#Like yeah I'd maybe like to have kids someday but I don't want them to be expelled from my own womb!
mrsmarymorstan · 1 year
I am so good at gas lighting myself, that I will take painkillers, only feel mild pain afterwards, and then convince myself that I was wrong for taking them to begin with because clearly things weren't that bad.
I AM STILL IN PAIN and I'm convinced I don't need painkillers 🤦
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aidaronan · 2 years
"First movie you ever saw in theaters?" Steve lounged opposite of Robin on the couch in his living room, the stereo on low, spitting out Madonna on the local radio station.
"Oh, that's easy." Robin bit off part of a licorice. "Freaky Friday. I remember because I was terrified for weeks that I'd end up switching places with my mom and have to, like, balance a checkbook or something."
Steve laughed, separating m&ms in his hand. "You still don't know how to balance a checkbook, do you?"
"Like you do." Robin playfully glared at him. "Okay, here's a good one. First kiss."
Steve ate the sole blue m&m first, a grin spreading across his face because he usually lied about his first kiss, but he didn't have to. Not with Robin. "Camp Stronghold when I was nine. We met up in the boathouse after lights out to trade contraband."
"Contraband, huh?" Robin raised her brows.
"Candy. I swear my parents loaded me up like I was going to prison. 'This is as good as cash in there, Steven.' I think my dad wanted me to network or something. Because, you know, I was totally gonna start a small business with a group of eight-year-olds."
Robin snickered. "And the kiss?"
"Ah. I didn't actually want candy. I just wanted this kid to like me so bad, and I didn't know why until we were there in the dark tripping into each other because we couldn't see. I had all these butterflies, and we were standing close enough that I could feel the heat off his sunburn in the air." Steve could still picture it. The way he couldn't see more than a few inches in front of his face. "Then he kissed me, just this quick peck on the lips before he turned tail and ran. I left the boathouse with a Snickers and one massive first crush."
"Did anything else happen?" Robin asked.
"No. It was the last week of camp and I think he freaked himself out over it. I don't know. He didn't even really say bye to me after we climbed off the bus to meet our parents. Never saw him again. I honestly never even thought to get his name."
"That sucks."
"Yeah. I just hope he's doing okay, you know? That he's got people in his life that make him feel like he's allowed."
Robin looked at him softly, reaching out to give his ankle a squeeze. "Hey, you never know. You might run into him again someday. Maybe he's your soulmate or something."
"Please. I think you're pretty obviously my soulmate." Steve nudged Robin with his foot. "But I guess he could settle for 2nd place."
"Oh, there's a toast for sure." Snacks tumbling off her lap, Robin reached for her can of Coke on the coffee table and raised it as high as she could reach. "To both of us finding our 2nd places."
"Cheers to that." Steve thrust his own Coke into the air.
It felt like a big cosmic joke that Steve would be in a boathouse when he realized who Eddie Munson had been all that time. Eddie had looked so different when he'd transferred into Hawkins that Steve had never even given him a second look, not during their shared classes, not during any of those cafeteria tirades. Not during the numerous occasions where he gave the kids rides to D&D.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait!"
It was the eyes that finally pulled back the curtain and cut away all those in-between years. Steve had never been close enough to clock them, but he couldn't deny them now. Not at such close range, Eddie holding a broken bottle against his neck, trembling with so much fear that Steve worried he might actually use it.
Dropping the oar from his own shaking hands, Steve said the only thing he could think to say.
"Well, this brings back memories."
Eddie didn't respond, the fear in the air drawing out every second, making it feel infinite. Behind them and in another universe, Dustin said a bunch of stuff Steve barely heard for the pounding in his ears. He watched beads of sweat roll down Eddie's forehead and waited for something to give.
Like clouds fat with rain, Eddie finally broke open, tension draining out of him, arm and weapon dropping to his side. He exhaled a shaky breath, maintaining eye contact, his expression too complicated for Steve to fully read.
Steve was about to say something else when Eddie finally spoke, cocking his head to the side and leveling Steve with a look.
"And here I spent all these years thinking you forgot."
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
maaan it'd be so EASY for chaggie to end up with an adopted cannibal kid after the battle with heaven, tho
with Vaggie's past (and that being a Thing she can Charlie can talk about now), her having her big WAIT THIS IS EVIL IM BEING EVIL moment over a cannibal child she couldn't bring herself to kill....
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add to that Charlie, who is now the DIRECT reason quite a few cannibals are Extra Super Dead, thanks to her inspiring them into battle with her song-
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"Have you ever felt like you're willing to die-"
very rousing, maybe less fun for her to remember after some of them DID die-
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oh hush y'all eat ppl im sure dying isn't the most shocking outcome of a night out that you can imagine
Charlie legit pitched facing final death as a "chance to travel" and "see more of hell" and she did it with a jolly song and dance and GOOD ON HER for getting a fighting force to protect the dream of sinners someday being redeemed! ....but yeah. kinda heavy for her to remember later on, i'd think
and Cannibal Town residents are so tight knit with each other that it's a literal PLOT POINT Charlie has to face off against- no way they don't have families, no way there weren't families broken up by the battle at the Hazbin Hotel- at Charlie's hotel
No way Charlie wouldn't feel guilty about and responsible as FUCK for any little cannibal kid who ended up orphaned as a result....
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(is that kid wearing like frisbee on their head?? whatever. it looks kinda like a halo don't it. kinda ironic. isn't it)
Rosie would even have to SUGGEST anything! She's got a good read on Charlie now and she's 100% on board with Alastor's plans to "guide" Charlie (cough manipulate and use cough cough)
and what would make a better leverage point than introducing a little cannibal kid for Charlie to worry and feel guilty over? an ORPHANED cannibal kid. Orphaned by the same fight Charlie led the cannibals into. Orphaned when the kid's parents DIED fighting for Charlie
(great way for Charlie to always keep Cannibal Town in mind anyway. Good way to make sure she's protective of it)
but oh the irony if Rosie didn't even MEAN for chaggie to end up with the kid!
if Rosie DIDN'T fully understand- just how much Charlie would want to give a loving family and childhood to someone, when she herself had one and is now dealing (trying to deal) with all that crumbling away as an adult-
ALSO THO. IF. Hypothetically. the orphan was the same kid Vaggie spared. Like how many sinner kids are there in hell. Not too many running around. If it was the same kid. if Vaggie saw that
....if the kid saw her- or, no, even better- if when she tried talking quietly with them, and when they heard her voice like that they looked up at her suddenly like
cannibal kid: "...Go."
Vaggie: (instantly standing up) "Right, sorry- I'll go get Charlie, or- would you rather Rosie-" (stops) (looks down)
Vaggie: "...?"
cannibal kid: (is holding onto the end of her hair ribbon)
cannibal kid: (whispering) "Run."
cannibal kid: (hopefully) "Now...?"
Vaggie: "...you, remember?"
cannibal kid: (nods)
Vaggie: (slowly sits back down)
Vaggie: "Yeah, hey. That was... that was a thing, wasn't it. It's, been a while. Three years... didn't think you'd recognize me."
cannibal kid: "Didn't. Look different."
Vaggie: "The long hair, missing eye and missing wings is a lot of change, huh?"
cannibal kid: (shrugs) "You're happy." (sniffles) "It's different."
Vaggie: ".....well, Charlie's the one who did all that. She's, pretty great at that stuff. And she'd like make things different for you too now. If you want."
cannibal kid: "........if I stay at the hotel... can I play with Razzle every day? Not, not just when princess Charlie brings him over?"
Vaggie: "Kinda looks like your stuck with him either way to me. Maybe check he's getting enough air, stuffed down into your coat front like that?"
cannibal kid: (unbuttoning an air hole for Razzle) "But he belongs at the hotel, where Dazzle's murmur- marble- um- murder dial-"
Vaggie: "Memorial..?"
cannibal kid: "Where Dazzle's memorial is."
Vaggie: "If you're okay leaving Cannibal Town, you can belong there too."
cannibal kid: "I'm okay leaving town."
cannibal kid: (beat)
cannibal kid: "It's boring."
Vaggie: "Yeah well, the hotel is definitely not gonna be boring."
cannibal kid: "Does it get blown up EVERY week, or just on special occasions?"
Vaggie: "It sure felt like every week but we're trying to cut back."
cannibal kid: "Dang."
please imagine tho, Charlie seeing this sad orphan kid who won't talk to anyone, maybe even "hasn't so much as had a nibble on anyone, the poor little biter" according to Rosie, since being orphaned-
and the next time Charlie visits she brings RAZZLE
and she introduce the two of them, then stands back and watches her childhood plushy turned demon win over this kid SO FAST, disappearing into their tiny but fierce little hugs, getting them to share a donut with him, showing them how to do a little song and dance routine (one him, Charlie, and Dazzle used to do) bringing a bit of normalcy back to a kid who's parents are dead because of her-
Charlie thinking to herself, that the least she can do, really, is give this kid as many of the best parts of HER own childhood as she can
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confessedlyfannish · 24 days
Six Years Ago
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Sam watches Danny wash the dishes in their kitchen, quietly humming to himself, and wonders how many more days they'll get like this. She comes up behind him and wraps her arms around his torso, resting her forehead against the plane of his shoulder.
He leans his head back until it rests against the top of hers, and they stand there as her hand creeps up to rest on his heart. Danny turns the sink off and they breathe together, slowly.
"Hey," he says, putting his hand on top of hers. His hand is warm. "Still here."
Sam rubs her cheek against the thin cotton of his shirt, and he pulls their intertwined hands to his mouth to kiss her palm.
She pulls away.
"You talked to Clockwork, didn't you?"
Out of the corner of his eye, he stiffens.
"I saw the pause," she says, tracing the edge of the table they picked out together. "Before you took the kid to Frostbite."
"I know you were going to tell me. I just thought I'd beat you to it."
"Because I know what you're going to say—"
"Make me a vessel."
"Sam, no," Danny grabs her hands, squeezing. "Please, don't ask me to do that."
"I started all of this, the day I dared you to go into that portal," she says, putting a hand on the face already mouthing a no.
"I don't regret what happened," Danny says.
"Neither do I," she smiles lightly. "I asked you to go in again, remember? I've killed you twice now, and maybe it says something about me that I never felt all that bad about it."
"We were kids," Danny says.
Sam shrugs. "I heard you scream. Both times."
"I'm not as strong as you," Danny whispers.
"I know," she says. "That's why you need me."
Danny's eyes flick up towards the ceiling, in the direction of the guest bedroom. "He's awake," he says.
"Let me talk to him," she grabs the pill bottle resting beside them, turning towards the stairs "You freak him out."
Danny catches her wrist. "I can't ask you...I can't ask you to do this for me."
"You're crazy if you think I'd let you do this alone."
"You hate organized government," he blurts out. Sam laughs.
"Hardly what this is, first of all, second," she smirks, "I guess we'll have to make some changes."
"It'll be hard."
"It's been hard before."
"We'll have to fight."
"Done that too, once or twice."
"And we won't be able to..."
"Yeah," Sam says, resting her forehead against his. "I know."
"You can still walk away from this," his eyes scream for her to stay.
"You're my family. End of."
"I'll change."
"Yes, absolute power tends to do that. You won't be good, because you can't be with all that power, and you might even be evil or worse, ignorant. Someday you'll be stopped. Someday you'll have to be stopped. You're," she swallows, voice cracking. "You're dooming yourself Danny."
"Yes. Please don't ask me to doom you too."
"I don't know," she winds her arm around his neck and presses their lips together, her lipstick staining his lips blue-black. "Sounds pretty goth to me."
"That's dumb," a voice pipes up. They both turn in surprise to see the kid standing in the doorway. With his arm bandaged, his leg splinted and face pale, he still looks pretty worse for wear. He's holding onto the arch for support, and in the other hand he's clutching a crocheted green stuffie of a ghost, complete with red eyes and a black-stitched smile. Upright, he's smaller than Sam thought.
"Absolute power doesn't make you evil. My dad is super strong, stronger than anybody on Earth, he could do whatever he wanted, and no one would be able to stop him," the boy rambles. "But he doesn't, 'cause he wouldn't ever, 'cause he doesn't want to, and that'll never change. Never. He's good. If you want to be good, you be good."
He frowns hard at them, as if willing them to be good with his gaze alone.
Sam glances at Danny, and watches his face go from stunned to inexplicably fond.
"You're right," he says quietly. "Adults can really complicate things sometimes, huh?"
"All the time," the kid says with exasperation, the most put-upon look on his face that Sam has to abruptly turn away before she busts a gut.
