#Leonora Lesso x you
hxzxrdous · 3 months
The School for Good and Evil
Platonic Lady Lesso x reader
TW: Mention of abuse, heavyyyy HEAVYY angst, read at your own risk, I'm not responsible for you crying xx 😌😋
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It has been two weeks into the new school year, two weeks since Lady Lesso, the infamous evil and cruel dean, had been having nightmares.
She just woke up from one of these. This one in particular was disturbing. She was dreaming about being restrained on the bed. She could hear the laughter, she could smell the alcohol, she could smell the sweat. She could feel the touches and she could feel the pain.
Lady Lesso woke up covered in sweat. She sat up looking around the room in hopes that she could shake off the image that she had seen. She takes a few deep breaths before getting ready for the Curses & Death Traps class.
She swore the 13 year olds were getting smaller and weaker every single year. Lesso waved her cane around as she lectured, her heels clicking.
While teaching she found her mind wandering back to the dream she had. Even during the day she can not shake it from her mind. As the last student left her class she sat down at her desk.
She closed her eyes for a minute, having another one of her new visions. She heard a female voice, yelling. Then she felt it... The feeling of a hot steam iron pressed against her back, burning her skin. She could smell the burnt flesh. After Lesso found herself back in reality she could feel the intense burn on her back, she thought she was about to pass out.
Lesso began rubbing the spot on her back where it burned. The pain only seemed to grow. She found herself leaning forward to examine her back to see the source of the pain. She began to wonder what these visions mean.
The dean began to feel more and more disturbed. She tried to fight back some of the images that are stuck in her mind, but she can not. As she continued to think more and more tears were forming in her eyes as her mood began to shift to sadness. The images coming to mind have not left and some have even begun to linger as she tried to make sense of all the pictures that have been invading her mind.
Lady Lesso was all for villains, evilness, cruelness but this... This was simple torture.
With all of the thoughts that have been floating around in her mind Lady Lesso found herself with a short and sharp temper with anyone who stepped foot near her. She found herself snapping at students and other teachers alike. Her mood was so out of sorts it was almost laughable to see her lose control of her emotions so easily.
As the weeks went by Lady Lesso's irritability only continued getting worse. With each new day the images in her mind seem to be taking a grip on her. She starts to think that she is going insane. These images, these feelings, they don't feel like they should be hers but yet they feel so real.
At one point while teaching the 13 year old Nevers, she noticed one of the girls sleeping in class.
"That's Y/N, ma'am." One of the girls that shared the dormitory with the sleeping girl explained. "She always sleeps."
The mention of the name instantly caused Lesso to snap. The name rang too familiar and it brought up the image that she had been trying to forget. She quickly stood from her desk, cane in hand, and glared at the sleeping kid.
The kid began to stir as Lesso grabbed her by the wrist, the girl's eyes fluttered as her body tried to comprehend what was happening. Lesso dragged her all the way to the Doom Room and threw her into the chair before locking the door. When she walked over to the podium she began looking over the sleeping girl, a small evil chuckle leaving her lips. These weak students needed toughing up.
Lesso lifted her cane, looking down at the girl, she was about to hit her when she got another vision, this time hearing the name 'Y/N.' Lesso could once again feel the excruciating pain. She saw red and blood, smelled the copper. The vision was even more intense with this girl close.
Lesso tried to shake off this new vision. For a moment it had stopped her from doing what she had intended. The images, the girl's name, had her hesitating to hit the kid now. She was getting the feeling that this girl was important to all of this for her mind and for some reason she was connected with the visions. It all started to give her a headache and she took a small step back from the podium just trying to keep herself together, both mentally and physically.
"I-I'm sorry, I won't fall asleep again, ma'am, I promise-" Y/N said quietly looking up at the evil dean with her E/C innocent eyes.
Lesso took another step back before she noticed the eyes of the girl. It was like being back in the dream she was having, those same eyes. The eyes that were present in each vision she had. She felt them pierce through her being and into her very soul. The look they gave her sent a shiver down her spine, but she could not bring herself to make eye contact for more than an instant at a time. She felt the need to look again but also to quickly look away.
"Ma'am?" Y/N's voice echoed from the Doom Room's walls, bringing back the dean to reality.
Lesso snapped her way back to reality. She found herself staring through a E/C eyed girl again.
"You did not ask permission to speak." she stated in the stern and cold tone she was known for.
Y/N apologized quietly, looking down at the floor.
Lesso glared down at the girl. She tried her best to keep her temper in check. She didn't want to scare the kid with her mood swings, but it was proving to be very difficult to keep up her control in the presence of this girl. There was something about her that gave off a sense of familiarity, but it was something that she could not put her finger on.
"Look at me," she snapped.
Y/N looked up at the dean, for a second, then quickly moved her gaze back at the floor.
The dean slowly took a step closer to the child, trying not to scare her any more than she already has.
Lesso's heels clicked against the stone floor as she slowly walked behind the girl, kneeling down, carefully lifting the girl's shirt on the back just barely enough to see, not all the way. It was a steam iron burn, the same burn Lesso felt in her vision. In the exact same place.
The sight of the young girl's back with the steam iron burns only confirmed what she had been feeling all of these days. Something in her head was screaming that this child was connected to what has been invading her mind. She took a moment to process what she had just found before slowly standing up and taking another step closer to the girl.
Lady Lesso kneeled down in front of the girl, untying her
"Ma'am?" Y/N tilted her head in confusion.
Lady Lesso looked at the child as she removed the restraints. The girl's expression seemed to be confused. She could not help but feel her heart begin to race a little when looking into those eyes. She tried to keep a stern and cold stare on her face, but this kid just kept throwing her off in a way she could not describe. This was not like any of the other students that she had taught over the years at this school.
As Lesso lifted the girl's chin, the girl seemed to shrink into herself. Her cheeks turning just a tad pink, she tried to look at the dean. Lesso could easily see the slight change in the girl's eyes. She could see the fear slowly take over as Lesso continued to keep their eyes locked. The girl's fear made Lesso feel bad and she tried her best to reassure the girl with her own eyes.
Y/N gulped down nervously.
"Will you not punish me?" the girl asked quietly, her voice laced with confusion.
"No little one. I will not punish you today," she replied in her typical cold tone.
Lesso was still staring into the girl's eyes for a few more moments, trying to search for anything that she may recognize. It seemed like each time they looked at each other, the sense of familiarity only became stronger. She suddenly snapped out of her staring and cleared her throat.
"You are free to go. Please try to keep a better attention in my class from now on." she stated, making no effort to hide her sharp tone.
"I promise," Y/N said before hurrying out of the dark and cold Doom Room.
The dean could not help but keep her eyes on the girl as she left the room. Once the girl was out of the room she sighed and rubbed her face before leaning against the wall.
Lady Lesso retreated to her office, rubbing her temples. Then she felt the need to jump, to end it all. Lady Lesso took her cane and stood up quickly? making her way towards the library, the only place in school that has a balcony.
As Lady Lesso walked her way towards the library she saw visions of the girl again, in different places. They all had the same theme, the innocence of the girl being taken away from her. The visions made Lady Lesso feel sick to her stomach every time she saw one. She hurried out on the balcony.
Lesso noticed the girl standing on the edge and immediately moved to try and grab her by the arm. She could not let the girl fall down to her death. Lesso's instincts kicked in, and she couldn't explain why she was having such a strong reaction. She quickly pulled her back, her grip on her arms being a little more protective than she wanted it to be.
Y/N fell into the dean's arms, crying out
"I- I'm sorry- I just feel so helpless-"
Lesso was surprised by the response she received from the young girl. The girl broke into tears and it made Lesso feel uncomfortable. She was not the type of person who handled other people's emotions well. Her grip on the young girl still remained tight, although now she was careful not to grip too tightly.
"It is alright, little one," she offered, hoping to calm the young girl down.
"Sorry- I wish I could tell but I dunno how to," Y/N sniffled.
Lady Lesso closed her eyes, sighing.
Lesso thought it might be the best time to tell the girl of the visions. Hopefully it would do something to help the girl calm down. Lesso's eyes slowly opened and she took a breath before deciding to speak up.
"You have nothing to apologize for, little one. In fact, maybe it is time I shared something that I have not yet told you yet."
Y/N gulped down, wiping her tears, nodding.
Lesso knew it was going to be a bit of a strange conversation. She slowly moved away from that edge of the balcony. Once they were safe from being right next to it she looked at the girl and began to speak.
"I am having visions... of you. These visions are not happy ones and it has taken a toll on my mental state. They have shown me things I know you must have gone through in your life."
"What? How? W- why y-you... Why me?" Y/N panicked. "Y-you know everything, you saw everything?" Y/N sniffled. "D-did you feel it too?"
"I felt every.... single... thing.... It was like I was the one living these things rather than watching." Lady Lesso is holding the girl tightly now, her heart pounding in her chest as the stress and rage starts to grow inside her again.
"I'm sorry you had to feel that," Y/N looked down at the floor, feeling guilty.
Once again this child was throwing Lesso off of her usual stone cold attitude. She felt herself wanting to be more gentle with the girl now that she knew what she had been through.
"Do not apologize, child. These are the things you have had to go through," the dean, sighed, caressing the girl's hair.
"I- I had a vision of you too... Before I even came to this school." Y/N admitted. "I- I just didn't know if I should tell you or not when I first came."
Lesso froze in place when she heard the news. She stayed quiet for a moment before speaking again.
"How can this be? How is it that we both have experienced these visions without even knowing each other's existence?"
Y/N shrugged her shoulders, rubbing her eyes tiredly.
Lesso could see how much this conversation was tiring the young girl. She thought it would be best to let her go for now.
"You can go to your dormitory. As long as you promise me something, little one."
Lesso thought a moment before speaking again. She wanted to try and leave a small task of importance for this girl.
"When you go back to your dorm room, I want you to lay down and close your eyes. I want you to try and focus on your visions. I want you to try and figure out what it was that truly connected the two of us. This is an important thing that I must know. I will be in my office attempting the same thing. Do not worry about me, though, little one. I am a bit more seasoned than you are in this arena and can handle things better. Now, off to your dorm room you go."
Lesso watched Y/N go before sighing. She could not help but feel the fatigue that was setting into her body. She decided she would go to her office and try the same thing she had suggested to the young girl. She made her way to her office and sat down at her desk. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she started to focus.
The memories started to roll over Lesso like never before. She could see the visions of this girl vividly within her mind. For some reason the way she saw it now her own memories combined with the ones she had only been given a glimpse of before. There was something unique about the way she saw these visions this time. It felt almost as if the girl and the dean were truly connected. Almost like they were linked together in some way. Almost like the girl was a missing piece of her.
She saw the memory of her past lover Rafal, holding a baby. Name 'Y/N' crocheted on the blanket that the baby was wrapped in. Lady Lesso was crying and running after them, Rafal had kidnapped her baby girl. The next vision was Rafal casting a memory charm on Lady Lesso, making her forget her own child.
Her own child...
The child that should have been safe and loved. Every time the girl was struck or burned or abused broke Lesso's heart. She was seeing her child suffer for nothing more than just existing. Lesso could not control her tears now. Every single moment of the girl's life when she was suffering was playing in Lesso's mind. Her heart hurt because of it.
Suddenly the door opened and Y/N stepped into the office, tears streaming down her face.
"D-did you find out?"
Lesso looked up and saw the girl enter. She could see her face was tearstained and her emotions were running high. Lesso felt a strange mix of emotions but the most powerful she felt at that moment was her maternal instincts kicking in.
"Yes," was all Lady Lesso could manage to get out at first. She could not help but get up and move to the girl, wrapping her up in a warm hug.
Y/N sobbed, crying into Lesso's neck, clenching onto her.
