#Like how after they turned off the lights after the third act you could see Roxane and Cyrano struggling to part
tadpolejourney · 22 hours
Most Welcome
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Genres: BG3 Act 2, Gale x F!Tav, love triangle (Gale, Tav, Astarion) mostly angst and fluff, a small dose of sexy stuff (not smut though)
Warnings: NSFW 18+ for adult language and mild adult content, alcohol abuse
A/N: This is a companion piece to my Tav Liriel’s journal series, narrated in the third person. It takes place the night after Day 33, their first day in the Shadowlands and after Karlach got her engine upgrade. I’m using a headcanon that vampire spawn can feel the effects of alcohol when canonically they cannot. It’s heavy on dialogue and some of that is written as drunken speech. 5,388 words because like Gale I have a propensity towards verbosity...
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“Let the Karlach cuddle party extravaganza commence!” Liriel announced to the whole camp as she hugged Karlach for what was probably the tenth time that day.
“Hells yes!” Karlach shouted, pumping her fist into the air a few times. “I want to hug everyone. And-- oh! SCRATCH! Come here, boy!”
The white, fluffy dog came bounding up to her, wagging his tail enthusiastically. He maintained a safe distance from the fiery tiefling, as he had been taught. His curiosity piqued, he tilted his head to one side.
“New rules, Scratch! I can pet you now! Look!” She grinned and reached out her hand to let him sniff it. Wasting no more time, she gave Scratch so many enthusiastic pets she ruffled every inch of the fur on his head.
“Aw, you’re so soft,” she commented. “Where’s the cub?” She looked around for the owlbear cub who normally ran alongside or after Scratch wherever he went.
She heard a soft chirping from behind her, and turned to see the cub looking at her with its huge yellow eyes, as if begging for head scritches.
She spent the next half hour petting, playing, and snuggling with Scratch and the owlbear cub.
“I have SO MUCH to do!” Karlach called out as she jogged over to rejoin the group. They were seated around the cook pot having dinner and the first glasses of wine for the evening.
“I hope a hearty dinner is on that list, because that’s what I prepared just for you,” Gale told her as he fixed a plate of one of the best meals they’d had since starting their journey. He’d prepared roasted turkey and grilled pork sausage, roasted pumpkin, and a buttered baked potato, all seasoned to perfection for the special occasion.
Gale handed her the plate and she immediately set it down on the ground to wrap the wizard in a great bear hug, lifting him off the ground. “Thank you. For the food, and for being my friend.”
“You’re very welcome! Please, put me down now, and then, eat. I insist.”
“There’s a berry tart for dessert that I made just for you, courtesy of the Last Light kitchen,” Wyll said to Karlach as she sat down and began gobbling the items on her plate.
“Wow!” she exclaimed through a mouthful of food. She swallowed thickly and said, “I think I forgot what that even tastes like. Don’t let me forget to hug you next for at least five minutes.”
Wyll laughed, then raised an eyebrow at her. “How about we make it… five hugs instead of five minutes of one hug?”
Gale watched Karlach wolf down her dinner with genuine affection. He felt someone’s eyes on him as he did so, and looked around at the rest of his companions.
He met Liriel's gaze from across the campfire and she gave him the warmest smile. He smiled back in return, but a thought intruded on that lovely moment that made his heart ache. His mother would have loved Liriel. He would have been so proud to be with her, to take her home. So many places he would have liked to take her, so many people in his life he wanted her to meet.
He thought back to their conversation last night. How she had completely defied his expectations and held his hand. He had planned to tell her that he was in love with her, but things did not go as planned.
He asked her for a private audience in his tent this evening, and he was both eager and uneasy. After all, how dare he start anything when he knows what he must do? How could he knowingly break her heart in that manner? Or was it already too late? Would he be doomed to break her heart no matter what?
“WYLL!” Karlach’s voice boomed, jolting Gale out of his thoughts. “Time for hug number one. That berry tart was fucking incredible.”
Karlach gave Wyll her now signature elevating bear hug. Gale realized he didn’t want to make any of his newfound friends sad, or put any of them in danger because of the orb either. Then he felt an elbow gently jab his side.
“I would pay you a copper for your thoughts, but I don’t think I want to know given the look on your face,” Liriel remarked.
Gale sighed wistfully. “Was I that obvious?”
“To me? Yes. I think everyone else is too worried about who Karlach will try to hug next to pay attention to you. Are you ready to head to your tent for that private chat? Or do you need more time to brood?”
“Oh no, brooding will do me no good. A moment alone with you will do me a lot of good.”
She took him by the hand, rapidly entwining her fingers in his, and led him to the privacy of his tent.
Holding hands was still such a new sensation for the both of them that their hearts fluttered. Gale often felt he needed a reality check in moments with her, to ensure he had not actually died and this was not his final dream. Liriel often felt she dreamed Gale into life.
“About last night—” he started.
“I don’t want you to die, Gale,” she said earnestly.
“I know. Thank you for saying so.”
“There really is nothing I could do to change your mind, is there? No matter what I say or do, you want to die for Mystra.”
“That is an inaccurate portrait of the situation, Liriel. This is not about Mystra, or even myself for that matter. This is about saving everyone from the Absolute. Mystra has given us a way. It gives my inevitable and imminent death from the orb some meaning in the process. As of late I would never do such a thing for her alone, or any promise of her forgiveness.”
“Can you at least reconsider the idea that there may in fact be more than one solution to the problem of the Absolute? That perhaps there is a way that doesn’t involve sacrificing you, someone who doesn’t deserve to be sacrificed? That maybe we can do this, together, and all of us can live to tell the tale?”
“I can certainly reconsider once we know firsthand what we’re up against, but we must expect the worst. Believe me, there are things far worse than my death. The Absolute taking over the world is one of them.”
“Personally, I can’t think of a single thing worse than you dying, and I refuse to expect the worst. I will not accept you blowing yourself up as a necessary event, and you shouldn’t either. It’s bullshit. The gods are full of shit and only ever meddle when it benefits them directly. They make us do their dirty work. I don’t believe a damn word any of them say, ever. The evil gods break the rules all the time while the allegedly good gods do nothing to stop them and the neutral gods idle pointlessly.”
He narrowed his eyes at her. “You really are quite cynical about the gods, aren’t you? They are infinitely more complex than mere mortal moral notions of good, neutral, and evil.”
“If I am too cynical about them, you are too damn accommodating. If you actually die and I manage to survive your explosion, I will live out the remainder of my days in utter fucking anguish and despondency over losing you. You better take me with you.”
“Liriel, I truly wish to let the matter rest for now. I know you are upset, but we’re very nearly teetering off the edge of sense and civility, and I am in no condition to endure such a turn in our conversation.” His tone was equally exasperated and concerned.
She growled in frustration. In one swift motion, she grabbed his face and kissed him hard, heatedly, and passionately. Gale instantly and effortlessly returned her heat and her passion, locking her in an embrace. Her tongue entered his mouth and danced with his as she raked her fingers through his hair.
They were a tangle of feverish movement, moaning through each kiss as they ran their hands up and down and all over one another’s bodies, clawing and pawing desperately. As she pressed her body against his, he hissed and bucked his hips into her.
She let herself get swept up in the breathlessness of the moment, actively restraining herself from forming words, confessing her love for him. The ache and pull of that restraint was enough to bring an overwhelming torrent of emotion to the surface. She felt her eyes begin to burn and sting with tears as they continued to kiss and caress and grind their hips into one another.
Abruptly, she jerked herself away from the kiss and his embrace.
“Damnit!” she exclaimed, shutting her eyes tightly as though she could squeeze back the tears welling in her eyes.
“Damnitdamnitdamnit!” She turned and dashed away before he had time to process anything.
Outside Gale’s tent the cuddle party was winding down as the rest of the group were gathered together around the fire. Despite the dreary backdrop of the shadow-cursed lands, the mood was still joyful and jocular. Then they witnessed Liriel pass by them in a blur as she raced through camp and out of sight, audibly choking back sobs as she ran. Before anyone else had time to react, Astarion turned, deftly vaulted over the owlbear cub laying on the ground behind him, and sprinted after Liriel at top speed.
He caught up to her a few hundred yards out of earshot of camp. He grabbed her by one shoulder and she immediately tried to shrug him off without turning around. “Liriel!” he barked breathlessly, “It’s just me. Stop! Now, damn you!”
She slowed to a standstill, her breathing ragged. She turned to face him, and her countenance pained him in a way he was unsure he had ever felt before. Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot and there were distinct tracks of tears running down her face. She looked... scared. He had never seen her frightened, not once. He could scarcely believe she was afraid of anything, even seeing her quite clearly afraid this very moment. Just what had that asshole wizard said to her? he wondered.
“Weren’t you the one earlier today that was adamant about anyone not going out alone in this shit?” he ranted as he gestured broadly at the unnatural darkness surrounding them. “And yet, here you are, like an imp out of the hells, mindlessly attempting to tear through this place by yourself as though you have a death wish. What the fuck happened?”
Instead of responding, she buried her face in her hands and cried.
“Look,” he said brusquely, “I’m not going to leave you alone out here for very long, but I can tell we are both going to need a lot alcohol for this conversation. Will you promise me that you will stay here until I get back unless you see or hear anything at all, and that if you do see or hear anything that isn’t me you’ll head straight back to camp? Nod if you can do that.”
She nodded without removing her hands from over her face.
Astarion stealthily and hastily made his way back to camp, purloining some whiskey for her and wine for himself from someone’s unattended pack. He mutely observed the rumblings of camp, counting heads to ensure the rest of their group was still there and that no one had attempted to follow.
As he finished counting, he heard Karlach bay reassuringly to the group, “Astarion will bring her back for sure. They’re real close, you know?” He smirked to himself as he slunk away.
When he returned to Liriel, she sat on the ground crying softly, her knees drawn up to her chest, her face resting on them. It was a side of her he’d never seen. She seemed so small, so vulnerable and childlike, and so different from the person he had known all this time. The sight of her like this made him feel… strange. Not good.
He prodded one of her knees with the whiskey bottle. “He’s not worth it, you know.”
She looked up at him and smiled feebly, taking the bottle from his hand. He sat down beside her and uncorked the bottle of wine. They sat together without speaking, both solemnly taking in large gulps of alcohol as though they were preparing for an amputation.
“I’m normally not this stupid when I like someone, you know,” she remarked after a while, cutting the sheer silence.
“I dearly hope so,” he replied. “I thought you were at least kind of smart before tonight. Now I’m not so sure.”
As she turned to face him in a display of feigned outrage, he grinned back at her slyly.
She took another drink, and her expression resumed its previous solemnity as she continued. “I want to be with him, but now he’s going to die, and it’s all such tragic bullshit. I tried to talk him out of using the orb, again. Foolish of me, really.” She took another huge swig of whiskey.
He gawked at her, not really listening to the stuff about Gale but rather genuinely fascinated with the way she gulped from the bottle without so much as a twinge. He thought that shit burned like fire and tasted even worse.
After another minute or so of silence Astarion asked, “What in the hells could he have said to someone as tough as you to make you actually cry, though?”
“Oh, it wasn’t because of what he said,” she replied. “He told me he had no choice, again, and our discussion went nowhere. That sucked, but he was gentle in the way he spoke to me about it. I tend to reserve my tears and shed them privately if I can, and none of that would have made me cry outright. It’s more the fact that in the heat of the moment I kissed him, hoping I would hate it or feel nothing, and I didn’t. It just confirmed what I already knew, and I couldn’t deal. So I ran.”
He grimaced, feeling suddenly uncomfortable in a way he couldn’t quite place. He shifted his legs as though it might assuage the discomfort he felt. It did not. “What do you mean, ‘what you already knew’?”
“That I’m in love with him.”
“Oh,” he replied, authentically startled. “Oh,” he repeated, but gravely.
“I’m fucked, aren’t I?”
“Well… yes, darling. Since you asked, yes, you’re fucked. But isn’t everything and everyone?”
She chuckled dryly, taking another huge swig of whiskey. She swayed lightly now, nearly brushing against him.
He realized he wished she would. They had never touched. Astarion felt his focus on the here and now drifting as the wine combined with the shock of the evening’s events. Her sudden, heartfelt confession. To him, but not about him. She kissed… Gale, of all people. He sensed his mood souring along with a feeling of dread pooling in the pit of his stomach. Asshole wizard, he thought again.
“Let’s talk about something else, shall we, darling?” Astarion asked, forcing a chipper tone through his voice though he felt pretty fucking far from chipper. “Something… happier, perhaps? What about… animals? You like animals, I like drinking the blood of animals…”
She laughed, a little too loud, and a little too joyously. She was definitely drunk. “Thanks for running out here after me, into this dangerous, dark ass wilderness. For keeping me company while I was a blubbering mess. And for bringing me whiskey to make it allll better.”
“Don’t mention it. Really, I mean that. I do not want my reputation ruined. I can't have people coming after me for heroic favors and expecting me to be nice to them.”
He eyed her as she took another large swig from the whiskey bottle. It was two-thirds gone already.
“I’m curious about somethin’, and I hope you’ll humor me since we’re alone and everything sucks,” she said. “I don’t know anything about vampires or vampire spawn, y’know. Do you poop?”
“Do I what?” he asked, obviously appalled and almost daring her to repeat the question, hoping she wouldn’t.
“I said… Do. You. Poop.”
“Do fuck off, darling.”
She let another hearty laugh. “Everyone poops, right?”
“I now hate this conversation so much I almost wish you would talk to me about Gale again. Almost.”
“So you’d... rather talk about poop than Gale?”
“Both topics are entirely too repulsive for me, I’m afraid. And I do think you’re positively drunk, my dear.”
“Yesh. I think so too. Gale’s not gross. He’s nice and verrrry loveleeeeee. I’ll punch you if you say that again.”
He frowned, knowing she wouldn’t notice it. Then he watched her take yet another substantial gulp of whiskey, and his eyes widened. “Are you really going to polish off that whole bottle?”
“Why not? I ain’t no quitter.”
“Ugh, a double negative, really? Your grammar is atrocious when you drink.”
“Doeshn’t matter if I make enough sense to seem deep. If you don’t like it, go to shleep,” she slurred, jostling his wine bottle as she pointed towards the general direction of camp.
“You are scarcely making sense, too. I won’t leave you alone out here, as much as I’d like to right now.”
“Maybe we should sing a.. a shong or somethin.”
“No, we should not. I think we should head back to camp before you lose consciousness entirely.”
“Wait... I gots busineshs…” She tilted the bottle up, her head following, as she dumped the remaining contents of the whiskey bottle into her mouth.
She threw the bottle aimlessly into the darkness, giggled after hearing it shatter, and slumped into Astarion, her head resting on his shoulder.
He sighed, pretending to be annoyed. “Hells. Can we go now?”
“I gueshs… we should go... back. ‘Fore some dark shadowy typa shit... eatsh ush or shomethin.”
Liriel stood, wobbling and tipping. Thoroughly reluctant to ask for Astarion’s help to walk back to camp through the dark, she staggered forward a few steps.
When she tripped over nothing at all and fell on her behind, she slurred, “I think I need an adult.”
“Honestly,” he huffed, attempting to seem put out by her drunkenness and miffed at having to abandon his bottle of wine. He set the bottle down with a dramatic flair to conceal the absolute glee he felt as he swept her up in his arms and carried her back to camp, bridal style.
Gale rushed to the edge of camp when he heard their footsteps, but stopped short at what he saw. He chastised himself again for not reacting fast enough and keeping her close. Feelings of intense jealousy surged within him at the sight of Liriel in Astarion’s arms as the vampire spawn confidently strolled into camp. Gale began assuming the worst. Karlach’s earlier remark was unnecessary, as Gale needed no reminder whatsoever that the two of them were so effortlessly close in a way that he envied and longed for with her. Then, as if meaning to pour veritable salt into his emotional wounds, the group began gushing about how fast Astarion ran after her, how he gracefully leapt over the owlbear cub like a dancer and sprinted off at an impressive speed into the danger of the dark to bring her back. Did they intend to mock him also with the gossip that followed about what the pair might be doing out there alone, and what they did when they left camp together yesterday?
He also knew, through a significant volume of observational evidence gathered over the weeks they’d traveled together, that Astarion was definitely in love with her too. Even if the undead elf refused to acknowledge or recognize it, and even if he wouldn’t use those exact words himself to describe how he felt about her. He also knew that Astarion was not the only competitor at camp vying for her heart. He had several romantic rivals.
Then the rush of thoughts halted as it dawned on him that she was utterly wasted, oblivious and babbling nonsensically as she lolled in Astarion’s grip. Though he was very evidently struggling with their inebriated leader, he acted confident, almost proud, in his movements as he carried her. The way Astarion glared at him, Gale knew that he knew. She told him at least something about what transpired in his tent.
Gale’s thoughts pivoted now as he regained perspective on the situation. She could have anyone she wanted, and yet she chose him. She kissed him. Then, in a tempest of strong emotions, she fled from his side, unable to face him while in tears over him. The intensity of the memory and the earlier glimpse of the depth of her feelings for him inspired a dizzying combination of elation, gratitude, shame, and regret.
She came back uninjured, and now she was drunk. Really, really drunk. Did Astarion really chase after her with a bottle in hand intending to carouse with her? Gale thought to himself.
Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief upon Liriel’s return to camp. Karlach took her from Astarion’s arms into her own, and didn’t appear to struggle at all despite the half elf’s boozy wriggling.
Astarion made a great show to the rest of the group of seeming very inconvenienced by the whole affair as he huffed and took a bottle of wine out of Wyll’s hand. Wyll sighed defeatedly and trekked over to the camp chest to procure another for himself.
Sensing Karlach’s intentions as she turned away from the group, Liriel proceeded to beg in a drunken slur, “Mama K, don’ make me go bed. Jusht becaushe I’m too drunk to walk doeshn’t mean I can’t hang out. Wanna hang out…”
“Alright, alright,” Karlach conceded sweetly, turning back around. “But if you throw up or try to keep drinking, I’m putting you to bed.”
Liriel squealed in delight, slinging a free arm around the tiefling’s neck in an attempted hug.
Karlach set Liriel down between herself and Shadowheart around the fire. It didn’t take long for the cheerful mood to return to the group. Liriel’s usual effervescent charm did not elude her even in a drunken state. She was very silly, very relaxed, and absolutely smashed. At first the group was stunned, having never seen her drunk before, but that shock rapidly gave way to amusement.
“So, Liriel,” Shadowheart began with a telltale smirk, “What did you and Astarion do out there all alone in the darkness for so long? You seem much less upset than when you fled camp earlier.”
“Talkded, bout shtuff, personals,” Liriel drawled. “I was... sad. Then, I drank aaaaaaaalll the whiskey.” She gestured wildly as she dragged out the word ‘all’, nearly knocking Shadowheart’s goblet out of her hand in the process. “And now? I'm happeeeeee. Prolly not really though. Imma feel reallll bad tomorrow mornin.”
“She really did drink an entire bottle of whiskey,” Astarion happily chimed in, “It was honestly impressive how much she drank without dying or, worse, vomiting.”
“I haf a dyshfundshunal relashhionshhip with alkeyhol. I can haf none of it, or alllll of it. N it’sh realll bad when I have sadneshs.”
“Sadness can be a really great thing, you know,” Shadowheart commented with a dreamy look on her face. “It’s a sign of loss, which is glorious. It’s freeing. You should try embracing it.”
“Babygirl,” Liriel replied as she clapped a hand on Shadowheart’s shoulder and tried to look serious, “I luf you but dat’sh some bullllllllllllshhhhhhhhhhit.”
Lae’zel, Astarion, and Gale audibly stifled their laughter.
Keen to prevent any impending late night chaos, Karlach interjected, “Let’s talk about something else now, yeah? I’m sorry you were sad, Liriel. We can talk about it tomorrow, when you’re sober. If you want.”
“Mmk,” Liriel hummed. “Shorry bout the blasfuhmee, Shart. Hope I don’ offend you wif my dilsbelief.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I am thoroughly entertained by your stupidity,” Shadowheart replied bluntly as she pushed Liriel’s hand off her shoulder.
“Cool. Gimme dat,” Liriel darted for Gale’s wine bottle on the ground in front of him, splaying over Karlach’s lap to reach for it.
She got the rim of the bottle to her lips just as Karlach lifted her up with total ease and said, “Okay, that’s it. You’re done. Bedtime.”
Gale stood up to meet Liriel at her eye level. “May I have my bottle of wine back?” he asked her politely.
“Uh,” she stammered, “Ya.” She nearly dropped the bottle in an attempt to hand it to him, but he managed to get a grip on it.
“Thank you.” He smiled at her.
“Don’ you shmile at me like that Mishter Blizzard, or imma kishs you again. Thish time in front of errrrybody.” She attempted to wink at him, but it was so slow and awkward it made everyone laugh, including Gale.
“On that note, I think I will go to bed as well. Good night, everyone,” Gale announced, completely unable to suppress the huge grin on his face.
Liriel whined as Karlach whisked her away from Gale to her tent. She passed out on her bedroll for a few hours.
In the middle of the night, she found herself wide awake but still drunk. She opened the flap of her tent and peered out at the campsite, searching for signs of life. By her estimation everyone was fast asleep and dawn was still hours away.
She crawled over to Gale’s tent and pried it open. Slowly and silently, she crept up on the wizard, who was in deep sleep. She briefly watched him, appreciating his handsome features and the peaceful look on his face in the low light of the dimming campfire. Then her impulses took over, and she bent down to get incredibly close to his sleeping form.
As she grabbed one of his shoulders, she hissed, “BOO” in his ear.
Gale bolted upright, exclaiming, “Gods, what is—”
Then he noticed who it was that barged into his tent in the middle of the night, along with the amused expression on her face. Still in disbelief, he asked, “Liriel? What are you doing?”
“I wanted to see you, alone. And I didn’t want to wait until morning. And earlier I was too upset. And then I was too drunk. Now I’m still drunk—I’m like, 56% drunk. But no longer tooooo drunk, y’know? And I’m not upset.”
He chuckled, shifting and motioning so that she would sit beside him. “Well, your sudden intrusion is always welcome, however jarring it was in the moment.”
“Hey, at least we know for sure he is sleeping.” She lightly grazed her finger over the skin on his chest where the orb resided and let it linger there. It began to glow a bright purple. She’d seen this before. She knew what it meant. He was turned on right now.
And the look on his face confirmed it. “Perhaps now is not the best time to rehash what happened earlier tonight, though. I have a feeling those hurt feelings we harbor could easily resurface.”
“You have hurt feelings too? You seemed so stoic. It frustrated me.”
“Of course this hurts me. I don’t want to break your heart in this way, and my own heart aches for you like never before. Knowing you feel the sorrow you do, it pains me. Greatly.”
“So what do we do now?”
“Now…” he paused to think on it a moment. “Now I think we should sleep, really. We need our rest and our strength, more than ever. There will be time to talk this through.”
She looked downcast, biting her lip.
He opened his mouth to speak, then thought better of it. He waited for her instead.
“I just want to say one thing,” she said softly. “We’ve already defied incredible odds by managing to get this far. It’s not blind dumb luck that we’re still here either. It’s us. WE survived because of who WE are. We’re not only surviving, we’ve surpassed every challenge that this fucked up world has thrown at us. We keep winning. If there’s anything I believe in, it’s us. It’s you.”
He pulled her close in a movement so uncharacteristically strong and quick that it caught her slightly intoxicated senses off-guard. When she regained her bearings she held him tightly, bunching the clothes on his back between each of her fists.
“Thank you,” he whispered in her ear. “Thank you for believing in me and giving me hope. I will not abandon that hope, or you, lightly. Please know that.”
She didn’t say anything. They clung to one another so firmly yet neither dared let go. After a while, Gale could detect her trembling slightly in his embrace, then he noticed she had dampened his clothing at the shoulder where her eyes rested. He pulled back a little to look at her face as she simultaneously worked to hide her face from his view, withdrawing and nearly turning away from him. He brought her back in a close embrace, preferring to keep her pressed against him since she seemed intent on refusing him a view of her face.
“Are you that determined to conceal your tears from me?” he gently asked her.
“Yes,” she sniffled. “I won’t run away again... just... please don’t look at me right now.”
He let her continue to cry on his shoulder, stroking her hair and her upper back, hoping he could bring her comfort in some small way.
“I’m sorry, Gale,” she said after a while, her voice calm but heavy with congestion. “I’m grateful to you for comforting me, but I also think it’s fucked up for me to ask this of you when you’re the one that’s been ordered to die.”
He chuckled softly. “I assure you, I am voluntarily comforting you and you needn’t apologize. If anyone should apologize, it’s me. I am sorry, to you, for failing to recognize the depth of your feelings for me sooner. For forcing you to pay for my past mistakes. I do wish things could be different, now more than ever.”
“I forgive you, Gale. You deserve to be forgiven. For all of it. And you deserve to live too.”
Now Gale was the one feeling tears well up in his eyes. With a sigh, he pulled Liriel back and held her at arm’s length by her shoulders so he could look her in the eyes.
“Thank you,” he told her sincerely. “For everything, not just your compassionate words in this moment. For being you. For pulling me out of that portal. For not turning me away when you found out just how badly I blundered. For trusting me with your life, and your heart. And, if I may be so frank, for the best damn kiss of my life.”
Her lips trembled slightly, but she managed a smile. “You’re very welcome. Most welcome, one might say.”
He raised an eyebrow at her and easily returned her smile at the memory of the moment they shared in the Weave.
A timid look crossed her face. Gale loved this very cute, very bashful side of her previously unseen by him.
“What is it?” he asked her. “Is there something you wish to ask of me?”
“Yeah,” she replied, “Can I sleep here? That’s probably an absurd idea, since it’s such a small space, and I really do mean cuddling and then sleep-sleep, no sexy stuff, but if you don’t want—”
He cut off her deluge of words with a soft, short, but sweet kiss, of a completely different sort from what they shared before. It was a gesture that was clearly loving and reassuring.
“You are most welcome to stay here with me tonight,” he told her after pulling away from the kiss.
He placed one arm around her and gently guided her to lie down on his bedroll beside him. She curled up against him, laid her head on his chest, and draped an arm across his waist.
“Good night, Gale,” she whispered.
“Good night, Liriel.”
Blissful sleep followed.
