare when one of them made an appearance in a room you occupied. Bib Fortuna had made an appearance after your father's death, trying your patience to the point that you had ended up causing him to run fleeing from your planet back to the safety of Tatooine and never bothering you again. Which now, with the two figures standing intimidating in relaxed confidence, you realized curiously that you had not heard a peep about the worm in some time. Your own air of lack fear gave way to your own show of confidence, as you motioned to the seats across from you, which with slow precision they both took, neither helmet leaving your form, the three of you sitting staring at one another in silence. You studied their appearances as you sipped from your glass, setting it down quietly before speaking finally, "It is a shock to see you Fett, forgive me but no one has seen you for years, the galaxy thought that you were dead. And you Shand, I say the bounty out on your head, you'd always been quiet though, so when the bounty disappeared with rumors of you being dead, well I did not quite believe them."
You heard a huff come from Fennec's helmet, knowing enough to read it as amusement, but that was the only response you got. Silence once again filled your office as you finger traced the lip of your glass as the three of you continued to stare each other down. Sighing you leaned back in your chair, tiring of this dick measuring contest. "Is there a reason the two of you graced me with your presence or are we just taking up my time with some staring?"
You watch Boba's helmet tilt in Fennec's direction as she shrugs in response, saying, "I told you they were a feisty one."
You wait for one of them to start this time as the silence leaks back once more, your patience now thinning, but as Boba's helmet turns to you once more he finally speaks, the gravel of his voice just the same as you remember from a fleeting meeting years ago. "I come upon the knowledge that it is you who I have to thank for the loss of over half of my empire."
With a grin, you shrug, replying, "Well Bib wasn't looking and they were just there for grabs, who wouldn't have taken the such a sweet prize."
Silence followed as you sipped from your glass once more, before you leaned forward, now knowing why the two were here. "if you want it back, you're going to have to offer me something just as good if not better, if I just give it to you free how will I keep the little respect my people have for me? Surely you understand that."
Boba's helmet moves, looking around the room, looking for weakness or discrepancies your sure as he says nonchalantly, "Or I could just rid of you and take everything." You hum and nod. "Yes that is definitely an option, and well you both are well know for doing just that aren't you? But you aren't going to do that, you know I am worth more to you alive than dead." Fennec with amusement in her voice, asks, "And how are you so sure of that?"
Smiling you look between the two of them. "Because I am still here. If you wanted that, I would have been dead ages ago. No instead you came to me, meaning you have a deal you'd like to broker. So?"
Again, Boba turns back to you looking you in the eye saying, "I want what is mine, and I know that you are tired of showing your worth to the worms under your control. I know respect is something you're short on, despite the fact you being current head of the biggest crime empire this side of the galaxy."
"Go on."
"I offer an alliance, one that will give us both what we want."
"I am sorry Fett, but I don't see how a simple alliance is going to do that," you replied skeptically. Following, Boba took off his helmet, slowly revealing his face to you, scars and dark eyes coming into view leaving your interest peaking with each second.
"A marriage, combine our empires and become the biggest in the galaxy. I get what you took back, and you get the respect of being connected....intimately to me."
You lean back with smile. "Alright, that's a deal offer I've never heard before, and an actually tempting one at that. If I say yes, what else would be expected?"
Fennec chooses to speak this time, changing your attention from the dark eyes to the dark helmet which she had yet to remove. "Nothing. We take over our portion of the empire, whatever was once Jabba's and you keep what is all yours. The marriage, simply, is for show. If anything all you'd need to do is make an appearance with each other every once in a while."
You nod, pressing a comm button on your desk, meeting Boba's eyes once more as you say to the comm, "Marsh, we have a contract to draw up."
The ended up working, better than you think the three of you could have ever realized. With the empires joined and divided fairly you found things running smoother than ever before, and with you name connected to Boba's not just your people showed respect, now everyone but fools with no brain cells treated you like the threat you've been all along. Fennec went back and forth between your home and Tatooine, and you couldn't enjoy her company more. The burning anger you'd held for so long disappearing as you found solace in the companionship, in having someone closer than you've ever allowed possible. Something you even could equate to Boba as well in your shared trips to visit each other, which had started as only to make appearances have lead from a friendship into more.