The dean could feel her own emotions starting to get the best of her as well. She could not imagine a more powerful feeling than feeling your own child close to you like this. She knew that this moment would forever change everything for both herself and this girl. She could not help but cry silently as tears went down her cheeks and dropped on the girl's cheek.
Yesterday they were strangers. Now, not even a day later, they were mother and daughter, bound by a connection that cannot be undone. Lesso stayed silent for a few moments as she continued to hold the girl close to her. She did not wish to let her go.
"W-what happened- how- why-" Y/N sniffled.
Lesso held up her hand to quiet the girl, not wanting her to speak for a few moments. She wanted to make sure she understood everything. Lesso's voice sounded a lot more tender as she spoke to the girl again.
"My child, you are my child. I had you in my arms once and then you were taken from me long ago. This was never supposed to happen; you were not supposed to be ripped away from me. I was placed under a powerful memory charm that made me forget you. I only have very vague memories of your baby days in my mind. The only way I could remember you was by these visions which I know now have been trying to reconnect us. Nothing can separate us ever again."
Y/N shook her head
"N-no- You're lying- How do I know I can trust you-" Y/N backed away.
Lesso saw the panic in the girl's eyes. She did not like the fact that this girl would even think she would lie to her in a moment like this. The girl started to back away, which was the exact opposite of what Lesso wanted her to do. Lesso moved forward, and grabbed the girl's arm to keep her from moving farther away.
"D-don't touch-" Y/N pulled away.
The moment this girl pulled away, the rage inside Lesso spiked. She did not appreciate how the girl acted towards her. Her gaze felt like needles as she looked down into the girl's eyes. It was the first time she had felt true rage and she hated the feeling.
"Do you think I would lie to you about a sensitive topic like this?"
"I never asked for it- I don't want it- You'll just hurt me like everyone else-" Y/N backed away further to the corner.
"I would never hurt you, my child!" Lesso shouted at the girl. Her rage and anger were building with every passing moment.
"I am your mother! And this is not something you have a choice in the matter. We are bound, forever, this bond cannot be undone by no one."
"I- I'm scared-" Y/N whispered, putting her hands in front of her face.
Lesso saw the fear in her eyes and felt her rage die down. She realized just how bad the situation had gotten, and she was acting like exactly the opposite of how a mother should be. Instead of bringing the girl comfort, she was doing the exact opposite.
"I am not like the people that hurt you, Y/N. I would never want to hurt you. I would lay down my life to protect you."
Lesso could see that the girl was starting to calm down a little bit, which in turn, was easing her own heart. She could not handle how much this girl's suffering was hurting her. She did not understand how she could feel this way about this girl, a child she had never known in her lifetime, but here she was. Lesso would never let anyone harm her child ever again.
The girl then threw herself in her mother's arms.
The dean was shocked by the Y/N's sudden embrace of her. She had not expected it. Once the girl's body hit hers, all of her maternal instincts came to the surface. She wrapped her arms around her child, holding the girl as close to her as she could.
"I love you, mama. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do."
Lesso heard the words come from the girl, but her mind was not processing properly as it struggled to make sense of everything. She could feel a shift in her mind as her memory started to erase what had just happened to her. She did not remember the girl, the bond she felt towards her, or even anything about their past. Her mind was blank as she found herself in the main hall on the introduction day for the new students.
Lady Lesso gaze darted over the bleachers across the students of the School for Evil, bunch of princesses and princes. Her nose scrunched up in disgust. Then her eyes fell on one of the girls, with innocent E/C eyes. Despite the pink puffy dress and tiara, the girl's eyes were the one drawing the dean in.
"That's my new Ever, her name is Y/N." Dovey turned to Lesso, smiling.
Lesso's eyes looked over to the girl and for some reason, she felt a strange sense of familiarity surrounding the girl. It was the eyes... Those damn eyes that kept drawing her in like a moth to a flame. She felt the need to reach out and touch her. To hear the girl's voice. But instead Lesso refrained herself, backing away, stepping onto the podium.
"Grace and beauty first?" Dovey asked.
"Oh, if you insist, Clariss-"
"So glad you agree." Dovey cut her off as she let out a chuckle.
"Welcome first-year students! I am Professor Dovey. Dean of The School for Good." Dovey smiled.
"And I'm Lady Lesso! Dean of The School for Evil." Lady Lesso stepped forward, lifting her hand.
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wh0re4women · 1 year
Attitude Adjustment. (Larissa Weems X Lady Lesso X Reader.) NSFW
Summary: Lesso thinks you need a punishment, Larissa unfortunately agrees.
Warnings: Mistress!Lesso, Mommy!Larissa, Student!Reader 18+, spanking, mild dirty talk, ending in fluff <3
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"Darling, is this really necessary?" Larissa carefully asked as she paced back and forth throughout her office. Her mind was running wild with the knowledge of your upcoming punishment.
Lesso stood leaning against a wall, a dark chuckle leaving her throat as she held a cane wedged between the palm of her left hand and the floor, "Oh, please, my love. You and I both know that she deserves more than a spanking. If anything, I'm being beyond lenient."
"You're right," Larissa admitted as she stopped in her tracks, looking over into the red-heads eyes for the first time since the conversation had started, "you're right, darling. But it doesn't make it any easier."
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
Just as Lesso finished speaking, the door to Larissa's office flung open and you tiredly shuffled inside, both women shooting you very different glances.
"Look who the cat dragged in," Lesso smirked, to which you rolled your eyes as you flung your bag away from you without care.
"Darling, what happened?" Larissa immediately rushed over to you, stopping only once she was in front of the leather couch you had dropped onto. Your uniform was a mess; shirt untucked, tie gone, tights ripped. Larissa couldn't believe her eyes.
"It's been a long day," you sighed dramatically.
"It's about to get even longer," Lesso chimed and you narrowed your eyes at her, shooting her a confused glance. She was always ominous when she was in a bad mood. Great.
"What happened to your uniform?" Larissa pressed further, ignoring Lesso's comments and the attitude that was seeping out of you. Her hands sat on her hips. She was concerned.
"I may have gotten into a fight," you mumbled quietly and quickly, not daring to look the woman in the eyes.
"[y/n], look at me when I'm speaking to you," the tall blonde scolded lightly, her worry growing with every second, "and speak up, darling. What happened?"
You opened your mouth to repeat yourself but before you could get another word in, Lesso interrupted the conversation, making her way over to the both of you, "She said she got into a fight. Again."
You glared at your curly haired girlfriend.
"A fight?!" Larissa was appalled, "Again?! [y/n], this is—"
"Ridiculous," Lesso finished Larissa's sentence for her, "Pathetic, really. You cant keep your hands to yourself?"
You rolled your eyes, "It wasn't—"
"Your fault? No, it never is, is it, baby?"
The red-head was now crouched in front of the couch, eye-level with you. A stoic, almost-mocking look was accompanying her face. A stark contrast to Larissa's alarmed expression.
Spending time with the two older women was your favourite thing, but this wasn't your week. And the last thing you wanted was to bicker with Lesso, even if you did secretly find it hot to infuriate her.
"It's Mistress."
You gulped, "I'm not doing this today."
As you tried to stand, a cane was pressed against your chest and you were pushed back down, lodged between the couch and Lesso's strength as she now stood at her full height.
Desperately looking for remorse, you worriedly glanced over at Larissa, who looked almost sympathetic as she watched you squirm under the curly haired woman's power.
"Larissa, I—"
"It's mommy, darling," the principal finally spoke and her tone had dropped a few decibels lower than you expected, throwing you off.
"You're both teaming up against me?!"
Lesso chuckled coldly and you immediately knew you had blown it. If Larissa couldn't save you, no one could.
"Mommy?" You tried again, looking up at Larissa from under your eyelashes, batting them as a pout fixed itself onto your lips.
"Listen to your Mistress, darling. I don't have the energy to argue with you today," the Principal numbly told you before going over to sit behind her desk.
Your mouth flew open in disbelief as you focused back onto Lesso, "What did you do to her?!"
"What I did to her, [y/n]?" The woman before you seethed and it was enough to keep you sat still in place even after she yanked her cane away and slammed it onto the ground as to make a point, "We're going to talk about what you've done first, how's that for a change?"
You didn't get to reply before Lesso began chastising you again.
"You're insolent. You've been misbehaving in classes all week. You're a downright brat at times and more so lately than usual. You don't listen for shit, especially when your mommy tells you to do something you don't deem as important. And don't even get me started on the fact that I've smelled alcohol on your lips during school hours—"
"I'm an adult!"
"Yeah? I'll start believing it when you start acting like it."
A huff left your mouth. You were quick to cross your arms over your chest defiantly, staring daggers at the ceiling.
"My point is made," Lesso harshly finished, making sure to wait a few seconds to see if you were going to talk back. Once she was sure you were truly done, she made her way across the room towards Larissa.
You could've made a run for it. You thought about it. You contemplated it. You considered it especially greatly when you heard whispers between your two girlfriends and you couldn't decipher a single word. But before you could even get up, you were distracted by Larissa rising from her desk and making her way towards the double doors that led to her sleeping quarters.
You watched as she walked through, not paying any mind to you what so ever. Her white shirt was tucked into a black midi skirt that flowed as she walked, her heels tapping even after she was out of your eyesight, coming to a halt a few seconds later.
Lesso turned to look at you at the same time that you had quizzically begun eyeing her. Her cane rose from the floor, pointing towards the same door Larissa had disappeared through, "What are you waiting for? Off you go."
You furrowed your eyebrows. It wasn't that you were purposely ignoring the bad feeling in your stomach, it was just that your curiosity had gotten better of you and you ended up following instructions this time.
Feet coming to a halt once you entered the large space, a pit of anticipation began forming in your lower stomach.
Larissa was sat on the edge of her king sized bed, a serious look occupying her face. You made eye contact and the older blonde patted her lap, causing you to furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
"I... I don't get it," you spoke, before turning back to look at Lesso, who was now almost directly behind you, as if to make sure you wouldn't bolt away the first chance you got.
The red-head raised her eyebrows and lowered her head towards you, whispering in your ear, "Over her lap, baby girl. Now."
You giggled, which only lasted a few seconds as you realised Lesso's serious look had not faltered. Confused, you looked over to Larissa, then to Lesso, then back to Larissa.
"Stop pouting, darling. Do as you're told," Larissa swiftly spoke, "I don't have the time to play games today. I have a meeting with some of your teachers in an hour."
You couldn't believe it. You weren't half as bad as some of the other girls in the school (cough cough, Wednesday) and yet, you were the one constantly in trouble. It was probably all of Lesso's doing!
"Wait, wait," you lifted your hands in defence, pausing for a second as you looked back at Lesso, "I promise I'll change."
The older woman chuckled, clearly amused at your antics before grasping your left shoulder and turning you around, pressing her cane onto your lower back and shoving you forward, "Shut up. Do as you're told."
You weren't sure whether the situation was more embarrassing or the whine that had just slid its way out of your mouth.
Giving you no more time to protest, Larissa leaned forward and clutched your wrist before pulling you over her lap.
"No! Please! I'll be good, I swear this time!" You began thrashing around, and the poor principal couldn't bare to see you so helpless, so she began shushing you gently.
"It's ok, darling. The quicker you let Lesso do this, the quicker it'll all be over," Larissa sweetly cooed as she began pulling your tights down, before flipping your skirt up and rubbing the half-bare skin on your ass.
You heard Lesso muffle a groan at the sight before hearing her footsteps inch closer. "So pretty," she paused and you felt Larissa pet your hair gently before the red-head spoke again, "It's a shame you're such a bad girl."
A roaring smack tore through the room as you unexpectedly felt Lesso's cane meet your skin in a searing kiss, making you squeal in pain as you began thrashing again.
