dyk3leepuppy · 4 months
accidentally thought abt being babied and tickled 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
May I have lee!Cancerlord hcs with (from the tickly alphabet list) B, D, G, L, and U?
@jav-animations this is all your fault you got me into the fandom (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
Headcanons ✨
B - How do they react to bondage, do they enjoy it and if yes, what is their favorite pose?
Bondage for him is a difficult topic. While he wants to reduce his enemies, aka lees, to the lowest so they can't defend themselves, he won't rely on merely rope or restraints. Cancerlord is all for a challenge and wants his victim to put up a fight. It's much more fun and gives him a HUGE power trip once he inevitably wins
D - What is their most ticklish spot?
Underarms 100%. He's gonna double over and shriek, so be prepared for some pretty impressive reflexes and all (also known as a fist through the face) Cancerlord doesn't seem to understand the concept of wearing more protection once in a tickle fight but the dumbass doesn't care and just assumes he'll win. Take him off his high horse will ya'?
G - How do they react to gentle tickles?
They annoy the hell out of them; it itches to an infuriating amount and he will do whatever he can to get you off of him. Even while restrained, he will fight to his final breath, well aware you're just toying with him and his spots. Now his reaction is a little different when it comes to his underarms. Thrashing, yes, but with a sort of strained grin going on for him. It's so wide, it might as well be a wolf grinning
L - What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
Very hearty and very nice to listen to, albeit guttural and that will only increase the longer/harder you go at him. Somehow, if he's a pile of mush beneath your fingertips, Cancerlord will...scream. His laughter being so damn baritone and loud, it vibrates off your eardrums
U - Do they have some unusual tickle spots? Where?
Right behind the ears and on the palms of his hands. The lightest touches there, especially if it is a light tool such as a feather will make him jump 50 feet
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imninahchan · 1 month
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𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖ 𐙚 ⌜ 𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐒: 3some, swann!namoradinho, enzo!fotógrafo, fetiche por foto como chama não sei, bebida alcoólica, cigarro (não fumem!), dirty talk (elogios, dumbification e degradação tudo junto) oral e masturbação fem, tapinhas, masturbação masc, sexo sem proteção (proibido entre as sócias desse blog). Termos em francês ou espanhol — petit poète (pequeno poeta), merci (obrigada), pour la muse (para a musa), Sé que más tarde suplicarás por mí, nena, tan lejos que tu gringo no oye (sei que vai implorar por mim mais tarde, nena, tão longe que o seu gringo não ouve), Eres una perra, lo sé (você é uma cadela, eu sei)⁞ ♡ ̆̈ ꒰ 𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑨𝑺 𝑫𝑨 𝑨𝑼𝑻𝑶𝑹𝑨 ꒱ colidindo dois mundos diferentes das girls ─ Ꮺ !
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VOCÊ NUNCA DUVIDOU DO TALENTO DE ENZO nem por um segundo. Aqui, finalmente apreciando a exposição, seus olhos se enchem ao ver o resultado de tantas horas frente às lentes dele naquele estúdio. Se vê maravilhada com a perspectiva artística do uruguaio, na forma sensível com que te captou. Os seus pezinhos no chão de madeira do apartamento dele. Os seus joelhos manchados de tinta esgueirando por baixo da barra do vestido. O seu olhar perdido, sentada na otomana vintage ao piano, os fios de cabelo bagunçados, na sala da sua casa mesmo. É de uma satisfação enorme se enxergar pelos olhos dele quando a visão é fascinante o suficiente pra beijar o seu ego. É como ler poesia, e não ser o poeta enfim, mas o poema.
“Para o nosso petit poète!”, Swann saúda, servindo a taça do Vogrincic. Champanhe escorre pela garrafa de marca chique, recém-aberta. Já é a segunda rodada de espumante e comemorações, se contar o festejo de taças e elogios cordiais durante a exibição mais cedo. Agora, um pouco mais intimista, só vocês três no conforto da decoração boho maximalista da casa. Merci, Enzo arrisca na língua local, espalmando a mão no peito, por cima da camisa social, e com aquele olhar agradecido. “Pour la muse”, Swann te serve, com um sorriso, e você faz charme, balançando os ombros.
A garrafa retorna para o balde com gelo. O francês puxa do bolso do blazer o maço de cigarro e saca um, guardando o resto. Risca o isqueiro, acende. Depois do primeiro trago, prossegue, “Foi um sucesso. Definitivamente.”, embora o artista latino pareça mais humilde. “Amanhã você vai estar no Le Monde, no Le Parisien, todos os jornais… Todos aqueles críticos de nariz empinadinho pareciam maravilhados.”
Enzo faz que não, com certeza ainda incrédulo após um dia inteirinho nas nuvens. “Obrigada pela oportunidade, é a minha primeira exposição assim, numa galeria fora do Uruguai”, explica, “e mostrar o meu trabalho junto com artistas incríveis é… Uma honra. De verdade.”, os olhinhos castanhos brilham. 
Swann não quer levar as flores sozinho, te oferece um olhar de canto de olho, “Tem é que agradecer a ela”, lembra, “está apaixonada pelas suas lentes.”
O uruguaio te mira com doçura, “claro”, diz. Pega na sua mão, trazendo à meia altura, “não poderia deixar de agradecer à minha musa”, e beija, “a maior arte dessa noite era você, nena.”
Você se exibe mais diante o elogio, pomposa. Já sente as bochechas queimando de tanto sorrisos fáceis, tanto regozijo, mas mantém a pose de diva, o que não falha em fazê-los rir. “Sempre quis ser musa”, conta, ajeitando os cabelos, de queixo erguido, “quando eu conheci o Swann, ele já estava trabalhando na galeria, não pintava mais”, os beicinhos crispam, numa adorável tristeza teatral, “ainda bem que a sua câmera me encontrou, Enzo.”
“Impossível não te encontrar quando se destaca tanto”, o tom dele se torna ainda mais terno, “não precisei de muito esforço, só tive olhos pra ti desde o começo”. Leva a taça à boca, prova um gole, “Acho que morreria de ciúmes se você fosse minha”, os dedos correm pelos lábios recolhendo a umidade, enquanto os olhos retornam para a figura grisalha no ambiente. 
Não, ele não sente ciúmes, é você que rebate primeiro, com bom humor, ele é francês. Swann ri, sopra a fumaça na direção do quintal, a porta de vidro aberta. Descansa o braço nos seus ombros, “E não posso ser tão egoísta ao ponto de ficar com uma obra-prima dessa só pra mim, não é?”
Você toma nos dedos o cigarro da boca dele, oui, mon amour, e traga. Enzo te observa puxando a fumaça, o seu batom vermelho marcando o pito. Nota, também, a maneira com que o Arlaud te contempla — os olhos azuis banhados a afeto, cintilantes. Tão rendido, tão vassalo. Não o julga, entretanto. Enquanto te eternizava nas imagens, com certeza deve ter te mirado com a mesma significância. 
“Não acha, Enzo?”, o eco da voz caramelada do outro homem desperta o fotógrafo, ao que murmura hm?, molhando a garganta mais uma vez para escutá-lo. “Quer dizer, olha só pra ela… me apaixonei na primeira vez em que a vi”, Swann confessa. Vai chegando com o rosto mais perto de ti, revelando, “...tão bonita, saindo do mar. Pele salgada. Parecia o nascimento de Vênus, ali na minha frente”, até recostar a ponta do nariz na sua bochecha, rindo quando você ri também, vaidosa. “Não dá vontade de beijá-la?”, a pergunta tem ouvinte certo. Os olhos claros voltando-se para os castanhos. “Eu sei que teve vontade de beijá-la em algum momento durante as sessões. Não precisa mentir.”
Em outro momento, talvez com pessoas diferentes, Enzo não se sentiria tão à vontade feito está agora. É que a energia entre vocês três é singular, entenda. Desde o primeiro momento que conheceu o uruguaio, a sua atração física e pelo cérebro de artista dele foi perceptível — além de mútua. E Swann, ele é francês, e são um casal que foge o tradicional, que experimentam. Não é uma ameaça pra ele saber que um homem te deseja. Na verdade, dá ainda mais tesão. 
Enzo pega o cigarro dentre os seus dedos, leva à própria boca. Traga. A fumaça escapa, nubla a face de traços fortes de uma forma cativante, quase que sensual. “É”, admite em voz alta, “tive vontade de beijá-la… tocá-la… diversas vezes desde que a conheci”, está com o foco das íris castanhas nos seus lábios, “aliás, tô sentindo agora.”
O sorrisinho de satisfação estampado na sua cara é inevitável. 
Swann recolhe o pito de volta para si, das mãos de um latino totalmente indiferente ao tabaco, preso à sua figura. Enquanto traga, a voz do francês soa como um demoniozinho nos ombros do outro homem, encorajando, então, beija, como se a solução fosse a mais simplória do mundo. 
O Vogrincic assiste a sua mão espalmar no peito dele; os anéis dourados, as unhas num tom terroso. Você mergulha os dedos entre os botões defeitos da camisa social dele para capturar pingente da correntinha. O olha. Aquela carinha de quem tá querendo muito ser tomada nos braços, devorada. Uma ânsia à qual ele não te nega. 
Pega na sua nuca, a palma quente conquistando espaço. Firme. Fica mais fácil te conduzir para mais perto, trazer o seu corpo pra colar no dele. Encaixar, invadir, sorver. Sente o gosto do espumante, o pontinho amargo do cigarro na sua língua. Um ósculo intenso, diferente do que está acostumada. É puramente carnal, desejoso. Parece que quer te engolir, verga a sua coluna um bocadinho, sobrepondo o próprio corpo por cima. Estalado, e profundo. Cheio de apetite. A taça por pouco não cai dos seus dedos. 
Quando se aparta, é porque o peito queima de vontade de respirar. Ofegam, ambos. A visão dos lábios dele até inchadinhos, avermelhados pelo seu batom, é alucinante. O uruguaio nem se dá ao trabalho de limpar as manchinhas rubras, como quem sabe que a bagunça ainda vai ser maior.
Swann apanha a taça da sua mão para entornar um gole. Ri, soprado. Bom, não é? A pergunta faz o Vogrincic se perder, outra vez, no deslumbre da sua figura. Um olhar de fome, daqueles que precedem o próximo bote. Vê o francês estalar um beijo na sua bochecha, bem humorado, e depois ir descendo pelo seu pescoço. A forma com que segura na sua nuca, guia a sua boca até a dele. Faz o uruguaio sentir um tiquinho de ciúmes, sabe? Mesmo que tenha plena consciência de que não teria justificativas pra esse tipo de sentimento. Já era de se esperar um nível aflorado de intimidade entre você e o seu homem. O roçar da pontinha dos narizes, o mordiscar implicante que ele deixa nos seus lábios, rindo, feito um menino apaixonado, não deveria surpreender o fotógrafo. Mas surpreende. Instiga. Esquenta. 
Enzo traga o pito pela última vez antes de se apressar pra apagá-lo no cinzeiro da mesinha de centro e soprar a fumaça no ar. Ávido, as mãos viajando em direção ao seu corpo — uma firme na sua cintura, e a outra ameaçando tomar o posto na nuca. Swann o interrompe, um toque contendo o ombro e a proximidade de um certo latino com muita sede ao pote. “Aprecia, mas não se acostuma”, avisa, com um sorriso, “tem que tratá-la muito bem pra fazê-la te querer de novo.”