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The Benoit Solès versión is definitely my second favourite version for now! It's so funny at times, and they make some very interesting metanarrative choices. This is also my favorite Roxane by far
#Cyrano de Bergerac#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#I have such a crush on this actress? She's cute and slightly flirty and sooo charming and spirited#Perfect truly#The scene when she is in the war is like 👀 madam#Also her costume there is gorgeous#The mingling of the Rostand the writer and Cyrano the character as author/writer/performer is so interesting#The nose being an actual obvious mask works so well in that sense but also with the duality of Cyrano and what the nose is for him#Motive of shame anguish and frustration but also a sort of wall behind which to hide#An excuse for not daring on that which is most painful to lose#The fact that he takes it off when he says 'rêver' in the second act? Ugh#The way they did the cadets in that act was great too. How they almost went violent on Christian when he kept insulting Cyrano#How at some point they stop looking at Cyrano and pay more attention to Christian yet they go stand besides Cyrano as if to support him#It was a very nice background detail that really added to the feeling of them caring for Cyrano#Like how after they turned off the lights after the third act you could see Roxane and Cyrano struggling to part#their holding hands lingering#This Cyrano is at times perhaps a bit too sad for my liking in some scenes but he is very funny and at times very sweet#He has such tender fond gestures with Christian. The 'Mont donc‚ animal !' is said by him with fondness#as if touched by the fact that Christian isn't convinced by the entire thing anymore#The traveler of the moon scene is so particular in its staging. I still like the 1950 version more especially in some parts#(like how Cyrano keeps checking if the wedding is done and how funny that is done) but I actually loved it in this#The costumes are good too. Roxane's are gorgeous and I love the detail of the uniforms not being all exactly the same#The 1950 version has that too#I like the scene il act three between Cyrano and Roxane when she's telling him about Christian more in the 1950 version still#but I liked it here. I love that they did the fact that he gets anxious at first when she comments on him being jealous#And this may be a stupid detail but one of my favourite things about this version is that they made him be actually excited and tempted#by De Guiche's suggestion#The pompous acting and careless teasing attitude in general this Cyrano has showcase i think how very young he is#despite the actor not being so which is good too. I miss the scene with the girl giving him food which is I think important
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simpjaes · 4 months
take the back-seat. (p.js & s.jy)
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What’s the point in being a third wheel if Jake can’t watch anyway? or the one where jay lets jake watch him get his dick wet.
minors do not interact, otherwise― pls reblog my works
PARING ―  jay x afab reader | jake sim x afab reader
WC ―  8.5k
TAGS ―  exhibitionist jay, voyeur jake, dangerous driving (do not do this), jealousy, mentions of cleaning up clumped cum in a gas station bathroom lmao
A/N ― what’s that? you’ve read this before??? yeah that’s bc i wrote it on my other blog and now i want to shamelessly read it as jay and jake thanks!!!! (i am the original author: ncteez, this work is not stolen)
– read part two here! 
smut tags under cut::​​​
SMUT TAGS ― THICK DICK JAY, daddy long dick jake, exhibitionism, voyeurism  car sex, dangerous driving, unprotected sex, voyeurism, jerking off lmao, jake being embarrassed and Jay enjoying it, jealous jay, jealous jake
Jake was used to it at this point, walking in to see you being, quite literally, fucked senseless by his best friend. Each time he had managed to barge into the room when the two of you were going at it, he was lucky to slip away unnoticed and embarrassed for the both of you. He never brought it up, never really thought about it after the embarrassment died down, and never wondered when it would happen again. 
Still, though, it kept happening. 
What Jake didn’t know is that it was intentional. Both you and Jay were aware each time he would walk into a room, stop in shock, and then shuffle away. It was something Jay enjoyed much more than you did at first but, you’ve grown to love it as well, maybe even more than your boyfriend does.
Jay liked to be almost caught on some days, other days he wanted to be caught. What he wants most of all though? That’s to be watched. To have someone turned on by what he can do to you, to have them feel jealous of him or even stare in awe at how good he is when he fucks you. 
When Jake moved in, Jay hadn’t really thought about letting him watch or even catch the action in the process. Jay’s big thing was doing it at parties or clubs when everyone was too drunk to care if they were watching or not. However, the first time Jake saw them was a genuine accident on both sides.
It happened shortly after Jake moved in with the two of you (for financial purposes of course.) Neither of you had issues with having a roommate, considering the spare room and all. It was a small place but it easily managed the three of you.
Jay was so in his head that day when he had you against the kitchen counter, breakfast plans long forgotten when he noticed that your ass looked particularly good in the lighting. He was so in his head that, well, he might have forgotten that Jake could walk in at any moment.
A clatter of bowls full of ingredients hit the floor as soon as Jay made eye contact with his best friend coming through the doorway, your leg was wrapped around his waist as he was attempting a deep thrust into you. Unfortunately, instead of that deep thrust, he panicked and pulled out of you so quickly that you lost balance and sent the ingredients flying straight to spoilage. Jake just looked at him, then at you, and then at Jay’s very exposed cock that still managed to stay hard under the circumstances before he turned on his heel and paced back to his room.
That was the first and only time it was an accident on Jay’s part. Sure, he was into that kind of thing before Jake moved in, but it didn’t even cross his mind to include Jake in the fun until that day, at least. 
That night, Jay sat you down in the silence of your shared room and discussed that he will most definitely be fucking you in all areas of the apartment regardless of whether Jake was there or not and that he wouldn’t mind in the slightest if he wanted to watch.
You reluctantly agreed in the silence of your bedroom, only after mentioning that you didn’t want to make Jake feel weird about it, that you didn’t want him to act differently around the two of you. But Jay didn’t relent, assuring you that it would be fine.
It was fine for the most part, even you started to get a kick out of it from time to time when you pretended to not see Jake stare for a little longer on some days before leaving the room.
Jake just shakes it off each time though. Because of course, it’s hot. Multiple times a week it’s like he’s walking straight into a porn film before having to excuse himself, and it gets really frustrating sometimes, considering he isn’t the one getting laid. All he gets are glimpses of the two of you, the sounds he hears through the walls, and the utter joy the two of you seem to have despite his presence. 
He’s learned to accept that neither of you seems to care what he sees, so he decides he won’t either.
It’s a warm day in July. All three of you are packing bags and blankets into the back of Jake’s car for the trip ahead, and all three of you are entirely too thankful to whatever god allowed your schedules to line up in order to have a five-day weekend at the beach. It’s a long drive, 12 to 13 hours at least, but Jake and Jay agreed to drive in shifts so that makes it a lot more bearable.
“Did we get everything?” Jay asks as he throws himself into the driver's seat of the car and pats the passenger seat as if it were an honor to be invited to ride shotgun by him.
           You nod to him, admiring his slender fingers against the steering wheel and realizing it has been a long while since he had driven you anywhere. In fact, the two of you mostly walked or got an uber for your outings simply because traffic is a nightmare in this city.
“Wait!” Jake shouts, throwing himself out of the open back door of the car. “I forgot my phone charger!” He exclaims as he runs back to the apartment building door.
And then it’s silent.
“He’s a really good actor.” Jay laughs, looking over at you and then steering his attention to the console buttons so that he can connect your phone for aux privileges. “A true sport, that guy.” He shakes his head this time, flicking his eyes up at you.
It’s pretty normal, actually, for Jay to find reasons to talk about it. Still, you don’t think you’ve ever gotten used to the way he looks at you when he’s clearly thinking of something mischievous, but you always did love what his plans lead to—so you nod at him with a polite smile.
“What’re you getting at?” You say, reaching over to grab his hand in yours. “Whatever it is, I’m in.”
           He smirks at you, quickly giving you a kiss on the lips before pulling back to adjust the mirror in front of him, mostly for the purpose of Jake getting a good view later. Jake is a bit shorter than him, so he adjusts the mirror in a way that it won't be dangerous when he starts his driving shift. Plus, this mirror is only half of the fun. Just wait until Jake gets to the beach rental. 
           At this point, Jake is already rushing back out of the door with his charger in hand, smiling at the two of you and mouthing a small ‘sorry’ before placing himself in the back seat. He is quick to make himself comfortable, leaving himself unbuckled as he lays his legs across the seat and sighs out.
“Any song requests?” You peek back at him when Jay reverses the car and carefully listens to the GPS that cuts through the speakers.
“Oh, yeah actually!” Jake claps with another one of his well-loved fond smiles.  
     From that point forward, the three of you take turns picking songs to listen to. The GPS would sometimes interrupt the best part of a song to alert Jay on where he needs to drive, but honestly, it was going quite well.
           Hours go by when Jay finally pulls into a gas station for a break, the road trip vibes died about two hours after you left the house. Songs were being sung less, the windows were being rolled up so that the air conditioning could take over, and Jake had even fallen asleep with the warm sun hitting his face against the window.
            He was pulled out of his sleep when Jay opened the back door so that the man could quite literally fall out of it. Which is funny, you admit when you head over to slap Jay on the back of the head for it.
“Jake, it’s your turn to drive,” Jay says, already opening the gas tank and preparing to fill it up for him. “If you need a bathroom, I suggest you go now.”
           Jake nods his head and then rubs his eyes so that they can adjust to the bright lights of the gas station. The sun is going down and now he realizes why Jay preferred to drive during the daytime hours. It’s definitely going to be a rough next six hours but, he thinks the sandy beaches and colorful shaved ice will be worth it all in the end. 
He lets out a long and loud yawn before heading inside the gas station to relieve himself and find a couple of snacks. By the time he got to the snack aisle, he crowds up beside you and asks for help in debating on if he wanted salty or sweet.
“You can get both, y’know.” You say, looking up at him with your own handful of snacks for both you and your very hungry boyfriend.
           Jake looks down at you with sleepy eyes and then moves his gaze to the crinkled bags of candies and chips.
“Oh! Sick!” He yells, suddenly very awake. “They got frosted animal crackers! I haven’t had these since I was a kid!”
           You chuckle in endearment at him, nodding at his selection.
“Don’t forget to grab something to drink to wash all of that sugar down.” You clap with him because his joy always seems to seep into your own mood. Still, you were ready to free your hands up from these snacks so the small joyous moment doesn’t last for too long. 
You slink away from him with ease, leaving him to debate on if he wants one packet or two packets of frosted animal crackers as you make your way to the cash register. 
           After purchasing your snacks you’re quick to head back to the car where Jay raises a brow at you when you attempt to get back into the passenger seat.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” He asks, flicking his head to the back seat as if to tell you he wants shotgun. You shrug in response, piling into the back with ease and without question, feeling more comfortable with the space it has to offer anyway.
            But, when Jay finishes gassing up the car, he doesn’t get into the passenger’s seat. He, instead, scoots into the seat next to you and leans forward between the two front seats in order to adjust the mirror a little bit more.
“Fuck yeah.” He says with a snide voice, peeking over at you as he leans back to get himself comfortable. You look at him with curiosity, wondering why the fuck he keeps messing with the mirror.
“What are you scheming? For real this time, tell me.”
           Jay darts his eyes to the window of the gas station to look for Jake, and thankfully he’s still at the cash register paying for his stuff—probably because the dude likes to make conversation and refuses to read the signals of people just wanting to do their job and not hear about what his plans are for this trip. Then he leans in close to you, placing one hand on your thigh and the other against the nape of your neck.
           If anyone else were looking at the two of you, it would look as if he’s about to make out with you—which would be fine, but he isn’t.
“Jake’s not gonna be able to run away this time.” Jay whispers as if the man inside the gas station can hear him. You furrow your brows a bit at his words before smiling with the same evil grin he gives to you.
“And did you not think to ask me if I even wanted to?” You shrug him off, pressing him away from you and turning to face the window, still smiling.
           You’re definitely in on it but this isn’t exactly the safest way to do this. Still, your boyfriend has always been an adventurous one. Plus, you’re still gonna be a brat about it. Jay likes when you’re being difficult, and for the most part, knows you’d genuinely stop him if it were something you didn’t want to partake in.
“Of course you want to, I see the way you watch him when he sees us—” Jay gripes, glaring at you. “He can’t have you, but he can watch.”
           You shrug at him again, acting as if you could care much less about this plan of his, but he can see that glint in your eye and the smile on your face.
“This is why I love you.” He says in a simple voice at the obvious confirmation on your face, and then he looks back to see that Jake is making his way back to the car.
“Don’t you think we should ask him first though? What if he doesn’t want to watch?” You quickly let out, knowing you’re down for the plan but still wanting Jake to be comfortable. 
Jay is quick to shake his head at you. He knows his best friend is a fucking pervert. 
“Relax, he pops a boner every time he sees us.”
           You nod because he definitely does.
“If he says to stop, we can stop, okay?” Jay goes to reassure you again, but the conversation is cut short by Jake parking himself into the driver’s seat with a questionable look towards the two of you.
“No one is going to sit up front with me?”
           Honestly, the way he says it seems so sad that you almost wanna say fuck the plan just to keep him company.
“I want to sit with my girlfriend since I haven’t gotten to in the past six hours?” Jay argues, kicking the back of Jake’s seat playfully.
“Bullshit! You were sitting up here with her the whole time! Who is gonna sit up here and keep me awake?!”
           Jay is very well aware that Jake will definitely be able to stay awake. No question about it.
“I want to look at my girlfriend since I haven’t been able to take my eyes off the road for the past six hours. Stop complaining.”
           Jake looks at Jay through the mirror, aware that it’s been positioned differently. Internally, he thanks his friend for not only adjusting the mirror for him, but the seat too. Less work on his part, honestly. 
“You guys are the worst.” He complains, starting up the car and connecting his own phone to the system in order to continue the navigation and music on his own accord.
           Then it’s silent. Jake starts to gently hum songs to himself as he gets into the groove of driving and you are in the back, with your boyfriend close by silently talking about god knows what. Jake feels comfortable despite the fact that he knew he would be the third wheel during this entire trip. Still, he really did think one of you would sit up front to keep him company.
           Several hours later, Jake begins to feel sleepy again just as Jay wakes up from his own nap. You managed to stay awake the entire time because honestly, it wasn’t exactly easy to fall asleep with Jake up there grabbing into his loud-ass bag of animal crackers.
           You just sat there in silence with your boyfriend using your legs as a pillow as he made his attempts at a comfortable nap, and you could tell he did manage that because of the way he fell asleep with his mouth open. You loved seeing him like this though, comfortable and warm against you. It’s really the only time it’s ever quiet when the two of you are together anyway, so you find the silence in this aspect quite enjoyable.
Typically, Jay is a quiet person. Not when he’s with you though, and certainly not when he’s with Jake. 
           Around you and Jake, he can typically be found forcing an argument about some bullshit he’s decided to be passionate about on that particular day, or perhaps talking shit about other people that, more than likely, didn’t mean to step on his toes. Other times, he’s dirty talking to you with such a booming and confident voice that Jake has no choice but to hear it through the walls.
           Jay isn’t a quiet person ever when he’s within his own friend group, save for when he is asleep and that’s why, when he peeks an eye open and stretches in the cramped space against you, you become hyper-aware of the plan the two of you spoke about earlier.
           You’ve been thinking about it the whole time since Jake started driving actually, realizing that the mirror is positioned in a way that would give him a perfect view of the backseat and the street behind him. All he has to do is adjust his eyes to where he wants the priority to be.
Surely, with Jay awake now, the priorities will change. 
           It’s dark now, rarely passing by another car every ten to twenty minutes you can guess. The music is still silently playing and the GPS is cutting in less and less with the long stretches of highways it has navigated the three of you to.
           The car is smooth, there are no bumps in the road, no clouds in the sky to keep the moonlight from coming in, and no cars to distract Jake from what’s surely going to happen next.
           And you were right. You knew you would be.
“Baby,” Jay lifts up and whispers in your ear, quiet enough to where Jake can’t hear him. “He looks a little tired—” 
           You look over at Jay with warm cheeks, already feeling the excitement and anticipation of what’s to come. He’s always so ready after a nap if you’re being honest.
“He does, doesn’t he?” You confirm to him, a little louder this time. Jake doesn’t falter or look back at the two of you through your hushed conversation though. Instead, he turns his music up a little more so that the two of you can discuss whatever it is you’re whispering about without him intruding.
“Should we wake him up a little bit?” Jay chuckles out through another whisper, already glancing down at your thighs. They’re bare in the loose pajama shorts you chose to wear for the car ride. 
“Yeah?” He asks again, this time reaching over and hooking two fingers into the waistband of your shorts.
           All you do is nod at him because any time he wants it, your body immediately reacts in the way it should. It’s almost like he’s managed to train your body to warm itself up the moment he even suggests sex.
           Jay is very quick to take that nod as the green light to get to work. He palms himself gently with one hand to work himself up and uses the other hand to pull you against him. He makes it obvious that it’s a show when he positions both of you in the middle of the back seat, but doesn’t care if it looks dumb considering Jake likely won't be paying attention to where you’re sitting but, more worried about what it is you’re doing.
           He palms at himself until his cock is restrained against his sweatpants, eyes concentrated on you where his fingers trace back and forth under your waist band. It really doesn’t take much for either of you, the small touch alone always gets you to start squeezing your thighs together.
“Yeah” He raises a brow at you, wanting that last little confirmation from you and glancing down at his bulge beneath his pants. 
You look back at him with an eager and small smile, replacing his hand with yours. 
“I’m ready when you are, baby—” He whispers out to you this time, more gently, and more for you than for Jake to eventually notice. Feeling the way your hands softly prod and press against his bulge with a sense of…nervousness.
           You look at him, and then down at his bulge—for some reason, it looks more delicious in a moving car being illuminated by moonlight than it does in your apartment. Jake is barely in your thoughts now when you reach a hand over to pull it out, stroking it little by little until you can hear him gasp quietly to himself at the friction.
           You jerk him off for a few minutes before he reaches over to touch you, only because he knows that you get wetter after you’ve been touching him for a while without any friction of your own—and he’s definitely right about that.
 Side by side, your hand is slowly picking up the pace, circling around his length and twisting your wrist at the head. Only then does he let his hand slide into your shorts, straight down to where you, by now, actually need his fingers. 
He can feel the slick almost instantly when he reaches your folds and firmly presses his palm against your clit. There’s somewhat of a groan that’s pulled out of his throat at that. The act alone is enough to get him hot and bothered, but knowing you’re already so fucking wet only amplifies the way his cock twitches in your hand. 
           Jake doesn’t notice a thing until he hears you breathe out loudly, mostly because Jay didn’t quite enjoy the fact that he hasn’t noticed yet. That sound you just made was solely to get Jake to look, and Jay pulled it out of you by plunging two fingers into you without warning, pressing his palm tight against your clit without warning.  
It sends shivers down your spine, momentarily forgetting the small space you’re restricted by when you kick your legs out only to be met with the resistance of the back of the seats. Jay loves it. The way you spread your legs out at the intrusion, squeezing your eyes shut, clenching said fingers. 
He picks up the pace, feeling a dribble of his pre-cum spill against your stilled hand on his cock. And then? He glances up into the mirror to note that, yes, Jake is absolutely fucking watching. His sleepy eyes adjusting to the way your hand is wrapped around a cock a bit too thick to let you close your hand around it entirely, and, well, those spread legs, of course. 
And then? Jake shifts his eyes away the second he notes Jay glancing up. 
           Oh. So that’s how it’s gonna be, huh? Jay internally hates the fact that the two of you can be so absolutely shameless like he isn’t even here. That he can and fucking will just have a go at you right in front of him like this when he has nowhere to run, yet, Jake still pretends it’s not happening, even with his eyes practically boring holes into the two of you. 
           Jake turns his music up more now, drowning out the small gasps the two of you are letting out and trying to keep his focus on the road. He can just pretend this isn’t happening, after all, it’s really not his place to like, watch what’s happening.
No matter how much he wants to.
           And when Jay hears the music turn up, he knows that Jake still hasn’t caught on and smirks over at you, plunging a third finger in and watching you gasp a little louder this time. He does it again, with more force, and then again, and again, until you’re almost whining and rolling your hips forward against his fingers so you can receive more pressure. So you, in your own little world, can force his fingers to reach ever deeper inside of you. 
Then, it stops. Your head spins at the emptiness within you when you snap your head to your boyfriend. 
           There’s a low chuckle from Jay’s throat when he pulls his fingers out of you and swipes your hand away from his cock—he leans forward quickly and kisses you. You already feel overheated in this small cramped space, but feeling Jay’s lips against yours right now only makes it feel hotter, especially when he licks against your tongue in a way that shows you how much he wants you.
           You kiss back with the same energy and he knows exactly what it means, just like you. The two of you know exactly what each other’s cues are. When the green lights go and the red lights flash—you’re both entirely in tune every fucking time.
           Jay is quick with his hands, keeping his lips connected with yours when he pulls at you, trying to drag you onto his lap where his cock stands tall and glistening from the precum. You squeak out a small sound at him, turning your back to the front seat and easily throwing your leg over Jay to sit exactly where he wants you.
“Should we let him see more?” He leans in to look at you, but honestly can’t really contain himself from doing it anyway. 
This is the first time he has ever done this sort of thing with you in a car, and it’s the first time Jake has nowhere to run so that he can act like he doesn’t like watching. Jake should be thanking him, honestly. There are no morals at this moment and Jay thinks it may be the hottest thing he’s ever done. 
“I don’t think I can wait—” Jay chokes out now, answering himself when he feels you lean down to kiss against his neck with a humming sound coming from your throat. He’s already grinding up against you and releasing his own groans at this point, unable to ignore the fact that he needs to be inside of you right now, simply because this is his fantasy. 
           He quickly hooks his fingers into the crotch of your loose shorts, pulling both the shorts and panties to the side with ease before pressing up, you match his actions and sink down, feeling his length stretch you open inch by inch. The girth of his cock is always a struggle to fit at such a quick pace, still, he fills you to the brim when you struggle to sit further down. Thrusting up while simultaneously pressing you down by the hips. 
           It feels more desperate this time. Usually, the touching can last for upwards of an hour —but your boyfriend is looking so desperate and so good right now that you can’t really bare to resist him or his harsh thrust into you. Mostly because he always manages to make you feel just as fucked up as he does in any given situation. Enough to forget where you are. Enough to forget anyone is watching at all. 
           And as Jay feels your cunt squeeze around him, slowly beginning to spill your own wet onto his balls, he glances up into the mirror again—lips slack as he gasps out for you, a small and wordless praise at how tight you are, and then he smirks because there is Jake’s eyes, looking directly back at him, struggling now to keep his gaze where it belongs: on the road. 
Right then and there, Jay makes a point to thrust into you for the first time with full force just so Jake knows that he’s aware that he’s watching, and he wants him to watch. For Jake, one could even say. 
           When he does it, you immediately gasp out at his cock tearing you open with that one tight thrust. You’ve barely managed to adjust fully, but goddamn is he deeper than usual at this angle. You can feel his length pulse inside of you which was enough already to have you panting against him, but now? As he slowly thrusts in and out, holding you up by your hips? 
“God, Jay.” You groan, dropping your head to his shoulder as you see stars just from the lack of adjusting. 
At those words, he’s only inclined to fuck a bit faster, sending a tingle of pain and pleasure straight through you as your jaw falls slack against him. 
           Jay hold your hips, helping you stay slightly elevated above him so that he can drive his cock into you, again and again, stretching you out and dragging against your walls at such a quick pace you literally can barely take in a breath—and when he moves a hand up to pull up to his lips by the back of the neck, his eyes are dark when you finally look at him.
           He lips are still parted, he is out of breath and his eyes are hooded, still fucking up and into you with so much stamina. Too much stamina, actually, after his six hour driving shift. 
“He’s watching,” He whispers against your lips, catching them just for a moment in a heated kiss before he continues. “Show him how much you love me.”
           That alone causes you to moan out, the very idea of Jake watching hitting you directly in your stomach more than it ever did before, back when he was so quick to leave the room.
“Jay—I wanna see,” You stammer out in a small hiccup as he continues to practically fuck himself as hard as he can into you. 
He only smirks with a breath at your request, gripping your hips even tighter before pressing you down, forcing his leaking cock into you ever deeper. He intentionally flexes it inside of you, smiling at the wince on your face at that constant stretch he always gives to you.
“You wanna see Jake watch you get fucked?” He asks in a smug and breathy voice, leaning to lick a stripe against your neck. “You’re so dirty—” He adds in a half-moan, releasing your hips and pulling back to look at you again when you immediately lift on your knees for relief. 
“Turn around then.”
           You do, carefully pulling him out of you with a wince of relief and shuffling your way around to sink back down on him again, this time with your back to his chest. Mostly so you can make direct eye contact with Jake this time, now that you know he’s watching.  
You’re a little nervous but your thoughts are spinning so quickly that you don’t really care about any of that right now. If things are awkward after the car ride, it’ll be because Jake won't admit to liking it.
           Which he clearly does, when you see his eyes flicking from the road back to the mirror with furrowed brows. You make a point to keep your eyes on him when you slide back down on Jay’s cock, leaning yourself against his chest and resting the back of your head on his shoulder. 
This time, Jay keeps his hands at your thighs, one spreading your legs and the other hooking your shorts and panties to the side—holding them in place so that Jake could get a full view of his cock stuffing you entirely. 
He can imagine how painful the stretch must look. Damn, your pussy always does grip when he’s burying himself into you. He’s almost jealous of the view. 
           That’s when you physically see Jake shiver as he darts his eyes down to what you presume to be the very spot Jay is displaying for him right now but, your attention is very quickly pulled away when Jay thrusts up, placing his chin on your shoulder and gripping your thigh even tighter to keep your legs open.
“Look at him—” Jay demands in a whisper when he bucks into you again, turning his head only slightly to whisper this time. “He’s loving this.”
           And he is, as unfortunate as it is.
 Jake is unable to drown out the sound of your moans with his music, he doesn’t even want to drown them out at this point. He could barely pull his attention from the mirror at first, but now? He definitely can’t now. Jake is keeping his eyes on the road only to glance back up and see a full view of your face staring back at him, your pussy pulsing around his own best’s friend’s cock—It’s a bit much, he will admit but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s harder than he thinks he’s ever been when watching the two of you. 
Mostly because, this doesn’t feel accidental now.  With the way you’re either moaning and rolling your eyes back before looking dead at his eyes in the mirror, or you’re reaching down to spread your pussy out even more for him to see. Wiggling and wincing at the way Jay’s cock forever stretches you past your own limit. 
Jake feels like he’s going fucking insane watching this, unable to bring himself to outwardly groan at the image just yet.
           Unfortunately, that happens anyway. Against his will, even. His throat forces a groan out of him when he notices your blown pupils staring back at him as you gently bounce behind him. He can fucking hear how wet you are as you bounce, he can hear the desperate breaths and the pornographic moans—it’s taking everything in him not to pull this car over right now and take Jay’s place.
           But he can’t. You’re not his to share. And while he can’t pull over to take over—he can, at the very least, attempt to release his own tension.
           He is trying to be sly when he moves one hand from the steering wheel down to his own pining and jealous cock, palming himself through the soft fabric. He moans at the sensation without intention at the same time you do. Forcing his eyes to darken as you stare at him in the mirror. 
           You’re maintaining as much eye contact with him as you can, but it’s becoming difficult each time Jay whispers small praises in your ear.
“You must look so good from his angle, I’m so fucking jealous—” Jay grunts out against you, now holding you down again and taking over by thrusting into you with powerful, tight thrusts.  “Are you spreading it out for him?”
           You nod against Jay, finally allowing yourself to throw your head back against his shoulder again, this time swirling your own hips against him and using your fingers to spread your lips out impossibly wide for Jake. 
           Jay hums out at that, relaxing his body beneath you so that you could work your magic on him for his best friend. He holds onto your hips for a moment before glancing up again at the mirror. 
He can see that Jake is driving one-handed and smirks to himself about that.
“Is he getting off right now?” Jay chuckles quietly as he moves your hair from the side of his face and uses the other hand to grip your chin and forces your eyes back to the mirror to witness what he’s witnessing himself.
           You just moan at the sight, not only noticing that Jake is clearly still watching, but he’s moving too, his shoulder moving in a very obvious way in which would tell practically anyone that he’s fucking his fist as best he can right now.
“Talk to him.” Jay demands this time, wincing at the way immediately you pull yourself up and prop yourself on the center console, head peeking far enough past the seats to see exactly what Jake is doing and startling him enough that he swerves the car only a little bit in panic.
           Jay stays leaned back in his seat, staring down at your ass and the way you bounce, forcing his cock in and out at such a beautiful pace at this point, no more pain in regards to his thickness. Just full on stretched pussy gripping him with each slide. 
God, the view is always so fucking good. 
           You’re easily riding him now, perched up so that you can dirty talk his best friend just to get a rise out of him, Jay is loving it as he reaches a hand forward to spread your pussy out around his cock before pressing down on your back so that you sit against him harder.
           You moan out next to Jake, attempting to keep your composure when you look down at his length pressing heavily against his pants. “Are you watching us?” You ask, wetting your bottom lip with your tongue.