"Why can't I fly?" the kid demands. "And why is your hair black?"
"Permission to approach?" Sam asks, putting her hands up when the kid takes a hurried step back. The kid eyes the bottle in her hand and she puts it back on the table, pulling a chair out for him. He chooses to warily limp past her instead, but murmurs a "thank you" as he sits that has both adults biting back grins, especially when it is clear his feet only skim the ground.
"Not going to lie, kiddo, really thought you'd try climbing out the window," Danny says. "Would you like a glass of water?"
"Yes, please," the child says. He mutters something.
"What was that?" Sam asks, smile widening.
"It was too high," the kid repeats, petulantly. "Seeing as I can't fly." He accepts the water with another thank you. He eyes the pill bottle again. "What're those?"
"This," Sam says, scooping it up and giving it a shake. "Is for you." She places it in front of him, and he cautiously takes it.
"Medicine?" he asks.
"Yup, you got it!" Danny says, rummaging through the fridge. "Are you hungry?"
"There's no label on it," the kid says, eyes narrowed.
"That's because we had it made especially for you," Danny explains, unwrapping a turkey sandwich and placing it in front of him. As if on cue, the kid's stomach growls loudly.
The child seems to abruptly realize he is still holding the toy, flushing. He still carefully places it on the chair beside him. Danny beams in its direction.
"Glad you like Blobert, my Dad made him."
"The Third," Sam says with solemnity. "Danny's dad is big into crocheting." He'd found it to be a nice outlet outside of ghost hunting, and now their house was full of slightly wonky-looking stuffed ghosts.
"My dad knits," the kid offers around a big bite of sandwich. "Gran taught him when he was little. He says it's relaxing."
"Knitting and crocheting involves teeny little stitches to create something big, right?" Danny says. The kid nods. "People are kind of the same way. We're made up of things called cells, which are super super small, too small for us to see. There's skin cells, and hair cells, and mouth and hand cells. There are pinky toe cells!" Danny exclaims.
"Each cell has a job, like some cells fight germs when you get sick, and that's how you get better. Does that make sense?"
The child nods.
"Other cells make sure that when you eat food, like your yummy turkey sandwich, is it yummy?" He nods again. "Phew! Between us, I'm not that good a cook."
"I liked the mac n' cheese," The boy says quietly.
"You did? I made that," Sam says triumphantly, while Danny obviously sulks. The boy giggles.
"Well," Danny says loudly, "when it comes to your obviously amazingly mind-blowing-ly delicious turkey sandwich, and Sam's okay mac n' cheese—"
"There are cells that take that food and make sure each cell eats so it can do its job. And if all the cells are doing their jobs then you can do stuff like walk and run or in your case, fly."
"But I've been eating," the kid says, frowning. "And I can walk and run fine."
"You're a bit more special than that," Sam says, taking over. "Most people eat food and their cells know what to do. But some of your cells need some help knowing what to do. It's kind of like they're sleeping and we need to wake them up."
"Do you remember when we first met, and I took you to the sun?" Danny asks. The boy tenses, which is a yes. "I won't do that again, not without your permission. But we realized you needed that, sunlight. It helps wake up your cells."
"Yeah, that makes sense," the boy says slowly. Danny and Sam exchange a look over his head.
"Did you already know that?" Danny asks gently.
"My dad...he needs sunlight too. Sorta."
"Kiddo," Danny says, "the truth is, this isn't your world. Which I think you already know, yeah?"
The boy puts down his sandwich. "Yeah," he says, staring at his plate, and Sam wants to scoop him up and hold him close and tell him everything will be alright.
"Hey, I know it's scary, but we'll figure it out, okay? We're going to get you home, I promise."
The boy's head shoots up. "You know how to get me home?"
"We'll figure it out," Danny repeats. When uncertainty creeps into the boy's face, Danny shakes his head. "No, none of that. We know how you got here. If we time it correctly, we should be able to get you back."
"And in the meantime, you can stay with us," Sam says. The boy turns to her, surprised. "If you want to."
"With you?"
"Me and Blobert the Third. Oh, and Danny I suppose."
The kid barely smiles. "You can really get me home?"
"Yes, but it might take some time. And while you're here, you'll have to take those," Danny nods at the pill bottle. "Our sun and your sun are different. It's kind of like it's speaking a different language than the one your cells understand, so they're having trouble knowing what to do. Those pills will help."
The kid looks suspiciously at the bottle, then them, then the bottle. And because he is just a kid, stranded and alone in an unfamiliar world while sick and in pain, the suspicion quickly gives way to fear.
"I forgot," Sam declares abruptly, "How unbelievably rude of me! My name is Sam. Samantha Manson," she offers the kid her hand to shake. "And that," she jabs a thumb in Danny's direction, "is Daniel James Fenton. But he also goes by Danny Phantom."
Sam leans in. "But kid, here's the thing. Remember how you asked why his hair is black?"
"Well, Phantom is actually Danny's superhero name. Except for me and a few other people, nobody knows Danny Phantom and Danny James Fenton are the same person."
"Wait," the boy says incredulously. "Are you telling me Danny Fenton is his secret identity?"
"Yup," Sam says, blinking as the boy gets more agitated. but keeping her tone level. Danny nods along. "Exactly what I'm saying."
"And you told me?" the boy cries. "You just met me! What if I was a bad person?"
"What if," Danny says, eyes bright.
"What if, indeed," Sam concurs.
"This isn't funny! Secret identities are important, you can't just go around telling people!"
"They are. It would be really bad if you told people Danny was Phantom, actually. But trust is a two-way street, have you heard that phrase before? We want you to trust us, so we're gonna trust you. Starting with Danny's secret identity." The boy stares, stunned.
Sam continues; "Kid, we'll always be honest with you. If you stay with us, we'll tell you whatever you want to know. And we'll keep you safe, until we can get you home to your dad."
"We'll tell you whatever you want to know even if you don't stay with us," Danny says quickly. "And we'll also get you home. But even if it's not with us, you need somewhere to stay. You need regular meals, and a bed to sleep in, and even if it's super boring, school,"
"I like school," the kid blurts.
"Oh? Which grade are you in?"
"I was going to start sixth after summer break..." the kid swallows suddenly.
"Wow, a middle schooler! That's old!" Danny says, attempting to distract him. "Here I thought you were seven!"
"I'm ten!" the kid says, bristling and blinking back tears.
"You must've been looking forward to it," Sam says, shooting Danny a glare. The child rubs furiously at his face. Danny comes around to his other side, crouching down.
"I was...I was going to go to school with my best friend, and I tried on the uniform and it was so cool...and I'd never been to a school with a uniform before and my Mom said we'd have a fitting in September," the boy is picking up speed, "but I wanted to be more like my dad and understand who I was because I feel weird and my powers feel weird and my grandpa said it would help and it would be important," the boy begins crying in earnest, "It wasn't supposed to be forever! It was just for a little while, and then I'd go back to school but I thought it sounded so cool and people looked up to me and I wanted to help and I told my mom I'd be okay so she left and—" Danny pulls the boy into a hug and he collapses into his shoulder, sobbing.
"We'll get you home, hey, hey, it's going to be okay—"
"I don't even know how to take pills!" The boy wails. "My leg hurts!"
"That's because you walked on it, silly goose," Danny says, standing up with the boy still in his arms. He clings to him like a koala. "We'll fix it. Hey, look at me. I'll fix it. Kiddo—"
"My name is Jon!" the boy wails louder.
"Jon, I've got you. I've got you, it'll be okay. I promise it'll be okay."
Oh, Sam thinks, watching Danny cradle the boy. This is going to break his heart.
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
Hi, can I maybe request top g!p Kate and bottom shy milf reader? Kate moves to the suburbs next to divorced milf reader (other parent and kids up to you). Kate helps reader with something which turns into Kate bending reader over the counter and just absolutely destroying her. Some breeding kink cause Kate wants to be readers new baby mama and get her pregnant.
Your work is awesome and I seen you do a Kate one when alot of people don't. So I thought I'd ask.
Also Kate in her early 20s and reader in mid 30s.
Perfect Little Slut
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Pairings: g!p Kate Bishop x milf!reader
Word count: 2370
Warnings: mentions of age play, smut, voyeriusm, masturbating, kate has a dick, small angst, small fluff, fingering, breeding kink, reader has kids and a ex husband, let me know if I missed any
Summary: The new neighbor has seemed to taken a liking to you, and you’ve taken a liking to her as well
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
The moving van was parked outside of Kate’s new home as she finally finished unpacking. The town was nice, just a normal suburban neighborhood that she thought would be great for her new work. Her mother had given her some assets, along with partial ownership to the Bishop security that her mother wanted her to take over someday. She didn’t want that, not yet. So, she planned to finally take charge and run the business once her mother retired. But for now, she wanted to lay down low, have a few peaceful years.
You were slightly excited to finally get a new neighbor, you were starting to get sick of the others. You hoped whoever it was had kids, your children weren’t the most popular and you wanted them to have some friends. You even greeted the woman with kindness and offered to help her unpack, to which she struggled to say no. Her muscles were bulging out of her top and you couldn’t help but get flustered around your new neighbor, who you learned goes by Kate.
“Are you sure you don’t need help? I’m not exactly busy.” She chuckled and you followed her into the almost empty home, only being filled with boxes.
“I’m sure miss. As much as I’d enjoy your company, I don’t want to bother you.” She turned around as you removed your gaze from her ass, she noticed. A sly smirk was plastered on her face and you shyly looked down.
“W-well, I guess I’ll go then. If you need anything, I’m just right across the street.” She walked up to you and placed her hands on your hips, glancing at your body with a hungry gaze. She licked her lips and ran her hands up and down your sides slightly before leaning in, whispering close to your mouth.
“I’ll keep that in mind, baby.” She let go of your body and you almost collapsed on the spot. The woman was unbelievably attractive, it was hard not to kiss her when she got so close. It was clear she wasn’t with anyone, she wouldn’t have been so forward if so.
You walked back to your house where your kids sat, bags in hand ready to go to their fathers.
“Hey you guys, ready to go have a fun weekend with dad?” You asked them excitedly, already knowing the answer. He had already told you that he planned on taking them to this new water park he heard about and you agreed, wanting your kids to have as much fun as they could.
“Yeah!” They both yelled out in sync and you laughed, ruffling both of their hair. You heard a car drive up and walked the two outside, making sure they had everything before sending them off, giving a wave to your ex-husband and children. Kate watched from afar, she didn’t care if it seemed creepy to admire you from her window, she just wanted to get a glance. She never knew you had kids, you must’ve forgot to tell her. The thought alone of you being pregnant turned her on more than she wanted to admit. She wanted to knock you up, be your new baby mama. She prayed you’d come back and offer your help once more, then she’d take you however she pleased. She could bend you over any surface she pleased and fuck you senseless. Spending hours between your legs, fucking those perfect breasts of yours, she could feel herself getting hard at the thought alone.
You walked back into your now quiet house, not noticing the woman staring at your frame as your back now faced her. You went to turn on the air conditioner, only for it to not work. You kept trying, but recieved nothing in return. You sighed and wiped the small beads of sweat off of your forehead, ready to get your toolbox until you realized, you let Bucky borrow it a few days ago and he forgot to give it back. You gathered up the courage and made your way back over to Kate’s home, knocking on her door as you heard a small ‘hold on!’ from inside. She opened up the door and was greeted by the sight of you once again, it must’ve been her lucky day.
“Hey sweetheart, what are you doing back here?” Your cheeks turned a small shade of red and she used her thumb to pick your chin back up, making you stare directly into her eyes.
“I,uhm, I was just wondering if you had a, uh, a toolbox?” You stuttered out nervously. She let go of your chin and walked you into her garage, a hand being placed upon your lower back.
“So, what do you need it for?” You explained your whole issue with the device as she listened intently, grabbing the tools from a box in the dark room.
“Huh, you know, I could always help with that. My step-dad wasn’t so bad with that stuff, he taught me a few things.”
“Oh, no t-that’s fine, I don’t want to bother you.” She walked back over to you, the way she’s done multiple times today.
“You’re never a bother, sweetheart. Why don’t you just let me help? I’ll get it done in no time, you won’t even need to pay me.” You eventually agreed and walked her over to your house, showing her what she needed to fix.
“Would you like some food? You know, something to eat while you work on that?” I want you, she thought to herself. She turned around and spared you a glance, smirking to herself when seeing your staring at her biceps.
