#Library Residency Program
hiringlibrarians · 1 year
Hiring Better: Improving Equity & Inclusion in Academic Libraries through the Diversity Residency Toolkit
The first run of Hiring Librarians was pretty eye-opening. I learned that there is no secret to hiring and that people who hire library workers have all sorts of contradictory opinions and practices, including many rooted in internal bias.  This time around, I’ve been looking for ways to help mitigate harm, both in the work of this blog and in our collective practices, and to help move towards…
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madtomedgar · 2 years
5 states including kentucky (!!) voted to protect abortion access. 3 states did away with slavery (prison labor) as punishment for a crime. 3 states made massive commitments to affordable housing. illinois made collective bargaining a protected right. 2 more states legalized weed. connecticut is moving towards early voting. alabama removed racist language from the state constitution and is investing in statewide public broadband internet. california massively expanded funding for arts and music programs in public schools. colorado raised on the wealthiest in order to provide universal free school lunch to students. georgia may no longer pay cops who are suspended on a felony indictment. massachusetts massively expanded funding for public education and infrastructure, massively expanded dental insurance, and will allow residents to get a drivers license or state id regardless of immigration status. montana will now require a search warrant for access to electronic data. nebraska will increase its minimum wage to $15. new mexico will massively improve and expand senior facilities, public libraries, higher ed, special public schools, and tribal schools, residential utilities (water, internet, electricity). new york is putting 4.2 billion towards climate change mitigation. rhode island is increasing funding for public education and environmental protection. south dakota expanded medicaid.
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liberaljane · 1 year
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Support Your Local Library!
Here’s 3 easy ways to get started: 1.) Get a library card (it’s free and usually just requires proof of residency!) 2.) Attend your local library’s events and programming. 3.) Advocate for increased support and funding. 
Digital illustration of a redhead fem with cat eye glasses wearing a green sparkly dress. She's leaning on a bookcart next to a tuxedo cat holding a book that reads, 'support your local library.' Behind her are books with titles that are commonly banned in schools.
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fanzines · 10 months
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Beautiful Support Your Local Library illustration and print by artist @liberaljane (buy it on her site). Here are three ways to get started, which she recommends: 1) Get a library card (it’s free and usually just requires proof of residency!) 2) Attend your local library’s events and programming. 3) Advocate for increased support and funding. Someone on the original tweet also recommended donating books and materials, which you no longer use - always worth asking your local librarians what sort of things they need for the library. My suggestion: 4) Start a zine club at your local library, where you can share and / or read zines with others, or even make zines with others. Zine clubs are an awesome way to meet people, make friends and explore more zines. And, if you're lucky, your library may have a zine library or zine collection. If not, speak to your local librarians about setting one up! ✨
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uwmspeccoll · 9 days
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It’s Feral Friday!  
Today we’re highlighting another gem from our zine selection, Decolonizing Library Science by Archivist (and former, long-time UWM Special Collections Graduate Intern) Keahi Ka’iwalani Adolpho. Created on the eve of the 2016 edition of Milwaukee Zine Fest while they were a student in the Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) graduate program at UW-Milwaukee, this zine offers up a compelling reflection on Adolpho’s personal experience as a “non-binary, queer, hapa (mixed Native Hawaiian)” academic and a glimpse into their early research and critiques concerning MLIS graduate education and the field of Library Science as a whole.  
Decolonizing Library Science underlines the importance of rigorous internal critique in the interest of creating truly inclusive institutions and serves as a great example of the power of unregulated, independently, and accessibly produced publications like zines to provide a platform for underrepresented voices and perspectives. And we love the shoutout to the treasures of the Little Free Libraries in the Riverwest neighborhood of Milwaukee at the end!
In addition to their work in Archives and Special Collections, Adolpho is currently a member of the Homosaurus editorial board and co-edited Trans and Gender Diverse Voices in Libraries, which was published by Library Juice Press in 2023. They also co-created the Diversity Residency Toolkit as part of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Residency Interest Group. Their research interests include trans and gender diverse inclusion in libraries and archives, reparative and ethical metadata, and diversity residencies.  
--Ana, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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Because it looks like you’re already losing it do you have any extra thoughts on his voice lines? Mystery Shop Translations has them!
[Referencing this post!]
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Yes, I know Mystery Shop TLs has the deets 👀 I'm the one that requested Rollo's voice lines dhabydsbiosaivfbifsan
To avoid spoiling anyone that hasn't had the chance to read his voice lines yet, I'll place my thoughts on them below the cut.
First thing's first! It seems like Rollo will be staying at NRC for a short amount of time. It’s disrupting the daily routine he usually has, so I wonder how he’ll adapt…? Apparently, this is because he has come to study at NRC for a brief period. So maybe there's some kind of student exchange program meaning we may get other "special" students in the future...
Rollo sounds SO unhappy (but in an emotionally-repressed way) when he says he would prefer not to step foot onto NRC campus. TOO LATE BUDDY YOU'RE STUCK WITH US WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT 🤡
QDBIUBSOYFVQE8FO8EQEFANOQEUTQEP OKAY, HE STARTS OFF STRONG... Just another monologue about he's going to be the one to create a just world and punish evildoers, how NRC is a place where evildoers dwell and how he has to observe them carefully... The usual Rollo talking points 😭 His Groovy line references the Just Judge and really shows how big of an ego Rollo has???? Like he's going to impart upon you "proper virtuous behavior"... BRO, I DON'T WANNA HEAR THAT FROM SOMEONE WHO WAS PLANNING TO ENGULF THE WORLD IN FLOWERS THAT SUCK OUT ALL THE MAGIC
On the topic of "proper virtuous behavior", I like that we get subtle hints of Rollo actually pushing for this in his lines. It shows us that he actually does think he knows what's best for others and has very particular expectations for what is "good and just" behavior (even thinking that he leads by example). For example, Rollo advises that Yuu "fulfill their duty to their utmost", something which he also prides himself on. Additionally, he commands Grim in their Duo Magic to do as he says, to which of course Grim protests, saying that he doesn't want to be ordered around. Rollo also frowns on Idia's use of an electronic tablet as a substitute for attending classes in person, calling it "laziness beyond reproach".
I find it hilarious that Rollo is SO angry at Malleus that he describes even the general area that Malleus resides in and the mirror that leads there as "absolutely repulsive". HIS HATE BONER FOR MALLEUS WILL NEVER DIE... Even funnier when you realize Rollo is (relatively) neutral toward Azul and only slightly negative about Idia (the other two SSR boys responsible for his downfall). Rollo even expresses curiosity about the Mostro Lounge (and I fully intend to write a fic with this premise in mind, it's just TOO good to pass up)! Both Idia and Azul are referred to as “[first name]-kun” whereas Malleus is referred to vaguely (“that man”) or just has his full name shouted 😭
It's... surprisingly cute??? That he compliments the quality of Trein's lessons. I wish we had more of Rollo's thoughts in this regard, because I feel like he's keeping a lot of his more detailed thoughts locked away. (Notice also that he calls Trein by first-name basis, “Mozus-sensei”.)
Noble Bell College doesn't have dormitories, which makes sense. It is stated in canon to be a much smaller school than NRC, so I'd imagine the student population is also smaller and thus having multiple dormitories to accommodate them all wouldn't be necessary. Laughing at the fact that Rollo just casually dunks on Ramshackle's name though 😭 I MEAN, HE AIN'T WRONG... The place was a bit of a dump before the renovations...
It's really interesting that Rollo continues to express a preference for "relaxing" places; he comments that he loves the Mirror Chamber because it's quiet and he finds it charming. There's also the previously mentioned interest in Azul's cafe, as well as a remark about the knowledge that NRC's library has. It makes me think he can be quite contemplative, although perhaps he doesn't direct his energy toward the most positive emotions at times.
In spite of all of this, the voice lines also maintain a sort of "distance" to them, which I love. This is most obviously seen in the voice line where Rollo asks Yuu if they need something since they were acting overly familiar with him. Rollo indicates that he believes Yuu mistook him for someone else. He doesn't seem to have friends, nor desire them, even if they're of a non-mage persuasion like Yuu. There continues to be this lingering sense of uneasiness and distrust between him and his peers, even when others like Yuu, the gargoyles, his aide and vice president, make an effort to reach out to him. HE JUST WANTS TO EXPLODE PEOPLE WITH HIS MIND, THIS ICY NeUTRALiTY IS tHE NICEST THIS MAn CaN MUSTER/j It really suits Rollo's character to refuse to properly "integrate" with NRC. He's also very actively avoiding making certain decisions which would prompt him to return to the campus, like not checking out any library books even though he's truly entranced by the information the NRC Archives hold. It implies that Rollo is, to some extent, being held back from his full potential because of how he walls himself off from others. He thinks of his own NBC classmates as noisy and stupid, wishes to remove the gargoyles, actively tries to spend time alone as often as possible, and hates on the community goats (bro was about to send one FLYING but decided against it only because there were too many potential witnesses). He doesn’t open up to his own parents about his feelings ever since the fire and claims that others cannot understand how he feels. Rollo has isolated himself 💀
Even his level-up line (not in Mystery Shop TL's post, but I still want to bring it up) is not friendly at all. In fact, Rollo acts suspicious of Yuu's friendship and demands that they come clean about their "true intentions". He then says that if You is actually being genuine, that's actually more bothersome than if they had been deceptive to him all along. He pities them for their circumstances, yes (being a non-mage constantly having to deal with the shenanigans of the wicked mages around them), but that doesn't equate to friendship or feeling "close" with Yuu. Rollo does not allow others to get close, he does not know what friendship is and nor does he seemingly want it or care for it.