"Please! Please! Mistress, please."
"Please what? More?" The curly haired woman was having the time of her life as she lifted her cane and flung it down onto your soft skin once again, "Stay. Still."
You whimpered. Loud.
"Ssh, darling. Just three more," Larissa rubbed your back with one hand as she grabbed your wrists with the other, pinning them to your lower back.
"Three, if she takes them well," Lesso half-joked and the principal shot her a stern look, making the red-head shrug her shoulders in reply. She was going to teach you a lesson, that's for sure. You could call a 'red' any time, you knew that. Larissa and Lesso both knew that. But you all shared the knowledge that your punishment was well deserved, even if some of you didn't want to admit it.
"I-I'm sorry," you sulked, whining and squirming in Larissa's lap as you awaited another spanking.
Sure enough, it came a second later, leaving you gasping and crying out in shock, the sting heating your body.
"Sorry doesn't cut it anymore, baby girl," Lesso pointed out.
Larissa hummed in agreement and you couldn't have felt more betrayed in the moment. You were just trying to make school more bearable for yourself; sure, drinking once in a while and sometimes getting into fights wasn't the best way to go about it, but what else did you have to do? And yeah, maybe your attitude had been a little over the top lately. And you did sneak out a lot at night. And there was this one time you had almost poisoned Ms. Thornhill during a prank gone wrong. And—
Two sharp hits distracted you from your thoughts as you broke free from Larissa's grasp and covered your back side. The back-to-back swings of Lesso's cane had forced tears into your eyes and before she could even conclude your punishment, you shot up into a sitting position on Larissa's lap, wrapping your arms around her neck and snuggling into her warm skin, "I'm so sorry!"
"I didn't say we were done," Lesso interrupted. She was surprised at your bravery and how quickly you had managed to go from faux-begging and apologising, to actually sounding sincere.
"It's all right, darling. Mommy's got you," Larissa spoke gently, rubbing your back in a comforting manner immediately. She gave Lesso the 'mom' look.
"Well," the redhead cleared her throat, "I suppose you did take your punishment suitably."
You breathed out a sigh of relief, relaxing into Larissa's body, "I'm sorry for being such a brat."
"What was that?" Lesso asked, walking over the the bed and dropping onto the edge by the tall blonde that was cradling you sideways now as you looked into Lesso's eyes.
"I said I'm sorry for being a brat."
"I cant hear you. You're going to have to speak up, baby," Lesso teased, making Larissa laugh softly.
You rolled your eyes playfully, hiding your smile as you reached back and grabbed a pillow before swinging it forward and hitting Lesso with it.
The red-head gasped, "Oh no, you didn't!"
"Yes, I did!" 
Larissa shook her head as Lesso climbed back onto the bed, grabbing another pillow, "You are both unbelievable," she laughed, before kissing your head and softly guiding you off of her.
"I have a meeting, so don't you dare hit me with those pillows," the woman stood up and dusted her outfit off, while you and Lesso both shared a knowing look.
You both turned to Larissa with devious looks on your faces and the poor blonde woman bolted out of the room with the widest eyes, losing her heels in the process, leaving you and Lesso in fits of laughter.
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annie-creates · 5 months
After my mother
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1900
Note: As I said before, no. But I can write something similar for you. I feel like this turned out really cute so I hope you'll like it too.
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Another restless night. Hugging the pregnancy pillow under your body you toss and turn over and over in your big bed, missing the person who was supposed to sleep next to you. Lately it was pretty rare for Leonora to show up at home, or even spend any time with you. You stopped worrying about why that is long time ago, opting to save your sanity from all the dreadful scenarios your hormonated head could come up with. Giving up on the hopes for a good night’s rest you get up to make yet another melissa tea.
Was it the fact you were getting bigger and waddling around like a penguin? did your wife not find you attractive anymore? Did she get scared from the responsibility for a baby? You both planned to start your own family for so long, your child seemed to be sent to you by heavens. To you it was the most amazing little miracle, but maybe your wife didn’t see it as such? Maybe she didn’t actually want to have a child? Or maybe she just didn’t want one with you…
Pushing all the nagging evil thoughts aside you pack your bags and make your way over to the School of good and evil with the first sunlight of the day. If your wife won’t take the effort to spend time with you, you’ll come keep her company at the school. She won’t get rid of you that easily, you’ll bother her until she gets tired of it and then some. With two suitcases and a bag slumped over your shoulder you appear at the doorstep of her office, her surprised face turning into a big smile.
“Baby! Oh my god what are you doing here?” she lights up, quickly taking the bags from you so you don’t have to drag it and kissing you on the cheek in the process.
“Well it’s not like you were coming home any time soon.” You reprimand her with a scrunched-up face in annoyance. “So I came here.”
Her face retorted to one of honest regret and shame, she knew she was spending a little too much time at work but didn’t know you’d notice. You always seemed so busy at home she didn’t want to bother you. Any time she tried to help you’d push her away because she was arranging the sofa pillows wrong or didn’t light up your favorite scent of candle. Ever since you became pregnant you were an impossible neat freak, probably having to do something with nesting, if she was to guess.
But she was very happy to see you here, now being able to combine her work duties and family life better. The enthusiasm lasted her exactly two and a half days, until you rearranged literally everything she owned and kept in her chambers in the castle. You turned to her office next, Lesso suddenly not being able to find any of the props she had prepared for her next lesson on deadly traps or books about ancient torture techniques. She slowly started regretting welcoming you in her towers, but of course she’d never tell that to anyone, much less you. She loved you for who you were, even when crazy from pregnancy. She was the one to put the child in you after all, so she sort of brought it on herself.
Dovey however was ecstatic to have you back at the castle. Being her best student and then a beloved teacher before you gave the position up, fearing it could be a clash of interest considering you married the dean of evil, she had some unbreakable admiration for you. And there wasn’t anything she loved more than happy endings and babies. So she kept you company while Lesso taught and invited you for walks and picnics with her other friends. She helped you pick up baby clothes, look for nursery equipment and even brainstorm some baby names, that one was her favorite.
You were already showing pretty clearly when you arrived but now you felt like a big barrel of beer. You couldn’t tie your own shoes and always needed someone to help you stand up from your chair, feeling utterly useless. That affected your mood, turning your bubbly personality into somewhat shy and insecure. You didn’t want to be a burden to anyone, much less your hardworking wife. She deserved a partner who could take care of their own socks and showering. Leonora noticed your saddened state, it would be hard for her not to. Maybe she wasn’t always present as much as you needed her to be but she was always perceptive and observant.
“How was your day today darling?” She asks as she steps into your now shared room in the evening, you already snuggled under the duvets.
“It was fine. Had some tea with Anemone and then we planned this weekend’s activities.” You answer tiredly.
As she dresses in pajamas and joins you in the bed, you snuggle into her as close as you can with your out of shape form. You didn’t want to be too clingy and drive her away with your neediness and unattractive body, but at the same time you needed her warmth and the comfort of her loving embrace. She starts to mindlessly draw small circles over your back and arms with her thumb, breathing in your fresh roses scent.
“I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore.” You admit suddenly, almost as if you were scared to say it out loud.
“What?” She thought that maybe she didn’t hear right, you seemed very happy every time you cooed over your growing baby with Clarissa.
“You can’t find me attractive like this, and I need your help literally all the time.” You complain, your intrusive thoughts winning over this time.
“Honey there’s nothing I’d find more attractive than you all round and pretty with my child.” She corrects you with a deep look into your eyes. “The only reason I couldn’t wait for you to not be pregnant anymore would be to get to finally meet our baby.”
She sooths your pregnant belly with her palm, feeling the baby kicking against her hand. Your and her eyes both go wide and you cover her hand with yours, wanting to feel this special connection too. Maybe she was right, carrying your baby was a little miracle and nothing to be insecure about. Leonora enjoyed taking care of you and having to help you with little everyday tasks made her feel needed and wanted.
“Mommy is feeling a little insecure today, hm?” she talked to your child in your womb and it filled your heart with warmth and love. “Don’t worry, I’ll make her feel all loved and appreciated.”
With the promise she looks up to kiss you and you happily accept her affection. Since then, you spend every night listening to Leonora’s reassurances and affirmations, talking about baby names, genders, what your child is gonna be like growing up or if it’s going to inherit your round nose and her devilish personality. She caresses your back and massages your swollen ankles, not once complaining about the job, because she knows she’ll actually miss it once you’re not pregnant anymore.
And not being pregnant comes sooner than you expect it to, in the middle of the day being escorted to the medical wing as your water broke right outside in the middle of your walk by the lake. Lucky for you you had Dovey and Anemone right by your side so they helped you get back and find the help you needed. The nurses and doctors rushed around you getting you comfortable and ready for labour. Talking you trough contractions and pain, they prepare you to deliver your baby while Dovey runs out to find Leonora.
“Seems we’re about ready to push your little princess out madam.” The nurse informs you, getting you panicked.
“What!? I can’t do this without my wife!” You reprimand her squeezing your fists in pain. “I need Lesso to be here!”
“I don’t think the baby is willing to wait…” her calm demeanor only fueled your hormonal anger more.
„I swear to heavens if you make me have this child without my wife you’ll spend the rest of your life in hell!“ Surely your dear wife could take care of that. “Lesso! I swear if you don’t come right this second, I’m naming this child after my mother!” You scream as if your wife could hear you all to way to her classroom and with your new found strength driven by pain and fear maybe she could.
Dovey ran to the classroom in the dungeons of the school of evil out of breath, not bothering to knock as she flew into the room like a tsunami wave. Lesso fried her with an annoyed look, ready to give her a mouthful about how she doesn’t want to be bothered during her class even if someone was dying some boring way of death, but before she could admonish her counterpart Clarissa caught enough breath to get out why she was there.
“Y/N… in labour… baby. Here.” She pushes out over her almost collapsing lungs and it’s enough for Leonora to drop everything and run out of the class without even dismissing it.
Dovey rolls her eyes and lets the kids go because it’s clear their teacher won’t be coming back any time soon and takes her way back to the medical wing to also be there when it’s time to welcome your child into their world. Meanwhile Leonora takes the steps by three, speeding to the delivery room to be with you so fast she’d put the speed of light to shame, but not fast enough for you to not be angry with her for being late.
“What took you so long?” You complain tears briming your eyes from the fear of having to push your child out alone and not knowing what to do.
“I’m so sorry love, but I’m here. Everything’s gonna be okay.” She promised kissing the crown of your head and enduring the iron grip of your hand.
“You ready now?” The nurse asks a little annoyed with your dramatics and you nod.
After what felt like twice the eternity to you, a lot of painful screams and maybe a few bruised bones in Lesso’s hands, the crying of a newborn fills the room and everyone exhales in relief. Your baby is wrapped up in clean blankets and given to you to hold, looking up at you with curious blue eyes and a few red hairs. It was the most ethereally beautiful girl you have ever seen in your entire life.
“Oh my god look. Leo look. We have a baby girl.” A new wave of tears washes over you as you whisper to your wife, being swept away by emotions and hormones.
“Yea, our beautiful little baby girl.” She whispers back too scared to startle the little angel in your arms, hardly fighting the tears herself.
“Oh, by the way? We’re naming her after my mother.” You announce to your wife shocking her speechless, because that was nowhere even near your baby names list.
She knew better than to question you right now and she’d rather fight off a dragon than argue with her postpartum wife, she sort of still values her fragile life.
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Hii can i request a comfort fic abt lady lesso and professor!reader, they're in a relationship and r has really bad cramps and a headache from their period and leo comforts r? Needed this bc I'm on my period rn and the pain omg
Tender Comfort
The way the light was filtering through the broken window of your classroom was easily the straw that broke the camel’s back regarding your outlook on the day. Which didn’t start great, considering you woke up in a puddle of your own blood. And then had to proceed to teach idiot students all morning on an empty stomach because you were too busy cleaning up to make it to breakfast on time. 