“Oh I’m alright for now, I should be done in only a few minutes.” You walked back into your room and tried cooling yourself down. The heat in the house along with the heat in your panties made it almost impossible to even think straight. You dragged down your shorts and rubbed your clit softly through your drenched undergarments. Silent moans escaped your mouth as the pads of your fingers sped up in pace.
“Oh Kate” Came your hushed tone. Your eyes fluttered shut and your free hand went to cover your mouth.
“Yes baby?” You shot up and opened your eyes to see Kate standing in the doorway of your room.
“I finished the air conditioning, thought I’d try to find and tell you it was done but, by all means, continue.” She gestured to your hand still in your pants as you quickly tried to remove it, only to be stopped the woman.
“Did I tell you to stop? I want you to keep going for me, see you cum all over your fingers while picturing it’s me.” She intertwined her fingers with yours and led them back onto your dripping core, guiding your fingers to stroke your clit once more. You rested your head on her shoulder as she continued her torturing of your cunt.
“That’s it, baby. I can feel you, you’re so wet for me, this is all for me right? This little pussy is dripping all for me?” You nodded desperatly and she ripped off your shirt, using her hands to palm your tits and pinching your hardened nipples. You teased your hole with a singular digit before finally entering, feeling your warm walls clamp around it. Kate groaned as she took your nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue over the bud while her hand went to palm her crotch. She unbottoned her pants and stroked her cock through her Calvin Klein boxers, her eyes trailing down to your center.
“Mm, you get me so fucking hard baby. You make my dick so fucking hard.” She moaned out into your skin and moved her mouth down your body, replacing your finger with her mouth. Her tongue teased your hole like you did moments ago, slipping in and whimpering at the taste.
“This sweet little pussy tastes so good, I fucking love it.” You threw your head back and your hands went to pull her hair harshly, trying to direct her to hit that sweet spot inside of you.
“K-Kate, please..” You stuttered, the pleasure becoming too much.
“What is it baby? What do you need?” She asked before sucking on your swollen bud. You tried speaking, but it was too diffucult. Your body spasmed as your orgasm came crashing over you. She pulled away before you could ride out your high, causing you to let out a frustrated whine.
“Did I say you could cum? I don’t think I did, baby.” She suddenly flipped you over, putting your arms behind your back and using her belt to keep them in place. Your head was pushed down onto the mattress while your ass was faced up, she slapped it harshly making you jump.
“Such a cute little ass.” She mumbled under her breath and continued spanking you, watching as the plush skin jiggled lightly. She stood up and completely removed her pants, originally only having them down to her ankles. You felt something prodding at your hole and looked back, only to see Kate with her head thrown back at the feeling of your warmth. She continued teasing your aching cunt before finally slipping in, bottoming out inside of you as you bit down on the sheets to mufle your scream.
“‘M sorry baby, it’ll feel better soon. Fuck! You’re so warm, I fucking love it. I love this little pussy so much.” She mumbled out incoherently and returned her hand back to your clit, toying with the sensitive bud. The burning sensation slowly started to turn into pleasure, you tried to tell her to move but she was already one step ahead of you. Her thrusts were slow at first, but hearing your moans and whimpers made her increase her pace. She leaned her body on top of yours, the new angle hitting a special spot inside of you.
“I bet that husband of yours never fucked you like this, did he? Did he ever make you cum the way I do?” You shook your head but it wasn’t enough, she slapped your ass harshly and awaited further for your response.
“N-no, he never made me feel this good- Fuck! You fuck me so good! You’re so big..” The last words were whimpered out as tears pooled out of your eyes. You could tell she was experienced, no virgin has ever taken you like this, treated you like a rag doll. Like you were just a sex doll for her pleasure only.
“That’s right, I own this slutty little pussy. Tell me you’re a virgin, please tell me I’m the first to touch this wet little cunt.” She knew she’d never be the first, but she at least wanted to imagine it. She acted like you were a virgin, like you were an innocent little angel all for her. You were hers now, no one else's, she’d make sure of that. Playing along with her little game, you gave in. You muttered the words only your ex-husband ever got the pleasure of hearing, that you never had sex.
“You’re the first Kate, you’re the first to fuck me. You’re the first to ever make me cum, I promise.” She groaned, her orgasm approaching as you clenched around her.
“Such a good girl for me, are you my good girl? Will you take my fucking cum like a good little girl?” Even if you were a little over a decade older than her, she still called you little. She acted like you were innocent, as if you were young. As if you were her little angel.
“Mhm, I’ll take it all! Please cum in me, stuff me full, Kate. Please fucking do it!” She chuckled and took your earlobe into her mouth, biting the lobe before speaking once more.
“I will baby, I’ll knock your sweet ass up. How do you think your little husband will feel? You think he’ll be mad? Maybe he’ll dump your slutty self, but I’ll take care of you sweetheart. I’ll be your new baby mama.” The moment she finished speaking, you felt hot channels flow through your awaiting hole. Her hips stuttered lightly as her thrusts slowed to a stilt, still letting you reach your peak. The knot in your stomach snapped once and for all as a loud moan escaped your mouth. Your body rocked back and forth, matching the woman’s harsh thrusts. Both of your breasts bounced slightly, she gripped yours. She was kneading your tits like a stress ball, occasionally pinching your nipples to tease you further. Her panting soon stopped as did yours, the two of you now against each other in the room filled with the stench of sex.
“Mm, I love you baby. I love this perfect little ass, this perfect little pussy, these perfect tits, I love it all. I love everything about you, princess.” She couldn’t have meant it, she couldn’t have. I mean, she only just met you, how could she already love you?
“I mean it sweetheart, I love this sweet little body of yours. And I love everything about you.” ‘But you don’t love me?’ You thought to yourself, quickly forgetting the thought as she removed the belt holding your hands together and dragged you to the walk in the bathroom.
“Alright, gotta take care of my precious little thing.” She whispered while starting the bath, twisting a bunch of knobs until she got the right one. When the temperature reached warm, she helped you in as she entered before you. You sat on top of her as she wrapped her arms around your frame, her fingers finding their way back down your body.
“Kate, I’m too sensitive.” You whimpered out and she only laughed lightly, bringing her lips to your neck and creating new marks.
“Oh baby, will you just take it? I promise I won’t hurt you, ‘just wanna make you cum again. Will you let me do that?” You couldn’t say no to that. With your nod, she continued her teasing and slowly entered you with two fingers, starting a fast pace almost instantly. This would be a long night.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I'd be judging the hell out of Mom!Reader for naming her twins GABRIEL and GABRIELLA!!!! (Not judging her that much for instigating Miguel to get me or something, I mean. Stockholm syndrome is a bitch. and also. I get it, the power of big d and all that stuff) GIRL. That's the SAME NAME!!!!!
Smh there's so many beautiful names in spanish but MomReader and Miguel 2 are lacking in the creativity department.
Miguel over here watching Mom!You being so radiant and joyful while showing off her chunky babies and he's sending sly glances to you, lowkey being a snob as he thinks "OUR babies would have much better names" and before he knows it he's building up this little fantasy in his head by accident. He keeps hearing these little stories or details from the other you and the other him and in his head he keeps thinking of what he would've done, how he thinks it would've gone for you and him, and you two are not even in a relationship. In fact depending on how drawn out this gets, you haven't even been in the Spider Society for several weeks and are at home with no intention of ever coming back, heartbroken, alone
I even thought of "what if an afab Reader got so desperate to escape canon and have freedom again that she gets pregnant by a stranger and literally carries a full pregnancy so she can abandon the baby, because the kid will eventually become a Spider and maybe they'll take over the canon and then you'll be able to do whatever you want" because you're just. You're so upset that canon is controlling your life and basically like ENSLAVING you that you're desperate
Lmao Peter B sneaks back to see you even though he isn't supposed to and finds you, he's ecstatic, "oh my god you're SUPER pregnant!" and he knows he isn't supposed to see you but he zips it and goes back home and, months later he visits you again with gifts, "so where's the baby?" "I dunno, where IS the baby? :)"
Would the baby technically be an anomaly since you weren't supposed to have it, not like this? What if they had to get rid of it to re-stabilize the timeline or whatever? Now you're being EXTRA shunned because, "wow you went through all that just for yourself huh 🙄 you'd rather abandon a baby than get married..." like people just beyond appalled with you, meanwhile you feel extra victimized because, wow that was all for nothing, you're trying to rethink strategies since "the contigency" didn't work out.
Or less dark but imagine dumping that kid and then some time later you're invited back to the Spider Society and it's like "oh hey Miguel what's the deal with this random baby you're taking care of" and you don't even recognize it, don't even know, you didn't even look at it hard enough to ever really know what it looked like, and, well, WE know whose baby it is lmao. You thinking you escaped from it and it's off living its own life and is going to someday free you and they, maybe not even realizing your intentions and just thinking you were scared, are raising it to give it back to you. I'd go absolutely wild lmao. Their shock when you break it to them "I literally nicknamed it Connie as in contingency, I never even knew what sex it was, I never even fed it, oh my god get it out of here, you're ruining everything"
Miguel MAKING YOU raise it even if its like tbh a fucked up little accident, or, if it's the whole "anomaly baby's gotta go" situation, after the, uh, disposal, he realizes he's pushed you way too far and you're too stressed and scared to think and behave rationally anymore and THIS is where he basically assigns himself as your caretaker and eventually takes you for himself which is kiiiiiiiiinda for the best because you're losing it a little. Like idk I imagine with LYLA maybe he has her programmed to tell him his own canon or he can look at it himself but like, what if he avoided spoilers because he wanted his behavior with you to be authentic or whatever. Like Miguel 2 might let him know "yeah dude turns out we hook up with them in a lot of different universes, it's almost like a separate canon like Peter Parker having Mary Jane" and Miguel takes some sneak peeks at other realities and then he shuts himself off from it so he can move forward of his own accord, but he now knows a sort of guideline and maybe some things to avoid doing (he can see the reality where the YouTwo disaster is going down and he's like "I would NEVER make MY You feel replaced *acts like having Mom!You and Miguel2 around doesn't count, the denial is stored in his ass, that's why it's so big*")
He's got a little notebook or data log where he takes down notes and details on things you like, things he notices about you, things you do often, habits, favorite foods, favorite color, how often are you doing your laundry (he knows you keep re-wearing that bra, girl), are you making your bed, how well are you functioning. Jesus, he literally has technology that can recreate extremely hyperdetailed recreation simulations; if he isn't outright putting camera bots in your room, he can "recreate" however you've been spending your day. He can learn all your routines and rituals and habits, decide what things may be problems, what things you might need more of in your life, he's, studying you really, with a romantic and almost scientific obsession
Not to be all 50 shades of gray in here but would Miguel eventually come onto you, all pent up and control finally bursting, "if we were made for each other, you must like taking it as hard as I like to give it" and whether you want it or not he takes you, and your bodies feel like they fit together perfectly, he stretches you out and fills you up JUST right, you can't help but have your eyes roll into the back of your head with how good it is, and of course he used any good reactions out of you as an excuse/"sign" he's doing the right thing and to keep going, that you're consenting, that he's finally winning you over
Who know; the two of you might start having those babies faster than you both initially thought 😳
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
25 asks :00000
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@ocinstituterep (Posts in question)
The cooling suits they wear at the beach are the same ones they wear under their uniforms :00 And it doesn't necessarily reflect the sun,, its just a battery powered suit that keeps them cool :}
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I wasn't pressured into drawing the art exactly,, but all the questions about it did push me a little into looking into the series more.. That's not really a bad thing though, I did enjoy drawing those pictures soooo-
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I get this question a lot <XD When I was first designing my sona I wanted to add something to their hands. At the time my hands were covered in Band-Aids from dry skin and cat scratches. So I thought "Hey! Bandaged/bloody hands would be cool and edgy :DD" So I added them <XDD
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Oh yeah, that episode was a bit odd huh? XD I think in my version of Octonauts they didn't go all the way down to its stomach- maybe just into the mouth and got the Puffer fish out.
Now the REAL episode that I basically 100% cut is the cone snail episode. You know why? Cone snails are estimated to have poison strong enough to kill 700 people! And there's NO antidote!! NO ONE would have survived being stung. Not even the Captain. They all would have died and left Peso abandoned on a ship full of the bodies of his friends in the middle of the ocean... :x pretty dark huh-
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Thank you! :DD
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XD I was getting tired of Gregory being a little snot. In game and in the fandom. So once again I made a character good out of spite! XDD
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The basis for my Kirby Anime AU is I just found a way to add all the Metaknights to the story. You know, Axe knight, Mace night, Javelin Knight,,, etc.