Enzo te olha, analisa. Parece que as palavras estão paradinhas na ponta da língua, porém as engole, prefere te beijar novamente, te tocar novamente. Afinco. Te domina, mostra soberania com o corpo pesando sobre o teu. Você cambaleia, abalada por tamanha intensidade, as costas se apoiam no peito do Arlaud. 
Os beijos escorregam pelo seu pescoço, desenham o decote da sua blusa, por cima do tecido, descendo até a barriga. É crível que vai se ajoelhar, porém acaba tomando outro rumo, retornando com o foco pro seu rosto. “Vou deixar o seu homem te chupar”, diz, com uma marra tão palpável que um sorriso não deixa aparecer nos seus lábios, “porque eu sempre morri de vontade de saber como era meter em ti”, e oferece um olhar ao francês, “deixa a sua mulher molhadinha pra mim?”
Tipo, a construção da frase, a entonação, os trejeitos do uruguaio; tudo faz soar como uma provocação. E, de fato, é. Um homem como Enzo não sabe amar mais de uma vez e muito menos partilhar esse amor. Mas Swann leva tudo com o bom humor de sempre. Faz um aceno com a cabeça, ajeitando-te para que possa encará-lo. Aquele sorrisinho de dentes pequeninos que você tanto acha um charme. O assiste retirar o blazer, fazendo um suspensezinho, além de dar a entender que vai literalmente ‘colocar a mão na massa’. É engraçado como o seu corpo não abandona o estado de calmaria. Poderia estar com o coração acelerado, o sangue correndo nas veias, por diversos motivos, porém tem tanta certeza de que vai sentir prazer ao máximo que não anseia por acelerar nada. 
Swann te conhece muito bem. Cada detalhezinho na sua pele, cada região erógena, cada fio de cabelo que nasce por mais fininho e imperceptível. É um artista que aperfeiçoa a sua arte — dedica tempo, esforço, e não se importa com a bagunça molhada ou com a língua dormente. Antes de se ajoelhar, pede, com ternura, “um beijinho?”, para selar a boca na sua, rapidinho. E afrouxa as mangas da blusa, uma das suas mãos apoiando-se na mesa enquanto a outra mergulha os dedos entre os fios grisalhos à medida que a cabeça dele está na altura da sua virilha. Te liberta da saia longa, da peça íntima, apoia aqui, colocando a sua perna pra repousar sobre o ombro dele. 
Corre as mãos pelo interior das suas coxas, sem pressa. A boca deixa um chupãozinho no seu joelho, mordisca. É louco como ele sabe até o quão forte tem que ser o tapa na sua buceta pra te fazer vibrar e quase perder o equilíbrio. Sorri, sacana, calminha, meu bem, e ainda tem a pachorra de murmurar, é só um tapinha. 
Você até cerra os olhos, prende o lábio inferior entre os dentes praticamente sem notar. O seu corpo se contorce sob o toque, é natural. Swann percorre o dedo de cima a baixo, se mela todinho na umidade que ali já tem, e não vai desistir até que exista muito mais. 
Contorna o seu pontinho doce, te arrancando um suspiro dengoso. Leva o olhar pra ti, “vai gemer manhosinha pra ele ouvir, vai?”, quer saber, “Tem que manter a pose, divina. Não pode mostrar que derrete todinha nas minhas mãos”. Você apenas escuta a conversa suja, já perdida demais no deleite do carinho que recebe, e pior, na visão de acompanhar Enzo se sentando no sofá, com os botões da camisa social desfeitos, e a mão dentro da calça. Aham, é tudo que murmura, alheia. A carícia concentra no clitóris, o dedo circulando mais rápido, mais forte, que a onda de prazer te faz arrepiar dos pés à cabeça. Boquiaberta, por pouco sem babar pelo canto. Swann, você chama, manhosa, me chupa. E ele sorri mais, a língua beira nos dentes de baixo, brincando com a sua sanidade quando só mostra o que tem pra oferecer e demora a te dar o que quer. 
Mas quando te mama, de fato, porra… Chega a ver estrelas, os olhinhos revirando. Ainda bem que aperta os fios dos cabelos dele nas palmas, pois, aí, tem algo pra descontar o nó delicioso que sente no ventre. Quer fechar as pernas, involuntária, no entanto o homem te mantém, faminto, sugando a carne inchadinha. Passa os dentes pelo seu monte de vênus, dois dedos nadando por entre as dobrinhas quentes, ensaiando, parece, até afundar lá dentro e fundo, fundo. Você chia, preenchida na hora certa, na medida certa, pra se sentir conquistada, excitada. Encara Enzo, pornográfica com as expressões faciais, como se quisesse instigar uma prévia do que ele vai provar posteriormente. 
Os lábios de Swann até estalam, tudo tão ensopadinho que escutar a umidade do ato contribui ainda mais pro seu regozijo. O francês bate a palma da mão na sua bucetinha, esquenta a região, antes de voltar a chupar o seu pontinho. A língua dança pra cá e pra lá, também, tão rapidinha, habilidosa. Ai, você chega a sentir uma inquietação, balança os ombros, se contrai, espreguiça. Mas ele quer estar olhando nos seus olhos quando te fizer gozar, porque deixa só os dedos lá e ergue o queixo pra encontrar os seus olhos. As íris azuis brilham, um marzinho cheio e cintilante no qual é fácil querer se afogar. Os cabelos grisalhos estão bagunçadinhos, os lábios finos reluzindo de babadinhos. “Goza pra mim, meu amor”, a voz ecoa numa doçura tamanha, caramelada e derretida feito o seu doce preferido, “quero te beber, você é tão gostosa. Quero chupar você até não sobrar uma gotinha, hm? Vem pra mim, vem. Ver esse seu rostinho de choro quando goza, bobinha, docinha… Daria um quadro e tanto essa sua carinha de puta. Hm?”, e fica difícil resistir. Quer dizer, se entrega sem nem mesmo tentar resistir. É possuída pela ondinha elétrica que percorre seu corpo todinho, eriça os pelinhos e te faz gemer igualzinho uma puta. 
Tremendo, frágil. Quanto mais a boca suga a buceta dolorida, mais você se contorce, mais choraminga. Os olhinhos até marejam, o peito queima, ofegante. 
Quando satisfeito, o homem se põe de pé. Nem se dá ao trabalho pra limpar o rosto melado, sorrindo largo, mas sem mostrar os dentes. Você envolve o braço ao redor do pescoço dele, só pra se escorar enquanto recupera-se, os olhos ardendo sobre a figura do latino masturbando-se no sofá. “Vai lá nele”, Swann encoraja, tocando o canto do seu rosto. Beija a sua bochecha, ganha os seus lábios assim que você mesma vira a face pra alcançá-lo. A saliva misturando com o seu melzinho, um gostinho obsceno. A língua dele empurrando a sua, ao passo que o maldito sorriso canalha não abandona o rosto estrangeiro. 
Ao caminhar sobre os próprios pés, dona de si outra vez, Enzo está com a mão erguida na sua direção. Os dedinhos inquietos até que possam apertar a sua coxa. Vou montar você, é o que diz, num fiozinho de voz, se acomodando sentadinha no colo do fotógrafo. Sustenta-se nos ombros masculinos, alinha-se pra engolir tudo — está babadinha o suficiente pra ser um deslize só. 
O uruguaio suspira, completamente no seu interior, até o talo. Embaladinho lá, no calor divino, delirante. As mãos cravam nas suas nádegas, está pulsando dentro de ti, domado. “Acabou de tirar a buceta da boca dele pra vir sentar no meu pau…”, observa o seu rebolar lento, a maneira jeitosa com que se equilibra bem, não perde nem por um centímetro que seja, “jamais deixaria a minha garota sentar em outro pau senão o meu.”
Então, ainda bem que eu não sou sua, é o que você sussurra. Chega com o rosto perto do dele, a pontinha do nariz resvalando no nariz grande. Enzo aperta o olhar, mascara um sorrisinho. Você sente as unhas dele machucando nas suas nádegas, ele te encara com uma vontade louca de rancar pedaço. Daí, começa a quicar no colo dele, jogando a bunda pra cima no compasso ritmado. Pega nos cabelos negros que se somam, espessos, na nuca alheia, vai me avisar quando for gozar, ordena. É fria com as palavras, mas tentadora, carrega no tom um certo nível de erotismo, que parece deixar Swann orgulhoso, recostado na mesa. Não vou guardar a sua porra porque você não tá merecendo. E o Vogrincic ri na cara do perigo, cheio de si. Abusa da língua materna pra murmurar, “Sé que más tarde suplicarás por mí, nena, tan lejos que tu gringo no oye.”, porque sabe que o francês não vai nem sacar uma palavra que seja, mas você sim, “Não me engana. Eres una perra, lo sé.”
Você maltrata os fios dele entre a mão, como um sinal para que ele pare de falar em espanhol, soltando essas frases riscosas, sujas. Mas Enzo não te compra, não engole essa marra toda. “Faz o que quiser, musa”, fala só por falar, pois o outro escuta, quando quer dizer exatamente o contrário. A rebeldia te excita, faz acelerar os movimentos, torturá-lo com mais intensidade. Lê no jeitinho que ele retesa os músculos da coxa, no ar se prendendo nos pulmões que está logo na beirada, próximo de jorrar. Não o perdoa, não permite que o desejo mais lascivo dele se torne realidade hoje. Finaliza o homem nas palmas das suas mãos, ordenhando o pau duro, meladinho, até que a porra morna atinja as suas coxas, respingue na sua blusa. 
Enzo respira com dificuldade, pela boca. Cerra os olhos com força, parece irritadinho, indignado — uma reação que te deixa com água na boca. Se inclina pra pertinho do ouvido dele, adocica a voz, perigosa, se quer brincar, tem que aprender a respeitar as regras do jogo, okay, bonitinho? 
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keru0 · 10 months
Tan Lines
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I was playing as Alhaitham in the desert and heard his desert voiceline, which reminded me that he has holes in the tops of his shoes and a headcannon I saw that he has heart-shaped tan lines there. I think that should be enough for yall to get the idea of this fic…
Anyways this is just a little drabble I did. I think I’m putting that Ragbros fic on the backburner for now, but I do have different Ragbros fic in mind I might write!
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Ships/Pairings: Lee!Alhaitham, Ler!Kaveh (romantic)
Contains: Feet Tickling, Fluff, SFW
Word Count: 839
“Ugh, I’m so tired!” Kaveh sighed, dramatically laying over Alhaitham’s legs on the Divan. It’s been quite a long day, having already had to restart his client’s proposal for the third time – I mean really, who does he think he is?! Did he go to the Akademia for almost a decade for architecture? Has he been acclaimed as the Light of Khsarewar for his grandiose architecture? No! “I mean it’s the third time, Haitham! Does he think he knows better than me?! ‘Too plain’ my ass! If I add any more decorum it’ll stick out like a pink Sumpter Beast!”
After the scribe allowed the architect a few seconds to calm down, he spoke up, looking up from the book he was reading, keeping his expression as neutral as possible. “Well maybe you should just drop him as a client? Seems like more trouble than he’s worth.”
Kaveh lifted his head to look at Alhaitham, sighing once again. “You don’t get it Haitham! This project is going to make me so much mora! I can’t just throw it away-” Halfway through his words, he turned his head to Alhaitham’s feet, noticing something peculiar.
“Are those…do you have tan lines on the tops of your feet?” He shifted, getting closer to the scribe's feet, crossed at the end of the divan. “Oh my god, you do! And they’re shaped like little hearts! Aww, who knew you had a cute side~” Kaveh teased.