Rollo draws a very strong divide between himself and those he labels as "villains" , as well as literally everyone else he encounters. That is, ironically, muddying his relationships and potential for self-actualization when he sees himself as a “savior” of sorts for people.
Overall, I really enjoyed this set of voice lines! It gives us more of what we really love about Rollo's personality without spoiling the events of Glorious Masquerade for those who haven't read it yet. My only complaint would be that I'm getting greedy and want even more Rollo content now, just these voice lines alone isn't enough to sate me anymore/j 😂
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igotanidea · 11 months
Essay : professor!todd x student!reader part 1
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A/N: this is a completely new verse, I just couldn;t stop myself, so if you ever get ideas for that one I'll take them in a heartbeat.
A/N 2 : I was wondering whether to finish it here of give you more spice, but decided to just whet your appetite for part 2 ;)
Do you know how they used to call her in high school?
The unsullied.
Like in a freaking “game of thrones”
All because while her friends were partying, getting drunk and scoring, she was far more focused on her education and school work. And damn, that girl was sharp. Her writing and literature skills and instincts were something people would admire if they weren’t shallow and judgmental.
Instead she got the teasing nickname and all her peers treated her like she didn’t exist.
And of course it hurt, not having girlfriends or anyone who would even try to understand why she would rather spend her time in the library in the company of Shakespeare or Emily Bronte or Charles Dickens instead of drinking and having accidental sex. It was painful to admit that she never had a boyfriend or that she lacked experience in so many social areas. But she just clenched her teeth and pushed through, telling herself that she didn’t have to have all the answers at the age of 17.
She worked hard for a couple years and that got her a scholarship and entry to the college of her own choice. And while her parents and family were pushing her to choose something big, like New York or other big city, much to their surprise and displeasure, she decided to stay in the state and attend Gotham University.
“Why?” her mother almost got a heart attack upon hearing the revelations, choking on the fancy cake served at the tea.  (one more word about the girl – she came from the really fancy, new-money family, where she never fit, being way to feisty and fiery. She could never be described as a lady despite her mother’s best efforts).
“Just because” she shrugged
“watch your tone, girl.” Her father warned “never speak to your mother like this.”
“sorry, sir.” She smiled apologetically, but it was meant more like a sarcasm then a real word of remorse “ Gotham has one of the best university literature program. And since it’s something I want to pursue….”
“I think we should let her make her own choices, father. Y/N knows what she’s doing.”
Thank god, for her older brother, Tom, who always had her back. He was the only person she was going to miss when leaving. But he was right. She knew what she was doing. And Gotham did have the best literature course. And that was because of one of the professors, Jason Todd.
At the young age of 26, being only a couple years older than her, he managed to finish his studies summa cum laude and having a few awards on his account decided to dedicate his life into teaching and shaping young minds. Y/N couldn’t wait to attend one of his classes.
Yeah, college was going to be life changing for her.
Only she didn’t know how much when she first stepped into the hall of residence.
Soon enough she found out that first years were not supposed to attend Todd’s classes. Apparently something about heavy and mature content on different levels.  To put it simply, no one below 21 were allowed to engage in those discussions.
But Y/N was sly and determined enough to sneak into the evening lectures, making notes to herself and being an original thinker she got so much ideas and inspirations just by sitting in the corner of the classroom and listening. It went like that for half a year and she believed herself to be clever enough to not get notices, but apparently professor Todd was even better in the art of deception. And it all started when she lost her notebook while leaving and figured it out on the way to her room.
“Shit!” she hissed turning around immediately and looking for the lost item on the way. If it were to get into unfit hands, in the worst case – dean’s – and her secret would be uncovered , she would be expelled immediately due to not abiding the rules “Fuck!” she whispered-yelled again, having reached the classroom and still not finding it.
“don’t creep there, miss Y/l/N, come on in.” Professor Todd’s voice echoed through the empty hall and she shivered. How the hell did he know she was there? And more importantly, how the fuck did he know who she was?!
“I’m sorry to interrupt professor.” She started “I’m just …. I mean, I…..”
“Lost something?” he asked, his green eyes meeting hers and it was like a spark of electricity through her. God, was he handsome. Only now, she understood  the rumours on the campus, something about girls attending his course just for him, not really for the books and stories. Shit! She didn’t really have much opportunities to watch Todd while sneaking out and watching her every step.
“Yeah, I …. I mean, I…..” she stuttered “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t even be here, and what I’m writing there is just stupid and …..”
“The only thing stupid here is that no one under 21 can join my class.” Todd laughed sonorously “come here, miss Y/N, please, sit, I won’t give your secret away.”
“You won’t?” hypnotised by his voice and eyes she took a few steps forward and perched on the first desk, out of instincts waving her legs in the air in a child-like manner.
“No. Sure not. I read some of your notes, forgive me that” he apologised quickly seeing the terror on her face “and those are good. Like really good. I don’t think I have such an original thinker here in like …. ever, to be honest” he smiled brightly “how old are you again?”
“almost 20 now.” She sighed in frustration. Here she was, sitting in front of her idol, unable to get full advantage of his knowledge.
“such a shame. Would love to know your brain more.”
“Can I just have it back and be on my way? I won’t bother you anymore, I promise I don’t want any trouble." she reached for her notebook, but did it so clumsily that it made her lost her balance in the process and she started falling to the ground, when her weight overbalanced the desk. She would probably end up on the floor, if it wasn’t for Todd’s reflexes. His strong arms found a way around her waist holding her tight, her hands locking on his arms and all of a sudden feeling safe and not so eager to leave.
“You good there?” he asked as their gazes met.
“Yeah…. I…..” once again the spark flew between them. Maybe it was just her imagination but she saw something predatory and …. lustful(?) in his eyes. “I… I really should be going now, professor. It’s late and after curfew and ….. sorry.” She grabbed the book from his hands, fixed her shirt and bag and rushed out the door.
“Miss Y/L/N?” he called after her and the girl spun around to face him.
“You can keep coming to my classes. Like I said, it’s a stupid rule and your secret’s safe with me.’
“Um, yeah, sure, professor, thank you.” She mumbled and practically took off running to her room, having absolutely no idea what was happening to her .
She didn’t get much sleep that night, instead taking care of the urge and itching between her legs, imagining green orbs and silky voice calling her good girl and a one particular man touching her. Good thing she had a single room with pretty thick walls.
It became pretty clear that classes were not enough for either of them. All things considered they kept it professional for a long time, only meeting in public places, discussing some teacher-student stuff, not really making any of the stuff suspicious. Apart from some additional rumours, nothing new on the campus, they were extremely correct and hesitant to do anything stupid.
Literature talks and exchanging beliefs and ideas quickly led to getting to know each other on way more personal level. She learnt about his family, his adopted father and brothers and he got the whole story of how she was treated in school and why she chose to specialise in literature.
They were getting close.
Arguably closer than teacher – student should, but the more time they spend together the less they cared.
Soon enough their meetings moved from the classrooms and campus to the outside places. And from the days to the nights, always being careful not to get caught. But the urge and the sexual tension between them was making them slip.
It was only a matter of time before someone would lose the war of nerves and needs.
Since the dean was tuned in to everything that was happening on the uni ground, after a couple of months Todd was called into his office and had to some heavy explanation of why he was doing nothing less but hanging out with a student that was still under the legal age.  Barely, but sill.
And with the natural ease and smoothness the young professor talked and talked about y/n’s talent and insight and how she was wasting her potential while waiting to be admitted to his classes. He used some pretty convincing arguments about the fame and reputation the uni would get if she becomes the exception to the rule and get the permission to attend despite her age.
And all that seemed to convince the dean.
Y/N was allowed to attend Jason’s course.
And that meant more time spend together.
“I almost forgot. I got your essays graded.” He stated one Tuesday evening almost ending the lecture,  holding a bunch of sheets of paper in his hands and waving it around “as usual, most of you should have read between the lines, but apart from that it’s better than before. I see some progress to some of you.” He started walking around, giving the papers to the students.
Was it her imagination again or did he really brushed over her shoulder while passing her? If it was a dream she didn’t want to wake up, feeling that familiar aching in her body. God! She was still at class, acting like a horny teenager! About the teacher! That was completely inappropriate!
“That would be all for today.” Jason stated “class dismissed.”
“But….” She objected. She didn’t get hers back.
“As for you miss Y/L/N….” he trailed, waiting till everyone left  “We need to talk about your thesis. But we’re gonna need the library to prove the point. Meet me there in half an hour, all right? Take your coat with you, the night is going to be cold.”
“but…. But it’s like 8 p.m.” she frowned “I thought the library was closing at 7?”
“I got a special pass. Now go, Y/N.”
Something was telling her that this was not going to be about her writing. And she couldn't wait to discover the double meaning.
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witchofthesouls · 6 months
I would love to see you write some more culture differences between the bots and humans. If you wouldn’t mind :0 I wish we saw some in TFP
Same here. I love seeing world-building and deep lore, especially with other fantasy/sci-fi civilizations.
TFP gave us so much and so little at the same time. It's like going to a restaurant, you have a drink and great appetizers, so you're constantly waiting for the entrée that isn't coming!
TFP is also really fascinating when looking at it with the lens of the caste system and its deep roots within and among the 'bots, even their reduced circumstances. I get the feeling that Optimus is way more casual in way with his team than what the decorum would demand, even with his barriers.
The Autobots would find human cityscapes as quaint. Even the dense sprawls of megacities with towering high rises are paltry reminder of what they're used to.
Cybertron was a planet where its wilds had been tamed. Either reshaped or completely stripped. The Wastelands is/was an apt name for the baren landscapes outside the established city-states.