This is obviously a SUPER angsty AU. For example, Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower and best friend. But then he sacrificed himself to save Metaknight. Thinking he failed his soul was restless and he now wanders the galaxy fighting Monsters and honoring Metaknights name.. Not knowing that Metaknight survived. Its a REALLY long story that I should ramble about sometime XDD
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I would advise against it,, there are plenty of good reaction images out there to find! I should know, I have 996 of them saved! I'm almost at 1000! XDD
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Thank you! And not at the moment no- but I might draw him again someday :}}
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Noooooothingggg... :}}}
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I think its because the poor guy probably doesn't have enough free time to practice consistently. Being the Captain he likely has so much to do all the time.. and when he can finally sit down and indulge in hobbies,, he likely would just rather relax and read a book instead. :( Poor fella
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Ah, sorry. I don't know of any. <:/
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I have actually! :DD I did not sleep good that night :}}}
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Thank you so much!!!! :DD
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Thank you so much! And as for the memes.. ehh, I'd say just to be safe, don't make em. Comments are more than enough. The first thing I do when I wake up is check Tumblr and see if anyone left a comment on my posts. Literally! Comments are the best thing you can give me!
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Thank you so much!! :DD
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Heck yeah, that's the best part! <XDDD
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It definitely depends on my mood, I'm split 50/50 on which one I enjoy more :000
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:DDD Thank you so much!! That means a lot!
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@milk-powrit (Post in question)
<XD Thankfully no, Jangles is not an iPad kid. He was just playing on my phone because Bibi and I were conked out and he was bored XDD
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:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah, I don't care what's canon or not. I wont be drawing any lovey-dovey/shippy content unless its with my own original characters. Its just not my thing man, 🤷‍♂️
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Thank you! And yeah if I were you I'd ditch pinterest. Any time I have been browsing artwork on google and clicked the link, It always took me to some stolen artwork on pinterest. I'd just rather people never found me then have found me through stolen art on pinterest..
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I have not :0 sounds thrilling though! :D
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msfcatlover · 21 days
Someone from a more normal comics verse: "Wait, what are you doing like this?"
Red Hood Steph: "Well you see, little bird, I didn't have to die. I actually had the chance to prevent it. There I was, gun to Black Mask's head, and all I had to do was pull the trigger. Gods knew he already had the body count to justify it. It wasn't like he was ever going to stop."
Red Hood Steph: "But I didn't. Because stupid Batman and his stupid rules, and Cass & Damian always getting on my case about the value of human life—we're not better than them, nobody is more valuable than anyone else, no right to take lives into our own hands—all that bullshit. Like we don't do that every single time we go out in costume. Like a fucking serial killer maybe feeling bad someday is going to fix any of what he did. Is going to bring back even a single victim, or comfort their families."
Red Hood Steph: "So, yeah. I chose to be a good little bat and didn't shoot Sionis. You know what happened next?"
The other person: "You died?"
Red Hood Steph: "No. I suffered. That fucking bastard dragged it out for as long as he could, found every possible way to hurt me that wouldn't be immediately fatal, and then left me there. Death was a mercy that came hours later."
Red Hood Steph: "Do you know how much they valued that? The life I'd lost for their cause, the years I'd dedicated to their crusade, the love & loyalty that I held onto until the bitter end? Do you know what that earned me?"
Red Hood Steph: "A show funeral full of pretty, empty words. My daughter thrown out in a matter of weeks. My killer off the streets for less than 3 months. And another kid in the same fucking suit, facing the same fucking risks I did, with the same fucked up messages being spewed in his ears before the year was out."
Red Hood Steph: "A kid who is now mostly paralyzed from the waist down, and tortures himself daily for the sake of their image, by the way."
Red Hood Steph: "And now there's another one. Running around in my fucking death shroud."
Red Hood Steph: "How do you think it's going to work out this time?"
The other person: "So, this is about saving Jason?"
Red Hood Steph: "Pfft. No, this is about making Roman Sionis suffer just as much as any of his victims did before the end. This is about fixing all the damage I let happen to this city by not pulling that trigger. This is about proving a fucking point."
Red Hood Steph: "This is about making the most of my unexpected overtime, by making the fact that I'm back everyone's problem. Because fuck the Waynes."
The other person:
Red Hood Steph: "...But also, yeah, I don't want the brat to sacrifice his life for Bruce's stupid crusade. He's not a ninja, he's not a weapon, he's got no powers—he's just a kid."
Red Hood Steph: "Nothing's ever going to make the Bats see him that way, though. And grounding us has never worked, not even once. If he's going to walk away from this and have a normal life, it has to be his own choice."
Red Hood Steph: "And if I have to be the bad guy to make him see that, then I guess I'm the bad guy."
Red Hood Steph: "As long as he walks away with everything still working, he'll be better off than me or Tim."
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o7k5a8m9i · 5 months
~♡Perfect Little Family ♤~ Hisomachi
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Pic by me♡ credit to @itsmyara for the little Hisomachi icon🃏🧵 ⚠️⚠️ 15+⚠️⚠️ because of mature content💮 read at your own risk
YOU MUST READ THIS before reading this fanfic!! ➡️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Again the post above is a MUST READ if you wanna understand the story 😭🃏🧵💖✨
Chapter 1: ~Machi's unfortunate surprise~🧵🃏
{A/N Forgive me for the OOC, AU, and cringe!😫🎐}
[Machi Komacine is a 23 year old woman who's apart of the Phantom Troupe. a group of thieves and murders but to her they were like family. well all except one... Hisoka Morow replacement number 4 he had joined the Troupe 4 years ago and him and Machi became...... teammates to say the least she didn't really like him but over time developed feelings for the stupid clown but she'd never say it. of course he had feelings for her too and told her all the time. but she always just took what he said with a grain of salt not sure if he's lying or not but regardless things were about to change.
April 10th the troup was all together celebrating a big heist they just pulled off. so they decided to have a party✨ most of them got drunk but not Machi nor Hisoka. although something did go down between them that night Machi blamed it on "I was drunk" she'd always lie or blame it on something she'd never amit to it. a few days later Machi noticed something... Different...but didn't say anything. a 1 week later some of the Troupe decided to move to the next city but they ALL agreed to meet up again in a month. they wanted to hangout more. (Look idk I just need a excuse 😭) when they got to the new hideout Machi had to know. and so that night she found out...she was pregnant.... she didn't tell anyone but she was having a heart attack she had no idea what to do....this made her feel weak. she let her gard down what was she to do?...but before anything. she'd wait till he arrived... The father of this baby.. now as I said before not all the Troupe came with Machi the only people at the hideout right now were Chrollo, Pakunoda, Shalnark, Shizuku, Kortopi & Machi. they were still waiting for the other members one of them being the father of this kid. and so a few days past and now everyone was there. everyone except Hisoka. now normally Machi wouldn't care if he showed up or not but this was different they needed to talk.... two MORE days later and the clown finally decided to show up. although Hisoka was only planning to stay a few days maybe a week that was about to change once Machi starts talking. Chrollo exampled that he'd be staying in this city for a few months because he was a bit tired of moving and he added that any other member of the troupe could stay with him and that was all.]
Hisoka: Hi Machi~
Machi: Hi...or whatever...
Hisoka: so how are you doing?~
Machi: what do you care!
Hisoka: oh my dear Machi I care because your my friend, Teammate, Fellow spider and maybe something more someday~
Machi: S..Shut up! we're teammates that's it!
Hisoka: oh ok...~ -_-...so how are you?...
Machi: ....[She really didn't wanna say but... he was the father... she had to...]
Machi: not great....
Hisoka: oh my what's wrong dear~?
Machi: ... nothing....
Hisoka: oh stop lying and tell me. my dear~
Machi: ... I'll tell you later...
Hisoka: oh ok~...but don't think I'll forget~
Machi: yeah whatever..//.....
-To Be Continued- 🧵🃏
....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†....†..[END of this chapter]🌙✨☁️☀️ A/N I hope you enjoyed I'll write part two soon🧵🃏🌸 anyway thanks for reading!!☺️ I know it sucked🍭 if you have anything you'd like to say/question's let me know 💙 again this is a AU✨🌹 and OOC!😫🙏,
Tagging people who voted to see this Story @thelovelyghostwriter @zillybusiness @rinhxh @jandeline190 @dekingcobra
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emeraldhub225 · 2 months
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a sketch of the au dream or something where Sonic reads shadow a bedtime story every night, this time it's raining and Shadow's tucked inside sonic🥰💙
I have no idea how to finish this sketch...I tried everything and it all sucks. Anyone is welcome to use try again😆
And recently I've been thinking about this so much, and maybe I should write a fanfiction. I have really cute ideas and settings for this
So it's going to be an AU where sonic and Shadow don't cross paths too much, meaning they aren't really rivals and only do things together when things get serious (events of sa2, heroes, Shadow 05, and 06 happened and all)
Sonic always sleeps in an alleyway by default and Shadow finds him someday. He questions what he's doing, and Sonic convinces him that sleeping outside is really fun. And he would tell him a bedtime story of he joins in. The truth was that Sonic didn't like sleeping alone and wants someone by his side.
Shadow didn't like sleeping alone either and from that night he always slept in sonics company. The alleyway is like a dead end sort of thing with cobblestone floor, it's quite wide. Sonic and Shadow have their own sides of the end, (I THINK ITS SONIC ON THE RIGHT AND SHADOW ON THE LEFT I FORGOT😓) and someday they sleep sitting up, sometimes lying on the floor, but they didn't care sonic was used to it and Shadow was artificial and stuff.
Their character would be quite innocent and they would have respect for eachother. A variety of topics come from the stories, giving the two hedgehogs interesting things to talk about mid reading😁
Say one night sonic isn't there and since Shadow got so used to falling asleep with stories, he couldn't sleep that night🥺🥺
I have more 🥰🥰🥰 here are some things that lurked within my brain
""Mommy? How did you and dad meet?" She questioned, distracted by playing with her toys and legos, but still curious for an answer. "Oh, we fell in love with each other. And kissed. Then got married. You'll get married too someday." The mother sighed as she couldn't tell her all the complicated details. She..."
"Married?" Shadow calmly interrupted Sonic's story.
"Yeah, parents have to get married." Sonic pointed out the obvious.
"So if I don't want to marry anyone, I just need to not have children." Shadow thought.
"I don't know much about these things... whether I'll marry someone or not, I know I'm not ready."
"Now that I think about it, I kind of want to know who I'm marrying." Sonic continued.
"Have you kissed anyone?" Shadow asked, genuinely wanting an answer rather than give him ideas.
"You know me, I'm always out on the run. Don't have time for those sort of stuff." Sonic weakly chuckled.
"You're not running now, are you?" Shadow unintentionally suggested.
"'Know what, if I were to marry anyone, you'd be my first choice. And for kissing, I'd kiss nobody. If marriage can go without it."
"Uh..." Sonic blushed, wondering what part he meant.
"Y-you're pretty strong. I'd like having a fighting partner as my husband." Sonic made up an answer.
"And if we marry each other, we'll get children, won't we?" Shadow smirked.
"Come on, we don't want a whole family sleeping down here. I only like it when it's the two of us."
"Hey... if we had children, they would be just as powerful as us. This means you would get more fighting partners." Shadow thoughts trailed off.
"What should we name them?" Sonic joined in.
"The next heir to the ultimate lifeform... hmm.... Shadow Jr. Sonic Jr for our second born."
"Heh. You're not too good at thinking of names, huh. Can't say I know any better." Sonic chuckled.
"And don't forget, you can't have any kids without kissing." Shadow added.
"You want one?" Sonic was slightly disgusted.
"Just one. We'll never get another chance." Shadow smiled.
"Or are you too scared?" Shadow teased.
"I'm only doing this for another fighting partner, okay?!" Sonic shuffled over to approach Shadow's face. He panicked.
"Man, this is scarier than I thought." He shivered.
"I must be that special, hm?" Shadow tried to get rid of Sonic's fear.
Sonic wiped that smirk off of his face by swiftly pressing his lips against the other's.
"Wait... t-that's what a kiss is?" Shadow turned red.
"You've been living under a rock, haven't you?" Sonic turned away, embarrassed. "Go outside one day."
