xflippinfrogx · 1 year
Hiii i love your ficsss🤍🤍
could you write a lee regulus fic?? he's one of my favorite characters too!!!
Sorry if something is written wrong I don't speak English well so I'm using the help of the translator
When we were younger
A/N~ AGH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG IVE WANTED TO WRITE LEE REGULUS!! You didn’t give me much prompt so I played around a little hehe. I hope you like it :D (P.S your English is perfect my dear!!)
LEE~ Regulus Black
LER~ Sirius Black
Regulus was in a bad mood.
This wasn’t a very uncommon event but it seemed to be worse than his usual brooding and his friends were starting to notice.
“Regulus, are you alright mate?” Barty asked, finally giving in to Evan and Pandoras looks of concern.
“I’m fine.” He snapped glaring at him. He felt bad for being so rude but he had bigger problems right now..
The quidditch final was coming up soon and with him being seeker there was a lot of pressure on him to do his best.
On top of that he had, had the worst day. Everything that could’ve gone wrong, went wrong.
This morning he spilt his breakfast all over himself and knocked his tea into someone else’s in the process.
On the way to his first class he accidentally walked through Nearly headless Nick. During his second he realised he had forgotten the homework and then received double for that night.
Finally, at the end of the day when he believed his bad luck was over his idiotic classmate blew up their potions project and they now had to start from scratch.
All Regulus wanted to do was sit in the common room and be angry. As much as he appreciated his friends for caring about him, he isn’t the greatest at showing it.. So scowling at the floor it is.
At least that was his plan until his brother showed up.
“There’s my favourite brother!!” Sirius exclaimed, perching himself on the arm of the sofa Regulus sat upon.
“I’m your only brother Sirius.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “What are you all grumpy about huh? Barty said you were getting snappy, everything ok Reg?”
“I said I’m fine!!” He spoke through gritted teeth. Why was everyone so interested in bothering him today?
“Well that’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.” Sirius mumbled moving closer to his brother.
“Look, if you’re just gonna sit here all doom and gloom I’m going to have to resort to drastic measures.”
God he’s dramatic. What was he on about anyway??
The others were still in the room and were as confused as Regulus.
“What do you mean drastic measures?” Evan piped up.
“Well my dear Rosier, when we were younger and Reggie here was in one of his moods I had my ways of making him smile.” Oh shit.
It all came rushing back to him now. Memories of laughter and so called tickle monsters. He was panicking, he couldn’t let his friends see that. No way. He had to get out of there before Sirius could embarrass him.
Sirius knew exactly what Regulus was thinking and as he attempted to bolt for the door Sirius tackled him to the ground.
“Sirius get off!! This is childish-” He was cut off by wiggling fingers reaching his sides.
He clamped his mouth shut refusing to give Sirius the satisfaction. Sirius wouldn’t give up that easily though.
“You and I both know who’s going to win here little brother, you might as well give up now and save the us the hassle.” He could see Regulus was close to breaking but that boy was stubborn as hell.
He used one hand to lift his arms above his head using the other to continue his ticklish onslaught.
“Regulus you leave me no choice.. You asked for this” He smirked shoving both hands under his brothers arms.
For the first time in what felt like forever, Regulus cackled.
He completely lost it, loud and boisterous laughter erupting from his chest.
Sirius grinned so wide he thought his face would split in two. Seeing Regulus like that was so rare nowadays, he was soaking up every last giggle while he still could.
“Are you gonna stop being so angry at the world?” Sirius teased poking at his ribs.
“YEHEHEHES” Regulus was so worn out from laughing that all he could do was oblige.
“Annddd who’s the greatest brother of all time?” He slowed the attack to hear the younger boys answer.
“You’re soho duhumb.” He giggled through heavy breathing.
“That’s not an answer.” He stated rapidly squeezing his sides again.
“OKAY OKAHAHY IHITS YOUUU!! PLEAHSE SIRIUHUS!!” He begged throwing his head back in hysterics.
“That’s more like it,” he laughed ruffling regulus’ hair.
What the two brother failed to remember was that there were three slytherins standing watching this whole scene play out.
They would tease Reg about this later but for now they’d leave the two have their moment. After all it was nice to see their friend smiling for once.
Just like when they were younger<33
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potatohater · 2 years
Probably the best tickle scenario you could’ve find where Sirius and Remus discovered that Harry is ticklish‼️‼️ im in my hp phase please
If Sirius wouldn’t die I bet that Harry and him would live in some apartment together. They also invited Remus A LOT.
Once during the summer Remus was relaxing in the living room when he heard some strange noises from other room, and then Sirius ran up to him with the biggest smile on his face that he’s ever seen screaming that: HARRY IS TICKLISH. While Harry doesn’t understand a word because he has never been actually tickled. And here he is – 15 years old boy, standing into the door frame, holding on his stomach because what the hell was that feeling that made him giggle? Remus and Sirius gave each other “that” look and they attacked. Because Harry has never experienced that, he didn’t even try to hold his laugh, and it was high-pitched, boyish and absolutely adorable. He was so much like James in this way, they had similar spots and laugh sounded familiar. He squirmed a lot tried to hide his face, or shut his mouth. It was priceless.
This actually repeated a lot of times, especially when Remus was at their house. (he poked one of them and said that it wasn’t him). And also he was the one that said to Harry that Sirius has the same weakness; now that was getting interesting. It doesn’t matter, what Remus was doing, he always left his things behind and just watched them. It was that moments that he missed with them. Separately and both. He knew that James would be happy to watch his best friend tickle the shit out of his son.
Sooner or later Sirius would understand that Remus was starting half of the fights, so in the middle of another one, he just whispered to Harry that Remus is not better than him, and that was an actual point where the fun began. When Harry asked was it true, Remus insisted that he is a werewolf, and they are NOT ticklish, and that he didn’t even know how it felt like. And it was a lie.
So basically they all had fun with each other, I just love the idea that Remus and Sirius raised Harry 😭
Maybe I’ll write a fic with this idea, who knows🤭
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iamawolfstarsimp · 2 years
Black Brother Shenanigans
Regulus heard Sirius running up the stairs. He could have heard him even if he wasn't running, dude was loud as fuck.
Regulus hoped Sirius didn't come into his room to bother him which just so happened to be one of Sirius' favorite things to do in his free time.
The footsteps stopped for a moment and Regulus actually believed for a second that Sirius was just running around the house to annoy their mother.
Until the door burst open as Sirius kicked it. Regulus sighed automatically, seeing Sirius' mischievous grin.
"What do you want?" Regulus asked immediately. "Hurry up and tell me so you'll leave me alone."
"What do you even do up here all day? I know you don't have any friends." Sirius questioned while looking around the dark room. The room was covered in pages from books, pictures of his family, and drawings. Two of the walls were covered in book shelves full of books about most likely dark arts but Regulus hadn't read them all so he didn't know.
"First of all I do have friends, second of all it's none of your business what do I up here. Now, what do you want?" Regulus insisted raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah and all of them are deatheaters," Sirius muttered. He wasn't all that wrong but Regulus rolled his eyes anyway. "Anywho I didn't come up here to question your taste in friendships."