“They’re not hearts.” Alhaitham answered, sticking his face back in his book. “They’re just from my boots- ack! Hehey!”
Kaveh ignored Alhaitham, opting to instead trace the darkened skin with his fingernail, outlining the shape. “They are too hearts! See, they’re shaped just like them…” Hearing the scribe’s reaction, he suddenly stopped what he was doing, looking at Haitham and smirking. “Oh don’t tell me…is the Akademia’s Grand Scribe ticklish~?”
“Kaveh, don’t you dahahare! Ahahaha! Knohohock it ohohoff!” Alhaitham quickly shut his book and threw it aside, attempting to sit up to pull his roommate from his feet, which was easier said than done with the way Kaveh was sprawled over his legs, making them almost unable to bend.
The architect kept his smirk on his face, now quickly skittering his nails over the tops of Alahaitham’s feet, from his ankles to his toes. “Oh, come on! You hardly ever laugh, let alone smile! Relax a little, Haitham!”
Unable to pull Kaveh from his legs, the scribe grabbed the pillow from behind him, swinging it to hit the architect repeatedly, though it did little to stop his ticklish attack. “Kahahaveh stahahap it! This is nohohot how I relahahax! NOhoHoHOHo!”
At the first impact of the pillow hitting his back, Kaveh gasped in faux shock, mock-anger in his tone. “How dare you hit me! Is this how you thank your roommate for helping you relax? Perhaps you should apologize~!” Kaveh narrowed his eyes and widened his smirk as he pulled back the scribe's toes and quickly dragged his nails along his sole, paying extra attention to the area just beneath his toes. Alhaitham’s leg began to shake, unable to do anything, even scrunch his toes, to stop the maddingly ticklish sensations coming from his sole. His other foot began flailing about, trying its best to attempt to cover the foot being attacked and stop the evil hands from their assault.
“NOhOHoHO! Okay oKAHaHAhaY! IHiM SoHOHohORrY! STAhAHaP IT! KAHaHAVeH eNoHOHoUgH AhAHaHAHa!” Alhaitham screamed as the ticklish sensations became too much. Tears of mirth began forming at the corners of his eyes, a few escaping down his cheeks as he fell back on the divan and quickly shoved the pillow he was using to hit Kaveh into his face to attempt to muffle his screams of laughter.
Accepting his apology, Kaveh stopped his assault on his roommate’s feet and began rubbing them to rid of the residual ticklish sensations. After a few seconds, he crawled up to Haitham’s head, gently prying the pillow away from his face. “Ahh, let me see that face~” He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the scribe’s expression – face pink, cheeks damp from tears, hair disheveled, and a wide smile on his face. “You know, you’re quite cute like this. That smile I love so much, it’s very pretty on you – you should smile more often.” Kaveh moved his hand to cradle Haitham’s cheek, using his thumb to wipe away some of the residual tears.
“Is that so?” Alhaitham responded, smiling at Kaveh and leaning into his touch. Haitham raised his own hand to cradle Kaveh’s cheek, gently pulling his face towards his own in a gentle kiss. “Are you in a better mood now, at least?”
“After seeing your dazzling smile and charming laugh? Always.” Kaveh smiled, laying his chin on Haitham’s chest to look at him. “Love you.”
“Love you too, my Light.” Alhaitham smiled again, laying his head back while rubbing a hand on Kaveh’s back, the two of them deciding to rest for a while.
*     *     *
“They are shaped like hearts, though.”
“Shut it.”
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foamy-cafe · 10 months
Tumblr media
i literally drew this over 2 months ago n i JUST finished it
help- YES I WAS TOO LAZY TO DRAW MULTIPLE LERS 😭😭😭 MAYBE NEXT TIME I SWEAR-,, anyways, for my ppl in a ler mood, hav this story to put you in an even worse mood! :]
Well, this was quite the situation.
Kobalt had been jumped by you are your friends, her hands pinned aboveher head by one of your friends. You sat on her legs, grinning big as you wiggled your fingers in front of her face. Your friend sat on the side of her. There was a large smile plastered across their face, but not as large as the goofy grin that was on Kobalt's. You had forgotten how adorable she could be when "threatened" in this way. But she was absolutely asking for it. From wearing her cropped t-shirt, leaving her belly exposed, to being as annoying as possible with you and your friends, it seemed like she was just begging for the tickles. "H-Hey-! We- we can talk about this, you guys-! I mean, c'mon Y/N, pleaseee~?" She laughed nervously, peering up at you all with her heterochromic eyes. "Hmm~, noo, I don't think we can, nor do we want to~," you teased as you pushed her shirt up a little higher, exposing the entirety of her tan tummy. Kobalt began shifting nervously, trying to pull her wrists free from your friend's as she giggled hysterically. Thankfully, your friend was very strong, so they only had to use one hand to hold her arms above her head. So, now they had a free hand if they wanted to join in on the tickling shenanigans. "Aww, she's so nervous~.. what's the matter Kobalt~? Where'd that bratty attitude you had before go~?" Your friend teased. They had already started, skittering their fingertips against her side, using their other hand to knead her other side. You were left deciding where to tickle her as you heard Kobalt beginning to giggle hysterically. You hummed thoughtfully, walking your fingers up and down her entire tummy as she squealed and laughed brightly, twisting and bucking her hips. You soon paused in the middle of her tummy, the softest area as you began skittering all five of your fingers there. "Y/N~!!" she exclaimed, kicking her legs lightly, though since you were sitting on her legs, she couldn't move them much. "Yes~?" You purr out teasingly, walking your fingers back down to her bellybutton, the shiny piercings catching your eyes. Kobalt seemed to notice your lingering gaze on her bellybutton as she squealed and struggled. "Noho- not thehere-!!" She begged, snorting lightly. You smirked lightly, tracing your finger around her bellybutton, slowly getting closer and closer to the little button. "Why not here~?" You teased before getting to the edge of her bellybutton, scratching just around the rim of it. Kobalt began twisting and struggling, laughing harder as she sucked in her tummy, causing your face to brighten from such a reaction. "Is someone.. tickle, tickle, ticklish~?" You taunted, before dipping your finger into it. Kobalt let out a high-pitched squeal, beginning to laugh hysterically as she really began kicking and struggling. "STAHAHAHAHAP!! HAHAHAH- N-NOHOHOHOHO!! IT- IT TIHIHICKLES-!!" Kobalt cried out through her laughter, snorting occasionally and letting out a few hiccups. Your heart melted. You had completely forgotten about how cute she was when hysterically cackling like this. You continued to just swirl your finger in her poor bellybutton as you listened to her scream and laugh uncontrollably. "Aww, we've got a wiggler here~!" Your friend teased as they easily held Kobalt's wrists. You smile fondly at her reactions as you reach your free hand up to her armpit, gently scratching and tracing the hollow. Kobalt screamed and arched her back, cackling helplessly as she kicked and bargained for her release. You smiled at her reactions, as your friend who held her arms above her head tickled her right under her chin, causing her to scrunch up her shoulders. "Maybe just for a little while longer, Kobalt~.. After all~.." You paused, wiggling your finger in her bellybutton a little faster. "You can't just wear a crop top aaaaalll day and not expect things like this to happen~.." you taunted. It seemed like you and your friends weren't planning to release poor Kobalt anytime soon, but you knew she didn't mind~. And you sure didn't mind either~.
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bloominggiggles · 10 months
Haven't gotten to writing yet but I present to all of you:
Ler!Miguel being a shocking jerk (lovingly) of a tease, knowing teasing his Lee in spanish makes them even more giggly, flusttered and weak on the knees.
Saying things like
"Mi preciosa presa es tan sensible contra las cosquillas, ¿no?"
"No te atrevas a intentar contener esas risitas, cariño~"
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thatoneticklewriter · 16 days
Forget Me Nots
Summary: Sethos realizes Cyno has been making new friends without him and wonders if he’ll be replaced soon.
A/N: Haven’t seen much stories of these two so decided to take it into my own hands because I’m a slut for enemies to lovers pairings. If you don’t like the ship, don’t read please.
Sethos spots Cyno talking with a boy who he’s never seen before. The bi color haired boy with fox like ears seemed to be engaged in the conversation laughing while nodding his head. Who is this person?
It was normal for Cyno to make new friends after Sethos had left for his trip but he didn’t expect him to possibly find a lover. The fennec fox was all over the white haired boy wrapping an arm around his shoulder. For some reason it irritated the brunette as if he were being replaced.
Cyno waves goodbye to the bi color haired boy as they head their separate ways. The white haired boy hangs out at his temporary tent that he brings to the desert when he plans to watch the stars late at nights. Sethos clenches his fist storming over to the white haired boy ready to give him a piece of his mind.
“Oh, you’re back already Sethos?” Cyno widens his eyes at the other noticing his presence.
“I’ve been gone for six months and you’re already replacing me?” The brunette crosses his arms against his chest.
“What’re you talking about?” He raises an eyebrow at the brunette.
“I saw you talking to that boy with the really big ears.”
A laugh erupts from the white haired boy. “Yeah that’s Tighnari. He’s a new friend I met while exploring Avidya forest, he actually helped me out one time.”
“So he’s your new best friend now?”
“Well I wouldn’t say that.” Cyno shakes his head. “I’ve only known him for a few months and you’re my best friend. I don’t think I need another one.”
The white haired boy invites the other inside the tent due to the increase temperature of the sun beams.
“I don’t think you need another best friend either.” Sethos agrees nodding his head and Cyno gives him a look.
“Are you. . . jealous of Nari, Sethos?” A smirk crawls onto the jackal’s face and a heavy blush forms on the brunette’s tanned cheeks.
“No! As if!” Sethos scoffs flipping his ponytail to the side. “He just better know his place, that’s all. I mean I was here first.”
“It’s okay to admit you’re jealous. It’s normal to feel that way.” Cyno assured nudging his arm.
“I’m not!” He raises his voice.
“Or maybe you thought I was dating Nari?” Cyno continues to push the brunette’s buttons whose face is red as a tomato.
“I’m warning you, Cyno! You better cut it out!” The brunette is now trembling with rage at Cyno’s teases and playful antics.
He forgot how much fun it was provoking his rival.
“You’re not denying it so you must have feelings for me.” The white haired boy expresses holding a hand over his chest.
“Don’t be silly, I can never like you.” Sethos rolls his eyes.
“Well that’s unfortunate because I whale-y like you.” Cyno bursts out a pun and Sethos pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I think I’m going to leave.” The brunette starts to head towards the opening of the tent though Cyno wraps his arms around his middle tackling him onto the ground.
“No you won’t, not until you admit that you like me too.” The white haired boy threatens pinning Sethos hands above his head.
“Oh, I’m so scared.” The brunette’s playful side is finally revealed.
Cyno wasted no time burying his face in the other’s neck blowing a raspberry.
“Argh, Cyno!” A squeal escapes Setho’s lips as he struggled underneath the white haired boy’s grasp.
“You know how to stop this.”
“I don’t!” The brunette’s laughs closing his eyes shut.
“Fine, have it your way.” Cyno nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders before digging his fingers into the other’s armpits.
Sethos’s loud laughter fills the atmosphere of the tent and Cyno orders him to keep his voice down before they attract hilichurls.
Though the brief silence was sharply cut off due to Cyno squeezing at the brunette’s upper ribs who shrieks and flails like crazy trying to get out of Cyno’s grasp.
“Are you ready to be honest with your feelings?” The white haired boy asks lightly trailing his fingers along Setho’s sides.