           Jake can see your body moving even though he can only see your face in his peripheral vision, unable to face you completely—it’s kind of killing him that you’re just talking to him while getting fucked. He’s embarrassed, but what the fuck else is he supposed to do?!
“It’s okay, Jakey—” You coo out, the pet name coming out like honey against your tongue. “We want you to watch.” You urge him on, seeing him immediately move his hand back to his cock.
           You stare down at it, wondering how big it is and how good he is with his hands, but you know your boyfriend probably wouldn’t appreciate that much. 
So, you whisper very quietly, leaning a bit more towards Jake as you watch his fingers grip his cock tighter than they were gripping the steering wheel earlier. “Why don’t you pull it out?”
           Jay heard it, and honestly, he would normally be jealous because he will not share you with anyone under any circumstance, but the fact that he wants his own best friend to watch kind of calls for at least letting him cum right? By his own hand though, no more, no less.
           You feel Jay thrust a little harder into you this time, pushing and holding you down by your hips. Knowing he’s kind of become the third wheel himself, despite actively fucking into you. 
He fits himself into you with a force that tells you not to push it with Jake any further though, and you listen to his body language the same way you would with his words.
“Jay is okay with it, but you can only watch—okay?”
           Your sweet voice hits Jake's ears, slightly moaning with each word. He knows you’re feeling good right now and he can’t contain it anymore. He can no longer pretend like he doesn’t think about watching the two of you like he doesn’t go and rub one out in his room each time he sees it.
           That’s when he finally uses one hand to pull his sweats down with one tug, eyes fixated on the road as he listens to you. He knows you’re watching him, and doesn’t know what else to think about aside from the fact that his cock is springing out and leaking heavily against his t-shirt. Showing you how badly he fucking wants it.
“Oh—” You gasp, and Jake isn’t sure if it’s for him or for Jay.
 You would never admit that it’s because of how much bigger he is in length compared to Jay, and how perfectly it fits into his hand, with those long and pretty fingers. 
           Jay is becoming increasingly jealous though, especially with the way you begin to bounce against his cock as if Jake is doing something that really gets to you, but goddamn it feels so good that he can’t bear to stop you. Hoping to god that Jake doesn’t manage to steal his girl from him while he’s literally balls deep.
           He throws his head back this time and just lets you fuck yourself on him as you talk to Jake. You’re unable to stop yourself from riding Jay in a way that seems entirely too out of character for you. But when you look back, your boyfriend seems to really be enjoying himself.
           You turn your attention back to the front, seeing now that Jake is moving his hand much quicker, his lower lip caught between his teeth as he desperately attempts to drive the speed limit at the very least.
“I bet you wish it was you, don’t you?” You urge him on, watching his reaction each time you speak to him. “Bet you wish you could feel how wet I am, Jakey, right?”
           Jake can’t even contain his nod, moving his fist up his length at a quicker pace than before. 
“Show me how you’d d—” You’re cut off with a moan when Jay reaches forward and grips your hips again, taking over for you and aggressively fucking into you at a pace that shows you that he’s either pissed or about to cum.
“Show me how you’d do it, ” You repeat through the thumping of the thick cock inside of you, attempting to keep a level voice as Jay aggressively spreads and grips your ass, grunting through each thrust.
           Jake finally turns to look at you for a moment, a very short moment, and then intentionally fucks up into his hand once, twice, and then a third time before shooting his eyes back to the road in a panted groan. 
He wants to show you just how hard he would fuck you right now if he were given the chance.
           The way he moans throws you for a loop, much deeper sounding than your own boyfriend’s but the sound of it hits your core and spreads heat throughout your body. 
You instantly reach down with one hand to circle your clit, clenching around Jay as he attempts to pull you back to him—but you stay in place, eyes trained on Jake’s cock being pumped relentlessly. You know he’s showing you the way he would fuck you, and goddamn he would probably be so good at it.
“Shit—” Jay chokes out. “Baby—” He warns this time.
You’re not sure if your boyfriend is telling you to pull off to prevent orgasm, or simply warning you that he’s absolutely about to fucking obliterate your cunt as best he can, all for Jake to watch. 
Jay can tell you’re rubbing your clit, at least, but fuck you’re so goddamn wet. His cock slides in and out of you so much easier compared to some days and it feels so good to him. Warm and wet walls hugging him, pleading for his cock to keep going, and going, and fucking going. 
He feels so good inside of you right now, more than usual, in this tiny space that the car offers. With your pretty moans, and maybe even Jake’s moans on top of it all. It’s a bit overwhelming, Jay can admit, as he suddenly, and desperately wants all three of you to cum with him. 
Thankfully for Jay, you also desperately want to see Jake cum, and you hate to say that it’s kind of Jay’s fault for prompting all of this. Including the fact that you’re only pressed between these fucking seats watching him work himself because your boyfriend told you to talk him through it. 
“Are you going to make me cum?” You ask out to Jake suddenly, sighing between your words and wondering why the fuck you just said that but, it sets off a fire in the man with one hand on the wheel and the other gripping his cock.
           It gives him the illusion that he is fucking you, and that he will make you cum.
“Come on, Jakey, Jay’s close too.“’
           And just like that Jake is squeezing himself so tightly, dragging his hand only once up his length before he’s nearly slamming his foot on the breaks.  He lets his foot off of the gas instead, thankful that there is not a single car on this street when he cums. Visibly shaking and attempting to hold in his moans as he hears you directly next to him being fucked senseless. 
“Oh my god–” Jake half-moans, unable to keep his eyes from rolling back as he stutters his body through the pulses of cum shooting out of him. 
You praise him for it, wanting nothing more than to reach over and kiss him for looking so fucking erotic doing what he just did, but you opt to just compliment him.
           The image of Jake breathing his way through his orgasm, keeping the three of you safe in this car throughout all of it, and obviously wanting to fuck you has you nearing your own climax as Jay’s hips stutter against you.
           Your fingers against your clit grow increasingly aggressive as you finally allow yourself to fall back against Jay, taking over for his tired hips as you attempt to work him up to his orgasm.
           Honestly, you feel like the sexiest person alive right now, two men unable to contain themselves over you—it feels so good.
           And when Jay growls against you with an audible ‘never talk to him like that again’, you release, surprisingly, before Jay does. Cumming around his thick cock and gripping against the seats in front of you as your ears ring and your eyes begin to see colors.
           Something about your boyfriend being jealous is just entirely too hot, you might just have to absolutely talk to Jake like that again. Only so you can feel the way he grips you possessively and mumbles strings of both praise and arguments against you when he finally hits his own orgasm.
Words like “what the fuck was he doing up there for you to get so wet, huh?” and “don’t ever use that voice on him again–”
           When it’s all said and done, the car is a mess and Jake is immediately taking the next exit to the closest gas station. Partially so he can hide in the bathroom and cry before shamefully cleaning his juices off of the damn windshield (this is an exaggeration), but mostly so you could get cleaned up.
           Jake is standing in the bathroom staring at himself, opting to give up on cleaning the cum off of his shirt because this gas station appears to have the hottest water known to man and it only clumped up against the fabric.
           He’s sighing to himself, realizing how much of an absolute freak he must seem to you and Jay when, speak of the  fucking devil, the man himself walks into the bathroom and crosses his arms at Jake.
“Yknow—” Jay starts with a glare. “I could have sworn for a full ten minutes you were going to take my girlfriend away from me.”
           Jake’s eyes widen in embarrassment, because in all honestly, he would have fucking tried if you’d have let him.
“It’s not like that.” Jake stutters, backing away from the mirror and forgetting that Jay is actually right behind him, so he ends up bumping into him. He very quickly twists around and properly backs away from him this time.
“Oh my god, relax.” Jay steps forwards and claps him on the shoulder. “I was the one who suggested we even do this, just like—watch what you’re doing.”
           Jake nods, looking down.
“What do you mean?” Jake questions, still looking at the floor.
“What? You thought we could do all of this and expect you not to stay the next time you walk in on us?”
           Jake blushes, fixing his eyes on the soiled spot of his shirt.
“I’m embarrassed—I didn’t know what I was supposed to do so I just, did what she suggested?”
“That’s good.” Jay pats him on the shoulder again and forces him to look at him. “Jake, if you don’t touch her, you can do whatever you want with your cock—just know that I don’t share.”
           Something inside of Jake both shatters and swells up. Yeah, part of him wondered if all of this would lead to a beach vacation threesome, but it doesn’t appear that way. Nevertheless, Jay is still offering up a pretty sweet deal.
“Is she okay with that?” Jake asks.
“More than okay. I couldn’t tell if she came for me or for you, which pisses me off, not gonna lie.” Jay pulls away from Jake and pulls his length out casually, dabbing it with a napkin before attempting to wet the paper towel.
“Fuck! Why is the water so hot!?” He exclaims, jumping back and looking over at Jake.
“This is too weird—” Jake says to himself with heated cheeks, and then turns his back to Jay. “I’m sorry if I crossed a line, it won't happen again, honestly,”
           Jay just shrugs, allowing his paper towel to cool down like an actual smart person before dabbing away the dried cum. It’s not like he didn’t rent out a single-roomed beach house in order to prompt Jake to watch during this vacation. 
“She’s the one in trouble for that one. But we already talked. So we’re cool, just letting you know the boundaries, that’s all.”
           Jay had specifically asked you not to dirty talk Jake the way you did or to call him by any sort of nickname. But you had urged that it was honestly the hottest thing Jay has ever done for you, though it was supposed to be for Jake. 
He guessed you might be more into the whole being watched thing than he is, and that’s fair considering you never so much as tried anything kinky before meeting him. The two of you compromised. You’re only allowed to praise and talk to Jake that way if Jay is allowed to absolutely humiliate him at the same time. They’re not even sure if Jake is into that sort of thing, but you’d both stop the moment he felt uncomfortable.
“Okay, so… “ Jake says, waiting for Jay to finish his cleanup. “Is this gonna be a normal thing then?”
“Maybe, if you keep wanting to catch us, that is.”
“I swear, I never did that intentionally!” Jake defends himself but finally looks over at Jay who has his pants pulled up now.
“Oh, I know. It was also my idea to have you catch us all the time. You definitely liked watching though.” Jay winks at Jake knowingly, but before he could even attempt to respond there’s a toilet flushing and a burly man walking out of the furthest stall in the back.
           Both men stare at each other, too stunned to move based on the fact that this man had been sitting on the toilet listening to the entire conversation and hearing them clean cum off of themselves. Honestly. If there was a hole nearby, Jake would probably bury himself in it (no pun intended).
“Gentlemen.” The burly man says with a solemn tone, and all Jake can do is turn around and walk the fuck out of there as quickly as he can.
“Uh—” Jay says to the man, pointing behind him with his thumb and an awkward smile before turning on his heel and pacing out directly after Jake.
– read part two here! 
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 2 months
Good day to you, I adore your stories and it would be interesting to read fan fiction about the Hotel Hazbin Adam×Reader | woman| as Adam's third wife who is pregnant with his child, what will be his actions before birth and after, if it seems strange to you, then you can not write or not respond to my request, I will not be offended💗) Have a nice day/evening Sorry for my bad English, I'm Spanish;^
RAHHH THANK UOU SMM ☹️☹️ it’s not strange to me i would love to write this 😁😁 also yr english is perfect!!! i will write this as if they were in heaven, so it’s a little more shocking, and it will be a mix of a fic and headcanons
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New Life, even after Death | Adam x AFAB!Pregnant!Reader
Relationship: Romantic Warnings: MENTIONS OF (PAST) ABUSE!! it is a brief mention and doesn't carry much weight but it is there regardless. Mentions of pregancy and birth, light NSFW, Adam being Adam
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You needed to check if your eyes were seeing things correctly, or if you needed glasses. After all, there wasn’t any way that you were seeing two lines. You stared at it for a moment, unsure of what to do. After a moment, you snapped out of it before hurriedly grabbing the other test that sat on the counter and using it.
Now you had 7 tests in front of you, all with two pink lines on the little screen. You were holding the last one, waiting with anticipation to see what it would say. However, you knew what it was going to say, the previous ones had the same response. You had to face the reality that you were pregnant.
You are pregnant.
You were wracking your brain as to how this could be possible. You were in the afterlife, there was no way you could be pregnant. Not that you weren't overjoyed, you were elated. In life, you had trouble conceiving, much to your disappointment. It seemed that your husband at the time was also disappointed, killing you after your nth attempt and nothing to show for it. In your final moment, you couldn't help but feel a bit relieved, thankful that you had never had children with that man, in fear that he would do the same to them. After passing with no biological children of your own, you had grown to accept that you wouldn't ever have any.
When you first entered heaven, you were uneasy with how many children's souls there were. However, with time, you grew to enjoy the company of them. Playing with them while on your way to places or when you had the time, before either you had to leave or they were called out too. It warmed your heart and helped heal that small part of you that mourned never having kids. It helped you strive to be better and to experience the joys of being a mother. It was also how you had met your current husband, Adam.
You have no idea how it happened; one moment one of the children was introducing you to the first man, next thing you know, you were walking down the aisle with him standing at the end. You weren't one to complain, he was so sweet and patient with you. He was the first one you told your past to, from your childhood to your trouble conceiving, to even your terrible first husband. He held you tight as you cried and recounted the last half of your life. In turn, he told you of his life on earth. His life was like being married twice, and raising his kids and ancestors. His favorite pastime was watching humanity, the small acts of kindness from one person to another.
Of course, he had his faults, he was human. He would mock and laugh when people did stupid things. When someone he saw as not worth his time, he was known to wave them off without much thought. He would get angry over the smallest of things, and throw small tantrums when he didn't go away. Ever clingy when there was another male, in fear of losing you much like he did both of Lilith and Eve. You could list all his faults and flaws, yes, however, you could also list his virtues. 
All in all, you loved your husband and knew that he loved you in return. It seemed that now, you both would have something to love just as much. You dragged yourself out of your thoughts as you looked down at the test, seeing that it had the results.
You stood in the bathroom that you shared with Adam, holding the final pregnancy test as it showed the same results; the same two pink lines that repeated over each test. Overwhelmed at the prospect of having a child now,  you fell to your knees as tears began to build up in your eyes. You were going to have a baby.
A baby. 
The thought became overwhelming and you sank into a full-on sob. There you were on your shared bathroom floor, crying like a baby as your wings were wrapped around you, doing your best to soothe yourself. Clutching the pregnancy test to your chest, you hunched over so that your stomach was touching your knees. You were so happy, so sad, so confused at the whole thing that once you finished crying, you just sat there for a while, staring at the wall. You were so out of it that you didn’t hear the knocking at the door or someone walking in. 
“Hey sorry to barge in but Adam is looking for yo-oh.” A voice snapped you out. You turn to the voice and see Lute, still fresh in her exterminator outfit. Once she gets a good look at your face, she tenses for a moment, before dropping her weapon and rushing to your side. “Hey- is..is everything alright? What happened?”
Unable to say anything, you pull the test away from your chest, showing Lute. She took a moment, looking at you weirdly before taking it. After a while, her eyes widened as she turned to you.
“How?” She questioned, to which you could only sob-laugh in response. She didn’t say anything, just looking at the test that was still in her hands. You both sat there on the floor for a while, before another voice rang out in the house. 
“Hey, sugar tits. I’m home.” Shuffling came from the front of the house as you and Lute shot up, looking at one another. Both of you scramble to your feet and leave the bathroom, grabbing all the numerous tests and taking the one from Lute. “Damn. Where the fuck is she? She normally runs to greet me.”
Lute picks up her weapon and leaves the bathroom first. She hesitates for a moment, looking back at you with a twinge of concern, to which you nod, assuring her to go ahead. 
“Go ahead. I just…need to gather my bearings first.” She nods and leaves. As she leaves, you hear Adam begin to question her. Now alone in the bathroom once more for a few moments, you do your best to make it look like you weren’t sobbing your eyes out and figure out how to tell him.
You can’t help but think of his reaction. Would he be happy? Upset? You couldn’t fathom the idea of him getting upset, recounting his stories of when he took care of his firstborn. The fondness that was not only in his tone but also in his face showed that he did enjoy being a father. However, it had been over a millennia since he took care of a baby. Would he even want kids? You shake the thought and take in a deep, albeit shaky, breath. Leaving the bathroom and going to the front of your home, there you saw Adam. He stood by the front door, his mask removed and looking entirely bored of the conversation he was currently having with Lute. His eyes lazily move across the room before they land on you, he seemingly brightens before ignoring Lute and running to you. He grabs you by your side, spinning you before pulling you into a kiss. 
Startled by his reaction at first, it took you a moment before you returned the kiss. Placing one arm is thrown over his shoulder while the other flies to his hair, gripping it.  You make sure to keep the test firm in your grasp and not drop any. Feeling him smirk into the kiss, he begins to nip at your lip, attempting to deepen the kiss. You hear Lute clear her throat, stopping both you and Adam from furthering the kiss. Adam smacks his teeth in annoyance, looking at Lute.
“What? Can’t you see I am greeting my beautiful wife?” He says, squeezing you a little closer to him. Lute rolls her eyes before looking at you at the hand that had 7 tests back to you. You don’t say anything but instead smile softly at her, assuring her she can leave.  She nods to you, taking her leave. With Lute gone, Adam smirks, before looking at you and snuggling his face into your neck. Giggling at the feeling of his stubble tickling your cheek, you pull him away by his hair. He grunts softly, the tug not too painful for him. You spend a moment looking at him, smiling at the look of your husband as you swear he has hearts in his eyes. You opened your mouth with the intent to greet him, however it seemed that your voice didn’t agree with what you wanted. 
“I’m pregnant.” 
Once again, it takes a moment before Adam responded.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
He passes out lol
He was not expecting that information after coming back from an extermination
Once he wakes up, you hand him the various tests, all showing that you are indeed pregnant
Very confused as to how you are pregnant like you both are dead? nothing should be working as it would
You both go to the seraphim and ask if they know what is going on
They don't lol
If anything, they are the MOST confused as to how this is happening
After the initial confusion, Adam is overjoyed to be a father again!
Literally tells everyone he talks to in any manner
"HEY FUCKFACE I GOT MY WIFE PREGNANT!" "Adam. That's the mailman." "HE NEEDS TO KNOW-" "Sweetie, no-"
In other words, word spreads fast.
Before you know it, all of heaven is literally congratulating you when you step out of your house
A lot of glaring at Adam, who just smiles and acts all innocent
Now that he knows, say bye-bye to independence.
Of course, he will give you space when you need it, but if you don't say anything he is most definitely hovering over you.
In your first trimester, he isn't as clingy, actually the most laid back throughout the entirety of your pregnancy.
Second and Third are his worst phases, never leaving your side at ALL- literally walked into the women's restroom after you (you promptly kicked him out, stating you just needed to piss)
When you start to show, he coos at your stomach, touches it, and sings rock songs to it.
Also will get you clothing that pronounces your pregnant belly
sure he would get you loose, more comfortable clothing too, but literally is so obsessed with your belly 
Compliments you all the time, rubs you from head to toe when you ask
Coaxes and reassures you that he loves you, even as your body changes 
Speaking of body changing: boobs
He will grow more obsessed with your boobs as they grow bigger from the milk
Will ask you numerous times throughout and post-pregnancy if he can drink from them 
Kinda won’t stop until you cave, he just wants to try it so bad. The last time he dealt with a pregnant woman, was Eve and at that time he didn’t even know it was an OPTION. so seriously heaven-bent on trying it
His other kids, the ones he had with Eve, are elated to have a new half-sibling. 
Because of this, when you throw a parent shower (You and Adam elected to be surprised for the gender), you gain a ton of stuff. Somehow got 3 strollers, a huge chunk of clothing for about the first 1.5 years of the baby's life, and a lot of toys. 
The seraphims even went and gave you a personal gift for you and you alone.
Even with all the preparation, when your water broke, Adam was NOT prepared in the slightest.
Panicked and forgot all the important stuff while you were hunched over, holding your tummy as you waited to be fully dilated. 
You had a private room to yourself to give birth, Adam by your side the whole time, a worried look on his face. He remembered when Eve gave birth, the pain and fear on her face mirrored that of yours.
However, in the end, everything was alright.
After squeezing the life out of Adam’s hand, most likely cutting off all circulation in it, you gave birth to a little girl.
Adam was beyond elated, loving his little girl so much even though she was covered in vernix, blood, and mucus.
Having mainly sons, anytime his daughters just existed in front of him, he couldn’t help but be elated at their existence. 
Couldn’t wait to hold his daughter and feel her tiny hand wrapped around his finger
Not that he wasn’t checking up on you the whole time, he was.
When the doctor and nurses who helped deliver his daughter whisked her away to clean her, his attention was solely on you
Murmuring against your skin, telling you how great you did, how lovely of a job you did, and overall praising you and making sure you were okay.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“She’s okay?” You say, panting and entirely exhausted. He nodded and kissed your forehead. 
“She is perfectly fine. What about you mamas? How are you?” He asked, wiping the hair that clung to your sweaty forehead. You could only nod as you tried to catch your breath. He smiles, relieved that you are okay.
You both stay there for a while while waiting for the doctor to come back. While waiting, you can’t help but think of how surreal this all was. You were finally having your baby, after your whole living life of wanting one, praying, and getting nothing in return. But now? You were watching the door for the doctor or nurse to walk in at any moment with your little girl, as your husband held your hand and stroked your hair. 
Eventually, a nurse entered the room, with a small bundle of pink and purple. Adam stayed by your side as the nurse made his way to your side, handing your baby to you.
“She is perfectly healthy. Just wanting mom at the moment.” He says before leaving you, your daughter, and Adam. Holding her in your arms was a type of bliss you couldn’t help but tear up over. Here she was, your joy, the love of your life, your world, planet, and stars. Tears slip out as you kiss her forehead, the feeling of her wispy hair tickling your lips.
“She looks like you.” Adam softly says after a moment. You look at him and see he has the look of utter softness and love on his face. You smile in return, tears still running down your cheek.
“What? She just came out? I don’t think she looks like anyone just yet.” You say as Adam presses his hand against your cheek, wiping away some of your tears with his thumb. 
“I know. But if she is anything like you, I just know she is going to light up the whole afterlife.” 
You sob a little more, putting your hand over his and close your eyes. 
“How did I get so lucky?”
“I think I am the one that got lucky,” Adam says, causing you to open your eyes. He leans in to peck you on the lips, you lean in turn. After the kiss, you rest your foreheads against one another, relishing in the bliss of the moment. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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i went into this not an adam lover, and i came out one as his no. 1 fan. i love writing characters i wouldn't normally. lets me think about them more than i normally do LOLL I wanted it end it off on the sweet note, so if there is more that was wanted i apologize but regardless, i loved loved lovedd writing this super soft and fluffy
i just checked my word count how is this almost 3k words what the hell
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01zfan · 6 months
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bad idea, right? | s.es
ex!bf!eunseok x fem!reader | 6.4k words
this is a mature work. minors do not interact
inspired by the song bad idea, right by olivia rodrigo. not proofread.
contains: drinking (reader is tipsy at most), slightly toxic relationship, randomly put in other idols for some good ole world building, cunnilingus (fem. receiving), missionary, a lil crying.
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you look at the text on your phone, contemplating all the decisions that have led you to this moment.
im outside.
it started out as a normal night. you went out with your two friends to a local dive bar you recently started to frequent. but just before the last call your friend showed a text of a party near you that was “lit”. you had planned to leave this with your friends at beginning of the night. your plans quickly changed after your third shot at the party. from that moment on you were texting your ex, eunseok. 
the worst part is that you had been so good about no contact. the night of the breakup you laid in your bed with tear stains on your pillow and cheeks. you had told him that you guys would remain friends but you realized that you would never be able to move on unless you cut him from your life completely. so you blocked him on every social media platform and then deleted and blocked his number as well. the solution was to not even give yourself the option to reach out to him and not let him even try to speak a word to you. you would see him occasionally due to overlapping friend groups but you were so good at pretending he wasn’t there. unfortunately, tonight was the night you folded.
the music at the house party wasn’t overbearing, but the alcohol was making you irritable.
“can they turn the music down?” you yelled into yunjin’s ear.
“i can’t hear you!” yunjin yelled back.
“can i have another shot?” you yelled at giselle this time, who had a vice grip on a bottle of vodka. when giselle looked at you with confusion you pointed at the bottle of vodka then pointed at your red solo cup.
“i think you’ve had enough to drink.” giselle laughs. you look to yunjin for support but she nods in agreement with giselle. ever since the breakup, you often found yourself in the position of being their de facto daughter. the pair had always doted on you, but you always credited that to them being two years your senior. when eunseok broke your heart (or you broke his) this increased their maternal instinct to protect you. 
“i’m literally going through a breakup and you wont give me a shot?” you put on your best betrayal act to efforts to bum alcohol off your responsible friends. both yunjin and giselle laugh.
“you and eunseok broke up months ago” giselle says.
“you tend to bring him up only when you’re drunk so i’m actually starting to think the alcohol has a reverse effect.” yunjin says. giselle’s eyes light up at the realization.
“wait that’s actually true! you never talk about him any other time.” giselle agreed.
you quickly realize this conversation isn’t going in your favor. so you pull out all the stops and become the most dramatic version of yourself. you point the red solo cup towards giselle, shaking like a leaf. you paint your face with a look of dread, like you are dying of dehydration.
“need…..alcohol” you say in a fake raspy voice. giselle playfully narrows her eyes.
“okay but this is the last shot. for all of us.” giselle is pouring a little bit into all of your cups. you three clink the plastic cups together and swiftly take it.
almost immediately after that shot your mind started tormenting you with flashbacks. eunseok having your legs spread while he felt you up everywhere. being bent over the kitchen counter completely at his mercy. feeling his big hand press on the small of your back. how he used to have you like a folding chair taking it all. you tried hard to push down the thoughts but you swear you could hear him over your shoulder calling you a good girl before you sat down on a barstool. giselle and yunjin look at you.
“everything alright, buddy?” yunjin says slowly, already knowing what you’re gonna say.
“i’m dizzy.” you confess. and it was the absolute truth. flashbacks of being with eunseok made you realize that you were starved in every sense of the word, nearly knocking you off balance. you swayed a little bit and giselle grabbed your arm.
“okay i think it’s time to call it a night!” giselle giggled as she held on to you, also a bit tipsy.
giselle and yunjin left with you in tow. walking in front of you, leading you through the crowd. you made sure that they couldn’t see you pull out your phone. your tipsy fingers worked quickly texting a number you knew you shouldn’t have memorized.
once outside the cold air sobered you up enough to the point that you made a plan. the first step of the plan was to be sent home in an car alone.
“i don’t want you guys to stop having fun because of me.” you say, turning towards giselle and yunjin.
“the party was getting boring anyways. i just want to go home and watch some tv at this point” giselle says looking at her phone. you assumed she was looking at prices to get home. “are you cool with spending the night at our place?”
before you could answer you felt your phone vibrate. someone was calling you.
you unfortunately already knew where you were going to be tonight. you just couldn’t let your friends find out.
“i want to go home honestly. in my own bed.” you said stretching your arms out and yawn.
“are you sure that’s even safe? you drank alot tonight.” yunjin says.
“yuqi is already up around this time, if i need help she will be there for me. besides the amount of alcohol i drank was like super spread out over the night.” 
yunjin and giselle look to one another. time to pull out the trump card.
“i feel like ever since me and eunseok broke up you guys treat me like i’m a baby. i’m an adult i can make my own decisions.”
after saying that, you can see the faces of yunjin and giselle change. you know that they also want to be alone without you tagging along, sticking to their side like a child.