It wasn't just a large difference in public transport and zoning and sheer scale. It was also the functional design and architecture.
City-states mimicked the layouts of Titans' ground alt-modes. They didn't sprawl outward. Those had set perimeters based on Titans' outer defenses. Instead, the cities expanded up or down.
It wasn't limited to just a parking structure or secretive bases. Whole levels housed entire communities of what castes resided there: occupations, hospitals, sewage, refineries, restaurants, entertainment, and so much. Some mecha go without ever seeing the sunlight or feel real wind, especially those at the lowest of the system. The lowest castes are set all the way at the bottom, among ancient tech and dilapidated buildings. Sorting and recycling what could be kept and what must be sent back to the upper levels.
The concept of "open to the public" would confuse the Autobots. The Golden Age operated its society under the strict overview of a caste system, which expanded to "where" and "what" individuals of a caste could access.
Monster truck rallies fall under bloodsport to them. Bulkhead once scavenged money to watch and do small bets at high-stakes drift racing and lower-tier gladiator matches below the ground. Mecha still had to pay entrance fees to it.
Parks were under the Artisanal caste. Blending murals of legends, careful tending to fauna that are functionally extinct that was tailored to the agreed aesthetic, live music from specific pupils of masters, playing on instruments that merged with the gardens, so it was difficult to tell what was a tool and a plant or animal. And entry to any of it was only allowed for certain castes.
Universities were thriving, self-contained communities, and major points of power. No one off the list would be allowed into its grounds. All visitors and short-term guests were deeply screened and monitored. There is no such thing as "dropping by." Everything is meticulously planned and prepared. Unless a faculty member personally vouches for a guest, they must heed the numerous rules or a risk permanent banning.
Academia had long since been territorial over its talents and quality of its programs and people. They refuse to allow anyone outside its jurisdiction to bully one of its own. No matter the rank or caste, it will close its inescapable jaws around an outsider.
The fact that someone could go to a private university and simply jog upon its grounds is mind-boggling to the 'bots.
As well as libraries and their courses and workshops. So anyone can go? Anyone?! Everyone has access to the knowledge!? Can anyone simply go join a seminar on local gardening? Anyone can just go to a playground and start swinging or playing basketball or flying a kite or dancing to music? Anyone?
Bulkhead had a lot of questions for Jack and Raf since they're locals compared to Miko.
"So anyone can go?"
"Yeah. I used to spend my recess looking up bird anatomy and Ancient Greece and Egypt."
"You had a thing for ancient civilizations?" Raf asked.
"Doesn't everyone?" Jack shrugged. "Pharoahs and gladiators and old gods? We ate that up with mystery books or Goosebumps."
"I read Sherlock Holmes and the Chronicles of Narnia."
"Those are classics. Hey, did you get into The Lo-"
"Hold up," Bulkhead cut in, crouched down and leaning more forward, as if sharing a secret and quietly ask, "So anyone?"
"Yes. Anyone." Jack repeated, rapidly firing off each point with a finger. "Their family. Their friends. Their classmates. Their coworkers. Their pe-"
"Even, let's say, a construction worker. He could just go inside and pick up, I don't know, quantum physics? Anatomy of any frames? Gardening?"
"Sure." Raf squinted and moved to wipe off his glasses with his sleeves. "Clubs and people like to donate more to expand the base. Some of the college professors even leave early editions of their textbooks." Raf readjusted his glasses and beamed. "It's for easier access people and for an industrial copier."
"Oh..." There was a wealth of meaning in that small noise.
"You..." Jack struggled on the concept. Perhaps giant metal aliens didn't need books and could download information from their own internet. "You don't have libraries or schools?"
"No. We did." Bulkhead sighed. "I just wasn't allowed into them."
Out of all of them, Miko would be the to come the closest to understanding them in some ways. 出る杭は打たれる. The nail that sticks out gets hammered in.
As a transfer student from Japan, Miko does have instances of culture clashes with her American classmates and host family.
She's loud. She knows that. But Americans are a different breed with no restraint. In some ways, admirable. In others, incredibly frustrating.
Miko is used to a far heavier workload with long hours after-school and a busy city life. Jasper qualifies between a small and large town that she can't walk around easily on her own with the blazing heat and bitter cold nights and the lack of a car or a bike.
Detention in the US is a joke to her. Stay in school after it's over? She's used to doing that back at home with clubs and cleaning it. On a Saturday? Same thing. Some clubs back home ran long hours over the weekend. Do homework? She already finished it during lunch or between classes because she wants all the other time to herself and the 'bots.
Because Bulkhead gets a realization just how free the kids' social mobility is, he tries to get on Miko over her scrapping at school and her assignments, especially after Ratchet's high jacking their science projects resulted in failure. And that was another strange blow since Ratchet is a medic and a scientist. She's smart and quick and can be rough around the edges and so everywhere, and, to him, Miko deserves everything she could want in her short life. (And wasn't that also a terrifying concept to grasp? To just live and die under a single vorn?)
At first, Miko was getting annoyed because it's similar to the well-meaning nagging her host family does, but she reads the worry he has, and they have to really sit down and speak and soothe over his misunderstandings.
It comes as a huge surprise to her that Bulkhead can just download a language into him. Context and colloquialisms would be missing, and he needs work because he's a mix between extreme formality and, much to her delight, yakuza. And it's all because of her own frustration that English is her second language.
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puppiesandnightlock · 4 months
LINK: I Just Really Hate Your Face
summary: Top Student Damian Wayne is assigned to tutor his high school's resident Juvenile Delinquent, Jonathan Kent, who seems less interested in his work and more interested in his handsome tutor.
Damian is *not* having it.
aka the Bad Boy x Good Student Jondami AU no one really asked for but i delivered anyways
“I’m sorry, could you repeat that, sir?” Damian gritted out, unbelieving. 
Oblivious to the pain in his voice, the principal repeated what he had said just moments before in an overly-cheery tone.
“You are being assigned to tutor Jonathan Kent. Hopefully, you’ll be able to get his grades up by the end of this year, for both semesters. And perhaps you may be able to corral him into actually showing at his classes.”
Damian controlled the scowl beginning to show on his face. Jonathan Kent was the worst possible student he could have gotten. What would merely associating himself with a boy like that do to his spotless reputation? Surely, this would be placed on his record, and he didn’t see how tutoring the school’s resident juvenile delinquent would appeal him to universities.
And he was supposed to influence him? Gods above, help him.
“Sir. With all due respect, why is he even in this program? Certainly there are many other viable candidates…more respectable people that would benefit from my teaching.” he attempted to phrase this in a way that was not outright insulting.
“Damian, you are well aware, I'm sure, that you are this academy’s top student, and you’ve worked hard to get to this spot, unlike many other kids. I think that you can give Mr. Kent a push in the right direction, if not outright change him for the better. You signed up for this program, did you not?”
“I did, sir.” if not only for the nice view if would give his college admission.
“Then you will work with the student assigned to you. However, if there is no improvement, or you truly can’t manage him, you will have the option to switch, or drop the program completely. Is this more reasonable?”
Hm. It would have to do. “Yes, sir. Thank you sir.”
Let it be known that Damian Wayne was not a quitter, and stubborn enough to move a mountain with a single word if he so chose. Jonathan Kent would be a changed student by the end of the year, if he had his way.
Jon Kent rolled into school at approximately 12:37 on a saturday morning, already fifteen minutes late to his tutoring session. It was absolute hell for those forcing him to go to even make him get dressed, and he was prepared to stall as long as possible. Hell, if he was lucky, the tutor would be pretty and he could score himself a ticket outta there with a wink and a few well timed smiles. 
He entered the library, doing a quick once over, straightening his jacket and checking his eyeliner.
“Your studies are much more important than your appearance, Mr. Kent.” a voice drawled from behind him, and as he turned, a smirk came over his features.
Hello, Gorgeous.
The boy in front of him had delicately sharp features, striking green eyes framed by long lashes. His skin was a tantalizing carmel, clashing beautifully with the forest sleeves of his sweater. 
“If you could remove your jaw from the floor, we should begin.”
He had a mouth on him too. Perfect. 
“No name for me? Guess I'll just have to call you Beautiful.” Jon purred, the other boy’s face twisting in something that was definitely not a blush.
“It’s Damian. My name is Damian. We’re fifteen minutes behind already, if you could please take a seat.” 
Jon sidled up to his side as they walked towards the table with a sheaf of papers. 
“Damian, huh?” he tested the name out, rolling off his tongue pleasantly.
“Sounds familiar. Have we had a class together? I could swear we have chemistry .”
Damian looked torn between strangling Jon and strangling himself, settling only for a glare.
Jon was getting slightly annoyed. This guy was not taking the bait, and that was an excellent line for a nerd. 
“ Sit. ” Damian pointed to the chair, Jon muttering ”Bossy.” under his breath.
“Let me make myself extremely clear, Jonathan, I have one job here, and that is to raise your grades. If I don't, it will not look good for me, and will look even worse for you. I’m not here for you to flirt with, make friends, or be stared at, nor roped into whatever it is you have going on here.” Damian gestured to his whole with a manilla folder in hand.
Well. If that wasn’t both flat out rejection and  warning all at once, Jon'd be dammed. It hurt his pride slightly and added more fuel to the slowly building flame of annoyance.
“And what is this , exactly? Is that why you’re here? Teacher’s Pet turns the bad one into a brand-new man ?” 
Damian snorted. “As if anyone could part you from your disastrous fashion and life choices. No, as I've stated, I'm here to make your grades better, by having you do all the work.”
“That’s a contradictory statement.”
“Would you look at that, you’re already using your big boy words.” He deadpanned, flipping open the folder to show Jon’s transcripts.