“What feelings?” The brunette plays dumb and Cyno has had enough of the other’s resilience.
“Ahahaha no Cyno!” Setho’s bursts into laughter feeling the white haired boy wrap an arm underneath him while clawing at his tummy.
“I forgot how ticklish you are.” Cyno comments brushing his fingertips teasingly against the other’s navel and Sethos literally hollers attempting to shift on his side.
“Arghahaha, I’m not!” The brunette remarked and Cyno couldn’t help but scoff.
“Now you want to deny that you’re ticklish also? You have to pick one or the other.” The white haired boy states before nibbling at the flesh of Setho’s hipbones.
“Fine, I’d rather admit that I like youahaha!” The brunette confesses with bubbling laughter that makes Cyno weak to his knees.
The jackal decides that Sethos has had enough releasing him from his grasp allowing him to catch his breath.
“So you like me?” Cyno asks hoping to get confirmation.
A mischievous smile forms on the brunette’s face. “Maybe.”
The white haired boy was about to go for his tummy once again before Sethos quickly changes his mind.
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” The brunette laughs holding his hands up in surrender.
“Good because I like you berry much.” Cyno leans in closing the space in between them.
“Ugh, Cyno. You really need to make better jokes.” The brunette sighs holding his head and Cyno couldn’t help but smile giving Sethos another kiss.
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fredifazbar · 1 year
Too Sensitive for This (Steddie)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Lee!Steve, Ler!Eddie
A/N: Alrighty so this is my first tk fic that I’ve posted lol so plz enjoy and be kind :)
CW: Some swearing, slightly NSFW but not really tbh
Summary: Steve and Eddie finally get the time and privacy to spend some sexyyy time together, but someone’s sensitivities, per say, keep them from doing so
Eddie really liked kissing Steve. Like, a lot.
Kissing his lips was amazing, obviously. There was nothing he enjoyed more than making out with his gorgeous boyfriend. But Eddie wanted more. He wanted to kiss and worship every inch of his lovely body, pressing his lips to each and every one of the moles littered across his smooth, tan skin. He wanted to kiss every inch of him.
Eddie sat straddling atop of Steve’s hips as they passionately kissed, Steve’s hands tangled in the metalhead’s mess of curls. Their mouths moved together in a steady rhythm as one of Eddie’s more mellow rock vinyls played softly from his record player.
Tucking a stray hair behind Steve’s ear, Eddie lightly pressed his lips to the skin right below the lobe, making Steve seemingly shiver and eliciting a somewhat unrecognizable noise. It wasn’t quite like his usual whines and moans that he makes out of pleasure, it was something slightly different, almost like surprise.
Eddie decided to brush it off and continue to kiss down the side of Steve’s neck. He didn’t make the noise again, but Eddie was a bit puzzled by the lack of any noises at all. And apart from the slight jolt and subtle squirming that Eddie could feel from under him, Steve was being unusually still. Stiff, even.
Eddie pulled away, curiously eyeing the boy beneath him. His eyes were screwed shut and he bit his lip as if he was trying to keep himself quiet.
“You okay, Sweetheart?” Eddie asked, softly brushing his thumb across Steve’s cheek as the latter opened his eyes.
“Oh! Um, yeah definitely, of course,” He nodded quickly, offering a small reassuring smile. “I’m great.”
“Okay...” Eddie hummed, but couldn’t miss the soft pink hue dusting across Steve’s cheeks. He smirked inconspicuously before lowering his face back to the other boy’s neck. But instead of continuing his soft, slow kisses, he switched to peppering light, fluttery pecks across the skin of Steve’s neck, ears, and underneath his chin.
He could practically feel Steve begin to crack from beneath him, his body squirming and twitching to the point that he could barely hide it anymore.
“Fuhuck,” he swore, a subtle giggle slipping into his voice. When Eddie nibbled ever so gently on the small dip of skin right beneath his ear and behind his jaw, Steve couldn’t help but jerk, slightly, away from Eddie’s teasing lips. His hand suddenly shot up to grip onto the fabric of Eddie’s t-shirt as if he needed the support to steady himself.
Eddie let the small slip side, but not without kicking his devious antics up a notch.
Switching to pressing kisses to the other side of his neck, Eddie sneakily and quietly crept a mischievous hand underneath the hem of Steve’s polo. He could feel goosebumps spring up on his skin as he dragged his fingertips across his skin with a feather-like touch.
He felt Steve’s breath hitch, his stomach jumping inwards as Eddie traced his dull fingernails up his side. Steve’s grip on Eddie’s t-shirt tightened.
Eddie, face still burrowed into the crook of his boyfriends neck, could easily hide his growing smirk. Despite how stubbornly he held it in, Eddie could tell that Steve was ready to crack any minute now. Just the slightest push will surely send him over the edge.
All it took was a single curl of Eddie’s fingers into Steve’s stomach to break the damn.
“Eddieheh,” Steve practically whined, soft giggles now pouring consistently from his lips as Eddie softly scribbled his fingers into Steve’s abdomen, the attack on his neck persisting on top of it.
He squirmed and cringed away from the teasing touches as much as his position under Eddie’s straddle would allow him—which, unsurprisingly, was not a lot. He scrunched his shoulders in a poor attempt to deter Eddie’s impish kisses, but of course it was all too easy for Eddie to simply move to the other side when one was blocked.
“What’s so funny, big boy?” Eddie asked, pulling away and blinking innocently as if clueless. “I’m trying to be sexy here and I really don’t appreciate you giggling like this.”
“Screhew off,” Steve was somehow still able to roll his eyes despite his mirth. “You knohow what you’re dohoing.”
Eddie gasped in mocking offense.
“No need to be rude about it,” he jeered, pitching at Steve’s other side as punishment. He jolted at the new touch, his giggles starting to form into a fully fledged laugh as he lamely attempted to grab at Eddie’s fiendish hands.
“Ohohoh my gohohod,” Steve tossed his head back, his eyes squeezing shut as he gave in.
Eddie couldn’t help but let a warm, adoring smile bloom onto his lips as he gazed down as his laughing lover, taking in the sight for a moment longer before deciding to choose mercy. But not before lowering his lips to Steve’s neck one last time to blow a raspberry onto the hypersensitive skin that got him into this whole mess in the first place.
Steve practically squealed, his hands shooting up to Eddie’s shoulders to weakly push him away.
Eddie let out a soft chuckle as he sat upright again, looking down with a shit-eating grin as Steve finally got to catch his breath.
“You could have just told me you were ticklish, Stevie. Maybe I would have been more careful if I’d known.” Eddie teased before letting out a brief scuff. “Maybe.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you’re one to talk,” he goaded, swiftly giving Eddie’s ribs a quick squeeze.
Eddie squeaked, immediately rolling over to the side, knowing perfectly well he wouldn’t be able to hold his own if Steve actually fought back. That bag of worms can be saved for another time.
“Guess I kinda ruined the moment, huh,” Eddie turned onto his side to meet Steve’s eyes.
“Maybe,” Steve shrugged before shyly averting his eyes, “or maybe I’m just too sensitive for this.”
Eddie couldn’t help the doting smile that formed on his face as he beamed at his adorable boyfriend. He breathed out a laugh before grabbing Steve’s face and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“You’re too cute for this, is what you are.”
Thanks for reading, hope ya enjoyed :)
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tricks-tickles · 10 months
Prom Dress
read my random hcs here! (i promise it will make more sense lol)
my own prom was two weeks ago and so i was inspired to write this and i s2g when i started this i did not ship bunny but these mfs grew on me like a fungus
if you have any ideas for any drabbles send me an ask!
word count: 1614
pairing: Lee!Butters/Ler!Kenny
Butters really liked Kenny. They’d been friends since they were little but had become especially closer in their teens, with Kenny opening up about being transgender and Butters confiding in her about his less-than-stellar parents. On top of that, Kenny was the kindest person Butters knew, and she always supported him. She was funny, easy to get along with, and made Butters feel important, like he mattered. Honestly, he liked her a little more than as a friend but was too shy to say anything.
So, he really liked her and liked hanging out with her and spending time with her…
Senior prom was coming up and everybody had been talking about it for weeks, even the least interested people had been drawn into the endless conversation. (Craig’s contributions to the discussion had been limited to “No.” and “I don’t know.” but at least he’d said something.) 
Everyone had their own drama regarding the prom. It would be the first prom where Stan wouldn’t be going with Wendy, as the two had broken up for ‘the last time’ two months prior. Kyle was attending with a date (for once), a boy from North Park who he’d met through basketball. Cartman also had someone to bring, his long-distance girlfriend who was traveling to South Park from Canada (mainly to prove she existed). For Kenny, this was her first prom where she would be openly going as a girl, with Butters as her platonic date. This was a big deal, obviously, and with prom just a week away she was in full panic over what she was going to wear. Her panic had started on Wednesday morning-
“Oh, shit.”
“Oh, what’s wrong, Ken?”
“I just realized- I’ll need a fucking dress.”
“What for?”
-And now on Friday she was still stressing out. She had scrounged up enough money to buy a dress from their local Goodwill. Now, she had narrowed it down to two options. A burnt orange gown with a bardot neckline, or a tight black bodycon with a long slit up the thigh. She had the body to fill them out, with a combination of exercise, padding, (estrogen that she’d bought online,) and luck she had a petite, feminine frame. Now she just had to choose which dress to wear.
“I just don’t know,” She was saying, swiping back and forth between the pictures on her phone, “The black dress is cool, but is it too edgy? And I dunno what accessories I would wear with it.” She shoved her phone in her pocket and started rummaging in her closet, “I like the orange one, but it could be too much… although these shoes would go perfectly…” 
Kenny had been going on like this for nearly an hour now, and while Butters had tried his absolute best to stay engaged, from going to the store with her earlier to now helping her make the final decision, his attention was drifting. His phone buzzed and he glanced down at it.
eric✨: im board wanna play cod
butters: i can’t! im helping kenny pick her prom dress :(
eric✨: jfc is she still going on abt that
eric✨: she rlly is a girl
butters: of course she is! she’s the nicest, prettiest girl in the world <3
eric✨: dude
eric✨: gay
butters: shhh •////•
eric✨: wanna play l8r
butters: okay!! :D
“Hey! Did I lose ya?” Kenny said, suddenly appearing in front of him.
“Ah! Sorry Ken, got a lil’ distracted, hehe.” He said, throwing his phone to the side and smiling up at her innocently.
Kenny squinted at him for a minute and Butters squirmed under her stare. She was extremely pretty. Long blonde hair plaited into twin braids, smooth tan skin, and bright blue eyes, as bright as Butter’s glass one. She was dressed casually, with her oversized orange hoodie and black sweatpants, and was watching Butters with a mischievous smile.
“It’s okay,” She said, “Maybe I need to take a break and come back to it. And, I think I know something that'll catch your interest.”
Butters sat up straighter, excited. “And what would that be?”
She grinned at his eagerness and lifted her hands to show him her nails. Kenny had bought false nails at the drugstore and was planning on wearing them before prom so she could get used to the feeling. They were long and black, except for the ring fingers, which were orange
Butters gasped, “They’re so pretty! And they’ll match whatever dress you choose.” 
“I know right, I’m so fuckin’ smart.” She trailed off, “Do you know what else they're good for?”
Butters hummed, thinking. “Peelin’ off stickers? Untyin’ knots? Oh! Makin’ clicky sounds when you tap on your phone!”
“Noho,” She giggled, “This.”