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d0llfaac3 · 1 month
Pairing: Obi wan Kenobi x female! Jedi! Reader
Warnings: reader has near death experience and Obi wan isn’t too happy with his ‘friend’
Word count: 378
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Obi wan came running into the medical wing of the Jedi temple on Coruscant, a determined look on his face, also one of worry, you were laying in a bed, half asleep on the meds they gave you.
He nearly broke down in tears as he saw you..he was your ‘friend’ or a Jedi master, you where close with, you were also a Jedi. Growing up with Obi Wan in the Jedi Order.
He gently cupped your face, you two had been unofficially together for months now, hiding it from the order as attachments where forbidden. For any Jedi, let alone two well respected Jedi masters..
“They’re letting me out soon Obi, calm down” you say softly, with a small smile on your face, he cared so much about you it was quite cute actually, he dropped everything to make sure you where okay..
“Oh good..maker you seriously scared me..” He says as he gently touches your hair, looking at you with such soft eyes that it could melt the coldest of hearts.
You had to giggle, couldn’t help yourself, his big hands wrapped around your hand dad make you blush. “Obi..we’re in the hospital wing not here” you say quietly and he blushes and quickly pulls his hand away mumbling something about an apology
Once the nurses released you, Obi Wan had grabbed you into his quarters, throwing you on the bed and throwing a blanket at you, getting into bed beside you still in his robes.
“You” kiss “scared” kiss “me” kiss. You did love his kisses. Something about him always made you feel so special, ever since you two were small children you two have always had a connection, from late night lightsaber training when you two where padawan learners, to late night studying sessions, to late meditation to..enjoying each other in a different sense..
He wrapped his big arms around you, suffocating you in a hug as he kissed your hair, gently putting his chin against your head, whispering soft words to you as you drifted off asleep, the last words you can remember where.
“Goodnight Mi gorffen chi bonnie” he says, in stewjon, the language in his home planet meaning ‘I love you Beautiful”
You loved him and he loved you..screw the Jedi order.
Hi guys, I’ve never done a Star Wars fic before so it’s kinda goofy, hope u enjoy 🫶🏻
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cassie48 · 3 months
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𝖣𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗁 𝗏𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 anakin 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
You were his prised possession. The very reason he lived. When he first met you on Tatooine as a boy he decided then and there, thatyou’d be his.
When he went back years later to seek out his mother, he met you again. 𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗵, he had decided. So he took you with him, despite what others thought.
Keeping you and him a secret was by far the hardest thing he had ever done. He was a very possessive man, and when anyone 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗱 flirt with you, it would take everything in him not to kill them then and there.
Obi-wan was aware of your relationship with Anakin and knew it wasn’t just some childhood nostalgic friendship. He knew, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴. So when he went to Mustafar to stop him, he brought you.
You, scared and confused out of your mind, stayed on the ship until he and Obi-wan had finished fighting. When your heard the silence you ran out spotting him.
“Ani?” You wept tears falling down your tanned cheeks.
“Sweetheart what are you doing here?” He asked pulling your smaller body into his and wrapping his big arms around your little waist.
“Obi-wan brought me. W-Where is he” She cried clinging onto him.
“He had betrayed us. He’s to weak to understand my power. I have defeated the emperor, I know how the power to rule” he smiled menacingly placing your little head in his hands.
“Y-You’re gonna rule the galaxy?” You asked shocked.
“Me and you, side by side. I can finally treat you like the queen you are. I would never let anything or anyone hurt you. Do you understand sweetheart?” He said pulling you closer to him, if it were at all possible.
You nodded slowly taking in the information. “Y-You’d never hurt anyone, right Ani?” You asked innocently, leaning your head on his chest, the days events slightly tiring you out as your eyes grew heavy.