“Honestly, just looking at these makes me want to burn them. The only class you are currently passing is AP Physics, with an 89%.” 
Huh, apparently he wasn’t completely dense.
“I can taste the approval, do good grades turn you on?” Jon taunted. “Must be so great, getting all the way to the top with only Daddy’s money.”
A dangerous scowl overtook his face and Jon quickly realized that was too far for today.
“For your information, Kent , not everyone has managed to stay in this school based on money and reputation alone, despite your clearly projected opinions. Now, should we get started, or do you have any more poorly based comments to share with the class?”
Jon glowered at both him and the papers, shaking his head once in a firm “No.”
“Good.” Damian’s smile was predatory in a way where he knew he had already won.
The other boy put up a stubborn fight when it came to learning, purposefully answering questions wrong and poking at Damian to watch him snap.There was a self-satisfied smirk when he did so, the older boy looking as if he wished to slap it off his face. 
After the third or fourth time of this, Damian slammed the math book closed.
“Kent, I’d like to pride myself on endurance when it comes to annoyances, due to several older brothers and sisters. However, should this continue, I have no qualms about leaving you to repeat your next two years five times over.”
“Can’t handle the heat, get out of the oven.” Jon challenged.
Damian, to his annoyance, appeared unfazed. “I should be saying this to you, when a few years from now, you’ll still be here. Now, should I go, or will you at least look like you’re attempting to be competent?”
Pretty face, pretty form, ugly words. 
Jon bit at his bottom lip, face turning into more of a petulant pout then a scowl. “Fine.”
What a child.
Damian made a dismissive ‘tt’ noise, and began the lesson again.
Two hours later, they emerged from the school, one with his pride flattened and brimming with emotions, and one with a folder and a smug smirk.
Jon spotted his elder brother Kon in the corner of the parking lot, perched on a motorcycle. He had a stupidly knowing grin on his face, causing Jon to scowl.
He swung a leg over the side and held onto his brother’s jacket.
“Next week, I expect you to be on time. Understood, Kent?” Damian tapped a pen to the large folder he held. He seemed completely undaunted by the fact that there was a motorcycle being driven by the school’s ex-local bad boy in front of him.
“Try again, Kent.”
Jon huffed. “Yes, I'll try to make it on time.” 
“Good.” Damian flipped through the folder in front of him. “Your superiors will be pleased with these results. If you continue like this, we’ll be seeing a significant increase in your performance marks.”’
He nodded towards Kon as he closed the folder. “Have a pleasant evening, Connor. You as well, Jonathan.”
He walked away and the moment he was out of earshot, Kon pulled off his helmet and began to howl with laughter.
“Oh my God, you are whipped !” 
“Shut the fuck up, Connor, I am not and I hate his guts! Self-righteous little brat .” Jon hissed.
“He has you wrapped around his finger! At this rate, he’ll have whipped you into shape by the end of the semester!” He wiped away tears of laughter, chuckling still.
“I will resist.” Jon scowled. “And you’re smudging your eyeliner.”
“Am not! Brat.” Kon then returned to his knowing smirk. “Bet five bucks you thought he was hot, tried to hit on him and he rejected you to high hell.”
Jon’s silence was proof enough, sending Kon into another fit of laughter.
“Those Wayne boys, Jonno. The way you were headed, I’m surprised fate’s taken this long to send one to you. First Wally, then Roy, then me, and now you.”
“I will continue where I'm headed, and no stupid, annoying, pot-stirring stuck up good boys with pretty eyes are going to change me. Now drive.”
He kicked his older brother’s leg, Kon pulling his helmet back on. “Whatever you say, superbrat. But when you come crying to me when you can’t get past their straight A’s no-time-for-feelings exterior, I’ll have a bigass ‘told you so’ waiting for ya.”
Jon glowered as the bike started up. “Well, you can save it, cause it won’t happen!”
“Can’t hear you!” Kon sing-songed over the roar of the bike.
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another-lost-mc · 1 month
What are your ocs + Michael's first impressions on mc? 😋
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Hmm, I wonder. 😋 I'll throw these behind a Read More link because the post got a little long. Michael's part is a very short overview of a WIP in my drafts that's literally MC's first visit to the Celestial Realm and how he copes with it. lol
His initial interest in MC is mostly superficial at first: their appearance, how MC reacts to his casual flirtations, whether MC tries to flirt back...
He knows that seducing the human exchange student is at the top of the list of things he probably shouldn’t do, but he just can't help himself.
(He’s also eager for literally any excuse to get on Lucifer’s nerves.)
His behaviour and feelings for MC change quickly when he actually spends time talking to them. It's not long before he's absolutely smitten.
He doesn't really care about exchange program or its participants, but since it's his job, certain considerations have to be made: what sorts of food or drinks should the club add to the menu, is there anything unsafe for humans they should remove, do they need to hire more security staff while the exchange program runs?
As much as Zee doesn’t want to think about the angels either, any of the exchange students getting hurt at the club would be a disaster. The last thing he needs is Diavolo or worse, Barbatos, getting involved if something happened to the exchange students on club property.
He observes MC the first time they follow the demon brothers to the club. Based on how neglectful they are of MC’s safety and well-being, Zee takes it upon himself to ensure the human remains intact.
He tells himself that whatever happens to MC outside the club isn’t any of their business, but that changes quickly when he realizes MC is even more vulnerable once they leave and that could pose problems too.
His primary assignment is analyzing how the exchange students use Devildom technology and how it can be improved.
MC's safety is also a concern, but he hopes knows Mammon is keeping an eye on them so he spends the first week focused primarily on the residents of Purgatory Hall.
Luke spends a lot of time researching demons and demon-like behaviour; his top searches are things like What to do if a demon… or Why are demons so…
Simeon is a technological nightmare that Karasu was not anticipating, and he needs a lot more personalized attention.
When Karasu finally interacts with MC on a more personal level - first through the AI, and then from his own device later as himself - he gets utterly swept away by the prospect of friendship.
He knows about the exchange program long before it starts - Diavolo could hardly contain his excitement for this next big step of RAD’s legacy.
Tenebris meets MC completely by accident, and he wasn’t very polite about it, but in his defense he had more important things on his mind at the time.
(He does recall seeing MC’s picture printed in the school’s newspaper later and hopes that he didn’t hurt or scare them too badly.)
If Tenebris suddenly agrees to come to RAD - as a student, of course - he tells anyone who asks that he’s simply curious about it. (It has nothing to do with protecting certain humans from ill-intentioned demons or good-for-nothing sorcerers.)
His watchful eye and cautious friendship with MC doesn’t go unnoticed.
He's so excited to have a new human to talk to (that isn't Solomon) that he has to be reminded more than once not to overwhelm them.
He's genuinely curious about MC's life, where they're from and their family and friends and the types of hobbies they like and their interests.
Most of the angels are welcoming, but Meta is like a ray of sunshine that eagerly shows MC all the places in the Celestial Realm he thinks they'd enjoy: the library, his favourite dining hall, the gardens with the nicest flowers and the nicest lake if they want to go swimming.
Of course, he can't monopolize all of MC's free time - and when he eats dinner alone for the first time in nearly a week since their arrival, he realizes he already misses them, just a little bit.
His feelings about MC and their arrival in the Celestial Realm are...complicated.
He's excited to finally meet them in person, and he's happy that they're as delightful as Luke and Simeon would lead him to believe.
But there's that uncomfortable feeling deep in his heart that he tries to ignore: jealousy, because MC has what he lost. He doesn't blame MC for being themselves, nor does he blame his fallen brothers for growing attached to the human that's helped them with so much. Still, emotions aren't always logical and for a time, it's difficult.
Thankfully, the more time he spends with MC, that jealousy and resentment fades. He appreciates their whimsical nature and kind heart, and he finally understands how a mere human could become as special to Lucifer as he once was.
It's only when MC prepares to leave back to the Devildom, that Michael realizes that he was powerless to resist them as the others were.
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forasecondtherewedwon · 3 months
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seven degrees east - chapter one
Fandom: Masters of the Air Pairings: Gale x Bucky; Nash x Helen; more tbd Rating: T (may change) Chapter: 1 / ? Word Count: 3798
Summary: It's 1996. Soundgarden's on the radio, Charles and Diana are headed for divorce, and seven American PhD candidates are studying literature at the University of Thorpe Abbotts in Norfolk, England. Between taking Prof. Harding's summer class and obsessing over their favourite authors, the boys will kick asses when they must, and fall in love if they can.
Spring was about to fall headlong into summer and Bubbles had decided Princess Di was the woman for him. They were all in love with her. Tabloid magazine photos of Diana in black and lavender—torn with care along the crease—decorated the walls of their dorms, overlapping posters for Superunknown and Crimson Tide, pieces they’d had published in the literary journal, and mundane scraps of paper elevated by their status as vessels for the phone numbers of girls they’d met at parties. Naturally, their Princess took supremacy, especially as they expected imminent, official news of her divorce from Charles. Lucky Bubbles.
It was mid-June 1996. They spent their days horny and sunburnt from laying out on the school’s big English lawn. These long stretches of apparent leisure were punctuated by the summer course in which they were all enrolled: “Thoreau’s Walden,” taught by Professor Harding. He was transparently attempting to instill in them a sense of self-reliance alongside an understanding of transcendentalist thought. The class wasn’t mandatory—the rest of their cohort would rejoin them in September—but their small group comprised a brotherhood of dedicated scholars. (Dedicated to having fewer courses to take come fall semester.)