She put her hand on Butters’s chest and gently pushed him back on the bed, then straddled his legs. He felt his face get hot at their proximity and also began to squirm in anticipation. Butters liked many things about hanging out with Kenny, and this was one of his favorites. 
She gave him that Cheshire grin, then pushed up his Hello Kitty t-shirt and gently traced one nail down his chest, towards his belly button.
“Wait! Kehehehen!” He giggled, wiggling in place.
“Whaaat?” She teased, dragging the tips of her nails down his sides and scratching them in small circles.
“Ahahaw jehehehehez,” He squeaked, “Thahahat’s reheheahahally tihihickly!”
“You’re so fucking ticklish. It’s adorable.” Kenny teased. She rested her nails on the sides of his ribs, then quickly swiped down to his hips and back up again.
“Kehehennyhy! Pleheheahasehe, ihihit tihihicklehes sohohoho bahahahad!” He giggled, bunching his hands in his shirt and wiggling in place. His faux complaints were part of the game, to spare him some embarrassment.
“You say that, but you aren’t moving, or pushing me away, or saying stop, or-“
“Hehehe! Yohohohuhuhu knohohow why!” It didn’t really work.
She hummed, lightly pinching Butter’s ribs, “Do I? Maybe I forgot.” 
“Kehehen,” He whined, “Yohohouhur behehihin’ mehehahan.”
“You’re right,” Kenny said, “I know you love being tickled so fuckin’ much.” 
She then started to gently spider her fingers over his stomach.
“Nohohohohot thehehe behehelly!” He laughed.
“Why not?” Kenny said, then leaned forwards and whispered in his ear, “Is your tummy too ticklish?”
Butters squealed, his face burning as he leaned forward to press his face into Kenny’s neck. His hands came to grip her waist as he giggled helplessly while her nails gently wiggled all over his body. He sat up even more, giggling into Kenny as her hands came around to skim over his back, making him arch into her.
“Ehehehe! Ihi dihihidn’t ehevehen knohohow my bahahack wahahas tihihicklihihsh!” He said, his arms wrapping around Kenny, hugging her while she tickled his back. Her hands began to crawl higher and higher until they brushed his shoulder blades and his long-forgotten flight or fight instincts rewoke as Butters flipped her onto the bed and grabbed her arms, pinning her down. 
They both panted for a second, breathless for different reasons. While Kenny often played with him, Butters never took charge or fought back.
“S-sorry, Kenny.” He stuttered, his face burning. Kenny was still staring at him, her mouth agape. He let go of her hands and shuffled back a bit, ready to get off her. Instead, she sat up and took his face in her hands.
“...Kendall?” He said, flustered beyond belief. She was looking at him like she’d never seen him before.
“I-I just realized that I like you. Like right now, holy fucking shit.”
Now it was Butters’s turn to gape.  “You- what?” He said, brain struggling to comprehend her words.
“I like you. Romantically. Fuck! I mean, of course, I like you, it’s fucking obvious. I like being around you and you make me laugh and when I see you with other people I get jealous and I haven’t wanted to be with anyone since we became close and I think you’re wonderful and kind and beautiful and oh my fucking God, I might actually be in-” She cut herself off, staring at him.
He blinked. Turned to his brain, which hummed like static, and shrugged back at him. He blinked again. Suddenly, it seemed like there was only one thing to do.
He leaned forward, closing his eyes as their lips touched. It was the chaste kiss to end all chaste kisses, barely a brush of skin, but he felt a deep warmth that started at his mouth and spread throughout his whole body.
There was a beat, then Kenny pulled his face back in and kissed him properly. He made a little noise of surprise, tilting his head to press them closer together. His hands slid up her back, fisting into her hoodie as she moved against him, his stomach swooping when she softly bit his lip. He had never felt so right.
They kissed till they were laying down, breathless, and pressed against each other.
“So…” Butters said, never one to let even a comfortable silence sit.
“So,” Kenny replied, scratching her nails through his hair. 
“Did you decide which dress you were gonna wear?” He asked, making her laugh.
“Yeheah, I think I did.”
Butters sat up, looking at her with sparkles in his eyes.
“Then let's go get it!” He said, springing off the bed.
Kenny laughed again, then followed him up, kissing him softly.
On the way to the door, Butters remembered his phone and grabbed it, opening his and Eric’s messages.
butters: cant play later anymore ;)
eric✨: r u and kenny gonna have gay sex
butters: … :)
eric✨: BUTTERS????
eric✨: YOU DOG
eric✨: BUTTERS
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fluff-a-nutter · 7 months
Tickletober Prompt: Ticklish Kiss + Nibbles/Bites + Arms Up
((Ler!Hugo and Lee!Varian! SFW only!))
Hugo adored Varian’s freckles and scars. They made his boyfriend absolutely beautiful and unique. So naturally, he loved smothering every inch of Varian’s body with kisses. The only thing that made it even better was that Varian was so, ridiculously ticklish and kisses in certain spots sent the younger boy into fits of giggles. It was honestly one of Hugo’s favorite pastimes, being able to turn his adorable boyfriend into a puddle of giggles and squeals. He decided he’d have to do that again as soon as possible.
˗ˏˋ꒰𖦹。🧪⋆°✰꒱ ˎˊ˗
The happy couple was cuddling in bed and Varian had been telling him about the scars on his stomach and ribs from when he’d been held hostage and attacked by Cassandra. Hugo listened willingly, knowing it wasn’t always easy for Varian to talk about traumatic events in his past.
“I just think they aren’t all that pretty.” Varian said, shrugging. Hugo gaped at him.
“Nonsense! I’m sure they are gorgeous!” Varian snorted and lifted his shirt to show Hugo.
“You sure about that, hun?” Gazing at the expanse of tan, freckled skin Hugo ran his fingers across the long, jagged scars that crisscrossed Varian’s tummy.
“You are so fucking beautiful, Freckles.” Hugo murmured before taking notice of Varian’s quivering tummy at the light touches. He smirked at the boy.
“Ticklish, goggles?” Varian bopped him lightly on the head.
“Y-you know I am, doofus!” The alchemist replied, choking back giggles. Hugo smirked, getting an idea.
“Say your scars are pretty, Varian.”
“No, why should I?” Hugo grinned and planted a kiss on one of the scars, just to the left of Varian’s bellybutton making him squeak and flinch.
“Because I’m not gonna stop kissing your tummy until you do.”
Before Varian had a chance to protest (though he wouldn’t have meant it anyway) Hugo had pinned his arms above his head and began smooching every inch of his twitching belly. He instantly burst into giggles and squeaks.
“H-Huhuhuhugooooo, dohohohon’t!” The smaller male giggled, halfheartedly wriggling around. Hugo paused briefly and grinned slyly at him.
“What’s the magic words, Bluebird?”
“F-fuhuhuhuck ohohoff!” Hugo gasped and feigned offense.
“Such profanity! I think I should punish you for using such foul language.” With that, Hugo switched from kisses to nibbles and raspberries, which turned Varian’s adorable giggles to full blown belly laughter.
Hugo grinned.
“That’s sweet, but not the words I wanna hear.” Teased Hugo, absolutely delighting in Varian shrieks of beautiful laughter.
Switching back to the kisses, he continued making his boyfriend giggle and squirm.
“Go on, say it.” Hugo sang, sneakily blowing a quick raspberry on Varian’s bellybutton making him squeal and buck wildly.
“Yes, dearest? You know I could do this all day, and I bet you would enjoy it.” Hugo smirked watching Varian’s face turn red at the teasing.
“Please what? Go back to nibbling this adorable tum of yours? Sure thing!” Varian cackled brightly as Hugo began nibbling his tummy again.
“Nohohohohot th-thahahahahahat!” Giggled the alchemist trying to tug his arms free.
“Not that? Raspberries it is then!” Chirped Hugo, releasing an endless stream of raspberries on Varian’s tummy, covering every inch of it with ticklish vibrations.
Varian howled, tossing his head back and letting the laughter come.
“HUHUHUHUHUGOOOOOO! STOOOHAHAHAHAHAP!” Shrieked Varian, wriggling like a worm on a hook. Hugo grinned.
“Didn’t hear you say anything!” The blonde teased switching sporadically between kisses, nibbles, and raspberry attacks, always keeping Varian guessing as to what ticklish onslaught would come next.
“OHOHOHOHOKAHAHAY OKAHAHAHAY! I’LL SAYHAYAHAY IHIHIT!” Varian cackled out when Hugo blew a particularly evil set of raspberries directly onto his bellybutton. Hugo grinned up at him and stopped the raspberries but began softly smooching again, keeping his boyfriend giggling enough not to have second thoughts.
“Well, let’s hear it. Don’t make me start nibbling again.” He warned between kisses, planting one just above his navel.
“Hehehe, m-mhyhyhyhy scars ahahahare p-prehehehetty.” Varian giggled out.
“Yes. They. Are.” Hugo confirmed kissing a scar to punctuate each word, Varian squeaking and giggling all the while. Then just for good measure and because it was fun, he startled Varian with one last giant raspberry making him shriek out loudly.
Chuckling, Hugo released Varian’s wrists and pressed a kiss to his still giggling lips.
“No more of that self-deprivation talk, or else.” Hugo warned, playfully wiggling his fingers at Varian who curled up and wrapped his arms around his stomach.
“Nohoho, no more please.” Begged the small alchemist, making Hugo chuckle fondly and give him a sweet forehead kiss.
“Hey now, I’m not that mean, am I?” He asked, jokingly, laughing when Varian flashed him a soft pout.
“You’re a bully, Hugo.”
“Oh, changed your mind about round two?”
“Don’t you dare!”
Giggling, Hugo pulled Varian into his arms and kissed the pout away. Varian smiled and leaned his head on Hugo’s shoulder.
“I love you, doofus.”
“I love you too, Bluebird.”
˗ˏˋ꒰𖦹。🧪⋆°✰꒱ ˎˊ˗
A/N: Hi again! Wow, look at me post 2 TickleTober drabbles in a week! Impressive! As I said before, I love Varigo and I will go down with this ship! No one ever writes tkl content for them, so I have taken it upon myself to write the content I wanna see! I know is said I’d write for other fandoms, but this ship has me in a chokehold! Hopefully soon I can show off my other fandoms, but as of right now, it’s all the Varigo!
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
may i have ler!cancerlord hcs from the tickly alphabet with A, C, E, F, K, and J pls?
Your wish is my command, mon amour (∗˃̶ ᵕ ˂̶∗)
Headcanons ✨
A - What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?:)
He won't be gentle or soft with you after such an intense session. He'll just leave you on the ground, watching as you regained your breath after such a merciless session. The most he would do for you is squatting down right in front of you, like a dear friend offering advice and complement you for your efforts, giving you a hard pat on the shoulder to congratulate you.
"You suffered a humiliating loss, but I must say, your endurance is quite impressive~ The next time you challenge me to...such a childish activity, be ready. Have a nice day, good sir~"
The guy would shockingly leave you alone, ending it with a sort of ambiguous grin; does he await your rematch or is that just his pride, glad he reduced you to such a level?
C - What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
If you happen to be the one targeted, you'd better be a fast runner; Cancerlord would never hold back on a challenge. Initially, when you proposed the idea, the concept made him scoff but he agreed. And boy, he had fun. Cancerlord would allow you to get a headstart, the scariest game of hide and seek you'll ever play. He will prowl around the area, taunting you, growling sinisterly. Cancerlord knows exactly where you are, he just wants to relish in the chase. Once he gets to you however, it might as well be a jumpscare, he would just appear out in the corner of your vision, you won't notice until it's too late. It's game over for you at that point
Cancerlord, being such a powerful man, isn't used to being targeted. So once it's time for the tables to be turned, he would be slightly confused. Does he hide like a coward or does he just wait for an opportunity to ambush you? It's going to be the latter option. You can look up and down everywhere and you'd never find the guy...most of the time. The moment he's caught slipping would be the best opportunity to sneak up on him and ambush him from behind.