"Andromeda sent me a photo recently of me and you when we were younger, and it reminded me of your 'Special Treatment' I used to give you." Sirius grinned taking out the photo.
It was of Regulus (who had to have been about 12) laying on the floor laughing his head off while Sirius sat on top of him vibrating his hands into Reggie's belly. The photo brought back the memories of all the times Sirius would give him 'Special Treatment' which was just Sirius' excuse to wreck him till he had tears in his eyes, a goofy smile imprinted on his face.
Regulus blushes looking at the photo, his body tensing up automatically. Regulus eyed Sirius warily as Sirius slowly approached.
"It's been a while since you've received any special treatment.." Sirius grinned. " We've got some catching up to do~"
"No!" Regulus yelled, panicking. "That shit is for little kids- DO NOT TOUCH ME!!" Regulus shouted as Sirius walked closer. Regulus crawled away, backwards, just now realizing that the door was closed.
"Oh Reggieeee~" Sirius teased.
"I'll- I'll never talk to you again!!" Regulus screamed threateningly. Sirius laughed, throwing his head back. Regulus scowled but say an apportunity and took it. He bolted straight twords the door, wrenching it open and running down stairs. He heard a very indignant "hEY!" from Sirius before footsteps were right behind him.
Panic struck him like a bolt of lightning making him run up the next staircase he saw. He ran into the nearest room hoping to find a place to hide. Unfortunately he ran right into a dead end which happened to be a spare bedroom for guests.
He looked around frantically for any escape routes but found the only one blocked by Sirius. He reached into his back pocket for his wand but found it to be gone. Sirius chuckled and pulled out Regulus' wand
"Looking for this?" He held it up. "No where left to go now Reggie~"
Butterflies were fluttering in his stomach, his face burning. Sirius took one more glance at Regulus before pouncing on him, wrestling him to the ground.
Sirius was more experienced with wrestling (thanks to James) but that didn't mean Regulus didn't put up a fight. He wasn't about to lose his dignity without at least punch Sirius once in the jaw.
"Ouch! Fuck- Reggie, stay STILL!" Sirius finally managed to pin Regulus' hands under his knees. By now light giggles would slip out of Regulus every now and then.
"What's wrong Reggie? The big bad tickle monster gonna come gettcha?" Sirius questioned while walking his fingers up his brother's sides.
"St-stohop- PAHAYtroHonizing.. me-" Regulus struggled to not burst into giggles.He turned his head left and right while Sirius continued to repeatedly walked his fingers on his sides and sometimes on his belly.
Regulus watched Sirius' hand hover over his stomach, wiggling his fingers slightly. Silence stretched over them for a few moments before Sirius dug his hand into Regulus' tummy.
"Nonononono-! ACK!! NahahaHaAh," Regulus squealed finally releasing the built in laughter.
"Yup, still as ticklish as I remember," Sirius dug into Reggie's bellybutton making him arch his back.
"Let's see.. are you still ticklish here?" Sirius poked his sides making Regulus giggle and nod his head.
"You are! What about... here?" He squeezed his knees making Regulus yelp before squeals started coming out of him.
Without warning Sirius dug into his brother's armpits making Regulus downright cackle.
He threw his head back, laughter pouring out of him like water from a river. Sirius took the chance to blow a raspberry on his exposed neck.
"NOHohOHoHO!! IHI'M goHOhOhnna kihihill yOHoHou!" Regulus laughed, squirming around trying to dislodge his hands. He managed to get one out from under Sirius' knees but Sirius just grabbed it with his hand, pinning above Reggie's head.
"Hmm now let's see.. if I recall you have a special rib?" Sirius asked. Regulus shook his head frantically.
"Oh? You don't? Cause I remember it being riiiight.." he pointed one finger on Regulus' highest rib and pressed down on it in a swirling motion. "here."
Regulus' laughing increased so that he was practically screaming.
"NAHAHAHAA SIHIIHURIHIUS NOHOHOHAHA-" Regulus pulled on his trapped arm to try and cover the spot. Sirius was ruthless and kneeded into the rib continuously.
"IHIHIHI CAHAHAN'T!! NOHOHO MOHOHORE!!" Regulus shouted after a minute of heaven hell.
"Alright, I'm done," Sirius said getting off of Reggie. Regulus instantly curled in on himself, giggling like a maniac.
Sirius sat next to him while he calmed down, grinning at him occasionally.
"Ihi- I hahate you.." was the first coherent thing Regulus said. Sirius laughed patting his brothers back.
"Alright, my turn," Regulus said rolling over to look at Sirius who's face flashed with panic.
"Only if you can catch me!" Sirius said running off, Regulus chasing after him.
Hope you like it it's a bit rushed
Happy Friday
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the-sun-is-also-a-star · 11 months
The Marauders Favourite Animated Movies
James - Cars or Madagascar
Sirius - Brother Bear or Despicable Me
Lily - Up! or Moana
Regulus - The Hunchback of Nortre Dame or Big Hero 6
Remus - How to Train Your Dragon or Kung Foo Panda
Marlene - Mulan or Treasure Planet
Dorcas - Corpse Bride or Coraline
Mary - Tangled or Chicken Little
Pandora - WALL-E or Rio
Barty - The Road to El Dorado or The Lego Batman Movie
Evan - Monsters Inc. or Bolt
Peter - Toy Story or Aladdin
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moonyhigh · 19 days
não consigo shipar remus e sirius sem ser um com o outro, tipo curto umas fanarts moonwater,remadora, sirity, sirimary,blackinonn, mas não gosto deles ao ponto de ler fanfic como casal principal (muito menos segundario), de fazer cenários sobre na minha cabeça, de criar uma pasta no pinterest com artes e aesthetic deles, ou de fazer post fofo aqui
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moonfl3uur · 9 months
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𝕾𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗧 𝕯𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠𝗦, quando se sonha, sua mente cria um pequeno enredo que você vai viver. E quando os meus sonhos são tão doces, minha imaginação flui entre as teclas transformando-as em em historias, de diversos mundos e trazendo aqueles que leem sentimentos e sensações distintas.
A todos que foram trazidos a esse livro e se dispuseram a ler, desejo uma boa viajem entre meus sonhos e minha farta imaginação.
"O louco, o amoroso e o poeta estão recheados de imaginação."
           ─ William Shakespeare.
─ׁ─ִ──ׁ ⭒ ִ─ׁ─ִ─ ⭑ ─ׁ─ִ─ׁ ⭑ ִ─ׁ─ִ─ׁ─ִ─ׁ 
‧₊˚ʚ꒷꒦ ˖˚˳⊹
₊๑₊ 〃antes de tudo, leiam isso↷ ⨯ ︵
𔓘 ࣪. ᭸ ׂ Todos os imagines postados aqui são de minha autoria, então peço que não respostem sem minha permissão e caso vejam, por favor me digam. ❜
𔓘 ࣪. ᭸ ׂ Leiam os avisos que vem antes dos imagines, atenção aos gatilhos e coisas abordadas neles. ❜
𔓘 ࣪. ᭸ ׂ Não estou aceitando pedidos e não sei se um dia vou aceitar, eu escrevo os imagines com base na minha criatividade e não quero deixar ninguém esperando por algo que nunca vou conseguir escrever. Mas caso um dia eu acertei, deixarei avisado. ❜
𔓘 ࣪. ᭸ ׂ Se quiserem ser marcados em algum imagens é só pedirem, na dm ou nos comentários, que eu vou colocar entre as tags.