Idk if you want more😁😁😁🥰
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deadprompts · 11 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
there's us and the dead.
this is what takes us down.
the tragedy of their loss cannot be overstated.
i'm gonna get shit-faced drunk again
you should've seen the look on his face when i punched out his front teeth.
you're still a dumbass.
nice moves there, clint eastwood.
i think tomorrow i'm gonna blow my brains out.
y'all be more polite to a man with a gun!
zero tolerance for walkers.
that's the biggest lie there is.
we're safe here.
it's not a toy.
i know how the safety works.
keep drinking, little man.
do not enter the city.
bright side, it'll be the fall that kills us.
you may think you do but you don't.
living underground doesn't help; not knowing if it's day or night.
wish i could have done it a month ago.
friend, you need glasses.
there's good news?
it was worth every minute of it just to see that prick spit his teeth out on the ground.
i finally got the scrubbers in the east sector shut down to save power.
there were dozens of 'em.
eww. that's nasty.
maybe we got a second chance.
help me now, show me the way.
i didn't behave, i know.
screw you, man.
sometimes they fall short.
you take that stupid hat and go back to "on golden pond."
you the new sheriff come riding in to clean up the town?
cozy in there?
the only reason i got away was 'cause the dead were too busy eating my family.
i don't even know why i'm talking to you.
that's my boy.
this is our extinction event.
how far do you think i can chuck this, huh?
things are different now.
if you see anything, holler. i'll come running.
go on, tell me what to do.
hey kid, what'd you do before all this?
what are the odds, huh?
i know what i want to say.
i see a chance to make a new start.
i remember my dream now.
i ain't begged you before, i ain't gonna start begging now.
i know i'm being punished.
it wasn't my intention.
i can't let a man die of thirst.
i wanna see how red your face can get.
the world ended, didn't you get the memo?
we survive this by pulling together, not apart.
anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna lose.
it scares the fish.
thought i'd get to drive at least for a few more days.
i'll give you a moment to think about that.
i'm sorry this happened to you.
i'm old enough.
it belongs to the dead now.
maybe we'll get to steal another one someday.
nobody is gonna hurt you, okay?
they came out of nowhere.
saves me the embarrassment.
that's the bad news.
can i learn to shoot?
you pull the trigger, you have to mean it.
not many people get that.
bites kill you.
just...feeling very...off.
words can be meager things.
what he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me.
what do you say to that?
guess the world changed.
the fever burns you out, but then after a while... you come back.
hell yes you're gonna learn.
you heard me, bitch.
the weak get taken.
there's no clinical progress to report.
still not sleeping well, can't seem to keep regular hours.
we gotta do it carefully, teach you to respect the weapon.
we are surviving here.
too bad i never studied engineering.
yeah, whatever, yee haw.
they might not seem like much one at a time, but in a group all riled up and hungry, man you watch your ass.
one thing i do know, don't you get bit.
we don't kill the living.
no crying in the boat.
i bet there isn't a single son of a bitch still listening out there, is there?
that's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being.
you don't know what it's like out there.
you're surrounded by walkers.
we don't have to be afraid anymore.
who voted you king boss?
we left him like an animal caught in a trap.
the line is pretty clear.
admit it, you only came back to atlanta for the hat.
i can see you make a habit of missing the point.
it's only a matter of time.
is this real?
there's us and the dead.
you got a problem?
there's too many of those things.
i never told them what i really thought.
i ain't so worried about some dumb dead bastard.
i'm a glass half full kinda guy.
it's the same as it ever was.
who the hell are you, man?!
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
Alone || The Man In The Red Poncho
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When Daryl had finished fixing the bike up, Aaron had explained to the pair how they would go about with the recruiting and the route they were planning on taking, considering the pair were from Georgia and did not know anything about Virginia.
Natalia had explained to him, that at their old community, the prison, it was mainly her and Daryl that had rescued people, bringing them back, that they were familiar with helping survivors and giving them sanctuary.
Natalia had decided on taking Milo up on his offer of dinner, it was sweet and he was right about being a good cook, even with the sparse ingredients, he was a lot nicer and friendly than when they had first met.
Evie had kept her promise of drawing more pictures, giving them to the woman as she talked about school and how Carl was in the big kids group with the Anderson boys, she thought he was cool.
Natalia had surprisingly took a fast liking to the girl, she was kind but blunt, Natalia couldn't blame her, growing up in a world like this.
Milo wasn't bad either, she could see herself becoming friends with him fast, he was quite interesting to talk to, after Evie had gone to bed, which she insisted on Natalia helping with, her and Milo had shared a glass of wine, she made sure to keep to only a wine after the other night.
"She adores you." Milo said. "I've never seen her like this with anyone, not in a real long time."
"She's a great kid." Natalia responded.
"You're invited to hang out here whenever if it means I get to see that smile on her face, obviously when you're not recruiting, and I'm sure she'll appreciate it, I don't think Evie will give you much choice, either way." He told her.
"Of course, I think she's growing on me." Natalia teased.
"Did you ever have kids, before this?" He asked her. "Just that, you're so good with her."
"Yeah, a long time ago." She admitted, surprising herself that she did. "A little girl."
"I'm sorry."
"I know. It sucks."
When she had got back to the home she shared with her friends, it seemed like Daryl was waiting for her on the porch, as he smoked, he hadn't out rightly asked for details, but she told him anyway, even showing off Evie's drawings, especially the one that appeared to be him and a motorcycle, the same one she must've seen him working on in the garage.
"You in love with the guy yet?" Daryl asked her.
"Pft, no, he's alright, not really my type, I'm only there for Evie." Natalia told him.
"Your type?" He scoffed.
"Yeah, I have a type." She looked at him. "Y'know, I'm supposed to be hanging out with her again when we get back, maybe you can come with."
"Nah, nobody wants that, I ain't good with kids."
"Yeah, cause Judith doesn't look up at you like you hang the stars, and you don't look at her the same way." She nudged him.
"She's different."
"You ever think this will stick, that maybe Aarons right, and we will be able to fall in love again, and have families?" Natalia asked him, leaning her head against his arm as they both stared ahead, into the street, linking her arm with his.
"Like hell I'd know, never been in love before, my only family was Merle."
"You've never been in love?" Natalia leaned off of him, looking into his eyes. "Like ever? Not even some high school girlfriend you thought was gonna last forever?"
"Nope, would need to have a girlfriend for that."
"Shut up, you're kidding." She didn't mean to come across so mean, she just couldn't wrap her head around the idea that he'd never been in a relationship before.
"Never wanted to, ain't found the right girl, before. The time never came." He shrugged, he didn't seem bothered by it.
"Ugh, so you're some damn "holding out for true love" romantic" She teased, placing her head back on his arm.
"Something like that." He shrugged, looking down at the woman.
"She'll come around someday, you deserve to be happy, and you'll sweep her off her feet and be romantic and in love and happily ever after."
"Maybe." He continued to stare down at her, her being completely oblivious by it.
The next day had come, Aaron and Natalia were prepping the car whilst Daryl sat on his bike, waiting for them so that they could head off.
Carol had forced Daryl to put on a flannel jacket under his vest and Natalia to layer up.
As Natalia was finishing up with the car, Evie came walking over to her, Milo wasn't too far behind.
"She wanted to say bye." He told the woman.
"Oh, I won't be gone for long." Natalia told the girl, bending down to talk to her. "We're gonna come back with people, then me and you can hang out again."
"Promise you'll come back?" She asked her, almost pleading, a sad expression was etched on her face, it sent a pain to Natalia's heart.
"Hell yeah, I think I'd miss you too much, I pinkie promise." Natalia stuck out her pinkie, linking it with the girls. "But hey, you know my friend Carol? She makes these really good cookies, maybe if you tell her I sent you, you can make some with her, would you like that?"
She looked at her dad, unsure of herself, but with a nod from him, she said yes.
"Bye, Natty." She wrapped her arms around Natalia's neck, hugging her tightly.
"Bye, Evie." She hugged the girl back, just as tight, she was starting to feel very fond of Evie, a bond between them had formed very quickly, Natalia didn't know whether to let it flow or cut it off immediately, before the pair could get too attached, making friendships in this world was mostly likely a cause for disaster.
When they pulled away, Natalia got in the passenger side of the car, Milo picked Evie up as they waved them off, Natalia waved back as Aaron drove the car behind Daryl's bike.
At night time, they had stopped in a field, Natalia was glad she didn't have to put up with Aarons small talk any longer.
Daryl took out a walker with his crossbow as they got out the car.
"There's more of them around here than there used to be." Aaron told the pair. "Don't know if any people..."
"Shh." Daryl told him, pointing ahead. "Someone is."
A small yellow light was emitting from the trees, a fire, a sign of human presence.
They had set up camp, deciding that they would look for whoever was there in the light.
"So, how come you're so good with-"
"Aaron." Natalia cut him off, as the three were laying down in their own made up beds.
"For the love of God, and I'm trying to be nice, shut up." She told him.
"Understood." He didn't speak for the rest of the night.
Once she was sure Aaron was asleep, she scooted closer to Daryl, knowing he was still awake.
"I missed our sleepovers." She muttered lowly, as she got comfortable beside him.
"Only been a week." He grumbled.
"Told you, I got used to you being there." She leaned up, kissing his cheek with a hushed but overexaggerated mwah, before laying back down, comfortable with the fact that he was there.
After the dinner at Aarons and Erics, she stayed in her own room, Sully being her roommate, as he took up most of the bed.
When the sky was blue, they trudged through the woods, stopping at dismembered limbs on the ground.
"Whoever did this, took whatever was left with them." Daryl told them. "This just happened."
Natalia swapped her knife for her gun, taking it off safety as they looked around the trees.
Daryl walked ahead, Natalia closely behind him, but Aaron was more hesitant, the colour in his face disappearing.
They walked further.
A naked girl was tied to a tree, her blonde hair covering her face, her stomach had been devoured.
"She's tied up." Aaron observed. "And they fed on her. Tore her apart. This just happened?"
"Yeah." Daryl nodded.
Natalia shrugged off her jacket, pulling her sweatshirt over her head.
"What are you doing?" Aaron asked her, as she was only in a tank top in the cold whether, approaching the girls body.
"Doing what I would want done in a state like this." She answered.
She put the sweatshirt over the girl's head, pulling it down, she was about to cut the ties on her arms, to lay her down peacefully, when the girl's head raised, snarling at Natalia as she opened her eyes.
"Nat." Daryl called, pulling her back.
"Wait." She tried, but Daryl grabbed her hair, plunging his knife into her skull, until she was once again lifeless.
Natalia looked at her pale face again, a W was carved into her forehead, like the one they had saw at the wooden house.
"We gotta go." Daryl looked around the area, before back at Natalia.
"No, not yet." She told him, cutting the ties, supporting the dead body, struggling to get her arm in one of the holes, when she fell to the ground, Natalia got the other one through, now her body wasn't so open to just about everyone.
"I know what its like, I guess, sorta." She stood back up, shrugging as she headed in the direction of the field, letting the memories of having to pull her own cargo pants back up and do up the button, when she wasn't the ones to pull them down, twice.
They drove some more, Daryl was now sporting the pair of sunglasses they had found by the dismembered body parts.
Shortly, they had come to another stop, Aaron and Natalia meeting Daryl by his bike, and they set foot, into the woods, once again.
"Somebody came through here a while ago." Daryl said, leading the way through the leaves.
"If we see them, we hang back, set up the mike, watch and listen." Aaron told them.
"For how long?" Daryl voiced the question Natalia was also thinking.
"Until we know. We have to know."
"You've sent people away?" Daryl continued to ask the questions.
"Yeah." Aaron answered.
"What happened?"
"It was early on. It was three people. Two men and a woman."
"How very fitting." Natalia looked at her company.
"Davidson was their leader." Aaron continued. "I thought they'd work out. They didn't. I brought them in and I had to see them out. So me, Aiden, and Nicholas, we drove them out far... gave them a days worth of food and water and left them."
"Awful generous for a kick out." Natalia thought out loud.
"They just went?" Daryl asked.
"We had their guns. We had all the guns. I can't make that kind of mistake again."
"You wont. We won't" Natalia told him.
The three had managed to scope out a man in a bright red poncho, by himself, just walking along without a possible care in the world.
They watched him bend down, his gloved hands coming up dark as they rubbed together, then he rubbed it onto his face.
"What's he doing?" Aaron asked.
"Wild leaks." Daryl answered. "Son of a bitch knows about how to keep mosquitos off of him."
"Mosquitos? Oh my god, I hate bugs." Natalia looked around for the sight of any flying things in her space.
"You're fine." Daryl told her, stopping her from moving around. "Come on." He then walked forward.
