#Lian is the most adorable character to ever exist
thessbread · 2 years
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I make things when I’m bored so have some Roy and jade being dramatic for lian
Here are all the individual images as well lmao
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not-joan-of-arc · 1 year
heaven official's blessing (pt. 2)
(finished reading on April 1 2022)
my unedited annotations for books four and five (SPOILERS AHEAD):
been too busy to read for the past few days but I'm super excited to dive back into this - that being said, I'm still scared of this book ending
and so we return to the past!!
okay so Xie Lian's already been banished? ngl I was kind of hoping to see the actual banishment because I'm still confused as to why exactly he was banished??
also it's weird because the Xie Lian of the past is vastly different from present him but you can also very clearly see how he became the way he is today
ah yes now we know exactly where Xie Lian's poison-cooking-specialty originates from lol
okay Mu Qing is being kind of a dick in leaving Xie Lian but also he's got a valid point, and I kinda sympathise with him?
oh fuck me it's Hua Cheng?? I knew he would be in this book somehow!!
“I want to protect them.” - no but this is his unfulfilled wish that ties him to the mortal realm?? like he just wants to protect Xie Lian, that's so pure and wow I'm actually going to start crying now
I hope one day to find someone who loves me as much as Hua Cheng loves Xie Lian, even if its just in a platonic way
‘“If you remain forcibly, you won’t be able to rest in peace,” Xie Lian said.
The nameless ghost didn’t seem to care. “I pray to never rest in peace.”’
no but this whole scene with Xie Lian and little ghost Hua Cheng is like the foundation of their current relationship - Hua Cheng protecting Xie Lian without ever speaking a word to him of it, suffering to keep his heart to himself
so Hua Cheng died in the war, that makes sense
wait what?? Xie Lian actually cooked something edible?? maybe his cooking skills are a plot device after all
oh so this is when Feng Xin gets all wifed up
no but you really feel the second-hand embarassment when Xie Lian is caught trying to rob someone, like he's really fallen from that gracious and honorable Crown Prince of the past
yo someone help this boy, he is literally having multiple panic attacks and has very severe PTSD and also probably depression, like boy needs some therapy stat
but tbf, that's all characters in every mxtx adaptation rip
okay but ghost fire Hua Cheng is genuinely adorable
oh so these are the thirty-three heavenly officials Hua Cheng becomes famous for killing - of course his reason for doing so was Xie Lian! I should have realised that sooner considering everything Hua Cheng does is for Xie Lian
“But, this hand had reached out too late.”
I think White No-Face's obsession with Xie Lian is because he is the Crown Prince of Wuyong who suffered a terrible fate and he wants Xie Lian to suffer likewise and join him so he won't be alone anymore
the one instance where Feng Xin and Mu Qing are actually getting along and it's Xie Lian who drives them apart, how ironic - I keep trying to make myself like Mu Qing and like, I understand why he does what he does but I still don't like him - Feng Xin though is my boi
I'm beginning to understand why book four is the most tragic and hardest-to-read section in the whole book
no but it makes sense?? killing makes you immune to the human face disease
oh fuck no I think I know what's about to happen
Xie Lian...what are they doing to you
fuck me but he is without a doubt the character with the most tragic backstory ever to exist
how painful this must be for Hua Cheng too seeing the love of his life bear so much pain and be unable to do anything about it
Xie Lian you need to tell Feng Xin what happened to you or you're going to lose him too
“It’s not like I’m a god, can’t I be angry? Can’t I hate?”
I understand why Feng Xin leaves but also fuck you Feng Xin! can't you see how much torment your best friend is in? can't you see that he's too broken to be left alone
wait the King and Queen have actually hanged themselves?
no okay this is too fucking much don't y'all leave Xie Lian alone like this, he doesn't deserve to be tormented like thus, he doesn't deserve any of this
Ruoye!! and now I understand what Xie Lian meant when he talked about forging his spiritual device with Pei Ming - I knew it would be tragic but never this tragic
he's on the verge of becoming the white-faced calamity isn't he?
Hua Cheng to the rescue!! and now I understand all the fan art of Hua Cheng in a smiling face mask
or maybe not Hua Cheng to the rescue? curiouser and curiouser
Xie Lian has definitely got something up his sleeve as always but it still hurts to watch him be so broken and in pain
and now we have the story behind the bamboo hat
Hua Cheng!!
ahh why do they both go through so much pain?? and because they're soulmates they feel each other's pain too - my heart -
I read a post that said all that happens to Xie Lian makes him “desensitised” to everything and that's exactly what it is - he bears so much pain and suffering and humiliation in such a short span of time that eight hundred years later present day Xie Lian just does not give a fuck about anything anymore, like he's reached the lowest it is posible to ever go and can go no lower and like my heart is in pieces for him but at the same time he's such a fucking icon
the truth behind his second banishment
and thus we have present day Xie Lian in all his adorableness, except now we know his full story
the only big mystery left now is his third ascension I think
now onto book five as we return to Mount Tongl'u
I don't this even needs to be said but I loathe White No-Face with every inch of my being okay
no but its actually hilarious that Hua Cheng carved a inhumanly big statue of Xie Lian out of a literal mountain, like my man is whipped
the real question is why is Hua Cheng a ghost king and not a world-famous artist and sculptor?? like he should have his own museum and not be running the ghost version of las vegas lol
it's also hilarious how though all the gods supposedly find Xie Lian strange they're all still willing to do whatever he says, like Quan Yizhen and even Pei Ming
haha I knew Pei Ming totally ships it
its only been like a few hours since Hua Cheng and Xie Lian properly kissed with no pretensions (and they haven't even properly confessed their love yet - though they don't really need to to be honest lol) but I'm absolutely living for these casual displays of love, like Hua Cheng giving Xie Lian a forehead kiss makes me feel so warm and happy
I was wondering when Shi Quingxan would show up again - ngl, was not expecting this reunion though
absolutely love the fact that Xie Lian can quite easily kiss Hua Cheng in front of everyone when it's a high-stakes situation but gets flustered by kissing his cheek when they're completely alone, Xie Lian is just too adorable
Jun Wu is White No-Face?? what the fuck....
I thought Jun Wu was kind of sus but not to this extent
no I don't want Yin Yu to die, he's genuinely one of my faves and deserves so much better than he got
yasss we stan Lord Rain Master!!
hmm I wonder if Mu Qing's interrogation has anything to do with what Hua Cheng heard him and Feng Xin arguing about on Mount Tongl'u
I mean Hua Cheng isn't wrong, the two of them really have zero self-preservation instincts lol
yes finally, we're going to get the full story!
so Jun Wu/White No-Face has basically been manipulating everything from the very beginning? damn - and I thought Mengyao in mdzs was a psychopath, this is just on a whole other level
Guoshi ships it!! he's definitely confused about where all the gay came from though lol
I'm screaming Guoshi is definitely trying (and failing) to give Xie Lian some sex ed
this whole battle seems like some sort of crack dream
okay but Guoshi is actually the best
Guoshi referring to Quan Yizhen as a ‘fluffy child’ is the peak of hilarity
not Guzi!
this Hua Cheng is He Xuan isn't it
not gonna lie, I kinda ship General Pei and the Rain Master
Hua Cheng already imagining having a child with Xie Lian - I can't, that's too adorable
final battle approaches
Hua Cheng wanting to make a good impression on his boyf's ‘dad’
come on Xie Lian, you're so good at sussing out every other gods mysteries but you can't even figure out all Hua Cheng has done for you? you're so fucking obtuse at times
Hua Cheng thinking that Xie Lian was going to stab himself again - my heart - and then being reminded of when Xie Lian was stabbed by a hundred swords but Xie Lian just laughing it off - ahhh why did they have to go through so much pain
I think Feng Xin is slowly coming to the understand the depth of trust and love and mutual respect that is Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's relationship - he's definitely not against it now at the very least
also glad we're finally getting some character growth from Mu Qing, after 800 years
so this is the truth of Mu Qing and honestly, I can't really say I dislike him so much anymore, like I understand where he's coming from
he's still a dumbass for not realising that Xie Lian genuinely did want to be friends all this time though, but then again, if I met someone as good as Xie Lian I would be a little skeptical too lol
this whole scene is low-key hilarious, they're both dumbasses
scratch that, all three of them - Xie Lian, Mu Qing and Feng Xin - they're all dumbasses
okay now I'm starting to understand where all the shipping of Feng Xin and Mu Qing comes from, this whole bit with Feng Xin carrying Mu Qing and them bickering is kind of adorable
Mu Qing and Feng Xin definitely give the vibe of Xie Lian's brothers who don't really approve of Xie Lian's boyf in the first place but still don't want him to be harmed for the sake of Xie Lian - I actually love their friendship okay, however much history they have between them all
and now we get the rest of Hua Cheng's story!! I'm so ready for this
no fucking way - so Hua Cheng could have been a god??
he definitely chose the ghost life for the aesthetic lol
I love the trope when couples fight together as a team, like all the wordless communication and synchronisation
‘Because he wasn’t as good as Hua Cheng thought him to be.’
that's the thing though, Hua Cheng has seen every bit of Xie Lian and knows that he's imperfect, he understands him and sees him for who he is - Xie Lian, don't you understand? Hua Cheng cares about none of it, all he cares about is you, its all he's ever cared about
‘“Your Highness, don’t be afraid. Remember? The one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is ‘you’, and not the state of you. No matter what’s happened in the past, I will never leave you. You can tell me anything.”’
nooo not ruoye!! :(
‘He couldn’t help but wonder—perhaps, to be defeated by someone, to end these relentless days of brokeness and madness, was possibly Jun Wu’s wish deep down.’
Xie Lian you are truly one of a kind - “shattering boulders on chest” lmao
‘All of a sudden, thousands of emotions, millions of words swarmed into his head. There was gratefulness, there was shame, there was heartache, there was wild joy, but above all else, there was incurable love.’
fucking finally!! it's taken Xie Lian way too long to realise the truth lol
‘Hua Cheng said quietly, “Your Highness, I understand your everything. Your courage, your despair; your kindness, your pain; your resentment, your hate; your intelligence, your foolishness. If I could, I would have you use me as your stepping stone, the bridge you take apart after crossing, the corpse bones you need to trample to climb up, the sinner who deserved the butchering of a million knives. But, I know you wouldn’t allow it.”
He said all this as the maple red of his robes slowly faded away.’
fuck me they better have a happy ending after all that or I'm going to scream
Jian Lan and Feng Xin deserved better, they all deserved so much better
I love how every little story arc is getting some sort of resolution as we near the end
‘Hua Cheng waited for him for over eight hundred years, so what did it matter if he waited for Hua Cheng for another eight hundred more? It could be a thousand years, ten thousand years, and he would still wait, and continue to wait.’
‘A smile hung on Xie Lian’s face, thinking, he wasn’t the only one who had fallen.’ - but I'm also bawling
‘Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other. This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace.’
final chapter let's go!! but also I don't want this to end
love that they've returned to Puqi shrine it's so wholesome
I'm screaming - this definitely means Hua Cheng and Xie Lian have already slept together lol - and Feng Xin and Mu Qing are just there like ‘we really didn't need to know that’
the elusive He Xuan??
I am living for domestic HuaLian
“I am forever your most devoted believer.”
after finishing the book:
screaming crying laughing I can't believe its over
this was a genuine masterpiece
also reading the post-script I think MXTX is legitimately a genius like wow, I aspire to be as talented as she is
(rated 5 stars)
my annotation system
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Has no one asked for Jay or Roy for the meme yet 👀
Already did Jason, but here's Roy!
First impression
One of the first comics I read when I got into them was Quiver, and I fell head over heels with the whole Arrowfamily that existed at the time: Ollie, Roy, Connor, and Mia. Roy in particular was basically like someone designed a character especially for me, given my love of redheads, kid sidekicks, orphans with daddy issues, and archers. There just wasn't a specific story that I really latched on to with him - even with the Arrowfam stuff at the time, he was an adult and not living with Ollie the way Connor and Mia were, so he felt a bit separate.
Impression now
RHatO, for all its flaws (it is basically entirely flaws), gave me that missing piece I'd been looking for with Roy, and now I am clearly obsessed. It's that loneliness and abandonment and yearning covered up with a charming extrovert aggressively performing okayness that gets me - I always say Booster is the DC character I relate to the most, but Roy is a close second and for many of the same reasons.
Favorite moment
God I have so many, but the winner would probably have to be:
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RI adore Roy with all my heart but without Lian, he's either a poor man's Oliver Queen or a poor man's Dick Grayson depending on the story. Lian is the key to this character and she was from the moment she first appeared as an inexplicably redheaded infant.
(Runners up: the entirety of the Arsenal miniseries, reuniting with Ollie in Quiver, telling Connor they're both their father's sons, and RHatO Annual #2.)
Idea for a story
Aside from my many Roy-centric fic WIPs, on the wildly outside chance that DC ever hired me to write a comic, my #1 pitch is Speedy: Year One. LET ME WRITE THE BABY.
Unpopular opinion
I think I've bitched about my fandom pet peeves with Roy plenty, but to reiterate: I hate when he's used as a prop for Jason instead of a character in his own right, and I hate when his relationship with Ollie is portrayed as horrendously abusive and toxic instead of how it is in canon, which is complicated but loving (especially when it's contrasted with a fairy tale of the Bats being a big happy family).