Bubbles was their Great American Novel man, obsessed with Faulkner’s long sentences and Steinbeck’s long books. Crosby envied and lionized his best friend’s focus, but had come to accept that he was irresistibly drawn to the lower-brow, femme-fatale charm of Chandler and Hammett’s hard-boiled novels. Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal was their resident 19th-centuryist, plotting the spread of both his dissertation and his mustache on the fertile—if possibly cursed—intellectual ground of Edgar Allan Poe. Herbert Nash was Rosie’s chronological compatriot. Though he’d begun the doctoral program with a proposed focus on the works of Mark Twain, he had a literary wandering eye for anything that struck him as romantic. In the face of Nash’s flakiness, Curt fought (sometimes physically) for the pure pleasure of reading, but then he was often under the hedonistic, lunar-like sway of Oscar Wilde—a deviation (guided, he claimed, by his Irish heritage) from the later, hedonistic influence of his preferred poison: the Beat Generation.
If their ragtag band of chronic dogear-ers had a leader, it should’ve been Jack Kidd. Kidd was an upper year student, nearly finished with his PhD (unless his PhD finished with him first). He was secretive, perpetually put-upon, and capable of delivering heart-shattering criticism in a tone that made it sound like mercy. In short, he was everything they longed to be. When asked about the subject of his dissertation, he would drop his face into his hands with all the enthusiasm and surrender to gravity of a bridge suicide. In lieu of possessing the middle-aged-divorcé jadedness that seemed to come naturally to Kidd despite his being only 29, the seven younger candidates had taken up smoking the preceding November.
Because they did need a leader to make sure they did things like readings and laundry and correcting their posture after hours spent curled over, under, and around the library’s long oak tables, they had Bucky. And they had Buck, because it was smart to have a backup. “Bucky” was really John, and “Buck” was Gale, and when any of the other five called them out on being pretentious fucks, they would both grin and offer no correction. While John directed his furrowed brow at Lost Generation titans like Hemingway, Stein, and Fitzgerald, Gale was dreamily engrossed in a fin-de-siècle love affair with Henry James. At any given time, at least three of them (including John) were waiting for the pair to realize that who they were actually head over heels for was each other.
They were all students at Thorpe Abbotts—the Norfolk satellite campus of the Connecticut university. They knew people studying Goethe and Voltaire, Tolstoy and Shakespeare and García Márquez, seriously, they did. They just happened to be a collection of Americans reading Americans. In England. For one reason and another, they’d decided to study overseas, intrigued by the allure of matched tuition fees, rainy reading weather, and the proximity to older and fancier universities, which were fun to visit if they were looking to instigate a winnable fight against other easily-provoked academics.
That particular evening, they descended upon a bar favoured by students from the University of East Anglia. John and Rosie had both offered to drive. To decide who’d had to go with John (concealed as who’d wanted to go with John), Crosby had flipped a coin—well, a double-sided Batman pog he’d produced with minor embarrassment after fishing around in his pocket for a coin. As a result, Gale and Curt tumbled from John’s Wrangler (Gale from the passenger’s seat, Curt from the bench in the rear) looking half-drunk already from John’s weaving, lead-footed panache behind the wheel. Rosie pulled up smoothly, with no complaints from Bubbles, who might not have complained even if they’d slid into the parking lot on their roof, Crosby, whose motion sickness had not been triggered, or Nash, who’d ironed a shirt for this outing in hopes of meeting a nice girl. The rest had openly teased him, then tried not to feel self-conscious about their own attire.
“You look like Hugh Grant,” John leveled at Nash when he saw him sweeping his hair back as they made for the bar.
“Wasn’t a compliment.”
Fortunately for Nash, he was impervious to most insults. John knew this and took it as licence to tease him all the more.
“Ladies love Hugh Grant,” Nash reasoned.
“Don’t say ladies,” Curt whined. “Fuck’s wrong with you?”
“The thing Hugh Grant has going for him is he’s British,” John explained.
“And he’s a movie star,” Gale offered, nonpartisan.
“Stellar addition, Buck: and he’s a movie star.” He turned back to Nash. “You’re non-movie-star, American Hugh Grant. Capisce?”
“Don’t say capisce.” Curt took out his frustration on the loose chunk of asphalt he booted across the parking lot.
“Ah, don’t listen to him, Nash,” Rosie instructed, slinging an arm around Nash’s neck and hauling him close so his steps stuttered and skipped.
“You look good, Nash,” Gale said.
“Like a real gentleman.”
“Too bad he’s just Nash disguised as a gentleman,” John lamented with a grin.
Nash cracked a telling smile.
“Whaddaya think, Croz?” John demanded. He looked around and found Crosby and Bubbles trailing them, laughing about something that was part of their own conversation. “Croz! Nash in disguise! This some kinda hard-boiled, sleazy villain shit?”
Crosby shrugged.
“Nash is Nash.”
“Nash is Nash,” Bubbles agreed, and then they were all saying it, speaking over one another, until their voices dropped into sync and it turned into a chant as they shoved into the warmth of the bar.
They fell into a booth together, then forced Crosby and Bubbles back out to get the first round since neither of them had driven and even if you tried to send one without the other, they’d both go anyway, as though attached by a tether. They returned with pitchers.
“Croz got carded,” Bubbles gleefully announced, handing out glasses from the stack in his hand.
Everyone awwwed. Crosby erupted in a flaming blush.
“Don’t worry about it, Croz,” Gale told him. Crosby nodded gratefully, but then Gale tacked on, “When I was your age—”
Crosby’s protestation that they were the same age had Rosie laughing until he had tears in his eyes. He tilted sideways into Nash, who did his best to scoot away.
“I love you Rosie, but I will slash your fucking tires if you wrinkle my shirt.”
This just made Rosie laugh harder.
“You alright to drive back?” John checked with Gale, leaning in to speak quietly below the hilarity.
“I gotcha, man.”
John nudged Crosby out of the booth a second time and came back with a pitcher of water for Gale, who’d smoke weed and cigarettes with the rest of them but drew the line at carbonation. Crosby’s hand hesitated between the pitchers of beer and water.
“I’ll drive,” Rosie assured him, brushing away Crosby’s wordless offer with a wave of his hand.
Crosby looked relieved to be let off the hook. He poured himself a beer.
John pointed at Rosie.
“You’re too damn self-sacrificing.”
“Maybe you’re too sac-selfrificing,” Curt countered, making John twist to face him with an expression of extreme indignation.
“Oh yeah?”
“You wanna take this outside?” John squared his shoulders. Even though it was all in play, Gale held out his hand, palm down, suggesting they chill out a little. They’d been bounced from this bar before.
“Might as well stay put,” Curt said. “If I knock you on your ass while you’re already sittin’ down, you got less far to fall.”
John smacked the brim of Curt’s ballcap down over his eyes and they broke into a scuffle in the booth, legs scrabbling beneath the table, Curt giggling wildly as he jerked away from John’s hands while protesting that he couldn’t see. Crosby, sitting on Curt’s other side, attempted to right his hat, but ended up having to dodge Curt’s elbow instead.
“Bets?” Rosie asked.
“What’s on the table?” Bubbles wondered. Somebody’s knee slammed the actual table from underneath and Bubbles’ hand shot out to steady his glass. “Figuratively.”
“Losers have to format the winners’ essay citations.”
“That’s not ba—”
Crosby saw Gale whack the back of his hand into Bubbles’ chest to shut him up, but it was too late. Rosie was grinning.
“And type up their essay.”
They groaned. Bubbles, Nash, and Crosby shook their heads, bowing out, but Gale stuck out his hand for Rosie to shake.
“You’re on,” he said.
“Who’s your money on?” Rosie asked.
“Who d’you think?” Nash cut in.
It really was silly to ask; Gale took John’s side in everything, always. Crosby was going to point that out, begin recalling supporting evidence, but John started fighting really dirty—his hands dove to Curt’s sides, tickling hard, and Curt hopped back. Crosby bailed out of the booth and stood.
“Maybe they should take it outside,” Bubbles observed, reading Crosby’s concern on his face before he could voice it.
Just then, there was a scoff: “Typical.”
John ceased his attack on Curt as they turned to look with the others. Curt fixed his hat. There were three guys standing there, just past Crosby, who took a step towards the table to show his allegiance. Like most people they encountered off the Thorpe Abbotts campus, the trio were British. They looked about their age, maybe a little younger, and enough sheets to the wind not to mind that there were fewer of them than members of the group they’d accosted.
The pause after that single word seemed to go on and on. None of the seven had a doubt in their mind that it was a criticism of their behaviour—their Americanness. The Brits would expect them to get angry, to fly from their booth and jab their impolite American fingers in their faces, wet American spittle spraying from their mouths as they shouted rude American words. They didn’t know that this was what these particular Americans did for fun. That even now, in the pause, they were just deciding how they wanted this one to go.
“Can we help you?” Gale asked calmly, while his compatriots wordlessly downed their drinks.
“We’re just fine,” one of them replied. “Try helping yourselves.”
Gale glanced around at his friends as though confused.
“Did one of you need help with something?” he asked.
Curt had just poured himself a second beer. He held up a finger, signally for everyone to wait as he took a long swallow. He sighed in satisfaction.
“I actually do need help,” he said, looking not at Gale but at the Brits.
“Want us to teach you to tie your shoes?” a different one taunted.
“Nah,” Curt said, tone dangerously placid to the ears of his friends. “Nah, got that one figured out. I actually got a question for you: loserssaywhat?”
The first one frowned, head cocking slightly.
Rosie guffawed, prompting the change in the trio’s expressions: superior to insulted. Angry. But Curt was beaming. He took another swallow of beer before slowly enunciating, “Losers. Say. What.”