And now, the light slanting through the dark classroom contrasted too sharply for your gritty eyes and fueled the headache creeping in from your sharply dropping hormones. The brightness of the rays seemed to glitter against the dust particles floating in the dingy air, giving you the worst aura. 
“Professor Y/N, are you alright?” A young Never student asked from the front of the class. 
You shook your head and tried to blink away the floating squiggly lines that clouded your vision, but the movement only made the migraine flare up your neck. 
“Class dismissed. I want a three page essay on the effectiveness of poisons administered over time on my desk before class next week.” 
As the last student left the class, you allowed the rigidity of your posture to deflate and you melted into a trembling heap on your desk. You swallowed thickly against the bile bubbling in your throat. 
“That bad, huh?” 
You turned your head and cracked open an eye to find your girlfriend leaning casually against the door frame. Her long legs were crossed at the heels and she looked entirely too comfortable lurking in your doorway. 
It was all you could do to simply blink and groan in response. Lady Leonora Lesso sighed and pushed off from the frame, gliding to your desk. She hitched one leg over the corner and half sat on the wood next to your face. You moaned in relief as her cool fingers found the pressure point at the base of your skull. 
“Come on. Let’s get you back to bed.” She whispered, releasing the pressure and allowing blood to flood back to your brain. 
“I can’t, Leo. I have classes all afternoon.” You argued. 
It was your second year teaching here at the School for Good and Evil. And though you had quite settled into a good routine, you still felt the irrational need to prove yourself worthy of your position. It had taken an entire year for you to muster up the courage to ask the infamous Lady Lesso out on a date. She had laughed and told you it was about damn time. She was wondering how long she would have to wait before having to make the first move. 
“Come on.” Leonora urged again, pulling you up from your chair. “Let me take care of you.” 
What kind of monster would you be, to refuse?
Your body gave in and you allowed her to guide you through the halls back to your chambers, a steady hand at your lower back the whole way there. The weight of her palm was grounding, and every now and then her strong fingers would knead at the tight muscles as the cramps angrily flared from low in your abdomen, reaching all the way around to your spine. 
She led you directly to the bathroom upon entrance to your quarters. As you toed off your boots, Leonora began to fill the porcelain tub with steaming hot water. 
“I’ll be back in a bit.” She said as she passed you a towel. 
And she was true to her word. Not long after you had settled into the heat, she re-emerged with a soft knock against the door. 
“I come bearing gifts.” Leonora spoke quietly, opening her palm to reveal two paracetamol and a glass of water.  
You choked back the offerings swiftly, eager for some relief from the pain. 
“I will be covering your afternoon classes.” Leonora murmured into your neck as she kneeled beside you. 
You didn’t have the energy to argue. She conjured a cup and began pouring the hot water over your neck and shoulders. The cascading warmth helped to relieve some of the built up tension you held there. She then moved to your hair. With deft fingers, she pulled the pins holding it in place and let it tumble down. Her long, painted nails scratched at your scalp as her other hand poured water over your hair. A soft whimper escaped your lips as she began to lather shampoo through your locks. New words were needed to describe the feeling in a world where magic already exists. Your whimpers evolved into contented moans as the pain and discomfort faded into pleasure. 
“Let’s get you into bed.” Leonora hummed as she rinsed the last of the soap from your hair. 
“What would it take to get you to join me?” You purred, threading your fingers between hers. 
Her chuckle was low and seductive, even as she pulled away. Leonora turned back and held out the large and fluffy towel. You stood languidly, rising from the water with false confidence but ever so emboldened by the way her eyes followed the droplets as they trailed down your skin. You wrapped the towel around yourself and gratefully took her offered hand. You dried quickly under her watchful gaze and reluctantly dressed in the nightclothes she passed you. 
In a gentleness shown only to you, Leonora tucked you into bed and with a glowing finger, drew the curtains, plunging the room into blessed darkness. 
“Sleep. There will be plenty of time for other, more vigorous activities once you are feeling well.” She said as she dropped a kiss to your forehead. 
You muttered darkly your disagreement but settled easily into the nest of pillows she had arranged for you. Truthfully, you were exhausted. And you wanted to be in peak shape when you were able to show her just how grateful you were to her for taking care of you. 
Your eyes grew heavy in the dark. Unable to resist the call of sleep, you allowed them to close. You would make it up to her later. 
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lavendarlingirl · 2 years
“Mistress Plan” — Lady Leonora Lesso/Fem!Reader
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Happy Holidays my fellow Lesso Lovers <3
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Female reader x top lady lesso with strap, at the end of it all readers shaking, out of breathe, can't really move anymore is what I been asking for the longest
Hey hey hey anon! You asked & I’ll gladly deliver. Added ask @ladylessowife —‘Could you maybe do 48 with Lesso pls?’ Hope you all Enjoy ♥️
I’ll Rock Your World ~Top!Lady Lesso xFem Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#48. “Watch your mouth...”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, overstimulation, eating out, strap-fucking, kissing, praise kink, lovely aftercare, etc.
Enjoy (;
“No one’s ever made you climax? Like only yourself…??” Lesso surprisingly asked you.
“Yep. None of my past partners or hookups have ever been able to… you know…”
“Make you cum?” Lesso bluntly stated.
Blush crept up your cheeks lightly.
Maybe this wasn’t the best thing to confess to the woman you’d been seeing but hadn’t been intimate with yet…
“Yeah…” you admitted in a whisper.
Lesso stared at you with her mouth agape. But she also noted your sensitivity to the subject.
“Wow… I mean, I’m sorry no one’s been able to please you well…” she comforted.
You shrugged your shoulders.
“I’ve just come to the conclusion that I do it best.”
At this, the red head cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, I just know my body better than they all did, I guess.”
“Watch your mouth...” Lesso teasingly warned you, “Don’t challenge me, baby…”
“What…?” You chuckled.
“I’d have you cumming over and over again until your body goes limp…” Lesso confidently purred.
“Don’t be so sure…” you mumbled.
Lesso then got up and walked over to you, cupping your chin and raising it to her standing form.
“If you decide to give me that chance, I would most definitely.” She lovingly purred.
“Thank you, Baby…” you whispered, smiling lovingly up at her.
Throughout the next week, you thought about what Lesso had said. And the whole idea made you curious.
Dating the one and only dean of evil was one thing…
Fucking the one and only dean of evil was a whole added thing…
But you wanted the woman. Even if your expectations were let down once again. You wanted to try.
So, that evening, you walked into Lesso’s office with an agenda on your mind. You closed the door behind you and plopped yourself right in the red heads lap.
“Hey…!” Lesso playfully exclaimed, “I’m working he—!”
Your lips were on hers before she could finish her statement. Your lips kissed the red heads with fervor and passion, which Lesso eagerly reciprocated. Your hips ground into her lap, and the red heads hands eagerly gripped your hips to aid your grindings. You both needily moaned into the kiss.
Eventually, you both had to pull away for oxygen. Lesso was staring at you with a big fucking smirk and wide eyes.
“God, you’re allowed to interrupt my work anytime now, baby…” she breathlessly groaned.
You giggled lightly, not stopping your grindings into her lap.
“I’m ready. I want you…” you whispered, attaching your hot mouth to the red heads pressure point.
Lesso let out a guttural groan as her head flung back. But she was quick to check herself as she processed your words.
“Are you sure, Baby…?” She breathlessly asked.
You bit your lip and nodded, going to crash your lips back into the red heads eagerly, but you were stopped by her hand.
“There’s no need to rush…” She purred, “Let me take care of you…”
“Ok…” you panted, your heart racing.
“First things first, if I do something you don’t like and want me to change say ‘yellow’, and if you just want me to stop all together say ‘red’… Understand?”
“I understand…”
Lesso smiled at your agreement. She then scooped you up and carried you to her private quarters, dropping you below her on her bed.
“What do you want, Baby…?” She taunted.
“I… Fuck me—please…” you stuttered.
Lesso’s eyes twinkled with lust.
“Alright, I’ll be right back…”
Lesso left to go into her closet, and she came back out in nothing but her undergarments and her blue strap-on dick. You eyes widened and you bit your lip, nodding eagerly. But the red head tutted you off.
“Not yet, Baby… First, I want to taste you.”
Her words made you melt on the spot. You immediately stripped off all your clothes and opened your legs wide for the blonde.
“Someone’s eager aren’t they…?” Lesso teased.
You playfully stuck your tongue out in response, but your face quickly contorted into a silent scream of pleasure when Lesso caught you off guard by swiftly sliding her tongue through your folds. The red head continued to lap away at your folds, slowly building to your climax.
“Oh, OHHhHhhhH—!!” You moaned out, grasping Lesso’s red hair tightly.
“Hmmmm, you like that baby…?” The red head taunted.
You nodded vigorously.
“Please… whatever you’re doing… don’t stop…!!” You whimpered.
Lesso lowered her mouth back down to your heat.
“Oh baby…” she chuckled, “I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon…”
That skilled tongue of Lesso’s edged you all the way right up to the edge of your high.
“You gonna cum for me, Baby…?” She lustfully cooed.
Your eyes screwed shut in pleasure.
“Yes yes, so close please please Leo—!!”
“Uh uh, eyes open, baby…”
You opened your hooded eyes and the view of the red head in between your legs sent you over the edge.
“I… God Fuck me Leo please—!!” You whimpered.
You couldn’t take anymore of her teasing, skilled tongue. You wanted to be filled by her. Fully.
“Alright, Baby…” The red head lustfully chuckled.
You cried out in pleasurable pain as Lesso continued to pound into you through your upteenth orgasm of the night.
“Yesss Baby…” the red head lustfully hissed, “I know my dick feels so good…”
Your mouth spewed more incoherent mewls and cries, your hands fisted in the bed sheets, and your head rolled back in overwhelming pleasure.
“But why are you crying…?” She taunted, “Isn’t this what you asked for?”
You let out a guttural moan as the woman hit that sweet spot deep inside you, and you nodded vigorously.
“Do you want me to stop…?” Lesso wickedly purred, “See, i don’t think you do… Not by the way your juices are spilling out of your cunt… Not by the way your crying out my name…”
“No no no don’t stop GOD don’t stop—!!” You cried out.
Lesso continued to rut into you with skill, only pushing you further to your next climax.
“That’s okay, Baby… Keep crying and I’ll let you cum on my dick as many times as you’d like…” She purred.
You merely mewled and nodded in response.
“My pretty crybaby…” Lesso cooed.
You didn’t usually like being proved wrong, but in this case… so worth it.
You were still shaking and all trembly as Lesso finally put the strap away. She came up to you, pulling you close to her so that she could properly clean you up. She gently washed your thighs clean and you spasmed every once and a while from how sensitive you were. Your breathing was labored and still extremely out of it.
“Shhhhh, You did so good, baby, so good…” the red head cooed, cleaning around your heat with a warm rag.
Afterwards, the red head pulled you into her form, causing you to whine slightly at your sore figure being moved.
“Shhhhhh, just cuddle into me, sweet girl…” she cooed.
You were quick to fall asleep in the red hair’s arms.