𔓘 ࣪. ᭸ ׂ E se quiserem conteúdos adicionais meus, é me acompanhar nas minhas outras redes sociais, que estão no meu carrd. ❜
  ─ׁ─ִ──ׁ ⭒ ִ─ׁ─ִ─ ⭑ ─ׁ─ִ─ׁ ⭑ ִ─ׁ─ִ─ׁ─ִ─ׁ
ㅤㅤㅤ ᭸ ׂ ⬞ LISTA DE IMAGINES ◞ ࣪ ❀
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A garota da livraria, Spencer Reid
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Feliz aniversário, Sirius Black
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Feliz dia dos namorados, Harry Collett
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Give 'em the old kazzle dazzle Kazzle dazzle 'em Give 'em an act with lots of flash in it And the reaction will be passionate Give 'em the old hocus pocus Bead and feather 'em How can they see with sequins in their eyes? What if your hinges all are rusting? What if, in fact, you're just disgusting? Kazzle dazzle 'em And they'll never catch wise!
Give 'em the old kazzle dazzle Kazzle dazzle 'em Give 'em a show that's so splendiferous Row after row will crow vociferous Give 'em the old flim flam flummox Fool and fracture 'em How can they hear the truth above the roar? Throw 'em a fake and a finagle They'll never know you're just a bagel Kazzle dazzle 'em And they'll beg you for more!
Give 'em the old double whammy Daze and dizzy 'em Back since the days of old Methuselah Everyone loves the big bambooz-a-ler Give 'em the old three ring circus Stun and stagger 'em When you're in trouble, go into your dance Though you are stiffer than a girder They'll let you get away with murder Kazzle dazzle 'em And you've got a romance
Give 'em the old razzle dazzle Kazzle dazzle 'em Show 'em the first rate sorcerer you are Long as you keep 'em way off balance How can they spot you got no talents? Kazzle dazzle 'em Kazzle dazzle 'em Kazzle dazzle 'em And they'll make you a star!
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lynxindisguise · 8 months
olá linxin!!Acabei de ler sobre sua série multiverso e não posso te dizer o quanto adorei tudo!Gostaria de saber o que aconteceu entre Remus e Sirius no mundo deles que fez Sirius largar tudo e começar a viajar?
Desculpe para mau inglês
hi!! this is so sweet; I'm so happy you're enjoying it!!
I think I'm going to keep what went down in their home world a secret for now, but everything will be revealed eventually, I promise :)
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iinterludia · 8 months
Fanfic do Dia #2: Melhores Amigos - Vampira Black
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Era uma vez seis melhores amigos, James é o líder magnânimo, Sirius o garanhão sedutor, Remus o responsável apaixonado, Anabel a engraçadinha tímida, Paige a indefesa inteligente e Lily a corajosa cheia de segredos. Quando os seis se encontraram no primeiro ano a amizade se formou como se fosse amor a primeira vista, mas a adolescência pode mudar tudo afinal todos podem mudar de ideia não!? Todo estereotipo pode ser mudado. Amores, confusões, brigas, segredos e mistérios irão abalar esse grupo, mas eles irão provar que a amizade reina acima de tudo, afinal um amigo é para sempre.
TÍTULO: Melhores Amigos AUTOR(ES): Vampira Black CATEGORIA: Harry Potter COUPLE: James&Lilly GÊNERO: Romance, ficção adolescente TAGS: jily, alternative universe, mistério, ONDE LER: Fanfiction.Net
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MINI REVIEW [Alerta de Spoilers ⚠️]
Nas primeiras vezes que li eu gostava bastante e ainda curto muitas partes, mas o James é tão idiota que eu torci pra Lily ficar com o Sirius mesmo. Aliás, minha parte favorita é quando a Lily e o Sirius começam a namorar.
Não se pode exigir logo de primeira muito controle emocional de adolescentes. Digo isso pelo rolo que vai virar. 
Fora a construção dos personagens que até então na primeira vez eu achei diferente, naquela época eu não a experiência da leitura de muitas fanfics, mas desde o início era uma leitura que me agradava.
Já li outras fics da Vampira Black e posso afirmar que ela tem essa coisa de drama adolescente(ou adultos, depende da fic) com uma pegada bem série de tv mesmo. Eu lembro que em alguma história ela citou as inspirações dela nos doramas (muito antes das pessoas saberem o que era um drama asiático), animes e outras séries americanas. 
Mas assim, até pelo mistério mesmo, é uma história que vale a pena ler devagar.
Por hoje é só, e vamos para os recados finais:
Pedidos de betagem no Wonderful Designs retorna dia 01/02/24 (hoje), corre pra garantir um lugar no cronograma.
XOXO, Interludia.
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xflippinfrogx · 1 year
Birthday Traditions
A/N~ This is a gift to my favourite idiot, @theatre-enthusiast HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH<3 Hope you like it!!!! Love ya 💕💕 ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ FANDOM: Marauders
✨Just wanna say that this is based in an au where Sirius and Regulus escape to the potters together, just to make things easier for myself lol✨
LEE: Regulus
LER: Sirius ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
Regulus, covered his mouth in attempt to muffle his panting. Why did Sirius have to be such a pain??
Ok, so that was a lie. Regulus was just extremely nervous excited for what was about to happen to him. See back when they were kids they had this tradition, every year on little Reggie’s birthday Sirius would play his favourite game. What game you might ask?
Sirius liked to call it “Tickle Monster” and the rules were that he was allowed to tickle Regulus for as many minutes as whatever age it was he turned. As the two got older the game stopped. Their parents were never fond of the supposed ruckus it caused and after a while Regulus decided to agree with them, only seeking their approval. Though he truly loved their little game, he asked Sirius to stop. He was ten the first year their game was left unplayed and it was the worst birthday he ever had. He cried a lot that night but he never told Sirius. After all it was childish to want something like that.. right? That was sort of the reason he was hiding from it now, not because he didn’t enjoy it but because of his pride.
He was 14 this year so obviously he was much too grown up for his brothers foolishness.. He definitely wasn’t secretly hoping his brother would find him. Nope. No way..
He was hidden in one of the guest bedrooms behind the wardrobe. Luckily James and his parents were out shopping for dinner, he was rather glad of that because it meant they wouldn’t see this embarrassing situation he was excited to spend some time with Sirius and get W R E C K E D. He doubted that his hiding spot was all that great and it wouldn’t be long until he was found but that was all part of the fun. It always played out in a similar way. Regulus would run and hide and Sirius would ALWAYS have “trouble” finding him, building up the anticipation. After a few minutes the door creaked open and in stepped Sirius, who for once in his life was being quiet. He crept in and slowly began to search the room talking lowly to Regulus, though he couldn’t see him yet. “Reggg.. c’mon we both know what’s going to happen here.” A foot sticking slightly out from the corner caught his eye and he inched closer. “You run, I catch you and tickle you silly so why don’t we just skip the hard part eh?” Regulus had to hold his breath trying to stay as silent as he could manage with the threat of tickling mere steps away from him. “Huh.. guess you’re not in here then.” Sirius smirked as he sauntered out of the room shutting the door behind him.