The man with the red poncho led them to a canned food warehouse, but he was nowhere in sight.
Walkers littered the area as Daryl used binoculars to search around.
"We checked the forest, we checked the roads. We can't find him." Aaron said.
"So we're just giving up?" Natalia asked him.
"Sometimes they just slip away. It happens. But you don't come across something like this everyday."
"We do this now, it means we're giving up." Daryl said.
"Home is 50 miles back. It's time to go. You saw them last night, there's bad people out here."
"That's why we ought to keep looking for the good ones." Daryl said.
"He's right, I agree with Daryl, we didn't come all this way to come back with no one." Natalia folded her arms, looking at Aaron unsurely. "Besides, you really think a place like this is just untouched, surely someone's come through here."
"We need more people and we'll find them. But when we do, we'll need to feed them." Aaron told the pair. "Look at it, doesn't look touched."
"Alright." Daryl switched sides, grabbing a knife and hitting it against the metal fence, grabbing the walkers attention.
Between the three, all the walkers were taken out through the fence.
Aaron pulled the fence across, with a little of Daryl's help.
They continued onto the property, Natalia had an itching feeling about this place.
The trio walked along the canned food trucks, along some of them, cans hung from the tops, stung together as they clanged in the wind.
"Woah." Aaron beamed, getting on one knee in front of a truck. "Wasn't sure I'd ever see one of these." He pulled out a screwdriver from his pack, taking off a license plate.
Natalia walked away, assessing the other trucks, Daryl checked out the area.
"Hey, listen, I don't like giving up either, but the guy is in a red poncho. You can see him from a mile away." He managed to get the Alaska license plate off. "We've gone a lot of miles here. No sign of him. But... if we come away with a trailer full of cans, I'd say that's a good trip."
Natalia leaned towards one of the trucks, managing to hear something, she knocked on the metal, and the sounds of shovelling and snarls picked up.
"Here we go." Daryl said, bending down.
"Wait, Daryl!" Natalia called to him, but it was too late, he propped the door open, causing a trip to go off.
All the trailer doors had opened, revealing them packed full of walkers, like sardines in a can, all brandishing W's on their foreheads.
Natalia ran forward, in between two of the trailers, the two men hot on her trail as the walkers followed them.
Daryl and Natalia pull out their knifes, stabbing them into the closest heads, whilst Aaron used his licence plate to cave into an walkers skull.
"Over here." He shouted.
"Come on." Daryl told them, as they crawled under one of the trailers.
Daryl picked up a chain as Natalia kicked at a female walker, who was crawling towards them.
"We're gonna die, we're so gonna die." Natalia muttered to herself.
"No!" Aaron cried.
"Come on." Daryl ordered, as they climbed out the other side of the trailer, Aaron was trembling.
Daryl used the chain as a whip, taking off three walker heads at the same time, if Natalia wasn't in a life or death situation, she would of taken notice of the butterflies that had fluttered In her lower belly.
Another walker had snuck up on Aaron, getting a hold of his bag as he wrestled to get her off of him, Natalia reached forward, plunging her knife into the walkers skull.
But Aaron had still dropped his bag.
They fought their way through to a car, Daryl opened the door, shoving Natalia in, climbing in after her, than Aaron.
"Come on, go!"
A walker struggled after Aaron, who slammed the door onto her head, before slamming it shut.
"Are you okay, did you get bit?" Daryl, taking Natalia by surprise, asked, cupping her face as he checked the amount of skin he could see, or any rips in her clothes.
"No! No, I'm okay, fine, are you?" She pulled his hands away, asking him, then turning to the other man, she was leaning against the door, squeezed between Daryl and the dashboard. "Aaron?"
"Yeah, fine." He nodded.
As they looked at the windows, walkers were climbing onto the car, scratching at the glass to get to them.
"Glass will hold for a while, right?" Aaron asked.
"Maybe." Daryl answered. "Maybe we make it so they can't see us. In a couple of hours, something will come by, they'll follow it out. There's gotta be something in here we can use to block the view."
"What about cutting up the seats?" Natalia suggested, climbing over Daryl and into the back.
Aaron picked up a yellow piece of paper, unfolding it.
"Trap. Bad People Coming. Don't Stay." The note said.
Natalia's heart dropped.
They were fucked.
Daryl let out a chuckle as they sat there in silence for a moment.
"What?" Aaron asked as him and Natalia looked at the man.
"I came out here to... not feel all closed up back there. Even now, this still feels more like me... than back in them houses. That's pretty messed up, huh?"
"You were trying." Aaron told him.
"I had to."
"No you didn't."
"Listen, I saw you with your group out there on the road. Then you went off on your own by the barn. Storm hit and you led your people to safety. That was it. I knew I had to bring you people back. You were right, both of you, We should have kept looking for that guy in the red poncho. I shouldn't have given up. Neither of you did."
Daryl placed a cigarette in between his lips, searching his pocket for his lighter.
"I have a plan." Natalia told them, not really paying attention to their conversation and more about the problem at hand.
Aaron turned around to look at her.
"I'll head out first, distract them, then you go, head for the fence." She said.
"No." Daryl told her.
"Nat, you can't."
"Why not? Someone has to, you got people waiting for you back there, there's no arguing about it."
"So do you." Aaron said.
"I got people in other place I need to get to."
"What about your dog?"
"Carl will take care of him for me." Natalia fixed her hair, preparing herself.
"And Evie?"
"What about her? She's just a kid, I don't owe her anything, she'll get over it." She shrugged, pulling out her knife. "She has her parent."
"You ain't doing it." Daryl told her.
"No. I'll go." He declared.
"No, no, no." Aaron argued. "This was my fault."
"It wasn't a question. And this ain't your decision. It ain't nobody's fault."
"And it's not yours, I said I'll do it, and I will." Natalia finalised.
"No. You don't draw them away. We fight. We go for the fence, we do it together. All right? Whether we make it or not, we do it together, the three of us. We have to."
"If you say so." Natalia said, she had no faith in his idea.
"Alright." Daryl agreed. "You ready?"
"I guess." Natalia shrugged, sitting up, ready to jump over the seats again.
"We'll go on three." Daryl told them. "One... Two..."
He didn't get to three.
A stick impaled the skull of a walker in front of Aarons window, then the door was yanked open.
Aaron jumped out as whoever had reached them fought of the walkers, he was quick to join the fight.
"Go, go!" Daryl told Natalia, pushing her forward and out the car, just like he pushed her in it. "I'm right behind you."
They took out walkers, creating a path.
Aaron was the first to reach the fence, starting to pull it along as he waited for the others to reach him.
"Come on. Come on, get in here." Daryl said as he pulled the other side shut, blocking out the walkers, he then turned around, shooting an arrow into a walkers head that was on the side with them.
Natalia put away her knife, grabbing her gun, that she had booked out from the armoury when they left, aiming it at the man in the brown coat, carrying a stick.
"That was " Aaron smiled as he caught his breath. "Oh, thank you."
"Was this you?" Natalia asked, as she stared the stranger down. "You the bad guy who set the traps, gotta tell you, hella smart."
"No, I didn't." The man answered.
"Nat, he ain't an enemy." Daryl joined her side.
She looked at him, unsure if that were true, before putting her gun back.
"I'm Aaron, this is Daryl, and Natalia." Aaron introduced once he was sure the woman wasn't going to shoot the stranger.
"Morgan." The man replied.
"Why?" Daryl asked, eluding to him just saving their lives.
"Why?" Morgan repeated. "Because all life is precious, Daryl."
She didn't believe that.
"Whoever set that trap, they're coming." Aaron said. "But I have good news. We do." He pointed at the other two. "We have a community not too far from here. Walls. Electricity, it's safe. If you'd like to come join us..."
"I thank you." Morgan cut him off. "But I'm on my way somewhere. Fact is, I'm lost, so..." He pulled out a map, passing it to Daryl. "If you could tell me where we are."
Daryl unfolded it, Natalia leaned an arm on his shoulder, looking at the map as well.
The map read, in Abrahams scratchy writing.
"He wrote this when you were in Atlanta with Carol, when we split up." Natalia revealed.
"You know Rick?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah, he's part of our group, for a long time, now." She spoke to him, "Back in Alexandria."
Morgan had decided to go back with them to Alexandria, in hopes of reuniting with Rick.
Natalia rode with Daryl, giving Aaron a chance to get to know Morgan, if anyone could get someone to open up, it would be him.
"Hey, don't ever try and pull some shit like that again." Daryl told her as they got ready to leave the area they were parked in. "You ain't alone, you got people who need you, Rick, Michonne, Carl, Judith... Me."
"You need me?" She enquired, the corner of her lip raised.
"Yeah, who else is going to keep it real or offer a sarcastic reply when shit gets hard."
"Oh, I'm so honoured to be at of service." She bowed.
"Freak." He looked at her.
"Hey, those are not the kind words of someone who said he needs me." She jabbed her finger into his chest.
"I take it back, damn."
"Thank you, I'm not a freak."
"Meant the other thing."
"Argh." She scoffed, folding her arms. "Fine, guess I'll ride with Aaron and Morgan, I know when I'm clearly not wanted." She went to walk away, but he pulled her back by the arm.
"Nah, you ain't, hop on, I wanna get home." He told her, letting go so he could mount the motorcycle.
"If I must." Natalia rolled her eyes in a joking manner. "Also, you ever try to steal my sacrifice again, I'll kill you myself. You're important to me, Daryl Dixon, and I need you too."
"Alright." He nodded in agreement, but he had no intention of keeping it.
When they got back to Alexandria, Spencer opened the gate for them.
"Who's this?" He asked, pointing at Morgan, as Natalia got off of Daryl's bike.
"Morgan, Morgan, meet Spencer, he's the boss ladies son." Natalia introduced each other.
"Where is everyone?" Aaron asked.
"A meetings being held, Rick lost it yesterday, pulled a gun on the people, him and Pete got into it before that."
"The surgeon?" Natalia asked.
"Yeah, over Jessie or something, they're debating whether they should kick him out or not, walkers got in, he fought them off, brought one back to the firepit." Spencer caught them up on the immediate details of what they had missed.
"Let's go." Daryl said, heading in the direction of the firepit.
They got to the scene, most of the Alexandrians were gathered, crying and hyperventilating, Reg was bleeding out from a slit throat, Deanna held him as he took his last breathes.
Pete was restrained on the ground by Abraham.
"Rick, do it." Deanna sobbed.
Without hesitation, he shot the man who had murdered Reg.
"Rick?" Morgan asked, as him, Aaron, Natalia and Daryl stood outside the gate, taking in what had just happened.
The old friends stared at each other in shock, of seeing each other again, especially like this.
Tags: @fallenkitten
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btsqualityy · 1 year
Shay work your magic!
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"You're avoiding me," Kiyoung smirked.
"I am not."
"Why haven't I seen you since before Mase went off to the military then?" Kiyoung challenged and Kinsley glanced over at him with a glare. The two of them were in the HYBE building in Kinsley's studio, where Kiyoung had decided to pay her a surprise visit.
"I've been busy," Kinsley shrugged. "I do have two kids, you know."
"That means you can't respond to my texts or calls?" He wondered. "Be honest with me, spit fire."
"Fine," she huffed. "Maybe I am avoiding you a little bit, I don't know."
"Because Mase is gone," she reminded him. "I mean, it's not like we can fuck without him."
"So that means we can't be friends?" He chuckled.
"I didn't say that," she shook her head. "I just...didn't think that was something you'd be interested in given your....history."
"What history? My history of being a man whore?" Kiyoung joked, making Kinsley laugh.
"Yeah, guess you could say that."
"Look, I'll be honest with you, it's typically not something I'd be interested in," he admitted. "But I like you, spit fire, and your gangly husband."
"Like us?"
"Don't worry, I mean in terms of friendship," he reassured her. "I knew you were special when I met you in college and I like being around you."
"Oh, wow," she muttered.
"Not everything between us has to be sexual, and I don't ever want you or even Mase to feel pressure by thinking that," Kiyoung clarified. "Though I want to be clear: I always want to fuck you and even Mason someday too, if he ever decides he wants to. Anytime, anywhere, whenever you're ready-"
"Okay, I get it," Kinsley giggled, cutting him off. "You're a great guy, Ki and I'm sorry if I made you feel some type of way by avoiding you."
"Wanna make it up to me?" He asked. "Let oppa treat you to dinner tonight. We can go to Mase's favorite restaurant and then send him pictures for him to be jealous of."
"You know what, that sounds like a plan," Kinsley smiled.