Lady Leonora Lesso Masterlist
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if I could request a pretty detailed lesso smut
Basically it’s dom lesso x sub reader and r is originally very innocent and inexperienced so she’s a very good and obedient sub for lesso but recently r read fanfics abt bratting and found brat taming very attractive so she wanted to try it w lesso
R starts off by not wearing the remote control vibe that lesso told her to wear, sending explicit videos to her in the middle of work and when lesso gets her in a room at the end of the day, r doesn’t assume her usual position of submission and instead touches herself on their bed
Leonora is probably more of a quietly strict dom and manhandles r over her work table and makes r spread her legs and spanks her w a belt, occasionally smacking her cunt (ofc it would be super hot of lesso to make r count and thank her for each stroke)
After that it’s just a lot of cockwarming and and Leo putting r in her place w the vibes of “my sweet slut just needed a good fucking, didn’t she?” HHHHH and yes all that good stuff, would love it to be a longer fic so I can drown my sorrows in lady lesso
P.s would be amazing if u included an authority/ strict dom kink and r is only allowed to call Leo Lady Lesso or mistress
SORRY FOR THE LONG ASS REQUEST I just had a very specific daydream, with that said Tysm for hearing me out and have a lovely day <3
Breaking rules 18+
*Authors note~ Birthday fic:))) never be sorry for a longer prompt request, I absolutely love the detail to it which helps me ensure I don't stray from what you desire unless you want me to go nuts on it. However I will admit some of this I changed slightly due to personal reasons, enjoy the fic*
Trigger warnings~ strict mommy vibe dom leo brat subby r, mistress kink mentions corruption kink and virgin r remote control vibe phone sex? Videos ;) submissive positions. Punishments, spanking (hand and cane) cock warming edging Dacryphilia kink manhandling praise and degrading kinks I think that's it.
Prompt~ see ask^^^
You remember the first time you and Lady Lesso slept together, how she taught you everything you needed to know, how she mollified you until you were no longer the innocent woman you were but now a perfect submissive for her. Every single action was carefully crafted to have you being a good girl for her. You'd never had a taste of punishment so maybe that's why the fan fiction enticed you so much. You'd never considered the outcome of what would happened to you if you broke the rules. But here and now you sat hot and bothered by the idea of that very thing.
You knew what she expected of you, the directions were clear, and normally you'd do exactly as asked but the fic had awoken the bratty beast inside you. You got dressed for your day but forgoing on the remote control vibrator which caused excited chills to run through your body. How could being so bad feel so good? You couldn't help but wonder how much more you'd escape with. What would be the consequences to your actions?
By your lunch period you were ready to do some more rule breaking, the overwhelming thrill you received from disobeying your lover was certainly indescribable, you were so sure that this is your best idea yet. Perhaps that's why you snuck off to your old room and began to touch yourself after setting up the camera. You made sure to be vocal and after the camera capturing exactly how much you were enjoying your mid day fun. With a quick press of a few buttons, Leonora was graced with those video's just a few moments before she was expected to teach curses and death traps. For the life of her she couldn't work out why you were doing this. After all the first time lesso touched you, you were a virgin, and so willing to do whatever she demanded out of you. To submit so easily just to please her. And that was so unusual but not something she couldn't handle.
The final straw for Leonora was when you didn't kneel by the bed as she entered the room, no. Instead you lay there lazily circling your clit and teasing your soaking slit. Back arched and head tilted back in pleasure. It was as if she'd never even entered the room. "What the hell are you doing" she growled snapping you out from your blissed out mindset. "I uh I'm sorry Lady Lesso, I just I wanted to-" you mumbled trying to explain the situation. "I don't care. Up" she cut you off immediately reaching down to grab your arm and drag you where she wanted you. "Leo" you whimpered causing the red heads eyes to darken. "Excuse me?! How dare you address your superior so casually. You're below me and it's about time I reminded you do that fact."
Being forced over the desk in your shared bedroom all exposed while she remains fully clothed only added to the power play here. You had no choice but spread your legs when she kicked them apart. "Mistress please! I'm sorry" you whined unhappily. "Oh no pet, no. You can't act like a little slut and play the innocent card now darling. You will count your punishment and use my titles. Should you fail we will restart."
The first crack sounded across the room causing a sting to run over your ass. "One mistress" you mumbled gasping as three hits of her hands rained down on you. "Fuck two three four lady lesso" your tears now falling. The next hit was something different, the cool feeling of her cane touching your sore globes. The cool sensation only providing a small bit of relief before the pain outweighed the cool feeling. Hit after hit you counted every one bent over her desk. "Lady lesso" you sobbed unhappily. "Shush shush shush little girl, just a couple more okay?" She whispered before yanking you to lay on your back before three quick hits were placed on your aching clit. "Mistress, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" you blabbered hiccuping through your tears. "Shhh I know you are sweet girl, you have to learn this isn't okay darling. Be my sweet little girl, and then mistress can reward her good girl."
You were swiftly guided to lay on the bed, your ass on fire as it rubbed against the sheets. Only to watch Leonora strip to show her favourite strap on. "Now be a pretty whore and let mistress use your pretty holes" she purred before teasing your slit with the bulbous head of her faux enchanted cock. Lesso immediately set a punishing pace as she drilled into your aching cunt, "fuck so pretty when you cry sweet slut" she murmured when she noticed the tears falling slightly, "pretty tears."
Leonora continued to fuck you ruthlessly until she came first. Spurting cum from her faux cock as she painted your insides white. "Mistress" you whined hoping she'd finally let you come, after all the punishment and being used for her pleasure left you hanging on the edge. "Okay darling, this is your chance to be a good girl, I'm gonna fuck you so well darling, you'll forget your own name." Leonora was the one to keep to her promise. You came over and over again, some just on her cock and others with a small little vibe that would sit on your puffy clit.
"Oh my sweet slut just needed a good fucking? Didn't she?" She cooed looking at your pupils being blown wide and eyes glazed over indicating just how deep in your sub space you truly are. "Okay love, I'm going to pull out now" you whined in response. "Okay okay we can stay like this but let's get comfortable beautiful" she murmured shifting to settle you both comfortably for the night as she held you, you both drifted off for the night.
Word count~ 1368
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my-blind-album · 9 months
Clarissa: *decorating the Christmas tree* Hey, Reader, I have a question.
Reader: *helping Anemone sort the ornaments* Sure.
Clarissa: What do you want for Christmas?
Anemone: No! I told you not to ask her that!
Clarissa: But I wanna know why.
Reader: *rolls eyes* Anemone I'm not gonna do what you thought I was gonna do *looks at Clarissa* I actually don't know what I want this year.
Clarissa: Mhm. I understand.
Anemone: Oh please, you know exactly what you want.
Reader: Why are you hanging a rope at my neck Anemone? I told you I don't know what I want. *places an ornament on the tree*
Anemone: Sure...
Leonora: *walks into the room* Hey, there's some mail for you, Clari-
Reader: *kneeling down at Leonora's feet* ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU!!!
Clarissa: Wha-
Anemone: Told you!
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horeformilfs · 10 months
Stubborn Little Princess
Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader
TW: Fainting, Fever, Illness
Y/N had always been the epitome of a diligent teacher at the School for Good. Her appearance, her manner, and her dedication to her students made her seem like the perfect embodiment of all things good and virtuous. Lady Lesso, the formidable headmistress of the School for Evil, had initially dismissed Y/N as nothing more than a goody-goody who couldn't possibly understand the complex and dark world they inhabited. However, as time went on, she couldn't help but notice a depth and intelligence in Y/N that intrigued her.
One day, as Y/N prepared for her classes, she couldn't ignore the pounding headache that had taken root in her skull. Her vision swam, and a sense of exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders. The corset she laced up as part of her daily attire felt particularly constricting, but she soldiered on, her sense of duty pushing her forward.
Throughout the day, Y/N's condition worsened, but she was determined to fulfill her responsibilities. Her last class was a joint venture with Lady Lesso, and as they taught side by side, the students could sense that something was off. Y/N, however, was determined to power through it, ignoring the signs of her deteriorating health.
Once the students left, Lady Lesso turned her sharp gaze toward Y/N. "You don't look well," she said with uncharacteristic concern.
Y/N, in a raspy voice, replied, "I'm fine, Lady Lesso, just a minor headache. I can handle it."
Lady Lesso's piercing blue eyes bore into Y/N, her concern hidden beneath a mask of annoyance. "Don't be foolish, Y/N. You can barely stand. What's really going on?"
Y/N hesitated, torn between her sense of duty and the growing weakness in her body. "I told you, it's just a headache."
The back-and-forth continued, with Lady Lesso refusing to accept Y/N's stubborn denials. As the tension in the room escalated, Y/N felt herself swaying, her vision blurring. Before she could even process what was happening, she fainted.
In an instant, Lady Lesso reacted, her sharp reflexes catching Y/N before she hit the ground. She cursed under her breath at Y/N's stubbornness and quickly assessed the situation. Y/N's corset was laced far too tightly, making her breathing labored. Lady Lesso took out the small dagger she always carried and deftly sliced through the corset strings, allowing Y/N to breathe normally once more.
As she freed Y/N from the constricting garment, Lady Lesso's gaze fell on Y/N's flushed face and the heat radiating from her. She pressed her hand against Y/N's forehead and confirmed what she had suspected: a fever raged within her.
Without hesitation, Lady Lesso scooped Y/N into her arms, her usual stern demeanor melting into genuine concern.Lady Lesso carried Y/N into her chambers with gentle determination, laying her down on the bed. Her usual air of authority was softened by genuine concern, as she began to gather supplies to care for her ailing companion. The room, bathed in a dim, eerie light, seemed more welcoming than ever as Lady Lesso set about her task.
Hours passed, and Y/N's fever continued to rage, causing her to drift into a delirious fever dream. She tossed and turned, her skin hot to the touch. Lady Lesso sat by her bedside, murmuring soothing words in a voice that was unusually tender.
"Shh, my dear," she whispered, brushing a damp strand of hair away from Y/N's forehead. "You're going to be all right. I won't let anything happen to you."
Y/N's eyes fluttered open, their gaze unfocused. She reached out a trembling hand, fingers grazing Lady Lesso's cheek. "Lesso," she mumbled, her voice weak and shaky. "Am I...am I dying?"
Lady Lesso's heart clenched at the fear in Y/N's eyes. She leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Y/N's forehead. "No, my love," she whispered, using the pet name so rarely heard. "You're not dying. You're just going through a rough patch, but we'll get through it together."
The fever continued to torment Y/N, and Lady Lesso knew it was time to take more drastic measures. She helped Y/N up and led her into the bathroom. There, she started a cold shower, the water cascading over Y/N's feverish body.
Y/N gasped as the icy water hit her overheated skin, and she instinctively cuddled closer to Lady Lesso, seeking warmth in her arms. Her shivering was uncontrollable, but she found solace in the steady presence of the headmistress.
Lady Lesso held her tightly, rubbing her arms and whispering comforting words into her ear. "You're doing great, my sweet. Just a little while longer, and this fever will break. You're so strong, Y/N. I'm so proud of you."
Y/N clung to Lady Lesso, tears mixing with the cold water as her fevered mind battled the chills. She couldn't help but feel a profound sense of comfort in Lady Lesso's embrace, in the reassurance of her words. The fever dream was a disorienting experience, but with Lady Lesso by her side, she felt safe.
As the cold water worked its magic and the fever began to recede, Y/N's trembling lessened. She closed her eyes, still held securely in Lady Lesso's arms, and let herself drift into a more peaceful slumber, knowing that she was no longer alone in her battle against the fever.
After a while, Lady Lesso believed that Y/N's fever had broken. She carefully helped Y/N out of the cold shower and into dry clothes. Y/N was shivering, despite the warmth of the room, and she could see the worry in Lady Lesso's eyes.
But just as they thought Y/N might be on the mend, the fever returned with even more intensity. Y/N's cheeks flushed red, and her breathing became labored. Lady Lesso's concern deepened as she realized the situation was more serious than she had hoped.