Regulus exhaled deeply as he formed a plan. If Sirius had come from the stairs he was probably going to check his room next. If he was quick enough he could make it downstairs and find a better spot..
He slid out from behind the wardrobe and bolted for the door silently turning the knob. No sooner was the door open Sirius lunged forward, grabbed Regulus and threw him over his shoulder. Regulus pounded his fists on his back but Sirius had always been stronger so there was no getting out of this.. not that he actually wanted too-
Sirius set him down on the bed pinning his arms beneath his knees so he had both of his hands to work with. “Now Regulus Arcturus Black, you have turned what age this year?” Sirius asked in a playfully formal tone. “Fohourteen,” he couldn’t help but giggle at his brothers ridiculousness.
“I see, now you already know the rules but we haven’t played in a while so let’s go over them, shall we?” He questioned, unrolling a pretend scroll.
“Rule one, NO SLAPPING, BITING, KICKING, PUNCHING OR HARMING OF THE TICKLE MONSTER!! Feel like that one needs to be drilled into your head.” He accentuated his words by placing fingers on his brothers temples and massaging gently. “Alrihight alright I gehet it!” Regulus wasn’t even holding back anymore. The whole situation was just so silly. “Rule two, I get to tickle you for fourteen minutes bla bla bla you know the rest.” He threw the non existent scroll away and pretended to think for a moment. “I think we’ll start right here and work our way up, what do you think birthday boy?” He asked squeezing the tops of his thighs. Regulus wasn’t able to speak, even if he could he would have no words so he just nodded weakly. And so, Sirius started the timer with his wand and the game commenced. Regulus had forgotten how ticklish he was and hadn’t expected to lose it this early in the game. Sirius hadn’t even been going thirty seconds and he was in fits laughing. Sirius of course knew that he could do better than that and moved to his waist. Regulus spasmed and bucked his hips cackling as Sirius kneeled his thumbs into the soft fleshy parts of his hips. Suddenly Sirius decided to switch spots to mix things up a little. He skipped sides because he didn’t want giggles he wanted to hear some real belly laughter. So that’s exactly where he went. He poked his brothers stomach sporadically and Regulus s c r e a m e d. “AHHHAAHHAHA SIRIUHUHUS NAHAHAHAHA!!!” “Meherlin Reg the neighbours will think I’m killing you!!” He laughed alongside his now frantic little brother. Regulus thrashed and squealed as Sirius tortured his stomach, fingers slipping back to his hips every so often. He alternated between different spots for the next few minutes wanting to get every where before his time ran out. Soon enough he was down to 60 seconds. “You know what that means don’t you little brother?” Sirius smiled menacingly as he pulled his shirt up slightly. “Sihiriuhus wahahait you dohont have to do thihis!!” Regulus shook his head and tried to shimmy his t-shirt back down. “Oh believe me Reggie, I do have too, it’s tradition after all.” With that he took in an enormous breath and blew the sloppiest raspberry on his brother’s stomach. Regulus had been laughing before but this was his tipping point. His laughter bellowed through the house and didn’t even stop when Sirius pulled away to take in another breath. Sirius, though he could be a menace, stuck to his word. The timer went off and he stopped, helping Regulus up. He laughed at how his hair stuck up from his thrashing but soon helped him fix it. They heard the key turn in the door and the Potters made their way inside, with James yelling for the two to come and look what they had bought. “Happy birthday Regulus.” He smiled punching his brothers arm lightly. He turned for the door but before he could leave Regulus stepped forward and hugged him.
“Thank you sirius.. for all of this.” He smiled up at him. He was so glad things were back to how they used to be. “No problem Reggie, now cmon let’s go help before James loses the plot!”
The two brothers spent the rest of the night with their new family and Regulus couldn’t have asked for a more perfect birthday.
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potatohater · 2 years
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ticklish!james and ler!sirius, ad promised))
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iamawolfstarsimp · 2 years
Be right there
James was going to be late for quittitch practice and it was all Sirius' fault.
Okay maybe that was an exaggeration. But Sirius did help contribute to James' lateness.
For instance he and Sirius were doing an prank earlier (when James should have been getting ready for practice but Sirius convinced him) in the girls bathroom by setting off dungbombs in the stalls whenever someone would walk into them. But then when they were going to maybe get caught Sirius took the invisibility cloak for himself leaving James to run for it when Filtch came.
James ran up to the portrait of the Fat Lady quickly giving her the password and running up to his dorm. Sirius was already up there, smiling smugly while sitting on his bed.
"Where the fuck did you go?!" James shouted as soon as he saw Sirius. "I turned around and you were gone!!"
"Oh," Sirius said calmly. "You said run, I ran."
"No, I said 'Filch is coming, let's go" and I turned around and you were gone!" James corrected.
"Same thing," Sirius answered. James eyerolled behind his back. He had practice, he could deal with annoying Sirius later. He walked over to his trunk, rummaging around in it for his practice robes.
"Sirius, where are my robes?" James asked when he couldn't find them. Sirius shrugged.
"I don't know where you keep you're stuff," Sirius stated nonchalantly. "You're always leaving your shit everywhere, no wonder you lose it all the time."
James looked over at Sirius to see him trying (and failing) to hide a smile.
"Sirius where did you hide my robes?" James questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Hide? I didn't hide anything!" Sirius exclaimed starting to laugh.
"Suuureee you didn't," James mumbled walking over twords Sirius' bed. He leaned down and snatched his robes out from underneath his bed. James gave Sirius a look, holding the robes up. Sirius grinned back.
James shook his head fondly, walking into the bathroom to get changed. He exited the bathroom a few minutes later, dressed in his full practice gear.
"JAAAMES!!! ARE YOU READY FOR PRACTICE?!?" Marlene yelled from the bottom of the stairs. James chuckled before responding.
"Yep, coming! I'm just going to tickle the shit out of Sirius! Be right there!" James shouted back, staring right at Sirius' shocked face.
Marlene laughed before answering. "Alright! I'll be at the pitch waiting for you!" He heard her walk off.
"Heh-hey James, can we talk about thihis?" Sirius giggled crawling backwards as James advanced.
"Giggling already, Black?" James teased trying to grab Sirius' foot. Sirius glanced behind James at the door once and ran for it. He bolted from the bed trying to get past James. But James was faster. He grabbed Sirius around the middle and heaved him back onto the bed, pinning him down.
"Where do you think you're going?" James smirked. He immediately shoved his hands up Sirius' shirt, lightly scribbling on his belly. Sirius instantly was thrown into a giggle fit.
"That's right. Get allll those giggles out~" James smiled. He dipped his finger into Sirius' bellybutton just to watch him shriek. "What is it too tickly?"