“Princess, the only time I’d ever hurt anyone is if they were hurting you. You understand that’s why’d I’d do it right?” He lied, knowing you’d believe him. He had to, you belonged next to him.
“I understand ani” you barely whispered, as you leant your body weight against him, feeling sleep wash over you.
“You must be so tired sweetheart, let’s go back to the ship, you need rest” he lovingly told you, but you were barely conscious at this stage. He picked you up  bridal style and you leant your head on his shoulder drifting off.
Here you were, one month later since that night. Anakin was right, he took care of you, treated you like a princess. You and hun ruled the galaxy, the emperor and his empress.
You were sat in his lap, your little head leaning against his chest as he explained his orders to his men in front of him.
It wasn’t unusual for you to be sitting on his lap while he worked, he told you it calmed him down.
As you leant your head on his big chest, you tried your best not to let your eyes close, feeling tiredness come over you.
You let your eyes wander around the room, trying to keep them open. You looked to the right, your body freezing when you saw a man, one of Anakins me staring at you, with a disgusting smirk on his face.
You didn’t know what to do, your body didn’t move an inch. Anakin frowned feeling the nerves radiating off of you.
He leant down and placed his hand over your face, before asking “what’s wrong baby?” With a deeply concerned expression.
“He’s staring at me ani…I don’t like it!” You whispered burying your small face in his chest to escape the man’s stare. Tears slowly fell down your cheeks.
All the men stopped talking and looked towards the two of you. They were waiting for the emperor to kill or torture someone. They had been warned their first day
Anakin looked up, glaring at the man with a look that cannot be explained. He picked you up, placing your head away from the men.
“If any of you leave this room before I get back I will kill you all” he said simply before turning and walking back to your shared headquarters.
Once arriving he placed you down into your big bed, leaning down and giving you a sweet kiss.
You willed your tears and looked up at him. “I’m sorry Ani I don’t know why I’m so emotional lately” you whispered staring at his hand you were holding.
“I think I know sweetheart but we’ll discuss it in the morning. Try to sleep and I’ll be back in a little while” he told you as he went to leave.
You gripped his hand that you had been holding, your big doe eyes looking up to his own dark ones
“Y-Your not gonna do something bad are you ani?” You whispered with a slight pout on your lips.
Anakij smirked at you innocent look. “I’m only gonna have a stern word with the men baby” he told you, tucking you into bed and kissing your forehead tenderly.
You nodded before sleep came over you, and you closed your eyes.
Anakin smiled contently before leaving the room, his smile turning to a glare as he made his way back to the meeting room.
When arriving he saw all his men standing with an extremely nervous look on their faces, two men holding the man who was looking at you earlier.
Anakin walked directly over to the men with a knife in his hand, plunging it into his chest.
“What did u tell you about looking at my wife. She’s mine!” He yelled out, his face scrunched up in anger.
Eventuallu he pulled out the knife from the man’s now lifeless body, letting it drop to the floor.
Anakin looked at the two guards near him.
“Clean up this mess. Let all of you see this as a warning, of what will happen to you if you so much as look at your empress” he spat, with pure rage in his tone.
He made his way back to your headquarters, changing into clothes without blood. He then climbed into bed with you.
“Ani? Is that you?” Your soft angelic voice said, as you turned over rubbing your eyes.
“Yeah it’s me baby, go back to sleep you tired yourself out today” Anakin said his hands going about both sides of your waist before pulling you up a little into his embrace.
You hummed burying your face into his neck
“Did you have a talk with the mean man” You asked, your voice laced with a little fear.
Anakin noticed this and frowned.
“Baby, you know I would have never let him hurt you. He’s dealt with, this won’t happen again” he softly told you, pulling you in closer trying to ease your worries.
“Ok ani” you said before you drifted back off to sleep, your mind now at ease.
𝗶 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗶𝗺 𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗱𝗼 𝗮 𝗽𝘁 𝟮 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀!!
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