And then he burped so loudly that Crosby, recounting the story to Kidd later that night, would swear it shook the walls.
“That wasn’t part of the question,” Curt clarified.
The strangers surged towards the booth and Crosby got in their way, Bubbles and Gale jumping up too to put a wall between them and Curt.
Gale said one word to them, and he said it like an order: “Outside.”
“Fucking right, outside,” was thrown back at him.
The three on their feet watched the Brits out the door, then turned back to the group.
“Who’s holding down the fort?” John asked.
“Not me,” Curt said. He clambered from the booth and started shadow boxing. As he ducked and wove, eyes fixed on an invisible opponent, John spun his hat around, brim at the back.
“Let’s all go,” Nash said from his spot against the wall. “Nobody’s gonna…”
He trailed off as his gaze landed on something beyond their prizefighting trickster, beyond the inseparable Bubbles and Crosby, beyond the deep-running still waters of Gale. There was a girl. A beautiful girl. Thick, dark hair, talking with another girl Nash barely noticed. As he watched, she laughed. She was even more beautiful when she laughed.
“Actually, I’ll stay,” he amended distractedly. He tilted his head to see around Curt as Curt decided to add footwork to his routine. “The rest of you can fuck off.”
Rosie looked where Nash was looking and smirked.
“Ah, no way, buddy. Wouldn’t leave you here all alone!”
“No more than three of us can go,” John declared. “It’s not…”
“Sportsmanlike,” Gale supplied.
John snapped his fingers and agreed, “Sportsmanlike.”
“I guess it’s you three then,” Bubbles deduced glumly, glancing between John, Gale, and Curt.
“Sure is,” John said, considerably more gleeful. He rose and clapped Bubbles on the shoulder. “Hang tight.”
“If you go, Croz’ll come too, and we can’t go five-against-three; they’ll think we’re chickenshits.”
“Who cares about their opinion?” Crosby wanted to know.
“Me,” Curt said. He stuck out his lower lip in a pout. “They hurt my feelings.”
Crosby rolled his eyes.
“Get the fuck outta here.”
“Yeah, and do us proud!” Rosie shouted at their backs as Gale, Curt, and John trekked towards the exit. John pumped his fist into the air.
When they’d gone, Rosie smiled slyly at Nash.
“So. Are we calling her over here?”
“YO!” Rosie yelped at the top of his lungs.
The girl, her friend, and a dozen other people in the crowded bar turned their heads, searching for the source of the sound.
“What the hell?!” Nash blurted.
Rosie frowned at him.
“You think she’s pretty, right?”
“Duh. Look at her—”
“If I wanted her to think I was a total jackass—” Nash began.
“You’ll get your chance. I just got you started. Wave her over.”
“You ever think there’s a reason you don’t have a girlfriend?”
Nash slid along the seat until he was free of them all, though Crosby did offer an encouraging thumbs-up.
“Watch and learn,” he called over his shoulder. He locked eyes with the girl—the beautiful girl, who was miraculously staring back at him with an expression of amusement rather than scorn—as he headed her way.
Outside, the tension was thickening. The Brits should’ve gotten some kind of points for holding their ground, John thought, because they looked nervous now that he, Gale, and Curt were all on their feet, not folded up in that booth. He lifted his chin and squared his shoulders to make himself as big as possible. And he smiled, not as massive as Curt though. That seemed to be pissing them off, maybe making them stay: that Curt was full-on grinning.
“Thorpe Abbott?” the mouthiest of the three asked, like an accusation.
“Abbotts, numb nuts,” Curt corrected.
“What do they grade you with there? Scratch-and-sniff stickers?”
“I wish!” John said. There was a threatening gleam in his eyes.
“You know it doesn’t mean anything when they give you all hundreds right? Your degrees don’t mean shit.”
“It actually does mean something,” Curt said. He suddenly sounded so serious that his friends looked at him from the corner of their eyes. “We go in this special room, ’k? Maybe not so fancy as the rooms at wherever you boys go—”
“East Anglia,” was offered.
Curt nodded.
“Yep, Easy Anglia, whatever. But we go in this room and then—true story—this woman shows up. Like, our dean calls her up to let her know another one of us special boys—”
“Us special American boys,” Gale emphasized.
“—got himself another fuckin’ hundred. Takes her maybe half an hour to show up. And then, guess what, you guys?” Curt looked at the befuddled Brits eagerly. “She blows us.”
Their reaction was a blend of highly skeptical and stunned by the turn Curt’s story had taken. Shit’s sake, Curt, John was thinking. This is gonna be a hell of a fight.
“And, you know, she did mention she had a son,” Curt said measuredly, homing in on the mouthy guy now, “but, damn, you’re her spittin’ fuckin’ image.”
The Brits lunged at them.
Nash wanted to ask her to dance, to hold her by the hips and sway along to whatever rhythm she chose. He didn’t care if it didn’t match the beat of the music. He didn’t care that no one else was dancing, or that this wasn’t really a place where people did that. “Helen,” she’d said her name was.
“You read much?” he asked stupidly, but he wanted her to like him more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life. More than anyone in the history of humankind had ever even dreamed their descendants could want. The only thing he could think to talk about was books. Talking about books, he could start to sound smart again, reassemble his brain in the background while most of him got lost in Helen’s eyes.
Nash loved how she said yes. His heart, thumping happily in his chest loved it. The rush of blood to his groin loved it. The sound of “yes” in her mouth. She was American. He tried not to think how easy it would be, the two of them moving back home after school. Or staying here, a pair of expats. Whatever she’d prefer.
“I’m actually studying creative writing.”
“Where?” he asked, starry-eyed.
Her eyes darted to her friend before returning to his face. The reaction said he was being sort of stupid now, but then her expression shifted to something like guilt. She’d felt bad for thinking it. for writing him off so quickly.
“At the University of East Anglia.”
“Oh. So, like, right nearby.”
“Right nearby,” she confirmed. “Hence…” She glanced around. Hence this bar. Hence. Totally. Nash gave her a smile, weak with adoration.
“Why there?” he asked.
“Kazuo Ishiguro studied there. I admire his work.”
“I loved The Remains of the Day.”
Helen smiled at him. The clouds parted. Probably.
“Me too,” she said. “Are you in the arts as well?”
“English,” he told her. “Thorpe Abbotts. Working on my PhD.”
She was sufficiently engaged now that her friend moved off, giving them space.
“What’s your field?”
“American,” he admitted, and she got it, and she laughed. An American studying Americans in England. He shrugged, embracing her reaction.
“Who do you like?”
You. But she’d meant which authors.
“Twain,” Nash said, “and Hawthorne.”
Helen’s eyes lit up.
“Yes! My greatest influences are second-wave. You know, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem’s exposé on the Playboy Club, obviously…”
“Well, sure,” Nash said, just keeping up as she spoke in an impassioned rush.
“But I love the early feminists too. Hawthorne and Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Alcott.”
“Little Women!”
“It’s probably still my favourite novel of all time.”
For the first time, Nash took a careful, calculated pause, and he gave her a look. A Nash look. It was a look that usually communicated let’s get out of here, but this time, he wanted more. He’d worn the shirt.
“I’ve never met anybody who was as much of a Jo as you are,” he said, meaning it.
It was noisy, but he heard Helen’s pleased gasp. That she was actually an Amy was something Helen had not yet admitted to herself, and so Nash’s compliment hit its target with full effect. He watched as her lips parted—to thank him? to kiss him? to say some other unforeseen thing that would change his life even further? make him feel the earth move under his feet? did she like Carole King?—but there was a hard tug on his elbow.
Nash turned to find Bubbles standing there. He was the one person Nash wouldn’t snap at for interrupting, and the others knew that. He’d been sent.
“I am so sorry,” Bubbles said, addressing Helen. He was beginning to slur his S’s. “I gotta steal him back for a minute.”
“I swear my friends don’t speak for me,” Nash said as Bubbles physically dragged him away from the conversation. “I know it’s happened twice now, but they don’t!”
Was it worth it, to be removed from Helen’s side and brought back to the booth? Nash was surprised to feel that it almost was—almost—when his eyes landed on their smiling trio of champions. Gale had a cut on his cheek where a fist must’ve connected, or at least glanced off; John had the dark promise of a bruise below one eye; and Curt didn’t have a scratch on him. Nash laughed, shaking his head.
“What was he tryin’ to say though?” John was asking.
“Mumbling some shit about our hundreds,” Gale replied. “Our ‘bloody hundreds.’”
“Yeah,” Curt said. “But it was after I’d clocked him square in the mouth. That’s why he was lispin’. ‘Bloody hundredth,’ it sounded like.” He chuckled. “Bloody hundredth.”
“To the Bloody Hundredth,” Crosby proposed, raising his beer.
Rosie passed Nash his refilled glass, then lifted his own for the toast.
“Bloody Hundredth,” the rest of them intoned.
“And to Princess Diana,” Bubbles’ voice rang out when the rest of them had a glass to their lips. “Wherever she may be tonight.”
Crosby adopted an expression of deep solemnity, but Rosie ruined it by snorting into his water.
“Alright, men,” John addressed them. “Back into the booth. We got some fuckin’ drinking to do.”
“Spoken like a true Hemingway scholar,” Gale observed.
John gave him an affectionate smile.
“I try.”
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thinkingimages · 4 months
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Harry Houdini Scrapbook [Photographs with Jack London] 
Creator/Contributor: Quincy Kilby (1854-1931), creator; Harry Houdini (1874 –1926), contributor 
Date created: 1904-1926 
Physical description: scrapbook 
Summary: This remarkable scrapbook was compiled by Houdini’s good friend Quincy Kilby, a Brookline resident and Boston theater impresario. Materials in this large volume were collected over a twenty-year period and include personal letters, photographs, programs, newspapers clippings, and other unique memorabilia. Knowing that Kilby was amassing this collection, Houdini would send him items specifically “for your Houdini scraps book.”  