Favorite relationship
I mean, Lian’s a given - she elevated Roy to a truly unique, top tier character. He’s the best father in the DCU, hands down, and their bond is so beautiful. (I am still so mad about the fucking Shoes Harper thing, y’all.)
As a runner-up...to be honest, I can't pick between Jason and Ollie. I gushed about JayRoy in my Jason answer, but Ollie and Roy's relationship with all its complication and mess is so important to me. They have definitely both fucked up at times - Ollie more than Roy - but I really believe that they were two kindred spirits who found each other when they both needed someone and oh no I'm gonna cry about it.
Favorite headcanon
My heart took "Roy was in a band" and ran with it. I firmly believe he can sing and play guitar as well as the drums, and though he prefers 60s and 70s music, he's well versed in standards from the 30s and 40s because that was what Ollie raised him on (canon) and that's what he sings to Lian as her lullabies.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Hi! I was reading a fanfic and it brought up Roy and Dick's fight, which I see a lot of in fics but never what they fought about and consequently why they don't talk. I thought it was a vague excuse/reason why Roy was Jason's friend not Dick's anymore but this fic brought up when Dick was batman so I was wondering if there was actually a fight between them? Btw I really enjoy your metas! They're v thought out and well articulated. Also it's v easy to separate what's your opinion and what's fact which is. Very helpful for me
Yeah this is one hundred percent a fanon thing that's kept deliberately vague to justify why Roy in his friendship with Jason seems to have no positive thoughts or concerns about Dick whatsoever. Now granted, Dick and Roy are not nearly as close in the New 52 as they were pre-Reboot. The lack of their friendship there is definitely one of the things I disliked most about the Reboot - and I actually don't care if Jason and Roy are friends tbh, its the total erasure of his history with Dick as if he can't be friends with both, that like, bugs most.
But so like, yeah, Roy and Dick aren't super close when they interact on the Titans in the New 52, but there's literally nothing in any of their interactions that explains the complete absence of him from Roy's life or a reason that Roy would like, hate him the way he tends to in a lot of Jason-centric fics.
When you factor in pre-Reboot stuff though, it starts to get a LOT more.....uh wyd? And this is why I have trouble buying that people just write Roy and Jason the way they do because its the only thing they know from recent comics. Like one, most fans talk about how they don't even read the source comics, so there's no reason their knowledge of the characters or events would be limited to just recent comics if they're going off wiki summaries and scans anyway. And second, most fans AREN'T limited in their knowledge to just recent comics.
Like, the second people start writing Roy and Jason and Kori but with their pre-52 characterizations and references to events from THAT timeline, it all gets very messy, the way they're like, completely antagonistic towards Dick a lot of the time. Because Roy and Dick were always solid. Yes, they fought. A lot. But they always, ALWAYS made up afterwards. They had conflict about Roy's drug addiction - it didn't stop Dick from being there to support him through rehab, or Dick being the first person Roy called to help him get Lian after he learned of her existence. Dick literally held Lian before Roy ever did? He's the one who first put her in Roy's arms for the first time.
(Which is the prime grudge I and most Dick Grayson fans have about Roy and Jason fics which make Jason like, the absolute apple of Lian's eye. If you want to expand Lian's circle of loved and trusted ones to include Jason as Roy's friend and thus her uncle, like go for it! But there's zero reason that should require invalidating and erasing the fact that Dick was this little girl's adored godfather and uncle for pretty much her entire life. And the way Dick is just shoved offstage from Lian's life entirely, to slot Jason into his place as though they're completely interchangeable, its like....THAT'S the kind of thing that gets people irey about how Jason 'steals' Dick's dynamics and character relationships.
Because there's nothing saying they both can't be major players in Roy and Lian's lives! But just that they're not interchangeable! You need to develop the specific role Jason plays there WITHOUT just overwriting everything Dick actually did in relation to the two of them pre-Flashpoint, which is what you're drawing from the second you write Lian, unless you're specifically going with the few appearances we've had of her within literally just the last year.
But I mean, when people just search and replace Dick Grayson in all Roy and Lian's pre-Reboot stories and act like Jason was the one doing all of that instead.....why wouldn't fans of the source material be annoyed by a character getting credit for interactions and things done for Lian and Roy that Jason literally NEVER DID, while at the EXACT SAME TIME, conjuring some mysterious, unnamed 'Falling Out' that Roy and Dick had, that was clearly all Dick's fault, and resulted from him being basically excised entirely from Roy and Lian's lives?
Same with Kori, for the record, and like despite being Dick's ex, she and Dick have NEVER been like, estranged? She and Dick have often been close even after their breakup. None of it makes any sense, and the fact that a lot of fans don't even try to make it make sense or justify it, and expect other fans to just be fine with settling for an inexplicable reversal of Dick's every actual dynamic with these characters while setting up Jason to occupy the exact same role Dick played in these other characters' lives, like.....lol. Its fun.)
Anyway, back to your question, like, there are fights you can go with pre-Reboot as the source of various conflicts between Dick and Roy - but again, I maintain its just as crucial that they're always written as getting past them. They have a very tempestuous relationship because they are the two people MOST likely to call each other on their shit, two of the two people WITH the most shit in common due to the parallels in their childhoods and the roles they've occupied in the Titans and the superhero community in general, and the two people most resistant to being called out on their shit by each other, lol. Mostly in that case because like, they do recognize that they have a lot in common and understand each other very well, so the second the other is calling them out for something, they're usually like "ugh, if HE'S saying this, its probably true and I am just not prepared yet to be wrong about this. I need more time being unjustifiably rawr about things." Its like that thing where they both look at each other doing something that feels familiar or calls back to their own reasons for doing something and they're like ugh I'm in this picture and I don't like it.
So they clash. A lot. But always with the implicit bedrock of like, there's nothing either of them can do or say to the other that will push the other away for good.
They fought over Roy replacing Dick as leader of the Titans when Dick's wedding fell apart, even though Roy actually didn't want to do it and was kinda pushed into it by the government, but again, Dick like, got over it and realized it was for the best and forgave Roy for it that very same issue. And on and on. It always went like that. So there's plenty of stuff that can be used or pointed at as a source of conflict between the two, but the part I'll always call unbelievable is the idea that they never make up after one of these fights. Why now? What fight, specifically, is so bad between them that despite everything else they've gone through AND gotten past, they can't get past this one? Y'know?
So yeah, that's my take on this. There is no definitive falling out between Dick and Roy as many fics like to point to in order to shove him offscreen and make room for Jason in Roy and Lian's lives, and personally, I just don't find it necessary and I actually think it makes Roy look REALLY bad. Because when you're not specifically detailing all the things that Dick has actually DONE for Roy, the lengths to which he's been there for his friend, and like, specifically invalidating each and every one of them as something that never happened in a particular fic, then literally anyone who reads that fic and has their own awareness of Dick and Roy's friendship is kiiiiiinda likely to be reading that and thinking wow what an ungrateful asshole, when Roy's just written as bitching about Dick with Jason and sandbagging him without any real explanation as to WHY, beyond just 'oh they had a fight years ago.'
(And coming up with some random awful thing that Dick did to justify Roy hating him now isn't like, a superior alternative, lmao, because again, its still just trashing one character for the sake of getting him out of the way of two other characters' friendship and people are going to think what they think about that).
Anyway, my now standard stock disclaimer that like, there doesn't actually need to be a canon fight obviously, for people to just write things this way and handwave that Dick and Roy had an epic falling out years ago and now they just hate one another or whatever, or just Roy hates him or vice versa. Obviously people are free to do what they want. They don't need a reason other than "I want to write it this way so Jason and Roy are friends and Jason doesn't have to 'share' him with Dick or have his friendship be overshadowed by their greater history together." That just happens to be a reason that no Dick Grayson fan is ever really going to be happy about, lol, for what should be perfectly obvious reasons, so it honestly shouldn't be surprising to people that fans of the source material often gripe about it.
Because yeah fanfic is a tremendous opportunity to transform the source material into something better, but if what's better for some fans actively takes away what was working perfectly well for other fans the original way, they're going to say that. Especially in a fandom where so many new fans take their view of the characters and their dynamics from fics rather than the source material - when fandom has that much of an influence on what new fans perceive to be 'canon,' fans are perfectly within their right to emphasize what is ACTUALLY canon and what isn't, so that new fans at least have the opportunity to determine for themselves what take they want to go with, instead of just accepting at face value that the nature of say, Dick and Roy's relationship is just that Roy hates Dick because of some mumble mumble ancient history vague mumble details not found mumble mumble fight.
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nyerus · 3 years
Hi, nyerus.....If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite MXTX characters (top 5 from each novel)? And why? I'm sorry if you've answered this question before.
Thank you so much for asking! I would love to! (Apologies for the delay, and also for how long this is lol....)
1.) Xie Lian: I could write forever about why I love him, but XL is just a really great character who subverted my expectations. He's gentle and compassionate, but also funny and snarky on the inside. His character arc is the classic hero's journey but told out of order. So we meet him when he's already wise and world-weary, then get to see what he was like before, and how he finishes his journey later on. He's extremely inspiring, to show that our choices and our actions are what make us, and ultimately no one can take those from us.
2.) Hua Cheng: This is no surprise! I also just adore HC for being a very intense character! He's completely devoted to XL and that zealotry is very unique in a character. He's 100%, not 50, not 75. While he has a lot of relateable aspects, this part of him is utterly fantastical, on the level only myth and fable can achieve--which tracks. After all, he isnt a Ghost King for nothing. In the story, he is the embodiment of the purest devotion, no strings attached.
3.) He Xuan: I actually like him for the same reasons as HC! He too is a walking fable, only instead of devotion, he represents vengence. (They're actually like foils of each other, which is quite neat.) I really adore his arc, and how murky his whole character is. It tells a cautionary tale of how sometimes, our worst enemy--the one who makes us most miserable--is often ourselves. SWD wronged him greviously, but HX's obsession with vengence ultimately prevented him from getting the peace and recompense he wanted in the end. Absolutely stellar storytelling.
4.) Mei Nianqing: While I often question his motives and methods, he is still a really good character. Caught between wanting to be a mentor and protector to XL, but still loving (platonically or romantically, that's up to you) JW. He's the only father figure in XL's life that actually took him seriously, even if he did have to come around to it. But ultimately, he was proud of who XL became even before he ascended. He was just terrified of XL drawing the attention of the one man he shouldn't--and did. However his belief in superstition and fear of Hong Hong-er also makes sense, even if it's sad. MNQ is also just a quirky and fun dude lol.
5.) Mu Qing: I really like how complicated and murky MQ's is in terms of his inner turmoil. I'm somewhat similar to him in the way he thinks, and it's real work not to make things worse for myself by expecting the worse. His background makes him naturally suspicious of... basically everyone, all the time, and it's honestly understandable. Ultimately, he does understand that you can't make assumptions about people's intentions by projecting your own insecurities onto them--which I think is something everyone can relate to. I really like his subtle journey of self-realization and self-forgiveness, and he ends up far better for it.
1.) Lan Wangji: I love the fact that LWJ was just so ready to Night Hunt himself to death upon the loss of his beloved. As you can tell, I really like complicated characters who have extreme traits, haha! That being said, I just also really like his stoicism and reliability.
2.) Wei Wuxian: Naturally, it's hard not to love WWX! He decided "yeah maybe the ends do justify the means" and went for it. To us, he is the hero. To the regular people of the world? Whose ancestors were dug up and disturbed to be used by the Yiling Laozu? His blackened reputation is not without cause! (Like... JGY literally has done more positive and helpful things for regular people than Wangxian, but those metas already exist lol.) Once again, his gray morality is what makes him so damn good, and can be debated at length!
3.) Jiang Cheng: JC gets a bad rep, but oh boy he doesn't make things easy for himself at all. However if I was in his position, I probably would be much worse off. He lost EVERYTHING, and still trudged on because there were people who depended on him. His hatred of the Wens also makes sense in the context that... that's often how humans react to and process extreme trauma. We find something to blame and *waves at literally every major conflict since the dawn of time.* (His rumored torture of innocent people due to that is reprehensible, of course, but given that MDZS is a book about how rumors can make or break someone's life... we should take that line with a grain of skepticism, much like all other hearsay.) He's not typically the type of character I like, but I found him really interesting to read.
4.) Jiang Yanli: I really love JYL, who decided to be the emotional backbone of her family from the time she was a child. It was an undue and extremely heavy burden to bear, but she did all of it without complaint. That's strength. I think many elder siblings can relate to her having to step up and be the third parent, when the actual adults fail at it.
5.) Wen Qing: I really like her arc in the novel, where she makes some of the hardest decisions anyone will ever have to make, over and over and over again. I don't typically love very "rough" characters, but she has ever right to be that way (and it makes sense for her character, and isn't just a tacked-on character trait like hair color or eye color in a CC), and honestly I want to marry her very seriously.
1.) Luo Binghe: Probably the most misunderstood main character of all of MXTX's works. LBH is neither truly a crybaby nor is he a ruthless maniac. He's right in the middle, in the valley of misanthropy. And yet, he knows just how to use his charisma to get his way. Cunning and devious, intelligent and ruthless. Meanwhile, he craves love and intimacy--something he could only ever dream of.