E - How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
Being king and all, Cancerlord would beckon one of his many subjects closer, appearing completely innocent with a somewhat innocent smile. It is only when you get a little too close, he strikes, grabbing you quickly and pinning you before absolutely destroying your shit. The little beckon with his finger would be your only warning he wants something more. Worst part about it, he uses it regularly for requesting the most benign of things, so you're never gonna know if he's gonna ask you something completely unrelated or attack you so fast, the wind in your lungs is wiped out.
Cancerlord, when he first heard of the concept of tickling amused him to such a degree, he asked one of his subjects to purposefully tickle him. Lifting his arms to make access to his body easy and quick. That's how he found out his underarms are a very sensitive spot, along with some others. Needless to say, he hates being tickled now.
F - What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
While prideful as hell, he won't hesitate to play dirty. Headlocks are his strong suit, using his other hand to wreck the shit out the lee, but will occasionally pin them down using his body weight. I wouldn't recommend engaging in a tickle fight with them, he will use every underhand tactic in the book, but if you manage to break apart from him and confront him head-on, he would be very impressed. You guys might as well be actually fighting since the guy likes to throw punches and blast people with his arm guns (what lol).
K - As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
Two things: his analytical teasing and fingers. If the guy has you pinned but as a hand free, he would make the experience unbearable in the worst kind of way. Always speaking of how you react to certain touches, able to read you to a tea. Somehow this guy is able to learn everything about your body with just his fingers, so anything is new to him. Meaning he will never shut the fuck up. Next up is his hands, the guy has strangely hot hands, it won't burn but when they touch bare skin, it leaves a pleasant tingling, so even after he's moved on to a different spot, ghost spiders are roaming and skittering all around.
J - Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
Power trip, the authority it gives him with such a stupid, childish thing. While Cancerlord would mostly establish this through demonstration of his powers or intimidation, he can't help but feel smug a few wiggling fingers can get someone to beg and plead for their life. Sometimes, the lee will ask for more, confusing and amusing the king, but he won't fulfill this, letting the lee soak up in all their lee-mood. He knows damn well you're thirsty for more, so he'll subtly touch you, adoring the way your face turns red and how you wrap your arms around your sides.
"Such a silly way to tease, is it not?"
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mushiewrites · 1 year
Day 1: Hide & Seek
Yay! It’s sapnap week! Hosted by the lovely @rxsahgrce, you can find the week of prompts here! (probably gonna use this as an excuse to write / draw lee!sap all week but oh well!) I’m a day late but my brain went a bit wild with this one. Oops.
Sapnap has been lee all morning, but is feeling way too shy to ask for tickles - Dream notices and points it out. This leads to Sap getting embarrassed, darting away from Dream and George, and throwing them all into the most interesting game of Hide & Seek they’ve ever played
(lee!Sapnap / ler!George / ler!Dream : 2.7K words)
Even though his gaze was fixated on a very interesting blotch of pink that was somehow stained into the tan carpet beneath his feet, Sapnap could feel the stares of the two older boys drilling into him. He knew that they knew exactly what he wanted, yet somehow he has yet to receive! When he woke up this morning in the biggest lee mood of his life, he had thought it would be an easy task to ask for tickles. How hard could that be?
Turns out it could be and is, very hard to ask for tickles.
When he had made up his mind to find Dream after getting out of bed, he found his feet felt like concrete dragging slowly down the hallway that seemed to go on forever. By the time Sapnap was standing outside of Dream’s doorway he kept walking passed, his nerves bubbling up with anxiety over the prospect of asking for something so silly and childish. He quickly talked himself out of that headspace though and decided to give it another shot, spinning on his heel and walking back in the direction of the blondes room.
This time he made it, trying to seem as calm and collected as possible when knocking on the doorframe lightly to let his presence be known. Dream turned his head in the direction of the noise to find a very bashful Sapnap hovering in the entryway of his room. He smirked, having an idea of what was going on but decided to play into it. The blonde spoke up from the bed when after a moment of silence, the younger boy still hadn’t looked at him.
“What’s up, Sap? Everything alright?” Sapnap heard Dream’s question but it was like his throat had suddenly closed up on him, unable to produce any words or sounds. Instead he opted for a quick nod, coughing slightly to fill the empty space where his reply should’ve been.
“Mhm.” he managed to get out after a few more seconds, shifting his gaze briefly from the floor to Dream. The older boy was staring at him, a small grin on his face as he observed Sapnap’s reactions. This cause the smaller boy to immediately snap his eyes back towards the ground, hearing a small chuckle coming from the boy on his bed.
“Are you sure? You seem kind of tense,” Sapnap heard the creaking of the bed as Dream moved to stand up, making him take a step back towards the hallway. “Is there something you want, Sapnap? Something you need?”
As the younger boy opened his mouth to deny the claims, he felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder, making him yelp and spin around to find George standing beside him.
“What’s goin on? Did I miss something here? Sapnap you’re so red!” George, always the curious cat, was not making the situation any better. Sapnap again heard Dream giggle, now much closer than before. George made his way passed Sapnap and next to Dream, looking to him for more information since the younger boy seemingly couldn’t provide any more himself.
“I think someone here is in a very specific mood, but won’t admit it.” Sapnap could practically hear the smugness dripping from Dream’s tone, picturing the toothy grin the blonde was no doubt sporting. The oldest made a sound of acknowledgement followed by a long “hmmmmmm”, not elaborating any further than that.
“N-No.” the younger boy denied, still staring down at the carpet while the other two continued to stare at him.
“No? You’re not in a particular mood?” Dream clarified, reaching a finger forward to poke into the smaller boys ribs. Sapnap squeaked and reached up to swipe at the hand that was already back to Dream’s side, whining and crossing his arms over his torso to prevent any more unfair attacks. “Are you suuuure?”
“I-I’m not.”
“Sapnap,” he heard the oldest boy purr, watching as the pair of shoes on the left took a step forward towards him. This only cause Sapnap to take another step back, leaving the same amount of space between them as before. “Look at us, Sapnap.”
The command alone flustered him, but the way George was acting so calm, like it was the most normal occurrence in the world was what got to him. He glanced up for a second, being met with two pairs of mischievous eyes, and immediately fell into a round of nervous giggles. Sapnap couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to make a run for it. In the middle of Dream trying to ask him another question, the youngest boy quickly sprinted down the hallway and down the steps, squealing and panicking as he searched for somewhere to hide.
“Oh Sapnaaaaap, I wouldn’t do this if I were you!” he heard the blonde call from the top of the steps, the two clearly unbothered by the sudden escape by the youngest man.
“Considering we always find you in the end, anyway,” George had mumbled, yelping a second later when Dream gave him a playful elbow in the ribs. “What, it’s true!”
Sapnap was out of options, scanning the living room for places to hide before settling on crouching behind the couch. He knew it was a stupid idea. He knew it would never work. Yet he found himself wedging himself between the couch and the wall, wiggling himself as far in as he could go. When he reached a point where he assumed he was completely hidden, he stayed still, careful not to make any additional noise.
Footsteps from the two older boys grew closer and closer as they made their way down the steps, giggling and calling out teases to try and get Sapnap to give away his hiding spot. He squeezed his eyes shut and slapped a hand over his mouth to prevent any sneaky giggles from tumbling out at a well placed tease, determined to keep his cool and stay hidden from the two menaces who were continuing their search.
Suddenly there was an eerie silence - Sapnap couldn’t hear their footsteps anymore, and they weren’t teasing like they had been. He heard a chuckle from above him and snapped his head in that direction, eyes widening and a scream ripping through him as he came face to face with Dream.
“Gotcha, Sap.” he heard another voice come from the side of him, looking down by his feet to see George smirking back at him, squatting down and slowly bringing a hand forward to grip his ankle lightly. Immediately the smaller boy tried to kick, but he was wedged so tightly behind the couch he feared he actually may have gotten himself stuck.
“P-Please George, wait! This isn’t fair! I-I think I’m stuck!” Sapnap tried to plead with the brunette, but he seemed too preoccupied speaking to Dream, requesting he come hold Sapnap’s ankles still so he could “tickle him to death”. (George’s words, not his)
“Sorry, Sap. You made it harder on yourself,” Dream appeared next to George, Sapnap watching in horror as the strong hands wrapped around both his ankles easily. “You could’ve just asked and gotten the tickles you wanted, but instead you ran and made it ten times harder on yourself.”
“Will he ever learn?” George faked disappointment, looking to Dream as they both broke out into giddy chuckles. Sapnap was about to open his mouth to plead once more, but a single swipe of George’s finger down his arch was enough to make him yelp out instead.
“N-Noho please!” Sapnap managed to whine, breaking out into bright giggles as George now used both his pointer fingers, one on each foot, to trail from his heels all the way to his toes. He threw his head back with a cackle as George attempted to slide a finger between his toes, but was stopped by the sock that was causing a makeshift barrier to the sensitive area.
“This is in the way.” George mumbled, gripping the top of the sock on Sapnap’s right foot and tugging, causing the sock to slip off with ease. Sapnap’s struggling increased, moving his legs back and forth as much as he could, but Dream was keeping him in place; Dream was simply too strong to break free from.
“NohoHOHOHO G-GEHEHEORGE!” He swore he saw stars as he squeezed his eyes shut and pounded his fists on the back of the couch, feeling George begin to use his nails on the ball of his bare foot. Sapnap was cackling, shaking his head and curling his toes as much as he could, but nothing was taking away the tickly feeling.
“Geez, he’s squirming around like a little snake!” he heard the oldest boy remark at Dream through laughter, hearing a returning hum of acknowledgment from him.
“Yeah, and it must feel even more ticklish considering he got himself stuck behind the couch like an idiot,” Dream replied loud enough for Sapnap to hear, causing him to whine through his high pitched giggles as George moved his nails to scrape across his arches at an agonizingly slow pace. “Does it tickle more, Sap?”
The question made a shiver crawl up the youngest boys spine but he was too out of it to pretend, so he nodded his head - it really did tickle more. He couldn’t understand why, it just did. Maybe it was the fact he was stuck. Maybe it was the fact that Dream was holding him completely still as George focused on tickling the life out of him. Maybe it was the flustering situation of having one sock on and one sock off. All he knew was that it tickled, and it tickled bad.
“Plehehease! P-Plehehease no more!” Sapnap squeaked out in between his high pitched giggles, pathetically wiggling his feet in Dream’s grasp. George tried to stick his fingers under his toes but Sapnap was quick to curl them down before he could.
Dream tightened his grip slightly so George could get a better grip to pull back his toes, scratching at the underneath of them with his nails slowly. Sapnap screamed, trying his best to curl his toes but with no success. George was giggling and Dream was wheezing at the youngest boys reaction, watching him punch the back of the couch so hard that Dream swore he’d break through the fabric any second.
“Okahay okay you little giggle bug, we’re almost done, don’t worry,” Dream tapped George’s hand with one of his fingers, signaling him to come to a stop to let Sapnap catch his breath. “I have one more thing I wanna do, is that alright Sap?”