“it’s only because you’re drunk, that’s why.” yunjin says.
“the cold air is sobering me up. and i’m going to bed immediately once i lay down.” 
yunjin and giselle debate on what to say. before they can come to an agreement, a car comes and stops on the curb. it waits in front of the house.
your phone has since stopped ringing, instead you get a small vibration indicating a text message. you quickly take a glance at your phone to see what it says.
black rolls royce phantom license plate cvent1
call me when you get in.
you look towards the car parked on the curb. you’re certain that it’s the car eunseok sent you based on the description. 
“my ride is here” you say meekly, knowing what reaction you are going to get. yunjin and giselle look at you confused and flustered.
“when did you call a ride?” giselle asks.
“why didn’t you tell us?” yunjin sounds angry.
“yuqi called it for me, she said she owes me from last time we went out drinking.” you say, rubbing the back of your head.
you are impressed at how quickly you came up with the lie, since you are quite flustered as well. how did he know where you were? where was this car going to take you? you had so many questions but you had to seem confident that you were going home, or else they were going to tag along.
“i told you i’m fine, yuqi is going to be waiting for me outside and everything.” you assure your friends.
“okay, fine.” yunjin gives up trying to debate with you.
“text us when you get home.” giselle points at you, trying to be as authoritative as possible.
“i will. i love you guys.” you go over to yunjin and giselle to give them hugs.
“love you too bae.” yunjin says giving you a hug.
giselle gives you a hug before opening the car door for you. you make sure the door is closed before the driver says “ride for eunseok?” you nod your head and roll down the window.
“i’ll text you guys when i get home!” you shout to your friends as the car drives off.
“make sure you drink water!” yunjin yells as you drive off.
you roll up the window and click on the notification of the missed call. you expect it to keep ringing, to leave you hanging the way you left him hanging. 
it can’t even get through the first ring.
“hey. are you in the car?”
you can’t say anything back. it has been so long since you’ve heard his voice. since it’s been directed at you. your nails instinctively dig into your thigh, trying to use the pain to bring you back on this plane of existence.
silence. you forgot to answer his question
“yes i’m in the car.”
“alright,” eunseok says and pauses for a moment. “it’s taking you home.”
“what? i thought it was bringing me to your place?” you say a little louder than you thought. the driver looks up at the rear view mirror to look at you.
“do yunjin and giselle know who called that cab for you?” 
god, you hated him so much. the smile you could hear in his voice. the way he already knew you were lying to them.
“they think yuqi called it.”
“they think yuqi sent you a rolls royce?”
“they don’t know cars, eunseok.”
you can hear a sigh on the other end of the line. you wonder what he’s wearing. if he’s wearing pants that hugged his legs in all the right places. or that navy hoodie that was a little too big, showing off the area surrounding his neck. you think about sweatpants drifting a little too low, that would give you the slightest peak at his body
“what are you thinking about?” 
“what are you wearing?” you try to whisper so the poor driver isn’t subjected to your suggestive thoughts you say out loud.
eunseok laughs on the other end of the line.
“how much have you had to drink?”
“i had a few but over the course of the night. i’m not plastered.”
another long bout of silence. you start thinking about yunjin and giselle’s disappointed faces when your lies eventually catch up to you. they aren’t directly friends with yuqi, but all it takes is one conversation to reveal the truth. or they could be worried that you got into a car you thought was for you.
“was it a bad idea to call you?” you say. you play with the hem of your dress.
more silence.
“well, can’t two people reconnect?”
you try to not let your smile change your tone. you grab the end of your dress, wrinkling the fabric.
“can you make this car go towards your place?”
“it already is.”
“you’re such an ass.” you groan into the phone. he was too good at playing you. 
“text me when you get here. i’ll wait for you in the lobby.”
after the driver leaves you in front of the building you sent the text. you go to the door and try to punch in the code from muscle memory but nothing happens. instead you opt to sit on the steps, trying to calculate when would be the appropriate time to text your friends you made it home safe. 
your thoughts are interrupted by the front door of the building opening. you look behind you and see eunseok staring back at you. you quickly stand up.
you two stand like that for a moment, staring like deers caught in the headlights. eunseok is the first to compose himself.
“pretty dress.” he says after looking you up and down. he walks back into the building holding the door open for you.
the two of you are now in the lobby, trying not to make too much noise. you walk down the narrow hallways of the lobby, muscle memory taking you towards the elevator.
“it’s out of service, princess.” eunseok used your old nickname and you stopped dead in your tracks. you turn around nonchalantly but just hearing that nickname has you ready to jump him in the small hallway.
“you live like five floors up.” you groan looking up the winding staircase. you make a loud clack with each step in your boots, your feet will be sore tomorrow.
eunseok lets out a breath and walks down the steps and bends down. “hop on.” is all he says.
now he’s giving you a piggyback ride up the countless flights of stairs. you try not to focus on how he’s palming your thigh, or how you can feel his toned body through his hoodie. eunseok carries you like you’re nothing and that feeling returns when you think about how he used manhandle you and toss you around like a doll. you let out a deep breath, inhaling his smell that you find so intoxicating.
he finishes going up another flight when he pulls you a little closer to his body. you pull him in a little tighter with your arms.
“how was the party?” he tries to sound nonchalant, looking over his shoulder at you to ask the question.
“how’d you know i was at the party?” you ask. although you already know. user36384847383 on instagram that always looked at your stories had to belong to somebody.
“you always do something after the bar.” eunseok looks away, realizing he might’ve gotten caught.
“i didn’t start going to the bar until after we broke up.” you say, smiling.
“we are here!” eunseok says before loudly letting you go. you find your balance as you walk down the hallway towards his door. with his hand on the small of your back, he makes sure you are balanced. his hand is almost like a ghost, not daring to push you towards his apartment in any way. despite this, it still feels like you’re heading towards your doom. months of no contact down the drain. all the hard work trying to forget everything about him has been reversed. just as you think about turning back, his hand slowly drifts down to rest on your ass. 
you’re in front of his door now, and he looks at you while turning the doorknob. you look at him, look at his lips and the flashbacks hit you again.
fuck it, it’s fine. you use your hand to push open the door and the two of you walk in.
you kick off your shoes and close the door behind you. eunseok kicks off his sandals and here you two are, standing in his entry way. last time you were here you had the last of your things in a backpack holding back tears. now here you are. tipsy and horny and confused and…
“there’s no pressure here. i know no contact was important to you. you can sleep on the bed and i can take the couch.” eunseok leans against the wall opposite of the door. you hear what he’s saying clearly, but when you see the way he’s looking at you, you can’t hear your thoughts.
you walk over to him and you grab his hand. eunseok looks at you, waiting for your next move. you take his hand and put it on your waist. instantly his hand finds purchase in the dip, squeezing like he’s trying to check if you’re real.
you look up to him and kiss his lips. he brings you in closer. you lean even closer to him. eunseok puts his hands underneath your thighs and you jump. he catches and holds you easily, deepening the kiss. 
“the couch?” you ask, pulling away. eunseok starts walking you towards his room, passing the small beat up couch.
“anton is coming home in the morning. he’s been sleeping there.” eunseok pushes open his door. you see almost nothing has changed, expect for the missing framed photos of you two.
“i thought you lived alone?” you closed his bedroom door behind you, still in his arms. 
“he needed a place to crash closer to campus while he works on some music thing. and i was a little lonely.” eunseok finishes his sentence with a little laugh. he brings you back in for a kiss and you put your hands on his shoulder and cheek. 
should you say you’re sorry? if he felt lonely because you iced him out for months? should you say aw because he’s is opening up to you? everything is too confusing all you want is to turn off your mind and feel good.
like he always has been able to, eunseok knows what you’re thinking. that’s why he wordlessly sits on the bed, back resting against the headboard. he sets you down on the bed and you face him. you look at his lips before you can lean in for a kiss, eunseok gently turns you around. eunseok pulls you into him, so your back is flush with his chest. he puts his head over your shoulder to whisper into your ear.
“spread your legs.”
you do it without hesitation. spreading your legs you also bend them at the knee. your dress bunches up above your hips as an effect. eunseok’s hands are on your inner thighs instantly, caressing the plush skin. eunseok laughs at how pliant you are. how desperate you must be.
“forgot how soft you are.” eunseok breathes into your ear. “remember how you’d always close them on me, baby? when i’d eat you out?”
how can he be so vulgar with all his clothes still on? you felt your face heating up, recalling the memories too. all you can do is nod and lean further into his chest. you let your head lean back, resting on his shoulder. you are giving him full access to your neck. and use your hands to push your dress further up your body, just below your belly button. you’ll never be able to voice how badly you want him to kiss you everywhere, not without dying from embarrassment.
“that’s how i know you aren’t getting fucked right. so hot and bothered just by this.” he laughs into your hair now. he’s got you and he’s got you good. nothing on god’s earth could pull you away from this feeling. especially when his slender finger pulls the elastic band of your panties, letting it snap back into place on your skin. you whimper, grabbing onto his arm.
“so sensitive.” his middle finger slowly touches your cunt. he ghosts the finger in a repeated motion up and down. “so. so. sensitive.”
“i’m just really, really horny right now.” you try to regain your composure or at least some sense of control. this is abandoned when eunseok smacks your clothed heat. you jump backwards, moving further into him. you can feel his dick against you.
“ouch.” you say in a breathy whimper.
“i’m sorry.” eunseok is all but convincing, smirking into your hair. his middle finger presses a little harder into you. “but i think you deserve a little pain.” eunseok goes back to slightly raising the waistband of your underwear to let it snap on your skin again.
you want to protest but you absolutely can't deny it. you take this as penance. for leaving him alone and ignoring him after the breakup. for blocking him with no explanation. for calling him for dick after getting a little tipsy. so you let your fate rest in eunseok’s hands as you let out a sigh. 
“good girl.” eunseok knows you have completely submitted to him. “i’ll take good care of you.”
eunseok starts slowly sucking at your neck and you crane it desperately to give him more space to work with. your panties have been pushed to the side and his lengthy middle finger still slowly drags itself up and down.
“you’re so wet.” eunseok presses his finger a little deeper into your slit. he repeats this motion and you can hear the wetness, like tapping a puddle.
“has anyone else seen you like this?” 
you shake your head. no one else could ever have you spread out like this. although what you and eunseok had is over, he was your first for everything. slowly the two of you chiseled away at the walls you put up in embarrassment of being in college with no experience. you found out what made eachother insane in bed. you still remember getting over the hump of showing eunseok your bare body for the first time. laying in bed naked and in embrace. eunseok telling you how beautiful you were. no one else in this world will ever have you open like this or could see you in a moment where you’re so weak.
“only you. always…only you.” you couldn’t tell if your string of words were intelligible. all you knew was that eunseok slipped his finger inside of you.
the grip on his arm only tightened as you spread your legs even wider. against your back you could feel him twitch.
“what about your fingers?”
“they don’t feel as good as yours.” you pout. now you're grinding your hips into his hand, begging for more.
“add another one.” you say, out of breath.
“say my name.” eunseok says simply.
“add another one eunseok,” eunseok uses his index finger to tease you. “please.”
eunseok has two fingers in you now. just from this and hearing his breathing in your ear you’re close to losing your mind. eunseok doesn’t even have to move his fingers anymore. you are doing the grinding all on your own. eunseok uses his free hand to pull the low cut of your dress down to expose your boobs. he pinches a nipple in his hand and you gasp out loud.
“god.” eunseok moans into your hair. you whimper in response, focusing on all the work he’s making you do. “you know i almost fucked that girl you always said liked me.”
“yeji?” you try your best to sound disgusted, but all eunseok hears is your breathy moan.
“yup. she talked big game and everything. but she can’t compare to this.” eunseok uses his free hand to squeeze your boob for emphasis.
i just…i would’ve just fucked jaehyun.” 
almost instantly eunseok removes his fingers from you. he withdraws his lips from your neck. you look back at him in confusion.
“jaehyun would never do this for you. go forward. ass in the air.”
you get on your hands and knees in front of eunseoks lap. you move a little forward as you try to hike your ass in the air as high as possible. you haven't had an opportunity to practice your arch in a few months.
“it’s like muscle memory, baby” eunseok is behind you bringing your body up slightly to perfect your form. the power in his grip catches you off guard while you become a ragdoll to him. 
you hear eunseok get off the bed and the zipper of his hoodie. he takes his time taking off his clothes, probably reveling in the fact you are waiting for him in such a compromising position.
eunseok comes back onto the bed and slowly brings your lower half to meet his. you feel his length and you moan purely from the feeling. you move your ass back in efforts to grind back on him but a handful of your ass keeps you in place. eunseok takes your panties off from behind you, helping you lift your knees off the bed to completely remove them. you don't say anything when you see eunseok put your panties in the drawer of his bedside dresser.
“be a good girl for me.” eunseok says it into your bottom half, so you’re unsure if he’s talking to you or your pussy. you comply anyway, staying in the spot he leaves you. 
you can feel eunseok staring at your spread pussy. he doesn’t say a word, nor does he touch you. the lack of interaction the anxiety starts to kick in. what if he says he doesn’t want to do it anymore? what if you think hes looking at you but hes looking at his phone texting someone? it doesn't make any sense why you look back, afraid to see his face of regret. instead you see eunseok’s face with an emotion you can’t pinpoint.
“what’s wrong?” your voice is so quiet. eunseok’s is even quieter.
“can i eat you out, baby?”
eunseok eats your pussy like a man who is starved. he started by licking the entire length of you in one swift motion. this is followed with him tonguing your slit. you try not to think too much about his nose and how it pokes your ass. eunseok pulls away from your slit and his tongue attaches to your clit. he sucks on the sensitive nub while flicking it with his tongue. you try not to rock into his face, chasing a high you haven’t felt in months. after eunseok gets his fingers in the mix you are lifting yourself off the bed. his ministrations only pick up in intensity, trying to bring you to the brink as fast as possible. 
slowly his face pulls away from your clit after straining his neck to reach it. the angle was originally pretty awkward, with eunseok on his knees spreading your cheeks to eat you out. you were under the impression that him pulling away meant you’d be getting his dick next. instead, eunseok gets on his back and pushes himself so slot in between your legs. you see his face, so serene and protected. his eyes are so brown and his lips are so plump and his hair is so mused. nothing can replace eunseok in your mind. you are too preoccupied with your feelings to stop yourself from being brought down to his face with his strength.
you don’t want to accidentally put all your weight on his face and break his neck. you try pulling yourself up, but his hands on your thighs hold you in place. he looks up at you with wide eyes, like an animal whose food is being taken away. he eats at you with a hunger you’ve never seen. before you know it all your reservations are gone and you’re riding his face.
“eunseok…it feels so goodddd.” you lean back, hands grabbing his thighs to steady yourself. “i can’t believe you’re doing this.”
“i can’t believe you’re letting me. i want to die with you on my face.” eunseok uses his hands on your thighs to bring you even closer to his face. he fucks you with his tongue, lapping up everything your body gives him.
you can feel your orgasm coming. your skin starts to feel like it’s on fire with the white and fuzzy feeling coming to you. you look down at eunseok, who is already locked into your face. he’s checking your emotions and reading you like a book. your moans are the gospel or the angel that comes to sit on his shoulder and whisper in his ear. eunseok smiles into your pussy, knowing you’re close. you want to so badly gain control of the situation, to remind him that he let you in after ghosting him. that he’s the one who got you here. so you look down at him, trying to give him the exact same knowing smirk he’s been throwing at you all night.
“you would do anything for me wouldn’t you?” you give a wicked smile as you slow your pace to grind on his tongue. “just for a taste.”
eunseok can’t speak with a mouthful of you. he opts instead to nod his head vigorously and increase the speed of his tongue.
“do those bitches that you text know what you’re doing? still just a fuck toy for your ex?”
eunseok shakes his head. he murmurs something into your clit. you ignore him again. that’s something you seem to be good at.
“i’m close eunseok. baby i’m so close.” you pick up your speed again, closing your thighs around his head. eunseok keeps you in place.
right before you reach your peak you start tapping his hands that are holding your thighs in place. 
“eunseok i wanna come with you inside.”
eunseok looks up at you and holds eye contact. you look down at him, so determined to get you to finish. before you can come to your senses and repress your orgasm, it hits you like a freight train. it makes you throw your head back and let out a cry and you ride out your high on eunseok’s face. he takes it all in stride, tongue still prodding at your entrance.
once you come down, you realize that you definitely suffocated eunseok to death. you raise yourself off of him, still suffering from aftershocks of that orgasm. when you pull yourself off, you see that eunseok has the biggest stupid grin on his face.
“hey, are you still alive?” you laugh poking his face.
“was it good?” eunseok opens his eyes. 
“it was.” you sit on the edge of eunseok’s bed, feet touching the ground. 
nothing is stopping you from getting up and walking away. you could actually call an uber to your apartment and then you could text yunjin and giselle without feeling so guilty. you almost get the gumption to do it but then you feel eunseok move up from his spot on the bed to sit beside you.
“was it too much? you didn’t use our safe word so i thought it was okay.” eunseok uses a soft hand to make you look at him. he looks worried. you don't doubt that he can feel all your conflicting emotions, sleeping with your ex. you wonder if he feels the same way.
“it was perfect, really. i needed that.” you reassure him, putting your hand over his.
“then what’s wrong?” eunseok looks in your eyes then at your lips. you look at his.
“i think i need more.” you whisper truthfully.
eunseok uses his hand to bring you closer, kissing you. he pulls away after his tongue darts out to lick your lips.
“more?” eunseok smiles. of course he’s going to make this a living hell for you. but you humor him, because that feeling is building up all over your body again.
“more.” you answer. 
eunseok goes to your neck, kissing and sucking at the skin. he pulls away before he can leave a mark.
“more.” you don’t move your neck, hoping he gets the point.
“you want me to leave a mark? what will yunjin and giselle say? or all your other boyfriends?” voice is dripping with fake concern.
“i don’t care.” you do care, but self sabotage has already gotten you this far. you are a go big or go home type of girl.
“okay princess.” and eunseok is at your neck, sucking and biting with an energy you’ve never seen from him. 
you put your hand over his dick. he’s still wearing his boxers, so you can see a wet spot. now it’s your turn to tease him. 
“i never took you for the type to cum in your boxers, babe.” you give eunseok’s dick a squeeze. “you must be really pent up, huh?”
eunseok laughs and leans back on the bed, propping himself up on his hands.
“you gonna help me out?” 
you nod. eunseok grabs your hand and leads you off the bed to stand in front of him. he reaches up to bring the zipper on your back as low as it’ll go. he sits back on the bed, back in his same position.
“take your dress off for me.” 
you slowly take off one sleeve. you work your way to the other. you let it slowly hang off the upper half of your body as you take off your bra. you drop your bra to the floor. you can hear eunseok behind you moving, probably freeing himself of his boxers. you think about how eunseok has always liked your ass, so you make a show of taking off the lower half of your dress. when that drops to the floor, you turn around facing him.
eunseok has his dick in his hand, slowly stroking himself. you forgot how mesmerizing he looked like this. eunseok was so good at keeping his composure it always felt like a treat seeing him act on his own wants. right now, he wanted you. eunseok got up from the bed and came up to you. you had to look up to see his face. the way he towered over you made you feel something you weren’t ready to come to terms with yet.
eunseok brought you into a deep kiss, as you two were in an embrace, he was slowly moving you further and further back until you hit the bed. he brought an arm behind you and led you down. when your back was on the bed, he broke the kiss.
“i still have condoms.” eunseok said looking in your eyes. he played with your hair, resting like a crown on the bed. you really were his princess
“i haven’t been with anyone,” you admit shyly “i’m still on the pill too.”
“i haven’t been with anyone either.” you had already known, but it was reassuring to hear it from him.
“can we do it without a condom?” you ask. eunseok kisses your forehead a little too sweetly.
“of course princess.”
eunseok brings you closer with a quick pull of your thighs. the feeling of excitement and nerves shoots up your spine. it really has been so long. eunseok slapping your heat with his dick brings you back to the present.
eunseok lines himself up at your entrance, and leans over both arms at your side. you grap one of his arms for stability and comfort. you just needed to be touching him.
“let me know if it hurts too much. you remember the word?”
“i remember.”
“okay.” eunseok kisses your forehead. he kisses it again and you can feel slight pressure. he starts attacking your face with kisses everywhere as he sinks deeper and deeper in. he ends with a kiss on your cheek before he bottoms out. you both moan in unison, so much time has been lost between you two. you already feel tears welling in your eyes. before eunseok can look you in the eyes, you pull his head into the crook of your neck and hold it there. without saying anything, you move your hips back and forth.
“feels good?” eunseok huffs into your shoulder. he tries to sound cocky, but you know it’s getting to him too. you can’t stop yourself from clenching around him. how the pressure feels so good and you feel so full.
“please keep going.” you whimper. 
“okay princess.” eunseok kisses your neck and he pulls back his hips to thrust back in. you settle into the pace eunseok has set. slow and deliberate, trying to hit all the spots you thought he would’ve forgotten by now. a soft hand grips your breast and you arch into his touch.
“it’s still sensitive eunseok.” you haven’t gone for a second round since you and eunseok were together, getting yourself to be relaxed while climbing towards your second climax was hard.
“i know baby i know. you don’t want me to stop though right?” eunseok took your earlobe into your mouth. his pace was getting faster, you had to reach for the wall behind you to steady yourself.
“no. please don’t stop.” you used your other arm to pull him closer. you weren’t sure if you were about to cry due to the overstimulation or the fact that you missed the man on top of you. his teasing nature, his attentiveness. how warm he was always. it was hard to remember why you ended things in the first place, especially with him moaning in your ear.
“feels so good.” eunseok kissed your cheek. he brought his arm underneath your body, bringing you into an embrace while still fucking into you.
“i miss this. i miss you.” he admitted into your shoulder. 
“i miss you too, eunseok.” you couldn’t stop the tears.
“i want you back more than anything, you know that right?” eunseok’s pace was increasing, he was close. 
“i know. i like it…” you try hard to piece your thoughts together, but your mind is becoming filled with eunseok.
“like what? me watching everything you post like some fucking stalker.”
“shows me—shows that you care.”
“can i look at you baby?” eunseok asks, the most desperate you’ve heard him all night.
you pull his head from the crook of your neck and let his forehead rest on yours. for a moment worry crosses his face as he sees your tears. he uses his thumb to wipe an eye clean. the silent acknowledgement has you wrapping your legs around his waist to bring him closer. eunseok grabs one of your legs and helps you put it over his shoulder. this new angle has you digging your nails into his skin.
“god i missed this pussy,” eunseok smiles down at you, wiping away tears from your other eye. “she’s always been mine hasn’t she?”
“yes. she wants you to come inside.” your brain fog is letting your lewd requests come out quick and jumbled.
“of course princess.” eunseok comes back down to you, bringing desperate lips to you. you can hear when he cums inside, letting out a line of profanities with your name mixed in. you can feel when he cums inside, dick pulsing. you cum after he brings a hand to your clit, rubbing revolutions on the bundle of nerves. you grip onto his arm, biting your lip to hold back a love confession.
you two ride out your highs together. eunseok’s hand comes to a slow top and he slowly pulls out of you. you both whine at the loss of warmth, but he lays next to you and pulls you into his chest. you want to protest, that it’s a bad idea for you to spend the night at his place. 
instead you opt to fall asleep when he gives you his hoodie to sleep in, head rests on yours, and he begins to rub gentle shapes into your thighs. this was arguably a bad idea, perhaps the worst one you’ve ever had. tomorrow you will deal with it, but the rest of the night belonged to the two of you.
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finelinevogue · 10 months
the best thing
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summary - you hate harry after that one night together, but when you need someone the most he will always be there
a/n : mentions of sexual assault, quite intense scenes, crying, angst, drunkeness
word count : +3.8k
pairing : ceo!harry x reader
You don’t know how you got here.
One minute you were eating crisps at home and watching reruns of Friends, then the next thing you know you’re at an exclusive event in the centre of London with your best friend; Leia.
Apparently, your best friend is now dating some actor who is in with all the A-list celebrities and so she can get into all these cool events now.
This party was hosted by none other than Harry Styles, billionaire and CEO of StylesTech. He happened to be the one man on Earth who you absolutely despised. Well, maybe he wasn’t the only one.
Harry became a celebrity when he got put on the front cover of GQ’s magazine for sexiest man alive four times. That’s right… four.
Harry was friends with James, your best friends new boyfriend, and had said she could also invite a plus one. The more the merrier was what Leia had said over the phone.
Now you were here.
Some rooftop bar in the heights of London. The lighting was very low, the music was very loud and the room was completely packed.
There was a dance floor where people were grinding more than dancing. There was a bar, which apparently was a free-bar. There was panoramic views of the city and tiny people below, making you feel like a Goddess up here in the clouds.
“We’re going to get drinks, you coming?” Leia asked you, James tugging on her hand to move them through the crowd.
“Yeah.” You nodded and grabbed onto her open hand.
You weaved through the crowds, apologising for people you bumped into.
You felt slightly too single here. Everyone seemed to be clinging onto someone and yet you were clinging on to a couple - third-wheeling to be precise.
When you reached the bar Leia and James ordered together, leaving you wait for another waiter to come to help you.
You waited a few more moments, before someone whistled behind you like they were calling over a dog.
“Oi, Henry. Serve this lady now.”
You turned around with a disgusted look on your face, only to be met with Harry Styles in front of you. He smirked at you when he noticed your facial expression.
You scoffed and turned back to Henry. “Don’t worry yourself about me. You can finish whatever job you were doing, hun.” You smiled at the young boy, who looked terrified of his boss behind you.
“No, he won’t.” Harry came and stood beside you. “She’ll have a vodka cranberry with ice.”
“She has a fucking name. Prick.” You mumbled the last word under your breath. “Sorry, Henry. I’ll actually have a Long Island Ice Tea, please. Thank you.”
Henry was off, probably to get away from Harry and make your drink.
“Sure your tolerance can handle a Long Island?” Harry laughed beside you.
“Don’t act like you know me, Harry.” You sneered his name.
“Oh, but I do know you. Don’t I? Know you very, very, well.”
You huffed, trying to not let his words effect you.
You knew exactly what he was talking about. Specifically, the night he was talking about. It had been one night back when you were working in a rival tech company. You had been issued to attend a conference weekend, there had been limited numbers of rooms and Harry - the gentleman at the time - had offered you a space in his room.
That night you had too many vodka cranberries and ended up sleeping with Harry that night - although not much literal sleeping actually happened.
The point of hatred for Harry occurred when he left in the morning after you’d confessed that you could see yourself liking him. You’d offered yourself to him for a date together and all he said was; ‘I don’t do seconds.’
Hence, the birth of the hatred for GQs sexiest man alive x4.
“That was one night, years ago. Wasn’t anything to remember.” You sneered.
You lied. It was actually one of the best nights of your life and no one has been as good since.
“Except it was. You didn’t scream that much because you were hating it.” Harry sipped on his glass of whiskey.
“You’re a fucking pig.” You grabbed your drink that Henry had given to you now. “Stay away from me, Harry.”
“Then why did you come to my party?”
“I’m here because of Leia, not you.”
You scoffed and walked off, leaving Harry leaning against the bar in his gorgeous suit to stare at you as you walked away.
The little black dress and heels would do wonders for the power walk away from him. He could see what he has been missing.
You saw Leia and James standing at a table and went over to join them.
“Hey.” You said on approach.
“Hey babes.” Leia smiled as James wrapped his arm around Leia’s waist.
“Cosmo?” You asked, pointing to Leia’s drink.
“You know it. And what the fuck did you get?”
“Long Island.”