2.) Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan): Extremely refreshing to see an transmigrator know how to handle transmigration almost flawlessly. (Me reading/watching other works with this trope and wanting to tear my hair out at the protags = me sympathizing on a personal level with SQQ.) This also proves to be SQQ's fatal flaw!! His knowledge of the novel is both a boon and a obstacle to him, and prevents him from understanding the other characters as people until he lets go of his pre-conceived notions. And of course, his snarky as heck inner dialogue is amazing.
3.) Liu Qingge: I don't actually even know why I love LQG as much as I do. He's just neat.
4.) Tianlang-Jun: Honestly same goes for TLJ. He's just great though, and I have a blast reading about him. He wanted to see the good in humanity, and ultimately comes around after writing them off.
5.) Yue Qingyuan: He's a fascinating character. Harmless on the outside, but a quagmire on the inside. His love for Shen Jiu was quite... problematic, in that he saught forgiveness from SJ, without actually ever taking the time to understand him or to make amends. Patronizing and judgemental, yet willing to let SJ get away with literally anything because of his own unresolved turmoil, etc etc. Fascinating.
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lilydalexf · 3 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with Tabula Rasa
Tabula Rasa has 8 stories at Gossamer, but there are even more X-Files fics at AO3 and her website. She writes Mulder and Scully in a very lovely way. I've recced 3 of my favorites of her fics here before: Bird in Snow, Fall: East on M St, and Skuamorph. Big thanks to Tabula Rasa for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
I'm always extremely pleasantly surprised to get kudos (or, very rarely, a comment) on my old fic, but I'm always happy to see it! I did post them all (I think) to AO3. I'm not surprised people are still reading fic, though. It's an iconic show and now with streaming, it's really easy to watch older shows and natural to want fic about them!
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
XF was my first fandom, definitely my first online fandom, and so it will always have a special place in my heart. Also... I had a great time! I stumbled upon and joined the Scullyfic email list by accident, but it was the best thing I could have done. I learned a lot about how to be a writer and how to be in fandom, and those lessons are still important to me. Foundational. Also, in terms of modern fandom drama, XF was more low-key on the drama (although it didn't seem like it at the time!). But I learned something that's always served me well: find like-minded people, and hang out with them. Don't worry about the rest.
Also... you can't control the show, but you kind of can control the canon.
Because of Scully, I ended up taking a forensic anthropology class in university-- and now I have a Master's in a forensic science! Part of the Scully Effect, and proud of it!
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
Definitely mostly email list! I never really got the hang of message boards. Posting fic was exhausting, and tbh I never figured out how to work Ephemeral. I checked it every day, though! I loved, after a new episode, everyone sending in their thoughts and reading everyone's experiences together. Fandom was a lot more work back then, tbh!
What did you take away from your experience with X-Files fic or with the fandom in general?
That fic can be just as good, or better, than traditionally published works. There are works of XF fic that have stuck with me for years now, far more than some books I've read. That fan writers can know the characters better than the show writers. The fandom in general was really smart, and mostly more adult than me (I joined fandom when I went away to college, so I always felt at the younger end of the scale. That was good though!).
Also, my first time reading and writing porn. Not gonna lie, I was shocked the first time I accidentally read smut. But I adjusted fast. lol
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
I was still a kid (now we would say preteen) when the show premiered- I think in middle school. But I was already into ghosts, aliens, monsters, solving mysteries, and I'd already imprinted on the dynamic thanks to Square One (really)! I was also just old enough to start developing celebrity crushes. Hilariously, I did not twig to the fact that I'm bisexual the entire time I was in XF fandom, despite having enormous crushes on BOTH Mulder and Scully. Ahhhh!
Also, my whole family was into the show, but I was definitely the one with the hyperfixation. I used to take notes and record the episodes as I watched. It just had the right stuff and hit at the right time. And I've always been obsessive.
What got you involved with X-Files fanfic?
As a kid I also really liked Star Trek, and someone had given my dad a book about the history of Star Trek, which I read. This included mentions of fandom and fanfic. As soon as I had a private-- and perhaps more importantly fast-- internet connection (in college), I went looking for XF fanfic, and that was that. Hooked immediately. Also I shipped them A LOT so that's what I went looking for.
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
I tend to not go back to a fandom once I have a new fandom, so I wouldn't say I'm in it. I did hang around the edges for the revival, of course, because I wanted to experience that with the same people, but since the revival was mostly not that great (with a few exceptions), I didn't get pulled back into it. But I still think of the people I knew in the fandom a lot, and always hope they're doing well.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
I've never left fandom, and I've been in a BUNCH: Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Bandom, Supernatural, now CQL/The Untamed and other Chinese-media fandoms, with many smaller ones in between or on the side. I feel like at their core fandoms tend to be similar, although where you host the fandom makes a big difference: Livejournal, tumblr, twitter. I think that because fandoms now tend to be bigger and more diverse (which is good) there tends to be more wank (which is bad). In some of them I was close to a group of people, some of them not. Honestly the best thing is when someone you know from an old fandom is in your new fandom. It's so much fun. I have really good friends thanks to fandom, and I've had them for YEARS. Like. 15 years.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
I tend to focus more on ships than characters, but some of my all-time favs: Scully, Hermione, Sirius Black, Castiel, Lan Wangji, Xie Lian. That's just fandom-oriented ones, otherwise we'd be here all day. :D
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I don't often rewatch episodes any more, although if I come across an ep on tv I might. I definitely still think about them though! For example, I'm a teacher now, and just a couple weeks ago one of my colleagues mentioned he'd heard the students saying they shipped two of their classmates, and he was like "Ship? I don't get it" and I was like "HOO BOY, do I have a story for you!" And I explained how shipping came from XF fandom, and why. That was fun. I definitely still think about Mulder and Scully too-- I mean, they're cultural touchstones, so they do come up sometimes in greater pop culture. Also, I was in Hannibal fandom for a while, and Gillian Anderson is still The Best.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I haven't read XF fic in years, even the ones I remember as being really significant/important to me. I still have my all-time favs saved on an external HD though! Fic in another fandom- every day lol.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
Blinded by White Light by DashaK has stuck with me. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and the Ruby-Throated Warbler by I forget I'm so sorry -- that's lasted as my ideal post-canon MSR and as an interesting and different way to tell a story.  [Lilydale note: It’s by rah.] I was always thrilled to see fic by Brandon, JET, MaybeAmanda, Syntax6... and, frankly, everyone on the Scullyfic/ Emuse list. So many talented people in that fandom!
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
Things Outside, which is the only thing I've ever written based on a dream, and I'm really satisfied with it. It was hard to write but so much fun to revel in the weirdness. I always kind of wanted to write more because I know a lot more about the situation, but otoh, I like the open, ambiguous ending (usually I am very HEA).
In other fandoms, King & Country in bandom (MCR) and in Supernatural I'm very proud of Hope and Clay. I struggle to write casefics even though I love to read them, but that one really worked out.
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I don't think I'll ever write something new. There is an old fic that may be done but it was smut so I was too shy to post it at the time. In theory if I find it and it's decent, I could post it!
Do you still write fic now? Or other creative work?
I do! I write fic very slowly, but I do write still! I have a million ideas for stories, but I'm so slow at the actual writing part.
Where do you get ideas for stories?
I usually take a jumping-off point from canon, or of course, something I need to fix or expand on. Or sometimes I start telling myself a story as I fall asleep and the idea grabs me long enough I can manage to write it.
What's the story behind your pen name?
I was getting into fandom and realized people didn't use their real names. I flipped through my history book looking for inspiration, and decided tabula rasa was a great name for a writer. I tend to add an X because it's rare to get "tabularasa" as a username, and the X is indeed for X-Files (so I'm something like tabulaxrasa most places). I usually go by Tabula Rasa or Tab, though. And I still use it because 1) it IS a great name for a writer; and 2) it's not fandom-specific so I can keep it in every fandom.
I identify with it so much I have answered to this name in class (oops). I have a "Tab" t-shirt (as in the soda, but I have worn it to Comic-Con for ease of ID-- better than a nametag!). And my mom got me a necklace with a "tab" typewriter key as a charm, which I adore. Yes, I have accidental merch of myself.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
As you can tell from the above, my family knows (my family being my parents and sister). They are supportive! I think my mom read a couple stories? But obviously she has to know the fandom to get it... I got my sister into fic, and we even wrote a couple fics together (in Gundam Wing). She's a lot more selective about fandoms, but she's joined fandoms on her own, too. She's just not in one constantly, like me. :p
I tend not to tell not-online friends unless I have felt them out and know they're super fannish, or they bring it up first.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
Most of my old fic is now on AO3 and I hang out on twitter a lot, @tabula_x_rasa
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
I'm really glad people are still in this fandom! It will always be so important to me. Thank you Lilydale, for this nostalgia trip!
(Posted by Lilydale on March 30, 2021)
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celestial-mari · 4 years
hi mar'i! is it okay if i ask you if you can rate every dickkory adaptations/incarnations throughout the years (NTT, Teen Titans Cartoon show, Teen Titans Go, DCAMU, Convergence, New Order, Kingdom Come, Injustice 2, Live Action) personally live action is my least favorite of all of them, and it has nothing to do with Anna or Brenton, it's the titans writers. They don't care about their relationship at all and i hate that they portrayed them as nothing but friends with benefits,it bothers me
Absolutely! I’d be happy to! I’ll go from least favorite to favorite 😃
#9 DCUTitans
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I’m in complete agreement with you. My least favorite version of them is the live-action show. It has absolutely nothing to do with the actors bc I love them both, but the writing is just not there. My favorite thing about DickKory is how they communicate with each other. They talk about their problems and find solutions to them together. DCUTitans on the other hand has them barely speak to each other. I don’t necessarily mind that they started the relationship with a physical connection considering the comics did something similar (with a kiss instead), but then they just did absolutely nothing with it. Then again this show, in general, does nothing with its characters...Maybe it’ll get better, but I doubt it.
#8 Teen Titans Go
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I get that this show is first and foremost a comedy, but I’m not really into the unrequited love thing. I find it hilarious since because of the batoffice, Kory is usually left pining over Dick in the comics but here it’s the other way around, but that doesn’t make it rank any higher on the list. It’s cute, mindless fun, but it’s not really DickKory
#7 Injustice 2 
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Look, I’ll admit it, I’m an angst girl. I absolutely adore it when entertainment breaks me down to tears and sobs, but other than some voicelines and sad endings, DickKory barely exists here. Dick is dead the whole time and honestly this universe just saddens me for Kory. I’m only ranking it this high because whatever crumbs are there are accurate crumbs.
#6 Nightwing: The New Order
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We are getting to the part of the list where I actually don’t have many complaints anymore. I enjoyed Nightwing New Order. Jake Grayson is a little underdeveloped, but it’s the only elseworld (other than Convergence) where DickKory actually end up together and happy in the end. I know liking this little book is a controversial opinion apparently, but I thought Dick had a great arc, and Kory was herself through and through. I guess my one complaint would be that I think Kory would have taken Jake with her, rather than leave without him, but it’s a dystopian elseworld so I don’t think it matters that much.
#5 Kingdom Come
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I swear if Kory was alive in this universe this one could very well be my favorite. Kingdom Come is what DC should have become instead of all the N52 and Rebirth nonsense. Having characters progress and actually go through life-changing moments is important to and satisfying for readers. Mar’i Grayson is an incredible character who deserves to be in the main canon. She should be co-leading a Teen Titans team right now with Damian, Jon, Lian, and the other members of that generation of superheroes. Not to mention, that Kingdom Come also has my all-time favorite suit design for Koriand’r herself. If only Kory was still alive in this universe... 😢
#4 Teen Titans (2003)
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As the first ship I ever had, Teen Titans’ RobStar will always have a special place in my heart. I love TTA! It’s a wonderful version of DickKory and of the Teen Titans, that captures the heart of the original comics while changing it just enough for a different, younger audience. This show even gave us some of the most iconic DickKory comic scenes.
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In this house, Apokolips War doesn’t exist. Instead, DickKory got married, had Mar’i and Jake, and lived a long, happy life of fighting crime, saving the world, and being domestic while doing it. Not only is this the best DickKory adaptation outside of comics, it’s also the best Kory adaptation outside of comics. 
#2 Convergence: New Teen Titans
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It doesn’t get better than Convergence: New Teen Titans. Frankly, I’m tempted to rank it in first place. A universe where they actually get married, no strings attached? No major character death? The perfect Titans team (except for the exclusion of Raven)? Yeah this is the universe I want to read more of.
#1 New Teen Titans (1980)
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And of course, I’m sure no one saw it coming, but my all-time favorite version of Dick Grayson and Koriand’r is and always will be the classic: New Teen Titans (1980). It’s perfect in almost every way. They communicate, they learn from each other, they grow to become better people. Had the wedding gone through like it was originally planned? I would not change a single thing about them. Sometimes, you just can’t recreate perfection.
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dangermousie · 3 years
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That ending made me cry, but this time from happiness. So hard-won but so perfect.
I binged Yuwu like a maniac in four days and what a wild ride from beginning to end, with plot twists until almost the last page.
I laughed, I cried (I spent the last 100 pages pretty much sobbing non-stop and my face looks horrifying now) and this is now my second favorite web novel after 2ha. (Speaking of 2ha, this is not as angsty as 2ha to me, thank God. I felt like throwing up with 2ha a couple of times from crying so hard. It’s also not as complex as 2ha and not as gonzo and as EVERYTHING (and is less “show don’t tell” than 2ha but it’s still pretty damn amazing.)