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dogwooddiaries · 2 months
10 Questions for 10 Writers
Thanks for the tagging my newborn writer self @sparrow-in-the-field and @seasidesandstarscapes
1. Is writing a hobby or a way of life?
a hobby
2. A journal full of notes or a clean completed manuscript?
Manuscript. My pattern seems to be to type up a few brainstorming notes and then just go from there, pretty much moving chronologically into a complete manuscript.
3. Who or what inspired your writing?
I've always written a lot of stuff from my gut and personal experiences - poetry, essays, journaling, descriptive pieces, etc. A little journalism too. My sister and I wrote plays all the time as kids, but for the most part I haven't written much fiction until this year. As far as fanfiction inspiration goes, it was obviously the TBITB story and its amazing fic-writing community that made me want to try it out!
4. Which is worse: Someone you ‘idolize’ reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
I can carry a tune fine but would rather someone read a first draft. First drafts are first drafts, nbd.
5. Has writing from someone else’s POV changed your perspective?
I read pretty widely I think and accessing different POVs is one of my favorite things about reading. But I'm learning that writing different POVs definitely goes deeper, unearths more in my mind. Kind of like the difference between sympathy and empathy maybe?
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
7. AO3 word count? And are you satisfied with it?
lol a whopping 15,714. The numbers don't matter to me yet. Maybe I'll have a goal someday.
8. What movie/book gripped you irrevocably?
As a kid, the Narnia series inspired a lot of my imaginative worlds and play and understanding of story. Obviously am currently gripped by the book/movie/story of TBITB. I had the thought the other day - if my 2018 self was told that in six years I'd be writing fics and immersed in a fandom of the book I had just finished, I would have been so confused. I mean, I loved the book. Really loved it, read it twice that year. But yeah, did not expect This.
9. What’s the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
I think someday, if someone told me they found themselves thinking about my writing again later, that it stuck with them, I would find that very complimentary. Haven't written fiction at that level yet, but maybe someday. That's what the most meaningful books and stories do for me.
10. What defines your writing style?
Floundering? Short? lol maybe descriptive writing. I'll describe every inch of the setting to exhaustion, but keeping the point/plot of things centered is hard. It is challenging for me to create a plot and to sustain even the slightest frame of one is a workout for my brain. It's immensely satisfying though, and I've been thinking I'd like to find some resources to help me improve in this area someday soon.
Pretty sure every follow I have on here who writes has been tagged, but if I'm wrong, of course play along!
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hecckyeah · 7 months
Okay I saw your fic behind the scenes ask game and I MUST know behind the scenes info for "So A Crazy Thing Happened At The Terra Bella Lodge"
Oh my GOSH I'm so excited to tell you all of it!!!!
First, obligatory link to said fic in case someone would like to read it! (But be warned-- I spoil everything below)
A couple of fun facts:
I can't remember for the life of me what exactly spurred this idea, but it's heavily influenced by Leverage and some of the more bottle-like episodes they've done. Very heist-y origins! Although I wish I was better at writing heists, because a Brooklyn 99/The Rookie heist would be the crossover fic of the century.
I spent roughly 15 entire hours watching episodes of Brooklyn 99 and clips of Jake and Amy so I could get their voices in my head, since I'd been on a Rookie spree and all I was hearing was Tim and Lucy, and while they're similar in some ways I needed to remember how to write Peraltiago! Pretty sure I've watched every single b99 clip that exists on Youtube
The inspiration for the Terra Bella Mountain Lodge is actually a real place!! It's a wedding venue in Estes Park, CO called the Della Terra Mountain Chateau. I've sadly never been there but it looked GORGEOUS, and if I ever get married, it'll be on my top 5 venue options for sure
I tossed around the idea of whether or not to have Jake and Amy's kids there with them, since it's kind of a romantic spot, but I opted for my own enjoyment of getting to write the kids instead of being realistic and keeping them in New York with Jake's mom or something
I listened to basically nothing except this chenford playlist I made, the whole time. music on repeat is very effective for my writing brain :)))
I had a couple deleted scenes where Jake and Amy solve the whole case from the minivan, then Tim goes and busts Lucy out by fistfighting 3 guards at once in a superhuman throwdown brawl, but I went back and added those scenes where Lucy saves herself like the queen she is since she was feeling a little too Damsel-in-Distress and not enough Badass Officer (Detective) Chen, and I'm SO glad I did. It's a better story for the grandkids ;)
Also, in previous drafts Raymond Reeves WAS the villain. I was planning him as the thief who wanted to steal some diamonds or something, but it just wasn't gelling with my brain. I think I rewrote all the scenes with him and Marcia about 27 times before I was happy with it.
SPEAKING OF THAT DUDE!!! This is one of my favorite BTS tidbits :))) Raymond Reeves' backstory is that he has about 10 aliases that he uses and for ALL of them, the initials are S.K. -- Sanford Kain, Silas Kearney . . . Because S.K. stands for Serial Killer. He was so guilty about what he did to his brother-in-law, that he purposefully branded himself forever, subconsciously hoping someone would put the pieces together and he'd finally be arrested and punished for his crime.
Vesa Wescott was always going to be in on the crime from the beginning, I just didn't decide exactly how until Ronan Reeves came into the picture :)
This is very easily the first fic I've fully drafted out from beginning to end, and it STILL changed along the way!
I threw around the idea of Lucy going into preterm labor during the snowstorm, but figured that was kind of cliche and scary and unnecessary, and I'd rather have her working the case with Jake and Amy than anything else.
Oh, and Tim absolutely breaks his no-Disneyland rule for the Peraltiago fam :))) But given that I've never been to Disneyland and have no idea what it's like, I don't feel qualified to write that fic . . . Maybe someday!!
So yeah, there you have it!! I hope you enjoyed this episode of behind the fic with yours truly 😄
[ask me about a fic!]
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howthekriffdidigethere · 11 months
Wish Come True.
Chapter 7: First Day of School.
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(TW: school, Lots of talk about fighting and descriptions of fighting. Talk of street fights and...think that's it! Let me know if I missed anything!)
A week had passed since I first arrived on Coruscant. I was starting to feel more acquainted with the area and the people, but it didn't make any of this easier for me to process.
Obi-Wan had told me he had my blood tested and I turned out to be force sensitive. But, it's not as strong as the average jedi.
I didn't quite meet the average count of midichlorians to be a jedi, but the Jedi Council still decided I needed to be trained as a Jedi anyway.
The Jedi Council had also been informed of what happened while I was with Tech, and apparently, were very intrigued.
I'm not sure what all went down, and how they came to this decision, but it was decided that I was to be trained by Obi-Wan as a Jedi, and by Sargeant Hunter as a soldier.
They believed, since I was not as strong in the force as a normal jedi, I would need the extra training from a super soldier to keep up with all the missions that I would go on.
I was frustrated, to say the least. I didn't even get a choice. They just ordered me, and now, I'm in this thing and I'm still trying to wrap my head around even being there.
Why did they need to train me so bad anyway? Surely they have enough jedi, and Obi-Wan seems pretty high up, I'm sure there's more capable people who would love to be his padawan. I'm not even technically old enough to be a padawan.
But for some reason, it didn't matter that I wasn't old enough, or that my midichlorian count was low, the Council wanted me trained, and I bet I knew why.
They knew that, somewhere in my mind, was the answer to many questions about the war, including how it ended. They wanted that information, yes, but more importantly, they didn't want the enemy to have it.
They figured it was better to keep me close, just incase. Keep me hidden.
"What're you thinking about?" Cody's voice broke through my thoughts.
He sat across the room from me, at his desk, while I was on his bed, reading through some textbooks.
The words were all in a different language, but it somehow made sense to me, even though I'd never seen it before.
I sighed. "Just...everything. This situation, how I got here, how I'm gonna get back..."
He nodded slowly, "I know its probably not...exactly what you're wanting, but it could be good for you. You'll atleast have people to watch your back."
I shrugged, glancing around the room. "Maybe, but I'll also have people controlling my life."
Cody frowned. "You'll have your freedom, kid..."
I gave him a look. "My freedom is already being taken away, seeing how they didn't give me a choice in the matter."
He shrugged. "Yeah, its a change, but maybe one for the better. Who knows, you could make some friends."
I scoffed once more, "Yeah, sure, uh...Here's the thing, people don't like me. Never have, never will."
"Well, I like you so far." Cody turned his head. "Maybe people here are different from where you lived."
I stared at him for a moment. "While the town I grew up in was far from perfect, it still had people, and I know that they won't be that different from the people that live here."
Cody chuckled, "Fair enough, but I'm sure you'll find someone. What about the men you met from the 501st? You seem to like being with them."
I raised a brow, "You mean the ones that charged into your room because of a broken jetpack and stolen medical supplies?"
"Yeah, those guys." He chuckled again.
I shrugged and leaned back in my chair. "I mean...Maybe I could teach Tup how to actually steal without getting caught."
Cody rolled his eyes. "Thats not what I mean."
I shrugged, "Could be useful."
Cody sighed but chuckled. "I guess it could be someday. But he has you, so we don't need to know that."
"I might not always be here, Codes." I layed down, staring at the ceiling. "Maybe I'll run away from this war..."
"You haven't even had your first day of studies yet, get over yourself." I could practically hear the eye roll.
I huffed. "Its been two years since I went to school, so pardon me if I'm not excited to start again today."
Cody laughed quietly and stood up, "Would you rather be going over battle plans with me and Kenobi?"
I sat up and looked at him, nodding. "Yes, actually I would."
He merely smirked at me and grabbed his helmet. "Too bad, kid. You gotta know this stuff."
I groaned. "But I don't wannaaaa!" Cody just laughed at me, making my lips turn into a pout.
"Cmon, kid, time to go." He nodded to the door. "It wouldn't be good for you to be late on your first day."
I glared at him and stood up, grabbing the backpack I stole, and walking past him. "You're a jerk, ya'know?"
He merely shrugged and followed me out. "Eh, I've been called worse."
A half hour later, I was sitting behind a desk. I felt strange. I hated it already.
There were probably about fifteen other kids in class, all seemingly my around my age. Almost all of them were taller, which I find thoroughly unfair.
Being fourteen and 5'2 doesn't seem like a huge deal, but nearly everyone I encounter was taller than me by a few inches, even those younger than me. It made it hard to be intimidating a times, but people also tended to underestimate me more, which I used to my advantage.
My mind drifts back to Arlo. He was only nine, but was already at my eyebrows. His brother was two years older than I, and much taller, as were his friends, but I still managed to take them down.
I chewed on my lip. I hoped Arlo was okay. I knew I had no control in coming here, but I couldn't help and feel guilty for not being there for him.
"Alright, students, find your seats, it is time to begin our lesson for the day." The teacher I assume, a lady wearing jedi robes and had her hair up in a bun, walked in and ordered us.
All the kids around me murmured their last words to their friends and sat down at the desks.
As the lesson began, something about the history of the Jedi and the Sith, I quickly realized how far behind I really was.
Subtly glancing at the other students, all their expressions read boredom, and I knew that this topic was review for them.
Seeing how they grew up in The Temple, they've probably heard these stories their whole lives, and knew them well.
I, on the other hand, had never heard of any of it. If this was the basics, I'm not sure how I would do when it came to something hard.
I took as many notes as I could, swallowing at the burning feeling of someone looking at me. I probably seemed like such a weirdo right now, but I had no other choice. This is the only was the only way I could possibly remember everything being told.
Two hours passed, and that class was finally over. Combat was the next one, and I was extremely grateful for that. Atleast I might know something there.
I shoved my pile of notes into my backpack and started to leave, stopping abruptly when someone was standing in the way.
"Oh, sorry-" He apologized and took a step back, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I didn't mean to nearly run into you."
I watched him, taking in his dark skin and midnight blue hair, mumbling, "Its fine..."
His crystal blue eyes stared at me for a moment before smiling and extending his arm. "I'm Zayn Cooper. I noticed you were new in class and thought I'd introduce myself."
I hesitated before shaking his hand, holding onto the strap of my backpack. "Right, yeah...I'm Fae."
"Its nice to meet you." Zayn smiled more, and his words actually seemed genuine...
Before I had a chance to answer, a new face appeared behind Zayn, giving his shoulder a shove.
"Cmon, man, we're gonna be late." A taller boy with shaggy, copper colored hair and fair skin spoke up.
His green eyes, both a different shade, trailed over to me and a grin spread on his lips. "Woahh, hey there-"
I raised a brow, scoffing. "Excuse me?"