“Do you even like them?” Leia laughed.
“Then why—”
To prove a point. “Dunno.” You shrugged, taking a sip and feeling sick already from how disgusting the drink was.
“Oh hey man.” James unwrapped his arm around Leia to shake hands with someone. Unfortunately for you, it happened to be the one man you were trying to stay away from.
“Hey. How are you?” Harry asked as they bro hugged.
“Good, good yeah. This is my girlfriend, Leia.” James introduced her.
Leia smiled politely, shaking his hand, and you suddenly wished you’d told her that the story behind the ‘One-Night-Stand’ guy had been this guy. “Hello. Great party.”
“And this is Y/N, Leia’s best friend.” James introduced you, not realising that you didn’t need an introduction.
Harry stuck his hand out for you. If you didn’t shake it someone would know something is wrong, so you could your hand in Harry’s and tried to ignore the soft skin against yours. Instead, you tightly squeezed as if you were trying to strangle his hand.
“Lovely to meet you, Y/N.”
You just tightly smiled, not feeling like returning the sentiment.
“Have we met before? You look very… familiar.” Harry had the cheek to say to you. He was an evil man.
“No. You don’t really have a face that I’d remember.” You pulled your hand away from him in disgust.
“Oh really? I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.”
“It’s not.” You smiled, returning to your drink and trying not to gag with how awful it tasted.
“Uh, so, what are you drinking Harry?” Leia asked, clearly sensing some tension between you.
“Vodka cranberry.”
“Ah no way! That’s our Y/Ns favourite drink.” Leia smiled genuinely.
“How coincidental.” Harry faked a shocked face.
“Yeah. Truly.” You rolled your eyes.
“You two must be soulmates or something.”
“That would require two people going on an actual date.” You stabbed into the conversation.
“I guess..” Leia looked awkward now.
“Your capable of going on a date, aren’t you Harry?” You innocently questioned, turning to face him.
Harry’s nostrils flared and it looked like he was biting back from saying something brass. Instead of speaking, he shot back a good half of his drink.
“Lovely speaking to you, Leia. James, we’ll catch up in a bit.” Harry nodded his head to them both. You didn’t miss how he didn’t acknowledge you as he left the table in a hurry.
You breathed a sigh of relief after he’d gone.
“What the fuck was that about?” Leia asked you immediately.
“What?” You asked dumbly.
“You and Harry. The sexual tension was insane!”
James nodded his head in agreement.
“Don’t be silly.”
“Y/N… C’mon. I’ve seen a penis and a vagina have less sexual tension than you and Harry. Get a fucking room next time.” Leia fanned herself.
“I give up.” You shook your head and downed the rest of your disgusting drink.
“Where are you going?” James asked.
“To find a fourth wheel for me.”
Twelves minutes later and you’d managed to find someone to spend the rest of your night with.
His name was Jordan and he was very good company. Attractive company too.
You two were cornered away in the back of the room in a circular booth. A tray of shots lay empty in front of you and another tray contained full ones.
You were playing a drinking game to get to know each other and now you were absolutely spinning. Your head had taken a hit after the fifth shot and now you were nine deep and couldn’t stop yourself.
“M-my turn.” You laughed as you hiccuped.
Jordan sat close to you, his arm wrapped around the back of the booth where you were sat. His eyes were deep brown and his hair was light blonde. He looked the complete opposite of Harry, which maybe was subconsciously a choice.
“Favourite sex position?” You giggled immaturely.
“Hmm. Doggy. I actually hate seeing a girls face when we’re fucking.” He replied and you had to take a shot because he answered honestly.
That should’ve been your first red flag about Jordan.
You just laughed instead.
“My turn. Have you ever masturbated?”
“Alllll the time. No guy does it for me anymore.” You laughed sadly.
Jordan took his shot and then moved in closer towards you. You tilted your head so he could speak into your ear.
“I could fix that problem for you.”
Your eyes bugged at his forwardness.
“No thanks.” You shook your head and laughed to try and keep it civil.
“Oh c’mon. You’ve been flirting with me all night and you know it.” His hand dropped onto your shoulders and pulled himself closer. His other hand dropped onto your bare thigh and started rubbing up and down on your soft skin.
“No I haven’t!” You laughed the situation off.
“You have. And I bet you’re all excited ‘cause of it.”
He started moving his hand further up your leg. Due to your toxic alcohol intake your reaction times were a little slower, but when his hand had made it underneath your dress-skirt you gasped and tried to tug his hand away.
“No. Please stop.” You said softly, whining as he tried to push his hand higher.
His face came closer again and he started to kiss your cheek. You tried to move your face away but his other hand was there to trap you and keep you close.
You started to worry because of how dark it was and how hidden away you were. Everyone was busy dancing and drinking away and none the wiser about the situation you were in.
“Give in, you tease.” His hot breath felt disgusting against your skin.
“I said no. Please.”
You struggled to push him off. Both your hands were focusing on his hand on your leg that you couldn’t do much to get his face away from yours.
“You’ve been teasing me all night and now we get to play.” He laughed.
Tears formed in your eyes as you kept pushing and pushing and pushing. You kept saying no over and over again, but Jordan was just not listening.
He felt disgusting on you and it made you feel just as disgusting.
Jordan just kept laughing whilst you were crying.
An employee caught your eye - in fact, it was Henry. You thought he might’ve come over to you and help, since he could clearly see you crying and struggling with Jordan on you, but instead he turned and walked away.
You sobbed then, thinking that might’ve been your only chance to get help and he just left.
You wondered whether it was because Harry was a dick to him.
You closed your eyes and tried to think of happy thoughts as Jordan started attacking your neck.
You tried to think of Harry. It wasn’t hard.
He was constantly on your mind.
“You taste so good. Stop denying me all of you.” Jordan bit your neck too harshly to be pleasurable.
“Jordan, no!” You shoved with all your strength and managed to completely get him off. You were pissed now. Your mascara may have run, your eyes red and blotchy, your breath shaky, but that was all he was getting from you.
“No?” Jordan scoffed. “NO?”
Jordan grabbed your cheeks and pulled you towards him.
“Ow.” You mumbled through his harsh grip.
“Listen here you little bi—”
“The fuck is going on here?”
Jordan dropped your face and straightened his jacket, whilst you turned your head to find who you already knew was there; Harry.
His voice had sent a wave of calmness through your body the second he started speaking. Now he was standing there with a deathly look on his face you couldn’t help but feel relief.
And you noticed Henry standing behind him, looking just as angry.
“Hi boss. Just having fun.” Jordan responded.
Harry looked between Jordan and you. Jordan looked dazed and content, whilst you looked broken and scared.
“Are you okay?” Harry looked intensely at you.
“She’s fi—”
“I wasn’t fucking speaking to you, was I?” Harry rhetorically asked. “Y/N, come here, love.”
Harry held out his hand, palm facing up.
You made no hesitation as you weakly moved away from Jordan and towards Harry.
Harry helped you stand up and kept a tight hold on your hand. It grounded you, his touch.
“Can I touch you? Just on your face?” Harry asked you softly and you nodded.
Harry cautiously held your chin and moved your head to the side, noticing the red mark and blood on your neck. He hadn’t taken note of your legs yet, but he would come to find red marks on them too.
Your teary eyes were wiped by Harry’s careful thumb. You looked down at his shoes the entire time, too afraid to look at him. You knew you’d crumble if you did.
“Are you okay?” He asked you again.
“No.” You said softly, shaking your head. “I-I was really scared, Harry.” Your voice broke and Harry immediately cupped the back of your head and brought you into his chest. You collapsed there and Harry’s hands held you up strong.
“You’re okay now. I’m here, you’re okay. I’ve got you.” Harry said, whilst nodding his head discreetly to the two security men.
They came over within seconds and yanked Jordan out of the booth. His protests were no match for the security guys. As he was being escorted out, Harry stopped him to say “See you in court.”
After Harry had thanked Henry with a nod and smile, he walked the small distance over to the same booth and sat down on the edge of it, pulling you to sit on his lap.
Your body was still wracking with sobs, but only because the adrenaline of the situation had been too much for you.
Now you knew you were safe, it was too much.
Harry made you feel safe.
He rocked you as he held you. It was too loud to have a quiet, serious, conversation, but his actions spoke loud anyways. I’m here. You’re safe. It’s okay now.
You heard Harry shout to someone for a glass of cold water, which was brought back to you within a minute.
"Here, sunshine, drink this." Harry spoke closely to you so you could hear.
He held the glass up to your lips and tipped it back slowly for you. Your hands were too shaky to hold onto it yourself, but you managed to drink carefully with the help of Harry.
He even knew when you'd had enough.
Harry's hand cupped the side of your head and brought you to rest back onto his chest. His head stayed rested on top of yours and you both just sat like that for ten minutes or so. It was hard to know exactly how long.
You just sat and thought about everything that had happened tonight and everything that could have happened. Mixed with that, your brain was constantly thinking about Harry and how much, no matter how hard you try otherwise, you like him.
Your heart feels constantly pulled towards him. He's like a beacon in the middle of a storm, safely guiding you towards home.
Just as those thoughts were circling your mind, Harry made his move.
He told you he was going to stand up, so you let yourself slide off his legs onto your own shaky ones. You thought he might be leaving you to go back and mingle with the other guests, so you stood shy to the side.
Harry leaned over to Henry and whispered something in his ear to which Henry nodded.
Before you could make plans as to what you were going to do now, Harry held out his hand to you again - giving you a choice to take it or not. Of course, you took it.
He squeezed your hand in reassurance and then lead you off and out of the room.
You two made no conversation as you wandered out of the noisy room and into a quiet staircase. Harry started walking up the stairs, so you followed him.
It was another two minutes before you made it to the top of the stairs and through a door that led to a rooftop. It was only very small. It overlooked the city skyline, with hundreds of twinkling lights casting shadows over the small space.
There were twinkling fairy lights too, up here. They were knotted around various creeping wall plants like ivy. In the corner of the square space there was a big L-shaped sofa with plenty of cushions and throws.
Harry turned back to smile at you, leading you to the sofa.
He sat down and let go of your hand, allowing you to choose where to sit.
You took one last glance at the skyline and up to the moon, before deciding.
"Wanna sit next to you." You said in a small voice.
"Okay." Harry smiled perfectly.
He shuffled back into the corner of the L-shaped sofa, sitting up and letting his legs stretch out on the chair in front of him. He patted his lap next with a smile. You shuffled over to him and sat on his lap, perpendicular to the way he was sitting so your legs stretched out along the other length of the chair.
"Comfortable?" He asked.
Harry wasn't too sure though, and next thing you knew he was gathering a couple of blankets to throw over your legs and shoulders.
"Better. Thank you." You nodded.
"You're welcome."
"It's beautiful up here."
"I guess it is."
"Is it all yours?" You questioned.
"What? Everything up here?"
You nodded. Harry then took your hands in his and started to play with the few rings you had on.
"No. Not everything is mine."
You looked up at him and into his eyes, noticing he was looking straight back at you.
Your breath caught in your throat as you thought about the implications to his words. You couldn't help but let a blush and smile take over your face. If he was implying what you thought he was then maybe you were in with a chance of Harry liking you back.
"What do you want to have? You're a billionaire. You could have anything you want." You asked, curiously.
"No even a billionaire can buy everything." He smiled sadly.
"Well, what do you wish you could buy even though you can't?"
Harry chuckled under his breath, "Redemption. A second chance. Love."
You tilted your head back against the sofa, your head feeling less and less drunk by the minute. You sighed, looking at the beautiful moon and wondering how lonely she must be up there.
Loneliness is something you've suffered with for far too long.
You wanted to find that connection with that someone who makes you feel wanted, feel loved and feel chosen. You craved it.
You chuckled.
"What?" Harry asked, softly caressing over the back of your hand.
"It's just funny, is all."
"What is?"
"Us, wanting the same thing. Wonder if we want it from the same people." You tilted your head to the side to face Harry, watching him lick his lips as he looked at yours not-so-subtly.
"You already know we do." Harry said quietly, leaning in towards you.
Your breath hitched as he got closer, your heart beating faster than your brain was processing the motions. You knew you wanted to kiss Harry as badly as he wanted to kiss you, but not like this. Not yet, at least.
"Harry, wait..." You said, watching him stop immediately.
"Fuck. Shitting, fuck. Sorry, Y/N. That was completely inappropriate of me. I mean.. After... Tonight and us... and...."
Harry shot back to his original position and ran a stressed hand over his face as he tried to work through his thoughts.
You smiled as you watched him panic, before taking his stressed hands in yours and kissing the back of it softly - right over that small triage of freckles you knew sat pretty there.
"Hey. It's okay." You reassured him. "I'm not stopping you because of what happened this evening. I'm stopping you because I feel I deserve to know why I wasn't enough the first time around."
This was you standing up for yourself.
"Weren't enou-.. Y/N, love. God, I was such a dick. I never, ever, left you because I thought you weren't enough. I left because I didn't think I was. I was a nobody back then. I looked at you and saw someone who could literally be the epitome of sunshine, and then I looked at me and all I saw was a dark cloud that would cover you. I never thought someone as bright, as happy and as golden as you should ever have to be with someone like me. Hell, it's still a thought that niggles away at the back of my mind. But, I've learnt that I can't let those thoughts win. I owe it you myself, and definitely to you, to at least try."
"Well that was as good as apologies get." You sniffled, trying to hold back the happy tears.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, for our wasted years. I... I just wasn't ready for us back then and I know I was a prick about it."
"You were. A right big prick."
Harry wiggled his eyebrows and you had to fake punch him for it.
"I'm sorry." He said honestly. "And I'm sorry for tonight too."
"That wasn't your fault, okay? I promise." You squeezed his hand.
"Okay. I'm still suing that motherfucker though."
"You're a billionaire already!"
"So? I was going to donate the money to a sexual assault charity or something." He shrugged his shoulders like what he just said was no big deal - like he hadn't just shown his truest heart.
"You're a good person, Harry, who deserves good things." You moved closer to him.
"I am?"
"Do these 'good things' include you?"
"I don't know. Do you think I'm a good thing?" You teased him.
Harry leaned in closer. "No. I think you're the best."
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oval3000 · 7 months
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Yandere CEO Miguel O'Hara x Reader
part 2
Warning: Toxic behavior, age gap, Violence, death, daddy kink, very toxic, smut, porn with a little plot, grumpy Miguel. Modern au- ish. The reader understands Spanish.
Part 1
Everything was dark. There was no light going through. No daylight, no artificial light in the house. Everything was sitting still with silence. The curtains were now a shade of blue as some of the walls from the moon shone through.
No one here, no one around to hear. The big luxurious house sits alone in a fancy community. Not gate, Miguel hates gated communities. Having to deal with the guy a front, he hates. However, with a fancy home comes a community where each house is isolated with big gardens, separate garages, Big beautiful trees all around the green yards, and piles of roses making plain bushes look pretty.
The bedroom was closed shut. Clothes are on the floor. The outfit that you picked out for the third date was now all over the bedroom, hardwood floors.
The only thing you could hear was the sound of wet skin squelching, You sat on your back on Miguel's torso with his legs and your legs spread wide open. Your head was resting near his shoulder as one of your hands was holding onto his neck while the other was clutching the bedsheets beneath you. Your eyes were blindfolded with one of his black ties.
This is the second time he has pleasured you. The second time the both of you are naked, making love while some call just straight-up porn. Miguel wanted to play with you. He wanted to play with something that was his.
His middle finger and ring finger were so deep inside you, rubbing your walls with his fingertips. He wanted so deep that he wanted to break off his fingers. He was so drunk with your pussy, he wanted to dive in and destroy it.
After the romantic date, that he planned and did, ended, he brought you back home. He didn't tell you that he wanted to have sex with you. He didn't give you any type of warning that he wanted to rip off your clothes. The second you guys went was spent ended with watching a movie and sleeping while cuddling. Now here you are after the third date, laying there with your legs spread open while he was fucking your pussy with his long, thick fingers. He's so big and fit that you forgot how much it came to pleasure above all and beyond.
Your moans were so turning him on, it was making him even more horny. He was so horny. After the date, you went to the bedroom and started to change into your pj's when he came from behind wrapped his tie around your eyes, and blindfolded you.
He told you that he wanted to take care of you and make you feel good like he did before. You got him addicted to this.
"You're so warm, cariño." he felt his fingers getting wet with how much he was playing with your pussy. "You like my fingers, don't you. Is this pussy mine, baby?"
He watched as you squirm with his touch inside you. "Y-yes!~...Ahh!...oh~....."
"Yes, what." He stopped moving his fingers.
"Yes! Daddy!...Ah! This pussy is yours!`...Oh.." You moaned out. He didn't pump his finger, he was just playing with your insides which made you act crazy. He moved again. The teasing made you feel more hot.
"I want you to gush on my fingers, reina. I want you to cum. Cum for me baby." He moved his fingers faster than before. The sound of your pussy getting slapped around made him roll his eyes back.
"Ahh! Oh.....Miguel!" You screamed feeling a wave coming through. Squirting all over his fingers, coating them, and drenching them with your juices. He took his fingers out and gave a few flicks on your clit which made you spray even more, "Ah!Ah~"
"Que chula es mi reina." He gave you a kiss on your cheek. You couldn't see what he was doing you could only feel him shift and move around.
You felt your back on the bed and his presence on top of you. He went under your wet pussy, feeling his hot breath near. He kissed your thighs and moaned, making it vibrate. "I want to taste you, mi amor."
Your hands were gripping on the bedsheets as went in a started to suck your clit with his mouth. You felt the vibration going through with the moan he let out.
His touch was everything. He made you so high that you couldn't remember anything. You couldn't even remember your name. The only name you were moaning out was, "Miguel~...Miguel!~...Ohhh~ Miguel!!"
That night, he fucked you. He came inside you so many times that you felt so bloated with his seemed. He pleasured you so many times that it made you forget. His pleasure made you forget.
You were honestly grateful that you listened to your ob-gyn a couple years ago about birth control. You never planned on having sex, you just wanted to fix your period pain. Even though the IUD was a freaking pain to be inserted that you felt like dying, you never knew that it would come in handy.
As days went by, his lawyers came to the house and discussed more of the marriage license. He told them that you were ready to sign. When you told him that it's a bit early for you to get married, he quickly snapped at you.
Now that the paper was in front of you and the pen was in your hand, you realized how real this was. How everything was. You'll be married to this man. You'll now be Mrs. O'hara.
His lawyers were talking to him about the more paperwork that you'll be doing since you have to change your last name. You stared at the paper trying to read it, but the only thing you could see was the blurriness and your heartbeat taking over your brain.
"What's wrong, mi amor."Miguel placed his hand on your back. You stared at him and saw his face. The man that you'll wake to for the rest of your life.
You remembered the night you told him that you weren't ready. He screamed at you. "N-nothing." You wrote your signature on the dotted line.
Paperwork after paperwork, you are finally married to Miguel O'Hara. The lawyers and a private judge, who's one of Miguel's friends, congratulated Miguel and left. "What's the matter, mi amor. You're so quiet."
"I just didn't plan to be married right away. I thought I was." You looked at him and images of him grabbing you and dragging you to the bedroom, yelling at you that you will marry him no matter what. His pleasures make you forget." Nothing, I...I'm happy."
"Are you still not sure about the marriage." He got closer to you. "Because if you aren't sure."
"No!..N-no I am sure! I'm happy." You said to him.
His mouth turned to a smile. "Good! how about we go to the bedroom and have a moment as newlyweds." He kissed your neck. "We could start having a little bundle of joy." He placed his hand on your stomach.
"I think we should wait first. We just got married and we should enjoy ourselves before-" You couldn't finish your sentence.
His red crimson eyes stared at you, "You don't want kids? Because if you don't want kids," he held your waist a little too tight, "then."
"I-I do!" You whinced at how hard he was gripping your waist. "I just thought-"
"You thought wrong. We're going to have kids and we are ready for it. Trust me, once we get a little ñiño or ñiña then you will see that you've always been ready." He grabbed your hand and dragged you back to the bedroom.
Tell him about the birth control! You heard a voice in your head. Don't tell him! You should bear his child! You shouldn't! He gave you everything! You should still enjoy your life first! You're his wife! Kids can be a handful! You're being ungrateful! You deserve better!
His pleasure made you forget.
"I made an appointment to check our fertility." Miguel tossed his phone on the couch and sat next to you. "We have it tomorrow, early morning, okay."
It's been five months since the both of you have been trying. You were shocked that the birth control was holding on strong.
Every night, he would fuck you deep inside. Sometimes he would fuck you rough. On other nights, he would fuck you gently. There are times when you would go to sleep early to avoid it, but then you'll feel him on top of you, fucking you.
You eventually told him that you might get pregnant if you guys take it slow and don't spend all night in bed naked. You told him that your body needed to rest maybe that's why you couldn't get pregnant.
Your heart was racing. You were panicking. You couldn't shed a night's sleep at all.
When you felt the sun shining through, you felt your stomach getting heavy. You had to use the bathroom to relieve yourself of how nervous you were. You felt so nauseous that your legs couldn't start jiggling up and down.
You heard him waking up, so you quickly cleaned yourself up and got ready for the day.
He put on a casual blue shirt and some jeans. You tried to urge him to not miss work, but he replied by saying that he's the boss and that missing a day won't harm him or the company. You looked at the clock as the time was getting close for the appointment.
Just tell him! Maybe he'll understand! you thought to yourself. You lied to him. You have been lying to him for five months. "Let's go." He got up from the armchair and headed downstairs.
You followed him from behind. Your cuticles were starting to bleed with how much you were picking on them. "Wait, Miguel."
He turned around, "What?"
"We can't go." You said. He stood in front of you. He was so tall and broad that it started to frighten you. "There's nothing wrong with us."
"What do you mean?" He asked. You shook your head. Why are you so scared? Stop being scared? You told yourself. Your eyes were getting watery. "(Y/N)?"
You looked at him, "I'm......I'm on birth control." You looked at his face and saw how angry he got.
His face was no longer the usual face he made. His eyes were darting right at yours."What!"
"I've been on birth control for two years now. I got it when I first turned 18. I'm sorry. I should've told you, I'm sorry." You explained to him.
"If you were on birth control then why didn't you tell me!" He yelled at you.
"I don't want to have kids now. I'm not ready. Miguel please," You cried to him. "Migue-"
"Pills or inserted?" He asked. "Answer me!"
"It's an IUD." You replied.
He took your hand and pulled you towards the front door. "They'll take it out."
"Wait! Miguel! I'm not ready! Please! Please don't do this to me!" You sobbed to him, trying to get free from his grip. You pulled your body away from him but his strength was easily overpowering yours.
He turned to you and grabbed your face. "No! You don't get to do this to me! You've been lying to me! This entire time I thought that we couldn't have kids, but now you're telling me that you are on birth control!"
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" You cried out.
"I don't want to hurt you. I really don't want to hurt you." He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths.
"Please don't hurt me! I'm so sorry!" You felt his grip so tight on you.
"Your privileges are over. You're no longer going outside. You no longer have access online. We're going to get that thing remove and once it's done, I'm going to fuck you day and night. I don't care about your pleas. I don't care what you say, I'm going to put babies inside you." He dragged you back to the bedroom and threw you on the bed.
He called the doctor and told him that the visit was now going to be a home visit. The doctor came in and removed the IUD from your body. When the doctor left, Miguel went in and did what he told you.
The only difference was that he wasn't gentle. He wasn't calling you sweet names like he did. Instead, his wordplay was more...degrading. Calling you a bitch or a slut.
Every day, he'll fuck you. Any chance, he'll bend you over; whether it was the kitchen counter, the bedroom, or even the bathroom, he'll bend you over and fuck you.
One night, he was rougher than ever. He was fucking you deep and hard. He was making you tear up. "Ah!...Mhmm~ Ngh!...Fucking bitch! take my fucking cock! Fucking whore!" He thrust in and out.
He pressed your head on the pillow with your ass up in the air, "Ah!...I- Fuck! I'm going to put a baby in there! fuck~" He will slap your ass and continue to fuck you ignoring your sobs to tell him to stop.
That morning, he was gone when you woke up. You went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. You felt the water running down your body. You sat on the floor and cried your feelings out.
When he came home, he opened the bedroom door and started to undress himself. You lay on the bed, hearing his belt buckle hitting the floor. You were staring away from him, covering yourself in blankets. You covered your face, letting out a cry. "Please." You sat up and stared at him with desperation. "Please. You're hurting me."
"I'm doing what's best for us." He said.
You sobbed. You cried and cried. "You're not seeing what you're doing to me! You're hurting me! You said that you'll love me! You said that you won't hurt me!" He got on the bed and got closer to you. "No. No...NO! NO! STOP! STOP! NO! NO!" you kicked and pushed until you felt your hand slapping him across his face. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!"
You ran to the bathroom and closed the door. You locked the door and ran to the tub. You got in and curled yourself into a ball. You could hear his knocks and calls out for you.
"I-I'm sorry baby. Please open the door. I didn't mean to hurt you." He said it in a concerned tone. He never meant to hurt you. He didn't. He never realized what he had done. "Carño..Por…porfavor… I want to see you, please. I need to know that you're okay. Mi amor." He wanted you to hit him back to get back at him for not realizing how much damage he had caused you. That was never his intention. He never wanted you to be scared of him. The way you looked at him, the screams you made It sounded and looked like you were going to be killed. It was a wake-up call to Miguel, to finally get some sense and see what he had done. "I'll let you do whatever you want. If you want to go outside, I'll take you. I'll take you wherever you want to go. If you want to hit me, then hit me and punch me. I just want to see you. Porfavor! Carñino! Abra la puerta."
You never answered him back. You stayed in the bathroom for hours and hours. Eventually, those hours turned into days.
Miguel, every day, kept talking to you and telling you to open the door, but there was nothing. He was getting worried. The only response he got from you was when he saw that the food he left out was eaten, so at least he knows that you're still alive. He would leave out a blanket, pillows, and some fresh new clothes so you could at least be comfortable. He doesn't know if you are ever going to forgive him and he doesn't blame you.
At work, he hardly concentrated because all of his thoughts were of you. When he comes home from work, he'll stare at the door contemplating if he should knock the door down or wait until you are ready.
"Mi amor," he said softly. "Perdoname…Perdoname…Porfavor." he sat down on the floor near the door. "I won't force you. I won't do those things to you. Please, open the door. If you don't want to have kids now, then I'll wait till you're ready. I was so eager to start a family that I didn't think about how you'd feel. I'm sorry." he rested his head on the door. "I'm sorry for not listening to you," he closed his eyes, feeling guilty for all the things he had until he remembered the other little things he committed. The murder of your mother. Does he feel guilty for that? Not really.
"You won't hurt me?" You finally said, softly.
He opened his eyes wide open. "Mi Amor? No. I won't hurt you, I promise. I promise baby. I swear to you. I swear to everything that I won't hurt you ever again. Let me in, please." He heard the door unlock and moved his body to turn towards it. When he saw the door open, he finally saw you and you saw him on his knees. He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his head on your stomach. "I love you. I love you. I love you. Te amo, mi amor. Te amo mucho. I'll never hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. Not you. I'll do anything you want me to do, but please forgive me. I can't live without you. I can't live without you. I can't. I can't. I refuse to live without you. I love you so fucking much. Mi Vida. Mi Sol. Mi Cielo. Eres todo para mi. I don't care if the world ends as long as I'm with you, I'll be the happiest man alive. Mi Princesa. Mi Reina. Mi Amor." He kissed your stomach, your hands, your arms, your legs, he trailed his way up to you and cupped your cheeks. "I love you so much, I'll burn this planet down so it can just be the two of us."