Favorite Character: OK, this one is hard. With 2ha, I picked Moran without hesitation but here I really cannot decide between Mo Xi and Gu Mang because I love them both equally. They are both damaged and intense and Big Damn Heroes and with their own personality appeal and I just cannot. It’s like picking which one of your fingers is your fave.
Most Hated Character: the Emperor. Jiang Yexue might be even more repulsive but at least he was warped by the miasma so if he wasn’t he may not have been such a horror show. The emperor is just a giant void who wrecked the lives of Gu Mang, Mo Xi, Murong Lian and honestly everyone in the 100mi radius and all because he loves power; the sheer hell he put Gu Mang through is just !!!!!!!!!
Biggest OTP: Umm, if there were other OTPs outside Mo Xi x Gu Mang, I didn’t even notice because I was too busy bawling for the two deadly warriors who redefine ride or die; not to mention Meatbun made me believe that they really are the light of each other’s life AND two hard-core amazing people in their own right. 
Best family: Honestly, all the families in this are a horror show. I am happy Gu Mang and Murong Lian can act like the brothers they are at the end.
Biggest (for me) plot twist: God, so many, but either Gu Mang being a spy, the reason for Gu Mang stabbing Mo Xi through the heart, Murong Lian’s real plan or the entirety of Mengze’s existence.
Character who died that you wish had lived: Murong Chuyi. That was so horrifyingly unfair - he basically lived in hell for decades and sacrificed his life at the end (one of the scenes that gives he shudders in retrospect is when they go to Bat Island, and he doesn’t want to get on the same boat with Jiang Yexue even when exhausted and I was “why are you being so snobby” but to be cooped up with his torturer is really more than even someone that self-contained can bear.)
Character who lived that you wish had died:  Murong Mengze. Sort of though because if Mengze bought it, they could get an unfit ruler and despite everything I think about Mengze which is not something I could ever say in a family-friendly way, nobody else would be as good a ruler.
Coolest power: Mo Xi’s Tuntian. It really is the most powerful weapon in that world.
Angstiest moment: That’s like picking a grain of sand on the beach but probably when Mo Xi is the one who has to remove Gu Mang’s souls. Like that HURT SO BADLY! That or the whole Murong Chuyi storyline because it’s so unfair.
Character You Didn’t Think You’d Love But You Did: Murong Lian. In the beginning, I hated him so much I could hardly breathe and when I found out he didn’t die, I was distraught. By the end, I adored him to a ridiculous degree for reasons I’ve mentioned in other posts so I won’t repeat but I will add one thing - he was pretty ruthless with Gu Mang but he was just as ruthless with himself - he’s permanently fucked up his own health after all. Anyway, I love him, sorry not sorry. At the end, when he bought three pancakes at the market because he’s gonna get one for his brother and his brother’s boyfriend who he is hiding in his school open to everyone even if they are slaves, and is actually horsing around with them, awwwww.
Most romantic moment: Mo Xi breaking into the torture dungeon to rescue Gu Mang.
Anyway, this was an amazing read and I loved it!
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msbeccieboo · 5 years
Arrow 8x01 Brain Dump
So that was....awesome! I’m in shock! Obviously there was a gaping chasm where our precious cupcake used to be, but that’s gonna be the new normal for this last run, so I’m gonna try to not dwell on that too much in these last few reviews. And apparently these aren’t getting any shorter, even without Felicity...
Oliver Jonas Queen: Paragon and bestest hero everrrr (suck it, Larry)
Our beautiful boy 😭😭😭 kicking the episode off with stunning recreations of the very beginnings of the show, first on Lian Yu, then returning to Moira was just *chef kiss*. 
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That Oliver is now able to relive these moments, really feeling the feelings and speaking the words that he was previously too broken to, upon his real return from the island, and expressing them to both himself and to those people he can no longer see in his reality, is just heart-breaking and tear-inducing and beautiful and satisfying and all of the feelings. He worked his arse of to get here and to experience it and he fucking well deserves it. Ugh I just made myself cry haha. 
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More under the cut...
Stephen’s acting was a beautiful thing to watch in this episode. Oliver’s scenes with all the returning guests were just so perfect; his emotions over seeing Tommy and Moira again 😭, then not-Felicity 😍💔 then Adrian 😂 were all perfect. The scene where he was trying to seek advice or validation from Moira over leaving his family for this mission (even though he couldn’t reveal why) was just heart-breaking. Then when he breaks down (along with us!) and tells Moira he’s sorry, it’s almost like he’s doubly apologising; to Moira for not better understanding her, now that he is a parent himself, and to Felicity, William and Mia, for having to leave them behind.
It was so sad seeing Oliver doubting himself throughout the episode. He tells Diggle that Earth 2 has so many more people alive without him having been there, and then when Moira astutely observes that he is a better man now than before he went on the Gambit, he replies he’s not so sure. How can he still not see this yet?? He’s clearly been away from Felicity for too long! By the end of the episode he seems to be making some headway, at least in realising that he doesn’t need to face this crisis alone, when he delivers an EPIC SPEECH to Tommy “because were only as good as the people in our lives. Every one of those losses brings with it a choice between darkness and light. Make the right choice.” YES MY BOY!!!  I’m totally here for this whole season of Oliver going to other Earths, realising how awesome he is, then imparting this wisdom on everyone by delivering rousing speeches!! The Monitor said it himself in his voice-over, referring to Oliver “the highest [form of heroes] belong to those known as the paragons and they are the only hope of all creation.” YAAAASSSSS!!!! SUCK BALLS LARRY AND LARA!!!
Just because she’s not there, doesn’t mean she’ll be forgotten! I’m honestly so pleased that the show isn’t going to pretend Felicity doesn’t exist just because Emily left. Her absence is palpable, so the mentions and nods to her character throughout the episode (and the rest of the season, it seems) are very much welcomed!
The fake-out Felicity scene was beautifully done! From Oliver’s initially excited face and “it’s supposed to be red” 😭😭, his “good for her” when he found out that E2 Felicity is a badass mogul, to the OLICITY LOVE FERN on not-Felicity’s desk!!! Perfection!! 
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Source: eloquence-of-felicities
Ugh and the scene with Oliver staring lovingly at Felicity and Mia’s photo...HFDSKGHFKJGHDSFKS NOT OK!!! 😭😭😭😭
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Source: olicitygifs
The Diggle ‘reveal’ was nostalgic perfection:
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My live reaction 😂😂
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Can I just say that I loved that he’d spoken with Felicity about Oliver, and gone after him. OTA for life!! I’d hoped that that would be the case, but you never can tell with these writers in recent seasons 😬 Dig is a master at advice-giving, and getting Oliver to see the big picture. Oliver needs a friend in this endeavour, and neither Felicity nor Dig would have him doing it alone. Dig’s purpose throughout the whole episode was pretty much to tell Oliver that he’s not alone, his death is not necessarily unavoidable, that he NEEDS TO ACCEPT FRACKING HELP (”that’s the thing about being brothers; you never, ever have to ask”😭😭), and that the whole reason that E2 has gone to crap was because Oliver was not there to protect it! 
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In John Thomas Diggle we stan.  
Our FTA babies were back, and in the lair!! AHKASFHDSDAKF!!!  I loved the power struggle, with the team trying to find the right dynamic, before finally deciding to just make the Olicity baby the leader (duh), or moreover, Mia demanding that things be done her way from now on (apples, falling, tree?). 
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Source: oliverxfelicity
William’s little comedic moments just popped. 
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Source: olicitygifs
And then his delivery of a Felicity-worthy pep-talk to Mia had me falling infinitesimally more in love with him. This is the spin-off team we need to see!!
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We finally met JJ Diggle who appears to be irredeemably (not likely) evil, and very handsome to boot, leading the Deathstroke Crew (baby Sara would have NEVER 😒😒). I was hoping for some Old Man Diggle, but alas we were not so lucky this week.  Much as I actually LOVE the flash-forwards, I did feel like they were a little shoehorned in in this episode. There was so much to unpack in the present story, that I kind of just wanted that to continue? 
Special Guests
From Moira’s first words I was crying.
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Susanna Thompson continues to be outstanding as Moira, I love her! E2 Moira married Malcolm Merlyn, meaning we got John Barrowman back 😍😍, in a non-evil role (YAAASSSS!). Although there was no mention of Robert, given that we know on this Earth he returned from Lian Yu, and was later unmasked as the Green Arrow?? Anyway, this new Queen-Merlyn union officially made Oliver and Tommy brothers 😭😭 Oh btw.....TOOOOOMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! AGSHAGFKJSAGFJKAG!!! Back, alive and kicking (literally) and gorgeous as ever. Ugh I just adore my Merlyn men 😍😍😍😍
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Source: feilcityqueen
Tommy turning out to be the Dark Archer on this earth is all we had ever wanted to see!! Evil!Tommy is a thing of beautiful fanfiction dreams!! (I also lolled at the OTT, campy, cowering Malcolm, as Oliver realised it wasn’t him!) Not to mention this scene, that re-lit our Toliver flames in the most perfect way 🔥🔥
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This moment was so good that I can just about forgive Oliver’s historically inaccurate non-shirtless state 😒😒 (strike 1)
In trying to track down the dwarf star shizzle at Queen-Merlyn Enterprises👀 , Oliver stumbles across the E2 GA who turns out to be ADRIAN CHASE!!  YAAASSSS!!!! It was great to have him back, in the growly S1 Oliver-esque fashion! E2 GA also enjoys the salmon ladder....Stephen really played us all when he told us that we’d see the salmon ladder in episode 1 😡😡 (strike 2 Steve, you’re on your last warning!) I loved Oliver’s little inside joke with himself when he said to Adrian “maybe I’m just 10 steps ahead of you” lolololol!!
Thea OD’d on Vertigo and passed away on E2, which was sad, but meaningful, as it spear-headed Tommy’s war on The Glades, much like Rebecca’s murder did for Malcolm on Earth 1. (Psst, it’s ok though, our Speedy’s back in a few weeks).
Superfluous Cast
Rene and Dinah remain disloyal rats on this Earth, and with no Oliver to mentor them, they turn out evil as well as incompetent and we got to see them taken into custody at the end of the episode...wah-wah-wahhh!! I would definitely be happy with this nice small amount of relevance/screen time for them moving forwards, please and thank you. Let’s let our boys shine for the last few outings!
Black Siren’s presence in the episode was thankfully small, and although she was saved in the end, presumably to go on to help Oliver and Dig (she kinda owes them now), I’m hoping that we continue with this minimal exposure, because, as much as I enjoyed her last season, with no Felicity to make her likeable, I’m not feeling her. I also laughed for a disproportionately long amount of time that her ‘iconic’ Pretty Bird moment that we all heard about beforehand came from Adrian, not her ‘Ollie’ 😂😂
That ending
Following on from the press previews and interviews leading up to the episode, there were comments along the lines of Oliver suffering a devastating loss, and that the Arrowverse would never be the same etc etc, regarding the end of the episode. Well...I have to say I just wasn’t as ‘shooketh’ or as moved by the ending as the previews implied I would be 😬 I mean of course the ending was awful; a whole Earth was erased, and Oliver having to see Moira/Tommy die at the end (especially after managing to redeem Tommy) must have been devastating for him in the moment, but the thing is, I’m not all that invested in Earth 2, so the magnitude of it didn’t really affect me that much. Maybe I’m just a cold-hearted bitch my heart has simply been irrevocably broken by 7x22. Anyway, I’m sure Oliver will be back and fighting fit again next week 😂
When MG, Beth and even Stephen had been throwing around the dreaded term ‘love letter to the fans’ I was more than scared about this season 😬 but the episode really did play out that way in my eyes, something I’m hoping that they are able to continue over the few remaining episodes. So yes, I lost my shit and (begrudgingly) loved this episode 😂😂 It was easier to deal with the lack of Felicity when they had thrown the (brand new, super high-spec) kitchen sink of guest stars at the episode. So it will be interesting to see how we fare over the next few episodes, where the guest stars won’t be such scene-stealers.
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Thank you to the amazing gif-makers 💗💗💗 It’s so wonderful to see beautiful new scenes again! Any uncredited gifs are mine.
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spainkitty · 4 years
TGCF Story Arcs: Least to Most Favorite Part 1/3
Part 2
Important Disclaimer: I'm yet another white, Western, woman writing about a Chinese story, written by a Chinese woman, and using Chinese themes and tropes. If my opinions: are based on mistranslations in the English text, ignore important cultural relevance, or in other ways are racially and culturally insensitive, I WILL listen and do my best to understand/make amendments. Take any and all with a grain of salt. However, this is all my personal opinion. Disagree, agree, I don’t mind. I’ll delete on sight any rude or ad hominem attacks in my inbox. 么么哒, darlings.😘😘😘
With that in mind, here's my way too long-winded opinion on the Tian Guan Ci Fu story arcs, broken down into 10 and using the help of https://winkblooteatime.wordpress.com/2020/08/13/tgcf-extensive-timeline/ )
#10. fetus spirit... everything. Firstly, I dislike this because there's yet another... questionably respected female character in the middle of this. mxtx has a huge problem with writing relatable or likeable female characters. (I purposefully love all of them without restraint. Yes, even you Xuan Ji, you crazy bastard. One day you'll realize PM sucks and date a woman who respects your work ethic and devotion.) Jian Lan (Lan Chang) was utterly shafted by the narrative. She was a royal concubine, proud and clever, who fell in love with a really good guy. Then, she pushed her love away for his sake, only to die horribly and lose the baby she was desperate to keep in his name. And then she spent all of her ghostly afterlife being a prostitute and searching for?? mourning?? her lost baby. Her story arc ends... bittersweet. She regains her dignity? and baby, but does not get the happy ending with the man she loved/loves. Because... well, she's a "gross ghost lady with a gross ghost baby", doncha know, she'd just drag his beautiful heavenly self down. She deserves some dignity and he deserves... his job?? She and Feng Xin don't even have a heartfelt moment to discuss this as two adults who have suffered and missed each other FOR CENTURIES. w.t.f. LanXin deserved better than this, and so did Cuocuo. Speaking of.