Sapnap sat for a second, his eyes closed and his arm across his chest with his face buried into his elbow as he contemplated if he could handle anything more than what he’d already gotten. His lee mood was satisfied for sure….but he could always do with more tickles while he was like this.
So, he lifted his face slightly from his hiding spot, his face bright pink as he looked to Dream and nodded his head the slightest bit. That apparently was all Dream needed, and he adjusted his hands to now grip both of his feet, pulling his legs out as much as he could without hurting the smaller boy. The blonde smirked at Sapnap before turning his attention to George, tapping his fingers close to the brunettes ankles.
“George, I have to show you a secret spot on Sap.” the older boy tried to explain, but was cut off by the screams and high pitched screeches coming from behind the couch. George’s eyes widened as he giggled, watching as Sapnap continued to freak out and yell over Dream. He was pounding his fists on the couch again, this time with the purpose of moving it forward so he could break free.
“What is it?! Hurry, before he breaks the couch!” George exclaimed through his now very high pitched giggles, excitement coursing through him at the idea of learning another spot of Sapnap’s.
“Run your nails around the balls of his ankle on both sides. Make sure to trace over the thin skin below them too, towards his heel. That drives him crazy.” Dream managed to explain when Sapnap finally stopped screaming, becoming lightheaded with the force he was using to raise the volume of his voice. The smaller boy began squirming, trying to kick as he pleaded and begged and screamed, but it was no use. The second George’s nails touched down on his ankles, he was a goner.
The shrill laughter that left Sapnap was enough to stop George for a second, startled at the noise that the light tickles produced. He’d never heard Sapnap laugh this hard in all the time they’d been friends, and he was in awe of how quickly the younger boy was reduced into a puddle of lee. George looked to the side, noticing how Dream was watching Sapnap laugh, a fond look on his face. The oldest boy rolled his eyes at the softness of it all and turned his attention back to the ankle in front of him, making sure to pay close attention to the skin right underneath the bones of his ankles.
Sapnap was wailing, hysterical laughter continuously bubbling out of him as he finally stopped squirming, too tickled out to fight it anymore. His eyes were squeezed shut so tightly that tears were forming at the corners of them, little trails of wetness rolling down his cheeks whenever he managed to open his eyes while begging.
After a minute or two, Dream knew that Sapnap was at his limit and tapped George’s hands once more, signaling for him to stop. The brunette traced another little circle with his pointer fingers around the balls of his ankles before pulling his hands back into his lap, watching as Dream began to soothingly rub out the ghost tickles as Sapnap attempted to control the left over laughter.
George stood up to move the couch slightly forward, allowing Dream to stand and scoop the giggly boy up in his arms. The couch was pushed back into the correct position and Dream sat the two of them down on the couch, the blonde running a hair through Sapnap’s hair as George pulled the smaller boys ankles onto his lap to continue the calming rubs. Sapnap’s laughter eventually died down to tiny giggles every few minutes, still feeling the impact of the devastatingly ticklish attack he endured. His eyes were still closed as he made a tiny whine when Dream stopped playing with his hair, making the older boy laugh.
“Sorry sweetheart, thought you were asleep.” Dream resumed playing with the curly locks by the nape of Sapnap’s neck, making him shiver slightly as he buried his head into Dream’s neck.
“How was that? You look all spacey now, did you like it?” he heard George ask from beside them, feeling his blush move across his cheeks and up into his ears. George giggled, and he immediately knew that the older boy had noticed that he was still flustered.
Sapnap could only nod his head, not daring to look up at either boy out of embarrassment. Dream made a cooing noise and George teased him a bit for it, but he didn’t mind. Although he was tickled half to death, his mood was satisfied, and he knew he had the rest of the day to pester the older boys….not for tickles, of course. Just to get them back! (…okay, maybe for tickles.) And if Dream and George teased him about that too, it wouldn’t bother him - that makes it all the more fun.
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gh0--st · 1 year
Summary: While playing with Amitys hair, Luz discovered something new about her girlfriend
Lee: Amity
Ler: Luz
This is a tickle fic. If you're not into that kind of stuff, dont read this.
Luz sat in the beanbag inside her and Amitys secret room in the library. Amity sat in between her legs, reading a book.
Luz just stared boredly at the roof before looking down at her girlfriend. "Amity?" She said.
"Hm?" The witch hummed. "Can I play with you hair?" Luz asks. Amity turns her head to look at Luz, looking nervous.
"W-why?" She asked. Luz shrugged, "I dont know. Sorry if it's weird." Amity frowned, "It's fine." Amity said, turning her head back nervously.
Luz's eyes brightened as she smiled, sitting up. She felt a little suspicious on how nervous Amity was but she brushed it off.
Gently, Luz ran her fingers through Amitys hair. Amity closed her book and put it down. Her face turned a slight shade of red as she closed her eyes.
Luz glanced at Amitys pointy ears. With a hint of curiosity, Luz lightly brushed her finger behind Amitys ear.
Amitys ear twitched, and she heard the witch let out a giggle. Amity quickly covered her mouth. Luz blinked, surprised, but smirked.
She continued to run her fingers through Amitys hair. When she saw Amity had relaxed again, Luz began to purposely run her fingers up and down the girls' ears.
Amity tensed, a little giggle escaping her throat. Luz gasped, her eyes brightening like stars. "Amity, are you-?" Luz asked, a large smile of her face.
Amitys face went red, "No!" She immediately replied. Luz smirked and slowly turned Amity around. "Can I? Pleasee!" Luz begged.
Amitys face went red, but hesitantly, she agreed. Amity closed her eyes as Luz tickled her ears lightly.
Amitys nose scrunched up as she tried to stop herself from laughing. Luz cooed at the sight. Luz smirked, knowing how to mess with the girl.
"Mi amor déjame escuchar tu risa bonita~" Luz teased. Amitys face went red, and she eventually started to giggle.
Luz started placing kisses on her face, which made the girl giggle even more. "Luhuz!" Amity whined.
"Whats the matter, hermosa?" Luz asked in an innocent voice, giggling as her girlfriends face went redder. "Cuhut it ohout!" She said, letting out bubbly giggles.
Luz cooed the girl, "Eres tan linda!" She said, kissing the girls red cheeks. Luz then stopped stroking the witch's ears.
She grabbed and picked up the witch, dropping her on the beanbag before falling beside her.
"Luz! I need to read!" Amity said with a laugh as Luz locked her into a tight hug. "Nope, it's cuddle time now." She said.
Amity rolled her eyes, but how could she say no?
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didithefae · 7 months
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esse livro não é nada do que eu esperava... e, infelizmente, nem todas as surpresas foram positivas.
cleópatra e frankenstein é um dos mais novos grandes sucessos no bookblr internacional, e eu não pude deixar de me animar quando vi tantas pessoas — inclusive criadores de conteúdo que eu acompanho e que possuem os mesmos gostos literários que eu — rasgando elogios para essa história. o que mais me interessou, entretanto, foram os comparativos de "se você gostou de 'pessoas normais', você precisa ler esse livro". Além de tudo, é claro, ele tem esse visual incrível que deixava o livro ainda mais atraente, e logo ele passou na frente de toda a minha tbr.
bom, o livro não é como eu esperava. o comparativo com pessoas normais fica apenas no campo de relacionamentos adultos e cruelmente realistas, que acaba sendo o foco das duas histórias, mas as similaridades acabam aí. em cleópatra e frankenstein, acompanhamos um casal pelo qual dificilmente conseguimos torcer. até aí, tudo bem, afinal essa não é uma história de amor. mas não temos tempo de nos apegar as suas histórias, tanto individuais quanto como casal, visto que eles já se casam no segundo capítulo e logo estão extremamente infelizes após tantas brigas que não acompanhamos. não nos identificamos com suas excentricidades forçadas, onde nada cotidiano é bom o suficiente e tudo precisa ser um espetáculo. é, sim, uma história sobre relacionamentos adultos, mas está longe de ser cruelmente realista.
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os personagens secundários, que deveriam ser parte importante da narrativa ao mostrar o quanto um relacionamento tóxico também afeta as pessoas ao redor, falharam miseravelmente em sua função. suas histórias são totalmente independentes do casamento de cleo e frank, e poucos foram os que realmente me despertaram algum interesse em saber o que aconteceria em suas jornadas. o capítulo da eleanor, que é uma personagem interessante, foi tão desnecessariamente longo que quase me fez largar o livro.
a leitura tem pontos positivos também, é claro. eu teria abandonado esse livro há muito tempo se ele se resumisse apenas a uma história presunçosa de um casal que não deveria sequer ter cogitado ficar junto. de certa forma, acabei me interessando em saber como aquilo terminaria, onde esse relacionamento os levaria e como isso iria se refletir em suas vidas pessoais no futuro. já nos personagens secundários, realmente me interessei pela história da zoe, e gostei de poder acompanhar mais sobre ela. em geral, nem todas as minhas expectativas foram atendidas, mas algumas partes ainda me prenderam até o final. o fato da história não se atrelar a um falso moralismo onde todos têm um arco de redenção também foi um ponto positivo para mim, pois estava claro que algumas jornadas só poderiam levar para a autodestruição, e essa talvez tenha sido a parte mais real da narrativa. o livro tem diversas frases de efeito que fazem você querer fazer marcações em tudo. para alguns, isso é demais, mas eu realmente achei algumas partes da escrita interessantes. e, talvez, se não fosse esse estilo meio lírico da escrita, eu teria realmente abandonado o livro.
por fim, cleópatra e frankenstein é um livro bonito, tanto em sua estética quanto em suas metáforas que tentam, sem sucesso, fazer com que o relacionamento de cleo e frank tenha algum sentido. não diria que foi uma leitura totalmente desperdiçada, pois me trouxe novos pontos de vista sobre relacionamentos, principalmente os não românticos. eu poderia escrever um texto desses só comentando sobre os relacionamentos familiares e de amizades nessa história, além de todo o jogo de poder envolvendo a diferença de idade e condições financeiras dos personagens. se o livro já me desperta essa vontade de debater sobre ele, já faz valer a leitura; pelo menos ela não é esquecível. porém, ele está longe de causar em mim o impacto que pessoas normais, ou qualquer outra história que aborda relacionamentos adultos e realistas, já causou. talvez no futuro, com uma releitura sem tantas expectativas, eu consiga encontrar o que tantas pessoas disseram que as tocaram profundamente nessa história. ou talvez eu só deva aprender a filtrar melhor quais leituras funcionam para mim ou não, independente de ser um livro que todo mundo amou. minha mãe já dizia que eu não sou todo mundo.
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msmelgar · 1 year
Pelea final
Lee!K!Quackity Ler!K!Luzu
Advertencias: fic de cosquillas, insultos, cosquillas intensas 👀
Si no te gusta éste tipo de contenido porfavor no leas <3
"¡YA SUELTAME CABRÓN! ¡te juro que apenas me libere de aquí te voy a meter un puto balazo en la maceta!". Gritó Quackity desde el fondo de un calabozo oscuro, lleno de tierra y polvo.
Su cintura se encontraba sujetada con una cadena que la rodeaba haciendo que esté encadenado a la pared sin posibilidades de moverse no más que unos pocos centímetros. Sus manos y pies estaban en el mismo estado, encadenados entre sí y sin posibilidades de moverlos. Pero ¿Por qué?...
"¡Sé que fuiste tú cabrón! Solo un pendejo como tú podría ser tan cobarde como para encadenarme para hablar ¿No es así Luzu?". Quackity no veía mucho ni escuchaba nada, pero sus últimos recuerdos antes de llegar a ése lugar indicaban que todo había sido un plan de Luzu. Solo él podía ordenarles a sus secuaces que se llevaran a Quackity en contra de su voluntad.