"B-brihing it ohohon!!" Sirius challenged rising to the bait. James smirked and then his hands jumped to his friends armpits, digging into them. Sirius burst out laughing, squirming around trying to get away from the sensations overtaking his body. He bucked his hips trying to dislodge James' hold, tears pricking his eyes.
"NAhahAHaHA--YOHOHOU LIHITLLE- SHIHIHIHIT-!" Sirius cackled throwing his head back in laughter. James leaned forward rubbing his face all over Sirius' neck so that James' light stubble would tickle his neck. Sirius leaned his head as far away as he could, squealing and snickering.
James gave his armpits a break and just tickled his neck.
"Jahahames! Stahahaaap!!" Sirius whined through his giggles, his face scrunched up as he laughed.
Jamee ignored his request and instead blew a raspberry on his neck and his hands jumped down and squeezed his thighs. Sirius squealed and arched his back, laughing his head off.
He kicked his feet trying to get rid of the ticklish energy coursing through him.
"NAHAHAHA!! P-PLEHEHEASE!!" Sirius pleaded. Hearing Sirius actually reach his limit James blew one last raspberry before stopping. James admired a giggly, blushing, flustered Sirius. Sirius sat there shoulders shaking as he delt with residual tingles.
"Alright. Well, best be off." James said tweaking Sirius' ribs as he stood up making Sirius squeal and roll away.
"Tha-thahat was mehean.." Sirius said, face shoved into his mattress.
"Well that's what you get for leaving me in the dust and then hiding my stuff," James answered as he walked down the stairs.
It was worth it being late to practice.
Hope you liked this <3
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moonyhigh · 25 days
sirius não pode usar nada feminino porque é cultura woke demais
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lemme-just-oops · 2 years
Good day writer!! how about AT boys s/o love video games/ is a gamer
Alpheratz: Both of you are considered lazy by a lot of people, are you not? Just in different ways. He likes watching you play, and if you are frustrated over not getting a certain goal or achievement, give him the controller. He will get it for you. You may find him sleeping to some relaxing soundtracks.
Arcturus: He does not like gaming, but he let's you play as long as you like. If you play online with friends, he will always ask about them and how they are. Do not ler him play games like Sims though, because he will not see daylight for seven days.
Pollux: Compete against him in various multiplayer games! This man likes nintendo games, and he will play mario kart and mario party with you all day. If you prefer other games, he will sit nearby and play. Darw him to play dark souls, and he will cry for seven months, and never stop playing farm simulations.
Sirius: You play fictionally, he plays socially, there is not too much of a difference in his eyes. When you play online and people get upset, give your headset to him. He will turn into a little girl and talk to the orher playees while you crash their characters and pride.
Spica: He does not have the time to play and probably would not enjoy it either. If you do, he will buy you a nice selection of games or accessoires you may need. If you collect figures and merch, you will get them too, if he thinks you earned it. And spoiler alert, he thinks so.
Vega: You need a better chair! There is nothing wrong with high quality gaming chairs! And you need a screen adjustment! Better screens for you! Also- This will continue for a long time, until he has nothing more to add. Gaming can be bad, but he knows you like it, so he will try to make it as healthy as possible for you.
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pprongzs · 1 year
A adrenalina da vitória ainda corria pelas veias de James, mesmo horas depois da partida. Poucas experiências no mundo podiam lhe dar a mesma euforia de estar a trinta metros do chão em uma vassoura, completamente em sintonia com seu time no esporte que tanto amava. Aquilo significava um passo a menos para a Grifinória em direção à Taça, o que dava a ele como capitão grande satisfação, especialmente considerando que era seu último ano em Hogwarts e seria mentira dizer que não se importava em deixar sua marca na escola – orgulho nunca foi uma característica particularmente secreta da personalidade de Potter. Nem mesmo a necessidade de interromper precocemente sua participação na comemoração pós-vitória foi suficiente para estragar o humor de James, que tinha um sorriso largo permanentemente estampado em seus lábios. Lily, por outro lado, não parecia dividir do mesmo sentimento, visto que a garota estava com a expressão fechada desde que deixaram o Salão Comunal quase meia hora antes para atenderem às responsabilidades como Monitores-Chefe – McGonagall se mostrou irredutível quanto à manutenção das rondas mesmo diante da súplica de Sirius, visto que ‘condutas inadequadas e desrespeito ao toque de recolher são especialmente propícios em sextas-feiras, independente de jogos de Quadribol’. 
Um tanto desconfortável com o silêncio, James desviou o olhar novamente para a ruiva ao seu lado, que não proferira um sequer pio e – a não ser que ele estivesse perdendo a sanidade com a quietude – parecia estar evitando olhar de volta para ele. Com a prática dos últimos meses nessa dinâmica, James gostava de pensar que vinha ficando bom em ler as reações da outra e interpretar os limites de até quando poderia testar a paciência dela, mas também pensava que haviam se aproximado ao ponto de serem considerados amigos a esta altura e o tratamento de silêncio – especialmente quando não conseguia entender o motivo para tal – deixava James incomodado. Sem contar que, obviamente, ficar quieto não era o forte de James Potter. “Não me diga que estava torcendo para a Corvinal, Evans.” Testou com o tom bem-humorado, torcendo para que seu quê de nervosismo não permeasse a fala. “Arrisco dizer que você é a única grifana do castelo hoje que não está nas nuvens. Juro que vi até McGonagall comemorando nossa vitória de forma energética e você está com cara de quem está se segurando para não me azarar.”
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reglupin · 3 months
Resumo do capítulo: Damas, cavalheiros e amigos não binários. Eu vos apresento: Sirius Black.
Os dias passavam e os alunos andavam tontos carregando livros e mais livros, toda essa correria de aulas e deveres eram postas para todos acompanharem enquanto a rotina não mudasse para o torneio.
Após uma aula cansativa de defesa contra as artes das trevas, os marotos discutiam sobre os N.I.E.M.s -exames que os alunos do sétimo ano prestam para decidir qual melhor carreira seguir.
“Eu vou estar na linha de frente para impedir a guerra, eu até participei da reunião da ordem, na Páscoa”, dizia James. Em uma conversa conspiratória com os garotos.
Peter e Remus absorveram aquilo por alguns segundos (embora a guerra não fosse segredo para ninguém), era chocante saber que James participava de reuniões da ordem, sendo tão jovem. O ministério da magia não divulgava os sumiços e ataques repentinos contra mestiços e as mortes de trouxas, mas as notícias corriam por Hogwarts e todos sabiam que aos poucos bruxos das trevas tomavam conta do ministério.
“Minha família quer que eu entre para o ministério”, disse Peter, ele segurava a pena com tanta força que ela rangeu.
“Isso ajudaria na guerra, Pete. Você será muito importante para a ordem”, disse James. “E você, Moony?”
Remus encolheu os ombros, “Eu não pensei ainda”, disse.
A verdade é que Remus nunca imaginou sua vida depois de Hogwarts, seria um luxo se ele fosse livre. De qualquer forma, ninguém empregaria um lobisomem, ele sabia que sua vida seria sempre incerta -ele vagaria por lugares, procurando estabilidade e talvez conseguisse com os trouxas. Mas quem saberá? A guerra estava batendo na porta e até sangues puros como James não tinham certeza de muita coisa, então o que sobra para Remus?