The fetus, Cuocuo, was portrayed as GRUESOMELY as possible. In fact, all children or childlike characters in tgcf, had terrible fucking stories. Leave the Babies Alone, mxtx! The main issue is that the suffering and pain and TERRIBLE of this poor wretched broken family dragged on and on and on and on ad nauseam. Cuocuo was used by the main villain for the villain's own selfish ends. He constantly ran away from a mother that adored him and, by the end, was barely bonded with her except through violence (constantly biting and tearing at her). There's a good chance that's just how he'll be until he... I dunno gets exorcised? He was born in violence and blood, and he exists in violence and blood. And that is a TERRIBLE theme. Very reminiscent of the idea that Tom Riddle could never feel love because he was a child of rape. That's awful. Children shouldn't bear the scars of their parents mistakes or choices in ways that irrevocably change them into evil creatures?! But Cuocuo only EXISTS to be a symbol of violence and suffering!!
He also never has a resolution with his father. His father that tried, just once, near the end, to act like a true father. But was interrupted and there was no time to continue it. You know, until the end, when he should've run after Lan Jian and Cuocuo. XIE LIAN IS DATING A SUPREME GHOST KING, WHYTF CAN'T FENG XIN BE WITH THE ONLY WOMAN HE'S EVER LOVED AND HELP THE SON HE NEVER KNEW EXISTED AND WAS USED AS A WEAPON AGAINST THEM?!?
I just. /sigh/ everything about this arc makes me SAD and MAD. For all three of them. This family deserved better, even if they couldn't have that perfect "hetero ideal", they deserved a resolution between them. Honest communication and respect. Instead of... Feng Xin conveniently being absent from the scene as Jian Lan and CuoCuo sneak away. I love Feng Xin, he's one of my favorite characters by the end. He deserved to be happy with his family. He deserved love and devotion and he deserved to grow as a person by finding happiness in his own life, rather than shadowing the steps of his former master. /sigh/ (I'm not saying that because "everyone should be paired up at the end", I'm saying that because he loved her so much that he was torn between her and his duty to Xie Lian. No other woman or man ever came close to dividing his loyalties. Which means he wants and deserves love. He's not ace or aro, and that romantic relationship would've made him happy.)
9. Cannibal Lair: Look, I'm saying it. I hate Qi Rong. He has all of Jin Ling's bad traits (from cql/mdzs), and none of his good. I think a lot of what happens and is found out is important in this arc. Xie Lian deserved to be absolved of the guilt he carried, whatever he said, and LQQ deserved to know the truth of what happened to his family. However, every scene Qi Rong is in makes my face grimace automatically. He talks in all caps, in all curse words, while spouting lies and nonsense and "woe is me why don't you treat me better" teenager angst even 800 years later. while eating people. EATING PEOPLE. and threatening a child's life and later using the child's father's body as a shield. Cannibal Lair is good for plot and I like the prison breakout Hua Cheng conducted. Very flair. Much hero. so sexy😏😏
8. Final Arc: Yeah... that's not a typo. I think this story should've ended a lot sooner after the major climax(es?) of Mt Tong'lu, which was PERFECT AND AMAZING AND BREATHTAKING. *ahem*
In CQL (and mdzs, though I only know this from my friend who read it), and TGCF, mxtx has a problem with... climaxes. She gets to the HEIGHT of the story, everything is EXCITING and WILD and plot twist after perfectly timed plot twist and and and- it stops. and.... the rest of the climax drags on into unending exposition. Villain monologues, extra characters filling in missing pieces awkwardly and clunkily, main couple interrupting the flow with heartfelt confessions.(Though this was timed better in tgcf, thankfully!) She writes out every little detail and plot point and backstory that we haven't seen yet in painstakingly long dialogues that utterly destroyed the flow and pace of the story. mxtx, you had a perfectly good climax...
you just left it behind about 500 pages ago. wateryoodoingnooooooo
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youngjusticeslut · 5 years
My Love, My Life
Fandom: Young Justice Links: FF.net // AO3 Characters:  Jade Nguyen, Roy Will Harper, Lian Harper Ships: Light RedCat Summary: All that mattered was that they were alive, and safe. If that meant removing herself from the equation, so be it. Rating: T Word Count: 3,854 words Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters.
“Jade, are you sure?” Paula asked, her fingers tightening around the handles of her wheelchair. “Think about it, please.”
Jade didn’t lift her eyes from her mug of tea. She knew her mother would react this way. She knew that she would try to convince her otherwise, to change her mind. Jade was set on her decision, she knew it was the right thing to do. It was the only thing to do in this situation.
“Mom,” she warned. “There’s nothing to think about.”
“A baby could be a good thing. A new start,” Paula implored. She wheeled closer to Jade, resting a hand on her shoulder. “You won’t be alone.”
“Won’t I?” Jade scoffed. It’s not like Roy would be there; he didn’t even know this kid existed. The moment that obnoxious plus sign showed up on the stick, she’d grabbed a duffel and penned him a letter saying she was done. Jade wondered if he’d cared when he’d found her things missing, or if he’d just thrown back another bottle of liquor and continued his search. Either way, it hurt.
There were a lot of things Jade wasn’t sure about right now. What she was going to do with her life being one of them. It wasn’t like the Shadows would take her back so willingly, not after she’d betrayed them. She had nowhere to go, nowhere to live. A kid was the very last thing she needed, or wanted. With absolute certainty, the only thing Jade knew was that she wasn’t about to have this baby, his baby, alone.
“You won’t,” her mother promised, squeezing her shoulder hard. “I will help. Artemis will-”
“No,” Jade insisted. “No. I’m not considering this. Tomorrow morning, I’m going to the clinic.”
“You won’t even tell him?”
“Roy doesn’t need to know. Believe me,” Jade said, setting the tea down on the coffee table and standing up to leave. “He won’t even care.”
“You don’t know that. People can change.”
“Why on earth would a baby change him? I tried, Mom. I tried for years.” Jade couldn’t disguise the bitterness in her voice. Her mother could preach all the wanted, but Paula hadn’t been there. She hadn’t lived with him. She hadn’t begged him to come to bed, to forget about Speedy for just a few hours so he could rest. She hadn’t cooked for him, despite being unable to cook anything with more than three steps of preparation, because if she hadn’t, he wouldn’t have eaten anything. She hadn’t kissed him so hard just to bring him back, for only a minute or two, to be the man who had convinced her there was more to life than following other people’s orders.
“He’s gone,” Jade said, her shoulders sinking as she turned away. “A baby won’t bring him back.” The squeak of her mother’s wheelchair edging closer made her want to jump out the window and never look back.
“Jade, please. Look at me.”
“Look at me.” When she didn’t, Paula grabbed her hand and turned her with a ferocity that Jade had forgotten she possessed. “When things get hard, you run. You think that it’s that easy? I know you’d love nothing more than to get rid of this child and move on with your life. But you can’t-”
“I can.”
“Enough, Jade,” Paula snapped in Vietnamese. Jade frowned; Vietnamese meant that Paula wasn’t in the mood for argument. “This isn’t something you can run from.”
Jade narrowed her eyes, snatching her hand away. “So what am I supposed to do, have this baby? Are you insane?” She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to ignore the nauseous churning in her stomach. “The moment this kid is out of me, the Shadows will come after it. Or maybe they won’t even wait that long. I wonder how long a pregnant person can last in a fight.”
“They won’t come after you,” Paula waved off.
“You’re a fool if you think that.”
“I was in the Shadows a lot longer than you were, I would know.”
“You didn’t betray them,” Jade spat.
“And what, you think that betrayals aren’t a common thing? Stop making excuses, Jade. If you want this child, we will make it work.”
Jade was about to retort back, but she paused. What did want have to do with anything? Having this child wasn’t a possibility; not in her line of work, at least. In her entire life, she’d never even entertained the thought of being a mom. What kind of shit mom would she make, anyway? Any kid she mothered would hate her before they were old enough to talk. And yet, if Roy were himself… she would have considered it.
“I’m not having this baby without its father,” she insisted, balling her fist. “And he’s in no position to be one.”
“Then go back to him, Jade. Set him right again.”
Jade shook her head before going to the door. “I can’t.” She rested her hand on the knob, letting out a shallow breath. “Not until I’ve found the real Roy Harper.”
Calling in her chips to find a lead on the original Harper had been the easy part.
Jade made use of every minute she wasn’t visibly showing and tracked down every potential favor she had. In a matter of months, she already had a solid idea of where to go next. When the baby started to kick, she put Cheshire away for a second time and rented an apartment in Star City. Roy didn’t live there anymore, but having their baby in the city in which he’d spent most of his time felt right.
Being pregnant was the harder part. If she had a choice between single handedly taking down a hundred Shadow lackeys or dealing with morning sickness for a week, she’d readily pick the former. At least then she knew what she was getting into. Nevertheless, she persevered through it. The baby was going to have enough of a difficult time with her and Roy as its genetic parents, the least she could do was give them their best chance at being born healthy. That meant going to every checkup, taking every uncomfortable test, and especially restraining herself from pushing too hard in her exercise regimen.
Paula begged her to stay in Gotham, but Jade knew that she wanted to be alone. She hadn’t even told Artemis. Sometimes she thought about popping in on her, given that her sister’s place at Stanford was so close. She changed her mind every time; Artemis didn’t need her pregnant sister making her life any more stressful. She was already upset at her as it was for leaving Roy. When Artemis had found out, she’d made a point to find Jade and attempt to talk some sense into her. She kept her mouth shut tight; Jade would tell her when the time was right.
At first, she put off finding out about the gender. Jade told herself she didn’t care what they were having. The bigger she got, the less she found it to be true. During her sixth month sonogram, she caved and asked.
The technician smiled. Her name was Linda something and she smelled of lavender. “Of course, Mrs. Harper. Give me just a few minutes.”
Jade tried her best not to grimace. When Roy proposed, he’d asked if she planned to change her name. Jade told him that if he ever so much as thought about it again, she would take a sai to his throat; it had almost made him smile. Jade Harper was the dumbest sounding name she could conceive of. The irony that she was using it for all her doctor’s appointments didn’t escape her. As far as they knew, she was Jade fucking Harper and her husband adored her but worked too often to attend any of her appointments.
She wished it were true.
Linda looked closely at the screen, slowly moving the wand around on her stomach. After a few moments, she nodded in triumph.
“You’re having a girl. Congratulations.”
“Is she okay?”
“She’s perfectly healthy. Nothing to worry about.”
Jade let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.
“I’m not sure whether to congratulate you, or kill you.”
“Either option carries its pros and cons, Crusher.”
Jade hadn’t been too surprised when her father met her outside the doctor’s office after one of her appointments. She knew it would only be a matter of time before he found out, and honestly she was impressed that it had taken him this long. Either Paula had told him, or her dad really did keep tabs on her. She wasn’t sure which one annoyed her most.
“Seems you’ve gotten yourself into quite a mess, little girl,” her father growled, keeping up with her brisk walking pace. “Pregnant with the clone’s kid. Who woulda thought?”
“Lian,” Jade corrected. “Her name is Lian.”
Lawrence rolled his eyes. “How original. Does she even know?”
“Nope. If you know what’s good for you, you won’t tell her.”
Her skin crawled at his amused expression, and she wished that she could gouge his eyes out for the way he looked at her stomach.“Don’t think you’re in much of a position to be making threats, Jade. Besides, I have better things to do with my time.”
It took a remarkable amount of control to keep Jade from attacking him in public. It was moments like this that she knew laying low was the worst decision she’d ever made. “What do you want, Dad?”
“Just wanted to see how my little girl was doing. Thought I’d take her out to lunch, make sure she was eating for two.”
“I’d rather get hit by a truck.”
“Coffee, then.”
“I don’t drink coffee.” She walked faster, but it didn’t help. Given her condition, he could outpace her without even trying.
“Jade.” Lawrence grabbed her arm, stopping her from going any further. “You know you can’t have this kid.”
“Watch me.”
Lian looked like her father.
Jade held the infant in her arms, still in a state of shock despite delivering her hours ago. The hospital was quiet, given that it was just past three in the morning. People were probably sleeping. Lian was sleeping too, nestled in her thin arms without a care in the world. Jade couldn’t even think of sleep. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from her daughter, unable to believe that she’d made something so small, so innocent.
Babies were supposed to cry when they were born. That’s what Jade had thought, at least. Imagine the panic she’d felt when no cry came. She’d resolved herself to the worst, but then the infant coughed and the doctors announced she was just fine. Jade hadn’t let her go since.