Zayn sighed and lightly elbowed the flirty teen beside him. "Sorry about him, Fae. This is Blaze, he's not used to girls and chases their attention."
Blaze made a noise of indignation. "Please, I get plenty of attention from girls."
"If you get 'plenty of attention from girls', then you can leave me alone." I stated, eyes narrowing.
He paused for a moment before chuckling and mock saluting. "Yes, ma'am. Although I hope my first impression didn't completely ruin my chances of getting to know you."
I crossed my arms. "As long as you drop the flirting, sure. Aren't Jedi not allowed to even... like, have relationships or whatever?"
Blaze shrugged, "Technically just no attachment."
"Relationships have attachments." Zayn added. "Healthy ones anyway. Most jedi completely break that rule anyways, just not in the way Blaze is saying. Which should be expected, people aren't supposed to be alone, and its natural to seek companionship."
I tilted my head. "Who exactly would be their companion?"
"Other jedi, clones, people they work with often." Zayn explained then asked. "Who's your Master?"
"Obi-Wan Kenobi." I answered, glancing between the two to catch their reaction.
Blaze's brows went up in surprise and he let out a whistle. "Damn, you got lucky. Lot of younglings wish to have him as a Master, how'd you get him?"
I shrugged, "Like you said, I guess. Got lucky."
Zayn chuckled. "Lucky is putting it lightly. But anyways, Master Kenobi has companions. Like Master Skywalker, and Commander Cody."
I nodded slowly, "Yeah, I...I guess I see that."
Blaze shrugged. "Some of the Council members don't like it, but what can they do? Like Zayn said, its natural."
"If you children are done talking, you are missing your next class." Our teacher from earlier cut in, her tone displeasing.
"Sorry, Master Argus!" Zayn called out, eyes widening at the fact he's late.
She sighed and shook her head. "Just hurry along, boys. And Padawan Miller? Master Kenobi is here for you."
My brows furrowed but I nodded and turned to Zayn and Blaze. "Guess we'll have to talk some other time."
Zayn gave me a smile, "Yeah, we'll be around. If you need any help with studying, you can ask me."
I gave him a light smile. "Right, well, I might take you up on that."
Blaze cleared his throat and smirked at me, obviously teasing, "You know, I'll be around too. If you get lonely."
Zayn let out a long sigh and grabbed his arm, dragging Blaze out of the room and bidding me goodbye before Blaze had a chance to say anything else.
It didn't stop him from throwing me a wink before he was yanked out the door, however, making me chuckle.
"Based on that sound, I am assuming you had a good class?" Obi-Wan's voice interrupted the quiet, and I turned to face him, shrugging.
"Better than a lot of classes I've had." I confessed. "It was a little confusing, and I have a lot of notes to study, but I should be fine."
"Yes, I believe you are more than capable to do this. Especially with the help of a new friend?" He raised a brow as he led me out of the room.
I glanced up at him then looked at the hall infront of me. "I'm not sure if he counts as a friend, I just met him."
Obi-Wan hummed, "Perhaps, yes, but that doesn't mean he will not become a friend. And I know that if you become acquainted with Zayn, then he will introduce you to those he is acquainted with."
"Like Blaze?" I asked him, walking at his side.
He nodded, "Yes, he is one of them. I believe this will be good for you, my dear."
I shrugged, "I guess so..." I shook my head. "Why did you take me out of class?"
"What they will be doing is far too advanced for you." Kenobi told me. "I am taking you to begin your training with Sargeant Hunter, though today will only be an evaluation, to see where we need to work on the most."
I nodded slowly, "So...I'm just gonna be fighting?" I asked.
He chuckled lightly. "Mostly, yes. We will focus more on technique later on."
I smirked slightly. " Well atleast I'm finally gonna do something I know I'm good at."
A few minutes later, we arrived in the training room, Cody and The Bad Batch already there.
"General." Cody spoke and straightened up.
"Commander." Obi-Wan nodded at him, a light smile on his lips.
Cody's eyes looked at me, "How was class?"
I shrugged indifferently. "Boring, but fine I guess. This will definitely be more fun."
Obi-Wan raised a brow, "Fun?"
"You do realize that you will be fighting, correct?" Tech chimed in, head tilting.
"Yeah, I know. What's the big deal?" I looked at all of them, slightly confused.
Wrecker laughed in glee, a wide grin spreading across his face, again nudging Crosshair. "Ah, yeah! I like 'er even more now!"
Crosshair merely huffed and continued to chew on his toothpick.
"Anyway," Kenobi looked to me, "Are we ready to get started?"
"Uh, I guess." I mumbled, still confused.
"Alright, then Sargeant?" He addressed Hunter. "I put her into your hands." They gave each other a nod before Hunter stepped closed to me.
"You ever fought before?" Hunter asked, starting to lead me onto the mat.
"Yeah, I have. Quite a lot, actually." I answered him truthfully.
He hummed and nodded. "What kind of fights?"
"I don't know... I fought people in the neighborhood, store owners. I used to do street fights to get money, and also to improve my skills. But some guy got mad he lost and ratted us to the cops. Got in fights with them too, but that was just mostly running from them." I explained to him.
"You did street fights?" Cody's eyebrows raised in surprise.
"I had to make money somehow." I gave him a small smirk. "I was decent at it, won quite a bit of cash cause people always betted against me."
"People actually let you fight? You're fourteen." Hunter questioned, brows creased together.
"And I was fighting before that." I chuckled, shaking my head "Its a bad town full of crime and people who just don't care. If I went up against someone and lost, they got paid. No one cared if I broke a few ribs in the process."
"And did you?" Tech asked. "Break a few ribs, I mean."
"I was going up against guys ten times my size, yeah, I got hurt. A lot actually. But you get used to it." I snickered, more relaxed now that I was talking about something I knew.
"Well then, let's see what you can do." Hunter remarked, gesturing to the circle in the middle of the room and smirking. "Or are you all talk?"
I examined him, realizing that he was trying to mess with me, and grinned back. "Bring it on, Skull Face."
I walked to it and Hunter followed in suit. Hunter had shed his armor to make it a little more even, though he was a trained commando so it still wasn't a very fair game.
We both stepped inside the circle and got on opposite sides of the ring. Tech came to stand outside the circle, while the others went and sat on a bench off to the side.
"Okay, I'm gonna throw a few punches, not very hard or fast, but I need to see how you react, got it?" I nodded, "Get into position." Hunter ordered.
I placed my right foot behind me, shifted my weight to my toes, and lifted my arms to infront of me, my hands balled into fists. I knew Hunter wasn't going to actually hurt me, but I never took my eyes off of him.
'Just act like its real. Don't loose focus.' I told myself.
Hunter had done the same as me, in his own way, and then crept towards me, ready to throw a punch.
I walked around the edge, keeping distance between us, but I didn't turn my back.
We circled each other, but then, he pounced. I was caught off guard, but recovered quickly and slid to the right.
I brought my fist forward, aiming for his head, which had turned my way, but he blocked it, grabbing my wrist slightly to push me away.
He waited, making sure I had my balance, before lunging again. This time I was more prepared and, when I sidestepped, I grabbed his arm and went to kick him in the stomach.
Surprisingly, it landed. I know he's not trying his hardest, or anywhere close to it, but a bit of pride swelled in me when I actually hit him.
The blow knocked him back a little, so I planted my foot that delivered the first hit, and did a roundhouse kick, again hitting his stomach.
He stumbled again, more this time, but looked up and smirked, "Maybe I won't go as easy on you, kid."
Once the words left his mouth, he rushed me and threw a punch to my head. I dodged, but barely, he picked up his speed.
I didn't even had time to register his other hand coming towards me. It landed on my shoulder, but I could tell he was purposely trying to avoid hitting me in the head.
The force, and the surprise of the hit, caused me to fall on my knees. Hunter sent another punch but I rolled out of the way. I ended up behind him and brought my leg up to kick him in the back of the knees.
He fell over and I used this small distraction to stand up and regain my poster.
Hunter stood up soon after, looking proud, "Nice move."
"Thanks." I did a mock salute and got back into position.
Hunter did the same. I lunged towards him this time, and sent a fist to his face, but he blocked it. I quickly turned so my back was towards him, and elbowed him in the stomach, then turned again and punched him in the face.
He looked angry for a second- or rather, shocked- and went to grab me.
I dodged his hands and did a back tuck, to gain distance, then got into position, but lower to the ground, so I could move quicker.
Hunter came at me, fast, and decided to return the favor, by punching me in the stomach. He then grabbed my arm, freaking flipped me over shoulder, and pinned me.
I coughed slightly as I hit the mat with a thud, and writhed under his hold, but to no avail.
Game over.
Hunter stood up and took a step back, walking outside the ring, "Nice job, kid. Better then I expected."
"Better then any of us expected." Obi-Wan chimed in, pacing forward.
"I still lost." I mumbled, still lying on the floor, trying to regain my breath. I was a tad bit jealous when Hunter didn't even seem winded.
"With all due respect, we knew you would loose." Tech announced, "Hunter has been trained his entire life in hand to hand combat, along with many other things. His enhanced senses also help him navigate things around him. It is not surprising that you lost when you've only fought on the streets, and have not been trained. But, as it has been said, you did better then we thought you would."
"Yeah, you knocked Sarge to the ground! Not many people could do that!" Wrecker added, grinning still.
"Especially at your age." Crosshair narrowed his eyes, observing me closely.
'I have a feeling that that's the closest he gets to a compliment.'
I sighed, then did a kick-up to get off the ground, wiping a bead of sweat from my brow and walking out of the ring.
"You seem to be good at acrobatics and gymnastics from what I can tell, you also look to be flexible, why is that exactly?" Tech asked, already looking at his datapad to type in my answers.
"I used to sneak into a gymnastics class when I was younger." I started. "And they didn't realize I wasn't actually a paying student for over a year, and then they kicked me out. After that, I just figured things out on my own and kept up with everything they taught me."
"You seem to do a lot of things you're not supposed to..." Cody raised his eyebrows.
I shrugged, "Didn't have anyone telling me otherwise."
"Well, that is something that will definitely have to be worked upon," Obi-Wan stated, "We can't have you starting fights here, or breaking rules. Your ways of living are going to change."
"Yeah, I've gathered that." I murmured to myself.
Obi-Wan faced Hunter, "Take the data you acquired today and look it over. Fae's training shall continue tomorrow." Hunter nodded his head, then Obi-Wan proceeded towards me, "Run along now, Fae, we have much to discuss. Cody and I shall find you later."
I whispered an 'okay' before turning to leave. Obviously whatever they were discussing, I wasn't allowed to hear.
As much as that piques my interest even more, and I would usually stick around to listen anyways, I had a lot of studying to do.
After many, many, many hours of studying, I finally went to bed. I was temporarily staying in Cody's room, on a small mat on the floor, until the Council decided where to put me.
For some reason they didn't want me to stay with Obi-Wan like most padawans would stay with their Master.
I wasn't sure how long I was asleep, but it didn't feel nearly long enough before I awoke with someone shaking me.
"Fae, you gotta get up now." The 'someone' spoke from above me.
I groaned, and rolled over, pushing the hands away.
"Fae, this is your last warning, get up now." I didn't listen, infact, I barely even heard what the guy said.
When I continued to lay there, with no sign of getting up anytime soon, the mystery person huffed and grabbed the end of my mat, lifting it straight up into the air, sending me off my mat.
I fell onto the cold, hard, floor, which was like a shock to my system, eyes cracking open to stare at him with a pout.
"Heyyyy! Whats your problem?" I whined, rubbing my eyes, trying to get them to opened fully.
"I tried to warn you." Cody. Of course it was Cody.
"You have to get up, Fae," The clone demanded, crossing his arms.
When I finally peeled my eyes open all the way and sat up, he was standing over me with an unamused expression.
I let out a huff of air, "And why would that be?"
"Because you have class and training again." He told me, words crisp and clear.
"How are you so awake?" I looked at him in disgust. Morning people annoyed me.
"Because I woke up two hours ago." Was his dry response.
I glanced at the chronometer to read the time and my eyes nearly popped out of head.
"Its 0700 in the morning!!" I shrieked in horror. "And you've been up for two hours?!"
Cody merely chuckled at my reaction. "Yeah, I have, kid."
"Maybe that's why you're always grumpy." I grumbled, and he narrowed his eyes at me.
"Listen kid, just hurry up and get dressed, we gotta go." He ordered and started to walk out.
I scowled at his retreating form and flopped back onto the ground, groaning.
Today was gonna be a long day...
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