Desperate to help Y/N, Lady Lesso utilized her expertise in potions to create a fever-reducing concoction. She worked quickly, but it felt like an eternity to Y/N, who was wracked with discomfort. She couldn't help but squirm and whimper, her delirious mind consumed by the fever's torment.
Lady Lesso sat by Y/N's side, holding her hand and soothing her with words of praise and affectionate pet names. "You're incredibly strong, my dear," she whispered, her fingers gently brushing through Y/N's damp hair. "You've already come so far. This potion will help. Just a little while longer."
Y/N's fever-addled mind found solace in Lady Lesso's comforting presence. The affectionate pet names she used were like a balm to Y/N's aching body, offering a warmth and comfort that surpassed the physical.
Once the potion was ready, Lady Lesso helped Y/N sit up and took great care in ensuring she drank it slowly. Y/N grimaced at the taste, but Lady Lesso's unwavering support gave her the strength to finish the glass of water.
Lady Lesso smiled gently. "Good job, my brave one. You've done splendidly."
Y/N's eyes met Lady Lesso's, filled with gratitude and vulnerability. "Please...stay with me, Lesso."
Lady Lesso didn't hesitate. She settled beside Y/N on the bed, wrapping her arms around her and holding her close. "Of course, my love. I'll stay right here until you're feeling better. You're not alone in this."
As the potion took effect and the fever began to subside, Y/N found herself gradually regaining her strength. Lady Lesso's comforting presence was a constant source of reassurance, and the warmth of her embrace provided Y/N with a profound sense of security.
With Lady Lesso by her side, Y/N finally began to drift into a more peaceful and restful sleep. Her breathing steadied, and the tension in her body relaxed. The room, once fraught with worry and discomfort, now seemed like a sanctuary of solace.
Lady Lesso continued to hold Y/N, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on her back. "Rest now, my dearest," she murmured softly. "You've been incredibly brave, and I'll be here when you wake up."
Y/N managed a weak smile, her gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you, Lesso."
Lady Lesso leaned down and placed a tender kiss on Y/N's forehead. "It's my pleasure, my love. Just remember, you're never alone in this world."
As Y/N drifted into a deep and much-needed slumber, she knew that Lady Lesso's presence, and the newfound bond between them, would be a source of strength and comfort in the days and nights to come. In this unexpected moment of vulnerability and care, they had both discovered that there was more to their relationship than either of them had ever anticipated, and it was a revelation that would forever change the course of their lives.
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reaper2187 · 4 months
Lady lesso x never female reader
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Lady Lesso stood at the edge of the School for Evil’s grand balcony, the moon casting an ethereal glow over the twisted towers and jagged spires that marked her domain. She found solace in the stillness of the night, away from the chaos of her students' schemes and betrayals. Her thoughts, however, were never truly at rest, especially now with a new presence in her life—Y/N, her right-hand confidante, and the one person who seemed to understand the complexities of her soul.
Y/N had arrived at the School for Evil under unusual circumstances. She was neither a witch nor a villain by nature. In fact, she wasn’t even a Never. Yet, she fit seamlessly into the dark, foreboding world of Lady Lesso. It had taken Lesso some time to understand the enigma that was Y/N, but over time, an unspoken bond formed between them, one that transcended the usual relationships within the school.
As Lady Lesso stood lost in her thoughts, she felt a presence behind her. She didn’t need to turn around to know it was Y/N. There was a certain quiet elegance to her movements that Lesso had come to recognize instantly.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Y/N’s voice was soft, almost tender, a stark contrast to the harshness that surrounded them.
Lesso turned to face her, the moonlight illuminating Y/N’s features. “It seems the chaos of the day refuses to leave my mind,” she replied, her voice tinged with a rare hint of vulnerability.
Y/N stepped closer, her gaze unwavering. “You carry too much on your shoulders, Leonora. Even the most formidable need someone to share the burden.”
Lesso raised an eyebrow at the use of her first name. It was a liberty only Y/N could take without facing her wrath. “And you, Y/N, what burdens do you carry? You hide them well.”
Y/N smiled, a sad, knowing smile. “Perhaps I do. But tonight isn’t about me. It’s about you.”
For a moment, Lesso allowed herself to be just Leonora, the woman behind the feared Dean of Evil. She sighed and looked out over the darkened landscape. “Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be free of all this?” she asked, gesturing to the school, the towers, and the endless responsibilities.
Y/N nodded. “Every day. But then I remember that freedom comes in different forms. For me, it’s in the little moments of joy, the stolen glances, and the quiet conversations.”
Lesso’s heart skipped a beat. She knew what Y/N was alluding to, and it scared her as much as it thrilled her. The unspoken feelings between them had grown stronger with each passing day, and now, standing under the moonlight, the weight of those feelings was almost unbearable.
“Y/N,” Lesso began, her voice barely above a whisper, “what is it that you see in me? Why do you stay?”
Y/N took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. “I see a woman who is strong and fierce, but also vulnerable and kind. I stay because, in this dark world, you are my light. You are the reason I can endure the darkness.”
Lesso’s eyes met Y/N’s, and for the first time in a long time, she allowed herself to be truly seen. She reached out, her hand trembling slightly, and Y/N took it, their fingers intertwining.
“Leonora,” Y/N said softly, “you don’t have to be alone anymore.”
In that moment, Lady Lesso realized that the connection she had with Y/N was not just a fleeting feeling. It was something deeper, something that had the power to change her life. She pulled Y/N closer, their foreheads touching, and for the first time, allowed herself to imagine a future where she wasn’t defined by her role as the Dean of Evil, but by the love she felt for this remarkable woman.
Time seemed to stand still as they stood there, wrapped in each other’s embrace. The moonlight bathed them in a silvery glow, casting long shadows that intertwined like their fates. In the silence, a new promise was forged—a promise of companionship, of understanding, and of love.
As the first light of dawn began to break, Lesso knew that their path wouldn’t be easy. The School for Evil was not a place that welcomed love, especially not for its formidable dean. But with Y/N by her side, she felt a newfound strength, a resilience that she hadn’t known she possessed.
“Whatever comes,” Y/N whispered, “we’ll face it together.”
Lesso nodded, her heart swelling with a mix of fear and hope. “Together,” she echoed, knowing that with Y/N, she could face anything.
And so, as the sun rose over the School for Evil, Lady Lesso and Y/N stood hand in hand, ready to face the challenges ahead. Their journey was just beginning, and though the road would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, they knew that they had found something precious in each other—a love that could withstand even the darkest of nights.
In the days that followed, their bond grew stronger. They learned to navigate the complexities of their relationship while maintaining their roles within the school. There were moments of doubt, of fear, but also of unparalleled joy and connection. And through it all, they held onto each other, knowing that their love was their greatest strength.
Lady Lesso, once the solitary and feared dean, found herself transforming in ways she hadn’t thought possible. With Y/N’s unwavering support, she began to see the world not just through the lens of power and control, but through the softer, more compassionate perspective that Y/N brought into her life.
In return, Y/N found her place in a world that had once seemed so foreign and hostile. With Lesso, she discovered her own strength and resilience, and together, they created a sanctuary amidst the chaos—a place where love and trust could flourish, even in the heart of darkness.
Their love story became a whispered legend within the halls of the School for Evil, a testament to the power of love and the possibility of redemption. And though the path they walked was often shrouded in shadows, they faced it side by side, their hearts forever entwined.
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drghostwrite · 4 months
Fic voting!!!!!!
guess who’s baaccck!… so it’s been a hot minute but I need some other fresh ideas for the works, I’ve done a number recently and still have some in the queue but I want a little bit of a break so I’m gonna let my lovelies decide…
Whooo… some exciting choices, yall have 1 week to tell me what you want so go crazy. Make you’re friends vote idc but vote!
Dr. Ghost
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hxzxrdous · 1 year
The School for Good and Evil
Platonic Lady Lesso x Never!reader
TW: Anxiety attack, skin picking, OCD
Note: This one is for me, because I suffer from anxiety and a skin picking disorder. Also stream Hold My Hand by Lady Gaga, tee hee !! </33
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You woke up drenched in sweat, the lingering scent of copper from your nightmares permeating the air around your bed. The aged wooden frame creaked as you sat up, your feet hovering above the cold stone floor. Casting a gaze around the dormitory, a realization struck you like a lightning bolt - you had unknowingly slept over your first-class History of Villainy. The mere thought of entering the classroom with all eyes fixed upon you filled you with overwhelming anxiety. The prospect was too dreadful, too mortifying.
Frustration etched across your face, and in a moment of despair, you began absentmindedly picking at your skin, as if trying to alleviate the tension. With a heavy sigh, you realized the state of disarray you had left your hair in. There was no way you could attend class in such a disheveled state. Not like that. You knew that the dean's Doom Room was awaiting for you which made you anxious even more. The possibilities of what she would do to you for skipping class.
Retreating to the bed, you pulled your legs back up and crossed them, continuing to mindlessly pick at your skin. Suddenly, a knock interrupted the silence, causing your head to snap toward the door.
"Y/L/N," Lady Lesso's voice echoed sternly. A lump formed in your throat as you tried to muster a response, but nothing came out. Lowering your gaze, you averted your eyes to the ground, ignoring her calling for you. Growing impatient with your silence, Lady Lesso forcefully swung open the door with her cane, the clicking of her heels drawing nearer and nearer, still unable to meet her piercing stare. That was it. You were convinced you were about to get killed.
"M-ma'am, I-," you whispered, your voice barely audible, while nervously scratching your scalp.
"Speak," the redhead commanded, her arms folded on her hips, her cane firmly in hand. "You got something to say, say it." She spat out.
"I... I can't stop picking at my skin," you replied softly, frustration evident as you ran your fingers through your hair.
Concern flickered across the dean's face as she noticed the wounds on your scalp. "Y/L/N, why do you engage in this behavior? Is there a particular reason behind it?" Her head tilted slightly as she studied you intently.
"I dunno- I get a feeling like I have to smooth out my skin by picking it- C-can't stop," you confessed, your quiet voice barely heard.
"What do you mean by 'a feeling'? Is it akin to an itch or a compulsive urge?" Lady Lesso inquired, her gaze unwavering. "As if you simply have to do it regardless of the consequences?"
"Yes... like a compulsion," you murmured, scratching your scalp in frustration. "Please... I need help."
"I will do my best to help you, but you must also be willing to put in effort, Y/N," the dean stated firmly, crossing her arms. "Now, do you believe you can resist the urge to pick your skin, or is it more of a coping mechanism, a way for you to regain a sense of control?"
You shrugged your shoulders, contemplating the question. "The second one," you replied. "It somehow calms me down, even though I always regret it afterwards." You gestured toward your messy scalp. "It's not about the pain, but like self-soothing, I guess," you tried explaining.
"Alright, I am here to help you," Lady Lesso's voice softened as she moved closer, kneeling in front of you. "Can I hold your hands?"
Sniffling, you glanced at the dean, a hint of confusion in your eyes. However, you extended your hands towards her, allowing her to take hold of them.
"I... I want to do it again so badly..." you cried out, tears welling in your eyes.
"Please don't. It will only cause you harm, and I don't want to see you hurt," the dean implored firmly, holding your hands tightly in hers. "Just take a deep breath and focus on your breath. Can you feel the warmth of my hand? Is it helping you stay calm?"
"I... I guess," you nodded, trying to focus on the sensation of the dean's hands. Your trembling persisted as you fought against the urge to retract your hands and resume your destructive habit.
"Breathe. You're okay," Lady Lesso reassured you, gently stroking your hands with her thumbs, doing what she could do to get you to relax and prevent any further picking. "You are safe here, Y/N. I won't allow anyone to harm you. I promise, you're safe."
"I just... I want to smooth it out," you whimpered, shaking your head in frustration, still holding onto the woman's hands tightly.