"You really hurt me, Miguel." You said to him.
"I know. I know, princess. I hurt you so much and you didn't deserve it. The things I'd done to you. The things I've said. If I ever even dare to say any of those things to you again, kill me. Shoot me in the head. I'd rather be dead than hurt you ever again. I love you." He pulled you into a hug, feeling you in his arms. "I love you, Mi amor."
You felt his warmth once again. His touch. His gentle touch. "I love you too."
The cold was settling in. The snow was covering the roads and sidewalks. Kids are out building snowmen and angels. Christmas lights are out and colorful shining through the city.
The local church with many kids and parents getting hot cocoa, warm blankets, and jackets. Helpers handing out gifts to kids. Light Christmas music playing on the speakers.
You rubbed your hands together to get a bit of warmth. "Mi amor, I told you to bring your mittens, you're gonna get cold." You turned to Miguel who was getting a pair of mittens from his dark brown coat. "Here," He took your hands and put on the warm mittens. Your warm mittens. "Mi vida." He placed a kiss on your forehead.
He went back to hand parents hot cocoa or tea and kids some presents. Many kids were surrounding him as they thanked him. They were talking to him about how cool the gifts were. He gave their parents, who didn't have a car, a gift box with their new car keys inside. He gave single moms a free two-day spa ticket they could use alongside a professional babysitter's phone number, who could watch their kids free of charge. Of course, Miguel is the one paying for all of this. A true hero for the people.
You handed out bags of candy to kids and saw how big their smiles grew. Family taking pictures with a Christmas tree behind them. You never had a true Christmas day. The first year you spent with Miguel in the house and your mom, Miguel was in his office all day while your mother was partying it out. You remember when Miguel knocked on your bedroom door and gave you a diamond necklace, matching bracelet, and earrings. The second time was just you and him. He gave you a gorgeous dress ( that matches your style perfectly). And now here you are, giving presents to the people in need. Looks like there were signs all along.
When the night ended, the both of you went home. Miguel told you about the New Year's Eve party at the company. You couldn't pay attention because all you could think of was the faces those kids made. The way they were so happy about the littlest things. The way Miguel was so gentle with them. The way they all played with each other.
The New Year's Eve party was nice with all the scientists and workers gathering together and talking about their latest project. Everyone was talking to Miguel about his work and the intervention of how far everything has gone with science and technology. Miguel introduced you to everyone as his wife. The fact that you felt yourself blush over that was something.
He kept you close to him and always held your hand everywhere you both went. Even if he wasn't there, the two guards are there to protect you. Miguel then gave a speech to everyone as a thank you for their hard work and dedication for their long hours of using their knowledge to further enhance the evolution of people's health.
The car ride was comfortable as you listened to music that felt nostalgic. Miguel blasted the radio, placing his hand on your thigh the entire ride back home.
"It's so freaking cold outside, but I tried to warn them about this." He took off his pants and shirt. "We're busting our asses to maintain a functional solution for this polluted crisis." He put on some gray sweats and a plain white t-shirt. "Shortly, all of this will be over, and we'll have normal winters and easy summers." He walked over to the bed and saw you sitting in your chair with your vanity spaced out. "Are you okay, mi amor?"
You snapped from your thoughts and looked at him. "Sorry. What were you saying?"
"Is everything alright? You spaced out. I know science can be boring and can make people drive off." He continued to talk, removing the pillow to lift up the blanket.
"I think I'm ready." You told him. Miguel stopped what he was saying and what he was doing. He stared at you with his mouth hung open. "I want a baby."
It was cold. The air was making things freeze outside. The cold roads were turning into ice, making it slippery.
The only thing that was making everything warm was the body heat you both were creating.
Miguel was sitting on the armchair with his legs spread open. He had his hands on your back, holding you tightly. His face was buried into your chest, kissing it, leaving hickeys all over. He lifted you up and down so gently and sensual. He ran his hands all over your body as you are on top of him, pussy deep into his cock.
You moaned out the pleasure of his cock hitting your cervix making your head tilt back. He lifted you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
He, gently, placed you on the bed and continued to thrust into you. He placed his hands on yours and intervened his fingers with yours holding each other's hands. He kissed you so passionately and deep it made you feel butterflies in your stomach.
He lowered his body closer to yours rested his head on your neck and picked up the pace with his thrust. Your hands were on his back feeling his cock drilling you in and out. His moans and grunts entered into your ear and were mixed with your orgasms. His soft moans turned into words that made you feel good. "I~ I love you...Ah!~...I love you, mi amor."
He made love to you. He made you remember.
The crisp, orange leaves fell down and landed on the green yards all over. People put their carved pumpkins out on their porches. Horror films are being played on TV. Halloween decorations are being put everywhere. Spooky music fills the air through the loudspeakers. The fresh air hit your face as you ate all the pretzal bites you bought. Your two guards were holding two cups of pigs in a blanket and more pretzel bites while walking aside from you.
you threw the now empty cup into the trash bin and entered the store. You looked through and found all the cute things that made you smile.
You ate the rest of the pretzal bites on the way back home. You placed the shopping bags on the couch and went towards the kitchen. You saw the chef that was making the food. You were now his taste tester, but were just hungry.
You heard the front door open and close and saw Miguel coming in. He walked up to you and kissed you on the lips. His hand made its way to your stomach and gave it a little rub. "How was little one today."
"He wanted pretzal bites." Miguel bent down and gave a kiss on your swollen belly. "I think we're gonna need to buy a pretzel place."
He chuckled, "He's gonna be just like you. How was shopping?"
"Good. I bought this cute onsie and a tiny little binnie. I know he's gonna grow out of it fast, but they were so cute." You explained and showed it to him.
That night, you woke up in pain. You looked at the clock and saw it was two in the morning. "You're going to be trouble to put to sleep, aren't you?" You whispered while rubbing your belly; the pain was getting worse. You took deep breaths while feeling the contraction. You got up and moved to be more comfortable. Another wave of contraction came in closer when, all of a sudden, you felt a big wave of water running down your legs. "Miguel!"
He quickly woke up, "What's wrong?" He got up from the bed and saw you in excruciating pain.
"My water just broke."
The ride was fast and safe. Miguel timed the contractions and told you to take deep breaths.
The labor itself was painful, but you were just happy to finally meet your baby. Miguel was right by your side during everything. He let you hold his hand while you squeezed it. Miguel demanded that you have the baby on your knees so gravity can help you out and it did.
When you heard the baby cry you cried with joy.
After the after-birth, you lay back down on the bed as the nurses placed the baby on your chest. He was an exact copy of Miguel.
"What should we name him?" He asked.
"How about Gabriel."
Miguel came home from work and saw you breastfeeding your son. It's been a month since you came back home with your newborn son. Miguel has been more helpful than ever. He stayed up at night to feed his son so you can have your rest. He would change his diaper instead of asking you. "Mi amor, I've been thinking about hiring a professional nanny to come and help while I'm at work." He told you.
"Are you sure?" You asked.
"Por su puesto, mi amor. It'll be nice for someone to come in and help while I'm not here." He said to you, taking the baby from your arms, and cradling it. "I've found a professional nanny who also has a degree in nursing. She worked in healthcare at the children's department and also in childcare for 20 years. Of course, you'll meet her as well and determine whether or not she's fit for it, I just thought it would be good to get a little help. Besides," He kissed the baby's head while rocking him, "we plan on having more, right?"
You met the nanny, who was professional and caring. She already had kids of her own and is now a proud new grandma. You gave her all holidays and weekends off. You also made sure that Miguel gave her a holiday bonus and benefits for herself and her family. She helped you whenever you needed it.
This was your life now.
Miguel's dream came true. He got the woman he loves and a family. He'll make sure that nothing will ever take that away from him.
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yolelejiju · 6 months
The Longest Walk Home
After a night out partying with Suguru and Satoru, you naively make the choice to let Suguru walk your inebriated self home.
This is an old fic and was posted before on AO3.
TW : NONCON, Somnophilia, Suffocation, minor blood mention (you get a scratch)
CW: dry humping, drinking, public/exhibitionism, situational humiliation, creepy geto
Word Count: 3,890
Disclaimer: I don’t condone noncon acts or taking advantage of people. I just like to write fucked up men.
It’s not that you didn’t like partying, but that you rarely had the time to. So when you finally did get the opportunity, you’d sometimes go a bit overboard.
Tonight, Satoru and Suguru persuaded you to tag along to some random party. Satoru always felt that you were too serious and needed to “take it easy” but he felt that way about everyone and everything. Suguru often sticks up for you when Satoru would tease you. Knowing he would be at the party allowed you to comfortably say yes.
Tonight was going to be a good night.
Checking yourself out in the mirror, you looked back, making sure your dress hugged your curves well. You rarely dressed up, but if you’re going to be seen by dozens of people, you might as well look hot.
You were feeling your outfit and was eager to see if your boys liked it.
You exited the bathroom with an exaggerated model strut. Your anxiety tells you to hit various dramatic poses to make showing off your slightly slutty ensemble less awkward.
Satoru and Suguru both sit on your bed, appreciating your little fashion show.
“So, what do you guys think?” Despite your attempt to hide your nervousness, your voice cracked toward the end of your sentence.
Satoru leaned back into his hands and spread his legs wide with. You could hear his grin stretching across his face. You were expecting a bigger reaction from them, but all you got was… a thumbs up… from Satoru....
That goblin of a man always found a way to get under your skin in a matter of seconds
“A thumbs up? That’s it?!" you blurted out.
“Can you turn around for us real quick?”
You awkwardly followed his order, showing off the back of your dress. You opted to wear a thong so no panty lines would show. You prayed they wouldn’t say anything about it. Your thighs and ass were on the larger side, so too much movement caused the dress to rup up a bit. Despite it's the size, it was like the only piece of “party” clothing you owned.
“I think-" Suguru attempted to break the silence before being interrupted by Satoru
“I love it!”
“As do I” Geto chimed
Making sure this validating moment turned sour quick, of course Satoru followed with
“It makes me want to fuck you”
He doesn’t even flinch as he lets these rancid words tumble from his mouth. Immediately becoming self-conscious by his crude response, you wrapped your arms around your chest and shifted to run back into the bathroom.
You wanted to look nice, but are you sure this is the attention you craved?
Before you get far, you hear Suguru sigh as he stands up.
“You don’t have to change y/n, ignore Satoru” he places his hands on your shoulders, giving them a light squeeze. He pulls your dress strap into place before giving you a light tap on the side of your face. “Come on, let’s do some shots then head of over”
By the time you got to the party, the shots already had you giggly, annoying, and clingy. Not drunk enough to not be as annoying as Satoru, though.
“Stop being so meaaaan, I’m sorry for earlier,” Gojo whines while pulling you by your waist to his side.
You had been giving him the silent treatment all night. You refuse to acknowledge his antics, so you pull away from him, making your way to the drinks.
You were quick to lose track of how much you drank. What was this? Your third cup? Fourth? Who knows?
All you know is right now, all you want to do is let loose and dance. You squeeze through the crowd and make your way to the dance floor. Moving with no shame, swaying and gyrating your hips in circular motions. It’s when you got lower with your gyrations and you felt a hand press onto the arch of your back.
You immediately stood up straight and got pulled back into the warm embrace of a towering man. You had to crane your neck and arch your back to look up at whose hands were on you. Luckily, you were greeted by none other than your crescent eyed, raven-haired friend Suguru.
“You really seem to be enjoying yourself!” the warmth of his breath tickling your ears.
“Mmmm, I am” your words slurred and your giggles were back. You felt him pull you even closer. He felt so welcoming, and so warm, his arms so strong. He nuzzled the crevice of your neck, letting his hair cascade over your collar bones and his breath tickles you. All the stimulations makes you squirm in his arm and your giggles return.
“Stop tickling me” you whine as he sways your body with his from side to side
“I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to tickle you” as he squeezes you again and gives your neck a light kiss.
“Let me dance with you,” he whispers into your ear before landing another kiss on your neck.
Your chest rises as you let out a heavy exhale. The reaction of your body tells says to keep going. He peppers the kisses from your shoulder to your jaw. There are marks along your neckline after he sucks. He presses his pelvis against you, feeding into his desperation for any friction. You're barely in control of your dancing. It's him causing your hips to sway.
He’s rolling his hips into you from behind as his hands rub up and down your sides, stopping his hand at your ribs just under your breast. The room feels so much hotter with his hands on your body.
You could feel his erection grow as your dancing progressed. With one hand gripping your waist, he uses the other to tilt your chin. Bringing his face to yours for a deep kiss. His lips smell like alcohol, but taste so sweet.
You let out a small yelp when he harshly bites, then sucks your lower lip. Your responses are pushing to keep going further and further.
One of his hands finally leaves your waist and cups your breast. He massages your breast, squeezing harshly with his entire palm. H just rolling into you anymore, he’s now humping you shamelessly in the middle of a crowded dance floor.
With each thrust, his tent in his pants pushes your dress up further and further. A slight brush burn forming on the skin cheeks from the coarseness of his jeans. He hoicks you away from him and spins your body so that it could press your chest up against his. His hands creep up the back of your thighs and sneakily slide under the curve of your ass his thumbs rubs small circles as he lifts you up to kiss you more easily. You’re on the tips of your toes with your arms wrapped around his neck.
The two of you desperately and shamelessly making out despite the discomfort of the surrounding people. As soon as he felt your tongue enter his mouth, the strings that were preventing him from fucking you on that dance floor were breaking. He knows he’s getting too excited, but that doesn’t stop him from using both his hands to firmly grope, then spread your ass cheeks.
He slides his hand down further, hoping to feel the wetness between your legs. With his palm pressing into the lower part of your ass, his finger glides past your perineum, then slides between your folds.
Before you could fully enjoy the first circle his finger drew on your clit, someone threw you back into reality.
“Your asshole was showing, so I wanted to save whatever decency you had left”
It’s Nanami’s hand.
He looks at you with a face mixed with exhaustion and disdain. Geto releases his grip from your bottom and pulls his face back to make eye contact with Kento, who so rudely just cockblocked him. He cleans off his fingers before giving Nanami his faux apology.
“ Sorry Kento, we’ll be sure not to have too much fun next time”
Nanami rolled his eyes, then disappeared back into the crowd to presumably track down Gojo. His words rock in your mind and you felt an onset of shame and embarrassment.
You felt so ashamed of letting yourself get felt up in front of dozens of people, let alone many of them being your friends. You couldn’t allow yourself to think too much, so you found your way back to the jungle juice and downed some more.
“You alright? You’re gonna get yourself sick” You look into the annoyingly beautiful blue eyes of your lease favorite member of the three blind mice, Satoru Gojo.
A man who seems to be very where.
You let out a long sigh. “Yeah, I’m fine” your voice shakes a bit as you tell that lie
“I saw you and Suguru on the dance floor, seemed like the two of you were….getting a frisky”
You don’t even have to turn to look at Gojo to know he has the biggest shit-eating grin.
“Oh, my god, shut up Satoru”
You pivot to look at Satoru you notice that there’s two of him. Your legs aren’t working as hard anymore to keep you up, leaving you in a losing battle with maintaining your balance.
“You seem pretty fucked up, so let’s get you outta here” Gojo can see you’re way too drunk. At this rate, you’re going to end up somewhere drowning in your own vomit.
He wraps an arm around your shoulder and navigates you through the crowd. As he guided you through the crowd, he spotted a multiple attractive girls. He was originally planning to hand you off to Nanami but, so he felt so relieved when he spotted Suguru.
“Keep an eye on her, I can’t get my turn with her if she’s dead” Gojo pushes you it Geto's chest before running off to catch the attention of some innocent girls.
You fall into Suguru's warmth once again, wrapping your arms around his waist and nuzzling yourself between his pectorals. A big, childlike smile extends across your face.
“I always wanted to do this”
He can’t get over just how cute you can be. Smiling warmly, he wraps his arms around you.
“Come on y/n let’s get outta here”
Suguru was a strong man, but with both of you under the influence, getting you home was a bitch.
You were far worse off than him. Couldn’t walk straight, let alone stand up on your own. You put almost all of your weight onto him when you clung to his arm.
When he arrives at your apartment complex and realized the elevator was down, he felt so defeated. They warned it would take about 3 hours to fix.
There was no way he was going to walk up 9 flights of stairs this drunk.
Maybe, maybe if the girl he’s in love with has herself drunk out of her mind, grappling and feeling all over him. Then he would consider. He would do anything for you and maybe even to you.
Three of the nine flights of stairs had you both beat, but it wasn’t like the two of you could sleep outside on some stairs.
It was cold and dark in the stairwell. The cement was unforgiving. The worst best part was there was no surveillance. This had been an ongoing issue. The cameras at your complex worked half the time and there were none in this stairwell.
Geto noticed on the fifth flight of stairs that you were almost completely out of strength. After the first two flights, you went from walking to crawling on all fours like an infant.
He walked behind you as you crept your way up the stairs, unknowingly showcasing your dampened panties and whole ass. Your dress has hiked itself up to your waist and your breast spilled out of your top.
God, you already got him half hard in the club, but the version of you he is seeing right now has him about to cum at any moment.
You looked so slutty with your swollen lip, smudged lipstick, and streaking mascara.
When you tried to stand up again to walk upright, you slipped off the edge of a stair and fell backward into him.
“I’m so-so sorry sir” your slurred apology was adorable.
“It’s fine, just get back up, and let’s keep walking”
He held you against his chest. His arms were both wrapped around your midriff and your back pressed against his chest. He told himself he did this to prevent you from falling forward or backward.
This had nothing to do with the extra friction his dick was getting with every single step, every squirm of yours. From time to time, he’d press his erection into the back of you to see if you would give him any reaction. You never complained, only letting out a small whine.
Now that he knew he could get away with that, he wanted to go a step further. He slid one of his hands up your chest and groped your breast, lightly.
You maintained the same reaction. It honestly didn’t seem like you even knew anything was happening.
After some time, he realized you weren’t even trying to walk anymore. He heard a low snore from you before he realized passed out in his arms.
He shook you to see if you’d wake. The most you gave him was your lashes fluttering a bit. He called your name and got no response from you.
He decided he’d let you down east, slowly dropping your body down onto the landing of the eighth floor. Your upper body pressed against the landing whilst your lower body hung off the side lying on top of the stairs.
You were fast asleep. As if your face wasn’t pressed against cold concrete and your body was exposed to the harsh weather.
Kneeling beside your face, he brushed his hand against your cheek, admiring your precious resting features. He leans down and gives a gentle kiss on your temple.
Suguru scans the area once more to be sure there’s no camera around. He shuffles back a few stairs to look at your cunt at the best angle. He presses his face between your legs, taking in your scent and giving kitten licks to your pussy.
He grips your ass cheeks with both hands. Squeezing, spreading, and jiggling the cheeks independently. He pulls back from your body to take care of his painful erection. Pushing his pants just below his balls, letting his heavy dick slap against his stomach. Shifted to put his legs at your sides. Straddling your upper legs. He slid your underwear down. Admiring the string of your arousal connecting your pussy to the gusset.
To be sure you were still sleeping peacefully, he checked again. He looked back.
Going with his first senses, he pressed his tip into your entrance. His dick wouldn’t go in. He would try to push into your pussy just for it to slide up against your anus. He considered, but he’d rather save that for the next time you get shitfaced drunk. Your pretty asshole was seducing him, but he needed to feel the grip of your cunt first.
Hoping to stretch you out, he forced his finger inside of you. Pushing just his middle finger in and out of your hole. Taking his hand out briefly to taste you before shoving both his pointer and middle finger in this time. You let out a low whine and it went straight to his dick.
He didn’t know if this groan was from pleasure or pain, but he knew just your voice could get him off.
Reminiscing on the times you’d call, he’d have himself on mute pretending to listen to your complaints on life when really he was getting off, fantasizing about you using your mouth to suck him off instead of bitching about work. You didn't even care about how short his responses were. You would drone on and on. He would cum all over his abdomen because of your daily rants.
He waited a long to get a taste of your pussy. Pulling out his fingers and pressing his tip against your entrance again. He hesitated just as he watched the mushroom head spread your lips. He thought about the times you’d go out on dates with various guys.
Who else got to use your pussy?
Letting his frustrations boil over, he pulled his hips back and shoved in his full length in one stroke.
You didn’t wake up, but your brows furrowed, your nose scrunched, and a whimper escaped your lips.
You felt so fucking good to him. Your pussy felt like it was made for him as it sucked in his enormous cock.
Had you known how wet your unconscious body got for him, you would’ve been ashamed. Were you truly so desperate to be fucked that your pussy juices were dripping down your legs with basic teasing?
His thrust started slow yet deep. He didn’t want your knees or face to get scraped on the concrete, so he held himself back as long as he could.
He almost forgot that he was fucking you in a public space. He didn’t have time to drag it out. Before anyone could catch him violating a drunk girl's body, he needed to cum.
He l picked up the pace, gripping your waist more tightly with his left hand as he pulled your hips into him. His right hand crawled under your body to grip your right breast. His knuckle scraped along the concrete as he fucked into you from behind. Your body would slide forward with his thrust, but he’d use his grip on your right breast to pull you right back into him.
As he fucked into you, your pussy sang beautifully for him. He’d never forget every squelch it produced, and how the lips spread when he pushed himself in, seeing how your little pussy struggled to accommodate his size.
The brush of his hands gripping your breast and rubbing against the concrete was becoming too much. He snatched his hand back, wiping off some of the blood onto the back of your dress before pushing it up a bit more so he could get a better view of the fat on your back shaking when he fucked into you.
He spread your ass cheek with his right hand. Adoring the sight of your asshole. He shoved his thumb inside, sinking his thumb in when he pulled his hips away from you and pulling his thumb out when he pushed his dick deep inside of you.
You let out low moans after he began playing with your asshole.
He started thrusting faster as your body reacted to the new stimulation. Your pussy started hugging him tighter. The squelches got louder. Anyone who passed by in the halls would hear the slapping of your skin connecting. Part of him almost hoped someone would catch him. So they’d know that he owns your pussy.
Your pussy belonged to Suguru Geto
He forgot about the pain you were enduring from the rubbing of your skin and the concrete until felt your core grip him differently.
The breaking of your flesh on the concrete stairs woke you up. The burn of your lower body and the broken skin was slowly bringing you back to sobriety.
He was too close to stop now, but he couldn’t have you wake up and realize your so-called best friend was fucking you in an apartment stairwell. His thrust slowed when he saw your hands move
Out of panic, he pulled your dress up, locking in your arms and blocking your view. You could only see the darkness of your clothing. Nothing behind or in front of you. You did not know where you were and barely understood what was happening.
Your breast swayed as your body twisted and squirmed as you tried to escape the dress. The scars from your brush burn speckled with blood.
He grabbed the opening of the dress and pulled it back as he would your hair. One hand held the bottom part of your dress that had gathered at your shoulders down and the other pulled on the opening closest to your head. He started fucking so deeply that his cock repeatedly kissed your cervix. Taking full advantage of the dress's stretchiness. He yanked it back further and harder, causing your back and neck to arch painfully. Because of the amount of elasticity of the dress and the flexibility of your body, he could hold both ends of the dress in one hand.
Your pussy started squeezing him even tighter as your panic doubled. You couldn’t see, and with the strength he was using to pull back on your dress, you could barely breathe. Every inhale just sucked the cloth into your dry mouth and the band of the dress at the base of your neck was crushing your windpipe.
This is the best pussy he’s ever felt. He just knew you were the one for him. No other cunt gripped, pulsed, sucked, and was wet as yours.
His orgasm was coming sooner than he wanted it to as he heard your moans get louder. He felt your pussy pulse around him and suck him in. Your own body betrayed you when he changed the angle of his hips. Thrusting up into your g-spot. His abuse of the spongy sensitive area sent you over the edge. Your legs elongated and shook as your orgasm shot through you. You felt a burst of liquid shoot out of you as your vision no longer saw the darkness of your dress but the light of your orgasm.
The mix of his now wet abdomen with your moans, coughing and choking sent him over the edge. His last thrust was hard, sending your whole body forward, stealing the last of your wind, arching your back until he heard pops.
He plowed his dick deep into your cunt, emptying his balls. A guttural noise left his throat as he did his last thrust, fucking his seed deep into you.
He felt remorseful and felt even worse when he pushed your head forward, your covered face flat to the ground as he pulled his softening cock out and tucked himself with one hand back into his pants.
Kissing you on the back of your head as the best aftercare he could offer at the moment. Afterward, he knotted the excess cloth off the end of the dress, buying as much time as possible before you could see again.
He knew it would take your wasted ass a decent amount of time to get out, so his anxieties about getting caught subsided.
He took a few steps back to snap a shot of your used cum stuffed pussy. Considering if he should brag about his night to Gojo or keep this all to himself.
Suguru swiftly exited the building, running down two flights of stairs to the hallways of the apartment, just to exit through the now working elevator.
After all that transpired, your body was tired, and you passed back out. At sunrise, you awoke to the rays warming your torso and a scarred-up body.
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oracle-of-dream · 6 months
Regular Maintenance
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Minors DNI
Summary: Your car is been acting up, so badly to the point where you can’t put off going to get it fixed anymore. You’re forced to take your car to the only car shop you can afford and meet the handsome mechanic who’s willing to take a look at your problem.
Warnings: Pet names, Male reader, blowjob, cum swallowing, teasing
Word Count: 2.6k
Sitting on the couch, your stomach groaned and grumbled with hunger. You checked the clock. 10 pm… too early to try and sleep, not that your stomach would let you away way. Finally mustering the strength, you go check out the fridge and the pantry to find nothing to eat. Well, nothing that isn’t a 20-step plan and that was a no-go. Scoping up your phone and opening Ubereats, there somehow were no drivers delivering at this hour.
“Really? It’s not even midnight.” You huffed.
You looked at your car keys hanging on their hook by the garage. You knew it was a risk, but starving wasn’t really an option. You’re parents said they’d take it to the shop for you, but it would take them three days before they’d be able to. Three whole days of not being able to come and go freely was torture. Especially when you were so hungry. You figured, one little drive couldn’t hurt. Just making a run you’ve made several times in your car, and you’re favorite place was right around the corner. You’ve made the drive a hundred times, and could even do it in the dead of night while blindfolded. There’s no way it would be destroyed or something.
You took your keys, opened the garage, and started the car. The dashboard blinked with the service engine light, warning you in a menacing orange hue. Don’t be stupid, just wait… You took a moment to really think if it was worth it. But your stomach reminded you how much you wanted to eat something. Starting at the driveway, you pulled onto the street and everything was smooth. Perfect even. You got to the drive-thru, ordered, paid, and got the food with no issues. But on the way back home. You had to eat, and just a bite couldn’t hurt. You looked away for just a moment to reach in the bag, and when you looked back… a giant pothole was in your path, too close for you to swerve out of the way of. You braced as you felt your car dip and slam into the pavement, your dashboard lit up in anger, and the car slowly came to a stop… You turned the key once, twice, and a third time before realizing what you’d done. You killed your car. It was too late at night to call your parents, they’d bite your head off if you told them you not only went out in the car but then hit the pothole too. You stepped out of your car and lifted the hood, staring hopelessly to see if there was some big sign to help you fix the car enough to get home.
After a few minutes of Google searching and sitting hopelessly next to your car, a sleek black sports car pulled up in front of your car and parked. A man with reddish hair stepped out, you couldn’t see his face very well which put you on guard.
“Hey, you stuck?” The man called.
You put your phone up to your ear like you were on the phone, “yeah, Mom! Thanks so much for coming to me so late, so you’re a few blocks away?” You emphasized the last few words as you walked toward the driver's seat of the car.