Prongs segurou o ombro de Moony com firmeza, “Você saberá eventualmente, meu irmão.”
Remus assentiu e eles seguiram andando, porém quando chegaram ao saguão de entrada, viram-se impedidos de prosseguir pela aglomeração de alunos que havia ali, em torno de um grande aviso afixado ao pé da escadaria de mármore. Remus, o mais alto dos três, ficou nas pontas dos pés para ver por cima das cabeças à sua frente e ler o aviso.
As delegações de Beauxbatons e Durmstrang chegarão às seis horas, sexta-feira, 30 de outubro. A programação do dia...
“Genial!”, exclamou Remus, “É feitiços a última aula de sexta-feira! Não teremos aula com a Corvinal!”
Os alunos deverão guardar as mochilas e livros em seus dormitórios e se reunir na entrada do castelo para receber os nossos hóspedes antes da Festa de Boas-Vindas...
“É daqui a uma semana!”, exclamou Marcel MacMillan da Sonserina, saindo da aglomeração, os olhos brilhando. “Será que Azriel sabe? Acho que vou avisar a ele...”
“Azriel?”, repetiu Peter, sem entender, enquanto Marcel saía apressado.
“Doyle”, disse James. “Ele irá inscrever-se no torneio”
“Eu sei quem é”, disse Peter, sentia o coração parar enquanto abriam caminho pelo ajuntamento de alunos para chegar à escadaria. Azriel não falou com ele desde o voto perpétuo, três dias atrás.
A afixação do aviso no saguão de entrada teve um efeito sensível nos moradores do castelo. Durante a semana seguinte, parecia haver um assunto nas conversas, onde quer que eles fossem: o Torneio Tribruxo. Os boatos voavam de um aluno para outro como um germe excepcionalmente contagioso: quem ia ser o campeão de Hogwarts, que é que o torneio exigia e como seriam os campeões de Beauxbatons e Durmstrang.
Remus notou, também, que o castelo estava sofrendo uma faxina mais do que rigorosa. Vários retratos encardidos tinham sido escovados, as janelas manchadas agora límpidas e tudo cheirava a jasmins. Os funcionários pareciam estranhamente tensos.
“Pettigrew, tenha a bondade de não revelar que você não consegue lançar um simples Feitiço de transformação diante de alguém de Durmstrang!”, vociferou a Profa Minerva ao fim de uma aula particularmente difícil, em que Pettigrew acidentalmente transplantara as próprias orelhas para um cacto. O garoto estava com a mente em outro mundo desde que ouvirá Marcel MacMillan falar de Azriel.
Quando as meninas desceram para o café na manhã do dia 30 de outubro, descobriram que o Salão Principal fora ornamentado durante a noite.
Grandes bandeiras de seda pendiam das paredes, cada uma representando uma casa de Hogwarts – a vermelha com um leão dourado da Grifinória, a azul com uma águia de bronze da Corvinal, a amarela com um texugo negro da Lufa-Lufa e a verde com uma serpente de prata da Sonserina. Por trás da mesa dos professores, a maior bandeira de todas tinha o brasão de Hogwarts: leão, águia, texugo e serpente unidos em torno de uma grande letra “H”.
Peter, Mary, Jo e Lene viram Remus e James à mesa da Grifinória. Mais uma vez, e muito anormalmente, os dois estavam sentados à parte dos demais e conversavam em voz baixa. Peter se encaminhou para os dois.
“Ele me contou, sim”, dizia James sombriamente a Remus. “Mas não tivemos tempo de conversar muito por causa de Slughorn, enfim, acho que ele vai evitar a gente até lá.”
“Quem é que está evitando vocês?”, perguntou Peter, sentando-se ao lado deles.
Antes que James respondesse, Lily Evans se aproximou e o garoto automaticamente se envolveu numa grande bolha com a ruiva.
“Vocês já tiveram alguma idéia para o Torneio Tribruxo?”, perguntou Mary, “Continuam pensando quando vão por os nomes?”
“Perguntei a McGonagall como é que os campeões são escolhidos, mas ela não quis dizer”, respondeu Lene com amargura.
“James quer que todos se inscrevam ao mesmo tempo, mas Moony não participará”, disse Peter, inocente.
As garotas olharam para Remus, o menino tentou não demonstrar desconforto.
“Fico imaginando quais vão ser as tarefas”, adicionou Peter, pensativo. “Sabe, aposto que poderíamos dar conta, James e eu já fizemos coisas perigosas antes...”
Ele parou de falar no momento que percebeu o que disse, até James olhava para ele com os olhos arregalados. Mary e Lene se inclinaram para ele, sobrancelhas erguidas.
“E que coisas são essas, Peter?”, perguntou Mary.
Ele abriu e fechou a boca várias vezes, sem saber o que dizer. Mary é esperta, se ele disser algo errado, ela vai descobrir segredos que não pertencem a ele. Peter já contou espontaneamente para Azriel sobre Remus.
“Ah, esquece”, ele sorriu amarelo. “Acho que jogar quadribol durante uma tempestade não é perigoso”
“Não, não mesmo”, disse Lene, soando desapontada.
Peter sacudiu a cabeça e se concentrou nos ovos mexidos, ficando em silêncio. Mary contemplou o teto, enfeitiçado para parecer ensolarado, Lene fingiu-se extremamente interessada no bacon que havia em seu prato.
James, no entanto, descansou os cotovelos na mesa e olhou para as colegas, “Escuta aqui, garotas, vocês já foram à cozinha?”
“Não, claro que não” respondeu Lily secamente. “É proibido alunos lá”
“Bom, isso nunca impediu os marotos”, piscou James, “Estive lá várias vezes para afanar comida. Faremos uma festa na sala comunal depois do jantar, todos estão convidados.”
“Eu já disse hoje que eu amo você?”, indagou Mary com um sorriso cintilante, “Abençoado seja, Potter. Estava precisando mesmo beber”
“Ao seu dispor, Macdonald”, disse ele com uma piscadela.
“O que vamos comemorar?”, perguntou Lily.
“Estaremos comemorando em nome de tudo”, disse James, dando um beijo melado em Lily.
“Ew, pare com isso”, a ruiva empertigou-se.
“Não seja difícil, Lily Evans. Eu fui feita para você, me deixe fazer o trabalho para o qual nasci”, disse ele beijando ela várias vezes no rosto.
“Pare com isso, Potter”, começou Lily, mas suas palavras seguintes foram abafadas pelo ruído de asas que vinha do alto anunciando a chegada das corujas com o correio.
Remus ergueu os olhos e, na mesma hora, avistou Briselda que voava em sua direção. Ele e James observaram a coruja, ansiosos, enquanto a ave batia as asas rapidamente para descer e pousar no ombro de James depois fechou-as e estendeu a perna. James desamarrou a carta e ofereceu a Briselda suas aparas de bacon, que ela comeu grata. Então, James leu a carta de Frank Longbottom, aos cochichos, para somente Remus ouvir:
Caros amigos, estou enviando uma nova carta para anunciar que eu e Alice decidimos nos casar. Nossa admissão para a corporação de aurores foi um enorme e belo sucesso, pensamos em nossos meses de sorte e sobre o quanto batalhamos desde Hogwarts e decidimos que nosso amor não pode esperar.