The scrapbook is open to an eclectic spread of photographs of Houdini with Jack London and their wives in Oakland, California, in 1924; a lecture advertisement in which Houdini promises a sensational expose of miracle-mongers; and a note on Houdini’s personal stationery to Kilby with an apologetic postscript, “I was in Boston but was so fixt could not get away. Only 1 night.”   
Location: Boston Public Library, Rare Books & Manuscripts Department
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romirola · 1 year
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack’s Holiday Volunteer Work
Started by Gabe and preserved by David, the Shaw Pack has a tradition of incorporating extra volunteer work into their schedules as the season of many holidays approaches. It’s not mandatory or something they officially report, but the pack takes their responsibility to continue the tradition seriously.
David: Food Drive Organizer- David organizes a massive food drive that benefits Dahlia’s food pantry. Not only will he organize and promote it all himself (although according to the paperwork, he does so anonymously), but David also gives a huge amount of non-perishable food. Once everything is collected and ready to be distributed, David always ensures to set up distribution so that it is equitable and welcoming for everyone who uses the food pantry. 
Angel: Writes Cards for Nursing Home Residents- Beginning as early as September, Angel writes hundreds of cards for nursing home residents who may or may not receive any visitors. They take special care to write different messages on each card, sometimes including little jokes or drawings. 
Asher: Arranges a 5K Race/24hrs Caroling Event to Benefit Humanborn Acclimation Services and Programs- Asher’s annual “Holiday 5K/Caroling Extravaganza” has become quite a popular event among the empowered population of Dahlia, even if it is a bit eclectic. Racers in the 5K acquire sponsorships to participate. Groups of carolers do the same and provide some sort of musical entertainment (broadly defined to include all ages, talents, and interpretations) for 24 consecutive hours. All of the proceeds of the event benefit programs that help humanborn empowered people acclimate to their magic, which, as the son of two humanborn wolves, is a cause near and dear to Asher’s heart. The event is always a fun and festive success, with local businesses donating the prizes and restaurants providing food for everyone. 
Babe: Gift Wrapper to Benefit a Homeless Shelter- Babe spends a couple weeknights per week at a department store as a gift wrapper. All of the donations go directly to a local homeless shelter. Babe wraps each gift so carefully and precisely that the clients feel compelled to double the donation they were originally planning to give. 
Milo: Plays Santa at the Local Library- He schedules weekend visits at the public library and arranges for a photographer to accompany him so that even families who cannot afford a portrait of their child(ren) with Santa have the opportunity to get one at no cost (plus a candy cane!) Milo works hard all year to perfect his “Ho-Ho-Hos!” and listens to every child as they speak with him. If a child does not want to sit on his lap or has sensory difficulties, Milo is always accommodating and makes sure that the visit is friendly and fun. 
Sweetheart: Blood Donor- Sweetheart always makes sure to donate blood to ensure that the vampiric community will have sufficient blood bag resources to sustain them during a time of year where Clans often celebrate together and are in need of extra blood. They are proud to help support the vampire community any time of the year, but especially when many are missing their former lives and traditions. 
Darling: Shifts to Serve as a Therapy Dog at a Pediatric Hospital- In their wolf form, Darling visits unempowered children who are currently hospitalized and are in need of some holiday cheer since they are fighting to get better and cannot yet return home. Unlike the parents, guardians, and other adult visitors, the children are never afraid of Darling as a wolf. They cheer and clap when they see Darling stroll through the door and jump on their beds. The children eagerly pet them and talk about whatever they want. To be able to do this, Darling proudly forged a “Therapy Dog Certification” document for themselves. 
Sam: Secretly Shovels and Salts Sidewalks- Sam will often take his trusty shovel and bag of salt to neighborhoods of Dahlia that seem to be last on the list for shoveling and salting. He works under cover of night, able to make good use of his vampiric strength and speed to clear walkways and keep everyone safe from falling on icy paths. 
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alphabetatoes · 6 months
children’s librarian!gojo who’s appearance might at first seem to juxtapose his job title.
during story time, he will actively sit in the kids chairs/on the ground with the kids when reading books (does NOT care if he looks like the jolly green giant sitting next to a toddler, normal chairs are too formal for his taste)
forget step stools! as soon as gojo feels the gentle tug of his pant leg by a kid, he knows it’s time to spring into action. there’s never a dinosaur or space book out of reach when he’s at the library.
one time a kid asked if they could draw him, and he nearly burst into tears on the spot. doesn’t matter if he looked like an abstract rendering of a potato with hair in the drawing, gojo got it framed and proudly displays it on his desk.
if a child asks him to play, gojo treats it like he just accepted the role of a 👏 lifetime 👏. the kids love it, and the parents get a kick out of the sheer ridiculousness of a 6’3 adult man playing the child of a 7 year old.
keeps a candy bowl at the desk allegedly for when kids want a sugar fix (it’s really just so he can have something sweet on him at all times)
adult librarian!nanami who is the epitome of don’t judge a book by its cover
from afar, one might think he’d be a no nonsense person, rigid when it comes to helping out, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth
has a cadence that makes everyone feel welcome- like family, even if it’s their first time at the library
stresses the importance of “no stupid questions” when it comes to patrons asking for help, as no one should ever be chastised for trying to learn something.
VERY popular with the elderly demographic! not only is he the most patient and caring when it comes to topics like technological literacy, but quite a few also think he’s a cutie pie.
some of the members of the knitting club even made him a sweater to show their appreciation for all his hard work (and maybe tried to set him up with their single family members)
keeps an art wall in his office of all the drawings he receives from children when they’re with their parents (the majority of which are stick figure drawings that say “‘me + mr. nanami <3”)
young adult librarian!geto who has curated the place to be for resident young people at the library
because of this, young adults know it’s a safe space to come to when they just need to get out of their own heads (more than willing to listen when patrons just need to get something off their chest)
has a monthly challenge going against the teens (once it was to see who could bring in the most cans for a food drive), and if they win, geto has to do whatever the highest voted ‘punishment’ is (within reason ofc)
gives off a mysterious aura, so any time he shares something personal about his life, the teens add it to their “geto lore” doc.
once wore a green t shirt instead of his traditional black (they were all in the wash and the green one was clean) and the teens nearly lost their minds. (the day was filled with numerous “are you okay?”s)
easily has the most popular program turnouts, be it movies/book clubs/ttrpgs (the fact that he’s extremely attractive also doesn’t hurt this fact)
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headcanons initially inspired by this tweet! these were really fun to write <3
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 8 months
Do you perhaps want to info dump about your DSMP superpower AU?
Totally not asking to procrastinate on literally writing my own. Nah. I don’t even know what procrastination is.
Okay so! Where should I start? *rubs hands like that one evil toddler cousin on Christmas*
The background setting!
So the fic already has a name, but I'm keeping it AND the MC secret as a lil surprise for when the fic is eventually published. All I will say about it is, it's not Tommy. *gasp*
Tommy does appear though, so I'll start there to avoid detection I think.
He works at the bakery(yes, it's owned by Niki Nihachu), which is right around the corner from the hero headquarters. So heroes are always stopping by for baked goods, especially since Niki's girlfriend, Puffy, has a son who's one of the top heroes, and he told all his friends about how good the bakery is.
And, of course, true to all the clichés, Tommy and his two roommates work as vigilantes. They don't work only at night, though. They work at lunchtime as well, since they all get an hour of lunch break & a lot of villains are out and about around that time. Counterintuitive, but then again, there are a lot of people in the streets to nab as hostages, and some villains actively seek out heroes to fight anyway. Like Redrum, known as the sharp-clawed, since he's apparently a catshifter (or general shapeshifter, who knows) who goes around stabbing heroes.
Tubbo works at the mechanics, his boss is retired hero/hero trainer Sam Dude(known as Warden during his time)! Sam retired among controversy though, because of issues surrounding the Hero HQ's former resident healer/ex-licensed hero, Lemon Balm. Tubbo couldn't care less though, Sam's nice and lets him take spare parts home for inventing(read: making vigilante gadgets).
Ranboo helps out at the local library, with Technoblade(last name unknown) as his boss! They're also the first out of the vigilante team Bench Trio to find out that Techno is the Blood God, one of the most popular vigilantes currently active, and one half of the elusive Emerald Duo.
Phil runs a bird shelter, and when he's out as the Angel of Death, he sometimes lets the crows from the shelter follow him around!
Kristin is a hero-turned-vigilante, formerly Miss Trixtin, currently the Goddess of Death. She's a bit busy with her day job atm though so she's taking a bit of a break from her vigilante job.
Wilbur is their son who left home after an argument about vigilantism not helping reform the corrupt hero system. He's a villain called Silver Tongue now. He keeps stealing important stuff from the Hero HQ with Fundy. He gets pretty close with Tommy after regularly visiting his (adoptive) son's workplace :D
Bench Trio's vigilante names are Aerie(Tommy- telekinesis + singing to plants to make them grow), Bee Bomb(Tubbo- honey colored explosive energy balls & metal manipulation), and Endgame(Ranboo- teleportation & compression, plus they can bite through anything)!
(Double powers are uncommon but not too rare, triple powers are EXTREMELY rare.)