The man kept walking closer. “Excuse me, dude,” he jogged to catch you.
You got to the handle and pulled, but the door was locked. You let out an exasperated sigh as you could see your keys in your seat.
“Yikes. Locked out too, huh?” The man was right behind you. “If you want, I can help you.”
You turned to see a man in his early twenties with a leather jacket, a sleeveless white shirt, and black pants. His shirt had black stains on it, and he smelled like gasoline. “You know how to fix cars?”
He nodded. “It’s what I do, fixed her other there myself,” he said pointing at the car we drove. “So you need a hand, or do your parent have you taken care of?”
You awkwardly nodded. “I think they may not be able to fix this, so I’d really owe you if you could help me.”
The man put his hand out. “I’m Eric, you are?”
“Got it, so let’s get those keys first and then we can see what this little lady’s issue is.” He rubbed the hood of the car affectionately, like a dog he’d just met.
Eric went back to his car and opened the trunk to pull out a toolbelt and some other stuff. He slung the toolbelt across his body pulled a few pieces out and unlocked the door with ease. He then looked over the front of the car and looked over at the engine and other car guts. 
“It looks like something got knocked out of place. I can push it back in, but there’s some other stuff I wanna take a look at too. It could be dangerous driving it.” Eric put his tools back in his car. “So why don’t we go to my shop, I can get a better look at everything there and I think I have some spare parts that could work here.”
“You said it was dangerous for my car–”
He shook his head, “I’ll have it towed over. You can ride in my car with me. We’ll be in the car the whole time, so you don’t need to worry. I promise I won’t steal her, but I can’t promise about you…” 
You let his last sentence hang in the air as he looked at you for a reaction.
“I’m kidding, I’m sorry, that was a bad one.”
“No, no, it was fine! I just wasn’t expecting it.” 
Eric rubbed his jaw in embarrassment. “You can wait in my car while I call the tow truck if you want. It’ll probably take a few for it to get here.”
You didn’t want to sit in his car alone, but also you didn’t want to just stand there awkwardly. But then you remembered the whole reason you came out there in the first place. You went to your car and pulled out your bag of food. It was a little cold, but your stomach was begging for relief. You sat on the hood of your car while Eric called the tow truck, munching on your food.
Eric wrapped up the call and walked over to you, noticing you eating. “Let me have a bite,” Eric demanded.
You put yourself between him and the food. “Why should I?”
“Because I’m the one who’s helping you. That’s the least you could do… I’m so hungry.”
You begrudgingly handed him the food. Eric held your hand and lifted it to his mouth as he moved down to meet you halfway. His hands were rough and strong, almost squishing your hand in his. He didn’t ask for more after his bite, seemingly satisfied. 
The truck didn’t take long to arrive and hook your car up to the back. Eric got into his car, and you joined him, the smooth leather interior took your breath away. It was so clean and smelled so nice, it didn’t feel like Eric was the one who owned it at all.
It was a short and quiet drive to Eric’s place. You didn’t know what to say, not even thank you felt right at the moment. And every time you tried to muster the courage to speak, Eric would glance in your direction which made you look away shyly. 
The tow truck followed Eric’s car to the shop and your car was placed on a platform so it could be raised and Eric would look at it.
Eric took off his leather jacket, revealing his muscular arms. He worked on the car for maybe thirty minutes, giving you time to look around the place. It was cluttered and small. There were pictures of Eric in front of luxury cars with other people standing next to him, but one picture stuck out to you. It felt like a family photo, even though no one in the picture looked like Eric. It was Eric and nine other men, sitting at a table happily enjoying a night together.
“Find something?” Eric’s voice hummed in your ear, making you jump. He smiled as you turned around to him. He was covered in marks from oil, grease, and probably other stuff that you couldn’t tell.
“Did you finish?”
“Yep. It was a pretty simple fix for someone like me–some real old parts needed to go. So I got those all installed for you. She should be good to go.”
“Thank you so much!” You hugged Eric instinctively. “How much do I owe you for all this?”
Eric chucked. “Don’t worry about it! No charge this time, just promise you’ll come back.”
“Eric, please, I couldn’t just walk out like this. I’m not that kind of person.”
“How about a kiss then?” Eric raised an eyebrow at you.
You felt warm in your face. “I-I don’t know about all that–”
He sighed. “How about your number then?”
“No, I just meant–”
“Wow, no number or kiss? You’re playing hard to get, aren’t you?”
“I’m not–”
Eric stepped forward, making you stop talking. “How about. I take a kiss. And you give me your number?”
You didn’t know how to reply.
Eric let one hand pull you into him by your hair, and the other to cup your face. “One last chance to back off.”
You just close your eyes, feeling the rough skin of Eric’s hand on your face drop away as you feel his soft lips on yours. He moved his hand to the back of your neck, encouraging you to press more into him. You opened your mouth into the kiss, Eric didn’t miss a beat to slide his tongue into the gap and let your tongues finally meet. Gently he guided you backward until your back was against the way. You’re hands felt hot and numb, but still, you let them do whatever they wanted. You felt his neck, his back, his chest, and slowly moved down his torso.
Eric stopped your hands as they reached his belt. He stopped kissing you, letting you collect your breath. “Sorry, I just said a kiss. Anything below the belt requires a second visit.” He winked.
You felt dizzy from the kiss, your body tingled all over. You’d never been so forward with someone, so it was… different. Eric was different. 
“I took my kiss. Now, you wanna give me your number? Again, your choice.”
You fumbled your phone out of your pocket and gave it to him.
“You’re so cute, ya know?” Eric chuckled as he added his number to your phone and texted himself so he had your number. “Text me when you get back home. And don’t feel bad about calling me if you have any more car troubles… Or if you just miss me.”
You nodded, “I will.”
“Good boy. Now get home, it’s late.” Eric kissed you one more time on the cheek as he walked you to your car, opened the door, and sat you down in the driver’s seat.
You turned the key and the engine started with a happy purr. The engine light was gone, and you’d never felt your car start so smoothly before.
“Thank you, Eric.” You said again.
“You’re welcome, babe. Make sure to come to see me again, I’m not really a one-time kind of guy. And if I find out you went to some other garage to get your car looked at, you’ll break my heart.”
You nodded as you reversed out of Eric’s shop. He walked with you and watched you drive away. You could see him staring from your mirror until you turned the corner. Once you got home, you checked your messages.
“Home yet, prince?”
“Yeah. Good guess.”
“I know! I’m just that amazing. But you should sleep now.”
“I will. What about you?”
“I’m almost home now. I’ll be dreaming of you, so do the same and dream of me too, okay?”
“We haven’t even been on a date and we’ve kissed and we’re dreaming of each other?”
“So you will dream of me? You’re so amazing, and such an obedient boy too. I like that.”
You blushed. You could hear his voice teasing your ears as you read his message. “Shut up! I’m going to bed.”
“Good night, y/n. Sweet Angel.”
“Good night, weirdo.”
You stared at his last message. Your heart fluttered, imagining him calling you sweet angel. Your eyelids started feeling heavy. So you put your phone down and finally laid down to sleep. 
When you opened your eyes, you were lying in the back seat of Eric’s car. You could tell it was his from the smell. You sit up and realize you’re not alone. Eric was sitting next to you, your head was just resting on his leg…
“Waiting for me, Angel?” Eric unbuttoned the front button of his pants. His legs spread to make room, a smirk spreading across his lips. 
You crawled over to him. His hand immediately moved to receive you, holding the back of your head as he guided you to his cock that strained against his clothes. You hadn’t even touched him yet…
“I need you, baby. Be a good boy and help me?” He almost sang as he tossed his pants and underwear down. His cock stood proudly, pink and leaking. You lean down and gift him soft kisses around the head. “More…” Eric moaned, his eyes struggling to stay open as he watched his head disappear into your mouth. His legs jerked, threatening to close as the wet warmth around him.
“Jesus, keep going,” he groans as you take more into your mouth. His hips buck as you give him more, licking up the shaft slowly. His head is thrown back into the leather of the seat just as you go for the gold. You open your eyes and look up at him, his eyes sealed shut with his eyebrow scrunched and his forehead slightly wet. His mouth was hung open, breathing hard between grunts and moans. 
You moan in joy around him, making his breath hitch for a moment. 
“Let me drive for sec Angel.” Eric gripped your head in place, gently thrusting into your mouth before building up speed. You start to meet him in time with his thrusts, making his timing stutter and his back arching so much that he starts moving out of his seat. “I’m gonna lose it, you’re gonna suck it right out of me!” His hands move from your head to his neck and the headrest, holding on for dear life as his arms flex. “More! More! I’m right there, so close, sweet boy!”
The climax was enough to make him scream as his cum shot into your mouth, your tongue running wild all over him, swallowing everything he gave you. His legs squirm as you keep sucking, milking him for all he’s worth. “Oh god, please! Please, just–” Eric couldn’t even hold it together to speak.
You started to enjoy his begging, continuing to lick on his overstimulated member. “I’m begging, please!” You finally release him, making his whole body flop down into his seat as he heaved breaths to calm back down.
“I’m gonna get you back for that…” Eric groaned between breaths.
You were exhausted and ended up falling asleep on his bare thigh, listening to the rhythmic sound of his breathing
When you open your eyes, you’re in your bed again… Your phone is next to you.
“Angel, I had a pretty good dream about us.” Eric texted.
“I had a pretty good one too.”
“Oh? You did dream of me!? What did we do?”
You swallowed, thinking about your dream. “Maybe it would be better if I showed you…”
“Name a place and I’ll meet you there.”
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manszen · 4 months
long distance situationship
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pairing. fem!reader x vinsmoke sanji.
summary. you yearn for a certain blond pirate to come back home to baratie.
contains. fluffy angst, comfort at the end, whole cake island spoilers, told from the reader’s pov.
word count. 1.1k.
note. i really adore sanji and zeff's familial bond.
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the loud commotion from your workmates inside the cramped kitchen of baratie draws you away from your dish plating.
“it’s here!”
“let me see! let me see!”
“how much is it this time?”
“i bet he tried his best to look cool. he looks like an idiot with the last one,” patty who’s next to you whispers down on your ear. he wipes his hand with a kitchen towel, a fond smile on his lips.
you laugh quietly at him.
“eh? what’s this?!”
you lift your head, a tad surprised. carne’s shrieks sound too shell-shocked for someone who claims over and over again that he doesn’t care at all about sanji.
“the bastard is a vinsmoke?!”
at that exact moment, zeff enters the room. his wooden leg clicking against the kitchen floor, effectively silencing the gasps of surprise of his workers.
“figures,” he quips after gaining everybody’s attention. “what’s the boy’s bounty now?”
“it’s 330 million berries,” carne announces, raising sanji’s wanted poster up in the air. his other hand grasping the rest of the newspaper. “they still used his old photo, though.”
“that perverted face of his again?”
you let out a small giggle and everybody turns their heads to you. as if with one accord, they all smile knowingly. even zeff, the baratie’s owner, appears thoughtful.
the kitchen suddenly feels warmer than usual.
“his photo isn’t so bad,” you mumble, trying to brush off their teasing looks.
“says the girl who collects his wanted posters before owner zeff can,” patty chimes in. you have this crazy urge to scream at him for exposing you like this until carne clears his throat, reading the newspaper article out loud.
“it says: ‘the vinsmoke and charlotte families entered into a political alliance via marriage between the third vinsmoke son, sanji, and the 35th charlotte daughter, pudding’.”
patty, zeff, as well as the others, wince when they hear carne’s announcement. you’re grateful they don’t say anything more about the matter, but you don’t give them time to say something anyway, since you’re already turning your back and resuming your work.
“say no more,” you hear zeff say to carne. “i believe sanji wouldn’t marry someone so easily. at least, without my approval.”
something heavy lodges in your throat right then. you mutter a cryptic excuse, weaving your way outside the kitchen doors and rushing to the safety of the girl’s restroom before anyone else can grab a hold of you.
anyone who works in baratie knows about your little infatuation. they’re not against it, but they’re not extremely supportive of it either. it’s just… it’s sanji that you’re head over heels with.
sanji who plays it cool and thinks before he acts.
sanji who deeply cares for almost everyone in baratie.
sanji who respects food more than anything else.
sanji whose only fault is that he’s borderline crazy when it comes to women.
you know exactly how crazy and submissive he is with women.
you aren’t an exception to that rule either. he proved that to you one late night as you both wash the rest of dishes after closing baratie.
he said a lady shouldn’t soak her hands in dishwashing soap for a long time, that you should let him do the rest. to which you only bumped his shoulder, joking that if he treats you the same way he treats his female customers, you’d feel somewhat special.
and his response?
‘you are special. and to me, you’re extra special.’
it might seem normal for him to compliment a woman, but you, on the other hand, are not used to it. growing up with nothing but irresponsible men around you, it’s only tough love that you’ve ever known.
that’s when you start to see sanji in a different light, with the intention to suppress it for as long as you could simply because you’re terrified of your own feelings.
you’re terrified of your feelings not being reciprocated.
although somehow, it has become an unspoken deal between you and sanji.
you start to seek each other’s company when your designated rooms feel too cold and lonely at night. you start to catch each other’s eyes during work hours, over tens of long kitchen counters, and smile shyly as you avert your gazes. you even start becoming touchy, leaning your body against him when he wants you to try some of his cooking, and while he’s shaking with exhilaration, he doesn’t make a huge scene out of it in hopes you two won’t be found out by zeff.
you start to get this fuzzy feeling the two of you are finally onto something.
but, as fate would have it, sanji got recruited by a man named luffy, claiming that he needs the best cook out there if he’s going to be the king of pirates.
and who are you to hold sanji back?
you kept your mouth shut as he told you his final decision, tucking away your own selfish desire to not let him go. you patted his shoulder, bravely smiling that he should follow his heart and see where it takes him. and he gave you one of his boyish grins, whispering thank you for being so understanding.
you promised yourself back then that you wouldn’t be the very reason who would break that smile.
you close your eyes and lean back against the restroom door, reminding yourself that he's still in the process of chasing after his dream — his childhood dream. after all that, he will be back in baratie in no time.
you just didn’t think you would find his name on the news with the word ‘marriage’ attached to it, that’s all.
a gentle rap at the door knocks you back to your senses.
“there are customers waiting to be served,” comes zeff’s soft warning. “forget that shitty kid. you deserve better.”
you snort. even if he says those harsh words at sanji, it’s still laced with fatherly affection. the impression brings a soft smile to your face.
“hey, owner zeff,” you begin. it seems that speaking with a thick door in between you and your employer helps. “do you think… do you think he’ll come back?”
“hmp. do you really think he won’t? the boy might be stupid but he’s not stupid enough to forget where his heart is.”
his words make you feel a hundred times lighter. “so baratie is where his heart is?”
the silence stretches on from the other side of the door you’d think zeff has already walked away. until he says with a warm voice, “you are where that boy’s heart is.”
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stealing, modifying, translating, or reposting this work on other platforms is strictly discouraged.
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kirishima x reader
thoughts on how kirishima acts in a relationship
lovey dovey stuff, teenagers suck but love is an experience
a/n: i need 17 more songs that sound and feel exactly like so american ♥️ GUTS i’ll always love u
a/n: falling in love is the best healing feeling and also hell on earth simultaneously
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eijiro kirishima, who texts you goodmorning and goodnight religiously. you're the first person he wants to talk to in the morning and the last person he wants to hear from before he drifts off. his face turns almost as red as his hair and eyes whenever his phone lights up with a buzz, seeing that you've replied to him. he saves your contact with a <3 right next to your name. your photo is a picture he snapped of you wearing one of his tank tops, sitting loosely on you. normally his sculptured biceps fill out the fabric to the brim, but he prefers the way you wear it. he wants to stare at you every time he picks up the phone in the morning to text you.
eijiro kirishima, who lets you help him dye his hair after the third time you insist on it. he feels a slight hint of embarrassment, thinking its un-manly to need help with a simple task, but after the first couple of rounds he insists on you doing it. he loves the way your fingers weave delicately through his hair, touching up his roots and treating him like he’s a glass sculpture. and afterwards while he waits for it to set he’ll help you with menial tasks in return- like finishing your algebra (not that he’s any better, but he means well) or making you a quick dinner. he’s an expert when it comes to self-care, and knows that working out and eating well isn’t healthy if its not accompanied by nourishing your happiness. he knows what candy’s to bring to pick up for you while he’s purchasing his dye, what movies to play in the background while he’s letting his hair soak, and exactly how to hug you when it’s all done.
eijiro kirishima, who becomes a sucker for sappy love songs once you get him introduced to it. at first, he hums along to your playlist in the car. then he’s following the artists you like on instagram and keeping up with their recent music. then it’s actively going out of his way to listen to them because each line about love and longing is about you. he makes a playlist titled [y/n] <3 and its all the songs that have made you come up in his head. little do his gym friends know that he’s streaming the tortured poets department while he’s lifting weights DOWN BAD CRYING AT THE GYM ANYONE
eijiro kirishima, who absolutely loves anything you create. muffins, bread, brownies- you’ve suddenly tested his willpower when it comes to his rigid diet. but he can’t help himself- everything tastes better when he knows you’ve put the time and effort into it. with so many eyes watching the young hero, he often forgets to properly feed himself- which is when you come in, always reminding him to eat. when he’s not looking, you’ll slip an extra treat or two in his bag, and come home greeted with a hug and kiss of gratitude for keeping his tummy full.
eijiro kirishima, who comes to you seeking refuge from his insecurities. he has quirk envy badly, sometimes just staring at the heroes he sees around him and wonders how he could ever live up to them. he feels as though he pails in comparison, not knowing how to articulate his worries into words. sometimes he’ll simply hug you, resting his chiseled chin on your shoulder while a huff escapes his lips. he doesn’t need to say anything because you know him. you know how he gets in his head. so you kiss his temples and remind him that he is exactly how he should be. that he’s enough. enough to be strong. enough to be a great hero. enough to be the red riot you love so much. he’s enough for you. and thats what plants are smile on his face as he leans in to kiss you. it’s enough for him too.
eijiro kirishima, who loves showing you off at the gym. mostly to his friends, who comment on how he seemingly never shuts up about you- but a part of him finds pride in the jealous stares others give him. he almost wants to give them a look of ‘i know, right?’ while they admire your beauty, the way you look when sweat ripples down your skin and your cheeks are flushed pink. but he feels sorry for them. sorry that they can’t have you they he’s got you. his eyes sparkle when he sees you pushing yourself, feeling inspired that he now has someone to be so proud of. he’s always proud of you.
eijiro kirishima, who worries he’ll mess it up with you. that it’s all too good to be true- that theres no way he got so lucky so young. he worries you’ll grow bored, tired, or sick of him. he worries you aren’t as in love with him as he is with you. because eijiro kirishima is so, so in love with you. he knows this is love because he sees more than just a high-school fling, he sees the future. he sees someone he will always run to with open arms. and when you kiss him back, arms wrapped around him in a tender embrace, he gets the feeling that you’re so in love with him, too.
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starcrossed-lov3rz · 1 month
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Feyd Rautha x Wife!Reader
Series: Part 1, Part 2
Warnings: MDNI, canon-typical violence (knives/blood - READER IS FINE THO), oral, praise, light smut, dirty talk, general filth
Words: 1.5K
Description: Feyd has been busy with meetings. You take matters into your own hands.
Check out more works in my Masterlist!
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“Everyone out!” You order as you walk into the meeting room. The silence was deafening as the military commanders and low level officials glanced furiously between you and your husband.  Feyd had been in constant meetings for the last week. After sleeping alone for the third night, you were determined to get his attention. That morning, you dressed in a sheer gown that left nothing to the imagination. You were hyper aware of the eyes in the room as your nipples pebbled under the cool air of the room.  
“Are you all fucking deaf,” Feyd yelled. “OUT!” Ignoring the protests of the men in the room, your husband stalked towards you. He stopped in front of you, tilting his head as he took in your appearance and brushed a stray lock behind your ear. 
“Girl, leave! We cannot just stop a meeting fo-” Feyd’s advisor raced towards you both. Feyd stopped the smaller man’s advance, wrenching his arm behind his back and forcing him to kneel before you.
“What did you say?” Feyd growled, sliding a knife from his thigh holster. “Repeat it.”
“I meant no offense,” the advisor pleaded. “This is ju-”
“No. That’s not it. I want you to look my wife in the eyes and repeat what you said.”
“na-Baron, please! I was out of turn! I apologize, I wo-”
“Why are you speaking to me,” Feyd was deadly calm. “Beg my wife’s forgiveness and I might let you live.” Feyd slid his knife to the advisors throat, blood beading where it met his throat.
You could see the sweat dripping down the advisor’s temple and tears welling in his eyes as he looked up at you. “Please my lady, I made a mistake. I didn’t mean it. Forgive me!” You hummed, looking away from the advisor to gently kiss Feyd.
“What do you think, my love? Should I forgive him?” You ask.
Feyd retracts the knife from his throat, standing back up to his full height. “Why don’t you show my wife how grateful you really are?”
“Yes na-Baron,” the advisor said, grabbing at his throat to feel the damage. “Anything.”
“Kiss her feet.”
You give Feyd a bewildered look, raising a brow in question. His expression broke out into a wolfish grin for a split second, and he gave you a quick wink. The advisor stumbled to comply, lowering himself to the floor to kiss your feet. You struggled not to laugh as you saw the horrified faces of the remaining advisors and officials in the room.
“Enough.” Feyd said as he pulled the advisor from the floor to stand in front of you. “What do you say?”
“Thank you my lady, I-” his groveling was cut off as Feyd slit the advisor’s throat, and tossed his body to the side. You don’t flinch as the blood sprays across your gown. The advisor never had a chance of leaving the room alive. Feyd wiped his blade clean on his thigh before turning to the advisors who were foolish enough to stay for the show. 
“Would anyone else like to voice their opinion? Or would you all like to get out before my bloodthirsty little wife asks for your head on a pike?” Feyd sheathes the knife, backing you into the wall with a fierce kiss. “Gods, you’re beautiful like this.” He breathes out as he breaks the kiss. You moan as Feyd lowers his head to kiss across the swell of your breasts and lick the splattered blood from your skin.
Gripping the back of his neck, you arch into his touch. “Please Feyd, need you.” Your husband laughs as he retreats from your breasts and stands to his full height. Your breath hitches as his hand clasps around your throat, pushing you back into the wall.
“Now darling, no need to act out. Next time you need me to take care of that filthy pussy, just say something.” Feyd purrs into your ear. His hand tightens around your throat you gasp, eyes rolling back at the firm pressure.
Your hands trail down from his chest, hooking your thumb under his waistband to pull his hips flush to yours. “Where would be the fun in that, my love?” you murmur. “I think you need to talk less an-” Feyd cuts you off with a kiss, his lips pressing roughly into yours, teeth clashing. Feyd was never a gentle man, but you wouldn’t have him any other way. You moan into the kiss, straining against the hand on your throat to deepen in.
Pulling back, Feyd grins wickedly. “I think my darling girl needs put in her place. Maybe then she won’t feel the need to try and embarrass me in public.” A devilish smirk plays across Feyd’s lips, and he falls to his knees before you. You glance around to make sure everyone has gone, but any objections you have evaporate as he lays a swift smack on your ass. 
“If this is the treatment I get for misbehaving, I just might interrupt you more often.” You tease. Feyd’s hands trail up your thighs, sliding your dress up.
“No panties?” Feyd teases, brushing his fingers across your pussy. “It’s almost like you want me to take you right here, in this room for all of my advisors to see.” You moan, grinding down into his hand to get more friction. “My darling girl would love that, wouldn’t she?” When you don’t respond, Feyd delivers another light smack on your ass. “Answer me.”
“Yes!” You gasp. 
“Yes what?”
“Yes sir!”
Feyd grins and rewards you with a bite to your inner thigh as he hooks your leg over his shoulder. Your dress is hitched up by your waist, exposing your pussy to the cool air. Feyd groans at the sight. “Fuck that’s my darling girl, dripping and ready for me at all times.”  He swipes his tongue across your cunt, moaning at the taste of you. “Should I call my advisors back in and take care of my needy girl? Fuck you in front of them and show them who you belong to?”
“Please,” you whine. “Please, anything. I need you.” You grind your hips down into his face as he dives back in. Feyd slides two fingers into your cunt, fucking you with them slowly as he sucks at your clit. You moan, grasping at your dress to hold it up with one hand. You place the other on the back of Feyd’s head, attempting to guide him as he eats you out. 
Feyd bats your hand away and pulls back as he huffs out a laugh. “No, I don’t think I will. I would kill any man who dares see you like this.” He continues fucking you with his fingers as he shrugs your leg off his shoulder and stands up. Feyd steals a kiss, before pressing his forehead to yours. “I would take their eyes and give them to you as an anniversary present.” 
“Feyd, please,” you beg. “Enough of this, please fuck me.”
He ignores you, fucking his fingers into you at a faster pace as he sucks your nipple through the fabric of your gown. You moan as Feyd bites lightly at your nipple, laving his tongue over it to soothe the pain. Whining, you reach down to rub your neglected clit. “That’s it, that’s my good girl.” Feyd growls. “Go on, take what you need.” He continues to fuck his fingers into you, angling them forward to hit your most sensitive spot.
Your breath hitches and you moan as Feyd begins matching his thrusts with the pace of  your fingers against your clit. He switches to torment your other nipple, whispering filthy praises to you whenever he comes up for air. “Come on darling, so good for me. I can feel you clenching around my fingers.” 
“I’m close-” You whine, arching into his mouth.
“Do it, come for me. I can feel you dripping down my hand. Just a little more darling, come on, make a mess for me.” You moan, your head jerking back as you quicken your pace on your clit. You’re right at the edge. 
As if sensing that you need one final push, Feyd bites at your breast harshly. You cry out as you climax, Feyd fucking you through it. “There you go, right there. Good fucking girl, that’s my darling girl.” You whine in overstimulation, pushing at your husband’s shoulders. 
Feyd gently slides his fingers from you, popping them in his mouth to suck them clean. You grip at his robes, pulling him in for a kiss. Feyd grips your waist, holding you steady as he moans into the kiss. You bite his lip gently, swiping your tongue over it to soothe the ache. “My love,” you murmur, pulling away for air, “let me take care of you.” You reach for his pants to undress him, but he stops you.
“Not here,” Feyd shakes his head. “I plan to make up for a week without you.” He picks you up, slinging you over his shoulder and planting a spank across your ass. “I will take you on every surface of our rooms. We aren’t leaving until I fuck an heir into you.”
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Note: This was inspired by a lovely little request. Also, I'm not responsible for your media consumption, but if any of you silly goofy geese would like a part two....ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS ASK. <3 - Lacie
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midastouch013 · 1 month
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I'm sorry, I just had to use this gif, but it has nothing to do with the fic, I swear.
Based on this request
Summary: You're on a cruise with your girlfriend, and so why do you snap at her?
Warnings: None, unless you count throwing up.
P.S This one's short, I'm sorry, I've been kinda stuck on my writing
The cruise had been your idea—a chance for Natasha to unwind, away from the constant demands of being an Avenger. You knew how much she loved the sea, the gentle rocking of the waves, the endless expanse of blue stretching out as far as the eye could see. So, you planned this getaway, a luxury cruise away from the bustling city.
As the ship set sail, Natasha wasted no time in making the most of the luxurious accommodations. You found her stretched out on the private deck of your cabin, soaking up the sun in a black bikini that left little to the imagination. Her red hair was fanned out around her, and she wore sunglasses to shield her eyes from the bright sunlight.
You, on the other hand, opted for comfort over style, dressed in an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt on a black tee and cargo shorts, a beer in hand as you admired the view (both of them).