"It's alright. We'll work through this together," Lady Lesso spoke softly, her voice brimming with empathy. "I want to help you overcome this, and you're a strong person, I know you can do it. If you start to panic, just remember you are safe here and no one can hurt you, okay?" She continued to gently stroke your hands.
"'S hard... So hard... Wanna do it-" you started trembling even more, Lady Lesso's grip on your hands tightened.
"No, you musn't." the dean's voice grew stern as she held your hands with one hand and lifted your chin with the other. "Look at me, Y/N. Look into my eyes." You locked eyes with Lady Lesso, her unwavering gaze filled with determination and belief. "You are stronger than this, you are beautiful. I know you're trying SO hard not to do it, but you are stronger than you know. I believe in you."
"I... I can't breathe," you mumbled, your words strained as your breathing became rapid and shallow. Your cheeks flushed with heat, visibly turning red, as your breathing quickened.
"Slow down, you're breathing too quickly," Lady Lesso gently picked you up and settled you on her lap, her voice a blend of firmness and tenderness, laced with concern and reassurance. "Take slow, deep breaths. Can you do that for me?" You nodded, attempting to mimic the woman's breathing pattern. "Nice and slow, Y/N. Inhale... and exhale."
"I... I'm trying, ma'am," you managed to utter between breaths, your palms becoming increasingly clammy to the touch.
"Keep trying, I've got you, little one," Lady Lesso cooed, cradling you in her arms as if you were a small child, offering comfort despite your teenage years. "Your breathing is improving. Keep it up for me, just a little longer," she soothed, gently stroking your hair. "You're going to be alright, Y/N. Remember, you are safe here."
"I'm... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to," you attempted to pull away, but Lady Lesso held you closer, refusing to let you go.
"Y/N, there's no need to apologize. You haven't done anything wrong," she whispered, continuing to rock you back and forth. "I'm not angry with you, I promise. Not at all." Her voice radiated understanding and love, ensuring that you knew you were safe and accepted. The warmth from her touch spread through your body as she tenderly stroked your hair.
"I'm... I'm so tired," you murmured, your body growing limp as you nestled into the dean's embrace, your eyes fluttering shut.
The redhead sighed softly, continuing to sway you gently. "Rest now, my dear," Lady Lesso spoke softly. "You've done well. I'm proud of you." She placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head. "We'll talk more when you've had a chance to relax, alright?"
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annie-creates · 6 months
Fool me too
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1000
Note: Happy April Fool's! And Easter Monday! This day just calls for a fic like this.
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You could have expected it. Should have, really. As the freezing cold water slowly seeps into your clothes being watered down from head to toe, you’re more disappointed in yourself rather than your students. They were the offsprings of pure evil after all, rotten to their very core. After the salt and sugar switched in your morning coffee, stinky mushrooms exploding in your office and poisonous vines sneakily hanging from the hallway’s ceilings, you should have known better than to step into your classroom without checking it out first.
April fools was after all a very popular concept amongst the nevers so you would be almost let down if they didn’t try to achieve some misdemeanors this week. And it was only Monday. How are you gonna get through the whole week you had no idea. Maybe it’s time to put on one of those scary armors that roam the corridors or just take a vacation. That however would be a sign of weakness and cowardice and that was foreign to you as a fellow never.
So you teach the lesson proudly in your wet clothes and at the end leave after all your students. You carefully turn every corner, looking out for any clues on their next trap. You spend the rest of your day watching over your shoulder and rather carefully tasting everything you’re about to eat or drink. You’re determined to not let them fool you even one more time, the score already being too prone in their favor. They keep teasing you a little longer and you’ll come up with a payback so severe they could never see it coming.
Clearly you weren’t observant enough tho because as you’re walking over the bridge talking with Dovey after today’s dinner, she steps on a wire that activates a mechanism which pushes you both over the edge into the muddy water. As if you weren’t soaked and humiliated enough for today, as you crawl out from the water to the small beach by the castle, a thrower full of confetti and glitter explodes over you. The laughter of your students fades as they run away, hopefully at least a little scared of your possible revenge.
You make your way into your bedroom, luckily without any other stupid pranks in your way. Your wife is already comfortably sprawled over the sofa in front of the lit fireplace and the flames dance over her face making her ginger hair shine more than usual. You sigh heavily as you close the door and she looks over at you from the book in her lap, clearly finding your state very amusing.
“Shut up.” You warn her before she can even say anything.
“I wasn’t going to laugh at you.” Leonora says but her face betrays her.
“Yeah, very funny. This is all your doing anyway.” You pester her.
“How come?” Lesso questions with her head tilted slightly to the side.
“You raised them like this. Audacious and impudent. You’re responsible for their stupid jokes.” But even you knew you couldn’t blame all the student’s effrontery on their dean.
“Why don’t you rather go clean up in the bathroom?” She offers instead.
“If YOU try to fool with me I swear to heavens I’m gonna divorce you.“ You warn your wife as you make your way to the sink.
Lucky for you, or more for her, she didn’t play any childish pranks on you and you took a long shower without her interrupting. It took a lot of effort getting all the mud and confetti off yourself and you’ll be lucky if your dress is still gonna be washable and wearable. There was still some glitter in your hair and skin you couldn’t get rid of, but it’ll have to be enough for now. When you return to the warmed-up bedroom, your wife is still sitting in the same position reading her book.
“If it’s going to make you feel better, I’m gonna threaten them all with a good long stay in the doom room tomorrow.” She proposed as she extended the blanket draped over her legs for you to sit under it next to her.
“It’s fine. I’ll just have to be more alert. It’s a good practice.” You admit, not really mad at your students anymore. “You should see my office, it’s a disaster.”
“It can’t be that bad, can it? I’m sure you won’t let them fool you again.” Leonora comforts you as she kisses your forehead.
“It’s not bad, it’s even worse. This morning they switched the sugar and salt, so my breakfast was ruined. My office stinks like a hundred years old troll and I had to spend a whole hour teaching soaking wet. I could hardly get a word out over the teeth chattering. Which I’m sure they found pretty amusing.” You explain all that happened in your horrendous day. “Mother-fucking stupid April fools.”
“Well it sure will be better tomorrow.” Lesso instinctively tries to warm you up.
“I should probably be proud of them for succeeding, but they better watch out tomorrow cause I’m coming back after them.” You admit, picking on the loose strands of the blanket.
“I’m sure it will settle down, they just got too excited for today.” She admits, if there’s anything that bores the nevers it’s repeating stuff they already succeeded in.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. I’m tasting the sugar before I put it in my coffee this week though.” You remind both yourself and her reaching out for your own book that was waiting for you on the coffee table.
You settle down next to Leonora leaning on her shoulder as you get back to reading your own unfinished book before going to bed. A cozy, calm, silent evening was what you needed right now after a day full of surprises and pranks. Little did you know she wasn’t really paying attention to the words in her book anymore, already planning her revenge on her students for tormenting her beloved wife.
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Okok. Listen
LessoxReader where R is Leonoras' best friend back in gavaldon. But they both like each other,they're just too scared to face rejection.
But then when lessk goes to the SGE R is devastated. Pretty much dead but alive.
THEN,THEN R GETS SELECTED TO GO TO THE SCHOOL. But she's an ever . They reunite and they tell each others feelings that never faded.
The rest of the plot is yours to make♡♡
I couldn't keep it brief, so it is broken up into a part 1 and a part 2 will be coming later! Stay tuned.
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The day Leonora disappeared, you were devastated. Nobody knew how, or when, or why. All you knew was that your best friend was gone. 
When you were five-years-old, some girls from town had started making fun of you for being dirty. Children are dumb, and it didn’t matter to them that your family was struggling. They didn’t understand that you could hardly afford food. How could you afford new shoes, fitted clothes, or anything more than a basic necessity? 
Leonora Lesso was a year older than you and your savior sent from above. Or from below. It didn’t really matter which. She found you crying in an alleyway following another round of harassment from the girls in town. She had told you to suck it up and then offered to kick them in the shins in the same breath. You were inseparable ever since. 
“Leo, come on. It’s not worth it.” You begged, pulling on her arm. 
“It’s worth it to me.” She growled as she yanked out of your grasp. 
“Oh look, the little piggy has a lion to protect her! Must be, with that matted mess of hair.” 
Leonora sent you an exasperated side eye. You sighed and raised your arms in surrender before she slung out her arm and decked him. She shot you a toothy grin and kicked him once more for good measure. 
You rolled your eyes and pulled at her hand. 
“Leo, we need to go.” You said as the boy groaned in pain. 
She leaned over and spit on his writhing form. With a satisfied nod, she curled her fingers around yours and walked with you back to the center of town. 
“What?” She asked under your disapproving glance. 
“You shouldn’t have done that.” 
She blew a raspberry at your chastisement. “I was just defending your honor.”
“My hero.” You swooned sarcastically. 
She laughed and bumped your shoulder with her own. You couldn’t fight the smile any longer and let it break, warm affection bursting through. She truly was your knight-errant, if not in shining armor. It was no wonder you had fallen for her. But in Gavaldon, you were an outcast enough, already bringing her down from her association with you. And you weren’t even sure she would ever look at you the same way you looked at her. Instead, you hid behind jokes and friendly smiles. You would be happy with any piece of her she was willing to give. Best friends would be enough. 
That night, the light tapping against your window pane pulled you from the most wonderful dreams of being caressed by a burnless flame. You looked around in a daze before catching sight of her outside. You quickly opened the window and beckoned her in. 
“What are you doing, Leo?” You hissed, helping her climb through. 
She snorted angrily and collapsed onto your bed. In the light of the moon slanting through the window, you caught sight of a motley of bruises littering her cheek. A sharp cut split her upper lip and the dark red contrasted violently with the paleness of her skin. 
“Oh my god. What happened to you?” You asked as you tenderly brushed your fingers against her cheekbone. 
Leonora shrugged with self-depreciation and offered you a halfhearted smile. “Peter showed up at my house with his father. Told him I jumped him while his back was turned. And, well, you know how my father is.” 
She kicked up the covers and slid underneath, lifting them up in an offer for you to join. You needed no convincing. You climbed in and snuggled into the warmth of the cocoon she created. Her long figure wrapped around yours and pulled you tightly to her chest. 
“Do you ever wish you could run away from this place?” Leonora whispered into your hair. 
You chewed on the thought for a long minute. You were thankful your back was to her chest…it was easier to say if she wasn’t looking at you. 
“No…that would mean being without you.” 
You felt her rest her forehead against the back of your neck and sigh. 
“I can’t stay here, Y/N. I want to burn this whole shithole to the ground. I know there’s more for us out there somewhere. We just have to find it.”
You found her hand and threaded your fingers through hers and squeezed tightly. 
“Would you go with me? If I asked you?” She asked tentatively into the night. 
“Of course.” You answered immediately. 
Without a doubt. Without even a second of consideration. Wherever she went, you would follow. Even if it meant to the ends of the Earth and back. You wouldn’t be leaving home, you would be following it. 
The conversation between you quieted as you felt her relax at your declaration. Eventually, her breaths evened out and you knew she had fallen asleep. You took the opportunity to turn in her embrace. In sleep, the harshness of her features softened. An occasional freckle peppered the bridge of her nose and dark lashes fluttered against her sharp cheeks. In the light of the moon, her long, curly, red hair seemed to almost glow. 
“I would do anything for you, Leo.” You whispered, knowing she wouldn’t hear you. 
If only you had the courage to tell her in the daylight. 
You awoke the next morning to an empty bed. You knew she had to be home before her father found her missing, but the emptiness still left you feeling cold. You finished your morning routine with familiar ease and walked the dusty path from your house to the main road. A smile broke upon your face at seeing Leonora standing there waiting for you. 
“Good morning!” You greeted her brightly. 