She ran her fingers along her daughter’s feathery hair, wanting to cry at how red it was. Roy should be here, and in that moment she hated herself for not telling him. She hated herself, and yet she knew she’d made the right decision. Roy was in no place to raise Lian, not yet at least. Their daughter deserved the world, she deserved everything that she could give her. She deserved much better than a broken father.
It was good that Jade had done this alone. Artemis would have teased her for the way she cried when she first held her. Paula would have cried with her, and Jade would have just felt guilty. No, she didn’t regret any decision she’d made regarding how Lian was born. For now, she was hers, and hers alone. Jade wouldn’t have given that up for the world.
In a few weeks, she’d follow up on those leads. She would do everything in her power to find the original Roy and bring her Roy back to himself. But for now, Jade was content to just hold Lian and press her lips to her head, promising that she’d make everything right.
For her, she had to.
If she were being honest, Roy and her didn’t make a bad team.
Artemis looked about ready to call child protective services when Jade had told her that Roy and her were parents. Jade didn’t blame her. On paper, Roy and her were the last people who should have ever been given the responsibility of a baby. Somehow, they made it work out in their own way.
It wasn’t anything close to normal. Between finding the original Roy Harper and her sister’s faked death, tension had been a constant presence in their new apartment. Her Roy still wasn’t completely back to himself, but he was getting better. Some nights he still refused to sleep, but instead of turning to heroin and alcohol, he held their daughter and rocked her. More often than not, Lian slept between them, both of them on the alert and ready to protect her if need be.
They still fought, but they always would. Lian would laugh if voices were raised, and Jade would smirk at the wary look on Roy’s face. He was convinced it wasn’t normal, but what could she say? It was genetic.
Roy was better with Lian than she was. He knew what she wanted when she cried, something Jade still had difficulty deciphering. Roy had more patience for her games, repeated back her baby talk with vivid encouragement and was happy to do the annoying things. Jade did her best not to show just how content she was. He was finally happy, with a new purpose. Not that she’d ever admit it, but her mother had been right.
“In the kitchen,” she responded, rinsing out the last of Lian’s bottles and setting it on the drying rack. Roy had taken Lian to the park with Kaldur. Out of respect, she kept her distance from the Atlantean. She hadn’t completely forgiven him for the stunt he’d pulled with Artemis.
“Mama!” Jade turned to see Lian, wobbling to her on unsteady feet. She’d just started walking and insisted on doing so everywhere that she could. Jade bent to her knees and scooped up Lian as she came closer, kissing her cheeks. She pretended not to notice the tender look on her husband’s face as she did so.
“Did you have fun at the park with Daddy?”
The toddler nodded enthusiastically and Jade picked her up , resting her against her hip. “She was good?”
Roy nodded, taking a water bottle out of the fridge. “She’ll be out any minute. Poor Kal, I think she wore him out more than he did her. She had both of us chasing her, and she’s fast, Jade.”
“Maybe she’s the daughter of the other redhead,” she noted without thinking. They both fell quiet as they realized the impact of what she said, but Roy kissed her cheek and broke it first.
“Can’t be. She likes arrows too much.”
“Rows,” Lian chirped, looking around for the objects. Jade shook her head and smoothed down her hair.
“Not yet, kid. Not until you’re three.”
“Fine, six.”
“Doesn’t that terrify you?” Roy asked, opening up the water bottle and taking a long drink. When he finished, he wiped his mouth and looked back at Lian. He’d been right, she was starting to fall asleep. “She’s going to have both our skill sets. She’ll be a menace.”
Jade held her daughter closer, unable to answer. There were plenty of things that terrified her; Lian taking their mantle wasn’t one of them.
“I think she’s growing less ginger by the day.”
“Shut up, Dad.” Jade watched Lian climb the steps to the slide, keeping a careful eye in case she should fall. They were the only ones in the park, but she was always on alert. Her father sitting on the bench beside her certainly didn’t help. Oddly enough, he was watching after Lian just as intently as she was.
“How’s the clone?”
“None of your concern.” He was going by Will, now. Artemis had moved in with them six months ago, so her and Will decided it was time to purchase a house. They chose Star City, figuring it was only right to come full circle. Lian adored their new home almost as much as she adored having her aunt and Brucely around full time.
After a little while, Lawrence sighed and broke his gaze away from Lian, instead looking directly at Jade. “How long do you think you can keep this up, little girl? You can’t play house forever.”
Jade narrowed her eyes, refusing to meet his gaze and instead continuing to watch as Lian slid down the slide and squealed in glee.
“I don’t want to hear it.”
“Jade, they’ll find out. You may be an idiot, but you’re not stupid enough to think that they’ll never come after you.”
He was right. It hurt all the more, coming from him. Lian clambered off the slide and immediately went to the steps to go again. She’d just turned two last week.
“I don’t want to leave them.”
“You don’t have a choice, little girl. You made your bed when you betrayed them. Now you have to live with it. It’s either you, or them, Jade.”
“There has to be another way,” Jade insisted, finally looking at her father. His expression bore the same sourness it usually did, but it lacked the mocking malice it often carried with it.
“Not this time, Jade. If you want them safe, you have to go back.”
She turned her head away so he wouldn’t see the tears burning in her eyes. Lian cheered again as she flew down the slide. When she finished, she ran up to Jade, grinning ear to ear. “Mommy! See me? See?” she chirped.
Jade nodded but found herself unable to smile. “I did, Li. I did.”
Will slept beside her, his arm heavy on her waist. He’d taken her and Lian to see his new office today. Bowhunter Security, he called it. If she hadn’t been so distraught at what she was about to do, she would have told him how proud of him she was. He had everything he ever needed here. A home, a family, and now a business.
She was about to destroy everything.
Carefully, she untangled herself from his hold, going slow so she wouldn’t wake him up. The last thing she wanted was a confrontation. He wouldn’t forgive her either way, but at least this way she wouldn’t have to see his face. When she was out of the bed, she plucked her duffle bag out from under it and went to the kitchen to get dressed.
Brucely stirred as she entered the kitchen and padded up to her. She didn’t particularly care for the dog, but she gave it a gentle pat to try and convince him to go back to sleep. It worked. He wasn’t too much of a barker, so she wasn’t worried on that front. It was odd getting dressed in front of a dog, but what could she do? She couldn’t risk waking anyone up.
The baseball cap felt heavier than it ever had before. She kept telling herself that this was the right thing to do, that she was doing it for them. Lian and Will would have each other, that was what mattered. They had each other, and Artemis and the dog and all their friends. Jade was just extra, they would be just fine without her there. Lian was young, she would forget her mother in a few months. Artemis would serve as a good enough, maybe even better, replacement.
Jade hoisted her duffel on her shoulder and went to say goodbye to her daughter. It was likely that she’d wake her up, but it didn’t matter. She wanted to hold her one last time, lost in her own thoughts, just as she had on the night she was born. Jade opened the door to Lian’s room, her heart aching at how lavish it was. Will and her had given Lian everything she would need outside of spoiling her, both of them agreeing to give Lian the childhood they never had.
Her daughter slept peacefully in her new bed. She’d outgrown the crib a few weeks ago. It made things easier now. Jade set the duffel on the floor and crawled in beside her, lifting Lian up into her arms and holding her tight against her chest. Just as expected, the toddler stirred. “Mommy..?” she mumbled.
“It’s okay, Li. It’s just me. Mommy missed you.”
Lian yawned and nodded, resting her head against Jade. “Mommy okay?”
Jade nodded, running her fingers through her auburn hair. No, she would never be okay. Not with this. “Yeah. Don’t you worry,” she whispered, kissing her head sweetly.
“Okay. Love you.” Within moments, she was asleep again, her hand clutching onto her mother’s shirt. Jade ran She was better off without her. Will was all she would need. He and her sister would make sure that she was safe and taken care of. They’d make sure she was loved, and protected at all costs. Jade would be doing her part, but from the outside.
All that mattered was that they were alive, and safe. If that meant removing herself from the equation, so be it. Not a day would go by that she wouldn’t think about her, but it wouldn’t matter. Lian was more important, she was her life now. She’d do whatever it took to protect her.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket; Lawrence was waiting for her outside.
If there was ever a time to cry, it would have been as she tucked Lian back into bed, alone. Jade was past tears now. She’d made her choice, and it was the right one. Jade bent down and kissed Lian’s head one last time, her fingers still buried in her hair.
I love you. So much.
Jade thought it, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it. If Lian woke up again, she’d never leave her. She straightened up, Lian’s hair slipping through her fingers as she pulled away. Without looking back, she picked up her duffel and opened the window, climbing through with relative ease.
She met Lawrence at the end of the street. His face pinched in annoyance as she finally arrived. “Took you long enough,” he muttered.
Jade narrowed her eyes, pushing away the thoughts of the sleeping family she’d left behind. “You mentioned a new partner?”
“They won’t be easy on you. You’ve gotten yourself quite a reputation, little girl,” he noted, shoving his hands in his pockets as he began to walk.
Jade lowered the baseball cap over her eyes. “Do they know?”
“Not the specifics. You’ll have to be careful.”
“So I can’t come back.”
“No, Jade.”
Jade nodded, resisting the urge to look back at the house. It wouldn’t do her any good. When it was safe, she’d come back to see her again from a distance. Maybe she’d run into Artemis, get her to tell her something about her daughter. It would have to be good enough.
“Then let’s get it done.”
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ryukogo · 6 years
𝔸𝕟𝕪 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤/𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕒 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝔸𝕋𝔸ℂ? 𝕠𝕨𝕠
oh gee uhhh idk what counts as trivia by this point so i guess i’ll just establish atac canon
jason and red are siblings here - separated only by nine months, and both are in the same grade [i have batchmates in this situation].
jason white? who’s that? i only know Jason Tucker, brother of red
they’re skeeter’s kids, and ruby’s cousins on her dad’s side
they both take fencing classes
they don’t own pets
red however knows how to handle cats thanks to all the shenanigans
her side locks [the locks of hair that frame her face] is cut that way (one side much longer than the other) because it helps people remember that she’s not powder
thomas’s last name is schroeder - i gave his mom a fan last name
his father divorced his mother after learning he had tourette’s; she’s been raising him alone ever since
he’s been best friends with red ever since fourth grade, when he had been a new student to south park elementary
she was one of the first people to befriend him and invite him to sit with her and the turner sisters for lunch
they’ve been best friends ever since
he’s had a crush on red ever since
though he will never deny having a tiny crush on gary once
it got squished by jealousy - he will always deny it if you mention it to him - that stemmed from when he found out red was crushing hard on gary
tweek’s parents? more divergent in personality than they are in sp canon
richard tweak? still a piece of shit dad who uses his son for the benefit of the coffee shop, but hey, he buys cat food
maryam tweak, his mom? still oblivious, but she actively cares for tweek
she’s the one who urged richard to fetch their son when tweek passed out in the snow and the stoleys found him
tweek’s cats like her better than they like richard
nichole’s eyes are amber, but described as golden because they shine brightly a lot because of her normally sunny disposition
she gets them from her dad
michael is aroace, pete is bi, henrietta is pan, firkle is questioning
mike wakowski has a crush on michael but he couldn’t care less
firkle has had passing crushes on ruby and ike over the years, and recently his affections have settled on karen
henrietta had a crush on nichole once
it faded after fifth grade
pete had a crush on tweek once
michael is one or two years older than pete and henrietta
butters has approximately thirty wigs for when he feels like marjorine
he’s used all of them at least once, and only uses five on a regular rotation
estella lives in a manor on the outskirts of town alone with her robin, pocket
no guardian? no problem, bribe them with money
pip lives with adoptive parents - the vaudelayrs [a play on how pip is a book character - the baudelaires are also book characters] in a mansion in the richer part of town like token
damien lives in the lap of luxury thanks to them
pip doesn’t take on their last name
heidi and sally/powder are sisters
heidi is older than powder and more mature
heidi does not know cartman exists, and we are going to keep it that way
liane cartman is a children’s book writer and a dollmaker in her spare time
she wrote the popular ‘The Stick of Truth’ that a lot of the kids adore - most of the protagonists of ATAC included
it unsettles the pets that the storyline is so close to their storyline - the one that they made up as kids
ruby knows a lot
but does she know everything?
the stoleys do not know why they have two empty bedrooms designed as though people actually use them
one is girly, one is covered in geeky space things
they don’t remove any of them though - they just repurposed them to be kevin and esther’s rooms
ironic, because they really are kevin and esther’s rooms
TRIVIA! dogpoo was originally going to be, you guessed it, a dog! the only human-turned-dog, actually
this was scrapped in favor of keeping him human
not that he has appeared at all
dr. mephesto’s been sick for a while now, and has been bedridden ever since terrance was 13
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
I will always prefer the Titans (literally any of their lineups, though my faves will always be the first gen Titans, and by that I mean everyone from the original five down through Red Star, Jesse Quick and the like) over the Justice League.
And so like, I’m really big on family vibes in my comic books of choice, so on the one hand I do like and am interested in the fact that over the past fifteen years, DC has given pretty much every one of the major Justice League heroes kids and marriages and families of their own, when previously, they were kept for decades as fairly solitary figures with supporting casts that included love interests but refused to ever let their heroes like...actually commit to any of those love interests in definitive, inarguable ways. (The major exception of course being Batman and his perpetual motion adoption machine, because he lives to screw the curve in any given context, and Hal because he sucks and who would marry him or reproduce with him ever, eww, why. Bring back Kyle 2kforever).