"Enjoying yourself, Nat?" you asked, taking a sip of your beer.
Natasha cracked one eye open, a lazy smile tugging at her lips. "More than I can say, Y/n. This was a brilliant idea."
You settled into the deck chair beside her, reaching out to brush your fingers along her bare arm. "Just wanted to spoil my favorite Avenger a little."
Natasha chuckled, shifting to make room for you on the lounge chair. "Well, mission accomplished."
You hummed, giving her a forehead a peck followed by her lips
"I'm glad"
As the day wore on, you suggested exploring the ship and trying out some of the activities it had to offer. Natasha agreed enthusiastically, and soon you found yourselves participating in a salsa dancing class on the upper deck , against your many protests which had been override by a simple plead from the redhead.
However, Natasha couldn't help but notice that you kept disappearing at odd intervals. She watched you slip away multiple times, always with a mysterious expression on your face. Concern started to gnaw at her when you came back every time just a minute level paler, but she pushed it aside, not wanting to ruin the mood.
After the third time you disappeared, Natasha finally approached you, a slight frown marring her features. "Y/n, you keep disappearing. Is everything okay?"
You turned to face her, your expression neutral. "Yeah, everything's fine, babe. Just needed to take care of something."
Natasha's brow furrowed with worry. "Are you sure? You've been disappearing all day."
You felt a surge of frustration, your patience wearing thin. "I said I'm fine, Nat. Can you please just drop it?"
Natasha's concern turned to hurt as she recoiled slightly. "I'm just worried about you, Y/n. You've been acting strange all day."
You snapped, unable to contain your frustration any longer. "Well, maybe if you stopped hovering over me, I wouldn't feel the need to disappear!"
Natasha's eyes widened in shock at your outburst, hurt flashing in her eyes before she quickly masked it. "Fine," she said, her voice cold. "I'll leave you alone then."
With that, she turned on her heel and stormed off, leaving you standing there, regret washing over you in waves.
You stood there for a moment, your stomach churning with a mix of regret and guilt. But as you took a step to go after Natasha, a wave of nausea hit you like a ton of bricks. Clutching your stomach, you stumbled back towards your room, moving as quickly as you could.
By the time you reached the door, you were feeling light-headed and queasy. You barely made it to the bathroom before you were retching into the toilet, the taste of bile burning in your throat.
After what felt like an eternity, the nausea began to subside, leaving you feeling weak and exhausted. You groaned as you rinsed your mouth and splashed some water on your face, trying to soothe your frazzled nerves.
Feeling utterly defeated, you crawled into bed, pulling the covers up around you. You closed your eyes, hoping that when you woke up you'd fell better and apologise to your girlfriend.
As you lay in bed, trying to calm your queasy stomach, you felt another wave of nausea hit you. Rushing to the bathroom once again, you barely made it in time before you were retching into the toilet for what felt like the fourth time since your argument with Natasha.
You were so focused on trying to keep your stomach under control that you didn't hear the door open, or the soft footsteps approaching you. It wasn't until a gentle hand was on your back, rubbing soothing circles, that you realized you weren't alone.
Looking up, you saw Natasha kneeling beside you, her eyes filled with concern. "Babe, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
You wanted to respond, to reassure her that you were fine, but another wave of nausea hit you, and you were back to retching into the toilet.
Natasha didn't hesitate. She pulled your hair back gently, holding it out of your face as you emptied your stomach once again. Her touch was gentle, her presence a comforting anchor in the midst of your misery.
After what felt like an eternity, the nausea began to subside, leaving you feeling weak and exhausted. You leaned back against the wall, breathing heavily as you tried to regain your strength.
Natasha didn't say anything, just reached for a washcloth and wet it with cool water before gently wiping your face clean. Then she helped you to your feet, guiding you back to bed and tucking you in with a tenderness that brought tears to your eyes.
"Thank you love," you whispered, your voice hoarse from retching.
Natasha smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair from your forehead. "Anytime baby. I'm here for you, always."
After you had gotten back under the covers of the bed, you felt a pang of guilt as you looked at Natasha, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, near your legs, watching you with concern.
"I'm sorry, Nat," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I forgot to bring my meds for my seasickness, and I didn't want to ruin our holiday."
Natasha's expression softened, and she reached out to take your hand in hers. "You don't have to apologize. I'm just glad you're okay."
You shook your head, feeling the need to explain further. "But I wanted this to be special for you. I wanted you to have a perfect holiday, with all of the recent missions and the government being on your back. I'm sorry I messed it up"
Natasha stood up and pulled you into a gentle hug, holding you close. "Y/n, you already make every day special just by being here with me. And as for the holiday, well, I hardly ever let myself have one, but being here with you is more than I could ever ask for."
"I love you, Nat. I just want you to have a good time"
"Anywhere with you is a good time" she assured, before a smirk creeped up her face,
"And I'm sure you'll show me an excellent time tonight"
" No walking for you tomorrow, that's for sure"
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KINKTOBER DAY 5 | Tate Langdon x Reader
Kinktober day 5: semi-public sex
Warnings: 18+, fingering, semi-public sex,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’It’s the third time we go. I get that you love Halloween, but aren’t you tired of people jumping before you and screaming to scare you?’’ 
‘’I’ll go by myself if you don’t want to come.’’
Dani eyed your outfit, then hummed disapprovingly. ‘’Dressed like that? Terrible idea.’’ 
‘’There’s a lot of people and it’s dark. It’s the perfect place for creepy men to prey on women who are alone. Especially if they are wearing a skirt,’’ Penelope added, being on Dani’s side.
‘’I can defend myself,’’ you said, not worried at all. 
‘’We’re all going.’’ 
While you loved Halloween, you didn’t tell your friend the real reason you wanted to go to Horror Nights again. They would tease you to no ends if they knew it was to see the cute boy you had spotted on opening weekend. He was one of the scare actors in the haunted maze attraction. He had crawled over to you to scare you, but your eyes found his and time stopped for a few seconds. His face was caked with a skull makeup, but you couldn’t stop thinking about him. 
The line for tickets was long, as always. It’s Saturday night, what were you expecting? After what felt like an eternity, you finally made it inside. The first attraction didn't really send shivers down your spine, but Penelope got scared by a clown and almost fell on her ass, making the three of you laugh so much your stomachs hurt. 
When you — finally — got to the haunted maze, you searched for him in every corner. But he was nowhere in sight. You saw a boy in a skull makeup, but it wasn’t him. His hair was bright green, not blond. 
The last attraction was the penitentiary, which turned out to be terrifying. The people in the cells were chained and acting insanely, some were getting lobotomies or just screaming and running. The lights were flickering, adding to the spooky ambiance. 
You were almost out of the attraction when a group of energetic kids bumped into you and your friends, separating you from them. ‘’Dani! Penelope!’’ you called out, but your voice got lost in the chaos. ‘’Dani—’’ 
Your words got cut off by a gasp when a tall figure in a black rubber suit appeared before you. Panic set in, and before you could scream, his hand clamped over your mouth, and he pushed you back against a wall. Actors were not supposed to touch the visitors. You struggled, trying to break free, but he was much stronger than you. 
An amused chuckle came from underneath the mask, then the person revealed themself. 
Through the flickering lights, you caught his eyes, the ones you had been looking for all night.
The corner of his mouth curled into a smirk. ‘’I scared you.’’ 
You shoved his shoulder, trying to appear mad. ‘’Can you blame me? I’m a woman. Placed like this are a perfect setting for a murder or worse, rape.’’ 
Immediately, the blond felt bad. ‘’I didn’t think about that… Shit. I’m sorry,’’ he apologized, his deep brown eyes softly looking at you. ‘’When I saw you in the penitentiary, I just knew I needed to take my chance and talk to you. ’’
A smile fought on your lips. ‘’Is this how you flirt with girls? By scaring the living hell out of them?’’ 
He shook his head. ‘’I’m not much of a flirt,’’ he explained, rubbing the back of his neck.
Another group of running kids came by, screaming and fleeing something they had just seen, making you think that you should get back to your friends. They must be searching for you and flooding your phone with worried texts. 
But you didn’t want to. 
 ‘’I-I’m Tate, by the way.’’ 
You gave him your name, then pulled him down for a kiss as the lights went out. Tate kissed you back, his hands pulling your body close to his as he gently pulled your lower lip with his teeth. It sent a shiver down your spine, and you found yourself running your fingers through his hair, letting out a soft, involuntary moan into the kiss. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, ignoring the drilling sound of the lobotomy tool and screamings nearby.  
When you paid for your entry ticket a few hours ago, you didn’t think you would end the night with the stranger in the skull makeup’s tongue in your mouth. But here you were, making out together in the middle of an attraction. 
‘’Come with me.’’ Tate took your hand and led you away from the main way of the penitentiary. 
You didn’t know where you were going, but you held on tight to his hand as he led you into the darkness. He’s been working here since opening night, he must know his way through the attraction.
Tate pulled one of the black curtains that opened the backstage area of the penitentiary where extra props, electricity chords and other stuff were hidden. 
‘’Is this where you’re planning to kill me and hide my body?’’ you joked, trusting him enough to make this kind of joke. 
He shook his head and pinned you against the wall, his latex covered chest pressing against you and moved his mouth to your ear. ‘’No,’’ he whispered, sending shivers down your spine. ‘’This is where I plan to make you cum.’’
No man had ever left you speechless until tonight, but you were too stunned to speak. You never expected such explicit words to come from his mouth. Not with sweet innocent eyes like his. 
Tate’s hand followed the path down the curves of your body, slow and teasing as arousal started to pool between your legs. He stopped at the hem of your skirt, pleased at your clothing choice for the night. It'll be less of a fuss to access where he wanted.
‘’Tate,’’ you gasped at the first graze of his fingers. 
He must be able to feel your wetness through the lace. He pressed the wet heat of your cunt into his hand, tearing a moan from you.
You would be embarrassed to be so wet already, but all that was on your mind was Tate's fingers rubbing against your folds through the thin fabric. His mouth had descended down your neck and jawline, gently kissing as he listened to the soft pleased sounds escaping your lips.
Screams and laughter came from the other side of the thin wall, drowning the sounds of your activities. If Tate’s boss knew what you were doing, he would get fired on the spot. 
Tate pushed your panties to the side, and then slid between your folds. ‘’I’ve been thinking about you — about doing this to you — since I saw you in the maze.’’ 
Your head fell back against the wall, images of that night, of him crawling across the maze to scare you flashed in your head as he teased your most sensitive flesh. It felt like a fucking dream, except you weren’t sleeping.
‘’Thought you looked pretty that night, but I bet you’re looking even prettier right now,’’ Tate said, wishing he could see you in better lighting. 
He lightly brushed your clit, then briefly dipped into your entrance before pulling away. 
‘’Please,’’ you begged, pushing your hips where you knew his hand was, and finally two of his thick fingers thrusted into your folds. 
Your inner muscles clenched around him, making Tate wish he wasn’t wearing that stupid latex suit so he could feel you clench around his cock. Instead, he’ll have to settle for this — getting you off. 
‘’When we get out of here, don’t think we’re done,’’ he said, moving his fingers in and out of you while his other hand came around your neck, forcing you to look into his eyes. ‘’The night is just getting started.’’ 
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark
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mistyresolve · 10 months
| Hand to Hand - Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
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Word Count - 2.5k
Summary - After finally getting a moment alone with Ghost, those hours of waiting for him were worth it.
Tags/Warnings - 18+ Smut, Dirty talk, Heavy petting, Teasing, Grinding, Fingering, Praise
A/N - And last but finally not least.
Takedown ❤︎ Close Quarters
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You were particularly snappy at everyone for the rest of the day, the frustrations that Ghost wound tightly inside you were making you irritable, snarling at everyone who looked at you the wrong way. 
It was also nearly impossible to concentrate. Every road leads to Rome and every thought leads to Ghost railing you in a broom closet. You could still feel his calloused hands rove across your sensitive skin, and the heat of his body warming your back. The sound of his voice. Low and steady. 
You eyed the clock, tapping your nails on your desk and chewing on the inside of your cheek. You had to fight every nerve in your body to keep from running to the training center as soon as the clock struck 10:00.  
How quickly this man reduced you to desperation was frightening. 
The moment you walked into the room, you could feel his eyes burn into you. He was glowering in the corner of the room with his usual, “Do not approach me”, mood. Until you entered. His head tracked you as you made your way to the benches. You stopped along the way to speak with one of the privates. 
Even with your back turned to him, like a predator with its prey, you could feel Ghosts' attention lock onto you. It made your toes curl in your boots, and heat pool at the apex of your thighs. From across the room, you could feel his hackles rise; his head tilting to the side in question. Surely, you weren’t testing him right now. Surely, you weren’t that dumb. 
You gave the private a sweet smile as he spoke to you; one that said “Take me out to dinner”.  If he was going to tease, you were going to do it right back. 
Ghost had enough. That was all he needed to see. 
“Everyone get in line.”       
Conversation came to an abrupt halt. You glared over your shoulder at Ghost and the glint in his dark eyes told you all you needed to know. He would be getting you back for that later. 
You stepped onto the mat with him, waiting for his introduction of what today’s training would consist of. Today was disarming and subduing. You situated yourself beside him, waiting for his command. 
He was doing a good job and not acting any differently in front of everyone. There were now awkward stolen glances, no hidden innuendos in his teaching. But his professionalism and self-control only turned you on more. 
His grip on you during his demonstrations is gentle, his thumb slipping underneath your sleeve to trace little shapes onto your wrist. It was subtle and almost innocent but it still made your heart race. It still made you want him to cancel today's training, and take you into an empty room to devour you. 
Hell, you’d let him fuck you right here…once everyone else, of course. 
You were in a haze the entire class. Followed commands and orders as well as you would any other day, but your attention was elsewhere. He without a doubt noticed your lack of cognition but never commented on it.         
He was so calm and collected that you wondered if you had dreamt of your interaction this morning. 
On most days, he would stay behind a few minutes after class to watch as the soldiers tried out their newly learned techniques. Sometimes giving them pointers and direction on their form. 
Not today though. He had plans. 
With you.   
At the end of the class, he leaned down next to your ear, “My office. Go. Now.” 
He didn’t follow you out the door but gave you a nod when you turned to give him one last look. He lagged behind you and you didn’t see him again until you were almost to his office.
He came up behind you, silently. His hand wrapped around your wrist and he steered you to one of the third doors on the left. The room was unlocked and the lights were off, the blinds closed. 
Spotless. It was so spotless that you wondered if he’d actually ever used this space.                      
He pulled you into his office, locking to door behind him. You didn’t have time to turn around before you felt his arms wrap his arms around your torso, his chest hard against your back. 
“Lieutenant,” you breathe, head lolling into his shoulder. Calling him by his rank was a force of habit and his proximity was making it difficult to think. The last time you two were in a similar position was when he stood you in front of the mirror in the gym. When you were exposed and desperate. 
You felt his returning groan rumble against your back, there was also the hint of a laugh in there. It was like you were on fire; like he was pouring molten lust directly into your veins. A hand gripped at my hips, pulling me impossibly closer to him, “Say that again.”
I twisted my head towards him, eyes wide, “Lieutenant?” I questioned, brows furrowing. Until I saw his expression, partially concealed by his mask, but his eyes gave enough away. He liked having you in this position with you call him that. He liked control. Dominance.       
He tucked you further into him, a stray hand trailing down the length of your body. It was like deja vu when his hands squeezed at your thigh, forcing your legs apart. His voice is low and husky, filled with authority and longing, “Say it again.” 
My chest heaved for air; air that was too thick with anticipation, “Anything for you, Lieutenant,” You turn pliable in his hands, rocking back into him.  His response to the title presses against the curve of your back. Hard and long. 
His fingers dig into your flesh, possessiveness evident in his touch. The both of you feel the tension building between you. Feel it grow and take form. He practically growls when he feels your body press against his, like throwing fuel into a fire, “That’s it…you know just how to please me, don’t you?” His hard cock pressed into you, aching to be inside of you. But he wouldn’t until he knew you were good and ready for him. Until he knew you deserved him. 
“Mhm,” You nod my head and bite your lip when his fingers curl to your inner thigh. He could feel the heat radiating from your core, your body eager for his touch. He inches closer, teasingly grazing against my clothes sex, eliciting a shudder from you, “Stop with the teasing,” you hiss through gritted teeth, as you try and meet his hand. Only for him to pull away, going back to gripping at your hips. 
He loved your sounds of frustration, and a hidden predatory smile played on his lips, “Do you trust me?” he asked. You almost cried out and tried rubbing your thighs together, but he stopped you, spreading your legs apart once more with a foot. His free hand wrapped around your neck, forcing your attention back into him. His cheek was pressed against yours, “Answer me or I’m going to leave you here. Alone and hopeless,” his voice was laced with dominance and solemnity. 
“Yes!” you blurted out, “Yes, I trust you, Ghost.”
“Lieutenant,” he corrected, “Keep your eyes forward.”
Your eyes snapped to in front of you immediately. With the state you were in right now, you’d jump from a roof he told you to. You started to protest when he removed his hands from you but stopped when you felt soft, warm lips on your neck.    
“Oh,” you choked, the sensation of his mouth on you was divine. He planted teasing kisses up your sensitive skin, sucking and nipping at you, leaving behind marks. A reminder of his possession. You reached a hand to his face, fingers dancing up his throat until you found his jaw. He moved away from your neck to press a kiss into your palm, before returning. You dared your hands to explore his face further, freezing when you felt soft hair. You had assumed he had merely lifted the mask to expose his mouth but he had removed it entirely. 
Your chest tightened. He had that much faith that you wouldn’t try and look. He trusted that you wouldn’t jeopardize his anonymity; and your safety. 
Your eyes fluttered shut so you could turn your face to him, finding his mouth with yours. 
His fingers traced down your sides back to your core. This time he didn’t hold back and pressed them into your center. You broke the kiss to moan. Finally. Finally, he was indulging you. Finally, he was allowing you some release. He made slow, languid circles around your clit.
Your clothes remained an annoying barrier, but he quickly remedies that by dipping his hand down the front of your pants. You tried rolling your hips down into his palm but he halted, “Patience, love,” you could feel his smile against your skin, hear how his voice dripped with amusement, “I enjoy watching you squirm and begging for my touch,” his breath ghosted over your ear, “and I’ll give you what you want…” he dragged a long finger up your center, “but I’ll do it on my terms. Got it?” 
“Yes, Lieutenant,” I wrapped a hand around his wrist, a silent request for him not to leave wanting like he did before. Your other hand reaches behind to splay your fingers over his erection, and he instinctually rocks into it.     
A primal growl rumbled deep inside him at those words, at your touch, “That’s my good girl,” he mumbles, losing his own mind momentarily. He revels in your pathetic, desperate motions as you try and stop yourself from grinding against his hand. He slips past your folds, spreading your slick arousal around your swollen clit. Then two thick, long digits delve into your wetness, warm and inviting. You blow a breath as you adjust to the intrusion. He curls them, seeking out the sweet spot he knows will unravel you. 
His tone is one of satisfaction, “You’re so wet and eager for me. I’m going to make you come undone, over and over again.” 
You practically melt in his arms at the remarks. He was going to be the end of you, you were sure of it. He was going to ruin you for everyone who was to come after him. He had hardly touched you and you could already feel a knot coil at the apex of your thighs.   
“Make me yours?” you asked, slick with innocence.
You could almost hear his pupils dilate, “Yes,” he snarls, “Mine. Completely and utterly mine,” with a possessive thrust of his fingers, “Your body, your pleasure, everything belongs to me,” he adds a thumb to circle your clit to intensify the stimulation. With your hand still rubbing at his cock and the feeling of you greedily clenching around his fingers, sends waves of pleasure coursing through him. He can’t help the deep guttural groan, his control slipping.
He’s nearly feral with possessiveness and it makes you feel…pretty. Irreplaceable. Desirable. You turn stupid when his head falls forward to say, “You’re so fucking beautiful like this,” his voice was a seductive rasp. One that was so different and so similar to his usually harsh tone. You never thought you’d live to see the day Ghost like this; Where his main goal was to make you feel good. The hand around your throat moved to your face, forcing your mouth back into him. He devoured you like he was hungry for your whimpers. Like he was being starved of them. 
He keeps up with the steady pace, his rhythm never faltering. He thrusted in deep, hitting that sweet spot every time. The sounds of your moans and gasps was music to his ears and he drove you closer to the edge. 
You forgot yourself, your name. Your body stiffened and your hands wrapped around his length. Faintly you could hear him groan, “Easy…let me do all the work,” The surge of pleasure shoots through him but he quickly intercepts your motions, guiding your hand away, “Not yet. I want to make you come first. Let me take care of you,” Lord, knew he wasn’t going to last if he let you continue. He curls his fingers deliciously and he continues his assault on your core. 
You can feel the tension building within you. He could feel your body trembling. 
“Give it to me,” he provoked. 
You were standing on the tips of your toes as your climax crashed into you. Fast and hard. Something snapped inside of you and you screamed his name. His hand covered your mouth, muffling your moans. You can feel your arousal gush out of you, feel it collect in his palm. 
Words become foreign to you but you can tell he’s praising you. He rose the high with you, following the lead of your body, prolonging it. He wanted to pull every ounce of pleasure from you. 
The only thing keeping you from collapsing onto the floor is the thigh he so graciously shoved between your legs and the grip he has on my waist. The feeling of his thigh against your still-spasming sex was overstimulating and your body convulsed at the friction. You whimpered when you saw him bring his soaked fingers toward his mouth and suck, and heard the quiet pop when he sucked and licked off your essence, savouring the taste of your desire. 
Mostly because he couldn’t find the will in him to wait until he was able to eat you out to taste you.   
It took you several moments for you to float back down to your body. And for your breathing to return to normal. 
Then guilt and realization hit you. He didn’t come. He was so focused on you that he’d forgotten about his own release. I pulled away from him, “You didnt—”
He cut you off with an open-mouth kiss his tongue tangling with yours. He claimed every inch of your mouth. You could taste yourself on him. Mixed with the pure intensity was intoxicating and sent a jolt of desire to his cock. 
He pulled away, hovering just millimetres away from you, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll take care of myself. But right now, all I want is you. All I want is to feel you, taste you, consume you.”         
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A/N - On a more serious note, my hometown of 22,000 has been evacuated due to wildfires, but I've decided to stay behind and help out. There are a lot of unknowns but there might come a time when aircraft can't land because of the smoke and the only highway out is currently on fire...Sooo, if I lose internet and cell service and I might go dark for a while.
Taglist - @thychuvaluswife ❤︎ @shuttlelauncher81 ❤︎ @lostinsideourminds ❤︎ @v1naco ❤︎  @konig-breedme ❤︎ @wolfyland07 ❤︎ @cumbersome-robes ❤︎ @adelaidai ❤︎ @ddioriez ❤︎ @johfaam0 ❤︎ @purplefishingline ❤︎ @dog55teeth​ ❤︎ @meaganjean ❤︎ @mymommmy​ ❤︎ @xheera ❤︎ @lockleywife ❤︎ @crunchlite ❤︎ @ryethebrokengae ❤︎ @mychrysanthemums  ❤︎@bugmanor ❤︎ @urbimom ❤︎ @bountydroid ❤︎ @ushisroa ❤︎@illyanam1011 ❤︎ @saddi3 ❤︎ @k4marina ❤︎ @unoreversecowgirl
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alemap4 · 4 months
Of dinosaurs and non dinosaurs
ミ✫A Tsukishima x sad reader✫彡
Tsukishima notices everything. From the way you didn’t speak at all when he picked you up from your house so you two could walk together, to the way you haven’t said a word all day at school. He doesn’t know what’s wrong, but he knows something has happened between now and last night after he dropped you off at home.
He knows your home life isn’t the best, and that sometimes you just get moody, but this feels different. He doesn’t want to worry, he trusts that if something was really wrong you’d come to him, but it’s now lunch time and you haven’t made any move to come to him, instead you lay your head down atop your desk, not even bothering to get out a lunch.
This worries Kei. You’ve never missed a lunch with him, a tradition that started before you two started dating. Even on sick days you’d video call just to “have a lunch date (with third wheel tadashi)” . He knows that no matter how terribly you feel right now, you’ll regret missing lunch. Both for the senamintal and the fact that you haven’t eaten.
“Here” he says, throwing a packaged muffin on your desk, as he pulls up a chair in front of you. It’s your favorite. He specifically buys them just to give them to you, and he’s hoping that one of your favorite snacks will help to cheer you up. “I’m-“you’ve got to eat” he says, interrupting you and peeling your hands away from your face. Now you can see him, even if you don’t want him to see you.
You're okay. There’s nothing really wrong, you just woke up this way. You want to talk to Kei, to fill his world with laughter and be the y/n he fell in love with, but you just can’t bring yourself to. Not today, not right now.
Pulling your, Keis, hoodie over yourself you burrow into it, making sure the hood covers your face. Hoodies are safe, hoodies that smell like tsukki are safer. In a hoodie no one can see you if you cry, in a hoodie you can pretend that your enjoying the muffin you once loved that for some reason taste’s bland today. The muffin like the day, like your emotions, is dull.
“Y/n” Tsukishima says, “you’ve been acting weird all day… is something wrong?”. There’s the million dollar question. Is something wrong? If so, what? Isn’t the problem just what’s going on in your head? If so, how can you just explain that to him? “It’s nothing Kei” you say dismissively. You just want to eat your lunch without thinking, wishing you could just turn your brain off.
You can feel his eyes on you, it’s obvious he doesn’t believe that there’s nothing wrong, but he doesn’t press it anymore. He’s smart. Smart enough to know that you wouldn’t want to get into anything in a crowded room in fear of a potential breakdown, smart enough to know that if you feel too much your subject to just leave the room and not come back, he wants to help you, not scare you off. The next words that come out of his mouth shocks you.
“Did you know that pterodactyls are not dinosaurs? They’re close in families and stuff but pterodactyls are just flying reptiles.” He recites. This is the kind of thing you need right now, dumb dinosaur facts , or well non dinosaur facts, from your reptile loving boyfriend. “Did you know that dinosaurs had really big fleas? The fleas of then being almost ten times bigger than current ones.”
This one brings a laugh and smile out of you. The thought of giant fleas attacking a town Godzilla style finally brings light to your dull day. The sound of your laugh makes Tsukishima crack his own smile, happy that he finally gets to hear the angelic sound of your voice and your blinding smile. He loves you and he’d do anything to see you keep smiling like that, even tell you every possible reptile fact he’s got stored up.
“Did you know that reptiles don’t have external ear openings?” He questions. “Hmm that must make it hard to get ear piercings” you say, “no swag for turtles” you frown. “I think turtles are pretty cool, maybe not swag but cool. I’d be down for owning one” Tsukishima responds. “I guess we can get a turtle one day in the future, though I’d get to name it” you smile.
Your future with Tsukishima, like the day as of now, looks bright. Your mental health hasn’t just completely fixed, but as of right now the voices are quieted. You feel better even if it’s just for the end of lunch. Class is doomed to start again in five minutes but for now you have Tsukishima who’d do almost anything to make you smile, fun reptile facts, and a future with a turtle. Maybe things just aren’t that bad, maybe you’ll be able to be happy.
A/n I wrote this while sitting in bed sad lol:/ idk what’s wrong and I kinda wanted to put that into something without getting deeply into what I’m feeling, I’m not good at expressing myself anyways lol, so I did this! I love learning fun facts or hearing lame jokes when I’m sad they always work to cheer me up! I wish tsukki were real :) also I hope you enjoyed! Comment and reblogs are welcomed and appreciated <3
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