O convite de casamento está muito informal e eu peço mil desculpas por isso, Alice quer algo pequeno e sente falta das amigas. Eu, obviamente, sinto falta dos meus.
Vejo vocês no dia 1 de novembro, na Toca.
Frank e Alice Longbottom.
Remus enrolou a carta e olhou para James, este sorria tão amplamente que parecia receber a notícia de sua vida. Ele se virou bruscamente para os amigos, conversando entre si sobre o torneio tribruxo, a coruja pulou desconcertada até Remus.
“Obrigado, Briselda”, disse acariciando-a. Ela meteu o bico rapidamente no cálice de suco de laranja do garoto, depois tornou a levantar voo.
“Adivinhem quem vai se casar!”, exclamou James. Todos olharam para o garoto agitado e se curvaram com os cotovelos na mesa.
Mary tremeu um sorriso, “Não me diga que...”
Havia uma sensação de agradável expectativa no ar aquele dia. Ninguém prestou muita atenção às aulas, pois estavam bem mais interessados na chegada das comitivas de Beauxbatons e Durmstrang à noite; todos comentavam pelos corredores sobre os convidados.
Quando a sineta tocou mais cedo, os marotos subiram depressa para a Torre da Grifinória, largaram as mochilas e os livros, vestiram as capas e desceram correndo para o saguão de entrada.
Os diretores das Casas estavam organizando os alunos em filas.
“Potter, endireite o chapéu”, disse a Profa Minerva secamente a James. “Srta. Macdonald, tire essa coisa ridícula dos cabelos.”
Mary fez cara feia e retirou o lenço dos cabelos, James tirou o chapéu quando Minerva virou e rebolou para longe deixando seus cabelos selvagens e livres.
“Sigam-me, por favor”, mandou a professora. “Alunos da primeira série à frente, sem empurrar...”
Eles desceram os degraus da entrada e se enfileiraram diante do castelo. Fazia um fim de tarde frio e límpido; o crepúsculo vinha chegando devagarinho e uma lua nova e transparente já brilhava sobre a Floresta Proibida.
Remus, postado entre James e Peter na sétima fileira da frente para trás, viu Christopher Morgan decididamente trêmulo de expectativa entre os colegas da sexta série.
“Quase seis horas”, comentou Peter, verificando o relógio e depois espiando o caminho que levava aos portões, “Como é que vocês acham que eles vêm? De trem?”
“Duvido”, respondeu Remus.
“Vassouras?”, arriscou Peter, erguendo os olhos para o céu estrelado.
“Não vindo de tão longe...”, disse Lily, ao lado de James.
“Quem sabe aparatando”, aventurou Peter.
“Não se pode aparatar nos terrenos de Hogwarts”, falou Lily com impaciência.
Os marotos examinavam excitados e atentos os jardins cada vez mais escuros, mas nada se movia; tudo estava quieto e silencioso como sempre. Remus começava a sentir frio. Desejou que os visitantes chegassem logo... talvez os estudantes estrangeiros estivessem preparando uma entrada teatral... Lembrou-se do que Effie disse certa vez em seus habituais chá da tarde: “Os bruxos são sempre escandalosos, não resistimos à tentação”
E então Dumbledore falou em voz alta da última fileira, onde aguardava com os outros professores:
“Aha! A não ser que eu muito me engane, a delegação de Durmstrang está chegando!”
Remus prestou atenção; um barulho alto e estranho chegava até eles através da escuridão; um ronco abafado mesclado a um ruído de sucção, como se um imenso aspirador de pó estivesse se deslocando pelo leito de um rio. De sua posição, no alto dos gramados, de onde descortinavam a propriedade, eles tinham uma visão desimpedida da superfície escura e lisa da água – exceto que ela repentinamente deixara de ser lisa. Ocorria alguma perturbação no fundo do lago; grandes bolhas se formavam no centro, e suas ondas agora quebravam nas margens de terra – e então, bem no meio do lago, apareceu um rodamoinho, como se alguém tivesse retirado uma tampa gigantesca do seu leito...
Algo que parecia um pau comprido e preto começou a emergir lentamente do redemoinho, e então Remus avistou o velame. Lenta e imponentemente o navio saiu das águas, refulgindo ao luar. Tinha uma estranha aparência esquelética, como se tivesse ressuscitado de um naufrágio, e as luzes fracas e enevoadas que brilhavam nas escotilhas lembravam olhos fantasmagóricos.
Finalmente, com uma grande espalhação de água, o navio emergiu inteiramente, balançando nas águas turbulentas, e começou a deslizar para a margem. Alguns momentos depois, ouviram a âncora ser atirada na água rasa e o baque surdo de um pranchão ao ser baixado sobre a margem.
Havia gente desembarcando, os marotos viram silhuetas passarem pelas luzes das escotilhas. Os recém-chegados pareciam ter físicos semelhantes aos de Mulciber... mas então, quando subiram as encostas dos jardins e chegaram mais próximos à luz que saía do saguão de entrada, Remus viu que aquela aparência maciça se devia às capas de peles de fios longos e despenteados que estavam usando. Mas o homem que os conduzia ao castelo usava peles de um outro tipo; sedosas e prateadas como os seus cabelos.
“Dumbledore!”, cumprimentou ele cordialmente, ainda subindo a encosta. “Como vai, meu caro, como vai?”
“Excelente, obrigado, Prof. Karkaroff.”
O homem tinha uma voz ao mesmo tempo engraçada e untuosa; quando ele entrou no círculo de luz das portas do castelo, os garotos viram que era alto e magro como Dumbledore, mas seus cabelos brancos eram curtos, e a barbicha não escondia inteiramente o seu queixo fraco. Quando alcançou Dumbledore, apertou-lhe a mão com as suas duas.
“Maxime já chegou?”, perguntou o homem.
“Deve estar aqui a qualquer momento”, disse Dumbledore. “Gostaria de esperar aqui para recebê-la ou prefere entrar para se aquecer um pouco?”
“Agradeço, Dumbledore. Vou levar meus alunos, se não se importa... Venham”, disse secamente, guiando os alunos e o pessoal de Hogwarts se afastou para deixá-los subir os degraus de pedra.
“Você conseguiu ver algum garoto bonito?”, perguntou Jo, esticando-se por trás de Lene para falar com Mary.
“Eu vi muitos garotos, nenhum sequer aceitável”, respondeu Mary.
“Não estamos com sorte”, suspirou Jo.
“Calma, garotas. Estamos aqui para receber visitantes e não pelos garotos”, disse Lily.
Mary e Jo olharam para ela incertas.
“Você diz isso porque namora a porra do James Potter”, disse Mary. Lily corou, James estava atrás dela com os braços em volta de seu corpo.
Eles continuaram parados, agora tremendo um pouco de frio, à espera da delegação de Beauxbatons. A maioria das pessoas contemplava o céu, Jo tinha um binóculo.