Leonora simply pinched the bridge of her nose and rubbed at her eyes. In the early morning sun, the bruise under her eye seemed less severe, but had already soured in color. 
“You are way too chipper for this early in the morning.” She groaned. “Do you sing with the birds, too?”
“Only when I know the song.” You quipped back. 
You linked your arm with hers and began the trek to the schoolhouse. 
“No more fights today.” You warned at the stone steps of the building. 
“If they keep your name out of their mouths, we wouldn’t have to worry about it.” She muttered darkly. 
“Promise me!” 
“Fine. I promise. Can we go become educated, now?” 
Together, you climbed the steps and parted to your respective classrooms. 
You always enjoyed school. It gave you a reprieve from the grueling work at home and opened your eyes to far off worlds and innovation. School was an escape. 
As you found your chair, Peter’s shoulder roughly connected with your own. 
“Watch out little piggy. Lesso won’t always be around to protect you.” He hissed as he walked past. 
You shivered but ignored the pointed barb. That wouldn’t happen. Leonora wouldn’t abandon you. 
The rest of the day passed by at an agonizingly slow rate. As the bell rang for dismissal, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Your classmates streamed out of the schoolhouse like ants fleeing a flood and you got carried along by the surge. Outside, Leonora was waiting for you once more. She gave a sarcastic bow and offered you her arm to escort you home. 
You walked in silence for a solid ten minutes before you mustered the courage to ask, “You wouldn’t ever leave without me, would you?”
The question was odd and the vulnerability was plain in your voice. It made her pause in her steps and the suddenness jerked you to a halt beside her. 
“I wait for you every day, don’t I?” She asked you with a confused frown. 
The expression was rather cute on her face and you wanted to smooth away the pinched expression. 
“Of course!” You laughed. “I just meant if you ever left this place. You wouldn’t forget about me, would you?”
“Impossible.” She scoffed and a devilish smile grew on her face. “You’d be coming with me! I couldn’t possibly leave without my traveling pack.”
She lunged at you and tossed you weightily over her shoulder. A surprised shriek fell from your lips and uncontrollable giggles followed. You certainly wouldn’t complain. You had a marvelous view from your new angle. 
“Besides,” Leonora continued with a more subdued tone. “You’re my conscience. I wouldn’t survive out there without you.” 
Climbing the last hill to your house, she set you down gently and shot you an impish wink. A thrum of longing flared in your chest. You wanted to tell her everything. 
“Leo, I…”
But the words felt caught in your throat. The bruises that littered her face mocked you. Gavaldon was unforgiving and completely intolerant of anything different. And the violence of the world’s reactions that adorned Leonora’s beautiful face were only the tip of the iceberg of what could come. 
“Yes?” She dragged out in a sarcastic imitation of your hesitation. 
“Nothing. I just…thank you. For being my best friend.” You stuttered lamely. 
A small, almost sad smile pulled at the corners of her lips. 
“Yeah.” Leonora said awkwardly. “Me too.” 
The response felt heavy in the air and you suddenly felt like you had made a mistake. 
“I’ll see you later!” She added after a beat, turning to head down the hill toward her house. 
“Bye.” You called softly. 
You watched her walk until her form faded into the sun. 
Nightmares plagued you that night. Vague images of a smoky red sky and screams in the night. You felt exhausted when the sun rose the next morning. Thankful that tomorrow was the weekend, you dressed robotically for school. 
When you made it to your gate, Leonora wasn’t there waiting for you. Unease buried itself low in your belly. She was never late. Even when she was sick, dead, or dying…she was at your gate to greet you every morning. You waited. And waited. And waited some more just for good measure. 
You made it to the school halfway through the first period and ignored the stares as you found your seat. Your unease grew to monstrous anxiety that clawed at your gut. The buzz of the whispers around you fell like a fog until her name cut through the haze. 
“The police were at the Lessos’ this morning. Maybe that’s why Y/N is late. They probably think she had something to do with it.” 
“Do with what?” You asked, whipping around in your seat. 
“Lesso’s gone missing. Parents seem to think she ran away.” The girl behind you whispered dramatically. 
“She wouldn’t do that.” You adamantly denied. 
But even as the words escaped your mouth, it felt like your heart tried to reach up and strangle them. To pull them back. 
Not without me. 
Suddenly, you couldn’t focus. The air felt thin and your ears began to ring. Was this what heartbreak felt like? 
You stood and the ringing in your ears grew to a thundering roar. The voices of your teacher and classmates drowned in the same waves that seemed to crash over you. Ignoring the presence of everyone around you, you stumbled back out the door and sprinted home. You ran past the outskirts of town, ran up and over the hill of your house, and down the sloping curve to the Lesso family home. You didn’t stop until your fists were pounding against the rotting wood door, echoing the beats of your heart. 
“What did you do to her?!” You screamed through the trembling pine. 
The door swung open to reveal the hulking form of her deadbeat father. 
“Get the fuck off my porch.” He growled as he shoved you off the step. 
“What did you do to her?”
“I ain’t touch her.” He hissed. 
“We both know that’s not true.” You said lowly through clenched teeth. 
He looked at you through narrowed eyes and straightened his back. 
“Bed was unmade this morning and window wide open. Ungrateful brat finally took off. If she knows what’s good for her, she won’t come back.”
He said no more and slammed the door. 
Your feet blindly carried you back to your front gate where you collapsed into a heap against the post. Sobs suddenly crawled up your throat and broke free in an agonized scream. 
She left.
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spookie-bitch · 2 months
*ੈ✩‧₊˚Lesso Headcanons *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Pairings: Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader Warnings: slight NSFW, not anything that isn't vague or just mentioned
An: 😔 still got writers block. Requests are open y'all send them bad boys in 🙏
!Any age gap mentioned is legal!
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— 1000% a top/dom, there's no arguing about that
— I hear a lot of people saying that she gets Jealous, but I feel like she's far too confident and proud to get jealous a lot
— This doesn't mean she doesn't get jealous at all, just not by small stuff. If someone is all up in your business or trying to make her jealous, they might just maybe, possibly go missing
— If you're trying to make her jealous, she won't hesitate to remind you who you belong too
— She will not tolerate any ruke breaking or acting out, she will put you back in line
— She always cares a lot more that she puts on
— She might indulge in temper tantrums, it just depends on her mood. This is solely because she finds them amusing
—If you're a student, expect special privileges
— Curfew? Not as long as you're with Lesso
— Special privileges does not mean neglecting your studies, especially if it's because you think she won't fail you, because she will
— If there's anything she hates more than the color pink, it's idiots, just because you're with her does not give you a pass to be one
— Her love language is an uneven mix of quality time, acts of service, and words of affirmation
—I can see her being a bit uncomfortable with physical touch at first. (she literally shoved Sophie away with her cane bc she was too close 😭)
—This doesn't mean she won't flaunt you if an Everboy looks at you for too long — Once the two of you get closer, she'll never stop touching you
—Despite her more... Aggressive and blunt personality, I think she waits until you're comfortable to do anything. (Sex, cuddles, ect...)
—She'd never let herself forget it if she scared you away
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v3nusxsky · 7 months
i’m not 100% sure your requests are open or if you’ve done this before but i’ve read some of your leonora lesso fics and i’m in love
i’m was wondering whether you could maybe right a little!lesso x caregiver!reader. they’re both teachers, maybe r is an ever
but tbh maybe just some hurt comfort <3
The Little Lion
*Authors note~ ahh little Leo and Agere is my life, may be horrid I am currently in a lecture for behaviour with a massive headache but I’m determined to catch up on writing fics*
Trigger warnings~ Agere little Leonora, cg y/n first time regression star struck Leonora
Prompt~see ask^^^
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Being the Dean Of Evil wasn’t ever Leonora’s plans but it’s where she ended up and appeared to be amazing at her job. But was she evil? Or maybe just hurt deep down? The world would never know the pain she’d been through and just how she dealt with her pain. While she held her scary exterior inside lay a soft gooey core that is ever so fragile and to be protected at all costs.
Being evil for so long tends to drain the red head, and with her Never students acting up more, it was worse than ever before. No one knew of the tentative relationship you and Lesso had began, but the tension between you both was simply too hard to ignore and one night with a lot of alcohol had confession’s of truth spilling from you both. Agreeing to try this out but of course no one could know, not until you both knew it would work of course.
That was a couple of months ago and things had been going rather well. You being an Ever made things slightly harder but both of you worked to find ways to meet in secrecy and have subtle changes in your daily life’s when it came to communication. That’s why it wasn’t uncommon for you to sneak into the Deans room after hours. There would be no students to catch you and should a member of staff see you, then you had a well rehearsed reason to be there.
Entering her room tonight felt different but you couldn’t put you finger on the reason why. With a quick scan of the room you could see nothing was out of its place however, Leonora was no where to be found which is odd. Normally she’s waiting with a signature look that’s just for you as her eyes room your body just drinking in your beauty.
“Nora?” You murmured in a hope she would appear but all that greeted you was silence. Moving forward into her chamber you made your way to her sleeping area. “Nora, darling?” You mumbled before knocking and pushing the heavy oak door open, never in a million years would you have expected the sight in front of you.
In the bed, Leonora was dressed in fussy orange socks with a lion onesie, colouring some pages that looked to be animal prints. Clearly she was in her own little world and you almost felt bad for intruding. Almost. The way she was currently looking at you jade you feel you were more needed than ever before. Being an ever you knew exactly what was going on here.
“Hi darling, watcha got there?” You whispered to her before settling on the edge of her bed. But Leonora said nothing just staring at you with her mouth agape like she’d seen a unicorn or something equally as magical. You couldn’t help but chuckle at her star struck expression, “close your mouth darling, you’ll be catching flys in a minute.”
“Princess” the red head stated still absolutely entranced by you. “You think I’m a princess darling?” You happily fed into her statement hoping to gain her trust. “Pretty” was slurred around the woman’s thumb that had made its way between her lips. It was so obvious what was happening here. With a gasp you responded, “well thank you little darling. I think you’re pretty too.”
Silence fell over the room again, you didn’t mind of course, clearly Leonora needed this and now wasn’t the time to talk about what this was, so you settled for giving her whatever she needed from you in this moment. “Raw!” Lesso growled as she continued to scribble in a pen that could honestly rival the woman’s hair colour. “Such a cute little lion” you murmured to her causing her to smile, not smirk but smile at you and blush. Leonora Lesso doesn’t blush… but your little lion here seemed to be the opposite.
It wasn’t long before Leonora had shoved a pen at you and instructed that you colour in certain areas, “ands no out of lines!” She firmly reprimanded after you went ever so slightly went over the lines. “I’m so sorry little cub” you feigned a pout.
“Im not use to sharing I sorry, I fix it then pretty princess happy and loves Leo lion!” A childish slur causing words to blur together and just sounding adorable. “Thank you little cub, I still love you little lion, how could I not with this cute mane on your head hmm?” You whispered before ruffling the fake mane on the hood of the lion onesie.
It wasn’t long after that small interaction you could see her little balled up fists rubbing at her eyes, a clear indication that it was in fact past midnight. “Little lion, aren’t you getting sleepy yet?” You attempted not knowing how to bring this up with her. But luckily she nodded and crawled straight into your lap, her head nestled into your neck and a hand resting above your heart. It was clear you weren’t going anywhere tonight but opted to soothe Leonora to sleep so you could move the woman without disturbing her. Although the little version of Lesso was okay with you acting like a caregiver that didn’t mean Leonora was too. Your hand gently rubbed soothing circles on her back as you swayed your legs ever so slightly in hopes to comfort her. Just when you thought she’d drifted off you caught her sleepy mumble off, “thank you for looking after me princess.”
Word count ~ 1023
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