Tommy's bakery coworkers are Fundy Soot(villain- helps his adoptive father, Wilbur, on his little outings. Ability to go unnoticed by everyone and anyone. It works on technology as well. He's also a general shapeshifter in theory, but he can't transform into animals bigger than a fox.), Badboy Halo(civillian- he can make red vines grow out of the ground! This saved Skeppy's butt once, cuz they used to live in the same neighborhood & went to the same schools, and one time Skeppy fell off the flagpole of the middle school. Bad's vines caught him midair.), and later on Ant Frost(🤫).
Niki herself is actually a former hero who resigned, she got too much hate about her power(copying others' powers for a short while). Puffy, who was her partner, retired a few years later, since she'd decided to adopt the orphan boy who had applied for the hero training program, and she'd need more money than she was making as a hero who had lost most of her popularity. She became a therapist, and fully supported her new son Foolish throughout his hero training!
Puffy and Niki never really talked about their relationship, but since Puffy's power is reading minds & emotions, and Niki can copy her power, they didn't have to. One day they just started telling people they were taken, and that was that.
Foolish is a popular hero who can call up storms & has the additional power of building anything in the blink of an eye! His partner(both work AND romantic) is Eret, who can control people's actions if they catch sight of her glowing white eyes. Their hero names are the Golden Shark and Monarch respectively.
Tina is also a hero, she graduated the hero training program with Foolish, but her powers(always landing on her feet when she falls, enhanced senses including night vision, and stealth) coincide too much with the top hero, Dream(can't get hurt from falling, slowing down time to give himself time to think, some enhanced agility), and she didn't get very popular. This will soon change though, Tina is the GOAT and everyone will know it.
Speaking of Tina, Hannah Rose the retired hero! She runs a flower shop! She retired after one of her wings was ripped during a fight, the physical therapy took a while and her popularity dropped like a stone. She realized how unfair the hero system was to unpopular heroes and decided to retire. Her wings still haven't recovered, her flight balance is too off for her to even consider flying more than a few feet off the ground, and more than a few seconds.
Las Nevadas! Quackity! He's one of the rare triple powered people! Golden duck wings, can manipulate card-shaped objects(a form of telekinesis), and has the ability to control odds(only if he's aware of all the variables though. It won't work very well if there are unknown factors).
Charlie! May be an elder god, may be the devil, who knows! He can turn into green slime, create green slime(with various properties), and additionally, knows everything about everyone. Nobody actually knows if this is a power or not, but it's certainly terrifying paired with his cheerful, optimistic personality.
Purpled! His skin is basically invincible, fireproof, acidproof, poisonproof, you name it. He also has perfect aim, which is very handy since he's an assassin. His sibling Punz is also an assassin, but they has flight trajectory manipulation and his eyes can zoom in on anything.
Skeppy. He's not part of the mafia, but he might as well be becuase he's literally always there. Nobody knows how he does it. But. He. Is. Always. There. He can summon diamonds though so nobody's complaining😊 lol
(But seriously, he's also fun to hang out with and plan pranks with. The mafia world is full of people who want something from you/have ulterior motives, and it's nice to hang out with someone who doesn't want anything from you other than keeping him company and talking with him.)
Sam, Foolish and Punz are friends! Sam suspects Punz is mafia but keeps quiet about it(he isn't about to make the same mistake as last time), Foolish is oblivious. Punz loves his homies, but is stressed bc Foolish has a v strict moral code and would not be happy if he finds out Punz is mafia.
Uhhh who have I not talked about, KARLNAP. Sapnap was a vigilante(he failed the training program interview) who quickly got recruited by the heroes, Karl was the same but a while later! Sapnap got patrols with Dream and GeorgeNotFound(all three go by their actual names as heroes, though Sapnap's vigilante name was Flame) and immediately gained a huge following(besides his fans from his vigilante days), but Karl(a.k.a. Timekeeper) wasn't that well-known even as a vigilante. He didn't give up though, and trained extremely hard every day. Then one day Sapnap saw him in the training area and got an instant crush. They talked, Sapnap began asking to be paired with Karl for duo patrols, they started dating, and now they're both famous & known as the ultimate power couple :3
Hmm, it feels kinda anticlimactic to end like this, so have a codename compilation!
Tommy- Aerie(place to rest suspended in the air. Tommy can float things in the air so I thought the name fit.)
Tubbo- Bee Bomb(Bee Bombs are wildflower seed balls that you leave out in the garden/in pots to grow wildflowers. I thought Tubbo would like the name, since his energy balls are supposed to smell sweet like wildflower honey.)
Ranboo- Endgame(They're so overpowered with their teleportation and compression that Tommy and Tubbo insisted his appearance alone would signal the beginning of the endgame. Nicknamed Ender.)
Technoblade- the Blood God(obviously.)
Philza- the Angel of Death(also obviously.)
Wilbur- Silver Tongue(for his silver tongue.)
Fundy- either Nonexistent or Ghost, haven't really decided yet
Kristin- (formerly) Miss Trixtin, (currently) the Goddess of Death
Foolish- the Golden Shark
Tina- Carrot Cat
Eret- Monarch
Niki- (formerly) Copycat
Puffy- (formerly) Captain Puffy
Karl- Timekeeper
(Mafia Codename explanation here)
Quackity- Rey Club, King of Clubs
Purpled- Tyrian Spade
Punz- Lapis Lazuli Spade, Ace of Spades
Hannah- (formerly) Faerie, (currently) Bitterbriar Diamond
Skeppy- Adamant Heart(since he's always there anyway, they just gave him a codename.)
Charlie- Dresden Diamond, Jack of Diamonds
Ponk- Lemon Balm/Sorrento Heart(they still go by Lemon Balm as a vigilante)
Ant- Redrum
Eryn- Demon
Aimsey- Daisy(star and Eryn are villains who want to reform society as a whole by blowing up buildings. Only when they're empty tho cuz Aimsey doesn't want to kill ppl)
Velvet: Red Flag
Welp, that's all for now! If there's anything else you'd like to know, please feel free to ask further! I really enjoyed answering this, thank you so much for the ask! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
-Lilly xx
(P. S. Almost forgot; HBomb is the owner & sole employee of a cat café with a maid event on Saturdays.)
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Top 7 Best News of Last Week - August 15, 2022
📚 — Hope you had a great weekend. Let’s read some good news
1. Donations pour in after Michigan town defunded library over LGBTQ books
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In the days after an Ottawa County community defunded its public library in a spat over LGBT-themed graphic novels, more than $50,000 in donations have poured in to help keep the doors open.
The donations to support Patmos Library in Jamestown Township, made to two GoFundMe campaigns run by local residents, had received donations from nearly 1,000 people as of early Sunday afternoon — just three days after the campaigns were launched Thursday. “It’s completely outdone any expectations I had,” said Jesse Dillman, organizer of one of the GoFundMe campaigns. “This is hugely encouraging.”
You can donate to the library here.
2. Colorado to end sales tax for period products, diapers this week
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Coloradans will soon be able to purchase period products and diapers without paying state sales taxes, thanks to a new law taking effect Wednesday.
The law, House Bill 1055, expands sales tax exemptions for adult and youth diapers and period products including tampons, pads, menstrual cups, sponges, sanitary napkins and panty liners. Originally, the tax exemption was scheduled to begin in 2023, but it was amended in June to start on Aug. 10 instead.
3. California to become 1st state to offer free school lunches for all students
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Beginning this school year, California will be the first state to implement the Universal Meals program, providing free meals to all schoolchildren. The program will make sure all kids have access to free meals at school. It’s a big win for the district and the students.
On average, 1 out of every 5 Californians does not know where their next meal will come from. So that’s why the Merced Union High School District’s director of nutritional services says health and equity are top of mind.
4. Cornea made from pig collagen gives people who were blind 20/20 vision
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Corneas made from pig collagen have restored sight for people who were previously legally blind or visually impaired. Two years after the operations, none of the recipients have reported serious complications or adverse side effects.
Mehrdad Rafat at Linköping University in Sweden and his colleagues manufactured a flexible yet resilient dome that resembles a contact lens by extracting and purifying collagen from porcine skin. Following successful trials, the team began testing the artificial corneas in human volunteers.
All 20 people in the trial had corneal blindness due to keratoconus, a condition in which the cornea thins and bulges outward from the centre of the eye. Fourteen were legally blind before the operation and six had severely impaired sight. Afterwards, everyone had improved vision. Three of the formerly blind participants had 20/20 vision following the procedure.
5. 12yo boy with his bodyboard saved a family of four from drowning in the sea
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This Sunday in Biarritz (France, big surfing spot with huge waves), a family was in a dangerous area, about to be carried away by the sea, the father and his 5yo boy were drowning, the mother and the other kid found a very small rock to saved their life but the waves were crushing them. A 12yo body boarder saw them from afar, swam to them at full speed and thanks to his body-board, could grab them. A few minutes later more help came and everyone was happily saved.
6. Thousands of beagles saved from drug trials in US
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Nearly 4,000 beagles are looking for new homes after what is thought to be one of the biggest ever dog rescue efforts in the US. The dogs were being bred at a facility in Virginia that then sold them on to laboratories for drug experiments.
But the company has now been shut down because of animal rights violations — and charities are on a mission to rehome the dogs. The breeding facility in Cumberland, owned by company Envigo RMS, was sued in May by the US Department of Justice which accused it of multiple acts of animal cruelty.
7. Rare albino hedgehog saved from ‘death’s door’ after being rescued by 6-year-old boy
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A rare albino hedgehog has been rescued from a village in north Wales after his mother was killed in a gardening accident. The male hoglet, who has been named Bean, was discovered in the village of Clocaenog, Denbighshire. He is thought to be just seven or eight weeks old.
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That’s it for this week. This newsletter will always be free. If you liked this post you can support me with a small kofi donation:
Buy me a coffee ❤️
Have a great week ahead.
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