“São eles!”, exclamou James.
“Onde?”, perguntaram muitos alunos, olhando em diferentes direções.
“Ali!”, gritou Marlene, apontando para o céu sobre a Floresta.
Alguma coisa grande, muito maior do que uma vassoura, voava em alta velocidade pelo céu azul-escuro em direção ao castelo e se tornava cada vez maior.
“É um dragão!”, gritou esganiçada uma aluna primeiranista da Sonserina, perdendo completamente a cabeça.
“Deixa de ser burra... é uma casa voadora!”, disse Dorcas Meadows.
O palpite de Dorcas estava mais próximo... quando a sombra gigantesca e escura sobrevoou as copas das árvores da Floresta Proibida e as luzes que brilhavam nas janelas do castelo a iluminaram, eles viram uma enorme carruagem azul-claro do tamanho de um casarão, que voava para eles, puxada por doze cavalos alados, cada um parecendo um elefante de tão grande.
As três primeiras fileiras de alunos recuaram quando a carruagem foi baixando para pousar a uma velocidade fantástica – então, com um baque estrondoso que fez Peter saltar para trás e pisar no pé de um aluno da lufa-lufa –, os cascos dos cavalos, maiores que pratos, bateram no chão. Um segundo mais tarde, a carruagem também pousou, balançando sobre as imensas rodas, enquanto os cavalos dourados agitavam as cabeçorras e reviravam os grandes olhos cor de fogo.
Remus só teve tempo de ver que a porta da carruagem tinha um brasão - duas varinhas cruzadas e de cada uma saíam três estrelas -, antes que ela se abrisse.
Um garoto de vestes azul-claro saltou da carruagem, curvado para a frente, mexeu por um momento em alguma coisa que havia no chão da carruagem e abriu uma escadinha de ouro. Em seguida, recuou respeitosamente.
Remus viu um sapato preto e lustroso sair de dentro da carruagem – um sapato do tamanho de um trenó de criança – acompanhado, quase imediatamente, pela maior mulher que ele já vira na vida. Seus cabelos estavam puxados para trás e presos em um coque na nuca. Vestia-se da cabeça aos pés de cetim negro e brilhavam numerosas opalas em seu pescoço e nos dedos grossos.
Dumbledore começou a aplaudir; os estudantes, acompanhando a deixa, prorromperam em palmas, muitos deles nas pontas dos pés, para poder ver melhor a mulher.
O rosto dela se descontraiu em um gracioso sorriso e ela se dirigiu a Dumbledore, estendendo a mão faiscante de anéis. O diretor, embora alto, mal precisou se curvar para beijar-lhe a mão.
“Minha cara Madame Maxime”, disse. “Bem-vinda a Hogwarts.”
“Dumbly-dorr”, disse Madame Maxime, com uma voz grave. “Esperro encontrrá-lo de boa saúde.”
“Excelente, obrigado”, respondeu Dumbledore.
“Meus alunos”, disse Madame Maxime, acenando descuidadamente uma de suas enormes mãos para trás.
Remus, cuja atenção estivera focalizada inteiramente em Madame Maxime, reparou, então, que uns doze garotos e garotas – todos, pelo físico, no fim da adolescência – haviam descido da carruagem e agora estavam parados ao lado de Madame Maxime. Todos tremiam de frio, o que não surpreendia, pois suas vestes eram feitas de finíssima seda e nenhum deles usava capa, - exceto um.
Foi então que Remus o viu – um garoto no círculo de luz projetado pelo saguão de entrada, jazia ao lado de um homem com expressões rígidas que lhe cochichou algo antes de deixá-lo sozinho. Estava parado como se o frio não o incomodasse, olhava ao redor fascinado, diferente de seus colegas que olhavam o castelo com expressões apreensivas. Estava de meio perfil para os observadores, as mãos enfiadas nos bolsos do sobretudo e os pés calçados em sapatos de verniz, como um verdadeiro britânico. Regulus Black se aproximou e abraçou o garoto como a um irmão, segurando seu corpo por cima dos ombros. Todos encararam interessados os dois conversando em outro idioma, apesar de Regulus parecer envergonhado com a atenção que recebia.
Com alguma surpresa, Remus constatou a perfeita beleza do garoto. O rosto pálido, fino, sereno, os cabelos ondulados negros como carvão que o emolduravam, a boca meiga, o nariz reto, a expressão de suave e divina dignidade — tudo isso lembrava esculturas gregas dos melhores tempos e, ao lado da pureza ideal das formas, tinha um encanto tão raro, tão pessoal que Remus julgava jamais ter visto, nem na natureza nem nas artes plásticas, alguma obra igualmente perfeita.
O que, fora isso, chamava-lhe a atenção era o contraste evidentemente proposital entre os princípios pedagógicos que norteavam os trajes e a educação geral dos estudantes. As garotas usavam vestidos de seda azul-claro e penteados lisos, energicamente colados às cabeças. Os garotos usavam vestes azul-claro e echarpes branco pérola. Era visível que a brandura e o carinho orientavam a vida do garoto. Haviam evitado desbastar com a tesoura a formosa cabeleira, os cachos caíam sobre a testa, as orelhas e a própria nuca. A camisa branca transparente se adelgaçavam mais para baixo do blazer azul-claro e as mangas fofas estreitavam os delicados pulsos – a cintura marcada conferia ao delgado corpo um quê de riqueza e luxo.
Um vento gelado fez Remus tremer, mas o outro garoto sequer piscou, seus cachos negros esvoaçavam ao sopro do vento leste que se levantara. Um brilho sedoso, esbranquiçado, pairava sobre a vastidão, passou preguiçosamente por seus olhos.
De repente, ele virou a cabeça e seus olhos encontraram os de Remus. Seus olhos acinzentados encararam Remus com curiosidade, ele falou algo para Regulus que fez-lhe olhar para Remus também. Todos que olhavam para os garotos viraram a cabeça em busca da razão de sua admiração – Remus corou furiosamente.
“Vamos”, disse Madame Maxime imperiosamente aos seus alunos, ficou claro quem era sua prioridade quando ela agarrou a mão do garoto. Ele tocou o ombro de Regulus antes de sair e como um verdadeiro lorde ele segurou a mão da mulher e todos os outros acompanharam atrás.
Ao passar por Remus seu olhar se demorou. Foi nesse segundo que ele sorriu, que lhe lançou um sorriso eloquente, íntimo, encantador, aberto, que só lentamente lhe descerrou os lábios. Era o sorrir de Narciso debruçado sobre o espelho d’água, aquele sorriso profundo, enfeitiçado, enlevado, com o qual estende os braços à imagem da própria beleza.
Remus sentiu o coração batendo com a força de mil cavalos. Ouviu-se ao redor suspiros apaixonados, Remus tirou seus olhos do garoto apenas para olhar ao redor.
Mary, James, Lene, Jo, Dorcas, Christopher, Lily, Peter e até Snape encaravam o garoto hipnotizados.
Quando ele procurou pelo belo menino, este já havia entrado na companhia da diretora e seus colegas
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