Quackity observó como una sombra se acercaba a él. De hecho, eran dos.
"Típico de Luzu ¿no? Mandar a sus pinches secuaces en lugar de dar la cara, no me esperaba menos la verdad". Sonrió Quackity provocando pero rápidamente sobresaltandose al escuchar el fuerte ruido de las rejas abriéndose delante de él.
"Tenemos ordenes de llevarte ante el alcalde, no te resistas y no hagas esto más complicado". Comunicó uno de los guardias que sostenía la reja mientras el otro desencadenaba a Quackity de la pared y le quitaba las cadenas de los pies para que pudiera caminar mejor, pero nunca quitando las cadenas de sus manos.
"Ya era hora, se estaba tardando ese cabrón". Respondió Quackity pero esta vez siendo llevado de ambos brazos por los secuaces mientras forcejeaban. "¡Ni me toquen!". Protestó en vano.
Luego de unos pocos minutos, los secuaces dejaron encerrado a Quackity en una habitación oscura, pero ya sin sus cadenas.
Las luces se encendieron para revelar una gran ventana delante de él, la cual dejaba ver a una persona bastante familiar mirándolo con las manos detrás de la espalda.
"Hola Quackity".
"Esto tiene que ser una puta broma... ¿Tanto miedo me tienes Luzu?". Bromeó Quackity sin tomarse la situación en serio.
"El que debería tener miedo ahora mismo eres tú la verdad, pero quiero que sepas que todo lo hice por ti y me parece muy injusta la manera en la que has tratado a mis secuaces y a mí" Comentó Luzu.
"Ayy no me vengas con tus mamadas Luzu, todas las cosas que te hice no se comparan a lo que me hiciste en las elecciones".
"No tengo tiempo para seguir discutiendo Quackity, vas a tener que elegir" Luzu tomó aire "Entre arrepentirte de todo lo que has hecho y pedirme perdón PÚBLICAMENTE o, pagar las consecuencias de tus actos".
Quackity se rió asombrado de las palabras de Luzu, le parecía ridículo.
"No tienes vergüenza ¿Verdad Luzu? ¡El que debería pedirle al otro disculpas públicamente eres TÚ cabrón!" Espetó Quackity acercándose al vidrio mientras apoyaba las dos manos en él "No me importa lo que me hagas, nunca voy a arrepentirme de todo lo que hice, es más, me arrepiento de no haberte matado cuando tuve la puta oportunidad".
"Ya he tenido suficiente" decidió Luzu evitando el contacto visual con Quackity con indiferencia y mirando detrás del recién mencionado "Pongan en marcha el plan de acuerdo a lo conversado". Ordenó finalmente.
Quackity frunció el ceño sin entender a lo que se refería Luzu pero pronto creyó entenderlo cuando se dió la vuelta y observó a cuatro secuaces acercarse a él de una manera poco amigable.
"¡Háganse para atrás! ¿¡De qué puto plan hablan!?". Gritó Quackity chocando su espalda con la ventana mientras los secuaces lo agarraban de los brazos y forzejeaban para hacerlo caminar.
"Pudo haber sido de otra forma". Suspiró Luzu.
Luego de pocos segundos Quackity se encontraba atado de manos y pies, sin zapatos, sobre una especie de camilla que se encontraba adelante de la famosa ventana donde Luzu podía observarlo sin problema alguno.
"¿Qué se supone que me vas a hacer? ¿Me vas a dar una sesión de terapia en contra de mi voluntad o qué?". Preguntó Quackity obviamente molestando a Luzu, pero él solo rodó los ojos ante sus provocaciones.
"No quiero oírte hablar, solo reír". Ordenó Luzu para luego mirar a sus secuaces y poner en marcha su plan.
Quackity se quedó confundido por la última palabra que usó Luzu pero no tuvo que preocuparse por eso ya que los secuaces se encargaron de aclarar sus confuciones rápidamente. Cada uno se puso en sus respectivas posiciones, tres de un lado y tres del otro apuntando a tres lugares distintos, los cuáles eran: Debajo de sus brazos, su torso y sus pies. Finalmente, todos ellos empezaron a garabatear y apretar cada rincón de esos lugares buscando la manera de volver loco al patito debajo de ellos.
"¡QUé HAJACen! ¡Ésto ES JAJAJ Johodidamejejente ESTÚPIDOHO!". Protestó Quackity sin poder evitar reírse de las abrumadoras sensaciones tan repentinas y forcejeando por liberarse.
"Bueno, una persona infantil merece un castigo infantil ¿No?". Bromeó Luzu.
Los secuaces que le hacían cosquillas debajo de sus brazos se aseguraron de no dejar un solo lugar sin rascar o garabatear, mientras que los que estaban en su torso se encargaban de masajear sus costillas y garabatear en su vientre tembloroso por las risas. ¡No nos olvidemos de sus pies! había un secuas en cada uno de ellos garabateando y haciendo formas al azar con plumas puntiagudas sobre sus dedos.
"POJOR QUÉJEJEJAJAJAJAJA DETEJEJEJEN ESTOJOJAJA ¡AAHJAJA!". Chilló Quackity cuando sintió una garra vibrando en su vientre haciendolo arquear la espalda soltando un sin fin de carcajadas involuntarias.
"De algo tenía que servirme el hecho de que seas tan delicado a ciertos toques, pero eso no es algo que te moleste en realidad ¿O si?". Cuestionó Luzu sonriendo con picardía.
Quackity aveces olvidaba que Luzu era de las pocas personas que conocía esta debilidad que tenía, el recordarlo lo puso colorado, decidió cerrar sus ojos con fuerza para evitar hacer contacto visual con Luzu. Se sentía avergonzado y vulnerable en esa situación, Luzu lo notó.
"¿Qué te pasa? ¿No lo disfrutas? Quizás deberían probar otros métodos".
"NOJOJO NONONO NO ES EJEJESO LO JAJAJA QUE QUIEJEJRO" Quackity se inquieto al sentir que los secuaces de Luzu paraban por un segundo solo para agarrar distintos instrumentos con los que podrían hacerlo reír.
"Por cierto, mi oferta sigue en pie, pero va a expirar pronto si no tomas una decisión" informó Luzu dando la orden de continuar para sus secuaces.
Agarraron cepillos, plumas y bolígrafos para poner manos a la obra. Pasaron cepillos eléctricos alrededor de sus axilas haciendo círculos y pasaron plumas por su vientre al igual que dentro de su ombligo mientras otro de ellos rascaba cada una de sus costillas. Los últimos dos secuaces escribían y dibujaban cosas al azar por toda la planta de su pie haciendo que Quackity trate desesperadamente de alejar sus pies sin éxito.
Los ojos de Quackity empezaron a llenarse de lágrimas felices y su cara ardía por la vergüenza. Se sentía mareado, totalmente confundido por las sensaciones que lo atormentaban en cada rincón de su cuerpo.
"¡LUJUZU PORFAJAJAVOJOR!". Suplicó Quackity sintiendo cómo disminuían sus fuerzas a medida que pasaban los minutos.
"No depende de mi, Quackity".
Quackity no podía ni pensar con claridad, empezaba a sentir cómo poco a poco su orgullo se iba desmoronando y se quedaba sin opciones.
"Se me está acabando la paciencia, si no me das respuestas haré que pierdas la cabeza". Amenazó Luzu.
Su cabeza daba vueltas y vueltas, no podía procesar todas esas sensaciones que torturaban sus puntos más sensibles empujandolo a la locura y al deseo de querer que todo termine de una vez. Lágrimas rodaban por sus mejillas, su cabeza descansaba inclinada hacia atrás mientras reía y reía sin parar. Sentía un intenso hormigueo por todo su cuerpo, no podía explicar cuán tortuoso era el sentimiento de no poder parar ni alejar todos esos dedos o todas esas plumas que lo hacían reír con tanta fuerza sin piedad.
Estaba tan sumergido en el sentimiento que ni siquiera se dió cuenta de que estaba frente a frente con Luzu en éste momento. Es más, ni siquiera notó que los secuaces habían parado desde hace unos pocos segundos.
"Disfrutando de la atención ¿No? ¿O es demasiada para tu gusto?". Se burló Luzu parado a un costado de Quackity.
"t-tejeje voy aJAJja mataJAr hijo de p-pujujuta". Amenazó entre risas residuales Quackity sin poder sonar aterrador como antes.
Luzu le ordenó a sus secuaces que se vayan y los dejaran solos.
"Solo quería dar mi toque final, pero no creas que hemos terminado aún, solo hemos terminado por hoy". Aclaró Luzu.
Quackity abrió los ojos ante esa última oración pero los cerró con fuerza nuevamente al sentir dos garras vibrando rápidamente debajo de sus brazos haciendolo reír como loco nuevamente.
"Ja, es lindo ver que mis garras aún te siguen dando gracia después de tanto tiempo, nunca podías soportarlas sin importar donde te las haga". Se maravilló Luzu aumentando la velocidad.
"AAHJAJAJAJA MIEJERDAJAJAJAJAJSJAJ NOJOJJAJAJAJAJ". Gritó Quackity estallando en carcajadas burbujeantes.
"¿Quieres que probemos otro lugar? Recuerdo un lugar que te hacía resoplar de manera adorable". Sonrió Luzu colocando sus dedos detrás de las sensibles orejas de Quackity garabateando ahí.
"¡NOJOJJAJAJAJAJ NO MÁS! YAJAJAJ NO QUIEROJOJAJA". Suplicó Quackity mientras se le escapaban algunos resoplidos como mencionó Luzu.
Éste último casi olvidaba su objetivo por culpa de estar admirando la gran sonrisa en el rostro de Quackity y disfrutando cada sonido raro que hacía entre risas, pero rápidamente se enfocó en su objetivo nuevamente y cambió de lugar.
"Esta es tu última oportunidad, si no te disculpas haré que me ruegues que pare". Advirtió.
Quackity no dijo ni una palabra, simplemente no podía, ya no le quedaban fuerzas para discutir o provocar como antes.
Luzu se puso manos a la obra metiendo sus manos por debajo de la camiseta de Quackity formando garras mientras vibraba y garabateaba por toda la piel suave y sensible de su panza. Quackity lo perdió.
Su mente quedó en blanco, solo podía pensar en lo mucho que le hacía reír esa sensación, era desesperante y no había nada que pudiera hacer. Su vista se nubló, ya no escuchaba claramente ni sus propias risas, sintió que su alrededor se desvanecía y muy pronto ya no pudo sentir nada más que un profundo vacío.
Pero como dijo Luzu, solo habían terminado por hoy.
Disfruten aunque sea largo JAJAJ
Eres libre de hacerme una solicitud de cualquier miembro del dsmp o karmaland <3 solo sfw!
Chauu 🐺
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revenant-coining · 1 year
[ pt: Gimmelyrica ]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 6 equally-sized horizontal lines with a thick line in the middle. colors in this order and reflected after the last listed color: dark brown, orange, green, pale tan, green, orange, dark brown. End ID]
requested by @tidez
Gimmelyrica: a gender connected to the lyrics: “Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight / Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?” from the song Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) by ABBA.
Etymology: gimme, “lyrica” a lyric gender suffix
Pronounced: gim-me ler-i-ca (gimme lyrica)
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa
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[ID: a pink line divider with a pink and purple sun in the middle. End ID]
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