On the other hand.
I’m SUPER eternally cranky (and also side-eyeing DC) about the fact that ALSO over the same period of the last fifteen years......DC has systematically killed off or erased every single one of the Titans’ kids, when like, the entire POINT of the Titans and what made them different from the Justice League is that they were more of a family than a superteam, and due to buttressing each other’s emotional growth in ways their emotionally constipated mentors were incapable of, a sizable number of the core Titans had settled down and gotten married and had kids like.....way back while their mentors were still trying to figure out how dating apps worked or whatever.
They killed Roy’s daughter.
They killed Garth’s wife and son.
They erased Wally’s wife and twin children.
They killed Donna’s son and ex-husband (though to be fair, this happened outside of that fifteen year time frame I referenced for everything else, but like, whatever, I’m still mad, Bobby was adorable, you suck DC).
They divorced Mal and Karen before they rebooted continuity with the New 52, FINALLY brought them back in Rebirth, had them married again and had Karen give birth to a daughter....and then promptly wrote them out of any active books and haven’t referenced them in the several years since they did that.
They killed Pantha and Baby Wildebeest, who aside from being Titans in their own right, were Leonid’s long time girlfriend-basically-married-in-all-but-name and basically-adopted kid.
And don’t even get me STARTED on all the shit they did to Grant, who before Geoff Johns decided ‘hey, I’m gonna move him over to the JSA and make him my new favorite torture doll to play with’ was practically Roy’s foster son in all but name.**
And then of course, every few years they teased Dick and Kory getting back together for an arc or two, waved references to their future daughter Ma’ri from the Kingdom Come universe like oh hey remember her (while also bringing over like, every other kid from the KC continuity, like, they made Offspring a thing, they introduced Damian who let’s be real, is basically Ibn, and etc. Like every one of that generation from KC has been introduced into main DC continuity at some point now EXCEPT for Ma’ri. They even introduced freaking MAGOG in the JSA book and used him for like, years. Wtf. MAGOG. Srsly). Because of course, each time they bring Dick and Kory back together they then turn right back around and make a point of writing how psych! Dick and Kory will never ever actually be a COUPLE again, they just sleep together occasionally, because lol right, like they were ever capable of putting their emotions aside and just doing a friends with benefits thing. Its DICK. And KORY. The two most emotional freaking people in the entire DC universe. Kory’s powers are literally FUELED by her emotions, specifically her positive emotions. Dick and Kory are not CAPABLE of dialing down their emotions around each other, that was always their PROBLEM in the first place. But I mean, whatever. 
But yeah. So.
I just find it funny that Clark now has a kid and Bruce has three more kids and Arthur and Mera are having baby Artur again now for what, the fourth time? Seriously, that kid has been born four times, in like four different consecutive continuities. You know, if you guys would quit rebooting shit every five years, one of these times he MIGHT even make it to kindergarten before you regress him back to zygote stage and start that cycle all over again.
But meanwhile, in that exact same time period, DC managed (and felt it necessary) to either kill off, erase or write out the Titans’ EIGHT already existing kids and kill off, erase or write out FOUR of their already existing spouses.
Everything they’ve spent the last two decades building up the Justice League, their ‘main’ heroes to have, the Titans had ALREADY HAD since like, literally back in the 80s. Lian, Baby Wildebeest and Bobby were all born/created back in the 80s, Wally and Linda’s twins and Cerdian were created/born in the 90s, like most of these kids were around for twenty fucking years.
Ugh. Its so regressive and just...bad writing, bad creative decisions, and the more I think about why I have so much trouble getting back into any DC comics other than a couple of Batfamily titles, the more I trace it all back to the complete wipeout of like, the original Titans’ almost entire extended family. Because the Titans, as a unit, were practically a primary family group unto themselves, with their own individual extended families being like, secondary entities at times, by comparison.
And DC just....killed them all off, wiped out an entire generation of children of like, the only group of heroes’ that have ever managed to functionally have and maintain strong family units outside of the ones they originated with.
Whose idea was that? And why?
Its so dumb.
** And you REALLY don’t want to get me started on Kyle and Saarko and how I feel about THAT whole fucking shitstorm of a story. Hey who was it who thought that after everything else you’ve done to Kyle’s character, he really needed you to give him a kid who came back from the future intent on destroying everything and force Kyle to kill him to save the universe and only find out AFTER he did that that the guy he just killed was his future son, who now would never be born because two issues later you decided to have his girlfriend aka mother of his future son find out, blame Kyle, and freaking BRAND him while vowing unholy vengeance upon him and every other Green Lantern for what he’d unknowingly done? Like, seriously. Who came up with that story? I just wanna talk!
****Also, I know that Mirage has a daughter too, but on this blog, we don’t acknowledge Mirage as a Titan, or like, literally anything to do with her, because she’s a rapist and rapists can’t be Titans, its the law.
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swashbucklery · 7 years
I watched the second episode of this ridiculous thing so here you go: The Last Episode of Arrow Season Five, Summarized By Someone Who Has Seen Maybe One Season Of Arrow In Total.
PREVIOUSLY ON ARROW: this happened. Also Talia Al Ghul is a person who exists, and idk some other stuff probably.
So anyway, everyone is on Lian Yu, because nothing bad ever happens there. Oliver is really mad because he has to Rescue Everyone, and His Son Is There, so he makes some dubious moral choices b/c He Has To. Namely: releasing Slade Wilson and some other white dude with evil boomerangs from Island Super Jail.
Some other stuff happens. Nyssa is there, and her clear disdain for Malcom Merlyn and Oliver and all of their dumb white man decisions is clearing my skin, watering my crops, etc. Her hair is also fantastic.
Nyssa finds some of Oliver’s friends? But they’re in cages? And it looks super easy to free them but spoiler: it is a trap. Talia and Adorable BB Canary (who I now love, because I read the wikipedia summary of her villain origin story and it’s basically just that she thinks Oliver sucks, which is also my villain origin story, so I can relate) are there. They fight and everyone gets away except for BB Canary, who Oliver locks in a cage even though she is adorable & clearly has some stuff to work through, she is a very young person. He spins some BS about he’s going to come back for her against his better judgement, after he rescues his pals. Like, he deserves a gold star for not leaving a teen girl locked on an island to starve to death? Whatever.
OH BY THE WAY: the League of Assassins set is on Lian Yu! But this is a different one, it’s not Nanda Parbat, it’s an Ancient Temple that happens to look extremely similar for no reason at all. Other New Canary is there, with the other new Arrow character who wears a hockey mask sometimes! Oh and Quentin Lance. They are all Kidnapped and for various reasons, New Canary cannot use her metahuman powers just yet.
Other stuff happens. Most importantly, Malcom Merlyn “dies” by sacrificing himself on a landmine, in order to save Thea, and she feels real conflicted about it. Although you never see a body, so: did he really? I guess that depends on whether or not John Barrowman wants to do another guest arc next year.
Also, Oliver’s kid’s mom ships Olicity.
We all end up at The Other, Smaller Nanda Parbat, where stuff happens and Nyssa gets to fight Talia in a glorious blaze of sword fighting, Katrina Law is fantastic. A L S O did you all know that Talia left Nyssa when she was a kid, knowing that Nyssa’s father would resent her for her gender and treat her terribly for her entire childhood? B/c that’s a thing that Nyssa just mentions, and I have a billion million feelings about it, how dare.
Whatever you do, don’t think about Nyssa learning about Sara and her relationship with her sister and comparing that to what Talia did to her. Don’t do it.
Oliver sneaks in a thing that means New Metahuman Canary Dinah can use her scream and everyone is no longer locked up and everyone punches everyone in the face. Also Oliver does a LOT OF YELLING because if there’s one thing that always works to defuse a really tense, high stakes situation, it’s SCREAMING YOUR OPINION WHILE HOLDING A WEAPON.
So this is the core dilemma of the episode: Chase/Chace apparently wants Oliver to murder him, b/c somehow this will prove a point about how Oliver is a shitty person, because one time Oliver murdered his father? But Oliver is NOT a shitty person b/c he now refuses to kill people? He USED TO kill people but now he DOES NOT WISH TO because he is a GOOD PERSON for very minimal definitions of “good person.” This is undercut somewhat by a) all the flashbacks where he is seen murdering people, and b) all of the random goons he has knocked unconscious b/c I know that seems like it’s harmless on TV, but traumatic brain injuries are real and damaging and I guarantee you he’s given someone a skull fracture in this episode alone. “Not murdering” is relative I guess.
But anyway, Oliver “doesn’t kill people anymore” so he won’t, but then if he doesn’t, Chase/Chace will kill his son? But if he DOES, Chase/Chace has rigged things so that he will literally blow up all of Lian Yu at the moment of his death, and literally every major Arrow character is currently on that island. Oliver is forced to choose, or at least the show is framing it that way.
Rather than taking advantage of the fact that he has two supergeniuses, a police detective, a trained soldier, three assassins, one viligante, and a metahuman canary friend RIGHT THERE who could maybe help him, Oliver tells them to go away and leave the island b/c he’s gonna handle this ALONE. They’re all, “hey, we have useful skills and could perhaps collaborate on this issue,” but Oliver REFUSES because he just NEEDS TO KNOW THEY’RE SAFE and buddy you have been trying this literally every episode I’ve seen and it has yet to help anything.
Spoiler: his pals cannot leave the island, but now they have wasted all of their Helping Oliver time trying to leave, and everyone is SOL.
So anyway Oliver ends up on a fishing boat and Chase/Chace is there. He tries to negotiate by using his favourite tactic, which is punching Chase/Chace in the face and screaming at him. This does not work, as it has not worked the last 30 times he’s done this in the past two episodes alone. I haven’t the foggiest why.
After that doesn’t work, Chase/Chace brings out Oliver’s son? And then Oliver is faced with his Terrible Choice which he’s not really locked into because he had tons of other options up to this point and kind of chose to paint himself into this corner, so is this situation really Beyond His Control? Whatever. Anyway, Chase/Chace gives Oliver his son and everything’s gonna be fine, and it’s actually real sweet b/c Stephen Amell conveys some genuine emotion over being a parent and that’s nice. However, then Chase/Chace kills himself!!! A dishonest evil genius!!! Who could have forseen this!?
As advertised, literally all of Lian Yu explodes. The whole island. Seriously. In theory: everyone dies. In reality: What does this mean? Will they really kill off the entire main and supporting cast of this series except for Stephen Amell and some kid? WHO KNOWS. Enjoy the hiatus, but also if Nyssa died on that island I will literally explode. JUST LIKE LIAN YU.
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pervincetosscobble · 7 years
finished my young justice rewatch here are some Thoughts And Feelings (this is a very long post sorry to mobile users)
let me begin this post by saying bart allen is my one and only true ultimate favorite, and also if you’ve ever wanted to see (um, hear) me cry you can do that now thanks to bart allen
i was surprised by how much some of my opinions/faves changed tbh? i was. god, i was 13 the first time this show aired and 15 when it ended, so it tracks that now, 4-6 years later (???!?!?!?!?) things won’t be the same, but some changes were. significant
i’m adopting conner, for starters
conner loves sociology. pry this headcanon from my cold dead hands, motherfuckers
conner also knows a lot of really weird pieces of trivia
conner was a good student but also didn’t care about school
i remember not being really into conner/m’gann the first time around but i was kind of taken in by them in s1? these two kids trying to find their home in a world that wasn’t made for them.
conner and m’gann had a lot of date nights themed around Get To Know Earth Culture
some of these involved bioship travels and, like, day trips to paris just because they could
some of these were like. improv lessons and pottery classes.
i’m also still not super happy about the hints that they get back together post-s2. like. i hope they become friends again, that’d be good, but i refuse to believe conner would be okay with dating her again after what she did the first time.
point that has only just occurred to me: in the beginning of s1 conner is vastly uncomfortable with telepaths. by the end he’s totally okay with it because of m’gann. and i’d bet money there’s a point somewhere mid-timeskip where, because of her, he was no longer okay with them anymore.
one the note of the timeskip: five years seems RIDICULOUSLY long to me, especially considering that every plot-significant change happened “in the last few months.” like, what was the goal? aging dick up to nightwing? five years is SO MUCH missing lore, so many stories they could’ve fleshed out. make it two years. hell, if two is a squeeze, i could’ve gone for three. but five years?? nah, dude.
the best thing about the timeskip was domestic wally/artemis, which, like, i was totally enamored with them, so much, and their relationship development, and everything about them
i also liked kaldur’s character a lot more this time around, although i’ve got to say i’m not wild about them basically fridging tula?? (i’ll admit to not being super familiar with aquafam lore, so i don’t know how true to the comics that is, but they didn’t have to do it in the show) like, i know that it turns out he didn’t really go mad with manpain grief and turn evil, but i think there’s an equally powerful story in tula being injured and recovering in a world where she thinks kaldur abandoned her, in kaldur having to lie to her face instead of using her memory as justification
in general i think s2 could’ve benefitted from some trimming? i love all the freshmen, i really do, but it wouldn’t have been the worst thing if there were a few less of them.
alternately - and i know, networks and whatever - if s2 had been two seasons, or even had half a dozen more episodes, i think it would’ve benefitted from that, too
gotta say, the light gets old real fast. or at least, like, the whole “everything got super fucked” “no, everything went exactly as we planned it” things. like, you’re telling me the team never once threw them a curveball. never. really
13yo dick’s shenanigans and wordplay were a lot funnier when i was 13
now that i am an adult i feel..... a little more skeevy about canon-era jaime/bart than i did when i was 15 and i actually knew 13-year-olds who were dating 16-year-olds and saw nothing wrong with it? but i maintain that they have a solid friendship and definitely end up dating once they’re in their twenties
zatanna is my hero
this show vastly, vastly underutilized raquel. it’s a damn shame.
you know who else was great? mal. mal definitely saves puppies in his spare time and knows three languages and at least seven forms of martial arts and every teammate’s abilities and fears and favorite colors and everything there is to know about karen
artemis/zatanna is good
you know how jade just showed up and was like “yo roy look at our daughter”?? i like the idea of jade just, like, casually dropping lian’s existence into daily conversation.
“i miss alcohol now that i’m pregnant,” jade says. artemis chokes.
“this mission can’t take too long, i told the babysitter i’d be back by 9,” cheshire says. “the what,” sportsmaster shouts.
i still ADORE the runaway team, including og!roy, and man, i didn’t come out of this rewatch shipping a lot, but i love the idea of the runaway squad being kind of a tangled poly mess. ed is dating roy and asami, tye is dating asami and virgil, asami loves all her boys and understands why roy isn’t interested, etc.
like this fic for the disney film descendants
but also, like, in general, i really fucking love these kids
this show has a lot of really weird dad plots, which is strange for me bc my dad and i used to text after every episode, but also in general it’s interesting seeing the vast range of potential dads. for instance:
clark “i didn’t ask to be a dad” kent, who eventually transitions into an apparently passable dad? it’s not clear
black manta, who is morally a shitheel but also one of the most supportive dads on this show
barry, who definitely wanted to be more of an uncle than a dad
lex, who wanted to buy his genetically-experimented kids’ love
ollie, who really had a hell of a time
and of course dinah, who is the best mom and probably the best parent on the entire damn show
(also bruce, who didn’t do much dadding, but damn if i didn’t tear up at him talking to dick/tim/babs before he left earth)
gar logan is the team’s adoptive little brother. all of them, but especially the original six. and probably also zatanna and rocket.
i’d be able to go into more detail if we had more goddamn information about who joined the team when, which we don’t, because five year timeskip
but anyways since gar and m’gann are pseudo-siblings they’re closest, and then gar also loves conner, because who wouldn’t love their sister’s cool boyfriend?
conner is overwhelmed and kind of pleased by this
after conner and m’gann broke up gar was very worried that his sister’s cool ex-boyfriend wouldn’t want to hang around him anymore
conner did. conner and gar are basically brothers.
gar loves the entire original team, period
also i wanna throw it out there: ik there was a show-specific comic tie-in. i have read none of it. so if i say anything that doesn’t mesh with that it’s because i don’t care a ton about the comics? the show is probably better anyways
god i think that’s just about everything? so to wrap up this extremely long post i’m gonna go out of bulletpoint style here
i’m excited for s3! i really am. i can’t wait to see what they do with it. but also i’ve been convinced since i was 15 that the very last scene, with darksied and apokalips (which i deffo just spelled wrong but anyways), that scene only exists bc the producers were like “fuck it, we’re getting cancelled, might as well go all in” and just threw garbage in to make it seem like there was a conspiracy
like, this is a deep cut here, but there’s an episode of phineas and ferb that ended with a “next time” that was a series of nonsensical dramatic scenes, and then they tried to make an episode out of it and it was basically gibberish, and i’m really concerned that’s what’s going to happen here
but tldr i did enjoy this show a lot, and i’m glad i had the chance to rewatch it, and if anyone has their own thoughts to share y’all are welcome to hit me up!!
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msbeccieboo · 5 years
Arrow 7x20 Brain Dump
I liked this week’s offering!! We got our little ninja Roy back!! Like last week, however, it felt out of place in the season, where was this goodness when we were still mucking about with the Dragon nonsense mid-season?? For me it was lacking in Oliver, and sorely missing Olicity scenes, given our finite time 😭, but was still a good episode overall! I liked how the team transpired to be working as a true unit, for once (only after some persuading from Oliver)! In fact, it was so hard to break up the episode this week, as it was such a team-focused story.
Episode Summary
We had some serious Agatha Christie vibes going on, the story told in a classic whodunnit style. The bulk of the plot was told through flashback *cue sepia* and was interspersed with Dinah interrogating the team one by one in real time.  The fact that the officer was killed using lead piping also tickled me a lot 😂.
The show opens with Dinah and Sergeant Bingsley arriving at a crime scene with the bodies of 2 subway guards. It then cuts to them questioning the first of ‘the suspects’, who turns out to be none other than…Oliver Queen!  Dun dun duuuuunn!!! Oliver denies killing the officers, saying that Team Arrow actually stopped a terrorist attack by Emiko and the Ninth Circle. After questioning Oliver, we realise that besides Team Arrow, there was also someone else there at the scene…ROY HARPER!!!
By flashback, we realise that the team discovered that the Ninth Circle intended on using the bioweapon we saw last week to ‘destroy the city’ or something like that (I can’t say I was 100% on the ball with the backstory this week guys 😂😂). In order to deal with this threat, they call in our favourite parkouring ninja street fighter ROY!!!!!
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Source: arsenalroy
Continued below the cut
Dinah and Bingsley (ugh, I hate him) interview all of the team, including Roy, during the course of the episode as we see the story unfold. It appears as if Dinah had no involvement in the operation and is looking to put one of the team away for the murders, but in a somewhat predictable ‘twist’, it is revealed that she was there as the Black Canary for the whole thing, and so is still a suspect herself!
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Source: lucyyh 💗
Back in the sepia times, we see the team, including Felicity and now also Dinah, move in to stop the threat, eventually all separating off, as we hear the guards’ defensive shots, and see all of them reacting in turn (I really liked this part…so dramatic!). We then see my sweet baby Roy, battering the guards with the lead piping in a violent rage. Oliver manages to drag him away, horrified and covered in blood, but it is too late, the guards are dead, and everyone looks to Oliver to decide what to do next.
Back at the lair, Oliver realises that Roy has pit-rage, asking him “how did you die” (that murdered me😭). Nyssa had administered the lotus elixir to cure him, but they think his previous exposure to Mirakuru somehow stopped the rage from killing him, but let the rage remain to an extent. This somewhat explained why he doesn’t go into a coma whilst marooned on Lian Yu for 20 years, with noone to kill. Oliver tells Roy, and the others, that Roy is part of the Team and they will cover for him, and thus all the interrogations etc. are explained.
At the end of the Episode, Oliver finally confronts Emiko at the Ninth Circle’s base. Emiko drops the figurative and literal bombshell on Oliver that she knowingly sent Robert off to his death, then proceeds to blow up the building they are in, leaving Oliver trapped under cement blocks and rebar ALL THE REBAR!!  THE TOMMY FEELS GUYS I CAN’T EVEN 😭😭😭
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Source: olicitygifs
To be continued 😱😱😱…. 
What even is an Olicity? We got next to nothing this week, no glorious episode 20 sexy times, no conversation, no Olicity-only scenes, no kiss, no hug😡. We got a couple of cute touchy moments but that was it. Bitter, you ask? Fuck yes, I am! Hopefully we can make up for this with some hurt/comfort next week, but anyway, let’s look at some pretty!
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Source: lucyyh 💗
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Source: feilcityqueen
Felicity Megan Smoak was a dream in this episode. Start to finish. Fabulous! Would I have liked to have seen more of her? Hell to the yes, she was for sure underused in this episode, but what we did get was perfection!!! Her adorable reunion with Roy, barging past Oliver to attack hug him 😂😂
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Source: feilcityqueen
Her whole babble about her emotions was hilarious; “Nerves of Steel. You know me. I’m cool.” How no one else guessed she’s pregnant I will never know, but Roy did kinda raise his eyebrows, so my head canon says he guessed, until they tell me otherwise!
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
Felicity dragging Dinah during her own interrogation was beautiful! From her pointed nonchalance at the entire situation, all whilst eating a sandwich and asking for cake (god I love her so much), to her constant corrections, to “Oh, you mean when Diaz kidnapped Roy to try to turn him against Oliver? You might have forgotten about that since you weren’t exactly on speaking terms with Oliver and I at the time” YAAAASSSS burn herrrrr!!!!!
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Source: seeing-red-arrow
I loved that we saw her in the field again, side-by-side with her original and new team mates. I’m so pleased that even though we didn’t get a heap of Felicity, they really used her as much as the style of the episode permitted.
Bonus one-liners:
“That’s a no on the evil sister redeeming herself then”
“Roy is incredible at parkour” 
We really needed more Oliver in this episode. The storyline should be ramping up and focusing in on Oliver (and the core characters) at this point in the season, and Oliver was in the episode for no more than anyone else, really.
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Source: olicitygifs
His highlights for me, beyond a doubt, were his interactions with Roy. I missed this relationship so much!! In many ways, Roy was Oliver (and Felicity’s) first child. He brought Roy into this life, he helped to guide him, to nurture his existing abilities and passed on skills that he had learned. He saved Roy from himself and The Glades, and in return Roy saved Oliver right back, giving him back a part of his humanity that Oliver had long thought lost back in the dark days of seasons 1 and 2, and literally saving him from a life sentence in S3. These men became family not through Thea, but through their bond within Team Arrow.
Oliver didn’t hesitate for a second to declare “we have to protect him”, when they found Roy killing the guards. He knew right away about the pit, defending him against Rene and Dinah when they didn’t want to cover for him at first (shocker), telling them they didn’t understand what he’d been through, that “Roy is and always will be as much a part of this team as the rest of us” and reiterating that “if someone on this team goes down, this entire team goes down.” When he speaks to Roy about what happened, Roy doesn’t initially want to ask for Oliver’s help, but Oliver simply tells him “you never have to ask me, ever”. Ugh I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!
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Source: smoakmonster
Something also finally seemed to click for Oliver this week, that he could not help Emiko, that she needs taking into custody. I loved his words to Rene “at a certain point, people need to take responsibility for their actions”, YES MY LOVE!!! I can’t wait to see how he reacts to Emiko next week and in the finale, now that he realises how far gone she is, and that she effectively set him on this path 12 years ago, killing their father, and sentencing Oliver to his time on the island etc.
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Source: olivergifs
Dig was criminally underused in this episode. He had barely any interactions with Roy, despite their history, his interrogation was super brief, and we barely saw him in the field. DO BETTER WRITERS! We’re running out of OTA time!!
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Source: feilcityqueen
ARSENAL IS BACK BITCHES!!! I love Roy Harper. Always have, always will. Sooo glad to see him in the current timeline! He looked so happy to be back with his family too! I’m glad that they explained Thea’s absence (they called for Roy specifically) and talked about how she was doing. Oliver was honest with Roy straight-up about Emiko, and explained how he didn’t want to tell Thea about her until she was caught, as he didn’t want to hurt her by Robert’s actions again, especially now she’s free of her life in Star City.
I love, and actually screamed when Felicity acknowledged Roy’s parkour! They specifically used his bouncy-bouncy ninja skills to break into the vault. However, I will still never get enough of Roy’s unnecessary parkour haha, and we got to see a little of that during his fights, and it still made me smile!!
Roy’s reaction to his pit-rage was heart-breaking. This was worse than when he found out about killing the police officer on Mirakuru. I can see these killings (and I’m hoping maybe even Emiko, also) being what sends him to self-exile on Lian Yu, where we found him 20 years later in the flash forwards.
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Dinah/Rene/Emiko (a.k.a. the annoyances)
Dinah remains fucking annoying! Even turning out to be in on the act in the end, it was so easy to buy into her trying to send down anyone and everyone on the team for this crime because she is just generally a shitty disloyal person!
Likewise with Rene. It was easy as the viewer to believe that he had ratted out Oliver again, because he’s done it before, and I have no doubt he would do it again. Neither he nor Dinah wanted to help Roy at first. That they needed reminding by Oliver about how protecting one of the team protects all of them, just reiterates how they are not true team players and why most of the fandom still doesn’t class them as real members of Team Arrow.
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Regarding Emiko and Rene…Rene basically just stalked Emiko for half the season, they are not ‘close’, ugh, stop! Emiko gets bonus points for shooting Rene when he confronts her! I actually didn’t mind how they used Emiko this week, she appeared only when necessary, and moved the story on. I still can’t take her seriously as the big bad of the season, but it is what it is. Emiko will stop at nothing to take down the Queens (which at this point is quite frankly just stupid), and her latest dastardly deed is to bury Oliver under a building (from behind a protective wall, because she knows that’s the only way she would escape Oliver) to ‘kill him’ and then to destroy his reputation on the outside by outing the video footage of him covering up for Roy.
With no flash forwards this week, I just can’t help think of all the extra time we had, and that extra time was spent on Dinah and Rene *violently rolls eyes*, when we could have had more OTA & Roy (my favourite combination)! Anyway, next week looks awesome!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to the gif-makers! I love you more than Roy loves excessive back flips 😉
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